执行版本Legal_1:80172527.8修订号1对修改和重述的信贷协议本修正案第1(本《修正案》),日期为2023年6月6日,由Open Text Corporation(借款人或《Open Text》)、本协议的担保方(担保人)和巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank PLC)作为行政代理(行政代理),对日期为2014年1月16日的信贷协议(经日期为2016年6月16日的修正案1修订,以及日期为2017年2月22日的重新定价修正案和信贷协议修正案2修订,并于2018年5月30日修订和重述)作出。借款人、担保人、行政代理和贷款人之间的现有信贷协议(“现有信贷协议”),以及在本协议日期前不时进行的进一步修订、补充或修改。使用但未在此定义的大写术语应具有现有信贷协议中赋予该等术语的含义。初步声明:(1)借款人、担保人、不时出借方和行政代理是现有信贷协议的一方。(2)第3条。(3)本合同的行政代理、借款人和担保方希望记住本修正案的条款,该修正案将于修正案生效之日(定义如下)生效。因此,考虑到本协议所载的相互协议以及其他良好和有价值的对价,双方特此同意如下:第1节.对现有信贷协议的修订。(A)自修订生效之日起生效,现对现行信贷协议进行修订,以增加附件A中划线的文本(举例说明如下:划线文本或划线文本),删除附件A中划掉的文本(举例说明如下:删除文本);但此项修订不构成现有信贷协议的更新。(B)本协议附件A对欧洲美元汇率相关定义(定义见下文)的修订以及与此相关的规定不适用于(A)在修订生效日期之前设定的、(B)在特定指定期间内保持不变且不按每天或基本上每天重置(不考虑天数、周末或节假日2 Legal_1:80172527)的任何LIBOR预付款。如第(B)款所述,“与欧洲美元汇率相关的定义”是指在紧接修正案生效日期生效前生效的现有信贷协议或任何其他信贷单据(或其任何部分定义)中定义的任何术语,主要与欧洲美元汇率的确定、管理或计算有关,例如“欧洲美元汇率”、“伦敦银行同业拆借利率”和“伦敦银行同业拆借利率”。第2条。公告。行政代理须(根据现有信贷协议或其他规定)向借款人、任何担保人、任何贷款人或现有信贷协议任何其他当事方发出以下通知:(I)关于欧洲美元汇率的基准过渡事件(或其他类似或类似事件)或提前选择加入选举(或其他类似或类似选举);(Ii)基准更换日期(或其他类似或类似日期);(Iii)每日简单SOFR和/或术语SOFR(各术语在本合同附件A中定义)的实施为基准替换(或其他类似或相似术语)或(Iv)与每日简单SOFR和/或术语SOFR的采用和实施或其使用和管理相关的任何符合变更(或其他类似符合变更)的基准替换,本修订应构成该通知(并应构成修订通知)。第三节陈述和保证。 (b)各贷款方均拥有签订和履行本修订项下义务所需的所有公司或其他权力和权限。各贷款方签署和交付本修订以及各该等贷款方履行其各自在本修订项下的义务,均已获得所有必要的公司、合伙或类似行动的正式授权。 (c)本修订已由各贷款方正式签署和交付,并构成该贷款方的合法、有效和具有约束力的义务,可根据其条款对其强制执行,仅受与以下相关的法律的任何限制:(i)破产、资不抵债, 3 法律1:80172527.8一般的重组、延期偿付或债权人的权利;及(ii)一般的衡平法原则,包括法院在给予衡平法补救时可行使的酌处权。 (d)现有信贷协议第5.01条所载的陈述和保证在本协议日期及截至本协议日期的所有重大方面均真实正确,但该等陈述和保证特别与较早日期有关的情况除外,在此情况下,该等陈述和保证在该较早日期及截至该较早日期的所有重大方面均真实正确。 (e)没有发生或正在继续发生可能构成违约或违约事件的事件。 第4款.本修正案的生效条件。第5节.对现有信用证协议和其他信用证文件的引用和影响。(A)除本文明确规定外,本修正案的执行、交付和效力不应视为放弃任何贷款人或行政代理在任何信用证文件下的任何权利、权力或补救措施,也不构成放弃任何信用证文件的任何规定。自修改生效之日起,本修改应在所有情况下构成信用证单据。(B)自修订生效日期起,现有信贷协议中凡提及“本协议”、“本协议下”、“本协议”或类似含义的字眼,即指经本修订修订后的现有信贷协议。(C)经本修订特别修订的现行信贷协议及其他每份信贷文件,现正并将继续具有十足效力及效力,并于此在各方面予以批准及确认。担保中所包含的贷款方和每个担保人的义务将保持完全的效力和作用,并由本修正案确认和延续,并可对贷款方和每个担保人强制执行。以下经修订的担保文件各方的所有权利、利益、权益、责任、债务和义务,均由本修正案确认和继续,并继续担保、适用和扩大到所有债务、负债和义务,无论是现在的还是将来的、直接的或间接的、绝对的或或有的、到期的或未到期的、在任何时间或不时到期的、由贷款当事人和每位担保人为担保债权人(定义见证券文件)或其中任何一个或多个债权人或其中任何一个或多个债权人的利益而以任何货币与担保以及贷款当事人和每名担保人为当事人的任何其他信用单据有关或根据该等信用单据。在不限制前述规定的情况下,所有担保权益、质押、转让和其他产权负担以前由任何担保人根据担保文件授予的,均由本修订予以确认和继续,所有此类担保权益、质押、转让和其他产权负担应作为所有义务的担保保持完全效力和效力4 Legal_1:80172527.8,在每种情况下,其适用的优先顺序不变,但仅受信用证文件允许的产权负担的限制,且在其中规定的范围内。第六节适用法律。第7节对应物的执行本修正案可签署任何数量的副本,每份副本应为原件,其效力与本修正案及其签名在同一文书上的效力相同。通过传真或电子传输(例如,“pdf”或“tif”)交付本合同的签署副本应与人工交付本合同的副本一样有效。第8条修订;标题;可分割性除非根据担保人、借款人、行政代理和贷款方签署的书面文件,否则不得修改本修正案,也不得放弃本修正案的任何规定。此处使用的章节标题仅供参考,不是本修正案的一部分,不影响本修正案的解释或在解释本修正案时予以考虑。本修正案中任何被裁定为在任何司法管辖区无效、非法或不可执行的条款,在该司法管辖区无效、非法或不可执行的范围内,应在不影响本修正案其余条款的有效性、合法性和可执行性的情况下无效,而某一特定司法管辖区的某一特定条款的无效,不得使该条款在任何其他司法管辖区失效。双方应努力通过善意谈判,将无效、非法或不可执行的规定替换为经济效果与无效、非法或不可执行的规定尽可能接近的有效规定。[签名页面如下]


[修订和重述的信贷协议第1号修正案]开文开曼国际投资有限公司开文开曼国际投资有限公司,各自作为担保人姓名:Daniel J. VanDerWerff职务:董事 限制-外部BARCLAYS BANK PLC,作为管理代理 作者: 姓名:George Lee职务:董事总经理 [修订和重述的信贷协议第1号修正案]#89331829v3 法律1:80172527.8附件A 经修订的信贷协议 见附件。 执行版本LEGAL_1:80104424.8494797580.104424.8美元1,000,000,000美元经修订和重述的信用协议OPEN TEXT CORPORATION,作为借款人-和-其他担保方-和-本担保书中指定的贷款人作为贷款人-和- BARCLAYS BANK PLC作为唯一行政代理人和抵押代理人-和-BARCLAYS BANK PLC作为牵头银行和联合账簿管理人-和-NOVA SCOTIA银行,摩根斯坦利高级基金公司,三菱日联银行花旗集团全球市场公司,加拿大摩根大通银行,加拿大皇家银行、加拿大帝国商业银行、富国银行、BMO资本市场公司、美国银行,PNC资本市场有限责任公司和汇丰银行(美国)有限公司。各自作为联席账簿管理人,日期为2014年1月16日,修订日期为2016年6月16日,修订日期为2017年2月22日,修订日期为2018年5月30日,修订日期为2023年6月6日

i法律1:80104424.8第1条解释第1.01节定义的术语1第1.02节性别和数字144第1.03节不受标题等影响的解释144第1.04节货币144第1.05节某些短语,145第1.06节会计术语营业日145第1.08节应课税部分145第1.09节附表的合并145第1.10节股本证券的控制145第1.11节修订和重述的有效性145第1.12节魁北克解释条款146第1.13节费率47第2条信贷融通第2.01节可获得性147第2.02节承诺和贷款限额149第2.03节收益的使用149第2.04节强制性承诺的偿还和减少149第2.05条强制性预付款/提前付款的提议51第2.06条选择性提前付款和承诺的减少152第2.07条费用153第2.08条本协议项下的付款153第2.09条付款和提前付款的应用153第2.10条利息和费用的计算154条2.11安全155第2.12节违约贷款人156第2.13节修改和延长交易157第2.14节基准更换设置59第2.15节无法确定利率;非法性。60第3条期限贷款信用融通垫款第3.01节垫款;截止日期无现金结算交易所。第3.02节借款程序。162第3.03节关于预付款的转换和选择162第3.04节需要浮动利率定价的情况1[已保留]63第3.05节垫款利息163第4条贷款条件第4.01条初始通融的先决条件164第4.02节不豁免166 II 1:80104424.8第5条陈述和保证第5.01节陈述和保证166第5.02节陈述和保证174第6条借款当事人的契诺第6.01条正面契约174第6.02条消极契约184第6.03条财务契约189第7条违约事件第7.01条违约事件190第7.02条按需补救和违约192第8条收益保障第8.01条增加成本;伦敦银行同业拆借准备金Term Sofr垫款193第8.02节税收195第8.03节减轻义务:替换贷款人197第8.04节违法性;无法确定利率第1条第9条抵销权第9.01节抵销权。198第10条贷款人分担付款第10.01条第11.01条行政代理人追回款项第11.01条行政代理人追回100条第12.01条第12.01条委任及授权第101条第12.02条作为放贷人的权利102第12.03条免责条款102第12.04条行政代理人的信赖103第12.05条代理人的赔偿104第12.06条104第12.07条行政代理人或抵押品代理人105第12.08条不信赖代理人及其他贷款人106第12.09条贷款人的集体诉讼106第12.10条无其他责任,第12.11节行政机关可以提交权利要求的证据第107 III Legal_1:80104424.8节第12.12节某些ERISA事项107第13条通知:效力;电子通信第13.01条通知等109条第14条费用;赔偿:损害豁免第14.01条费用;赔偿:损害豁免111条第15条继承人和转让第15.01条继承人和转让113条第16条修订和放弃第16.01条修订和放弃第118条第16.02条判决货币。120第16.03节发布。第一百二十一条第十七条适用的法律;管辖权等。第17.01条适用的法律;司法管辖权等第121条第18条放弃陪审团审判第18.01条放弃陪审团审判第122条第19条杂项第19.01条对应方;一体化;有效性;电子执行122第19.02条可分割性122第19.03条付款拨备。123第19.04条不放弃;累积补救;强制执行。123第19.05节附属公司活动。124第19.06节不承担咨询或受托责任。124第19.07条对欧洲经济区金融机构自救的确认和同意。125第20条某些信息的处理:保密条款20.01某些信息的处理:保密126条第21条保证条款21.01保证。127第21.02条弥偿。128第21.03条付款及履行。129第21.04条持续义务。129第21.05条保证不受影响。129IV Legal_1:80104424.8第21.06条豁免。130第21.07条保障当事人的行为权利。131第21.08条转让和延期。131第21.09条采取行动或不采取行动。132第21.10条保障当事人的权利。132第21.11条要求。132第21.12条无申述。132第21.13条维修井。132第21.14节债权人间协议。133第22条确认担保和担保单证第22.01条确认133第23条终止和解除外国担保和担保23.01条终止和解除。134第23.02条贷款人的授权。134第23.03节登记放行的备案授权。一百三十四

Legal_1:80104424.8494797580.104424.8-Forms Schedule/Other Schedule of Business Schedule与住宿相关的Schedule D Schedule 6-Schedule 3商标/专利,等-借款通知表格附表E转让及假设协议--拥有的不动产附表F(I)附表7-通知期限及金额附属公司-附表F(II)公开文本偿付能力证书附属公司(重组完成日期)附表G附表8-附表4材料许可证-附表H拍卖程序--材料协议附表1附表1披露时间表-环境事项适用保证金附表A附表J--豁免非关键性附属公司的司法管辖权;股权证券;地点等附表K-现有债务/留置权/限制附表B附表B L形式利率选择通知--公司间证券/票据-诉讼-符合证书形式附表C 2 Legal_1:80104424.8 Legal_1:80104424.8修订并重述修订和重述的信贷协议和日期为2014年1月16日的信贷协议,修订日期为2016年6月16日和2017年2月22日,修订日期为2018年5月30日,修订日期为2023年6月6日(本协议),开放文本公司是根据加拿大法律合并的公司,作为借款人(“借款人”或“公开文本”)、本合同的担保方、本合同签字页上所列或根据第15.01条成为本合同下的“贷款人”的每个贷款人,巴克莱银行PLC作为唯一的行政代理和抵押品代理。借款人、担保人、其中指定的金融机构或根据该协议成为贷款人的金融机构、行政代理和抵押品代理是现有信贷协议的当事各方。胡麻B.C.除非在这些摘要或本协议中另有规定,本协议中使用的大写术语应具有第1条中赋予它们的各自含义,并且就本协议和其他信用证单据而言,应适用第1条中规定的解释规则。这些演奏会应被解释为本协议的一部分。对于收到的价值,双方同意如下:第1条解释第1.01节本协议中使用的定义术语,下列术语具有以下含义:“2018年发布文件”是指实施第22条规定的保证和安全文件的发布、终止和解除所必需或适宜的所有文件。“ABR利率”是指在任何一天,(I)最优惠利率,(Ii)联邦基金利率加0中较大者。年息50%;及(Iii)一个月欧洲美元利率加年息1.00%。公司基本利率不一定是充当行政代理的贷款人向其客户收取的最低利率。“ABR预付款”具有本文中“预付款”定义中规定的含义。“ABR利率”是指任何一天的年浮动利率,相当于(A)该日的联邦基金利率(如果为负值,应被视为0%)加1%的1/2,(B)该日的最优惠利率和(C)该日的调整期限SOFR(或如果-2-Legal_1:80104424.8该日不是前一个营业日的营业日)的最高利率,一个月加1.00%的利率。如果行政代理机构因任何原因而无法确定联邦基金利率(在没有明显错误的情况下,该确定应是决定性的),则应在不考虑上述(A)条款的情况下确定ABR利率,直到导致这种无法确定的情况不再存在。“ABR费率术语SOFR确定日”具有在“术语SOFR”的定义中赋予该术语的含义。“融通”是指贷款人在任何借款场合提供的预付款。“住宿通知书”指借款通知书或利率选择通知书(视属何情况而定)。“未偿还贷款”是指在任何时候,就(A)借款人和所有定期贷款贷款人而言,当时向借款人提供的所有未偿还贷款的本金金额,以及(B)借款人和每个定期贷款贷款人根据其定期贷款承诺在此时作出的所有未偿还贷款的本金金额。250,000,000美元或(Ii)构成对Open Text或其任何子公司的允许处置,构成本协议项下的收购。“额外补偿”具有第8.01(4)节规定的含义。“附加担保人”具有第21.04(1)节规定的含义。“额外贷款方/附属事项”具有第6.01(11)节规定的含义。“额外重组和整合成本”是指Open Text及其子公司因任何许可收购而产生的重组和整合成本,其金额不超过该许可收购的总收购价格的20%;但在任何财政年度,所有此类成本的总金额不得超过1亿美元。

-3\f25 Legal_1:80104424.8-3\f25 Legal_1:80104424.8“-3\f25 Adjusted Daily Simple Sofr-3\f6(调整后的每日简单SOFR)”指的是,就任何计算而言,每年的费率等于(A)该计算的-3\f25 Daily Simple Sofr-3加上(B)-3\f25 SOFR-3\f6调整;但如果如此确定的调整-3\f25 Daily Simple Sofr-3\f6应小于下限,则调整后的-3\f25 Daily Simple Sofr-3\f6应视为下限。“调整期限SOFR”是指,就任何计算而言,年利率等于(A)此类计算的期限SOFR加上(B)SOFR调整;但如果如此确定的调整期限SOFR小于下限,则调整期限SOFR应被视为下限。“行政代理”是指巴克莱银行作为本协议项下贷款人的行政代理,以及根据第12.07条指定的任何继任者。“行政调查问卷”是指行政代理人提供的形式的行政调查问卷。“垫款”是指贷款人根据第三条规定支付的垫款(包括根据第3.1(3)节最后一句被视为垫款),“垫款”是指此类垫款中的任何一种。根据第2条和第3条的规定,预付款可被指定为“LIBORSOFR预付款”或“ABR预付款”。LIBORSOFR预付款和ABR预付款中的每一个都是一种预付款。“附属公司”是指,就特定个人而言,直接或间接通过一个或多个中间人控制或受其控制或与其共同控制的另一人。“关联公司转让协议”具有附表8中赋予该术语的含义。“代理人相关人员”是指每一代理人及其关联方。“代理人”是指行政代理人、附属代理人和首席安排人。“替代利率”具有第3.04(3)节规定的含义。“年度业务计划”指任何财政年度有关Open Text及其附属公司的合理详细的预计资产负债表、营运报表及现金流量表,该等资产负债表、营运报表及现金流量表是根据公认会计原则(除无脚注外)就该财政年度及该财政年度的每个财政季度综合编制,并有适当的解释、附注及资料支持,全部经Open Text董事会批准。“反恐怖主义法”是指与恐怖主义或洗钱有关的任何法律,包括经美国爱国者法案修订的1990年银行保密法和-4-Legal_1:80104424。8由美国财政部外国资产管制办公室执行的法律、《刑法》、《犯罪收益(洗钱)法》和《恐怖主义融资法》(上述任何法律可能不时被修订、更新、延长或取代)。“适用保证金”指在任何时候,在不抵触下一句话的情况下,以附表4所列和定义的基点为单位的保证金。就(I)LIBORTerm SOFR垫款而言,适用保证金应为“LIBORSOFR垫款”一栏中所指的保证金;(Ii)每日简单SOFR垫款中,适用保证金应为“SOFR垫款”一栏中所指的保证金;以及(Iiii)ABR垫款中所指的保证金,适用保证金应为“ABR垫款”一栏中所指的保证金。“核准基金”是指由(A)贷款人、(B)贷款人的关联公司或(C)管理或管理贷款人的实体或其关联公司管理或管理的任何基金。“资产”,就任何人而言,指该人的任何财产(包括不动产)、资产及业务,不论该人身处何处,不论现已拥有或日后取得(为更明确起见,亦包括任何人在任何其他人的任何权益或类似权益)。“转让协议”是指美国设保人已根据“担保和质押协议”的条款将担保权益转让给行政代理人的每项协议和对冲协议。“转让和承担”是指贷款人和合格受让人订立并由行政代理接受的实质上采用附表6的形式或行政代理批准的任何其他形式的转让和承担。“律师”具有第12.01(2)节规定的含义。“拍卖”具有第15.01条第(3)款(A)项中给出的含义。“授权”是指对任何人具有管辖权并具有法律效力的任何政府当局的任何授权、命令、许可、批准、授予、许可证、同意、权利、特许、特权、证书、判决、令状、禁令、裁决、裁定、指示、法令、细则、规则或条例。“可用期限”是指,在任何确定日期,对于当时适用的基准,(X)如果基准是定期利率,则该基准(或其组成部分)用于或可用于根据本协议确定利息期长度的任何期限,或(Y)否则,根据该基准(或其组成部分)计算的任何利息付款期或-5-5-Legal_1:80104424.8可用于确定根据该基准计算的利息支付的任何频率,在每种情况下,截至该日期且不包括,为免生疑问,根据第2.14(4)节从“利息期”的定义中删除该基准的任何基准期。“自救行动”是指适用的欧洲经济区决议机构对欧洲经济区金融机构的任何责任行使任何减记和转换权力。 对于执行欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会第2014/59/EU号指令第55条的任何欧洲经济区成员国,“自救立法”是指欧盟自救立法附表中描述的该欧洲经济区成员国不时实施的法律。“基点”是指百分之一的百分之一。“基准”最初指调整后的定期SOFR;但如果发生了与定期SOFR或当时的基准有关的基准过渡事件,则“基准”指适用的基准替代品,前提是该基准替代品已根据第2.14条取代了先前的基准利率。“基准替换”是指对于任何基准过渡事件,行政代理机构可在适用的基准替换日期确定的下列顺序中列出的第一个备选方案:(a)对于定期SOFR预付款,调整后的每日简单SOFR;或(b)以下各项的总和:(i)行政代理机构和借款人在适当考虑(A)后选定的替代基准利率相关政府机构对替代基准利率或确定该利率的机制的任何选择或建议,或(B)任何不断发展或当时流行的市场惯例,用于确定基准利率,以替代当时的-银团信贷的当前基准及(ii)相关基准替换调整;前提是,如果基准替换低于下限,则基准替换将被视为本协议和其他信贷文件中的下限。8确定利差调整的市场惯例,或计算或确定这种利差调整的方法,以适用的未调整基准替代银团信贷安排的基准。“基准更换日期”是指与当时的基准有关的下列事件中最早发生的一个:(A)在“基准过渡事件”的定义(A)或(B)款的情况下,(1)其中提及的公开声明或信息的发布日期和(2)该基准(或用于计算基准的已公布组成部分)的管理人永久或无限期停止提供该基准的所有可用基准期(或其组成部分)的日期;或(B)在“基准过渡事件”定义(C)条款的情况下,该基准(或用于计算该基准的公布部分)的管理人或该基准(或其部分)管理人的监管监督者确定并宣布该基准不具代表性或不符合或不符合《国际证券委员会组织(国际证监会组织)财务基准原则》的第一个日期;但该等不具代表性、不符合规定或不一致的情况,将参照该(C)条所指的最新声明或公布予以确定,即使该基准(或其组成部分)的任何可用基调在该日期继续提供。“基准过渡事件”是指与当时的基准有关的以下一个或多个事件的发生:(A)由该基准的管理人或代表该基准的管理人(或在计算其时使用的已公布的部分)发表公开声明或发布信息,宣布该管理人已经停止或将永久或无限期地停止提供该基准(或其部分)的所有可用男高音;但在该声明或发布时,没有继任管理人将继续提供该基准(或其该部分)的任何可用男高音;(B)监管监管人为该基准(或用于计算该基准的已公布组成部分)的管理人、联邦储备委员会、纽约联邦储备银行、对该基准(或该组成部分)的管理人具有管辖权的破产官员、对该基准(或该组成部分)的管理人具有管辖权的解决机构所作的公开声明或信息发布

-7-Legal_1:80104424.8基准(或该构成部分)或对该基准(或该构成部分)的管理人具有类似破产或解决权力的法院或实体,声明该基准(或该构成部分)的管理人已经停止或将永久或无限期地停止提供该基准(或其构成部分)的所有可用基调;但在该声明或公布时,没有继任管理人将继续提供该基准(或其构成部分)的任何可用基调;或(C)由该基准管理人(或在计算该基准时所公布的组成部分)或该基准管理人的监管主管(或其组成部分)的或代表该基准管理人的公开声明或信息发布,宣布该基准(或其组成部分)的所有可用承诺人不具有代表性,或截至指定的未来日期不具有代表性,或不符合或不符合国际证券事务监察委员会组织(IOSCO)的《财务基准原则》。为免生疑问,如就任何基准(或在计算该基准时使用的已公布组成部分)的每个当时可用基调(或用于计算该基准的已公布组成部分)已发表上述声明或发布上述信息,则就任何基准而言,将被视为已发生“基准过渡事件”。“基准不可用期间”是指(A)从基准更换日期开始的期间(如果有),如果此时没有基准更换就本协议项下和根据第二节规定的任何信用证文件的所有目的替换当时的基准。14.“福利安排”是指在任何时候,ERISA第3(2)节所指的“雇员福利计划”,它既不是计划,也不是多雇主计划,由任何贷款方维护、赞助或以其他方式出资,但不包括加拿大养老金计划或加拿大福利计划。“BIA”指不时修订的《破产与破产法》(加拿大)。“借款人”具有序言中规定的含义。“借款人资料”具有第13.01(2)节规定的含义。“借款人账户”是指借款人的美元账户,借款人应在作出任何通融前至少一个营业日将该账户的详细信息通知行政代理。“借款”是指由一笔或多笔垫款组成的借款。“借用通知”具有第3.02节规定的含义。-8-Legal_1:80104424.8“建筑物和固定装置”是指位于自有不动产上的所有厂房、建筑物、构筑物、竖立、改善、附属设施和固定装置(包括固定机械和固定设备)。“业务”是指与上述有关的软件开发、维护、支持、营销、分销、许可和专业服务的业务。“营业日”指一年中除周六、周日或其他要求或授权银行在纽约、纽约或安大略省多伦多关闭的日子外的任何一天,在用于LIBOR垫付的情况下,也是在伦敦银行间市场进行交易的日子。“加拿大福利计划”是指任何提供员工福利的计划、基金、方案或政策,无论是口头的还是书面的、正式的还是非正式的、有资金的还是无资金的、有保险的还是没有保险的、提供员工福利的,包括医疗、医院护理、牙科、疾病、意外、残疾、人寿保险、养老金、退休或储蓄福利,根据该计划,任何贷款方对其在加拿大受雇的任何雇员或前雇员负有任何责任,包括任何加拿大养老金计划。“加拿大退休金计划”是指任何贷款方为其雇员或前雇员维持或供款的、根据加拿大联邦或省级法律须登记的每个退休金计划,但不包括加拿大政府或魁北克省政府分别维持的加拿大退休金计划或魁北克退休金计划。“资本支出”对任何人来说,是指该人为购买、租赁或收购资产(流动资产除外)而根据公认会计原则要求为财务报告目的而资本化的支出。任何人的“资本租赁义务”是指该人在不动产或动产、动产或不动产的租赁下支付租金或其他金额的任何义务,该义务要求根据公认会计准则为财务报告目的而资本化。 “现金管理银行”指任何人,(i)如果现金管理协议在交割日存在,则在交割日是一家银行或一家银行的关联公司;(ii)如果现金管理协议在交割日之后签订,则在签订现金管理协议时是一家银行或一家银行的关联公司,在每种情况下,以其作为该现金管理协议一方的身份。“CCAA”指《公司债权人安排法》(加拿大),经不时修订。- 9 - LEGAL_1:80104424.8“法律变更”是指在本协议日期之后发生的以下任何情况:(a)任何法律的通过或生效,或(b)任何法律或任何政府机构对任何法律的管理、解释或应用的任何变更。据了解,并同意,(一)多德-弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法(公法)。111-203,HR 4173)、与之相关的所有法律、与之相关的所有指南和指令以及清算人对与之相关的任何要求或指令的遵守,就本协议而言,应视为在交割日之后被采纳,以及(ii)国际清算银行颁布的所有要求、规则、指南或指令,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(或任何继任机构或类似机构)或美国或外国金融监管机构,在每种情况下,根据《巴塞尔协议三》,应被视为“法律变更”,无论其通过、发布、颁布或实施日期如何。“截止日期”是指2018年5月30日。“结算日无现金结算汇兑”具有第三节规定的含义。01(3)。“税法”系指修订后的1986年美国国税法。“抵押品”是指贷款方的资产,行政代理、抵押品代理或任何贷款人根据担保文件对其拥有担保权益,或根据担保文件的条款为行政代理、抵押品代理或任何贷款人设定担保权益。“抵押品账户”是指美国设保人的抵押品存款账户,如有的话,应行政代理人的要求开立,用于持有抵押品收益。“抵押品代理”是指巴克莱银行作为本协议项下贷款人的抵押品代理,以及根据第12.07条指定的任何继任者。“承诺”指在任何时候就定期贷款安排而言的1,000,000,000美元(“定期贷款承诺”),包括已交换的定期贷款承诺和剩余贷款人的新定期贷款承诺,以及新贷款人的定期贷款承诺。“贷款人的定期贷款承诺”,对于截止日期的任何定期贷款贷款人来说,是指该贷款人的定期贷款承诺额。“商品交易法”系指不时修订的美国商品交易法(“美国联邦法典”第7编第1节及其后)和任何后续法规。-10-Legal_1:80104424.8“合规证书”是指由其首席执行官、首席财务官或任何其他两名高级管理人员代表其签署的开放文本证书,其格式为附表5。“符合变更”是指,关于使用或管理任何术语基准,或使用、管理、采用或实施任何基准替代,任何技术、行政或操作变更(包括对“ABR利率”的定义、“营业日”的定义、“美国政府证券营业日”的定义、“利息期”的定义或任何类似或类似定义(或增加“利息期”的概念)、确定利率和支付利息的时间和频率、借款请求或预付款、转换或继续通知的时间和频率的更改,回顾期限的适用性和长度、第8.01(2)节的适用性以及其他技术、行政或操作事项),行政代理在与借款人协商后决定,可能是适当的,以反映任何此类费率的采用和实施,或允许行政代理以与市场惯例基本一致的方式使用和管理该费率(或者,如果行政代理决定采用此类市场惯例的任何部分在行政上不可行,或者如果行政代理确定不存在用于管理任何此类费率的市场惯例,以行政代理决定的与本协议和其他信贷文件的管理有关的合理必要的其他管理方式)。“合并债务”是指Open Text及其子公司在任何时候在合并基础上确定的所有债务总额。“综合折旧和摊销费用”是指在任何计量期间,Open Text及其子公司在该期间的折旧和摊销费用,根据公认会计原则在综合基础上确定。“合并EBITDA”指的是,就Open Text及其附属公司而言,在计算合并净收入时,在计算合并净收入时扣除的范围内,该期间的合并净收入增加了:(1)该期间的合并利息支出;(2)该期间的综合所得税支出;(3)该期间的合并折旧和摊销费用;(4)在该期间发生的额外重组和整合成本;(5)基于股票或股票期权的薪酬支出;(6)[Legal_1:80198662.7附表2利率选择公告格式]日期



是指Open Text Corporation、Open Text Corporation的某些子公司、贷款方和巴克莱银行作为唯一行政代理和抵押品代理之间于2014年1月16日修订的、于2016年6月16日和2017年2月22日修订的、于2018年5月30日修订和重述、并于2023年6月6日修订的(经修订、补充、替换、重述或修订和重述,其中定义的术语在本文中定义)的信用协议。并根据信贷协议第3.03(3)节的规定,特此通知您,签字人在此选择



。(B)如垫款是LIBORSOFR垫款,而该垫款将作为LIBORSOFR垫款继续存在一段额外的利息期间,则适用于该LIBORSOFR垫款的随后的利息期限为数月。请注意:HapreetJethro KaurJn-Baptiste Legal_1:80198662.7 3个工作日变更(第3.03(3)条)LIBORSOFR预付款(第2.06条)3个工作日3个工作日3个工作日3个工作日如果发生变更,也必须遵守适用于其他类型住宿或预付款的通知期。在计算通知期时,包括发出任何通知的日期,而不包括将发生指定行动的日期。ABR预付L营业日借款通知(第3.02节)1营业日附表3通知期间和金额

Legal_1:80198662.7 0.75%LIBORSOFR垫款(每年)ABR垫款(每年)附表4适用保证金1.75%Legal_1:80198662.7女士们先生们:以下签署人,


指Open Text Corporation、Open Text Corporation的某些子公司、贷款方和巴克莱银行作为唯一行政代理和抵押品代理之间于2014年1月16日修订并重述的、于2018年5月30日修订和重述以及2023年6月6日修订的信贷协议(经修订、补充、替换、重述或修订和重述,其中定义的术语在本文中定义)。本合规证书是根据截至以下日期的财政季度的信贷协议第6.01(1)(A)(Iii)条交付的



Open Text Corporation的首席执行官,特此证明:2.我是正式任命的


首席财务官[因此,我根据信用协议为Open Text Corporation并代表Open Text Corporation提供此证书。3.本人熟悉并已审阅信贷协议的条款。4.根据信贷协议第6.01(L)(A)(I)节或第6.01(L)(A)(Ii)节(视乎适用情况而定)最近一次提交的财务报表,根据公认会计准则(须受正常的年终调整及该等财务报表并无任何所需附注),公平地列载该等财务报表所列人士的财务状况、经营成果及财务状况的变动。5.截至本文所述日期,未发生任何违约或违约事件,且违约事件仍在继续。6.截至本期间最后一天,下列比率如下:综合净杠杆率(6.03):_。日期:_年_月_日。巴克莱银行作为行政代理巴克莱银行银行债务管理集团纽约第七大道745号,纽约10019附表5合规证书格式]日期

注意:Irina Dimova Wendar Chen投资组合经理电话:(2012年)5262653传真:(212)51154999367电子邮件:irina.dimova@barclays.comwendar.chen@barclays.com Legal_1:80198662.7(姓名请打印)





1 9.3.行政代理:作为信贷协议项下的行政代理10.信贷协议:指Open Text Corporation、Open Text Corporation的某些子公司、Open Text Corporation的某些子公司、贷款方和巴克莱银行之间于2014年1月16日、2016年6月16日和2017年2月22日、2018年5月30日和2023年6月6日修订和重述的经修订和重述的授信协议(经不时修订、补充、替换、重述或修订和重述),作为独家行政代理和附属代理。11.5.转让权益:附表6转让及假设协议本转让及假设(“转让及假设”)的生效日期如下:













ASSIGNOR名称[]所有承诺额/垫款总额2 2应由对手方进行调整,以考虑到在交易日期和生效日期之间支付的任何款项或预付款。3交易对手应调整的金额,以考虑在交易日期和生效日期之间支付的任何付款或预付款。4列出至少9个小数点,作为所有贷款人在其下的承诺/垫款的百分比。5如果转让人和受让人打算在交易日期确定最低转让金额,请填写。Legal_1:80198662.7标题:by:[]借款人姓名[]Legal_1:80198662.7转让和假设的附件1转让和假设的标准条款和条件1.陈述和担保。1.1转让人。转让人(A)表示并保证(I)它是转让权益的合法和实益所有人,(Ii)转让权益没有任何留置权、产权负担或其他不利要求,以及(Iii)它有充分的权力和权力,并已采取一切必要的行动,执行和交付这一转让和假设,并完成本协议中预期的交易;且(B)对以下事项不承担任何责任:(I)在信贷协议或任何其他信贷文件中或与之相关的任何陈述、保证或陈述;(Ii)信贷文件或其下任何抵押品的签立、合法性、有效性、可执行性、真实性、充分性或价值;(Iii)贷款方或对任何信贷文件负有义务的任何其他人的财务状况;或贷款方或任何其他人履行或遵守其在任何信贷文件下的任何义务的情况。1.2受让人。受让人(A)表示并保证:(I)其有完全权力及权力,并已采取一切必要行动,以执行及交付此等转让及假设,并已采取一切必要行动,以执行及交付此等转让及假设,并完成拟进行的交易,并成为信贷协议项下的贷款人;(Ii)其符合信贷协议项下合资格受让人的所有要求(以收到信贷协议所规定的同意为准);(Iii)自生效日期起及之后,其作为贷款人须受信贷协议的条文约束,并在受让权益的范围内,负有贷款人的义务,(Iv)其已收到信贷协议副本,连同根据第6.01(1)节交付的最新财务报表副本(视何者适用而定),以及其认为适当的其他文件和资料,可自行作出信贷分析和决定,以作出此项转让和假设,并在此基础上独立作出该等分析和决定,而不依赖行政代理或任何其他贷款人;及(V)如果它是外国贷款人,则随附转让和假设是根据信贷协议条款要求其交付的任何文件。由受让人正式填写和签立;和(B)同意(I)它将在不依赖行政代理、转让人或任何其他贷款人的情况下,根据其当时认为适当的文件和信息,继续作出自己的信贷决定,以根据信用证文件采取或不采取行动,以及(Ii)它将根据其条款履行信用证文件条款要求其作为贷款人履行的所有义务。2.付款。自生效日期起及之后,行政代理应就转让利息向转让人支付在生效日期之前应计的所有款项(包括本金、利息、手续费和其他金额),并向受让人支付自生效日期起及之后应计的款项。3.总则。本转让和承担应对本合同双方及其各自的继承人和允许受让人具有约束力,并符合其利益。这一转让和假设可以在任何数量的对应物中执行,这些对应物共同构成一份文书。通过传真或通过电子邮件发送扫描件的方式交付本作业和假设的签字页的签约副本,应与交付手动签署的本作业和假设的副本一样有效。本转让和假设应受信贷协议的法律管辖,并根据该法律进行解释。Legal_1:80198662.7指定贷款人S承诺$指定住宿未完成贷款人时间表A$



彼为Open Text Corporation(“Open Text”)之董事,且彼知悉Open Text及其附属公司之财务及会计事宜、信贷协议及当中所载之契诺及陈述(财务及其他),并因此获授权代表Open Text签立及交付本证书。以下签署人仅以Open Text高级职员的身份,而不是以个人身份,进一步证明在本协议之日,紧接在本协议日期发生的交易完成后:(A)Open Text及其子公司的财产总额按公允估值足够,或如果在法律程序下以公平进行的出售处置,则足以支付其到期和应计到期的所有债务;(B)Open Text及其子公司作为一个整体,正在正常业务过程中偿还其通常到期的当前债务;以及(C)Open Text及其子公司作为一个整体,将能够在一般到期时履行其义务。Legal_1:80198662.7附表8拍卖程序本大纲旨在总结任何修改后的荷兰拍卖的某些基本条款,以便根据附于本附表8的信贷协议第15.01(3)节的条款和条件(“拍卖程序”)购买定期贷款(每个“拍卖”)。其目的并不是对拍卖的所有条款和条件作出最终声明,其最终条款和条件应在每次拍卖的适用拍卖程序(“要约文件”)中规定。每家定期贷款机构应自行决定是否出售其任何定期贷款,如果决定出售,还应确定此类定期贷款的本金金额和价格。此外,每个定期贷款贷款人应就与任何拍卖和报价文件有关的法律、商业、税务和相关事宜咨询自己的律师、商业顾问或税务顾问。本附表中未另作定义的大写术语具有《信贷协议》中赋予它们的含义。总结。借款人可以按照本文所述程序进行一次或多次拍卖。通知程序。对于每次拍卖,借款人将向拍卖管理人提供通知(“拍卖通知”)(以便分发给定期贷款贷款人)。每份拍卖通知应载有:(1)借款人愿意在此类拍卖中购买的定期贷款的最高本金金额(“拍卖金额”),不得低于5,000,000美元,并超过1,000,000美元的整数倍;(2)借款人愿意在此类拍卖中购买定期贷款的票面折扣幅度(“贴现幅度”),以每1,000美元的价格幅度表示;以及(Iii)拍卖结束的日期,即在拍卖通知所规定的时间(该时间为“到期时间”)退回投标的日期(定义见下文),因为借款人在收到原始到期时间不少于24小时前向拍卖管理人发出的通知后,该日期和时间可延长至不超过三个营业日。回复程序。定期贷款贷款人每次拍卖只能提交一个返回投标,但每个返回投标最多可包含三个组成部分投标,每个投标可产生一个单独的合格投标(定义见下文),并且每个投标将不取决于该定期贷款贷款人提交的任何其他组成部分投标,从而产生合格投标。除了法律上的_1:80198662。7返回投标时,每个参与定期贷款的贷款人必须签署并向拍卖管理人交付一份转让和接受协议,其形式和实质应令拍卖管理人和行政代理人合理满意(“关联转让协议”),其形式和实质应符合要约文件所包含的形式。借款人不会以超出适用折扣范围的价格购买任何定期贷款,在计算适用门槛价格(定义如下)时,也不会考虑以超出该适用折扣范围的价格提交的任何返回投标(包括其中指定的任何组成部分投标)。验收程序。根据拍卖管理人收到的答复价格和答复金额,拍卖管理人在与借款人协商后,将在该拍卖的折扣范围内计算适用拍卖的最低买入价(“适用门槛价格”),允许借款人通过购买全部拍卖金额(或借款人已收到合格投标(定义如下)的较少金额的定期贷款)来完成此类拍卖。借款人应向每个定期贷款贷款人购买定期贷款,这些贷款的回报出价在贴现范围内,且答复价格等于或低于适用的门槛价格(每个出价为“合格出价”)。以低于适用门槛价格的答复价格收到的符合资格的投标(包括单一返回投标中包含的多个合格投标)中包括的所有定期贷款将以适用的答复价格购买,不受按比例分配的限制。分段计算程序。任何退货投标(或其任何部分)将不接受高于适用的门槛价格。通知程序。拍卖经理将不迟于返回投标截止日期后的下一个营业日计算并公布适用的门槛价格。拍卖经理将把待转让的定期贷款的本金金额和适用的结算日期插入到与合格投标有关的每个适用的附属公司转让协议中。在提交定期贷款出借人的书面要求下,拍卖经理将立即退还与非合格投标有关的任何附属公司转让协议。其他程序。一旦发出拍卖通知,借款人可在不迟于原到期时间前24小时以书面通知拍卖管理人撤回拍卖,只要拍卖管理人截至该时间尚未收到符合条件的出价。定期贷款贷款人不得修改、撤销、终止或取消交付给拍卖管理人的任何返还投标(包括其任何组成部分的投标);但定期贷款贷款人可以在到期前的任何时间修改返还投标,仅为降低该返还投标中包含的答复价格。然而,如果借款人未能满足信贷协议第15.01(3)节中规定的一个或多个购买定期贷款的条件,或以其他方式遵守该条款的规定,拍卖将无效。每次购买定期贷款的购买价格应由借款人在拍卖经理与Legal_1:80198662协商后确定的结算日期以现金直接支付给各自的转让定期贷款贷款人。7借款人(不得迟于投标截止日期后十个工作日)。借款人应签署与合格投标有关的每一份适用的附属公司转让协议。关于拍卖标的的文件形式和定期贷款的有效性和资格的所有问题,将由拍卖管理人在与要约文件的条款和条件的解释协商并与借款人协商后确定,这些问题将是最终的和具有约束力的。行政代理人、拍卖管理人、任何其他代理人或其各自的任何关联公司均不对借款人、贷款方或其任何关联公司的信息(无论是否包含在报价文件中)的准确性或完整性承担任何责任,或对任何可能已经发生并可能影响此类信息的重要性或准确性的事件的披露不负任何责任。在拍卖中以拍卖管理人身份行事的拍卖管理人有权享有信贷协议第12条和第14.01节规定的利益,犹如其中对“行政代理”的每一次提及都是对拍卖管理人的提及,其中对“信贷文件”的每一次提及都是对要约文件、拍卖通知和关联方转让协议以及每笔交易的引用,行政代理人应根据拍卖管理人的合理要求与拍卖管理人合作,以使其能够履行与每次拍卖有关的责任和职责。本附表8不要求借款人发起任何拍卖,任何定期贷款出借人也没有义务参加任何拍卖。

LEGAL_1:80198662.7 Ladies and Gentlemen: The undersigned, [NAME OF BORROWER], refers to the amended and restated credit agreement dated as of January 16, 2014, as amended as of June 16, 2016 and February 22, 2017 and, as amended and restated on May 30, 2018 and as amended on June 6, 2023 (as amended, supplemented, replaced, restated or amended and restated from time to time, the “Credit Agreement” , the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text Corporation, certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation, the Lenders party thereto and Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent and collateral agent, and hereby gives you notice pursuant to Section 3.02 of the Credit Agreement that the undersigned hereby requests a Borrowing under the Credit Agreement, and, in that connection sets forth below the information relating to such Borrowing as required by Section 3.02 of the Credit Agreement: (a) The date of the Borrowing, being a Business Day, is . (b) The aggregate amount of the Borrowing is . (c) The Type of Advance requested is  [specify Type of Advance]. (d) The initial Interest Period applicable to the Borrowing is  [for LIBORSOFR Advances]. The undersigned hereby certifies and confirms that on the date of the Accommodation requested under this Borrowing Notice, and immediately after giving effect thereto and to the application of any proceeds therefrom, (x) the representations and warranties contained in Article 5 of the Credit Agreement are true and correct in all material respects on and as of such date, all as though made on and as of such date, except for those changes to the representations and warranties which have been disclosed to and accepted by the Administrative Agent and the Lenders pursuant to Section 16.01 and any representation and warranty which is stated to be made as of a certain date (and then as of such date), and (y) no event or condition has occurred and is Barclays Bank PLC, as Administrative Agent 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10019 Attention: HapreetJethro KaurJn-Baptiste SCHEDULE 1 FORM OF BORROWING NOTICE [Date] Email: harpreet.kaur@barclayscapital.comJethro.jnbaptiste@barclays.com Phone: (2012) 320-7741 Fax: (917) 522499-056198 Group Email: XraUSLoanOps5@barcap.com12145455230@tls.ldsprod.com LEGAL_1:80198662.7 Authorized Signatory continuing, or would result from such Accommodation or giving effect to this Borrowing Notice, which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default. The undersigned further confirms and certifies to each Lender that the proceeds of the proposed Borrowing will be used solely for the purposes permitted by the Credit Agreement. Yours truly, Per: [NAME OF BORROWER] LEGAL_1:80198662.7 SCHEDULE 2 FORM OF INTEREST RATE ELECTION NOTICE [Date] Authorized Signatory [NAME OF BORROWER] Email: harpreet.kaur@barclayscapital.comJethro.jnbaptiste@barclays.com Phone: (2012) 320-7741 Fax: (917) 522499-056198 Group Email: XraUSLoanOps5@barcap.com12145455230@tls.ldsprod.com Ladies and Gentlemen: The undersigned, [NAME OF BORROWER], refers to the amended and restated credit agreement dated as of January 16, 2014, as amended as of June 16, 2016 and February 22, 2017 and, as amended and restated on May 30, 2018 and as amended on June 6, 2023 (as amended, supplemented, replaced, restated or amended and restated from time to time, the “Credit Agreement ”, the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text Corporation, certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation, the Lenders party thereto and Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent and collateral agent, and hereby gives you notice pursuant to Section 3.03(3) of the Credit Agreement that the undersigned hereby elects to [change one Type of Advance to another Type of Advance or Type of Accommodation under the Credit Agreement][continue a LIBORSOFR Advance for an additional Interest Period], and in that connection sets forth below the information relating to such election as required by Section 3.03(3) of the Credit Agreement: (a) If the Type of Advance is to be changed: (i) the Type of Advance to be changed is ; (ii) the new Type of Advance or Type of Accommodation is; (iii) the date of such change, being a Business Day, is; and (iv) the initial Interest Period applicable to such Advance is  months [if applicable]. (b) If the Advance is a LIBORSOFR Advance which is to continue as a LIBORSOFR Advance for an additional Interest Period, the subsequent Interest Period applicable to such LIBORSOFR Advance is months. Yours truly, Per: Barclays Bank PLC, as Administrative Agent 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10019 Attention: HapreetJethro KaurJn-Baptiste LEGAL_1:80198662.7 3 Business Days Change (Section 3.03(3)) LIBORSOFR Advance Prepayment (Section 2.06) 3 Business Days 3 Business Days 3 Business Days Type of Accommodation In the case of change, the notice period applicable to the other Type of Accommodation or Advance into which an Accommodation is to be changed must also be observed. The day on which any notice is given is included and the day on which the specified action is to occur is excluded in calculating the notice period. ABR Advance l Business Day Borrowing Notice (Section 3.02) 1 Business Day SCHEDULE 3 NOTICE PERIODS AND AMOUNTS

LEGAL_1:80198662.7 0.75% LIBORSOFR Advances (per annum) ABR Advances (per annum) SCHEDULE 4 APPLICABLE MARGINS 1.75% LEGAL_1:80198662.7 Ladies and Gentlemen: The undersigned, [NAME OF BORROWER], refers to the amended and restated credit agreement dated as of January 16, 2014, as amended as of June 16, 2016 and February 22, 2017 and ,as amended and restated on May 30, 2018 and as amended on June 6, 2023 (as amended, supplemented, replaced, restated or amended and restated from time to time, the Credit Agreement , the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text Corporation, certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation, the Lenders party thereto and Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent and collateral agent. This Compliance Certificate is delivered pursuant to Section 6.01(1)(a)(iii) of the Credit Agreement for the Financial Quarter ending on [] (the Period ). I, ___________________, the [Chief Executive Officer], [Chief Financial Officer][a senior officer] of Open Text Corporation, in such capacity and not personally, hereby certify that: 2. I am the duly appointed [Chief Executive Officer][Chief Financial Officer] of Open Text Corporation and as such I am providing this certificate for and on behalf of Open Text Corporation pursuant to the Credit Agreement. 3. I am familiar with and have examined the provisions of the Credit Agreement. 4. The financial statements most recently delivered pursuant to Section 6.01(l)(a)(i) or Section 6.01(l)(a)(ii), as applicable, of the Credit Agreement present fairly the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position of the persons specified therein in accordance with GAAP (subject to normal year-end adjustments and the absence of any required notes to such financial statements). 5. As of the date hereof, no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is continuing. 6. As at the last day of the Period, the following ratio was as follows: Consolidated Net Leverage Ratio (6.03): ______________________ Schedule A hereto sets forth details of the calculations of the above ratio. Dated this ________day of _________________. Barclays Bank PLC, as Administrative Agent Barclays Bank PLC Bank Debt Management Group 745 Seventh Avenue New York, New York 10019 SCHEDULE 5 FORM OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE [Date] Attention: Portfolio Manager, Irina DimovaWendar Chen Telephone: (2012) 526-2653 Facsimile: (212) 526-5115 499 9367 Email: irina.dimova@barclays.comwendar.chen@barclays.com LEGAL_1:80198662.7 (Name please print) [Title] (Signature) LEGAL_1:80198662.7 [and is an Affiliate of [identify Lender]]1 9. 3. Administrative Agent: , as the administrative agent under the Credit Agreement 10. 4. Credit Agreement: means the amended and restated credit agreement dated as of January 16, 2014, as amended as of June 16, 2016 and February 22, 2017 and, as amended and restated on May 30, 2018 and as amended on June 6, 2023 (as amended, supplemented, replaced, restated or amended and restated from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”, the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text Corporation, certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation, the Lenders party thereto and Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent and collateral agent. 11. 5. Assigned Interest: SCHEDULE 6 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT This Assignment and Assumption (the “Assignment and Assumption” ) is dated as of the Effective Date set forth below and is entered into by and between [Insert name of Assignor] (the “Assignor” ) and [Insert name of Assignee]) (the “Assignee” ). Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement (as defined below), receipt of a copy of which is hereby acknowledged by the Assignee. The Standard Terms and Conditions set forth in Annex 1 attached hereto are hereby agreed to and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Assignment and Assumption as if set forth herein in full. For an agreed consideration, the Assignor hereby irrevocably sells and assigns to the Assignee, and the Assignee hereby irrevocably purchases and assumes from the Assignor, subject to and in accordance with the Standard Terms and Conditions and the Credit Agreement, as of the Effective Date inserted by the Administrative Agent as contemplated below (i) all of the Assignor s rights and obligations in its capacity as a Lender under the Credit Agreement and any other documents or instruments delivered pursuant thereto to the extent related to the amount and percentage interest identified below of all of such outstanding rights and obligations of the Assignor under the term loan facility identified below and (ii) to the extent permitted to be assigned under Applicable Law, all claims, suits, causes of action and any other right of the Assignor (in its capacity as a Lender) against any Person, whether known or unknown, arising under or in connection with the Credit Agreement, any other documents or instruments delivered pursuant thereto or the loan-transactions governed thereby or in any way based on or related to any of the foregoing, including, but not limited to, contract claims, tort claims, malpractice claims, statutory claims and all other claims at law or in equity related to the rights and obligations sold and assigned pursuant to clause (i) above (the rights and obligations sold and assigned pursuant to clauses (i) and (ii) above being referred to herein collectively as, the (“Assigned Interest”). Such sale and assignment is without recourse to the Assignor and, except as expressly provided in this Assignment and Assumption, without representation or warranty by the Assignor. 7. 1. Assignor: ________________________ 8. 2. Assignee: ________________________ 1 Select as applicable.

LEGAL_1:80198662.7 $ By: By: $ Amount of Commitment /Advances Assigned3 Title:  % Consented to: Percentage Assigned of Commitment / Advances4 Title:  [NAME OF ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT], as Administrative Agent 12. 6. [Trade Date: __________________]5 _____________, 20__ [the Effective Date ][TO BE INSERTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT AND WHICH SHALL BE THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF RECORDATION OF TRANSFER IN THE REGISTER THEREFOR.] The terms set forth in this Assignment and Assumption are hereby agreed to: By: CUSIP Number Title:  Consented to: ASSIGNOR [NAME OF ASSIGNOR] ASSIGNEE [NAME OF ASSIGNOR] Aggregate Amount of Commitment/Advances for all Lenders2 2 Amount to be adjusted by the counterparties to take into account any payments or prepayments made between the Trade Date and the Effective Date. 3 Amount to be adjusted by the counterparties to take into account any payments or prepayments made between the Trade Date and the Effective Date. 4 Set forth, to at least 9 decimals, as a percentage of the Commitment/Advances of all Lenders thereunder. 5 To be completed if the Assignor and the Assignee intend that the minimum assignment amount is to be determined as of the Trade Date. LEGAL_1:80198662.7 Title:  By: [NAME OF BORROWER] LEGAL_1:80198662.7 ANNEX 1 to Assignment and Assumption STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION 1. Representations and Warranties. 1.1 Assignor. The Assignor (a) represents and warrants that (i) it is the legal and beneficial owner of the Assigned Interest, (ii) the Assigned Interest is free and clear of any lien, encumbrance or other adverse claim and (iii) it has full power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to execute and deliver this Assignment and Assumption and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby; and (b) assumes no responsibility with respect to (i) any statements, warranties or representations made in or in connection with the Credit Agreement or any other Credit Document, (ii) the execution, legality, validity, enforceability, genuineness, sufficiency or value of the Credit Documents or any collateral thereunder, (iii) the financial condition of the Loan Parties or any other Person obligated in respect of any Credit Document or the performance or observance by the Loan Parties or any other Person of any of their respective obligations under any Credit Document. 1.2 Assignee. The Assignee (a) represents and warrants that (i) it has full power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to execute and deliver this Assignment and Assumption and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and to become a Lender under the Credit Agreement, (ii) it meets all requirements of an Eligible Assignee under the Credit Agreement (subject to receipt of such consents as may be required under the Credit Agreement), (iii) from and after the Effective Date, it shall be bound by the provisions of the Credit Agreement as a Lender thereunder and, to the extent of the Assigned Interest, shall have the obligations of a Lender thereunder, (iv) it has received a copy of the Credit Agreement, together with copies of the most recent financial statements delivered pursuant to Section 6.01(1) thereof, as applicable, and such other documents and information as it has deemed appropriate to make its own credit analysis and decision to enter into this Assignment and Assumption and to purchase the Assigned Interest on the basis of which it has made such analysis and decision independently and without reliance on the Administrative Agent or any other Lender, and (v) if it is a Foreign Lender, attached to the Assignment and Assumption is any documentation required to be delivered by it pursuant to the terms of the Credit Agreement, duly completed and executed by the Assignee; and (b) agrees that (i) it will, independently and without reliance on the Administrative Agent, the Assignor or any other Lender, and based on such documents and information as it shall deem appropriate at the time, continue to make its own credit decisions in taking or not taking action under the Credit Documents, and (ii) it will perform in accordance with their terms all of the obligations which by the terms of the Credit Documents are required to be performed by it as a Lender. 2. Payments. From and after the Effective Date, the Administrative Agent shall make all payments in respect of the Assigned Interest (including payments of principal, interest, fees and other amounts) to the Assignor for amounts which have accrued prior to the Effective Date, and to the Assignee for amount which have accrued from and after the Effective Date. 3. General Provisions. This Assignment and Assumption shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. This Assignment and Assumption may be executed in any number of counterparts, which together shall constitute one instrument. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page of this Assignment and Assumption by telecopy or by sending a scanned copy by electronic mail shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Assignment and Assumption. This Assignment and Assumption shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law governing the Credit Agreement. LEGAL_1:80198662.7 Assigned Lender ’s Commitment $ Assigned Accommodations Outstanding Lender SCHEDULE A $

LEGAL_1:80198662.7 SCHEDULE 7 FORM OF OPEN TEXT SOLVENCY CERTIFICATE This Certificate is being delivered pursuant to Section 4.01(1)(b)(viii) of the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of January 16, 2014, as amended as of June 16, 2016 and February 22, 2017 and, as amended and restated on May 30, 2018 and as amended on June 6, 2023 (the “Credit Agreement”) among Open Text Corporation, certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation, the Lenders party thereto and Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent and collateral agent. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings specified in the Credit Agreement. The undersigned, [], hereby certifies that he is the [] of Open Text Corporation (“Open Text”) and that he is knowledgeable of the financial and accounting matter of Open Text and its subsidiaries, the Credit Agreement and the covenants and representations (financial and other) contained therein and that, as such, he is authorized to execute and deliver this Certificate on behalf of Open Text. The undersigned , solely in his capacity as an officer of Open Text, and not in his individual capacity, hereby further certifies that on the date hereof, immediately after the consummation of the Transactions to occur on the date hereof: (a) the aggregate of the property of Open Text and its subsidiaries is, at a fair valuation, sufficient, or, if disposed of at a fairly conducted sale under the legal process, would be sufficient, to enable payment of all their obligations, due and accruing due; (b) Open Text and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, are paying their current obligations in the ordinary course of business as they generally became due; and (c) Open Text and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, will be able to meet their obligations as they generally become due. LEGAL_1:80198662.7 SCHEDULE 8 AUCTION PROCEDURES This outline is intended to summarize certain basic terms of any modified Dutch auction in order to purchase Term Loans (each, an “Auction”), pursuant to and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of Section 15.01(3) of the Credit Agreement, of which this Schedule 8 is attached (the “Auction Procedures”). It is not intended to be a definitive statement of all of the terms and conditions of an Auction, the definitive terms and conditions for which shall be set forth in the applicable auction procedures set for each Auction (the “Offer Documents”). None of the Administrative Agent, the Auction Manager and any other Agent, or any of their respective Affiliates, makes any recommendation pursuant to the Offer Documents as to whether or not any Term Loan Lender should sell its Term Loans to the Borrower pursuant to the Offer Documents, nor shall the decision by the Administrative Agent, the Auction Manager or any other Agent (or any of their Affiliates) in its capacity as a Term Loan Lender be deemed to constitute such a recommendation. Each Term Loan Lender should make its own decision as to whether to sell any of its Term Loans and, if it decides to do so, the principal amount of, and price to be sought for, such Term Loans. In addition, each Term Loan Lender should consult its own attorney, business advisor or tax advisor as to legal, business, tax and related matters concerning any Auction and the Offer Documents. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Schedule have the meanings assigned to them in the Credit Agreement. Summary. The Borrower may conduct one or more Auction pursuant to the procedures described herein. Notice Procedures. In connection with each Auction, the Borrower will provide notification (an “Auction Notice”) to the Auction Manager (for distribution to the Term Loan Lenders). Each Auction Notice shall contain (i) the maximum principal amount of Term Loans that the Borrower is willing to purchase in such Auction (the “Auction Amount”), which shall be no less than $5,000,000 and an integral multiple of $1,000,000 in excess thereof; (ii) the range of discounts to par (the “Discount Range”), expressed as a range of prices per $1,000, at which the Borrower would be willing to purchase Term Loans in such Auction; and (iii) the date on which such Auction will conclude, on which date Return Bids (as defined below) will be due at the time provided in the Auction Notice (such time, the “Expiration Time”), as such date and time may be extended for a period not exceeding three Business Days upon notice by the Borrower to the Auction Manager received not less than 24 hours before the original Expiration Time. Reply Procedures. In connection with any Auction, each Term Loan Lender holding Term Loans wishing to participate in such Auction shall, prior to the Expiration Time, shall provide the Auction Manager a notice of participation in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Auction Manager which shall specify (i) a discount to par expressed as a price per $1,000 of Term Loans (the “Reply Price”) within the Discount Range and (ii) the principal amount of Term Loans, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 or an integral multiple in excess thereof, that such Term Loan Lender is willing to offer for sale at its Reply Price (the “Reply Amount”); provided, that a Term Loan Lender may submit a Reply Amount that is less than the minimum amount and/or incremental amount requirements described above only if the Reply Amount comprises the entire amount of Term Loans held by such Term Loan Lender. Term Loan Lenders may only submit one Return Bid per Auction but each Return Bid may contain up to three component bids, each of which may result in a separate Qualifying Bid (as defined below) and each of which will not be contingent on any other component bid submitted by such Term Loan Lender resulting in a Qualifying Bid. In addition to the LEGAL_1:80198662.7 Return Bid, each participating Term Loan Lender must execute and deliver to the Auction Manager, an assignment and acceptance Agreement in the form included in the Offer Documents which shall be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Auction Manager and the Administrative Agent (“Affiliate Assignment Agreement”). The Borrower will not purchase any Term Loans at a price that is outside of the applicable Discount Range, nor will any Return Bids (including any component bids specified therein) submitted at a price that is outside such applicable Discount Range be considered in any calculation of the Applicable Threshold Price (as defined below). Acceptance Procedures. Based on the Reply Prices and Reply Amounts received by the Auction Manager, the Auction Manager, in consultation with the Borrower, will calculate the lowest purchase price (the “Applicable Threshold Price”) for the applicable Auction within the Discount Range for such Auction that will allow the Borrower to complete such Auction by purchasing the full Auction Amount (or such lesser amount of Term Loans for which the Borrower has received Qualifying Bids (as defined below)). The Borrower shall purchase Term Loans from each Term Loan Lender whose Return Bid is within the Discount Range and contains a Reply Price that is equal to or less than the Applicable Threshold Price (each, a “Qualifying Bid”). All Term Loans included in Qualifying Bids (including multiple component Qualifying Bids contained in a single Return Bid) received at a Reply Price lower than the Applicable Threshold Price will be purchased at the applicable Reply Price and shall not be subject to proration. Proration Procedures. All Term Loans offered in Return Bids (or, if applicable, any component bid thereof) constituting Qualifying Bids at the Applicable Threshold Price will be purchased at the Applicable Threshold Price; provided that if the aggregate principal amount of all Term Loans for which Qualifying Bids have been submitted in any given Auction at the Applicable Threshold Price would exceed the remaining portion of the Auction Amount (after deducting all Term Loans to be purchased below the Applicable Threshold Price), the Borrower shall purchase the Term Loans for which the Qualifying Bids submitted were at the Applicable Threshold Price ratably based on the respective principal amounts offered and in an aggregate amount equal to the amount necessary to complete the purchase of the Auction Amount. No Return Bids (or any component thereof) will be accepted above the Applicable Threshold Price. Notification Procedures. The Auction Manager will calculate and post the Applicable Threshold Price no later than the next Business Day after the date that the Return Bids were due. The Auction Manager will insert the principal amount of Term Loans to be assigned and the applicable settlement date into each applicable Affiliate Assignment Agreement received in connection with a Qualifying Bid. Upon written request of the submitting Term Loan Lender, the Auction Manager will promptly return any Affiliate Assignment Agreement received in connection with a Return Bid that is not a Qualifying Bid. Additional Procedures. Once initiated by an Auction Notice, the Borrower may withdraw an Auction by written notice to the Auction Manager no later than 24 hours before the original Expiration Time so long as, as of such time, no Qualifying Bid has been received by the Auction Manager. Any Return Bid (including any component bid thereof) delivered to the Auction Manager may not be modified, revoked, terminated or cancelled by a Term Loan Lender; provided that a Term Loan Lender may modify a Return Bid at any time prior to the Expiration Time solely to reduce the Reply Price included in such Return Bid. However, an Auction shall become void if the Borrower fails to satisfy one or more of the conditions to purchase Term Loans set forth in, or otherwise comply with the provisions of, Section 15.01(3) of the Credit Agreement. The purchase price for each purchase of Term Loans shall be paid in cash by the Borrower directly to the respective assigning Term Loan Lender on a settlement date as determined by the Auction Manager in consultation with LEGAL_1:80198662.7 the Borrower (which shall be no later than ten Business Days after the date Return Bids are due). The Borrower shall execute each applicable Affiliate Assignment Agreement received in connection with a Qualifying Bid. All questions as to the form of documents and validity and eligibility of Term Loans that are the subject of an Auction will be determined by the Auction Manager, in consultation with interpretation of the terms and conditions of the Offer Document, in consultation with the Borrower, will be final and binding. None of the Administrative Agent, the Auction Manager, any other Agent or any of their respective Affiliates assumes any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information concerning the Borrower, the Loan Parties, or any of their Affiliates (whether contained in the Offer Documents or otherwise) or for any failure to disclose events that may have occurred and may affect the significance or accuracy of such information. The Auction Manager acting in its capacity as such under an Auction shall be entitled to the benefits of the provisions of Article 12 and Section 14.01 of the Credit Agreement to the same extent as if each reference therein to the “Administrative Agent” were a reference to the Auction Manager, each reference therein to the “Credit Documents” were a reference to the Offer Documents, the Auction Notice and Affiliate Assignment Agreement and each reference Transactions , and the Administrative Agent shall cooperate with the Auction Manager as reasonably requested by the Auction Manager in order to enable it to perform its responsibilities and duties in connection with each Auction. This Schedule 8 shall not require the Borrower to initiate any Auction nor shall any Term Loan Lender be obligated to participate in any Auction.