

本背书协议(“协议”)由ABG-Shaq,LLC订立并生效,生效日期为2022年3月15日(“生效日期”)。ABG-Shaq,LLC是一家特拉华州的有限责任公司(“ABG”),为Shaquille O‘Neal(“名人”)的个人服务,另一方面,Papa John’s Marketing Fund,Inc.,Inc.,一家肯塔基州的公司(“PJMF”)和Papa John‘s International,Inc.(“PJI”)(PJMF和PJI是单独和集体的,“约翰爸爸的”)。在下文中,ABG和Papa John的可单独称为“当事人”,或统称为“当事人”。












D。“产品”指的是Papa John‘s品牌的披萨、面包面,以及Papadias和甜点(不包括任何由Papa John’s生产和销售的炸鸡、糕点、甜甜圈、咖啡和以咖啡为基础的产品、能量饮料、‘水合’冷冻冰棒、‘Energy’冷冻冰棒和‘Recovery’冷冻冰棒)。




答:考虑到根据本协议支付给ABG的报酬,并受本协议所包含的条件和限制的约束,ABG授予Papa John‘s不可转让、不可转让、不可再许可、不可分割的权利和许可,仅在协议期限内和在区域内使用名人背书,但须经ABG批准(如下所述)。不言而喻,除非特别许可,否则约翰爸爸不得将名人代言用于任何其他目的或与任何其他物品相关的用途。在符合本协议条款的前提下,约翰爸爸和ABG同意并承认,在本协议有效期内及之后的一(1)年内,ABG不得将任何与约翰爸爸根据本协议授予的权利相同或相似的名人权利授予约翰爸爸以外的任何实体,用于直接宣传、广告、代表竞争产品或为竞争产品代言;但是,如果本协议根据本协议第7.B节终止,则上述禁令的有效期为六(6)个月,但上述禁令不适用于(或应立即停止适用)下列任何一种或多种情形:(I)由于Papa John未能按照本协议向ABG支付本协议项下的任何款项而终止本协议,(Ii)由于Papa John未予批准而终止协议,(Iii)约翰爸爸未能根据第7.D.a条向ABG支付任何款项,在本协议项下,(Iii)出具或致使授予本协议下的任何RSU(如下所述)。或第7.D.b节。如本协议所述,或(Iv)约翰爸爸未能批准, 根据第7.E.a节签发或导致授予任何RSU。或第7.E.b节。本协议的一部分,如本协议所述。

B.双方承认并同意,由Papa John‘s或代表Papa John’s制作的与本协议相关的所有材料及其所有要素,包括所有广告和促销材料、商标、短语、文字、其中的文字、对话、即兴表演、音乐、头衔或人物,但在任何情况下,特别不包括名人代言和人格权(“材料”),应是并仍然是Papa John‘s的绝对和专有财产。名人和ABG都没有任何权利、所有权或利益,并同意双方都不会对材料提出任何要求。除非本文另有规定,否则ABG在本协议项下提供名人服务的所有结果,包括但不限于材料(但在所有情况下明确不包括名人代言和人格权),将被视为美国版权法(美国联邦法典第17编,美国证券交易委员会)规定的“受雇作品”。101),并将在任何情况下归约翰爸爸所有。如果根据本协议创作的任何材料在法律上不能根据适用的版权法成为受雇作品,则在此将此类材料的所有权利、所有权和权益转让给Papa John‘s,名人或ABG将签署与本协议一致的任何文件,以完善此类转让。


D.审批标准。就本协议而言,“批准”(及其所有语法变体,例如,批准、批准等)应被定义为ABG事先的书面批准,ABG可自行决定给予或拒绝批准。ABG有权批准对名人代言和人格权的所有使用,无论是由Papa John或其任何批准的指定人员使用(包括但不限于对任何和所有产品和材料使用人格权)。Papa John‘s特此同意:(A)除非ABG批准,否则不得以任何方式发布或公开展示任何材料;(B)每次进行包含任何更改的修订时,必须重新提交所有材料以供批准;(C)ABG对本协议项下材料的批准仅限于批准其中所包含的人格权的使用,并在第三方拥有的任何材料(例如,徽标、地点、个人、音乐等)的范围内。(“第三方材料”)被纳入其中时,Papa John‘s应单独负责识别此类第三方材料,并从此类第三方材料的所有者那里获得适当的许可,以确保使用或以其他方式使用此类第三方材料的所有适用权利。



1.一般情况。ABG应在ABG收到此类请求后三(3)天内对来自Papa John‘s的每个初始批准请求(“第一次请求”)作出回应;但是,ABG在批准窗口到期前对第一次请求保持沉默或未能做出回应,应被视为ABG不批准第一次批准请求中包含的材料。如果ABG在批准窗口到期前对第一个请求保持沉默或未能答复,则John爸爸有权向ABG法律部提交第二(第二)个请求,要求批准第一个请求中包含的相同材料(“第二个请求”),并向ABG的法律部提交材料和请求的副本(使用本协议第12.F.节规定的联系方式)。如果ABG在收到第二份申请后三(3)日内对第二份申请保持沉默或未予答复,则ABG对第二份申请保持沉默或未予答复,应视为ABG批准第二份申请中包含的材料。约翰爸爸在此承认,ABG对用于特定目的的任何特定材料的批准应仅被视为对上述目的的批准。约翰爸爸需要重新提交任何先前批准的材料,只要约翰爸爸希望将其用于其他目的。约翰爸爸在此承认,如果约翰爸爸未能获得ABG的同意或批准,任何需要这种同意或批准的行为或不作为(例如,使用名人代言或人格权等),应被视为对本协议的不可治愈的违反,有权但不要求, ABG立即终止本协议。如果ABG明确不同意约翰爸爸提交给ABG批准的任何材料,ABG应向约翰爸爸提供不同意的理由。



4.Papa John‘s不得自行或通过其代理人或代表或以其他方式间接向媒体发布、发布、分发或传播关于ABG、名人、名人对Papa John’s产品的认可和/或与本协议有关或引起的事项的任何信息或声明(每个“新闻稿”)。如果约翰爸爸希望发布新闻稿,约翰爸爸应将新闻稿提交给ABG批准。如果ABG在批准窗口到期前没有作出书面答复,则该提交应被视为不批准。ABG有权,但没有义务,包括Papa John‘s,名人对Papa John的产品的认可,以及ABG和Papa John’s之间存在与新闻新闻稿中的名人有关的合作伙伴关系,但须得到Papa John的批准,此类批准不得无理拒绝。


6.名人代言和人格权的执行。ABG有权以自己的名义以自己的名义提起和控制与人格权有关的所有索赔、诉讼和/或诉讼,以及与人格权有关的其他所有权(“侵权索赔”),并且ABG有权收取和保留与该等侵权索赔相关的所有金额(如果有的话),并有权收取和保留与该等侵权索赔相关的所有金额(如有),费用和费用由ABG承担(不包括Papa John的外部律师费和费用),并可由ABG自行决定行使。约翰爸爸将协助ABG确保第三方不会非法侵犯人格权。如果约翰爸爸意识到此类侵权行为,应立即通知ABG。约翰爸爸不得因任何侵权索赔或与之相关的任何索赔而采取任何行动,除非根据本节的规定将此事通知ABG并与ABG合作。约翰爸爸在此承认:(I)ABG和名人没有义务就任何侵权索赔采取任何行动,(Ii)ABG和名人不会因以下原因而承担任何责任:(A)ABG或名人未能或拒绝对任何侵权索赔采取任何此类行动,或(B)ABG或名人可能同意的任何侵权索赔的任何和解。



4.服务。为了促进Papa John使用本协议规定的产品的名人代言权利和许可,在协议期限内的每个合同年,在名人先前的个人和专业义务的约束下,进一步在ABG和名人可以接受的合理的提前日程安排以及关于日程安排日期、时间和地点的确认的情况下,ABG同意促使名人提供以下规定的服务(“服务”)。ABG应根据本协议的条款和条件,要求名人以专业的方式提供服务。





(B)一(1)天参观Papa John‘s Pizza商店,日期和地点由双方商定;以及


约翰爸爸和ABG都应在商业上合理地安排服务日的日期、时间和地点,以满足约翰爸爸的合理需求,同时不会与名人先前安排的其他承诺发生不合理的冲突。Papa John‘s了解,如果根据本协议要求服务日,则此类服务日可与有权使用名人个人服务的其他人的类似服务协调(例如,如果服务日包括前往内华达州拉斯维加斯的旅行,则名人和/或ABG可协调此类服务日在先前安排的前往内华达州拉斯维加斯的旅行期间执行)。约翰爸爸应提供当地的发型师、化妆和/或衣柜造型师,供名人在服务日期间使用,但每一位造型师和所有衣柜的选择均应由名人以其唯一的绝对自由裁量权预先批准。以上第4(A)节为所有服务日分配的时间不包括旅行时间,但包括化妆、衣柜和合理休息时间。

B.社交媒体上的帖子。ABG应要求名人每月至少在名人的Instagram(页面位于www.instagram.com/Shaq和Personality的Instagram帐户(@Shaq))、Twitter(页面位于www.twitter.com/Shaq和名人的Twitter帐户(@Shaq))和Facebook(页面位于www.facebook.com/Shaq)上发布至少一条帖子(1)来宣传Papa John的产品。每个职位将由约翰爸爸设立,但在每一种情况下都须经ABG批准。约翰爸爸应向ABG和名人提供所有适当和必要的语言,符合所有联邦贸易委员会(“FTC”)的标准和要求,包括在每个帖子(每个或“要求披露”)中,应明确和显眼地向公众披露ABG和/或名人已支付与该等职位有关的报酬。尽管本协议有任何相反规定,但约翰爸爸应单独负责确保任何和所有要求的披露符合所有适用的法律、规则、法规和指导方针,包括但不限于,联邦贸易委员会的《广告中使用背书和证明的指南》,约翰爸爸应赔偿、辩护ABG受补偿方(如下文定义),并使其免受由此产生的任何和所有责任。除非ABG或名人实质性修改了Papa John‘s提供的所需披露(即,如果Papa John’s提供的所需披露符合所有适用的法律、规则、法规和指南,并且ABG或名人对所需披露的修改导致该所需披露不符合所有适用的法律、规则、法规和指南)。


在任期内的每个合同年,ABG应安排名人出席总共六十(60)分钟的采访时间,以宣传Papa John,但必须遵守名人先前的个人和职业义务,以及ABG和名人可以合理接受的提前安排。在约翰爸爸的合理要求下,(I)采访可以分成较小的时间间隔(例如,每次五分钟或十分钟),(Ii)ABG将在每次采访之前安排名人参加媒体和信息培训,在每种情况下,都要遵守名人先前的个人和职业义务,并进一步遵守ABG和名人可以接受的合理提前安排。


表C管理Shaq-a-Roni SAR联合品牌产品的使用和推广。







J.反向许可。约翰爸爸特此授予ABG和名人免版税、永久、不可撤销、全额支付、可转让、可转让、可再许可的权利和许可,以便在全世界所有已知或今后开发的媒体中使用材料的全部或任何部分(单独和集体,“PJ权利”):(I)在履行本协议下的服务时或与之相关的情况下;(2)与历史和档案目的(例如,文献、评论、公司回顾、ABG网站上的历史文件)、所谓的企业对企业用途和其他非商业目的有关;以及(3)出于行业认可目的(例如,提交奖项竞赛);在每种情况下,在现在已知或今后制定的所有媒体中。对于第(Ii)款中的外部或公共用途以及第(Iii)款中的所有情况,此类许可证须事先获得Papa John的书面批准,此类批准不得被无理扣留。



1.约翰爸爸应向ABG支付现金付款:合同第一年175万美元(1,750,000美元),合同第二年187.5万美元(1,875,000美元),合同第三年200万美元(2,000,000美元)(合同第1-3年的这种现金支付,在此称为“现金支付”),用于本合同项下提供的服务和权利。除了现金付款和支付给ABG(以及,如果适用,名人)的任何其他补偿外,Papa John‘s还应支付但不限于本协议项下生产的工会覆盖材料的使用,并以双倍比例尺(或其他适用费率)对现金付款进行使用。如下文第5.A.3节所述,每笔现金付款应分四次等额支付,具体如下:







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3.不能扣减。约翰爸爸不得以任何理由从现金付款或任何其他应付给ABG的款项中扣除、抵销或抵销。为了说明但不限于,Papa John‘s不得扣除:工会费用、其他费用、坏账、电汇费用、银行费用或与向ABG支付任何和所有款项有关的任何其他费用、老虎机费用、广告或其他任何类型的费用、业务运营成本或任何货币兑换成美元的费用。




7.发展。Papa John业务的所有成本和开支(包括但不限于产品的设计、开发、准备、烹饪、包装、分销、交付、广告、营销、促销、产品发售、销售或其他开发,以及与材料和所有广告有关的其他成本和开支,包括但不限于遵守本文规定的批准要求的费用)应由Papa John‘s承担。



B.PJI限制性股票单位奖。于生效日期或其后尽快(该日期,“授出日期”),PJI将授予名人(仅作为ABG的代理,目的是接收RSU,并授权并不可撤销地指示PJI的转让代理在每个适用的归属日期将RSU归属后发行的普通股股份交付给ABG)55,898股PJI的受限股票单位(“RSU”)。RSU将根据PJI 2018综合激励计划(“计划”)授予,并将在各方面受制于该计划的条款和附件A所载的适用限制性股票单位协议(“限制性股票单位协议”)。除本协议或受限股份单位协议另有规定外,于授出日期一周年时,RSU将归属33.333%的RSU,于生效日期二周年时归属33.333%的RSU,以及于生效日期三周年(每个该等日期均为“归属日期”)归属33.333%的RSU。如果发生本计划中定义的公司交易,应按照本计划的条款处理RSU。



ABG或名人不是任何口头或书面协议或谅解的一方,该协议或谅解授予任何其他实体或个人在与任何竞争产品的广告、促销或代言相关的情况下使用名人背书的权利或许可,或将阻止、限制或阻碍其履行本协议项下的任何义务;(Ii)ABG签署和交付本协议和/或ABG履行本协议项下的义务不会导致违反或违反ABG或名人参与的任何其他协议;(Iii)根据本协议的条款和条件,由Papa John‘s批准并实际使用的所有名人对产品的背书反映了名人的诚实的意见、发现、信念或经验;(Iv)ABG完全有能力和权利订立本协议,并履行并促使名人履行本协议中的所有义务,如附件B中的诱导信所证明的那样,该引诱函附于本协议,并通过引用并入本协议。

B.约翰爸爸代表并向ABG和名人保证:(I)约翰爸爸不是任何口头或书面协议或谅解的一方,这将阻止、限制或阻碍其履行本协议下的任何义务;(Ii)约翰爸爸和/或约翰爸爸履行本协议下的义务不会导致违反或违反约翰爸爸所属的任何其他协议;(Iii)约翰爸爸完全有能力和权利订立本协议并履行本协议中的所有义务;(Iv)Papa John‘s保持适当的政策、程序、系统和培训,在每种情况下都符合现行的行业标准:(A)产品的生产、分销和销售,(B)确保产品对人类消费是安全的,(C)确保遵守所有适用的食品安全法规,以及(D)提供至少与其行业标准一样有利的客户服务水平,并且不会对Papa John’s品牌造成实质性的不利影响;(V)不得使用与人格权、材料或Papa John的业务相关的任何有害、有害或诽谤的材料、文字或图像;(Vi)Papa John的业务不得因本协议而产生、招致或允许任何产权负担、留置权、担保权益、抵押、质押、转让或其他抵押,或允许就本协议启动任何诉讼或止赎诉讼或获得任何转让,无论是否涉及任何司法或非司法的止赎销售;和(Vii)(A)Papa John‘s拥有产品和材料的所有权利,包括但不限于为产品和材料使用或与之相关的任何和所有商标和服务标志(例如, 产品或材料的任何设计、开发、准备、烹饪、包装、分销、交付、广告、营销、促销、要约出售、销售或其他利用不得侵犯任何知识产权或以其他方式侵犯任何第三方的任何权利。



D.双方声明并向对方保证,它将遵守每个国家或其政治分区的所有规则、法规、法律、命令、法令和法令,对各自在本协议下各自活动的任何方面拥有法律管辖权,包括特别但不限于为Papa John‘s和代表Papa John’s使用材料中的名人背书,以及由Papa John‘s和代表Papa John’s对产品的设计、开发、准备、烹饪、包装、标签、分销、交付、广告、营销、促销、提供销售、销售或其他利用。


F.尽管本协议有任何相反规定,Papa John‘s承认并同意ABG和/或名人是与一个或多个第三方达成的一项或多项协议的一方,协议的内容包括:(I)下列早餐通常消费的食品和饮料产品:百吉饼、早餐三明治(即主要填充早餐中常见的食品产品,如炒鸡蛋和香肠馅饼)、糕点、甜甜圈咖啡、浓缩咖啡和卡布奇诺,(Ii)快速休闲餐饮,连锁餐厅(即,为顾客准备和提供食物和饮料以换取金钱的商业),菜单主要集中在鸡肉菜肴,(Iii)高端餐厅(即,为顾客准备和提供食物和饮料以换取金钱的商业),菜单主要集中在类似于牛排餐厅的美式菜肴(可能包括披萨/扁平面包、面包、甜点、作为其菜单的一部分),以及(4)“水合”冰棒、“能量”冰棒、“恢复”冰棒和能量饮料(单独和集体,“现有协议”);ABG和名人在现有协议下的表现不应被ABG或名人视为违反本协议。



A. Termination by PAPA JOHN’S.  Without prejudice to any other rights it may have in law, equity or otherwise, PAPA JOHN’S shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to ABG, as determined by PAPA JOHN’S in its sole discretion, exercising good-faith business judgment, in the event that any of the following occur during the Term of this Agreement (1) CELEBRITY’s conviction or plea of guilty to a crime of moral turpitude; (2) CELEBRITY’s or ABG’s public malignment or disparagement of PAPA JOHN’S; (3) CELEBRITY or ABG intentionally makes any voluntary statement or commits any voluntary act that is or becomes generally known to the public which such statement or act both (a) has the effect of egregiously disparaging or insulting any group of the community on the basis of ethnicity, religion, race, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, and (b) is the direct cause of a material adverse impact on PAPA JOHN’S actual sales of pizza; (4) (a) CELEBRITY’s death or permanent incapacitation, or (b) CELEBRITY’S inability to perform the Services of this Agreement except due to a Force Majeure Event; or (5) CELEBRITY’s or ABG’s breach of any material term of this Agreement, which breach CELEBRITY or ABG fails to cure within thirty (30) days (or to the extent not possible to cure within such period, commence to cure) after CELEBRITY’s  or ABG’s receipt of PAPA JOHN’S written notice of such breach. Specifically, if this Agreement is terminated for any of the reasons provided in Section 7.A.(1)-(3), PAPA JOHN’S right to terminate this Agreement shall be PAPA JOHN’S sole remedy for the same.

B.  Termination by ABG. Without prejudice to any other rights it may have in law, equity or otherwise, ABG shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to PAPA JOHN’S, as determined by ABG  in its sole discretion, exercising good-faith business judgment, in the event that (1) during the Term of this Agreement, any member of PJI’s executive team or any member of the Board of Directors of PJI (a) is convicted of or pleads guilty to a crime of moral turpitude, (b) disparages or publicly maligns CELEBRITY or ABG; (2) PAPA JOHN’S breaches any material term of this Agreement, which breach PAPA JOHN’S fails to cure within thirty (30) days after PAPA JOHN’S receipt of ABG’s written notice of such breach, it being understood such period shall be five (5) business days with respect to the payment of any monies, or (c) any member of PJI’s executive team or any member of the Board of Directors of PJI or any authorized spokesperson of PAPA JOHN’S intentionally makes any voluntary statement or commits any voluntary act that is or becomes generally known to the public which such statement or act has the effect of egregiously disparaging or insulting any group of the community on the basis of ethnicity, religion, race, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation.

C. Effect of Termination – Use Beyond Term. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement by PAPA JOHN’S (but not in the event of termination by ABG), and subject to PAPA JOHN’S ongoing compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, PAPA JOHN’S shall have the following rights to use the Celebrity Endorsement solely as follows: (i) for a period of six (6) months following the effective date of expiration or termination, PAPA JOHN’S shall have the right to continue to use, display and distribute copies of Materials which bear the Celebrity Endorsement and which were printed and published, or irrevocably booked for publication or display with a third party, prior to the effective date of expiration or termination; and (ii) PAPA JOHN’S shall have the right, without restriction, to the in-house, non-commercial use of any Materials.  Such use may include in-house exhibition for historical, educational or commemorative purposes.  Provided that PAPA JOHN’S has exerted its best efforts to cease use of the Celebrity Endorsement and/or Personality Rights as provided above, any incidental use of the Celebrity Endorsement and/or Personality Rights that may occur or be discovered for the three (3) month period following such period shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement; provided, however, that in any event, all use of the Celebrity Endorsement and/or Personality Rights must cease by no later than nine (9) months following the effective date of expiration or termination of this Agreement. 

Effect of Termination – Cash Consideration.

a. Termination by PAPA JOHN’S. If this Agreement is terminated by PAPA JOHN’S for any of the reasons provided in Section 7.A. above, then ABG shall be entitled to the pro-rata share of the respective Cash Payment for the then-current Contract Year as set forth in Section 5.A. above, determined by multiplying the Cash Payment for such Contract Year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days elapsed in such Contract Year and the denominator of which is the total number of days in such Contract Year, and such amounts shall be immediately due as of the effective date of termination and paid to ABG.

b. Termination by ABG.  If this Agreement is terminated by ABG for any of the reasons provided in Section 7.B. above, then any and all unpaid amounts under this Agreement for the eighteen (18) months following the effective date of termination (including, without limitation, any balance due of the Cash Payment as of the effective date of termination, in addition to any and all of the Cash Payments that would have become payable during the next eighteen (18) months but for the termination) shall be immediately due as of the effective date of termination and paid to ABG; provided, however, that in the event there is less than eighteen (18) months remaining in the Term as of the effective date of such termination, then any and all unpaid amounts under this Agreement for the balance of the Term (including, without limitation, any balance due of the Cash Payment as of the effective date of termination, in addition to any and all Cash Payments that would have become payable but for the termination) shall be immediately due as of the effective date of termination and paid to ABG.


E. Effect of Termination – Awards of RSUs.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or the Restricted Stock Unit Agreement:

a. Termination by PAPA JOHN’S.  If this Agreement is terminated by PAPA JOHN’S for any of the reasons set forth in Section 7.A. above, then CELEBRITY shall be entitled to immediately vest in the pro-rata share of the respective number of RSUs for the then-current Contract Year as set forth in Section 5.B. above, determined by multiplying the number of RSUs for such Contract Year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days elapsed in such Contract Year and the denominator of which is the total number of days in such Contract Year, and such RSUs shall vest immediately as of the effective date of termination.

b.  Termination by ABG.  If this Agreement is terminated by ABG for any of the reasons provided in Section 7.B. above, then CELEBRITY shall be entitled to immediately vest in all of the RSUs for the remainder of that Contract Year. 

8. Indemnification and Insurance.

A. ABG’s Indemnification Obligations. ABG shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless PAPA JOHN’S and its current and future parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies and each of their respective current and future officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, attorneys, and each of their respective successors and assigns (individually and collectively, “PAPA JOHN’S Indemnified Party(ies)”) from and against any and all third-party claims, liabilities, demands, causes of action, judgments, settlements, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable outside attorneys’ fees and court costs) (collectively, “Claims”) arising out of or in connection with any one (1) or more of the following: (i) the breach by ABG of any of its express representations, express warranties, or express covenants in this Agreement; (ii) the failure by ABG or CELEBRITY to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement. ABG shall not be liable to PAPA JOHN’S or any third party under this Section 8.A. to the extent that PAPA JOHN’S is required to indemnify ABG pursuant to Section 8.B. below.

B. PAPA JOHN’S Indemnification Obligations. PAPA JOHN’S shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CELEBRITY, ABG and its current and future parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies and each of their respective current and future officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, attorneys, and each of their respective successors and assigns (individually and collectively, “ABG Indemnified Party(ies)”) from and against any and all direct and third-party Claims, arising out of or in connection with any one (1) or more of the following: (i) the breach by PAPA JOHN’S of any of its express or implied representations, warranties or covenants in this Agreement; (ii) the failure by PAPA JOHN’S to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement; (iii) the design, development, preparation, cooking, packaging, distribution, delivery, advertisement, marketing, promotion, offering for sale, sale, or other exploitation of the Products, the Materials, or any Advertisements (including, without limitation, any product liability, false advertising and/or infringement Claims); and (iv) any acts, whether by omission or commission, by PAPA JOHN’S (including any of its franchisees, vendors, and store operators), which may arise out of, in connection with, or is any way related to any of the Products, the Materials, PAPA JOHN’S business and/or this Agreement. PAPA JOHN’S shall not be liable to ABG or any third party under this Section 8.B. to the extent that ABG is required to indemnify PAPA JOHN’S pursuant to Section 8.A. above.  PAPA JOHN’S hereby agrees that ABG’s Approval shall not waive, diminish or negate any of PAPA JOHN’S indemnification obligations to the ABG Indemnified Parties hereunder.

C. Indemnification Process. The Party to be indemnified hereunder (the “Indemnitee”) must give the indemnifying Party hereunder (the “Indemnitor”) prompt written notice of any Claim, and the Indemnitor, in its sole discretion, may then take such action as it deems advisable to defend such Claim on behalf of the Indemnitee. In the event that appropriate action is not taken by the Indemnitor within thirty (30) days after the Indemnitor’s receipt of written notice from the Indemnitee, the Indemnitee shall have the right to defend such Claim with counsel reasonably acceptable to the Indemnitor, and no settlement of any such Claim may be made without the prior written approval of the Indemnitor, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Even if appropriate action is taken by the Indemnitor, the Indemnitee may, at its own cost and expense, be represented by its own counsel in such Claim. In any event, the Indemnitee and the Indemnitor shall keep each other fully advised of all developments and shall cooperate fully with each other in all respects with respect to any such Claim.

D. Insurance.  PAPA JOHN’S shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, and use commercially reasonable efforts cause its Sub-Contractors to obtain, at their sole cost and expense, during the Term and for a period of three (3) years thereafter (“Insurance Period”), comprehensive general liability insurance (including, without limitation, product liability insurance, inventory insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, and advertising injury insurance), to defend and protect the Parties against claims arising out of or in connection with PAPA JOHN’s business, the Materials, the Products, and Advertisements therefor.  Insurance must be obtained from a company reasonably acceptable to ABG, in an amount not less than Five Million United States Dollars ($5,000,000 USD) in the aggregate, or PAPA JOHN’S standard insurance policy limits, whichever is greater.

E. Within five (5) business days of the date on which this Agreement is fully executed, PAPA JOHN’S shall submit to ABG a certificate of insurance naming each of ABG, CELEBRITY and Authentic Brands Group, LLC as additional insureds (“COI”), which COI, or a renewal or replacement thereof, shall remain in force at all times during the Insurance Period, and shall require the insurer to provide at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to PAPA JOHN’S, and all additional insureds, of any termination, cancellation or modification thereof.


F. In the event that any insurance policy required hereunder includes or permits a waiver of subrogation, such waiver shall apply to ABG and CELEBRITY. In the event that any insurance policy required hereunder provides for a waiver of subrogation in the event that such waiver is required by a third-party agreement, then this Agreement shall be deemed to require such waiver. PAPA JOHN’S shall notify ABG of all claims regarding the Personality Rights, Materials and/or Products under any of the foregoing policies of insurance promptly upon the filing thereof. PAPA JOHN’S indemnification obligations hereunder shall not be limited by the amount of insurance requirements hereunder. ABG shall be entitled to its proportionate share of the insurance proceeds received by PAPA JOHN’S in respect to the Celebrity Endorsement and/or the Personality Rights, and PAPA JOHN’S shall report and pay to ABG any such insurance proceeds at the same time as the next quarterly installment of the Cash Payment is due.


  9.        Arbitration. In the event a dispute arises under this Agreement which cannot be resolved, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration and resolved by a single arbitrator (who shall be a lawyer) in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect.  All such arbitration shall take place at the office of the American Arbitration Association located in or nearest to New York, New York.  Each Party is entitled to depose at least two (2) fact witnesses and any expert witness designated by the other Party, and to conduct such other discovery as the arbitrator deems appropriate.  The award or decision rendered by the arbitrator shall be final, binding and conclusive and judgment may be entered upon such award by any court.

10. Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement.  Each Party shall hold all confidential information received pursuant to this Agreement, including the terms and conditions of this Agreement and CELEBRITY’S personal and/or business affairs, confidential and may only disclose them (i) with the prior written consent of the other Party, (ii) where required by law or (iii) to such party’s advisors, attorneys or other designees, as long as such recipients also keep such information confidential.  Nevertheless, after the parties have announced the association between CELEBRITY and PAPA JOHN’s or the association otherwise becomes public, each party may respond, discuss and comment in a favorable and positive manner that CELEBRITY is associated with PAPA JOHN’S during any public events and/or interviews, subject to the requirements herein.  All Parties agree not to disparage or make derogatory comments, verbal or written, regarding the other Party during the Term of the Agreement, and for one year thereafter.

11. Force Majeure.  If, at any time during the Term, CELEBRITY and/or ABG are prevented, hampered or interrupted by, or interfered with in, in any manner whatsoever, fully performing either of their duties hereunder, by reason of: any present or future statute, law, ordinance, regulation, order, judgment or decree, whether legislative, executive or judicial (whether or not valid); any act of God, earthquake, fire, flood, epidemic, accident, explosion or casualty; any lockout, boycott, strike, labor controversy (including, without limitation, any threat of the foregoing); any riot, civil disturbance, war or armed conflict (whether or not there has been an official declaration of war or official statement as to the existence of a state of war), invasion, occupation, intervention of military forces or act of public enemy; any embargo, delay of a common carrier, inability without default on CELEBRITY and/or ABG part to obtain sufficient material, labor, transportation, power or other essential commodity required in the conduct of its business; any cause beyond the reasonable control of CELEBRITY and/or ABG; or any other cause of any similar nature (each of the foregoing, a “Force Majeure Event”), then CELEBRITY’S and/or ABG’s obligations hereunder shall be suspended as often as any such Force Majeure Event occurs and during such period(s) of time as such Force Majeure Event(s) exist and such non-performance by shall not be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement by CELEBRITY or ABG, or a forfeiture of any of CELEBRITY’S or ABG’s rights hereunder.

12. Miscellaneous.

A. Severability.  If any term or provision of this Agreement shall be declared illegal, invalid, void or unenforceable by any judicial or administrative authority, then (i) such provision shall be eliminated to the minimum extent necessary, and (ii) such provision shall be reformed and rewritten so as to most closely reflect the intention of ABG and PAPA JOHN’S, such that this Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.

B. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding between ABG, CELEBRITY and PAPA JOHN’S with respect to the subject matter hereof, and cannot be altered or modified except by an agreement or amendment in writing, signed by all parties.

C. Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to its principles of conflicts of law.

D. Waiver. The failure at any time of any party to demand strict performance of another party of any of the terms, covenants or conditions set forth in this Agreement will not be construed as a continuing waiver or relinquishment thereof, and any party may, at any time, demand strict and complete performance of any other party of such terms, covenants, and conditions.


E. No Joint Venture.  This Agreement does not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting a partnership or joint venture between PAPA JOHN’S and ABG or CELEBRITY.  Neither party shall have any right to obligate or bind the other party in any manner whatsoever, and nothing contained herein shall give, or is intended to give, any rights of any kind to any third person.

F. Notices. All notices, samples, claims, certificates, requests, demands, and other communications (other than payments) desired or required hereunder will be made in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given if delivered to the party address by hand, or by other means of express courier service, addressed as follows:

To PAPA JOHN’S:             Papa John’s International, Inc. and
Papa John’s Marketing Fund, Inc.
2002 Papa John’s Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
With an electronic copy to: Caroline_Oyler@papajohns.com

To ABG: (i) If to ABG for questions about submitting Approval requests:

c/o Authentic Brands Group, LLC
1411 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Attention: Approvals Department
With electronic copies to:
Facsimile Number: (212) 760-2419

(ii) If to ABG for any other reason:

c/o Authentic Brands Group, LLC
1411 Broadway, 21stFloor
New York, NY 10018
Attention: Legal Department
With an electronic copy to: legaldept@authenticbrands.com
Facsimile Number: (212) 760-2419

G. Rights Cumulative.  Except as expressly set forth herein, all rights and remedies conferred upon or reserved by the Parties in this Agreement shall be cumulative and concurrent and shall be in addition to all other rights and remedies available to such Parties at law or in equity or otherwise, including, without limitation, requests for temporary and/or permanent injunctive relief. Such rights and remedies are not intended to be exclusive of any other rights or remedies and the exercise by either Party of any right or remedy herein provided shall be without prejudice to the exercise of any other right or remedy by such Party provided herein or available at law or in equity.

H. Equitable Relief. PAPA JOHN’S acknowledges that any breach by PAPA JOHN’S shall cause ABG irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law, and in the event of such breach, ABG shall be entitled to, in addition to other available remedies, injunctive or other equitable relief, including, without limitation, interim or emergency relief, including, without limitation, a temporary restraining order or injunction, before any court with applicable jurisdiction, to protect or enforce its rights.

I. Any sections and any other obligations under the provisions of this Agreement which, by their term or implication, have a continuing effect, shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.

J. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one (1) agreement binding on all Parties hereto notwithstanding that all of the Parties hereto are not signatories to the same counterpart. Each of the Parties agrees that an electronic signature evidencing a Party’s execution of this Agreement shall be effective as an original signature and may be used in lieu of the original for any purpose.

[Signature Page Follows]


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement effective the date first above written.

Papa John’s Marketing Fund, Inc. ABG-Shaq, LLC
_/s/_Max Wetzel______________
__/s/  Jay Dubiner_________________
Date:   __4/8/2022__________________
Date:   _4/8/2022___________________
By:   __Max Wetzel                    
By: __Jay Dubiner__________________
Title: __CCMO__________________
Title: __Chief Legal Officer__________
Papa John’s International, Inc.
_/s/_Rob Lynch______________
By: __Rob Lynch                       
Title: _President and CEO___________


Exhibit A

Restricted Stock Unit Agreement


Papa John’s International, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), hereby grants restricted stock units (“Restricted Stock Units”) for shares of Company common stock, par value $0.01 (the “Stock”), to the Grantee named below, subject to the vesting and other conditions set forth below and in the attachment.  Additional terms and conditions of the grant are set forth in this cover sheet and in the attachment (collectively, the “Agreement”) and in the Company’s 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan (as amended from time to time, the “Plan”).
Grant Date: April 12, 2022
Name of Grantee: Shaquille O’Neal
Number of Restricted Stock Units:  55,898
Purchase Price per Share of Stock: Par value per share
Vesting Start Date: March 15, 2022
Vesting Schedule: 3-Year Graded Vest, except as otherwise provided herein
Number of Restricted Stock Units that vest 
One-year anniversary of Grant Date 
Two-year anniversary of Vesting Start Date 
Three-year anniversary of Vesting Start Date 

You acknowledge that you have carefully reviewed the Plan, and agree that the Plan will control in the event any provision of this Agreement should appear to be inconsistent with the Plan.  Certain capitalized terms used in this Agreement that are not defined herein are defined in the Plan, and have the meaning set forth in the Plan.

This is not a stock certificate or a negotiable instrument.


Restricted Stock Units
This Agreement evidences an award of Restricted Stock Units in the number set forth on the cover sheet and subject to the vesting and other conditions set forth herein and in the Plan.  The purchase price is deemed paid by your Service to the Company pursuant to the Endorsement Agreement (as hereinafter defined).

Restrictions on Transfer of Restricted Stock Units
Restricted Stock Units, regardless of whether they are vested or unvested, may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, hypothecated or otherwise encumbered, whether by operation of law or otherwise, nor may the Restricted Stock Units be made subject to execution, attachment or similar process; provided, however, that the Company hereby acknowledges, agrees, represents and warrants that the execution, exchange, and performance of the Instruction Letter attached hereto as Schedule A and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby permitted and does not (and shall not) violate any of the foregoing or any of the terms or conditions of the Plan.

The Company will issue your Restricted Stock Units in the name set forth on the cover sheet.

Your right to the Stock under this Restricted Stock Unit Agreement vests in accordance with the schedule shown on the cover sheet, subject to the terms and conditions of the Endorsement
Agreement and, as applicable, this Restricted Stock Unit Agreement.  You cannot vest in more than the number of Restricted Stock Units covered by this grant.

Forfeiture of Unvested Stock
Except as otherwise provided in the Endorsement Agreement and this Agreement, in the event that your Service to the Company under the Endorsement Agreement terminates for any reason, you will forfeit to the Company all of the Restricted Stock Units subject to this grant that have not yet vested or with respect to which all applicable restrictions and conditions have not lapsed.  You shall be deemed to be in Service for purposes of this Agreement if the Endorsement Agreement (as defined below) remains in effect.
Effect of Termination of Endorsement Agreement
If the Endorsement Agreement made and entered into effective March 15, 2022 by and among, on the one hand, ABG-Shaq, LLC, for the personal services of Grantee, and, on the other hand, Papa John’s Marketing Fund, Inc. and the Company (the “Endorsement Agreement”) is terminated for any of the reasons set forth in Section 7.A. of the Endorsement Agreement, you shall be entitled to immediately vest in a pro-rata share of the respective number of Restricted Stock Units for the then-current Contract Year, as defined and set forth in the Endorsement Agreement, determined by multiplying the number of Restricted Stock Units for such Contract Year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days elapsed in such Contract Year and the denominator of which is the total number of days in such Contract Year, and such Restricted Stock Units shall vest immediately as of the effective date of termination.
If the Endorsement Agreement is terminated for any of the reasons provided in Section 7.B. of the Endorsement Agreement, then you shall be entitled to immediately vest in all of the Restricted Stock Units for the eighteen (18) months following the effective date of termination (including, without limitation, any balance of unvested Restricted Stock Units that were due to vest as of the effective date of termination, in addition to any and all of the Restricted Stock Units that would have vested during the next eighteen (18) months but for the termination); provided, however, that in the event there is less than eighteen (18) months remaining in the Term as of the effective date of such termination, then any and all of the balance of the Restricted Stock Units shall vest immediately as of the effective date of termination. 


The shares of Stock underlying your vested Restricted Stock Units will be issued as soon as practicable (and not more than sixty (60) days) following the earlier of (i) the date that your Restricted Stock Units vest pursuant to the vesting schedule set forth on the cover sheet, or (ii) the date of the termination of the Endorsement Agreement resulting in acceleration of vesting of all or a portion of your Restricted Stock Units.
Evidence of Issuance
The issuance of the shares of Stock under the grant of Restricted Stock Units evidenced by this Agreement shall be evidenced in such a manner as the Company, in its discretion, deems appropriate, including, without limitation, book-entry, registration or issuance of one or more Stock certificates.  You will have no further rights with regard to a Restricted Stock Unit once the share of Stock related to such Restricted Stock Unit has been issued.
Stockholder Rights; Dividend Rights
You have no rights as a stockholder of the Company (including, without limitation, the right to receive dividends) with respect to any unvested Restricted Stock Units unless and until a certificate for the shares of Stock relating to the vested Restricted Stock Units has been issued to you (or an appropriate book entry has been made).


In the event of a stock split, a stock dividend or a similar change in the Company Stock, the number of shares covered by this grant shall be adjusted pursuant to the Plan.  Your Restricted Stock Units shall be subject to the terms of the agreement of merger, liquidation or reorganization in the event the Company is subject to such corporate activity in accordance with the terms of the Plan.

Applicable Law
This Agreement will be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Delaware, other than any conflicts or choice of law rule or principle that might otherwise refer construction or interpretation of this Agreement to the substantive law of another jurisdiction.

The Plan
The text of the Plan is incorporated in this Agreement by reference.

This Agreement, the Plan and the Endorsement Agreement constitute the entire understanding between you and the Company regarding this grant of Restricted Stock Units.  Any prior agreements, commitments or negotiations concerning this grant are superseded.

Data Privacy
In order to administer the Plan, the Company may process personal data about you.  Such data includes but is not limited to the information provided in this Agreement and any changes thereto, other appropriate personal and financial data about you such as home address and business addresses and other contact information, payroll information and any other information that might be deemed appropriate by the Company to facilitate the administration of the Plan.

By accepting this grant, you give explicit consent to the Company to process any such personal data solely for such purposes.  You also give explicit consent to the Company to transfer any such personal data outside the country in which you work or are employed solely for such purposes.


Code Section 409A
It is intended that this Award comply with Section 409A or an exemption to Section 409A.  To the extent that the Company determines that you would be subject to the additional 20% tax imposed on certain non-qualified deferred compensation plans pursuant to Section 409A as a result of any provision of this Agreement, such provision shall be deemed amended to the minimum extent necessary to avoid application of such additional tax.  The nature of any such amendment shall be determined by the Company. For purposes of this Award, a termination of Service only occurs upon an event that would be a Separation from Service within the meaning of Section 409A.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or the Plan, to the extent required to avoid accelerated taxation and penalties under Section 409A, amounts that would otherwise be payable and benefits that would otherwise be provided pursuant to the Agreement during the six-month period immediately following your termination of Service will instead be paid on the first payroll date after the six-month anniversary of your termination of Service (or your death, if earlier).

Consent to Electronic Delivery
The Company may choose to deliver certain statutory materials relating to the Plan in electronic form.  By accepting this grant you agree that the Company may deliver the Plan prospectus and the Company’s annual report to you in an electronic format.  If at any time you would prefer to receive paper copies of these documents, as you are entitled to, the Company would be pleased to provide copies.  Please contact the Chief Legal and Risk Officer and Corporate Secretary at (888) 442-7272 to request paper copies of these documents.


By accepting this Agreement, you agree to all of the terms and
conditions described above and in the Plan.

Accepted and Agreed:

_/s/  Shaquille O’Neal
Shaquille O’Neal


Schedule A


c/o Authentic Brands Group, LLC
1411 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018

March 24, 2022

Papa John’s International, Inc.
2002 Papa John’s Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky  40299
Attn: Corporate Secretary

Dear Mr. Matter:

Pursuant to the Endorsement Agreement, to be effective March 15, 2022 (the “Endorsement Agreement”), by and among, on the one hand, ABG-Shaq, LLC (“ABG-Shaq”) for my personal services, and, on the other hand, Papa John’s Marketing Fund, Inc. and Papa John’s International, Inc. (“PJI”), I was issued 55,898 restricted stock units (the “RSUs”) of PJI on April 12, 2022 (the “Grant Date”). Except as expressly provided in the Endorsement Agreement (e.g., under Section 7.E. of the Endorsement Agreement), under the terms of the Restricted Stock Unit Agreement dated April 12, 2022, between myself and PJI (the “Restricted Stock Unit Agreement”), the RSUs vest into an equivalent number of shares of common stock of PJI, according to the following the vesting schedule (each such date, a “Vesting Date”):

33% (18,632) of the RSUs will vest on the one-year anniversary of the Grant Date;

33% (18,632) of the RSUs will vest on March 15, 2024; and

33% (18,634) of the RSUs will vest on March 15, 2025.

Pursuant to the Endorsement Agreement, I am receiving the RSUs as an agent of ABG-Shaq, and have no rights to the RSUs or the common stock underlying the RSUs in my personal capacity. Therefore, PJI is hereby authorized and irrevocably instructed to deliver the shares of common stock issued upon vesting of the RSUs at each applicable Vesting Date to ABG-Shaq.

You are entitled to provide this irrevocable instruction letter to PJI’s transfer agent to facilitate the delivery of shares of common stock to ABG-Shaq.  The transfer agent may rely on the instructions set forth in this letter.

Very truly yours,

Shaquille O’Neal

_/s/  Shaquille O’Neal

Exhibit B

Inducement Letter

Papa John’s Marketing Fund, Inc.
Papa John’s International, Inc.

Date:  March 15, 2022

Reference is made to that certain Endorsement Agreement (“Agreement”) of even date herewith by and between ABG-Shaq, LLC (“ABG”) for the personal services of Shaquille O’Neal, (“CELEBRITY”), and, on the other hand, Papa John’s Marketing Fund, Inc. (“PJMF”) and Papa John’s International, Inc. (“PJI”) (PJMF and PJI are, individually and collectively, “PAPA JOHN’S”).

In consideration of PAPA JOHN’S entering into the Agreement with ABG, and in order to induce your execution hereof, I hereby confirm that I have read the Agreement and that I agree to perform all of the obligations and undertakings required of me thereunder and to abide by the restrictions contained therein as they are applicable to me.  I confirm that ABG is authorized by me to contract my services under the Agreement, and I acknowledge and agree that I shall look solely to ABG for all compensation payable to me for said services under the Agreement.

Very truly,

Shaquille O’Neal

_/s/  Shaquille O’Neal



The following shall govern the promotion of the Shaq-a-Roni pizza.

I.     SHAQ-A-RONI. ABG, CELEBRITY, and PAPA JOHN’S have collaborated to develop one (1) co-branded Product using the Personality Rights, which Product is an extra-large pizza with extra pepperoni and extra cheese that is co-branded PAPA JOHN’S and SHAQ-A-RONI, and is produced and sold by PAPA JOHN’S solely at PAPA JOHN’S locations (“SAR Co-Branded Products”).  For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties acknowledge and agree that (i) SAR Co-Branded Products constitute a sub-set of Products under the Agreement, (ii) SHAQ-A-RONI (including variations and derivations of the same) and any and all intellectual property and other rights relating thereto constitute Personality Rights under the Agreement, and (iii) PAPA JOHN’S shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the ABG Indemnified Parties from and against any and all direct and third-party Claims arising out of or in connection with the SAR Co-Branded Products (including, without limitation, any use and other exploitation of the term ‘SHAQ-A-RONI’).

II. License. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, ABG grants to PAPA JOHN’S the non-transferrable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, indivisible right and license once per Contract Year for approximately three (3) months (two (2) months for a full public offering, and one (1) month for a geographically limited test before the full public offering), such dates to be mutually agreed upon (the “SAR Term”) and solely within United States and Canada to use the Celebrity Endorsement, in each instance, subject to ABG’s Approval, in connection with the advertising, promotion and sale of SAR Co-Branded Products.

III. Donation. PAPA JOHN’S shall donate One U.S. Dollar (USD $ 1) for each unit of SAR Co-Branded Products sold in the United States (the “Promotion”), at PAPA JOHN’S sole cost and expense, to The Papa John’s Foundation for Building Community (the “Foundation”) in the United States, as mutually agreed upon by the Parties (as a one-time limited exception to Section 4.F. of the Agreement).  The Foundation may donate all funds collected through the Promotion to additional charities that support the mission of the Foundation.  In addition, PAPA JOHN’S shall donate the amount of CAD $1 of sales of SAR Co-Branded Products in Canada, PAPA JOHN’S sole cost and expense, to one or more charitable organization(s) in Canada, to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties (as a one-time limited exception to Section 4.F. of the Agreement).

IV. Royalty. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “SAR Royalty” shall mean Twenty U.S. Cents (USD$ 0.20) for each unit of SAR Co-Branded Products sold.  In the event that the actual earned SAR Royalty in a given Contract Year under the Agreement is greater than the amount of the Cash Payment actually paid by PAPA JOHN’S to ABG that is attributable to the same Contract Year (the “Annual Cash Payment”), then PAPA JOHN’S shall pay the SAR Royalty in excess of the applicable Annual Cash Payment (if any) to ABG within thirty (30) days of the end of such Contract Year.


V. Statement. No later than 45 days after the end of the SAR Term for that Contract Year, PAPA JOHN’S shall submit to ABG, via ABG’s reporting software, RoyaltyZone (a detailed explanation of which can be found at www.royaltyzone.com), a complete and accurate statement (each, a “Statement”) detailing (i) the number of units of SAR Co-Branded Products sold during the Promotion, (ii) the amount of the SAR Royalty (as defined below) earned during the Promotion, (iii) the amount of the SAR Royalty due and payable due to the Promotion, and (iv) the amount of PAPA JOHN’S donations made under Section III above for such Contract Year.  If, and when, requested by ABG, PAPA JOHN’S shall provide ABG with additional information (e.g., sales by country, etc.), and/or backup and support materials, with respect to any item contained in any Statement. ABG hereby reserves the right to modify the process for submission of Statements (e.g., using a software other than RoyaltyZone, etc.) on reasonable advance written notice to PAPA JOHN’S, but in no event shall ABG modify the timing or frequency of the same without PAPA JOHN’S prior written approval, which approval may not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.

VI. Audit. ABG’s acceptance of any payment and/or any Statement pursuant to this Agreement shall not preclude ABG from questioning the correctness thereof at any time or exercising any of its rights related thereto. PAPA JOHN’S shall keep appropriate books of accounts and records with respect to its manufacture, sale, distribution and of SAR Co-Branded Products (“Books & Records”). PAPA JOHN’S shall maintain such Books & Records throughout the SAR Term, and for a period of three (3) years following the expiration or termination of the SAR Term (the “Retention Period”). ABG, or a third party designated by ABG (ABG and such third party being defined, for purposes of this Section, as an “Auditor”), shall have the right to inspect and copy the Books & Records insofar as they relate to the computation of the SAR Royalty, and other amounts payable to ABG, and PAPA JOHN’S hereby agrees to cooperate with the Auditor, to the best of PAPA JOHN’S’s ability, in connection therewith.  ABG and/or such Auditor shall be permitted to inspect such Books & Records no more frequently than one (1) time during any twelve (12) month period, upon reasonable prior written notice to PAPA JOHN’S.  If any such inspection reveals a discrepancy in the amount paid to ABG equal to five percent (5%) or more of the amount payable to ABG hereunder for the period in question, then PAPA JOHN’S shall also reimburse ABG for the reasonable costs of such audit. In any event, PAPA JOHN’S shall make all payments required to be made to eliminate any discrepancy revealed by any such inspection within thirty (30) days after ABG’s demand therefor. Interest, compounded monthly, at the rate of one percent (1%) per month (or, if not legally permissible, then at the then maximum legal interest rate) shall accrue on any amount due to ABG from and after the date upon which said payment is due until the date payment is actually received, whether said late payment was discovered in connection with this Section or otherwise.

VII. Expiration. Upon expiration or termination of the SAR Term, PAPA JOHN’S shall cease any and all advertising, promotion and sale of the SAR Co-Branded Products, and any and all use of the Celebrity Endorsement and Personality Rights in connection therewith.”