
2前瞻性陈述本演示文稿可能包含有关Renasant公司(“Renasant”、“我们”、“我们”或“我们”)的各种陈述,这些陈述构成“前瞻性陈述”,符合修订后的1933年“证券法”第27A节和修订后的1934年“证券交易法”第21E节的含义。在“相信”、“预期”、“计划”、“预期”、“打算”、“估计”、“计划”、“潜在”、“可能”、“可能增加”、“可能波动”、“可能结果”等词语之前、之后或以其他方式包括“相信”、“预期”、“项目”、“预期”、“打算”、“估计”、“可能增加”、“可能波动”、“可能结果”等词语的陈述,以及类似的表达,或未来或条件动词,如“将”、“应该”、“将”和“可能”,“一般都是前瞻性的,而不是历史事实。前瞻性陈述包括有关我们未来财务业绩、业务战略、计划和目标的信息,并基于管理层目前的信念和预期。我们相信这些前瞻性陈述是合理的,但它们都固有地受到重大商业、经济和竞争风险和不确定性的影响,其中许多风险和不确定性是我们无法控制的。此外,这些前瞻性陈述受制于对未来业务战略和决策的假设,这些假设可能会发生变化。实际结果可能与前瞻性陈述中指出或暗示的结果不同;这种差异可能是实质性的。提醒潜在投资者,任何前瞻性陈述都不是对未来业绩的保证,涉及风险和不确定因素。投资者不应过度依赖这些前瞻性陈述。, 这只说明了它们的制作日期。管理层目前已知的可能导致我们的实际结果与前瞻性陈述中的结果大不相同的重要因素包括:(I)新冠肺炎疫情和相关政府应对措施对美国经济和我们经营的市场经济体的持续影响;(Ii)公司有效地将收购整合到其运营中、留住这些业务的客户、发展收购的业务并在管理层预期的范围和时间框架内实现预期的成本节约的能力;(Iii)经济状况和利率对国家、地区或国际的影响;(Iv)为提高盈利或节省成本而实施业务改革的时机和成功程度;(V)消费金融、商业金融、保险、金融服务、资产管理、零售银行、按揭贷款和汽车贷款行业的竞争压力;(Vi)竞争对手的财政资源和产品;(Vii)法律法规的变化和会计准则的变化;(Viii)监管机构的政策变化;(Ix)证券和外汇市场的变化;(X)公司的潜在增长,包括进入或扩展新市场,以及需要足够的资本来支持这种增长;(Xi)公司贷款或投资组合的质量或组成的变化,包括借款人行业或个人借款人的偿还能力的不利发展;(Xii)由于假设不准确而导致的信贷损失拨备不足;(Xiii)总体经济、市场或商业状况, 包括:(十四)贷款产品和金融服务需求的变化;(十五)信贷风险的集中;(十六)利率、收益率曲线和利差关系的变化或没有变化;(十一)网络安全风险增加,包括潜在的网络破坏、业务中断或财务损失;(十二)公司地理区域内的内乱、自然灾害、流行病和其他灾难性事件;(十九)技术变化的影响、程度和时机;以及(十九)其他情况。管理层认为,我们前瞻性陈述背后的假设是合理的,但任何假设都可能被证明是不准确的。我们敦促投资者仔细考虑雷纳森公司不时向美国证券交易委员会(“美国证券交易委员会”)提交的文件中所描述的风险,这些文件可在www.renasant.com和美国证券交易委员会网站www.sec.gov上查阅。我们不承担任何义务,特别是不承担任何义务来更新或修改我们的前瞻性陈述,无论是作为新信息的结果还是反映假设的变化、随着时间的推移发生意想不到的事件或未来经营结果的变化,除非联邦证券法要求这样做。


概述注:截至2021年12月31日的财务数据(1)总收入按净利息收入加非利息收入计算。按国有资产划分的公司快照贷款和存款:168亿美元贷款:10.0%存款:13.9股本:2.2 4 MS 23%AL 23%FL 6%GA 31%TN 17%贷款MS 36%AL 14%FL 3%GA 34%TN 13%存款76%3%19%2%YTD总收入(1)社区银行财富管理抵押保险

55 20 65 10 65 75 75 20 95 85 77 95 81 7524 40 59 40佛罗里达杰克逊移动诺克斯维尔查塔努加格林斯伯勒哥伦比亚纳什维尔温斯顿-塞勒姆蒙哥马利伯明翰哥伦布夏洛特杰克逊维尔孟菲斯奥兰多亨茨维尔塔拉哈西亚特兰大威尔明顿查尔斯顿萨凡纳图佩罗格林维尔密西西比州阿拉巴马州田纳西州乔治亚州南卡罗来纳州北卡罗来纳州阿肯色州

第四季度亮点6(1)调整后稀释每股收益、贷款(不包括PPP贷款)和贷款(不包括PPP贷款)的信贷损失拨备是非GAAP财务指标。有关这些非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况,请参阅附录中的幻灯片37和44。·净收益3710万美元,稀释每股收益0.66美元,调整后稀释每股收益(Non-GAAP)0.68美元·完成了2031年到期的2亿美元3.00%固定利率至浮动利率次级票据的公开发行和销售·贷款对总贷款的信贷损失拨备以及对总贷款的津贴(不包括Paycheck Protection Program(PPP)贷款(非GAAP)(1))分别降至1.64%和1.65%。·信用指标有所改善,不良贷款占总贷款的比例为0.51%,分类贷款占总贷款的比例为1.60%·不包括购买力平价贷款(Non-GAAP)(1)的贷款在环比基础上温和增长,同比增加1.576亿美元,即1.61%·存款环比增加6.51亿美元,无息存款占年末总存款的33.93%


$1,515 $2,044 $2,126 $2,133 $2,210 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $1,800 $2,000 $2,200 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $7,921 $10,129 $10,213 $12,060 $13,906 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10 ,000 $12 ,000 $14 ,000 $16 ,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $7,620 $9,083 $9,690 $10,933 $10,021 $9,804 $9,963 $1,129 $58 0 200 0 400 0 600 0 800 0 100 00 120 00 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10 ,000 $12 ,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $9,830 $12,935 $13,401 $14,930 $16,810 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10 ,000 $12 ,000 $14 ,000 $16 ,000 $18 ,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Balance Sheet Growth 8 Total Assets Total Loans excluding Loans Held for Sale Total Deposits Total Equity (1) Green bar represents PPP loans outstanding as of December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively. Note: Dollars in millions PPP (1)

每股有形账面价值*9*每股有形账面价值是非GAAP财务指标。请参阅附录中的幻灯片43,了解排除情况的说明以及该非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况。$11.51$13.13$13.95$16.65$17.83$18.21$20.20$20.69$22.35 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

贷款和收益率10注:数百万美元*其他贷款包括向个人提供的分期付款贷款和租赁融资,从历史上看,这两种贷款在总贷款组合中所占比例都不到5%。*核心贷款收益率是一项非GAAP财务指标。请参阅附录中的幻灯片40,了解排除情况的说明以及此非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账。$10,934$10,149$10,017$10,021 4.10%4.24%4.24%4.11%3.98%4.03%4.01%3.94%3.89%3.87%4Q2020 1Q2021 2Q2021 3Q2021 4Q2021 1-4家庭按揭商业按揭建设其他*C&I PPP贷款收益率核心贷款收益率**

贷款组合构成1-4家庭21%HELOC 5%消费者1%建设和土地开发14%NOO CRE 29%OO CRE 15%C&I 13%其他2%*图表不包括2021年12月31日5800万美元的PPP贷款,持有的投资贷款总额为100亿美元11·积极的投资组合管理和保守的信贷承保传统·细粒度贷款组合:o平均贷款规模约为163,000美元o积极集中管理框架·约92%的贷款是足迹·利率敏感度,不包括PPP:o 40%可变利率o 11%可调利率o

多元化贷款组合12注:图表不包括PPP贷款1 NOO CRE建筑贷款已重报至其各自的永久抵押品类型2没有行业包括在上述44%的C&I中超过贷款组合建设&NOO CRE1 OO CRE,C&I和其他商业贷款组合的3%2建设-商业OO 2%1-4家庭建设7%土地和开发。6%酒店7%迷你储物7%多户16%办公室-医疗7%办公室-非医疗12%零售17%老年人住房7%仓库/工业11%其他NOO 1%C&I 44%其他贷款6%教堂3%高尔夫/可再生能源。设施1%医院1%办公室-医疗5%办公室-非医疗8%零售15%学校1%仓库/工业8%其他OO 8%

ADC和CRE贷款集中水平13 ADC贷款占银行基于风险的资本CRE贷款的百分比(续&PERM)占银行风险资本的百分比78%79%83%81%78%73%76%79%83%87%82%0%20%40%60%80%100%0%50%100%150%200%250%300%

存款组合及定价14注:以百万美元计$12,059$12,737$13,115$13,255$13,906 0.33%0.27%0.24%0.21%0.18%4Q2020 1Q2021 2Q2021 3Q2021 4Q2021无息储蓄存款时间成本

核心存款资金34%48%8%8%2%无息储蓄时间$25万资金成本4Q20 3Q21 4Q21无息需求-生息需求0.31%0.24%0.21%储蓄0.08%0.08%0.06%定期存款1.20%0.78%0.67%借款资金3.05%3.08%4.03%资金总成本0.44%031%0.30%·98%的存款被认为是核心存款(定期存款>25万美元以外的所有存款)·6.56亿美元的定期存款和公共基金存款计划在2022年第一季度重新定价15个存款,截至12月31日,2021年(139亿美元)类型余额利率定期存款3.79亿美元0.76%公共基金2.77亿美元1.22%总计6.56亿美元0.95%

Liquidity 16 Note: Dollars in millions $633 $1,262 $1,605 $1,476 $1,878 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $1,800 $2,000 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 Cash and Cash Equivalents $1,343 $1,536 $2,164 $2,545 $2,387 $416 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 AFS securities HTM securities Securities 92% 88% 81% 76% 73% $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 Average Loans to Average Deposits

资本状况17 Tier 1$1,422 Tier 2$475监管资本截至2021年12月31日·公开发售2亿美元的3.00%固定利率至浮动利率的次级票据,2031年到期·5000万美元的股票回购计划将持续到2022年10月;然而,2021年第四季度没有回购活动,目前也没有回购股票的意图·一致的股息支付历史,包括在2008年金融危机期间·2021年10月赎回1500万美元的次级票据和2021年12月赎回3000万美元的次级票据,另外还有3000万美元的次级票据将于2022年3月1日赎回资本亮点次级票据$359 ACL$116信托优先股$108普通股第1级$1,3141 1注:以百万美元计


Dividend History 19 $0.00 $0.10 $0.20 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.70 $0.80 $0.90 $1.00


资产质量21*贷款总额超过30-89天的贷款比率(不包括购买力平价贷款)和分类贷款占贷款总额的比率(不包括购买力平价贷款)是非GAAP财务指标。有关这些非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况,请参阅附录中的幻灯片44。1.61%0.00%1.00%2.00%3.00%4.00%$-$50,000$100,000$150,000$200,000$250,000$300,000 2020年第一季度2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q分类贷款*分类贷款占总贷款的百分比,不包括购买力平价(千元)0.28%0.00%0.50%1.00%1.50%2.00%$-$25,000$50,000$75,000$100,000$100,000 2020年第一季度2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021贷款逾期30-89天/总贷款*30-89 DPD占总贷款的百分比,不包括购买力平价(千美元)

资产质量22*不良资产与总资产之比(不包括购买力平价贷款)和净冲销与平均贷款之比(不包括购买力平价贷款)是非GAAP财务指标。有关这些非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况,请参阅附录中的幻灯片45。0.32%0.00%0.50%1.00%1.50%2.00%2.50%3.00%$-$25,000$50,000$75,000$100,000$125,000$150,000 4Q2020第一季度2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 NPA/总资产*不良贷款或REO占资产的百分比,不包括购买力平价(千美元)0.22%0.00%0.20%0.40%0.60%0.80%$-$5,000$10,000$15,000$20,000 4Q2020 1Q2021 2Q2021 3Q2021 4Q2021净冲销/平均贷款*平均贷款净冲销%,不包括。购买力平价(千美元)

ACL指标23*信贷损失拨备占总贷款的比例(不包括购买力平价贷款)是一项非GAAP财务衡量标准。请参阅附录中的幻灯片44,了解此非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况。1.65%1.60%1.65%1.70%1.75%1.80%1.85%1.90%$140,000$150,000$160,000$170,000$180,000 4Q2020第一季度2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021贷款总额*贷款总额的津贴百分比,不包括购买力平价(千元)323%200%250%300%350%400%$140,000$150,000$160,000$170,000$180,000 4Q 2020第一季度2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q免税额/不良贷款免税额占不良贷款总额的百分比(以千元为单位)

ACL摘要24*信贷损失拨备占总贷款的比例(不包括购买力平价贷款)是一项非GAAP财务衡量标准。请参阅附录中的幻灯片44,了解此非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况。(千美元)ACL ACL占贷款的百分比ACL ACL占贷款的百分比SBA Paycheck Protection Program-商业、金融、农业39,031$2.77 33,922$2.49租赁融资应收账款1,624 2.14 1,486 1.95房地产-1-4家庭抵押32,165 1.19 32,356 1.19房地产-商业抵押76,127 1.67 68,940 1.52房地产--建筑业16,047 1.87 16,419 1.49向个人发放的分期贷款11,150 5.32 11,048 7.71贷款信贷损失拨备176,144 1.61 164,171 1.64递延利息信贷损失拨备1,500 1,273无资金承担准备金20,535 20,035总储备198,179美元185,479美元12/31/202112/31/2020年·贷款信贷损失拨备占总贷款(不包括购买力平价贷款)的比例*截至12月31日为1.65%和1.80%2021年和2020年12月31日。



净收入和调整后拨备前净收入*27净收入P调整PPNR(非GAAP)*调整PPNR/平均值资产(非GAAP)*注:以百万美元为单位*调整后的拨备前净收入和调整后的拨备前净收入/平均资产是非GAAP财务指标。有关排除的说明以及这些非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况,请参阅附录中的幻灯片35和36。$31.5$57.9$40.9$40.1$37.1$57.4$62.3$48.8$50.2$49.2 1.53%1.66%1.24%1.23%1.19%4Q2020 1Q2021 2Q2021 3Q2021 4Q2021

报告和调整后的稀释每股收益*28*稀释后每股收益(调整后)是非GAAP财务指标。请参阅附录中的幻灯片37,了解排除情况的说明以及此非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况。$.56$1.02$.72$.71$.66$.68$.85$.73$.71$.68$-$0.20$0.40$0.60$0.80$1.00$1.20 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021调整后稀释每股收益(非GAAP)*

盈利比率29*ROAA(调整后)和ROTCE(调整后)是非GAAP财务指标。请参阅附录中的幻灯片36和38,了解排除情况以及这些非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况。平均股本回报率(ROAA)5.88%10.81%7.40%7.16%6.59%13.52%16.68%13.64%13.13%12.31%0.00%2.00%4.00%6.00%8.00%10.00%12.00%14.00%16.00%18.00%4Q2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 ROE(调整后)ROTCE(非GAAP)*0.84%1.54%1.04%0.99%0.89%1.02%1.29%1.04%0.99%0.92%0.00%0.20%0.40%0.60%0.80%1.00%1.20%1.40%1.60%1.80%1.80%4Q2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 ROAA(GAAP)ROAA(调整后)(非GAAP)*

核心净利息收入(FTE)和核心净利差*30注:以百万美元计*核心净利息收入(FTE)和核心净利差是非GAAP财务指标。有关排除的说明以及这些非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账,请参阅附录中的幻灯片39。$110.0$111.3$111.2$105.0$103.3 3.35%3.37%3.19%2.93%2.81%3.22%3.12%2.92%2.76%2.73%4Q2020 1Q2021 2Q2021 3Q2021核心NII(FTE)(非公认会计准则)*非核心NII NIM核心NIM(非公认会计准则)*

注:千美元$62,864$81,037$47,610$50,755$47,582 4Q 2020 1Q2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021服务费和佣金保险财富管理抵押银行证券收益其他非利息收入31服务费21%费用和佣金8%保险5%财富管理11%证券收益0%抵押银行31%其他24%2021年第四季度-非利息收入贡献·公司确认了470万美元的掉期终止收益

Mortgage Banking 32 Mortgage MixMortgage banking income Gain on sale margin* *Gain on sale margin excludes pipeline fair value adjustments included in “Gain on sales of loans, net” in the table above. ($ in thousands) 4Q20 3Q21 4Q21 Gain on sales of loans, net 36,080$ 20,116$ 10,801$ Fees, net 5,318 3,420 4,320 Mortgage servicing income, net (3,606) (244) (395) MSR valuation adjustment 1,968 - - Mortgage banking income, net 39,760$ 23,292$ 14,726$ 4.21% 3.85% 2.73% 2.23% 2.01% Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 $1.4 $1.7 $1.5 $1.4 $1.2 $- $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 4Q 2021 Locked Volume (in billions) 4Q20 3Q21 4Q21 Wholesale 41 42 38 Retail 59 58 62 Purchase 50 59 65 Refinance 50 41 35

非利息支出和效率比率33工资和员工福利62%数据处理5%净占用和设备11%无形摊销2%债务预付罚金6%其他14%2021年第四季度-非利息支出组合(千美元)3Q21 4Q21更改工资和员工福利69,115$62,523$(6,592)$数据处理5,277 5,346 69净占用和设备11,748 11,177(571)无形摊销1,4811,424(57)债务预付罚款-6,123 6,123其他16,378 14,522(1,856)总计103,999美元101,115美元(2,884)$71%60%68%67%67%64%64%67%66%64%Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021调整后的效率比率(非GAAP)**调整后的效率比率是非GAAP财务指标。请参阅附录中的幻灯片41,了解有关排除的说明以及此非GAAP财务指标与GAAP的对账情况。·非利息支出下降290万美元·工资和福利减少,原因是持续的提高能效举措节省了开支·由于提前支付FHLB 1.5亿美元的长期预付款,提前支付了610万美元的债务罚款


Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Adjusted Pre-Provision Net Revenue 35 $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Net income (GAAP) 31,521$ 57,908$ 40,867$ 40,063$ 37,054$ Income taxes 6,818 16,842 7,545 11,185 11,363 Provision for credit losses (including unfunded commitments) 11,000 - - (1,400) (768) Pre-provision net revenue (non-GAAP) 49,339$ 74,750$ 48,412$ 49,848$ 47,649$ Debt prepayment penalties 3 - - - 6,123 Swap termination gains - - - - (4,676) MSR valuation adjustment (1,968) (13,561) - - - Restructuring charges 7,365 292 15 - 61 Swap termination charges 2,040 - - - - COVID-19 related expenses(1) 613 785 370 323 33 Adjusted pre-provision net revenue (non-GAAP) 57,392$ 62,266$ 48,797$ 50,171$ 49,190$ (1) Primarily consists of employee overtime and employee benefit accruals directly related to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and federal legislation enacted to address the pandemic, such as the CARES Act, and expenses associated with supplying branches with protective equipment and sanitation supplies (such as floor markings and cautionary signage for branches, face coverings and hand sanitizer) as well as more frequent and rigorous branch cleaning.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Adjusted Pre-Provision Net Revenue/Average Assets 36 $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Net income (GAAP) 31,521$ 57,908$ 40,867$ 40,063$ 37,054$ Debt prepayment penalties 3 - - - 6,123 Swap termination gains - - - - (4,676) MSR valuation adjustment (1,968) (13,561) - - - Restructuring charges 7,365 292 15 - 61 Swap termination charges 2,040 - - - - COVID-19 related expenses(1) 613 785 370 323 33 Tax effect of adjustments noted above(2) (1,443) 2,820 (83) (71) (363) Net income with exclusions (non-GAAP) 38,131$ 48,244$ 41,169$ 40,315$ 38,232$ Adjusted pre-provision net revenue (non-GAAP)(3) 57,392$ 62,266$ 48,796$ 50,171$ 49,190$ Total average assets 14,898,055$ 15,203,691$ 15,831,018$ 16,130,149$ 16,450,640$ Return on Average Assets (GAAP) 0.84% 1.54% 1.04% 0.99% 0.89% Return on Average Assets (Adjusted) (non-GAAP) 1.02% 1.29% 1.04% 0.99% 0.92% Adjusted pre-provision net revenue/Average assets (non-GAAP) 1.53% 1.66% 1.24% 1.23% 1.19% (1) See footnote 1 on slide 35 for an explanation of the types of expenses included in the COVID-19 related expenses line item. (2) Tax effect is calculated based on the respective periods’ effective tax rate. (3) See slide 35 for a reconciliation of Adjusted pre-provision net revenue.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures 37 Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Net income (GAAP) 31,521$ 57,908$ 40,867$ 40,063$ 37,054$ Debt prepayment penalties 3 - - - 6,123 Swap termination gain - - - - (4,676) MSR valuation adjustment (1,968) (13,561) - - - Restructuring charges 7,365 292 15 - 61 Swap termination charges 2,040 - - - - COVID-19 related expenses(1) 613 785 370 323 33 Tax effect of adjustments noted above(2) (1,443) 2,820 (83) (71) (363) Net income with exclusions (non-GAAP) 38,131$ 48,244$ 41,169$ 40,315$ 38,232$ Diluted shares outstanding (average) 56,489,809 56,519,199 56,635,898 56,447,184 56,105,050 Diluted EPS (GAAP) 0.56$ 1.02$ 0.72$ 0.71$ 0.66$ Adjusted Diluted EPS (non-GAAP) 0.68$ 0.85$ 0.73$ 0.71$ 0.68$ (1) See footnote 1 on slide 35 for an explanation of the types of expenses included in the COVID-19 related expenses line item. (2) Tax effect is calculated based on the respective periods’ effective tax rate.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures 38 Return on Average Tangible Common Equity (Adjusted) $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Net income (GAAP) 31,521$ 57,908$ 40,867$ 40,063$ 37,054$ Debt prepayment penalties 3 - - - 6,123 Swap termination gain - - - - (4,676) MSR valuation adjustment (1,968) (13,561) - - - Restructuring charges 7,365 292 15 - 61 Swap termination charges 2,040 - - - - COVID-19 related expenses(1) 613 785 370 323 33 Tax effect of adjustments noted above(2) (1,443) 2,820 (83) (71) (363) Net income with exclusions (non-GAAP) 38,131$ 48,244$ 41,169$ 40,315$ 38,232$ Amortization of intangibles 1,659 1,598 1,539 1,481 1,424 Tax effect of adjustment noted above(2) (297) (361) (333) (323) (335) Tangible net income with exclusion (non-GAAP) 39,493$ 49,481$ 42,375$ 41,473$ 39,321$ Average shareholders' equity (GAAP) 2,132,375$ 2,172,425$ 2,213,743$ 2,219,431$ 2,231,681$ Intangibles 970,624 969,001 967,430 965,960 964,575 Average tangible shareholders' equity (non-GAAP) 1,161,751$ 1,203,424$ 1,246,313$ 1,253,471$ 1,267,106$ Return on Average Equity (GAAP) 5.88% 10.81% 7.40% 7.16% 6.59% Return on Average Tangible Common Equity (Adjusted) (non-GAAP) 13.52% 16.68% 13.64% 13.13% 12.31% (1) See footnote 1 on slide 35 for an explanation of the types of expenses included in the COVID-19 related expenses line item. (2) Tax effect is calculated based on the respective periods’ effective tax rate.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Core Net Interest Income (FTE) and Core Net Interest Margin 39 $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Net interest income (FTE) (GAAP) 110,024$ 111,264$ 111,205$ 105,002$ 103,249$ Less: Net interest income collected on problem loans 128 2,180 1,339 316 578 Accretable yield recognized on purchased loans 4,130 3,088 2,638 2,871 2,187 Interest income on PPP loans 10,271 10,687 10,120 3,503 485 Core net interest income (FTE) (non-GAAP) 95,495$ 95,309$ 97,108$ 98,312$ 99,999$ Total average earning assets 13,059,967$ 13,358,677$ 13,989,264$ 14,256,421$ 14,607,716$ Less: Average PPP loans 1,252,990 985,561 628,462 126,870 62,726 Adjusted total average earning assets (non-GAAP) 11,806,977$ 12,373,116$ 13,360,802$ 14,129,551$ 14,544,990$ Net interest margin (GAAP) 3.35% 3.37% 3.19% 2.93% 2.81% Core net interest margin (non-GAAP) 3.22% 3.12% 2.92% 2.76% 2.73%

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Core Loan Yield 40 $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Loan interest income (FTE) (GAAP) 113,457$ 113,072$ 110,785$ 103,769$ 99,670$ Less: Net interest income collected on problem loans 128 2,180 1,339 316 578 Accretable yield recognized on purchased loans 4,130 3,088 2,638 2,871 2,187 Interest income on PPP loans 10,271 10,687 10,120 3,503 485 Adjusted loan interest income (FTE) (non-GAAP) 98,928$ 97,117$ 96,688$ 97,079$ 96,420$ Total average loans 11,019,505$ 10,802,991$ 10,478,121$ 10,017,742$ 9,948,610$ Less: Average PPP loans 1,252,990 985,561 628,462 126,870 62,726 Adjusted total average loans (non-GAAP) 9,766,515$ 9,817,430$ 9,849,659$ 9,890,872$ 9,885,884$ Loan yield (GAAP) 4.10% 4.24% 4.24% 4.11% 3.98% Core loan yield (non-GAAP) 4.03% 4.01% 3.94% 3.89% 3.87%

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Adjusted Efficiency Ratio 41 $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Net interest income (FTE) (GAAP) 110,024$ 111,264$ 111,205$ 105,002$ 103,249$ Total noninterest income (GAAP) 62,864 81,037 47,610 50,755 47,582 Securities gains 15 1,357 - 764 49 Swap termination gain - - - - 4,676 MSR valuation adjustment 1,968 13,561 - - - Adjusted total noninterest income (non-GAAP) 60,881$ 66,119$ 47,610$ 49,991$ 42,857$ Total income (FTE) (non-GAAP) 170,905$ 177,383$ 158,815$ 154,993$ 146,106$ Total noninterest expense (GAAP) 122,152$ 115,935$ 108,777$ 103,999$ 101,115$ Amortization of intangibles 1,659 1,598 1,539 1,481 1,424 Debt prepayment penalty 3 - - - 6,123 Restructuring charges 7,365 292 15 - 61 Swap termination charges 2,040 - - - - Provision for unfunded commitments 500 - - (200) (300) COVID-19 related expenses (1) 613 785 370 323 33 Adjusted total noninterest expense (non-GAAP) 109,972$ 113,260$ 106,853$ 102,395$ 93,774$ Efficiency Ratio (GAAP) 70.65% 60.29% 68.49% 66.77% 67.04% Adjusted Efficiency Ratio (non-GAAP) 64.35% 63.85% 67.28% 66.06% 64.18% (1) See footnote 1 on slide 35 for an explanation of the types of expenses included in the COVID-19 related expenses line item.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Tangible Common Equity 42 $ in thousands 4Q 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Actual shareholders' equity (GAAP) 2,132,733$ 2,173,701$ 2,203,807$ 2,203,944$ 2,209,853$ Intangibles 969,823 968,225 966,686 965,205 963,781 Actual tangible shareholders' equity (non-GAAP) 1,162,910$ 1,205,476$ 1,237,121$ 1,238,739$ 1,246,072$ Actual total assets (GAAP) 14,929,666$ 15,622,571$ 16,022,386$ 16,155,550$ 16,810,311$ Intangibles 969,823 968,225 966,686 965,205 963,781 Actual tangible assets (non-GAAP) 13,959,843$ 14,654,346$ 15,055,700$ 15,190,345$ 15,846,530$ PPP Loans 1,128,703 860,864 246,931 67,802 58,391 Actual tangible assets exc. PPP loans (non-GAAP) 12,831,140$ 13,793,482$ 14,808,769$ 15,122,543$ 15,788,139$ Tangible Common Equity Ratio Shareholders' equity to (actual) assets (GAAP) 14.29% 13.91% 13.75% 13.64% 13.15% Effect of adjustment for intangible assets 5.96% 5.68% 5.53% 5.49% 5.29% Tangible common equity ratio (non-GAAP) 8.33% 8.23% 8.22% 8.15% 7.86% Effect of adjustment for PPP -0.73% -0.51% -0.13% -0.04% -0.03% Tangible common equity ratio exc. PPP loans (non-GAAP) 9.06% 8.74% 8.35% 8.19% 7.89%

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Tangible Book Value 43 $ in thousands (except share data) 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual shareholders' equity (GAAP) 665,652$ 711,651$ 1,036,818$ 1,232,883$ Intangibles 304,330 297,330 474,682 494,608 Actual tangible shareholders' equity (non-GAAP) 361,322$ 414,321$ 562,136$ 738,275$ Tangible Book Value Shares Outstanding 31,387,668 31,545,145 40,293,291 44,332,273 Book Value (GAAP) 21.21$ 22.56$ 25.73$ 27.81$ Tangible Book Value (non-GAAP) 11.51$ 13.13$ 13.95$ 16.65$ $ in thousands (except share data) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual shareholders' equity (GAAP) 1,514,983$ 2,043,913$ 2,125,689$ 2,132,733$ 2,209,853$ Intangibles 635,556 977,793 976,943 969,823 963,781 Actual tangible shareholders' equity (non-GAAP) 879,427$ 1,066,120$ 1,148,746$ 1,162,910$ 1,246,072$ Tangible Book Value Shares Outstanding 49,321,231 58,546,480 56,855,002 56,200,487 55,756,233 Book Value (GAAP) 30.72$ 34.91$ 37.39$ 37.95$ 39.63$ Tangible Book Value (non-GAAP) 17.83$ 18.21$ 20.20$ 20.69$ 22.35$

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Asset Quality Ratios excluding PPP loans 44 $ in thousands Q4 2020 1Q 2021 2Q 2021 3Q 2021 4Q 2021 Total loans (GAAP) 10,933,647$ 10,688,408$ 10,149,242$ 10,016,824$ 10,020,914$ Less: PPP loans 1,128,703 860,864 246,931 67,462 58,391 Adjusted total loans (non-GAAP) 9,804,944$ 9,827,544$ 9,902,311$ 9,949,362$ 9,962,523$ Loans 30-89 Days Past Due 26,286 21,801 15,077 14,806 27,604 Loans 30-89 Days Past Due / Total Loans 0.24% 0.20% 0.15% 0.15% 0.28% Loans 30-89 Days Past Due / Total Loans excluding PPP loans (non-GAAP) 0.27% 0.22% 0.15% 0.15% 0.28% Classified Loans 236,062 229,244 206,724 187,223 160,790 Classified Loans / Total Loans 2.16% 2.14% 2.04% 1.87% 1.60% Classified Loans / Total Loans excluding PPP loans (non-GAAP) 2.41% 2.33% 2.09% 1.88% 1.61% Nonperforming Loans 55,470 56,105 56,536 56,740 50,805 Nonperforming Loans / Total Loans 0.51% 0.52% 0.56% 0.57% 0.51% Nonperforming Loans / Total Loans excluding PPP loans (non-GAAP) 0.57% 0.57% 0.57% 0.57% 0.51% Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans 176,144 173,106 172,354 170,038 164,171 ACL / Total Loans 1.61% 1.62% 1.70% 1.70% 1.64% ACL / Total Loans excluding PPP loans (non-GAAP) 1.80% 1.76% 1.74% 1.71% 1.65%

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Disclosures Asset Quality Ratios excluding PPP loans, continued 45 $ in thousands Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 Total average loans (GAAP) 11,019,505$ 10,802,991$ 10,478,121$ 10,017,742$ 9,948,610$ Less: Average PPP loans 1,252,990 985,561 628,462 126,870 62,726 Adjusted total average loans (non-GAAP) 9,766,515$ 9,817,430$ 9,849,659$ 9,890,872$ 9,885,884$ Total assets (GAAP) 14,929,612$ 15,622,571$ 16,022,386$ 16,155,550$ 16,810,311$ Less: PPP loans 1,128,703 860,864 246,931 67,462 58,391 Adjusted total assets (non-GAAP) 13,800,909$ 14,761,707$ 15,775,455$ 16,088,088$ 16,751,920$ Nonperforming Assets 61,442 62,076 61,475 61,445 53,345 Nonperforming Assets / Total Assets 0.41% 0.40% 0.38% 0.38% 0.32% Nonperforming Assets / Total Assets excluding PPP loans (non-GAAP) 0.45% 0.42% 0.39% 0.38% 0.32% Net charge-offs 954 3,038 752 1,116 5,367 Annualized Net charge-offs / Average Loans 0.03% 0.11% 0.03% 0.04% 0.21% Annualized Net charge-offs / Average Loans excluding PPP loans (non-GAAP) 0.04% 0.13% 0.03% 0.04% 0.22%

投资者查询46 C.米切尔·韦卡斯特总裁兼首席执行官凯文·D·查普曼高级执行副总裁兼首席运营官詹姆斯·C·马布里四世高级执行副总裁兼首席财务官