根據1934年《證券交易所法》第13或15(d)條提交的年度報告 |
根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)條提交的過渡期過渡報告 到 |
(州或其他司法管轄區 成立或組織) |
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(主要行政辦公室地址) |
(Zip代碼) |
每個班級的標題 |
交易 符號 |
註冊的每個交易所的名稱 |
根據該法第12(g)條登記的證券: 沒有一
如果註冊人是《證券法》第405條所定義的知名經驗豐富的發行人,則通過複選標記進行驗證。 是 ☐
如果註冊人無需根據該法案第13或15(d)條提交報告,則通過勾選標記進行驗證。 是 ☐
大型加速文件夾 |
☐ |
加速編報公司 |
☐ |
☒ |
小型上市公司 |
新興成長型公司 |
通過勾選標記檢查登記人是否已提交報告並證明其管理層根據《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》(15 U.S.C.)第404(b)條對其財務報告內部控制有效性的評估7262(b))由編制或發佈審計報告的註冊會計師事務所執行。
通過勾選標記檢查註冊人是否是空殼公司(定義見《交易法》第120亿.2條)。 是 ☐ 不是
頁面 |
第一部分 |
項目1. |
3 |
項目1A. |
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項目10。 |
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項目1C. |
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項目2. |
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項目3. |
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項目4. |
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第二部分 |
項目5. |
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項目6. |
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項目7. |
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項目7A. |
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項目8. |
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項目9. |
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項目9A. |
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項目90。 |
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項目9 C. |
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第三部分 |
項目10. |
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項目11. |
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項目12. |
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項目13. |
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項目14. |
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第四部分 |
項目15. |
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項目16. |
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本報告包含符合1933年《證券法》(下稱《證券法》)第27A條和1934年《證券交易法》(下稱《交易法》)第21E條的前瞻性表述,涉及受《證券法》和《交易法》規定的安全港約束的未來事件和未來結果。除有關歷史事實的陳述外,本報告中包含的所有陳述,包括有關我們未來經營結果和財務狀況、我們的業務戰略和計劃以及我們未來經營目標的陳述,均爲前瞻性陳述。「相信」、「可能」、「將」、「估計」、「繼續」、「預期」、「目標」、「計劃」、「打算」、「預期」、「尋求」以及類似的表達方式旨在識別前瞻性陳述。我們的這些前瞻性陳述主要是基於我們目前對未來事件和趨勢的預期和預測。這些前瞻性聲明會受到大量風險、不確定因素和假設的影響,包括我們的虧損歷史和銷售有限;我們的計劃未完全開發和商業化,或者此類計劃出現重大延遲的風險;我們有限的運營歷史;我們旨在發展業務的戰略計劃可能不會成功或成本可能比我們目前預期的更高;如果我們的產品未被選擇包括在輔助駕駛系統(「ADA」)或自動駕駛系統(「AD」)、工業自動化、消費設備和安全應用的開發計劃中,或未被客戶採用;從設計成功到實施的漫長時間,以及合同取消或推遲或不成功實施的風險;我們對某些財務指標的前瞻性估計,包括但不限於訂單,可能被證明是不準確的;我們可能無法有效管理我們的供應鏈的風險;AEVA產品的複雜性可能導致因硬件或軟件中未發現的缺陷、錯誤或可靠性問題而導致無法預見的延遲或費用,這可能會減少新產品的市場採用率,損害我們在當前或潛在客戶中的聲譽,使AEVA面臨產品責任和其他索賠,並對我們的運營成本產生不利影響;持續的定價壓力、汽車原始設備製造商(OEM)的成本削減舉措以及汽車原始設備製造商重新採購或取消車輛或技術計劃的能力;AEVA預計將產生巨額研發成本,並投入大量資源來發現新產品並將其商業化;LiDAR(包括AEVA的4D LiDAR技術)的市場採用情況不確定;AEVA向外包製造業務模式的過渡可能不會成功;AEVA可能受到產品責任或保修索賠的影響,這可能導致重大的直接或間接成本;AEVA高度依賴其兩位創始人Soroush Salehian Dardashti和Mina Rezk的服務;AEVA可能受到以下因素的影響:我們的信息技術和通信系統中斷或故障,我們的操作系統、安全系統、基礎設施、LiDAR解決方案中的集成軟件面臨的網絡安全風險,以及「第一部分,第1A項」中描述的風險。風險因素“,以及本報告的其他部分。此外,我們的運營環境競爭激烈,變化迅速。新的風險時有出現。我們的管理層不可能預測所有風險,也不能評估所有因素對我們業務的影響,或任何因素或因素組合可能導致實際結果與我們可能做出的任何前瞻性陳述中包含的結果大不相同的程度。鑑於這些風險、不確定性和假設,本報告討論的未來事件和趨勢可能不會發生,實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中預期或暗示的結果大不相同。
You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. The events and circumstances reflected in the forward-looking statements may not be achieved or occur. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements. We are under no duty to update any of these forward-looking statements after the date of this report or to conform these statements to actual results or revised expectations.
As used in this report, the terms “Aeva,” “we,” “us,” “our,” and “the Company” mean Aeva Technologies, Inc. and its subsidiaries unless the context indicates otherwise.
Item 1. Business.
Our vision is to bring perception to broad applications. Through our Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (“FMCW”) sensing technology, we believe we are introducing the world’s first 4D LiDAR-on-chip that, along with our proprietary software applications, have the potential to enable the adoption of LiDAR across broad applications.
Founded in 2017 by former Apple engineers Soroush Salehian and Mina Rezk and led by a multidisciplinary team of engineers and operators experienced in the field of sensing and perception, Aeva’s mission is to bring the next wave of perception technology to broad applications from automated driving to industrial automation, consumer device applications, and security. Our 4D LiDAR-on-chip combines silicon photonics technology that is proven in the telecom industry with precise instant velocity measurements and long-range performance for commercialization.
Unlike legacy 3D LiDAR, which relies on Time-of-Flight (“ToF”) technology and measures only depth and reflectivity, Aeva’s solution leverages a proprietary FMCW technology to measure velocity in addition to depth, reflectivity and inertial motion. We believe the ability of Aeva’s solution to measure instant velocity for every pixel is a major advantage over ToF-based sensing solutions. Furthermore, Aeva’s technology is free from interference from other LiDAR or, the beams and sunlight, and our core innovations within FMCW are intended to enable vehicles to see at significantly higher distances of up to 500 meters.
We believe the advantages of our 4D LiDAR-on-chip allow us to provide the first LiDAR solution that is fully integrated onto a chip with superior performance at scale, with the potential to enable higher level of automation for vehicles and the potential to drive new categories of perception across industrial automation, consumer device applications, and security markets.
Technology Overview
With the world’s first LiDAR that is integrated onto a silicon photonics chip module, Aeva’s proprietary FMCW technology combines instant velocity measurement for each pixel, superior long-range performance, immunity from any LiDAR or sunlight interference, at low optical power.
Aeva’s 4D LiDAR Technology
Our 4D LiDAR technology is based on an approach that is fundamentally different from 3D ToF technology and traditional FMCW LiDAR technologies. Our technology differentiation is rooted in Aeva’s:
Aeva’s Proprietary FMCW Design
Unlike legacy 3D LiDAR, which relies on ToF technology to transmit high power pulses of light to measure an object’s range, Aeva’s 4D LiDAR uses a continuous, low power laser beam to measure the change in frequency of the waveform as it reflects off an object. This allows our 4D LiDAR to detect the instant velocity of every point with centimeters per second precision and measure range at distances up to 500 meters.
Aeva’s 4D LiDAR is also free of interference from other LiDAR or sunlight and operates at fractions of the optical power that is typically required to achieve long range performance in 3D ToF systems.
We believe that Aeva’s proprietary 4D LiDAR technology approach addresses some of the critical hurdles that have previously slowed the broad adoption of automotive LiDAR that is based on legacy 3D ToF technology:
Integration on silicon photonics enables compact form factor |
Integrating the key optical components of a LiDAR onto one small silicon photonics module allows for a compact form factor for volume scale. |
Free of interference |
By carrying a unique signature for each beam, our 4D LiDAR can block any source of power that does not carry the unique signature, rendering it free of interference from other LiDAR or sunlight. |
High sensitivity |
Aeva’s 4D LiDAR is highly sensitive, which allows for long range performance up to 500 meters. |
High dynamic range |
Aeva’s 4D LiDAR is not prone to noise effects observed in ToF technologies when measuring highly reflective objects such as traffic signs on the road. |
Higher sensitivity in inclement weather |
Aeva’s 4D LiDAR has the potential to perform better in inclement weather by taking advantage of the continuous transmission of laser beams as opposed to short pulses in ToF LiDARs. |
Instantaneous measurement of velocity |
Aeva’s 4D LiDAR can directly measure the instantaneous velocity of every pixel by measuring the Doppler effects caused by the dynamic motion of objects. |
Laser Safety |
Due to a low power continuous beam, Aeva’s 4D LiDAR has better laser safety margins by design compared to ToF LiDAR approaches that require high power laser pulses. |
Aeva’s technology also differs from other FMCW LiDAR technologies across multiple areas:
Integrated Silicon Photonics Technology
Built on existing silicon CMOS and III-V technologies and semiconductor manufacturing processes, our solution measures depth, reflectivity and velocity for every pixel.
我們相信,我們在集成光電子領域的技術有潛力使片上4D LiDART應用於廣泛的應用:
Aeva的複雜數字信號處理(「DSP」)算法旨在處理返回的光信號,使我們的4D LiDART能夠在所有可檢測目標上實現卓越的性能。這些DSP算法的結果是每個像素的4D數據(3D位置爲{x,y,z}加上瞬時速度)的高保真點雲。
Aeva ASIC的DSP算法定製設計是多年來對現實世界道路數據進行廣泛開發和驗證的結果,跨越了各種道路類型、地理和環境條件。Aeva專有的DSP算法旨在提供以下優勢:
通過Aeva的每像素瞬時速度測量,查找車輛、行人和自行車等移動物體的複雜任務不僅變得簡單、精確,而且速度很快。傳統的3D LiDART系統需要對多個樣本進行累積測量以確定物體是否在移動,而Aeva的每像素瞬時速度測量允許在單個樣本上執行檢測移動物體的任務,從而減少反應時間並提高系統的整體安全性。
我們相信,我們的產品可以增強我們的檢測能力,使用4D LiDART的即時速度數據跟蹤和分類動態檢測到的物體。
通過速度的瞬時測量,Aeva的4D LiDART可以對車輛定位和動態特性(例如速度、加速度和轉彎率)產生高質量的估計。儘管如今可以通過昂貴的硬件解決方案(例如基於光纖的陀螺儀和高精度慣性運動傳感器)來獲得高質量的車輛狀態估計,但Aeva的4D LiDART作爲邊緣設備可以在不使用任何額外硬件的情況下提供高質量和精確的估計,從而進一步降低此類額外硬件的要求和成本。這些高質量的估計可用於生成環境的高保真3D地圖,並向車輛計算機通報車輛的當前動態狀態。
Ground Segmentation and Lane Detection
With Aeva’s precise static pixel measurement, the task of estimating where the ground lies in front of the vehicle to determine drivable regions is straightforward. This information can be used by the vehicle to determine drivable regions and lane markings on the road.
Our solutions and products
We provide perception solutions that enable our customers to see the world around them more clearly and in new ways. We believe that our products, based on Aeva’s proprietary 4D LiDAR technology have the potential to enable a diverse set of perception applications.
We have the following product offerings for different market applications:
Our solutions are generally expected to be incorporated into final products, such as automobiles, industrial equipment and consumer devices. We expect that, after a rigorous, multi-year product design and engineering validation process, customers would select our solutions to be designed into specific final product models, and our solutions would be sold at agreed rates per unit for the lifetime of the customer’s product programs.
Within the automotive sector, we expect our 4D LiDAR solution to be integrated into the vehicle as part of the vehicle integration and production processes to provide perception sensing capability as part of the vehicle’s overall autonomous driving stack. We expect our 4D LiDAR solutions to be compatible for integration into passenger vehicles, trucks and new mobility vehicle platforms, and we are engaged with customers in each of these categories for the potential integration of our solutions into such vehicle platforms.
Within industrial applications, we expect our 4D LiDAR solution would be incorporated as part of an industrial automation platform solution (such as industrial metrology products or cargo moving robots used for factory automation). Within security applications, we expect our 4D LiDAR solution would be incorporated as part of security monitoring systems that may use other sensing and computer electronics systems. We expect to leverage the synergies of our supply chain and manufacturing counterparties within automotive applications to sell our solutions directly to industrial automation companies that develop manufacturing automation solutions for other industrial companies and to manufacture and distribute our products using our existing manufacturing counterparties.
We believe that our innovative products can improve safety, reduce development effort of perception software and reduce costs of automated driving systems. In addition, we believe that our solutions have the potential to address perception problems across a broad set of market applications, including the automotive, consumer devices, industrial automation, and security markets.
The automotive industry is undergoing a transformative change towards advanced levels of automation in driver assistance systems and autonomy that is driven by fundamental shifts in consumer behavior as well as an industry response to environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) initiatives. Rising safety and security concerns, increasing demand for a more reliable transportation system, and transition from car ownership to “Mobility as a Service”, are expected to also increase the demand for advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles.
Advanced driver-assistance systems — Level 1 and Level 2
Passenger cars. Growth in population, urbanization, and rising disposable income have driven higher demand for passenger cars. The autonomous passenger car industry is expected to see steady growth as consumer behavior continues to evolve. Currently, Level 1 passenger vehicles still account for a majority of the global autonomous passenger vehicles market, but automotive OEMs are collaborating with technology providers to provide Level 2 ADAS systems for passenger cars.
Autonomous driving — Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5
Autonomous trucking. The autonomous trucking industry is expected to grow, with North America currently the largest market, and other geographies such as Europe and Asia still in the early stages of adoption. Growing demand from the logistics and construction sectors and growth from other industrial sectors have contributed to the expansion of the autonomous trucking industry. Additionally, more stringent government rules and safety considerations have also generated demand for automated driving technology in this sector. Many truck OEMs are partnering with AD technology manufacturing companies to produce autonomous truck systems. Suppliers of top truck OEMs have also collaborated with several technology companies to develop autonomous systems.
We believe the autonomous trucking industry has the potential to rely heavily on high performance long range LiDAR sensing solutions for the detection of objects at long distance in order to provide safe braking distance and otherwise achieve safe automated driving functionality on the highway. We believe Aeva 4D LiDAR’s long range and fast detection capability can position us to provide attractive solutions for this market.
Passenger cars. We expect the transition to Level 3, Level 4 and eventually Level 5 vehicles to be a significant factor for the growth of LiDAR technology and our solutions. Autonomous passenger cars depend on several types of automotive sensors such as camera, radar, and LiDARs, along with comprehensive software technology solutions to provide automated driving function such as highway automation and urban self-driving functionality. We believe automotive OEMs and Tier 1s will continue to partner with the most advanced technology companies to implement the best sensing perception systems that enable safe automated driving function at production scale.
New mobility. Over the past several years, a number of emerging mobility and technology players have entered into the autonomous driving market with a vision to develop fully autonomous vehicles. This segment has
experienced substantial investments in research and development in anticipation of the roll-out of driverless mobility services to consumers. Some players have focused their research and development efforts on developing Level 4 and Level 5 robo-taxis for the delivery of people and goods. Additionally, autonomous technology providers collaborate with automotive OEMs and Tier 1 component providers to develop autonomous vehicles.
Industrial automation
As manually intensive tasks become more automated, we believe the opportunity for our sensing solutions in industrial workplaces has the potential to expand. Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology has the potential to offer robots, industrial metrology machines and other automation equipment a way to perceive their surroundings in a more clear, accurate and cost-effective manner.
The growth of automation poses numerous benefits for industrial applications, including increased efficiency, lower labor costs, and enabling workers to allocate their time to more productive tasks. We believe that some of the same benefits that our 4D LiDAR technology provides for automotive safety applications are beneficial for increasing safety and improving production efficiencies in industrial manufacturing and factory automation environments.
Given the emerging nature of the automated driving industry and other industries where LiDAR solutions are applicable, there are a number of companies developing LiDAR technologies for automotive, industrial and other applications, including companies developing ToF LiDAR solutions and other FMCW LiDAR solutions that may be similar to ours. In addition, certain automotive players may have their own internal LiDAR development programs. We believe a significant portion of these other companies are developing legacy 3D LiDAR systems, all of which utilize some variant of ToF technology architectures which we believe have certain limitations in performance, or require high power or are high cost.
There may be new companies that are independently developing FMCW LiDAR solutions that may be similar to ours. However, we believe that our innovative product design, substantial real world collected road data, intellectual property portfolio together with a strong engineering and operations team provide us with certain advantages.
Contracts and Customers
Thus far, we have generally entered into strategic partnership agreements, development agreements and similar agreements with customers in automotive and industrial markets. Pursuant to these agreements, we have sold or otherwise provided product prototypes and non-recurring engineering services for the purpose of research and development and testing of our customers’ development programs. Since our inception, these types of arrangements have accounted for nearly all of our revenues. However, there can be no assurance that any of our customers’ development programs will ever be developed and commercialized, and even if they are, there can be no assurance that we will receive production purchase orders from our customers.
Intellectual Property
Our success and competitive advantage depends in part upon our ability to develop and protect our core technology and intellectual property. We own a growing portfolio of intellectual property, confidential technical information, and expertise in the development of LiDAR technology, coherent sensing, integrated silicon photonics, algorithms and software.
We have filed patent and trademark applications in order to further secure these rights and strengthen our ability to defend against third parties who may infringe on our rights. The applications cover a broad range of system level and component level aspects of LiDAR technology.
As of December 31, 2024, we had approximately 245 issued patents and 155 pending patent applications worldwide. In addition, we have a number of issued and pending trademarks applications. Our patent applications cover a broad range of system level hardware and component level aspects of our key technologies including, among other things, FMCW LiDAR system, integrated photonics, laser solutions and perception software technology.
We also rely on trade secrets, experiences, design and manufacturing know-how, continuing technological innovations, and licensing and exclusivity opportunities to maintain and improve our competitive position. Additionally, we protect our proprietary rights through agreements with our commercial partners, supply-chain vendors, employees and consultants, as well as close monitoring of the developments and products in the industry.
Manufacturing Process
Since inception, we have entered into arrangements with third-party manufacturers to develop and manufacture our products for our customers’ development programs. We intend to continue to rely on third-party manufacturers, to commercialize our products for automotive grade production.
We have entered into development agreements, memorandums of understanding and similar agreements with third-party manufacturers that typically include collaborations to develop, assemble, test and distribute our automotive grade 4D LiDAR system to OEMs and automotive customers for their vehicle programs. We intend to utilize our production counterparties’ capabilities for the final assembly and test of our products and to produce our products at global manufacturing plants to provide our 4D LiDAR system, including our 4D LiDAR-on-chip, to our customers.
Research and Development
The markets in which Aeva competes are new and rapidly evolving across hardware and software applications. We invest significant resources into ongoing research and development programs because we believe our ability to grow our market position depends, in part, on innovative technologies that offer a unique value proposition for our customers and differentiation from our competitors.
Our research and development activities occur primarily in the United States and India. Our research and development team is responsible for developing our 4D LiDAR technology, creating new technologies and expanding our LiDAR and perception software solutions’ functionality. The team also designs our 4D LiDAR products, ensures these products are designed for manufacturability and conducts required validation and verification activities. The research and development team also partners with our operations and supply chain teams with the goal of developing scalable commercial and reliable manufacturing processes and direct production material procurement and distribution. Our team consists of engineers, technicians, scientists, operators and professionals with experience from a wide variety of the world’s leading sensing, engineering, consumer electronics and automotive organizations.
Sales and Marketing
We take an insight-driven, account-based marketing approach to build and expand our relationships with customers and commercial counterparties. We collect feedback directly from our commercial counterparties to garner insights that help drive our business and products forward.
Government Regulation
As the cars that carry our sensors go into production, we will be subject to existing stringent requirements under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, or the Vehicle Safety Act, including a duty to report, subject to strict timing requirements, safety defects with our products. The Vehicle Safety Act imposes potentially significant civil penalties for violations including the failure to comply with such reporting requirements. We are also subject to the existing U.S. Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation Act, or TREAD, which requires equipment manufacturers, such as us, to comply with “Early Warning”
requirements by reporting certain information to the NHTSA, such as information related to defects or reports of injury related to our products. TREAD imposes criminal liability for violating such requirements if a defect subsequently causes death or bodily injury. In addition, the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act authorizes NHTSA to require a manufacturer to recall and repair vehicles that contain safety defects or fail to comply with U.S. federal motor vehicle safety standards. Sales into foreign countries may be subject to similar regulations. As the development of federal and state regulation of autonomous machines and vehicles continues to evolve, we may be subject to additional regulatory schemes.
As a LiDAR technology company, we are subject to the Electronic Product Radiation Control Provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and related FDA regulations. These requirements are enforced by the FDA. Electronic product radiation includes laser technology. Regulations governing these products are intended to protect individuals from hazardous or unnecessary exposure. Manufacturers are required to certify in product labeling and reports to the FDA that their products comply with applicable performance standards as well as maintain manufacturing, testing, and distribution records for their products.
Like all companies operating in similar industries, we are subject to environmental regulation, including water use; air emissions; use of recycled materials; energy sources; the storage, handling, treatment, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials; and the remediation of environmental contamination. Compliance with these rules may include permits, licenses and inspections of our facilities and products.
Our corporate headquarters is located in Mountain View, California, where we lease two buildings with approximately 28,000 and 30,000 of square feet, respectively, pursuant to lease that expires in June 2026 and July 2025, respectively. Our headquarters contains engineering, research and development, assembly and administrative functions. Additionally, we lease approximately 96,000 square feet located in Milpitas, California for our testing facility. This lease expires in April 2026. We believe that our facilities are adequate for our current needs and, should we need additional space, we believe we will be able to obtain additional space on commercially reasonable terms.
Legal Proceedings
From time to time, Aeva may be involved in actions, claims, suits and other proceedings in the ordinary course of business, including assertions by third parties relating to intellectual property infringement, breaches of contract or warranties or employment-related matters. When it is both probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated, we record a liability for such loss contingencies. Our estimates regarding potential losses and materiality are based on our judgment and assessment of the claims utilizing currently available information. Although we will continue to reassess our reserves and estimates based on future developments, our objective assessment of the legal merits of any such claims may not always be predictive of the outcome and actual results may vary from our current estimates.
On March 7, 2024, a putative class action lawsuit was filed in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware against InterPrivate Acquisition Management LLC, InterPrivate LLC, and former directors and officers of IPV. The lawsuit was captioned Louis Smith v. Ahmed M. Fattouh, et al., No. 2024-0221 (Del. Ch.), and later as No. 1:24-cv-00484 (D. Del.) following its removal to federal court. On June 3, 2024, a second putative class action lawsuit was filed in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware against IPV and Soroush Salehian and Mina Rezk (collectively, the “Delaware Stockholder Litigation”). The lawsuit is captioned Todd Katz v. Ahmed M. Fattouh et al., No. 2024-0598 (Del. Ch.). Among other remedies, the complaints seek damages and attorneys’ fees and costs. In connection with the Business Combination (as defined in Note 1 to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report), we agreed to assume certain indemnification obligations to IPV’s former directors and officers.
On July 2, 2024, the Company and the parties to the Delaware Stockholder Litigation entered into a term sheet, and on December 6, 2024 entered into a formal settlement agreement, which is subject to court approval, to fully and finally resolve the Delaware Stockholder Litigation. In connection with the settlement, we have agreed to pay a total settlement cost of $14.0 million in exchange for a release of all claims related to the Business
Combination and expect to recover $2.5 million from an insurance carrier. The settlement is being paid pursuant to our indemnification obligations and from available director and officer insurance policies.
As of December 31, 2024, we have accrued a contingent liability of $14.0 million in other current liabilities on the accompanying balance sheets included in our consolidated financial statements elsewhere in this report in connection with the settlement of the Delaware Stockholder Litigation, and a $2.5 million insurance recovery in other current assets on the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. We have also incurred legal expenses in connection with the Delaware Stockholder Litigation, which have been expensed as incurred and are included in general and administrative expenses in the statements of operations and comprehensive loss included in our consolidated financial statements elsewhere in this report.
Human Capital
Our employees are critical to our success. As of December 31, 2024, we had 276 full-time employees based primarily in Mountain View, California. We also engage numerous consultants and contractors to supplement our permanent workforce. A majority of our employees are engaged in research and development and related functions. To date, we have not experienced any work stoppages and consider our relationship with our employees to be in good standing. None of our employees are subject to a collective bargaining agreement or represented by a labor union.
We recognize that attracting, hiring, motivating, and retaining diverse talent at all levels is vital to continuing our success. The principal purposes of our equity and cash incentive plans are to attract, retain and reward personnel through the granting of stock-based and cash-based compensation awards in order to increase stockholder value and the success of our Company by motivating such individuals to perform the best of their abilities and achieve our objectives. We believe that compensation should not only be competitive, it should be equitable and should enable employees to share in the Company’s success as stockholders of the Company. By continuing to foster an engaging work environment and focus on continued improvements to employee retention, we improve our ability to support and protect Aeva’s long-term interests. The Company recognizes our people are most likely to thrive when they have the resources to meet their needs and the time and support to succeed in their professional and personal lives.
Corporate Information
Our principal offices are located at 555 Ellis Street, Mountain View, CA 94043, and our telephone number is (650) 481-7070. Aeva is our registered trademark in the United States and in various international jurisdictions. Aeva, the Aeva logo and all of our product names appearing in this report are our trademarks. Other trademarks appearing in this report are the property of their respective holders.
Available Information
We make our Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, and amendments to those reports, available free of charge at our website as soon as reasonably practicable after they have been filed with the SEC. Our website address is https://www.aeva.com. The information contained on, or that can be accessed through, our website is not part of this report. The SEC maintains a website that contains the materials we file with the SEC at www.sec.gov.
Item 1A. Risk Factors.
Our operating and financial results are subject to various risks and uncertainties. You should carefully consider the following risk factors, which could materially affect our business, financial condition or results of operations in future periods. These risks are not the only risks we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently deem to be immaterial also may materially adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operations in future periods.
Summary of Principal Risk Factors
Our business is subject to numerous material and other risks that you should be aware of before making an investment decision. These risks include, among others:
Risks Related to Aeva’s Business and Industry
We are an early stage company, with a history of losses, and have primarily sold or otherwise provided prototypes and non-recurring engineering services to customers for the purpose of R&D and testing of such customers’ development programs. If such programs are not fully developed and commercialized, or if such programs experience significant delays, Aeva’s business, financial condition and results of operations will be materially adversely affected and Aeva may never achieve or sustain profitability.
We have incurred net losses on an annual basis since inception. Aeva incurred a net loss of $152.3 million, $149.3 million, and $147.3 million for the years ended December 31, 2024, 2023 and 2022, respectively. To date, Aeva has primarily sold or otherwise provided prototypes and non-recurring engineering services and has made immaterial commercial deliveries. We believe that we will continue to incur operating and net losses each quarter until at least the time we begin broad-based commercial deliveries of our products, which are not expected to occur in 2025 and may not occur at all. Even if we are able to successfully develop and sell our products, there can be no assurance that they will be commercially successful. Aeva’s potential profitability is dependent upon the successful development and successful commercial introduction and acceptance of our products, which may not occur. Because Aeva will incur the costs and expenses of developing and commercializing our products before we receive any significant revenues with respect thereto, Aeva’s losses in future periods may be significant. Aeva may never achieve or sustain profitability.
We expect the rate at which we will incur losses to fluctuate significantly in future periods as we:
Aeva’s success in developing and commercializing our products depends in large part on our customers’ success in developing and commercializing their own products that utilize Aeva’s products and services. There can be no guarantee that Aeva’s customers will be able to fully develop and commercialize products that utilize Aeva’s products or that such customers will continue to utilize Aeva’s products. Such customers’ development programs may not ever be developed and commercialized or such programs may be delayed. If such customers’ development programs are not fully developed and commercialized, experience delays or otherwise do not incorporate Aeva’s products, Aeva’s business, financial condition and results of operations will be materially adversely affected.
Aeva’s limited operating history makes it difficult to evaluate our future prospects and the risks and challenges we may encounter.
We began operations in 2017 and have not yet fully developed and commercialized any of our products. This relatively limited operating history makes it difficult to evaluate Aeva’s future prospects and the risks and challenges we may encounter. Risks and challenges we have faced or expect to face include our ability to:
If we fail to address the risks and difficulties that Aeva faces, including those associated with the challenges listed above as well as those described elsewhere in this “Risk Factors” section, Aeva’s business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected. Further, because Aeva has limited historical financial data and operates in a rapidly evolving market, any predictions about Aeva’s future revenue and expenses may not be as accurate as they would be if we had a longer operating history or operated in a more predictable market. Aeva has encountered in the past, and will encounter in the future, risks and uncertainties frequently experienced by growing companies with limited operating histories in rapidly changing industries. If our assumptions regarding these risks and uncertainties, which we use to plan and operate our business, are incorrect or change, or if we do not address these risks successfully, Aeva’s results of operations could differ materially from our expectations and Aeva’s business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected.
Our strategic initiatives designed to grow the business may not be successful or may prove more costly than we currently anticipate.
We continue to make investments and implement initiatives designed to grow Aeva’s business, including:
These initiatives may prove more expensive than we currently anticipate, and we may not succeed in increasing our revenue, if at all, in an amount sufficient to offset these higher expenses and to achieve and maintain profitability. The market opportunities we are pursuing are at an early stage of development, and it may be many years before the end markets we expect to serve generate demand for our products at scale, if at all. Our ability to generate revenue may be adversely affected for a number of reasons, including the development and/or market acceptance of new technology that competes with Aeva’s products, failure of our customers to develop and commercialize the programs that include Aeva’s products or technology, our inability to effectively manage inventory or manufacture products at scale, our inability to enter new markets or help our customers adapt Aeva’s products for new applications or our failure to attract new customers or expand orders from existing customers or increasing competition. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict the size and growth rate of our target markets, customer demand for Aeva’s products, commercialization timelines, developments in autonomous sensing and related technology, the entry of competitive products, or the success of existing competitive products and services. For these reasons, we do not expect to achieve profitability in the near term. If Aeva’s revenue does not grow over the long term, our ability to achieve and maintain profitability will be adversely affected, and the value of Aeva's business may significantly decrease.
Our ability to effectively manage our anticipated growth and expansion of operations will also require us to continue to enhance Aeva’s operational, financial and management controls and infrastructure, human resources
policies and reporting systems. These continued enhancements and improvements will require significant capital expenditures, investments in additional headcount and other operating expenditures and allocation of valuable management and employee resources. Aeva’s future financial performance and ability to execute on our business plan will depend, in part, on our ability to effectively manage any future growth and expansion. There are no guarantees Aeva will be able to do so in an efficient or timely manner, or at all.
If Aeva’s products are not selected for inclusion in development programs for ADAS or autonomous driving systems (“AD”), or are not adopted by customers, Aeva’s business will be materially and adversely affected.
We are currently developing products for use in our customers’ development programs, which are in varying stages of development. In many cases, Aeva’s customers and their suppliers are designing and developing these programs and the related technology over several years. Many of these programs, including development programs for ADAS, automotive OEMs, automotive tier 1 companies, mobility or technology or industrial companies or their respective suppliers, require extensive testing or qualification processes prior to the customer placing orders for large quantities of products such as Aeva’s, because such products will function as part of a larger system or platform and must meet certain other specifications. The selection of Aeva’s products for a development program is referred to by us as a "design win." We spend significant time and resources to have Aeva’s products considered for these programs, and there is no guarantee that these efforts will result in a design win. In the case of AD and ADAS technology, a design win may mean Aeva’s product has been selected for use in a particular vehicle model. If we do not achieve a design win with respect to a particular vehicle model, we may not have an opportunity to supply Aeva’s products to the automotive OEM for that vehicle model for a period of time. In many cases, this period can be as long as five to seven years, or more. If we fail to win a significant number of vehicle models from one or more automotive OEMs or their suppliers, Aeva’s business, results of operations and financial condition will be materially and adversely affected. If our products are not selected for a particular program or if our products are not successful in such program, it is unlikely that Aeva’s products will be deployed in other programs of that customer.
Our growth depends on successfully developing and commercializing Aeva’s products and services. We currently provide prototypes and non-recurring engineering services to customers for purposes of R&D and have not yet commercialized our products or services in a material amount. We may never be able to commercialize our products or may be delayed in doing so. In addition, the successful commercialization of Aeva’s products depends in part on our collaborators successfully developing and commercializing their own development programs, and such programs may not ultimately be developed or commercialized.
The period of time from a design win to implementation is long, potentially spanning several years, and we are subject to the risks of cancellation or postponement of the contract or unsuccessful implementation.
Prospective customers, including those in the automotive industry, generally must make significant commitments of resources to test and validate Aeva’s products and confirm that they can integrate with other technologies before including them in any particular system, product or application. None of our customers make contractual commitments to use our products at volume or at all until all test and validation activities have been completed, they have finalized plans for integrating our systems, have a positive expectation of the market demand for our features, and unrelated to us, have determined that vehicle is ready for market and there is appropriate consumer demand. We expect that only after this point will our customers place definitive volume production orders with us. As of the date of this report, none of our customers have completed their on-going testing and validation or entered into definitive volume production agreements with us and there is no assurance or guarantee that any of our customers, including any for which we have announced a "design win", will ever complete such testing and validation or enter into a definitive volume production agreement with us, or that we will receive any revenues in connection with such win.
The development cycles of our products with new customers vary widely depending on the application, market, customer and the complexity of the product. In the automotive market, for example, this development cycle can be as long as seven or more years. The development cycle in certain other markets can be several months to a few years. These development cycles result in us investing our resources prior to realizing any revenue from the commercialization or obtaining any firm commitments of pricing, volume or timing of purchases of our products by our customers. Further, we are subject to the risk that customers cancel or postpone implementation of our technology, as well as that customers will not be able to integrate our technology successfully into a larger system
with other sensing modalities. Additionally, our revenue could be materially less than forecasted if the system, product or vehicle model that includes our LiDAR products is unsuccessful, including for reasons unrelated to our technology. Long development cycles and product cancellations or postponements may adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition. Thus, even if we have been successful in obtaining major commercial wins, long development cycles and product cancellations or postponements and failures to successfully integrate our technology may materially and adversely affect Aeva’s business, results of operations and financial condition.
Our forward-looking estimates of certain financial metrics may prove inaccurate.
We use various estimates in formulating our business plans. We base our estimates upon a number of assumptions that are inherently subject to significant business and economic uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. Specifically, we use “Order Book” as a metric to measure performance against anticipated achievement of planned key milestones of our business.
We define “Order Book” as the forward-looking cumulative billings estimate of Aeva’s products over the estimated lifetime of given production programs which we expect to be integrated into or provided for, based primarily on projected pricing terms and our good faith estimates of “take rate” of Aeva’s technology on production programs. “Take rates” are the anticipated percentage of new vehicles or products to be equipped with Aeva’s technology based on Aeva’s projected product offerings and growth rates.
Our use of the Order Book estimate is a forward-looking statement. There is no assurance or guarantee that any of our customers, including any programs which we included in our Order Book estimates will ever complete such testing and validation with us or that we will receive any billings or revenues forecasted in connection with such program. These risks and uncertainties, some of which are outside of our control, may cause our future actual sales to be materially different than that implied by the Order Book metric. The Order Book estimate may also be impacted by various factors, as described in this “Risk Factors” section, including, but not limited to the following:
(i) none of our customers make contractual commitments to use our LiDAR sensors and software until all test and validation activities have been completed, they have finalized plans for integrating our systems, have a positive expectation of the market demand for our features, and unrelated to us, have determined that their vehicles or products are ready for market and there is appropriate consumer demand. Consequently, there is no assurance that any of our customers, including any programs which we included in our Order Book estimates will ever complete such testing and validation or enter into a definitive volume production agreement with us or that we will receive any billings or revenues forecasted in connection with such programs;
(ii) the development cycles of our products with new customers vary widely depending on the application, market, customer and the complexity of the product. In the automotive market, for example, this development cycle can be as long as seven or more years. Variability in development cycles make it difficult to reliably estimate the pricing, volume or timing of purchases of our products;
(iii) customers cancel or postpone implementation of our technology;
(iv) we may not be able to integrate our technology successfully into a larger system with other sensing modalities; and
(v) the product or vehicle model that is expected to include our LiDAR products may be unsuccessful, including for reasons unrelated to our technology.
If we are unable to effectively manage our supply chain, Aeva’s business may be materially and adversely impacted.
Some of the components involved in the manufacture of Aeva’s products are sourced from third-party suppliers. To date, we have produced our products in relatively limited quantities for use in development programs. Although we do not have any experience in managing our supply chain to manufacture and deliver our products at scale, Aeva’s future success will depend on our ability to do so. Some of the key components used to manufacture
Aeva’s products come from limited or single-source suppliers. We are therefore subject to the risk of shortages and long lead times in the supply of these components and the risk that our suppliers discontinue or modify components used in Aeva’s products.
We have a global supply chain and the loss or disruption of such supply arrangements for any reason, including as a result of geopolitical conflicts, including tensions with China and Taiwan; ongoing conflict arising out of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the hostilities and conflict in the Middle East; other acts of war or terrorism; trade sanctions; inflation; health epidemics or pandemics; labor disputes, work stoppages or interruptions; loss or impairment of key manufacturing sites, including due to a supplier's financial distress, natural disasters, looting or other external factors; inability to procure sufficient raw materials and/or quality control issues, may adversely affect our ability to source components in a timely or cost-effective manner from our third-party suppliers. For example, Aeva’s products depend on external semiconductor foundries. Any disruptions to those foundries could materially adversely affect our ability to manufacture Aeva's products. In addition, the lead times associated with certain components are lengthy and preclude rapid changes in quantities and delivery schedules. We have in the past experienced, and may in the future experience, component shortages and price fluctuations of certain key components and materials, and the predictability of the availability and pricing of these components may be limited. Component shortages or pricing fluctuations could be material in the future. In the event of a component shortage, supply interruption or material pricing change from suppliers of these components, we may not be able to develop alternate sources in a timely manner or at all in the case of sole or limited sources. Developing alternate sources of supply for these components may be time-consuming, difficult, and costly and we may not be able to source these components on terms that are acceptable to us, or at all, which may undermine our ability to meet our requirements or to fill customer orders in a timely manner. Any interruption or delay in the supply of any of these parts or components, or the inability to obtain these parts or components from alternate sources at acceptable prices and within a reasonable amount of time, would adversely affect our ability to meet scheduled product deliveries to our customers. This could adversely affect our relationships with our customers and channel partners and could cause delays in shipment of our products and adversely affect Aeva’s operating results. In addition, increased component costs could result in lower gross margins. Even where we are able to pass increased component costs along to customers, there may be a lapse of time before we are able to do so such that we must absorb the increased cost. If we are unable to buy these components in quantities sufficient to meet our requirements on a timely basis, we will not be able to deliver products to customers, which may result in such customers using competitive products instead of Aeva’s.
The complexity of Aeva’s products could result in unforeseen delays or expenses from undetected defects, errors or reliability issues in hardware or software which could reduce the market adoption of our products, damage our reputation with current or prospective customers, expose Aeva to product liability and other claims and adversely affect our operating costs.
Aeva's products are highly technical and complex and require high standards to manufacture. Aeva's products have in the past, and will likely in the future, experience defects, errors or reliability issues at various stages of development. We may be unable to timely release new products, manufacture existing products, or correct problems that have arisen to our customers’ satisfaction. Additionally, undetected errors, defects or security vulnerabilities, especially as new products are introduced or as new versions are released, could result in serious injury to the end users of technology incorporating Aeva’s products, or those in the surrounding area; our customers never being able to commercialize technology incorporating Aeva’s products, litigation against Aeva, negative publicity and other consequences. These risks are particularly prevalent in the highly competitive AD and ADAS markets. Some errors or defects in Aeva’s products may only be discovered after they have been tested, commercialized and deployed by customers. If that is the case, we may incur significant additional development costs and product recall, repair or replacement costs. These product-related issues may also result in claims, including class actions, against Aeva by our customers or others. Our reputation or brand may be damaged as a result of these problems and customers may be reluctant to buy our products, which could adversely affect our ability to retain existing customers and attract new customers and could adversely affect Aeva’s financial results.
In addition, Aeva could face material legal claims for breach of contract, product liability, fraud, tort or breach of warranty as a result of these problems. Defending a lawsuit, regardless of its merit, could be costly and may divert management’s attention and adversely affect the market’s perception of Aeva and our products. In addition, our business liability insurance coverage could prove inadequate with respect to a claim and future coverage may be unavailable on acceptable terms or at all.
Continued pricing pressures, automotive OEM cost reduction initiatives and the ability of automotive OEMs to re-source or cancel vehicle or technology programs may result in lower than anticipated margins, or losses, which may adversely affect Aeva’s business.
Cost-cutting initiatives adopted by our customers often result in increased downward pressure on pricing. We expect that our agreements with automotive OEMs may require step-downs in pricing over the term of the agreement or, if commercialized, over the period of production. In addition, our automotive OEM customers often reserve the right to terminate their supply contracts for convenience, which enhances their ability to obtain price reductions. Automotive OEMs also possess significant leverage over their suppliers, including Aeva, because the automotive component supply industry is highly competitive, serves a limited number of customers and has a high fixed cost base.
Accordingly, we expect to continue to be subject to substantial pressure from automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to reduce the price of our products. It is possible that pricing pressures could intensify beyond our forecasts as automotive OEMs pursue restructuring, consolidation and cost-cutting initiatives. If we are unable to generate sufficient production cost savings in the future to offset price reductions, Aeva’s financial results would be adversely affected.
We expect to continue to incur substantial R&D costs and devote significant resources to identifying and commercializing new products, which could significantly increase our losses and may never result in revenue to Aeva.
Our future growth depends on developing Aeva’s products, penetrating new markets, adapting existing products to new applications and customer requirements, and introducing new products that achieve market acceptance. We plan to continue to incur substantial R&D costs as part of our efforts to design, develop, manufacture and commercialize new products, and enhance existing products, and as such these costs may increase in the future. Because we account for R&D as an operating expense, these expenditures will adversely affect Aeva’s results of operations in the future. Further, our R&D program may not produce successful results, and our new products may never achieve market acceptance, create additional revenue or become profitable.
Market adoption of LiDAR, including Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology, is uncertain. If market adoption of LiDAR, including Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology, does not continue to develop, or develops more slowly than we expect, our business will be adversely affected.
While Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology can be applied to different use cases across end markets, a significant portion of our revenue is primarily generated from the development of automotive applications. Despite the fact that the automotive industry has engaged in considerable effort to research and test LiDAR products, including our 4D LiDAR technology, for ADAS and AD applications, the automotive industry may not introduce LiDAR products in commercially available vehicles. We continually study emerging and competing sensing technologies and methodologies and may add new sensing technologies. However, LiDAR products remain relatively new and it is possible that other sensing modalities, or a new disruptive modality based on new or existing technology, including a combination of technologies, will achieve acceptance or leadership in the ADAS and AD industries. Even if LiDAR products are used in initial generations of AD technology and certain ADAS products, we cannot guarantee that LiDAR products will be designed into or included in subsequent generations of such commercialized technology. In addition, we expect that initial generations of autonomous vehicles will be focused on limited applications, such as robo-taxis, and that mass market adoption of autonomous technology may lag behind these initial applications significantly. The speed of market growth for ADAS or autonomous vehicles is difficult if not impossible to predict, and it is more difficult to predict this market’s future growth in light of recent economic downturns and instability. In addition, we expect competition among providers of sensing technology based on LiDAR and other modalities to increase substantially. If commercialization of LiDAR products is not successful, or not as successful as we or the market expects, or if other sensing modalities gain acceptance by market participants, regulators, safety organizations or other market participants, Aeva’s business, results of operations and financial condition will be materially and adversely affected.
We are investing in and pursuing market opportunities outside of the automotive markets, including industrial automation, consumer device applications, and security markets. We believe that Aeva’s future revenue growth, if any, will depend in part on our ability to expand within new markets such as these and to enter new markets as they emerge. Each of these markets presents distinct risks and, in many cases, requires us to address the particular requirements of that market.
Addressing these requirements can be time-consuming and costly. The market for LiDAR technology outside of automotive applications is relatively new, rapidly developing and unproven in many markets or industries. Many of our customers outside of the automotive industry are still in the testing and development phases and it cannot be certain that they will commercialize products or systems with Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology or at all. We cannot be certain that LiDAR will be sold into these markets, or any market outside of automotive market, at scale. Adoption of LiDAR products, including Aeva’s products, outside of the automotive industry will depend on numerous factors, including whether the technological capabilities of LiDAR and LiDAR-based products meet users’ current or anticipated needs, whether the benefits of designing LiDAR into larger sensing systems outweigh the costs, complexity and time needed to deploy such technology or replace or modify existing systems that may have used other modalities such as cameras and radar, whether users in other applications can move beyond the testing and development phases and proceed to commercializing systems supported by LiDAR technology and whether LiDAR developers such as Aeva can keep pace with rapid technological change in certain developing markets. If LiDAR technology does not achieve commercial success outside of the automotive industry, or if the market develops at a pace slower than we expect, Aeva’s business, results of operation and financial condition will be materially and adversely affected.
We may not have sufficient resources to fund our operating costs or all of our future research and development and capital expenditures or possible acquisitions or joint ventures.
We had $112 million in cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities as of December 31, 2024, and an available equity facility of up to $125 million. Although we expect our current cash balance, combined with our future cash flows and financing available to us through such facility, will address our capital needs through 2025, we cannot assure you that this will be the case. Our operating environment is increasingly challenging, and our business and strategic plans may consume resources faster than we presently anticipate. In order to remain competitive, we must make substantial investments in research and development. Our products may require significant resources to develop both hardware and software solutions. Challenges of integrating new functionality into vehicles and the evolution of our customers’ performance requirements during development may also increase R&D costs. Customer demands for changes to our products to meet such performance requirements are difficult to predict both in terms of timing and cost. We may be unable to fund all of our research and development and capital investment needs or possible acquisitions or joint ventures, and we may have to pass on valuable long-term opportunities that arise if we do not have sufficient capital resources. We may be required to raise additional capital which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all. See “Future issuances of equity or debt securities, including from the issuance of preferred stock to Sylebra or upon Sylebra’s exercise of warrants for our common stock, may adversely affect us, including the market price of the common stock and may be dilutive to existing stockholders.” An inability to fund our future R&D, capital expenditures and product development needs could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.
Aeva’s results of operations fluctuate on a quarterly and annual basis, which could cause our stock price to fluctuate or decline.
Aeva’s quarterly results of operations have fluctuated in the past and may vary significantly in the future. As such, historical comparisons of our operating results may not be relevant, meaningful or indicative of future results. In particular, because our sales to date have primarily been of prototypes and non-recurring engineering services to customers for the purpose of R&D and testing of such customers’ development programs, sales in any given quarter can fluctuate based on the timing and success of our customers’ development projects. Accordingly, the results of any one quarter should not be relied upon as an indication of future performance. Aeva’s quarterly financial results may fluctuate as a result of a variety of factors, many of which are outside of our control and may not fully reflect the underlying performance of Aeva’s business. These fluctuations could adversely affect our ability to meet our forecasts or those of securities analysts, ratings agencies or investors. If we do not meet these expectations for any
period, the value of Aeva’s business and securities could decline significantly. Factors that may cause these quarterly fluctuations include, without limitation, those listed below:
Our transition to an outsourced manufacturing business model may not be successful, which could harm our ability to deliver products and recognize revenue.
We are in the initial stages of transitioning from a manufacturing model in which we source components from third-parties and assemble our final products at our San Francisco Bay Area location, to one where we rely exclusively on third-party manufacturers for both the manufacturing and assembly of Aeva’s products. We believe the use of third-party manufacturers in this manner will have benefits, but in the near term, while we begin working with new counterparties, Aeva may lose revenue, incur increased costs and potentially harm our customer relationships. Moreover, we may not be able to establish relationships with third-party manufacturers in a timely manner.
Reliance on third-party manufacturers reduces Aeva’s control over the production process, including reduced control over quality, product costs and product supply and timing. We may experience delays in shipments or issues concerning product quality from our third-party manufacturers. If any of our third-party manufacturers experience interruptions, delays or disruptions in supplying its products, including due to health epidemics or pandemics; labor disputes, work stoppages or interruptions; natural disasters, looting or other external factors, or inability to procure sufficient raw materials, our ability to ship products to distributors and customers would be delayed. In addition,
unfavorable economic conditions could result in financial distress among third-party manufacturers upon which we rely, thereby increasing the risk of disruption of supplies necessary to fulfill our production requirements and meet customer demands. Additionally, if any of our third-party manufacturers experience quality control problems in their manufacturing operations and Aeva’s products do not meet customer or regulatory requirements, we could be required to cover the cost of repair or replacement of any defective products. Any such delays or product quality issues could have an immediate and material adverse effect on our ability to fulfill orders and could have a negative effect on Aeva’s operating results. In addition, any such delays or product quality issues could adversely affect our reputation and relationship with our channel partners. If third-party manufacturers experience financial, operational, manufacturing capacity or other difficulties, or experience shortages in required components, or if they are otherwise unable or unwilling to continue to manufacture Aeva’s products in required volumes or at all, our supply may be disrupted, we may be required to seek alternate manufacturers and we may be required to re-design our products. It would be time-consuming, and could be costly and impracticable, to begin to use new manufacturers and designs, and such changes could cause significant interruptions in supply and could have an adverse effect on our ability to meet scheduled product deliveries and may subsequently lead to the loss of sales. While we take measures to protect our trade secrets, the use of third-party manufacturers may also risk disclosure of our innovative and proprietary manufacturing methodologies, which could adversely affect Aeva’s business.
Aeva, our outsourcing partners and suppliers may rely on complex machinery and highly skilled labor for production, which involves a significant degree of risk and uncertainty.
Aeva, our outsourcing partners and suppliers may rely on complex machinery for the production, assembly and installation of Aeva’s products, which involves a significant degree of uncertainty and risk in terms of operational performance and costs. The facilities of our outsourcing partners and suppliers consist of large-scale machinery combining many components. These components may suffer unexpected malfunctions from time to time and will depend on repairs and spare parts to resume operations, which may not be available when needed. Unexpected malfunctions of these components may significantly affect the intended operational efficiency. In addition, Aeva and our outsourcing partners and suppliers also rely on highly skilled labor for assembly and production. If such highly skilled labor is unavailable, Aeva’s business could be adversely affected. Operational performance and costs can be difficult to predict and are often influenced by factors outside of our control, including scarcity of natural resources, environmental hazards and remediation, costs associated with decommissioning of machines, labor disputes and strikes, difficulty or delays in obtaining governmental permits, damages or defects in electronic systems, industrial accidents, fire, seismic activity and other natural disasters. Should operational risks materialize, it may result in injury to or the death of workers, the loss of production equipment, damage to production facilities, monetary losses, delays and unanticipated fluctuations in production, environmental damage, administrative fines, increased insurance costs and potential legal liabilities, all which could have a material adverse effect on Aeva’s business, prospects, financial condition or operating results.
As part of growing our business, we may make acquisitions. If we fail to successfully select, execute or integrate any acquisitions, then Aeva’s business, results of operations and financial condition could be materially adversely affected, and our stock price could decline.
From time to time, we may undertake acquisitions to add new products and technologies, acquire talent, gain new sales channels or enter into new markets or sales territories. In addition to possible stockholder approval, we may need approvals and licenses from relevant government authorities for the acquisitions and to comply with any applicable laws and regulations, which could result in increased delay and costs, and may disrupt our business strategy if we fail to do so. Furthermore, acquisitions and the subsequent integration of new assets, businesses, key personnel, customers, vendors and suppliers require significant attention from Aeva’s management and could result in a diversion of resources from Aeva’s existing business, which in turn could have an adverse effect on Aeva’s operations. Acquired assets or businesses may not generate the financial results we expect. Acquisitions could result in the use of substantial amounts of cash, potentially dilutive issuances of equity securities, the occurrence of significant goodwill impairment charges, amortization expenses for other intangible assets and exposure to potential unknown liabilities of the acquired business. Moreover, the costs of identifying and consummating acquisitions may be significant.
To date, we have no experience with acquisitions and the integration of acquired technology and personnel. Failure to successfully identify, complete, manage and integrate acquisitions could materially and adversely affect Aeva's business, financial condition and results of operations and could cause our stock price to decline.
Our sales and operations in international markets expose us to operational, financial and regulatory risks, including possible unfavorable regulatory, political, tax and labor conditions, which could harm Aeva’s business.
International sales comprise a significant amount of Aeva’s overall revenue. We are committed to continuing to grow international sales, and while we have committed resources to expanding our international operations and sales channels, these efforts may not be successful. International operations are subject to a number of other risks, including:
The occurrence of any of these risks could negatively affect our international sales and consequently Aeva's business, operating results and financial condition.
Aeva faces risks associated with manufacturing operations outside the United States.
We heavily rely on third-party manufacturing operations outside the United States, and expect this reliance to continue or expand in the future. Manufacturing outside the United States is subject to several inherent risks, including:
Such risks could increase our costs and decrease our gross profit margins.
We are highly dependent on the services of Soroush Salehian Dardashti and Mina Rezk, our two founders.
We are highly dependent on our co-founders, Soroush Salehian Dardashti and Mina Rezk. Messrs. Salehian and Rezk remain deeply involved in all aspects of Aeva’s business, including product development. The loss of either of Messrs. Salehian and Rezk would adversely affect our business because such loss could make it more difficult to, among other things, compete with other market participants, manage our R&D activities and retain existing customers or cultivate new ones. Negative public perception of, or negative news related to, either of Messrs. Salehian and Rezk may adversely affect Aeva’s brand, relationship with customers or standing in the industry.
Our business depends substantially on the efforts of highly skilled personnel, and our operations may be severely disrupted if we lost their services.
Competition for highly-skilled personnel is often intense, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area, where Aeva’s headquarters is located, and we may incur significant costs to attract highly-skilled personnel. We may not be successful in attracting, integrating, or retaining qualified personnel to fulfill our current or future needs. We have from time to time, experienced, and expect to continue to experience, difficulty in hiring and retaining highly skilled employees with appropriate qualifications. In addition, job candidates and existing employees often consider the value of the equity awards they receive in connection with their employment. If the perceived value of Aeva’s equity or equity awards declines, it may adversely affect our ability to retain highly skilled employees. If we fail to attract new personnel or to retain and motivate current personnel, our business and future growth prospects could be adversely affected.
We may be subject to product liability or warranty claims that could result in significant direct or indirect costs, which could adversely affect Aeva’s business and operating results.
Our customers use Aeva’s products and technology in various applications, including AD and ADAS applications, which present the risk of significant injury, including fatalities. Aeva may be subject to claims if a product using our technology is involved in an accident and persons are injured or purport to be injured. Any insurance that Aeva carries may not be sufficient or it may not apply to all situations. Similarly, Aeva’s customers could be subjected to claims as a result of such accidents and bring legal claims against Aeva to attempt to hold Aeva liable. In addition, if lawmakers or governmental agencies were to determine that the use of Aeva’s products or similar technologies, including AD or certain ADAS applications, increased the risk of injury to all or a subset of our customers or potential customers, they may pass laws or adopt regulations that limit the use of Aeva’s products or increase our liability associated with the use of Aeva’s products or that regulate the use of or delay the deployment the products that use Aeva’s technology, including AD and ADAS technology. Any of these events could adversely affect Aeva’s brand, relationships with customers, operating results or financial condition.
We typically provide a limited-time warranty on Aeva’s products. The occurrence of any material defects in Aeva products could make us liable for damages and warranty claims. In addition, we could incur significant costs to correct any defects, warranty claims or other problems, including costs related to product recalls. Any negative publicity related to the perceived quality of Aeva’s products could affect our brand image, partner and customer demand, and adversely affect Aeva’s operating results and financial condition. Also, warranty, recall and product liability claims may result in litigation, including class actions, the occurrence of which could be costly, lengthy and distracting and adversely affect Aeva’s business and operating results.
If we or our suppliers do not maintain sufficient inventory or do not adequately manage our respective inventory, we could lose sales or incur higher inventory-related expenses, which could negatively affect Aeva’s operating results.
To ensure adequate inventory supply, we and our suppliers must forecast inventory needs and expenses, place orders sufficiently in advance with our respective suppliers and manufacturing counterparties and manufacture products based on our estimates of future demand for particular products. Fluctuations in the market adoption of LiDAR may affect our ability to forecast Aeva’s future operating results, including revenue, gross margins, cash flows and profitability. Our ability to accurately forecast demand for our products could be affected by many factors, including the rapidly changing nature of the AD and ADAS markets in which we operate, the uncertainty surrounding the market acceptance and commercialization of LiDAR technology, the emergence of new markets, an increase or decrease in customer demand for Aeva’s products or for products and services of our competitors, product introductions by competitors, pandemics, other health epidemics and outbreaks, and any associated work stoppages or interruptions, unanticipated changes in general market conditions, political instability and the weakening of economic conditions or consumer confidence in future economic conditions. If Aeva’s products are commercialized in industries that are quickly growing, including AD and ADAS applications, we may face challenges acquiring adequate supplies to manufacture our products and we and our manufacturing counterparties may not be able to manufacture Aeva’s products at a rate necessary to satisfy the levels of demand, which would negatively affect Aeva’s revenue. This risk may be exacerbated by the fact that we may not carry or be able to obtain for our manufacturers a sufficient amount of inventory to satisfy short-term demand increases. If we fail to accurately forecast customer demand, we may experience excess inventory levels or a shortage of products available for sale.
Inventory levels in excess of customer demand may result in inventory write-downs or write-offs and the sale of excess inventory at discounted prices, which would adversely affect Aeva’s financial results, including gross margin, and have a negative effect on our brand. Conversely, if we underestimate customer demand for Aeva’s products, we or our manufacturing counterparties may not be able to deliver products to meet our requirements, and this could result in damage to Aeva’s brand and customer relationships and adversely affect Aeva’s revenue and operating results.
The average selling prices of Aeva’s products could decrease rapidly over the life of the product, which may negatively affect Aeva’s revenue and margins. In addition, the selling prices we are able to ultimately charge in the future for the products we are currently developing or commercializing may be less than what we currently project, which may cause Aeva’s actual operating results to differ materially from our projections.
The prices that we are able to ultimately charge in the future for the products we are currently developing or commercializing may experience declines for a variety of reasons, many of which are outside of our control. In order to sell products that have a falling average unit selling price and simultaneously maintain margins, we will need to continually reduce product and manufacturing costs. To manage manufacturing costs, we must engineer the most cost-effective design for Aeva’s products and collaborate with our manufacturing counterparties to reduce manufacturing costs. We also need to continually introduce new products with higher sales prices and gross margin in order to maintain overall gross margin. If we are unable to manage the cost of older products or successfully introduce new products with a higher gross margin, Aeva’s revenue and overall gross margin would likely decline. In addition, the selling prices we are able to ultimately charge in the future for the products we are currently developing or commercializing may be less than what we currently project, which may cause Aeva’s actual operating results to differ materially from our forecasts and projections.
Adverse conditions in the automotive industry or the global economy more generally could have adverse effects on Aeva’s results of operations.
While we make strategic planning decisions based on the assumption that the markets we are targeting will grow, our business is dependent, in large part on, and directly affected by, business cycles and other factors affecting the global automobile industry and global economy generally. Automotive production and sales are highly cyclical and depend on general economic conditions and other factors, including consumer spending and preferences, changes in interest rates and credit availability, consumer confidence, fuel costs, fuel availability, environmental impact, governmental incentives and regulatory requirements, and political volatility, especially in energy-producing
countries and growth markets. In addition, automotive production and sales can be affected by our automotive OEM customers’ ability to continue operating in response to challenging economic conditions and in response to labor relations issues, regulatory requirements, trade agreements, new tariffs, quotas, duties, or other trade restrictions or limitations, and other factors, such as the unavailability of unrelated components in the assembly of automobiles. The volume of automotive production in North America, Europe and the rest of the world has fluctuated, sometimes significantly, from year to year, and we expect such fluctuations to continue to give rise to fluctuations in the demand for our products. Any significant adverse change in any of these factors may result in a reduction in automotive sales and production by our automotive OEM customers and could have a material adverse effect on Aeva’s business, results of operations and financial condition.
The discontinuation, lack of commercial success, or loss of business with respect to a particular vehicle model or technology package, or consumer electronics, consumer health, security or industrial application, for which we are a significant supplier could reduce our sales and adversely affect Aeva’s financial condition.
When we secure design wins and Aeva’s products are included in our customers’ applications, including AD and ADAS products or consumer electronics, consumer health, industrial or security applications, we expect to enter into supply agreements with the relevant customer. For AD and ADAS products, market practice dictates that these supply agreements typically require us to supply a customer’s requirements for a particular vehicle model or AD or ADAS product, rather than supply a set number of products. These contracts can have short terms and/or can be subject to renegotiation, sometimes as frequently as annually, all of which may affect product pricing, and may be terminated by our customers at any time. Therefore, for AD and ADAS products, even if the systems into which Aeva’s products are built are commercialized, the discontinuation of, the loss of business with respect to, or a lack of commercial success of a particular vehicle model or technology package for which we are a significant supplier could mean that the expected sales of Aeva’s products will not materialize, which would materially and adversely affect our business. In addition, the loss of business with respect to a customer’s application in the consumer electronics, consumer health, security or industrial application for which we are a significant supplier could reduce our sales and adversely affect Aeva’s financial condition.
We may not be able to anticipate changing customer and consumer preferences or respond quickly enough to changes in technology and standards to be able to develop and introduce commercially viable products.
Our ability to maintain and improve existing products, anticipate changes in technology, regulatory and other standards, and to successfully develop and introduce new and enhanced technologies and products on a timely basis will be a significant factor in our ability to be competitive and gain market acceptance. If we are unsuccessful or are less successful than our competitors in predicting the course of market development and perceptions of drivers regarding autonomous driving capabilities and solutions, developing innovative products, processes, and/or use of materials, or adapting to new technologies or evolving regulatory, industry or customer requirements, we will suffer from a competitive disadvantage. Further, the global automotive industry is experiencing a period of significant technological change, including the development of combined software and system-on-chip (“SoC”) hardware solutions to handle the influx of information into vehicles from increasing numbers of sensors and efficiently manage multilevel processing in real time while operating within a system's power budget. As a result, the success of portions of our business requires us to develop, acquire and/or incorporate new technologies. We may need to adjust our strategy and projected development and/or commercialization timelines based on how these technological challenges evolve over time. There is a risk that these challenges will not be overcome, and that our investments in R&D initiatives will not lead to successful new products and a corresponding increase in revenue, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.
Since many of the markets in which we compete are new and rapidly evolving, it is difficult to forecast long-term end-customer adoption rates and demand for Aeva’s products.
We are pursuing opportunities in markets that are undergoing rapid changes, including technological and regulatory changes, and it is difficult to predict the timing and size of the opportunities. For example, AD and LiDAR-based ADAS, and consumer electronics, consumer health and industrial applications require complex technology. Because these products depend on technology from many companies, commercialization of these products could be delayed or impaired if certain technological components, including Aeva’s products, are not ready to be deployed. Although we have development agreements in place with commercial counterparties, these companies may not commercialize Aeva’s technology in the near term, or at all. Regulatory, safety or reliability developments, many of which are outside of our control, could also cause delays or otherwise impair commercial adoption of these new technologies, which will adversely affect our growth. Aeva’s future financial performance
will depend on our ability to make timely investments in the correct market opportunities. If one or more of these markets experience a shift in customer or prospective customer demand, Aeva’s products may not compete as effectively, if at all, and they may not be designed into commercialized products. Given the evolving nature of the markets in which we operate, it is difficult to predict customer demand or adoption rates for our products or the future growth of the markets in which we operate. If demand does not develop or if we cannot accurately forecast customer demand, the size of our markets, inventory requirements or future financial results, our business, results of operations and financial condition will be adversely affected.
Many of our current and potential customers, production counterparties and suppliers are large corporations with substantial negotiating power, exacting product, quality and warranty standards and potentially competitive internal solutions. If we are unable to sell our products to these customers or to enter into agreements with customers, suppliers and production counterparties on satisfactory terms, our prospects and results of operations will be adversely affected.
Many of our current and potential customers, production counterparties and suppliers are large, multinational corporations with substantial negotiating power relative to us and, in some instances, may have internal solutions that are competitive to our products. Many of these large, multinational corporations also have significant development resources, which may allow them to acquire or develop competitive technologies independently, or in partnership with others. Meeting the technical requirements and securing design wins with any of these companies will continue to require a substantial investment of our time and resources. We cannot guarantee that our products or technology will secure design wins from these or other companies or that we will generate meaningful revenue from the sales of our products to these potential customers. If our products are not selected by these large corporations or if these corporations develop or acquire competitive technology, it will have an adverse effect on Aeva’s business and prospects.
We currently rely on a small number of customers and our business and financial condition would be adversely affected if these customers terminated or if they were unable to pay their invoices.
Although we continue to pursue a broad customer base, we are currently dependent on a small number of customers with strong purchasing power. In fiscal year 2024, Aeva’s top two customers accounted for 72% of revenue. For fiscal year 2023, Aeva’s top two customers accounted for 45% of revenue. The loss of business from any of our major customers (whether by lower overall demand for our products, cancellation of existing contracts or product orders or the failure to design in Aeva’s products or award us new business) could have a material adverse effect on our business.
To the extent AD and ADAS become accepted by major automotive OEMs, we expect that we will rely increasingly on Tier 1 suppliers and contract manufactures through which automotive OEMs procure components. We expect that these Tier 1 suppliers will be responsible for certain hardware and software development and configuration activities specific to each OEM, and they may not exclusively carry Aeva’s products or technology.
There is also a risk that one or more of our major customers could be unable to pay our invoices as they become due or that a customer will simply refuse to make such payments if it experiences financial difficulties. As of December 31, 2024 five customers accounted for 68% and as of December 31, 2023 one customer accounted for 42% of accounts receivable, respectively. If a major customer were to enter into bankruptcy proceedings or similar proceedings whereby contractual commitments are subject to stay of execution and the possibility of legal or other modification, we could be forced to record a substantial loss.
If we are unable to establish and maintain confidence in Aeva’s long-term business prospects among customers and analysts and within our industry, or if we are subject to negative publicity, then Aeva’s financial condition, operating results, business prospects and access to capital may suffer materially.
We have not yet fully developed or commercialized our products or services and the successful commercialization of Aeva’s products will depend, in part, on our collaborators, customers and potential customers committing to use Aeva’s technology in their own products. Customers may be less likely to purchase our products if they are not convinced that our business will succeed or that our service and support and other operations will continue in the long term. Similarly, suppliers and other third parties will be less likely to invest time and resources in developing business relationships with us if they are not convinced that our business will succeed. If we are unable to establish and maintain confidence in Aeva's long-term business prospects among customers, suppliers, analysts, ratings agencies and analysts and within our industry or are subject to negative publicity, then Aeva’s financial condition, operating results, business prospects and access to capital may suffer materially.
Our investments in educating our customers and potential customers about the advantages of Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology and its applications may not result in sales of Aeva’s products or services.
Educating our prospective customers, and to a lesser extent, existing customers, about Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology, its advantages over other sensing technologies and its ability to convey value in different industries and deployments is an integral part of developing new business and the LiDAR market generally. If prospective customers have a negative perception of, or experience with, LiDAR or related technology or a competitor’s LiDAR products they may be reluctant to adopt LiDAR in general or Aeva’s products or technology specifically. Adverse statements about LiDAR by influential market participants may also deter adoption. Some of our competitors have significant financial or marketing resources that may allow them to engage in public marketing campaigns about their alternative technology, LiDAR or Aeva’s products or technology. Our efforts to educate potential customers and the market generally and to counter any adverse statements made by competitors or other market participants will continue to require significant financial and personnel resources. These educational efforts may not be successful and we may not offset the costs of such efforts with revenue. If we are unable to acquire new customers to offset these expenses or if the market accepts such adverse statements, Aeva's financial condition will be adversely affected.
We operate in a highly competitive market and some market participants have substantially greater resources. We compete against a large number of both established competitors and new market entrants with respect to, among other things, cost, product specifications and technology.
The markets for sensing technology are highly competitive, particularly in the automotive industry. Our future success will depend on our ability to emerge as a leader in our targeted markets by continuing to develop and protect from infringement Aeva’s advanced 4D LiDAR technology in a timely manner and to effectively compete with existing and new competitors. Our competitors are numerous and they compete with us directly by offering LiDAR products and indirectly by attempting to solve some of the same challenges with different technology. We face competition from camera and radar companies, other developers of LiDAR products, Tier 1 suppliers and other technology and automotive supply companies, some of which have significantly greater resources than we do. In the automotive market, Aeva’s competitors have commercialized both LiDAR and non-LiDAR-based ADAS technology that has achieved market adoption, strong brand recognition and may continue to improve. Other competitors are working towards commercializing AD technology and either by themselves, or with a publicly announced partner, have substantial financial, marketing, R&D and other resources. Some of our customers in the autonomous vehicle and ADAS markets have announced development efforts or made acquisitions directed at creating their own LiDAR-based or other sensing technologies, which would compete with our products. We do not know how close these competitors are to commercializing AD systems or novel ADAS applications. In markets outside of the automotive industry, our competitors, like Aeva, seek to develop new sensing applications across industries. Even in these emerging markets, we face substantial competition from numerous competitors seeking to prove the value of their technology.
Additionally, increased competition may result in pricing pressure and reduced margins and may impede our ability to increase the sales of our products or cause us to lose market share, any of which will adversely affect Aeva’s business, results of operations and financial condition.
The markets in which we compete are characterized by rapid technological change, which requires us to continue to develop new products and product innovations and could adversely affect market adoption of our products.
We intend to continue to invest substantial resources in technological development. However, continuing technological changes in sensing technology, LiDAR and the markets for these products, including the ADAS and AD industries, could adversely affect adoption of LiDAR and/or Aeva’s products, either generally or for particular applications. Our future success will depend upon our ability to develop and introduce a variety of new capabilities and innovations to our product offerings, as well as introduce a variety of new product offerings, to address the changing needs of the markets in which we offer Aeva’s products. Delays in delivering new products that meet customer requirements could damage our relationships with customers and lead them to seek alternative sources of supply. In addition, our success to date has primarily been based on the delivery of prototypes and services to R&D programs in which developers are investing substantial capital to develop new systems. Our continued success relies on the success of the R&D phase of these customers as they expand into commercialized projects. As autonomous
technology reaches the stage of large-scale commercialization, we will be required to develop and deliver products at price points that enable wider and ultimately mass-market adoption. Delays in introducing products and innovations, the failure to choose correctly among technical alternatives or the failure to offer innovative products or configurations at competitive prices may cause existing and potential customers to purchase our competitors’ products or turn to alternative sensing technology.
If we are unable to devote adequate resources to develop products or cannot otherwise successfully develop products or system configurations that meet customer requirements on a timely basis or that remain competitive with technological alternatives, our products could lose market share, our revenue will decline, we may experience operating losses and our business and prospects will be adversely affected.
Future issuances of equity or debt securities, including from the issuance of preferred stock to Sylebra or upon Sylebra’s exercise of warrants for our common stock, may adversely affect us, including the market price of our common stock and may be dilutive to existing stockholders.
In the future, we may require additional capital to respond to technological advancements, competitive dynamics or technologies, customer demands, business opportunities, challenges, acquisitions or unforeseen circumstances and we may determine to engage in equity or debt financings or enter into credit facilities for other reasons. In order to further business relationships with current or potential customers or partners, we may issue equity or equity-linked securities to such current or potential customers or partners. We may not be able to timely secure additional debt or equity financing on favorable terms, or at all. If we issue equity or convertible debt or other equity-linked securities, existing stockholders could experience significant dilution. Any debt financing obtained by Aeva in the future could involve restrictive covenants relating to our capital-raising activities and other financial and operational matters, which may make it more difficult for Aeva to obtain additional capital and to pursue business opportunities, including potential acquisitions. If we are unable to obtain adequate financing or financing on terms satisfactory to Aeva, when we require it, our ability to continue to grow or support our business and to respond to business challenges could be significantly limited.
In November 2023, we entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement (the “Facility Agreement”) with entities affiliated with Sylebra. Pursuant to the Facility Agreement, we have the right, but not the obligation, to sell to Sylebra up to $125.0 million of shares of preferred stock, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions, at our request until November 8, 2026. Aeva’s right to request advances is conditioned upon Aeva achieving a minimum of one new passenger auto-OEM or commercial OEM program award with at least a 50,000 unit volume, the trading price of our common stock being below $15 at the time of the request and other customary conditions. As of the date of this report, all conditions to request advance under the Facility Agreement were met. Any preferred stock issued under the Facility Agreement will rank senior to our common stock, have priority upon liquidation rights and certain other preferences and privileges more favorable than those of the common stock. Because our decision to draw on the Facility Agreement or issue additional debt or equity in the future will depend on market conditions and other factors beyond our control, including Sylebra’s ability to satisfy its obligations under the Facility Agreement, we cannot predict or estimate the amount, timing, nature or success of our future capital raising efforts. Sales of shares of common stock in the public market or the perception that these sales or conversions might occur may depress the market price of our common stock and could impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of additional equity securities.
In addition, as of December 31, 2024, we had warrants to purchase an aggregate of 5.5 million shares of our common stock outstanding. As of December 31, 2024, the Company had 12.1 million public warrants and 0.4 million private warrants outstanding, exercisable for 2.5 million shares of common stock. Every five public and private warrant entitles the registered holder to purchase one share of common stock at a price of $57.50 per share. The Company also had 3.0 million Series A Warrants exercisable for 3.0 million shares of common stock at an exercise price of $5.00 per share. To the extent remaining warrants are exercised, additional shares of common stock will be issued, which will result in dilution to the then-existing holders of common stock and increase the number of shares eligible for resale in the public market. Sales of substantial numbers of such shares in the public market or the fact that such warrants may be exercised could adversely affect the market price of our common stock.
Developments in alternative technology may adversely affect the demand for Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology.
Significant developments in alternative technologies, such as cameras and radar, may materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results in ways we do not currently anticipate. Existing and other camera and radar technologies may emerge as customers’ preferred alternative to Aeva’s 4D LiDAR technology. Any failure by us to develop new or enhanced technologies or processes, or to react to changes in existing technologies, could materially delay our development and introduction of new and enhanced products in the autonomous vehicle industry, which could result in the loss of competitiveness of Aeva’s products and technology, decreased revenue and a loss of market share to competitors. Our R&D efforts may not be sufficient to adapt to changes in technology. As technologies change, we plan to upgrade or adapt our products with the latest technology. However, our products and technology may not compete effectively with alternative systems if we are not able to source and integrate the latest technology into our existing products or technology.
Because LiDAR is new in most of the markets we are seeking to enter, our forecasts of market growth may not be accurate.
Market opportunity estimates and growth forecasts are subject to significant uncertainty and are based on assumptions and estimates that may not prove to be accurate. Even if these markets experience the forecasted growth, we may not grow our business at similar rates, or at all. Our future growth is subject to many factors, including market adoption of Aeva's products, which are subject to many risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, any of our forecasts and estimates of market size and growth, should not be taken as indicative of Aeva’s future growth. In addition, these forecasts do not take into account the impact of the geopolitical uncertainties and we cannot guarantee that any such forecasts will not be materially and adversely affected as a result.
Our business is subject to the risks of earthquakes, fires, floods and other natural catastrophic events, global pandemics and interruptions by man-made problems, such as terrorism. Material disruptions of our business or information systems resulting from these events could adversely affect Aeva’s operating results.
A significant natural disaster, such as an earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane or significant power outage or other similar events, such as infectious disease outbreaks or pandemic events, could have an adverse effect on Aeva’s business and operating results. Such natural disasters and pandemics may have the effect of heightening many of the other risks described in this “Risk Factors” section, such as the demand for Aeva’s products, our ability to achieve profitability and our ability to raise additional capital in the future. Aeva’s corporate headquarters and R&D and current manufacturing and assembly base are located in the San Francisco Bay Area, a region known for seismic activity. In addition, natural disasters, acts of terrorism or war could cause disruptions in our remaining manufacturing operations, our or our customers’, suppliers’ or channel partners’ businesses, or the economy as a whole. We also rely on information technology systems to communicate among our workforce and with third parties. Any disruption to our communications, whether caused by a natural disaster or by manmade problems, such as power disruptions, could adversely affect our business. We do not have a formal disaster recovery plan or policy in place and do not currently require that our suppliers’ or other partners have such plans or policies in place. To the extent that any such disruptions result in delays or cancellations of orders or impede our suppliers’ ability to timely deliver product components, or the deployment of our products, Aeva’s business, operating results and financial condition would be adversely affected.
Interruption or failure of Aeva’s information technology and communications systems could impact our ability to effectively provide our products and services.
We plan to include services and functionality that utilize data connectivity to monitor performance and timely capture opportunities to enhance performance and functionality. The availability and effectiveness of Aeva’s services depend on the continued operation of information technology and communications systems. Aeva’s systems will be vulnerable to damage or interruption from, among others, physical theft, fire, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, power loss, war, telecommunications failures, viruses, denial or degradation of service attacks, ransomware, social engineering schemes, insider theft or misuse or other attempts to harm Aeva’s systems. We utilize reputable third-party service providers or vendors for all of our data other than our source code, and these providers could also be vulnerable to harms similar to those that could damage Aeva’s systems, including sabotage and intentional acts of vandalism causing potential disruptions. Some of Aeva’s systems will not be fully redundant,
and our disaster recovery planning cannot account for all eventualities. Any problems with Aeva’s third-party cloud hosting providers could result in lengthy interruptions in our business. In addition, Aeva’s services and functionality are highly technical and complex technology which may contain errors or vulnerabilities that could result in interruptions in our business or the failure of our systems.
We are subject to cybersecurity risks to operational systems, security systems, infrastructure, integrated software in our LiDAR products and customer data processed by Aeva or third-party vendors or suppliers and any material failure, weakness, interruption, cyber event, incident or breach of security could prevent us from effectively operating our business.
We are at risk for interruptions, outages and breaches of operational systems, including business, financial, accounting, product development, data processing or production processes, owned by Aeva or our third-party vendors or suppliers; facility security systems, owned by Aeva or our third-party vendors or suppliers; in-product technology owned by Aeva or our third-party vendors or suppliers; the integrated software in Aeva’s products; or customer or driver data that Aeva processes or our third-party vendors or suppliers process on our behalf. Such cyber incidents could materially disrupt operational systems; result in loss of intellectual property, trade secrets or other proprietary or competitively sensitive information; compromise certain information of customers, employees, suppliers, drivers or others; jeopardize the security of our facilities; or affect the performance of in-product technology and the integrated software in our products. A cyber incident could be caused by disasters, insiders (through inadvertence or with malicious intent) or malicious third parties (including nation-states or nation-state supported actors) using sophisticated, targeted methods to circumvent firewalls, encryption and other security defenses, including hacking, fraud, trickery or other forms of deception. The techniques used by cyber attackers change frequently and may be difficult to detect for long periods of time. Although we maintain information technology measures designed to protect Aeva against intellectual property theft, data breaches and other cyber incidents, such measures require updates and improvements, and we cannot guarantee that such measures will be adequate to detect, prevent or mitigate cyber incidents. The implementation, maintenance, segregation and improvement of these systems requires significant management time, support and cost. Moreover, there are inherent risks associated with developing, improving, expanding and updating current systems, including the disruption of Aeva’s data management, procurement, production execution, finance, supply chain and sales and service processes. These risks may affect our ability to manage our data and inventory, procure parts or supplies or produce, sell, deliver and service our products, adequately protect our intellectual property or achieve and maintain compliance with, or realize available benefits under, applicable laws, regulations and contracts. We cannot be sure that the systems upon which we rely, including those of our third-party vendors or suppliers, will be effectively implemented, maintained or expanded as planned. If we do not successfully implement, maintain or expand these systems, our operations may be disrupted, our ability to accurately and timely report our financial results could be impaired, and deficiencies may arise in our internal control over financial reporting, which may impact our ability to certify our financial results. Moreover, our proprietary information or intellectual property could be compromised or misappropriated and our reputation may be adversely affected. If these systems do not operate as we expect, we may be required to expend significant resources to make corrections or find alternative sources for performing these functions.
A significant cyber incident could impact production capability, harm our reputation, cause us to breach our contracts with other parties or subject us to regulatory actions or litigation, any of which could materially affect Aeva’s business, prospects, financial condition and operating results. In addition, our insurance coverage for cyber-attacks may not be sufficient to cover all the losses we may experience as a result of a cyber incident.
Our ability to use our net operating loss carryforwards and certain other tax attributes may be limited.
As of December 31, 2024, we had $308.7 million of U.S. federal and $230.5 million of state net operating loss carryforwards available to reduce future taxable income, of which $305.5 million will be carried forward indefinitely for U.S. federal tax purposes and the remainder of losses will expire beginning in 2036 for federal and 2031 for state tax purposes. We also have federal and California research and development tax credit carryforwards of $27.7 million and $18.0 million, respectively. The federal research credit carryforwards will expire in 2036 and California research credits can be carried forward indefinitely. It is possible that we will not generate taxable income in time to use these net operating loss carryforwards before their expiration or at all. In addition, the federal and state net operating loss carryforwards and certain tax credits may be subject to significant limitations under Section 382
and Section 383 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), respectively, and similar provisions of state law. Under those sections of the Code, if a corporation undergoes an “ownership change,” the corporation’s ability to use its pre-change net operating loss carryforwards and other pre-change attributes to offset its post-change income or tax may be limited. In general, an “ownership change” will occur if there is a cumulative change in our ownership by “5-percent shareholders” that exceeds 50 percentage points over a rolling three-year period. Similar rules may apply under state tax laws. We have completed a review of any potential limitation on the use of our net operating losses and credits under Sections 382 and 383 through December 31, 2024. Based on such review, we do not believe Section 382 and Section 383 will adversely impact our ability to use our current net operating losses and credits to offset future taxable income, if any. We may experience ownership changes in the future. To the extent we are not able to offset future taxable income with net operating losses, our cash flows may be adversely affected.
Legal and Regulatory Risks
We are subject to governmental export and import control laws and regulations. Our failure to comply with these laws and regulations could have an adverse effect on Aeva’s business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations.
Aeva’s products and services are subject to export control and import laws and regulations, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, U.S. Customs regulations and various economic and trade sanctions regulations administered by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Controls. U.S. export control laws and regulations and economic sanctions prohibit the shipment of certain products and services to U.S. embargoed or sanctioned countries, governments and persons. In addition, complying with export control and sanctions regulations for a particular sale may be time-consuming and result in the delay or loss of sales opportunities. Exports of Aeva’s products and technology must be made in compliance with these laws and regulations. If we fail to comply with these laws and regulations, we and certain of our employees could be subject to substantial civil or criminal penalties, including the possible loss of export or import privileges, fines, which may be imposed on Aeva and responsible employees or managers and, in extreme cases, the incarceration of responsible employees or managers.
Changes to trade policy, tariffs and import/export regulations may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Changes in global political, regulatory and economic conditions or in laws and policies governing foreign trade, manufacturing, development and investment in the territories or countries where we may purchase components, sell our products or conduct our business could adversely affect our business. The United States has recently instituted or proposed changes in trade policies that include the negotiation or termination of trade agreements, the imposition of higher tariffs on imports into the United States, economic sanctions on individuals, corporations or countries, and other government regulations affecting trade between the United States and other countries where we conduct our business. A number of other nations have proposed or instituted similar measures directed at trade with the United States in response. Further, President Trump has proposed significantly increased tariffs on foreign imports into the United States, particularly from Canada, China and Mexico. It is unclear what action the presidential administration or Congress will take with respect to these proposals, or what actions may be taken by other countries in retaliation. As a result of these developments, there may be greater restrictions and economic disincentives on international trade that could adversely affect our business. For example, such changes could adversely affect the automotive market, our ability to access key components or raw materials needed to manufacture our products (including, but not limited to, rare-earth metals), our ability to sell our products to customers outside of the United States and the demand for our products. It may be time-consuming and expensive for us to alter our business operations to adapt to or comply with any such changes, and any failure to do so could have a material adverse effect on Aeva's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Our business may be adversely affected by regulations affecting the automobile safety and autonomous driving markets.
Government vehicle safety regulations are a key driver in our business. Historically, these regulations have imposed ever more stringent safety regulations for vehicles. Safety regulations have a positive impact on driver awareness and acceptance of active safety products and technology. These more stringent safety regulations often
require vehicles to have more safety contents per vehicle and more advanced safety products, including active safety and driver assistance technology, which is a growth driver for the Company.
Changes in legislative, regulatory or industry requirements related to vehicle safety content may also render certain of our technologies or products obsolete or less attractive to our customers. Vehicle safety content requirements are subject to change based on a number of factors that are not within our control, including new scientific or medical data, adverse publicity regarding autonomous vehicles or technology, domestic and foreign political developments or considerations, and litigation relating to our products and our competitors’ products. Changes in government regulations in response to these and other considerations could have a severe impact on our business. If government priorities shift and we are unable to adapt to changing regulations, our business may suffer material adverse effects.
The regulatory obligation of complying with safety regulations could increase as federal and local regulators impose more stringent compliance and reporting requirements in response to product recalls, safety issues and product innovations in our industry. In the U.S., we are subject to the existing Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act, which requires manufacturers to comply with “Early Warning” requirements by reporting to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) information related to defects or reports of death related to their products. TREAD imposes criminal liability for violating such requirements if a defect subsequently causes death or bodily injury. In addition, the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act authorizes NHTSA to require a manufacturer to recall and repair vehicles that contain safety defects or fail to comply with federal motor vehicle safety standards. In September 2016, United States Department of Transportation issued a Federal Automated Vehicles Policy as agency guidance for comment rather than in a rulemaking in order to enable the delivery of an initial regulatory framework and best practices to guide manufacturers and other entities in the safe design, development, testing, and deployment of highly automated vehicles. Since September 2016, the U.S. Department of Transportation has issued voluntary “guidance” for autonomous vehicle (AV) standards, including “Ensuring American Leadership in Automated Vehicle Technologies – Automated Vehicles 4.0” dated January 2020, to promote autonomous vehicle development. It is unknown when specific U.S. regulations for AVs may be released and what, if any, impact such regulations may have on us or our customers in terms of products, features and performance requirements.
As our technologies advance and develop beyond traditional automotive products, we may be subject to regulatory regimes beyond traditional vehicle safety rules and requirements. As a result, we may not identify all regulatory licenses or permits required for our products, or our products may operate beyond the scope of the licenses and permits we have obtained. Failing to obtain the required licenses, permits or other regulatory authorizations could result in investigations, fines or other penalties or proceedings. If any of the regulatory risks described above materialize, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.
We are subject to legal and regulatory proceedings and commercial or contractual disputes from time to time, which could have an adverse effect on our profitability and financial position.
We have been, and may be from time to time, involved in litigation, regulatory proceedings and commercial or contractual disputes that may be significant. These matters may include, without limitation, disputes with our suppliers and customers, intellectual property claims, stockholder litigation (including the Delaware Stockholder Litigation), government investigations, class action lawsuits, personal injury claims, environmental issues, customs and value-added tax disputes and employment and tax issues. In addition, we could face in the future a variety of labor and employment claims against us, which could include general discrimination, wage and hour, privacy, ERISA or disability claims. In such matters, government agencies or private parties may seek to recover very large, indeterminate amounts in penalties or monetary damages (including, in some cases, treble or punitive damages) or seek to limit our operations in some way. These types of lawsuits could require significant management time and attention or could involve substantial legal liability, adverse regulatory outcomes, and/or substantial expenses to defend. Often these cases raise complex factual and legal issues and create risks and uncertainties. No assurances can be given that any proceedings and claims will not have a material adverse impact on Aeva’s operating results and financial position or that our established reserves or available insurance will mitigate this impact. For example, in connection with the Delaware Stockholder Litigation settlement, we have agreed to pay a total settlement cost of $14.0 million in exchange for a release of all claims and expect to recover $2.5 million from our insurance carrier.
We are subject to, and must remain in compliance with, numerous laws and governmental regulations across various jurisdictions concerning the manufacturing, use, distribution and sale of our products. Some of our customers also require that we comply with their own unique requirements relating to these matters.
We manufacture and sell products that contain electronic components, and such components may contain materials that are subject to government regulation in both the locations where we manufacture and assemble our products, as well as the locations where we sell our products. For example, certain regulations limit the use of lead in electronic components. Since we operate on a global basis, this is a complex process which requires continual monitoring of regulations and an ongoing compliance process to ensure that Aeva and our suppliers are in compliance with existing regulations in each market where we operate. If there is an unanticipated new regulation that significantly impacts our use and sourcing of various components or requires more expensive components, that regulation could materially adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition.
Our products are used for AD and ADAS applications, which are subject to complicated regulatory schemes that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. These are rapidly evolving areas where new regulations could impose limitations on the use of LiDAR generally or Aeva’s products specifically. If we fail to adhere to these new regulations or to continually monitor relevant updates, we may be subject to litigation, loss of customers or negative publicity and Aeva's business, results of operations and financial condition will be adversely affected.
We are subject to various environmental laws and regulations that could impose substantial costs.
Concerns over environmental pollution and climate change have produced significant legislative and regulatory efforts on a global basis, and we believe this will continue both in scope and in the number of countries participating. In addition, as climate change issues become more prevalent, foreign, federal, state and local governments and our customers have been responding to these issues. The increased focus on environmental sustainability may result in new regulations and customer requirements, or changes in current regulations and customer requirements, which could materially adversely impact our business, results of operations and financial condition. If we are unable to effectively manage real or perceived issues, including concerns about environmental impacts or similar matters, sentiments toward Aeva or our products could be negatively impacted, and our business, results of operations or financial condition could suffer.
Our operations are subject to international, federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations, which could directly increase the cost of energy, which may have an effect on the way we manufacture products or utilize energy to produce our products. In addition, any new regulations or laws in the environmental area might increase the cost of raw materials or key components we use in our products. Environmental regulations may require us to reduce product energy usage, monitor and exclude an expanding list of restricted substances and to participate in required recovery and recycling of our products. Environmental and health and safety laws and regulations can be complex, and we have limited experience complying with them. Capital and operating expenses needed to comply with environmental laws and regulations can be significant, and violations may result in substantial fines and penalties, third-party damages, suspension of production, or cessation of our operations.
Contamination at properties we operate or formerly operated, or to which hazardous substances were sent by us, may result in liability for Aeva under environmental laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, which can impose liability for the full amount of remediation-related costs without regard to fault, for the investigation and cleanup of contaminated soil and ground water, for building contamination and impacts to human health and for damages to natural resources. The costs of complying with environmental laws and regulations and any claims concerning noncompliance, or liability with respect to contamination in the future, could have a material adverse effect on Aeva’s financial condition or operating results. We may face unexpected delays in obtaining the required permits and approvals in connection with any planned production facilities that could require significant time and financial resources and delay our ability to operate these facilities, which would adversely impact Aeva’s business, prospects, financial condition and operating results.
We are subject to U.S. and foreign anti-corruption and anti-money laundering laws and regulations. We can face criminal liability and other serious consequences for violations, which can harm our business.
We are subject to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, the U.S. domestic bribery statute contained in 18 U.S.C. § 201, the U.S. Travel Act, the USA PATRIOT Act and possibly other anti-bribery and anti-money laundering laws in countries in which we conduct activities. Anti-corruption laws are interpreted broadly and prohibit companies and their employees, agents, contractors and other collaborators from authorizing, promising, offering or providing, directly or indirectly, improper payments or anything else of value to recipients in the public or private sector. We can be held liable for the corrupt or other illegal activities of our employees, agents, contractors and other collaborators, even if we do not explicitly authorize or have actual knowledge of such activities. Any violations of the laws and regulations described above may result in substantial civil and criminal fines and penalties, imprisonment, the loss of export or import privileges, debarment, tax reassessments, breach of contract and fraud litigation, reputational harm and other consequences.
Our business may be adversely affected by changes in automotive, consumer electronics, LiDAR sensor and laser safety regulations or concerns that drive further regulation of the automobile, consumer electronics, LiDAR sensor and laser markets.
Government product safety regulations are an important factor for Aeva’s business. Historically, these regulations have imposed ever-more stringent safety regulations for vehicles and laser products. These safety regulations often require, or customers demand that, vehicles have more safety features per vehicle and more advanced safety products.
While we believe increasing automotive and laser safety standards will present a market opportunity for our products, government safety regulations are subject to change based on a number of factors that are not within our control, including, among others, new scientific or technological data, adverse publicity regarding the industry recalls and safety risks of AD and ADAS, accidents involving our products, domestic and foreign political developments or considerations, and litigation relating to our products and our competitors’ products. Changes in automotive, consumer electronics, LiDAR sensor and laser safety government regulations, especially in the AD and ADAS industries, could adversely affect our business. If government priorities shift and we are unable to adapt to changing regulations, our business may be materially and adversely affected.
Federal and local regulators impose more stringent compliance and reporting requirements in response to product recalls and safety issues in the automotive and laser industry. As cars that carry our sensors go into production, the obligations of complying with safety regulations and reporting requirements could increase and it could require increased resources and adversely affect Aeva’s business.
Autonomous and ADAS features may be delayed in adoption by OEMs, and Aeva’s business impacted, as additional emissions and safety requirements are imposed on vehicle manufacturers.
Vehicle regulators globally continue to consider new and enhanced emissions requirements, including electrification, to meet environmental and economic needs as well as pursue new safety standards to address emerging traffic risks. To control new vehicle prices, among other concerns, OEMs may need to dedicate technology and cost additions to new vehicle designs to meet these emissions and safety requirements and postpone the consumer cost pressures of new autonomous and ADAS features, which could adversely affect Aeva's business.
Aeva’s business may be adversely affected if we fail to comply with the regulatory requirements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or the Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”).
As a LiDAR technology company, we are subject to the Electronic Product Radiation Control Provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. These requirements are enforced by the FDA. Electronic product radiation includes laser technology. Regulations governing these products are intended to protect the public from hazardous or unnecessary exposure. Manufacturers are required to certify in product labeling and reports to the FDA that their products comply with applicable performance standards as well as maintain manufacturing, testing, and distribution records for their products. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in enforcement action by the FDA, which could require us to cease distribution of our products, recall or remediate products already distributed to customers, or subject us to FDA enforcement.
Failures, or perceived failures, to comply with privacy, data protection, and information security requirements in the variety of jurisdictions in which we operate may adversely impact our business, and such legal requirements are evolving, uncertain and may require improvements in, or changes to, our policies and operations.
Our current and potential future operations and sales subject us to laws and regulations addressing privacy and the collection, use, storage, disclosure, transfer and protection of a variety of types of data. For example, the European Commission has adopted the General Data Protection Regulation and California and other states have proposed or adopted privacy laws and regulations. Aspects of these new and emerging state privacy laws and regulations, as well as their interpretation and enforcement, are dynamic and evolving. These laws and regulations each require particular assessment for compliance, and we may be required to modify our practices in an effort to comply with them. These regimes may, among other things, provide for potentially material penalties for non-compliance, impose data security requirements, disclosure requirements, and restrictions on data collection, uses, and sharing that may impact our operations and the development of our business. We have limited access to, collect, store, process, or share certain information collected by our products, and our products may evolve to collect additional information. Therefore, the full impact of these privacy regimes on our business is rapidly evolving across jurisdictions and remains uncertain at this time.
We may also be affected by cyber-attacks and other means of gaining unauthorized access to our products, systems, and data. For instance, cybercriminals or insiders may target Aeva or third parties with which we have business relationships to obtain data, or in a manner that disrupts our operations or compromises our products or the systems into which our products are integrated.
We are assessing the continually evolving privacy and data security regimes and measures we believe are appropriate in response. Since these data security regimes are evolving, uncertain and complex, especially for a global business like ours, we may need to update or enhance our compliance measures as our products, markets and customer demands further develop, and these updates or enhancements may require implementation costs. In addition, we may not be able to monitor and react to all developments in a timely manner. The compliance measures we adopt may prove ineffective. Any failure, or perceived failure, by Aeva to comply with current and future regulatory or customer-driven privacy, data protection, and information security requirements, or to prevent or mitigate security breaches, cyber-attacks, or improper access to, use of, or disclosure of data, or any security issues or cyber-attacks affecting Aeva, could result in significant liability, costs (including the costs of mitigation and recovery), and a material loss of revenue resulting from the adverse impact on our reputation and brand, loss of proprietary information and data, disruption to our business and relationships, and diminished ability to retain or attract customers and business partners. Such events may result in governmental enforcement actions and prosecutions, private litigation, fines and penalties or adverse publicity, and could cause customers and business partners to lose trust in Aeva, which could have an adverse effect on our reputation and business.
Risks Related to Aeva’s Intellectual Property
We may not be able to adequately protect or enforce our intellectual property rights or prevent unauthorized parties from copying or reverse engineering our products or technology. Our efforts to protect and enforce our intellectual property rights and prevent third parties from violating our rights may be costly.
The success of our products and business depend in part on our ability to obtain patents and other intellectual property rights and maintain adequate legal protection for our products in the United States and other international jurisdictions. We rely on a combination of patent, service mark, trademark and trade secret laws, as well as confidentiality procedures and contractual restrictions, to establish and protect our proprietary rights, all of which provide only limited protection.
We cannot assure you that any patents will be issued with respect to our currently pending patent applications or that any trademarks will be registered with respect to our currently pending applications in a manner that gives Aeva adequate defensive protection or competitive advantages, if at all, or that any patents issued to Aeva or any trademarks registered by us will not be challenged, invalidated or circumvented. We may file for patents and trademarks in the United States and in certain international jurisdictions, but such protections may not be available in all countries in which we operate or in which we seek to enforce our intellectual property rights, or may be difficult to enforce in practice. For example, the legal environment relating to intellectual property protection in certain emerging market countries where we may operate in the future is relatively weaker, often making it difficult
to create and enforce such rights. Our currently-registered trademarks and any patents and trademarks that may be issued or registered, as applicable, in the future with respect to pending or future applications may not provide sufficiently broad protection or may not prove to be enforceable in actions against alleged infringers. Our foreign intellectual property portfolio is not as comprehensive as our U.S. intellectual property portfolio and may not protect our intellectual property in some countries where our products are sold or may be sold in the future. We cannot be certain that the steps we have taken will prevent unauthorized use of our technology or the reverse engineering of our technology. Moreover, others may independently develop technologies that are competitive to Aeva or infringe Aeva’s intellectual property.
Protecting against the unauthorized use of Aeva’s intellectual property, products and other proprietary rights is expensive and difficult, particularly internationally. We believe that our intellectual property is foundational in the area of LiDAR products and intend to enforce the intellectual property portfolio we have built over the years. Unauthorized parties may attempt to copy or reverse engineer Aeva’s LiDAR technology or certain aspects of Aeva’s products that we consider proprietary. Litigation may be necessary in the future to enforce or defend Aeva’s intellectual property rights, to prevent unauthorized parties from copying or reverse engineering our products or technology to determine the validity and scope of the proprietary rights of others or to block the importation of infringing products into the United States.
Any such litigation, whether initiated by Aeva or a third party, could result in substantial costs and diversion of management resources, either of which could adversely affect Aeva’s business, operating results and financial condition. Even if we obtain favorable outcomes in litigation, we may not be able to obtain adequate remedies, especially in the context of unauthorized parties copying or reverse engineering our products or technology.
Further, many of our current and potential competitors have the ability to dedicate substantially greater resources to defending intellectual property infringement claims and to enforcing their intellectual property rights than we have. Attempts to enforce our rights against third parties could also provoke these third parties to assert their own intellectual property or other rights against Aeva or result in a holding that invalidates or narrows the scope of our rights, in whole or in part. Effective patent, trademark, service mark, copyright and trade secret protection may not be available in every country in which Aeva’s products are available and competitors based in other countries may sell infringing products in one or more markets. Failure to adequately protect our intellectual property rights could result in our competitors offering similar products, potentially resulting in the loss of some of our competitive advantage and a decrease in revenue, which would adversely affect Aeva’s business, operating results, financial condition and prospects.
Third-party claims that Aeva is infringing intellectual property, whether successful or not, could subject us to costly and time-consuming litigation or expensive licenses, and our business could be adversely affected.
Although we have applied for patents related to our products, a number of companies, both within and outside of the LiDAR industry, hold patents covering aspects of LiDAR products. In addition to these patents, participants in this industry typically also protect their technology, especially embedded software, through copyrights and trade secrets. As a result, there is frequent litigation based on allegations of infringement, misappropriation or other violations of intellectual property rights. We may in the future receive inquiries from other intellectual property holders and become subject to claims that we infringe their intellectual property rights, particularly as we expand our presence in the market, expand to new use cases and face increasing competition. In addition, parties may claim that the names and branding of Aeva’s products infringe their trademark rights in certain countries or territories. If such a claim were to prevail, we may have to change the names and branding of our products in the affected territories and could incur other costs.
We currently have a number of agreements in effect pursuant to which we have agreed to defend, indemnify and hold harmless our customers, suppliers, and channel partners and other counterparties from damages and costs which may arise from the infringement by Aeva’s products of third-party patents or other intellectual property rights. The scope of these indemnity obligations varies, but may, in some instances, include indemnification for damages and expenses, including attorneys’ fees. Our insurance may not cover all intellectual property infringement claims. A claim that our products infringe a third party’s intellectual property rights, even if untrue, could adversely affect our relationships with our customers, may deter future customers from purchasing our products and could expose us to costly litigation and settlement expenses. Even if Aeva is not a party to any litigation between a
customer and a third party relating to infringement by our products, an adverse outcome in any such litigation could make it more difficult for us to defend our products against intellectual property infringement claims in any subsequent litigation in which Aeva is a named party. Any of these results could adversely affect Aeva’s brand and operating results.
We may in the future need to initiate infringement claims or litigation in order to try to protect our intellectual property rights. In addition to litigation where Aeva is a plaintiff, our defense of intellectual property rights claims brought against us or our customers, suppliers and channel partners, with or without merit, could be time-consuming, expensive to litigate or settle, divert management resources and attention and force us to acquire intellectual property rights and licenses, which may involve substantial royalty or other payments and may not be available on acceptable terms or at all. Further, a party making such a claim, if successful, could secure a judgment that requires us to pay substantial damages or obtain an injunction. We may also lose the opportunity to license our technology to others or to collect royalty payments. An adverse determination could also invalidate or narrow Aeva’s intellectual property rights and adversely affect our ability to offer our products to customers and may require that we procure or develop substitute products, which could require significant effort and expense. Any of these events could adversely affect Aeva’s business, reputation, operating results, financial condition and prospects.
Claims for indemnification by our directors and officers may reduce our available funds to satisfy successful third-party claims against us and may reduce the amount of money available to us.
Our Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation and Amended and Restated Bylaws provide that we will indemnify our directors and officers, in each case to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law.
此外,根據《特拉華州總公司法》第145條的允許 (「DGCL」)、經修訂和重述的章程以及我們與董事和高級職員簽訂的賠償協議規定:
We have in the past and may in the future identify material weaknesses and deficiencies in our internal controls over financial reporting. A material weakness is a deficiency or combination of deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the company’s financial statements would not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. We cannot be certain that material weaknesses and control deficiencies will not occur in the future or that the measures we have taken to date, and actions we may take in the future, will be sufficient to prevent or avoid potential future material weaknesses. If material weaknesses are identified in the future, or if we are not able to comply with the requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, our reported financial results could be materially misstated and we could be subject to investigations or sanctions by regulatory authorities, which would require additional financial and management resources, and the value of our common stock could decline. To the extent we identify future weaknesses or deficiencies, there could be material misstatements in our consolidated financial statements and we could fail to meet our financial reporting obligations. The identification of such a material weakness could materially and
adversely affect our business, our financial condition and the value of our common stock. If we are unable to assert that our internal control over financial reporting is effective in the future, investor confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports could be further eroded, which would have a material adverse effect on the price of our common stock.
If we fail to maintain an effective system of internal controls, our ability to produce timely and accurate financial statements or comply with applicable regulations could be adversely affected.
We are subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the rules and regulations of the NASDAQ Stock Market ("NASDAQ"). We expect that the requirements of these rules and regulations will continue to increase our legal, accounting and financial compliance costs, make some activities more difficult, time-consuming and costly, and place significant strain on our personnel, systems and resources. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires, among other things, that Aeva maintain effective disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting. In order to maintain and improve the effectiveness of our controls and procedures we have expended, and expect that we will continue to expend, significant resources, including accounting-related costs, and provide significant management oversight, as we continue to refine our controls and procedures. Our current controls and any new controls that we develop may be inadequate. Further, weaknesses or deficiencies in our internal controls have been identified in the past and may be discovered in the future. Any failure to develop or maintain effective controls, or any difficulties encountered in their implementation or improvement, could adversely affect our operating results or cause us to fail to meet reporting obligations and may result in a restatement of our financial statements. Ineffective controls and procedures could also cause investors to lose confidence in Aeva’s reported financial and other information.
We are incurring, and will continue to incur, significant increased expenses and administrative burdens as a public company, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We are facing, and will continue to face, increased legal, accounting, administrative and other costs and expenses as a public company that Aeva did not incur as a private company. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, including the requirements of Section 404, as well as rules and regulations subsequently implemented by the SEC, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, the PCAOB and the securities exchanges, impose additional reporting and other obligations on public companies. Compliance with public company requirements makes certain activities more costly and time-consuming. Furthermore, if any issues in complying with those requirements are identified, we could incur additional costs, and the existence of those issues could adversely affect our reputation or investor perceptions. The rules and regulations applicable to public companies have made it more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance. Risks associated with our status as a public company may make it more difficult to attract and retain qualified persons to serve on the Board or as executive officers. The additional reporting and other obligations imposed by these rules and regulations have increased, and will continue to increase, legal and financial compliance costs and the costs of related legal, accounting and administrative activities. These increased costs have required, and will continue to require, Aeva to divert a significant amount of money and management attention that could otherwise be used to expand the business and achieve strategic objectives. Advocacy efforts by stockholders and third parties, and changes in regulatory practice and guidance, may also prompt additional changes in governance and reporting requirements, which could further increase costs.
Aeva’s management team has limited experience managing and operating a public company.
Most of the members of Aeva’s management team have limited experience managing and operating a publicly traded company, interacting with public company investors, and complying with the increasingly complex laws pertaining to public companies. Aeva’s management team may not successfully or efficiently manage their roles and responsibilities. Aeva’s transition to being a public company has subjected us to significant regulatory oversight and reporting obligations under the federal securities laws and the continuous scrutiny of securities analysts and investors. These obligations and constituents require significant attention from Aeva’s senior management and may divert their attention from the day-to-day management of our business. We may need to continue to hire additional employees to support our operations as a public company, particularly with the appropriate level of knowledge, experience, and training in the accounting policies, practices or internal controls over financial reporting required of public companies, which would increase our operating costs in future periods. These factors could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results.
There can be no assurance that we will be able to comply with the continued listing requirements of NASDAQ.
If we fail to satisfy the continued listing requirements of NASDAQ, NASDAQ may take steps to delist our securities. Such a delisting would likely have a negative effect on the price of the securities and would impair the ability of stockholders to sell or purchase their securities.
If NASDAQ delists Aeva’s shares from trading on its exchange, Aeva and its stockholders could face significant material adverse consequences including:
Regulations related to conflict minerals may cause Aeva to incur additional expenses and could limit the supply and increase the costs of certain metals used in the manufacturing of our products.
We are subject to the requirements under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, or the Dodd-Frank Act, which require us to determine, disclose and report whether Aeva’s products contain conflict minerals. These requirements could adversely affect the sourcing, availability and pricing of the materials used in the manufacture of components used in Aeva’s products. In addition, we will incur additional costs to comply with the disclosure requirements, including costs related to conducting diligence procedures to determine the sources of conflict minerals that may be used in or necessary to the production of our products and, if applicable, potential changes to products, processes or sources of supply as a consequence of such verification activities. It is also possible that our reputation may be adversely affected if we determine that certain of our products contain minerals not determined to be conflict-free or if we are unable to alter our products, processes or sources of supply to avoid use of such materials.
Risks Related to Our Common Stock
If we do not meet the expectations of investors or securities analysts, the market price of Aeva's securities may decline.
If we do not meet the expectations of investors or securities analysts, the market price of Aeva's securities may decline. In addition, fluctuations in the price of Aeva’s securities could contribute to the loss of all or part of your investment. The trading price of Aeva’s securities has been and could continue to be volatile and subject to wide fluctuations in response to various factors, some of which are beyond our control. Any of the factors listed below could have a material adverse effect on your investment in Aeva’s securities and Aeva’s securities may trade at prices significantly below the price you paid for them. In such circumstances, the trading price of Aeva’s securities may not recover and may experience a further decline. Factors affecting the trading price of Aeva’s securities may include:
Broad market and industry factors may materially harm the market price of Aeva’s securities irrespective of our operating performance. The stock market in general, and NASDAQ in particular, have experienced price and volume fluctuations that have often been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of the particular companies affected. The trading prices and valuations of these stocks, and of Aeva’s securities, may not be predictable. A loss of investor confidence in the market for retail stocks or the stocks of other companies which investors perceive to be similar to Aeva could depress Aeva’s share price regardless of our business, prospects, financial conditions or results of operations. A decline in the market price of Aeva’s securities also could adversely affect our ability to issue additional securities and to obtain additional financing in the future.
If securities or industry analysts do not publish or cease publishing research or reports about Aeva, our business, or our market, or if they adversely change their recommendations regarding Aeva’s securities, the price and trading volume of Aeva’s securities could decline.
The trading market for Aeva’s securities depends, to some extent, on the research and reports that industry or securities analysts publish about Aeva, our business, market or competitors. If securities or industry analysts publish research reports that are interpreted negatively by the investment community, or have a negative tone regarding Aeva’s business, financial condition, operating performance, industry, or end-markets, or downgrade Aeva’s common stock, Aeva’s share price and trading volume would likely be negatively impacted. If any of the analysts who cover Aeva adversely change their recommendation regarding Aeva’s price of common stock, or provide more favorable relative recommendations about Aeva’s competitors, the price of Aeva’s common stock would likely decline. If any of the analysts who cover Aeva cease coverage of Aeva or fail to regularly publish reports on us, Aeva could lose visibility in the financial markets, which in turn could cause Aeva’s share price or trading volume to decline.
Your ownership in our common stock may be diluted by additional equity issuances.
Your percentage ownership in our common stock could be diluted in the future as a result of equity or convertible issuances for acquisitions, capital market transactions or otherwise, including any equity awards that we grant to our directors, officers and employees. Such awards could have a dilutive effect on our earnings per share, which could adversely affect the market price of our common stock. In addition, our certificate of incorporation authorizes us to issue, without the approval of our stockholders, one or more classes or series of preferred shares
having such designation, powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and other special rights as our board of directors generally may determine. Your ownership in our common stock could also be diluted by the exercise of securities convertible into our common stock, including our outstanding warrants and the convertible redeemable non-voting preferred stock that may be issued pursuant to the Facility Agreement. The terms of one or more classes or series of preferred shares could dilute the voting power or reduce the value of our common stock.
Our second amended and restated certificate of incorporation contains anti-takeover provisions that could adversely affect the rights of our stockholders.
Our second amended and restated certificate of incorporation contains provisions to limit the ability of others to acquire control of Aeva or cause us to engage in change-of-control transactions, including, among other things:
These provisions could have the effect of depriving our stockholders of an opportunity to sell their common stock at a premium over prevailing market prices by discouraging third parties from seeking to obtain control of our company in a tender offer or similar transaction. With our staggered board of directors, at least two annual or special meetings of stockholders will generally be required in order to effect a change in a majority of our directors. Our staggered board of directors can discourage proxy contests for the election of directors and purchases of substantial blocks of our shares by making it more difficult for a potential acquirer to gain control of our board of directors in a relatively short period of time.
Our second amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides, subject to limited exceptions, that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware will be the sole and exclusive forum for certain stockholder litigation matters, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers, employees or stockholders.
Our second amended and restated certificate of incorporation requires, to the fullest extent permitted by law, that (i) derivative actions brought in our name, (ii) asserting a claim of breach of fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer or stockholder of the Company, (iii) actions asserting a claim pursuant to the DGCL, the Certificate of Incorporation and the bylaws of the Company, or (iv) any actions asserting claims governed by the internal affairs doctrine, may be brought only in the Court of Chancery in the State of Delaware (or, in the event that the Chancery Court does not have jurisdiction, the federal district court for the District of Delaware or other state courts of the State of Delaware). Subject to the preceding sentence, the federal district courts of the United States of America will be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act. However, such forum selection provisions will not apply to suits brought to enforce any liability or duty created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the federal courts of the United States have exclusive jurisdiction.
The choice of forum provision may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers, or other employees, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers, and other employees. Alternatively, if a court were to find the choice of forum provision contained in the second amended and restated certificate of incorporation to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions, which could harm our business, results of operations, and financial condition.
Additionally, Section 22 of the Securities Act creates concurrent jurisdiction for federal and state courts overall suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Securities Act or the rules and regulations thereunder. As noted above, the second amended and restated certificate of incorporation will provide that the federal district courts of the United States of America will have jurisdiction over any action arising under the Securities Act. Accordingly, there is uncertainty as to whether a court would enforce such provision. Our stockholders will not be deemed to have waived our compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.
Any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in shares of our capital stock shall be deemed to have notice of and consented to the forum provisions in our second amended and restated certificate of incorporation.
Because we have no current plans to pay cash dividends on our common stock for the foreseeable future, you may not receive any return on investment unless you sell the common stock for a price greater than that which you paid for it.
We may retain future earnings, if any, for future operations, expansion and debt repayment and have no current plans to pay any cash dividends for the foreseeable future. Any decision to declare and pay dividends as a public company in the future will be made at the discretion of our board of directors and will depend on, among other things, our results of operations, financial condition, cash requirements, contractual restrictions and other factors that our board of directors may deem relevant. In addition, our ability to pay dividends may be limited by covenants of any existing and future outstanding indebtedness we or our subsidiaries incur. As a result, you may not receive any return on an investment in our common stock unless you sell the common stock for a price greater than that which you paid for it. See the section entitled “Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities.”
Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments.
Not applicable.
Item 1C. Cybersecurity.
Risk Management and Strategy
The Company’s Information Technology team has established an information security management system to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Company’s products, infrastructure, and data.
Additionally, we conduct regular internal assessments and audits,
Risks from Threats and Incidents
Our IT infrastructure, encompassing operational and security systems, integrated software, and data processed by us or our third-party vendors, is vulnerable to cybersecurity threats and incidents. As of December 31, 2024, these risks
measures cannot provide absolute security. See Part I, Item 1A. “Risk Factors” of this report for additional information about the risks to our business associated with a breach or compromise to our information technology systems.
The IT Director leads and coordinates cybersecurity efforts at Aeva, providing regular updates on cybersecurity progress to the senior leadership team. The Information Security team actively shares updates on the status of cybersecurity efforts and risks, evaluates our information security programs, and monitors the evolving threat landscape on a company-wide level.
Item 2. Properties.
Our corporate headquarters is located in Mountain View, California, where we lease two buildings with approximately 28,000 and 30,000 of square feet, respectively, pursuant to lease that expires in June 2026 and July 2025, respectively. Our headquarters contains engineering, research and development, assembly and administrative functions. Additionally, we lease approximately 96,000 square feet located in Milpitas, California for our testing facility. This lease expires in April 2026. We believe that our facilities are adequate for our current needs and, should we need additional space, we believe we will be able to obtain additional space on commercially reasonable terms.
Item 3. Legal Proceedings.
From time to time, the Company may be involved in actions, claims, suits and other proceedings in the ordinary course of business, including assertions by third parties relating to intellectual property infringement, breaches of contract or warranties or employment-related matters. Information regarding legal proceedings is provided in this Annual Report in “Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Note 15 - Commitments and Contingencies.”
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures.
Not applicable.
Item 5. Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities.
Market Information for Common Stock
The Company’s common stock and warrants are traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbols “AEVA” and “AEVAW”, respectively.
Dividend Policy
We have never declared or paid, and do not anticipate declaring or paying in the foreseeable future, any cash dividends on our capital stock. Any future determination as to the declaration and payment of dividends, if any, will be at the discretion of our board of directors, subject to applicable laws and will depend on then existing conditions, including our financial condition, operating results, contractual restrictions, capital requirements, business prospects, and other factors our board of directors may deem relevant.
Holders of Record
As of March 1, 2025, there were 26 holders of record of our common stock and 10 holders of record of our private and public warrants. Because many of our shares of common stock and public warrants are held by brokers and other institutions on behalf of stockholders, we are unable to estimate the total number of holders represented by these record holders. However, we believe a substantially greater number of beneficial owners hold shares of our common stock and public warrants through brokers, banks, or other nominees.
Securities Authorized for Issuance under Equity Compensation Plans
The information called for by this item is incorporated by reference to our Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held in 2025 (the “Proxy Statement”). See Part III, Item 12 “Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management” and “Equity Compensation Plan Information.”
Item 6. [Reserved]
Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
You should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations together with the Consolidated Financial Statements and related notes that are included elsewhere in this report. This discussion contains forward-looking statements based upon current expectations that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including those set forth under “Risk Factors” or in other parts of this report.
On March 18, 2024, we filed a Certificate of Amendment to our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the “Amendment”) with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware to effect a 1-for-5 reverse stock split (the “Reverse Stock Split”) of shares of common stock, $0.0001 par value (the “common stock”). Pursuant to the Reverse Stock Split, every five (5) shares of issued and outstanding shares of common stock were combined into one (1) share of common stock. All share and per share amounts presented herein have been retroactively adjusted to reflect the Reverse Stock Split. There was no change to the shares authorized or in the par value per share of common stock of $0.0001.
The Reverse Stock Split affected all stockholders uniformly and did not alter any stockholder’s percentage interest in the Company’s equity. The Company did not issue fractional shares in connection with the Reverse Stock Split. Stockholders who were otherwise entitled to fractional shares of common stock were instead entitled to receive a proportional cash payment. The number of shares of common stock issuable under our equity incentive plans and exercisable under the outstanding warrants were also proportionately adjusted.
A discussion and analysis regarding our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2024 compared to the year ended December 31, 2023 is presented below. Discussion regarding our financial condition and results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2023 as compared to the year ended December 31, 2022 is not included in this Form 10-K, and can be found in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in Part II, Item 7 of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 15, 2024.
Our vision is to bring perception to broad applications. Through our FMCW sensing technology, we believe we are introducing the world’s first 4D LiDAR-on-chip that, along with our proprietary software applications, has the potential to enable the adoption of LIDAR across broad applications.
Founded in 2017 by former Apple engineers Soroush Salehian and Mina Rezk and led by a multidisciplinary team of engineers and operators experienced in the field of sensing and perception, Aeva’s mission is to bring the next wave of perception technology to broad applications from automated driving to industrial automation, consumer device and security applications. Our 4D LiDAR-on-chip combines silicon photonics technology that is proven in the telecom industry with precise instant velocity measurements and long-range performance for commercialization.
As a development stage company, we work closely with our customers on the development and commercialization of their programs and the utilization of our products in such programs. Thus far, virtually all of our customers have purchased prototype products and engineering services from us for use in their research and development programs. We are expanding our manufacturing capacity through third-party manufacturers to meet our customers’ anticipated demand for the production of our products.
Unlike legacy 3D LiDAR, which relies on Time-of-Flight (“ToF”) technology and measures only depth and reflectivity, Aeva’s solution leverages a proprietary FMCW technology to measure velocity in addition to depth, reflectivity and inertial motion. We believe the ability of Aeva’s solution to measure instant velocity for every pixel is a major advantage over ToF-based sensing solutions. Furthermore, Aeva’s technology is free from interference from other LiDAR and sunlight, and our core innovations within FMCW are intended to enable autonomous vehicles to see at significantly higher distances of up to 500 meters.
We believe Aeva is uniquely positioned to provide a superior solution with the potential to enable higher level of automation for vehicles. Furthermore, we believe the advantages of our 4D LiDAR-on-chip allow us to provide
the first LiDAR solution that is fully integrated onto a chip with superior performance at scale, with the potential to drive new categories of perception across industrial automation, consumer devices, and security markets.
Key Factors Affecting Aeva’s Operating Results
We believe that our future performance and success depends to a substantial extent on our ability to capitalize opportunities, which in turn is subject to significant risks and challenges, including those discussed below and in the section of this Annual Report on Form 10-K entitled “Risk Factors.”
Pricing, Product Cost and Margins. Our pricing and margins will depend on the volumes and the features as well as specific market applications of the solutions we provide to our customers. We have customers with technologies in various stages of development across different market segments. We anticipate that our prices will vary by market and application due to market-specific product and commercial requirements, supply and demand dynamics and product lifecycles.
Our future performance will depend on our ability to deliver on economies of scale. Our customers will require that our perception solutions be manufactured and sold at per-unit prices that are competitive. Our ability to compete in key markets will depend on the success of our efforts to efficiently and reliably produce cost-effective perception solutions that are competitively priced and affordable for our commercial-stage customers.
Additionally, the macroeconomic conditions in the industry, the growing emergence of competition in advanced assisted driving sensing and software technologies globally can negatively impact pricing, margins and market share. Our business is impacted by various macroeconomic factors, including inflation, interest rates, levels of consumer confidence and consumer debt, fuel and energy costs, and other economic conditions. In addition, we are susceptible to supply chain disruptions, which may be exacerbated by changes to tariffs and trade policies. Given the nature of these macroeconomic factors, we cannot predict whether or for how long certain trends will continue, nor can we predict to what degree these trends will impact us in the future. If we do not generate the margins we expect upon commercialization of our perception solutions, we may be required to raise additional debt or equity capital, which may not be available or may only be available on terms that are onerous to Aeva’s stockholders.
Commercialization of LiDAR-based Applications. We expect that our results of operations, including revenue and gross margins, will fluctuate on a quarterly basis for the foreseeable future as our customers continue on research and development projects and begin to commercialize advanced driver assist, autonomous and industrial automation solutions that rely on LiDAR technology. The development cycles of our products with new customers varies widely depending on the application, market, customer and the complexity of the product, and can vary from several months to seven or more years depending on the industry. These development cycles result in us investing our resources prior to realizing any revenue from the commercialization or obtaining any firm commitments of pricing, volume or timing of purchases of our products by our customers. As customers reach the commercialization phase and as the market for LiDAR solutions matures, these fluctuations in our operating results may become less pronounced.
Sales Volume. Each product program will have an expected range of sales volumes, depending on the end market demand for our customers’ products as well as market application. This can depend on several factors, including market penetration, product capabilities, size of the end market that the product addresses and our end customers’ ability to sell their products. In addition to end market demand, sales volumes also depend on whether our customer is in the development or production phase. In certain cases, we may provide volume discounts or strategic customer pricing on sales of our solutions, which may or may not be offset by lower manufacturing costs related to higher volumes which in turn could adversely impact our gross margins. Our ability to ultimately achieve profitability is dependent upon progression of existing relationships to production and our ability to meet required volumes and required cost targets and gross margins. Delays in our current and future customers’ programs could result in us being unable to achieve our revenue targets and profitability in the time frame we anticipate. Such delays could result in us requiring to raise additional debt or equity capital, which may not be available or may only be available on terms that are onerous to Aeva’s stockholders.
Basis of Presentation
We currently conduct our business through one operating segment.
Components of Results of Operations
Revenue consists of sales of perception solutions or sensing systems and non-recurring engineering services.
We are engaged in the design, manufacturing and sale of LiDAR sensing systems and related perception and autonomy-enabling software solutions serving customers in automotive, industrial, and other markets. Under our customer agreements, we deliver a specified number of sensing systems at a fixed price under customary terms and conditions. The sensing system units sold under these agreements are typically prototypes that are used by the customer for its research, development, evaluation, pilot, or testing purposes. We also enter into non-recurring engineering service arrangements with certain of our customers to customize Aeva’s perception solution to meet customer specific requirements.
Cost of revenue and gross profit
Cost of revenue principally includes direct material, direct labor and allocation of overhead associated with manufacturing operations, including inbound freight charges and depreciation expense. Cost of revenue also includes the direct cost and appropriate allocation of overhead involved in execution of non-recurring engineering services. Gross profit equals total revenue less total cost of revenue.
Operating expenses
Research and development
Our research and development efforts are focused on enhancing and developing additional functionality for our existing products and on new product development. Research and development expenses consist primarily of:
We expense research and development costs as incurred.
General and administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses consist of personnel and personnel-related expenses, including salaries, benefits, and stock-based compensation expense of our executive, finance, information systems, human resources, and legal, as well as legal and accounting fees for professional and contract services.
Selling and marketing expenses
Selling and marketing expenses consist of personnel and personnel-related expenses, including salaries, benefits, and stock-based compensation expense of our business development team as well as advertising and marketing expenses. These include the cost of trade shows, promotional materials, and public relations.
We expect that our operating expenses in fiscal 2025 will decrease as compared to fiscal 2024.
Interest income and Interest expense
Interest income consists primarily of income earned on our cash equivalents and investments in marketable securities. Interest income will vary based on our cash equivalents and marketable securities balance and changes in interest rates.
Other income and expense
Other income and expense primarily consist of changes in the fair value of Series A warrants, fair value of private placement warrants and foreign currency transaction gains and losses, as well as realized gains and losses on marketable securities.
Results of Operations
Comparison of Year Ended December 31, 2024 and 2023
The following table sets forth our results of operations for the periods presented:
Year Ended |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Change |
(in thousands, except percentages) |
Revenue |
$ |
9,065 |
$ |
4,312 |
$ |
4,753 |
110 |
% |
Cost of revenue |
12,855 |
10,198 |
2,657 |
26 |
% |
Gross loss |
(3,790 |
) |
(5,886 |
) |
2,096 |
(36 |
)% |
Operating expenses: |
Research and development expenses |
102,667 |
102,503 |
164 |
0 |
% |
General and administrative expenses |
33,259 |
31,761 |
1,498 |
5 |
% |
Selling and marketing expenses |
7,156 |
7,638 |
(482 |
) |
(6 |
)% |
Litigation settlement, net |
11,500 |
— |
11,500 |
100 |
% |
Total operating expenses |
154,582 |
141,902 |
12,680 |
9 |
% |
Net loss before income taxes |
(158,372 |
) |
(147,788 |
) |
(10,584 |
) |
7 |
% |
Interest income |
7,712 |
8,925 |
(1,213 |
) |
(14 |
)% |
Other income (expense), net |
(1,430 |
) |
(10,470 |
) |
(9,040 |
) |
86 |
% |
Net loss before taxes |
(152,090 |
) |
(149,333 |
) |
(2,757 |
) |
2 |
% |
Income tax provision |
171 |
— |
171 |
100 |
% |
Net loss |
$ |
(152,261 |
) |
$ |
(149,333 |
) |
$ |
(2,928 |
) |
2 |
% |
Revenue increased by $4.8 million, or 110%, to $9.1 million during the year ended December 31, 2024, from $4.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. This increase was primarily due to an increase in the sale of prototype units sold in 2024 as compared to 2023, and activity related to non-recurring engineering services which is dependent upon the timing of the work performed for our customers.
Cost of revenue
Cost of revenue increased by $2.7 million, or 26%, to $12.9 million during the year ended December 31, 2024, from $10.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. The increase was primarily due to an increase in the number of units sold in 2024 and also due to an increase in non-recurring engineering services during 2024 as compared to 2023.
Operating expenses
Research and development
Research and development expense increased slightly by $0.2 million, to $102.7 million during the year ended December 31, 2024, from $102.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. Research and development expenses increased primarily due to a $3.0 million increase in professional expenses, a $1.0 million increase in subscription expenses, a $0.4 million increase in miscellaneous expenses and a $0.4 million increase in depreciation expense; this was partially offset by a $3.0 million decrease in research and development material cost, a $0.6
million decrease in facility expenses, a $0.4 million decrease in legal expenses, a $0.3 million decrease in lab supplies, a $0.2 million decrease in payroll and other employee related expenses, and a $0.1 million decrease in travel expenses.
General and administrative
General and administrative expense increased by $1.5 million, or 5%, to $33.3 million during the year ended December 31, 2024, from $31.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. General and administrative expense increased primarily due to a $2.2 million increase in payroll and other employee related expenses, a $0.7 million increase in stock based compensation, a $0.5 million increase professional expenses, a $0.2 million increase in travel expense, a $0.2 increase in facility expenses, and $0.1 million increase in other expenses; this was partially offset by a $1.1 million decrease in insurance expenses, a $0.7 million decrease in legal expenses, a $0.3 million decrease in depreciation and a $0.3 million decrease in recruiting expense.
Selling and marketing
Selling and marketing expense decreased by $0.4 million, or 6%, to $7.2 million during the year ended December 31, 2024, from $7.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. Selling and marketing expense decreased due to a $0.3 million decrease in travel expenses, a $0.2 million decrease in recruiting expenses, and a $0.1 million decrease in marketing program expenses; this was partially offset by a $0.2 million increase in payroll and other employee related expenses.
Litigation settlement, net
During the year ended December 31, 2024, we recorded a litigation settlement expense (net) of $11.5 million, related to the Delaware Stockholder Litigation (as defined in Note 15 to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report).
Interest income
Interest income decreased by $1.2 million during the year ended December 31, 2024. The decrease was due to a decrease in the overall balance of interest-bearing cash equivalents and marketable securities.
Other income (expense), net
Other income (expense), net decreased by $9.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2024. In 2023 we issued Series A Warrants of $6.7 million and paid $3.8 million in financing transaction fees for the Facility Agreement (as defined below). In 2024 we recorded a change in fair value of Series A warrants of $1.5 million.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Our capital requirements depend on many factors, including production capacity and sales volume, the timing and spending to support research and development efforts, investments in information technology, the expansion of sales and marketing activities, and market adoption of new and enhanced products and features.
On November 8, 2023, we entered into subscription agreements providing for the purchase of common stock resulting in net proceeds of $20.6 million. Also on November 8, 2023, we entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement (as amended from time to time, the “Facility Agreement”) with entities affiliated with Sylebra. Pursuant to the Facility Agreement, we have the right, but not the obligation, to sell to Sylebra up to $125.0 million of shares of preferred stock, at our request until November 8, 2026, subject to the terms of the Facility Agreement and the satisfaction of certain conditions as described in Note 10 to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report. Each sale we request under the Facility Agreement may be for a number of shares of preferred stock with an aggregate value of at least $25.0 million but not more than $50.0 million (except with Sylebra’s consent). We paid Sylebra a facility fee of $2.5 million, an origination fee of $0.6 million, and an administrative fee of $0.3
million and reimbursed $0.4 million to Sylebra for its fees and expenses. In addition, we issued to Sylebra Series A warrants to purchase 3,000,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $5.00.
On July 2, 2024, Aeva and the parties to the Delaware Stockholder Litigation entered into a term sheet, and on December 6, 2024 entered into a formal settlement agreement, which will be subject to court approval, to fully and finally resolve the Delaware Stockholder Litigation. In connection with the settlement, we have agreed to pay a total settlement cost of $14.0 million in exchange for a release of all claims related to the business combination and expect to recover $2.5 million from insurance carrier. The settlement is being paid pursuant to our indemnification obligations and from available director and officer insurance policies. As of December 31, 2024, we have accrued a contingent liability of $14.0 million connection with the settlement of the Delaware Stockholder Litigation, and a $2.5 million insurance recovery. See Note 15 to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report for more information about the Delaware Stockholder Litigation.
To date, we have incurred negative cash flows from operating activities and incurred losses from operations as reflected in our accumulated deficit of $611.9 million as of December 31, 2024. We expect to continue to incur operating losses due to continued investments that we intend to make in our business, including development of products. As of December 31, 2024, we had cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities totaling $112.0 million. We also have the ability to draw on the Facility Agreement up to $125.0 million through November 8, 2026 in exchange for the issuance of preferred shares, and we intend to draw down on the Facility Agreement if and as required by our capital needs. As of December 31, 2024, all conditions to draw under the Facility Agreement were met. We believe that our liquidity, including financing available to us through the Facility Agreement, will be sufficient to fund our operating and capital expenditure for at least 12 months from the date of issuance of the consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.
Cash Flow Summary
The following table summarizes our cash flows for the periods presented:
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
(單位:千) |
經營活動所用現金 |
$ |
(106,913 |
) |
$ |
(118,826 |
) |
投資活動提供的現金 |
97,901 |
69,277 |
由融資活動提供(用於)的現金 |
(671 |
) |
20,676 |
現金和現金等價物淨減少 |
$ |
(9,683 |
) |
$ |
(28,873 |
) |
應用ASC 606所需的最關鍵的會計政策估計和判斷,客戶合同的收入確認,我們的收入確認政策涉及確定履約義務,並對隨着時間推移確認的某些合同進行會計處理。在某些合同中,確定我們獨特的履行義務需要做出重大判斷。隨着我們的業務和向客戶提供的服務隨着時間的推移而變化,我們確定爲不同的性能義務的產品和服務可能會發生變化。這些變化可能會對我們在特定時期報告的收入和毛利率產生不利影響。產品銷售收入在轉讓承諾產品控制權時確認。收入的確認金額反映了AEVA預期用這些產品和服務換取的對價。向某些客戶銷售產品可能需要客戶接受,在這種情況下,收入確認將推遲到接受發生。對於服務項目,收入在提供服務時確認,並根據合同條款按估計的應收金額賺取金額。
我們根據對憑證具體條款的評估和財務會計準則委員會(「FASB」)ASC 480中適用的權威指導,將憑證視爲股權分類或負債分類工具, 區分負債與股權(「ASC 480」),和ASC 815, 衍生品和對沖(「ASC 815」).該評估考慮了根據ASC 480,該憑證是否是獨立金融工具,是否符合ASC 480的負債定義,以及該憑證是否符合ASC 815下股權分類的所有要求,包括該憑證是否與Aeva的普通股掛鉤,以及股權分類的其他條件。這項評估需要使用專業判斷,並在發行認購證時以及在認購認購證尚未發行的每個隨後季度結束日進行。
參見“注1。 業務描述和重要會計政策摘要“本報告其他地方包含的綜合財務報表的完整描述,包括各自的預計採用日期和對我們的綜合財務報表的估計影響(如果有的話)。
利率下降 |
提高利率 |
(單位:千) |
-100 BPS |
-50 BPS |
50個點子 |
100 BPS |
總公平市場價值 |
$ |
97,438 |
$ |
97,331 |
$ |
97,115 |
$ |
97,007 |
公平市場價值百分比變化 |
0.2 |
% |
0.1 |
% |
-0.1 |
% |
-0.2 |
% |
56 |
58 |
綜合經營報表 和綜合損失 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
獨立報告 註冊會計師事務所
根據會計準則法典(ASC)815, 衍生工具和套期保值和ASC 480, 區分負債與股權.該公司分析了A系列令並確定它們是獨立的,不表現出ASC 480中的任何特徵,因此不符合ASC 480下負債的特徵。然而,A系列認股證不符合ASC 815項下股權分類的所有要求,因此它們在公司綜合資產負債表上按公允價值覈算爲認股證負債,隨後公允價值的變化在每個報告日期的綜合經營報表中確認。
該公司使用Black-Scholes期權定價模型(「BS模型」)來確定A系列配股的公允價值。影響截至2024年12月31日公允價值計量的估計和假設包括無風險利率;普通股的預期波動性;普通股標的股票的每股公允價值; A系列股票的預期期限;和零股息收益率。截至2024年12月31日,A系列認購證負債的公允價值爲830万美元。
截至12月31日, |
2024 |
2023 |
資產 |
現金及現金等價物 |
$ |
$ |
有價證券 |
應收賬款 |
庫存 |
其他流動資產 |
流動資產總額 |
經營租賃使用權資產 |
不動產、廠房和設備,淨值 |
無形資產,淨值 |
其他非流動資產 |
總資產 |
$ |
$ |
負債和股東權益 |
應付賬款 |
$ |
$ |
應計負債 |
應計員工成本 |
租賃負債,流動部分 |
其他流動負債 |
流動負債總額 |
租賃負債,非流動部分 |
令狀責任 |
總負債 |
可轉換優先股美元 |
普通股美元 |
額外實收資本 |
累計其他綜合收益(損失) |
( |
) |
累計赤字 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
股東權益總額 |
負債和股東權益總額 |
$ |
$ |
截至12月31日的一年, |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
收入 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
收入成本 |
毛損 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
運營費用: |
研發費用 |
一般和行政費用 |
銷售和營銷費用 |
訴訟和解,淨額 |
總運營費用 |
經營虧損 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
利息收入 |
其他收入(費用),淨額 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
所得稅前淨虧損 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
所得稅撥備 |
淨虧損 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
可供出售證券的未實現收益(損失) |
( |
) |
全面損失總額 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
每股淨虧損,基本和稀釋 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
用於計算每股淨虧損的加權平均股數, |
合併報表 股東權益
普通股 |
額外實繳 |
累積其他全面 |
積累 |
股東總數 |
股份 |
量 |
資本 |
收入/(損失) |
赤字 |
股權 |
2021年12月31日的餘額 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
股票補償 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
行使後發行普通股 |
— |
— |
— |
解除限制後發行普通股 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
歸屬時預扣稅的股份 |
( |
) |
— |
( |
) |
— |
— |
( |
) |
認購權行使後發行普通股 |
— |
— |
— |
可供出售證券未實現損失 |
— |
— |
( |
) |
— |
( |
) |
淨虧損 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
( |
) |
( |
) |
截至2022年12月31日餘額 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
私募發行普通股,扣除發行成本 |
— |
— |
股票補償 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
行使股票期權後發行普通股 |
— |
— |
— |
解除限制後發行普通股 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
歸屬時預扣稅的股份 |
( |
) |
— |
( |
) |
— |
— |
( |
) |
可供出售證券的未實現收益 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
淨虧損 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
( |
) |
( |
) |
截至2023年12月31日餘額 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
股票補償 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
行使後發行普通股 |
— |
— |
解除限制後發行普通股 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
歸屬時預扣稅的股份 |
( |
) |
— |
( |
) |
— |
— |
( |
) |
可供出售證券的未實現收益 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
淨虧損 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
( |
) |
( |
) |
截至2024年12月31日餘額 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
止年度 |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
經營活動產生的現金流量: |
淨虧損 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
調整以調節淨虧損與經營中使用的淨現金 |
折舊及攤銷 |
存貨減值 |
A系列認購證發行時的公允價值 |
認購證負債公允價值變動 |
( |
) |
股票補償 |
使用權資產攤銷 |
可供出售證券的已實現損失 |
溢價攤銷和可供出售的折扣增加 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
其他 |
經營資產和負債變化: |
應收賬款 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
庫存 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
其他流動資產 |
( |
) |
其他非流動資產 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
應付賬款 |
( |
) |
應計負債 |
( |
) |
應計員工成本 |
( |
) |
租賃責任 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
其他流動負債 |
( |
) |
經營活動所用現金淨額 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
投資活動產生的現金流量: |
購買不動產、廠房和設備(包括預付款) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
購買非有價股權投資 |
( |
) |
購買可供出售證券 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
可供出售證券到期的收益 |
投資活動提供的淨現金 |
融資活動產生的現金流量: |
私募發行股票收益 |
與私募發行股票相關的交易成本 |
( |
) |
因受限制股票單位淨結算歸屬而預扣稅的支付 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
行使股票期權的收益 |
行使認股權證所得收益 |
融資活動提供的現金淨額(用於) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
現金及現金等價物淨增(減) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
初始現金和現金等值物 |
期末現金和現金等值物 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
現金流量信息的補充披露: |
支付利息的現金 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
繳納所得稅的現金 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
非現金投資融資補充披露 |
未付財產、廠房和設備採購 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
爲換取租賃負債而獲得的使用權資產 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.及其全資子公司(「公司」或「AEVA」)最初於2019年8月16日在特拉華州註冊成立,名稱爲InterPrivate Acquisition Corp.(「IPV」)。本公司成立爲空白支票公司,目的是與一個或多個企業或實體進行合併、換股、資產收購、股票購買、資本重組、重組或其他類似的業務合併。於2021年3月12日,本公司根據日期爲2020年11月2日的與營業前合併AEVA,Inc.(「遺留AEVA」)的合併協議及計劃完成業務合併(「業務合併」)。遺留AEVA於2016年12月在特拉華州註冊成立。隨着業務合併的完成,公司更名爲納斯達克技術公司。公司的普通股和認股權證目前在納斯達克全球精選市場上市,代碼是AEVA和AEVAW。
AEVA Technologies,Inc.(「本公司」)通過其調頻連續波(「FMCW」)傳感技術設計了4D LiDAR芯片,與其專有軟件應用程序一起,有可能使LiDAR在從自動駕駛到消費電子、消費者健康、工業自動化和安全應用的廣泛應用中得以採用。
估計可用壽命 |
計算機設備 |
實驗室設備 |
製造設備 |
測試設備 |
租賃權改進 |
傢俱及固定裝置 |
在ASC 606下,與客戶簽訂合同的收入(「ASC 606」),公司通過以下步驟確認收入:
本公司根據主題740記錄不確定的稅務狀況:簡化所得稅的會計覈算 (「話題740」)根據一個分兩步進行的程序,其中包括:(1)確定稅務頭寸是否更有可能根據有關頭寸的技術價值維持,以及(2)確認符合「更有可能」確認門檻的稅務頭寸。確認所得稅頭寸按最終與相關稅務機關結算時可能實現的超過50%的最大稅收優惠金額計量。
本公司根據對權證具體條款的評估和FASB ASC 480中適用的權威指導,將權證作爲股權分類或負債分類工具進行會計處理。區分負債與股權(「ASC 480」)和ASC 815,衍生品和套期保值(「ASC 815」)。評估考慮權證是否根據ASC 480爲獨立金融工具,是否符合ASC 480對負債的定義,以及權證是否符合ASC 815關於股權分類的所有要求,包括權證是否與本公司本身的普通股掛鉤,以及其他股權分類條件。這項評估需要使用專業判斷,在權證發行時以及在權證尚未結清的每個季度結束日進行。
2023年11月,財務準則會計委員會(FASB)發佈了《會計準則更新(ASU)2023-07》。細分市場報告 (話題280):改進可報告部門披露擴大了對可報告部門的年度和中期披露要求,主要是通過加強對重大部門費用的披露。ASU 2023-07對公司2024年1月1日開始的年度期間和2025年1月1日開始的中期期間有效,並允許提前採用。公司從2024年1月1日起採用ASU 2023-07,並得出結論,公司作爲一個單一部門運營,經營報表中披露的合併費用應定期向首席運營決策者(CODM)報告。請參閱附註16,細分市場信息、欲了解有關該公司部門披露的更多信息。
2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASO 2023-09”所得稅 (主題740): 改進所得稅披露“擴大所得稅的披露要求,特別是與稅率調節和繳納的所得稅有關。ASO 2023-09自2025年1月1日開始的公司年度期間生效,允許提前採用。該公司目前正在評估更新後的準則對其財務報表披露的影響。
截至12月31日的一年, |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
收入 |
% |
收入 |
% |
收入 |
% |
按主要地區劃分的收入 |
北美 |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
亞洲 |
% |
% |
% |
歐洲 |
% |
% |
% |
大洋洲 |
% |
總計 |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
按確認時間劃分的收入: |
在某一時點確認 |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
隨時間確認 |
% |
% |
% |
總計 |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
$ |
% |
注意 3.金融工具
2024年12月31日 |
調整成本 |
未實現收益 |
未實現虧損 |
公平值 |
現金及現金等價物 |
有價證券 |
(單位:千) |
資產 |
現金 |
$ |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
$ |
$ |
— |
1級 |
貨幣市場基金 |
— |
— |
— |
2級 |
美國機構證券 |
( |
) |
— |
美國國債 |
— |
商業票據 |
( |
) |
公司債券 |
( |
) |
— |
小計 |
( |
) |
總資產 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
$ |
負債 |
3級 |
認股權證負債 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
總負債 |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
2023年12月31日 |
調整成本 |
未實現收益 |
未實現虧損 |
公平值 |
現金及現金等價物 |
有價證券 |
(單位:千) |
資產 |
現金 |
$ |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
$ |
$ |
— |
1級 |
貨幣市場基金 |
— |
— |
— |
2級 |
美國政府證券 |
( |
) |
— |
美國國債 |
( |
) |
商業票據 |
( |
) |
公司債券 |
( |
) |
— |
小計 |
( |
) |
總資產 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
$ |
負債 |
3級 |
認股權證負債 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
總負債 |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
2024年12月31日 |
2023年12月31日 |
公允價值,初始餘額 |
$ |
$ |
A系列認購證發行時的公允價值 |
計入其他收入的A系列期權公允價值變化 |
包括私募股權憑證公允價值變化 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
公允價值、期末餘額 |
$ |
$ |
2024年12月31日 |
2023年12月31日 |
預計期限(年) |
預期波動率 |
% |
% |
無風險利率 |
% |
% |
股息率 |
% |
% |
行使價 |
$ |
$ |
2024年12月31日 |
2023年12月31日 |
預計期限(年) |
預期波動率 |
% |
% |
無風險利率 |
% |
% |
股息率 |
% |
% |
行使價 |
$ |
$ |
無形資產 |
2025 |
2026 |
未來攤銷總額 |
$ |
截至12月31日, |
2024 |
2023 |
原料 |
$ |
$ |
在製品 |
成品 |
庫存總量 |
$ |
$ |
截至12月31日, |
2024 |
2023 |
計算機設備 |
$ |
$ |
實驗室設備 |
租賃權改進 |
在建工程 |
測試設備 |
製造設備 |
傢俱、固定裝置和其他設備 |
財產、廠房和設備總計 |
減:累計折舊 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
財產、廠房和設備總計,淨值 |
$ |
$ |
截至12月31日, |
2024 |
2023 |
預付費用 |
$ |
$ |
合約資產 |
供應商按金 |
其他流動資產 |
其他流動資產總額 |
$ |
$ |
截至12月31日, |
2024 |
2023 |
非有價股權投資 |
$ |
$ |
證券按金 |
其他非流動資產 |
其他非流動資產總額 |
$ |
$ |
十二月三十一日, |
十二月三十一日, |
2024 |
2023 |
訴訟和解 |
$ |
$ |
遞延收入 |
其他流動負債 |
其他流動負債總額 |
$ |
$ |
於2023年11月8日,本公司與Sylebra Capital Limited(「Sylebra」)及Adage Capital Management的聯屬實體訂立認購協議(「認購協議」),規定購買合共
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
分子: |
淨虧損 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
歸屬於普通股股東的每股淨虧損 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
分母: |
流通普通股加權平均股數 |
潛在普通股的稀釋效應 |
流通普通股加權平均股數 |
歸屬於普通股股東的每股淨虧損 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
已發行和未發行的普通股期權 |
限制性股票單位 |
基於業績的限制性股票單位 |
普通股認股權證 |
A系列認購證 |
總計 |
預期期限(年)(1) |
預期波動率(2) |
普通股價值 |
無風險利率(3) |
股息率(4) |
數量 |
加權- |
加權- |
骨料 |
截至2021年12月31日未完成 |
$ |
$ |
授予 |
— |
— |
行使 |
( |
) |
— |
— |
沒收 |
( |
) |
— |
— |
截至2022年12月31日未完成 |
$ |
$ |
行使 |
( |
) |
— |
— |
沒收 |
( |
) |
— |
— |
截至2023年12月31日的未償還債務 |
$ |
$ |
行使 |
( |
) |
— |
— |
沒收 |
( |
) |
— |
— |
截至2024年12月31日未完成 |
$ |
$ |
自2024年12月31日起已獲授權並可行使 |
$ |
$ |
已於12月31日生效,預計將於12月31日生效, |
$ |
$ |
從2020年11月開始,Legacy AEVA根據其2016年的D 2020年股票計劃。RSU的典型背心
預計期限(年) |
預期波動率 |
% |
無風險利率 |
% |
股息率 |
% |
股價 |
$ |
下表總結 公司截至2024年12月31日止年度的RSU活動:
股份 |
加權平均 |
截至2021年12月31日未完成 |
$ |
授予 |
發佈 |
( |
) |
沒收 |
( |
) |
截至2022年12月31日未完成 |
$ |
授予 |
發佈 |
( |
) |
沒收 |
( |
) |
截至2023年12月31日的未償還債務 |
$ |
授予 |
發佈 |
( |
) |
沒收 |
( |
) |
截至2024年12月31日未完成 |
$ |
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
收入成本 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
研發費用 |
一般和行政費用 |
銷售和營銷費用 |
總計 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
國內 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
外國 |
所得稅前收入(損失) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
當前: |
聯邦 |
$ |
$ |
狀態 |
外國 |
總電流 |
延期: |
聯邦 |
狀態 |
外國 |
推遲總數 |
$ |
$ |
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
美國聯邦法定費率規定 |
% |
% |
% |
稅收抵免 |
% |
% |
% |
股票補償 |
( |
)% |
( |
)% |
% |
第162(m)條 |
( |
)% |
( |
)% |
( |
)% |
估值津貼變化 |
( |
)% |
( |
)% |
( |
)% |
其他 |
( |
)% |
( |
)% |
% |
實際稅率 |
% |
% |
% |
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
遞延所得稅資產: |
營業淨虧損結轉 |
$ |
$ |
稅收抵免 |
無形資產 |
其他 |
( |
) |
股票補償 |
租賃責任 |
研發成本 |
固定資產 |
應計項目和準備金 |
估值扣除前的遞延稅項資產總額 |
估值免稅額 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
遞延稅項資產總額 |
遞延稅項負債: |
使用權資產 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
固定資產 |
( |
) |
遞延所得稅負債總額 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
淨遞延所得稅資產(負債) |
$ |
$ |
in any given year in the event of special occurrences, including significant ownership changes. The Company has completed analysis as of December 31, 2024 and doesn’t expect any net operating loss carryforwards or tax credit carryforwards to expire due to a limitation.
Unrecognized Tax Benefits
The Company accrues for uncertain tax positions identified, which are not deemed more likely than not to be sustained if challenged, and recognizes interest and penalties accrued on any unrecognized tax benefits as a component of income tax expense. The Company has not accrued any interest on uncertain tax benefits associated with unrecognized tax benefits and had immaterial cumulative interest and penalties as of December 31, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
The Company does
The following is a tabular reconciliation of the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits (in thousands):
Year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
Unrecognized tax benefits as of the beginning of the year |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Increase related to prior year tax provisions |
( |
) |
Decrease related to prior year tax provisions |
Increase related to current year tax provisions |
Statue lapse |
Unrecognized tax benefits as of the end of the year |
$ |
$ |
$ |
There are
The Company’s major tax jurisdictions are the United States, various states and India. Due to the net operating loss carryforward since inception, all tax years are open for examination. There have been no examinations of the Company’s income tax returns by any tax authority.
Note 15. Commitments and Contingencies
The weighted-average remaining lease terms were
Short-term lease costs for the years ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, were $
Variable lease costs for the years ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, were $
操作 |
2025 |
$ |
2026 |
最低租賃付款總額 |
減去:推定利息 |
( |
) |
租賃總負債 |
$ |
2024年3月7日,特拉華州衡平法院對InterPrivate Acquisition Management LLC、InterPrivate LLC和IPV的前董事和高級管理人員提起了一項可能的集體訴訟。這起訴訟的標題是Louis Smith訴Ahmed M.Fattouh等人案。,編號2024-0221(Del.Ch.),後命名爲No.1:24-cv-00484(D.Del.)在它被轉移到聯邦法院之後。2024年6月3日,特拉華州衡平法院對IPV、Soroush Salehian和Mina Rezk(統稱爲「特拉華州股東訴訟」)提起了第二起可能的集體訴訟。訴訟的標題是託德·卡茨訴艾哈邁德·M·法圖等人案。,編號2024-0598(Del.Ch.)。在其他補救措施中,申訴要求損害賠償以及律師費和費用。關於業務合併,本公司同意承擔對IPV前董事和高級管理人員的某些賠償義務。
在 在正常業務過程中,公司不承擔FASB ASC擔保(主題460)範圍內的擔保下的潛在義務,但公司許多客戶協議中包含的標準賠償條款除外,並且僅引起主題460規定的披露要求。公司客戶協議中包含的賠償條款通常與公司行業中普遍存在的條款一致。公司未承擔任何義務
下 客戶賠償條款,預計未來不會承擔重大義務。因此,公司不會爲潛在的客戶賠償義務維持應計費用。
截至十二月三十一日止的年度: |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
淨收入 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
減: |
基於股票的薪酬費用(1) |
收入成本(不包括1) |
研發費用(不包括1) |
一般及行政費用(不包括1項) |
銷售和市場推廣費用(不包括1) |
訴訟和解,淨額 |
經營虧損 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
融資費用(2) |
( |
) |
發行A系列權證時的公允價值(3) |
( |
) |
認股權證負債的公允價值變動(4) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
利息收入 |
其他收入(費用),淨額(不包括2、3和4) |
( |
) |
所得稅撥備 |
( |
) |
淨虧損 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
Long-Lived Assets
The following table sets forth the Company’s property and equipment, net by geographic region (in thousands):
Year Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
North America |
$ |
$ |
Asia |
Total |
$ |
$ |
Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.
Item 9A. Controls and Procedures.
Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures
Our management, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of December 31, 2024. The term “disclosure controls and procedures,” as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act, means controls and other procedures of a company that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the Company’s management, including its principal executive and principal financial officers, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Based on the evaluation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of December 31, 2024, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that, as of such date, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective at the reasonable assurance level.
Management’s Annual Report on internal control over financial reporting
Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act. Under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, using the criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (2013 framework) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (“COSO”).
Based on our evaluation under the COSO framework, our management has concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2024, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
截至2024年12月31日的季度,我們對財務報告的內部控制沒有發生與《交易法》第13 a-15(d)條和第15 d-15(d)條要求的評估相關的變化,這些變化對我們對財務報告的內部控制產生了重大影響或合理可能產生重大影響。
它em 90亿。其他信息.
它em 9 C。有關阻止檢查的外國司法管轄區的披露。
項目11. 執行賠償。
項目12. CERTAI的安全所有權N受益所有者和管理層以及相關股東事項。
The information required by this item will be included in the Proxy Statement and is incorporated herein by reference.
Item 15. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules.
All financial statements are set forth under Item 8 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K. Financial statement schedules have been omitted since they are either not required, not applicable, or the information is otherwise included.
Item 16. Form 10-K Summary
Exhibit Index
Exhibit Number |
Description |
2.1† |
3.1 |
3.2 |
3.3 |
4.1 |
4.2 |
4.3 |
4.4* |
4.5 |
4.6 |
4.7 |
10.1 |
10.2 |
10.3 |
10.4 |
10.5# |
10.6# |
10.7# |
10.8# |
10.9# |
10.10# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.和Mina Rezk之間於2022年5月27日簽訂的僱傭協議(註冊人於2022年5月27日提交的當前8-K表格報告中引用了附件10.2)。 |
10.11# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.和Saurabh Sinha之間於2022年5月27日簽訂的僱傭協議(通過引用附件10.3併入註冊人於2022年5月27日提交的當前8-K表格報告中)。 |
10.12# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.2021年獎勵計劃(通過引用附件10.13併入註冊人於2021年3月18日提交的當前8-K表格報告中)。 |
10.13# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.2021年股票激勵計劃下的股票期權獎勵協議表格(通過引用附件10.14併入註冊人於2021年3月18日提交的當前8-K表格報告中)。 |
10.14# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.2021年激勵計劃下的限制性股票購買獎勵協議表格(通過引用附件10.15併入註冊人於2021年3月18日提交的當前8-K表格報告中)。 |
10.15# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.基於業績的限制性股票單位協議(通過引用註冊人於2023年8月10日提交的Form 10-Q季度報告的附件10.1併入)。 |
10.16# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.2021年激勵獎勵計劃修正案(作爲註冊人於2022年10月4日提交給委員會的委託書的附件A提交,並通過引用併入本文)。 |
10.17# |
AEVA Technologies,Inc.2022年員工股票購買計劃(作爲註冊人於2022年10月4日提交給委員會的委託書的附件B提交,並通過引用併入本文。) |
19.1* |
21.1* |
23.1* |
31.1* |
31.2* |
32.1* |
32.2* |
97.1* |
101.INS |
內聯XBRL實例文檔-實例文檔不顯示在交互數據文件中,因爲其XBRL標記嵌入在內聯XBRL文檔中 |
101.SCH |
具有嵌入Linkbase文檔的內聯MBE分類擴展模式 |
104 |
封面交互式數據文件((格式爲Inline BEP,包含在附件101中) |
* 隨附提交。
Aeva技術有限公司 |
作者: |
/s/索魯什·薩利希安·達爾達什蒂 |
姓名: |
索魯什·薩利赫安·達爾達什蒂 |
標題: |
首席執行官 |
索魯什·薩利赫安·達爾達什蒂 |
首席執行官兼董事(首席執行官) |
2025年3月20日 |
索拉布·辛哈 |
首席財務官(首席財務會計官) |
2025年3月20日 |
米娜·雷茲克 |
總裁、首席技術官兼總監 |
2025年3月20日 |
/s/ Stefan Sommer
Stefan Sommer |
董事 |
2025年3月20日 |
拉赫·西蒙尼安 |
董事 |
2025年3月20日 |
克里斯托弗·埃貝爾 |
董事 |
2025年3月20日 |
/s/艾琳·波利克 |
董事 |
2025年3月20日 |
艾琳·波萊克 |
/s/斯蒂芬·扎德斯基 |
董事 |
2025年3月20日 |
斯蒂芬·扎德斯基 |