本修訂及重述的血漿購買協議 (“協議)由基立福全球運營有限公司(Grifols Worldwide Operations Limited),一家在愛爾蘭都柏林22區Grange Castle Business Park, Grange Castle經營的公司(血漿供應商),和ADMA生物製造有限公司(ADMA BioManufacturing, LLC),一家在佛羅里達州博卡拉頓5800 Park of Commerce Boulevard, NW經營的特拉華州有限責任公司(ADMA Biologics”), 自2024年10月1日起生效(“生效日期”).
a. 自生效日起,ADMA同意購買,PLASMA SUPPLIER同意銷售RSV血漿,具體數量和價格詳見本協議。
b. 儘管本協議有任何相反的規定,ADMA在PLASMA SUPPLIER未能提供必要的血漿樣本進行測試和鑑別捐贈者的情況下,不承擔購買任何RSV血漿的義務。雙方雙方共同同意並理解,確定具有自然發生RSV抗體水平的足夠捐贈者的情況是多變的。雙方共同同意,這種自然發生的變化可能由於PLASMA SUPPLIER或ADMA的過錯,影響總可接受的RSV血漿量。本協議不將任何一方與另一方綁定爲獨佔的供應或購買關係;爲避免疑義,ADMA可以自由從其他來源購買任何數量的血漿,包括RSV血漿,或從其自有的採集設施獲得。儘管如此,PLASMA SUPPLIER承諾並同意盡最大努力向ADMA提供以下(d)小節中規定的RSV血漿量。
a. PLASMA SUPPLIER應在PLASMA SUPPLIER批准的GPLCE [***]和GPLCW [***](“指定地點),根據雙方不時協商一致的交付時間表,除非雙方另有一致協議。標題和風險將在RSV Plasma轉移至ADMA時轉移,[***]。ADMA應檢查每批RSV Plasma是否符合所列的規格, 附錄 A (“ADMA規格)在將RSV Plasma交付至ADMA位於佛羅里達州博卡拉頓的校園後的[***]([***])天內。ADMA應及時以書面形式通知PLASMA SUPPLIER其在上述[***]([***])天期限內對RSV Plasma不符合ADMA規格的判斷,不符合通知”).
b. 如果在指定的時間內,PLASMA SUPPLIER收到不符合通知, 第A.4(a)節 above, the Parties shall meet within [***] ([***]) business days following PLASMA SUPPLIER’s receipt of the Non-Conformity Notice to
determine whether such RSV Plasma meets the ADMA Specifications. If it is determined by both Parties that the RSV Plasma does not meet the ADMA Specifications, PLASMA SUPPLIER shall replace any non-conforming RSV Plasma, as promptly as possible,
taking into account the time required to produce such quantities of RSV Plasma. In the event the Parties fail to agree whether or not any given shipment of RSV Plasma conforms with the ADMA Specifications, then the matter will be promptly referred
to an independent expert agreed upon in good faith by both Parties, whose decision shall be binding on the Parties. The cost of referral to the expert will be borne by the Party determined to have been in error as to conformity, or lack thereof,
with the ADMA Specifications. ADMA shall not be required to pay for any non-conforming RSV Plasma.
c. For each shipment of RSV Plasma delivered, PLASMA SUPPLIER
shall provide to ADMA all documents required in ADMA Specifications.
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5. SHIPMENT TERMS. PLASMA SUPPLIER shall pay for all shipments to the Designated Location in accordance with the delivery schedule agreed to by the Parties. ADMA will take ownership and bear all risk of loss upon
pick up by ADMA or ADMA’s designated carrier from [***]. ADMA shall use commercially reasonable efforts to arrange to have the RSV Plasma picked up at least [***] ([***]) times a year in approximately equally spaced intervals. ADMA shall, at its
own expense, be responsible for freight charges, insurance, handling and forwarding agent’s fees, taxes, storage and all other charges applicable to the RSV Plasma from that Designated Location.
6. PLASMA SUPPLIER shall provide ADMA, at no
cost to ADMA, plasma samples in amounts and at times mutually agreed upon by ADMA and PLASMA SUPPLIER to enable ADMA to test and identify plasma donors suitable for producing RSV Plasma for ADMA in accordance with the ADMA Specifications (“源漿規格),附在本文件中, 附錄 A 並通過引用納入本合同。ADMA應承擔將樣本運送到其指定地點的運費。爲避免疑問,ADMA將承擔與樣本測試相關的所有費用。根據測試結果,ADMA將確定已測試爲適合生產RSV漿的漿源捐贈者,符合 ADMA規格(“合格捐贈者)。漿供應商應根據ADMA確定的合格捐贈者數量爲ADMA生產RSV漿。ADMA對捐贈者的接受並不構成對RSV漿的接受。漿供應商將根據行業板塊標準激勵計劃和捐贈者留存計劃,盡商業上合理的努力,儘可能從ADMA確定的所有合格捐贈者中提供漿。特別是,除非ADMA書面另有允許(電子郵件也可),漿供應商承諾並同意提供來自以下地點的RSV捐贈者測試樣本:(i)自生效日起至[***]的[***]中心;(ii)自[***]至[***]的[***]中心;(iii)自[***]至[***]的[***]中心;(iv)自[***]至[***]的[***]中心;(v)自[***]至剩餘期限的[***]中心。
7. 一旦ADMA將捐贈者確定爲合格捐贈者並以書面形式通知漿供應商(電子郵件足以),ADMA同意購買所有從合格捐贈者收集的RSV漿,直到ADMA以書面形式通知漿供應商(電子郵件足以)該捐贈者不再是合格捐贈者。ADMA有義務從漿供應商收集並按照ADMA規格交付的合格捐贈者處按月購買所有RSV漿。ADMA可能, upon [***] ([***]) business days’ prior written notice (e-mail being sufficient), terminate Acceptable Donor status for any donor at any time at its sole discretion. ADMA will not be obligated to purchase RSV Plasma
from donors who are not Acceptable Donors or have been dropped as Acceptable Donors following ADMA’s [***] ([***]) business days’ written drop notification. ADMA will be obligated to purchase any RSV Plasma collected through the drop notification
period. Business days are defined as Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Eastern Standard Time, with weekends and holidays (applicable to each Center) specifically excluded.
8. PLASMA SUPPLIER shall have no obligation to
provide RSV Plasma to ADMA in the event the failure to provide RSV Plasma is due to a Force Majeure Event described in Article F or the unavailability of Acceptable Donors. Additionally,
ADMA shall have no obligation to purchase RSV Plasma from PLASMA SUPPLIER in the event of a Force Majeure Event affecting ADMA.
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9. Following donor acceptance and receipt of
such RSV Plasma units into ADMA’s inventory in accordance with Section A.4 (Inspection and Acceptance), ADMA shall bear the expense of unusable RSV Plasma due to a recall, or the
destruction of any RSV Plasma due to post-donation 「look back」 issues in accordance with FDA regulations and guidance.
10. PLASMA SUPPLIER shall supply to ADMA, for the Term, RSV Plasma to be derived from automated plasmapheresis procedures conducted at plasma centers approved by ADMA and specified in 附件B (("中心”). 附件B 應根據ADMA批准的新增中心不時更新,以反映由PLASMA SUPPLIER或其關聯公司/子公司建立或以其他方式收集的RSV血漿,PLASMA SUPPLIER將根據本協議的條款利用這些血漿供應RSV血漿。
a. 各方同意對本協議的內容、各方在本協議下的交易以及在協議期間由另一方披露的任何其他機密、非公開或專有信息保密,無論該信息是否標記或以其他方式標識爲「機密」,包括通過文檔(無論是書面還是電子)、觀察、檢查或審計以及討論(統稱爲“機密
信息接受方應以與保護其自身專有、機密或商業祕密信息同樣的謹慎程度來處理所接收的信息。接受方不得向任何第三方披露從披露方這裏接收的任何機密信息,除非向該方的關聯公司、代理人、律師、顧問、顧問及其他有必要了解該信息並承擔保密義務的代表披露,且在未獲得披露方事先書面同意的情況下,只能將其用於本協議的目的。上述保密義務不適用於以下任何信息:(a) 在披露時已在公共領域的或因出版或其他方式在披露後成爲公共領域的一部分且非因接受方的過錯;(b) 在披露時,接受方知曉或擁有的,如書面記錄所示;(c) 由接受方獨立開發的,不使用其他方的機密信息,如書面證明所示;(d) 經過披露方書面批准披露的信息;或(e) 由有權披露該機密信息的第三方合法提供給接受方的信息。
b. 如果一方因法律或法規的要求,或根據法院或其他政府機關的有效命令,或爲產品在主管部門的註冊而需要披露另一方的機密信息,則在本部分C.1下該披露是允許的,但僅限於法律、法規、命令或註冊所要求的範圍,並且僅在接受方在法律允許的範圍內,首先通知披露方所需的披露,並允許披露方自費尋求適當的法律救濟,以儘可能維護機密信息的保密性。所有機密信息均以「原樣」提供,不保證其準確性或性能,無論是明示、暗示還是其他。
c. 上述義務在本協議終止後仍然有效,並且與捐贈者信息和商業機密有關的義務是無限期的,而其他機密信息的義務有效期爲[***]([***])年。