華盛頓特區 20549
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項目 5.02。董事或某些高級職員的離職;董事的選舉;某些官員的任命;某些官員的薪酬安排。
通過2025年3月13日的信件,約翰·恩格爾通知了Runway Growth Finance CORP.(以下簡稱「公司」)的董事會(以下簡稱「董事會」),他打算辭去公司董事職務,辭職生效日期爲2025年3月21日,並在董事會任命他繼任者後生效。恩格爾先生辭去董事會職務的決定並不是因爲與公司在運營、政策或實踐方面存在任何分歧。公司感謝恩格爾先生爲公司的服務,並祝願他一切順利。
在2025年3月13日,董事會選舉Jennifer Kwon Chou爲獨立董事,自2025年3月21日起生效,以填補因Engel先生辭職而產生的空缺。Chou女士將擔任公司二級董事,直到2027年股東年會,並在其繼任者正式被選舉並具備資格之前。Chou女士與任何其他人之間沒有根據她被選爲董事而達成的協議或諒解,也與公司的任何董事或其他高管之間沒有家庭關係。此外,Chou女士不是任何交易或擬議交易的當事方,該交易根據S-K法規第404(a)項需披露。
周女士自2010年以來一直擔任戈爾斯集團(「Gores」)的高級管理董事和首席策略官。自2022年5月起,周女士還擔任了波特曼嶺金融公司(「PTMN」)和羅根嶺金融公司(「LRFC」)的董事,兩者都是商業發展公司(「BDC」)。周女士擁有超過20年的策略和金融經驗,目前負責戈爾斯的公司策略以及新產品和合作夥伴關係的發展。同時,她還負責公司的起源、資本籌集、外部通信和企業發展職能。自2010年加入戈爾斯以來,周女士一直負責爲戈爾斯的所有基金籌集資本。在加入戈爾斯之前,周女士曾擔任總部位於芝加哥的股權投資公司Sterling Partners的董事。在Sterling Partners之前,她曾在紐約的雷曼兄弟的資本市場工作。她的職業生涯始於公共財務管理公司和先鋒集團。周女士畢業於賓夕法尼亞大學,並獲得了西北大學凱洛格商學院的MBA學位,期間她是羅伯特•託伊戈獎學金獲得者。董事會相信,周女士豐富的投資銀行經驗爲董事會提供了在這些及其他事務上的知識與專長,因此使她有資格擔任董事會成員。
在2025年3月13日,董事會還選舉了Robert Warshauer和Alexander Duka爲獨立董事,以及Ted Goldthorpe爲有利益關係的董事,所有任命將於2025年3月21日生效,以填補因董事會決定將董事人數從五名增加至八名而產生的空缺。Warshauer先生將擔任第三級董事,任期至公司2025年年度股東大會,直至其繼任者正式當選併合格;Duka先生將擔任一級董事,任期至公司2026年年度股東大會,直至其繼任者正式當選併合格;Goldthorpe先生將擔任二級董事,任期至公司2027年年度股東大會,直至其繼任者正式當選併合格。Goldthorpe先生還被任命爲董事會主席,任期自2025年3月21日起生效。
Mr. Goldthorpe has been the President and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of LRFC, a BDC, and PTMN, a BDC, both since April 2019. Mr. Goldthorpe, has also been the President and CEO of BC Partners Lending Corporation (“BCPL”), a BDC, since April 2018, Alternative Credit Income Fund, an interval fund, since October 2020, and Opportunistic Credit Interval Fund, an interval fund, since 2022. Mr. Goldthorpe also currently serves as the CEO and Chairman of Mount Logan Capital Inc., an alternative asset management company, Executive Officer of Sierra Crest Investment Management LLC, an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and Managing Partner of BC Partners Credit, since 2017, an integrated credit platform operating within the BC Partners organization. He was previously the President of Apollo Investment Corporation and the Chief Investment Officer of Apollo Investment Management, where he was the head of its U.S. Opportunistic Platform and also oversaw the Private Origination business from 2012 to 2016. He was also a member of Apollo’s firm-wide Senior Management Committee. Prior to Apollo, Mr. Goldthorpe worked at Goldman Sachs for 13 years where he most recently ran the bank loan distressed investing desk. He was previously the head of Principal Capital Investing for the Special Situations Group. Mr. Goldthorpe launched BC Partners’ credit business in 2017 and oversees a team of experienced credit professionals. As a Managing Partner of BC Partners, Mr. Goldthorpe is also a member of the investment committee of the private equity business. Mr. Goldthorpe was the President of Apollo Investment Corporation and Chief Investment Officer of Apollo Investment Management from 2012 to 2016. Mr. Goldthorpe has served as a director of Mount Logan Capital Inc., since 2018, a director of BCPL, since 2010, a director of PTMN and LRFC, both since 2019, a trustee of Alternative Credit Income Fund, since 2020, a trustee of Opportunistic Credit Interval Fund, an interval fund, since 2022, a director of South Street Securities, LLC, since 2022, a director of Anthem Media, since 2019, and a director of Riddell, since 2024. The Board believes that Mr. Goldthorpe’s extensive investment banking and investment advisory experience provides the Board with knowledge and expertise on these and other matters, thus qualifying him to serve as a member of the Board.
Mr. Warshauer has served as the Chief Executive Officer of BLST Holdings, LLC, a fintech e-commerce retailer, since 2020. Mr. Warshauer, also served on the board of Icon Parking Holdings, LLC, a private company, between 2020 and April 2023. Mr. Warshauer was a Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking at NY- Imperial Capital, an investment banking company, from 2007 to 2020. Mr. Warshauer served as a board member of Global Knowledge, an education services company, from 2020 to 2021, and Estrella Broadcasting, a Spanish language media company, from 2019 to 2021. Mr. Warshauer has served on the board of MD America, an energy company, since 2020, a member of the board of directors of BCPL, a BDC, since 2018, a member of the board of trustees of Alternative Credit Income Fund, an interval fund, since 2020, a member the board of LRFC, a BDC, since July 2021, a member of the board of PTMN, a BDC, since April 2019, and a member of the board of trustees of Opportunistic Credit Interval Fund, an interval fund, since April 2022. Mr. Warshauer also currently serves as Chair of the Audit Committee of LRFC, PTMN and BCPL. Mr. Warshauer has over 30 years of experience in financings, mergers and acquisitions, and restructurings. Prior to joining Imperial Capital, he was a Managing Director at Kroll Zolfo Cooper, where he advised clients on operational issues, acquisitions and recapitalizations. He was a Managing Director and member of the board of directors and the commitment committee of Ernst & Young Corporate Finance LLC and its successor companies. Mr. Warshauer received his M.B.A. from New York University and his B.S.B.A. from Bucknell University. The Board believes that Mr. Warshauer’s extensive accounting and investment banking experience provides the Board with knowledge and expertise on these and other matters, thus qualifying him to serve as a member of the Board.
Mr. Duka has been an independent director of Trade Arcade, Inc., an entertainment services company, since September 2021. He has also served as the Senior Advisor to Corporate Development of Acceleration Bay, LLC, an investment company incubator, since December 2019. Mr. Duka has served as the Executive Vice President of Corporate Development of Acceleration Bay, LLC, from September 2017 to December 2019, and as a member of the board of trustees of Bondhouse Investment Trust, a financial services company, from 2019 to 2021. Mr. Duka currently continues to serve as an advisor to the sponsor of Bondhouse Investment Trust. Mr. Duka has been a member of the board of directors of BCPL, a BDC, since 2018, a member of the board of trustees of Alternative Credit Income Fund, an interval fund, since 2020, a member of the board of LRFC, a BDC, since July 2021, a member of the board of PTMN, a BDC, since April 2019, and as a member of the board of trustees of Opportunistic Credit Interval Fund, an interval fund, since April 2022. Mr. Duka spent 20 years at Citigroup, a global banking institution, and was a Managing Director in the Financial Institutions group in Global Banking, retiring in February 2017. Mr. Duka was the senior banker responsible for managing Citibank’s banking relationships with a number of high profile traditional and alternative asset management companies. Mr. Duka oversaw all financings, capital markets activity, M&A and the provision of other banking services and advice for this client base. Mr. Duka also worked with the asset managers to develop a new generation of permanent capital vehicles, including BDCs, real estate investment trusts, closed-end funds, and European listed vehicles. Mr. Duka also worked at Bank of New York and United Jersey Bank. Mr. Duka received his B.A. from Rutgers College and his M.B.A. from Rutgers Graduate School of Management. The Board believes that Mr. Duka’s extensive investment banking experience provides the Board with knowledge and expertise on these and other matters, thus qualifying him to serve as a member of the Board.
There are no arrangements or understandings between Messrs. Warshauer and Duka individually and any other persons pursuant to which they were selected as directors, nor is there any family relationship between each one of them individually and any of the Company’s directors or other executive officers. In addition, neither Mr. Warshauer nor Mr. Duka are a party to any transaction, or any proposed transaction required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K.
In connection with Messrs. Goldthorpe’s, Warshauer’s, Duka’s and Ms. Chou’s election to the Board, the Company and Messrs. Goldthorpe, Warshauer, Duka and Ms. Chou, individually, will enter into Indemnification Agreements.
Item 9.01. Financial Statements and Exhibits.
(d) Exhibits:
Exhibit Number |
Description | |
104 | Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document) |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.
Date: March 17, 2025 | RUNWAY GROWTH FINANCE CORP. | |
By: | /s/ Thomas B. Raterman | |
Thomas B. Raterman | ||
Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary |