EX-99.4 6 d910692dex994.htm EX-99.4 EX-99.4

管理層討論和分析(「MD & A」)
第四季度和全年 二零二四年
管理層的 討論與分析(「MD&A」)旨在幫助讀者了解巴里克黃金公司(「巴里克」、「我們」、「我們」、「公司」或「集團」)、我們的業務、 財務業績以及現在和未來的商業環境。本MD&A於2025年2月11日編制,應與我們經審計的綜合財務報表(「財務報表」)一併閱讀 報表“)截至2024年12月31日止年度。除非另有說明,否則所有金額均以美元表示。
爲了準備我們的MD&A,我們考慮了信息的重要性。信息在以下情況下被認爲是重要的:(I)這樣的 信息導致或合理地預期會導致我們股票的市場價格或價值發生重大變化;
理性的投資者極有可能認爲這對作出投資決定很重要;或。(Iii)會否;。 極大地改變了投資者可獲得的信息的總體組合。我們參考所有相關情況,包括潛在市場,來評估重要性。 敏感度。中國。
持續披露材料,包括 我們最新的40-F/年度信息表、年度MD&A、經審計的綜合財務報表以及年度股東大會通知和委託書通告將在我們的網站www.barrick.com、SEDAR+和 Www.sedarplus.ca和埃德加網站www.sec.gov。有關採礦業特有術語的解釋,讀者應參考第頁的詞彙表 84.


BNL 巴里克·紐吉尼 有限
卡莉斯塔 卡莉斯塔公司
CDCs 社區發展 委員會
CIL 濾碳
開始協議 詳細的Porgera項目啓動 巴布亞新幾內亞和民族解放軍之間的協議
DRC 民主共和國 剛果
E & S委員會 環境和社會監督 委員會
ESG與提名 委員會 環境、社會、治理 和提名委員會
ESIA 環境和社會影響 評估
溫室氣體 溫室氣體
GISTM 全球尾礦行業標準 管理
修得 政府 坦桑尼亞
ICMM 國際採礦和工業理事會 金屬
ICSID 國際中心 解決投資爭端
國際財務報告準則 已發佈的IFRS會計準則 國際會計準則委員會
KCD 卡拉格巴、司機和 杜爾巴
Ktpa 每千噸 每年
LTI 失去的時間 損傷
LTIFR 損失時間傷害頻率 率
Lom 採礦壽命
Mtpa 萬噸 每年
MVA 兆伏安
MW 兆瓦
NGM 內華達金礦
經合組織 經合組織 合作與發展
PJL 波吉拉球衣 有限
PNG 巴布亞新幾內亞
Randgold Randgold Resources 有限
RC 反循環
RIL 浸提樹脂
可持續發展 目標
TCFD 氣候相關工作組 財務披露
TRIFR 總可記錄的傷害頻率 率
TSF 尾礦儲存 設施
TW 真寬度
UNHRC 聯合國人權理事會 理事會
增值稅 增值稅
VMs 火山成因塊體 硫化物
WGC 世界黃金協會
WTI 西德克薩斯 中級

管理層的討論和 分析

關於前瞻性的警示聲明 信息
一定的 本MD&A中包含或引用的信息,包括有關我們的戰略、項目、計劃或未來財務或經營業績的任何信息,均構成「前瞻性陳述」。所有聲明, 除了對歷史事實的陳述外,這些陳述都是前瞻性陳述。「相信」、「預期」、「預期」、「願景」、「目標」、「戰略」、「目標」、 「計劃」,「提升」;「機遇」,「指導」,「預測」,「展望」,「目標」,「打算」,「項目」,「追求」, 「發展」、「進展」、「繼續」、「已承諾」、「預算」、「估計」、「潛力」、「預期」、「未來」、「重點」、 「正在進行」,「跟隨」,「服從」,「預定」,「可能」,「將」,「能」,「可能」,「將」,「應該」以及類似的表達方式 確定前瞻性陳述。具體地說,本MD&A包含前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於:巴里克的前瞻性生產指導;對未來銷售成本的估計 每盎司黃金和每磅銅,每盎司現金總成本和每磅現金成本,以及每盎司/磅的綜合維持成本;現金流預測;預計資本、運營和勘探支出;份額 回購計劃和業績股利政策,包括股息支付標準;礦山壽命和生產率;與Goldrush項目相關的預計資本估計和預期開發時間表;我們的計劃, 時間表,以及我們增長項目的預期完成和效益,包括Goldrush項目、Fourry、REN、Donlin Gold、Pueblo Viejo擴建項目、Veladero 7期和8期LEACH Pad、Reko Diq項目、太陽能項目 NGM、Loulo-Gounkoto和Kibali以及Jabal Sayid Lode 1項目和Lumwana超級礦坑擴建;Goldrush、REN和Reko Diq的預期生產;Lumwana通過開發 超級礦坑和有目標的第一次生產;推進早期工程的時間安排、項目融資、最後投資決定和Reko Diq的第一次生產;恢復Loulo-Gounkoto的運營; 與馬裏政府就有關Loulo-Gounkoto建築群的持續爭端進行談判,包括從礦場移走的黃金庫存的狀況和通過仲裁解決爭端的結果; 與升級和持續管理舉措有關的支出;巴里克的全球勘探戰略和計劃的勘探活動;我們在現有業務或附近的高信心項目流水線;潛力 礦化和金屬或礦物回收;我們將資源轉化爲儲量和未來儲量替代的能力;資產出售、合資企業和夥伴關係;巴里克在以下方面的戰略、計劃、目標和目標 環境和社會治理問題,包括氣候變化、溫室氣體減排目標(包括我們的範圍3排放和我們對價值鏈的依賴,以幫助我們在規定的時間框架內實現這些目標), 安全績效、TSF管理,包括巴里克遵守GISTM、社區發展、負責任的用水、生物多樣性和人權倡議;巴里克與當地社區的接觸;以及 對未來價格假設、財務表現和其他展望或指導的預期。
與下列因素有關的重大估計和假設,儘管公司認爲在本文件發佈之日是合理的 根據管理層對當前狀況和預期發展的經驗和認知,研發和併購本身就會受到重大商業、經濟和競爭不確定性和意外事件的影響。已知和未知因素 這可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述中預測的結果大相徑庭,不應過分依賴這些陳述和信息。這些因素包括但不限於: 黃金、銅或某些其他商品(如銀、柴油、天然氣和電力)的現貨和遠期價格;與處於評估早期階段的項目相關的風險,以及爲此增加的工程和其他 需要分析;與未來勘探結果可能與公司預期不符、儲量數量或等級將減少以及資源可能不符合的風險 轉換爲儲量;與本MD&A中描述的某些倡議仍處於早期階段且可能不會實現有關的風險;礦產生產業績、開採和勘探的變化 成功;勘探數據可能不完整的風險,可能需要大量額外工作才能完成進一步評價,包括但不限於鑽探、工程和社會經濟研究和投資; 礦產勘探和開發的投機性;對外國法律制度缺乏確定性;腐敗和其他與法治不符的因素;國家和地方政府的變動 立法、稅收、管制或條例和/或法律、政策和做法管理方面的變化,包括智利收到的與帕斯誇喇嘛項目有關的增值稅退款情況;徵收或 在加拿大、美國、馬裏或巴里克未來開展或可能開展業務的其他國家的財產國有化和政治或經濟發展;與某些國家的政治不穩定有關的風險 巴里克公司經營的司法管轄區;收到或未能遵守必要的許可和批准的時間;政府當局不續簽關鍵許可證;未能遵守環境和健康以及 安全法律和條例;與氣候變化有關的成本增加、有形風險和過渡風險,包括極端天氣事件、資源短缺、新出現的政策以及與溫室氣體排放水平、能源 效率和風險報告;公司實現可持續發展目標的能力,包括與氣候有關的目標和溫室氣體減排目標,特別是實現範圍3排放目標的能力 需要依賴巴里克價值鏈中的實體,但不受公司的直接控制,以在規定的時間框架內實現這些目標;財產所有權的競爭,特別是未開發財產的所有權 財產或過度獲得水、電力和其他所需基礎設施;與採礦業風險和危險有關的責任以及維持保險以彌補此類損失的能力;對公司 因實際或預期發生的任何數量的事件而造成的聲譽,包括與公司處理環境問題或交易有關的負面宣傳
管理層的討論和 分析

與社區團體合作,無論是真的還是假的;與社區附近的行動有關的風險,這些社區可能會認爲 巴里克的業務對他們有害;訴訟和法律及行政訴訟;與採礦或開發活動有關的經營或技術困難,包括岩土挑戰, 尾礦庫和儲存設施故障,以及維護或提供所需基礎設施和信息技術系統中斷;與 基本建設項目的建設;與共同控制資產的合作伙伴有關的風險;與供應路線中斷有關的風險,這可能導致建築和採礦活動的延誤,包括 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭和中東衝突造成的主要採礦投入的供應;戰爭、恐怖主義、破壞和內亂造成損失的風險;與手工和非法採礦有關的風險; 與巴里克的基礎設施、信息技術系統和實施巴里克的技術舉措有關的風險,包括與網絡安全事件有關的風險,包括計算機病毒造成的風險, 惡意軟體、勒索軟體和其他網絡攻擊,或類似的信息技術系統故障、延誤和/或中斷;全球流動性和信貸供應對現金流時間和資產價值的影響 基於預測的未來現金流的負債;通貨膨脹的影響,包括持續的全球供應鏈中斷所驅動的全球通脹壓力,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭後全球能源成本的增加以及 阿根廷特定國家的政治和經濟因素;我們信用評級的不利變化;貨幣市場的波動;美元利率的變化;持有衍生工具(如 信用風險、市場流動性風險和按市值計價風險);與對公司管理層的要求有關的風險、管理層實施其業務戰略的能力以及在一定程度上增強的政治風險 司法管轄區;不確定性
巴里克的部分或全部目標投資和項目是否符合公司的資本配置目標和內部障礙 費率;最近交易的預期收益是否實現;公司可能面臨的或尋求的商機;我們成功整合收購或完成資產剝離的能力;風險 與採礦業的競爭有關;僱員關係,包括失去關鍵僱員;與採礦投入和勞動力有關的可獲得性和增加的成本;與疾病、流行病和流行病有關的風險; 與內部控制失效有關的風險;與公司商譽和資產減值有關的風險。
此外,還有與礦產勘探、開發和採礦業務有關的風險和危害,包括環境風險。 危險、工業事故、不尋常或意外的地層、壓力、塌陷、洪水和金條、陰極銅或金或銅精礦損失(以及保險不足或無法獲得保險的風險)。 這些風險)。
其中許多不確定性和意外情況可能會影響我們的實際 這可能會導致實際結果與我們所作或代表我們所作的任何前瞻性陳述中明示或暗示的結果大不相同。提醒讀者,前瞻性陳述並不是未來的保證。 性能。本MD&A中所作的所有前瞻性陳述均受這些警告性聲明的限制。具體參考美國證券交易委員會和加拿大各省備案的最新Form 40-F/年度信息表 證券監管機構更詳細地討論了前瞻性陳述背後的一些因素,以及可能影響巴里克實現前瞻性陳述中提出的預期的能力的風險。 本MD&A中包含的聲明我們不承擔任何更新或修改任何前瞻性聲明的意圖或義務,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或其他原因,除非適用條款要求 法律。


我們使用以下非公認會計准則財務衡量標準和比率 MD&A:
“免費 現金流“
“調整後 息稅折舊攤銷前利潤
“歸因於 EBITDA利潤率“
「礦場」 可持續資本支出“
“合計 每盎司現金成本“
“所有賭注 每盎司/磅的維持成本“和

有關本MD&A中使用的每個非GAAP財務指標的詳細說明,以及與最直接的 如需參考國際財務報告準則下的可比計量,請參閱本MD&A第59至75頁的非公認會計准則財務計量部分。每項非公認會計准則財務指標都有註釋
參考第76頁的尾註。本MD&A中列出的非GAAP財務指標旨在爲以下方面提供更多信息 投資者和投資者在《國際財務報告準則》下沒有任何標準化的含義,因此可能無法與其他發行人相提並論,不應孤立地考慮或作爲根據 國際財務報告準則。

非公認會計原則列報的變化 財務業績衡量標準

網絡 槓桿
從我們2024年第二季度的MD&A開始,我們將淨槓桿率作爲非GAAP比率公佈。它 以債務淨額除以最近連續四個季度調整後EBITDA的總和計算。我們相信,這一比率將有助於分析師、投資者和巴里克的其他利益相關者監控我們的槓桿率並評估我們的 資產負債表。
管理層的討論和 分析


我們的 業務
我們 戰略
財務及經營 亮點
主要業務 發展動向
前景 2025
市場 概述
準備金和 資源
風險和風險 管理
操作 性能
內華達黃金 地雷
綠松石 脊
普韋布洛 Viejo
綜合財務備註 陳述
管理層的討論和 分析
操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探
審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源
我們努力成爲世界上最有價值的黃金和銅公司,擁有最好的資產,由最好的人管理,提供最好的 爲我們所有的利益相關者提供回報和利益。
巴里克是行業領先的黃金和銅生產商,其黃金年產量和黃金儲量在行業中名列前茅。我們是 主要從事黃金和銅的生產和銷售,以及勘探和礦山開發等相關活動。我們擁有12座金礦和3座銅礦的所有權權益。這包括六個 一級黃金資產
以及多元化的勘探組合,爲世界上許多最多產的金礦地區的增長做好了準備。我們的十二個人在生產黃金 礦區地理位置多樣,分佈在阿根廷、加拿大、科特迪瓦、剛果民主共和國、多米尼加共和國、巴布亞新幾內亞、坦桑尼亞和美國。我們在馬裏的礦場被臨時擱置 2025年1月暫停(詳情請參閱第9頁)。我們的三個生產銅礦位於贊比亞、智利和沙特阿拉伯,我們在巴基斯坦有一個綠地項目。我們的勘探和其他開發項目是 遍佈世界各地,包括美洲、亞洲和非洲。我們通過以下分銷渠道在世界市場銷售我們的產品:金條在黃金現貨市場銷售或出售給獨立的精煉廠; 銅精礦被出售給獨立的冶煉或貿易公司;陰極銅被出售給第三方買家或在交易所。巴里克公司的股票在紐約證券交易所交易,代碼是GOLD,多倫多證券交易所 交易代碼爲ABX。
二零二四年 收入

我們的戰略是通過吸引和培養了解並參與企業價值鏈的世界級人才來作爲企業主運營 企業,誠信行事,孜孜不倦地追求卓越。我們專注於通過優化自由現金流、管理風險爲股東創造長期價值以及與東道主合作來爲利益相關者帶來回報 各國政府和我們的當地社區將他們國家的自然資源轉化爲可持續的利益和共同繁榮。我們的目標是通過以下方式實現這一目標:

投資 在世界上許多最多產的金礦和銅礦地區的廣闊土地進行勘探。

最大 我們戰略銅業務的長期價值
1賣 隨着時間的推移,以紀律嚴明的方式處理非核心資產。3 卓越運營

努力 零傷害工作場所。


運營扁平化的管理結構,具有強大的所有權文化。 1

簡化管理和運營,並讓管理層對其管理的業務負責。 1利用創新和技術來提高行業領先的效率。 23與我們的東道國政府、商業合作伙伴和當地社區建立基於信任的合作伙伴關係,以推動長期共享 值4可持續 盈利能力1,3每股2加權平均稀釋普通股 (百萬股)
運營中 結果黃金產量(數千 盎司)
黃金售出(數千 盎司)市場金價(美元/盎司)5.

黃金銷售成本(巴里克的 份額)g、h
地下b (美元/盎司)
(美元/盎司)銅產量(數千 噸)

售出銅(數千 噸)
地下b (美元/磅)6.

1 N銅銷售成本(巴里克的 份額)

% 變化
截至 12/31/24 截至 12/31/23
   12/31/24 9/30/24 % 變化 12/31/24 12/31/23 截至 12/31/22 12/31/22
金融 職位(百萬美元)
債務(當前和長期) 3,645  3,368  8% 12,922  11,397  13% 11,013 
現金和等價物 1,995  2,051  (3)% 7,961  7,932  0% 7,497 
債務,淨額 現金的a
996  483  106% 2,144  1,272  69% 432 
淨收益指股東應占淨收益。 結伴。b
794  529  50% 2,213  1,467  51% 1,326 
有關這些非公認會計准則財務措施的進一步信息,包括詳細的對賬,請參閱各頁 這個MD&A中的59到75個。b
1,697  1,292  31% 5,185  3,987  30% 4,029 
在合併現金基礎上列報的數額。項目資本支出不包括在我們的全部投資計算中 維持成本。b
56  % 46  % 22% 48  % 42  % 14% 44  %
合併資本支出總額還包括第四季度分別爲400美元萬和3,300美元萬的資本化利息 2024年和2024年(2024年第三季度:400美元萬;2023年:4,100美元萬;2022年:2,900美元萬)。這些金額的列報與我們的 指導。
525  511  3% 2,217  2,076  7% 2,071 
表示經營活動提供的淨現金除以 收入。在歸屬的基礎上。
362  221  64% 924  969  (5)% 949 
每盎司黃金銷售成本計算爲我們黃金業務的銷售成本(不包括關閉或維護中的站點和 維護)除以已售出的盎司(兩者均按Barrick的所有權份額按歸屬計算)。每磅銅銷售成本的計算方法是將我們所有銅業務的銷售成本除以銷售磅(兩者均按 使用巴里克的所有權份額的歸屬基礎)。
891  736  21% 3,174  3,086  3% 3,049 
758  583  30% 2,607  2,363  10% 2,417 
管理層的討論和 分析 1,392  1,180  18% 4,491  3,732  20% 3,481 
概述 f
38  % 35  % 9% 35  % 33  % 6% 32  %
操作 性能b
501  444  13% 1,317  646  104% 432 
增長 項目與勘探 0.57  0.28  104% 1.22  0.72  69% 0.24 
審查 財務業績b 其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
0.46  0.30  53% 1.26  0.84  50% 0.75 
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 1,742  1,752  (1)% 1,751  1,755  0% 1,771 
1,080  943  15% 3,911  4,054  (4)% 4,141 
965  967  0% 3,798  4,024  (6)% 4,141 
(數千 盎司) 2,663  2,474  8% 2,386  1,941  23% 1,800 
銅產量(數千 噸)黃金銷售成本
2,657  2,494  7% 2,397  1,948  23% 1,795 
1,428  1,472  (3)% 1,442  1,334  8% 1,241 
1,046  1,104  (5)% 1,065  960  11% 862 
(每美元 英鎊)淨收益,可歸屬EBITDA
1,451  1,507  (4)% 1,484  1,335  11% 1,222 
可歸因EBITDA 按金g
64  48  33% 195  191  2% 200 
54  42  29% 177  185  (4)% 202 
d、e 4.17  4.18  0% 4.15  3.85  8% 3.99 
($ 數百萬)經營現金 流量和自由現金流量 股東回報
3.96  4.27  (7)% 4.15  3.85  8% 3.85 
($ 數百萬)在可歸因的基礎上。 基於2025年指導範圍的中點。
2.62  3.23  (19)% 2.99  2.90  3% 2.43 
每盎司的黃金銷售成本計算爲我們黃金業務的銷售成本(不包括關閉或護理的地點和 維護)除以售出的盎司(均基於巴里克的所有權份額的歸屬基礎)。每磅銅銷售成本的計算方法是我們銅業務的銷售成本除以售出的英鎊(兩者均基於應占 使用巴里克的所有權份額)。更多詳情請參閱尾註7。有關這些非公認會計准則財務措施的進一步信息,包括詳細的對賬,請參閱各頁
2.04  2.49  (18)% 2.26  2.28  (1)% 1.89 
其中之一 MD&A。資本支出還包括資本化 興趣宣佈的股息包括業績 紅利
3.07  3.57  (14)% 3.45  3.21  7% 3.18 
    巴里克2024年年終 管理層的討論和 分析 概述 操作 性能 增長 項目與勘探 審查 財務業績 其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源金融
報表 4,729  4,725  0% 4,729  4,726  0% 4,782 
影響淨收益和調整後淨收益的因素 4,074  4,225  (4)% 4,074  4,148  (2)% 4,440 
-2024年第4季度與2024年第3季度 655   500  31% 655   578  13% 342 
a.2024年第四季度的淨收益爲99600美元萬,而2024年第三季度的淨收益爲48300美元萬。這一增長主要是由於以下原因 物品:
c.由於將超級坑擴建納入萬,Lumwana的長期資產減值沖銷爲65500美元 LOM計劃和更高的銅價;以及
e.韋拉德羅43700美元的長期資產減值沖銷(萬)反映了金價上漲、礦山壽命延長和價格下降 國家/地區風險;部分抵消
g. Loulo-Gounkoto的商譽減值爲48400美元萬(參閱第頁的關鍵業務發展
2024年第四季度11300美元萬的其他費用調整,主要用於支付給馬裏政府的預付款 談判以及在湯貢的海關和特許權使用費解決方案。

(9美元/盎司影響),而每磅較低的銅銷售成本a 主要由於加工品級較高、回收率較高,以及相比Lumwana的更多產量,稀釋固定成本帶來的好處。 儘管產量較高,但黃金銷售量略低於2024年第三季度,反映馬裏政府在2024年第四季度對我們從Loulo-Gounkoto交通和銷售黃金的能力施加的限制,部分抵消了 投資組合中其他部分的黃金產量和銷售額都有所提高。調整後淨收益
在沒有這些限制的情況下,可能會更高。a 有關淨收益和調整後淨收益之間的對賬項目的完整列表,請參閱第59頁
ja241deee73ac468fb2c.jpg j13dd7f4fc9654d00ab9.jpg
對於當前和以前的 句號。c影響因素 淨收益和調整後淨收益d,
-2024年與2023年c截至2024年12月31日的一年,淨收益爲214400美元萬,而前一年的淨收益爲127200美元萬。增加的主要原因是 致:d
d 長期資產減值沖銷:Lumwana的65500美元萬和Veladero的43700美元萬,部分被商譽抵消 如上所述,盧洛-貢科託的減值爲48400萬;
d 這個 取消2023年發生的22000美元萬的重大稅務調整,這與減值費用淨額導致的遞延退稅有關;外幣折算收益和稅收餘額損失;解決不確定因素 稅收狀況;上一年度調整的影響;不可抵扣的匯兌損失的影響;以及遞延稅項資產的確認和取消確認;
jbd80cd93879c4b01be2.jpg j9b8f67dfcfe8404a9e3.jpg
一個 2023年發生在長峽谷的28000美元萬的長期資產減值;部分抵消d
一種收穫 與2023年重新開工的波格拉礦有關的3.52億美元;以及
j4419710c90bd42f38e5.jpg j218fecbf95414441af6.jpg
其他 2024年費用調整2.49億美元,主要涉及向馬裏政府支付推進談判的款項;在湯貢的海關和特許權使用費結算;與結算有關的利息和罰款 智利Zaldívar評稅;與Homestake礦業公司經營的、在2001年被Barrick收購之前關閉的一個遺留礦場有關的準備金,以及與#年道路建設有關的應計項目 坦桑尼亞根據特維加夥伴關係承擔了我們社區的投資義務。d
經不能代表未來營業收益的項目調整後,調整後的淨收益f 截至2024年12月31日的一年中,221300美元的萬比2023年高出74600美元萬。2024年的這一結果是調整後淨額最高的 收益
jed8eba9b31034a4f824.jpg j16c477ffda5e431984f.jpg
d.黃金銷售量下降。已實現的黃金價格592024年爲每盎司2397美元,而2023年爲每盎司1948美元。每盎司黃金銷售成本的增加75主要是由於整個產品組合的產量較低(導致固定成本稀釋減少)以及較高的電力消耗, 工廠維護成本和Pueblo Viejo的天然氣價格;Carlin的加工品位和回收率較低;以及由於已實現黃金價格的增加,所有地點的特許權使用費都較高
e.(23美元/盎司影響)。黃金銷量下降在很大程度上是由Cortez和Carlin推動的。在Cortez,這是由於在Cortez開採的礦石浸出率較低 十字路口露天礦場和地下Cortez Hills開採的較低氧化物礦石,與採礦順序一致,由於加工品位較低、回收率較低以及露天開採噸減少,故在Carlin開採。這些影響與 馬裏政府在2024年第四季度對我們在Loulo-Gounkoto發運和銷售黃金的能力施加的限制,部分被波格拉2024年擴大運營後的產量和銷售增加所抵消。
f.請參閱第59頁,查看凈利潤和凈利潤之間的對賬項目的完整列表 調整後淨收益


概述 6操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探
審查 財務業績其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源金融
報表向馬裏政府報告我們交通和銷售黃金的能力(更多細節見財務報表附註35)。 9 自由現金流
2024年第四季度爲50100美元萬,而2024年第三季度爲44400美元萬,反映出運營現金流增加,但部分被資本增加所抵消 支出。2024年第四季度,現金基礎上的資本支出爲89100美元萬,而2024年第三季度的資本支出爲73600美元萬,這主要是由於項目資本支出增加包括Lumwana超級礦坑擴建項目的長鉛項目訂單的首付款,其中包括採礦 艦隊。

影響營業現金流的因素 和自由現金流6-2024年與2023年6在截至2024年12月31日的一年中,我們產生了449100美元的運營現金流,而前一年的萬爲373200美元。漲幅 75900美元的萬主要是由於實現的黃金價格較高7被黃金銷售量下降和每盎司黃金總現金成本增加部分抵消7。運營現金流進一步受到與2023年相比支付的更高現金稅的影響。2024年的運營現金流也受到以下因素的負面影響 馬裏政府對我們交通和銷售黃金的能力施加的限制(詳情見財務報表附註35)。62024年,我們產生了自由現金流6131700美元的萬,而前一年的萬爲64600美元。這一增長主要反映了運營現金流的增加,但被較高的 資本支出。2024年,現金基礎上的資本支出爲317400美元萬,而前一年爲308600美元萬,主要原因是礦場持續資本支出增加6,被較低的項目資本支出部分抵消7。礦場資本支出增加6這是由於Lumwana的資本化剝離增加以及在Carlin購買小松-930卡車車隊所推動的。項目資本金 支出7較低的是因爲NGM的Pueblo Viejo工廠擴建項目和TS Solar項目於2023年基本完成,部分抵消了 Reko Diq的工程支出和Lumwana超級礦坑擴建項目的長鉛項目的定金,其中包括採礦 艦隊。6主要業務 發展動向
Loulo-Gounkoto臨時關閉6該公司和馬裏政府一直在就#年的現有采礦公約發生爭端。 Sociétédes Mines de Loulo SA(「Somilo」)和Sociétédes Mines de Gounkoto(「Gounkoto」)(統稱爲「公約」)。

2024年12月18日,在多次真誠地嘗試解決爭端後,Somilo和Gounkoto向 根據各自公約的規定,消除對婦女一切形式歧視國際委員會。2025年1月14日,由於馬裏政府對黃金交通實行限制,該公司宣佈,盧洛-古科託建築群將暫時 暫停操作。6如財務報表附註21所述,我們 2024年第四季度錄得商譽減值48400美元萬。有關詳情,請參閱財務報表附註35。
在2025年2月11日的會議上,董事會批准了一項新的股票回購計劃,用於購買高達10美元的億 未來12個月巴里克的已發行普通股。巴里克在2024年根據其先前的股票回購計劃回購了49800美元的萬股票,該計劃於2024年2月14日宣佈,並因新計劃而終止。 可以購買的普通股的實際數量,以及任何 這類收購將由巴里克根據一系列因素確定,包括公司的財務業績、現金流的可用性以及對現金的其他用途的考慮,包括資本投資機會。 給股東帶來回報,並減少債務。
回購計劃不會 公司有義務收購任何特定數量的普通股,回購計劃可由公司酌情決定隨時暫停或終止。內華達州金礦管理變革
2024年8月9日,亨利·戈寧被任命爲內華達金礦公司董事經理,接替前執行董事彼得·理查森 董事,內華達州金礦,2024年第二季度末離開巴里克。戈寧先生在採礦業擁有30多年的經驗,其中包括在內華達州爲巴里克銀行工作了13年,他最近在那裏擔任 內華達金礦的運營。戈寧先生將與北美首席運營官克里斯汀·基納和巴里克黃金公司總裁兼首席執行官兼內華達金礦董事長馬克·布里斯托合作,因爲我們計劃 內華達金礦開發的下一階段。
巴里克2024年年終管理層的討論和 分析
概述 操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探審查 財務業績

其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組6礦物 儲量和礦產資源6 金融 6報表62025年展望 7運營部門指南6我們2024年實際黃金和銅產量、銷售成本、總現金成本7,全方位維持成本6 和2025年預測黃金和銅產量、銷售成本、總現金成本
和全部維持成本6 按經營部門劃分的範圍如下:

業務分部62024年應占產量(000 s ozs)
2024年銷售成本6(美元/盎司)62024年總現金成本6(美元/盎司)62024年全力維持 成本
2025年預測歸屬產量(000 s ozs)

Cortez (61.5%)
綠松石嶺 (61.5%)6鳳凰 (61.5%)6內華達 金礦(61.5%)

海姆洛6北 美國
區域首席運營官;(2)礦場總經理;(3)健康、安全、環境和關閉線索;(4)集團 (5)內部法律顧問;(6)擔任顧問角色的獨立可持續發展顧問。E&S委員會每季度召開一次會議,審查我們在一系列關鍵業績方面的表現 並對可持續性管理進行獨立監督和審查。6總裁和首席執行官在董事會ESG和提名的每次季度會議上審查E&S委員會的報告 委員會審議階段。審查這些報告是爲了確保我們可持續發展政策的實施,並推動我們的環境、健康和安全、社區關係以及發展和人權計劃的績效。 6此外,區域組織之間至少每週舉行一次會議。 可持續發展領導和集團可持續發展執行。這些會議實時審查企業面臨的與可持續性相關的風險和機遇,以及每週執行委員會整合的進展和問題 回顧會議。6巴里克領導下的高級領導人的激勵薪酬 夥伴關係計劃與可持續發展績效掛鉤。2024年,這包括基於我們的年度安全和環境績效的年度激勵計劃下15%的權重,以及我們的長期公司記分卡下20%的權重 與我們行業第一的可持續發展記分卡的評估相關聯。在我們努力實現持續的強勁業績的同時,可持續發展記分卡的目標和指標每年都會更新。2024年可持續發展記分卡的結果將是 2024年上半年在《年度報告和可持續發展報告》中發表。E&S委員會每季度根據所有指標跟蹤我們的進展情況。6 人權6我們尊重人權的承諾寫入了我們獨立的人權政策,並由

管理層的討論和 分析

操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探

審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源

對《聯合國商業和人權指導原則》、《安全和人權自願原則》和 經濟合作與發展組織的跨國企業指南。這一承諾是通過我們的人權方案在實地履行的,其基本原則包括:監測和報告、盡職調查、培訓以及紀律處分。 行動和補救措施。

我們繼續評估和管理安全和人權。 在我們的所有行動中都存在風險,並向我們所有地點的私營和公共安全部隊提供安全和人權培訓。2024年期間,在下列地點進行了獨立的人權評估: 坦桑尼亞、贊比亞的Lumwana、巴基斯坦的Reko Diq和多米尼加共和國的Pueblo Viejo。由於該國的安全挑戰,原計劃在巴布亞新幾內亞波格拉進行的獨立人權評估被推遲。
2024年6月,巴里克發表了一份廣泛流傳的詳細回應 人權理事會特別程序處的「聯合來文」,主要是指控警察在與坦桑尼亞北馬拉金礦有關的地區的行爲。這些指控在聯合聲明中沒有得到證實。 溝通。巴里克已經公開發佈了其冗長的回應,以解決聯合溝通的內容,並確保這些風險如何管理的透明度。到目前爲止,尚未收到****的答覆, 或任何一位特別報告員。

也與2023年一致。兩者都報告了兩位數的四捨五入標準,噸和金屬含量,等級報告爲 小數點後兩位。

可歸屬的已探明和可能的銅礦儲量增加 可歸屬基礎上同比增長224%,品位提高13%以上,至1800萬噸銅
從560萬噸銅降至0.45%62023年爲0.39%。這是由於完成了Lumwana和Reko Diq的可行性研究,確認這兩個項目爲一級銅礦 項目6。Lumwana超級礦坑擴建可行性研究增加了550萬噸銅6已探明和可能的銅礦儲量爲830萬噸銅6在0.52%。Reko Diq可行性研究增加了730萬噸銅 
應占銅礦儲量爲0.48%。這意味着增加了2,000多萬噸 自2023年起以100%基準計算已探明及可能的銅礦儲量。
(男) 公噸)
數字四捨五入爲兩個重要數字 數字。b
巴里克的 2024年測量和表示的可歸屬銅爲2,400萬噸
建立和發展積極進取、高度敏捷的發現驅動團隊; 和b
財務狀況和流動資金a我們的流動性狀況、負債水平和信用評級都是我們有能力滿足短期和長期財務需求的因素。 Barrick的未償債務餘額通過預定的利息和本金償還以及槓桿率計算結果影響流動性,這可能會影響我們的投資級信用評級和獲得資本的能力 市場。此外,我們是否有能力動用我們的信貸安排,須視乎其契諾而定。我們的流動性的主要來源是我們的運營現金流,這取決於我們的運營提供預計未來現金的能力 流動。我們業務部門預測未來現金流的能力,以及未來黃金和銅市場價格的變化,無論是有利的還是不利的,都將繼續對我們的現金流和 流動性。
b續 專注於產生正的自由現金流
通過以可持續的方式改善我們運營的基本成本結構 風度;b
編制預算和預測,以了解不同價格情景對流動性的影響,包括我們的能力 向股東提供現金回報,回購未償還的債務和股票,並制定適當的戰略;
775 1,429 1,187 1,730 705 - 785 1,470 - 1,570 1,140 - 1,220 1,630 - 1,730
回顧 債務和淨債務水平,以確保適當的槓桿作用,並監測市場的負債管理機會;以及c
444 1,402 1,046 1,441 420 - 470 1,420 - 1,520 1,050 - 1,130 1,370 - 1,470
304 1,615 1,238 1,466 310 - 345 1,370 - 1,470 1,000 - 1,080 1,260 - 1,360
其他 公司可用來提高流動資金的選擇包括動用30億美元的未提取信貸安排、出售資產、合資或發行債務或股權 證券。 127 1,687 765 1,031 85 - 105 2,070 - 2,170 890 - 970 1,240 - 1,340
巴里克2024年年終 1,650 1,478 1,126 1,561 1,540 - 1,700 1,470 - 1,570 1,070 - 1,150 1,460 - 1,560
管理層的討論和 分析 143 1,754 1,483 1,769 140 - 160 1,500 - 1,600 1,200 - 1,280 1,600 - 1,700
概述 1,793 1,500 1,155 1,578 1,680 - 1,860 1,470 - 1,570 1,080 - 1,160 1,480 - 1,580
操作 性能 352 1,576 1,005 1,323 370 - 410 1,540 - 1,640 910 - 990 1,280 - 1,380
增長 項目與勘探 252 1,254 905 1,334 190 - 220 1,390 - 1,490 890 - 970 1,570 - 1,670
審查 財務業績 46 1,423 1,073 1,666 70 - 95 1,510 - 1,610 1,210 - 1,290 1,770 - 1,870
平均品位(克/噸) 650 1,434 969 1,350 630 - 730 1,490 - 1,590 940 - 1,020 1,430 - 1,530
578 1,218 828 1,304
地下采出的 309 1,344 905 1,123 310 - 340 1,280 - 1,380 940 - 1,020 1,130 - 1,230
處理 265 1,266 989 1,274 230 - 260 1,370 - 1,470 1,020 - 1,100 1,400 - 1,500
加工礦石噸(000噸) 168 1,509 1,070 1,420 150 - 180 1,470 - 1,570 1,010 - 1,090 1,540 - 1,640
氧化物研磨機 148 1,903 1,670 1,867 110 - 140 1,790 - 1,890 1,570 - 1,650 1,660 - 1,760
烘焙機 1,468 1,368 1,000 1,333 820 - 910 1,420 - 1,520 1,060 - 1,140 1,360 - 1,460
3,911 1,442 1,065 1,484 3,150 - 3,500 1,460 - 1,560 1,050 - 1,130 1,460 - 1,560
產出的黃金(000 s oz)b
總現金成本b (美元/盎司)
All-in 維持成本b (美元/盎司)
黃金產量 2024年的產量低於指導範圍,主要受到之前披露的2024年第一季度黃金採石場露天坑壁故障的影響,加上卡林烘焙廠加工的科爾特斯產量增加,總體受益於 NGM。坑牆故障也是每盎司銷售成本的關鍵驅動因素
和每盎司的總現金成本 123 2.94 2.23 3.85 125 - 155 2.30 - 2.60 1.60 - 1.90 2.80 - 3.10
由於產量較低和交通距離較長導致採礦成本較高,因此超出了指導範圍。此外,成本 由於地下和工藝設施的維護成本較高,因此較高。每盎司的全包維持成本 40 4.09 3.04 3.58 40 - 45 3.60 - 3.90 2.70 - 3.00 3.50 - 3.80
高於指引,主要受每盎司總現金成本上升推動 32 1.77 1.37 1.56 25 - 35 2.00 - 2.30 1.60 - 1.90 1.80 - 2.10
以及更高的礦礦維持資本支出。所有成本指標也受到實現黃金更高特許權使用費的影響 價格 (指引基於金價假設1,900美元/盎司)。
195 2.99 2.26 3.45 200 - 230 2.50 - 2.80 1.80 - 2.10 2.80 - 3.10
b.管理層的討論和 分析
d.操作 性能
e.增長 項目與勘探
f.審查 財務業績
g.其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組

礦物 儲量和礦產資源

班級 1
環境事件6金融 結果62024年第4季度與2024年第3季度比較62024年第四季度的黃金產量比2024年第三季度高出28%。這主要是由於Cortez Hills地下和地下的礦石噸增加所致 在Carlin焙燒爐交通和加工的黃金,再加上Cortez礦坑的更高噸和更高品位,以及Cortez Oxide廠處理的Cortez Hills地下噸增加,部分被較低的浸出礦石噸所抵消 放置導致較低的浸出量。 6每盎司銷售成本
2024年第四季度分別比2024年第三季度下降8%和10%,原因是產量增加和加工的品位更高,部分抵消了 在銷售組合中,成本較高的耐火盎司所佔比例更高。在2024年第4季度,每盎司的總維持成本a
2024年第四季度的資本支出比2024年第三季度高出8%,主要是由於礦場持續資本支出增加所致 3.90 - 4.30 3.91 3.15 - 3.50
,這是由增加的地下面積推動的 發展。
巴里克2024年年終 1,320 - 1,420 1,442 1,460 - 1,560
管理層的討論和 分析b
940 - 1,020 1,065 1,050 - 1,130
概述 340 - 370 336 370 - 400
操作 性能b
1,320 - 1,420 1,484 1,460 - 1,560
增長 項目與勘探
審查 財務業績 180 - 210 195 200 - 230
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 2.65 - 2.95 2.99 2.50 - 2.80
金融 b
2.00 - 2.30 2.26 1.80 - 2.10
報表 0.90 - 1.00 0.91 0.75 - 0.85
3.10 - 3.40 3.45 2.80 - 3.10
2024年的黃金產量比2023年低19%,原因是浸出礦石減少了 在十字路口露天礦場開採的氧化礦以及從Cortez Hills地下開採的氧化礦較少,符合採礦順序。這導致在氧化物廠加工的氧化礦品位較低,並減少了放置在浸出板上的噸數。這 在卡林焙燒廠裝運和加工的難選礦石增加,部分抵消了這一影響。 400 - 440 392 330 - 370
每盎司銷售成本 180 - 200 190 220 - 240
和每盎司的總現金成本 220 - 240 202 110 - 130
2024年分別比2023年高出6%和15%,反映出在卡林加工的高成本難熔盎司所佔比例更高 銷售組合中的烘焙機。2024年,每盎司的總維持成本 與2023年相比增加了12%,受每盎司總現金成本上升的推動 115 和更高的礦場維持資本支出
以售出的每盎司爲單位。所有成本指標也受到來自較高的黃金實現價格的較高的特許權使用費的影響 與2023年相比,2024年的資本支出減少了4%,原因是礦場持續資本支出減少 95 小松930-E卡車車隊主要是在2023年購買的。這部分被增加的項目資本支出所抵消。
增長 項目與勘探c
審查 財務業績 20 其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 70 - 90 214 70 - 90
金融 260 - 300 232 270 - 310
1,550 - 1,750 1,773 1,400 - 1,650
這三個月 告一段落年度 結束
950 - 1,150 804 1,700 - 1,950
2,500 - 2,900 2,607 3,100 - 3,600

平均品位(克/噸)7露天開採6不適用6 不適用

2024年第4季度分別比2024年第3季度低11%和15%,這主要是由於產量增加,加上維護支出降低,主要是 在Sage高壓滅菌器上,因爲在之前的
2024年第四季度的資本支出比2024年第三季度下降25%,主要是由於露天礦設備升級較少,部分抵消了 購買地下移動設備。

增長 項目與勘探

審查 財務業績7
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組7礦物 儲量和礦產資源
金融 6報表

其中之一 MD&A。6代表EBITDA除以收入。
從2024年第一季度開始,該金額包括資本化利息。 6安全與環境
這三個月 告一段落6年度 結束

班級 16環境事件6金融 結果

2024年第四季度的黃金產量比2024年第三季度下降5%,原因是按照礦山計劃加工的品位較低,以及由於 石灰岩線路。這被CIL庫存相對於第三季度末的下降以及浮動循環回收率的改善部分抵消。
每盎司銷售成本7和每盎司的總現金成本6 2024年第四季度分別比2024年第三季度高出14%和8%,主要是由於加工的品位較低,部分被採礦成本較低所抵消, 較低的電力投入價格和較低的工廠維護成本。此外,每盎司的銷售成本
進一步受到折舊費用較高的影響。2024年第四季度,每盎司的全面維持成本6 比2024年第三季度高出9%,反映出每盎司總現金成本較高

審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源



露天 石

2024年的黃金產量比2023年高6%,這是由於更高的加工品位和更高的工廠產能所推動的。售出的黃金比2023年低16%, 反映馬裏政府在2024年第四季度對我們交通和銷售黃金的能力施加的限制。
2024年比2023年高出2%,反映出折舊費用增加,但每盎司總現金成本下降部分抵消了這一影響6。每盎司現金總成本62024年的成本比2023年下降1%,主要是由於地下和露天採礦的運營成本降低,以及加工成本降低。 這部分被較高的已實現金價所帶動的較高特許權使用費所抵銷。6。2024年,全部維持成本
與2023年相比增長了12%,反映了礦場持續資本支出的增加6按每盎司計算,主要反映上文討論的黃金銷售量下降的影響,但現金總額略有下降部分抵消了這一影響 每盎司成本


   巴里克2024年年終 管理層的討論和 分析
概述 a操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探a審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組a
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 每盎司銷售成本 和每盎司的總現金成本
2024年第四季度分別比2024年第三季度下降8%和9%,原因是加工品級較高和地下采礦成本略有下降 被較高的已實現黃金價格增加的特許權使用費所抵消
,被每盎司較低的總現金成本部分抵消 與2024年第三季度相比,2024年第四季度的資本支出增加了93%,原因是項目資本支出增加
2024年與 2023年
a.2024年,隨着我們過渡到更高的品位,黃金產量比2023年高出5% 地下和露天礦,在前一年的地下開發和廢物剝離週期之後。59每盎司銷售成本75和每盎司的總現金成本

,在2024年第一季度面臨電網不穩定挑戰後,發電成本上升,以及我們地下車隊的維護成本上升 在這一年裏。這部分被處理的較高職級所抵消。每盎司的綜合維持成本

由於資本化剝離和鑽探支出減少,與露天採礦車隊有關的支出增加,部分抵消了這一減少額。 這與較低的項目資本支出相結合。
黃金產量 2024年結束時高於指導範圍,反映出處理的等級高於年初的礦山計劃。所有成本指標都受到已實現黃金價格上漲帶來的更高特許權使用費的影響
.儘管存在這種影響,但所有成本指標均處於指導範圍的低端,反映了產量增加稀釋的好處 固定成本超過更多 盎司

管理層的討論和 分析
操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探

這三個月 告一段落
爲 止年度

All-in 維持成本
黃金產量 2024年在指導範圍內結束。所有成本指標都受到已實現黃金價格上漲帶來的更高特許權使用費的影響
.此外,每盎司的銷售成本8 受折舊率上升推動,略高於指導範圍。總現金成本8 和全部維持成本

管理層的討論和 分析

操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探
審查 財務業績其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源金融
運營和總結 財務數據

年度 結束
黃金產量(000 盎司)

(美元/盎司)9總 現金成本

All-in 維持成本
資本 支出

All-in 維持成本1 (美元/盎司)

相比 根據我們的2024年展望、黃金產量和每盎司銷售成本
貝拉德羅(50%)、 阿根廷10受增長的推動,Veladero 2024年第四季度的黃金產量比2024年第三季度高出44% 以可回收的盎司形式放在浸提墊上。每盎司的銷售成本

2024年第四季度分別比2024年第三季度下降12%和13%,主要是由於產量增加的影響。2024年第四季度,全面維持成本 每 盎司 與2024年第三季度相比下降14%,主要是由於每盎司總現金成本下降

按每盎司計算。 2-e.
產出的黃金(000 s oz)10銷售成本2 (美元/盎司)11總現金成本

All-in 維持成本
2024年全年黃金產量高於指導範圍,這是由於投入額外可開採盎司以及更高盎司的貢獻 由浸提設施的1-5階段進行。儘管已實現黃金價格上漲帶來特許權使用費上漲的影響,但由於產量增加,所有成本指標均低於指導範圍

增長 項目與勘探
審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組

礦物 儲量和礦產資源


全注 維持費6(美元/盎司)

黃金 2024年的產量在指導範圍內。所有成本指標都高於指導,主要是由於地下維護支出增加和

2024年第四季度的黃金產量比2024年第三季度下降了28%,因爲運營受到地區部落衝突、計劃外停電和持續的影響 穆裏塔卡山體滑坡帶來的後勤挑戰。因此,每盎司的銷售成本

。Porgera繼續與巴布亞新幾內亞的利益攸關方積極合作,以應對影響Porgera的外部挑戰 行動。

金融 結果


增長565%,主要反映了Lumwana Super Pit擴建項目的長期領先項目訂單的首付款,其中包括 採礦船隊。礦場持續性資本支出增加

二零二四年 與2023年相比
2024年,銅產量較2023年增長4%,主要原因是 較高的處理品級和較高的回收率,但部分被較低的吞吐量所抵消。銅銷售低於銅產量,原因是加工Lumwana部分產品的第三方冶煉廠之一長時間關閉 集中精神。其他計劃正在進行中,以便在短期內讓我們的其他冶煉廠加工更多的精礦。

與2023年相比下降了3%,原因是加工的品位更高,採礦成本降低,反映出採礦效率的提高和更高的 大寫的剝離。每磅的全部維持成本


管理層的討論和 分析
概述 13操作 性能14增長 項目與勘探15審查 財務業績15其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組13礦物 儲量和礦產資源
金融 15報表15支出15 反映Lumwana Super Pit擴建項目(包括採礦)長鉛項目訂單的首付款 艦隊

2024年相比 指導13,14,a
a 2024年指南

生產的銅(M磅)13銷售成本13銅 產量(KT)

C1 現金成本
(美元/磅)13All-in 維持成本 14(美元/磅)13資本 支出
var (50%)13賈巴爾·薩伊德(50%)13(美元/磅)13全注 維持費13(美元/磅)16銅 2024年的產量處於指導範圍的高端。每磅銷售成本

以及每磅的全部維持成本15都在制導範圍內。這項投資,我們不是運營商,繼續是我們的非核心部分 公文包。15 Jabal Sayid(50%基數),沙特阿拉伯
根據採礦計劃,Jabal Sayid於2024年第四季度的銅產量略低於2024年第三季度,原因是原料品位較低。每個單位的銷售成本 英鎊152024年第四季度比2024年第三季度高出15%,主要是由於折舊費用增加,部分被每磅較低的C1現金成本所抵消15。C1每磅現金成本3下降16%,主要是由於黃金副產品信貸增加的影響。每磅的全部維持成本15比2024年第三季度下降18%,主要是因爲每磅的C1現金成本較低15礦場維持資本支出15各季度都是一致的。152024年實際

a 銷售成本

(美元/磅)13戈德勒13烏什, 包括在Cortez內,預計將是一個壽命長的地下礦山,預計到2028年年產量將超過400,000盎司/年(100%基準)。
在2024年第四季度,完成了通風豎井的挖掘和兩臺地下主扇的安裝,這是計劃中的兩個通風豎井中的第一個, 使採礦率得以提高。最初的馬峽谷水面通道開發也已經完成。馬峽谷和松樹谷正在進行水管理基礎設施建設 地區。

截至2024年12月31日,項目支出爲43600美元萬 (包括2024年第四季度1,300美元的萬),包括勘探下降。到目前爲止花費的這筆資本,連同剩餘的預期投產前資本,預計仍將接近億初始資本估計的約10美元 對於Goldrush項目(100%基準率)。

TS Solar項目是一個200兆瓦的光伏太陽能發電場,位於NGM的TS附近 並與現有的發電廠輸電基礎設施相互連接。該項目現已完工,將爲NGM的運營提供可再生能源,預計將減少234kt的CO排放
相當於每年的排放量,相當於比NGM 2018年減少了8% 基線。
在2024年第4季度,剩餘的第2階段陣列性能測試爲 建成並達到所有里程碑,宣佈商業運營。截至2024年12月31日,項目支出爲30000萬(2024年第四季度沒有實質性支出),而資本成本估計爲31000萬(100% 基礎)。
雷恩,內華達州 美國
REN是GoldStrike地下的一個新礦藏,也是Carlin的一個關鍵擴建項目。 位於GoldStrike Under的Meikle和Banshee礦藏以北,一旦在#年全面投產,REN預計平均每年生產140,000盎司(100%) 2027年。
爲了開發該礦牀,將複製現有的勘探漂流, 允許增加通風和進入工作區的二次出口。一旦完成,將建造另外兩個勘探鑽井平台,以支持該項目的進一步鑽探,以便將 現有資源和礦藏的進一步增長。爲了支持礦牀的生產開採,將從Betze-Post露天礦向北再推進一組雙傾斜,其中 旨在爲礦藏提供礦井通風的壽命,以及通過現有的米克爾井架運送和吊裝材料的直接通道。爲完成工程,將挖一條7米長的通風井550米作爲 礦體的排氣提升和公用設施管道。
在第四季度, 重點是將雙探井巷道開發推進到探井鑽井平台,爲新的雙斜井安裝高壁穩定和地面設施,並鑽探更多的降水井。雙生子衰退 開發始於門戶集安裝。通風豎井地面墊層和公用設施在豎井鑿井活動之前完成,預計將於第一季度開始 2025年。截至2024年12月31日,項目支出爲7,200美元萬,估計 資本成本爲4.1億至47000美元萬(100%基準)。
2021年11月,Minera Andina del Sol批准了7A期浸出墊建設項目,隨後在第三季度批准了第70期億 2022年。這兩個階段的建設包括分排水和監測、滲漏收集和再循環、不滲透以及懷孕淋濾液的收集。此外,北航道將沿浸出墊延伸。 設施。第70期億建設於2024年12月完成,目前正在運營 如願以償。
截至2024年12月31日,第7階段的總體項目支出爲159美元 預計資本成本爲16000美元萬(100%基準),其中包括2024年第四季度的1,100美元萬。韋拉德羅8期淋浴場,阿根廷

8期浸出墊的建設將分爲8A、80億和8C三個階段。2024年12月8A期浸出墊施工 項目獲批。工程將於2025年第一季度開工,預計2026年第一季度完工。該階段的施工包括開挖、填充、分排水和監測、滲漏收集和再循環、防滲以及 收集孕期浸出液。
總體而言,截至12月31日,第八階段, 2024年,項目支出爲1,000萬(包括2024年第四季度的700美元萬),估計資本成本爲25000-27000萬(100%基礎)。
Reko Diq項目,巴基斯坦
2024年底,巴里克完成了該項目2010年可行性研究的全面更新 和2011年擴建預可行性研究,並在2024年12月31日的可能儲量中增加了730萬噸銅和1,300萬盎司可歸屬黃金

。一旦全面投產,Reko Diq項目現在預計每年可生產24萬噸銅和29.7萬盎司黃金 於第一階段增加至460,000噸銅及520,000盎司黃金於第二階段的首十年(2034-2043)(100%基準)。這是基於第一階段加工廠產能增加45Mtpa(從最初的40Mtpa增加)和 作爲可行性研究的一部分,在第二階段進行了磨礦尺寸優化工作後,第二階段爲90Mtpa(原爲80Mtpa)。第一階段的總估計資本成本爲56-60億(100%基數,不包括 融資成本)將在2025-2029年間支出。2025年2月11日,董事會有條件地批准了第一階段的開發,條件是結束高達30美元的有限追索權項目融資億。假設30美元的億 在項目融資方面,巴里克在爲一期建設提供資金所需的合作伙伴股權貢獻總額中的份額預計爲14-17億(不包括融資成本的資本化)。估計的總資本成本 第二階段爲33-36億(100%基礎,不包括融資成本資本化),將在2029-2033年間支出。
在這一年中,爲該項目招聘和調動了更多的人員,大多數新僱用人員來自俾路支省。工地工程是 該項目的重點是早期工程基礎設施(周邊圍欄、大型土方工程、營地和水塘以及用於施工的管道),該項目的早期工程獲得了ESIA的批准。此外,還提交了完整的ESIA項目。

管理層的討論和 分析

概述 操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探6審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源金融
隨着最新可行性研究的完成,早期工程建設 已於2025年第一季度開始,並作出最終投資決定,預計於2025年晚些時候在合資企業批准和項目融資結束後繼續開發第一階段。第一批生產的目標是#年末 2028年。截至2024年12月31日,可行性更新的總支出爲186美元 百萬美元(包括2024年第四季度3,200美元的萬)(100%基數)。這一金額記錄在勘探、評估和項目費用中,不包括已資本化的固定資產購買相關金額。資本支出於2024年第二季度開始, 總資本支出爲16800美元萬(包括2024年第四季度的10900美元萬)(100%基礎)。
2025年,隨着建設的推進,預計該年的資本支出約爲10美元億(100% 基礎)。盧洛-貢科託太陽能項目, 馬裏
該項目需要設計、供應和安裝40兆瓦(48兆瓦峰值)的光伏 太陽能發電場配有36兆瓦電池儲能系統,以補充現有安裝的20兆瓦發電廠。現已完工,該項目預計將減少發電廠2300萬升燃料,這意味着節省 大約63kt的CO相當於每年的排放量。該項目分太陽能和電池儲存兩個階段進行建設,提前12個月完工 時間表。對光伏太陽能發電場的持續優化正在進行中,並在目標功率組合之上進行。該項目於2024年第一季度完成,最終項目支出爲7,300美元萬,低於 大約9,000美元的萬(100%基準)。
Kibali太陽能項目, 剛果民主共和國該項目需要設計、供應和安裝一個16兆瓦的光伏太陽能發電場 利用15兆瓦的電池儲能系統補充現有的水電站,將可再生能源在礦山能源組合中的比例從81%提高到85%。該項目的完成預計將帶來53%的降幅 在發電廠的燃料消耗方面。該項目正在按計劃進行,計劃於2025年第二季度完工。土方工程在本季度進展順利,現已完成。所有長引線設備都已訂購,跟蹤器和變壓器 安裝工作於2024年第四季度開始。即將到來的重點領域包括變電站的土建和太陽能發電場安裝的立柱夯實。截至2024年12月31日,項目支出爲3,200美元萬(包括第四季度的9,000美元萬 2024年),估計資本成本爲5,500美元萬(100% 基礎)。
Jabal Sayid Lode 1,沙特 阿拉伯該項目的範圍是開發和開採一個新的礦體,該礦體位於一個 距離現有的
在Jabal Sayid的礦脈。項目設計包括地下資本開發以及通風、膏體工廠和地下采礦。 基礎設施升級。採場於2023年第三季度開始,2024年開發如期完成。通風井井筒設備齊全,新風風井擴孔完成。試劑廠 並建成了直流式反應器。2024年第二季度,膏體工廠的所有建設活動已完成並開始投產。該項目已100%完成。
截至2024年12月31日,項目支出爲4,300美元萬(2024年第四季度沒有物質支出),與估計的資本成本一致 約4,300美元萬(100% 基礎)。

在卡林盆地,毗鄰金礦採石場, 通過後礦物蓋層的大間距RC鑽探在較不具遠景的上板塊地層學中確定了數千公里的低級金和卡林式蝕變和地球化學足跡。觀察到的異常主義是沿着趨勢的,並且 受黃金採石場重要控礦特徵--好希望斷裂控制。相距3.5公里的兩個更深的岩心孔,返回了從基岩接觸延伸到有利的下盤碳酸鹽岩層的數百米蝕變 地層學。工作將繼續確定熱液系統的範圍,並劃定更多定向鑽孔的矢量 2025年。
科爾特斯,內華達州 美國 第四季度在漢森目標約235米處完成了階梯式鑽井 在科爾特斯山地下作業的地下。到目前爲止,鑽探繼續確認地質模型,並確定了「漢森中心」以外的開闊、向上傾斜的機會,這是一種具有良好潛力的資源,將被添加到 即將到來的幾年。這一早期鑽探繼續爲Cortez Hills地下礦山現有基礎設施下的資源增長提供信心,預計將增加礦山壽命的實質性延長。後續鑽探是 計劃於2025年舉行。
在SWIFT,鑽探繼續更好地定義結構和 對該礦區西南部的地層了解,之前的鑽探在那裏發現了廣泛的蝕變和異常金礦。第二個框架洞於2024年12月完工,遇到了意義重大的結構 破壞了預期的地層學,省略了最有前景的斜坡相岩石。在較大斷裂帶及其鄰近地區發生了弱至中等的卡林型蝕變,進一步擴大了該地區的蝕變足跡。化驗 目前都懸而未決。
帕特里斯,魁北克, 加拿大
獲得了完成鑽探的許可,以完成整個地區的目標劃定工作 該地產上的沉積盆地。鑽探計劃預計將於2025年第一季度初開始,並將繼續確定La Patus斷層沿線強烈異常的程度,跟進2024年的結果 程序。拉丁美洲和 亞太
普韋布洛·維埃霍,多米尼加共和國在Pueblo Viejo,在摩爾坑以東一公里處的贊布拉納地區完成了目標劃定工作。有利的巖性、蝕變、 土壤和岩石片狀地球化學異常和激發極化、高充電性地球物理異常確定了兩個目標,鑽探工作於1月份開始 2025年。
巴里克2024年年終管理層的討論和 分析
概述 操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組礦物 儲量和礦產資源
金融 報表
多米尼加共和國,區域探險在朱布拉東部,鑽探已經證明了一次俯衝 高品位礦化。雖然規模很小,但它證明了在湯貢工廠周圍10公里內發現更多、佔地面積小、附加值高的氧化物礦化帶的潛力:JBERC025:18米,4.64克/噸 Au,JBERC088:12米,9.81 g/t Au。
在Koro A2,鑽探的目標是 主系統以東的次平行結構返回了幾個重要的交叉點,突出了一個新的高品位快照,具有其他潛力;KKHRC054:13米,3.73克/噸Au;KKHRC090:9米,3.49 G/t Au.與此同時,沿Koro A2主體結構的鑽探成功地將該系統向南延伸了180多米。目標是一條更大的礦化走廊的一部分,該走廊沿走向保持開放,且稀疏。 測試過。基巴利,剛果民主共和國
在方舟,在2024年第三季度對更廣泛的方舟走廊進行審查後,鑽井正在進行中,其中突出了多個露天和地下 發現機遇。結果繼續延伸和定義礦化,並展示了豐富的品位潛力區,例如在犀牛和阿巴拉博之間的新興透鏡上,RHGC2053:12.00米,231.15 G/t Au,RHDD0079:8.80米,17.30 g/t Au,賦存於強烈絹雲母-硅質-黃鐵礦蝕變礫岩中。此外,向下鑽取上犀牛晶狀體的俯衝顯示了礦脈的連續性:RHGC2066:24.00 米在3.12克/噸金和RHGC2067:22.00米在2.74克/噸金。此外,Kombokolo的鑽探於本季度開始,證實礦化系統向下延伸。一場密集的勘探鑽探活動正在進行 計劃於2025年評估方舟的巨大整體潛力 系統。在KCD,第四季度繼續進行向下延伸的鑽探,支持與3000和5000礦體有關的高品位礦化的繼續 礦脈:KCDU7507:34.04米,3.9g/t Au。此外,一個深的、定向的鑽探計劃開始與礦體相交,向下再深入500米,超出已知礦化(3000、5000和9000)。 LODES)來指導未來的基礎設施升級決策。
坦桑尼亞,北馬拉和布利亞胡魯在北馬拉,在雨季期間完成了一次目標世代會議,目的是補充資源三角的基礎,並 重新確定後續行動的現有目標的優先順序。審查強調了多個測試不佳的早期目標領域,顯示出關鍵的前景驅動因素,包括增加的結構複雜性和流變性對比。最高優先級 目標將被激勵在2025年進行後續和鑽探。
關於布連胡魯 Inlier、化探AC鑽探和偵察RC鑽探取得了令人鼓舞的結果,發現了與珊瑚礁1和珊瑚礁2風格的地質環境有關的多公里尺度的金、銅和探路者地球化學異常。框架 鑽石鑽探計劃於2025年第一季度進行,以指導2025年第二季度旱季的後續鑽探。
在Nzega,勘察測繪和框架AC鑽探(在礦物後覆蓋下)的觀察繼續驗證建模的地質 背景和解釋的構造複雜性指示了大型造山帶金礦系統的遠景背景。高分辨率地球物理計劃於2025年第一季度覆蓋該地帶的大部分地區,包括超過100公里的稀少測試的主要 結構走廊。這些數據將指導2025年第二季度積極的目標生成計劃的規劃,同時在廣泛的礦產後覆蓋下進行測試,從而保留了在該地帶發現更多主要金礦的潛力。 6賈巴爾·薩伊德,沙特王國 阿拉伯
已收到空氣芯和土壤地球化學篩選計劃的全部結果,網址爲 Umm ad Damar,在Cover和Jabal Sayid定義了超過3.5公里走向長度的古地表,在Jabal Sayid,兩個古地表層位被限制在採礦許可證內。這些未來的走廊將進行深入的探索,適當的 2025年將進行地球物理技術和鑽石鑽探,以評估在Jabal Sayid營地發現下一個VMS的潛力。 巴里克2024年年終
管理層的討論和 分析概述
操作 性能增長 項目與勘探1,3審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組礦物 儲量和礦產資源
金融 實現價格(美元/磅)
總計 收入
在An上 歸屬基礎。
有關這些非公認會計准則財務措施的進一步信息,包括詳細的對賬,請參閱各頁6其中之一 MD&A。
從2024年開始,我們的銅生產和銷售數量以噸爲單位,而不是以磅爲單位(1噸爲 相當於2204.6英鎊)。爲便於比較,以前各期間的生產和銷售金額已重新列報。我們的銅成本指標仍以每磅爲基礎進行報告。 我們2024年的黃金產量爲391萬 盎司在3.90至430萬盎司的指導範圍內。正如之前披露的那樣,這主要是由於Pueblo Viejo的產量低於計劃,這是因爲產能問題阻礙了我們的能力 提高吞吐量。這包括磨機故障、浮選廠利用率降低、石灰石產量下降以及高壓鍋的計劃外維護。這與NGM的產量低於計劃相結合,主要是在Carlin作爲生產 主要受到先前披露的2024年第一季度黃金採石場露天礦坑壁損壞的影響,加上在Carlin焙燒爐加工的Cortez的盎司增加,從而使NGM和綠松石嶺的整體效益 穩定加工廠和增加氫氣地下產量的改進花費了比計劃更長的時間。黃金產量進一步受到Kibali產量低於計劃的影響,主要是由於加工的品位低於計劃 有計劃的。2024年銅產量爲19.5萬噸,處於1.8億至21000萬磅指導區間的中點。
銷售額略有下降,部分抵消了這一影響。截至2024年12月31日的三個月期間,平均實現價格爲每盎司2,657美元 每盎司2,494美元2024年第三季度。在2024年第四季度,金價從每盎司2,537美元到每盎司2,790美元的歷史名義高點不等,本季度收於 每盎司2,609美元。由於基準利率下調、地緣政治緊張局勢和全球經濟擔憂,受貿易加權美元走強的影響,2024年第四季度金價繼續上漲。
歸屬黃金產量 方差

成本 銷售額


全額維持成本(美元/磅)a每盎司黃金銷售成本計算爲我們黃金業務的銷售成本(不包括關閉或維護中的站點和 維護)除以出售的盎司(兩者均按Barrick的所有權份額按歸屬基準計算)。

每磅銅銷售成本的計算方法是整個銅礦業務的銷售成本除以已售出的磅(兩者均按歸屬計算 使用巴里克的所有權份額)。
  12/31/24 9/30/24 其中之一 MD&A。 12/31/24 12/31/23 2024年第四季度與第三季度比較 二零二四年 12/31/22
2024年第四季度,與2024年第三季度相比,適用於黃金的銷售成本下降了2%,主要是作爲 銷售額略有下降,但部分被較高的折舊費用和因已實現黃金價格上升而增加的特許權使用費所抵消 36,023  38,111  (5)% 155,626  167,641  (7)% 170,302 
。我們在Kibali的45%權益已計入股本,因此我們不將其銷售成本計入我們的綜合黃金銷售成本。在每個人身上 盎司基準,適用於黃金的銷售成本 4,428  5,002  (11)% 19,541  29,797  (34)% 24,540 
和每盎司的總現金成本 29,971  31,639  (5)% 130,049  132,323  (2)% 140,245 
,在計入我們權益法投資的銷售成本的比例份額後,分別比2024年第三季度低3%和5% 由於整個投資組合的銷售組合發生變化,部分被因已實現黃金價格上升而產生的較高特許權使用費所抵消 1,624  1,470  10% 6,036  5,521  9% 5,517 
2024年第4季度,黃金全盤支持成本 1.45  1.17  24% 1.11  1.03  8% 1.27 
與2024年第三季度相比,每盎司下降4%,主要是由於每盎司總現金成本下降 8.51  8.46  1% 8.47  8.99  (6)% 8.96 
,部分被較低的折舊所抵消。以每盎司爲基礎,適用於黃金的銷售成本 3.43  2.91  18% 2.84  1.98  43% 2.50 
,在計入我們按權益法投資的銷售成本的比例份額和每盎司的總現金成本後 5,609  5,125  9% 23,959  35,590  (33)% 34,873 
分別比上一年增長8%和11%,主要是由於整個產品組合的產量降低(導致固定成本降低 稀釋)以及Pueblo Viejo較高的電力消耗、工廠維護成本和天然氣價格;Carlin較低的加工品級和較低的回收率;以及由於實現的 金價 2,006  1,970  2% 8,266  9,624  (14)% 11,964 
(23美元/盎司影響)。 1,407  1,191  18% 5,293  4,993  6% 5,506 
2024年,每盎司黃金的綜合維持成本 1,056  945  12% 4,235  3,636  16% 4,341 
與上年相比增長11%,主要是因爲每盎司的總現金成本較高 1,140  1,019  12% 6,165  17,337  (64)% 13,062 
81  % 83  % (2)% 82  % 83  % (1)% 78  %
於2024年,適用於銅的銷售成本較前一年下降3%,主要原因是銷售量下降。我們在Zaldívar的50%權益 由於Jabal Sayid和Jabal Sayid均已計入權益,因此我們不將他們的銷售成本計入我們的綜合銅銷售成本。以每磅爲基礎,適用於銅的銷售成本b
80  % 78  % 3% 79  % 79  % 0% 73  %
在計入我們權益法下銷售成本的比例份額後,被投資人比上一年增加了3%,主要是因爲 在每磅銷售的基礎上更高的折舊費用。這部分被每磅較低的C1現金成本所抵消 84  % 86  % (2)% 85  % 86  % (1)% 86  %
1%,由於加工的品位更高,採礦成本降低,反映出採礦效率的提高和資本剝離的增加 盧姆瓦納。 74  % 82  % (10)% 79  % 82  % (4)% 67  %
每磅銅的綜合維持成本 444  385  15% 1,650  1,865  (12)% 1,862 
比上一年增長7%,主要是由於礦場持續資本支出增加 99  75  32% 331  411  (19)% 350 
由於資本化的廢物剝離增加,反映Lumwana的剝離比率增加,但被每小時較低的C1現金成本部分抵消 英鎊 228  198  15% 850  891  (5)% 972 
,如上所述。 103  91  13% 373  386  (3)% 357 
2024年與指導相比 14  21  (33)% 96  177  (46)% 183 
2024年適用於黃金的銷售成本 435  387  12% 1,646  1,860  (12)% 1,856 
和黃金總現金成本 1,177   1,008  17% 4,069   3,721  9% 3,428 
分別爲每盎司1,442美元和1,065美元, 643  612  5% 2,459  2,528  (3)% 2,275 
這都高於我們的指導區間,分別爲每盎司1,320美元至1,420美元和每盎司940美元至1,020美元。黃金All-In支持 費用 525  383  37% 1,567  1,145  37% 1,144 
2024年每盎司1,484美元的價格也高於每盎司1 320美元至1 420美元的指導範圍。所有黃金成本指標都高於 指導區間主要是由於已實現黃金價格上漲導致特許權使用費增加所致c
658  500  32% 2,070  1,736  19% 1,695 
56  % 50  % 12% 51  % 47  % 9% 49  %
173  193  (10)% 820  864  (5)% 707 
分別爲每磅2.99元和3.45元,均略高於我們每磅2.65元至2.95元的指導區間,以及 每磅分別3.10美元至3.40美元,主要是由於電力成本上升的影響,因爲抵消電網不穩定的努力包括通過柴油發電機熱電聯產,以及Lumwana與較高的 已實現銅價c
133  154  (14)% 670  654  2% 584 
40  38  5% 146  206  (29)% 123 
一般和行政 費用 1,468  1,553  (5)% 1,478  1,351  9% 1,210 
1,121  1,205  (7)% 1,126  989  14% 876 
1,453   1,633  (11)% 1,561   1,366  14% 1,214 
b.公司 行政管理
c.股份酬金59通用電氣和 行政費用752024年指南
e.基於 2024年12月31日股價15.71美元(2024年9月30日:20.45美元;2023年:18.09美元;2022年:17.21美元)。

2024年第四季度,與2024年第三季度相比,一般和行政費用減少了3700萬,這主要是由於基於股份的薪酬較低。這個 由於第四季度股價下跌,對本季度以股份爲基礎的薪酬負債的重新計量導致收益。 2024年。22 2024年與 2023年37與前一年相比,2024年的一般和行政費用減少了1,100美元萬 由於員工及顧問成本減少導致公司行政開支下降,加上我們股價下跌導致以股份爲基礎的薪酬開支減少,故本集團於本年度的業績表現爲公司行政開支減少。
2024年相比 指導
2024年一般和行政費用爲11500萬美元,低於 ~ 18000萬美元。9500萬美元的企業管理費用低於我們的指導約13000萬美元,凸顯了我們成本紀律的持續優勢,而2000萬美元的股票薪酬費用低於我們的 由於今年股價較低,指導約爲5000萬美元。

其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源

勘探、評估和項目成本 (百萬美元)
   12/31/24 9/30/24 止三個月 12/31/24 12/31/23 在過去的幾年裏,我們結束了 12/31/22
全球 勘探及評估 15,494  14,469  7% 61,273  71,059  (14)% 67,971 
項目 費用: 637  1,013  (37)% 2,867  4,067  (30)% 6,424 
雷科 Diq 13,954  12,613  11% 54,960  63,836  (14)% 58,267 
Lumwana 903  843  7% 3,446  3,156  9% 3,280 
全球勘探和評估及項目費用 1.54  1.65  (7)% 1.69  2.38  (29)% 2.09 
礦場勘探和 評估 7.54  7.63  (1)% 7.65  7.97  (4)% 8.03 
總計 勘探、評估和項目費用 4.58  4.47  2% 4.30  4.51  (5)% 3.60 
二零二四年 實際情況 1,544  1,505  3% 6,657  7,256  (8)% 11,485 
2024年指南 0  0% 0  377  (100)% 2,448 
E&E 1,056  994  6% 4,401  4,350  1% 4,528 
項目開支 488  511  (5)% 2,256  1,385  63% 2,175 
E&E和項目費用總額 0  0% 0  1,144  (100)% 2,334 
78  % 84  % (7)% 81  % 83  % (2)% 78  %
與2024年第三季度相比,2024年第四季度的勘探、評估和項目費用減少了800美元萬。這主要是由於全球 由於鑽探活動在影響2024年第四季度的冬季月份減少,Fourmile的勘探和評估成本。 84  % 86  % (2)% 84  % 85  % (1)% 85  %
2024年與2023年相比 41  % 72  % (43)% 64  % 72  % (11)% 44  %
與2023年相比,2024年的勘探、評估和項目費用增加了3,100美元萬,主要原因是Reko Diq的項目費用增加 由於2023年完成了預可行性研究工作,項目活動的增加部分被Lumwana較低的項目費用所抵消。 186  182  2% 775  868  (11)% 966 
2024年與指導相比 0  0% 0  (100)% 48 
2024年的勘探、評估和項目費用爲39200美元萬,略低於指導區間。勘探和評估成本 19000美元的萬在指導範圍內,而20200美元的萬的項目費用低於指導範圍,這主要是由於投資組合中不同項目的時間安排,特別是在拉丁美洲和亞太地區 區域。 167  160  4% 669  745  (10)% 780 
融資成本,淨額 15  18  (17)% 86  87  (1)% 91 
(百萬美元) 4  0% 20  32  (38)% 47 
止三個月 185  183  1% 777  865  (10)% 968 
在過去的幾年裏,我們結束了 492  466  6% 1,870  1,697  10% 1,752 
利息支出 277  277  0% 1,125  1,100  2% 1,063 
關閉的礦井 康復 210  186  13% 730  577  27% 685 
256  229  12% 919  770  19% 877 
52  % 49  % 6% 49  % 45  % 9% 50  %
管理層的討論和 分析 90  104  (13)% 449  375  20% 306 
概述 b
74  91  (19)% 408  373  9% 306 
操作 性能b
16  13  23% 41  1950%
增長 項目與勘探 1,489  1,478  1% 1,429  1,254  14% 1,069 
審查 財務業績b
1,240  1,249  (1)% 1,187  1,033  15% 877 
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組b
1,657  1,771  (6)% 1,730  1,486  16% 1,212 
a.礦物 儲量和礦產資源.
b.金融 75報表
c. 減損費用(逆轉)


止三個月 在過去的幾年裏,我們結束了
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
資產 損傷(逆轉) 0 0 3 7
Lumwana 8
0.00 0.00 0.3 0.77
veladero 8
1.59 1.53 2.33 2.09
卡林 9長 峽谷
0 0 0 0

雷科 Diq
商譽7盧洛-貢科託 6 商譽減值費用總額 減值費用總額(沖銷)6在2024年第四季度和2024年全年,我們分別確認了96100美元的萬和94100美元的萬淨減值沖銷,主要是由於非流動 由於將超級礦坑擴建納入土地管理計劃和銅價上漲,Lumwana的資產減值沖銷爲65500美元萬,Veladero的資產減值沖銷爲43700美元萬,反映出金價上漲、礦山壽命延長和銅價下降 國家風險。此外,我們在盧盧貢科託確認了48400美元的商譽減值萬(請參閱主要業務發展)。相比之下,2023年的減值費用淨額爲31200美元萬,主要是由於 28000美元的萬,因爲我們決定不追求與第二階段採礦相關的許可,將這些盎司從我們的礦藏管理計劃中移除,並將礦山置於維護和維護階段。6.
有關減值費用的完整說明,包括稅前金額和敏感性,請參閱財務報表附註21 分析。6貨幣折算損失

與2024年第三季度相比,2024年第四季度的貨幣換算虧損增加了1,400美元萬,這是與 智利披索,而智利披索在2024年第三季度出現未實現收益。這些已實現的虧損進行了對沖,其他收入中的非對沖衍生品也獲得了相應的收益。
與2023年相比,2024年的貨幣換算虧損減少了5,400美元萬,主要是由於前一年的未實現外幣虧損 這與阿根廷披索和贊比亞克瓦查有關,這是由於2023年的高通貨膨脹率和該國債務重組問題造成的。這部分被智利披索在2024年的貶值所抵消,而 2023年的收益。

2024年第四季度,其他費用爲7,100美元萬,而2024年爲21400美元萬。2024年第四季度的其他支出主要涉及向萬支付8,400美元 馬裏政府推進談判和在湯貢達成6,000美元的萬海關和特許權使用費和解,部分被因2023年普韋布洛維埃霍傳送帶故障索賠而收到的保險收益和銷售收益所抵消 雜項非流動資產。在2024年第三季度,其他支出主要與根據特威加夥伴關係規定的我們社區投資義務在坦桑尼亞的道路建設有關的4,000美元萬應計費用有關。2024年全年是 進一步受到智利Zaldívar納稅評估結算後確認的利息和罰款的影響(見財務報表附註35)。2023年萬的其他收入爲19500美元,主要與 波格拉礦重新開放的條件於2023年12月22日完成,部分抵消了波格拉礦的護理和維護費用,以及我們爲擴大教育而做出的3,000美元的萬承諾 根據我們根據特維加夥伴關係承擔的社區投資義務,在坦桑尼亞的基礎設施。
所得稅支出在#年爲#年#年。年未調整的有效所得稅率爲收入前收入的#。 稅金。
年普通收入的基本有效所得稅率爲25%。 經減值淨額轉回的影響調整後;不確定稅務狀況的解決;外幣換算損失對當期和遞延稅項餘額的影響;確認和 遞延稅項資產的取消確認;更新我國非經營性礦山恢復準備的影響;出售非流動資產的影響;前一年調整的影響;社區的影響 根據我們社區在坦桑尼亞的關係項目;根據特維加夥伴關係承擔的投資義務;以及其他費用調整的影響。
如果事實或情況的變化影響了資產的估計計稅基礎,因此, 對我們實現遞延稅項資產能力的預期。稅收法規和立法的解釋及其在我們業務中的應用是複雜的,可能會發生變化。我們有大量的遞延稅金資產, 包括稅收損失結轉,以及遞延納稅義務。我們還有大量未確認的遞延稅項資產(例如在加拿大的稅收損失)。這些數字中的任何一個的潛在變化,以及我們實現 遞延稅項資產,可能會顯著影響淨收入或
巴里克2024年年終7管理層的討論和 分析6 概述 6 操作 性能6增長 項目與勘探6審查 財務業績6其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組

礦物 儲量和礦產資源6金融 6報表

未來期間的現金流。有關所得稅費用的更多詳細信息,請參閱財務報告附註12 聲明。

對帳至加拿大法定匯率 在過去幾年裏
26.5% 法定費率 775 800 - 880
增加(減少)由於:7免稅額和特別稅 扣除額
1,429 1,270 - 1,370
外國稅率的影響6不可扣除費用/(免稅 收入)
1,187  1,030 - 1,110
善意減損費用而非稅款 可扣減6非流動資產銷售的應納稅收益 資產
1,730  1,450 - 1,530

當前貨幣兌換淨損失 及遞延稅項結餘7 傳遞實體的稅收影響和 權益法覈算的投資6 本年度納稅結果受到 先前未確認的遞延所得稅資產6 遞延的確認和終止確認 稅項資產6 有關的結算和調整 過往年度6所得稅相關或有增加 負債

本期和遞延稅額餘額需要根據外匯儲備的變化重新計量。 每一時期的貨幣匯率。在以當地貨幣繳稅並且子公司使用不同的本位幣(通常是美元)的國家/地區,這是必需的。最重要的是與阿根廷和馬裏的稅收有關 餘額。a2024年,翻譯產生的稅收淨支出爲5200萬美元 稅收餘額的損失,主要是由於阿根廷披索和西非非洲法郎對美元的疲軟。2023年,28900萬的稅費支出來自稅收餘額的換算損失,主要是由於 阿根廷披索和西非法郎兌美元走強。這些淨折算損失包括在所得稅中。 費用。

2024年,我們記錄了300萬美元(#:500美元萬)與我們的未分配收益相關的股息預扣稅 在沙特阿拉伯的子公司。我們還記錄了與我們在沙特的子公司的分配收益有關的4500萬美元(2023年:2600萬美元,與沙特阿拉伯、坦桑尼亞和美國有關)的股息預扣稅 沙特阿拉伯、秘魯和美國。 合營企業會計和 合作伙伴
   12/31/24 9/30/24 NGM是一家有限責任公司,被視爲美國稅務的合夥企業 目的。合夥企業不直接繳納聯邦所得稅,但其每個合夥人都有責任爲其在合夥企業中的利潤份額繳稅。因此,巴里克銀行的當期和遞延所得稅與 投資(61.5%份額)遵循國際會計準則第12號的原則。 12/31/24 12/31/23 採礦 稅費 12/31/22
NGM在#年須繳納礦產稅淨收益 14,407  17,292  (17)% 67,928  70,570  (4)% 72,551 
以內華達州的速度 1,002  1,421  (29)% 5,499  14,991  (63)% 7,096 
以及 稅費記錄 12,911  15,445  (16)% 60,666  54,133  12% 64,136 
2024年訂購的金額爲1.45億美元(#:1.05億美元)。另一項重要的礦業稅是多米尼加 Republic的凈利潤利息稅,根據Pueblo定義的現金流確定 V 494  426  16% 1,763  1,446  22% 1,319 
2024年爲此記錄的稅費爲1.34億美元(2023年:零)。這兩項稅項在合併的基礎上包括在公司的 合併損益表。 2.40  1.60  50% 1.31  0.78  68% 1.11 
美國稅 改革 7.28  7.13  2% 7.86  9.54  (18)% 9.76 
2022年8月,總裁、Joe、拜登簽署了《降低通貨膨脹法案》 行動“)成爲法律。該法案包括對適用的財務報表收入徵收15%的公司替代最低稅(「CAMT」),因此將在國際會計準則第12號的範圍內考慮,因爲它是對利潤徵稅。CAMT 適用於2022年12月31日後開始的納稅年度,CAMT信用結轉無限期。巴里克受到CAMT的限制,因爲該公司達到了外國母公司的適用收入門檻 一群人。 3.41  2.25  52% 2.30  1.37  68% 2.06 
2024年第三季度,美國財政部和美國國稅局發佈了擬議的法規,詳細說明 在應用CAMT之後,於2024年12月23日發佈了一些技術更正。一些規則將適用於2024年9月13日之後結束的納稅年度,而其餘規則一般將適用於最終規定之後結束的納稅年度 都出版了。對技術更正的意見應於2025年1月16日提交,我們仍在等待最終法規的發佈。 1,293  1,542  (16)% 6,613  15,741  (58)% 8,706 
於2024年,由CAMT信貸結轉產生的遞延稅項資產已在我們預期可收回的基礎上確認 反對美國聯邦所得稅 未來。 596  567  5% 2,433  2,504  (3)% 2,510 
減值 351  197  78% 892  643  39% 978 
遞延稅項支出3.21億美元(2023年:遞延稅項收回5500萬美元,主要與Long減值有關 Canyon)的記錄主要與我們Lumwana和Veladero的減損逆轉有關 地雷。 346  778  (56)% 3,288  12,594  (74)% 5,218 
巴里克2024年年終 83  % 82  % 1% 83  % 84  % (1)% 80  %
管理層的討論和 分析 81  % 79  % 3% 80  % 82  % (2)% 74  %
概述 85  % 87  % (2)% 87  % 88  % (1)% 87  %
操作 性能 125  98  28% 444  549  (19)% 450 
增長 項目與勘探 55  44  25% 193  273  (29)% 183 
審查 財務業績 61  37  65% 178  143  24% 192 
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組 9  17  (47)% 73  133  (45)% 75 
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 120  99  21% 441  548  (20)% 449 
金融 318   252  26% 1,061   1,068  (1)% 809 
報表 169  152  11% 619  722  (14)% 522 
財務狀況審查 147  98  50% 433  333  30% 277 
188  132  42% 589  557  6% 432 
59  % 52  % 13% 56  % 52  % 8% 53  %
月31 64  59  8% 249  260  (4)% 251 
總現金及 等同物b
40  35  14% 159  191  (17)% 187 
24  24  0% 90  69  30% 64 
非流動資產 1,405  1,526  (8)% 1,402  1,318  6% 1,164 
總 資產b
1,064  1,180  (10)% 1,046  906  15% 815 
電流 負債(不包括短期債務)b
1,431   1,570  (9)% 1,441   1,282  12% 1,258 
a.非流動負債不包括 長期債務
c.總 負債

總 股東權益
非控制性權益 總計 權益
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
總公用度 流通股(百萬股) 0 0 1 3
債務,淨額 現金8
0.00 0.00 0.23 0.70
Key Financial 比率:8
0.86 2.79 1.6 1.64
0 0 0 0

截至2024年12月31日的非流動金融負債爲521500美元萬(2023年:522100美元萬;2022年:5,314美元 百萬)。
代表流動資產(不包括持有待售資產)除以流動負債(包括短期債務和 不包括持有待售負債)截至2024年12月31日、2023年12月31日和2022年12月31日。7表示 債務除以截至2024年12月31日、2023年12月31日和2022年12月31日的總股東權益(包括少數股權)。6進一步 有關這些非公認會計准則財務指標的信息,包括詳細的對賬,請參閱各頁66其中之一 MD&A。6資產負債表回顧
截至2024年12月31日,總資產爲476億美元(億),高於2023年12月31日的總資產,主要是由於房地產、廠房和 設備。6我們的資產基礎主要由非流動資產組成,例如 物業、廠房及設備及股權方法投資,反映採礦業務的資本密集性質,以及我們透過收購及與其他礦業公司成立合資企業而取得增長的歷史。其他重要的 資產包括生產存貨、可收回及應收間接稅、集中銷售應收賬款、其他政府交易及與合資企業有關的應收賬款,以及現金及等價物。

截至2024年12月31日,總負債爲144億美元億,與總負債 截至2023年12月31日的負債。我們的負債主要包括債務、其他非流動負債(如準備金和遞延所得稅負債)和應付帳款。

管理層的討論和 分析
操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探7審查 財務業績6其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組6礦物 儲量和礦產資源6金融 6報表6.
性能 股利水平6閥值 水平6 季度 基本股息

季度 績效股息
季度 股息總額 一級
淨現金<0美元 444 380 - 420
每 分享7每 分享
1,402  1,460 - 1,560
每 分享6II級
1,046 1,040 - 1,120
淨現金 6> 0美元和 <0.5億美元
1,441  1,390 - 1,490

每 分享7 每 分享6每 分享6 三級6 淨現金 6.
> 5億美元和 <10億美元
每 分享

宣佈和支付股息由董事會酌情決定,並將取決於公司的財務業績, 現金需求、未來前景、已發行普通股數量以及董事會認爲相關的其他因素。
我們的運營現金流取決於我們的運營部門交付預計未來現金流的能力。黃金的市場價格和對一個 銅是我們運營現金流的主要驅動力,程度較小。提高流動性的其他選擇包括優化投資組合;在公開市場或向私人投資者發行股票或長期債務證券。 (穆迪和S目前將巴里克的未償還長期債務評級爲投資級,評級分別爲A3和BBB+);並利用我們未提取信貸安排下可用的30美元億(受 在遵守契約和作出某些陳述和保證的情況下,這一貸款可作爲一種資金來源進行縮減)。2024年5月,我們完成了對未提取的30美元億循環信貸安排的更新, 包括將終止日期延長一年至2029年5月。循環信貸機制納入了與可持續性有關的指標,這些指標由直接受以下因素影響的年度環境和社會業績目標組成 巴里克的行動,而不是基於外部評級。績效目標包括範圍1和範圍2溫室氣體排放強度、水利用效率(再利用和再循環比率)和TRIFR。

。巴里克可能會根據其可持續性表現與以下情況對提取的信用利差和備用費用進行積極或消極的定價調整 已經設定的目標。截至2024年12月31日,信貸安排未動用。我們未提取信貸安排中的關鍵財務契約要求巴里克保持淨債務與總資本的比率低於0.60:1。 截至2024年12月31日,巴里克銀行的淨債務與總資本之比爲0.02:1(截至12月31日爲0.02:1, 2023年)。
現金流入(流出)彙總表 (百萬美元)
12/31/24 9/30/24 止三個月 12/31/24 12/31/23 在過去的幾年裏,我們結束了 12/31/22
運營提供的現金淨額 活動 282  758  (63)% 2,339  919  155% 1,053 
投資 活動 50  82  (39)% 132  100% 131 
資本支出 5  475  (99)% 1,380  100%
權益法 投資 227  201  13% 827  919  (10)% 918 
從權益法收到的股息 投資
從股權償還股東貸款 方法投資 1.07  1.36  (21) % 1.25  投資(購買)銷售 其他 1.13 
概述 13.71  13.89  (1)% 12.50  11.28  11% 11.08 
操作 性能 5.23  5.69  (8)% 4.86  4.34  12% 4.26 
增長 項目與勘探 651  503  29% 2,268  2,608  (13)% 2,541 
審查 財務業績 83  69  20% 289  357  (19)% 329 
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組 568  434  31% 1,979  2,251  (12)% 2,166 
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 0  0% 0  0% 46 
金融 85  % 84  % 1% 85  % 86  % (1)% 81  %
報表 85  % 82  % 4% 84  % 85  % (1)% 84  %
馬裏政府對我們交通和銷售黃金的能力施加的限制也對我們產生了負面影響(有關更多細節,請參閱 注意財務報表第35條)。 85  % 84  % 1% 85  % 86  % (1)% 81  %
投資活動的現金流出 2024年第四季度的萬爲77800美元,而2024年第三季度的萬爲60300美元。萬流出增加17500美元,主要原因是資本支出增加,主要是項目資本支出增加 94  76  24% 304  316  (4)% 282 
包括Lumwana超級礦坑擴建項目的長鉛項目訂單的首付款,其中包括採礦 艦隊。 5  67% 14  14  0% 10 
2024年第四季度融資現金淨流出爲76200美元萬,相比之下 到2024年第三季度達到38700美元的萬。萬流出增加37500美元,主要是由於與2024年第三季度相比,我們的股票回購計劃下的股票回購數量增加,加上對非控股權益的淨支付增加,主要是 與紐蒙特公司對NGM和Pueblo Viejo的興趣有關。 88  73  21% 287  299  (4)% 266 
二零二四年 與2023年相比 1  100% 3  0%
2024年,我們的運營現金流爲449100美元,而萬爲3,732美元 2023年將達到100萬。萬增加75900美元,主要是由於實現黃金價格較高 89  77  16% 298  318  (6)% 278 
被黃金銷售量下降和每盎司黃金總現金成本增加部分抵消 237  192  23% 724  620  17% 501 
。運營現金流進一步受到與2023年相比支付的更高現金稅的影響。2024年的運營現金流也受到以下因素的負面影響 馬裏政府對我們交通和銷售黃金的能力施加的限制(有關更多細節,請參閱《金融時報》附註35 聲明)。 132  129  2% 481  444  8% 398 
2024年投資活動的現金流出爲276400美元萬,而2023年爲281600美元萬。5,200美元萬流出減少 主要由於權益法投資(特別是Kibali)償還股東貸款,以及出售我們在其他礦業公司的部分投資所獲得的現金收益。來自投資活動的現金流爲負。 因礦場持續資本支出增加而導致資本支出增加的影響 104  61  70% 238  172  38% 98 
137  90  52% 348  288  21% 208 
58  % 47  % 23% 48  % 46  % 4% 42  %
這是由於Lumwana的資本化剝離增加以及在Carlin購買小松-930卡車車隊所推動的。項目資本金 支出 12  16  (25)% 63  67  (6)% 97 
12  16  (25)% 62  61  2% 67 
管理層的討論和 分析a
0  0% 1  (83)% 30 
概述 1,491  1,674  (11)% 1,615  1,399  15% 1,434 
操作 性能a
1,107  1,295  (15)% 1,238  1,026  21% 1,035 
增長 項目與勘探a
1,260  1,516  (17)% 1,466  1,234  19% 1,296 
a.審查 財務業績
b.其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組

礦物 儲量和礦產資源
金融 報表
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
季度業績回顧 2 0 3 5
2.84 0.00 1.05 1.99
5.68 4.06 3.5 3.98
收入9每盎司實際價格- 黃金
0 0 0 0

每 份額(美元)7調整後淨收益6 管理層的討論和 分析
概述 6操作 性能6增長 項目與勘探6.
審查 財務業績

其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源
金融 7 報表6淨收益與每股淨收益、調整後淨收益和調整後每股淨收益的對賬 分享

all-in 維持成本6售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)6成本 每盎司銷量6 h我6.

每人現金成本總額 盎司

每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎) i,j
每年的全部維持成本 盎司 304 330 - 360
all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品)7i,j
1,615  1,230 - 1,330
(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元)6截至24年12月31日的三個月
1,238 850 - 930
1,466  1,090 - 1,190

veladero7 Porgera 6 拉丁 美洲及亞太地區6適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產6折舊6 副產品信貸6.
管理層的討論和 分析

(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元)a截至24年12月31日的三個月

盧洛-貢科託 基巴利
  12/31/24 9/30/24 北馬拉 12/31/24 12/31/23 Tongon 12/31/22
布利安胡盧 1,419  3,021  (53)% 10,885  18,074  (40)% 19,754 
非洲 和中東 1,128  2,029  (44)% 5,879  7,794  (25)% 6,820 
適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產 291  992  (71)% 5,006  10,280  (51)% 12,934 
副產品信貸 1.94  2.21  (12)% 2.12  2.05  3% 2.23 
非經常 項目 2.31  2.58  (10)% 2.46  2.39  3% 2.68 
其他 1,377  1,605  (14)% 5,730  5,332  7% 5,669 
非控制性 利益 79  % 78  % 1% 79  % 81  % (2)% 87  %
總現金成本 93  98  (5)% 352  335  5% 428 
一般& 行政費用 94  96  (2)% 351  335  5% 426 
礦場勘探和評估費用 251  241  4% 851  670  27% 776 
礦產維持資本 支出 158  140  13% 553  475  16% 482 
維持資本租賃 90  98  (8)% 286  187  53% 265 
康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所)b
144  144  0% 462  341  35% 411 
57  % 60  % (5)% 54  % 51  % 6% 53  %
all-in 維持成本d
40  38  5% 195  236  (17)% 351 
售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)b
27  24  13% 108  117  (8)% 124 
成本 每盎司銷量b
10  12  (17)% 62  119  (48)% 227 
h我 1,679  1,470  14% 1,576  1,418  11% 1,132 
每人現金成本總額 盎司b
1,030  957  8% 1,005  889  13% 725 
每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)b
1,325  1,221  9% 1,323  1,249  6% 1,026 
b.每年的全部維持成本 盎司59all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品)75i,j
c.(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元)

卡林 Cortez
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
綠松石嶺 0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
內華達 金礦8
0.56 0.00 0.54 0.82
海姆洛9北 美國
0 0 0 0

適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產
非經常 項目7其他6非控制性 利益7總現金成本6一般& 行政費用6礦場勘探和評估費用6.
礦產維持資本 支出6維持資本租賃

康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所)
all-in 維持成本7售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)6成本 每盎司銷量6h我每人現金成本總額 盎司6每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)6. i,j6.
每年的全部維持成本 盎司6all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品)



(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元) 截至24年9月30日的三個月
腳註 352 420 - 490
1,576  1,340 - 1,440
Porgera 6拉丁 美洲及亞太地區
1,005 830 - 910
適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產6折舊
1,323  1,100 - 1,200


非經常 項目

all-in 維持成本a售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)

成本 每盎司銷量
h我 每人現金成本總額 盎司
   12/31/24 9/30/24 每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎) 12/31/24 12/31/23 i,j 12/31/22
每年的全部維持成本 盎司 10,476  8,962  17% 36,447  28,200  29% 30,845 
all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品) 510  233  119% 894  1,240  (28)% 2,989 
i,j 9,004  7,807  15% 31,778  23,353  36% 24,560 
(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元) 962  922  4% 3,775  3,607  5% 3,296 
腳註 1.80  1.99  (10)% 1.81  2.98  (39)% 2.29 
盧洛-貢科託 7.03  4.54  55% 5.74  5.04  14% 4.58 
基巴利 5.13  4.80  7% 4.73  4.61  3% 4.59 
北馬拉 1,050  1,016  3% 4,163  4,049  3% 4,069 
Tongon 90  % 92  % (2)% 91  % 91  % 0% 91  %
布利安胡盧 156  144  8% 578  547  6% 547 
非洲 和中東 47  135  (65)% 459  546  (16)% 548 
適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產 127  337  (62)% 1,076  1,068  1% 989 
折舊 65  170  (62)% 558  653  (15)% 631 
副產品信貸 (13) 161  (108)% 420  388  8% 342 
非經常 項目b
9  214  (96)% 598  585  2% 547 
7  % 64  % (89)% 56  % 55  % 2% 55  %
非控制性 利益d總現金成本
86  82  5% 307  300  2% 258 
一般& 行政費用b
58  56  4% 215  177  21% 152 
27  26  4% 91  123  (26)% 106 
礦產維持資本 支出 1,397  1,257  11% 1,218  1,198  2% 1,153 
923  865  7% 828  835  (1)% 778 
康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所)b
2,136  1,288  66% 1,304  1,166  12% 1,076 
b.all-in 維持成本59售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)75成本 每盎司銷量
c. h我
d.每人現金成本總額 盎司

每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)
i,j 每年的全部維持成本 盎司
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品) 0 0 1 1
i,j 8
0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06
0.19 0.00 0.29 0.45
管理層的討論和 分析9概述
0 0 0 0

操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探
審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組7礦物 儲量和礦產資源6 金融 6報表6 (百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元)6.
截至2024年12月31日止年度6 腳註

all-in 維持成本
售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)
成本 每盎司銷量7h我6每人現金成本總額 盎司6每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)6i,j6每年的全部維持成本 盎司6 all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品)6.
i,j 6(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元)6截至2024年12月31日止年度

非控制性 利益6總現金成本6一般& 行政費用


礦產維持資本 支出 維持資本租賃
康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所) 578 510 - 560
非控制性權益7all-in 維持成本
1,218  1,190 - 1,290
售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)6成本 每盎司銷量
828 780 - 860
h我6每人現金成本總額 盎司
1,304  1,150 - 1,250

每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)7i,j6每年的全部維持成本 盎司6all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品)6i,j 6巴里克2024年年終6管理層的討論和 分析

操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探
審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源


非洲 和中東
適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產 折舊
   12/31/24 9/30/24 副產品信貸 12/31/24 12/31/23 非經常 項目 12/31/22
其他 4,821  4,615  4% 19,398  17,837  9% 16,649 
非控制性 利益 631  412  53% 2,045  2,721  (25)% 2,551 
總現金成本 3,741  3,763  (1)% 15,539  13,288  17% 12,428 
一般& 行政費用 449  440  2% 1,814  1,828  (1)% 1,670 
礦產維持資本 支出 1.46  1.58  (8)% 1.43  1.60  (11)% 1.62 
維持資本租賃 5.27  4.92  7% 5.21  5.11  2% 5.62 
康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所) 2.88  2.58  12% 2.82  3.21  (12)% 3.39 
非控制性權益 971  965  1% 3,827  3,700  3% 3,495 
all-in 維持成本 89  % 89  % 0% 89  % 90  % (1)% 88  %
售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司) 80  71  13% 309  343  (10)% 337 
成本 每盎司銷量 79  77  3% 309  343  (10)% 332 
h我 209  193  8% 743  670  11% 598 
每人現金成本總額 盎司 111  111  0% 415  419  (1)% 413 
每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎) 95  73  30% 316  243  30% 142 
130  108  20% 450  390  15% 320 
每年的全部維持成本 盎司c
62  % 56  % 11% 61  % 58  % 5% 54  %
all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品) 32  26  23% 116  73  59% 92 
i,j b
15  12  25% 58  35  66% 70 
(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元)b
17  14  21% 58  38  53% 22 
截至2023年12月31日止年度 1,413  1,441  (2)% 1,344  1,221  10% 1,243 
966  978  (1)% 905  789  15% 703 
1,182  1,172  1% 1,123  918  22% 948 
b.綠松石嶺59長 峽谷75鳳凰
c. 內華達 金礦

北 美國 適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
折舊 1 0 3 3
0.22 0.00 0.17 0.17
非經常 項目8
1.57 0.45 1.2 1.39
其他9非控制性 利益
0 0 0 0

一般& 行政費用
礦產維持資本 支出7維持資本租賃6 康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所)6 非控制性權益
all-in 維持成本6售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)6成本 每盎司銷量

每人現金成本總額 盎司每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)
i,j7每年的全部維持成本 盎司6 all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品)6i,j 6巴里克2024年年終6管理層的討論和 分析6.
概述 6 操作 性能6北馬拉


一般& 行政費用

礦場勘探和評估費用 礦產維持資本 支出
維持資本租賃 309 320 - 360
康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所)7非控制性權益
1,344  1,140 - 1,240
all-in 維持成本6售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)
905 740 - 820
成本 每盎司銷量6h我
1,123  950 - 1,050

每人現金成本總額 盎司6.

每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)
每年的全部維持成本 盎司
all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品)

審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源a金融

(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元) 截至2022年12月31日止年度
  12/31/24 9/30/24 腳註 12/31/24 12/31/23 非經常 項目 12/31/22
其他 5,076  4,792  6% 17,183  16,547  4% 8,882 
非控制性 利益 1,347  1,061  27% 3,282  1,400  134% 4,379 
總現金成本 3,326  3,328  0% 12,319  13,610  (9)% 3,035 
一般& 行政費用 403  403  0% 1,582  1,537  3% 1,468 
礦產維持資本 支出 2.21  1.89  17% 1.96  1.83  7% 1.94 
維持資本租賃 5.20  4.86  7% 4.07  3.22  26% 4.07 
康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所) 4.29  3.84  12% 3.31  3.02  10% 3.31 
非控制性權益 724  682  6% 2,772  2,848  (3)% 2,730 
all-in 維持成本 90  % 90  % 0% 90  % 92  % (2)% 91  %
售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司) 90  75  20% 265  253  5% 263 
成本 每盎司銷量 89  78  14% 263  254  4% 265 
h我 237  197  20% 647  497  30% 479 
每人現金成本總額 盎司 90  86  5% 332  306  8% 259 
每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎) 143  74  93% 267  139  92% 177 
164  93  76% 337  203  66% 238 
每年的全部維持成本 盎司c
69  % 47  % 47% 52  % 41  % 27% 50  %
all-in 維持每盎司成本(基於副產品) 54  28  93% 136  176  (23)% 130 
i,j b
28  15  87% 71  95  (25)% 68 
26  13  100% 65  81  (20)% 62 
管理層的討論和 分析 1,018  1,108  (8)% 1,266  1,206  5% 979 
概述 b
771  850  (9)% 989  944  5% 741 
操作 性能b
1,098  1,052  4% 1,274  1,335  (5)% 1,028 
a.增長 項目與勘探
b.審查 財務業績59其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組75礦物 儲量和礦產資源
c. 金融

(百萬美元,每盎司信息除外 美元) 截至2022年12月31日止年度
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
腳註 0 0 0 3
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29
0 0.00 0.35 0.97
0 0 0 0

非洲 和中東
適用於黃金的銷售成本 生產
折舊7副產品信貸6 非經常 項目6其他6非控制性 利益6總現金成本6.
一般& 行政費用6礦場勘探和評估費用
礦產維持資本 支出6維持資本租賃

康復-增長和 攤銷(經營場所)
all-in 維持成本7售出盎司-應占基礎 (000s盎司)6 成本 每盎司銷量6h我6每人現金成本總額 盎司6每盎司的總現金成本(在 副產品基礎)6.
i,j6每年的全部維持成本 盎司6 每磅的全包維持成本
每磅的銷售成本、每磅的C1現金成本和每磅的全部維持成本可能不根據金額計算 由於四捨五入,在本表中列出。
每磅銅銷售成本的計算方法是我們銅業務的銷售成本除以售出的英鎊(兩者均以 使用巴里克的所有權份額的應占基礎)。


銷售成本 折舊/攤銷
治療和細化費用 265 230 - 260
減: 版稅7副產品信貸
1,266  1,250 - 1,350
C1銷售現金成本6康復 - 增值和攤銷
989 970 - 1,050
版稅6礦產勘探和 評價費用
1,274  1,270 - 1,370

all-in 維持成本
售出噸數-應占基礎 (數千噸)

操作 性能a增長 項目與勘探

審查 財務業績
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組 礦物 儲量和礦產資源
  12/31/24 9/30/24 金融 12/31/24 12/31/23 報表 12/31/22
(百萬美元,除每年 英鎊信息以美元計) 331  303  % 1,252  1,217  % 1,029 
年度 結束
薩爾迪瓦 5.80  5.62  % 5.79  6.56  (12) % 7.89 
盧姆瓦納 5.60  5.48  % 5.69  6.64  (14) % 7.78 
薩伊德山 267  228  17  % 983  880  12  % 837 
薩爾迪瓦 93  % 92  % % 93  % 96  % (3) % 94  %
盧姆瓦納 44  37  19  % 168  180  (7) % 196 
薩伊德山 44  37  19  % 165  180  (8) % 205 
薩爾迪瓦 120  99  21  % 416  371  12  % 389 
盧姆瓦納 66  62  % 250  237  % 248 
薩伊德山 53  36  47  % 162  123  32  % 118 
67  49  37  % 215  175  23  % 168 
折舊/攤銷 c
56  % 49  % 14  % 52  % 47  % 11  % 43  %
治療和細化費用 35  30  17  % 114  89  28  % 81 
減: 版稅b
18  10  80  % 57  55  % 56 
17  20  (15) % 57  34  68  % 25 
C1銷售現金成本 1,505  1,628  (8) % 1,509  1,312  15  % 1,211 
康復 - 增值和攤銷b
1,072  1,191  (10) % 1,070  920  16  % 868 
1,489  1,470  % 1,420  1,231  15  % 1,156 
a.礦產勘探和 評價費用
b.礦產維持資本支出59維持租賃75all-in 維持成本
c. 售出噸數-應占基礎 (數千噸)

售出的英鎊-應占基礎 (數百萬英鎊)
成本 每磅銷售額 甲乙丙
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
C1現金成本 磅 0 0 0 3
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44
每磅的銷售成本、每磅的C1現金成本和每磅的全部維持成本可能不根據金額計算 由於四捨五入,在本表中列出。8
0.98 2.97 1.76 2.40
每磅銅銷售成本的計算方法是將我們所有銅業務的銷售成本除以銷售磅(兩者均按 使用巴里克的所有權份額的歸屬基礎)。9EBITDA、調整後EBITDA、歸因EBITDA、歸因EBITDA利潤率和淨 槓桿
0 0 0 0

EBITDA是一項非GAAP財務指標,將以下各項排除在淨資產中 收入:
7 金融 成本;6 6財務收入;和66.

卡林 7Cortez 6綠松石 脊6內華達 金礦6 維耶霍普韋布洛(60%)6盧洛-貢科託 (80%)6.


Lumwana (100%) 收入
折舊 168 160 - 190
1,509  1,370 - 1,470
卡林 6Cortez
1,070 990 - 1,070
綠松石 脊6內華達 金礦
1,420  1,380 - 1,480

維耶霍普韋布洛(60%)6盧洛-貢科託 (80%)7基巴利(45%)6北馬拉(84%)6布利安胡盧(84%)6.

其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 BDH 68
12/31/24 9/30/24
BDH 69 BDH 69
管理層的討論和 分析
概述 a
操作 性能
增長 項目與勘探a
審查 財務業績b
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組 礦物 儲量和礦產資源
BNRC 355a
BNRC 355
BNRC 355a
BNRC 355b
BNRC 374 39 1,474  752  956  6  29 1,789  764  1,113 
BNRC 375 82 1,151  828  1,191  41  57 1,311  951  1,385  36 
BNRC 377 39 1,405  1,198  1,460  7  28 2,403  2,184  2,388 
BNRC 377 39 1,754  1,475  1,689  8  30 1,929  1,623  2,044  11 
BNRC 378 13 2,127  1,322  2,967  20  18 1,163  999  1,214 
BNRC 378
12/31/24 12/31/23
BNRC 378 BNRC 378
BNRC 378
BNRC 378
BNRC 378a
BNRC 378
BNRC 378a
BNRC 378b
BNRC 379 BNRC 379
BNRC 380
BNRC 381
BNRC 381a
BNRC 381
BNRC 381a
BNRC 381b
BNRC 381 127 1,687  765  1,031  26  123 2,011  961  1,162  19 
公噸 252 1,254  905  1,334  139  207 1,440  1,011  1,516  99 
等級 148 1,903  1,670  1,867  20  183 1,469  1,240  1,408  27 
包含ozs 143 1,754  1,483  1,769  38  141 1,589  1,382  1,672  41 
公噸 46 1,423  1,073  1,666  72  —  —  —  — 

包含ozs7基於應占盎司6(公噸)7(克/噸)6(蚊子)6 (公噸)6.

(克/噸) (蚊子)
(公噸) 127 120 - 140
1,687  1,640 - 1,740
非洲和中東 東6含有cu
765 810 - 890
1,031  1,100 - 1,200

含有cu7 公噸6銅品位6 含有cu

(公噸)6(公噸)6(公噸)6非洲和中東 東

布利安胡盧表面 布利安胡魯地下
布利安胡魯(84.00%)總數 252 210 - 240
1,254  1,340 - 1,440
Jabal Sayid(50.00%)總數6盧姆瓦納表面(100%)
905  1,010 - 1,090
非洲和中東 總6拉丁美洲和亞洲 太平洋
1,334  1,490 - 1,590


Reko Diq表面(50.00%)
薩爾迪瓦表面(50.00%)7拉丁美洲和亞洲 太平洋總計6 北 美國6 菲尼克斯表面(61.50%)6.

北美 總

布利安胡魯(84.00%)總數 非洲和中東 總
拉丁美洲和亞洲 太平洋 148 160 - 190
1,903  1,520 - 1,620
Veladero表面(50.00%)6拉丁美洲和亞洲 太平洋總計
1,670  1,200 - 1,280
北 美國6菲尼克斯表面(61.50%)
1,867  1,440 - 1,540

北美 總6.

參見「礦產儲量和資源 尾註」。
巴里克2024年年終7準備金和 資源6概述 6操作 性能6增長 項目與勘探6.

審查 財務業績 其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源 143 140 - 160
金融 7報表
1,754  1,470 - 1,570
黃金礦產資源6截至12月31日, 2024
1,483  1,210 - 1,290
測量 (M)6指示 (一)
1,769  1,600 - 1,700

(M) + (一)
推斷 6公噸6 等級6.


基於應占盎司 (公噸)
準備金和 資源 46 50 - 70
概述 7操作 性能
1,423  1,670 - 1,770
增長 項目與勘探6審查 財務業績
1,073  1,220 - 1,300
其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組6礦物 儲量和礦產資源
1,666  1,900 - 2,000

金融 6報表6 黃金礦產資源6.

截至12月31日, 2024
測量 (M)


公噸 等級
  12/31/24 9/30/24 包含ozs 12/31/24 12/31/23 基於應占盎司 12/31/22
(公噸) 35,354   36,809  (4) % 140,866   113,633  24  % 98,340 
(克/噸) 10,596  6,178  72  % 26,064  26,030  % 20,277 
(蚊子) 24,758  30,631  (19) % 114,802  87,603  31  % 78,063 
(克/噸) 0.61  % 0.55  % 11  % 0.55  % 0.51  % % 0.61  %
(蚊子) 0.71  % 0.53  % 34  % 0.53  % 0.49  % % 0.52  %
(蚊子) 6,858  6,380  % 25,783  26,797  (4) % 25,166 
(公噸) 93  % 91  % % 90  % 89  % % 93  %
46  30  53  % 123  118  % 121 
36  26  38  % 109  113  (3) % 125 
北 美國 260   213  22  % 855   795  % 868 
卡林表面 177  187  (5) % 704  723  (3) % 666 
卡林地下 79  26  204  % 135  37  265  % 180 
133  86  55  % 379  294  29  % 403 
51  % 40  % 28  % 44  % 37  % 19  % 46  %
科爾特斯地下 186  79  135  % 469  306  53  % 405 
73  62  18  % 312  223  40  % 360 
113  17  565  % 157  83  89  % 45 
地下四英里(100%) 2.27  3.27  (31) % 2.94  2.91  % 2.42 
1.89  2.53  (25) % 2.23  2.29  (3) % 1.89 
3.14   3.94  (20) % 3.85   3.48  11  % 3.63 
b. 菲尼克斯表面(61.50%)59綠松石嶺表面75地下綠松石嶺

北美 總
合計 參見「礦物質 儲量和資源尾註」。
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23
巴里克2024年年終 0 0 3 3
準備金和 資源8
0.00 0.00 0.19 0.23
概述 8
0.23 0.00 0.37 0.31
操作 性能9增長 項目與勘探
0 0 0 0

非洲和中東 東

Jabal Sayid(50.00%)總數
盧姆瓦納表面(100%)7非洲和中東 總6拉丁美洲和亞洲 太平洋6北阿比耶託表面(50.00%)6增長 項目與勘探6.
審查 財務業績6其他 信息與非公認會計准則重組
礦物 儲量和礦產資源

礦產儲量(「儲量」)和礦產資源(「資源」)估計數爲#年。 2024年3月31日(除非另有說明),根據加拿大證券監管機構要求的國家儀器 43-101 -礦產項目披露標準(「NI 43-101」)。爲美國服務 爲便於報告,美國證券交易委員會已通過對其披露規則的修正案,以更新對其證券已根據1934年《美國證券交易委員會證券交易法》登記的發行人的礦業權披露要求 (《交易法》)。這些修正案於2019年2月25日生效(《美國證券交易委員會現代化規則》),自2021年1月1日及之後的第一個財年開始遵守。《美國證券交易委員會》現代化規則 取代《美國證券交易委員會行業指南7》中對礦業註冊人的歷史財產披露要求,該要求在《美國證券交易委員會現代化規則》所要求的合規日期及之後被取消。由於採用了 根據「美國證券交易委員會」現代化規則,「美國證券交易委員會」現在承認對「已測量」、「指示」和「推斷」礦產資源的估計。此外,美國證券交易委員會還修改了對「已探明礦產儲量」的定義 和「可能的礦產儲量」基本上類似於NI 43-101所要求的相應的加拿大采礦、冶金和石油學會的定義。美國投資者應該明白,這是「推論」 礦產資源的存在有很大的不確定性,其經濟和法律可行性也有很大的不確定性。此外,美國投資者被告誡不要認爲巴里克的任何部分或全部礦物 資源構成或將轉化爲儲量。礦產資源和礦產儲量評估是由巴里克公司、其合資夥伴或其合資經營公司的員工根據 監督內華達州金礦公司SME-RM的Craig Fiddes,資源建模主管;非洲和中東礦產資源經理Richard Peattie,MPhil,FAusIMM;MAIG的Peter Jones,拉丁美洲和 此外,還包括CGeol、MGeol、FGS、FAusIMM的Simon Bottoms,以及礦產資源管理和評估主管Simon Bottoms。2024年的儲量是根據假設的每盎司1,400美元的黃金價格和假設的20.00美元的白銀價格估計的 假設銅價爲每磅3.00美元,長期平均匯率爲1.30加元/美元,但在湯貢和海姆洛露天礦除外,這兩個地方2024年的礦產儲量都是用每盎司1,650美元估計的; 在Zaldívar,2024年的礦產儲量是根據Antofagasta指南和更新的假設銅價每磅3.80美元計算出來的;在Norte Abierto,紐蒙特公司報告的礦產儲量不到每盎司1,200美元。 2.75美元/磅的銅和22美元/盎司的銀坑設計,在應用最新的2023年項目經濟之前,使用不斷上升的運營和資本成本,導致紐蒙特公司的指導意見爲黃金1600美元/盎司,銅4.00美元/盎司和23美元/盎司 白銀換取假定的礦產儲備大宗商品價格。2023年的儲量是根據假設的每盎司1,300美元的黃金價格、假設的每盎司18.00美元的白銀價格和假設的每磅3.00美元的銅價估計的。 長期平均匯率爲1.30加元/美元,但在湯貢,2023年的礦產儲量是用1,500美元/盎司計算的;在海姆洛,2023年的礦產儲量是用1,400美元/盎司計算的;在薩利瓦爾, 其中,2023年的礦產儲量是根據安託法加斯塔指南和最新的假設銅價每磅3.50美元計算得出的。儲量估計包括當前和/或預期的採礦計劃和每個物業的成本水平。 根據礦場和儲量中所含礦石的類型,使用了不同的 截止 品位。在計算過程中採用了巴里克的正常數據核實程序。覈查程序 包括行業標準的質量控制實踐。根據礦山或項目的類型、成熟度和礦石類型,使用不同的截止品位估計了截至2024年12月31日的資源 財產。
二零二四年 多金屬礦產資源和礦產儲量是用金、銅、銀的綜合價值來估算的,因此報告爲金、銅、銀礦產資源和礦產。 預備隊。
2024年,礦產資源的估計是基於假設的每盎司1900美元的黃金價格,即假設的白銀價格 假設銅價爲每磅4.00美元,長期平均匯率爲1.30加元/美元,但Zaldívar除外,在Zaldívar,2024年的礦產資源是根據安託法加斯塔準則和假設銅估計的 價格爲每磅4.40美元,以及Norte Abierto,紐蒙特公司報告的礦產資源價格爲1,400美元/盎司黃金,3.25美元/磅銅和20美元/盎司銀礦殼,在應用最新的2023年項目經濟之前,使用升級 運營和資本成本導致紐蒙特公司的黃金指導爲1600美元/盎司,銅爲4.00美元/磅,白銀爲23美元/盎司,假設的礦產資源商品價格。2023年,礦產資源是根據假設的黃金進行估計的 價格爲每盎司1,700美元,假設白銀價格爲每盎司21.00美元,假設銅價爲每磅4.00美元,長期平均匯率爲1.30加元/美元,但Zaldívar除外,那裏2023年的礦產資源 按安託法加斯塔指導計算,假設銅價爲4.20美元。
礦物 不屬於礦產儲備的資源不具有經濟可行性。6礦物 報告的資源包括礦產儲量。

全 已測量和指示的品位礦產資源量估算,以及所有已探明和可能的品位礦產儲量估算,以兩個小數點爲單位報告。 各就各位。

所有關於Au g/t、Ag g/t和Cu%品位的推斷礦產資源估算值都報告爲一位小數點。 地點。 巴里克2024年年終
準備金和 資源 123 120 - 140
<img src=「https://www.sec.gov/akam/13/pixel_7edab23d?a=dD1hZWEwYmJkZDIwNmMzOGU1M2FmZmQyOTY4YzI5Nzc0OGQ2MjQ3NTg0JmpzPW9mZg==」Style=「可見性:隱藏;位置:絕對;左側:-999px;頂部:-999px;」/>7 ($/oz)
2.94 2.50 - 2.80
Total cash costs6 ($/oz)
2.23 1.85 - 2.15
All-in sustaining costs6 ($/oz)
3.85  3.30 - 3.60

Copper production in 2024 was within the guidance range. All cost metrics were above the guidance ranges, mainly due to the impact of higher power costs, as efforts to offset the power grid instability included co-generation of power through diesel generators and higher royalties.


Other Mines - Copper
Summary of Operating and Financial Data For the three months ended
12/31/24 9/30/24
Copper production (kt)a
Cost of sales
C1 cash costs
All-in sustaining costs
Capital Expend-ituresc
Copper production (kt)a
Cost of sales
C1 cash costs
All-in sustaining costs
Capital Expend-ituresc
Zald ívar (50%)
11 4.22   3.11   3.98   16   10 4.04  2.99  3.45 
Jabal Sayid (50%) 7 2.02  1.29  1.44  5  8 1.76  1.54  1.76 
For the years ended
12/31/24 12/31/23
Copper production (kt)a
Cost of sales
C1 cash costs
All-in sustaining costs
Capital Expend-ituresc
Copper production (kt)a
Cost of sales
C1 cash costs
All-in sustaining costs
Capital Expend-ituresc
Zald ívar (50%)
40 4.09   3.04   3.58   42   40 3.83  2.95  3.46  44 
Jabal Sayid (50%) 32 1.77  1.37  1.56  19  32 1.60  1.35  1.53  23 
a.Starting in 2024, we have presented our copper production and sales quantities in tonnes rather than pounds (1 tonne is equivalent to 2,204.6 pounds). Production and sales amounts for prior periods have been restated for comparative purposes. Our copper cost metrics are still reported on a per pound basis.
b. Further information on these non-GAAP financial measures, including detailed reconciliations, is included on pages 59 to 75 of this MD&A.
c.Includes both minesite sustaining and project capital expenditures6. Further information on these non-GAAP financial measures, including detailed reconciliations, is included on pages 59 to 75 of this MD&A.

Zaldívar (50% basis), Chile
Copper production for Zaldívar in Q4 2024 was 10% higher than Q3 2024 driven by higher throughput. Cost of sales per pound7 and C1 cash costs per pound6 in Q4 2024 were both 4% higher than Q3 2024 primarily driven by processing of higher-cost inventory mined in prior periods. All-in sustaining costs per pound6 increased by 15% compared to Q3 2024, primarily due to higher minesite sustaining capital expenditures6 driven by increased spend on components, combined with higher C1 cash costs per pound6.

2024 Actual 2024 Guidance
Copper produced (kt) 40 35 - 40
Cost of sales7 ($/lb)
4.09  3.70 - 4.00
C1 cash costs6 ($/lb)
3.04  2.80 - 3.10
All-in sustaining costs6 ($/lb)
3.58  3.40 - 3.70

Copper production in 2024 was at the top end of the guidance range. Cost of sales per pound7 was above the guidance range mainly due to the impact of higher depreciation, while both C1 cash costs per pound6 and all-in sustaining costs per pound6 were within the guidance ranges. This investment, of which we are not the operator, continues to be a non-core part of our portfolio.

Jabal Sayid (50% basis), Saudi Arabia
Jabal Sayid's copper production in Q4 2024 was slightly below Q3 2024 driven by lower feed grade, as per the mine plan. Cost of sales per pound7 in Q4 2024 was 15% higher than Q3 2024 mainly due to higher depreciation expense, partially offset by lower C1 cash costs per pound6. C1 cash costs per pound6 were 16% lower mainly due to the impact of increased gold by-product credits. All-in sustaining costs per pound6 were 18% lower than Q3 2024, mainly due to lower C1 cash costs per pound6 with minesite sustaining capital expenditures6 consistent across quarters.

2024 Actual 2024 Guidance
Copper produced (kt) 32 25 - 30
Cost of sales7 ($/lb)
1.77  1.75 - 2.05
C1 cash costs6 ($/lb)
1.37 1.40 - 1.70
All-in sustaining costs6 ($/lb)
1.56  1.70 - 2.00

Copper production in 2024 exceeded the upper end of the guidance range due to higher than planned feed grades. Cost of sales per pound7 was at the low end of the guidance range driven by the benefit of diluting the fixed costs over more tonnes based on the strong production results. C1 cash costs per pound6 and all-in sustaining costs per pound6 were below the guidance ranges due to higher gold by-product credits in addition to the strong production results as per above.


Growth Project Updates

Goldrush Project, Nevada, USA17
Goldrush, which is included within Cortez, is expected to be a long-life underground mine with anticipated annual production in excess of 400,000 ounces per year (100% basis) by 2028.
In Q4 2024, ventilation shaft sinking and installation of two underground primary fans were completed, the first of two planned vent shafts which enable increased mining rates. The initial Horse Canyon surface access development has also been completed. The water management infrastructure construction is in progress in Horse Canyon and the Pine Valley district.
As at December 31, 2024, project spend was $436 million on a 100% basis (including $13 million in Q4 2024) inclusive of the exploration declines. This capital spent to date, together with the remaining expected pre-production capital, is still anticipated to be near the approximate $1 billion initial capital estimate for the Goldrush project (100% basis).

Fourmile, Nevada, USA16
Fourmile, located adjacent to Goldrush, is a 100% owned Barrick asset in Nevada and has the potential to be a standalone Tier One Gold Asset1. The current focus is on exploration drilling with promising results to date that support the potential to significantly increase the modeled extents of the declared mineral resource within the 2.5km of prospective Wenban stratigraphy, as well as to uplift the grade. A dedicated Barrick project development team and budget are targeting the extension of the existing mineral resources, while also evaluating an independent surface portal access from Bullion Hill, which would decouple the evaluation of the project from the existing Goldrush development and ultimately complement the current Goldrush multi-purpose development. Footwall development along the strike of the Fourmile orebodies would initially be used for underground exploration drilling and then later be re-used for mine haulage. During Q4 2024, geotechnical drilling was completed to cover nearly the first 1km of the initial assessment of the Bullion Hill portal.
Exploration and resource definition drilling in 2024 exceeded the planned meters, confirming the geologic model and supporting the decision to progress to a prefeasibility study in 2025. In the south, at Rose and Blanche, the mineralized breccias have now been constrained at depth, along with concurrent growth in the modeled widths of shallower mineralization, providing substantial upgrades in the extents of higher confidence areas within the resource model. To the north, drilling at Sophia and Dorothy tested and confirmed the continuity of the structurally controlled brecciation within the broader upside model. This work is reflected in the current Fourmile resource estimate and as expected, has significantly increased the inferred resources compared to year-end 2023 and exploration upside.
Barrick anticipates Fourmile will be incorporated into the NGM joint venture, at fair market value, if certain criteria are met. As at December 31, 2024, we had spent $46 million in 2024 (including $16 million in Q4 2024). For 2025, we expect to spend $75 to $85 million as we continue to expand the upside and continue conversion drilling in the
known deposits. This will also cover additional study costs as we commence the prefeasibility study in 2025.

NGM TS Solar Project, Nevada, USA
The TS Solar project is a 200 MW photovoltaic solar farm located adjacent to NGM’s TS Power Plant and interconnected with the existing plant transmission infrastructure. Now complete, the project will supply renewable energy to NGM’s operations and is expected to deliver a reduction of 234kt of CO2 equivalent emissions per annum, equating to an 8% decrease from NGM’s 2018 baseline.
In Q4 2024, the remaining Phase 2 array performance testing was completed and all milestones were achieved to declare commercial operation. As at December 31, 2024, project spend was $300 million (there was no material spend in Q4 2024) out of an estimated capital cost of $310 million (100% basis).

REN, Nevada, USA
REN is a new ore deposit at Goldstrike Underground and a key expansion project at Carlin. Located north of Goldstrike Underground’s Meikle and Banshee deposits, REN is anticipated to produce an average of 140,000 ounces per year (100% basis) once in full production in 2027.
To develop the deposit, the existing exploration drift will be duplicated, allowing for increased ventilation and secondary egress into the working area. Once completed, two additional exploration drilling platforms will be constructed to support further drilling on the project allowing for both the conversion of the existing resource and further growth of the deposit.
To support production mining of the deposit, an additional set of twin declines will be driven from the Betze-Post open pit to the north with the intent to provide life of mine ventilation to the deposit as well as a direct path for material to be hauled and hoisted out via the existing Meikle Headframe. To complete the project, a 7 meter ventilation shaft will be sunk 550 meters to serve as an exhaust raise and utility conduit for the orebody.
During the fourth quarter, the focus was on advancing the twin exploration drift development to the exploration drilling platforms, installing highwall stabilization & surface utilities for the new twin declines and drilling additional dewatering wells. Twin decline development started with portal set installation. The ventilation shaft surface pad and utilities were completed in advance of shaft sinking activities which are expected to begin in Q1 2025.
As at December 31, 2024, project spend was $72 million out of an estimated capital cost of $410 to $470 million (100% basis).

Donlin Gold, Alaska, USA
Over the past three years the focus of the Donlin Gold team has centered on building ore body knowledge around the controls on mineralization through detailed mapping and infill grid drilling. The tightly spaced drill grids focused on the deposit’s three main structural domains (ACMA, Lewis and Divide) and supported the classification of inferred and indicated resources in the current Donlin Gold resource estimate as provided in Barrick’s 2024 year-end Mineral

Reserves and Resources disclosures, but have not yet defined a spacing that would support the declaration of measured resources underpinned by the appropriate modifying factors. Trade-off studies and analysis on project assumptions, inputs and design components for optimization (mine engineering, metallurgy, hydrology, power and infrastructure) have continued through 2024.
Donlin Gold, in collaboration with Calista and The Kuskokwim Corporation, supported important initiatives in the Yukon-Kuskokwim region, including education, health, safety, cultural traditions and environmental programs. Further, Donlin Gold collaborated with Calista and the village of Crooked Creek and engaged state officials, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, members of the U.S. congressional delegation and with senior leadership from the U.S. Department of the Interior as part of ongoing outreach to emphasize the thoroughness of the project’s environmental review and permitting procedures, as well as on the strong partnership between Donlin Gold and the Alaska Native Corporations who own the mineral resource and land.
The 2025 work program has now been defined and agreed to by both Barrick and NOVAGOLD to continue to move the Donlin Gold project up the value curve. Focus continues to be on updating the resource model; modifying factors to support mine design and scheduling; optimizing the power sources and delivery, infrastructure constructability review, and flow sheet; mitigating the technical challenges; advancing the remaining project permitting; defending challenges to the existing permits; and exploring further partnership opportunities to unlock value for our Alaskan partners and communities.

Pueblo Viejo Expansion, Dominican Republic18
The Pueblo Viejo Life of Mine Expansion continues and with the Process Plant expansion now complete, the focus is on the Naranjo Tailings Storage Facility. The feasibility study has now been completed and advancement of all critical supply chain activities has commenced including releasing tenders for all major construction contracts and long lead procurement while continuing to advance the process to select an engineering partner. Field work has also kicked off with the construction of a road that will gain access to the temporary water management structures and support the overall schedule of having the starter dam completed, ahead of the existing Llagal dam reaching capacity.     
Resettlement work continues to advance with over 100 homes complete and 300 more under construction. Additionally, the potable water treatment plant is now mechanically complete and all common community facilities are under construction including the new elementary school, parks and baseball diamond.
As at December 31, 2024, total project spend was $1,130 million (including $17 million in Q4 2024) on a 100% basis. The estimated capital cost of the plant expansion and mine life extension project has been updated from $2.1 billion and is expected to be approximately $2.6 billion (as previously guided during our Investor Day on November 22, 2024) based on the new estimate to complete the Naranjo Tailings Storage Facility inclusive of associated land acquisition and resettlement costs.

Veladero Phase 7 Leach Pad, Argentina
In November 2021, Minera Andina del Sol approved the Phase 7A leach pad construction project with Phase 7B subsequently approved in the third quarter of 2022. Construction on both phases includes sub-drainage and monitoring, leak collection and recirculation, impermeabilization, as well as pregnant leaching solution collection. Additionally, the north channel will be extended along the leach pad facility.
Phase 7B construction was completed in December 2024 and is operating as intended.
Overall for Phase 7, as at December 31, 2024, project spend was $159 million (including $11 million in Q4 2024) out of an estimated capital cost of $160 million (100% basis).

Veladero Phase 8 Leach Pad, Argentina
The construction of the phase 8 leach pad will be divided into three phases being 8A, 8B and 8C. In December 2024 the Phase 8A leach pad construction project was approved. Construction will start in Q1 2025 and is expected to be completed by Q1 2026. Construction of the phase includes cut, filling, sub-drainage and monitoring, leak collection and recirculation, impermeabilization, as well as pregnant leaching solution collection.
Overall, for Phase 8, as at December 31, 2024, project spend was $10 million (including $7 million in Q4 2024) out of an estimated capital cost of $250-270 million (100% basis).

Reko Diq Project, Pakistan19
At the end of 2024, Barrick completed a full update of the project’s 2010 feasibility study and 2011 expansion prefeasibility study and added 7.3 million tonnes of copper and 13 million ounces of attributable gold in probable reserves as at December 31, 202420. Once fully commissioned, the Reko Diq project is now projected to deliver 240,000 tonnes of copper production and 297,000 ounces of gold per year during Phase 1 increasing to 460,000 tonnes of copper and 520,000 ounces of gold during the first ten years (2034-2043) of Phase 2 (100% basis). This is based on an increased 45Mtpa process plant throughput in Phase 1 (from the original 40Mtpa) and 90Mtpa (from the original 80Mtpa) in Phase 2, following the grind size optimization work undertaken as part of the feasibility study. The total estimated capital cost of Phase 1 is $5.6-6.0 billion (100% basis, exclusive of capitalization of financing costs) to be spent between 2025-2029. On February 11, 2025, the Board of Directors conditionally approved the development of Phase 1 subject to the closing of up to $3 billion of limited recourse project financing. Assuming $3 billion of project financing, Barrick’s share of the total partner equity contribution required to fund the construction of Phase 1 is expected to be $1.4-1.7 billion (exclusive of capitalization of financing costs). The total estimated capital cost of Phase 2 is $3.3-3.6 billion (100% basis, exclusive of capitalization of financing costs) to be spent between 2029-2033.
During the year, additional personnel were recruited and mobilized for the project with the majority of new hires from Balochistan. Site works were advanced with a focus on early works infrastructure (perimeter fence, bulk earthworks, camp and water pond and pipeline for construction) and the project received approval of its early works ESIA. In addition, the full project ESIA was submitted

to the Balochistan Environmental Protection Agency during Q4 2024 and approval is expected in Q1 2025.
With the completion of the updated feasibility study, early works construction has commenced during Q1 2025 with a final investment decision to proceed with development of Phase 1 expected later in 2025 subject to joint venture approvals and closing of the project financing. First production is targeted by the end of 2028.
As at December 31, 2024, total spend on the feasibility update was $186 million (including $32 million in Q4 2024) (100% basis). This amount is recorded in exploration, evaluation and project expense and excludes amounts relating to fixed asset purchases that were capitalized. Capital expenditures commenced in Q2 2024, with total capitalized spend of $168 million (including $109 million in Q4 2024) (100% basis).
For 2025, as construction advances, the capital spend for the year is anticipated to be approximately $1 billion (100% basis).

Loulo-Gounkoto Solar Project, Mali
This project entailed the design, supply and installation of a 40 MW (48 MW peak) photovoltaic solar farm with a 36 MVA battery energy storage system to complement the existing installed 20 MW plant. Now complete, this project is projected to deliver a reduction of 23 million liters of fuel in the power plant, which translates to savings of approximately 63kt of CO2 equivalent emissions per annum. The project was constructed in two phases of solar and battery storage and was completed 12 months ahead of schedule. Continuous optimization of the photovoltaic solar farm is ongoing and performing above the targeted power blend. The project was completed in Q1 2024 and the final project spend of $73 million finished below the original capital cost of approximately $90 million (100% basis).

Kibali Solar Project, DRC
This project entails the design, supply and installation of a 16 MW photovoltaic solar farm with a 15 MW battery energy storage system to complement the existing hydroelectric power stations raising the renewable component of the mine’s energy mix from 81% to 85%. The completion of this project is projected to deliver a 53% reduction in fuel consumption in the power plant. The project is on schedule with completion planned for Q2 2025. Earthworks progressed well during the quarter and are now complete. All long lead equipment has been ordered and tracker and transformer installation commenced during Q4 2024. Upcoming areas of focus include the civil construction for substations and ramming of posts for the solar field installation. As at December 31, 2024, project spend was $32 million (including $9 million in Q4 2024) out of an estimated capital cost of $55 million (100% basis).

Jabal Sayid Lode 1, Saudi Arabia
The scope of this project is to develop and mine a new orebody, located less than a kilometer from the existing
lode at Jabal Sayid. The project design includes underground capital development as well as ventilation, paste plant and underground mining infrastructure upgrades. Stoping commenced during Q3 2023 with development for 2024 completed on schedule. The ventilation raise bore shaft is fully equipped and the reaming of the fresh air ventilation shaft has been completed. The reagent plant and direct flow reactor has been completed. All construction activities at the paste plant have been completed and commissioning commenced during Q2 2024. The project is 100% complete.
As at December 31, 2024, project spend was $43 million (there was no material spend in Q4 2024) in line with the estimated capital cost of approximately $43 million (100% basis).

Lumwana Super Pit Expansion, Zambia21
The Lumwana Super Pit Expansion is projected to deliver 240,000 tonnes of copper production per year, from a 52Mtpa process plant expansion, with a mine life of more than 30 years. Following the successful transition in 2023 to the owner stripping model we have already seen the 20% planned cost and efficiency benefit which aligns well with the interim mine volumes and longer-term expansion strategy.
The feasibility study has now been completed. Long lead equipment selection is finalized and ordering of key packages commenced during Q3 2024 to enable preparation of vendor data required for detailed engineering. Delivery schedules of vendor data and equipment remains in line with the project schedule. Geotechnical site investigation drilling of the feasibility study project layout is complete.
Enabling construction works remain on schedule to commence in 2025 with first production targeted for 2028.
The building of the first accommodation units for the construction camp progressed to 70% completion during the quarter. The TSF design and reviews have been completed and are included in the capital cost estimate. The field work on the ESIA was completed during Q1 2024 and approval of the ESIA report was received from the Zambia Environmental Management Agency during Q4 2024.
As at December 31, 2024, the total spend on the feasibility study was $38 million (including $2 million in Q4 2024), in line with the budgeted study cost. For 2024, we also capitalized $120 million (including $113 million in Q4 2024) related to early works, infrastructure improvements and down payments on fleet and long lead equipment for the project. The total project capital cost is expected to be $2 billion based on the feasibility study with capital spend for 2025 estimated at $0.6 billion.


Exploration and Mineral Resource Management

The foundation of our exploration strategy is a deep organizational understanding that discovery through exploration is a long-term investment and the main value driver for the business - not a process. Our exploration strategy has multiple elements that all need to be in balance to deliver on Barrick's business plan for growth and long-term sustainability.
First, we seek to deliver projects of a short- to medium-term nature that will drive improvements in mine plans. Second, we seek to make new discoveries that add to Barrick's Tier One Gold Asset1 portfolio. Third, we work to optimize the value of our major undeveloped projects and finally, we seek to identify emerging opportunities early in their value chain and secure them by an earn-in or outright acquisition, where appropriate.
During 2024, our exploration portfolio was upgraded in all regions with the addition of new projects, while we have significantly rationalized our ground holdings where we saw little potential. In Canada, we are now drill testing the new targets we identified during 2023. In the United States, we have progressed multiple exciting prospects outside the Carlin district with further consolidation in progress. In Nevada, the team continues to identify new opportunities around our Carlin operations, with large cells of Carlin alteration and anomalism discovered under cover being evaluated, while material brownfields progress delivers conversion opportunities. In Latin America, a portfolio of exciting targets in Peru were progressed to drilling, while we advanced permitting on a prospective portfolio in Ecuador. We continue to evaluate near mine targets around Pueblo Viejo while developing a regional exploration portfolio in the Dominican Republic, and we have entered Jamaica through a country-wide alliance. Our work in Argentina is focused around Veladero and providing optionality to the operation. In the Africa and Middle East region, we have confirmed high-grade mineralization on key structures around our deposits in Mali and DRC, notably the Baboto and ARK targets, and in Tanzania we expanded our ground holding significantly while testing new targets around North Mara and Bulyanhulu. In Saudi Arabia, early drilling at the Umm Ad Damar project has identified mineralization along multiple trends. We also continue to evaluate opportunities across the Asia-Pacific region as we test targets around Reko Diq in Pakistan and across Japan. Through 2025, we plan to maintain a healthy balance in our exploration focus between early-stage and advanced exploration projects to deliver on Barrick’s growth and long-term business plan.
The following section summarizes the exploration results from Q4 2024.

North America
Carlin, Nevada, USA22
Drilling to expand the footprint of Leeville, including both Miramar and Fallon (formerly North Leeville) continues to confirm the geologic model. As we move to indicated resource conversion at Miramar, drilling along the Veld fault in Q4 confirmed the high grade ore control with NTC-24-021 reporting 22.1 meters at 11.61 g/t Au (true thickness).
Northeast of Fallon, a new access road for framework surface drilling has exposed broad zones of
structurally controlled alteration and multiple intrusive dikes cutting through the unfavorable Upper Plate Cover, further validating new target concepts beyond the footprint of Leeville, with results from surface mapping and sampling now defining several targets within the four-kilometer long northeast trending corridor. The first framework hole testing the prospectivity of the lower plate carbonates is planned for Q2 2025.
In the Carlin Basin, adjacent to Gold Quarry, wide spaced RC drilling through post mineral cover has defined a multi-kilometer footprint of low-level gold and Carlin style alteration and geochemistry in the less prospective upper plate stratigraphy. The anomalism observed is along trend of, and controlled by the Good Hope Fault, an important ore controlling feature at Gold Quarry. Two deeper core holes, 3.5km apart, returned hundreds of meters of alteration extending from the bedrock contact into the favorable Lower Plate carbonate stratigraphy. Work will continue to define the extent of the hydrothermal system and delineate vectors to additional targeted drill holes in 2025.

Cortez, Nevada, USA
Step-out drilling was completed during Q4 at the Hanson target, approximately 235 meters beneath the Cortez Hills underground operation. Drilling to-date continues to confirm the geologic model and define the open, up dip, opportunity beyond the 「Heart of Hanson」, a resource with good potential to be added to reserves in the upcoming years. This early-stage drilling continues to provide confidence in the resource growth below the existing infrastructure of the Cortez Hills underground mine that is expected to add material life-of-mine extensions. Follow-up drilling is planned for 2025.
At Swift, drilling continued to better define the structure and stratigraphic understanding in the southwest portion of the property where previous drilling has identified widespread alteration and anomalous gold. The second framework hole was completed in December 2024 and encountered signification structural disruptions to the expected stratigraphy, omitting the most prospective slope facies rocks. Weak to moderate Carlin type alteration occurred in and adjacent to the larger fault zones further expanding the footprint of alteration in the area. Assays are currently pending.

Patris, Quebec, Canada
Permitting was secured to complete drill for till target delineation work across the sedimentary basins on the property. The drilling program is expected to begin in early Q1 2025 and will continue to define the extent of strong anomalism along the La Pause Fault, following up on the results from the 2024 programs.

Latin America & Asia-Pacific
Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic
At Pueblo Viejo, target delineation work concluded in the Zambrana area, one kilometer to the east of the Moore pit. Favorable lithology, alteration, soil and rock chip geochemical anomalies and an induced polarization, high chargeability geophysical anomaly define two targets and drilling commenced in January 2025.


Regional Exploration, Dominican Republic
At the Restauracion District, located in the Western Dominican Republic, field work commenced during Q4. These activities are focusing on the Neita Norte Property (part of the earn-in agreement with Unigold) and on the adjacent 100% Barrick-owned permits. Three large areas of interest have been defined with further, more focused work planned for the first half of 2025.

Early-stage exploration activities continued in all areas under the earn-in agreement with Geophysx Jamaica Ltd. (Geophysx). Fieldwork focused on regional-scale geological evaluation (including assessment of post-mineral cover thickness) and camp-scale delineation of priority areas. Drill-ready targets are expected to be defined by Q3 2025.

Veladero District, Argentina
At Argenta Norte, located one kilometer to the northwest of Veladero’s Argenta pit, a six drillhole follow-up campaign was completed. These partially validated the exploration model, confirming high-sulfidation mineralization and some continuity between holes. Assays are expected during Q1 2025.
At Domo Negro, following the framework drilling campaign that intersected a previously reported shallow low-sulfidation vein with bonanza gold results, detailed geological mapping, sampling, trenching and a ground magnetic survey were completed. Two structurally controlled epithermal gold targets were defined, and a follow-up drilling program is scheduled to be completed in Q1 2025.

Several consolidated areas of interest in Peru are being advanced with projects at various stages, from early-stage reconnaissance work to drill-ready targets.
In the Libelula District, drilling commenced on the first of three high-sulfidation epithermal gold targets. The first hole in the Libelula system intercepted multiple hydrothermal events confirming the exploration model. Assays are expected during Q1 2025.
In the Ccoropuro District, located in southern Peru, permitting is on track to commence drilling in H2 2025.

Following Barrick’s successful participation in a public tender process conducted by ENAMI EP (the state-owned mining company of Ecuador) and the signing of a commercial framework agreement with ENAMI EP, Barrick continued with prospecting work in the southern Jurassic Belt, which hosts the Mirador and Fruta del Norte deposits.

Reko Diq, Pakistan23
At Reko Diq, the exploration team is progressing with the re-logging of historic drill holes, re-interpreting legacy datasets and modeling historical and newly generated targets. Additionally, the team is completing geological and structural mapping at various scales, with infill geochemical surveys ongoing in parallel. Results are being integrated to define a pipeline of high potential projects with several drillholes completed during the quarter. These are the first
exploration holes completed in the Reko Diq district, since 2009.
At H14, one of the Western Porphyries, a deep drillhole confirmed open, high-grade mineralization at depth, 250m west of the existing drilling. At the Tanjeel supergene copper enrichment blanket, two holes intercepted high-grade copper sulfide minerals and confirmed potential for hypogene mineralization below the supergene copper enriched blanket, for the first time. At the newly defined Gurich gold-copper porphyry-breccia complex several drillholes were completed during Q4, confirming strong mineralization near surface in a new northwest trending corridor, located to the west of H8 which remains open. Partial assays were received for hole RD-925 (897 meters), confirming copper and gold mineralization with an intersection of 598 meters at 0.43% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au from 102 meters, including an interval of 170 meters with 0.57% Cu and 0.13 g/t Au from 340 meters. Other assays are pending and are expected during Q1 2025.

Porgera, Papua New Guinea
Drilling on the Wangima priority target continued in Q4 with over 23,800m of diamond drilling completed in 2024. Reprocessing and inversion modeling of the project’s geophysical data was completed with new surface and underground targets generated. Exploration activities have expanded to include mapping and sampling of prospects north of the current Wangima drilling areas. Initial surface mapping has indicated extensions to mineralization, with promising results from surface sampling programs. Further evaluation of these targets will continue through 2025.

Japan Gold Strategic Alliance, Japan
At Togi, the Akasaka target was tested with two drill holes during Q4. These holes partially confirmed the exploration model for a preserved shallow low-sulfidation system.
At Ebino, located near the Hishikari low-sulfidation deposit, two drill-ready low sulfidation targets were defined. Drilling is expected in Q2 2025.
At the Hakuryu area, located in the North of Japan, one low-sulfidation target has been defined. Drilling is expected to be completed in Q2 2025, following the winter season.

Africa and Middle East
Loulo-Gounkoto, Mali24
At Baboto, exploration results during Q4 continue to highlight the potential for the complex to deliver a significant orebody. Drilling has intersected multiple sub-parallel zones of mineralization beneath the pit and extended the mineralized system along strike which remains open in multiple directions, including down plunge along several emerging high-grade ore-shoots. Near surface, opportunities to expand the existing open pit have been identified where high-grade intersections have been returned at the base of the pit shell such as BNRC355: 7 meters at 10.06 g/t Au. Meanwhile, results received to date on the sub-parallel East Zone have been variable with high grade controls not yet well understood; however, the presence of multiple very high gram-meter intersections, including BNRC381: 15 meters at 25.13 g/t Au, including 5 meters at 72.47 g/t Au, highlights the potential to contribute significantly to the overall mineral inventory. The geological

model is being updated to explore and extend the system more effectively while a delineation drilling program will commence once the temporary suspension of operations is lifted (refer to page 9 for further details).
A full geological review of the Loulo-District will be completed early in 2025 to reinforce the base of the resource triangle while high priority targets are advanced, such as Barika, located south of Yalea where open, high-grade mineralization has been intersected showing similarities in style and pathfinders to the main Yalea system.

Tongon, Côte D’Ivoire25
Systematic near mine exploration has identified additional inventory and upside along key prospective corridors, which are designated for aggressive follow-up in 2025.
At Jubula East, drilling has demonstrated a shoot of plunging high-grade mineralization. Though small in scale, it demonstrates the potential for additional, small footprint, value-adding zones of oxide mineralization to be discovered within 10km of the Tongon plant: JBERC025: 18 meters at 4.64 g/t Au, JBERC088: 12 meters at 9.81 g/t Au.
At Koro A2, drilling targeting a sub-parallel structure to the east of the main system returned several significant intersections highlighting a new high-grade shoot, with potential for others; KKHRC054: 13 meters at 3.73 g/t Au and KKHRC090: 9 meters at 3.49 g/t Au. Meanwhile step-out drilling along the Koro A2 main structure succeeded in extending the system over 180 meters southward. The target is part of a larger mineralized corridor that remains open along strike and is sparsely tested.

Kibali, DRC26
At ARK, drilling is in progress following a review of the wider ARK corridor in Q3 2024, which highlighted multiple open-pit and underground discovery opportunities. Results continue to extend and define mineralization, as well as demonstrate zones of bonanza grade potential, such as on the emerging lens between Rhino and Agbarabo highlighted by RHGC2053: 12.00 meters at 231.15 g/t Au, and RHDD0079: 8.80 meters at 17.30 g/t Au, hosted by strong sericite-silica-pyrite altered conglomerate. Additionally, drilling down plunge of the Upper Rhino lens demonstrates the continuity of the lode: RHGC2066: 24.00 meters at 3.12 g/t Au and RHGC2067: 22.00 meters at 2.74 g/t Au. Furthermore, drilling at Kombokolo commenced this quarter, confirming the down dip extension of the mineralized system. An intensive exploration drilling campaign is planned for 2025 to assess the significant overall potential of the ARK system.
At KCD, drilling on the down-plunge extension continued in Q4 supporting the continuation of high-grade mineralization related to the 3000 and 5000 lodes demonstrated by: KCDU7507: 34.04 meters at 3.9 g/t Au. Additionally, a deep, directional, drilling program commenced to intersect the orebody an additional 500 meters down-plunge beyond the known mineralization (3000, 5000 and 9000 lodes) to guide decisions on future infrastructure upgrades.

North Mara and Bulyanhulu, Tanzania
At North Mara, during the wet season, a target generation session was completed, aiming to replenish the base of the resource triangle and re-prioritize existing targets for follow-up. The review highlighted multiple, poorly tested early-stage target areas demonstrating key prospectivity drivers including increased structural complexity and rheological contrasts. The highest priority targets will be motivated for follow-up and drilling in 2025.
On the Bulyanhulu Inlier, geochemical AC drilling and scout RC drilling returned encouraging results, identifying multiple kilometer scale gold, copper and pathfinder geochemical anomalies, associated with both Reef 1 and Reef 2-style geological settings. Framework diamond drilling is planned for Q1 2025 to guide follow-up drilling in the dry season in Q2 2025.
At Nzega, observations from reconnaissance mapping and framework AC drilling (under post-mineral cover) continue to validate the modeled geological setting and interpreted structural complexity indicative of a prospective setting for large orogenic gold systems. High-resolution geophysics is planned in Q1 2025 over most of the belt, including over 100km strike of sparsely tested, major structural corridors. This data will guide the planning of aggressive target generation programs in Q2 2025 while testing under extensive post-mineral cover which has preserved the discovery potential for additional major gold deposits in the belt.

Jabal Sayid, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Full results have been received from the aircore and soil geochemistry screening program at Umm ad Damar, defining the paleosurface over 3.5km strike length under cover and at Jabal Sayid two paleosurface horizons have been constrained within the mining license. These prospective corridors will be explored at depth with appropriate geophysical techniques and diamond drilling in 2025 to assess the potential to deliver the next VMS discovery in the Jabal Sayid camp.



($ millions, except per ounce/pound data in dollars) For the three months ended For the years ended
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
000s oz solda
965  967  3,798  4,024  4,141 
000s oz produceda
1,080  943  3,911  4,054  4,141 
Market price
2,663  2,474  2,386  1,941  1,800 
Realized price ($/oz)b
2,657  2,494  2,397  1,948  1,795 
3,327  3,097  11,820  10,350  9,920 
000s tonnes solda,c
54  42  177  185  202 
000s tonnes produceda,c
64  48  195  191  200 
Market price
4.17  4.18  4.15  3.85  3.99 
Realized price ($/lb)b
3.96  4.27  4.15  3.85  3.85 
260  213  855  795  868 
Other sales 58  58  247  252  225 
Total revenue 3,645   3,368  12,922   11,397  11,013 
a.On an attributable basis.
b.Further information on these non-GAAP financial measures, including detailed reconciliations, is included on pages 59 to 75 of this MD&A.
c.Starting in 2024, we have presented our copper production and sales quantities in tonnes rather than pounds (1 tonne is equivalent to 2,204.6 pounds). Production and sales amounts for prior periods have been restated for comparative purposes. Our copper cost metrics are still reported on a per pound basis.

Our 2024 gold production of 3.91 million ounces was within the guidance range of 3.9 to 4.3 million ounces. As previously disclosed, this was towards the lower end of the range mainly due to lower than planned production at Pueblo Viejo due to ramp-up issues which hindered our ability to increase throughput. This included mill failures, lower flotation plant availability, lower limestone production and unplanned maintenance at the autoclaves. This was combined with lower than planned production at NGM, mainly at Carlin as production was impacted primarily by the previously disclosed pit wall failure in the Gold Quarry open pit in Q1 2024, combined with increased ounces from Cortez processed at the Carlin roasters, to the overall benefit of NGM, and at Turquoise Ridge as the improvements in stabilizing the processing plant and increasing underground production in H2 took longer than planned. Gold production was further impacted by lower than planned production at Kibali, primarily driven by lower grades processed than planned. Copper production of 195 thousand tonnes for 2024 was at the midpoint of the guidance range of 180 to 210 million pounds.

Q4 2024 compared to Q3 2024
In Q4 2024, gold revenues increased by 7% compared to Q3 2024 primarily due to a higher realized gold price6, partially offset by slightly lower sales volume. The average realized price for the three month period ended December 31, 2024 was $2,657 per ounce versus $2,494 per ounce
for Q3 2024. During Q4 2024, the gold price ranged from $2,537 per ounce to an all-time nominal high of $2,790 per ounce and closed the quarter at $2,609 per ounce. Gold prices in Q4 2024 continued to rise as a result of reductions in benchmark interest rates, geopolitical tensions and global economic concerns, tempered by the strength of the trade-weighted US dollar.

Q4 2024 compared to Q3 2024


In Q4 2024, attributable gold production was 137 thousand ounces higher than Q3 2024, primarily driven by stronger performances at Cortez mainly due to higher ore tonnes from both Cortez Hills underground and Goldrush; at Veladero (included in the 「Other」 category above) due to an increase in recoverable ounces placed on the leach pad; and at Turquoise Ridge reflecting higher tonnes processed. Attributable gold sales volumes were lower than attributable gold production, reflecting the restrictions placed by the Government of Mali during Q4 2024 on our ability to ship and sell gold from Loulo-Gounkoto.
Copper revenues in Q4 2024 increased by 22% compared to Q3 2024, primarily due to higher copper sales volume, with the realized copper price6 only slightly lower. The average market price in Q4 2024 was $4.17 per pound versus $4.18 per pound in Q3 2024. In Q4 2024, the realized copper price6 was lower than the market copper price due to the impact of negative provisional pricing adjustments, whereas a positive provisional pricing adjustment was recorded in Q3 2024. During Q4 2024, the copper price ranged from $3.95 per pound to $4.59 per pound and closed the quarter at $3.95 per pound. Copper prices in Q4 2024 were influenced by concerns about slowing economic growth, especially in China, supply disruptions and a strengthening trade-weighted US dollar.
Attributable copper production in Q4 2024 was 33% higher compared to Q3 2024 driven by higher throughput, grades and recoveries at Lumwana.


2024 compared to 2023
In 2024, gold revenues increased by 14% compared to 2023, primarily due to a higher realized gold price6, partially offset by a decrease in sales volumes. The average market gold price for 2024 was $2,386 per ounce compared to $1,941 per ounce in 2023.
In 2024, attributable gold production was 3,911 thousand ounces, or 143 thousand ounces lower than 2023 largely driven by NGM, mainly at Cortez and Carlin. At Cortez, this was due to lower leach ore mined at the Crossroads open pit and lower oxide ore mined from Cortez Hills underground, in line with the mine sequence, and at Carlin due to lower grades processed, lower recoveries and the reduction in open pit tonnes mined. These impacts were partially offset by increased production at Porgera (included in the 「Other」 category below) following the ramp-up of operations in 2024. Attributable gold sales volumes were lower than attributable gold production, reflecting the restrictions placed by the Government of Mali during Q4 2024 on our ability to ship and sell gold from Loulo-Gounkoto.

Year ended December 31, 2024


Copper revenues for 2024 were 8% higher compared to 2023 due to a higher realized copper price6, partially offset by lower copper sales volume. In both years, the realized copper price6 was in line with the market copper price.
Attributable copper production for 2024 was 4 thousand tonnes higher than 2023, mainly due to higher grades processed and higher recoveries at Lumwana.

Production Costs
($ millions, except per ounce/pound data in dollars) For the three months ended For the years ended
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Site operating costs 1,268  1,332  5,146  5,015  4,678
Depreciation 424  409  1,641  1,756  1,756
Royalty expense 112  106  405  371  342
Community relations 6  34  36  37
Cost of sales 1,810   1,856  7,226   7,178  6,813
Cost of sales
1,428  1,472  1,442  1,334  1,241
Total cash costs ($/oz)b
1,046  1,104  1,065  960  862
All-in sustaining costs ($/oz)b
1,451  1,507  1,484  1,335  1,222
Site operating costs 101  109  389  401  336
Depreciation 54  60  245  259  223
Royalty expense 22  17  67  62  103
Community relations 2  5  4
Cost of sales 179  187  706  726  666
Cost of sales
2.62  3.23  2.99  2.90  2.43
C1 cash costs ($/lb)b
2.04  2.49  2.26  2.28  1.89
All-in sustaining costs ($/lb)b
3.07   3.57  3.45   3.21  3.18
a.Gold cost of sales per ounce is calculated as cost of sales across our gold operations (excluding sites in closure or care and maintenance) divided by ounces sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share). Copper cost of sales per pound is calculated as cost of sales across our copper operations divided by pounds sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share).
b.Further information on these non-GAAP financial measures, including detailed reconciliations, is included on pages 59 to 75 of this MD&A.

Q4 2024 compared to Q3 2024
In Q4 2024, cost of sales applicable to gold was 2% lower compared to Q3 2024, primarily as a result of slightly lower sales volumes, partially offset by higher depreciation expense and increased royalty expense as a result of a higher realized gold price6. Our 45% interest in Kibali is equity accounted and we therefore do not include its cost of sales in our consolidated gold cost of sales. On a per ounce basis, cost of sales applicable to gold7 and total cash costs per ounce6, after including our proportionate share of cost of sales at our equity method investees, were 3% and 5% lower, respectively, than Q3 2024 primarily due to the changes in sales mix across the portfolio partially offset by higher royalties due to an increase in the realized gold price6 ($9/oz impact).
In Q4 2024, gold all-in sustaining costs6 decreased by 4% on a per ounce basis compared to Q3 2024, primarily due to lower total cash costs per ounce6 as described above, and decreased general and administrative expenses. This was partially offset by higher minesite sustaining capital expenditures6.

In Q4 2024, cost of sales applicable to copper was 4% lower than Q3 2024, primarily due to the impact of lower processing and maintenance costs at Lumwana, partially offset by higher copper sales volumes. Our 50% interests in Zaldívar and Jabal Sayid are equity accounted and therefore we do not include their cost of sales in our consolidated copper cost of sales. On a per pound basis, cost of sales applicable to copper7 and C1 cash costs6, after including our proportionate share of cost of sales at our equity method investees, decreased by 19% and 18%, respectively, compared to Q3 2024 primarily due to higher grades processed, higher recoveries and the benefit of diluting the fixed costs over more production at Lumwana.
In Q4 2024, copper all-in sustaining costs6, which have been adjusted to include our proportionate share of equity method investees, were 14% lower per pound than Q3 2024, primarily reflecting lower C1 cash costs per pound6 and lower general and administrative costs, while minesite sustaining capital expenditures6 on a per pound basis were in line with Q3 2024.

2024 compared to 2023
In 2024, cost of sales applicable to gold was 1% higher than the prior year primarily due to higher site operating costs and increased royalties as a result of a higher realized gold price6, partially offset by lower depreciation. On a per ounce basis, cost of sales applicable to gold7, after including our proportionate share of cost of sales at our equity method investees, and total cash costs per ounce6 were 8% and 11% higher, respectively, than the prior year, primarily due to lower production across the portfolio (resulting in reduced fixed cost dilution) together with higher electricity consumption, plant maintenance costs, and gas prices at Pueblo Viejo; lower grades processed and lower recoveries at Carlin; and higher royalties across all sites due to the increase in the realized gold price6 ($23/oz impact).
In 2024, gold all-in sustaining costs per ounce6 increased by 11% compared to the prior year primarily due to higher total cash costs per ounce6, combined with higher minesite sustaining capital expenditures6.
In 2024, cost of sales applicable to copper was 3% lower than the prior year, primarily due to lower volumes sold. Our 50% interests in Zaldívar and Jabal Sayid are equity accounted and therefore we do not include their cost of sales in our consolidated copper cost of sales. On a per pound basis, cost of sales applicable to copper7 after including our proportionate share of cost of sales at our equity method investees increased by 3%, compared to the prior year, primarily due to higher depreciation expense on a per pound sold basis. This was partially offset by lower C1 cash costs per pound6 of 1%, due to higher grades processed, reduced mining costs reflecting an increase in mining efficiencies and higher capitalized stripping at Lumwana.
Copper all-in sustaining costs per pound6 were 7% higher than the prior year, primarily due to higher minesite sustaining capital expenditures6 resulting from higher capitalized waste stripping, reflecting an increase in the strip ratio at Lumwana, partially offset by lower C1 cash costs per pound6, as discussed above.

2024 compared to Guidance
2024 cost of sales applicable to gold7 and gold total cash costs6 were $1,442 and $1,065 per ounce, respectively,
which were both higher than our guidance ranges of $1,320 to $1,420 per ounce and $940 to $1,020 per ounce, respectively. Gold all-in sustaining costs6 for 2024 of $1,484 per ounce were also higher than the guidance range of $1,320 to $1,420 per ounce. All gold cost metrics were higher than the guidance ranges mainly due to higher royalties due to the increase in the realized gold price6 ($25/oz impact) and changes in the sales mix across the portfolio.
2024 cost of sales applicable to copper7 and copper all-in sustaining costs6 were $2.99 per pound and $3.45 per pound, respectively, which were both slightly higher than our guidance ranges of $2.65 to $2.95 per pound and $3.10 to $3.40 per pound, respectively, mainly due to the impact of higher power costs, as efforts to offset the power grid instability included co-generation of power through diesel generators and higher royalties at Lumwana related to the higher realized copper price6. 2024 C1 cash costs6 of $2.26 per pound was within our guidance range of $2.00 to $2.30 per pound.

General and Administrative Expenses 
($ millions) For the three months ended For the years ended 
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Corporate administration 19  25  95 101  125 
Share-based compensationa
(10) 21  20 25  34 
General & administrative expenses 9  46  115 126  159 
2024 Guidance ~$180
a.Based on US$15.71 share price as at December 31, 2024 (September 30, 2024: US$20.45; 2023: US$18.09; 2022: US$17.21).

Q4 2024 compared to Q3 2024
In Q4 2024, general and administrative expenses decreased by 37 million compared to Q3 2024, primarily due to lower share-based compensation. The remeasurement of our share-based compensation liability during the current quarter resulted in a gain due to the decrease in our share price during Q4 2024.

2024 compared to 2023
General and administrative expenses in 2024 decreased by $11 million compared to the prior year due to lower corporate administration expenses attributed to reductions in employee and consultant costs, combined with lower share-based compensation expense as a result of a decrease in our share price.

2024 compared to Guidance
General and administrative expenses in 2024 of $115 million were lower than guidance of ~$180 million. Corporate administration expenses of $95 million were below our guidance of ~$130 million, highlighting the continued benefit of our cost discipline, while share-based compensation expenses of $20 million were lower than our guidance of ~$50 million due to a lower share price during the current year.

Exploration, Evaluation and Project Costs
($ millions) For the three months ended For the years ended
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Global exploration and evaluation 37  45  153 143  123 
Project costs:
Reko Diq 32  30  126 60  14 
Lumwana 0  0 37 
Other 19  19  76 81  138 
Global exploration and evaluation and project expense 88   94  355 321  275 
Minesite exploration and evaluation 8  10  37 40  75 
Total exploration, evaluation and project expenses 96   104  392 361  350 
2024 Actuals 2024 Guidance
E&E 190 180 - 200
Project expenses 202  220 - 240
Total E&E and project expenses 392  400 - 440

Q4 2024 compared to Q3 2024
Exploration, evaluation and project expenses for Q4 2024 decreased by $8 million compared to Q3 2024. This was primarily due to lower global exploration and evaluation costs at Fourmile as the drilling activities are curtailed during the winter months which impacted Q4 2024.

2024 compared to 2023
Exploration, evaluation and project costs for 2024 increased by $31 million compared to 2023, primarily due to higher project costs at Reko Diq due to the ramp-up of project activities, partially offset by lower project costs at Lumwana as the pre-feasibility study work was completed in 2023.

2024 compared to Guidance
Exploration, evaluation and project expenses for 2024 of $392 million were slightly lower than the guidance range. Exploration and evaluation costs of $190 million were within the guidance range, while project expenses of $202 million were below the guidance range, mainly due to the timing of different projects across the portfolio, particularly in the Latin America & Asia Pacific region.
Finance Costs, Net
($ millions) For the three months ended For the years ended
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Interest expensea
113  137  452  387  366 
Accretion 22  23  89  87  66 
Interest capitalized (4) (4) (33) (42) (29)
Gain on debt extinguishment 0  0  (14)
Other finance costs 1  5 
Finance income (64) (76) (281) (269) (94)
Finance costs, net 68   82  232  170  301 
2024 Guidance 260 - 300
a.For Q4 2024 and 2024, interest expense includes approximately $9 million and $33 million, respectively, of non-cash interest expense relating to the streaming agreement with Royal Gold Inc. (Q3 2024: $8 million; 2023: $32 million; 2022: $33 million). Interest expense also includes approximately $18 million and $78 million for Q4 2024 and 2024, respectively, relating to finance costs in Argentina (Q3 2024: $44 million; 2023: $nil; 2022: $nil)

Q4 2024 compared to Q3 2024
In Q4 2024, finance costs, net decreased by 17% compared to Q3 2024, mainly due to lower interest expense due to decreased finance costs in Argentina associated with cash repatriation, partially offset by lower finance income.

2024 compared to 2023
In 2024, finance costs, net were 36% higher than the prior year, primarily due to higher interest expense due to increased finance costs in Argentina associated with cash repatriation, partially offset by higher finance income.

2024 compared to Guidance
Finance costs, net for 2024 of $232 million were lower than the guidance range of $260 to $300 million, mainly due to higher than expected finance income earned on our cash balance resulting from higher revenue from higher metal prices.

Additional Significant Statement of Income Items
($ millions) For the three months ended For the years ended
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Impairment charges (reversals) (477) (457) 312  1,671 
Loss on currency translation 18  39  93  16 
Closed mine rehabilitation 11  59  59  16  (136)
Other (income) expense 71   46  214   (195) (268)


Impairment Charges (Reversals)
($ millions) For the three months ended For the years ended
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Asset impairments (reversals)
Lumwana (655) (655) 23 
Veladero (437) (437) 490 
Carlin 82  82 
Long Canyon 49  49  280  85 
Tanzania 0  0  22 
Reko Diq 0  0  (120)
Other 0  20 
Total asset impairment charges (reversals) (961) (941) 312  483 
Loulo-Gounkoto 484  484  1,188 
Total goodwill impairment charges 484   484   1,188 
Total impairment charges (reversals) (477) (457) 312  1,671 

In Q4 2024 and the full year 2024, we recognized $961 million and $941 million, respectively, of net impairment reversals, mainly due to non-current asset impairment reversals of $655 million at Lumwana as a result of the inclusion of the Super Pit Expansion in the LOM plan and higher copper prices, and of $437 million at Veladero, reflecting higher gold prices, extended mine life and lower country risk. In addition, we recognized a goodwill impairment of $484 million at Loulo-Gounkoto (refer to Key Business Developments. This compares to net impairment charges of $312 million in 2023, mainly due to a non-current asset impairment of $280 million at Long Canyon as we decided not to pursue the permitting associated with Phase 2 mining, removed those ounces from our LOM plan and placed the mine on care and maintenance.
Refer to note 21 to the Financial Statements for a full description of impairment charges, including pre-tax amounts and sensitivity analysis.

Loss on Currency Translation
Loss on currency translation in Q4 2024 increased by $14 million compared to Q3 2024, as a result of realized foreign currency losses related to the Chilean peso, whereas there were unrealized gains on the Chilean peso in Q3 2024. These realized losses were hedged, with a corresponding gain on non-hedge derivatives in other income.
Loss on currency translation for 2024 decreased by $54 million compared to 2023, mainly due to the unrealized foreign currency losses in the prior year related to the Argentine peso, and the Zambian kwacha resulting from the high inflation levels and the country’s debt restructuring concerns in 2023. This was partially offset with the depreciation of the Chilean peso in 2024, compared to a gain in 2023.
Currency fluctuations result in a revaluation of our local currency denominated VAT receivables and local currency denominated payable balances.

Closed mine rehabilitation
Closed mine rehabilitation in 2024 includes higher closure cost estimates at various closure sites, including an update in Q3 2024 to the provision relating to a legacy mine site operated by Homestake Mining Company that was closed prior to the 2001 acquisition by Barrick. This was partially offset by gains in both Q4 2024 and 2024 resulting from an increase in the market real risk-free rate used to discount the closure provision, while the market real risk-free rate decreased in both Q3 2024 and 2023.

Other (Income) Expense
In Q4 2024, other expense was $71 million, while 2024 was $214 million. Other expense in Q4 2024 mainly relates to the $84 million payment to the Government of Mali to advance negotiations and the $60 million customs and royalty settlement at Tongon, partially offset by the insurance proceeds received in relation to the claim for the 2023 conveyor failure at Pueblo Viejo and the gain on sale of miscellaneous non-current assets. In Q3 2024, other expense primarily related to the $40 million accrual relating to the road construction in Tanzania per our community investment obligations under the Twiga partnership. The full year 2024 was further impacted by interest and penalties recognized following the settlement of the Zaldívar Tax Assessment in Chile (refer to note 35 of the Financial Statements). The other income of $195 million in 2023 mainly related to a gain of $352 million as the conditions for the reopening of the Porgera mine were completed on December 22, 2023, partially offset by care and maintenance expenses at Porgera, and the $30 million commitment we made towards the expansion of education infrastructure in Tanzania per our community investment obligations under the Twiga partnership.
For a further breakdown of other expense (income), refer to note 9 to the Financial Statements.

Income Tax Expense
Income tax expense was ### in ###. The unadjusted effective income tax rate for ### was ### of the income before income taxes.
The underlying effective income tax rate on ordinary income for ### was 25% after adjusting for the impact of net impairment reversals; the resolution of uncertain tax positions; the impact of foreign currency translation losses on current and deferred tax balances; the impact of the recognition and de-recognition of deferred tax assets; the impact of updates to the rehabilitation provision for our non-operating mines; the impact of the sale of non-current assets; the impact of prior year adjustments; the impact of the community relations projects at Tanzania per our community investment obligations under the Twiga partnership; and the impact of other expense adjustments.
We record deferred tax charges or credits if changes in facts or circumstances affect the estimated tax basis of assets and, therefore, the expectations in our ability to realize deferred tax assets. The interpretation of tax regulations and legislation as well as their application to our business is complex and subject to change. We have significant amounts of deferred tax assets, including tax loss carryforwards, and also deferred tax liabilities. We also have significant amounts of unrecognized deferred tax assets (e.g. for tax losses in Canada). Potential changes in any of these amounts, as well as our ability to realize deferred tax assets, could significantly affect net income or

cash flow in future periods. For further details on income tax expense, refer to note 12 to the Financial Statements.
Reconciliation to Canadian Statutory Rate
For the years ended 12/31/24 12/31/23
At 26.5% statutory rate 1,221   746 
Increase (decrease) due to:
Allowances and special tax deductionsa
(211) (184)
Impact of foreign tax ratesb
18  (79)
Non-deductible expenses / (non-taxable income) 111  72 
Goodwill impairment charges not tax deductible 145  — 
Taxable gains on sales of non-current assets 2 
Net currency translation losses on current and deferred tax balances 52  289 
Tax impact from pass-through entities and equity accounted investments (263) (183)
Current year tax results sheltered by previously unrecognized deferred tax assets (5) (22)
Recognition and derecognition of deferred tax assets (26) (142)
Settlements and adjustments in respect of prior years 116  23 
Increase to income tax related contingent liabilities 1  54 
Impact of tax rate changes   (2)
Withholding taxes 70  61 
Mining taxes 290  224 
Tax impact of amounts recognized within accumulated OCI   (2)
Other items (1) — 
Income tax expense 1,520  861 
a.We are able to claim certain allowances, incentives and tax deductions unique to extractive industries that result in a lower effective tax rate.
b.We operate in multiple foreign tax jurisdictions that have tax rates different than the Canadian statutory rate.

The more significant items impacting income tax expense in 2024 and 2023 include the following:

Currency Translation
Current and deferred tax balances are subject to remeasurement for changes in foreign currency exchange rates each period. This is required in countries where tax is paid in local currency and the subsidiary has a different functional currency (typically US dollars). The most significant relate to Argentine and Malian tax balances.
In 2024, a net tax expense of $52 million arose from translation losses on tax balances, mainly due to the weakening of the Argentine peso and the West African CFA franc against the US dollar. In 2023, a tax expense of $289 million arose from translation losses on tax balances, mainly due to the weakening of the Argentine peso and strengthening of the West African CFA franc against the US dollar. These net translation losses are included within income tax expense.

Withholding Taxes
In 2024, we have recorded $3 million (###: $5 million) of dividend withholding taxes related to the undistributed earnings of our subsidiaries in Saudi Arabia. We have also recorded $45 million (2023: $26 million, related to Saudi Arabia, Tanzania and the United States) of dividend withholding taxes related to the distributed earnings of our subsidiaries in Saudi Arabia, Peru and the United States.

Accounting for Joint Ventures and Associates
NGM is a limited liability company treated as a flow through partnership for US tax purposes. The partnership is not subject to federal income tax directly, but each of its partners is liable for tax on its share of the profits of the partnership. As such, Barrick accounts for its current and deferred income tax associated with the investment (61.5% share) following the principles in IAS 12.

Mining Taxes
NGM is subject to a Net Proceeds of Minerals tax in Nevada at a rate of 5% and the tax expense recorded in 2024 was $145 million (###: $105 million). The other significant mining tax is the Dominican Republic’s Net Profits Interest tax, which is determined based on cash flows as defined by the Pueblo Viejo Special Lease Agreement. A tax expense of $134 million (2023: $nil) was recorded for this in 2024. Both taxes are included on a consolidated basis in the Company's consolidated statements of income.

United States Tax Reform
In August 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (「the Act」) into law. The Act includes a 15% corporate alternative minimum tax (「CAMT」) that is imposed on applicable financial statement income and therefore would be considered in scope for IAS 12 given it is a tax on profits. The CAMT is effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2022 and CAMT credit carryforwards have an indefinite life. Barrick is subject to CAMT because the Company meets the applicable income thresholds for a foreign-parented multinational group.
In Q3 2024, the US Treasury and IRS released proposed regulations detailing the application of CAMT followed by some technical corrections released on December 23, 2024. Some rules would apply to tax years ending after September 13, 2024, while the rest would generally apply to tax years ending after the final regulations are published. Comments on the technical corrections were due on January 16, 2025 and we are still awaiting the final regulations to be released.
For 2024, the deferred tax asset arising from the CAMT credit carryforwards has been recognized on the basis we expect that it will be recovered against US Federal Income Tax in the future.

A deferred tax expense of $321 million (2023: deferred tax recovery of $55 million primarily related to the impairment at Long Canyon) was recorded primarily related to the impairment reversal at our Lumwana and Veladero mines.

Financial Condition Review      
Summary Balance Sheet and Key Financial Ratios    
($ millions, except ratios and share amounts)
As at December 31 2024  2023  2022 
Total cash and equivalents 4,074  4,148  4,440 
Current assets 3,558  3,290  4,025 
Non-current assets 39,994  38,373  37,500 
Total Assets 47,626   45,811  45,965 
Current liabilities excluding short-term debt 2,618   2,345  3,107 
Non-current liabilities excluding long-term debta
7,023  6,738  6,787 
Debt (current and long-term) 4,729  4,726  4,782 
Total Liabilities 14,370   13,809  14,676 
Total shareholders’ equity 24,290   23,341  22,771 
Non-controlling interests 8,966  8,661  8,518 
Total Equity 33,256   32,002  31,289 
Total common shares outstanding (millions of shares)b
1,727   1,756  1,755 
Debt, net of cash 655   578  342 
Key Financial Ratios:      
Current ratioc
2.89:1 3.16:1 2.71:1
Debt-to-equity d
0.14:1 0.15:1 0.15:1
Net leveragee
0.1:1 0.1:1 0.1:1
a.Non-current financial liabilities as at December 31, 2024 were $5,215 million (2023: $5,221 million; 2022: $5,314 million).
b.As of February 4, 2025, the number of common shares outstanding is 1,727,100,407.
c.Represents current assets (excluding assets held-for-sale) divided by current liabilities (including short-term debt and excluding liabilities held-for-sale) as at December 31, 2024, December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022.
d.Represents debt divided by total shareholders’ equity (including minority interest) as at December 31, 2024, December 31, 2023, and December 31, 2022.
e.Further information on these non-GAAP financial measures, including detailed reconciliations, is included on pages 59 to 75 of this MD&A.

Balance Sheet Review
Total assets were $47.6 billion at December 31, 2024, higher than total assets at December 31, 2023, mainly due to an increase in property, plant and equipment.
Our asset base is primarily comprised of non-current assets such as property, plant and equipment and equity method investments, reflecting the capital-intensive nature of the mining business and our history of growth through acquisitions and creation of joint ventures with other mining companies. Other significant assets include production inventories, indirect taxes recoverable and receivable, concentrate sales receivables, other government transaction and joint venture related receivables, as well as cash and equivalents.
Total liabilities at December 31, 2024 were $14.4 billion, in line with total liabilities at December 31, 2023. Our liabilities are primarily comprised of debt, other non-current liabilities (such as provisions and deferred income tax liabilities), and accounts payable.

Financial Position and Liquidity
We believe we have sufficient financial resources to meet our business requirements for the foreseeable future, including capital expenditures, working capital requirements, interest payments, environmental rehabilitation, securities buybacks and dividends.
Total cash and cash equivalents as at December 31, 2024 were $4.1 billion. Our capital structure comprises a mix of debt, non-controlling interest (primarily at NGM) and shareholders’ equity. As at December 31, 2024, our total debt was $4.7 billion (debt, net of cash and equivalents was $655 million) and our debt-to-equity ratio was 0.14:1. This compares to debt as at December 31, 2023 of $4.7
billion (debt, net of cash and cash equivalents was $578 million), and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.15:1.
In 2025, we have capital commitments of $553 million and expect to incur attributable sustaining and project capital expenditures6 of approximately $3,100 to $3,600 million based on our guidance range on page 10. In 2025, we have contractual obligations and commitments of $740 million associated with purchase obligations for supplies and consumables. In addition, we have $286 million in interest payments and other amounts as detailed in the table on page 57. We expect to fund these commitments through operating cash flow, which is our primary source of liquidity, as well as existing cash balances as necessary. As previously disclosed, we have authorized a share buyback program, where we may purchase up to $1 billion of Barrick’s shares. We purchased $498 million of shares under this program in 2024, including $354 million during Q4.
We also have a performance dividend policy that enhances shareholder returns when the Company's liquidity is strong. In addition to our base dividend, the amount of the performance dividend on a quarterly basis will be based on the amount of cash, net of debt, on our balance sheet at the end of each quarter as per the schedule below.


Performance Dividend Level Threshold Level Quarterly Base Dividend Quarterly Performance Dividend Quarterly Total Dividend
Level I Net cash <$0 $0.10
per share
per share
per share
Level II Net cash
>$0 and <$0.5B
per share
per share
per share
Level III Net cash
>$0.5B and <$1B
per share
per share
per share
Level IV Net cash >$1B $0.10
per share
per share
per share

The declaration and payment of dividends is at the discretion of the Board of Directors, and will depend on the company’s financial results, cash requirements, future prospects, the number of outstanding common shares, and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.
Our operating cash flow is dependent on the ability of our operations to deliver projected future cash flows. The market prices of gold and to a lesser extent, copper, are the primary drivers of our operating cash flow. Other options to enhance liquidity include portfolio optimization; issuance of equity or long-term debt securities in the public markets or to private investors (Moody’s and S&P currently rate Barrick’s outstanding long-term debt as investment grade, with ratings of A3 and BBB+, respectively); and drawing on the $3.0 billion available under our undrawn Credit Facility (subject to compliance with covenants and the making of certain representations and warranties, this facility is available for drawdown as a source of financing). In May 2024, we completed an update to our undrawn $3.0 billion revolving Credit Facility, including an extension of the termination date by one year to May 2029. The revolving Credit Facility incorporates sustainability-linked metrics which are made up of annual environmental and social performance targets directly influenced by Barrick's actions, rather than based on external ratings. The performance targets include Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions intensity, water use efficiency (reuse and recycling rates), and TRIFR8. Barrick may incur positive or negative pricing adjustments on drawn credit spreads and standby fees based on its sustainability performance versus the targets that have been set. The Credit Facility was undrawn as at December 31, 2024. The key financial covenant in our undrawn Credit Facility requires Barrick to maintain a net debt to total capitalization ratio of less than 0.60:1. Barrick’s net debt to total capitalization ratio was 0.02:1 as at December 31, 2024 (0.02:1 as at December 31, 2023).

Summary of Cash Inflow (Outflow)
($ millions) For the three months ended For the years ended
  12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Net cash provided by operating activities 1,392  1,180  4,491  3,732  3,481 
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (891) (736) (3,174) (3,086) (3,049)
Funding of equity method investments (4) (59)
Dividends received from equity method investments 71  38  198  273  869 
Shareholder loan repayments from equity method investments 16  49  155 
Investment (purchases) sales 20  44  97  (23) 381 
Other 10  19  13  88 
Total investing outflows (778) (603) (2,764) (2,816) (1,711)
Financing activities
Net change in debta
(3) (4) (14) (56) (395)
(172) (174) (696) (700) (1,143)
Net disbursements to non-controlling interests (291) (110) (639) (514) (833)
Share buyback program (354) (95) (498) (424)
Other 58  (4) 52  65  191 
Total financing outflows (762) (387) (1,795) (1,205) (2,604)
Effect of exchange rate (3) (1) (6) (3) (6)
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents (151) 189  (74) (292) (840)
a.The difference between the net change in debt on a cash basis and the net change on the balance sheet is due to changes in non-cash charges, specifically the unwinding of discounts and amortization of debt issue costs.
b.For the three months and year ended December 31, 2024, we declared and paid dividends per share in US dollars totaling $0.10 and $0.40, respectively (September 30, 2024: declared and paid $0.10; 2023: declared and paid $0.40; 2022: declared and paid $0.65).

Q4 2024 compared to Q3 2024
In Q4 2024, we generated $1,392 million in operating cash flow, compared to $1,180 million in Q3 2024. The increase of $212 million was primarily due to a higher realized gold price6 and a decrease in both gold total cash costs per ounce6 and copper C1 cash costs per pound6. These impacts were slightly offset by a decrease in the realized copper price6. Operating cash flow was further impacted by a favorable working capital movement, mainly in accounts receivable and accounts payable. These results were partially offset by an increase in cash taxes paid and higher interest paid as a result of the timing of semi-annual interest payments on our bonds, which primarily occur in the second and fourth quarters. Operating cash flow in Q4 2024

was also negatively impacted by the restrictions placed by the Government of Mali on our ability to ship and sell gold (for more detail, refer to note 35 of the Financial Statements).
Cash outflows from investing activities in Q4 2024 were $778 million, compared to $603 million in Q3 2024. The increased outflow of $175 million was primarily due to an increase in capital expenditures primarily due to higher project capital expenditures6 including down payments on the order of long lead items for the Lumwana Super Pit Expansion project, which includes the mining fleet.
Net financing cash outflows for Q4 2024 amounted to $762 million, compared to $387 million in Q3 2024. The increased outflow of $375 million was primarily due to higher repurchases of shares under our share buyback program compared to Q3 2024, combined with higher net disbursements to non-controlling interests, primarily to Newmont in relation to their interest in NGM and Pueblo Viejo.

2024 compared to 2023
In 2024, we generated $4,491 million in operating cash flow, compared to $3,732 million in 2023. The increase of $759 million was primarily due to a higher realized gold price6, partially offset by lower gold sales volumes and an increase in gold total cash costs per ounce6. Operating cash flow was further impacted by higher cash taxes paid relative to 2023. Operating cash flow in 2024 was also negatively impacted by the restrictions placed by the Government of Mali on our ability to ship and sell gold (for more detail, refer to note 35 of the Financial Statements).
Cash outflows from investing activities for 2024 were $2,764 million compared to $2,816 million in 2023. The decreased outflow of $52 million was primarily due to shareholder loan repayments made by equity method investments, in particular Kibali, and cash proceeds received from the sale of some of our investments in other mining companies. Cash flows from investing activities were negatively impacted by higher capital expenditures as a result of higher minesite sustaining capital expenditures6, partially offset by lower project capital expenditures6. Higher minesite capital expenditures6 were driven by increased capitalized stripping at Lumwana and the purchase of the Komatsu-930 truck fleet at Carlin. Project capital expenditures6 were lower as the Pueblo Viejo plant expansion project and TS Solar Project at NGM were substantially completed in 2023, partially offset by early works expenditure at Reko Diq and the down payments on the order of long lead items for the Lumwana Super Pit Expansion project, which includes the mining fleet. These impacts were further impacted by lower cash dividends received from equity method investments, in particular Kibali, as well as the funding provided to Porgera.
Net financing cash outflows for 2024 amounted to $1,795 million, compared to $1,205 million in 2023. The higher outflow of $590 million is primarily due to the repurchases of shares under our share buyback program in 2024, combined with higher net disbursements to non-controlling interests, primarily to Newmont in relation to their interest in NGM and Pueblo Viejo.

Summary of Financial Instrumentsa
As at December 31, 2024
Financial Instrument Principal/Notional Amount
 Associated  Risks
n  Interest rate
Cash and equivalents $4,074  million
n   Credit
n   Credit
Accounts receivable $763  million
n   Market
n  Interest rate
Notes receivable $217  million
n   Credit
n  Interest rate
Kibali joint venture receivable $462  million
n   Credit
n  Interest rate
Norte Abierto joint venture partner receivable $74  million
n   Credit
n  Interest rate
Restricted cash $65  million
n   Credit
Other investments $42  million
n   Liquidity
Accounts payable   $1,613  million
n   Liquidity
Debt   $4,749  million
n  Interest rate
Other liabilities $595  million
n   Liquidity
Restricted share units   $39  million
n   Market
Deferred share units   $12  million
n   Market
a.Refer to notes 25, 26 and 28 to the Financial Statements for more information regarding financial instruments, fair value measurements and financial risk management, respectively.


Commitments and Contingencies

Litigation and Claims
We are currently subject to various litigation proceedings as disclosed in note 35 to the Financial Statements, and we may be involved in disputes with other parties in the future that may result in litigation. If we are unable to resolve these disputes favorably, it may have a material adverse impact on our financial condition, cash flow and results of operations.
Contractual Obligations and Commitments
In the normal course of business, we enter into contracts that give rise to commitments for future minimum payments. The following table summarizes the remaining contractual maturities of our financial liabilities and operating and capital commitments shown on an undiscounted basis:
($ millions) Payments due as at December 31, 2024
   2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 and thereafter Total
Repayment of principal 11  47  4,632  4,690 
Capital leases 13  11  11  12  59 
Interest 286  283  280  279  278  2,660  4,066 
Provisions for environmental rehabilitationb
229  139  105  157  132  1,831  2,593 
Restricted share units 29  10  39 
Pension benefits and other post-retirement benefits 62  84 
Purchase obligations for supplies and consumablesc
740  270  250  164  142  55  1,621 
Capital commitmentsd
553  52  605 
Social development costse
56  29  58  156 
Other obligationsf
72  68  60  60  68  485  813 
Total 1,994  914  717  675  631  9,795  14,726 
a.Debt and Interest: Our debt obligations do not include any subjective acceleration clauses or other clauses that enable the holder of the debt to call for early repayment, except in the event that we breach any of the terms and conditions of the debt or for other customary events of default. We are not required to post any collateral under any debt obligations. Projected interest payments on variable rate debt were based on interest rates in effect at December 31, 2024. Interest is calculated on our long-term debt obligations using both fixed and variable rates.
b.Provisions for environmental rehabilitation: Amounts presented in the table represent the undiscounted uninflated future payments for the expected cost of provisions for environmental rehabilitation.
c.Purchase obligations for supplies and consumables: Includes commitments related to new purchase obligations to secure supplies of consumables such as acid, tires and cyanide for our production process.
d.Capital commitments: Purchase obligations for capital expenditures include only those items where binding commitments have been entered into.    
e.Social development costs: Includes a commitment of $14 million in 2030 and thereafter related to the funding of a power transmission line in Argentina.
f.Other obligations includes the Pueblo Viejo joint venture partner shareholder loan, the deposit on the Pascua-Lama silver sale agreement with Wheaton Precious Metals CORP. due in 2039, and minimum royalty payments.

Review of Quarterly Results

Quarterly Informationa
   2024 2023
($ millions, except where indicated) Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Revenues 3,645  3,368  3,162  2,747  3,059  2,862  2,833  2,643 
Realized price per ounce – goldb
2,657  2,494  2,344  2,075  1,986  1,928  1,972  1,902 
Realized price per pound – copperb
3.96  4.27  4.53  3.86  3.78  3.78  3.70  4.20 
Cost of sales 1,995  2,051  1,979  1,936  2,139  1,915  1,937  1,941 
Net earnings 996  483  370  295  479  368  305  120 
     Per share (dollars)c
0.57  0.28  0.21  0.17  0.27  0.21  0.17  0.07 
Adjusted net earningsb
794  529  557  333  466  418  336  247 
     Per share (dollars)b,c
0.46  0.30  0.32  0.19  0.27  0.24  0.19  0.14 
Operating cash flow 1,392  1,180  1,159  760  997  1,127  832  776 
Cash consolidated capital expendituresd
891  736  819  728  861  768  769  688 
Free cash flowb
501  444  340  32  136  359  63  88 
a.Sum of all the quarters may not add up to the annual total due to rounding.
b.Further information on these non-GAAP financial measures, including detailed reconciliations, is included on pages 59 to 75 of this MD&A.
c.Calculated using weighted average number of shares outstanding under the basic method of earnings per share.
d. Amounts presented on a consolidated cash basis.
Our recent financial results reflect our emphasis on cost discipline, an agile management structure that empowers our site based leadership teams and a portfolio of Tier One Gold Assets1. This, combined with ongoing strength in gold and copper prices, has resulted in strong operating cash flows over the past several quarters. The positive operating cash flow generated has allowed us to continue to reinvest in our business including our key growth projects, maintain a strong balance sheet and increase returns to shareholders.
In addition to the strength in metal prices, net earnings has also been impacted by the following items in each quarter, which have been excluded from adjusted net earnings6. In Q4 2024, we recorded non-current asset impairment reversals of $655 million at Lumwana and of
$437 million at Veladero. In addition, we recorded a goodwill impairment of $484 million related to Loulo-Gounkoto. In Q2 2024, we recorded a provision following the proposed settlement of the Zaldívar Tax Assessments in Chile (refer to note 35 of the Financial Statements). In the Q4 2023, we recorded a gain of $352 million as the conditions for the reopening of the Porgera mine were completed on December 22, 2023. In addition, we recorded a non-current asset impairment of $280 million at Long Canyon. In Q1 2023, we recorded a loss on currency translation of $38 million, mainly related to the devaluation of the Zambian kwacha, and a $30 million commitment towards the expansion of education infrastructure in Tanzania per our community investment obligations under the Twiga partnership.

Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures. Internal control over financial reporting is a framework designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS. The Company’s internal control over financial reporting framework includes those policies and procedures that: (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the Company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the Company’s assets that could have
a material effect on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.
Disclosure controls and procedures form a broader framework designed to provide reasonable assurance that other financial information disclosed publicly fairly presents in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company for the periods presented in this MD&A and Barrick’s Annual Report. The Company’s disclosure controls and procedures framework includes processes designed to ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to management by others within those entities to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Together, the internal control over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures frameworks provide internal control over financial reporting and disclosure. Due to its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting and disclosure may not prevent or detect all misstatements. Further, the effectiveness of internal control is subject to the risk that

controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with policies or procedures may change.
There were no changes in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting during the year ended December 31, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.
The management of Barrick, at the direction of our President and Chief Executive Officer and Senior Executive Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of internal control over financial reporting as of the end of the period covered by this report based on the framework and criteria
established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) as issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Based on that evaluation, management concluded that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was effective as at December 31, 2024.
Barrick’s annual management report on internal control over financial reporting and the integrated audit report of Barrick’s auditors for the year ended December 31, 2024 will be included in Barrick’s 2024 Annual Report and its 2024 Form 40-F/Annual Information Form to be filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities.

IFRS Critical Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Management has discussed the development and selection of our critical accounting estimates with the Audit & Risk Committee of the Board of Directors, and the Audit & Risk Committee has reviewed the disclosure relating to such estimates in conjunction with its review of this MD&A. The accounting policies and methods we utilize determine how we report our financial condition and results of operations, and they may require management to make estimates or rely on assumptions about matters that are inherently uncertain. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS. Our material accounting policies are disclosed in note 2 to the Financial Statements, including a summary of current and future changes in accounting policies.
Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgments
Certain accounting estimates have been identified as being 「critical」 to the presentation of our financial condition and results of operations because they require us to make subjective and/or complex judgments about matters that are inherently uncertain; or there is a reasonable likelihood that materially different amounts could be reported under different conditions or using different assumptions and estimates. Our significant accounting judgments, estimates and assumptions are disclosed in note 3 to the accompanying Financial Statements.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Adjusted Net Earnings and Adjusted Net Earnings per Share
Adjusted net earnings is a non-GAAP financial measure which excludes the following from net earnings:
Impairment charges (reversals) related to intangibles, goodwill, property, plant and equipment, and investments;
Acquisition/disposition gains/losses;
Foreign currency translation gains/losses;
Significant tax adjustments;
Other items that are not indicative of the underlying operating performance of our core mining business; and
Tax effect and non-controlling interest of the above items.
Management uses this measure internally to evaluate our underlying operating performance for the reporting periods presented and to assist with the planning and forecasting of future operating results. Management believes that adjusted net earnings is a useful measure of our performance because impairment charges, acquisition/disposition gains/losses and significant tax adjustments do not reflect the underlying operating performance of our core mining business and are not necessarily indicative of future operating results. Furthermore, foreign currency translation gains/losses are not necessarily reflective of the underlying operating results for the reporting periods presented. The
tax effect and non-controlling interest of the adjusting items are also excluded to reconcile the amounts to Barrick’s share on a post-tax basis, consistent with net earnings.
As noted, we use this measure for internal purposes. Management’s internal budgets and forecasts and public guidance do not reflect the types of items we adjust for. Consequently, the presentation of adjusted net earnings enables investors and analysts to better understand the underlying operating performance of our core mining business through the eyes of management. Management periodically evaluates the components of adjusted net earnings based on an internal assessment of performance measures that are useful for evaluating the operating performance of our business segments and a review of the non-GAAP financial measures used by mining industry analysts and other mining companies.
Adjusted net earnings is intended to provide additional information only and does not have any standardized definition under IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. The measures are not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flow from operations as determined under IFRS. Other companies may calculate these measures differently. The following table reconciles these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable IFRS measure.


Reconciliation of Net Earnings to Net Earnings per Share, Adjusted Net Earnings and Adjusted Net Earnings per Share
For the three months ended For the years ended
($ millions, except per share amounts in dollars) 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Net earnings attributable to equity holders of the Company 996  483  2,144  1,272  432 
Impairment (reversals) charges related to non-current assetsa
(477) (457) 312  1,671 
Acquisition/disposition gainsb
(17) (1) (24) (364) (405)
Loss on currency translation 18  39  93  16 
Significant tax adjustmentsc
1  (30) 137  220  95 
Other expense adjustmentsd
113  97  249  96  17 
Non-controlling intereste
(159) (7) (170) (98) (274)
Tax effecte
319  (19) 295  (64) (226)
Adjusted net earnings 794  529  2,213  1,467  1,326 
Net earnings per sharef
0.57   0.28  1.22   0.72  0.24 
Adjusted net earnings per sharef
0.46  0.30  1.26  0.84  0.75 
a.Net impairment (reversals) charges for Q4 2024 and 2024 mainly relate to long-lived asset impairment reversals at Lumwana and Veladero, partially offset by a goodwill impairment at Loulo-Gounkoto. Net impairment charges for 2023 mainly relate to a long-lived asset impairment at Long Canyon. For 2022, net impairment charges primarily relate to a goodwill impairment at Loulo-Gounkoto, and non-current asset impairments at Veladero and Long Canyon, partially offset by an impairment reversal at Reko Diq.
b.Acquisition/disposition gains for Q4 2024 and 2024 relate to miscellaneous assets. For 2023, acquisition/disposition gains primarily relate to a gain on the reopening of the Porgera mine. For 2022, acquisition/disposition gains primarily relate to a gain as Barrick’s interest in the Reko Diq project increased from 37.5% to 50%, as well as the sale of two royalty portfolios.
c.Significant tax adjustments in 2024 and 2023 primarily relate to the resolution of uncertain tax positions; the impact of prior year adjustments; the impact of nondeductible foreign exchange losses; and the recognition and derecognition of deferred tax assets.
d.Other expense adjustments for Q4 2024 and 2024 mainly relate to a payment to the Government of Mali to advance negotiations and a customs and royalty settlement at Tongon. 2024 was further impacted by the interest and penalties recognized following the proposed settlement of the Zaldívar Tax Assessments in Chile, which was recorded in Q2 2024, a provision made relating to a legacy mine site operated by Homestake Mining Company that was closed prior to the 2001 acquisition by Barrick, and an accrual relating to the road construction in Tanzania per our community investment obligations under the Twiga partnership. For 2023, other expense adjustments mainly relate to changes in the discount rate assumptions on our closed mine rehabilitation provision, care and maintenance expenses at Porgera and the $30 million commitment we made towards the expansion of education infrastructure in Tanzania. For 2022, other expense adjustments mainly relate to a net realizable value impairment of leach pad inventory at Veladero, care and maintenance expenses at Porgera and supplies obsolescence write-off at Bulyanhulu and North Mara.
e.Non-controlling interest and tax effect for 2024 primarily relates to impairment (reversals) charges related to non-current assets.
f.Calculated using weighted average number of shares outstanding under the basic method of earnings per share.

Free Cash Flow
Free cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure that deducts capital expenditures from net cash provided by operating activities. Management believes this to be a useful indicator of our ability to operate without reliance on additional borrowing or usage of existing cash.
Free cash flow is intended to provide additional information only and does not have any standardized definition under IFRS, and should not be considered in
isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. The measure is not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flow from operations as determined under IFRS. Other companies may calculate this measure differently. The following table reconciles this non-GAAP financial measure to the most directly comparable IFRS measure.

Reconciliation of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities to Free Cash Flow 
For the three months ended For the years ended
  ($ millions) 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Net cash provided by operating activities 1,392  1,180  4,491  3,732  3,481 
Capital expenditures (891) (736) (3,174) (3,086) (3,049)
Free cash flow 501  444  1,317  646  432 

Capital Expenditures
Capital expenditures are classified into minesite sustaining capital expenditures or project capital expenditures depending on the nature of the expenditure. Minesite sustaining capital expenditures is the capital spending required to support delivery of the current mine plan. Project capital expenditures represent the capital spending at new projects and major, discrete projects at existing operations intended to increase net present value through higher production or longer mine life. Management believes this to be a useful indicator of the purpose of

capital expenditures and this distinction is an input into the calculation of all-in sustaining costs per ounce.
Classifying capital expenditures is intended to provide additional information only and does not have any standardized definition under IFRS, and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. Other companies may calculate these measures differently. The following table reconciles these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable IFRS measure.

Reconciliation of the Classification of Capital Expenditures 
For the three months ended For the years ended
  ($ millions) 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures 525  511  2,217  2,076  2,071 
Project capital expenditures 362  221  924  969  949 
Capitalized interest 4  33  41  29 
Total consolidated capital expenditures 891  736  3,174  3,086  3,049 

Total cash costs per ounce, All-in sustaining costs per ounce, C1 cash costs per pound and All-in sustaining costs per pound

Total cash costs per ounce and all-in sustaining costs per ounce are non-GAAP financial measures which are calculated based on the definition published by the WGC (a market development organization for the gold industry comprised of and funded by gold mining companies from around the world, including Barrick). The WGC is not a regulatory organization. Management uses these measures to monitor the performance of our gold mining operations and its ability to generate positive cash flow, both on an individual site basis and an overall company basis.
Total cash costs start with our cost of sales related to gold production and removes depreciation, the non-controlling interest of cost of sales and includes by-product credits. All-in sustaining costs start with total cash costs and includes sustaining capital expenditures, sustaining leases, general and administrative costs, minesite exploration and evaluation costs related to the current mine plan and reclamation cost accretion and amortization. These additional costs reflect the expenditures made to maintain current production levels.
We believe that our use of total cash costs and all-in sustaining costs will assist analysts, investors and other stakeholders of Barrick in understanding the costs associated with producing gold, understanding the economics of gold mining, assessing our operating performance and also our ability to generate free cash flow from current operations and on an overall company basis. Due to the capital-intensive nature of the industry and the long useful lives over which these items are depreciated, there CAN be a signifiCANt timing difference between net earnings calculated in accordance with IFRS and the amount of free cash flow that is generated by a mine and therefore we believe these measures are useful non-GAAP operating metrics and supplement our IFRS disclosures. These measures are not representative of all of our cash expenditures as they do not include income tax payments, interest costs or dividend payments. These measures do not include depreciation or amortization.
Total cash costs per ounce and all-in sustaining costs are intended to provide additional information only and do not have standardized definitions under IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. These measures are not equivalent to net income or cash flow from operations as determined under IFRS. Although the WGC has published a standardized definition, other companies may calculate these measures differently.
In addition to presenting these metrics on a by-product basis, we have calculated these metrics on a co-product basis. Our co-product metrics remove the impact of other metal sales that are produced as a by-product of our gold production from cost per ounce calculations but does not reflect a reduction in costs for costs associated with other metal sales.
C1 cash costs per pound and all-in sustaining costs per pound are non-GAAP financial measures related to our copper mine operations. We believe that C1 cash costs per pound enables investors to better understand the performance of our copper operations in comparison to other copper producers who present results on a similar basis. C1 cash costs per pound excludes royalties and production taxes and non-routine charges as they are not direct production costs. All-in sustaining costs per pound is similar to the gold all-in sustaining costs metric and management uses this to better evaluate the costs of copper production. We believe this measure enables investors to better understand the operating performance of our copper mines as this measure reflects all of the sustaining expenditures incurred in order to produce copper. All-in sustaining costs per pound includes C1 cash costs, sustaining capital expenditures, sustaining leases, general and administrative costs, minesite exploration and evaluation costs, royalties and production taxes, reclamation cost accretion and amortization and write-downs taken on inventory to net realizable value.


Reconciliation of Gold Cost of Sales to Total cash costs and All-in sustaining costs, including on a per ounce basis
  For the three months ended For the years ended
  ($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars)  Footnote 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 1,810  1,856  7,226  7,178  6,813 
 Depreciation (424) (409) (1,641) (1,756) (1,756)
Cash cost of sales applicable to equity method investments 90  93  316  260  222 
By-product credits (58) (58) (247) (252) (225)
Non-recurring items a 0  0  (23)
Other b 4  14  18  (23)
Non-controlling interests c (413) (417) (1,623) (1,578) (1,442)
Total cash costs   1,009   1,068  4,045   3,870  3,566 
   General & administrative costs 9  46  115  126  159 
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs d 8  10  37  40  75 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures e 525  511  2,217  2,076  2,071 
Sustaining leases 7  30  30  38 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) f 15  14  66  63  50 
Non-controlling interest, copper operations and other g (173) (199) (874) (824) (900)
 All-in sustaining costs   1,400  1,458  5,636  5,381  5,059 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) h 965  967  3,798  4,024  4,141 
Cost of sales per ounce i,j 1,428   1,472  1,442   1,334  1,241 
Total cash costs per ounce j 1,046  1,104  1,065  960  862 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) j,k 1,086  1,145  1,109  1,002  897 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce j 1,451  1,507  1,484  1,335  1,222 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) j,k 1,491   1,548  1,528   1,377  1,257 

a.Non-recurring items - These costs are not indicative of our cost of production and have been excluded from the calculation of total cash costs. Non-recurring items for 2022 relate to a net realizable value impairment of leach pad inventory at Veladero.

b.Other - Other adjustments for Q4 2024 and 2024 include the removal of total cash costs and by-product credits associated with Pierina of $nil and $nil, respectively (Q3 2024: $nil; 2023: $3 million; 2022: $24 million), which was producing incidental ounces until December 31, 2023 while in closure.

c.Non-controlling interests - Non-controlling interests include non-controlling interests related to gold production of $559 million and $2,189 million, respectively, for Q4 2024 and 2024; (Q3 2024: $556 million; 2023: $2,192 million; 2022: $2,032 million). Non-controlling interests include NGM, Pueblo Viejo, Loulo-Gounkoto, Tongon, North Mara and Bulyanhulu. Refer to note 5 to the Financial Statements for further information.

d.Exploration and evaluation costs - Exploration, evaluation and project expenses are presented as minesite if it supports current mine operations and project if it relates to future projects. Refer to page 51 of this MD&A.

e.Capital expenditures - Capital expenditures are related to our gold sites only and are split between minesite sustaining and project capital expenditures.

f.Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization - Includes depreciation on the assets related to rehabilitation provisions of our gold operations and accretion on the rehabilitation provisions of our gold operations, split between operating and non-operating sites.

g.Non-controlling interest and copper operations - Removes general & administrative costs related to non-controlling interests and copper based on a percentage allocation of revenue. Also removes exploration, evaluation and project expenses, rehabilitation costs and capital expenditures incurred by our copper sites and the non-controlling interests of NGM, Pueblo Viejo, Loulo-Gounkoto, Tongon, North Mara and Bulyanhulu operating segments. It also includes capital expenditures applicable to our equity method investments in Kibali and Porgera. Figures remove the impact of Pierina up until December 31, 2023. The impact is summarized as the following:
($ millions)
For the three months ended For the years ended
   Non-controlling interest, copper operations and other 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
    General & administrative costs
3  (7) (14) (9) (31)
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs
(2) (2) (10) (14) (27)
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites)
(5) (5) (21) (21) (16)
   Minesite sustaining capital expenditures (169) (185) (829) (780) (826)
   All-in sustaining costs total
(173) (199) (874) (824) (900)

h.Ounces sold - attributable basis - Excludes Pierina, which was producing incidental ounces until December 31, 2023 while in closure. It also excludes Long Canyon which is producing residual ounces from the leach pad while in care and maintenance.

i.Cost of sales per ounce - Figures remove the cost of sales impact of Pierina of $nil and $nil, respectively, for Q4 2024 and 2024 (Q3 2024: $nil; 2023: $3 million; 2022: $24 million), which was producing incidental ounces up until December 31, 2023 while in closure. Gold cost of sales per ounce is calculated as cost of sales across our gold operations (excluding sites in closure or care and maintenance) divided by ounces sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share).

j.Per ounce figures - Cost of sales per ounce, cash costs per ounce and all-in sustaining costs per ounce per ounce may not calculate based on amounts presented in this table due to rounding.

k.Co-product costs per ounce
Cash costs per ounce and all-in sustaining costs per ounce per ounce presented on a co-product basis remove the impact of by-product credits of our gold production (net of non-controlling interest) calculated as:

($ millions)
For the three months ended For the years ended
12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
   By-product credits
58  58  247  252  225 
   Non-controlling interest
(19) (18) (79) (81) (78)
   By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest)
39  40  168  171  147 

Reconciliation of Gold Cost of Sales to Total cash costs and All-in sustaining costs, including on a per ounce basis, by operating segment
($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the three months ended 12/31/24
   Footnote Carlin
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo North America
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 451  274  215  97  1,039  66  1,105  
Depreciation (75) (66) (54) (19) (215) (11) (226)
   By-product credits (1) (1) (1) (35) (38) 0  (38)
   Non-recurring items c 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 
Other d (1) 0  0  6  5  0  5 
Non-controlling interests (144) (80) (61) (19) (304) 0  (304)
Total cash costs 230  127  99  30  487  55  542  
General & administrative costs 0   0   0   0   0   0   0  
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 3  2  1  1  8  0  8 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 120  65  20  11  218  7  225 
Sustaining capital leases 0  0  0  0  0  1  1 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 1  5  1  2  9  0  9 
Non-controlling interests (48) (28) (9) (5) (91) 0  (91)
All-in sustaining costs 306   171   112   39   631   63   694  
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 185  120  89  41  435  38  473  
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,489   1,405   1,491   1,474   1,468   1,754   1,491  
Total cash costs per ounce i 1,240  1,064  1,107  752  1,121  1,475  1,149  
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,245  1,068  1,113  1,182  1,165  1,483  1,191 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,657  1,431  1,260  956  1,453  1,689  1,473  
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,662   1,435   1,266   1,386   1,497   1,697   1,515  
($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the three months ended 12/31/24
   Footnote Pueblo Viejo Veladero
Porgera k
Latin America & Asia Pacific
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 266  107  26  399  
Depreciation (92) (28) (10) (130)
   By-product credits (11) (3) 0  (14)
   Non-recurring items c 0  0  0  0 
Other d 0  0  0  0 
   Non-controlling interests (65) 0  0  (65)
Total cash costs 98  76  16  190  
General & administrative costs 0   0   0   0  
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 0  1  1  2 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 45  32  18  95 
Sustaining capital leases 0  1  1  2 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 1  1  0  2 
Non-controlling interests (18) 0  0  (18)
All-in sustaining costs 126   111   36   273  
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 94  91  12  197  
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,679   1,151   2,127   1,459  
Total cash costs per ounce i 1,030  828  1,322  954  
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,101  855  1,332  1,001 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,325  1,191  2,967  1,362  
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,396   1,218   2,977   1,409  

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the three months ended 12/31/24
   Footnote Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu Africa and Middle East
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 82  111  107  56  78  434  
Depreciation (28) (35) (24) (8) (16) (111)
By-product credits 0  (1) (1) 0  (7) (9)
Non-recurring items c 0  0  0  0  0  0 
Other d 0  0  0  0  1  1 
Non-controlling interests (11) 0  (13) (5) (9) (38)
Total cash costs 43  75  69  43  47  277  
General & administrative costs 0   0   0   0   0   0  
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 0  0  0  0  0  0 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 71  15  33  8  22  149 
Sustaining capital leases 2  3  0  0  0  5 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g (2) 0  1  2  0  1 
Non-controlling interests (14) 0  (5) (1) (4) (24)
All-in sustaining costs 100   93   98   52   65   408  
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 47  79  89  36  44  295  
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,397   1,413   1,018   1,405   1,505   1,303  
Total cash costs per ounce i 923  966  771  1,198  1,072  944  
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 925  971  785  1,201  1,184  967 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 2,136  1,182  1,098  1,460  1,489  1,389  
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 2,138   1,187   1,112   1,463   1,601   1,412  

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the three months ended 9/30/24
   Footnote Carlin
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo North America
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 449  246  208  83  987  55  1,042 
Depreciation (69) (55) (46) (15) (185) (8) (193)
By-product credits (1) (1) (39) (41) (41)
Non-recurring items c
Other d (8) (1) (1)
Non-controlling interests (143) (73) (62) (14) (293) (293)
Total cash costs 228  118  99  22  467  47  514 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 150  57  25  13  251  11  262 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 11  11 
Non-controlling interests (60) (26) (11) (6) (106) (106)
All-in sustaining costs 325  156  116  32  632  59  691 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 183  99  77  28  387  28  415 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,478  1,526  1,674  1,789  1,553  1,929  1,579 
Total cash costs per ounce i 1,249  1,180  1,295  764  1,205  1,623  1,234 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,252  1,183  1,305  1,465  1,260  1,633  1,286 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,771  1,570  1,516  1,113  1,633  2,044  1,661 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,774  1,573  1,526  1,814  1,688  2,054  1,713 

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the three months ended 9/30/24
   Footnote Pueblo Viejo Veladero
Porgera k
Latin America & Asia Pacific
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 235  102  22  359 
Depreciation (78) (24) (3) (105)
By-product credits (5) (3) (8)
Non-recurring items c
Other d
Non-controlling interests (61) (61)
Total cash costs 91  75  19  185 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 41  33  77 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g
Non-controlling interests (18) (18)
All-in sustaining costs 116  108  23  247 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 96  78  19  193 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,470  1,311  1,163  1,375 
Total cash costs per ounce i 957  951  999  959 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 985  995  1,016  992 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,221  1,385  1,214  1,286 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,249  1,429  1,231  1,319 

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the three months ended 9/30/24
   Footnote Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu Africa and Middle East
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 212  111  102  85  74  584 
Depreciation (66) (35) (23) (8) (16) (148)
By-product credits (1) (6) (7)
Non-recurring items c
Other d
Non-controlling interests (29) (12) (8) (9) (58)
Total cash costs 117  76  66  69  45  373 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 70  12  17  12  119 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g
Non-controlling interests (14) (3) (1) (1) (19)
All-in sustaining costs 174  89  82  76  56  477 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 135  77  78  32  37  359 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,257  1,441  1,108  2,403  1,628  1,404 
Total cash costs per ounce i 865  978  850  2,184  1,191  1,037 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 866  983  863  2,188  1,288  1,052 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,288  1,172  1,052  2,388  1,470  1,328 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,289  1,177  1,065  2,392  1,567  1,343 


($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2024
   Footnote Carlin
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo North America
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 1,829  1,005  782  356  3,977  250  4,227  
Depreciation (307) (253) (179) (69) (810) (38) (848)
By-product credits (3) (3) (3) (152) (161) 0  (161)
Non-recurring items c 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 
Other d (18) 0  0  26  8  0  8 
Non-controlling interests (578) (288) (231) (62) (1,160) 0  (1,160)
Total cash costs 923  461  369  99  1,854  212  2,066  
General & administrative costs 0   0   0   0   0   0   0  
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 12  8  6  5  33  0  33 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 664  259  101  43  1,092  37  1,129 
Sustaining capital leases 0  0  0  1  2  4  6 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 12  17  4  7  40  0  40 
Non-controlling interests (266) (110) (43) (21) (451) 0  (451)
All-in sustaining costs 1,345   635   437   134   2,570   253   2,823  
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 777  441  298  130  1,646  143  1,789  
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,429   1,402   1,615   1,687   1,478   1,754   1,500  
Total cash costs per ounce i 1,187  1,046  1,238  765  1,126  1,483  1,155  
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,190  1,050  1,245  1,362  1,176  1,492  1,202 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,730  1,441  1,466  1,031  1,561  1,769  1,578  
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,733   1,445   1,473   1,628   1,611   1,778   1,625  

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2024
   Footnote Pueblo Viejo Veladero
Porgera k
Latin America & Asia Pacific
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 924  342  62  1,328  
Depreciation (295) (85) (15) (395)
By-product credits (40) (10) (1) (51)
Non-recurring items 0  0  0  0 
Other c 0  0  0  0 
Non-controlling interests d (236) 0  0  (236)
Total cash costs 353  247  46  646  
General & administrative costs 0   0   0   0  
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 0  4  2  6 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 180  111  21  312 
Sustaining capital leases 0  1  2  3 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 6  1  1  8 
Non-controlling interests (74) 0  0  (74)
All-in sustaining costs 465   364   72   901  
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 351  270  43  664  
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,576   1,254   1,423   1,434  
Total cash costs per ounce i 1,005  905  1,073  969  
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,074  943  1,094  1,022 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,323  1,334  1,666  1,350  
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,392   1,372   1,687   1,403  

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2024
   Footnote Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu Africa and Middle East
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 698  415  395  315  297  2,120  
Depreciation (223) (134) (83) (38) (63) (541)
By-product credits 0  (2) (3) 0  (26) (31)
Non-recurring items c 0  0  0  0  0  0 
Other d 0  0  0  0  3  3 
Non-controlling interests (95) 0  (49) (29) (34) (207)
Total cash costs 380  279  260  248  177  1,344  
General & administrative costs 0   0   0   0   0   0  
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 0  0  0  0  0  0 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 267  58  84  23  68  500 
Sustaining capital leases 3  8  0  1  0  12 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 2  1  5  9  1  18 
Non-controlling interests (54) 0  (14) (4) (11) (83)
All-in sustaining costs 598   346   335   277   235   1,791  
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 459  309  263  149  165  1,345  
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,218   1,344   1,266   1,903   1,509   1,368  
Total cash costs per ounce i 828  905  989  1,670  1,070  1,000  
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 829  910  1,000  1,675  1,188  1,019 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,304  1,123  1,274  1,867  1,420  1,333  
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,305   1,128   1,285   1,872   1,538   1,352  

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2023
   Footnote Carlin
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge
Long Canyonl
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo North America
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 1,789  1,174  722  26  393  4,109  221  4,330 
Depreciation (314) (364) (189) (16) (76) (961) (28) (989)
By-product credits (2) (3) (4) (157) (166) (1) (167)
Non-recurring items c
Other d (19) 28 
Non-controlling interests (561) (311) (203) (3) (72) (1,151) (1,151)
Total cash costs 893  496  326  116  1,840  192  2,032 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 23  36  36 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 605  310  100  31  1,063  37  1,100 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 12  19  38  39 
Non-controlling interests (248) (128) (41) (15) (440) (440)
All-in sustaining costs 1,285  702  392  140  2,540  232  2,772 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 865  548  318  120  1,860  139  1,999 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,254  1,318  1,399  1,789  2,011  1,351  1,589  1,368 
Total cash costs per ounce i 1,033  906  1,026  724  961  989  1,382  1,017 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,035  909  1,033  726  1,623  1,035  1,387  1,060 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,486  1,282  1,234  779  1,162  1,366  1,672  1,388 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,488  1,285  1,241  781  1,824  1,412  1,677  1,431 

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2023
   Footnote Pueblo Viejo Veladero Latin America & Asia Pacific
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 791  263  1,054 
Depreciation (255) (69) (324)
By-product credits (37) (9) (46)
Non-recurring items c
Other d
Non-controlling interests (201) (201)
Total cash costs 298  185  483 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 195  85  280 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g
Non-controlling interests (80) (80)
All-in sustaining costs 419  277  696 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 335  182  517 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,418  1,440  1,441 
Total cash costs per ounce i 889  1,011  931 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 958  1,061  993 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,249  1,516  1,358 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,318  1,566  1,420 
($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2023
   Footnote Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu Africa and Middle East
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 817  419  365  303  282  2,186 
Depreciation (247) (147) (77) (46) (62) (579)
By-product credits (2) (3) (1) (23) (29)
Non-recurring items c
Other d
Non-controlling interests (114) (45) (27) (31) (217)
Total cash costs 456  270  240  229  166  1,361 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 221  35  113  30  65  464 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 15 
Non-controlling interests (45) (19) (4) (10) (78)
All-in sustaining costs 636  314  339  260  222  1,771 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 546  343  254  185  180  1,508 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,198  1,221  1,206  1,469  1,312  1,251 
Total cash costs per ounce i 835  789  944  1,240  920  903 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 836  794  953  1,244  1,025  919 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,166  918  1,335  1,408  1,231  1,176 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,167  923  1,344  1,412  1,336  1,192 

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2022
   Footnote Carlin
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge
Long Canyonl
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo North America
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 1,728  850  647  115  353  3,699  215  3,914 
Depreciation (312) (253) (178) (76) (75) (895) (28) (923)
By-product credits (2) (2) (2) (139) (145) (1) (146)
Non-recurring items c
Other d (34) 20  (14) (14)
Non-controlling interests (531) (229) (180) (15) (61) (1,018) (1,018)
Total cash costs 849  366  287  24  98  1,627  186  1,813 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 20  37  41 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 497  305  109  22  949  42  991 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 10  11  27  29 
Non-controlling interests (204) (125) (45) (1) (11) (394) (394)
All-in sustaining costs 1,173  565  360  25  114  2,251  236  2,487 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 968  449  278  55  106  1,856  132  1,988 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,069  1,164  1,434  1,282  2,039  1,210  1,628  1,238 
Total cash costs per ounce i 877  815  1,035  435  914  876  1,409  912 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 878  818  1,039  436  1,603  917  1,415  951 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,212  1,258  1,296  454  1,074  1,214  1,788  1,252 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,213  1,261  1,300  455  1,763  1,255  1,794  1,291 

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2022
   Footnote Pueblo Viejo Veladero Latin America & Asia Pacific
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 801  325  1,126 
Depreciation (242) (120) (362)
By-product credits (45) (4) (49)
Non-recurring items c (23) (23)
Other d
Non-controlling interests (205) (205)
Total cash costs 309  178  487 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 207  120  327 
Sustaining capital leases
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g
Non-controlling interests (85) (85)
All-in sustaining costs 437  305  742 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 426  199  625 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,132  1,628  1,306 
Total cash costs per ounce i 725  890  777 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 788  913  827 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,026  1,528  1,189 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,089  1,551  1,239 

($ millions, except per ounce information in dollars) For the year ended 12/31/2022
   Footnote Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu Africa and Middle East
Cost of sales applicable to gold production 790  413  309  347  295  2,154 
Depreciation (257) (178) (73) (69) (60) (637)
By-product credits (1) (2) (1) (24) (28)
Non-recurring items c
Other d
Non-controlling interests (107) (38) (28) (34) (207)
Total cash costs 426  234  196  249  177  1,282 
General & administrative costs
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs e 23 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures f 190  70  81  31  66  438 
Sustaining capital leases 10 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization (operating sites) g 12 
Non-controlling interests (40) (14) (4) (11) (69)
All-in sustaining costs 590  314  273  283  236  1,696 
Ounces sold - attributable basis (000s ounces) 548  332  265  178  205  1,528 
Cost of sales per ounce h,i 1,153  1,243  979  1,748  1,211  1,219 
Total cash costs per ounce i 778  703  741  1,396  868  839 
Total cash costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 778  707  747  1,399  966  854 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce i 1,076  948  1,028  1,592  1,156  1,111 
All-in sustaining costs per ounce (on a co-product basis) i,j 1,076  952  1,034  1,595  1,254  1,126 
a.Includes Goldrush.

b.These results represent our 61.5% interest in Carlin, Cortez, Turquoise Ridge, Phoenix and Long Canyon until it transitioned to care and maintenance at the end of 2023, as previously reported.

c.Non-recurring items - These costs are not indicative of our cost of production and have been excluded from the calculation of total cash costs. Non-recurring items at Veladero in 2022 relate to a net realizable value impairment of leach pad inventory.

d.Other - Other adjustments at Carlin include the removal of total cash costs and by-product credits associated with Emigrant starting Q2 2022, which is producing incidental ounces.

e.Exploration and evaluation costs - Exploration, evaluation and project expenses are presented as minesite sustaining if it supports current mine operations and project if it relates to future projects. Refer to page 51 of this MD&A.

f.Capital expenditures - Capital expenditures are related to our gold sites only and are split between minesite sustaining and project capital expenditures.

g.Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization - Includes depreciation on the assets related to rehabilitation provisions of our gold operations and accretion on the rehabilitation provision of our gold operations, split between operating and non-operating sites.

h.Cost of sales per ounce - Gold cost of sales per ounce is calculated as cost of sales across our gold operations (excluding sites in closure or care and maintenance) divided by ounces sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share).

i.Per ounce figures - Cost of sales per ounce, total cash costs per ounce and all-in sustaining costs per ounce may not calculate based on amounts presented in this table due to rounding.

j.Co-product costs per ounce - Total cash costs per ounce and all-in sustaining costs per ounce presented on a co-product basis removes the impact of by-product credits of our gold production (net of non-controlling interest) calculated as:
($ millions) For the three months ended 12/31/24
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo Pueblo Viejo
By-product credits 1  1  1  35  38  0  11 
Non-controlling interest 0  0  0  (14) (14) 0  (4)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 1  1  1  21  24  0  7 
($ millions) For the three months ended 12/31/24
Porgera k
Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu
By-product credits 3  0 0 1  1  0  7 
Non-controlling interest 0  0 0 0  0  0  (1)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 3  0 0 1  1  0  6 

($ millions) For the three months ended 9/30/24
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo Pueblo Viejo
By-product credits 39  41 
Non-controlling interest  (1) (1) (15) (17) (2)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 24  24 
($ millions) For the three months ended 9/30/24
Porgera k
Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu
By-product credits
Non-controlling interest  (1)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest)
   For the year ended 12/31/24
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
Hemlo Pueblo Viejo
By-product credits 3  3  3  152  161  0  40 
Non-controlling interest  (1) (1) (1) (59) (62) 0  (16)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 2  2  2  93  99  0  24 
   For the year ended 12/31/24
Porgera k
Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu
By-product credits 10  1  0  2  3  0  26 
Non-controlling interest  0  0  0  0  0  0  (4)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 10  1  0  2  3  0  22 
   For the year ended 12/31/23
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Long Canyon Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
By-product credits 157  166 
Non-controlling interest  (1) (1) (2) (60) (64)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 97  102 
   For the year ended 12/31/23
   Pueblo Viejo Veladero Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu
By-product credits 37  23 
Non-controlling interest  (15) (4)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 22  19 
   For the year ended 12/31/22
Cortez a
Turquoise Ridge Long Canyon Phoenix
Nevada Gold Minesb
By-product credits 139  145 
Non-controlling interest  (1) (1) (1) (54) (57)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 85  88 
   For the year ended 12/31/22
   Pueblo Viejo Veladero Loulo-Gounkoto Kibali North Mara Tongon Bulyanhulu
By-product credits 45  24 
Non-controlling interest  (18) (4)
By-product credits (net of non-controlling interest) 27  20 

k.As Porgera was placed on care and maintenance from April 25, 2020 until December 22, 2023, no operating data or per ounce data has been provided from Q3 2020 to Q4 2023. On December 22, 2023, we completed the Commencement Agreement, pursuant to which the PNG government and BNL, the 95% owner and operator of the Porgera joint venture, agreed on a partnership for the future ownership and operation of the mine. Ownership of Porgera is held in a joint venture owned 51% by PNG stakeholders and 49% by a Barrick affiliate, PJL. PJL is jointly owned on a 50/50 basis by Barrick and Zijin Mining Group and therefore Barrick now holds a 24.5% ownership interest in the Porgera joint venture. Barrick holds a 23.5% interest in the economic benefits of the mine under the economic benefit sharing arrangement agreed

with the PNG government whereby Barrick and Zijin Mining Group together share 47% of the overall economic benefits derived from the mine accumulated over time, and the PNG stakeholders share the remaining 53%.

l.Starting Q1 2024, we have ceased to include production or non-GAAP cost metrics for Long Canyon as it was placed on care and maintenance at the end of 2023, as previously reported.

Reconciliation of Copper Cost of Sales to C1 cash costs and All-in sustaining costs, including on a per pound basis
For the three months ended For the years ended
($ millions, except per pound information in dollars) 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
 Cost of sales 179  187  706  726  666 
         Depreciation/amortization (54) (60) (245) (259) (223)
  Treatment and refinement charges 51  39  162  191  199 
Cash cost of sales applicable to equity method investments 103  83  352  356  317 
  Less: royalties (22) (17) (67) (62) (103)
         By-product credits (11) (3) (25) (19) (14)
  C1 cash cost of sales
246   229  883   933  842 
  General & administrative costs 2  17  22  30 
  Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization 3  9 
         Royalties 22  17  67  62  103 
         Minesite exploration and evaluation costs 2  4  22 
        Minesite sustaining capital expenditures 91  71  356  266  410 
         Sustaining leases 4  11  12 
  All-in sustaining costs
370   328  1,347   1,311  1,417 
 Tonnes sold - attributable basis (thousands of tonnes) 54  42  177  185  202 
 Pounds sold - attributable basis (millions pounds) 121  91  391  408  445 
  Cost of sales per pounda,b
2.62   3.23  2.99   2.90  2.43 
 C1 cash costs per pounda
2.04  2.49  2.26  2.28  1.89 
 All-in sustaining costs per pounda
3.07  3.57  3.45  3.21  3.18 
a.Cost of sales per pound, C1 cash costs per pound and all-in sustaining costs per pound may not calculate based on amounts presented in this table due to rounding.
b.Copper cost of sales per pound is calculated as cost of sales across our copper operations divided by pounds sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share).

Reconciliation of Copper Cost of Sales to C1 cash costs and All-in sustaining costs, including on a per pound basis, by operating site
For the three months ended
($ millions, except per pound information in dollars) 12/31/24 9/30/24
   Zaldívar Lumwana Jabal Sayid Zaldívar Lumwana Jabal Sayid
Cost of sales 101  177  37  86  187  23 
Depreciation/amortization (27) (54) (8) (22) (60) (4)
Treatment and refinement charges 0  47  4  34 
Less: royalties 0  (22) 0  (17)
By-product credits 0  0  (11) (3)
C1 cash cost of sales 74  148  22  64  144  21 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization 0   3   0  
Royalties 0  22  0  17 
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs 2  0  0 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures 16  73  2  62 
Sustaining leases 2  0  2 
All-in sustaining costs 94   246   26   74  225  23 
Tonnes sold - attributable basis (thousands of tonnes) 10  36  8  10  26 
Pounds sold - attributable basis (millions pounds) 24  78  19  21  57  13 
Cost of sales per pounda,b
4.22   2.27   2.02   4.04  3.27  1.76 
C1 cash costs per pounda
3.11  1.89  1.29  2.99  2.53  1.54 
All-in sustaining costs per pounda
3.98  3.14  1.44  3.45  3.94  1.76 


($ millions, except per pound information in dollars) For the years ended
12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
   Zaldívar Lumwana Jabal Sayid Zaldívar Lumwana Jabal Sayid Zaldívar Lumwana Jabal Sayid
Cost of sales 347  704  118  354  723  107  305  666  110 
Depreciation/amortization (89) (244) (24) (81) (257) (24) (74) (223) (24)
Treatment and refinement charges 0  140  22  166  25  179  20 
Less: royalties 0  (67) 0  (62) (103)
By-product credits 0  0  (25) (1) (18) (14)
C1 cash cost of sales 258  533  91  272  570  90  231  519  92 
Rehabilitation - accretion and amortization 0   9   0  
Royalties 0  67  0  62  103 
Minesite exploration and evaluation costs 4  0  0  11  11 
Minesite sustaining capital expenditures 34  312  10  34  223  44  360 
Sustaining leases 7  1  3 
All-in sustaining costs 303   922   104   319  866  103  289  999  99 
Tonnes sold - attributable basis (thousands of tonnes) 38  109  30  42  113  30  44  125  33 
Pounds sold - attributable basis (millions pounds) 85  239  67  92  249  67  98  275  72 
Cost of sales per pounda,b
4.09   2.94   1.77   3.83  2.91  1.60  3.12  2.42  1.52 
C1 cash costs per pounda
3.04  2.23  1.37  2.95  2.29  1.35  2.36  1.89  1.26 
All-in sustaining costs per pounda
3.58  3.85  1.56  3.46  3.48  1.53  2.95  3.63  1.36 
a.Cost of sales per pound, C1 cash costs per pound and all-in sustaining costs per pound may not calculate based on amounts presented in this table due to rounding.
b.Copper cost of sales per pound is calculated as cost of sales across our copper operations divided by pounds sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share).

EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, Attributable EBITDA, Attributable EBITDA Margin and Net Leverage
EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure, which excludes the following from net earnings:
Income tax expense;
Finance costs;
Finance income; and

Management believes that EBITDA is a valuable indicator of our ability to generate liquidity by producing operating cash flow to fund working capital needs, service debt obligations, and fund capital expenditures. Management uses EBITDA for this purpose. EBITDA is also frequently used by investors and analysts for valuation purposes whereby EBITDA is multiplied by a factor or 「EBITDA multiple」 that is based on an observed or inferred relationship between EBITDA and market values to determine the approximate total enterprise value of a company.
Adjusted EBITDA removes the effect of impairment charges; acquisition/disposition gains/losses; foreign currency translation gains/losses; and other expense adjustments. We also remove the impact of the income tax expense, finance costs, finance income and depreciation incurred in our equity method accounted investments. Attributable EBITDA further removes the non-controlling interest portion. We believe these items provide a greater level of consistency with the adjusting items included in our adjusted net earnings reconciliation, with the exception that these amounts are adjusted to remove any impact on finance costs/income, income tax expense and/or depreciation as they do not affect EBITDA. We believe this additional information will assist analysts, investors and other stakeholders of Barrick in better understanding our ability to generate liquidity from our attributable business,
including equity method investments, by excluding these amounts from the calculation as they are not indicative of the performance of our core mining business and do not necessarily reflect the underlying operating results for the periods presented. Additionally, it is aligned with how we present our forward-looking guidance on gold ounces and copper pounds produced.
Attributable EBITDA margin is calculated as attributable EBITDA divided by revenues - as adjusted. We believe this ratio will assist analysts, investors and other stakeholders of Barrick to better understand the relationship between revenues and EBITDA or operating profit.
Starting with our Q2 2024 MD&A, we are presenting net leverage as a non-GAAP ratio. It is calculated as debt, net of cash divided by the sum of adjusted EBITDA of the last four consecutive quarters. We believe this ratio will assist analysts, investors and other stakeholders of Barrick in monitoring our leverage and evaluating our balance sheet.
EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA, attributable EBITDA, EBITDA margin and net leverage are intended to provide additional information to investors and analysts and do not have any standardized definition under IFRS, and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA and attributable EBITDA exclude the impact of cash costs of financing activities and taxes, and the effects of changes in operating working capital balances, and therefore are not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flow from operations as determined under IFRS. Other companies may calculate EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA, attributable EBITDA, EBITDA margin and net leverage differently.


Reconciliation of Net Earnings to EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Attributable EBITDA
For the three months ended For the years ended
  ($ millions) 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Net earnings 1,187  780  3,088  1,953  1,017 
   Income tax expense 694  245  1,520  861  664 
   Finance costs, neta
46  59  143  83  235 
   Depreciation 484  477  1,915  2,043  1,997 
EBITDA 2,411   1,561  6,666   4,940  3,913 
Impairment charges (reversals) of non-current assetsb
(477) (457) 312  1,671 
Acquisition/disposition gainsc
(17) (1) (24) (364) (405)
Loss on currency translation 18  39  93  16 
Other expense adjustmentsd
113  97  249  96  17 
Income tax expense, net finance costsa, and depreciation from equity investees
201  110  532  397  401 
Adjusted EBITDA 2,249   1,773  7,005   5,474  5,613 
Non-controlling Interests (552) (481) (1,820) (1,487) (1,584)
Attributable EBITDA 1,697   1,292  5,185   3,987  4,029 
Revenues - as adjustede
3,038   2,806  10,724   9,411  9,147 
Attributable EBITDA marginf
56   % 46  % 48   % 42  % 44  %
As at 12/31/24 As at 12/31/23 As at 12/31/22
Net leverageg
0.1:1 0.1:1 0.1:1
a.Finance costs exclude accretion.
b.Net impairment (reversals) charges for Q4 2024 and 2024 mainly relate to long-lived asset impairment reversals at Lumwana and Veladero, partially offset by a goodwill impairment at Loulo-Gounkoto. Net impairment charges for 2023 mainly relate to a long-lived asset impairment at Long Canyon. For 2022, net impairment charges primarily relate to a goodwill impairment at Loulo-Gounkoto, and non-current asset impairments at Veladero and Long Canyon, partially offset by an impairment reversal at Reko Diq.
c.Acquisition/disposition gains for Q4 2024 and 2024 relate to miscellaneous assets. For 2023, acquisition/disposition gains primarily relate to a gain on the reopening of the Porgera mine. For 2022, acquisition/disposition gains primarily relate to a gain as Barrick’s interest in the Reko Diq project increased from 37.5% to 50%, as well as the sale of two royalty portfolios.
d.Other expense adjustments for Q4 2024 and 2024 mainly relate to a payment to the Government of Mali to advance negotiations and a customs and royalty settlement at Tongon. 2024 was further impacted by the interest and penalties recognized following the proposed settlement of the Zaldívar Tax Assessments in Chile, which was recorded in Q2 2024, a provision made relating to a legacy mine site operated by Homestake Mining Company that was closed prior to the 2001 acquisition by Barrick, and an accrual relating to the road construction in Tanzania per our community investment obligations under the Twiga partnership. For 2023, other expense adjustments mainly relate to changes in the discount rate assumptions on our closed mine rehabilitation provision, care and maintenance expenses at Porgera and the $30 million commitment we made towards the expansion of education infrastructure in Tanzania. For 2022, other expense adjustments mainly relate to a net realizable value impairment of leach pad inventory at Veladero, care and maintenance expenses at Porgera and supplies obsolescence write-off at Bulyanhulu and North Mara.
e.Refer to Reconciliation of Sales to Realized Price per pound/ounce on page 75 of this MD&A.
f.Represents attributable EBITDA divided by revenues - as adjusted.
g.Represents debt, net of cash divided by adjusted EBITDA of the last four consecutive quarters.

Reconciliation of Segment Income to Segment EBITDA
($ millions) For the three months ended 12/31/24
Carlin (61.5%)
Cortez a (61.5%)
Turquoise Ridge (61.5%)
Nevada Gold Minesb (61.5%)
Pueblo Viejo (60%) Loulo-Gounkoto (80%) Kibali (45%) North Mara (84%) Bulyanhulu (84%) Lumwana (100%)
Income (loss) 210  147  104  525  90  (13) 95  143  53  79 
Depreciation 46  41  33  133  54  22  35  21  14  54 
EBITDA 256  188  137  658  144  9  130  164  67  133 
For the three months ended 9/30/24
Carlin (61.5%)
Cortez a (61.5%)
Turquoise Ridge (61.5%)
Nevada Gold Minesb (61.5%)
Pueblo Viejo (60%) Loulo-Gounkoto (80%) Kibali (45%) North Mara (84%) Bulyanhulu (84%)
Lumwana (100%)
Income 186  98  61  383  98  161  73  74  36  26 
Depreciation 43  34  29  117  46  53  35  19  13  60 
EBITDA 229  132  90  500  144  214  108  93  49  86 
For the year ended 12/31/24
Carlin (61.5%)
Cortez a (61.5%)
Turquoise Ridge (61.5%)
Nevada Gold Minesb (61.5%)
Pueblo Viejo (60%) Loulo-Gounkoto (80%) Kibali (45%) North Mara (84%) Bulyanhulu (84%) Lumwana (100%)
Income 730  433  238  1,567  286  420  316  267  162  135 
Depreciation 189  156  110  503  176  178  134  70  53  244 
EBITDA 919  589  348  2,070  462  598  450  337  215  379

   For the year ended 12/31/23
Carlin (61.5%)
Cortez a (61.5%)
Turquoise Ridge (61.5%)
Nevada Gold Minesb (61.5%)
Pueblo Viejo (60%) Loulo-Gounkoto (80%) Kibali (45%) North Mara (84%) Bulyanhulu (84%) Lumwana (100%)
Income 577  333  172  1,145  187  388  243  139  123  37 
Depreciation 193  224  116  591  154  197  147  64  52  257 
EBITDA 770  557  288  1,736  341  585  390  203  175  294 
For the year ended 12/31/22
Carlin (61.5%)
Cortez a (61.5%)
Turquoise Ridge (61.5%)
Nevada Gold Minesb (61.5%)
Pueblo Viejo (60%) Loulo-Gounkoto (80%) Kibali (45%) North Mara (84%) Bulyanhulu (84%) Lumwana (100%)
Income 685  277  98  1,144  265  342  142  177  118  180 
Depreciation 192  155  110  551  146  205  178  61  50  223 
EBITDA 877  432  208  1,695  411  547  320  238  168  403 
a.Includes Goldrush.
b.These results represent our 61.5% interest in Carlin, Cortez, Turquoise Ridge, Phoenix and Long Canyon until it transitioned to care and maintenance at the end of 2023, as previously reported.

Realized Price
Realized price is a non-GAAP financial measure which excludes from sales:
Treatment and refining charges; and
Cumulative catch-up adjustment to revenue relating to our streaming arrangements.

We believe this provides investors and analysts with a more accurate measure with which to compare to market gold and copper prices and to assess our gold and copper sales performance. For those reasons, management believes that this measure provides a more accurate reflection of our
Company’s past performance and is a better indicator of its expected performance in future periods.
The realized price measure is intended to provide additional information, and does not have any standardized definition under IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. The measure is not necessarily indicative of sales as determined under IFRS. Other companies may calculate this measure differently. The following table reconciles realized prices to the most directly comparable IFRS measure.

Reconciliation of Sales to Realized Price per ounce/pound
($ millions, except per ounce/pound information in dollars) For the  three months ended For the years ended
Gold Copper Gold Copper
   12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 9/30/24 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22 12/31/24 12/31/23 12/31/22
Sales 3,327  3,097  260  213  11,820  10,350  9,920  855   795  868 
Sales applicable to non-controlling interests (1,004) (930) 0  (3,579) (3,179) (3,051) 0 
Sales applicable to equity method investmentsa,b
240  241  165  141  849  667  597  603  587  646 
Sales applicable to sites in closure or care and maintenancec
(1) (2) 0  (8) (15) (55) 0 
Treatment and refining charges 7  51  39  29  30  23  162  191  199 
(7) 0  (7) (15) 0 
Revenues – as adjusted 2,562  2,413  476  393  9,104  7,838  7,434  1,620  1,573  1,713 
Ounces/pounds sold (000s ounces/millions pounds)c
965   967  121   91  3,798   4,024  4,141  391   408  445 
Realized gold/copper price per ounce/pounde
2,657  2,494  3.96  4.27  2,397  1,948  1,795  4.15  3.85  3.85 
a.Represents sales of $208 million and $741 million, respectively, for Q4 2024 and 2024 (Q3 2024: $193 million; 2023: $667 million; 2022: $597 million) applicable to our 45% equity method investment in Kibali and $32 million and $108 million, respectively (Q3 2024: $48 million; 2023: $nil; 2022: $nil) applicable to our 24.5% equity method investment in Porgera for gold. Represents sales of $97 million and $357 million, respectively, for Q4 2024 and 2024 (Q3 2024: $91 million; 2023: $359 million; 2022: $390 million) applicable to our 50% equity method investment in Zaldívar and $74 million and $270 million, respectively (Q3 2024: $55 million; 2023: $253 million; 2022: $275 million) applicable to our 50% equity method investment in Jabal Sayid for copper.
b.Sales applicable to equity method investments are net of treatment and refinement charges.
c.On an attributable basis. Excludes Pierina, which was producing incidental ounces until December 31, 2023 while in closure. It also excludes Long Canyon which is producing residual ounces from the leach pad while in care and maintenance.
d.Represents cumulative catch-up adjustment to revenue relating to our streaming arrangements. Refer to note 2e to the Financial Statements for more information.
e.Realized price per ounce/pound may not calculate based on amounts presented in this table.

Technical Information

The scientific and technical information contained in this MD&A has been reviewed and approved by Craig Fiddes, SME-RM, Lead, Resource Modeling, Nevada Gold Mines; Richard Peattie, MPhil, FAusIMM, Mineral Resources Manager: Africa and Middle East; Peter Jones, MAIG, Manager Resource Geology – Latin America & Asia Pacific; Simon Bottoms, CGeol, MGeol, FGS, FAusIMM, Mineral Resource Management and Evaluation Executive; and Joel
Holliday, FAusIMM, Executive Vice-President, Exploration – each a 「Qualified Person」 as defined in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
All mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates are estimated in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Unless otherwise noted, such mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates are as of December 31, 2024.

1A Tier One Gold Asset is an asset with a $1,400/oz reserve with potential to deliver a minimum 10-year life, annual production of at least 500,000 ounces of gold and with costs per ounce in the lower half of the industry cost curve. Tier One Assets must be located in a world-class geological district with potential for organic reserve growth and long-term geologically driven addition.
2A Tier Two Gold Asset is an asset with a reserve with potential to deliver a minimum 10-year life, annual production of at least 250,000 ounces of gold and total cash costs per ounce over the mine life that are in the lower half of the industry cost curve.
3A Tier One Copper Asset/Project is an asset with a $3.00/lb reserve with potential for +5Mt contained copper in support of at least 20 years life, annual production of at least 200ktpa, with costs per pound in the lower half of the industry cost curve.
4A Strategic Asset is an asset, which in the opinion of Barrick, has the potential to deliver significant unrealized value in the future.
5Currently consists of Barrick’s Lumwana mine, Zaldívar and Jabal Sayid joint ventures, and Reko Diq project.
6Further information on these non-GAAP financial measures, including detailed reconciliations, is included on pages 59 to 75 of this MD&A.
7Gold cost of sales per ounce is calculated as cost of sales across our gold operations (excluding sites in closure or care and maintenance) divided by ounces sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share). Copper cost of sales per pound is calculated as cost of sales across our copper operations divided by pounds sold (both on an attributable basis using Barrick’s ownership share).
8TRIFR is a ratio calculated as follows: number of reportable injuries x 1,000,000 hours divided by the total number of hours worked. Reportable injuries include fatalities, lost time injuries, restricted duty injuries, and medically treated injuries. LTIFR is a ratio calculated as follows: number of lost time injuries x 1,000,000 hours divided by the total number of hours worked.
9Class 1 - High Significance is defined as an incident that causes significant negative impacts on human health or the environment or an incident that extends onto publicly accessible land and has the potential to cause significant adverse impact to surrounding communities, livestock or wildlife.
10Categories as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions. Achievement of Barrick’s Scope 3 targets will require collaboration with suppliers and customers in our value chain, which are outside of Barrick’s direct control.
11Preliminary figures and subject to external assurance.
12All mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates of tonnes, Au oz, Ag oz and Cu Mt are reported to the second significant digit. All measured and indicated mineral resource estimates of grade and all proven and probable mineral reserve estimates of grade for Au g/t, Ag g/t and Cu % are reported to two decimal places. All inferred mineral resource estimates of grade for Au g/t, Ag g/t and Cu % are reported to one decimal place. 2024 polymetallic mineral resources and mineral reserves are estimated using the combined value of gold, copper & silver and accordingly are reported as gold, copper & silver mineral resources and mineral reserves.
13Estimated in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects as required by Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Estimates are as of December 31, 2024, unless otherwise noted. Proven reserves of 270 million tonnes grading 1.75 g/t, representing 15 million ounces of gold, and 380 million tonnes grading 0.42%, representing 1.6 million tonnes of copper. Probable reserves of 2,500 million tonnes grading 0.90 g/t, representing 74 million ounces of gold, and 3,600 million tonnes grading 0.46%, representing 17 million tonnes of copper. Measured resources of 450 million tonnes grading 1.68 g/t, representing 24 million ounces of gold, and 600 million tonnes grading 0.38%, representing 2.3 million tonnes of copper. Indicated resources of 4,800 million tonnes grading 1.01 g/t, representing 150 million ounces of gold, and 5,400 million tonnes grading 0.39%, representing 22 million tonnes of copper. Inferred resources of 1,400 million tonnes grading 0.9 g/t, representing 41 million ounces of gold, and 1,300

million tonnes grading 0.3%, representing 3.9 million tonnes of copper. Totals may not appear to sum correctly due to rounding. Complete mineral reserve and mineral resource data for all mines and projects referenced in this MD&A, including tonnes, grades, and ounces, CAN be found on pages 83-92 of Barrick’s Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2024 Report.
14Estimated in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects as required by CANadian securities regulatory authorities. Estimates are as of December 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted. Proven reserves of 250 million tonnes grading 1.85 g/t, representing 15 million ounces of gold, and 320 million tonnes grading 0.41%, representing 1.3 million tonnes of copper. Probable reserves of 1,200 million tonnes grading 1.61 g/t, representing 61 million ounces of gold, and 1,100 million tonnes grading 0.38%, representing 4.3 million tonnes of copper. Measured resources of 430 million tonnes grading 1.76 g/t, representing 24 million ounces of gold, and 580 million tonnes grading 0.39%, representing 2.2 million tonnes of copper. Indicated resources of 4,800 million tonnes grading 1.00 g/t, representing 150 million ounces of gold, and 4,900 million tonnes grading 0.39%, representing 19 million tonnes of copper. Inferred resources of 1,500 million tonnes grading 0.8 g/t, representing 39 million ounces of gold, and 2,000 million tonnes grading 0.4%, representing 7.1 million tonnes of copper. Totals may not appear to sum correctly due to rounding. Complete 2023 mineral reserve and mineral resource data for all mines and projects referenced in this MD&A, including tonnes, grades, and ounces, CAN be found on pages 33-45 of Barrick’s Annual Information Form/Form 40-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 on file with CANadian provincial securities regulatory authorities and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
15Proven and probable reserve gains from cumulative net change in reserves from year end 2019 to 2024.
Reserve replacement percentage is calculated from the cumulative net change in reserves from 2020 to 2024 divided by the cumulative depletion in reserves from year end 2019 to 2024 as shown in the table below:
Year Attributable P&P Gold (Moz) Attributable Gold Acquisition & Divestments (Moz) Attributable Gold Depletion (Moz) Attributable Gold Net Change (Moz) Reported Reserve Price USD/oz for GEO conversion
68 (2.2) (5.5) 4.2 $1,200
69 (0.91) (5.4) 8.1 $1,200
76 (4.8) 12 $1,300
77 (4.6) 5 $1,300
89 (4.6) 17 $1,400
2019 - 2024 Total N/A (3.1) (25) 46 N/A
Year Attributable P&P Copper (Mlb) Attributable Copper Acquisition & Divestments (Mlb) Attributable Copper Depletion (Mlb) Attributable Copper Net Change (Mlb) Reported Reserve Price USD/lb for GEO conversion
12,691 (834) 31 $2.75
12,233 (636) 178 $2.75
12,252 (623) 642 $3.00
12,391 (589) 728 $3.00
40,201 (731) 28,542 $3.00
2019 - 2024 Total N/A (3,413) 30,121 N/A
Attributable Proven and Probable organic gold equivalent reserve additions calculated from the cumulative net change in reserves from year-end 2020 to 2024 using reserve prices for gold equivalent ounce (GEO) conversion as shown in the tables above to result in the Attributable Net Change GEO tabulated below:
Year Attributable P&P GEO Attributable Acquisition & Divestments GEO Attributable Depletion GEO Attributable Net Change GEO (using reported reserve prices)
97 (2.2) (7.4) 4.2
97 (0.91) (6.9) 8.5
104 (6.3) 13
105 (6.0) 6.7
176 (6.1) 6.7
2019 - 2024 Total N/A (3.1) (33) 111
Totals may not appear to sum correctly due to rounding.
Attributable acquisitions and divestments includes the following: a decrease of 2.2 Moz in proven and probable gold reserves from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2020, as a result of the divestiture of Barrick's Massawa gold project effective March 4, 2020; and a decrease of 0.91 Moz in proven and probable gold reserves from December 31, 2020 to

December 31, 2021, as a result of the change in Barrick’s ownership interest in Porgera from 47.5% to 24.5% and the net impact of the asset exchange of Lone Tree to i-80 Gold for the remaining 50% of South Arturo that Nevada Gold Mines did not already own.
All estimates are estimated in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects as required by Canadian securities regulatory authorities.
a Estimates as of December 31, 2019, unless otherwise noted, Proven reserves of 280 million tonnes grading 2.42 g/t, representing 22 million ounces of gold and 420 million tonnes grading 0.4%, representing 3,700 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 1.7 million tonnes of copper). Probable reserves of 1,000 million tonnes grading 1.48 g/t, representing 49 million ounces of gold and 1,200 million tonnes grading 0.38%, representing 9,800 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 4.4 million tonnes of copper). Conversions may not recalculate due to rounding.
b Estimates as of December 31, 2020, unless otherwise noted: Proven reserves of 280 million tonnes grading 2.37g/t, representing 21 million ounces of gold, and 350 million tonnes grading 0.39%, representing 3,000 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 1.4 million tonnes of copper). Probable reserves of 990 million tonnes grading 1.46g/t, representing 47 million ounces of gold, and 1,100 million tonnes grading 0.39%, representing 9,700 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 4.4 million tonnes of copper). Conversions may not recalculate due to rounding.
c Estimates as of December 31, 2021, unless otherwise noted, Proven mineral reserves of 240 million tonnes grading 2.20g/t, representing 17 million ounces of gold and 380 million tonnes grading 0.41%, representing 3,400 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 1.6 million tonnes of copper), and probable reserves of 1,000 million tonnes grading 1.60g/t, representing 53 million ounces of gold and 1,100 million tonnes grading 0.37%, representing 8,800 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 4.0 million tonnes of copper). Conversions may not recalculate due to rounding.
d Estimates as of December 31, 2022, unless otherwise noted. Proven mineral reserves of 260 million tonnes grading 2.26g/t, representing 19 million ounces of gold and 390 million tonnes grading 0.40%, representing 3,500 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 1.6 million tonnes of copper), and probable reserves of 1,200 million tonnes grading 1.53g/t, representing 57 million ounces of gold and 1,100 million tonnes grading 0.37%, representing 8,800 million pounds of copper (which is equal to 4.0 million tonnes of copper). Conversions may not recalculate due to rounding.
e Estimates are as of December 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted. Proven mineral reserves of 250 million tonnes grading 1.85g/t, representing 15 million ounces of gold, and 320 million tonnes grading 0.41%, representing 1.3 million tonnes of copper. Probable reserves of 1,200 million tonnes grading 1.61g/t, representing 61 million ounces of gold, and 1,100 million tonnes grading 0.38%, representing 4.3 million tonnes of copper.
f Estimates are as of December 31, 2024, unless otherwise noted. Proven mineral reserves of 270 million tonnes grading 1.75g/t, representing 15 million ounces of gold, and 380 million tonnes grading 0.42%, representing 1.6 million tonnes of copper. Probable reserves of 2,500 million tonnes grading 0.90g/t, representing 74 million ounces of gold, and 3,600 million tonnes grading 0.46%, representing 17 million tonnes of copper.
16Fourmile is currently 100% owned by Barrick. As previously disclosed, Barrick anticipates Fourmile being contributed to the NGM joint venture if certain criteria are met following the completion of drilling and the requisite feasibility work.
17See the Technical Report on the Cortez Complex, Lander and Eureka Counties, State of Nevada, USA, dated December 31, 2021, and filed on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca and EDGAR at www.sec.gov on March 18, 2022.
18See the Technical Report on the Pueblo Viejo mine, Dominican Republic, dated March 17, 2023, and filed on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca and EDGAR at www.sec.gov on March 17, 2023.
19Estimated in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects as required by Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Estimates are as of December 31, 2024, unless otherwise noted. A Technical Report on Reko Diq will be prepared in accordance with Form 43-101F1 and filed on SEDAR+ within 45 days of Barrick's Q4 and Annual MD&A and Financial Statements dated February 12, 2025. For further information with respect to the key assumptions, parameters and risks associated with Reko Diq, the mineral reserve and resource estimates included herein and other technical information, please refer to the Technical Report to be made available on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca.
20Reko Diq probable reserves of 1,400 million tonnes grading 0.28 g/t representing 13 million ounces of gold, probable reserves of 1,500 million tonnes grading 0.48% representing 7.3 million tonnes of copper, indicated resources of 1,800 million tonnes grading 0.25 g/t representing 15 million ounces of gold, inferred resources of 640 million tonnes grading 0.2 g/t representing 3.9 million ounces of gold, indicated resources of 2,000 million tonnes grading 0.43% representing 8.4 million tonnes of copper, and inferred resources of 690 million tonnes grading 0.3% representing 2.2 million tonnes of copper. Complete mineral reserve and mineral resource data for all mines and projects referenced in this MD&A, including tonnes, grades, and ounces, CAN be found on pages 83-92 of Barrick’s Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2024 Report.
21A Technical Report on Lumwana will be prepared in accordance with Form 43-101F1 and filed on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca and EDGAR at www.sec.gov within 45 days of Barrick's Q4 and Annual MD&A and Financial Statements dated February 12, 2025. For further information with respect to the key assumptions, parameters and risks associated with Lumwana and other technical information, please refer to the Technical Report to be made available on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca and EDGAR at www.sec.gov.

22Greater Leeville Significant Interceptsa
Drill Results from Q4 2024
Drill Holeb
Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m)
True Width (m)c
Au (g/t)
NTC-24024 68 (50) 104.2-113.6 9.4 8.6 33.37
148.7-163.9 15.2 12.8 7.30
NTC-24012 281 (41) 88.3-91.7 3.4 1.1 35.68
110.3-158.5 48.2 15.7 15.21
NTC-24022 325 (61) 53.3-58.2 4.9 3.6 58.01
87.0-107.6 20.6 16.2 10.15
NTC-24020 275 (35) 121.0-142.0 20.7 12.7 17.36
222.5-237.4 14.9 5.1 10.37
NTC-24006A 135 (45) 125.6-128.6 3.0 2.4 12.21
140.8-146.4 5.6 4.4 9.53
169.9-176.8 6.9 6.0 5.39
NTC-24021 302 (35) 124.0-168.2 44.2 22.1 11.61
171.3-178.2 6.9 3.5 10.49
285.9-289.6 3.7 1.3 3.99
HSC-24003 160 (53) 142.9-165.8 22.9 18.1 5.59
HSC-24005 105 (52) 179.2-186.5 7.3 6.0 4.28
HSC-24004 91 (58) 136.5-147.2 10.7 9.0 4.52
a.All intercepts calculated using a 3.4 g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum downhole intercept width is 2.4 meters; internal dilution is less than 20% total width.
b.Carlin Trend drill hole nomenclature: Project area (NTC - North Turf Core, HSC - Horsham Underground Core) followed by the year (24 for 2024) then hole number.
c.True width (TW) for NTC and HSC drillholes has been estimated based on the latest geological and ore controls model and it is subject to refinement as additional data becomes available.
The drilling results for Leeville contained in this MD&A have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory, ALS Minerals. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Carlin Trend conform to industry accepted quality control methods.
23    Reko Diq, Gurich Growth Plan Significant Interceptsa
Drill Results from Q4 2024
Drill Holeb
Azimuth Dip Interval (m)
Width (m)c
Au (g/t) Cu (%) Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Cu (%)
RD-925 200 (70) 102-700 598 0.1 0.43 340-510 170 0.13 0.57
a.All intercepts calculated using a 0.3% Cu cutoff and are uncapped; maximum internal dilution of 18 meters below 0.3% Cu.
b.Reko Diq drill hole nomenclature: Reko Diq District (RD) followed by hole number. Drill method is diamond drilling.
c.True widths of intercepts are estimated using the core axis and are uncertain at this stage.
The drilling results for Gurich (H8) growth plan contained in this MD&A have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation conducted onsite, and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory, SGS - Karachi. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling at Reko Diq - Gurich conform to industry accepted quality control methods.
24    Loulo-Gounkoto Significant Interceptsa
Drill Results from Q4 2024
Drill Holeb
Azimuth Dip Interval (m)
Width (m)c
Au (g/t) Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t)
BDH67 91.29 (53.35) 416 - 420 4 1.20
BDH67 91.29 (53.35) 449.2 - 462 12.8 1.19
BDH67 91.29 (53.35) 494 - 400 6 1.07
BDH67 91.29 (53.35) 503 - 408 5 2.51
BDH67 91.29 (53.35) 526.65 - 429.7 3.05 0.62
BDH67 91.29 (53.35) 541.8 - 454.5 12.7 1.51
BDH68 90 (52) 374.5 - 379.75 5.25 2.65
BDH69 269.72 (50.23) 217.25 - 220.65 3.4 2.46
BDH69 269.72 (50.23) 312.8 - 314.8 2 3.94

BNRC355 90.73 (50.5) 67 - 74 7 10.06
BNRC355 90.73 (50.5) 78 - 90 12 1.83
BNRC355 90.73 (50.5) 130 - 132 2 0.59
BNRC355 90.73 (50.5) 138 - 142 4 0.74
BNRC374 90.14 (51.09) 238 - 242 4 5.38
BNRC375 270 (50) 289 - 291 2 2.88
BNRC377 270.4 (50.34) 84 - 87 3 1.57
BNRC377 270.4 (50.34) 127 - 136 9 0.84
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 90 - 96 6 3.36 90 - 92 2 8.48
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 100 - 102 2 0.71
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 106 - 114 8 2.35 107 - 109 2 6.95
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 125 - 127 2 2.08
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 151 - 153 2 0.81
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 167 - 174 7 0.98
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 179 - 183 4 3.43
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 185 - 187 2 0.76
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 203 - 208 5 1.86
BNRC378 269.48 (49.49) 213 - 216 3 0.57
BNRC379 270.38 (50.02) 10 - 14 4 1.89
BNRC379 270.38 (50.02) 61 - 70 9 3.67 61 - 66 5 5.69
BNRC380 270 (50) 52 - 65 13 1.21
BNRC381 270 (50) 21 - 23 2 1.45
BNRC381 270 (50) 43 - 45 2 1.23
BNRC381 270 (50) 50 - 56 6 1.19
BNRC381 270 (50) 66 - 69 3 1.97
BNRC381 270 (50) 98 - 100 2 2.50
BNRC381 270 (50) 214 - 229 15 25.13 221 - 226 5 72.47
DB1RC057 89.28 (51.3) 61 - 66 5 1.55
DB1RC057 89.28 (51.3) 69 - 72 3 0.90
DBDH027 270.35 (51) 226.4 - 228.4 2 0.82
a.All intercepts calculated using a 0.5 g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2 meters; internal dilution is equal to or less than 2 meters total width.
b.Loulo-Gounkoto drill hole nomenclature: prospect initial B (Baboto), BN (Baboto North), DB (Domain Boundary), DB1 (Domain Boundary 1) followed by type of drilling RC (Reverse Circulation), DH (Diamond Drilling).
c.True widths uncertain at this stage.
d.All intercepts calculated using a 3.0 g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2 meters; internal dilution is equal to or less than 2 meters total width.

The drilling results for Loulo-Gounkoto contained in this MD&A have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory, SGS. Industry accepted best practices for preparation and fire assaying procedures are utilized to determine gold content. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Loulo property conform to industry accepted quality control methods.
25    Tongon Significant Interceptsa
Drill Results from Q4 2024
Drill Holeb
Azimuth Dip Interval (m)
Width (m)c
Au (g/t)
JBEAC006 120 (50) 24 - 33 9 4.76
JBEAC007 120 (50) 22 - 29 7 6.97
JBERC008 120 (50) 14 - 25 11 6.74
JBERC021 120 (50) 58 - 77 19 2.76
JBERC025 120 (50) 70 - 88 18 4.64
JBERC026 120 (50) 63 - 78 15 3.22
JBERC030 120 (50) 68 - 77 9 5.31
JBERC037 120 (50) 52 - 70 18 3.56
JBERC038 120 (50) 64 - 76 12 3.73
JBERC046 120 (50) 49 - 58 9 4.86
JBERC075 120 (50) 15 - 25 10 5.64
JBERC083 120 (50) 27 - 36 9 5.08
JBERC088 120 (50) 24 - 36 12 9.81

JBERC089 120 (50) 37 - 50 13 7.25
JBERC092 120 (50) 47 - 67 20 2.94
JBERC103 120 (50) 62 - 72 10 6.11
JBERC114 120 (50) 53 - 63 10 4.52
JBERC162 120 (50) 22 - 38 16 2.87
JBERC174 120 (50) 44 - 60 16 4.50
JBERC215 120 (50) 69 - 85 16 3.57
KKHRC031 270 (55) 4 - 32 28 2.29
KKHRC042 270 (55) 55 -58 3 7.00
KKHRC044 270 (55) 9 - 17 8 4.31
KKHRC054 270 (55) 14 - 27 13 3.73
KKHRC069 270 (55) 38 - 42 4 4.99
KKHRC071 270 (55) 58 - 88 30 0.77
KKHRC090 270 (55) 46 - 55 9 3.49
KKHRC100A 270 (55) 85 - 113 28 0.90
KKHRC104 270 (55) 54 - 57 3 15.49
a.All intercepts calculated using a 0.5 g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2 meters; internal dilution is equal to or less than 2 meters total width.
b.Drill hole nomenclature: License initial: KKH (Korokoha); Target initial: JBE (Jubula East); followed by type of drilling AC (Air Core), RC (Reverse Circulation), DH (Diamond Drilling).
c.True widths of intercepts are uncertain at this stage.

The drilling results for Tongon contained in this MD&A have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by SGS, an independent laboratory. Industry accepted best practices for preparation and fire assaying procedures are utilized to determine gold content. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Tongon property conform to industry accepted quality control methods.
26    Kibali Significant Interceptsa
Drill Results from Q4 2024
Drill Holeb
Azimuth Dip Interval (m)
Width (m)c
Au (g/t) Interval (m)
Width (m)d
Au (g/t)
RHGC2053 230 (63) 42.00 - 46.00 4.00 1.76
76.00 - 88.00 12.00 231.15
RHGC2066 230 (64) 72.00 - 96.00 24.00 3.12 72.00 - 76.00 4.00 11.18
RHGC2067 230 (70) 74.00 - 96.00 22.00 2.74 72.00 - 88.00 14.00 3.29
RHDD0079 229 (64) 79.00 - 81.80 2.80 0.63
85.00 - 91.00 6.00 1.40
131.00 - 140.80 8.80 17.30 134.00 - 138.00 4.00 36.17
KCDU7507 316 30 0.00 - 7.86 7.86 1.76
21.79 - 55.83 34.04 3.9 21.79 - 48.00 26.21 3.18
a.All intercepts calculated using a 0.5 g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2 meters; internal dilution is equal to or less than 25% total width.
b.Kibali drill hole nomenclature: prospect initial (KC=Durba (KCD), RH=Rhino followed by the type of drilling (RC=Reverse Circulation, DD=Diamond, GC=Grade control) with no designation of the year. KCDU = KCD Underground.
c.True widths of intercepts are uncertain at this stage.
d.Weighted average is calculated by fence using significant intercepts, over the strength length.
e.All including intercepts, calculated using a 0.5 g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped, minimum intercept width is 1 meter, no internal dilution, with grade significantly above (>40%) the overall intercept grade .

The drilling results for Kibali contained in this MD&A have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory, SGS. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling at Kibali conform to industry accepted quality control methods.

Glossary of Technical Terms
ALL-IN SUSTAINING COSTS: A non-GAAP measure of cost per ounce/pound for gold/copper. Refer to page 61 of this MD&A for further information and a reconciliation of the measure.
AUTOCLAVE: Oxidation process in which high temperatures and pressures are applied to convert refractory sulfide mineralization into amenable oxide ore.
BY-PRODUCT: A secondary metal or mineral product recovered in the milling process such as silver.
C1 CASH COSTS: A non-GAAP measure of cost per pound for copper. Refer to page 61 of this MD&A for further information and a reconciliation of the measure.
CONCENTRATE: A very fine, powder-like product containing the valuable ore mineral from which most of the waste mineral has been eliminated.
CONTAINED OUNCES: Represents ounces in the ground before loss of ounces not able to be recovered by the applicable metallurgical processing process.
DEVELOPMENT: Work carried out for the purpose of gaining access to an ore body. In an underground mine, this includes shaft sinking, crosscutting, drifting and raising. In an open-pit mine, development includes the removal of overburden (more commonly referred to as stripping in an open pit).
DILUTION: The effect of waste or low-grade ore which is unavoidably extracted and comingled with the ore mined thereby lowering the recovered grade from what was planned to be mined.
DORÉ: Unrefined gold and silver bullion bars usually consisting of approximately 90 percent precious metals that will be further refined to almost pure metal.
Core: drilling with a hollow bit with a diamond cutting rim to produce a cylindrical core that is used for geological study and assays.
Reverse circulation: drilling that uses a rotating cutting bit within a double-walled drill pipe and produces rock chips rather than core. Air or water is circulated down to the bit between the inner and outer wall of the drill pipe. The chips are forced to the surface through the center of the drill pipe and are collected, examined and assayed.
In-fill: drilling closer spaced holes in between existing holes, used to provide greater geological detail and to help upgrade resource estimates to reserve estimates.
Step-out: drilling to intersect a mineralized horizon or structure along strike or down-dip.
EXPLORATION: Prospecting, sampling, mapping, drilling and other work involved in searching for minerals.
FREE CASH FLOW: A non-GAAP measure that reflects our ability to generate cash flow. Refer to page 60 of this MD&A for a definition.
GRADE: The amount of metal in each tonne of ore, expressed as grams per tonne (g/t) for precious metals and as a percentage for most other metals.
Cut-off grade: the minimum metal grade at which an ore body CAN be economically mined (used in the calculation of ore reserves).
Mill-head grade: metal content per tonne of ore going into a mill for processing.
Reserve grade: estimated metal content of an ore body, based on reserve calculations.
HEAP LEACHING: A process whereby gold/copper is extracted by 「heaping」 broken ore on sloping impermeable pads and continually applying to the heaps a weak cyanide solution/sulfuric acid which dissolves the contained gold/copper. The gold/copper-laden solution is then collected for gold/copper recovery.
HEAP LEACH PAD: A large impermeable foundation or pad used as a base for stacking ore for the purpose of heap leaching.
MILL: A processing facility where ore is finely ground and thereafter undergoes physical or chemical treatment to extract the valuable metals.
MINERAL RESERVE: See pages 83 to 92 – Summary Gold/Copper Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources.
MINERAL RESOURCE: See pages 83 to 92 – Summary Gold/Copper Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources.
OPEN PIT: A mine where the minerals are mined entirely from the surface.
ORE: Rock, generally containing metallic or non-metallic minerals, which CAN be mined and processed at a profit.
ORE BODY: A sufficiently large amount of ore that CAN be mined economically.
OUNCES: Troy ounce is a unit of measure used for weighing gold at 999.9 parts per thousand purity and is equivalent to 31.1035g.
RECLAMATION: The process by which lands disturbed as a result of mining activity are modified to support future beneficial land use. Reclamation activity may include the removal of buildings, equipment, machinery and other physical remnants of mining, closure of tailings storage facilities, leach pads and other mine features, and contouring, covering and re-vegetation of waste rock dumps and other disturbed areas.
RECOVERY RATE: A term used in process metallurgy to indicate the proportion of valuable material physically recovered in the processing of ore. It is generally stated as a percentage of the valuable material recovered compared to the total material originally contained in the ore.
REFINING: The final stage of metal production in which impurities are removed through heating to extract the pure metal.
ROASTING: The treatment of sulfide ore by heat and air, or oxygen enriched air, in order to oxidize sulfides and remove other elements (carbon, antimony or arsenic).
STRIPPING: Removal of overburden or waste rock overlying an ore body in preparation for mining by open-pit methods.
TAILINGS: The material that remains after all economically and technically recoverable precious metals have been removed from the ore during processing.
TOTAL CASH COSTS: A non-GAAP measure of cost per ounce for gold. Refer to page 61 of this MD&A for further information and a reconciliation of the measure.


Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources

The tables on the next seven pages set forth Barrick’s interest in the total proven and probable gold, silver and copper reserves and in the total measured, indicated and inferred gold, silver and copper resources and certain related information at each property. For further details of proven and probable mineral reserves and measured, indicated and inferred mineral resources by category, metal and property, see pages 83 to 92.
The Company has carefully prepared and verified the mineral reserve and mineral resource figures and believes that its method of estimating mineral reserves has been verified by mining experience. These figures are estimates, however, and no assurance CAN be given that the indicated quantities of metal will be produced. Metal price fluctuations may render mineral reserves containing relatively lower grades of mineralization uneconomic. Moreover, short-term operating factors relating to the mineral reserves, such as the need for orderly development of ore bodies or the processing of new or different ore grades, could affect the Company’s profitability in any particular accounting period.

A mineral resource is a concentration or occurrence of diamonds, natural solid inorganic material, or natural solid fossilized organic material including base and precious metals, coal, and industrial minerals in or on the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge. Mineral resources are sub-divided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into inferred, indicated and measured categories.
An inferred mineral resource is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity and grade or quality CAN be estimated on the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes.
An indicated mineral resource is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics CAN be estimated with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic
parameters, to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonably assumed.
A measured mineral resource is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics are so well established that they CAN be estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support production planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough to confirm both geological and grade continuity.
Mineral resources, which are not mineral reserves, do not have demonstrated economic viability.
A mineral reserve is the economically mineable part of a measured or indicated mineral resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction CAN be justified.
A mineral reserve includes diluting materials and allowances for losses that may occur when the material is mined. Mineral reserves are sub-divided in order of increasing confidence into probable mineral reserves and proven mineral reserves. A probable mineral reserve is the economically mineable part of an indicated and, in some circumstances, a measured mineral resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction CAN be justified.
A proven mineral reserve is the economically mineable part of a measured mineral resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction is justified.


Gold Mineral Reserves1,2,3,5
As at December 31, 2024
Tonnes Grade Contained ozs Tonnes Grade Contained ozs Tonnes Grade Contained ozs
Based on attributable ounces (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz)
Bulyanhulu surface 0.0053 3.74 0.00064 0.0053 3.74 0.00064
Bulyanhulu underground 0.61 7.06 0.14 16 6.96 3.6 17 6.96 3.8
Bulyanhulu (84.00%) total 0.62 7.03 0.14 16 6.96 3.6 17 6.96 3.8
Jabal Sayid surface 0.14 0.66 0.0030 0.14 0.66 0.0030
Jabal Sayid underground 8.7 0.32 0.089 4.5 0.46 0.066 13  0.37 0.16
Jabal Sayid (50.00%) total 8.8 0.32 0.092 4.5 0.46 0.066 13 0.37 0.16
Kibali surface 6.4 2.00 0.41 17 2.17 1.2 24 2.13 1.6
Kibali underground 7.0 4.45 1.0 16 3.74 1.9 23 3.96 2.9
Kibali (45.00%) total 13 3.28 1.4 33 2.93 3.2 47 3.03 4.6
Loulo-Gounkoto surface4
11 2.43 0.83 15 3.30 1.6 26 2.95 2.5
Loulo-Gounkoto underground4
7.6 5.13 1.3 23 4.82 3.6 31 4.90 4.9
Loulo-Gounkoto (80.00%) total4
18 3.56 2.1 39 4.22 5.2 57 4.00 7.3
North Mara surface 5.3 3.90 0.66 25 1.51 1.2 30 1.92 1.9
North Mara underground 2.0 3.37 0.22 5.9 4.43 0.84 7.9 4.16 1.1
North Mara (84.00%) total 7.3 3.75 0.88 31 2.07 2.0 38 2.39 2.9
Tongon surface (89.70%) 3.2 2.10 0.21 4.8 2.63 0.40 8.0 2.41 0.62
AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST TOTAL 52 2.91 4.8 130 3.52 15 180 3.35 19
Norte Abierto surface (50.00%) 110 0.65 2.4 480 0.59 9.2 600 0.60 12
Porgera surface 0.11 2.07 0.0076 7.2 2.88 0.67 7.3 2.87 0.68
Porgera underground 0.69 6.42 0.14 3.2 6.48 0.66 3.9 6.47 0.81
 Porgera (24.50%) total 0.81 5.80 0.15 10 3.98 1.3 11 4.11 1.5
Pueblo Viejo surface (60.00%) 48 2.27 3.5 130 2.06 8.8 180 2.11 12
Reko Diq surface (50.00%) 1,400 0.28 13 1,400 0.28 13
Veladero surface (50.00%) 24 0.66 0.51 49 0.68 1.1 73 0.67 1.6
LATIN AMERICA AND ASIA PACIFIC TOTAL 190 1.09 6.6 2,100 0.49 33 2,300 0.54 40
Carlin surface 4.1 1.60 0.21 58 2.39 4.4 62 2.33 4.6
Carlin underground 0.050 6.17 0.010 20 7.69 4.8 20 7.69 4.8
Carlin (61.50%) total 4.1 1.66 0.22 77 3.73 9.3 82 3.62 9.5
Cortez surface 1.0 2.78 0.090 63 1.02 2.1 64 1.05 2.2
Cortez underground 28 6.78 6.1 28 6.78 6.1
Cortez (61.50%) total 1.0 2.78 0.090 91 2.79 8.2 92 2.79 8.3
Hemlo surface 25 0.93 0.75 25 0.93 0.75
Hemlo underground 0.29 3.84 0.036 6.2 4.30 0.86 6.5 4.28 0.90
Hemlo (100%) total 0.29 3.84 0.036 31 1.60 1.6 32 1.62 1.6
Phoenix surface (61.50%) 5.2 0.64 0.11 87 0.63 1.8 92 0.63 1.9
Turquoise Ridge surface 16 2.26 1.2 11 1.92 0.66 27 2.12 1.8
Turquoise Ridge underground 6.3 11.32 2.3 16 9.48 4.8 22 10.00 7.1
Turquoise Ridge (61.50%) total 22 4.82 3.4 27 6.42 5.5 49 5.69 8.9
33 3.69 3.9 310 2.61 26 350 2.71 30
270 1.75 15 2,500 0.90 74 2,800 0.99 89
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.

Copper Mineral Reserves1,2,3,5
As at December 31, 2024
Tonnes Cu Grade Contained Cu Tonnes Cu Grade Contained Cu Tonnes Cu Grade Contained Cu
Based on attributable tonnes (Mt) (%) (Mt) (Mt) (%) (Mt) (Mt) (%) (Mt)
Bulyanhulu surface 0.0053  0.38  0.000020  0.0053 0.38 0.000020
Bulyanhulu underground 0.61  0.41  0.0025  16 0.35 0.057 17 0.35 0.060
Bulyanhulu (84.00%) total 0.62  0.41  0.0025  16 0.35 0.057 17 0.35 0.060
Jabal Sayid surface 0.14 2.68 0.0037       0.14 2.68 0.0037
Jabal Sayid underground 8.7 2.12 0.18 4.5 2.16 0.097 13 2.14 0.28
Jabal Sayid (50.00%) total 8.8 2.13 0.19 4.5 2.16 0.097 13 2.14 0.28
Lumwana surface (100%) 140 0.49 0.68 1,500 0.53 7.6 1,600 0.52 8.3
150 0.59 0.87 1,500 0.53 7.8 1,600 0.54 8.7
Norte Abierto surface (50.00%) 110 0.19 0.22 480 0.23 1.1 600 0.22 1.3
Reko Diq surface (50.00%) 1,500 0.48 7.3 1,500 0.48 7.3
Zaldívar surface (50.00%) 110 0.44 0.48 66 0.41 0.27 180 0.43 0.75
220 0.31 0.70 2,100 0.42 8.6 2,300 0.41 9.4
Phoenix surface (61.50%) 6.9 0.16 0.011 110 0.18 0.20 120 0.18 0.21
6.9 0.16 0.011 110 0.18 0.20 120 0.18 0.21
380 0.42 1.6 3,600 0.46 17 4,000 0.45 18
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.
Silver Mineral Reserves1,2,3,5
As at December 31, 2024
Tonnes Ag Grade Contained Ag Tonnes Ag Grade Contained Ag Tonnes Ag Grade Contained Ag
Based on attributable ounces (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz)
Bulyanhulu surface 0.0053  7.29  0.0012  0.0053 7.29 0.0012
Bulyanhulu underground 0.61  6.98  0.14  16 5.51 2.9 17 5.56 3.0
Bulyanhulu (84.00%) total 0.62  6.98  0.14  16 5.51 2.9 17 5.56 3.0
0.62  6.98  0.14  16 5.51 2.9 17 5.56 3.0
Norte Abierto surface (50.00%) 110 1.91 7.0 480 1.43 22 600 1.52 29
Pueblo Viejo surface (60.00%) 48 12.44 19 130 12.69 54 180 12.62 73
Veladero surface (50.00%) 24 12.92 10.0 49 13.96 22 73 13.62 32
190 6.04 36 670 4.60 98 850 4.92 130
Phoenix surface (61.50%) 5.2 7.87 1.3 87 7.78 22 92 7.78 23
5.2 7.87 1.3 87 7.78 22 92 7.78 23
190 6.09 38 770 4.98 120 960 5.20 160
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.


Gold Mineral Resources1,3,5,6,7,8
As at December 31, 2024
(M) + (I)9
Tonnes Grade Contained ozs Tonnes Grade Contained ozs Contained ozs Tonnes Grade Contained ozs
Based on attributable ounces (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz)
Bulyanhulu surface 0.0053  3.74  0.00064  0.00064
Bulyanhulu underground 2.8  7.94  0.72  28 7.16 6.5 7.2 11 7.2 2.5
Bulyanhulu (84.00%) total 2.8  7.93  0.72  28 7.16 6.5 7.2 11 7.2 2.5
Jabal Sayid surface 0.14 0.66 0.0030 0.0030
Jabal Sayid underground 9.1 0.39 0.11 6.4 0.50 0.10 0.22 1.1 0.6 0.021
Jabal Sayid (50.00%) total 9.2 0.40 0.12 6.4 0.50 0.10 0.22 1.1 0.6 0.021
Kibali surface 9.5 2.14 0.65 26 2.17 1.8 2.5 8.2 2.2 0.58
Kibali underground 11 4.43 1.5 29 3.45 3.3 4.8 4.3 2.5 0.35
Kibali (45.00%) total 20 3.34 2.1 56 2.85 5.1 7.3 12 2.3 0.93
Loulo-Gounkoto surface4
12 2.41 0.95 19 3.34 2.1 3.0 2.8 2.4 0.22
Loulo-Gounkoto underground4
18 4.21 2.4 38 4.22 5.1 7.6 12 2.0 0.81
Loulo-Gounkoto (80.00%) total4
30 3.48 3.4 57 3.93 7.2 11 15 2.1 1.0
North Mara surface 7.8 3.19 0.80 36 1.60 1.9 2.7 2.0 1.6 0.10
North Mara underground 6.8 2.17 0.48 29 2.29 2.1 2.6 8.9 1.6 0.47
North Mara (84.00%) total 15 2.71 1.3 65 1.91 4.0 5.3 11 1.6 0.57
Tongon surface (89.70%) 3.8 2.24 0.28 4.8 2.71 0.42 0.70 1.5 2.3 0.11
81 3.05 7.9 220 3.34 23 31 52 3.1 5.2
Alturas surface (100%) 58  1.16  2.2  2.2  130 0.8 3.6
Norte Abierto surface (50.00%) 190 0.63 3.9 1,100 0.53 19 22 370 0.4 4.4
Pascua Lama surface (100%) 43 1.86 2.6 390 1.49 19 21 15 1.7 0.86
Porgera surface 28 2.35 2.1 2.1 17 1.7 0.94
Porgera underground 0.74 6.87 0.16 4.0 6.42 0.82 0.98 1.9 6.4 0.38
Porgera (24.50%) total 0.74 6.87 0.16 32 2.86 2.9 3.1 19 2.2 1.3
Pueblo Viejo surface (60.00%) 61 2.09 4.1 190 1.87 11 15 7.5 1.6 0.38
Reko Diq surface (50.00%) 1,800 0.25 15 15 640 0.2 3.9
Veladero surface (50.00%) 26 0.65 0.53 85 0.65 1.8 2.3 16 0.5 0.29
LATIN AMERICA AND ASIA PACIFIC TOTAL 320 1.08 11 3,700 0.60 70 81 1,200 0.4 15
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.

Gold Mineral Resources1,3,5,6,7,8
As at December 31, 2024
(M) + (I)9
Tonnes Grade Contained ozs Tonnes Grade Contained ozs Contained ozs Tonnes Grade Contained ozs
Based on attributable ounces (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz)
Carlin surface 8.8 1.29 0.37 96 2.06 6.4 6.7 29 1.3 1.2
Carlin underground 0.086  8.55  0.024  33 7.92 8.5 8.6 19 7.3 4.5
Carlin (61.50%) total 8.9 1.36 0.39 130 3.57 15 15 48 3.7 5.7
Cortez surface 1.6 2.79 0.15 100 0.97 3.2 3.3 31 0.6 0.63
Cortez underground 39 6.30 8.0 8.0 15 5.6 2.8
Cortez (61.50%) total 1.6 2.79 0.15 140 2.45 11 11 46 2.3 3.4
Donlin surface (50.00%) 270 2.24 20 20 46 2.0 3.0
Fourmile underground (100%) 3.6 11.76 1.4 1.4 14 14.1 6.4
Hemlo surface 50 1.00 1.6 1.6 5.0 0.7 0.12
Hemlo underground 3.9 4.37 0.55 9.8 4.04 1.3 1.8 3.5 4.5 0.50
Hemlo (100%) total 3.9 4.37 0.55 60 1.49 2.9 3.4 8.5 2.3 0.62
Phoenix surface (61.50%) 5.2 0.64 0.11 240 0.49 3.9 4.0 16 0.4 0.19
Turquoise Ridge surface 16 2.22 1.2 29 1.69 1.6 2.7 14 1.1 0.51
Turquoise Ridge underground 6.6 12.01 2.5 18 9.91 5.8 8.4 3.7 8.5 1.0
Turquoise Ridge (61.50%) total 23 5.02 3.7 47 4.87 7.4 11 18 2.6 1.5
43 3.58 4.9 900 2.12 61 66 200 3.3 21
450 1.68 24 4,800 1.01 150 180 1,400 0.9 41
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.

Copper Mineral Resources1,3,5,6,7,8
As at December 31, 2024
(M) + (I)9
Tonnes Grade Contained Cu Tonnes Grade Contained Cu Contained Cu Tonnes Grade Contained Cu
Based on attributable tonnes (Mt) (%) (Mt) (Mt) (%) (Mt) (Mt) (Mt) (%) (Mt)
Bulyanhulu surface 0.0053  0.38  0.000020  0.000020
Bulyanhulu underground 2.8  0.37  0.010  28 0.36 0.10 0.11 11 0.3 0.036
Bulyanhulu (84.00%) total 2.8  0.37  0.010  28 0.36 0.10 0.11 11 0.3 0.036
Jabal Sayid surface 0.14 2.68 0.0037 0.0037
Jabal Sayid underground 9.1 2.49 0.23 6.4 2.23 0.14 0.37 1.1 0.5 0.0058
Jabal Sayid (50.00%) total 9.2 2.50 0.23 6.4 2.23 0.14 0.37 1.1 0.5 0.0058
Lumwana surface (100%) 170 0.45 0.77 1,800 0.50 9.2 10 230 0.4 0.91
190 0.55 1.0 1,900 0.51 9.4 10 240 0.4 0.95
Norte Abierto surface (50.00%) 170 0.21 0.36 1,000 0.21 2.2 2.5 360 0.2 0.66
Reko Diq surface (50.00%) 2,000 0.43 8.4 8.4 690 0.3 2.2
Zaldívar surface (50.00%) 240 0.39 0.94 290 0.36 1.0 2.0 15 0.3 0.048
LATIN AMERICA AND ASIA PACIFIC TOTAL 410 0.31 1.3 3,300 0.35 12 13 1,100 0.3 3.0
Phoenix surface (61.50%) 6.9 0.16 0.011 300 0.17 0.51 0.52 18 0.2 0.028
6.9 0.16 0.011 300 0.17 0.51 0.52 18 0.2 0.028
600 0.38 2.3 5,400 0.39 22 24 1,300 0.3 3.9
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.

Silver Mineral Resources1,3,5,6,7,8
As at December 31, 2024
(M) + (I)9
Tonnes Ag Grade Contained Ag Tonnes Ag Grade Contained Ag Contained Ag Tonnes Ag Grade Contained Ag
Based on attributable ounces (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) (Moz) (Mt) (g/t) (Moz)
Bulyanhulu surface 0.0053  7.29 0.0012  0.0012
Bulyanhulu underground 2.8  6.87 0.62  28 5.56 5.1 5.7 11 5.7 2.0
Bulyanhulu (84.00%) total 2.8  6.87 0.62  28 5.56 5.1 5.7 11 5.7 2.0
2.8  6.87 0.62  28 5.56 5.1 5.7 11 5.7 2.0
Norte Abierto surface (50.00%) 190 1.62 10 1,100 1.23 43 53 370 1.0 11
Pascua-Lama surface (100%) 43 57.21 79 390 52.22 660 740 15 17.8 8.8
Pueblo Viejo surface (60.00%) 61 11.47 22 190 11.22 68 91 7.5 6.8 1.6
Veladero surface (50.00%) 26 13.08 11 85 13.91 38 49 16 15.8 8.2
LATIN AMERICA AND ASIA PACIFIC TOTAL 320 11.81 120 1,700  14.36 810 930 410 2.3 30
Phoenix surface (61.50%) 5.2 7.87 1.3 240  6.40 50 52 16 4.2 2.2
5.2 7.87 1.3 240 6.40 50 52 16 4.2 2.2
330 11.70 120 2,000 13.28 860 990 440 2.4 34
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.


Summary Gold Mineral Reserves1,2,3,5
For the years ended December 31 2024 2023
Ownership Tonnes
Grade 9
Ounces Ownership Tonnes
Grade 9
Based on attributable ounces % (Mt) (g/t) (Moz) % (Mt) (g/t) (Moz)
Bulyanhulu surface 84.00% 0.0053  3.74 0.00064  84.00% 0.0088  5.89 0.0017 
Bulyanhulu underground 84.00% 17 6.96 3.8 84.00% 18 6.05 3.4
Bulyanhulu Total 84.00% 17 6.96 3.8 84.00% 18 6.05 3.4
Jabal Sayid surface 50.00% 0.14 0.66 0.0030 50.00% 0.064 0.38 0.00078
Jabal Sayid underground 50.00% 13  0.37 0.16 50.00% 14  0.34 0.15
Jabal Sayid Total 50.00% 13 0.37 0.16 50.00% 14 0.34 0.15
Kibali surface 45.00% 24 2.13 1.6 45.00% 24 2.05 1.6
Kibali underground 45.00% 23 3.96 2.9 45.00% 24 4.10 3.1
Kibali Total
45.00% 47 3.03 4.6 45.00% 47 3.07 4.7
Loulo-Gounkoto surface4
80.00% 26 2.95 2.5 80.00% 24 2.84 2.1
Loulo-Gounkoto underground4
80.00% 31 4.90 4.9 80.00% 33 4.81 5.1
Loulo-Gounkoto Total4
80.00% 57 4.00 7.3 80.00% 57 3.99 7.2
North Mara surface 84.00% 30 1.92 1.9 84.00% 30 1.90 1.8
North Mara underground 84.00% 7.9 4.16 1.1 84.00% 9.3 3.60 1.1
North Mara Total 84.00% 38 2.39 2.9 84.00% 39 2.30 2.9
Tongon surface 89.70% 8.0 2.41 0.62 89.70% 5.5 1.98 0.35
AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST TOTAL 180 3.35 19 180 3.24 19
Norte Abierto surface 50.00% 600 0.60 12 50.00% 600 0.60 12
Porgera surface 24.50% 7.3 2.87 0.68 24.50% 5.0 3.55 0.57
Porgera underground 24.50% 3.9 6.47 0.81 24.50% 2.9 6.96 0.65
Porgera Total 24.50% 11 4.11 1.5 24.50% 7.9 4.81 1.2
Pueblo Viejo surface 60.00% 180 2.11 12 60.00% 170 2.14 12
Reko Diq surface 50.00% 1,400 0.28 13 50.00% —  —  — 
Veladero surface 50.00% 73 0.67 1.6 50.00% 89 0.70 2.0
2,300 0.54 40 870 0.96 27
Carlin surface 61.50% 62 2.33 4.6 61.50% 65 2.39 5.0
Carlin underground 61.50% 20 7.69 4.8 61.50% 17 8.34 4.6
Carlin Total 61.50% 82 3.62 9.5 61.50% 82 3.64 9.7
Cortez surface 61.50% 64 1.05 2.2 61.50% 110 0.82 2.8
Cortez underground 61.50% 28 6.78 6.1 61.50% 27 7.27 6.3
Cortez Total 61.50% 92 2.79 8.3 61.50% 130 2.13 9.0
Hemlo surface 100% 25 0.93 0.75 100% 27 0.97 0.84
Hemlo underground 100% 6.5 4.28 0.90 100% 6.8 4.12 0.90
Hemlo Total 100% 32 1.62 1.6 100% 34 1.60 1.7
Phoenix surface 61.50% 92 0.63 1.9 61.50% 100 0.58 1.9
Turquoise Ridge surface 61.50% 27 2.12 1.8 61.50% 22 2.36 1.7
Turquoise Ridge underground 61.50% 22 10.00 7.1 61.50% 20 10.66 6.9
Turquoise Ridge Total 61.50% 49 5.69 8.9 61.50% 43 6.29 8.6
350 2.71 30 390 2.45 31
2,800 0.99 89 1,400 1.65 77
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.


Summary Copper Mineral Reserves1,2,3,5
For the years ended December 31 2024 2023
Ownership Tonnes
Cu Grade9
Contained Tonnes Ownership Tonnes
Cu Grade9
Contained Tonnes
Based on attributable tonnes % (Mt) (%) (Mt) % (Mt) (%) (Mt)
Bulyanhulu surface 84.00% 0.0053 0.38 0.000020 84.00% 0.0088  0.29 0.000026 
Bulyanhulu underground 84.00% 17 0.35 0.060 84.00% 18 0.36 0.063
Bulyanhulu Total 84.00% 17 0.35 0.060 84.00% 18 0.36 0.063
Jabal Sayid surface 50.00% 0.14 2.68 0.0037 50.00% 0.064 2.63 0.0017 
Jabal Sayid underground 50.00% 13 2.14 0.28 50.00% 14  2.22 0.30
Jabal Sayid Total 50.00% 13 2.14 0.28 50.00% 14  2.23 0.30
Lumwana surface 100% 1,600 0.52 8.3 100% 510 0.58 3.0
AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST TOTAL 1,600 0.54 8.7 540 0.62 3.3
Norte Abierto surface (50.00%) 50.00% 600 0.22 1.3 50.00% 600  0.22  1.3 
Reko Diq surface (50.00%) 50.00% 1,500 0.48 7.3 50.00% —  —  — 
Zaldívar surface (50.00%) 50.00% 180 0.43 0.75 50.00% 180 0.42 0.74
2,300 0.41 9.4 780 0.26 2.0
Phoenix surface 61.50% 120 0.18 0.21 61.50% 140 0.17 0.23
120 0.18 0.21 140 0.17 0.23
4,000 0.45 18 1,500 0.39 5.6
See 「Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes」.


Mineral Reserves and Resources Endnotes
1.Mineral reserves (「reserves」) and mineral resources (「resources」) have been estimated as at December 31, 2024 (unless otherwise noted) in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (「NI 43-101」) as required by Canadian securities regulatory authorities. For United States reporting purposes, the SEC has adopted amendments to its disclosure rules to modernize the mineral property disclosure requirements for issuers whose securities are registered with the SEC under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the 「Exchange Act」). These amendments became effective February 25, 2019 (the 「SEC Modernization Rules」) with compliance required for the first fiscal year beginning on or after January 1, 2021. The SEC Modernization Rules replace the historical property disclosure requirements for mining registrants that were included in SEC Industry Guide 7, which was rescinded from and after the required compliance date of the SEC Modernization Rules. As a result of the adoption of the SEC Modernization Rules, the SEC now recognizes estimates of 「measured」, 「indicated」 and 「inferred」 mineral resources. In addition, the SEC has amended its definitions of 「proven mineral reserves」 and 「probable mineral reserves」 to be substantially similar to the corresponding Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum definitions, as required by NI 43-101. U.S. investors should understand that 「inferred」 mineral resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. In addition, U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of Barrick’s mineral resources constitute or will be converted into reserves. Mineral resource and mineral reserve estimations have been prepared by employees of Barrick, its joint venture partners or its joint venture operating companies, as applicable, under the supervision of Craig Fiddes, SME-RM, Lead, Resource Modeling, Nevada Gold Mines; Richard Peattie, MPhil, FAusIMM, Mineral Resources Manager: Africa and Middle East; Peter Jones, MAIG, Manager Resource Geology – Latin America & Asia Pacific; and Simon Bottoms, CGeol, MGeol, FGS, FAusIMM, Mineral Resource Management and Evaluation Executive. For 2024, reserves have been estimated based on an assumed gold price of US$1,400 per ounce, an assumed silver price of US$20.00 per ounce, and an assumed copper price of US$3.00 per pound and long-term average exchange rates of 1.30 CAD/US$, except at Tongon, and Hemlo open pit, both where mineral reserves for 2024 were estimated using $1,650/oz; at Zaldívar, where mineral reserves for 2024 were calculated using Antofagasta guidance and an updated assumed copper price of US$3.80 per pound; and at Norte Abierto where mineral reserves are reported by Newmont within a $1,200/oz gold, $2.75/lb copper and $22/oz silver pit design, before application of updated 2023 project economics using escalated operating and capital costs resulting in Newmont guidance of $1,600/oz for gold, $4.00/lb for copper and $23/oz for silver for assumed mineral reserve commodity prices. For 2023, reserves have been estimated based on an assumed gold price of US$1,300 per ounce, an assumed silver price of US$18.00 per ounce, and an assumed copper price of US$3.00 per pound and long-term average exchange rates of 1.30 CAD/US$, except at Tongon, where mineral reserves for 2023 were calculated using $1,500/oz; Hemlo, where mineral reserves for 2023 were calculated using $1,400/oz; and at Zaldívar, where mineral reserves for 2023 were calculated using Antofagasta guidance and an updated assumed copper price of US$3.50 per pound. Reserve estimates incorporate current and/or expected mine plans and cost levels at each property. Varying cut-off grades have been used depending on the mine and type of ore contained in the reserves. Barrick’s normal data verification procedures have been employed in connection with the calculations. Verification procedures include industry-standard quality control practices. Resources as at December 31, 2024 have been estimated using varying cut-off grades, depending on both the type of mine or project, its maturity and ore types at each property.
2.In confirming our annual reserves for each of our mineral properties, projects, and operations, we conduct a reserve test on December 31 of each year to verify that the future undiscounted cash flow from reserves is positive. The cash flow ignores all sunk costs and only considers future operating and closure expenses as well as any future capital costs.
3.All mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates of tonnes, Au oz, Ag oz and Cu tonnes are reported to the second significant digit.
4.Mineral resources and mineral reserves for the Loulo-Gounkoto Complex have been estimated under the 1991 Malian Mining Code and the Loulo and Gounkoto Mining Conventions under which the Complex has operated to date. Any update to applicable terms as a result of ongoing engagements with the Government of Mali will be incorporated after a definitive agreement is reached. For additional information see page 9 of Barrick’s Fourth Quarter and Year End Report 2024.
5.2024 polymetallic mineral resources and mineral reserves are estimated using the combined value of gold, copper & silver and accordingly are reported as gold, copper and silver mineral resources and mineral reserves.
6.For 2024, mineral resources have been estimated based on an assumed gold price of US$1,900 per ounce, an assumed silver price of US$24.00 per ounce, and an assumed copper price of US$4.00 per pound and long-term average exchange rates of 1.30 CAD/US$, except Zaldívar, where mineral resources for 2024 were estimated using Antofagasta guidance and an assumed copper price of US$4.40 per pound, and Norte Abierto, where mineral resources are reported by Newmont within a $1,400/oz gold, $3.25/lb copper and $20/oz silver pit shell, before application of updated 2023 project economics using escalated operating and capital costs resulting in Newmont guidance of $1,600/oz for gold, $4.00/lb for copper and $23/oz for silver for assumed mineral resource commodity price. For 2023, mineral resources were estimated based on an assumed gold price of US$1,700 per ounce, an assumed silver price of US$21.00 per ounce, and an assumed copper price of US$4.00 per pound and long-term average exchange rates of 1.30 CAD/US$, except at Zaldívar, where mineral resources for 2023 were calculated using Antofagasta guidance and an assumed copper price of US$4.20.
7.Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
8.Mineral resources are reported inclusive of mineral reserves.
9.All measured and indicated mineral resource estimates of grade and all proven and probable mineral reserve estimates of grade for Au g/t, Ag g/t and Cu % are reported to two decimal places.
10.All inferred mineral resource estimates of grade for Au g/t, Ag g/t and Cu % are reported to one decimal place.