“個人” means an individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, business Trust, joint stock company, Trust, unincorporated association, joint venture or any other entity or organization.
強制註冊. The Company shall, as promptly as reasonably practicable and in any event no later than 45 days after the Closing Date (the “申報截止日期)準備並向證券交易委員會提交初步註冊聲明(“初步註冊聲明)涵蓋所有可註冊證券的轉售。在提交註冊聲明之前,公司應向投資者提供註冊聲明的副本。投資者及其法律顧問應有至少三個工作日的時間,審查並對預計提交的註冊聲明及其任何修正或補充和任何相關招股說明書提供意見,提交給證券交易委員會之前。根據證券交易委員會的意見,該註冊聲明應包括與本文件附帶的分發計劃基本相同的形式, 附件A公司應當(a)在每份文件提交給SEC之前,盡商業上合理的努力解決投資者或其顧問合理提出的評論,以及(b)不提交任何註冊聲明或相關的招股說明書或任何包含投資者信息的修訂或補充,除非投資者對該信息合理反對,且公司認爲該信息是遵守任何適用法律、法規、SEC指引或上市標準所必需的。投資者應提供公司合理要求的所有信息,以及與本協議中提到的任何註冊相關的合理要求。
有效性公司應盡其合理最佳努力,確保初始註冊聲明及任何修訂在儘早的時間內獲得SEC的有效聲明,但不晚於(a)在初始註冊聲明的首次提交日期後的第75個日歷天,如果SEC通知公司將對初始註冊聲明進行「審查」,以及(b)在公司收到SEC通知(口頭或書面,以較早者爲準)初始註冊聲明將不會被「審查」或將不會再進行進一步審查後的第五個工作日; 提供如果初步註冊聲明的生效截止日期在2025年2月14日之後,則該截止日期將自動延長至公司提交包含表格10-K第三部分所需披露的最終委託代理聲明或年報的第二個工作日,該表格將不晚於2025年4月30日提交(“生效截止日期)。公司應儘快通過電子郵件通知投資者,並在任何情況下在註冊聲明被宣佈生效或補充後的一個工作日內提供與之相關的任何招股說明書的副本,以便用於銷售或其他處置由此涵蓋的證券。公司應盡合理最佳努力保持初步註冊聲明根據證券法第415條的規定持續有效,並隨時可供投資者轉售所有涵蓋的可註冊證券,直到以下事件中最早發生的事件:(i)投資者已轉售所有涵蓋的可註冊證券的日期;(ii)可註冊證券可由投資者在不需要註冊的情況下轉售,並且不受任何交易量或銷售方式限制,依據規則144,且不要求公司遵守當前公共信息要求依據證券法規則144或任何其他類似效果的規則;(iii)在本協議簽署之日起五(5)年後(“註冊期”). The Initial Registration Statement (including any amendments or supplements thereto and prospectuses contained therein) shall not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein, or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances in which they were made, not misleading.
違約金如果 (i) 初始註冊聲明未在填寫截止日期前提交,(ii) 初始註冊聲明未在生效截止日期前被宣佈生效,(iii) 新註冊聲明未在新註冊填寫截止日期前提交,(iv) 新註冊聲明未在新註冊生效截止日期前被宣佈生效,或 (v) 在任何註冊聲明被美國證券交易委員會(SEC)宣佈生效後,因任何原因(包括但不限於由於止損市價單,或公司未能更新該註冊聲明)無法根據該註冊聲明進行銷售,但不包括任何允許的延遲(如下所定義),或者如果註冊聲明是S-1表格,則在公司提交後續有效修正案,納入公司年度報告表格10-K之日後的20天內(“維護失敗”), then the Company will make pro rata payments to each Investor then holding Registrable Securities, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, in an amount equal to 1.0% of the aggregate amount paid pursuant to the Purchase Agreement by such Investor for such Registrable Securities then held by such Investor for each 30-day period or pro rata for any portion thereof during which the failure continues (the “黑暗期”); 提供如果公司的失誤是由於任何不可抗力造成的,便不應支付任何違約金。此類支付應構成投資者針對此類事件的唯一貨幣補救措施,但不影響投資者尋求禁令救濟的權利。根據本段規定,應支付的違約金應在每個30天週期結束後的五個工作日內以現金形式支付,該週期自黑暗期開始起計算,直到黑暗期終止(以下簡稱「黑暗期付款日期」)。任何未在黑暗期付款日期前支付的違約金應按每月1.0%的利率計息,直到該金額全部支付完畢。儘管如此,根據本協議支付給任何投資者的違約金(或其利息)總額不得超過該投資者在購買協議下購買的股份總購買價格的5.0%。儘管本協議中有任何內容, 第2(d)節 to the contrary, during any periods that the Company is unable to meet its obligations hereunder with respect to the registration of the Registrable Securities because any Investor fails to furnish information required to be provided pursuant to 第2(a)節 或 第4(a)節 在公司請求後的三個工作日內,任何本應歸該投資者的違約金僅應暫停,直到該信息交付給公司。
允許的延遲. On no more than two occasions and for not more than 30 consecutive days or for a total of not more than 60 days in any 12 month period, the Company may delay the effectiveness of the Initial Registration Statement or any other Registration Statement, or suspend the use of any prospectus included in any Registration Statement, in the event that the Company determines in good faith that such delay or suspension is necessary to (A) delay the disclosure of material non-public information concerning the Company, the disclosure of which at the time is not, in the good faith opinion of the Company, in the best interests of the Company or (B) amend or supplement the affected Registration Statement or the related prospectus so that such Registration Statement or prospectus shall not include an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in the case of the prospectus in light of the circumstances under which they
were made, not misleading (an “允許的延遲”); 提供, that the Company shall promptly (a) notify each Investor in writing of the commencement of an Allowed Delay, but shall not (without the prior written consent of an Investor) disclose to such Investor any material non-public information giving rise to an Allowed Delay, (b) advise the Investors in writing to cease all sales under the Registration Statement until the end of the Allowed Delay and (c) use commercially reasonable efforts to terminate an Allowed Delay as promptly as practicable.
Notification of Stop Orders; Material Changes公司應盡商業合理的努力 (i) 防止任何止損市價單或其他有效性暫停的發佈,並且 (ii) 如果發佈了此類命令,儘快撤回任何此類命令。公司應及時通知投資者 (但不得晚於24小時) 並在每種情況下以書面形式確認此通知: (i) 公司收到來自SEC或任何其他聯邦或州政府機構的任何請求,要求對註冊聲明或任何招股說明書進行修正或補充,或要求提供任何額外信息的通知; (ii) 公司收到關於SEC或任何其他聯邦或州政府機構發佈的任何止損市價單的通知,暫停
初始註冊聲明的有效性或禁止或暫停使用任何招股說明書或招股說明書補充,或任何新註冊聲明,或公司收到的任何關於停用登記證券在任何司法管轄區內的銷售或發售資格的通知,或爲此目的開始或計劃開始任何程序的通知;以及 (iii) 公司意識到發生任何事件,使得在任何註冊聲明或任何招股說明書中所作的實質事實的聲明不真實,或需要對在任何註冊聲明或任何招股說明書中所作的陳述進行補充或更改,以陳述《證券法》要求在其中說明的實質事實,或爲使其所作的陳述(如果是招股說明書,根據當時的情況)不具誤導性,或有必要修訂任何註冊聲明或任何招股說明書以遵守《證券法》或任何其他法律的必要性。公司不需要向投資者披露前述句子中(i)至(iii)所列事件的具體理由的實質內容(每個事件稱爲“暫停事件),而只需披露事件已發生。如有任何時間,證券交易委員會(SEC)或任何其他聯邦或州政府機構發佈任何停止令,暫停任何註冊聲明的有效性或禁止或暫停使用任何招股說明書或招股說明書補充, 公司應盡其合理的最大努力在最早切實可行的時間內獲取該命令的撤回。公司應無償向投資者提供任何與初始註冊聲明、任何新註冊聲明或任何招股說明書或招股說明書補充有關的證券交易委員會或證券交易委員會工作人員或任何其他聯邦或州政府機構發給公司或其代表的任何通信的副本。在第二句話第(iii)條款中規定的暫停事件發生時, 第3(e)節, the Company will use its commercially reasonable efforts to publicly disclose such event as soon as reasonably practicable, or otherwise resolve the matter such that sales under Registration Statements may resume; 提供如果公司有合理的商業目的不公開此類信息,公司可以暫停所有註冊聲明的使用,最長可達60個連續日歷天; 提供, 進一步, 公司不得在任何十二個月期間內暫停使用所有註冊聲明超過兩次,或超過90個日歷天。
如果投資者在任何時刻合理要求提供任何註冊聲明的情況,公司應向該投資者提供由公司法律顧問出具的書面確認,確認該註冊聲明是否因任何原因(包括但不限於停止令的發佈)而在任何時候失效,以及該註冊聲明當前是否有效並可供公司出售註冊證券。. If reasonably requested by an Investor at any time in respect of any Registration Statement, the Company shall deliver to such Investor a written confirmation from Company’s counsel of whether or not the effectiveness of such Registration Statement has lapsed at any time for any reason (including, without limitation, the issuance of a stop order) and whether or not such Registration Statement is currently effective and available to the Company for sale of Registrable Securities.
上市. 公司應盡最大努力促使 (i) 所有包含在可註冊證券中的普通股,和 (ii) 所有可轉換非投票股份或行使Warrants所發行的普通股(在這些股份是可註冊證券的情況下)在納斯達克資本市場(或公司普通股當前上市的其他國家證券交易所)上市。
規則144. With a view to making available to the Investors the benefits of Rule 144 (or its successor rule) and any other rule or regulation of the SEC that may at any time permit the Investors to sell shares of Common Stock to the public without registration, the Company covenants and agrees to: (i) make and KEEP adequate current public information available, as those terms are understood and defined in Rule 144, until the earlier of (A) six months after such date as all of the Registrable Securities may be sold without restriction by the holders thereof pursuant to Rule 144 or any other rule of similar effect or (B) such date as there are no longer Registrable Securities; and (ii) file with the SEC in a timely manner all reports and other documents required of the Company under the Exchange Act; and (iii) furnish electronically to each Investor upon request, as long as such Investor owns any Registrable Securities, (A) a written statement by the Company that it has complied with the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, (B) a copy of or electronic access to the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and (C) such other information as may be reasonably requested in order to avail such Investor of any rule or regulation of the SEC that permits the selling of any such Registrable Securities without registration.
合作. The Company shall cooperate with the holders of the Registrable Securities to facilitate the timely preparation and delivery of certificates or uncertificated shares representing the Registrable Securities to be sold pursuant to such Registration Statement or Rule 144 free of any restrictive legends and representing such number of shares of Common Stock and registered in such names as the holders of the Registrable Securities may reasonably request to the extent permitted by such Registration Statement or Rule 144 to effect sales of Registrable Securities; for the avoidance of doubt, the Company may satisfy its obligations hereunder without issuing physical stock certificates through the use of The Depository Trust Company’s Direct Registration System.
to the benefit of any such Person from whom the Person asserting any such Claim purchased the Registrable Securities that are the subject thereof (or to the benefit of any other Indemnified Person) if the untrue statement or omission of material fact contained in the superseded prospectus was corrected in the revised prospectus, as then amended or supplemented, and the Indemnified Person was promptly advised in writing not to use the outdated, defective or incorrect prospectus prior to the use giving rise to a Violation; violation; (C) shall not be available to the extent such Claim is based on a failure of the Indemnified Person to deliver, or cause to be delivered, if required the prospectus to the Persons asserting an untrue statement or omission or alleged untrue statement or omission at or prior to the written confirmation of the sale of Registrable Securities; and (D) shall not apply to amounts paid in settlement of any Claim if such settlement is effected without the prior written consent of the Company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Such indemnity shall remain in full force and effect regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of the Indemnified Person and shall survive the transfer of the Registrable Securities by the Investor pursuant to 第八條.
In connection with the Initial Registration Statement, any New Registration Statement or any prospectus, the Investors, severally and not jointly, agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, the Company, each of its directors, each of its officers who signed 初始註冊聲明或簽署任何新註冊聲明的每個個人,如有,控制公司的任何人,根據證券法或交易法的含義(每個均爲“Indemnified Party”), against any losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expense (including reasonable attorney fees) resulting from any Violation, in each case to the extent, and only to the extent, that such Violation occurs in reliance upon and in conformity with information about an Investor furnished in writing by such Investor to the Company and reviewed and approved in writing by such Investor or such Indemnified Person expressly for use in connection with the preparation of the Registration Statement, any New Registration Statement, any prospectus or any such amendment thereof or supplement thereto. In no event shall the liability of an Investor be greater in amount than the dollar amount of the proceeds (net of all expense paid by such Investor in connection with any claim relating to this Section 6 and the amount of any damages such Investor has otherwise been required to pay by reason of such untrue statement or omission) received by such Investor upon the sale of the Registrable Securities included in such Registration Statement giving rise to such indemnification obligation. Such indemnity shall remain in full force and effect regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of such Indemnified Party and shall survive the transfer of the Registrable Securities by any Investor pursuant to 第八條.
Promptly after receipt by an Indemnified Person or Indemnified Party under this Section 6 對此條款的索賠應要求任何賠償方。 Section 6向賠償方送達書面通知,通知其開始處理該事項,賠償方有權參與其中,並在賠償方願意的情況下,與任何其他同樣已被通知的賠償方共同承擔辯護的控制權,辯護律師需雙方滿意,賠償方和被賠償方(根據情況)應對此進行協調。在此通知下,賠償方不對被賠償方或被賠償人因該辯護後續產生的任何法律或其他費用承擔責任; 提供被賠償人或被賠償方(連同可能由一位律師無衝突地代表的所有其他被賠償人和被賠償方)有權自行保留其法律顧問,合理的費用和支出由賠償方支付,如果,賠償方聘請的律師合理地認爲該律師對被賠償人或被賠償方以及賠償方的代表不適當,因爲被賠償人或被賠償方與該律師在訴訟中代表的任何其他方之間存在實際或潛在的利益衝突。被賠償方或被賠償人應與賠償方合作,進行任何此類行動或索賠的談判或辯護,