應付賬款和應計負債當前0001257640財年115000000115000000DE應付賬款和應計負債當前--03-15--09-150應付賬款和應計負債當前0P8Y庫藏股普通股成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:庫藏股普通股成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:普通股成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:普通股成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:額外實收資本成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:額外實收資本成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:額外實收資本成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2024-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:普通股成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:額外實收資本成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計外匯調整項目2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員2024-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:普通股成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:額外實收資本成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計外匯調整項目2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員2023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2022-12-310001257640us-gaap:庫藏股普通股成員2022-12-310001257640us-gaap:留存收益成員2022-12-310001257640us-gaap:普通股成員2022-12-310001257640us-gaap:額外實收資本成員2022-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計外匯調整項目2022-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員2022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2021-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2021-12-310001257640us-gaap:庫藏股普通股成員2021-12-310001257640us-gaap:留存收益成員2021-12-310001257640us-gaap:普通股成員2021-12-310001257640us-gaap:額外實收資本成員2021-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計外匯調整項目2021-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員2021-12-310001257640kro : Kronos國際會員kro : 三點七五百分比高級擔保票據,截止於2025年9月會員2023-12-310001257640kro : Contran公司會員kro : 跨公司服務協議會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : Contran公司會員kro : 跨公司服務協議會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : Contran公司成員kro : 企業間服務協議成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 二氧化鈦原料成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員kro : Venator投資有限責任公司成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員kro : Kronos路易斯安那公司成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 二氧化鈦原料會員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員kro : 威納託投資有限責任公司會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員kro : 克朗斯路易斯安那公司會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員country:美國kro : 原點會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家: NOkro : 原點會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家: 德國kro : 原點會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家:CAkro : 來源點會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家:比利時kro : 來源點會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 北美成員kro : 目的地會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt:地理淘汰成員kro : 出發地成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 歐洲成員kro : 目的地成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 其他地理區域成員kro : 目的地成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員country:美國kro : 出發地成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家: NOkro : 起源會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家: 德國kro : 起源會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家:CAkro : 起點成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家:比利時kro : 起點成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 北美成員kro : 目的地成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt:地理淘汰成員kro : 起點成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 歐洲成員kro : 目的地成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 其他地理區域成員kro : 目的地成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員country:美國kro : 出發地成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家: NOkro : 起始點成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家: 德國kro : 起始點成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家:CAkro : 起始點成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 可報告的地理組成成員國家:比利時kro : 起點會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 北美成員kro : 終點會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt:地理淘汰成員kro : 起點會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 歐洲成員kro : 目的地成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 其他地理區域成員kro : 目的地成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 加拿大瓦倫尼斯工廠的硫酸鹽工藝線成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 到期於2029年的9.50%高級擔保票據成員kro : 全球備用信用額度成員2024-07-302024-07-300001257640kro : 二氧化鈦顏料成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 最低成員美國通用會計準則:機械和設備成員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最低成員us-gaap: 建築及建築改進成員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最大成員美國通用會計準則:機械和設備成員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最大成員us-gaap: 建築及建築改進成員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最低成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-160001257640kro : 其他地理區域成員2024-12-310001257640country:美國2024-12-310001257640國家: NO2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他地理區域成員2023-12-310001257640country:美國2023-12-310001257640國家: NO2023-12-310001257640國家: 德國2023-12-310001257640國家:CA2023-12-310001257640國家:比利時2023-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員kro : 全球旋轉器會員2024-07-162024-07-160001257640kro : 全球旋轉器會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 2029年到期的九點五零百分比高級擔保票據會員2024-07-302024-07-300001257640kro : 其他應收款會員us-gaap:其他關聯方成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他應收款會員us-gaap:其他關聯方成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 無擔保循環需求票據會員美國通用會計準則: 利息收入成員kro : Valhi Inc 會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 無擔保循環期貨票據成員美國通用會計準則: 利息收入成員kro : Valhi Inc 成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:其他關聯方成員kro : 其他應付款成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 應付所得稅成員kro : Valhi 成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:其他關聯方成員kro : 其他應付款成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 貿易商品成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 應付所得稅成員kro : Valhi成員2023-12-310001257640kro : Valhi成員us-gaap:關聯方會員2024-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計外匯調整項目2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計外匯調整項目2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計外匯調整項目2022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:其他後退休福利計劃定義福利成員us-gaap:累計確定收益計劃調整成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 新運營租賃成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 勒沃庫森設施土地租賃成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 新運營租賃成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 新運營租賃成員2022-12-310001257640kro : 保險費成員kro : Tall Pines Insurance Inc 成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 保險費成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 保險費成員kro : Tall Pines Insurance Inc 成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 保險費成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 保險費用會員kro : Tall Pines保險公司會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 保險費用會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 三點七五百分之一的高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2025年9月會員us-gaap:公允價值估計公允價值披露成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 三點七五百分之一的高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2025年9月會員us-gaap:報告金額的公允價值披露成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 九點五百分之一的高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2029年會員us-gaap:公允價值估計公允價值披露成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 九點五零百分比高級擔保票據到期於2029年 會員us-gaap:報告金額的公允價值披露成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 三點七五百分比高級擔保票據到期於二零二五年九月 會員us-gaap:公允價值估計公允價值披露成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 三點七五百分比高級擔保票據到期於二零二五年九月 會員us-gaap:報告金額的公允價值披露成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 康特蘭公司 會員kro : 無擔保循環需求本票會員kro : Valhi公司會員2024-02-290001257640kro : 無擔保循環需求本票會員kro : Valhi公司會員2023-12-310001257640kro : Valhi公司會員kro : Kronos全球公司會員2024-12-310001257640kro : NL工業公司會員kro : Kronos全球公司會員2024-12-310001257640kro : 克羅諾斯國際會員kro : 由KII或任何擔保會員直接擁有的外資子公司us-gaap:抵押品抵押成員kro : 九點五零百分比高級擔保票據,到期於2029年us-gaap:NonvotingCommonStockMember2024-02-120001257640kro : 克羅諾斯國際會員kro : 由KII或任何擔保會員直接擁有的外資子公司us-gaap:抵押品抵押成員kro : 九點五零百分之的2029年到期高級擔保票據成員2024-02-120001257640kro : Kronos國際成員kro : KII及擔保人的直接國內子公司成員us-gaap:抵押品抵押成員kro : 九點五零百分之的2029年到期高級擔保票據成員2024-02-120001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員kro : Valhi成員us-gaap:普通股成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員kro : Valhi 會員us-gaap:普通股成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 無擔保循環需求票據會員kro : Valhi Inc 會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 全球循環會員2024-07-170001257640kro : 德國子公司循環借款最高會員2024-07-170001257640kro : 加拿大子公司循環借款最高會員2024-07-170001257640kro : 比利時子公司循環借款最大成員2024-07-170001257640kro : 全球循環貸款成員2024-07-160001257640kro : 全球循環貸款成員2024-12-310001257640kro : Valhi Inc 成員us-gaap:普通股成員2024-12-310001257640kro : Valhi Inc 成員us-gaap:普通股成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:企業非細分成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:企業非細分成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:企業非細分成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : Contran Corporation 成員us-gaap:關聯方會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 9.50%高級擔保票據到期於2029年 成員2024-01-012024-03-310001257640kro : 可退款的所得稅 成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 可退款的所得稅 成員2023-12-310001257640kro : Valhi Inc 成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : Valhi Inc 成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : Valhi Inc 成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2022-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員kro : Valhi 成員us-gaap:普通股成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員kro : Valhi 會員us-gaap:普通股成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:留存收益成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 單一報告可報告細分市場會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 單一可報告部門成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 單一可報告部門成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 房地產及其他投資成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最低成員us-gaap:債務證券成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最大成員us-gaap:權益證券成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最大成員us-gaap:債務證券成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:權益證券成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:權益證券成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:債務證券成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:債務證券成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro:以淨資產值計價的資產成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:房地產業成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:固定收益投資成員us-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:EquityMemberus-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券與現金會員us-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣固定收益會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣固定收益成員us-gaap: 公允價值輸入等級2成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 本幣固定收益成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 本幣固定收益成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣股票成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:房地產業成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:固定收益投資成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員kro : 比利時和英國成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員國家: 德國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:EquityMembercountry:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金會員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣固定收益會員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票會員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣固定收益成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣固定收益成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣股票成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap: 公允價值輸入等級2成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 比利時和英國成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640國家: 德國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:房地產業成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:固定收益投資成員us-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:EquityMemberus-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員us-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣固定收益會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣固定收益會員us-gaap: 公允價值輸入等級2成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 本幣固定收益成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 本幣固定收益成員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣股票會員us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:房地產業成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:固定收益投資成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員kro : 比利時和英國成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員國家: 德國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:EquityMembercountry:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣固定收益成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 非本地貨幣股票成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣固定收益成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣固定收益成員國家:CA美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 本地貨幣股票成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:每股淨資產價值計量的公允價值成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap: 公允價值輸入等級2成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入第1級成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 比利時和英國會員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640國家: 德國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:外國計劃成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2022-12-310001257640country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2022-12-310001257640us-gaap:房地產業成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:權益證券成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:權益證券成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:債務證券成員country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:債務證券成員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 其他投資證券和現金會員國家: NO美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:外國計劃成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:外國計劃成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:外國計劃成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:外國計劃成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:外國計劃成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640country:美國美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-12-310001257640國家: 德國2024-12-310001257640國家:CA2024-12-310001257640國家:比利時2024-12-310001257640國家: 德國kro : 貿易稅目的會員2024-12-310001257640國家: 德國kro : 公司目的會員2024-12-310001257640國家:CAkro : 省稅目的成員2024-12-310001257640國家:CAkro : 公司目的成員2024-12-310001257640國家:比利時kro : 公司目的成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:經營部門成員kro : 單一可報告分部成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:經營部門成員kro : 單一可報告細分成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:經營部門成員kro : 單一可報告細分成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 2029年到期的九點五零百分之高級擔保票據成員us-gaap:債務工具贖回期兩成員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : 2029年到期的九點五零百分之高級擔保票據成員us-gaap:債務工具贖回期限三成員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : Kronos國際成員kro : 九點五零百分之高級擔保票據,到期於2029年 成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 次級無擔保定期貸款 成員2024-08-310001257640kro : Kronos International 成員kro : 三點七五百分之高級擔保票據,到期於2025年9月 成員2024-02-120001257640kro : Kronos International 成員kro : 九點五零百分之高級擔保票據,到期於2029年 成員2024-02-120001257640kro : 三點七五百分之高級擔保票據,到期於2025年9月 成員2023-12-310001257640kro : Kronos International 成員kro : 九點五零百分比2029年到期高級擔保票據成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : Kronos國際成員kro : 三點七五百分比2025年九月到期高級擔保票據成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 次級無擔保定期貸款成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 次級無擔保定期貸款成員2024-02-120001257640srt : 最低成員kro : 全球循環貸款成員us-gaap: 基礎利率成員2024-07-172024-07-170001257640srt : 最低成員kro : 全球循環會員kro : 非基礎費率會員2024-07-172024-07-170001257640srt : 最大成員kro : 全球循環會員us-gaap: 基礎利率成員2024-07-172024-07-170001257640srt : 最大成員kro : 全球循環會員kro : 非基準利率會員2024-07-172024-07-170001257640kro : 次級無擔保定期貸款會員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:ShippingAndHandlingMember2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:ShippingAndHandlingMember2023-01-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:ShippingAndHandlingMember2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 十大客戶會員kro : 二氧化鈦顏料成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 客戶集中風險會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 北美成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap:地理集中風險成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640srt : 歐洲成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap:地理集中風險成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 產品集中風險成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 十大客戶會員kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 客戶集中風險會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 一位客戶會員kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 客戶集中風險會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 北美成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap:地理集中風險成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640srt : 歐洲成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap:地理集中風險成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 產品集中風險成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 十大客戶會員kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 客戶集中風險會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 一位客戶會員kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 客戶集中風險會員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 北美成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap:地理集中風險成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640srt : 歐洲成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap:地理集中風險成員2022-01-012022-12-310001257640kro : 二氧化鈦顏料成員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 產品集中風險成員2022-01-012022-12-3100012576402021-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-150001257640srt : 最大成員kro:如果綜合EBITDA達到73000萬或更多成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-160001257640srt : 最大成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-160001257640kro:如果綜合EBITDA在65000萬到73000萬之間的成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-160001257640kro:如果綜合EBITDA爲65000萬的成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-160001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司有限合夥成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非美國子公司成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 非美國子公司成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2023-12-3100012576402023-10-012023-12-310001257640us-gaap:關聯方會員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:TradeAccountsReceivableMember2024-12-310001257640kro : 可回收增值稅及其他應收款成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:TradeAccountsReceivableMember2023-12-310001257640kro : 可回收增值稅和其他應收款成員2023-12-310001257640kro : 康特蘭公司成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 康特蘭公司成員2022-01-012022-12-3100012576402022-12-3100012576402019-12-310001257640kro : 康特蘭公司成員kro : 瓦爾希公司成員2024-12-310001257640kro : 礦山開發成本成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 瓦爾希公司成員kro : NL工業公司成員2024-12-3100012576402023-09-300001257640kro : 一個客戶會員kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員us-gaap: 銷售收入淨額會員us-gaap: 客戶集中風險會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 二氧化鈦顏料會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:高級票據成員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : 無擔保循環需求 promissory note 會員kro : Valhi Inc 會員2021-12-3100012576402017-01-012017-12-310001257640kro : 全球可回收會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值輸入級別3成員美國通用會計準則:養老金計劃定義福利成員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : 九點五零百分比高級擔保票據,2029年到期會員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : 三點七五百分比高級擔保票據,2025年九月到期會員2024-02-120001257640kro : 九點五零百分比高級擔保票據,2029年到期會員2024-02-120001257640kro : 九點五零百分比高級擔保票據,至2029年到期的會員2024-07-300001257640kro : 九點五零百分比高級擔保票據,至2029年到期的會員us-gaap:債務工具贖回期限四成員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640us-gaap:債務工具贖回期限四成員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : 非基準利率會員2024-07-172024-07-170001257640kro : 三點七五百分比高級擔保票據,至2025年9月到期的會員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : Kronos國際會員kro : 九點五零百分比高級擔保票據,至2029年到期的會員2024-02-122024-02-120001257640kro : 三點七五百分比的高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2025年9月,會員2024-12-310001257640kro : 九點五零百分比的高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2029年,會員2024-12-310001257640kro : 從屬無擔保定期貸款,會員2024-08-012024-08-310001257640kro : Contran Corporation,會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : Louisiana Pigment Company,會員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : Louisiana Pigment Company,會員2023-01-012023-12-310001257640kro : Louisiana Pigment Company,會員2022-01-012022-12-3100012576402023-01-012023-12-3100012576402022-01-012022-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值估計公允價值披露成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:報告金額的公允價值披露成員2024-12-310001257640us-gaap:公允價值估計公允價值披露成員2023-12-310001257640us-gaap:報告金額的公允價值披露成員2023-12-3100012576402024-07-310001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-160001257640kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司成員2024-07-162024-07-1600012576402024-12-3100012576402023-12-310001257640kro : 萊沃庫森設施土地租賃成員2024-01-012024-12-310001257640kro : 各種原材料和服務成員2025-12-310001257640kro : 飼料原料成員2025-12-310001257640kro : 各種原材料和服務會員2024-12-310001257640kro : 飼料庫存會員2024-12-310001257640srt : 最低成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員2024-07-162024-07-160001257640srt : 最大成員kro : 路易斯安那顏料公司會員2024-07-162024-07-1600012576402024-10-012024-12-3100012576402024-06-3000012576402025-02-2800012576402024-01-012024-12-31xbrli:股份iso4217:美元指數utr:Txbrli:純iso4217:EURkro:客戶kro:員工iso4217:美元指數xbrli:股份kro:部門



華盛頓特區 20549




截至財年結束 12月31日, 2024



轉型期間從 到

委員會檔案編號 1-31763

康諾斯全球, INC.








5430 LBJ 自由大道套房 1700

達拉斯, 德克薩斯州 75240-2620














如果註冊人是根據證券法第405條定義的知名成熟發行者。 是      

如果登記人不需要根據《法案》第13條或第15(d)條提交報告。  是的        

登記人是否在過去12個月內(1)已按照1934年證券交易法第13條或第15(d)條的規定提交所有所需報告,並且(2)在過去90天內一直受此提交要求的約束。         沒有  

註冊人是否在過去12個月內(或註冊人被要求提交這些文件的更短時間內)根據S-T規則405提交了每個需要提交的互動數據文件。  沒有








註冊人是否已根據《薩班斯-豪利法案》(15 U.S.C. 7262(b))第404(b)條向編制或發佈其審計報告的註冊公共會計師事務所提交了關於其管理層評估其內部財務報告控制有效性的報告和鑑證。



註冊人是否屬於殼公司(在法令120亿.2中定義)。   是  沒有

截至2024年6月30日(註冊人最近完成的第二財政季度的最後一個工作日),康諾斯全球非關聯方持有的2170萬股投票股票的總市場價值約爲 $272.2 百萬。

截至2025年2月28日,註冊人普通股(每股面值0.01美元)的流通股數: 115,036,016.







政府法律法規及其中可能的變化,包括新的環保母基、可持續性、健康與安全或其他法規(例如,試圖限制或分類TiO的法規)2 或其使用),以及




項目 1.業務


康諾斯全球公司(紐交所:KRO)(「康諾斯」)成立於1989年,註冊於特拉華州,是一家領先的全球增值鈦白粉生產和營銷公司,或稱TiO2這是一種廣泛應用的基礎工業產品。我們與分銷商和代理商一起,向約3000名客戶在100個國家銷售並提供技術服務,銷售主要集中在歐洲、北美和亞太地區。我們相信,我們在國內和國際市場的產品製造、銷售、交通和服務方面積累了相當的專業知識和效率。自2024年7月16日起(「收購日期」),我們收購了Venator Investments, Ltd.(「Venator」)持有的路易斯安那顏料公司(LPC)50%的合資企業權益,收購價爲18500萬美元,扣除營運資金調整。在收購之前,我們通過全資子公司持有LPC的50%合資企業權益。LPC作爲我們與Venator之間的製造合資企業運營。收購後,LPC成爲我們的全資子公司。請參見我們基本報表的第5條。

二氧化鈦2 是一種白色無機顏料,由於其卓越的耐用性以及賦予產品白度、亮度和不透明能力,廣泛應用於各種產品中。TiO2 是日常應用中的關鍵成分,如塗料、塑料和紙張,以及許多特殊產品,如油墨、化妝品和藥品。TiO2 被廣泛認爲優於其他替代白色顏料,主要是由於其隱蔽能力(或不透明性),即有效且高效地覆蓋或掩蓋其他材料的能力。TiO2 是根據特定的最終用途應用進行設計、營銷和銷售的。

二氧化鈦2 是最大規模商業使用的增白顏料,因爲它具有較高的折射率,賦予其比其他任何商業生產的白色顏料更多的隱蔽能力。此外,TiO2 對與其他化學品的相互作用具有優異的耐受性,良好的熱穩定性和抗紫外線降解能力。儘管市場上還有其他白色顏料,但我們相信沒有有效的替代品可以替代TiO2 因爲沒有其他白色顏料具有達到相當的不透明度和亮度的物理特性,或者能以如此具有成本效益的方式進行合成。顏料延展劑如高嶺土、碳酸鈣和聚合物不透明劑與TiO結合使用。2 在多個最終用途市場中。然而,這些產品無法複製鈦的遮光性能特徵。2 我們認爲這些產品不太可能對鈦的使用產生重大影響。2.

二氧化鈦2 被認爲是「生活質量」產品。對鈦的需求2 通常受到世界國內生產總值的推動,並隨着各個地區生活水平的提高而普遍增加。根據行業估計,鈦的消費2 自2000年以來,以大約3%的複合年增長率增長。每人鈦的消費2 在西歐和北美遠遠超過世界其他地區,預計這些地區將在可預見的將來繼續成爲人均鈦的最大消費國。2 我們認爲西歐和北美各佔全球鈦的約15%。2 分別地,TiO的消費市場2 在中國、亞太地區、南美和東歐的市場通常在增長,我們相信這些市場在這些地區經濟發展和生活品質產品(包括TiO)需求增長的情況下將繼續增長。2,需求將會增加。

截至2024年12月31日,約50%的我們普通股由瓦利化工(NYSE: VHI)擁有,約31%由NL Industries(NYSE: NL)的全資子公司擁有。瓦利化工還持有NL Industries已發行普通股的約83%。Contran Corporation的全資子公司持有瓦利化工已發行普通股的約91%。正如我們合併基本報表中的註釋1所討論的,Lisa K. Simmons及爲Ms. Simmons及其已故姐妹和他們的孩子設立的信託(「家庭信託」)可能被視爲控制Contran,因此可能被視爲間接控制Contran的全資子公司、瓦利化工、NL及我們。



包括我們的前身,我們已經在北美和歐洲這兩個主要市場生產和銷售二氧化鈦超過100年。2 我們相信我們是歐洲最大的氯化工藝二氧化鈦生產商,2024年銷售量的44%來自於歐洲市場。2 下表顯示了我們在過去三年中對歐洲和北美這兩個重要市場的市場份額估算。













我們相信我們是TiO的領先賣出商2 在多個國家,包括德國。總體來說,我們是全球前五大TiO生產商之一2 在世界上。

我們爲客戶提供廣泛的產品組合,包括超過50種不同的TiO2 顏料等級,使用 KRONOS® 商標,提供多種性能屬性以滿足客戶的具體要求。我們的主要客戶包括國內和國際的塗料、塑料、裝飾層壓板和紙張製造商。我們向客戶發運TiO2 無論是以幹態還是漿態形式通過鐵路、卡車和/或海洋交通。我們的核心TiO銷售2 顏料在2024年佔我們淨銷量的約90%。我們及我們的代理商和分銷商主要在三個主要終端市場出售我們的產品:塗料、塑料和紙張。

以下表格顯示了我們大約的二氧化鈦2 按地域板塊和終端用途列出的銷售量,截止至2024年12月31日:




















Rest of World







二氧化鈦2 用於塗層– 我們的TiO2 用於提供不透明度、耐用性、着色強度和亮度於工業塗層,以及用於商業和住宅內部及外部、汽車、飛機、機器、家電、交通塗料和其他特殊用途塗層的塗層。用於塗層的TiO2 的使用量因所需的不透明度、顏色和質量而異。一般來說,塗層對不透明度的要求越高,TiO2 的含量就越大。

二氧化鈦2 用於塑料– 我們生產二氧化鈦2 顏料改善塑料的光學和物理特性,包括白度和不透明度。二氧化鈦2 用於提供不透明度的物品,如容器和封裝材料,以及諸如窗戶、門型材和外牆板的乙烯基產品。二氧化鈦2 通常提供隱藏能力、中立基調、亮度以及家居用品、家電、玩具、計算機外殼和食品包裝的表面耐用性。二氧化鈦2的高亮度以及其不透明度,用於某些工程塑料中,以幫助掩蓋其不良的自然顏色。二氧化鈦2 還用於母料,這是二氧化鈦2 和其他添加劑的濃縮物,是二氧化鈦2 在塑料終端市場中的最大用途之一。在母料中,二氧化鈦2 在高濃度下分散到塑料樹脂中,然後被塑料容器、瓶子、封裝材料和農產品薄膜的製造商使用。

二氧化鈦2 用於紙張– 我們的TiO2 用於生產幾種類型的紙張,包括層壓(裝飾性)紙、填充紙和塗布紙,以提供白度、亮度、不透明度和色彩穩定性。儘管我們向所有紙張最終用途市場的所有板塊銷售TiO2 我們的主要焦點是用於塗布紙板和紙張層壓的TiO2 等級,其中幾層紙在高溫和高壓下使用三聚氰胺樹脂層壓在一起。紙張的頂部層包含TiO2 和塑料樹脂,並且是印有裝飾圖案的層。紙張層壓用於替代一些材料,如木材和瓷磚,用於檯面、傢具和牆板等應用。


TiO2 在這些應用中是有益的,因爲它有助於防止材料在長時間暴露在陽光和其他風化劑下後褪色或變色。

TiO2 用於其他應用程序— 我們生產 TiO2 提高印刷油墨的不透明度和遮蓋力。TiO2 允許油墨實現非常高的打印質量,同時不干擾印刷機械的技術要求,包括低磨損、高打印速度和高溫。我們的 TiO2 還用於紡織應用,其中 TiO2 起到遮光劑和消光劑的作用。在人造纖維如人造纖維和聚酯纖維中,TiO2 糾正原本不希望出現的光澤和半透明外觀。沒有 TiO 的存在2,這些材料將不適合用於許多紡織應用。

我們生產高純度硫酸鹽工藝銳鈦酶 TiO2 用於爲各種化妝品和個人護理產品(例如護膚霜、口紅、眼影和牙膏)提供不透明度、白度和亮度。在製藥領域,我們的 TiO2 通常用作片劑和膠囊塗層以及液體藥物中的着色劑,以提供顏色和外觀的均勻性。克羅諾斯® 純化的銳鈦礦酶等級符合 CTFA(化妝品、洗護用品和香水協會)、USP(美國藥典)、BP(英國藥典)和 FDA(美國食品藥品監督管理局)的適用要求。

我們的 TiO2 以下三項互補業務增強了業務,這三項業務約佔我們2024年淨銷售額的10%:

根據政府的無限期特許權,我們在挪威擁有並經營一座鈦鐵礦山。鈦鐵礦是某些硫酸鹽工藝 TiO 直接用作原料的原料2 植物。除了向我們在歐洲的硫酸鹽工廠供應鈦鐵礦石外,我們還向第三方出售鈦鐵礦石,其中一些是我們的競爭對手。該礦估計,根據內部估計,鈦鐵礦儲量將持續約50年。
我們生產和銷售鐵基化學品,這些化學品是硫酸鹽和氯化物工藝 TiO 的副產品和加工副產品2 顏料的產生。這些副產品化學品通過我們的 Ecochem 部門銷售,主要用作工業污水和市政廢水的處理和調節劑,以及鐵顏料、水泥和農產品的製造。


製造業 — 我們生產 TiO2 有兩種結晶形式:金紅石和銳鈦礦。金紅石二氧化鈦2 採用氯化物生產工藝和硫酸鹽生產工藝製造,而銳鈦礦TiO2 僅使用硫酸鹽生產工藝生產。許多終端用途應用程序的製造商可以使用任何一種形式,尤其是在TiO供應緊張時期2。氯化物工藝是塗料和塑料這兩個最大的最終用途市場的首選形式。由於環境因素和客戶的考慮,二氧化鈦的比例2 與硫酸鹽工藝顏料相比,以氯化物工藝顏料爲代表的行業銷售一直保持穩定,2024年,氯化物工藝生產設施約佔行業產能的41%。硫酸鹽工藝是特定紙製品、陶瓷、橡膠輪胎、人造纖維、藥品和化妝品的首選工藝。曾經是中級 TiO2 顏料是通過氯化物或硫酸鹽工藝生產的,通過涉及各種化學表面處理和強化微粉化(研磨)的專有工藝,它 「完成」 成具有特定性能特徵的產品,適用於特定的最終用途。

氯化物工藝— 氯化物過程是一個連續的過程,其中使用氯來提取金紅石二氧化鈦2。氯化物工藝產生的廢物少於硫酸鹽工藝,因爲大部分氯被回收利用,並且使用了鈦含量更高的原料。儘管氯化物工藝需要更高技能的勞動力,但與硫酸鹽工藝相比,氯化物工藝的能耗也較低,勞動密集度也較低。氯化物工藝可產生一種中間基礎顏料,其含量範圍廣泛


氯化工藝生產的產品具有藍色底色,是生產鈦白粉的首選形式2 用於塗料和塑料的顏料是兩個最大的最終使用市場。
硫酸工藝——硫酸工藝是一種批量工藝,其中使用硫酸提取鈦白粉2 從鈦鐵礦或鈦渣中提取。經過從礦石中分離雜質(主要是鐵)後,鈦白粉2 被沉澱並焙燒形成中間基色顏料,準備出售,或者可以通過後處理進行升級。硫酸工藝產生的底色更暖,適合用於特定的紙製品、陶瓷、橡膠輪胎、人造纖維、食品、製藥和化妝品,其中一些能夠產生更高的利潤。

LPC – 在2024年7月16日之前, 我們的子公司Kronos Louisiana, Inc.和Venator各自擁有LPC的50%股份,該公司作爲一家制造合資企業運營。LPC擁有並運營一家位於路易斯安那州查爾斯湖附近的氯化鈦二氧化物2 工廠。2024年7月16日,我們以18500萬的對價收購了Venator所持有的LPC的50%股份,扣除營運資金調整。

在收購之前,我們通過權益法對合資企業的投資進行會計處理。合資企業的運營達到收支平衡,因此我們沒有合資企業的盈利權益。我們被要求購買合資企業生產的一半TiO2 。所有成本和資本支出均與Venator平分,唯一例外是原材料(購買的天然銳鈦礦或氯渣)和爲生產的顏料等級所需的包裝費用。我們的淨成本份額作爲銷售成本在TiO2 出售時報告。請參見我們合併基本報表的第5和第14條。


運營 - 我們在2022年、2023年和2024年分別生產了492,000、401,000和535,000公噸的鈦礦。2 截至收購日期,我們2022年、2023年和2024年的生產量包括我們在鈦礦製造創業公司中所佔的產量。2 在收購日期之後,我們2024年的生產量包括LPC工廠100%的生產量。


屬性 我們在北美和歐洲各地運營工廠。2 我們在歐洲有四個鈦礦廠(分別位於德國勒沃庫森、德國諾登哈姆、比利時朗赫布魯赫和挪威弗雷德裏克斯塔)。在北美,我們有一個鈦礦廠。2 位於加拿大魁北克省的Varennes的工廠和一個鈦氧化物2 位於路易斯安那州查爾斯湖附近的工廠。






% 的鈦氧化物產能2










勒沃庫森,德國 (1)

二氧化鈦2 生產,氯化工藝,協同產品






二氧化鈦2 生產,硫酸鹽工藝,副產品






二氧化鈦2 生產,氯化工藝,副產品,





弗雷德裏克斯塔德,挪威 (2)


二氧化鈦2 生產,硫酸鹽工藝,副產品





瓦倫斯,加拿大 (3)


二氧化鈦2 生產,氯化工藝, 漿料設施, 







二氧化鈦2 生產,氯化法











(1)The Leverkusen facility is located within a more extensive manufacturing complex. We own our Leverkusen facility, which represents approximately 29% of our current TiO2 production capacity, but we lease the land under the facility under a long-term agreement which expires in 2050. Lease payments are periodically negotiated for periods of at least two years at a time. A third-party operator of the manufacturing complex provides some raw materials including chlorine, auxiliary and operating materials, utilities and services necessary to operate the Leverkusen facility under separate supplies and services agreements.
(2)The Fredrikstad facility is located on public land and is leased until 2063.
(3)In the third quarter of 2024, we closed our sulfate process line at our plant in Varennes, Canada. See Note 18 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.
(4)Effective July 16, 2024, we acquired the 50% interest in LPC we did not already own. See Note 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

We own the land underlying all of our principal production facilities unless otherwise indicated in the table above.

We also operate an ilmenite mine in Norway pursuant to a governmental concession with an unlimited term. In addition, we operate a rutile slurry manufacturing plant near our Lake Charles, Louisiana facility, which converts dry pigment primarily manufactured for us at our Lake Charles TiO2 設施被轉化爲漿料,然後運送到客戶手中。



氯化工藝中使用的主要原材料是鈦氧化物。2 原料包括含鈦的原料(購買的天然金紅石礦石或氯渣)、氯和石油 coke。氯可從多家供應商處獲得,而石油 coke 的供應商數量有限。適合氯化工藝使用的含鈦原料來源於數量有限但逐漸增加的供應商,主要位於澳洲、南非、塞拉利昂、加拿大和印度。我們從以下主要供應商處購買氯化工藝的鈦氧化物原料,適用於某些合同規定的交貨量,並在某些情況下擴展到2026年:2 我們從以下主要供應商處購買氯化工藝的鈦氧化物原料,適用於某些合同規定的交貨量,並在某些情況下擴展到2026年:


















硫酸鹽工藝中使用的主要原料 TiO2 是含鈦的原料,主要是鈦鐵礦或購買的硫酸鹽級爐渣和硫酸。硫酸可從許多供應商處獲得。適用於硫酸鹽工藝的含鈦原料可從數量有限的供應商處獲得,主要分佈在挪威、加拿大、澳大利亞、印度和南非。作爲爲數不多的垂直整合的硫酸鹽工藝生產商之一2,我們在挪威經營一座鈦鐵礦山,該礦爲我們的歐洲硫酸鹽工藝 TiO 提供了所有原料2 2024 年的植物。我們預計,在可預見的將來,我們礦的鈦鐵礦產量將滿足我們的硫酸鹽工藝原料要求。我們預計,根據該合同購買的原材料以及我們可能簽訂的合同將在未來幾年內滿足我們的硫酸鹽工藝原料需求。




















購買的鈦鐵礦石 (1)




我們的營銷策略旨在發展和維持與新老客戶的牢固關係。因爲 TiO2 對於我們的客戶來說,這是一筆可觀的投入成本,購買決策通常由客戶的高級管理層做出。我們努力通過深入和頻繁的接觸,與關鍵決策者保持密切關係。我們努力利用我們的直銷隊伍和技術服務團隊將這些商業和技術關係擴展到客戶組織內的多個層面,以實現這一目標。我們相信這有助於建立客戶忠誠度並增強我們的競爭地位。密切合作和牢固的客戶關係使我們能夠密切關注客戶業務的趨勢。在適當的情況下,我們會與客戶合作,通過修改特定產品特性或開發新的顏料等級來解決配方或應用問題。我們還將銷售和營銷工作重點放在我們認爲可以實現更高銷售價格的地理和最終用途細分市場上。這包括持續審查和優化我們的客戶和產品組合。




二氧化鈦2 除KRONOS外的其他產品® 品牌產品。在北美,我們的銷售主要通過我們的直接銷售團隊進行,並得到分銷商網絡的支持。在過去幾年中,我們在出口市場的營銷力度增加,現在我們的銷售是通過直接銷售團隊、銷售代理和分銷商進行的。除了我們的直接銷售團隊和銷售代理,許多銷售代理還充當分銷商,爲所有地區的客戶提供服務。我們爲通過分銷商購買我們產品的客戶以及通過我們直接銷售團隊服務的較大客戶提供客戶和技術服務。

我們面向多元化的客戶群體銷售,2024年只有一個客戶佔我們淨銷售的10%或更多(Behr Process Corporation - 10%)。我們最大的十個客戶大約佔2024年淨銷售的39%。

我們的整體業務或任何主要產品組在季節性方面並沒有顯著影響。然而,二氧化鈦的銷售在每年的第二和第三季度一般較高,這部分由於春季塗料生產的增加,以滿足春季和夏季塗裝季節的需求。我們通常在每年的第一和第四季度建立庫存,以便在第二和第三季度通常經歷的高需求時期最大化我們的產品供應。2 我們通常在每年的第一和第四季度建立庫存,以便在第二和第三季度通常經歷的高需求時期最大化我們的產品供應。


TiO行業競爭激烈。我們主要在價格、產品質量、技術服務和高性能顏料等級的可用性基礎上展開競爭。2 由於TiO並不是通過商品市場交易,其定價在很大程度上取決於供應商與各自客戶之間的談判。2 價格和可用性是大多數產品級別中最重要的競爭因素,質量和客戶服務也是如此。2 我們越來越專注於提供與衆不同的顏料,以滿足特定客戶需求和與競爭產品不同的特殊等級。2 在2024年,我們估計全球TiO成交量中佔有7%的市場份額,並且根據成交量,我們認爲我們是幾個國家(包括德國)TiO的主要賣家。

我們的主要競爭對手是龍佰集團(臨時代碼)、The Chemours公司、Tronox Holdings PLC和Venator材料PLC。2 前五大TiO生產商(即我們和我們的四個主要競爭對手)約佔世界生產能力的51%。


全球生產能力 - 2024


















The Chemours在北美的二氧化鈦生產能力約佔總量的一半,是我們在北美的主要競爭對手。2 龍佰集團之前宣佈計劃增加額外的20萬噸氯化工藝生產能力,我們預計將在未來幾年逐步增加。然而,我們的幾家競爭對手最近關閉或宣佈計劃關閉設施,或以其他方式減少產能,包括The Chemours在2023年關閉了其臺灣工廠,估計有16萬噸氯化工藝生產能力;Venator在2024年宣佈計劃關閉位於德國杜伊斯堡的工廠,估計有5萬噸硫酸工藝生產能力。此外,在2024年我們關閉了位於加拿大瓦倫斯的硫酸生產線。

TiO2 這一行業的特點是高進入壁壘,包括高資本成本、專有技術以及建造新設施或擴大現有產能所需的顯著交貨時間。因此,在過去十年中,我們和我們的競爭對手通過去瓶頸項目增加了行業產能;然而,這一增長僅部分彌補了全球各地多家TiO工廠的停產。2 除了通過上述去瓶頸項目和龍佰集團的擴張外,我們不預期會有任何重大努力。


由我們或我們的主要競爭對手進行的,以進一步增加產能,我們認爲在可預見的未來,不太可能再在歐洲或北美建造任何新的TiO2 工廠。如果實際發展與我們的預期不同,TiO2 行業和我們的表現可能會受到不利影響。






專利 我們已獲得專利,並有多個專利申請正在審理中,這些申請涵蓋了我們產品的某些方面以及用於製造產品的科技。我們的專利策略對我們和我們持續的業務活動至關重要。除了維護我們的專利組合外,我們還尋求對我們的技術開發進行專利保護,主要在美國、加拿大和歐洲。美國專利通常從其作爲專利發佈時開始生效,並從申請日期起延續20年。我們的美國專利組合包括剩餘期限從一年到19年的專利。

商標 我們的商標,包括KRONOS®,受到已頒發和/或待頒發的註冊保護,包括在加拿大和美國。我們保護與我們製造和賣出的產品相關的商標,並在長期使用商標的過程中積累了良好的聲譽。

商業祕密 我們在祕密中進行研究活動,並通過合理措施保護我們的商業祕密的機密性,包括保密協議和安防程序,包括數據安全。我們依靠未專利的專有知識、持續的科技創新和其他商業祕密來發展和維持我們的競爭地位。我們的專有氯化物生產工藝是我們科技的重要組成部分,如果我們未能保持商業祕密的機密性,可能會對我們的業務造成損害。





我們在通過我們的KRONOS ecochem®產品將副產品轉化爲共同產品方面擁有減少消費和浪費的新方法的歷史。我們發佈了安全、環境、能源和質量政策,並將其翻譯成當地語言,分發給所有員工,並通過我們的網站公開共享。我們實施了嚴格的事件報告和調查程序,包括對環境和安全事件以及未遂事件的根本原因分析。由於TiO2 生產需要大量的能源輸入,我們專注於所有生產地點的能源效率。我們的六個生產設施中的四個保持ISO 50001:2018能源管理標準的認證,所有地點都有當地能源團隊。這些團隊負責維持ISO 50001:2018認證(如適用),定期審查當地能源消費,提出減少能源消耗和相關溫室氣體(GHG)排放或提高效率的資本項目的建議。在可能的情況下,我們尋找與地方政府機構通過補助機會合作的機會,以減少能源消耗和相關的溫室氣體排放。我們還積極管理潛在的水相關風險,包括洪水和水短缺。我們的製造設施戰略性地位於水源附近,我們將其用於流程操作以及交通和接收原材料和成品。水敏感流程被識別出來,並持續努力將水使用最小化納入環境規劃中。




不時在我們運營或銷售產品的國家通過或提議新的環保、可持續性、健康和安全法規,這些法規試圖規範我們的運營或限制、限制或分類TiO2。我們相信我們與適用於TiO的法規基本合規。2然而,增加的監管審查可能會影響消費對TiO的看法2 或限制TiO的市場需求和可銷售性2 或含TiO的產品2 並增加Kronos的監管和合規成本。

2021年10月1日,歐盟第1272/2008號條例將乾燥的TiO2 及含有乾燥的TiO的混合物2 作爲吸入可疑致癌物的分類正式生效。我們的乾燥TiO2 產品不符合條例中設定的標準,因此不需要分類標籤。2022年11月23日,歐洲聯盟法院撤銷了TiO2 作爲可疑致癌物的分類,此決策目前正在上訴中。





美國政府及我們運營的各種非美國國家的政府機構已採納或正考慮與某些ESG話題相關的監管變化,例如歐盟於2022年11月28日通過的企業社會責任指令(EU CSRD)。我們正在評估並將繼續評估EU CSRD的適用性,隨着監管指導的發佈以及我們運營的歐洲國家通過實施立法,我們將建立一個合規程序以應對任何適用的要求。

爲了將我們的非員工董事的財務利益與股東的利益保持一致,我們的董事會爲非管理董事制定了股份擁有指南。此外, 我們已經制定了一項適用於員工和非員工董事的內部交易政策。


















健康與安全 – 保護我們的員工、客戶、商業夥伴和自然環境的健康與安全是我們的核心價值之一。我們致力於維護強大的安全文化,讓所有員工達到或超越所需的行業績效標準,並持續尋求改善職業和過程安全績效。我們以提供安全健康的工作環境的方式開展業務,已建立安全和環保方案及目標以實現這些成果。我們期望我們的生產設施安全地生產我們的產品,並遵守地方規定、政策、標準和實踐,這些措施旨在保護環境和人們,並已建立全球政策以促進這種合規。我們要求員工遵守這些要求。我們爲員工提供必要的工具和培訓,以便他們能夠做出適當的決策,防止事故和傷害。我們的每個運營設施開發、維護並實施涵蓋其運營關鍵方面的安全計劃。此外,管理層全年審查和評估安全績效。我們監測可能導致安全事件的條件,並通過報告系統跟蹤傷害,依據我們運營所在法域的法律進行。通過這些數據,我們計算事件發生頻率,以評估我們的安全績效質量。在全球範圍內,我們也跟蹤整體安全績效。我們的每個運營地點都受地方法律法規的約束,這些法律規定了需要記錄和報告的傷害情況,可能因地點而異,從而導致不同的傷害發生率計算方法。爲了進行內部全球跟蹤、基準測試和識別改進機會,我們收集特定位置的信息,並應用基於美國的傷害發生率計算方法,以得出全球總髮生率,用每20萬小時的運營地點事件數量來表示。這個內部安全指標可能與根據美國法律計算的記錄事件發生率不直接可比。我們關於員工和承包商的全球總髮生率在2022年爲1.01(其中0.86的總數僅代表員工),在2023年爲0.95(其中0.74的總數僅代表員工),在2024年爲0.70(其中0.80的總數僅代表員工)。


我們的財政年度截至12月31日。我們的10-K表格年報,10-Q表格季度報告,8-K表格當前報告及其任何修訂可在我們的網站上獲取,網址爲 kronosww.com這些報告在我們向證券交易委員會(SEC)電子提交後,將在合理可行的時間內免費提供。有關我們的更多信息,包括我們的審計委員會章程、商業行爲與道德規範以及公司治理指引,也可以在該網站上找到。我們網站上包含的信息並不是本報告的一部分。我們也會在書面請求下提供這些文件的免費副本。這樣的請求應發送至我們的企業秘書,地址在本10-K表格的封面上。



第 1A 項。風險因素

以下是與我們的業務相關的某些風險因素。另請參閱第 7 項中討論的某些風險因素-”管理層對財務狀況和經營業績的討論和分析——關鍵會計政策和估計。”除了這些風險因素的潛在影響外,任何可能導致收益或營業損失減少或流動性減少的風險因素反過來都可能對我們償還負債或支付普通股股息的能力產生不利影響,或對證券的報價市場價格產生不利影響。



我們的銷售和盈利能力在很大程度上取決於TiO2 工業。2024 年,我們大約 90% 的銷售額歸因於 TiO 的銷售2。TiO2 用於許多 「生活質量」 產品,這些產品的需求歷來與全球、區域和地方的國內生產總值和可支配支出有關,這可能會受到區域和世界事件或經濟狀況的負面影響。此類事件可能會導致對我們產品的需求減少,因此可能會對我們的經營業績和財務狀況產生不利影響。

全球 TiO 內部的定價2 從長遠來看,行業是週期性的,全球經濟狀況的變化會對我們的收益和運營現金流產生重大影響。從歷史上看,我們許多產品的市場經歷了需求增加和減少的交替時期。我們產品銷售價格的相對變化是影響我們盈利水平的主要因素之一。在需求增加的時期,我們的銷售價格和利潤率通常會趨於增加,而在需求下降的時期,我們的銷售價格和利潤率通常會下降。此外,定價可能會影響客戶的庫存水平,因爲客戶可能會不時加速 TiO 的購買2 在預期的價格上漲之前或推遲購買 TiO2 在預期的價格下跌之前。我們在不對新建或棕地產能進行額外投資的情況下進一步提高產能的能力可能會受到限制,因此,我們的盈利能力可能會更加依賴產品的銷售價格。

TiO2 行業集中且競爭激烈,我們在經營的市場中面臨價格壓力,這可能會導致收益減少或運營虧損。

我們經營業務的全球市場非常集中,前五名的 TiO2 生產商約佔世界產能的51%,並且具有很強的競爭力。競爭基於多種因素,例如價格、產品質量和服務。我們面臨着來自國際和地區競爭對手的激烈競爭,包括TiO2 中國的生產商,他們具有顯著的硫酸鹽生產加工能力。中國生產商還繼續開發氯化物加工技術,如果中國生產商增加氯化物加工技術的使用並提高其硫酸鹽和氯化物產品的質量,則用中國生產商生產的產品替代我們的產品的風險可能會增加。如果我們的一些競爭對手的成本低於我們的成本,他們可能會壓低我們的產品價格,包括我們的競爭對手,他們擁有垂直整合的氯化物工藝原材料來源,他們在原材料成本居高不下或不斷上漲的時期可能具有競爭優勢,或者在監管要求不那麼嚴格的地區開展業務。此外,我們的一些競爭對手的財務、技術和其他資源可能超過我們的資源,這些競爭對手可能更有能力承受市場條件的變化。我們的競爭對手可能能夠比我們更快地響應新的或新興的技術以及客戶需求的變化。此外,競爭對手或客戶的整合可能會導致對我們產品的需求減少或使我們更難與競爭對手競爭。這些事件中的任何一個的發生都可能導致收入減少或營業虧損。


某些原材料的來源數量和可用性取決於我們設施所在的特定地理區域。適用於我們的 TiO 的含鈦原料2 設施可從全球數量有限的供應商處獲得。這些國家的政治和經濟不穩定或監管的加強



我們有供貨合同,滿足我們的TiO 原材料需求。2 雖然我們相信可以根據需要續簽這些合同,但我們並不知道在到期前能否成功續簽或獲得長期延期。我們當前的協議要求我們購買一定的最低數量的原材料,最低購買承諾總額約54200萬,起始於2025年並持續到2026年。此外,我們還有其他長期供應和服務合同,提供各種原材料和服務。這些協議要求我們購買一定的最低數量或服務,最低購買承諾在2024年12月31日總額約6700萬。如果我們顯著減少生產並無法修改合同承諾,這些合同下的承諾可能會對我們的財務結果產生不利影響。

















在我們運營或銷售產品的國家,時不時會通過或提議新的環境、健康和安全法規,試圖規範我們的運營或限制、限制或對TiO的使用進行分類。2監管審查的增加可能會影響消費者對TiO的感知。2 或者限制TiO的市場銷售能力和需求。2 或者含有TiO的產品。2 或增加我們的製造和監管合規義務及成本。增加合規義務和成本或對運營、原材料和某些TiO的限制2 應用






如果我們必須採取法律行動以保護、捍衛或執行我們的知識產權任何訴訟或程序可能會導致 знач成本,包括律師費以及資源和管理注意力的轉移,且我們可能在任何此類訴訟或程序中不會勝訴。







關稅、貿易壁壘和監管要求的變化,例如對進口美國的商品徵收關稅,包括但不限於最近對從加拿大進口的商品徵收的關稅,而我們在加拿大製造了相當一部分TiO。2 我們在北美地區進行銷售。關稅可能會使我們的產品變得更加昂貴,從而減少需求,或者需要我們吸收增加的成本,降低我們的經營利潤;

二氧化鈦2 生產需要大量的能源投入,經濟制裁或由武裝衝突導致的供應中斷可能會導致全球能源價格和能源供應中斷的額外波動。這些風險,單獨或總和,可能會對我們的業務運營和財務狀況產生不利影響。

我們正在經歷來自中國的競爭日益加劇。由於監管和環保合規要求不那麼嚴格以及能源價格較低,中國競爭者通常具有較低的運營成本。中國已經傾銷低成本的硫酸鹽工藝TiO。2 進入我們服務的市場。在某些情況下,TiO2 行業在對中國進口商品實施反競爭關稅方面取得了成功,例如2024年實施的歐洲關稅。

美國聯邦政府最近對某些外國商品實施了關稅,並可能會對外國商品實施額外關稅。例如,在2025年3月4日,美國政府對所有來自墨西哥和加拿大的進口商品實施了25%的關稅。由於我們目前在加拿大製造了大量的北美TiO2 ,如果這種情況持續較長時間,對我們從加拿大進口到美國的25%關稅將使我們在加拿大製造並銷售到美國的產品變得更加昂貴。因此,這些產品的需求可能會減少,或者我們可能需要承擔增加的成本或提高此類產品的價格。這些關稅,以及如果實施,任何進一步的立法或美國政府採取的限制貿易的措施,例如額外的關稅、貿易壁壘和其他保護主義或報復性措施,可能會對我們在美國銷售產品的能力產生不利影響,或減少我們的營業收入和毛利。這些措施還可能會增加我們從美國進口的加拿大原料的成本,並可能對我們的毛利產生不利影響,或者要求我們提高價格,從而使我們的產品競爭力降低。美國徵收的額外關稅或其他國家可能會施加的報復性關稅也可能會增加製造TiO的原料和其他原材料的成本,2其程度尚不清楚。任何關稅的最終影響將取決於各種因素,包括關稅最終實施的時間長度以及關稅的數量、範圍和性質。






項目 10億。未解決的員工意見


我們認識到主動評估、識別和管理與網絡安全威脅相關的重大風險的重要性。這些風險包括但不限於:運營中斷、知識產權盜竊、欺詐、勒索、對員工或客戶的傷害以及違反數據隱私或安全法律。我們的網絡安全程序建立在運營和合規的基礎上。運營部分專注於持續檢測、預防、測量、分析和響應網絡安全警報和事件,以及新出現的威脅。合規部分通過創建基於風險的控制來保護公司存儲、處理或傳輸數據的完整性、機密性、可訪問性和可用性,建立了對我們網絡安全程序的監督。 我們的網絡安全概念方案已全面融入我們的企業級風險管理框架中。

我們的網絡安全概念方案由我們的 首席信息官 (CIO)負責制定和執行我們總體的信息安全策略、政策、安全工程、操作及網絡威脅檢測和響應。 我們的CIO擁有豐富的信息技術(IT)和項目管理經驗,並領導一個在我們組織內具有多年經驗的團隊。 我們的網絡安全風險還通過第三方評估以及內部和外部信息技術審計每年進行審查和測試。 我們的信息技術團隊每年至少審查一次網絡安全風險,將發現的結果整合到戰略風險評估中。我們的 CIO向我們的首席執行官報告。.



如果發生事件。第三方在我們的網絡安全概念中也發揮着作用。 我們聘請信譽良好的第三方安防公司就行業最佳實踐和法規標準進行諮詢,並對我們的網絡安全概念進行常規評估例如,通過滲透測試和安防審計;這些評估包括測試安防控制項的設計和操作有效性。所有員工每年至少需要完成兩次網絡安全概念培訓,並可以通過定期更新訪問更頻繁的網絡安全概念培訓。某些角色的員工還接受額外的基於角色的專業網絡安全概念培訓。


我們的 董事會 負責管理識別和減輕風險的過程,包括網絡安全概念風險,以幫助使我們的風險暴露與我們的策略目標保持一致。 高級管理層,包括我們的首席信息官和財務長,定期向董事會更新我們的網絡安全狀況、新興威脅和風險緩解工作。 我們的董事會會了解被認爲對業務有重大影響的網絡安全事件,即使這些事件對我們不構成重大影響。董事會已將部分主要風險監督的職責委託給董事會委員會,包括我們的審計委員會促進董事會對我們整體風險管理方法的監督。我們的全體董事會保留對網絡安全的監督,因爲這對我們而言十分重要,並且客戶也對此有關注。


我們面臨多種網絡安全風險。迄今爲止,這些風險並未對我們的業務策略、運營業績或財務狀況產生重大影響。 雖然我們沒有經歷過重大數據泄露,但我們積極監控和緩解網絡威脅,包括網絡釣魚嘗試、惡意軟體和針對性攻擊。迄今爲止,所有此類事件均爲輕微、孤立且迅速得到控制。有關我們面臨的網絡安全風險的更多信息,請參見《科技故障或網絡安全漏洞可能對我們的運營產生重大不利影響。》在第1A項-風險因素中。

項目 2.財產


項目 3。法律訴訟


項目 4。礦山安全披露






Our common stock is listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: KRO). As of February 28, 2025, there were approximately 1,500 holders of record of our common stock.

In December 2010, our board of directors authorized the repurchase of up to 2.0 million shares of our common stock in open market transactions, including block purchases, or in privately-negotiated transactions at unspecified prices and over an unspecified period of time. We have 1,017,518 shares available for repurchase under the stock repurchase program at December 31, 2024 after repurchasing 313,814 shares in 2023 and none in 2024. See Note 13 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.


Performance graph

Set forth below is a table and line graph comparing the yearly change in our cumulative total stockholder return on our common stock against the cumulative total return of the S&P 500 Composite Stock Index and an index of a self-selected peer group of companies. The peer group index is comprised of The Chemours Company and Tronox Holdings PLC. The graph shows the value at December 31 of each year, assuming an original investment of $100 at December 31, 2019 and reinvestment of cash dividends and other distributions to stockholders.













Kronos Common Stock













S&P 500 Composite Stock Index







Peer Group












The information contained in the performance graph shall not be deemed “soliciting material” or “filed” with the SEC, or subject to the liabilities of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act, except to the extent we specifically request that the material be treated as soliciting material or specifically incorporate this performance graph by reference into a document filed under the Securities Act or the Securities Exchange Act.

Equity compensation plan information

We have an equity compensation plan, which was approved by our stockholders, pursuant to which an aggregate of 200,000 shares of our common stock can be awarded to members of our board of directors. At December 31, 2024, 87,800 shares are available for awards under this plan. See Note 13 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.






Business overview

We are a leading global producer and marketer of value-added TiO2. TiO2 is used for a variety of manufacturing applications, including paints, plastics, paper and other industrial and specialty products. During 2024, 44% of our sales volumes were sold into European markets. We believe we are the largest chloride process producer of TiO2 in Europe with an estimated 14% share of European TiO2 sales volumes in 2024. In addition, we estimate we have a 17% share of North American TiO2 sales volumes in 2024. Our production facilities are located in Europe and North America.

We consider TiO2 to be a “quality of life” product, with demand affected by gross domestic product, or GDP, and overall economic conditions in our markets located in various regions of the world. Over the long-term, we expect demand for TiO2 will grow by 2% to 3% per year, consistent with our expectations for the long-term growth in GDP. However, even if we and our competitors maintain consistent shares of the worldwide market, demand for TiO2 in any interim or annual period may not change in the same proportion as the change in GDP, in part due to relative changes in the TiO2 inventory levels of our customers. We believe our customers’ inventory levels are influenced in part by their expectation for future changes in TiO2 selling prices as well as their expectation for future availability of product. Although certain of our TiO2 grades are considered specialty pigments, the majority of our grades and substantially all of our production are considered commodity pigment products with price and availability being the most significant competitive factors along with product quality and customer and technical support services.

The factors having the most impact on our reported operating results are:

TiO2 selling prices,
TiO2 sales and production volumes,
Manufacturing costs, particularly raw materials such as third-party feedstock, maintenance and energy-related expenses, and
Currency exchange rates (particularly the exchange rate for the U.S. dollar relative to the euro, the Norwegian krone and the Canadian dollar and the euro relative to the Norwegian krone).

Our key performance indicators are our TiO2 average selling prices, our TiO2 sales and production volumes and the cost of titanium-containing feedstock purchased from third parties. TiO2 selling prices generally follow industry trends and selling prices will increase or decrease generally as a result of competitive market pressures.

Executive summary

As previously reported, effective the Acquisition Date of July 16, 2024, we acquired the 50% joint venture interest in LPC previously held by Venator. Prior to the acquisition, we held a 50% joint venture interest in LPC through a wholly-owned subsidiary. LPC was operated as a manufacturing joint venture between us and Venator. Following the acquisition, LPC became a wholly-owned subsidiary of ours. We acquired the 50% joint venture interest that we did not already own for consideration of $185 million less a working capital adjustment. An additional earn-out payment of up to $15 million based on our aggregate consolidated net income before interest expense, income taxes and depreciation and amortization expense, or EBITDA, during a two-year period comprising calendar years 2025 and 2026 may be required. The acquisition was financed through borrowings of $132.1 million under our Global Revolver and the remainder paid with cash on hand. We accounted for the acquisition of the interest in LPC as a business combination. For financial reporting purposes, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed of LPC are included in our Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2024, and the results of operations and cash flows of LPC are included in our Consolidated Statement of Operations and Cash Flows beginning as of the Acquisition Date. See Note 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.


We reported net income of $86.2 million, or $.75 per share, in 2024 compared to a net loss of $49.1 million, or $.43 per share, in 2023. Net income increased in 2024 as compared to 2023 primarily due to higher income from operations as a result of the effects of higher sales and production volumes and lower production costs (primarily energy and raw materials), partially offset by lower average TiO2 selling prices. Our results of operations in 2023 were significantly impacted by reduced demand for certain of our products occurring in all major markets and unabsorbed fixed production costs as a result of production curtailments in response to the sharp decline in demand. With improved demand in all of our major markets in 2024 compared to 2023 we increased production volumes, contributing to our improved profitability. Comparability of our results was also impacted by the effects of changes in currency exchange rates.

We reported a net loss of $49.1 million, or $.43 per share, in 2023 compared to net income of $104.5 million, or $.90 per share, in 2022. Net income decreased in 2023 as compared to 2022 primarily due to lower income from operations as a result of lower sales volumes, lower average TiO2 selling prices and reduced production volumes. Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2022 and continuing through 2023, we implemented production curtailments in response to a sharp decline in demand for TiO2 products occurring in all major markets. In addition, throughout 2023 we implemented cost reduction initiatives and other strategies designed to improve our long-term cost structure and preserve liquidity. Through these actions we successfully reduced our finished goods inventory levels and maintained significant liquidity, although our results of operations were negatively impacted by certain cost reduction initiatives and the significant unabsorbed fixed production costs incurred due to the curtailments. Comparability of our results was also impacted by the effects of changes in currency exchange rates.

Our net income in 2024 includes:

a non-cash, pre-tax gain of $64.5 million ($50.9 million, or $.44 per share, net of income tax expense) resulting from the remeasurement of our investment in LPC recognized in the third quarter,
a non-cash deferred income tax expense of $16.5 million ($.14 per share) related to final tax regulations on the treatment of certain currency translation gains and losses recognized in the fourth quarter,
a non-cash deferred income tax expense of $8.2 million ($.07 per share) related to the recognition of a deferred income tax asset valuation allowance related to our Belgian net deferred tax assets recognized in the fourth quarter, and
an aggregate charge of $1.5 million ($1.1 million, or $.01 per share, net of income tax benefit) related to a write-off of deferred financing costs.

Our net loss in 2023 includes:

an aggregate $2.5 million ($2.0 million, or $.02 per share, net of income tax expense) pre-tax insurance settlement gain related to a business interruption insurance claim arising from Hurricane Laura in 2020, recognized in the first, second and third quarters,
recognition in the second quarter of a $1.3 million ($.9 million, or $.01 per share, net of income tax expense) settlement loss related to the termination and buy-out of our pension plan in the United Kingdom,
recognition in the fourth quarter of a $3.8 million ($2.8 million, or $.02 per share, net of income tax expense) fixed asset impairment related to the write-off of certain costs resulting from a capital project termination, and
recognition, primarily in the fourth quarter, of $5.8 million ($4.3 million, or $.04 per share, net of income tax expense) of restructuring costs related to workforce reductions.

Our net income in 2022 includes the recognition of a pre-tax insurance settlement gain of $2.7 million recognized in the third quarter ($2.2 million, or $.02 per share, net of income tax expense) related to a business interruption insurance claim arising from Hurricane Laura in 2020.


Comparison of 2024 to 2023 Results of Operations


Years ended December 31,




(Dollars in millions)


Net sales












Cost of sales










Gross margin










Selling, general and administrative expense










Other operating income (expense):








Currency transactions, net










Other operating expense, net





Income (loss) from operations





Corporate expense and trade interest income, net










Segment profit (loss) (1)













% Change

TiO2 operating statistics:









Sales volumes*





Production volumes*





Percentage change in net sales:








TiO2 sales volumes








TiO2 product pricing








TiO2 product mix/other








Changes in currency exchange rates
















* Thousands of metric tons

(1) The Company uses segment profit (loss) to assess the performance of the company’s TiO2 operations. Segment profit is defined as net income before income tax expense and certain general corporate items. These general corporate items include corporate expense and the components of other income (expense) except for trade interest income.

Industry conditions and 2024 overview – We and the TiO2 industry experienced an extended period of significantly reduced demand reflected in our sales volumes beginning in the second half of 2022 and continuing throughout 2023.  While demand improved in 2024 resulting in increased sales volumes across all major markets compared to the prior year, overall demand remained below average historical levels. After improving in the first half of 2024, demand moderated in the second half of the year, which placed downward pressure on our TiO2 pricing with 2024 average TiO2 selling prices approximately 5% below the average TiO2 selling prices for 2023.

We operated our production facilities at 72% of practical capacity utilization in 2023 in response to decreased demand and higher production costs. As a result of the increase in demand experienced in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, along with more favorable production costs, we began increasing our production rates during the first quarter of 2024 and we operated at near practical capacity in the second, third and fourth quarters of 2024 resulting in 96% of practical capacity utilization in 2024.


The following table shows our capacity utilization rates during 2023 and 2024.


Production Capacity Utilization Rates





First Quarter



Second Quarter




Third Quarter




Fourth Quarter








Excluding the effect of changes in currency exchange rates, our cost of sales per metric ton of TiO2 sold in 2024 was significantly lower as compared to 2023 primarily due to significant decreases in per metric ton production costs (primarily energy and raw materials).

In response to the extended period of reduced demand in 2023, discussed above, we took measures to reduce our operating costs and improve our long-term cost structure such as the implementation of certain voluntary and involuntary workforce reductions during the second half of 2023 that primarily impacted our European operations. A substantial portion of our workforce reductions were accomplished through voluntary programs, for which eligible workforce reduction costs are recognized at the time both the employee and employer are irrevocably committed to the terms of the separation. These workforce reductions impacted approximately 100 employees. We recognized a total of approximately $6 million in charges primarily in the fourth quarter of 2023 related to workforce reductions we implemented during the second half of 2023. In the third quarter of 2024, we closed our sulfate process production line at our plant in Varennes, Canada. As a result of the process line closure, we recognized charges to cost of sales of approximately $2 million during 2024 related to workforce reductions. We also recognized approximately $14 million in non-cash charges primarily related to accelerated depreciation in the second and third quarters of 2024.

Net sales – Our net sales in 2024 increased 13%, or $220.6 million, compared to 2023 primarily due to the effects of a 20% increase in sales volumes due to improved overall demand across all major markets (which increased net sales by approximately $333 million) partially offset by a 5% decrease in average TiO2 selling prices (which decreased net sales by approximately $83 million). Changes in product mix negatively contributed to net sales, primarily due to changes in product sales mix in export markets in 2024 as compared to 2023. Additionally, we estimate that changes in currency exchange rates (primarily the euro) increased our net sales by approximately $5 million in 2024 as compared to 2023. TiO2 selling prices will increase or decrease generally as a result of competitive market pressures and changes in the relative level of supply and demand as well as changes in raw material and other manufacturing costs. Incremental sales volumes resulting from the LPC acquisition did not significantly impact comparisons to the prior year.

Cost of sales and gross margin Cost of sales increased $26.2 million, or 2%, in 2024 compared to 2023 due to the net effects of a 20% increase in sales volumes, a 33% increase in production rates resulting in reduced unabsorbed fixed production costs, and lower production costs of approximately $115 million (primarily energy and raw materials). Our unabsorbed fixed production costs in 2024 were $12 million (incurred in the first quarter) compared to $96 million in 2023 related to curtailments that began in 2022 and continued into the first quarter of 2024, as discussed above. Our cost of sales in 2024 include a charge of approximately $2 million related to workforce reductions and approximately $14 million in non-cash charges related to the closure of our sulfate process line in Canada discussed above. Sales and production volumes resulting from the LPC acquisition did not materially impact comparisons to the prior year.

Our cost of sales as a percentage of net sales decreased to 81% in 2024 compared to 90% in 2023 primarily due to the favorable effects of increased sales, lower production costs and higher production volumes resulting in increased coverage of fixed production costs.

Gross margin as a percentage of net sales increased to 19% in 2024 compared to 10% in 2023. As discussed and quantified above, our gross margin as a percentage of net sales increased primarily due to higher sales and production volumes as well as lower production costs, partially offset by lower average TiO2 selling prices.


Selling, general and administrative expense Selling, general and administrative expense increased $14.4 million, or 7%, in 2024 compared to 2023. This increase was primarily due to higher distribution costs related to higher overall sales volumes compared to 2023. Our selling, general and administrative expense in 2024 also includes $2.2 million of transaction costs incurred in connection with the LPC acquisition. Selling, general and administrative expense also decreased due to lower costs related to workforce reductions in 2024 compared to 2023.

Segment profit (loss) We had segment profit of $141.0 million in 2024 compared to a segment loss of $39.8 million in 2023 as a result of the factors impacting gross margin discussed above. We recognized a gain of $2.5 million in 2023 related to cash received from the settlement of a business interruption insurance claim. See Note 17 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. We estimate that changes in currency exchange rates increased our segment profit by approximately $10 million in 2024 as compared to 2023, as further discussed below.

Other non-operating income (expense) – We recognized a gain on the remeasurement of our investment in LPC of $64.5 million in 2024 as a result of the acquisition. See Note 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. Interest expense in 2024 increased $25.8 million compared to 2023 primarily due to higher interest rates on the debt exchange and the issuance of new notes discussed below and higher average debt balances as a result of the LPC acquisition. As a result of the exchange, interest expense for 2024 also includes a charge of $1.5 million for the write-off of deferred financing costs. See Note 8 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. We recognized a gain of $1.2 million on the change in value of our marketable equity securities in 2024 compared to a loss of $1.0 million in 2023. See Note 6 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. Other components of net periodic pension and OPEB cost in 2024 decreased $4.1 million compared to 2023 primarily due to a higher expected return on plan assets, lower discount rates impacting interest costs and a non-recurring $1.3 million in settlement costs related to the termination and buy-out of our UK pension plan in the second quarter of 2023. See Note 10 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

Income tax expense (benefit) – We recognized income tax expense of $63.4 million in 2024 compared to an income tax benefit of $23.8 million in 2023. The difference is primarily due to higher earnings in 2024 and the jurisdictional mix of such earnings. Our earnings are subject to income tax in various U.S. and non-U.S. jurisdictions, and the income tax rates applicable to the pre-tax earnings (losses) of our non-U.S. operations are generally higher than the income tax rates applicable to our U.S. operations. We would generally expect our overall effective tax rate, excluding the effect of any increase or decrease in our deferred income tax asset valuation allowance or changes in our reserve for uncertain tax positions, to be higher than the U.S. federal statutory tax rate of 21% primarily because of our sizeable non-U.S. operations.

Our income tax expense in 2024 includes a non-cash deferred income tax expense of $8.2 million, recognized in the fourth quarter, related to the recognition of a deferred income tax asset valuation allowance related to our Belgian net deferred tax assets. We continue to believe we will ultimately realize the full benefit of our Belgian NOL carryforwards, in part because of their indefinite carryforward period. However, our ability to reverse all or a portion of such valuation allowance in the future is dependent on the presence of sufficient positive evidence, such as the existence of cumulative profits in the most recent twelve consecutive quarters, and the ability to demonstrate future profitability for a sustainable period. Until such time as we are able to reverse the valuation allowance in full, to the extent we generate additional losses in Belgium in the intervening periods, our effective income tax rate will be negatively impacted because any further losses will effectively be recognized without the net income tax benefit. See Note 12 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

On December 10, 2024, the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service released final currency regulations under §987 and related rules (the “2024 Final Regulations”). The 2024 Final Regulations generally apply to tax years beginning after December 31, 2024, and include transition rules that require us to compute a pretransition gain or loss for currency translation related to the operations, assets and liabilities of our non-U.S. qualified business units. Pursuant to the 2024 Final Regulations, we have calculated a pretransition gain of $77.1 million and, accordingly, our income tax expense in 2024 includes a non-cash deferred income tax expense of $16.5 million recognized in the fourth quarter. See Note 12 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.


Comparison of 2023 to 2022 Results of Operations


Years ended December 31, 



(Dollars in millions)

Net sales












Cost of sales








Gross margin









Selling, general and administrative expense









Other operating income (expense):







Currency transactions, net









Other operating expense, net





Income (loss) from operations





 Corporate expense and trade interest income, net





Segment profit (loss) (1)













% Change

TiO2 operating statistics:








Sales volumes*







Production volumes*







Percentage change in net sales:








TiO2 product pricing








TiO2 sales volumes







TiO2 product mix/other







Changes in currency exchange rates















* Thousands of metric tons

(1) The Company uses segment profit (loss) to assess the performance of the Company’s TiO2 operations. Segment profit  is defined as net income before income tax expense and certain general corporate items. The general corporate items include corporate expense and the components of other income (expense) except for trade interest income.

Net sales – Our net sales in 2023 decreased 14%, or $263.7 million, compared to 2022 primarily due to a 13% decrease in sales volumes (which decreased net sales by approximately $251 million) and a 4% decrease in average TiO2  selling prices (which decreased net sales by approximately $77 million). Changes in product mix positively contributed to net sales, primarily due to higher average selling prices and sales volumes in our complementary businesses which somewhat offset declines in TiO2 sales volumes. In addition to the impact of sales volumes and average TiO2 selling prices, we estimate that changes in currency exchange rates (primarily the euro) increased our net sales by approximately $10 million in 2023 as compared to 2022. TiO2 selling prices will increase or decrease generally as a result of competitive market pressures, changes in the relative level of supply and demand as well as changes in raw material and other manufacturing costs.

Our sales volumes decreased 13% in 2023 as compared to 2022 due to lower overall demand across all major markets noted above. The lower overall demand we began experiencing in the second half of 2022 continued throughout most of 2023. However, our sales volumes were 29% higher in the fourth quarter of 2023 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2022 due to strengthening demand for TiO2 in our primary markets of Europe and North America.

Cost of sales and gross margin – Cost of sales decreased $37.5 million, or 2%, in 2023 compared to 2022 due to the net effects of a 13% decrease in sales volumes, a 19% decrease in production volumes at certain of our manufacturing facilities to align inventory levels to anticipated near-term customer demand (which resulted in  $96 million of unabsorbed fixed production costs) and higher production costs of approximately $65 million (primarily raw materials). Our cost of sales as a percentage of net sales increased to 90% in 2023 compared to 80% in 2022 primarily due to the unfavorable effects of higher production costs (primarily raw materials) and unabsorbed fixed production costs due to lower production volumes.


Gross margin as a percentage of net sales decreased to 10% in 2023 compared to 20% in 2022. As discussed and quantified above, our gross margin as a percentage of net sales decreased primarily due to lower production and sales volumes, lower average TiO2 selling prices, higher production costs and changes in currency exchange rates.

Selling, general and administrative expense Selling, general and administrative expense decreased $20.1 million, or 9%, in 2023 compared to 2022 primarily due to lower distribution costs related to lower overall sales volumes during the year. Selling, general and administrative expense as a percentage of net sales increased in 2023 compared to 2022 as a result of lower net sales and $5.8 million in charges related to workforce reductions noted above. See Note 18 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

Segment profit (loss) We had a segment loss of $39.8 million in 2023 compared to segment profit of $175.9 million in 2022 as a result of the factors impacting gross margin discussed above. We recognized a gain of $2.5 million in 2023 and a gain of $2.7 million in 2022 related to cash received from the settlement of a business interruption insurance claim related to Hurricane Laura. See Note 17 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. We estimate changes in currency exchange rates decreased our segment loss by approximately $16 million in 2023 as compared to 2022, as discussed in the Effects of currency exchange rates section below.

Other non-operating income (expense) – We recognized unrealized losses of $1.0 million in each of 2023 and 2022 on the change in value of our marketable equity securities. See Note 6 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. Other components of net periodic pension and OPEB cost in 2023 decreased $7.2 million compared to 2022 primarily due to the net effects of higher discount rates impacting interest cost, previously unrecognized actuarial losses and $1.3 million in settlement costs related to the termination and buy-out of our pension plan in the United Kingdom during the second quarter of 2023. See Note 10 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. Interest expense in 2023 was comparable to interest expense in 2022. See Note 8 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

Income tax expense (benefit)  We recognized an income tax benefit of $23.8 million in 2023 compared to income tax expense of $29.4 million in 2022. The difference is primarily due to lower earnings in 2023 and the jurisdictional mix of such earnings.

Our earnings are subject to income tax in various U.S. and non-U.S. jurisdictions, and the income tax rates applicable to the pre-tax earnings (losses) of our non-U.S. operations are generally higher than the income tax rates applicable to our U.S. operations. We would generally expect our overall effective tax rate to be higher than the U.S. federal statutory rate of 21% primarily because of our sizeable non-U.S. operations. See Note 12 to our Consolidated Financial Statements for a tabular reconciliation of our statutory income tax provision to our actual tax provision.

Effects of currency exchange rates

We have substantial operations and assets located outside the United States (primarily in Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada). The majority of our sales from non-U.S. operations are denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, principally the euro, other major European currencies and the Canadian dollar. A portion of our sales generated from our non-U.S. operations is denominated in the U.S. dollar (and consequently our non-U.S. operations will generally hold U.S. dollars from time to time). Certain raw materials used in all our production facilities, primarily titanium-containing feedstocks, are purchased primarily in U.S. dollars, while labor and other production and administrative costs are incurred primarily in local currencies. Consequently, the translated U.S. dollar value of our non-U.S. sales and operating results are subject to currency exchange rate fluctuations which may favorably or unfavorably impact reported earnings and may affect the comparability of period-to-period operating results. In addition to the impact of the translation of sales and expenses over time, our non-U.S. operations also generate currency transaction gains and losses which primarily relate to (i) the difference between the currency exchange rates in effect when non-local currency sales or operating costs (primarily U.S. dollar denominated) are initially accrued and when such amounts are settled with the non-local currency and (ii) changes in currency exchange rates during time periods when our non-U.S. operations are holding non-local currency (primarily U.S. dollars).


Fluctuations in currency exchange rates had the following effects on our sales and income (loss) from operations for the periods indicated.

Impact of changes in currency exchange rates - 2024 vs. 2023



Total currency


Transaction gains recognized

impact of









rate changes


2024 vs. 2023


(In millions)

Impact on:











Net sales











Income (loss) from operations











The $5 million increase in net sales (translation gains) was caused primarily by a weakening of the U.S. dollar relative to the euro, as our euro-denominated sales were translated into more U.S. dollars in 2024 as compared to 2023. The strengthening of the U.S. dollar relative to the Canadian dollar and the Norwegian krone in 2024 did not have a significant effect on our net sales, as a substantial portion of the sales generated by our Canadian and Norwegian operations is denominated in the U.S. dollar.

The $10 million increase in income from operations was comprised of the following:

Higher net currency transaction gains of approximately $1 million primarily caused by relative changes in currency exchange rates at each applicable balance sheet date between the U.S. dollar and the euro, Canadian dollar and the Norwegian krone, and between the euro and the Norwegian krone, which causes increases or decreases, as applicable, in U.S. dollar-denominated receivables and payables and U.S. dollar currency held by our non-U.S. operations, and in Norwegian krone denominated receivables and payables held by our non-U.S. operations, and
Approximately $9 million from net currency translation gains primarily caused by a strengthening of the U.S. dollar relative to the Canadian dollar and Norwegian krone, as local currency-denominated operating costs were translated into fewer U.S. dollars in 2024 as compared to 2023. The effect of the weakening of the U.S. dollar relative to the euro caused additional net translation gains as the positive effects of the weaker U.S. dollar on euro-denominated sales more than offset the unfavorable effects on euro-denominated operating costs being translated into more U.S. dollars in 2024 as compared to 2023.

Impact of changes in currency exchange rates - 2023 vs. 2022



Total currency


Transaction gains recognized

impact of









rate changes


2023 vs. 2022


(In millions)

Impact on:











Net sales











Income (loss) from operations











The $10 million increase in net sales (translation gains) was caused primarily by a weakening of the U.S. dollar relative to the euro, as our euro-denominated sales were translated into more U.S. dollars in 2023 as compared to 2022. The strengthening of the U.S. dollar relative to the Canadian dollar and the Norwegian krone in 2023 did not have a significant effect on our net sales, as a substantial portion of the sales generated by our Canadian and Norwegian operations is denominated in the U.S. dollar.


The $16 million decrease in loss from operations was comprised of the following:

Lower net currency transaction gains of approximately $11 million primarily caused by relative changes in currency exchange rates at each applicable balance sheet date between the U.S. dollar and the euro, Canadian dollar and the Norwegian krone, and between the euro and the Norwegian krone, which causes increases or decreases, as applicable, in U.S. dollar-denominated receivables and payables and U.S. dollar currency held by our non-U.S. operations, and in Norwegian krone denominated receivables and payables held by our non-U.S. operations, and
Approximately $27 million from net currency translation gains primarily caused by a strengthening of the U.S. dollar relative to the Canadian dollar and Norwegian krone, as local currency-denominated operating costs were translated into fewer U.S. dollars in 2023 as compared to 2022. The effect of the weakening of the U.S. dollar relative to the euro was nominal in 2023 as compared to 2022.


Overall customer demand improved in 2024 compared to the historical low demand we experienced during 2023, although demand levels remained below historical averages and customer demand moderated in the second half of the year as compared to the first half of the year across all major markets. We expect demand to improve in 2025, particularly in Europe where the European Commission enacted duties on Chinese imports of TiO2 in mid-2024; however, we expect overall demand will remain below historical levels due to continued global economic uncertainty caused, in part, by the potential implementation of tariffs by the U.S. and other countries. We believe customer inventory levels were low at the end of 2024 due to customer hesitancy to build inventory late in the year, and we are receiving customer orders on shorter notice than we experienced early in 2024 indicating that customers have a cautious demand outlook and are carefully managing inventory levels. TiO2 selling prices softened in the second half of 2024 in response to sluggish demand and competitive pressures. We expect these pricing pressures to be somewhat mitigated in 2025, particularly in Europe, as a result of the duties enacted on low-cost imports from China. We are operating our facilities at production rates in line with the current and expected near-term demand and believe our production rates for 2025 will be slightly above 2024 rates.

We are focused on cost reduction initiatives designed to improve our long-term cost structure. In 2023, we implemented targeted workforce reductions and certain ongoing process improvement initiatives. In the third quarter of 2024, we closed our Canadian sulfate process line to improve gross margins through the optimization of production of our purified grades. Raw material, energy and other input costs generally improved during 2024; however, energy costs in Europe have trended up in recent months and remain above historical levels. We expect raw material and other input costs will continue to moderate in 2025. Overall, primarily due to improved demand, we expect to report higher operating results for the full year of 2025 as compared to 2024, although we will need to achieve TiO2 selling price increases in order to recognize margins more in-line with historical levels.

As noted above, we acquired full control of LPC in July 2024. We believe this acquisition is a unique opportunity to immediately add value to our customers and better serve the North American marketplace by allowing us to expand our product offerings and increase sales to new and existing customers while recognizing significant synergies, including commercial, overhead and supply chain optimization. We are in the process of fully integrating the additional LPC production capacity, and we expect the acquisition will have a positive impact on our earnings in 2025, although the potential positive impact will be limited by competitive pressures and by the additional debt service costs associated with the increase in borrowings to complete the transaction. With the increased borrowing availability under our Global Revolver, as well as cash on hand, we were able to finance the required working capital for the improvements needed to fully integrate the acquired LPC production capacity.

Our expectations for the TiO2 industry and our operations are based on a number of factors outside our control. Our operations are affected by global and regional economic, political and regulatory factors, and we have experienced global market disruptions. As noted above, energy costs in Europe, which spiked when Russia invaded Ukraine, remain above historical levels. In addition, we operate a TiO2 facility in Canada, and the majority of production from that facility is currently sold into the U.S. The U.S. federal government’s recently enacted 25% tariff on our imports from Canada could harm our ability to compete and adversely impact our earnings and profitability if such tariffs are sustained for an


extended period of time without exclusion. We have begun to implement strategies to minimize the potential impacts. Future impacts on our operations will depend on, among other things, future energy costs, the effect newly enacted tariffs have on jurisdictions in which we or our customers and suppliers operate, our success in implementing mitigation strategies, and the impact economic conditions and geopolitical events have on our operations or our customers’ and suppliers’ operations, all of which remain uncertain and cannot be predicted.

Operations outside the United States

As discussed above, we have substantial operations located outside the United States for which the functional currency is not the U.S. dollar. As a result, the reported amount of our assets and liabilities related to our non-U.S. operations, and therefore our consolidated net assets, will fluctuate based upon changes in currency exchange rates. At December 31, 2024, we had substantial net assets denominated in the euro, Canadian dollar and Norwegian krone.

Critical accounting policies and estimates

Our significant accounting policies are more fully described in Note 1 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. Our Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, or GAAP. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reported period. On an ongoing basis we evaluate our estimates, including those related to the recoverability of long-lived assets, pension and other postretirement benefit obligations and the underlying actuarial assumptions related thereto, the realization of deferred income tax assets and accruals for litigation, income tax and other contingencies. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions which we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. Actual results may differ significantly from previously-estimated amounts under different assumptions or conditions.

We believe the most critical accounting policies and estimates involving significant judgment primarily relate to long-lived assets, defined benefit pension plans, income taxes and the acquisition of joint venture. We have discussed the development, selection and disclosure of our critical accounting estimates with the audit committee of our board of directors.

Long-lived assets  The net book value of our property and equipment totaled $694.1 million at December 31, 2024. We recognize an impairment charge associated with our long-lived assets, including property and equipment, whenever we determine that recovery of such long-lived asset is not probable. Such determination is based upon, among other things, estimates of the amount of future net cash flows to be generated by the long-lived asset and estimates of the current fair value of the asset. Significant judgment is required in estimating such cash flows. Adverse changes in such estimates of future net cash flows or estimates of fair value could result in an inability to recover the carrying value of the long-lived asset, thereby possibly requiring an impairment charge to be recognized in the future. We do not assess our property and equipment for impairment unless certain impairment indicators are present. We did not evaluate any long-lived assets for impairment during 2024 because no such impairment indicators were present.
Defined benefit pension plans – We participate in or maintain various defined benefit pension plans in the U.S., Europe and Canada. See Note 10 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. We recognized consolidated defined benefit pension plan expense of $24.1 million in 2022, $12.0 million in 2023 and $8.0 million in 2024. The funding requirements for these defined benefit pension plans are generally based upon applicable regulations (such as ERISA in the U.S.) and will generally differ from pension expense for financial reporting purposes. We made contributions to all of our plans which aggregated $15.3 million in 2022, $16.1 million in 2023 and $15.4 million in 2024.

Under defined benefit pension plan accounting, defined benefit pension plan expense, pension assets and accrued pension costs are each recognized based on certain actuarial assumptions. These assumptions are principally the assumed discount rate, the assumed long-term rate of return on plan assets, the fair value of plan assets and the assumed increase in future compensation levels. We recognize the full funded status of our defined benefit pension plans as either an asset (for overfunded plans) or a liability (for underfunded


plans) on our Consolidated Balance Sheets.

The discount rates we use for determining defined benefit pension expense and the related pension obligations are based on current interest rates earned on long-term bonds that receive one of the two highest ratings given by recognized rating agencies in the applicable country where the defined benefit pension benefits are being paid. In addition, we receive third-party advice about appropriate discount rates and these advisors may in some cases use their own market indices. We adjust these discount rates as of each December 31 valuation date to reflect then-current interest rates on such long-term bonds. We use these discount rates to determine the actuarial present value of the pension obligations as of December 31 of that year. We also use these discount rates to determine the interest component of defined benefit pension expense for the following year.

At December 31, 2024, approximately 68%, 14%, 7% and 7% of the projected benefit obligations related to our plans in Germany, Canada, Norway and the U.S., respectively. We use several different discount rate assumptions in determining our consolidated defined benefit pension plan obligation and expense. This is because we maintain or participate in defined benefit pension plans in several different countries in Europe and North America and the interest rate environment differs from country to country.

We used the following discount rates for our defined benefit pension plans:


Discount rates used for:






at December 31, 2022

at December 31, 2023

at December 31, 2024

and expense in 2023

and expense in 2024

and expense in 2025




















The assumed long-term rate of return on plan assets represents the estimated average rate of earnings expected to be earned on the funds invested or to be invested in the plans’ assets provided to fund the benefit payments inherent in the projected benefit obligations. Unlike the discount rate, which is adjusted each year based on changes in current long-term interest rates, the assumed long-term rate of return on plan assets will not necessarily change based upon the actual short-term performance of the plan assets in any given year. Defined benefit pension expense each year is based upon the assumed long-term rate of return on plan assets for each plan, the actual fair value of the plan assets as of the beginning of the year and an estimate of the amount of contributions to and distributions from the plan during the year. Differences between the expected return on plan assets for a given year and the actual return are deferred and amortized over future periods based either upon the expected average remaining service life of the active plan participants (for plans for which benefits are still being earned by active employees) or the average remaining life expectancy of the inactive participants (for plans for which benefits are not still being earned by active employees).

At December 31, 2024, approximately 58%, 18%, 10% and 11% of the plan assets related to our plans in Germany, Canada, Norway and the U.S., respectively. We use several different long-term rates of return on plan asset assumptions in determining our consolidated defined benefit pension plan expense. This is because the plan assets in different countries are invested in a different mix of investments and the long-term rates of return for different investments differ from country to country.

In determining the expected long-term rate of return on plan asset assumptions, we consider the long-term asset mix (e.g. equity vs. fixed income) for the assets for each of our plans and the expected long-term rates of return for such asset components. In addition, we receive third-party advice about appropriate long-term rates of return. We regularly review our actual asset allocation for each of our U.S. and non-U.S. plans and


will periodically rebalance the investments in each plan to more accurately reflect the targeted allocation when considered appropriate.

Our assumed long-term rates of return on plan assets for 2022, 2023 and 2024 were as follows:
























Our long-term rate of return on plan asset assumptions in 2025 used for purposes of determining our 2025 defined benefit pension plan expense for Germany, Canada, Norway and the U.S. are 4.8%, 3.7%, 5.3% and 5.0%, respectively.

We follow ASC Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures, in determining the fair value of plan assets within our defined benefit pension plans. While we believe the valuation methods used to determine the fair value of plan assets are appropriate, the use of different methodologies or assumptions to determine the fair value of certain financial instruments could result in a different estimate of fair value at the reporting date.

To the extent that a plan’s particular pension benefit formula calculates the pension benefit in whole or in part based upon future compensation levels, the projected benefit obligations and the pension expense will be based in part upon expected increases in future compensation levels. For all of our plans for which the benefit formula is so calculated, we generally base the assumed expected increase in future compensation levels upon average long-term inflation rates for the applicable country.

In addition to the actuarial assumptions discussed above, the amount of recognized defined benefit pension expense and the amount of net pension asset and net pension liability will vary based upon relative changes in currency exchange rates.

Based on the actuarial assumptions described above and our current expectation for what actual average currency exchange rates will be during 2025, we expect our defined benefit pension expense will approximate $8 million in 2025. In comparison, we expect to be required to contribute approximately $16 million to such plans during 2025. See Note 10 to our Consolidated Financial Statements for additional discussion of actuarial assumptions used in determining defined benefit pension assets, liabilities and expenses.

As noted above, defined benefit pension expense and the amounts recognized as accrued pension costs are based upon the actuarial assumptions discussed above. We believe all of the actuarial assumptions used are reasonable and appropriate. However, if we had lowered the assumed discount rate by 25 basis points for all plans as of December 31, 2024, our aggregate projected benefit obligations would have increased by approximately $19.0 million at that date and our defined benefit pension expense would be expected to decrease by approximately $.1 million during 2025. Similarly, if we lowered the assumed long-term rate of return on plan assets by 25 basis points for all of our plans, our defined benefit pension expense would be expected to increase by approximately $1.2 million during 2025.

Income taxes – We operate globally and the calculation of our provision for income taxes and our deferred tax assets and liabilities involves the interpretation and application of complex tax laws and regulations in a multitude of jurisdictions across our global operations. Our effective tax rate is highly dependent upon the geographic distribution of our earnings or losses and the effects of tax laws and regulations in each tax-paying jurisdiction in which we operate. Significant judgments and estimates are required in determining our consolidated provision for income taxes due to the global nature of our operations. Our provision (benefit) for income taxes and deferred tax assets and liabilities reflects our best assessment of estimated current and


future taxes to be paid, including the recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities.

We recognize deferred taxes for future tax effects of temporary differences between financial and income tax reporting. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities for each tax-paying jurisdiction in which we operate are netted and presented as either a noncurrent deferred income tax asset or liability, as applicable. We record a valuation allowance to reduce our deferred income tax assets to the amount that is believed to be realized under the more-likely-than-not recognition criteria. While we have considered future taxable income and ongoing prudent and feasible tax planning strategies in assessing the need for a valuation allowance, it is possible that we may change our estimate of the amount of the deferred income tax assets that would more-likely-than-not be realized in the future, resulting in an adjustment to the deferred income tax asset valuation allowance that would either increase or decrease, as applicable, reported net income in the period such change in estimate was made.

We periodically review our deferred tax assets (“DTA”) to determine if a valuation allowance is required. For example, at December 31, 2024, we have significant German corporate and trade net operating loss (NOL) carryforwards of $447.3 million (DTA of $70.8 million) and $40.1 million (DTA of $4.4 million), respectively; and Belgian corporate NOL carryforwards of $72.0 million (DTA of $18.0 million). Prior to December 31, 2024, and using all available evidence, we had concluded that no deferred income tax asset valuation allowance was required to be recognized with respect to such carryforwards, principally because (i) such carryforwards have lengthy carryforward periods (the German and Belgian carryforwards may be carried forward indefinitely), (ii) we have utilized a portion of such carryforwards during the most recent three-year period and (iii) we currently expect to utilize the remainder of such carryforwards over the long term. With respect to our Belgium carryforwards, at December 31, 2024, given our operating results during the fourth quarter of 2024 and our current expectations for 2025, we do not have sufficient positive evidence to overcome the significant negative evidence of having cumulative losses in the most recent twelve consecutive quarters in Belgium (even considering that the carryforward period of our Belgian NOL carryforwards is indefinite, one piece of positive evidence). Accordingly, at December 31, 2024, we concluded that we were required to recognize a non-cash deferred income tax asset valuation allowance of $8.2 million under the more-likely-than-not recognition criteria with respect to our Belgian net deferred tax assets. At December 31, 2024, we continue to conclude no valuation allowance is required to be recognized for our German DTAs although prior to the complete utilization of such carryforwards, if we were to generate additional losses in our German operations for an extended period of time, or if applicable laws were to change such that the carryforward periods were more limited, it is possible that we might conclude the benefit of such carryforwards would no longer meet the more-likely-than-not recognition criteria, at which point we would be required to recognize a valuation allowance against some or all of the then-remaining tax benefit associated with the carryforwards.  

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (the “OECD”), the European Union and other countries have committed to enacting the OECD’s Pillar Two initiative that would provide a global minimum level of taxation for multinational companies to be applied on a country-by-country basis. Currently, many countries have enacted legislation to implement the Pillar Two rules effective for years beginning on or after December 31, 2023. Based on legislation currently enacted, we do not anticipate any material impact to our Consolidated Financial Statements; however, until all the jurisdictions we operate in enact legislation, the full impact of Pillar Two to us is unknown.

Acquisition of Joint Venture During the third quarter of 2024, we acquired the 50% joint venture interest in LPC previously held by Venator. Prior to the acquisition we accounted for our interest in LPC under the equity method. The application of the purchase method of accounting for business combinations requires us to use significant estimates and assumptions in the determination of the estimated fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. Our estimates of the fair values of assets acquired and liabilities assumed are based upon assumptions we believe are reasonable, and when appropriate, include assistance from independent third-party valuation advisors. See Note 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.



Consolidated cash flows

Operating activities

Trends in cash flows as a result of our operating activities (excluding the impact of significant asset dispositions and relative changes in assets and liabilities) are generally similar to trends in our earnings. In addition to the impact of the operating, investing and financing cash flows discussed below, changes in the amount of cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash we report from year to year can be impacted by changes in currency exchange rates, since a portion of our cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash is held by our non-U.S. subsidiaries. For example, during 2024, relative changes in currency exchange rates resulted in a $.1 million decrease in the reported amount of our cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash compared to a $1.0 million increase in 2023 and a $5.1 million decrease in 2022.

Cash provided by operating activities was $72.5 million in 2024 compared to $5.5 million in 2023. This $67.0 million increase in the amount of cash provided was primarily due to the net effect of the following:

higher income from operations in 2024 of $178.9 million,
higher amount of net cash used associated with relative changes in our inventories, receivables, payables and accruals in 2024 of $83.3 million,
higher cash paid for interest in 2024 of $22.4 million,
higher cash paid for taxes in 2024 of $17.2 million primarily due to higher earnings,
cash premium of $6.0 million on the issuance of senior notes, and
higher net contributions of $5.8 million to our TiO2 manufacturing joint venture in 2024 prior to the LPC acquisition.

Cash provided by operating activities was $5.5 million in 2023 compared to $81.7 million in 2022. This $76.2 million decrease in the amount of cash provided was primarily due to the net effect of the following:

lower income from operations in 2023 of $215.6 million,
lower amount of net cash used associated with relative changes in our inventories, receivables, payables and accruals in 2023 of $109.5 million,
lower cash paid for income taxes of $20.0 million primarily due to decreased earnings in 2023, and
lower net contributions to our TiO2 manufacturing joint venture in 2023 of $13.6 million.

Changes in working capital are affected by accounts receivable and inventory changes. As shown below:

Our average days sales outstanding, or DSO, decreased from December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2024, primarily due to relative changes in the timing of collections, and
Our average days sales in inventory, or DSI, increased from December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2024, primarily due to production volumes exceeding sales volumes in 2024 compared to 2023 when our sales volumes exceeded our production volumes.

For comparative purposes, we have provided current and prior year numbers below.


December 31, 2022


December 31, 2023


December 31, 2024


64 days

66 days

62 days


103 days

65 days

82 days


Investing activities

We paid $156.8 million, net of cash acquired, for the remaining TiO2 manufacturing joint venture interest in LPC. See Note 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

Our capital expenditures were $29.5 million in 2024 compared to $47.4 million in 2023 and $63.2 million in 2022. Capital expenditures are primarily incurred to maintain and improve the cost effectiveness of our manufacturing facilities. Our capital expenditures during the past three years include an aggregate of $45.8 million (including $17.0 million in 2024) for our ongoing environmental protection and compliance programs.

During 2023 and 2022, we had no loans or collections under our unsecured revolving demand promissory note with Valhi, which was cancelled in February 2024.

Financing activities

During 2024, we:

paid dividends of $.48 per share to stockholders aggregating $55.2 million ($.19, $.19, $.05 and $.05 per share in the first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2024, respectively), and
exchanged €325 million of our Kronos International, Inc. (KII) 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due September 2025 (the “Old Notes”) for our newly issued €276.174 million 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due March 2029 (the “New Notes”) plus additional cash consideration of $52.6 million to certain eligible holders of the Old Notes and borrowed $53.7 million from Contran. In the third quarter we issued an additional €75 million principal amount of 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 (the Additional New Notes (as defined below) together with the Old Notes and the New Notes, the “Senior Secured Notes”). See Note 8 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

During 2023, we:

paid quarterly dividends of $.19 per share to stockholders aggregating $87.5 million, and
acquired 313,814 shares of our common stock in market transactions for an aggregate purchase price of $2.8 million.

During 2022, we:

paid quarterly dividends of $.19 per share to stockholders aggregating $87.8 million, and
acquired 217,778 shares of our common stock in market transactions for an aggregate purchase price of $2.3 million.

In February 2025, our board of directors declared a first quarter 2025 regular quarterly dividend of $.05 per share, payable March 20, 2025 to stockholders of record as of March 11, 2025.

Outstanding debt obligations and borrowing availability

At December 31, 2024, our consolidated debt comprised:

€351.174 million aggregate outstanding on our KII 9.5% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 plus €5.1 million of unamortized premium ($365.4 million carrying amount, net of unamortized debt issuance costs),
€75 million aggregate outstanding on our KII 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 ($78.3 million carrying amount),
$53.7 million outstanding on our subordinated, unsecured term loan from Contran due September 2029 (the “Contran Term Loan”), and
$10.0 million outstanding on our Global Revolver.


Availability under the Global Revolver is subject to a borrowing base calculation, as defined in the agreement. The borrowing base calculated as of December 31, 2024 was approximately $278 million. Effective July 17, 2024, we completed an amendment to our Global Revolver (the “Second Amendment”). Among other things, the Second Amendment increased the maximum borrowing amount from $225 million to $300 million, extended the maturity date to July 2029 and expanded the facility to include LPC and LPC’s receivables and certain of its inventories in the borrowing base. The LPC acquisition was financed through borrowings of $132.1 million under our Global Revolver with the remainder paid with cash on hand. On July 30, 2024, our wholly-owned subsidiary, KII, issued an additional €75 million principal amount of 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 (the “Additional New Notes”). The Additional New Notes were issued at a premium of 107.50% of their principal amount, plus accrued interest from February 12, 2024, resulting in net proceeds of approximately $90 million, after fees and expenses. The Additional New Notes are fungible with the New Notes, are treated as a single series with the New Notes, and have the same terms as the New Notes, other than their date of issuance and issue price. The proceeds from the Additional New Notes were used to pay down borrowings incurred under the Global Revolver. Subsequent to the issuance of the Additional New Notes, the Contran Term Loan was amended in August 2024 to change the interest rate from 11.5% (which had been determined by adding an additional spread of 2% to the final interest rate on the New Notes issued in February 2024) to 9.54% (determined by adding a spread of 2% to the effective interest rate of the Additional New Notes issued in July 2024). In each case, the spread used to determine the rate was based upon comparable debt transactions at the time of the issuance of the applicable notes. See Note 8 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

The Contran Term Loan is subordinated in right of payment to our Senior Secured Notes and our Global Revolver. Our Senior Secured Notes, the Contran Term Loan and our Global Revolver contain a number of covenants and restrictions which, among other things, restrict our ability to incur or guarantee additional debt, incur liens, pay dividends or make other restricted payments, or merge or consolidate with, or sell or transfer substantially all of our assets to, another entity, and contain other provisions and restrictive covenants customary in lending transactions of these types. Our credit agreements contain provisions which could result in the acceleration of indebtedness prior to their stated maturity for reasons other than defaults for failure to comply with typical financial or payment covenants. For example, the credit agreements allow the lender to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness upon a change of control (as defined in the agreement) of the borrower. In addition, the credit agreements could result in the acceleration of all or a portion of the indebtedness following a sale of assets outside the ordinary course of business. The terms of all of our debt instruments are discussed in Note 8 to our Consolidated Financial Statements. We are in compliance with all of our debt covenants at December 31, 2024. We believe we will be able to continue to comply with the financial covenants contained in our credit facility through its maturity; however, if future operating results differ materially from our expectations we may be unable to maintain compliance.

Our assets consist primarily of investments in operating subsidiaries, and our ability to service our obligations, including the Senior Secured Notes and the Contran Term Loan, depends in part upon the distribution of earnings of our subsidiaries, whether in the form of dividends, advances or payments on account of intercompany obligations or otherwise. Our Senior Secured Notes are collateralized by, among other things, a first priority lien on (i) 100% of the common stock or other ownership interests of each existing and future direct domestic subsidiary of KII and the guarantors, and (ii) 65% of the voting common stock or other ownership interests and 100% of the non-voting common stock or other ownership interests of each non-U.S. subsidiary that is directly owned by KII or any guarantor. Our Global Revolver is collateralized by, among other things, a first priority lien on the borrower’s trade receivables and inventories.

Future cash requirements


Our primary source of liquidity on an ongoing basis is cash flows from operating activities which is generally used to (i) fund capital expenditures, (ii) repay any short-term indebtedness incurred for working capital purposes, (iii) provide for the payment of dividends and (iv) fund purchases of shares of our common stock under our stock repurchase program. From time-to-time we will incur indebtedness, generally to (i) fund short-term working capital needs, (ii) refinance existing indebtedness or (iii) fund major capital expenditures or the acquisition of other assets outside the ordinary course of business. We will also from time-to-time sell assets outside the ordinary course of business and use the


proceeds to (i) repay existing indebtedness, (ii) make investments in marketable and other securities, (iii) fund major capital expenditures or the acquisition of other assets outside the ordinary course of business or (iv) pay dividends.

The TiO2 industry is cyclical, and changes in industry economic conditions significantly impact earnings and operating cash flows. Changes in TiO2 pricing, production volumes and customer demand, among other things, could significantly affect our liquidity.

We routinely evaluate our liquidity requirements, alternative uses of capital, capital needs and availability of resources in view of, among other things, our dividend policy, our debt service, our capital expenditure requirements and estimated future operating cash flows. As a result of this process, we have in the past and may in the future seek to reduce, refinance, repurchase or restructure indebtedness, raise additional capital, repurchase shares of our common stock, modify our dividend policy, restructure ownership interests, sell interests in our subsidiaries or other assets, or take a combination of these steps or other steps to manage our liquidity and capital resources. Such activities have in the past and may in the future involve related companies. We may also from time to time engage in preliminary discussions with existing or potential investors regarding the timing or terms of any such refinancing or other potential transactions. In the normal course of our business, we may investigate, evaluate, discuss and engage in acquisition, joint venture, strategic relationship and other business combination opportunities in the TiO2 industry. In the event of any future acquisition or joint venture opportunity, we may consider using then-available liquidity, issuing our equity securities or incurring additional indebtedness.

Based upon our expectation for the TiO2 industry and anticipated demands on cash resources, we expect to have sufficient liquidity to meet our short-term obligations (defined as the twelve-month period ending December 31, 2025) and our long-term obligations (defined as the five-year period ending December 31, 2029, our time period for long-term budgeting). With respect to the €75 million KII 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025, we intend to satisfy this obligation through cash generated from operations or to the extent that is not sufficient, a combination of cash generated from operations and borrowings on the Global Revolver. If actual developments differ from our expectations, our liquidity could be adversely affected.

Cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash and marketable securities

At December 31, 2024 we had:


Held by








(In millions)

Cash and cash equivalents








Current restricted cash








Noncurrent restricted cash








Noncurrent marketable securities








Following implementation of a territorial tax system under the 2017 Tax Act, repatriation of any cash and cash equivalents held by our non-U.S. subsidiaries would not be expected to result in any material income tax liability as a result of such repatriation.

Stock repurchase program

At December 31, 2024, we have 1,017,518 shares available for repurchase under a stock repurchase program authorized by our board of directors. See Note 13 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.


Capital expenditures

We intend to spend approximately $55 million on capital expenditures during 2025 (including approximately $9 million contractually committed at December 31, 2024), primarily to maintain and improve our existing facilities. We estimate approximately $24 million of our 2025 capital expenditures will be in environmental compliance, protection and improvement programs which are primarily focused on increasing operating efficiency but also result in improved environmental protection, such as lower emissions from our manufacturing plants. Capital spending for 2025 is expected to be funded through cash on hand or borrowing under our existing credit facility. It is possible we will delay planned capital projects based on market conditions.

Commitments and contingencies

See Notes 5, 12 and 15 to our Consolidated Financial Statements for a description of certain income tax contingencies, certain legal proceedings and other commitments.

As described in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, we are a party to various debt, lease, raw material supply and other agreements which contractually and unconditionally commit us to pay certain amounts in the future. See Notes 7, 8, 14 and 15 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.

Recent accounting pronouncements

See Note 19 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.



We are exposed to market risk from changes in interest rates, currency exchange rates, equity security and raw material prices.

Interest rates

At December 31, 2024, our aggregate indebtedness was comprised primarily of our fixed-rate, euro-denominated KII 9.5% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 and KII 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025. The fixed-rate debt instruments minimize earnings volatility that would result from changes in interest rates. Our Global Revolver is a variable-rate instrument. The following table presents principal amounts and weighted average interest rates for our aggregate outstanding indebtedness at December 31, 2024. Information shown below for our euro-denominated 9.50% and 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 and 2025, respectively, is presented in its U.S. dollar equivalent at December 31, 2024 (net of unamortized debt issuance costs of $6.3 million, in addition to an unamortized bond premium of $5.3 million) using an exchange rate of U.S. $1.043 per euro. In addition, at December 31, 2024, we have a $53.7 million subordinated, unsecured term loan payable to a related party, Contran, due September 2029. See Notes 8 and 14 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.


Indebtedness amount













(In millions)

Fixed-rate indebtedness:

Kronos International, Inc. 9.50% Senior Secured







Kronos International, Inc. 3.75% Senior Secured






Total fixed rate indebtedness







Variable rate indebtedness:


Revolving credit facility








Currency exchange rates

We are exposed to market risk arising from changes in currency exchange rates as a result of manufacturing and selling our products worldwide. Earnings are primarily affected by fluctuations in the value of the U.S. dollar relative to


the euro, the Canadian dollar, the Norwegian krone and to a lesser extent the United Kingdom pound sterling and the value of the euro relative to the Norwegian krone.

The majority of our sales from non-U.S. operations are denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, principally the euro, other major European currencies and the Canadian dollar. A portion of our sales generated from our non-U.S. operations is denominated in the U.S. dollar (and consequently our non-U.S. operations will generally hold U.S. dollars from time to time). Certain raw materials used in all our production facilities, primarily titanium-containing feedstocks, are purchased primarily in U.S. dollars, while labor and other production and administrative costs are incurred primarily in local currencies. Consequently, the translated U.S. dollar value of our non-U.S. sales and operating results are subject to currency exchange rate fluctuations which may favorably or unfavorably impact reported earnings. In addition to the impact of the translation of sales and expenses over time, our non-U.S. operations also generate currency transaction gains and losses which primarily relate to (i) the difference between the currency exchange rates in effect when non-local currency sales or operating costs (primarily U.S. dollar denominated) are initially accrued and when such amounts are settled with the non-local currency and (ii) changes in currency exchange rates during time periods when our non-U.S. operations are holding non-local currency (primarily U.S. dollars).

We periodically use currency forward contracts to manage a very nominal portion of currency exchange rate risk associated with trade receivables denominated in a currency other than the holder’s functional currency or similar exchange rate risk associated with future sales. We have not entered into these contracts for trading or speculative purposes in the past. However, we may enter into such contracts in the future to manage our currency exchange rate risk. We are not party to any currency forward contracts at December 31, 2024.

Also, we are subject to currency exchange rate risk associated with our Senior Secured Notes due 2025 and 2029, as such indebtedness is denominated in euros. At December 31, 2024, we had the equivalent of $365.4 million outstanding under our euro-denominated KII 9.5% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 (exclusive of unamortized bond premium and debt issuance costs) and $78.3 million outstanding under our euro-dominated KII 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 (exclusive of unamortized debt issuance costs). The potential increase in the U.S. dollar equivalent of such indebtedness resulting from a hypothetical 10% adverse change in exchange rates at December 31, 2024 would be approximately $45 million.

Raw materials

We are exposed to market risk from changes in commodity prices relating to our raw materials. As discussed in Item 1 we generally enter into long-term supply agreements for certain of our raw material requirements. Many of our raw material contracts contain fixed quantities we are required to purchase or specify a range of quantities within which we are required to purchase. Raw material pricing under these agreements is generally negotiated quarterly or semi-annually depending upon the suppliers. For certain raw material requirements we do not have long-term supply agreements either because we have assessed the risk of the unavailability of those raw materials and/or the risk of a significant change in the cost of those raw materials to be low, or because long-term supply agreements for those raw materials are generally not available.


We believe there may be a certain amount of incompleteness in the sensitivity analyses presented above. For example, the hypothetical effect of changes in exchange rates discussed above ignores the potential effect on other variables which affect our results of operations and cash flows, such as demand for our products, sales volumes and selling prices and operating expenses. Accordingly, the amounts presented above are not necessarily an accurate reflection of the potential losses we would incur assuming the hypothetical changes in exchange rates were actually to occur.

The above discussion and estimated sensitivity analysis amounts include forward-looking statements of market risk which assume hypothetical changes in currency exchange rates. Actual future market conditions will likely differ materially from such assumptions. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements should not be considered to be projections by us of future events, gains or losses.



The information called for by this Item is contained in a separate section of this Annual Report. See “Index of Financial Statements” (page F-1).





Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures

We maintain disclosure controls and procedures which, as defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e), means controls and other procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in the reports that we file or submit to the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Act), is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information we are required to disclose in the reports we file or submit to the SEC under the Act is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our principal executive officer and our principal financial officer, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions to be made regarding required disclosure. Each of James M. Buch, our President and Chief Executive Officer and Tim C. Hafer, our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, have evaluated the design and effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of December 31, 2024. Based upon their evaluation, these executive officers have concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures are effective as of the date of such evaluation.

Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting

Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting which, as defined by Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(f) means a process designed by, or under the supervision of, our principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, and effected by the board of directors, management and other personnel, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and includes those policies and procedures that:

Pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of our assets,
Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP, and that receipts and expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors and
Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of an unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of assets that could have a material effect on our Consolidated Financial Statements.

Our evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting is based upon the criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission in 2013 (commonly referred to as the “2013 COSO” framework). Based on our evaluation under that framework, we have concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2024.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the independent registered public accounting firm that has audited our Consolidated Financial Statements included in this Annual Report, has audited the effectiveness of our internal control


over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, as stated in their report, which is included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.


As permitted by the SEC, our assessment of internal control over financial reporting excludes (i) internal control over the preparation of any financial statement schedules which would be required by Article 12 of Regulation S-X and (ii) internal control over financial reporting as it relates to our newly-consolidated subsidiary LPC (as discussed in Note 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements, which represents approximately 19% of our total assets at December 31, 2024).

Changes in internal control over financial reporting

There has been no change to our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter ended December 31, 2024 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.


Our chief executive officer is required to annually file a certification with the New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE, certifying our compliance with the corporate governance listing standards of the NYSE. During 2024, our chief executive officer filed such annual certification with the NYSE. The 2024 certification was unqualified.

Our chief executive officer and chief financial officer are also required to, among other things, file quarterly certifications with the SEC regarding the quality of our public disclosures, as required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The certifications for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 have been filed as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2 to this Annual Report on Form 10-K.


Not applicable


Not applicable.




The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference to our 2025 definitive proxy statement to be filed with the SEC pursuant to Regulation 14A within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this report.


The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference to our 2025 proxy statement.

ITEM 12.


The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference to our 2025 proxy statement.

ITEM 13.


The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference to our 2025 proxy statement. See also Note 14 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.


The information required by this Item is incorporated by reference to our 2025 proxy statement.




(a) and (c)


Financial Statements

The Registrant

The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Registrant listed on the accompanying Index of Financial Statements (see page F-1) are filed as part of this Annual Report.

50%-or-less owned persons

We are not required to provide any consolidated financial statements pursuant to Rule 3-09 of Regulation S-X.



Included as exhibits are the items listed in the Exhibit Index. We will furnish a copy of any of the exhibits listed below upon payment of $4.00 per exhibit to cover our costs to furnish the exhibits. Pursuant to Item 601(b)(4)(iii) of Regulation S-K, any instrument defining the rights of holders of long-term debt issues and other agreements related to indebtedness which do not exceed 10% of consolidated total assets as of December 31, 2024 will be furnished to the Commission upon request.

Item No.


Exhibit Index


Restated First Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Kronos Worldwide, Inc., as amended on May 12, 2011 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of the Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 12, 2011.


Amended and Restated Bylaws of Kronos Worldwide, Inc. as of October 25, 2023 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of the Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on October 25, 2023.


Description of the Registrant’s Capital Stock – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019.


Tax Agreement between Valhi, Inc. and Kronos Worldwide, Inc. dated as of January 1, 2020 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019.


Intercorporate Services Agreement by and between Contran Corporation and Kronos Worldwide, Inc., effective as of January 1, 2004 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Registrant for the quarter ended March 31, 2004.


Kronos Worldwide, Inc. 2012 Director Stock Plan – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 of the Registration statement on Form S-8 of the Registrant.


Lease Contract, dated June 21, 1952, between Farbenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft and Titangesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung (German language version and English translation thereof)- incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K (File No. 001-00640) of NL Industries, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 1985. (P)


Form of Assignment and Assumption Agreement, dated as of January 1, 1999, between Kronos Inc. (formerly known as Kronos (USA), Inc.) and Kronos International, Inc. – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.9 to Kronos International, Inc.’s Registration Statement on Form S-4 (File No. 333-100047). (P)


Item No.

Exhibit Index


Form of Cross License Agreement, effective as of January 1, 1999, between Kronos Inc. (formerly known as Kronos (USA), Inc.) and Kronos International, Inc. – incorporated by reference to Exhibit to Kronos International, Inc.’s Registration Statement on Form S-4 (File No. 333-100047). (P)


Second Amended and Restated Agreement Regarding Shared Insurance among CompX International Inc., Contran Corporation, Kronos Worldwide, Inc., NL Industries, Inc., and Valhi, Inc. dated January 25, 2019 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.16 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018.


Restated and Amended Agreement by and between Richards Bay Titanium (Proprietary) Limited (acting through its sales agent Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium Limited) and Kronos (US), Inc. effective January 1, 2016 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.26 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015.


Indenture, dated as of September 13, 2017, among Kronos International, Inc., the guarantors named therein, and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee, collateral agent, paying agent, transfer agent and registrar – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K dated September 13, 2017 and filed by the Registrant on September 13, 2017.


Supplemental Indenture No. 1, dated as of February 12, 2024, among Kronos International, Inc., the guarantors named therein, and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee, collateral agent, paying agent, transfer agent and registrar – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by the Registrant on February 12, 2024.


Supplemental Indenture No. 2, dated as of August 8, 2024, among Louisiana Pigment Company, L.P. and Kronos LPC, LLC (as new guarantors under the Indenture dated as of September 13, 2017, as amended), Kronos International, Inc., and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee, collateral agent, paying agent, transfer agent and registrar – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.


Indenture, dated as of February 12, 2024, among Kronos International, Inc., the guarantors named therein, and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee, collateral agent, paying agent, transfer agent and registrar – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Current Report on Form 8 K filed by the Registrant on February 12, 2024.


First Supplemental Indenture dated as of July 30, 2024, by and among Kronos International, Inc., the guarantors named therein, and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee, collateral agent, paying agent, transfer agent and registrar – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by the Registrant on July 30, 2024.


Second Supplemental Indenture dated as of August 8, 2024, among Louisiana Pigment Company, L.P. and Kronos LPC, LLC (as new guarantors under the Indenture dated as of February 12, 2024, as amended), Kronos International, Inc., and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee, collateral agent, paying agent, transfer agent and registrar – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.


Pledge Agreement, dated as of September 13, 2017, among Kronos International, Inc., the guarantors named therein and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as collateral agent – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K dated September 13, 2017, and filed by the Registrant on September 13, 2017.


Item No.

Exhibit Index


Additional Notes Priority Joinder Agreement dated February 12, 2024, executed by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee and collateral agent for the holders of Kronos International, Inc.’s 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 and as existing agent under the Pledge Agreement dated September 13, 2017 entered into in connection with Kronos International Inc.’s 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to the Current Report on Form 8 K filed by the Registrant on February 12, 2024.


Additional Notes Priority Joinder Agreement dated July 30, 2024, executed by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee and collateral agent – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by the Registrant on July 30, 2024.


Joinder No. 1 dated as of August 8, 2024, to the Pledge Agreement dated as of September 13, 2017, joining Louisiana Pigment Company, L.P. and Kronos LPC, LLC to the Pledge Agreement – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.


Pledge Amendment dated as of August 8, 2024, to the Pledge Agreement dated as of September 13, 2017, executed by Kronos Louisiana, Inc. and Kronos LPC, LLC regarding additional pledged securities – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.


Credit Agreement dated as of April 20, 2021, by and among the Company, Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos (US), Inc., Kronos Canada, Inc., Kronos Europe NV, Kronos Titan GmbH and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as administrative agent and lender – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2021.


First Amendment to Credit Agreement dated May 8, 2023, among Kronos Worldwide, Inc., Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos (US), Inc., Kronos Canada, Inc., Kronos Europe NV, Kronos Titan GmbH, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as administrative agent, and the lenders a party thereto – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of the Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on May 9, 2023.


Second Amendment to Credit Agreement dated July 17, 2024 among Kronos Worldwide, Inc.,  Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos (US), Inc., Kronos Canada, Inc., Kronos Europe NV, Kronos Titan GmbH, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as administrative agent and the lenders a party thereto – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by the Registrant on July 17, 2024.


Third Amendment to Credit Agreement dated December 19, 2024 among Kronos Worldwide, Inc., Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos (US), Inc., Kronos Canada, Inc., Kronos Europe NV, Kronos Titan GmbH, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as administrative agent, and the lenders a party thereto – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by the Registrant on December 19, 2024.


Guaranty and Security Agreement dated as of April 20, 2021, by and among the Company, Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos (US), Inc., Kronos Canada, Inc., Kronos International, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as administrative agent and lender – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2021.


First Amendment to Guaranty and Security Agreement, entered into as of July 17, 2024, by and among Kronos Worldwide, Inc., Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos (US), Inc., Kronos International, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as administrative agent and lender, amending Guaranty and Security Agreement dated as of April 20, 2021 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.


Item No.

Exhibit Index


Joinder No. 1 dated as of August 7, 2024, joining Louisiana Pigment Company, L.P. and Kronos LPC, LLC to the Guaranty and Security Agreement dated as of April 20, 2021, as amended – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.


Unsecured Subordinated Term Promissory Note dated February 12, 2024, in the principal amount of $53,705,000 executed by Kronos Worldwide, Inc. and the guarantors named therein and payable to the order of Contran Corporation – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to the Current Report on Form 8 K filed by the Registrant on February 12, 2024.


First Amendment to Unsecured Subordinated Term Promissory Note dated February 12, 2024, executed by Kronos Worldwide, Inc. and Contran Corporation as of August 7, 2024 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024.


Purchase and Sale Agreement dated July 16, 2024 by and between Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos Worldwide, Inc., Venator Investments, Ltd. and Venator Materials PLC – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by the Registrant on July 17, 2024.


Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement dated August 13, 2024, by and between Kronos Louisiana, Inc., Kronos Worldwide, Inc., Venator Investments, Ltd., Venator Materials PLC. and Louisiana Pigment Company, L.P, amending Purchase Agreement dated as of July 16, 2024 – incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.7 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.


Kronos Worldwide, Inc. Insider Trading Policy




Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.








Policy of the Recovery of Erroneously Awarded Compensation incorporated by reference to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.


Inline XBRL Instance - the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.


Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema


Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase


Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase


Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase


Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase


Cover page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)


Exhibit 3.1 is restated for the purposes of the disclosure requirements of Item 601 of Regulation S-K promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and does not represent a restated certificate of incorporation that has been filed with the Delaware Secretary of State.


Management contract, compensatory plan or arrangement


Filed herewith


Paper exhibits



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Kronos Worldwide, Inc.



/s/ James M. Buch

James M. Buch, March 6, 2025

(President and Chief Executive Officer)

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

/s/ Loretta J. Feehan


/s/ John E. Harper

Loretta J. Feehan, March 6, 2025

John E. Harper, March 6, 2025

(Chair of the Board (non-executive))


/s/ Michael S. Simmons

/s/ Kevin B. Kramer

Michael S. Simmons, March 6, 2025

Kevin B. Kramer, March 6, 2025

(Vice Chairman of the Board)


/s/ James M. Buch

/s/ Meredith W. Mendes

James M. Buch, March 6, 2025

Meredith W. Mendes, March 6, 2025

(President and Chief Executive Officer)


/s/ Tim C. Hafer

/s/ Cecil H. Moore, Jr.

Tim C. Hafer, March 6, 2025

Cecil H. Moore, Jr., March 6, 2025

(Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,


Principal Financial Officer)

/s/ Bryan S. Bell

/s/ R. Gerald Turner

Bryan S. Bell, March 6, 2025

R. Gerald Turner, March 6, 2025

(Vice President and Controller, Global Finance)




Annual Report on Form 10-K

Items 8, 15(a) and 15(c)

Index of Financial Statements

Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm (PCAOD ID 238)


Consolidated Balance Sheets – December 31, 2023 and 2024


Consolidated Statements of Operations –

Years ended December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss) –

Years ended December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024


Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity –

Years ended December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows –

Years ended December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


All financial statement schedules have been omitted either because they are not applicable or required, or the information that would be required to be included is disclosed in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Kronos Worldwide, Inc.

Opinions on the Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Kronos Worldwide, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, and the related consolidated statements of operations, of comprehensive income (loss), of stockholders’ equity and of cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2024, including the related notes (collectively referred to as the "consolidated financial statements"). We also have audited the Company's internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2024 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the COSO.

Basis for Opinions

The Company's management is responsible for these consolidated financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting appearing under Item 9A. Our responsibility is to express opinions on the Company’s consolidated financial statements and on the Company's internal control over financial reporting based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.

Our audits of the consolidated financial statements included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.

As described in Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting, management has excluded Louisiana Pigment Company, L.P. (“LPC”) from its assessment of internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, because it was acquired by the Company in a purchase business combination during 2024. We have also excluded LPC from our audit of internal control over financial reporting. LPC is a wholly-owned subsidiary whose total assets and total revenues excluded from management’s assessment and our audit of internal control over financial reporting


represent 19% and less than 1%, respectively, of the related consolidated financial statement amounts as of and for the year ended December 31, 2024.

Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Critical Audit Matters

The critical audit matter communicated below is a matter arising from the current period audit of the consolidated financial statements that was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that (i) relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the consolidated financial statements and (ii) involved our especially challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matter below, providing a separate opinion on the critical audit matter or on the accounts or disclosures to which it relates.

Income Taxes

As described in Note 12 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company recorded a provision for income taxes of $63.4 million and recorded noncurrent deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability amounts of $55.1 million and $24.5 million, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2024. As disclosed by management, the Company operates globally and the calculation of the Company's provision for income taxes and its deferred tax assets and liabilities involves the interpretation and application of complex tax laws and regulations in a multitude of jurisdictions across the Company's global operations. The Company’s effective tax rate is highly dependent upon the geographic distribution of its earnings or losses and the effects of tax laws and regulations in each tax-paying jurisdiction in which the Company operates. Significant judgments and estimates are required by management in determining the consolidated provision for income taxes due to the global nature of the Company’s operations. The Company's provision for income taxes and deferred tax assets and liabilities reflect management's best assessment of estimated current and future taxes to be paid, including the recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities.

The principal considerations for our determination that performing procedures relating to income taxes is a critical audit matter are the significant judgment by management when developing the estimate of current and future taxes to be paid, including the recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities. This in turn led to a high degree of auditor judgment, subjectivity, and effort in performing procedures and evaluating evidence related to the recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities and management's assessment of the estimated current and future taxes to be paid, including evaluating management’s interpretation of tax laws and regulations.

Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our overall opinion on the consolidated financial statements. These procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls


relating to accounting for income taxes, including controls over the identification, completeness, and recognition of permanent and temporary differences within jurisdictions, the recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities, the application of tax laws and regulations in the various jurisdictions in which the Company operates, the rate reconciliation and the provision to tax return reconciliation. These procedures also included, among others, (i) evaluating the provision for income taxes, including the accuracy of the underlying information used in the calculation by jurisdiction, as well as the reasonableness of management's judgments and estimates in the application of tax laws and regulations; (ii) testing the current and deferred income tax provision, including evaluating permanent and temporary differences within certain jurisdictions and management's assessment of the technical merits of the differences; (iii) performing procedures over the Company's rate reconciliation; and (iv) testing the reconciliation of the provision to the tax returns.


 /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Dallas, Texas

March 6, 2025

We have served as the Company’s auditor since 1997.




(In millions, except per share data)


December 31, 





Current assets:





Cash and cash equivalents





Restricted cash





Accounts and other receivables, net





Receivables from affiliates



Inventories, net





Prepaid expenses and other





Total current assets





Other assets:





Investment in TiO2 manufacturing joint venture





Restricted cash





Marketable securities





Operating lease right-of-use assets





Deferred income taxes













Total other assets





Property and equipment:




















Mining properties





Construction in progress









Less accumulated depreciation and amortization





Net property and equipment





Total assets








(In millions, except per share data)


December 31, 





Current liabilities:





Current maturities of long-term debt





Accounts payable and accrued liabilities





Payables to affiliates



Income taxes





Total current liabilities





Noncurrent liabilities:





Long-term debt





Accrued pension costs





Payable to affiliate - income taxes





Operating lease liabilities





Deferred income taxes










Total noncurrent liabilities





Stockholders’ equity:





Common stock, $.01 par value; 240.0 shares authorized;
   115.0 shares issued and outstanding





Additional paid-in capital





Retained deficit





Accumulated other comprehensive loss





Total stockholders’ equity





Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity





Commitments and contingencies (Notes 5, 12 and 15)

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




(In millions, except per share data)

Years ended December 31, 






Net sales







Cost of sales







Gross margin







Selling, general and administrative expense







Other operating income (expense):







Currency transactions, net







Other income, net




Corporate expense







Income (loss) from operations







Other income (expense):







Gain on remeasurement of investment in
  TiO2 manufacturing joint venture




Interest and dividend income







Marketable equity securities







Other components of net periodic pension and OPEB cost







Interest expense







Income (loss) before income taxes







Income tax expense (benefit)







Net income (loss)







Net income (loss) per basic and diluted share







Weighted average shares used in the calculation of
     net income (loss) per share







See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




(In millions)

Years ended December 31, 







Net income (loss)







Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:







Currency translation







Defined benefit pension plans







Other postretirement benefit plans







Total other comprehensive income (loss), net







Comprehensive income (loss)







See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




Years ended December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024

(In millions)




















Balance at December 31, 2021













Net income













Other comprehensive income, net of tax













Issuance of common stock













Dividends paid - $.76 per share













Treasury stock acquired












Treasury stock retired












Balance at December 31, 2022













Net loss













Other comprehensive loss, net of tax













Issuance of common stock













Dividends paid - $.76 per share













Treasury stock acquired













Treasury stock retired













Balance at December 31, 2023













Net income













Other comprehensive loss, net of tax













Issuance of common stock













Dividends paid - $.48 per share













Balance at December 31, 2024













See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




(In millions)

Years ended December 31, 







Cash flows from operating activities:







Net income (loss)














Amortization of operating lease right-of-use assets







Gain on remeasurement of investment in
   TiO2 manufacturing joint venture




Premium on issuance of senior secured notes




Deferred income taxes







Benefit plan expense greater (less) than cash funding







Marketable equity securities







Distributions from (contributions to) TiO2 manufacturing joint venture, net







Fixed asset impairment




Other, net







Change in assets and liabilities:




Accounts and other receivables, net







Inventories, net







Prepaid expenses







Accounts payable and accrued liabilities







Income taxes







Accounts with affiliates







Other noncurrent assets







Other noncurrent liabilities







Net cash provided by operating activities







Cash flows from investing activities:




Capital expenditures







Acquisition of remaining TiO2 manufacturing
   joint venture interest, net of cash acquired








Net cash used in investing activities







Cash flows from financing activities:







Revolving credit facility:









Payments on long-term debt







Proceeds from issuance of senior secured notes




Loan from Contran




Deferred financing fees







Dividends paid







Treasury stock acquired







Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities










(In millions)

Years ended December 31, 







Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash - net change from:







Operating, investing and financing activities







Effect of currency exchange rate changes on cash







Net change for the year







Balance at beginning of year







Balance at end of year







Supplemental disclosures:







Cash paid for:







Interest, net of amount capitalized







Income taxes







Change in accruals for capital expenditures







See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




December 31, 2024

Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies:

Organization and basis of presentation  At December 31, 2024, Valhi, Inc. (NYSE: VHI) held approximately 50% of our outstanding common stock and a wholly-owned subsidiary of NL Industries, Inc. (NYSE: NL) held approximately 31% of our common stock. Valhi owned approximately 83% of NL’s outstanding common stock and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Contran Corporation held approximately 91% of Valhi’s outstanding common stock. A majority of Contran’s outstanding voting stock is held directly by Lisa K. Simmons and by family stockholders (Thomas C. Connelly (the husband of Ms. Simmons’ late sister), a family-owned entity and various family trusts established for the benefit of Ms. Simmons, Mr. Connelly and their children) who are required to vote their shares of Contran voting stock in the same manner as Ms. Simmons. Such voting rights are personal to Ms. Simmons and last through April 22, 2030. The remainder of Contran’s outstanding voting stock is held by another trust (the “Family Trust”), which was established for the benefit of Ms. Simmons and her late sister and their children and for which a third-party financial institution serves as trustee. Consequently, at December 31, 2024, Ms. Simmons and the Family Trust may be deemed to control Contran, and therefore may be deemed to indirectly control the wholly-owned subsidiary of Contran, Valhi, NL and us.

Unless otherwise indicated, references in this report to “we,” “us” or “our” refer to Kronos Worldwide, Inc. and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole.

Management’s estimates – In preparing our financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) we are required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ significantly from previously estimated amounts under different assumptions or conditions.

Principles of consolidation – The Consolidated Financial Statements include our accounts and those of our majority-owned subsidiaries. We have eliminated all material intercompany accounts and balances.

Translation of currencies  We translate the assets and liabilities of our subsidiaries whose functional currency is other than the U.S. dollar at year-end exchange rates, while we translate our revenues and expenses at average exchange rates prevailing during the year. We accumulate the resulting translation adjustments in stockholders’ equity as part of accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of related deferred income taxes. We recognize currency transaction gains and losses in income currently.

Derivatives and hedging activities – We recognize derivatives as either assets or liabilities measured at fair value.  We recognize the effect of changes in the fair value of derivatives either in net income (loss) or other comprehensive income (loss), depending on the intended use of the derivative.

Cash and cash equivalents We classify bank time deposits and highly-liquid investments, including government and commercial notes and bills, with original maturities of three months or less as cash equivalents.

Restricted cash  We classify cash that has been segregated or is otherwise limited in use as restricted. Such restrictions or limitations relate primarily to financial assurance for landfill closure obligations at our Belgium facility, certain Norwegian payroll tax and employee benefit obligations and certain employee benefit obligations at our U.S. operating facility. To the extent the restricted amount relates to a recognized liability, we classify such restricted amount as either a current or noncurrent asset to correspond with the classification of the liability. To the extent the restricted


amount does not relate to a recognized liability, we classify restricted cash as a current asset. Restricted cash classified as a current asset and restricted cash classified as a noncurrent asset are presented separately on our Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Marketable securities and securities transactions  We carry marketable securities at fair value. Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures, establishes a consistent framework for measuring fair value and (with certain exceptions) this framework is generally applied to all financial statement items required to be measured at fair value. The standard requires fair value measurements to be classified and disclosed in one of the following three categories:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are accessible at the measurement date for identical, unrestricted assets or liabilities;
Level 2 – Quoted prices in markets that are not active, or inputs which are observable, either directly or indirectly, for substantially the full term of the assets or liability; and
Level 3 – Prices or valuation techniques that require inputs that are both significant to the fair value measurement and unobservable.

We classify all of our marketable securities as available-for-sale. Unrealized gains or losses on the marketable equity securities are recognized in other income (expense) - marketable equity securities on our Consolidated Statements of Operations. We accumulate unrealized gains and losses on marketable debt securities as part of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of related deferred income taxes. We base realized gains and losses upon the specific identification of the securities sold. See Notes 6 and 10.

Accounts receivable  We provide an allowance for doubtful accounts for known and estimated potential losses arising from sales to customers based on a periodic review of these accounts. See Note 3.

Inventories and cost of sales  We state inventories at the lower of cost or net realizable value, net of allowance for obsolete and slow-moving inventories. We generally base inventory costs for all inventory categories on average cost that approximates the first-in, first-out method. Inventories include the costs for raw materials, the cost to manufacture the raw materials into finished goods and overhead. Depending on the inventory’s stage of completion, our manufacturing costs can include the costs of packing and finishing, utilities, maintenance, depreciation and salaries and benefits associated with our manufacturing process. We allocate fixed manufacturing overhead costs based on normal production capacity. Unallocated overhead costs resulting from periods with abnormally low production levels are charged to expense as incurred. As inventory is sold to third parties, we recognize the cost of sales in the same period that the sale occurs. We periodically review our inventory for estimated obsolescence or instances when inventory is no longer marketable for its intended use, and we record any write-down equal to the difference between the cost of inventory and its estimated net realizable value based on assumptions about alternative uses, market conditions and other factors. See Note 4.

Investment in TiO2 manufacturing joint venture  We accounted for our investment in Louisiana Pigment Company, L.P. (“LPC”), a 50%-owned manufacturing joint venture, by the equity method before our acquisition of the remaining 50% joint venture interest in July 2024. Distributions received from LPC are classified for statement of cash flow purposes using the “nature of distribution” approach under ASC Topic 320. See Note 5.

Leases  We enter into various arrangements (or leases) that convey the rights to use and control identified underlying assets for a period of time in exchange for consideration. We lease various manufacturing facilities, land and equipment. From time to time, we may also enter into an arrangement in which the right to use and control an identified underlying asset is embedded in another type of contract.

We determine if an arrangement is a lease (including leases embedded in another type of contract) at inception. All of our leases are classified as operating leases. Operating leases are included in operating lease right-of-use assets, current operating lease liabilities and noncurrent operating lease liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheets. See Note 9. As permitted by ASC Topic 842, Leases, we elected the practical expedients related to nonlease components (in which


nonlease components associated with a lease and paid by us to the lessor, such as property taxes, insurance and maintenance, are treated as a lease component and considered part of minimum lease rental payments), and short-term leases (in which leases with an original maturity of 12 months or less are excluded from the recognition requirements of ASC 842).

Right-of-use assets represent our right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and operating lease liabilities represent our obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. The right-of-use operating lease assets and liabilities are recognized based on the estimated present value of lease payments over the lease term as of the respective lease commencement dates.

We use an estimated incremental borrowing rate to determine the present value of lease payments (unless we can determine the rate implicit in the lease, which is generally not the case). Our incremental borrowing rate for each of our leases is derived from available information, including our current debt and credit facility and U.S. and European yield curves as well as publicly available data for instruments with similar characteristics, adjusted for factors such as collateralization and term.

Our leases generally do not include termination or purchase options. Certain of our leases include an option to renew the lease after expiration of the initial lease term, but we have not included such renewal periods in our lease term because it is not reasonably certain that we would exercise the renewal option. Our leases generally have fixed lease payments, with no contingent or incentive payments. Certain of our leases include variable lease payments that depend on a specified index or rate. Our lease agreements do not contain any residual value guarantees.

Property and equipment and depreciation – We state property and equipment at cost, including capitalized interest on borrowings during the actual construction period of major capital projects. Capitalized interest costs were $1.2 million in 2022, $1.5 million in 2023 and $.6 in 2024. We compute depreciation of property and equipment for financial reporting purposes (including mining equipment) principally by the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets as follows:



Useful lives

Buildings and improvements

10 to 40 years

Machinery and equipment


3 to 20 years

Mine development costs



We use the Alternative Depreciation System (“ADS”) method for income tax purposes. Upon the sale or retirement of an asset, we remove the related cost and accumulated depreciation from the accounts and recognize any gain or loss in income currently.

We expense costs incurred for maintenance, repairs and minor renewals (including planned major maintenance) while we capitalize expenditures for major improvements.

We have a governmental concession with an unlimited term to operate our ilmenite mine in Norway. Mining properties consist of buildings and equipment used in our Norwegian ilmenite mining operations. While we own the land and ilmenite reserves associated with the mining operations, such land and reserves were acquired for nominal value and we have no material asset recognized for the land and reserves related to our mining operations.

We perform impairment tests when events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be recoverable. We consider all relevant factors. We perform the impairment test by comparing the estimated future undiscounted cash flows (exclusive of interest expense) associated with the asset to the asset’s net carrying value to determine if a write-down to fair value is required. During the fourth quarter of 2023, we recorded a fixed asset impairment of $3.8 million related to the write-off of certain costs resulting from a capital project termination. Excluding this project, we did not evaluate any long-lived assets for impairment during 2023 or 2024 because no such impairment indicators were present.


Long-term debt  We state long-term debt net of any unamortized original issue premium, discount or deferred financing costs (other than deferred financing costs associated with revolving credit facilities, which are recognized as an asset). We classify amortization of all deferred financing costs and any premium or discount associated with the issuance of indebtedness as interest expense and compute such amortization by either the interest method or the straight-line method over the term of the applicable issue. See Note 8.

Employee benefit plans – Accounting and funding policies for our defined benefit pension and defined contribution retirement plans are described in Note 10. We also provide certain postretirement benefits other than pensions (“OPEB”), consisting of health care and life insurance benefits, to certain U.S. and Canadian retired employees, which are not material. See Note 11.

Income taxes  We, Valhi and our qualifying subsidiaries are members of Contran’s consolidated U.S. federal income tax group (the “Contran Tax Group”) and we and certain of our qualifying subsidiaries also file consolidated income tax returns with Contran in various U.S. state jurisdictions. As a member of the Contran Tax Group, we are jointly and severally liable for the federal income tax liability of Contran and the other companies included in the Contran Tax Group for all periods in which we are included in the Contran Tax Group. See Note 14. As a member of the Contran Tax Group, we are a party to a tax sharing agreement which provides that we compute our provision for U.S. income taxes on a separate-company basis using the tax elections made by Contran. Pursuant to the tax sharing agreement, we make payments to or receive payments from Valhi in amounts we would have paid to or received from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or the applicable state tax authority had we not been a member of the Contran Tax Group. We made net payments of income taxes to Valhi of $15.9 million, $11.8 million and $17.8 million in 2022, 2023 and 2024, respectively.

We recognize deferred income tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the income tax and financial reporting carrying amounts of assets and liabilities, including investments in our subsidiaries and affiliates who are not members of the Contran Tax Group and undistributed earnings of non-U.S. subsidiaries which are not deemed to be permanently reinvested. At December 31, 2024, we continue to assert indefinite reinvestment as it relates to our outside basis difference attributable to our investments in our non-U.S. subsidiaries, other than post-1986 undistributed earnings of our European subsidiaries and all undistributed earnings of our Canadian subsidiary, which are not subject to permanent reinvestment plans. It is not practical for us to determine the amount of the unrecognized deferred income tax liability related to our investments in our non-U.S. subsidiaries which are permanently reinvested due to the complexities associated with our organizational structure, changes in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“2017 Tax Act”), and the U.S. taxation of such investments in the states in which we operate. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities for each tax-paying jurisdiction in which we operate are netted and presented as either a noncurrent deferred income tax asset or liability, as applicable. We periodically evaluate our deferred tax assets in the various taxing jurisdictions in which we operate and adjust any related valuation allowance based on the estimate of the amount of such deferred tax assets that we believe does not meet the more-likely-than-not recognition criteria.

The 2017 Tax Act imposed a tax on global intangible low-taxed income (“GILTI”). We record GILTI tax as a current-period expense when incurred under the period cost method. While our future global operations depend on a number of different factors, we do expect to have future U.S. inclusions in taxable income related to GILTI.

We account for the tax effects of a change in tax law as a component of the income tax provision related to continuing operations in the period of enactment, including the tax effects of any deferred income taxes originally established through a financial statement component other than continuing operations (i.e., other comprehensive income (loss)). Changes in applicable income tax rates over time as a result of changes in tax law, or times in which a deferred income tax asset valuation allowance is initially recognized in one year and subsequently reversed in a later year, can give rise to “stranded” tax effects in accumulated other comprehensive income in which the net accumulated income tax expense (benefit) remaining in accumulated other comprehensive income does not correspond to the then-applicable income tax rate applied to the pre-tax amount which resides in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). As permitted by GAAP, our accounting policy is to remove any such stranded tax effect remaining in accumulated other comprehensive income by recognizing an offset to our provision for income taxes related to continuing operations, only at the time when there is no remaining pre-tax amount in accumulated other comprehensive income. For accumulated other comprehensive income related to currency translation, this would occur only upon the sale or complete liquidation of one


of our non-U.S. subsidiaries. For defined pension benefit plans and OPEB plans, this would occur whenever one of our subsidiaries which previously sponsored a defined benefit pension or OPEB plan had terminated such a plan and had no future obligation or plan asset associated with such a plan.

We record a reserve for uncertain tax positions for tax positions where we believe that it is more-likely-than-not our position will not prevail with the applicable tax authorities. The amount of the benefit associated with our uncertain tax positions that we recognize is limited to the largest amount for which we believe the likelihood of realization is greater than 50%. We accrue penalties and interest on the difference between tax positions taken on our tax returns and the amount of benefit recognized for financial reporting purposes. We classify our reserves for uncertain tax positions in a separate current or noncurrent liability, depending on the nature of the tax position. See Note 12.

Net sales – Our sales involve single performance obligations to ship our products pursuant to customer purchase orders. In some cases, the purchase order is supported by an underlying master sales agreement, but our purchase order acceptance generally evidences the contract with our customer by specifying the key terms of product and quantity ordered, price and delivery and payment terms. In accordance with Revenues from Contracts with Customers, (ASC 606), we record revenue when we satisfy our performance obligation to our customers by transferring control of our products to them, which generally occurs at point of shipment or upon delivery. Such transfer of control is also evidenced by transfer of legal title and other risks and rewards of ownership (giving the customer the ability to direct the use of, and obtain substantially all of the benefits of, the product), and our customers becoming obligated to pay us and it is probable we will receive payment. In certain arrangements we provide shipping and handling activities after the transfer of control to our customer (e.g., when control transfers prior to delivery) that are considered fulfillment activities, and accordingly, such costs are accrued when the related revenue is recognized. Sales arrangements with consignment customers occur when our product is shipped to a consignment customer location but we maintain control until the product is used in the customer’s manufacturing process. In these instances, we recognize sales when the consignment customer uses our product, as control of our product has not passed to the customer until that time and all other revenue recognition criteria have been satisfied.

Revenue is recorded in an amount that reflects the net consideration we expect to receive in exchange for our products. Prices for our products are based on terms specified in published list prices and purchase orders, which generally do not include financing components, noncash consideration or consideration paid to our customers. As our standard payment terms are less than one year, we have elected the practical expedient under ASC 606 and have not assessed whether a contract has a significant financing component. We state sales net of price, early payment and distributor discounts and volume rebates (collectively, variable consideration). Variable consideration, to the extent present, is recognized as the amount to which we are most-likely to be entitled, using all information (historical, current and forecasted) that is reasonably available to us, and only to the extent that a significant reversal in the amount of the cumulative revenue recognized is not probable of occurring in a future period. Differences, if any, between estimates of the amount of variable consideration to which we will be entitled and the actual amount of such variable consideration have not been material in the past. Amounts received or receivable from our customers with respect to variable consideration we expect to refund to our customers is recognized as a current liability and classified as accrued sales discounts and rebates. See Note 9. We report any tax assessed by a governmental authority that we collect from our customers that is both imposed on and concurrent with our revenue-producing activities (such as sales, use, value added and excise taxes) on a net basis (meaning we do not recognize these taxes either in our revenues or in our costs and expenses).

Frequently, we receive orders for products to be delivered over dates that may extend across reporting periods. We invoice for each delivery upon shipment and recognize revenue for each distinct shipment when all sales recognition criteria for that shipment have been satisfied. As scheduled delivery dates for these orders are within a one-year period, under the optional exemption provided by ASC 606, we do not disclose sales allocated to future shipments of partially completed contracts.

ASC 606 requires a disaggregation of our sales into categories that depict how the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows are affected by economic factors. We have determined such disaggregation of our sales is the same as the disclosure of our sales by place of manufacture (point of origin) and to the location of the customer (point of destination). See Note 2.

Selling, general and administrative expense; distribution costs – Selling, general and administrative expense includes costs related to marketing, sales, distribution (shipping and handling), research and development, legal and


administrative functions such as accounting, treasury and finance, and includes costs for salaries and benefits not associated with our manufacturing process, travel and entertainment, promotional materials and professional fees. We include distribution costs (shipping and handling) in selling, general and administrative expense and these costs were $122 million in 2022, $101 million in 2023 and $115 million in 2024. We expense research and development costs as incurred, and these costs were $15 million in 2022, $18 million in 2023 and $14 million in 2024. We expense advertising costs as incurred and these costs were not material in any year presented.

Note 2 – TiO2 segment and geographic information:

We have one operating segment – the manufacture and sale of titanium dioxide pigments (“TiO2”) and related by-products. We are a leading global producer and marketer of TiO2 in North America and Europe and the leading seller of TiO2 in several countries, including Germany. TiO2 is a white inorganic pigment used in a wide range of products for its exceptional durability and its ability to impart whiteness, brightness and opacity. TiO2 is a critical component of everyday applications, such as coatings, plastics and paper, as well as many specialty products such as inks, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. We are managed on a global basis by our Vice Chairman of the Board, who we have determined is our chief operating decision maker (“CODM”) and makes the key operating decisions, allocates resources and assesses our performance. Our CODM evaluates the segment’s operating performance based on net income and segment profit (a non-GAAP measure), which we define as net income before income tax expense and certain general corporate items. These general corporate items include corporate expense and the components of other income (expense) except for trade interest income. The CODM considers current-period net income and segment profit (loss) compared to plan and prior-period on a monthly and/or quarterly basis for evaluating performance of the TiO2 segment and making decisions about allocating capital and other resources.

TiO2 segment accounting policies are the same as those described in Note 1.  Differences between segment profit (loss) and the amounts included in consolidated net income (loss) are highlighted within the table below. Asset information, including investments in equity method investees and expenditures for additions of long-lived assets, is not regularly provided to the CODM and therefore is not considered to be used by the CODM in making key operating decisions, allocating resources or assessing TiO2 segment performance. Trade interest income included in the calculation of segment profit (loss) is $1.2 million, $1.8 million, and $3.3 million in 2022, 2023 and 2024, respectively. Depreciation and amortization amounts included in the calculation of segment profit are $51.7 million, $48.6 million and $60.4 million for the periods ended December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024, respectively.

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Net sales







Segment profit (loss)







Gain on remeasurement of investment in TiO2 manufacturing
    joint venture







Corporate expense




Interest and dividend income - corporate




Marketable equity securities gain (loss)







Other components of net periodic pension and OPEB cost




Interest expense







Income tax (expense) benefit







Net income (loss)







See the Consolidated Financial Statements for other financial information regarding the Company’s operating segment.


Geographic information. We attribute net sales to the place of manufacture (point of origin) and to the location of the customer (point of destination); we attribute property and equipment to their physical location.

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Net sales - point of origin:

United States

















































Net sales - point of destination:














North America





















December 31, 





(In millions)

Identifiable assets - net property and equipment:





United States

































At December 31, 2024, the United States net property and equipment includes the acquired assets of LPC.  

At December 31, 2023 and 2024, the net assets of non-U.S. subsidiaries included in consolidated net assets approximated $443 million and $286 million, respectively.

Note 3 – Accounts and other receivables, net:

December 31, 





(In millions)

Trade receivables





Recoverable VAT and other receivables





Refundable income taxes





Allowance for doubtful accounts











Note 4 – Inventories, net:

December 31, 





(In millions)

Raw materials





Work in process





Finished products















Note 5 – Acquisition of joint venture interest in LPC:

Effective July 16, 2024 (“Acquisition Date”), we acquired the 50% joint venture interest in LPC previously held by Venator Investments, Ltd. (“Venator”). Prior to the acquisition, we held a 50% joint venture interest in LPC and LPC was operated as a manufacturing joint venture between us and Venator. We acquired the 50% joint venture interest in LPC for consideration of $185 million less a working capital adjustment. An additional earn-out payment of up to $15 million may be required if our aggregate consolidated net income before interest expense, income taxes and depreciation and amortization expense, or EBITDA, during a two-year period comprising calendar years 2025 and 2026 exceed certain thresholds as described below. We accounted for the acquisition of the interest in LPC as a business combination and, as a result of obtaining full control, LPC became a wholly-owned subsidiary of ours. Obtaining control of LPC and its estimated additional 78,000 metric tons annually of TiO2 production volume allows us to better serve the North American TiO2 marketplace. The acquisition was financed through a borrowing of $132.1 million under our Global Revolver and the remainder paid with cash on hand.

For financial reporting purposes, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed of LPC have been included in our Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2024, and the results of operations and cash flows of LPC have been included in our Consolidated Statement of Operations and Cash flows beginning as of the Acquisition Date. We incurred $2.2 million of transaction costs in connection with the acquisition. These costs were primarily associated with legal and professional services and were expensed in accordance with ASC 805 and are included in selling, general and administrative expense in our Consolidated Statement of Operations.  

The potential earn-out payment of up to $15 million is based on our aggregate consolidated EBITDA tiers for 2025 and 2026 of $650 million and $730 million, with $5 million of the earn-out payable if we achieve $650 million in aggregate consolidated EBITDA, and a maximum of $15 million payable if aggregate EBITDA is $730 million or greater for the period. If we achieve aggregated consolidated EBITDA between $650 million and $730 million, the payment of the additional $10 million is prorated between the two targets. The earn-out is payable at the earliest in April 2027. The estimated fair value of the earn-out at the Acquisition Date was $4.2 million and was determined using a weighted probability of potential outcomes based on estimated future EBITDA and volatility factors, among other variables and estimates. The earn-out liability is included in other noncurrent liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet and is part of the line item captioned “Earn-out liability” in Note 11. The fair value measurement is based on significant inputs not observable in the market and therefore represents a Level 3 measurement as defined in ASC 820. The earn-out liability will be re-measured at fair value on a recurring basis and the change to the liability, if any, would be recorded in other income (expense) in our Consolidated Statements of Operations. See Note 16.  

We remeasured our existing ownership interest in LPC to its estimated fair value at the Acquisition Date in accordance with ASC 805-10-25, for a business combination achieved in stages (because we previously had an ownership interest in LPC). As a result of such remeasurement, we recognized a pre-tax gain of approximately $64.5 million in the third quarter of 2024, representing the difference between the $178.2 million estimated fair value of our existing ownership interest in LPC at the Acquisition Date and its aggregate $113.7 million carrying value at the Acquisition Date. Such pre-tax gain is disclosed as gain on remeasurement of investment in TiO2 manufacturing joint venture and is included in other income (expense) in our Consolidated Statement of Operations.


The following table summarizes the aggregate fair value of the consideration transferred to gain control of LPC, the current estimate for the fair value of our existing ownership interest in LPC, and the amounts assigned to the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the Acquisition Date. The estimated purchase price allocation is based upon management’s estimate of the fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities using independent third-party appraiser valuation techniques including income, cost and market approaches. The total consideration was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, with the excess of the consideration over the estimated fair value of the net assets acquired recorded as goodwill. Subject to final determination, which is expected to occur within 12 months of the Acquisition Date, the provisional fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the acquisition are as follows:


(In millions)


Cash consideration



Working capital adjustment


Earn-out liability


Total fair value of consideration


Fair value of investment in TiO2 manufacturing
   joint venture





Allocation of purchase price to identifiable
    assets acquired and liabilities assumed:

Cash and cash equivalents



Restricted cash


Accounts and other receivables, net


Inventories, net


Prepaid expenses and other


Other assets


Property and equipment


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities


Other noncurrent liabilities


Deferred tax liability


Total net identifiable assets acquired







Property and equipment will be depreciated over useful lives of 5 years to 20 years. Goodwill is related to the benefits expected as a result of the acquisition, and of the $2.6 million recorded as goodwill, $.1 million is expected to be deductible for tax purposes.


Prior to the Acquisition Date, we and Venator were both required to purchase one-half of the TiO2 produced by LPC, unless we and Venator agreed otherwise. Because we operated LPC on a break-even basis, we reported no equity in earnings of LPC. Each owner’s acquisition transfer price for its share of the TiO2 produced was equal to its share of the joint venture’s production costs and interest expense, if any. Our share of net cost was reported as cost of sales as the related TiO2 acquired from LPC was sold. We reported distributions we received from LPC, which generally related to excess cash generated by LPC from its non-cash production costs, and contributions we made to LPC, which generally related to cash required by LPC when it built working capital, as part of our cash flows from operating activities in our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. The components of our net cash distributions from (contributions to) LPC are shown in the table below.

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Distributions from LPC







Contributions to LPC







Net distributions (contributions)







(1)Reflects distributions and contributions from/to LPC prior to the Acquisition Date.

The summary balance sheet for LPC for the annual period prior to the Acquisition Date is shown below:

December 31, 2023

(In millions)



Current assets



Property and equipment, net



Total assets






Other liabilities, primarily current



Partners’ equity



Total liabilities and partners’ equity



Summary income statements for LPC for the annual periods prior to the Acquisition Date are shown below:

Years ended December 31, 





(In millions)

Revenues and other income:











Total revenues and other income





Cost and expenses:





Cost of sales





General and administrative





Total costs and expenses





Net income





Prior to the acquisition, we had certain related party transactions with LPC, as more fully described in Note 14.


The pro forma impact of combining LPC’s results of operations assuming the LPC transaction had occurred as of January 1, 2023 would result in no net increase to earnings. The additional interest expense and depreciation expense that would have occurred during the comparable period is not material. The pro forma impact is not necessarily indicative of either future results of operations or results of operations that might have been achieved had the acquisition occurred as of January 1, 2023. The incremental finished goods offtake produced resulting from our additional 50% interest acquired in LPC has not materially impacted our revenue and earnings from Acquisition Date through the end of the year.

Note 6 – Marketable securities:

Our marketable securities consist of an investment in the publicly-traded shares of Valhi, a related party. All of our marketable securities are accounted for as available-for-sale securities, which are carried at fair value using quoted market prices in active markets for each marketable security and represent a Level 1 input within the fair value hierarchy. Unrealized gains or losses on equity securities are recognized in other income (expense) - marketable equity securities on our Consolidated Statements of Operations.


Fair value








Marketable security








gain (loss)


(In millions)

December 31, 2023:









Valhi common stock









December 31, 2024:







Valhi common stock









At December 31, 2023 and 2024, we held approximately 144,000 shares of Valhi’s common stock. The per share quoted market price of Valhi’s common stock was $15.19 and $23.39 at December 31, 2023 and 2024, respectively.

The Valhi common stock we own is subject to the restrictions on resale pursuant to certain provisions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Rule 144. In addition, as a majority-owned subsidiary of Valhi we cannot vote our shares of Valhi common stock under Delaware General Corporation Law, but we do receive dividends from Valhi on these shares, when declared and paid.

Note 7 – Leases:

We enter into various operating leases for manufacturing facilities, land and equipment. Our operating leases are included in operating lease right-of-use assets, current operating lease liabilities and noncurrent operating lease liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheets. See Note 9. Our principal German operating subsidiary leases the land under its Leverkusen TiO2 production facility pursuant to a lease that expires in 2050. The Leverkusen facility itself, which we own and which represents approximately 29% of our current TiO2 production capacity, is located within an extensive manufacturing complex.

During 2022, 2023 and 2024, our operating lease expense approximated $5.5 million, $5.6 million and $5.2 million, respectively (which approximates the amount of cash paid during each year for our operating leases included in the determination of our cash flows from operating activities). During 2022, 2023 and 2024, variable lease expense and short-term lease expense were not material. During 2022, 2023 and 2024, we entered into new operating leases which resulted in the recognition of $6.6 million, $4.6 million and $2.8 million, respectively, in right-of-use operating lease assets and corresponding liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheets. At December 31, 2023 and 2024, the weighted average remaining lease term of our operating leases was approximately 14 years and the weighted average discount rate associated with such leases was approximately 5.0% in 2023 and approximately 6.0% in 2024. Such average remaining lease term is weighted based on each arrangement’s lease obligation, and such average discount rate is weighted based on each arrangement’s total remaining lease payments.


At December 31, 2024, maturities of our operating lease liabilities were as follows:

Years ending December 31, 



(In millions)
















2030 and thereafter



Total remaining lease payments



Less imputed interest



Total lease obligations



Less current obligations



Long term lease obligations



With respect to our land lease associated with our Leverkusen facility, we periodically establish the amount of rent for such land lease for periods of at least two years at a time. The lease agreement provides for no formula, index or other mechanism to determine changes in the rent of such land lease; rather, any change in the rent is subject solely to periodic negotiation. As such, we will account for any change in the rent associated with such lease as a lease modification. Of the $20.6 million total lease obligations at December 31, 2024, $6.8 million relates to our Leverkusen facility land lease.

At December 31, 2024, we have no significant lease commitments that have not yet commenced.

Note 8 – Long-term debt:

December 31, 





(In millions)

Kronos International, Inc. 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029





Kronos International, Inc. 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025



Subordinated, Unsecured Term Loan from Contran





Revolving credit facility



Total debt





Less current maturities





Total long-term debt





9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 – On February 12, 2024, for certain eligible holders of existing 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due September 2025 (the “Old Notes”), Kronos International, Inc. (“KII”) executed an exchange of €325 million principal amount of the outstanding Old Notes for newly issued €276.174 million aggregate outstanding KII 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due March 2029 (the “New Notes” and together with the Old Notes and the Additional New Notes (as defined below), the “Senior Secured Notes”) plus additional cash consideration of €48.75 million ($52.6 million). Holders of the Old Notes received for each €1,000 principal amount of Old Notes exchanged, €850 in principal amount of New Notes, plus a cash payment in an amount equal to €150. Following the exchange, Old Notes totaling €75 million principal amount that were not exchanged continue to remain outstanding. In connection with the exchange, the indenture governing the Old Notes was amended to conform to the restrictive covenants in the indenture governing the New Notes and to make other conforming changes. KII did not receive any cash proceeds from the issuance and delivery of the New Notes in connection with the exchange. We also entered into a $53.7 million unsecured term loan from Contran Corporation (described below) in connection with the exchange.  

On July 30, 2024, KII issued an additional €75 million principal amount of 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 (the “Additional New Notes” and together with the New Notes the “9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029”). The


Additional New Notes are additional notes to the existing €276.174 million aggregate principal amount of New Notes issued on February 12, 2024. The Additional New Notes were issued at a premium of 107.50% of their principal amount, plus accrued interest from February 12, 2024, resulting in net proceeds of approximately $90 million after fees and estimated expenses. The Additional New Notes are fungible with the New Notes, are treated as a single series with the New Notes and have the same terms as the New Notes, other than their date of issuance and issue price. The proceeds from the Additional New Notes were used to pay down borrowings under the $300 million global revolving credit facility (the “Global Revolver”).

The 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029:

bear interest at 9.50% per annum, payable semi-annually on March 15 and September 15 of each year, payments began on September 15, 2024;
have a maturity date of March 15, 2029. Prior to March 15, 2026, we may redeem some or all of the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 at a price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof, plus an applicable premium as of the date of the redemption as described in the indenture governing our 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 plus accrued and unpaid interest. On or after March 15, 2026, we may redeem the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 at redemption prices ranging from 104.75% of the principal amount, declining to 100% on or after March 15, 2028, plus accrued and unpaid interest. In addition, on or before March 15, 2026, we may redeem up to 40% of the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 with the net proceeds of certain public or private equity offerings at 109.50% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, provided that following the redemption at least 50% of the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 remain outstandingIf we or our subsidiaries experience certain change of control events, as outlined in the indenture governing our 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029, we would be required to make an offer to purchase the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 at 101% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest. We would also be required to make an offer to purchase a specified portion of the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 at par value, plus accrued and unpaid interest, in the event that we and our subsidiaries generate a certain amount of net proceeds from the sale of assets outside the ordinary course of business, and such net proceeds are not otherwise used for specified purposes within a specified time period as described in the indenture governing our 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029;
are fully and unconditionally guaranteed, jointly and severally, on a senior secured basis by Kronos Worldwide, Inc. and each of our direct and indirect domestic, wholly-owned subsidiaries;
are collateralized by a first priority lien on (i) 100% of the common stock or other ownership interests of each existing and future direct domestic subsidiary of KII and the guarantors, and (ii) 65% of the voting common stock or other ownership interests and 100% of the non-voting common stock or other ownership interests of each non-U.S. subsidiary that is directly owned by KII or any guarantor;
contain a number of covenants and restrictions which, among other things, restrict our ability to incur or guarantee additional debt, incur liens, pay dividends or make other restricted payments, or merge or consolidate with, or sell or transfer substantially all of our assets to, another entity, and contain other provisions and restrictive covenants customary in lending transactions of this type (however, there are no ongoing financial maintenance covenants); and
contain customary default provisions, including a default under any of our other indebtedness in excess of $50.0 million.

At December 31, 2024, the carrying value of the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 (€351.174 million aggregate principal amount outstanding plus €5.1 million of unamortized premium) is stated net of unamortized debt issuance costs of $6.3 million. As a result of the note exchange, in the first quarter of 2024 we recognized a non-cash pre-tax interest charge of $1.5 million included in interest expense related to the write-off of the deferred financing costs associated with the Old Notes. As of December 31, 2024, we have capitalized $7.4 million in debt issuance costs associated with the 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029.


3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 – At December 31, 2024, the carrying value of our remaining Old Notes (€75 million aggregate principal amount outstanding) is $78.3 million. In connection with the issuance of the New Notes in February 2024, the indenture governing the Old Notes was amended to conform to the restrictive covenants in the indenture governing the New Notes and to make other conforming changes.

Subordinated, Unsecured Term Loan from Contran – As part of the refinancing of a majority of our Old Notes discussed above, we borrowed $53.7 million (€50.0 million) from Contran through the issuance of an unsecured, subordinated term promissory note dated February 12, 2024 (the “Contran Term Loan”). The Contran Term Loan is guaranteed by certain of our domestic wholly-owned subsidiaries. Our obligations under the Contran Term Loan, and the obligations of the guarantors under the related guaranties, are unsecured and subordinated in right of payment to our Senior Secured Notes and our Global Revolver. Interest on the Contran Term Loan is payable in cash. Subsequent to the issuance of the Additional New Notes the Contran Term Loan was amended in August 2024 to change the interest rate from 11.5% (which had been determined by adding an additional spread of 2% to the final interest rate on the New Notes issued in February 2024) to 9.54% (determined by adding a spread of 2% to the effective interest rate of the Additional New Notes issued in July 2024). In each case, the spread used to determine the rate was based upon comparable debt transactions at the time of the issuance of the applicable notes. The Contran Term Loan matures on demand (but no earlier than September 2029), is not subject to any amortization payments and is prepayable at par beginning in March 2026. The restrictive covenants in the Contran Term Loan are substantially similar to those contained in the indenture governing our 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029. In accordance with our related party transaction policy, the audit committee of our board of directors, comprised of the independent directors, approved the terms and conditions of the original Contran Term Loan and its amendment in August 2024.

Revolving credit facility – Effective July 17, 2024, we completed an amendment to our Global Revolver (the “Second Amendment”). Among other things, the Second Amendment increased the maximum borrowing amount from $225 million to $300 million, extended the maturity date to July 2029 and expanded the agreement to include LPC and LPC’s receivables and certain of its inventories in the borrowing base. See Note 5. Available borrowings are based on formula-determined amounts of eligible trade receivables and inventories, as defined in the agreement, less any borrowings outstanding and outstanding letters of credit issued under the Global Revolver. Borrowings by our Canadian, Belgian and German subsidiaries are limited to U.S. $35 million, 30 million and 60 million, respectively. Any amounts outstanding under the Global Revolver bear interest, at our option, at the applicable non-base rate (SOFR, adjusted CORRA or EURIBOR, depending on the currency of the borrowing) plus a margin ranging from 1.5% to 2.0%, or at the applicable base rate, as defined in the agreement, plus a margin ranging from .5% to 2.0%. U.S. Dollar or Canadian Dollar non-base rate loans, as well as euro non-base rate and euro base rate loans are subject to a 0.25% floor, plus the applicable margin. The Global Revolver is collateralized by, among other things, a first priority lien on the borrowers’ trade receivables and inventories. The facility contains a number of covenants and restrictions customary in lending transactions of this type which, among other things, restrict the borrowers’ ability to incur additional debt, incur liens, pay additional dividends or merge or consolidate with, or sell or transfer all or substantially all of their assets to another entity and, under certain conditions, requires the maintenance of a fixed charge coverage ratio, as defined in the agreement, of at least 1.0 to 1.0. During 2024, we borrowed $157.8 million and repaid $147.8 million under our Global Revolver. The average interest rate on outstanding borrowings for 2024 was 7.21%, and at December 31, 2024, the interest rate on the outstanding borrowings was 6.25%. The borrowing base calculated as of December 31, 2024 was approximately $278 million.

During 2023, we had no borrowings or repayments under our Global Revolver.


Aggregate maturities and other – Aggregate maturities of debt at December 31, 2024 are presented in the table below.

Years ending December 31, 



(In millions)
















2030 and thereafter



Gross maturities



Less net amounts representing original issue premium and debt issuance costs






We are in compliance with all of our debt covenants at December 31, 2024.

Note 9 – Accounts payable and accrued liabilities:

December 31, 





(In millions)

Accounts payable





Accrued sales discounts and rebates





Employee benefits





Operating lease liabilities















Note 10 – Defined contribution and defined benefit retirement plans:

Defined contribution plans – We maintain various defined contribution pension plans with our contributions based on matching or other formulas. Defined contribution plan expense approximated $3.9 million in 2022, $4.1 million in 2023 and $4.0 million in 2024.

Defined benefit pension plans – We participate in or maintain various defined benefit pension plans. Certain non-U.S. employees are covered by plans in their respective countries. Our U.S. plan, which has been maintained and administered by NL since prior to our spinoff from NL in 2003, was closed to new participants in 1996, and existing participants no longer accrue any additional benefits after that date. The benefits under all of our defined benefit pension plans are based upon years of service and employee compensation. Our funding policy is to contribute annually the minimum amount required under ERISA (or equivalent non-U.S.) regulations plus additional amounts as we deem appropriate. We recognize an asset or liability for the over or under funded status of each of our individual defined benefit pension plans on our Consolidated Balance Sheets. Changes in the funded status of these plans are recognized either in net income, to the extent they are reflected in periodic benefit cost, or through other comprehensive income (loss).

As a result of the LPC acquisition in July 2024 (see Note 5), we acquired the LPC defined benefit pension plan, which had a net pension asset of $10.6 million on the Acquisition Date. Prior to the LPC acquisition, LPC’s defined benefit pension plan had been frozen for all employees with benefits based on years of service and employee compensation. Effective December 31, 2024, the LPC defined benefit pension plan was merged into our U.S. defined benefit pension plan. See Note 14.


We expect to contribute the equivalent of approximately $16 million to all of our defined benefit pension plans during 2025. Benefit payments to plan participants out of plan assets are expected to be the equivalent of:

Years ending December 31, 



(In millions)
















Next 5 years



The funded status of our non-U.S. defined benefit pension plans is presented in the table below.

December 31, 





(In millions)

Change in projected benefit obligations ("PBO"):





Benefit obligations at beginning of the year





Service cost





Interest cost





Participant contributions





Actuarial (gains) losses










Change in currency exchange rates





Benefits paid





Benefit obligations at end of the year





Change in plan assets:





Fair value of plan assets at beginning of the year





Actual return on plan assets





Employer contributions





Participant contributions










Change in currency exchange rates





Benefits paid





Fair value of plan assets at end of year





Funded status





Amounts recognized in the balance sheet:





Noncurrent pension asset





Noncurrent accrued pension costs










Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive loss:





Actuarial losses





Prior service cost










Accumulated benefit obligations ("ABO")





The total net underfunded status of our non-U.S. defined benefit pension plans decreased from $141.1 million at December 31, 2023 to $108.4 million at December 31, 2024 due to the change in our PBO during 2024 exceeding the


change in plan assets during 2024. The decrease in our PBO in 2024 was primarily attributable to higher actuarial gains due primarily to the increase in discount rates in Germany from the end of 2023 and favorable currency fluctuations, primarily from the strengthening of the U.S. dollar relative to the euro. The decrease in our plan assets in 2024 was primarily attributable to unfavorable currency fluctuations (primarily from the strengthening of the U.S. dollar relative to the euro) offsetting positive plan asset returns and employer contributions in 2024.

The components of our net periodic defined benefit pension cost for our non-U.S. defined benefit pension plans are presented in the table below. The amounts shown below for the amortization of prior service cost and recognized actuarial losses for 2022, 2023 and 2024 were recognized as components of our accumulated other comprehensive loss at December 31, 2021, 2022 and 2023, respectively, net of deferred income taxes.

Years ended December 31, 






(In millions)

Net periodic pension cost (income):






Service cost







Interest cost







Expected return on plan assets







Amortization of prior service cost




Recognized actuarial losses


















Information concerning certain of our non-U.S. defined benefit pension plans (for which the ABO exceeds the fair value of plan assets as of the indicated date) is presented in the table below.

December 31, 





(In millions)

Plans for which the ABO exceeds plan assets:















Fair value of plan assets





The weighted-average rate assumptions used in determining the actuarial present value of benefit obligations for our non-U.S. defined benefit pension plans as of December 31, 2023 and 2024 are presented in the table below.

December 31, 






Discount rate




Increase in future compensation levels




The weighted-average rate assumptions used in determining the net periodic pension cost for our non-U.S. defined benefit pension plans for 2022, 2023 and 2024 are presented in the table below.

Years ended December 31, 








Discount rate





Increase in future compensation levels





Long-term return on plan assets





Variances from actuarially assumed rates will result in increases or decreases in accumulated pension obligations, pension expense and funding requirements in future periods.


The funded status of our U.S. defined benefit pension plan, including the acquired LPC plan, is presented in the table below.

December 31, 





(In millions)

Change in PBO:





Benefit obligations at beginning of the year





Interest cost





Actuarial (gains) losses





Benefits paid








Benefit obligations at end of the year





Change in plan assets:





Fair value of plan assets at beginning of the year





Actual return on plan assets





Employer contributions





Benefits paid








Fair value of plan assets at end of year





Funded status





Amounts recognized in the balance sheet:





Noncurrent pension asset





Noncurrent accrued pension costs










Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive loss - actuarial losses










The components of our net periodic defined benefit pension cost for our U.S. defined benefit pension plan is presented in the table below. The amounts shown below for recognized actuarial losses for 2022, 2023 and 2024 were recognized as components of our accumulated other comprehensive loss at December 31, 2021, 2022 and 2023 respectively, net of deferred income taxes.

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Net periodic pension cost (income):







Interest cost







Expected return on plan assets







Recognized actuarial losses














The discount rate assumptions used in determining the actuarial present value of the benefit obligation for our U.S. defined benefit pension plan as of December 31, 2023 and 2024 were 5.0% and 5.5%, respectively. The impact of assumed increases in future compensation levels does not have an effect on the benefit obligation as the plan is frozen with regards to compensation.

The weighted-average rate assumptions used in determining the net periodic pension cost for our U.S. defined benefit pension plan for 2022, 2023 and 2024 are presented in the table below. The impact of assumed increases in future


compensation levels also does not have an effect on the periodic pension cost as the plan is frozen with regards to compensation.

Years ended December 31, 








Discount rate





Long-term return on plan assets





Variances from actuarially assumed rates will result in increases or decreases in accumulated pension obligations, pension expense and funding requirements in future periods.

The amounts shown in the tables above for actuarial (gains) losses at December 31, 2023 and 2024 have not yet been recognized as components of our periodic defined benefit pension cost as of those dates. These amounts will be recognized as components of our periodic defined benefit cost in future years and are recognized, net of deferred income taxes, in our accumulated other comprehensive loss at December 31, 2023 and 2024.

The table below details the changes in our consolidated other comprehensive income (loss) during 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized in
   other comprehensive income (loss):

Current year:







Net actuarial (losses) gains







Amortization of unrecognized:







Net actuarial losses







Prior service cost







Settlement loss











In determining the expected long-term rate of return on our U.S. and non-U.S. plan asset assumptions, we consider the long-term asset mix (e.g., equity vs. fixed income) for the assets for each of our plans and the expected long-term rates of return for such asset components. In addition, we receive third-party advice about appropriate long-term rates of return. Such assumed asset mixes are summarized below:

In Germany, the composition of our plan assets is established to satisfy the requirements of the German insurance commissioner. Our German pension plan assets represent an investment in a large collective investment fund established and maintained by Bayer AG in which several pension plans, including our German pension plans and Bayer’s pension plans, have invested. Our plan assets represent a very nominal portion of the total collective investment fund maintained by Bayer. These plan assets are a Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy because there is not an active market that approximates the value of our investment in the Bayer investment fund. We estimate the fair value of the Bayer plan assets based on periodic reports we receive from the managers of the Bayer fund and using a model we developed with assistance from our third-party actuary that uses estimated asset allocations and correlates such allocation to similar asset mixes in fund indexes quoted on an active market. We periodically evaluate the results of our valuation model against actual returns in the Bayer fund and adjust the model as needed. The Bayer fund periodic reports are subject to audit by the German pension regulator.
In Canada, we currently have a plan asset target allocation of up to 10% to equity securities and 90 - 100% to fixed income securities. We expect the long-term rate of return for such investments to approximate the applicable average equity or fixed income index. The Canadian assets are Level 1 inputs because they are traded in active markets.


In Norway, we currently have a plan asset target allocation of 18% to equity securities, 63% to fixed income securities, 14% to real estate and the remainder primarily to other investments and liquid investments such as money markets. The expected long-term rate of return for such investments is approximately 7%, 5%, 7% and 8%, respectively. The majority of Norwegian plan assets are Level 1 inputs because they are traded in active markets; however, approximately 15% of our Norwegian plan assets are invested in real estate and other investments not actively traded and are therefore a Level 3 input.
In the U.S. we currently have a plan asset target allocation of 17% to equity securities, 80% to fixed income securities and the remainder is allocated to other strategies. The expected long-term rate of return for our equity securities and fixed income securities is approximately 7% and 5%, respectively (before plan administrative expenses). Approximately 25% of our U.S. plan assets are invested in funds that are valued at net asset value (“NAV”) and, in accordance with ASC 820-10, not subject to classification in the fair value hierarchy. As noted above, our LPC defined benefit pension plan was merged into our U.S. plan effective December 31, 2024. See Note 14. In preparation for merging the U.S. pension plans, pension assets held by the LPC defined benefit pension plan were converted to cash, resulting in an overall higher allocation to cash for our U.S. plan at December 31, 2024. In January 2025, our plan assets were rebalanced to align with the asset target allocation noted above.
We also have plan assets in Belgium. The Belgium plan assets are invested in certain individualized fixed income insurance contracts for the benefit of each plan participant as required by the local regulators and are therefore a Level 3 input.

We regularly review our actual asset allocation for each plan and will periodically rebalance the investments in each plan to more accurately reflect the targeted allocation and/or maximize the overall long-term return when considered appropriate.

The composition of our pension plan assets by asset category and fair value level at December 31, 2023 and 2024 is shown in the tables below.


Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2023






in active







measured at




(Level 1)


(Level 2)


(Level 3)




(In millions)























Non local currency equities











Local currency fixed income











Cash and other






















Local currency equities











Non local currency equities











Local currency fixed income











Non local currency fixed income











Real estate











Cash and other
































Fixed income











Cash and other


































Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2024






in active







measured at




(Level 1)


(Level 2)


(Level 3)



(In millions)






















Local currency equities











Local currency fixed income











Cash and other






















Local currency equities











Non local currency equities











Local currency fixed income











Non local currency fixed income











Real estate











Cash and other
































Fixed income











Cash and other

































A rollforward of the change in fair value of Level 3 assets follows.

December 31, 





(In millions)

Fair value at beginning of year





Gain on assets held at end of year





Gain (loss) on assets sold during the year





Assets purchased





Assets sold





Currency exchange rate fluctuations





Fair value at end of year





Note 11 – Other noncurrent liabilities:


December 31, 





(In millions)

Asset retirement obligation





Accrued postretirement benefits



Employee benefits





Earn-out liability














See Note 16 to our Consolidated Financial Statements for additional details related to the LPC acquisition earn-out liability.

Note 12 – Income taxes:

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Pre-tax income (loss):




























Expected tax expense (benefit), at U.S. federal statutory
   income tax rate of 21%







Non-U.S. tax rates







Incremental net tax expense (benefit) on earnings and losses of U.S.
   and non-U.S. companies







Valuation allowance, net







Global intangible low-tax income, net







Nondeductible expenses







U.S. state income taxes, net














Income tax expense (benefit)







Components of income tax expense (benefit):







Current payable:







U.S. federal and state




















Deferred income taxes (benefit):







U.S. federal and state




















Income tax expense (benefit)







Comprehensive provision for income taxes (benefit) allocable to:







Net income (loss)







Other comprehensive income (loss):







Pension plans




OPEB plans











The amount shown in the preceding table of our income tax rate reconciliation for non-U.S. tax rates represents the result determined by multiplying the pre-tax earnings or losses of each of our non-U.S. subsidiaries by the difference between the applicable statutory income tax rate for each non-U.S. jurisdiction and the U.S. federal statutory tax rate. The amount shown on such table for incremental net tax benefit on earnings and losses of U.S. and non-U.S. companies includes, as applicable, (i) deferred income taxes (or deferred income tax benefits) associated with the current-year earnings of all of our non-U.S. subsidiaries and (ii) current U.S. income taxes (or current income tax benefit), including U.S. personal holding company tax, as applicable, attributable to current-year income (losses) of one of our non-U.S. subsidiaries, which subsidiary is treated as a dual resident for U.S. income tax purposes, to the extent the current-year


income (losses) of such subsidiary is subject to U.S. income tax under the U.S. dual-resident provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

The components of our net deferred income taxes at December 31, 2023 and 2024 are summarized in the following table.

December 31, 











(In millions)

Tax effect of temporary differences related to:


















Property and equipment









Lease assets (liabilities)









Accrued OPEB costs









Accrued pension costs









Capitalized research and development costs





Other accrued liabilities and deductible differences









Other taxable differences









Unrecognized currency gain





Tax on unremitted earnings of non-U.S. subsidiaries









Tax loss and tax credit carryforwards









Valuation allowance









Adjusted gross deferred tax assets (liabilities)









Netting by tax jurisdiction









Net noncurrent deferred tax asset (liability)









We periodically review our deferred tax assets (“DTA”) to determine if a valuation allowance is required.  At December 31, 2024, we have German corporate and trade net operating loss (“NOL”) carryforwards of $447.3 million (DTA of $70.8 million) and $40.1 million (DTA of $4.4 million), respectively; Belgian corporate NOL carryforwards of $72.0 million (DTA of $18.0 million) and Canadian corporate and provincial NOL carryforwards of $28.9 million (DTA of $4.3 million) and $31.1 million (DTA of $3.6 million), respectively. Prior to December 31, 2024, and using all available evidence, we had concluded that no deferred income tax asset valuation allowance was required to be recognized with respect to such carryforwards, principally because (i) such carryforwards have lengthy carryforward periods (the German and Belgian carryforwards may be carried forward indefinitely and the Canadian carryforwards may be carried forward 20 years), (ii) we have utilized a portion of such carryforwards during the most recent three-year period and (iii) we currently expect to utilize the remainder of such carryforwards over the long term.  With regards to our Belgian DTA, given our Belgium unit’s operating results during the fourth quarter of 2024 and our current expectations for 2025 in that jurisdiction, we do not have sufficient positive evidence to overcome the significant negative evidence of having twelve quarters of cumulative losses. Accordingly, at December 31, 2024, we concluded that we were required to recognize a non-cash deferred income tax asset valuation allowance of $8.2 million under the more-likely-than-not recognition criteria with respect to our Belgian DTA. At December 31, 2024, we continue to conclude no valuation allowance is required to be recognized for our German and Canadian DTAs although prior to the complete utilization of such carryforwards, if we were to generate additional losses in our German or Canadian operations for an extended period of time, or if applicable laws were to change such that the carryforward periods were more limited, it is possible that we might conclude the benefit of such carryforwards would no longer meet the more-likely-than-not recognition criteria, at which point we would be required to recognize a valuation allowance against some or all of the then-remaining tax benefit associated with the carryforwards.  

The 2017 Tax Act limited our business interest expense to the sum of our business interest income and 30% of our adjusted taxable income as defined in the Tax Act. Any business interest expense disallowed as a deduction as a result of the limitation may be carried forward indefinitely. At December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2024, we have recorded deferred tax assets of $3.5 million and $13.3 million, respectively, for the carryforwards associated with the nondeductible


portion of our interest expense and have concluded we are required to recognize a valuation allowance for such deferred tax asset under the more-likely-than-not recognition criteria. During 2024 we recognized a non-cash deferred income tax expense of $5.7 million with respect to the valuation allowance recorded on a portion of our additional interest expense carryforwards not benefitted by future reversals of existing deferred tax liabilities.

Prior to the enactment of the 2017 Tax Act, the undistributed earnings of our European subsidiaries were deemed to be permanently reinvested (we had not made a similar determination with respect to the undistributed earnings of our Canadian subsidiary). Pursuant to the one-time repatriation tax (Transition Tax) provisions of the 2017 Tax Act which imposed a one-time repatriation tax on post-1986 undistributed earnings, we recognized current income tax expense of $74.5 million and elected to pay such tax in annual installments over an eight-year period beginning in 2018. At December 31, 2024, the balance of our unpaid Transition Tax is $18.6 million, with the remaining payment due in 2025. The payment is recorded as a current payable to affiliate (income taxes payable to Valhi) on our Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 2024.

On December 10, 2024, the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service  released final currency regulations under §987 and related rules (the “2024 Final Regulations”). The 2024 Final Regulations generally apply to tax years beginning after December 31, 2024, and include transition rules that require us to compute a pretransition gain or loss for currency translation related to the operations, assets and liabilities of our non-U.S. qualified business units. Pursuant to the 2024 Final Regulations, we have calculated a pretransition gain of $77.1 million and, accordingly, our income tax expense in 2024 includes a non-cash deferred income tax expense of $16.5 million recognized in the fourth quarter.

Tax authorities are examining certain of our U.S. and non-U.S. tax returns and may propose tax deficiencies, including penalties and interest. Because of the inherent uncertainties involved in settlement initiatives and court and tax proceedings, we cannot guarantee that these tax matters, if any, will be resolved in our favor, and therefore our potential exposure, if any, is also uncertain. We believe we have adequate accruals for additional taxes and related interest expense which could ultimately result from tax examinations. We believe the ultimate disposition of tax examinations should not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or liquidity.

We accrue interest and penalties on our uncertain tax positions as a component of our provision for income taxes. The amount of interest and penalties we accrued during 2022, 2023 and 2024 was not material.

The following table shows the changes in the amount of our uncertain tax positions (exclusive of the effect of interest and penalties discussed above) during 2022, 2023 and 2024:

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Changes in unrecognized tax benefits:







Unrecognized tax benefits at beginning of year







Tax positions taken in current period







Lapse due to applicable statute of limitations







Change in currency exchange rates







Unrecognized tax benefits at end of year







At December 31, 2024, all of our uncertain tax benefits are classified as a component of our noncurrent deferred tax asset. If our uncertain tax position at December 31, 2024 was recognized, a benefit of $3.2 million would affect our effective income tax rate. Excluding any potential adjustments resulting from on-going examinations by tax authorities, we currently estimate that our unrecognized tax benefits will not change materially during the next twelve months.

We and Contran file income tax returns in U.S. federal and various state and local jurisdictions. We also file income tax returns in various non-U.S. jurisdictions, principally in Germany, Canada, Belgium and Norway. Our U.S. income tax returns prior to 2021 are generally considered closed to examination by applicable tax authorities. Our non-


U.S. income tax returns are generally considered closed to examination for years prior to 2020 for Germany, 2021 for Belgium, and 2019 for Canada and Norway although certain periods may be extended if currently under examination or for the review of cross-border transactions.

Note 13 – Stockholders’ equity:

Long-term incentive compensation plan – Prior to 2020, our board of directors adopted a plan that provides for the award of stock to our board of directors, up to a maximum of 200,000 shares. We awarded 8,400 shares in 2022, 14,700 shares in 2023 and 9,300 shares in 2024 under this plan. At December 31, 2024, 87,800 shares are available for awards.

Stock repurchase program – Our board of directors has previously authorized the repurchase of up to 2.0 million shares of our common stock in open market transactions, including block purchases, or in privately-negotiated transactions at unspecified prices and over an unspecified period of time. We may repurchase our common stock from time to time as market conditions permit. The stock repurchase program does not include specific price targets or timetables and may be suspended at any time. Depending on market conditions, we may terminate the program prior to its completion. We use cash on hand or other sources of liquidity to acquire the shares. Repurchased shares are added to our treasury and subsequently cancelled upon approval of the board of directors. In 2022, we acquired 217,778 shares of our common stock in market transactions for an aggregate purchase price of $2.5 million and subsequently cancelled all such shares. In 2023, we acquired 313,814 shares of our common stock in market transactions for an aggregate purchase price of $2.8 million and subsequently cancelled all such shares. We made no treasury purchases in 2024. At December 31, 2024, 1,017,518 shares are available for repurchase under this stock repurchase program.


Accumulated other comprehensive loss Changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss for 2022, 2023 and 2024 are presented in the table below.

Years ended December 31, 







(In millions)

Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of tax:







Currency translation:







Balance at beginning of period







Other comprehensive income (loss)







Balance at end of period







Defined benefit pension plans:







Balance at beginning of period







Other comprehensive income:


Amortization of prior service cost and net losses
  included in net periodic pension cost




Net actuarial gain (loss) arising during year




Plan settlement




Balance at end of period







OPEB plans:







Balance at beginning of period







Other comprehensive loss - amortization
   of prior service credit and net losses
   included in net periodic OPEB cost







Net actuarial gain (loss) arising during year




Balance at end of period







Total accumulated other comprehensive loss:







Balance at beginning of period







Other comprehensive income (loss)







Balance at end of period







See Note 6 for further discussion on our marketable securities, Note 10 for amounts related to our defined benefit pension plans and Note 11 for our OPEB plans.

Note 14 – Related party transactions:

We may be deemed to be controlled by Ms. Simmons and the Family Trust. See Note 1. Corporations that may be deemed to be controlled by or affiliated with such individuals sometimes engage in (a) intercorporate transactions such as guarantees, management and expense sharing arrangements, shared fee arrangements, joint ventures, partnerships, loans, options, advances of funds on open account, and sales, leases and exchanges of assets, including securities issued by both related and unrelated parties and (b) common investment and acquisition strategies, business combinations, reorganizations, recapitalizations, securities repurchases, and purchases and sales (and other acquisitions and dispositions) of subsidiaries, divisions or other business units, which transactions have involved both related and unrelated parties and have included transactions which resulted in the acquisition by one related party of a publicly-held noncontrolling interest in another related party. While no transactions of the type described above are planned or proposed with respect to us other than as set forth in these financial statements, we continuously consider, review and evaluate, and understand that Contran and related entities consider, review and evaluate such transactions. Depending upon the business, tax and other objectives then relevant, it is possible that we might be a party to one or more such transactions in the future.


Receivables from and payables to affiliates are summarized in the table below.

December 31, 





(In millions)

Current receivables from affiliates:



















Current payables to affiliates:










Income taxes payable to Valhi (See Note 12)












Noncurrent payable to affiliate -





Income taxes payable to Valhi (See Note 12)





Amounts payable to LPC were generally for the purchase of TiO2, while amounts receivable from LPC were generally from the sale of TiO2 feedstock. Purchases of TiO2 from LPC totaled $225.6 million in 2022 and $231.7 million in 2023. Sales of feedstock to LPC totaled $106.9 million in 2022 and $135.1 million in 2023. See Note 5 for the details on the LPC acquisition.

From time to time, we may have loans and advances outstanding between us and various related parties pursuant to term and demand notes. We generally enter into these loans and advances for cash management purposes. When we loan funds to related parties, we are generally able to earn a higher rate of return on the loan than we would earn if we invested the funds in other instruments, and when we borrow from related parties, we are generally able to pay a lower rate of interest than we would pay if we had incurred third-party indebtedness. While certain of these loans to affiliates may be of a lesser credit quality than cash equivalent instruments otherwise available to us, we believe we have considered the credit risks in the terms of the applicable loans.

In this regard:

prior to 2022 we entered into an unsecured revolving demand promissory note with Valhi under which as amended, we agreed to loan Valhi up to $25 million. Our loan to Valhi bore interest at prime plus 1.00%, payable quarterly, with all principal due on demand, but in any event no earlier than December 31, 2024. Loans made to Valhi at any time were at our discretion. At December 31, 2023, we had no outstanding loans to Valhi under this promissory note. In February 2024, this note was cancelled by mutual agreement between us and Valhi.
In February 2024, we received a $53.7 million subordinated, unsecured term loan from Contran. See Note 8.

Interest income (including unused commitment fees) on our loan to Valhi was $.2 million in 2022, $.1 million in 2023 and nominal in 2024. Interest expense on our loan from Contran was $5.1 million in 2024.

Under the terms of various intercorporate services agreements (“ISAs”) entered into between us and various related parties, including Contran, employees of one company will provide certain management, tax planning, financial and administrative services to the other company on a fee basis. Such fees are based upon the compensation of individual Contran employees providing services for us and/or estimates of the time devoted to our affairs by such persons. Because of the number of companies affiliated with Contran, we believe we benefit from cost savings and economies of scale gained by not having certain management, financial and administrative staffs duplicated at each entity, thus allowing certain individuals to provide services to multiple companies but only be compensated by one entity. We negotiate fees


annually and agreements renew quarterly. The net ISA fee charged to us by Contran is included in selling, general and administrative expense and corporate expense on our Consolidated Statements of Operations and was $24.5 million in 2022, $22.6 million in 2023 and $23.7 million in 2024.

Contran and certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates, including us, purchase certain of their insurance policies and risk management services as a group, with the costs of the jointly-owned policies and services being apportioned among the participating companies. Tall Pines Insurance Company (Tall Pines), a subsidiary of Valhi, underwrites certain insurance policies for Contran and certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates, including us. Tall Pines purchases reinsurance from highly rated (as determined by A. M. Best or another internationally recognized ratings agency) third-party insurance carriers for substantially all of the risks it underwrites. Consistent with insurance industry practices, Tall Pines receives commissions from the reinsurance underwriters and/or assesses fees for certain of the policies that it underwrites. During 2022, 2023 and 2024 we and LPC paid $20.8 million, $24.8 million and $25.6 million, respectively, under the group insurance program, which amounts principally represent insurance premiums, including $17.3 million, $19.6 million and $20.3 million, respectively, for policies written by Tall Pines. Amounts paid under the group insurance program also include payments to insurers or reinsurers for the reimbursement of claims within our applicable deductible or retention ranges that such insurers and reinsurers paid to third parties on our behalf, as well as amounts for claims and risk management services and various other third-party fees and expenses incurred by the program. We expect these relationships will continue in 2025.

With respect to certain of such jointly-owned policies, it is possible that unusually large losses incurred by one or more insureds during a given policy period could leave the other participating companies without adequate coverage under that policy for the balance of the policy period. As a result, and in the event that the available coverage under a particular policy would become exhausted by one or more claims, Contran and certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates, including us, have entered into a loss sharing agreement under which any uninsured loss arising because the available coverage had been exhausted by one or more claims will be shared ratably by those entities that had submitted claims under the relevant policy. We believe the benefits, in the form of reduced premiums and broader coverage associated with the group coverage for such policies, justifies the risk associated with the potential for any uninsured loss.

Contran and certain of its subsidiaries, including us, participate in a combined information technology data services program that Contran provides for primary data processing and failover. The program apportions its costs among the participating companies. The aggregate amount we paid Contran for such services was $.3 million in 2022, and $.4 million in each of 2023 and 2024. Under the terms of a sublease agreement between Contran and us, we lease certain office space from Contran. We paid Contran $.5 million in 2022, $.6 million in 2023 and $.7 million in 2024 for such rent and related ancillary services. We expect these relationships with Contran will continue in 2025.

We are a party to a tax sharing agreement with Contran and Valhi providing for the allocation of tax liabilities and tax payments as described in Note 1. Under applicable law, we, along with every other member of the Contran Tax Group, are each jointly and severally liable for the aggregate federal income tax liability of Contran and the other companies included in the Contran Tax Group for all periods in which we are included in the Contran Tax Group. Valhi has agreed, however, to indemnify us for any liability for income taxes of the Contran Tax Group in excess of our tax liability computed in accordance with the tax sharing agreement.

As noted above, effective December 31, 2024, our LPC defined benefit pension plan was merged into our U.S. defined benefit pension plan, which is maintained and administered by NL. Under the terms of the merger, each of us and NL are contractually obligated to bear our respective share of the merged plan costs, including any funding obligations, and we and NL each continue to account for our respective portions of the merged plan as if it were a separate employee benefit plan. If the merged plan were to be terminated in the future, we would be entitled to all funding surplus attributable to our participants in the plan. In February 2025, the NL board of directors approved the termination of the merged plan, with an effective date of June 30, 2025. We anticipate that the completion of the merged plan termination will occur in the second half of 2026, following the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals. Termination of the merged plan would permanently remove all plan assets, liabilities and accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) from our financial statements.


Note 15 – Commitments and contingencies:

Environmental matters – Our operations are governed by various environmental laws and regulations. Certain of our operations are and have been engaged in the handling, manufacture or use of substances or compounds that may be considered toxic or hazardous within the meaning of applicable environmental laws and regulations. As with other companies engaged in similar businesses, certain of our past and current operations and products have the potential to cause environmental or other damage. We have implemented and continue to implement various policies and programs in an effort to minimize these risks. Our policy is to maintain compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations at all of our facilities and to strive to improve our environmental performance and overall sustainability. Periodically we produce our Kronos Environmental Social Governance Report, which highlights our focus on sustainability of our manufacturing operations, as well as our environmental, social and governance strategy. From time to time, we may be subject to environmental regulatory enforcement under U.S. and non-U.S. statutes, the resolution of which typically involves the establishment or enhancement of compliance programs. It is possible that future developments, such as stricter requirements of environmental laws and enforcement policies thereunder, could adversely affect our production, handling, use, storage, transportation, sale or disposal of such substances. We believe all our manufacturing facilities are in substantial compliance with applicable environmental laws.

Litigation matters – We are involved in various environmental, contractual, product liability, patent (or intellectual property), employment and other claims and disputes incidental to our business. At least quarterly our management discusses and evaluates the status of any pending litigation to which we are a party. The factors considered in such evaluation include, among other things, the nature of such pending cases, the status of such pending cases, the advice of legal counsel and our experience in similar cases (if any). Based on such evaluation, we make a determination as to whether we believe (i) it is probable a loss has been incurred, and if so if the amount of such loss (or a range of loss) is reasonably estimable, or (ii) it is reasonably possible but not probable a loss has been incurred, and if so if the amount of such loss (or a range of loss) is reasonably estimable, or (iii) the probability a loss has been incurred is remote. We have not accrued any amounts for litigation matters because it is not reasonably possible we have incurred a loss that would be material to our Consolidated Financial Statements, results of operations or liquidity.

Concentrations of credit risk – Sales of TiO2 accounted for 92% of our net sales in 2022 and 90% in both 2023 and 2024. The remaining sales result from the sale of ilmenite ore (a raw material used in the sulfate pigment production process), and the manufacture and sale of iron-based water treatment chemicals and certain titanium chemical products (derived from co-products of the TiO2 production processes). TiO2 is generally sold to the paint, plastics and paper industries. Such markets are generally considered “quality-of-life” markets whose demand for TiO2 is influenced by the relative economic well-being of the various geographic regions. We sell TiO2 to approximately 3,000 customers, with the top ten customers approximating 33% in 2022, 35% in 2023 and 39% in 2024 of net sales. One customer accounted for approximately 10% of our net sales in 2022, 12% of our net sales in 2023 and 10% in 2024.

The table below shows the approximate percentage of our TiO2 sales by volume for our significant markets, Europe and North America, for the last three years.










North America





Long-term contracts – We have long-term supply contracts that provide for certain of our TiO2 feedstock requirements through 2026. The agreements require us to purchase certain minimum quantities of feedstock with minimum purchase commitments aggregating approximately $542 million over the life of the contracts in years subsequent to December 31, 2024 (including approximately $484 million committed to be purchased in 2025). In addition, we have other long-term supply and service contracts that provide for various raw materials and services. These agreements require us to purchase certain minimum quantities or services with minimum purchase commitments aggregating approximately $67 million at December 31, 2024 (including approximately $40 million committed to be purchased in 2025).


Note 16 – Financial instruments:

See Note 6 for information on how we determine fair value of our marketable securities.

See Note 5 for information on how we determine fair value of our acquisition earn-out liability. The fair value measurement is based on significant inputs not observable in the market and therefore represents a Level 3 measurement as defined in ASC 820. Accretion of the earn-out liability was not material in 2024. There has been no other activity subsequent to Acquisition Date impacting the fair value of the acquisition earn-out liability. The fair value of the acquisition earn-out liability is included in other noncurrent liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.  

The following table presents the financial instruments that are not carried at fair value but which require fair value disclosure as of December 31, 2023 and 2024.

December 31, 2023


December 31, 2024









(In millions)

Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash









Long-term debt:




Fixed rate 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029





Fixed rate 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025





Revolving credit facility





At December 31, 2024, the estimated market price of our 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 was €996 per €1,000 principal amount and the estimated market price for our 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 was €1101 per €1,000 principal amount. The fair value of our 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 and 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 were based on quoted market prices; however, these quoted market prices represented Level 2 inputs because the markets in which the 3.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 and 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2029 trade were not active. Due to the variable interest rate, the carrying amount of our revolving credit facility is deemed to approximate fair value. Due to their near-term maturities, the carrying amounts of accounts receivable and accounts payable are considered equivalent to fair value. In addition, at December 31, 2024, we have a $53.7 million subordinated, unsecured term loan payable to a related party, Contran, due September 2029. See Notes 3, 9 and 14.

Note 17 – Other operating income (expense), net:

On August 24, 2020, LPC temporarily halted production due to Hurricane Laura. Although storm damage to core processing facilities was not extensive, a variety of factors, including loss of utilities and limited access and availability of employees and raw materials, prevented the resumption of operations until September 25, 2020. The majority of our losses from property damage and our share of LPC’s lost production and other costs resulting from the disruption of operations, were covered by insurance. We recognized aggregate gains of $2.7 million and $2.5 million in 2022 and 2023, respectively, related to our business interruption claim, which are included in other operating income (expense) – other income, net on our Consolidated Statements of Operations.

Note 18 – Restructuring costs:

In response to the extended period of reduced demand in 2023, we took measures to reduce our operating costs and improve our long-term cost structure such as the implementation of certain voluntary and involuntary workforce reductions during the third quarter of 2023 that primarily impacted our European operations. A substantial portion of our workforce reductions were accomplished through voluntary programs, for which eligible workforce reduction costs are recognized at the time both the employee and employer are irrevocably committed to the terms of the separation. These workforce reductions impacted approximately 100 employees. We recognized a total of approximately $6 million in charges primarily in the fourth quarter of 2023 related to workforce reductions we implemented during the second half of 2023.


In the third quarter of 2024, we closed our sulfate process line at our facility in Varennes, Canada. As a result of the sulfate process line closure, we recognized charges to cost of sales in 2024 of approximately $2 million related to workforce reductions for employees impacted and approximately $14 million in non-cash charges primarily related to accelerated depreciation.

A summary of the activity in our accrued restructuring costs for 2023 and 2024 is shown in the table below:

Years ended December 31,



(in millions)

Changes in accrued workforce reduction costs:

Balances at beginning of the year





Workforce reduction costs accrued



Workforce reduction costs paid



Currency translation adjustments, net



Balance at the end of the year





Amounts recognized in the balance sheet:

Current liability





Noncurrent liability







Note 19 – Recent accounting pronouncements:


In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued ASU 2023-07, Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures. The ASU requires public companies to disclose significant segment expenses and other segment items on an annual and interim basis. The ASU also mandates public companies to provide all annual segment disclosures currently required annually in interim periods. Public entities with a single reportable segment are required to provide the new disclosures and all disclosures required under ASC 280. Public companies are required to disclose the title and position of the CODM and explain how the CODM uses the reported measure of segment profit or loss in assessing segment performance and allocation resources. See Note 2.  

Pending Adoption

In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures. The ASU requires additional annual disclosure and disaggregation for the rate reconciliation, income taxes paid and income tax expense by federal, state and non-U.S. tax jurisdictions. In addition, the standard increases the disclosure requirements for items included in the rate reconciliation that meet a quantitative threshold. The ASU is effective for us beginning with our 2025 Annual Report. The ASU may be applied prospectively; however, entities have the option to apply it retrospectively. We are in the process of evaluating the additional disclosure requirements.

In November 2024, the FASB issued ASU No. 2024-03, Reporting Comprehensive Income - Expense Disaggregation Disclosures. The ASU requires additional information about specific expense categories in the notes to financial statements for both interim and annual reporting periods. The ASU is effective for us beginning with our 2027 Annual Report, and for interim reporting, in the first quarter of 2028, with early adoption permitted. We are in the process of evaluating the additional disclosure requirements.
