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以下描述列出了AGNC INVESTMENT CORP 6.125% CUM RED PREF STK SERIES證券的某些重要條款和規定,這些證券根據1934年證券交易法第12條進行了註冊,並已修訂。
以下描述並不聲稱是完整的,全部內容都受限於我們於2020年4月23日向特拉華州國務卿提交的《修訂與重述的公司章程》(「章程」)、自2023年7月20日起生效的《修訂與重述的公司章程》(「章程細則」)以及與美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)在相關證券的銷售前或銷售時提交的每份招股說明書、招股說明書補充和設計證書的引用。若在適用的招股說明書補充中有所指明,任何此類證券的條款可能與下面列出的條款有所不同。如果涉及某特定證券的招股說明書補充與適用的招股說明書之間存在差異,以招股說明書補充爲準。在本附件中使用的術語「AGNC」、「我們」、「我們的」和「我們」僅指AGNC INVESTMENT CORP,而不包括其子公司。我們建議您完整閱讀我們修訂的章程、章程細則以及適用於相關證券的每份招股說明書、招股說明書補充和設計證書。
截至2024年12月31日,我們在納斯達克全球精選市場上擁有六類註冊證券,分別爲我們的普通股和7.000% C系列固定浮動利率累計可贖回優先股、6.875% D系列固定浮動利率累計可贖回優先股、6.50% E系列固定浮動利率累計可贖回優先股、6.125% F系列固定浮動利率累計可贖回優先股,以及7.75% G系列固定利率重設累計可贖回優先股。
Our Charter provides that we may issue up to 1,500,000,000 shares of common stock and 10,000,000 shares of preferred stock, both having a par value of $0.01 per share. Of these shares of preferred stock, 13,800 shares have been designated as our 7.00% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (「Series C Preferred Stock」), 10,350 shares have been designated as our 6.875% Series D Fixed-to-Floating Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (「Series D Preferred Stock」), 16,100 shares have been designated as our 6.50% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (「Series E Preferred Stock」), 23,000 shares have been designated as our 6.125% Series F Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (「Series F Preferred Stock」), and 6,900 shares have been designated as our 7.75% Series G Fixed-Rate Reset Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (「Series G Preferred Stock」). As of December 31, 2024, 897,402,910 shares of our common stock, 13,000 shares of our Series C Preferred Stock, 9,400 shares of our Series D Preferred Stock, 16,100 shares of our Series E Preferred Stock, 23,000 shares of our Series F Preferred Stock, and 6,000 shares of our Series G Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding.
Subject to the restrictions contained in our Charter regarding the transfer and ownership of our capital stock and except as may otherwise be specified in the terms of any class or series of common stock, our common stockholders are entitled to one vote per share. Our common stockholders are not entitled to cumulate their votes in the election of directors. Generally, all matters to be voted on by stockholders must be approved by a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by all holders of our common stock present in person or represented by proxy, voting together as a single class; provided, that if the number of nominees for director exceeds the number of directors to be elected at our annual meeting, each director shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. Except as otherwise provided by

2017年8月17日,我們向特拉華州國務卿提交了一份設計說明書("C系列設計說明書"),以指定13,800股我們的C系列優先股,具有C系列設計說明書中規定的權利、命名、優先權和其他權利。C系列設計說明書於2017年8月17日提交時生效。2017年8月22日,我們發行了13,000股C系列優先股,這些股票已存入Computershare Inc.和Computershare Trust Company, N.A.,共同作爲存託機構,因此發行了證明13,000,000個存托股份的存託憑證,所有這些憑證截至2024年12月31日仍然有效。每個存托股份代表C系列優先股的1/1,000股。C系列優先股的存托股份在納斯達克全球精選市場上市,標的爲"AGNCN"。
排名. C系列優先股在分紅派息及我們清算、解散或清算時資產分配權利方面的排名爲: (1) 優於我們所有類或系列的普通股及除在第(2)和第(3)條款中提到的以外的所有其他股權證券; (2) 與我們發行的所有股權證券平級,這些股權證券的條款特定規定這些股權證券在分紅派息及我們清算、解散或清算時資產分配方面與C系列優先股平級; (3) 次於我們發行的所有股權證券,這些股權證券的條款特定規定這些股權證券在分紅派息及我們清算、解散或清算時資產分配方面優於C系列優先股; (4) 實際上次於我們所有現有及未來的債務(包括可轉換爲我們普通股或優先股的債務)及我們現有子公司和任何未來子公司的債務。
分配. Holders of shares of the Series C Preferred Stock are entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by our Board of Directors, out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends, cumulative cash dividends. The initial dividend rate for the Series C Preferred Stock from and including the date of original issuance to, but not including, October 15, 2022 (the 「Fixed Rate Period」) was at the rate of 7.00% of the $25,000 liquidation preference per share of Series C Preferred Stock per annum (equivalent to $1,750 per annum per share of Series C Preferred Stock or $1.75 per annum per depositary share). On and after October 15, 2022 (the 「Floating Rate Period」) to, but not including, July 15, 2023 dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock accumulated at a percentage of the $25,000 liquidation preference per share of Series C Preferred Stock equal to an annual floating rate of the Three-Month LIBOR Rate plus a spread of 5.111%. As a result of the termination of publication of the Three-Month LIBOR Rate, on and after July 15, 2023, dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock began accumulating at a percentage of the $25,000 liquidation preference per share of Series C Preferred Stock equal to Three-Month CME

Term SOFR plus 0.26161% plus a spread of 5.111%. Dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock accumulate daily and are cumulative from, and including, the date of original issue (August 22, 2017) and are payable quarterly in arrears on the 15th day of each January, April, July and October; provided that if any dividend payment date is not a business day, then the dividend which would otherwise have been payable on that dividend payment date may be paid on the next succeeding business day. Dividends accumulate and are cumulative from, and including, the date of original issuance. Dividends payable for any dividend period during the Fixed Rate Period will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months, and dividends payable for any dividend period during the Floating Rate Period will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year and the number of days actually elapsed. Dividends will be payable to holders of record as they appear in our stock records for the Series C Preferred Stock at the close of business on the applicable record date, which shall be the first day of the calendar month, in which the applicable dividend payment date falls.
贖回. The Series C Preferred Stock became redeemable on October 15, 2022. We may, at our option, redeem any or all of the shares of the Series C Preferred Stock at $25,000 per share ($25.00 per depositary share) plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends to, but not including, the redemption date. In addition, upon the occurrence of a Change of Control (as defined in the Series C Certificate of Designations), we may, at our option, redeem any or all of the shares of Series C Preferred Stock within 120 days after the first date on which such Change of Control occurred at $25,000 per share ($25.00 per depositary share) plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends to, but not including, the redemption date.
投票權. Holders of Series C Preferred Stock will generally have no voting rights. However, if we do not pay dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock for six or more quarterly dividend periods (whether or not consecutive), the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock (voting separately as a class with the holders of all other classes or series of our preferred stock we may issue upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable and which are entitled to vote as a class with the Series C Preferred Stock in the election referred to below) will be entitled to vote for the election of two additional directors to serve on our Board of Directors until we pay, or declare and set aside funds for the payment of, all dividends that we owe on the Series C Preferred Stock, subject to certain limitations. In addition, the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Series C Preferred Stock is required for us to authorize or issue any class or series of stock ranking senior to the Series C Preferred Stock with respect to the payment of dividends or the distribution of assets on liquidation, dissolution or winding up, to amend any provision of our Charter so as to materially and adversely affect any rights of the Series C Preferred Stock or to take certain other actions.

2019年3月5日,我們向特拉華州國務卿提交了一份設計證書(「D系列設計證書」),以指定10,350股我們的D系列優先股,包含在D系列設計證書中規定的權力、任命、偏好和其他權利。D系列設計證書在2019年3月5日提交時生效。2019年3月6日,我們發行了9,000股D系列優先股,這些股份存放在Computershare Inc.和Computershare Trust Company, N.A.共同作爲存託人,併發行了9,000,000份存託收據,2019年3月20日,我們隨後又發行了400股D系列優先股,這些股份同樣存放在Computershare Inc.和Computershare Trust Company, N.A.共同作爲存託人,併發行了400,000份存託收據,所有股份截至2024年12月31日仍然有效。每份存托股份代表1/1,000股D系列優先股。D系列優先股的存托股份在納斯達克全球精選市場以「AGNCM」標的上市。
排名D系列優先股在與支付分紅和在我們清算、解散或註銷時資產分配的權利方面的排名爲:(1) 優於我們所有類別或系列的普通股和除第(2)和(3)款中提及的股權證券以外的所有其他股權證券;(2) 與我們發行的所有股權證券平等,這些股權證券的條款特別規定該等股權證券在支付分紅和在我們清算、解散或註銷時的資產分配權利上與D系列優先股平等,包括D系列優先股;(3) 次於我們發行的所有股權證券,這些股權證券的條款特別規定該等股權證券在支付分紅和在我們清算、解散或註銷時的資產分配權利上優於D系列優先股;(4) 實質上劣於我們現有和未來的所有債務(包括可轉換爲我們的普通股或優先股的債務)以及我們現有子公司和任何未來子公司的債務。
清算優先權. 在我們自願或非自願清算、解散或結束運營的情況下,系列D優先股的持有人有權從我們合法可供分配給股東的資產中獲得支付,但需遵守任何我們可能發行的、在清算、解散或結束運營時優先於系列D優先股的任何類別或系列股份持有人的優先權,液化優先權爲每股25,000美元(每個存托股份25.00美元),加上截至付款日的任何未支付的累計分紅金額,在向我們普通股或我們可能發行的任何其他類別或系列的股票的持有人分配資產之前,這些股票在清算權利上低於系列D優先股。

投票權. D系列優先股的持有人通常沒有投票權。然而,如果我們在六個或更多的季度股息期間(無論是否連續)未支付D系列優先股的分紅,D系列優先股的持有人(與我們可能發行的所有其他類別或系列的優先股的持有人單獨投票,這些優先股也賦予類似的投票權並可與D系列優先股一起作爲一個類別投票)將有權選舉兩名額外董事,以便在我們的董事會中任職,直到我們支付或宣佈並預留所有我們欠D系列優先股的分紅,受某些限制的約束。此外,至少三分之二的D系列優先股的流通股東的贊成票是我們授權或發行任何一種或系列的股票,排名優於D系列優先股,以便於支付分紅或在清算、解散或結束時分配資產,修訂我們的章程中可能對D系列優先股的任何權利產生實質性和不利影響的任何條款,或採取某些其他行動所必需的。
2019年10月2日,我們向德拉瓦州國務卿提交了一個設計聲明(「E系列設計聲明」),以指定16,100股我們E系列優先股,具備E系列設計聲明中列出的權力、指定、偏好和其他權利。E系列設計聲明於2019年10月2日提交時生效。2019年10月3日,我們發行了16,100股E系列優先股,這些股份被存入Computershare Inc.和Computershare Trust Company, N.A.共同作爲託管人,針對這些託管憑證發佈了16,100,000份託管股份,所有這些在2024年12月31日仍然有效。每份託管股份代表1/1,000的E系列優先股。E系列優先股下的託管股份在納斯達克全球精選市場上市,標的爲「AGNCO」。
排名E系列優先股在支付分紅派息和在我們清算、解散或終止時分配資產的權利方面排名如下:(1) 優先於我們所有普通股的各個類別或系列以及我們發行的所有其他股權證券,除了條款(2)和(3)提到的股權證券;(2) 與我們發行的所有股權證券平行,這些股權證券的條款明確規定這些股權證券在支付分紅派息和在我們清算、解散或終止時分配資產的權利方面與E系列優先股平行,包括E系列優先股;(3) 在所有條款明確規定這些股權證券在支付分紅派息和在我們清算、解散或終止時分配資產的權利方面優先於E系列優先股的所有股權證券之下;(4) 實質上在我們所有現存和未來的債務(包括可轉換爲我們普通股或優先股的債務)以及我們現有子公司及任何未來子公司的債務之下。

分配系列E優先股的持有者有權在我們董事會宣佈的情況下,從合法可用的分紅支付基金中,獲得累積現金分紅。系列E優先股的初始股息率從首次發行日期起至2024年10月15日(「固定利率期」)爲每年每股系列E優先股的$25,000清算優先權的6.50%(相當於每年每股系列E優先股$1,625或每個存托股份$1.625)。在2024年10月15日及之後(「浮動利率期」),系列E優先股的股息按每年三個月CME期限SOFR加0.26161%加上4.993%的利差的比例開始累積,按每股系列E優先股的$25,000清算優先權計算。系列E優先股的股息每天累積,並從首次發行日期(2019年10月3日)開始爲累積性質,季度支付,支付日期在每年的1月、4月、7月和10月的15日。請注意,如果任何分紅支付日不是工作日,則在該分紅支付日原本應支付的股息可在隨後的工作日支付。股息從首次發行日期起累積併爲累積性質。固定利率期間的任何股息週期的可支付股息將基於360天的年度計算,包含12個30天的月份,浮動利率期間的任何股息週期的可支付股息將基於360天的年度計算以及實際經過的天數。股息將支付給在適用的記錄日期(該日期應爲適用的分紅支付日期所在日歷月的第一天)結束時在我們股票記錄中出現的系列E優先股持有者。th 的每個1月、4月、7月和10月的15日;前提是,如果任何分紅支付日不是工作日,則在該分紅支付日原本應支付的股息可在隨後的工作日支付。股息從首次發行日期開始累積並屬於累積性質。固定利率期間的任何股息週期的可支付股息將根據360天的年度計算,包含12個30天的月份,浮動利率期間的任何股息週期的可支付股息將根據360天的年度和實際經過的天數計算。股息將支付給在適用的記錄日期(該日期應爲適用的分紅支付日期所在日歷月的第一天)結束時在我們股票記錄中出現的系列E優先股持有者。
清算優先權. 在我們自願或非自願清算、解散或終止的情況下,E系列優先股的持有人有權從我們合法可用於分配給股東的資產中獲得賠付,前提是須遵循任何可能發行的優先於E系列優先股的資本股票類別或系列持有人的優先權,清算時的賠付優先權爲每股25,000美元(每個存托股25.00美元),加上截至付款日期的任何累積及未支付的分紅派息金額,在向我們的普通股或任何可能發行的其他類別或系列的股東分配資產之前,而這些股東在清算權上排在E系列優先股之後。
贖回. E系列優先股於2024年10月15日開始可贖回。我們可以選擇以每股25,000美元(每份存托股份25.00美元)的價格贖回E系列優先股的任何或全部股份,並加上任何累積的未支付的分紅,直至但不包括贖回日期。此外,發生控制權變更時,我們可以選擇在該控制權變更發生後的120天內,以每股25,000美元(每份存托股份25.00美元)的價格贖回E系列優先股的任何或全部股份,並加上任何累積的未支付的分紅,直至但不包括贖回日期。
到期. E系列優先股沒有固定的到期日,不受任何沉沒基金或強制贖回的限制,將無限期保持有效,除非被我們回購或贖回,或由E系列優先股持有人在控制權變更時轉換爲我們的普通股。
投票權. E系列優先股的持有者通常沒有投票權。然而,如果我們未能在六個或更多的季度股息期間(無論是否連續)支付E系列優先股的分紅派息,E系列優先股的持有者(與所有其他類別或系列的優先股的持有者分別投票,這些優先股被授予類似的投票權並可以與E系列優先股共同以類別進行投票,進行以下的選舉)將有權投票選舉兩名額外董事擔任我們的董事會成員,直到我們支付或宣佈並保留支付E系列優先股的所有分紅派息的資金,受某些限制的約束。此外,至少三分之二的E系列優先股的流通股東的贊成票是我們授權或發行任何在支付分紅派息或在清算、解散或結束時分配資產方面優先於E系列優先股的類別或系列股票的必要條件,或修訂我們章程的任何條款以實質性和不利地影響E系列優先股的任何權利,或者採取某些其他行動。
轉換. Upon the occurrence of a Change of Control, each holder of Series E Preferred Stock will have the right (subject to our election to redeem the Series E Preferred Stock in whole or in part, as described above, prior to the Change of Control Conversion Date (as defined in the Series E Certificate of Designations)) to convert some or

all of the Series E Preferred Stock held by such holder on the Change of Control Conversion Date into a number of shares of our common stock per share of Series E Preferred Stock determined by a formula, in each case, on the terms and subject to the conditions described in the Series E Certificate of Designations, including provisions for the receipt, under specified circumstances, of alternative consideration.
On February 10, 2020, we filed a certificate of designations (the 「Series F Certificate of Designations」) with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware to designate 23,000 shares of our Series F Preferred Stock with the powers, designations, preferences and other rights set forth in the Series F Certificate of Designations. The Series F Certificate of Designations became effective upon filing on February 10, 2020. On February 11, 2020, we issued 23,000 shares of the Series F Preferred Stock, which shares were deposited with Computershare Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., jointly as depositary, against which depositary receipts evidencing 23,000,000 depositary shares were issued, all of which remain outstanding as of December 31, 2024. Each depositary share represents 1/1,000th of a share of Series F Preferred Stock. The depositary shares underlying the Series F Preferred Stock are listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol 「AGNCP.」
排名. The Series F Preferred Stock ranks, with respect to rights to the payment of dividends and the distribution of assets upon our liquidation, dissolution or winding up, (1) senior to all classes or series of our common stock and to all other equity securities issued by us other than equity securities referred to in clauses (2) and (3); (2) on a parity with all equity securities issued by us with terms specifically providing that those equity securities rank on a parity with the Series F Preferred Stock with respect to rights to the payment of dividends and the distribution of assets upon our liquidation, dissolution or winding up, including the Series F Preferred Stock; (3) junior to all equity securities issued by us with terms specifically providing that those equity securities rank senior to the Series F Preferred Stock with respect to rights to the payment of dividends and the distribution of assets upon our liquidation, dissolution or winding up; and (4) effectively junior to all of our existing and future indebtedness (including indebtedness convertible to our common stock or preferred stock) and to the indebtedness of our existing subsidiary and any future subsidiaries.
分配. Holders of shares of the Series F Preferred Stock are entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by our Board of Directors, out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends, cumulative cash dividends. The initial dividend rate for the Series F Preferred Stock from and including the date of original issuance to, but not including, April 15, 2025 (the 「Fixed Rate Period」) is at the rate of 6.125% of the $25,000 liquidation preference per share of Series F Preferred Stock per annum (equivalent to $1,531.25 per annum per share of Series F Preferred Stock or $ 1.53125 per annum per depositary share). On and after April 15, 2025 (the 「Floating Rate Period」), dividends on the Series F Preferred Stock will accumulate at a percentage of the $25,000 liquidation preference per share of Series F Preferred Stock equal to an annual floating rate of Three-Month CME Term SOFR plus 0.26161% plus a spread of 4.697%. Dividends on the Series F Preferred Stock accumulate daily and are cumulative from, and including, the date of original issue (February 11, 2020) and are payable quarterly in arrears on the 15th day of each January, April, July and October; provided that if any dividend payment date is not a business day, then the dividend which would otherwise have been payable on that dividend payment date may be paid on the next succeeding business day. Dividends accumulate and are cumulative from, and including, the date of original issuance. Dividends payable for any dividend period during the Fixed Rate Period will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months, and dividends payable for any dividend period during the Floating Rate Period will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year and the number of days actually elapsed. Dividends will be payable to holders of record as they appear in our stock records for the Series F Preferred Stock at the close of business on the applicable record date, which shall be the first day of the calendar month, in which the applicable dividend payment date falls.
清算優先權. In the event of our voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up, holders of the Series F Preferred Stock will be entitled to be paid out of the assets we have legally available for distribution to our stockholders, subject to the preferential rights of the holders of any class or series of our capital stock we may issue ranking senior to the Series F Preferred Stock with respect to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, a liquidation preference of $25,000 per share ($25.00 per depositary share), plus an amount equal to any accumulated and unpaid dividends to, but not including, the date of payment, before any

distribution of assets is made to holders of our common stock or any other class or series of our stock that we may issue that ranks junior to the Series F Preferred Stock as to liquidation rights.
贖回. The Series F Preferred Stock will not be redeemable by us prior to April 15, 2025, except under circumstances intended to preserve our qualification as a REIT for federal income tax purposes and except upon the occurrence of a Change of Control (as defined in the Series F Certificate of Designations). On or after April 15, 2025, we may, at our option, redeem any or all of the shares of the Series F Preferred Stock at $25,000 per share ($25.00 per depositary share) plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends to, but not including, the redemption date. In addition, upon the occurrence of a Change of Control, we may, at our option, redeem any or all of the shares of Series F Preferred Stock within 120 days after the first date on which such Change of Control occurred at $25,000 per share ($25.00 per depositary share) plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends to, but not including, the redemption date.
投票權. Holders of Series F Preferred Stock will generally have no voting rights. However, if we do not pay dividends on the Series F Preferred Stock for six or more quarterly dividend periods (whether or not consecutive), the holders of the Series F Preferred Stock (voting separately as a class with the holders of all other classes or series of our preferred stock we may issue upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable and which are entitled to vote as a class with the Series F Preferred Stock in the election referred to below) will be entitled to vote for the election of two additional directors to serve on our Board of Directors until we pay, or declare and set aside funds for the payment of, all dividends that we owe on the Series F Preferred Stock, subject to certain limitations. In addition, the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Series F Preferred Stock is required for us to authorize or issue any class or series of stock ranking senior to the Series F Preferred Stock with respect to the payment of dividends or the distribution of assets on liquidation, dissolution or winding up, to amend any provision of our Charter so as to materially and adversely affect any rights of the Series F Preferred Stock or to take certain other actions.
轉換. Upon the occurrence of a Change of Control, each holder of Series F Preferred Stock will have the right (subject to our election to redeem the Series F Preferred Stock in whole or in part, as described above, prior to the Change of Control Conversion Date (as defined in the Series F Certificate of Designations)) to convert some or all of the Series F Preferred Stock held by such holder on the Change of Control Conversion Date into a number of shares of our common stock per share of Series F Preferred Stock determined by a formula, in each case, on the terms and subject to the conditions described in the Series F Certificate of Designations, including provisions for the receipt, under specified circumstances, of alternative consideration.
在2022年9月13日,我們向特拉華州國務卿提交了一份指定證明(「系列G指定證明」),以指定6,900股我們的系列G優先股,權利、指定、優先權和其他權利詳見系列G指定證明。系列G指定證明自2022年9月13日提交之日起生效。在2022年9月14日,我們發行了6,000股系列G優先股,這些股份存放在Computershare Inc.和Computershare Trust Company, N.A.共同作爲存託人,發行了6,000,000份存托股份的存託收據,截至2024年12月31日,所有這些股份仍然有效。每份存托股份代表1/1,000股系列G優先股。系列G優先股的存托股份在納斯達克全球精選市場上市,標的爲「AGNCL」。
排名系列G優先股在分紅派息的權利和在我們清算、解散或終止過程中對資產分配的權利方面的等級爲:(1) 在所有類或系列普通股及我們發行的除條款(2)和(3)中提到的股權證券以外的所有其他股權證券面前優先;(2) 與我們發行的所有資產證券在分紅派息的權利和在我們清算、解散或終止過程中對資產分配的權利方面平級,包含系列G優先股;(3) 在所有以特定條款規定的優先於系列G優先股的股權證券面前級別低下;

分配. G系列優先股的股東在我們的董事會宣佈的情況下,有權從法律上可以用於支付分紅的資金中,獲得累積現金分紅。G系列優先股自原始發行日期起至2027年10月15日(不包括該日期),初始分紅率爲每股25,000美元清算優先權的7.75%(相當於每股G系列優先股每年1,937.50美元或每個存托股票每年1.93750美元)。自2027年10月15日起,G系列優先股的分紅將在每個重置週期內根據最近的分紅確定日期的五年期美國國債收益率加上每年4.39%的額外利差,按每股25,000美元清算優先權的百分比累積。「重置週期」是指從第一個重置日期起以及每個前一個重置日期的第五個週年紀念日的日期(不包括下一個重置日期)的時間段。G系列優先股的分紅將在每年的1月、4月、7月和10月的15日按季度支付;前提是如果任何分紅支付日期不是工作日,則原本應支付的分紅可以在下一個工作日支付。分紅從原始發行日期起累積並且是累積的。任何分紅期應支付的分紅將根據360天的年度,即12個月的30天計算。分紅將支付給在適用記錄日期結束時在我們G系列優先股的股票記錄中列出的持有人,適用記錄日期爲該適用分紅支付日所處日歷月的第一天。th 日。
贖回. G系列優先股在2027年10月15日之前不可被我們贖回,除非出於旨在保持我們作爲聯邦所得稅目的REIT資格的情況下,且除非發生控制權變更(如在G系列指定證書中定義)。在2027年10月15日或之後,我們可以選擇以每股25,000美元(每個託管股25.00美元)加上截至贖回日期但不包括贖回日期的任何累計和未支付的分紅贖回G系列優先股的任何或所有股份。此外,在發生控制權變更時,我們可以選擇在控制權變更首次發生後的120天內以每股25,000美元(每個託管股25.00美元)加上截至贖回日期但不包括贖回日期的任何累計和未支付的分紅贖回任何或所有G系列優先股的股份。
到期. G系列優先股票沒有規定的到期日,不受任何償債基金或強制贖回的限制,除非被我們回購或贖回,或者與G系列優先股票持有者的控制權變更相關而轉換爲我們的普通股,否則將無限期保持有效。
投票權. Holders of Series G Preferred Stock will generally have no voting rights. However, if we do not pay dividends on the Series G Preferred Stock for six or more quarterly dividend periods (whether or not consecutive), the holders of the Series G Preferred Stock (voting separately as a class with the holders of all other classes or series of our preferred stock we may issue upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable and which are entitled to vote as a class with the Series G Preferred Stock in the election referred to below) will be entitled to vote for the election of two additional directors to serve on our Board of Directors until we pay, or declare and set aside funds for the payment of, all dividends that we owe on the Series G Preferred Stock, subject to certain limitations. In addition, the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Series G Preferred Stock is required for us to authorize or issue any class or series of stock ranking senior to the

Series G Preferred Stock with respect to the payment of dividends or the distribution of assets on liquidation, dissolution or winding up, to amend any provision of our Charter so as to materially and adversely affect any rights of the Series G Preferred Stock or to take certain other actions.
轉換. Upon the occurrence of a Change of Control, each holder of Series G Preferred Stock will have the right (subject to our election to redeem the Series G Preferred Stock in whole or in part, as described above, prior to the Change of Control Conversion Date (as defined in the Series G Certificate of Designations)) to convert some or all of the Series G Preferred Stock held by such holder on the Change of Control Conversion Date into a number of shares of our common stock per share of Series G Preferred Stock determined by a formula, in each case, on the terms and subject to the conditions described in the Series G Certificate of Designations, including provisions for the receipt, under specified circumstances, of alternative consideration.

在收到我們通知股份已轉讓至信託後的20天內,受託人將把這些股份出售給受託人指定的個人,該個人的股份擁有權不得違反上述擁有限制。在此出售後,慈善受益人在出售股份中的權益將終止,受託人將按照以下方式將出售的淨收益分配給擬轉讓方和慈善受益人:擬轉讓方將收到以下金額中的較小者:(1) 擬轉讓方爲股份支付的價格,或,如果擬轉讓方在導致股份轉入信託的事件中未支付任何價值(例如,贈與、遺贈或其他類似交易),則爲導致股份被保留在信託中的事件當天(如我們的章程所定義)的市場價格,以及(2) 受託人從出售或其他處置股份中獲得的價格。任何超出擬轉讓方應得金額的淨出售收益將立即支付給慈善受益人。如果在我們發現股份已轉讓至信託之前,擬轉讓方已經出售了股份,那麼(1)該股份將被視爲代表信託出售,及(2) 如果擬轉讓方因股份獲得的金額超過其應得的金額,超出部分應在要求時支付給受託人。

特拉華州通用公司法(DGCL)通常規定,對公司章程或章程細則的修改或廢除需要獲得在冊表決權股份的多數積極投票,除非章程要求更高的比例。我們的章程一般要求在選舉董事時,所有表決權股份的合併投票權的多數和董事會成員的多數都必須批准,才能修改章程的任何條款,除了關於董事的權力、人數、類別、選舉、任期和罷免,以及填寫董事會空缺的能力和作爲REIT的資格要求相關的章程條款,修改這些條款需要獲得所有類別的所有股份在選舉董事時的合併投票權的至少66%的積極投票。此外,我們的章程 (i) 授予董事會在不與DGCL不一致的任何方式下修改和廢除我們的章程細則的權力,無需股東投票,並且 (ii) 要求股東只能通過獲得所有類別的所有股份在選舉董事時的合併投票權至少66%的積極投票來修改我們的章程細則。
