
華盛頓特區 20549
表單 10-K
截至年度 2024年12月31日
委員會檔案編號 001-34057
特拉華州 26-1701984
貝塞斯達, 馬里蘭州 20814
(301) 968-9315
每股面值$0.01的普通股AGNC INVESTMENT CORP 6.125% CUM RED PREF STK SERIES納斯達克全球精選市場
7.000% C系列固定利率轉浮動利率可累計可贖回優先股票的存托股票AGNC投資公司納斯達克全球精選市場
6.875% D系列固定浮動利率累計可贖回優先股的存托股份AGNCM納斯達克全球精選市場
6.50% E系列固定浮動利率累計可贖回優先股的存托股份AGNCO納斯達克全球精選市場
6.125% F系列固定浮動利率累計可贖回優先股的存托股份AGNCP納斯達克全球精選市場
7.75% G系列固定利率重置累計存托股份
請用勾選標誌表示註冊人是否是根據證券法第405條定義的知名成熟發行人。 ý ¨
如果註冊人不需要根據《法案》第13節或第15(d)節提交報告,請勾選相應的選項。    是的   ¨      ý
請通過勾選表明註冊人在過去12個月內(或者在註冊人被要求提交該報告的較短期間內)是否已提交根據《1934年證券交易法》第13條或第15(d)條所需的所有報告,以及在過去90天內是否一直受到此類提交要求的約束。  x    否  ☐
請勾選註冊者在過去12個月(或註冊者被要求提交這些文件的較短時間內)是否已電子提交根據規則405和S-t條例要求提交的所有互動數據文件。  x    否  ☐
如果是新興成長公司,請用勾選標記指示註冊人是否選擇不使用根據《證券交易法》第13(a)條款提供的任何新的或修訂的財務會計標準的延長過渡期。 ¨
請通過勾選標記指示註冊人是否已提交關於其管理層對其內部控制在財務報告中有效性的評估的報告,以及根據薩班斯-豪利法案第404(b)條(15 U.S.C. 7262(b))提交由準備或發佈其審計報告的註冊公共會計師事務所的認證。
請通過勾選標記,指示這些錯誤更正中是否有重新敘述的內容,是否需要根據§240.10D-1(b)對任何註冊機構的高管在相關恢復期間收到的基於激勵的補償進行恢復分析。 ¨
請用勾選標記指明註冊人是否爲空殼公司(在《交易所法》第120億.2條中定義)。    是    否  x
截至2024年6月30日,登記方非關聯方持有的普通股的總市場價值約爲$6.7 十億,基於截至該日期登記方普通股的收盤價爲每股$9.54(根據納斯達克全球精選市場的報告)。 (在本次計算中,登記方已排除所有報告爲登記方執行官、董事及某些其他股東實益擁有的普通股的市場價值;此類排除不應被視爲任何此類人是登記方的"關聯方"的承認。)
截至2025年1月31日,發行人的普通股(面值0.01美元)已發行股份總數爲 900,421,216.

引用的文件。第 III 部分所需的信息將來自注冊人的2025年股東年會的最終代理聲明,該聲明將根據第14A條規提交給證券交易委員會。



項目 1. 業務
AGNC INVESTMENT CORP 6.125% CUM RED PREF STK SERIES(「AGNC」,「公司」,「我們」,「我們」和「我們的」)於2008年1月7日成立,並於2008年5月20日開始運營,隨後完成了我們的首次公開募股。我們的普通股在納斯達克全球貨幣精選市場以標的「AGNC」交易。
機構住宅抵押貸款支持證券。 機構RMBS由代表「池」中的抵押貸款組合的通過證書組成,這些抵押貸款是由住宅房地產擔保的。個別借款人在基礎池抵押貸款上所做的本金和利息的月付款實際上是「傳遞」給證券持有者的,不過會扣除擔保和服務費。一般而言,抵押貸款通過證書按比例在證券持有者之間分配來自基礎擔保品的現金流。證券持有者

待公告的遠期合約("TBAs")。 TBAs是以購買或賣出機構RMBS爲目的的遠期合約。TBA合約規定了待交付債券的票面利率、發行人、期限和麪值,實際要交付的債券僅在TBA結算日期前不久才會確定。
信用風險轉移("CRT")證券。 CRT證券是風險分擔工具,旨在將與傳統住宅抵押貸款池相關的部分信用損失風險從政府資助企業(GSEs)和/或第三方轉移給私人投資者。CRT證券的原始本金餘額並不由GSE或其他第三方保證全額償還;而是通過在相關貸款池的信用損失超過某些閾值時,減少CRT證券的未償本金餘額來實現「信用風險轉移」。
非機構住宅抵押貸款支持證券("非機構 RMBS")。 非機構 RMBS 是由私營機構(如商業銀行或非銀行貸款人)打包發行的由住宅抵押貸款池支持的結構性證券。某些非機構 RMBS 的不同等級可能受益於來自結構性元素的信用增強,如優先權、過度抵押或保險。我們可能會購買受益於信用增強的投資級工具以及結構化以吸收更多信用風險的非投資級工具。我們主要關注非機構證券,其基礎抵押貸款是由美國境內的住宅物業擔保,可能包括優質、非優質、合格和非合格的抵押貸款。
商業抵押貸款證券("CMBS")。 CMBS是由抵押於一個或多個商業物業的貸款池支持的證券。CMBS也可以由單一資產的單一貸款或由單一借款人的一組交叉抵押資產的多筆貸款組成。CMBS通常被構造成多個證券類別,其中現金流按照預先設定的梯級分配,這可能使某些類別優先,而其他類別則被從屬。我們可能會在這些證券的資本結構中進行投資。我們打算關注其底層抵押品由位於美國的商業物業擔保的CMBS。

在到期結算日前,我們可以選擇通過進入抵消的TBA頭寸,將頭寸滾動到更晚的日期,淨結算配對頭寸以獲得現金,並同時進入類似的TBA合同以獲得新的到期結算日期。因此,從TBA頭寸滾動中產生的折扣或價格下跌通常被稱爲「 TBA滾動收益」。我們在合併的基本報表中將TBA合同作爲衍生工具,以其淨賬面價值確認,這就是公允價值減去根據TBA合同應支付或收取的購買價格。因此,美元滾動交易代表一種表外融資形式。在評估我們的整體槓桿時,我們考慮到表內和表外的融資。
我們的套期保值策略通常不是爲了保護我們的賬面淨值免受利差風險而設計的,作爲抵押貸款支持證券的槓桿投資者,利差風險是我們承擔的固有風險,即投資的市場收益率與與利率套期保值相關的基準利率之間的利差波動。此外,儘管我們努力保護賬面淨值免受利率變動的影響,但如果我們認爲承擔此類風險可以改善我們的回報狀況,或者套期交易會對我們的房地產投資信託基金狀況產生負面影響,則可能無法完全對沖利率、預付款和延期風險。我們的風險管理行動可能會在短期內降低收益和股息,以進一步實現我們保持賬面淨值和長期保持有吸引力的收益和股息水平的目標。此外,我們的一些套期保值旨在防範更大規模的利率變動,因此對於較小的利率變動可能相對無效。有關我們市場風險的更多解釋,請參閱第 1A 項。 風險因素 和第 7A 項。 有關市場風險的定量和定性披露 在此表格中 10-K。
依據該法第3 (c) (5) (C) 條規定的豁免,我們開展業務是爲了不受《投資公司法》規定的投資公司的監管。只要我們有資格獲得這項豁免,我們就不會受到槓桿和其他對註冊投資公司的限制,這將大大降低我們使用槓桿的能力。根據美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)工作人員的解釋,第3(c)(5)(C)條要求我們將至少55%的資產投資於 「抵押貸款和其他房地產留置權和利息」 或 「合格房地產權益」(「55%資產測試」),並將至少80%的資產投資於合格房地產權益和 「房地產相關資產」。爲了滿足這一55%的要求,根據美國證券交易委員會工作人員的聲明以及在某些情況下我們自己的判斷,我們將針對我們持有該池發行的所有證書(「全池」 證券)的抵押貸款基礎貸款池發行的機構人民幣視爲合格房地產權益。我們通常將 「部分資金池」 和其他我們持有少於該池發行的證書的抵押貸款證券視爲房地產相關資產。有關我們在《投資公司法》下的豁免的更多信息,請參閱第 1A 項。 風險因素 在此表格中 10-K。

未能滿足收入或資產測試不會立即導致我們失去REIT資格;相反,如果我們能夠滿足某些救濟條款並支付任何適用的罰款稅和其他罰款,或者在未滿足資產測試的情況下,在30天的補救期內消除差異,我們可以保留我們的REIT資格。請參閱 作爲REIT的稅務相關風險 在第1A項中。 風險因素 有關REIT資格要求和相關事項的進一步討論,請參見此表格10-K。
我們自有的經紀- dealer子公司的監管要求


我們認識到與員工持續進行公開溝通和參與的重要性,我們非常重視他們的意見。爲了促進這一點,我們通過與每位員工的直接互動、定期的匿名員工調查和定期的市政廳會議,定期以各種方式與員工互動。我們的匿名員工調查提供有關其工作滿意度、參與度和具體問題的重要信息。業績始終反映出員工的高滿意度,包括領導力、福利、敬業度、培訓和發展領域的滿意度。爲了鼓勵坦率的反饋,我們與外部供應商合作,他們分析調查結果並匿名提供逐字評論。爲了表彰這些努力,AGNC在2023年被重新認證爲最佳工作場所™,這完全基於員工的反饋。在 2024 年, 財富 AGNC 被評爲最佳小型工作場所之一TM,認可我們對創造一流員工體驗的承諾。我們的董事會(「董事會」)和管理層使用調查結果和員工的定期直接反饋來調整工作環境和福利待遇。
workplace 文化與倫理

我們的行政辦公室位於威斯康星大道 7373 號 22nd Floor,馬里蘭州貝塞斯達 20814,我們的電話號碼是 (301) 968-9315。
我們的年度報告(10-K 表格)、季度報告(10-Q 表格)、當前報告(8-K 表格)以及對這些報告的修訂和我們的道德與行爲規範可在我們的互聯網網站上獲取, www.AGNC.com。 這些報告也可在SEC的互聯網網站上獲取, www.sec.gov.
項目1A。 風險因素
當我們資產的市場收益率與我們的利率期貨之間的差距擴大時,通常我們有形的淨賬面價值會下降,這種動態我們稱之爲 "利差風險"。作爲一個主要投資於固定利率機構RMBS的槓桿投資者,利差風險是我們業務的固有組成部分。儘管我們使用對沖工具來保護我們免受利率變動的影響,但我們的對沖通常無法保護我們免受利差風險的影響。利差可能由於衆多因素而擴大,包括美國和外國中央銀行實際或預期的貨幣政策行動;影響機構RMBS市場的立法、監管或其他行政措施;財政政策的變化和上升的聯邦預算赤字;市場波動性增加;市場流動性降低;機構RMBS供應增加;以及投資者回報要求和情緒的轉變。

我們採用積極的管理策略,這意味着我們的投資組合組成、槓桿比率和對沖頭寸將根據我們對市場情況的評估而波動。當我們出售投資或調整我們不再認爲提供有吸引力的風險調整回報的對沖頭寸,或者在 reallocating 到被認爲更好的機會時,可能會實現顯著的收益或損失。然而,我們的市場評估可能是錯誤的,導致投資組合、槓桿或對沖決策的表現不及更爲靜態的策略。此外,由於我們的積極方法,投資者可能無法僅通過跟蹤抵押貸款市場的變化來評估我們財務狀況的變化。

用於分析信用敏感資產的分析模型和第三方數據也使我們面臨以下風險:(i) 擔保現金流和/或負債結構可能被錯誤建模,或可能基於簡化假設進行建模,從而導致錯誤;(ii) 關於擔保的信息可能不正確、不完整或具有誤導性;(iii) 擔保或

我們對投資的公允價值進行衡量,依據的是會計準則彙編第820主題中的指導原則, 公允價值計量和披露公允價值僅僅是基於良好信念判斷的投資可售價格的估計,因爲投資的市場價格只能通過願意的買賣雙方的協商來判斷。我們對投資公允價值的判斷包括定價服務和第三方經銷商提供的輸入數據。我們投資的某些投資的估值可能難以獲得或不可靠。一般來說,定價服務和經銷商都強烈否認他們的估值,如果使用的價格報價或其他輸入不準確,我們無法向他們追索。根據證券的複雜性和流動性,同一證券的估值可能在不同的定價來源之間有很大差異。此外,價值甚至在短期內也可能顯著波動。因此,我們記錄的投資公允價值可能並不是其可實現價值的準確指示。資產的最終實現價值取決於超出我們控制的經濟和其他條件。因此,如果我們出售資產,特別是通過被迫清算,實際實現的價值可能低於記錄資產的金額,這將對我們的經營結果和財務狀況產生負面影響。


我們利用TBA美元滾動交易作爲投資和融資機構RMBS的另一種方式,這種交易代表了一種形式的資產負債表外融資,並提高了我們的 「風險」 槓桿率。由於市場狀況,我們在待定銀行頭寸結算日之前提前展期可能會變得不經濟,這可能會受到多種因素的影響,例如聯儲局對機構人民幣抵押貸款投資組合的步伐或方式的變化,或者聯儲局在待定銀行市場上購買或出售機構人民幣的行爲(如果發生)。待定美元存款交易包括我們的遞延購買價格義務。無法或不願繼續推進我們的立場所產生的影響與終止融資類似。在這種情況下,我們將需要以現金結清債務,然後進行標的機構人民幣的實物交割。我們可能沒有足夠的資金或其他融資來源來清償此類債務。此外,如果我們交割標的證券,則預計將收到 「最便宜的交付」 證券,這些證券具有最不優惠的預付款屬性,符合待定合同的條款。此外,我們收到的特定證券可能包括很少(如果有的話)的 「全池」 證券,這可能會抑制我們作爲投資公司在《投資公司法》下不受監管的能力(見”失去我們根據《投資公司法》的監管豁免將對我們產生不利影響“下面)。待定合約還要求我們遵守按金要求,詳情見下文。我們無法展期待定頭寸,未能獲得足夠的資金來清償債務,或者未能兌現待定合同下的追加按金,都可能迫使我們在不利的市場條件下出售資產,從而蒙受重大損失。


如果我們破產或資不抵債,我們的回購協議和對沖安排可能會根據美國破產法獲得特別處理,其效果包括允許相關協議的對方避免美國破產法的自動止付條款,並可以及時對抵押品進行清算。如果我們的回購協議或衍生品對手方中的某一方發生破產或資不抵債,依據適用的 insolvency 法律,該對手方可能被允許拒絕合同,而我們對該對手方的損失索賠可能僅被視爲無擔保債權人。此外,如果該對手方是受1970年證券投資者保護法監管的經紀人或交易商,或是受聯邦存款保險法監管的保險存款機構,我們根據協議追回資產或因該對手方的資不抵債而獲得賠償的能力可能會進一步受到這些法規的限制。這些索賠的回收可能會面臨顯著延遲,若能收到,獲得的賠償金額可能遠低於實際損失。
Our funding and derivative agreement counterparties may not fulfill their obligations to us as and when due.
If a repurchase agreement counterparty defaults on its obligation to resell collateral to us, we could incur a loss on the transaction equal to the difference between the value of our collateral and the amount of our borrowing. Similarly, if a derivative agreement counterparty fails to return collateral to us at the conclusion of the derivative transaction or fails to pledge collateral to us or to make other payments we are entitled to under the terms of our agreement as and when due, we could incur a loss equal to the value of our collateral and other amounts due to us.
We attempt to limit our counterparty exposure by diversifying our funding across multiple counterparties and limiting our counterparties to registered central clearing exchanges and major financial institutions with acceptable credit ratings. However, these measures may not sufficiently reduce our risk of loss. Central clearing exchanges typically attempt to reduce the risk of default by requiring initial and daily variation margin from their clearinghouse members and maintain guarantee funds and other resources that are available in the event of default. Nonetheless, we could be exposed to a risk of loss if an exchange or one or more of its clearing members defaults on its obligations. Most of the swaps and futures transactions that we enter into must be cleared by a Derivatives Clearing Organization, or DCO. DCOs are subject to regulatory oversight, use extensive risk management processes, and might receive "too big to fail" support from the government in the case of insolvency. We access the DCO through several FCMs, which may establish their own collateral requirements beyond that of the DCO. Consequently, for any cleared swap or futures transaction, we bear the credit risk of both the DCO and the relevant FCM as to obligations under our swap and futures agreements. The enforceability of our derivative and repurchase agreements may also depend on compliance with applicable statutory, commodity and other regulatory requirements and, depending on the domicile of the counterparty, applicable international requirements.
Our hedging strategies may be ineffective.
We attempt to limit, or hedge against, the adverse effect of changes in interest rates on the value of our assets and financing costs, subject to complying with REIT tax requirements. Hedging strategies are complex and do not fully protect against adverse changes under all circumstances. Our business model also calls for accepting certain amounts of risk. Consequently, our hedging activities are generally designed to limit interest rate exposure, but not to eliminate it, and they are generally not designed to hedge against spread risk and other risks inherent to our business model.
Our hedging strategies may vary in scope based on our portfolio composition, liabilities and our assessment of the level and volatility of interest rates, expected prepayments, credit and other market conditions, and are expected to change over time. We could inaccurately assess a risk or fail to recognize a risk entirely, leaving us exposed to losses without the benefit of any offsetting hedges. Furthermore, the techniques and derivative instruments we select may not have the effect of reducing our risk. Poorly designed hedging strategies or improperly executed transactions could increase our risk of loss. Hedging activities could also result in losses if the hedged event does not occur. Numerous other factors can impact the effectiveness of our hedging strategies, including the following:
the cost of interest rate hedges;
the degree to which the interest rate hedge benchmark rate correlates to the interest rate risk being hedged;
the degree to which the duration of the hedge matches that of the related asset or liability, particularly as interest rates change;
the amount of income that a REIT may earn from hedging transactions that do not satisfy certain requirements of the Internal Revenue Code or that are not done through a TRS; and
the degree to which the value of our interest rate hedges changes relative to our assets as a result of fluctuations in interest rates, passage of time, or other factors.

Additionally, regulations adopted by the CFTC and regulators of other countries could adversely affect our ability to engage in derivative transactions or impose increased margin requirements and require additional operational and compliance costs. Consequently, our hedging strategies may fail to protect us from loss and could even result in greater losses than if we had not entered in the hedge transaction.
Risks Related to Our Business Operations
Our executive officers and other key personnel are critical to our success and the loss of any executive officer or key employee may materially adversely affect our business.
We operate in a highly specialized industry and our success is dependent upon the efforts, experience, diligence, skill and network of business contacts of our executive officers and key personnel. The departure of any of our executive officers and/or key personnel could have a material adverse effect on our operations and performance.
We are highly dependent on information systems and third-party service providers to conduct our operations, and system failures, cybersecurity incidents or failure of our providers to fulfill their obligations to us could significantly disrupt our ability to operate our business.
Our business heavily depends on information and communication systems, including services provided by third parties and cloud-based platforms. A failure in these systems, or a failure by a third-party provider, could significantly disrupt our operations. These systems may be subject to damage or interruption from, among other things, natural disasters, public health issues such as pandemics or epidemics, terrorist attack, rogue employees, power loss, telecommunications failures, internet disruptions, and other interruptions beyond our control. Additionally, our reliance on these systems exposes us to risks of disruption or damage from cybersecurity risks, such as malware, virus, hacking, denial of service, ransomware, physical or electronic break-ins, insider threats, and phishing attacks, all of which are increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. Our systems may be misconfigured or configured in a way that exacerbates our exposure to these risks. Despite having no significant breaches detected so far, we regularly are targeted by threat actors, and completely preventing or detecting such incidents promptly is increasingly challenging.
The complex nature of cybersecurity threats means a breach could go undetected for a long time, if ever, and responding to such incidents may not always be immediate or sufficient. Moreover, we depend on third-party vendors to implement security programs commensurate with their own risk. They may not be successful at defending against or detecting cybersecurity threats, and they may not be obligated to inform us of such incidents. The consequences of a cyber-attack may include operational disruption, unauthorized access to sensitive data, regulatory fines, reputational damage, liability to third parties, and financial losses.
The impact of cybersecurity incidents is difficult to predict, and legal and regulatory requirements around data privacy and security could lead to increased costs and stricter compliance requirements. During an investigation of a cybersecurity incident, or a series of events, it is possible we may not necessarily know the extent of the harm or how to remediate it, which could further adversely impact us, and we may be compelled to disclose information about a material cybersecurity incident before it has been mitigated or resolved, or even fully investigated. Furthermore, whether a single or series of cyber events is material is often a matter of judgment rather than quantitative measures and might only be determinable well after the fact. Despite our efforts to enhance our cybersecurity defenses, we cannot assure complete protection against all cybersecurity threats. A cybersecurity incident, if one were to occur, could adversely affect our business, results of operations, or financial condition.
Risks Related to Our Taxation as a REIT
Our failure to qualify as a REIT would have adverse tax consequences.
We believe we qualify as a REIT for U.S. federal income tax purposes under Sections 856–860 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and related Treasury Regulations, and we intend to maintain our REIT status. The determination that we are a REIT requires an analysis of various factual matters and circumstances that may not be entirely within our control. Qualification and taxation as a REIT also depend on our ability to continually meet requirements imposed on REITs by the Internal Revenue Code, including satisfying certain organizational requirements, an annual distribution requirement, and quarterly asset and annual income tests. These tests depend on our ability to effectively manage the composition of our income and assets on an ongoing basis. At least 75% of our gross income must come from real estate sources, and 95% must come from real estate and certain other qualifying sources. Our ability to satisfy the asset tests depends on determining the characterization and fair market value of our assets, which may not be precisely measurable and lack independent appraisals. Additionally, the classification of certain instruments as debt or equity for tax purposes may be uncertain, which could impact the application of the REIT asset requirements. The distribution requirement mandates that we distribute at least 90% of our REIT taxable income to stockholders annually, determined without regard to the dividends paid deduction and excluding net capital gains.

Failure to qualify as a REIT would have significant consequences. We would lose the ability to deduct dividends paid to stockholders when computing our taxable income and would be subject to U.S. federal and state corporate income tax as a regular C corporation for any taxable year for which we did not qualify. This could result in substantial tax liabilities and reduce funds available for investments and distributions, likely adversely impacting our stock value. Additionally, we would no longer be required to make stockholder distributions. Unless the IRS granted us relief under certain statutory provisions, we would remain disqualified as a REIT for four years following the year we first fail to qualify.
Relief provisions may be available if we fail to meet the REIT requirements, provided the failure was due to reasonable cause, not willful neglect, and we satisfy other requirements, including completion of applicable IRS filings. It is not possible to predict if we would be entitled to benefit from such provisions. Even if we were to qualify for relief, we may still incur penalty taxes. The penalty for failing an asset test is the greater of $50,000 per failure or the net income from non-qualifying assets that resulted in the failure multiplied by the highest U.S. federal corporate tax rate. For failing one or both gross income tests, the penalty equals 100% of the net profit from non-qualifying income that resulted in the failure, as determined under the Internal Revenue Code.
REIT distribution requirements could adversely affect our ability to execute our business plan.
We generally must distribute annually at least 90% of our taxable income, subject to certain adjustments and excluding any net capital gain, for U.S. federal and state corporate income tax not to apply to earnings that we distribute and to retain our REIT status. Distributions of our taxable income must generally occur in the taxable year to which they relate, or in the following taxable year if declared before we timely file our tax return for the year and if paid with or before the first regular dividend payment after such declaration. We may also elect to retain, rather than distribute, our net long-term capital gains and pay tax on such gains if required, in which case, we could elect for our stockholders to include their proportionate share of such undistributed long-term capital gains in income, and to receive a corresponding credit for their share of the tax that we paid. Our stockholders would then increase the adjusted basis of their stock by the difference between (a) the amounts of capital gain dividends that we designated and that they include in their taxable income, minus (b) the tax that we paid on their behalf with respect to that income. We intend to make distributions to our stockholders to comply with the REIT qualification requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, which limits our ability to retain earnings and thereby replenish or increase capital from operations.
To the extent that we satisfy this distribution requirement, but distribute less than 100% of our taxable income, we will be subject to U.S. federal and state corporate income tax on our undistributed taxable income. Furthermore, if we should fail to distribute during each calendar year at least the sum of (a) 85% of our REIT ordinary income for such year, (b) 95% of our REIT capital gain net income for such year, and (c) any undistributed taxable income from prior periods, we would be subject to a non-deductible 4% excise tax on the excess of such required distribution over the sum of (x) the amounts actually distributed, (y) the amounts of income we retained and on which we have paid corporate income tax and (z) any excess distributions from prior periods.
Our taxable income will typically differ from income prepared in accordance with GAAP due to temporary and permanent differences. For example, realized gains and losses on our hedging instruments, such as interest rate swaps, may be deferred for income tax purposes and amortized into taxable income over the remaining contract term of the instrument even if we have exited the instrument and settled such gains or losses for cash. We are also not allowed to reduce our taxable income for net capital losses incurred; instead, the capital losses may be carried forward for a period of up to five years and applied against future capital gains subject to our ability to generate sufficient capital gains, which cannot be assured. Therefore, it is possible that our taxable income could be in excess of the net cash generated from our operations. If we do not have funds available in these situations to meet our REIT distribution requirements or to avoid corporate and excise taxes altogether, we could be required to borrow funds on unfavorable terms, sell investments at disadvantageous prices or distribute amounts that would otherwise be invested in future acquisitions.
We may choose to pay dividends in our own stock, in which case stockholders may be required to pay income taxes in excess of cash dividends received.
We may in the future distribute taxable dividends that are payable at least in part in shares of our common stock. Taxable stockholders receiving such dividends will be required to include the full amount of the dividend as ordinary income to the extent of our current and accumulated earnings and profits for U.S. federal income tax purposes. As a result, stockholders may be required to pay income taxes with respect to such dividends that are in excess of the cash dividends received. If a U.S. stockholder sells the stock that it receives as a dividend to pay this tax, the sales proceeds may be less than the amount included in income with respect to the dividend, depending on the market price of our stock at the time of the sale. Furthermore, with respect to certain non-U.S. stockholders, we may be required to withhold U.S. tax with respect to such dividends, including in respect of all or a portion of such dividend that is payable in stock.

Even if we remain qualified as a REIT, we may face other tax liabilities that reduce our cash flow.
Even if we remain qualified for taxation as a REIT, we may nonetheless be subject to certain federal, state and local taxes on our income and assets, including the following items. Any of these or other taxes we may incur would decrease cash available for distribution to our stockholders.
Regular U.S. federal and state corporate income taxes on any undistributed taxable income, including undistributed net capital gains.
A non-deductible 4% excise tax if the actual amount distributed to our stockholders in a calendar year is less than a minimum amount specified under Federal tax laws.
Corporate income taxes on the earnings of subsidiaries, to the extent that such subsidiaries are subchapter C corporations and are not qualified REIT subsidiaries or other disregarded entities for federal income tax purposes.
A 100% tax on certain transactions between us and our TRSs that do not reflect arm's-length terms.
If we acquire appreciated assets from a corporation that is not a REIT (i.e., a corporation taxable under subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code) in a transaction in which the adjusted tax basis of the assets in our hands is determined by reference to the adjusted tax basis of the assets in the hands of the subchapter C corporation, we may be subject to tax on such appreciation at the highest corporate income tax rate then applicable if we subsequently recognize a gain on a disposition of any such assets during the five-year period following their acquisition from the subchapter C corporation.
A 100% tax on net income and gains from "prohibited transactions."
Penalty taxes and other fines for failure to satisfy one or more requirements for REIT qualification.
Complying with REIT requirements may cause us to liquidate or forgo attractive investment opportunities.
To remain qualified as a REIT, we must ensure that, at the end of each calendar quarter, at least 75% of the value of our assets consists of cash, cash items, government securities and qualified real estate assets. The remainder of our investments in securities (other than government securities and qualified real estate assets) generally cannot include more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of any one issuer or more than 10% of the total value of the outstanding securities of any one issuer. In addition, in general, no more than 5% of the value of our assets (other than government securities and qualified real estate assets) can consist of the securities of any one issuer, and no more than 20% of the value of our total assets can be represented by securities of one or more TRSs. If we fail to comply with these requirements at the end of any calendar quarter, we must correct the failure within 30 days after the end of the calendar quarter or qualify for certain statutory relief provisions to avoid losing our REIT qualification and suffering adverse tax consequences. We must also satisfy tests concerning the sources of our income and the amounts that we distribute to our stockholders. Complying with these requirements may prevent us from acquiring certain attractive investments or we may be required to sell otherwise attractive investments. Thus, the potential returns on our investment portfolio may be lower than if we were not subject to such requirements. Additionally, if we must liquidate our investments to repay our lenders or to satisfy other obligations, we may be unable to comply with these requirements, potentially jeopardizing our qualification as a REIT.
Complying with REIT requirements may limit our ability to hedge effectively and may cause us to incur tax liabilities.
The REIT provisions of the Internal Revenue Code could substantially limit our ability to hedge our risks. Any income from a properly designated hedging transaction to manage risk of interest rate changes with respect to borrowings made or to be made, or ordinary obligations incurred or to be incurred, to acquire or carry real estate assets generally does not constitute "gross income" for purposes of the 75% or 95% gross income tests ("qualified hedges"). To the extent that we enter into other types of hedging transactions, or fail to properly designate qualified hedges, the income from those transactions is likely to be treated as non-qualifying income for purposes of both gross income tests. As such, we may have to limit our use of advantageous hedging techniques or implement those hedges through a TRS. This could increase the cost of our hedging activities as our TRS would be subject to tax on gains or expose us to greater risks than we would otherwise want to bear. In addition, losses in a TRS will generally not provide any tax benefit, except for being carried forward against future taxable income in the TRS.
Uncertainty exists with respect to the treatment of our TBAs for purposes of the REIT asset and income tests.
關於TBAs作爲房地產業資產或美國政府證券的資格,針對75%資產測試並沒有直接的權威。然而,我們將TBAs視爲符合REIT 75%資產測試的資格資產,並且根據Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP(「Skadden」)的法律意見,我們將TBAs的收入和收益視爲符合75%總收入測試的資格收入,法律意見的主要內容是(i) 在REIT資產測試中,我們對TBA的擁有權應視爲對基礎機構RMBS的擁有權,以及(ii) 在75% REIT總收入測試中,我們確認的任何收益

我們從 "禁止交易" 中獲得的淨利潤需繳納100%的稅。 "禁止交易" 一般指的是我們或發行共享增值抵押貸款或類似債務工具的借款人,主要用於向客戶銷售的財產的出售或其他處置。如果我們處置資產或以被視爲聯邦所得稅目的禁止交易的方式結構交易,我們可能會被徵收此稅。
儘管與我們普通股票相關的分配通常不構成非相關業務應稅收入,但在某些情況下可能會構成。如果 (i) 我們因所有或部分資產受到與「應稅抵押貸款池」相關的規則的約束而產生「超額包含收入」或因持有REMIC的剩餘權益而產生,或者 (ii) 我們成爲「養老金持有REIT」,那麼對免稅投資者的部分分配可能會根據《國內稅收法》作爲非相關業務應稅收入而需繳納美國聯邦所得稅。

這些或其他行政和/或立法措施可能會影響企業贊助房貸(GSEs)或住房金融系統,改變美國財政部對房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)提供的信用支持的金額或性質,修改房利美和房地美未來在住房金融中的角色,或以其他方式影響每家GSE發行的機構抵押貸款支持證券(Agency RMBS)的價值或相對可流動性。這些措施可能會造成市場不確定性,可能會降低企業贊助證券的實際或感知信用質量,可能會影響銀行、外國投資者、共同基金或其他機構擁有機構抵押貸款支持證券的能力,或可能以其他方式影響機構抵押貸款支持證券市場的流動性、規模和範圍。要終止託管權的措施如果沒有提供足夠強有力的美國政府支持,以保持它們的政府身份或以其他方式保留當前主要和次級抵押貸款市場的功能、規模和效率,可能會重新定義什麼構成機構證券。這可能會使機構抵押貸款支持證券面臨更大的信用風險,融資變得更加困難或流動性下降,並導致其價值下滑,這一切都可能對主要和次級抵押貸款市場及我們的業務產生廣泛的不利影響。
Actions of the U.S. Government, including the U.S. Congress, Fed, U.S. Treasury, FHFA and other governmental and regulatory bodies may adversely affect our business.
U.S. Government legislative and administrative actions may have an adverse impact on financial markets for fixed income securities, including Agency RMBS. To the extent the markets do not respond favorably to any such actions or such actions do not function as intended, they could have broad adverse market implications and could negatively impact our financial condition and results of operations. For example, the actual or anticipated actions or inaction on U.S. fiscal policy matters, including the U.S. dept ceiling and the amount and tenor of U.S. Treasury debt required to fund the government, could result in a wide range of negative economic effects, including increased financial market and interest rate volatility and wider market spreads between mortgage assets and benchmark interest rates.
Additionally, new regulatory requirements, including the imposition of more stringent bank capital rules and changes to the manner and timing of clearing U.S. Treasury and Agency RMBS transactions, could adversely affect the availability or terms of financing from our lending counterparties, reduce market liquidity or demand for Agency RMBS, restrict the origination of residential mortgage loans and the formation of new issuances of mortgage-backed securities, or limit the trading activities of certain banking entities and other systemically significant organizations that are important to our business. In 2023, the FDIC and Fed proposed revisions to bank capital rules that would have applied risk weights (and costs) to Agency RMBS that, if adopted, might have impacted the source, pricing, volume, financing, and nature of Agency RMBS. Although these proposals are not expected to be finally adopted in their original form, they have not yet been withdrawn, and aspects of them may be re-proposed or adopted in the future. In addition, SEC regulations that mandate the central clearing of U.S. Treasury and U.S. Treasury repurchase agreement ("U.S. Treasury Repo") transactions will necessitate significant changes to trading operations and have the potential to adversely impact liquidity, funding and efficiency of these markets. Such changes could adversely affect the cost and other terms or availability of financing and hedging arrangements for our business. Together or individually new regulatory requirements could materially affect our financial condition or results of operations in adverse ways.
Failure to satisfy regulatory requirements of our captive broker-dealer subsidiary could result in our inability to access tri-party repo funding through the FICC’s GCF Repo service and could be harmful to our business operations.

我們開展業務以避免根據《投資公司法》被認定爲投資公司,依賴於《投資公司法》第3(c)(5)(C)條款所提供的豁免。《投資公司法》第3(c)(5)(C)條款根據美國證券交易委員會的工作人員解釋,要求:(i) 我們的投資組合中至少55%由「抵押貸款和其他對房地產業的權益或利益」或「合格房地產業權益」組成,以及(ii) 我們的投資組合中至少80%由合格房地產業權益加上「與房地產業相關的資產」組成。

speculation in the press or investment community;
actual or anticipated changes in our dividend policy; and
changes to our targeted investments or investment guidelines.
We have not established a minimum dividend payment level and may be unable to pay dividends in the future.
We intend to pay monthly dividends to our common stockholders in an amount that all or substantially all our taxable income is distributed within the limits prescribed by the Internal Revenue Code. However, we have not established a minimum dividend payment level and the amount of our dividend may fluctuate. Our ability to pay dividends may be adversely affected by the risk factors described herein. All distributions will be made at the discretion of our Board and will depend on our earnings and financial condition, the requirements for REIT qualification and such other factors as our Board deems relevant from time to time. Additionally, our preferred stock has a preference on dividend payments and liquidating distributions that could limit our ability to pay dividends to the holders of our common stock. Therefore, we may not be able to make distributions in the future or our Board may change our dividend policy.
Our certificate of incorporation generally does not permit ownership of more than 9.8% of our common or capital stock and attempts to acquire amounts above this limit will be ineffective unless an exemption is granted by our Board of Directors.
項目10亿。 未解決的員工意見
項目 1C。 網絡安全概念
我們維護一個積極的網絡安全風險管理和策略計劃,以應對網絡安全威脅對我們業務的風險。 我們的網絡安全計劃與NIST網絡安全框架保持一致,我們定期通過年度測試、定期的第三方評估我們的流程和控制措施,以及持續監控,進行有效性審查。該計劃涉及使用網絡安全工具來識別、保護、檢測、回應和恢復網絡安全威脅。此外,我們還與第三方網絡安全顧問和其他專業顧問進行接洽,以獲取對新興威脅、行業趨勢和新興實踐的見解和知識。每年,我們在整體企業風險管理評估的背景下審查網絡安全風險。作爲這些過程的一部分,我們的管理團隊,包括我們的高級副總裁和首席科技官,識別和評估風險的可能性和規模,包括固有風險和殘餘風險。這些評估爲我們的整體網絡安全策略提供信息。
我們的業務運營在很大程度上依賴於 第三方服務提供商。我們建立了評估第三方在我們依賴這些服務時給我們帶來的運營和網絡安全概念風險的流程,並且我們持續監控那些對我們的業務和運營構成最大網絡安全威脅的第三方公司。儘管如此,我們還是依賴於我們使用的第三方,以實施與他們自身風險相稱的安防程序,我們無法確保他們的努力會成功。
我們的主要業務涉及抵押貸款及抵押貸款工具的投資,但我們不進行抵押貸款服務、維護客戶帳戶或提供任何直接的抵押貸款。我們也不會在日常業務中獲得個人抵押貸款借款人的信息。然而,我們的業務高度依賴信息系統的可用性,如果發生網絡安全事件,可能會對我們的運營造成干擾。 截至目前,公司尚未發現任何對我們運營、業務策略或財務控件有重大影響,或可能合理地對其產生重大影響的網絡安全事件。 如本表格10-K下的討論更爲詳細, 與我們業務運營相關的風險 在第1A項中。 風險因素 考慮到網絡威脅的不斷演變和日益複雜性,未來事件可能會產生重大影響,這一點是沒有保障的。雖然我們持續評估、識別,

審計委員會 有責任監督管理層應對網絡安全威脅的策略。審計委員會定期與管理層審查公司的政策、控制和程序,這些政策、控制和程序用於識別、減輕和管理網絡安全風險。爲了實現這一目標,我們已經建立了每季度向審計委員會報告網絡安全風險的流程。這份報告由我們的高級副總裁兼首席科技官准備,包括針對關鍵績效因子(KPI)和服務水平目標的表現,這些因子和目標特別定義用來衡量我們網絡安全控制和風險管理工作的有效性、當前的威脅環境以及策略。此外,公司的高級副總裁兼首席科技官至少以年度爲週期向審計委員會報告網絡安全事項,包括對公司信息系統、政策和控制的重大變更、滲透和其他測試的結果以及任何第三方評審的發現。我們的審計委員會致力於保持信息充分和網絡安全意識的態勢,定期通過接收安排好的和請求的更新,與我們應對網絡安全威脅和不斷變化的威脅環境的策略進行交流。 董事會 同時也在審查管理層年度企業風險管理評估時了解網絡安全風險。
項目2。 資產
項目 3. 法律程序
項目4。 礦山安全披露


Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Our common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol "AGNC." As of January 31, 2025, 900,421,216 shares of common stock were issued and outstanding, which were held by 1,491 stockholders of record. Most of the shares of our common stock are held by brokers and other institutions on behalf of stockholders.
和權利 1
在股權補償計劃下仍然可以用於未來發行的證券數量(不包括此表第一列中反映的證券) 2
由證券持有人批准的股權補償計劃10,312,795$— 25,983,630
總計10,312,795$— 25,983,630
1.包括(i) 未歸屬的時間和基於業績的限制性股票單位(RSU)獎勵(未歸屬的基於業績的獎勵假設按照獎勵條款獲得最大支付);(ii) 如果這些獎勵的分配在歸屬日期之後被推遲,則爲未發放的先前歸屬獎勵;以及(iii) 截至2024年12月31日,關於(i)和(ii)的累計紅利等值單位。


下圖和表格比較了假設在2019年12月31日投資100美元的股東累計總回報,考慮所有分紅派息的再投資,把這些金額投資於: (i) 我們的普通股; (ii) 納入標準普爾500股票指數(S&P 500)的股票; (iii) 納入FTSE NAREIT抵押房地產投資信託指數的股票。在之前的年份,我們將我們的普通股的累計總回報與S&P 500和彭博抵押REIT指數進行了比較; 然而,彭博抵押REIT指數在2024年2月停用,因此我們無法將其納入圖表中。


AGNC INVESTMENT CORP 6.125% CUM RED PREF STK SERIES$97.05 $89.13 $81.01 $103.51 $98.36 
S&P 500$196.85 $157.48 $124.73 $152.34 $118.39 
FTSE NAREIT 房地產信託$79.80 $79.52 $68.94 $93.93 $81.23 

項目6. [保留]

Item 7. 管理層對財務控件和經營成果的討論與分析
管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析("MD&A")旨在爲AGNC INVESTMENT CORP的合併基本報表的讀者提供管理層的敘述,需與本10-K表格年報中包含的合併基本報表及附註一同閱讀。我們的MD&A分爲以下幾個部分:


儘管我們對代理RMBS在2025年初的展望樂觀,但由於新政府在關稅、移民、財政和監管政策上實施大規模變革,金融市場和宏觀經濟的不確定性依然很高。此外,儘管GSE改革似乎不是新政府的即時關注重點,但在接下來的四年裏,這個話題有可能在某個時刻被重新討論。我們認爲,令人滿意的是,似乎有越來越多的共識認爲,任何對GSE及代理RMBS市場結構的變化都應以保留傳統抵押貸款市場的當前功能、避免干擾房地產業,並確保住房負擔能力不進一步下降的方式進行。請參閱第1A項。 風險因素 有關可能對房利美和房地美的聯邦託管、影響GSE與美國政府關係的法律或法規或其他住房金融改革倡議的潛在變更的更多信息。
有關非公認會計原則(non-GAAP)財務指標的信息,包括與最可比的公認會計原則(GAAP)指標的調節,請參閱本MD&A下的運營結果。有關我們每普通股的有形淨賬面價值對利率期貨和抵押貸款利差變化的敏感性的信息,請參閱第7A項。 關於市場風險的定量和定性披露 在此表格中 10-K.

利率/安防價格 1
目標聯邦基金利率 - 上限
5.50%5.50%5.50%5.00%4.50%-100 bps
SOFR利率5.38%5.34%5.33%4.96%4.49%-89 bps
SOFR 利率互換利率:
4.07%4.55%4.61%3.44%4.08%+1 bps
3.53%3.98%4.10%3.25%4.04%+51 bps
3.47%3.84%3.98%3.32%4.07%+60 bps
3.32%3.62%3.76%3.30%3.93%+61 bps
4.25%4.62%4.76%3.64%4.24%-1 bps
3.85%4.21%4.38%3.56%4.38%+53 bps
3.88%4.20%4.40%3.78%4.57%+69 bps
4.03%4.34%4.56%4.12%4.78%+75 bps


抵押貸款利率: 1
30年期機構當前票息5.25%5.60%5.87%4.96%5.83%+58 bps
30年期抵押貸款利率6.56%6.74%6.94%6.14%6.86%+30 bps
信用利差(點子): 2
CRT M2206182166159137-69
CMBS AAA118881009172-46
CDX IG5651545350-6
1.30年期當前票息收益率代表新發行的機構RMBS的收益。30年期當前票息收益率來源於彭博社,30年期抵押貸款利率來源於Clear Blue。

投資證券(包括TBA) 1
 ≤ 15年:
 ≤ 15年RMBS$97 $90 2.68 %— %$759 $718 3.25 %%
15年TBA證券— — — %— %89 91 5.00 %— %
總計 ≤ 15年
97 90 2.68 %— %848 809 3.44 %%
578 506 3.12 %%872 768 2.82 %%
30年RMBS66,464 63,453 5.01 %87 %53,658 51,675 4.82 %86 %
30年TBA證券,淨值 2
6,887 6,861 5.37 %%5,199 5,263 5.50 %%
73,351 70,314 5.04 %96 %58,857 56,938 4.88 %95 %
總計固定利率機構RMBS和TBA證券74,026 70,910 5.02 %97 %60,577 58,515 4.83 %97 %
可調利率機構RMBS796 790 4.85 %%293 290 4.67 %— %
多戶住宅485 476 4.62 %%161 162 4.47 %— %
CMO102 96 3.34 %— %127 120 3.28 %— %
僅利息債券35 30 2.08 %— %40 35 1.77 %— %
僅本金債券25 23 — %— %27 26 — %— %
162 149 3.34 %— %194 181 3.28 %%
總機構RMBS和TBA證券 3
75,469 72,325 5.02 %99 %61,225 59,148 4.83 %98 %
非機構RMBS 1,3
17 15 5.29 %— %43 34 4.61 %— %
264 236 6.59 %— %303 273 7.27 %— %
CRT583 633 10.44 %%682 723 10.45 %%
總投資證券 3
$76,333 $73,209 5.06 %100 %$62,253 $60,178 4.90 %100 %

指定池 % 1
收益率 2
≤ 15歲:
2.0%34 35 30 100%2.00%102.6%1.34%488%
2.5%12 12 12 100%2.50%99.4%2.80%14215%
3.0%34 35 33 100%3.00%100.9%2.38%13615%
≥ 4.5%100%4.50%101.0%2.71%16528%
總計 ≤ 15歲95 97 90 95%2.68%101.4%2.05%10714%
2.5%307 321 267 —%2.50%104.5%1.74%545%
3.0%23 24 21 97%3.00%103.5%2.29%657%
3.5%98 99 93 78%3.50%101.7%2.97%1369%
4.0%58 60 56 92%4.00%103.7%3.09%939%
≥ 4.5%71 74 69 97%4.64%104.8%3.42%8710%
總計 20歲:557 578 506 42%3.12%103.9%2.33%777%
≤ 3.0%3,734 3,726 3,052 66%2.41%97.9%2.73%436%
3.5%4,910 5,114 4,439 86%3.50%104.1%2.84%1096%
4.0%5,980 6,302 5,567 90%4.00%105.7%3.10%927%
4.5%8,206 8,273 7,786 45%4.50%103.4%3.92%558%
5.0%12,013 11,898 11,663 32%5.00%99.6%5.03%207%
5.5%19,627 19,758 19,502 31%5.50%100.4%5.44%157%
6.0%13,334 13,517 13,512 38%6.00%101.6%5.72%169%
≥ 6.5%4,641 4,763 4,793 37%6.51%102.7%5.97%1511%
總計30年期72,445 73,351 70,314 44%5.04%101.5%4.74%368%
總固定利率$73,097 $74,026 $70,910 44%5.02%101.5%4.71%368%


指定池 % 1
收益 2
≤ 15歲:
≤ 2.5%58 59 54 100%2.16%101.7%1.77%6510%
3.0%442 450 423 99%3.00%101.5%2.54%7110%
3.5%14 14 13 100%3.50%101.5%2.60%12614%
4.0%229 235 227 95%4.00%102.8%2.98%7013%
≥ 5.0%90 89 91 —%5.00%100.9%2.54%16841%
總計 ≤ 15歲834 848 809 87%3.44%101.9%2.62%7111%
≤ 2.0%219 225 188 —%2.00%102.6%1.58%375%
2.5%337 352 301 —%2.50%104.7%1.72%426%
3.0%27 28 25 97%3.00%103.6%2.28%538%
3.5%117 119 113 79%3.50%101.7%2.96%12510%
≥ 4.0%142 148 141 96%4.26%104.3%3.14%8311%
總計20年:842 872 768 32%2.82%103.6%2.11%597%
≤ 3.0%3,816 3,861 3,263 55%2.43%101.0%2.28%346%
3.5%5,580 5,811 5,230 86%3.50%104.1%2.84%977%
4.0%6,586 6,960 6,358 92%4.00%105.7%3.08%808%
4.5%6,542 6,763 6,426 64%4.50%103.9%3.83%468%
5.0%9,696 9,719 9,657 39%5.00%100.5%4.91%149%
5.5%12,352 12,391 12,486 25%5.50%100.6%5.39%1012%
6.0%9,305 9,384 9,507 22%6.00%101.0%5.71%719%
≥ 6.5%3,889 3,968 4,011 29%6.50%102.3%5.78%621%
總計30年57,766 58,857 56,938 46%4.88%102.2%4.41%3511%
總固定利率$59,442 $60,577 $58,515 47%4.83%102.2%4.34%3511%

我們至少每季度審查一次實際及預期的預付款經驗,並在以下情況出現差異時重新計算有效收益:(i) 我們之前的預付款估計與 (ii) 截至目前的實際預付款以及未來預付款的當前估計。如果實際和預計的未來預付款經驗與我們之前的預付款估計不同,我們需要在當前期間記錄一個調整,調整內容涉及自開始至報告日期的有效收益累計差異的溢價和折扣的攤銷或增值。我們通常將此調整稱爲「追趕」溢價攤銷成本/收益。
影響我們證券提前還款率的最重要因素是長期利率的變化。當利率下降時,提前還款率通常會上升,而當利率上升時,提前還款率通常會下降。第7A項。 關於市場風險的定量和定性披露 在本10-K表格中包括我們投資的預計加權平均CPR和相應的加權平均收益率,假設利率瞬間上漲或下跌25、50和75個點子。然而,還有多種其他因素可能影響我們證券的提前還款率。因此,我們的實際經驗和對未來提前還款的估計可能與我們的估計存在重大差異。
At the time we purchase CRT and non-Agency securities that are not of high credit quality, we determine an effective interest rate based on our estimate of the timing and amount of cash flows and our cost basis. On at least a quarterly basis, we review the estimated cash flows and make appropriate adjustments based on input and analysis received from external sources, internal models, our judgment about interest rates, prepayment rates, including collateral call provisions, timing and amount of estimated credit losses, and other factors. Any resulting changes in effective yield are recognized prospectively based on the current amortized cost of the investment as adjusted for credit impairment, if any.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In addition to the results presented in accordance with GAAP, our results of operations discussed below include certain non-GAAP financial information, including "economic interest income," "economic interest expense," and "net spread and dollar roll income available to common stockholders" and the related per common share measures and certain financial metrics derived from such non-GAAP information.
"Economic interest income" is measured as interest income (GAAP measure), adjusted to (i) exclude retrospective "catch-up" adjustments to premium amortization cost associated with changes in projected CPR estimates and (ii) include TBA dollar roll implied interest income. "Economic interest expense" is measured as interest expense (GAAP measure) adjusted to include TBA dollar roll implied interest expense/benefit and interest rate swap periodic cost/income. "Net spread and dollar roll income available to common stockholders" is measured as comprehensive income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders (GAAP measure) adjusted to: (i) exclude gains/losses on investment securities recognized through net income and other comprehensive income and gains/losses on derivative instruments and other securities (GAAP measures); (ii) exclude retrospective "catch-up" adjustments to premium amortization cost associated with changes in projected CPR estimates; and (iii) include interest rate swap periodic income/cost, TBA dollar roll income and other interest income/expense. As defined "Net spread and dollar roll income available to common stockholders" includes (i) the components of "economic interest income" and "economic interest expense", plus (ii) other interest income/expense, and less (iii) total operating expenses and dividends on preferred stock (GAAP measures).
By providing such measures, in addition to the related GAAP measures, we believe we give greater transparency into the information used by our management in its financial and operational decision-making. We also believe it is important for users of our financial information to consider information related to our current financial performance without the effects of certain measures and one-time events that are not necessarily indicative of our current investment portfolio performance and operations.
Specifically, in the case "net spread and dollar roll income available to common stockholders" and components of such measure, "economic interest income" and "economic interest expense," we believe the inclusion of TBA dollar roll income is meaningful as TBAs, which are accounted for under GAAP as derivative instruments with gains and losses recognized in other

gain (loss) in our consolidated statement of comprehensive income, are economically equivalent to holding and financing generic Agency RMBS using short-term repurchase agreements. Similarly, we believe that the inclusion of periodic interest rate swap settlements is meaningful as interest rate swaps are the primary instrument we use to economically hedge against fluctuations in our borrowing costs and it is more indicative of our total cost of funds than interest expense alone. Additionally, we believe the exclusion of "catch-up" premium amortization adjustments is meaningful as it excludes the cumulative effect from prior reporting periods due to current changes in future prepayment expectations and, therefore, exclusion of such adjustments is more indicative of the current earnings potential of our investment portfolio.
However, because such measures are incomplete measures of our financial performance and involve differences from results computed in accordance with GAAP, they should be considered as supplementary to, and not as a substitute for, results computed in accordance with GAAP. In addition, because not all companies use identical calculations, our presentation of such non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies.
Selected Financial Data

The following selected financial data is derived from our annual financial statements for the three years ended December 31, 2024. The selected financial data should be read in conjunction with the more detailed information contained in Item 8. Financial Statements and in this Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (in millions, except per share amounts):
December 31,
Balance Sheet Data
Investment securities, at fair value of $66,348, $54,824 and $40,904, respectively, and other mortgage credit investments
$66,412 $54,868 $40,929 
Total assets$88,015 $71,596 $51,748 
Repurchase agreements and other debt$60,862 $50,506 $36,357 
Total liabilities$78,253 $63,339 $43,878 
Total stockholders' equity$9,762 $8,257 $7,870 
Net book value per common share 1
$9.00 $9.46 $10.76 
Tangible net book value per common share 2
$8.41 $8.70 $9.84 
Fiscal Year
Statement of Comprehensive Income Data
Interest income$2,949 $2,041 $1,590 
Interest expense2,931 2,287 625 
Net interest income (expense)18 (246)965 
Other gain (loss), net955 497 (2,081)
Operating expenses110 96 74 
Net income (loss)863 155 (1,190)
Dividends on preferred stock132 123 105 
Net income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders$731 $32 $(1,295)
Net income (loss)$863 $155 $(1,190)
Other comprehensive income (loss), net(74)155 (973)
Comprehensive income (loss)789 310 (2,163)
Dividends on preferred stock132 123 105 
Comprehensive income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders$657 $187 $(2,268)
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - basic783.4 618.4 537.0 
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - diluted786.0 619.6 537.0 
Net income (loss) per common share - basic$0.93 $0.05 $(2.41)
Net income (loss) per common share - diluted$0.93 $0.05 $(2.41)
Comprehensive income (loss) per common share - basic$0.84 $0.30 $(4.22)
Comprehensive income (loss) per common share - diluted$0.84 $0.30 $(4.22)
Dividends declared per common share$1.44 $1.44 $1.44 

Fiscal Year
Other Data (Unaudited) *202420232022
Average investment securities - at par$61,613 $50,878 $47,761 
Average investment securities - at cost$62,698 $52,262 $49,195 
Net TBA portfolio - at par (as of period end) 3
$6,955 $5,331 $19,050 
Net TBA portfolio - at cost (as of period end) 3
$6,887 $5,288 $18,407 
Net TBA portfolio - at market value (as of period end) 3
$6,861 $5,354 $18,574 
Net TBA portfolio - at carrying value (as of period end) 3,4
$(26)$66 $167 
Average net TBA dollar roll position - at cost$5,389 $10,000 $20,631 
Average total assets - at fair value$79,058 $63,409 $61,028 
Average repurchase agreements and other debt outstanding 5
$54,658 $44,027 $41,363 
Average stockholders' equity 6
$8,885 $7,817 $8,475 
Average tangible net book value "at risk" leverage 7
Tangible net book value "at risk" leverage (as of period end) 8
Economic return on tangible common equity 9
13.2 %3.0 %(28.4)%
Expenses % of average total assets
0.14 %0.15 %0.12 %
Expenses % of average assets, including average net TBA position
0.13 %0.13 %0.09 %
Expenses % of average stockholders' equity
1.24 %1.23 %0.87 %
* Except as noted below, average numbers for each period are weighted based on days on our books and records.
1.Net book value per common share is calculated as total stockholders' equity, less preferred stock liquidation preference, divided by number of common shares outstanding as of period end.
2.Tangible net book value per common share excludes goodwill.
3.Includes net TBA dollar roll position and, if applicable, forward settling securities.
4.The carrying value of our net TBA position represents the difference between the market value and the cost basis of the TBA contract as of period-end and is reported in derivative assets/(liabilities), at fair value on our accompanying consolidated balances sheets.
5.Amount represents the daily weighted average repurchase agreements outstanding for the period used to fund our investment securities and other debt. Amount excludes U.S. Treasury repurchase agreements and TBA contracts. Other debt includes debt of consolidated VIEs.
6.Average stockholders' equity calculated as average month-ended stockholders' equity during the period.
7.Average tangible net book value "at risk" leverage is calculated by dividing the sum of daily weighted average repurchase agreements used to fund our investment securities, other debt, and TBA and forward settling securities (at cost) (collectively "mortgage borrowings") outstanding for the period by the sum of average stockholders' equity adjusted to exclude goodwill for the period. Leverage excludes U.S. Treasury repurchase agreements.
8.Tangible net book value "at risk" leverage as of period end is calculated by dividing the sum of mortgage borrowings outstanding and receivable/payable for unsettled investment securities as of period end by the sum of total stockholders' equity adjusted to exclude goodwill as of period end. Leverage excludes U.S. Treasury repurchase agreements.
9.Economic return on tangible common equity represents the sum of the change in tangible net book value per common share and dividends declared per share of common stock during the period over beginning tangible net book value per common share.

Economic Interest Income and Asset Yields
The following table summarizes our economic interest income (a non-GAAP measure) for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, which includes the combination of interest income (a GAAP measure) on our holdings reported as investment securities on our consolidated balance sheets, adjusted to exclude estimated "catch-up" premium amortization adjustments for the cumulative effect from prior reporting periods due to changes in our CPR forecast, and implied interest income on our TBA securities (dollars in millions):
Fiscal Year
Interest income:
Cash/coupon interest income
$3,072 4.99 %$2,242 4.41 %$1,603 3.36 %
Net premium amortization benefit (cost)(123)(0.29)%(201)(0.50)%(13)(0.13)%
Interest income (GAAP measure)2,949 4.70 %2,041 3.91 %1,590 3.23 %
Estimated "catch-up" premium amortization cost (benefit) due to change in CPR forecast (51)(0.08)%(5)(0.01)%(238)(0.48)%
Interest income, excluding "catch-up" premium amortization2,898 4.62 %2,036 3.90 %1,352 2.75 %
TBA dollar roll income - implied interest income 1,2
300 5.55 %524 5.24 %746 3.60 %
Economic interest income (non-GAAP measure) 3
$3,198 4.70 %$2,560 4.11 %$2,098 3.00 %
Weighted average actual portfolio CPR for investment securities held during the period7.5 %6.3 %11.1 %
Weighted average projected CPR for the remaining life of investment securities held as of period end7.7 %11.4 %7.4 %
30-year fixed rate mortgage rate as of period end 4
6.86 %6.56 %6.52 %
10-year U.S. Treasury rate as of period end 4
4.57 %3.88 %3.88 %
1.Reported in gain (loss) on derivatives instruments and other securities, net in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations.
2.Implied interest income from TBA dollar roll transactions is computed as the sum of (i) TBA dollar roll income and (ii) estimated TBA implied funding cost (see Economic Interest Expense and Aggregate Cost of Funds below). TBA dollar roll income represents the price differential, or "price drop," between the TBA price for current month settlement versus the TBA price for forward month settlement and is the economic equivalent to interest income on the underlying Agency securities, less an implied funding cost, over the forward settlement period. Amount is net of TBAs used for hedging purposes. Amount excludes TBA mark-to-market adjustments.
3.The combined asset yield is calculated on a weighted average basis based on our average investment and TBA balances outstanding during the period and their respective yields.
4.30-year fixed rate mortgage rates are sourced from Optimal Blue. 10-year U.S. Treasury rates are sourced from Bloomberg.
The principal elements impacting our economic interest income are the average size of our investment portfolio and the average yield on our securities. The following table includes a summary of the estimated impact of each of these elements on our economic interest income for fiscal years 2024 and 2023 compared to the prior year period (in millions):
Impact of Changes in the Principal Elements Impacting Economic Interest Income
Due to Change in Average
Fiscal Year 2024 vs 2023
Total Increase /
Interest Income (GAAP measure)$908 $408 $500 
Estimated "catch-up" premium amortization due to change in CPR forecast(46)— (46)
Interest income, excluding "catch-up" premium amortization862 408 454 
TBA dollar roll income - implied interest income(224)(242)18 
Economic interest income, excluding "catch-up" amortization (non-GAAP measure)$638 $166 $472 
Due to Change in Average
Fiscal Year 2023 vs 2022
Total Increase /
Interest Income (GAAP measure)$451 $99 $352 
Estimated "catch-up" premium amortization due to change in CPR forecast 233 — 233 
Interest income, excluding "catch-up" premium amortization684 99 585 
TBA dollar roll income - implied interest income(222)(384)162 
Economic interest income, excluding "catch-up" amortization (non-GAAP measure)$462 $(285)$747 

Our average investment portfolio (at cost), inclusive of TBAs, increased 9% and decreased 11% for fiscal years 2024 and 2023, respectively, primarily due to changes in our capital base. The average yield on our investment portfolio, including TBA implied asset yields and excluding "catch-up" premium amortization, increased 59 and 111 basis points for fiscal years 2024 and 2023, respectively, largely as a result of shifting our asset portfolio from lower coupon holdings toward a greater share of higher coupon, specified pools.
Our primary measure of leverage is our tangible net book value "at risk" leverage ratio, which is measured as the sum of our repurchase agreements and other debt used to fund our investment securities and net TBA and forward settling securities position (at cost) (together referred to as "mortgage borrowings") and our net receivable/payable for unsettled investment securities, divided by our total stockholders' equity adjusted to exclude goodwill.
We include our net TBA position in our measure of leverage because a forward contract to acquire Agency RMBS in the TBA market carries similar risks to Agency RMBS purchased in the cash market and funded with on-balance sheet liabilities. Similarly, a TBA contract for the forward sale of Agency securities has substantially the same effect as selling the underlying Agency RMBS and reducing our on-balance sheet funding commitments. (Refer to Liquidity and Capital Resources in this Form 10-K for further discussion of TBA securities and dollar roll transactions). Repurchase agreements used to fund short-term investments in U.S. Treasury securities ("U.S. Treasury Repo") are excluded from our measure of leverage due to the temporary and highly liquid nature of these investments. The following table presents a summary of our leverage ratios for the periods listed (dollars in millions):
Investment Securities Repurchase Agreements and Other Debt 1
Net TBA Position
Average Tangible Net Book Value
"At Risk" Leverage during the Period 3
Tangible Net Book Value "At Risk" Leverage
as of
Period End 4
Quarter EndedAverage Daily
Daily Amount
Average Daily
December 31, 2024$59,690 $63,759 $59,426 $5,936 $6,887 7.2:17.2:1
September 30, 2024$59,322 $64,585 $63,468 $2,650 $4,067 7.2:17.2:1
June 30, 2024$50,784 $55,507 $54,682 $6,805 $5,318 7.2:17.4:1
March 31, 2024$48,730 $49,894 $48,216 $6,190 $8,405 7.0:17.1:1
December 31, 2023$47,548 $52,643 $48,959 $4,993 $5,288 7.4:17.0:1
September 30, 2023$47,073 $52,888 $51,931 $7,340 $2,407 7.5:17.9:1
June 30, 2023$41,546 $42,408 $40,962 $9,985 $10,320 7.2:17.2:1
March 31, 2023$39,824 $42,919 $42,022 $17,851 $10,385 7.7:17.2:1
December 31, 2022$35,486 $39,399 $36,002 $18,988 $18,407 7.8:17.4:1
September 30, 2022$40,530 $41,834 $39,169 $20,331 $19,116 8.1:18.7:1
June 30, 2022$42,997 $44,243 $41,406 $19,653 $16,001 7.8:17.4:1
March 31, 2022$46,570 $47,940 $44,150 $23,605 $20,152 7.8:17.5:1
1.Other debt includes debt of consolidated VIEs. Amounts exclude U.S. Treasury Repo agreements.
2.Daily average and ending net TBA position outstanding measured at cost. Includes forward settling non-Agency securities.
3.Average tangible net book value "at risk" leverage during the period represents the sum of our daily weighted average repurchase agreements and other debt used to fund acquisitions of investment securities and net TBA and forward settling securities position outstanding, divided by the sum of our average month-ended stockholders' equity, adjusted to exclude goodwill.
4.Tangible net book value "at risk" leverage as of period end represents the sum of our repurchase agreements and other debt used to fund acquisitions of investments securities, net TBA and forward settling securities position (at cost), and net receivable/payable for unsettled investment securities outstanding as of period end, divided by total stockholders' equity, adjusted to exclude goodwill as of period end.
Economic Interest Expense and Aggregate Cost of Funds 
The following table summarizes our economic interest expense and aggregate cost of funds (non-GAAP measures) for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (dollars in millions), which includes the combination of interest expense on repurchase agreements and other debt used to fund acquisitions of investment securities (GAAP measure), implied financing cost of our TBA securities and interest rate swap periodic income:

Fiscal Year
Economic Interest Expense and Aggregate Cost of Funds 1
AmountCost of FundsAmountCost of FundsAmountCost of Funds
Investment securities repurchase agreement and other debt - interest expense (GAAP measure)$2,931 5.27 %$2,287 5.12 %$625 1.49 %
TBA dollar roll income - implied interest expense 2,3
279 5.07 %493 4.86 %228 1.08 %
Economic interest expense - before interest rate swap periodic income, net 4
3,210 5.25 %2,780 5.07 %853 1.35 %
Interest rate swap periodic income, net 2,5
Total economic interest expense (non-GAAP measure)$1,395 2.28 %$578 1.05 %$178 0.27 %
1.Amounts exclude interest rate swap termination fees and variation margin settlements paid or received, forward starting swaps and the impact of other supplemental hedges, such as swaptions and U.S. Treasury positions.
2.Reported in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
3.The implied funding cost (benefit) of TBA dollar roll transactions is determined using the price differential, or "price drop," between the TBA price for current month settlement versus the TBA price for forward month settlement and market based assumptions regarding the "cheapest-to-deliver" collateral that can be delivered to satisfy the TBA contract, such as the anticipated collateral’s weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity and projected 1-month CPR. The average implied funding cost (benefit) for all TBA transactions is weighted based on our daily average TBA balance outstanding for the period.
4.The combined cost of funds for total mortgage borrowings outstanding, before interest rate swap periodic income, is calculated on a weighted average basis based on average investment securities repurchase agreements, other debt and TBA securities outstanding during the period and their respective cost of funds.
5.Interest rate swap periodic income is measured as a percent of average mortgage borrowings outstanding for the period.

The principal elements impacting our economic interest expense are (i) the size of our average mortgage borrowings and interest rate swap portfolio outstanding during the period, (ii) the average interest rate on our mortgage borrowings and (iii) the average net interest rate paid/received on our interest rate swaps. The following table includes a summary of the estimated impact of these elements on our economic interest expense for fiscal years 2024 and 2023 compared to the prior year period (in millions):
Impact of Changes in the Principal Elements of Economic Interest Expense
Due to Change in Average
Fiscal Year 2024 vs 2023
Total Increase / (Decrease)Borrowing / Swap BalanceBorrowing / Swap Rate
Investment securities repurchase agreement and other debt interest expense$644 $552 $92 
TBA dollar roll income - implied interest expense(214)(227)13 
Interest rate swap periodic income/cost387 171 216 
Total change in economic interest expense$817 $496 $321 
Due to Change in Average
Fiscal Year 2023 vs 2022
Total Increase / (Decrease)Borrowing / Swap BalanceBorrowing / Swap Rate
Investment securities repurchase agreement and other debt interest expense$1,662 $40 $1,622 
TBA dollar roll income - implied interest benefit/expense265 (117)382 
Interest rate swap periodic income/cost(1,527)32 (1,559)
Total change in economic interest benefit/expense$400 $(45)$445 
Our average mortgage borrowings, inclusive of TBAs, increased 11% and decreased 13% for fiscal years 2024 and 2023, respectively, consistent with changes to our average investment portfolio. The average interest rate on our mortgage borrowings, excluding the impact of interest rate swap periodic income, increased 18 and 372 basis points for fiscal years 2024 and 2023, respectively, due to higher short-term interest rates.
Interest rate swap periodic income declined for fiscal years 2024 and 2023 primarily due to higher pay rates on our pay-fixed swaps largely driven by the maturity of low cost interest rate swaps. The following is a summary of our interest rate swaps outstanding during fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (dollars in millions). Amounts exclude forward starting swaps not yet in effect.

Fiscal Year
Average Ratio of Interest Rate Swaps (Excluding Forward Starting Swaps) to Mortgage Borrowings Outstanding 202420232022
Average investment securities repo and other debt outstanding$54,658 $44,027 $41,363 
Average net TBA dollar roll position outstanding - at cost$5,389 $10,000 $20,631 
Average mortgage borrowings outstanding
$60,047 $54,027 $61,994 
Average notional amount of interest rate swaps outstanding (excluding forward starting swaps), net$43,351 $47,012 $49,334 
Ratio of average interest rate swaps to mortgage borrowings outstanding
72 %87 %80 %
Average interest rate swap pay-fixed rate (excluding forward starting swaps)1.16 %0.55 %0.25 %
Average interest rate swap receive-floating rate
Average interest rate swap net pay/(receive) rate
For fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, we had an average forward starting net pay-fixed rate swap balance of $672 million, $43 million and $48 million, respectively. Forward starting interest rate swaps do not impact our economic interest expense and aggregate cost of funds until they commence accruing net interest settlements on their forward start dates.
Net Interest Spread
The following table presents a summary of our net interest spread (including the impact of TBA dollar roll income, interest rate swaps and excluding "catch-up" premium amortization) for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022:
Fiscal Year
Investment and TBA Securities - Net Interest Spread202420232022
Average asset yield4.70 %4.11 %3.00 %
Average aggregate cost of funds(2.28)%(1.05)%(0.27)%
Average net interest spread2.42 %3.06 %2.73 %
Net Spread and Dollar Roll Income
The following table presents a reconciliation of net spread and dollar roll income available to common stockholders (non-GAAP measure) from comprehensive income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders (the most comparable GAAP financial measure) for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (dollars in millions):
Fiscal Year
Comprehensive income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders
$657 $187 $(2,268)
Adjustments to exclude realized and unrealized (gains) losses reported through net income:
Realized loss on sale of investment securities, net
188 1,567 2,916 
Unrealized (gain) loss on investment securities measured at fair value through net income, net
885 (1,678)3,795 
Gain on derivative instruments and other securities, net
Adjustment to exclude unrealized (gain) loss reported through other comprehensive income:
Unrealized (gain) loss on available-for-sale securities measure at fair value through other comprehensive income, net
74 (155)973 
Other adjustments:
Estimated "catch-up" premium amortization benefit due to change in CPR forecast 1
TBA dollar roll income, net 2
21 31 518 
Interest rate swap periodic income, net 2
1,815 2,202 675 
Other interest income (expense), net 2,3
Net spread and dollar roll income available to common stockholders (non-GAAP measure) 1,474 1,617 1,676 
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - basic783.4 618.4 537.0 
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - diluted786.0 619.6 538.1 
Net spread and dollar roll income per common share - basic$1.88 $2.61 $3.12 
Net spread and dollar roll income per common share - diluted$1.88 $2.61 $3.11 
1.Reported in interest income in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
2.Reported in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income.

3.Other interest income (expense), net includes interest income on cash and cash equivalents; price alignment interest income (expense) ("PAI") on interest rate swap margin deposits posted by or (to) the Company; and other miscellaneous interest income (expense).
Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities, Net
The following table is a summary of our net gain (loss) on investment securities for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (in millions): 
Fiscal Year
Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities, Net 1
Loss on sale of investment securities, net$(188)$(1,567)$(2,916)
Unrealized (loss) gain on investment securities measured at fair value through net income, net 2
(885)1,678 (3,795)
Unrealized (loss) gain on investment securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, net
(74)155 (973)
Total (loss) gain on investment securities, net
$(1,147)$266 $(7,684)
1.Amounts exclude gain (loss) on TBA securities, which are reported in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income.
2.Investment securities acquired after fiscal year 2016 are measured at fair value through net income (see Note 2 of our Consolidated Financial Statements in this Form 10-K).
Gain (Loss) on Derivative Instruments and Other Securities, Net
The following table is a summary of our gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (in millions):
Fiscal Year
TBA securities, dollar roll income$21 $31 $518 
TBA securities, mark-to-market gain (loss)(144)18 (3,378)
Interest rate swaps, periodic income1,815 2,202 675 
Interest rate swaps, mark-to-market gain (loss)(804)(1,532)3,802 
Credit default swaps - buy protection(7)(13)21 
Payer swaptions54 (21)857 
Recceiver swaptions(3)— — 
U.S. Treasury securities - short position844 (54)1,482 
U.S. Treasury securities - long position(85)(30)(32)
U.S. Treasury futures contracts - short position409 (42)811 
SOFR futures contracts - long position13 (10)— 
Other interest income (expense)
Other gain (loss)(17)(49)
Total gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net$2,028 $386 $4,630 
For further details regarding our use of derivative instruments and related activity refer to Notes 2 and 5 of our Consolidated Financial Statements in this Form 10-K.

Our business is dependent on our ability to maintain adequate levels of liquidity and capital resources to fund day-to-day operations, fulfill collateral requirements under our funding and derivative agreements, and to satisfy our dividend distribution requirement of at least 90% of our taxable income to maintain our qualification as a REIT. Our primary sources of liquidity are unencumbered cash and securities, borrowings available under repurchase agreements, TBA dollar roll financing and monthly receipts of principal and interest payments. We may also conduct asset sales, change our asset or funding mix, issue equity or undertake other capital enhancing actions to maintain adequate levels of liquidity and capital resources. There are various risks and uncertainties that can impact our liquidity, such as those described in Item 1A. Risk Factors and Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures of Market Risks in this Form 10-K. In assessing our liquidity, we consider a number of factors, including our current leverage, collateral levels, access to capital markets, overall market conditions, and the sensitivity of our tangible net book value over a range of scenarios. We believe that we have sufficient liquidity and capital resources available to meet our obligations and execute our business strategy.
Leverage and Financing Sources
Our leverage will vary depending on market conditions and our assessment of relative risks and returns, but we generally expect our leverage to be between six and twelve times the amount of our tangible stockholders' equity, measured as the sum of our total mortgage borrowings and net payable / (receivable) for unsettled investment securities, divided by the sum of our total stockholders' equity adjusted to exclude goodwill. Our tangible net book value "at risk" leverage ratio was 7.2x and 7.0x as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The following table includes a summary of our mortgage borrowings outstanding as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (dollars in millions). For additional details of our mortgage borrowings refer to Notes 2, 4 and 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements in this Form 10-K.
December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Mortgage BorrowingsAmount%Amount%
Investment securities repurchase agreements 1,2
$59,362 90 %$48,879 90 %
Debt of consolidated variable interest entities, at fair value64 — %80 — %
Total debt59,426 90 %48,959 90 %
TBA and forward settling non-Agency securities, at cost6,887 10 %5,288 10 %
Total mortgage borrowings$66,313 100 %$54,247 100 %
1.Includes Agency RMBS, CRT and non-Agency MBS repurchase agreements. Excludes U.S. Treasury repurchase agreements totaling $1.4 billion and $1.5 billion as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
2.As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, 47% and 43%, respectively, of our total repurchase agreements, including 49% and 45% or our investment securities repurchase agreements, respectively, were funded through the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation's GCF Repo service.
Our primary financing sources are collateralized borrowings structured as repurchase agreements. We enter into repurchase agreements, or "repo," through bi-lateral arrangements with financial institutions and independent dealers. We also enter into third-party repurchase agreements through our wholly-owned registered broker-dealer subsidiary, Bethesda Securities, LLC, such as tri-party repo offered through the FICC's GCF Repo service. We manage our repurchase agreement funding position through a variety of methods, including diversification of counterparties, maintaining a suitable maturity profile and utilization of interest rate hedging strategies. We also use TBA dollar roll transactions as a means of synthetically financing Agency RMBS.
The terms and conditions of our repurchase agreements are determined on a transaction-by-transaction basis when each such borrowing is initiated or renewed and, in the case of GCF Repo, by the prevailing margin requirements calculated by the FICC, which acts as the central counterparty. The amount borrowed is generally equal to the fair value of the securities pledged, as determined by the lending counterparty, less an assessed discount, referred to as a "haircut," that reflects the underlying risk of the specific collateral and protects the counterparty against a change in its value. Interest rates are generally fixed based on prevailing rates corresponding to the term of the borrowing. None of our repo counterparties are obligated to renew or otherwise enter into new borrowings at the conclusion of our existing borrowings.
The use of TBA dollar roll transactions increases our funding diversification, expands our available pool of assets, and increases our overall liquidity position, as TBA contracts typically have lower implied haircuts relative to Agency RMBS pools funded with repo financing. TBA dollar roll transactions may also have a lower implied cost of funds than comparable repo funded transactions (referred to as "dollar roll specialness") offering incremental return potential. However, if it were to become uneconomical to roll our TBA contracts into future months it may be necessary to take physical delivery of the underlying securities and fund those assets with cash or other financing sources, which could reduce our liquidity position.

Collateral Requirements and Unencumbered Assets
Amounts available to be borrowed under our repurchase agreements are dependent upon prevailing interest rates, the lender’s "haircut" requirements and collateral value. Each of these elements may fluctuate with changes in interest rates, credit quality and liquidity conditions within the financial markets. To help manage the adverse impact of interest rate changes on our borrowings, we utilize an interest rate risk management strategy involving the use of derivative financial instruments. In particular, we attempt to mitigate the risk of the cost of our short-term funding liabilities increasing at a faster rate than the earnings of our long-term fixed rate assets during a period of rising interest rates.
The collateral requirements, or haircut levels, under our repo agreements are typically determined on an individual transaction basis or by the prevailing requirements established by the FICC for GCF tri-party repo. Consequently, haircut levels and minimum margin requirements can change over time and may increase during periods of elevated market volatility. If the fair value of our collateral declines, our counterparties will typically require that we post additional collateral to re-establish the agreed-upon collateral levels, referred to as "margin calls." Similarly, if the estimated fair value of our investment securities increases, we may request that counterparties release collateral back to us. Our counterparties typically have the sole discretion to determine the value of pledged collateral but are required to act in good faith in making determinations of value. Our agreements generally provide that in the event of a margin call, collateral must be posted on the same business day, subject to notice requirements. As of December 31, 2024, we had met all our margin requirements.
The value of Agency RMBS collateral is impacted by market factors and is reduced by monthly principal pay-downs on the underlying mortgage pools. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac publish monthly security pay-down factors for their mortgage pools on the fifth day after month-end, but do not remit payment to security holders until generally the 25th day after month-end. Bi-lateral repo counterparties assess margin to account for the reduction in value of Agency collateral when factors are released. The FICC assesses margin on the last day of each month, prior to the factor release date, based on its internally projected pay-down rates (referred to as the "blackout period exposure adjustment" or "blackout margin"). On the factor release date, the blackout margin is released and collateralization requirements are adjusted to actual factor data. Due to the timing difference between associated margin calls and our receipt of principal pay-downs, our liquidity is temporarily reduced each month for principal repayments. We attempt to manage the liquidity risk associated with principal pay-downs by monitoring conditions impacting prepayment rates and through asset selection. As of December 31, 2024, approximately 9% of our investment portfolio consisted of TBA securities, which are not subject to monthly principal pay-downs. The remainder of our portfolio primarily consisted of Agency RMBS, which had an average one-year CPR forecast of 7% as of December 31, 2024.
Collateral requirements under our derivative agreements are subject to our counterparties' assessment of their maximum risk of loss associated with the derivative instrument, referred to as the initial or minimum margin requirement, and may be adjusted based on changes in market volatility and other factors. We are also subject to daily variation margin requirements based on changes in the value of the derivative instrument and/or collateral pledged. Daily variation margin requirements also entitle us to receive collateral if the value of amounts owed to us under the derivative agreement exceeds the minimum margin requirement. The collateral requirements under our TBA contracts are governed by the Mortgage-Backed Securities Division ("MBSD") of the FICC. Collateral levels for interest rate derivative agreements are typically governed by the central clearing exchange and the associated futures commission merchants ("FCMs"), which may establish margin levels in excess of the clearing exchange. Collateral levels for interest rate derivative agreements not subject to central clearing are established by the counterparty financial institution.
Haircut levels and minimum margin requirements imposed by our counterparties reduce the amount of our unencumbered assets and limit the amount we can borrow against our investment securities. During the fiscal year 2024, haircuts on our repo funding arrangements remained stable. As of December 31, 2024, the weighted average haircut on our repurchase agreements was approximately 3.2% of the value of our collateral, compared to 3.1% as of December 31, 2023.
To mitigate the risk of margins calls, we seek to maintain excess liquidity by holding unencumbered liquid assets that can be used to satisfy collateral requirements, collateralize additional borrowings or sold for cash. As of December 31, 2024, our unencumbered assets totaled approximately $6.2 billion, or 67% of tangible equity, consisting of $6.1 billion of cash and unencumbered Agency RMBS and $0.1 billion of unencumbered credit assets. This compares to $5.2 billion of unencumbered assets, or 67% of tangible equity, as of December 31, 2023, consisting of $5.1 billion of cash and unencumbered Agency RMBS and $0.1 billion of unencumbered credit assets.
Counterparty Risk
Collateral requirements imposed by counterparties subject us to the risk that the counterparty does not return pledged assets to us as and when required. We attempt to manage this risk by monitoring our collateral positions and limiting our counterparties to registered clearinghouses and major financial institutions with acceptable credit ratings. We also diversify our funding across multiple counterparties and by region.

As of December 31, 2024, our maximum amount at risk (or the excess/shortfall of the value of collateral pledged/received over our repurchase agreement liabilities/reverse repurchase agreement receivables) with any of our repurchase agreement counterparties, excluding the FICC, was less than 2% of our tangible stockholders' equity, with our top five repo counterparties, excluding the FICC, representing less than 5% of our tangible stockholders' equity. As of December 31, 2024, 9% of our tangible stockholder's equity was at risk with the FICC. Excluding central clearing exchanges, as of December 31, 2024, our amount at risk with any counterparty to our derivative agreements was less than 1% of our stockholders' equity.
Asset Sales
Agency RMBS securities are among the most liquid fixed income securities, and the TBA market is the second most liquid market (after the U.S. Treasury market). Although market conditions fluctuate, the vitality of these markets enables us to sell assets under most conditions to generate liquidity through direct sales or delivery into TBA contracts, subject to "good delivery" provisions promulgated by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association ("SIFMA"). Under certain market conditions, however, we may be unable to realize the full carrying value of our securities. We attempt to manage this risk by maintaining at least a minimum level of securities that trade at or near TBA values that in our estimation enhances our portfolio liquidity across a wide range of market conditions. Please refer to Trends and Recent Market Impacts of this Management Discussion and Analysis for further information regarding Agency RMBS and TBA market conditions.
Capital Markets
The equity capital markets serve as a source of capital to grow our business and to meet potential liquidity needs of our business. The availability of equity capital is dependent on market conditions and investor demand for our common and preferred stock. We will typically not issue common stock at times when we believe the capital raised will not be accretive to our tangible net book value or earnings, and we will typically not issue preferred equity when its cost exceeds acceptable hurdle rates of return on our equity. We may also be unable to raise additional equity capital at suitable times or on favorable terms. Furthermore, when the trading price of our common stock is less than our then-current estimate of our tangible net book value per common share, among other conditions, we may repurchase shares of our common stock pursuant to the stock repurchase plan authorized by our Board. Please refer to Note 9 of our Consolidated Financial Statements in this Form 10-K for further details regarding our recent equity capital transactions.
As of December 31, 2024, we did not maintain relationships with unconsolidated entities or financial partnerships, such as entities often referred to as structured finance, or special purpose or variable interest entities, established to facilitate off-balance sheet arrangements or other contractually narrow or limited purposes. Additionally, as of December 31, 2024, we had not guaranteed obligations of unconsolidated entities or entered into a commitment or intent to provide funding to such entities.
The statements contained in this Annual Report that are not historical facts, including estimates, projections, beliefs, expectations concerning conditions, events, or the outlook for our business, strategy, performance, operations or the markets or industries in which we operate, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as “believe,” “plan,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “see,” “intend,” “outlook,” “potential,” “forecast,” “estimate,” “will,” “could,” “should,” “likely” and other similar, correlative or comparable words and expressions.
Forward-looking statements are based on management’s assumptions, projections and beliefs as of the date of this Annual Report, but they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements, as well as from historical performance. Factors that could cause actual results to vary from our forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the following:
changes in U.S. monetary policy or interest rates, including actions taken by the Federal Reserve to normalize monetary policy and to reduce the size of its U.S. Treasury and Agency RMBS bond portfolio;
fluctuations in the yield curve;
the level, degree and extent of volatility in interest rates or the yield on our assets relative to interest rate benchmarks;
fluctuations in mortgage prepayment rates on the loans underlying our Agency RMBS;
the availability and terms of financing and our hedge positions;
changes in the market value of our assets, including from changes in net interest spreads, market liquidity or depth, and changes in our "at risk" leverage or hedge positions;
the effectiveness of our risk mitigation strategies;

conditions in the market for Agency RMBS and other mortgage securities, including changes in the available supply of such securities or investor appetite therefor;
actions by the federal, state, or local governments that affect the economy, the housing sector or financial markets;
the direct or indirect effects of geopolitical events, including war, terrorism, civil discord, embargos, trade or other disputes, or natural disasters, on conditions in the markets for Agency RMBS or other mortgage securities, the terms or availability of funding for our business, or our ongoing business operations;
the availability of personnel, operational resources, information technology and other systems to conduct our operations;
changes to laws, regulations, rules or policies that affect the GSE's, the primary or secondary mortgage markets in which we participate or U.S. housing finance activity, including actions that would end or alter the conservatorships of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac or their quasi-governmental status; and
legislative or regulatory actions that affect our status as a REIT or our exemption from the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made, and we do not assume any duty and do not undertake to update forward-looking statements. A further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from any of our forward-looking statements is included under Item 1A. Risk Factors in Part I of this document. We caution readers not to place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements.
We use our website (www.AGNC.com) and AGNC’s LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/company/agnc-investment-corp/) and X (www.x.com/AGNCInvestment) accounts to distribute information about the Company. Investors should monitor these channels in addition to our press releases, filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), public conference calls and webcasts, as information posted through them may be deemed material. Our website, alerts and social media channels are not incorporated by reference into, and are not a part of, this or any other report filed with or furnished to the SEC. Investors and others may automatically receive emails and information about AGNC when they sign up for investor alerts on the "Investor Resources" tab of the Investor Relations section of our website.

Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk
Market risk is the exposure to loss resulting from changes in market factors such as interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates, commodity prices and equity prices. The primary market risks that we are exposed to are interest rate, prepayment, spread, liquidity, extension and credit risks.
Interest Rate Risk
We are subject to interest rate risk in connection with the fixed income nature of our assets and the short-term, variable rate nature of our financing obligations. Our operating results depend in large part on differences between the income earned on our assets and our cost of borrowing and hedging activities. The costs associated with our borrowings are generally based on prevailing market interest rates. During a period of rising interest rates, our borrowing costs generally will increase while the yields earned on our existing portfolio of leveraged fixed-rate assets will largely remain static. This can result in a decline in our net interest spread. Changes in the level of interest rates can also affect the rate of mortgage prepayments and the value of our assets.
Interest rates are highly sensitive to many factors, including fiscal and monetary policies and domestic and international economic and political considerations, as well as other factors beyond our control. Subject to maintaining our qualification as a REIT, we engage in a variety of interest rate management techniques to mitigate the influence of interest rate changes on our net interest income and fluctuations of our tangible net book value. The principal instruments that we use to hedge our interest rate risk are interest rate swaps, swaptions, U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. Treasury futures contracts. Our hedging techniques are highly complex and are partly based on assumed levels of prepayments of our assets. If prepayments are slower or faster than assumed, the maturity of our investments will also differ from our expectations, which could reduce the effectiveness of our hedging strategies and may cause losses on such transactions and adversely affect our cash flow.
The severity of potential declines in our tangible net book value due to fluctuations in interest rates would depend on our asset, liability, and hedge composition at the time, as well as the magnitude and duration of the interest rate change. Primary measures of an instrument's price sensitivity to interest rate fluctuations are its duration and convexity. Duration measures the estimated percentage change in market value of an instrument that would be caused by a parallel change in short and long-term interest rates. The duration of our assets will vary with changes in interest rates and tends to increase when interest rates rise

and decrease when interest rates fall. This "negative convexity" generally increases the interest rate exposure of our investment portfolio in excess of what is measured by duration alone.
We estimate the duration and convexity of our assets using a third-party risk management system and market data. We review the estimates for reasonableness, giving consideration to any unique characteristics of our securities, market conditions and other factors likely to impact these estimates, and based on our judgement we may make adjustments to the third-party estimates. Our estimated duration gap, which is a measure of the difference between the interest rate sensitivity of our assets and our liabilities, inclusive of interest rate hedges, was 0.3 years as of December 31, 2024, compared to -0.5 years as of 2023.
The table below quantifies the estimated changes in the fair value of our investment portfolio (including derivatives and other securities used for hedging purposes) and in our tangible net book value per common share as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 should interest rates go up or down by 25, 50 and 75 basis points, assuming instantaneous parallel shifts in the yield curve and including the impact of both duration and convexity. All values in the table below are measured as percentage changes from the base interest rate scenario. The base interest rate scenario assumes interest rates and prepayment projections as of December 31, 2024 and 2023.
To the extent that these estimates or other assumptions do not hold true, which may be more likely during periods of elevated market volatility, actual results could differ materially from our projections. Moreover, if different models were employed in the analysis, materially different projections could result. Lastly, while the table below reflects the estimated impact of interest rate changes on a static portfolio, we actively manage our portfolio, and we continuously adjust the size and composition of our asset and hedge portfolio. 
Interest Rate Sensitivity 1,2
December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Change in Interest RateEstimated Change in Portfolio Market ValueEstimated Change in Tangible Net Book Value Per Common ShareEstimated Change in Portfolio Market ValueEstimated Change in Tangible Net Book Value Per Common Share
-75 Basis Points-0.1%-0.9%-0.7%-7.0%
-50 Basis Points0.0%+0.2%-0.4%-3.8%
-25 Basis Points+0.1%+0.5%-0.1%-1.5%
+25 Basis Points-0.1%-1.1%+0.1%+0.7%
+50 Basis Points-0.3%-2.8%+0.1%+0.7%
+75 Basis Points-0.5%-4.8%0.0%0.0%
1.Derived from models that are dependent on inputs and assumptions, assumes there are no changes in mortgage spreads and assumes a static portfolio. Actual results could differ materially from these estimates.
2.Includes the effect of derivatives and other securities used for hedging purposes. Interest rates are assumed to be floored at 0% in down rate scenarios.
Prepayment Risk and Extension Risk
Prepayment risk is the risk that our assets will be repaid at a faster rate than anticipated. Interest rates and numerous other factors affect the rate of prepayments, such as housing prices, general economic conditions, loan age, size and loan-to-value ratios, and GSE buyouts of delinquent loans underlying our securities. Generally, declining mortgage rates increase the rate of prepayments, while rising rates have the opposite effect.
If our assets prepay at a faster rate than anticipated, we may be unable to reinvest the repayments at acceptable yields. If the proceeds are reinvested at lower yields than our existing assets, our net interest income would be negatively impacted. We also amortize or accrete premiums and discounts we pay or receive at purchase relative to the stated principal of our assets into interest income over their projected lives using the effective interest method. If the actual and estimated future prepayment experience differs from our prior estimates, we are required to record an adjustment to interest income for the impact of the cumulative difference in the effective yield.
Extension risk is the risk that our assets will be repaid at a slower rate than anticipated and generally increases when interest rates rise. In a rising or higher interest rate environment, we may be required to finance our investments at potentially higher costs without the ability to reinvest principal into higher yielding securities as a result of borrowers prepaying their

mortgages at a slower pace than originally anticipated, adversely impacting our net interest spread, and thus our net interest income.
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, our investment securities (excluding TBAs) had a weighted average projected CPR of 7.7% and 11.4%, respectively, and a weighted average yield of 4.77% and 4.41%, respectively. The table below presents estimated weighted average projected CPRs and yields for our investment securities should interest rates go up or down instantaneously by 25, 50 and 75 basis points. Estimated yields exclude the impact of retroactive "catch-up" premium amortization adjustments for prior periods due to changes in the projected CPR assumption.
Interest Rate Sensitivity 1
December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Change in Interest RateWeighted Average Projected CPR
Weighted Average Asset Yield 2
Weighted Average Projected CPR
Weighted Average Asset Yield 2
-75 Basis Points11.7%4.70%17.8%4.33%
-50 Basis Points9.8%4.73%15.4%4.36%
-25 Basis Points8.5%4.76%13.2%4.39%
  Actual as of Period End7.7%4.77%11.4%4.41%
+25 Basis Points7.3%4.78%9.7%4.44%
+50 Basis Points6.9%4.79%8.5%4.46%
+75 Basis Points6.7%4.80%7.7%4.47%
1.Derived from models that are dependent on inputs and assumptions and assumes a static portfolio. Actual results could differ materially from these estimates. Table excludes TBA securities.
2.Asset yield based on historical cost basis and does not include the impact of retroactive "catch-up" premium amortization adjustments due to changes in projected CPR.
Spread Risk
Spread risk is the risk that the market spread between the yield on our assets and the yield on benchmark interest rates linked to our interest rate hedges, such as U.S. Treasury rates and interest rate swap rates, may vary. As a levered investor in mortgage-backed securities, spread risk is an inherent component of our investment strategy. Therefore, although we use hedging instruments to attempt to protect against moves in interest rates, our hedges are generally not designed to protect against spread risk, and our tangible net book value could decline if spreads widen.
Fluctuations in mortgage spreads can occur due to a variety of factors, including changes in interest rates, prepayment expectations, actual or anticipated monetary policy actions by the U.S. and foreign central banks, liquidity conditions, required rates of returns on different assets and other market supply and demand factors. The table below quantifies the estimated changes in the fair value of our assets, net of hedges, and our tangible net book value per common share as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 should spreads widen or tighten by 10, 25 and 50 basis points. The estimated impact of changes in spreads is in addition to our interest rate shock sensitivity included in the interest rate shock table above. The table below assumes a spread duration of 5.1 and 4.7 years as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively, based on interest rates and prices as of such dates; however, our portfolio's sensitivity to mortgage spread changes will vary with changes in interest rates and in the size and composition of our portfolio. Therefore, actual results could differ materially from our estimates.
Spread Sensitivity 1,2
December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Change in MBS SpreadEstimated Change in Portfolio Market ValueEstimated Change in Tangible Net Book Value Per Common ShareEstimated Change in Portfolio Market ValueEstimated Change in Tangible Net Book Value Per Common Share
-50 Basis Points+2.5%+24.5%+2.3%+23.1%
-25 Basis Points+1.3%+12.3%+1.2%+11.6%
-10 Basis Points+0.5%+4.9%+0.5%+4.6%
+10 Basis Points-0.5%-4.9%-0.5%-4.6%
+25 Basis Points-1.3%-12.3%-1.2%-11.6%
+50 Basis Points-2.5%-24.5%-2.3%-23.1%

1.Spread sensitivity is derived from models that are dependent on inputs and assumptions, assumes there are no changes in interest rates and assumes a static portfolio. Actual results could differ materially from these estimates.
2.Includes the effect of derivatives and other securities used for hedging purposes.
Liquidity Risk
Our liquidity risk principally arises from financing long-term fixed rate assets with shorter-term variable rate borrowings. Future borrowings are dependent upon the willingness of lenders to finance our investments, lender collateral requirements and the lenders’ determination of the fair value of the securities pledged as collateral, which fluctuates with changes in interest rates and liquidity conditions within the commercial banking and mortgage finance industries. 
As of December 31, 2024, we believe that we have sufficient liquidity and capital resources available to execute our business strategy (see Liquidity and Capital Resources in this Form 10-K for additional details). However, should the value of our collateral or the value of our derivative instruments suddenly decrease, or margin requirements increase, we may be required to post additional collateral for these arrangements, causing an adverse change in our liquidity position. Furthermore, there is no assurance that we will always be able to renew (or roll) our short-term funding liabilities. In addition, our counterparties have the option to increase our haircuts (margin requirements) on the assets we pledge against our funding liabilities, thereby reducing the amount that can be borrowed against an asset even if they agree to renew or roll our funding liabilities. Significantly higher haircuts can reduce our ability to leverage our portfolio or may even force us to sell assets, especially if correlated with asset price declines or faster prepayment rates on our assets.
Credit Risk
Our credit sensitive investments, such as CRT and non-Agency securities, expose us to the risk of nonpayment of principal, interest or other remuneration we are contractually entitled to. We are also exposed to credit risk in the event our repurchase agreement counterparties default on their obligations to resell the underlying collateral back to us at the end of the repo term or in the event our derivative counterparties do not perform under the terms of our derivative agreements.
We accept credit exposure related to our credit sensitive assets at levels we deem prudent within the context of our overall investment strategy. We attempt to manage this risk through careful asset selection, pre-acquisition due diligence, post-acquisition performance monitoring, and the sale of assets where we identify negative credit trends. We may also manage credit risk with credit default swaps or other financial derivatives that we believe are appropriate. Additionally, we may vary the mix of our interest rate and credit sensitive assets or our duration gap to adjust our credit exposure and/or improve the return profile of our assets, such as when we believe credit performance is inversely correlated with changes in interest rates. Our credit risk related to derivative and repurchase agreement transactions is largely mitigated by limiting our counterparties to major financial institutions with acceptable credit ratings or to registered central clearinghouses and monitoring concentration levels with any one counterparty. We also continuously monitor and adjust the amount of collateral pledged based on changes in market value. However, our efforts to manage credit risk may be unsuccessful and we could suffer losses as a result. Excluding central clearing exchanges, as of December 31, 2024, our maximum amount at risk with any counterparty related to our repurchase agreements and derivative agreements was less than 2% and less than 1%, respectively, of tangible stockholders' equity.


Item 8. Financial Statements
Our management is responsible for the accompanying consolidated financial statements and the related financial information. The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States and necessarily include certain amounts that are based on estimates and informed judgments. Our management also prepared the related financial information included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K and is responsible for its accuracy and consistency with the consolidated financial statements.
The consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 and for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, who conducted their audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). The independent registered public accounting firm's responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on their audits. For further information refer to the Ernst & Young LLP (PCAOB ID: 42) audit opinion included in this Item 8 of our Annual Report.
Management's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Our internal control over financial reporting is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of consolidated financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Our internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of our assets; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorizations of our management and Board of Directors; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of our assets that could have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements.
Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Management assessed the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, utilizing the criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in its Internal Control-Integrated Framework (2013 framework). Based on this assessment and those criteria, management determined that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2024. The effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024 has been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, our independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their attestation report included in this Form 10-K.


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of AGNC Investment Corp.

Opinion on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

We have audited AGNC Investment Corp.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, based on criteria established in Internal Control Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework) (the COSO criteria). In our opinion, AGNC Investment Corp. (the Company) maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, based on the COSO criteria.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated balance sheets of the Company as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2024, and the related notes, and our report dated February 21, 2025 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.

Basis for Opinion

The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.

Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Definition and Limitations of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

                                            /s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Tysons, Virginia
February 21, 2025    

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of AGNC Investment Corp.

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of AGNC Investment Corp. (the Company) as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, stockholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2024, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company at December 31, 2024 and 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2024, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2024, based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework) and our report dated February 21, 2025 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Critical Audit Matter

The critical audit matter communicated below is a matter arising from the current period audit of the financial statements that was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that: (1) relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial statements and (2) involved our especially challenging, subjective or complex judgments. The communication of the critical audit matter does not alter in any way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matter below, providing a separate opinion on the critical audit matter or on the accounts or disclosures to which it relates.


Agency securities and non-agency securities of high credit quality net premium amortization
of the Matter
As of December 31, 2024, the Company’s investment securities had a net unamortized premium balance of $1.0 billion, including interest and principal-only securities, and it recorded $123 million of net premium amortization for the year then ended. As explained in Note 2 to the financial statements, premiums or discounts associated with the purchase of Agency residential mortgage-backed securities (“Agency RMBS") and non-Agency mortgage-backed securities of high credit quality are amortized or accreted into interest income, respectively, over the projected lives of the securities, including contractual payments and estimated prepayments using the effective interest method. The effective yield on the Company’s Agency RMBS and non-Agency mortgage-backed securities of high credit quality is highly impacted by the Company’s estimate of future prepayments. The Company estimates long-term prepayment speeds of such securities using a third-party service provider and market data. The third-party service provider estimates long-term prepayment speeds using a prepayment model that incorporates the forward yield curve, current mortgage rates, mortgage rates of the outstanding loans, age and size of the outstanding loans, loan-to-value ratios, interest rate volatility and other factors.

Auditing the Company's estimation of long-term prepayment speeds used for the amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts is subjective due to the significant judgments and estimates required by management and the third-party service provider, as inputs into prepayment models are prone to fluctuation based on changing macroeconomic conditions.
How We Addressed the Matter in Our AuditWe obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of internal controls over the estimation of long-term prepayment speeds, including management’s review of the estimated prepayment speeds provided by the third-party service provider.

Our audit procedures included, among others, performing comparative analyses between the Company’s long-term prepayment speed estimates and long-term prepayment speed estimates data from independent third-party sources, reconciling the Company’s estimates of long-term prepayment speeds to source prepayment speeds data provided by management’s third-party service provider, evaluating the competency and objectivity of management’s third-party service provider, and identifying potential sources of contrary information, with the assistance of an internal valuation specialist.

                                            /s/ Ernst & Young LLP

We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2008.

Tysons, Virginia                            
February 21, 2025


(in millions, except per share data)
December 31,
Agency securities, at fair value (including pledged securities of $59,952 and $49,575, respectively)
$65,367 $53,673 
Agency securities transferred to consolidated variable interest entities, at fair value (pledged securities)97 121 
Credit risk transfer securities, at fair value (including pledged securities of $590 and $678, respectively)
633 723 
Non-Agency securities, at fair value, and other mortgage credit investments (including pledged securities of $206 and $262, respectively)
315 351 
U.S. Treasury securities, at fair value (including pledged securities of $1,565 and $1,530, respectively)
1,575 1,540 
Cash and cash equivalents505 518 
Restricted cash1,266 1,253 
Derivative assets, at fair value205 185 
Receivable under reverse repurchase agreements17,137 11,618 
Goodwill526 526 
Other assets389 1,088 
Total assets$88,015 $71,596 
Repurchase agreements$60,798 $50,426 
Debt of consolidated variable interest entities, at fair value64 80 
Payable for investment securities purchased74 210 
Derivative liabilities, at fair value94 362 
Dividends payable143 115 
Obligation to return securities borrowed under reverse repurchase agreements, at fair value16,676 10,894 
Other liabilities404 1,252 
Total liabilities78,253 63,339 
Stockholders' equity:
Preferred Stock - aggregate liquidation preference of $1,688
1,634 1,634 
Common stock - $0.01 par value; 1,500 shares authorized; 897.4 and 694.3 shares issued and outstanding, respectively
9 7 
Additional paid-in capital17,264 15,281 
Retained deficit(8,554)(8,148)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(591)(517)
Total stockholders' equity9,762 8,257 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$88,015 $71,596 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in millions, except per share data)
Year Ended December 31,
Interest income:
Interest income$2,949 $2,041 $1,590 
Interest expense2,931 2,287 625 
Net interest income (expense)18 (246)965 
Other gain (loss), net:
Loss on sale of investment securities, net(188)(1,567)(2,916)
Unrealized gain (loss) on investment securities measured at fair value through net income, net(885)1,678 (3,795)
Gain on derivative instruments and other investments, net2,028 386 4,630 
Total other gain (loss), net:955 497 (2,081)
Compensation and benefits74 62 41 
Other operating expense36 34 33 
Total operating expense110 96 74 
Net income (loss)863 155 (1,190)
Dividends on preferred stock132 123 105 
Net income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders$731 $32 $(1,295)
Net income (loss)$863 $155 $(1,190)
Unrealized gain (loss) on investment securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (loss), net(74)155 (973)
Comprehensive income (loss)789 310 (2,163)
Dividends on preferred stock
132 123 105 
Comprehensive income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders$657 $187 $(2,268)
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - basic
783.4 618.4 537.0 
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - diluted
786.0 619.6 537.0 
Net income (loss) per common share - basic$0.93 $0.05 $(2.41)
Net income (loss) per common share - diluted$0.93 $0.05 $(2.41)
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in millions)
Preferred StockCommon StockAdditional
Income (Loss)
Balance, December 31, 2021$1,489 522.2 $5 $13,710 $(5,214)$301 $10,291 
Net loss
— — — — (1,190)— (1,190)
Other comprehensive loss:
Unrealized loss on available-for-sale securities, net
— — — — — (973)(973)
Stock-based compensation, net— 1.1 — 2 — — 2 
Issuance of preferred stock145 — — — — — 145 
Issuance of common stock— 56.0 1 525 — — 526 
Repurchase of common stock— (4.7) (51)— — (51)
Preferred dividends declared— — — — (105)— (105)
Common dividends declared— — — — (775)— (775)
Balance, December 31, 2022$1,634 574.6 $6 $14,186 $(7,284)$(672)$7,870 
Net income— — — — 155 — 155 
Other comprehensive income:
Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities, net — — — — — 155 155 
Stock-based compensation, net— 0.9 — 11 — — 11 
Issuance of common stock— 118.8 1 1,084 — — 1,085 
Preferred dividends declared— — — — (123)— (123)
Common dividends declared— — — — (896)— (896)
Balance, December 31, 2023$1,634 694.3 $7 $15,281 $(8,148)$(517)$8,257 
Net income— — — — 863 — 863 
Other comprehensive loss:
Unrealized loss on available-for-sale securities, net — — — — — (74)(74)
Stock-based compensation, net— 1.0 — 18 — — 18 
Issuance of common stock— 202.1 2 1,965 — — 1,967 
Preferred dividends declared— — — — (132)— (132)
Common dividends declared— — — — (1,137)— (1,137)
Balance, December 31, 2024$1,634 897.4 $9 $17,264 $(8,554)$(591)$9,762 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in millions) 
Year Ended December 31,
Operating activities:
Net income (loss)$863 $155 $(1,190)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities:
Amortization of premiums and discounts on mortgage-backed securities, net123 201 13 
Stock-based compensation, net18 11 2 
Loss on sale of investment securities, net188 1,567 2,916 
Unrealized (gain) loss on investment securities measured at fair value through net income, net885 (1,678)3,795 
Gain on derivative instruments and other securities, net(2,028)(386)(4,630)
(Increase) decrease in other assets738 (892)38 
Increase (decrease) in other liabilities(701)904 69 
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities86 (118)1,013 
Investing activities:
Purchases of Agency mortgage-backed securities(41,762)(32,216)(26,842)
Purchases of credit risk transfer and non-Agency securities and other mortgage credit investments(251)(364)(1,173)
Proceeds from sale of Agency mortgage-backed securities22,825 13,608 25,978 
Proceeds from sale of credit risk transfer and non-Agency securities286 732 1,199 
Principal collections on Agency mortgage-backed securities5,832 4,327 6,525 
Principal collections on credit risk transfer and non-Agency securities121 68 209 
Payments on U.S. Treasury securities(18,831)(30,535)(27,494)
Proceeds from U.S. Treasury securities24,601 33,229 25,878 
Net proceeds from (payments on) reverse repurchase agreements(4,793)(4,510)4,001 
Net proceeds from derivative instruments803 989 2,907 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities(11,169)(14,672)11,188 
Financing activities:
Proceeds from repurchase arrangements5,600,336 3,282,218 2,360,328 
Payments on repurchase agreements(5,589,964)(3,268,054)(2,371,447)
Payments on debt of consolidated variable interest entities(15)(17)(24)
Net proceeds from preferred stock issuances  145 
Net proceeds from common stock issuances1,967 1,085 526 
Payments for common stock repurchases  (51)
Cash dividends paid(1,241)(1,005)(869)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities11,083 14,227 (11,392)
Net change in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash (563)809 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period1,771 2,334 1,525 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period$1,771 $1,771 $2,334 
Reconciliation of cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash end of period:
Cash and cash equivalents$505 $518 $1,018 
Restricted cash1,266 1,253 1,316 
Total cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of period$1,771 $1,771 $2,334 
Supplemental disclosure to cash flow information:
Interest paid$2,899 $2,246 $557 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Note 1. Organization
AGNC Investment Corp. (referred throughout this report as the "Company," "we," "us" and "our") was organized in Delaware on January 7, 2008 and commenced operations on May 20, 2008 following the completion of our initial public offering. Our common stock is traded on The Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol "AGNC."
We are a leading provider of private capital to the U.S. housing market, enhancing liquidity in the residential real estate mortgage markets and, in turn, facilitating home ownership in the U.S. We invest primarily in Agency residential mortgage-backed securities ("Agency RMBS") for which the principal and interest payments are guaranteed by a U.S. Government-sponsored enterprise ("GSE") or a U.S. Government agency. We also invest in other types of mortgage and mortgage-related securities, such as credit risk transfer ("CRT") securities and non-Agency residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities ("non-Agency RMBS" and "CMBS," respectively), where repayment of principal and interest is not guaranteed by a GSE or U.S. Government agency, and other assets related to the housing, mortgage or real estate markets. We fund our investments primarily through collateralized borrowings structured as repurchase agreements.
We operate to qualify to be taxed as a real estate investment trust ("REIT") under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Internal Revenue Code"). As a REIT, we are required to distribute annually 90% of our taxable income, and we will generally not be subject to U.S. federal or state corporate income tax to the extent that we distribute our annual taxable income to our stockholders on a timely basis. It is our intention to distribute 100% of our taxable income within the time limits prescribed by the Internal Revenue Code, which may extend into the subsequent tax year.
We are internally managed with the principal objective of generating favorable long-term stockholder returns with a substantial yield component. We generate income from the interest earned on our investments, net of associated borrowing and hedging costs, and net realized gains and losses on our investment and hedging activities.

Note 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation and Consolidation
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States ("GAAP"). Our consolidated financial statements include the accounts of all subsidiaries and variable interest entities for which we are the primary beneficiary. Significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated. 
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and revenues and expenses during the period reported. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Investment Securities
Agency RMBS consist of residential mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations ("CMOs") guaranteed by the Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae"), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("Freddie Mac," and together with Fannie Mae, the "GSEs") or the Government National Mortgage Association ("Ginnie Mae").
CRT securities are risk sharing instruments issued by the GSEs, and similarly structured transactions issued by third-party market participants, that synthetically transfer a portion of the risk associated with credit losses within pools of conventional residential mortgage loans from the GSEs and/or third parties to private investors. Unlike Agency RMBS, full repayment of the original principal balance of CRT securities is not guaranteed by a GSE or U.S. Government agency; rather, "credit risk transfer" is achieved by writing down the outstanding principal balance of the CRT securities if credit losses on a related pool of loans exceed certain thresholds. By reducing the amount that they are obligated to repay to holders of CRT securities, the GSEs and/or other third parties offset credit losses on the related loans.
Non-Agency RMBS and CMBS (together, "Non-Agency MBS") are backed by residential and commercial mortgage loans, respectively, packaged and securitized by a private institution, such as a commercial bank. Non-Agency MBS typically benefit from credit enhancements derived from structural elements, such as subordination, over-collateralization or insurance, but nonetheless carry a higher level of credit exposure than Agency RMBS.

All of our securities are reported at fair value on our consolidated balance sheet. Accounting Standards Codification ("ASC") Topic 320, Investments—Debt and Equity Securities, requires that at the time of purchase, we designate a security as held-to-maturity, available-for-sale or trading, depending on our ability and intent to hold such security to maturity. Alternatively, we may elect the fair value option of accounting for securities pursuant to ASC Topic 825, Financial Instruments. Prior to fiscal year 2017, we primarily designated our investment securities as available-for-sale. On January 1, 2017, we began electing the fair value option of accounting for all investment securities newly acquired after such date. Unrealized gains and losses on securities classified as available-for-sale are reported in accumulated other comprehensive income ("OCI"), whereas unrealized gains and losses on securities for which we elected the fair value option, or are classified as trading, are reported in net income through other gain (loss). Upon the sale of a security designated as available-for-sale, we determine the cost of the security and the amount of unrealized gain or loss to reclassify out of accumulated OCI into earnings based on the specific identification method. In our view, the election of the fair value option simplifies the accounting for investment securities and more appropriately reflects the results of our operations for a reporting period by presenting the fair value changes for these assets in a manner consistent with the presentation and timing of the fair value changes for our derivative instruments.
We generally recognize gains or losses through net income on available-for-sale securities only if the security is sold; however, if the fair value of a security declines below its amortized cost and we determine that it is more likely than not that we will incur a realized loss on the security when we sell the asset, we will recognize the difference between the amortized cost and the fair value in net income as a component of other gain (loss). We did not recognize any loss on available for sale securities through net income that we held as of December 31, 2024 because, as of such date, we neither intended to sell any securities in an unrealized loss position nor was it more likely than not that we would be required to sell such securities before recovery of their amortized cost basis. Since all of our available-for-sale designated securities consist of Agency RMBS, we do not have an allowance for credit losses. We have not recognized impairment losses on our available-for-sale securities through net income for the periods presented in our consolidated financial statements.
Interest Income
Interest income is accrued based on the outstanding principal amount of the investment securities and their contractual terms. Premiums or discounts associated with the purchase of Agency RMBS and non-Agency MBS of high credit quality are amortized or accreted into interest income, respectively, over the projected lives of the securities, including contractual payments and estimated prepayments, using the effective interest method in accordance with ASC Subtopic 310-20, Receivables—Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs.
We estimate long-term prepayment speeds of our mortgage securities using a third-party service and market data. The third-party service provider estimates prepayment speeds using models that incorporate the forward yield curve, primary to secondary mortgage rate spreads, current mortgage rates, mortgage rates of the outstanding loans, age and size of the outstanding loans, loan-to-value ratios, interest rate volatility and other factors. We review the prepayment speeds estimated by the third-party service for reasonableness with consideration given to both historical prepayment speeds and current market conditions. If based on our assessment, we believe that the third-party model does not fully reflect our expectations of the current prepayment landscape we may make adjustments to the models. We review our actual and anticipated prepayment experience on at least a quarterly basis and effective yields are recalculated when differences arise between (i) our previous estimate of future prepayments and (ii) actual prepayments to date and our current estimate of future prepayments. We are required to record an adjustment in the current period to premium amortization / discount accretion for the cumulative effect of the difference in the effective yields as if the recalculated yield had been in place as of the security's acquisition date through the reporting date.
At the time we purchase CRT securities and non-Agency MBS that are not of high credit quality, we determine an effective yield based on our estimate of the timing and amount of future cash flows and our cost basis. Our initial cash flow estimates for these investments are based on our observations of current information and events and include assumptions related to interest rates, prepayment rates, collateral call provisions, and the impact of default and severity rates on the timing and amount of credit losses. On at least a quarterly basis, we review the estimated cash flows and make appropriate adjustments based on inputs and analysis received from external sources, internal models, and our judgment regarding such inputs and other factors. Any resulting changes in effective yield are recognized prospectively based on the current amortized cost of the investment adjusted for credit impairments, if any.
Repurchase Agreements 
We finance the acquisition of securities for our investment portfolio primarily through repurchase agreements with our lending counterparties. Repurchase arrangements involve the sale and a simultaneous agreement to repurchase the securities at a future date. We maintain a beneficial interest in the specific securities pledged during the term of each repurchase arrangement

and we receive the related principal and interest payments. Pursuant to ASC Topic 860, Transfers and Servicing, we account for repurchase agreements as collateralized financing transactions, which are carried at their contractual amounts (cost), plus accrued interest. Our repurchase agreements typically have maturities of less than one year.
Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Obligation to Return Securities Borrowed under Reverse Repurchase Agreements
We borrow securities to cover short sales of U.S. Treasury securities through reverse repurchase transactions under our master repurchase agreements (see Derivative Instruments below). We account for these as securities borrowing transactions and recognize an obligation to return the borrowed securities at fair value on the balance sheet based on the value of the underlying borrowed securities as of the reporting date. We may also enter into reverse repurchase agreements to earn a yield on excess cash balances. The securities received as collateral in connection with our reverse repurchase agreements mitigate our credit risk exposure to counterparties. Our reverse repurchase agreements typically have maturities of 30 days or less.
Derivative Instruments
We use a variety of derivative instruments to hedge a portion of our exposure to market risks, including interest rate, prepayment, extension and liquidity risks. The objective of our risk management strategy is to reduce fluctuations in net book value over a range of interest rate scenarios. In particular, we attempt to mitigate the risk of the cost of our variable rate liabilities increasing during a period of rising interest rates. The primary instruments that we use are interest rate swaps, options to enter into interest rate swaps ("swaptions"), U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. Treasury futures contracts. We also use forward contracts in the Agency RMBS "to-be-announced" market, or TBA securities, to invest in and finance Agency securities and to periodically reduce our exposure to Agency RMBS.
We account for derivative instruments in accordance with ASC Topic 815, Derivatives and Hedging ("ASC 815"). ASC 815 requires an entity to recognize all derivatives as either assets or liabilities in our accompanying consolidated balance sheets and to measure those instruments at fair value. None of our derivative instruments have been designated as hedging instruments for accounting purposes under the provisions of ASC 815, consequently changes in the fair value of our derivative instruments are reported in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
Our derivative agreements generally contain provisions that allow for netting or setting off derivative assets and liabilities with the counterparty; however, we report related assets and liabilities on a gross basis in our consolidated balance sheets. Derivative instruments in a gain position are reported as derivative assets at fair value and derivative instruments in a loss position are reported as derivative liabilities at fair value in our consolidated balance sheets. Changes in fair value of derivative instruments and periodic settlements related to our derivative instruments are recorded in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income. Net cash receipts from and payments on our derivative instruments are classified in our consolidated statements of cash flows according to the underlying nature or purpose of the derivative transaction, generally in the investing section.
Interest rate swap agreements
We use interest rate swaps to economically hedge the variable cash flows associated with our borrowings made under repurchase agreements. Under our interest rate swap agreements, we typically pay a fixed rate and receive a floating rate ("payer swaps") based on a short-term benchmark rate, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate ("SOFR") and Overnight Index Swap Rate ("OIS"). Our interest rate swaps typically have terms from one to 10 years. Our interest rate swaps are centrally cleared through a registered commodities exchange. The clearing exchange requires that we post an "initial margin" amount determined by the exchange. The initial margin amount is intended to be set at a level sufficient to protect the exchange from the interest rate swap's maximum estimated single-day price movement and is subject to adjustment based on changes in market volatility and other factors. We also exchange daily settlements of "variation margin" based upon changes in fair value, as measured by the exchange. Pursuant to rules governing central clearing activities, we recognize variation margin settlements as a direct reduction of the carrying value of the interest rate swap asset or liability.
Interest rate swaptions
We purchase interest rate swaptions to help mitigate the potential impact of larger, more rapid changes in interest rates on the performance of our investment portfolio. Interest rate swaptions provide us the option to enter into an interest rate swap agreement for a predetermined notional amount, stated term and pay and receive interest rates in the future. Our interest rate swaption agreements are not subject to central clearing. The difference between the premium paid and the fair value of the swaption is reported in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income. If a swaption expires unexercised, the realized loss on the swaption would be equal to the premium

paid. If we sell or exercise a swaption, the realized gain or loss on the swaption would be equal to the difference between the cash or the fair value of the underlying interest rate swap and the premium paid.
TBA securities
A TBA security is a forward contract for the purchase or sale of Agency RMBS at a predetermined price, face amount, issuer, coupon and stated maturity on an agreed-upon future date. The specific Agency RMBS to be delivered into the contract are not known until shortly before the settlement date. We may choose, prior to settlement, to move the settlement of these securities out to a later date by entering into an offsetting TBA position, net settling the offsetting positions for cash, and simultaneously purchasing or selling a similar TBA contract for a later settlement date (together referred to as a "dollar roll transaction"). The Agency securities purchased or sold for a forward settlement date are typically priced at a discount to equivalent securities settling in the current month. This difference, or "price drop," is the economic equivalent of interest income on the underlying Agency securities, less an implied funding cost, over the forward settlement period (referred to as "dollar roll income"). Consequently, forward purchases of Agency securities and dollar roll transactions represent a form of off-balance sheet financing.
We account for TBA contracts as derivative instruments since either the TBA contracts do not settle in the shortest period of time possible or we cannot assert that it is probable at inception and throughout the term of the TBA contract that we will physically settle the contract on the settlement date. We account for TBA dollar roll transactions as a series of derivative transactions.
U.S. Treasury securities and US Treasury futures contracts
We use U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. Treasury futures contracts to mitigate the potential impact of changes in interest rates on the performance of our portfolio. We enter into short-sales of U.S. Treasury securities by borrowing the securities under reverse repurchase agreements and selling them into the market. We account for these as securities borrowing transactions and recognize an obligation to return the borrowed securities at fair value on our accompanying consolidated balance sheets based on the value of the underlying U.S. Treasury security as of the reporting date. Treasury futures contracts are standardized contracts that obligate us to sell or buy U.S. Treasury securities for future delivery. Gains and losses associated with U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. Treasury futures contracts are recognized in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
Fair Value Measurements
We determine the fair value of financial instruments based on our estimate of the price that would be received to sell the asset or paid to transfer the liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. We utilize a three-level valuation hierarchy for disclosure of fair value measurements based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of the instrument as of the measurement date. We categorize a financial instrument within the hierarchy based upon the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement.
The three levels of valuation hierarchy are defined as follows:
Level 1 Inputs —Quoted prices (unadjusted) for identical unrestricted assets and liabilities in active markets that are accessible at the measurement date.
Level 2 Inputs —Quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; and model-derived valuations whose inputs are observable or whose significant value drivers are observable.
Level 3 Inputs —Instruments with primarily unobservable market data that cannot be corroborated.
The majority of our financial instruments are classified as Level 2 inputs. The availability of observable inputs can be affected by a wide variety of factors, including the type of instrument, whether the instrument is new and not yet established in the marketplace and other characteristics particular to the instrument. We typically obtain price estimates from multiple third-party pricing sources, such as pricing services and dealers, or, if applicable, from the registered clearing exchange. We make inquiries of third-party pricing sources to understand the significant inputs and assumptions they used to determine their prices and that they are derived from orderly transactions, particularly during periods of elevated market turbulence and reduced market liquidity. We also review third-party price estimates and perform procedures to validate their reasonableness, including an analysis of the range of estimates for each position, comparison to recent trade activity for similar securities and for consistency with market conditions observed as of the measurement date. While we do not adjust prices we obtain from pricing sources, we will exclude prices for securities from our estimation of fair value if we determine based on our validation procedures and our market knowledge and expertise that the price is significantly different from what observable market data

would indicate and we cannot obtain an understanding from the third-party source as to the significant inputs used to determine the price.
The following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for financial instruments measured at fair value on a recurring basis classified as Level 2 inputs. These instruments trade in active markets such that participants transact with sufficient frequency and volume to provide transparent pricing information on an ongoing basis. The liquidity of these markets and the similarity of our instruments to those actively traded enable our pricing sources and us to utilize the observed quoted prices as a basis for formulating fair value measurements.
Investment securities - are valued based on prices obtained from multiple third-party pricing sources. The pricing sources utilize various valuation approaches, including market and income approaches. For Agency RMBS, the pricing sources primarily utilize a matrix pricing technique that interpolates the estimated fair value based on observed quoted prices for TBA securities having the same coupon, maturity and issuer, adjusted to reflect the specific characteristics of the pool of mortgages underlying the Agency security, such as maximum loan balance, loan vintage, loan-to-value ratio, geography and other characteristics as may be appropriate. For other investment securities, the pricing sources primarily utilize discounted cash flow model-derived pricing techniques to estimate the fair value. Such models incorporate market-based discount rate assumptions based on observable inputs such as recent trading activity, credit data, volatility statistics, benchmark interest rate curves, spread measurements to benchmark curves and other market data that are current as of the measurement date and may include certain unobservable inputs, such as assumptions of future levels of prepayment, defaults and loss severities.
TBA securities - are valued using prices obtained from third-party pricing sources based on pricing models that reference recent trading activity.
Interest rate swaps - are valued using the daily settlement price, or fair value, determined by the clearing exchange based on a pricing model that references observable market inputs, including current benchmark rates and the forward yield curve.
Interest rate swaptions - are valued using prices obtained from the counterparty and other third-party pricing models. The pricing models are based on the value of the future interest rate swap that we have the option to enter into as well as the remaining length of time that we have to exercise the option based on observable market inputs, adjusted for non-performance risk, if any.
U.S. Treasury securities and futures are valued based on quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets and are classified as Level 1 assets. None of our financial instruments are classified as Level 3 inputs.
Consolidated Variable Interest Entities
ASC Topic 810, Consolidation ("ASC 810"), requires an enterprise to consolidate a variable interest entity ("VIE") if it is deemed the primary beneficiary of the VIE. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, our consolidated financial statements reflect the consolidation of certain VIEs for which we have determined we are the primary beneficiary. The consolidated VIEs consist of CMO trusts backed by fixed or adjustable-rate Agency RMBS. Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac guarantees the payment of interest and principal and acts as the trustee and administrator of their respective securitization trusts. Accordingly, we are not required to provide the beneficial interest holders of the CMO securities any financial or other support. Our maximum exposure to loss related to our involvement with the CMO trusts is the fair value of the CMO securities and interest and principal-only securities held by us, less principal amounts guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Cash and Cash Equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents include cash held in bank accounts and cash held in money market funds on an overnight basis.
Restricted Cash
Restricted cash includes cash pledged as collateral for clearing and executing trades, repurchase agreements, and interest rate swaps and other derivative instruments.
Goodwill is the cost of an acquisition in excess of the fair value of identified assets acquired and liabilities assumed and is recognized as an asset on our consolidated balance sheets. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, we had $526 million of goodwill related to our acquisition of AGNC Management, LLC, our former manager, on July 1, 2016. Goodwill is not subject to amortization but must be tested for impairment at least annually and at interim periods when events or circumstances may make it more likely than not that an impairment has occurred. If a qualitative analysis indicates that there may be an impairment, a quantitative analysis is performed. The quantitative analysis requires that we compare the carrying value of the

identified reporting unit comprising the goodwill to the reporting unit's fair value. If the reporting unit's carrying value is greater than its fair value, an impairment charge is recognized to the extent the carrying amount of the reporting unit exceeds its fair value. During the three fiscal years ended December 31, 2024, we did not recognize a goodwill impairment charge.
Stock-Based Compensation
Under our Amended and Restated AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan (the "2016 Equity Plan" or "the Plan"), we may grant equity-based compensation to our officers and other employees and non-employee directors for the purpose of providing incentives and rewards for service or performance. Stock-based awards issued under the Plan include time-based and performance-based restricted stock unit awards ("RSU" and "PSU" awards, respectively), but may include other forms of equity-based compensation. RSU and PSU awards are an agreement to issue an equivalent number of shares of our common stock, plus any equivalent shares for dividends declared on our common stock, at the time the award vests, or later if distribution of such shares has been deferred beyond the vesting date. RSU awards vest over a specified service period. PSU awards vest over a specified service period subject to achieving long-term performance criteria.
We measure and recognize compensation expense for all stock-based payment awards made to employees and non-employee directors based on their fair values. We value RSU and PSU awards based on the fair value of our common stock on the date of grant. Compensation expense is recognized over each award’s respective service period. For PSU awards, we estimate the probability that the performance criteria will be achieved and recognize expense only for those awards expected to vest. We reevaluate our estimates each reporting period and recognize a cumulative effect adjustment to expense if our estimates change from the prior period. We do not estimate forfeiture rates; rather, we adjust for forfeitures in the periods in which they occur.
Shares underlying RSU and PSU awards are issued when the awards vest, or later if distribution of such shares has been deferred beyond the vest date. Shares issued are net of shares withheld to cover minimum statutory tax withholding obligations. The fair value of shares withheld for tax withholdings is recorded as a reduction to additional paid-in capital.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
We consider the applicability and impact of all ASUs issued by the FASB. There are no unadopted ASUs that are expected to have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements when adopted or other recently adopted ASUs that had a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements upon adoption.

Note 3. Investment Securities
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, our investment portfolio consisted of $66.3 billion and $54.8 billion investment securities, at fair value, respectively, $6.9 billion and $5.4 billion net TBA securities, at fair value, respectively, and other mortgage credit investments of $64 million and $44 million, respectively, which we account for under the equity method of accounting. Our TBA position is reported at its net carrying value totaling $(26) million and $66 million as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively, in derivative assets / (liabilities) on our accompanying consolidated balance sheets. The net carrying value of our TBA position represents the difference between the fair value of the underlying security and the cost basis or the forward price to be paid or received for the underlying security.
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, our investment securities had a net unamortized premium balance of $1.0 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively.

The following tables summarize our investment securities as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, excluding TBA securities and other mortgage credit investments (dollars in millions). Details of our TBA securities are included in Note 5.
 December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Investment SecuritiesAmortized
Fair ValueAmortized
Fair Value
Agency RMBS:
Fixed rate$67,139 $64,049 $55,289 $53,161 
Adjustable rate796 790 293 290 
CMO102 96 127 120 
Interest-only and principal-only strips60 53 67 61 
Multifamily485 476 161 162 
Total Agency RMBS68,582 65,464 55,937 53,794 
Non-Agency RMBS 1
17 15 43 34 
CMBS264 236 303 273 
CRT securities583 633 682 723 
Total investment securities$69,446 $66,348 $56,965 $54,824 
December 31, 2024
December 31, 2023
Non-Agency 1
Non-Agency 1
Investment SecuritiesAgency RMBSRMBSCMBSCRTTotalAgency RMBSRMBSCMBSCRTTotal
Available-for-sale securities:
Par value 2
$4,447 $— $— $— $4,447 $5,034 $— $— $— $5,034 
Unamortized discount
(1)— — — (1)(1)— — — (1)
Unamortized premium
265 — — — 265 300 — — — 300 
Amortized cost
4,711 — — — 4,711 5,333 — — — 5,333 
Gross unrealized gains
 — — —   — — —  
Gross unrealized losses
(591)— — — (591)(517)— — — (517)
Total available-for-sale securities, at fair value4,120 — — — 4,120 4,816 — — — 4,816 
Securities remeasured at fair value through earnings:
Par value 2
63,119 19 270 576 63,984 49,696 44 307 679 50,726 
Unamortized discount
Unamortized premium
1,126 1 2 18 1,147 1,078 2 3 12 1,095 
Amortized cost
63,871 17 264 583 64,735 50,604 43 303 682 51,632 
Gross unrealized gains
93  4 50 147 282  2 41 325 
Gross unrealized losses
(2,620)(2)(32) (2,654)(1,908)(9)(32) (1,949)
Total securities remeasured at fair value through earnings61,344 15 236 633 62,228 48,978 34 273 723 50,008 
Total securities, at fair value$65,464 $15 $236 $633 $66,348 $53,794 $34 $273 $723 $54,824 
1.Non-Agency amounts exclude other mortgage credit investments of $64 million and $44 million as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
2.Par value excludes interest-only securities. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, Agency RMBS interest-only securities had a par value of $307 million and $336 million, respectively, and non-Agency interest-only securities had a par value of $93 million and $98 million, respectively.


The following table presents the Company's Agency RMBS portfolio by issuing GSE or U.S. Government agency at fair value as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (in millions):
December 31,
Investment Type
Fannie Mae$35,220 $33,119 
Freddie Mac30,216 20,393 
Ginnie Mae28 282 
Total$65,464 $53,794 
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, our investments in CRT and non-Agency securities had the following credit ratings (in millions):
 December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
CRT and Non-Agency Security Credit Ratings 1
AAA$ $1 $16 $ $1 $9 
AA8  35   31 
A  31   25 
BBB6 1 22 144 14 44 
BB87 1 51 137 7 81 
B27  43 39 2 55 
Not Rated505 12 38 403 10 28 
Total$633 $15 $236 $723 $34 $273 
1.Represents the lowest of Standard and Poor's ("S&P"), Moody's, Fitch, DBRS, Kroll Bond Rating Agency ("KBRA") and Morningstar credit ratings, stated in terms of the S&P equivalent rating as of each date.
2.RMBS excludes other mortgage credit investments of $64 million and $44 million as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Our CRT securities reference the performance of loans underlying Agency RMBS issued by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, which were subject to their underwriting standards.
The actual maturities of our investment securities are generally shorter than their stated contractual maturities. The actual maturities of our Agency and high credit quality non-Agency RMBS are primarily affected by principal prepayments and to a lesser degree the contractual lives of the underlying mortgages and periodic contractual principal repayments. The actual maturities of our credit-oriented investments are primarily impacted by their contractual lives and default and loss recovery rates. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the weighted average expected constant prepayment rate ("CPR") over the remaining life of our Agency and high credit quality non-Agency RMBS investment portfolio was 7.7% and 11.4%, respectively. Our estimates can differ materially for different securities and thus our individual holdings have a wide range of projected CPRs. The following table summarizes our investments as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 according to their estimated weighted average life classification (dollars in millions):
 December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Estimated Weighted Average Life of Investment Securities 1
Fair ValueAmortized
Fair ValueAmortized
≤ 3 years$539 $530 7.37%8.06%$942 $961 6.57%5.93%
> 3 years and ≤ 5 years2,026 2,066 5.96%5.48%10,381 10,331 5.94%5.52%
> 5 years and ≤10 years56,551 59,479 4.97%4.66%40,895 42,988 4.55%4.10%
> 10 years7,232 7,371 5.14%5.24%2,606 2,685 4.77%4.63%
$66,348 $69,446 5.03%4.77%$54,824 $56,965 4.85%4.41%
1.Table excludes other mortgage credit investments of $64 million and $44 million as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
The following table presents the gross unrealized loss and fair values of securities classified as available-for-sale by length of time that such securities have been in a continuous unrealized loss position as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (in millions):

 Unrealized Loss Position For
 Less than 12 Months12 Months or MoreTotal
Securities Classified as Available-for-SaleFair

Fair Value
December 31, 2024
$ $ $4,104 $(591)$4,104 $(591)
December 31, 2023
$ $ $4,797 $(517)$4,797 $(517)
Gains and Losses on Sale of Investment Securities
The following table is a summary of our net gain (loss) from the sale of investment securities for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 by investment classification of accounting (in millions):

Fiscal Year 2024Fiscal Year 2023Fiscal Year 2022
Investment Securities
Securities 2,3
Fair Value Option SecuritiesTotal
Securities 2,3
Fair Value Option SecuritiesTotal
Securities 2,3
Fair Value Option SecuritiesTotal
Investment securities sold, at cost$ $(23,299)$(23,299)$(524)$(15,263)$(15,787)$(786)$(29,427)$(30,213)
Proceeds from investment securities sold 1
 23,111 23,111 461 13,759 14,220 744 26,553 27,297 
Net gain (loss) on sale of investment securities$ $(188)$(188)$(63)$(1,504)$(1,567)$(42)$(2,874)$(2,916)
Gross gain on sale of investment securities$ $164 $164 $ $19 $19 $2 $10 $12 
Gross loss on sale of investment securities (352)(352)(63)(1,523)(1,586)(44)(2,884)(2,928)
Net gain (loss) on sale of investment securities$ $(188)$(188)$(63)$(1,504)$(1,567)$(42)$(2,874)$(2,916)
1.Proceeds include cash received during the period, plus receivable for investment securities sold during the period as of period end.
2.See Note 9 for a summary of changes in accumulated OCI.
3.During fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, we received principal repayments on available-for-sale securities of $0.6 billion, $0.7 billion and $1.5 billion, respectively.

Note 4. Repurchase Agreements and Reverse Repurchase Agreements
Repurchase Agreements
We pledge our securities as collateral under our borrowings structured as repurchase agreements with financial institutions. Amounts available to be borrowed are dependent upon the fair value of the securities pledged as collateral, which fluctuates with changes in interest rates, type of security and liquidity conditions within the banking, mortgage finance and real estate industries. If the fair value of our pledged securities declines, lenders will typically require us to post additional collateral or pay down borrowings to re-establish agreed upon collateral requirements, referred to as "margin calls." Similarly, if the fair value of our pledged securities increases, lenders may release collateral back to us. As of December 31, 2024, we had met all margin call requirements. For additional information regarding our pledged assets, please refer to Note 6.
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, we had $60.8 billion and $50.4 billion, respectively, of repurchase agreements outstanding used to fund our investment portfolio and temporary holdings of U.S. Treasury securities. The terms and conditions of our repurchase agreements are typically negotiated on a transaction-by-transaction basis or subject to a tri-party repo agreement. The following table summarizes our borrowings under repurchase agreements by their remaining maturities as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (dollars in millions):

 December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Remaining MaturityRepurchase AgreementsWeighted
Average Days
to Maturity
Repurchase AgreementsWeighted
Average Days
to Maturity
Investment Securities Repo
≤ 1 month$55,580 4.77 %10 $40,946 5.61 %11 
> 1 to ≤ 3 months3,782 4.68 %39 7,933 5.55 %64 
Investment Securities Repo59,362 4.76 %11 48,879 5.60 %19 
U.S. Treasury Repo:
≤ 1 month1,436 4.68 %2 1,547 5.54 %2 
Total$60,798 4.76 %11 $50,426 5.60 %19 
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, $25.4 billion and $16.7 billion, respectively, of our investment securities repurchase agreements and all of our U.S. Treasury repurchase agreements had an overnight maturity of one business day and none of our repurchase agreements were due on demand. As of December 31, 2024, we had $17.3 billion of forward commitments to enter into repurchase agreements with a weighted average forward start date of 2 days and a weighted average interest rate of 4.61%. As of December 31, 2023, we had $8.8 billion of forward commitments to enter into repurchase agreements, with a weighted average forward start date of 4 days and a weighted average interest rate of 5.54%. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, 50% and 48%, respectively, of our repurchase agreement funding was sourced through our wholly-owned captive broker-dealer subsidiary, Bethesda Securities, LLC ("BES"). Amounts sourced through BES include funding from the General Collateral Finance Repo service ("GCF Repo") offered by the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation ("FICC"), which totaled 47% and 43% of our repurchase agreement funding outstanding as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Reverse Repurchase Agreements
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, we had $17.1 billion and $11.6 billion, respectively, of reverse repurchase agreements outstanding used primarily to borrow securities to cover short sales of U.S. Treasury securities, for which we had associated obligations to return borrowed securities at fair value of $16.7 billion and $10.9 billion, respectively. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, $3.9 billion and $3.1 billion, respectively, of our reverse repurchase agreements were with the FICC sourced through BES.

Note 5. Derivative and Other Hedging Instruments
For the periods presented, our interest rate based hedges primarily consisted of interest rate swaps, interest rate swaptions, U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. Treasury futures contracts. We also utilized forward contracts, primarily consisting of TBA securities, for the purchase and sale of investment securities. For additional information regarding our derivative instruments and our overall risk management strategy, please refer to the discussion of derivative and other hedging instruments in Note 2.

Derivative and Other Hedging Instrument Assets (Liabilities), at Fair Value
The table below summarizes fair value information about our derivative and other hedging instrument assets/(liabilities) as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (in millions):
Derivative and Other Hedging InstrumentsBalance Sheet Location
Interest rate swaps 1
Derivative assets, at fair value$22 $15 
SwaptionsDerivative assets, at fair value39 89 
TBA and forward settling non-Agency securitiesDerivative assets, at fair value61 81 
U.S. Treasury futures - shortDerivative assets, at fair value83  
SOFR futures contracts - longDerivative assets, at fair value  
Total derivative assets, at fair value
$205 $185 
Interest rate swaps 1
Derivative liabilities, at fair value$ $(1)
TBA and forward settling non-Agency securitiesDerivative liabilities, at fair value(87)(15)
U.S. Treasury futures - shortDerivative liabilities, at fair value (336)
SOFR futures contracts - longDerivative liabilities, at fair value(7)(10)
Credit default swaps 1
Derivative liabilities, at fair value  
Total derivative liabilities, at fair value
U.S. Treasury securities - longU.S. Treasury securities, at fair value$1,575 $1,540 
U.S. Treasury securities - shortObligation to return securities borrowed under reverse repurchase agreements, at fair value(16,676)(10,894)
Total U.S. Treasury securities, net at fair value
1.As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the net fair value of our interest rate swaps excluding the recognition of variation margin settlements as a direct reduction of carrying value (see Note 2) was a net asset (liability) of $2.3 billion and $2.9 billion, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, the net fair value of our credit default swaps excluding the recognition of variation margin settlements was a net asset (liability) of $(6) million.
The following tables summarize certain characteristics of our derivative and other hedging instruments outstanding as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (dollars in millions):
Pay Fixed / Receive Variable Interest Rate Swaps
December 31, 2024
December 31, 2023
Years to MaturityNotional
Fixed Pay 
Variable Receive
Rate 1
Fixed Pay 
Variable Receive
Rate 1
≤ 1 year$8,500 0.14%4.42%0.5$13,750 0.14%5.37%0.4
> 1 to ≤ 3 years10,550 0.22%4.45%1.815,800 0.17%5.36%2.0
> 3 to ≤ 5 years3,800 0.25%4.49%3.95,800 0.24%5.38%3.9
> 5 to ≤ 7 years4,150 2.14%4.46%5.73,900 0.92%5.37%6.2
> 7 to ≤ 10 years12,646 3.52%4.49%8.85,226 3.06%5.38%9.2
Total $39,646 1.46%4.46%4.4$44,476 0.57%5.37%3.0
1.As of December 31, 2024, 82% and 18% of notional amount receive index references SOFR and OIS, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, 80% and 20% of notional amount receive index references SOFR and OIS, respectively.

Receive Fixed / Pay Variable
Interest Rate Swaps
December 31, 2024
December 31, 2023
Years to MaturityNotional
Variable Pay
Rate 1
Fixed Receive
Variable Pay
Rate 1
Fixed Receive
> 1 to ≤ 3 years$ %%0.0$(1,000)5.38%4.65%1.5
1.Pay index references SOFR.

Payer SwaptionsOptionUnderlying Payer Swap
Expiration Date
Cost BasisFair ValueAverage
Months to Option
Expiration Date
Average Fixed Pay
Rate 1
December 31, 2024≤ 1 year$23 $38 5$2,000 4.16%10.0
December 31, 2023≤ 1 year$28 $86 5$1,250 2.61%10.0
1.Receive index references SOFR.

Receiver SwaptionsOptionUnderlying Receiver Swap
Expiration Date
Cost BasisFair ValueAverage
Months to Option
Expiration Date
Average Fixed Receive
Rate 1
December 31, 2024≤ 1 year$3 $1 11$150 2.98%5.0
December 31, 2023≤ 1 year$3 $3 24$150 2.98%5.0
1.Pay index references SOFR.
U.S. Treasury Securities 1
December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Years to MaturityFace Amount Long/(Short)Cost BasisFair ValueFace Amount Long/(Short)Cost BasisFair Value
≤ 5 years$956 $961 $956 $1,408 $1,419 $1,454 
> 5 year ≤ 7 years(2,722)(2,685)(2,302)(818)(821)(703)
> 7 year ≤ 10 years(12,659)(12,329)(11,999)(8,649)(8,277)(8,187)
> 10 years(1,782)(1,829)(1,756)(1,796)(1,796)(1,918)
Total U.S. Treasury securities$(16,207)$(15,882)$(15,101)$(9,855)$(9,475)$(9,354)
1.As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, short U.S. Treasury securities totaling $(16.7) billion and $(10.9) billion, at fair value, respectively, had a weighted average yield of 3.85% and 3.64%, respectively. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, long U.S. Treasury securities totaling $1.6 billion and $1.5 billion, at fair value, respectively, had a weighted average yield of 4.27% and 4.39%, respectively.

 U.S. Treasury FuturesDecember 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Years to MaturityNotional 
Long (Short)
Net Carrying Value 1
Long (Short)
Net Carrying Value 1
> 5 year ≤ 7 years$(1,582)$(1,734)$(1,721)$13 $(2,714)$(2,961)$(3,064)$(103)
> 7 year ≤ 10 years(500)(566)(557)9 (2,924)(3,294)(3,451)(157)
> 10 years(2,291)(2,669)(2,608)61 (791)(913)(989)(76)
Total U.S. Treasury futures$(4,373)$(4,969)$(4,886)$83 $(6,429)$(7,168)$(7,504)$(336)
1.Net carrying value represents the difference between the fair market value and the cost basis (or the forward price to be paid/(received) for the underlying U.S. Treasury security) of the U.S. Treasury futures contract as of period-end and is reported in derivative assets/(liabilities), at fair value in our consolidated balance sheets.

 December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
TBA Securities by CouponNotional 
Long (Short)
Net Carrying Value 1
Long (Short)
Net Carrying Value 1
15-Year TBA securities:
≥ 5.0%$ $ $ $ $90 $89 $91 $2 
Total 15-Year TBA securities    90 89 91 2 
30-Year TBA securities:
≤ 3.0%(586)(504)(497)7 (29)(24)(25)(1)
3.5% 2  (2)    
4.0%122 112 111 (1)    
4.5%2,342 2,210 2,204 (6)363 343 352 9 
5.0%2,780 2,703 2,700 (3)1,717 1,704 1,704  
5.5%(235)(180)(210)(30)2,034 2,014 2,047 33 
6.0%2,033 2,036 2,044 8 20 10 21 11 
≥ 6.5%499 508 509 1 1,137 1,152 1,164 12 
Total 30-Year TBA securities, net6,955 6,887 6,861 (26)5,242 5,199 5,263 64 
Total TBA securities, net$6,955 $6,887 $6,861 $(26)$5,332 $5,288 $5,354 $66 
1.Net carrying value represents the difference between the fair market value and the cost basis (or the forward price to be paid/(received) for the underlying Agency security) of the TBA contract as of period-end and is reported in derivative assets/(liabilities), at fair value in our consolidated balance sheets.
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, we held SOFR futures contracts with a long notional position of $1.2 billion and $0.9 billion, respectively, measured on a two-year swap equivalent basis, with a net carrying value of $(7) million and $(10) million, respectively.
As of December 31, 2023, we held centrally cleared credit default swaps ("CDS") with a notional value of $95 million that referenced the Markit CDX Investment Grade or High Yield Grade Index, maturing in December 2028. Under the terms of these contracts, we made fixed periodic payments equal to 1% per annum of the notional value and we were entitled to receive payments in the event of qualifying credit events. As of December 31, 2023, the credit default swaps had a market value of $(6) million and a carrying value of zero dollars, net of variation margin settlements. Pursuant to rules governing central clearing activities, we recognized variation margin settlements as a direct reduction of the carrying value of the CDS asset or liability.
Gain (Loss) From Derivative Instruments and Other Securities, Net
The following table summarizes changes in our derivative and other hedge portfolio and their effect on our consolidated statements of comprehensive income for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (in millions):


Derivative and Other Hedging InstrumentsBeginning
Notional Amount
AdditionsSettlement, Termination,
Expiration or
Notional Amount
on Derivative Instruments and Other Securities, Net 1
Fiscal Year 2024:
TBA securities, net$5,332 123,959 (122,336)$6,955 $(123)
Forward settling non-Agency securities$   $  
Interest rate swaps - payer$44,476 12,095 (16,925)$39,646 1,020 
Interest rate swaps - receiver$(1,000) 1,000 $ (9)
Credit default swaps - buy protection$(96)(192)288 $ (7)
Payer swaptions$1,250 2,500 (1,750)$2,000 54 
Receiver swaptions$(150)  $(150)(3)
U.S. Treasury securities - short position$(11,347)(16,948)10,503 $(17,792)844 
U.S. Treasury securities - long position$1,492 7,780 (7,687)$1,585 (85)
U.S. Treasury futures contracts - short position$(6,429)(11,723)13,779 $(4,373)409 
Fiscal Year 2023:
TBA securities, net$19,050 164,465 (178,183)$5,332 $49 
Interest rate swaps - payer$47,825 5,746 (9,095)$44,476 666 
Interest rate swaps - receive, net$ (1,000) $(1,000)4 
Credit default swaps - buy protection$(215)(1,322)1,441 $(96)(13)
Payer swaptions$3,050  (1,800)$1,250 (21)
Receiver swaptions$ (150) $(150) 
U.S. Treasury securities - short position$(7,373)(20,143)16,169 $(11,347)(54)
U.S. Treasury securities - long position$357 14,272 (13,137)$1,492 (30)
U.S. Treasury futures contracts - short position$(9,213)(31,465)34,249 $(6,429)(42)
Fiscal Year 2022:
TBA securities, net$26,673 312,307 (319,930)$19,050 $(2,860)
Forward settling non-Agency securities$450  (450)$  
Interest rate swaps - payer$51,225 5,895 (9,295)$47,825 4,400 
Credit default swaps - buy protection$ (5,835)5,620 $(215)21 
Payer swaptions$13,000 1,750 (11,700)$3,050 857 
Receiver swaptions$ (150)150 $  
U.S. Treasury securities - short position$(9,590)(15,548)17,765 $(7,373)1,482 
U.S. Treasury securities - long position$472 10,202 (10,317)$357 (32)
U.S. Treasury futures contracts - short position$(1,500)(37,493)29,780 $(9,213)811 
1.Amounts exclude other miscellaneous gains and losses and other interest income (expense) recognized in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income.

Additionally, as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, we held SOFR futures contracts with a long notional position of $1.2 billion and $0.9 billion, respectively, measured on a two-year swap equivalent basis. For fiscal years December 31, 2024 and 2023, we recognized a gain (loss) of $13 million and $(10) million, respectively, on our SOFR futures contracts in gain (loss) on derivative instruments and other securities, net in our consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
Note 6. Pledged Assets
Our funding agreements require us to fully collateralize our obligations under the agreements based upon our counterparties' collateral requirements and their determination of the fair value of the securities pledged as collateral, which

fluctuates with changes in interest rates, credit quality and liquidity conditions within the investment banking, mortgage finance and real estate industries. Our derivative contracts similarly require us to fully collateralize our obligations under such agreements, which will vary over time based on similar factors as well as our counterparties' determination of the value of the derivative contract. We are typically required to post initial margin upon execution of derivative transactions, such as under our interest rate swap agreements and TBA contracts, and subsequently post or receive variation margin based on daily fluctuations in fair value. Our brokerage and custody agreements and the clearing organizations utilized by our wholly-owned captive broker-dealer subsidiary, Bethesda Securities, LLC, also require that we post minimum daily clearing deposits. If we breach our collateral requirements, we will be required to fully settle our obligations under the agreements, which could include a forced liquidation of our pledged collateral.
Our counterparties also apply a "haircut" to our pledged collateral, which means our collateral is valued at slightly less than market value and limits the amount we can borrow against our securities. This haircut reflects the underlying risk of the specific collateral and protects our counterparty against a change in its value. Our agreements do not specify the haircut; rather, haircuts are determined on an individual transaction basis. Consequently, our funding agreements and derivative contracts expose us to credit risk relating to potential losses that could be recognized if our counterparties fail to perform their obligations under such agreements. We minimize this risk by limiting our counterparties to major financial institutions with acceptable credit ratings or to registered clearinghouses and U.S. government agencies, and we monitor our positions with individual counterparties. In the event of a default by a counterparty, we may have difficulty obtaining our assets pledged as collateral to such counterparty and may not receive payments as and when due to us under the terms of our derivative agreements. In the case of centrally cleared instruments, we could be exposed to credit risk if the central clearing agency or a clearing member defaults on its respective obligation to perform under the contract. However, we believe that the risk is minimal due to the clearing exchanges' initial and daily mark-to-market margin requirements, clearinghouse guarantee funds and other resources that are available in the event of a clearing member default.
As of December 31, 2024, our maximum amount at risk with any counterparty related to our repurchase agreements, excluding the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, was less than 2% of our tangible stockholders' equity (or the excess/shortfall of the value of collateral pledged/received over our repurchase agreement liabilities/reverse repurchase agreement receivables). As of December 31, 2024, 9% of our tangible stockholder's equity was at risk with the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation.
Assets Pledged to Counterparties
The following tables summarize our assets pledged as collateral under our funding, derivative and brokerage and clearing agreements by type, including securities pledged related to securities sold but not yet settled, as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (in millions):
December 31, 2024
Assets Pledged to Counterparties 1
Repurchase Agreements 2
Debt of
Derivative Agreements and OtherTotal
Agency RMBS - fair value$59,958 $97 $27 $60,082 
CRT - fair value
590 — — 590 
Non-Agency - fair value
206 — — 206 
U.S. Treasury securities - fair value
1,414 — 151 1,565 
Accrued interest on pledged securities
279  1 280 
Restricted cash386 — 880 1,266 
Total$62,833 $97 $1,059 $63,989 
December 31, 2023
Assets Pledged to Counterparties 1
Repurchase Agreements 2
Debt of
Derivative Agreements and OtherTotal
Agency RMBS - fair value$49,602 $121 $15 $49,738 
CRT - fair value
678 — — 678 
Non-Agency - fair value
262 — — 262 
U.S. Treasury securities - fair value
1,865 — 62 1,927 
Accrued interest on pledged securities
217   217 
Restricted cash9 — 1,2441,253 
Total$52,633 $121 $1,321 $54,075 

1.Includes repledged assets received as collateral from counterparties and securities sold but not yet settled.
2.Includes $33 million and $42 million of retained interests in our consolidated VIEs pledged as collateral under repurchase agreements as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
The following table summarizes our securities pledged as collateral under our repurchase agreements by the remaining maturity of our borrowings, including securities pledged related to sold but not yet settled securities, as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (in millions). For the corresponding borrowings associated with the following amounts and the interest rates thereon, refer to Note 4.
 December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Securities Pledged by Remaining Maturity of Repurchase Agreements 1,2
Fair Value of Pledged SecuritiesAmortized
Cost of
Pledged Securities
Interest on
Fair Value of Pledged SecuritiesAmortized
Cost of
Pledged Securities
Interest on
  ≤ 1 month$58,180 $60,506 $266 $43,701 $44,918 $188 
  > 1 and ≤ 2 months3,842 4,227 13 2,847 3,069 10 
  > 2 and ≤ 3 months146 149  5,524 5,947 19 
Total$62,168 $64,882 $279 $52,072 $53,934 $217 
1.Includes $33 million and $42 million of retained interests in our consolidated VIEs pledged as collateral under repurchase agreements as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
2.Excludes $397 million of repledged U.S. Treasury securities received as collateral from counterparties as of December 31, 2023.
Assets Pledged from Counterparties
As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, we had assets pledged to us from counterparties as collateral under our reverse repurchase and derivative agreements summarized in the tables below (in millions).
December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Assets Pledged to AGNCReverse Repurchase AgreementsDerivative AgreementsRepurchase AgreementsTotalReverse Repurchase AgreementsDerivative AgreementsRepurchase AgreementsTotal
Agency securities - fair value$— $— $17 $17 $— $— $— $— 
U.S. Treasury securities - fair value 16,885   16,885 11,667  306 11,973 
 28 38 66  89 49 138 
Total$16,885 $28 $55 $16,968 $11,667 $89 $355 $12,111 

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities
Certain of our repurchase agreements and derivative transactions are governed by underlying agreements that generally provide for a right of setoff under master netting arrangements (or similar agreements), including in the event of default or in the event of bankruptcy of either party to the transactions. We present our assets and liabilities subject to such arrangements on a gross basis in our consolidated balance sheets. The following tables present information about our assets and liabilities that are subject to master netting arrangements and can potentially be offset on our consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 (in millions):

Offsetting of Financial and Derivative Assets
 Gross Amounts of Recognized AssetsGross Amounts Offset in the Consolidated Balance SheetsNet Amounts of Assets Presented in the Consolidated Balance SheetsGross Amounts Not Offset
 in the
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Net Amount
Financial Instruments
Collateral Received 2
December 31, 2024
Interest rate swap and swaption agreements, at fair value 1
$61 $— $61 $ $(28)$33 
TBA securities, at fair value 1
61 — 61 (61)  
Receivable under reverse repurchase agreements17,137  17,137 (11,680)(5,457) 
Total $17,259 $ $17,259 $(11,741)$(5,485)$33 
December 31, 2023
Interest rate swap and swaption agreements, at fair value 1
$104 $— $104 $ $(89)$15 
TBA securities, at fair value 1
80 — 80 (15)(65) 
Receivable under reverse repurchase agreements11,618 — 11,618 (8,433)(3,181)4 
Total $11,802 $— $11,802 $(8,448)$(3,335)$19 
Offsetting of Financial and Derivative Liabilities
 Gross Amounts of Recognized LiabilitiesGross Amounts Offset in the Consolidated Balance SheetsNet Amounts of Liabilities Presented in the Consolidated Balance SheetsGross Amounts Not Offset
 in the
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Net Amount
Financial Instruments
Collateral Pledged 2
December 31, 2024
TBA securities, at fair value 1
$87 $— $87 $(61)$(26)$ 
Repurchase agreements60,798  60,798 (11,680)(49,118) 
Total $60,885 $ $60,885 $(11,741)$(49,144)$ 
December 31, 2023
TBA securities, at fair value 1
$15 $— $15 $(15)$ $ 
Repurchase agreements50,426 — 50,426 (8,433)(41,993) 
Total $50,441 $— $50,441 $(8,448)$(41,993)$ 
1.Reported under derivative assets / liabilities, at fair value in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. Refer to Note 5 for a reconciliation of derivative assets / liabilities, at fair value to their sub-components.
2.Includes cash and securities pledged / received as collateral, at fair value. Amounts include repledged collateral. Amounts presented are limited to collateral pledged sufficient to reduce the net amount to zero for individual counterparties, as applicable.

Note 7. Fair Value Measurements
The following table provides a summary of our assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis, as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, based on their categorization within the valuation hierarchy (in millions). There were no transfers between valuation hierarchy levels during the periods presented in our accompanying consolidated statements of comprehensive income.

December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 1Level 2Level 3
Agency securities
$— $65,367 $— $— $53,673 $— 
Agency securities transferred to consolidated VIEs
— 97 — — 121 — 
Credit risk transfer securities
— 633 — — 723 — 
Non-Agency securities
— 251 — — 307 — 
U.S. Treasury securities
1,575 — — 1,540 — — 
Interest rate swaps 1
— 22 — — 15 — 
— 39 — — 89 — 
TBA securities— 61 — — 81 — 
U.S. Treasury futures
83 — —  — — 
Total$1,658 $66,470 $— $1,540 $55,009 $— 
Debt of consolidated VIEs$— $64 $— $— $80 $— 
Obligation to return U.S. Treasury securities borrowed under reverse repurchase agreements16,676 — — 10,894 — — 
Interest rate swaps 1
—  — — 1 — 
Credit default swaps 1
— — — — — — 
TBA securities— 87 — — 15 — 
U.S. Treasury futures — — 336 — — 
SOFR Futures7 — — 10 — — 
Total$16,683 $151 $— $11,240 $96 $— 
1.As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the net fair value of our interest rate swaps excluding the recognition of variation margin settlements as a direct reduction of carrying value was a net asset (liability) of $2.3 billion and $2.9 billion, respectively, based on "Level 2" inputs. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the net fair value of our credit default swaps excluding the recognition of variation margin settlements was a net asset (liability) of $0 million and $(6) million, respectively, based on "Level 2" inputs. See Notes 2 and 5 for additional details.

Excluded from the table above are financial instruments reported at cost and other mortgage credit investments reported under the equity method of accounting in our consolidated financial statements. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the fair value of our repurchase agreements approximated cost, given their short-term nature (less than one year) and the rates on our outstanding repurchase agreements largely corresponded to prevailing rates observed in the repo market. The fair value of cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, receivables and other payables were determined to approximate cost as of such dates due to their short duration. We estimate the fair value of these instruments carried at cost using "Level 1" or "Level 2" inputs. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the carrying value of other mortgage credit investments reported under the equity method of accounting was $64 million and $44 million, respectively.

Note 8. Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share

Basic net income (loss) per common share is computed by dividing (i) net income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders by (ii) the sum of our weighted-average number of common shares outstanding and the weighted-average number of vested but not yet issued time- and performance-based restricted stock units ("RSUs") that were outstanding during the period, which were granted under our long-term incentive program to employees and non-employee members of the Board of Directors ("the Board"). Diluted net income (loss) per common share assumes the issuance of all potential common stock equivalents unless doing so would reduce a loss or increase income per common share. Our potential common stock equivalents consist of unvested time- and performance-based RSUs. The following table presents the computations of basic and diluted net income (loss) per common share for the periods indicated (shares and dollars in millions):

Fiscal Year
Weighted average number of common shares issued and outstanding781.2 616.6 535.4 
Weighted average number of fully vested restricted stock units outstanding2.2 1.8 1.6 
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - basic783.4 618.4 537.0 
Weighted average number of dilutive unvested restricted stock units outstanding2.6 1.2  
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding - diluted786.0 619.6537.0
Net income (loss) available (attributable) to common stockholders$731 $32 $(1,295)
Net income (loss) per common share - basic$0.93 $0.05 $(2.41)
Net income (loss) per common share - diluted$0.93 $0.05 $(2.41)
For the year ended December 31, 2022, 1.1 million of potentially dilutive unvested time- and performance-based RSUs outstanding were excluded from the computation of diluted net income (loss) per common share because including them would have been anti-dilutive for the period.

Note 9. Stockholders' Equity
Preferred Stock
We are authorized to designate and issue up to 10.0 million shares of preferred stock in one or more classes or series. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, 13,800, 10,350, 16,100, 23,000 and 6,900 shares of preferred stock were designated as 7.00% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, 6.875% Series D Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, 6.50% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, 6.125% Series F Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock and 7.75% Series G Fixed-Rate Reset Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, respectively, (referred to as "Series C, D, E, F and G Preferred Stock", respectively). As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, 13,000, 9,400, 16,100, 23,000 and 6,000 shares of Series C, D, E, F and G Preferred Stock, respectively, were issued and outstanding. Each share of preferred stock is represented by 1,000 depositary shares. Each share of preferred stock has a liquidation preference of $25,000 per share ($25 per depositary share).
Our preferred stock ranks senior to our common stock with respect to the payment of dividends and the distribution of assets upon a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company. Our preferred stock has no stated maturity, is not subject to any sinking fund or mandatory redemption and each series of preferred stock ranks on parity with one another. Under certain circumstances upon a change of control, our preferred stock is convertible to shares of our common stock. Holders of our preferred stock and depositary shares underlying our preferred stock have no voting rights, except under limited conditions. Beginning on each series' optional redemption date, we may redeem shares at $25.00 per depositary share, plus accumulated and unpaid dividends (whether or not declared), exclusively at our option.
The following table includes a summary of preferred stock depositary shares issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2024 (dollars and shares in millions):
Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock 1
Issue DateDepositary
Liquidation Preference
Per Annum Dividend
Rate 2,3
First Optional
Redemption Date / Conversion Date 3,4
Fixed-to-Floating Rate:
Series CAugust 22, 201713.0 $315 $325 10.01991%October 15, 2022
Series DMarch 6, 20199.4 227 235 9.24091%April 15, 2024
Series EOctober 3, 201916.1 390 403 9.90191%October 15, 2024
Series FFebruary 11, 202023.0 557 575 6.125%April 15, 2025
Fixed-Rate Reset:
Series GSeptember 14, 20226.0 145 150 7.750%October 15, 2027
Total67.5 $1,634 $1,688 
1.The depositary shares underlying our preferred stock accrue dividends at an initial annual fixed rate of the $25.00 liquidation preference per depositary share from the issuance date up to, but not including, the fixed-to-floating rate or fixed-rate-reset conversion date; thereafter, dividends will accrue on a floating rate or fixed-rate-reset basis equal to the conversion rate plus a fixed spread.
2.The Series C, D and E per annum dividend rates represent the rates in effect as of December 31, 2024.
3.The Series C, D and E dividends accrue at a rate equal to the 3-Month CME Term SOFR plus 0.26161%, plus spreads of 5.111%, 4.332% and 4.993%, respectively, per annum, resetting quarterly in accordance with the certificate of designations for such series and the Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act of 2021 (the “LIBOR Act”). At the conclusion of the fixed rate period (the conversion date) for the Series F Preferred Stock, the dividend for such series will accrue at a rate equal to the 3-Month CME Term SOFR plus 0.26161%, plus a spread of 4.697% per annum, resetting

quarterly in accordance with the certificate of designations for such series and the LIBOR Act. At the conclusion of the fixed rate period for the Series G Preferred Stock, the dividend will accrue at a floating rate equal to the 5-Year US Treasury rate plus a spread of 4.39% per annum and will reset in accordance with the certificate of designations for such series.
4.Shares may be redeemed prior to our optional redemption date under certain circumstances intended to preserve our qualification as a REIT for U.S federal income tax purposes.
At-the-Market Offering Program
We are authorized by our Board to enter into agreements with sales agents to publicly offer and sell shares of our common stock in privately negotiated and/or at-the-market transactions from time-to-time up to a maximum aggregate offering price of our common stock. The following table includes a summary of shares of our common stock sold under the sales agreements during fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (in millions, except for per share data). As of December 31, 2024, shares of our common stock with an aggregate offering price of $1.2 billion remained authorized for issuance under this program through December 31, 2025.
ATM OfferingsAverage Price Received Per Share, NetSharesNet Proceeds
Fiscal Year 2024$9.73202.1 $1,967 
Fiscal Year 2023$9.14118.8 $1,085 
Fiscal Year 2022$9.3956.0 $526 
Common Stock Repurchase Program
We are authorized by our Board to repurchase shares of our common stock in open market, through privately negotiated transactions, or pursuant to a trading plan that may be adopted in accordance with Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The following table includes a summary of shares of our common stock repurchased during fiscal year 2022 (in millions, except for per share data). During fiscal years 2023 and 2024, we did not repurchase shares under this program. As of December 31, 2024, shares of our common stock with an aggregate repurchase price of $1.0 billion remained authorized for repurchase through December 31, 2026.
Common Stock Repurchases
Average Price Paid Per Share 1
SharesNet Cost
Fiscal Year 2022$10.784.7 $51 

Distributions to Stockholders
The following table summarizes dividends declared during fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (in millions, except per share amounts):
Dividends Declared
Dividends Declared Per Share 1
Series C Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$35 $2.672820 
Fiscal year 2023$34 $2.660390 
Fiscal year 2022$25 $1.886880 
Series D Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$21 $2.278248 
Fiscal year 2023$16 $1.718750 
Fiscal year 2022$16 $1.718750 
Series E Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$30 $1.851370 
Fiscal year 2023$26 $1.625000 
Fiscal year 2022$26 $1.625000 
Series F Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$35 $1.531250 
Fiscal year 2023$35 $1.531250 
Fiscal year 2022$35 $1.531250 
Series G Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$12 $1.937520 
Fiscal year 2023$12 $1.937520 
Fiscal year 2022$4 $0.651220 
Common Stock
Fiscal year 2024$1,137 $1.440000 
Fiscal year 2023$896 $1.440000 
Fiscal year 2022$775 $1.440000 
1.Preferred stock per share amounts are per depositary share.

The following table summarizes our tax characterization of distributions to stockholders for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022. Distributions included in the table below are based on the fiscal tax year for which the distribution is attributed to for stockholders in accordance with rules promulgated under the Internal Revenue Code:
Tax Characterization 1
Tax Year
Distribution Rate 1
Ordinary Dividend Per ShareQualified DividendsCapital Gain Dividend Per ShareNon-Dividend DistributionsSection 199A Dividend
Series C Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$2.721090 $2.721090 $— $— $— $2.721090 
Fiscal year 2023$2.546340 $2.546340 $— $— $— $2.546340 
Fiscal year 2022$1.750000 $1.750000 $— $— $— $1.750000 
Series D Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$2.117545 $2.117545 $— $— $— $2.117545 
Fiscal year 2023$1.718750 $1.718750 $— $— $— $1.718750 
Fiscal year 2022$1.718750 $1.718750 $— $— $— $1.718750 
Series E Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$1.625000 $1.625000 $— $— $— $1.625000 
Fiscal year 2023$1.625000 $1.625000 $— $— $— $1.625000 
Fiscal year 2022$1.625000 $1.625000 $— $— $— $1.625000 
Series F Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$1.531250 $1.531250 $— $— $— $1.531250 
Fiscal year 2023$1.531250 $1.531250 $— $— $— $1.531250 
Fiscal year 2022$1.531250 $1.531250 $— $— $— $1.531250 
Series G Preferred Stock
Fiscal year 2024$1.937520 $1.937520 $— $— $— $1.937520 
Fiscal year 2023$2.104360 $2.104360 $— $— $— $2.104360 
Common Stock
Fiscal year 2024$1.440000 $1.440000 $— $— $— $1.440000 
Fiscal year 2023$1.560000 $1.560000 $— $— $— $1.560000 
Fiscal year 2022$1.440000 $0.669420 $— $— $0.770580 $0.669420 
1.Preferred stock per share amounts are per depositary share.
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
The following table summarizes changes to accumulated OCI for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 (in millions):
Fiscal Year
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)202420232022
Beginning Balance $(517)$(672)$301 
OCI before reclassifications
(74)92 (1,015)
Net loss amounts for available-for-sale securities reclassified from accumulated OCI to realized gain (loss) on sale of investment securities, net 63 42 
Ending Balance$(591)$(517)$(672)

Note 10. Segment Reporting
Our investment portfolio consists primarily of Agency RMBS, and we fund our investments primarily through collateralized borrowings structured as repurchase agreements. As part of our operations, we are exposed to market risks, including interest rate, prepayment, extension, spread, and credit risks.

Our portfolio is managed as a whole, with investment and hedging decisions assessed collectively by the Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM). The CODM, represented by our Chief Executive Officer with the support of our Executive Management Committee, allocates resources and evaluates financial performance by considering the market risks identified above. The CODM also considers factors such as total assets and repurchase agreements outstanding, as reported on the consolidated balance sheet; our TBA position, as disclosed in Note 5. Derivative and Other Hedging Instruments; our ability to hedge certain risks; and our intention to qualify as a REIT. Consequently, the Company operates as a single reportable segment, as reflected in the accompanying consolidated financial statements and notes.
The CODM assesses performance using comprehensive income (loss), as reported on the consolidated statement of comprehensive income (loss). Comprehensive income (loss) is a key determinant of the Company’s economic return, calculated as the change in tangible stockholders’ equity attributable to common stockholders plus common stock dividends declared, divided by the prior period’s tangible stockholders’ equity attributable to common stockholders. This measure is used to monitor actual results, benchmark performance against peers, and inform management’s compensation. Additionally, the CODM also evaluates consolidated expense information, including interest expense, compensation and benefits, and other operating expenses, as significant metrics in decision-making.

Note 11. Stock-Based Compensation
During fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, we granted RSU awards to employees with a grant date fair value of $10 million, $11 million and $8 million, respectively, which generally vest annually over a three-year period, and we granted RSU awards to independent directors of $1.2 million, $1.2 million and $1.0 million, respectively, which vest at the end of a one-year period from grant date. We also granted PSU awards to employees which generally vest at the end of a three-year period provided that specified performance criteria are met. The performance criteria are based on a formula tied to our achievement of long-term economic returns consisting of the change in tangible net book value and dividends paid per common share on an absolute basis and relative to a select group of our peers. The fair value of the PSU awards granted during fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 as of the grant date was $10 million, $10 million and $11 million, respectively, assuming the target levels of performance are achieved. The actual value of the awards will vary within a range of 0% to 200% of the target based on the actual performance achieved relative to the targets.
Our 2016 Equity Plan, as amended, authorizes a total of 40 million shares of our common stock that may be used to satisfy awards granted under the Plan, subject to the share counting rules set forth within the Plan. As of December 31, 2024, 26.0 million shares remained available for awards under the 2016 Equity Plan. For purposes of determining the total number of shares available for awards under the 2016 Equity Plan, available shares are reduced by (i) shares issued for vested awards, net of units withheld to cover minimum statutory tax withholding requirements paid by us in cash on behalf of the employee, (ii) outstanding unvested awards, (iii) outstanding previously vested awards, if distribution of such awards has been deferred beyond the vesting date ("deferred awards"), and (iv) accrued dividend equivalent units on outstanding awards through December 31, 2024. Unvested PSU awards assume the maximum potential payout under the terms of the award. As of December 31, 2024, 2.0 million of deferred awards, including accrued dividend equivalents, were outstanding.
During fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, we recognized total compensation expense of $23.5 million, $15.0 million and $11.6 million, respectively, for stock-based awards to employees, and we recognized other operating expense of $1.2 million, $1.1 million and $1.0 million, respectively, for stock-based awards to independent directors. Compensation expense for PSU awards is based on our estimate of the probability that the performance criteria for PSU awards will be achieved and, if applicable, includes a cumulative effect adjustment for changes in our estimate from the prior year period. As of December 31, 2024, we estimate that 75.5% of target for PSU awards granted in fiscal year 2022 will vest based on actual performance achieved through the end of the performance measurement period and that 115% and 100% of target will vest for PSU awards granted in fiscal years 2023 and 2024, respectively, based on our estimate of the probability that the performance criteria for these awards will be achieved. As of December 31, 2024, we had $18 million of unrecognized expense related to stock-based awards that we expect to recognize over a weighted average period of 1.4 years.
The following tables summarizes awards under our 2016 Equity Plan for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022:

RSU Awards
RSU Awards 1
Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 2
Weighted Average Vest Date Fair Value
Unvested balance as of December 31, 20211,050,027 $15.15 $— 
Granted687,733 $12.85 $— 
Accrued RSU dividend equivalents
159,039 $— $— 
Vested(558,796)$14.68 $12.70 
(4,312)$13.43 $— 
Unvested balance as of December 31, 20221,333,691 $12.36 $— 
1,140,758 $10.67 $— 
Accrued RSU dividend equivalents
273,189 $— $— 
(703,557)$12.28 $9.88 
Unvested balance as of December 31, 20232,044,081 $9.79 $— 
1,154,343 $9.52 $— 
Accrued RSU dividend equivalents
337,739 $— $— 
(1,062,526)$9.71 $9.56 
Unvested balance as of December 31, 20242,473,637 $8.36 $— 
1.There were no forfeitures of awards during the fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
2.Accrued RSU award dividend equivalents have a weighted average grant date fair value of $0.
PSU Awards
at Target Performance Level 1
Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value 2
Weighted Average Vest Date Fair Value
Unvested balance as of December 31, 20212,212,660 $14.52 $— 
826,971 $12.99 $— 
Accrued PSU dividend equivalents
279,484 $— $— 
(938,540)$13.02 $13.85 
Unvested balance as of December 31, 2022 4
2,380,575 $12.87 $— 
950,840 $10.59 $— 
Accrued PSU dividend equivalents
402,368 $— $— 
Performance adjustment - March 2021 base grant (210,425)$15.96 $— 
Performance adjustment - accrued PSU dividend equivalents 3
(87,375)$— $— 
(699,128)$14.18 $11.48 
Unvested balance as of December 31, 20232,736,855 $10.03 $— 
1,058,466 $9.58 $— 
Accrued PSU dividend equivalents
489,216 $— $— 
Performance adjustment - March 2022 base grant 3
(142,273)$12.99 $— 
Performance adjustment - accrued PSU dividend equivalents 3
(74,832)$— $— 
(595,992)$11.13 $9.56 
Unvested balance as of December 31, 2024 4
3,471,440 $8.38 $— 
1.There were no forfeitures of awards during the periods presented.
2.Accrued PSU award dividend equivalents have a weighted average grant date fair value of $0.
3.Performance adjustments reflect adjustments for actual performance achieved relative to target, measured at the end of the performance period.
4.The unvested balance as of December 31, 2024 assumes actual performance achievement of 75.5% of target for PSU awards granted in fiscal year 2022 that are scheduled to vest in fiscal year 2024 and target levels of performance (100%) for PSU awards granted in fiscal years 2023 and 2024. The actual number of PSUs that will vest for the 2023 and 2024 PSU awards will vary within a range of 0% to 200% of the target based on the actual performance achieved relative to the targets. As of December 31, 2024, we estimate that 115.0% and 100.0% of the 2023 and 2024 PSU awards, respectively, will vest based on our estimate of the probability that the performance criteria for the awards will be achieved.

Note 12. Income Taxes
We did not incur an income tax liability for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 and we do not expect to incur an income tax liability for the year ended December 31, 2024.
Based on our analysis of any potential uncertain income tax positions, we concluded that we do not have any uncertain tax positions that meet the recognition or measurement criteria of ASC Topic 740, Income Taxes, as of December 31, 2024 or prior periods. Our tax returns for tax years 2021 and forward are open to examination by the IRS. If we incur income tax related interest and penalties, our policy is to classify them as a component of provision for income taxes.
Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure
Item 9A. Controls and Procedures
We maintain disclosure controls and procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in our Exchange Act reports is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC's rules and forms, and that such information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure based on the definition of "disclosure controls and procedures" as promulgated under the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder. In designing and evaluating the disclosure controls and procedures, management recognized that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives, and management necessarily was required to apply its judgment in evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls and procedures.
We, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of December 31, 2024. Based on the foregoing, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective.
Management's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Management Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting is included in "Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data."
Attestation Report of Registered Public Accounting Firm
The attestation report of our registered public accounting firm is included in "Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data."
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There have been no changes in our "internal control over financial reporting" (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) of the Exchange Act) that occurred during the last fiscal quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
Item 9B. Other Information
During the fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2024, none of our directors or officers (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) under the Exchange Act) informed us of the adoption or termination of a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” (as each term is defined in Regulation S-K, Item 408).

Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance
Information in response to this Item is incorporated herein by reference to the information provided in our Proxy Statement for our 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "2025 Proxy Statement") under the headings "PROPOSAL 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS", "EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF REGISTRANT", and "BOARD AND GOVERNANCE MATTERS."
Insider Trading Policy
The Company has adopted the AGNC Investment Corp. Policy on Insider Trading that applies to our directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, and certain of their respective family members. We believe the policy is reasonably designed to promote compliance with insider trading laws, rules and regulations, and any applicable listing standards. A copy of our policy is filed as Exhibit 19 to this Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Item 11. Executive Compensation 
Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters
Information in response to this Item is incorporated herein by reference to the information provided in the 2025 Proxy Statement under the heading "SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF MANAGEMENT AND CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS."
Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence
Information in response to this Item is incorporated herein by reference to the information provided in the 2025 Proxy Statement under the headings "CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PERSONS" and "PROPOSAL 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS."
Item 14. Principal Accounting Fees and Services
Information in response to this Item is incorporated herein by reference to the information provided in the 2025 Proxy Statement under the heading "PROPOSAL 4: RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT."


Item 15.     Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules
(a) List of documents filed as part of this report:
(1)    The following financial statements are filed herewith:
    Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 
    Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022
    Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022
    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 
(2)    The following exhibits are filed herewith or incorporated herein by reference
Exhibit No.    Description
*3.1    AGNC Investment Corp. Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, incorporated by reference from Exhibit 3.1 of Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 (File No. 001-34057), filed February 23, 2022.
*3.2    AGNC Investment Corp. Amended and Restated Bylaws, as amended, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed July 21, 2023.
*3.3    Certificate of Designations of 7.00% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.5 of Form 8-A (File No. 001-34057), filed August 18, 2017.
*3.4    Certificate of Elimination of 8.000% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Form 8-K (File No 001-34057), filed October 26, 2017.
*3.5    Certificate of Designations of 6.875% Series D Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.5 of Form 8-A (File No 001-34057), filed March 6, 2019.
*3.6    Certificate of Designations of 6.50% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.6 of Form 8-A (File No 001-34057), filed October 3, 2019.
*3.7    Certificate of Elimination of 7.750% Series B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Form 8-K (File No 001-34057), filed December 13, 2019.
*3.8    Certificate of Designations of 6.125% Series F Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.6 of Form 8-A (File No 001-34057), filed February 11, 2020.
*3.9    Certificate of Designations of 7.75% Series G Fixed-Rate Reset Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.7 of Form 8-A (File No 001-34057), filed September 14, 2022.
*4.1    Instruments defining the rights of holders of securities: See Article IV of our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 (File No. 001-34057), filed February 23, 2022.
*4.2    Instruments defining the rights of holders of securities: See Article VI of our Amended and Restated Bylaws, as amended, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Form 8-K, filed July 21, 2023.
*4.3    Form of Certificate for Common Stock, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.3 of Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2022 (File No. 001-34057), filed November 7, 2022.
*4.4    Specimen 7.00% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock Certificate, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of Form 8-A (File No. 001-34057), filed August 18, 2017.
*4.5    Specimen 6.875% Series D Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock Certificate, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of Form 8-A (File No. 001-34057), filed March 6, 2019.

*4.6    Specimen 6.50% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock Certificate, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of Form 8-A (File No. 001-34057), filed October 3, 2019.
*4.7    Specimen 6.125% Series F Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock Certificate, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of Form 8-A (File No 001-34057), filed February 11, 2020.
*4.8    Specimen 7.75% Series G Fixed-Rate Reset Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock Certificate, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of Form 8-A (File No 001-34057), filed September 14, 2022.
*4.9    Deposit Agreement relating to 7.00% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, dated August 22, 2017, among AGNC Investment Corp., Computershare Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., jointly as depositary, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed August 22, 2017.
*4.10    Form of Depositary Receipt representing 1/1,000th of a share of 7.00% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (included as part of Exhibit 4.9), incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit A of Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed August 22, 2017.
*4.11    Deposit Agreement relating to 6.875% Series D Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, dated March 6, 2019, among AGNC Investment Corp., Computershare Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., jointly as depositary, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed March 6, 2019.
*4.12    Form of Depositary Receipt representing 1/1,000th of a share of 6.875% Series D Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (included as part of Exhibit 4.11), incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit A of Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed March 6, 2019.
*4.13    Deposit Agreement relating to 6.50% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, dated October 3, 2019, among AGNC Investment Corp., Computershare Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., jointly as depositary, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed October 3, 2019.
*4.14    Form of Depositary Receipt representing 1/1,000th of a share of 6.50% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (included as part of Exhibit 4.13), incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit A of Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed October 3, 2019.
*4.15    Deposit Agreement relating to 6.125% Series F Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, dated February 11, 2020, among AGNC Investment Corp., Computershare Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., jointly as depositary, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed February 11, 2020.
*4.16    Form of Depositary Receipt representing 1/1,000th of a share of 6.125% Series F Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (included as part of Exhibit 4.15), incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit A of Exhibit 4.1 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed February 11, 2020.
*4.17    Deposit Agreement relating to 7.75% Series G Fixed-Rate Reset Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, dated September 14, 2022, among AGNC Investment Corp., Computershare Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., jointly as depositary, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed September 14, 2022.
*4.18    Form of Depositary Receipt representing 1/1,000th of a share of 7.75% Series G Fixed-Rate Reset Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (included as part of Exhibit 4.17), incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit A of Exhibit 4.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed September 14, 2022.
4.19    Description of the Registrant’s Securities, filed herewith.
†* 10.1    Form of Indemnification Agreement, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057) filed October 25, 2021.
†* 10.2    Sixth Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated July18, 2024, between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Gary Kain, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed July 19, 2024.

†* 10.3    Second Amended and Restated Employment Agreement, dated December 10, 2020, by and between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Peter Federico, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed December 10, 2020.
†* 10.4    First Amendment to Second Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated January 31, 2023 between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Peter Federico, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.4 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 27, 2023.
†* 10.5    Second Amended and Restated Employment Agreement, dated December 10, 2020, by and between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Christopher Kuehl, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.3 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed December 10, 2020.
†* 10.6    First Amendment to Second Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated January 31, 2023 between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Christopher Kuehl, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.6 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 27, 2023.
†* 10.7    Amended and Restated Employment Agreement, dated January 22, 2021, by and between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Bernice Bell, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed January 22, 2021.
†* 10.8    First Amendment to Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated January 21, 2022 between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Bernice Bell, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed January 21, 2022.
†* 10.9    Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated January 31, 2023 between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Bernice Bell, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 3, 2023.
†* 10.10    Amended and Restated Employment Agreement, dated January 22, 2021, by and between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Kenneth Pollack, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.15 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 26, 2021.
†* 10.11    First Amendment to Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated January 21, 2022 between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Kenneth Pollack, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.2 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed January 21, 2022.
†* 10.12    Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated January 31, 2023 between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Kenneth Pollack, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 of Form 8-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 3, 2023.
†* 10.13    Amended and Restated Employment Agreement dated January 31, 2023 between AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC and Sean Reid, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 of Form 10-Q (File No. 001-34057), filed May 7, 2024.
†* 10.14    Amended and Restated AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.11 of Form 10-K (File No, 001-34057), filed February 23, 2022.
†* 10.15    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Non-Employee Directors, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.14 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 26, 2018.
†* 10.16    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Deferred Stock Unit Agreement incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10 of Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2018 (File No. 001-34057), filed November 5, 2018.
†* 10.17    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Section 16 Officers with Retirement Provisions, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.26 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 26, 2021.
†* 10.18    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Section 16 Officers with Retirement Provisions, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.27 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 26, 2021.

†* 10.19    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Section 16 Officers with Employment Contracts, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.28 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 26, 2021.
†* 10.20    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Section 16 Officers with Employment Contracts, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.29 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 26, 2021.
†* 10.21    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Section 16 Officers with Retirement Plan Language, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.20 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 22, 2024.
†* 10.22    Form of AGNC Investment Corp. 2016 Equity and Incentive Compensation Plan Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Section 16 Officers with Retirement Plan Language, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.21 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed February 22, 2024.
*14    AGNC Investment Corp. Code of Ethics and Conduct, adopted July 18, 2024, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 14 of Form 10-Q (File No. 001-34057) filed August 5, 2024.
19    AGNC Investment Corp. Policy on Insider Trading, adopted July 18, 2024, filed herewith.
21    Subsidiaries of the Company and jurisdiction of incorporation:
1)AGNC TRS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
2)Bethesda Securities, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
3)AGNC Mortgage Management, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
23    Consent of Ernst & Young LLP, filed herewith.
24    Powers of Attorney of directors, filed herewith.
31.1    Certification of CEO Pursuant to Section 302(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
31.2    Certification of CFO Pursuant to Section 302(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
32    Certification of CEO and CFO Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
*97.1    AGNC Investment Corp. Compensation Clawback Policy, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 97.1 of Form 10-K (File No. 001-34057), filed Februrary 22, 2024.
101.INS**    The instance document does not appear in the interactive data file because its XBRL tags are embedded within the inline XBRL document
101.SCH**    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
101.CAL**    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document
101.LAB**    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase Document
101.PRE**    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document
101.DEF**    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
*    Previously filed
**    This exhibit is being furnished rather than filed, and shall not be deemed incorporated by reference into any filing, in accordance with Item 601 of Regulation S-K
†    Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement
(b)    Exhibits
        See the exhibits filed herewith.
(c)    Additional financial statement schedules

Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
 Peter J. Federico
President and
Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer)
Date:February 21, 2025
 Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.
Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer)February 21, 2025
Peter J. Federico
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)February 21, 2025
Bernice E. Bell
/s/    GARY D. KAIN
Director, Executive ChairFebruary 21, 2025
Gary D. Kain
*DirectorFebruary 21, 2025
Donna J. Blank
*DirectorFebruary 21, 2025
Morris A. Davis
*DirectorFebruary 21, 2025
John D. Fisk
*DirectorFebruary 21, 2025
Andrew A. Johnson, Jr.
*DirectorFebruary 21, 2025
Prue B. Larocca
*DirectorFebruary 21, 2025
Paul E. Mullings
*DirectorFebruary 21, 2025
Frances R. Spark
Kenneth L. Pollack