EX-10.1 2 a10-qexhibit10112282024.htm EX-10.1 文件

(1)計劃的目的。 本計劃的目的是鼓勵並使公司及其某些子公司的合格員工通過持有股份來獲取公司的產權利益。 公司希望本計劃及根據本計劃授予的期權符合《美國國內稅收法》第423條中規定的「員工股票購買計劃」的要求,儘管公司並未承諾,也不表示會維持本計劃或該等期權的合格狀態。此外,未滿足《美國國內稅收法》第423條中規定的「員工股票購買計劃」要求的期權,可以根據董事會爲合格員工制定的規則、程序或子計劃在本計劃下授予。
(a)「賬戶」 應指爲參與者根據計劃積累資金而建立和維護的記賬賬戶,用於購買該計劃下的股份。
(b)「管理員」 應指董事會、董事會的薪酬委員會或董事會指定的任何其他委員會。
(c)「適用法律」 應指所有適用的證券、稅收和外匯管制法律、規則、法規和要求,包括但不限於美國州公司的法律、美國聯邦和州證券法、稅法、任何股票交易所或報價系統的規則,這些股份在其中被列出或報價,以及在計劃下授予期權或符合條件的員工居住或提供服務的任何其他國家或地區的適用證券、稅收和外匯管制法律、規則、法規和要求,正如這些法律、規則、法規和要求會不時生效。
(d)「董事會」 應指公司的董事會。

(e)「代碼」 應指1986年修訂的美國國內稅收法典及其發佈的相關法規和解釋。
(f)「普通股」 應指公司的普通股,每股面值爲0.00001美元。
(g)「公司」 應指蘋果公司,一家加利福尼亞州的公司。
(h)「指定子公司」 應指由管理員不時自行決定的任何子公司,其員工可以參與該計劃,前提是這些員工在其他方面符合合格員工的資格。管理員可以規定,任何指定子公司的非美國合格員工只能有資格參與非423(b)發售。
(i)「合格薪酬」 指參與者通過公司或指定子公司的工資系統支付的現金薪酬,該薪酬是由於其在就業過程中實際提供的個性化服務而獲得的。合格薪酬僅限於參與者在參與計劃期間所獲得的金額,包括工資和其他薪資、參與者爲公司或任何指定子公司維持的任何福利計劃(包括任何401(k)計劃、125計劃或其他任何遞延薪酬計劃)所做的貢獻、加班費、佣金、佣金預支、輪班補貼、病假工資、假期工資、節假日工資和停工工資,除非管理員特別指示所有合格員工排除任何這樣的項目(或任何這樣的項目的子集)。儘管有前述規定,合格薪酬不包括任何激勵或其他獎金支付(除非管理員特別指示所有合格員工包括任何激勵或其他獎金支付)、以現金以外的形式支付的報酬、邊際福利(包括汽車津貼和搬遷款)、員工折扣、費用報銷或津貼、長期殘疾付款、工傷賠償付款、福利待遇,以及公司或任何指定子公司對任何福利計劃(包括任何401(k)計劃或任何其他福利或退休計劃)做出的任何貢獻。
(j)「符合條件的員工」 指任何自然人,包括定期由公司或任何指定子公司僱傭的官員。
(k)「註冊協議」 指公司與合格員工之間的協議,以書面、電子或其他格式,以及根據管理員不時制定的書面、電子或其他程序,合格員工選擇參與本計劃。


(l)「登記期限」 是指管理員規定的時間段,該時間段在認購日期之前結束,符合條件的員工可以選擇參與認購期。登記期限的持續時間和時間可由管理員不時更改或修改。
(m)"公平市場價值" 是指,除非管理員在特定情況下另作判斷或規定,否則是在納斯達克交易市場(「市場」)上某普通股的收盤價(正常交易)爲所提及日期的價格,或者如果在該日期市場上沒有報告普通股的交易,則爲市場上上一交易日的普通股收盤價(正常交易)。然而,管理員可以就一個或多個期權提供有關公平市場價值的不同規定,該價值將等於所提及日期前最後一個交易日普通股在市場上的最後價格,或所提及日期的普通股在市場上的最高和最低交易價格的平均值,或最近交易日的價格。如果普通股在適用日期時不再上市或不再活躍交易,則公平市場價值應爲管理員根據情況爲計劃合理判斷的價值。管理員還可以採用不同的方法來確定公平市場價值,以便對於一個或多個期權的特定期權,如果有必要或可取的話,確保任何預期的優惠稅務、法律或其他處理(例如,不限於,管理員可以規定一個或多個期權的目的的公平市場價值將基於相關日期之前指定期限的收盤價平均值(或最高和最低每日交易價格的平均值)。
(n)「非423(b)發行」 是指管理員作爲本計劃的一部分所採納的規則、程序或子計劃(如有),根據這些規則,未滿足《美國法典》第423條中規定的「員工股票購買計劃」要求的期權可以作爲本計劃單獨向符合條件的員工授予。
(o)「發行日期」 是指由管理員指定的每個發行期的第一天。
(p)「提供期限」 是指由管理員提前設定的時期,該時期不得超過二十七(27)個月,在此期間將收集工資扣款以根據本計劃進行股票購買。


(q)「期權」 是指根據本計劃授予參與者購買股份的權利。
(r)未完成選舉 是指參與者在一個發行期間內當前選購股份的選舉,或在發行期間最後一個交易日結束前未被取消的該選舉部分(包括根據第(9)節自願取消和根據第(14)節視爲取消)。
(s)「參與者」 是指根據第(6)節選擇參加該計劃的符合條件的員工。
(t)「前計劃」 是指蘋果公司員工股票購買計劃,已於2010年3月8日修訂並重新表述。
(u)每股購買價格 應指管理者在特定情況下判斷或提供的價格,但不得低於以下兩者中的較低者:(i)發行日公平市場價值的百分之八十五(85%)或(ii)發行期最後一個交易日的公平市場價值的百分之八十五(85%)。
(v)「股份」 應指一(1)股普通股。
(w)「子公司」 應指從公司開始的一個不間斷的公司鏈中任何公司(公司除外),如果該鏈中除了最後一個公司的所有公司擁有該鏈中其他公司所有類別股票的總投票權的百分之五十(50%)或更多的股份。 在有效日期之後獲得子公司狀態的公司應視爲自該日期起開始作爲子公司。
(x)「服務終止」 就員工而言,指員工與公司或指定子公司之間的僱傭關係因任何原因的終止,(i)包括但不限於,(A)辭職、解僱、死亡、殘疾、養老或子公司的脫離,(B)除非管理者另有判斷或規定,轉移至非指定子公司的子公司的僱傭關係,自轉移後第一個完整的三(3)個月期的第一天開始生效,以及(C)終止僱傭關係的情況下,個人仍以非員工角色向公司或子公司提供某些服務,但是(ii)不包括(A)同時由公司或指定子公司重新聘用的此類終止以及(B)任何良性且公司批准的休假,例如家庭假、醫療假、個人假和軍事假;但是,假期超過三(3)個月且員工的再就業權利未被法律或合同保障的情況下,僱傭關係將在此三(3)個月期結束後的第一天被視爲終止。


(y)「交易日」 應指納斯達克開放交易的日子。
(3)計劃保留的股份。根據第(17)條的調整,本計劃下根據授予的期權可交付的最大股份數量(包括任何依據本計劃建立的非423(b)發行)應等於(i) 50,000,000 股和 (ii) 截至生效日期前計劃已預留但未根據期權交付的股份數量;前提是根據本計劃預留的股份數量不得超過57,591,146 股(該數量爲(x) 上述50,000,000 股加上(y) 2014年11月13日時計劃下可供發行的股份數量)。根據本計劃預留用於發行的股份可以是授權但未發行的股份、庫存股份或在公開市場上購買的股份。如果本計劃下授予的任何期權因任何原因終止且未被行使,則該期權下未購買的股份將再次可供本計劃發行。






(8)Payroll Deductions. Each Participant’s Enrollment Agreement shall contain a payroll deduction authorization pursuant to which he or she shall elect to have a designated whole percentage of Eligible Compensation between one percent (1%) and ten percent (10%) deducted on each payday during the Offering Period and credited to the Participant’s Account for the purchase of Shares pursuant to the offering. Payroll deductions shall commence on the Offering Date of the first Offering Period to which the Enrollment Agreement relates (or as soon as administratively practicable thereafter) and shall continue through subsequent Offering Periods pursuant to Section (7). Participants shall not be permitted to make any separate cash payments into their Account for the purchase of Shares pursuant to an offering. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if local law prohibits payroll deductions, a Participant may elect to participate in an Offering Period through contributions to his or her Account in a format and pursuant to a process acceptable to the Administrator. In such event, any such Participant shall be deemed to participate in a separate offering under the Plan, unless the Administrator otherwise expressly provides.
If in any payroll period a Participant has no pay or his or her pay is insufficient (after other authorized deductions) to permit deduction of the full amount of his or her payroll deduction election, then (i) the payroll deduction election for such payroll period shall be reduced to the amount of pay remaining, if any, after all other authorized deductions, and (ii) the percentage or dollar amount of Eligible Compensation shall be deemed to have been reduced by the amount of the reduction in the payroll deduction election for such payroll period. Deductions of the full amount originally elected by the Participant will recommence as soon as his or her pay is sufficient to permit such payroll deductions; provided, however, no additional amounts will be deducted to satisfy the Outstanding Election.


(10)Purchase of Stock. On the last Trading Day of each Offering Period, the Administrator shall cause the amount credited to each Participant’s Account to be applied to purchase as many Shares (or, as applicable, fractions of a Share) pursuant to the Participant’s Option as possible at the Purchase Price Per Share, subject to limitations of Sections (3) and (5). In no event may Shares be purchased pursuant to an Option more than twenty-seven (27) months after the Offering Date of such Option. The amount applied to purchase Shares pursuant to the Option shall be deducted from the Participant’s Account. Any amounts remaining credited to the Participant’s Account on the last Trading Day of the Offering Period shall be retained in the Participant’s Account and rolled forward to the next Offering Period.


(11)Interest on Payments. No interest shall be paid on sums withheld from a Participant’s pay for the purchase of Shares under this Plan unless otherwise determined necessary by the Administrator.
(12)Rights as Shareholder. A Participant will not be a shareholder or have any rights as a shareholder with respect to Shares subject to the Participant’s Options issued under the Plan until the Shares are purchased pursuant to the Options and such Shares are transferred into the Participant’s name on the Company’s books and records.
(13)Options Not Transferable. A Participant’s Options under this Plan may not be sold, pledged, assigned, or transferred in any manner. If a Participant sells, pledges, assigns, or transfers his or her Options in violation of this Section (13), such Options shall immediately terminate, and the Participant shall immediately receive a refund of the amount then credited to the Participant’s Account.
(14)Deemed Cancellations.
(a)Termination of Service. In the event of a Participant’s Termination of Service, (i) any outstanding Option held by the Participant shall immediately terminate; (ii) the Participant shall be withdrawn from the Plan; and (iii) the Participant shall receive a refund of the amount then credited to the Participant’s Account.
(b)Death of a Participant. If a Participant dies, (i) any outstanding Option held by the Participant shall immediately terminate, and (ii) the Participant shall be withdrawn from the Plan. As soon as administratively practicable after the Participant’s death, the amount then credited to the Participant’s Account shall be remitted to the executor, administrator, or other legal representative of the Participant’s estate or, if the Administrator permits a beneficiary designation, to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the Participant if such designation has been filed with the Company or the Company’s designee before such Participant’s death. If such executor, administrator, or other legal representative of the Participant’s estate has not been appointed (to the knowledge of the Company) or if the beneficiary or beneficiaries are no longer living at the time of the Participant’s death, the Company, in its discretion, may deliver the outstanding Account balance to the spouse or to any one or more dependents or relatives of the Participant or to such other person as the Company may designate.
(15)Application of Funds. All funds received by the Company in payment for Shares purchased under this Plan and held by the Company at any time may be used for any valid corporate purpose.
(16)No Employment/Service Rights. Neither the action of the Company in establishing the Plan, nor any action taken under the Plan by the Board or the Administrator, nor any provision of the Plan itself, shall be construed so as to


grant any person the right to remain in the employ of the Company or any Subsidiary for any period of specific duration, and such person’s employment may be terminated at any time, with or without cause.
(17)Adjustments. Subject to Section (18), upon (or, as may be necessary to effect the adjustment, immediately prior to) any reclassification, recapitalization, stock split (including a stock split in the form of a stock dividend) or reverse stock split; any merger, combination, consolidation, or other reorganization; any spin-off, split-up, or similar extraordinary dividend distribution in respect of the Common Stock; or any exchange of Common Stock or other securities of the Company or any similar, unusual, or extraordinary corporate transaction in respect of the Common Stock, in each case, then the Administrator shall equitably and proportionately adjust (1) the number, amount, and type of Shares of Common Stock (or other securities) that thereafter may be made the subject of Options (including the specific Share limits, maximums, and numbers of Shares set forth elsewhere in the Plan), (2) the number, amount, and type of Shares of Common Stock (or other securities or property) subject to any outstanding Options, (3) the Purchase Price Per Share of any outstanding Options, and/or (4) the securities, cash, or other property deliverable upon exercise or payment of any outstanding Options, in each case to the extent necessary to preserve (but not increase) the level of incentives intended by the Plan and the then-outstanding Options.

