4. 免責要求. 您在公司以顧問身份的持續僱傭以及上述第1節中描述的股權處理是以(i)您簽署所附的完整釋放和權利放棄爲條件的 附錄 A (("發佈”) 不遲於過渡日期,並且 (ii) 你重新確認並使解除條款不可撤銷(根據公司在養老日期之前合理修改並提供給你的方式,以納入對《年齡歧視就業法》(ADEA)索賠及相關程序的解除)在養老日期後的二十八天內的期間內(第 (i) 和 (ii) 條款,合稱爲 “釋放要求”).
6. Whistleblower Protections. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this letter (or the Release) is intended to, and Section 5 above will not, (i) preclude you from disclosing or discussing information lawfully acquired about wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment if used for purposes protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act such as joining or forming a union, engaging in collective bargaining or engaging in other concerted activity for the mutual aid or protection of employees or (ii) limit your rights under applicable law to initiate communications directly with, provide information to, respond to any inquiries from, or report possible violations of law or regulation to any governmental entity or self-regulatory authority, or to file a charge with or participate in an investigation conducted by any governmental entity or self-regulatory authority, and you do not need the Company’s permission to do so. In addition, it is understood that nothing in this letter (or the Release) shall require you to notify the Company of a request for information from any governmental entity or self-regulatory authority or of your decision to file a charge with or participate in an investigation conducted by any governmental entity or self-regulatory authority. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you recognize that, in connection with the provision of information to any governmental entity or self-regulatory authority, you must inform such governmental entity or self-regulatory authority that the information you are providing is confidential. Despite the foregoing, you are not permitted to reveal to any third party, including any governmental entity or self-regulatory authority, information you came to learn during your service to the Company that is protected from disclosure by any applicable privilege, including but not limited to the attorney-client privilege or attorney work product doctrine. The Company does not waive any applicable privileges or the right to continue to protect its privileged attorney-client information, attorney work product, and other privileged information.