華盛頓特區 20549
根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)條的年度報告 | |
截至財年的 | |
根據《1934年證券交易法》第13或15(d)條的過渡報告 | |
過渡期間從 ___________ 到 ____________ | |
委員會檔案編號 |
(註冊人名稱如章程中所列) |
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(州或其他管轄區的 公司註冊或組織) |
| (美國國稅局僱主 識別號) |
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(主要執行辦公室地址) |
| (Zip Code) |
註冊人的電話號碼,包括區號: ( |
每個類別的標題 | 交易標的 | 註冊的每個交易所的名稱 |
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如果註冊人是《證券法》第405條定義的知名成熟發行人,請用勾號表示。是 ☐
請勾選如果註冊人不需要根據法律第13條或第15(d)條提交報告 是 ☐
請勾選註冊人是否:(1) 在過去的12個月內(或註冊人被要求提交此類報告的較短期內)已提交《1934年證券交易法》第13條或第15(d)條所需的所有報告,和 (2) 在過去90天內是否一直受到此類申報要求的約束。
請勾選註冊人是否在過去12個月內(或註冊人被要求提交此類文件的較短期間)按照規則405提交了所有需要電子提交的互動數據文件(第232.405條)。是 ☐
大型加速報告人 | ☐ | 加速報告人 | ☐ |
☒ | 小型報告公司 | ||
| 新興成長公司 |
10-K 表格
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第二部分 |
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第1項. 業務
在本年度報告中,除非另有說明,"我們"、"我們公司"、"我們的"、"Upexi"和"公司"指的是成立於2018年的內華達州公司Upexi, Inc.該公司擁有11個活躍的子公司,包括:
| ☐ | HAVZ, LLC,商業名稱爲Steam Wholesale,位於加利福尼亞的有限責任公司 | ||
| ☐ | Gummy Labs, LLC,位於德拉瓦的有限責任公司 | ||
| ☐ | MW Products, Inc.,位於內華達的公司 | ||
| ☐ | Upexi Holding, LLC,位於德拉瓦的有限責任公司 | ||
| o | Upexi寵物產品公司,有限責任公司,特拉華州 | |
| ☐ | Upexi企業公司,有限責任公司,特拉華州 | ||
| o | Upexi分銷公司,有限責任公司,特拉華州 | |
| o | Upexi分銷管理公司,有限責任公司,特拉華州 | |
| o | Upexi物業與資產公司,有限責任公司,特拉華州 | |
| ■ | Upexi 17129佛羅里達州公司,有限責任公司,特拉華州 |
| ☐ | Cygnet Online, LLC(「Cygnet」),一家特拉華州有限責任公司(截至2023年9月1日100%擁有) |
| ☐ | Upexi CP, LLC,一家特拉華州有限責任公司 |
| ☐ | Upexi CP / Canada Inc.,一家加拿大公司 |
| ☐ | Prax Products, LLC,一家佛羅里達州有限責任公司 |
| ☐ | Upexi Development and Marketing, LLC,一家特拉華州有限責任公司 |
| ☐ | Trunano Labs, Inc.是一家內華達州公司 |
| ☐ | VitaMedica公司,內華達州公司 |
| ☐ | E-Core科技公司,佛羅里達州公司 |
| ☐ | Infusionz有限責任公司,科羅拉多州有限責任公司 |
| ☐ | Interactive Offers有限責任公司,特拉華州有限責任公司 |
| · | Steam Distribution, LLC,是一家位於加利福尼亞的有限責任公司 |
| · | One Hit Wonder, Inc.,是一家加利福尼亞州的公司 |
| · | One Hit Wonder Holdings, LLC,是一家位於加利福尼亞的有限責任公司 |
| · | Vape Estate, Inc.,是一家內華達州的公司 |
| · | SWCH, LLC,是一家位於特拉華州的有限責任公司 |
| · | Cresco Management, LLC,是一家位於加利福尼亞的有限責任公司 |
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我們是根據2012年的《創業公司啓動法案》(JOBS Act)註冊的新興成長公司。我們將繼續被視爲新興成長公司,直到以下最早的時間:
| 1. | 我們的財政年度最後一天,總年毛收入超過1,235,000,000美元(此金額每5年由委員會根據勞動統計局發佈的所有城市消費指數的變動進行通貨膨脹調整); |
| 2. | 我們的財政年度最後一天,自首次出售我們的普通股證券依據有效的首次公開募股註冊聲明以來的第五個週年紀念日; |
| 3. | 公司在前3年內發行超過1,000,000,000美元的不可轉換債務的日期;或 |
| 4. | 公司符合《聯邦法規》第46章第2401.2億.2(2)節定義的『大型加速報告人』的日期,或任何繼承者。 |
作爲一家新興成長公司,我們免於遵守2002年薩班斯-豪利法案第404(b)條款。第404(a)條款要求發行人在其年度報告中發佈有關內部控制結構和財務報告程序的範圍和適 adequacy. 該聲明還應評估這些內部控制和程序的有效性。第404(b)條款要求註冊會計師事務所在同一報告中,對內部控制結構和財務報告程序的評估及其有效性進行確認和報告。
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在Gumi Labs,我們製造支持健康和保健產品的糖果及其他產品,包括使用大麻成分製造的產品。我們的製造設施已遷至佛羅里達州,並於2024年8月達到滿負荷產能。
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在Upexi Distribution,我們管理公司的倉儲和物流需求,爲我們的品牌和製造業-半導體提供存儲、整合、組裝、亞馬遜準備、分銷和履行服務。
2020年7月 - 公司收購了Infusionz LLC。Infusionz是一家在產品製造和分銷方面類似的業務,並擁有我們認爲可以通過合併擴大的一些產品品牌。
2021年6月 - Upexi Inc. 成爲納斯達克交易所上市公司。
2021年8月 - 公司收購了VitaMedica公司,這是一家位於加利福尼亞州的公司(VitaMedica)。VitaMedica是一家領先的在線銷售手術、恢復、皮膚、美容、健康和 wellness 補充品的公司。
2021年10月 - 公司購買了位於特拉華州的有限責任公司Interactive Offers。Interactive通過其SaaS-雲計算平台提供程序化廣告,可以在任何合作伙伴的網站上自動進行程序化廣告投放,操作簡單,使用特斯拉-儀表。
2022年4月 - 公司購買了Cygnet Online, LLC(德拉瓦州有限責任公司)55%的股份(簡稱「Cygnet」)。Cygnet運營一個倉庫和配送中心,負責通過亞馬遜和其他在線轉售商管理日常操作的產品清算。
2022年8月 – 公司收購了LuckyTail品牌的資產。這次收購使公司在寵物護理行業獲得了立足點,並在亞馬遜及其電子商務平台上建立了強大的市場影響力,提供國內外的營養和美容產品。
2022年10月 - 公司購買了E-Core科技公司,簡稱新英格蘭科技公司(「E-Core」),是一家佛羅里達州的公司。E-Core將非自有品牌的產品分銷給全國零售分銷商,並在玩具行業擁有品牌產品,這些產品通過在線銷售渠道直接銷售給消費者,並出售給全國零售分銷商。
2022年10月 - 公司出售了Infusionz品牌的所有權利以及某些自有品牌業務的製造權。Infusionz最初是由公司在2020年7月購買的。
2023年7月 - 公司通知買方Infusionz品牌和製造業-半導體的違約,並通知買方所有對買方的義務和承諾已終止。公司重新開始爲公司擁有的品牌製造,以確保產品的供應鏈沒有中斷。
2023年8月 - 公司購買了Cygnet的剩餘股份。
2023年8月 – 公司出售其全資子公司Interactive Offers, LLC的所有已發行和流通的股份(100%)。
2024年5月 - 公司出售了其全資子公司VitaMedica(內華達州公司)的股權。
2024年6月 - 公司出售了其全資子公司E-Core科技公司(以新英格蘭科技公司名義經營)的股權,該公司是一家佛羅里達州的公司。
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在美國,由Upexi生產的大麻產品受到美國食品藥品監督管理局、聯邦貿易委員會、美國農業部(「USDA」)以及各州內各州機構的監管。首先,Upexi生產和分銷的大麻產品必須符合2018年農業改善法案(「農業法案」)的要求。根據農業法案,所有大麻產品必須含有不超過0.3%的9-四氫大麻酚(「9-delta」),以乾重爲基礎。爲了確保符合這一規定,Upexi要求其生產和分銷的所有大麻產品中,所有四氫大麻酚的含量不得超過0.3%,而不僅僅是9-delta。農業法案還要求Upexi僅使用根據州法律或USDA頒發的法規獲得合法許可的大麻[製造商/生產者]。因此,公司根據農業法案處理、開發、製造和銷售其產品。Upexi Inc.生產和分銷的CBD產品也必須符合聯邦食品、藥品和化妝品法(「FDCA」)及聯邦食品藥品監督管理局(「FDA」)實施FDCA的相關法規。儘管FDCA和FDA並沒有關於大麻產品營銷的具體規定,但這些產品仍然受到FDCA和FDA根據產品是否作爲化妝品、膳食補充劑或食品進行銷售的一般摻假和標籤規定的約束。大麻產品中含有大麻素的合規性仍處於波動狀態。FDA發佈了一項名爲「FDA對大麻及大麻衍生產品(包括大麻二酚(CBD))的監管」的指南,根據該指南,FDA認爲CBD作爲食品或飲料中的成分,或作爲膳食成分或者膳食補充劑使用是被禁止的,這基於FDCA的幾項條款。在FDCA第201(ff)節中找到的「膳食補充劑」定義中,作爲新藥、抗生素或生物藥品授權進行研究的物品,其存在的臨床研究已被公開,排除在膳食補充劑的定義之外。FDCA第301(ll)節中的類似條款使得將任何被調查爲新藥的物質引入或交付到商業中屬於禁止行爲。對於CBD在非藥物外用產品的使用,並沒有類似的排除,只要這些產品符合適用法律。FDA成立了一個特別工作組,以進一步規管CBD和其他大麻衍生產品,目前正在評估適用的科學和監管CBD及其他大麻衍生成分的途徑。此外,各州也已頒佈與CBD和其他大麻產品的處理、製造、標籤和銷售有關的特定州法律。遵守州特定的法律法規可能會影響我們在那些特定州的業務。需要注意的是,FDA尚未對其他大麻素的監管狀態(例如CBDA、CBDG和CBDN)採取任何具體立場。最後,聯邦貿易委員會是負責確保所有大麻產品的市場宣傳聲明真實且不具誤導性的機構。
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我們的執行團隊具有物流背景,首席執行官艾倫·馬歇爾是XPO物流(前稱Segmentz, Inc.)的創始人。隨着運費上漲影響到在線零售商,我們的優勢在於理解這一點並尋找降低成本和開支的方法,從而提高所有產品的利潤率。
人才招聘。 我們招聘流程的重要部分不僅是評估品牌/產品的提供,還要了解負責其成功的團隊。在招聘市場競爭激烈的情況下,這已被證明是一種戰略性的方法來吸引人才。我們不僅獲得了一個優秀的品牌,還希望保留那些通常是該品牌核心的人員,給予他們資源,甚至利用他們進行我們內部推出或收購的其他品牌。我們堅信,持續的成功依賴於各個行業不斷擴展的專業團隊。
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建議您與我們不時向SEC提交的其他報告和文件一起閱讀本表格10-K。您可以直接從我們或在華盛頓特區N.E. F街100號的SEC公共參考室獲取這些報告的副本,郵政編碼20549,您也可以撥打1-800-SEC-0330致電SEC獲取有關如何訪問參考室的信息。此外,SEC在其網站http://www.sec.gov上爲電子申報者提供信息。
項目1A. 風險因素
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| · | 我們產品的需求; |
| · | 我們獲得和留住現有客戶或鼓勵重複購買的能力; |
| · | 我們管理產品庫存的能力; |
| · | 國內和國外市場的一般經濟狀況; |
| · | 廣告和其他營銷成本;以及 |
| · | 創建和擴展產品線的成本。 |
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We will incur increased costs and demands upon management as a result of complying with the laws and regulations affecting public companies, which could adversely affect our operating results.
As a public company, we will incur significant legal, accounting and other expenses that we did not incur as a private company, including costs associated with public company reporting and corporate governance requirements. These requirements include compliance with Section 404 and other provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as well as rules implemented by the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and the NASDAQ. In addition, our management team will also have to adapt to the requirements of being a public company. We expect complying with these rules and regulations will substantially increase our legal and financial compliance costs and make some activities more time-consuming and costly.
The increased costs associated with operating as a public company will decrease our net income or increase our net loss and may require us to reduce costs in other areas of our business or increase the prices of our products. Additionally, if these requirements divert our management’s attention from other business concerns, they could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.
As a public company, we also expect that it may be more difficult and more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced policy limits and coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain the same or similar coverage. As a result, it may be more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified individuals to serve on our board of directors or as our executive officers.
We are eligible to be treated as an “emerging growth company,” as defined in the JOBS Act, and a “smaller reporting company” within the meaning of the Securities Act, and we cannot be certain if the reduced disclosure requirements applicable to emerging growth companies or smaller reporting companies will make our Common Stock less attractive to investors.
We are an “emerging growth company,” as defined in the JOBS Act. For as long as we continue to be an emerging growth company, we may take advantage of exemptions from various reporting requirements that are applicable to other public companies that are not emerging growth companies, including (1) not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, (2) reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in this annual report and our periodic reports and proxy statements and (3) exemptions from the requirements of holding a nonbinding advisory vote on executive compensation and stockholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved. In addition, as an emerging growth company, we are only required to provide two years of audited consolidated financial statements and two years of selected financial data in this annual report. We could be an emerging growth company for up to five years, although circumstances could cause us to lose that status earlier, including if the market value of our Common Stock held by non-affiliates exceeds $700.0 million as of any December 31 before that time or if we have total annual gross revenue of $1.0 billion or more during any fiscal year before that time, after which, in each case, we would no longer be an emerging growth company as of the following December 31 or, if we issue more than $1.0 billion in non-convertible debt during any three-year period before that time, we would cease to be an emerging growth company immediately.
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我們在一個競爭激烈的環境中運營。我們的競爭對手包括從事生產或分銷個人使用或消費的 hemp 產品的所有其他公司。我們的許多競爭對手擁有更大的資源,這可能使他們在 CBD 業務中比我們更有效地競爭。 我們的一些競爭對手擁有更長的運營歷史和更多的資本資源、設施以及產品線的多樣性,這可能使他們在這個市場中更有效地競爭。我們的競爭對手可能會將其資源用於開發和營銷會直接與我們的產品線競爭的產品。公司預計將面臨來自現有競爭對手和新市場進入者的額外競爭。如果在短期內有大量新進入者進入市場,公司可能會經歷市場份額的競爭加劇,同時由於新進入者增加生產,公司的產品可能會面臨價格下行壓力。這種競爭可能導致我們在產生收入和市場份額以及在市場中定位我們的產品方面遇到困難。如果我們無法成功與現有公司和新市場進入者競爭,我們缺乏競爭優勢將對我們的業務和財務狀況產生負面影響。
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| · | 預判客戶需求; |
| · | 創新並開發新產品; |
| · | 及時成功推出新產品; |
| · | 以有競爭力的價格向零售和在線競爭對手定價我們的產品; |
| · | 按時並以足夠的數量交付我們的產品;並且 |
| · | 將我們的產品與競爭對手的產品進行差異化。 |
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公司認爲,其持續成功將取決於原材料的可用性,這使公司能夠滿足其標籤聲明和質量控制標準。 我們的工業大麻供應面臨與農產品生產通常相關的相同風險,例如氣候條件、蟲害以及收割所需的人工或設備的可用性。 原材料供應的任何重大延遲或中斷都可能大幅增加這些材料的成本,可能需要產品重新配方、對新供應商的資格審核和重新包裝,並可能導致公司對某些產品的銷售大幅減少或終止,這些情況都可能對公司產生實質性不利影響。 因此,無法保證公司供應源的中斷不會對公司產生實質性不利影響。
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| · | 關於我們公司的宣傳、我們的產品、我們的分銷渠道以及我們的競爭對手; |
| · | 公衆對我們產品價值和效果的看法; |
| · | 我們獨立分銷商的持續動機; |
| · | 政府法規; |
| · | 總體經濟狀況; |
| · | 我們對獨立分銷商的補償安排、培訓和壓力位;以及 |
| · | 市場中的競爭。 |
公司使用的CBD來源於《2018年農業改善法案》(美國)(簡稱「農業法案」)中定義的大麻,並在7 USC 1639o中正式規定,意爲「植物大麻sativa L.及其任何部分,包括其種子以及所有衍生物、提取物、大麻素、異構體、酸、鹽和異構體的鹽,無論生長與否,乾重基礎上δ-9四氫大麻酚濃度不得超過0.3%。」大麻sativa植物及其衍生物也可能被視爲大麻,根據某些因素。「大麻」是附表I控制物質,根據《聯邦管制物質法》在21 USC第802條(16)中定義爲「植物大麻sativa L.的所有部分,無論生長與否;其種子;從該植物任何部分提取的樹脂;以及該植物、其種子或樹脂的每一種複合物、製造物、鹽、衍生物、混合物或製劑。」在21 USC第802條(16)中提供的該定義的例外包括「該植物的成熟秸稈,來自這些秸稈的纖維,從該植物的種子中製成的油或餅,任何其他複合物、製造物、鹽、衍生物、混合物或製劑,除去從中提取的樹脂,纖維、油或餅,或不能發芽的該植物的消毒種子。」或根據7 USC 1639o定義的大麻。
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由於農業法案最近的通過,我們預計將會有一系列影響CBD行業的法律和法規不斷演變,這可能會影響公司的運營計劃。地方、州和聯邦的大麻法律和法規可能範圍廣泛,且可能會受到不同解讀的影響。這些變化可能會要求我們承擔與法律合規相關的 substantial 成本,並最終需要我們調整業務計劃。此外,違反這些法律或涉嫌違反這些法律可能會干擾我們的業務,並對我們的運營產生重大不利影響。我們無法預測未來法律、法規、解讀或應用的性質,未來可能會制定直接適用於我們業務的法規。
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在美國,根據適用的聯邦或州法律,對於合法大麻的乾重基礎上不超過0.3% THC的麻生物質的擁有或處理沒有特別的保護,這些麻生物質旨在用於成品,但在臨時處理階段可能暫時超過0.3% THC。雖然麻生物質在從種植到用於成品的臨時處理階段THC含量的變化是一種常見現象,但仍然存在州或聯邦監管機構或執法部門可能會認爲這樣的麻生物質是依據《控制物質法》(CSA)及類似州法律屬於第一類受控物質的風險。如果公司的運營被認爲違反任何法律,公司可能會面臨執法行動和處罰,並且任何由此產生的責任可能會導致公司修改或停止其運營。
在聯邦、州和地方監管機構、立法者、學術界和企業之間,對《農業法案》合規的 hemp 項目在大麻素的新興監管和《受控物質法》範圍內存在顯著的不確定性和不同的解釋與意見。這些不同的觀點包括但不限於 DEA 和/或 FDA 對大麻素的監管,以及含有《農業法案》合規的種植者和加工商的產品的製造商可以在多州之間進行的商業活動的程度。在美國,CBD 監管環境中現有的不確定性,無法在沒有進一步的聯邦,以及可能的州級立法和監管,或對現行法律和法規的明確司法解釋的情況下得到解決。如果這些不確定性在不久的將來沒有得到解決,或以與我們的業務計劃不一致的方式得到解決,這些不確定性可能會對我們的運營計劃和在不同市場推出我們的 CBD 基產品造成不利影響。
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項目 10億. 未解決的員工評論
項目 2. 屬性
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項目 3. 法律訴訟
| · | Umpqua銀行訴Cygnet在線有限公司等; 棕櫚灘縣案件編號2024CA006174;於2024年7月1日提交;其他當事人:Eric Hanig。Cygnet是公司的全資子公司,是與Umpqua銀行簽訂的本票和業務貸款協議下的借款人。Cygnet的前負責人Hanig與Umpqua銀行簽訂了無條件保證。Umpqua銀行聲稱Cygnet和Hanig違約,並主張應支付3,835,975.17美元。公司正在積極應對上述訴訟。 |
| · | Get Fit Fast Supplements, LLC訴Cygnet在線有限公司等; 美國仲裁協會案件編號01-24-0003-1085;於2024年3月14日提交;其他當事人:Eric Hanig。Get Fit Fast Supplements, LLC(「GFF」)與Cygnet簽訂了資產購買協議。購買價格的一部分由Cygnet通過Hanig(Cygnet的前負責人)擔保的本票融資。此外,Cygnet同意購買GFF剩餘的庫存,並同意收益分成條款,使GFF可以根據Cygnet未來的表現獲得資金。公司通過2022年4月1日簽署的證券購買協議收購了Cygnet。由於Cygnet和Hanig未支付全額購買價格,GFF主張索賠金額爲3,075,859.17美元。Hanig和Cygnet分別對GFF提出反訴,理由包括導致Cygnet和Hanig簽署資產購買協議的虛假陳述。由於公司收購Cygnet,Hanig已要求Upexi賠償GFF提起的索賠。公司正在積極應對上述訴訟。 |
項目4. 煤礦安全披露
項目 5. 註冊人普通股市場、相關股東事務及發行人股票證券的購買
Market Information
公司的普通股在納斯達克證券市場上市,交易標的爲 "UPXI"。下表列出了公司普通股在過去兩個財年的每個季度的合併市場的季度最高和最低銷售價格。公司於2021年6月24日開始交易。
| 第四 季度 |
| 第三 季度 |
| 第二 季度 |
| 第一 季度 |
| ||||
2024財年: |
| ||||
高 |
| $ | 0.60 |
| $ | 1.38 |
| $ | 1.75 |
| $ | 2.33 |
低 |
| 0.36 |
| 0.48 |
| 0.75 |
| 1.56 |
2023財年: |
高 |
| $ | 4.55 |
| $ | 4.94 |
| $ | 5.70 |
| $ | 6.08 |
低 |
| 2.04 |
| 2.53 |
| 2.70 |
| 3.68 |
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目錄 |
計劃類別 |
| 在行使未償還的期權、權證和權利時將發行的證券數量。 |
| 未行使的期權、Warrants 和權利的加權平均行使價格 |
| 待發行的安防-半導體數量 在股權補償計劃下可供未來發行的證券數量(不包括第一列反映的證券) |
| |||
| |||
經證券持有人批准的股權補償計劃 |
| 213,214 |
| $ | 2.87 |
| 256,181 |
總計 |
| 213,214 |
| $ | 2.87 |
| 256,181 |
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在2023年9月,公司將發行4,505股普通股以收購Cygnet Online, LLC剩餘的45%。這些股份的估值爲162,727美元,或每股35.80美元。這些股份由於持續的爭議而被持有未發行。
項目6. [保留]
第7項 管理層對財務狀況及運營結果的討論與分析
截至2024年6月30日,Upexi, Inc.的合併基本報表包括截至2023年6月30日的所有子公司帳戶,幷包括公司截至2024年和2023年6月30日擁有控股財務利益的子公司。
Infusionz LLC是一家科羅拉多有限責任公司,連同選定的CBD資產;Interactive Offers, LLC是一家特拉華有限責任公司;VitaMedica是一家內華達公司;E-Core Technology, Inc.以新英格蘭科技公司(d/b/a New England Technology, Inc.)的名義被歸類爲2024年和2023年6月30日的終止經營,相關資產和負債被歸類爲流動資產,以及終止經營的負債和待售資產,在2024年和2023年6月30日的資產負債表上。
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目錄 |
| 六月, |
| |||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 變更 |
| |||
營業收入 |
| $ | 26,000,652 |
| $ | 36,441,695 |
| $ | (10,441,043 | ) |
營收成本 |
| $ | 13,176,073 |
| $ | 15,421,715 |
| $ | (2,245,642 | ) |
銷售和市場費用 |
| $ | 5,989,727 |
| $ | 6,067,392 |
| $ | (77,665 | ) |
分銷成本 |
| $ | 8,611,702 |
| $ | 9,465,149 |
| $ | (853,447 | ) |
一般及行政費用 |
| $ | 6,771,937 |
| $ | 6,875,575 |
| $ | (103,638 | ) |
其他營業費用 |
| $ | 4,848,629 |
| $ | 7,146,286 |
| $ | (2,297,657 | ) |
其他(費用) |
| $ | (3,141,166 | ) |
| $ | (4,676,160 | ) |
| $ | 1,534,994 |
歸屬於非控制性權益的損失 |
| $ | - |
| $ | (559,967 | ) |
| $ | 559,967 |
無形資產和商譽的減值 |
| $ | 7,869,425 |
| 3,746,301 |
| 4,123,124 |
租賃減值 |
| $ | 289,969 |
| - |
| 289,969 |
資產和業務出售損失 |
| $ | (456,747 | ) |
| (2,212,542 | ) |
| 1,755,795 |
終止運營 |
| $ | (1,164,184 | ) |
| $ | (1,370,124 | ) |
| $ | 2,534,308 |
歸屬於Upexi,Inc.的淨損失 |
| $ | (23,658,438 | ) |
| $ | (16,930,289 | ) |
| $ | (6,728,149 | ) |
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一般和管理費用較去年同期減少了103,638美元或2%。 一般和管理費用與前一年相似。 由於對佛羅里達的整合以及其他業務的變化,管理層積極減少一般和管理成本。 管理層預計一般和管理費用將在2024年7月1日至2024年9月30日期間下降,最顯著的下降將在2024年12月31日之後的期間實現。
The income and loss on discontinued operations was as follows:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Interactive Offers |
| $ | (187,003 | ) |
| $ | (1,729,636 | ) |
Infusionz |
| 71,976 |
| (338,418 | ) |
E-Core |
| 1,065,575 |
| 1,080,379 |
VitaMedica |
| 213,636 |
| (382,449 | ) |
| $ | 1,164,184 |
| $ | (1,370,124 | ) |
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The Company had a net loss of $21,396,857 compared to a net loss of $16,930,289 in the prior year. The increase in the net losses primarily related to the above-mentioned changes.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Working Capital
| As of June 30, 2024 |
| As of June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Current assets |
| $ | 11,419,918 |
| $ | 30,012,984 |
Current liabilities |
| $ | 12,655,152 |
| $ | 22,391,587 |
Working capital |
| $ | (1,235,234 | ) |
| $ | 7,621,397 |
Cash Flows
| Years Ended June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Cash flows (used in) operating activities – continuing operations |
| $ | (4,894,751 | ) |
| $ | (7,421,529 | ) |
Cash flows provided by (used in) investing activities – continuing operations |
| 831,112 |
| (23,271 | ) |
Cash flows (used in) provided by financing activities – continuing operations |
| (353,789 | ) |
| 6,032,901 |
Cash flows provided by operating activities – discontinued operations |
| 4,793,374 |
| 7,624,206 |
Cash flows used by investing activities – discontinued operations |
| (4,206,823 | ) |
| (2,551,587 | ) |
Cash flows used by financing activities – discontinued operations |
| - |
| (6,318,234 | ) |
Net decrease in cash during the period |
| $ | (3,830,877 | ) |
| $ | (2,657,514 | ) |
On June 30, 2024, the Company had cash of $661,415 or a decrease of $3,830,877 from June 30, 2023. The decrease in cash was primarily the net loss from operations and the significant change in continuing operations with the recent sale of businesses and the change of the Company’s overall strategy.
The net cash used by continuing operating activities was $4,894,751 and offset by cash provided by discontinued operations of $4,793,374. The loss of $23,658,438 was offset by the non-cash expenses of $3,948,084 depreciation and amortization, $7,869,425 impairment of goodwill and identifiable intangible assets, $1,112,676 amortization of stock compensation and $1,812,319 write of inventory. The sale of business and the impairment recognized on the warehouse were minimal at a total of $112,448 used. The change in deferred tax asset was $344,802 with a valuation reserve of $6,100,000. The change in operating assets and liabilities provided cash of $2,907,978. Cash provided by discontinued operating activities was $4,793,374 and primarily related to decreases in E-core’s inventory and accounts receivable.
Net cash provided by investing activities for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 was $831,112 and use of $23,271, respectively. For the year ended June 30, 2024, cash of $539,348 was used for the acquisition of the remaining 45% of Cygnet and $932,565 for the acquisition of property and equipment. Cash was provided during the year ended June 30, 2024 of $2,100,000 and $203,025 from the sale of VitaMedica and Interactive offers, respectively. In addition, the Company used $4,206,823 for discontinued investing activities related to the payments in the acquisition of E-core. In the prior year, the net cash used was $23,271. The proceeds from the sale of Infusionz and selected assets was $5,492,532 and offset by $3,528,239 and $1,050,000 for the purchase of LuckyTail and Cygnet, respectively. $937,564 was used in the acquisition of property and equipment. The $2,511,587 used in discontinued investing activities was $500,000 for the acquisition of VitaMedica and $2,051,587, net of cash acquired, for the acquisition of E-core.
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Net cash flows used in financing activities for the year ended June 30, 2024 was $353,789 compared to $285,333 used during the year ended June 30, 2023. During the year ended June 30, 2024 cash was used for the payment of debt related to the acquisition of Cygnet and the payment of the loan on the building. This was offset during the year by a $100,000 advance to the Company by Allan Marshall, the CEO, which was repaid in July 2024. During the year ended June 30, 2023, the Company had net proceeds of $6,127,893 from the issuance of stock and $7,120,000 in proceeds from the issuance of notes payable, including $1,470,000 of proceeds from a related party note payable, $3,000,000 of proceeds related to a note payable with a security interest in our building in Clearwater and $2,650,000 of unsecured debt. The newly issued debt was primarily used to repay the senior convertible note payable and the line of credit.
On October 19, 2022, the Company and its indirect wholly owned subsidiary, Upexi 17129 Florida, LLC entered into a loan agreement with Professional Bank, a Florida state-chartered bank, providing for a mortgage on the Company’s principal office in N. Clearwater, Florida. The Company received $3,000,000 in connection with the transaction. The principal is to be paid back to Professional Bank over a term of ten years. The proceeds of the loan were utilized by the Company to pay down its loan facility with Acorn Capital, LLC, in the amount of $2,780,200, net of fees and other expenses.
On October 31, 2022, the “Company, paid $4,275,071 in principal, $613,466 in accrued interest, $250,000 for settlement of a put option and $7,900 in miscellaneous fees for a total of $5,146,437 to the holders of the $15 million senior secured convertible notes entered into on June 28, 2022. The payment terminated the agreement with the noteholders. The Company also terminated the registration statement covering the senior secured notes payable.
On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC. The lease is for approximately 10,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, located in Odessa, Florida for $20,060 per month on a triple net basis. The initial term is five years. The estimated cost of this facility is a reduction of overall facility costs of approximately $240,000 in rent and approximately $138,000 per year in utilities, repairs and maintenance. Management also expects to have additional savings in labor and administrative costs, which is expected to add additional cash flow for fiscal year 2025.
On May 28, 2024, the Company entered into an agreement to sell its Clearwater warehouse for a sale price of $4,300,000. The sale of the building was completed on July 8, 2024 and provided $1,370,978 of working capital.
On June 13, 2024, the Company sold all of the issued and outstanding equity of VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors. One of the minority Interest Buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officers. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), subject to certain customary post-closing adjustments. The net cash provided from the sale was $2,100,000, reduced liabilities of $1,900,000 and will provide an additional $2,000,000 in cash flow next year.
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目錄 |
估計的使用 -編制符合美國通用會計原則的合併基本報表要求管理層對資產和負債的報告金額以及合併基本報表日期的或有資產和負債的披露進行估算和假設,並影響報告期間的收入和費用的報告金額。實際結果可能與這些估算有所不同。
商業組合 - 公司對其業務組合採用收購會計法進行覈算。收購成本以收購日期資產轉移的公允價值和公司承擔的負債的總和加上賣方現金對價和發行的股權工具進行衡量。直接與收購相關的交易成本在發生時作爲費用處理。收購總成本(i)的超過被收購方可識別淨資產公允價值(ii)的部分記錄爲可識別的無形資產和商譽。
商譽 - 公司定期評估其商譽是否可能減值,簡化商譽減值測試,至少每年進行一次,並在一個或多個觸發事件或情況表明商譽可能減值時進行。根據本指引,每年或每期進行商譽減值測試,通過比較報告單位的估計公允價值與其賬面價值進行。對於賬面價值超過報告單位公允價值的部分,將確認減值損失,但不得超過商譽的賬面價值。
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收入確認 -根據ASC第606號《客戶合同收入》,公司在滿足履行義務並將我們的產品或服務的控制權轉移給客戶時確認營業收入。一般來說,公司從產品銷售中產生營業收入,銷售對象可以是直接面向客戶或分銷商。在確定合同是否存在時,我們會評估協議的條款、與客戶或分銷商的關係以及他們的支付能力。
The Company recognizes revenue from sales of our products, including sales to our distributors, at a point in time, generally upon shipment or delivery to the customer or distributor, depending upon the terms of the sales order. Control is considered transferred when title and risk of loss pass, when the customer becomes obligated to pay and, where applicable, when the customer has accepted the products or upon expiration of the acceptance period. For sales to distributors, payment is due on our standard commercial terms and is not contingent upon the distributors’ resale of the products.
Shipping and handling fees billed to customers are included in revenue. Shipping and handling fees associated with inbound freight, are generally included in cost of revenue.
Our business is subject to contingencies related to customer orders, including:
Right of Return:
A large portion of our revenue comes from the sale of consumable products, which are sold in high-volume and low quantities, and are generally maintained at stock levels of less than ninety days in our facility. Customer returns have historically represented a very small percentage of sales on an annual basis. Other product sales relate to some pet products, including small mechanical devices.
The Company does not accept sales returns from wholesale customers, as the products are pre-approved prior to production and shipment. E-Commerce product returns must be completed within 45 days of the date of purchase. The Company accrues an allowance for refunds, returned deposits and discounts given by customer services post shipment of the product based on historical experience and management’s estimate of future expenses, including replacement, freight charges and other fulfilment expenses.
Conditions of Acceptance:
Sales of our consumable products and pet products, generally do not have customer acceptance terms.
Contract Assets
A contract asset is the Company’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the Company has transferred to a customer. ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, distinguishes between a contract asset and a receivable based on whether receipt of the consideration is conditional on something other than the passage of time. When the Company transfers control of goods or services to a customer before the customer pays consideration, the Company records either a contract asset or a receivable depending on the nature of the Company’s right to consideration for its performance. The point at which a contract asset becomes an account receivable may be earlier than the point at which an invoice is issued. The Company assesses a contract asset for impairment in accordance with ASC 310, Receivables.
The following table discloses the deferred revenue:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Deferred revenue |
| $ | 235,255 |
| $ | - |
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Table of Contents |
The deferred revenue or also referred to as funded backlog was $235,255 and $0 at June 30,2024 and June 30, 2023, respectively. We expect to recognize approximately 100% of the deferred revenue as revenue in the year ended June 30, 2025. There was no opening liability balance at June 30, 2023 or June 30, 2022 to be recognized in the years ended June 30, 2024 or June 30, 2023, respectively.
Impairment of Long-lived Assets - Long-lived assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the book value of the asset may not be recoverable. The Company periodically evaluates whether events and circumstances have occurred that indicate possible impairment. When impairment indicators exist, the Company estimates the future undiscounted net cash flows of the related asset or asset group over the remaining life in measuring whether or not the asset values are recoverable. The Company recognized an impairment on its building of $336,434 during the year ended June 30, 2024, based on the fair market value of the buildings pending sale, completed on July 8, 2024. The Company recognized $569,195 loss on the sale of assets that were either liquidated or abandoned in the move of its manufacturing facility from Nevada to Florida. In addition, the Company recognized an impairment of intangible assets of $4,274,680 for the year ended June 30, 2024. $974,680 of the impairment is related to LuckyTail’s rapid decline of direct-to-consumer sales and $3,300,000 of the impairment is related to the unamortized vendor list of Cygnet, as the Company no longer purchases products from the majority of the original vendors Cygnet was using when the Company purchased Cygnet.
The Company recognized an impairment on its long-lived assets during the year ended June 30, 2023, of $857,143 on the assets held for sale, related to Interactive Offers, leaving $716,944 of Interactive’s original intangible assets classified as assets available for sale.
Stock Based Compensation - The Company recognizes all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, as compensation expense in the consolidated financial statements based on their fair values. That expense will be recognized over the period during which an employee is required to provide services in exchange for the award, known as the requisite service period (usually the vesting period) or immediately if the share-based payments vest immediately.
Inventory - The Company reviews the inventory level of all products and raw materials quarterly. For most products that have been in the market for one year or more, we consider inventory levels of greater than one year’s sales to be excess or other items that show slower than projected sales. Due to limited market penetration for our products, we have decided to write down 50% of the cost against certain raw materials and finished products. Products that are no longer part of the current product offering are considered obsolete. The potential for re-sale of slow-moving and obsolete inventories is based upon our assumptions about future demand and market conditions. The recorded cost of obsolete inventories is then reduced to zero and the slow-moving and obsolete inventory is written off and are recorded as charges to cost of goods sold. All adjustments for obsolete inventory establish a new cost basis for that inventory as we believe such reductions are permanent declines in the market price of our products. Generally, obsolete inventory is sold to companies that specialize in liquidation, while we continue to market slow-moving inventories until they are sold or become obsolete. As obsolete or slow-moving inventory is sold or disposed of, we write it off.
Inventory consists of raw materials and finished goods and is stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value, cost is determined by the weighted average moving cost inventory method. Net realizable value is determined, with appropriate consideration given to obsolescence, excessive levels, deterioration, and other factors. On June 30, 2024, the Company had $465,535 of raw materials and $966,021 of finished goods inventory. On June 30, 2023, the Company had no raw material inventory and $4,804,299 of finished goods inventory. The Company had inventory reserves at June 30, 2024 and 2023 of $605,470 and $154,400, respectively.
Reverse Stock Split
On September 18, 2024, we filed a Certificate of Change with the Nevada Secretary of State to effect a reverse stock split of our common stock at a rate of 1-for-20 (the "Reverse Stock Split"), which became effective as of October 3, 2024 (the "Effective Date"). The Reverse Stock Split was approved by the board of directors in accordance with Nevada law. The Reverse Stock Split did not have any impact on the par value of common stock.
30 |
Table of Contents |
On the Effective Date, every twenty shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding were automatically combined into one share of Common Stock, without any change in the par value per share. As the per-share par value did not change, we reclassified $19,860 from Common Stock to Additional Paid-in-Capital on the Effective Date. The exercise prices and the number of shares issuable upon exercise of outstanding stock options, equity awards and warrants, and the number of shares available for future issuance under the equity incentive plans were adjusted in accordance with their respective terms. The Reverse Stock Split affected all stockholders uniformly and did not alter any stockholder’s percentage interest in our Common Stock. We did not issue any fractional shares in connection with the Reverse Stock Split. Instead, fractional shares were initially rounded up to the next largest whole number, resulting in the issuance of 8 shares on October 3, 2024 the Effective Date and an additional issuance of 38 shares on October 8, 2024. On October 10, 2024, the transfer agent received additional requests to issue a total of 202,183 shares of common stock for round up of fractional shares. These shares were issued on October 23, 2024 and on October 30, 2024 we were notified that the shares were returned to the Company’s transfer agent. Although the Company did receive the common stock back after issuance, the potential dilution remains a risk, and is the subject of a complaint filed by the Company in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada with the purpose of eliminating any said risk. The Reverse Stock Split did not modify the relative rights or preferences of the Common Stock.
Unless otherwise indicated, all issued and outstanding shares of common stock and all outstanding securities entitling their holders to purchase shares of our common stock or acquire shares of our common stock, including stock options, restricted stock units, and warrants per share data, share prices and exercise prices, as required by the terms of those securities, have been adjusted retroactively to reflect the Reverse Stock Split.
On October 17, 2024, Company received written notice (the “Compliance Notice”) from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) informing the Company that it has regained compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2), which requires that companies listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share. Nasdaq notified the Company in the Compliance Notice that, from October 3, 2024 to October 16, 2024, the closing bid price of the Company’s common stock had been $1.00 per share or greater and, accordingly, the Company had regained compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) and that the matter was now closed.
Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.
As a “smaller reporting company”, the Company is not required to provide the information required by this Item.
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Item 8. Consolidated financial statements and Supplementary Data.
YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2024 AND 2023
Page |
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm PCAOB ID |
| F-1 |
Consolidated financial statements |
| F-2 |
| |
| F-3 |
| |
| F-4 |
| |
| F-5 |
| |
| F-6 |
32 |
Table of Contents |
Board of Directors and Shareholders
Upexi, Inc.
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Upexi, Inc. (the “Company”) as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the years then ended, and related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis for Opinion
These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.
Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2024.
December 16, 2024
F-1 |
Table of Contents |
| 6月30日 |
| 6月30日 |
| ||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
資產 |
| ||
流動資產 |
| ||
現金 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
應收賬款,淨額 |
| ||
存貨淨額 |
| ||
來自Bloomios的應收款 |
| ||
來自VitaMedica的過渡款項 |
| ||
預付費用和其他應收款 |
| ||
待售資產 - 互動產品當前 |
| ||
待售資產 - 建築 |
| ||
待售資產 - VitaMedica當前 |
| ||
待售資產 - E-core當前 |
| ||
應收購價 - VitaMedica |
| ||
應收購價 - E-core |
| ||
總流動資產 |
| ||
物業及設備(淨額) |
| ||
無形資產,淨值 |
| ||
商譽 |
| ||
遞延所得稅資產 |
| ||
其他資產 |
| ||
停產可供出售的資產 - 互動產品 |
| ||
停產可供出售的資產 - VitaMedica |
| ||
已停售的可出售資產 - E-core |
| ||
使用權資產,淨額 |
| ||
其他資產總計 |
| ||
總資產 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
負債及股東權益 |
流動負債 |
應付賬款 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
應計補償 |
| ||
遞延收入 |
| ||
應計負債 |
| ||
應計利息 |
| ||
收購應付款 |
| ||
關聯方預付款,淨額 |
| ||
流動部分應付票據 |
| ||
流動部分可轉換票據應付 |
| ||
流動部分收購票據應付 - E-core |
| ||
當前應付相關方票據的部分 |
| ||
當前應付Cygnet子公司的票據部分 |
| ||
待售建築物的應付票據 |
| ||
已終止的負債 - 互動報價 |
| ||
已終止的負債 - VitaMedica |
| ||
已終止的負債 - E-core |
| ||
當前應付的運營租賃負債部分 |
| ||
總流動負債 |
| ||
經營租賃應付賬款,扣除當前部分 |
| ||
相關方應付票據 |
| ||
應付票據 |
| ||
可轉換票據應付 |
| ||
收購應付票據 - E-core |
| ||
應付票據 - Cygnet 子公司 |
| ||
長期負債總額 |
| ||
承諾與或有事項 |
股東權益 |
優先股,$ |
| ||
普通股,$ |
| ||
額外實收資本 |
| ||
累計虧損 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
歸屬於Upexi, Inc.的總股東權益。 |
| ||
子公司的非控股權益。 |
| ( | ) |
股東權益總額 |
| ||
總負債和股東權益 |
| $ |
| $ |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
F-2 |
Table of Contents |
| Year Ended June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Revenue |
| ||
Revenue |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Cost of Revenue |
| ||
Gross profit |
| ||
Operating expenses |
Sales and marketing |
| ||
Distribution costs |
| ||
General and administrative expenses |
| ||
Share-based compensation |
| ||
Amortization of acquired intangible assets |
| ||
Depreciation |
| ||
Impairment of long-lived asset - building |
| |||
Loss on the sale / abandonment of assets in relocation |
| |||
Impairment of intangible assets and goodwill |
| ||||
Lease impairment, Delray Beach facility |
| |||
| ||
Loss from operations |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Other income (expense), net |
Change in derivative liability |
| ||
Other |
| ( | ) |
| |
Interest (expense) income, net |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Other income (expense), net |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Loss on operations before income tax |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Income tax benefit |
| ||
| ||||
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Gain (loss) from the sale of: |
Infusionz and select assets |
| ( | ) | |
Interactive Offers |
| ||
VitaMedica |
| ||
E-core |
| ( | ) |
| |
| ( | ) | |
Income (loss) on discontinued operations |
Infuisionz |
| ( | ) | |
Interactive offers |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
VitaMedica |
| ( | ) | |
E-core |
| ||
Income (loss) income from discontinued operations |
| ( | ) | |
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest |
| ||
Net income (loss) attributable to Upexi, Inc. |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
Basic income (loss) per share: |
Income (loss) per share from continuing operations |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
(Loss) income per share from discontinued operations |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Total income (loss) per share attributable to Upexi shareholders |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
Diluted income (loss) per share: |
Income (loss) per share from continuing operations |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
(Loss) income per share from discontinued operations |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Total income (loss) per share attributable to Upexi shareholders |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
Basic weighted average shares outstanding |
| ||
Fully diluted weighted average shares outstanding |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
F-3 |
Table of Contents |
| Preferred Stock |
| Preferred Stock |
| Common Stock |
| Common Stock |
| Additional Paid |
| Accumulated |
| Non-controlling |
| Total Stockholders' |
| ||||||||
| Shares* |
| amount* |
| Shares* |
| amount * |
| In Capital |
| Deficit |
| Interest |
| Equity |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
2023 |
| ||||||||
Balance, June 30, 2022 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| $ |
| |||||||
Amortization of common stock issuance for services |
| - |
| - |
| ||||||
Stock based compensation, amortization of stock options |
| - |
| - |
| ||||||
Issuance of common stock for acquisition of E-Core |
| - |
| |||||||
Issuance of common stock for interest on note payable |
| - |
| |||||||
Common stock issued for cash, net |
| ||||
Net loss |
| - |
| - |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) | |||
Balance, June 30, 2023 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| ||||||
2024 |
Stock based compensation, restricted stock grant |
| - |
| |||||||
Stock based compensation, amortization of stock options |
| - |
| - |
| ||||||
Issuance of stock and equity for purchase of Cygnet |
| - |
| ||||||
Issuance of stock for conversion of debt |
| - |
| |||||
Net loss |
| - |
| - |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) | ||||
Balance, June 30, 2024 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| $ |
* Common stock has been restated to reflect the 1 for 20 reverse split
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
F-4 |
Table of Contents |
| Year ended June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Cash flows from operating activities |
| ||
Net loss from operations |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
Adjustments to reconcile net loss from continuing operations to net cash (used in) provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation and amortization |
| ||
Non-cash loss on the sale of Infusionz and select assets, net |
| ||
Gain on the sale of VitaMedica and income from discontinued operations |
| ( | ) |
| |
Loss on the sale of New England Technology |
| ||
Amortization of loan costs |
| ||
Amortization of consideration discount |
| ||
Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets |
| ||
Inventory write-offs |
| ||
Loss on impairment of building |
| ||
Loss on sale of assets related to relocation of facility |
| |
Gain on sale of interactive offers |
| ( | ) |
| |
Change in deferred tax asset |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Noncontrolling interest |
| ( | ) | |
Change in derivative |
| ||
Stock based compensation |
| ||
Changes in assets and liabilities, net of acquired amounts |
Accounts receivable |
| ( | ) | |
Inventory |
| ( | ) | |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
| ||
Operating lease payable |
| ||
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities |
| ( | ) |
| |
Deferred revenue |
| ||
Net cash used in operating activities - Continuing Operations |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Net cash provided by operating activities - Discontinued Operations |
| ||
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities |
| ( | ) |
| |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Acquisition of Lucky Tail |
| ( | ) | |
Proceeds from the sale of VitaMedica, Inc. |
| ||
Proceeds from the sale of Interactive Offers, net of liabilities paid |
| ||
Acquisition of Cygnet Online LLC, net |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Proceeds from the sale of Infusionz and selected assets |
| ||
Acquisition of property and equipment |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities - Continuing Operations |
| ( | ) | |
Net cash (used in) investing activities - Discontinued Operations |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Repayment of the senior convertible notes payable |
| ( | ) | |
Proceeds from the issuance of stock |
| ||
Payment on acquisition notes payable |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Proceeds from related party advance |
| ||
Proceeds from convertible note payable |
| ||
Proceeds on note payable on building |
| ||
Repayment on note payable on building |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Proceeds on note payable, related party |
| ||
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities - Continuing Operations |
| ( | ) |
| |
Net cash used in financing activities - Discontinued Operations |
| ( | ) | |
Net cash used in financing activities |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Net decrease in cash - Continuing Operations |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Net (decrease) increase in cash - Discontinued Operations |
| ( | ) | |
Cash, beginning of period |
| ||
Cash, end of period |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Supplemental Cash Flow Disclosures |
Interest paid |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Income tax paid |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Non-cash Investing and Financing Activities |
Non-cash proceeds in the sale of VitaMedica |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Issuance of common stock for acquisition of Cygnet |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Issuance of debt for acquisition of Cygnet |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Bloomios non-cash payment of receivables, net |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Issuance of stock for services |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Issuance of stock for interest expense |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Issuance of common stock for the repayment of convertible note payable |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Liabilities assumed from acquisition of E-Core |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Issuance of stock for acquisition of E-Core |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Assets available for sale |
| $ |
| $ |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
F-5 |
Table of Contents |
Upexi, Inc.
Notes to the Consolidated financial statements
June 30, 2024 and 2023
As used in this annual report and unless otherwise indicated, the terms “we”, “us”, “our”, “Upexi”, and the “Company” mean Upexi, Inc., a Nevada corporation formed in 2018. The Company has eleven active subsidiaries, which include:
| ☐ | HAVZ, LLC, d/b/a/ Steam Wholesale, a California limited liability company | ||
| ☐ | Gummy Labs, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | ||
| ☐ | MW Products, Inc., a Nevada corporation | ||
| ☐ | Upexi Holding, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | ||
| o | Upexi Pet Products, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | |
| ☐ | Upexi Enterprise, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | ||
| o | Upexi Distribution LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | |
| o | Upexi Distribution Management LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | |
| o | Upexi Property & Assets, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company | |
| ■ | Upexi 17129 Florida, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| ☐ | Cygnet Online, LLC (“Cygnet”), a Delaware limited liability company (100% owned as of September 1, 2023) |
The following subsidiaries had no activity during the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
| ☐ | Upexi CP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| ☐ | Upexi CP / Canada Inc., a Canada corporation |
| ☐ | Prax Products, LLC, a Florida limited liability company |
| ☐ | Upexi Development and Marketing, LLC., a Delaware limited liability company |
| ☐ | Trunano Labs, Inc., a Nevada corporation |
The following subsidiaries were divested during the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
| ☐ | VitaMedica, Inc. a Nevada corporation |
| ☐ | E-Core Technology, Inc. a Florida corporation |
| ☐ | Infusionz LLC, a Colorado limited liability company |
| ☐ | Interactive Offers, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
In addition, the Company has six wholly owned subsidiaries that had no activity during the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023. All of the entities were dissolved or cancelled as of June 30, 2024.
| · | Steam Distribution, LLC, a California limited liability company |
| · | One Hit Wonder, Inc., a California corporation |
| · | One Hit Wonder Holdings, LLC, a California limited liability company |
| · | Vape Estate, Inc., a Nevada Corporation |
| · | SWCH, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company |
| · | Cresco Management, LLC, a California limited liability company |
F-6 |
Table of Contents |
Our products are distributed in the United States of America and internationally through multiple entities and managed through our locations in Florida.
Upexi operates from our corporate location in Tampa, Florida, where direct to consumer, wholesale and Amazon sales are driven by on-site and remote teams for all brands. The Tampa location also supports all the other locations with accounting, corporate oversight, day-to-day finances, business development and operational management operating from this location.
MW Products operates from our corporate headquarters and our Tampa, Florida warehouse, managing direct to consumer, wholesale and Amazon sales for multiple brands and develops new products through our research and development team in Henderson, Nevada and Odessa, Florida.
Lucky Tail operates from our Tampa, Florida warehouse with sales and marketing driven by on-site and remote teams that operate the Amazon sales strategy and daily business operations.
HAVZ, LLC, d/b/a/ Steam Wholesale operates manufacturing and/or distribution centers in Odessa, Florida, supporting our health and wellness products, including those products manufactured with hemp ingredients and our overall distribution operations. We have continued to manage these operations with corporate focus on larger opportunities that have warranted the majority of corporate focus and investments for the future.
Upexi Distribution operates from our Tampa, Florida warehouse providing warehousing, distribution and other services in support of our product sales.
Note 2. Significant Accounting Policies
The significant accounting policies followed are:
Use of Estimates - The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Significant estimates underlying the Company’s reported financial position and results of operations include the allowance for doubtful accounts, useful lives of property and equipment, impairment of long-lived assets, inventory valuation, fair value of stock-based compensation and valuation allowance on deferred tax assets.
Cash - The Company considers all highly liquid investment instruments with a maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Cash is maintained at financial institutions and at times, balances may exceed federally insured limits. The Company has never experienced any losses related to these balances.
Accounts Receivable - Amounts receivable are uncollateralized customer obligations due under normal trade terms requiring payment within a specified time from the invoice date. The trade terms vary based on the customer and typically range from prepaid to 45 days from the invoice date. Interest is not charged by the Company on past due accounts. The carrying amount of receivables is reduced by a valuation allowance for expected credit losses, as necessary, that reflects management’s best estimate of the amount that will not be collected. This estimation takes into consideration historical experience, current conditions and as applicable, reasonable supportable forecasts. Actual results could vary from the estimate. Accounts are charged against the allowance when management deems them to be uncollectible. The net accounts receivable balances at June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 were $
F-7 |
Table of Contents |
Inventory - The Company reviews the inventory level of all products and raw materials quarterly. For most products that have been in the market for one year or more, we consider inventory levels of greater than one year’s sales to be excess or other items that show slower than projected sales. Due to limited market penetration for our products, we have decided to write down 50% of the cost against certain raw materials and finished products. Products that are no longer part of the current product offering are considered obsolete. The potential for re-sale of slow-moving and obsolete inventories is based upon our assumptions about future demand and market conditions. The recorded cost of obsolete inventories is then reduced to zero. The slow-moving and obsolete inventory is written off and recorded as charges to cost of goods sold. All adjustments for obsolete inventory establish a new cost basis for that inventory as we believe such reductions are permanent declines in the market price of our products. Generally, obsolete inventory is sold to companies that specialize in the liquidation, while we continue to market slow-moving inventories until they are sold or become obsolete.
Inventory consists of raw materials and finished goods and is stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value, cost is determined by the weighted average moving cost inventory method. Net realizable value is determined, with appropriate consideration given to obsolescence, excessive levels, deterioration, and other factors. On June 30, 2024, the Company had $
Property and Equipment - Property and equipment is recorded at cost. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from
Business Combinations - The Company accounts for its business combinations using the acquisition method of accounting. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the acquisition date fair values of the assets transferred and liabilities assumed by the Company to the seller’s cash consideration and equity instruments issued. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition are expensed as incurred. The excess of (i) the total costs of acquisition over (ii) the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree is recorded as identifiable intangible assets and goodwill.
Goodwill - The Company evaluates its goodwill for possible impairment, simplifying the test for goodwill impairment at least annually and when one or more triggering events or circumstances indicate that the goodwill might be impaired. Under this guidance, annual or interim goodwill impairment testing is performed by comparing the estimated fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount. An impairment charge is recognized for the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value, not to exceed the carrying value of goodwill.
The Company performed its annual test as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
It was determined by management that the goodwill related to Cygnet was completely impaired at June 30, 2024 based on the strategic decision to exit the recommerce business. An impairment of goodwill in the amount of $
It was determined by management that the goodwill related to Interactive Offers was completely impaired at June 30, 2023 based on the sale of the business at September 1, 2023. An impairment of goodwill in the amount of $
Revenue Recognition - In accordance with ASC No. 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, the Company recognizes revenue when we satisfy performance obligations as evidenced by the transfer of control of our products or services to customers. In general, the Company generates revenue from product sales, either directly to customers or to distributors. In determining whether a contract exists, we evaluate the terms of the agreement, the relationship with the customer or distributor and their ability to pay.
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The Company recognizes revenue from sales of our products, including sales to our distributors, at a point in time, generally upon shipment or delivery to the customer or distributor, depending upon the terms of the sales order. Control is considered transferred when title and risk of loss pass, when the customer becomes obligated to pay and, where applicable, when the customer has accepted the products or upon expiration of the acceptance period. For sales to distributors, payment is due on our standard commercial terms and is not contingent upon the distributors’ resale of the products.
Shipping and handling fees billed to customers are included in revenue. Shipping and handling fees associated with inbound freight, are generally included in cost of revenue.
Our business is subject to contingencies related to customer orders, including:
Right of Return:
A large portion of our revenue comes from the sale of consumable products, which are sold in high-volume and low quantities, and are generally maintained at stock levels of less than ninety days in our facility. Customer returns have historically represented a very small percentage of sales on an annual basis. Other product sales relate to some pet products, including small mechanical devices.
The Company does not accept sales returns from wholesale customers, as the products are pre-approved prior to production and shipment. E-Commerce product returns must be completed within 45 days of the date of purchase. The Company accrues an allowance for refunds, returned deposits and discounts given by customer services post shipment of the product based on historical experience and management’s estimate of future expenses, including replacement, freight charges and other fulfilment expenses.
Conditions of Acceptance:
Sales of our consumable products and pet products, generally do not have customer acceptance terms.
Contract Assets
A contract asset is the Company’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the Company has transferred to a customer. ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, distinguishes between a contract asset and a receivable based on whether receipt of the consideration is conditional on something other than the passage of time. When the Company transfers control of goods or services to a customer before the customer pays consideration, the Company records either a contract asset or a receivable depending on the nature of the Company’s right to consideration for its performance. The point at which a contract asset becomes an account receivable may be earlier than the point at which an invoice is issued. The Company assesses a contract asset for impairment in accordance with ASC 310, Receivables.
The following table discloses the deferred revenue:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Deferred revenue |
| $ |
| $ |
The deferred revenue or also referred to as funded backlog was $
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Impairment of Long-lived Assets - Long-lived assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the book value of the asset may not be recoverable. The Company periodically evaluates whether events and circumstances have occurred that indicate possible impairment. When impairment indicators exist, the Company estimates the future undiscounted net cash flows of the related asset or asset group over the remaining life in measuring whether or not the asset values are recoverable. The Company recognized an impairment on its building of $
The Company recognized an impairment on its long-lived assets during the year ended June 30, 2023, of $
Advertising - The Company supports its products with advertising to build brand awareness of the Company’s various products in addition to other marketing programs executed by the Company’s marketing team. The Company believes continual investment in advertising is critical to the development and sale of its branded products. Advertising costs of $
Stock Based Compensation - The Company recognizes all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options and grants of restricted shares as compensation expense in the consolidated financial statements based on their fair values. That expense will be recognized over the period during which an employee is required to provide services in exchange for the award, known as the requisite service period (usually the vesting period) or immediately if the share-based payments vest immediately.
Non-employee Stock-based Payments - The Company’s accounting policy for equity instruments issued to consultants and vendors in exchange for goods and services follows the provisions of Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 2018-07, which simplifies the accounting for non-employee share-based payment transactions. The amendments specify that Topic 718 applies to all share-based payment transactions in which a grantor acquires goods or services to be used or consumed in a grantor’s own operations by issuing share-based payment awards. Stock-based payments related to non-employees are accounted for based on the fair value of the related stock or options or the fair value of the services, whichever is more readily determinable. The measurement date for the fair value of the equity instruments issued is determined at the earlier of (i) the date at which a commitment for performance by the consultant or vendor is reached or (ii) the date at which the consultant or vendor’s performance is complete. In the case of equity instruments issued to consultants, the fair value of the equity instrument is recognized over the term of the consulting agreement.
Fair Value Measurements - The Company accounts for financial instruments in accordance with FASB ASC 820 “Fair Value Measurement and Disclosures” (ASC 820). ASC 820 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. ASC 820 defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. ASC 820 also establishes a fair value hierarchy that distinguishes between (1) market participant assumptions developed based on market data obtained from independent sources (observable inputs) and (2) an entity’s own assumptions about market participant assumptions developed based on the best information available in the circumstances (unobservable inputs).
The fair value hierarchy consists of three broad levels, which gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:
| · | Level 1 - Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are accessible at the measurement date for identical, unrestricted assets or liabilities. |
| · | Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, including quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active; inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability (e.g. interest rates); and inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means. |
| · | Level 3 - Inputs that are both significant to the fair value measurement and unobservable. |
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The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, accrued expenses, deferred revenue and debt are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.
Leases - The Company determines if a contract contains a lease at inception. A contract contains a lease if it conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Control is defined as having both the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the asset and the right to direct the use of the asset. Management only reassesses its determination if the terms and conditions of the contract are changed. Leases with an initial term of 12 months or less are not recorded within the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. GAAP requires that the Company’s leases be evaluated and classified as operating or finance leases for financial reporting purposes. The classification evaluation begins at the commencement date and the lease term used in the evaluation includes the non-cancellable period for which the Company has the right to use the underlying asset, together with renewal option periods when the exercise of the renewal option is reasonably certain and failure to exercise such option will result in an economic penalty. All the Company’s real estate leases are classified as operating leases.
Most real estate leases include one or more options to renew, with renewal terms that generally can extend the lease term for an additional two years. The exercise of lease renewal options is at the Company’s discretion. The Company evaluates renewal options at lease inception and on an ongoing basis and includes renewal options that it is reasonably certain to exercise in its expected lease terms when classifying leases and measuring lease liabilities. Lease agreements generally do not require material variable lease payments, residual value guarantees or restrictive covenants.
The Company’s leases generally do not provide an implicit rate, and therefore the Company uses its incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate when measuring operating lease liabilities. The incremental borrowing rate represents an estimate of the interest rate the Company would incur at lease commencement to borrow an amount equal to the lease payments on a collateralized basis over the term of a lease within a particular currency environment.
Income Taxes - Income taxes are provided for the tax effects of transactions reported in the consolidated financial statements and consist of taxes currently due plus deferred taxes resulting from temporary differences. Such temporary differences result from differences in the carrying value of assets and liabilities for tax and financial reporting purposes. The deferred tax assets and liabilities represent the future tax consequences of those differences, which will either be taxable or deductible when the assets and liabilities are recovered or settled. A valuation allowance is provided to reduce the deferred tax assets reported if based on the weight of the available positive and negative evidence, it is more likely than not some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. A $
The Company identifies and evaluates uncertain tax positions, if any, and recognizes the impact of uncertain tax positions for which there is a less than more-likely-than-not probability of the position being upheld when reviewed by the relevant taxing authority. Such positions are deemed to be unrecognized tax benefits and a corresponding liability is established on the balance sheet. The Company has not recognized a liability for uncertain tax positions. If there were an unrecognized tax benefit, the Company would recognize interest accrued related to unrecognized tax benefits in interest expense and penalties in operating expenses.
The Company uses the asset and liability method of accounting for income taxes in accordance with ASC Topic 740, “Income Taxes.” Under this method, income tax expense is recognized for the amount of: (i) taxes payable or refundable for the current year and (ii) deferred tax consequences of temporary differences resulting from matters that have been recognized in an entity’s consolidated financial statements or tax returns. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled.
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The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in the results of operations in the period that includes the enactment date.
ASC Topic 740 clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes recognized in an enterprise’s consolidated financial statements and prescribes a recognition threshold and measurement attribute for the financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. ASC Topic 740 provides guidance on de-recognition, classification, interest and penalties, accounting in interim periods, disclosure, and transition. There are no material uncertain tax positions at June 30, 2024 or June 30, 2023.
On December 22, 2017, the U.S. government enacted the Tax Act, which made significant changes to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including, but not limited to, reducing the U.S. corporate statutory tax rate and the net operating loss incurred after December 31, 2017 can be carried forward indefinitely and the two year net operating loss carried back was eliminated (prohibited).
Reverse Stock Split
On September 18, 2024, we filed a Certificate of Change with the Nevada Secretary of State to effect a reverse stock split of our common stock at a rate of 1-for-20 (the "Reverse Stock Split"), which became effective as of October 3, 2024 (the "Effective Date"). The Reverse Stock Split was approved by the board of directors in accordance with Nevada law. The Reverse Stock Split did not have any impact on the par value of common stock.
On the Effective Date, every twenty shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding were automatically combined into one share of Common Stock, without any change in the par value per share. As the per-share par value did not change, we reclassified $
Unless otherwise indicated, all issued and outstanding shares of common stock and all outstanding securities entitling their holders to purchase shares of our common stock or acquire shares of our common stock, including stock options, restricted stock units, and warrants per share data, share prices and exercise prices, as required by the terms of those securities, have been adjusted retroactively to reflect the Reverse Stock Split.
On October 17, 2024, Company received written notice (the “Compliance Notice”) from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) informing the Company that it has regained compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2), which requires that companies listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share. Nasdaq notified the Company in the Compliance Notice that, from October 3, 2024 to October 16, 2024, the closing bid price of the Company’s common stock had been $1.00 per share or greater and, accordingly, the Company had regained compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) and that the matter was now closed.
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Earnings (loss) per Share - Basic earnings (loss) per share is computed by dividing net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders by the weighted average common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted income (loss) per share is computed giving effect to all potentially dilutive common shares. Potentially dilutive common shares may consist of incremental shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options and warrants and upon the conversion of notes. For the year ended, the dilutive common shares are as follows:
| June 30, |
| June 30, |
| ||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Stock options |
| ||
Warrants |
| ||
Preferred stock |
| ||
Convertible debt |
| ||
Restricted stock grants |
| - |
| |
Total potential dilutive weighted average shares outstanding |
The dilutive effect of potentially dilutive securities is reflected in diluted earnings per common share by application of the treasury stock method. Under the treasury stock method, an increase in the fair market value of the Company’s common stock can result in a greater dilutive effect from potentially dilutive securities. During the year ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company reported a net loss, so the potential effect is not reflected in the consolidated financial statements.
Deferred Revenue - The Company records deposits as deferred revenue when a customer pays in advance of shipping the product. Once the product is shipped, the deposit is recorded as revenue and the related commissions are paid. All products were shipped related to deposits in deferred revenue, in less than one year.
Convertible Debt and Securities - The Company follows beneficial conversion feature guidance in ASC 470-20, which applies to convertible stock as well as convertible debt. A beneficial conversion feature is defined as a nondetachable conversion feature that is in the money at the commitment date. The beneficial conversion feature guidance requires recognition of the conversion option’s in-the-money portion, the intrinsic value of the option, in equity, with an offsetting reduction to the carrying amount of the instrument. The resulting discount is amortized as interest over the life of the instrument, if a stated maturity date exists, or to the earliest conversion date, if there is no stated maturity date. If the earliest conversion date is immediately upon issuance, the expense must be recognized at inception. When there is a subsequent change to the conversion ratio based on a future occurrence, the new conversion price may trigger the recognition of an additional beneficial conversion feature on occurrence.
Non-controlling Interests in Consolidated financial statements - In December 2007, the FASB issued ASC 810-10-65, “Non-controlling Interests in consolidated financial statements”. This ASC clarifies that a non-controlling (minority) interest in subsidiaries is an ownership interest in the entity that should be reported as equity in the consolidated financial statements. It also requires consolidated net income to include the amounts attributable to both the parent and non-controlling interest, with disclosure on the face of the consolidated income statement of the amounts attributed to the parent and to the non-controlling interest. In accordance with ASC 810-10-45-21, those losses attributable to the parent and the non-controlling interest in subsidiaries may exceed their interests in the subsidiary’s equity. The excess and any further losses attributable to the parent and the non-controlling interest shall be attributed to those interests even if that attribution results in a deficit non-controlling interest balance.
Reclassifications - Certain reclassifications have been made to the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended June 30, 2023 to conform to the presentation as of and for the year ended June 30, 2024.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements – From time to time, new accounting pronouncements are issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, (“FASB”), or other standard setting bodies and adopted by us as of the specified effective date. Unless otherwise discussed, the impact of recently issued standards that are not yet effective will not have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations upon adoption. The Company has considered all other recently issued accounting pronouncements, including the new provisions of ASC 326 (“Financial Instruments – Credit Losses”) pertaining to “current expected credit losses. ASC 326 was adopted for fiscal year 2024 and did not have a material effect to the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
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Note 3. Acquisitions
Cygnet Online, LLC
The Company acquired
The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire Cygnet and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
Fair value of consideration transferred:
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Convertible note payable, convertible at $6.00 per common share |
| |
Common stock, 555,489 shares valued at $5.34 per common share, the closing price on April 1, 2022. |
| |
| $ |
| |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed: |
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Accounts receivable |
| |
Inventory |
| |
Prepaid expenses |
| |
Property and equipment |
| |
Right to use asset |
| |
Other asset |
| |
Online sales channels |
| |
Vendor relationships |
| |
Accrued liabilities |
| ( | ) |
Notes payable |
| ( | ) |
Operating lease |
| ( | ) |
Total identifiable net assets |
| $ |
| |
Goodwill |
| $ |
55% of the business was acquired through a stock purchase agreement on March 31, 2022. The purchase agreement provided for an increase in the purchase price of up to $
On September 1, 2023, the Company completed the acquisition of the remaining
The acquisition of Cygnet provided the Company with the opportunity to expand its operations as an Amazon and eCommerce seller. The resulting combination increased Cygnet’s product offerings through the Company’s distributors and partnerships as it continues to focus on over-the-counter supplements and beauty products. Cygnet will be the anchor company for Upexi’s Amazon strategy. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition.
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An impairment of $
On August 13, 2022, the Company acquired the pet product brand and the rights to the products of LuckyTail from GA Solutions, LLC.
The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire LuckyTail and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
Fair value of consideration transferred:
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Cash payment, 90 days after close |
| |
Cash payment, 180 days after close |
| |
Contingent consideration |
| |
Cash payment, working capital adjustment |
| |
| $ |
| |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed: |
Inventory |
| $ |
| |
Trade name |
| |
Customer list |
| |
Total identifiable net assets |
| $ |
| |
Goodwill |
| $ |
The business was acquired through an asset purchase agreement, that acquired all elements of a business, including all of the tangible and intangible assets of the LuckyTail business. The purchase agreement provided for an increase in the purchase price based on the attainment of certain sales thresholds in the first six months. The Company estimated the value of this at approximately $
The acquisition of LuckyTail provided the Company with a foothold in the pet care industry and a strong presence on Amazon and its eCommerce store, offering nutritional and grooming products domestically and internationally. The acquisition provided both top line growth and improved EBITDA for the Company. These are the factors of goodwill recognized in the acquisition. The purchase price allocation was performed by a third party and is no longer subject to change.
The Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2023, include the actual results of LuckyTail from August 13, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The Company recorded interest on the consideration of $
Management determined a $
Revenue from acquisitions included in the consolidated financial statements.
Net revenue included in the consolidated financial statements:
| June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Cygnet |
| ||
LuckyTail |
| ||
| $ |
| $ |
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Consolidated pro-forma unaudited consolidated financial statements.
The following unaudited pro forma combined financial information is based on the historical consolidated financial statements of the Company and LuckyTail after giving effect to the Company’s acquisitions as if the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022.
The following unaudited pro forma information does not purport to present what the Company’s actual results would have been had the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022, nor is the financial information indicative of the results of future operations. The following table represents the unaudited consolidated pro forma results of operations for the year ended June 30, 2023, as if the acquisitions occurred on July 1, 2022. The results of operations for LuckyTail are included in the year ended June 30, 2024 and the results of operations for LuckyTail are included from August 13, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Operating expenses have been increased for the amortization expense associated with the fair value adjustment of definite lived intangible assets of LuckyTail at $44,620 per month.
Pro Forma, Unaudited |
| Proforma |
| ||||
Year ended June 30, 2023 |
| Upexi, Inc. |
| LuckyTail |
| Adjustments |
| Proforma |
| ||||
| ||||
Net sales |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Cost of sales |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Operating expenses |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Net income (loss) from continuing operations |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Basic income (loss) per common share |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |||
Weighted average shares outstanding |
| - |
| - |
The Company estimated the annual LuckyTail amortization expense at $
Acquisition-related costs are included in the general and administrative expenses on the Company’s condensed consolidated statements of operations. These costs are primarily external legal, accounting and consulting services directly related to completed acquisitions, due diligence, and review of possible target acquisitions.
Note 4. Inventory
Inventory consisted of the following:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Raw materials |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Finished goods |
| ||
| $ |
| $ |
The Company writes off the value of inventory deemed excessive or obsolete. During the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company wrote off inventory valued at $
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Note 5. Property and Equipment
Property and equipment consist of the following:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Furniture and fixtures |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Computer equipment |
| ||
Internal use software |
| ||
Manufacturing equipment |
| ||
Leasehold improvements |
| ||
Building |
| ||
Vehicles |
| ||
Property and equipment, gross |
| ||
Less accumulated depreciation |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Less building classified as available for sale |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| $ |
| $ |
Depreciation expense for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 was $
Note 6. Intangible Assets
Intangible assets as of June 30, 2024:
| Estimated Life |
| Cost |
| Accumulated Amortization |
| Net Book Value |
| |||
Customer relationships |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Trade name |
| ||||
Online sales channels |
| ||||
Vender relationships |
| ||||
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
For the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company amortized approximately $
Intangible assets as of June 30, 2023:
| Estimated Life |
| Cost |
| Accumulated Amortization |
| Net Book Value |
| |||
Customer relationships |
| |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| |||
Trade name |
| |
| |||
Online sales channels |
| |
| |||
Vender relationships |
| |
| |||
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
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The following intangible assets were added during the year ended June 30, 2023, from the acquisitions noted below:
Customer relationships |
| $ |
| |
Trade name |
| |
Intangible Assets from Purchase |
| $ |
Future amortization of intangible assets at June 30, 2024 are as follows:
June 30, 2025 |
| $ |
| |
June 30, 2026 |
| |
June 30, 2027 |
| |
June 30, 2028 |
| |
| $ |
Note 7. Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets
Prepaid and other receivables consist of the following:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Insurance |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Prepayment to vendors |
| ||
Deposits on services |
| ||
Prepaid monthly rent |
| ||
Subscriptions and services being amortized over the service period |
| ||
Other deposits |
| ||
Stock issued for prepaid interest on convertible note payable |
| ||
Other prepaid expenses |
| ||
Other receivables |
| ||
Total |
| $ |
| $ |
All prepaid expenses will be expensed during the following 12 months.
Note 8. Operating Leases
We have entered into various non-cancellable operating and finance lease agreements for certain of our offices, manufacturing, technology, and equipment. We determine if an arrangement is a lease, or contains a lease, at inception, and record the leases in our financial statements upon lease commencement, which is the date when the underlying asset is made available for use by the lessor.
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During November 2019, the Company entered into a lease for a Nevada facility that commenced on November 13, 2019, and recorded a right of use asset and corresponding lease liability. The Company uses this leased facility for office, manufacturing, and warehouse space. The Company is responsible for real estate taxes, utilities, and repairs under the terms of certain of the operating leases. Lease expenses for the year ended June 30, 2023 was approximately $
During May 2021, the Company entered into a lease for an additional Nevada facility that commenced on May 1, 2021, and recorded a right of use asset and corresponding lease liability. The Company uses this leased facility for additional warehouse space. The minimum lease payments were $
During November 2018, the Company entered into a lease for equipment that commenced on November 1, 2018, and recorded a right of use asset and corresponding lease liability. Lease expenses were $
On April 1, 2022, the Company acquired Cygnet which had entered into a lease for a Florida facility that commenced on October 8, 2021, and Cygnet had recorded a right of use asset and corresponding lease liability. The lease expires on
On March 15, 2023, the
On July 25, 2023,
On April 1, 2024,
Operating leases are included in operating ROU assets, current and non-current operating lease liabilities, and finance leases are included in property, plant and equipment, accrued expenses and other current liabilities, and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. As of June 30, 2024, our finance leases are not material.
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The table below reconciles the undiscounted future minimum lease payments (displayed by year and in the aggregate) under noncancelable operating leases with terms of more than one year to the total operating lease liabilities recognized in the consolidated balance sheet as of June 30, 2024:
2025 |
| $ |
| |
2026 |
| |
2027 |
| |
2028 |
| |
2029 |
| |
Total undiscounted future minimum lease payments |
| |
Less: Imputed interest |
| ( | ) |
| |
Less: current portion |
| ( | ) |
Present value of operating lease obligation |
| $ |
The liability for the Cygnet lease is included in the undiscounted future minimum lease payments for 2025. The Company continues to work with the lessor to resolve the disputed lease payments.
The Company’s weighted average remaining lease term and weighted average discount rate for operating leases as of June 30, 2024 are:
Weighted average remaining lease term |
| ||
Weighted average incremental borrowing rate |
| % |
The Company’s weighted average remaining lease term and weighted average discount rate for operating leases as of June 30, 2023 are:
Weighted average remaining lease term |
| ||
Weighted average incremental borrowing rate |
| % |
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For the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the components of lease expense, included general and administrative expenses and interest expense in the condensed consolidated statement of operations, are as follows:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Finance lease expense: |
| ||
Amortization of ROU assets |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Interest expense |
| ||
Operating lease cost |
| ||
Short-term lease expense |
| ||
Variable lease expense |
| ||
Total lease cost |
| $ |
| $ |
Note 9. Accrued Liabilities and Acquisition Payable
Accrued liabilities consist of the following:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Accrued professional fees |
| ||
Accrued sales tax |
| ||
Accrued expenses from sale of manufacturing operations |
| ||
Other accrued liabilities |
| ||
| $ |
| $ |
Acquisition Payable consists of the following:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Payments related to the acquisition of Cygnet |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
| $ |
| $ |
These payables are amounts estimated by management that are due to the sellers of the acquisition and include the original purchase price installment payments not represented with a debt, equity, or other instrument, estimates of excess or deficiencies in working capital and estimates of future earnout payments.
F-21 |
Table of Contents |
Note 10. Convertible Promissory Notes and Notes Payable
Convertible promissory notes and notes payable outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and 2023 are summarized below:
| 到期 |
| 6月30日 |
| 6月30日 |
| ||
| 日期 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
可轉換債券: |
| ||
本票,21個月期限,經修訂,利率爲18.11%,以普通股支付,並優先於可轉換債券。此票據於2023年11月15日進行了修訂,延長期限至2026年6月1日,並將利率調整爲12%,以現金按月支付。 |
| $ |
| $ |
| |||
不包括當前應付票據部分 |
| ||
應付票據,扣除當前部分 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
收購說明: |
可轉換票據,36個月期票據,0%現金利息,以公司的所有資產作爲擔保 |
| |||
次級承諾票據,24個月期票據,4%現金利息,以公司的所有資產作爲擔保 |
| |||
次級承諾票據,12個月期票據,4%現金利息,以公司的所有資產作爲擔保 |
| |||
總計 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
收購應付款 |
| ||
收購應付款的折扣,當前 |
| ( | ) | |
收購應付款,當前 |
| ||
| ||
收購應付款的折扣,長期 |
| ( | ) | |
收購應付款,扣除當前及折扣 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
應付款,Cygnet子公司: |
SBA應付款,30年期票據,6%利率,並以公司的所有資產作爲抵押 |
| |||
庫存委託單,60個月付款,首期付款截止日期爲2022年6月30日,利率爲3.5%,且對業務的資產沒有安防-半導體權益 |
| |||
GF票據,6年期付款,首期付款截止日期爲2022年12月31日,利率爲3.5%,且對業務的資產沒有安防-半導體權益 |
| |||
總計 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
應付票據,Cygnet子公司,當前 |
| ||
應付票據,Cygnet子公司,扣除當前部分 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
待售建築的應付票據: |
抵押貸款,10年期票據,利率4.8%,以土地和倉庫建築作爲擔保 |
| $ |
| $ |
| |||
應付票據: |
承諾票據,21個月期票據,現金利率10%,並在可轉換票據之下。該票據於2023年11月15日修訂,延長至2026年6月1日,並將利率調整爲12%,每月以現金支付。 |
| |||
流動票據應付 |
| ||
應付票據折扣,當前 |
| ( | ) | |
應付票據,扣除折扣後的流動資產 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
應付票據,長期 |
| ||
應付票據的折扣,長期 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
長期應付款,淨額 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
相關應付票據: |
馬歇爾貸款,2年期票據,12%現金利息,3.5% PIk利息,優先於可轉換票據。2023年11月延長至2026年6月1日,利息調整爲12%現金利息,每月支付 |
| $ |
| $ |
| |||
向關聯方的應付票據折扣,流動資產 |
| ( | ) | |
應付款項,當前,扣除折扣淨額 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
相關方應付款項的折扣,長期 |
| ||
應付款項,長期,淨額 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
可轉換票據總額,收購票據,應付款項和相關方應付款項 |
| $ |
| $ |
F-22 |
目錄 |
截至6月30日的年度: |
| ||||||
| 應付票據 |
| 關聯方應付票據 |
| 可轉換債券 |
| Cygnet子公司應付票據 |
| 總計 |
| |||||
2025 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| |||||
2026 |
| |||||
| |||||
票據原始折扣 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) | |||
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
F-23 |
目錄 |
在2022年10月19日,Upexi, Inc.(「公司」)及其間接全資子公司Upexi 17129佛羅里達州有限責任公司與一家佛羅里達州特許銀行Professional Bank簽訂了貸款協議、 promissory note及相關協議,爲公司位於佛羅里達州清水北的主要辦公室提供抵押貸款。公司收到了$
注11. 關聯方交易
On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a lease agreement with MFA 2510 Merchant LLC, which is owned by our CEO, Allan Marshall. The lease is for approximately
On June 13, 2024, the Company entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) pursuant to which the Company sold one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity (the “Interests”) of its wholly owned subsidiary VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors (the “Buyers”). One of the minority interest buyers is Allan Marshall, the Company’s CEO. The purchase price for the stock was Six Million Dollars ($
在2022年6月,公司與一位管理層成員簽訂了一份 promissory note。貸款金額爲$
F-24 |
目錄 |
註釋 12. 股權交易
F-25 |
目錄 |
注意13. 基於股票的薪酬
公司已經制定了公司激勵計劃,即2019年股權激勵計劃(「2019年計劃」)。該計劃向能夠爲公司的發展和成功做出、正在和繼續做出重大貢獻的人員提供激勵措施,以吸引和留住這些人的就業和服務,並通過向這些人提供通過授予期權或重組股票來收購或增加公司股票所有權的機會,鼓勵和獎勵此類貢獻。2019年計劃由薪酬委員會或董事會根據2019年計劃任命的其他委員會(「委員會」)管理。委員會完全有權管理和解釋2019年計劃的條款,包括但不限於就根據2019年計劃發放的獎勵的條款和條件做出所有決定的權力。2021 年 2 月 8 日,股東同意了 2019 年計劃的修訂,將根據該計劃可發行的最大股票數量增加到
The Board of Directors of the Company may from time to time, in its discretion grant to directors, officers, consultants and employees of the Company, non-transferable options to purchase common shares. The options are exercisable for a period of up to
The following table reflects the continuity of stock options for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
A summary of stock option activity is as follows:
| Weighted |
| Average |
| ||||||
| Average |
| Remaining |
| Aggregated |
| |||||
| Options |
| Exercise |
| Contractual |
| Intrinsic |
| ||||
| Outstanding |
| Price |
| Life (Years) |
| Value |
| ||||
Outstanding at June 30, 2022 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Granted |
| ||||
Forfeited |
| ( | ) |
| - |
| - |
| |
Outstanding at June 30, 2023 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Granted |
| ||||
Forfeited |
| ( | ) |
| - |
| - |
| |
Outstanding at June 30, 2024 |
| $ |
| $ | 0.00 |
| |||
Options exercisable at June 30, 2024 (vested) |
| $ | 0.00 |
| |||
Options exercisable at June 30, 2023(vested) |
| $ |
The average fair value of stock options granted was estimated to be
The average fair value of stock options granted was estimated to be $
Stock-based compensation expense attributable to stock options was approximately $
F-26 |
Table of Contents |
The value of each grant is estimated at the grant date using the Black-Scholes option model with the following assumptions for options granted during the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
| June 30, 2024 |
| June 30, 2023 |
| ||
Dividend rate |
| - |
| - |
Risk free interest rate |
| % |
| % | ||||
Expected term |
| ||
Expected volatility |
| % |
| % | ||||
Grant date stock price |
| $ | |
| $ | |
The basis for the above assumptions are as follows: the dividend rate is based upon the Company’s history of dividends; the risk-free interest rate for periods within the expected term of the option is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant; the expected term was calculated based on the Company’s historical pattern of options granted and the period of time they are expected to be outstanding; and expected volatility was calculated based upon historical trends in the Company’s stock prices.
Forfeitures are estimated at the time of grant and revised, if necessary, in subsequent periods if actual forfeitures differ from those estimates. Based on historical experience of forfeitures, the Company estimated forfeitures at 0% for each of the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
There were
14. Income Taxes
The components of the provision for income taxes are as follows:
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Current tax provision |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Deferred tax provision |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Provision for income taxes (benefit) |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
The differences between income taxes calculated at the statutory US federal income tax rate and the Company’s provision for income taxes are as follows:
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Income tax provision at statutory federal and state tax rate |
| % |
| % | ||
State taxes, net of federal benefit |
| % |
| % | ||
Nondeductible expense |
| ( | )% |
| ( | )% |
Tax return to provision |
| % |
| ( | )% | |
State tax rate change |
| .07 | % |
| % | |
Other, net |
| % |
| % | ||
Valuation allowance |
| ( | )% |
| % | ||
Provision for income taxes |
| % |
| % |
F-27 |
Table of Contents |
The net deferred income tax asset balance related to the following:
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Net operating losses carry forward |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Right of use assets |
| ||
Inventory write off |
| ||
Impairment loss |
| ||
Intangible assets |
| ||
Stock Options |
| ||
Allowance for doubtful accounts |
| ||
Accrued compensation |
| ||
Deferred revenue |
| ||
Other, net |
| ||
Valuation allowances |
| ( | ) |
| |
Deferred tax asset |
| $ |
| $ |
There were approximately $
We file federal and state income tax returns in jurisdictions with varying statutes of limitations. Income tax returns generally remain subject to examination by federal and most state tax authorities. We are not currently under examination in any federal or state jurisdiction.
Note 15. Risks and Uncertainties
There is substantial uncertainty and different interpretations among federal, state and local regulatory agencies, legislators, academics and businesses as to the scope of operation of Farm Bill-compliant hemp programs relative to the emerging regulation of cannabinoids. These different opinions include, but are not limited to, the regulation of cannabinoids by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, and/or the FDA and the extent to which manufacturers of products containing Farm Bill-compliant cultivators and processors may engage in interstate commerce. The uncertainties cannot be resolved without further federal, and perhaps even state-level, legislation, regulation or a definitive judicial interpretation of existing legislation and rules. If these uncertainties continue, they may have an adverse effect upon the introduction of our products in different markets.
F-28 |
Table of Contents |
Note 16. Discontinued Operations – Sale of Infusionz to Bloomios
On October 28, 2022, the Company determined that the best course of action related to Infusionz, LLC and certain manufacturing business was to accept an offer to sell those operations.
The Company received from Bloomios, Inc.(OTCQB:BLMS), the purchaser (i) $5,500,000 paid at closing; (ii) a convertible secured subordinated promissory note in the original principal amount of $
The assets transferred were recorded at their respective book values, the accrued and incurred expenses estimated by management were recorded and the consideration received was recorded at managements estimated fair value based on the balance sheet on October 26, 2022, the effective closing date.
Tangible assets, inventory / working capital* |
| $ | ( | ) |
Tangible assets, warehouse and manufacturing equipment, net of accumulated depreciation* |
| ( | ) |
Goodwill |
| ( | ) |
Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization |
| ( | ) |
Accrued and incurred expenses related to the transaction and additional working capital* |
| ( | ) |
Consideration received, including cash, debt and equity, net |
| |
Total gain recognized |
| $ |
*During the continuing transition period, all of the inventory or working capital was not moved from the Henderson, Nevada location to the buyers location in Daytona, Florida.
At closing, the Company provided working capital, in the form of inventory, in excess of the working capital agreement and during the transition period, there are certain expenses and purchases incurred that are to be netted against funds collected on behalf of the buyer. At June 30, 2023, there was a receivable balance from the buyer of
Advance for payroll |
| $ |
| |
Operating expense |
| |
Management fees |
| |
Excess working capital |
| |
Accrued Interest |
| |
Subtotal due from Bloomios |
| $ |
| |
Reserve |
| |
Total due from Bloomios |
| $ |
For several reasons, including but not limited to the non-payment per the terms of several agreements and the continuous delay in getting the business transitioned, the Company notified Bloomios of its termination of the transition agreement. Management accrued a reserve on the receivable balance of $1,179,498 leaving a receivable balance of $845,443 on June 30, 2023. Accrued interest and the gain from the original issue discount were reversed and the remaining balance was expensed to loss from discontinued operations during the year ended June 30, 2023. For the year ended June 30, 2024, the Company had accrual for wind down expenses of employee compensation, travel expenses and others for the expected shutdown of the facility in Henderson, Nevada after the transition was completed to Bloomios. The final reconciliation of all these accrued expenses resulting in and over accrual of $
F-29 |
Table of Contents |
Summary of discontinued operations:
| Years ended June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Discontinued Operations |
| ||
Revenue |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Cost of sales |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Sales, general and administrative expenses |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| |
Depreciation and amortization |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
The investments originally recorded at the date of the sale were fully reserved as of June 30, 2023.
Investments - Bloomios:
Senior secured convertible debenture, net of unamortized original issue discount |
| $ |
| |
Series D convertible preferred stock |
| |
Convertible Secured Subordinate Promissory Note |
| |
Reserve on Investments - Bloomios |
| ( | ) |
Total Investments - Bloomios |
| $ |
Senior Secured convertible debenture:
The Company received a senior secured convertible debenture of $
In addition, the Company received a warrant to purchase shares of Bloomios common stock. The Company did not place any value on this warrant. Bloomios has agreed to use commercially reasonable efforts to complete a Qualified Offering within six months of October 26, 2022, to file a registration statement covering the resale of the warrant shares and the underlying shares convertible with the debenture.
Series D convertible preferred stock
We received 85,000 shares of Series D preferred stock. The preferred shares have a
Convertible Secured Subordinate Promissory Note
The note has an interest rate of eight and one-half percent (
The note is secured by a subordinated security interest in all assets of Infusionz pursuant to a certain pledge and security agreement, dated as of October 26, 2022, which security interest shall rank junior to all liens and security interests granted by Bloomios to the senior secured convertible note, which the Company is a holder of a portion of this security.
F-30 |
Table of Contents |
Note 17. Discontinued Operations – Sale of Interactive Offers
On August 31, 2023, the Company sold Interactive offers to Amplifyir Inc. The purchase price is $
Summary of discontinued operations:
| Years ended June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Discontinued Operations |
| ||
Revenue |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Cost of sales |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Sales, general and administrative expenses |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Depreciation and amortization |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Loss from discontinued operations |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Total assets |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Total liabilities |
| $ |
| $ |
Note 18. Discontinued Operations – Sale of VitaMedica
On June 13, 2024, the Company sold VitaMedica, Inc. to three investors and had an effective day of June 1, 2024. One of the minority interest investors is Allan Marshall, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. The purchase price for the stock was $
Summary of discontinued operations:
| Years ended June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Discontinued Operations |
| ||
Revenue |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Cost of sales |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Sales, general and administrative expenses |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Depreciation and amortization |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Other expenses |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| |
Income (loss) from discontinued operations |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Total assets |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Total liabilities |
| $ |
| $ |
F-31 |
Table of Contents |
Fair value of consideration the Company was paid:
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Reduction of liabilities |
| |
Note payable |
| |
Working capital payment |
| |
| $ |
| |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets, liabilities and intangible assets transferred: |
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Accounts receivable |
| |
Inventory |
| |
Prepaid expenses |
| |
Fixed assets |
| |
Other assets |
| |
Liabilities |
| ( | ) |
Total identifiable assets |
| |
Total goodwill and intangible assets |
| |
Total assets transferred |
| |
Purchase price |
| $ |
| |
Gain on sale of VitaMedica |
| $ |
Note 19. Discontinued Operations – Sale of E-Core
E-Core, Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries
On October 21, 2022, the Company acquired E-Core Technology, Inc. (“E-Core”) d/b/a New England Technology, Inc., a Florida corporation (“New England Technology”).
The following table summarizes the consideration transferred to acquire E-Core and the amount of identified assets acquired, and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
Fair value of consideration transferred:
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Cash payment, 120 days |
| |
Note payable |
| |
Note payable 2 |
| |
Convertible note payable, convertible at $4.81 per common share |
| |
Common stock, 1,247,402 shares valued at $4.81 per common share, the calculated closing price on October 21, 2022 |
| |
| $ |
| |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed: |
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Accounts receivable |
| |
Inventory |
| |
Prepaid expenses |
| |
Trade name |
| |
Customer relationships |
| |
Accrued liabilities |
| ( | ) |
Line of credit |
| ( | ) |
Total identifiable net assets |
| $ |
| |
Goodwill |
| $ |
F-32 |
Table of Contents |
The business was acquired through membership interest purchase agreement on October 21, 2022. There was no contingent consideration payable under the asset purchase agreement, although a provision was used to adjust the purchase price based on the final working capital transferred to the Company. The purchase price was decreased by $
The three notes payable were discounted by $
On August 1, 2024, the Company closed a sale transaction in which, effective as of June 30, 2024, it sold
Summary of discontinued operations:
| Years ended June 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Discontinued Operations |
| ||
Revenue |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Cost of sales |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Sales, general and administrative expenses |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Depreciation and amortization |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Other expenses |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| |
Income from discontinued operations |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Accounts receivable net of allowance for doubtful accounts |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Total assets |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Total liabilities |
| $ |
| $ |
Fair value of consideration the Company was paid:
Acquisition payable, paid August 5, 2024 |
| $ |
| |
Assumption of debt and accrued interest |
| |
| $ |
| |
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets, liabilities and intangible assets transferred: |
Cash |
| $ |
| |
Accounts receivable |
| |
Inventory |
| |
Prepaid expenses |
| |
Fixed assets |
| |
Liabilities |
| ( | ) |
Total identifiable assets |
| |
Total goodwill and intangible assets |
| |
Total assets transferred |
| |
Purchase price |
| $ |
| |
Loss on sale of E-core |
| $ |
F-33 |
Table of Contents |
Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure
Item 9A. Controls and Procedures
Management’s Report on Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Under the supervision and with the participation of our senior management, including our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), as of the end of the period covered by this Annual Report on Form 10-K (the “Evaluation Date”). Based on this evaluation, our chief executive officer and chief financial officer concluded as of the Evaluation Date that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective such that the information relating to us required to be disclosed in our Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) reports (i) is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms, and (ii) is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Management’s Report on Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) that is designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the SEC rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by an issuer in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the issuer’s management, including its principal executive officer or officers and principal financial officer or officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
33 |
Table of Contents |
Under the supervision and with the participation of our senior management, including our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act, as of the end of the period covered by this Annual Report on Form 10-K (the “Evaluation Date”). Based on this evaluation, our chief executive officer and chief financial officer concluded as of the Evaluation Date that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective such that the information relating to us required to be disclosed in our Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) reports (i) is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms, and (ii) is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over the Company’s financial reporting. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, as required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Our management, with the participation of our principal executive officer and principal financial officer have conducted an assessment, including testing, using the criteria in Internal Control – Integrated Framework, issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (“COSO”) (2013). Our system of internal control over financial reporting is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of consolidated financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. This assessment included review of the documentation of controls, evaluation of the design effectiveness of controls, testing of the operating effectiveness of controls and a conclusion on this evaluation. Based on this evaluation, management concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was not effective as of June 30, 2024. The ineffectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was due to the following material weaknesses, which are indicative of many small companies with small staff:
| (i) | inadequate segregation of duties consistent with control objectives; and |
| (ii) | lack of multiple levels of supervision and review. |
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目錄 |
| (i) | 我們已經增派了額外的合格人員,以解決職責分離不充分的問題,並且正在通過新實施的企業資源規劃(ERP)系統實施對我們財務控制的修改,該系統將系統地執行這些控制並能夠跟蹤多重審查流程;並且 |
| (ii) | 我們將通過新的ERP添加幾個工作流程審查過程,預計將在2025財年結束之前完成這些工作。由於所有控制系統固有的侷限性,任何控制評估都無法提供絕對保證,確保我們公司的所有控制問題(如有)均已被發現。這些固有的侷限性包括決策中的判斷可能出現錯誤,以及由於簡單的錯誤或失誤可能發生故障的現實。 |
項目9C. 關於阻止檢查的外國管轄區的披露。
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目錄 |
項目10. 董事、執行官及企業治理
姓名 |
所任職務 |
年齡 |
首次選舉或任命日期 |
艾倫·馬歇爾 |
| 首席執行官,董事會主席 |
| 57 |
| 2019年5月17日 |
安德魯·諾斯特魯德 |
| 財務長,董事 |
| 51 |
| 2020年4月1日 |
基因·薩爾金德 |
| 董事 |
| 70 |
| 2021年1月1日 |
托馬斯·C·威廉姆斯 |
| 董事 |
| 64 |
| 2021年1月1日 |
勞倫斯·H·杜根 |
| 董事 |
| 57 |
| 2021年1月1日 |
艾倫·馬歇爾, 57歲,首席執行官,董事。馬歇爾先生於2019年5月加入公司擔任首席執行官,此前他退休,擔任過多個開發階段公司的連續企業家,專注於高速增長的行業,過去幾年專注於科技和大麻股行業。馬歇爾先生常常是推動組織初始增長和融資策略的關鍵力量。馬歇爾先生的職業生涯始於交通和物流行業。馬歇爾先生於2000年11月創立了Segmentz, Inc.並擔任首席執行官,成功收購了五家獨立的物流公司,籌集了超過2500萬美元的資本,創造了現在的XPO物流, Inc.(紐交所:XPO)的基礎設施和業務基礎,其收入超過170億。 在成立Segmentz之前,馬歇爾先生於1995年創立了美國交通服務公司(「UST」),主要專注於第三方物流。UST於2000年1月被專業交通集團公司收購,並在2000年11月停止營業。在1995年之前,馬歇爾先生曾擔任加拿大U.S. Traffic Ltd的副總裁,在那裏他創立了其美國物流部門,並曾在加拿大安大略省多倫多創辦過一家成功的司機租賃公司。
安德魯·J·諾斯特魯德,51,首席財務官,董事。Norstrud先生於2019年7月加入Upexi,Inc.,擔任顧問,並於2020年4月成爲首席財務官,2020年1月成爲董事。在加入Upexi,Inc.之前,Norstrud先生通過自己諮詢公司擔任顧問。Norstrud先生曾於2013年3月至2018年6月擔任Gee Group Inc.的首席財務官。Norstrud先生還於2014年3月7日至2015年4月1日期間擔任Gee Group的首席執行官。Norstrud先生曾於2014年3月7日至2017年8月16日期間擔任GEE Group Inc.的董事。在加入GEE Group Inc.之前,Norstrud先生於2011年10月至2013年3月擔任Norco Accounting and Consulting的顧問。2005年10月至2011年10月,Norstrud先生擔任Jagged Peak的首席財務官。在Jagged Peak之前,Norstrud先生曾是Segmentz, Inc.(XPO 物流)的首席財務官,在推動實現公司戰略目標方面發揮了重要作用,通過追求並實現增長計劃,組建財務團隊,完成並整合戰略收購,並實施上市公司所需的結構。以前,Norstrud先生曾在Grant Thornton LLP和PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP工作,並在年輕的快速增長的上市公司方面擁有豐富經驗。Norstrud先生獲得了西部州立學院的業務和會計學士學位,並獲得佛羅里達大學系統側重的會計碩士學位。Norstrud先生是佛羅里達州認證的註冊會計師。
基因·薩爾金德, 70, 董事。基因·薩金德(Gene Salkind)醫生在賓夕法尼亞州費城外擔任神經外科醫生超過35年。他於1974年畢業於賓夕法尼亞大學,獲得優等學位學士(b.A., Cum Laude),並於1979年獲得路易斯·卡茨醫學院的醫學學位。他回到賓夕法尼亞大學進行神經外科住院醫師培訓,並在1985年被選爲賓夕法尼亞大學醫院神經外科的首席住院醫師。從那時起,他便在一個與大學相關的綜合神經外科實踐中工作。他曾擔任神聖救贖醫院、阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦醫療中心和費城的珍妮醫院的神經外科主任。他撰寫了許多經過同行評審的期刊文章,並在全國各地關於各種神經外科話題進行了講座。他曾在賓夕法尼亞大學、阿勒格尼健康教育與研究基金會以及目前的路易斯·卡茨醫學院擔任教授職位。
薩爾金德博士是藥品領域的一位知名投資者。過去的投資包括直覺外科公司、藥房精神公司,該公司股票從不到1美元增長,後來以每股250美元被艾伯維公司收購,以及國家最大的生物技術公司之一Centocor,該公司被強生以49億股票收購。薩爾金德博士目前在Cure Pharmaceuticals的董事會任職,該公司在生物技術領域處於領先地位,持續追求重新定義傳統藥物遞送,以及Mobiquity Technologies, Inc.,一家數字參與提供商。Mobiquity擁有並運營一個全國性的基於位置的移動廣告網絡。該公司的技術套件使客戶能夠執行個性化和相關的體驗,提升品牌知名度和增加營業收入。他曾是Derm Tech International的董事會成員,該公司是全球非侵入性皮膚分子診斷的領導者。
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目錄 |
Salkind博士於2019年加入了Bio Symetrics的戰略顧問委員會,該公司建立了用於自動預處理、綜合分析和預測建模的數據服務工具,使科學家和提供者能夠更方便地使用機器學習。他們的科技服務於健康和醫院系統、生物製藥、藥物發現和精準醫療。Salkind博士是我們審計委員會的成員,目前持有公司超過10%的流通投票證券。
威廉姆斯先生目前在幾家總部位於愛爾蘭的控股公司擔任官員和董事,專注於保險行業。他是溫德姆風險委員會的活躍成員,溫德姆是一家大型百慕大地區的保險公司。他在離岸和歐盟保險市場擁有豐富的經驗,涉及結構開發和企業治理實施。他當前的角色包括爲CSm證券在盧森堡和愛爾蘭的第110節投資平台提供風險管理服務。威廉姆斯先生曾經是佛羅里達州聯營工業公司的銷售中介,該公司是工傷賠償領域最大的保險公司之一。他在2009年促成了與紐約上市公司Am Trust的銷售。
| · | GEE Group是一家美國交易所公司,從2008年到2018年。在這家公司,他擔任提名委員會主席,並且是公司治理委員會和審計委員會的成員。 |
| · | Two Rivers Water and Farming從2019年到2020年。 |
勞倫斯·H·杜根,57歲,董事。杜根先生是會計事務所Dorra & Dugan的合夥人,自1996年以來擔任此職務。杜根先生於1989年畢業於中佛羅里達大學。杜根先生是佛羅里達州認證公共會計師。
Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings
| 1. | 曾在刑事訴訟中被定罪或正面臨未決刑事訴訟(不包括交通違規和其他輕微罪行); |
| 2. | 曾因自身、任何合夥企業、公司或商業協會的財產提交過破產申請,或被提交破產申請,或擔任普通合夥人或高管,且這些申請是在破產申請時或在其之前的兩年內提交的,但不包括根據美國《破產法》第11章(第11章程序)在內華達州破產法院提交的Steam Distribution, LLC,One Hit Wonder, Inc., Havz, LLC(以Steam Wholesale名義經營)和One Hit Wonder Holdings, LLC的自願救濟申請,其中Robert Hackett先生爲其股東、管理成員和/或管理人員; |
| 3. | 已受到任何具有管轄權的法院或聯邦或州政府的任何命令、判決或法令的限制,該命令未隨後被推翻、暫停或撤銷,永久或暫時地禁止、限制或以其他方式限制他參與任何類型的業務、證券、期貨、商品、投資、銀行、儲蓄和貸款或保險活動,或與從事任何此類活動的人員相關聯; |
| 4.
| 被具有管轄權的法院在民事訴訟中或由證券交易委員會(SEC)或商品期貨交易委員會發現違反聯邦或州證券或商品法,並且判決未被推翻、暫停或撤銷; |
| 5.
| 已成爲任何聯邦或州司法或行政命令、判決、法令或裁定的主題或當事人,且未隨後被推翻、暫停或撤銷(不包括任何私人訴訟方之間的民事訴訟和解),與涉嫌違反任何聯邦或州證券或商品法或法規、任何與金融機構或保險公司有關的法律或法規(包括但不限於臨時或永久的禁令、返還或賠償命令、民事罰金或臨時或永久的停止和停止命令、或解除或禁止令,或任何禁止郵件或電信詐騙或與任何商業實體有關的欺詐的法律或法規)有關; |
| 6.
| 已成爲任何自律組織(根據《交易法》第3(a)(26)條(15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(26))的定義)的制裁或命令的主題或當事人,該命令未隨後被推翻、暫停或撤銷,任何註冊實體(根據《商品交易法》第1(a)(29)條(7 U.S.C. 1(a)(29))的定義),或任何具有對其成員或與成員相關人員有紀律權的同類交易所、協會、實體或組織。 |
37 |
目錄 |
我們的審計委員會負責: (1) 公司的合併基本報表的完整性, (2) 公司的財務報告內部控制的有效性, (3) 公司遵守法律和監管要求, (4) 獨立註冊公共會計師事務所的資格和獨立性, (5) 公司的獨立註冊公共會計師的表現,以及 (6) 按要求編制審計委員會報告,幷包含在公司的年度委託聲明中。審計委員會章程作爲附錄10.8歸檔在此表格中。
我們的薪酬委員會負責監督以及對首席執行官的年度和持續評審、對高級管理團隊的薪酬以及員工的獎金計劃,具體包括:(1) 評估首席執行官和其他高級管理人員的表現,並每年確定該管理人員的獎金資格,(2) 確定並批准每個財年的執行官提議的年度薪酬和獎勵機會級別,並向董事會推薦該薪酬,(3) 與首席執行官一起管理並確定向董事、員工、顧問和顧問提議的股票期權授予,(4) 審查並向董事會推薦董事會和委員會成員的薪酬,(5) 管理和批准爲員工提供的任何通用福利計劃,(6) 聘請並設定獨立顧問和其他顧問的薪酬,(7) 準備關於董事和高級官員薪酬的任何報告,以包含在公司的委託書聲明中,(8) 評估公司在每個官員薪酬組成部分的競爭地位並向董事會提出有關這些地位的建議,(9) 審查和評估其章程的充足性,並向我們的董事會提交任何推薦的變更以供考慮和批准。薪酬委員會章程已作爲附件10.9提交。
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目錄 |
項目11. 高管薪酬
| (a) | 我們的首席執行官; |
39 |
目錄 |
姓名及主要職務 |
| 年份 |
| 薪資 ($) |
| 獎金 ($) |
| 股票 獎勵 ($) |
| 期權 獎勵 ($)(3) |
| 非股權激勵 計劃 賠償($) |
| 非合格遞延賠償收益 ($) |
| 全部 其他 補償 ($) |
| 總計 ($) |
| ||||||||
艾倫·馬歇爾,首席執行官和董事(2) |
| 2024 |
| 840,000 |
| 250,769 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 1,090,769 |
| 2023 |
| 840,000 |
| 341,068 |
| 90,000 |
| 1,271,068 |
安德魯·諾斯特魯德,首席財務官(3) |
| 2024 |
| 250,000 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 250,000 |
| 2023 |
| 250,000 |
| 150,000 |
| 30,000 |
| 430,000 |
安東尼·巴贊,首席運營官(1) |
| 2023 |
| 294,800 |
| 294,800 |
| (1) | 安東尼·巴贊於2023年6月15日辭去了公司所有職位。 |
| (2) | 截至2024年6月30日,艾倫·馬紹爾有一項未支付的累計獎金爲399,231美元,未包含在此薪酬表中。 |
| (3) | 截至2024年6月30日,安德魯·諾斯特朗有一項未支付的累計獎金爲375,000美元,未包含在此薪酬表中。 |
| (3) | 代表根據《會計準則彙編》第718節——補償——股票補償的規定計算的基於權益的補償費用,使用《我們合併基本報表第13項附註》中規定的Black-Scholes期權定價模型。 |
40 |
目錄 |
| 期權獎勵 |
| 股票獎勵 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
姓名 |
| 未行使期權所對應的證券數量: # 可行使 |
| 未行使期權所對應的證券數量: # 不可行使 |
| 股權激勵計劃獎勵: 未獲得和未行使期權的基礎證券數量: |
| 期權行使價格 $ |
| 期權 到期 日期 |
| 尚未歸屬的股票或單位數量 # |
| 尚未歸屬的股票或單位的市場價值 $ |
| 股權激勵計劃獎勵: 尚未歸屬的股票、單位或其他權益的數量 # |
| 股權激勵計劃獎勵:尚未歸屬的股票、單位或其他權益的市場支付價值 $ |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
阿蘭·馬歇爾,首席執行官及董事 |
| 62,500 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 83.60 |
| 7/21/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 41,667 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 30.60 |
| 6/1/2029 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
安德魯·諾斯特魯德, |
| 10,000 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 83.60 |
| 7/21/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
首席財務官和董事 |
| 8.334 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 30.60 |
| 2/1/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 19,445 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 30.60 |
| 6/1/2029 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
基因·薩爾金德,董事 |
| 2,500 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 77.40 |
| 9/30/2027 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 2,500 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 83.60 |
| 7/21/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 1,389 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 30.60 |
| 2/1/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
托馬斯·C·威廉姆斯,董事 |
| 2,500 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 77.40 |
| 9/30/2027 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 2,500 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 83.60 |
| 7/21/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 1,389 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 30.60 |
| 2/1/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
勞倫斯·H·杜根,董事 |
| 2,500 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 77.40 |
| 9/30/2027 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 2,500 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 83.60 |
| 7/21/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 1,389 |
| - |
| - |
| $ | 30.60 |
| 2/1/2031 |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
41 |
目錄 |
下表列出了截至12月16日我們董事、所有高管及董事的持股情況,以及我們已知的每位超過5%某類證券的實際持有者。截至12月16日,我們的普通股已發行及流通的股份總數爲1,040,924股。所有列名的人對這些股份擁有單獨或共同的投票和投資控制權,除非另有說明。以下描述的股份數量包括實際持有者在招股說明書日期的60天內有權獲得的股份。除非另有說明,每位實際持有者的地址爲:Upexi, Inc., 3030 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 420, Tampa, Florida 33607。
受益人姓名和地址 |
| 受益所有權的數量和性質 |
| 百分比 課堂(1) |
| ||
艾倫·馬歇爾 |
| 288,229 | (2) |
| 22.57 | % |
基因·薩爾金德 |
| 130,287 | (3) |
| 12.51 | % |
安德魯·諾斯特魯德 |
| 53,057 | (4) |
| 5.04 | % |
勞倫斯·杜根 |
| 7,778 | (5) |
| 0.74 | %* |
托馬斯威廉姆斯 |
| 6,389 | (6) |
| 0.61 | %* |
董事和高管群體 |
| 291,988 |
| 40.26 | % |
* | 佔我們流通普通股總數的不到1%。 |
(1) | 根據規則13d-3,證券的受益所有者包括任何人,該人通過任何合同、安排、理解、關係或其他方式,直接或間接地擁有或共享:(i) 投票權,包括投票或指揮股份投票的權力;以及 (ii) 投資權,包括處置或指揮股份處置的權力。某些股份可能被視爲由多個個人受益擁有(例如,當個人共享投票權或處置股份的權力時)。此外,如果個人在信息提供日期後的60天內有權收購股票(例如,行使期權時),則該個人的股份被視爲受益擁有的。在計算任何個人的持股百分比時,已發行股份的數量被視爲包括由於這些收購權而由該個人(僅由該個人)受益擁有的股份數量。因此,本表中顯示的任何個人的發行股份百分比並不一定反映該個人截至2024年11月8日實際擁有的普通股股份的真實擁有或投票權。截至2024年11月8日,已發行並流通的我們公司的普通股股份爲1,045,429股。 |
(2) | 代表(i) 151,423股普通股,(ii) 104,167股可在60天內行使的期權可發行股份,(iii) 13,889股可轉換優先股可發行股份,以及(iv) 18,750股可在行使認股權證時發行的股份。 |
(3) | 代表(i) 123,898股普通股,以及(ii) 6,389股可在60天內行使的期權可發行股份。 |
(4) | 代表(i) 15,278股普通股,以及(ii) 37,779股可在60天內行使的期權可發行股份。 |
(5) | 代表(i) 1,389股普通股,以及(ii) 6,389股可在60天內行使的期權可發行股份。 |
(6) | 代表6,389股可在60天內行使的期權股份。 |
42 |
目錄 |
計劃類別 |
| 在行使未償還的期權、權證和權利時將發行的證券數量。 |
| 未行使的期權、Warrants 和權利的加權平均行使價格 |
| 待發行的安防-半導體數量 在股權補償計劃下可供未來發行的證券數量(不包括第一列反映的證券) |
| |||
| |||
經證券持有人批准的股權補償計劃 |
| 200,714 |
| $ | 57.47 |
| 213,214 |
總計 |
| 200,714 |
| $ | 57.47 |
| 213,214 |
43 |
目錄 |
第13項: 特定關係和相關交易和董事獨立性
2024年4月1日,公司與由我們的首席執行官艾倫·馬歇爾擁有的MFA 2510 Merchant LLC簽訂了租賃協議。租賃面積約爲10,000平方英尺的倉庫和辦公空間,位於佛羅里達州的俄德薩,每月租金爲20,060美元,採用三網計價方式。租賃的初始期限爲五年。公司在租賃改良上花費了611,768美元,以準備設施用於產品製造,該費用將在五年的租賃期限內攤銷。截至2024年6月30日,已計提了100,004美元的存入資金和兩個月的租金,這筆費用已於2024年6月支付,目前處於正常狀態。產品製造已於2024年8月1日全面轉移至內華達州的設施,並已達到滿負荷生產。
在2024年6月13日,(公司簽署了一項股票購買協議("SPA"),根據該協議,公司將其全資子公司VitaMedica, Inc.已發行和流通的股權("權益")的一百百分之百(100%)出售給三位投資者("買方")。其中一位少數股權買方是公司的首席執行官Allan Marshall。股票的購買價格爲六百萬美元($6,000,000),受某些慣例交割後調整的限制。交易的收益將用於營運資金、減債和減少當前未償還的其他負債。
董事會已確定 Gene Salkind、Lawrence Dugan 和威廉姆斯是符合上市標準的獨立董事。Gene Salkind 擁有公司超過十個百分點(10%)的投票證券。
項目14. 主審會計費用和服務
| 年度結束 |
| |||||
| 6月30日 2024 |
| 6月30日 2023 |
| ||
審計費用 |
| $ | 402,000 |
| $ | 188,000 |
審計相關費用和收購審計費用 |
| - |
| 189,420 |
稅務費用 |
| 203,550 |
| 136,600 |
所有其他費用 |
總計 |
| $ | 605,550 |
| $ | 514,020 |
44 |
目錄 |
| (a) | 合併財務報表 |
| (1) | 本公司的合併基本報表在本文檔的第8項中列於指數中。 |
| (2) | 所有基本報表的附表均被省略,因爲它們不適用、不重要或所需的信息已在合併基本報表或其附註中顯示。 |
| (b) | 展覽品 |
展覽索引 | ||||||||||||
| 已提交或 | |||||
| 通過引用的納入 |
| 已提供 | |||||
展覽編號 |
| 描述 |
| 表格 |
| 文件編號 |
| 附件 |
| 提交日期 | 隨附 | |
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 3.1 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| 8-K |
| 001-40535 |
| 3.1 |
| 8/17/22 |
| ||||
| 8-K |
| 001-30535 |
| 3.1 |
| 9/27/24 |
| |||
| 8-K |
| 001-30535 |
| 3.2 |
| 9/27/24 |
| |||
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 3.2 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 4.6 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 10.1 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 10.2 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| 8-K |
| 001-40535 |
| 10.1 |
| 6/17/24 |
| |||
| 8-K |
| 001-40535 |
| 10.1 |
| 8/5/24 |
| |||
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 10.5 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 10.6 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| S-1 |
| 333-255266 |
| 10.7 |
| 4/15/21 |
| ||||
| 8-K |
| 001-40535 |
| 2 |
| 9/6/23 |
45 |
目錄 |
| 10-K | 001-40535 |
| 10.23 |
| 10/3/23 |
| |||||
| S-8 |
| 333-273859 |
| 4.7 |
| 8/9/23 |
| |||
| 10-K | 001-40535 |
| 10.25 |
| 10/3/23 |
| |||||
| 10-K | 001-40535 |
| 10.26 |
| 10/3/23 |
| |||||
| 10-K | 001-40535 |
| 10.27 |
| 10/3/23 |
| |||||
| 10-K | 001-40535 |
| 14.1 |
| 10/3/23 |
| |||||
| 10-K | 001-40535 |
| 14.2 |
| 10/3/23 |
| |||||
| 10-K | 001-40535 |
| 21.1 |
| 10/3/23 | ||||||
| x | ||||
| x | ||||
| x | ||||
| x | ||||
101.INS |
| Inline XBRL 實例文檔(該實例文檔不出現在交互數據文件中,因爲其 XBRL 標籤嵌入在 Inline XBRL 文檔中)。 |
| x | |
101.SCH |
| Inline XBRL 分類擴展架構文檔 |
| x | |
101.CAL |
| Inline XBRL 分類擴展計算鏈接庫文檔 |
| x | |
101.DEF |
| Inline XBRL 分類擴展定義鏈接庫文檔 |
| x | |
101.LAB |
| Inline XBRL 分類擴展標籤鏈接庫文檔 |
| x | |
101.PRE |
| Inline XBRL 分類擴展展示鏈接庫文檔 |
| x | |
104 |
| 封面互動數據文件(格式爲內聯XBRL,附錄101中包含適用的分類法擴展信息) |
| x |
* 本年報的10-k表格提供了這些附錄,且未被視爲提交給證券交易委員會,也未在Upexi, Inc.根據1933年證券法修訂版或1934年證券交易法修訂版的任何提交中引用,無論是在本日期之前還是之後,並且無論在此類提交中包含的任何一般納入語言。
+ 表示管理合同或補償計劃或安排。
項目16. 表格10-K摘要。
46 |
目錄 |
| UPEXI公司。 |
| (登記單位) |
日期:2024年12月16日 |
| /s/ 艾倫·馬歇爾 |
| 艾倫·馬歇爾 |
| 總裁,首席執行官兼董事 |
| (首席執行官) |
日期:2024年12月16日 |
| /s/ 安德魯·J·諾斯特魯德 |
| 安德魯·J·諾斯特魯德 |
| 首席財務官 |
| (信安金融財務負責人和財務會計負責人) |
日期:2024年12月16日 |
| /s/ 艾倫·馬歇爾 |
| 艾倫·馬歇爾 |
| 總裁,首席執行官兼董事 |
| (首席執行官) |
日期:2024年12月16日 |
| /s/ 安德魯·J·諾斯特魯德 |
| 安德魯·J·諾斯特魯德 |
| 首席財務官 |
| (信安金融財務負責人和財務會計負責人) |
日期:2024年12月16日 |
| /s/ 基因·薩爾金德 |
| 基因·薩爾金德 |
| 董事 |
日期:2024年12月16日 |
| /s/ 托馬斯·威廉姆斯 |
| 托馬斯·C·威廉姆斯 |
| 董事 |
日期:2024年12月16日 |
| /s/ 勞倫斯·H·杜根 |
| 勞倫斯·H·杜根 |
| 董事 |
47 |