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加利福尼亞州聖荷西 – 十二月 11, 2024 – Nutanix, Inc.(「Nutanix」)(納斯達克:NTNX),一家混合多雲計算的領導者,今天宣佈發行750百萬美元的0.50%可轉換高級債券,定於2029年到期(「債券」),通過定向增發(「發行」)給合理認爲是符合條件的機構投資者,依據1933年證券法第144A條款的規定(經修訂)。Nutanix已授予債券初始購買者一個選擇權,可以在 爲期13天 債券初始發行日後的一個期限內購買最多額外的112.5百萬美元債券。債券向初始購買者的銷售預計將在2024年12月16日結算,需滿足常規的交割條件。




Nutanix同意回購的2027票據的某些持有者已對這些2027票據的股權價格風險進行了對沖,預計將通過購買Nutanix的A類普通股和/或進入或解除與Nutanix A類普通股相關的各種衍生交易,逐步解除其部分或全部對沖頭寸。對2027票據的任何回購以及持有人可能進行的相關市場活動,加上Nutanix對其任何A類普通股的回購,可能會增加(或減少任何降幅的規模)Nutanix的A類普通股的市場價格,這可能會影響票據的交易價格和票據的轉換價格。

該筆記的初始轉換率爲每 1,000 美元本金金額的債券可轉換爲 11.6505 股 Nutanix A 類普通股(這相當於每股大約 85.83 美元的初始轉換價格),並且受到某些事件發生時的調整。在 2029 年 9 月 15 日前的營業日結束之前,債券將根據特定條件和在特定期間內,由持有者選擇轉換。自 2029 年 9 月 15 日起至到期日前第二個預定交易日的營業日結束爲止,債券將可由持有者在任何時間轉換,而不受這些條件的限制。債券的轉換將以現金、Nutanhax 的 A 類普通股或現金與 Nutanix 的 A 類普通股的組合進行結算,由 Nutanix 選擇。初始轉換價格比 Nutanix A 類普通股在 2024 年 12 月 11 日於納斯達克全球精選市場上最後報告的銷售價格高出約 32.5%。

本公告既不是出售要約,也不是對購買這些證券的要約請求,且不構成在任何該等要約、請求或銷售是非法的司法管轄區內的要約、請求或銷售。這些證券的任何要約將僅通過私募備忘錄進行。債券以及在轉換債券時可發行的 Nutanix A 類普通股(如有)將不會根據證券法或任何州證券法進行註冊,除非進行註冊,否則不得在美國提供或出售,除非根據適用的免除條款或不受證券法和適用州證券法的註冊要求限制的交易進行。

關於 Nutanix

Nutanix 是雲軟件領域的全球領導者,提供一個統一的平台讓組織無論在何處都可以運行應用程序和管理數據。藉助 Nutanix,企業可以減少複雜性並簡化運營,從而專注於業務成果。Nutanix 以其作爲超融合基礎設施的先驅的傳統爲基礎,受到全球公司的信任,以一致、簡單且具有成本效益的方式推動混合多雲環境。


This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding Nutanix’s financing plans, the expected closing date of the offering, Nutanix’s intended use of the net proceeds from the offering, and the amounts of repurchases of the 2027 notes and the Share Repurchases. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, whether Nutanix will be able to consummate the offering, the final terms of the offering, the satisfaction of customary closing conditions with respect to the offering of the notes, prevailing market conditions, the anticipated use of the net proceeds of the offering of the notes, which could change as a result of market conditions or for other reasons, and the impact of general economic, industry or political conditions in the United States or internationally. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of the words 「may,」 「will,」 「expect,」 「intend,」 and other similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions by Nutanix’s management that, although believed to be reasonable, are inherently uncertain and subject to a number of risks. Actual results may differ materially from those anticipated or predicted by Nutanix’s forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are subject to other risks detailed in Nutanix’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2024, and the risks discussed in Nutanix’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and Nutanix undertakes no obligation to revise or update this news release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, except as required by applicable law.

© 2024 Nutanix公司版權所有。 Nutanix、Nutanix標誌及文中提及的所有Nutanix產品和服務名稱均爲Nutanix公司(「Nutanix」)在美國及其他國家的註冊商標或未註冊商標。文中提到的其他品牌名稱或標誌僅用於識別目的,可能是其各自持有者的商標。本新聞稿僅供參考,文中內容不構成Nutanix的任何擔保或其他具有約束力的承諾。





