
華盛頓特區 20549

表單 10-Q
截至季度期 2024年11月02日
 5130 哈辛達大道, 都柏林,
(主要執行辦公室地址)(Zip Code)


是的 沒有 o
ý    不 o

大型加速報告人 ý 加速報告人 o 非加速報告人 o 小型報告公司

如果公司無法符合證券交易法第13(a)條規定,使用延長過渡期來遵守任何新的或修訂的財務會計準則,請在複選框中指示。 o

是的 不是

截至2024年11月15日,流通在外的面值爲0.01美元的普通股數量爲 329,929,197.

項目 1.
項目 2。



項目 1. 財務報表

銷售$5,071,354 $4,924,849 $15,216,940 $14,354,440 
營業成本3,634,283 3,564,268 10,916,884 10,426,241 
銷售、一般和行政832,855 810,470 2,445,494 2,364,590 
總成本和費用4,424,611 4,331,419 13,230,551 12,678,901 
稅前收益646,743 593,430 1,986,389 1,675,539 
所得稅準備157,935 146,103 482,443 410,702 
淨收益$488,808 $447,327 $1,503,946 $1,264,837 
基本$1.49 $1.34 $4.56 $3.76 
稀釋$1.48 $1.33 $4.53 $3.74 
基本327,710 334,282 329,453 336,187 
稀釋329,937 336,261 331,728 338,107 

淨收益$488,808 $447,327 $1,503,946 $1,264,837 
$488,808 $447,327 $1,503,946 $1,264,837 

現金及現金等價物$4,349,262 $4,872,446 $4,499,497 
應收賬款176,218 130,766 171,915 
商品庫存2,859,106 2,192,220 2,613,808 
預付費用和其他241,703 202,706 206,725 
總流動資產7,626,289 7,398,138 7,491,945 
土地和建築物1,487,579 1,486,557 1,491,023 
固定裝置和設備4,428,436 4,220,221 4,109,947 
租賃改善1,637,771 1,577,102 1,503,769 
在建工程749,911 628,730 569,995 
  8,303,697 7,912,610 7,674,734 
累計折舊和攤銷減少4,646,018 4,380,709 4,277,215 
物業及設備(淨額)3,657,679 3,531,901 3,397,519 
經營租賃資產3,349,427 3,126,841 3,160,017 
其他長期資產271,791 243,229 221,139 
總資產$14,905,186 $14,300,109 $14,270,620 
應付賬款$2,346,479 $1,955,850 $2,280,278 
應計費用和其他637,332 671,867 665,279 
當前運營租賃負債699,200 683,625 680,088 
應計工資和福利459,094 548,371 509,484 
應付所得稅2,186 76,370 20,960 
長期債務的流動部分699,407 249,713 249,598 
總流動負債4,843,698 4,185,796 4,405,687 
長期債務1,514,452 2,211,017 2,210,073 
非當前營業租賃負債2,821,417 2,603,349 2,640,068 
其他長期負債265,673 232,383 218,970 
遞延所得稅196,583 196,238 212,866 
普通股,每股面值$.01 每股
   授權 1,000,000,000 股票
   已發行和流通 330,258,000, 335,172,000
   和 336,952,000 股份,分別
3,303 3,352 3,370 
額外實收資本2,060,801 1,952,625 1,920,908 
滾存收益3,918,669 3,548,667 3,291,996 
股東權益總額5,263,363 4,871,326 4,582,956 
總負債和股東權益$14,905,186 $14,300,109 $14,270,620 

截至2024年2月3日的餘額335,172 $3,352 $1,952,625 $(633,318)$3,548,667 $4,871,326 
淨收益— — — — 487,990 487,990 
根據股票計劃發行的普通股,扣除用於稅收扣繳的股份642 6 6,218 (70,480)— (64,256)
基於股票的補償— — 40,447 — — 40,447 
回購普通股,包括消費稅(1,892)(19)(9,368)— (254,870)(264,257)
已宣佈的分紅派息($0.3675 每股)
— — — — (123,298)(123,298)
截至2024年5月4日的餘額333,922 $3,339 $1,989,922 $(703,798)$3,658,489 $4,947,952 
淨收益— — — — 527,148 527,148 
根據股票計劃發行的普通股,扣除用於稅收預扣的股份(7)— 6,194 (1,248)— 4,946 
基於股票的補償— — 38,021 — — 38,021 
回購的普通股,包括消費稅(1,840)(18)(9,315)— (255,749)(265,082)
已宣佈的分紅派息($0.3675 每股)
— — — — (122,453)(122,453)
截至2024年8月3日的餘額332,075 $3,321 $2,024,822 $(705,046)$3,807,435 $5,130,532 
淨收益— — — — 488,808 488,808 
根據股票計劃發行的普通股,扣除用於稅收代扣的股份(29)— 6,351 (14,364)— (8,013)
基於股票的補償— — 38,744 — — 38,744 
回購的普通股,包括消費稅(1,788)(18)(9,116)— (255,833)(264,967)
已宣佈的分紅派息($0.3675 每股)
— — — — (121,741)(121,741)
截至2024年11月2日的餘額330,258 $3,303 $2,060,801 $(719,410)$3,918,669 $5,263,363 


截至2023年1月28日的餘額342,753 $3,428 $1,820,249 $(584,750)$3,049,656 $4,288,583 
淨收益— — — — 371,191 371,191 
根據股票計劃發行的普通股,扣除用於稅收扣留的股票461 4 6,145 (37,522)— (31,373)
基於股票的補償— — 33,063 — — 33,063 
回購的普通股,包括消費稅(2,169)(22)(9,729)— (226,523)(236,274)
已宣佈的分紅派息($0.3350 每股)
— — — — (114,794)(114,794)
截至2023年4月29日的餘額341,045 $3,410 $1,849,728 $(622,272)$3,079,530 $4,310,396 
淨收益— — — — 446,319 446,319 
根據股票計劃發行的普通股,扣除用於稅款預扣的股份89 1 6,208 (913)— 5,296 
基於股票的補償— — 39,429 — — 39,429 
回購普通股,包括消費稅(2,152)(21)(9,959)— (222,713)(232,693)
已宣佈的分紅派息($0.3350 每股)
— — — — (114,005)(114,005)
截至2023年7月29日的餘額338,982 $3,390 $1,885,406 $(623,185)$3,189,131 $4,454,742 
淨收益— — — — 447,327 447,327 
根據股票計劃發行的普通股,扣除用於稅款扣留的股份34 1 6,231 (10,133)— (3,901)
基於股票的補償— — 38,877 — — 38,877 
回購普通股,包括消費稅(2,064)(21)(9,606)— (231,129)(240,756)
已宣佈的分紅派息($0.3350 每股)
— — — — (113,333)(113,333)
截至2023年10月28日的餘額336,952 $3,370 $1,920,908 $(633,318)$3,291,996 $4,582,956 

淨收益$1,503,946 $1,264,837 
折舊和攤銷329,584 300,366 
基於股票的補償117,212 111,369 
遞延所得稅345 (4,193)
應付賬款390,398 259,105 
經營租賃資產和負債淨額11,057 8,336 
經營活動提供的淨現金1,474,431 1,565,735 
與股票計劃相關的普通股發行18,769 18,590 
期初4,935,441 4,612,241 
期末$4,414,658 $4,562,008 
支付的利息$80,316 $80,316 
支付的所得稅,淨額$546,113 $440,419 



注意 A: 重要會計政策概述

報告基礎。 隨附的未經審計的中期簡明合併基本報表是根據羅斯百貨公司及其子公司的記錄(「公司」)準備的,未經審計,並且在管理層的意見中,包含了所有必要的調整(僅包括正常的、定期的調整),以公平地呈現公司截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的財務狀況,以及截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的三個月和九個月期間的經營成果、綜合收益和股東權益,以及截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的九個月期間的現金流量。此處呈現的截至2024年2月3日的簡明合併資產負債表是來源於公司截至該財政年度的審計合併基本報表。


截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的三個月和九個月期間的經營業績、綜合收益和股東權益,以及截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的九個月期間的現金流量 pr此處列出的結果不一定表示整個財政年度的預期業績戰爭。財政年度結束 2025 年 2 月 1 日 被稱爲2024財年,爲期52周的財年。財政年度已結束 2024年2月3日被稱爲2023財年,爲期53周。

會計估計的使用。 根據一般公認會計原則(GAAP)編制基本報表要求公司作出影響資產、負債及在簡明合併基本報表日期披露的或有資產和負債報告金額的估計和假設,以及報告期間營業收入和費用的報告金額。實際結果可能與公司的估計存在重大差異。公司的重大會計估計包括存貨的估值準備、封存及其他存貨持有成本、固定資產的使用年限、保險準備金、不確定稅務頭寸的準備金以及法律索賠。

營業收入的確認。 以下銷售組合表按商品類別對截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的三個月和九個月期間的營業收入進行了分類:


家居飾品和臥室及浴室用品25 %25 %25 %25 %
女士23 %23 %23 %24 %
男士16 %16 %16 %15 %
配飾、內衣、精美珠寶和化妝品14 %14 %14 %14 %
鞋子13 %13 %13 %13 %
兒童9 %9 %9 %9 %
總計100 %100 %100 %100 %

現金及現金等價物。 現金等價物是指原始到期不超過三個月的高流動性固收工具。這些工具所持有的機構可能會使公司面臨信用風險集中。公司主要通過將其現金及現金等價物分散持有於多家銀行和其他金融機構來管理與這些工具相關的風險。


受限制的現金及現金等價物。 本公司使用備用信用證和一個資金信託來作爲某些保險義務的擔保。這些受限資金投資於銀行存款、貨幣市場共同基金以及美國政府和機構證券,未經擔保方事先書面同意,無法從公司的帳戶中提取。備用信用證以受限制的現金作爲擔保。 截至2024年11月2日、2024年2月3日和2023年10月28日,公司分別有$2.2 百萬,$2.2 百萬,以及$2.6 百萬。截止到2024年11月2日、2024年2月3日和2023年10月28日,公司有$63.2百萬,$60.8百萬,以及$59.9在一個擔保信託中,分別爲百萬。當前與長期的分類是基於預期義務支付時間的劃分。

現金及現金等價物$4,349,262 $4,872,446 $4,499,497 
  預付費用及其他15,041 14,489 13,127 
  其他長期資產50,355 48,506 49,384 
限制現金及現金等價物總計65,396 62,995 62,511 
現金、現金等價物及受限現金和現金等價物總計$4,414,658 $4,935,441 $4,562,008 
資產和設備。 截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日,公司有$39.5百萬和$47.0百萬的資產和設備已購買但尚未付款。這些購買被包括在附帶的簡明合併資產負債表中的資產和設備、應付賬款,以及應計費用和其他項下。


經營租賃。 以經營租賃負債爲交換獲得的經營租賃資產(包括新租賃和現有租賃的重新計量或修改)) 如下所示:

$284,516 $159,616 $725,122 $550,467 

現金分紅。 在2024年11月20日,公司董事會宣佈每股現金分紅$0.3675 ,將於2024年12月31日支付。公司董事會在2024年3月、5月和8月宣佈每股現金分紅$0.3675 每股現金分紅$,在2023年2月、5月、8月和11月支付。0.3350 每股現金分紅$

股票回購計劃。 2024年3月,公司董事會批准了一項新的 兩年 計劃,回購高達$2.1十億公司的普通股,通過 2026年1月31日。在截至2024年11月2日的九個月期間,公司回購了 5.5 百萬股普通股,價格爲$787.5 百萬(不包括消費稅)根據該計劃。在截至2023年10月28日的九個月期間,公司回購了 6.4 百萬股普通股,價格爲$703.4百萬(不包括消費稅)根據之前公開宣佈的股票回購計劃。

訴訟、索賠和評估。 與許多零售商一樣,公司被指控在加利福尼亞州涉及集體/代表性訴訟,聲稱公司違反了工資和工時法律。至2024年11月2日,集體/代表性訴訟仍在進行中。




供應鏈金融計劃。 公司提供一項自願的供應鏈金融計劃(「計劃」),爲特定供應商提供機會,讓他們可以自行決定將應收款項出售給參與的金融機構。第三方銀行負責管理該計劃。公司的責任僅限於按照與每位供應商最初協商的條款進行付款,無論供應商是否將其應收款項出售給金融機構。公司不是參與金融機構與供應商之間協議的當事方,也不從供應商或金融機構獲得任何財務激勵。公司在計劃下不提供任何擔保,且公司的權利與對供應商的義務不受該計劃的影響。與供應商協商的付款條款區間是一致的,無論供應商是否參與該計劃。

所有板塊未結清的款項在簡化合並資產負債表中的應付賬款中記錄。公司將所有在該計劃下支付的款項視爲簡化合並現金流量表中應付賬款的經營現金流減少。 在該計劃下,欠參與金融機構的款項並計入應付賬款的金額爲$148.8 百萬,$146.9 百萬,141.0 在2024年11月2日、2024年2月3日和2023年10月28日分別爲$

最近採用的會計標準。 在2022年9月,財務會計標準委員會(「FASB」)發佈了會計標準更新(「ASU」)2022-04, 負債—供應商融資計劃(子主題405-50):供應商融資計劃義務的披露,以增強對實體使用供應商融資計劃的透明度。該ASU要求對供應商融資計劃的關鍵條款進行增強和補充披露,包括描述相關金額在基本報表中的呈現位置。公司在2023財年的第一季度採用了ASU 2022-04,採用追溯法,排除了將於2024財年在其10-K表格年度報告中採用的年度滾動要求。該標準的採用對公司截至2024年11月2日的合併簡明基本報表未產生重大影響, 三個月和九個月的期間 ,並且預計對公司2024財年的合併基本報表不會產生重大影響。

Recently issued accounting standards. In November 2024, the FASB issued ASU 2024-03, Income Statement—Reporting Comprehensive Income—Expense Disaggregation Disclosures (Subtopic 220-40): Disaggregation of Income Statement Expenses. The ASU is intended to enhance transparency of income statement disclosures primarily through additional disaggregation of relevant expense captions. The standard is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2026, and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2027, with prospective or retrospective application permitted. The Company is currently evaluating the impact of this guidance on its disclosures in the consolidated financial statements.

In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures. The ASU is intended to enhance the transparency and decision usefulness of income tax disclosures. It requires the Company to disclose disaggregated jurisdictional and categorical information for the tax rate reconciliation and the amount of income taxes paid as well as additional income tax related amounts. The new guidance is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2024, with retrospective application permitted. The Company is currently evaluating the impact of this guidance on its disclosures in the consolidated financial statements.

In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures. The ASU is intended to improve reportable segment disclosure requirements, primarily through enhanced disclosures about significant segment expenses. The standard is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company is currently evaluating the impact of this guidance on its disclosures in the consolidated financial statements.


Note B: Fair Value Measurements

Accounting standards pertaining to fair value measurements establish a three-tier fair value hierarchy which prioritizes the inputs used in measuring fair value. The inputs used to measure fair value include: Level 1, observable inputs such as quoted prices in active markets; Level 2, inputs other than quoted prices in active markets that are either directly or indirectly observable; and Level 3, unobservable inputs in which little or no market data exists. This fair value hierarchy requires the Company to develop its own assumptions, maximize the use of observable inputs, and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value. Corporate and U.S. government and agency securities are classified within Level 1 because these securities are valued using quoted market prices.

The fair value of the Company’s financial instruments are as follows:

($000)November 2, 2024February 3, 2024October 28, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents (Level 1)
$4,349,262 $4,872,446 $4,499,497 
Restricted cash and cash equivalents (Level 1)
$65,396 $62,995 $62,511 

The underlying assets in the Company’s nonqualified deferred compensation program as of November 2, 2024, February 3, 2024, and October 28, 2023 (included in Other long-term assets and in Other long-term liabilities) primarily consist of participant-directed money market, stock, and bond funds. The fair value measurement for funds with quoted market prices in active markets (Level 1) are as follows:

($000)November 2, 2024February 3, 2024October 28, 2023
Nonqualified deferred compensation program (Level 1)$189,522 $165,582 $145,003 

Note C: Stock-Based Compensation

For the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, the Company recognized stock-based compensation expense as follows:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
($000)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Restricted stock$22,781 $23,546 $67,691 $69,094 
Performance awards14,842 14,232 46,208 38,994 
Employee stock purchase plan1,121 1,099 3,313 3,281 
Total$38,744 $38,877 $117,212 $111,369 

Total stock-based compensation expense recognized in the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Earnings for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 is as follows:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Statements of Earnings Classification ($000)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Cost of goods sold$19,125 $20,254 $55,816 $58,885 
Selling, general and administrative19,619 18,623 61,396 52,484 
Total$38,744 $38,877 $117,212 $111,369 

The tax benefits related to stock-based compensation expense for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 were $7.2 million and $22.2 million, respectively. The tax benefits related to stock-based compensation expense for the three and nine month periods ended October 28, 2023 were $7.9 million and $23.2 million, respectively.


Restricted stock awards. The Company grants shares of restricted stock or restricted stock units to directors, officers, and key employees. The market value of shares of restricted stock and restricted stock units at the date of grant is amortized to expense over the vesting period of generally three to five years.

Performance share awards. The Company has a performance share award program for senior executives. A performance share award represents a right to receive shares of restricted stock on a specified settlement date based on the Company’s attainment of a performance goal during the performance period, which is the Company’s fiscal year. If attained, the restricted stock then vests over a service period, generally three years from the date the performance award was granted.

As of November 2, 2024, shares related to unvested restricted stock, restricted stock units, and performance share awards totaled 3.7 million shares. A summary of restricted stock, restricted stock units, and performance share award activity for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024, is presented below:

Number of
shares (000)
grant date
fair value
Unvested at February 3, 20244,395 $104.52 
Awarded769 146.57 
Unvested at November 2, 20243,718$112.97 

The unamortized compensation expense at November 2, 2024 was $200.7 million which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average remaining period of 1.8 years. The unamortized compensation expense at October 28, 2023 was $199.0 million which was expected to be recognized over a weighted-average remaining period of 2.0 years.

Shares repurchased for tax withholding are considered treasury shares which are available for reissuance. During the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024, shares purchased by the Company for tax withholding totaled 92,847 and 586,644, respectively. During the three and nine month periods ended October 28, 2023, shares purchased by the Company for tax withholding totaled 85,761 and 461,889, respectively.

Employee stock purchase plan. Under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (“ESPP”), eligible employees participating in the quarterly offering period can choose to have up to the lesser of 10% of their annual base earnings or the IRS annual share purchase limit of $25,000 in aggregate market value withheld to purchase the Company’s common stock. The purchase price of the stock is 85% of the closing market price on the date of purchase. Purchases occur on a quarterly basis (on the last trading day of each calendar quarter). The Company recognizes expense for ESPP purchase rights equal to the value of the 15% discount given on the purchase date.

Note D: Earnings Per Share

The Company computes and reports both basic earnings per share (“EPS”) and diluted EPS. Basic EPS is computed by dividing net earnings by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted EPS is computed by dividing net earnings by the sum of the weighted-average number of common shares and dilutive common stock equivalents outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS reflects the total potential dilution that could occur from outstanding equity plan awards and unvested shares of both performance and non-performance based awards of restricted stock and restricted stock units.

Shares are excluded from the calculation of diluted EPS if their effect would have been anti-dilutive to the calculation of diluted EPS. For the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024, approximately 5,000 and 4,000 weighted-average shares were excluded from the calculation of diluted EPS, respectively. For the three and nine month periods ended October 28, 2023, approximately 14,000 and 17,000 weighted-average shares were excluded from the calculation of diluted EPS, respectively.


The following is a reconciliation of the number of shares (denominator) used in the basic and diluted EPS computations:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Shares in (000s)Basic EPSEffect of
common stock
Basic EPSEffect of
November 2, 2024
Shares327,710 2,227 329,937 329,453 2,275 331,728 
Amount$1.49 $(0.01)$1.48 $4.56 $(0.03)$4.53 
October 28, 2023 
334,282 1,979 336,261 336,187 1,920 338,107 
$1.34 $(0.01)$1.33 $3.76 $(0.02)$3.74 

Note E: Debt

Senior Notes. Unsecured senior debt (the “Senior Notes”), net of unamortized discounts and debt issuance costs, consisted of the following:

($000)November 2, 2024February 3, 2024October 28, 2023
3.375% Senior Notes due 2024
$ $249,713 $249,598 
4.600% Senior Notes due 2025
699,407 698,441 698,120 
0.875% Senior Notes due 2026
498,194 497,268 496,960 
4.700% Senior Notes due 2027
240,666 240,335 240,225 
4.800% Senior Notes due 2030
132,909 132,776 132,732 
1.875% Senior Notes due 2031
496,247 495,820 495,678 
5.450% Senior Notes due 2050
146,436 146,377 146,358 
Total long-term debt1
$2,213,859 $2,460,730 $2,459,671 
Less: current portion$699,407 $249,713 $249,598 
Total due beyond one year$1,514,452 $2,211,017 $2,210,073 
1 Net of unamortized discounts and debt issuance costs of $11.1 million, $14.3 million, and $15.3 million as of November 2, 2024, February 3, 2024, and October 28, 2023, respectively.

Interest on all Senior Notes is payable semi-annually and the Senior Notes are subject to prepayment penalties for early payment of principal.

In September 2024, the Company repaid at maturity the $250 million principal amount of the 3.375% Senior Notes.

The aggregate fair value of the remaining six outstanding series of Senior Notes was approximately $2.1 billion as of November 2, 2024. The aggregate fair value of the seven then outstanding series of Senior Notes was approximately $2.3 billion and $2.2 billion as of February 3, 2024 and October 28, 2023, respectively. The fair value is estimated by obtaining comparable market quotes which are considered to be Level 1 inputs under the fair value measurements and disclosures guidance.


Revolving credit facilities. The Company’s $1.3 billion senior unsecured revolving credit facility (“Credit Facility”) expires in February 2027 and may be extended at the Company’s request for up to two additional one-year periods subject to customary conditions. The Credit Facility contains a $300 million sublimit for issuance of standby letters of credit. It also contains an option allowing the Company to increase the size of its Credit Facility by up to an additional $700 million, with the agreement of the committing lenders. Interest on borrowings under this Credit Facility is a term rate based on the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“Term SOFR”) (or an alternate benchmark rate, if Term SOFR is no longer available) plus an applicable margin and is payable quarterly and upon maturity.

The Credit Facility is subject to a quarterly Consolidated Adjusted Debt to Consolidated EBITDAR financial leverage ratio covenant. As of November 2, 2024, the Company was in compliance with the financial covenant, had no borrowings or standby letters of credit outstanding under the Credit Facility, and the $1.3 billion Credit Facility remained in place and available.

The table below shows the components of interest income for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
($000)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Interest expense on long-term debt$20,025 $21,159 $62,342 $63,458 
Other interest expense417 424 1,142 1,169 
Capitalized interest(5,047)(3,342)(13,889)(8,268)
Interest income(57,922)(61,560)(181,422)(168,289)
Interest income, net$(42,527)$(43,319)$(131,827)$(111,930)

Note F: Taxes on Earnings

The Company’s effective tax rate for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 was approximately 24%, and was approximately 25% for the three and nine month periods ended October 28, 2023. The Company’s effective tax rate is impacted by changes in tax laws and accounting guidance, location of new stores, level of earnings, tax effects associated with stock-based compensation, and the resolution of tax positions with various tax authorities.

As of November 2, 2024, February 3, 2024, and October 28, 2023, the reserves for unrecognized tax benefits were $67.1 million, $58.6 million, and $65.3 million, inclusive of $9.0 million, $6.2 million, and $8.4 million of related interest and penalties, respectively. The Company accounts for interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a part of its provision for taxes on earnings. If recognized, $53.1 million would impact the Company’s effective tax rate. It is reasonably possible that certain federal and state tax matters may be concluded or statutes of limitations may lapse during the next 12 months. Accordingly, the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits may decrease by up to $8.5 million. The difference between the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits and the amounts that would impact the effective tax rate relates to amounts attributable to deferred income tax assets and liabilities. These amounts are net of federal and state income taxes.

The Company is open to audit by the Internal Revenue Service under the statute of limitations for fiscal years 2021 through 2023. The Company’s state income tax returns are generally open to audit under the various statutes of limitations for fiscal years 2019 through 2023. Certain state tax returns are currently under audit by various tax authorities. The Company does not expect the results of these audits to have a material impact on the condensed consolidated financial statements.

In December 2021, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development released Pillar Two Model Rules (“Pillar Two”), which provide for a global minimum tax of 15% on multinational entities. Although the United States has not yet adopted Pillar Two, several countries enacted Pillar Two with an initial effective date of January 1, 2024. The impact of Pillar Two on the Company’s effective tax rate is expected to be minimal for fiscal 2024. The Company will continue to monitor future Pillar Two legislation in relevant jurisdictions for any impacts to its effective tax rate.

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Ross Stores, Inc.:

Results of Review of Interim Financial Information
We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets of Ross Stores, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, the related condensed consolidated statements of earnings, comprehensive income, and stockholders’ equity, for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, and cash flows for the nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “interim financial information”). Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying interim financial information for it to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
We have previously audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated balance sheet of the Company as of February 3, 2024, and the related consolidated statements of earnings, comprehensive income, stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the year then ended (not presented herein); and in our report dated April 1, 2024, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet as of February 3, 2024, is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived.

Basis for Review Results
This interim financial information is the responsibility of the Company’s management. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our reviews in accordance with standards of the PCAOB. A review of interim financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

/s/Deloitte & Touche LLP

San Francisco, California
December 10, 2024


This section and other parts of this Form 10-Q contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed below under the caption “Forward-Looking Statements” and also those in Part I, Item 1A (Risk Factors) of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for fiscal 2023. The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the condensed consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for fiscal 2023. All information is based on our fiscal calendar.


Ross Stores, Inc. operates two brands of off-price retail apparel and home fashion stores—Ross Dress for Less® (“Ross”) and dd’s DISCOUNTS®. Ross is the largest off-price apparel and home fashion chain in the United States, with 1,836 locations in 43 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam, as of November 2, 2024. Ross offers first-quality, in-season, name brand and designer apparel, accessories, footwear, and home fashions for the entire family at savings of 20% to 60% off department and specialty store regular prices every day. We also operate 356 dd’s DISCOUNTS stores in 22 states as of November 2, 2024 that feature a more moderately-priced assortment of first-quality, in-season, name brand apparel, accessories, footwear, and home fashions for the entire family at savings of 20% to 70% off moderate department and discount store regular prices every day.

Our low-to-moderate income customers continue to face persistently high costs on necessities, pressuring their discretionary spending. However, we believe there are opportunities to grow our market share through the execution of our merchandising initiatives and remain confident that our ongoing focus and commitment to deliver the most compelling values possible will best position our Company for profitable growth.

On October 28, 2024, we announced the appointment of James G. Conroy as our next Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”). Following a two-month transition period, Mr. Conroy will assume the CEO role at the beginning of the next fiscal year on February 2, 2025, at which time our current CEO, Barbara Rentler, will transition into an advisory role through March 2027.

Results of Operations

The following table summarizes our financial results for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Sales (millions)$5,071$4,925$15,217$14,354
Sales growth3.0 %7.9 %6.0 %6.5 %
Comparable store sales growth1
1 %%3 %%
Costs and expenses (as a percent of sales)
Cost of goods sold71.7 %72.4 %71.7 %72.6 %
Selling, general and administrative16.4 %16.5 %16.1 %16.5 %
Interest income, net(0.8 %)(0.9 %)(0.9 %)(0.8 %)
Earnings before taxes (as a percent of sales)12.7 %12.0 %13.1 %11.7 %
Net earnings (as a percent of sales)9.6 %9.1 %9.9 %8.8 %
1 Comparable stores are stores open for more than 14 complete months.


Stores. Our long-term strategy is to open additional stores based on market penetration, local demographic characteristics, competition, expected store profitability, and the ability to leverage overhead expenses. We continually evaluate opportunistic real estate acquisitions and opportunities for potential new store locations. We also evaluate our current store locations and determine store closures based on similar criteria.

We opened 47 new stores in the third quarter of fiscal 2024. For the nine month period ended November 2, 2024, we opened 89 new locations.

The following table summarizes the stores opened and closed during the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Store CountNovember 2, 2024October 28, 2023November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Ross Dress for Less
Beginning of the period1,795 1,722 1,764 1,693 
Opened in the period43 43 75 72 
Closed in the period(2)— (3)— 
Total Ross Dress for Less stores end of period
1,836 1,765 1,836 1,765 
Beginning of the period353 339 345 322 
Opened in the period4 14 25 
Closed in the period(1)— (3)— 
Total dd’s DISCOUNTS stores end of period
356 347 356 347 
Total stores end of period2,192 2,112 2,192 2,112 
1 Includes the reopening of a store previously temporarily closed due to a weather event.

Sales. Sales for the three month period ended November 2, 2024 increased $146.5 million, or 3.0%, compared to the three month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to the opening of 80 net new stores between October 28, 2023 and November 2, 2024 and a 1% comparable store sales increase.

Sales for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024 increased $862.5 million, or 6.0%, compared to the nine month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to the opening of 80 net new stores between October 28, 2023 and November 2, 2024 and a 3% comparable store sales increase.

Our sales mix for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 is shown below:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
November 2, 2024

October 28, 2023November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Home Accents and Bed and Bath25 %25 %25 %25 %
Ladies23 %23 %23 %24 %
Men’s16 %16 %16 %15 %
Accessories, Lingerie, Fine Jewelry, and Cosmetics14 %14 %14 %14 %
Shoes13 %13 %13 %13 %
Children’s9 %%9 %%
Total100 %100 %100 %100 %

Cost of goods sold. Cost of goods sold for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 increased $70.0 million and $490.6 million, respectively, compared to the three and nine month periods ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to higher sales from the opening of 80 net new stores between October 28, 2023 and November 2, 2024, and the respective 1% and 3% comparable store sales increases, partially offset by lower buying costs primarily due to lower incentive compensation expense, lower distribution costs, and lower domestic freight costs.

Cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales for the three month period ended November 2, 2024 decreased approximately 70 basis points compared to the three month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to a 65 basis point decrease in buying costs mainly due to lower incentive compensation expense, a 50 basis point decrease in distribution costs, and a 40 basis point decrease in domestic freight costs. Partially offsetting these items was a 60 basis point decrease in merchandise margin primarily due to our continued efforts to offer more sharply priced branded bargains and a 25 basis point increase in occupancy costs.

Cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024 decreased approximately 90 basis points compared to the nine month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to a 65 basis point decrease in distribution costs, a 60 basis point decrease in buying costs mainly due to lower incentive compensation expense, and a 30 basis point decrease in domestic freight costs. Partially offsetting these items was a 55 basis point decrease in merchandise margin primarily due to our continued efforts to offer more sharply priced branded bargains and a 10 basis point increase in occupancy costs.

In fiscal 2024, we expect lower distribution costs, domestic freight costs, and incentive compensation expense as a percentage of sales, partially offset by lower merchandise margins as we continue to build on our efforts to offer more sharply priced branded bargains throughout our stores.

Selling, general and administrative expenses. For the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024, selling, general and administrative expenses (“SG&A”) increased $22.4 million and $80.9 million, respectively, compared to the three and nine month periods ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to the opening of 80 net new stores between October 28, 2023 and November 2, 2024, partially offset by lower incentive compensation expense.

SG&A as a percentage of sales for the three month period ended November 2, 2024 decreased 5 basis points compared to the three month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to lower incentive compensation expense.

SG&A as a percentage of sales for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024 decreased 40 basis points compared to the nine month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to higher sales and lower incentive compensation expense.

We expect lower incentive compensation expense as a percentage of sales to continue through fiscal 2024.

Interest income, net. For the three month period ended November 2, 2024, interest income, net decreased $0.8 million compared to the three month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to decreased interest income from lower interest rates and lower average cash balances largely due to the repayment of the $250 million principal amount of the 3.375% Senior Notes in September 2024.

For the nine month period ended November 2, 2024, interest income, net increased $19.9 million compared to the nine month period ended October 28, 2023, primarily due to increased interest income from higher interest rates and higher average cash balances.

The table below shows the components of interest income, net for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023:

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
($000)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Interest expense on long-term debt$20,025 $21,159 $62,342 $63,458 
Other interest expense417 424 1,142 1,169 
Capitalized interest(5,047)(3,342)(13,889)(8,268)
Interest income(57,922)(61,560)(181,422)(168,289)
Interest income, net$(42,527)$(43,319)$(131,827)$(111,930)


Taxes on earnings. Our effective tax rate for the three and nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 was approximately 24%, compared to approximately 25% for the three and nine month periods ended October 28, 2023. Our effective tax rate is impacted by changes in tax laws and accounting guidance, location of new stores, level of earnings, tax effects associated with stock-based compensation, and the resolution of tax positions with various tax authorities.

Net earnings. Net earnings as a percentage of sales for the three month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 were 9.6% and 9.1%, respectively. Net earnings as a percentage of sales for the three month period ended November 2, 2024 were higher primarily due to lower cost of goods sold and lower SG&A expenses, partially offset by lower interest income.

Net earnings as a percentage of sales for the nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 were 9.9% and 8.8%, respectively. Net earnings as a percentage of sales for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024 were higher primarily due to lower cost of goods sold, lower SG&A expenses, and higher interest income.

Earnings per share. Diluted earnings per share for the three month period ended November 2, 2024 was $1.48, compared to $1.33 for the three month period ended October 28, 2023. Diluted earnings per share for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024 was $4.53, compared to $3.74 for the nine month period ended October 28, 2023.

The $0.15 increase in the diluted earnings per share for the three month period ended November 2, 2024 was primarily attributable to a 9% increase in net earnings and a 2% reduction in weighted-average diluted shares outstanding largely due to stock repurchases under our stock repurchase program. The $0.79 increase in the diluted earnings per share for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024 was primarily attributable to a 19% increase in net earnings and a 2% reduction in weighted-average diluted shares outstanding largely due to stock repurchases under our stock repurchase program.

Financial Condition

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The primary sources of funds for our business activities are cash flows from operations and short-term trade credit. Our primary ongoing cash requirements are for merchandise inventory purchases, payroll, operating and variable lease costs, taxes, capital expenditures related to new and existing stores, and investments in distribution centers, information systems, and buying and corporate offices. We also use cash to repurchase stock under active stock repurchase programs, pay dividends, and repay debt as it becomes due. In September 2024, we repaid at maturity the $250 million principal amount of the 3.375% Senior Notes. As of November 2, 2024, we had $700 million principal amount of 4.600% Senior Notes that will reach maturity in 2025.

Nine Months Ended
($000)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Cash provided by operating activities$1,474,431 $1,565,735 
Cash used in investing activities(514,122)(540,458)
Cash used in financing activities(1,481,092)(1,075,510)
Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents$(520,783)$(50,233)

Operating Activities

Net cash provided by operating activities was $1.5 billion for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024. This was primarily driven by net earnings excluding non-cash expenses for depreciation, amortization, and stock-based compensation, partially offset by the payment of fiscal 2023 incentive bonuses. Net cash provided by operating activities was $1.6 billion for the nine month period ended October 28, 2023. This was primarily driven by net earnings excluding non-cash expenses for depreciation, amortization, and stock-based compensation.

The decrease in cash flow provided by operating activities for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024 compared to the same period in the prior fiscal year was primarily driven by higher incentive compensation payments and lower accounts payable leverage (defined as accounts payable divided by merchandise inventory), partially offset by higher net earnings.


Accounts payable leverage was 82% and 87% as of November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, respectively. The decrease in accounts payable leverage was primarily due to the timing of inventory receipts and related payments versus last year.

As a regular part of our business, packaway inventory levels will vary over time based on availability of compelling merchandise purchase opportunities in the marketplace and our decisions on the timing for release of that inventory to our stores. Packaway merchandise is purchased with the intent that it will be stored in our warehouses until a later date. The timing of the release of packaway inventory to our stores is principally driven by the product mix and seasonality of the merchandise, and its relation to our store merchandise assortment plans. As such, the aging of packaway varies by merchandise category and seasonality of purchase, but typically packaway remains in storage for less than six months. We expect to continue to take advantage of packaway inventory opportunities to maximize our ability to deliver bargains to our customers.

Changes in packaway inventory levels impact our operating cash flow. As of November 2, 2024, packaway inventory was 38% of total inventory, compared to 40% at the end of fiscal 2023.

Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities was $514.1 million and $540.5 million for the nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, respectively, and was related to our capital expenditures. Our capital expenditures include costs to open new stores and improve existing stores, to build, expand, and improve distribution centers, and for various other expenditures related to our information technology systems and buying and corporate offices.

The decrease in cash used in investing activities for the nine month period ended November 2, 2024, compared to the same period in the prior fiscal year, was primarily due to lower capital expenditures in the current year related to our new Buckeye, Arizona distribution center, partially offset by the purchase of land for our next distribution center.

Capital expenditures for fiscal 2024 are currently projected to be approximately $760 million. Our planned capital expenditures for fiscal 2024 are for costs to open new stores and improve existing stores, investments in our supply chain to support long-term growth, including construction of our next distribution centers, investments in our information technology systems, and for various other expenditures related to our stores, distribution centers, and buying and corporate offices. We expect to fund capital expenditures with available cash.

Financing Activities

Net cash used in financing activities was $1.5 billion and $1.1 billion for the nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, respectively, primarily resulting from stock repurchases under our stock repurchase program, dividend payments, and the repayment of the $250 million principal amount of the 3.375% Senior Notes in September 2024.

Revolving credit facilities. We have a $1.3 billion senior unsecured revolving credit facility. As of November 2, 2024, we had no borrowings or standby letters of credit outstanding under the Credit Facility, our Credit Facility remained in place and available, and we were in compliance with its financial covenant. Refer to Note E: Debt in the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.

Senior notes. As of November 2, 2024, we had approximately $2.2 billion of outstanding unsecured Senior Notes, of which $699.4 million was classified within Current Liabilities on our Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet for the period ended November 2, 2024. Refer to Note E: Debt in the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.

Other financing activities. In March 2024, our Board of Directors approved a new two-year program to repurchase up to $2.1 billion of our common stock through January 31, 2026. During the nine month period ended November 2, 2024, we repurchased 5.5 million shares of common stock for $787.5 million (excluding excise tax) under this program. For the nine month period ended October 28, 2023, we repurchased 6.4 million shares of common stock for $703.4 million (excluding excise tax) under our previous, publicly announced repurchase program. During the nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, we also acquired 0.6 million and 0.5 million shares of treasury stock, respectively, to cover employee tax withholding obligations under our employee equity compensation programs, for aggregate purchase prices of approximately $86.1 million and $48.6 million, respectively.


On November 20, 2024, our Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.3675 per common share, payable on December 31, 2024. The Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.3675 per common share in March, May, and August 2024, and $0.3350 per common share in February, May, August, and November 2023.

For the nine month periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, we paid cash dividends of $367.5 million and $342.1 million, respectively.

Short-term trade credit represents a significant source of financing for merchandise inventory. Trade credit arises from customary payment terms and trade practices with our vendors. We regularly review the adequacy of credit available to us from all sources, and expect to be able to maintain adequate trade credit, bank credit, and other credit sources to meet our capital and liquidity requirements.

We ended the third quarter of fiscal 2024 with $4.3 billion of unrestricted cash balances, which were held primarily in overnight money market funds invested in U.S. treasury and government instruments across a highly diversified set of banks and other financial institutions. We also have $1.3 billion available under our Credit Facility. We estimate that existing cash and cash equivalent balances, cash flows from operations, our bank credit facility, and trade credit are adequate to meet our operating cash needs and to fund our planned capital investments, debt repayments, interest payments, common stock repurchases, and quarterly dividend payments for at least the next 12 months.

Contractual Obligations and Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

As of November 2, 2024, there have been no material changes to our contractual obligations as disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K as of February 3, 2024, other than those which occur in the ordinary course of business.

Standby letters of credit and collateral trust. We use standby letters of credit outside of our revolving credit facility and a funded trust to collateralize some of our insurance obligations. As of November 2, 2024, February 3, 2024, and October 28, 2023, we had $2.2 million, $2.2 million, and $2.6 million, respectively, in standby letters of credit outstanding. As of November 2, 2024, February 3, 2024, and October 28, 2023, we had $63.2 million, $60.8 million, and $59.9 million, respectively, held in a collateral trust. The standby letters of credit are collateralized by restricted cash and the collateral trust consists of restricted cash and cash equivalents.

Critical Accounting Estimates

During the third quarter of fiscal 2024, there were no significant changes to the critical accounting estimates discussed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended February 3, 2024.


Forward-Looking Statements

This report contains a number of forward-looking statements regarding, without limitation, projected sales, costs and earnings, planned new store growth, capital expenditures, liquidity, and other matters. These forward-looking statements reflect our then-current beliefs, plans, and estimates with respect to future events and our projected financial performance, operations, and competitive position. The words “plan,” “expect,” “target,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “believe,” “forecast,” “projected,” “guidance,” “outlook,” “looking ahead,” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements.

Future impact from inflation, interest rate changes, ongoing military conflicts and economic sanctions, tariffs, climate change, extreme weather, pandemics, natural disasters, and other economic, regulatory, consumer spending, and industry trends that could potentially adversely affect our revenue, profitability, operating conditions, and growth are difficult to predict. Our forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause our actual results to differ materially from those forward-looking statements and our previous expectations, plans, and projections. Such risks and uncertainties are not limited to but may include:

Uncertainties arising from the macroeconomic environment, including inflation and the price of necessities, high interest rates, housing costs, energy and fuel costs, financial and credit market conditions, recession concerns, geopolitical conditions, and public health and public safety issues that affect consumer confidence, consumer disposable income, and shopping behavior, as well as our costs.
Unexpected changes in the level of consumer spending on, or preferences for, apparel and home-related merchandise, which could adversely affect us.
Competitive pressures in the apparel and home-related merchandise retailing industry.
Our need to effectively manage our inventories, markdowns, and inventory shortage in order to achieve our planned gross margins.
Changes in U.S. tax, tariff, or trade policy regarding apparel and home-related merchandise produced in other countries, which could adversely affect our business.
Risks associated with importing and selling merchandise produced in other countries, including risks from supply chain disruption, shipping delays, and higher than expected ocean freight costs.
Unseasonable weather or extreme temperatures that may affect shopping patterns and consumer demand for seasonal apparel and other merchandise.
Our dependence on the market availability, quantity, and quality of attractive brand name merchandise at desirable discounts, and on the ability of our buyers to anticipate consumer preferences and to purchase merchandise to enable us to offer customers a wide assortment of merchandise at competitive prices.
Information or data security breaches, including cyber-attacks on our transaction processing and computer information systems, which could disrupt our operations, and result in theft or unauthorized disclosure of confidential and valuable business information, such as customer, credit card, employee, or other private and valuable information that we handle in the ordinary course of our business.
Disruptions in our supply chain or in our information systems, including from ransomware or other cyber-attacks, that could impact our ability to process sales and to deliver product to our stores in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Our need to obtain acceptable new store sites with favorable consumer demographics to achieve our planned store openings.
Our need to expand in existing markets and enter new geographic markets in order to achieve planned growth and market penetration.
Consumer problems or legal issues involving the quality, safety, or authenticity of products we sell, which could harm our reputation, result in lost sales, and/or increase our costs.
An adverse outcome in various legal, regulatory, or tax matters, or the adoption of new federal or state tax legislation that increases tax rates or adds new taxes, that could increase our costs.
Damage to our corporate reputation or brands that could adversely affect our sales and operating results.
Our need to continually attract, train, and retain associates with the retail talent necessary to execute our off-price retail strategies.
Our need to effectively advertise and market our business.
Possible volatility in our revenues and earnings.
A public health or public safety crisis, or a natural or man-made disaster in California or another region where we have a concentration of stores, offices, or a distribution center, that could harm our business.
Our need to maintain sufficient liquidity to support our continuing operations and our new store openings.


The factors underlying our forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, any forecasts or forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect our outlook at any other point in time. We disclaim any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements.


We are exposed to market risks, which primarily include changes in interest rates. We do not engage in financial transactions for trading or speculative purposes.

We may occasionally use forward contracts to hedge against fluctuations in foreign currency prices. We had no outstanding forward contracts as of November 2, 2024.

Interest that is payable on our Credit Facility is based on variable interest rates and is therefore affected by changes in market interest rates. As of November 2, 2024, we had no borrowings outstanding under the Credit Facility.

As of November 2, 2024, we had outstanding six series of unsecured Senior Notes. Interest that is payable on all series of our Senior Notes is based on fixed interest rates, and is therefore unaffected by changes in market interest rates.

We receive interest payments on our cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash and cash equivalents. Changes in interest rates may impact the interest income we recognize in the future.

A hypothetical 100 basis point increase or decrease in prevailing market interest rates would not have had a material negative impact on our financial position, results of operations, cash flows, or the fair values of our cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash and cash equivalents as of and for the three month or nine month periods ended November 2, 2024. We do not consider the potential losses in future earnings and cash flows from reasonably possible, near-term changes in interest rates to be material.


Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Our management, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of our “disclosure controls and procedures” (as defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e)) as of the end of the period covered by this report. Our disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives. Based on that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective at that reasonable assurance level as of the end of the period covered by this report.

It should be noted that any system of controls, however well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, and not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the system will be met. In addition, the design of any control system is based in part upon certain assumptions about the likelihood of future events.

Quarterly Evaluation of Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

Our management, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, also conducted an evaluation of our internal control over financial reporting to determine whether any change occurred during the third fiscal quarter of 2024 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting. Based on that evaluation, our management concluded that there was no such change during the third fiscal quarter of 2024.




The matters under the caption “Litigation, claims, and assessments” in Note A of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are incorporated herein by reference.


See Part I, Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended February 3, 2024 for a description of risks and uncertainties associated with our business.


Information regarding shares of common stock we repurchased during the third quarter of fiscal 2024 is as follows:

Total number of shares
(or units) purchased1
Average price
paid per share
(or unit)
Total number of
(or units)
purchased as
part of publicly
plans or
Maximum number
(or approximate
dollar value) of
shares (or units)
that may yet be
purchased under
the plans or
programs ($000)
(8/4/2024 - 8/31/2024)462,230 $144.38462,230 $1,508,280 
(9/1/2024-10/5/2024)799,393 $151.55706,546 $1,401,500 
(10/6/2024- 11/2/2024)619,346 $143.67619,346 $1,312,520 
Total1,880,969 $147.191,788,122 $1,312,520 
1 We acquired 92,847 shares of treasury stock during the quarter ended November 2, 2024. Treasury stock includes shares acquired from employees for tax withholding purposes related to vesting of restricted stock grants.

In March 2024, our Board of Directors approved a new two-year program to repurchase up to $2.1 billion of our common stock through January 31, 2026.


Insider Adoption of Trading Arrangements:

During the three months ended November 2, 2024, none of our directors or executive officers informed us of the adoption or termination of a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” except as follows:

On September 30, 2024, Michael J. Hartshorn, Group President and Chief Operating Officer, and a member of our Board of Directors, adopted a trading plan intended to satisfy the affirmative defense of Rule 10b5-1(c) to sell up to 40,000 shares of common stock. Unless otherwise terminated pursuant to its terms, the plan will terminate on September 30, 2025, or when all shares under the plan are sold.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date:December 10, 2024
/s/Jeffrey P. Burrill
 Jeffrey P. Burrill
Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and Corporate Controller (Principal Accounting Officer)