附件 10.1
由皮埃蒙特鋰業公司,一家特拉華州公司(“公司),和帕特里克·布林德(簡稱 “員工)。
員工和公司在此各自被稱爲 “派對雙方當事方.”
員工和公司是某份於2021年9月22日簽署的執行僱傭協議的當事方(簡稱 “僱用協議”);
1. 與公司解僱的情況.
自分離日期起,員工將不再受僱於公司或任何其他公司相關方,員工將被視爲自動辭職 (i) 作爲公司及其關聯公司的管理人員(如適用),以及 (ii) 從公司及其關聯公司(如適用)及任何其他公司、有限責任公司、行業組織或其他實體的董事會、董事會或類似治理機構辭職,員工在其中作爲公司的指定人或其他代表。如果員工簽署本協議,返回給公司,並在簽署後未撤銷員工的簽名,公司將允許員工以辭職的方式告知其僱傭關係的結束。
(a) 根據本條款 第2節 員工在此確認並同意,員工已全額支付所有獎金,已提供所有福利,並已收到公司所欠的所有工資、補償和其他款項。員工進一步確認並同意,員工已收到來自每個公司相關方的所有假期(包括帶薪和無薪假期)。
2. 分離支付與福利前提是員工:(x) 執行本協議並將執行後的協議副本返回給公司,以便在2024年12月24日下午5:00(東部時間)之前收到
布魯斯·查科(Bruce Czachor),執行副總裁兼首席法律官(電子郵件:bczachor@piedmontlithium.com);(y) 不撤回員工對本協議的接受,依據於 第8節;並且 (z) 遵守本協議中列出的其他條款和條件(包括 第5、6、9和10條),員工
(a) 離職補償款。(1)公司將向員工支付一次性款項 $475,000.00(“離職
第8節 下面)結束後,儘快支付,且不晚於離職日期後的六十(60)天;
(b) 控制下的額外變更付款根據《僱傭協議》第4.1(b)條,控制權變更支付被描述爲 (i) 在分離日期之前的員工基本工資的兩倍 (2) times, plus (ii) 2024日曆年員工目標獎金的兩倍 (2) times, plus (iii) 員工2024年的年度獎金, 根據董事會或董事會委員會確定的適用獎金目標和/或條件的實際實現情況, 但是,如果本人是高管,除非符合適用法律要求或對財務會計的影響為實質不利的情況下,公司將在相關稅收或稅收代扣事件發生時保留移轉普通股股票的股份,除此之外,還可以根據(i) - (iii)上述任何一種或多種方式滿足扣繳稅款的義務;及/或(v)由公司確定的任何其他合法的扣繳方法,但提供該方法也必須符合適用法律和計畫要求。 在計算員工2024年年度獎金時(在公司內部也稱爲公司的‘短期激勵補償’),員工個人目標的實現部分將按照零百分比 (0%) 計算。如果在《僱傭協議》第1.3條中定義的“控制權變更”發生在分離日期之後,且發生在2025年12月31日之前,且具體涉及Sayona Mining Limited及其子公司(員工承認該事件發生在CIC保護期之外(如《僱傭協議》中定義)),員工有權獲得控制權變更支付,金額爲$63,333,這相當於控制權變更支付$1,615,000的三分之一33.3%(($475,0000 x 2) + ($475,000 x 0.70 x 2)),減去根據第2(a)(1)小節之前支付的$475,000的遣散費, 加上 員工2024年的年度獎金,基於實際成就, 不過,前提是員工個人目標的達成將按零百分比(0%)計算。
(c) 任何根據 第2(b)小節 應在控制權變更後不超過六十(60)天內支付給員工,
(d) 員工承認並同意,這個提及的 第2節 代表了員工根據僱傭協議或其他方式有權獲得的全部遣散費和公司或任何其他公司方的利益。如果在本協議生效後,員工違反本協議的任何條款或違反定義中的任何契約。 第5條,或者違反或未能履行(根據公司的合理判斷)任何義務, 第6、9或10條那麼,員工將失去根據本協議尚未支付給員工的所有金額,包括但不限於根據 本節第2(b)小節.
3. 責任聲明.
(a) 爲了良好的和有價值的對價,包括在 第2節 (及其任何部分),每一方在此明知且自願地釋放並永遠解除對方的責任,包括員工的家庭、員工的繼承人、執行人、管理人和受讓人,以及對公司而言包括piedmont lithium carolinas inc.、piedmont lithium foundation – power for life, inc.及其各自的關聯公司、前身、繼任者、子公司和福利計劃,以及上述實體各自的股東、高管、董事、經理、成員、合夥人、員工、代理、代表及其他關聯人員,以及公司及其關聯公司的福利計劃(以及此類計劃的受託人和管理人)(每一個稱爲“公司聚會其他父母公司子公司公司各方”), from liability for, and each Party hereby waives, any and all claims, damages, or causes of action of any kind related to Employee’s ownership of any interest in any
Company Party, Employee’s employment with any Company Party, the termination of such employment, and any other acts or omissions related to any matter occurring on or prior to the date that Employee executes this Agreement, including (i) any
alleged violation through such time of: (A) any federal, state or local anti-discrimination, anti-harassment or anti-retaliation law, regulation or ordinance, including the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (including as amended by the
Older Workers Benefit Protection Act), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Sections 1981 through 1988 of Title 42 of the United States Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended; (B) the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”); (C) the Immigration Reform Control Act; (D) the National Labor Relations Act; (E) the Occupational Safety and Health Act; (F)
the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; (G) Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act, the North Carolina Persons with Disabilities Protection Act, the Equal Employment Practices Act, N.C.G.S. § 95-28.1 (which prohibits discrimination against
any person possessing sickle cell trait or hemoglobin C trait), N.C.G.S. § 95-28.1A (which prohibits discrimination against persons based on genetic testing or genetic information), N.C.G.S. § 95-28.2 (which prohibits discrimination against
persons for lawful use of lawful products during nonworking hours), N.C.G.S. § 130A-148(i) (which prohibits discrimination against any person having AIDS or HIV infection and which further mandates that no test for AIDS virus infection shall be
required, performed, or used to determine suitability for continued employment), N.C.G.S. § 9-32 (which prohibits the discharge or demotion of any employee because the employee has been called for jury duty, or is serving as a grand juror or
petit juror), N.C.G.S. §§ 127A201 to 127A-203 (which provides members of the North Carolina National Guard or the National Guard of another state with certain reemployment rights outlined therein and which further prohibits discrimination and
acts of reprisal against persons who serve in the National Guard), the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, and the Pennsylvania Whistleblower Law; (H) any federal, state or local wage and hour law; (I) any other local, state or federal law,
regulation or ordinance; or (J) any public policy, contract, tort, or common law claim; (ii) any allegation for costs, fees, or other expenses including attorneys’ fees incurred in or with respect to a Released Claim; (iii) any and all rights,
benefits or claims Employee may have under any employment contract, incentive compensation plan or equity-based plan with any Company Party or to any ownership interest in any Company Party (including the Employment Agreement); and (iv) any claim
for compensation or benefits of any kind not expressly set forth in this Agreement (collectively, the (“已發佈的索賠), 除非根據本協議的賠償條款予以覆蓋
第5條 本協議並不旨在表明是否存在任何此類索賠,或即使存在,它們是否有 merit。相反,每一方同意爲員工根據
第2節, 任何一方可能對另一方擁有的所有潛在索賠,無論它們是否實際存在,均明確地解決、妥協和放棄。 本釋放包括因任一方的全部或部分過失(無論是重大過失還是簡單過失)或其他過失,包括嚴格責任而導致的事項。
(b) 爲避免疑義,本協議中的任何內容均不會解除員工根據
Further, in no event shall the Released Claims include (i) any claim that arises after the date that Employee signs this Agreement; (ii) any claim to vested benefits under an employee benefit plan that is subject to ERISA; and (iii) any claim for
breach of, or otherwise arising out of兆.is Agreement. Further, notwithstanding this release of liability, nothing in this Agreement prevents Employee from filing any non-legally waivable claim (including a challenge to the validity of this
Agreement) with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) or comparable state or local agency or participating in (or cooperating with) any investigation or proceeding conducted
by the EEOC or comparable state or local agency or cooperating in any such investigation or proceeding; however, Employee understands and agrees that Employee is waiving any and all rights to recover any monetary or personal relief from a Company
Party as a result of such EEOC or comparable state or local agency or proceeding or subsequent legal actions. Further, nothing in this Agreement prohibits or restricts Employee from (A) filing a charge or complaint with or cooperating in any
investigation with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or any other governmental agency, entity or authority (each, a “政府機構”),
(B) reporting violations of U.S. federal or state laws or regulations to a Government Agency, (C) making disclosures that are protected under U.S. federal and state whistleblower laws and regulations or (D) accepting any monetary reward in connection
therewith. Nothing herein shall prevent Employee from discussing or disclosing information regarding unlawful acts in the workplace, such as harassment, discrimination, or any other conduct that Employee has reason to believe is unlawful.
4. Representations and Warranties Regarding Claims. Employee represents and warrants that, as of the time at which Employee signs this Agreement, Employee has not filed or
joined any claims, complaints, charges, or lawsuits against any of the Company Parties with any governmental agency or with any state or federal court or arbitrator for, or with respect to, a matter, claim, or incident that occurred or arose out
of one or more occurrences that took place on or prior to the time at which Employee signs this Agreement (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, any whistleblower complaints protected under applicable law). Employee further represents and
warrants that Employee has not made any assignment, sale, delivery, transfer, or conveyance of any rights Employee has asserted or may have against any of the Company Parties with respect to any Released Claim.
5. 賠償. 各方承認公司與員工於2021年9月19日簽訂了某項賠償協議(“賠償協議”),該賠償協議並未被修訂或撤銷。
6. 契約的重申. 員工承認並同意員工根據勞動合同對公司及其關聯公司有持續的義務,包括涉及專有信息、保密性、不詆譭、不競爭和不干擾的義務(統稱爲“合同規定“)。在簽署本協議時,員工承認契約的持續有效性和可執行性,員工明確重申其遵守契約的承諾,並同意員工將遵守契約的條款。員工對契約的完全遵守是公司根據本協議向員工支付任何款項的基本控件。
7. 合作事項. 作爲公司在本協議下義務的重要控件,員工必須在分離日期之前始終如一地履行員工的職責(按照公司合理指派)盡最大努力以合理令公司滿意的方式進行,並且必須始終遵守公司的所有規則和政策。員工應配合公司將員工的知識、職責和責任移交給公司或公司指定的其他人。員工被特別要求協助(a)處理與Sayona Mining Limited擬議合併交易相關的所有事務,包括但不限於準備和響應盡職調查詢問、資本募集和融資活動、談判和執行任何最終文件,以及所有直接或間接與上述事項相關的事務(統稱爲“合併協助),(b) 就公司所獲礦業許可證的辯護而言,該許可證正在被挑戰, Locke Bell訴NCDEQ (北卡羅來納州行政聽證辦公室 24 EHR 02152),包括提供證言、聽證會證言,以及其他支持,以捍衛針對該事項的索賠和證言,
包括所有上訴(“許可證申請協助),以及(c) 公司合理請求的所有其他事項(統稱爲“一般公司協助”以及合併協助、許可證申請協助和一般公司協助,合作義務在分離日期之後,員工應在任何在2025年12月31日或之前發生的《僱傭協議》第一節1.3所定義的"控制權變更"完成之前,繼續與公司合作,以便將員工的知識、職責和責任移交給公司或公司指定的其他人員,並應具體提供合併協助、許可申請協助和公司一般協助。這些合作義務是公司根據本協議向員工付款義務的重要條件。此外,在員工的僱傭關係結束後,員工應提供合作義務,並與任何其他與員工在公司工作期間發生的事件相關的行動或法律程序(或任何此類行動或法律程序的上訴)合作。 提供的公司應支付員工提供此類合作所產生的所有合理費用。
8. 員工的確認員工通過簽署和交付本協議明確確認:
(a) 員工已獲得至少21天的時間來審閱和考慮本協議。如果員工在收到本協議後的21天期限到期之前簽署本協議,員工已自願放棄比提供給員工的更長的考慮期限,並且該較早的簽署並不是公司通過欺詐、虛假陳述或威脅撤回或更改本協議在此21天期限到期之前誘導的。對本協議的任何變更(無論是實質性還是非實質性)都不會重新開始此21天期限的計算。
(b) 員工根據本協議收到的對價是員工已經有權獲得的任何價值之外的額外對價;
(c) 員工
(d) 員工
(e) 員工
(f) 沒有公司方提供任何關於本協議的稅務或法律建議,員工有充分的機會從自己選擇的顧問那裏獲得足夠的稅務和法律建議,從而使員工充分理解其簽署本協議的稅務和法律意義;並且,
9. 撤銷權儘管本協議初步生效,員工可以在簽署本協議之日起七天(7)內撤銷交付(因此也撤銷效力)(此七天期限在此稱爲“解除撤銷期間”)。要生效,該撤銷必須以書面形式由員工簽署,並必須親自送達、通過快遞或電子郵件(需要回執)送達給公司,以確保由Bruce Czachor,執行副總裁兼首席法律官收到;電子郵件: bczachor@piedmontlithium.com) 不遲於最後一天的發佈撤銷期的東部時間晚上11:59。如果以上述方式和時間期限遞交有效的撤銷, 第三節 該聲明將不再有效,員工將不會收到該聲明中規定的支付或福利, 第2節其餘條款將保持完全有效。
10. 本協議的保密性. 除非另有規定,在這些情況之外 根據第3(b)條款,如果公司通知持有人。 of this Agreement and
as otherwise allowed in this Section, Employee will not disclose or discuss the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the confidentiality covenant in this Section of this Agreement, Employee may disclose the terms of this Agreement to: (a)
legal counsel; (b) spouse; (c) personal tax or financial advisor; provided Employee informs them of this confidentiality provision before such discussion and they agree to be bound by this confidentiality provision; (d) a court of competent
jurisdiction when it is necessary evidence in the event of a lawsuit involving the alleged breach of this Agreement; or (e) when Employee is compelled by order of a court or governmental agency of competent jurisdiction but, before making such
disclosure, the individual or entity must be advised of the confidential nature of the information. This Agreement does not prevent Employee from providing truthful information in response to a lawfully issued subpoena, or to any state or federal
agency with jurisdiction over Employee. Employee understands the Employee’s compliance with the confidentiality provision is a material inducement to the Company to enter into this Agreement and is contractual in nature. Employee acknowledges
and agrees that the Company is obligated to disclose this Agreement under U.S. law.
11. 非貶低. 除非另有規定,在這些情況之外 根據第3(b)條款,如果公司通知持有人。 of this Agreement, each Party
represents and warrants that since exchanging this Agreement, each Party has not made, and going forward will not make, disparaging or defamatory remarks about the other Party and, in the case of the Company Parties their products, services,
equity-holders, officers, directors, managers, members, partners, employees, agents, representatives, other affiliated persons, or business activities. The Parties agree, for purposes of this provision, “disparage” means and includes making,
publishing, releasing, disseminating, or causing the making, publication, release, or dissemination of any written or verbal remark, statement, or other communication or information that is intended to, tends to, or does impugn, belittle,
discredit, injure, or cast in a negative light the quality, character, reputation, competence, ability, or performance of the other Party or any of their person, products, services, equity-holders, officers, directors, managers, members,
partners, employees, agents, representatives, other affiliated persons, or activities. This non-disparagement obligation includes any postings or comments, whether by name or anonymous, on any social media platform or direct message feature (for
example, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Reddit), online blog, or messages boards, including www.glassdoor.com. The Parties understand that compliance with the non-disparagement provision is
a material inducement to the Parties to enter into this Agreement and is contractual in nature. Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall be construed, to prohibit the Employee from any communications to, or participation in any
investigation or proceeding conducted by, the EEOC or other governmental agency with jurisdiction concerning the terms, conditions, and privileges of employment or jurisdiction over the Company’s business. Employee is not restricted from
disclosing information to, or instituting or participating in any charge, complaint, or investigation with, any governmental or regulatory authority, including, but not limited to, the Securities and Exchange Commission, or from participating in
any whistleblower programs regarding violations of any state or federal securities law, or from collecting any related incentive awards. Employee represents, in signing this Agreement, that Employee is not aware of any securities violations by
any of the Company Parties.
12. Governing Law本協議及其執行將根據北卡羅來納州的法律進行解釋,不考慮可能適用其他任何管轄區實質法律的法律衝突原則。
13. 對照合約本協議可以以多個副本簽署,包括通過電子郵件附加的.PDF或.GIF文件或傳真,每一個副本均被視爲原件,所有副本合在一起構成同一個協議。
14. 修訂;完整協議本協議不得通過口頭方式變更,僅可由各方同意並簽署的書面協議進行變更。本協議及其條款構成各方關於此事項的完整協議,並取代員工與任何公司方之間就此事項達成的所有先前和同時的口頭或書面協議和理解。
15. 進一步保證員工應當,並應促使員工的附屬機構、代表和代理,按照公司的要求,並在沒有任何額外對價的情況下,隨時向公司提供進一步的信息或保證,簽署和交付附加文件、文書和轉讓,並採取其他行動以及實施其他事項,正如合理地由公司判斷所需或期望的,以執行本協議的條款。
16. 資產歸還員工聲明並保證,員工已將所有歸屬於公司或任何其他公司方的財產歸還給公司,
17. 可分割性本協議的任何條款或規定(或其中任何部分)如果使該條款或規定(或其中任何部分)或其他任何條款或規定(或
18. 解釋章節標題是爲了方便插入的,不得用於解釋目的。此處的 herein、hereof 及
19. 不可轉讓。本協議及執行人員根據本協議所承擔的所有權利和義務均為執行人員所特有,並且不能在任何時候轉讓或轉移給其他人。公司可以將其在本協議下的權利轉移給任何承擔公司在轉讓其全部或大部分資產的實體的義務者。根據本協議,任何支付和福利的權利不得受到抵銷、抵消、預付、變更、轉讓、負擔、收費、質押或擔保,也不得因法律程序而被執行、扣押、徵稅或類似程序。
20. 代扣; 扣除公司可以從根據本協議支付或應支付的任何款項或福利中扣留和扣除(a)根據任何法律或政府法規或裁決可能需要的所有聯邦、州、地方及其他稅款,以及(b)任何員工以書面形式同意的扣款。
21. 第409A條本協議及其下提供的福利旨在符合《1986年國內收入法》第409A條款的要求,或爲免於適用該條款,並應根據該意圖進行解釋和管理。第409A條根據本協議的每一筆分期付款應視爲根據第409A條款的目的作爲一筆單獨付款。儘管如此,公司並未作出任何聲明,表示根據本協議提供的福利不受第409A條款的要求限制,並且在任何情況下,公司或任何其他公司方對於員工因不遵守第409A條款而可能產生的所有或任何形式的稅款、罰款、利息或其他費用不承擔任何責任。
為此證明, 各方已於其姓名下方所列日期簽署本協議,自上文所述目的生效。本協議在公司未簽署之前無效
,如果本協議未由公司簽署,則其及所有的分離支付和福利的提供均爲無效。 第2節 無效。
/s/ Patrick Brindle
Patrick Brindle
piedmont lithium 公司