華盛頓特區 20549
委託登記文件號: 001-10086
沃達豐大廈,地址:英國伯克郡紐伯裏The Connection,郵編:RG14 2FN
點檢視是否登記申報或將以Form 20-F或Form 40-F形式提交年度報告。
Form 20-F☑Form 40-F◻
此6-k表格的報告將被視爲已納入F-3表格(文件編號333- 沃達豐集團有限公司的F-3 (文件編號333-273441)、S-8 (文件編號333-81825)和S-8 (文件編號333-149634)表格的註冊聲明,並且自本報告提交之日起,直至不被後續提交或提供的文件或報告取代。
a) | 戰略回顧; |
b) | 財務回顧; |
c) | 業務板塊表現 |
d) | 現金流與融資 |
e) | 財務狀況表; |
f) | 其他重要進展; |
g) | 風險因素; |
h) | 監管; |
i) | 未經審計的簡明合併基本報表; |
j) | 非公認會計原則指標; |
k) | 定義; |
l) | 備註; 和 |
m) | 前瞻性陳述及其他事項。 |
● | 第1頁中的‘FY24亮點’包含的信息; |
● | 第2頁中的‘關於沃達豐’包含的信息; |
● | 第3頁中的‘在快速變化的行業板塊中運營’包含的信息; |
● | 第4和第5頁中的‘業務模型’包含的信息; |
● | 在第6和第7頁的‘關鍵績效因子’中包含的信息; |
● | 在第8頁的‘主席致辭’中包含的信息; |
● | 在第9頁的‘首席執行官聲明和戰略路線圖’中包含的信息; |
● | 在第10和第11頁的‘重大趨勢’中包含的信息; |
● | 在第21至31頁的《我們的財務業績》中包含的信息;以及 |
● | 第135至226頁的合併基本報表。 |
54億歐元現金收益 | 2.25歐分 | |
沃達豐西班牙和Vantage處置 | 臨時每股股息 |
- | 營業收入總額: 由於服務營業收入的增長部分被不利的匯率期貨波動抵消,H1(FY24 H1: €180億)的營業收入增長1.6%,達到了€183億。 |
- | 服務收入: 按報告計算,2024財年上半年增長了1.7%,達到了151億歐元(2024財年上半年:149億歐元),在有機基礎上,上半年增長了4.8%,兩者都受到德國預期放緩的影響,而這一影響被其他歐洲、非洲和土耳其的增長抵消了。 |
- | 德國: 如預期,第二季度下降了6.2%(第一季度:-1.5%),主要是由於MDU電視法的影響。排除該影響,德國的服務收入在第二季度下降了2.4%(第一季度:-0.3%),這主要是由於去年價格上漲後客戶基數的減少。作爲MDU電視法變更的一部分,我們現在已主動保留了400萬戶家庭,這與我們的預期一致。 |
- | 業務: 報告的增長在第二季度增加了2.3%(第一季度:1.8%),有機服務收入在第二季度加速至4.0%(第一季度:2.6%),這都得益於數字服務的需求。 |
- | 非洲: 報告的增長在第二季度增加了0.3%(第一季度:1.6%),有機增長在第二季度保持在9.7%(第一季度:10.0%),這都得益於南非的價格上漲和埃及的超通貨膨脹增長,主要是由於對數據和金融服務的需求。 |
- | 營業利潤: 根據報道,2024財年上半年(FY24 H1)的營業收入增加了28.3%,達到24億歐元(FY24 H1: 19億歐元),主要是由於出售Indus Towers 18%股份獲得的7億歐元收益。 |
- | 股票回購: 第二個50000萬歐元的回購已經完成。第三個50000萬歐元的回購計劃於2024年11月14日宣佈。 |
- | 客戶: 客戶體驗轉型正在進行中。客戶不滿意率在所有細分市場持續降低,15個市場中我們在9個市場擁有領先或共同領先的淨推薦分數(‘NPS’)。 |
- | 簡化: 我們的商業共享運營業務現在已經開始運營,埃森哲將在2024年10月投資其15000萬歐元承諾的第一筆資金。我們也在推進在德國宣佈的3100個職位削減。 |
戰略審查 ⫶ 根據我們的優先事項執行
- | 客戶: 我們繼續投資於客戶體驗,並增加了品牌投資。雖然仍有待改善,但客戶抱怨者的數量正在減少,商業表現也得到改善。 |
- | 網絡: 我們繼續升級我們屢獲殊榮的電纜網絡,如今我們能在德國市場推廣最大的千兆足跡,這得益於我們與德國電信和德國光纖簽訂的新的批發協議。 |
- | 合作伙伴關係: 在2024年8月,我們開始將61位客戶接入我們的網絡。 |
- | 轉型: 我們在簡化德國業務方面繼續取得進展。我們現在已經執行了3100人減員計劃的一半,並已重塑領導團隊,新的商業、業務和IT董事已經接入。 |
- | 產品: 在微軟、谷歌和萬事達的支持下展開合作。中小企業管理服務和數據即服務平台已經推出。 |
- | 能力: 德國及其他歐洲新業務首席執行官兼董事,以及超過200名專業數字銷售團隊成員。 |
- | 共享業務: 我們的商業共享業務現已投入運營,埃森哲於2024年10月在我們的合作伙伴關係中投資了其15000萬歐元承諾的第一筆款項。 |
- | 通過人工智能進行轉型: 我們正在向代理商和客戶推出由人工智能驅動的數字助手,以及我們的SuperTobi聊天機器人。我們的人工智能採用得到微軟和谷歌的戰略合作支持。 |
- | 英國: 競爭和市場管理局的第二階段審查正在進行中,我們已經針對CMA的初步調查結果和可能的補救措施做出了多項承諾。最終決定將於12月7日之前做出,預計在2025年初完成。 |
- | 意大利: 競爭管理局的最終決定將於12月10日之前做出,預計在2025年初完成。 |
- | 羅馬尼亞: 與Digi Romania一起,我們已與希臘電信簽署了一份諒解備忘錄,涉及其子公司Telekom Romania的部分可能收購事宜。討論仍處於早期階段,尚無確切的交易協議。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
- | Vantage Towers: 7月,我們宣佈以13億歐元的價格再售出Oak Holdings GmbH的另外10%股權,實現計劃中的50:50共同所有權結構。 |
- | Indus Towers: 6月,我們宣佈已售出Indus Towers Limited 18%的股權,總計17億歐元的收益用於大幅償還印度現有債權人。 |
客戶 |
| 2025財年上半年 | ||
消費者NPS |
| |||
德國 |
| 同比增長 |
| 穩定 |
英國 |
| 同比增長 |
| 增加 |
其他 歐洲 |
| 同比增長 |
| 穩定 |
南非 |
| 同比增長 |
| 穩定 |
Detractors |
| |
德國 |
| 同比增長 |
| Improved |
英國 |
| 同比增長 |
| Improved |
其他 歐洲 |
| 同比增長 |
| 改善 |
南非 |
| 同比增長 |
| 改善 |
營業收入市場份額 |
| |
德國 |
| 同比增長 |
| 減少 |
英國 |
| 同比增長 |
| 增加 |
其他 歐洲 |
| 同比增長 |
| 增加 |
南非 |
| 同比增長 |
| 穩定 |
網絡質量 |
| 在所有歐洲移動市場上‘非常好’的可靠性 |
簡潔性 |
| FY25上半年 | ||
歐洲營運支出節省(FY23-FY25上半年) | € billion | 0.3 | ||
Productivity (role reductions) | ‘000 | 6.3 | ||
Shared operations NPS (Oct’24) | % | 86 | ||
員工參與度指數(2024年10月) | % | 75 |
成長 |
| FY25財年上半年 | |
服務營收增長 | % | 1.7 | ||
有機服務營收增長1 | % | 4.8 | ||
B20億服務營業收入增長 | % | 2.0 | ||
B20億有機服務營業收入增長1 | % | 3.3 |
1. | 非普通會計指標,請參閱第52頁。 |
財務審查 ⫶ 非洲和土耳其推動增長
- | 營業收入總額: 在上半年增長了1.6%,達到183億歐元,因爲有機服務營業收入增長部分被不利匯率波動抵消。 |
- | 服務收入: 在上半年以報告基礎增長1.7%,以有機基礎增長4.8%。德國的預期放緩被其他歐洲、非洲和土耳其的增長所抵消。沃達豐業務在上半年繼續加速增長,受數字服務特別是雲和安防的需求支持。 |
- | 營業利潤: 在上半年增長了28.3%,達到了24億歐元,主要是由於第一季度處置了18%股份的Indus Towers獲得了7億歐元的收益。 |
- | 每股盈餘: 上半年持續運營的基本每股收益爲3.92歐分,而去年同期的基本每股虧損爲0.40歐分,主要是由於營業利潤增加。 |
- | 已停止操作: 沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利被報告爲終止運營,因此在持續運營的結果中被排除。終止運營也被排除在集團的部門報告之外。沃達豐西班牙的處置於2024年5月31日完成。有關更多信息,請參見基礎合併基本報表中的第5條‘終止運營和待出售資產’。 |
| 重新呈現2 |
| |||
2025財年上半年1 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | ||||
€百萬 | €百萬 | 變化百分比 | ||||
營業收入 |
| 18,276 |
| 17,983 |
| 1.6 |
- 服務收入 |
| 15,109 |
| 14,861 |
| 1.7 |
- 其他收入 |
| 3,167 |
| 3,122 | ||
營業利潤 |
| 2,382 |
| 1,857 |
| 28.3 |
投資收益 |
| 566 |
| 368 | ||
融資成本 |
| (843) |
| (1,395) | ||
稅前盈利 |
| 2,105 |
| 830 | ||
所得稅費用 |
| (900) |
| (746) | ||
財務期間的利潤 - 持續經營 | 1,205 | 84 | ||||
盈利/(虧損) - 停止運營期間的基本報表 | 16 | (239) | ||||
本期的利潤/(虧損) |
| 1,221 |
| (155) | ||
歸屬於: | ||||||
- 母公司的所有者 |
| 1,064 |
| (346) | ||
- 非控股權益 |
| 157 |
| 191 | ||
財務期間的利潤/(虧損) |
| 1,221 |
| (155) | ||
基本每股收益/(虧損)- 持續經營 | 3.92 | c | (0.40) | c | ||
基本每股收益/(虧損)- 總集團 |
| 3.98 | c | (1.28) | c |
1. | FY25年上半年的結果反映了平均匯率爲€1:£0.85, €1:INR 90.94, €1:ZAR 19.87, €1:TRY 35.87和€1:EGP 52.30。 |
2. | 截至2023年9月30日的六個月結果已重新呈現,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的結果現在被報告爲停業業務。有關更多信息,請參見基本報表中的註釋5 ‘停業業務和待售資產’。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
- | 經營活動產生的現金: 增加1.8%至56億歐元,反映出與比較期間相比,運作資金流出的減少,以及稅款支付的降低,但被停止運營帶來的流入減少所抵消。 |
- | 借款: 截至2024年3月31日,期末借款爲558億歐元(截至2024年3月31日爲570億歐元),扣除現金及現金等價物後的期末借款爲487億歐元(截至2024年3月31日爲508億歐元)。借款減少12億歐元,主要是由於償還針對Indus和VIL資產的銀行借款17億歐元、償還債券38億歐元、抵押負債淨減少4億歐元以及有利的匯率期貨變動5億歐元,部分被髮行新債券34億歐元、租賃負債增加11億歐元和其他借款增加10億歐元所抵消。 |
- | 當前流動性: 現金及現金等價物和短期投資總計111億歐元(截至2024年3月31日爲94億歐元)。這包括14億歐元的淨抵押品,這是由於從交易對手向沃達豐提供的衍生工具在市場價值變動上的積極結果所導致的(截至2024年3月31日爲19億歐元)。 |
- | 股東回報: 中期每股股息爲2.25歐分(2024財年上半年:4.5歐分)。中期股息的除息日期爲2024年11月21日,記錄日期爲2024年11月22日,股息將於2025年2月7日支付。 |
| 2025財年上半年 |
| 2024財年上半年 |
| 報告的 | |
現金流和融資 | 百萬歐元 | 歐元百萬 | 變更 % | |||
經營活動流入 |
| 5,644 |
| 5,544 |
| 1.8 |
投資活動流入/(流出) |
| 2,467 |
| (3,808) |
| 164.8 |
融資活動流出 |
| (7,333) |
| (6,378) |
| (15.0) |
淨現金流入/(流出) |
| 778 |
| (4,642) |
| 116.8 |
財務期間開始時的現金及現金等價物 |
| 6,114 |
| 11,628 |
現金及現金等價物的交易所(損失)/收益 |
| (21) |
| 45 |
財務期間末的現金及現金等價物 |
| 6,871 |
| 7,031 |
期末借款減去現金及現金等價物(不包括沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利) |
| (48,745) |
| (54,466) |
| 10.5 |
期末借款減去現金及現金等價物(包括沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利) |
| (50,831) |
| (57,910) |
| 12.2 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are reported as discontinued operations in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’). Accordingly, Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are excluded from the results of continuing operations and are instead presented as a single amount as a profit/(loss) after tax from discontinued operations in the Group’s Consolidated income statement. Discontinued operations are also excluded from the Group’s segment reporting. The H1 FY24 comparatives in the tables below have been re-presented to reflect that Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are discontinued operations and should be used as the basis of comparison to our H1 FY25 results. The disposal of Vodafone Spain completed on 31 May 2024.
Geographic performance summary
| 調整後的EBITDAaL | |||||||||||||||
總營業收入 | 服務營業收入 | 調整後的EBITDAaL | 利潤率 | 資本增資 | ||||||||||||||||
| 2025財年上半年 |
| 2024財年上半年 |
| 2025財年上半年 |
| 2024財年上半年 |
| 2025財年上半年 |
| 2024財年上半年 |
| FY25上半年 |
| FY24上半年 |
| FY25上半年 |
| FY24上半年 | |
分段結果 | €百萬 | €m | €m | €m | €m |
| €m |
| % |
| % | €m | €m | |||||||
德國 | 6,122 | 6,405 | 5,500 | 5,722 | 2,290 | 2,527 | 37.4 | 39.5 |
| 1,035 |
| 1,171 | ||||||||
英國 | 3,448 | 3,377 | 2,891 | 2,822 | 707 | 640 | 20.5 | 19.0 |
| 355 |
| 380 | ||||||||
其他 歐洲1 | 2,804 | 2,679 | 2,410 | 2,366 | 784 | 766 | 28.0 | 28.6 |
| 341 |
| 361 | ||||||||
土耳其 | 1,391 | 1,128 | 1,103 | 828 | 394 | 254 | 28.3 | 22.5 |
| 185 |
| 140 | ||||||||
非洲 | 3,705 | 3,590 | 2,951 | 2,924 | 1,214 | 1,241 | 32.8 | 34.6 |
| 444 |
| 469 | ||||||||
常見功能2 | 906 | 929 | 322 | 282 | 22 | (1) |
| 627 | 356 | |||||||||||
消除 | (100) | (125) | (68) | (83) | — | — |
| — | — | |||||||||||
集團3 | 18,276 | 17,983 | 15,109 | 14,861 |
| 2,987 | 2,877 |
2024財年 | FY25 | |||||||||||||||||||
Q1 |
| Q2 |
| H1 |
| Q3 |
| Q4 |
| H2 |
| 總計 |
| Q1 |
| Q2 |
| H1 | ||
分部服務營業收入增長 |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
德國 |
| (1.3) |
| 1.0 |
| (0.1) |
| 0.3 |
| 0.6 |
| 0.5 |
| 0.2 |
| (1.5) |
| (6.2) |
| (3.9) |
英國 |
| 3.0 |
| 5.1 |
| 4.1 |
| 5.5 |
| 6.8 |
| 6.2 |
| 5.1 |
| 2.0 |
| 2.9 |
| 2.4 |
其他 歐洲1 |
| (7.4) |
| (7.2) |
| (7.3) |
| (7.8) |
| 0.3 |
| (4.0) |
| (5.7) |
| 1.6 |
| 2.1 |
| 1.9 |
土耳其 |
| (8.5) |
| 21.6 |
| 7.4 |
| 6.8 |
| 15.6 |
| 11.7 |
| 9.6 |
| 54.7 |
| 18.8 |
| 33.2 |
非洲 |
| (14.3) |
| (14.8) |
| (14.6) |
| (7.5) |
| 1.2 |
| (3.4) |
| (9.2) |
| 1.6 |
| 0.3 |
| 0.9 |
集團3 |
| (4.7) |
| (1.9) |
| (3.3) |
| (1.5) |
| 2.9 |
| 0.7 |
| (1.3) |
| 3.2 |
| 0.2 |
| 1.7 |
2024財年 | FY25 | |||||||||||||||||||
Q1 |
| Q2 |
| H1 |
| Q3 |
| Q4 |
| H2 |
| 總計 |
| Q1 |
| Q2 |
| H1 | ||
細分有機服務營業收入增長4 |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
| % |
德國 |
| (1.3) |
| 1.1 |
| (0.1) |
| 0.3 |
| 0.6 |
| 0.5 |
| 0.2 |
| (1.5) |
| (6.2) |
| (3.9) |
英國 |
| 5.7 |
| 5.5 |
| 5.6 |
| 5.2 |
| 3.6 |
| 4.4 |
| 5.0 |
| — |
| 1.2 |
| 0.6 |
其他 歐洲1 |
| 4.1 |
| 3.8 |
| 3.9 |
| 3.6 |
| 5.5 |
| 4.6 |
| 4.2 |
| 2.3 |
| 2.6 |
| 2.5 |
土耳其 |
| 74.1 |
| 85.0 |
| 79.3 |
| 90.4 |
| 105.6 |
| 97.8 |
| 88.5 |
| 91.9 |
| 89.1 |
| 90.3 |
非洲 |
| 9.0 |
| 9.0 |
| 9.0 |
| 8.8 |
| 10.0 |
| 9.4 |
| 9.2 |
| 10.0 |
| 9.7 |
| 9.9 |
集團3 |
| 5.4 |
| 6.6 |
| 6.0 |
| 6.3 |
| 7.1 |
| 6.7 |
| 6.3 |
| 5.4 |
| 4.2 |
| 4.8 |
| 2024財年 |
| 財年25 | |||||||||||||
集團盈利能力 |
| Q1 |
| Q2 |
| H1 |
| H2 |
| 總計 |
| Q1 |
| Q2 |
| H1 |
營業利潤 | 百萬歐元 | 1,081 | 776 | 1,857 | 1,808 | 3,665 | 1,545 | 837 | 2,382 |
1. | 其他歐洲市場包括葡萄牙、愛爾蘭、希臘、羅馬尼亞、捷克共和國和阿爾巴尼亞。 |
2. | 2025財年上半年的資本支出包括代表集團集中管理的軟件安排。 |
3. | 之前的集團指標中總體營業收入、服務營業收入、服務營業收入增長、有機服務營業收入增長和資本支出已重新表述,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利被報告爲終止運營,因此被排除在這些集團指標之外。 |
4. | 有機服務營業收入增長是非GAAP指標。有關更多信息,請參見第52頁。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
德國 ⫶ MDUs影響財務狀況,運營進展持續
36% |
| €6.1億 |
集團服務營業收入的 | 總營業收入 | ||
42% | 23億歐元 | ||
集團調整後的EBITDAaL | 調整後的EBITDAaL |
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | 有機 | |||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 |
| 變化百分比1 | |
總營業收入 |
| 6,122 |
| 6,405 |
| (4.4) |
| |
- 服務收入 |
| 5,500 |
| 5,722 |
| (3.9) |
| (3.9) |
- 其他收入 |
| 622 |
| 683 |
| ||
Adjusted EBITDAaL |
| 2,290 |
| 2,527 |
| (9.3) |
| (9.3) |
調整後的EBITDAaL利潤率 |
| 37.4 | % | 39.5 | % |
1. | 有機增長是一種非GAAP指標。請參閱第52頁以獲取更多信息。 |
固定服務收入由於電視和寬帶客戶減少的累積影響而下降了5.9%(Q1:-2.0%,Q2:-9.7%)。 MDU過渡對Q2固定服務收入增長的影響爲-6.9個百分點(Q1:-2.1個百分點)。除去此影響,季度放緩主要是由於前一年價格上漲所致。移動服務收入由於較低的移動終結費率和Q2中第三方轉售商的較高非重複付款,只有部分被前一年的較高合同客戶基數部分抵消,下降了1.3%(Q1:-0.8%,Q2:-1.8%)。 沃達豐業務服務收入下降了1.7%(Q1:-1.7%,Q2:-1.7%),移動業務中的價格壓力僅被數碼服務增長部分抵消。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
與2024年7月MDU的大宗電視合同實踐相關的德國電視法律發生了變化,我們已持續大規模遷移最終用戶至新合同。到2024年9月底,我們已經保留了400萬家庭,這符合我們預計會保留大約50% 850萬MDU電視家庭的預期。我們將繼續與受法律變化影響的剩餘家庭進行接洽並推動滲透。在此期間,我們的電視用戶總數減少了290萬,主要是由於MDU的過渡。
英國 ⫶ 消費客戶滿意度支持增長
19% |
| 34億歐元 |
集團服務營業收入的 | 總營業收入 | ||
13% | €0.7億 | ||
集團調整後的EBITDAaL | 調整後的EBITDAaL |
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | 有機 | |||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 |
| 變化百分比1 | |
總營業收入 |
| 3,448 |
| 3,377 |
| 2.1 |
- 服務收入 |
| 2,891 |
| 2,822 |
| 2.4 |
| 0.6 |
- 其他收入 |
| 557 |
| 555 |
調整後的 EBITDAaL |
| 707 |
| 640 |
| 10.5 |
| 8.4 |
調整後的 EBITDAaL 利潤率 |
| 20.5 | % | 19.0 | % |
1. | 有機增長是一個非公認會計原則的指標。有關更多信息,請參見第52頁。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
由於服務收入增長和英鎊:歐元的升值,總營業收入增長了2.1%,達到34億歐元。由於匯率期貨的波動和服務收入的有機增長導致服務收入增長了2.4%(Q1: 2.0%,Q2: 2.9%),服務收入的有機增長增加了0.6%(Q1: 0.0%,Q2: 1.2%),消費者增長被業務下滑抵消。
移動服務收入增長了0.6%(Q1: 0.6%,Q2: 0.6%),由於英鎊:歐元的升值被有機增長的移動服務收入下降了1.3%(Q1: -1.4%,Q2: -1.1%)。有機增長下降主要是由於與上一年相比通脹率下降明顯低和移動前書價格與後書價格稀釋的持續增長驅動,部分被消費者客戶群增長抵消。固定服務收入增長了7.9%(Q1: 6.1%,Q2: 9.6%),固定服務收入的有機增長爲6.0%(Q1 4.1%,Q2: 8.0%)。外匯波動的支持,客戶基數的持續增長以及消費者的ARPU增長推動了增長。沃達豐業務服務收入減少了0.5%(Q1: -1.1%,Q2: 0.2%),沃達豐業務服務收入的有機增長下降了2.4%(Q1: -3.0%,Q2: -1.7%),由英鎊:歐元的升值以及固網增長抵消,移動下滑主要由低通脹率價格上漲和ARPU壓力驅動。Q2的較高增長受到項目收入的分階段支持。
2023年6月,我們宣佈與Three Uk達成有約束力的協議,將我們的英國業務與Three Uk合併,創建一個可持續競爭的第三大規模網絡運營商-5g。預計合併後將於2025年初結束,並且沃達豐和Ck Hutchison將分別擁有合併業務的51%和49%。這一組合預計將爲客戶提供更多選擇和更有價值的選擇,推動更大的競爭,並通過明確的110億英鎊計劃,實現歐洲最先進獨立的5g網絡之一。作爲對此次合併調查的一部分,英國競爭與市場管理局(‘CMA’)於2024年9月公佈了其初步調查結果和可能的補救措施,並於11月公佈了補救工作文件。最終決定預計將於2024年12月7日之前作出。我們不同意CMA的初步調查結果,並已向其提供了我們的回應。我們將繼續與CMA進行建設性的對話,並堅信我們可以與他們合作獲得批准。預計合併將在2025年初完成。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
其他 歐洲1 ⫶ 持續的服務營業收入和EBITDAaL增長
16% |
| 28億歐元 |
集團服務營業收入的 | 總營業收入 | ||
14% | €8億 | ||
集團調整後EBITDAaL | 調整後EBITDAaL |
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | 有機 | |||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 |
| 變化百分比2 | |
總營業收入 |
| 2,804 |
| 2,679 |
| 4.7 |
- 服務收入 |
| 2,410 |
| 2,366 |
| 1.9 |
| 2.5 |
- 其他收入 |
| 394 |
| 313 |
調整後的EBITDAaL |
| 784 |
| 766 |
| 2.3 |
| 3.1 |
調整後的EBITDAaL利潤率 |
| 28.0 | % | 28.6 | % |
1. | 其他歐洲市場包括葡萄牙、愛爾蘭、希臘、羅馬尼亞、捷克共和國和阿爾巴尼亞。 |
2. | 有機增長是一個非公認會計原則(Non-GAAP)指標。有關更多信息,請參見第52頁。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
土耳其 ⫶ 持續的真實增長
7% |
| 歐元指數14億 |
集團服務營業收入 | 總營業收入 | ||
7% | €0.4億 | ||
集團調整後的EBITDAaL | 調整後的EBITDAaL |
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | 有機 | |||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 |
| 變化百分比1 | |
總營業收入 |
| 1,391 |
| 1,128 |
| 23.3 |
| |
- 服務收入 |
| 1,103 |
| 828 |
| 33.2 |
| 90.3 |
- 其他收入 |
| 288 |
| 300 |
| ||
調整後的 EBITDAaL |
| 394 |
| 254 |
| 55.1 |
| 114.2 |
調整後的EBITDAaL利潤率 |
| 28.3 | % | 22.5 | % |
1. | 有機增長是一項非公認會計原則的衡量指標。有關更多信息,請參見第52頁。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
非洲 ⫶ 強勁的表現
20% |
| €3.7億 |
集團服務營業收入的 | 總營業收入 | ||
22% | €12億 | ||
集團調整後的EBITDAaL | 調整後的EBITDAaL |
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | 有機 | |||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 |
| 變化百分比1 | |
總營業收入 |
| 3,705 |
| 3,590 |
| 3.2 |
- 服務收入 |
| 2,951 |
| 2,924 |
| 0.9 |
| 9.9 |
- 其他收入 |
| 754 |
| 666 |
| ||
調整後的EBITDAaL |
| 1,214 |
| 1,241 |
| (2.2) |
| 6.7 |
調整後的 EBITDAaL 利潤率 |
| 32.8 | % | 34.6 | % |
1. | 有機增長是一個非公認會計原則的指標。有關更多信息,請參見第52頁。 |
總營業收入增長了3.2%,達到37億歐元,儘管服務和設備收入的增長被埃及鎊兌歐元的貶值所抵消。服務收入增長了0.9%(Q1: 1.6%,Q2: 0.3%),服務收入的有機增長爲9.9%(Q1: 10.0%,Q2: 9.7%),在南非、埃及和沃達豐所有國際市場上都有增長,除了莫桑比克。
沃達豐業務服務收入增長了2.7%(Q1: 2.3%;Q2: 3.0%),沃達豐業務服務收入的有機增長爲8.8%(Q1: 8.4%;Q2: 9.2%),南非得益於對數字服務和固定連接的需求。
由於本地貨幣相對於歐元貶值,調整後的 EBITDAaL 下降了 2.2%。在有機基礎上,調整後的 EBITDAaL 增長了 6.7%,因爲服務營業收入的增長和成本舉措在一定程度上被與壞賬和通貨膨脹上升相關的剛果(金)的成本所抵消。調整後的 EBITDAaL 利潤率同比下降了 1.8 個百分點(有機:-1.1 個百分點),降至 32.8%。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
在埃及,我們在這一期間新增了326,000名合約客戶和120萬預付費移動客戶,目前我們共有4990萬客戶。“Vodafone Cash”活躍用戶達到960萬,期間新增140萬用戶。
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | 有機 | |||||
意大利 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 |
| 變化百分比1 |
總營業收入 |
| 2,249 |
| 2,320 |
| (3.1) |
- 服務收入 |
| 2,041 |
| 2,098 |
| (2.7) |
| (2.7) |
- 其他收入 |
| 208 |
| 222 |
1. | 有機增長是一個非公認會計原則的指標。有關更多信息,請參見第52頁。 |
由於服務收入和設備收入下降,總營業收入下降了3.1%至22億歐元。服務收入下降了2.7% (Q1:-2.6%,Q2:-2.8%),由於移動價值領域持續的價格壓力只能部分抵消業務用戶對我們固定線路連接和數字服務的需求增加。
| 2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | ||
聯營企業和合資企業 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
Vantage Towers(Oak Holdings 1 GmbH) | (27) | (78) | ||
沃達豐集團控股有限公司 |
| (59) |
| (78) |
Safaricom 有限公司 |
| 79 |
| 89 |
Indus Towers 有限公司 |
| 55 |
| 62 |
其他1 (包括TPG Telecom 有限公司) |
| (88) |
| (46) |
股權法覈算的合營企業和合資企業成果份額 |
| (40) |
| (51) |
1. | 截至2020年3月31日止年度,集團對沃達豐印度有限公司(‘VIL’)的投資減少至€0,並自那日期起,集團未記錄任何關於其對VIL成果份額的利潤或虧損。 |
Vantage Towers – 擁有44.7%的股權
2023年3月,我們宣佈完成了Oak Holdings GmbH,這是與一組由全球基礎設施合夥企業和KKR領導的長期基礎設施投資者共同控制Vantage Towers的合作伙伴關係。2023年3月,我們獲得了初次淨收益€49億,隨後於2023年7月獲得了額外的€50000萬,2024年8月獲得了€13億,總淨收益達到€66億,聯營體在Oak Holdings GmbH的持股比例達到50%。我們在Vantage Towers中的有效持股比例爲44.7%。在此期間,總營業收入增長了7.1%,達到€60100萬,得益於淨增加了1,015個新租戶和318個新的宏站。因此,租戶比率提高到1.51倍(2024年3月31日爲1.50倍)。Vodafone在此期間的成果份額反映了由於完成Vantage Towers控股合作伙伴關係產生的無形資產攤銷。在此期間,Vantage Towers向沃達豐分配了€15800萬的分紅派息。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
沃達豐Ziggo創業公司(荷蘭)– 50.0% 參股金融
沃達豐齊哥的財務報表是根據美國通用會計準則(US GAAP)編制的,這與沃達豐的國際財務報告準則(IFRS)報告基礎大致一致。總營業收入增長0.5%,達到20億歐元,合同價格上漲被固定客戶群體下降所部分抵消。在此期間,沃達豐齊哥的移動合同客戶群減少了16,000,原因是前一年失去了低ARPU的地方政府合同,而寬帶客戶群減少了43,000名客戶,原因是競爭價格環境。沃達豐齊哥的融合產品與服務帶來了顯著的淨推薦值(NPS)和客戶忠誠度收益,49%的寬帶客戶現在已實現融合。沃達豐齊哥現在爲760萬家庭提供千兆速度,提供全國覆蓋。在此期間,沃達豐齊哥成功獲得了3.5 GHz頻段的100 MHz頻譜許可證。沃達豐的損失份額較低是由於衍生財務工具的收益增加和營業收入的提高,部分抵消了更高的稅收和利息費用。在2025財年的上半年,沃達豐從該合資公司收到了2600萬歐元的利息支付。
Safaricom協會(肯尼亞)– 27.8% 參股
TPG電信有限公司合資公司(澳洲)– 25.1% 參股
TPG電信有限公司(‘TPG’)是澳洲一家完全分散的電信運營商,並在澳大利亞證券交易所上市。該集團擁有相當於25.1%的經濟權益,通過11%的直接股份和通過與Ck Hutchison的50:50合資公司的14%的間接股份。在此年度,集團從其在TPG的直接股份中收到了1200萬歐元的分紅派息。該集團提供了相當於10億澳元和6億歐元(2023年:17.5億澳元)的擔保,涉及其在該合資企業持有的多幣種貸款融資中的50%股份。2024年10月,TPG宣佈以52.5億澳元出售其固定網絡基礎設施資產以及企業、政府和批發固定電信服務業務。該交易須經監管批准及其他慣常的先決條件。
印塔斯塔有限責任公司 關聯公司(印度) – 3.0% 參股
沃達豐理念有限責任公司 創業公司(印度) – 22.6% 參股
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
| 重新呈現1 |
| |||
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | ||||
€百萬 | €百萬 | 變化百分比 | ||||
投資收益 |
| 566 |
| 368 |
融資成本 |
| (843) |
| (1,395) |
凈融資成本 |
| (277) |
| (1,027) |
| 73.0 |
調整項目: |
| ||
按市值計算的(收益)/損失 |
| (55) |
| 141 |
匯率期貨損失 |
| 14 |
| 90 |
其他投資的公允價值收益通過損益表體現 | (242) | — | ||||
調整後的淨融資成本2 |
| (560) |
| (796) |
| 29.6 |
1. | 截至2023年9月30日的六個月結果已重新表示,反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的結果被報告爲終止運營。更多信息請參見基本報表中的第5條‘終止運營和待售資產’。 |
2. | 調整後的淨融資成本是非公認會計原則下的一個指標,不包括公允價值變動和匯率期貨的盈虧,以及其他投資通過損益的公允價值變動。更多信息請見第52頁。 |
| 重新呈現1 |
| |||
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | ||||
| % |
| % |
| 更改每股收益 | |
有效稅率 |
| 42.8 | % | 89.9 | % | (47.1) |
1. | 截至2023年9月30日的六個月的業績已重新呈現,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的業績被報告爲終止經營。有關更多信息,請參見基本報表中的第5條‘終止經營和待售資產’。 |
這反映了預計不會重新出現的項目,包括因出售10% Oak Holdings GmbH股份而產生的€16400萬稅費,以及在Indus Towers上以公允價值確認的€23800萬金融負債(請參見基本報表中的第11條‘金融工具的公允價值’)未享受稅收抵免,以及因土耳其的高通脹會計調整而導致的淨€4100萬稅費(2024財年上半年的稅費爲€12100萬)。
在2023年7月,英國頒佈了BEPS第二支柱最低稅率立法,自2024年生效。集團已依據IAS 12適用與實施第二支柱規則相關的遞延稅務會計的臨時例外。2025財年上半年的稅費包括與第二支柱所得稅相關的當前稅費€500萬。
2024財年上半年的ETR包括與在盧森堡使用之前年度虧損相關的€25000萬,與在2024財年上半年的Vantage Towers股份處置完成相關的€7800萬稅費,以及因土耳其的高通脹會計調整導致的€12100萬費用。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
重新呈現1 | 報告的 |
| |||||
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 變更 |
| ||||
| eurocents |
| 歐元分 |
| 歐元分 |
| |
基本每股收益/(虧損)- 持續經營 | 3.92 | c | (0.40) | c | 4.32 | c | |
基本每股收益/(虧損)- 總集團 |
| 3.98 | c | (1.28) | c | 5.26 | c |
1. | 2023年9月30日結束的六個月的業績已經重新呈現,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的業績作爲已停止運營報告。有關詳情,請參閱簡明綜合財務報表中的第5條“已停止運營業務和待售資產”註釋。 |
持續經營業務的基本每股收益爲3.92歐元分,而H1 FY24的基本每股虧損爲0.40歐元分。這一增長主要是由於營業利潤增加,加上淨融資成本降低所致。
2025財年上半年 | 2024財年上半年 | 報告的 | ||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 | |
經營活動流入 |
| 5,644 |
| 5,544 |
| 1.8 |
投資活動流入/(流出) |
| 2,467 |
| (3,808) |
| 164.8 |
融資活動流出 |
| (7,333) |
| (6,378) |
| (15.0) |
淨現金流入/(流出) | 778 | (4,642) | 116.8 | |||
財務期間開始時的現金及現金等價物 | 6,114 | 11,628 | ||||
現金及現金等價物的交易所(損失)/收益 | (21) | 45 | ||||
財務期間末的現金及現金等價物 | 6,871 | 7,031 |
投資活動流入增加了627500萬歐元,達到246700萬歐元,主要是因爲從Oak Holdings 1 GmBH出售10%(1億3360百萬歐元)和從Indus Towers Limited出售18%(1億6840百萬歐元)所收到的款項。此外,該集團將沃達豐西班牙出售給Zegona通信股份有限公司('Zegona'),總現金對價爲40000萬6900百萬歐元(視結算賬目調整而定),其中3億6690百萬歐元計入此項。其餘4億歐元與沃達豐品牌的未來使用及集團向Zegona提供的某些採購服務有關,並計入營業活動流入中。
重新呈現1 | ||||||
2025財年上半年 | FY24年度年底 | 報告的 | ||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| 變化百分比 | |
非流動借款 |
| (47,232) |
| (49,259) |
當前借款 |
| (8,521) |
| (7,728) |
借款 |
| (55,753) |
| (56,987) |
現金及現金等價物 |
| 7,008 |
| 6,183 |
借款減去現金及現金等價物 |
| (48,745) |
| (50,804) |
| 4.1 |
1. | 2024年4月1日,集團採納了對IAS 1《財務報表的編制》的修訂,影響了某些債券在流動借款和非流動借款之間的分類。有關更多信息,請參閱第1號註釋“編制基礎”。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
借款主要包括債券€3952200萬(2024年3月31日:€4074300萬)、租賃負債€1079000萬(2024年3月31日:€967200萬)、現金擔保負債€217900萬(2024年3月31日:€262800萬)以及€9400萬(2024年3月31日:€172000萬)的銀行借款,這些借款是以集團在Indus Towers和沃達豐的股權作爲擔保。
董事會已宣佈每股2.25歐分的臨時每股股息(H1 FY24: 4.50歐分)。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
在2024年3月31日和2024年9月30日之間,合資企業及聯營公司的投資減少了29億歐元,降至71億歐元,原因是出售了Oak Holdings 1 GmbH的另外10%股份和對Indus Towers Limited(‘Indus’)18%股份的出售。有關更多信息,請參見基本報表中的第10條“處置”。
其他非流動資產在2024年3月31日和2024年9月30日之間增加了14億歐元,增至288億歐元,主要由於(i) 其他投資增加了15億歐元,反映出在上述提到的18%股份出售後,集團剩餘的3%對Indus的投資及來自出售沃達豐西班牙而產生的Zegona股份投資,以及(ii) 貿易及其他應收款增加了2億歐元。這些增加部分被遞延稅資產減少了5億歐元所抵消。有關更多信息,請參見基本報表中的第4條“稅務”。
截至2024年3月31日至2024年9月30日,總股本減少了4億歐元,降至606億歐元,主要是由於期間綜合收入爲19億歐元,而這被以下事項抵消: (i) 向集團股東支付的14億歐元的分紅派息和 (ii) 10億歐元的庫存股回購。
集團繼續在其土耳其運營中應用超通貨膨脹會計,如IAS 29所規定,功能貨幣爲土耳其里拉,並適用於Safaricom在埃及的運營,其功能貨幣爲埃及比爾。有關更多信息,以及截至2024年9月30日集團六個月財務結果影響的總結,請參見精簡合併基本報表中的註釋1 ‘編制基礎’。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
2024年4月15日,集團宣佈Marika Auramo將在2024年7月1日起被任命爲沃達豐業務的CEO,並自同一日期起成爲執行委員會成員。
2024年7月18日,集團宣佈Aldo Bisio將於2024年11月15日辭去沃達豐意大利CEO及集團執行委員會成員職務。Aldo Bisio將繼續擔任沃達豐意大利董事會的非執行成員,監督沃達豐意大利向瑞士電信(Swisscom)出售的監管批准流程。
當前擔任沃達豐意大利首席財務官的Sabrina Casalta將於2024年11月15日起被任命爲沃達豐意大利的臨時CEO,直至完成沃達豐意大利的出售。
2024年5月31日,集團宣佈已將沃達豐歐洲股份公司(沃達豐西班牙)以41億歐元(以封閉帳戶調整爲準)的現金和9億歐元的可贖回優先股的形式出售給Zegona Communications plc。
2024年6月19日,集團宣佈通過加速的簿記建議('配售')出售了Indus Towers Limited('Indus')18%的股權。該配售籌集了1530億盧比(17億歐元)的總收益。在此次配售後,集團持有Indus 3.1%的股權。
Vantage Towers
2024年7月22日,該集團宣佈進一步出售Oak Holdings GmbH中10%的股權,該合作伙伴機構共同控制Vantage Towers,售價爲13億歐元。Oak Holdings GmbH擁有Vantage Towers 89.3%的股份,沃達豐通過此交易的有效所有權現在降至44.7%。沃達豐從出售這一股權獲得了13億歐元。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
此外,歐盟委員會在2024年9月啓動了 規範程序 針對蘋果,指示其如何遵守數字市場法(DMA)的互操作性義務,認爲迄今已宣佈的措施仍然不夠。歐盟委員會必須在六個月內結束程序,因此截止日期爲2025年3月19日,在此期間將向蘋果和第三方通報其初步調查結果,以供評論。儘管委員會目前選擇協助蘋果遵守規定,但並不排除未來如果蘋果繼續未能履行義務,將對其處以罰款。
數字服務法的執行仍在進行中。歐盟委員會現在已將超過20家公司指定爲非常大型在線平台(‘VLOPS’),並對多個VLOP,包括Meta、Tik Tok和X(前Twitter),開啓了執法程序。較小的在線平台和其他中介自2024年2月17日起,受到關於內容審核和盡職調查的新規和更新規則的約束。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
在 2023年4月,歐盟-烏克蘭貿易配置協會委員會以及2023年10月歐盟-摩爾多瓦貿易配置協會委員會分別通過了決定,應用歐盟"在歐盟內漫遊,像在家一樣"、歐盟固定終結費率("FTR")和移動終結費率(僅限烏克蘭)之間的通訊條款。 烏克蘭的轉換工作於2024年夏季完成,向歐盟的通知即將到來。. 摩爾多瓦的轉換時間表爲該決定生效後一年內進行歐盟內通訊的轉換,漫遊和MTR/FTR轉換則需兩年。歐盟委員會隨後將評估轉換情況,然後在下一步授予內部市場待遇,讓這些條款生效。
2022年9月15日,歐盟委員會通過了"網絡韌性法案(‘CRA’)"的草案提案,爲在歐洲單一市場上推出數字元素和相關服務的產品引入了橫向網絡安全要求。適用範圍內的產品將接受符合性評估。高度關鍵的產品將受到歐洲網絡安全認證計劃的監管。議會已經批准了最終協商文本,理事會在2024年10月10日通過了該文本。 "CRA"於2024年11月20日在歐洲聯盟官方期刊上公佈。
千兆基礎設施法案(‘GIA’)修訂了2014年 寬帶成本削減指令。 國際集成電路業協會旨在降低部署千兆電子通信網絡的成本。 儘管在立法過程中有一些提議被削弱,但受歡迎的提議包括有權通過“單一信息點”以電子格式提交所有許可證(或更新)和通道申請、許可證費不超過行政成本、對土木工程工程的豁免和許可證的有條件默許批准以及對屋頂的訪問。 雖然歐洲議會提出禁止歐盟內部通信零售附加費,但立法者同意延長當前的上限至2029年。 此後取消附加費是有條件的(i)截至2027年進行歐委會審查/影響評估和(ii)截至2028年進行公平使用規定的歐委會執行法令。否則,上限將於2032年到期。 GIA 規定經營者自2025年1月開始可以自願採用“看漲如在國內”收費,前提是遵循公平使用政策。
在2024年2月,歐委會通過了一個旨在促進數字基礎設施創新、安全和韌性的數字連接包。 這個包括(i)關於“如何掌握歐洲的數字基礎設施需求?”的白皮書和(ii)關於海底電纜基礎設施安全和韌性的建議。 關於白皮書的公共徵求意見將持續到2024年6月30日。 白皮書的貢獻將爲新歐委會的工作提供信息,預計該歐委會將在2025年底之前提出修改電信框架的建議。
Enrico Letta 和Mario Draghi的報告分別於2024年4月和9月公佈,分別考慮了歐盟單一市場和歐洲的競爭力,並與沃達豐的戰略要求和對緊急數字網絡法案提出了緊急要求緊密對齊。 Draghi的報告不僅支持歐洲委員會的電信問題陳述,還將電信列爲即將到來的任期的重中之重,建議"看漲"的提議。 歐盟電信法 作爲主要框架全面改革。兩份報告全面涵蓋了沃達豐的優先事項-支持整合、頻譜協調、通過護照或其他協調機制實現跨境服務交付-同時敦促大型內容生成者更多地爲基礎設施成本做出貢獻。萊塔的結論主張更新的歐盟單一市場以確保歐洲經濟的韌性。這些建議中所蘊含的強烈一致性和緊迫性顯著增強了我們的倡導目標,併爲其賦予了政治動力。這些報告提供了政治指導,並將納入新歐委會的工作。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
其他 歐洲:愛爾蘭;葡萄牙;羅馬尼亞;希臘;捷克共和國;阿爾巴尼亞
在阿爾巴尼亞,國家廣播局(AKEP)於2024年2月7日啓動了公衆諮詢程序。經過2個月的諮詢期,在行業層面舉行了若干次會議,拍賣於2024年10月17日和2024年10月24日進行。國家廣播局拍賣了280 MHz的頻譜。該過程也向外國運營商開放。國家廣播局制定了幾個在領土層面的覆蓋義務,這在諮詢期間遭到沃達豐阿爾巴尼亞的反對。每個頻段的最低價格爲80 MHz爲3,624,000 歐元,40 MHz爲1,812,000 歐元,限制一個運營商無法擁有超過160 MHz的頻譜。沃達豐阿爾巴尼亞和One分別獲得了120 MHz的頻譜。對於這段頻譜,沃達豐阿爾巴尼亞爲3680-3800 MHz頻段出價5,436,500歐元。One阿爾巴尼亞爲3420-3540 MHz頻段出價5,437,355 歐元。兩個頻譜均提供15+5年的使用期限。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
在捷克共和國,NRA(CTU)續訂了O2捷克共和國和t-移動捷克共和國的900 MHz和1800 MHz許可證。 新的許可證有效期至2044年底,包括在選定的農村地區和鐵路走廊建立被動基礎設施的義務,並與其他900 MHz或1800 MHz許可證持有者(包括沃達豐)共享。 2024年9月,沃達豐向CTU提交了正式請求,開始沃達豐的900 MHz和1800 MHz許可證的續訂程序。 目前尚無回應。
沃達豐希臘針對EETT提起了四項有效上訴。 這些上訴涉及約1675萬歐元的收費。 其中,900萬歐元與運營商希臘電信組織(OTE)在2010年至2011年期間提供通用服務有關。 沃達豐希臘對這些費用提出了上訴。 2010年和2011年的聽證會於2024年4月在上訴行政法院舉行,對於這兩年的決定預計將在2025年做出。其餘775萬歐元是因EETT對2012年至2016年USO淨成本的決定而對沃達豐希臘徵收的。 沃達豐希臘也對這些費用提出了上訴。
上訴已被提交至上訴行政法院,聽證會定於2024年11月舉行。此外,關於2017年至2019年的通用服務淨成本分配決定已於2023年10月發佈,其中沃達豐(含CYTA)的份額計算爲220萬歐元。 沃達豐希臘於2024年4月在上訴行政法院對這些費用提出上訴;聽證會推遲至2024年12月13日。
在希臘,有關22個零售客戶案件被認爲違反消費者法規的聽證會於2024年5月由EETT舉行。 沃達豐希臘於08年24月07日提交了備忘錄,決定仍在等待中。
在阿爾巴尼亞,根據相關國家管制局決定,從2024年10月1日起,國內MTR從1.11 Lek/分鐘降低到1.02 Lek/分鐘。這是國家MTR兩年逐步遞減路徑的第一步,到期時MTR將降至0.75 Lek/分鐘。
在希臘,與主要運營商(OTE)進行了廣泛討論,並獲得歐盟委員會和國家管制局(EETT)於2024年7月批准後,簽署了一項關於OTE FTTH服務的批發成交量折扣協議,並於2024年8月8日生效。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 25財年上半年業績 |
在剛果民主共和國,沃達康剛果民主共和國正在與NRA(“ARPTC”)就2022年3月首次推出的新監管費用進行談判。2022年10月22日,移動網絡運營商(“MNO”)(包括Vodacom DRC)、通信部長和ARPTC就新的監管費用達成協議並簽署了諒解備忘錄,規定了修訂後的費用和支付方式。諒解備忘錄還規定了解決任何未決的罰款和這方面的法律訴訟。各方正在履行諒解備忘錄規定的義務。
在坦桑尼亞,通信監管機構(TCRA)發現,坦桑尼亞沃達康在2023年5月未能遵守監管的服務質量(QoS)目標,主要發生在桑給巴爾地區,並已下令坦桑尼亞沃達康實施網絡改進,如果不遵守則將被處以罰款。Vodacom 坦桑尼亞於 2023 年 7 月完成了五個站點的實施以解決此問題,並將繼續確保在優化方面進行更多改進,以確保覆蓋範圍得以維持。2024年還有更多報告稱,TCRA發佈了報告,重點介紹了沃達康在桑給巴爾和多多馬的QoS關鍵績效指標失敗。持續發現針對Vodacom的QoS不合格,這構成了違規制裁的風險。沃達康正在履行向TCRA做出的網絡改善承諾,包括到2024年12月底在桑給巴爾和多多馬建造更多場地。Vodacom在這方面取得了進展,並將繼續與TCRA合作,以提供其網絡推出計劃的最新信息。
在萊索托,NRA(“LCA”)認定沃達康萊索托在2023年6月16日經歷的四小時網絡中斷違反了2023年服務質量規則第6(a)(i)條。LCA對Maloti 100Wan處以罰款,但暫停執行罰款12個月,條件是萊索托沃達康在這段時間內沒有犯下類似的違規行爲。在過去的12個月中,Vodacom經歷了間歇性的網絡和服務中斷,這些中斷已通知LCA並迅速得到解決。LCA並未就此對Vodacom處以罰款,最近開發了一個報告模板,要求Vodacom填寫報告模板,以管理計劃內和計劃外中斷。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 25財年上半年業績 |
在萊索托,NRA(“LCA”)發現沃達康萊索托的通話時間預付服務定價違反了2016年萊索托通信管理局(行政)規則,並要求萊索托沃達康在2023年8月18日之前說明不應徵收罰款的原因,當天萊索托沃達康提交了書面陳述,包括提出補救行動。萊索托沃達康已按照LCA的指示採取了補救行動,包括向406,252名受影響的客戶總共退還了300萬的馬洛蒂款項。LCA隨後要求提供有關服務實施和適用服務費的更多信息。然後,LCA沒有就此發佈進一步的指令。Vodacom 萊索托向NRA提交了修訂後的預付費通話產品模型,供其批准後再實施,並且正在就此與NRA進行合作。
截至9月30日的六個月 |
| ||||||
重新呈現1 | |||||||
2024 | 2023 |
| |||||
| 註 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| |
營業收入 |
| 2 |
| |
| | |
銷售成本 |
| ( |
| ( | |
毛利潤 |
| |
| | |
賣出和分佈開支 |
| ( |
| ( | |
行政開支 |
| ( |
| ( | |
金融資產淨信貸損失 | ( | ( | |||||
股權法覈算的合營企業和合資企業成果份額 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
減值準備逆轉 | — | | |||||
其他收益/(費用) |
| |
| ( | ||
營業利潤 |
| 2 |
| |
| | |
投資收益 |
| |
| | |
融資成本 |
| ( |
| ( | |
稅前盈利 |
| |
| | |
所得稅費用 |
| 4 |
| ( |
| ( | |
財務期間的利潤 - 持續經營 |
| |
| | |
盈利/(虧損) - 停止運營期間的基本報表 |
| |
| ( | ||
本期的利潤/(虧損) |
| |
| ( | |
歸屬於: |
| |
- 母公司的所有者 |
| |
| ( | |
- 非控股權益 |
| |
| | |
本期的利潤/(虧損) |
| |
| ( | |
每股收益 |
| |
繼續營運: |
| |
- 基本 |
| 6 |
| | c | ( | c |
- 稀釋 |
| 6 |
| | c | ( | c |
總集團: |
| |||
- 基本 |
| 6 |
| | c | ( | c |
- 稀釋 |
| 6 |
| | c | ( | c |
1. | 2023年9月30日結束的六個月的結果已經重新呈現,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的結果作爲終止運營報告。有關更多信息,請參閱第5條“終止運營和待售資產”注。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
截至9月30日的六個月 | ||||
重新呈現1 | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 | |
本期的利潤/(虧損) |
| |
| ( |
其他綜合收益/(費用): |
| ||
可能在未來年份重新分類至損益表的項目: |
| ||
匯率期貨翻譯差異,稅後淨額 |
| |
| ( |
匯率期貨轉換差額轉入損益表 | | | ||
其他,淨額2 |
| |
| ( |
在隨後的期間可能重新分類到損益表的項目總計 |
| |
| ( |
將在後續年度不會重新分類到損益表的項目: |
| ||
其他投資分類的權益工具公允價值收益,稅後淨額 | — | |||
定義收益養老金計劃的淨精算收益/(損失),稅後淨額 |
| |
| ( |
未來期間不會重新分類到損益表的總項目 |
| |
| ( |
其他綜合收益/(損失) |
| |
| ( |
該財務期間的總綜合收益/(費用) |
| |
| ( |
歸屬於: |
| ||
- 母公司的所有者 |
| |
| ( |
- 非控股權益 |
| |
| |
| |
| ( |
1. |
2. |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
| 重新呈現1 | |||||
九月三十日 | 3月31日 | |||||
2024 | 2024 | |||||
| 註 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 | |
非流動資產 |
商譽 |
| |
| |
其他無形資產 |
| |
| |
資產、廠房和設備 |
| |
| |
對聯營公司和合資公司的投資 |
| 8 |
| |
| |
其他投資 |
| |
| |
遞延所得稅資產 |
| |
| |
後的員工福利 |
| |
| | |
交易及其他應收款 |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
流動資產合計 |
| ||
存貨 |
| |
| |
可收回的稅款 |
| |
| |
交易及其他應收款 |
| |
| |
其他投資 |
| |
| |
現金及現金等價物 |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
待售資產 |
| |
| | |
總資產 |
| |
| |
權益 |
| ||
已發行股本 |
| |
| |
資本公積額額外增資 |
| |
| |
庫藏股 |
| ( |
| ( |
累積虧損 |
| ( |
| ( |
其他綜合收益累積額 |
| |
| |
歸屬於母公司所有者的淨利潤 |
| |
| |
非控制權益 |
| |
| |
總股東權益 |
| |
| |
非流動負債 |
| ||
借款 |
| |
| |
在合營企業和聯營企業中按份額分擔淨負債 | 8 | | — | |||
遞延所得稅負債 |
| |
| |
後的員工福利 |
| |
| | |
準備金 |
| |
| |
貿易及其他應付款項 |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
流動負債 |
| ||
借款 |
| |
| |
稅務責任 |
| |
| |
準備金 |
| |
| |
貿易及其他應付款項 |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
待售負債 |
| |
| | |
權益總額及負債總額 |
| |
| |
1. |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
| 追加 |
| 累積的 |
| 權益 |
| 非- |
| |||||
股份 | 實收 | 庫藏 | 全面綜合 | 歸屬於 | 控制 | |||||||||
資本 | 資本1 | 分享 | 損失2 | 所有者 | 利益 | 總股本 | ||||||||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 | |
2023年4月1日 | | | ( | ( | | | | |||||||
發行或重新發行分享 |
| — |
| |
| |
| ( |
| |
| — |
| |
以股份為基礎的支付 |
| — |
| |
| — |
| — |
| |
| |
| |
與子公司的非控股權益相關的交易 |
| — |
| — |
| — |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( |
權益法覈算實體權益變動的份額 | — | — | — | ( | ( | — | ( | |||||||
綜合(費用)/收入 |
| — |
| — |
| — |
| ( |
| ( |
| |
| ( |
股息 |
| — |
| — |
| — |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( |
2023年9月30日 |
| |
| |
| ( |
| ( |
| |
| |
| |
2024年4月1日 |
| | | ( | ( | | |
| | |||||
發行或重新發行股份 |
| | — | | ( | | — |
| | |||||
以股份為基礎的支付 |
| — | | — | — | | |
| | |||||
與子公司的非控股權益進行的交易 | — | — | — | ( | ( | ( | ( | |||||||
綜合收益 | — | — | — | | | | | |||||||
股息 | — | — | — | ( | ( | ( | ( | |||||||
庫藏股份的購買 |
| — | — | ( | — | ( | — |
| ( | |||||
取消股份 |
| ( | | | ( | — | — |
| — | |||||
2024年9月30日 |
| |
| |
| ( |
| ( | | |
| |
1. |
2. |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
截至9月30日的六個月 | ||||||
重新呈現1 | ||||||
| 2024 | 2023 | ||||
| 註 |
| €m |
| €百萬 |
經營活動流入 |
| 9 |
| |
| |
| ||
投資活動產生的現金流量 |
| ||
購買聯營企業和合資企業的股權 |
| ( |
| ( | |
購置無形資產 |
| ( |
| ( |
購入不動產、廠房及設備 |
| ( |
| ( |
購買投資 |
| ( |
| ( |
處置子公司權益,扣除已處置現金淨額 |
| |
| ( | |
處置對聯營企業和合營企業的利益 | | | ||||
處置物業、廠房及設備以及無形資產 | | | ||||
投資處置 | | | ||||
從聯營企業和合資企業獲得的分紅派息 | | | ||||
收取之利息 |
| |
| | |
停止經營業務的現金流出 |
| ( |
| ( | |
投資活動流入/(流出) |
| |
| ( |
財務活動中的現金流量 |
長期借款發行所得款項 |
| |
| |
償還借款 |
| ( |
| ( |
短期借款的淨流動 | ( | | ||||
Net movement in derivatives | | | ||||
支付利息 | ( | ( | ||||
庫藏股份的購買 | ( | — | ||||
發行普通股股本和重新發行庫藏股 | — | | ||||
股本分紅派息 |
| ( |
| ( | |
向子公司非控股股東支付的分紅 |
| ( |
| ( |
子公司與非控股股東的其他交易 | ( | ( | ||||
停止運營所致現金流出 |
| ( |
| ( |
融資活動流出 |
| ( |
| ( |
| |
淨現金流入/(流出) |
| |
| ( |
財務期間開始時的現金及現金等價物2 |
| |
| | |
現金及現金等價物的交易所(損失)/收益 |
| ( |
| |
財務期間末的現金及現金等價物2 |
| |
| |
1. |
2. |
1 編制基礎
● | 根據國際會計準則第34號《中期財務報告》(‘IAS 34’)以及英國的採納進行編制; |
● | 以簡明的方式呈現,符合IAS 34的規定,因此不包括全套基本報表中通常要求的所有披露,且應與截至2024年3月31日的集團年度報告(20-F表格)一同閱讀; |
● | 除了IAS 1《基本報表的列示》之外(見下文),採用與爲截至2024年3月31日編制的集團合併基本報表相同的會計政策、列示方式和計算方法,這些報表是根據英國採納的國際會計準則(‘IAS’)、國際財務報告準則(‘IFRS’)以及2006年英國公司法的要求編制的。所得稅是按照預計適用於整個財務年度的稅率計提,並根據IAS 34對此期間發生的某些特殊項目進行調整。 |
● | 包含所有調整,包括正常的經常性調整,以便公正地陳述所提供期間的結果;以及 |
● | 於2024年11月12日經董事會批准。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
1 準備基礎(續)
在應用IAS 29時,土耳其里拉和埃塞俄比亞比爾的結果以及相關財務期間的非貨幣資產和負債餘額已根據土耳其統計局和埃塞俄比亞中央統計局發佈的消費者物價指數,重估爲報告日的現值等值當地貨幣金額。根據IAS 21《匯率變動的影響》,比較期間不予重述。相應的指數上升了
● | 由於 IAS 29 應用而導致的淨貨幣資產重估的收益或損失在綜合損益表中作爲其他收入予以確認。 |
● | 集團還在綜合現金流量表中呈現現金及現金等價物的收益或損失作爲貨幣項目,並將運營、投資和融資現金流的通貨膨脹影響一併合併爲一個數字。 |
● | 集團已在其他綜合收益中列示股本重估影響和貨幣變動的影響,因爲這些金額被認爲符合‘交易所差異’的定義。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
1 準備基礎(續)
| 增加/(減少) | |||
2024 |
| 2023 | ||
截至9月30日的六個月合併損益表的影響 | €百萬 | €百萬 | ||
營業收入 |
| | | |
營業利潤1 |
| ( | ( | |
本期利潤1 |
| ( | ( |
| 增減情況 | |||
| 9月30日 |
| 3月31日 | |
2024 | 2024 | |||
對合並財務狀況基本報表的影響 | €百萬 | €百萬 | ||
資產淨值 |
| |
| |
歸屬於母公司股東的權益 |
| |
| |
非控制權益 |
| |
| |
此外,埃及可能在未來幾個月內滿足被指定爲超通貨膨脹經濟體的IAS 29要求。如果埃及經濟被指定爲超通貨膨脹,集團在埃及的財務報告將根據IAS 29進行報告,採用上述集團政策。
對IAS 1《財務報表列示》的修訂
根據集團之前的分類,如果集團打算在報告日期的12個月內行使贖回期權,則與某些債券相關的餘額被列爲流動負債。根據2024年4月1日採納的IAS 1修訂,償還期超過12個月的債券被分類爲非流動負債,無論是否打算提前贖回債券。
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
2 細分分析
| 營業收入 |
| |||||||
from | ||||||||||||||
合約金額 | 總計 | |||||||||||||
服務 |
| 設備 |
| 與 |
| 其他 |
| 利息 |
| 部門 |
| 調整後 | ||
收入 | 收入 | 客戶 | 收入1 | 收入 | 收入 | EBITDAaL | ||||||||
€百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | ||||||||
2024年9月30日結束的六個月 |
德國 |
| | | | | | |
| | |||||
英國 |
| | | | | | |
| | |||||
其他 歐洲 |
| | | | | | |
| | |||||
土耳其 |
| | | | | — | | | ||||||
非洲 |
| | | | | | | |||||||
常見功能2 | | | | | | | | |||||||
消除 |
| ( | — | ( | ( | — | ( | — | ||||||
集團 | | | | | | | |
1. | 其他營業收入包括根據IFRS 16‘租賃’確認的租賃收入。 |
2. | 包括中央團隊和業務功能。 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
2 分部分析(續)
| 營業收入 |
| |||||||
from | ||||||||||||||
合約金額 | 總計 | |||||||||||||
服務 |
| 設備 |
| 與 |
| 其他 |
| 利息 |
| 部門 |
| 調整後 | ||
收入 | 收入 | 客戶 | 收入1 | 收入 | 收入 | EBITDAaL | ||||||||
€百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | €百萬 | ||||||||
截至2023年9月30日的六個月重新呈現2 |
德國 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
英國 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
其他 歐洲 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
土耳其 | | | | | — | | | |||||||
非洲 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
常見功能3 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ( |
| |
| ( |
消除 | ( | — | ( | ( | — | ( | — | |||||||
集團 | | | | | | | |
1. | 其他營業收入包括根據IFRS 16《租賃》確認的租賃收入。 |
2. | 截至2023年9月30日的六個月結果已經重新呈現,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的結果被報告爲已中止的業務,因此被排除。有關更多信息,請參閱第5號註釋《已中止的業務和待售資產》。 |
3. | 包括中央團隊和業務功能。 |
截至9月30日的六個月 | ||||
重新呈現1 | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 | |
調整後的EBITDAaL |
| |
| |
重組成本 |
| ( |
| ( |
租賃負債利息 |
| |
| |
處置的物業、廠房和無形資產的減值損失 | ( | ( | ||
自有資產的折舊和攤銷 | ( | ( | ||
股權會計聯營企業和合營企業的業績份額 | ( | ( | ||
減值準備逆轉 | — | | ||
其他收益/(費用)2 | | ( | ||
營業利潤 |
| |
| |
投資收益3 |
| |
| |
融資成本4 |
| ( |
| ( |
稅前盈利 | | |
1. | 2023年9月30日結束的六個月的結果已經重新呈現,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的結果現在作爲終止的業務進行報告。有關更多信息,請參閱第5條“終止業務和待售資產”注。 |
2. | 主要包括一筆利潤€ |
3. | Includes gains of € |
4. | Includes a gain of € |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
2 分部分析(續)
| 九月三十日 |
| 3月31日 | |
2024 | 2024 | |||
€百萬 | €百萬 | |||
非流動資產1 |
德國 |
| |
| |
英國 |
| |
| |
其他 歐洲 |
| |
| |
土耳其 |
| |
| |
非洲 |
| |
| |
常見功能 |
| |
| |
集團 |
| |
| |
1. | 包含商譽、其他無形資產以及物業、廠房和設備. |
3 減值評估
| 關鍵假設用於 |
| 需要爲價值變更 | |||||
使用價值計算 | 用於等於賬面價值 | |||||||
2023年9月30日 | 31 三月 | 30 九月 | 31 三月 | |||||
2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 | |||||
| % |
| % |
| 每股盈利 |
| 每股盈利 | |
稅前折扣率 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
長期增長率 |
| |
| |
| ( |
| ( |
預計調整後的5年EBITDAaL年複合增長率1 |
| |
| |
| ( |
| ( |
預計資本支出1 |
| |
| |
1. | 預計調整後的EBITDAaL年複合增長率是沃達豐德國業務計劃在增量商業投資後的FY25年末的複合年增長率。預計資本支出(不包括許可證和頻譜)是以資本支出佔營業收入的百分比表示的 |
沃達豐集團有限公司 | 2025財年上半季業績 |
4 稅收
截至9月30日的六個月 | ||||
重新呈現1 | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| €百萬 |
| €百萬 | |
英國企業稅(費用)/收入 |
| |
本期 | ( |
| ( | |
之前期間的調整 | |
| ( | |
境外當前稅務(支出)/收入 | ||||
本期 | ( |
| ( | |
有關以前期間的調整 | |
| — | |
總當期所得稅費用 |
| ( |
| ( |
遞延稅款在暫時差異的產生與逆轉上 |
英國遞延稅款 |
| ( |
| ( |
境外遞延稅款 |
| ( |
| ( |
遞延稅費總額 |
| ( |
| ( |
總所得稅費用 |
| ( |
| ( |
1. | 2023年9月30日結束的六個月的結果已經重新呈現,以反映沃達豐西班牙和沃達豐意大利的結果作爲終止運營報告。有關更多信息,請參閱第5條“終止運營和待售資產”注。 |
5 停止經營和待售資產
在2023年10月31日,集團宣佈已與Zegona Communications plc(‘Zegona’)簽訂了關於處置的具有約束力的協議
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
5 Discontinued operations and assets held for sale (continued)
On 15 March 2024, the Group announced that it had entered into a binding agreement with Swisscom AG (‘Swisscom’) in relation to the disposal of
Consequently, the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are reported as discontinued operations. The assets and liabilities of Vodafone Italy are presented as held for sale in the consolidated statement of financial position.
A summary of the results of these discontinued operations is below.
Six months ended 30 September |
| ||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| |
€m | €m |
| |||
Profit/(loss) for the financial period - Discontinued operations |
| |
Vodafone Spain1 |
| |
| ( | |
Vodafone Italy |
| ( |
| ( | |
Total |
| |
| ( | |
Earnings/(loss) per share - Discontinued operations |
| |
- Basic |
| | c | ( | c |
- Diluted |
| | c | ( | c |
1. | The results for Vodafone Spain are for the two months to 31 May 2024 when the sale concluded. |
Segment analysis of discontinued operations
Vodafone Spain
The results of discontinued operations in Spain are detailed below.
Six months ended 30 September | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| €m |
| €m | |
Revenue |
| |
| |
Cost of sales |
| ( |
| ( |
Gross profit |
| |
| |
Selling and distribution expenses |
| ( |
| ( |
Administrative expenses |
| ( |
| ( |
Net credit losses on financial assets |
| ( |
| ( |
Operating profit/(loss) |
| |
| ( |
Investment income |
| |
| — |
Financing costs |
| ( |
| ( |
Profit/(loss) before taxation |
| |
| ( |
Income tax credit |
| — |
| |
Profit/(loss) after tax of discontinued operations |
| |
| ( |
Loss on sale of disposal group |
| ( |
| — |
Profit/(loss) for the financial period from discontinued operations |
| |
| ( |
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the financial period from discontinued operations |
Attributable to owners of the parent |
| |
| ( |
On 31 May 2024, the Group announced that it had completed the disposal of Vodafone Spain. See note 10 ‘Disposals’ for more information.
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
5 Discontinued operations and assets held for sale (continued)
Segment analysis of discontinued operations
Vodafone Italy
The results of discontinued operations in Italy are detailed below.
| Six months ended 30 September | |||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| €m |
| €m | |
Revenue |
| |
| |
Cost of sales |
| ( |
| ( |
Gross profit |
| |
| |
Selling and distribution expenses |
| ( |
| ( |
Administrative expenses |
| ( |
| ( |
Net credit losses on financial assets |
| ( |
| ( |
Other expense |
| — |
| ( |
Operating profit / (loss) |
| |
| ( |
Financing costs |
| ( |
| ( |
Profit/(loss) before taxation |
| |
| ( |
Income tax (expense) / credit |
| ( |
| |
Profit/(loss) after tax of discontinued operations |
| |
| ( |
After tax loss on the re-measurement of disposal group |
| ( |
| — |
Loss for the financial period from discontinued operations |
| ( |
| ( |
Total comprehensive expense for the financial period from discontinued operations |
Attributable to owners of the parent |
| ( |
| ( |
The consideration for Vodafone Italy is comprised of €
The fair value of the Group’s equity interest at 30 September 2024 was determined with reference to the consideration expected to be received from the agreed disposal to Swisscom, less adjustments for estimated completion adjustments, consideration for future services to be received by Swisscom from the Group and the elimination of intercompany debt. This approach was considered to result in a level 2 valuation in accordance with IFRS 13 as, certain completion related adjustments and estimates of the value of the future services to be provided, are not observable.
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
5 Discontinued operations and assets held for sale (continued)
Assets held for sale
Assets and liabilities held for sale at 31 March 2024 comprised Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy. Assets and liabilities held for sale at 30 September 2024 comprised Vodafone Italy.
The relevant assets and liabilities are detailed in the table below.
| 30 September |
| 31 March | |
2024 | 2024 | |||
€m | €m | |||
Non-current assets |
Goodwill |
| |
| |
Other intangible assets |
| |
| |
Property, plant and equipment |
| |
| |
Other investments |
| — |
| |
Deferred tax assets |
| |
| |
Trade and other receivables |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
Current assets |
Inventory |
| |
| |
Taxation recoverable |
| |
| |
Trade and other receivables |
| |
| |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
Assets held for sale |
| |
| |
Non-current liabilities |
Borrowings |
| |
| |
Deferred tax liabilities |
| — |
| |
Post employment benefits |
| |
| |
Provisions |
| |
| |
Trade and other payables |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
Current liabilities |
Borrowings |
| |
| |
Taxation liabilities |
| |
| |
Provisions |
| |
| |
Trade and other payables |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
Liabilities held for sale |
| |
| |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
6 Earnings per share
Six months ended 30 September | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| Millions |
| Millions | |
Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share | | | ||
Effect of dilutive potential shares: restricted shares and share options |
| |
| — |
Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share |
| |
| |
Earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent during the period | ||||
Six months ended 30 September | ||||
| Re-presented1 | ||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| €m |
| €m | |
Profit/(loss) for earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to owners |
| |
| ( |
Profit/(loss) for earnings per share from discontinued operations attributable to owners |
| |
| ( |
Profit/(loss) for basic and diluted earnings per share |
| |
| ( |
Re-presented1 | ||||
| eurocents |
| eurocents | |
Basic earnings/(loss) per share from continuing operations |
| | ( | |
Basic earnings/(loss) per share from discontinued operations |
| | ( | |
Basic earnings/(loss) per share |
| | ( | |
Re-presented1 | ||||
eurocents | eurocents | |||
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share from continuing operations |
| | ( | |
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share from discontinued operations |
| | ( | |
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share |
| | ( |
1. | The results for the six months ended 30 September 2023 have been re-presented to reflect that the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are reported as discontinued operations. See note 5 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information. |
7 Dividends
Six months ended 30 September | ||||
| 2024 | 2023 | |
| €m |
| €m |
Declared during the financial period: |
Final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2024: |
| |
| |
Proposed after the end of the reporting period and not recognised as a liability: |
| ||
Interim dividend for the year ending 31 March 2025: |
| |
| |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
8 Joint ventures and associates
| 30 September |
| 31 March | |
2024 | 2024 | |||
€m | €m | |||
Oak Holdings 1 GmbH | | | ||
VodafoneZiggo Group Holdings B.V. | | | ||
TPG Telecom Limited | — | |||
Other | | | ||
Investments in joint ventures | | | ||
Safaricom PLC | | | ||
Indus Towers Limited1 | — | | ||
Other |
| |
| |
Investments in associates |
| |
| |
Investments in joint ventures and associates | | | ||
TPG Telecom Limited | ( | — | ||
Share of net liabilities in joint ventures and associates |
| ( |
| — |
1. | In June 2024, the Group announced the sale of an |
9 Reconciliation of net cash flow from operating activities
Six months ended 30 September | ||||
Re-presented1 | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||
| €m |
| €m | |
Profit for the financial period | | | ||
Investment income | ( |
| ( | |
Financing costs | |
| | |
Income tax expense | |
| | |
Operating profit | |
| | |
Adjustments for: |
| |||
Share-based payments and other non-cash charges | |
| | |
Depreciation and amortisation | |
| | |
(Gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets | ( |
| | |
Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures | |
| | |
Impairment reversal | — | ( | ||
Other (income)/expense | ( |
| | |
Increase in inventory | ( |
| ( | |
Increase in trade and other receivables | ( |
| ( | |
Decrease in trade and other payables | ( | ( | ||
Cash generated by operations | |
| | |
Taxation | ( | ( | ||
Cashflows from discontinued operations | |
| | |
Net cash flow from operating activities | |
| |
1. | The results for the six months ended 30 September 2023 have been re-presented to reflect that the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are reported as discontinued operations. See note 5 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information. |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
10 Disposals
Summary of the disposal of subsidiaries
The difference between the carrying value of the net assets disposed of and the fair value of consideration received is recorded as a gain or loss on disposal. Foreign exchange translation gains or losses relating to subsidiaries, joint arrangements and associates that the Group has disposed of, and that have previously been recorded in other comprehensive income or expense, are also recognised as part of the gain or loss on disposal.
Aggregate cash consideration in respect of the disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed, for the six months ended 30 September 2024 was €
Vodafone Spain
On 31 May 2024, the Group announced it had completed the sale of Vodafone Holdings Europe, S.L.U. (‘Vodafone Spain’) to Zegona Communications plc (‘Zegona’) for €
The table below summarises the net assets disposed and the resulting loss on disposal of €
| €m | |
Other intangible assets |
| ( |
Property, plant and equipment |
| ( |
Other investments |
| ( |
Inventory |
| ( |
Trade and other receivables |
| ( |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| ( |
Current and deferred taxation |
| |
Borrowings |
| |
Trade and other payables |
| |
Provisions |
| |
Net assets disposed |
| ( |
Cash proceeds1 |
| |
Non-cash consideration (Zegona shares)2 |
| |
Other effects |
| |
Net loss on disposal3 |
| ( |
1. | Excludes € |
2. | The non-cash consideration comprises an investment in Zegona shares with a fair value of € |
3. | Included in Profit/(loss) for the financial period – Discontinued operations in the Consolidated income statement. |
Summary of the disposal of joint ventures and associates
The aggregate cash consideration in respect of disposals of joint ventures and associates is as follows:
Six months ended 30 September | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||
€m | €m | |||
Cash consideration received |
Vantage Towers |
| |
| |
Indus Towers Limited |
| |
| — |
| |
| |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
10 Disposals (continued)
Vantage Towers
On 22 July 2024, the Group announced the sale of a further
A net gain on disposal of €
Indus Towers
On 19 June 2024, the Group announced the sale of an
A net gain on disposal of €
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
11 Fair value of financial instruments
| 30 September |
| 31 March | |
2024 | 2024 | |||
€m | €m | |||
Financial assets at fair value1 |
| ||
Money market funds (included within Cash and cash equivalents)2 | | | ||
Debt and equity securities (included within Other investments)3 | | | ||
Derivative financial instruments (included within Trade and other receivables)4,5 | | | ||
Trade receivables at fair value through Other comprehensive income (included with Trade and other receivables)6 | | | ||
| | |||
Financial liabilities at fair value1 | ||||
Derivative financial instruments (included within Trade and other payables)4,5 | | | ||
Financial guarantee (included within Trade and other payables)7 | | — | ||
| |
1. | The fair value of assets and liabilities are classified in the Fair Value hierarchy as follows: Level 1 comprises items where the fair value is determined by unadjusted quoted prices in active markets. Level 2 comprises items where the fair value is determined from inputs other than quoted prices, that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly by unadjusted market quoted prices in active markets and market accepted valuation techniques. Level 3 comprises items where the fair value is determined by including one or more unobservable inputs to the valuation methodology. |
2. | Items are measured at fair value and the valuation basis is Level 1. |
3. | Quoted debt and equity securities of € |
4. | Derivative financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value and classified as Level 2. |
5. | € |
6. | Trade receivables at fair value through Other comprehensive income are measured at fair value and classified as Level 2. Of this, € |
7. | Financial guarantee is a secondary pledge over the shares owned by Vodafone Group in Indus Towers, ranking behind the Group’s existing lenders for the outstanding bank borrowings secured against Indian assets. This is measured at fair value and classified as Level 2. |
The fair value of the Group's financial assets held at amortised cost approximates to their fair value.
The fair value of the Group's financial liabilities held at amortised cost approximate to fair value with the exception of outstanding bonds with a carrying value of €
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
11 Fair value of financial instruments (continued)
Level 3 financial instruments
Investment in Zegona ordinary shares
Following the completion of the sale of Vodafone Spain on 31 May 2024 (See note 10 ‘Disposals’), the Group received the non-cash consideration component in the form of €
EJLSHM subscribed for new ordinary shares in Zegona, equivalent to the value of the RPS, the future proceeds from which will be used to repay the RPS. Per the contractual arrangement, these ordinary shares do not carry voting rights, and their value is capped at the nominal value, including accrued interest, of the RPS. EJSHM is a consolidated special purpose entity for the Group, resulting in the elimination of the RPS and the recognition of an investment in the Zegona shares for the Group. The Zegona shares are recorded at fair value through profit and loss and have a fair value of €
The valuation approach for the Zegona shares reflects the contractual terms of the RPS arrangement and utilises a bespoke option model which draws on observable Level 2 market data inputs, including bond yields, share prices, and foreign exchange rates. The model also includes certain key inputs that requires judgement. These include the timing on when EJLSHM will sell its shares in Zegona to settle its RPS liability to the Group, Zegona’s share price volatility and the share’s expected dividend yield.
The only judgement that has a material impact on the valuation is the Zegona share price volatility. An increase/(decrease) of the share price volatility by
Convertible loan notes (‘CLN’)
Vodafone invested US$
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
12 Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings
Note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ to the consolidated financial statements of Vodafone Group Plc for the year ended 31 March 2024 sets forth the Group’s contingent liabilities and legal proceedings as of 31 March 2024. There have been no material changes to the Group’s contingent liabilities or legal proceedings during the period covered by this report, except as disclosed below.
Legal proceedings
South Africa: Kenneth Makate v Vodacom (Pty) Limited
Mr Kenneth Makate, a former employee of Vodacom (Pty) Limited (‘Vodacom South Africa’), started legal proceedings in 2008 claiming compensation for a business idea that led to the development of a service known as ‘Please Call Me’ (‘PCM’). In July 2014, the Gauteng High Court (‘the High Court’) ruled that Mr Makate had proven the existence of a contract, but that Vodacom South Africa was not bound by that contract because the responsible director did not have authority to enter into such an agreement on Vodacom South Africa’s behalf. The High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal (‘the SCA’) turned down Mr Makate’s application for leave to appeal in December 2014 and March 2015, respectively.
In April 2016, the Constitutional Court of South Africa (‘the Constitutional Court’) granted leave to appeal and upheld Mr Makate’s appeal. It found that Vodacom South Africa is bound by the agreement and ordered the parties to negotiate, in good faith, and agree a reasonable compensation amount payable to Mr Makate or, in the event of a deadlock, for the matter to be referred to Vodacom Group’s Chief Executive Officer (‘the CEO’) to determine such compensation amount. Mr Makate’s application for the aforementioned order to be varied from the determination of an amount to a compensation model based on a share of revenue was dismissed by the Constitutional Court. In accordance with the Constitutional Court order, and after negotiations failed, the CEO issued his determination on 9 January 2019. However, the CEO’s award of R
The High Court, in a judgement delivered on 8 February 2022, set aside the CEO’s determination and ordered him to reassess the amount employing a set of criteria which would have resulted in the payment of a higher compensation amount, for the benefit of Mr Makate, than that determined by the CEO. Vodacom South Africa appealed against the judgement and the order of the High Court to the SCA. The SCA heard the appeal on 9 May 2023 and its judgement was handed down on 6 February 2024. A majority of
On 27 February 2024, Vodacom South Africa applied for leave to appeal the judgement and order of the SCA to the Constitutional Court, resulting in the suspension of the operation of the judgement and order of the SCA. On 26 August 2024, the Constitutional Court issued a directive that it will hear Vodacom South Africa’s application for leave to appeal in tandem with its appeal against the SCA judgement and order. The record of the proceedings in the SCA, with relevant annotations, was filed in the Constitutional Court on 26 September 2024. Vodacom South Africa, as the applicant, filed its written arguments on 10 October 2024 and Mr Makate filed his response on 18 October 2024. The matter will be heard by the Constitutional Court on 21 November 2024.
Vodacom South Africa is challenging the SCA’s judgement and order on various grounds including, but not limited to the SCA ignoring the evidence placed before it on the computation of the quantum of compensation payable to Mr Makate, and the SCA issuing orders that are incapable of being implemented and enforced.
The CEO’s determination in 2019 amounted to R
The amount ultimately payable to Mr Makate is uncertain and will depend on the success of Vodacom South Africa’s appeal against the judgement and order of the SCA, on the merits of the case. The Group is continuing to challenge the level of compensation payable to Mr Makate and a provision immaterial to the financial statements has been recorded.
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
13 Related party transactions
Related party transactions with the Group’s joint arrangements and associates primarily comprise fees for the use of products and services including network airtime and access charges, fees for the provision of network infrastructure and cash pooling arrangements. No related party transactions have been entered into during the period which might reasonably affect any decisions made by the users of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements except as disclosed below.
Six months ended 30 September | ||||
| 2024 | 2023 | ||
| €m |
| €m |
Sales of goods and services to associates |
| |
| |
Purchase of goods and services from associates |
| |
| |
Sales of goods and services to joint arrangements |
| |
| |
Purchase of goods and services from joint arrangements |
| |
| |
Interest income receivable from joint arrangements1 |
| |
| |
Interest expense payable to joint arrangements1 | | |
30 September | 31 March | |||
2024 | 2024 | |||
Trade balances owed: |
by associates |
| |
| |
to associates |
| |
| |
by joint arrangements |
| |
| |
to joint arrangements |
| |
| |
Other balances owed by joint arrangements1 |
| |
| |
Other balances owed to joint arrangements2 |
| |
| |
1. | Amounts arise primarily through VodafoneZiggo and Oak Holdings 1 GmbH. Interest is paid/received in line with market rates. |
2. | Amounts are primarily in relation to leases of tower space from Oak Holdings 1 GmbH. |
In the six months ended 30 September 2024, the Group made contributions to defined benefit pension schemes of €
In the six months ended 30 September 2024, dividends of €
Dividends received from joint ventures and associates are disclosed in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
14 Subsequent events
On 14 November 2024, Vodafone Group Plc announced that it will commence the third tranche of a share repurchase programme of ordinary shares up to a maximum consideration of €
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Non-GAAP measures
In the discussion of the Group’s reported operating results, non-GAAP measures are presented to provide readers with additional financial information that is regularly reviewed by management. This additional information presented is not uniformly defined by all companies including those in the Group’s industry. Accordingly, it may not be comparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures by other companies. Additionally, certain information presented is derived from amounts calculated in accordance with IFRS but is not itself a measure defined under GAAP. Such measures should not be viewed in isolation or as an alternative to the equivalent GAAP measure. The non-GAAP measures discussed in this document are listed below.
Non-GAAP measure |
| Defined on page |
| Closest equivalent GAAP measure |
| Reconciled on page |
Performance metrics | ||||||
Organic revenue growth | Page 53 | Revenue | Pages 54, 56 and 57 | |||
Organic service revenue growth | Page 53 | Service revenue | Pages 54, 56 and 57 | |||
Organic mobile service revenue growth | Page 53 | Service revenue | Pages 54, 56 and 57 | |||
Organic fixed service revenue growth | Page 53 | Service revenue | Pages 54, 56 and 57 | |||
Organic Vodafone Business service revenue growth | Page 53 | Service revenue | Pages 54, 56 and 57 | |||
Organic Adjusted EBITDAaL growth | Page 53 | Not applicable | Page 55 | |||
Financing metrics | ||||||
Adjusted net financing costs | Page 15 | Net financing costs | Page 15 |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Non-GAAP measures
Performance metrics
Organic growth
Organic growth presents performance on a comparable basis, excluding the impact of foreign exchange rates, mergers and acquisitions, the hyperinflation adjustment in Turkey and other adjustments to improve the comparability of results between periods.
Organic growth is calculated for revenue and profitability metrics, as follows:
- | Revenue; |
- | Service revenue; |
- | Mobile service revenue; |
- | Fixed service revenue; |
- | Vodafone Business service revenue; |
- | Adjusted EBITDAaL; and |
- | Adjusted EBITDAaL margin |
Whilst organic growth is not intended to be a substitute for reported growth, nor is it superior to reported growth, we believe that the measure provides useful and necessary information to investors and other interested parties for the following reasons:
- | It provides additional information on underlying growth of the business without the effect of certain factors unrelated to its operating performance; |
- | It is used for internal performance analysis; and |
- | It facilitates comparability of underlying growth with other companies (although the term ‘organic’ is not a defined term under GAAP and may not, therefore, be comparable with similarly-titled measures reported by other companies). |
We have not provided a comparative in respect of organic growth rates as the current rates describe the change between the beginning and end of the current period, with such changes being explained by the commentary in this document. If comparatives were provided, significant sections of the commentary for prior periods would also need to be included, reducing the usefulness and transparency of this document.
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Non-GAAP measures
Six months ended 30 September 2024
Re-presented1 | Reported | M&A and | Foreign | Organic | ||||||||
H1 FY25 | H1 FY24 | growth | Other | exchange | growth | |||||||
| €m |
| €m |
| % |
| pps |
| pps |
| % | |
Service revenue |
Germany |
| 5,500 |
| 5,722 |
| (3.9) |
| — |
| — |
| (3.9) |
Mobile service revenue |
| 2,497 |
| 2,530 |
| (1.3) |
| — |
| — |
| (1.3) |
Fixed service revenue |
| 3,003 |
| 3,192 |
| (5.9) |
| — |
| — |
| (5.9) |
UK | 2,891 | 2,822 | 2.4 | — | (1.8) | 0.6 | ||||||
Mobile service revenue |
| 2,108 |
| 2,096 |
| 0.6 |
| — |
| (1.9) |
| (1.3) |
Fixed service revenue |
| 783 |
| 726 |
| 7.9 |
| — |
| (1.9) |
| 6.0 |
Other Europe |
| 2,410 |
| 2,366 |
| 1.9 |
| — |
| 0.6 |
| 2.5 |
Turkey |
| 1,103 |
| 828 |
| 33.2 |
| (0.8) |
| 57.9 |
| 90.3 |
Africa |
| 2,951 |
| 2,924 |
| 0.9 |
| — |
| 9.0 |
| 9.9 |
Common Functions |
| 322 |
| 282 |
| ||||
Eliminations |
| (68) |
| (83) |
| ||||
Total service revenue |
| 15,109 |
| 14,861 |
| 1.7 |
| — |
| 3.1 |
| 4.8 |
Other revenue |
| 3,167 |
| 3,122 |
| ||||
Revenue |
| 18,276 |
| 17,983 |
| 1.6 |
| — |
| 3.1 |
| 4.7 |
Other growth metrics |
| ||||||
Vodafone Business - Service revenue | 3,890 | 3,813 | 2.0 | — | 1.3 | 3.3 | ||||||
Germany - Vodafone Business service revenue | 1,184 | 1,205 | (1.7) | — | — | (1.7) | ||||||
UK - Vodafone Business service revenue | 1,054 | 1,059 | (0.5) | — | (1.9) | (2.4) | ||||||
Other Europe - Vodafone Business service revenue | 761 | 728 | 4.5 | — | 0.9 | 5.4 | ||||||
Turkey - Vodafone Business service revenue | 162 | 109 | 48.6 | (1.5) | 64.1 | 111.2 | ||||||
Africa - Vodacom Business service revenue | 541 | 527 | 2.7 | — | 6.1 | 8.8 |
1. | The results for the six months ended 30 September 2024 have been re - presented to reflect that the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are reported as discontinued operations. See note 5 'Discontinued operations and assets held for sale' in the condensed consolidated financial statements for more information. |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Non-GAAP measures
Six months ended 30 September 2024
Reported | M&A and | Foreign | Organic | |||||||||
H1 FY25 | H1 FY24 | growth | Other | exchange | growth | |||||||
| €m |
| €m |
| % |
| pps |
| pps |
| % | |
Adjusted EBITDAaL |
| ||||||
Germany |
| 2,290 |
| 2,527 |
| (9.3) |
| — |
| — |
| (9.3) |
UK |
| 707 |
| 640 |
| 10.5 |
| — |
| (2.1) |
| 8.4 |
Other Europe |
| 784 |
| 766 |
| 2.3 |
| — |
| 0.8 |
| 3.1 |
Turkey | 394 | 254 | 55.1 | (8.5) | 67.6 | 114.2 | ||||||
Africa | 1,214 | 1,241 | (2.2) | — | 8.9 | 6.7 | ||||||
Common Functions | 22 | (1) | ||||||||||
Eliminations | — | — | ||||||||||
Percentage point change in Adjusted EBITDAaL margin |
| |
Germany |
| 37.4 | % | 39.5 | % | (2.1) |
| 0.1 |
| — |
| (2.0) |
UK |
| 20.5 | % | 19.0 | % | 1.5 |
| — |
| — |
| 1.5 |
Other Europe |
| 28.0 | % | 28.6 | % | (0.6) |
| — |
| — |
| (0.6) |
Turkey | 28.3 | % | 22.5 | % | 5.8 | 0.3 | (0.1) | 6.0 | ||||
Africa | 32.8 | % | 34.6 | % | (1.8) | — | 0.7 | (1.1) |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Non-GAAP measures
Quarter ended 30 September 2024
Re-presented1 | Reported | M&A and | Foreign | Organic | ||||||||
Q2 FY25 | Q2 FY24 | growth | Other | exchange | growth | |||||||
| €m |
| €m |
| % |
| pps |
| pps |
| % | |
Service revenue |
Germany |
| 2,722 |
| 2,903 |
| (6.2) |
| — |
| — |
| (6.2) |
Mobile service revenue |
| 1,266 |
| 1,290 |
| (1.8) |
| — |
| — |
| (1.8) |
Fixed service revenue |
| 1,456 |
| 1,613 |
| (9.7) |
| — |
| — |
| (9.7) |
UK |
| 1,462 |
| 1,421 |
| 2.9 |
| — |
| (1.7) |
| 1.2 |
Mobile service revenue |
| 1,063 |
| 1,057 |
| 0.6 |
| — |
| (1.7) |
| (1.1) |
Fixed service revenue |
| 399 |
| 364 |
| 9.6 |
| — |
| (1.6) |
| 8.0 |
Other Europe |
| 1,230 |
| 1,205 |
| 2.1 |
| — |
| 0.5 |
| 2.6 |
Turkey |
| 588 |
| 495 |
| 18.8 |
| 37.4 |
| 32.9 |
| 89.1 |
Africa |
| 1,502 |
| 1,498 |
| 0.3 |
| — |
| 9.4 |
| 9.7 |
Common Functions |
| 176 |
| 151 |
| ||||
Eliminations |
| (36) |
| (47) |
| ||||
Total service revenue |
| 7,644 |
| 7,626 |
| 0.2 |
| 1.0 |
| 3.0 |
| 4.2 |
Other revenue |
| 1,596 |
| 1,564 |
| ||||
Revenue |
| 9,240 |
| 9,190 |
| 0.5 |
| 1.3 |
| 2.8 |
| 4.6 |
Other growth metrics |
| ||||||
Vodafone Business - Service revenue | 1,979 | 1,935 | 2.3 | 0.5 | 1.2 | 4.0 | ||||||
Germany - Vodafone Business service revenue | 598 | 609 | (1.7) | — | — | (1.7) | ||||||
UK - Vodafone Business service revenue | 532 | 531 | 0.2 | — | (1.9) | (1.7) | ||||||
Other Europe - Vodafone Business service revenue | 389 | 365 | 6.6 | — | 0.9 | 7.5 | ||||||
Turkey - Vodafone Business service revenue | 85 | 64 | 32.8 | 42.0 | 35.1 | 109.9 | ||||||
Africa - Vodacom Business service revenue | 276 | 268 | 3.0 | — | 6.2 | 9.2 |
1. | The results for the quarter ended 30 September 2023 have been re-presented to reflect that the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are reported as discontinued operations. See note 5 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ in the condensed consolidated financial statements for more information. |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Non-GAAP measures
Quarter ended 30 June 2024
Reported | M&A and | Foreign | Organic | |||||||||
Q1 FY25 | Q1 FY24 | growth | Other | exchange | growth | |||||||
| €m |
| €m |
| % |
| pps |
| pps |
| % | |
Service revenue |
Germany |
| 2,778 |
| 2,819 |
| (1.5) |
| — |
| — |
| (1.5) |
Mobile service revenue |
| 1,231 |
| 1,240 |
| (0.8) |
| — |
| — |
| (0.8) |
Fixed service revenue |
| 1,547 |
| 1,579 |
| (2.0) |
| — |
| — |
| (2.0) |
UK |
| 1,429 |
| 1,401 |
| 2.0 |
| — |
| (2.0) |
| — |
Mobile service revenue |
| 1,045 |
| 1,039 |
| 0.6 |
| — |
| (2.0) |
| (1.4) |
Fixed service revenue |
| 384 |
| 362 |
| 6.1 |
| — |
| (2.0) |
| 4.1 |
Other Europe |
| 1,180 |
| 1,161 |
| 1.6 |
| — |
| 0.7 |
| 2.3 |
Turkey | 515 | 333 | 54.7 | (80.1) | 117.3 | 91.9 | ||||||
Africa | 1,449 | 1,426 | 1.6 | — | 8.4 | 10.0 | ||||||
Common Functions |
| 146 |
| 131 |
| ||||
Eliminations |
| (32) |
| (36) |
| ||||
Total service revenue |
| 7,465 |
| 7,235 |
| 3.2 |
| (1.2) |
| 3.4 |
| 5.4 |
Other revenue |
| 1,571 |
| 1,558 |
| ||||
Revenue |
| 9,036 |
| 8,793 |
| 2.8 |
| (1.3) |
| 3.3 |
| 4.8 |
Other growth metrics |
| ||||||
Vodafone Business - Service revenue | 1,911 | 1,878 | 1.8 | (0.6) | 1.4 | 2.6 | ||||||
Germany - Vodafone Business service revenue | 586 | 596 | (1.7) | — | — | (1.7) | ||||||
UK - Vodafone Business service revenue | 522 | 528 | (1.1) | — | (1.9) | (3.0) | ||||||
Other Europe - Vodafone Business service revenue | 372 | 363 | 2.5 | — | 0.8 | 3.3 | ||||||
Turkey - Vodafone Business service revenue | 77 | 45 | 71.1 | (89.7) | 131.2 | 112.6 | ||||||
Africa - Vodacom Business service revenue | 265 | 259 | 2.3 | — | 6.1 | 8.4 |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Key terms are defined below. See page 52 for the location of definitions for non-GAAP measures.
Term | Definition |
Adjusted EBITDAaL | Adjusted EBITDAaL is operating profit after depreciation on lease-related right of use assets and interest on lease liabilities but excluding depreciation, amortisation and gains/losses on disposal of owned assets and excluding share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures, impairment losses/reversals, restructuring costs arising from discrete restructuring plans, other income and expense and significant items that are not considered by management to be reflective of the underlying performance of the Group. |
Africa | Comprises the Vodacom Group. |
ARPU | Average revenue per user, defined as customer revenue and incoming revenue divided by average customers. |
Capital additions | Comprises the purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, other than licence and spectrum payments and integration capital expenditure. |
Common Functions | Comprises central teams and business functions. |
Depreciation and amortisation | The accounting charge that allocates the cost of tangible or intangible assets, whether owned or leased, to the income statement over its useful life. The measure includes the profit or loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment, software and leased assets. |
Eliminations | Refers to the removal of intercompany transactions to derive the consolidated financial statements. |
Europe | Comprises the Group’s European businesses and the UK. |
Financial services revenue | Financial services revenue includes fees generated from the provision of advanced airtime, overdraft, financing and lending facilities, as well as merchant payments and the sale of insurance products (e.g. device insurance, life insurance and funeral cover). |
Fixed service revenue | Service revenue (see below) relating to the provision of fixed line and carrier services. |
FTTH | Fibre to the home. |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards. |
Incoming revenue | Comprises revenue from termination rates for voice and messaging to Vodafone customers. |
Indian assets | Comprises the Group's investments in Indus Towers Limited and Vodafone Idea Limited. |
Integration capital additions | Capital additions incurred in relation to significant changes in the operating model, such as the integration of recently acquired subsidiaries. |
Internet of Things (‘IoT’) | The network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, including built-in mobile SIM cards, that enable these objects to collect data and exchange communications with one another or a database. |
MDU | Multi Dwelling Units. |
Mobile service revenue | Service revenue (see below) relating to the provision of mobile services. |
NPS | Net Promoter Score. |
Operating expenses | Comprise primarily sales and distribution costs, network and IT related expenditure and business support costs. |
Other Europe | Other Europe markets comprise Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic and Albania. |
Other revenue | Other revenue principally includes equipment revenue, interest income, income from partner market arrangements and lease revenue, including in respect of the lease out of passive tower infrastructure. |
Reported growth | Reported growth is based on amounts reported in euros and determined under IFRS. |
Revenue | The total of Service revenue (see below) and Other revenue (see above). |
Roaming | Roaming allows customers to make calls, send and receive texts and data on our and other operators’ mobile networks, usually while travelling abroad. |
Service revenue | Service revenue is all revenue related to the provision of ongoing services to the Group’s consumer and enterprise customers, together with roaming revenue, revenue from incoming and outgoing network usage by non-Vodafone customers and interconnect charges for incoming calls. |
Vodafone Business | Vodafone Business supports organisations in a digital world. With Vodafone’s expertise in connectivity, our leading IoT platform and our global scale, we deliver the results that organisations need to progress and thrive. We support businesses of all sizes and sectors. |
1. | References to Vodafone are to Vodafone Group Plc and references to Vodafone Group are to Vodafone Group Plc and its subsidiaries unless otherwise stated. Vodafone, the Vodafone Speech Mark Devices, Vodacom and Together we can are trade marks owned by Vodafone. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trade marks of their respective owners. |
2. | All growth rates reflect a comparison to the six months ended 30 September 2023 unless otherwise stated. |
3. | References to “Q1”, “Q2”, “Q3” and “Q4” are to the three months ended 30 June, 30 September, 31 December and 31 March, respectively. References to the “year”, “financial year” or “FY25” are to the financial year ended 31 March 2025. References to “last year”, “last financial year” or “FY24” are to the financial year ended 31 March 2024. References to “H1 FY25” are to the six month period ended 30 September 2024. References to “H1 FY24” are to the six month period ended 30 September 2023. |
4. | Vodacom refers to the Group’s interest in Vodacom Group Limited (‘Vodacom’) as well as its operations, including subsidiaries in South Africa, Egypt, DRC, Tanzania, Mozambique and Lesotho. |
5. | This document contains references to our and our affiliates’ websites. Information on any website is not incorporated into this update and should not be considered part of this update. |
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Forward-looking statements and other matters
This document contains ‘forward-looking statements’ within the meaning of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 with respect to the Group’s financial condition, results of operations and businesses and certain of the Group’s plans and objectives. In particular, such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: the Group’s portfolio transformation plan; the announced agreement to combine Vodafone UK and Three UK; the mobile network sharing agreement with Virgin Media O2; the announced agreement to dispose of Vodafone Italy; changes to German TV laws and the migration of users to individual TV customer contracts; the outcome and impact of regulatory and legal proceedings involving the Group and of scheduled or potential legislative and regulatory changes, including approvals, reviews and consultations; expectations for the Group’s future performance generally; the Group’s share buyback programme; expectations regarding the operating environment and market conditions and trends, including customer usage, competitive position and macroeconomic pressures, price trends and opportunities in specific geographic markets; intentions and expectations regarding the development, launch and expansion of products, services and technologies, either introduced by Vodafone or by Vodafone in conjunction with third parties or by third parties independently; expectations regarding the integration or performance of current and future investments, associates, joint ventures, non-controlled interests and newly acquired businesses; the impact of regulatory and legal proceedings involving the Group and of scheduled or potential regulatory changes; certain of the Group’s plans and objectives, including the Group’s strategy.
Forward-looking statements are sometimes but not always identified by their use of a date in the future or such words as ‘will’, ‘may’, ‘expects’, 'believes', ‘continue’, ‘plans’, ‘further’, ‘ongoing’, ‘anticipates’, or ‘could’. By their nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive, speculative and involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to the following: general economic and political conditions in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates and changes to the associated legal, regulatory and tax environments; increased competition; levels of investment in network capacity and the Group’s ability to deploy new technologies, products and services, including artificial intelligence; the Group’s ability to optimise its portfolio in line with its business transformation plan; evolving cyber threats to the Group’s services and confidential data; rapid changes to existing products and services and the inability of new products and services to perform in accordance with expectations; the ability of the Group to integrate new technologies, products and services with existing networks, technologies, products and services; the Group’s ability to generate and grow revenue; slower than expected impact of new or existing products, services or technologies on the Group’s future revenue, cost structure and capital expenditure outlays; slower than expected customer growth, reduced customer retention, reductions or changes in customer spending and increased pricing pressure; the Group’s ability to extend and expand its spectrum resources, to support ongoing growth in customer demand for mobile data services; the Group’s ability to secure the timely delivery of high-quality products from suppliers; loss of suppliers, disruption of supply chains, shortages and greater than anticipated prices of new mobile handsets; changes in the costs to the Group of, or the rates the Group may charge for, terminations and roaming minutes; the impact of a failure or significant interruption to the Group’s telecommunications, data centres, networks, IT systems or data protection systems; the Group’s ability to realise expected benefits from acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, associates, franchises, brand licences, platform sharing or other arrangements with third parties, including the signed agreement to combine Vodafone’s UK business with Three UK, the mobile network sharing agreement with Virgin Media O2 and the Group’s strategic partnership with Microsoft; acquisitions and divestments of Group businesses and assets and the pursuit of new, unexpected strategic opportunities; the Group’s ability to integrate acquired business or assets; the extent of any future write-downs or impairment charges on the Group’s assets, or restructuring charges incurred as a result of an acquisition or disposition; developments in the Group’s financial condition, earnings and distributable funds and other factors that the Board takes into account in determining the level of dividends; the Group’s ability to satisfy working capital requirements; changes in foreign exchange rates; changes in the regulatory framework in which the Group operates; the impact of legal or other proceedings against the Group or other companies in the communications industry; and changes in statutory tax rates and profit mix, including the disposal of Vodafone Italy.
A review of the reasons why actual results and developments may differ materially from the expectations disclosed or implied within forward-looking statements can be found in the summary of our principal risks in the Group’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 March 2024. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to Vodafone or any member of the Vodafone Group or any persons acting on their behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the factors referred to above. No assurances can be given that the forward-looking statements in this document will be realised. Subject to compliance with applicable law and regulations, Vodafone does not intend to update these forward-looking statements and does not undertake any obligation to do so.
Copyright © Vodafone Group 2024
Vodafone Group Plc | H1 FY25 Results |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.
(Registrant) | ||
Dated: November 29, 2024 | ||
By: | /s/ M de Bie | |
Name: Maaike de Bie | ||
Title: Group General Counsel and Company Secretary |