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課標科技(以下簡稱「公司」、「我們」或「我們」)(納斯達克:JDZG) 是一家在開曼群島註冊的有限責任豁免公司,而非中國運營公司,這種公司結構對投資者帶來獨特風險。作爲一家豁免公司,我們沒有自己的實質業務,主要通過我們在中國人民共和國(「中華人民共和國」)的子公司進行所有業務;即 《深圳科標科技有限公司》,在中華人民共和國法律下組織成立的有限責任公司(「深圳科標」),《四川課標緻高科技有限公司》,在中華人民共和國法律下組織成立的有限責任公司(「課標緻高」),《四川科標科技有限公司》,一家中華人民共和國有限責任公司(「科標科技」)我們的中華人民共和國子公司是專門提供一站式綜合教育支持服務給成人教育機構的公司,通過各種軟件平台和輔助解決方案,滿足不斷變化的成人教育行業客戶的不斷髮展的需求。


Our PRC subsidiaries’ services are primarily offered through the Kebiao Technology Educational Administration Platform (the “KB Platform”), which facilitates streamlined information and data management throughout the teaching cycle of adult education services, from pre-enrollment to post-graduation. The Kb Platform has enabled adult education institutions to improve student management efficiency, save labor costs, and reduce human errors in data management. The Kb Platform supports a broad range of functions, such as enrollment consultation, student information collection, enrollment status management, learning progress management, grade inquiry, and graduation management.


As part of the one-stop comprehensive education supporting services, our PRC subsidiaries also provide auxiliary solutions to adult education institutions, which encompass teaching support services throughout the entire teaching cycle and related exam administration services. Specifically, our PRC subsidiaries offer pre-enrollment guidance on school/major selection and application strategy development, training for entrance exams, as well as assistance in the application process. They also provide offline tutoring, exam administration services, and guidance on graduation thesis preparation.


Our PRC subsidiaries place a great premium on technology research and development. As of the date of this report, our PRC subsidiaries have acquired 36 software copyrights since their incorporation in April 2020. In November 2022, Kebiao Technology was designated a High and New Technology Enterprise (「HNTE」) (No. GR202251000919) by Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance, and Sichuan Provincial Tax Bureau of the State Taxation Administration. This certification is awarded to companies that have engaged in continuous research and development and technology commercialization leading to significant independent intellectual property rights within certain high-tech sectors.


自從成立以來,我們的中國子公司業務經歷了快速增長。 截至2023年6月30日和2024年,我們的總營業收入分別約爲人民幣7,526,000和人民幣8,921,000(美元1,228,000)。我們的淨利潤分別約爲人民幣4,582,000和人民幣5,219,000(美元718,000),截至2023年6月30日和2024年的六個月。截至2023年12月31日和2024年6月30日,我們的中國子公司現金分別約爲人民幣7,082,000和人民幣62,637,000(美元8,619,000),營運資金分別約爲人民幣15,403,000和人民幣65,438,000(美元9,005,000)。截至2024年6月30日,我們的中國子公司共爲17所成人教育機構提供了科技支持服務,並共爲約80,000名學生提供了支持服務。





業績報告 截至2024年6月30日的六個月期間


以下是我們的營業成果摘要,分別針對截至2023年6月30日和2024年的六個月。 截至2023年6月30日和2024年的六個月的運營結果如下。


   2023   2024   2024 
   人民幣   人民幣   美國美元(US$) 
營業收入 - 第三方   6,673,176    8,921,488    1,227,638 
營業收入-關聯方   853,089    -    - 
收入   7,526,265    8,921,488    1,227,638 
營業收入直接成本   430,353    400,313    55,085 
銷售費用   235,231    259,040    35,645 
一般和行政費用   1,099,705    1,550,235    213,319 
研發費用   188,510    213,122    29,327 
總成本和費用   1,953,799    2,422,710    333,376 
經營活動所得收益   5,572,466    6,498,778    894,262 
利息收入   516    15,639    2,152 
利息支出   (32,492)   (49,642)   (6,831)
其他費用,淨額   (173,577)   (288,050)   (39,637)
其他總收益(費用),淨額   (205,553)   (322,053)   (44,316)
稅前收入   5,366,913    6,176,725    849,946 
INCOME TAXES PROVISION   784,961    957,599    131,770 
淨利潤   4,581,952    5,219,126    718,176 







    2023     2024     增加/(減少)  
收入   人民幣     %     人民幣     美國美元(US$)     %     人民幣     %  
第三方   6,673,176     89 %   8,921,488     1,227,638     100 %   2,248,312     34 %
相關方   853,089     11 %   -     -     -     (853,089 )   (100 )%
總營業收入   7,526,265     100 %   8,921,488     1,227,638     100 %   1,395,223     19 %


我們的中國子公司通過提供成人教育支持服務來產生營業收入。 我們的中國子公司與成人教育機構簽訂服務合同,通過(i)軟件平台解決方案提供教育支持服務,這有助於在整個成人教育服務的教學週期中實現信息和數據的簡化管理,從預報名到畢業後;和(ii)爲成人教育機構指定的學生提供輔助解決方案,其中包括在整個教學週期內的教學支持服務以及相關考試管理服務。






   2023   2024   增加/(減少) 
收入  人民幣   %   人民幣   美國美元(US$)   %   人民幣   % 
成人高考  2,523,885   34%  3,276,258   450,828   37%  752,373   30%
中國開放大學  4,460,839   59%  2,932,356   403,506   33%  (1,528,483)  (34)%
教育考試  506,945   7%  2,695,576   370,924   30%  2,188,631   432%
Online education  34,596   0%  17,298   2,380   0%  (17,298)  (50)%
總營業收入  7,526,265   100%  8,921,488   1,227,638   100%  1,395,223   19%


Revenue from providing services related to National Unified Examination for College Admissions increased by approximately RMB752,000 (US$103,000), or 30%, primarily due to (i) the increased number of students served from 17,171 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to 22,919 for the six months ended June 30, 2024, mainly as a result of our stronger business relationships with existing adult education institution customers and (ii) the average service price per student (for services related to National Unified Examination for College Admissions for Adults) remaining stable from RMB147 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to RMB143 for the six months ended June 30, 2024.





Revenue from providing services related to the Open University of China decreased by approximately RMB1,528,000 (US$210,000), or 34%, primarily due to (i) the decrease in the average service price per student (for services related to the Open University of China) from RMB160 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to RMB88 for the six months ended June 30, 2024, and (ii) partially offset by an increase in the number of students served from 27,852 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to 33,353 for the six months ended June 30, 2024. The reduction in the service price per student was mainly due to the increased number of graduating students we served, for whom we charged lower fees.


Revenue from providing services related to Self-taught Higher Education Examinations increased by approximately RMB2,189,000 (US$301,000), or 432%, primarily due to (i) the increased number of students served from 3,031 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to 15,757 for the six months ended June 30, 2024, mainly as a result of our stronger business relationships with existing adult education institution customers, and (ii) the average service price per student (for services related to National Unified Examination for College Admissions for Adults) remaining stable from RMB167 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to RMB171 for the six months ended June 30, 2024.


Revenue from providing services related to online education decreased by approximately RMB17,000 (US$2,000), or 50%, primarily due to the decrease in the average service price per student (for services related to online education) from RMB516 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to RMB258 for the six months ended June 30, 2024. The reduction in the service price per student was mainly due to the enhanced competition and the discounts granted by the PRC subsidiaries to certain customers.




Our costs and expenses consist of direct cost of revenue, selling expenses, general and administrative expenses, and research and development expenses.


Direct Cost of revenue


The following table sets forth the breakdown of our direct cost of revenue for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024:


   2023   2024   增加/(減少) 
營業成本直接成本  人民幣   %   人民幣   美國美元(US$)   %   人民幣   % 
服務成本  67,219   16%  43,219   5,947   11%  (24,000)  (36)%
僱員福利成本  325,323   76%  338,615   46,595   85%  13,292   4%
其他  37,811   8%  18,479   2,543   4%  (19,332)  (51)%
營業收入的總直接成本  430,353   100%  400,313   55,085   100%  (30,040)  (7)%















    2023    2024    增加/(減少) 
銷售費用   人民幣  %    人民幣  美國美元(US$)  %    人民幣  % 
員工福利   158,395  67%   148,316  20,409  57%   (10,079) (6)%
娛樂費用   31,979  14%   67,974  9,353  26%   35,995  113%
折舊費   42,750  18%   42,750  5,883  17%   -  - 
其他   2,107  1%   -  -  0%   (2,107) (100)%
總銷售費用   235,231  100%   259,040  35,645  100%   23,809  10%






   2023   2024   增加/(減少) 
Diluted EPS
  人民幣  %   人民幣  美國美元(US$)  %   人民幣  % 
員工福利  383,117  35%  692,472  95,287  45%  309,355  81%
諮詢費用  390,515  36%  483,766  66,568  31%  93,251  24%
年度上市費  -  -   69,815  9,607  5%  69,815  不適用 
租賃費用  171,244  16%  97,104  13,362  6%  (74,140) (43)%
折舊費  57,827  5%  23,338  3,211  2%  (34,489) (60)%
辦公室開支  26,509  2%  36,768  5,059  2%  10,259  39%
Travelling expenses  11,828  1%  57,524  7,916  4%  45,696  386%
其他  58,665  5%  89,448  12,309  5%  30,783  52%
總管理費用  1,099,705  100%  1,550,235  213,319  100%  450,530  41%


Total general and administrative expenses increased by approximately RMB451,000 (US$62,000), or 41%, to approximately RMB1,550,000 (US$213,000) for the six months ended June 30, 2024 from approximately RMB1,100,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2023. As a percentage of revenue, general and administrative expenses were approximately 15% and 17% of our total revenue for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively. The increase in total general and administrative expenses was primarily attributable to: (i) the increase in salary and employee benefits of our management department resulting from the increase in compensation of independent directors and the recruitment of additional employees for our management department, and the increase in listing fees and expenses related to the celebration banquet for successfully listing the Company’s ordinary shares on the Nasdaq Capital Market, and (ii) partially offset by the decrease in rental expenses and depreciation expenses resulting from early termination of a property lease.







   2023   2024   增加/(減少) 
Diluted EPS
  人民幣  %   人民幣  美國美元(US$)  %   人民幣  % 
員工福利  134,404  71%  171,073  23,540  80%  36,669  27%
折舊費  15,394  8%  5,185  713  2%  (10,209) (66)%
辦公室開支  4,403  2%  7,876  1,084  4%  3,473  79%
諮詢費用  -  -   19,802  2,725  9%  19,802  不適用 
租賃費用  27,956  15%  8,775  1,207  4%  (19,181) (69)%
其他  6,353  4%  411  58  1%  (5,942) (94)%
研發總費用  188,510  100%  213,122  29,327  100%  24,612  13%


Total research and development expenses increased by approximately RMB25,000 (US$3,000), or 13%, to approximately RMB213,000 (US$29,000) for the six months ended June 30, 2024 from approximately RMB189,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2023. The increase in total research and development expenses was primarily due to the increase in salary and employee benefits of our PRC subsidiaries’ R&D department resulting from the addition of one employee to our R&D department and the increase in consulting expenses of approximately RMB20,000 related to HNTE services fees; and partially offset the decrease in rental expenses and depreciation expenses resulting from early termination of a property lease.


As a percentage of revenue, research and development expenses were approximately 3% and 2% of our total revenue for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively. Our PRC subsidiaries expect to continue to invest in research and development to maintain their competitive edge against other market participators.




Our other income (expenses) primarily represented interest income, interest expenses, rent subsidies, and government grants. Other expenses increased by approximately RMB116,000 (US$16,000), or 56%, from approximately RMB206,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to approximately RMB322,000 (US$44,000) for the six months ended June 30, 2024, primarily due to (i) a net loss of approximately RMB251,000 from the disposal of leasehold improvements in the first half of 2023, compared to a gain of approximately RMB51,000 from lease terminations during the same period, with no such activities recorded in the first half of 2024, and (ii) a government grant of RMB305,000 for HNTE and a foreign exchange loss of RMB594,000 recorded in the first half of 2024, compared to no such amounts in the first half of 2023.




Income before income taxes was approximately RMB6,177,000 (US$850,000) for the six months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of approximately RMB810,000 (US$111,000) as compared to approximately RMB5,367,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2023. The increase was primarily attributable to the increased revenue.




Our provision for income taxes was approximately RMB958,000 (US$132,000) for the six months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of RMB173,000 (US$24,000) from RMB785,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2023. The increased income tax provision was mainly due to increased taxable income in 2024.





Under the EIt Law, domestic enterprises and Foreign Investment Enterprises are usually subject to a unified 25% enterprise income tax rate while preferential tax rates, tax holidays, and even tax exemption may be granted on a case-by-case basis. The EIt Law grants preferential tax treatment to HNTEs. Under this preferential tax treatment, HNTEs are entitled to an income tax rate of 15%, subject to a requirement that they re-apply for HNTE status every three years. Kebiao Technology, one of our PRC subsidiaries, was approved as an HNTE on November 2, 2022. As a result, Kebiao Technology was entitled to a reduced income tax rate of 15% in 2023 and 2024.


According to the Announcement of the State Taxation Administration on the Implementation of Income Tax Preferential Policies to Support the Development of Small Low Profit Enterprises and Individual Businesses, 25% of the annual taxable income of small low profit enterprises that does not exceed RMB100萬 will be included in the taxable income, and the enterprise income tax will be paid at the rate of 20%. Jiade Zhigao is eligible for the above preferential tax policies for small and micro enterprises in 2023年和2024年。




以下表格將中國法定稅率與我們截至2023年6月30日和2024年的有效稅率進行了調和: 截至2023年6月30日和2024年的六個月稅法稅率


   2023   2024 
在中國大陸的法定稅率   25.0%   25.0%
中國稅率優惠的影響   (10.0)%   (9.2)%
研發額外扣除   (0.5)%   (0.4)%
不可抵扣費用*   0.1%   0.1%
有效稅率   14.6%   15.5%



*            不可抵扣費用 主要代表不可在中國稅務目的上抵扣的支出。








JIADE LIMITED是一家控股公司,於2023年2月20日依照開曼群島法律設立。該公司及其子公司專注於爲成人教育機構提供一站式綜合教育支持服務,通過各種軟件平台和輔助解決方案。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問:http://ir.sckbkj.com。











電話:(400) 028-0776






未經審計 簡明合併資產負債表


   12月31日   6月30日,   6月30日, 
   2023   2024   2024 
   人民幣   人民幣   美元指數 
現金及現金等價物   7,081,937    62,636,592    8,619,082 
應收賬款   7,819,344    9,398,484    1,293,274 
推遲上市支出   7,869,926         
預付款和其他流動資產   34,151    946,358    130,223 
應收關聯方   8,000    20,000    2,752 
總流動資產   22,813,358    73,001,434    10,045,331 
物業和設備,淨值   160,303    91,080    12,533 
無形資產-淨額   1,989,722    1,977,254    272,079 
租賃資產 - 經營租賃   200,539    102,973    14,170 
其他長期資產   67,757    21,450    2,952 
資產總計   25,231,679    75,194,191    10,347,065 
銀行貸款   3,000,000    2,000,000    275,209 
應付賬款   1,553    26,278    3,616 
工資應付款   676,618    938,892    129,196 
其他應付款   591,562    542,359    74,631 
遞延收入   58,293    -    - 
流動經營租賃負債   152,539    93,652    12,887 
應付稅款   2,929,371    3,942,801    542,547 
由於相關方。       19,300    2,656 
流動負債合計   7,409,936    7,563,282    1,040,742 
經營租賃負債 - 長期            
負債合計   7,409,936    7,563,282    1,040,742 
普通股,面值0.01美元 截至2023年12月31日和 2024年6月30日,覈准發行20,000,000股,已發行22,235,471股和24,535,471股,均已發行。   1,542,964    1,709,070    245,355 
追加實收資本   2,729,084    50,147,911    6,900,582 
法定儲備金   1,494,652    2,012,007    276,861 
普通股認購   (1,542,964)   (1,542,964)   (222,355)
應收訂閱款       (3,270,240)   (450,000)
留存收益   13,451,868    18,108,060    2,491,752 
累計其他綜合收益       275,347    37,747 
總股本 歸屬於公司股東的權益   17,675,604    67,439,191    9,297,942 
非控制權益   146,139    191,718    26,381 
總股本   17,821,743    67,630,909    9,306,323 
負債和所有者權益總計   25,231,679    75,194,191    10,347,065 






未經審計 簡明 綜合報表



   2023   2024   2024 
   人民幣   人民幣   美元指數 
營業收入 - 第三方   6,673,176    8,921,488    1,227,638 
營業收入 - 關聯方   853,089         
收入   7,526,265    8,921,488    1,227,638 
直接營業成本   430,353    400,313    55,085 
銷售費用   235,231    259,040    35,645 
一般和行政費用   1,099,705    1,550,235    213,319 
研發費用   188,510    213,122    29,327 
總成本和費用   1,953,799    2,422,710    333,376 
經營活動所得收益   5,572,466    6,498,778    894,262 
利息收入   516    15,639    2,152 
利息支出   (32,492)   (49,642)   (6,831)
其他損失,淨額   (173,577)   (288,050)   (39,637)
其他開支, 淨額   (205,553)   (322,053)   (44,316)
稅前收入   5,366,913    6,176,725    849,946 
所得稅準備金   784,961    957,599    131,770 
淨利潤   4,581,952    5,219,126    718,176 
扣除非控股權益的淨利潤   37,572    45,579    6,272 
歸屬於公司股東的淨利潤   4,544,380    5,173,547    711,904 
外幣兌換調整       275,347    37,889 
綜合收益總額   4,581,952    5,494,473    756,065 
減:歸屬於非控股權益的綜合收益   37,572    45,579    6,272 
公司股東應占的綜合收益總額   4,544,380    5,448,894    749,793 
基本和攤薄   0.20    0.21    0.03 
基本和攤薄   22,235,471    24,535,471    24,535,471