EX-10.17 3 i310k2024exhibit1017.htm EX-10.17 文件
i3 verticals,公司。
i3 verticals公司(以下简称“公司”),根据其不时修订的2020年收购股权激励计划(以下简称“计划),特此授予公司普通股(参与者)颁发奖项(称为“Award)有限股单位奖(称为“限制性股票单位),每股代表公司A类普通股,每股面值为$0.0001美元,或等值价值,如下所示。此奖项受本有限股单位奖通知书中规定的条款和条件约束(称为“授予通知),附属的受限股票单位奖励协议如下 附件A (the “协议”和计划,均已纳入参考本文件。除非在此另有定义,计划中定义的术语在授予通知书和协议中具有相同的定义意义。
i3 verticals,公司。



i3 verticals,公司。
这个受限制的股票单位奖项协议(“奖项协议”)于 [DATE] 2024日期和生效,由Delaware公司Methode Electronics,Inc.(“公司”)和Jonathan DeGaynor(“Grantee”)签署。

这个这个受限制的股票单位奖项协议(“奖项协议”)于 [DATE] 2024日期和生效,由Delaware公司Methode Electronics,Inc.(“公司”)和Jonathan DeGaynor(“Grantee”)签署。(本“协议生效日期为(“)-限制股票单位授予通知书(“所示日期”)中规定的日期,并由i3 verticals公司、一个特拉华州的公司(及其子公司,以及在控制变更后的任何继任或存续实体,即“授予日期”) set forth in the Notice of Restricted Stock Unit Award (the “授予通知”)之间的i3 verticals, Inc.,一家特拉华州的公司(连同其子公司和任何控制变更后的继任或存续的实体,即“公司”和参与者。本协议中未另行定义的大写字母术语应具有授予通知中赋予该术语的含义,如果未在其中定义,则应具有i3 verticals公司2020年收购股权激励计划(以下简称“计划”),经修订的含义计划”).


(b)Participant’s rights with respect to the Award shall remain forfeitable at all times prior to the vesting of the Restricted Stock Units. No portion of the Award may be assigned, alienated, pledged, attached, sold or otherwise transferred or encumbered by Participant other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution or as otherwise permitted by the Plan.

2.归属时间表. The Restricted Stock Units will vest as set forth in the Grant Notice (each such date, a “Normal Vesting Date”). Except as otherwise determined by the Committee, and subject to 第四条, in the event that Participant’s Service Relationship with the

Company terminates prior to any Normal Vesting Date, Participant shall automatically and without notice forfeit all Restricted Stock Units with respect to which the applicable Normal Vesting Date has not yet occurred (the “Forfeited Units”), and Participant (and any of Participant’s successors, heirs, assigns, or personal representatives) shall cease to have any rights or interests in such Forfeited Units.


(a)If, prior to any Normal Vesting Date, Participant’s Service Relationship with the Company terminates on account of Participant’s death or Disability, any Restricted Stock Units that Participant has not previously forfeited in accordance with 第2条 shall become immediately vested upon the date Participant’s Service Relationship with the Company terminates on account of Participant’s death or Disability (any such termination date, an “加速归属日”);

(b)If, prior to any Normal Vesting Date, the Company is subject to a Change in Control, and either (i) Participant’s Service Relationship with the Company is terminated by Participant for Good Reason or involuntarily by the Company for any reason other than for Cause, in each case within one year following such Change in Control, or (ii) the successor or acquiring entity (if any) in the Change in Control does not assume this Award on the terms set forth in Section 11.1 of the Plan, any Restricted Stock Units that Participant has not previously forfeited in accordance with 第2条 在与公司终止服务关系的日期当天立即获得,在第(i)款描述的情况下或在第(ii)款描述的变更控制前的日期之前获得(任何此类日期,均为“加速归属日”).

4.已解决已授予的限制股单位。在任何正常归属日期或加速归属日期之后,每个在该归属日期上获得的受限制股票单位(如适用,每个分红等价单位(或所述的分数)在兑现日期所述) 第5条 应于根据本协议交付任何股票时,应将一份股票交付给参与者,同时交付任何与该受限股票单位相关的现金股息等权利。 第四条在根据本协议交付任何股票时,适当的账簿记录将证明股票的发行。

5.红利等值权在向公司股东支付股票股息时,参与者应收取与本协议所涵盖的受限股票单位相关的股息等权利。在公司的选择下,受限股票单位将获得以下二者之一的认可:(a) 在每股派付现金股息金额乘以未解决且未结算的受限股票单位(和先前已经记入的股息等单位)的数量,并且(ii) 将上述乘积除以股票的市价,具体取决于股息记载日;或(b) 等于以现金方式支付给公司的股东的金额,金额等于在股息记载日期尚未解决的受限股票单位(和先前已经记入的股息等单位)数量所应支付的金额;股息等价单元收到任何支付股息给公司股东的款项时,参与者将收到与本协议所涵盖的受限股票单位相关的股息等权利。

在股息记载日期前尚未解决和解算的受限股票单位(和以前已记载的股息等单位)将根据股息记录日期时股票的市场公允价值分别获得 (a) 额外受限股票单位(包括小数单位),其数额由以每股支付的现金股息乘以挂出不解决和解算的受限股票单位(和以前记入的股息等单位)数额,并(ii) 除以股票市场公允价值而得;或(b) 金额相当于公司股东以股票数量为基础应支付给参与方的金额,其数量等于在股息记载日期尚未解决和解算的受限股票单位(和以前记入的股息等单位)数额; provided除非委员会明确选择将股息等值权记入分红等值单位,否则将记入以现金为基础的分红等值权描述的款项。每个受限股票单位将因股票分红而记入相应的分红等值单位,方法是将每股支付的股息乘以特定日期尚未支付的受限股票单位(和先前记入的分红等值单位)的数量。每个分红等值单位的价值等同于一股,可以表示为一个分数。每个分红等值单位或以现金为基础的分红等值权将与对应的受限股票单位同时获得和结算,并且如果根据本协议,基础受限股票单位未获得授予权,就会被取消。

6.股东的权利 除非如上所述,参与者不得在受限股票单位上作为公司的股东具有表决或任何其他权利。在以公司股票结算受限股票单位后,参与者将获得公司股东的全部表决权和其他权利。



9.扣缴税款. 参与者应知道,参与者(而非公司)应对因此奖励的授予、归属和结算而产生的任何税务责任负责。在交付任何股票之前,参与者应向公司汇款足额的现金金额,以满足全部或部分源于此处的所有美国联邦、州和地方以及非美国代扣代缴税务要求。委员会可以自行决定: (a) 要求或允许参与者通过从根据本协议交付的股票中扣除满足全部或部分此类代扣代缴税务要求的股数来满足全部或部分此类代扣代缴税务要求(根据授予通知书和本协议向参与者交付的股票的公允市场价值(确定为向参与者授予通知书和本协议发行的股票之日)确定)等额或部分所需或允许向参与者扣缴的金额(任何多余的部分股票以现金形式支付给参与者);或者 (b) 通过另一种合法方法满足这种代扣需求,包括从根据法律规定允许的工资或其他应付给参与者的金额中满足此等义务。



至公司:i3 Verticals, Inc.
            40 Burton Hills Boulevard, Suite 415
            Attn: Paul Maple, 总法律顾问
            电子邮件: pmaple@i3 verticals.com    

致与会者:    记录中公司对与会者的地址。




16.没有继续雇用权. 协议、授予通知书或计划中的任何条款均不得被解释或理解为赋予受益人继续受雇于公司的权利,也不得使本协议、授予通知书或计划干扰公司随时以任何理由终止受益人的雇佣关系。

. 不论是否有正当理由,任何情况下公司均有权随时终止受益人的雇佣关系,本协议、授予通知书或计划不得以任何方式干涉公司的这一权利。

17.第409A条. 不论本协议中有何相反规定,根据适用法律,根据本协议对受限股票单位(包括任何股息权利)的结算旨在符合财政部法规第1.409A-1(b)(4)节的“短期递延”,本协议应据此一致解释。然而,在某些情况下,受限股票单位的结算可能无法符合这一资格,在这种情况下,委员会应严格遵守《内部税收法》第409A节的规定管理此类受限股票单位的授予和结算。此外,不论本协议中有何相反规定,在受益人的服务关系终止时,如果受益人符合《内部税收法》第409A节中定义的“指定雇员”,并且由于服务终止需要推迟任何根据本协议本应支付的款项或福利的支付时间以防止根据《内部税收法》第409A节加速或额外税款的征收,那么公司将推迟支付任何此类款项或福利的支付时间(在没有最终支付给参与者的支付或福利减少的情况下)直至服务关系终止日后的六个月一天(或《内部税收法》第409A节允许的最早日期),如果这种支付或福利是应在服务终止时支付。仅为遵守《内部税收法》第409A节的目的,“雇佣终止”应与内部税收法第409A节下“服务终止”具有相同含义,受益人应被视为仍在受雇,只要受益人未与公司“分离服务”。本协议项下的每笔支付均视为《内部税收法》第409A节的“单独支付”。

18.争议解决. Any dispute or disagreement which may arise under, or as a result of, or in any way related to, the interpretation, construction or application of this Agreement or the Grant Notice shall be determined by the Committee. Any determination made hereunder shall be final, binding and conclusive on Participant and the Company for all purposes. In the event of any controversy among the parties hereto arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement or the Grant Notice which cannot be resolved in accordance with the foregoing, such controversy shall be finally, exclusively and conclusively settled by mandatory arbitration conducted expeditiously in accordance with the American Arbitration Association rules, by a single independent arbitrator. Such arbitration process shall take place within the Nashville, Tennessee metropolitan area. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon all parties hereto and shall be rendered pursuant to a written decision, which contains a detailed recital of the arbitrator’s reasoning. Judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Each party shall bear its own legal fees and expenses, unless otherwise determined by the arbitrator. If Participant substantially prevails on any of his or her substantive legal claims, then the Company shall reimburse all legal fees and arbitration fees incurred by Participant to arbitrate the dispute.

19.数据隐私同意. In order to administer the Plan, the Grant Notice and this Agreement and to implement or structure future equity grants, the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates and certain agents thereof (together, the “Relevant Companies”) may process any and all personal or professional Data, including but not limited to Social Security or other identification number, home address and telephone number, date of birth and other information that is necessary or desirable for the administration of the Plan, the Grant Notice and/or this Agreement. By entering into the Grant Notice and this Agreement, Participant (a) authorizes the Company to collect, process, register and transfer to the Relevant Companies all Data; (b) waives any privacy rights Participant may have with respect to the Data; (c) authorizes the Relevant Companies to store and transmit such Data in electronic form; (d) authorizes the transfer of the Data to any jurisdiction in which the Relevant Companies consider appropriate, and (e) otherwise acknowledges and consents to the provisions of Section 13.11 of the Plan. Participant shall have access to, and the right to change, the Data. Data will only be used in accordance with applicable law.