史密斯補充道,“本月早些時候,我們收購了位於德克薩斯州的新平台公司Lone Star Paving。Lone Star是一家出色的公司,擁有出色的管理團隊,在美國三個增長最快的城市區域運營。我們很高興能迎接Lone Star加入CPI公司大家庭。他們與我們的文化獨特契合,共同承諾安全、卓越運營、員工提升和智能垂直整合的倡議。
公司執行主席Ned N. Fleming, III表示:「我們很高興與像Lone Star這樣的優秀公司在德克薩斯州合作。這一變革性收購體現了CPI增長策略,即與有經驗的當地運營商合作,他們知道如何構建和運營優秀的公司,以便我們能夠在更大的組織內進一步支持。展望未來,我們將繼續從基礎設施的代際投資、迅速增長的太陽帶經濟以及衆多有機和收購增長機會中受益,從而擴大我們的組織併爲我們的股東創造價值。」
Construction Partners, Inc. is a vertically integrated civil infrastructure company operating in local markets throughout the Sunbelt in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Supported by its hot-mix asphalt plants, aggregate facilities and liquid asphalt terminals, CPI focuses on the construction, repair and maintenance of surface infrastructure. Publicly funded projects make up the majority of its business and include local and state roadways, interstate highways, airport runways and bridges. The company also performs private sector projects that include paving and sitework for office and industrial parks, shopping centers, local businesses and residential developments. To learn more, visit www.constructionpartners.net.
Certain statements contained herein that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute 「forward-looking statements」 within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements may be identified by the use of words such as 「may,」 「will,」 「expect,」 「should,」 「anticipate,」 「intend,」 「project,」 「outlook,」 「believe」 and 「plan.」 The forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, without limitation, statements related to financial projections, future events, business strategy, future performance, future operations, backlog, financial position, estimated revenues and losses, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management. These and other forward-looking statements are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect expected results. Important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, among others: our ability to successfully manage and integrate acquisitions; failure to realize the expected economic benefits of acquisitions, including future levels of revenues being lower than expected and costs being higher than expected; failure or inability to implement growth strategies in a timely manner; declines in public infrastructure construction and reductions in government funding, including the funding by transportation authorities and other state and local agencies; risks related to our operating strategy; competition for projects in our local markets; risks associated with our capital-intensive business; government requirements and initiatives, including those related to funding for public or
(2)在2023年9月30日之前的期間,公司歷史上將管理費用和與SunTx Capital Partners的管理服務協議相關的費用調整納入調整後的EBITDA的定義。自2023年10月1日起,管理服務協議的期限延長至2028年10月1日。由於期限的延長,公司不再將管理服務協議下支付的管理費用和費用視爲非經常性費用。因此,2023年9月30日之後的期間不包括管理費用和費用的調整,公司已經重新計算了截至2023年9月30日的季度和財政年度的比較調整後的EBITDA和調整後的EBITDA利潤率,以符合當前定義。