股份® 納斯達克前30只股票ETF
在納斯達克前30只股票ETF(該“基金”)旨在追蹤投資 由市值最大的30家公司組成的指數的結果
購買、持有時可能產生的費用和開支如下 並出售基金份額。
Ishares Trust之間的投資諮詢協議 下稱“公司)“信任”)與貝萊德基金顧問之間的投資諮詢協議,“BFA” (本協議)“投資諮詢 協議”) provides that BFA will pay all
operating expenses of the Fund, except: (i) the management fees, (ii) interest expenses, (iii) taxes, (iv) expenses incurred with respect to the acquisition and disposition of portfolio securities and the execution of portfolio transactions,
including brokerage commissions, (v) distribution fees or expenses, and (vi) litigation expenses and any extraordinary expenses.
You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to
financial intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples 以下是下列信息:
Annual Fund
Operating Expenses (ongoing expenses that you pay each year as a
percentage of the value of your investments)1 |
和 服務 (120 billion.1) 費用 |
Annual 基金 Operating
費用 |
例。 此示例旨在幫助您比較持有該基金股份的成本與投資於其他基金的成本。 該基金的投資成本與其他基金的成本相比。示例假設您 在該基金中投資10,000美元,投資期限如上所示,然後出售您的所有 示例假定您將10,000美元投資於該基金,並在指定的時間段結束時出售所有股份。示例還假定您的投資每年有5%的回報率,同時該基金的營業費用保持不變。 的年回報率爲5%,並且該基金的營業費用保持不變。 雖然您的實際成本可能會高於或低於這些假設,但根據這些假設,您的 成本將是: