
形式 10-Q
委員會文件號: 001-41715

北聖保羅街325號, 4850套房
達拉斯, TX 75201
(214) 445-4700
納斯達克 股票市場有限責任公司
納斯達克 股票市場有限責任公司
用複選標記表示註冊人(1)是否已在過去12個月內(或在要求註冊人提交此類報告的較短時間內)提交了1934年《證券交易法》第13條或第15(D)條要求提交的所有報告,以及(2)在過去90天內一直符合此類提交要求。 是的☐編號
通過勾選來驗證註冊人是否已在過去12個月內(或在註冊人被要求提交和發佈此類文件的較短期限內)以電子方式提交了根據S-t法規第405條(本章第232.405條)要求提交和發佈的所有互動數據文件。☒ 是的

用複選標記表示註冊人是否是空殼公司(如《交易法》第12b-2條所定義)。 是的否
截至2024年11月8日,Beneficient已 4,841,350A類流通股和普通股239,256 已發行的b類普通股股份。

2023年6月6日,註冊人從特拉華州一家名爲The Beneficient Company Group,LP(「BCG」)的有限合夥企業轉換爲內華達州一家名爲「Beneficient」的公司(「轉換」),以完成與Avalon Acquisition Inc.的合併。(such交易、「業務合併」)、特殊目的收購工具和特拉華州公司。在轉換生效時間之前,提到的「BCG」、「Ben」、「我們」、「我們」、「公司」和類似術語是指註冊人是特拉華州有限合夥企業時的註冊人,而在轉換生效時間之後,此類提及指註冊人當前的公司形式,即內華達州一家名爲「受益人」的公司。
2023年6月6日,即轉換前夕,BCG進行了資本重組(「BCG資本重組」)如下:(i)BCG的有限合夥協議已修訂,以創建BCG公共單位的一個新類別,即b類公共單位(「BCG b類公用單位」),現有公用單位更名爲A類公用單位(「BCG A類公用單位」);及(ii)Beneficient Company Holdings,LP的首選A系列1子類別單位帳戶的某些持有人(「BH」等單位,「BH首選A.1單位帳戶」)簽訂轉換和交換協議(「BCG轉換及交換協議」),根據該協議,他們將某些羅奇優先A.1單位帳戶轉換爲羅奇的S類普通單位(「BH S類普通單位」),然後將其捐贈給BCG以換取BCG A類普通單位。
在轉換之前,公司的未償還股權包括普通股、一系列優先股和非控制性權益。根據轉換,每股波士頓諮詢公司A類普通股轉換爲1.25股A類普通股,每股面值0.001美元(「A類普通股」),每股BCG B類普通股轉換爲1.25股B類普通股,每股票面價值0.001美元(「B類普通股」,連同A類普通股,「普通股」),以及波士頓諮詢集團的優先系列B亞類2單位帳戶(「波士頓諮詢集團優先B.2單位帳戶」)的資本帳戶餘額按A類普通股估值800.00美元(或640.00美元)折價20%的比率轉換爲A類普通股。因此,在換股過程中,我們發行了1,076,462股A類普通股,涉及BCG A類普通股,239,256股B類普通股,以及1,175,632股A類普通股,涉及BCG優先B.2單位帳戶。
這份Form 10-Q季度報告包括根據美國聯邦證券法定義的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述包括所有非歷史性的事實陳述,以及關於但不限於我們對未來的期望、希望、信念、意圖或戰略的陳述。此外,任何提及未來事件或情況的預測、預測或其他特徵的陳述,包括任何潛在的假設,都是前瞻性陳述。「預期」、「相信」、「可能」、「估計」、「預期」、「打算」、「可能」、「可能」、「計劃」、「可能」、「潛在」、「預測」、「將會」、「將會」以及類似的表述可以識別前瞻性陳述,但沒有這些詞語並不意味着陳述不具有前瞻性。前瞻性陳述是基於當前預期和假設對未來事件的預測、預測和其他陳述,因此可能存在重大風險和不確定因素。前瞻性陳述僅在其發表之日起發表。告誡讀者不要過度依賴前瞻性陳述,我們沒有義務,也不打算更新或修改這些前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或其他原因。

GWG Holdings Inc.的轉讓根據第二次修訂計劃(定義見本文)向GWG清盤信託和訴訟信託(定義見本文)提供的(「GWG Holdings」或「GWG」)資產可能會爲我們的持續運營帶來重大不確定性和風險,並對我們的財務經營業績產生重大不利影響;
GWG Winddown Trust歷來擁有公司相當一部分的股份,並對我們的股東有權投票的事項擁有投票權(正如GWG Winddown Trust於2024年10月8日提交的附表13 D的最新報告,GWG Winddown Trust擁有不到8%的A類普通股);




現金及現金等價物$4,482 $7,913 
受限現金314 64 
Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的投資(美元的關聯方20 和$552)
334,987 329,113 
Ben(關聯方)持有的投資 和$6)
15,991 14,699 
無形資產3,100 3,100 
商譽9,914 13,606 
總資產$368,788 $368,501 
應付賬款及應計費用(關聯方美元13,921 和$14,143)
$112,494 $157,157 
其他負債(關聯方美元14,306 和$9,740)
19,123 31,727 
784 178 
122,117 120,505 
總負債256,454 309,567 
125,526 251,052 
臨時股本總額125,526 251,052 
優先股,面值$0.001 每股, 250,000 授權股份
A系列優先股、 00 截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日已發行和發行股票
b系列優先股, 227227 截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日已發行和發行股票
A類普通股,面值$0.001 每股, 18,750 授權股份, 4,5803,348 分別於2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日發行的股票,和 4,5733,339 分別截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日的發行股票
5 3 
B類可轉換普通股,面值美元0.001 每股, 250 授權股份, 239239 截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日已發行和發行的股份
額外實收資本1,836,492 1,848,068 
應收股票 (20,038)
庫存股,按成本計算(9 截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日的股票)
累計其他綜合收益281 276 
非控制性權益152,107 42,231 
$368,788 $368,501 

$8,541 $(13)$19,569 $487 
金融工具損失,淨額(關聯方美元(173), $(41,960), $(538)和$(45,526),分別)
利息和股息收入12 114 24 230 
信託服務和管理收入(關聯方美元8, $8, $15 和$15,分別)
187 (87)376 15 
總收入8,561 (42,761)18,607 (45,504)
僱員補償及福利7,135 15,398 10,985 51,221 
利息費用(關聯方美元3,135, $2,093, $6,189 和$2,825,分別)
4,320 5,114 8,608 8,898 
專業服務7,257 6,657 12,801 17,030 
476  1,000  
商譽減值損失298 306,684 3,692 1,402,989 
其他費用(關聯方美元694, $2,105, $1,388 和$4,221,分別)
2,790 5,150 5,871 12,092 
總運營支出22,276 339,003 (12,016)1,492,230 
(13,715)(381,764)30,623 (1,537,734)
(23,462) (23,462) 
9,747 (381,764)54,085 (1,537,734)
9,747 (381,764)54,057 (1,537,734)
4,523 3,592 5,049 17,458 
加:歸屬於非控股權益的淨虧損- Ben
3,067 10,604 10,254 41,290 
$12,914 $(371,735)$60,581 $(1,487,258)
26 (105)5 4,185 
12,940 (371,840)60,586 (1,483,073)
26 (105)5 4,185 
$12,914 $(371,735)$60,581 $(1,487,258)
$2.98 $(115.95)$14.58 $(521.17)
$2.69 $(113.50)$14.80 $(454.08)
$0.03 $(115.95)$0.18 $(521.17)
$0.03 $(113.50)$0.18 $(454.08)

 $ 227 $ 4,006 $4 239 $ $1,852,187 $(2,011,547)$(20,038)$(3,444)$255 $34,293 $(148,290)$251,052 
淨利潤(虧損)— — — — — — — — — 12,914 — — — (7,590)5,324 4,423 
非控制性權益重新分類— — — — — — — — — — — — — (122)(122)— 
股份薪酬成本的確認— — — — — — — — 3,364 — — — — — 3,364 — 
— — — — — — — — — — — — 26 — 26 — 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (4,423)
— — — — 211 — — — 307 — — — — — 307 — 
發行A類普通股— — — — 363 1 — — 672 — — — — — 673 — 
— — — — — — — — (20,038)— 20,038 — — —  — 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — 125,526 125,526 (125,526)
平衡, 2024年9月30日
 $ 227 $ 4,580 $5 239 $ $1,836,492 $(1,998,633)$ $(3,444)$281 $152,107 $(13,192)$125,526 

 $  $ 2,376 $2 239 $ $1,583,248 $(1,079,091)$(20,038)$(3,444)$14,190 $786,080 $1,280,947 $251,052 
— — — — — — — — — (371,735)— — — (14,196)(385,931)4,167 
股份薪酬成本的確認— — — — — — — — 8,503 — — — — — 8,503 — 
支付限制性股權單位的員工工資稅— — — — — — — — (32)— — — — — (32)— 
— — — — 36 — — — 6,603 — — — — (3,193)3,410 — 
應付非控股權益持有人的分配的重新分類— — — — — — — — — — — — — (238)(238)— 
優先系列C轉換爲A類普通股— — — — 550 — — — 205,759 — — — — (205,759) — 
從可供出售債務證券轉移至股權時已實現收益的重新分類— — — — — — — — — — — — (13,694)— (13,694)— 
限制性股票單位的結算— — — — 68 — — — — — — — — —  — 
與近期融資相關的b-1系列優先股的發行— — 3,769 4 — — — — 36,703 — — — — 942 37,649 — 
對去SPAC時承擔的責任的調整— — — — — — — — 500 — — — — — 500 — 
發行股份以償還去SPAC時承擔的負債— — — — 6 — — — 1,250 — — — — — 1,250 — 
— — — — — — — — — — — — (105)— (105)— 
首選A.0系列單位帳戶保證應計付款— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (4,167)
 $ 3,769 $4 3,036 $2 239 $ $1,842,534 $(1,450,826)$(20,038)$(3,444)$391 $563,636 $932,259 $251,052 

截至2024年9月30日的六個月內d 2023:
平衡, 2024年3月31日
 $ 227 $ 3,348 $3 239 $ $1,848,068 $(2,059,214)$(20,038)$(3,444)$276 $42,231 $(192,118)$251,052 
淨利潤(虧損)— — — — — — — — — 60,581 — — — (15,303)45,278 8,779 
非控制性權益重新分類— — — — — — — — — — — — — (347)(347)— 
股份薪酬成本的確認— — — — — — — — 4,358 — — — — — 4,358 — 
— — — — 449 1 — — 2,554 — — — — — 2,555 — 
可供出售債務證券的未實現收益— — — — — — — — — — — — 5 — 5 — 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (8,779)
發行普通股以結算負債— — — — 340 — — — 1,221 — — — — — 1,221 — 
發行A類普通股— — — — 363 1 — — 672 — — — — — 673 — 
與反向股票拆分相關的四捨五入調整— — — — 80 — — — — — — — — — — — 
股票發行成本重新分配給亞太地區— — — — — — — — (343)— — — — — (343)— 
— — — — — — — — (20,038)— 20,038 — — —  — 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — 125,526 125,526 (125,526)
平衡, 2024年9月30日
 $ 227 $ 4,580 $5 239 $ $1,836,492 $(1,998,633)$ $(3,444)$281 $152,107 $(13,192)$125,526 

 $  $ 2,252 $2 239 $ $1,579,742 $ $ $(3,444)$9,900 $142,213 $1,728,413 $950,493 
— — — — — — — — (36,432)(1,450,826)— — — (58,748)(1,546,006)8,272 
股份薪酬成本的確認— — — — — — — — 35,504 — — — — — 35,504 — 
支付限制性股權單位的員工工資稅— — — — — — — — (116)— — — — — (116)— 
去SPAC交易完成後發行普通股和優先股,扣除發行成本2,749 3 — — 100 — — — (4,293)— — — — — (4,290)— 
A系列優先於A類通用轉換(2,749)(3)— — 9 — — — 3 — — — — —  — 
— — — — 43 — — — 11,756 — — — — (3,060)8,696 — 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — (567)(567)— 
— — — — 5 — — — 3,884 — — — — (3,884) — 
向關聯方非現金股息— — — — — — — — (110)— — — — — (110)— 
對關聯方員工的股份獎勵— — — — — — — — 110 — — — — — 110 — 
優先系列C轉換爲A類普通股— — — — 550 — — — 205,759 — — — — (205,759) — 
可供出售債務證券的未實現收益— — — — — — — — — — — — 4,185 — 4,185 — 
— — — — — — — — 6,942 — — — — (6,942) — 
從可供出售債務證券轉移至股權時已實現收益的重新分類— — — — — — — — — — — — (13,694)— (13,694)— 
限制性股票單位的結算— — — — 68 — — — — — — — — —  — 
與近期融資相關的b-1系列優先股的發行— — 3,769 4 — — — — 36,703 — — — — 942 37,649 — 
— — — — — — — — (1,413)— — — — — (1,413)— 
首選A.0系列單位帳戶保證應計付款— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (8,272)
發行股份以償還去SPAC時承擔的負債— — — — 9 — — — 3,995 — — — — — 3,995 — 
對去SPAC時承擔的責任的調整— — — — — — — — 500 — — — — — 500 — 
預付遠期購買應收股票— — — — — — — — — — (20,038)— — — (20,038)— 
將BH Preferred A.1從臨時股權重新分類爲永久股權— — — — — — — — — — — — — 699,441 699,441 (699,441)
 $ 3,769 $4 3,036 $2 239 $ $1,842,534 $(1,450,826)$(20,038)$(3,444)$391 $563,636 $932,259 $251,052 

$54,057 $(1,537,734)
折舊及攤銷805 1,922 
債務溢價和貼現淨攤銷(關聯方美元99 和$(1,835))
99 (1,355)
商譽減值損失3,692 1,402,989 
1,362 46,236 
非現金利息費用(關聯方美元4,622 和$4,763)
6,584 10,272 
非現金利息收入 (220)
非現金股份薪酬4,358 35,504 
其他資產變化168 (987)
應付賬款和應計費用的變動6,710 16,591 
Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的另類資產投資回報12,547 26,256 
購買Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的替代資產投資(450)(529)
Ben出售看跌期權的收益 968 
投資活動提供的現金淨額11,164 25,740 
應付客戶ExAlt Trust貸款的付款— (5,556)
優先系列b子類別2單位帳戶的贖回 (1,413)
限制性股權單位的員工所得稅繳納 (116)
去SPAC合併的收益 24,761 
預付遠期購買協議付款 (20,038)
融資活動提供(用於)的現金淨額4,914 (5,515)
期初現金、現金等價物和限制性現金7,977 9,545 
期末現金、現金等價物和限制性現金$4,796 $2,414 

1.    業務概述
Beneficient是一家內華達州公司,是一家技術支持的金融服務控股公司(包括其子公司,但不包括其非控股權益持有人,統稱爲「Ben」、「我們的」、「公司」、 或「我們」)通過其端到端在線平台Ben AltAccess(定義如下)爲替代資產行業的參與者提供簡單、快速、具有成本效益的流動性解決方案以及信託產品和服務。在下文描述的轉換之前,Beneficient Management,LLC(「Ben Management」)是一家特拉華州有限責任公司,是Ben的普通合夥人,Ben由Ben Management董事會控制,並授予Ben Management董事會管理Ben運營和事務的獨家和完整權力。
2023年6月6日,該公司從特拉華州的有限合夥企業轉變爲內華達州的公司,並將其公司名稱從「The Beneficient Company Group,L.P.」改爲「The Beneficient Company Group,L.P.」。(「卡介苗」)改爲「有益」(「轉換」)。波士頓諮詢公司前身爲高地聯合商業控股公司,成立於2003年9月16日。於二零二三年六月六日,於BCG資本重組(定義見附註2)及轉換後,本公司作爲Beneficient Company Group,L.L.C.(「Ben LLC」)的唯一成員,採納了Ben LLC的首份經修訂及重新簽署的有限責任公司協議(「Ben LLC A&R LLCA」)。Ben LLC A&R LLCA設立管理成員權益和非管理成員權益,稱爲Ben LLC的A類單位。受益人被指定爲唯一管理成員。此外,還作出了一些額外的修訂,主要集中於由管理成員管理Ben LLC。採納BenLLC A&R LLCA後,Beneficient將Beneficient持有的Beneficient Company Holdings,L.P.(「BCH」)的所有有限合夥權益及普通合夥權益(「BCH」)貢獻予Ben LLC(「貢獻」),而Ben LLC成爲BCH的普通合夥人及100BCH未完成的A類單位的百分比。
2023年6月7日,根據日期爲2022年9月21日並於2023年4月18日修訂的業務合併協議,與Avalon Acquisition,Inc.(「阿瓦隆」)(「業務合併協議」,以及由此設想的交易,統稱爲「業務合併」),公司完成了之前宣佈的與阿瓦隆的去SPAC合併交易(「交易」)。2023年6月8日,Beneficient開始在納斯達克全球市場交易。有關轉換和交易相關的額外披露,請參閱注4。
BH是一家特拉華州有限合夥企業,成立於2010年7月1日。林奇主要是一家控股公司,直接或間接接收公司所有主動和被動收入,並將該收入分配給林奇發行的合夥權益。截至2024年9月30日,BH已發行優秀普通合夥企業1級A類單位(「BH A類單位」), BH S類普通單位(「BH S類普通單位」), CH的S類首選單位(「CH S類首選單位」)、FLP單位帳戶(子類別1、子類別2和子類別3)、首選系列A子類別0單位帳戶(「BH首選A.0」)和首選系列A子類別1單位帳戶(「BH首選A.1」)。
Ben向另類資產行業的參與者營銷一系列流動性解決方案以及相關的受託人、託管和信託管理服務,重點是中高淨值(MHNW)個人投資者(通常淨資產在500萬美元至3000萬美元之間的投資者)、中小型機構投資者(STMI)投資者、家族理財室(FAMO)以及基金普通合夥人和發起人(GP,連同MHNW個人、STMI投資者和FAMO,稱爲客戶)。BEN爲尋求提早退出其另類資產投資的客戶提供一套定製的流動性解決方案,通過我們爲客戶實施的專有融資和信託結構,爲他們的非流動性另類資產投資提供一套定製的流動性解決方案(我們將此類信託統稱爲「Customer Exalt Trusts」)。我們計劃提供全面的另類資產信託和託管服務,以及涵蓋擁有、管理和轉移另類資產的風險的新型保險產品,以及與我們的流動性產品和服務相關的額外經紀-交易商服務。
Ben的主要業務於2017年9月1日開始,涉及其流動性和信託管理產品和服務。Ben通過其運營子公司提供或計劃提供其產品和服務,其中包括:(i)Ben AltAccess,LLC,特拉華州一家有限責任公司(「Ben AltAccess」),提供一個在線平台,旨在爲尋求替代資產流動性、託管、信託和數據服務的客戶提供數字體驗,(ii)Ben Liquidity,LLC,特拉華州一家有限責任公司及其子公司(統稱「Ben Liquidity」),提供流動性產品,(iii)Ben Custody,L.L.C.,特拉華州一家有限責任公司及其子公司(統稱「Ben Custody」),爲私募基金、受託人和信託管理提供服務,(iv)Ben Data,LLC,一家特拉華州

有限責任公司(「Ben Data」),提供數據分析和評估服務,(v)Ben Markets LLC,包括其子公司(「Ben Markets」),最近成立,打算提供與提供Ben的產品和服務相關的經紀交易商服務和轉讓代理服務,以及(vi)Ben Insurance,L.L.C.,包括其子公司(「Ben Insurance Services」),該公司旨在提供保險產品和服務,涵蓋與擁有、管理和轉讓替代資產相關的風險。Ben擔任某些客戶ExAlt信託基金的受託人,該信託基金爲慈善機構(定義如下)和經濟增長區(定義如下)的利益運營。
本流動資金通過使用Customer Exalt Trust向其客戶提供簡單、快速和具有成本效益的流動性產品,該產品促進了客戶使用專有融資和信託結構(這種結構和相關流程,「Exalt計劃」)交換客戶的替代資產以供考慮TM“)。在提升計劃中TM本流動性的子公司Financings,BFF是一家總部位於堪薩斯州的信託公司,爲fidfin信託提供受託融資,向某些客戶高級信託公司提供信託貸款(每筆「高級貸款」),這些客戶高級信託公司反過來利用貸款收益的一部分收購客戶,並將商定的對價交付給客戶,以換取他們的替代資產。BFF註冊爲特許堪薩斯科技信託金融機構(「Teffi」)根據科技受託金融機構法(「泰菲法」),並由堪薩斯州銀行專員辦公室(「OSBC」)監管。只有我們的子公司BFF受到OSBC的監管。OSBC並不監管本的全部事務。本流動資金產生與Exalt貸款相關的利息和手續費收入,這些貸款以交換的另類資產的部分現金流爲抵押,然後由Customer Exalt Trusts(「抵押品」)擁有。高額貸款僅爲財務報告目的而合併客戶高額信託時被剔除。
根據適用的信託和其他協議,某些德克薩斯州和堪薩斯州的慈善機構是客戶提升信託基金(我們分別稱爲「慈善機構」或「經濟增長區」,統稱爲「慈善受益人」)的最終受益人,其權益在我們的合併財務報表中作爲非控股權益報告。Teffi法案要求2.5%(Teffi Act)2.5作爲本流動資金貸款抵押品的另類資產的現金分配,將由若干客戶高級信託基金慈善貢獻給指定的堪薩斯經濟增長區。因此,對於2021年12月7日或之後發放的高額貸款,經濟增長區將獲得$0.025每$1.00由高尚信託從相應的另類資產收到。根據適用信託及其他協議的條款,於2021年12月7日前成立的客戶高額信託的慈善受益人將獲支付$0.05每$0.95支付給適用的高級貸款機構。
Ben Custody目前爲某些客戶ExAlt信託的受託人(包括BFF)提供全方位服務信託和託管管理服務,這些客戶ExAlt信託擁有流動性交易後交換的替代資產,以換取季度應付的費用。
客戶ExAlt信託基金其替代資產的收益支持償還ExAlt貸款以及任何相關利息和費用。由於Ben合併了客戶ExAlt信託,Ben Liquidity的ExAlt貸款以及相關利息和手續費收入以及信用損失撥備以及Ben Custody的手續費收入僅出於財務報告目的在我們的合併財務報表中被抵消;然而,此類金額直接影響向Ben ' s或BH股權持有人分配的收入(損失)。同樣,客戶ExAlt信託因欠Ben運營子公司的利息和費用而支出的金額在我們的合併財務報表的列報中被抵消,但爲了將收入(損失)分配給客戶ExAlt信託的受益所有人而確認。參閱附註 3 了解更多信息。
Ben現有的和計劃中的產品和服務旨在以數字方式交付,並提供流動性、信託和託管解決方案、數據分析和新聞、支持客戶的稅務和遺產規劃目標、促進資產多元化以及提供針對另類投資投資者目標的行政管理和報告解決方案。雖然本公司的金融產品和服務目前是通過本基金流動性和本基金託管提供的,但本基金計劃在本基金託管下擴大其能力,並在未來通過本保險服務公司和本市場公司提供更多的產品和服務。本保險服務公司透過兩間附屬公司,PEN Indemity Insurance Company,Ltd.(「PEN」)及Beneficient Insurance Company,L.L.C.(「Beneficient Insurance Company,L.L.C.」),計劃向聯營客戶Eight Trusts提供若干定製的保險產品及服務,涵蓋與擁有、管理及轉讓另類資產有關的風險。Ben Markets通過其子公司Ben Markets Management Holdings,L.P.獲得監管部門的批准,收購併隨後收購了Beneficient Securities Company,L.P.。Beneficient Securities Company,L.P.是一家專屬註冊經紀交易商,將從事與提供Ben家族公司的一系列產品和服務相關的活動。本市場通過其另一家子公司Beneficient Transfer&Clearing Company,L.L.C.也獲得了美國證券交易委員會的監管批准2022年6月24日作爲其證券的註冊轉讓代理,並打算爲與本交易的客戶提供各種服務,包括客戶高額信託。

截至2024年9月30日,我們擁有無限制現金和現金等價物 $4.5。除不受限制的現金及現金等價物外,本公司可用來履行其合約義務的主要流動資金來源爲:客戶高級信託所持投資的額外貸款付款所得款項及手續費收入,以及根據與YA II PN,Ltd.(以下簡稱「約克維爾」)訂立的備用股權購買協議(「SEPA」)可能獲得的資本。然而,我們從客戶高級信託的另類資產組合取得現金分配的能力受到本公司向客戶高級信託提供的額外貸款條款的限制,而我們從SEPA取得收益的能力受制於市場條件,例如交易量。我們A類普通股的價格和其他我們無法控制的因素。當我們生成收入$54.11000萬美元截至2024年9月30日的幾個月,我們歷史上產生了淨虧損,這些淨虧損合計導致累計赤字爲$2.0截至2024年9月30日。截至2024年10月31日,我們擁有無限制現金和現金等價物約爲$3.5百萬美元。所有這些條件都使人對該公司在發行之日起一年內繼續經營下去的能力產生了極大的懷疑。
我們預計公司將需要額外的資本來履行我們的義務併爲我們未來十二個月的運營提供資金,這可能會通過發行額外的債務或股權(包括通過SEPA)來實現。此外,我們打算爲部分或全部現有借款進行再融資,包括約美元23.5 數百萬美元的某些未償借款將在2025財年剩餘時間到期,無論是我們當前的貸方還是其他貸方,並繼續尋找機會減少企業管理費用;然而,我們不能得出結論,這些措施有可能得到實施,或者如果有可能得到實施,截至提交這些財務報表之日,有足夠的金額來滿足我們目前存在的合同金額,該金額將在未來12個月內到期與美國證券交易委員會。
2023年6月27日,我們加入了SEPA,根據該協議,我們有權但沒有義務向約克維爾出售高達美元的產品250.0 百萬股公司普通股。2024年6月20日,公司根據納斯達克上市規則5635(d)獲得股東批准,向Yorkville發行超過交易所上限的A類普通股。因此,公司可能發行總額約爲美元246.1 在美國證券交易委員會登記後,擁有價值百萬美元的A類普通股。然而,有關未來出售股票的決定(包括SEPA下的股票)取決於市場條件,例如交易量、A類普通股的價格以及我們無法控制的其他因素。
正如附註8中更全面地描述的那樣,2023年10月19日,我們進入了一個三年制 $25.0與HH-BDH LLC的100萬美元定期貸款,在交易結束時全額提取,其收益用於或打算用於償還某些未償還債務,爲我們產品的開發提供資金,並提供額外的營運資金。2024年8月16日,我們與HH-BDH簽訂了一項定期貸款修正案,增加了一筆額外的定期貸款,金額爲$1.71000萬美元,用於提供營運資金。HH-BDH信貸協議包含某些財務維持契約,包括償債覆蓋率。於2024年8月6日,本公司與約克維爾訂立一項證券購買協議,根據該協議,本公司同意發行及出售本金總額最高達$4.0百萬及認股權證最多可購買1,325,382公司A類普通股,行使價爲$2.63。截至2024年9月30日,公司已發行美元2.0支付給約克維爾的可轉換債券和認股權證的本金總額最高可達662,691普通股股份。本公司將於美國證券交易委員會宣佈生效後第一個營業日或之前發行額外的可轉換債券及認股權證,登記可轉換債券及認股權證相關普通股回售的登記聲明生效之日後。約克維爾證券購買協議包含某些契約。如果HH-BDH信貸協議或購買協議的任何這些限制對我們的現金流造成重大阻礙,我們的償債和償還債務的能力將受到重大不利影響。

關於股份反向分拆,本公司於2024年4月11日以Beneficient Company Group L.L.C.(「Ben LLC」)唯一管理成員及唯一非管理成員的身份訂立及採納Beneficient Company Group,L.L.C.(「Ben LLC A&R LLCA」)第二份經修訂及重訂的有限責任公司協議(「Ben LLC A&R LLCA」),該協議於2024年4月18日生效,並與反向股份分拆的效力同步。Ben LLC A&R LLCA規定,除其他事項外,如果本公司在任何時間(I)通過任何股票拆分、股息、資本重組或其他方式,將公司A類普通股(和b類普通股,視情況適用)的流通股拆分爲更多數量的股份,Ben LLC應(A)導致發行Ben LLC的額外A類單位(「Ben LLC A類單位」)和(B)促使Beneficient Company Holdings,L.P.(「BCH」)發行額外的BCH A類單位(「BCH A類單位」)(及Ben LLC以BCH普通合夥人身分厘定爲適當的其他有限合夥人權益,如有的話),以反映公司已發行普通股股份數目的增加,及(Ii)將公司A類普通股(及B類普通股,視何者適用而定)的已發行股份合併爲較少數目的股份,Ben LLC應(A)導致BN LLC A類已發行單位的數量減少及(B)促使BCH減少BCH A類單位的數量(以及Ben LLC以BCH普通合夥人的身份確定爲適當的其他有限合夥人權益,如有),以反映本公司已發行普通股數量的減少。
此外,與反向股票拆分相關,Ben LLC於2024年4月11日以林奇唯一普通合夥人的身份簽訂並通過了《第九份經修訂和重述的有限合夥協議》(「第九份A & R BH LPA」),該協議於2024年4月18日生效,與反向股票拆分同時生效。第九A & R BH LPA規定,除其他外,(i)與反向股票拆分相關的BH某些單位的組合和Ben LLC A類單位的相應反向單位拆分,以及對優先系列A子類別0單位轉換價格和優先系列A子類別1單位轉換價格定義的修訂(每個定義見第九A & R BH LPA)和(ii)刪除對之前授權的首選C系列1子類單位帳戶(定義見第九A & R BH LPA)的引用,這些帳戶不再懸而未決。
2024年9月30日,第九屆A & R BH LPA第1號修正案獲得通過,重新指定百分之五十(50%)BH首選A.0資本帳戶餘額總額的%作爲不可贖回的首選A.0單位帳戶(該重新指定部分,「BH首選A.0不可贖回」),其餘百分之五十(50%)EtherPreferred A.0帳戶中資本帳戶餘額的%仍可贖回(該剩餘Preferred A.0稱爲「EtherPreferred A.0可贖回」)。

2023年7月11日,Beneficient董事會(「董事會」)批准了一些措施,以減少公司的運營費用,以期將資源集中在當前業務需求的領域。作爲該計劃的一部分,我們開始休假大約 30員工,代表大約20截至2023年7月11日,佔我們員工總數的%。作爲減少運營費用計劃的一部分,我們還在某些業務部分減少了與第三方供應商的支出。
自2023年11月3日起,董事會批准了額外措施以減少公司運營費用,包括解僱之前休假的員工和裁員一名員工 15 員工,大約佔額外的 10截至2023年11月3日,佔我們員工總數的%。作爲進一步減少運營費用計劃的一部分,我們繼續集中精力減少某些業務領域與第三方供應商的支出。
2.    重要會計政策摘要
Ben的合併財務報表是按照美國普遍接受的會計原則(「美國公認會計原則」)在持續經營基礎上編制的,包括Ben、其全資和多數股權子公司以及某些可變利益實體(「VIE」)(公司爲主要受益人)的賬目。 如果企業持有與財務會計準則委員會(「FASB」)會計準則法典(「ASC」)主題810一致的控股財務權益,則被確定爲VIE的主要受益人, 整固 (「ASC 810」),經修訂。
客戶ExAlt信託被視爲VIE,Ben對其擁有可變權益,並被視爲主要受益人。因此,Ben需要整合所有客戶ExAlt信託基金。Customer ExAlt Trusts持有所有權權益的實體是投資公司(即基金)根據ASC 946, 金融服務--投資公司 (「ASC 946」)。因此,這些基金對非投資公司的投資根據ASC 946覈算,不受ASC 810的合併或披露要求的約束。此外,ASC 946的進一步合併條款不適用於Ben,因爲這些投資公司沒有對向投資公司或Ben提供服務的運營實體進行投資。
所有公司間賬目和交易均已在合併中消除,分配給公司以外所有者的收入部分計入綜合全面收益(虧損)表中的「歸屬於非控股權益的淨收益(虧損)」。隨着客戶ExAlt信託的合併,Ben Liquidity和Ben Custody向客戶ExAlt信託收取的利息和費用收入以及任何相關應收賬款在我們的合併財務報表的列報中被消除。雖然這些金額僅出於財務報告目的而抵消,但這些金額是Ben Liquidity和/或Ben Custody從客戶ExAlt信託中賺取的,並直接影響可分配給Ben ' s和BH股權持有人的收入(損失),如注3中進一步討論的那樣。

2023年6月6日,即轉換之前,BCG進行了資本重組,詳情請參閱注4。 對於收盤前的期間,已發行基金單位數量、已發行基金單位加權平均數量、每普通股損失、基於股權的薪酬和之前基於普通股表示的其他財務金額已根據反映普通股轉換率的普通股進行追溯調整,如上所述。
按照美國公認會計原則編制公司的合併財務報表需要管理層做出影響合併財務報表和隨附註釋中報告的金額的某些估計和假設。該等估計和假設基於截至綜合財務報表日期的可用信息,並且可能與實際結果不同。短期內特別容易發生變化的重大估計涉及客戶ExAlt信託持有的替代資產投資的公允價值確定、信用損失撥備的確定,作爲向Ben ' s或BH股權持有人分配收入(損失)的輸入、向Ben ' s和BH股權持有人分配收入(損失),評估主要與正在進行的法律事務相關的潛在損失或有事項,以及評估善意和其他無形資產的潛在損失。
本公司通過首先評估權證是否符合ASC 480的負債分類,確定其發行的權證的會計分類爲負債分類或權益分類。區分負債與股權(「ASC 480」),然後根據ASC 815(「ASC 815」),衍生工具和套期保值。根據ASC 480,如果認股權證可強制贖回、本公司有責任以支付現金或其他資產的方式結算權證或相關股份,或必須或可能需要通過發行可變數量的股份進行結算的權證,則認股權證被視爲負債分類。如果認股權證不符合ASC 480下的負債分類,本公司將評估ASC 815下的要求,該要求指出,要求或可能要求發行人以現金結算合同的合同是按公允價值記錄的負債,無論發生觸發現金淨額結算特徵的交易的可能性如何。如果認股權證不需要根據ASC 815進行負債分類,並且爲了完成股權分類,本公司還會評估認股權證是否與其普通股掛鉤,以及認股權證是否根據ASC 815或其他適用的公認會計原則歸類爲股權。在所有相關評估後,公司將權證歸類爲負債或權益。負債分類認股權證要求在發行時和首次發行後進行公允價值會計,公允價值在發行日期後的所有變化都記錄在經營報表中。股權分類認股權證只需要在發行時進行公允價值會計處理,在發行日期後不會確認任何變化。
本公司的未清償認股權證的賬目,主要由交易中承擔的權證組成(如附註所述4)和向約克維爾發出的認股權證(如附註7所述),根據ASC 815中所載的指導,衍生工具和套期保值因此,根據該等會計要求,我們的未清償認股權證不符合權益處理的標準,必須作爲負債記錄。因此,本公司將我們的權證工具歸類爲按公允價值記錄的負債,並在每個報告期使用市場報價(如有)或其他適當的估值技術(如期權定價模型)將該工具調整爲公允價值。認股權證負債在每個資產負債表日重新計量,直至認股權證被行使或到期爲止,公允價值的任何變化將在公司的綜合全面收益(虧損)表中確認。這種授權證分類也要在每個報告期重新評估。
2023年6月6日,The Beneficient Company Group,LP將其監管和稅務地位從特拉華州有限合夥企業變更爲內華達州公司,並將其名稱從The Beneficient Company Group,LP變更爲Beneficient。Beneficient做出了稅務選擇,自今日起將其視爲美國稅務目的的公司。

在Beneficient成爲公司的重組之前,Beneficient作爲特拉華有限合夥企業納稅。如果後續實體Beneficient a corporate接受稅務機關審計並因前一納稅年度少繳稅款而評估額外金額,管理層打算進行美國財政部允許的退出選舉。該選舉允許Beneficient通知其合作伙伴他們在估算少付金額中所佔的份額,以納入其當前的納稅申報表。
ASU 2023-07,細分市場報告,(主題280)於2023年11月發佈,擴大了公共實體的分部披露,要求披露定期向首席運營決策者(「CODM」)提供幷包括在每次報告的分部損益衡量中的重大分部費用,其他分部項目的金額及其構成說明,以及對應報告分部的損益和資產的中期披露。ASU 2023-07規定的所有披露要求也適用於具有單一可報告部分的公共實體。此外,修正案要求披露首席運營總監的頭銜和職位,並解釋首席運營總監如何使用報告的分部損益計量(S)來評估分部業績和決定如何分配資源。ASU 2023-07適用於2023年12月15日之後的財年和2024年12月15日之後的財年內的過渡期,2024年4月1日開始的財年和2025年4月1日開始的過渡期。允許及早領養。ASU 2023-07不會對公司的財務狀況或經營結果產生影響。本公司正在評估對相關分部報告披露的影響。
ASU 2023-09,所得稅,(主題740)於2023年12月發佈,擴大了所得稅披露要求,以納入與有效稅率與法定稅率的稅率調節以及已繳稅款的額外細分相關的額外信息。ASO 2023-09的修訂還刪除了與某些未確認的稅收福利和遞延稅相關的披露。ASO 2023-09在2024年12月15日之後開始的財年或2025年4月1日開始的財年有效。該等修訂可前瞻性或追溯性應用,並允許提前採納。我們目前正在評估這些要求對我們的綜合財務報表和披露的影響。
ASU 2020-04,中間價改革,(主題848)發佈於2020年3月。如果滿足某些標準,主題848中的修正案提供了將美國公認會計原則應用於合同、對沖關係和其他受參考利率改革影響的交易的可選權宜之計和例外情況。截至2020年3月12日或此後任何日期的過渡期開始時,所有實體都可以應用主題848,並且實體可以選擇在2022年12月31日之前前瞻性地應用這些修訂。2022年12月31日,ASO 2022-06, 參考匯率改革(主題848):推遲主題848的日落日期 已發佈,將實體可以利用ASO 2020-04下參考利率改革減免指南的期限從2022年12月31日延長至2024年12月31日。我們尚未利用該準則提供的可選權宜方法和例外情況,目前正在評估該準則對我們合併財務報表和披露的影響。
3.    了解我們的財務報表及其對普通股股東的影響
Ben當前的產品和服務由Ben Liquidity和Ben Custody業務部門提供,涉及或主要提供給某些客戶ExAlt信託基金, 哪些是合併VIE 僅出於財務報告目的, 並且不直接或間接由Ben或BH股權持有人擁有。不Ben的運營子公司與客戶ExAlt信託之間涉及產品和服務的交易在我們的合併財務報表的列報中被刪除。因此,t合併財務報表反映了(i)Ben的資產、負債、收入、費用、投資收入和現金流量,包括持有ExAlt貸款抵押品的客戶ExAlt信託基金,按毛額計算,和(ii)剩餘受益人持有的某些客戶ExAlt信託的一部分經濟利益歸屬於隨附合並中的非控股權益財務報表。

客戶ExAlt信託持有的這些投資的資產淨值(「NV」),以及金融工具的淨收益(損失),代表主要由客戶ExAlt信託持有的股權證券、債務證券、衍生負債和看跌期權的公允價值變化。Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的金融工具的此類投資收入(損失)、淨收入和收益(損失)計入綜合全面收益表中分配給非控股權益- Customer ExAlt Trusts的淨收入(損失)中。在這些項目中確認的Customer ExAlt Trusts活動的收入和費用不會直接影響Ben ' s或BH股權持有人應占的淨利潤(虧損)。
相反,本流動資金和本託管從客戶高額信託中賺取的利息和手續費收入,在我們的綜合財務報表中被剔除,直接影響本和BCH的股權持有人應占淨收益(虧損)。我們的BEN流動資金和BEN託管業務部門,與我們目前的運營子公司有關,由公司的股權持有人(包括BCH的股權持有人)擁有,並通過以下方式確認收入:(I)向客戶發放高額貸款的利息收入與我們爲客戶進行的與我們的流動性交易有關的高額信託,利率在5.0%和 14.0(2)成交時開出的手續費收入,但在另類資產的預期壽命內按比例確認爲收入,用於與客戶進行的每筆流動資金交易的服務,包括訪問和使用AltAccess平台、轉移另類資產以及向客戶交付對價,費用費率爲1.0%和 7.0交易的另類資產的資產淨值和剩餘的未出資承諾之和的百分比,以及(3)在客戶持有投資期間爲其提供服務(包括受託人、託管和信託管理)而確認的經常性費用收入,費率一般爲2.8資產淨值和持有的另類資產的剩餘無資金承諾之和的每年百分比。截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月和六個月確認的Ben流動性和Ben託管收入如下:
a.本·流動性認可 $12.0百萬美元和美元13.0 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月內的利息收入分別爲100萬美元。 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日止六個月,Ben Liquidity確認的利息收入爲 $22.8$25.0,分別爲。
b.Ben Custody承認美元5.4及$6.5 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月內,信託服務和管理收入分別爲100萬美元,包括交易結束時計費並攤銷爲收入的費用收入以及期間計費的經常性費用收入。截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日止六個月, 本·庫迪承認 信託服務和管理收入 $10.8百萬美元和美元13.1 分別爲百萬。
此外,公司/其他分部也與Ben或公司股權持有人擁有的子公司(包括BH)相關,可能包括通過Ben Liquidity和Ben Custody不包括在內的業務線向客戶或客戶ExAlt信託提供的服務確認的費用收入。
此外,Ben Liquidity的信用損失撥備在我們的合併財務報表的列報中被抵消,但直接影響了Ben和BH的各種股權證券應占的淨利潤(損失)。同樣,客戶ExAlt信託因欠Ben運營子公司的利息和費用而支出的金額在我們的合併財務報表的列報中被抵消,但爲了分配應占客戶ExAlt信託受益所有人的淨收入(損失)而確認。
下表列出了我們可報告分部(不包括Customer ExAlt Trusts)的營業收入(虧損)與Beneficient普通股股東應占淨收入(虧損)的對賬。此對賬旨在爲我們財務報表的用戶提供對影響普通股股東淨利潤(虧損)的可報告分部的理解和視覺幫助,並重申客戶ExAlt信託的合併對受益人普通股股東的淨利潤(虧損)沒有影響。

本流動資金$2,905 $(272,091)$2,391 $(1,175,119)
本監護權4,329 (80,847)5,616 (270,844)
公司和其他(16,426)(25,234)27,665 (74,313)
23,462  23,462  
加:歸屬於非控股權益的淨虧損- Ben
3,067 10,604 10,254 41,290 
$12,914 $(371,735)$60,581 $(1,487,258)
如上所述,出於財務報告目的,涉及Ben和Customer ExAlt Trust之間交易的某些收入和費用將被剔除;然而,收入或費用對於確定可分配給Ben ' s和BH股權持有人的淨收入(損失)很重要。 重大會計政策與我們合併財務報表中消除的重大收入和支出項目有關,但 影響Beneficient股權持有人的淨收入(損失)分配,詳情請參閱公司年度報告中合併財務報表的註釋3。沒有新的或修訂的重大會計政策 與合併財務報表中消除的重大收入和支出項目相關 截至2024年9月30日,影響了Ben ' s和BH股權持有人的淨利潤(損失)分配。
4.    De-Spac合併交易
2023年6月5日,BCG與RiverNorth SPAC Arbitrage Fund,LP簽訂了預付遠期購買協議(「買方」),據此,買方同意,除其他外,購買阿瓦隆A類普通股的某些股份(「阿瓦隆A類普通股」)本應在阿瓦隆股東特別會議上贖回(「特別會議」)批准業務合併協議(修訂至2023年6月25日,「遠期購買協議」)中設想的交易。
根據遠期購買協議,買方同意以每股美元的購買價格購買Avalon A類普通股股份(「AVAC TPS股份」)847.04 (for總代價爲美元25.0 來自無關聯第三方的百萬)。AVAC TPS股份在特別會議上被贖回,並轉換爲A類普通股和A系列可轉換優先股,面值爲美元0.001 業務合併完成後每股爲Beneficient(「A系列優先股」)。A系列優先股根據其條款轉換爲A類普通股,且買方持有總計 36,956 AVAC FTA股份進行此類轉換後的A類普通股股份(此類A類普通股股份,「FTA股份」)。
這一美元25.0 業務合併完成後,與FTA股份相關的百萬收益(「已支付金額」)從Avalon信託帳戶中支付。具體來說,$5.0 已支付金額中的百萬美元已支付給受益人,其餘美元20.0 支付給買方的百萬(「儲備金額」)由買方持有,直至到期日(定義見下文)或直至根據遠期購買協議的條款提前發放。該儲備金額在綜合財務狀況表中反映爲分類爲權益的應收股票。
遠期購買協議規定了兩類平安保險股份:(i) 13,305 被歸類爲「購買股份」(「購買股份」)和(ii)剩餘的 23,651 TPS股份歸類爲「預付遠期股份」(「預付遠期股份」)。
如果到 10業務合併結束五週年之際,買方收到的款項不到美元5.0 以總收益計,買方已善意出售所購股份,Beneficient已同意促使BH向買方發行一定金額的BH優先A.0(或Beneficient的其他高級最優先證券),作爲任何短缺金額低於美元的對價5.0 出售所購股份產生百萬美元。買家已同意

業務合併後的前六個月不得出售任何低於美元的收購股份400.00 每股或出售超過 10如果A類普通股的成交量加權平均價格在美元之間,則爲A類普通股每日交易量的%400.00 和$640.00 對於任何此類交易日。
買家已收到至少$5.0 出售部分或全部所購股份的總收益爲百萬美元,因此,無需向買方發行任何金額的BH優先A.0作爲任何缺口的對價。據公司所知,買方根據遠期購買協議購買的所有股份均來自無關聯第三方。
截至2024年9月30日,沒有發生任何預付遠期股份的銷售。2024年9月30日,公司與買方達成終止遠期購買協議的協議。與遠期購買協議的終止有關,買方同意退還 23,651 向公司預付的遠期股份。
2023年6月6日,即轉換前夕,BCG進行了資本重組(「BCG資本重組」)如下:(i)BCG的有限合夥協議已修訂,以創建BCG公共單位的一個新類別,即b類公共單位(「BCG b類公用單位」),現有公用單位更名爲A類公用單位(「BCG A類公用單位」);及(ii)某些EtherPreferred A.1持有人簽訂轉換和交換協議(「BCG轉換和交換協議」),根據該協議,他們將某些BH優先A.1轉換爲BH S類普通單位,然後將其捐獻給BCG,以換取BCG A類公用單位。
在2023年6月6日轉換之前,當時公司是特拉華州的有限合夥企業,公司的股權由普通股、一系列優先股和非控股權組成。根據轉換,每個卡介苗A類通用單位轉換爲1.25A類普通股面值$0.001每股(「A類普通股」),每股BCG b類普通股轉換爲1.25B類普通股,面值$0.001每股(「b類普通股」,連同A類普通股,「普通股」)和波士頓諮詢公司優先系列b亞類2單位帳戶的資本帳戶餘額(「波士頓諮詢集團優先B.2單位帳戶」),按以下比率折算爲A類普通股20$的%折扣800.00A類普通股的估值(或美元640.00)。因此,在轉換過程中,我們發佈了1,076,462A類普通股相對於BCG A類普通股的股份,239,256B類普通股相對於BCG B類單位的股份和1,175,632A類普通股相對於BCG優先B.2單位帳戶的股份。

下表提供了BHI、Bruce W.作爲BCG資本重組的一部分貢獻和交換的證券的更多信息。Schnitzer and Hicks Holdings Operating,LLC(美元和單位單位,單位:千):
收到的BH S類普通單位
已收到BCG b類單位
BHI$177,195 178 178 
布魯斯·W·施尼策988 1 1 
希克斯控股運營有限責任公司13,222 14 14 
$191,405 193 193 
下表提供了Bruce W.作爲BCG資本重組的一部分貢獻和交換的證券的更多信息。施尼策和理查德·W費舍爾(美元和單位,以千計):
收到的BH S類普通單位
BCG A類單位收到
布魯斯·W·施尼策$734 9 9 
理查德·W·費希爾1,722 10 10 
$2,456 19 19 
作爲轉換爲BCG A類普通單位的一部分,額外價值約爲美元15.0 百萬美元已提供給某些持有人,這些持有人在轉換時是我們的董事會成員。額外價值被計入補償,從而導致基於股票的補償費用爲美元15.0 截至2023年6月30日的季度內爲百萬美元。
2023年6月7日,該公司完成了之前宣佈的與Avalon的去SPAC合併交易。該日期之前發行和發行的每股阿瓦隆普通股自動轉換爲 A類普通股份額和 Beneficient A系列優先股的份額。此外,每個阿瓦隆逮捕令(定義如下)都會自動轉換爲逮捕令(定義如下)。
因此,公司發行了(i)總計 99,649 A類普通股股份授予阿瓦隆A類普通股和阿瓦隆b類普通股的前持有人,面值爲美元0.0001 每股(「Avalon b類普通股」),2023年6月7日之前已發行,和(ii)總計 34,961 向非贖回阿瓦隆A類股東提供的Beneficient A系列優先股股份,以及阿瓦隆認股證轉換爲總計 295,313 可贖回令。收盤時,美元27.9 阿瓦隆的信託帳戶中仍有數百萬現金。有$26.1 百萬交易費用,美元20.0 其中百萬美元代表遠期購買協議項下的儲備金,要麼由Avalon在收盤前支付,要麼抵消公司在收盤時收到的收益,導致美元1.8 爲公司帶來100萬美元的淨收益。交易收益用於支付與交易相關的費用。
業務合併後, 2,358,429 A類普通股已發行併發行, 239,256 發行併發行了b類普通股, 34,962 Beneficient A系列優先股已發行併發行, 296,969 已發出且尚未執行的逮捕令。由於A系列優先股預計不會公開上市,因此Beneficient A系列優先股條款規定,發行後,每股A系列優先股將自動轉換爲Beneficient A類普通股的四分之一,或總和 8,595 A類普通股的額外股份。經過這樣的轉換, 2,367,244 業務合併後,Beneficient發行的A類普通股股份。
該交易實質上被視爲資本交易,而不是ASC 805項下的業務合併, 企業合併 (「ASC 805」)。因此,根據ASC 805,就財務報告而言,Beneficient被視爲會計收購人,Avalon被視爲被收購公司。因此,出於會計目的,該交易類似於爲換取發行普通股股份而進行的股權出資處理。合併後實體的財務報表是Beneficient財務報表的延續,Avalon的淨資產按歷史成本列報,沒有記錄任何善意或其他無形資產。收盤前,公司普通股持有人應占的權益和每單位淨虧損已追溯重述爲反映上述普通股轉換率的股份。
公司和阿瓦隆發生美元21.7 億和$26.1 與交易相關的費用分別爲百萬美元。這些費用包括承保費、專業服務(法律、會計、諮詢等)及其他直接

該公司假定15,525,000公開交易的Avalon認股權證(「Avalon公共認股權證」),可行使194,063A類普通股,經股票拆分調整後的股票8,100,000私募Avalon認股權證,可行使101,250經股票拆分調整後的A類普通股股份(「Avalon私人認股權證」及與Avalon公開認股權證一起,「Avalon認股權證」),最初由Avalon在首次公開發售時發行,並因本公司的假設而成爲認股權證。由Ben承擔的Avalon公共認股權證被稱爲「公共認股權證」,由Ben承擔的Avalon私人認股權證被稱爲「私人認股權證」,統稱爲「認股權證」。這些認股權證包括在公司綜合財務狀況報表的衍生權證負債中。權證持有人有權行使每份完整的權證 A類普通股份額和 A系列優先股的股票,行使價爲$920.00(每個「授權書」和統稱爲「授權書」)。
公募認股權證只可行使整數股,並將於2028年6月7日到期(即,五年在交易結束後),或在贖回或清盤時更早。本公司可贖回(I)全部而非部分的未償還認股權證;(Ii)價格爲$0.80每份手令;。(Iii)30向每一認股權證持有人發出贖回前3天的書面通知;及(Iv)如果且僅在以下情況下,A類普通股的報告最後銷售價格20 a內交易日 30-交易日結束本公司向認股權證持有人發出贖回通知的前一個工作日(「參考值」)等於或超過$1,440.00每股。此外,我們有能力在尚未贖回的認股權證可行使後及到期前隨時贖回,價格爲$8.00如果除其他事項外,參考值等於或超過$800.00每股。如果公開認股權證可由Ben贖回,Ben可以行使其贖回權,即使Ben無法根據所有適用的州證券法登記標的證券或使其符合出售資格。
私人認購證於2023年7月7日成爲可轉讓、可轉讓和可出售的(即 30 收盤後幾天),目前由Avalon Acquisition Holdings,LLC(「Avalon贊助商」)持有,並且通常與公開令相同,但只要它們由Avalon贊助商或其允許的轉讓人持有,Ben就不能贖回它們。阿瓦隆贊助商或其允許的轉讓人可以選擇以無現金的方式行使私人授權書,並擁有一定的註冊權。如果私人認購證由阿瓦隆贊助商或其允許的轉讓人以外的持有人持有,則私人認購證將在所有贖回情況下均可由Ben贖回,並由持有人在與公開認購證相同的基礎上行使。
截至2024年9月30日,已有 24,699,725 公允價值爲美元的未償憑證0.2 百萬,反映在綜合財務狀況表的擔保負債細目中。在結束的三個月裏 2024年9月30日和 2023年,名義和美元收益0.2 分別獲得了百萬 收益(損失) 關於金融工具,淨值 在綜合全面收益(虧損)表中。 在截至以下六個月內2024年9月30日和 2023年,名義和美元收益1.7 分別獲得了百萬 收益(損失) 關於金融工具,淨值 在綜合全面收益(虧損)表中。參閱附註 6 用於調節本文所列每個期間的金融工具收益(損失)淨額。

5.    投資,按公允價值
Ben持有或Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的投資包括對另類資產、公共債務和股權證券、其他股權證券和權益(包括關聯方的股權證券和權益)以及看跌期權的投資。 持有人按公允價值記錄的投資組成見下表(單位:千):
另類資產$ $301,388 $ $293,916 
公募股權證券和期權 4,885  4,897 
可供出售的債務證券 1,969  2,962 
 26,745 6 27,338 
按公允價值計算的總投資$ $334,987 $6 $329,113 
另類資產投資由某些客戶ExAlt信託基金通過直接所有權或受益權益持有,主要包括各種另類投資(包括私募股權基金)的有限合夥權益。這些另類投資的估值使用資產淨值作爲實用權宜之計。這些投資的淨資產淨值變化在我們的綜合全面收益(虧損)表中記錄爲投資收益(虧損)淨額。對替代資產的投資提供了經濟價值,最終爲Ben Liquidity在流動性交易中通過Customer ExAlt Trust產生的ExAlt貸款以及Customer ExAlt Trust應付的任何相關費用進行抵押。自2024年3月31日以來另類資產投資的增加主要是由投資經理或普通合夥人報告的資產淨值淨上調推動的,被美元抵消12.5 百萬的分發。
替代資產的潛在權益主要是有限合夥企業權益。私募股權基金投資的轉讓一般需要得到相應私募股權基金管理人的同意,並且某些基金投資的轉讓受到優先購買權或其他優先購買權的限制,這可能進一步限制ExAlt計劃TM 轉讓私募股權基金的投資。投資不得用資金贖回。基金的分配在基礎投資清算時收到。清算時間目前尚不清楚。

截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日,我們的另類資產投資組合由某些Customer ExAlt Trusts按每隻基金的資產類別持有,總結如下(單位:千):
私募股權$138,089 $37,989 $116,462 $38,401 
風險投資128,033 2,344 139,495 2,548 
自然資源16,815 3,318 17,553 3,340 
私人房地產8,580 2,884 8,760 2,907 
3,539 245 6,095 245 
6,332 383 5,551 382 
$301,388 $47,163 $293,916 $47,823 
(1) 「其他」包括收益、託管、其他淨資產和私人債務策略。
截至 2024年9月30日、習俗ExAlt信託集體接觸過 237 專業管理的另類資產投資基金,包括 797 基礎投資, 92 其中%是對私營公司的投資。
對公開股本證券的投資主要代表本和某些客戶對上市公司的所有權。這些投資按公允價值列賬,公允價值是根據報價的市場價格確定的。任何已實現的損益都以交易日期爲基礎進行記錄。已實現和未實現的損益在損益中確認關於金融工具,網絡在綜合全面收益(虧損)表中。截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日,公募股權證券投資的公允價值爲4.9百萬美元和美元4.9分別爲100萬美元。2023年8月1日,GWG控股的重組計劃宣佈生效,公司的投資轉移到GWG Wind Down Trust(定義見下文)的股權中。GWG Wind Down Trust的權益反映爲對其他股權證券的投資。請參閱備註6爲對金融工具的收益(損失)進行對賬,按本文件所列各期間的淨額計算。
2022年4月1日,Ben通過Ct Risk Management,LLC,(「CT」)總共支付了美元5.0 百萬美元購買標準普爾500指數看跌期權,名義金額總額爲美元141.3 萬名義上的一半將於2024年4月到期,另一半將於2025年4月到期。2022年4月27日,Ct以美元出售股權2.4 向參與注7所述參與貸款交易的第三方支付100萬美元,並利用收益購買額外的看跌期權,類似於2022年4月1日購買的看跌期權。這些看跌期權於2023年9月以美元的價格出售1.0 百萬美元,導致確認損失爲美元0.71000萬美元。
看跌期權旨在保護替代資產權益的淨值,替代資產爲Ben Liquidity貸款組合中的某些ExAlt貸款或與參與貸款交易相關的貸款產生抵押品,並向客戶ExAlt信託的最終受益人進行分配,以應對市場風險。該等期權按公允價值列賬,該公允價值使用市場報價確定。 任何已實現的損益均按交易日記錄。已實現和未實現損益確認爲收益(損失) 關於金融工具,淨值 在綜合全面收益(虧損)表中。
沒有 看跌期權於2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日持有。 截至以下三個月2023年9月30日,本承認的損失 $0.7關於看跌期權,其中大約 $0.3 歸因於Ben或Ben的貸款組合,其餘部分主要歸因於參與貸款交易中涉及的貸款。止六個月 2023年9月30日,本已確認損失 $3.0關於看跌期權,其中大約 $2.0 歸因於Ben或Ben的貸款組合,其餘部分主要歸因於參與貸款交易中涉及的貸款。 請參閱備註6 用於調節本文所列每個期間的金融工具收益(損失)淨額。

2023年8月1日之前,債務證券投資還包括公司債務證券的所有權,特別是由某些客戶ExAlt信託持有的GWG Holdings L債券(「L債券」)。L債券的到期日爲2023年8月8日。然而,隨着GWG Holdings重組計劃於2023年8月1日生效,L Bonds的投資已轉換爲GWG逐步減少信託的股權,反映在2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日的「其他股權證券和權益」中。
其他債務證券$2,685 $344 $(1,060)$1,969 
可供出售債務證券總額$2,685 $344 $(1,060)$1,969 
其他債務證券$2,685 $1,337 $(1,060)$2,962 
可供出售債務證券總額$2,685 $1,337 $(1,060)$2,962 
下表顯示了截至2024年9月30日個人債務證券處於持續虧損狀態的時間長度 2024年3月31日:
少於十二個月$ $ $ $ 
十二個月或更長1,969 1,060 1,964 1,060 
未實現虧損的可供出售債務證券總額$1,969 $1,060 $1,964 $1,060 
截至三個月和六個月,未實現淨收益中的非信貸相關部分爲名義 2024年9月30日,並確認爲累計其他全面收益(損失)的組成部分。 未實現淨虧損中的非信貸相關部分美元0.1 百萬美元和收益美元4.2 截至2023年9月30日的三個月和六個月內爲百萬分別確認爲累計其他全面收益(虧損)的組成部分。未實現淨收益 $13.7 與公司先前分類的可供出售債務證券相關的已從累計其他全面收益中重新分類,並在年內綜合全面收益表(虧損)淨項目金融工具收益(虧損)中確認 三至六 截至 2023年9月30日,分別爲。
在結束的三個月和六個月內 2024年9月30日,公司確定 爲$0.5 百萬元及 $1.0分別,CR可供出售債務證券投資的編輯相關損失。截至2023年9月30日的三個月和六個月內,公司確定存在 沒有 可供出售債務證券投資的信貸相關損失。

餘額,期末$31,812 $31,290 $31,290 $31,290 
476  476  
期末餘額$32,288 $31,290 $32,288 $31,290 
可供出售債務證券的合同到期日截至 2024年9月30日和 2024年3月31日如下:
在一年或更短的時間內到期$1,687 $1,969 $1,687 $1,964 
沒有固定的期限998  998 998 
$2,685 $1,969 $2,685 $2,962 
Ben和某些客戶ExAlt信託基金持有私人公司股權證券投資,該投資是根據活躍市場類似資產的報價計算的,包括GWG Wind Down Trust的報價。2023年8月1日,GWG Holdings的重組計劃宣佈生效,我們對其普通股和L債券(之前分別記作公共股權證券和可供出售債務證券)的投資隨後轉移至GWG Holdings Winddown Trust的投資。該等股權的公允價值爲名義且美元0.6百萬,截至分別爲2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日。參閱附註 6爲對金融工具的收益(損失)進行對賬,按本文件所列各期間的淨額計算。
此外,某些客戶ExAlt信託持有的股權證券投資不具有易於確定的公允價值。這些股權證券是經過衡量的, 對不具有易於確定公允價值的股權投資使用測量替代方案, 按成本計算,減去減損,加上或減去同一發行人相同或類似投資的有序交易中可觀察到的價格變化所產生的變化。這些股權證券的價值爲美元26.7百萬美元和美元26.8百萬,截至2024年9月30日 分別於2024年3月31日和2024年3月31日。參閱附註 6 用於調節本文所列每個期間的金融工具收益(損失)淨額,這反映了本文所列期間對這些股權證券的任何向上或向下調整。沒有 截至三個月和六個月內這些股權證券的減損 2024年9月30日和 2023.
6.    公允價值計量

該層次結構要求使用可用的可觀察市場數據。 金融工具在估值層次結構中的分類基於對公允價值計量重要的最低水平輸入。使用資產淨值作爲實際權宜之計進行估值的投資不包括在此等級之外。
截至 2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日,使用每股資產淨值實際權宜方法計算的這些投資的公允價值爲美元301.4百萬美元和美元293.9 分別爲百萬。截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月內,收益爲美元8.5 淨資產淨值變化分別確認爲百萬美元和名義虧損,並記錄在我們綜合全面收益(虧損)表的投資收益(虧損)淨細目中。截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的六個月內,a美元19.6 百萬收益和美元0.5 百萬收益分別從淨資產淨值變化中確認,該淨資產記錄在我們綜合全面收益(虧損)表的投資收益(虧損)淨細目中。
該公司的金融資產和負債按經常性的公允價值列賬,包括公允價值層級中的水平, 2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日 如下所示。
截至 2024年9月30日
公共股權證券$4,885 $ $ $4,885 
其他股權 20  20 
可供出售債務證券,其他  1,969 1,969 
  1,936 1,936 
213 571  784 
截至 2024年3月31日
公共股權證券$4,897 $ $ $4,897 
其他股權 558  558 
可供出售債務證券,其他 998 1,964 2,962 
令狀責任178   178 
預付遠期負債14   14 

關聯方股權證券$ $(136)$ $(3,702)
其他公共股權證券745 (516)(12)(736)
看跌期權 (695) (3,023)
(1,700) (1,700) 
225  225  
710 214 708 1,699 
預付遠期負債14 19 14 (73)
衍生負債 163  1,581 
關聯方,採用活躍市場類似資產的市場報價的公允價值 (1)
(1) 包括已實現淨收益美元13.7 截至2023年9月30日的三個月和六個月內,從累計其他全面收益中重新分類後,與公司之前分類的可供出售債務證券有關。
截至 2024年9月30日和 2024年3月31日,該等股權的公允價值計算採用 股權資本市場上觀察到的類似工具的報價,並被歸類爲公允價值層次結構中的2級投資.
其他債務證券。 該等債務證券的公允價值採用市場法計算,並就證券的可收回性進行調整。 下表提供了有關第三級其他債務證券公允價值計量中使用的重大不可觀察輸入數據的量化信息(單位:千美元):
2024年9月30日$1,969 市場法企業價值收入倍數
0.2x - 18.9x
2024年3月31日$1,964 市場法企業價值收入倍數
0.2x - 18.9x
期初餘額$1,943 $2,183 $1,964 $2,078 
26 (104)5 1 
期末餘額$1,969 $2,079 $1,969 $2,079 
(1) 記錄在可供出售債務證券的未實現收益(損失)中。

公司向Yorkville發行了可轉換債券,如注7所述,公司選擇在發行時根據公允價值會計選擇權對可轉換債券進行會計處理。公司根據蒙特卡洛模擬模型中使用的假設估計可轉換債券的公允價值。截至報告期末,該公允價值計量被分類爲第三級,並使用以下重要輸入數據:預計期限(以月爲單位)- 4.2; 股價-美元1.23;折扣率- 21.7%;預期波動率: 146.4%;預期股息率- 0%;無風險利率: 4.6%.
$ $ $ $ 
2,160  2,160  
(224) (224) 
$1,936 $ $1,936 $ 
作爲與Yorkville進行的與註釋7中討論的可轉換債券相關交易的一部分,該公司還發行了購買我們A類普通股的期權。該等擔保書屬於負債分類,並須定期重新計量。向Yorkville發行的該等期權的公允價值使用Black-Scholes期權定價模型計量。截至報告期末估值中使用的關鍵輸入數據爲:預期期限(以年爲單位)- 2.85;股價-美元1.23;行使價格:美元2.63;預期波動性: 146.4%;預期股息率- 0%; 和無風險利率: 3.34%.
期初餘額$2,095 $3,513 
期末餘額$1,932 $1,932 
(1) 記錄在金融工具(收益)損失中,淨額。
截至2011年,任何按公允價值經常性記錄的資產或負債在級別之間沒有轉移,也沒有用於計量公允價值的估值技術發生任何變化 2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日,分別爲。

這些股權證券的價值爲美元26.7百萬美元和美元26.8 截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日,百萬,分別爲。 此外,截至2024年9月30日, 證券累計上調美元10.8 根據可觀察的價格變化,該變化基於當時最近的股票發行和股票對股票交易。 沒有 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月和六個月內進行了重大調整。
每個報告單位的減損分析中使用的貼現率範圍包括: 24.8%到 25.62023年6月30日和 25.3%到 26.22023年9月30日的%。每個報告單位使用的貼現率範圍爲: 28.0%到 29.32024年6月30日和 28.0%到 29.3%用於2024年9月30日.公司採用最終年長期增長率爲 3.0每次中期損害評估期間每個報告單位的%。剩餘善意 2024年9月30日 與Ben Custody和Ben Markets有關。截至2011年的減損分析後 2024年9月30日, Ben Custody的報告單位公允價值不超過其公允價值,約爲美元0.4 Ben Markets報告單位公允價值超過其公允價值的百萬美元.
本流動資金$ $ $ 
本監護權10,896 (3,427)7,469 
本·馬庫斯2,710 (265)2,445 
總商譽$13,606 $(3,692)$9,914 
截至2024年9月30日,無其他以公允價值非經常性方式計量的資產或負債 和2024年3月31日.

現金及現金等價物1$4,482 $4,482 
受限現金1314 314 
2122,117 138,919 
應付賬款和應計費用1112,494 112,494 
現金及現金等價物1$7,913 $7,913 
受限現金164 64 
2120,505 129,327 
應付賬款和應計費用1157,157 157,157 
7.    債務
2022年3月24日,Ben Liquidity轉走了一美元72.5 向第三方提供百萬ExAlt貸款以換取美元72.5 百萬現金。貸款參與交易導致第三方持有所轉讓的ExAlt貸款,該貸款此前在與客戶ExAlt信託出於財務報告目的發放的應付貸款合併時被消除。因此,Customer ExAlt Trust發放的應付貸款在財務報告目的合併時不再被消除,並反映在合併財務狀況報表中的Customer ExAlt Trust應付貸款細目中。
2023年10月18日,適用的客戶ExAlt信託將參與分配(扣除合格慈善分配)分配給客戶ExAlt信託應付貸款持有人的子公司。因此,客戶ExAlt Trust應付貸款項下所欠的所有義務均已償還,相關參與利息不再未償還。因此,客戶ExAlt信託償還了ExAlt信託應付貸款的全部未償還本金餘額美元50.9 百萬美元,包括以實物支付的利息,通過轉移美元56.7 數百萬種替代資產。的

根據ASC 470,客戶ExAlt信託應付貸款的償還被視爲債務免除, 債務.
貸款協議包括一項或有利息功能,根據該功能,可支付額外利息,最高利率爲21在某些情況下,主要取決於相關抵押品按比例產生的現金流。由於或有利息特徵不是以信譽爲基礎的,這一特徵與主辦票據沒有明確和密切的關係,因此被分爲兩類,並確認爲衍生負債,在一開始就有債務貼現。或有利息衍生負債的公允價值變動導致淨額利得$0.2 億和$1.61000萬美元反映在金融工具的損益,在截至三個月和六個月的綜合全面收益(虧損)表中的淨額分別於2023年9月30日.債務折價攤銷在綜合全面收益表(損益表)中作爲利息支出的組成部分反映爲#美元。0.2百萬美元和美元0.5 百萬 三至六分別截至2023年9月30日的月份。
The Convertible Debentures do not bear interest, subject to a potential increase to 18.0% per annum (or the maximum amount permitted by applicable law) upon the occurrence of certain events of default. The Convertible Debentures will mature on February 6, 2025 (the “Maturity Date”). The Company will be required to make monthly cash payments of principal in the amount of $1.3 million (or such lesser amount as may then be outstanding) plus all accrued and unpaid interest as of such payment. Such payments will commence 30 days following the Second Closing and will continue on a monthly basis thereafter until the Convertible Debentures are repaid in full, subject to certain conditions as described in the Convertible Debenture. The Convertible Debentures are convertible at the option of the holder into Class A common stock equal to the applicable Conversion Amount (as in the Convertible Debenture) divided by $3.018 (the “Conversion Price”). The maximum amount of shares issuable upon conversion of the Convertible Debentures is 1,325,382.
The Convertible Debenture provides the Company, subject to certain conditions, with an optional redemption right pursuant to which the Company, upon 10 trading days’ prior written notice to Yorkville (the “Redemption Notice”), may redeem in cash, in whole or in part, all amounts outstanding under the Convertible Debentures prior to the Maturity Date; provided that the volume weighted average price on the date such Redemption Notice is delivered is less than the Conversion Price at the time of the Redemption Notice. The redemption amount shall be equal to the outstanding principal balance being redeemed by the Company, plus the redemption premium of 10% of the principal amount being redeemed, plus all accrued and unpaid interest in respect of such redeemed principal amount.
Additionally, pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, the Company agreed to issue the warrants to Yorkville (each a “Yorkville Warrant” and collectively, the “Yorkville Warrants”) to purchase up to 1,325,382 shares of Class A common stock at an exercise price of $2.63, which shall be exercisable into Class A common stock for cash (collectively, the “Warrant Shares”). At the First Closing, the Company issued a Yorkville Warrant to purchase up to 662,691 shares of Class A common stock, and at the Second Closing, the Company will issue an additional Yorkville Warrant to purchase up to 662,691 shares of Class A common stock.

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Contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of the Purchase Agreement, certain of the Company’s subsidiaries entered into a global guaranty agreement in favor of Yorkville with respect to the Company’s obligations under the Purchase Agreement, the Convertible Debentures and the Yorkville Warrants.
The Company elected to account for the Convertible Debenture under the fair value option of accounting upon issuance. The proceeds were allocated to all freestanding instruments recorded at fair value. As the fair value of the freestanding instruments exceeded the proceeds, an aggregate loss of $1.7 million during the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 was recognized in gain (loss) on financial instruments, net in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss). As of September 30, 2024, the fair value of the Convertible Debenture was $1.9 million and is included in convertible debt in the consolidated statements of financial condition.
The primary reason for electing the fair value option is for simplification of accounting for the Convertible Debenture at fair value in its entirety versus bifurcation of the embedded derivatives. The fair value was determined using a Monte Carlo valuation model. Refer to Note 6 for further information on the Convertible Debentures.
The Yorkville Warrants were required to be classified as a liability and are subject to periodic remeasurement. The fair value at the date of issuance, measured using the Black-Scholes option pricing model, was approximately $1.3 million. The key inputs used in the valuation as of the initial valuation date were: expected terms (in years) - 3.0; stock price - $2.63; exercise price: $2.63 expected volatility: 130.2%; expected dividend rate: 0%; and risk-free rate: 3.58%.
8.    Debt Due to Related Parties
As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, the Company’s debt due to related parties consisted of the following:
首份留置權信貸協議$21,260 $21,264 
第二留置權信貸協議72,983 72,996 
26,475 25,000 
其他借款2,235 2,180 
應付關聯方債務總額$122,117 $120,505 
2020年8月13日,Ben通過其子公司Beneficient Capital Company II,LLC(原名Beneficient Capital Company,LLC)(「BCC」),簽署了第二份修訂並重述的第一保留權信貸協議(「第一份扣押信貸協議」)和第二份修訂和重述的第二份扣押信貸協議(「第二份扣押信貸協議」)統稱爲,(「第二份A & R協議」)與其貸方Hopp代理人LLC(「Hopp」)修訂日期爲9月1日的第一份扣押信貸協議和第二份扣押信貸協議,分別於2017年和2018年12月28日。第二份A & R協議已不時進一步修訂,以延長到期日並推遲本金和利息支付等。就第二份A & R協議的修訂而言,Ben同意按截至相關修訂日期信貸協議下未償金額的一定比例支付延期費。
2022年3月24日,Ben與HLCC簽署了第二份A & R協議第4號同意和修正案,其中包括(i)將應計和未付利息的支付推遲至2022年3月24日,(ii)證明了2021年12月1日條款表中商定的條款,(iii)將貸款的到期日延長至2023年8月31日,及(iv)爲每筆$貸款確定修訂的分期付款5.0 2022年5月10日、2022年8月10日、2022年12月10日和2023年3月10日到期,只要每次付款不會導致公司持續經營,以及(v)修改了違約事件的發生,要求HLCC就第二份A & R協議中列出的幾乎所有潛在違約發出通知。此外,本同意支付總額約爲 6.5修正案生效前未償還本金的%。
On June 5, 2023, BCH, entered into those certain Consent and Amendment No. 6 to Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, which amended the First Lien Credit Agreement, and Consent and Amendment No. 6 to Second Amended and

Table of Contents
Restated Second Lien Credit Agreement (collectively, the “Sixth Amendments”), which amended the Second Lien Credit Agreement, each among BCH, HCLP and the other parties thereto. Among other things, the Sixth Amendments (i) allowed for the consummation of the Transactions pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, and effective as June 7, 2023 (ii) amended the definition of “Change of Control” (as defined therein), and (iii) provided that Beneficient will be the “Parent” thereunder.
BCH於2023年7月12日訂立(A)第一項留置權修正案第7號若干修正案,修訂第一留置權信貸協議,及(B)第二留置權修正案第7號若干修正案(連同第一項留置權修正案,即「第七修正案」),修訂第二留置權信貸協議,分別與BCH、HCLP及協議其他各方訂立。除其他外,第七修正案(一)將利率修改爲固定利率9.5%,(Ii)將第一留置權修正案和第二留置權修正案的到期日分別延長至2024年9月15日和2027年9月15日,以及(Iii)同意就第一留置權修正案分期付款#美元5.03月29日各1,000萬元這是,六月二十八日這是,九月二十九日這是、和12月29日這是只要債務仍未清償,只要這種付款不會造成持續經營的問題,每年都可以支付。在第一個留置權修正案的義務完全履行之前,不會就第二個留置權修正案支付任何款項。於2024年7月31日生效的第一份留置權信貸協議的到期日由2024年9月15日延長至2025年2月1日,而根據該協議規定的某些強制性提前還款義務被HCLP豁免至2025年2月1日。自2023年3月支付利息以來,第一留置權或第二留置權信貸協議沒有支付本金或利息。第一留置權或第二留置權信貸協議的應計利息#美元14.110億美元,截至2024年9月30日 和$9.510億美元,截至2024年3月31日計入綜合財務狀況表內的其他負債。
As part of the Seventh Amendments, Ben agreed to pay fees totaling approximately $0.1 million. During the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, no deferred financing costs were paid to HCLP. As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, the unamortized premium related to the Second A&R Agreements was $0.4 million and $0.5 million, respectively. Through September 30, 2024, all required principal and interest payments due under the Second A&R Agreements have been paid.
In connection with the Second A&R Agreements, Beneficient Holdings, Inc. (“BHI”), which owns a majority of the BCH Class S Ordinary Units, BCH Preferred A.1, and FLP Subclass 1 Unit Accounts issued by BCH, will grant certain tax-related concessions to HCLP as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties. In exchange for the tax-related concessions, 5.0% of BHI’s BCH Preferred A.1, which will be held by HCLP, may convert to BCH Preferred A.0. In addition, recipients of a grant of BCH Preferred A.1 from BHI will have the right to put an amount of BCH Preferred A.1 to Ben equal to any associated tax liability stemming from any such grant; provided that the aggregated associated tax liability shall not relate to more than $30.0 million of grants of BCH Preferred A.1 from BHI. No such liability existed as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024.
The Second A&R Agreements and ancillary documents contain covenants that (i) prevent Ben from issuing any securities senior to the BCH Preferred A.0 or BCH Preferred A.1; (ii) prevent Ben from incurring additional debt or borrowings greater than $10.0 million, other than trade payables, while the loans are outstanding; and (iii) prevent, without the written consent of HCLP, GWG Holdings from selling, transferring, or otherwise disposing of any BCH Preferred A.1 held as of May 15, 2020, other than to its subsidiary GWG DLP Funding V, LLC. GWG no longer holds any BCH Preferred A.1 Unit Accounts. Ben obtained consents for the Second A&R Agreements from HCLP in connection with the HH-BDH Credit Agreement (as defined below).
Term Loan
2023年10月19日,百利融資有限責任公司(the「借款人」)(本公司的全資子公司)與作爲擔保人(「擔保人」,與借款人一起稱爲「貸款方」)的BH與H-BDH LLC簽訂了信貸及擔保協議(經修訂,「HH-BDH信貸協議」)(the「HH-BDH」),作爲行政代理人。HH-BDH的唯一成員是希克斯控股公司。希克斯控股的管理成員是Thomas O先生。希克斯,該公司董事會成員。HH-BDH利用第三方融資(「融資」)的收益爲HH-BDH信貸協議項下的金額提供資金。
HH-BDH信貸協議規定了 三年制 本金總額爲美元的定期貸款25.0 百萬(「定期貸款」),該貸款在收盤時已全部提取。2024年8月16日,信貸和擔保協議以及其他貸款文件(「修訂案」以及經修訂案修訂的信貸協議,「修訂後的信貸協議」)的某些修訂案第1號和豁免案第1號已執行,以增加後續定期貸款美元1.7 百萬,該金額已在修正案結束時全額提取(與定期貸款一起,統稱爲「貸款」)。
修訂後的信貸協議還要求借款人預付貸款的未償還本金餘額爲美元20010000美元,20010000美元,20010000美元,2001萬5千美元875 2024年9月7日、2024年10月7日、2024年11月7日、2024年12月7日和2024年12月31日各爲千。此外,在每個需要的

Payment Date (defined in the Amended Credit Agreement as December 31, 2024 and the last business day of each calendar month thereafter), the Borrower shall prepay the outstanding principal balance of the Loans by an amount equal to the lesser of (a) the Total Portfolio Net Receipts (as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement) for the most recently ended period beginning on the 16th day of each month and ending on the 15th day of the immediately following month, and (b) as of each Required Payment Date, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (x)(i) the number of Required Payment Dates occurring on or prior to such Required Payment Date, multiplied by (ii) $500,000, minus (y) the amount of all Excess Payments (as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement) made prior to such Required Payment Date. Additionally, the Amended Credit Agreement requires the Borrower to make certain minimum monthly payments to prepay the balance of the Loans.
Borrowings under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as amended, bear interest, at the Company’s option, calculated according to a base rate, adjusted term SOFR rate, or adjusted daily simple SOFR rate, plus an applicable margin, subject to a Maximum Rate determined by applicable law in the State of New York. The Company elected the adjusted daily simple SOFR rate with a margin of 6.5% for the first two years and 5.5% for the third year for the Loans. Accrued and unpaid interest is payable monthly, upon prepayment, and at maturity.
The Loans will mature on October 19, 2026, and all remaining outstanding principal amounts and accrued and unpaid interest thereon shall be due and payable on such date. As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, the unamortized discount related to the Term Loan was $1.2 million and $1.5 million, respectively.
The Term Loan is secured in part by pledges of: (a) substantially all of the assets of the Borrower, (b) the Guarantor’s equity interests in the Borrower, (c) 97.5% of the equity interests held by The EP-00117 Custody Trust, a Delaware statutory trust known as the “Custody Trust,” in certain entities that hold interests in private investment funds, which, as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, represented approximately 39.1% and 41.5%, respectively, of all assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts and (d) certain deposit accounts.
The HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as amended, contains customary representations, warranties, affirmative and negative covenants, including covenants which restrict the ability of the Loan Parties, the Custody Trust and certain affiliated entities to, among other things, create liens, incur additional indebtedness, make certain restricted payments and engage in certain other transactions, in each case subject to certain customary exceptions. In addition, the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as amended, contains certain financial maintenance covenants, including a debt service coverage ratio of 2.00 to 1.00 and beginning December 31, 2024, a minimum liquidity requirement of $4.0 million, measured on the last day of each month.
Additionally, the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as amended, contains customary events of default relating to, among other things, payment defaults, breach of covenants, cross default of material indebtedness, bankruptcy-related defaults, judgment defaults, the occurrence of certain change of control events, and the Class A common stock being suspended from trading for more than two consecutive days or delisting from Nasdaq. The occurrence of an event of default may result in the acceleration of repayment obligations with respect to any outstanding principal amounts and foreclosure on the collateral. As part of the Amendment, certain events of default resulting from the occurrence of the Acknowledged Defaults (as defined in the Amendment) were waived, provided that in the case of the expense reimbursement default, the Borrower must cure the expense reimbursement default upon the earlier of (i) November 1, 2024 and (ii) two business days following the effectiveness of Company’s registration statement for resale of the shares of Class A common stock, underlying the convertible debentures and warrants described in Note 7.
Hicks Holdings will receive the following fees and payments in connection with the Loans:
A non-refundable fee in an amount equal to 1.0% of the aggregate commitments under the Term Loan upon execution of the HH-BDH Credit Agreement (the “Closing Date”);
On each Payment Date, from and including: (1) from the Closing Date until the second anniversary of the Closing Date, an interest payment at an interest rate equal to 3.0% per annum; and (2) from the second anniversary of the Closing Date until the loans are repaid in full, interest payments at an interest rate equal to 2.0% per annum (such interest is in included in HH-BDH’s receipt of interest payments as described above);
If any amounts under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement are prepaid prior to the scheduled Make Whole Date, including by reason of acceleration, a make-whole payment equal to the product of the principal amounts being repaid and the applicable interest rate plus 3.0% and the number of calendar days between the date of such prepayment and the scheduled Make Whole Date, divided by 360; and
Certain fees, payments and expenses incurred by Hicks Holdings in connection with the Financing.

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Aggregate maturities of principal on the debt due to related parties for the next five fiscal years ending March 31 are as follows:
(Dollars in thousands)Debt Due to Related Parties
9.    Share-based Compensation
As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, the Company has outstanding share-based awards under the Beneficient Management Partners, L.P. (BMP) Equity Incentive Plan (the “BMP Equity Incentive Plan”), the Beneficient 2023 Long Term Incentive Plan (the “2023 Incentive Plan”), and BCH Preferred A.1, as more fully described below.
Following stockholder approval on April 18, 2024, the Company effected a reverse stock split of our Class A and Class B common stock at a ratio of 1-for-80 and a simultaneous proportionate reduction in the authorized shares of each class of Common Stock as required by Nevada Revised Statues Section 78.207. All outstanding restricted stock units and restricted equity units, as well as the Company’s equity incentive plans have been retroactively adjusted to reflect the 1-for-80 Reverse Stock Split.
BMP Equity Incentive Plan
The Board of Directors of Ben Management, Ben’s general partner prior to the Conversion, adopted the BMP Equity Incentive Plan in 2019. Under the BMP Equity Incentive Plan, certain directors and employees of Ben are eligible to receive equity units in BMP, an entity affiliated with the Board of Directors of Ben Management, in return for their services to Ben. The BMP equity units eligible to be awarded to employees is comprised of BMP’s Class A Units and/or BMP’s Class B Units (collectively, the “BMP Equity Units”). As of September 30, 2024, the Board has authorized the issuance of up to 119,000,000 units each of the BMP Equity Units. All awards are classified in equity upon issuance.
The BMP Equity Units include awards that fully vest upon grant and awards that are subject to service-based vesting of a four-year period from the date of hire. Expense associated with the vesting of these awards is based on the fair value of the BMP Equity Units on the date of grant. Compensation cost is recognized for the granted awards on a straight-line basis using the graded vesting method, and forfeitures are accounted for at the time that such forfeitures occur. Expense recognized for these awards is specially allocated to certain holders of redeemable noncontrolling interests.
The fair value of the BMP Equity Units was determined on the grant-date using a probability-weighted discounted cash flow analysis. This fair value measurement is based on significant inputs not observable in the market and thus represents a Level 3 measurement within the fair value hierarchy. The resultant probability-weighted cash flows are then discounted using a rate that reflects the uncertainty surrounding the expected outcomes, which the Company believes is appropriate and representative of a market participant assumption, and for lack of marketability given the underlying units of the awards are not publicly traded.
There were no BMP Equity Units granted during the six months ended September 30, 2024 or September 30, 2023.
2018 Ben Equity Incentive Plan
The Ben Equity Incentive Plan was adopted in September 2018 (the “2018 Ben Equity Incentive Plan”). Under the 2018 Ben Equity Incentive Plan, Ben was permitted to grant equity awards in the form of restricted equity units (“REUs”) up to a maximum of 160,141, representing ownership interests in BCG Common Units. Effective as of the Conversion, the Company assumed obligations under the outstanding REUs under the 2018 Ben Equity Incentive Plan and agreed to issue shares of Class A common stock upon settlement of such outstanding REUs. Settled awards under the 2018 Ben Equity Incentive Plan dilute BCG’s Common Unitholders. The total number of BCG Common Units that were issuable under the 2018 Ben Equity Incentive Plan was equivalent to 15% of the number of fully diluted BCG Common Units outstanding, subject to annual adjustment. All awards were classified in equity upon issuance. Following the Business Combination, no additional awards may be issued under the 2018 Equity Incentive Plan and all outstanding awards are settleable at a ratio of 1.25 shares of the Class A common stock for each restricted equity unit.
During the third calendar quarter of 2020, 6,438 units were granted to a director subject to a performance condition. The performance condition was met upon public listing in June 2023 and expense for vested units was recognized in June of 2023

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in the amount of $5.2 million. The recognition of the remaining compensation cost will be recognized over the remaining vesting period. Total recognized compensation cost related to these awards for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 is nil and $0.3 million, respectively. Total recognized compensation cost related to these awards for the three and six months ended September 30, 2023 is approximately $0.3 million and $5.5 million, respectively. The originally granted units were increased at a rate of one-to-1.25 units, or by 1,610 units, upon public listing and effectiveness of the 2023 Incentive Plan. As of September 30, 2024, there is no remaining unrecognized compensation cost related to this award.
2023 Incentive Plan
On June 6, 2023, the Company’s Board adopted the 2023 Incentive Plan, which was approved by the Company’s stockholders. Under the 2023 Incentive Plan, Ben is permitted to grant equity awards in the form of restricted stock units (“RSUs”). Subject to certain adjustments, the aggregate number of shares of Class A common stock expected to be issuable under the 2023 Incentive Plan in respect of awards will be equal to 15% of the aggregate number of fully diluted shares issued and outstanding, subject to quarterly adjustment. Settled awards under the 2023 Incentive Plan dilute common stockholders. All awards are classified in equity upon issuance.
獎勵通常須在從接受者授予日期起的多年期內進行基於服務的歸屬,但有些獎勵可能會在授予日期完全歸屬,或受績效條件的約束。在向Ben提供服務時(如果適用),其中某些獎項須遵守最低保留所有權規則,要求獲獎者持續持有的RSU至少等於 15佔其累計授予獎項的%。
截至2024年9月30日的季度,總計 817,619 受限制股份單位已授予公司員工,並於授予日期完全歸屬。公司將受限制股份單位的完整授予日期公允價值約爲美元的費用2.4 季度末百萬 2024年9月30日.
此外,在截至2024年9月30日的季度內,公司授予一名董事(i) 100,000 行使價格為美金的股票期權1.23 每股A類普通股,按比例歸屬 兩年,及(Ii)138,212 RSU,其背心急劇增加 一年.股票期權的授予日期公允價值爲 $0.97,使用Black Scholes期權定價模型計算。
2022年4月1日指定某主任 BCH 優先A.1,授予日期爲2021年12月31日,帳戶餘額爲美元5.7 百萬(“初始撥款”)。此外,自2022年4月3日起,董事被指派額外 BCH 首選A.1(“額外補助金”,與初始補助金一起稱爲“BHI補助金”),授予日期爲2021年12月31日,帳戶餘額爲美元3.8 萬初始授予受服務條件約束,該條件要求在授予日期後的明確、實質性服務歸屬期內確認補償成本。額外補助金在發放時已完全歸屬。
爲了向某些董事提供現金來支付BHI補助金產生的任何稅務責任,BH與該董事簽訂了一份單位帳戶贖回協議,該協議於2022年4月3日生效,其中,BH必須從該董事處購買和贖回所有資產 BCH 根據BHI稅收補助金向董事授予優先A.1,購買價格爲美元3.8 百萬,現金。該贖回已於2022年6月10日全部發生。
下表列出了Thomhens合併報表中確認的股份薪酬費用的組成部分,包括在員工薪酬和福利中生活收入(損失) 三個月及六個 截至 2024年9月30日 和2023:
BMP股權單位$144 $569 $257 $1,244 
限制性股票單位3,179 7,318 4,011 16,041 
優先股權 286  572 
41 330 90 17,647 
股份薪酬總額$3,364 $8,503 $4,358 $35,504 

(1) 今年迄今爲止2023年9月30日包括美元15.0 與BCG資本重組和美元相關的確認薪酬百萬美元2.6 因Ben Liquidity交易向員工發放的基於股權的薪酬確認爲百萬美元。
未確認的股份薪酬費用總計美元5.1 百萬元 2024年9月30日,我們預計將根據未償獎勵的預定歸屬來確認 2024年9月30日. 下表列出了截至3月31日的未來五個財年預計將確認的未償獎勵的股份薪酬費用 2024年9月30日:
截至2025年的六個月$187 $1,163 $95 $1,445 
$426 $4,483 $174 $5,083 
10.    股權
以下是對公司未償股權類別的描述,包括要求報告爲綜合財務狀況表負債和股權部分之間的臨時股權的準股權金額。截至 2024年9月30日、經修訂的BH第9次修訂和重述的LPA(“BH LPA”)以及Beneficient的公司章程和章程規範這些股權證券的條款(如適用)。公司的治理文件授權發行額外類別的股權。BH的所有股權均爲有限合夥企業權益。
投票 我們A類普通股的每位持有者都有權 該持有人持有的每股A類普通股就股東通常有權投票的所有事項進行投票,並且我們b類普通股的每位持有人都有權 10 對股東一般有權投票的所有事項進行每股投票。普通股股份持有人作爲單一類別投票,但只有b類普通股持有人有權投票的某些事項除外。
轉換. A類普通股股份不得轉換爲我們股本的任何其他股份。b類普通股股份可隨時根據持有人的選擇或任何轉讓轉換爲A類普通股股份,但我們的公司章程中描述的某些轉讓除外。
2023年6月27日,公司與Yorkville簽訂了SEPA,根據該協議,公司有權但沒有義務向Yorkville出售最高價值美元的產品250.0 應公司要求,隨時提供百萬股公司普通股股份 36 SEPA執行後幾個月,但須遵守某些條件。公司預計將由此收到的淨收益用於運營資金和一般企業用途。該公司以現金支付了結構費和金額相當於美元的承諾費1.3 百萬發行 5,703 2023年7月的A類普通股股票。
2023年9月29日,SEC宣佈S-1表格的轉售登記聲明生效,從而允許根據SEPA向約克維爾出售A類普通股。本轉售登記聲明生效後並通過 2024年9月30日,公司共售出 498,125 A類普通股,總額爲美元3.9 淨收益百萬美元,包括 449,307 本財年出售的A類普通股淨收益爲美元2.6 萬先前在表格S-1上的轉售登記聲明已於2024年9月27日終止。表格S-1上的新轉售登記聲明,登記大約 200.1 SEC於2024年11月12日宣佈根據SEPA轉售100萬股股票。

根據我們公司章程的條款,我們的董事會有權發佈最多 250 一個或多個系列中的百萬股優先股。截至2024年9月30日, 50 百萬股優先股被指定爲A系列優先股股份,大約 4 根據指定證書,百萬被指定爲b系列優先股。
截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日,已有 不是 分別已發行和發行的A系列優先股股份。
成熟 受下文所述的贖回和轉換權的限制,A系列優先股的股份爲永久證券。
要務 在Beneficient清算、清盤或解散(如適用)時,A系列優先股股份在股息權和/或分配權方面優先於普通股股份。
分紅. A系列優先股持有人在支付給普通股持有人時,有權按比例收取董事會宣佈並在轉換後支付的普通股的任何股息。受益人可以在遵守習慣限制的情況下(但不要求)僅就A系列優先股的股份宣佈或支付任何股息。
清算或解散. A系列優先股的初始清算優先級爲美元0.001 每股,加上任何已宣佈但未支付的股息(“清算優先權”)。在我們清算、解散或清盤的情況下,A系列優先股的持有人有權按照每股A系列優先股的方式獲得清算優先股,或者在A系列優先股轉換日期之前,如果金額更高,則獲得該持有人在清算事件之前將A系列優先股股票轉換爲A類普通股時將獲得的金額。
轉換、可轉讓性和交換。 根據公司章程的條款,由於A系列優先股預計不會公開上市,因此每股A系列優先股將在發行時自動轉換爲A類普通股的四分之一。
Redemption. Beneficient may redeem, ratably, in whole or, from time to time in part, the shares of Series A preferred stock of any holder then outstanding at the Liquidation Preference in cash. Holders of shares of Series A preferred stock do not have the right to require Beneficient to redeem their shares of Series A preferred stock under any circumstances.
Series B Preferred Stock:
The Series B preferred stock has various subclasses, however, the general rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions of these equity securities are described below. Each of the Series B preferred stock has a par value of $0.001 per share. The most significant difference in the various subclasses of the Series B preferred stock pertains to the conversion rate and the mandatory conversion periods, both of which are described below. During fiscal year 2024, the Company issued Series B preferred stock comprising subclasses No. 1 through No. 4 in the amounts of 3,768,995; 200,000; 20,000; and 6,932 shares, respectively. No additional Series B preferred stock has been issued in the current fiscal year.
On October 3, 2023, 3,768,995 shares of Series B-1 preferred stock converted into 172,574 shares of Class A common stock at a price per share of approximately $218.40. No other Series B preferred stock has converted through September 30, 2024.
As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, there were a total of 226,932 shares of Series B preferred stock, issued and outstanding, respectively.
Maturity. Subject to the redemption and conversion rights described below, shares of Series B preferred stock are perpetual securities.
Priority. Shares of Series B preferred stock rank, with respect to dividend rights and/or distribution rights upon the liquidation, winding up or dissolution, as applicable, of Beneficient as: (i) senior to shares of Common Stock; (ii) pari passu with Series A Preferred Stock; (iii) senior, pari passu or junior with respect to any other series of preferred stock, as set forth in the terms with respect to such preferred stock; and (iv) junior to all existing and future indebtedness of the Beneficient.
Voting. Holders of Series B preferred stock are not entitled to vote on any matter, expect as required by law.
Dividends. Holders of Series B preferred stock are entitled to receive ratably any dividends that our Board declares and pays on the Common Stock, on an as-converted basis, when paid to holders of Common Stock. Beneficient may, subject to customary restrictions, but is not required to, declare or pay any dividends solely on shares of Series B preferred stock.

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Liquidation or Dissolution. The initial liquidation preference of Series B preferred stock is $10.00 per share, plus any declared but unpaid dividends (the “Series B Liquidation Preference”). In the event of our liquidation, dissolution or winding up, holders of Series B preferred stock are entitled to receive, per share of Series B preferred stock, the Series B Liquidation Preference amount such holder would have received had their shares of Series B preferred stock converted into Class A common stock immediately prior to such liquidation event.
Conversion, Transferability and Exchange. In the event of specified extraordinary transactions, as a result of which shares of Class A common stock would be converted into, or exchanged for, stock, other securities or other property or assets (including cash or any combination thereof), each share of Series B preferred stock outstanding immediately prior to such event will, without the consent of the holders of Series B preferred stock, become convertible into the kind of stock, other securities or other property or assets that such holder would have been entitled to receive if such holder had converted its shares of Series B preferred stock into shares of Class A common stock immediately prior to such event.
Optional Conversion. The conversion price is determined generally based on a volume weighted price of the Class A common stock at the time the Series B preferred stock is issued. The conversion price for the various subclasses of Series B preferred stock ranged from $5.38 to $436.80 (the “Conversion Price”). Each share of Series B preferred stock is convertible at the option of the holder thereof into a number of shares of Class A common stock that is equal to $10.00 divided by Conversion Price then in effect as of the date of such notice (the “Conversion Rate”). The Conversion Price shall be subject to reset on certain dates (generally monthly) following the date of issuance of the Series B preferred stock, subject to adjustment, including the reset Conversion Price cannot adjust lower than 50% of the initial Conversion Price or generally, higher than the initial Conversion Price. Based on the shares of Series B preferred stock outstanding as of September 30, 2024, the maximum number of Class A common shares that can be issued upon conversion of the Series B preferred stock is 165,037 shares.
Mandatory Conversion. Each outstanding share of Series B preferred stock will automatically convert into a number of shares of Class A common stock (the “Mandatory Conversion”) at the Conversion Rate then in effect on the date that is the earliest to occur of: (a) 210 calendar days (for the Series B-1 preferred stock) and 60 months (for the other Series B preferred stock subclasses) after the Original Issue Date, subject to certain conditions, (b) if the conditions of clause (a) are not met on the date that is 210 calendar days (for the Series B-1 preferred stock) and 60 months (for the other Series B preferred stock subclasses) following the Original Issue Date, the first date thereafter on which any shares of Series B-1 preferred stock may be resold pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act or the Resale Registration Statement has become effective and, applicable only to the Series B-1 preferred stock, (c) the one year anniversary of the Original Issue Date. The Series B-1 preferred stock shall not convert into Class A common stock to the extent such conversion would cause a holder to exceed 9.99% (the “Beneficial Ownership Limitation”) of the number of shares of the Class A common stock outstanding immediately after giving effect to conversion, while the other subclasses of the Series B preferred stock have a 4.99% Beneficial Ownership Limitation.
Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests:
Preferred Series A Subclass 0 Unit Accounts
The BCH Preferred A.0 receives a quarterly guaranteed payment calculated as 6% of the BCH Preferred A.0’s initial capital account balance on an annual basis, or 1.50% per fiscal quarter. The BCH Preferred A.0 does not receive any allocations of profits, except to recoup losses previously allocated. The guaranteed payment to BCH Preferred A.0 is not subject to available cash and has priority over all other distributions made by BCH. BCH and the holders of the BCH Preferred A.0 entered into an agreement to defer the guaranteed payment to November 15, 2024; provided that such a guaranteed payment may be made prior to November 15, 2024 if the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors determines that making such payment, in part or in full, would not cause Ben to incur a going concern issue. The guaranteed payment accrual totaled $46.4 million and $37.7 million as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, respectively, and is included in the accounts payable and accrued expenses line item of the consolidated statements of financial condition.
Additionally, the BCH Preferred A.0 has the ability under the BCH LPA to elect, by a majority of holders of BCH Preferred A.0, to receive a full return of capital senior to any other security if an event causing mandatory returns of capital occurs.
The BCH Preferred A.0 can be converted into Class S Units at the election of the holder, at a price equal to the average of (i) $840.00, and (ii) the volume-weighted average closing price of Class A common stock for the twenty (20) days preceding the applicable exchange date; provided, that from the effectiveness of the BCH LPA through December 31, 2027, such conversion price shall not be less than $840.00.
Finally, a holder of BCH Preferred A.0, subsequent to January 1, 2023, may elect to require a redemption by BCH of up to 12.5% of his or her respective initial BCH Preferred A.0 capital account for any rolling twelve-month period; provided that such holder shall not be permitted to redeem more than 50% of such holder’s initial BCH Preferred A.0 capital account in the aggregate. Subsequent to January 1, 2023, if a holder of BCH Preferred A.0 continues to hold BCH Preferred A.1, such

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holder may elect on a quarterly basis to convert additional BCH Preferred A.1 held by such holder to BCH Preferred A.0 up to an amount equal to 12.5% of such holder’s initial BCH Preferred A.0 capital account; provided that such holder’s post-conversion capital account balance in respect of all BCH Preferred A.0 held by such holder does not exceed such holder’s initial BCH Preferred A.0 capital account.
On September 30, 2024, the BCH LPA was amended to re-designate fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate capital account balances in the BCH Preferred A.0 to the BCH Preferred A.0 Non-Redeemable. The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the capital account balances in the BCH Preferred A.0 Accounts remain redeemable. As a result of this redesignation, approximately $125.5 million of temporary equity was reclassified to permanent equity as of September 30, 2024.
As of September 30, 2024, the BCH Preferred A.0 Redeemable are recorded in the consolidated statements of financial condition in the redeemable noncontrolling interest line item and the BCH Preferred A.0 Non-Redeemable are recorded in the consolidated statements of financial condition in the noncontrolling interest line item. For periods prior to the September 30, 2024 re-designation, the BCH Preferred A.0 are recorded in the consolidated statements of financial condition in the redeemable noncontrolling interest line item.
Noncontrolling Interests:
Noncontrolling interests represent the portion of certain consolidated subsidiaries’ limited partnership interests or interests in the Customer ExAlt Trusts that are held by third parties. Amounts are adjusted by the noncontrolling interest holder’s proportionate share of the subsidiaries’ earnings or losses each period and for any distributions that are paid. Equity securities issued by BCH maintain capital account balances determined pursuant to Section 704 of the Internal Revenue Code. Because federal income tax regulations differ in certain respects from U.S. GAAP, income or loss allocations to BCH equity securities determined in accordance with tax regulations may materially differ from that recognized for financial reporting purposes. For example, the losses recognized for financial reporting purposes arising from the impairment of goodwill are not recognized under tax regulation, and the associated capital account balances have not been impacted by those losses.
The following tables present a rollforward of the noncontrolling interests for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Noncontrolling Interests
(Dollars in thousands)Trusts
BCH Class S Ordinary
BCH Class S Preferred
BCH Preferred Series A.0 Non-Redeemable
BCH Preferred Series A.1
BCH Preferred Series C
Class A of CTTotal Noncontrolling Interests
Balance, June 30, 2024
$(166,463)$ $ $ $200,756 $ $ $34,293 
Net loss(4,523)— — — (3,067)— — (7,590)
Reclass of distributions payable to noncontrolling interest holder(122)— — — — — — (122)
Reclass of BCH Preferred A.0 Non-Redeemable from temporary to permanent equity
— — — 125,526 — — — 125,526 
Balance, September 30, 2024
$(171,108)$ $ $125,526 $197,689 $ $ $152,107 

Noncontrolling Interests
(Dollars in thousands)Trusts
BCH Class S Ordinary
BCH Class S Preferred
BCH Preferred Series A.0 Non-Redeemable
BCH Preferred A.1
BCH Preferred Series C
Class A of CTTotal Noncontrolling Interests
Balance, March 31, 2024
$(165,712)$ $ $ $207,943 $ $ $42,231 
Net loss
(5,049)— — — (10,254)— — (15,303)
Reclass of distributions payable to noncontrolling interest holder
(347)— — — — — — (347)
Reclass of BCH Preferred A.0 from temporary to permanent equity
— — — 125,526 — — — 125,526 
Balance, September 30, 2024
$(171,108)$ $ $125,526 $197,689 $ $ $152,107 


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Noncontrolling Interests
(Dollars in thousands)Trusts
BCH Class S Ordinary
BCH Class S Preferred
BCH Preferred Series A.1
BCH Preferred Series C
Class A of CTTotal Noncontrolling Interests
Balance, June 30, 2023
$(132,361)$19,311 $856 $691,825 $205,759 $690 $786,080 
Net loss
(3,591)(9,614)— (570)— (421)(14,196)
Reduction of noncontrolling interest in connection with recent financings(3,272)— — — — — (3,272)
Issuance of noncontrolling interest in connection with recent financings79 — — — — — 79 
Reclass of distributions payable to noncontrolling interest holder(238)— — — — — (238)
Conversion of Preferred Series C to Class A common stock— — — — (205,759)— (205,759)
Issuance of Series B-1 preferred stock and noncontrolling interest in connection with recent financings942 — — — — — 942 
Balance, September 30, 2023
$(138,441)$9,697 $856 $691,255 $ $269 $563,636 
Noncontrolling Interests
(Dollars in thousands)Trusts
BCH Class S Ordinary
BCH Class S Preferred
BCH Preferred Series A.1
BCH Preferred Series C
Class A of CTTotal Noncontrolling Interests
Balance, March 31, 2023
$(118,299)$52,560 $856 $ $205,759 $1,337 $142,213 
Net loss
(17,457)(38,979)— (1,244)— (1,068)(58,748)
Reclass of distributions payable to noncontrolling interest holder
(567)— — — — — (567)
Issuance of shares in connection with recent financings133 — — — — — 133 
Reduction of noncontrolling interest in connection with recent financings(3,272)— — — — — (3,272)
Issuance of noncontrolling interest in connection with recent financings79 — — — — — 79 
Conversion of Class S Ordinary to Class A common stock— (3,884)— — — — (3,884)
Conversion of Preferred Series C to Class A common stock— — — — (205,759)— (205,759)
Deemed dividend for BCG Preferred Series B.2 Unit Accounts preferred return— — — (6,942)— — (6,942)
Reclass of BCH Preferred A.1 from temporary to permanent equity— — — 699,441 — — 699,441 
Issuance of Series B-1 preferred stock and noncontrolling interest in connection with recent financings942 — — — — — 942 
Balance, September 30, 2023
$(138,441)$9,697 $856 $691,255 $ $269 $563,636 
Preferred Series A Subclass 1 Unit Accounts
The BCH Preferred A.1 unit accounts are issued by BCH and are non-participating and convertible on a dollar basis.
The weighted average preferred return rate for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was approximately nil and nil, respectively. The weighted average preferred return rate for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was approximately nil and 0.46%, respectively. No amounts have been paid to the BCH Preferred A.1 holders related to the preferred return from inception through September 30, 2024, and any amounts earned have been accrued and are included in the balance of redeemable noncontrolling interests presented on the consolidated statements of financial condition. As of September 30, 2024, approximately $106.1 million of preferred return related to the BCH Preferred A.1 has not been allocated to its holders due to insufficient income during those periods to fully satisfy the preferred return and will be allocable to the BCH Preferred A.1 holders in future quarterly periods to the extent that sufficient income, if any, is available for such allocation. In accordance with the BCH LPA, the preferred rate was waived and will not accrue from June 7, 2023 until December 31, 2024, except to the extent of allocations of income to the holders of the BCH Preferred A.1, in which event distributions may be requested by the holders of the BCH Preferred A.1, and if not requested, such amounts shall be accrued. In connection with the consummation of the Business Combination, the holders of the BCH Preferred A.1 agreed to significantly reduce the BCH Preferred A.1 return rate and also agreed to waive and defer the accrual of the preferred return as described above. In addition, until January 1, 2025, the hypothetical BCH Preferred A.1 capital account will only be

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increased to the extent there are allocations of income during such period. The agreement to waive and not accrue the Quarterly Preferred Series A.1 Return from the effective date of the BCH LPA until December 31, 2024 does not affect or waive any Quarterly Preferred Series A.1 Returns or hypothetical BCH Preferred A.1 capital account already accrued as of the effective date. Additionally, certain BCH Preferred A.1 holders agreed to be specially allocated any income or losses associated with the BMP Equity Incentive Plan, and certain other costs.
Beginning January 1, 2025, BCH Preferred A.1 may be converted into BCH Class S Ordinary Units at the election of the holder, subject to a 20% annual conversion limit through December 31, 2029 as set forth in the BCH LPA; provided, that if the conversion price for the BCH Preferred A.1 equals or exceeds $1,440 after January 1, 2025, the annual conversion limit shall no longer be applicable. Upon conversion, the holder shall be issued BCH Class S Ordinary Units in an amount equal to the capital account balance associated with the BCH Preferred A.1 being converted divided by a price equal to the average closing price of Class A common stock for the thirty (30) days preceding the applicable exchange date; provided, that from the effectiveness of the BCH LPA through December 31, 2027, such conversion price shall not be less than $840. The holder of such newly issued BCH Class S Ordinary Units may immediately convert them into Class A common stock.
The BCH LPA also includes certain limitations of BCH, without the consent of a majority-in-interest of the Preferred Series A Unit Account holders, to (i) issue any new equity securities, and (ii) except as otherwise provided, incur indebtedness that is senior to or pari passu with any right of distribution, redemption, repayment, repurchase or other payments relating to the Preferred Series A Unit Accounts or the Preferred Series B Unit Accounts. Further, BCH cannot, prior to the conversion of all the Preferred Series A Unit Accounts and the Preferred Series B Unit Accounts, incur any additional long-term debt unless (i) after giving effect to the incurrence of the new long-term debt on a pro forma basis, the sum of certain preferred stock, existing debt and any new long-term indebtedness would not exceed 55% of the BCH’s NAV plus cash on hand, and (ii) at the time of incurrence of any new long-term indebtedness, the aggregate balance of the BCH’s (including controlled subsidiaries) debt plus such new long-term debt does not exceed 40% of the sum of the NAV of the interests in alternative assets supporting the Collateral underlying the loan portfolio of BCH and its subsidiaries plus cash on hand at BCG, BCH and its subsidiaries. Upon the effectiveness of the 8th BCH LPA in June 2023, the redemption feature of the BCH Preferred A.1 was removed, which resulted in the BCH Preferred A.1 no longer being required to be presented in temporary equity.
On June 6, 2023, in connection with the BCG Recapitalization as described in Note 4, $193.9 million of aggregate capital account balances in BCH Preferred A.1 converted to 208,861 units of BCH Class S Ordinary. Those BCH Class S Ordinary units then converted into 17,456 units of BCG Class A common units and 191,405 shares of BCG Class B common units on a one-for-one basis. As part of the conversion to BCG Class A Units, additional value of approximately $15.0 million was provided to certain holders who are members of our Board. The additional value was accounted for as compensation, which resulted in stock-based compensation expense of $15.0 million during the quarter ended June 30, 2023.
The BCH Preferred A.1 are recorded in the consolidated statements of financial condition in the noncontrolling interest line item.
Preferred Series C Subclass 1 Unit Accounts
On July 15, 2020, the Company entered into a Preferred Series C Unit Purchase Agreement (“UPA”) with GWG Holdings. Pursuant to the UPA, on July 10, 2023, the Preferred Series C Subclass 1 Unit Accounts of BCH (“BCH Preferred C.1”) automatically converted into 550,510 shares of Class A common stock at approximately $372.80 per share, which represents the volume-weighted average trading price of the Class A common stock for the 20 trading days following the closing of the Business Combination. The BCH Preferred C.1 were recorded in the consolidated statements of financial condition in the noncontrolling interest line item for periods presented prior to their conversion to Class A common stock.
Class S Ordinary Units
As of both September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, BCH, a subsidiary of Ben, had issued 67 thousand BCH Class S Ordinary Units which were all outstanding on each of the respective dates. The BCH Class S Ordinary Units participate on a pro-rata basis in the share of the profits or losses of BCH and subsidiaries following all other allocations made by BCH and its subsidiaries. As limited partner interests, these units have limited voting rights and do not entitle participation in the management of the Company’s business and affairs. At the election of the holder, the BCH Class S Ordinary Units are exchangeable quarterly for Class A common stock on a one-for-one basis. Each conversion also results in the issuance to Ben LLC of a BCH Class A Unit for each share of Class A common stock issued.
On June 8, 2023, 5,057 BCH Class S Ordinary Units ultimately converted into shares of Class A common stock on a one-to-one basis pursuant to the terms of the Exchange Agreement and the BCH LPA.
The BCH Class S Ordinary Units are recorded in the consolidated statements of financial condition in the noncontrolling interests line item.

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Class S Preferred Units
The BCH Class S Preferred Units also participate on a pro-rata basis in the share of the profits or losses of BCH and subsidiaries following all other allocations made by BCH and its subsidiaries. As limited partner interests, these units are generally non-voting and do not entitle participation in the management of the Company’s business and affairs. The BCH Class S Preferred Units are entitled to a quarterly preferred return. In accordance with the 8th BCH LPA, the preferred rate was waived and will not accrue from June 7, 2023 until December 31, 2024, except to the extent of allocations of income to the holders of the BCH Class S Preferred Units. In connection with the consummation of the Business Combination, the holders of the BCH Preferred A.1 agreed to significantly reduce the BCH Class S Preferred Units preferred return rate and also agreed to waive and defer the accrual of the preferred return as described above. In addition, until January 1, 2025, the hypothetical BCH Class S Preferred Units capital account will only be increased to the extent there are allocations of income during such period. The agreement to waive and not accrue the Quarterly Class S Preferred Return from June 7, 2023 until December 31, 2024 does not affect or waive any Quarterly Class S Preferred Return or hypothetical BCH Class S Preferred capital account already accrued as of the effective date.
Generally, on a quarterly basis and at the election of the holder, the BCH Class S Preferred Units are exchangeable for BCH Class S Ordinary Units on a 1.2-for-1 basis. The BCH Class S Ordinary Units may then be exchanged for Class A common stock as described above. Each conversion into Class A common stock also results in the issuance to Ben LLC of a BCH Class A Units for each share of Class A common stock issued. Holders of BCH Class S Preferred Units may elect to convert into BCH Class S Ordinary Units in connection with a sale or dissolution of BCH.
As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, a nominal number of shares of BCH Class S Preferred Units have been issued, respectively. Preferred return earned by the BCH Class S Preferred Units from inception in 2019 through September 30, 2024 is $0.2 million. No amounts have been paid to the BCH Class S Preferred Unit holders related to the preferred return from inception through September 30, 2024 and any amounts earned have been accrued and are included in the balance of BCH Class S Preferred Units presented on the consolidated statements of financial condition.
The BCH Class S Preferred Units are recorded in the consolidated statements of financial condition in the noncontrolling interests line item.
FLP Unit Accounts (Subclass 1 and Subclass 2)
FLP Unit Accounts (Subclass 1 and Subclass 2) are non-unitized capital accounts. The FLP Subclass 1 Units (the “FLP-1 Unit Accounts”) were issued to a Related Entity (as defined in Note 13) as part of the initial commercial operations of Ben. The FLP Subclass 2 Units (the “FLP-2 Unit Accounts”) are related to the BMP Equity Incentive Plan. Each subclass of the FLP Unit Accounts, with FLP-1 Unit Accounts (receiving 50.5%) and the FLP-2 Unit Accounts (receiving 49.5%), shall be allocated (i) fifteen percent (15%) of the profits and losses from financing activities of BCH and its subsidiaries and (ii) an amount equal to the lesser of (A) fifty percent (50%) of the revenues of BCH and its tax pass-through subsidiaries, excluding financing activities revenues, and (B) that amount of revenues that will cause the profit margin (as defined in the BCH LPA) to equal twenty percent (20%). Amounts allocated to the FLP Unit Accounts are reinvested equally in additional BCH Class S Ordinary Units and Class S Preferred Units on a quarterly basis at a price equal to the closing price of the units on such exchange on the date of allocation, thereby creating additional BCH Class S Ordinary Units and BCH Class S Preferred Units.
During the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, there was no income allocated to the FLP Unit Accounts (Subclass 1 and 2). Annually, a true up of the quarterly allocations is required to match amounts allocated with annual earnings.
In addition to the above stated amounts, the FLP-1 Unit Accounts and FLP-2 Unit Accounts are entitled to a portion of any upward carrying value adjustment as calculated pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 704(b). In the event of an upward carrying value adjustment, the FLP-1 Unit Accounts and FLP-2 Unit Accounts are entitled to first be allocated gains associated with such carrying value adjustment equal to 15% of the value of the capital accounts of all BCH Class A Units and BCH Class S Units, calculated based on the post-adjusted capital accounts of the then outstanding BCH Class A and BCH Class S Units. Immediately following any such allocation, the amount allocated is converted in BCH Class S Ordinary Units at the then determined value. Furthermore, the amount allocated to the FLP-1 Unit Accounts is reduced by the value of any previously allocated amount pursuant to an upward carrying value adjustment, calculated as the number of BCH Class S Units previously received multiplied by the value of those units at the time of any subsequent carrying value adjustment.
As a result of the consummation of the Business Combination, an adjustment to the carrying value of BCH’s assets of $321.9 million occurred. Pursuant to the BCH LPA, approximately 402,383 BCH Class S Ordinary Units would be issuable as a result of the carrying value adjustment. Additionally, subsequent to the Business Combination, additional carrying value adjustments occurred, and approximately 260,000 BCH Class S Ordinary Units would be issuable through September 30, 2024 as a result of such carrying value adjustments, subject to the Compensation Policy. Under the Compensation Policy,

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unless amended or waived, the number of BCH Class S Ordinary Units that may be issued in 2024 or any subsequent year in connection with the consummation of the Business Combination will be limited and require approval of the Board; provided that any such BCH Class S Ordinary Units that may not be issued in 2024 may be issued in subsequent years in accordance with the Compensation Policy. As of September 30, 2024, there has been no allocation of the carrying value adjustment among the holders of the FLP-1 Unit Accounts and the FLP-2 Unit Accounts and no issuance of any BCH Class S Ordinary Units as a result of such adjustment.
FLP Unit Accounts (Subclass 3)
The FLP Subclass 3 Unit Accounts (the “FLP-3 Unit Accounts”) were issued to, and are currently held by, BHI. The FLP-3 Unit Accounts will be allocated profits from net financing revenues on a quarterly basis equal to the lesser of (i) 5% of the quarterly net financing revenues, or (ii) 10% of the average annualized stated interest (to the extent constituting net financing revenue) of the quarterly average of new loans issued by any subsidiaries of Ben during the previous twelve fiscal quarters.
The FLP-3 Unit Accounts are entitled to tax and other distributions equal to 100% of the amount of profits allocated to the FLP-3 Unit Accounts, and such distributions are not subject to available cash. The FLP-3 Unit Accounts do not have any conversion features or rights.
During the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, there was no income allocated to the FLP-3 Unit Accounts. The Company has not made any distributions related to income allocated to the FLP-3 Unit Accounts through September 30, 2024 and has accrued a liability of $0.9 million and included in the accounts payable and accrued expenses line item of the consolidated statements of financial condition as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024.
Beneficiaries of the Customer ExAlt Trusts
The ultimate beneficiaries of the Customer ExAlt Trusts are the Charitable Beneficiaries, unrelated third-party charities, that are entitled to (i) either, depending on the applicable trust agreements, 2.5% of all distributions received by such Customer ExAlt Trusts or 5.0% of any amounts paid to Ben as payment on amounts due under each ExAlt Loan, (ii) for certain Customer ExAlt Trusts, approximately 10% of the amount of excess cash Collateral, if any, following the full repayment of an ExAlt Loan, and (iii) all amounts accrued and held at the Customer ExAlt Trusts once all amounts due to Ben under the ExAlt Loans and any fees related to Ben’s services to the Customer ExAlt Trusts are paid. The Charitable Beneficiaries’ account balances with respect to its interest in such Customer ExAlt Trusts cannot be reduced to below zero. Any losses allocable to the Charitable Beneficiaries in excess of their account balances are reclassified at each period end to the trusts’ deficit account. Additional Customer ExAlt Trusts are created arising from new liquidity transactions with customers. These new Customer ExAlt Trusts, which are consolidated by Ben, result in the recognition of additional noncontrolling interest representing the interests in these new Customer ExAlt Trusts held by the Charitable Beneficiaries. For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, nil and $1.0 million, respectively, of additional noncontrolling interests were recognized. For the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, nil and $1.2 million, respectively, of additional noncontrolling interests were recognized.
The interests of the Charitable Beneficiaries in the Customer ExAlt Trusts are recorded on the consolidated statements of financial condition in the noncontrolling interests line item.
Class A of CT Risk Management, L.L.C.
On April 1, 2022, a minority interest in the Class A membership of CT Risk Management, L.L.C. (“CT”), a consolidated VIE of Ben (as further discussed in Note 14), was sold for $2.4 million in cash to the third-party involved in the loan participation transaction described in Note 7. As a Class A member of CT, the holder is entitled to distributions first on a pro rata basis with other Class A members until the initial capital contributions are received and 2.0% of any amounts in excess of their capital contributions, to the extent such amounts are available. This interest is recorded on the consolidated statements of financial condition in the noncontrolling interests line item however, for both September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, the balance is nil.

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11.    Net Income (Loss) per Share
Basic net income (loss) attributable to Beneficient per common share for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, is as follows:
(Dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
Net income (loss)
$9,747 $(381,764)$54,057 $(1,537,734)
Plus: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests
Less: Noncontrolling interest guaranteed payment(4,423)(4,167)(8,779)(8,272)
Net income (loss) attributable to Beneficient common shareholders
$12,914 $(371,735)$60,581 $(1,487,258)
Net income (loss) attributable to Class A common shareholders
12,270 (344,580)57,040 (1,378,616)
Net income (loss) attributable to Class B common shareholders
644 (27,155)3,541 (108,642)
Basic weighted average of common shares outstanding
Class A 4,122,438 2,971,767 3,910,871 2,645,234 
Class B239,256 239,256 239,256 239,256 
Basic net income (loss) attributable to Beneficient per common share
Class A$2.98 $(115.95)$14.58 $(521.17)
Class B$2.69 $(113.50)$14.80 $(454.08)
Diluted net income attributable to Beneficient per common share for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024, is as follows:
(Dollars in thousands)
Diluted income per shareThree Months Ended
September 30, 2024
Six Months Ended
September 30, 2024
Net income attributable to Beneficient common shareholders - Basic$12,914 $60,581 
Less: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests - Ben(3,067)(10,254)
Plus: Noncontrolling interest guaranteed payment4,423 8,779 
Net income attributable to Beneficient common shareholders - Diluted$14,270 $59,106 
Basic weighted average of common shares outstanding (Class A and Class B)
4,361,694 4,150,127 
Dilutive effect of:
Series B Preferred Stock
165,036 165,036 
Class S Ordinary66,982 66,982 
Class S Preferred605 605 
Preferred Series A Subclass 0102,832,018 77,582,588 
Preferred Series A Subclass 1330,926,963 249,670,975 
Restricted Stock Units561,766 296,608 
Diluted weighted average of common shares outstanding (Class A and Class B)
438,915,064 331,932,921 
Diluted net income attributable to Beneficient per common share (Class A and Class B)
$0.03 $0.18 

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For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, as the Company was in a net loss position, the diluted EPS calculation for the Beneficient common shareholders is the same as basic EPS per common share disclosed above for that period. Diluted EPS for the Class A shareholders is $(115.95) and diluted EPS for the Class B shareholders is $(113.50) for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Diluted EPS for the Class A shareholders is $(521.17) and diluted EPS for the Class B shareholders is $(454.08) for the six months ended September 30, 2023.
In computing diluted net loss per share, we considered potentially dilutive shares. Anti-dilutive shares not recognized in the diluted net loss per share calculation for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, were as follows:
Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
Class S Ordinary 66,982  67,936 
Class S Preferred 605  605 
Preferred Series A Subclass 0 90,445,956  32,916,204 
Preferred Series A Subclass 1 291,066,987  110,618,486 
Preferred Series C Subclass 1 29,919  151,917 
Restricted Stock Units121,721 127,742 122,098 123,536 
Convertible Debt
396,174  199,169  
Warrants31,270,860 30,669,850 31,073,825 24,708,118 
Total anti-dilutive shares31,788,755 412,550,601 31,395,092 168,595,329 
Conversion of BCH Preferred C-1 Unit Accounts
Pursuant to the UPA, on July 10, 2023, the BCH Preferred C-1 Unit Accounts automatically converted into 550,510 shares of Class A common stock at approximately $372.80 per share, which represents the volume-weighted average trading price of the Class A common stock for the 20 trading days following the closing of the Business Combination.
Conversion of Series B-1 Preferred Stock
On October 3, 2023, 3,768,995 shares of Series B-1 preferred stock converted into 172,574 shares of Class A common stock at a price per share of approximately $218.40.
The disclosed amount of anti-dilutive securities for the warrants does not consider the assumed proceeds under the treasury stock method as the exercise price was greater than the average market price of the Class A common stock, which results in negative incremental shares, that would be anti-dilutive.
12.    Income Taxes
The components of income tax expense for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, were as follows:
(Dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
Current expense
$ $ $28 $ 
Deferred expense
Income tax expense
$ $ $28 $ 
13.    Related Parties
The Company considers its employees and directors to be related parties. A “Related Entity” or “Related Entities” include certain trusts that are directly or indirectly controlled by, or operate for the benefit of, Mr. Heppner or his family, and those entities directly or indirectly held by, or that are under common control with, such trusts, and in which he and his family

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members are among classes of economic beneficiaries, whether or not Mr. Heppner is entitled to economic distributions from such trusts. Mr. Heppner is a beneficiary of the trust that is the sole shareholder of BHI (such trust, the “Related Entity Trust”).
Relationship with Beneficient Management Counselors, L.L.C.
For periods prior to the conversion of BCG to a Nevada corporation, Ben Management was the general partner of Ben and Ben Management was governed by a board of directors. The governing document of Ben Management provided that Beneficient Management Counselors, L.L.C. (“BMC”), wholly owned by one of several Related Entities, determined the directors of Ben Management who filled 49% of the Board seats. BMC was also entitled to select (a) 50% of the membership of the Ben Management’s Nominating Committee and Executive Committee and appoint the chair of each of these committees, and (b) 50% of the membership of the Community Reinvestment Committee (the “CRC”) and the CRC’s chairperson and lead committee member. Certain decisions with respect to Ben’s charitable giving program were delegated to the CRC, including certain decisions on behalf of BFF as a Kansas TEFFI. Decisions regarding appointment and removal of Ben Management’s directors, other than directors appointed by BMC, were delegated, with certain exceptions, to the Nominating Committee of Ben Management of which our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman was a member and Chairman. In the event of a tie vote of the Nominating Committee on a vote for the appointment or removal of a director, the majority of the then total number of directors serving on the board of directors would break the tie; provided that upon and following a “trigger event” (as defined in Ben Management’s governing document) the chair of the Nominating Committee may cast the tie-breaking vote. Subsequent to the conversion of BCG to a Nevada corporation, Beneficient is governed by a board of directors and Beneficient’s common equity holders are entitled to vote on all matters on which stockholders generally are entitled to vote as described in Note 10, Equity.
Services Agreement with Bradley Capital Company, L.L.C.
BCG and BCH entered into an agreement with Bradley Capital Company, L.L.C. (“Bradley Capital”) and BMC effective June 1, 2017 (the “Bradley Capital Agreement”), which was then amended and restated effective January 1, 2022 (the “A&R Bradley Capital Agreement”). Bradley Capital is a Related Entity. Under the Bradley Capital Agreement and the A&R Bradley Capital Agreement, Bradley Capital is entitled to a current base fee of $0.4 million per quarter for executive level services provided by an executive of Bradley Capital, who, prior to BCG’s conversion to a Nevada corporation on June 7, 2023, was our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Ben Management’s Board of Directors and currently is our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of our Board, together with a current supplemental fee of $0.2 million per quarter for administrative and financial analysis, with both the base fee and supplemental fee, subject to an annual inflation adjustment. The base fee may be increased by the provider up to two times the initial base fee per quarter to cover increases in the cost of providing the services, or in the event of an expansion of the scope of the services, with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Ben Management prior to June 7, 2023 and the Executive Committee of our Board subsequent to June 7, 2023, of which our CEO & Chairman is a member and Chairman. Our CEO and Chairman receives an annual salary from the Company of $0.2 million and both he and other employees of Bradley Capital can participate in equity incentive plans sponsored by the Company. The Bradley Capital Agreement and the A&R Bradley Capital Agreement also includes a payment from Ben of $0.2 million per year, paid in equal quarterly installments, to cover on-going employee costs for retired and/or departed employees of predecessor entities prior to September 1, 2017, which on-going costs were assumed by Bradley Capital, as well as a further payment to Bradley Capital in respect of the cost of health and retirement benefits for current employees of Bradley Capital all of which are reimbursed by Ben.
The Bradley Capital Agreement and the A&R Bradley Capital Agreement requires Ben to reimburse Bradley Capital or its affiliates for taxes, fees, and expenses, including legal fees and related costs, relating to the contributions by affiliates of Bradley Capital of equity or debt interests in Ben to public charitable trusts in connection with the 2017-18 Exchange Trusts, as well as the contribution of beneficial interests in customer trusts administered by Ben. The A&R Bradley Capital Agreement further requires that Ben indemnify and hold Bradley Capital harmless against any and all losses, damages, costs, fees and any other expenses incurred by Bradley Capital as air travel expenses owed in connection with the operation of the aircraft identified in the Aircraft Sublease (as defined below) for periods prior to January 1, 2022. Additionally, the Company provides office space and access to needed technology systems and telephone services. Payments by Ben to Bradley Capital and its affiliates are guaranteed and subject to enforcement by the state courts in Delaware in the event of default. The A&R Bradley Capital Agreement extended through December 31, 2022, with an automatic annual one-year renewal provision thereafter. Prior to June 7, 2023, the A&R Bradley Capital Agreement could have been terminated by the mutual agreement of the parties, by the unanimous approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Ben Management of which an executive of a Related Entity is a member, or without such approval if the Related Entity no longer holds the lesser of $10.0 million of Ben’s securities or 1% of the aggregate fair market value of Ben on both December 31, 2022, or any applicable extension date, and the date of termination.

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On June 7, 2023 BCG’s existing Bradley Capital Agreement, was replaced by a Second Amended and Restated Services Agreement (the “Second A&R Bradley Capital Agreement”) with the Company as a party. The Second A&R Bradley Capital Agreement is substantially similar to the existing Bradley Capital Agreement, subject to certain changes as follows. The Executive Committee (as defined in the Second A&R Bradley Capital Agreement) reference was revised to refer to the Executive Committee of the Board, and the Second A&R Bradley Capital Agreement expressly states that it shall in no way limit the authority of Board to appoint and remove officers of the Company, including its chief executive officer. The term of the Second A&R Bradley Capital Agreement extends through December 31, 2023, with an annual one-year renewal provision thereafter. The termination provision was revised so that the agreement may be terminated upon the approval of all members of the Executive Committee, excluding Brad K. Heppner if he is then serving on the Executive Committee. The base fee was increased to $0.5 million per quarter and the supplemental fee was increased to $0.2 million per quarter, with each fee remaining subject to an annual inflation adjustment. In addition, revisions were made to the limitation of liability and indemnification provisions to reflect the applicability of the corporation laws of Nevada to Beneficient.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company recognized expenses totaling $0.7 million and $0.7 million related to this services agreement, respectively. During the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company recognized expenses totaling $1.4 million and $1.4 million related to this services agreement, respectively. As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, $3.1 million and $2.7 million, respectively, was owed to Bradley Capital related to the ongoing aspects of this services agreement. In addition, prior to the Aircraft Sublease with Bradley Capital discussed below, we also reimbursed Bradley Capital for certain costs, including private travel, for our chief executive officer, including family members. As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, we have nil and $0.7 million accrued related to these reimbursements originating prior to the Aircraft Sublease. These amounts are reflected in the accounts payable and accrued expenses line item on the consolidated statements of financial condition. During the three and six months ended September 30, 2024, the Company paid $0.4 million and $1.6 million, respectively, related to accrued amounts owed under this services agreement.
In addition to the above, the Company incurred legal fees on behalf of Mr. Heppner under certain indemnification provisions. During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, these legal fees totaled approximately $1.4 million and $1.2 million, respectively. During the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, these legal fees totaled approximately $2.6 million and $2.3 million, respectively. Substantially, all of these legal fees have or are expected to be eligible for reimbursement by the directors and officers insurance carriers.
Aircraft Sublease with Bradley Capital
Effective January 1, 2022 and January 1, 2023, The Beneficient Company Group (USA), L.L.C. (“Beneficient USA”), a subsidiary of BCH, as sublessee, Bradley Capital, as sublessor, and BCG, solely as it relates to the guarantee it makes to Bradley Capital as set forth therein, entered into an Aircraft Sublease Agreement (the “Aircraft Sublease”). Pursuant to the Aircraft Sublease, Bradley Capital subleases the aircraft described therein, without a crew, to Beneficient USA for discrete periods of use. Beneficient USA is required to pay a quarterly rental of $1.4 million plus direct operating expenses incurred for Ben’s use of the aircraft. Bradley Capital is required to pay any other fixed and variable costs of operating the aircraft. Beneficient USA is also required to provide its own pilot(s) and crew, and Beneficient USA has entered into a separate Flight Crew Services Agreement with an unrelated third-party to provide the qualified flight crew. The term of the Aircraft Sublease is one (1) year and may be terminated by either party upon three (3) days prior written notice and will automatically terminate upon the sale or similar disposition of the aircraft or the termination of the underlying lease agreement. Additionally, BCG agrees to unconditionally guarantee, for the benefit of Bradley Capital, all of the obligations of Beneficient USA to Bradley Capital under the Aircraft Sublease. The Aircraft Sublease expired on January 1, 2024.
During the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, BCH expensed $1.4 million and $2.9 million, respectively, in lease and direct operating expenses related to this agreement. No amounts have been paid to Bradley Capital related to the aircraft sublease through September 30, 2024. As of each of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, $10.8 million of accrued costs related to the sublease is reflected in the accounts payable and accrued expenses line item on the consolidated statements of financial condition.
As discussed below, BHI, a Related Entity, entered into a Contribution Agreement with BCH and BCG pursuant to which BHI has agreed to reimburse BCG for a significant portion of the costs incurred by Beneficient USA under the Aircraft Sublease.
Relationship with Beneficient Holdings, Inc.
Beneficient USA, a subsidiary of BCH, entered into with BHI, a Related Entity, a Services Agreement effective July 1, 2017 (the “BHI Services Agreement”). BHI pays an annual fee of $30,000 to Ben for the provision of trust administration services for Related Entities and all trusts affiliated with its family trustee as that term is defined in the governing documents for a Related Entity. Beneficient USA also is required to provide any other services requested by BHI, subject to any restrictions in

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the operating agreement of BHI, at cost. The term of the BHI Services Agreement extends for the longer of (i) five years past the expiration or termination of the Bradley Capital Agreement, or (ii) seven years after the family trustee of the Related Entity is no longer a primary beneficiary of any trust affiliated with the family trustee. The Company recognized nominal income during the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, in accordance with the BHI Services Agreement.
In conjunction with the execution of the Aircraft Sublease, BHI, a Related Entity, BCH, and BCG entered into a Contribution Agreement effective as of January 1, 2022 and January 1, 2023 (the “Contribution Agreement”). Pursuant to the Contribution Agreement, BHI agrees to pay to BCH, on the last business day of each calendar quarter, any amounts paid by BCH during the quarter for the use of an aircraft under the Aircraft Sublease, or any similar lease or sublease, which would include the quarterly rental under the Aircraft Sublease. In addition, BHI agrees to pay to BCH any amounts paid related to fixed monthly or quarterly costs incurred in connection with such aircraft lease or sublease in an amount not to exceed $250,000 per year. This additional payment is intended to partially cover flight crew costs and other related costs. Each contribution is conditioned upon (i) the effectiveness of the Aircraft Sublease, and (ii) BCH’s timely payment to BHI of the guaranteed payment to be made to holders of BCH Preferred A.0 for the respective quarter in which such contribution is to be paid (whether or not waived in accordance with the terms of the BCH LPA); provided, that if such guaranteed payment is not timely paid, or is only paid in part, for any given quarter, then any contributions contemplated under the Contribution Agreement for such quarter will not be owed. In the event such guaranteed payment is subsequently paid in full, then any previously unfunded contributions for the applicable quarter under the Contribution Agreement will become immediately due and payable on the last business day of the calendar quarter in which such guaranteed payment is paid in full. All payments made by BHI to BCH pursuant to the Contribution Agreement shall be treated as capital contributions, as defined in the BCH LPA, by BHI to BCH and shall be added to BHI’s sub-capital account related to its BCH Class S Ordinary Units. BCH further agrees to specially allocate to BHI’s sub-capital account related to its BCH Class S Ordinary Units any expenses or deductions derived from amounts paid or accrued by BCH for use of the aircraft to the extent such expenditures are offset by the contributions made by BHI pursuant to the Contribution Agreement. There have been no contributions from BHI related to this agreement, which is expected and will continue to occur until the guaranteed payments to BCH Preferred A.0 holders are no longer deferred.
BHI owns the majority of the Company’s Class B common stock, and the BCH Class S Ordinary Units, BCH Class S Preferred Units, BCH Preferred A.0, BCH Preferred A.1, and FLP Subclass 1 and Subclass 3 Unit Accounts issued by BCH.
HCLP Nominees, L.L.C.
HCLP is an indirect subsidiary of Highland Consolidated, L.L.C. (“Highland”). Ben’s Chairman and CEO is a beneficiary and trust investment advisor of the trusts that control, and are the partners of, Highland. Loans to and investments with or in the Related Entities have been and may be made by Highland, or its affiliates, as applicable, using proceeds from loan repayments made by Ben to HCLP in its capacity as lender to Ben. Ben is not a party to these transactions between Highland and the Related Entities.
A long-standing lending and investment relationship of 26 years exists between Highland (and its affiliates or related parties), on the one hand, and Related Entities, on the other. From time to time, Highland or its affiliates have advanced funds under various lending and investing arrangements to Related Entities, and such Related Entities have made repayments to Highland or its affiliates, as applicable, both in cash and in kind.
As of June 30, 2021, Highland and the applicable Related Entity mutually agreed to satisfy all obligations under all outstanding loans among Highland and the Related Entity via full payment and satisfaction of the existing loan balances (the “Loan Balances”) by in-kind real property transfers (the “In-Kind Property Payment”) from certain of the Related Entities to Highland. The terms of the In-Kind Property Payment grant Highland the right to transfer the real property that was transferred pursuant to the In-Kind Property Payment back to certain of the Related Entities, in exchange for a BCH Preferred A.1 capital account balance in BCH in an amount equal to the Loan Balances, with such exchange to be satisfied from existing BCH Preferred A.1 that are held by such Related Entities.
Since June 30, 2021, additional net advances have been made by Highland to a Related Entity. As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, Highland Consolidated, L.P. had outstanding loans in the principal amount of $10.8 million and $11.5 million, respectively, with a Related Entity. Ben is not a party to these loans, nor has it secured or guaranteed the loans.
The Company incurred legal fees of approximately $0.5 million and $0.5 million on behalf of HCLP pursuant to the indemnification obligations under the HCLP credit agreements during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. During the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, these legal fees totaled approximately $1.0 million and $0.6 million, respectively.

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Relationship with The Heppner Endowment for Research Organizations, L.L.C. (“HERO”) and Research Ranch Operating Company, L.L.C (“RROC”).
HERO and RROC are indirectly owned by The Highland Investment Holdings Trust, The Highland Great Plains Trust and The Highland Partner Holdings Trust. Mr. Heppner is a permissible beneficiary of The Highland Investment Holdings Trust and The Highland Partner Holdings Trust, but he is not a beneficiary of The Highland Great Plains Trust. Mr. Heppner’s family members are potential beneficiaries of each of these three trusts. HERO was created to (i) to serve as an advisor to National Philanthropic Trust (“NPT”), an unrelated third-party charitable organization, regarding the disbursement of grants to qualifying organizations, and (ii) to serve as an advisor to NPT regarding the administration of charitable contributions made for the benefit of such qualifying organizations. Although HERO can advise on these matters, NPT possessed all final decision-making authority on charitable contributions and complete control over the proceeds received by the charitable organizations. The charitable accounts administered by NPT (“Charitable Accounts”), the beneficiaries of which have historically been multiple Texas universities, have historically received proceeds from certain trusts settled and funded by customers of Ben, in support of their charitable initiatives. HERO does not receive any proceeds from trusts settled and funded by customers of Ben.
RROC’s purpose is to provide funding and operational support for the research activities conducted by the qualified charities. The funding received by RROC, from proceeds of trusts settled and funded by customers of Ben, may be used, in RROC’s discretion, to (i) provide appropriate facilities and properties for the charitable organizations to utilize as part of their charitable initiatives (those properties and facilities being owned by a Related Entity), and (ii) provide fee revenue to RROC. RROC is granted such rights and authority pursuant to trust instruments entered into between a customer and subsidiaries of Ben as well as an agreement with NPT. Ben’s subsidiaries provide financing to the Customer ExAlt Trusts and Ben is paid as an agent of the trustees for administrative services it provides to the trusts. Ben has certain outstanding payables, including accrued interest, to RROC and the Charitable Accounts (for the benefit of the Texas universities as discussed above) of $2.2 million and $2.2 million as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, respectively. There were no payments made during the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. Due to changes in the Customer ExAlt Trust agreements, no incremental amounts are expected to be allocated to RROC or the Charitable Accounts other than those amounts already provided by certain prior trust agreements. During the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, the trust advisor to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts reassigned the beneficial interest held at NPT to the Kansas TEFFI Economic Growth Trust.
Beneficient Heartland Foundation, Inc.; Initial Charitable Initiative
In connection with each of Ben’s liquidity transactions following the adoption of the TEFFI legislation and BFF’s receipt of a fully-operational trust company charter under the Kansas TEFFI Act, pursuant to Section 28 of the TEFFI Act, a “Qualified Distribution” is made for the benefit of certain economic growth zones and rural communities in the State of Kansas (each, a “Charitable Distribution”). In January 2022, Ben announced its initial $15.4 million Charitable Distribution. The Charitable Distribution was allocated as follows: $2.7 million of cash for the benefit of, and to be received by, the Kansas Department of Commerce to be used at the department’s discretion for development projects and the promotion and growth of the TEFFI industry in Kansas; $0.2 million of cash and assets for the benefit of public charities dedicated to economic development within Mr. Heppner’s hometown of Hesston, Kansas, and surrounding Harvey County, Kansas, as outlined in the TEFFI Act; and $12.5 million in cash and assets to the Beneficient Heartland Foundation, Inc. (“BHF”) as described below. Mr. Heppner’s hometown is Hesston, Kansas and certain of his family members continue to live and/or work in Hesston and other areas of Harvey County, Kansas and may be considered to be direct and indirect beneficiaries of the portions of the initial Charitable Distribution provided to Hesston and Harvey County and to BHF.
On January 20, 2022, BHF was formed as a Kansas nonprofit corporation to receive economic growth contributions pursuant to the TEFFI legislation. BHF is currently governed by an eight-member board of directors, six of whom are community leaders within the Hesston, Kansas community and two of whom are Ben employees or individuals otherwise affiliated with Ben. BHF is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its purpose is to provide grants and other support to benefit growth, development and expansion of opportunities in rural Kansas communities with populations of 5,000 residents or less, including job and income growth, main street revitalization, educational facility improvements, construction and development, healthcare facility enhancements, senior facility improvements, and support for post-secondary institutions. BHF has the exclusive decision-making authority over all of the economic growth contributions it receives.
BFF is the sole member of BHF and has the right to appoint up to eleven members of BHF’s Board of Directors. The remaining two board members are appointed by BMC. Pursuant to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, BFF’s governing documents prohibit any of BHF’s assets or earnings from inuring to the benefit of BFF, BMC, or any director, officer or other private individual.

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The Kansas TEFFI Economic Growth Trust
The Kansas Economic Growth Trust (the “EGT”) is a common law trust formed on December 7, 2021 by and between an individual as independent trustee, Ben Custody as administrator, and BCH as advisor. The purpose of the EGT is to receive the proceeds of the Customer ExAlt Trusts that are allocable to the Charitable Beneficiaries and to allocate such proceeds between the Kansas Department of Commerce and qualified charitable organizations (including the Beneficient Heartland Foundation, Inc.) in accordance with the requirements of the TEFFI legislation. The proceeds received by the EGT are dedicated exclusively to charitable purposes and the trust agreement prohibits any of the EGT’s assets or earnings from inuring to the benefit of Ben Custody, BCH, any director, officer or other private individual. As noted above, Ben Custody provides administrative and accounting services to the EGT, and BCH serves as advisor to the trustee with respect to the administration and distribution of the trust. Neither Ben Custody nor BCH charges a fee for these services. During the year ended March 31, 2023, the trust advisor to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts reassigned the beneficial interest held at NPT to the EGT.
Ben has an outstanding payable to EGT of nil and $0.1 million as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, respectively. Ben paid $0.1 million and $0.3 million during the three and six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $0.3 million and $0.7 million for the same periods of 2023, respectively, related to allocable proceeds to Charitable Beneficiaries. Additionally, during the year ended March 31, 2023, Ben sold its Kansas properties to the EGT in exchange for a $1.4 million promissory note, which is in the other assets line items on the consolidated statements of financial condition as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024. The EGT made a prepayment on the promissory note of $0.2 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024, principally in return for the promissory note being extended by two years, until September 30, 2028.
Hicks Holdings, L.L.C.
Hicks Holdings, L.L.C., an entity associated with one of Ben’s current directors, is one of the owners and serves as the manager of a limited liability company (“SPV”). A Related Entity also has ownership in the SPV. The SPV holds BCH Preferred A.0 and BCH Preferred A.1 among its investment holdings. Hicks Holdings, L.L.C. is also the sole member of HH-BDH, the lender on outstanding term loans with a subsidiary of Ben.
Hicks Holdings Operating, LLC (“Hicks Holdings”), an entity associated with one of Ben’s current directors, has historically held BCH Preferred A.0, BCH Preferred A.1, BCH Class S Ordinary Units, BCH Class S Preferred Units and Class B common stock of Beneficient. Hicks Holdings was granted its BCH Preferred A.1 and BCH Class S Ordinary Units as compensation for services provided in 2018. Hicks Holdings was granted its BCH Preferred A.0 when a portion of the existing BCH Preferred A.1 converted to BCH Preferred A.0 in 2021. Hicks Holdings converted a portion of its existing BCH Preferred A.1 to BCG Class B Common Units in June 2023 in connection with the recapitalization of BCG described in Note 4. In connection with the letter agreement described below, in October 2023, Hicks Holdings assigned the BCH Preferred A.0, BCH Preferred A.1, BCH Class S Ordinary Units, and BCH Class S Preferred Units to HH-BDH. The total preferred equity of BCH, BCH Class S Preferred Units and BCH Class S Ordinary Units balance as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, was $26.6 million and $27.5 million, respectively (amounts disclosed here are based on their GAAP capital accounts). Hicks Holdings held 16,528 shares of Class B common stock as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024. Additionally, during the quarter ended September 30, 2024, Mr. Hicks and an entity controlled by Mr. Hicks purchased a total of 100,000 shares of Class A common stock for a purchase price of approximately $0.2 million.
The Company has outstanding payable amounts to Hicks Holdings related to the HH-BDH Credit Agreement totaling approximately $0.3 million as of September 30, 2024. No such amount was outstanding as of March 31, 2024.
Letter Agreement with Hicks Holdings
In connection with the HH-BDH Credit Agreement and the Financing, on October 19, 2023, the Guarantor, Ben LLC, and Hicks Holdings entered into a letter agreement (the “Letter Agreement”). In connection with the Financing, Hicks Holdings agreed to assign to HH-BDH (which is wholly-owned by Hicks Holdings) all of its rights, title and interest in and to the following partnership interests of the Guarantor: BCH Preferred A.0 with a capital account balance of $15.3 million as of June 30, 2023, BCH Preferred A.1 with a capital account balance of $48.1 million as of June 30, 2023, 1 BCH Class S Preferred Units and 3,640 BCH Class S Ordinary Units held by HH-BDH (the “Pledged Guarantor Interests”). Hicks Holdings’ membership interest in HH-BDH (collectively with the Pledged Guarantor Interests, the “Pledged Equity Interests”) and the Pledged Guarantor Interests serve as collateral for the Financing (together, the “Lender Pledge”).
Pursuant to the terms of the Letter Agreement, the parties thereto agreed that if the Borrower and/or Guarantor default under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement and such default results in a foreclosure on, or other forfeiture of, the Pledged Equity Interests, the Guarantor will promptly issue to Hicks Holdings, BCH Preferred A.0 with a capital account balance of $15.3 million, BCH Preferred A.1 with a capital account balance of $48.1 million, 1 BCH Class S Preferred Units and 3,640 BCH Class S Ordinary Units (subject to a tax gross-up as provided in the Letter Agreement), or, in the discretion of Hicks

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Holdings, equivalent securities of equal fair market value to the value of the security interests at the time of the applicable foreclosure or other loss (such newly issued equity interests referred to as the “Replacement Equity Interests”); provided, however that, if less than all Pledged Equity Interests have been foreclosed on or forfeited, the foregoing capital account balances and numbers of units comprising the Replacement Equity Interests shall be reduced on a class-by-class and subclass-by-subclass basis, as applicable, to the extent necessary to ensure that Hicks Holdings and its affiliates do not receive additional value relative to the value held by Hicks Holdings and its affiliates immediately prior to the foreclosure or forfeiture. Furthermore, Ben LLC shall cause a Ben LLC Unit (as defined in the BCH LPA) to be issued for each BCH Class A Unit issued to the Hicks Holdings pursuant to the Letter Agreement. Additionally, the Guarantor agreed to indemnify Hicks Holdings and its affiliates and hold each of them harmless against any and all losses which may arise directly or indirectly in connection with, among other things, the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, the Term Loan, the Financing and the Lender Pledge.
Shared Services Agreement with GWG Holdings
On May 27, 2020, Ben and GWG Holdings (acting through a then constituted special committee of the Board of Directors of GWG Holdings) entered into a shared services agreement effective as of January 1, 2020 (the “Shared Services Agreement”). The term of the Shared Services Agreement had an initial term of one year from the effective date and renewed automatically for successive one-year terms. Due to the filing by GWG Holdings for reorganization under the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Code in April 2022, neither party was authorized to terminate the Shared Services Agreement. The Shared Services Agreement terminated upon the effective of GWG Holdings’ bankruptcy plan on August 1, 2023. Pursuant to the Shared Services Agreement, GWG Holdings paid a quarterly fee to Ben for the provision of accounting and finance, general and administrative, human resources, sales administration and marketing, underwriting and risk management, information technology and legal services for GWG Holdings and its direct or wholly-owned subsidiaries. The total service fee for each quarter was determined in good faith by Ben on the final day of such quarter in accordance with the cost allocation methodology maintained on Ben’s books and records, which provided that, to the extent the Services were eligible for the “services cost method,” as defined in Treasury Regulation §1.482-9(b), the Service Fee shall be equal to the total costs incurred by Ben during each quarter in connection with Ben’s provision of the Services to GWG Holdings or its direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries, and that the Service Fee for Services that are not eligible for the services cost method shall be determined by reference to the “cost of services plus method,” as defined in Treasury Regulation §1.482-9(e).
During the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, GWG Holdings paid approximately $0.1 million and $1.4 million, respectively, to Ben under the Shared Services Agreement. Concurrent with the termination of the Shared Services Agreement on August 1, 2023, all receivables and the related allowance pertaining to amounts owed under the Shared Services Agreement were written off.
Consulting agreements with certain board members
During fiscal 2024, the Company entered into consulting agreements with certain non-management board members. Pursuant to the consulting agreements, Thomas O. Hicks, Richard W. Fisher and Bruce W. Schnitzer agreed to mentor, advise and support Beneficient and its related entities regarding its business of providing services, insurance, liquidity and financing for alternative asset holders and each receive an annual cash fee of $150,000 per year. Such consulting fee is in addition to the annual cash retainer these board members receive under the director compensation program. The consulting agreements have an initial term of one (1) year and automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms unless sooner terminated in accordance with their terms. In the event the initial or any renewal term is terminated before it expires due to a removal or because Messrs. Hicks, Fisher and Schnitzer is not re-elected or re- appointed, in each case without cause (as defined in the consulting agreement), the annual consulting fee will continue to be paid through the end of the initial or renewal term, as applicable. For each consulting agreement, the associated expense is recognized ratably each month over the annual term.
Mr. Fisher retired from our Board effective March 15, 2024 and thus his above referenced consulting agreement terminated during fiscal 2024. Following his resignation, Mr. Fisher has agreed to continue to serve as a consultant to the Company. In connection with such role, Mr. Fisher will receive an annual payment of $50,000, with such amount to be paid in the Company’s Class A common stock.
Subscription agreements with an entity associated with a certain board member
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, an entity associated with Peter T. Cangany, Jr., a member of our board of directors, purchased a total of 262,500 shares of Class A common stock from the Company for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $0.5 million.

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14.    Variable Interest Entities
In accordance with ASC 810, an enterprise is determined to be the primary beneficiary of a VIE if it holds a controlling financial interest. A controlling financial interest is defined as (a) the power to direct the activities of a VIE that most significantly impact the entity’s economic performance and (b) the obligation to absorb losses of the entity or the right to receive benefits from the entity that could potentially be significant to the VIE. The consolidation guidance requires an analysis to determine (a) whether an entity in which Ben holds a variable interest is a VIE and (b) whether Ben’s involvement, through holding interests directly or indirectly in the entity or contractually through other variable interests (for example, management and performance-related fees), would give it a controlling financial interest. The performance of that analysis requires the exercise of judgment. Based on management’s analysis, there are no VIEs that require consolidation, other than those described below.
VIEs for Which the Company is the Primary Beneficiary
CT Risk Management, L.L.C.
CT, a Delaware limited liability company, is currently governed by the Fourth Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement entered into on April 27, 2022. CT was created to reduce the impact of a potential market downturn on the interests in alternative assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts that collateralize the loans receivable from the Customer ExAlt Trusts held by BFF, or other Ben entities (such loans receivable are eliminated solely for financial reporting purposes in our consolidated financial statements) by distributing any potential profits to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts thereby offsetting any reduction in the value of the alternative assets.
CT is considered a VIE as the at-risk equity holder, BFF, does not have all of the characteristics of a controlling financial interest due to BFF’s receipt of returns being limited to its initial investment in CT. The Company concluded that BFF is the primary beneficiary of CT as BFF has the power to direct the most significant activities and has an obligation to absorb potential losses of CT. Accordingly, the results of CT are included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements.
As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, the consolidated statements of financial condition include assets of this consolidated VIE with a carrying value of nil. For three months ended September 30, 2023, the Company recorded losses of $0.7 million, of which approximately $0.3 million is attributable to Ben or Ben’s loan portfolio, with the remainder attributable principally to the loan involved in the participation loan transaction. The Company recorded losses of $3.0 million during the six months ended September 30, 2023, of which approximately $2.0 million is attributable to Ben or Ben’s loan portfolio, with the remainder attributable principally to the loan involved in the participation loan transaction. The amounts are reported in the gain (loss) on financial instruments, net line item of the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss), for the three and six months ended September 30, 2023. No options were held as of and during the three and six months ended September 30, 2024.
Customer ExAlt Trusts
The Company determined that all of the Customer ExAlt Trusts used in connection with its operations are VIEs of which Ben is the primary beneficiary as defined under ASC 810. The Company concluded that it is the primary beneficiary of the Customer ExAlt Trusts as it has the power to direct the most significant activities and has an obligation to absorb potential losses of the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Accordingly, the results of the Customer ExAlt Trusts are included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements. Although the Company is deemed to be the primary beneficiary of the Customer ExAlt Trusts for purposes of ASC 810, it is neither designated as a beneficiary under the trust agreements nor recognized as a beneficiary of such trusts under applicable state trust law. The assets of the Customer ExAlt Trusts may only be used to settle obligations of the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Other than potentially funding capital calls above the related reserve (refer to Note 17), there is no recourse to the Company for the Customer ExAlt Trusts’ liabilities. The cash flows generated by these VIEs are included within the Company’s consolidated statements of cash flows.

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The consolidated statements of financial condition include the following amounts from these consolidated VIEs as of the dates presented:
(Dollars in thousands)September 30, 2024March 31, 2024
Cash and cash equivalents$1,008 $963 
Restricted cash314 64 
Investments, at fair value334,987 329,113 
Other assets32 30 
Total Assets of VIEs$336,341 $330,170 
Accounts payable and accrued expense$2,316 $1,670 
Other liabilities19 109 
Total Liabilities of VIEs$2,335 $1,779 
Treasury stock$(3,444)$(3,444)
Noncontrolling interests(171,110)(165,712)
Accumulated other comprehensive income
281 276 
Total Equity of VIEs$(174,273)$(168,880)
The consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss) for the periods presented include the following amounts from these consolidated VIEs:
Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)
Investment income (loss), net
$8,541 $(13)$19,569 $487 
Gain (loss) on financial instruments, net
572 (41,875)(603)(43,679)
Interest and dividend income 2  10 
Total revenues9,113 (41,886)18,966 (43,182)
Operating expenses
Interest expense 1,794  3,668 
Provision for credit losses476  998  
Professional services571 884 1,193 2,145 
Other expenses189 26 309 383 
Total operating expenses1,236 2,704 2,500 6,196 
Net income (loss)$7,877 $(44,590)$16,466 $(49,378)
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

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15.    Segment Reporting
The Company has three reportable segments consisting of Ben Liquidity, Ben Custody and Customer ExAlt Trusts. As additional products and services are offered in the future, we expect to have additional reportable segments, including Ben Insurance Services and Ben Markets.
As the central operating hub of the company, Ben Liquidity is responsible for offering Ben’s fiduciary alternative asset liquidity and financing products through AltAccess. Ben Custody delivers products that address the administrative and regulatory burden of holding alternative assets by offering full service bespoke custody and trust administration services, and specialized document custodian services to Customers. Certain of Ben’s operating subsidiary products and services involve or are offered to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts hold interests in alternative assets and therefore recognize changes in such assets’ net asset value in earnings. Certain other Customer ExAlt Trusts pay interest on the ExAlt Loans to Ben Liquidity and transaction fees to Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody in connection with the liquidity transactions, and pay fees to Ben Custody for providing full-service trust administration services to the trustees of the Customer ExAlt Trusts. The amounts paid to Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody are eliminated solely for financial reporting purposes in our consolidated financial statements but directly impact the allocation of income (loss) to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders.
The Corporate & Other category includes the following items, among others:
Equity-based compensation;
Gains (losses) on changes in the fair value of interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust (or common stock and L Bonds of GWG Holdings, as applicable) held by Ben;
Interest expense incurred on the corporate related debt transactions; and
Operations of Ben Insurance Services and Ben Markets that are not considered reportable segments as they do not meet the quantitative criteria to be separately reported.
The Corporate & Other category also consists of unallocated corporate overhead and administrative costs.
These segments are differentiated by the products and services they offer as well as by the information used by the Company’s chief operating decision maker to determine allocation of resources and assess performance. Operating income (loss) is the measure of profitability used by management to assess the performance of its segments and allocate resources. Performance is measured by the Company’s chief operating decision maker on an unconsolidated basis because management makes operating decisions and assesses the performance of each of the Company’s business segments based on financial and operating metrics and data that exclude the effects of consolidation of any of the Customer ExAlt Trusts.

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The following tables include the results of each of the Company’s reportable segments reconciled to the consolidated financial statements (in thousands):
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Ben LiquidityBen CustodyCustomer ExAlt TrustsCorporate & OtherConsolidating EliminationsTotal
External revenues
Investment income, net
$ $ $8,541 $ $— $8,541 
Gain (loss) on financial instruments, net
  571 (750)— (179)
Interest and dividend income
   12 — 12 
Trust services and administration revenues 187   — 187 
Intersegment revenues
Interest income11,978   — (11,978)— 
Trust services and administration revenues 5,199  — (5,199)— 
Total revenues11,978 5,386 9,112 (738)(17,177)8,561 
External expenses
Employee compensation and benefits361 542  6,232 — 7,135 
Interest expense3,163   1,157 — 4,320 
Professional services395 30 545 6,287 — 7,257 
Provision for credit losses
  476  — 476 
Loss on impairment of goodwill 298   — 298 
Other expenses402 187 189 2,012 — 2,790 
Intersegment expenses
Interest expense  36,049 — (36,049)— 
Provision for credit losses4,752   — (4,752)— 
Other expenses  3,402 — (3,402)— 
Total expenses9,073 1,057 40,661 15,688 (44,203)22,276 
Operating income (loss)$2,905 $4,329 $(31,549)$(16,426)$27,026 $(13,715)


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Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Ben LiquidityBen CustodyCustomer ExAlt TrustsCorporate & OtherConsolidating EliminationsTotal
External revenues
Investment loss, net
$ $ $(13)$ $— $(13)
Loss on financial instruments, net  (41,875)(900)— (42,775)
Interest and dividend income
  2 112 — 114 
Trust services and administration revenues 8  (95)— (87)
Intersegment revenues
Interest income13,022   — (13,022)— 
Trust services and administration revenues 6,482  — (6,482)— 
Total revenues13,022 6,490 (41,886)(883)(19,504)(42,761)
External expenses
Employee compensation and benefits1,482 545  13,371 — 15,398 
Interest expense2,120  1,794 1,200 — 5,114 
Professional services264 89 884 5,420 — 6,657 
Loss on impairment of goodwill220,212 86,472   — 306,684 
Other expenses533 231 26 4,360 — 5,150 
Intersegment expenses
Interest expense  29,835 — (29,835)— 
Provision for loan losses
60,502   — (60,502)— 
Other expenses  3,850 — (3,850)— 
Total expenses285,113 87,337 36,389 24,351 (94,187)339,003 
Operating income (loss)$(272,091)$(80,847)$(78,275)$(25,234)$74,683 $(381,764)

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Six Months Ended September 30, 2024
Ben LiquidityBen CustodyCustomer ExAlt TrustsCorporate & OtherConsolidating EliminationsTotal
External revenues
Investment income, net
$ $ $19,569 $ $— $19,569 
Loss on financial instruments, net  (604)(758)— (1,362)
Interest and dividend income   24 — 24 
Trust services and administration revenues 376   — 376 
Intersegment revenues
Interest income22,827   — (22,827)— 
Trust services and administration revenues 10,392  — (10,392)— 
Total revenues22,827 10,768 18,965 (734)(33,219)18,607 
External expenses
Employee compensation and benefits791 898  9,296 — 10,985 
Interest expense6,244   2,364 — 8,608 
Professional services869 426 1,167 10,339 — 12,801 
Provision for credit losses  998 2 — 1,000 
Loss on impairment of goodwill
 3,427  265 — 3,692 
Release of loss contingency related to arbitration award
   (54,973)— (54,973)
Other expenses853 401 309 4,308 — 5,871 
Intersegment expenses
Interest expense  70,848 — (70,848)— 
Provision for credit losses11,679   — (11,679)— 
Other expenses  6,821 — (6,821)— 
Total expenses20,436 5,152 80,143 (28,399)(89,348)(12,016)
Operating income (loss)
$2,391 $5,616 $(61,178)$27,665 $56,129 $30,623 


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Six Months Ended September 30, 2023
Ben LiquidityBen CustodyCustomer ExAlt TrustsCorporate & OtherConsolidating EliminationsTotal
External revenues
Investment income, net
$ $ $487 $ $— $487 
Loss on financial instruments, net
  (43,679)(2,557)— (46,236)
Interest and dividend income  10 220 — 230 
Trust services and administration revenues 15   — 15 
Intersegment revenues
Interest income25,028   — (25,028)— 
Trust services and administration revenues 13,050  — (13,050)— 
Total revenues25,028 13,065 (43,182)(2,337)(38,078)(45,504)
External expenses
Employee compensation and benefits3,975 1,105  46,141 — 51,221 
Interest expense2,878  3,668 2,352 — 8,898 
Professional services897 589 2,145 13,399 — 17,030 
Loss on impairment of goodwill
1,121,212 281,777   — 1,402,989 
Other expenses1,187 438 383 10,084 — 12,092 
Intersegment expenses
Interest expense  59,615 — (59,615)— 
Provision for loan losses
69,998   — (69,998)— 
Other expenses  7,694 — (7,694)— 
Total expenses1,200,147 283,909 73,505 71,976 (137,307)1,492,230 
Operating income (loss)$(1,175,119)$(270,844)$(116,687)$(74,313)$99,229 $(1,537,734)
As of September 30, 2024
Ben LiquidityBen CustodyCustomer ExAlt TrustsCorporate & OtherConsolidating EliminationsTotal
Loans to Customer ExAlt Trusts, net$260,686 $ $ $ $(260,686)$— 
Investments, at fair value  334,987   334,987 
Other assets1,609 21,909 18,025 14,392 (35,148)20,787 
Goodwill and intangible assets, net 7,469  5,545  13,014 
Total Assets$262,295 $29,378 $353,012 $19,937 $(295,834)$368,788 
As of March 31, 2024
Ben LiquidityBen CustodyCustomer ExAlt TrustsCorporate & OtherConsolidating EliminationsTotal
Loans to Customer ExAlt Trusts, net$256,184 $ $ $ $(256,184)$— 
Investments, at fair value  329,113 6  329,119 
Other assets5,814 20,398 19,467 12,510 (35,513)22,676 
Goodwill and intangible assets, net 10,896  5,810  16,706 
Total Assets$261,998 $31,294 $348,580 $18,326 $(291,697)$368,501 

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16.    Risks and Uncertainties
The Customer ExAlt Trusts hold investments in alternative assets, public and private equity securities, and debt securities that are exposed to market risk, credit risk, currency risk, and interest rate risk. Currently, these investments, whose cash flows serve as collateral to the ExAlt Loans, primarily are comprised of alternative assets consisting of private equity limited partnership interests, which are primarily denominated in the U.S. dollar, Euro, and Canadian dollar. The financial statements risks, stemming from such investments, are those associated with the determination of estimated fair values, the diminished ability to monetize certain investments in times of strained market conditions, the recognition of income and recognition of impairments on certain investments.
The portfolio of alternative assets covers the following industry sectors and geographic regions for the periods shown below (dollar amounts in thousands):
September 30, 2024March 31, 2024
Industry SectorValuePercent of TotalValuePercent of Total
Food and staples retailing$66,517 22.1 %$41,721 14.2 %
Software and services44,683 14.8 42,908 14.6 
Diversified financials30,222 10.0 30,297 10.3 
Utilities29,693 9.9 28,768 9.8 
Energy17,151 5.7 19,930 6.8 
Capital goods15,733 5.2 23,146 7.9 
Semiconductors and Semiconductor Equipment
14,797 4.9 16,144 5.5 
Health care equipment and services14,441 4.8 16,520 5.6 
68,151 22.6 74,482 25.3 
Total$301,388 100.0 %$293,916 100.0 %
Industries in this category each comprise less than 5 percent. Semiconductors and Semiconductor Equipment and Health Care Equipment and Services is shown separately as it comprised greater than 5 percent in the prior period.
September 30, 2024March 31, 2024
GeographyValuePercent of TotalValuePercent of Total
North America$150,864 50.1 %$164,205 55.9 %
South America68,166 22.6 43,543 14.8 
Asia46,342 15.4 49,385 16.8 
Europe35,337 11.7 35,870 12.2 
Africa679 0.2 913 0.3 
Total$301,388 100.0 %$293,916 100.0 %
The ExAlt Loans, which are eliminated upon consolidation solely for financial reporting purposes, are collateralized by the cash flows originating from the Customer ExAlt Trusts’ investments in alternative assets, public and private equity securities, and debt securities, without recourse to the customer. These ExAlt Loans are a key determinant in income (loss) allocable to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders. Ben has underwriting and due diligence procedures and utilizes market rates. Finally, the Customer ExAlt Trusts provide for excess cash flows from a collective pool of alternative assets, public and private equity securities, and debt securities, to be utilized to repay the ExAlt Loans to Ben from the Customer ExAlt Trusts when cash flows from the customer’s original alternative assets are not sufficient to repay the outstanding principal, interest, and fees. Excess cash flows from the collective pool of alternative assets, public and private equity securities, and debt securities, above those needed to satisfy the outstanding principal interest and fees of the ExAlt Loans are available to pay contingent interest to Ben on the ExAlt Loans up to a specified contingent interest rate.
As discussed in Note 1, Ben received a charter from the state of Kansas and established an office in the state of Kansas. If we are unable to maintain the Kansas charter or obtain a charter from another state if we no longer hold the Kansas charter, our ability to affect parts of our business plan, as currently constituted, may be compromised.
In October 2023, following a series of attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilian and military targets, Israel declared war on Hamas in Gaza. In February 2022, the Russian Federation and Belarus commenced a military action with the country of Ukraine and

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as a result, various nations, including the United States, have instituted economic sanctions against the Russian Federation and Belarus. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and Israel-Hamas conflict could have a negative impact on the economy and business activity globally (including in the countries in which the Customer ExAlt Trusts currently holds investments or may hold investments in the future), and therefore, could adversely affect the performance of the Customer ExAlt Trusts’ investments.
The extent and impact of any sanctions imposed in connection with the Russia-Ukraine conflict may cause financial market volatility and impact the global economy. Volatility and disruption in the equity and credit markets can adversely affect the portfolio companies underlying the investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts and adversely affect the investment performance. Our ability to manage exposure to market conditions is limited. Market deterioration could cause the Company to experience reduced liquidity, earnings and cash flow, recognize impairment charges, or face challenges in raising capital, and making investments on attractive terms. Adverse market conditions can also affect the ability of investment funds held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts to liquidate positions in a timely and efficient manner. As a result, this presents material uncertainty and risk with respect to the performance of the investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, even though the Customer ExAlt Trusts do not hold any investments with material operations in Russia, Ukraine, or Israel. The cash flows from the investment held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts serve as the collateral to the ExAlt Loans and the fees that are paid by the Customer ExAlt Trusts to Ben for administering these trusts, both of which are key determinants in the income allocated to BCG’s and BCH’s equity holders.
Further, these events may result in reduced opportunities for future liquidity solution transactions with our customers and make it more difficult for the Customer ExAlt Trusts to exit and realize value from its existing investments, potentially resulting in a decline in the value of the investments held in the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Such a decline could cause our revenue and net income to decline, including the revenues and net income allocated to BCG’s and BCH’s equity holders.
The Company continues to evaluate the impact of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, Israel-Hamas conflict and other items, such as inflation and rising interest rates, and assess the impact on financial markets and the Company’s business. The Company’s future results may be adversely affected by slowdowns in fundraising activity and the pace of new liquidity transactions with our customers. Management is continuing to evaluate the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Israel-Hamas conflict and has concluded that while it is reasonably possible that such conflicts could have a negative effect on the Company’s financial position and/or results of its operations, the specific impact is not readily determinable as of the date of these consolidated financial statements. Consequently, the consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of these uncertainties.
17.    Commitments and Contingencies
In the normal course of business, we have various outstanding commitments and contingent liabilities that are not reflected in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. There are no significant commitments and contingencies other than those disclosed below. Ben is a party to legal actions incidental to the business. Based on the opinion of legal counsel, management has concluded with regard to all commitments and contingencies disclosed below that either the outcome is not probable or the potential liability cannot be reasonably estimated, or both.
Lease Commitments
The Company operates on a month-to-month rental basis for its office premises. The Company also subleased an aircraft under the Aircraft Sublease, which expired on January 1, 2024, with Bradley Capital as discussed in Note 13. Rental expense for our premises and for the Aircraft Sublease for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, totaled $0.2 million and $1.6 million, respectively. Rental expense for our premises and for the Aircraft Sublease for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, totaled $0.3 million and $3.3 million, respectively.
Unfunded Capital Commitments
The Customer ExAlt Trusts had $47.2 million and $47.8 million of potential gross capital commitments as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, respectively, representing potential limited partner capital funding commitments on the interests in alternative asset funds. The Customer ExAlt Trusts holding the interest in the limited partnership for the alternative asset fund is required to fund these limited partner capital commitments per the terms of the limited partnership agreement. Capital funding commitment reserves are maintained by certain of the associated trusts within the ExAlt PlanTM or affiliated entities. To the extent that the associated Customer ExAlt Trust or their affiliated entities cannot pay the capital funding commitment, Ben is obligated to lend sufficient funds to meet the commitment. Any amounts advanced by Ben to the Customer ExAlt Trusts for these limited partner capital funding commitments above the associated capital funding commitment reserves, if any, held by the associated Customer ExAlt Trusts or their affiliated entities are added to the ExAlt Loan balance between Ben and the Customer ExAlt Trusts and are expected to be recouped through the cash distributions from the alternative asset fund that collateralizes such ExAlt Loan.

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Capital commitments generally originate from limited partner agreements having fixed or expiring expiration dates. The total limited partner capital funding commitment amounts may not necessarily represent future cash requirements. The majority, or 90%, of our portfolio with an unfunded commitment has a vintage of 2012 and prior. As the vintages continue to age, a cash requirement becomes less likely. We consider the creditworthiness of the investment on a case-by-case basis. At September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, there were no reserves for losses on unused commitments to fund potential limited partner capital funding commitments.
Legal Proceedings
Paul Capital Advisors Lawsuit
On February 18, 2022, Paul Capital Advisors (“PCA”) filed a lawsuit against MHT, Ben, and two trust advisors (the “Trust Advisors”), Murray Holland (part-owner of MHT and who served as the President and CEO of GWG Holdings beginning in mid-2019 through November 2022) and James Turvey (an employee of Ben). While Ben was named as a defendant, PCA did not assert claims against or seek relief from Ben but instead only sought the removal and replacement of the Trust Advisors. The lawsuit concerns a set of transactions that utilized a trust structure with MHT as the sole beneficiary.
On April 18, 2022, PCA amended its original complaint. The amended complaint asserted six new causes of action arising out of the same set of transactions, including, (i) purported breaches of contract against Ben, MHT, and the Trust Advisors; (ii) purported fraud against MHT, Ben and certain officers of Ben; and (iii) promissory estoppel against MHT, Ben, and the Trust Advisors. The amended complaint also sought additional relief in the form of (x) damages “in an amount to be proven at trial” and (y) an order granting rescission of an amendment to one of the transaction agreements or a holding declaring it invalid.
On October 3, 2022, the Court entered an order dismissing count I of PCA’s complaint in accordance with its memorandum opinion and count II in light of the parties’ agreement that it should also be dismissed. On November 1, 2022, defendants filed their opening briefs in support of their motions to dismiss the remaining counts. On December 20, 2022, PCA filed its answering brief in opposition to defendants’ motions to dismiss the remaining counts. In accordance with the parties’ stipulated briefing schedule, defendants’ reply briefs were due by January 24, 2023. Oral argument on the motions to dismiss was held on May 8, 2023. On August 29, 2023, the Court issued a letter opinion that denied defendants’ motions to dismiss with respect to most of the remaining counts, explaining that the Court was unwilling to determine the parties’ rights under the various agreements at the pleadings stage and that discovery may make these issues ripe for summary judgment. The Court did, however, grant defendants’ motions to dismiss as to one of PCA’s promissory estoppel claims and its claim for equitable fraud. On October 25, 2023, defendants filed their respective answers to PCA’s second amended complaint.
On November 9, 2023, defendants filed a motion to bifurcate, requesting that the Court of Chancery first resolve the threshold issue of PCA’s standing under the CVR Contract and Exchange Trust Agreements before proceeding on the merits. On November 29, 2023, PCA filed its opposition to defendants’ motion to bifurcate, and on December 8, 2023, defendants filed their reply brief. On June 24, 2024, the Court of Chancery heard oral argument and issued its ruling granting defendants’ motion to bifurcate. In its ruling, the Court of Chancery ordered the parties to promptly conduct limited standing-related discovery to allow final resolution of the standing issue on summary judgment by January 2025.
Defendants intend to vigorously defend against each and every cause of action asserted against them in the second amended complaint. Due to the inherent uncertainties of litigation, we cannot accurately predict the ultimate outcome of this matter. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the preliminary stage of this claim, we are currently unable to estimate the probability of the outcome of these actions or the range of reasonably possible losses, if any, or the impact on our results of operations, financial condition or cash flows; however, the maximum exposure of the litigation with PCA could be up to $350 million plus costs and expenses.
Equity Awards Arbitration
On December 16, 2022, a former member of the Board of Directors of Beneficient Management, LLC (the “Claimant”) initiated a private arbitration in the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, challenging the termination of certain equity awards under two incentive plans by the administrator of the incentive plans. The Claimant sought total damages of $36.3 million plus attorney’s fees and punitive damages. On April 23, 2024, the sole arbitrator held that in terminating the Claimant’s equity awards, the Company had breached its contractual obligations, and as a result, awarded the Claimant $55.3 million in compensatory damages, including pre-judgment interest, plus post-judgment interest (the “Arbitration Award”). Neither attorneys’ fees nor punitive damages were awarded to the Claimant. The Company was also asked to pay arbitration-related costs in the amount of approximately $0.1 million. The Company recorded a loss related to the Arbitration Award in the year ended March 31, 2024 consolidated statement of comprehensive income (loss) in the amount of $55.0 million. The liability associated with the Arbitration Award was reflected in the accounts payable and accrued expenses line item in the March 31, 2024 consolidated statement of financial condition.

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On July 29, 2024, the Texas State District Court, Dallas County 134th Judicial District (the “Texas District Court”) entered an order vacating the Arbitration Award in its entirety. The Texas District Court directed the parties to file motions requesting any further relief that may be available within twenty days of the order. On August 2, 2024, the Claimant filed an appeal to challenge the order vacating the Arbitration Award in the Texas Fifth Court of Appeals. The Company intends to vigorously defend itself in connection with the appeal.
As a result of the order, during the three-months ended June 30, 2024, the Company released the liability associated with the Arbitration Award, which resulted in the release of the previously recognized loss contingency accrual in the amount of $55.0 million being reflected in the six months ended September 30, 2024 consolidated statement of comprehensive income (loss).
GWG Holdings Reorganization and Other Litigation
On April 20, 2022 and October 31, 2022, GWG Holdings and certain of its subsidiaries (the “Debtors”) filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code thereby commencing those certain chapter 11 cases (the “Chapter 11 Cases”). As part of the Chapter 11 reorganization process, it is possible that claims or causes of action arising from prior transactions with GWG Holdings could be advanced against BCG as part of the Chapter 11 Cases or in separate litigation. Such claims and causes of action could include (i) a request to avoid some or all of such transactions, including the transaction whereby GWG Holdings released its right to appoint a majority of the members of Ben Management’s board of directors, (ii) challenges to the reasonableness of the value received by the Debtors in such transactions, and (iii) efforts to recover the value of any transfers to BCG. A mediator has been appointed to oversee the mediation of certain matters between BCG, GWG Holdings and its debtor-affiliates, and certain other constituencies. The mediation commenced on January 30, 2023 and is still ongoing. We estimate that the maximum potential negative impact of any Retained Causes of Action to be between approximately $155 million and $382 million.
Further, the Official Committee of Bondholders (the “OBC”) in the Chapter 11 Cases has also filed a motion seeking standing to prosecute causes of actions on behalf of the Debtors’ estate. The OBC’s motion was deemed to be withdrawn upon the effective date of the Debtors’ bankruptcy plan, which occurred on August 1, 2023. The OBC’s motion set forth causes of action related to certain past transactions between the Debtors and Ben, including its directors. The OBC’s motion stated the proposed claims could add a maximum exposure of up to $500 million worth of additional value to the Debtors’ estate. Ben and its CEO filed motions to object to the OBC’s motion that refutes the allegations. The Debtors have indicated they oppose the OBC’s motion for standing and intend to address such alleged claims, if any, as part of a global plan of reorganization, including a possible mediated resolution. Ben intends to vigorously defend itself against any claims, should they be brought by the Litigation Trust.
Scura Action
On March 30, 2023, David Scura and Clifford Day, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for Northern District of Texas against Ben, certain members of its board of directors (Brad K. Heppner, Peter T. Cangany, Richard W. Fisher, Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, and Bruce W. Schnitzer), certain past members of the board of directors of GWG Holdings (Jon R. Sabes and Steven F. Sabes), FOXO Technologies Inc. (“FOXO”), and Emerson Equity LLC (“Emerson”) (the “Scura Action”). The suit alleges that the defendants defrauded GWG Holdings’ investors, and it asserts claims on behalf of a putative class consisting of all persons and entities who purchased or otherwise acquired GWG Holdings’ L Bonds or preferred stock of GWG Holdings between December 23, 2017, and April 20, 2022. The suit alleges that (i) BCG, the individual defendants, and FOXO violated Sections 10(b) of the Exchange Act and SEC Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, (ii) that the individual defendants violated Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act, and (iii) that Emerson violated Section 15(c)(1)(A) of the Exchange Act. The complaint does not allege the total amount of damages sought by the plaintiffs.
Bayati Action
On May 3, 2023, Thomas Horton and Frank Moore, in their capacities as the Lead Plaintiffs in the Bayati Action (the “Lead Plaintiffs”), filed a motion to lift the automatic stay in the Chapter 11 Cases in order to file a motion in the Northern District of Texas seeking to consolidate the Bayati and Scura Actions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. On June 8, 2023, the plaintiffs in the Scura Action filed a voluntary notice of dismissal without prejudice.
On August 16, 2023, Thomas Horton and Frank Moore, in their capacities as the Lead Plaintiffs in the Bayati Action, filed a notice regarding the confirmation of the Debtors’ Chapter 11 plan in the GWG bankruptcy, a motion seeking to lift the bankruptcy stay and a motion to consolidate the Bayati and Horton Actions. On September 12, 2023, the court entered an order consolidating the Bayati and Horton Actions. The court ordered that the consolidated action shall bear the caption “In re GWG Holdings, Inc. Securities Litigation.” The court lifted the bankruptcy stay and ordered the Lead Plaintiffs to file a new consolidated complaint within 20 days.

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On October 2, 2023, the Lead Plaintiffs filed a Consolidated Class Action Complaint against the Company, Brad K. Heppner, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, Bruce W. Schnitzer, Murray T. Holland, Timothy L. Evans, David H. de Weese, Roy W. Bailey, David F. Chavenson, and Whitley Penn LLP, alleging Securities Act violations arising out of the Offering. The complaint alleges that the individual defendants violated Sections 11, 12(a)(2), and 15 of the Securities Act, and further alleges that the Company violated Section 15 of the Securities Act. The Company, Brad K. Heppner, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, and Bruce W. Schnitzer (the “Ben Individual Defendants”) filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on November 7, 2023. On January 4, 2024, defendants Murray Holland, Tim Evans, Roy Bailey, Whitley Penn, David Chavenson and David H. de Weese filed motions to dismiss. The Lead Plaintiffs’ responded to the various motions to dismiss on February 20, 2024, and the defendants (other than Whitley Penn) filed replies in support of the motions to dismiss on March 21, 2024. The Company and the Ben Individual Defendants intend to vigorously defend themselves in the litigation.
On October 27, 2023, David Scura filed a petition in Dallas County District Court against Brad K. Heppner, Jon R. Sabes, Steven F. Sabes, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, Bruce W. Schnitzer, the Company and FOXO, alleging violation of the Texas Securities Act, common law fraud, unjust enrichment, and civil conspiracy to defraud and seeking compensatory damages, costs and expenses. The same day, Clifford Day and Carla Monahan filed a petition in Dallas County District Court against the same defendants, alleging the same claims. The parties agreed to move the defendants’ deadline to respond to the petition to February 19, 2024. On April 10, 2024, the plaintiffs and Ben parties entered into a twelve-month tolling agreement, and the plaintiffs filed motions to nonsuit their claims that the courts granted on April 12, 2024 and April 16, 2024, respectively. The Company and the Ben Individual Defendants intend to vigorously defend themselves in the litigation.
This litigation can subject us and certain of our directors to substantial costs and divert resources and the attention of management from our business. If these claims are successful, our business could be seriously harmed. Even if the claims do not result in protracted litigation or are resolved in our favor and the favor of our directors, the time and resources needed to resolve such claims could divert our management’s resources and adversely affect our business.
GWG Litigation Trust Adversary Proceedings
On April 19, 2024, the Litigation Trustee filed a complaint (the “LT Complaint”) as an Adversary Proceeding in the bankruptcy of GWG Holdings, Inc. currently pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of Texas against Ben Management, the Company, BCH, Beneficient Capital Company II, L.L.C., f/k/a Beneficient Capital Company, L.L.C. (together with New BCC, defined herein, “BCC”), Beneficient Capital Company, L.L.C. (“New BCC”), Beneficient Holdings, Inc. (“BHI”), various current or former officers and directors of the Company, HCLP and certain of its affiliates, former officers and directors of the Company’s former parent company, trustees of certain trusts that are directly or indirectly controlled by, or operate for the benefit of, Ben’s CEO and founder or his family, entities directly or indirectly held by, or that are under common control with, such trusts, and in which Ben’s CEO and his family members are among classes of economic beneficiaries, whether or not Ben’s CEO is entitled to economic distributions from such trusts, and others. The LT Complaint alleges causes of action that include (i) actual or constructive fraudulent transfer for certain transactions between GWG and the Company or its affiliates, (ii) breaches of fiduciary duty, aiding and abetting breaches of fiduciary duty, and civil conspiracy, (iii) unjust enrichment, (iv) avoidance of any purported releases of the defendants, and (v) disallowance of the claims filed by certain defendants, including the Company, in the GWG bankruptcy case.
More specifically, such challenged transactions relate to (i) GWG’s purchase of $10 million of equity in the Company on June 12, 2019, (ii) GWG’s commitment on May 31, 2019 to loan trusts affiliated with the Company $65 million that GWG funded in two tranches ($50 million on June 3, 2019 and $15 million on November 22, 2019) and the repayment of such loan, (iii) GWG’s capital contribution to the Company of $79 million on December 31, 2019, (iv) approximately $145 million in capital contributions by GWG to the Company pursuant to a Preferred Series C Unit Purchase Agreement, and (v) the Company’s ultimate decoupling from GWG. Additionally, the LT Complaint seeks to void the debts owed by the Company to HCLP. The LT Complaint seeks to, among other things, void certain of the transactions and/or recover damages, attorney’s fees and expenses, pre-judgment and post-judgment interest. The LT Complaint does not purport to estimate the damages sought. The Company, its affiliates and its officers and directors intend to vigorously defend themselves against these claims.
Wells Notice
On June 29, 2023, the Company received a “Wells Notice” from the Staff of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, stating that the Staff has made a preliminary determination to recommend that the SEC file a civil enforcement action against the Company alleging violations of certain provisions of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act. The staff’s allegations appeared to relate to, among other things, the Company’s association with an amendment to the debt coverage ratio calculation approved by certain holders of GWG Holdings issued debt in 2019 under an indenture and related disclosures by GWG, the December 31, 2019 valuation of the Company’s goodwill by a third-party valuation agent, potential contractual

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rights concerning an amendment to the Company’s governing documents, and other items in the historical disclosures of GWG.
On July 1, 2024, the Company received a termination letter from the SEC advising the Company that the SEC’s investigation related to the Company had concluded and that the Staff does not intend to recommend any enforcement actions by the SEC. The termination letter was provided to the Company under the guidelines of the final paragraph of Securities Act Release No. 5310 which states, among other things, that “[such notice] must in no way be construed as indicating that the party has been exonerated or that no action may ultimately result from the staff’s investigation of that particular matter.” While there have been no further actions to date, there can be no assurance that there will not be any further action on this or other matters by the SEC.
18.    Supplemental Cash Flow Information
Cash paid for taxes for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was de minimis. Cash paid for interest for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was $1.5 million and nil, respectively.
Supplemental disclosure of noncash investing and financing activities include:
Six Months Ended September 30, 2024:
$125.5 million reclass of BCH Preferred A.0 from temporary equity to permanent equity.
$8.8 million accrual for BCH Preferred A.0 guaranteed payment.
$1.2 million settlement of liability for issuance of Class A common stock.
$0.3 million of distributions payable to the Charitable Beneficiaries.
Six Months Ended September 30, 2023:
$793.4 million conversion of BCG Class A common units for Class A common stock.
$791.9 million conversion of BCG Preferred B.2 for Class A common stock.
$205.8 million conversion of BCH Preferred C for Class A common stock.
$193.9 million exchange of BCH Preferred A.1 for Class A common stock and Class B common stock in BCG Recapitalization.
$37.6 million issuance of Issuance of Series B-1 preferred stock in connection with recent financings.
$8.3 million accrual for BCH Preferred A.0 guaranteed payment.
$6.9 million deemed dividend from BCH Preferred A.1 to BCG Preferred B.2 for accrual of preferred return.
$5.3 million issuance of Class A common for transactions closing post de-SPAC.
$4.0 million settlement of liability for issuance of Class A common stock.
$3.9 million conversion of BCH Class S Ordinary to Class A common stock.
$1.1 million of noncash issuance of noncontrolling interest.
$0.6 million of distributions payable to the Charitable Beneficiaries.
The following table provides a reconciliation of cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash reported within the consolidated statements of financial condition and that are shown in the consolidated statements of cash flows:
September 30, 2024March 31, 2024
Cash and cash equivalents$4,482 $7,913 
Restricted cash314 64 
Total cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash $4,796 $7,977 

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19.    Subsequent Events
The Company has evaluated subsequent events through the date the financial statements were available to be issued, and determined that there have been no events, other than those disclosed below, that have occurred that would require adjustments to our disclosures in the consolidated financial statements.
Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
On October 2, 2024, the Company filed a Certificate of Amendment to the Company’s Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada to increase the number of authorized shares of Class A common stock from 18,750,000 to 5,000,000,000. The increase in the number of authorized shares was approved by the Company’s stockholders on October 2, 2024.
Potential Future Goodwill Impairment
Through the date of this report, the Company has not experienced any further significant sustained decline in the price of its common stock from the values at September 30, 2024 of $1.23. Significant sustained declines in our common stock and related market capitalization have in the past been triggering events requiring interim goodwill impairment testing. In the future, should we experience a significant sustained decrease in the Company’s common stock from the September 30, 2024 values, this may be a potential indicator that a portion of our remaining goodwill is impaired and may require a quantitative impairment assessment of the Company’s assets, including goodwill and intangible assets, which may result in an additional impairment charge in a future period. While management cannot predict if or when additional future goodwill impairments may occur, additional goodwill impairments could have material adverse effects on the Company’s financial condition, operating income, net assets, and/or the Company’s cost of, or access to, capital.
Convertible Debentures Second Closing
On November 13, 2024, the Second Closing under the securities purchase agreement with Yorkville occurred whereby the Company issued an additional $2.0 million in aggregate principal amount of Convertible Debentures for proceeds of approximately $1.8 million and issued an additional Yorkville Warrant to purchase up to 662,691 shares of Class A common stock. The terms for the Convertible Debentures and Yorkville Warrants issued as part of the Second Closing are consistent with those described in Note 7 under the Convertible Debentures heading.


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The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements,” and the accompanying consolidated financial statements and notes thereto of Beneficient (f/k/a The Beneficient Company Group, L.P.) set forth in Part I, Item I of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and our March 31, 2024 audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on July 9, 2024 (“Annual Report”). This discussion and analysis is based on the beliefs of our management, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, our management. Except as otherwise required by the context, references to the “Company,” “Ben,” “we,” “us,” “our,” and “our operating subsidiaries,” are to Beneficient, a Nevada corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries (but excluding the Customer ExAlt Trusts as defined below). References to “BCG,” “Ben,” “we,” “us,” “our,” and similar terms, prior to the effective time of the Conversion, refer to the registrant when it was a Delaware limited partnership and such references following the effective time of the Conversion, refer to the registrant in its current corporate form as a Nevada corporation called “Beneficient.” All references to “Beneficient” refer solely to Beneficient, a Nevada corporation, “BCG” refer solely to The Beneficient Company Group, L.P., and all references to “BCH” refer solely to Beneficient Company Holdings, L.P., a subsidiary of BCG.
Risk Relating to Forward-Looking Statements
This discussion and analysis contains forward-looking statements, which reflect our current views with respect to, among other things, our operations and financial performance. You can identify these forward-looking statements by the fact that they do not strictly relate to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “outlook,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “seek,” “should,” “will,” “would,” the negative version of these words, or other comparable words or phrases. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties. In particular, these include statements relating to future actions, statements regarding future performance or results and anticipated services or products, sales efforts, expenses, the outcome of contingencies, trends in operations and financial results. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. See “—Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.”
We are a technology-enabled financial services company that provides simple, rapid, and cost-effective liquidity solutions and related trustee, custody, and trust administration services to participants in the alternative assets industry. Through our business line operating subsidiaries (each a “Ben Business Unit” and collectively, the “Ben Business Units”), Ben Liquidity, Ben Custody, and Ben Markets, we seek to provide solutions in the alternative asset investment market for individual and institutional investors, general partners and sponsors (“GPs”) and the alternative asset funds they manage (“Customers”). Following receipt of regulatory approval, our Ben Business Units are expected to include an additional business line, Ben Insurance Services. Our products and services are designed to meet the unmet needs of mid-to-high net worth (“MHNW”) individual investors, small-to-midsize institutional (“STMI”) investors, family offices (“FAMOs”) and GPs, which collectively are our Customers.
Currently, our primary operations relate to our liquidity, primary capital, trustee, custody and alternative asset trust administration products and services through Ben Liquidity, L.L.C. and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Ben Liquidity”) and Ben Custody, L.L.C. and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Ben Custody”), respectively.
Through Ben Liquidity, we finance liquidity and primary capital transactions for our Customers using a proprietary trust structure we implement for our Customers (we refer to such trusts collectively as the “Customer ExAlt Trusts”). The Customer ExAlt Trusts facilitate the exchange of a Customer’s alternative assets or to fulfill a Customer’s primary capital needs for consideration using a proprietary financing structure (such structure and related process, the “ExAlt PlanTM”). In the ExAlt PlanTM financings, a subsidiary of Ben Liquidity, Beneficient Fiduciary Financial, L.L.C. (“BFF”), a Kansas based trust company that provides fiduciary financing to fidfin trusts, makes loans (each, an “ExAlt Loan”) to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which in turn employ a portion of the loan proceeds to acquire and deliver agreed upon consideration to the Customer in exchange for their alternative assets or to fulfill their primary capital needs. Since becoming a public company, we have also offered shares of our Class A common stock or convertible preferred stock in financings as consideration for the Customer ExAlt Trusts to meet capital calls or make other capital contributions in alternative asset funds. BFF is chartered as a Kansas Technology Enabled Fiduciary Financial Institution (“TEFFI”) under the Technology-Enabled Fiduciary Financial Institution Act (the “TEFFI Act”) and regulated by the Kansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner (the “OSBC”). Only BFF, our subsidiary, is regulated by the OSBC. The OSBC does not regulate the entirety of Ben. Ben Liquidity generates interest and fee income earned in connection with the ExAlt Loans, which are collateralized by a portion of the cash flows from the exchanged alternative assets (the “Collateral”). While the ExAlt Loans and the related

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interest and fee income and provision for credit losses are eliminated upon consolidation of the Customer ExAlt Trusts solely for financial reporting purposes, such amounts directly impact the allocation of income (loss) to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders.
Through Ben Custody, we currently provide an extensive line of trustee and custody services, alternative asset trust administration and data management services to the trustees of the Customer ExAlt Trusts and other Customers through BFF, and other of our subsidiaries, for fees payable quarterly.
Through Ben Markets, we provide broker-dealer services through our subsidiary, AltAccess Securities Company, L.P. (“AltAccess Securities”), a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) member and Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) registered broker-dealer, and transfer agent services through our subsidiary, Beneficient Transfer and Clearing Company, L.L.C. (“Beneficient Transfer”), an SEC registered transfer agent, each in connection with offering our liquidity products.
While Ben’s financial products and services are presently primarily offered through Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody, Ben plans to expand its capabilities under Ben Custody and provide additional products and services through Ben Insurance, L.L.C. and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Ben Insurance Services”) and Ben Markets L.L.C., including its subsidiaries (“Ben Markets”) in the future. Ben Insurance Services plans to provide insurance products and services to certain “affiliates” (as defined in the Kansas Captive Insurance Act), including the Customer ExAlt Trusts, custody accounts and other trusts for which BFF serves as trustee or custodian, to cover risks attendant to the ownership, management and transfer of alternative assets and financings related to alternative asset transactions. Our subsidiary, Beneficient Insurance Company, L.L.C. (“BIC”), has filed an application for an insurance charter with the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Kansas. Additionally, BIC’s wholly-owned subsidiary, PEN Indemnity Insurance Company, LTD. (“PEN”) has been registered and licensed as a Class 3 insurer with the Bermuda Monetary Authority under the Bermuda Insurance Act of 1978, and Ben Insurance Services plans to seek approval from the Bermuda authorities for PEN to become operational. Pending approval from the Bermuda authorities, PEN would advise on, retrocede and re-insure policies consistent with those policies underwritten domestically by BIC.
Each of our liquidity, primary capital, custody, trustee, trust administration, transfer agent and broker-dealer products and services are structured to be deliverable to our Customers through our online digital platform, AltAccess. AltAccess serves as the centralizing hub of our business and is an interactive, secure, end-to-end portal through which Customers select among our products and services and complete transactions in a regulated environment. Our internal technology team developed Ben’s AltAccess enterprise software systems and managed services, which consist of an integrated array of proprietary and third-party software solutions curated together to power the AltAccess platform enabling our Customers to access our products and services, select those that fit their specific needs and close transactions with Ben. The AltAccess platform is designed to ultimately be provided through a software as a service (“SaaS”) model to multiple intermediaries, including commercial lenders, and to be accessed through an application programming interface (“API”) for these intermediaries to deploy in their businesses.
AltAccess is designed to operate seamlessly across the Ben Business Units, each of which are subject to regulation by various state and federal regulatory agencies. We believe Ben’s utilization of a centralized portal as a core capability and tool for our Customer’s seamless access to a range of alternative assets products and services is unique in the industry. In conducting its trustee, custodial, fiduciary financing and other authorized operations, BFF is regulated by the OSBC (the OSBC does not regulate the entirety of Beneficient). As a result, our AltAccess platform is periodically examined by the OSBC, and is further assessed by a third-party organization to ensure System and Organizational Controls (“SOC”) 2 type 2 and SOC 3 compliance for the benefit of our Customer users.
The Customer ExAlt Trusts’ earnings on alternative assets support the repayment of the ExAlt Loans plus any related interest and fees. For financial reporting purposes, even though they are not legally owned by Ben, the Customer ExAlt Trusts are required to be consolidated subsidiaries of Ben under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“U.S. GAAP”). As a result, Ben Liquidity’s ExAlt Loans and related interest and fee income and provision for credit losses and Ben Custody’s fee income are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements solely for financial reporting purposes; however, such amounts directly impact the allocation of income (loss) to Ben’s or BCH’s equity holders.
Under the applicable trust and other agreements, certain Texas and Kansas charities are the ultimate beneficiaries of the Customer ExAlt Trusts (which we refer to as “Charities” or “Economic Growth Zones” respectively, and collectively, the “Charitable Beneficiaries”), and their interests are reported as noncontrolling interests in our consolidated financial statements. The TEFFI Act requires that two and a half percent (2.5%) of the cash distributions from alternative assets serving as collateral to Ben Liquidity loans be charitably contributed by certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts to a designated Kansas Economic Growth Zone. Accordingly, for ExAlt Loans originated on or after December 7, 2021, Economic Growth Zones are paid $0.025 for every $1.00 received by an ExAlt Trust from the corresponding alternative assets. For ExAlt Loans originated prior to December 7, 2021, in accordance with the terms of the applicable trust and other agreements, the

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Charitable Beneficiaries of the Customer ExAlt Trusts formed prior to such date, are paid $0.05 for every $0.95 paid to the applicable ExAlt Loan lender. To facilitate the payments to the Economic Growth Zones and Charities, we engage in an effort to deploy assets and cash and may experience costs as a result. As our business expands, we expect that these costs could grow.
Business Units
We offer our products and services through our principal business units, which generally align with our operating subsidiaries, including Ben Liquidity, Ben Custody, and Ben Markets.
Ben Liquidity is our primary business line and offers Ben’s alternative asset liquidity and fiduciary financing products and primary capital products through Ben AltAccess.
Ben Custody addresses the administrative and regulatory burden of holding alternative assets by offering trustee, custody and alternative asset trust administration support services to trustees of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, including BFF, and also offers document custodian services to Customers.
Ben Markets provides broker-dealer and transfer agency services in connection with offering certain of our liquidity products and services.
In connection with our principal business units, we offer products and services through the following business units and operating subsidiaries.
Ben AltAccess is our primary, customer-facing application serving as the access point through which a Customer accesses our suite of products and services.
Ben Data provides the Customer ExAlt Trusts with certain data collection, evaluation, and analytics products and services.
In the future, we plan to offer additional products and services through Ben Insurance Services. Through Ben Insurance Services, we plan to provide insurance services to certain affiliates (as defined in the Kansas Captive Insurance Laws), including the Customer ExAlt Trusts and other trusts for which BFF serves as the trustee or custodian, to cover risks related to ownership, management, and transfer of alternative assets and the financing related to alternative asset purchases.
Certain of our operating subsidiary products and services involve or are offered to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which, while not legally owned by Ben, are consolidated subsidiaries of Ben for financial reporting purposes, and therefore transactions between our operating subsidiaries and the Customer ExAlt Trusts are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements. However, such amounts are earned by Ben’s business lines from the Customer ExAlt Trusts and directly impact the income (loss) allocable to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders. Accordingly, the elimination in consolidation of amounts charged by Ben to the Customer ExAlt Trusts, such as interest income and certain fee revenue, has no effect on the net income (loss) attributable to Ben, BCH or to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders.
Business Segments
Under U.S. GAAP, we have three reportable business segments: Ben Liquidity, Ben Custody and Customer ExAlt Trusts. Our Ben Liquidity and Ben AltAccess business units comprise the Ben Liquidity operating segment. Our Ben Custody and Ben Data business lines comprise the Ben Custody operating segment.
The Customer ExAlt Trusts, which hold interests in alternative assets and pay interest and principal to Ben Liquidity, transaction fees to Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody in connection with liquidity transactions and fees to Ben Custody for providing full-service trust administration services to the trustees of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, comprise the Customer ExAlt Trusts segment. Such amounts paid to Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements but directly impact the allocation of income (loss) to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders. The elimination of intercompany transactions are included in “Consolidating Eliminations.”
The Corporate/Other category includes unallocated corporate overhead and administrative costs, gains (losses) on changes in the fair value of GWG Holdings, Inc. (“GWG Holdings” or “GWG”) common stock and, following the emergence from bankruptcy, interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust (the “GWG Wind Down Trust”) held by Ben, interest expenses incurred on corporate-related debt transactions, and the operations of Ben Insurance Services and Ben Markets, which are not considered reportable segments as they do not meet the quantitative criteria to be separately reported.
We have allocated certain expenses to our operating segments, such as salaries, legal expenses, other general operating expenses. We have not allocated certain other expenses, including equity compensation and interest expense for certain debt agreements, to our operating segments. We may in the future determine to allocate certain additional expenses to the

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operating segments, which could have a material impact on the presentation of the results of our operating segments in any future segment presentation.
How We Generate Revenue
On a consolidated basis with the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which are variable interest entities (“VIEs”) and not owned directly or indirectly by our equity holders, we primarily recognize revenue through increases or decreases in the fair value of investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts. The changes in the fair value of these investments are also the primary source of revenue recognized by the Customer ExAlt Trusts business segment.
Our Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody business segments, which relate to our current operating subsidiaries that are owned by the holders of equity in the Company (including BCH), recognize revenue through (i) interest income on ExAlt Loans made to the Customer ExAlt Trusts in connection with our liquidity transactions for Customers, (ii) fee income billed at closing, but recognized as revenue ratably over the expected life of the alternative asset, for each liquidity transaction with Customers for services including access to and use of the AltAccess platform, transfer of the alternative assets, and delivery of the consideration to the client, and (iii) recurring fee income recognized each period for providing services including trustee, custody, and trust administration of the Customer ExAlt Trusts while they hold investments. Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody revenue recognized for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 is as follows:
a.Ben Liquidity recognized $12.0 million and $13.0 million in interest income during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. For the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, Ben Liquidity recognized interest income of $22.8 million and $25.0 million, respectively.
b.Ben Custody recognized $5.4 million and $6.5 million in trust services and administration revenues during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, comprised of both the fee income billed at the closing of the transactions that is being amortized into revenue and the recurring fee income billed during the periods. For the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, Ben Custody recognized trust services and administration revenues of $10.8 million and $13.1 million, respectively, comprised of both the fee income billed at the closing of the transactions that is being amortized into revenue and the recurring fee income billed during the periods.
Such revenues earned by Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements; however, the cash flows received upon repayment of the ExAlt Loans and in payment of Ben Custody fees are allocable to our and BCH’s equity holders and not the beneficiaries of the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
In addition, Corporate/Other, which also relates to Ben or subsidiaries owned by the holders of equity in the Company (including BCH), may include fee revenue recognized through services provided to Customers or the Customer ExAlt Trusts through business lines not included within Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody.
The following table presents a reconciliation of operating income (loss) of our reportable segments, excluding the Customer ExAlt Trusts, to net income (loss) attributable to Beneficient common shareholders. This reconciliation serves to provide users of our financial statements an understanding and visual aide of the reportable segments that impact net income (loss) attributable to the common shareholder and reiterates that the consolidation of the Customer ExAlt Trusts has no impact on the net income (loss) attributable to Beneficient common shareholders.
(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
Operating income (loss)*
Ben Liquidity$2,905 $(272,091)$2,391 $(1,175,119)
Ben Custody4,329 (80,847)5,616 (270,844)
Corporate & Other(16,426)(25,234)27,665 (74,313)
Plus: Gain on liability resolution
23,462 — 23,462 — 
Less: Income tax expense
— — (28)— 
Plus: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests – Ben
3,067 10,604 10,254 41,290 
Less: Noncontrolling interest guaranteed payment
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders
$12,914 $(371,735)$60,581 $(1,487,258)
*Includes amounts eliminated in consolidation.
For information concerning the noncontrolling interests in the Customer ExAlt Trusts and in our subsidiary, BCH, see “—Basis of Presentation – Noncontrolling Interests.”

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Basis of Presentation
Elimination of Fee and Interest Income in Consolidation
Certain of our operating subsidiary products and services involve or are offered to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which are consolidated subsidiaries of Ben solely for financial reporting purposes, and therefore transactions between our operating subsidiaries and the Customer ExAlt Trusts are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements.
As a result, Ben’s primary tangible assets reflected on our consolidated statements of financial condition are investments, mainly comprised of alternative assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts and the primary sources of revenue reflected on our consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss) are investment income (loss), net, which represents changes in the net asset value (“NAV”) of these investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, and gain (loss) on financial instruments, net, which represents changes in fair value of equity securities, debt securities, a derivative liability, and put options, primarily held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Such investment income (loss), net, and gain (loss) on financial instruments that are held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, including interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust (formerly debt and equity securities issued by GWG Holdings), is included in the net income (loss) allocated to noncontrolling interests – Customer ExAlt Trusts in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss). The revenues and expenses recognized in these line items for the activities of the Customer ExAlt Trusts do not directly impact net income (loss) attributable to Ben’s or BCH’s equity holders.
Instead, the interest and fee income earned by Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody from the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements, directly impact the share of net income (loss) attributable to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders. First, such eliminated amounts are earned from, and funded by, the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which are a noncontrolling interest. As a result, the eliminated amounts earned by Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody from the Customer ExAlt Trusts serve to increase the attributable share of net income (loss) to Ben and BCH equity holders. Second, the terms of the Amended and Restated LPA of BCH (the “BCH A&R LPA”) (references to the “BCH A&R LPA” refer to the Amended and Restated Limited Partnership Agreement of BCH currently in effect unless otherwise indicated) provide that certain BCH income constituting the Excluded Amounts (as defined in the BCH A&R LPA) are allocated to certain BCH equity holders that are noncontrolling interests. Excluded Amounts are directly impacted by the interest and/or fee income earned by Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody from the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements. Such allocation to these noncontrolling interest holders is expected to grow as we expand our operations.
Additionally, Ben Liquidity’s and Ben Custody’s provision for credit losses is eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements but directly impacts the net income (loss) attributable to the various equity securities of Ben and BCH. Likewise, the amounts expensed by the Customer ExAlt Trusts for interest and fees owed to Ben’s operating subsidiaries are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements but are recognized for purposes of the allocation of net income (loss) attributable to the beneficial owners of the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
Noncontrolling Interests
The consolidated financial statements of Ben include the accounts of Ben, its wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries, certain VIEs, in which the Company is the primary beneficiary, and certain noncontrolling interests. The noncontrolling interests reflected in our consolidated financial statements represent the portion of BCH’s limited partnership interests or interests in the Customer ExAlt Trusts that are held by third parties. Amounts are adjusted by the noncontrolling interest holder’s proportionate share of the subsidiaries’ earnings or losses each period and for any distributions that are paid. The portion of income allocated to owners other than the Company is included in “net attributable to noncontrolling interests” in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss). Our primary noncontrolling interests are described in Part II, Item 7 to our Annual Report.
Recent Developments
Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
On October 2, 2024, the Company received stockholder approval of a Certificate of Amendment to the Company’s Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada to increase the number of authorized shares of Class A common stock from 18,750,000 to 5,000,000,000.
First Amendment to the Ninth Amended and Restated Limited Partnership Agreement of BCH
On September 30, 2024, Ben LLC in its capacity as the sole general partner of BCH, entered into and adopted the First Amendment to the BCH A&R LPA in order to, among other things, effect (i) the redesignation of fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate capital account balances in the BCH Preferred Series A Subclass 0 Unit Accounts as non-redeemable Preferred A.0

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Accounts (such redesignated portion, the “Preferred A.0 Non-Redeemable Accounts”) and (ii) the remaining fifty percent (50%) of the capital account balances in the Preferred A.0 Accounts to remain redeemable (such remaining Preferred A.0 Accounts being the “Preferred A.0 Redeemable Accounts”), with the amendment and redesignation being applicable to all holders of the Preferred A.0 Accounts (the foregoing being referred to as the “Redesignation”). As a result of the Redesignation, approximately $125.5 million of temporary equity was reclassified to permanent equity as of September 30, 2024.
Standby Equity Purchase Agreement
On June 27, 2023, the Company entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement (the “SEPA”) with YA II PN, Ltd. (“Yorkville”). Pursuant to the SEPA, the Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to sell to Yorkville up to $250.0 million of Class A common stock at the Company’s request any time during the commitment period commencing on June 27, 2023 (the “Effective Date”) and terminating on the 36-month anniversary of the Effective Date. Each issuance and sale by the Company to Yorkville under the SEPA (an “Advance”) is subject to a maximum limit equal to the greater of: (i) an amount equal to 100% of the aggregate volume traded of the Company’s Class A common stock on the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC (“Nasdaq”) for the five trading days immediately preceding an Advance Notice (as defined in the SEPA), or (ii) $10,000,000, which amount may be increased upon mutual consent. The Company shall not affect any sales under the SEPA and Yorkville shall not have any obligation to purchase shares of Class A common stock under the SEPA to the extent that after giving effect to such purchase and sale the aggregate number of shares of Class A common stock issued under the SEPA together with any shares of Class A common stock issued in connection with any other related transactions that may be considered part of the same series of transactions, where the average price of such sales would be less than $219.20 and the number of shares issued would exceed 19.9% of the outstanding voting Common Stock as of the date of the SEPA (the “Exchange Cap”). On June 20, 2024, the Company obtained stockholder approval pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d) for the issuance of shares of Class A common stock to Yorkville in excess of the Exchange Cap.
The Company paid a structuring fee in cash and a commitment fee in an amount equal to $1.3 million (the “Commitment Fee”) by issuing 5,703 shares of Class A common stock. The Class A common stock was issued to Yorkville in July 2023.
On various dates starting on October 2, 2023 through September 30, 2024, Yorkville purchased a total of 498,125 shares of Class A common stock for at a weighted average price of $7.77 per share pursuant to the terms of the SEPA. Total sales proceeds from entry into the SEPA through September 30, 2024, were approximately $3.9 million under the terms of the SEPA. During the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Company sold 449,125 shares of Class A common stock for approximately $2.6 million. Such issuances were in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and Rule 506(b) promulgated thereunder.
As of the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, the Company had offered and sold 503,827 shares on Class A common stock to Yorkville pursuant to the SEPA, including the shares issued for the Commitment Fee.
Recent Debt Financings
On October 19, 2023, Beneficient Financing, L.L.C. (the “Borrower”), a wholly owned subsidiary the Company, and BCH, as guarantor (the “Guarantor” and together with the Borrower, the “Loan Parties”), entered into a Credit and Guaranty Agreement (as amended, the “HH-BDH Credit Agreement”) with HH-BDH LLC (the “HH-BDH”), as administrative agent. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the HH-BDH Credit Agreement.
HH-BDH’s sole member is Hicks Holdings. The managing member of Hicks Holdings is Mr. Thomas O. Hicks, a member of the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”). HH-BDH will receive customary fees and expenses in its capacity as a lender and as the administrative agent under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as further described below. Hicks Holdings and Mr. Hicks may be deemed to have a direct or indirect material financial interest with respect to the transactions contemplated by the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as described below. HH-BDH funded the amounts under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement with the proceeds of a third-party financing (the “Financing”).
The HH-BDH Credit Agreement provides for a three-year term loan in the aggregate principal amount of $25.0 million (the “Term Loan”), which was fully drawn on closing.
Borrowings under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement bear interest, at the Company’s option, calculated according to a base rate, adjusted term secured overnight financing rate (“SOFR”), or adjusted daily simple SOFR, plus an applicable margin, subject to a Maximum Rate determined by applicable law in the State of New York. The Company elected the adjusted daily simple SOFR with a margin of 6.5% for the first two years and 5.5% for the third year. Accrued and unpaid interest is payable monthly, upon prepayment, and at maturity. The Term Loan will mature on October 19, 2026, and all outstanding principal amounts and accrued and unpaid interest thereon shall be due and payable on such date.

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On August 16, 2024, the Borrower, the Guarantor and HH-BDH entered into that certain Amendment No. 1 and Waiver No. 1 to the Credit and Guaranty Agreement and Each Other Loan Document (the “Amendment,” and the Credit Agreement, as amended by the Amendment, the “Amended Credit Agreement”), to, among other things, (i) add a subsequent term loan of up to $1,675,000, which was fully drawn upon closing of the Amendment (together with the Term Loan, the “Loans”), and (ii) waive certain events of default resulting from the occurrence of the Acknowledged Defaults (as defined in the Amendment), provided that in the case of the expense reimbursement default, the Borrower must cure the expense reimbursement default upon the earlier of (x) November 1, 2024 and (y) two business days following the effectiveness of Company’s registration statement for resale of the shares of Class A common stock, underlying the convertible debentures and warrants issuable pursuant to that certain Securities Purchase Agreement, dated August 6, 2024, by and between the Company and Yorkville (the “Purchase Agreement”).
The Amended Credit Agreement also requires the Borrower to prepay the outstanding principal balance of the Loans in the amount of $200 thousand, $200 thousand, $200 thousand, $200 thousand and $875 thousand on each of September 7, 2024, October 7, 2024, November 7, 2024, December 7, 2024 and December 31, 2024, respectively. Furthermore, on each Required Payment Date (as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement), the Borrower shall prepay the outstanding principal balance of the Loans by an amount equal to the lesser of (a) the Total Portfolio Net Receipts (as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement) for the most recently ended period beginning on the 16th day of each month and ending on the 15th day of the immediately following month, and (b) as of each Required Payment Date, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (x)(i) the number of Required Payment Dates occurring on or prior to such Required Payment Date, multiplied by (ii) $500,000, minus (y) the amount of all Excess Payments (as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement) made prior to such Required Payment Date. Additionally, the Amended Credit Agreement requires the Borrower to make certain minimum monthly payments to prepay the balance of the Loans.
The Amended Credit Agreement also includes, among other things, (i) updates to conditions precedent for the Lender to make the subsequent term loan to the Borrower, (ii) updates to certain representations and warranties, (iii) additional certain affirmative and negative covenants including a minimum liquidity financial covenant of $4.0 million and (iv) additional events that the occurrence of which would constitute an Event of Default (as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement). Except as modified by the Amendment, the terms of the HH-BDH Credit Agreement remain the same.
Recent Financings
On February 6, 2024, Ben Liquidity entered into agreements to finance liquidity transactions with respect to alternative assets with a NAV of $2.0 million. Pursuant to such transaction, the Customer ExAlt Trusts acquired the alternative assets, and in exchange for such interest, the customer received 200,000 shares of the Company’s Series B-2 Resettable Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $0.001 per share (the “Series B-2 preferred stock”), with such Series B-2 preferred stock being convertible into shares of the Company’s Class A common stock. Each share of the Series B-2 preferred stock is convertible at the election of the holder into shares of the Class A common stock initially at a conversion price of $3.20 per share (the “B-2 Conversion Price”). The B-2 Conversion Price is subject to reset from time to time and a floor price of $1.60 per share. A maximum of 125,000 shares of Class A common stock may be issued upon conversion of the Series B-2 preferred stock.
Recent Equity Issuances
On April 9, 2024 and June 21, 2024, respectively, the Company issued 11,354 shares and 3,431 shares of Class A common stock of the Company to a consultant of the Company. The issuance of the Class A common stock pursuant to these transactions was not registered under the Securities Act and each was issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder.
On May 9, 2024, the Company issued 114,343 shares of Class A common stock of the Company to a vendor of the Company. The issuance of the Class A common stock pursuant to this transaction was not registered under the Securities Act and was issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder.
On each of October 2, 2023; October 4, 2023; February 26, 2024; March 11,2024; May 3, 2024; May 6, 2024; May 7, 2024; May 13, 2024 and June 12, 2024; Yorkville purchased 250; 6,250; 8,938; 33,379; 200,000; 74,260; 14,053; 60,994 and 100,000 shares of Class A common stock for prices of $191.41; $101.24; $15.52; $14.90; $7.18; $5.82; $5.82; $4.85 and $3.09 per share, respectively, pursuant to the terms of the SEPA. Sales proceeds for these equity sales under the terms of the SEPA were approximately $3.9 million. Such issuances were in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506(b) promulgated thereunder.
On August 20, 2024, the Company entered into a subscription agreement with Cangany Capital Management, LLC (“Cangany Capital Management”), a limited liability company controlled by Peter T. Cangany, Jr., a member of the Company’s board of directors, pursuant to which Cangany Capital Management purchased 47,500 shares of Class A common

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stock at a price per share of $2.33. The shares of Class A common stock issued pursuant to such subscription agreement are exempt from registration pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act.
On August 27, 2024, the Company entered into an additional subscription agreement with Cangany Capital Management, pursuant to which Cangany Capital Management purchased 65,000 shares of Class A common stock at a price per share of $1.97. The shares of Class A common stock issued pursuant to such subscription agreement are exempt from registration pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act.
Also on August 27, 2024, the Company entered into a subscription agreement with Thomas O. Hicks, a member of the Company’s board of directors, and a subscription agreement with CFH Ventures, Ltd., a limited partnership controlled by Mr. Hicks, pursuant to which each of Mr. Hicks and CFH Ventures, Ltd. purchased 50,000 shares of Class A common stock at a price per share of $1.97. The shares of Class A common stock issued pursuant to such subscription agreements are exempt from registration pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act.
On September 6, 2024 and October 9, 2024, the Company issued 9,623 shares and 4,175 shares of Class A common stock of the Company to a consultant of the Company. The issuances of the Class A common stock pursuant to these transactions were not registered under the Securities Act and each was issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder.
On September 11, 2024, the Company entered into a subscription agreement with Cangany Capital Management, pursuant to which Cangany Capital Management purchased 150,000 shares of the Company’s Class A common stock at a price per share of $1.58. The shares of Class A common stock issued pursuant to such subscription agreement are exempt from registration pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act.
On September 17, 2024, the Company entered into a subscription agreement with Mendota Financial Company, LLC (“Mendota”), pursuant to which the Company issued 201,482 shares in satisfaction of its outstanding obligations to the Vendor pursuant to that certain Consulting Agreement by and between Mendota and The Beneficient Company Group (USA), L.L.C. effective as of September 9, 2021, as amended from time to time thereafter, pursuant to which Mendota provided financial consulting services to the Company. The shares of Class A common stock issued pursuant to such subscription agreement are exempt from registration pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act.
Equity Awards Arbitration
On December 16, 2022, a former member of the Board of Directors of Beneficient Management, LLC (the “Claimant”) initiated a private arbitration in the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, challenging the termination of certain equity awards under two incentive plans by the administrator of the incentive plans. The Claimant sought total damages of $36.3 million plus attorney’s fees and punitive damages. On April 23, 2024, the sole arbitrator held that in terminating the Claimant’s equity awards, the Company had breached its contractual obligations, and as a result, awarded the Claimant $55.3 million in compensatory damages, including pre-judgment interest, plus post-judgment interest (the “Arbitration Award”). Neither attorneys’ fees nor punitive damages were awarded to the Claimant. The Company was also asked to pay arbitration-related costs in the amount of approximately $128,850. The Company recorded a loss related to the Arbitration Award in the year ended March 31, 2024 statement of comprehensive income (loss) in the amount of $55.0 million.
On July 29, 2024, the Texas District Court entered an order vacating the Arbitration Award in its entirety. The Texas District Court directed the parties to file motions requesting any further relief that may be available within twenty days of the order. On August 2, 2024, the Claimant filed an appeal to challenge the order vacating the Arbitration Award in the Texas Fifty Court of Appeals. The Company intends to vigorously defend itself in connection with the appeal.
As a result of the order, during the three-months ended June 30, 2024, the Company released the liability associated with the Arbitration Award, which resulted in a release of the previously recognized loss contingency accrual in the amount of $55.0 million being reflected in the six months ended September 30, 2024 statement of comprehensive income (loss).
ffVC Transaction
On March 6, 2024, the Company and BFF entered into three Alternative Asset Purchase Agreements (each an “ffVC Agreement” and collectively, the “ffVC Agreements”) on substantially similar terms, with each of ff Silver Venture Capital Fund, L.P., ff Blue Private Equity Fund, L.P. and ff Rose Venture Capital Fund, L.P. (each an “ffVC Seller” and collectively, the “ffVC Sellers”) to engage in certain liquidity financing transactions with respect to certain designated alternative assets held by each entity (the “ffVC Transactions”). In connection with the execution of the ffVC Agreements, the parties also entered into exchange agreements in the forms generally executed by the Company in the ordinary course of business, subject to certain amendments as set forth in the ffVC Agreements. Pursuant to the ffVC Transactions, the Company’s customized trust vehicles will acquire alternative assets held by each ffVC Seller, and in exchange for such alternative assets, the respective ffVC Seller will receive shares of the Company’s Series B Preferred Stock, with such Series B Preferred Stock

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being convertible into shares of the Company’s Class A common stock. The number of shares of Series B Preferred Stock to be delivered at the closing of each of the respective ffVC Agreements shall be equal to (i) the applicable discount percentage of the closing NAV under each ffVC Agreement multiplied by the Participation Percentage (as defined in the ffVC Agreement) of each respective ffVC Seller, divided by (ii) $10.00. The discount percentages for each transaction are as follows: ff Silver Venture Capital Fund, L.P. – 60%; ff Blue Private Equity Fund, L.P. – 80%; and ff Rose Venture Capital Fund, L.P – 46%. Pursuant to the ffVC Transactions, the Company expects to issue up to a maximum of $62 million in stated value of Series B Preferred Stock in the aggregate, subject to participation levels by limited partners of the ffVC Sellers. Closing of the ffVC Transactions is subject to approval by the Company’s stockholders. There can be no assurance that the ffVC Transactions will be completed or that the Company will issue securities pursuant to the ffVC Transactions.
Securities Purchase Agreement
On August 6, 2024, the Company, entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) with Yorkville, in connection with the issuance and sale by the Company of convertible debentures (the “Convertible Debentures”) issuable in an aggregate principal amount of up to $4 million, which will be convertible into shares of the Company’s Class A common stock (as converted, the “Conversion Shares”). Yorkville purchased and the Company issued $2 million in aggregate principal amount of Convertible Debentures upon the signing the Purchase Agreement (the “First Closing”). Additionally, on November 13, 2024, the Company issued an additional $2 million in aggregate principal amount of Convertible Debentures for proceeds of approximately $1.8 million (the “Second Closing”). Contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of the Purchase Agreement, certain of the Company’s subsidiaries entered into a global guaranty agreement in favor of Yorkville with respect to the Company’s obligations under the Purchase Agreement, the Convertible Debentures and the Yorkville Warrants (as defined below).
The Convertible Debentures do not bear interest, subject to a potential increase to 18.0% per annum (or the maximum amount permitted by applicable law) upon the occurrence of certain events of default. The Convertible Debentures will mature on February 6, 2025 and will result in gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $3.6 million. The Convertible Debentures will be issued at an original issue discount of 10%. The Company will be required to make monthly cash payments of principal in the amount of $1.3 million (or such lesser amount as may then be outstanding) plus all accrued and unpaid interest as of such payment. Such payments will commence 30 days following the Second Closing and will continue on a monthly basis thereafter until the Convertible Debentures are repaid in full, subject to certain conditions as described in the Convertible Debentures.
The Convertible Debentures are convertible at the option of the holder into Class A common stock equal to the applicable Conversion Amount (as in the Convertible Debenture) divided by $3.018 (the “Conversion Price”). The maximum amount of shares issuable upon conversion of the Convertible Debentures is 1,325,382.
The Convertible Debentures provide the Company, subject to certain conditions, with an optional redemption right pursuant to which the Company, upon 10 trading days’ prior written notice to Yorkville (the “Redemption Notice”), may redeem in cash, in whole or in part, all amounts outstanding under the Convertible Debentures prior to the maturity date; provided that the volume weighted average price on the date such Redemption Notice is delivered is less than the Conversion Price at the time of the Redemption Notice. The redemption amount shall be equal to the outstanding principal balance being redeemed by the Company, plus the redemption premium of 10% of the principal amount being redeemed, plus all accrued and unpaid interest in respect of such redeemed principal amount.
Additionally, pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, the Company agreed to issue to Yorkville warrants (each, a “Yorkville Warrant” and together, the “Yorkville Warrants”) to purchase up to 1,325,382 shares of Class A common stock at an exercise price of $2.63, which shall be exercisable into Class A common stock for cash (collectively, the “Warrant Shares”). At the First Closing, the Company issued a Yorkville Warrant to Yorkville to purchase up to 662,691 shares of Class A common stock, and at the Second Closing, the Company issued an additional Yorkville Warrant to Yorkville to purchase up to 662,691 shares of Class A common stock.
In connection with the Purchase Agreement, the Company entered into a registration rights agreement with Yorkville, pursuant to which the Company is required to, within 30 calendar days of the August 6, 2024, file with the SEC one or more registration statements covering the resale by Yorkville of all Conversion Shares and the Warrant Shares. Pursuant to the Company’s contractual obligations under the Purchase Agreement, the Company filed a registration statement to register the Warrant Shares and the Conversion Shares, among other shares of Class A common stock, which was declared effective by the SEC on November 12, 2024.
Nasdaq Continued Listing Standards
On July 16, 2024, the Company received a notice from the Nasdaq Staff indicating that it is no longer in compliance with the minimum stockholders’ equity requirement (the “Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement”) for continued listing on The Nasdaq Capital Market pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) (the “Stockholders’ Equity Notice”). Nasdaq Listing Rule

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5550(b)(1) requires listed companies to maintain stockholders’ equity of at least $2,500,000 or meet the alternative compliance standards relating to the market value of listed securities or net income from continuing operations, which the Company does not currently meet.
Pursuant to the Stockholders’ Equity Notice and the Listing Rules of Nasdaq, Nasdaq provided the Company with 45 calendar days, or until August 30, 2024, to submit a plan to regain compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement. On August 30, 2024, the Company timely submitted a plan to the Staff to regain compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement. If the Company’s plan to regain compliance is accepted, the Staff can grant an extension of up to 180 calendar days from the date of the notice to evidence compliance. If the Company’s plan to regain compliance is not accepted, or if it is accepted and the Company does not regain compliance in the timeframe required by Nasdaq, the Nasdaq Staff could provide notice that the Company’s shares of Class A common stock are subject to delisting. In such an event, the Company would have the right to request a hearing before the Panel. The hearing request would automatically stay any suspension or delisting action pending the completion of the hearings process. The Stockholders’ Equity Notice had no immediate impact on the listing of the Class A common stock, which will continue to be listed and traded on Nasdaq under the symbol “BENF,” subject to the Company’s compliance with the other listing requirements of Nasdaq. While we have not yet heard if the Staff will accept the plan submitted on August 30, 2024, the Company is currently progressing under the plan submitted to the Staff to regain compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement. Although the Company intends to use all reasonable efforts to achieve compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to regain compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement or that the Company will otherwise be in compliance with other applicable Nasdaq listing criteria.
Additionally, on July 23, 2024, the Company notified Nasdaq that, following the resignations of Emily B. Hill and Dennis P. Lockhart from the Company’s Board and Audit Committee of the Board (the “Audit Committee”), the Company currently has a vacancy on the Audit Committee and intends to rely on the cure period set forth in the Nasdaq Listing Rules while it recruits a new Audit Committee member.
On July 25, 2024, the Company received a notice from Nasdaq (the “Audit Committee Notice”) confirming that the Company was no longer in compliance with Nasdaq’s audit committee composition requirements as set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605, which requires that the audit committee of a listed company be comprised of at least three “independent directors” (as defined in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605(a)(2)). Pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605(c)(4), the Company intends to rely on the cure period to reestablish compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605. The cure period is generally defined as until the earlier of the Company’s next annual meeting of stockholders or July 21, 2025. If the Company’s next annual meeting of stockholders is held before January 15, 2025, then the Company must evidence compliance no later than January 15, 2025.
On September 30, 2024, Patrick J. Donegan was appointed to the Board as an independent director and a member of the Audit, Products and Related Party Transactions, Credit and Enterprise Risk committees of the Board. The Board is in the process of identifying and selecting an additional member of the Board who qualifies as “independent” and meets the audit committee criteria set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605. The Board intends to comply fully with Nasdaq audit committee requirements by or before the end of the cure period described above, but there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to regain compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605 or that the Company will otherwise be in compliance with other applicable Nasdaq listing criteria. The Audit Committee Notice had no immediate impact on the listing of the Class A common stock, which will continue to be listed and traded on Nasdaq under the symbol “BENF,” subject to the Company’s compliance with the other listing requirements of Nasdaq.
Key Factors Affecting Our Business
Our business is affected by a variety of factors, including conditions in the financial markets and economic and political conditions in the markets in which we operate, as well as changes in global economic conditions and regulatory or other governmental policies or actions, which can materially affect the values of the investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, the cash flows of which collateralize Ben Liquidity’s ExAlt Loans.
In addition to these macroeconomic trends and market factors, we believe our future performance will be influenced by the following factors:
Ability to execute on existing and new strategies and products and services to attract Customers. We currently offer or plan to offer a suite of complementary fiduciary and other financial products and services designed to address many of the challenges alternative asset market participants face in connection with their ownership, management, and transfer of alternative assets. These products and services are generally not readily available in the marketplace today. We believe that these new products and services will meet the complex needs of potential Customers on a large scale across our target market.

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The extent to which future investment allocations of potential Customers favor private markets investments. Estimates of future performance of our future liquidity solutions business rely in part on the attractiveness of new capital being deployed by potential Customers to private markets relative to traditional asset classes. We believe that allocation to alternative assets by MHNW individual investors and STMI investors, along with the turnover rate demanded by MHNW individual investors and STMI investors will continue to increase, with annual alternative asset liquidity demands increasing due to the overall growth in the alternative asset market.
Successful deployment of financing capital into collateral comprised of attractive investments. The successful identification of attractive investments as collateral to the financing transactions executed in our liquidity solutions business will impact future performance. We believe we identify specific investments that provide sufficient collateral to our fiduciary financings and that we have established a repeatable process in order to capitalize on these fiduciary financing opportunities through our underwriting and risk processes culminating in a qualification determination and proposed fiduciary financing terms for our Customers.
Volatility in the price of our Class A common stock. The price of our Class A common stock may impact our ability to enter into liquidity transactions with our Customers. If our stock price declines, our potential Customers may be less likely to engage with us and accept our Class A common stock in exchange for their alternative assets. Furthermore, a significant sustained decrease in our stock price has in the past been an indicator, and in the future may indicate, that impairment is present and may require a quantitative impairment assessment of our assets including goodwill and intangible assets. Any such future impairment charges for goodwill may reduce our overall assets and may result in a change in the perceived value of the Company and ultimately may be reflected as a reduction in the market price of our securities. Additionally, we have begun to enter into financings in which the Customer ExAlt Trusts use our Class A common stock or convertible preferred stock as consideration to meet capital calls or make other capital contributions in alternative asset funds, which in turn hold such securities as an investment. Volatility, either positively or negatively, in the price of our Class A common stock may have a compounding effect on our consolidated investment income and cause further decreases in our stock price in the event our securities comprise a significant portion of such alternative asset funds’ aggregate assets.
Our ability to maintain our data and regulatory advantage relative to competitors. Our proprietary data and technology platforms, analytical tools and deep industry knowledge allow us to provide our Customers with customized solutions, including trust custody and administration services, data and analytics products and services, and broker-dealer services in connection with our core liquidity products and services. Our ability to maintain our data advantage is dependent on a number of factors, including our continued access to a broad set of private market information and our ability to grow our relationships with potential Customers and their advisors throughout our distribution network. Additionally, we are or will become subject to extensive regulation under federal, state and international law. These complex regulatory and tax environments could restrict our operations and subject us to increased compliance costs and administrative burdens, as well as restrictions on our business activities.
Our ability to maintain our competitive position. We believe we have several competitive and structural advantages that position us as a preferred provider of liquidity and other attendant services to the MHNW individual investor and STMI investor segments. We expect these advantages will enable us to provide unique products and services to potential Customers that have traditionally been difficult to access by the MHNW individual investor and STMI investor segments. Our ability to attract and successfully deploy capital in the future is dependent on maintaining our leading competitive positioning in our target markets.
Unpredictable global macroeconomic conditions. Global economic conditions, including political environments, financial market performance, interest rates, credit spreads or other conditions beyond our control, all of which affect the performance of the assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, are unpredictable and could negatively affect the performance of our portfolio or the ability to raise funds in the future. In addition, the cash flows from these investments, which collateralize the ExAlt Loans, are exposed to the credit risks of the financial institutions at which they are held. Events involving limited liquidity, defaults, non-performance or other adverse developments that affect financial institutions, transactional counterparties, or the financial services industry generally, could lead to market-wide liquidity problems and jeopardize our ability to access existing cash, cash equivalents and investments.
Our ability to access capital at attractive rates. Our ability to complete, and the costs associated with, future debt transactions depends primarily upon credit market conditions and our then perceived creditworthiness. We have no control over market conditions. Our ability to obtain credit depends upon evaluations of our business practices and plans, including our performance, ability to stagger our debt maturities and to balance our use of debt and equity capital so that our financial performance and leverage ratios afford us flexibility to withstand any reasonably anticipated adverse changes. We intend to conduct our business activities in a manner which will afford us

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reasonable access to capital for investment and financing activities. However, as discussed elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, the economic conditions, as well as the impacts of the current, and possibly future, inflationary conditions, increasing interest rates and a possible recession are uncertain and may have various negative consequences on us and our operations including a decline in financing availability and increased costs for financing. Further, such conditions could also disrupt the capital markets generally and limit our access to financing from public sources or on favorable terms, particularly if the global financial markets experience significant disruptions.
Current Events
In October 2023, following a series of attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilian and military targets, Israel declared war on Hamas in Gaza. In February 2022, the Russian Federation and Belarus commenced a military action with the country of Ukraine and as a result, various nations, including the United States, have instituted economic sanctions against the Russian Federation and Belarus. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and Israel-Hamas conflict could have a negative impact on the economy and business activity globally (including in the countries in which the Customer ExAlt Trusts currently holds investments or may hold investments in the future), and therefore, could adversely affect the performance of the Customer ExAlt Trusts’ investments.
The extent and impact of any sanctions imposed in connection with the Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused and may continue to cause financial market volatility and impact the global economy. Volatility and disruption in the equity and credit markets can adversely affect the portfolio companies underlying the investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts and adversely affect the investment performance. Our ability to manage exposure to market conditions is limited. Market deterioration could cause the Company to experience reduced liquidity, earnings and cash flow, recognize impairment charges, or face challenges in raising capital and making investments on attractive terms. Adverse market conditions can also affect the ability of investment funds held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts to liquidate positions in a timely and efficient manner. As a result, this presents material uncertainty and risk with respect to the performance of the investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, even though the Customer ExAlt Trusts do not hold any investments with material operations in Russia, Ukraine, or Israel. The cash flows from the investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts serve as the collateral to the ExAlt Loans and the fees that are paid by the Customer ExAlt Trusts to Ben for administering these trusts, both of which are key determinants in the income allocated to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders.
Further, uncertainty in the capital markets, generally due to increasing interest rates and inflation and their impact on the economy, may make it challenging to raise additional capital, and such capital may not be available to us on acceptable terms on a timely basis, or at all. If adequate funds are not available, or if the terms of potential funding sources are unfavorable, our business would be harmed.
Further, these events may result in reduced opportunities for future liquidity solution transactions with our customers and make it more difficult for the Customer ExAlt Trusts to exit and realize value from its existing investments, potentially resulting in a decline in the value of the investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Such a decline could cause our revenue and net income to decline, including the revenues and net income allocated to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders.
We continue to evaluate the impact of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, Israel-Hamas conflict and other items, such as inflation and rising interest rates, and assess the impact on financial markets and our business. Our future results may be adversely affected by slowdowns in fundraising activity and the pace of new liquidity transactions with our customers.
Factors Affecting the Comparability of Our Financial Condition and Results of Operations
In addition to the items mentioned above in the “Recent Developments” section, our historical financial condition and results of operations for the periods presented may not be comparable, either from period to period or going forward, primarily for the following reasons:
Utilization of Derivative Instruments to Manage Risk. From time to time, Ben manages its exposure to market risks by utilizing various forms of derivative instruments to limit exposure to changes in the relative values of investments that may result from market developments. In September 2023, all put options that were held by Ben were sold, including the portion of the put options that were attributable to the third party involved in the loan participation transaction. No additional derivative instruments have been purchased since September 2023. For the three months ended September 30, 2023, Ben recognized losses of $0.7 million on the put options, of which approximately $0.3 million is attributable to Ben or Ben’s loan portfolio, with the remainder attributable principally to the loan involved in the participation loan transaction. For the six months ended September 30, 2023, Ben has recognized losses of $3.0 million on the put options, of which approximately $2.0 million is attributable to Ben or Ben’s loan portfolio, with the remainder attributable principally to the loan involved in the participation loan transaction.. As the

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Company did not have any put options or other similar instruments during the quarter ended September 30, 2024, there are no comparable gains or losses in the current period.
Bankruptcy of GWG Holdings. On August 1, 2023 (the “Effective Date”), the plan of reorganization of GWG Holdings was declared effective. On the Effective Date, all securities previously issued by GWG Holdings were cancelled and converted to interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust. As of September 30, 2024, Ben held 0.8 million interests of Series A1 and 2.5 million interests of Series E of the GWG Wind Down Trust, and the Customer ExAlt Trusts held 82.0 million, 14.5 million, and 9.8 million interests of Series A1, Series A2, and Series E, respectively, of the GWG Wind Down Trust. These interests are accounted for at fair value, with unrealized gains (losses) recognized in earnings in the gain (loss) on financial instruments, net line item of the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss). Fair value is calculated using quoted prices for similar instruments observed in the equity capital market and is classified as a Level 2 investment in the fair value hierarchy. Since the GWG Wind Down Trust’s primary asset is its investment in the Class A common stock of Ben, the Company’s Class A common stock quoted market price is the underlying asset. Prior to the Effective Date, Ben held 2.5 million shares of GWG Holdings common stock and the Customer ExAlt Trusts held 9.8 million shares of GWG Holdings common stock and L Bonds due 2023 of GWG Life, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and wholly-owned subsidiary of GWG Holdings (“GWG Life”) with an aggregate principal amount of $94.8 million (“L Bonds”). The investment in GWG Holdings’ common stock was accounted for at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in earnings. The investment in L Bonds was accounted for as an available-for-sale debt security, with unrealized gains (losses) recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). During the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company has recognized net losses of nominal and $1.2 million, respectively, related to its interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust (or GWG Holdings, as applicable), and the Customer ExAlt Trusts recognized net losses of $0.5 million and $44.4 million, respectively, related to its interest in the GWG Wind Down Trust (or GWG Holdings, as applicable), all of which is reflected in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss). As of September 30, 2024, the fair value of Ben’s interest in the GWG Wind Down Trust was nominal and the fair value of the Customer ExAlt Trusts’ interest in the GWG Wind Down Trust was nominal. On the Effective Date, the shared services agreement by and between Ben and GWG Holdings (the “Shared Services Agreement”) was terminated and all receivables and related allowances owed to Ben under the Shared Services Agreement were written off.
Vesting of performance based awards. Certain of our restricted equity units were granted with a performance-based condition. The performance condition was met upon public listing in June 2023 and expense for vested units was recognized during the three months ended June 30, 2023. The recognition of the remaining compensation cost will be recognized over the remaining vesting period. Total recognized compensation cost related to these awards was $0.3 million and $0.8 million for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $3.4 million and $11.4 million for the same periods of 2023, respectively. Total unrecognized compensation cost related to these awards was approximately $1.2 million as of September 30, 2024. During the three and six months ended September 30, 2024, approximately $2.4 million of compensation cost, which is the full grant date fair value of the RSUs, was recognized for awards to three employees. The awards do not require continuing employment by the individuals.
Goodwill Impairment. Goodwill is tested for impairment at least annually and, more frequently between annual tests, whenever events or circumstances make it more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit has fallen below its carrying value. Subsequent to the public listing on June 8, 2023, and through September 30, 2024, the Company has experienced a significant sustained decline in the price of its Class A common stock and its related market capitalization. We believe that these factors indicated that the fair value of our reporting units had more likely than not fallen below their carrying values during the relevant periods in fiscal 2024 and in the first two quarters of fiscal 2025. As a result, during fiscal 2024, we wrote the carrying value of the Ben Liquidity, Ben Custody, Ben Insurance, and Ben Markets reporting units, as applicable, down to their estimated fair values and recognized cumulatively during fiscal 2024 a non-cash goodwill impairment charge of $2.4 billion, including $1.1 billion and $306.7 million of non-cash goodwill impairment at the Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody reporting units during the quarters ended June 30, 2023 and September 30, 2023, respectively. Further, management performed interim impairment tests of goodwill as of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2024, and determined on each date that additional non-cash goodwill impairment occurred resulting in $3.4 million and $0.3 million, respectively, at the Ben Custody and Ben Markets reporting units. Total goodwill remaining as of September 30, 2024 is $9.9 million.
Termination of Customer ExAlt Trust Loan Payable. On October 18, 2023, all obligations owed under the Customer ExAlt Trust loan payable were repaid by transferring $56.7 million of alternative assets. The payoff of the Customer ExAlt Trust Loan Payable was accounted for as a debt extinguishment in accordance with ASC 470, Debt, during the quarter ended December 31, 2023. The financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for

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the three and six months ended September 30, 2023 reflect changes in the fair value of the alternative assets ultimately transferred to settled the ExAlt Trust loan payable as well as interest expense associated with the ExAlt Trust loan payable whereas current fiscal year financial statements would not have any such activity associated with the transferred alternative assets or the ExAlt Trust loan payable.
Resolution of certain liabilities. During the three and six months ended September 30, 2024, the Company released approximately $23.5 million of liabilities based on the execution of letter agreements with the counterparties releasing the Company of such liabilities. The release of the $23.5 million in liabilities resulted in the recognition of a gain that is reflected in the (gain) loss on liability resolution line item of the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss) for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024. There were no such similar amounts included in the same periods in the prior year. Approximately $19.2 million of the liabilities released related to a portion of the interest commitments described in Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements included in our 2024 Form 10-K that the Company has been accruing each period since 2018. On a go-forward basis, since we will no longer be accruing interest expense on a portion of the interest commitments for which we have been released of such obligation, interest expense should reduce by approximately $1 million per quarter related to these interest commitments.
Key Performance Indicators
We use certain non-GAAP financial measures to supplement our consolidated financial statements, which are presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. These non-GAAP financial measures include adjusted revenue and adjusted operating income (loss). A non-GAAP financial measure is a numerical measure that departs from U.S. GAAP because it includes or excludes amounts that are required under U.S. GAAP. Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information presented in compliance with U.S. GAAP, and non-GAAP financial measures as used by Ben may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies. The presentation of non-GAAP financial measures provides additional information to investors regarding our results of operations that management believes is useful for trending, analyzing and benchmarking the performance of our business. See “—Supplemental Unaudited Presentation of Non-GAAP Financial Information,” below, for a reconciliation of adjusted revenue to revenue and adjusted operating income (loss) to operating income (loss), the most comparable U.S. GAAP measures, respectively.
In addition to our U.S. GAAP and non-GAAP financial information, we utilize several key indicators of financial condition and operating performance to assess the various aspects of our business. We monitor the following operating metrics to help us evaluate our business, identify trends affecting our business, formulate business plans and make strategic decisions. We believe the following key metrics are useful in evaluating our business:
Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)
Ben Liquidity
Loan payments received$2,392 $9,250 $6,638 $16,952 
Operating income (loss)
2,905 (272,091)2,391 (1,175,119)
Adjusted operating income (loss)(1)
2,905 (4,738)2,396 (14,297)
Ben Custody
Fee payments received$2,794 $2,409 $4,310 $4,361 
Operating income (loss)
4,329 (80,847)5,616 (270,844)
Adjusted operating income(1)
4,627 5,625 9,043 10,933 
Revenue$8,561 $(42,761)$18,607 $(45,504)
Adjusted revenue(1)
8,734 (801)19,145 22 
Operating income (loss)
(13,715)(381,764)30,623 (1,537,734)
Adjusted operating loss(1)


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(dollars in thousands)
September 30, 2024March 31, 2024
Ben Liquidity
Loans to Customer ExAlt Trusts, net$260,686 $256,184 
Allowance to total loans54.74 %54.23 %
Nonperforming loans to total loans42.72 %44.21 %
Ben Custody
Fees receivable$19,566 $18,386 
Deferred revenue23,021 28,235 
Customer ExAlt Trusts
Investments, at fair value$334,987 $329,113 
Distributions to Original Loan Balance0.73 x0.72 x
Total Value to Original Loan Balance1.04 x1.03 x
(1) Adjusted revenue and adjusted operating income (loss) are non-GAAP financial measures. For a definition and reconciliation to comparable U.S. GAAP metrics, please see the section titled Supplemental Unaudited Presentation of Non-GAAP Financial Information.”
Adjusted revenue. We define adjusted revenue as revenue adjusted to exclude the effect of mark-to-market adjustments on related party equity securities that were acquired both prior to and in the Collateral Swap (the “Collateral Swap”), which on August 1, 2023, became interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust.
Operating income (loss) represents total revenues less operating expenses prior to the provision for income taxes.
Adjusted operating income (loss). We define adjusted operating income (loss) as operating income (loss), adjusted to exclude the effect of the adjustments to revenue described above, credit losses on related party available-for-sale debt securities acquired in the Collateral Swap, which on August 1, 2023, became interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust, and receivables from a related party that filed for bankruptcy and certain notes receivables originated during our formative transactions, non-cash asset impairment, share-based compensation expense, and legal, professional services, and public relations costs related to the GWG Holdings bankruptcy, lawsuits, and a defunct product offering and certain employee matters, including fees and loss contingency accruals (releases) incurred in arbitration with a former director.
Loan payments received represents cash received during the respective period from the Customer ExAlt Trusts as payments on the ExAlt Loans.
Fee payments received represents cash received during the respective period from the Customer ExAlt Trusts as payments on the fees receivable from the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
Loans to Customer ExAlt Trusts, net represents the total ExAlt Loan receivable outstanding, net of the allowance for credit losses. The ExAlt Loans are eliminated solely for financial reporting purposes upon consolidation of the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
Allowance to Total Loans. Allowance to total loans is calculated as total allowance for credit loss divided by total loans.
Nonperforming Loans to Total Loans. Nonperforming loans to total loans is calculated as total nonperforming loans divided by total loans.
Fees receivable, net represents the transaction fees charged to the Customer ExAlt Trusts in connection with liquidity transactions and fees charged for providing full-service trust administration services to the trustees of the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Such amounts are net of any allowance for credit losses associated with these balances. Such fees are eliminated solely for financial reporting purposes upon consolidation of the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
Deferred revenue represents fees charged at the origination of the liquidity transaction that are recognized ratably over the life of the LiquidTrust. Such amount is eliminated solely for financial reporting purposes upon consolidation of the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
Investments, at fair value. Investments held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts include investments in alternative assets, investments in the public equity and debt securities (principally of a related party), and investments in private equity securities. These cash flows from these investments serve as Collateral to the ExAlt Loans.
Distributions to Original Loan Balance, as it relates to the Collateral, is calculated as the total inception-to-date payments from the ExAlt Loans received divided by the initial loan balances of the ExAlt Loans.
Total Value to Original Loan Balance is calculated as the then-current fair value of the Collateral plus the total inception-to-date payments from the ExAlt Loans received, divided by the initial loan balances of the ExAlt Loans.

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Principal Revenue and Expense Items
During the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, we earned revenues on a consolidated basis from the following primary sources:
Investment Income (Loss), net. Investment income (loss), net, includes the change in NAV of the alternative assets held by certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
For the aforementioned periods, our main components of consolidated expense are summarized below:
Interest Expense. Interest expense includes interest to our senior lender under our amended and restated First Lien Credit Agreement and Second Lien Credit Agreement (as described under “Liquidity and Capital Resources — Amended Credit Agreements”), interest on the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, interest accrued on the ExAlt Trust Loan Payable, and interest accrued on our other debt due to related parties. When we issue debt, we amortize the financing costs (commissions and other fees) associated with such indebtedness over the outstanding term of the financing and classify it as interest expense.
Employee Compensation and Benefits. Employee compensation and benefits includes salaries, bonuses and other incentives and costs of employee benefits. Also included are significant non-cash expenses related to the share-based compensation.
Professional Services. Professional services includes consulting fees, legal fees, audit fees, and other services.
Additional components of our consolidated net earnings include:
Gain (Loss) on Financial Instruments, net. Gain (loss) on financial instruments, net includes the change in fair value of our derivative liability, warrant liability, investments in public equity securities, private equity securities, options, and convertible debt recorded at fair value. Included in our investment in private equity securities and interests is our interest in the GWG Wind Down Trust. Fair value is determined using quoted market prices, where available. Any realized gains and losses are recorded on a trade-date basis.
Interest Income. Interest income includes interest earned on cash held in banks.
Provision for Credit Losses. Provision for credit losses represents the amount charged to earnings each period for credit losses incurred on available-for-sale debt securities and for allowances taken on financial assets, primarily receivables under the Shared Services Agreement with GWG Holdings and note agreements with other parties originating during our formative transactions in 2018.
Other Expenses. We recognize and record expenses in our business operations as incurred. Other expenses include software license and maintenance expenses, IT consulting fees, travel and entertainment expenses, other insurance and tax expense, supplies, costs associated with employee training and dues, transaction expenses, depreciation and amortization expense, and various other expenses.
Loss on impairment of goodwill. Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets are assessed for impairment on an annual basis and whenever events and circumstances indicate that these assets may be impaired, including as a result of significant sustained declines in the prevailing prices of our Common Stock. We compare the fair value of each of our reporting units to its respective carrying value, including goodwill. If the respective carrying value, including goodwill, exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value, we will recognize an impairment loss for the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value, up to the amount of goodwill associated with the reporting unit.
Our operating subsidiaries, Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody, also earn revenue from interest and fees, which are eliminated in consolidation, on the ExAlt Loans between Ben Liquidity and the Customer ExAlt Trusts and for providing trust services and administration between Ben Custody and the Customer ExAlt Trusts. These sources of intersegment revenues, which ultimately impact the net income (loss) attributable to Ben and BCH equity holders, are summarized below.
Interest Income. Interest income is generally comprised of contractual interest, which is a computed variable rate or a fixed rate that compounds monthly, interest recognized on certain of the ExAlt Loans through the effective yield method, and an amortized discount that is recognized ratably over the life of the ExAlt Loan. Loans deemed nonperforming no longer accrue interest income. The ExAlt Loans have a maturity of twelve years, and all principal and interest due thereon is payable at maturity. Since we began our operations in 2017, substantially all of our interest income since inception has been non-cash income that has been capitalized onto the outstanding principal of the ExAlt Loans.
Interest income earned by Ben from the Customer ExAlt Trusts is eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements. However, because the eliminated amounts are earned from, and funded by, noncontrolling

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interests, on a consolidated basis, our attributable share of the net income from the Customer ExAlt Trusts is increased by the amounts eliminated. Accordingly, the elimination in consolidation of interest income and certain fee revenue (as described below) has no effect on net income (loss) attributable to Ben or BCH or to equity holders of Ben or BCH.
Trust Services and Administration Revenues. Trust services and administration revenues include trust administration fees and upfront fees. Trust administration fees are earned for providing administrative services to trustees for existing liquidity solution customers. Fees are recognized monthly based upon the beginning of quarter (in advance) NAV plus any remaining unfunded capital commitments and the applicable fee rate of the account as outlined in the agreement. Non-refundable upfront fees are earned for setting up and providing the customer access to the ExAlt PlanTM. Upfront fees are billed at the origination of the liquidity transaction and are based on a percentage of NAV plus any unfunded capital commitments. Upfront fees are deferred upon receipt and are recognized ratably over the period of benefit, which is generally consistent with estimated expected life of LiquidTrusts (typically 7 to 10 years). All such fees and related deferred revenue are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements. As described above, the elimination in consolidation of this fee revenue has no effect on net income (loss) attributable to Ben or BCH or to equity holders of Ben or BCH.


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投資收益,淨額$— $— $8,541 $— $— $8,541 
— — 571 (750)— (179)
— — — 12 — 12 
信託服務和管理收入— 187 — — — 187 
利息收入11,978 — — — (11,978)— 
信託服務和管理收入— 5,199 — — (5,199)— 
總收入11,978 5,386 9,112 (738)(17,177)8,561 
僱員補償及福利361 542 — 6,232 — 7,135 
利息開支3,163 — — 1,157 — 4,320 
專業服務395 30 545 6,287 — 7,257 
信貸損失準備金— — 476 — — 476 
商譽減值損失— 298 — — — 298 
其他費用402 187 189 2,012 — 2,790 
利息開支— — 36,049 — (36,049)— 
爲以下事項撥備信用 損失
4,752 — — — (4,752)— 
其他費用— — 3,402 — (3,402)— 
總費用9,073 1,057 40,661 15,688 (44,203)22,276 
營業收入(虧損)$2,905 $4,329 $(31,549)$(16,426)$27,026 (13,715)


$— $— $(13)$— $— $(13)
金融工具損失,淨額— — (41,875)(900)— (42,775)
— — 112 — 114 
信託服務和管理收入— — (95)— (87)
利息收入13,022 — — — (13,022)— 
信託服務和管理收入— 6,482 — — (6,482)— 
總收入13,022 6,490 (41,886)(883)(19,504)(42,761)
僱員補償及福利1,482 545 — 13,371 — 15,398 
利息開支2,120 — 1,794 1,200 — 5,114 
專業服務264 89 884 5,420 — 6,657 
220,212 86,472 — — — 306,684 
其他費用533 231 26 4,360 — 5,150 
利息開支— — 29,835 — (29,835)— 
60,502 — — — (60,502)— 
其他費用— — 3,850 — (3,850)— 
總費用285,113 87,337 36,389 24,351 (94,187)339,003 
$(272,091)$(80,847)$(78,275)$(25,234)$74,683 $(381,764)


$— $— $19,569 $— $— $19,569 
金融工具損失,淨額— — (604)(758)— (1,362)
— — — 24 — 24 
信託服務和管理收入— 376 — — — 376 
利息收入22,827 — — — (22,827)— 
信託服務和管理收入— 10,392 — — (10,392)— 
總收入22,827 10,768 18,965 (734)(33,219)18,607 
僱員補償及福利791 898 — 9,296 — 10,985 
利息開支6,244 — — 2,364 — 8,608 
專業服務869 426 1,167 10,339 — 12,801 
信貸損失準備金— — 998 — 1,000 
商譽減值損失— 3,427 — 265 — 3,692 
與仲裁裁決相關的損失或有事項的解除— — — (54,973)— (54,973)
其他費用853 401 309 4,308 — 5,871 
利息開支— — 70,848 — (70,848)— 
爲以下事項撥備信用 損失
11,679 — — — (11,679)— 
其他費用— — 6,821 — (6,821)— 
總費用20,436 5,152 80,143 (28,399)(89,348)(12,016)
$2,391 $5,616 $(61,178)$27,665 $56,129 30,623 

$— $— $487 $— $— $487 
— — (43,679)(2,557)— (46,236)
利息和股息收入— — 10 220 — 230 
信託服務和管理收入— 15 — — — 15 
利息收入25,028 — — — (25,028)— 
信託服務和管理收入— 13,050 — — (13,050)— 
總收入25,028 13,065 (43,182)(2,337)(38,078)(45,504)
僱員補償及福利3,975 1,105 — 46,141 — 51,221 
利息開支2,878 — 3,668 2,352 — 8,898 
專業服務897 589 2,145 13,399 — 17,030 
1,121,212 281,777 — — — 1,402,989 
其他費用1,187 438 383 10,084 — 12,092 
利息開支— — 59,615 — (59,615)— 
爲以下事項撥備信用 損失
69,998 — — — (69,998)— 
其他費用— — 7,694 — (7,694)— 
總費用1,200,147 283,909 73,505 71,976 (137,307)1,492,230 
$(1,175,119)$(270,844)$(116,687)$(74,313)$99,229 $(1,537,734)

運營業績-截至2024年9月30日的三個月與截至2023年9月30日的三個月相比 截至2024年9月30日的六個月與截至2023年9月30日的六個月相比(未經審計)
$8,541 $(13)$19,569 $487 
12 114 24 230 
信託服務和管理收入187 (87)376 15 
總收入$8,561 $(42,761)$18,607 $(45,504)
在截至2024年9月30日的三個月中,由於期間持有的金融工具的公允價值變化,與2023年同期相比,金融工具的淨虧損減少了4,260美元萬。截至2024年9月30日的三個月,金融工具淨虧損主要是由於我們在GWG Wind Down Trust的權益價值減少了20美元萬,以及可轉換債務、權證和衍生債務的公允價值合計虧損80美元,但被公開股權證券公允價值增加70美元萬所抵消。損失在金融工具方面,截至2023年9月30日的三個月的淨額包括我們在GWG Wind Down Trust的權益價值減少了4,180美元萬。這一減少是從累積的其他全面收入中扣除與公司以前分類的可供出售債務證券相關的未實現淨收益重新分類後確認的1,370美元的萬收益。其他驅動因素包括公開股本證券的公允價值淨減少70美元,持有的看跌期權的公允價值減少70美元,但衍生負債的公允價值減少20萬,權證負債的公允價值減少20美元萬,部分抵消了這一影響。
受本期持有的金融工具公允價值變化的推動,截至2024年9月30日止六個月,金融工具淨損失較2023年同期減少4490萬美元。截至2024年9月30日止六個月的金融工具淨損失主要是由於我們在GWG Winddown Trust的權益價值減少50萬美元以及可轉換債務、認購證的公允價值減少80萬美元

和衍生責任。 損失 截至2023年9月30日止六個月的金融工具淨值主要是由於我們在GWG Winddown Trust的權益價值減少4180萬美元。該減少扣除了u重新分類後確認的1370萬美元收益與公司先前分類的可供出售債務證券相關的未實現淨收益來自累計其他全面收益。附加駕駛執照 包括公開股本證券公允價值減少440萬美元,以及持有的看跌期權公允價值減少300萬美元,部分被衍生負債公允價值減少160萬美元和認購證負債公允價值減少170萬美元所抵消。
僱員補償及福利$7,135 $15,398 $10,985 $51,221 
利息支出(包括遞延融資成本的攤銷)4,320 5,114 8,608 8,898 
專業服務7,257 6,657 12,801 17,030 
476 — 1,000 — 
商譽減值損失298 306,684 3,692 1,402,989 
— — (54,973)— 
其他費用2,790 5,150 5,871 12,092 
總費用$22,276 $339,003 $(12,016)$1,492,230 
與2023年同期相比,截至2024年9月30日的三個月的利息費用減少了80萬美元,主要是由於ExAlt信託應付貸款的利息費用減少了180萬美元(該貸款已於2023年10月註銷),利息費用的遞延融資溢價攤銷減少了20萬美元,抵消了80萬美元 利息費用和 10萬美元 在HH-BDH信貸協議中確認的遞延融資成本攤銷中,該協議在可比期間不存在.
截至2024年9月30日的三個月,專業服務費用與2023年同期相比增加了60萬美元, 主要是由於法律費用增加130萬美元,被其他專業費用的減少所抵消。法律費用的增加與法律活動的增加同時發生。預計大部分法律活動都有資格從我們的D & O保險公司獲得報銷,本期與此類事項相關的費用反映了我們對保險公司預計拒絕的已發生法律費用的估計。此外,正如之前披露的那樣,隨着截至2023年12月31日的三個月更新的運營成本削減計劃的實施,專業服務和其他費用的總和每年可能會減少約3500萬美元至3750萬美元,比實施成本削減計劃之前的水平。
與2023年同期相比,截至2024年9月30日的三個月的信用損失撥備增加了50萬美元。截至2024年9月30日止三個月的信用損失撥備包括Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的可供出售債務證券的信用相關損失。上年同期未確認此類損失。
截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,我們完成了對善意的中期減損測試,因此記錄了30萬美元的非現金減損費用。看-關鍵會計估計 下文和「第1部分第1項」合併財務報表註釋6。-本季度報告10-Q表格的財務報表”以獲取更多信息。截至2023年9月30日止的季度,也對善意進行了類似的中期減損測試,導致非現金減損費用爲30670萬美元。

其他費用$1,102 $779 
其他保險及稅項673 811 
軟件許可和維護399 724 
折舊及攤銷391 991 
入住率和設備164 305 
旅遊和娛樂61 1,540 
其他費用合計$2,790 $5,150 
與2023年同期相比,截至2024年9月30日的六個月專業服務費用減少了420萬美元,主要是由於預計有資格從我們的D & O保險公司報銷的法律活動比例較高,加上反映我們成本削減努力的其他專業費用,導致法律費用減少230萬美元,以及與我們於2023年6月公開上市相關的2024財年費用增加。
與2023年同期相比,截至2024年9月30日的六個月的信用損失撥備增加了100萬美元。截至2024年9月30日止六個月的信用損失撥備包括Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的可供出售債務證券的信用相關損失。上年同期未確認此類損失。
截至2024年9月30日止六個月,我們完成了對善意的中期減損測試,因此記錄了總計370萬美元的非現金減損費用。看-關鍵會計估計 下文和「第1部分第1項」合併財務報表註釋6。-本季度報告10-Q表格的財務報表”以獲取更多信息。截至2023年9月30日的六個月內,我們對善意進行了類似的中期減損測試,導致非現金減損費用總計14億美元。
與仲裁裁決相關的損失或有事項的解除 本財政期間確認的損失與截至2024年3月31日財年記錄的先前記錄的或有損失的釋放有關,該損失在仲裁期間被判敗訴,包括與前任有關的事項的預斷利益

董事質疑激勵計劃管理人終止兩項激勵計劃下的某些股權獎勵。損失意外情況的發佈是基於 德克薩斯州地方法院下令撤銷之前記錄和披露的針對Beneficient的仲裁裁決。
其他費用$1,943 $1,867 
其他保險及稅項1,767 2,871 
軟件許可和維護883 1,437 
折舊及攤銷805 1,922 
入住率和設備321 627 
旅遊和娛樂152 3,368 
其他費用合計$5,871 $12,092 
運營業績-截至2024年9月30日的三個月與截至2023年9月30日的三個月相比 截至2024年9月30日的六個月與截至2023年9月30日的六個月相比(未經審計)
利息收入$11,978 $13,022 $22,827 $25,028 
僱員補償及福利361 1,482 791 3,975 
利息支出(包括遞延融資成本的攤銷)3,163 2,120 6,244 2,878 
專業服務395 264 869 897 
爲以下事項撥備信用 損失
4,752 60,502 11,679 69,998 
商譽減值損失— 220,212 — 1,121,212 
其他費用402 533 853 1,187 
總費用9,073 285,113 20,436 1,200,147 
$2,905 $(272,091)$2,391 $(1,175,119)

截至2024年9月30日的三個月,利息費用與2023年同期相比增加了100萬美元,主要是由於攤銷減少了20萬美元 遞延融資溢價與利息費用的比例利息費用80萬美元和10萬美元 在遞延融資成本攤銷中 在HH-BDH信貸協議中承認,該協議在可比時期不存在。
爲以下事項撥備信用 截至2024年9月30日的三個月虧損爲480萬美元,而2023年同期爲6050萬美元。 本期撥備較前期減少,主要是由於抵押品價值改善以及與貸款組合相關的預期現金流量超過了攤銷成本基礎的淨增長,因爲利息資本化的利率高於貸款支付。截至2023年9月30日的季度,約4710萬美元的信用損失撥備與GWG Wind Down Trust權益組成的抵押品相關的損失有關。截至2024年9月30日的季度,信用損失撥備中沒有任何與GWG WindDown Trust權益組成的抵押品相關的損失相關。
在2025財年開始之前,與Ben Liquidity相關的所有善意均已註銷, 截至2023年9月30日的季度內非現金善意減損費用包括約2.202億美元。因此,截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,雖然我們在本期完成了對善意的中期減損測試,但Ben Liquidity沒有出現此類非現金善意減損費用。看-關鍵會計估計 下文和「第1部分第1項」合併財務報表註釋6。-本季度報告10-Q表格的財務報表”以獲取更多信息。
Interest expense, including amortization of deferred financing costs, increased $3.4 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, primarily driven by a $1.7 million decrease in deferred financing costs accounted for as a premium and $1.5 million in interest expense and $0.2 million in deferred financing cost amortization recognized on the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, which did not exist in the comparable period.
Provision for credit losses was $11.7 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to $70.0 million as of the same period in 2023, which included $39.6 million in credit losses driven by a decrease in collateral comprised of collateral comprised of interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust. The provision for the current period reduced over prior period primarily due to improved collateral values and resulting expected cash flows related to the loan portfolio outpacing the net growth in the amortized cost basis due interest capitalizing at a higher rate than loan payments.
Prior to the start of fiscal year 2025, all goodwill associated with Ben Liquidity was written off as non-cash goodwill impairment charges including approximately $1.1 billion during the six months ended September 30, 2023. Accordingly, during the six months ended September 30, 2024, while we completed interim impairment tests for goodwill in the current fiscal year, there was no such non-cash goodwill impairment charge for Ben Liquidity. See—Critical Accounting Estimates below and Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in “Part 1, Item 1.—Financial Statements” of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for further information.

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Results of Operations — Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023, and the Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to the Six Months Ended September 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
Trust services and administration revenues$5,386 $6,490 $10,768 $13,065 
Employee compensation and benefits542 545 898 1,105 
Professional services30 89 426 589 
Loss on impairment of goodwill298 86,472 3,427 281,777 
Other expenses 187 231 401 438 
Total expenses1,057 87,337 5,152 283,909 
Operating income (loss)
$4,329 $(80,847)$5,616 $(270,844)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Trust services and administration revenues decreased $1.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023 driven by a decrease in the NAV of the alternative assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which is an input into the calculation of the recurring trust services revenues.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, we completed an interim impairment test for goodwill and as a result, recorded a non-cash impairment charge of $0.3 million for Ben Custody. See—Critical Accounting Estimates below and Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in “Part 1, Item 1.—Financial Statements” of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for further information. Similar interim impairment test for goodwill was performed for the quarter ended September 30, 2023 which resulted in a non-cash impairment charge of $86.5 million for this reporting unit.
Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Trust services and administration revenues decreased $2.3 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, driven by a decrease in the NAV of the alternative assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which is an input into the calculation of the recurring trust services revenues.
During the six months ended September 30, 2024, we completed interim impairment tests for goodwill and as a result, recorded non-cash impairment charges totaling $3.4 million for Ben Custody. See—Critical Accounting Estimates below and Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in “Part 1, Item 1.—Financial Statements” of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for further information. Similar interim impairment tests for goodwill were performed for during the six months ended September 30, 2023, which resulted in non-cash impairment charges totaling $281.8 million for this reporting unit.

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Results of Operations — Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023, and the Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to the Six Months Ended September 30, 2023 (Unaudited)
(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
Investment income (loss), net
$8,541 $(13)$19,569 $487 
Gain (loss) on financial instruments, net
571 (41,875)(604)(43,679)
Interest and dividend income
— — 10 
Total revenues9,112 (41,886)18,965 (43,182)
Interest expense36,049 31,629 70,848 63,283 
Professional services545 884 1,167 2,145 
Provision for credit losses476 — 998 — 
Other expenses3,591 3,876 7,130 8,077 
Total expenses40,661 36,389 80,143 73,505 
Operating loss$(31,549)$(78,275)$(61,178)$(116,687)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Investment income (loss), net increased $8.6 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, driven by changes in the NAV of investments in alternative assets held by certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Investment income was $8.5 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, which was driven by $4.8 million of upward quoted market price adjustments, $2.3 million of upward adjustments to our relative share of the respective fund’s NAV based on updated financial information received from the funds’ investment manager or sponsor, and $1.5 million of upward adjustments related to foreign currency impacts on investments denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Investment loss was nominal for the three months ended September 30, 2023, which was driven by $3.1 million of upward adjustments to our relative share of the respective fund’s NAV based on updated financial information received from the funds’ investment manager or sponsor offset by $1.6 million of downward adjustments related to foreign currency impacts on investments denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar and $1.5 million of downward quoted market price adjustments.
Gain (loss) on financial instruments, net increased $42.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, driven by the changes in fair value of the financial instruments held during the period. Gain on financial instruments, net for three months ended September 30, 2024, was primarily driven by a $0.7 million increase in the fair value of public equity securities offset by a $0.2 million decrease in the value of our interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust. Loss on financial instruments, net for the three months ended September 30, 2023 was primarily driven by a $41.4 million decrease in the value of our interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust. Such decrease is net of a $13.7 million gain recognized upon reclassification of unrealized net gains related to the Company's previously classified available-for-sale debt securities from accumulated other comprehensive income. Additional drivers included a $0.7 million decrease to the fair value of public equity securities partially offset by a $0.2 million decrease in the fair value of a derivative liability.
Interest expense increased $4.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, which reflects an increase in contractual interest due on the ExAlt Loans, driven by the origination of new liquidity transactions and the compounding of paid-in-kind interest, partially offset by a $1.8 million decrease in interest expense recognized on the Customer ExAlt Trust loan payable, which was extinguished in October 2023.
Professional services decreased $0.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, driven by decreases in general professional expenses such as audit, consulting, and other professional fees.
Provision for credit losses increased $0.5 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, Provision for credit losses during the three months ended September 30, 2024, is comprised of a credit related

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loss on an available-for-sale debt security held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts. No such losses were recognized in the same period of the prior year.
Other expenses decreased $0.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, due to a decrease in trust administration fees and other expenses principally driven by a decrease in the NAV of the alternative assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts.
Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Investment income (loss), net increased $19.1 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, driven by changes in the NAV of investments in alternative assets held by certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts. Investment income was $19.6 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, which was driven by $18.0 million of upward adjustments to our relative share of the respective fund’s NAV based on updated financial information received from the funds’ investment manager or sponsor, $1.3 million of upward adjustments related to foreign currency impacts on investments denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar offset by $1.1 million of downward quoted market price adjustments. Investment income was $0.5 million for the six months ended September 30, 2023, which was driven by $6.2 million of upward adjustments to our relative share of the respective fund’s NAV based on updated financial information received from the funds’ investment manager or sponsor, $4.7 million of downward quoted market price adjustments, and $1.0 million of downward adjustments related to foreign currency impacts on investments denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar.
Loss on financial instruments, net decreased $43.1 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, driven by the changes in fair value of the financial instruments held during the period. Loss on financial instruments, net for the six months ended September 30, 2024 was primarily driven by a $0.5 million decrease in the value of our interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust. Loss on financial instruments, net for the six months ended September 30, 2023 was primarily driven by a $41.4 million decrease in the value of our interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust. Such decrease is net of a $13.7 million gain recognized upon reclassification of unrealized net gains related to the Company’s previously classified available-for-sale debt securities from accumulated other comprehensive income. Additional drivers included a $4.4 million decrease in the fair value of public equity securities partially offset by a $1.6 million decrease in the fair value of a derivative liability.
Interest expense increased $7.6 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, which reflects an increase in contractual interest on the ExAlt Loans, driven by the origination of new liquidity transactions and the compounding of effects of paid-in-kind interest, slightly offset by a $3.7 million decrease in interest expense recognized on the Customer ExAlt Trust loan payable, which was extinguished in October 2023.
Professional services decreased $1.0 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, which represented decreases in general professional expenses such as audit, consulting, and other professional fees.
Provision for credit losses increased $1.0 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. Provision for credit losses for the six months ended September 30, 2024, is comprised of a credit related loss on an available-for-sale debt security held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts. No such losses were recognized in the same period of the prior year.
Other expenses decreased $0.9 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, due to a decrease in trust administration fees and other expenses principally driven by a decrease in the NAV of the alternative assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts.

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Results of Operations — Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023, and the Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to the Six Months Ended September 30, 2023 (Unaudited)

(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Six Months Ended September 30,
Loss on financial instruments, net
Interest income12 112 24 220 
Trust services and administration revenues— (95)— — 
Total revenues(738)(883)(734)(2,337)
Employee compensation and benefits6,232 13,371 9,296 46,141 
Interest expense (including amortization of deferred financing costs)1,157 1,200 2,364 2,352 
Professional services6,287 5,420 10,339 13,399 
Provision for credit losses— — — 
Loss on impairment of goodwill— — 265 — 
Release of loss contingency related to arbitration award
— — (54,973)— 
Other expenses2,012 4,360 4,308 10,084 
Total expenses15,688 24,351 (28,399)71,976 
Operating income (loss)
$(16,426)$(25,234)$27,665 $(74,313)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Loss on financial instruments, net decreased $0.2 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, driven by the changes in fair value of the financial instruments held during the period. Loss on financial instruments, net for the three months ended September 30, 2024, included a $0.8 million combined loss in the fair value on the convertible debt, warrants and derivative liability. Loss on financial instruments, net for the three months ended September 30, 2023, included a $0.7 million decrease in the fair value of put options held, $0.4 million decrease in the fair value of our interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust, partially offset by a $0.2 million decrease in the fair value of a warrant liability.
Employee compensation and benefits decreased $7.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease was principally related to a $5.1 million decrease in equity-based compensation as the comparable period included $3.4 million recognized upon vesting of awards previously subject to a performance condition, which was satisfied by Ben’s public listing in June 2023, and the comparable period included new grants which were partially vested on the grant date. Additionally, there was a $2.0 million decrease in payroll and other benefit-related costs due to a lower headcount in fiscal 2025 as compared to fiscal 2024 primarily due to the employees furloughed and terminated in latter part of fiscal 2024 as well as continued employee attrition during the current fiscal year.
Professional services increased $0.9 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to a increase in legal fees offset partially by lower other professional fees. The increase in legal fees coincides with higher legal activity. The majority of this legal activity is expected to be eligible for reimbursement from our D&O insurance carriers and expense in the current period related to such matters reflects our estimate of incurred legal expenses expected to be denied by the insurance carriers. Lower professional fees principally related to ongoing efforts to reduce operating expenses.
Other expenses decreased $2.3 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, primarily driven by a decrease in various categories, including travel and entertainment, insurance and taxes, and depreciation. The largest decrease is driven by the expiration of an aircraft dry lease on January 1, 2024 which resulted in approximately $1.4 million lower expenses in the current period as compared to the same period in the prior year.

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Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Loss on financial instruments, net decreased $1.8 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, driven by the changes in fair value of the financial instruments held during the period. Loss on financial instruments, net for the six months ended September 30, 2024, includes a $0.8 million decrease in the combined fair value of the convertible debt, warrants and derivative liability. Loss on investments in securities and options for the six months ended September 30, 2023, included a $3.0 million net decrease to the fair value of put options held, $0.8 million decrease in the fair value of public equity securities, which consisted of shares of GWG Holdings, partially offset by a $1.7 million decrease in the fair value of a warrant liability.
Employee compensation and benefits decreased $36.8 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease was driven by a $31.1 million decrease in equity-based compensation and $5.7 million decrease in payroll and other benefit-related costs. The comparable period included equity-based compensation of $11.4 million recognized upon vesting of awards previously subject to a performance condition, which was satisfied by Ben’s public listing in June 2023, and $15.0 million in equity-based compensation recognized as a result of transactions completed as part of the BCG Recapitalization. Additionally, there were additional equity grants in fiscal 2024 that resulted in a higher expenses than the limited grants that occurred in fiscal 2025. Additionally, there was a $5.7 million decrease in payroll and other benefit-related costs due to a lower headcount in fiscal 2025 as compared to fiscal 2024 primarily due to the employees furloughed and terminated in latter part of fiscal 2024 as well as adjustment to our accrued annual incentive bonus pool related to the decreased headcount.
Professional services decreased $3.1 million during the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to a decrease in legal fees and other professional fees. The decrease in legal fees is principally related to a higher percentage of current ongoing legal matters expected to be eligible for reimbursement from our D&O insurance carriers. Lower professional fees principally related to ongoing efforts to reduce operating expenses along with the comparable period having higher amounts due to transaction related activity.
During the six months ended September 30, 2024, we completed interim impairment tests for goodwill and as a result, recorded non-cash impairment charges totaling $0.3 million related to reporting unit(s) including in this reporting segment. See—Critical Accounting Estimates below and Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in “Part 1, Item 1.—Financial Statements” of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for further information. Similar interim impairment tests for goodwill were performed during the six months ended September 30, 2023, however, no such non-cash goodwill impairment charge was determined to be necessary in that period related to reporting unit(s) included in this reporting segment.
Release of loss on arbitration recognized in the current fiscal period relates to the release of a previously recorded loss contingency recorded in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 that had been awarded against the Company during arbitration for compensatory damages, including prejudgment interest in a matter pertaining to a former director challenging the termination of certain equity awards under two incentive plans by the administrator of the incentive plans. The release of the loss contingency was based on a Texas District Court order vacating the previously recorded and disclosed arbitration award against Beneficient.
Other expenses decreased $5.8 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, primarily driven by a decrease in various categories, including travel and entertainment, insurance and taxes, and depreciation. The largest decrease relates to lower travel and entertainment, which reflects approximately $2.7 million of lower costs associated with an aircraft dry lease that expired on January 1, 2024.
Supplemental Unaudited Presentation of Non-GAAP Financial Information
Adjusted revenue and adjusted operating income (loss) are non-GAAP financial measures. We present these non-GAAP financial measures because we believe it helps investors understand underlying trends in our business and facilitates an understanding of our operating performance from period to period because it facilitates a comparison of our recurring core business operating results. These non-GAAP financial measures are intended as a supplemental measure of our performance that is neither required by, nor presented in accordance with, U.S. GAAP. Our presentation of these measures should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by unusual or non-recurring items. Our computation of these non-GAAP financial measures may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures computed by other companies, because all companies may not calculate such items in the same way.
We define adjusted revenue as revenue adjusted to exclude the effect of mark-to-market adjustments on related party equity securities that were acquired both prior to and during the Collateral Swap, which on August 1, 2023, became interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust.

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We define adjusted operating income (loss) as operating income (loss), adjusted to exclude the effect of the adjustments to revenue as described above, credit losses on related party available-for-sale debt securities that were acquired in the Collateral Swap, which on August 1, 2023, became interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust, and receivables from a related party that filed for bankruptcy and certain notes receivables originated during our formative transactions, non-cash asset impairment, share-based compensation expense, and legal, professional services, and public relations costs related to the GWG Holdings bankruptcy, lawsuits, a defunct product offering, and certain employee matters, including fees and loss contingency accruals (releases) incurred in arbitration with a former director.
These non-GAAP financial measures are not a measure of performance or liquidity calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP. They are unaudited and should not be considered an alternative to, or more meaningful than, revenue or operating income (loss) as an indicator of our operating performance. Uses of cash flows that are not reflected in adjusted operating income (loss) include capital expenditures, interest payments, debt principal repayments, and other expenses, which can be significant. As a result, adjusted operating income (loss) should not be considered as a measure of our liquidity.
Because of these limitations, adjusted revenue and adjusted operating income (loss) should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for performance measures calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP. We compensate for these limitations by relying primarily on our U.S. GAAP results and using adjusted revenue and adjusted operating income (loss) on a supplemental basis. You should review the reconciliation of revenue to adjusted revenue and operating income (loss) to adjusted operating income (loss) set forth below and not rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business.
The following tables set forth a reconciliation of adjusted revenue to revenue and adjusted operating income (loss) to operating income (loss), the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measures, using data derived from our consolidated financial statements for the periods indicated:
(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Ben LiquidityBen Custody
Customer ExAlt Trusts
Corporate/OtherConsolidating EliminationsConsolidated
Total revenues$11,978 $5,386 $9,112 $(738)$(17,177)$8,561 
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 173 — — 173 
Adjusted revenues$11,978 $5,386 $9,285 $(738)$(17,177)$8,734 
Operating income (loss)$2,905 $4,329 $(31,549)$(16,426)$27,026 $(13,715)
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 173 — — 173 
Goodwill impairment— 298 — — — 298 
Share-based compensation expense— — — 3,364 — 3,364 
Legal and professional fees(1)
— — — 3,269 — 3,269 
Adjusted operating income (loss)$2,905 $4,627 $(31,376)$(9,793)$27,026 $(6,611)
(1) Includes legal and professional fees related to lawsuits.

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(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Ben LiquidityBen Custody
Customer ExAlt Trusts
Corporate/OtherConsolidating EliminationsConsolidated
Total revenues$13,022 $6,490 $(41,886)$(883)$(19,504)$(42,761)
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 41,523 437 — 41,960 
Adjusted revenues$13,022 $6,490 $(363)$(446)$(19,504)$(801)
Operating income (loss)$(272,091)$(80,847)$(78,275)$(25,234)$74,683 $(381,764)
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 41,523 437 — 41,960 
Intersegment provision for credit losses on collateral comprised of interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
47,141 — — — (47,141)— 
Goodwill impairment220,212 86,472 — — — 306,684 
Share-based compensation expense— — — 8,503 — 8,503 
Legal and professional fees(1)
— — — 3,447 — 3,447 
Adjusted operating income (loss)$(4,738)$5,625 $(36,752)$(12,847)$27,542 $(21,170)
(1) Includes legal and professional fees related to GWG Holdings bankruptcy, lawsuits, public relations and employee matters.

(in thousands)Six Months Ended September 30, 2024
Ben LiquidityBen Custody
Customer ExAlt Trusts
Corporate/OtherConsolidating EliminationsConsolidated
Total revenues$22,827 $10,768 $18,965 $(734)$(33,219)$18,607 
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 531 — 538 
Adjusted revenues
$22,827 $10,768 $19,496 $(727)$(33,219)$19,145 
Operating income (loss)$2,391 $5,616 $(61,178)$27,665 $56,129 $30,623 
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 531 — 538 
Intersegment provision for credit losses on collateral comprised of interests in the GWG Down Trust
— — — (5)— 
Goodwill impairment
— 3,427 — 265 — 3,692 
Release of loss contingency related to arbitration award— — — (54,973)— (54,973)
Share-based compensation expense— — — 4,358 — 4,358 
Legal and professional fees(1)
— — — 4,425 — 4,425 
Adjusted operating income (loss)$2,396 $9,043 $(60,647)$(18,253)$56,124 $(11,337)
(1) Includes legal and professional fees related to lawsuits.


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(in thousands)Six Months Ended September 30, 2023
Ben LiquidityBen Custody
Customer ExAlt Trusts
Corporate/OtherConsolidating EliminationsConsolidated
Total revenues$25,028 $13,065 $(43,182)$(2,337)$(38,078)$(45,504)
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 44,367 1,159 — 45,526 
Adjusted revenues
$25,028 $13,065 $1,185 $(1,178)$(38,078)$22 
Operating income (loss)$(1,175,119)$(270,844)$(116,687)$(74,313)$99,229 $(1,537,734)
Mark to market adjustment on interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
— — 44,367 1,159 — 45,526 
Intersegment provision for loan losses on collateral comprised of interests in the GWG Wind Down Trust
39,610 — — — (39,610)— 
Goodwill impairment
1,121,212 281,777 — — — 1,402,989 
Share-based compensation expense— — — 35,504 — 35,504 
Legal and professional fees(1)
— — — 8,025 — 8,025 
Adjusted operating income (loss)$(14,297)$10,933 $(72,320)$(29,625)$59,619 $(45,690)
(1) Includes legal and professional fees related to GWG Holdings bankruptcy, lawsuits, public relations, and employee matters.

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Financial Condition
Ben Liquidity’s Loan Portfolio and Customer ExAlt Trusts’ Investment in Alternative Assets
Our primary operations currently consist of offering our liquidity and trust administration services to our customers, primarily through certain of our operating subsidiaries, Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody, respectively. Ben Liquidity offers simple, rapid and cost-effective liquidity products to its customers using a proprietary financing and trusts structure, the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which facilitate the exchange of a customer’s alternative assets for consideration using a unique financing structure, the ExAlt PlanTM. In ExAlt PlanTM financings, a subsidiary of Ben Liquidity, BFF, makes ExAlt Loans to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which in turn employ a portion of the loan proceeds to acquire and deliver agreed upon consideration to the customer, in exchange for their alternative assets. Ben Liquidity generates interest and fee income earned in connection with such ExAlt Loans to certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, which are collateralized by the cash flows from the exchanged alternative assets, or the “Collateral.” The Collateral held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts supports the repayment of the loans plus any related interest and fees. In the event that an ExAlt Loan’s principal balance is reduced to zero dollars ($0), any remaining Collateral supporting such ExAlt Loan effectively cross-collateralizes other ExAlt Loans, as any such excess cash flows must be applied to pay off the outstanding balances of other ExAlt Loans pursuant to the terms of the trust agreements governing certain of the ExAlt Trusts. Ben Custody provides full-service trust and custody administration services to the trustees of certain of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, including BFF, which own the exchanged alternative asset following a liquidity transaction for fees payable quarterly.
As of September 30, 2024, Ben Liquidity’s loan portfolio consisted of ExAlt Loans to the Customer ExAlt Trusts with an aggregate principal amount outstanding of $575.9 million, including accrued interest that has been capitalized on the ExAlt Loans. Ben Liquidity’s ExAlt Loans are structured as loans with a maturity date of 12 years that bear contractual interest at a variable rate or fixed rate that compounds monthly. The ExAlt Loans made prior to December 31, 2020 have a variable interest rate established off of a base rate of 14%, and ExAlt Loans made on or after December 31, 2020 have a variable interest rate established off a base rate of 10% or a fixed rate of 5%. Ben Liquidity may make ExAlt Loans in the future with a variable interest rate established off of different base rates. Since the Customer ExAlt Trusts are consolidated, the ExAlt Loans and related interest and fee income earned by Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody from the Customer ExAlt Trusts are eliminated in the presentation of our consolidated financial statements; however, such amounts directly impact the income (loss) allocable to Ben’s or BCH’s equity holders.
The Customer ExAlt Trusts’ investments are the source of the Collateral supporting the ExAlt Loans plus any related interest and fees. These investments, either through direct ownership or through beneficial interests, consist primarily of limited partnership interests in various alternative assets, including private equity funds. These alternative investments are recorded at fair value using NAV as a practical expedient. Changes in the fair value (i.e., NAV) of these alternative investments are recorded in investment income (loss), net in our consolidated statements of operations. The Customer ExAlt Trusts’ investments in alternative assets and investments in equity and debt securities provide the economic value creating the Collateral to the ExAlt Loans made in connection with each liquidity transaction.
The underlying interests in alternative assets are primarily limited partnership interests. The transfer of the investments in private equity funds generally requires the consent of the corresponding private equity fund manager, and the transfer of certain fund investments is subject to rights of first refusal or other preemptive rights, potentially further limiting the ExAlt PlanTM from transferring an investment in a private equity fund. Distributions from funds are received as the underlying investments are liquidated. Timing of liquidation is currently unknown.
The Customer ExAlt Trusts held interests in alternative assets with a NAV of $301.4 million and $293.9 million as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, respectively. As of September 30, 2024, the Customer ExAlt Trusts’ portfolio had exposure to 237 professionally managed alternative investment funds, comprised of 797 underlying investments, 92 percent of which are investments in private companies. Additionally, the Customer ExAlt Trusts directly hold investments in debt and equity securities. The aggregate value of these investments was $33.6 million and $35.2 million as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, respectively.
The following sections provide more detailed information for Ben Liquidity’s loan portfolio and related allowance for credit losses and the Customer ExAlt Trusts’ investments in alternative assets and other equity and debt securities.

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Ben Liquidity
Loans Receivable
The following table provides the carrying value of the loan portfolio by collateral type and classification (in thousands):
September 30, 2024March 31, 2024
Loans collateralized by interests in alternative assets$477,978 $394,328 
Loans collateralized by debt and equity securities97,961 165,430 
Total loans receivable575,939 559,758 
Allowance for credit losses
Total loans receivable, net$260,686 $256,184 
The following table provides certain information concerning our loan portfolio by collateral type and maturity as of September 30, 2024 (in thousands):
Original PrincipalInterest AccruedAggregate Payments
Outstanding Balance(1)
AllowanceCarrying Value
Loans collateralized by interests in alternative assets
Within 5 Years
$374,110 $212,886 $(341,283)$122,697 $41,828 $80,869 
After 5 Years Within 10 Years 311,103 165,184 (82,489)309,588 153,529 156,059 
After 10 Years46,429 2,576 (3,312)45,693 43,790 1,903 
Loans collateralized by debt and equity securities
Within 5 Years
12,564 6,419 (11,486)3,028 1,865 1,163 
After 5 Years Within 10 Years86,173 65,273 (556)90,374 73,478 16,896 
After 10 Years3,903 755 (98)4,559 763 3,796 
Total$834,282 $453,093 $(439,224)$575,939 $315,253 $260,686 
(1) This balance includes $272.2 million in unamortized discounts as of September 30, 2024.
Loan to Value Ratio
The loan to value ratio is calculated as the carrying value of loans receivable after any allowance for credit losses over the Collateral Value of the loan portfolio. The value of the Collateral (the “Collateral Value”) is defined as the mutual beneficial interest of the respective Customer ExAlt Trust, which we refer to as the “Collective Trust” that is owned by the Customer ExAlt Trust, which we refer to as the “Funding Trust,” that borrows from Ben Liquidity’s subsidiary, BFF. The Collateral Value is derived from the expected cash flows from the various alternative assets held by other trusts included within the Customer ExAlt Trust structure. The Collateral is valued using industry standard valuation models, which includes assumptions related to (i) equity market risk premiums, (ii) alternative asset beta to public equities, (iii) NAVs, (iv) volatilities, (v) distribution rates, and (vi) market discount rates. The fair value of the mutual beneficial interests collateralizing the loan portfolio as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, was $266.0 million and $292.7 million, respectively.
The loan to value ratio for the entire loan portfolio was 0.98 and 0.88 as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, respectively. The increase in the loan to value ratio from March 31, 2024 to September 30, 2024 was driven by an increase in the allowance for credit losses, which is primarily due to lower loan repayments, when compared to accrued interest and fees, resulting in the loan carrying value increasing by approximately $4.5 million, while the fair value of the collateral declined period over period.
Allowance for Credit Losses
The ExAlt Loans’ allowance for credit losses is an input to the allocation of income (loss) to Ben’s or BCH’s equity holders.
On April 1, 2023, we adopted Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2016-13, Financial Instruments, Credit Losses (Topic 326) (“CECL”), which requires an estimate of the credit losses expected over the life of a loan (or pool of loans). It replaced the incurred loss approach’s threshold that required the recognition of a credit loss when it was probable that a loss event was incurred. The allowance for credit losses is a valuation account that is deducted from, or added to, the loans’ amortized cost basis to present the net, lifetime amount expected to be collected on the loans.

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Management estimates the allowance using relevant available information from internal and external sources related to past events, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable economic forecasts. Historical credit loss experience provides the basis for the estimation of expected credit losses. Ben currently does not have adequate historical loss data to provide a basis for the long-term loss information associated with its loans. As such, Ben uses alternative, long-term historical average credit loss data from Preqin, Ltd. in establishing the loss history as a proxy.
Adjustments to historical loss information are made for differences in current loan-specific risk characteristics such as differences in credit concentrations, collateral values and underwriting standards as well as changes in economic conditions or other relevant factors. Management judgment is required at each point in the measurement process.
Ben uses the discounted cash flow (“DCF”) method to estimate expected credit losses for the loan portfolio. Ben generates cash flow projections at the loan level wherein payment expectations are adjusted for changes in market risk premiums, risk free rate, NAV growth rate, and discount rate. The inputs are based on historical data from Preqin, Ltd. and adjusted, if necessary, based on the reasonable and supportable forecast of economic conditions. To adjust, management utilizes externally developed forward-looking macroeconomic factors as indicators of future expected cash flows: S&P 500 Index data and US 3-Month Treasury. The economic forecasts are applied over the cashflow projection period.
The combination of adjustments for credit expectations (default and loss) and timing expectations (prepayment, curtailment, and time to recovery) produces an expected cash flow stream at the instrument level. Instrument effective yield is calculated, net of the impacts of prepayment assumptions, and the instrument expected cash flows are then discounted at that effective yield to produce an instrument-level net present value of expected cash flows (“NPV”). An allowance for credit loss is established for the difference between the instrument’s NPV and amortized cost basis.
下表提供了Ben Liquidity和Ben Custody按抵押品類型和分類確認的信用損失撥備(單位:千):
以另類資產的利息爲抵押的貸款$239,147 $168,089 
以債務和股權證券利息爲抵押的貸款76,106 135,485 
總津貼 信用 損失
$315,253 $303,574 
下表提供了以下津貼的結轉 信用 Ben Liquidity和Ben Custody按抵押品類型確認的損失(單位:千):
期初餘額$159,190 $151,311 $101,051 $98,664 
撥備(轉回) 信用 損失
79,957 (75,205)13,149 47,353 
期末餘額$239,147 $76,106 $114,200 $146,017 
期初餘額$168,089 $135,485 $32,632 $96,497 
採用CESL的影響— — 52,554 8,536 
撥備(轉回) 信用 損失
71,058 (59,379)29,014 40,984 
期末餘額$239,147 $76,106 $114,200 $146,017 

期末貸款$477,978 $394,328 
不良貸款$172,337 $126,607 
津貼:信用 損失
$239,147 $168,089 
50.03 %42.63 %
不良貸款/貸款36.06 %32.11 %
期末貸款$97,961 $165,430 
$73,678 $120,845 
津貼:信用 損失
$76,106 $135,485 
津貼/貸款77.69 %81.90 %
不良貸款/貸款75.21 %73.05 %
期末貸款$575,939 $559,758 
$246,015 $247,452 
津貼:信用 損失
$315,253 $303,574 
54.74 %54.23 %
不良貸款/貸款42.72 %44.21 %
(1) 截至2024年9月30日和2024年3月31日,以GWG或GWG Wind Down Trust利息爲抵押的不良貸款爲14590萬美元。
Customer ExAlt Trusts持有的替代資產投資組合涵蓋以下行業部門和地理區域,具體時間如下(美元金額以千計):
食品和主食零售$66,517 22.1 %$41,721 14.2 %
軟件和服務44,683 14.8 42,908 14.6 
多元化的金融30,222 10.0 30,297 10.3 
公用事業29,693 9.9 28,768 9.8 
能源17,151 5.7 19,930 6.8 
資本貨物15,733 5.2 23,146 7.9 
半導體和半導體設備14,797 4.9 16,144 5.5 
醫療保健設備和服務14,441 4.8 16,520 5.6 
68,151 22.6 74,482 25.3 
$301,388 100.0 %$293,916 100.0 %

北美$150,864 50.1 %$164,205 55.9 %
南美68,166 22.6 43,543 14.8 
亞洲46,342 15.4 49,385 16.8 
歐洲35,337 11.7 35,870 12.2 
非洲679 0.2 913 0.3 
$301,388 100.0 %$293,916 100.0 %
行業部門基於基金或直接持有的投資組合中公司的全球行業分類標準(GICS®)2級分類(也稱爲「行業集團」),但我們可能會進行某些調整。「其他」分類不是GICS®分類。「其他」分類反映了GICS®分類類別中的公司:不適用、商業和專業服務、耐用消費品和服裝、消費者服務、食品、飲料和菸草、家庭和個人產品、保險、材料、媒體和娛樂、製藥、生物技術和生命科學、房地產、零售、技術硬件和設備、電信服務和運輸。「不適用」包括我們確定不具有適用GICS® 2級分類的投資資產,例如淨其他資產和非運營公司的投資。


投資活動提供的現金淨額11,164 25,740 
4,914 (5,515)
我們的業務是資本密集型的,雖然我們的淨利潤爲5410萬美元r是 截至2024年9月30日的幾個月裏,我們歷史上產生了淨虧損,總體而言,這些淨虧損已導致累計赤字 20億美元 截至2024年9月30日.
本公司、BCH及我們的營運附屬公司從客戶高級信託公司的另類資產組合取得現金分配的能力,受本流動資金向客戶高級信託公司提供的高級貸款的條款所限制。從歷史上看,在客戶高額信託收到其另類資產組合的現金分配後,Ben Liquid選擇將高額貸款的應計利息資本化,並僅根據適用受託人的酌情決定權接受高額貸款的付款。客戶高額信託的受託人打算從另類資產的分配收益中支付高額貸款的本金。如果客戶高額信託沒有收到分派,例如,如果組成另類資產的專業管理基金的經理決定推遲分派或導致向其有限合夥人進行分派或交易,則客戶高額信託償還高級貸款的能力,因此,本流動性接受現金本金和利息支付的能力可能會受到不利影響。在截至2024年9月30日的六個月內,主要由於宏觀經濟狀況,Customer Exalt Trust從其另類資產獲得的分派繼續少於最初的分派

正如本季度報告Form 10-Q中的其他部分進一步討論的那樣,2023年6月27日,我們與約克維爾簽訂了環境保護協議,根據該協議,我們有權但沒有義務向約克維爾出售公司A類普通股高達25000萬的股票。截至本季度報告Form 10-Q的日期,公司已提出並出售503,827 根據國家環保總局的規定,將A類普通股出售給約克維爾投資者,淨收益約爲390美元萬。2024年6月20日,本公司根據納斯達克上市規則第5635(D)條獲得股東批准,可向約克維爾證券交易所發行超過交易所上限的A類普通股。因此,公司在美國證券交易委員會登記後,可能會發行總值約24610美元的A類普通股,美國證券交易委員會將於2024年11月12日宣佈該登記聲明生效。根據國家環保總局增發A類普通股將稀釋所有股東的百分比所有權權益,可能稀釋A類普通股的每股賬面價值,並將增加公司的流通股數量,這可能導致我們A類普通股的市場價格下降。此外,關於未來出售股票的決定,包括根據國家環保總局的決定,受到市場條件的影響,如交易量、我們A類普通股的價格和其他我們無法控制的因素。
正如本季度報告Form 10-Q中的其他部分所進一步討論的那樣,於2023年10月19日,我們與華僑銀行簽訂了一筆2,500美元的三年期萬定期貸款,這筆貸款在交易結束時全部提取,所得款項用於償還某些未償還債務,爲我們產品的開發提供資金,並提供額外的營運資金。2024年8月16日,對HH-BDH的定期貸款進行了修訂,增加了一筆170美元的萬後續定期貸款,這筆貸款在交易結束時全額提取,其收益用於提供額外的營運資金。HH-BDH信貸協議包含某些財務維護契約,包括償債覆蓋率,以及從2024年12月31日開始,在每個月的最後一天衡量的最低流動資金要求爲400美元萬。此外,2024年8月6日,我們與約克維爾公司簽訂了購買協議,根據協議,我們同意向約克維爾公司發行和出售與公司發行和銷售可轉換債券有關的可轉換債券,本金總額最高可達400美元萬,這些債券將可轉換爲公司A類普通股的股票。約克維爾購買了可轉換債券,公司在第一次交易時發行了本金總額爲2,000,000美元的可轉換債券。此外,該公司還同意向約克維爾公司發行認股權證,以2.63美元的行使價購買最多1,325,382股A類普通股。在第一次成交時,該公司向約克維爾發行了約克維爾認股權證,購買最多662,691股A類普通股。此外,在2024年11月13日,根據購買協議的第二次成交,該公司額外發行了本金總額爲200萬美元的可轉換債券,收益約爲180萬萬,並額外發行了約克維爾認股權證,以購買至多662,691股A類普通股。可轉換債券不計息,但在發生某些違約事件時,可能會增加到18.0%的年利率(或適用法律允許的最高金額)。可轉換債券將於2025年2月6日到期,將爲公司帶來約360萬美元的萬毛收入。可轉換債券將以原始發行折扣10%的價格發行。這個

2024年8月20日,公司與Peter t.控制的有限責任公司Cangany Capital Management簽訂認購協議。小坎加尼,作爲公司董事會成員,Cangany Capital Management以每股2.33美元的價格購買了47,500股A類普通股。
2024年8月27日,公司與Cangany Capital Management簽訂額外認購協議,根據該協議,Cangany Capital Management以每股1.97美元的價格購買了65,000股A類普通股。
同樣於2024年8月27日,公司與Thomas O.簽訂了認購協議。希克斯是該公司董事會成員,並與CFH Ventures,Ltd.簽訂了認購協議,由先生控制的有限合夥企業。

希克斯,據此,希克斯先生和CFH Ventures,Ltd.各自以每股1.97美元的價格購買了50,000股A類普通股。
2024年9月11日,公司與Cangany Capital Management簽訂認購協議,根據該協議,Cangany Capital Management以每股1.58美元的價格購買了150,000股公司A類普通股。
2024年9月17日,公司與Mendota簽訂認購協議,根據該協議,公司發行201,482股股份,以履行其根據Mendota與The Beneficient Company Group(USA),LLC之間的某些諮詢協議對賣方的未履行義務根據該條款,Mendota向公司提供財務諮詢服務,自2021年9月9日起生效,此後不時修訂。
2020年8月13日,本通過其子公司Beneficient Capital Company II,L.L.C.(前身爲Beneficient Capital Company,L.L.C.)(「第一留置權信貸協議」)及第二修訂及重訂第二留置權信貸協議(「第二留置權信貸協議」)(「第二留置權信貸協議」)與其貸款人、HCLP代名人L.L.C(「HCLP」)簽訂第二份經修訂及重訂的第一留置權信貸協議(「第一留置權信貸協議」)及第二份經修訂及重訂的第二留置權信貸協議(「第二留置權信貸協議」),以分別於2017年9月1日及2018年12月28日修訂其第一留置權信貸協議及第二留置權信貸協議。第二份A&R協議已不時作出進一步修訂,以延長到期日,以及延遲本金和利息支付等。關於第二個A&R協議的修訂,Ben同意就截至相應修訂日期的信貸協議下未償還金額的一定百分比支付延長期費用。根據第二份A&R協議,每筆貸款的利率爲1個月LIBOR加8.0%,最高利率爲9.5%。
作爲第七修正案的一部分,本同意支付總計約10萬美元的費用。在三號和六號期間 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的月份,沒有向HLCC支付任何遞延融資費用。自2023年3月支付利息以來,第一份優先權或第二份優先權信貸協議尚未支付本金或利息。截至2024年9月30日,第一份優先權或第二份優先權信貸協議的應計利息爲1,410萬美元,截至2024年3月31日爲950萬美元,已計入綜合財務狀況表的其他負債。截至2024年9月30日,第二份A & R協議項下到期的所有所需本金和利息付款均已支付。

關於第二份A&R協議,由Highland Business Holdings Trust擁有的Beneficient Holdings,Inc.(「BHI」)擁有大部分BCH S類普通單位、BCH S類優先股(「BCH S優先股」)、BCH優先A.0、BCH A類1子類單位帳戶(「BCH優先A.1」)和BCH的1類FLP單位帳戶(「BCH FLP-1單位帳戶」),和BCH的第三類FLP單位帳戶(「BCH FLP-3單位帳戶」),將按雙方可能達成的協議向HCLP提供某些與稅務相關的優惠。作爲稅務優惠的交換,BHI持有的BCH優先A.1的5%可轉換爲BCH優先A.0,該優先A.1將由HCLP持有。此外,BHI授予BCH優先A.1的受贈人將有權將BCH優先A.1的金額撥給BEN,相當於任何該等授予所產生的任何關聯稅務責任;但合計的關聯稅務責任不得與BHI授予BCH優先A.1的金額超過3,000萬。截至2024年9月30日或2024年3月31日,不存在此類負債。
第二份A & R協議和輔助文件包含以下承諾:(i)防止Ben發行任何優先於BH優先A.0或BH優先A.1的證券;(ii)防止Ben在貸款未償期間產生超過1000萬美元的額外債務或借款(應付賬款除外);以及(iii)未經Hopp書面同意,GWG阻止出售、轉讓或以其他方式處置截至2020年5月15日持有的任何BH Preferred A.1(其子公司GWG DLP Funding V,LLC除外)。GWG不再持有任何BH首選A.1單位帳戶。Ben從HLCC獲得了與HH-BDH信貸協議相關的第二份A & R協議的同意(下文討論)。
Ben可能需要支付額外的延期費,以將第二份A & R協議的到期日延長至2025年2月1日和2027年9月15日之後。
Recent Debt Financing
As discussed above, the Loan Parties are parties to the HH-BDH Credit Agreement. HH-BDH’s sole member is Hicks Holdings. The managing member of Hicks Holdings is Mr. Thomas O. Hicks, a member of the Company’s Board. HH-BDH will receive customary fees and expenses in its capacity as a lender and as the administrative agent under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as further described below. Hicks Holdings and Mr. Hicks may be deemed to have a direct or indirect material financial interest with respect to the transactions contemplated by the HH-BDH Credit Agreement, as described below. HH-BDH funded the amounts under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement from the Financing.
The HH-BDH Credit Agreement provides for a three-year Term Loan in the aggregate principal amount of $25.0 million, which was fully drawn on closing.
Borrowings under the HH-BDH Credit Agreement bear interest, at the Company’s option, calculated according to a base rate, adjusted term SOFR rate, or adjusted daily simple SOFR rate, plus an applicable margin, subject to a Maximum Rate determined by applicable law in the State of New York. The Company elected the adjusted daily simple SOFR rate with a margin of 6.5% for the first two years and 5.5% for the third year. Accrued and unpaid interest is payable monthly, upon prepayment, and at maturity. The Term Loan will mature on October 19, 2026, and all outstanding principal amounts and accrued and unpaid interest thereon shall be due and payable on such date.
On August 16, 2024, the Borrower, the Guarantor and HH-BDH entered into the Amendment, to, among other things, (i) add a subsequent term loan of up to $1,675,000, which was fully drawn upon closing of the Amendment, and (ii) waive certain events of default resulting from the occurrence of the Acknowledged Defaults, provided that in the case of the expense reimbursement default, the Borrower must cure the expense reimbursement default upon the earlier of (x) November 1, 2024 and (y) two business days following the effectiveness of Company’s registration statement for resale of the shares of Class A common stock, underlying the convertible debentures and warrants issuable pursuant to the Purchase Agreement.
The Amended Credit Agreement also requires the Borrower to prepay the outstanding principal balance of the Loans in the amount of $200 thousand, $200 thousand, $200 thousand, $200 thousand and $875 thousand on each of September 7, 2024, October 7, 2024, November 7, 2024, December 7, 2024 and December 31, 2024, respectively. Furthermore, on each Required Payment Date, the Borrower shall prepay the outstanding principal balance of the Loans by an amount equal to the lesser of (a) the Total Portfolio Net Receipts for the most recently ended period beginning on the 16th day of each month and ending on the 15th day of the immediately following month, and (b) as of each Required Payment Date, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (x)(i) the number of Required Payment Dates occurring on or prior to such Required Payment Date, multiplied by (ii) $500,000, minus (y) the amount of all Excess Payments made prior to such Required Payment Date. Additionally, the Amended Credit Agreement requires the Borrower to make certain minimum monthly payments to prepay the balance of the Loans.
The Amended Credit Agreement also includes, among other things, (i) updates to conditions precedent for the Lender to make the subsequent term loan to the Borrower, (ii) updates to certain representations and warranties, (iii) additional certain

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affirmative and negative covenants including a minimum liquidity financial covenant of $4.0 million and (iv) additional events that the occurrence of which would constitute an Event of Default (as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement). Except as modified by the Amendment, the terms of the HH-BDH Credit Agreement remain the same.
Changes in inflation do not necessarily correlate with changes in interest rates. We presently do not foresee any material impact of inflation on our results of operations in the periods presented in our consolidated financial statements.
Unfunded Capital Commitments
The Customer ExAlt Trusts had $47.2 million and $47.8 million of potential gross capital commitments as of September 30, 2024, and March 31, 2024, respectively, representing potential limited partner capital funding commitments on the interests in alternative asset funds. The trust holding the interest in the limited partnership for the alternative asset fund is required to fund these limited partner capital commitments per the terms of the limited partnership agreement. Capital funding commitment reserves are maintained by certain of the associated trusts within the ExAlt PlanTM or affiliated entities. To the extent that the associated Customer ExAlt Trust or their affiliated entities cannot pay the capital funding commitment, Ben is obligated to lend sufficient funds to meet the commitment. Any amounts advanced by Ben to the Customer ExAlt Trusts for these limited partner capital funding commitments above the associated capital funding commitment reserves, if any, held by the associated Customer ExAlt Trusts or their affiliated entities are added to the ExAlt Loan balance between Ben and the Customer ExAlt Trusts and are expected to be recouped through the cash distributions from the alternative asset fund that collateralizes such ExAlt Loan.
Capital commitments generally originate from limited partner agreements having fixed or expiring expiration dates. The total limited partner capital funding commitment amounts may not necessarily represent future cash requirements. The majority, or 90%, of our portfolio with an unfunded commitment has a vintage of 2012 and prior. As the vintages continue to age, a cash requirement becomes less likely. We consider the creditworthiness of the investment on a case-by-case basis. As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, there were no reserves for losses on unused commitments to fund potential limited partner capital funding commitments.
Dependence on Related Party Transactions
In the ordinary course of business, we depend on certain transactions with related parties. For example, as discussed above, Ben, through its subsidiaries, is a party to the Second A&R Agreements with HCLP. HCLP is an indirect subsidiary of Highland Consolidated, L.P. Ben’s CEO is a beneficiary and trust investment advisor of the trusts that control, and are the partners of, Highland Consolidated, L.P. As of September 30, 2024, we had approximately $94.6 million (including an unamortized premium thereon) of debt outstanding derived from BCH’s secured loans with HCLP. In addition, unpaid interest of $14.1 million was accrued and owed as of September 30, 2024.
Additionally, effective October 19, 2023, Ben, through its subsidiaries, is a party to the $25.0 million HH-BDH Credit Agreement with HH-BDH. HH-BDH’s sole member is Hicks Holdings whose managing member is a member of our Board. On August 16, 2024, Amendment to the HH-BDH Credit Agreement was executed to add a subsequent term loan of $1.7 million. As of September 30, 2024, we had approximately $25.2 million (including an unamortized discount thereon) of debt outstanding derived from the term loan with HH-BDH.
Furthermore, Ben and BCH are parties to a Services Agreement with Bradley Capital Company, L.L.C. (“Bradley Capital”) and Beneficient Management Counselors, L.L.C. effective June 1, 2017. Effective as of January 1, 2022, the parties entered into the First Amended and Restated Services Agreement and effective June 7, 2023, the parties entered into the Second Amended and Restated Services Agreement (the “Services Agreement”). Bradley Capital is an entity associated with Ben’s CEO. During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, Ben recognized expenses totaling $0.7 million and $0.7 million, respectively, related to this services agreement. During the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, Ben recognized expenses totaling $1.4 million and $1.4 million, respectively, related to this services agreement. As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, $3.1 million and $2.7 million, respectively, was owed to Bradley Capital related to the Services Agreement.
As reported on a Schedule 13G/A filed by the GWG Wind Down Trust on October 8, 2024, the GWG Wind Down Trust held approximately 7.6% of the Class A common stock, down from approximately 45% of the Class A common stock at the time our June 30, 2024 Form 10-Q was filed on August 14, 2024.
Critical Accounting Estimates
We have identified certain accounting estimates that involve a significant level of estimation uncertainty and have had or are reasonably likely to have a material impact on our financial condition or results of operations. Actual amounts and values as

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of the balance sheet dates may be materially different than the amounts and values reported due to the inherent uncertainty in the estimation process. Also, future amounts and values could differ materially from those estimates due to changes in values and circumstances after the balance sheet date. The critical accounting estimates that we believe to be the most critical in preparing our consolidated financial statements relate to the fair value determination of investments in alternative assets held by the Customer ExAlt Trusts, the determination of the allowance for credit losses, principally relevant as an input to the allocation of income (loss) to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders, the allocation of income (loss) to Ben’s and BCH’s equity holders, evaluation of potential loss contingencies principally related to ongoing legal matters and evaluation of potential impairment of goodwill and other intangibles. Since March 31, 2024, there have been no changes in critical accounting estimates, other than those described below, as further described under “Critical Accounting Estimates” in our Annual Report.
Goodwill and Identifiable Intangible Assets
Goodwill is tested for impairment between annual tests whenever events or circumstances make it more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit has fallen below its carrying value. Subsequent to the public listing on June 8, 2023, and through the date of this report, the Company has experienced a significant sustained decline in the price of its Class A common stock and its related market capitalization. We believe that these factors indicated that the fair value of our reporting units had more likely than not fallen below their carrying values as of each quarter end starting with the quarter ending as of June 30, 2023. As such, management performed an interim impairment test of goodwill as of each quarter end starting with June 30, 2023 through the most recent quarter end of September 30, 2024. For the quarter ended September 30, 2023, this resulted in $306.7 million of non-cash goodwill impairment at the Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody reporting units. For the quarter ended September 30, 2024, this resulted in $0.3 million of non-cash goodwill impairment at the Ben Custody reporting unit. For year-to-date September 30, 2023, non-cash goodwill impairment of $1.4 billion was recorded at the Ben Liquidity and Ben Custody reporting units. For year-to-date September 30, 2024, non-cash goodwill impairment of $3.7 million was recorded at the Ben Custody and Ben Markets reporting units.
For each goodwill impairment test, the Company computed the fair value of each reporting unit by computing the overall enterprise value of the Company by valuing its various equity instruments, primarily based on the Class A common stock price per share. The overall enterprise value was allocated to each reporting unit using the discounted cash flow method to estimate the relative value of each reporting unit based on their future cash flows using a multi-year forecast, and a terminal value calculated using a long-term growth rate that was informed based on our industry, analyst reports of a public company peer set, current and expected future economic conditions and management expectations. The discount rate used to discount these future cash flows was determined using a capital asset pricing model based on the market value of equity of a public company peer set, adjusted for risk characteristics and expectations specific to the reporting unit, combined with an assessment of the cost of debt.
The discount rates used for each reporting unit in the June 30, 2023 impairment analysis ranged from 24.8% to 25.6% and in the September 30, 2023 impairment analysis ranged from 25.3% to 26.2%. The Company applied a terminal year long-term growth rate of 3.0% for each reporting unit in both the June 30, 2023 and September 30, 2023 impairment analyses.
The discount rates used for the relevant reporting units in the June 30, 2024 impairment analysis ranged from 28.0% to 29.3% and in the September 30, 2024 impairment analysis from 28.0% to 29.3%. The Company applied a terminal year long-term growth rate of 3.0% for each relevant reporting unit in both the June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2024 impairment analyses. Remaining goodwill of $9.9 million at September 30, 2024 relates to the Ben Custody and Ben Markets reporting units. Subsequent to the September 30, 2024 impairment, there was no excess of reporting unit fair value over carrying value for Ben Custody and approximately $0.4 million of reporting unit fair value over carrying value for Ben Markets.
Management continues to closely monitor the results of the reporting units and comparisons to the key assumptions used in our fair value estimate, in addition to operational initiatives and macroeconomic conditions, which may impact the results of the reporting units. The performance of the reporting units and the potential for future developments in the global economic environment, introduces a heightened risk for additional impairment. If management determines that the reporting units, specifically Ben Custody and Ben Markets, cannot achieve the growth assumptions noted above, or if there is continued deterioration in the market due to macroeconomic conditions, some or all of the remaining recorded goodwill could be subject to further impairment. While management cannot predict if or when additional future goodwill impairments may occur, additional goodwill impairments could have material adverse effects on the Company’s financial condition, operating income, net assets, and/or the Company’s cost of, or access to, capital.
There could be further significant sustained declines in the Company’s Common Stock, which may result in a recognition of further goodwill impairment that could be material to the consolidated financial statements.

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Not applicable.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
We maintain disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (the “Exchange Act”) that are designed to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms and to ensure that information required to be disclosed is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow for timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Our management, with the participation of our Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of September 30, 2024, the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report. Based on this evaluation, our Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of September 30, 2024.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting, as such term is defined in Rule 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act, during the six months ended September 30, 2024, that materially affected, or are reasonable likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

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There have been no material changes in the legal proceedings previously disclosed in response to Part I, Item 3. “Legal Proceedings” set forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2024 filed with the SEC on July 9, 2024, except as set forth below.
On July 29, 2024, the Texas District Court entered an order vacating the previously disclosed arbitration award against the Company in the aggregate amount of approximately $55.3 million in compensatory damages, including pre-judgment and post-judgement interest. As previously disclosed, on December 16, 2022, a former member (the “Claimant”) of the board of directors of Beneficient Management, L.L.C. initiated a private arbitration in the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, challenging the termination of certain equity awards under two incentive plans by the administrator of the incentive plans. On April 23, 2024, the sole arbitrator held that in terminating the Claimant’s equity awards, the Company had breached its contractual obligations, and as a result, awarded the Claimant $55.3 million in compensatory damages, including pre-judgment and post-judgement interest (the “Arbitration Award”). The order vacated the Arbitration Award in its entirety. The Company was also asked to pay arbitration-related costs in the amount of approximately $0.1 million.
The Texas District Court directed the parties to file motions requesting any further relief that may be available within twenty days of the order. On August 2, 2024, the Claimant filed an appeal to challenge the order vacating the Arbitration Award in the Texas Fifth Court of Appeals. The Company intends to vigorously defend itself in connection with the appeal.
There have been no material changes in the risk factors previously disclosed in response to Part I, Item 1A. “Risk Factors” set forth in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2024 filed with the SEC on July 9, 2024, except as set forth below.
We have been notified by Nasdaq of our failure to comply with certain continued listing requirements and, if we are unable to regain compliance with all applicable continued listing requirements and standards of Nasdaq, our Class A common stock could be delisted from Nasdaq.
Our Class A common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market. To maintain our listing, we are required to satisfy continued listing requirements. There can be no assurance we will continue satisfying such continued listing requirements, which include that the closing bid price of our common stock be at least $1.00 per share, that we have at least 300 round lot holders and at least 500,000 publicly held shares, that the market value of our publicly held securities be at least $1 million, and that we meet one of these standards: stockholders’ equity of at least $2.5 million; market value of listed securities of at least $35 million; or net income from continuing operations of $500,000 in the latest fiscal year or in two of the last fiscal years.
On November 28, 2023, we received a letter from the Staff of Nasdaq (the “Nasdaq Staff”) notifying the Company that, for the previous 30 consecutive business days, the closing bid price for the Company’s Class A common stock had been below the minimum $1.00 per share required for continued listing on the Nasdaq Global Market under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5450(a)(1) (the “Bid Price Requirement”). In accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A), the Company was provided an initial period of 180 calendar days, or until May 28, 2024, to regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement.
Effective February 26, 2024, the Company transferred from the Nasdaq Global Market to the Nasdaq Capital Market. On March 22, 2024, the Company received a letter from Nasdaq advising that the Nasdaq Staff had determined that, as of March 21, 2024, the Company’s Class A common stock had a closing bid price of $0.10 or less for at least ten consecutive trading days. Accordingly, the Company was subject to the provisions contemplated under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A)(iii). As a result, the Nasdaq Staff determined to delist the Company’s securities from The Nasdaq Capital Market, unless the Company timely requests a hearing before the Nasdaq Hearings Panel (the “Panel”) pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Nasdaq Listing Rule 5800 Series. The Company requested a hearing, and such hearing was scheduled for May 21, 2024.
In order to regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement, on April 18, 2024, the Company effected a reverse stock split of its Class A common stock and Class B common stock at a ratio of eighty (80) to one (1) and a simultaneous proportionate reduction in the authorized shares of each class of its Class A common stock and Class B common stock as required by NRS Section 78.207. On May 2, 2024, the Company received noticed from the Nasdaq Staff that the Company had regained compliance with the Bid Price Requirement, and that therefore, the Company was therefore in compliance with the listing requirements of the Nasdaq Capital Market. As a result, the Company’s hearing before the Panel was cancelled.

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On July 16, 2024, the Company received a notice from the Nasdaq staff indicating that it is no longer in compliance with the minimum stockholders’ equity requirement (the “Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement”) for continued listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) (the “Stockholders’ Equity Notice”). Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) requires listed companies to maintain stockholders’ equity of at least $2,500,000 or meet the alternative compliance standards relating to the market value of listed securities or net income from continuing operations, which the Company does not currently meet.
Pursuant to the Stockholders’ Equity Notice and the Listing Rules of Nasdaq, Nasdaq provided the Company with 45 calendar days, or until August 30, 2024, to submit a plan to regain compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement. If the Company’s plan to regain compliance is accepted, the Staff can grant an extension of up to 180 calendar days from the date of the Stockholders’ Equity Notice to evidence compliance. If the Company’s plan to regain compliance is not accepted, or if it is accepted and the Company does not regain compliance in the timeframe required by Nasdaq, the Nasdaq Staff could provide notice that the Company’s shares of Class A common stock are subject to delisting. In such an event, the Company would have the right to request a hearing before the Panel. The hearing request would automatically stay any suspension or delisting action pending the completion of the hearings process. The Stockholders’ Equity Notice had no immediate impact on the listing of the Class A common stock, which will continue to be listed and traded on Nasdaq under the symbol “BENF,” subject to the Company’s compliance with the other listing requirements of Nasdaq.
The Company timely submitted a plan to regain compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement. Although the Company intends to use all reasonable efforts to achieve compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity Requirement, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to regain compliance with the Minimum Stockholders’ Equity
Additionally, on July 23, 2024, the Company notified Nasdaq that, following the resignations of Emily B. Hill and Dennis P. Lockhart from the Company’s Board and Audit Committee of the Board (the “Audit Committee”). On September 30, 2024, Patrick J. Donegan was appointed to the Board as an independent director and a member of the Audit, Products and Related Party Transactions, Credit and Enterprise Risk committees of the Board. The Company currently has a vacancy on the Audit Committee and intends to rely on the cure period set forth in the Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605 while it recruits a new Audit Committee member.
On July 25, 2024, the Company received a notice from Nasdaq (the “Audit Committee Notice”) confirming that the Company was no longer in compliance with Nasdaq’s audit committee composition requirements as set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605, which requires that the audit committee of a listed company be comprised of at least three “independent directors” (as defined in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605(a)(2)). Pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605(c)(4), the Company intends to rely on the cure period to reestablish compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605. The cure period is generally defined as until the earlier of the Company’s next annual meeting of stockholders or July 21, 2025. If the Company’s next annual meeting of stockholders is held before January 15, 2025, then the Company must evidence compliance no later than January 15, 2025. The Board is in the process of identifying and selecting a new member of the Board who qualifies as “independent” and meets the audit committee criteria set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605. The Board intends to comply fully with Nasdaq audit committee requirements by or before the end of the cure period described above, but there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to regain compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605 or that the Company will otherwise be in compliance with other applicable Nasdaq listing criteria. The Audit Committee Notice had no immediate impact on the listing of the Class A common stock, which will continue to be listed and traded on Nasdaq under the symbol “BENF,” subject to the Company’s compliance with the other listing requirements of Nasdaq..
If we are delisted from Nasdaq, our securities may be eligible for trading on an over-the-counter market. If we are not able to obtain a listing on another stock exchange or quotation service for our securities, it may be extremely difficult or impossible for stockholders to sell their shares. If we are delisted from Nasdaq, but obtain a substitute listing for our securities, it will likely be on a market with less liquidity, and therefore experience potentially more price volatility than experienced on Nasdaq. Stockholders may not be able to sell their securities on any such substitute market in the quantities, at the times, or at the prices that could potentially be available on a more liquid trading market. As a result of these factors, if our securities are delisted from Nasdaq, the value and liquidity of our securities would likely be significantly adversely affected. A delisting of our securities from Nasdaq could also adversely affect our ability to obtain financing for our operations and/or result in a loss of confidence by investors, employees and/or business partners.
In the event of a delisting, we can provide no assurance that any action taken by us to restore compliance with listing requirements would allow our securities to become listed again, stabilize the market price or improve the liquidity of our securities, prevent our securities from dropping below the Nasdaq minimum bid price requirement or prevent future non-compliance with the listing requirements of Nasdaq. There can be no assurance that we will maintain the compliance of our securities with the Nasdaq listing requirements.

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Decisions made by an individual trustee could materially affect our custody business and the assets held in certain of our trusts.
Historically, we have been dependent upon the services of John Stahl, an individual who, prior to our receipt of the operating TEFFI charter in Kansas, served as trustee of most of our Customer ExAlt Trusts, excluding the custody trusts that are Delaware statutory trusts, which are trusts with the Delaware Trust Company serving as trustee. Mr. Stahl continued to serve as trustee of the Customer ExAlt Trusts established in our formative transactions until July 7, 2024, at which point BFF began the process of accepting such trusts as successor trustee. BFF completed the trust acceptance process on September 19, 2024 and November 1, 2024 and, as such, currently serves as successor trustee of all of the Customer ExAlt Trusts, excluding the custody trusts that are Delaware statutory trusts, for which the Delaware Trust Company continues to serve as trustee. Previously, we replaced Mr. Stahl as trustee on certain other trusts, and BFF was appointed as trustee of the Customer ExAlt Trusts following the receipt of BFF’s TEFFI charter. Accordingly, BFF will be, subject to fiduciary duties and other restrictions included in our trust agreements and as a matter of law, as a trustee, BFF will have broad discretion and authority to take actions permitted by the trust agreements and applicable law.
Accordingly, decisions made by BFF could materially affect our business and the assets held in such trusts. It is impossible to determine how these decisions may affect the value of the Company and therefore our securities.
The Company is currently involved in legal proceedings and may be a party to additional claims and litigation in the future.
On February 18, 2022, Paul Capital Advisors (“PCA”) filed a lawsuit against MHT Financial, L.L.C. (“MHT”), BCG, and two trust advisors (the “Trust Advisors”), Murray Holland (part-owner of MHT and former Chairman, President and CEO of GWG) and James Turvey (an employee of BCG) in the Delaware Court of Chancery (the “Court” or the “Court of Chancery”). While BCG was named as a defendant, PCA did not assert claims against or seek relief from BCG but instead asserted one cause of action that only sought the removal and replacement of the Trust Advisors. The lawsuit concerns a set of transactions that utilized a trust structure with MHT as the sole beneficiary. Through this trust structure, PCA sold illiquid investments with a net asset value of approximately $500 million to MHT in exchange for a contractual right from MHT to receive proceeds derived from an auction of BCG securities held in certain trusts (the “Trusts”). Pursuant to a separate contingent value right (“CVR”) contract (the “CVR Contract”) between BCG, affiliates of BCG (collectively, the “BEN CVR Parties”), and MHT, BCG agreed to undertake certain obligations if consideration from the auction of the BCG securities held in the Trusts resulted in an amount less than the net asset value of the illiquid investments MHT purchased from PCA (a “Shortfall ET Amount”), and other precedent conditions occurred. These obligations included, among other things, making quarterly distributions of “Available Cash” to the Trusts until the distributions equaled the Shortfall ET Amount.
Ultimately, GWG won the auction of the Company securities with a winning bid comprised of cash, GWG common stock, and L Bonds. While the cash consideration has been paid to PCA, the GWG stock and L Bonds remain in the Trusts until they are liquidated. The original complaint asserted one cause of action: that the Trust Advisors had breached their purported fiduciary duties to PCA. The sole relief PCA sought was the removal and replacement of the Trust Advisors. On March 14, 2022, the defendants moved to dismiss the original complaint, disputing in their briefs filed on March 28, 2022 that PCA is a beneficiary of any kind to the Trusts, and therefore not owed fiduciary duties by the Trust Advisors, and that PCA has no right to remove and replace the Trust Advisors. Further, the Company sought to dismiss the original complaint on the grounds that no claims were asserted against the Company and no relief was sought from it.
On April 18, 2022, PCA amended its original complaint. The amended complaint asserted six new causes of action arising out of the same set of transactions, including: (1) purported breaches of contract against BCG, MHT, and the Trust Advisors, including a purported breach of the CVR Contract; (2) purported fraud by the Company and MHT pertaining to the execution of the Second Amendment to the CVR Contract; and (3) promissory estoppel against MHT, the Company, and Murray Holland in his capacity as a Trust Advisor. The amended complaint also sought additional relief in the form of (1) damages “in an amount to be proven at trial” and (2) an order granting rescission of an amendment to the CVR Contract or a holding declaring it invalid. On April 18, 2022, Mr. Holland and Mr. Turvey resigned as Trust Advisors to the Trusts that were the subject matter of the complaint. On April 19, 2022, MHT, as the sole beneficiary of the Trusts, appointed Dr. John Stahl as the new Trust Advisor. On April 28, 2022, the Court found that PCA’s original cause of action to remove Mr. Holland and Mr. Turvey as Trust Advisors was moot. On May 6, 2022, PCA amended its complaint again to request that Dr. Stahl be removed as Trust Advisor.
Additionally, while the second amended complaint maintains the prior causes of action, it retracts PCA’s prior, false statements claiming that the Company had not supplied PCA’s representative the relevant documents before he signed an amendment to the CVR Contract. PCA still, however, requests that the Court rescind this amendment which memorialized the parties’ prior agreements regarding certain definitions negotiated and approved by PCA and its counsel. On August 17, 2022, the Court issued a memorandum opinion that dismissed count I of PCA’s complaint, which requested Dr. Stahl’s removal, after finding that PCA is not a beneficiary of the Trusts and, therefore, lacks standing to request the removal of any

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Trust Advisor. Additionally, because the Court held that PCA is not a beneficiary of the Trusts, the parties agreed that count II, which alleged breach of fiduciary duty against the Trust Advisors, should also be dismissed. On October 3, 2022, the Court entered an order dismissing count I of PCA’s complaint in accordance with its memorandum opinion and count II in light of the parties’ agreement that it should also be dismissed.
On November 1, 2022, defendants filed their opening briefs in support of their motions to dismiss the remaining counts. On December 20, 2022, PCA filed its answering brief in opposition to defendants’ motions to dismiss the remaining counts. On January 24, 2023, defendants filed their reply briefs. Oral argument on the motions to dismiss was held on May 8, 2023. On August 29, 2023, the Court issued a letter opinion that denied defendants’ motions to dismiss with respect to most of the remaining counts, explaining that the Court was unwilling to determine the parties’ rights under the various agreements at the pleadings stage and that discovery may make these issues ripe for summary judgment. The Court did, however, grant defendants’ motions to dismiss as to one of PCA’s promissory estoppel claims and its claim for equitable fraud. On October 25, 2023, defendants filed their respective answers to PCA’s second amended complaint.
On November 9, 2023, defendants filed a motion to bifurcate, requesting that the Court of Chancery first resolve the threshold issue of PCA’s standing under the CVR Contract and Exchange Trust Agreements before proceeding on the merits. On November 29, 2023, PCA filed its opposition to defendants’ motion to bifurcate, and on December 8, 2023, defendants filed their reply brief. On June 24, 2024, the Court of Chancery heard oral argument and issued its ruling granting defendants’ motion to bifurcate. In its ruling, the Court of Chancery ordered the parties to promptly conduct limited standing-related discovery to allow final resolution of the standing issue on summary judgment by January 2025.
This litigation can subject us to substantial costs and divert resources and the attention of management from our business. If these claims are successful, our business could be seriously harmed. Even if the claims do not result in protracted litigation or are resolved in our favor, the time and resources needed to resolve such claims could divert our management’s resources and adversely affect our business.
The CVR Contract is an agreement between the BEN CVR Parties, and MHT, which was dated as of September 1, 2017. PCA is not a party to the CVR Contract nor an intended third-party beneficiary of the CVR Contract. In the CVR Contract, among other things, the Company agreed to undertake certain obligations if: (1) the consideration from the auction of the Company securities held in the Trusts resulted in an amount less than the net asset value of the illiquid investments MHT purchased from PCA (a Shortfall ET Amount) and (2) certain other conditions were not satisfied, resulting in what the CVR Contract referred to as a “Distribution Trigger Event.” Under the CVR Contract, a Distribution Trigger Event could potentially occur if the BEN CVR Parties failed to undertake an Initial Public Listing (as defined in the CVR Contract) within 24 months of the auction closing date of the Company securities, which was defined to include a transaction or event resulting in the listing of the Company’s common units (or any securities into which the common units may be exchanged in a business combination or similar transaction) on a national stock exchange or quotation in an automated quotation system. In the event of the occurrence of a Distribution Trigger Event, the BEN CVR Parties potentially would have had to comply with specified obligations arising in certain circumstances, including making quarterly distributions of “Available Cash” to the Trusts until the distributions equaled the Shortfall ET Amount, if any (a “Mandatory Distribution Period”).
During such a Mandatory Distribution Period, the CVR Contract may have also required the BEN CVR Parties to cease certain business activities, including the financing or acquisition of future private equity or other alternative asset loans unless financed through the issuance of equity or debt that is subordinate to the obligations under the CVR Contract. Except where the description of the CVR Contract expressly refers to PCA, the description of the CVR Contract’s terms is as asserted by the Company, and they are currently in dispute and being litigated in the Delaware Court of Chancery. As a threshold matter, the parties disagree about whether PCA is an intended third-party beneficiary of the CVR Contract. PCA asserts it is an intended third-party beneficiary with standing to enforce the CVR Contract. The BEN CVR Parties disagree with PCA because Section 4.9 of the CVR Contract expressly disclaims that there are any third-party beneficiaries of CVR Contract other than the Trusts. In addition to the threshold issue of standing, the parties disagree about (1) whether there is a Shortfall ET Amount under the CVR Contract’s definition of Net Auction Consideration, (2) whether there was an Initial Public Listing as defined in the CVR Contract, and (3) whether the CVR Contract terminated under these disputed definitions.
First, PCA asserts that a Shortfall ET Amount exists because it alleges that the Trusts have not received Net Auction Consideration, which PCA argues is defined to only include cash, in an amount equal to the net asset value of the illiquid investments MHT purchased from PCA (NAV of ~$500 million). As a result, PCA claims damages in the amount of $350 million. In contrast, the BEN CVR Parties believe there is no Shortfall ET Amount because the Trusts have received Net Auction Consideration that PCA’s valuation expert determined had a value exceeding the NAV of the investments purchased from PCA (valued at ~$550 million), which was comprised of $150 million in cash and approximately $400 million in GWG L-Bonds and GWG common stock. The BEN CVR Parties disagree that Net Auction Consideration only includes cash received by the Trusts in light of (1) an acknowledgement in which PCA agreed that “for all purposes Net Auction Consideration included all Auction Consideration” and that “the fair market value of all Auction Consideration shall be the

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fair market value as reflected [by PCA’s valuation expert]” and (2) an amendment to the CVR Contract that amended the definition of Net Auction Consideration to include non-cash consideration received by the Trusts and that was signed by a PCA general partner serving as a Ben director for purposes of approving such an amendment.
Second, PCA asserts the BEN CVR Parties failed to undertake an Initial Public Listing, alleging the BEN CVR Parties never filed a registration statement. The BEN CVR Parties disagree because they did exchange common units for GWG common stock, satisfying the CVR Contract’s definition of an Initial Public Listing. Third, as a result of the disputed terms above, the parties disagree about whether the CVR Contract terminated. Under the BEN CVR Parties’ view of the disputed terms, the CVR Contract terminated under its terms. But because PCA asserts that a Shortfall ET Amount exists, PCA disagrees that the CVR Contract has terminated and claims that the amendment to the CVR Contract was fraudulently induced.
To date, PCA has not sought any equitable relief with respect to the CVR Contract and instead has only requested monetary damages. If PCA is successful in its claim that it has standing to enforce the CVR Contract, that the CVR Contract has not terminated on its terms, and that the Company and its related parties have breached certain obligations under the CVR Contract, PCA may be able to recover substantial damages from the Company. Such damages could include an award to PCA of monetary damages in an amount of up to $350 million, the alleged Shortfall ET Amount, plus costs and expenses. Any such recovery against the Company (or Beneficient) could materially affect the ability of the Company (or Beneficient) to continue its operations.
Additionally, on December 16, 2022, the Claimant initiated a private arbitration in the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, challenging the termination of certain equity awards under two incentive plans by the administrator of the incentive plans. The Claimant sought total damages of $36.3 million plus attorney’s fees and punitive damages. On April 23, 2024, the sole arbitrator held that in terminating the Claimant’s equity awards, the Company had breached its contractual obligations, and as a result, awarded the Claimant $55.3 million in compensatory damages, including pre-judgment interest. Post-judgment interest was also awarded to claimant. Neither attorneys’ fees nor punitive damages were awarded to the claimant. The Company was also asked to pay arbitration-related costs in the amount of approximately $0.1 million. On July 29, 2024, the Texas District Court entered an order vacating the previously Arbitration Award against the Company in the aggregate amount of approximately $55.3 million in compensatory damages, including pre-judgment and post-judgement interest. The Texas District Court directed the parties to file motions requesting any further relief that may be available within twenty days of the order. On August 2, 2024, the Claimant filed an appeal to challenge the order vacating the Arbitration Award in the Texas Fifth Court of Appeals. The Company intends to vigorously defend itself in connection with the appeal.
On February 18, 2022, Shirin Bayati and Mojan Kamalvand, on behalf of themselves and of all others similarly situated, filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for Northern District of Texas against GWG, its former President and Chief Executive Officer, Murray Holland, its former Chief Financial Officer, Timothy Evans, and certain past and present members of the board of directors of GWG and BCG (Roy Bailey, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., David Chavenson, Brad K. Heppner, Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, Bruce W. Schnitzer, and David H. de Weese). The suit alleges that the defendants violated Sections 11, 12, and 15 of the Securities Act by issuing materially misleading statements in a June 3, 2020 registration statement. On April 20, 2022, GWG filed for bankruptcy protection in the Southern District of Texas. On April 21, 2022, the district court ordered all parties to submit statements by May 5, 2022 on whether the automatic stay in bankruptcy extends to the non-debtor defendants. On April 25, 2022, the Lead Plaintiffs filed a Motion for Appointment as Lead Plaintiff and Approval of Their Selection of Lead Counsel. On May 2, 2022, a notice of dismissal was filed, dismissing defendants Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Brad K. Heppner, Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, and Bruce W. Schnitzer. On May 12, 2022, the district court extended the bankruptcy stay to all non-debtor defendants, although it permitted a limited modification of lifting of the stay to allow the court to consider the pending lead plaintiff motion. On August 5, 2022, the district court entered an order appointing Thomas Horton and Frank Moore as lead plaintiffs for the putative class. On May 26, 2023, Thomas Horton and Frank Moore, on behalf of themselves and other similarly situated, filed a second class action lawsuit against the Company, Brad K. Heppner, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, Bruce W. Schnitzer and Whitley Penn LLP, alleging Securities Act violations arising out of the Offering.
On March 30, 2023, David Scura and Clifford Day, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for Northern District of Texas against Ben, certain members of the Board (Brad K. Heppner, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Richard W. Fisher, Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, and Bruce W. Schnitzer), certain past members of the board of directors of GWG (Jon R. Sabes and Steven F. Sabes), FOXO and Emerson Equity LLC (“Emerson”) (the “Scura Action”). The suit alleges that the defendants defrauded GWG investors in connection with the sale of GWG’s L Bonds and preferred stock, and it asserts claims on behalf of a putative class consisting of all persons and entities who purchased or otherwise acquired GWG’s L Bonds or preferred stock of GWG between December 23, 2017 and April 20, 2022. The suit alleges that (i) the Company, the individual defendants, and FOXO violated Sections 10(b) of the Exchange Act and SEC Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, (ii) that the individual defendants violated Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act and (iii) that Emerson violated Section 15(c)(1)(A) of the Exchange Act. On May 3, 2023, Thomas Horton and

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Frank Moore, in their capacities as the lead plaintiffs in the Bayati Action, filed a motion to lift the automatic stay in the Chapter 11 Cases in order to file a motion in the Northern District of Texas seeking to consolidate the Bayati and Scura Actions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. On June 8, 2023, the plaintiffs in the Scura Action filed a voluntary notice of dismissal without prejudice.
On August 16, 2023, Thomas Horton and Frank Moore, in their capacities as the Lead Plaintiffs in the Bayati Action, filed a notice regarding the confirmation of the Debtors’ Chapter 11 plan in the GWG bankruptcy, a motion seeking to lift the bankruptcy stay and a motion to consolidate the Bayati and Horton Actions. On September 12, 2023, the court entered an order consolidating the Bayati and Horton Actions. The court ordered that the consolidated action shall bear the caption In re GWG Holdings, Inc. Securities Litigation. The court lifted the bankruptcy stay and ordered the Lead Plaintiffs to file a new consolidated complaint within 20 days. On October 2, 2023, the Lead Plaintiffs filed a Consolidated Class Action Complaint against the Company, Brad K. Heppner, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, Bruce W. Schnitzer (the “Ben Individual Defendants”), Murray T. Holland, Timothy L. Evans, David H. de Weese, Roy W. Bailey, David F. Chavenson, and Whitley Penn LLP, alleging Securities Act violations arising out of the Offering. The complaint alleges that the individual defendants violated Sections 11, 12(a)(2), and 15 of the Securities Act, and further alleges that the Company violated Section 15 of the Securities Act. The Company and the Ben Individual Defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on November 7, 2023. On January 4, 2024, defendants Murray Holland, Roy Bailey, Tim Evans, Whitley Penn, David Chavenson and David H. de Weese filed motions to dismiss. The Lead Plaintiffs’ responded to the various motions to dismiss on February 20, 2024, and the defendants (other than Whitley Penn) filed replies in support of the motions to dismiss on March 21, 2024. The Company and the Ben Individual Defendants intend to vigorously defend themselves in the litigation.
On October 27, 2023, David Scura filed a petition in Dallas County District Court against Brad K. Heppner, Jon R. Sabes, Steven F. Sabes, Peter T. Cangany, Jr., Thomas O. Hicks, Dennis P. Lockhart, Bruce W. Schnitzer, the Company and FOXO, alleging violation of the Texas Securities Act, common law fraud, unjust enrichment, and civil conspiracy to defraud. Also on October 27, 2023, Clifford Day and Carla Monahan filed a petition in Dallas County District Court against the same defendants, alleging the same claims. The parties agreed to move the defendants’ deadline to respond to the petition to February 19, 2024. On April 10, 2024, the plaintiffs and Ben parties entered into a twelve-month tolling agreement, and the plaintiffs filed motions to nonsuit their claims that the courts granted on April 12, 2024 and April 16, 2024, respectively. The Company and the Ben Individual Defendants intend to vigorously defend themselves in the litigation.
The Company may be materially adversely affected by negative publicity.
The Company has received in the past, and may continue to receive in the future, negative publicity, which could adversely affect our reputation, operations, and financial condition. For example, we and certain of our officers and directors have been the subject of negative media coverage in the Wall Street Journal and other outlets regarding alleged self-dealing and the misuse of company funds. On July 28, 2023, we and certain of our executive officers filed a claim for defamation against Alexander Gladstone, the author of the Wall Street Journal’s previous media coverage concerning the Company. On May 22, 2024, the court in this case denied Mr. Gladstone’s motion to dismiss, allowing our claims to proceed. Mr. Gladstone filed an answer on June 19, 2024, and a trial has been set for March 2026. On July 26, 2024, defamation claims relating to the article authored by Gladstone were filed against Dow Jones & Co. Inc., the Wall Street Journal’s publisher (“Dow Jones”). On November 6, 2024, Dow Jones filed a motion to dismiss. The Company is currently preparing a response to such motion.
We may continue to experience negative attention in the media. Defamation claims by their nature are difficult to win, and we cannot predict the outcome of this litigation or its impact on us or our business. Such proceedings are time consuming and expensive and, regardless of the factual basis for the assertions being made or the strength of the claims, can have a negative impact on the Company’s reputation, on the morale and performance of the Company’s employees and on the Company’s relationships with regulators. Such impacts could be exacerbated if we do not prevail in the litigation. Regardless of the ultimate outcome of our defamation claim, such litigation may divert the time and effort of senior management from the management of the Company and may also have an adverse impact on the Company’s ability to take timely advantage of various business and market opportunities. Additionally, such negative publicity has in the past, and may continue, to impact the willingness of our customers and other parties to transact business with us. These direct and indirect effects of negative publicity, and the demands of responding to and addressing it, may have a material adverse effect on the Company’s businesses, financial condition and results of operations. Negative publicity also could have the effect of heightening the other risks described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Except as set forth below, there were no sales of unregistered securities during the quarter ended September 30 2024 that were not previously reported on a Current Report on Form 8-K.

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On September 6, 2024 and October 9, 2024, the Company issued 9,623 shares and 4,175 shares of Class A common stock of the Company to a consultant of the Company. The issuance of the Class A common stock pursuant to these transactions was not registered under the Securities Act and each was issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder.
On September 17, 2024, the Company issued 201,482 shares of Class A common stock of the Company to a vendor of the Company. The issuance of the Class A common stock pursuant to this transaction was not registered under the Securities Act and was issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder.
Not applicable.
Securities Purchase Agreement, Convertible Debentures and Warrants
As previously disclosed, on August 6, 2024, the Company entered into a Purchase Agreement with Yorkville. Upon signing of the Purchase Agreement, the Company issued $2.0 in aggregate principal amount of Convertible Debentures to Yorkville for proceeds of approximately $1.8 million and a Yorkville Warrant to purchase up to 662,691 shares of Class A common stock. Pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement entered into in connection with the Purchase Agreement, the Company filed a registration statement to register, among other things, the Conversion Shares and the Yorkville Shares. The registration statement was declared effective by the SEC on November 12, 2024. On November 13, 2024, the Company issued an additional $2.0 million in aggregate principal amount of Convertible Debentures for proceeds of approximately $1.8 million and issued an additional Yorkville Warrant to purchase up to 662,691 shares of Class A common stock.
The Convertible Debentures do not bear interest, subject to a potential increase to 18.0% per annum (or the maximum amount permitted by applicable law) upon the occurrence of certain events of default. The Convertible Debentures will mature on February 6, 2025 and resulted in gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $3.6 million. The Convertible Debentures were issued at an original issue discount of 10%. The Company will be required to make monthly cash payments of principal in the amount of $1.3 million (or such lesser amount as may then be outstanding) plus all accrued and unpaid interest as of such payment. Such payments will commence 30 days following the Second Closing and will continue on a monthly basis thereafter until the Convertible Debentures are repaid in full, provided that the Company’s obligation to make a monthly payment will cease if (i) the daily volume weighted average price of the Class A common stock is greater than 130% of the Conversion Price at any time immediately preceding the monthly payment date, and (ii) the Equity Conditions (as defined in the Convertible Debentures) are satisfied, in each case, for each trading day during a period of 10 consecutive trading days. Any such cessation will only be effective with respect to one monthly payment, and any subsequent cessation shall require the forgoing conditions to be satisfied for 10 consecutive trading days during the 30 days prior to any subsequent monthly payment date.
The Convertible Debentures are convertible at the option of the holder into Class A common stock equal to the applicable Conversion Amount divided by $3.018. The maximum amount of shares issuable upon conversion of the Convertible Debentures is 1,325,382. The Convertible Debentures may be converted in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, subject to the Purchase Agreement Exchange Cap (as defined below). The Conversion Amount with respect to any requested conversion will equal the principal amount requested to be converted plus all accrued and unpaid interest on the Convertible Debentures as of such conversion (the “Conversion Amount”). In addition, no conversion will be permitted to the extent that, after giving effect to such conversion, the holder together with the certain related parties would beneficially own in excess of 4.99% of the Class A common stock outstanding immediately after giving effect to such conversion, subject to certain adjustments.
The Company shall not issue any shares of Class A common stock upon conversion of the Convertible Debentures held by Yorkville if the issuance of such shares underlying the Convertible Debentures would exceed the aggregate number of shares of Class A common stock that the Company may issue upon conversion of the Convertible Debentures in compliance with the Company’s obligations under the rules or regulations of Nasdaq Stock Market (the “Purchase Agreement Exchange Cap”). The Exchange Cap will not apply under certain circumstances, including if the Company obtains the approval of its stockholders as required by the applicable rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market for issuances of Class A common stock in excess

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of such amount, or if the Company obtains a written opinion from outside counsel to the Company that such stockholder approval is not required.
The Convertible Debenture provides the Company, subject to certain conditions, with an optional redemption right pursuant to which the Company, upon 10 trading days’ prior written notice to Yorkville (the “Redemption Notice”), may redeem in cash, in whole or in part, all amounts outstanding under the Convertible Debentures prior to the Maturity Date; provided that the volume weighted average price on the date such Redemption Notice is delivered is less than the Conversion Price at the time of the Redemption Notice. The redemption amount shall be equal to the outstanding principal balance being redeemed by the Company, plus the redemption premium of 10% of the principal amount being redeemed, plus all accrued and unpaid interest in respect of such redeemed principal amount.
Upon the occurrence of certain trigger events, the Company will be required to make monthly cash payments of principal in the amount of $1.3 million (or such lesser amount as may then be outstanding) plus all accrued and unpaid interest as of such payment. Such payments will commence 30 days following the Second Closing and will continue on a monthly basis thereafter until the Convertible Debentures are repaid in full, provided that the Company’s obligation to make a monthly payment will cease if (i) the daily volume weighted average price of the Class A common stock is greater than 130% of the Conversion Price at any time immediately preceding the monthly payment date, and (ii) the Equity Conditions (as defined in the Convertible Debentures) are satisfied, in each case, for each trading day during a period of 10 consecutive trading days. Any such cessation will only be effective with respect to one monthly payment, and any subsequent cessation shall require the forgoing conditions to be satisfied for 10 consecutive trading days during the 30 days prior to any subsequent monthly payment date.
In lieu of making the cash payment otherwise contemplated to be made to Company upon exercise of a Yorkville Warrant, Yorkville may elect instead to receive upon such exercise (either in whole or in part) the net number of shares of Class A common stock determined according to a formula set forth in the Yorkville Warrants, provided that such cashless exercise shall only be permitted if, at the time of such exercise, there is no effective registration statement registering the resale of the Warrant Shares or if an Event of Default (as defined in the Purchase Agreement) has occurred. The Yorkville Warrants are immediately exercisable. The Yorkville Warrants issued at the First Closing will expire on August 6, 2027, and the Yorkville Warrants issued at the Second Closing will expire on November 13, 2027. The Yorkville Warrants include customary adjustment provisions for stock splits, combinations and similar events. Prior to obtaining approval of stockholders, the Company may not issue any Class A common stock that exceed the number of shares that it may issue pursuant to Nasdaq Stock Market rules under the Yorkville Warrants.
The issuance of Convertible Debentures, Yorkville Warrants, the Conversion Shares and the Warrant Shares is exempt from registration pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act. Yorkville represented to the Company that it is an “accredited investor” as defined in Rule 501 of the Securities Act and that each of the Convertible Debentures, Warrants, the Conversion Shares and the Warrant Shares were acquired for investment purposes and not with a view to, or for sale in connection with, any distribution thereof.
Rule 10b5-1 Trading Arrangements
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of the Company’s directors or executive officers adopted or terminated a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” as each term is defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K.

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101.INSXBRL Instance Document.
101.SCHXBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.
101.CALXBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.
101.DEFXBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.
101.LABXBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document.
101.PREXBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (Formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101).
*    Filed herewith.
**    The certifications as Exhibit 32.1 and Exhibit 32.2 are not deemed “filed” with the Securities and Exchange Commission and are not to be incorporated by the reference into any filing of Beneficient under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, whether made before or after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing.
#     Certain schedules and exhibits have been omitted in accordance with Item 601(a)(5) of Regulation S-K. A copy of any omitted schedule and/or exhibit will be furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request.


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Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 14, 2024
By:/s/ Brad K. Heppner
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer and duly authorized officer)
Date: November 14, 2024
By:/s/ Gregory W. Ezell
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer and duly authorized officer)