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高達$2,300,000 2024年7月12日
作為收到的回報,momentus inc. (該“借款人”)謹此無條件承諾支付給 太空基礎設施創業公司, LLC (該“貸方”)向貸方根據本貸款擔保可轉讓票據(連同本協議相關的所有文件、工具和協議)不時書面指定的賬戶提供高達$2,300,000的本金,保證票據”).
鑑於此, 借款人需要額外的流動資金以滿足日常運營資本需求和一般企業用途;並且
鑒於, 借款人已要求貸方提供資金來滿足這些需求和條件,貸方已同意根據本擔保票據的條款提供分兩期的擔保可轉換融資。
現在,因此, 對有價值的考慮,特此確認已收到並確認資金充足,借款人和貸方同意如下:
1.票據的本金金額。 根據本擔保票據延伸的貸款本金金額為2,300,000美元("總承諾金額)將提供給借款人分兩期,前提是需滿足本擔保票據中所有借款條件,如下:(a)自2024年7月17日後,借款人可借至總承諾金額的500,000美元("第一期貸款”), and (b) on or after August 7, 2024, the Borrower may borrow up $1,800,000 of the Total Commitment Amount (the “Second Loan”, and together with the First Loan, the “貸款”; each date on which the Borrower borrows a Loan (i.e., receives Loan funds), a “借款日期”). Any amounts repaid may not be re-borrowed. The Lender may, in its sole and absolute discretion, agree to provide additional convertible debt financing under this Secured Note, subject to mutual agreement between the Lender and the Borrower on the terms of such additional financing. The Loans must be borrowed prior to September 1, 2024, or the commitment of the Lender and this Secured Note shall terminate (the “最後期限在這份抵押票據下,如果沒有提供貸款,借款人將沒有還款義務。
2.興趣。 (a) 一旦貸款項目放款後,利息將以每年百分之十五(15%)的利率按照360天的計算方式計算,並將添加至抵押貸款的本金金額,並在到期日(如下所定義)支付。(b) 在發生違約事件(如下所定義)時,抵押票據的本金金額將按照高於上述非違約利率2%的默示利率計算違約利息(“逾期利息並應當一次性現金支付。 (c) 按照出借人的選擇,所有應計未付利息,無論是按照非違約利率還是違約利率,應當由借款人以借款人的普通股支付給出借人(“

借款人應當支付所有已計未支付的利息,不論是按照非違約利率還是違約利率,以借款人的普通股支付給出借人(“普通股 ”),並按照第8.2.2條款進行。 Section 13(a).
3.攤提。 借款人應於以下日期償還貸款本金:(a) 2024年12月1日的25%,(b) 2025年3月1日的25%,(c) 2025年6月1日的25%,(d) 2025年9月1日的25%。
4.款項使用。 貸款應僅用於以下目的:(a) 在營業活動中日常工作資金需求的資助,符合借款人截至本協議日期前的慣常做法;(b) 用於營業活動中一般公司目的,符合借款人截至本協議日期前的慣常做法;及(c) 僅可用於第二筆貸款所得,用於償還根據分別於2024年6月21日向借款人提供的、數額合計為500,000美元的、由Brian Kabot(i)、Paul Ney(ii)、Chris Hadfield(iii)、John Rood(iv)、Victorino Mercado(v)和Mitchel Kugler(vi)按個人提供予借款人的(統稱為“董事票據”),這些董事票據所構成的担保贷款(及所有已應付但未支付的利息、費用和開支)。董事票據董事貸款”, and each lender of a Director Loan, a “Director Lender”). Unless already paid from the sale of any Permitted Collateral Sale (as defined below) or otherwise, the Director Loans shall be repaid from the proceeds of the Second Loan. It is a condition to the making of the Second Loan and repayment of the Director Loans therefrom that all Director Lenders provide Lender with a full written release of liabilities arising from or related to the Director Notes, this Secured Note and the transaction contemplated hereby and to be effective upon the receipt of repayment funds by the individual Director Lenders, which releases shall be in form and substance satisfactory to Lender (the “Director Lender Releases”). Upon receipt by Lender of all Director Lender Releases, Lender shall wire transfer the applicable repayment amounts directly to each Director Lender, and then make the balance of the proceeds of the Second Loan available to the Borrower. Without the prior written consent of the Lender, the Borrower shall not use the Loans for any other purposes, including, without limitation, to (a) increase the compensation of any employees or directors, (b) purchase the assets or equity of any other person or entity, (c) extend financing to any person or entity, (d) fund any capital expenditures in excess of $100,000, (e) except for the Director Loans, repay any debts or obligations existing as of the date hereof other than in the ordinary course of business, and (f) invest in any person, entity or enterprise.
5.到期日期。 Unless paid or converted earlier as provided herein, and subject to Sections 2(b)(c)所有到期並應支付的抵押票據款項,包括所有未償還的本金、應計利息、費用和成本(統稱“債務”),將於2025年9月1日全額支付現金支付(“到期日”),除非貸方出於其唯一和絕對的裁量權延期。收到的所有款項將首先用於催收成本(如有),然後用於本抵押票據的應計未支付(或未轉換)利息,然後才用於本抵押票據的未償還本金餘額(如果有)。

6.自願預付款。 借款方有權在到期日之前的任何時間全額償還本抵押票據下的所有但不得少於所有尚未到期的義務,但須支付給貸方相當於當日支付日本抵押票據下尚未到期的義務金額的百分之十(10%)的預支費用(“預付款費用任何未包括預付款費用的預付款將無效。
7.強制還款。 除非滿足CFIUS條件(如下所定義),否則 第13(b)(ii)條 在下列任何情況下,借款人應以現金償還本次抵押票據下的所有但不少於所有未清償的負債:(a) 一項包括借款人作為合併或合並各方並且借款人根據該合併或合並發行其股權的合併或合並,(b) 借款人在一筆交易或一系列相關交易中出售、租賃、轉讓、獨家授權或以其他方式處置其全部或重大部分資產(無須依據允許的擔保品出售之收益),(c) 借款人或其任何附屬公司進行清算、解散或結業,無論自願或迫使(發生在編號(a) - (c)各款之任何事件,每一款均為“流動性事件”),或(d)發生借款人所有權的變更,其中任何個人或實體,直接或間接,成為借款人表決股權超過五成(50%)的受益人(或獲取收購該等股權的權利),現存之董事會大部分成員將被其他成員取代,或借款人的管理宣佈發生了控制權變更,而不論上述情況中有無出現的事件(為一“變更控制”).
8.借款人的陳述、擔保和契約。 為了讓貸方進入這份有擔保的票據,借款人向貸方陳述並保證截至本日及下面所述的每個借款日的情況。 借款人在這份有擔保的票據中所含的所有陳述、保證和契約在本有擔保票據下所有義務全額以現金或普通股股份償還之前,均保持有效。
(a)存在;權力與權限;遵守法律。 借款人(a)是根據其組織所在地法律正式組建、合法存在且良好運作的公司,(b)具有必要的權力和權限,以及對於擁有、租賃和運營其財產和資產,以目前的方式從事業務,根據本有擔保票據進行借款,簽署和交付本有擔保票據,並履行其根據本文件的義務的法律權利,以及(c)遵守適用於借款人的所有法律,但前提是未遵守這些法律不應合理預期會對借款人的業務產生重大不利影響。
(b)授權;簽署和交付。 借款人根據所有適用法律依照一切必要的公司法授權,簽署和交付本有擔保票據,根據本有擔保票據進行借款,履行其在本文件下的義務均已獲得經過所有必要公司行動的正式授權。借款人已經正式簽署和交付了本有擔保票據。
(c)沒有需要獲得的批準。 任何政府機構或其他人士無需獲得同意、授權、命令、提交、通知、許可證或其他行為,亦無需進行相關手續。

(d)無違規行為。 根據本有擔保票據的締結和交付,本有擔保票據下的借款,以及借款人關於本文件所述之交易完成,均不會(a)違反適用於借款人的任何法律或約束其任何財產或資產的法律,或(b)構成其受限制合約或協議的實質缺省。
(e)可執行性。 本有擔保票據是借款人的有效、合法且具有約束力的義務,在其條款下對借款人可強制執行,除非其可執行性可能受制於適用的破產、破產、重組、緩期債務履行或其他影響債權人權利強制執行的普遍法律及一般公平原則(無論是在法律或衡平法律程序中尋求強制執行)。
(f)業務計劃。 借款人應在2024年9月1日或之前向貸款人提交一份符合貸款人要求的業務計劃。
(g)其他負債限制。 借款人不得承擔、取得、擔保或以其他方式對高于或與債務同等的任何負債負責或承擔,未經貸款人事先書面同意。 同等主權 未經貸款人事先書面同意,借款人不得承擔、取得、擔保或以其他方式對高于或與債務同等的任何負債負責或承擔。
(h)CFIUS申報。 在此之後盡快,借款人和貸款人將合作準備並提交一份提交作於美國外國投資委員會(即“CFIUS Filing”)。CFIUS申報在此之後盡快,借款人和貸款人將合作準備並提交一份提交作於美國外國投資委員會(即“CFIUS”) and use reasonable best efforts to satisfy the CFIUS Condition; provided, however, that the Lender shall not be required to satisfy the CFIUS Condition if doing so would obligate it to accept a Burdensome Condition (as defined below). The CFIUS Filing shall describe this Secured Note and shall also describe any and all other transactions in which the parties intend to engage.
(i)Director Lender Consents. The Borrower shall have obtained and delivered to the Lender the written consent of each Director Lender authorizing the Borrower to enter into and perform its obligations under this Secured Note, borrow the Loans on the provisions set forth in this Secured Note and incur the Obligations, and grant the Lender the liens and security interests on the Collateral.
9.Security Grant. To secure the prompt payment and performance in full of all Obligations, on the Borrowing Date of the First Loan the Borrower hereby grants to the Lender, and pledges to the Lender, a valid, binding, enforceable, continuing, first priority lien on and security interest in all existing and after acquired tangible and intangible real and personal property and other assets of the Borrower, whether now owned by or owing to, or hereafter acquired by or arising in favor of the Borrower, regardless of where located (collectively, the “擔保品”), including, without limitation, all of the following: (a) all Accounts, (b) all Equipment, Goods, Inventory and Fixtures, (c) all Documents, Instruments (including all Promissory Notes) and Chattel Paper, (d) all Contracts, together with all Contract Rights (including all insurance claims) arising therefrom, (e) all Letters of Credit and Letter-of-Credit

10.安全利益的優先順位。 借款人陳述、保證並承諾,本處提供的安全利益是並將始終是擔保品中的首要完全完善的安全利益(僅受貸方和/或借款人根據適用法律採取的為完善和維持此安全利益所需的任何行動的限制);惟至所有根據董事票據到期日充分償還的金額,本擔保票據應立即次序後置於董事借款人的留置權和安全利益,其範圍如本日存在的董事票據所規定,不考慮可能對其進行的任何修改、重述、變更或補充。
11.允許的擔保品出售。 在截止日期之前的任何時候,借款人被授權向第三方出售任何擔保品,以合理等值,一次或多次交易,而不需要貸方的事先書面同意,但不得出售任何是借款人核心業務資產的擔保品(即“許可的抵押品出售在毋庸置疑的情況下,借款人的留置權和抵押設定,以及根據本條款出售的任何抵押品的現金收益,借款人的留置權和抵押權應不附着於任何此類銷售的現金收益;但前提是,如果基於任何理由,有資格的法院稍後對任何許可的抵押品出售進行了撤銷,根據撤銷,交易各方,或其他情況,出售中包含的任何抵押品上的借款人的留置權和抵押權應自動恢復並適用,不需要借款人或借款人採取任何行動。此類核心業務資產應包括但不限於所有知識產權和專有技術;用於建造Vigoride或M1000衛星或可縮放太陽能陣列的所有不可商業替代的工具和設備,以及其他一些不可商業替代的設備或材料,對於衛星的發射和發射後服務是必不可少的。任何(i)任何已完成或部分完成的Vigorides,或(ii)相對於Vigorides具有合理等值價值的商業上可以替換的測試床元件的銷售將被視為許可的抵押品出售。
12.授權提交融資證明 借款人特此授權貸款方在不通知借款人或借款人進一步批准或簽署的情況下,向所有適當的司法管轄區和機構提交融資證明和所有其他文件,以完善或保護貸款方在本證券票據下的留置權、權益和權利。這些融資證明和其他文件可能將抵押品規定為“”借款人的所有資產“”或具有類似效力的措辭,或與更大或更具細節的範圍相等或更小,全部由貸款方全權 決定。

13.轉換。 納斯達克控制項),並且(b) 美國 CFIUS 條件得到滿足,本擔保票據下的債務不會發生轉換。
(a)選擇性轉換利息。 在滿足美國 CFIUS 條件和納斯達克條件的情況下,盡管本條款中有相反內容,按照本擔保票據規定支付的到期利息現金,借款人可酌情選擇將根據本擔保票據應支付的任何過去累計和未支付的利息金額轉換為相等於借款人普通股的股份數,轉換價格等於前述五個交易日 Nasdaq 報告的借款人普通股的五 (5) 日平均收盤價(以下稱為「轉換價格),相等於應支付給借款人的累計未付利息金額。在借款人發出選擇轉換通知後,應轉換而未付的利息立即轉換,借款人無需採取進一步行動。 對於有關轉換的所有目的,借款人應被視為自借款人將適用的轉換通知交給借款人之日起是普通股的記錄持有人。
i.在到期日且在接收美國 CFIUS 批准(下文所定)或(b)根據 31 CFR § 800.401 接受了 CFIUS 提交文件(將其定義為發表或聯合通知的任一份文件)後的 30 天內,一致行事的(a)和(b)(以下簡稱為「CFIUS條件”), applicable law and/or Nasdaq requirements, all of the outstanding Obligations shall automatically convert into Common Stock at the Conversion Price. The Lender shall be treated for all purposes as the record holder of such shares of Common Stock upon such conversion. The CFIUS Approval means any of the following: (i) CFIUS has issued a written notice stating that the transactions described in the CFIUS Filing do not constitute a “covered transaction” pursuant to 31 C.F.R. § 800.213, (ii) CFIUS has issued a written notice that it has concluded all action under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and all rules and regulations thereunder (the “DPA”) with respect to the transactions described in the CFIUS Filing pursuant to 31 C.F.R. § 800.407(a)(4), 31 C.F.R. § 800.506, or 31 C.F.R. § 800.508(d), (iii) in response to the parties’ filing of a CFIUS declaration specifically, pursuant to 31 C.F.R. § 800.407(a)(2), CFIUS has informed the parties to the CFIUS declaration that it is not able to complete action under the DPA on the basis of the CFIUS declaration and that the parties may file a CFIUS notice under the DPA; or (iv) if CFIUS has sent a report to the President of the United States requesting the President’s decision, the President has announced a decision pursuant to the DPA not to take any action to

suspend or prohibit the transactions described in the CFIUS Filing; provided, however, that if the written notice described in clause (ii) above or the President’s decision described in clause (iv) above requires or contemplates that Lender or any of its affiliates take or agree to take, or will take or agree to take, any actions that would, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to constitute a Burdensome Condition (as defined below), then such notice or Presidential decision will not constitute CFIUS Approval unless Lender agrees to accept such Burdensome Condition.
ii.In addition, prior to the Maturity Date and subject to satisfaction of the CFIUS Condition, all of the outstanding Obligations shall automatically convert into Common Stock at the Conversion Price upon the occurrence of a Liquidity Event or Change of Control. The Lender shall be treated for all purposes as the record holder of such shares of Common Stock upon such conversion.

14.違約事件。 在發生下列任何事件並在貸方向借方提供有關此類事件的書面通知後,除非另有規定,有五(5)個工作天的機會來補救(每一個均為“違約事件 ”),貸方可以選擇通過書面通知借方選擇宣佈所有債務立即到期並全數支付
(c)借款人承擔任何優先於Obligations的抵押負債; 平等對待 違反本抵押票據,使借款人承擔任何優先於Obligations的抵押負債;

債權人利益、清算、或其他法院或法庭資產清算或類似的程序或訴訟的好處(該程序描述於本條款14(e)或上述的任何程序, 簡稱"程序"); 在此條款下發生違約事件時, 不得有修正期; 且 第14(f)條 或於 第14(e)條 上述,簡稱為“破产事件”); 在本條款下發生任何董事債券逾期且超出任何適用的修正期限。
16.撤銷付款。 假如借款人根據本抵押票據隨時作出任何付款,並在借款人破產、清盤、重組或其他情況下取消或返還該付款,則借款人作出此付款的義務將得以恢復,如同該付款未曾作出一樣;而本抵押票據已經終止或視為終止,則對此,本抵押票據將被復原和恢復。借款人在本條款下的義務將繼續存在於到期日、債務全額支付或轉換為普通股,以及本抵押票據終止之後。

17.無控制權,合資或夥伴關係。 與本抵押票據有關,借款人並未向貸方提供,貸方也並未接收,任何“控制權”(定義見31 C.F.R. § 800.208)以掌控借款人或任何權利、訪問或參與(如31 C.F.R. § 800.211(b)所述)借款人。本文本中任何內容均不應被理解或解釋為(a)在各方之間建立聯繫、代理關係、合資企業或夥伴關係,或對任何一方加諸任何合資義務或責任或(b)在各方之間創建任何其他關係,而不僅僅是借款人與貸方之間的關係。此外,在本抵押票據中,也不能被視為授權或授權各方代表另一方行事,或以另一方之名義或其帳戶進行業務。
18.通知。 根據本抵押票據所需或允許發出的通知,如以書面形式通過信譽良好的隔夜快遞或以下列方式發送的電子郵件,即足夠:
Lon Ensler 先生
momentus inc.
3901 N. 1 街道
San Jose, CA 95134
Space Infrastructures Ventures, LLC
c/o Hogan Lovells US LLP
8350 Broad Street, 17th Floor
Tysons, VA 22102

19.賠償。 截至首筆貸款的借款日期起有效,除按照 條款24,支付費用外。 the Borrower shall defend, indemnify, pay and hold harmless, the Lender and its affiliates and their past, present and future respective directors, managers, shareholders, members, officers, employees, counsel, accountants, investors, financial advisors, agents, consultants and other advisors (each, an “受益人”), from and against (i) any taxes (other than any tax on the overall net income of the Lender) paid or incurred by the Lender relating to, arising out of, or in connection with this Secured Note, whether or not such taxes were correctly or legally imposed or asserted by the relevant governmental authority, and (ii) any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages (including natural resource damages), penalties, claims, costs, expenses and disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (including the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel for Indemnitees in connection with any investigative, administrative or judicial proceeding commenced or threatened by any person or entity, whether or not any such Indemnitee shall be designated as a party or a potential party thereto, and any fees or expenses incurred by Indemnitees in enforcing this indemnity), whether direct, indirect or consequential and whether based on any federal, state or foreign laws, statutes, rules or regulations, on common law or equitable cause or on contract or otherwise, that may be

imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against any such Indemnitee, in any manner relating to or arising out of this Secured Note or the transactions contemplated hereby (including the Lender’s agreement to make a loan or the use or intended use of the proceeds thereof, or any enforcement of this Secured Note), IN ALL CASES, WHETHER OR NOt CAUSED BY OR ARISING, IN WHOLE OR IN PARt, OUt OF THE COMPARATIVE, CONTRIBUTORY, OR SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF SUCH INDEMNITEE; provided that the Borrower shall have no obligation to any Indemnitee hereunder with respect to the foregoing to the extent arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of that Indemnitee as determined by a final, non-appealable order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any contrary provision in this Secured Note, the obligation of the Borrower with respect to each indemnity given by them in this Secured Note shall survive the Maturity Date, the payment in full of the Obligations, or conversion to Common Stock, and the termination of this Secured Note.

21.借款條件。 申請提款需符合以下條件(除非另有規定):
(g)借款人應發出書面借款通知(每個為“借款通知”),向貸方陳述(i) 請求貸款的金額,(ii) 請求貸款的日期,該日期應在貸方收到借款通知後的至少五(5)個工作日後,(iii) 貸款款項的預期使用,(iv) 應將貸款款項轉帳的地方,包括應由貸方轉帳用於還清與請求第二貸款有關的董事貸款的款項,(v) 確認未發生並且正在發生任何違約事件,以及 (vi) 確認本抵押票據中的所有陳述和保證在借款通知的日期和要求的貸款款項撥款日期前是準確的。每一個借款通知應由借款人的授權代表簽署;
(h)關於第二筆貸款,貸方應合理努力及時獲得並已經獲得,為( i ) 第二筆貸款的最高金額和 (ii) 一個將提供給借款人的清償債權人金融設施(經最終文檔,一份協議預算和法院批准),條款至少與以下條款一樣有利:(1) 這類設施的總金額及其可用性不得低於$6,000,0000,(2) 利率不得超過年息14%(3) 任何來源費和其他費用的總額不得超過所融資總金額的百分之二(2%),(4) 這類設施的期限不得少於三十六(36)個月,和(5) 這類設施的其他條款應與本抵押票據中規定的條款一樣有利(這樣的融資為“

}Acceptable Loan Facility”). If Lender determines in good faith, after using commercially reasonable efforts, that it cannot obtain an Acceptable Loan Facility, it will provide the Borrower with written notice of such determination within five (5) Business Days of receipt of a Borrowing Notice for the Second Loan (the “Second Loan Lender Notice”) which notice shall set forth the commercially reasonable efforts taken by Lender to obtain an Acceptable Loan Facility, the funding sources consulted by Lender to obtain an Acceptable Loan Facility (subject to any applicable non-disclosure agreements), and the reason(s) Lender has determined that it cannot obtain an Acceptable Loan Facility. Subject to the Borrower obtaining a final, non-appealable order from a court of competent jurisdiction to the contrary, upon delivery of the Lender Notice, (i) Lender shall have no further obligation or commitment to the Borrower to fund any other Loans (other than the First Loan) under this Secured Note, and (ii) Lender shall have no liability to the Borrower for any claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, obligations, liabilities, losses and/or damages of any kind or character, whether in law or in equity, for not funding the requested Second Loan or for any other purported breaches by Lender of its obligations under this Secured Note. As used herein, “commercially reasonable efforts” shall exclude the provision, in connection with obtaining an Acceptable Loan Facility, of any personal or other guarantees by any principals of Lender or by other any Releasee (as defined below) or the pledging of any assets by any principals of Lender or by other any Releasee (other than Lender); and
(i)Prior to the funding of the Second Loan, the Director Lenders shall have delivered the Director Lender Releases to Lender.
22.釋放。 Effective as of the Borrowing Date of the First Loan, the Borrower, for itself and its affiliates and their respective directors, managers, shareholders, members, officers, employees, counsel, accountants, investors, financial advisors, agents, consultants and other advisors and successors and assigns (collectively, the “釋放人士”), does hereby and forever irrevocably release and discharge the Lender and each of its past, present and future affiliates and their respective directors, managers, shareholders, members, officers, employees, counsel, accountants, investors, financial advisors, agents, consultants and other advisors (each a “被釋放人”), from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, judgments, debts, rights, interests, obligations, liabilities and all other losses and damages of whatsoever kind or character, known or unknown, suspected to exist or not suspected to exist, anticipated or not anticipated, whether or not heretofore brought, whether in law or in equity, whether in contract or in tort or otherwise, that such Releasing Person now has, has ever had or may hereafter have against any Releasee, in each case, which arises out of or relates to events, circumstances or actions occurring, existing or taken prior to the date hereof in respect of this Secured Note or any of the transactions contemplated hereby (each, a “Released Claim”); provided, however, that the

Released Claims shall not include a release of any of the Borrower’s rights, or any of Lender’s obligations, under this Secured Note. Each Releasing Person further covenants and agrees
(a)that it will not, and will cause its affiliates not to, take any action inconsistent with this Section (including commencing any action or proceeding in respect of, or directly or indirectly transferring to another person or entity, any Released Claim). This Section shall survive the Maturity Date, the payment in full of the Obligations, or conversion to Common Stock, and the termination of this Secured Note, is intended for the benefit of and may be enforced directly by each of the Released Persons and is binding on all successors and assigns of the Releasing Person. The Borrower represents and warrants that no portion of any Released Claim has been assigned or transferred to any other person or entity, either directly or by way of subrogation or operation of law. Furthermore, the Borrower also represents and warrants that it will not fund, support, or cooperate with any claims by third parties against the Releasees related to the Released Claims.
23.保密。 Each party shall hold, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause its affiliates, and its and their respective Representatives (as defined below) to hold, in strict confidence from any person or entity (other than any such affiliate or Representative) the terms and conditions of this Secured Note and any facts or other information related to this Secured Note, unless (i) such party is required to disclose such information by applicable law, rule or regulation; (ii) such information is disclosed in an action or proceeding brought by a party hereto in pursuit of its rights or in the exercise of its remedies hereunder, or (iii) the party to whom disclosure of this Secured Note is made has executed a confidentiality agreement with Borrower. As used herein, “代表人” means directors, managers, shareholders, members, officers, employees, counsel, accountants, lenders, investors, financial advisors, consultants, and other advisors, in each case with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Secured Note.
24.Fees and Expenses of Enforcement. In connection with an Event of Default, the Borrower agrees to pay and shall pay, on demand, in addition to unpaid principal and interest and/or interest at the default rate, all of the fees, costs, and expenses incurred by the Lender in attempting or effecting collection or enforcement hereunder, including, but not limited to, the reasonable fees and expenses of any attorneys or agents engaged by the Lender in connection therewith, whether or not suit or other legal action is instituted or taken.
25.豁免權。 The Borrower hereby waives presentment, demand, notice, protest, and all other demands and notices in connection with the delivery, acceptance, performance, default, or enforcement of this Secured Note, and assents to any extension or postponement of the time of payment or any other indulgence, to any substitution, exchange or release of collateral, if any, and to the addition or release of any other party or person primarily or secondarily liable.
26.管轄法律。 借款人和貸方各自不可撤銷地且無條件同意,借款人的義務和貸方在此有擔保票據下的權利和救濟,以及任何直接或間接基於或起因於此擔保票據或

此處預期進行的交易 (無論是基於合同、侵權或其他方面),包括所有構建、有效性和履行問題,應在所有方面受特拉華州法律的管轄、解釋和決定。 (,不考慮可能要求適用任何其他司法管轄區法律的任何法律衝突條款。).
27.司法區。 借款人和貸方謹此不可撤銷地且無條件地提交給位於特拉華州的任何州或聯邦法院的司法管轄權,涉及或與本擔保票據有關的任何訴訟或程序。借款人和貸方謹此不可撤銷地且無條件放棄,以法律和有效方式所允許的最大範圍,(a) 他們可能現在或將來就將任何涉及本擔保票據的訴訟、行動或程序提起訴訟的地點對任何提起訴訟的州或聯邦法院的異議,以及(b) 在此類法院中繼續進行此類行動或程序之不便論壇的辯護。
28.陪審團審訊。 借款人和貸款人各自不可撤銷地放棄在基於合約、侵權或其他情況下提起的任何訴訟、程序或反訴的陪審團審判權。 (無論根據合同、侵權還是其他理由。) 關於這份擔保票據或借款人或貸款人在談判、管理、履約或執行該擔保票據行為相關的任何訴訟或爭議均不得審理。
29.預裁判救濟。 借款人確認這份擔保票據所涉及的交易是商業交易,特此自願且明知地放棄其根據特許使用的德拉瓦法規、或法律或任何州或聯邦法律允許的對貸方可能希望使用的任何預裁判救濟的通知和聆訊權利。
30.有限制的責任。 在法律允許的最大範圍內,借款人特此放棄在與這份擔保票據或任何其他文件或證明或保證這份擔保票據有關時追索懲罰性損害或示例性損害之權利。借款人對貸方除了構成重大過失或故意不當行為的行為外不得提出任何索賠。
31.全部協議。 本有擔保票據連同與之有關或參照之所有其他工具、協議和證書,體現了各方就本事項之理解和協議,並取代了所有之前的協議、理解和誘因,無論明示或暗示,口頭或書面。本有保證票據

momentus inc.
經:/s/ John Rood    
姓名:John Rood    
標題: CEO    

太空基建創業公司, LLC
經:/s/ Jose Alonso    
姓名:Jose Alonso    