華盛頓特區 20549
| 根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)節的季度報告 |
| 根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)節的轉型報告書 |
過渡期從 對於
| |
(國家或其他管轄區的 | (IRS僱主 |
公司成立或組織) | 唯一識別號碼) |
(總部地址,包括郵政編碼) |
( |
(註冊人電話,包括區號)’電話號碼(包括區號) |
N/A |
(前名稱、地址及財政年度,如果自上次報告以來有更改) |
在法案第12(b)條的規定下注冊的證券: |
| 交易 | 普通股,每股面值$0.001 | ||
每一類的名稱 | 符號: | ANNX | ||
| | |
請在以下勾選方框表示註冊人是否已在Regulation S-T Rule 405規定的前12個月(或在註冊人需要提交此類文件的較短期間內)提交了每個互動數據文件。
大型加速報告人 | ☐ | 加速文件提交人 | ☐ |
| ☒ | 較小的報告公司 | |
新興成長公司 |
• |
我們能夠創造對零排放商業車隊車輛的需求,以便產生營業收入; |
• |
我們依賴外部資金來支持我們的運營; |
• |
流媒體服務,許可費用以及網絡基礎設施,託管和維護價格的變化; |
• | 我們成功整合並實現戰略收購的好處的能力; |
• |
我們及供應商在低成交量生產到高成交量生產過程中,快速有效地擴展零排放產品組裝工藝的能力; |
• |
我們有能力管理擴張、增長和營業費用,並減少並充分控制與經營業務相關的成本和費用; |
• | 與我們分銷的產品相關的產品召回和產品責任索賠以及其他訴訟可能造成的潛在影響; |
• |
我們和我們的製造業-半導體合作伙伴應對當前及未來全球貨幣供應鏈中斷的能力,以及以我們和客戶可接受的條件採購生產我們車輛所需的原材料、零部件和元件的能力; |
• |
我們獲取、保留和拓展客戶的能力,以及我們對少數幾個客戶的依賴; |
• |
我們在有利條件下建立、維持和更新戰略關係的能力; |
• | 我們對關鍵人員的依賴和留任; |
• |
我們實現和維持盈利能力的能力; |
• | 法律法規對我們的業務和行業的影響,包括但不限於政府補貼、回扣和經濟激勵的狀況,這些支持我們產品和服務的發展和需求; |
• |
我們評估和衡量當前業務及未來前景的能力; |
• |
我們在高度競爭和不斷髮展的行業板塊中競爭和成功的能力; |
• |
我們對電動車科技變化的響應和適應能力; |
• | 保險覆蓋的成本和適 adequacy 及保險和索賠費用的增加; |
• |
我們保護知識產權的能力以及開發、維護和增強強大品牌的能力。 |
• | 我們的信息科技系統中可能出現的中斷,包括但不限於系統故障、網絡攻擊、未經授權的物理或電子訪問,或其他自然或人爲事件或災難。 |
除非另有明示或背景另有要求,在本季度報告中對「Envirotech」,「公司」,「我們」,「我們的」和「我們」所指的是Envirotech Vehicles,Inc.及我們的合併子公司,除非上下文另有指示。
九月三十日, | 12月31日, | |||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
資產 | ||||||||
流動資產: | ||||||||
現金及現金等價物 | $ | $ | ||||||
應收賬款淨額爲 和$ 分別爲 | ||||||||
存貨淨額 | ||||||||
存貨存款 | ||||||||
預付費用 | ||||||||
其他流動資產 | ||||||||
總流動資產 | ||||||||
物業和設備,淨值 | ||||||||
租賃權資產 | ||||||||
商譽 | ||||||||
其他非流動資產 | ||||||||
總資產 | $ | $ | ||||||
負債和股東權益 | ||||||||
流動負債: | ||||||||
應付賬款 | $ | $ | ||||||
應計負債 | ||||||||
經營租賃負債-短期 | ||||||||
期權負債,按公允價值計量 | ||||||||
應付票據 - 流動資產 | ||||||||
總流動負債 | ||||||||
長期負債 | ||||||||
經營租賃負債-長期 | ||||||||
| ||||||||
應付票據-長期 | ||||||||
總負債 | ||||||||
股東權益: | ||||||||
優先股, 已授權,$ 每股面值 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已發行和流通 | ||||||||
普通股, 授權,$ 每股面值, 和 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已發行和流通 | ||||||||
額外實收資本 | ||||||||
累積赤字 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
股東權益總額 | ||||||||
總負債和股東權益 | $ | $ |
截至三個月末 |
結束於九個月的 |
九月三十日, |
九月三十日, |
九月三十日, |
九月三十日, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
銷售額 |
$ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
銷售成本 |
毛利潤 |
( |
) | ||||||||||||||
運營費用 |
一般及行政費用 |
諮詢 |
( |
) | ||||||||||||||
研發 |
商譽減值費用 |
淨營業費用 |
營業損失 |
( |
) | ( |
) | ( |
) | ( |
) | ||||||||
其他(支出)/收入: |
利息(支出)收入,淨額 |
( |
) | ( |
) | ( |
) | ||||||||||
金融工具按公允價值計量的未實現收益(損失) |
( |
) | ||||||||||||||
其他費用 |
( |
) | ( |
) | ( |
) | ( |
) | ||||||||
其他全部費用/收入 |
( |
) | ( |
) | ||||||||||||
稅前虧損 |
( |
) | ( |
) | ( |
) | ( |
) | ||||||||
所得稅費用 |
淨損失 |
$ | ( |
) | $ | ( |
) | $ | ( |
) | $ | ( |
) | ||||
普通股東每股淨虧損: |
基本及稀釋 |
$ | ( |
) | $ | ( |
) | $ | ( |
) | $ | ( |
) | ||||
在計算每股淨虧損時使用的加權股數: |
基本和稀釋 |
股東合併財務報表’ 資本
額外 |
普通股票 |
實收資本 |
累計 |
股東的 |
股份 |
金額 |
資本 |
赤字 |
權益 |
2023年12月31日的餘額 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ | ||||||||||||||
普通股票以現金髮行 |
$ | |||||||||||||||||||
基於股票的薪酬 |
— | |||||||||||||||||||
淨損失 |
— | ( |
) | ( |
) | |||||||||||||||
2024 年 3 月 31 日餘額 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ | ||||||||||||||
發行普通股以換取現金 |
基於股票的補償 |
— | |||||||||||||||||||
淨虧損 |
— | ( |
) | ( |
) | |||||||||||||||
餘額,2024年6月30日 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ | ||||||||||||||
以現金方式發行的普通股 |
短期票據轉換爲普通股 |
發行普通股 - 承諾費(股權信用額度) |
基於股票的補償 |
— | |||||||||||||||||||
淨虧損 |
— | ( |
) | ( |
) | |||||||||||||||
餘額,2024年9月30日 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ |
附加 |
普通股 |
實收資本 |
累積 |
股東的 |
股份 |
金額 |
資本 |
赤字 |
股本 |
2022年12月31日的餘額 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ | ||||||||||||||
基於股票的補償 |
— | |||||||||||||||||||
淨虧損 |
— | ( |
) | ( |
) | |||||||||||||||
2023年3月31日的結存 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ | ||||||||||||||
基於股票的補償 |
— | |||||||||||||||||||
淨虧損 |
— | ( |
) | ( |
) | |||||||||||||||
餘額,2023年6月30日 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ | ||||||||||||||
因服務發行的普通股 |
( |
) | ||||||||||||||||||
基於股票的補償 |
— | |||||||||||||||||||
淨虧損 |
— | ( |
) | ( |
) | |||||||||||||||
餘額,2023年9月30日 |
$ | $ | $ | ( |
) | $ |
九個月結束於 | ||||||||
2024年9月30日, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
經營活動現金流量: | ||||||||
淨虧損 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
調整爲淨損失到經營活動現金流量淨使用: | ||||||||
折舊 | ||||||||
可供出售證券未實現減值損失 | ||||||||
股票補償費用 | ||||||||
商譽減值費用 | ||||||||
資產和負債變動: | ||||||||
應收賬款 | ( | ) | ||||||
庫存 | ( | ) | ||||||
存貨存款 | ||||||||
預付費用 | ( | ) | ||||||
其他資產 | ( | ) | ||||||
應付賬款 | ||||||||
應計負債 | ( | ) | ||||||
其他負債 | ( | ) | ||||||
用於經營活動的淨現金 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
投資活動現金流量: | ||||||||
購置固定資產等資產支出 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
可交易證券的銷售 | ||||||||
投資活動的淨現金流量(使用)/提供的淨現金流量 | ( | ) | ||||||
籌集資金的現金流量: | ||||||||
普通股發行收入 | ||||||||
可轉換票據發行所得款項 | ||||||||
關聯方貸款所獲得的款項 | ||||||||
債務收益 | ||||||||
償還債務本金 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
籌資活動提供的淨現金 | ( | ) | ||||||
現金、受限現金和現金等價物淨變動 | ( | ) | ||||||
期初現金及現金等價物餘額 | ||||||||
期末現金及現金等價物 | $ | $ | ||||||
補充現金流披露: | ||||||||
支付的利息費用 | $ | $ | ||||||
用於服務發行的非現金普通股 | $ | $ | ||||||
用於股權信貸承諾費用的股票發行 | $ | $ | ||||||
取消的可轉換票據已註銷並轉爲應付票據 - 流動資產 | $ | $ | ||||||
短期票據轉換爲普通股 | $ | $ | ||||||
2024年9月30日未支付的資本支出 | $ | $ |
1. | 組織和運營 翼玖集團股份有限公司(以下簡稱「公司」或「PONY」)成立於 2019 年 1 月 7 日,註冊地爲特拉華州。 |
Envirotech車輛有限公司(以下簡稱「公司」),包括其合併子公司,是一家提供定製的新能源車的供應商。 零-排放電動車主要專注於降低車輛擁有成本,幫助車隊運營商釋放綠色科技的優勢。該公司爲商業和末端車隊、學區、公共和私營運輸服務公司,以及高校提供服務,以滿足對輕型到重型新能源車的不斷增長的需求。該公司的車輛解決了傳統燃油價格不穩定性以及地方、州和聯邦監管合規性的挑戰。
2. | 重要會計政策摘要 |
呈現基礎—合併基本報表和相關披露包括截至的合併資產負債表帳戶 2024年9月30日 和合並營業結果 三 and 九 截至 2024年9月30日 Envirotech Vehicles, Inc.及其子公司的合併基本報表未經審計,依據SEC的規則和條例。根據這些規則和條例,通常按照美國("U.S.")普遍接受的會計原則(「GAAP」)編制的基本報表中包含的某些信息和腳註披露已被縮減或省略。在公司的觀點中,這些未經審計的基本報表包括了爲了公正表述中期結果所需的所有調整(僅包括正常的經常性調整)。這些未經審計的基本報表應與公司截至的審計基本報表一起閱讀, 2023年12月31日 和 2022 包含在公司年度報告表格中 10[日期] 向美國證券交易委員會提交的 [文件型號]-k 中包含的公司已審核的財務報表截至 [日期] 及其附註也須一併閱讀。 三月28, 2024. 的運營結果 三 和 九 月底 2024年9月30日絕非必然的。不 並不能完全反映全年業績。
合併原則隨附的基本報表反映了Envirotech Vehicles, Inc.及其全資子公司的基本報表合併情況。所有重要的公司間帳戶和交易已被消除。
使用估計根據GAAP編制基本報表需要管理層作出估計和假設 這些估計和假設會影響到資產和負債的報告金額,以及在基本報表日期披露或有資產和負債,以及在報告期間的營業收入和費用的報告金額。實際結果可能會與這些估計有所不同。
金融工具的公允價值公司的財務工具,包括現金、應收賬款和應付賬款的賬面價值與其公允價值大致相等,這是因爲這些財務工具具有短期性質。會計準則彙編("ASC") 對於開空這類財務工具,美國會計準則彙編("ASC") 820, 公允價值測量("ASC 820")將公允價值定義爲在資產的主要或最有利市場上收到的資產交換價格,或者爲在計量日市場參與方之間進行有序交易時支付的負債轉讓價格(即退出價格)。它還建立了 三-層公允價值層次結構,此結構將衡量公允價值所使用的輸入優先級排列如下:
等級 1:可觀察數據,例如在活躍市場中的報價
等級 2:除了在活躍市場中報價之外的輸入,該輸入可以直接或間接地觀察到;和
等級 3:由少量市場數據支持並要求報告實體開發自己的假設的不可觀測輸入。 no 市場數據支持較少,並且要求報告實體制定自己的假設。
公司不會承認租賃期限在少於月的租賃的使用權資產或租賃負債;此類租賃成本按照租賃期限直線攤銷記錄在經營報表中。 不 是否有任何資產或負債需要定期以公允價值進行計量和記錄,除了在附註中披露的期權負債。 4 - 債務,公司已選擇公允價值選項。
收入確認公司從銷售新能源車和車輛維護和檢查服務中確認營業收入。 零公司根據ASC《客戶合同的營業收入》("ASC)確認營業收入,該準則要求實體確認營業收入以反映向客戶交付承諾的商品或服務,並體現實體預計將因提供這些商品或服務而有權獲得的對價。 606, 公司從合同客戶收入("ASC中確認的營業收入;) 606"公司從合同客戶收入("ASC)確認營業收入,該要求實體確認營業收入,以呈現向客戶承諾的商品或服務的移交,其金額反映實體預計將因提供這些商品或服務而享有權利的對價。 2024年9月30日公司確實存在一定程度的客戶集中;
在申請ASC時 606, 公司需要:
(1) | 識別與客戶的任何合同; |
(2) | 判斷是否存在多個績效義務; |
(3) | 確定交易價格; |
(4) | 將交易價格分配給各自的義務;並 |
(5) | 在履行義務後確認營業收入。 |
現金及現金等價物公司認爲所有購買期限在一個月或更短的高流動性投資爲現金及現金等價物。 三 所有限制性現金及現金等價物的賬面價值接近其公允價值。
流動證券公司投資於開空期、高流動性、可交易的證券,例如美國國債、美國國債 債券和其他政府擔保證券。公司將這些可交易證券分類爲持有到期日投資,因爲意圖是 不 在各自規定的到期日期之前變現。公司持有 $0可交易證券,金額爲 9月30日是3,321萬美元,因爲公司的普通股的公允價值低於這些期權的行權價。30, 2024 and 該租賃的當前經營負債約爲millions。
應收賬款和可疑賬款備抵金—公司通過對多項壞賬的審查來確定壞賬備抵額 因素,包括歷史收款經驗、客戶帳戶的當前賬齡狀況及其客戶的財務狀況。公司確實如此 不 通常需要爲其應收賬款提供抵押品。該公司的貿易應收賬款爲美元
庫存和庫存準備額度公司以成本或市價較低者記錄庫存,採用先進先出的會計估值方法,併爲將來打算賣出的車輛建立庫存準備額度。 不 公司手頭有已完成產品庫存價值爲 $
庫存按金—我們的某些供應商要求公司在開始製造我們的車輛之前支付預付按金, 然後在生產週期中和成品車輛裝運之前要求進度按金。這些按金在合併資產負債表中被歸類爲庫存按金。在公司完成生產驗收並將所有權轉移給公司後,按金將重新劃分爲庫存。公司有庫存按金總計 $
所得稅公司採用負債方法,根據預期未來稅收確定遞延稅資產和負債。 財務和所得稅報告目的中資產和負債的賬面金額之間暫時差異的預期未來稅收後果。
收益稅覈算的不確定性公司評估其不確定的稅務立場,當公司確認在基本報表日期發生了責任,並且可以合理估計損失金額時,會確認損失準備。 公司確認的金額受到估計和管理判斷的影響,涉及每個不確定的稅務立場的可能結果。對於單個不確定的稅務立場或所有不確定的稅務立場的最終確認金額可能與確認金額不同。 2024年9月30日 和 2023年12月31日分別在,管理人員做 不 識別任何不確定的稅務立場。
每股淨(損失)收益——基本每股淨利潤(虧損)是通過將公司的淨利潤(虧損)分配給普通股東來計算的 與期間內流通的普通股加權平均股數相除。
攤薄後每股淨虧損是通過將公司適用於普通股股東的淨虧損除以期間內流通在外的攤薄加權平均普通股數量來計算的。攤薄加權平均普通股數量是基礎加權普通股數量,調整了任何可能稀釋的債務或權益證券。截止到 2024年9月30日,
信貸風險集中——公司在與聯邦保險銀行存入的現金及現金等價物方面存在信用風險,因爲有時它超過了 $250,000 聯邦存款保險公司(「FDIC」)保險的最高金額。此外,公司 可能 在阿維斯特銀行(「Arvest」)保持現金和短期證券的投資。在FDIC和證券投資者保護公司(「SIPC」)的保障下,資金最高可達
長期資產的減值損失資產長期使用,包括房地產和設備,在發生事件或變化的情況下,被審查是否存在減值。 可回收資產的賬面金額。 可能 不 公司通過比較資產賬面金額與相關資產的未打折預估未來現金流量,來評估這些資產是否存在潛在減值。如果預估的未打折現金流小於資產賬面價值,資產將被減記至其公允價值。曾有資產的減值,或房地產和設備,在
商譽—商譽表示收購成本超過所購淨有形和無形資產公允價值的部分。商譽是 不 被攤銷,並且在發生可能導致減少報告單元公允價值低於其賬面價值的事件或情況時,需在年度測試之間進行年度減值測試。 在測試商譽減值時,公司可以選擇 評估定性因素,以判斷事件或情況的存在是否導致判斷其更可能 第一 的可能性。 不是 如果在評估所有事件和情況後,公司得出的結論是 不是 更可能是。 不是 如果報告單位的公允價值低於其賬面價值,公司可以得出評估結論。如果公司得出相反的結論,則需要進行定量分析以判斷是否存在減值及其金額。
基於股票的薪酬—公司根據以下指導對員工股票薪酬進行會計處理 ASC澄清企業財務基本報表中對所述收入稅的不確定性的會計處理 718, 股票薪酬("ASC 718"),此規定要求所有基於股票的支付給員工的款項,包括員工期權的授予,都必須根據其公允價值在基本報表中確認。股權工具的公允價值直接計入薪酬費用,並在提供服務的期間內計入額外實收資本。記錄了非現金的股票薪酬費用$
資產和設備— 物業和設備按成本列示,減去累計折舊和攤銷。公司爲此提供 採用直線法按資產的預計使用年限進行折舊,區間爲
至 年,租賃改進除外,租賃改進按租期的生命週期進行攤銷。如果購買價格超過,則物業和設備符合資產化的條件 $2,000. 重大修理和更換,延長設備的使用壽命,進行資產化並按物業的預計使用年限進行折舊。其他維護和修理在發生時計入費用。
租賃—公司依據ASC進行租賃會計處理 842, 租賃(“ASC 842”)在合同的開始或修改時,公司確定是否存在租賃,並在開始時將其租賃分類爲經營租賃或融資租賃。使用權("ROU")資產代表公司在租賃期間使用基礎資產的權利,而租賃負債代表其根據租賃產生的租賃付款義務。請參閱備註 11 - 租賃。
由於大多數公司的租約包含隱含利率,公司使用其遞增借款利率,即爲在類似經濟環境中以抵押方式借入相等於類似期限的租金數額而發生的費用。根據適用的租約條款和當前經濟環境,公司採用地點方法確定遞增借款利率。 不 提供一個隱含利率,租賃負債在租賃開始時根據公司的預計增量借款利率計算爲未支付租賃付款的現值。增量借款利率代表公司爲借入與租賃付款等額的資金在類似期限內以擔保方式所需支付的利率,並基於租賃開始日期可用的信息通過組合方法確定。
租賃資產還反映了任何預付租金、初始直接成本和獲得的租賃激勵。公司的租賃條款 可能 包括當有合理把握這些期權會被行使時的可選延期期間。
具有初始預期期限的租賃合同 12少於12個月的租賃按照租賃期間的直線利潤來確認。這類租賃合同被記錄在資產負債表上。不 記錄在公司的綜合資產負債表上,並且與租約期內的租賃支出按比例顯示,不分離固定租賃部分和固定非租賃部分。 不 分離固定租賃元件和固定非租賃元件。
ASU 沒有。 2024-03, “損益表-報告綜合收益-費用分列披露(副主題) 220-40): 損益表開支的分類
在 2024年11月4日,財務會計準則委員會(「FASB」)發佈了會計準則更新(「ASU」)2024-03, “損益表-報告綜合收益-費用細分披露(細分 220-40主題:損益表費用細分,要求上市公司在財務報表附註中披露有關某些費用的額外信息,從而改善財務報告。ASU中的修訂將於 2026年12月15日後的財政年度開始日期起實施。 年度報告期後和隨後的中期報告期開始生效 2027年12月15日。 允許提前採納。公司目前正在評估採納ASU的影響 2023-07 並打算按照ASU要求採納並報告這個話題。
開啓 2023年11月27日 財務會計準則委員會(「FASB」)發佈了亞利桑那州立大學2023-07, “區段報告(主題) 280):對應申報細分市場披露的改進”,要求公共實體在中期和年度基礎上披露有關其應申報細分市場的重大支出和其他細分項目的信息。擁有單一可報告細分市場的公共實體必須適用亞利桑那州立大學的披露要求 2023-07, 以及會計準則編纂(「ASC」)要求的現有分部披露和對賬 280 臨時和每年一次。ASU 2023-07 對之後開始的財政年度有效 2023 年 12 月 15 日, 以及此後開始的過渡時期 2024 年 12 月 15 日, 允許提前收養。該公司目前正在評估採用亞利桑那州立大學的影響 2023-07 並打算在公司的年度報告表格中採納和報告該主題 10-k 代表年底 2024 年 12 月 31 日。
3. | 固定資產,淨值 |
截至目前,淨值的財產和設備元件由以下內容組成: 2024年9月30日 和 2023年12月31日:
2024年9月30日, | 12月31日, | |||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
傢俱和固定裝置 | $ | $ | ||||||
租賃改良 | ||||||||
機械和設備 | ||||||||
車輛 | ||||||||
測試/演示車輛 | ||||||||
總財產與設備 | ||||||||
減少已計提折舊額 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
淨固定資產和設備 | $ | $ |
折舊費用爲 $
4. | Debt |
開啓 2022年7月15日, 該公司與北卡羅來納州富國銀行簽訂了設備融資協議,內容涉及購買設施地面設備。這美元
自從 2023年8月20日, 公司與第一保險融資公司簽訂了一項保費融資協議,以爲保險覆蓋(除董事和高管保險外)提供融資。$
自從 2024年6月15日, 公司與第一保險融資公司簽訂了一項保費融資協議,以爲其董事和高管的保險提供資金。該$
自從 2024年8月20日, 公司與AFCO保險保費融資達成協議,用於爲董事及高管以外的保險保障提供融資。該$
在 2024年1月18日, 公司與一名無關的
公司選擇以公允價值計量票據和期權。在評估票據的公允價值時,採用蒙特卡羅模擬模型。所需輸入包括當前股價、無風險利率和普通股的波動率。該票據的公允價值被分類爲Level 2 按照ASC提供的公允價值層次結構,該票據被分類爲Level 820. 在估算期權的公允價值時,使用了Black-Scholes Merton模型。所需輸入包括當前股價、行權價格、期權期限、無風險利率和普通股的波動率。期權的公允價值被分類爲Level 2 按照ASC提供的公允價值層次結構,該期權的公允價值被分類爲Level 820. 票據和期權的公允估值使用的輸入是除了報價價格之外的可直接或間接觀察到的其他因素。
在 2024年8月13日, 公司與Phillip W. Oldridge(「Oldridge先生」)簽訂了一項長期貸款安排(「Oldridge貸款」),Oldridge先生向EVTV借款$
金額 | ||||
2024 | $ | |||
2025 | ||||
2026 | ||||
157,350 | $ |
5. | 股東權益 |
在 2024年9月12日, 公司與 四 私人投資者簽署了證券購買協議,涉及定向增發總額的
開啓 2024 年 9 月 23 日(在 「生效日期」)中,公司與YA II PN, Ltd.(「約克維爾」)簽訂了備用股權購買協議(「原始SEPA」)。根據最初的 SEPA,在遵守某些限制和條件的前提下,公司有權自行決定, 不 有義務向約克維爾出售,約克維爾同意從公司收購,總金額不超過美元
6. | 股票期權 |
截至當前,公司的優先認股權證爲 2024年9月30日 總結如下,並且在該日期均可行使。
股票數量 | 行權價 | 剩餘合同期限(年) | ||||||||||
到期未行使的warrants | $ | |||||||||||
到期未行使的warrants | $ | |||||||||||
到期未行使的warrants | $ | |||||||||||
截至2024年9月30日的未償還warrants | $ |
2020年12月 權證
根據2020年12月24日簽署的某證券購買協議( ("購買協議"),公司與某些機構和認證投資者簽署了該協議,根據該協議,公司出售併發行了公司的普通股以及相關的warrants,供投資者購買更多公司的普通股,分幾輪進行 兩 ("融資"),其中包含一項看漲條款, 13公司在發行日期的月週年之後,如果該日期的普通股成交量加權平均價格超過 四 倍的warrants行使價格 20 連續交易日, 可能 看漲已經被執行的warrants, 在測試商譽減值時,公司可以選擇 之前被行使, warrants的持有人有 十 在warrants可行使之前的交易日 可以 被取消。Warrants 從這些 warrants 中,普通股的 warrants 在
2024年9月 權證
詳見備註 5 與私募配售有關的發行的權證披露的股東權益 2024年9月12日。
7. | 期權和受限股 |
傑出的期權 2024年9月30日 如下:
加權 | ||||||||||||
平均 | ||||||||||||
剩餘 | ||||||||||||
數量 | 行使 | 合同年限 | ||||||||||
股份 | 價格 | (年) | ||||||||||
2023年12月31日未行使的股票期權 | $ | |||||||||||
2024年9月30日結束的9個月內授予的期權(已到期): | ( | ) | $ | |||||||||
以2.11美元的行使價格授予的期權 | $ | |||||||||||
以2.66美元的行使價格授予的期權 | $ | |||||||||||
以2.44美元的行使價格授予的期權 | $ | |||||||||||
以1.50美元的行使價格授予的期權 | $ | |||||||||||
以2.75美元的行使價格授予的期權 | $ | |||||||||||
期權行權價爲$2.65時被放棄 | ( | ) | $ | |||||||||
期權行權價爲$1.76時被授予 | $ | |||||||||||
期權行權價爲$1.49時被授予 | $ | |||||||||||
期權行權價爲$2.20時被授予 | $ | |||||||||||
2024年9月30日的未行使股票權證 | ||||||||||||
期權行權價爲$2.00時尚未行使 | $ | |||||||||||
期權行權價爲$2.40時尚未行使 | $ | |||||||||||
期權行權價爲$9.00尚未行使 | $ | |||||||||||
26.20美元行權價的未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
2.65美元行權價的未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
2.10美元行權價的已授予未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
2.11美元行權價的未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
2.66美元行權價的未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
2.44美元行權價的未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
1.50美元行權價的未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
2.75美元行權價的未到期期權 | $ | |||||||||||
期權以1.76美元行權價授予 | $ | |||||||||||
期權以1.49美元行權價授予 | $ | |||||||||||
期權以2.20美元行權價授予 | $ | |||||||||||
截至2024年9月30日爲止尚未行使 | $ |
在 2024年9月30日
在 2024年1月18日, 與附註中披露的附註一起 4 - 債務,公司發行了
在 2024年2月14日, 公司的董事會("董事會")的薪酬委員會("薪酬委員會")授予了一名員工購買期權,
在 2024年2月23日, 薪酬委員會授予公司首席財務官Franklin Lim購買期權
在 4月17, 2024, 薪酬委員會授予一名員工購買期權
在 2024年6月3日, 薪酬委員會向一名員工授予購買期權
在 2024年6月17日, 薪酬委員會授予一名員工期權,允許其購買
截至 2024年9月30日,未行使的期權內在價值爲$
在 2024年2月28日, 公司向外部方發行期權以購買
在 2023年11月,FASB發佈了會計準則更新("ASU") 公司授予了
8. | 關聯方交易 |
該公司已與SRI專業服務公司(「SRI」)簽訂了租賃協議,根據該協議,公司租賃與業務運營相關的設備(「SRI設備租賃」)。公司首席執行官兼董事會主席菲利普·奧爾德里奇擔任SRI的執行官和董事會成員。SRI 設備租賃規定租賃二起動的車輛 2020 年 1 月 1 日而此類租賃的總租金爲美元
公司已與Alpha Bravo Charlie, Inc.(「ABCI」)簽訂了一份商業租賃協議(「ABCI辦公室租賃」),該協議自 2020年4月1日起生效,租賃位於加利福尼亞州波特維爾的辦公空間。本設施的每月租金約爲$
公司在2024年3月31日結束的三個月內,在銷售,一般和管理費用中錄入了$ million的收購相關成本,這些成本與完成的交易、未完成的交易以及潛在交易有關,包括最終未完成的交易。 同時,公司還在成本費用中記錄了$ million公允價值庫存的追加費用,該庫存與2023年完成的STC相關聯。
詳見備註 4 - 與奧爾德里奇貸款有關的披露債務,這是在交易期間處理的相關方貸款 第三 季度 2024.
9. | 承諾 |
在 2021年12月31日, 公司與首席執行官菲利普·W·奧德里奇(以下簡稱「奧德里奇協議」)以及時任執行副總裁蘇珊·M·埃姆瑞(以下簡稱「埃姆瑞協議」)簽訂了僱傭協議。根據奧德里奇協議,自 2021年3月1日生效, 奧德里奇先生的年度基本工資爲$
On March 28, 2023, the Company entered into an agreement with Berthaphil, Inc. ("Berthaphil") to sublease approximately
On March 18, 2024, the Company entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement (the "PlugD Agreement") with PlugD Commercial Electric Leasing and Rentals Inc. ("PlugD"), a Texas-based commercial electric vehicle leasing company. Under the terms of the PlugD Agreement, the Company will deliver 200 electric high roof vans and trucks to PlugD for a total of approximately $
10. | Contingencies |
Except as set forth below, we know of no material, existing or pending, legal proceedings against our Company, nor are we involved as a plaintiff in any material proceeding or pending litigation. There are no proceedings in which any of our directors, officers or affiliates, or any registered or beneficial stockholder of more than 5% of our common stock, or any associate of any of the foregoing persons, is an adverse party or has a material interest adverse to our interest.
GreenPower Litigation
On December 17, 2019, GreenPower Motor Company Inc., a public company incorporated under the laws of British Columbia (“GreenPower”), of which Phillip W. Oldridge, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, previously served as a senior officer and a member of its board of directors, filed a notice of civil claim, captioned GreenPower Motor Company Inc. v. Phillip Oldridge et al., Action No. S-1914285, in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, against Phillip Oldridge, his trust, Envirotech Drive Systems, Inc. and certain other companies affiliated therewith. On February 2, 2020, the Company and the other companies affiliated therewith named in the notice of civil claim filed a response to the civil claim in which they denied certain of the allegations. Fact discovery, through document disclosure and examinations for discoveries, in this matter remains ongoing. The Company believes it has meritorious defenses against GreenPower's claims and intends to vigorously defend itself against those claims.
On or about July 18, 2021, GreenPower and GP GreenPower Industries Inc. (collectively “the GreenPower entities”), filed a counterclaim against David Oldridge, Phillip Oldridge, the Company and other companies in Supreme Court of British Columbia Action No. S207532. The pleadings in this lawsuit have not closed and the Company intends to vigorously defend itself against the counterclaim.
On February 8, 2022, GreenPower Motor Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and GreenPower Motor Company Inc., a Canadian corporation, filed a complaint captioned GreenPower Motor Company, Inc. v. Phillip Oldridge, et al., Case No. 5:22-cv-00252 in the United States District Court for the Central District of California. The complaint’s allegations are centered around the same assertions in the pending Canadian litigation.
On May 10, 2022, the Company, together with other defendants, filed a Motion to Dismiss and/or Stay the lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Central District of California pending the outcome of the Canadian litigation. The Court issued stay of this case pending resolution of parallel litigation in Canada between similar parties. GreenPower and defendants have agreed that the U.S. GreenPower case will not proceed while Canadian litigation is pending. The Company believes that it has meritorious defenses against the Greenpower entities' claims and intends to vigorously defend itself against such claims.
11. | Leases |
Operating leases
The Company has active operating lease arrangements for office space and warehouse facilities. The Company is typically required to make fixed minimum rent payments relating to its right to use the underlying leased assets. Although these leases have terms that are either month-to-month or terms that are one year or less (with renewal options), the Company concluded in the fourth quarter of 2023 that the term renewal options are reasonably certain to be exercised. As a result of changes in certain circumstances related to some of the Company's short-term leases, the Company was required to classify such leases as operating leases in accordance with the provisions of ASC 842. Therefore, the Company recognized operating lease liabilities with corresponding ROU assets based on the present value of the minimum rental payments of such leases.
On March 28, 2023, the Company entered into the Berthaphil Sublease with Berthaphil to sublease approximately
On July 1, 2024, the Company entered into a month-to-month lease contract with Southern Management Corporation to lease a residence in Osceola, Arkansas for the purpose of housing certain of the Company's employees. The monthly lease cost is $
On August 26, 2024, the Company entered into a one-year lease contract with 120 Park SD, LLC to lease a location in Manalapan, New Jersey with the purpose of servicing the Company's New Jersey customers. The monthly lease cost is $
The Company's lease agreements do not provide an implicit borrowing rate. Therefore, the Company used a benchmark approach to derive an appropriate incremental borrowing rate. The Company benchmarked itself against other companies of similar credit ratings and comparable credit quality and derived an incremental borrowing rate to discount each of its lease liabilities based on the remaining lease terms.
ROU assets at September 30, 2024 were $
Quantitative information regarding the Company’s leases is as follows:
Nine Months Ended | ||||||||
September 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Lease expenses | ||||||||
Operating lease expenses | $ | $ | ||||||
Short-term lease expenses | ||||||||
Total lease cost | $ | $ | ||||||
Other information | ||||||||
Cash paid for the amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities for operating leases: | ||||||||
Operating cash flows | $ | $ | ||||||
Weighted-average remaining lease term (in years): | ||||||||
Operating leases | — | |||||||
Weighted-average discount rate: | ||||||||
Operating leases | % | % |
Future minimum payments under operating leases are as follows:
2024 | $ | |||
2025 | ||||
Total payments | $ |
12. | Subsequent Events |
The Company evaluates subsequent events that have occurred after the balance sheet date but before the consolidated financial statements are issued. There are two types of subsequent events: (1) recognized, or those that provide additional evidence with respect to conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet, including the estimates inherent in the process of preparing financial statements, and (2) non-recognized, or those that provide evidence with respect to conditions that did not exist at the date of the balance sheet but arose subsequent to that date.
Amended and Restated Standby Equity Purchase Agreement
On October 31, 2024 (the "Effective Date"), the Company entered into an amended and restated standby equity purchase agreement (the "A&R SEPA") that amends and restates in its entirety the Original SEPA with Yorkville. The terms of the A&R SEPA are substantially consistent with the terms of the Original SEPA, except that, pursuant to the A&R SEPA, Yorkville agreed to advance to the Company, subject to certain conditions, the principal amount of $
Maddox acquisition
On October 30, 2024, the Company entered into a membership interest purchase agreement (the “MIPA”) with Maddox Industries, LLC (“Maddox Industries”), a provider of government contracting solutions based in Puerto Rico, and Jason Maddox, the sole member of Maddox Industries, to acquire all of the outstanding membership interests in Maddox Industries from Mr. Maddox. As consideration for the acquisition of Maddox Industries, at the closing, the Company will issue
The following discussion of our financial condition and the results of operations should be read in conjunction with the unaudited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q (“Quarterly Report”) and the audited financial statements and notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 28, 2024. This discussion contains forward-looking statements that are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, among others, those identified under the “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” above in this Quarterly Report.
We are a provider of purpose-built zero-emission electric vehicles focused on reducing the total cost of vehicle ownership and helping fleet operators unlock the benefits of green technology. We serve commercial and last-mile fleets, school districts, public and private transportation service companies and colleges and universities to meet the increasing demand for light to heavy-duty electric vehicles. Our vehicles address the challenges of traditional fuel price instability and local, state and federal regulatory compliance.
Factors Affecting Our Performance
We believe that the growth and future success of our business depend on various opportunities, challenges and other factors, including the following:
Availability of government subsidies, rebates and economic incentives. We believe that the availability of government subsidies, rebates, and economic incentives is currently a critical factor considered by our customers when purchasing our zero-emission systems or converting their existing vehicles to zero-emission-electric or hybrids, and that our growth depends in large part on the availability and amounts of these subsidies and economic incentives. As an alternative to being dependent on such funding, however, we are exploring the possibility of leasing our vehicles to our customers as well.
New customers. We are competing with other companies and technologies to help fleet managers and their districts/companies more efficiently and cost-effectively manage their fleet operations. Once these fleet managers have decided they want to buy from us, we still face challenges with helping them to obtain financing options to reduce the cost barriers to purchasing. We may also encounter customers with inadequate electrical services at their facilities that may delay their ability to purchase from us.
Dependence on external sources of financing of our operations. We have historically depended on external sources of capital to finance our operations. Accordingly, our future performance will depend in part upon our ability to achieve independence from external sources for the financing of our operations.
Investment in growth. We plan to continue to invest for long-term growth. We anticipate that our operating expenses will continue increasing for the foreseeable future as we invest in research and development to enhance our zero-emission electric vehicles and systems; design, develop and manufacture our commercial fleet vehicles and their components; increase our sales and marketing to acquire new customers; and increase our general and administrative functions to support our growing operations. We believe that these investments will contribute to our long-term growth, although they will adversely affect our results of operations in the near term. In addition, the timing of these investments can result in fluctuations in our annual and quarterly operating results.
Zero-emission electric vehicle experience. Our dealer and service network is not currently completely established, although we do have certain agreements in place. One issue they may have, and we may encounter, is finding appropriately trained technicians with zero-emission electric fleet vehicle experience. Our performance will depend on having a robust dealer and service network, which will require appropriately trained technicians to be successful. Because vehicles that utilize our technology are based on a different technology platform than traditional internal combustion engines, individuals with sufficient training in zero-emission electric vehicles may not be available to hire, and we may need to expend significant time and expense training the employees we do hire. If we are not able to attract, assimilate, train or retain additional highly qualified personnel in the future, or do so cost-effectively, our performance would be significantly and adversely affected.
Market growth. We believe the market for all-electric solutions for alternative fuel technology, specifically all-electric vehicles, will continue to grow as more purchases of new zero-emission vehicles and as more conversions of existing fleet vehicles to zero-emission vehicles are made. However, unless the costs to produce such vehicles decrease dramatically, purchasers of our products will continue to depend in large part on financing subsidies from government agencies. We cannot be assured of the continued availability, the amounts of such assistance to our customers, or our ability to access such funds.
Sales revenue growth from additional products. We seek to add to our product offerings additional zero-emission vehicles of all sizes to be marketed, sold, warrantied and serviced through our developing distribution and service network, as well as add other ancillary products discussed elsewhere in this report.
Third-party contractors, suppliers and manufacturers. We rely upon third parties to supply us with raw materials, parts, components and services in adequate quantity in a timely manner and at reasonable prices, quality levels, and volumes acceptable to us.
Components of Results of Operations
Sales are recognized from the sales of new, purpose-built zero-emission electric vehicles and from providing vehicle maintenance and safety inspection services. Sales are recognized in accordance with ASC 606, as discussed in Note 2 to our unaudited consolidated financial statements included in this Quarterly Report.
Cost of Sales
Cost of sales includes those costs related to the development, manufacture, and distribution of our products. Specifically, we include in cost of sales each of the following: material costs (including commodity costs); freight costs; labor and other costs related to the development and manufacture of our products; and other associated costs. Cost of sales also includes costs related to the valuation of inventory due to impairment, obsolescence, or shrinkage.
General and Administrative Expenses
Selling, general and administrative expenses include all corporate and administrative functions that support our company, including personnel-related expense and stock-based compensation costs; costs related to investor relations activities; including product recall and customer satisfaction program costs; consulting costs; marketing-related expenses; and other expenses that cannot be included in cost of sales.
Consulting and Research and Development Costs
These expenses are related to our consulting and research and development activity.
Other (Expense)Income, Net
Other (expense)/income include non-operating income and expenses, including interest income and expense.
Provision for Income Taxes
We account for income taxes in accordance with ASC 740 which requires the recognition of deferred income tax assets and liabilities for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statements carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. Under ASC 740, the effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period the enactment occurs. A valuation allowance is provided for certain deferred tax assets if it is more likely than not that we will not realize tax assets through future operations. Because we have incurred only losses to this point, no provision for income taxes has been made in 2024.
Results of Operations
The following discussion compares our results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 to the corresponding periods ended September 30, 2023:
Sales for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were $0 and $100,024, respectively. Sales for the three months ended September 30, 2023 consisted of logistics cargo vans. The decrease in sales was primarily due to among other things, less favorable market conditions in 2024 as compared to 2023 and our focus during the third quarter of 2024 on building up our facility for future anticipated sales.
Sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were $1,623,260 and $2,756,103, respectively. Sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 consisted primarily of 11 logistics cargo van, three cab and chassis trucks, one passenger van, two zippers, one sweeper and one forklift. Sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 consisted of 25 logistics cargo vans and one cab and chassis truck. The decrease in sales was primarily due to among other things, lower number of units sold, unfavorable product mix and less favorable market conditions in 2024 as compared to 2023.
Cost of Sales
Cost of sales for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were $133,931 and $80,283, respectively. Cost of sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were $1,245,149 and $1,739,005, respectively. Cost of sales for the three months ended September 30, 2024 consisted primarily of certain service costs related to our vehicles.
Gross margin percentage was 20% for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin percentage was 23% and 37% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The decrease in gross margin percentage was primarily due to less favorable product mix.
General and Administrative ("G&A") Expenses
G&A expenses were $1,395,921 and $2,578,727 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. G&A expenses decreased by $1,182,806 primarily due to a decrease of $1,087,112 in stock compensation expense as a result of equity awards that vested immediately during the three months ended September 30, 2023, and lower costs of $95,694 during the three months ended September 30, 2024.
G&A expenses were $6,056,919 and $6,785,405 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. G&A expenses decreased by $728,486 primarily due lower legal and litigation costs of $489,484, lower marketing costs of $251,888, lower travel costs of $310,224, lower contract labor costs of $291,235, lower payroll costs of $115,231, lower investor relations costs and lower other expenses of $37,223, most of which were due to our cost savings initiative implemented to conserve spending, partially offset by an increase of $574,007 in stock compensation expense due to equity awarded during the first quarter of 2024 that vested immediately, and higher insurance costs of $192,792 due to higher overall premiums during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Consulting Expenses
Consulting expenses were $55,000 and ($13,312) for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Consulting expenses were $55,000 and $207,930 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase in consulting expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 versus the same period in 2023 was due to search and other labor costs for employees in anticipation of future expansion in the Osceola, Arkansas region. The decrease in consulting expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023 was due to a decrease in search costs for key employees.
Research and Development ("R&D") Expenses
R&D expenses were $20,470 and $46,734 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, as the level of activity was significantly reduced. R&D expenses were $152,351 and $175,546 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively as the level of activity was significantly reduced.
Goodwill Impairment Charge
Due to our declining stock price, we conducted an impairment test related to our goodwill. As a result of this test, we recorded an impairment charge of $3,392,129 related to our goodwill for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. No impairment charges were recorded for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Unrealized loss on financial instruments at fair value
We recorded a non-cash unrealized gain of $403,625 and an unrealized loss of $595,783 for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, on our financial instruments that we elected to measure at fair value.
Cash Flows
The following table summarizes our cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Nine months ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Cash flows used in operating activities |
$ | (2,848,876 | ) | $ | (4,039,576 | ) | ||
Cash flows (used in) provided by investing activities |
(229,029 | ) | 2,306,312 | |||||
Cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities |
3,303,840 | (213,161 | ) | |||||
Net change in cash, restricted cash and cash equivalents |
$ | 225,935 | $ | (1,946,425 | ) |
Operating Activities
Net cash used in operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $2,848,876, primarily due to a net loss of $6,644,237, partially offset by changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of $1,094,222 and non-cash operating charges of $2,701,139. The changes in operating assets and liabilities, net was due to a decrease in inventory deposits of $443,074, a decrease in inventory of $127,372, a decrease in other assets of $232,102, an increase in accounts payable of $317,456 and an increase in accrued liabilities of $700,014, partially offset by an increase in accounts receivable of $398,297, a decrease in other liabilities of $215,109 and an increase in prepaid expenses of $112,390.
Net cash used in operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $4,039,576, primarily due to a net loss of $9,510,360, partially offset by changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of $677,631 and non-cash operating charges of $4,793,153, of which $3,392,192 was related to a non-cash goodwill impairment charge and $1,297,384 was related to non-cash stock-based compensation expense. The changes in operating assets and liabilities, net was due to a decrease in accounts receivable of $449,322 as cash collections outpaced sales, a decrease of $1,696,180 in inventory deposits, a decrease in prepaid expenses of $3,190, an increase in accounts payable of $90,272, partially offset by an increase in inventory of $1,210,921, an increase in other assets of $112,382 and decrease in accrued liabilities of $238,030.
We expect cash used in operating activities to fluctuate significantly in future periods as a result of a number of factors, some of which are outside of our control, including, among others: the success we achieve in generating revenue; the success we have in helping our customers obtain financing and government incentives to subsidize their purchases of our products; our ability to efficiently develop our dealer and service network; the costs of batteries and other materials utilized to make our products; the extent to which we need to invest additional funds in research and development; and the amount of expenses we incur to satisfy future warranty claims.
Investing Activities
Net cash used in investing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $229,029, primarily from the purchase of property and equipment used in our current operations.
Net cash provided by investing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $2,306,312, primarily due to the sale of our marketable securities of $2,342,643, partially offset by $36,331 of capital expenditures.
Financing Activities
Net cash provided by financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $3,303,840, primarily due to proceeds from the issuance of our common stock of $1,799,248, proceeds from the issuance of a convertible note of $901,000, proceeds from the Oldridge loan of $300,000 and proceeds from issuance of debt for $648,937, partially offset by the repayment of debt of $345,345.
Net cash used in financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $213,161, primarily due to the principal repayments on debt.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 30, 2024, we had cash and cash equivalents of $682,654 and working capital of approximately $8,666,627. We believe that our existing cash and cash equivalents will be sufficient to fund our operations during the next twelve months and beyond. However, we may not successfully execute our business plan, and if we do not, we may need additional capital to continue our operations and support the increased working capital requirements associated with the fulfillment of purchase orders.
In February 2022, we announced Osceola, Arkansas as the site of our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and new corporate offices. The facility of approximately 580,000 square feet is currently our headquarters and is planned to become our primary manufacturing facility. We are currently in final stages of due diligence and contract negotiation with the City of Osceola and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. However, additional debt and/or equity capital will be required in order to purchase related equipment and set up production lines and is expected to require significant investment through the foreseeable future. We expect that investments and employee hiring requirements over the next 10 years will provide an opportunity for us to obtain significant local tax incentives, provided that the qualifying expenditures are made, and other related conditions are met. We are not currentlycontractually obligated to make these expenditures.
Line of Credit
Effective August 4, 2022, we secured a line of credit from Centennial Bank. Borrowings under the line of credit bore interest at 2.75% annually. There was no maturity date for the line, but Centennial Bank could at any time, in its sole discretion and without cause, demand us to immediately repay any and all outstanding obligations under the line of credit in whole or in part. The line was secured by the cash and cash equivalents maintained by us in our Centennial Bank accounts. Borrowings under the line could not exceed cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities balances up to $1,000,000. This line was closed during the third quarter of 2023 and there was no principal amount outstanding at the time of closing.
Equity Line of Credit
On the Effective Date, we entered into the Original SEPA with Yorkville which was amended and restated on October 31, 2024 pursuant to the A&R SEPA (together with the Original SEPA, the “SEPA”). Pursuant to the SEPA, Yorkville will advance to us, subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions as set forth therein, the principal amount of $3 million (the “Pre-Paid Advance”), which will be evidenced by convertible promissory notes (the “Promissory Notes”) in two tranches. The Promissory Notes will accrue interest on the outstanding principal balance at an annual rate equal to 0%, which will increase to an annual rate of 18% upon the occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Promissory Notes) or a Registration Event (as defined in the Promissory Notes) for so long as such event remains uncured. The Promissory Notes will mature on November 13, 2025, which may be extended at the option of Yorkville. The Promissory Notes are convertible at a conversion price equal to the lower of (i) $2.1480 per share or (ii) 93% of the lowest daily volume weighted average price of our common stock on Nasdaq as reported by Bloomberg L.P. (“VWAP”) during the five consecutive trading days immediately preceding the conversion date (but no lower than the “floor price” then in effect, which is $0.3580 per share, subject to adjustment from time to time in accordance with the terms contained in the Promissory Notes).
The first tranche of the Pre-Paid Advance was disbursed on October 31, 2024 in the principal amount of $2 million. The second tranche of the Pre-Paid Advance will be in the principal amount of $1 million and advanced on the second trading day after the effectiveness of the registration statement filed for resale of all shares of common stock that are to be offered and sold to Yorkville pursuant to the SEPA. At the closing of each Pre-Paid Advance, Yorkville will advance to the Company the principal amount of the applicable tranche of the Pre-Paid Advance, less a discount in the amount equal to 5% of the principal amount of such tranche of the Pre-Paid Advance netted from the purchase price due and structured as an original issue discount. SeeNote 5 - Stockholders' Equity and Note 12 - Subsequent Events for additional information related to the SEPA.
Capital Expenditures
We do not have any contractual obligations for ongoing capital expenditures at this time. We do, however, purchase equipment necessary to conduct our operations on an as needed basis and will continue increasing those expenditures as we transfer assembly and corporate functions to the Osceola Arkansas facility.
Contractual Obligations
Other than as disclosed in the unaudited consolidated financial statements in Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2024, we have no contractual obligations.
Critical Accounting Policies and Significant Judgments and Estimates
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP. The preparation of our consolidated financial statements and related disclosures requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, costs and expenses, and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities in our financial statements. We base our estimates on historical experience, known trends and events and various other factors that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. We evaluate our estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis. Our actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.
We define our critical accounting policies as those accounting principles under GAAP that require us to make subjective estimates and judgments about matters that are uncertain and are likely to have a material impact on our financial condition and results of operations as well as the specific manner in which we apply those principles.
Smaller Reporting Company Status
We are a “smaller reporting company” as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act. We may continue to be a smaller reporting company if either (i) the market value of our shares held by non-affiliates is less than $250 million or (ii) our annual revenue is less than $100 million during the most recently completed fiscal year and the market value of our shares held by non-affiliates is less than $700 million as of the last business day of our most recently completed second fiscal quarter. We may take advantage of certain exemptions from various reporting requirements that are applicable to other public companies that are not smaller reporting companies, including reduced disclosure about our executive compensation arrangements.
We are exposed to market risks in the ordinary course of our business. We do not currently face material market risks such as interest rate fluctuation risk and foreign currency exchange risk. Our cash and cash equivalents include cash in readily available checking and money market accounts. These investments are not dependent on interest rate fluctuations that may cause the principal amount of these investments to fluctuate, and we do not expect such fluctuation will have a material impact on our financial conditions. If we issue additional debt in the future, we will be subject to interest rate risk. The majority of our expenses are denominated in the U.S. dollar.
We may face risks associated with the costs of raw materials, primarily batteries, as we go into production. To the extent these and other risks materialize, they could have a material effect on our operating results or financial condition. We currently anticipate that our international selling, marketing and administrative costs related to foreign sales, if any, will be largely denominated in United States dollars, which may create foreign currency exchange risk exposure.
Limitations on Effectiveness of Controls and Procedures
In designing and evaluating our disclosure controls and procedures, management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, cannot provide absolute assurance of achieving the desired control objectives. In addition, the design of disclosure controls and procedures must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints, and that management is required to apply judgment in evaluating the benefits of possible controls and procedures relative to their costs. Similarly, an evaluation of controls cannot provide absolute assurance that misstatements due to error or fraud will not occur or that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, have been detected.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Our management, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”)) as of September 30, 2024. Based on this evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer have concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective as of such time due to the material weakness described below:
We have been unable to maintain appropriate segregation of duties. We have yet to fully resolve such deficiencies as of the date of this filing. We have engaged, and continue to seek additional, experienced accounting professionals with relevant expertise to provide additional accounting services to supplement our efforts and mitigate the negative effects of our limited accounting staff.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There was no change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting during the most recent three-month period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.
Except as described in Note 10 - Contingencies, there were no material developments during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 in the legal proceedings described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023
There were no material changes from the risk factors previously disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
On September 16, 2024, the Company, through a private placement exempt from registration under the Securities Act, sold 60,241 shares of Common Stock at a price of $1.66 per share and a warrant to purchase up to 60,241 shares of Common Stock to a private investor for a purchase price of $1.66 (exclusive of proceeds from any future exercise of the warrant). The warrant has a term of two years and is exercisable at any time after September 16, 2024, at an exercise price of $1.66 per share.
Not applicable.
A list of exhibits is set forth at the end of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the information required by this item.
Incorporated by Reference |
Exhibit Number |
Exhibit Description |
Form |
File No. |
Exhibit |
Filing Date |
Filed Herewith |
2.1 | Membership Interest Purchase Agreement, dated as of October 30, 2024, by and among Maddox Industries, LLC, Jason Maddox, and Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. | 8-K | 001-38078 | 2.1 | 11/5/2024 | |||||||
10.1 | Standby Equity Purchase Agreement, dated September 23, 2024, by and between Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. and YA II PN, Ltd. | 8-K | 001-38078 | 10.1 | 9/27/2024 | |||||||
31.1 |
Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification of Chief Executive Officer |
X |
31.2 |
Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification of Chief Financial Officer |
X |
32.1# |
X | |||||||||||
32.2# |
X | |||||||||||
101.INS |
Inline XBRL Instance Document* |
X |
101.SCH |
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document* |
X |
101.CAL |
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document* |
X |
101.LAB |
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document* |
X |
101.PRE |
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document* |
X |
101.DEF |
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definitions Linkbase Document* |
X |
104 | Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101). |
# |
The information in Exhibits 32.1 and 32.2 shall not be deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Exchange Act, or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section, nor shall they be deemed incorporated by reference in any filing under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act (including this Quarterly Report), unless the Registrant specifically incorporates the foregoing information into those documents by reference. |
* |
In accordance with Rule 402 of Regulation S-T, this interactive data file is deemed not filed or part of this Quarterly Report for purposes of Sections 11 or 12 of the Securities Act or Section 18 of the Exchange Act and otherwise is not subject to liability under these sections. |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Quarterly Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. |
Date: November 14, 2024 |
By: |
/s/ Phillip W. Oldridge |
Phillip W. Oldridge |
Chief Executive Officer |
(Principal Executive Officer) |
Date: November 14, 2024 | By: |
/s/ Franklin Lim |
Franklin Lim |
Chief Financial Officer |
(Principal Financial and Accounting Officer) |