華盛頓特區 20549
表格 10-Q
截至2024年6月30日季度結束 2024年9月30日
委員會檔案編號: 001-36751
OCGN Logo.jpg
ocugen, INC.
11 大谷公園道
Malvern, 賓夕法尼亞 19355
(484) 328-4701
The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC
請以勾選方式表明公司已依據1934年證券交易所法第13條或第15(d)條的規定在過去12個月內(或在公司被要求提交該等報告的較短期間內)提交了所有的報告,並在過去90天內受到該等提交要求的約束。☒未選擇 ☐已選
請以核對符號表示,登記者在過去12個月內(或登記者要求提交此類文件的較短期間內)是否已根據《S-t條例第405條》(本章第232.405條)的規定,提交了每一個需要提交的互動數據文件。  ☒    不是  ☐
如果是新興成長型公司,請在勾選處表明,若公司已選擇不適用根據《交易所法》第13(a)條提供的任何新的或修改後的財務會計標準的延長過渡期。 ☐
請勾選表示,公司是否為殼公司(根據《交易所法》第120億2條定義)。 是 ☐ 否
截至 2024年11月12日291,320,280 註冊公司普通股的已發行股份,每股面值0.01美元。

ocugen, INC.
除非本報告的上下文另有要求,否則本報告中提到的 "公司"、"我們"、"我們的" 或 "我們" 是指Ocugen, Inc.及其子公司,而提到的 "OpCo" 是指Ocugen OpCo, Inc.,該公司是本公司的全資子公司。

此Form 10-Q季度報告包含涉及重大風險和不確定性的前瞻性陳述。除了本季度報告中關於我們策略、未來運營、未來財務狀況、未來收入、預期成本、前景、計劃和管理目標的歷史事實陳述之外,所有其他陳述均屬前瞻性陳述。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他重要因素,可能導致我們的實際結果、表現或成就與前瞻性陳述中所表達或暗示的任何未來結果、表現或成就有實質差異。 “預計”、“相信”、“估計”、“期待”、“打算”、“可能”、“計劃”、“預測”、“項目”、“將”、“將”或類似表現都是為了識別前瞻性陳述,儘管並非所有前瞻性陳述都包含這些識別詞。此類陳述基於可能無法實現的假設和期望,並且固有地受到風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,其中許多因素無法準確預測,有些甚至可能無法預測。

此外,"我們相信"等表述反映了我們對相關主題的信仰和觀點。這些陳述基於我們自Form 10-Q季度報告之日期起可得之資訊,雖然我們認為該信息為這些陳述提供了合理的基礎,但這些信息可能是有限的或不完整的,我們的陳述不應被視為表明我們對所有相關信息進行了全面調查或審查。這些陳述具有固有的不確定性,投資者應謹慎不要過度依賴這些陳述。我們用這些警語來賦予我們所有前瞻性陳述的限制。此外,在我們所有的前瞻性陳述方面,我們聲明受1995年私人證券訴訟改革法中前瞻性陳述安全港的保護。

第一部分 — 財務信息
ocugen, INC.
現金$38,696 $39,462 
預付費用及其他流動資產1,977 3,509 
流動資產總額40,673 42,971 
不動產及設備,淨額17,130 17,290 
其他資產3,828 4,286 
總資產$61,936 64,547 
應付帳款$1,494 $3,172 
應計費用及其他流動負債12,475 13,343 
營運租賃負債477 574 
流動負債總額15,762 17,089 
營運租賃負債扣除當期部分3,419 3,567 
長期負債,淨額1,571 2,800 
其他非流動負債554 527 
總非當期負債5,544 6,894 
總負債21,306 23,983 
可轉換優先股; $0.01 面值; 10,000,000 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,授權的股份數量
系列b可轉換優先股; 截至2024年9月30日,已發行並流通的股份為資產 54,745 截至2023年12月31日已發行及流通的股份
普通股; $0.01 面值; 390,000,000 授權股份數, 290,384,252256,688,304 股份已發行, 290,262,752256,566,804 股份於2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分別流通; 同時
2,904 2,567 
按成本核算的庫藏股 121,500 2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日的股份
資本公積額額外增資364,092 324,191 
其他綜合收益累積額23 20 
股東權益總額40,630 40,564 
負債總額及股東權益合計$61,936 $64,547 

ocugen, INC.
合作安排營業收入$1,136 $3,699 $3,291 $4,627 
總營業收入1,136 3,699 3,291 4,627 
研發8,108 7,048 23,836 31,794 
總務和行政6,280 9,082 20,372 26,839 
營業費用總額14,388 16,130 44,208 58,633 
其他收入(費用),淨額282 714 743 1,898 
外幣翻譯調整(5)5 3 2 
可銷售證券未實現收益(損失)$ $ $ $(1)
用於計算每普通股基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份278,171,593 256,492,558 264,303,494 240,222,667 
歸屬於普通股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋$(0.05)$(0.05)$(0.15)$(0.22)
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的淨損失 — 基本和稀釋  (46) 
用於計算每B轉換可轉換優先股的基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份  54,745  
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋$ $ $(0.84)$ 


ocugen, INC.
截至2023年12月31日的餘額54,745$1 256,688,304$2,567 $(48)$324,191 $20 $(286,167)$40,564 
以股票為基礎的供款支出— — — — — 1,761 — — 1,761 
發行普通股以配股選擇和受限制股票單位解鎖,淨值— — 758,460 8 — (153)— — (145)
其他綜合收益(損失)— — — — — — 5 — 5 
淨虧損— — — — — — — (11,924)(11,924)
截至2024年3月31日的餘額54,745 $1 257,446,764 $2,575 $(48)$325,799 $25 $(298,091)$30,261 
基於股票的薪酬費用— — — — — 1,898 — — 1,898 
發行普通股以平行選擇權行使和受限股單解禁,淨額— — 95,860 1 — 44 — — 45 
B輪可轉換優先股回購(54,745)(1)— — — 1 — —  
其他全面收益(損失)— — — — — — 3 — 3 
淨虧損— — — — — — — (15,280)(15,280)
截至2024年6月30日的餘額 $ 257,542,624 $2,576 $(48)$327,742 $28 $(313,371)$16,927 
股票基礎的補償費用— — — — — 1,892 — — 1,892 
發行普通股以行使股票期權和限制性股票單位解凍,淨額— — 124,237 1 — 48 — — 49 
發行普通股籌集資本,淨額— — 32,717,391 327 — 34,410 — — 34,737 
其他全面收益(損失)— — — — — — (5)— (5)
淨虧損— — — — — — — (12,970)(12,970)
2024年9月30日的賬面 $ 290,384,252 $2,904 $(48)$364,092 $23 $(326,341)$40,630 


ocugen, INC.
2022年12月31日結餘54,745 $1 221,721,182$2,217 $(48)$294,874 $26 $(223,089)$73,981 
以股票為基礎的供款支出— — — — — 2,689 — — 2,689 
為股票期權行使及限制性股票單位歸屬而發行的普通股,淨額— — 348,555 3 — (4)— — (1)
普通股發行以籌集資本,淨額— — 4,478,956 45 — 5,514 — — 5,559 
其他綜合收益(損失)— — — — — — (1)— (1)
淨虧損— — — — — — — (17,326)(17,326)
2023年3月31日結束餘額54,745 $1 226,548,693 $2,265 $(48)$303,073 $25 $(240,415)$64,901 
基於股票的補償費用— — — — — 2,632 — — 2,632 
普通股發行以支付股票期權行使及限制股票單位歸屬,淨額— — 59,859 1 — 9 — — 10 
普通股發行以籌集資本,淨額— — 30,000,000 300 — 14,467 — — 14,767 
其他綜合收益(損失)— — — — — — (3)— (3)
淨損失— — — — — — — (23,065)(23,065)
2023年6月30日結餘54,745 $1 256,608,552 $2,566 $(48)$320,181 $22 $(263,480)$59,242 
基於股票的補償費用— — — — — 2,174 — — 2,174 
因行使股票期權及限制性股票單位歸屬而發行的普通股,淨— — 12,935 — — 97 — — 97 
其他綜合收益(損失)— — — — — — 5 — 5 
淨損失— — — — — — — (11,717)(11,717)
2023年9月30日的結餘54,745 $1 256,621,487 $2,566 $(48)$322,452 $27 $(275,197)$49,801 

ocugen, INC.
折舊和攤銷費用 1,370 525 
市場證券的攤銷(增值) (182)
非現金利息費用87 87 
非現金租賃費用634 401 
以股票為基礎的供款支出5,551 7,495 
COVAXIN供應的預付款項減值 4,074 
與COVAXIN相關的固定資產處置損失 363 
其他28 379 
預付費用及其他流動資產1,701 132 
應付帳款及應計費用2,048 (10,402)
可銷售證券的購入 (3,947)
到期的可交易證券的收益 17,500 
普通股發行所得(付款),淨額37,575 20,788 
債務發行所得款項 500 
發行債務成本支付 (68)
籌資活動提供的淨現金34,686 20,865 
匯率變動對現金及受限現金的影響3 2 
期初現金和受限現金39,462 77,563 
期末現金和受限現金$39,001 $53,477 
購置財產及設備$ $1,969 
B系列可轉換優先股的重新購回$1 $ 
與經營租約相關的使用權資產$103 $ 

ocugen, INC.
1.    業務性質
Ocugen, Inc. 及其全資子公司( "Ocugen" 或 "本公司")是一家生物技術公司,專注於發現、開發和商業化新型基因和電芯療法及疫苗,以改善健康並為全球的患者帶來希望。本公司總部位於賓夕法尼亞州的馬爾文,並管理其業務為 one 的營運業務部門。
自創立以來,公司一直面臨持續的淨虧損,並通過出售普通股、購買普通股的warrants、發行可轉換票據和債務以及獲得補助金來資助其運營。公司截至目前的淨虧損約為$40.2 百萬和$52.1 在截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的九個月中,淨虧損分別為$326.3 百萬元,累積虧損為$38.7 百萬元的現金總額。該金額不足以支持公司在縮編合併基本報表發布後的12個月內的運營。 由於在做出估計時所涉及的固有不確定性,以及與生物技術產品的研究、開發和商業化相關的風險,公司可能基於的假設與實際情況可能不同,而且公司的運營計劃也可能因公司目前未知的許多因素而發生變化。

於 2024 年 9 月 30 日之後,公司與大道資本進行債務融資交易,收益淨額為 $29.2 百萬,有關其他資料,請參閱註 14。儘管有增加資金,但本公司仍然面臨其行業中的公司經常遇到的風險和不確定性,儘管本公司打算繼續為其產品候選人進行研究、開發和商業化工作,但本公司將需要大量額外資金。如果本公司未來無法獲得額外資金及/或其研究、開發和商業化工作需要超過預期的資本,則會對本公司的財務可行性產生負面影響。本公司將繼續探討透過公開及私募股權及/或債務、支付潛在策略性研發安排的付款、資產銷售、與製藥公司或其他機構授權及/或合作安排、政府資助,特別是用於開發公司新型吸入黏膜疫苗平台,或其他第三方的資金來進行資金。此類融資和資金可能根本無法使用,或根據對本公司有利的條件提供。儘管公司管理層認為它有計劃為營運提供資金,但其計劃可能無法成功實施。如果我們無法獲得必要的資金,我們將需要延遲、縮小或消除部分或全部的研究和開發計劃和商業化工作;考慮其他各種策略性替代方案,包括合併或銷售;或停止營運。如果我們因缺乏足夠資本而無法擴大營運或以其他方式利用我們的商機,我們的業務、財務狀況和營運結果可能會受到重大不利影響。
2.    主要會計政策摘要

包含在2024年4月16日提交給證券交易委員會的公司第10-K表格中("2023年年度報告"). 簡明綜合財務報表包括Ocugen及其全資擁有的子公司帳戶。所有公司間的餘額和交易在合併中已被消除。
錯誤陳述對公司先前發布的基本報表具有重大影響,因此,公司已糾正其合併資產負債表、合併綜合損益表、合併股東權益變動表和合併現金流量表,截至2022年12月31日財政年度結束時及其期間。該糾正包括對... 在受影響的期間內,合作安排收入、研究與發展費用、其他收入(費用)淨額和應計費用及其他流動負債已進行調整。公司還糾正了在受影響期間內識別的某些其他較不重要的錯誤,影響了研究與發展費用、一般及管理費用,以及應計費用及其他流動負債。 在受影響期間內,公司還糾正了在影響研究與發展費用、總務及管理費用,以及應計費用及其他流動負債的過程中確定的某些其他非重要錯誤。
Revision to Previously Reported Financial Statements

於截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日止季度及截至二零零四年九月三十日止季度之未經審核簡明綜合財務報表期間,公司決定修訂其財務報表,將 B 系列可換股優先股視為第二類普通股,以顯示每股盈利。根據 ASC 260 中的指引,必須評估股份分類股份,以判斷其是優先股或實質上是普通股,因此代表第二類普通股。B 系列可換股優先股的權利主要相當於普通股,而與普通股相比,並沒有任何重大優惠權利。因此,本公司得出結論,應該將 B 系列可換股優先股視為第二類普通股,以便按兩類方法呈現每股盈利的目的。此外,於截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日止的三個月和六個月內,本公司之前,將普通股東應佔虧損淨額減少以 $ 的假期股息4,988 有關公司重新收購 B 系列可換股優先股。本不應該作出這項調整,因為調整分數以反映重購股份後的隱含收益或虧損的指引,只適用於因為每股盈利而實質視為優先股股份的股份。這些錯誤的影響對先前提交的財務報表無重要。因此,在本文件中,本公司修訂了每股盈利,以分別顯示普通股和 B 系可換股優先股的每股虧損,並刪除先前減少普通股應佔虧損淨額的假定股息,該股息截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日止三個月和六個月內減少普通股東應佔淨虧損。由於錯誤對這些期間的影響也無重要,本公司沒有修訂並不會修改 2024 年 1 月 1 日前的任何期間。2024 年的修訂將在 2024 年的比較期間反映在未來的申報中,這些期間包括適當的披露。


Table of Contents
2024年3月31日止期間修訂的影響 (以千為單位,除每股數量和每股金額外)
淨損失$(11,924) (11,924)
歸屬於普通股東的基本和稀釋後每股淨損(11,924)25 (11,899)
用於計算每普通股基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份257,232,636  257,232,636 
歸屬於普通股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋(0.05)(0.05)
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的淨損失 — 基本和稀釋 (25)(25)
用於計算每B轉換可轉換優先股的基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份 54,745 54,745 
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋 (0.46)

截至2024年6月30日的修訂對期間的影響 (以千為單位,除每股數量和每股金額外)
淨損失$(15,280) (15,280)
再次收購的B系列可換股優先股4,988 (4,988) 
用於計算每普通股基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份257,353,857  257,353,857 
歸屬於普通股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋(0.04)(0.06)
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的淨損失 — 基本和稀釋 (21)(21)
用於計算每B轉換可轉換優先股的基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份 54,745 54,745 
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋 (0.38)


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淨損失$(27,204) (27,204)
已重新收購的B系列可換股優先股4,988 (4,988) 
用於計算每普通股基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份257,293,247  257,293,247 
歸屬於普通股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋(0.09)(0.11)
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的淨損失 — 基本和稀釋 (47)(47)
用於計算每B轉換可轉換優先股的基本和稀釋淨損失的加權股份 54,745 54,745 
歸屬於B轉換可轉換優先股股東的每股淨損失 — 基本和稀釋 (0.86)

The accounting policies of the Company, as applied in the condensed consolidated financial statements presented herein, are substantially the same as presented in the Company’s 2023 Form 10-K filed on April 16, 2024, except as may be indicated below.

Use of Estimates
本公司將所有在獲得時到期三個月或更短的高度流動性投資視為現金等價物。現金等價物可能包括銀行活期存款和主要投資於存款證、商業本票以及美國政府機構證券及國庫券的貨幣市場基金。本公司將其現金及現金等價物所產生的利息收入記錄為其他收入(支出),淨額在凝縮的綜合損益及全面損失報表中。 公司记录了$0.3 百萬和$0.8 百萬作為截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的利息收入。0.7 百萬和$2.0 百萬作為截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月的利息收入。本公司的受限制現金餘額截至2024年9月30日為用於擔保公司信用卡賬戶和與經營租賃相關的信用額度,以防止付款違約而持有的現金。

現金$38,696 $53,477 
總現金和受限現金資產$39,001 $53,477 
Fair Value Measurements
本公司遵循財務會計準則委員會("FASB")會計準則編纂("ASC")第820章的規定, Fair Value Measurements ("ASC 820")定義公平價值為在計量日期,市場參與者之間進行有序交易時,所收取資產的交易價格或所支付的負債轉讓價格(轉移價格),於資產或負債的主要或最有利市場。ASC 820還建立了公平價值的層級,要求實體在衡量公平價值時最大限度地使用可觀察的輸入,並最小化對不可觀察輸入的使用。ASC 820描述了可用於衡量公平價值的三個輸入層級:
第1級 — 活躍市場中相同資產或負債的報價
第 3 級 — 無法觀察的輸入(例如,基於假設的現金流模型輸入)
潛在使公司面臨重大信貸風險的金融工具包括現金和受限現金。 公司的現金和受限現金存放在金融機構的帳戶中,可能超過聯邦保險限額。 公司在這些帳戶中未曾遭受任何信貸損失,並且不認為自己面臨顯著信貸風險,超出了與商業銀行關係相關的基本信貸風險。
該公司目前租賃被歸類為營運租賃的房地產業。營運租賃已納入公司合併資產負債表中的其他資產和營運租賃負債。在租賃開始時,公司根據租賃支付現值在預期租賃期間內錄入一份租賃負債,包括公司合理確定要行使的任何延長租賃期選擇權,並根據租賃負債調整錄入相對應的租賃資產,並根據租賃負債,調整任何獲得的租賃獎勵和租賃開始日期前支付給出租人的任何初始直接成本。租賃費用將按照直線法在租賃期內予以認列,根據費用的基礎性質,分別認列為研發費用或一般和行政費用。FASb ASC Topic 842, 租賃 (“ASC 842”)要求承租人使用租約中隱含的利率或如無法輕易確定該利率時,使用其增量借款利率來折現未支付的租金支付。該公司當前營運租賃中無法輕易確定隱含利率。因此,在確定租金現值的開始日期時,根據當時可獲得的信息使用增量借款利率。

Variable payments not dependent on an index or rate associated with the Company's leases are recognized when the event, activity, or circumstance is probable. Variable payments include the Company's proportionate share of certain utilities and other operating expenses and are presented as operating expenses in the Company's condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss in the same line item as expense arising from fixed lease payments.

Impairment of long-lived Assets
The Company reviews its assets, including property and equipment, for impairment whenever changes in circumstances or events may indicate that the carrying amounts are not recoverable. These indicators include, but are not limited to, a significant change in the extent or manner in which an asset is used or its physical condition, a significant decrease in the market price of an asset, or a significant adverse change in the business or the industry that could affect the value of an asset. An asset is tested for impairment by comparing the net carrying value of the asset to the undiscounted net cash flows to be generated from the use and eventual disposition of the asset.
Stock-Based Compensation
The Company accounts for its stock-based compensation awards in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718, Compensation—Stock Compensation ("ASC 718"). The Company has issued stock-based compensation awards including stock options, restricted stock units ("RSUs"), and market-condition based restricted stock units ("PSUs"), and also accounts for certain issuances of preferred stock and warrants in accordance with ASC 718. ASC 718 requires all stock-based payments, including grants of stock options, RSUs, and PSUs, to be recognized in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss based on their grant date fair values. The Company uses the Black-Scholes option-pricing model to determine the fair value of stock options granted. For RSUs, the fair value of the RSU is determined by the market price of a share of the Company's common stock on the grant date. For PSUs, the Company determines fair value by using a Monte Carlo simulation technique. The Company recognizes forfeitures as they occur.
Expense related to stock-based compensation awards granted with service-based vesting conditions is recognized on a straight-line basis based on the grant date fair value over the associated service period of the award, which is generally the vesting term. Stock-based compensation awards generally vest over a one to three year requisite service period. Stock options have a contractual term of 10 years. Expense for stock-based compensation awards with performance-based vesting conditions is only recognized when the performance-based vesting condition is deemed probable to occur. Expense for stock-based compensation awards with market-based and service-based vesting conditions is recognized ratably over the grantee's requisite service period. Compensation cost is not adjusted based on the actual achievement of the market-based performance goals. Expense related to stock-based compensation awards are recorded to research and development expense or general and administrative expense based on the underlying function of the individual that was granted the stock-based compensation award. Shares issued upon stock option exercise, PSU and RSU vesting are newly-issued common shares.
Estimating the fair value of stock options requires the input of subjective assumptions, including the expected term of the stock option, stock price volatility, the risk-free interest rate, and expected dividends. Estimating the fair value of PSUs requires the input of subjective assumptions, including stock price volatility, total shareholder return ("TSR") ranking, the risk-free rate, and expected dividends. The assumptions used in the Company's Black-Scholes option-pricing model and Monte Carlo simulation technique represent management's best estimates and involve a number of variables, uncertainties, assumptions, and the application of management's judgment, as they are inherently subjective. If any assumptions change, the Company's stock-based compensation expense could be materially different in the future.
The assumptions used in Ocugen's Black-Scholes option-pricing model for stock options and in Ocugen's Monte Carlo simulation technique for PSUs are as follows, unless noted otherwise:
Expected Term. As Ocugen does not have sufficient historical exercise data to provide a reasonable basis upon which to estimate expected term, the expected term of employee stock options subject to service-based vesting conditions is determined using the "simplified" method, as prescribed in SEC's Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 107, whereby the expected term equals the

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arithmetic average of the vesting term and the original contractual term of the stock option. This expected term assumption is not an assumption used in the Company's Monte Carlo simulation technique for PSUs. The expected term of the PSUs is equal to the performance period of the PSUs.
Expected Volatility. The expected volatility is based on historical volatilities of Ocugen and similar entities within Ocugen's industry for periods commensurate with the assumed expected term.
Risk-Free Interest Rate. The risk-free interest rate is based on the interest rate payable on U.S. Treasury securities in effect at the time of grant for a period that is commensurate with the assumed expected term.
Expected Dividends. The expected dividend yield is 0% because Ocugen has not historically paid, and does not expect for the foreseeable future to pay, a dividend on its common stock.
TSR ranking. The Company's TSR, over a three-year period, is relative to the TSR, for that same period, as related to other companies within the Nasdaq Biotechnology index. This assumption is only used for the market-based PSUs.
Collaborative Arrangements and Revenue Recognition

The Company analyzes its collaborative arrangements to assess whether they are within the scope of ASC 808, Collaborative Arrangements ("ASC 808") to determine whether such arrangements involve joint operating activities performed by parties that are both active participants in the activities and exposed to significant risks and rewards. This assessment is performed throughout the life of the arrangements based on changes to the arrangements. For collaborative arrangements within the scope of ASC 808 the Company may analogize to ASC 606 for certain elements.

The Company identifies the goods or services promised within each collaborative arrangement and assesses whether each promised good or service is distinct for the purpose of identifying the performance obligations in the contract. This assessment involves subjective determinations and requires management to make judgments about the individual promised goods or services and whether such are separable from the other aspects of the contractual relationship. Promised goods and services are considered distinct provided that: (i) the customer can benefit from the good or service either on its own or together with other resources that are readily available to the customer and (ii) the entity's promise to transfer the good or service to the customer is separately identifiable from other promises in the contract.

The allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations in proportion to their standalone selling prices is determined at contract inception. If the consideration promised in a contract includes a variable amount, the Company estimates the amount of consideration to which it will be entitled in exchange for transferring the promised goods or services to a customer. The Company determines the amount of variable consideration by using the expected value method or the most likely amount method. The Company includes the unconstrained amount of estimated variable consideration in the transaction price. The amount included in the transaction price is the amount for which it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue recognized will not occur. At the end of each subsequent reporting period, the Company re-evaluates the estimated variable consideration included in the transaction price and any related constraint, and if necessary, adjusts its estimate of the overall transaction price. Any such adjustments are recorded on a cumulative catch-up basis in the period of adjustment.

In determining the transaction price, the Company adjusts consideration for the effects of the time value of money if the timing of payments provides the Company with a significant benefit of financing. The Company does not assess whether a contract has a significant financing component if the expectation at contract inception is such that the period between payment by the counterparty and the transfer of the promised goods or services to the counterparty will be one year or less. The Company assessed its collaboration arrangements in order to determine whether a significant financing component exists and concluded that a significant financing component does not exist in any of its arrangements.

The Company recognizes as collaboration revenue the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation as each performance obligation is satisfied over time, with progress toward completion measured based on actual costs incurred relative to total estimated costs to be incurred over the life of the arrangement. Significant management judgment is required in determining the level of effort required under an arrangement and the period over which the Company is expected to complete their performance obligations under the arrangements. The Company evaluates the measure of progress each reporting period and, if necessary, adjusts the measure of performance and related revenue recognition. Adjustments to original estimates will be required as work progresses and additional information becomes known, even though the scope of the work required under the contract may not change. Any adjustment as a result of a change in estimates is made when facts develop, events become known, or an adjustment is otherwise warranted.

Under the Company's collaborative arrangements, the timing of revenue recognition and receipt of consideration may differ, and result in assets and liabilities. Assets represent revenues recognized in excess of the consideration received under

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collaborative arrangement. Liabilities represent the consideration received in excess of revenues recognized under collaborative arrangement.

Recently Adopted Accounting Standards
In August 2020, the FASB issued ASU No. 2020-06, Debt — Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20) and Derivatives and Hedging — Contracts in Entity's Own Equity (Subtopic 815-40). This standard will have an effective and transition date of January 1, 2024. This standard simplifies an issuer's accounting for convertible instruments by eliminating two of the three models that require separate accounting for embedded conversion features as well as simplifies the settlement assessment that entities are required to perform to determine whether a contract qualifies for equity classification. This standard also requires entities to use the if-converted method for all convertible instruments in the diluted earnings per share calculation and includes the effect of potential share settlement (if the effect is more dilutive) for instruments that may be settled in cash or shares, except for certain liability-classified share-based payment awards. The standard requires new disclosures about events that occur during the reporting period that cause conversion contingencies to be met and about the fair value of a public business entity's convertible debt at the instrument level, among other things. The adoption of ASU 2020-06 on January 1, 2024 did not have a material impact on the Company's condensed consolidated financial statements and related disclosures.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09 "Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures". This guidance is intended to enhance the transparency and decision-usefulness of income tax disclosures. The amendments in ASU 2023-09 address investor requests for enhanced income tax information primarily through changes to disclosure regarding rate reconciliation and income taxes paid both in the U.S. and in foreign jurisdictions. ASU 2023-09 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024 on a prospective basis, with the option to apply the standard retrospectively. Early adoption is permitted. The Company is currently evaluating this guidance to determine the impact it may have on its condensed consolidated financial statements disclosures.
In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07 “Segment Reporting: Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures”. This guidance expands public entities’ segment disclosures primarily by requiring disclosure of significant segment expenses that are regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker and included within each reported measure of segment profit or loss, an amount and description of its composition for other segment items, and interim disclosures of a reportable segment’s profit or loss and assets. The guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024, with early adoption permitted. The amendments are required to be applied retrospectively to all prior periods presented in an entity’s financial statements. The Company is currently evaluating this guidance to determine the impact it may have on its condensed consolidated financial statements related disclosures.
3.     License and Development Agreements
Co-Development and Commercialization Agreement with CanSino Biologics, Inc.
The Company entered into a co-development and commercialization agreement with CanSino Biologics, Inc. ("CanSinoBIO") with respect to the development and commercialization of the Company's modifier gene therapy product candidates, OCU400, OCU410, and OCU410ST. The co-development and commercialization agreement was originally entered into in September 2019 ("the Original CanSinoBIO Agreement") with regards to OCU400 and was subsequently amended in September 2021 and November 2022 ("the Amendments"), to include OCU410 and OCU410ST, respectively. The Company concluded that the Original CanSinoBIO Agreement and the Amendments are separate agreements (collectively referred to as the "CanSinoBio Agreements"). Pursuant to the CanSinoBIO Agreements, the Company and CanSinoBIO are collaborating on the development of the Company's modifier gene therapy platform. CanSinoBIO is responsible for the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls development and manufacture of clinical supplies of such products and is responsible for the costs associated with such activities. CanSinoBIO has an exclusive license to develop, manufacture, and commercialize the Company's modifier gene therapy platform in and for China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (the "CanSinoBIO Territory"), and the Company maintains exclusive development, manufacturing, and commercialization rights with respect to the Company's modifier gene therapy platform outside the CanSinoBIO Territory (the "Company Territory").
Should any of the product candidates be commercialized in the CanSinoBIO Territory, CanSinoBIO will pay to the Company an annual royalty between mid- and high-single digits based on Net Sales (as defined in the CanSinoBIO Agreements) of the products included in the Company's modifier gene therapy platform in the CanSinoBIO Territory. The Company will pay to CanSinoBIO an annual royalty between low- and mid-single digits based on Net Sales of the products included in the Company's modifier gene therapy platform in the Company Territory.

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Accounting analysis and revenue recognition

The Company determined the collaboration arrangements with CanSinoBIO, are within the scope of ASC 808 and has analogized to ASC 606 to account for CanSinoBIO's access to its IP as well as data generated in connection with the co-development activities to be undertaken by Ocugen. These elements of the arrangements are not distinct and are accounted for as a single performance obligation.

The non-cash consideration to be received related to the Company's satisfaction of the performance obligation includes but is not limited to services related to chemistry, manufacturing, and controls development and manufacture of clinical supplies of such products through completion of pre-clinical, clinical, regulatory, and other commercialization readiness services. The estimated market value of the co-development services to be performed by CanSinoBIO, represents variable consideration that is included in the transaction price. The Company recognizes collaborative arrangement revenue over time using an input method using ratio of costs incurred to date compared to total estimated costs required to satisfy the performance obligation under the CanSinoBIO Agreements.

The Company constrained the transaction price related to certain future co-development services and future royalties, as it assessed that it is probable that the inclusion of such variable consideration could result in a significant reversal of cumulative revenue in future periods. The variable consideration, which is based on continued successful development of our programs, is reevaluated at each reporting period and as changes in circumstances occur.

The services provided by CanSinoBIO are recorded as research and development expense as incurred and the difference between the revenue and expense recognized is recorded on the Company's balance sheet as a contract liability within Accrued expenses and other current liabilities. The related revenue recognized was recorded in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss as collaborative arrangement revenue and was approximately $3.3 million and $4.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The related expense incurred for services provided by CanSinoBIO was recorded in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss as research and development expense and was approximately $0.9 million and $3.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

The contract liability was $8.1 million and $10.1 million as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Revenue recognized for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, that was included in the contract liabilities balances as of January 1, 2024 was approximately $3.3 million. Revenue recognized for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, that was included in the contract liabilities balances as of January 1, 2023, was approximately $4.6 million.
4.    Fair Value Measurements
The Company believes the fair value using Level 2 inputs of the borrowings under the EB-5 Loan Agreement (as defined in Note 8) approximate their carrying value.
5.    Property and Equipment
The following table provides a summary of the major components of property and equipment as reflected on the condensed consolidated balance sheets (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Furniture and fixtures$433 $337 
Machinery and equipment3,179 1,557 
Leasehold improvements16,089 2,086 
Construction in progress 14,540 
Total property and equipment19,701 18,520 
Less: accumulated depreciation(2,571)(1,230)
Total property and equipment, net$17,130 $17,290 
6.    Operating Leases
The Company has commitments under operating leases for office, laboratory, and manufacturing space in Malvern, Pennsylvania and other locations. The Company's corporate headquarters, located in Malvern, Pennsylvania, lease has an initial term of approximately seven years and includes options to extend the lease for up to 10 years, which the Company has not

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elected to account for since it is not reasonably certain that the Company will exercise such option. The Company's current GMP facility, located in Malvern, Pennsylvania, lease has an initial term of seven years and includes an option to extend the lease for up to five years, which the Company has elected to account for since it is reasonably certain that the Company will exercise such option. The Company leases three other general use facilities, within the United States, which have initial terms of two to three years and contain no option to extend.

The Company's future minimum base rent payments are approximately as follows (in thousands):
For the years ending December 31,Amount
Remainder of 2024$208 
Less: present value adjustment(1,460)
Present value of minimum lease payments$3,896 
7.    Accrued Expenses and Other Current Liabilities
The following table provides a summary of the major components of accrued expenses and other current liabilities as reflected on the condensed consolidated balance sheets (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Research and development$155 $212 
Clinical892 84 
Professional fees724 580 
Employee-related2,040 1,791 
Deferred revenue relating to collaborative arrangements8,119 10,525 
Other545 151 
Total accrued expenses and other current liabilities$12,475 $13,343 
8.    Debt
In September 2016, in connection with the U.S. government's foreign national investor program, commonly known as the EB-5 Program, the Company entered into a financing arrangement (the "EB-5 Loan Agreement") which provided for cumulative borrowings of up to $10.0 million from EB5 Life Sciences, L.P. ("EB-5 Life Sciences") as the lender. Pursuant to the EB-5 Loan Agreement, borrowings were made in $0.5 million increments with a fixed interest rate of 4% per annum (the "Original Offering"). The borrowings pursuant to the Original Offering are secured by substantially all of the Company's assets, with the exception of any patents, patent applications, pending patents, patent licenses, patent sublicenses, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights held by the Company.
Under the terms and conditions of the Original Offering, the Company borrowed $1.0 million during 2016, $0.5 million during 2020, $0.5 million in September 2022, and an additional $0.5 million in May 2023. Issuance costs were recognized as a reduction to the loan balance and are amortized to interest expense over the term of each borrowing. Pursuant to the Original Offering, each outstanding borrowing, including accrued interest, becomes due upon the seventh anniversary of its disbursement date, subject to certain extension provisions. In January 2024, the Company entered into an agreement to extend the current portion of borrowings owed under the EB-5 Loan Agreement to March 2025. Once repaid, amounts cannot be re-drawn.

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2022年3月《2022年EB-5移民改革和廉正法案(RIA)》對EB-5計劃進行了改革,包括但不限於:將面向就業目標區(TEA)的最低投資金額提高到之前的水平,從100萬美元提高至新水平的多少美元0.5 百萬到新水平的百萬美元,並修改了指定TEA的過程。在之前的體制下,TEA所在的州可以寄一封信支持指定TEA的工作。根據目前的制度,只有美國公民及移民服務局可以指定TEA。0.8在前一制度下,TEA所在的州可寄出信件支持指定TEA的工作。而在現行制度下,只有美國公民及移民服務局可以指定TEA。
關於EB-5計劃上述變更,原始發行在2023年5月進行了修改(“修改後的發行”)。根據修改後發行的條款和條件,EB-5生命科學現在可提供高達$20.0百萬美元。未來借款可按$0.8 百萬,固定利率為 4.0每年%的比例進行。根據修改後發行的條款,包括應計利息,每筆未來借款將於發放日期的第七周年到期。截至2024年9月30日,公司尚未根據修改後發行進行任何借款。
本金未償還$2,500 $2,500 
加:應計利息475 400 
帳面價值,淨額2,887 2,800 
長期負債,扣除當前部分$1,571 $2,800 
9.    股票
Offerings of Common Stock
Public Offering

In July 2024, the Company entered into an underwriting agreement with an underwriter, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue and sell to the underwriter in a public offering (the "July 2024 Public Offering") 30.4 million shares of its common stock, par value $0.01 per share, at a public offering price of $1.15 per share (the "Offering Price"). Pursuant to the terms of the underwriting agreement, the Company granted to the underwriter a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 4,565,217 shares of common stock at the offering price (the "Option Shares") at the public offering price, less underwriting discounts and commissions. The offering closed in August 2024. The net proceeds to the Company from the offering, excluding any exercise by the underwriter of its 30-day option to purchase any of the option shares, were $32.3 million after deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses paid to the Company. The July 2024 Public Offering was made pursuant to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-3, which was previously filed with the SEC and became effective on May 1, 2024. In August 2024, the underwriter exercised their option to purchase 2,282,608 Option Shares at the Offering Price. The net proceeds to the Company from the exercise of the underwriter's option were $2.4 million after deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses paid to the Company.

Increase in Capital Stock

In July 2024, the Company's certificate of incorporation was amended to increase the total number of shares of all classes of stock the Company has authority to issue to four hundred million shares. This consists of three hundred ninety million shares of Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Common Stock"), and ten million shares of Preferred Stock, par value $0.01 per share ("the Preferred Stock").
COVAXIN Stock Purchase Agreement
On March 1, 2021, the Company entered into a stock purchase agreement (the "Stock Purchase Agreement") with Bharat Biotech International Limited ("Bharat Biotech"), pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue and sell 0.1 million shares of the Company's Series B Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Series B Convertible Preferred Stock"), at a price per share equal to $109.60, to Bharat Biotech. On March 18, 2021, the Company issued the Series B Convertible

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Preferred Stock as an advance payment of $6.0 million for the supply of COVAXIN, a monovalent vaccine, to be provided by Bharat Biotech pursuant to a Development and Commercial Supply Agreement (the "Supply Agreement").
Each share of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock was convertible, at the option of Bharat Biotech, into 10 shares of the Company's common stock (the "Conversion Ratio") only after (i) the Company received stockholder approval to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock under its Sixth Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, which the Company received in April 2021, and (ii) the Company's receipt of shipments by Bharat Biotech of the first 10.0 million doses of COVAXIN manufactured by Bharat Biotech pursuant to the Supply Agreement, and further on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock. The conversion rate of the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock was subject to adjustment in the event of a stock dividend, stock split, reclassification, or similar event with respect to the Company's common stock. In May 2024, Bharat Biotech and the Company entered into a Stock Forfeiture Agreement whereby the outstanding shares of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock were redeemed.
The Company accounted for the issuance of the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock in accordance with ASC 718 and recorded its grant date fair value of $5.0 million within stockholders' equity during the year ended December 31, 2021, with a corresponding short-term asset for the advanced payment for the supply of COVAXIN included in prepaid expenses and other current assets in the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2021. The Company utilized the traded common stock price, adjusted by the Conversion Ratio, to value the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock and the Finnerty model to estimate a 15% discount rate for the lack of marketability of the instrument. The valuation incorporated Level 3 inputs in the fair value hierarchy, including the estimated time until the instrument's liquidity and estimated volatility of the Company's common stock as of the grant date. As of December 31, 2022, the remaining balance of the short-term asset for the advanced payment for the supply of COVAXIN was $4.1 million.
In April 2023, the FDA announced the cancellation of all emergency use authorizations ("EUA") issued with respect to monovalent COVID-19 vaccine formulations. Consequently, the Company determined it was no longer commercially viable to further the development of COVAXIN in its North American territories. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the Company wrote off the remaining balance of the short-term asset for the advanced payment for the supply of COVAXIN of $4.1 million to research and development expense in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss. As referenced above, in May 2024, the outstanding shares of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock were reacquired.
10.    Warrants
Beginning in 2016, the Company issued warrants to purchase common stock. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, 0.6 million warrants were outstanding. As of September 30, 2024, the outstanding warrants had a weighted average exercise price of $6.23 per share and expire between 2026 and 2027.
11.    Stock-Based Compensation
Stock-based compensation expense for stock options, RSUs and PSUs is reflected in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss as follows (in thousands):
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
General and administrative$1,315 $1,639 $3,965 $5,578 
Research and development577 535 1,586 1,917 
Total$1,892 $2,174 $5,551 $7,495 
As of September 30, 2024, the Company had $7.2 million of unrecognized stock-based compensation expense related to stock options, RSUs and PSUs outstanding, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.6 years.
Equity Plans
The Company maintains two equity compensation plans, the 2014 Ocugen OpCo, Inc. Stock Option Plan (the "2014 Plan") and the Ocugen, Inc. 2019 Equity Incentive Plan (the "2019 Plan", collectively with the 2014 Plan, the "Plans"). On the first business day of each fiscal year, pursuant to the "Evergreen" provision of the 2019 Plan, the aggregate number of shares that

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may be issued under the 2019 Plan will automatically increase by a number equal to the lesser of 4% of the total number of shares of the Company's common stock outstanding on December 31st of the prior year, or a number of shares determined by the Board of Directors. As of September 30, 2024, the 2014 Plan and the 2019 Plan authorize for the granting of up to 0.8 million and 38.6 million equity awards in respect to the Company's common stock, respectively. The 2014 Plan and 2019 Plan have 0.5 million and 16.1 million equity awards remaining available for future grant, respectively, as of September 30, 2024. In addition to stock options, PSUs and RSUs granted under the Plans, the Company has granted certain stock options and RSUs as material inducements to employment in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635 (c)(4), which were granted outside of the Plans.
Stock Options to Purchase Common Stock
The following table summarizes the Company's stock option activity:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Exercise PriceWeighted Average Remaining Contractual Life (Years)Aggregate Intrinsic Value (In Thousands)
Options outstanding at December 31, 2023
13,161,228 $2.38 7.86$337 
Granted3,965,725 0.96 
Exercised(284,788)0.57 183 
Options outstanding at September 30, 2024
16,164,811 $2.01 7.7$1,949 
Vested and expected to vest at September 30, 202416,164,811 $2.01 7.7$1,949 
Options exercisable at September 30, 2024
9,602,087 $2.40 6.8$1,072 
The weighted average grant date fair values of stock options granted during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 were $1.19 and $0.81, respectively. The weighted average grant date fair values of stock options granted during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 were $0.41 and $0.87, respectively. The total fair value of stock options vested during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 were $0.2 million and $6.0 million, respectively. The total fair values of stock options vested during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 were $0.4 and $8.5 million, respectively.
The following table summarizes the Company's unvested RSU activity:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
RSUs unvested at December 31, 2023
2,982,661 $1.63 
Granted39,738 $0.51 
RSUs unvested at September 30, 2024
1,971,952 $1.46 
In December 2023, pursuant to the 2019 Plan, the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors adopted a performance restricted stock unit agreement (the "PSU Agreement"). Pursuant to the PSU Agreement, the Company granted 615,467 and 256,885 of market-based performance stock units at target on January 2, 2024 and April 16, 2024, respectively. All of these PSUs cliff vest after the requisite service period ending on December 31, 2026. The PSUs have the potential to be earned at between 0% and 200% of the number of awards granted depending on the level of growth of the Company's total

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shareholder return ("TSR") as compared to the TSR of the companies within the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index over the performance period. The fair value of the market-based PSUs was determined using a Monte Carlo simulation technique.
The following table summarizes the unvested PSU activity:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant-Date Fair Value
PSUs unvested at December 31, 2023 $ 
Granted872,352 $1.71 
Vested $ 
Forfeited $ 
PSUs unvested at September 30, 2024872,352 $1.71 
12.    Net Loss Per Share of Common Stock
The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net loss per share for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (in thousands, except share and per share amounts). For purposes of earnings per share, the Series B Convertible Preferred shares have the same characteristics as common stock and have no liquidation or other material preferential rights over common stock and accordingly, have been considered as a second class of common stock in the computation of net loss per share regardless of their legal form. Losses are allocated between the common shares and the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock on a pro rata basis as they share equally in losses and residual net assets on an as-converted basis.
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
Net loss attributable to common shareholders— basic and diluted(12,970)(11,717)(40,128)(52,108)
Weighted shares used in calculating net loss per common share — basic and diluted278,171,593 256,492,558 264,303,494 240,222,667 
Net loss per share attributable to common shareholders — basic and diluted$(0.05)$(0.05)$(0.15)$(0.22)
Net loss attributable to Series B Convertible Preferred shareholders — basic and diluted  (46) 
Weighted shares used in calculating net loss per Series B Convertible Preferred Stock — basic and diluted  54,745  
Net loss per share attributable to Series B Convertible Preferred shareholders — basic and diluted$ $ $(0.84)$ 
The following potentially dilutive securities have been excluded from the computation of diluted weighted average shares outstanding, as their inclusion would have been antidilutive:
Three months and nine months ended September 30,
Stock options to purchase common stock16,164,811 13,576,038 
RSUs1,971,952 3,033,328 
Warrants628,725 628,834 
Series B Convertible Preferred Stock (as converted to common stock) 547,450 
Total19,637,840 17,785,650 

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13.    Commitments and Contingencies
The Company has commitments under certain license and development agreements, lease agreements, commitments related to renovating an existing facility for GMP, and debt agreements. Commitments under certain license and development agreements include annual payments, payments upon the achievement of certain milestones, and royalty payments based on net sales of licensed products (commitments under the Company's license and development agreements are more fully described within the Company's 2023 Annual Report). Commitments under lease agreements are future minimum lease payments (see Note 6). Commitments under debt agreements are the future payment of principal and accrued interest under the EB-5 Loan Agreement (see Note 8). Additionally, the Company does not expect to fulfill any commitments under the amended Co-Development, Supply and Commercialization Agreement (the "Covaxin Agreement") with Bharat Biotech as a result of the termination of the COVAXIN program.
In June 2021, a securities class action lawsuit was filed against the Company and certain of its agents in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ("Court") (Case No. 2:21-cv-02725) that purported to state a claim for alleged violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, based on statements made by the Company concerning the announcement of the Company's decision to pursue the submission of a Biologics License Application ("BLA") for COVAXIN for adults ages 18 years and older rather than pursuing an EUA. In July 2021, a second securities class action lawsuit was filed against the Company and certain of its agents in the Court (Case No. 2:21-cv-03182) that also purported to state a claim for alleged violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, based on the same statements as the first complaint. In March 2022, the Court consolidated these two related securities class action lawsuits and appointed a lead plaintiff. In March 2024, the Third Circuit affirmed the Court's decision to dismiss with prejudice the consolidated securities class action lawsuits.
In August 2021, a stockholder derivative lawsuit was filed derivatively on behalf of the Company against certain of its agents and the nominal defendant Ocugen in the Court (Case No. 2:21-cv-03876) that purported to state a claim for breach of fiduciary duty and contribution for violations of Sections 10(b) and 21(d) of the Exchange Act, based on facts and circumstances relating to the securities class action lawsuits and seeking contribution and indemnification in connection with claims asserted in the securities class action lawsuits. In September 2021, a second stockholder derivative lawsuit was filed derivatively on behalf of the Company against certain of its agents and the nominal defendant Ocugen in the Court (Case No. 2:21-cv-04169) that purported to state a claim for breach of fiduciary duties, unjust enrichment, abuse of control, waste of corporate assets, and contribution for violations of Sections 10(b) and 21(d) of the Exchange Act, based on the same allegations as the first complaint. The parties to both stockholder derivative lawsuits stipulated to the consolidation of the two stockholder derivative lawsuits. In April 2024, the Court dismissed without prejudice the consolidated stockholder derivative lawsuits.
In April 2024, a securities class action lawsuit was filed against the Company and certain of its agents in the Court (Case No. 2:24-cv-01500) that purported to state a claim for alleged violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, based on statements made by the Company concerning the Company's previously-issued audited consolidated financial statements for each fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 and its previously-issued unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for each of the first three quarters in such years and the effectiveness of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures during each such period. The complaint seeks unspecified damages, interest, attorneys' fees, and other costs. In October 2024, the lead plaintiff filed an amended complaint, and the Company intends to file a motion to dismiss by December 6, 2024.

In May 2024, a stockholder derivative lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Company against certain of its agents and the nominal defendant Ocugen in the Court (Case No. 2:24-cv-02234) that purported to state a claim for breach of fiduciary duties, unjust enrichment, abuse of control, gross mismanagement, waste of corporate assets, violations of Section 14(a) of the Exchange Act, and contribution for violations of Sections 10(b) and 21(d) of the Exchange Act, based on the facts and circumstances relating to the securities class action and seeking damages and certain governance reforms in connection with claims asserted in the securities class action. In June 2024, the Court approved the parties’ joint stipulation for an order staying the derivative lawsuit pending resolution of a motion to dismiss in the related securities class action. In the third quarter of 2024, four additional stockholder derivative lawsuits were filed on behalf of the Company against certain of its agents and the nominal defendant Ocugen in the Court (Case Nos. 2:24-cv-03119, 2:24-cv-03209, 2:24-cv-04813, 2:24-cv-04864) asserting similar facts and claims as the first complaint.

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The Company believes that the lawsuits are without merit and intends to vigorously defend against them. At this time, no assessment can be made as to their likely outcome or whether the outcome will be material to the Company. No information is available to indicate that it is probable that a loss has been incurred and can be reasonably estimated as of the date of the condensed consolidated financial statements and, as such, no accrual for the loss has been recorded within the condensed consolidated financial statements.
14.    Subsequent Event

Subsequent to September 30, 2024, the Company entered into a debt financing transaction with Avenue Capital for net proceeds of $29.2 million. The loan has a maturity date of November 1, 2028, of which the first 24 months are interest only, and bears interest at a variable rate per annum equal to the greater of the Prime Rate plus 4.25% or 12.25%. Additionally, the Lender has the right to convert an aggregate amount of up to $6.0 million of the outstanding principal amount into shares of Common Stock at a conversion price per share equal to a 80% of the trading price on the date of conversion, which shall be at Lenders' option. In the event the Company elects to prepay the Term Loans in full, Lenders shall have 10 days to elect to exercise its conversion right prior to such prepayment. All conversion rights shall terminate on Term Loans payoff. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the aggregate amount of Common Stock issued pursuant to the “Conversion Right” and the “Equity Grant” shall not exceed a number of shares equal to 19.9% of the Company’s outstanding Common Stock. The agreement is collateralized by all of the Company’s assets in which the agent is granted senior secured lien. The Company also grants the Lenders a negative pledge on the Company’s intellectual property. In connection with the debt financing transaction, the Company entered into a Subscription Agreement with Avenue Capital, pursuant to which the Company issued 1,056,338 shares of Common Stock to Avenue Capital with an issue date of November 6, 2024.


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Item 2.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
You should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations in conjunction with the financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and with our audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, included in our 2023 Annual Report. Some of the information contained in this discussion and analysis, including information with respect to our plans and strategy for our business and related financing, include forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. These statements are based on our beliefs and expectations about future outcomes and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from anticipated results. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. You should read the "Risk Factors" section included in our 2023 Annual Report, 2024 Quarterly Reports, and the "Risk Factors" and "Disclosure Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" sections of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for a discussion of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results described in or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in the following discussion and analysis.
We are a biotechnology company focused on discovering, developing, and commercializing novel gene and cell therapies and vaccines that improve health and offer hope for patients across the globe.
Our technology pipeline includes:
Modifier Gene Therapy Platform — Based on the use of nuclear hormone receptors ("NHRs"), we believe our modifier gene therapy platform has the potential to address many retinal diseases, including rare genetic diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa ("RP") (OCU400) and Leber congenital amaurosis ("LCA") (OCU400), with a gene-agnostic approach. We also believe our modifier gene therapy platform has the potential to address multifactorial retinal diseases including dry age-related macular degeneration ("dAMD") using OCU410, which affects millions of patients in the United States alone, and Stargardt disease (OCU410ST), which is a rare genetic disease. We are actively dosing patients in the U.S. in a Phase 3 liMeliGhT clinical trial for OCU400 for the treatment of RP. We also received approval from Health Canada to initiate a Phase 3 trial for OCU400 for the treatment of RP. In August 2024, we received approval from the FDA to begin our expanded access program (EAP) for the treatment of adult patients, aged 18 or older, with RP. After completion of a Phase 1/2 trial for OCU400 for the treatment of LCA, we will discuss alignment for Phase 3 strategy with the FDA. OCU410 is currently dosing in Phase 2 of the ArMaDa Phase 1/2 clinical trial for the treatment of geographic atrophy ("GA"), an advanced form of dAMD. Additionally, OCU410ST, has completed Phase 1 of the GARDian Phase 1/2 clinical trial for the treatment of Stargardt disease. Both OCU410 and OCU410ST studies have completed the low, medium, and high dose cohorts in the Phase 1 part of the Phase 1/2 trials to date.
Novel Biologic Therapy for Retinal Diseases — OCU200 is a novel fusion protein consisting of two human proteins, tumstatin and transferrin. OCU200 possesses unique features which potentially enable it to treat vascular complications of diabetic macular edema ("DME"), diabetic retinopathy ("DR"), and wet age related macular degeneration ("AMD"). Tumstatin is the active component of OCU200 and binds to integrin receptors, which play a crucial role in disease pathogenesis. Transferrin is expected to facilitate the targeted delivery of tumstatin into the retina and choroid and potentially help increase the interaction between tumstatin and integrin receptors. In October 2024, we announced that the FDA cleared the investigational new drug application for the Phase 1 clinical trial for OCU200. We expect initiation of the OCU200 clinical trial in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Regenerative Cell Therapy Platform — Our Phase 3-ready regenerative cell therapy platform technology, which includes NeoCart (autologous chondrocyte-derived neocartilage), is being developed for the repair of knee cartilage injuries in adults. We received concurrence from the FDA on the confirmatory Phase 3 trial design and have completed renovating an existing facility into a current Good Manufacturing Practice ("cGMP") facility to support clinical study and initial commercial launch. This facility is needed to generate patient-specific NeoCart implant from chondrocytes derived from knee biopsy. We intend to initiate the Phase 3 trial contingent on adequate availability of funding.
Inhaled Mucosal Vaccine Platform — Our next-generation, inhaled mucosal vaccine platform includes OCU500, a COVID-19 vaccine; OCU510, a seasonal quadrivalent flu vaccine; and OCU520, a combination quadrivalent seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccine. We have completed IND-enabling studies and GMP manufacturing of clinical trial material for OCU500. We are currently collaborating with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ("NIAID") for early clinical studies for OCU500. NIAID intends to initiate a Phase 1 clinical trial after IND clearance. We are continuing discussions with relevant government agencies as well as strategic partners regarding developmental funding for our OCU510 and OCU520 platforms.

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Modifier Gene Therapy Platform
We are developing a modifier gene therapy platform designed to fulfill unmet medical needs related to retinal diseases, including inherited retinal diseases ("IRDs"), such as RP, LCA, Stargardt disease; and multifactorial diseases such as dAMD. Our modifier gene therapy platform is based on the use of NHRs, which have the potential to achieve homeostasis — the basic biological processes in the retina to restore a healthy state from a diseased state. Unlike single gene replacement therapies, which only target one genetic mutation, our modifier gene therapy platform, through its use of NHRs, represents a unique, gene-agnostic approach to address not just the mutated gene but provide a molecular "reset" of health and survival of gene networks. OCU400, our lead product candidate in our modifier gene therapy platform, has received Orphan Drug Designation ("ODD") from the FDA for RP and LCA, a regenerative medicine advanced therapy ("RMAT") designation for the treatment of RP associated with NR2E3 and rhodopsin ("RHO") mutations from the FDA, and Orphan Medicinal Product Designation ("OMPD") from the European Commission ("EC"), based on the recommendation of the European Medicines Agency ("EMA"), for RP and LCA. These broad ODD, RMAT, and OMPD designations further support the broad (gene-agnostic) therapeutic potential of OCU400 to treat multiple IRDs such as RP and LCA associated with mutations in multiple genes.
We completed enrolling, dosing, and recruiting RP and LCA patients in the Phase 1/2 trial for OCU400. The objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of unilateral subretinal administration of OCU400 in NR2E3 and rhodopsin ("RHO")-related RP patients and centrosomal protein 290 ("CEP290")-related LCA patients in the United States.

In February 2024, in continuation of the preliminary analyses update, we announced an update for 18 participants. The trial update was an extension of the positive preliminary data from September 2023. The positive trial update demonstrated that OCU400 continued to be generally safe and well-tolerated in subjects across different mutations and dose levels. 89% of participants demonstrated preservation or improvement in OCU400 treated eyes either on best corrected visual acuity ("BCVA") or low-luminance visual acuity ("LLVA") or multi-luminance mobility test ("MLMT") scores from baseline. 78% of participants demonstrated stabilization or improvement in OCU400 treated eyes in MLMT scores from baseline. 80% of RHO mutation subjects experienced either stabilization or increase in MLMT scores from baseline.

In April 2024, the FDA cleared our IND amendment to initiate a Phase 3 liMeliGhT clinical trial of OCU400 for RP. OCU400 is the first gene therapy program to enter Phase 3 with a broad RP indication. This Phase 3 trial will enroll 150 subjects, distributed 1:1 into two separate arms (RHO: N=75, and Gene Agnostic: N=75). In each arm subjects will be further randomized into 2:1 ratio to treated and untreated control groups. Subjects will be followed for a year after dosing for primary end point analyses. In the Phase 1/2 OCU400 clinical trial a MLMT scale was the primary functional endpoint. For the Phase 3 OCU400 clinical trial, an updated mobility course will be used, Luminance Dependent Navigation Assessment ("LDNA") that includes a wider range of light intensity (0.04-500 Lux) and Lux Levels (0-9) with a uniform correlation between Lux level and Lux intensity. More than 60% of intent-to-treat (ITT) patients from the Phase 1/2 clinical trial (RHO and NR2E3) meet the responder criteria (Responder ≥ 2 Lux level improvement) for Phase 3.

In April 2024, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the EMA reviewed the study design, endpoints and planned statistical analysis of the pivotal OCU400 Phase 3 liMeliGhT clinical trial for RP and provided acceptability of the U.S.-based trial for submission of a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA). The EMA provided this opinion based on safety, tolerability, and efficacy of OCU400 demonstrated in the Phase 1/2 study.
In June 2024, the first patient was dosed in the Phase 3 clinical trial for OCU400 for the treatment of RP. The Phase 3 clinical trial is on track to complete enrollment in the first half of 2025, file the Biologics License Application ("BLA") and MAA in the first half of 2026, and pursue commercialization in 2027. After completion of Phase 1/2 for OCU400 for the treatment of LCA, we will discuss alignment for Phase 3 strategy with the FDA.
In August 2024, we received notification from the FDA to begin our EAP for the treatment of adult patients with RP with OCU400. This program is available for patients with early, intermediate to advanced RP with at least minimal retinal preservation who may benefit from the mechanism of action of OCU400 prior to approval of the BLA.
We also received approval from Health Canada to initiate a Phase 3 trial for OCU400 for the treatment of RP. The Health Canada trial will run in parallel with the U.S. FDA trial, expediting the ability to potentially provide a gene-agnostic treatment option to approximately 110,000 patients in the United States and Canada.
OCU410 and OCU410ST are being developed utilizing the nuclear receptor gene RAR-related orphan receptor A ("RORA"), for the treatment of GA secondary to dAMD and Stargardt disease, respectively. OCU410 is a potential one-time, curative therapy with a single sub-retinal injection. OCU410 targets multiple pathways associated with AMD pathogenesis, in contrast to products currently approved or under development that treat only one cause of GA, require multiple injections per year, and

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have safety considerations. OCU410ST has received ODD from the FDA for the treatment of ABCA4-associated retinopathies, including Stargardt disease.
OCU410 is currently dosing in Phase 2 of the Phase 1/2 ArMaDa clinical trial. OCU410ST has completed Phase 1, and the DSMB approved enrollment for the second phase of the Phase 1/2 GARDian clinical trial.
Phase 2 of the OCU410 ArMaDa clinical trial is a randomized expansion phase in which subjects will be randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to either one of two OCU410 dose groups or to an untreated control group. We plan to complete dosing in the Phase 1/2 ArMaDa clinical trial by early 2025.
In November 2023, the first patient was dosed in the Phase 1/2 trial to assess the safety and efficacy of OCU410ST for Stargardt disease. Phase 1 is a multicenter, open-label, dose ranging study. Phase 2 will be a randomized, outcome accessor-blinded, dose-expansion study in which adult and pediatric subjects will be randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to either one of two OCU410ST dose groups or to an untreated control group. In August 2024, we announced the high dose was complete in the third cohort of Phase 1/2 study. In October 2024, we announced that the DSMB approved proceeding to Phase 2 using high and medium doses.
Novel Biologic Therapy for Retinal Diseases

We are developing OCU200, which is a novel fusion protein containing parts of human transferrin and tumstatin. OCU200 is designed to treat DME, DR, and wet AMD. We have completed the technology transfer of manufacturing processes to our contract development and manufacturing organization ("CDMO") and have produced trial materials to initiate a Phase 1 trial. In April 2023, the FDA placed our IND application to initiate a Phase 1 trial targeting DME on clinical hold, as part of the FDA's request for additional information related to CMC. In October 2024, we announced that the FDA lifted the clinical hold on our IND application for the Phase 1 clinical trial for OCU200. We expect initiation of the OCU200 clinical trial in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Regenerative Cell Therapy Platform
NeoCart is a Phase 3-ready, regenerative cell therapy technology that combines breakthroughs in bioengineering and cell processing to enhance the autologous cartilage repair process. NeoCart is a three-dimensional tissue-engineered disc of new cartilage that is manufactured by growing the patient's own chondrocytes, the cells responsible for maintaining cartilage health. Current surgical and nonsurgical treatment options for knee cartilage injuries in adults are limited in their efficacy and durability. In prior clinical studies, Phase 2 and Phase 3, NeoCart has shown potential to accelerate healing, reduce pain, and provide regenerative native-like cartilage strength with durable benefits post transplantation. NeoCart was shown to be generally well-tolerated and demonstrated greater clinical efficacy than microfracture surgery at two years after treatment. Based on this clinical benefit, the FDA granted a RMAT designation to NeoCart for the repair of full-thickness lesions of knee cartilage injuries in adults. Additionally, we received concurrence from the FDA on the confirmatory Phase 3 trial design where chondroplasty will be used as a control group. We have completed renovating an existing facility into a cGMP facility in accordance with the FDA's regulations in support of NeoCart manufacturing for personalized Phase 3 trial material. We intend to initiate the Phase 3 trial contingent on adequate availability of funding.
Inhaled Mucosal Vaccine Platform
We are party to an exclusive license agreement (as amended, "WU License Agreement") with The Washington University in St. Louis ("Washington University"), pursuant to which we licensed the rights to develop, manufacture, and commercialize an inhaled mucosal COVID-19 vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 in the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia, China, and Hong Kong (the "Mucosal Vaccine Territory"). In addition, we internally developed technology related to the flu and COVID-19's vaccine design and filed intellectual property. We are developing a next-generation, inhalation-based mucosal vaccine platform based on a novel ChAd vector, which includes OCU500, a COVID-19 vaccine; OCU510, a seasonal quadrivalent flu vaccine; and OCU520, a combination quadrivalent seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccine. Our inhaled mucosal vaccine platform is driven by our conviction to serve a major public health concern, which requires the endorsement and support of government funding in order to develop and ultimately commercialize our vaccine candidates. As these vaccine candidates are being developed to be administered via inhalation, we believe they have the potential to generate rapid local immune response in the upper airways and lungs, where viruses enter and infect the body. We believe this novel delivery route may help reduce or prevent infection and transmission as well as provide protection against new virus variants. In October 2023, OCU500 was selected by the NIAID Project NextGen for inclusion in clinical trials. OCU500 will be tested via two different mucosal routes, inhalation and intranasal delivery. NIAID intends to initiate a Phase 1 clinical trial after IND

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clearance. We are continuing discussions with relevant government agencies as well as strategic partners regarding developmental funding for our OCU510 and OCU520 platforms.
Results of Operations
Comparison of the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
The following table summarizes the results of our operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (in thousands):
Three months ended September 30,
Collaborative arrangement revenue$1,136 $3,699 $(2,563)
Total Revenue1,136 3,699 (2,563)
Operating expenses
Research and development8,108 7,048 1,060 
General and administrative6,280 9,082 (2,802)
Total operating expenses14,388 16,130 (1,742)
Loss from operations(13,252)(12,431)(821)
Other income (expense), net282 714 (432)
Net loss$(12,970)$(11,717)$(1,253)
We believe the following table provides more transparency as to the type of research and development expenses incurred. The following table summarizes our research and development expenses by product candidate for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (in thousands):
Three months ended September 30,
OCU400$1,492 $1,334 $158 
OCU410 and OCU410ST759 884 (125)
NeoCart104 194 (90)
COVAXIN(65)452 (517)
Inhaled mucosal vaccine platform664 36 628 
OCU20048 238 (190)
Unallocated costs:
Research and development personnel costs3,745 3,209 536 
Facilities and other support costs791 338 453 
Other570 363 207 
Total research and development$8,108 $7,048 $1,060 
Collaborative arrangement revenue
Collaborative arrangement revenue decreased by $2.6 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was due to our quarterly reassessment of the amount of co-development services provided by us to the business partner in the collaboration agreement.
Research and development expense

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Research and development expense increased by $1.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase was primarily due to $0.6 million related to OCU500, which is driven by an increase in preclinical activities and GMP manufacturing of Phase 1 clinical trial material; $0.5 million in employee-related expenses; $0.5 million primarily driven by an increase in depreciation expense. These increases were partially offset by a decrease of $0.5 million related to the termination of the COVAXIN program; $0.2 million related to OCU200, which is driven by a decrease in preclinical activities.
General and administrative expense
General and administrative expense decreased by $2.8 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily due to $2.2 million in professional services fees and $0.6 million related to reduced headcount.
Other income (expense), net
Other income (expense), net decreased by $0.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily due to $0.4 million in interest earned on our cash and restricted cash, which had a lower average balance compared to prior year.

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Comparison of the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
The following table summarizes the results of our operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (in thousands):
Nine months ended September 30,
Collaboration revenue$3,291 $4,627 $(1,336)
Total revenues3,291 4,627 (1,336)
Operating expenses
Research and development23,836 31,794 (7,958)
General and administrative20,372 26,839 (6,467)
Total operating expenses44,208 58,633 (14,425)
Loss from operations(40,917)(54,006)13,089 
Other income (expense), net743 1,898 (1,155)
Net loss$(40,174)$(52,108)$11,934 
We believe the following table provides more transparency as to the type of research and development expenses incurred. The following table summarizes our research and development expenses by product candidate for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (in thousands):
Nine months ended September 30,
OCU400$5,190 $3,942 $1,248 
OCU410 and OCU410ST2,598 3,168 (570)
NeoCart459 966 (507)
COVAXIN8,719 (8,711)
Inhaled mucosal vaccine platform2,160 591 1,569 
OCU200324 571 (247)
Unallocated costs:
Research and development personnel costs9,590 11,552 (1,962)
Facilities and other support costs2,168 1,147 1,021 
Other1,339 1,138 201 
Total research and development$23,836 $31,794 $(7,958)
Collaborative arrangement revenue
Collaborative arrangement revenue decreased by $1.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was due to our quarterly reassessment of the amount of co-development services provided by us to the business partner in the collaboration agreement.
Research and development expense
Research and development expense decreased by $8.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily due to $8.7 million related to the termination of the COVAXIN program and $2.0 million related to reduced headcount. These decreases were partially offset by an increase of $1.6 million related to OCU500, which is driven by an increase in preclinical activities and GMP manufacturing of Phase 1 clinical trial material and $1.2 million related to OCU400, which is driven by an increase in non-cash co-development services provided by our collaboration arrangements business partner.

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General and administrative expense
General and administrative expense decreased by $6.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily due to $3.1 million in professional service fees and $3.1 million related to reduced headcount.
Other income (expense), net
Other income (expense), net decreased by $1.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily due to $1.1 million in interest earned on our cash and restricted cash, which had a lower average balance compared to prior year.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 30, 2024, we had $38.7 million in cash. We have not generated revenue from our product candidates to date, and have primarily funded our operations through the sale of common stock, warrants to purchase common stock, the issuance of convertible notes and debt, and grant proceeds. Since our inception and through September 30, 2024, we have raised a gross aggregate of $338.9 million to fund our operations, of which $325.1 million was from gross proceeds from the sale of our common stock and warrants, $10.3 million was from the issuance of convertible notes, $3.3 million was from the issuance of debt, and $0.2 million was from grant proceeds.
Subsequent to September 30, 2024, the Company entered into a debt financing transaction with Avenue Capital for net proceeds of $29.2 million. The loan has a maturity date of November 1, 2028, of which the first 24 months are interest only, and bears interest at a variable rate per annum equal to the greater of the Prime Rate plus 4.25% or 12.25%. Additionally, the Lender has the right to convert an aggregate amount of up to $6.0 million of the outstanding principal amount into shares of Common Stock at a conversion price per share equal to a 80% of the trading price on the date of conversion, which shall be at Lenders' option. In the event the Company elects to prepay the Term Loans in full, Lenders shall have 10 days to elect to exercise its conversion right prior to such prepayment. All conversion rights shall terminate on Term Loans payoff. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the aggregate amount of Common Stock issued pursuant to the “Conversion Right” and the “Equity Grant” shall not exceed a number of shares equal to 19.9% of the Company’s outstanding Common Stock. The agreement is collateralized by all of the Company’s assets in which the agent is granted senior secured lien. The Company also grants the Lenders a negative pledge on the Company’s intellectual property. In connection with the debt financing transaction, the Company entered into a Subscription Agreement with Avenue Capital, pursuant to which the Company issued 1,056,338 shares of Common Stock to Avenue Capital with an issue date of November 6, 2024.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, we issued and sold 32.7 million shares of our common stock at a public offering price of $1.15 per share pursuant to the July 2024 Public Offering. We received net proceeds of $34.7 million after deducting equity issuance costs.
During the year ended December 31, 2023, we issued and sold 30.0 million shares of our common stock at a public offering price of $0.50 per share pursuant to an underwriting agreement (the "May 2023 Public Offering"). We received net proceeds of $14.8 million after deducting equity issuance costs.
During the year ended December 31, 2023, we sold 4.5 million shares of our common stock under the At Market Issuance Sales Agreement ("Sales Agreement") with certain agents and received net proceeds of $5.6 million after deducting equity issuance costs of $0.2 million. The Sales Agreement was terminated in February 2023.

籌資活動提供的淨現金34,686 20,865 

the outcome, timing, and cost of the regulatory approval process for our product candidates;
the costs of manufacturing and commercialization;
the costs related to doing business internationally with respect to the development and commercialization of our product candidates;
the cost of filing, prosecuting, defending, and enforcing our patent claims and other intellectual property rights;
the cost of defending intellectual property disputes, including patent infringement actions brought by third parties against us;
the acquisition of or in-licensing of additional product candidates and technologies;
the costs of expanding infrastructure to support our development, commercialization, and business efforts, including the costs related to the development of a laboratory and manufacturing facility;
the costs involved in recruiting and retaining skilled personnel;
the extent to which we in-license or acquire other products, product candidates, or technologies and out-license our product candidates; and
the impact of geopolitical turmoil, macroeconomic conditions, social unrest, political instability, terrorism, or other acts of war.
As of September 30, 2024, we had cash of approximately $38.7 million. This amount will not be sufficient to fund our operations over the next 12 months. Due to the inherent uncertainty involved in making estimates and the risks associated with the research, development, and commercialization of biotechnology products, we may have based this estimate on assumptions that may prove to be wrong, and our operating plan may change as a result of many factors currently unknown to us. Given this uncertainty, and despite the additional funding from the debt transaction with Avenue Capital, we will need to raise significant additional capital in order to fund our operations until we recognize significant revenue from product sales. Our management continues to evaluate different strategies to obtain the funding required for our future operations. These strategies may include, but are not limited to: public and private placements of equity and/or debt, payments from potential strategic research and development arrangements, sales of assets, licensing and/or collaboration arrangements with pharmaceutical companies or other institutions, funding from the government, particularly for the development of our novel inhaled mucosal vaccine platform, or funding from other third parties. Our ability to secure funding is subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to the impact of the geopolitical turmoil, macroeconomic conditions, and the impact of inflation and as a result, there can be no assurance that these funding efforts will be successful. If we cannot obtain the necessary funding, we will need to delay, scale back, or eliminate some or all of our research and development programs and commercialization efforts; consider other various strategic alternatives, including a merger or sale; or cease operations. If we cannot expand our operations or otherwise capitalize on our business opportunities because we lack sufficient capital, our business, financial condition, and results of operations could be materially adversely affected.
As a result of these factors, together with the anticipated continued spending that will be necessary to continue to research, develop, and commercialize our product candidates, there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern within one year after the date that the condensed consolidated financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are issued.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements during the periods presented, and we do not currently have any off-balance sheet arrangements as defined in the rules and regulations of the SEC.
Critical Accounting Policies and Significant Judgments and Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires us to make judgments, estimates, and assumptions in the preparation of our condensed consolidated financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates. There have been no material changes to our critical accounting policies and estimates as reported in our 2023 Annual Report.

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Recently Adopted Accounting Pronouncements
For a discussion of recently adopted accounting pronouncements, see Note 2 in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Item 3.    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.
Not applicable.
Item 4.    Controls and Procedures.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
We have carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act), as of September 30, 2024. Based upon this evaluation, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that, as of the end of the period covered by this report, our disclosure controls and procedures are not effective because of a material weakness related to the design and operating effectiveness of controls over the accounting for collaborative arrangements that was disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. Notwithstanding the identified material weakness, the Company's management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, has concluded the Company's Condensed consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-Q present fairly, in all material respects, the Company's financial condition, results of operations and cash flows at and for the periods presented in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.


The Company’s plan to remediate the identified material weakness was previously described in Part II, Item 9A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. The remediation plan includes improving the design and operation of management's controls over the technical accounting analysis, the determination of the transaction price, calculating the progress towards the satisfaction of the performance obligations under the collaborative arrangements, and determining the value of the non-cash consideration received under collaborative arrangements. Specifically, during the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company implemented controls to obtain relevant information from third parties on a timely basis, including actual costs incurred, actual noncash consideration received, and estimates to complete and review the accounting for collaborative arrangements during the financial statement close process. The material weakness cannot be considered remediated until the newly designed and implemented controls operate effectively for a sufficient period of time and management has concluded, through testing, that the control is operating effectively.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
The third quarter 2024 remediation activities described above are changes in our internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act) that occurred during the three months ended September 30, 2024, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

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Item 1.    Legal Proceedings.
For a discussion of legal proceedings, see Note 13 in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Item 1A.    Risk Factors.
Except as set forth below, there have been no material changes in our risk factors as previously disclosed in our 2023 Annual Report. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently deem to be immaterial may also materially adversely affect our business, financial condition, or future results.
The terms of our Loan and Security Agreement with Avenue Capital Management II, L.P. and the lenders listed therein require us to meet certain operating covenants and place restrictions on our operating and financial flexibility. If we raise additional capital through debt financing, the terms of any new debt could further restrict our ability to operate our business.

2024年11月6日,我們與Avenue Capital Management II、L.P.及其相關實體(統稱“Avenue”)簽訂了一項貸款和安全協議(“貸款和安全協議”),該協議以我們所有資產作為擔保。 該貸款和安全協議包含慣例的肯定和消極契約條款和違約事件。 肯定性契約條款包括,但不限於,要求我們保護和維護我們的知識產權並遵守所有適用法律,提交某些財務報告和保持保險覆蓋的契約。 消極性契約條款包括,但不限於,限制我們轉讓業務或知識產權的契約,增加額外債務,進行合併或收購,收購股份,支付分紅或進行其他分配,進行投資以及對我們資產設定其他留置權,包括知識產權,每種情況均適用慣例例外。 如果我們籌集任何額外的債務融資,這些額外債務的條款可能進一步限制我們的營運和財務靈活性。 這些限制可能包括,但不限於,對增加債務的限制以及對資產使用的具體限制,以及對我們設定留置權,支付股息,贖回資本股或進行投資的禁止。 如果我們違反貸款和安全協議的條款或任何未來的債務養活,Avenue可能加速我們的還款義務並控制我們抵押的資產,可能要求我們重新協商我們的合同條款,條款對我們不利,或立即停止運營。 此外,如果我們被清算,Avenue的償還權將優於我們普通股股東的權益。 如果發生任何可能被解釋為根據貸款和安全協議中定義的實質不利影響的事件,Avenue可以宣布一個違約事件。 Avenue對違約事件的宣布可能明顯損害我們的業務和前景,並可能導致我們的普通股價格下降。
項目2. 未註冊的股權出售、款項使用情況和公司購買的股權。
項目 3.    高級證券的違約情況。
項目 4. 礦業安全披露。
項目 5.    其他資訊。
截至2024年9月30日三個月結束時,根據1934年證券交易法16a-1(f)條的定義,沒有董事或"高級職員", 採用終止 根據S-K法規408(c)條的定義,沒有Rule 10b5-1交易計劃或安排,或非Rule 10b5-1交易計劃或安排。

檔案 6。展品。
101.SCH*Inline XBRL分類擴充模式文件
101.CAL*Inline XBRL分類擴充計算鏈接庫文件
101.DEF*Inline XBRL分類擴充定義鏈接庫文件
101.LAB*Inline XBRL分類擴充標記鏈接庫文件
101.PRE*Inline XBRL分類擴充演示鏈接庫文件
* 附帶提交。

ocugen, Inc.
日期:2024年11月14日/s/ Shankar Musunuri
Shankar Musunuri,博士,MBA
日期:2024年11月14日/s/ Ramesh Ramachandran
Ramesh Ramachandran,CPA,MBA,CMA