
表格 10-Q
在過渡期間從                至               
佣金文件號 001-42043
Silvaco 集團股份有限公司
6401 Congress Ave
Silvaco 集團股份有限公司
4701 Patrick Henry Drive, 23號大樓
聖克拉拉, 加利福尼亞州 95054
(408) 567-1000

請用複選標記表示註冊人:(1)是否在過去12個月內(或者註冊人被要求提交此類報告的較短期間內)已提交證券交易所法案第13或15(d)條要求提交的所有報告;和(2)過去90天內是否受到此類報告要求的約束。是 ☐沒有
請用複選標記表示,報告人是否已在其公司網站上以電子方式提交併發佈了根據S-t條例第405條規定在過去12個月內(或報告人需要提交和發佈這些文件的較短期間)提交和發佈的所有交互數據文件。Yes☒     不行 ☐
用√表示,註冊申請者是否爲殼公司(如《法案》第120億.2條定義)。 是 截至2024年7月30日,已有
截至2024年11月8日,註冊人員擁有 28,463,075全稱爲普通股,每股面值爲 0.0001 美元。

項目 1.
項目 4。


現金及現金等價物$26,606 $4,421 
應收賬款淨額5,037 4,006 
合同資產,淨額9,949 8,749 
預付費用和其他流動資產3,215 2,549 
遞延交易成本 1,163 
總流動資產118,589 20,888 
資產和設備,淨值843 591 
經營租賃使用權資產,淨值2,045 1,963 
無形資產, 淨額4,660 342 
商譽9,026 9,026 
合同資產的長期部分,淨額9,456 6,250 
其他1,836 1,825 
所有基金類型,資產開多總計27,866 19,997 
總資產$146,455 $40,885 
應付賬款$4,197 $2,495 
應計費用及其他流動負債23,309 10,255 
應計所得稅$39,6142,445 1,626 
遞延收入,流動7,784 7,882 
經營租賃負債,流動負債855 735 
關聯方貸款 2,000 
流動負債合計40,443 24,993 
遞延收入,非流動3,241 5,071 
非流動經營租賃負債1,172 1,198 
其他長期負債211 221 
總負債47,805 31,483 
優先股,$0.00010.0001 面值; 10,000,000 已授權的股份數量, no 2024年9月30日,已發行和流通的股份數量爲; no 2023年12月31日授權的股份數
普通股,每股面值爲 $0.0001;0.0001 面值; 500,000,000 股份已授權; 26,294,217 2024年9月30日,已發行和流通的股份數量爲; 25,000,000 股份已授權; 20,000,000截至2023年12月31日,已發行並流通的股份爲65,052股
3 2 
股東權益合計98,650 9,402 
負債和股東權益合計$146,455 $40,885 

SILVACO 集團有限公司
軟件許可收入$6,840 $11,083 $30,121 $30,593 
維護和服務4,132 3,861 11,700 11,167 
總收入10,972 14,944 41,821 41,760 
收入成本2,786 2,274 9,620 6,672 
毛利潤8,186 12,670 32,201 35,088 
研究和開發4,134 3,289 15,457 9,833 
銷售和營銷3,834 3,139 14,317 8,874 
一般和行政7,128 4,500 30,042 13,311 
預計的訴訟索賠392  15,088  
運營費用總額15,488 10,928 74,904 32,018 
營業(虧損)收入(7,302)1,742 (42,703)3,070 
債務清償損失  (718) 
利息收入1,217 1 1,899 4 
利息和其他(支出)收入,淨額(278)37 (832)(535)
所得稅準備金前的(虧損)收入(6,363)1,780 (42,354)2,539 
所得稅條款188 332 1,207 608 
淨(虧損)收入$(6,551)$1,448 $(43,561)$1,931 
基本款和稀釋版$(0.23)$0.07 $(1.77)$0.10 

淨(虧損)收入$(6,551)$1,448 $(43,561)$1,931 
外幣折算調整679 (326)295 (372)
有價證券的未實現收益269  269  
綜合(虧損)收益$(5,603)$1,122 $(42,997)$1,559 

2024年6月30日結餘26,294,217$3 $129,837 $(25,618)$(2,376)$101,846 
基於股票的補償費用— — 2,407 — — 2,407 
其他綜合收益— — — — 948 948 
淨損失— — — (6,551)— (6,551)
2024年9月30日資產負債表26,294,217$3 $132,244 $(32,169)$(1,428)$98,650 
2023年6月30日,餘額20,000,000$2 $ $12,191 $(1,953)$10,240 
其他綜合損失— — — — (326)(326)
淨利潤— — — 1,448 — 1,448 
2023年9月30日餘額20,000,000$2 $ $13,639 $(2,279)$11,362 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

(Unaudited, in thousands except share amounts)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Common StockAdditional Paid-in Capital(Accumulated Deficit) Retained Earnings Accumulated Other Comprehensive LossTotal Stockholders’ Equity
Balance, December 31, 202320,000,000$2 $ $11,392 $(1,992)$9,402 
Issuance of common stock in connection with initial public offering, net of underwriting fees and commissions and net of deferred transaction costs of $3,298
6,000,000 1 102,721 — — 102,722 
Conversion of Micron Note into common stock294,217 — 5,589 — — 5,589 
Stock-based compensation expense— — 23,934 — — 23,934 
Other comprehensive income— — — — 564 564 
Net loss— — — (43,561)— (43,561)
Balance, September 30, 202426,294,217$3 $132,244 $(32,169)$(1,428)$98,650 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Common StockAdditional Paid-in CapitalRetained EarningsAccumulated Other Comprehensive LossTotal Stockholders’ Equity
Balance, December 31, 202220,000,000$2 $ $11,928 $(1,907)$10,023 
ASC 326 Transition Adjustment— — — (220)— (220)
Balance, January 1, 202320,000,000 2  11,708 (1,907)9,803 
Other comprehensive loss— — — — (372)(372)
Net income— — — 1,931 — 1,931 
Balance, September 30, 202320,000,000$2 $ $13,639 $(2,279)$11,362 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.


折舊和攤銷903 456 
信貸損失準備金154 198 
應付賬款1,022 (404)
應計所得稅836 475 
其他流動負債1,288 869 
其他長期負債9 (605)
由(用於)融資活動提供的淨現金105,549 (1,019)
匯率波動對現金和現金等價物的影響255 (262)
現金和現金等價物的淨增加(減少)22,185 (1,165)
現金和現金等價物,期初4,421 5,478 
現金和現金等價物,期末$26,606 $4,313 

1. 業務描述
2024年5月,公司完成了首次公開發行(「IPO」),發行並出售了 6,000,000 股份,公開發行價格爲$19.00 114.0公司存在未來購買的合同義務,主要與營運中使用的雲端軟件合同相關。截至2023年6月30日,購買義務爲106.0 百萬美元,扣除承銷折扣和佣金後,資金劃入公司帳戶8.0百萬美元。
2. 重大會計和報告政策摘要
隨附的簡明合併財務報表是根據美國通用會計準則("GAAP")編制的,幷包括在北美洲、歐洲、亞洲和南美洲擁有業務的 Silvaco 及公司全部直接擁有的子公司的帳戶。所有公司內部交易和餘額在合併時已被消除。
根據證券交易委員會(「SEC」)的規定,這些簡明合併財務報表中通常包括的根據GAAP準備的年度基本報表中的某些信息和腳註披露已被省略。因此,應當閱讀這些簡明合併財務報表,並參閱公司截至2023年12月31日的經審計合併財務報表以及相關附註,這些內容包含在公司於2024年5月8日出具的關於IPO的最終招股書中,相關的招股書與2024年5月10日提交給SEC的根據File No. 333-278666的S-1表(修訂後)有關,根據1933年修定版證券法「證券法」第424條第(b)(4)款的規定提交。 截至2023年12月31日的簡明合併資產負債表來自當天的經審計合併財務報表。在管理層看來,未經審計的簡明合併財務報表是根據與年度財務報表相同的基礎上編制的,並反映了所有必要的會計調整,其中僅包括用於簡明合併財務報表真實陳述的常規調整。

截至2024年9月30日,兩個客戶佔公司應收賬款的百分比。 16%和 15截至2023年12月31日,兩個客戶佔公司應收賬款的百分比。 20%和 15公司的應收賬款中,截至2024年9月30日,兩個客戶分別佔有百分之。
截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,公司的客戶沒有一個佔公司的總營業收入超過10%。一個客戶佔 14截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,客戶佔公司的總營業收入的百分比。 20%和 11截至2023年9月30日的三個月內,公司的兩個客戶佔公司的總營業收入的百分比。截止2023年9月30日的九個月內,公司的客戶沒有一個佔公司的總營業收入超過10%。
截至2024年9月30日,未償還的金額爲美元。5.0 %,分別爲2024年9月30日的$ 18.7公司現金及現金等價物中百分之%, 存放在一家金融機構,該機構目前存款超過了聯邦保險限額,金額爲$3.4 萬元, 12.7百分之% 由公司的外國子公司持有。

對於可供出售的債務證券處於未實現虧損狀態,公司評估是否打算在攤餘成本收回之前出售該證券。如果這兩個條件都得到滿足,證券的攤餘成本將被調整爲公允價值,並在損益表的利息費用和其他項目中記錄虧損,不超過未實現虧損的金額。公司在2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月內沒有承認任何除非暫時性減值來源於其可交易證券的減值。可供出售的可交易證券的未實現收益和未實現損失(除非暫時性減值和信用損失)列示在綜合損益表的其他綜合損失中。與信用相關的未實現損失被承認爲對應的負債,列示於損益表的利息和其他項目中。賣出證券的成本基於具體確認法,並實現的收益和損失分別報告在利息收入和損益表的利息和其他項目中。 公司在2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月內,在綜合損益表的其他綜合損失中承認了$0.3 百萬美元的可供出售的可交易證券的未實現收益。
公司評估其收取未清應收賬款和合同資產的能力,併爲估計無法收回的應收賬款和合同資產提供客戶專項準備金、信用損失備抵金。信貸損失準備金基於歷史收款經驗和預期信用損失、客戶的具體財務狀況、客戶所在行業和地理區域的當前經濟趨勢、客戶需求的變化以及公司所服務市場的整體經濟環境。歸因於壞賬的預期信貸損失備抵準備金在簡明合併(虧損)收入報表中記作一般和管理費用。被視爲無法收回的帳戶餘額在扣除實際回收額後予以註銷。如果與特定客戶或公司所服務的市場有關的情況發生變化,則可以進一步調整公司對其應收賬款和合同資產可收回性的估計。公司沒有任何逾期的重大應收賬款或合同資產餘額,也沒有從所列期間的信貸損失備抵中註銷其投資組合中的任何重要餘額。 該公司的信貸損失準備金是 非實質的 在截至2024年9月30日的三個月中,虧損了美元0.1 截至2024年9月30日的九個月中爲百萬美元,虧損爲美元0.2 截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月中爲百萬美元。公司的應收賬款和合同資產預期信貸損失備抵金總額爲美元0.5 截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日和 2023 年 12 月 31 日,百萬人。
Silvaco的國際子公司的財務報表以當地功能貨幣折算爲美元進行合併。資產和負債以資產負債表日的有效匯率進行折算。經營業績以平均匯率折算,這些匯率與相關交易發生時的匯率相近。公司錄得了分別爲$的外幣翻譯調整0.7 百萬美元,在截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月內爲$0.3 百萬和$0.3 百萬和百萬的外幣翻譯調整分別計入了截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月的累積其他全面損失中。0.4 百萬和百萬的外幣翻譯調整分別計入了截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月的累積其他全面損失中。

公司的某些銷售和公司間交易是以外國貨幣計價的。這些交易按交易日期的適當匯率記錄在功能貨幣中。以公司的功能貨幣或其子公司的功能貨幣之外的貨幣計價的貨幣資產和負債在資產負債表日期以有效匯率重新計量。由外匯交易產生的收益和損失包括在公司簡明合併損益表的利息和其他(費用)收入中。 公司分別於2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月錄得淨外匯交易損失$0.2 百萬美元,在截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月內爲$0.4 百萬,於2023年9月30日結束的三個月錄得外匯交易盈利$0.1 百萬,並於2023年9月30日結束的三個月錄得外匯交易損失$0.3 年截至2023年9月30日的九個月支出了百萬美元。
由於以下未來證券因(i)其對截至2024年9月30日三個和九個月的攤薄每股收益的影響是減弱的,以及(ii)這些證券是條件性發行的,截至2023年9月30日還未滿足發行條件。請參考 附註7,有關受限制股票單位的更多信息。
RSU授予1,635,950 3,069,305 
2023年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-07,該更新通過增強重要板塊支出的披露,改進了可報告板塊的披露要求。這個更新中的修正應在合併財務報表中呈現的所有之前期間中進行追溯,適用於2023年12月31日後開始的財政年度和2024年12月31日後的財政年度內的中期期間。早期實施是允許的。公司目前正在評估該指引對其簡明合併財務報表的潛在影響。 分部報告(話題280)《報告分部披露的改進》,要求在中期和年度基礎上披露增量分部信息。本審計準則於2023年12月15日後開始的財政年度生效,並要求在2024年12月15日後開始的財政期間內進行追溯應用於財務報表中呈現的所有往期。允許提前採用。公司目前正在評估此會計準則更新對簡明合併財務報表的影響。
2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU No. 2023-09, 所得稅(話題740)提高所得稅披露的透明度和決策效用以增進基本報表披露的透明度。該會計準則將於2024年12月15日後開始的年度起生效,屆時執行前瞻性報告。允許提前採納。公司目前正在評估此會計準則更新對簡明一體財務報表的影響。
2024年11月,FASB發佈了ASU No. 2024-03, 基本報表-報告綜合收益-費用分解披露(主題220)費用分解的收入報表。這項ASU要求在損益報表中所列費用條目中包含的某些金額進行額外披露,並披露有關銷售費用的情況。這項ASU將在2026年12月15日後開始的年度期間和2027年12月15日後開始的中期報告期間以前的前瞻性基礎上生效,並有選擇性地適用於追溯執行。允許提前採用。公司目前正在評估這一會計準則更新對簡明綜合財務報表的影響。

3. 營業收入
當公司與客戶達成共識並承擔各自義務、確定了各自權利和付款條款、合同具有商業實質並且公司有可能收回所有應得的對價時,公司將爲合同進行會計處理。 收入的確認是在滿足履行承諾時通過轉讓承諾的軟件或向客戶提供服務時進行。
截至2024年9月30日,公司約有$32.6預計將有數百萬的營業收入來自剩餘履約義務。分配給剩餘履約義務的營業收入代表尚未確認的合同收入,其中包括遞延收入和未履行的訂單。公司的未履行訂單代表超出當前計費週期的分期賬單。公司預計將在約數個月內確認營業收入,其餘餘額隨後確認。 48在接下來的時間裏,這些剩餘的履約義務的%將會實現。 12 月,剩餘餘額隨後確認。
在2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月內,公司確認了分別爲$的營業收入,這些收入包含在2023年12月31日的總遞延營收餘額中。1.4 百萬美元,在截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月內爲$5.5 所有遞延營業收入中的其他活動是由於發票的開具時間與2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月內營業收入的時間相對應,如上所述。
4. 商譽和無形資產
截至2023年7月31日,續借貸款協議下未償還的借款額爲no 2024年和2023年截至9月30日的三個和九個月的商譽變動。

2024 年 9 月 30 日
無形資產:加權平均攤還期(以年爲單位)總賬面價值 累計攤銷淨賬面價值
開發的技術5$800 $(627)$173 
客戶關係590 (88)2 
非競爭協議520 (16)4 
許可的 IP54,979 (498)4,481 
$5,889 $(1,229)$4,660 
2023 年 12 月 31 日
開發的技術5$2,660 $(2,367)$293 
客戶關係52,416 (2,374)42 
非競爭協議5179 (172)7 
$5,255 $(4,913)$342 
2024年4月11日,公司修訂了與NXP合作開發的SIP許可協議,以總現金代價賣出,金額爲6.0百萬美元,分期支付 5 年。截至2024年9月30日,NXP IP的淨賬面價值爲4.5百萬美元,使用壽命爲 5 年,與許可協議的期限相同。公司記錄了與NXP許可協議相關的相應供應商融資義務。詳見 附註6《債務和融資義務》章節以了解更多討論。
無形資產攤銷費用爲$0.3 百萬和百萬的外幣翻譯調整分別計入了截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月的累積其他全面損失中。0.7 2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別爲$0.3 2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別在營業成本中認定了$0.5 2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間,其中$0.1 2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別爲$0.3 2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間,所有均在公司的綜合損益表中列示爲研發費用的無形資產攤銷費用爲$
截至2024年1月1日,公司已清除價值$的賬面價值4.3 資產淨賬面價值已全額攤銷的無形資產,已在撤銷時有 淨賬面價值。

5. 關聯方
公司與由Katherine Ngai-Pesic控制、董事會主席的相關方Kipee International, Inc.簽訂了商業租賃協議,其爲公司的創始主要股東,爲Silvaco在加利福尼亞聖克拉拉的公司辦公室。根據這項租賃安排,公司記錄了租金支出$0.1 2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別爲$0.2 百萬,在2024年和2023年截至9月30日的三個和九個月內。公司根據這一 三年 安排,從2022年5月1日開始,到2025年3月31日到期,公司的使用權資產和營運租賃負債爲$0.1 百萬(截至2024年9月30日)。
公司在加利福尼亞州爲其辦公空間租賃了一個子租約,該租約於2023年11月開始,最初租約期至2026年1月。該租約替代了同一地址於2022年1月開始的租約,最初租約期至2024年1月(於2024年1月結束)。此外,該公司還租用其他租期少於十二個月的空間;因此,在資產負債表上不承認此租約爲營運租約。兩個 國際辦公室租賃與新視界(劍橋)有限公司(「NHC」)和法國新視界(「NHF」)在英格蘭劍橋郡和法國格勒諾布爾的租賃行爲分別。NHC和NHF是Ngai-Pesic女士擁有和控制的房地產實體。就這些租賃安排而言,公司在2024年和2023年截至9月30日的三個月和九個月內分別記錄了$萬元的租金支出。0.1 2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別在營業成本中認定了$0.2 在2023年和2024年截至9月30日的三個月和九個月內,公司根據9日期末的NHC租賃安排,記錄的權益使用資產和營運租賃負債爲$萬元,該租賃將在2029年12月31日到期。1.0 在2024年9月30日,根據NHF租賃安排,公司記錄的權益使用資產和營運租賃負債爲$萬元,該租賃將在2026年4月30日到期。0.1 百萬(截至2024年9月30日)。
2022年6月13日,Silvaco簽訂了美元4.0向Ngai-Pesic女士提供的百萬信貸額度(「2022年信貸額度」)。與該信貸額度有關, 公司記錄的利息支出爲 $0.1 截至2024年9月30日的九個月內爲百萬美元,以及美元47,000 和 $0.1 在截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月中,分別爲百萬美元。2022年信貸額度下的未清款項已全額償還,2022年信貸額度於2024年5月終止。參見 注意 6,債務和融資義務,供進一步討論。
2012年2月,由艾薇-彼西克女士控制的Gu-Guide LP房地產業實體,與西部銀行和公司作爲擔保人,根據一項貸款協議達成一致,西部銀行同意向Gu-Guide LP出借一定金額的資金(「貸款」)。該貸款由一棟位於加利福尼亞聖克拉拉的房地產擔保。如果上述抵押品被迫清贖的款項不足以償還貸款項下的未償還金額,公司將擔保償還貸款項下的未償還金額。該貸款已全部償還,公司於2024年7月解除了擔保責任。 9,000 位於加利福尼亞聖克拉拉的一座面積爲平方英尺的建築物。如果上述抵押品被迫清贖的款項不足以償還貸款項下的未償還金額,公司將擔保償還貸款項下的未償還金額。該貸款已全部償還,公司於2024年7月解除了擔保責任。
6. 債務和融資義務
2022年6月13日,Silvaco簽訂了2022年信貸額度協議,利率爲基準利率加 1%,截至2023年12月31日,2022年信貸額度的本金餘額爲$2.0百萬。 2024年5月,已全額償還了2022年信貸額度下的未償餘額,同時終止了2022年信貸額度。公司沒有 認可2022年信貸額度註銷的任何收益或損失。

2023年12月,公司與華美銀行簽訂了貸款安排(「華美銀行貸款」),該貸款的到期日爲2025年12月14日,並規定借款額度不超過美元5.0百萬美元的計息利息,年利率等於百分之一的半數(0.5%) 高於 (i) 最優惠利率或 (ii) 百分之四半 (4.5%)。該公司提取了美元4.3 在截至2024年9月30日的九個月中,華美銀行的貸款爲100萬美元,並償還了美元4.32024 年 5 月總額達到 100 萬。因此,公司確認債務清償損失爲美元0.1在截至2024年9月30日的九個月中,有100萬人。公司記錄的利息支出爲美元0.2 在截至2024年9月30日的九個月中,華美銀行貸款爲百萬美元。2024年5月,華美銀行貸款終止。
2024年4月11日,公司修訂了許可證,以總現金代價賣出NXP知識產權。6.0百萬美元,分期支付 5 年,根據該協議,公司錄入了相關的供應商融資義務,截至2024年9月30日的餘額爲$。4.6%,反映了其借款利率與許可協議類似條件的相似利率。 9,公司分別於2024年9月30日結束的三個月及九個月確認了利息費用$。0.1百萬和$0.2,公司的供應商融資義務包括截至2024年9月30日的以下支付: 公司供應商融資義務由以下支付構成,截至2024年9月30日:
2024年4月16日,公司與公司的客戶美光科技公司(「美光」)簽訂了票據購買協議,根據該協議,公司向美光發行了本金爲美元的優先次級可轉換本票5.0百萬張(「美光票據」),到期日 三年 發行後。根據合同,美光票據通過與華美銀行簽訂的從屬協議,從屬於華美銀行貸款,但優先於該公司所有其他現有債務,優先於產生的任何新的未來債務(華美銀行貸款未償還期間可用的任何未提取金額除外)。美光票據的應計利息率爲 8每年百分比,本金和應計利息在到期時支付。首次公開募股完成後,美光票據被強制轉換爲若干股票,等於未償本金和應計利息除以等於 (a) 公司在首次公開募股中發行的普通股價格乘以 (b) 的轉換價格 0.90。該公司確定,允許將美光票據結算成可變數量股票的特徵需要分叉作爲衍生負債,最初應按公允價值計量。該公司記錄的衍生負債爲美元0.5百萬美元和相應的債務折扣0.5發行之日爲百萬元。
2024年5月13日,Micron票據兌換爲 294,217 公司在IPO完成過程中,將Micron票據兌換爲普通股。根據證券法註冊的Micron票據發行的股份可供轉售。在Micron票據結算後,衍生負債得到清算,公司重新計量其公允價值並在財務報表中記錄了衍生工具重新計量損失$28,000 在截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,公司的利息和其他(費用)收入淨額上記錄了衍生負債和公司重新計量損失$5.6,這些損失反映在公司的損益綜合表中。因此,發行股票的公允價值爲$0.6百萬被確認爲股本溢價,公司清償了債務,包括衍生負債,並承認了在截至2024年9月30日的九個月內處置債務的損失$

7. 限制性股票單位
2024年3月18日,公司在其2014年股票激勵計劃(「2014計劃」)下保留髮行的普通股份數量增加至 4.6百萬,並且將2014年股票激勵計劃的期限延長至2024年3月18日。2024年4月26日,公司進行首次公開募股,公司董事會批准並通過,待股東批准後實施2024年股票激勵計劃(「2024計劃」),並於2024年4月29日獲得股東批准。2024計劃於2024年5月8日生效,並取代了公司的2014計劃。在2024年9月30日,公司在2024計劃下保留用於未來發行的普通股份數量爲 3,614,981.
公司向員工、董事和服務提供商發放RSUs。2014年計劃下授予的RSUs通常具有 兩個 歸屬要求,一個基於時間和服務的要求(「基於時間的要求」)和一個流動性事件要求(「流動性事件要求」)。流動性事件要求將根據以下情況中首次發生的情況對任何當時未被滿足的RSUs進行滿足:(1)控制權變更事件(根據獎勵協議定義)或(2)首次根據在市場上公開發行的股票進行出售,在任何情況下,即 10 授予日之後的年限內。2024年5月13日的IPO完成後,流動性事件要求得到滿足。基於時間的要求通常要求 公司使用資產和負債的會計方法來計算所得稅。根據這種方法,根據資產和負債的金融報表及稅基之間的暫時區別,使用實施稅率來決定遞延稅資產和遞延稅負債,該稅率適用於預期差異將反轉的年份。稅法的任何修改對遞延稅資產和負債的影響將於生效日期在財務報告期內確認在彙總的綜合收益報表上。 獲得全額授予的要求。 25歸屬要求包括時間和服務要求(「時間要求」)和流動性事件要求(「流動性事件要求」)。2014年計劃下授予的RSU通常具有這些要求,滿足這些要求才能獲得歸屬。 一年 和隨後的每季度解鎖 三年。某些授予項目已經修改了基於時間的解鎖要求,包括某些在授予日已滿足基於時間的要求的授予項目。公司會在通常的必要服務期內按比例確認其股權報酬支出,這通常是 四年.
截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的餘額$7.20 6.563,398,276 
授予了16.09 9.431,136,207 
7.27 5.42(2,774,347)
被沒收/取消8.42 6.05(124,186)
截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的餘額$12.56 8.981,635,950 
(1)2024年9月30日的可結算的已授予 RSUs 股份不計入公司資產負債表和9月30日的股東權益簡明綜合利潤表中的普通股持續發行計算,因爲這些普通股股份受限制期協議約束,並將在此類限制期協議到期後發行。


2023年11月,公司發行了 30,000 根據特定績效條件發行了限制性股票單位(RSUs),除了基於時間要求,授予日期公允價值爲$0.4百萬。公司估計每個報告期內實現適用績效目標的概率,並使用直線攤銷方法確認相關的股份報酬支出。在任何期間確認的股份報酬支出金額根據實現或預期實現的各種績效目標而變化。 如果最終未實現此類績效目標,則不確認任何股份報酬支出,且任何先前確認的報酬支出將被調整。公司分別於2024年9月30日結束的三個和九個月內確認了與這些RSUs相關的股份報酬支出,金額爲$18,000 和 $0.1百萬。
2023年11月,公司發行了 75,000 RSUs,除了時間要求和流動性事件要求外,還有一些市場條件,授予日期公允價值爲$0.6 百萬美元。公司估計市場條件下的RSUs授予日期公允價值,採用蒙特卡洛模擬模型。市場條件下的RSUs的歸屬取決於在RSUs到期之前實現最低成交量加權平均股價(VWAP)。用於確定授予日期公允價值的蒙特卡洛模擬模型中使用的假設是每日VWAP爲$8.92,波動率爲 50%,和一個無風險利率爲 4.3%。公司分別在2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月中,確認了與這些RSUs相關的股份補償費用,合計$33,000 和 $0.1 百萬美元。
截至2024年9月30日,公司尚未確認的股票期權報酬支出爲$18.0 預計將在加權平均期間內確認的百萬美元。 2.6年。
2024年9月30日結束的三個和九個月,公司記錄了股權補償費用$2.6 2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別在營業成本中認定了$24.4 百萬,基於RSU獎勵的授予日公允價值,使用直線攤銷方法按服務期計算,減去實際減少。 以下表格總結了截至2024年9月30日的三個和九個月的各項職能的股權補償費用:
一般及行政$1,376 $13,121 
研發491 4,556 
銷售和市場營銷379 3,931 
營業成本313 2,780 
$2,559 $24,388 
2024年9月30日結束的九個月內,公司的薪酬委員會批准發行可變數量的RSU作爲2024財年員工獎金計劃的一部分。發行的RSU數量將根據該財年結束後獎金確定後的公司普通股成交量加權平均價格來計算。由於公司有義務發行數量不確定的股份以固定的貨幣金額,因此這些RSU將被作爲分類爲負債的獎勵進行覈算,並在每個報告日期重新衡量其公允價值。公司因與分類爲負債的RSU相關而承認的股價補償費用爲$0.2 2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別在營業成本中認定了$0.5 百萬,分別對應於2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月,同時應收費用增加$0.5 百萬。如果獎金於2024年9月30日確定,公司將需要向員工發放共計 42,293 RSU。
公司的2024年員工股票購買計劃(「2024 ESPP」)允許員工指定高達 15基礎薪酬的%,但受法律限制和限制,可以購買普通股的股份 85不高於發行期初和購買日期的公允市值的%。根據2024 ESPP的規定,首次發行始於2024年8月1日,首個購買期結束於2024年11月30日的購買日期。根據2024 ESPP的條款,如果購買日期的公允市值低於發行期初的公允市值,則可能終止發行,並可能啓動新的發行。與首次發行相關的股票補償費用在2024年9月30日結束的3個月和9個月內並不重要。

8. 所得稅
截至2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月,公司錄得所得稅費用$0.2 2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月期間分別在營業成本中認定了$1.2 百萬,分別與2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月的所得稅費用$0.3 分別相比較。2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月的有效稅率爲$0.6 3)% 和 (3 19%和 24截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月,分別爲%,。
9. 分部報告和地理集中度
公司通過評估整合業務部門的運作來解決半導體設計挑戰,提供價格實惠且具競爭力的TCAD軟件、eda軟件-半導體和設計IP,以支持全球工程師和研究人員。首席運營決策者是公司的首席執行官, 通過評估財務信息的整體呈現來配置資源和評估財務績效。因此,公司的業務構成單一經營部門和 一個基本報表。
10. 承諾和事後約定
該公司通常爲其客戶在其軟件許可中提供不超過一定期限的保修 90 天,其他工具的保修期限不超過 一年。此類保修按照FASB發佈的權威指南中有關應收費用的規定覈算。截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司並未發生與保修責任相關的任何費用。

2012年2月,Gu-Guide LP、銀行西部和該公司作爲擔保人簽訂了一項貸款協議,該貸款協議由一座位於加利福尼亞聖克拉拉的平方英尺建築物擔保。 9,000 如果擔保品被抵押品處置的收益不足以償還貸款的未償金額,公司保證償還貸款。該貸款已全額償還,公司於2024年7月解除了擔保責任。
陪審團還發現公司和共同被告對某些欺詐和疏忽陳述索賠負有責任,並判給Nangate Parties $6.6百萬美元。與這些索賠相關的遞增懲罰性賠償,包括公司支付的 $17.0百萬美元以及共同被告支付的總額達 $16.0百萬美元將在2024年8月16日的聽證會後得到認可(統稱爲「欺詐損害賠償」)。Nangate Parties可以選擇簽約損害賠償或欺詐損害賠償,但在任何情況下,Nangate Parties都不會同時獲得兩種補救措施。

2021年8月19日,Aldini AG(「Aldini」)起訴了Silvaco, Inc.,該公司的法國附屬公司,該公司的董事會成員和該公司的CEO,以及其他許多非公司被告,包括法國政府,涉及公司與Dolphin Design SAS(「Dolphin」)的互動。Aldini的指控主要圍繞着2018年Dolphin的破產和重組以及Silvaco, Inc.收購Dolphin的某些記憶資產展開,Aldini聲稱這是違反其作爲Dolphin股東的權利的行爲。Aldini的第一次修正訴狀主張各種侵權行爲,包括商業祕密盜竊、陰謀以及故意干涉預期經濟利益的索賠。Silvaco, Inc.提出了駁回訴訟的動議;商業祕密盜竊和陰謀的索賠被駁回並受到保護,而故意侵權行爲的索賠被允許修改。2022年8月23日,Aldini提交了一份包含了涉及Silvaco, Inc.收購Dolphin某些資產的商業祕密盜竊、陰謀和故意干涉預期經濟利益的類似索賠的第二次修正訴狀。Aldini要求萬美元的賠償金和懲罰性損害賠償金。2023年3月17日,第二次修正訴狀在所有指控中被駁回,但保留上訴權。Aldini於2023年4月27日提起上訴通知,辯論定於2024年11月22日舉行。該公司正在積極爲自己進行辯護,並因此未對此風險進行計提。703.0百萬美元和懲罰性損害賠償金。2023年3月17日,第二次修正訴狀在所有指控中被駁回,但保留上訴權。Aldini於2023年4月27日提起上訴通知,辯論定於2024年11月22日舉行。公司正在積極爲自己進行辯護,因此未對此訴訟進行計提。

11. 金融工具的公允價值財務會計準則委員會(以下簡稱FASB)ASC主題 820,「公允價值計量」下,符合財務工具(如下定義)的金融工具的公允價值與附表資產和負債的賬面價值大致相當,主要是因爲其短期特性。截至2024年3月31日和2023年12月31日,信託帳戶的公允價值爲78066,540美元。
貨幣市場基金13,822 13,822   
美國國債4,489  4,489  
總計18,311 13,822 4,489  
美國國債證券51,401  51,401  
美國政府機構證券22,381  22,381  
總計73,782  73,782  
總計$92,093 $13,822 $78,271 $ 
有條件的考慮20   20 
$20 $ $ $20 
未來支付款項112   112 
$112 $ $ $112 

根據公司於2018年3月和2021年1月份分別收購Nangate和PolytEDA Cloud LLC(以下簡稱「PolytEDA」)的股票購買協議,出售股東有權獲得基於該業務產生的營業收入和技術成就的額外里程碑和拿到報酬。里程碑報酬和拿到報酬的負債被歸類爲按條件計量的報酬,因爲這些義務是以現金支付的。因此,這些義務按其公允價值記錄,並且在不同期間重新估值,任何變動則記錄爲利息和其他收入的(費用)淨額。
12. 後續事件
2024年11月4日,公司發行了 2,168,858 普通股股份,淨扣除稅款後的股份爲 724,702,這些股份已根據公司首次公開募股而簽署的限制協議,用於結算公司2014年和2024年計劃下已獲發行的RSU。

我們是一家提供科技計算機輔助設計("TCAD")軟件,電子數據自動化("EDA")軟件和半導體知識產權("SIP")的供應商。TCAD、EDA和SIP解決方案可幫助半導體和光子公司提高生產效率,加速產品上市時間,降低研發和製造成本。 我們擁有數十年的專業知識,開發「芯片背後的技術」,提供從原子到系統的解決方案,從提供半導體和光子材料設備的原子級模擬軟件開始,到爲電路和系統級解決方案的設計和分析提供軟件和SIP。 我們爲片上系統("SoC")和集成電路("ICs")提供SIP,以及SIP管理工具,以便團隊在複雜SoC設計上進行協作。 我們的客戶包括半導體制造商、原始設備製造商("OEMs")和設計團隊,他們在我們的目標市場中(包括顯示屏、功率器件、汽車、存儲器、高性能計算("HPC")、物聯網("IoT")和5g/6g移動市場)的生產流程中部署我們的解決方案。

我們相信我們業務的增長和未來的成功取決於許多因素,包括上文「第二部分,項目1A.風險因素」中描述的因素以及本季度報告中其他地方和下文描述的因素。儘管這些因素爲我們提供了重要的機遇,但這些因素也帶來了我們必須成功應對的挑戰,以持續增長我們的業務並提升我們的運營結果。我們業務的增長和未來的成功也面臨着不確定性和風險,正如第二部分,項目1.A.中描述的那樣。 風險因素 本季度10-Q表格中的第II部分,1.A.章節中描述的不確定性和風險。
與我們現有客戶群建立長期關係對於推動許可證的續簽和整體營業收入增長至關重要。 我們擁有全球銷售團隊,銷售給半導體公司和工程高校,這些高校還教導設備經理及下一代芯片設計師如何使用和獲益於我們的設計工具。我們大部分客戶簽訂多年軟件許可協議,固定價格包括多年軟件許可、維護和服務。
爲了滿足半導體設計日益複雜、引入新的先進材料、以及更先進半導體技術節點增加的成本,我們需要不斷通過我們自身內部的研發工作、收購,或與第三方進行戰略合作,來增強我們的產品供應。新產品的內部開發或對現有產品的增強需要大量的研發活動和時間,可能會或可能不會產生我們能夠成功推廣和銷售給客戶的產品。例如,我們已經開發了一種基於人工智能的解決方案,命名爲製造業-半導體-半導體優化或FTCO。TM 用於晶圓級製造設施。 FTCO利用製造數據進行統計和基於物理的機器學習軟件模擬,創建晶圓的計算機模型,我們將其稱爲晶圓的「數字孿生」,以便模擬晶圓的製造。 我們還可能尋求收購我們認爲與我們現有產品或解決方案相輔相成的公司或資產。此外,我們目前,過去和將來可能與第三方合作,以擴大我們向客戶提供的產品。如果在未來,我們與其他第三方進入額外的許可協議,並無法延長這些許可安排的期限,那麼我們將會經歷與這些產品相關的營業收入下降。
根據Grand View Research的數據,全球eda軟件市場在2022年價值111億美元,預計到2030年有望達到222億美元的營業收入,代表着9%的年複合增長率,部分受到集成電路和電子製造市場增長、半導體和光子學設計複雜度增加以及eda市場跨越高級材料和縮小工藝技術節點的挑戰增加的推動。我們相信這些趨勢將隨着時間推移增加對我們軟件解決方案的需求,這將直接影響我們未來的營收和運營結果。針對設計師面臨的複雜性增加和新挑戰,我們加大了研發投入,推出新的軟件產品。例如,截至2024年9月30日的三個和九個月,我們的研發費用分別佔營收的38%和37%,截至2023年9月30日的三個和九個月,分別佔營收的22%和24%。我們計劃繼續投資於我們的軟件解決方案,在目標市場建立和擴大領先地位。我們還計劃利用我們的研發工作繼續滿足戰略客戶需求。

我們的成功在一定程度上取決於我們識別、完成和整合收購的能力。我們未來潛在收購的目標是追求能夠增強我們在市場上的競爭力、增加我們的訂單和營業收入的收購。我們成功識別、完成和整合收購的能力將取決於多個因素,包括獲得充足資本的能力、資產可能面臨的潛在競爭,以及技術的契合度。 當我們進行併購時,我們的目標是由於我們拓展的產品或服務而保留我們收購公司的客戶。因此,收購目標公司是我們增長策略的關鍵組成部分,可能使我們能夠接觸和服務更廣泛範圍的客戶,最終可能導致更多訂單、營業收入增長以及市場份額擴大。

根據某些SIP許可協議,我們也可以通過從同意支付基於使用量的費用以將我們的SIP嵌入其自己的軟件產品中的客戶中獲取收入。 SIP版稅協議下的營業收入通常在客戶售出其融合了我們的SIP的解決方案期間確認。
通常情況下,我們的軟件解決方案附帶發帖合同支持,或PCS,其中包括未指定的技術增強和客戶支持。 PCS被分類爲維護和服務收入,並在合同期內按比例分攤確認,因爲我們隨着時間履行PCS績效義務。
我們的研發費用主要包括 人事成本 包括工資、股票薪酬支出和直接參與我們研發工作的員工的福利, 以及工程, 質量評估, 與開發新產品有關的其他相關費用, 對現有產品的改進, 質量保證和測試以及分配的間接費用.我們將研發費用按實際支出支出。我們認爲,持續投資我們的軟件解決方案和服務對於我們未來的增長和獲得新客戶非常重要,因此,我們期待我們的研究和 開發費用將繼續增加,儘管其佔收入的百分比可能會根據這些支出的時間而有所波動。

預計訴訟索賠費用包括與我們對Nangate, Inc.(「Nangate」)的賣方股東以及第三方提起跨訴的義務相關的律師費。2024年7月23日,陪審團判定Nangate一方在違約索賠中損失1130萬美元,包括違約和違背善意與公平信條的索賠,以及有可能獲得的法定預判利息、法院和訴訟相關費用以及某些專家費用,這取決於Nangate一方證明了獲得它們的合法權利並由法庭確定(「合同損失」)。陪審團還判定賠償Nangate一方某些欺詐和疏忽陳述索賠的660萬美元,再加上追加的懲罰性賠償,包括公司應支付的1700萬美元(「欺詐損失」)。Nangate一方可以選擇接受合同損失或欺詐損失中的一項,但在任何情況下,Nangate一方都不會同時獲得這兩項救濟。我們在截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月中分別記入了預計訴訟索賠費用和應計費用以及其他流動負債,分別爲400萬美元和1510萬美元。詳見 注10 我們的簡明合併基本報表進一步討論。
債務清償損失包括與Micron Technology Inc.的票據購買協議和與東西銀行的貸款設施清償相關的損失。

軟件許可收入$6,840 $11,083 (38)%$30,121 $30,593 (2)%
維護和服務4,132 3,861 %11,700 11,167 %
總收入10,972 14,944 (27)%41,821 41,760 — %
收入成本2,786 2,274 23 %9,620 6,672 44 %
毛利潤8,186 12,670 (35)%32,201 35,088 (8)%
研究和開發4,134 3,289 26 %15,457 9,833 57 %
銷售和營銷3,834 3,139 22 %14,317 8,874 61 %
一般和行政7,128 4,500 58 %30,042 13,311 126 %
預計的訴訟索賠392 — 100 %15,088 — 100 %
運營費用總額15,488 10,928 42 %74,904 32,018 134 %
營業(虧損)收入(7,302)1,742 (519)%(42,703)3,070 (1,491)%
債務清償損失— — — %(718)— (100)%
利息收入1,217 100 %1,899 47,375 %
利息和其他(支出)收入,淨額(278)37 (851)%(832)(535)56 %
所得稅準備金前的(虧損)收入(6,363)1,780 (457)%(42,354)2,539 (1,768)%
所得稅條款188 332 (43)%1,207 608 99 %
淨(虧損)收入$(6,551)$1,448 (552)%$(43,561)$1,931 (2,356)%

截至 9 月 30 日止三個月截至 9 月 30 日止九個月
軟件營業收入62 %74 %72 %73 %
維護和服務38 %26 %28 %27 %
總營業收入100 %100 %100 %100 %
營業成本25 %15 %23 %16 %
毛利潤75 %85 %77 %84 %
研發38 %22 %37 %24 %
銷售和市場營銷35 %21 %34 %21 %
一般及行政65 %30 %72 %32 %
估計訴訟索賠%— %36 %— %
總營業費用141 %73 %179 %77 %
營業(虧損)收入(67)%12 %(102)%%
債務清償損失— %— %(2)%— %
利息收入11 %— %%— %
利息收入和其他收入(費用),淨額(3)%— %(2)%(1)%
(納稅前利潤(損失)(58)%12 %(101)%%
淨(損失)收入(60)%10 %(104)%%
軟件營業收入$6,840 $11,083 $30,121 $30,593 
維護和服務4,132 3,861 11,700 11,167 
總營業收入$10,972 $14,944 $41,821 $41,760 
截至三個月的總收入下降了390萬美元,下降了27%,至1,100萬美元 2024 年 9 月 30 日 從截至三個月的1,490萬美元起 2023 年 9 月 30 日. 的總收入減少 三個月已結束 2024年9月30日主要是由於亞洲的經濟挑戰和中美貿易關係的持續緊張。與我們的TCAD和EDA工具相關的收入分別減少了140萬美元和190萬美元,來自知識產權銷售的收入減少了60萬美元。 截至三個月,軟件許可收入下降了430萬美元,至680萬美元,下降了38% 2024 年 9 月 30 日 從截至三個月的1,110萬美元起 2023 年 9 月 30 日。維護和服務收入增加了20萬美元,或 7%, 在截至的三個月中,增至410萬美元 2024 年 9 月 30 日 從截至三個月的390萬美元起 2023 年 9 月 30 日.
我們在每個中認定的總營業收入爲4180萬美元 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日2023年9月30日。軟件許可收入減少了50萬美元,至3010萬美元 2% 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日 從3060萬美元開始。 截至2024年9月30日的 2023年9月30日維護和服務收入增加了50萬美元,或 5%, 至1170萬美元 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日 從1120萬美元 截至2024年9月30日的 2023年9月30日.

毛利潤在截至三個月的時間內下降了450萬美元,或35%,至820萬美元 2024年9月30日 從截至三個月的時間結束於1270萬美元 2023年9月30日亞洲訂單減少是主要原因毛利潤率在截至三個月的時間內下降至75% 2024年9月30日 從截至2023年9月30日的三個月的時間結束於85% 這一下降也歸因於 $300,000 與營業成本相關的非現金股權補償費用爲 $30萬與我們許可的知識產權相關的非現金攤銷.
毛利潤下降了$290萬,爲 8%,爲$3220萬 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日 從$3510萬下降至$32.2百萬 截至2024年9月30日的 2023年9月30日毛利潤率下降至 77%美國國防部 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日 來自 84%美國國防部 截至2024年9月30日的 2023年9月30日。這一減少歸因於 $280萬 在進行IPO完成時記錄的非現金股權補償費用以及 50萬美元的與我們許可的知識產權相關的非現金攤銷。

Operating expenses
研發$4,134 $3,289 $15,457 $9,833 
銷售和市場營銷3,834 3,139 14,317 8,874 
一般及行政7,128 4,500 30,042 13,311 
估計訴訟索賠392 — 15,088 — 
$15,488 $10,928 $74,904 $32,018 
研發費用分別爲2024年和2023年截至9月30日分別爲1550萬美元和980萬美元。 增加了570萬美元,或57%,主要是由於完成IPO導致的460萬美元的股票補償費用錄得,軟件維護費用增加了80萬美元,諮詢、模擬和工程支持費用增加了30萬美元。

估計的訴訟索賠爲 40萬美元三個月和 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日,分別。 在這九個月的時間內,估計的訴訟索賠包括因陪審團判決給予Nangate Parties 11.3百萬美元 以及額外的法定預判利息、法院和訴訟相關費用以及某些專家費用(「南蓋特訴訟」) 請參閱規則13d-7(b)以獲取應抄送副本的其他各方。注10 我們的簡明合併基本報表進一步討論。
2024年5月13日,Micron Note在IPO完成時轉換爲294,217股我們的普通股。因此,額外資本公積金中確認了560萬美元,並在9月30日期間確認了債務清償損失爲60萬美元。 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日。我們還因解決East West銀行貸款而確認了100萬美元的債務清償損失。 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日。 請參閱規則13d-7(b)以獲取應抄送副本的其他各方。附註6 個在佩爾米安盆地運營的, 進一步討論的壓縮合並基本報表。
利息和其他(費用)收入淨額爲 30萬美元 和收入 $37,000 for the three months ended 2024年9月30日2023,分別爲支出 0.8百萬美元和0.5百萬美元美國國防部 截至2024年9月30日的 2024年9月30日2023,分別。 截至2024年9月30日爲止的三個月內,利息變動和其他收入淨額髮生變化 2024年9月30日反映了與我們的國際業務相關的匯率期貨虧損。 利息變化以及其他(支出)收入,淨額,主要是由於當前年度未結息債務金額的增加。 nine 三個月結束時 2024年9月30日 主要是由於本年度正在增加的未清償有息債務金額。截至目前,公司沒有任何未結息的負債。 2024年9月30日.
所得稅費用已計入基本報表 20萬美元30萬美元 for the three months ended 2024年9月30日2023, 1.2百萬美元600,000美元 截至九個月的 2024年9月30日2023,分別。請參閱 注8 個在佩爾米安盆地運營的, 簡明綜合財務報表,以便進一步討論。
我們使用以下因子和非GAAP財務指標來分析我們的業務績效和財務預測,並制定我們認爲對投資者和其他人理解和評估我們運營結果具有用處的戰略計劃。這些關鍵績效指標和非GAAP財務指標僅供補充信息之用,不應視爲符合GAAP的財務信息的替代,可能與其他公司提供的同名度量或指標不同。 我們使用以下因子和非GAAP財務指標來分析我們的業務績效和財務預測,並制定我們認爲對投資者和其他人理解和評估我們運營結果具有用處的戰略計劃。這些關鍵績效指標和非GAAP財務指標僅供補充信息之用,不應視爲符合GAAP的財務信息的替代,可能與其他公司提供的同名度量或指標不同。
我們將預定定義爲來自客戶的簽署合同及相關購買承諾,基於採購訂單中列明的價值。我們相信,預定是衡量客戶銷售成功的一個有用指標,並提供了一個反映我們經營成果趨勢的指示,而這些趨勢不一定體現在我們的營業收入中,因爲我們是在滿足對客戶的義務後確認收入,而不是在向客戶銷售時確認。報告的預定可能在滿足對客戶的義務之前受到調整和潛在的取消。對於三個月和九個月 截至2024年9月30日的 截至2024年9月30日,我們分別記錄了990萬美元和4550萬美元的預定,而2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月的預定分別爲1250萬美元和4250萬美元。

Sep 30,
Jun 30,
Sep 30,
訂單$9,875 $19,478 $16,112 $15,565 $12,487 
由於這些項目屬於非現金性質,或者管理層認爲它們不代表我們的核心經營績效,並使得與往期和競爭對手的比較變得不太有意義,因此我們從我們的非 GAAP 經營利潤(損失)和非 GAAP 淨利潤(損失)中排除了特定項目。我們對這些項目進行了調整,得到非 GAAP 經營利潤(損失)和非 GAAP 淨利潤(損失),因爲這些金額在我們所處行業的公司之間可能會有較大差異,這取決於會計方法和資產賬面價值、資本結構以及獲得資產的方法。通過排除那些可能不代表我們經常性核心經營結果的項目,我們認爲非 GAAP 經營利潤(損失)和非 GAAP 淨利潤(損失)提供了關於我們績效的有意義的補充信息。
截至 9 月 30 日止三個月截至九個月結束日期 九月30日,
經營(虧損)收益 $(7,302)$1,742 $(42,703)$3,070 
1,883 723 19,194 1,192 
295 82 661 257 
— 197 873 1,176 
2,559 — 24,388 — 
非通用會計原則下的營業(虧損)收入 $(2,565)$2,744 $2,413 $5,695 

$(6,551)$1,448 $(43,561)$1,931 
1,883 723 19,194 1,192 
295 82 661 257 
— 197 873 1,176 
股權(以股份爲基礎的)補償費用2,559 — 24,388 — 
— (9)(18)332 
外匯損失(收益)174 (77)418 338 
— — 718 — 
$(1,829)$2,326 $2,408 $5,084 

2022年6月13日,我們與Ngai-Pesic女士簽訂了一項400萬美元的授信額度(「2022信貸額度」),利率爲基準利率加1%。 截至2023年12月31日,2022年信貸額度的本金餘額爲200萬美元。 2024年5月,2022年信貸額度已全額償還並終止。
2024年4月11日,我們修訂並重新制定了與恩智浦的許可協議,根據該協議,我們記錄了相關的供應商融資義務。 截至2024年9月30日,供應商融資義務金額爲460萬美元。 我們確定供應商融資義務的內在利率爲9%,這反映了我們與許可協議類似條款的借款利率。
2024年4月16日,我們與公司客戶Micron Technology, Inc.(「Micron」)簽訂了一份票據購買協議,根據該協議,我們發行了一份價值500萬美元的高級次級可轉換本票據(「Micron Note」)。 Micron Note 每年以8%的利率計息,本金和利息於發行日後三年到期。2024年5月13日,Micron Note 在IPO完成後轉換爲我們公司普通股294,217股。

我們相信我們的現金和可市場銷售證券餘額,其中包括與IPO有關的收益以及與Micron Note有關的500萬美元的收益,將足以滿足未來至少12個月內的預期營運資金需求、資本支出、財務承諾和現有業務相關的其他流動性需求。我們目前沒有已承諾的資金來源。
截至2024年9月30日,我們現金及現金等價物中的500萬美元,或18.7%,存放在一家金融機構,我們當前的存款超過了聯邦保險限額。過去的宏觀經濟條件導致了許多金融機構實際或被認爲陷入財務困境,包括硅谷銀行、signature bank和第一共和銀行的最近倒閉,以及瑞士信貸收購瑞士聯合銀行。如果我們業務往來的金融機構陷入困境或被接管,我們可能無法取回存在這些機構的存款現金。如果我們無法按需取用現金,我們的財務狀況和業務運營能力可能會受到不利影響。
籌資活動105,549 (1,019)
匯率變動對現金及現金等價物的影響255 (262)
現金淨變化$22,185 $(1,165)
2024年9月30日結束時,籌資活動提供的淨現金爲1.055億美元。我們從IPO獲得了1.060億美元的淨收入,來自Micron Note的收入爲490萬美元,扣除債務發行成本,來自East West銀行貸款支取款項的430萬美元,部分償還在東西銀行貸款430萬美元的款項,支付在IPO關聯的遞延交易費用260萬美元,2022年信貸額度還款200萬美元,供應商融資責任支付600萬美元,以及支付的100萬美元的應計款務。2023年9月30日結束時,由於支付的應計款項,籌資活動中使用的淨現金爲100萬美元。

Contractual Obligations
在完成後 IPO之前被分類爲負債獎勵被重新計量,確保每個獎勵的費用承認與IPO後以現金或股份解決的金額相等。,我們的基本報表中的財務承諾包括我們的經營租賃承諾、供應商融資義務和有條件的對價。請參閱 附註6、債務和融資義務以及 注11、金融工具公允價值 請參考我們的 的簡明合併財務報表 進行進一步討論。

我們當前法律訴訟的相關信息可以在我們的未經審計的壓縮合並基本報表中找到。 N註釋10 中。
If we are unable to deliver new and innovative software solutions or software license enhancements ahead of rapid technological changes in the market, our revenues could be materially adversely affected.
We may have to invest more resources in research and development than anticipated, which could increase our operating expenses and negatively affect our operating results.
Our international sales and operations constitute a substantial portion of our revenue and business operations and could be negatively affected by disruptions in international geographies caused by government actions, trade disputes, direct or indirect acts of war or terrorism, international political or economic instability or other similar events.
A substantial portion of our revenue comes from our international sales channels, and we have significant operations in numerous international geographies. As such, any adverse fluctuations in exchange rates could adversely affect our performance.
If we are unable to protect our proprietary technology and inventions through patents and other intellectual property rights, our ability to compete successfully and our financial results could be adversely impacted.
Our success depends on the interoperability of our software solutions with our customers’ intended use cases and with products and services of other companies, including our competitors.
If our information technology systems, or those of third parties upon which we rely, or our data are or were compromised, we could experience adverse consequences resulting from such compromise, including but not limited to, regulatory investigations or actions, litigation, fines and penalties, disruptions of our business operations, reputational harm, loss of revenue or profits, and other adverse consequences.

We have identified a material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting. If our remediation measures are ineffective, or if we experience additional material weaknesses in the future or otherwise fail to maintain an effective system of internal controls in the future, we may not be able to report our financial condition or results of operations accurately or on a timely basis, prevent fraud or file our periodic reports in a timely manner and may incur additional costs to remediate, all of which may adversely affect investor confidence in us and our reported financial information and, as a result, the value of our common stock.
我們參與全球半導體和光子行業中競爭激烈的領域。我們的競爭環境以那些擁有比我們更多資源的公司爲特徵。 許多因素可能會對我們的競爭能力產生不利影響,包括我們軟件解決方案設計中的技術變革迅速、客戶根據多種因素的混合來做購買決定,以及我們軟件解決方案的平均銷售價格持續下降。我們主要是基於技術、許可證質量和特性、許可證條款、兼容性、可靠性、產品之間的互操作性以及價格和付款條款來競爭。
我們與更大的公司競爭,包括Synopsys, Inc.、Coventor, Inc.(拉姆研究旗下公司)、鏗騰電子、Siemens eda軟件-半導體、Ansys, Inc.、Arm Limited和CEVA, Inc. 這些公司比我們擁有更大的知名度,並擁有可以部署的大量財務、技術、研發和工程資源,以便開發競爭性的TCAD、eda軟件-半導體和SIP解決方案。這些資源的不同組合爲這些競爭對手提供優勢,使他們能夠影響行業趨勢和行業適應這些趨勢的速度。來自一個或多個競爭對手對我們市場努力的強大競爭回應,或客戶偏好轉向競爭對手的產品,可能導致我們面臨比預期更快降低價格的壓力、增加銷售和營銷開支、以及/或市場份額損失。競爭對手的整合或競爭對手之間的合作提供比它們在整合之前更全面的解決方案,可能也會影響我們有效競爭的能力。此外,具有新穎技術的新市場參與者可能改變競爭格局,可能導致市場份額減少、進一步壓低價格的壓力,或進一步增加銷售和營銷費用。在一定程度上,如果競爭壓力和降價對我們的營業收入產生負面影響,我們的業務可能會受到損害。

我們的運營結果也因爲季節性因素而顯著波動。 例如,某些亞洲國家的新年慶祝活動、歐洲和美國的夏季假期,以及全球的冬季假期,過去都導致了 在受影響地區對我們軟件解決方案的需求放緩。這種週期性對我們業務的影響在於較低的預定量,包括軟件許可續訂和某些年份第二季度和第三季度的營業收入,與該年份的第一季度和第四季度相比。 我們業務的季節性也受到客戶的 研發週期的影響。例如,我們的

當我們的客戶增加研發支出用於下一代產品時,通常會增加預訂量。我們通常會看到這種情況發生在每年的第一季度和最後一季度,部分原因是由於我們客戶的預算週期。 在未來,我們也可能受到額外季節性趨勢的影響,特別是隨着我們業務的成熟。這種季節性可能來自多種因素,包括在一年的某些時期,國內外客戶的採購流程減緩,以及客戶選擇在財年結束前短時間內花掉剩餘預算。過去已經造成季節性,未來可能導致我們運營業績和財務指標的波動,使得預測未來的運營業績和財務指標更加困難。

The growth of our TCAD, EDA and SIP markets are dependent on the semiconductor and photonics industries. A substantial portion of our business and revenue depends upon the commencement of new design projects by semiconductor manufacturers, systems companies and their customers. The increasing complexity of designs of or SoC, ICs, electronic systems and customers’ concerns about managing costs, have previously led to, and in the future could lead to, a decrease in design starts and design activity in general. For example, in response to this increasing complexity, some customers may choose to focus on one discrete phase of the design process or opt for less advanced, but less risky, manufacturing processes that may not require new or enhanced design solutions. Demand for our software solutions and services could decrease and our financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected if growth in the semiconductor and photonics industries slows or stalls, including due to the impact of inflation or a sustained global supply chain disruption. Inflation has accelerated in the United States and globally as a result of global supply chain issues, increased government spending and monetary policy, a rise in energy prices, and strong consumer demand coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we experienced, an inflationary environment can increase our cost of labor, energy and other operating costs and could also impact and reduce the number of customers who purchase our software solutions as credit becomes more expensive or unavailable.
Furthermore, many of our customers outsource the manufacturing of their semiconductor designs to foundries. Our customers also frequently incorporate third-party IP, whether provided by us or other vendors, into their designs to improve the efficiency of their design process. However, if we fail to optimize our EDA and SIP solutions for use with major foundries’ manufacturing processes or major IP providers’ products, or if our access to such foundry processes or third-party IP licenses is hampered, then our solutions may become less desirable to our customers, resulting in an adverse effect on our business and financial condition.
Our continued success will also depend in large part on general economic growth and growth within our target markets including the display, power devices, automotive, memory, HPC, IoT, and 5G/6G mobile markets. Factors affecting these markets could seriously harm our customers and/or end customers and, as a result, harm us, examples of which include:
Reduced sales of our customers’ and/or end customers’ products;
The effects of catastrophic and other disruptive events at our customers’ and/or end customers’ offices or facilities;

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Increased costs associated with potential disruptions to our customers’ and/or end customers’ supply chain and other manufacturing and production operations, including supply chain issues like those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and similar disruptions that may occur in future;
The deterioration of our customers’ and/or end customers’ financial condition;
Delays and project cancellations as a result of design flaws in the products developed by our customers and/or end customers;
The inability of our customers and/or end customers to dedicate the resources necessary to promote and commercialize their products;
The inability of our customers and/or end customers to adapt to changing technological demands resulting in their products becoming obsolete; and
The failure of our customers’ and/or end customers’ products to achieve market success and gain broad market acceptance.
Any slowdown in the growth of these end markets could harm our business.
If we are unable to deliver new and innovative software solutions or software license enhancements ahead of rapid technological changes in the market, our revenues could be materially adversely affected.
We operate in an industry generally characterized by rapidly changing technology and frequent new product introductions that can render existing products obsolete or unmarketable. A major factor in our future success will be our ability to anticipate technological changes and to develop and introduce, in a timely manner, enhancements to our existing software solutions to meet those changes. If we are unable to introduce new software solutions and to respond quickly to industry changes, our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows could be materially adversely affected.
The introduction and marketing of new or enhanced software solutions requires us to manage the transition from existing software licenses to minimize disruptions in customer purchasing patterns. There can be no assurance that we will be successful in developing and marketing, on a timely basis, new software solutions, or software license enhancements that our new software licenses will address the changing needs of the marketplace, or that we will successfully manage the transition from existing products. From time to time, we may agree to hold back certain of our software license enhancements for exclusive use of one or a small number of customers, which may limit our ability to timely adapt our broader software solutions range to meet technological innovation by our competitors or the needs of our other customers.
We may have to invest more resources in research and development than anticipated, which could increase our operating expenses and negatively affect our operating results.
To contend with industry performance requirements and new applications, engineers, researchers, and other professionals rely extensively on TCAD and EDA software tools to design and optimize advanced IC components. Reliance on TCAD and EDA software tools has increased in recent years as design challenges have become increasingly complex, which influences our development cycle and consequently our performance and results of operations. Additionally, shrinking manufacturing process geometries, application specific customization to improve computing performance, and adoption of new materials for high voltage applications and photonics computing has led to a rapid increase in the complexity of SoCs. We currently devote substantial resources to the research and development of new and enhanced software solutions. However, we may be required to devote more resources than anticipated to address requirements for specific target markets, new competitors, technological advances in the semiconductor and photonics industries or by competitors, our acquisitions, our entry into new markets, or other competitive factors. If we are required to invest significantly greater resources than anticipated without a corresponding increase in revenue, our operating results could decline. Additionally, our periodic research and development expenses may be independent of our level of revenue, which could negatively impact our financial results. We expect these expenses to increase in the foreseeable future as our technology development efforts continue, and there can be no guarantee that our research and development investments will result in software solutions that result in additional revenue.
We may also decide to increase our research and development investment to seize customer or market opportunities, which could negatively impact our financial results.
Consolidation among our customers and within the industries in which we operate may negatively impact our operating results.
A number of business combinations, including mergers, asset acquisitions and strategic partnerships, among our customers in the semiconductor and photonics industries have occurred over the last several years, and more could occur in the future. Consolidation among our customers could lead to fewer customers or the loss of customers,

Table of Contents
increased customer bargaining power or reduced customer spending on software and services. Consolidation among our customers could also reduce the demand for our software solutions and services if customers streamline research and development or operations, reduce purchases or delay purchasing decisions.
Reduced customer spending or the loss of a number of customers, particularly our large customers, could adversely affect our business, financial position and results of operations. In addition, we and our competitors from time to time acquire businesses and technologies to complement and expand our respective software solutions offerings. Consolidated competitors could have considerable financial resources, channel influence, and broad geographic reach, allowing them to engage in competition on the basis of software solution differentiation, pricing, marketing, services, support and more. If any of our competitors consolidate or acquire businesses and technologies that we do not offer, they may be able to offer a larger technology portfolio, additional support and service capability or lower prices, which could negatively impact our business and results of operations.
Our international sales and operations constitute a substantial portion of our revenue and business operations and could be negatively affected by disruptions in international geographies caused by government actions, trade disputes, direct or indirect acts of war or terrorism, international political or economic instability or other similar events.
A significant portion of our revenue comes from outside the United States. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, 70% and 64%, respectively of our revenue was from international customers. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, 72% and 70%, respectively, of our revenue was from international customers. Risks inherent in our international business activities include imposition of government controls, export license requirements, restrictions on the export of critical technology, products and services, political and economic instability, trade restrictions, changes in tariffs and taxes, difficulties in staffing and managing international operations, longer accounts receivable payment cycles and the burdens of complying with a wide variety of foreign laws and regulations. Effective patent, copyright and trade secret protection may not be available in every foreign country in which we sell our software solutions and services. Our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows could be materially adversely affected by any of these risks.
In addition, we have offices globally with our sales and research and development being conducted in offices located in numerous geographical locations. Moreover, conducting business outside the United States subjects us to a number of additional risks and challenges, including:
Changes in a specific country’s or region’s political, regulatory or economic conditions;
Our ability to maintain our offices and/or operations in countries or regions experiencing military, political or social instability;
A pandemic, epidemic or other outbreak of an infectious disease, including the current COVID-19 pandemic, which may cause us or our distributors, vendors and/or customers to temporarily or completely suspend our or their respective operations in the affected city or country;
Compliance with a wide variety of domestic and foreign laws and regulations (including those of municipalities or provinces where we have operations) and unexpected changes in those laws and regulatory requirements, including uncertainties regarding taxes, social insurance contributions and other payroll taxes and fees to governmental entities, tariffs, quotas, export controls, export licenses and other trade barriers;
Unanticipated restrictions on our ability to sell to foreign customers where sales of software solutions and the provision of services may require export licenses or are prohibited by government action, unfavorable foreign exchange controls and currency exchange rates;
Imposition of tariffs and other barriers and restrictions, including trade tensions such as U.S.-China trade tensions;
Potential for substantial penalties and litigation related to violations of a wide variety of laws, treaties and regulations, including labor regulations, export control, sanctions and anti-corruption regulations (including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, and the U.K. Bribery Act);
Difficulties and costs of staffing and managing international operations across different geographic areas, time zones and cultures;
Changes in diplomatic and trade relationships.
Potential political, legal and economic instability, armed conflict, and civil unrest in the countries in which we and our customers are located;
Difficulty and costs of maintaining effective data security;
Inadequate protection of our IP;
Nationalization and expropriation;
Restrictions on the transfer of funds to and from foreign countries, including withholding taxes and other potentially negative tax consequences;
Unfavorable and/or changing foreign tax treaties and policies;

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Increased exposure to general market and economic conditions outside of the United States; and
Currency exchange rate fluctuations and the resulting effect on our revenue and expenses, and the cost and risk of entering into hedging transactions if we choose to do so in the future.
Our ability to increase our customer base and achieve broader market acceptance of our software solutions will depend to a significant extent on our ability to expand our international sales force. We plan to continue expanding our sales force, both domestically and internationally. We also plan to dedicate significant resources to our sales and marketing programs. All of these efforts will require us to invest significant financial and other resources. Our business will be harmed if our sales and marketing efforts do not generate significant increases in revenue or if the increases in revenue are smaller than anticipated. We may not achieve anticipated revenue growth from expanding our sales force if we are unable to hire, develop, integrate and retain talented and effective sales personnel, if our new and existing sales personnel, on the whole, are unable to achieve desired productivity levels in a reasonable period of time, or if our sales and marketing programs are not effective, the occurrence of which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
Additionally, countries in certain international regions in which we operate have continued to experience weaknesses in their currency, banking, and equity markets. These weaknesses could adversely affect customer demand for our software solutions and could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Downturns or volatility in general economic conditions could harm our business.
Our revenue, gross margin, and ability to achieve and maintain profitability depend significantly on general economic conditions and the demand for software solutions in the markets in which our customers compete. Weaknesses in the global economy and financial markets and any adverse changes in general domestic and global economic conditions that may occur in the future, including any recession, economic slowdown or disruption of credit markets, may lead to, lower demand for products that incorporate our solutions.
As we have grown, we have become increasingly subject to the risks arising from adverse changes in domestic and global economic conditions. As a result of the current economic slowdown, many companies are delaying or reducing technology purchases, which has had an impact on our visibility into the closing of new business, as opposed to our recurring business. This slowdown has also contributed to, and may continue to contribute to, reductions in sales, longer sales cycles, and increased price pressures, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
Additionally, countries in certain international regions in which we operate have continued to experience weaknesses in their currency, banking, and equity markets. These weaknesses could adversely affect customer demand for our software solutions and could have an adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flow.
Our customers may fail to pay us in accordance with the terms of their agreements.
If our customers fail to pay us in accordance with the terms of our agreements, we may be adversely affected both from the inability to collect amounts due and the cost of enforcing the terms of our agreements, including litigation and arbitration costs. The risk of these issues increases with the term length of our customer arrangements. Furthermore, some of our customers may seek bankruptcy protection or other similar relief and fail to pay amounts due to us, which we have experienced in the past, or may pay those amounts more slowly, either of which could adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flow.
Our operations could be disrupted by geopolitical conditions, trade disputes, international boycotts and sanctions, political and social instability, acts of war, terrorist activity or other similar events, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
Since we operate on a global basis, our operations could also be disrupted by geopolitical conditions, trade disputes, international boycotts and sanctions, political and social instability, acts of war, terrorist activity or other similar events.
For example, in October 2023, following a series of attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilian and military targets, Israel declared war on Hamas in Gaza. As a result of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israel and other regional adversaries, including Hezbollah and Iran, have engaged in direct military hostilities. While we do not currently consider the conflict between Israel and its adversaries have had a material impact on our business, the ongoing regional conflict could have a negative impact on the economy and business activity globally, and therefore could adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flow.
In addition, in February 2022, Russia initiated significant military action against Ukraine. In response, the United States and certain other countries imposed significant sanctions and export controls against Russia, Belarus and certain individuals and entities connected to Russian or Belarusian political, business and financial organizations, and

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the United States and certain other countries could impose further sanctions, trade restrictions, and other retaliatory actions should the conflict continue or worsen.
Our board of directors is responsible for overseeing the risks to our business, including risks related to the ongoing conflict between Israel and its adversaries and between Russia and Ukraine. Such risks include an increased risk of cybersecurity attacks, sanctions, risks related to our employees, service-providers and operations in the affected regions and supply chain disruptions that may affect our customers globally. During 2023, we generated $0.6 million in revenues from the Middle East, including Israel, and had one employee located in the Middle East. While none of our revenue is derived from Russia or Ukraine, we have employees based in both countries and had, prior to the beginning of the conflict, offices in both countries. In response to the ongoing conflict, we recently closed our office in Moscow, Russia, and our office in Kyiv, Ukraine, has been temporarily closed. Our board of directors has received periodic reports from management regarding the impact of the conflict on us and considered whether such events have had, or are reasonably likely to have, a material impact on us. Unless and until the conflict in Ukraine is stabilized, we do not intend to reopen office locations in either country.
As of September 30, 2024, we had 8 employees and 4 contractors in Ukraine, all of whom were working remotely. If our employees in Ukraine become subject to a military draft or are unable to work due to the ongoing conflict, the development of our next generation software could be delayed, which could negatively impact our business.
We have taken security measures designed to help protect against cyber-attacks, security breaches and impermissible downloads in Russia and Ukraine. To the extent that our security measures do not timely detect or prevent such cyber-attacks, security breaches or impermissible downloads, we may be subject to a number of risks, including those risks discussed below in “—Risks Related to Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Data Privacy and Security—If our information technology systems, information, or other resources or those of third parties upon which we rely are or were compromised, we could experience adverse consequences resulting from such compromise, including but not limited to damage to our reputation and our business, exposure to liability, and material and adverse effects to our results of operations, potentially irreparably.”
It is not possible to predict the broader consequences of either the Israeli conflict or Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including related geopolitical tensions, and the measures and retaliatory actions taken by the United States, and other countries in respect thereof as well as any counter measures or retaliatory actions by Russia or Belarus in response, including, for example, potential cyberattacks or the disruption of energy exports, which are likely to cause regional instability, geopolitical shifts, and could materially adversely affect global trade, currency exchange rates, regional economies and the global economy. The situation remains uncertain, and while it is difficult to predict the impact of any of the foregoing, the conflict and actions taken in response to either conflict could, but are not presently expected to, materially increase our costs, disrupt our supply chain, reduce our sales and earnings, impair our ability to raise additional capital when needed on acceptable terms, if at all, or otherwise further adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
A substantial portion of our revenue comes from our international sales channels, and we have significant operations in numerous international geographies. As such, any adverse fluctuations in exchange rates could adversely affect our performance.
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, 70% and 64%, respectively, of our revenue was from international customers. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, 72% and 70%, respectively, of our revenue was from international customers. We expect to continue to generate a significant amount of revenue through international sales in the future. Our international sales team sells our software solutions to new and existing customers, expands installations within the existing customer base, offers consulting services and provides the first line of technical support. The revenues and expenses associated with our international direct sales channels are subject to foreign currency exchange fluctuations, including the potential of a stronger American dollar which has the potential of impacting our ability to compete internationally, and, as a result, our future financial results may be impacted by fluctuations in exchange rates, including Korean Won, Chinese Yuan, and Japanese Yen.
We currently do not hedge any of our foreign currency exposure. However, our financial strategies may include hedging practices aimed at mitigating risks associated with foreign exchange fluctuations. However, if our hedging strategies are not executed accurately or if market conditions evolve unpredictably, it could result in significant financial misjudgments. This misalignment in our hedging approach could adversely impact our financial performance.
Our ability to raise additional capital in the future may be limited and could prevent us from executing our growth strategy.
Our ability to operate and expand our business depends on the availability of adequate capital, which in turn depends on cash flow generated by our business and future debt, equity or other applicable financing arrangements. We

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believe that our cash flow from operations and existing cash and marketable securities balances will satisfy our anticipated cash requirements for at least the next 12 months. However, we have based this estimate on our current operating plans and expectations, which are subject to change, and cannot assure you that that our existing resources will be sufficient to meet our future liquidity needs. We may require additional capital to respond to business opportunities, challenges, acquisitions or other strategic transactions and/or unforeseen circumstances. The timing and amount of our working capital and capital expenditure requirements may vary significantly depending on numerous factors, including:
market acceptance of our SIP and other solutions, and our IP deployment solutions;
the need to adapt to changing technologies and technical requirements;
the existence of opportunities for expansion; and
access to and availability of sufficient management, technical, marketing and financial personnel.
If our capital resources are insufficient to satisfy our liquidity requirements, we may seek to sell additional equity securities or debt securities or obtain additional debt financing. The sale of additional equity securities or convertible debt securities would result in additional dilution to our stockholders. Additional debt would result in increased expenses and could result in covenants that would restrict our operations and our ability to incur additional debt or engage in other capital-raising or other activities. There can be no assurance that additional financing, if required, will be available in amounts or on terms acceptable to us, if at all. If we are unable to obtain adequate financing or financing on terms satisfactory to us, when we require it, our ability to continue to grow and support our business and respond to business opportunities and challenges could be significantly limited.
Adverse developments affecting the financial services industry could adversely affect our liquidity, financial condition and results of operations, either directly or through adverse impacts on certain of our vendors and customers.
Actual events involving limited liquidity, defaults, non-performance or other adverse developments that affect financial institutions, transactional counterparties or other companies in the financial services industry or the financial services industry generally, or concerns or rumors about any events of these kinds or other similar risks, have in the past and may in the future lead to market-wide liquidity problems. For example, on March 10, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank, or SVB, was closed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, as receiver. Similarly, on March 12, 2023, Signature Bank and Silvergate Capital Corp. were each swept into receivership. Although a statement by the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the FDIC indicated that all depositors of SVB would have access to all of their money after only one business day of closure, including funds held in uninsured deposit accounts, borrowers under credit agreements, letters of credit and certain other financial instruments with SVB, Signature Bank or any other financial institution that is placed into receivership by the FDIC may be unable to access undrawn amounts thereunder. Although we are not a borrower or party to any such instruments with SVB, Signature Bank or any other financial institution currently in receivership, if any of the banks which hold our cash deposits were to be placed into receivership, we may be unable to access such funds. As of September 30, 2024, $5.0 million, or 19%, of our cash was maintained with one financial institution, where our current deposits are in excess of federally insured limits. In addition, if any of our customers, suppliers or other parties with whom we conduct business are unable to access funds pursuant to such instruments or lending arrangements with such a financial institution, such parties’ ability to pay their obligations to us or to enter into new commercial arrangements requiring additional payments to us could be adversely affected.
Software bugs or defects could expose us to liability and harm our reputation and we could lose market share.
Software products frequently contain bugs or defects, especially when first introduced, when new versions are released, or when integrated with technologies developed by acquired companies, and the likelihood of bugs or defects may increase for our business if we accelerate the frequency of its product releases. Customers have in the past identified bugs or defects in our products, and there can be no assurance that bugs or defects will not be found in the future in new or enhanced products after commencement of commercial shipments. Product bugs or defects, including those resulting from third-party licensors, have in the past and may in the future affect the performance or interoperability of our products, could delay the development or release of new products or new versions of products and could adversely affect market acceptance or perception of our products. We are currently in receipt of a request from a customer for compensation as a result of alleged product bugs or defects, and there can be no assurance that we will resolve this matter, or any similar future complaint, in a manner that preserves the customer relationship and does not otherwise adversely affect our business or operating results. In addition, any allegations of manufacturability issues resulting from use of our IP products could, even if untrue, adversely affect our reputation and our customers’ willingness to license IP products from us. Any such bugs or defects or delays in releasing new products or new versions of products or allegations of unsatisfactory performance could cause us to lose customers, increase our

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service costs, result in diversion of resources, damage to our reputation and subject us to liability for damages, any one of which could materially and adversely affect our business and operating results.
Our employees, consultants and third-party providers have in the past and may in the future engage in misconduct that materially adversely affects us.
Our employees, consultants and third-party providers have in the past and may in the future engage in misconduct that materially and adversely affects us. For example, a former employee in China impermissibly used our computers and software to write and configure software for other companies. Misconduct by these parties could include intentional failures to comply with the applicable laws and regulations in the United States and abroad, report financial information or data accurately, violate our internal security policies or duties of confidentiality or disclose unauthorized activities to us. Such misconduct could result in loss of proprietary information or trade secrets, legal or regulatory sanctions, loss of important business information and cause serious harm to our reputation. It is not always possible to identify and deter misconduct, and any precautions we take to detect and prevent this activity may not be effective in controlling unknown or unmanaged risks or losses, or in protecting us from governmental investigations or other actions or lawsuits stemming from a failure to comply with these laws or regulations. If any such actions are instituted against us, and we are not successful in defending ourselves or asserting our rights, those actions could result in the imposition of significant civil, criminal and administrative penalties, which could have a significant impact on our business. Whether or not we are successful in defending against such actions or investigations, if any of our employees, consultants or third-party providers were to engage in or be accused of misconduct, we could be exposed to legal liability, incur substantial costs, loss of proprietary information, our business and reputation could be materially adversely affected, and we could fail to retain key employees.
Periodic reorganizations and adjustments to our sales force could temporarily impact productivity and adversely disrupt our sales.
We rely heavily on our direct sales force. From time to time, we reorganize and make adjustments to our sales force in response to such factors as management changes, performance issues, market opportunities and other considerations. These changes may result in a temporary lack of sales production and may adversely impact revenue in future quarters. There can be no assurance that we will not restructure our sales force in future periods or that the transition issues associated with such a restructuring will not recur.
Variations in actual sales activity from sales forecasts could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We make many operational and strategic decisions based upon short-term and long-term sales forecasts. Our sales personnel continually monitor the status of all proposals, including the estimated closing date and the value of the sale, in order to forecast quarterly and annual sales. These forecasts are subject to significant estimation and are impacted by many external factors. For example, a slowdown in research and development spending or economic factors could cause purchasing decisions to be delayed. A variation in actual sales activity from forecast could cause us to plan or to budget incorrectly and, therefore, could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We may not realize the anticipated benefits of our acquisitions or investments, our business could be disrupted because of acquisitions or investments and, depending on how we finance such acquisitions or investments, we could use significant amounts of cash.
Our success depends in part on our ability to continually enhance and broaden our software solutions offerings in order to support our long-term strategic direction, strengthen our competitive position, expand our customer base, provide greater scale to increase our investments in research and development to accelerate innovation, provide increased capabilities to our existing software solutions, supply new software solutions and services, and enhance our distribution channels. Accordingly, our success depends in part on our ability to identify, complete and integrate acquisitions. Over the past several years, we have completed ten such acquisitions of companies or strategic assets, and in the future, from time to time we will likely seek to acquire or invest in businesses, products, or technologies. Any acquisition, investment or business relationship may result in unforeseen operating difficulties and expenditures, as we have experienced historically. In particular, we may encounter difficulties assimilating or integrating the businesses, technologies, products, personnel or operations of the acquired companies, particularly if the key personnel of the acquired company choose not to work for us, their software is not easily adapted to work with our software solutions or we have difficulty retaining the customers of any acquired business due to changes in ownership, management or otherwise. For example, we have in the past and may in the future face challenges associated with the integration and migration of processes, including issue tracking, release procedures and standardization of license models, which can delay introduction of software solutions. We may be unable to

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successfully integrate previously acquired businesses and technologies or those acquired in the future, which could adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Acquisitions and investments involve numerous risks, including:
the inability to complete the acquisition or investment on commercially acceptable terms;
the inability to obtain timely approvals from governmental authorities under competition and antitrust laws and the resulting delay in consummating the acquisition;
the risk that we may have difficulty incorporating the acquired technologies or products with our existing software solutions and maintaining uniform standards, controls, procedures, and policies;
the risk that we may not realize the anticipated increase in our revenue if a larger than predicted number of customers decline to renew annual leases or software license updates and license support or, if we are unable to sell or license the acquired solutions to our customer base;
unforeseen difficulties in legal entity merger integration activities that may result in legal and tax exposures or the loss of anticipated tax benefits;
disruption of our ongoing businesses and diversion of management attention;
the risk that our relationships with current and new employees, customers, partners and distributors could be impaired;
difficulties in integrating the acquired entities, products or technologies and overcoming any unforeseen technical problems with the acquired products or technologies;
difficulties in operating the acquired business profitably;
difficulties in preserving and transitioning important licensing, research and development, and customer, distributor and supplier relationships;
difficulties in implementing the appropriate controls and procedures to ensure the acquired entity is in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act;
the risk that the acquisition may result in increased litigation or contingencies, including as described in –“Pending or future investigations or litigation could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and our stock price” below;
risks associated with entering lines of business or geographies in which we have no or limited prior experience; and
unanticipated costs, expenses or liabilities.
In addition, any future acquisitions or investments may result in:
issuances of dilutive equity securities, which may be at a discount to market price;
use of significant amounts of cash;
the incurrence of debt;
the assumption of significant liabilities;
unfavorable financing terms;
large one-time expenses; and
the creation of certain intangible assets, including goodwill, the write-down of which may result in significant charges to earnings.
Any of these factors could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
If we lose the services of our senior executives or key technical personnel who possess specialized industry knowledge and technical skills, or are unable to hire additional key personnel, it could reduce our ability to compete, to manage our operations effectively, or to develop new software solutions and services.
We are highly dependent upon the ability and experience of our senior executives and our key technical and other management employees, and we do not maintain key person insurance for any of our employees. Although we have employment agreements with certain employees, the loss of these employees, or any of our other key employees, could adversely affect our ability to conduct our operations.
Further, to be successful, we must also attract and retain key employees who join us organically and through acquisitions. There are a limited number of qualified engineers with specialized applicable skills, and competition for these individuals and other qualified employees is intense and has increased globally, including in major markets such as Asia. Our employees are often recruited aggressively by our competitors and our customers worldwide. Any failure

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to recruit and retain key employees could harm our business, results of operations and financial condition. Additionally, efforts to recruit and retain qualified employees could be costly and negatively impact our operating expenses.
Historically we have issued equity awards as a key component of our overall compensation. If we are unable to grant attractive equity-based packages in the future, it could limit our ability to attract and retain key employees.
We may not be able to effectively manage our growth, and we may need to incur significant expenditures to address the additional operational and control requirements of our growth, either of which could harm our business and operating results.
In order to succeed in executing our business plan, we will need to manage our growth effectively as we make significant investments in research and development and sales and marketing and expand our operations and infrastructure both domestically and internationally. In addition, in connection with operating as a public company, we will incur additional significant legal, accounting and other expenses that we did not incur as a private company. If our revenue does not increase to offset these increases in our expenses, we may not achieve or maintain profitability in future periods.
To continue to grow and to meet our ongoing obligations as a public company, we must continue to expand our operational, engineering, accounting and financial systems, procedures, controls, personnel and other internal management systems. We must also expand our reporting and compliance infrastructure to ensure that relevant information is shared with and among management and our board of directors, including with respect to actual or alleged wrongdoing within our Company. We have in the past experienced inadequate reporting and communication regarding wrongdoing, which resulted in delays and inefficiencies in taking appropriate action. Such expansions may require substantial managerial and financial resources, and our efforts in this regard may not be successful. Our current systems, procedures and controls may not be adequate to support our future operations and we may be unable to meet reporting obligation deadlines under the Exchange Act or may face additional failures with respect to our reporting and compliance infrastructure. Unless our growth results in an increase in our revenue that is proportionate to the increase in our costs associated with this growth, our operating margins will be adversely affected. If we fail to adequately manage our growth, improve our operational, financial and management information systems, improve our reporting and compliance infrastructure or effectively motivate and manage our new and future employees, it could harm our business.
Our estimates of market opportunity and forecasts of market growth may prove to be inaccurate.
Market opportunity estimates and growth forecasts whether obtained from third-party sources or developed internally, are subject to significant uncertainty and are based on assumptions and estimates that may prove to be inaccurate. The estimates and forecasts included in this prospectus relating to the size and expected growth of the target market and market demand may also prove to be inaccurate. For example, the Electronic System Design Alliance’s EDA market data may be inaccurate or incomplete. Further, Grand View Research's estimations for the size of the 2022 and 2030 global EDA market and the growth thereof are based on assumptions, including as to the future growth of the integrated circuits and electronic manufacturing markets, and the continued advancement of technology in those industries that may prove to be inaccurate or incorrect. In addition, the estimated global EDA market may not materialize in the timeframe we expect, if ever, and even if the markets meet the estimates presented in this prospectus, this should not be taken as indicative of our future growth or prospects. In order to be successful, we will need to continue to develop and advance our software solutions, secure new and renewed bookings, obtain sufficient capital to finance our business and otherwise successfully scale our business and operations. We face a number of challenges in achieving these objectives, including those described elsewhere in these risk factors. There can be no assurance that we will be able to achieve our objectives or successfully grow our business, capture meaningful market share or take advantage of market opportunities.
Risks Related to Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Data Privacy and Security
If we are unable to protect our proprietary technology and inventions through patents and other intellectual property rights, our ability to compete successfully and our financial results could be adversely impacted.
We seek to protect our proprietary technology and innovations, particularly those relating to our software solutions, through patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights. Maintenance of our patent portfolios, particularly outside of the United States, is expensive, and the process of seeking patent protection is lengthy and costly. While we intend to maintain our current portfolio of patents and to continue to prosecute our currently pending patent applications and file future patent applications when appropriate, the value of these actions may not exceed their expense. Existing patents and those that may be issued from any pending or future applications may be subject to challenges, invalidation or circumvention, and the rights granted under our patents may not provide us with

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meaningful protection or any commercial advantage. In addition, the protection afforded under the patent laws of one country may not be the same as that in other countries. This means, for example, that our right to exclusively commercialize a product in those countries where we have patent rights for that product can vary on a country-by-country basis. We also may not have the same scope of patent protection in every country where we do business.
Additionally, it is difficult and costly to monitor the use of our intellectual property. It may be the case that our intellectual property is already being infringed and infringement may occur in the future without our knowledge. Litigation may be necessary to enforce our intellectual property rights. Additionally, defending our intellectual property rights might necessitate significant financial and legal resources. Any such expenditure could negatively impact our financial performance.
While it is our policy to protect and defend our rights to our intellectual property, we cannot predict whether steps taken by us to enforce and protect our intellectual property rights will be adequate to prevent infringement, misappropriation, or other violations of our intellectual property rights. Any inability to meaningfully enforce our intellectual property rights could harm our ability to compete. Moreover, in any lawsuit we bring to enforce our intellectual property rights, a court may refuse to stop the other party from using the technology at issue on grounds that our intellectual property rights do not cover the technology in question. Further, in such proceedings, the defendant could counterclaim that our intellectual property is invalid or unenforceable and the court may agree, in which case we could lose valuable intellectual property rights. Any litigation of this nature, regardless of outcome or merit, could materially harm our business and hurt our competitive advantage.
We generally control access to and use of our confidential information and trade secrets using internal and external controls, including contractual protections with employees, contractors, and customers. We rely in part on the laws of the United States and international laws to protect our trade secrets. All employees and consultants are required to execute confidentiality agreements in connection with their employment and consulting relationships with us. We also require them to agree to disclose and assign to us all inventions conceived or made in connection with the employment or consulting relationship. However, we cannot guarantee that we have entered into such agreements with every such party and we may not have adequate remedies in case of a breach of any such agreements. Our trade secrets could be disclosed to our competitors or others may independently develop substantially equivalent technologies or otherwise gain access to our trade secrets. Trade secrets can be difficult to protect and some courts inside and outside of the United States are less willing or unwilling to protect trade secrets.
Despite our efforts to protect our intellectual property, unauthorized parties have, and may in the future copy, misappropriate, or otherwise obtain and use our software, technology, or other information that we regard as our proprietary intellectual property. In addition, we intend to expand our international operations, and effective patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret, and other intellectual property protection may not be available or may be limited in some foreign countries. We currently have no trademark registrations or pending applications to register trademarks in foreign countries. Further, intellectual property law, including statutory and case law, particularly in the United States, is constantly developing, and any changes in the law could make it harder for us to enforce our rights.
We have predominantly developed our proprietary technology and other intellectual property internally, through development by our employees and independent contractors and externally, including through our research institution partners and their students. Our development has taken place globally, including the United States, Brazil, Europe, the Middle East and India. We attempt to protect our intellectual property, technology, and confidential information by requiring our employees, consultants, contractors and developer partners who develop intellectual property on our behalf to enter into confidentiality and invention assignment agreements. However, these agreements may not have been properly entered into on every occasion with the applicable counterparty, and such agreements may not always have been effective when entered into in granting ownership of, controlling access to and distribution of our proprietary information or technology. Certain state laws may require that we provide certain notices with respect to the assignment of particular inventions in such agreements, and we may not have been able to include such specific notice requirements in every occasion that it required. Further, if we failed to enter into one of these agreements, or if the assignment language is found to be insufficient under applicable laws, it may not have effectively granted ownership of certain technology or other intellectual property to us. In such an event, there would be a risk that the applicable counterparty would not be available to (or would not be willing to) assist us in perfecting our ownership of the technology or intellectual property, or the counterparty may even assert ownership rights against us and make claims for fees, damages, or equitable relief with respect to such technology or intellectual property, which may have an adverse effect on our ability to utilize, perfect, or protect our proprietary rights over such technology and intellectual property. Each jurisdiction has different rules regarding the correct language and procedures required to effectively assign intellectual property rights, and we may not have effectively implemented such language and procedures in each jurisdiction on every occasion, which may also limit our ability to perfect and protect our technology and intellectual property rights. Further, these agreements do not prevent our competitors or partners from independently developing technologies that are substantially equivalent or superior to our products. In addition, these agreements

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may not effectively prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of our confidential information, intellectual property, or technology and may not provide an adequate remedy in the event of unauthorized use or disclosure of our confidential information or technology, or infringement of our intellectual property.
From time to time, particularly over the last several years, we have acquired a portion of our intellectual property from one or more third parties. While we have conducted diligence with respect to such acquisitions, because we did not participate in the development or prosecution of such acquired intellectual property, we cannot guarantee that our diligence efforts identified and/or remedied all issues related to such intellectual property, including potential ownership errors, potential errors during prosecution of such intellectual property, and potential encumbrances that could limit our ability to enforce such intellectual property rights.
Our technology is subject to the threat of piracy, unauthorized copying and other forms of intellectual property infringement.
We regard our technology as proprietary and take measures to protect our technology and other confidential information from infringement. Piracy and other forms of unauthorized copying and use of our technology may become persistent, and policing is difficult. Further, the laws of some countries in which our products are or may be distributed either do not protect our intellectual property rights to the same extent as the laws of the United States, or are poorly enforced. Legal protection of our rights may be ineffective in such countries. In addition, although we take steps to enforce and police our rights, we have in the past and may in the future experience piracy, as factors such as the proliferation of technology designed to circumvent the protection measures used by our business partners or by us, may expand the unauthorized copying and use of our technology.
If we are unable to protect our proprietary technology and inventions through trade secrets, our competitive position and financial results could be adversely affected.
As noted above, we seek to protect our proprietary technology and innovations, particularly those relating to our software solutions, as patents, trade secrets and other forms of intellectual property. Additionally, while software and other forms of our proprietary works may be protected under patent or copyright law, in some cases we have chosen not to seek any patents or register any copyrights in these works, and instead, primarily rely on protecting our software as a trade secret. In the United States, trade secrets are protected under the federal Economic Espionage Act of 1996 and the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016, or the Defend Trade Secrets Act, and under state law, with many states having adopted the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, or the UTSA. In addition to these federal and state laws inside the United States, under the World Trade Organization’s Trade Related-Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement, or the TRIPS Agreement, trade secrets are to be protected by World Trade Organization member states as “confidential information.” Under the UTSA and other trade secret laws, protection of our proprietary information as trade secrets requires us to take steps to prevent unauthorized disclosure to third parties or misappropriation by third parties. In addition, the full benefit of the remedies available under the Defend Trade Secrets Act requires specific language and notice requirements in the relevant agreements, which may not be present in all of our agreements. While we require our officers, employees, consultants, distributors, and existing and prospective customers and collaborators to sign confidentiality agreements and take various security measures to protect unauthorized disclosure and misappropriation of our trade secrets, we cannot assure or predict that these measures will be sufficient. The semiconductor and photonics industries are generally subject to high turnover of employees, so the risk of trade secret misappropriation may be amplified. If any of our trade secrets are subject to unauthorized disclosure or are otherwise misappropriated by third parties, our competitive position may be materially and adversely affected.
We may be subject to claims that we have wrongfully hired an employee from a competitor, or that our employees, consultants or independent contractors have wrongfully used or disclosed confidential information of third parties or that our employees have wrongfully used or disclosed alleged trade secrets of their former employers.
Many of our employees, consultants and advisors, or individuals that may in the future serve as our employees, consultants and advisors, are currently or were previously employed at companies including our competitors or potential competitors. Although we try to ensure that our employees, consultants, independent contractors and advisors do not use the confidential or proprietary information, trade secrets or know-how of others in their work for us, we may be subject to claims that we have inadvertently or otherwise used or disclosed confidential or proprietary information, trade secrets, or know-how of these third parties, or that our employees, consultants, independent contractors or advisors have inadvertently or otherwise used or disclosed confidential information, trade secrets, or know-how of such individual’s current or former employer. If we fail in defending any such claims, in addition to paying monetary damages, we may lose valuable intellectual property rights or personnel. Litigation may be necessary to defend against these claims. Even if we are successful in defending against these claims, litigation could result in substantial cost and be a distraction to our management and employees. Claims that we, our employees, consultants,

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or advisors have misappropriated the confidential or proprietary information, trade secrets, or know-how of third parties could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Our success depends on the interoperability of our software solutions with our customers’ intended use cases and with products and services of other companies, including our competitors.
The success of our software solutions depends on the interoperability of our software with our customers’ intended use cases and often depends on the existing products and services of other companies, including our direct competitors. As a result, our customers’ bookings may rapidly evolve, utilize multiple standards, include multiple versions and generations of our software. In addition, to the extent that hardware and software vendors, including our competitors, perceive that their applications or technologies compete with our software solutions or services, they may have an incentive to withhold any cooperation necessary to ensure interoperability, decline to share access or sell to us their proprietary protocols or formats, or engage in practices to actively limit the functionality, compatibility and certification of our software solutions. In addition, competitors may fail to certify or support or continue to certify or support our software solutions for their systems.
If any of the foregoing occurs, our software solutions development efforts may be delayed or foreclosed and it may be difficult and more costly for us to achieve functionality that would make our offerings attractive to our customers or potential customers, and we may, among other consequences, lose or fail to increase our market share and experience reduced demand for our services, any of which could negatively impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.
If our information technology systems, or those of third parties upon which we rely, or our data are or were compromised, we could experience adverse consequences resulting from such compromise, including but not limited to, regulatory investigations or actions, litigation, fines and penalties, disruptions of our business operations, reputational harm, loss of revenue or profits, and other adverse consequences.
In the ordinary course of our business, we and the third parties upon which we rely, routinely receive, collect, store, process, generate, use, transfer, disclose, make accessible, protect, secure, dispose of, transmit, and share (collectively, process) personal data and other sensitive information, including proprietary technology, trade secrets and other confidential information about our business and our customers, suppliers, and business partners (collectively, sensitive data).
As a result, we and the third parties upon which we rely face a variety of evolving risks and threats that could cause security incidents. Cyber-attacks, malicious internet-based activity, online and offline fraud, and other similar activities threaten the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our sensitive data and information technology systems, and those of the third parties upon which we rely. Such threats are prevalent and continue to rise, are increasingly difficult to detect, and come from a variety of sources, including traditional computer “hackers,” threat actors, “hacktivists,” organized criminal threat actors, personnel (such as through theft or misuse), sophisticated nation-states, and nation-state supported actors.
Some actors now engage, and are expected to continue to engage, in cyber-attacks, including without limitation, nation-state actors for geopolitical reasons and in connection with military conflicts and defense operations. During times of war and other major conflicts, we and the third parties upon which we rely may be vulnerable to a heightened risk of these attacks, including retaliatory cyber-attacks that could materially disrupt our systems, supply chain and operations and ability to provide our services.
We and the third parties upon which we rely are subject to a variety of evolving threats, including but not limited to social-engineering attacks (including through deep fakes, which may be increasingly more difficult to identify as fake, and phishing attacks), malicious code (such as viruses and worms), malware (including as a result of advanced persistent threat intrusions), denial-of-service attacks (credential stuffing), credential harvesting, personnel misconduct or error, ransomware attacks, supply chain attacks, software bugs, server malfunctions, software or hardware failures, loss of data or other information technology assets, adware, attacks enhanced or facilitated by AI, telecommunications failures, earthquakes, fires, floods, and other similar threats.
In particular, severe ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly prevalent and can lead to significant interruptions in our operations, ability to provide our services, loss of sensitive data and income, reputational harm, and diversion of funds. Extortion payments may alleviate the negative impact of a ransomware attack, but we may be unwilling or unable to make such payments due to, for example, applicable laws or regulations prohibiting such payments.
Remote work has become more common and has increased risks to our information technology systems and data, as more of our employees utilize network connections, computers, and devices outside our premises or network, including working at home, while in transit and in public locations. Additionally, future or past business transactions

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(such as acquisitions or integrations) could expose us to additional cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities, as our systems could be negatively affected by vulnerabilities present in acquired or integrated entities’ systems and technologies. Furthermore, we may discover security issues that were not found during due diligence of such acquired or integrated entities, and it may be difficult to integrate companies into our information technology environment and security program.
In addition, our reliance on third-party service providers could introduce new cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities, including supply chain attacks, and other threats to our business operations. We rely on third-party service providers and technologies to operate critical business systems to process sensitive data in a variety of contexts, including, without limitation, cloud-based infrastructure, data center facilities, encryption and authentication technology, employee email, content delivery to customers, and other functions. We also rely on third-party service providers to provide other products, services, parts, or otherwise to operate our business. Our ability to monitor these third parties’ information security practices is limited and these third parties may not have adequate information security measures in place. If our third-party service providers experience a security incident or other interruption, we could experience adverse consequences. While we may be entitled to damages if our third-party service providers fail to satisfy their data privacy or security-related obligations to us, any award may be insufficient to cover our damages, or we may be unable to recover such award. In addition, supply-chain attacks have increased in frequency and severity, and we cannot guarantee that third parties’ infrastructure in our supply chain or our third-party partners’ supply chains have not been compromised.
While we have implemented security measures designed to protect against security incidents, there can be no assurance that these measures will be effective. We take steps to detect, mitigate and remediate vulnerabilities in our information systems (such as our hardware and/or software, including that of third parties upon which we rely). We may not, however, detect and remediate all such vulnerabilities on a timely basis. Further, we may experience delays in developing and deploying remedial measures designed to address any such identified vulnerabilities. Such vulnerabilities could be exploited and result in a security incident.
Any of the previously identified or similar threats could cause a security incident or other interruption that could result in unauthorized, unlawful, or accidental acquisition, modification, destruction, loss, alteration, encryption, disclosure of, or access to our sensitive data or our information technology systems, or those of the third parties upon whom we rely. A security incident or other interruption could disrupt our ability (and that of third parties upon whom we rely) to provide our services.
We may expend significant resources or modify our business activities to try to protect against security incidents. Additionally, certain data privacy and security obligations may require us to implement and maintain specific security measures or industry-standard or reasonable security measures to protect our information technology systems and sensitive data.
Additionally, applicable data privacy and security obligations may require us to notify relevant stakeholders, including affected individuals, customers, regulators and investors, of security incidents. Such disclosures are costly, and the disclosure or the failure to comply with such requirements could lead to adverse consequences.
If we (or a third party upon whom we rely) experience a security incident or are perceived to have experienced a security incident, we may experience adverse consequences, such as government enforcement actions (for example, investigations, fines, penalties, audits, and inspections); additional reporting requirements and/or oversight; restrictions on processing sensitive data (including personal data); litigation (including class claims); indemnification obligations; negative publicity; reputational harm; monetary fund diversions; diversion of management attention; interruptions in our operations (including availability of data); financial loss; and other similar harms. Security incidents and attendant consequences may prevent the use of our services or cause customers to stop using our services, deter new customers from using our services, and negatively impact our ability to grow and operate our business.
Our contracts may not contain limitations of liability, and even where they do, there can be no assurance that limitations of liability in our contracts are sufficient to protect us from liabilities, damages, or claims related to our data privacy and security obligations. Furthermore, we cannot be sure that our cyber insurance policies will be adequate or sufficient to protect us from or to mitigate liabilities arising out of our privacy and security practices, that such coverage will continue to be available on commercially reasonable terms or at all, or that such coverage will pay future claims.
In addition to experiencing a security incident, third parties may gather, collect, or infer sensitive data about us from public sources, data brokers, or other means that reveals competitively sensitive details about our organization and could be used to undermine our competitive advantage or market position. Additionally, our sensitive data or our customers’ sensitive data could be leaked, disclosed, or revealed as a result of or in connection with our employees’, personnel’s, or vendors’ use of generative AI technologies.

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Our software licenses contain third-party open source software components, and failure to comply with the terms of the underlying open source software licenses could restrict our ability to deliver our software licenses or subject us to litigation or other actions.
Some of our software licenses contain software modules licensed to us under “open source” licenses, and we expect to continue to incorporate such open source software in our software licenses in the future. Use and distribution of open source software may entail greater risks than use of third-party commercial software, as open source licensors generally do not provide support, warranties, indemnification, or other contractual protections regarding infringement claims or the quality of the code. In addition, the public availability of such software may make it easier for others to compromise our products.
Some open source licenses contain requirements that we make available source code for modifications or derivative works we create based upon the type of open source software we use, or grant other licenses to our intellectual property. We seek to ensure that our proprietary software is not combined with, and does not incorporate, open source software in ways that would require the release of the source code of our proprietary software to the public. However, if we combine our proprietary software with open source software in a certain manner, we could, under certain open source licenses, be required to release the source code of our proprietary software to the public. This would allow our competitors or new entrants to create similar offerings with lower development effort and time and ultimately could result in a loss of our competitive advantages. Alternatively, to avoid the public release of the affected portions of our source code, we could be required to expend substantial time and resources to re-engineer some or all of our software. We incorporate software that is licensed under open source licenses which could require release of proprietary code if such license was released or distributed in any manner that would trigger such a requirement to third parties. We take steps to ensure that such software is not released or distributed. Additionally, some open source projects have vulnerabilities and architectural instabilities and are provided without warranties or services to actively provide us patched versions when available, and which, if not properly addressed, could negatively affect the performance of our products.
Although we have certain processes in place to monitor and manage our use of open source software to avoid subjecting our software licenses to conditions we do not intend, the terms of many open source licenses have not been interpreted by U.S. or foreign courts, and there is a risk that these licenses could be construed in a way that could impose unanticipated conditions or restrictions on our ability to provide or distribute our products. From time to time, there have been claims challenging the ownership of open source software against companies that incorporate open source software into their products, and the licensors of such open source software provide no warranties or indemnities with respect to such claims. As a result, we and our customers could be subject to lawsuits by parties claiming ownership of what we believe to be open source software. Moreover, we cannot assure you that our processes for monitoring and managing our use of open source software in our software licenses has been, or will be, effective.
If we are held to have breached or failed to fully comply with all the terms and conditions of an open source software license, or if an author or other third party that distributes such open source software were to allege that we had not complied with the conditions of one or more of these licenses, we could be required to incur significant legal expenses defending against such allegations, could be subject to significant damages, enjoined from the licensing of our software licenses or other liability, or be required to seek costly licenses from third parties to continue providing our software on terms that, if available at all, are not economically feasible, to re-engineer our software, to discontinue or delay the provision of our software if re-engineering could not be accomplished on a timely basis, or to make generally available, in source code form, our proprietary code, any of which would adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We may not be able to continue to obtain licenses to third-party software and intellectual property on reasonable terms or at all, which may disrupt our business and harm our financial results.
We license third-party software and other intellectual property for use in research and development and, in several instances, inclusion in our products. We also license third-party software, including the software of our competitors, to test the interoperability of our software solutions with other industry software tools and in connection with our professional services. Our rights to use and employ software and other intellectual property that has been licensed to us, including our rights to develop, manufacture, or sell products covered by claims in licensed patents that are a subject of these licenses, are and will be subject to the continuation of and compliance with the terms of those licenses. We have and may in the future be in breach of a license, which may lead to the termination of rights granted to us under such license. This could result in competitors being able to enter our target markets and compete with us. We also may not be able to further develop, manufacture, or sell the affected products. Our third-party licenses may need to be renegotiated or renewed from time to time, or we may need to obtain new licenses in the future. Some of these licenses may also be terminated by the counterparty for convenience with limited notice to us. Third parties may

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stop adequately supporting or maintaining their technology, they may become insolvent or cease conducting business in the ordinary course, or they or their technology may be acquired by our competitors. From time to time, our licensors may license their technology to us on condition that we do not provide such technology or licenses incorporating such technology to certain customers. If we are unable to obtain licenses to these third-party software and intellectual property on reasonable terms or at all, we may not be able to sell the affected products, our customers’ use of the licenses may be interrupted, or our software solutions development processes and professional services offerings may be disrupted, which could in turn harm our financial results, our customers, and our reputation.
The inclusion of third-party intellectual property in our software solutions can also subject us and our customers to intellectual property infringement claims. Although we seek to mitigate this risk contractually, we have not always been able to, and may not in future be able to sufficiently limit our potential liability. Regardless of outcome, infringement claims may require us to use significant resources and may divert management’s attention. See the risk factor “—If we are unable to protect our proprietary technology and inventions through patents and other intellectual property rights, our ability to compete successfully and our financial results could be adversely impacted.”
We are subject to stringent and evolving U.S. and foreign laws, regulations, and rules, contractual obligations, industry standards, policies and other obligations related to data privacy and security. Our actual or perceived failure to comply with such obligations could lead to regulatory investigations or actions, litigation (including class claims) and mass arbitration demands, fines and penalties, disruptions of our business operations, reputational harm, loss of revenue or profits, and other adverse business consequences.
As a regular part of our business, we process sensitive data and these processing activities subject us to numerous data privacy and security obligations, such as various laws, regulations, guidance, industry standards, external and internal privacy and security policies, contractual requirements, and other obligations relating to data privacy and security.
In the United States, federal, state, and local governments, have enacted numerous data privacy and security laws, including data breach notification laws, personal data privacy laws, consumer protection laws (e.g., Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act), and other similar laws (e.g., wiretapping laws).
In the past few years, numerous U.S. states, including California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, and Utah, have enacted comprehensive privacy laws that impose certain obligations on covered businesses, including providing specific disclosures in privacy notices and affording residents with certain rights concerning their personal data. As applicable, such rights may include the right to access, correct, or delete certain personal data, and to opt-out of certain data processing activities, such as targeted advertising, profiling, and automated decision-making. The exercise of these rights may impact our business and ability to provide our products and services. Certain states also impose stricter requirements for processing certain personal data, including sensitive information, such as conducting data privacy impact assessments. These state laws allow for statutory fines for noncompliance. For example, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”) (collectively, “CCPA”) applies to personal data of consumers, business representatives, and employees who are California residents, and requires businesses to provide specific disclosures in privacy notices and honor requests of such individuals to exercise certain privacy rights. The CCPA provides for fines of up to $7,500 per intentional violation and allows private litigants affected by certain data breaches to recover significant statutory damages.
Similar laws are being considered in several other states, as well as at the federal and local levels, and we expect more states to pass similar laws in the future. These developments may further complicate compliance efforts and increase legal risk and compliance costs for us and the third parties upon whom we rely.
Outside the United States, an increasing number of laws, regulations, and industry standards may govern data privacy and security. For example, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the UK’s GDPR, and China’s Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”) impose strict requirements for processing personal data. For example, under the GDPR, companies may face temporary or definitive bans on data processing and other corrective actions, fines of up to 20 million Euros under the EU GDPR, 17.5 million pounds sterling under the UK GDPR or, in each case, up to 4% of annual global revenue, whichever is greater, or private litigation related to processing of personal data brought by classes of data subjects or consumer protection organizations authorized at law to represent their interests. Additionally, we also target customers in Asia and have operations in China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore and may be subject to new and emerging data privacy regimes in Asia, including Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act.
Our employees and personnel use generative AI technologies to perform their work, and the disclosure and use of personal data in generative AI technologies is subject to various privacy laws and other privacy obligations. Governments have passed and are likely to pass additional laws regulating generative AI. Our use of this technology

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could result in additional compliance costs, regulatory investigations and actions, and consumer lawsuits. If we are unable to use generative AI, it could make our business less efficient and result in competitive disadvantages.
In addition, we may be unable to transfer personal data from the EU, the UK and other jurisdictions to the United States or other countries due to data localization requirements or limitations on cross-border data flows. The EU, UK, and other jurisdictions have enacted laws requiring data to be localized or limiting the transfer of personal data to other countries. In particular, the EU and UK have significantly restricted the transfer of personal data to the United States and other countries whose privacy laws it generally believes are inadequate. Other jurisdictions may adopt similarly stringent interpretations of their data localization and cross-border data transfer laws. Although there are currently various mechanisms that may be used to transfer personal data from the EU and UK to the United States in compliance with law, such as the EU standard contractual clauses, the UK’s International Data Transfer Agreement / Addendum, and the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and UK extension thereto (which allows for transfers to relevant U.S.-based organizations who self-certify compliance and participate in the Framework), these mechanisms are subject to legal challenges, and there is no assurance that we can satisfy or rely on these measures to lawfully transfer personal data to the United States. If there is no lawful manner for us to transfer personal data from the EU, UK, or other jurisdictions to the United States, or if the requirements for a legally-compliant transfer are too onerous, we could face significant adverse consequences, including the interruption or degradation of our operations, the need to relocate part of or all of our business or data processing activities to other jurisdictions (such as the EU) at significant expense, increased exposure to regulatory actions, substantial fines and penalties, the inability to transfer data and work with partners, vendors and other third parties, and injunctions against our processing or transferring of personal data necessary to operate our business. Additionally, companies that transfer personal data out of the EEA and UK to other jurisdictions, particularly to the United States, are subject to increased scrutiny from regulators, individual litigants, and activist groups. Some European regulators have ordered certain companies to suspend or permanently cease certain transfers of personal data out of Europe for allegedly violating the GDPR’s cross-border data transfer limitations.
In addition to data privacy and security laws, we are contractually subject to industry standards adopted by industry groups and may become subject to such obligations in the future. We are also bound by other contractual obligations related to data privacy and security, and our efforts to comply with such obligations may not be successful. We publish privacy policies, marketing materials, and other statements, such as compliance with certain certifications or self-regulatory principles, regarding data privacy and security. If these policies, materials or statements are found to be deficient, lacking in transparency, deceptive, unfair, or misrepresentative of our practices, we may be subject to investigation, enforcement actions by regulators or other adverse consequences.
Obligations related to data privacy and security (and consumers’ data privacy expectations) are quickly changing, becoming increasingly stringent, and creating uncertainty. Additionally, these obligations may be subject to differing applications and interpretations, which may be inconsistent or conflict among jurisdictions. Preparing for and complying with these obligations requires us to devote significant resources and may necessitate changes to our services, information technologies, systems, and practices and to those of any third parties that process personal data on our behalf.
We may at times fail (or be perceived to have failed) in our efforts to comply with our data privacy and security obligations. Moreover, despite our efforts, our personnel or third parties on whom we rely may fail to comply with such obligations, which could negatively impact our business operations. If we or the third parties on which we rely fail, or are perceived to have failed, to address or comply with applicable data privacy and security obligations, we could face significant consequences, including but not limited to: government enforcement actions (e.g., investigations, fines, penalties, audits, inspections, and similar); litigation (including class-action claims) and mass arbitration demands; additional reporting requirements and/or oversight; bans on processing personal data; and orders to destroy or not use personal data. In particular, plaintiffs have become increasingly more active in bringing privacy-related claims against companies, including class claims and mass arbitration demands. Some of these claims allow for the recovery of statutory damages on a per violation basis, and, if viable, carry the potential for monumental statutory damages, depending on the volume of data and the number of violations. Any of these events could have a material adverse effect on our reputation, business, or financial condition, including but not limited to: loss of customers; inability to process personal data or to operate in certain jurisdictions; limited ability to develop or commercialize our products; expenditure of time and resources to defend any claim or inquiry; adverse publicity; or substantial changes to our business model or operations.

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Risks Related to Intellectual Property Litigation
We may be subject to litigation, regardless of success or merit, that could cause us to incur substantial expenses, reduce our sales, and divert the efforts of our management and other personnel.
The semiconductor and photonics industries are characterized by vigorous protection and pursuit of intellectual property rights and positions, which has resulted in protracted and expensive litigation for many companies. We may receive communications alleging liability for damages or challenging the validity of our intellectual property or proprietary rights. Any litigation, regardless of success or merit, could cause us to incur substantial expenses, reduce our sales, and divert the efforts of our management and other personnel. In the event we receive an adverse result in any litigation, we could be required to pay substantial damages, seek licenses from third parties, which may not be available on reasonable terms or at all, cease sale of products, expend significant resources to develop alternative technology, or discontinue the use of processes requiring the relevant technology. Furthermore, an adverse determination of any litigation or defense proceedings could put our intellectual property at risk of being invalidated or interpreted narrowly and could put our related pending patent applications at risk of not issuing. Furthermore, because of the substantial amount of discovery required in connection with intellectual property litigation, there is a risk that some of our confidential or sensitive information could be compromised by disclosure in the event of litigation. In addition, during the course of litigation, there could be public announcements of the results of hearings, motions or other interim proceedings or developments. If securities analysts or investors perceive these results to be negative, it could have a substantial adverse effect on the price of our common stock.
Our ability to compete successfully depends in part on our ability to commercialize our intellectual property solutions without infringing the patent, trade secret, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights of others.
Just as we seek to protect our technology and inventions with patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, our competitors and other third parties do the same for their technology and inventions. We have no means of knowing the content of patent applications filed by third parties until they are published, and we may not be aware of any patent applications even following their publication or issue.
The semiconductor and photonics industries are rife with patent assertion entities and is characterized by frequent litigation regarding patent and other intellectual property rights. From time to time, we receive communications from third parties that allege that our software solutions or technologies infringe their patent or other intellectual property rights. We are currently subject to litigation alleging we have misappropriated trade secrets, as described in further described in the risk factor “—Risks Related to Legal, Regulatory, Accounting and Tax Matters—Pending or future investigations or litigation could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and our stock price.” As a public company with an increased profile and visibility, we may receive similar communications or lawsuits in the future. In a patent infringement claim against us, we may assert, as a defense, that we do not infringe the relevant patent claims, that the patent is invalid or both. The strength of our defenses will depend on the patents asserted, the interpretation of these patents, and our ability to invalidate the asserted patents. However, we may not be successful in advancing non-infringement and/or invalidity arguments in our defense. In the United States, issued patents enjoy a presumption of validity, and the party challenging the validity of a patent claim must present clear and convincing evidence of invalidity, which is a high burden of proof. Conversely, the patent owner need only prove infringement by a preponderance of the evidence, which is a lower burden of proof. Lawsuits or other proceedings resulting from allegations of infringement could subject us to significant liability for damages, invalidate our proprietary rights and harm our business.
In the event that any third party succeeds in asserting a valid claim against us or any of our customers, we could be forced to do one or more of the following:
discontinue selling access to certain technologies that contain the allegedly infringing intellectual property which may result in a decline in our revenue and could result in breach of contract claim by our affected customers and damage to our reputation;
discontinue using trademarks that allegedly infringe the trademarks of others;
stop receiving payment from a customer that can no longer sell the end-product if it contains allegedly infringing intellectual property;
seek to develop non-infringing technologies, which may be expensive and not be feasible;
incur significant legal expenses;
pay substantial monetary damages to the party whose intellectual property rights we may be found to be infringing; and/or
we or our customers could be required to seek licenses to the infringed technology that may not be available on commercially reasonable terms, if at all.

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If a third party causes us to discontinue the use of any of our technologies, we could be required to design around those technologies. If a third party causes us to discontinue using any of our trademarks, we could be required to adopt alternative brand names. If a third party establishes that they are co-authors of a copyrighted work that we use, we could be required to account for profits arising from exploiting such intellectual property. Each of these scenarios could be costly and time consuming and could have an adverse effect on our results of operations. Any significant impairments of our intellectual property rights from any litigation we face could harm our business and our ability to compete in our industry.
Any dispute regarding our intellectual property may require us to indemnify customers, the cost of which could harm our business.
In any potential dispute involving our patents or other intellectual property, our customers could also become the target of litigation. While we generally try to avoid indemnifying our customers, some of our agreements provide for indemnification, and some require us to provide technical support and information to a customer that is involved in litigation involving use of our technology. In addition, we may be exposed to indemnification obligations, risks and liabilities that were unknown at the time that we acquired assets or businesses. Any of these indemnification and support obligations could result in substantial and material expenses. In addition to the time and expense required for us to indemnify or supply such support to our customers, a customer’s development, marketing and sales of licensed semiconductors, mobile communications and data security technologies could be severely disrupted or shut down as a result of litigation, which in turn could severely harm our business as a result of lower licensing or royalty payments.
Risks Related to Our Status as a Controlled Company
Upon completion of the IPO in May of 2024, we became a “controlled company” within the meaning of the Nasdaq listing rules and as such are exempt from certain corporate governance requirements.
As a result of Ms. Ngai-Pesic and the members of her immediate family collectively holding more than 50% of the voting power of our company, following the completion of the IPO in May, we became a “controlled company” within the meaning of the Nasdaq listing rules. Therefore, we are not required to comply with certain corporate governance rules that would otherwise apply to us as a listed company on Nasdaq, including the requirement that (i) we have a majority of independent directors on our board of directors; (ii) the compensation of our executive officers be determined by a majority of the independent directors or a compensation committee comprised solely of independent directors; and (iii) director nominees selected or recommended for our board be approved either by a majority of the independent directors or a nominating committee comprised solely of independent directors. Following the IPO, we intend to utilize some or all of these exemptions. As a result, we may not have a majority of independent directors on our board of directors. In addition, our compensation and nominating and corporate governance committees may not consist entirely of independent directors and may not be subject to annual performance evaluations. Should the interests of Ms. Ngai-Pesic and her immediate family members differ from those of our other stockholders, it is possible that the other stockholders might not be afforded such protections as might exist if our board of directors, or our committees, were required to have a majority, or be composed exclusively, of directors who were independent of Ms. Ngai-Pesic and her immediate family members or our management.
As long as we are a controlled company, your ability to influence matters requiring stockholder approval will be limited, and the interests of our controlling stockholder may conflict with or differ from your interests as a stockholder
The Pesic Family (as defined below) own 20,000,000 shares of our common stock, collectively representing approximately 76% of our total outstanding common stock. For so long as the Pesic Family continue to collectively hold at least 50% of our outstanding common stock, they will be able to elect the members of our board of directors and could at any time replace our entire board of directors.
In addition, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws provide that, after Ms. Ngai-Pesic, Iliya Pesic, and Yelena Pesic, and each of their respective affiliates, (collectively voting together as a single entity, the “Pesic Family”) cease to beneficially own, in the aggregate, at least 50% of the voting power of the outstanding shares of our common stock, all stockholder actions must be effected at a duly called meeting of stockholders and not by written consent. As a result, the Pesic Family will have the ability to control all matters affecting us, including:
through our board of directors, any determination with respect to our business plans and policies, including the appointment and removal of our officers;
any determinations with respect to mergers and other business combinations;
our acquisition or disposition of assets;
our financing activities;

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the allocation of business opportunities that may be suitable for us;
the payment of dividends on our common stock; and
the number of shares available for future issuance and also issuance under our stock plans.
Further, for so long as the Stockholders Agreement, dated April 12, 2024, among us and the Pesic Family remains in effect and the Pesic Family owns in the aggregate, at least 25% of the voting power of the then outstanding shares of our capital stock, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provide that the prior written approval or consent of the Pesic Family shall be required for us to (i) implement any amendments to our amended and restated certificate of incorporation or bylaws that would adversely affect the Pesic Family’s rights thereunder, (ii) effect or consummate a change of control or approve another merger, consolidation, business combination, sale or acquisition that results in changes in the rights and privileges of holders of equity securities, and (iii) effect the liquidation or dissolution or winding up of our business operations.
Additionally, the Stockholders Agreement provides the Pesic Family has the ability to designate up to four nominees for our board of directors and one non-voting board observer, depending on ownership levels.
The Pesic Family’s collective voting control may discourage transactions involving a change of control of us, including transactions in which you as a holder of our common stock might otherwise receive a premium for your shares over the then current market price.
The Pesic Family are not prohibited from selling a controlling interest in us to a third party and may do so without the approval of other stockholders and without providing for a purchase of shares of common stock held by other stockholders. Accordingly, the shares of common stock held by other stockholders may be worth less than they would be if the Pesic Family did not maintain voting control over us.
The interests of the Pesic Family could conflict with or differ from the interests as a holder of other stockholders. For example, the concentration of ownership held by the Pesic Family could delay, defer or prevent a change of control of us or impede a merger, takeover or other business combination that other stockholders may otherwise view favorably. So long as the Pesic Family continue to beneficially own a significant amount of our equity, even if such amount is less than 50%, they may continue to be able to strongly influence or effectively control our decisions.
Our inability to resolve any disputes that arise between us and Ms. Ngai-Pesic, or other members of the Pesic Family, with respect to our past, future and ongoing relationships may adversely affect our operating results.
We lease several office facilities from entities controlled by Ms. Ngai-Pesic pursuant to which we recorded a rent expense of $0.2 million and $0.4 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively. Because we are controlled by the Pesic Family, we may not have the leverage to negotiate extensions or amendments to our agreements on terms as favorable to us compared to those we would negotiate with an unaffiliated third party. See Note 5 to our condensed consolidated financial statements and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Liquidity and Capital Resources.”
More generally, disputes may arise between Ms. Ngai-Pesic, or other members of the Pesic Family, and us or members of our board of directors or management in a number of areas relating to our or their past and ongoing relationships. We may not be able to resolve any potential conflicts, and even if we do, the resolution may be less favorable than if we were dealing with an unaffiliated party.
Risks Related to Legal, Regulatory, Accounting and Tax Matters
We are subject to anti-corruption and anti-money laundering laws with respect to our operations and non-compliance with such laws can subject us to criminal and/or civil liability and harm our business.
We are subject to anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, and similar laws in the United States and other countries in which we conduct activities, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, or the FCPA, the U.S. domestic bribery statute contained in 18 U.S.C. § 201, the U.S. Travel Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010. Anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, which have been enforced aggressively and are interpreted broadly, generally prohibit companies and their employees, agents, intermediaries and other third parties from directly or indirectly promising, authorizing, making or offering improper payments or other benefits to government officials and others in the private sector. We use third parties, including intermediaries and partners, to support sales of our products. We and these third parties may have direct or indirect interactions with officials and employees of government agencies or state-owned or affiliated entities and we may be held liable for the corrupt or other illegal activities of these third-party intermediaries and partners, our employees, representatives, contractors, and other third parties, even if we do not explicitly authorize such activities. While we have policies and procedures intended to address compliance with anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-money laundering and similar laws, we cannot

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assure you that all of our employees, representatives, contractors, partners, agents, intermediaries or other third parties have not taken, or will not take, actions in violation of our policies and applicable law, for which we may be ultimately held responsible.
Noncompliance with anti-corruption, anti-bribery, and anti-money laundering laws could subject us to investigations, severe criminal or civil sanctions, settlements, prosecution, loss of export privileges, other enforcement actions, disgorgement of profits, significant fines, damages, other civil and criminal penalties or injunctions, whistleblower complaints, adverse media coverage and other consequences. Any investigations, actions or sanctions could harm our reputation, business, operating results and financial condition.
We are subject to governmental export and import controls and sanctions that could impair our ability to compete in international markets due to licensing requirements and subject us to liability if we are not in compliance with applicable laws.
Our software solutions and technology are subject to export control and import laws and regulations of applicable jurisdictions. Certain of our software solutions are subject to U.S. export controls and sanctions, including the Export Administration Regulations, U.S. Customs regulations, and the economic and trade sanctions regulations administered by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC. These laws and regulations may limit our ability to export our software solutions and technology or may require export authorizations and conditions prior to export. Export control and sanctions laws may also prohibit us from selling or providing our software solutions and technology to embargoed countries, regions, governments, persons, and entities. In addition, various countries regulate the importation of certain products, including through import licensing and permitting requirements, which could limit or restrict our ability to sell our products. The exportation, re-exportation, and importation of our software solutions and technology must comply with these laws and regulations. If we fail to comply with these laws and regulations, we and certain of our employees could be subject to substantial civil or criminal penalties, including the possible loss of export or import privileges, as well as reputational harm.
Complying with export control and sanctions laws and regulations can be time-consuming and result in the delay or loss of sales opportunities. We have taken precautions to prevent our software solutions and technology from being provided in violation of such laws and regulations. However, our software solutions and technology have previously been, and could in the future be, provided in violation of such laws despite the precautions in place. Between August 2019 and June 2022, we filed various voluntary disclosures with BIS regarding potential violations of U.S. export control laws and regulations, specifically, the export of our licenses to certain parties designated on BIS’s Entity List and Unverified List, and the export of certain software modules without a license which was required at the time of the transaction but that were declassified by BIS in October 2020 to a lesser controlled export classification, meaning that such software generally no longer requires an export license. In July and October 2022 and January 2023, we also filed voluntary disclosures with OFAC regarding potential violations of OFAC sanctions programs, specifically the download of certain Company software modules by users in U.S. embargoed countries. In October 2023, we also filed voluntary disclosures with OFAC regarding certain banking transactions made by our third party service provider in Russia on our behalf, through a bank that was sanctioned by OFAC. In July 2024, OFAC issued a cautionary letter regarding the sanctions matters instead of pursuing a civil monetary penalty or taking other enforcement action. However, OFAC reserved the right to take future enforcement action should additional information warrant renewed attention. If either BIS and OFAC chooses to bring an enforcement action against us in relation to any potential violations in the future, such actions could result in the imposition of significant penalties against us.
Changes in our software solutions or technology or changes in applicable export or import laws and regulations may create delays in the introduction and sale of our software solutions and technology in international markets, prevent our customers from deploying our software solutions and technology or, in some cases, prevent the export or import of our software solutions and technology to certain countries, governments or persons altogether.
Any change in export or import laws and regulations, shift in the enforcement or scope of existing laws and regulations, or change in the countries, governments, persons or technologies targeted by such laws and regulations, could also result in decreased use of our software solutions and technology, or in our decreased ability to export or sell our software solutions and technology to existing or potential customers. Any decreased use of our software solutions and technology or limitation on our ability to export or sell our software solutions and technology would likely adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Pending or future investigations or litigation could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and our stock price.
We are involved in various investigations, claims and legal proceedings from time to time that arise in the ordinary course of our business activities, including intellectual property, collaboration, licensing agreement, product liability, employment, class action, whistleblower and other litigation claims, and governmental and other regulatory

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investigations and proceedings. For example, we have previously commenced legal proceedings against certain of our customers to protect our intellectual property rights and we may do so again in the future, which could result in resentment within our customer base and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. Our proceedings currently include customary audit activities by various taxing authorities and legal proceedings.
For example, in December 2020 we sought declaratory relief in the California Superior Court to clarify our obligations regarding the earnout payments due to the selling shareholders of Nangate following its acquisition by us in 2018. In February 2021, the Nangate Parties filed a cross-complaint against us, as well as one current and one former member of our board of directors (the “Co-Defendants”). The cross-complaint alleged breach of contract, fraud, and negligent misrepresentation among other causes of action.
In January 2022, the Nangate Parties filed a third amended cross-complaint against the Company and the Co-Defendants, seeking $20.0 million in damages for breach of contract, fraud, and unfair business practices, as well as punitive damages.
On July 23, 2024, a jury awarded the Nangate Parties $11.3 million in damages under breach of contract related claims, including breach of contract and breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, along with the potential for an award of statutory pre-judgment interest (the “Contract Damages”), and court and litigation related costs and certain expert expenses subject to the Nangate Parties establishing the legal right to them and to be determined by the court. The interest, if awarded, is estimated to be $3.8 million as of September 30, 2024.
The jury also found the Company and the Co-Defendants liable for fraud claims, including false promise and intentional misrepresentation, and awarded the Nangate parties $6.6 million in compensatory damages. On August 16, 2024, the jury awarded $17.0 million in punitive damages to be paid by the Company and a total of $16.0 million to be paid by the Co-Defendants (together with the compensatory damages, the “Fraud Damages”). The punitive damages are incremental to the $6.6 million compensatory damages awarded. The Nangate Parties will have the option to choose either the Contract Damages or the Fraud Damages, but in no circumstances will the Nangate Parties receive both remedies.
The Company recorded a charge for the estimated litigation awarded and accrued expenses and other current liabilities of $0.4 million and $15.1 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively. See Note 10 of our condensed consolidated financial statements for further discussion on the Nangate Litigation.
In August 2021, Aldini AG filed suit against Silvaco, Inc. in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California alleging various tort claims against Silvaco, Inc., Silvaco France, and certain of its board members. On August 23, 2022, Aldini AG filed a Second Amended Complaint against Silvaco, Inc., Silvaco France, and certain of its board members that included claims of trade secret theft, conspiracy, and intentional interference with a prospective economic advantage in relation to Silvaco’s acquisition of certain assets of Dolphin Design SAS, or Dolphin. Aldini AG seeks $703 million and punitive damages. On March 17, 2023, the Second Amended Complaint was dismissed on all counts, subject to a right of appeal. Aldini filed a notice of appeal and oral argument is scheduled for November 22, 2024. See Note 10 of our condensed consolidated financial statements for further discussion.
Changes in our tax rates or exposure to additional tax liabilities or assessments could affect our profitability, and audits by tax authorities could result in additional tax payments for prior periods.
We are subject to various U.S. and non-U.S. taxes, including direct and indirect taxes, such as corporate income, withholding, customs, excise, value-added, sales and other taxes imposed on our global activities. Significant judgment is required in determining our provisions for taxes, and there are many transactions and calculations where the ultimate tax determination is uncertain.
Our tax returns are subject to audit by U.S. federal, state and local tax authorities and by non-U.S. tax authorities. If audits result in tax liabilities or assessments different from our reserves, our future results may include unfavorable adjustments to our tax liabilities, and our financial statements could be adversely affected.
Changes in tax laws could adversely affect our business, financial position and results of operations.
Any significant changes to the tax system in the United States or in other jurisdictions could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
The U.S. Congress, government agencies in non-U.S. jurisdictions where we and our affiliates do business, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, have recently focused on issues related to the taxation of multinational corporations. One example is in the area of “base erosion and profit shifting,” where profits are claimed to be earned for tax purposes in low-tax jurisdictions, or payments are made between affiliates from a

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jurisdiction with high tax rates to a jurisdiction with lower tax rates. The OECD has released several components of its comprehensive plan to create an agreed set of international rules for addressing base erosion and profit shifting.
Because we operate in numerous taxing jurisdictions, the application of the relevant tax laws can be subject to diverging and sometimes conflicting interpretations by the taxing authorities of these jurisdictions. It is not uncommon for taxing authorities in different countries to have conflicting views with respect to, among other things, whether a permanent establishment exists in a particular jurisdiction, the manner in which the arm’s length standard is applied for transfer pricing purposes, or the valuation of intellectual property. For example, if the taxing authority in one country where we operate were to reallocate income from another country where we operate, and the taxing authority in the second country did not agree with the reallocation asserted by the first country, we could become subject to tax on the same income in both countries, resulting in double taxation.
If taxing authorities were to allocate income to a higher tax jurisdiction, subject our income to double taxation or assess interest and penalties, it could increase our tax liability, which could adversely affect our business, financial position and results of operations.
In the United States, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in 2017, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act enacted in 2020, and the Inflation Reduction Act enacted in 2022 made many significant changes to U.S. tax laws. For example, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 eliminated the option to deduct research and experimental expenditures in the year incurred in tax years beginning after December 31, 2021, and taxpayers are instead required to capitalize and amortize such expenditures over five years for research activities conducted in the United States and fifteen years for research activities conducted outside the United States. Although there have been legislative proposals to repeal or defer the capitalization requirement, there can be no assurance that such changes will be made. Future guidance from the Internal Revenue Service and other tax authorities with respect to any tax legislation may affect us, and certain aspects of such legislation could be repealed or modified in future legislation.
Due to the potential for changes in tax laws and regulations or changes in the interpretation thereof (including regulations and interpretations pertaining to recent tax reform in the United States), the ambiguity of tax laws and regulations, the subjectivity of factual interpretations, uncertainties regarding the geographic mix of earnings in any particular period and other factors, our estimates of our effective tax rate and our income tax assets and liabilities may be incorrect and our financial statements could be adversely affected. The impact of these factors may be substantially different from period-to-period.
Risks Related to the IPO in May of 2024 and Ownership of Our Common Stock
The price of our common stock could be volatile and you may not be able to resell your shares at or above the price at which you bought them, including the IPO price. Declines in the price of our common stock could subject us to litigation.
Our stock price may be volatile and may decline, resulting in a loss of some or all of your investment. The trading price and volume of our common stock have fluctuated and could fluctuate significantly in response to numerous factors, many of which are beyond our control, including:
variations in our operating results and other financial and operational metrics, including the key financial and operating metrics disclosed in this prospectus, as well as how those results and metrics compare to analyst and investor expectations;
speculation in the market about our operating results;
the financial guidance we may provide to the public, any changes in guidance or our failure to meet guidance;
failure of securities analysts to initiate or maintain coverage of us, changes in financial estimates or ratings by any securities analysts who follow us, or our failure to meet these estimates or the expectations of investors;
results of operations that otherwise fail to meet the expectations of securities analysts and investors;
changes in earnings estimates or recommendations by securities analysts, or other changes in investor perceptions of the investment opportunity associated with our common stock relative to other investment alternatives;
events or factors resulting from geopolitical changes, global health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, war, incidents of terrorism or responses to these events;
announcements of software solutions or enhancements, strategic alliances or significant agreements or other developments by us or our competitors;
announcements by us or our competitors of mergers or acquisitions or rumors of such transactions involving us or our competitors;
changes in management, other key personnel or our board of directors;

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disruptions in our operations due to security breaches or other issues;
the strength of the global economy or the economy in the jurisdictions in which we operate, and market conditions in our industry and those affecting our customers;
trading activity by our controlling stockholders, the Pesic Family, including upon the expiration of contractual lock-up agreements, and other market participants, in whom ownership of our common stock may be concentrated following the IPO;
the potential effects arising if U.S. or global inflationary and/or currency devaluation trends appear or increase;
market conditions in the semiconductor and photonics industries
the performance of the equity markets in general and in our industry;
the operating performance of other similar companies;
actual or anticipated developments in our business or our competitors’ businesses or the competitive landscape generally;
new laws or regulations or new interpretations of existing laws, or regulations applicable to our business;
changes in regulations, including import, export and economic sanctions, laws and regulations, that may expose us to liability and increase our costs;
litigation or other claims against us;
the number of shares of our common stock that are available for public trading; and
any other factors discussed in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Furthermore, the stock market in general has experienced extreme price and volume fluctuations that have often been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of particular companies. Broad market and industry factors may significantly affect the market price of our common stock, regardless of our actual operating performance. In addition, if the market for EDA, TCAD, SIP or other technology stocks or the stock market in general experiences a loss of investor confidence, the price of our common stock could decline for reasons unrelated to our business, results of operations or financial condition. The price of our common stock might also decline in reaction to events that affect other companies, even if those events do not directly affect us. Some companies that have experienced volatility in the trading price of their stock have been the subject of securities class action litigation. If we are the subject of such litigation, it could result in substantial costs and could divert our management’s attention and resources, which could adversely affect our business, financial position and results of operations.
We have not previously operated as a public company, which will require us to incur substantial costs and will require substantial management attention, and we may not be able to manage our transition to a public company effectively or efficiently.
Until the IPO, we never operated as a public company and will incur significant legal, accounting and other expenses that we did not incur as a private company. We also expect to incur stock-based compensation expense, which we did not incur in any material amount as a private company. Our management team and other personnel will need to devote a substantial amount of time to, and we may not effectively or efficiently manage, our transition to a public company. For example, we are subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, the applicable requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the rules and regulations of the SEC. The rules and regulations of Nasdaq also apply to us following the IPO. To comply with the various requirements applicable to public companies, we will need to establish and maintain effective disclosure and financial controls and make changes to our corporate governance practices. If, notwithstanding our efforts to comply with these laws, regulations and standards, we fail to comply, regulatory authorities may initiate legal or administrative proceedings against us and our business may be harmed. Further, failure to comply with these rules might make it more difficult for us to obtain some types of insurance, including director and officer liability insurance, and we might be forced to accept reduced policy limits and coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain the same or similar coverage. The impact of these events could also make it more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified persons to serve on our board of directors, on committees of our board of directors or as members of senior management. As such, we intend to invest resources to comply with evolving laws, regulations and standards, and this investment may result in increased general and administrative expenses and a diversion of management’s time and attention from revenue-generating activities.
We also expect that our management and other personnel will need to divert attention from other business matters to devote substantial time to the reporting and other requirements applicable to a public company. We may be unable to locate and hire qualified professionals with requisite technical and public company experience when and as needed. In addition, new employees will require time and training to learn our business and operating processes and procedures. If we are unable to recruit and retain additional finance personnel or if our finance and accounting team is

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unable for any reason to respond adequately to the increased demands that will result from being a public company, the quality and timeliness of our financial reporting may suffer, which could result in late filings or the identification of additional material weaknesses in our internal controls. Any consequences resulting from inaccuracies or delays in our public reporting could cause our stock price to decline, result in litigation and could harm our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Additionally, as a public company, we may, from time to time, be subject to proposals and other requests from stockholders urging us to take certain corporate actions, including proposals seeking to influence our corporate policies or effect a change in our management. In the event of such stockholder proposals, particularly with respect to matters which our management and board of directors, in exercising their fiduciary duties, disagree with or have determined not to pursue, our business could be harmed because responding to actions and requests of stockholders can be costly and time-consuming, disrupting our operations and diverting the attention of management and our employees. Additionally, perceived uncertainties as to our future direction may result in the loss of potential business opportunities and may make it more difficult to attract and retain qualified personnel, business partners and customers.
We are subject to significant regulatory compliance and internal governance requirements, and the failure to comply with such regulatory and governance requirements could result in a loss of sales or the loss of investor confidence in our financial reports, which could have an adverse effect on our stock price.
We are subject to the rules and regulations of the SEC, including those that require us to report on our internal controls. Compliance with these requirements has and will cause us to incur additional expenses and cause management to divert time from our day-to-day operations. While we anticipate being able to fully comply with these internal control requirements, if we are not able to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley reporting or certification requirements relating to internal controls, we may be subject to investigations or sanctions by the SEC, Nasdaq or other regulatory authorities.
Our stock is listed on Nasdaq and we are subject to ongoing financial and corporate governance requirements of Nasdaq. While we anticipate being able to fully comply with applicable Nasdaq requirements, if we are not able to comply, our name may be published on Nasdaq’s daily Non-Compliant Companies list until Nasdaq determines that we have regained compliance or we no longer trade on Nasdaq.
An active trading market for our common stock may not be sustained and you may not be able to sell your shares at or above the price at which you bought them, including the IPO price, or at all.
An active market in our common stock may not be sustainable or liquid enough for you to sell your shares, especially given the concentration of outstanding shares. If an active market for our common stock is not sustained, it may be difficult for you to sell shares you purchase in the IPO at the price you paid. An inactive trading market may also impair our ability to raise capital by selling shares of our common stock and enter into strategic partnerships or acquire other complementary products, technologies or businesses by using shares of our common stock as consideration. Furthermore, there can be no guarantee that we will continue to satisfy the continued listing standards of Nasdaq. If we fail to satisfy the continued listing standards, we could be delisted, which would negatively impact the value and liquidity of your investment.
Future issuances of our common stock or sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock in the public market, or the perception that such sales could occur, could cause the price of our common stock to decline.
The market price of our common stock could decline as a result of substantial sales of our common stock, particularly sales by our directors, executive officers and significant stockholders, a large number of shares of our common stock becoming available for sale, or the perception in the market that such sales could occur. We may issue additional common stock, preferred stock, convertible securities or other equity or equity linked securities in the future. We also expect to issue common stock to our employees, directors and other service providers pursuant to our equity incentive plans. Such issuances will be dilutive to investors and could cause the price of our common stock to decline. New investors in such issuances could also receive rights senior to those of holders of our common stock.
Upon the closing of the IPO, we had approximately 28,529,318 shares of common stock outstanding, including 2,235,101 vested shares to be issued pursuant to the 2014 Plan, and 294,217 shares issued to Micron in connection with the mandatory conversion of the Micron Note. All of the shares of common stock sold in the IPO and issued to Micron are freely transferable without restriction or additional registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Act.

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Substantially all of the remaining shares of our common stock, including all shares held by our executive officers, directors and the holders of substantially all of our equity securities, are subject to the lock-up agreements with the underwriters of the IPO. We have registered all shares of common stock that we may issue under equity compensation plans and therefore, those shares can be freely sold in the public market upon issuance, subject to volume limitations applicable to affiliates and the lock-up agreements. As these restrictions on resale end, the market price of our common stock could drop significantly if the holders of those shares sell them or are perceived by the market as intending to sell them.
Other than shares which are vested as of the end of the lock-up period, we do not anticipate satisfying the anticipated tax withholding and remittance obligations as a result of vesting of RSUs granted to our employees. In such case, applicable holders of RSUs will be able to sell shares underlying their RSUs into the open market to the extent needed to satisfy the anticipated tax withholding and remittance obligations, subject to the restrictions set forth in the lock-up agreements. The sales of shares underlying RSUs into the open market could cause the market price of our common stock to decline significantly. The market’s expectation that such sales could occur (even if they do not) could also cause the market price of our common stock to decline significantly. Any of the aforementioned declines in our stock price could occur even if our business is otherwise doing well and, as a result, you may lose all or a part of your investment.
If securities analysts or industry analysts downgrade our common stock, publish negative research or reports, or fail to publish reports about our business, our stock price and trading volume could decline.
The market price and trading market for our common stock may be influenced by the research and reports that industry or securities analysts publish about us, our business and our market. As a newly public company, we may be slow to attract research coverage and the analysts who publish information about our common stock will have had relatively little experience with us, which could affect their ability to accurately forecast our results and could make it more likely that we fail to meet their estimates. If no or few securities or industry analysts commence coverage of us, the trading price for our common stock may be negatively impacted. In the event we do obtain industry or equity research analyst coverage, we will not have any control over the analysts’ content and opinions included in their reports. If one or more analysts adversely change their recommendation regarding our stock or change their recommendation about our competitors’ stock, our stock price could decline. If one or more analysts cease coverage of us or fail to regularly publish reports on us, we could lose visibility in the financial markets, which in turn could cause our stock price or trading volume to decline or become volatile.
We have broad discretion in the use of the net proceeds to us from the IPO and may not apply the proceeds in ways that increase our market value or improve our operating results.
Our management has considerable discretion in the application of the net proceeds from the IPO, and you will not have the opportunity, as part of your investment decision, to assess whether the proceeds are being used appropriately. The net proceeds to us may be used for corporate purposes that do not increase the value of our business, which could cause our stock price to decline. The failure by our management to apply the net proceeds from the IPO effectively could impair our growth prospects and result in financial losses that could harm our business and cause the price of our common stock to decline. We used a portion of the proceeds of the IPO to repay in full (i) the 2022 Credit Line payable to Ms. Ngai-Pesic and (ii) the East West Bank Loan. Until the net proceeds we receive are fully used, they may be placed in investments that do not produce income or that lose value. Additionally, we have broad discretion in the use of the net proceeds from the IPO when determining whether to satisfy the anticipated tax withholding and remittance obligations related to vesting of RSUs granted to our employees on their behalf after settling the awards or whether to elect to allow RSU holders to sell into the open market shares underlying RSUs to the extent needed to satisfy tax obligations associated with these vested RSUs.
We do not intend to pay dividends on our common stock, so any returns on your investment will be limited to changes in the value of our common stock.
We currently anticipate that we will retain future earnings for the development, operation and expansion of our business and do not anticipate declaring or paying any dividends for the foreseeable future. Any future determination to pay dividends will be at the discretion of our board of directors and subject to, among other things, our compliance with applicable law, and depending on, among other things, our business prospects, financial condition, results of operations, cash requirements and availability, debt repayment obligations, capital expenditure needs, the terms of any preferred equity securities we may issue in the future, covenants in the agreements governing any future indebtedness, other contractual restrictions and industry trends and any other factors or considerations our board of directors may regard as relevant. Any return to stockholders will therefore be limited to the increase, if any, in our stock price, which may never occur.

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Our amended and restated charter and bylaws designate the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware as the sole and exclusive forum for certain types of actions and proceedings that may be initiated by our stockholders, and provide that federal district courts will be the sole and exclusive forum for Securities Act claims, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain what they believe to be a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers or other employees.
Our charter and bylaws provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware (or, if that court lacks subject matter jurisdiction, another federal or state court situated in the State of Delaware) shall be the sole and exclusive forum for (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on our behalf, (ii) any action asserting a claim of breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any of our directors, officers or other employees to us or our stockholders, (iii) any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the Delaware General Corporation Law, or the DGCL, our certificate of incorporation, or our bylaws, or any issue, in one or more series, of all or any of the remaining shares of preferred stock, and, in the resolution or resolutions providing for such issue; (iv) any action to interpret, apply, enforce, or determine the validity of our certificate of incorporation or our bylaws; or (v) any action asserting a claim against us governed by the internal affairs doctrine. If any such action is filed in a court other than a court located within the State of Delaware, or a Foreign Action, in the name of any stockholder, that stockholder shall be deemed to have consented to: (x) the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located within the State of Delaware in connection with any action brought in any such court to enforce our choice of forum, or an Enforcement Action, and (y) having service of process made upon such stockholder in any such Enforcement Action by service upon such stockholder’s counsel in the Foreign Action as agent for such stockholder, in each case, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Our charter and bylaws further provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts are the sole and exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act. The choice of forum provisions does not apply to suits brought to enforce any liability or duty created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction.
These provisions do not apply to suits brought to enforce a duty or liability created by the Exchange Act. Furthermore, Section 22 of the Securities Act creates concurrent jurisdiction for federal and state courts over all such Securities Act actions. Accordingly, both state and federal courts have jurisdiction to entertain such claims. To prevent having to litigate claims in multiple jurisdictions and the threat of inconsistent or contrary rulings by different courts, among other considerations, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation will further provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts of the United States shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be the sole and exclusive forum for the resolutions of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act, including all causes of action asserted against any defendant named in such complaint. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision is intended to benefit and may be enforced by us, our officers and directors, the underwriters to any offering giving rise to such complaint and any other professional entity whose profession gives authority to a statement made by that person or entity and who has prepared or certified any part of the documents underlying the IPO.
We believe these provisions may benefit us by providing increased consistency in the application of Delaware law and federal securities laws by chancellors and judges, as applicable, particularly experienced in resolving corporate disputes, efficient administration of cases on a more expedited schedule relative to other forums, and protection against the burdens of multi-forum litigation. These choice of forum provisions may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or any of our directors, officers, other employees or stockholders, which may discourage lawsuits with respect to such claims or make such lawsuits more costly for stockholders, although our stockholders will not be deemed to have waived our compliance with federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder. Furthermore, the enforceability of similar choice of forum provisions in other companies’ certificates of incorporation has been challenged in legal proceedings, and it is possible that a court could find these types of provisions to be inapplicable or unenforceable. While the Delaware courts have determined that such choice of forum provisions are facially valid, a stockholder may nevertheless seek to bring a claim in a venue other than those designated in the exclusive forum provisions, and there can be no assurance that such provisions will be enforced by a court in those other jurisdictions. If a court were to find one or more of the choice of forum provisions that will be contained in our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions, which could seriously harm our business.

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General Risk Factors and Risks Related to Being a Public Company
We have identified a material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting. If our remediation measures are ineffective, or if we experience additional material weaknesses in the future or otherwise fail to maintain an effective system of internal controls in the future, we may not be able to report our financial condition or results of operations accurately or on a timely basis, prevent fraud or file our periodic reports in a timely manner and may incur additional costs to remediate, all of which may adversely affect investor confidence in us and our reported financial information and, as a result, impact the value of our common stock.
We have been a private company and, as such, we have not been subject to the internal control and financial reporting requirements applicable to a publicly traded company. As a public company, we are subject to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, or Section 404, which requires that we maintain effective internal control over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures. Section 404(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that we include a management report on our internal controls, including an assessment of the effectiveness of our internal controls and financial reporting procedures, beginning with the annual report for our fiscal year ending December 31, 2025. We will also be required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, or Section 404(b), following the later of the date we are deemed to be an “accelerated filer” or a “large accelerated filer,” each as defined in the Exchange Act, or the date we are no longer an “emerging growth company,” as defined in the JOBS Act. See “—We are an “emerging growth company” and a “smaller reporting company” and any decision on our part to comply with certain reduced reporting and disclosure requirements applicable to emerging growth companies could make our common stock less attractive to investors.” In order to comply with Section 404, we must perform system and process evaluations, document our controls and perform testing of our key controls over financial reporting to allow management to report on the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting. Our testing will need to include the disclosure of any material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in our internal control over financial reporting identified by our management or our independent registered public accounting firm. Our testing, or the subsequent testing by our independent public accounting firm, may reveal deficiencies in our internal control over financial reporting that are deemed to be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of our financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. If we are not able to comply with the requirements of Section 404 in a timely manner, the market price of our stock would likely decline and we could be subject to lawsuits, sanctions or investigations by regulatory authorities, which would require additional financial and management resources.
We have in the past and continue to identify material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting (“ICFR”). The material weakness as of December 31, 2023, identified in connection with the preparation of our consolidated financial statements, related to a lack of formalized accounting processes over ICFR and an insufficient complement of personnel possessing the technical accounting and financial reporting knowledge and experience to support a timely and accurate close and financial statement reporting process and continues to exist as of the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
We are working to remediate the material weakness and are taking steps to strengthen our internal control over financial reporting through the enhancement and formalization of our accounting processes over ICFR and the hiring of additional finance and accounting personnel, and we may take additional actions, including hiring additional personnel, implementing system upgrades or other organizational changes. With the additional personnel, we intend to take appropriate and reasonable steps to remediate this material weakness through the formalization of accounting policies and controls and retention of appropriate expertise for complex accounting transactions. We are also reviewing and documenting our accounting and financial processes and internal controls, building out our financial management and reporting systems infrastructure, and further developing and formalizing our accounting policies and financial reporting procedures, which includes ongoing senior management reviews. While we are taking measures and plan to continue to take measures to design and implement an effective control environment, we cannot assure you that the measures we have taken to date and other remediation and internal control measures we implement in the future will be sufficient to remediate our current material weakness or prevent future material weaknesses. We may discover additional material weaknesses in our system of internal financial and accounting controls and procedures that could result in a material misstatement of our financial statements. Our ICFR will not prevent or detect all errors and all fraud. A control system, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the control system’s objectives will be met. Because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that misstatements due to error or fraud will not occur or that all control issues and instances of fraud will be detected.
Any failure to maintain internal control over financial reporting or to identify any additional material weaknesses could severely inhibit our ability to timely and accurately report our financial condition, results of operations or cash flow. If

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we are unable to conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is effective, or if our independent registered public accounting firm determines we have a material weakness or significant deficiency in our internal control over financial reporting, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports, the market price of our common stock could decline, and we could be subject to sanctions or investigations by Nasdaq, the SEC, or other regulatory authorities. Failure to remedy any material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting, or to implement or maintain other effective control systems required of public companies, could also adversely affect our future access to the capital markets.
If we are unable to conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is effective, or if our independent registered public accounting firm is unable to express an opinion as to the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting, when required, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports, we may not be able to access to the capital markets, and our stock price may be materially adversely affected. Moreover, we could become subject to investigations by regulatory authorities, which could require additional financial and management resources and result in the imposition of fines or penalties.
We are an “emerging growth company” and a “smaller reporting company” and any decision on our part to comply with certain reduced reporting and disclosure requirements applicable to emerging growth companies could make our common stock less attractive to investors.
We are an “emerging growth company” as defined in the JOBS Act. We intend to take advantage of certain exemptions under the JOBS Act from various public company reporting requirements, including not being required to have our internal control over financial reporting audited by our independent registered public accounting firm pursuant to Section 404(b), reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in our periodic reports and proxy statements, and exemptions from the requirements of holding a nonbinding advisory vote on executive compensation and any golden parachute payments not previously approved. We may take advantage of these exemptions for up to five years or until we are no longer an “emerging growth company,” whichever is earlier.
In addition, Section 107 of the JOBS Act provides that an emerging growth company can take advantage of an extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards. This provision allows an emerging growth company to delay the adoption of some accounting standards until those standards would otherwise apply to private companies. We have elected to use the extended transition period under the JOBS Act. Accordingly, our consolidated financial statements may not be comparable to the financial statements of public companies that comply with such new or revised accounting standards.
We cannot predict if investors will find our common stock less attractive if we choose to rely on any of the exemptions afforded to emerging growth companies. If some investors find our common stock less attractive because we rely on any of these exemptions, there may be a less active trading market for our common stock and the market price of our common stock may be more volatile.
We will remain an emerging growth company until the earlier of (ii) the last day of the fiscal year (a) in which the fifth anniversary of the completion of the IPO, (b) in which we have total annual gross revenue of at least $1.235 billion or (c) in which we become a large accelerated filer, which means that we have been public for at least 12 months, have filed at least one annual report and the market value of our common stock that is held by non-affiliates exceeds $700.0 million as of the last day of our then-most recently completed second fiscal quarter, and (ii) the date on which we have issued more than $1.0 billion in non-convertible debt during the prior three-year period.
We are also a “smaller reporting company.” We may continue to be a smaller reporting company if either (i) the market value of our common stock held by non-affiliates is less than $250.0 million or (ii) our annual revenue is less than $100.0 million during the most recently completed fiscal year and the market value of our common stock held by non-affiliates is less than $700.0 million. If we are a smaller reporting company at the time we cease to be an emerging growth company, we may continue to rely on exemptions from certain disclosure requirements that are available to smaller reporting companies. Specifically, as a smaller reporting company we may choose to present only the two most recent fiscal years of audited financial statements in our Annual Report on Form 10-K, we are not required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 and, similar to emerging growth companies, smaller reporting companies have reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation.
Since January 1, 2021, we have granted to our employees, consultants, and other service providers, restricted stock units representing an aggregate of 3,557,307 shares of our common stock, under our 2014 Plan and 2024 Plan.
The issuances of the securities described above were deemed to be exempt from registration under Rule 701 promulgated under the Securities Act as transactions under compensatory benefit plans and contracts relating to

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compensation. The recipients of such securities were our directors, employees or bona fide consultants who received the securities under our equity incentive plan. Appropriate legends were affixed to the securities issued in these transactions. Each of the recipients of securities in these transactions had adequate access, through employment, business or other relationships, to information about us.
On April 16, 2024, we entered into a note purchase agreement with Micron Technology, Inc., a customer of the Company, pursuant to which we issued the Micron Note. The Micron Note accrued interest at the rate of 8% annually, with principal and interest due upon maturity three years after the date of issuance. The Micron Note was mandatorily convertible into a number of shares equal to (i) the outstanding principal amount and accrued interest divided by (ii) a conversion price equal to (a) the price of the Company’s common stock issued in an initial public offering, times (b) 0.90 if the initial public offering of common stock was consummated on or prior to May 31, 2024. On May 13, 2024, the Micron Note was converted into 294,217 shares of the Company’s common stock in connection with the consummation of the IPO. The shares issued pursuant to the Micron Note have been registered for resale under the Securities Act.
On May 13, 2024, the Company completed the IPO of an aggregate of 6,000,000 shares of Common Stock at a price to the public of $19.00 per share pursuant to a Registration Statement on Form S-1 that was declared effective on May 8, 2024 (File No. 333-278666). Jefferies LLC and TD Securities (USA) LLC acted as joint book-running managers for the IPO, Needham & Company, LLC as lead manager, and Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC and Rosenblatt Securities Inc. acted as co-managers for the IPO. The gross proceeds to the Company from the IPO were $114.0 million, with $106.0 million funded to the Company after deducting underwriting discounts and commissions.
Proceeds from the IPO have been used for general corporate purposes, including working capital, selling and marketing activities, research and product development, general and administrative matters, and capital expenditures. Additionally, proceeds were used to repay $2.0 million outstanding under the 2022 Credit Line and $4.3 million under the East West Bank Loan. There has been no material change in our intended use of proceeds as described in the Registration Statement.

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Exhibit No.Description
101.INS *XBRL Instance Document – the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
101.SCH *Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.
101.CAL *Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.
101.DEF *Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.
101.LAB *Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document.
101.PRE *Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.
104 *Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as inline XBRL with applicable taxonomy extension information contained in Exhibits 101).
*    Filed herewith.
**     The certifications attached as Exhibit 32.1 and 32.2 accompanying this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, are deemed furnished and not filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and are not to be incorporated by reference into any filing of the Registrant under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, whether made before or after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the registrant has duly caused this registration statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of Santa Clara, State of California, on November 12, 2024.
/s/ Babak A. Taheri
Name: Dr. Babak A. Taheri
Title: Chief Executive Officer
/s/ Ryan A. Benton
Name: Ryan A. Benton
Title: Chief Financial Officer