x 根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)節的季度報告
o 根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)節的轉型報告書
在從           到           的過渡期間
委員會文件號 001-34899
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1305 O’Brien Drive
Menlo Park, 加利福尼亞州
(650) 521-8000
請勾選以下選項以指示註冊人是否在過去12個月內(或在註冊人需要提交此類報告的較短時間內)已提交證券交易法1934年第13或15(d)條所要求提交的所有報告,並且在過去90天內已受到此類報告提交要求的影響。 xo
請在以下勾選方框表示註冊人是否已在Regulation S-T Rule 405規定的前12個月(或在註冊人需要提交此類文件的較短期間內)提交了每個互動數據文件。 xo
新興成長公司 o
如果是新興成長型企業,請勾選複選標記,表明註冊者已選擇不使用延長過渡期來符合根據證券交易法第13(a)條規定提供的任何新財務會計準則。 o
截至2024年10月31日,發行商普通股的流通股數量: 273,863,544.


第一部分 財務信息
項目1. 財務報表
pacific biosciences of california, inc.
現金及現金等價物 $77,982 $179,911 
投資393,165 451,505 
應收賬款淨額29,383 36,615 
114,467 65,737 56,676 
預付賬款和其他流動資產 17,277 17,040 
開空束縛資金690 300 
總流動資產 584,234 742,047 
房地產及設備(淨額)31,952 36,432 
經營租賃權使用資產淨額17,344 32,593 
長期限制性現金1,532 2,422 
無形資產, 淨額436,426 456,984 
商譽369,061 462,261 
其他長期資產9,503 13,274 
總資產 $1,450,052 $1,746,013 
應付賬款$12,064 $15,062 
應計費用19,183 45,708 
遞延收入,流動 17,292 16,342 
經營租賃負債,流動負債10,675 9,591 
其他負債,流動 783 8,326 
總流動負債 59,997 95,029 
非流動遞延收入 5,455 5,530 
未來支付的考量責任,非流動20,650 19,550 
經營租賃負債(非流動負債) 16,933 31,606 
可換股債券,淨值,非流動資產893,144 892,243 
其他負債(非流動負債) 751 751 
總負債 996,930 1,044,709 
授權50,000 股; No 已發行或流通的股份
普通股,每股面值爲 $0.0001;0.001 面值:
已授權 1,000,000 股;已發行及流通中的 273,812267,744 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的股份數分別爲
274 268 
資本公積 2,602,592 2,539,892 
1,553 219 
股東權益合計453,122 701,304 
負債和股東權益總額$1,450,052 $1,746,013 
請查看附件 備註 至基本報表的壓縮合並財務報表。

pacific biosciences of california, inc.
產品收入 $35,296 $51,562 $102,051 $129,871 
服務和其他收入 4,671 4,129 12,739 12,293 
總收入 39,967 55,691 114,790 142,164 
產品收入成本 23,278 33,551 68,808 87,147 
服務成本和其他收入 3,484 4,054 10,588 11,258 
3,201 184 7,172 550 
總收入成本 29,963 37,789 87,566 98,955 
毛利 10,004 17,902 27,224 43,209 
研究和開發 25,516 47,514 107,456 142,626 
銷售、總務和行政 43,746 43,431 133,376 123,822 
商譽減值  93,200  
與合併相關的費用  8,979  8,979 
收購的無形資產的攤銷3,649 741 13,377 741 
或有對價公允價值的變化1,170 (271)1,100 13,960 
總運營費用 74,081 100,394 348,509 290,128 
營業虧損 (64,077)(82,492)(321,285)(246,919)
債務消滅造成的損失   (2,033)
利息支出 (3,538)(3,588)(10,655)(10,772)
其他收入,淨額 6,890 8,505 19,718 24,301 
從所得稅中受益 (10,706) (10,706)
2,076 846 1,334 2,925 
基本 $(0.22)$(0.26)$(1.15)$(0.90)
稀釋 $(0.22)$(0.26)$(1.15)$(0.90)
基本 272,915255,001271,631249,082
稀釋 272,915255,001271,631249,082
請參閱隨附的基本報表。 票据 至簡明綜合基本報表。

pacific biosciences of california, inc.
2024年6月30日餘額272,491$272 $2,583,523 $(523)$(2,090,572)$492,700 
淨虧損— — — (60,725)(60,725)
— — 2,076 — 2,076 
與股權計畫相關之普通股發行1,3212 810 — — 812 
股份報酬費用— 18,259 — — 18,259 
2024年9月30日結餘273,812$274 $2,602,592 $1,553 $(2,151,297)$453,122 
2023年12月31日餘額267,744$268 $2,539,892 $219 $(1,839,075)$701,304 
淨虧損— — — (312,222)(312,222)
— — 1,334 — 1,334 
發行普通股,配合股權計劃6,0686 7,697 — — 7,703 
股份報酬成本— 55,003 — — 55,003 
2024年9月30日結餘273,812$274 $2,602,592 $1,553 $(2,151,297)$453,122 
2023年6月30日結餘250,473$250 $2,334,623 $(2,686)$(1,690,188)$641,999 
淨虧損— — — (66,869)(66,869)
其他綜合收益— — 846 — 846 
達成里程碑後可發行的股份— 84,761 — — 84,761 
在收購Apton時發行普通股6,1216 76,636 — — 76,642 
與流動性事件獎金計劃相關的發行普通股169— 2,111 — — 2,111 
與股權計劃相關的發行普通股1,6112 4,560 — — 4,562 
股份報酬費用— 19,691 — — 19,691 
截至2023年9月30日的結餘258,374$258 $2,522,382 $(1,840)$(1,757,057)$763,743 
2022年12月31日結餘226,505$227 $2,099,782 $(4,765)$(1,532,340)$562,904 
淨虧損— — — (224,717)(224,717)
其他綜合收益— — 2,925 — 2,925 
達成里程碑後可發行的股份— 84,761 — — 84,761 
在收購Apton時發行普通股6,1216 76,636 — — 76,642 
與流動性事件獎勵計劃相關的普通股發行169— 2,111 — — 2,111 
從承銷公開股本發行中發行的普通股,扣除發行成本20,12520 189,180 — — 189,200 
與權益計劃相關聯的普通股發行5,4545 14,378 — — 14,383 
股份報酬費用— 55,534 — — 55,534 
截至2023年9月30日的結餘258,374$258 $2,522,382 $(1,840)$(1,757,057)$763,743 
請參閱附錄的基本報表。 票据 至簡明綜合基本報表。


pacific biosciences of california, inc.
折舊 10,932 8,487 
取得無形資產攤銷20,558 1,408 
租賃權資產攤銷10,912 4,940 
股份報酬費用55,003 55,534 
併購相關的員工薪酬支出 3,395 
待定考慮項目的估計公平價值變動1,100 13,960 
債務清償能造成的損失 2,033 
存貨提存3,715 4,691 
递延所得税 (10,706)
其他1,002 667 
應收帳款淨額7,232 (11,700)
預付費用及其他資產 3,534 (7,287)
應付帳款 (2,222)1,706 
應付費用 (26,665)2,055 
預收收入 875 (4,867)
條件負債 (732)
其他負債 (7,053)(1,147)
持續營運活動所使用的淨現金流入 (175,408)(201,613)
6,590,205 (4,571)(6,819)
支付購買Apton的現金金額,扣除取得現金 (102)
投資購買 (418,164)(553,748)
投資銷售 8,061 595 
投資到期 480,440 631,253 
投資活動提供的淨現金 65,766 71,179 
普通股權發行所得款,扣除發行成本淨額 189,200 
來自權益計畫的普通股發行所得款7,703 14,383 
發行債務成本支付 (7,325)
支付條件掛鉤款項 (4,368)
籌資活動提供之淨現金 7,213 190,493 
期初現金、現金等價物和受限現金 182,633 328,311 
期末現金、現金等價物和限制性現金 $80,204 $388,370 
期末現金及現金等價物 77,982 385,648 
期末受限現金 2,222 2,722 
期末現金、現金等價物和受限現金 $80,204 $388,370 
請參閱附錄 票据 至摘要之綜合基本報表。

pacific biosciences of california, inc.
註 1. 機構和重要會計政策
我們是一家生命科學技術公司,致力於設計、開發和製造先進的序列解決方案,使科學家和臨床研究人員能夠提高他們對基因組的理解,最終解決基因複雜的問題。我們正在開發的產品和技術源自兩種高度差異化的核心技術,專注於準確性,質量和完整性,其中包括我們的 HiFi 長讀定序技術和我們的綁定序序(SBB)TM)短讀排序技術。我們的產品涵蓋各種應用的解決方案,包括人類遺傳學、植物和動物科學、傳染病和微生物學、腫瘤學和其他新興應用。我們的重點是創建一些世界上最先進的定序系統,以為我們的客戶提供最完整和準確的基因組,轉錄體和表面基因體的視圖。我們的客戶包括學術和政府研究機構,商業測試和服務實驗室,基因組中心,公共衛生實驗室,醫院和臨床研究機構,合同研究組織(CRO),製藥公司和農業公司。
本報告中提及的“PacBio”,“我們”,“我們”,“公司”和“我們”的指稱均指Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.及其合併子公司。
我們的未經審計的簡明綜合基本報表是根據美國通行的會計準則,即美國國際會計準則協會(FASB) 編製的,包括會計準則編碼(ASC)。未經審計的簡明綜合基本報表包含了Pacific Biosciences及我們的全資子公司的賬戶。通常包含在我們已審計基本報表中的某些資訊和註解披露已被精簡或省略。附帶的未經審計簡明綜合基本報表按照2023年12月31日已審計綜合基本報表一致的基礎編製,包括所有調整(僅限正常經常性調整),以公平陳述我們的財務狀況、營運結果、全面損失和現金流量的期間,但未必代表整個年度或任何未來期間的預期結果。所有母公司間交易和餘額已被消除。某些之前期間金額已被重新分類以符合當前期間的呈報。

截至2024年9月30日的三個月,一位客戶佔了營業收入的 10在截至2023年9月30日的三個月,沒有一個客戶佔營業收入的10%或以上。在截至2024年和2023年的九個月,沒有一個客戶在相應時期佔營業收入的10%或以上。
As of September 30, 2024, 37我們應收帳款中有百分之%來自國內客戶,相較於 49大於百分之%。截至2024年9月30日,我們的淨應收帳款中沒有客戶佔比10%以上,但有一位客戶佔我們應收帳款的百分之 10截至2023年12月31日的淨應收帳款的百分之%。
2023年12月,FASB發布了ASU 2023-09,關於所得稅(主題740):所得稅披露的改進。該ASU要求實體擴大現有的所得稅披露,尤其是與稅率調解和已支付的所得稅相關的部分。這一授權性指引將於2025財政年度對我們生效,允許提前採納。公司目前正在評估ASU的影響,但不預期在採納後會有任何實質影響。
在截至2023年12月31日的年度報告Form 10-k中披露的重要會計政策中沒有任何變化。
註 2。 業務收購
Apton Biosystems
於2023年8月2日,我們收購了位於加利福尼亞的基因組學公司Apton Biosystems, Inc.(以下簡稱Apton),該公司專注於開發一種利用高度差異化光學和圖像處​​理、配合新穎的聚集和化學技術的高送轉短讀取定序儀(即“Apton收購”)。
與Apton收購相關,所有Apton未償還的股權證券已被取消,並以 s我們的普通股股份,公允價值為 $76.6總計減少190萬美元.,現金為 $0.2百萬,以及預估公允價值為 $18.5百萬。排除在轉移的考量之外的是 $1.3百萬 由於加速分享基礎的補償費用所導致。 6,121,571 所發行的普通股的公允價值是基於我們在收購日的普通股收盤市場價格來確定的。

與 Apton 收購有關,可定代價為 $25.0我們可能會選擇以現金、普通股份或現金和普通股的組合支付,在達到一個里程碑(定義為達成 $)時,我們可能會選擇支付的百萬元。50.0與 Apton 技術相關的數百萬營收,前提是里程碑事件發生在 五年 收購結束日期的週年紀念日。目前,未知因達到指定里程碑而發行的股份數目(如有),並將根據我們普通股的每日成交加權平均價格計算 二十 在指定里程碑發生前的第五個交易日結束並包括其中的交易日。在達成里程碑後,我們可能會支付現金代替普通股,以確保我們的普通股發行量不超過 19.9當時尚未發行的普通股份的百分比。
該收購按照業務組合方式進行會計處理,因此,支付的總公平價值根據其在收購日的公平價值進行了分配,分配給已獲得的有形和無形資產以及承擔的負債。 截至2023年12月31日,我們將支付的總公平價值分配給以下主要資產和負債類別(以千為單位):
我們已完成對Apton收購的購買價格分配。 無需對我們於2023年12月31日止年度的Form 10-K年度報告中披露的金額進行實質調整。 從2023年12月31日終結年度財報中披露的金額無實質調整。
我們在截至2023年12月31日的年度中,因Apton收購而產生了相關成本,約為大約支付了626,000美元的法律費用9.0百萬。合併相關費用包括百萬,與一個被視為獨立交易的流動事件獎金計劃有關,並包括 $2.8發行的 168,621 普通股,根據收購日期的收盤市場價格,其公允價值為2.1百萬。因此,與Apton收購相關的總發行股份為 6.3總計減少190萬美元. 股普通股。
注意:3。 金融工具

(以千為單位)一级二級三級總計等級 1第2級第3級總計
現金及現金等價物 $58,703 $19,279 $ $77,982 $70,172 $109,739 $ $179,911 
商業本票      9,947  9,947 
企業債券  68,178  68,178  88,579  88,579 
美國政府及機構證券 324,987  324,987  352,979  352,979 
總投資  393,165  393,165  451,505  451,505 
短期限制現金690   690 300   300 
長期受限現金1,532   1,532 2,422   2,422 
以公平價值衡量的總資產 $60,925 $412,444 $ $473,369 $72,894 $561,244 $ $634,138 
待處置之代價$ $ $20,650 $20,650 $ $ $19,550 $19,550 
以公平值計量的總負債 $ $ $20,650 $20,650 $ $ $19,550 $19,550 

我們根據公司的模擬營業收入,估算了待定條件負債的公允價值。 五年 在併購完成日的周年紀念日之前,我們估算了高通量短讀產品和服務的預測收入,利用了Apton的科技。預測收入的減少將導致負債的公允價值下降。使用的折現率是美國無風險利率和估計的b-信用評級次級信貸利差之和,範圍從 6.7% 至的適用差額利率,利率支付是基於2021年RBL Facility的使用程度。 7.1%。我們估計的次級信貸利差變化可能導致待定條件負債的公允價值發生變化,較低的信貸利差可能導致負債估值增加。

現金及約當現金$77,980 $2 $ $77,982 
企業債券 67,563 620 (5)68,178 
美國政府及機構證券324,052 962 (27)324,987 
總投資 391,615 1,582 (32)393,165 
總現金、現金等價物及投資 $469,595 $1,584 $(32)$471,147 
短期限制現金$690 $— $— $690 
長期限制性現金$1,532 $— $— $1,532 
現金及約當現金$179,958 $13 $(60)$179,911 
商業本票9,947   9,947 
公司債券88,263 373 (57)88,579 
美國政府及機構擔保證券353,029 478 (528)352,979 
總投資451,239 851 (585)451,505 
總現金、現金等價物及投資$631,197 $864 $(645)$631,416 
短期受限現金$300 $— $— $300 
長期受限現金$2,422 $— $— $2,422 
一年內到期或更短 $321,789 
一年後至五年內到期 90,655 
投資收入已包含在其他收入中。 列於綜合虧損及損益簡明合併財務報表中。 $(未給出數字)。6.0 百萬元和美元19.8 截至2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月的資產、設備折舊分別為$百萬。9.2 百萬元和美元25.0 截至2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月的資產、設備折舊分別為$百萬。

註4。 資產負債表元件
購買的材料$30,697 $20,168 
在製品18,292 23,436 
成品16,748 13,072 
存貨淨額$65,737 $56,676 
商譽每年至少在第二季度進行減損審核,或如果發生指示潛在減值可能性的事件則頻率更高。我們於2024年第二季度初開展了我們對商譽減值的年度評估,並注意到... 截至2024年9月30日和2023年的三個或九個月,與這個信用額度相關的費用均為無。 減值。基於2024年第二季度我們股價持續下降及整體市值下降,並考慮其他因素,我們得出結論指示更有可能報告單位的公平價值小於其攜帶金額,需要進行商譽的臨時減值測試。鑒於我們於2024年6月30日進行的臨時減值測試結果,我們得出結論主體層次報告單位的攜帶金額超過公平價值,並記錄了$93.2 百萬商譽減值損失。這項減值損失已納入截至2024年9月30日的簡明綜合損益表中。
2024年第二季度,報告單位的公允價值低於其攜帶值,主要是由於我們的股價下跌以及預期未來現金流於初期長期計劃相比的變化,這是由於延長了預期中位銷售週期所致,這受到各種因素的持續影響。我們使用收入方法和市場方法的組合進行減損測試,以確定商譽的公允價值。收入方法使用估計折現現金流,而市場方法使用可比公司信息。在收入方法中使用的重要假設包括營收增長預期和選定的折現率為 12.0%。折現率基於加權平均成本資本確定,利用市場、行業數據和相關風險因素。這項評估是一項三級計量,因為它依賴於某些不可觀察的輸入和重要的管理判斷。所使用的假設固有地存在不確定性,這些假設的微小變化可能會對所得出的價值產生重大影響。我們評估中使用的折扣率每增加 100 個基點,將導致我們評估中所使用的折扣率增加,將導致額外商譽減損約85百萬美元。根據市值協調和可支持的控制溢價,評估的公允價值被認為是合理的。

無形資產包括2023年8月Apton收購的知識產權研發成本,金額為$。55.0 知識產權研發成本將作為無限期無形資產列入我們的綜合資產負債表,直至相關研究和開發活動完成或放棄為止。在收購後的開發期間內,知識產權研發成本不會按比例攤銷,而是每年進行減損測試,如出現事件或情況變化表明該資產可能受損失的機會比較大,則更頻繁地進行減損測試。開發完成後,我們將按照產品壽命攤銷資產,或者如確定資產受損,則記錄減值損失。我們於2024年第三季度進行了IPR&D的年度評估,並觀察到了減損情況。 截至2024年9月30日和2023年的三個或九個月,與這個信用額度相關的費用均為無。 減值。



開發出的科技15$411,179 $(29,753)$381,426 $411,179 $(9,195)$401,984 
客戶關係2360 (360) 360 (360) 
總計$411,539 $(30,113)$381,426 $411,539 $(9,555)$401,984 
截至2024年9月30日,我們的遞延收益總額為$22.8 百萬,其中$17.3 百萬被記錄為當前的遞延收益,以及$5.5 百萬被記錄為非當前的遞延收益,這主要與遞延服務合同收益有關,預計將在接下來的 五年後中確認。 截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的收益中包括$4.8百萬。10.2 百萬,這些收入在2023年12月31日的遞延收益中已被包含。

我們一般提供 一年 儀器保修。此外,我們還為消耗品提供有限保固。收入記錄時,根據歷史經驗以及預期的產品性能,為估計保固成本建立累計費用。我們定期檢討保固保固是否足夠,並根據實際經驗和預估產生的成本調整保固累計(如有需要)。擔保將作為累計費用的一部分記錄在簡明綜合資產負債表中,而保固費用將作為產品收入成本的組成部分記錄在簡明綜合營運報表和綜合損失報表中。下列期間的估算方面沒有任何重大變化。
期初餘額$3,462 $2,862 $4,681 $1,651 
附加費用計入產品營業收入成本1,414 2,825 4,787 5,675 
期末餘額$3,266 $3,965 $3,266 $3,965 
在收購Omniome的過程中,我們收購了$1.3 百萬短期債務和$3.0 百萬長期債務,涉及Omniome在2020年4月獲得的定期貸款設施。截至2024年9月30日, 這些貸款的金額尚未償還。到2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月內,利息支出並不重要,並作爲綜合損失和壓縮合並運營報表中的利息支出的一部分。
在2023年6月,我們與持有我們未償還的 1.50% 可轉換高級票據,2028年到期(「2028票據」),根據此協議,我們發行了$441.0使我們的總票據票面金額增加至$的額外資金。 1.375% 可轉換高級票據,2030年到期(「2030票據」),以$441.0百萬本金金額的2028票據(「交易所交易」),根據1933年證券法及其規則和條例的註冊豁免。2030票據於2023年6月30日發行。
2030年票據受公司與美國銀行trust公司(National Association)作爲受託人之間的契約(「2030年契約」)的約束。2030年票據的利率爲 1.375% 年利率。2030年票據的利息按半年支付,支付時間爲6月15日和12月15日,首次支付時間爲2023年12月15日。2030年票據將在2030年12月15日到期,但可以提前轉換、贖回或回購。
2030年到期的票據可由持有人在到期日前第二個預定交易日之前的任何時間選擇轉換,包括與公司的贖回有關。 2030年到期的票據可按照46.5116股普通股對每1000美元票面金額的2023年票據的初始轉換率轉換爲我們的普通股(相當於每股普通股的初始轉換價格$21.50 ,在各種特定的非常規交易結果方面,按照慣例的防稀釋和其他調整,2030年票據可轉換爲普通股。 在轉換2030年票據時,我們可以選擇以我們的普通股、現金或我們的普通股和現金的組合來解決這種轉換義務。
2028年6月20日或之後,如果我們的普通股收盤價至少連續交易日(包括該期末最後一個交易日)達到 1501020在任何{days}個連續的交易日期間內,此期間的每張債券的每1000美元的票面金額的「交易價格」低於以贖回日前一天爲基準的交易日的通知日期計算的每張債券的票面金額的百分之{principal amount}%。30 ,且包括最近提供贖回通知前一交易日,公司可按 100%的贖回價格贖回2030年票據的本金金額,以及截至但不含贖回日的應計利息。

根據2030年債券條款中定義的根本變革(Fundamental Change)發生時,2030年債券持有人可以要求我們以相等於購買價格回購全部或部分2030年債券的本金金額 100待回購的債券本金金額的%,再加上截至但不包括根本變革回購日的應計且未支付的利息,以及根本變革回購日之後但不包括到期日的所有未支付利息。
在我們選擇的範圍內,對於與我們未能遵守某些報告義務相關的違約事件,首 360 日曆日內 0.25僅包括有權收到額外利息的2030票據,利率爲(i) 180 每天2030票據未償還本金的百分比 360在發生此類違約事件後的 0.50連續 181st 日曆日期限內每天的2030票據未償還本金的百分比,從發生違約事件的當日起至違約事件得以消除或被豁免之日起(或較早者)和(ii)每天的2030票據未償還本金的百分比,從第 至第 360th 在該違約事件發生之日後的日曆日內,該違約事件持續期間(或者,在2030年契約中規定的該違約事件被補救或豁免之日)。在 361st 該違約事件發生後的日曆日(如果與我們未履行其義務相關的違約事件在該日之前未被補救或豁免)。在 361st 日後,根據2030年契約中的規定,2030年債券將被加速到期。
2030年的債券按照可轉換債券的權威指南進行確認,這些債券可以在兌換時以現金結算。根據ASU 2020-06,指南要求,帶有嵌入式轉股條款的債務應作爲整體負債進行確認,發行可轉換債券的款項中的任何部分不得作爲歸因於轉股條款,除非此轉股條款必須單獨按嵌入式衍生工具進行確認,或者轉股條款導致實質保費。 2030年債券的轉股條款不是按照嵌入式衍生工具進行確認,因爲它被認爲與我們的普通股掛鉤,並且2030年債券未以實質保費發行;因此,2030年債券作爲整體負債進行確認。因爲我們可以選擇全數以股份結算任何轉股,並且以股份結算是默認結算方式,所以該負債被分類爲非流動負債。
在發生重大變更的情況下,要求在到期日贖回2030年票據的要求,包括未支付的利息,視爲在某些期間需要根據ASC 815進行分離的看跌期權。 衍生品和對沖。 然而,鑑於在適用期間發生此類重大變更的概率較低,嵌入衍生工具的價值是微不足道的。
在我們未能遵守某些報告義務的情況下,額外利息特徵被視爲一種嵌入式衍生工具,需根據ASC 815進行分離。然而,由於報告義務的性質和條款,嵌入式衍生工具的價值是微不足道的。
交易所交易被視爲由於嵌入式可轉換選項的公允價值變化而導致的債務豁免。我們記錄了大約$的債務豁免損失,2.0與截至2023年12月31日的年度期間的交易所交易相關,金額爲 百萬,代表修改日期2030年票據的公允價值與本金金額之間的差額,加上與債務發行相關的未攤銷費用$1.5 百萬,相關於各自部分的2028年票據。
我們發行了約2030注資的發行成本,約爲$7.3百萬,這些成本被記錄爲債務發行成本,並列爲我們的簡明合併資產負債表上2030注資的減少部分。債務發行成本會按照有效利率法分期攤銷至利息費用,攤銷期間爲2030注資的期限,導致有效利率爲 1.6%。此外,我們還支付了2023年6月30日與交易所交易有關的2028注資的應計但未支付利息,金額爲$2.5百萬。

名義金額$441,000 $441,000 
未攤銷債券溢價471 524 
淨資產賬面價值$435,274 $434,617 
合同利息支出$1,516 $1,516 $4,565 $1,516 
債務發行成本的攤銷237 229 712 229 
利息支出總額$1,753 $1,745 $5,277 $1,745 
截至2024年9月30日,2030年債券的預估公允價值(2級)爲$347.1 百萬。2030年債券的公允價值是使用二項晶格模型估算的,主要受到我們普通股的交易價格、市場利率和波動性的影響。
2028 可轉換高級票據
2021年2月9日,我們與軟銀集團corp的子公司Sb Northstar LP(「SBN」)簽訂了一項投資協議(「投資協議」),涉及向SBN發行和出售$900.0 million的2028年票據總本金。2028年票據於2021年2月16日發行。如上所述,在2023年6月,我們完成了將$441.0million的2028年票據總本金交換爲$441.0million的2030年票據總本金,剩餘約$459.0million的2028年票據尚未償還。
2028年期票據受公司和美國銀行國家協會之間的信託契約(「2028年信託契約」)約束。2028年期票據的利率爲 1.50% 每年。2028年期票據的利息按照每年2月15日和8月15日向後支付的方式支付,自2021年8月15日起計息。2028年期票據將在2028年2月15日到期,但可以在較早時間進行轉換、贖回或回購。
2028年到期的票據可以在任何時間由持有人選擇轉換,直至到期日期前的第二個交易日,包括在公司贖回的情況下。這些2028年的票據可以按照初始換股比率將其轉換成我們普通股,每1000美元票面金額的2028年票據相當於22988.5股普通股(相當於初始換股價格爲每股美元)。在每種情況下,這些票據轉換爲普通股時,將根據某些非凡交易的習慣性防稀釋和其他調整來決定。在轉換2028年的票據時,我們可以選擇用我們的普通股、現金或普通股和現金的組合來結算這種轉換義務。43.50 每股普通股的初始換股價格爲每1000美元票面金額的2028年票據轉換爲22988.5股普通股,即初始換股價格爲美元,具體以某些非凡交易爲結果的習慣性反稀釋和其他調整爲準。在轉換2028年的票據時,我們可以選擇用我們的普通股、現金或普通股和現金的組合來履行這一轉換義務。
自2026年2月20日或之後,如果我們公司普通股的收盤價至少爲該2028年債券本金金額的%,公司將有權贖回2028年債券。 1501020在任何{days}個連續的交易日期間內,此期間的每張債券的每1000美元的票面金額的「交易價格」低於以贖回日前一天爲基準的交易日的通知日期計算的每張債券的票面金額的百分之{principal amount}%。30 ,且包括最近提供贖回通知前一交易日,公司可按 100截至贖回日期止,未償付利息按照每2,028年債券的本金金額計算。

在我們選擇的範圍內,涉及未能符合某些報告義務的違約事項的惟一補救措施,對於發生此類違約事件後的頭一個 360 日曆天內,僅包括有權收取2028年債券上額外利息的權利,利率爲(i) 0.25%,逾期2028年債券的本金金額,自違約事件發生後第一個 180 日曆天開始至第 360天,涉及的違約事件持續期間內,每天(或較早的一天,即違約事件得到糾正或豁免的日期) 0.50日至違約事件發生後的頭一個 181st 日至其中,包括在內,最後的 360th 在發生此違約事件後的日曆日內,該違約事件仍在持續(或者,如果較早,則在2028年債券期間提供的條件下該違約事件被糾正或豁免的日期)。 361之後的當天 該違約事件之後的第一天(如果與我們未能履行義務相關的違約事件在該天之前沒有被糾正或豁免) 361 當該違約事件未能在該日之前糾正或豁免時,2028年債券應按照2028年債券期間規定的方式加速。
2028年票據的會計處理遵循有關可轉換債務工具的權威指導,這些工具在轉換時可以用現金結算。根據ASU 2020-06,該指導要求具有嵌入式轉換特徵的債務整體作爲負債進行會計處理,除非該轉換特徵需要單獨作爲嵌入式衍生工具進行會計處理,或該轉換特徵導致重大溢價,否則可轉換債務工具發行所得的收入沒有部分被視爲歸因於轉換特徵。2028年票據的轉換特徵未被作爲嵌入式衍生工具處理,因爲它被認爲是與我們的普通股掛鉤,且2028年票據並未以溢價發行;因此,2028年票據整體作爲負債進行會計處理。由於我們可以選擇完全以股票結算任何轉換,並且以股票結算是默認的結算方式,該負債被歸類爲非流動負債。
在發生根本變更的情況下,要求回購2028年票據,包括到期日的未支付利息,被視爲在特定期間內需要根據ASC 815進行分割的看跌期權 - 衍生品和對沖。 然而,由於在適用期間內發生此類根本變更的概率較低,嵌入衍生品的價值是微不足道的。
在我們未能遵守某些報告義務的情況下,額外利息特徵被視爲一種嵌入式衍生工具,需根據ASC 815進行分離。然而,由於報告義務的性質和條款,嵌入式衍生工具的價值是微不足道的。
我們因2028年債券發行發生了大約$4.5 百萬的發行費用,這些費用被記錄爲債務發行費用,並在我們的簡明合併資產負債表中表現爲對2028年債券的減少。債務發行費用採用有效利息法在2028年債券的期限內攤銷到利息費用中,從而產生有效利率爲 1.6%.
名義金額$459,000 $459,000 
淨資產賬面價值$457,870 $457,626 
合同利息支出$1,721 $1,721 $5,163 $8,415 
債務發行成本的攤銷81 80 243 392 
利息支出總額$1,802 $1,801 $5,406 $8,807 

截至2024年9月30日,2028年債券的估計公允價值(第二級)爲$399.1 2028年債券的公允價值是通過二項式格模型估算的,主要受我們普通股的交易價格、市場利率期貨和波動性的影響。
如下面討論的, 注意11. 後續事項在2024年11月7日,我們與SBN簽署了一項交易所協議,根據該協議,我們同意將剩餘的約459.0百萬美元的2028年票據本金進行交換,換取200.0百萬美元的2029年8月15日到期的票據本金,以及發行 20,451,570 股份普通股和50.0百萬美元現金。
19,672$ $10,051 
其他成本6,701 14,678 
$6,701 $24,729 
(1) 截至2024年9月30日的三個月,銷售、一般和管理費用中記錄了$6.9 百萬美元被記錄在銷售、一般和管理費用中。
截至目前累計的費用包括營業收入方面的百萬美元14.4 銷售、總務和管理費方面的百萬美元;5.9 研發費用方面的百萬美元;以及4.4 營業成本方面的百萬美元。
截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,其他成本和迄今爲止發生的累計支出主要與加速攤銷和折舊有關,金額分別爲$5.1封信貸,金額分別爲$8.1 百萬美元,用於租賃資產、租賃改進、傢俱和裝置方面,涉及廢棄聖地亞哥辦公室。迄今,我們還因庫存過剩支出累計支出$3.6 百萬美元,主要與內部需求下降有關,這是由費用削減計劃導致的,費用已在產品收入成本中確認。加速攤銷和折舊費用列入銷售、一般和管理費用,是由於公司更改估計結果導致的,該估計是有關聖地亞哥辦公室剩餘可用壽命的,利用公司計劃廢棄聖地亞哥辦公室的預計日期確定的。有關聖地亞哥辦公室的租賃責任也在2024年6月30日結束的三個月內重新計量,導致經營租賃負債餘額減少$4.4 百萬美元,這筆費用抵消了簡明綜合資產負債表中租賃資產的權利。我們於2024年9月完全退出了聖地亞哥辦公室。

截至2024年至今記錄的費用$10,051 $2,321 $12,372 
2024年9月30日當前負債中記錄的金額$43 $272 $315 
預計尚未發生的整頓成本總額$ $2,074 $2,074 
公司已經簽訂了各種經營租賃協議,主要與我們的公司辦公室有關。參見 附註8 — 承付款和意外開支,截至2023年12月31日止年度的10-k表年度報告第二部分第8項中標題爲 「租賃」 的小節,其中包含有關公司租賃協議下租賃負債到期的信息。
請參閱標題爲 法律程序,第二部分,第一項 本季度10-Q表格中的第II部分,1.A.章節中描述的不確定性和風險。
根據特拉華州法律和與我們每位董事及高級職員簽署的協議,在某些情況下,我們可能有義務持有和賠償我們的每位董事和高級職員因其對我們的服務而遭受或產生的損失,以及與針對這些董事和高級職員的索賠相關的判決、罰款、和解和費用,儘可能在特拉華州法律、我們的章程和我們的公司章程允許的最大範圍內。我們還與我們的董事和高級職員簽署了賠償協議,這可能要求我們賠償他們因其作爲董事或高級職員的身份或服務而產生的責任,但適用法律禁止的情況除外。此外,我們可能有義務持有和賠償參與我們籌款活動的第三方及其各自的關聯公司、董事、高級職員、員工、代理人或其他代表,針對根據與這些第三方簽署的有關我們籌款活動的協議所產生的任何及所有損失、索賠、損害和責任。若上述賠償義務適用於所描述的訴訟,相關發生的費用將包含在相關的訴訟累計費用中。 No 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已記錄與此類賠償義務相關的額外責任。

NOTE 8. 股東權益
截至2024年9月30日,公司在2020年股權激勵計劃(「2020計劃」)、2020年誘導股權激勵計劃(「誘導計劃」)、2021年通過的Omniome股權激勵計劃(來自pacific biosciences of california, inc.(「Omniome計劃」))和2010年員工股票購買計劃下,尚有基於股票的補償獎勵有效,我們從中頒發了股權獎勵和員工股票。
2024年6月18日,股東批准了對2020年計劃的修正案,我們還額外保留了 20 百萬股普通股,用於根據2020年計劃授予的股權獎勵發放。
截至2024年9月30日,我們擁有 26.1在2020計劃、誘導計劃和Omniome計劃下,還有 百萬股可供未來發行。剩餘並可供未來發行的股票,反映了在某些股權獎勵達成最大目標時可能獲得的股票。
參考 Note 10 – 股東權益,請查看2023年12月31日結束的年度10-k表格第II部分第8項,獲取有關公司股權計劃的更多信息.
截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日未平息13,011$10.63 
授予了 4931.99 
已鍛鍊 (515)3.15 
截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日11,228$10.88 
我們發行限制性股票單位(RSU),當達到必要的服務期限時,相應的股票將獲得歸屬權。我們發行業績股票單位(PSU),可發行股票的數量基於相對於指定的營業收入目標的表現,以及在歸屬期間繼續工作的情況。這些PSU股票將在業績期的第三年後可發行。PSU下的營業收入目標的最大達成將使最多 200%的目標股票數量(PSU相關)有資格獲得歸屬,而未能滿足PSU下營業收入目標的最低達成將導致沒有股票有資格獲得歸屬。 下表總結了基於時間的RSUs和PSUs的活動:
限制股票單位 (RSU)績效股份單位(PSU)加權平均授予日期
2023年12月31日未行使的股票期權11,308 541 $12.06 $9.43 
已授予12,604  5.04  
Vested(3,647) 12.33  
作廢(4,523)(39)8.33 9.43 
2024年9月30日的未行使股票權證15,742 502 $7.45 $9.43 
根據我們的ESPP發行的股份e 1,906,5291,735,058 在截至2024年9月30日和2023年的九個月內,分別爲在2024年第一季度,額外的 4.0百萬股股票已被保留用於ESPP。截至2024年9月30日, 14.3百萬股我們的普通股仍可用於ESPP發行。用於發行的我們的ESPP尚有可用的百萬股普通股。

收入成本$1,229 $1,125 $4,466 $4,251 
研究和開發 4,740 6,182 15,119 18,310 
銷售、一般和管理12,290 12,384 35,418 32,973 
基於股份的薪酬支出總額$18,259 $19,691 $55,003 $55,534 
我們使用Black-Scholes估值方法和單腿期權授予方法估算股票期權的公允價值。在確定計算授予日公允價值時,我們參考了股票期權相應的當前股價。這一公允價值隨後將按照獎勵的必要服務期限(通常爲獲得期)直線攤銷。授予的RSUs和PSUs的公允市場價值爲授予日我們股票的收盤價,並通常按照各自的獲得期直線攤銷爲補償費用。對於在我們ESPP下購買的股票,我們使用Black-Scholes期權定價模型估算授予日的公允價值和由此產生的股票補償費用。我們估算了股票期權、RSUs和在我們ESPP下購買的股票的放棄, 用以判斷應在必要服務期間內記錄的補償費用。
預期期限 - 在布萊克-斯科爾斯估值方法中使用的預期期限表示期權預計將有效的時間段,並根據類似獎勵的歷史經驗進行確定,同時考慮期權的合同條款和歸屬計劃。
預期波動率 - 在黑-Scholes估值方法中使用的預期波動率是根據與我們股票價格相關的引伸波幅在預期期限內得出的。
預期分紅 - 我們從未爲股東支付過股息,因此股息率百分比爲 對所有時期。

 81% - 93%
 3.48% - 4.32%
3.73% - 4.21%
81% — 118%
79% - 97%
3.88% — 5.27%
4.87% — 5.47%
(以千爲單位, 除每股金額外)

請參閱規則13d-7(b)以獲取應抄送副本的其他各方。備註2. 業務收購 有關待達到里程碑即發行股份的詳細信息,請參見 注8.股東權益 有關股權獎勵的詳細信息,請參見
美洲$20,107 $28,978 $58,542 $71,480 
歐洲、中東和非洲9,119 10,994 24,497 29,594 
亞太地區10,741 15,719 31,751 41,090 
總計 $39,967 $55,691 $114,790 $142,164 
儀器營業收入$16,788 $34,694 $50,491 $85,317 
可消耗品營業收入18,508 16,868 51,560 44,554 
產品收入35,296 51,562 102,051 129,871 
服務和其他營業收入4,671 4,129 12,739 12,293 
總收入$39,967 $55,691 $114,790 $142,164 
2024年11月7日,我們與SBN簽訂了一項交易所協議,根據該協議,我們已同意交換剩餘的約$459.0百萬的2028年票據的總本金金額,換取$200.0百萬的2029年到期票據(「2029年票據」)以及發行 20,451,570 普通股(「交易所股份」)和$50.0百萬現金。交易所和發行預計將於2024年11月21日左右完成(「交割日期」)。2029年票據、交易所股份以及可轉換爲2029年票據的普通股受某些鎖定限制, 六個月 鎖定期從交易所交易的交割日期開始;鎖定限制將在公司的任何控制權變更完成之前立即終止。
在2029年債券的任何兌換中,SBN將不被授權發行一定數量的公司普通股,這將導致SBN對公司普通股的受益所有權超過 9.9已發行和流通普通股總數的百分之一 9.9或者公司所有證券的綜合表決權的百分之一,在每種情況下,在此類兌換之後。

2029年債券將由公司與美國銀行信託公司(National Association)因受到的契約(「2029年契約」)所約束。 1.502029年債券的利率爲每年百分之 2029年債券的利息將按半年支付,支付日期爲每年的2月15日和8月15日,利息將在成交日開始支付。2029年債券將於2029年8月15日到期,可能會提前轉換、贖回或回購。
從封鎖期到期日前的第二個預定交易日,2029年票據將隨時由持有人選擇兌換,包括與公司贖回相關的債券。2029年票據將根據2029年票據每1,000美元本金中204.5157股普通股的初始轉換率(等於初始轉換價格爲1,000美元)轉換爲我們的普通股4.89 每股普通股),在每種情況下,都要根據慣例進行反稀釋和其他因某些特殊交易而進行的其他調整。轉換2029年票據後,我們可以選擇以普通股、現金或普通股和現金的組合來結算此類轉換義務。
在2027年8月20日或之後,如果我們普通股的收盤售價至少達到 1501020在任何{days}個連續的交易日期間內,此期間的每張債券的每1000美元的票面金額的「交易價格」低於以贖回日前一天爲基準的交易日的通知日期計算的每張債券的票面金額的百分之{principal amount}%。30 ,且包括最近提供贖回通知前一交易日,公司可按 100這些2029年票據的本金金額的百分之 加上截至但不包括贖回日的應計未支付利息。
在我們選擇的範圍內,與我們未能遵守某些報告義務有關的違約事件的唯一補救措施將在首次 360 日曆天之後,僅包括在2029年票據上額外獲得利息的權利,利率爲相當於(i) 0.25% 年息的2029年票據未償還本金金額的每一天的第一 180 每天2030票據未償還本金的百分比 360在發生此類違約事件後的 0.50% 年息的2029年票據未償還本金金額的每一天,自第 181st 日曆日期限內每天的2030票據未償還本金的百分比,從發生違約事件的當日起至違約事件得以消除或被豁免之日起(或較早者)和(ii)每天的2030票據未償還本金的百分比,從第 至第 360th 在發生此違約事件後的日曆日,此違約事件持續期間(或者,如果較早,按照2029年信託契約中規定的日期進行糾正或豁免)。在第 361 該違約事件發生後的日曆日(如果與我們未履行其義務相關的違約事件在該日之前未被補救或豁免)。在 361 天,2029年債券將根據2029年信託契約加速清償規定進行清償。

項目2. 管理層對財務狀況和經營結果的討論和分析
我們正在開發的產品和技術源自於兩項高度差異化的核心技術,專注於準確性、質量和完整性,其中包括我們的HiFi長讀序列技術和我們的Sequencing by Binding(SBB)短讀序列技術。我們的產品涵蓋了廣泛的應用領域,包括人類遺傳學、植物和動物科學、傳染病和微生物學、腫瘤學以及其他新興應用。長讀序列技術被《自然方法》雜誌評選爲2022年的「年度方法」,表彰其對生物理解和未來潛力的貢獻。
改進商業執行以推動Revio和Onso平台的採用;® 和OnsoTM 平台;
繼續開發我們的VegaTM 臺式開多讀和高送轉開空平台;

我們繼續相信,憑藉我們的HiFi化學和SMRT技術,® 我們可以成爲全基因組臨床測序的市場領導者。領先的機構已經採用我們的產品來研究罕見和遺傳疾病。我們認爲臨床測序的市場機會是顯著的,可能會爲我們帶來可觀的營業收入增長。我們計劃繼續尋求合作,在這些合作中,正在開發的技術或正在考慮的應用將超越全基因組臨床測序。協作安排提高了人們對我們產品和服務的認知,並可能推動我們科技新應用的使用。
在2024年第二季度,我們宣佈計劃在2024年底之前減少年化運行費率運營支出,目的是更好地使我們的組織結構和資源與我們的戰略計劃保持一致。我們的開支削減舉措包括裁員、縮小設施規模和完善開發計劃管道。在截至2024年9月30日的九個月中,我們產生了約2470萬美元的重組費用,主要與員工離職成本、使用權資產的加速攤銷和折舊、租賃權改善、與放棄聖地亞哥辦公室相關的傢俱和固定裝置,以及與支出削減計劃相關的內部需求減少導致的庫存過剩費用。我們還預計,到2025年,將產生約210萬美元的額外費用。參見 注意事項 6.重組 有關更多信息,請參見本10-Q表季度報告的第一部分第1項。

我們持續評估我們的重大估計,包括與無限壽命和有限壽命資產的估值相關的估計。然而,這些估計可能會在未來的時期根據事件或情況的變化而改變,這可能會導致重大減值費用。在截至2024年9月30日的九個月中,我們記錄了9320万的商譽減值費用。請參閱下面的經營業績附加討論,以及 註釋4. 資產負債表元件 在本季度報告的第一部分,第1項中的進一步信息。此外,參閱我們2023年12月31日結束的年度報告中的關鍵會計政策和估計部分,以獲取有關公司資產減值評估的進一步討論。
請查看 風險因素 部分以獲取進一步討論。
如前所述 註釋11. 後續事件 在本季度10-Q表格的第一部分第1項中,2024年11月7日,我們與SBN簽署了一項交易所協議,依據該協議,我們同意將剩餘的約45900万美元的2028年債券總本金交換爲20000万美元的2029年債券本金,以及發行20,451,570股普通股和5000万美元現金。該交易和發行預計將在2024年11月21日前後完成。


(以千爲單位,百分比除外)20242023$ 變動% 變化
產品營業收入 $35,296 $51,562 $(16,266)(32 %)
服務及其他營業收入 4,671 4,129 542 13 %
總營業收入 39,967 55,691 (15,724)(28 %)
產品營收成本 23,278 33,551 (10,273)(31)%
服務和其他營業收入成本 3,484 4,054 (570)(14 %)
3,201 184 3,017 1640 %
營業收入總成本 29,963 37,789 (7,826)(21 %)
毛利潤 10,004 17,902 (7,898)(44 %)
研究和開發 25,516 47,514 (21,998)(46)%
銷售、一般和行政費用 43,746 43,431 315 %
與合併相關的費用 — 8,979 (8,979)(100 %)
收購的無形資產攤銷3,649 741 2,908 392 %
或有對價公允價值變動1,170 (271)1,441 (532)%
總營業費用 74,081 100,394 (26,313)(26 %)
運營損失 (64,077)(82,492)18,415 (22)%
利息費用 (3,538)(3,588)50 (1)%
其他收入,淨 6,890 8,505 (1,615)(19 %)
稅前損失(60,725)(77,575)16,850 (22 %)
所得稅收入— (10,706)10,706 (100 %)
淨虧損$(60,725)$(66,869)$6,144 (9 %)
消耗品營業收入增加了160万美金,或10%,達到1850万美金,較2023年9月30日結束的三個月的1690万美金有所增加。這一增長主要是由於Revio消耗品銷售的增長,這得益於Revio儀器的裝機基礎擴大,但部分被Sequel II和IIe消耗品的下降所抵消,因爲客戶正在轉向Revio。我們預計隨着裝機基礎的增長,Revio消耗品的銷售將會增加。雖然我們預計由於產品轉換,Sequel II和IIe消耗品的銷售將會下降,但關於這些銷售下降的速度仍然存在不確定性。®




(以千爲單位,百分比除外)20242023$ 變動% 變化
產品營業收入 $102,051 $129,871 $(27,820)(21)%
服務及其他收入 12,739 12,293 446 %
總營業收入 114,790 142,164 (27,374)(19)%
產品營收成本 68,808 87,147 (18,339)(21)%
服務及其他營業收入的成本 10,588 11,258 (670)(6)%
7,172 550 6,622 1204 %
998 — 998 — 
營業收入總成本 87,566 98,955 (11,389)(12)%
毛利潤 27,224 43,209 (15,985)(37)%
研究和開發 107,456 142,626 (35,170)(25)%
銷售、一般和管理費用 133,376 123,822 9,554 %
商譽減值93,200 — 93,200 — 
與合併相關的費用 — 8,979 (8,979)(100)%
收購的無形資產攤銷13,377 741 12,636 1705 %
或有對價公允價值變動1,100 13,960 (12,860)(92)%
總運營費用 348,509 290,128 58,381 20 %
運營損失 (321,285)(246,919)(74,366)30 %
債務註銷損失— (2,033)2,033 (100)%
利息費用 (10,655)(10,772)117 (1)%
其他收入,淨 19,718 24,301 (4,583)(19)%
稅前損失(312,222)(235,423)(76,799)33 %
所得稅收益— (10,706)10,706 (100)%
淨虧損$(312,222)$(224,717)$(87,505)39 %
消耗品營業收入在截至2024年9月30日的九個月中增加了700万美元,增長了16%,達到5160万美元,較截至2023年9月30日的4460万美元有所增加。消耗品銷售的增長主要是由於Revio耗材銷售的增加,這歸因於Revio儀器的安裝基礎的增長,部分被Sequel II和IIe耗材的下降所抵消,因爲客戶正在過渡到Revio。我們預計隨着安裝基礎的增長,Revio耗材的銷售將會增加。雖然我們預計由於產品過渡,Sequel II和IIe耗材的銷售會出現下降,但這些銷售下降的速度仍存在不確定性。




關於收購Apton的事宜,我們達成了一項協議,承諾在與Apton科技相關的高送轉測序儀實現5000万營業收入時,向Apton的前股東支付2500万美元,前提是該里程碑事件發生在收購關閉日期五週年之前,我們可以選擇以現金、普通股或現金與普通股的組合進行支付。 請參見 註釋2. 業務收購 關於本季度10-Q表格第一部分第1項的更多信息。
如上所述, 近期發展, 在2024年11月7日,我們與SBN簽訂了一項交易所協議,根據該協議,我們同意將剩餘約45900万的2028年債券的本金總額交換爲20000万的2029年債券的本金總額,以及發行20,451,570股普通股和5000万現金。交易和發行預計將在2024年11月21日或之前完成。
投資活動提供的現金65,766 71,179 
融資活動提供的現金7,213 190,493 


Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
The discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations of the SEC. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. We evaluate our critical accounting policies and estimates on an ongoing basis. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.
There have been no changes to our significant accounting policies as disclosed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
Please see Note 1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies, subsection titled “Recent Accounting Pronouncements”, in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for information regarding applicable recent accounting pronouncements.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
As of September 30, 2024, we did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements.
在普通業務過程中,我們會簽訂標準的賠償安排。根據這些安排,我們賠償、保護並同意補償被 indemnified 方因任何第三方對其科技的商業祕密、版權、專利或其他知識產權侵權索賠,或因與我們在合同下的履行或不履行、我們所提供的任何缺陷產品,或我們或我們的任何員工、代理或代表所犯的任何行爲或遺漏,或故意不當行爲而遭受或產生的損失。這些賠償協議的有效期通常是永續的,執行協議後即生效。我們根據這些協議所需支付的未來潛在賠償金額是無法確定的,因爲涉及到未來可能對我們提出的但尚未提出的索賠。截止目前,我們尚未產生爲這些賠償協議辯護訴訟或和解索賠的費用。
我們還與我們的董事和高級管理人員簽訂並簽訂了賠償協議,除非適用法律禁止,否則我們可能要求我們賠償他們因其作爲董事或高級管理人員的地位或服務而產生的責任。此外,根據我們與此類第三方簽訂的與此類籌款活動相關的協議條款,我們可能有義務保護參與我們籌款活動的第三方及其各自的關聯公司、董事、高級職員、員工、代理人或其他代表,使其免受損害,並賠償與此類第三方的索賠相關的任何和所有損失、索賠、損害賠償和責任。在此類賠償義務適用於所述訴訟的範圍內 注意事項 7.承諾和意外開支 在本10-Q表季度報告的第一部分第1項中,產生的任何相關費用均包含在相關的應計訴訟費用金額中。截至2024年9月30日,尚未記錄與此類賠償協議相關的額外責任。

2030年和2028年的債券固定年利率分別爲1.375%和1.50%,因此我們沒有任何與利率變化相關的經濟利率風險或財務報表風險。然而,當利率和我們股票的市場價格變化時,債券的公允價值可能會波動。請參見 第5條. 可轉換高級債券 在本季度10-Q表格的第一部分,第1項中獲取更多信息。
項目4.    控制項和程序

項目1.    法律程序
2019年9月26日,臺灣個人基因組學公司(「PGI」)在特拉華州美國地方法院對我們提起了專利侵權訴訟(案件編號:19-cv-1810)(「PGI地方法院事項」)。該訴訟內容基於PGI的美國專利第7,767,441號(「‘441專利」)。投訴指控我們的Sequel系統和Sequel II系統侵犯了‘441專利。該投訴請求未指明的金錢賠償,並要求禁止我們侵犯‘441專利。2019年11月20日,我們對該投訴作出了答覆,否認侵權,並請求宣告不侵權和‘441專利無效的判決。
On June 22, 2020, we filed a petition requesting institution of an inter-partes review ("IPR") to the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (the “Board”) at the United States Patent Office (IPR2020-01163) requesting the Board to find a set of claims in the ‘441 Patent invalid. On June 27, 2020, we filed a second petition (IPR2020-01200) requesting institution of an IPR requesting the Board to find another set of claims in the ‘441 Patent invalid. The two petitions (the “PacBio IPR Petitions”) together asserted that all of the claims relevant to the PGI complaint are invalid. On January 19, 2021, the Board ordered that both PacBio IPR Petitions be instituted on all grounds presented. On January 18, 2022, the Board issued decisions on the two IPRs. In one IPR, all challenged claims were found unpatentable, including PGI’s core device claims. In the second IPR, the Board did not find the disputed claims unpatentable. PGI and PacBio each appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which affirmed both IPR decisions on January 9, 2024.
On August 25, 2020, the court ordered a stay of the PGI District Court matter based on a joint stipulation by the parties pending a final written decision on the IPRs. Following the final written decisions on the IPRs described above, on February 2, 2022, the judge ordered that the PGI District Court matter be reopened. However, in a subsequent order dated September 15, 2022, the judge stayed the PGI District Court matter pending a final decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit regarding the appeal described above. On February 26, 2024, we moved to transfer the case from the District     of Delaware to the Northern District of California and that motion was granted on June 18, 2024. On March 18, 2024, the parties filed a joint status report in which PGI requested the Court set a revised scheduling order and we requested grant of our motion to transfer and proposed an alternate scheduling order. A case management conference was held on October 10, 2024 and the Court set a trial date of October 5, 2026. We plan to vigorously defend against the remaining claims.
On December 14, 2022, Take2 Technologies, Ltd. ("Take2") and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (“CUHK”) filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for Delaware against us alleging infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,091,794 (the “’794 Patent”) (C.A. No. 22- cv-01595) (the "Take2 District Court matter"). The complaint alleges that our Sequel II systems, Sequel IIe systems, and Revio systems that operate version 11.0 or later of the SMRT Link software, infringe the ‘794 Patent. The complaint seeks unspecified monetary damages and an order enjoining us from infringing the ’794 Patent. We filed a motion to dismiss on February 14, 2023, which was denied on March 25, 2024. We also filed a motion to transfer the case from the District of Delaware to the Northern District of California which was granted on August 2, 2023. The case was transferred on August 16, 2023 (C.A. No. 5:23-cv-04166). Take2 filed a motion to disqualify our in-house legal department from representing PacBio in the district court action on September 20, 2023. We opposed Take2’s disqualification motion on October 4, 2023. An oral hearing on the disqualification motion was held on October 26, 2023 and the court issued orders on November 6 and December 4 of 2023 partially granting the motion. While some members of the in-house legal department were disqualified, General Counsel for PacBio was not disqualified and continues to represent PacBio in the Take2 District Court matter. We filed a petition for inter partes review at the Board (IPR2024-00028) challenging the validity of all claims of the ’794 patent on October 17, 2023. The CUHK filed a preliminary response to the petition on January 26, 2024. On April 22, 2024, we filed our answer to the complaint, denying infringement and seeking declaratory judgments of non-infringement and invalidity of the ‘794 Patent. On April 24, 2024, the Board granted institution of IPR2024-00028 on the validity of all claims of the ’794 patent. The CUHK filed a response to the petition and institution decision on July 26, 2024. PacBio’s reply to CUHK’s response is due October 28, 2024. On May 2, 2024, the parties filed a joint stipulation and proposed order to stay the Take2 District Court matter pending inter partes review. On May 3, 2024, the Court granted the motion to stay, and the case currently remains stayed. We intend to vigorously defend in this matter.

項目 1A. 風險因素
您應該仔細考慮下面描述的風險和不確定性,以及我們向SEC提交的所有其他公開號件中的信息,這些信息可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況、經營成果和前景產生重大影響。下面描述的風險不是我們面臨的唯一風險。目前我們不知道或認爲不重要的風險和不確定性,也可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況、經營成果和前景產生重大影響。此外,經濟環境的惡化可能加劇下面描述的風險,任何一種風險都可能對我們產生重大影響。 這種情況正在迅速變化,可能出現我們目前尚不知曉的額外影響。

our reliance on outsourcing to other companies for manufacturing certain components and sub-assemblies, some of which are sole-sourced;
our ability to consistently manufacture our instruments and consumables to meet customers’ specifications, quantity, cost, or performance requirements;
the high amount of competition we face in our industry;
our ability to attract customers and increase sales of current and future products;
reliance on a limited number of customers for a significant portion of our revenues, including academic, research and government institutions;
the complexity of our products giving rise to defects or errors;
our unpredictable and lengthy sales cycles;
the possibility that our goodwill or intangible assets could become impaired;
adverse effects resulting from political and economic tensions between the United States and other countries, including China and Russia, and other geopolitical uncertainties;
securing and maintaining patent or other intellectual property protection for our products and related improvements;
current and future legal proceedings filed against us claiming intellectual property infringement;
the potential adverse impact of health epidemics;
governmental regulations that burden operations or narrow the market for our products;
evolving ethical, legal, privacy, social, and regulatory concerns regarding genetic testing;
volatility of the price of our common stock; and
our stock price falling as a result of future offerings or sales of securities.
Our risk factors are not guarantees that no such conditions exist as of the date hereof and should not be interpreted as an affirmative statement that such risks or conditions have not materialized, in whole or in part.

Table of Contents
Risks Related to Our Business
The commercialization and sales of our current or future products may be unsuccessful or less successful than anticipated. While we plan to continue pursuing new products and expand into adjacent markets, we have limited experience in managing and selling multiple products and, as a result, may face challenges selling in new markets and fail to successfully carry out these initiatives, which may adversely impact our business, financial condition or results of operation.
We have made and expect to continue making substantial investments to develop new products and enhance our existing products through our acquisitions and research and development efforts. For example, we commenced commercial shipments of Revio, our new long-read sequencing system in the first quarter of 2023, and commenced commercial shipments of Onso, our new SBB short-read platform, in the third quarter of 2023. We also recently announced that we have begun taking orders for our new Vega benchtop long-read sequencing system in the fourth quarter of 2024, with shipments expected to commence in the first quarter of 2025. Our future success is substantially dependent on our ability to successfully develop and commercialize our products, including Revio and Onso, as well as acquired technologies, which are anticipated to be used in demanding scientific research that requires substantial levels of accuracy and precision. In addition, we may not be successful in transitioning our prior generation products to our Revio and Vega products, or transitioning users of other third party sequencing platforms to our portfolio of products, and could incur related obsolete inventory charges and losses on firm purchase commitments. Customers may also be slower than we anticipate in making new capital equipment acquisitions, especially in the current economic environment. Due to challenges we may experience in developing and marketing our existing products and launching new products, we may not be able to effectively:
manage the timeliness of our new product introductions and the rate at which sales of our new products may cannibalize sales of our older products or manage sales and marketing of multiple sequencing platforms;
推動我們當前和未來產品的採用,包括Sequel II/IIe、Revio、Onso和Vega系統以及正在開發的產品;

我們每年在第二季度對商譽進行減值評估,每當事件或情況變化表明公允價值很可能低於賬面價值時,我們都會對商譽進行減值評估。表明減值並觸發中期減值測試的事件包括但不限於意想不到的不利商業狀況、經濟因素、意想不到的技術變革或競爭活動、關鍵人員的流失以及政府或法院的行爲。任何此類事件的發生都可能要求我們記錄未來的商譽減值費用。例如,在截至2024年6月30日的三個月中,我們記錄了9,320萬美元的商譽減值費用,詳情見 注意事項 4.資產負債表組成部分 在本表10-Q季度報告的第一部分第1項中。任何此類費用都可能對我們的經營業績產生不利影響。
Our net losses since inception and our expectation of incurring substantial losses and negative cash flow for the foreseeable future could:
make it more difficult for us to satisfy our obligations;
increase our vulnerability to general adverse economic and industry conditions;
limit our ability to fund future working capital, capital expenditures, research and development and other business opportunities;
increase the volatility of the price of our common stock;
limit our flexibility to react to changes in our business and the industry in which we operate;
place us at a disadvantage to other companies that offer nucleic acid sequencing equipment or consumables; and
limit our ability to borrow additional funds.
In addition, inflationary pressure, including as a result of supply shortages, has adversely impacted and could continue to adversely impact our financial results, and our operating costs may increase. We may not fully offset these cost increases by raising prices for our products and services, which could result in downward pressure on our margins. Further, our customers may choose to reduce their business with us if we increase our pricing.

Table of Contents
Any or all of the foregoing may have a material adverse effect on our business, operations, financial condition, and prospects. An impairment in value of our tangible or intangible assets could also be recorded as a result of weaker economic conditions.
Our expense reduction initiatives could be disruptive to our operations and adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition, and we may not realize some or all of the anticipated benefits of these initiatives, whether in the time frame anticipated or at all.
During the second quarter of 2024, we announced and initiated plans to reduce certain of our annualized run-rate operating expenses by the end of the year, with the intent of better aligning our organizational structure and resources with our strategic initiatives. Our expense reduction initiatives comprise, among other things, workforce reductions, facilities downsizing and a refined pipeline of development activities. The implementation of these expense reduction initiatives, including the impact of workforce reductions, could impair our ability to invest in developing, marketing and selling new and existing products, be disruptive to our operations, make it difficult to attract or retain employees, result in higher than anticipated charges, divert the attention of management, result in a loss of accumulated knowledge, impact our customer and supplier relationships, and otherwise adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition. In addition, our ability to complete our expense reduction initiatives and achieve the anticipated benefits within the expected time frame is subject to estimates and assumptions and may vary materially from our expectations, including as a result of factors that are beyond our control. Furthermore, our efforts to stabilize our business may not be successful.
We are not cash flow positive and may not have sufficient cash to make required payments under the terms of our debt or fund our long-term planned operations.
Our operations have consumed substantial amounts of cash since inception, and we expect to continue to incur substantial losses and negative cash flow from operations for the foreseeable future. Additional funds may not be available on terms acceptable to us or at all. We have incurred significant debt, and we may incur additional debt, in the future. As of September 30, 2024, we had outstanding approximately $459.0 million aggregate principal amount of the 2028 Notes and $441.0 million aggregate principal amount of the 2030 Notes. As discussed in Note 11. Subsequent Events in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, we have agreed to exchange the remaining approximately $459.0 million in aggregate principal amount of 2028 Notes outstanding for $200.0 million aggregate principal amount of the 2029 Notes, as well as the issuance of 20,451,570 shares of common stock and $50.0 million of cash. The exchange and issuances are expected to close on or about November 21, 2024. We may not have sufficient cash to make required payments under the terms of this debt, and should this occur, debt holders have rights senior to common stockholders to make claims on our assets. In addition, if we do not have sufficient cash to make the required payments at maturity, we may need to raise additional capital, which could result in dilution of our existing investors, or refinance or restructure our debt, which will depend on, among other things, the condition of the capital markets and our financial condition at such time, and which may be at higher interest rates. We may not be able to issue equity securities due to unacceptable terms and conditions to us in the capital markets. To the extent that we intend to raise additional funds through the sale of our common stock, downward fluctuations in our stock price could adversely affect such fundraising efforts. Furthermore, equity financings normally involve shares sold at a discount to the current market price and fundraising through sales of additional shares of common stock or other equity securities will have a dilutive effect on our existing investors. We may be required to seek equity financing at a time when the market price for our common stock is low, which would further dilute ownership for existing common stockholders.
We believe that our growth will depend, in part, on our ability to fund our commercialization efforts and our efforts to develop new products, including any improvements to our existing products and the launch of the Vega benchtop long-ready system. To the extent our existing resources are not sufficient, it may require us to delay, or even not allow us to conduct any or all of these activities that we believe would be beneficial for our future growth. We may need to raise additional funds through public or private debt or equity financing or alternative financing arrangements, which may include collaborations or licensing arrangements. If we are unable to raise funds on favorable terms, or at all, we may have to reduce our cash burn rate and may not be able to support our commercialization efforts, launching of new products, or operations, or to increase or maintain the level of our research and development activities.

Table of Contents
If we are unable to generate sufficient cash flows or to raise adequate funds to finance our forecasted expenditures, we may have to make significant changes to our operations, including delaying or reducing the scope of, or eliminating some or all of, our development programs. We also may have to reduce sales, marketing, engineering, customer support or other resources devoted to our existing or new products, or we may need to cease operations. Any of these actions could materially impede our ability to achieve our business objectives and could materially harm our operating results, and there can be no assurance that any of these actions would be successful. If our cash, cash equivalents and investments are insufficient to fund our projected operating requirements and we are unable to raise capital, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations and prospects.
We have made acquisitions and, in the future, may continue to acquire businesses, technologies or assets, form joint ventures or make other strategic investments with companies that could adversely affect our operating results, dilute our stockholders’ ownership, or cause us to incur debt or significant expense.
As part of our business strategy, we have acquired and expect to continue to pursue acquisitions of complementary businesses, technologies, or assets. We may also pursue technology license arrangements, strategic alliances or investments that complement our business as we have previously with our acquisitions of Circulomics, Omniome and Apton in July 2021, September 2021 and August 2023, respectively.
Acquisitions and strategic transactions involve numerous risks, any of which could harm our business and negatively affect our financial condition and results of operations, including:
intense competition for suitable acquisition targets, which could increase prices and adversely affect our ability to consummate deals on favorable or acceptable terms;
failure or material delay in closing a transaction;
transaction-related lawsuits or claims;
difficulties in integrating the technologies, operations, existing contracts, and personnel of an acquired company;
difficulties in retaining key employees or business partners of an acquired company;
difficulties in retaining suppliers, partners, or customers of an acquired company;
challenges with integrating the brand identity of an acquired company with our own;
diversion of financial and management resources from existing operations or alternative acquisition opportunities;
failure to realize the anticipated benefits or synergies of a transaction;
difficulties in developing technology post-acquisition;
failure to identify the problems, liabilities, or other shortcomings or challenges of an acquired company or technology, including issues related to intellectual property, regulatory compliance practices, litigation, revenue recognition or other accounting practices, or employee or user issues;
risks that regulatory bodies may enact new laws or promulgate new regulations that are adverse to an acquired company or business;
risks that regulatory bodies do not approve our acquisitions or business combinations or delay such approvals;
theft of our trade secrets or confidential information that we share with potential acquisition candidates or other potential strategic partners;
risk that an acquired company or investment in new services cannibalizes a portion of our existing business; and
adverse market reaction to an acquisition or other strategic transaction.

Table of Contents
To finance any acquisitions or other strategic investments, we may raise additional funds, which could adversely affect our existing stockholders and our business. If the price of our common stock is low or volatile, we may not be able to acquire other companies for stock. In addition, our stockholders may experience substantial dilution as a result of additional securities we may issue for acquisitions. Open market sales of substantial amounts of our common stock issued to stockholders of companies we acquire could also depress our stock price. Additional funds may not be available on terms that are favorable to us, or at all.
If we fail to address the foregoing risks or other problems encountered in connection with past or future acquisitions of businesses, new technologies, services, and other assets and strategic investments, or if we fail to successfully integrate such acquisitions or investments, our business, financial condition, and results of operations could be adversely affected, including potential impairments of goodwill and intangible assets.
If we are unable to successfully develop and timely manufacture our current and future products, including with respect to SMRT Cells, Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso, and Vega systems, and other SMRT Cell, HiFi, and SBB products under development, and related products, our business may be adversely affected.
Considering the highly complex technologies involved in our products, there can be no assurance that we will be able to manufacture and commercialize our current and future products on a timely basis or continue providing adequate support for our existing products. The commercial success of our products, including the Sequel, Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems, and the products under development, including acquired technologies, depends on a number of factors, including performance and reliability of the systems, our anticipating and effectively addressing customer preferences and demands, the success of our sales and marketing efforts, effective forecasting and management of product demand, purchase commitments and inventory levels, effective management of manufacturing and supply costs, and the quality of our products, including consumables such as SMRT Cells and reagents. Should we face delays in or discover unexpected defects during the further development or manufacturing process of instruments or consumables related to our products, including with respect to SMRT Cells, reagents, Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso, and Vega systems, and other SMRT Cell, HiFi, and SBB products under development, including acquired technologies, and including any delays or defects in software development or product functionality, the timing and success of the continued rollout and scaling of our products may be significantly impacted, which may materially and negatively impact our revenue and gross margin. The ability of our customers to successfully utilize our products will also depend on our ability to deliver high quality SMRT Cells and reagents. We have designed SMRT Cells and other consumables specifically for the Sequel, Sequel II/IIe, Revio and Vega systems, and may need to develop in the future, other customized SMRT Cells and consumables for our future products. Our production of the SMRT Cells for the Sequel and Sequel II/IIe systems has been and may in the future, including with respect to the Revio system, be below desired levels and yields, and we have experienced and may experience in the future manufacturing delays, product or quality defects, SMRT Cell variability, and other issues. The performance of our consumables is critical to our customers’ successful utilization of our products, and any defects or performance issues with our consumables would adversely affect our business. All of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our ability to sell our products or result in other material adverse effects on our business, operations, financial condition, operations and prospects.
The development of our products is complex and costly. Problems in the design or quality of our products may have a material and adverse effect on our brand, business, financial condition, and operating results, and could result in us losing our certifications from the International Organization for Standardization (“ISO”). If we were to lose ISO certification, then our customers might choose not to purchase products from us and this could adversely impact our ability to develop products approved for clinical uses. Unanticipated problems with our products could divert substantial resources, which may impair our ability to support our new and existing products and could substantially increase our costs. If we encounter development challenges or discover errors in our products late in our development cycle, including during external beta testing, we may be forced to undertake design and/or production changes, delay product shipments or the scaling of manufacturing or supply. The completion of the production and external testing of our beta systems may also take longer than currently planned, cost more than currently expected and the scientific and technical validation may not be completed on our currently expected timelines or at all. Such testing may also expose fundamental flaws in our products that may cause us to abandon the further development of such products.

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If the continued rollout of our current and future products, including with respect to the SMRT Cell, the Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems, is delayed or is not successful or less successful than anticipated, then we may not be able to achieve an acceptable return, if any, on our substantial research and development efforts, and our business may be materially and adversely affected. The expenses or losses associated with delayed or unsuccessful product development or lack of market acceptance of our existing and new products, including the SMRT Cell and the Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems could materially and adversely affect our business, operations, financial condition, and prospects.
Our research and development efforts may not result in the benefits that we anticipate, and our failure to successfully market, sell, and commercialize our current and future products could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We have dedicated significant resources to developing our current products, including sequencing systems and consumables based on our proprietary SMRT sequencing technology and our Sequel and Sequel II/IIe systems. We are also engaged in substantial and complex research and development efforts, which, if successful, may result in the introduction of new products in the future, including in connection with the SMRT Cell and the Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems, in addition to other products currently under development, including acquired technologies. Our research and development efforts are complex and require us to incur substantial expenses and we may not be able to develop, manufacture and commercialize new products or obtain regulatory approval if necessary. We may divert significant resources to research and development initiatives that do not result in commercialized products, and even if these efforts do result in commercialized products, there can be no assurance that such products will compete successfully in the market or achieve an acceptable return, if any, on our research and development efforts and expenses. Moreover, our joint research and development efforts with partners require significant management attention and operational resources. If we are unable to successfully manage such joint research and development efforts, our future results may be adversely impacted. Furthermore, we will need to continue to expand our internal capabilities or seek new partnerships or collaborations, or both, in order to successfully develop, market, sell and commercialize our products for and in the markets we seek to reach. If we are unable to do so or are delayed, then this could materially and adversely affect our business, operations, financial condition, and prospects.
We must successfully manage new product introductions and transitions, including with respect to the Revio, Onso and Vega systems and each of their related consumables, and the development of acquired technologies, and we may incur significant costs during these transitions and development, and these efforts may not result in the benefits we anticipate.
If our products and services fail to deliver the performance, scalability or results expected by our current and future customers, or are not delivered on a timely basis, our reputation and credibility may suffer, our current and future sales and revenue may be materially harmed and our business may not succeed. For instance, if we are not able to successfully execute on the commercialization of the Revio HiFi long-read sequencing system, the Onso SBB short-read sequencing system, and the Vega benchtop long-read sequencing system, and each of their related consumables, and any future products that may be developed for research, medical and clinical uses, including acquired technologies, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, the introduction of future products, including with respect to future long-read and short-read products, and related consumables, has and may in the future lead to our limiting or ceasing development of further enhancements to our existing products as we focus our resources on new products, and has resulted and could in the future result in reduced marketplace acceptance and loss of sales of our existing products, materially adversely affecting our revenue and operating results. The introduction of new products, including the recent commercialization of our Revio, Onso and Vega systems, has had and may in the future also have a negative impact on our revenue in the near-term as our current and future customers have delayed or cancelled and may in the future delay or cancel orders of existing products in anticipation of new products and we may also be pressured to decrease prices for our existing products. Our experience in managing product transitions is limited, and we have experienced, and may in the future experience, difficulty in managing or forecasting customer reactions, purchasing decisions or transition requirements with respect to newly launched products. We have incurred and may continue to incur significant costs in completing these transitions, including costs of write-downs of our products, as current or future customers transition to new products. If we do not successfully manage these product transitions, including with respect to the Revio, Onso and Vega systems and each of their related consumables, and any future long-read and short-read products, our business, operations, financial condition, and prospects may be materially and adversely affected.

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Our business may be adversely affected by epidemics or other public health emergencies.
Our business could be adversely impacted by the effects of epidemics or other public health emergencies. These impacts could include, but are not necessarily limited to:
shutdowns or business disruptions experienced by manufacturers, suppliers and other third parties with whom we conduct business;
disruptions or interruptions to our supply chains;
changes in applicable public health regulations that require us to modify our business practices and operations; and
disruption to customer demand for our products.
The extent to which any epidemic or other public health emergency impacts our business and financial results inherently depends on future developments, which are highly uncertain and cannot be predicted, including new information which may emerge concerning the severity of a particular public health matter and the actions to contain it or treat its impact, among others. Even after an epidemic or public health emergency has subsided, we may continue to experience an adverse impact to our business as a result of economic aftershocks, including recessionary effects and inflationary pressures.
Significant changes to our leadership team and the resulting management transitions might harm our future operating results.
We have experienced significant changes to our leadership team since 2020, including the appointment of our current President and Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Commercial Officer, Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer, and Chair of the Board.
Although we believe these leadership transitions are in the best interest of our stakeholders, these transitions may result in the loss of personnel with deep institutional or technical knowledge. Further, the transition could potentially disrupt our operations and relationships with employees, suppliers, partners, and customers due to added costs, operational inefficiencies, decreased employee morale and productivity and increased turnover. We must successfully recruit and integrate our new leadership team members within our organization to achieve our operating objectives; as such, the leadership transition may temporarily affect our business performance and results of operations while the new members of our leadership team become familiar with our business. In addition, our competitors may seek to use this transition and the related potential disruptions to gain a competitive advantage over us. Furthermore, these changes may increase our dependency on the other members of our leadership team that remain with us, who are not contractually obligated to remain employed with us and may leave at any time. Any such departure could be particularly disruptive given that we are already experiencing leadership transitions and, to the extent we experience additional management turnover, competition for top management is high such that it may take some time to find a candidate that meets our requirements. Our future operating results depend substantially upon the continued service of our key personnel and in significant part upon our ability to attract and retain qualified management personnel. If we are unable to mitigate these or other similar risks, our business, results of operations and financial condition may be materially and adversely affected.

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We depend on the continuing efforts of our senior management team and other key personnel. If we lose members of our senior management team or other key personnel or are unable to successfully retain, recruit and train qualified scientists, engineers, sales personnel and other employees, our ability to maintain, develop and commercialize our products could be harmed and we may be unable to achieve our goals.
Our success depends upon the continuing services of members of our senior management team and scientific and engineering personnel. In particular, our scientists and engineers are critical to our technological and product innovations, and we will need to hire additional qualified personnel. Our industry, is characterized by high demand and intense competition for talent, and the turnover rate has been and may continue to be high. Our employees can leave our company with little to no prior notice and would be free to work for a competitor. We compete for qualified management and scientific personnel with other life science companies, academic institutions and research institutions, particularly those focusing on genomics. We also compete for qualified sales personnel to support the commercialization of our existing and new products. Workforce reductions, such as the workforce reduction we began implementing during the second quarter of 2024, and other expense reduction efforts may be negatively received by potential or current employees, and accordingly result in attrition or difficulty in recruiting desirable candidates. Additionally, we may face challenges in retaining and recruiting key personnel due to sustained declines in our stock price that could reduce the retentive value of stock options, restricted stock units and other equity awards we issue as compensation. We may not be able to provide adequate cash or other incentives to adequately counterbalance any negative perceptions about the value of our equity awards. Moreover, the value of any equity awards that we do grant to our personnel may be significantly affected by movements in our stock price that are beyond our control. The loss of qualified employees, or an inability to attract, retain, and motivate employees, could prevent us from pursuing collaborations and materially and adversely affect our support of existing products, product development and launches, business growth prospects, results of operations and financial condition.
Further, changes to U.S. immigration policies, particularly to H-1B and other visa programs, could restrain the flow of technical and professional talent into the U.S. and may inhibit our ability to hire qualified personnel. If one or more of our senior executives or other key personnel were unable or unwilling to continue in their present positions, we may not be able to replace them easily or at all, and other senior management may be required to divert attention from other aspects of the business.
In addition, we do not have “key person” life insurance policies covering any member of our management team or other key personnel. The loss of any of these individuals or any inability to attract or retain qualified personnel, including scientists, engineers, sales personnel and others, could prevent us from pursuing collaborations and materially and adversely affect our support of existing products, product development and introductions, business growth prospects, results of operations and financial condition.
Our success is highly dependent on our ability to further penetrate nucleic acid sequencing applications as well as on the growth and expansion of the demand for our products. If our products fail to achieve and sustain sufficient market acceptance, we will not generate expected revenue and our business may not succeed.
Although nucleic acid sequencing technology is well-established, our SMRT Sequencing technology is relatively new and evolving. We cannot be sure that our current or future products will gain acceptance in the marketplace at levels sufficient to support our costs. Our success depends, in part, on our ability to expand overall demand for nucleic acid sequencing to include new applications that are not practicable with other current technologies and to introduce new products that capture a larger share of growing overall demand for sequencing. To accomplish this, we must successfully commercialize, and continue development of, our proprietary SMRT Sequencing technology for use in a variety of life science and other research applications, including uses by academic, government and clinical laboratories, as well as pharmaceutical, diagnostic, biotechnology, and agriculture companies, among others. However, we may be unsuccessful in these efforts and the sale and commercialization of the SMRT Cell, the Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems, and related products may not grow sufficiently to cover our costs.

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There can be no assurance that we will be successful in adding new products or securing additional customers for our current and future products, including with respect to the SMRT Cell and the Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems. If we are unable to successfully develop acquired technologies and sell acquired technology products, we may fail to achieve our strategic commercial initiatives in connection with the planned release of new products and anticipated entry into new markets. Our ability to further penetrate existing applications and any new applications depends on a number of factors, including the cost, performance and perceived value associated with our products, as well as customers’ willingness to adopt a different approach to nucleic acid sequencing. Potential customers may have already made significant investments in other sequencing technologies and may be unwilling to invest in new technologies. We are experiencing pricing pressures caused by industry competition and increased demand for lower-priced instruments and lower operational costs. We have limited experience commercializing and selling products outside of the academic and research settings, and we cannot guarantee success in acquiring additional customers. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee that our products will be satisfactory to potential customers or that our products will perform in accordance with customer expectations.
Nucleic acid sequencing applications are new and dynamic, and there can be no assurance that they will develop as quickly as we anticipate, that they will reach their full potential or that our products will be appropriate or competitive for these applications. As a result, we may be required to refocus our marketing efforts, and we may have to make changes to the specifications of our products to enhance our ability to enter particular applications more quickly. We may also need to delay full-scale commercial deployment of new products as we develop them in order to perform quality control and early access user testing. We also need to maintain reliable supply chains for the various components in our new products and consumables to support large-scale commercial production. Even if we are able to implement our technology successfully, we and/or our sales and distribution partners may fail to achieve or sustain market acceptance of our current or future products across the full range of our intended life science and other applications. We need to continue to expand and update our internal capabilities or to collaborate with other partners, or both, in order to successfully expand sales of our products in the applications that we seek to reach, which we may be unable to do at the scale required to support our business.

我們的產品複雜,涉及大量獨特的元件,其中許多需要精確的製造。我們產品的特性要求定製的元件,而這些元件目前僅從有限的來源獲得,在某些情況下,甚至只有單一來源。我們選擇從單一來源採購某些關鍵元件,包括我們的SMRt Cells、試劑和儀器的供應商。我們無法保證產品供應不會受到限制或中斷,特別是對於我們的單一來源第三方製造和供應合作伙伴,或者確保產品供應的質量令人滿意或在可接受的價格範圍內持續可用。特別是,任何對製造商的替換可能需要大量的努力和專業知識,因爲合格的替換品可能有限。我們可能無法與目前和未來的單一來源第三方製造和供應合作伙伴談判綁定協議,或在這些合作伙伴的服務因任何原因中斷時,找到替代製造商支持我們的開發和商業活動以合理的商業條款。我們並不總是與我們的單一來源供應商建立冗餘或第二來源供應的安排,以防他們停止向我們提供產品或服務,或未能及時提供足夠的數量。如果我們需要從替代來源購買這些元件,則可能需要數月或更長時間來認證這些替代來源。如果我們無法因任何原因(包括與恐怖襲擊、敵對行爲、軍事衝突和戰爭行爲有關,包括中國與臺灣之間的衝突)從單一來源的第三方製造和供應合作伙伴採購這些產品元件,或者在及時基礎上確保這些產品元件的足夠供應,或者如果這些元件不符合我們的質量和功能期望或規格,我們的運營和製造將受到實質性和不利的影響,我們可能無法滿足客戶需求,從而我們的業務和運營結果可能會受到實質性和不利的影響。

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In addition, because our semiconductor suppliers are in regions that may have communities with low vaccination rates, any variants of COVID-19 that evolve in the future or other outbreaks could lead to increased infections among workers that could further disrupt the supply chain. Our current manufacturing process is characterized by long lead times between the placement of orders for and delivery of our products. If we do not accurately anticipate our needs or if we receive insufficient components to manufacture our products on a timely basis to meet customer demand, our sales and our gross margin may be adversely affected, and our business could be materially harmed. If we are unable to reduce our manufacturing costs and establish and maintain reliable, high-volume manufacturing suppliers as we scale our operations and expand our product offerings, our business, operations, financial condition, and prospects could be materially and adversely harmed.
We may be unable to consistently manufacture our instruments and consumables, including SMRT Cells and reagents, to the necessary specifications or in quantities necessary to meet demand at an acceptable cost or at an acceptable performance level.
In order to successfully generate revenue from our products, we need to supply our customers with products that meet their expectations for quality and functionality in accordance with established specifications. Our customers have experienced variability in the performance of our products. We have experienced and may continue to experience delays, quality issues or other difficulties leading to customer dissatisfaction with our products. Our production of SMRT Cells, flow cells and of reagents for both our long- and short-read technologies, involve a long and complex manufacturing process and has been and may in the future be below desired yields and resulting output levels. We have experienced and may experience in the future manufacturing delays, product defects, variability in the performance of SMRT Cells, flow cells and other products, inadequate reserves for inventory, or other issues.
There is no assurance that we will be able to manufacture our products so that they consistently achieve the product specifications and quality that our customers expect, including any products developed for clinical uses. Problems in the design or quality of our products, including low manufacturing yields of SMRT Cells, flow cells, or sub-performing reagent lots may have a material adverse effect on our brand, business, financial condition, and operating results, and could result in us losing our ISO certifications. If we were to lose our ISO certifications, then our customers might choose not to purchase products from us. There is also no assurance that we will be able to increase manufacturing yields and decrease costs, particularly if high rates of inflation continue, or that we will be successful in forecasting customer demand or manufacturing and supply costs, or that product supplies, including reagents or integrated chips, will not be limited or interrupted, or will be of satisfactory quality or continue to be available at acceptable prices. Furthermore, while we are undertaking efforts to increase our manufacturing scale and capability, we may not be able to increase manufacturing to meet anticipated demand or may experience downtime in our manufacturing facilities, including, for example, if our suppliers are unable to meet our increased demand at a time when the supply chain is under duress due to potential dislocations and disruptions in product and employee availability (whether due to health epidemics or pandemics or otherwise). An inability to manufacture products and components that consistently meet specifications, in necessary quantities and at commercially acceptable costs, will have a negative impact, and may have a material adverse effect on our business, product development timelines, financial condition and results of operations.

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Rapidly changing technology in life sciences and research diagnostics could make our products obsolete unless we continue to develop, manufacture and commercialize new and improved products and pursue new opportunities.
Our industry is characterized by rapid and significant technological changes, frequent new product introductions and enhancements and evolving industry standards. These new and evolving technologies may be superior to, impair, or render obsolete the products we currently offer or the technologies currently underlying our products. Our future success depends on our ability to continually improve our products, to develop and introduce new products that address the evolving needs of our customers on a timely and cost-effective basis and to pursue new opportunities. These new opportunities may be outside the scope of our proven expertise or in areas where demand is unproven, and new products and services developed by us may not gain market acceptance or may not adequately perform to capture market share. Our inability to develop and introduce new products and to gain market acceptance of our existing and new products could harm our future operating results. Unanticipated difficulties or delays in replacing existing products with new products or in commercializing our existing or new products in sufficient quantities and of acceptable quality to meet customer demand, including with respect to the SMRT Cell and the Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems, could diminish future demand for our products and may materially and adversely harm our future operating results.
The size of the markets for our products, including our Revio, Onso and Vega instruments, may be smaller than estimated, and new market opportunities may not develop as quickly as we expect, or at all, limiting our ability to successfully sell our products.
The market for sequencing systems and consumables products is evolving, making it difficult to accurately predict the size of the markets for our current and future products, including our Revio, Onso and Vega instruments. Our estimates of the total addressable market for our current and future products are based on a number of internal and third-party estimates and assumptions that may be incorrect, including the assumptions that academic, governmental, corporate, or other sources of funding will continue to be available to life sciences researchers at times and in amounts necessary to allow them to purchase our products. In addition, sales of new products may take time to develop and mature and we cannot be certain that these market opportunities will develop as we expect. While we believe our assumptions and the data underlying our estimates of the total addressable market for our products are reasonable, these assumptions and estimates may not be correct and the conditions supporting our assumptions or estimates, or those underlying the third-party data we have used, may change at any time, thereby reducing the accuracy of our estimates. As a result, our estimates of the total addressable market and growth opportunities for our products may be incorrect.
The future growth of the market for our current and future products depends on many factors beyond our control, including recognition and acceptance of our products by the research and scientific communities, the growth, prevalence and costs of competing products and solutions and the development of robust ecosystems supporting our products and their methodologies. For example, the market acceptance and growth of long-read sequencing technologies, like our Revio and Vega systems, depends on a variety of factors, including the availability and cost-effectiveness of related tools for high quality sample collection and preparation and advanced bioinformatic tools to process results; as well as the perceived advantages and disadvantages of long-read sequencing compared to short-read or other sequencing technologies: consequently, if potential customers conclude the costs of adopting long-read sequencing technologies outweigh the benefits, the market for our Revio and Vega systems may be negatively impaired. There can be no assurance that our current or future products will gain traction in the market. If the markets for our current and future products are smaller than estimated or do not develop as we expect, our growth may be limited, and it could materially and adversely affect our business, operations, financial condition and prospects.
Increased market adoption of our products by customers may depend on the availability of sample preparation and informatics tools, some of which may be developed by third parties.
Our commercial success may depend in part upon the development of sample preparation and software and informatics tools by third parties for use with our products. We cannot guarantee that product supplies, including reagents, will not be limited or interrupted, or will be of satisfactory quality or continue to be available at acceptable prices, or that third parties will develop tools that our current and future customers will find useful with our products, or that customers will adopt such third-party tools on a timely basis or at all. A lack of complementary sample preparation and informatics tools, or delayed updates of such tools, may impede the adoption of our products and may materially and adversely impact our business.

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We operate in a highly competitive industry and if we are not able to compete effectively, our business and operating results will likely be harmed.
There are a significant number of companies offering nucleic acid sequencing products and/or services, including Illumina, BGI Genomics (also known as MGI or Complete Genomics), Thermo, ONT Ltd., Roche, Bionano, and Qiagen. Other companies recently entering the market include Ultima, Element and Singular. Many of these companies currently have greater name recognition, more substantial intellectual property portfolios, longer operating histories, significantly greater financial, technical, research and/or other resources, more experience in new product development, larger and more established manufacturing capabilities and marketing, sales, and support functions, and/or more established distribution channels to deliver products to customers than we do. These companies may be able to respond more quickly and effectively than we can to new or changing opportunities, technologies, standards, or customer requirements.
There are also several companies that are in the process of developing or have already developed and commercialized new, competing or potentially competing technologies, products and/or services, including ONT Ltd. and its subsidiaries, against whom we have filed complaints for patent infringement in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware and, previously, with the U.S. International Trade Commission, in the High Court of England and Wales and in the District Court of Mannheim, Germany. ONT Ltd. previously filed claims against us in the High Court of England and Wales and the District Court of Mannheim, Germany, also for patent infringement, and its subsidiary, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Inc. (“ONT Inc.”), filed counterclaims against us in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware seeking declaratory judgements of non-infringement, invalidity and unenforceability of the asserted patents, as well as antitrust, false advertising and unfair competition counterclaims that were subsequently dismissed by that court. Roche is developing potentially competing sequencing products. Increased competition may result in pricing pressures, which could harm our sales, profitability or market share. Our failure to further enhance our existing products and to introduce new products to compete effectively could materially and adversely affect our business, operations, financial condition, and prospects.
We may be unable to successfully increase sales of our current products or market and sell our future products.
Our ability to achieve profitability depends, in part, on our ability to attract customers for our current and future products including Revio and Onso, and we may be unable to effectively market or sell our products or find appropriate partners to do so. To perform sales, marketing, distribution, and customer support functions successfully, we face a number of risks, including:
our ability to attract, retain and manage qualified sales, marketing, and service personnel necessary to expand market acceptance for our technologies;
the performance and commercial availability expectations of our existing and potential customers with respect to new and existing products;
availability of potential sales and distribution partners to sell our technologies, and our ability to attract and retain such sales and distribution partners;
the time and cost of maintaining and growing a specialized sales, marketing and service force for a particular application, which may be difficult to justify in light of the revenue generated; and
our sales, marketing and service force may be unable to execute successful commercial activities.
We have, and may in the future, use promotional pricing and similar measures to attract purchases of our products. These measures may not be successful in attracting purchases and, even if successful, may negatively impact our gross margins.
We have enlisted and may continue to enlist third parties to assist with sales, equipment leasing, distribution and customer support. There is no guarantee that we will be successful in attracting desirable sales and distribution partners, that we will be able to enter into arrangements with such partners on terms favorable to us or that we will be able to retain such partners on a going-forward basis. If our sales and marketing efforts, or those of any of our third-party sales and distribution partners, are not successful, or our products do not perform in accordance with customer expectations, our technologies and products may not gain market acceptance, which could materially and adversely impact our business, operations, financial condition, and prospects.

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Large purchases by a limited number of customers represent a significant portion of our revenue, and any loss or delay of expected purchases has resulted, and in the future could result, in material quarter-to-quarter fluctuations of our revenue or otherwise adversely affect our results of operations.
We receive a significant portion of our revenue from a limited number of customers. For example, for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, one of our customers, who is our primary distributor in China, accounted for approximately 12% and 13% of our total revenue, respectively. For the year ended December 31, 2023, no single customer accounted for 10% or greater of our total revenue. Many of these customers make large purchases on a purchase-order basis rather than pursuant to long-term contracts. As a consequence of the concentrated nature of our customer base and their purchasing behavior, our quarterly revenue and results of operations have fluctuated, and may fluctuate in the future, from quarter to quarter and are difficult to forecast. For example, the cancellation of orders or acceleration or delay in anticipated product purchases or the acceptance of shipped products by our larger customers has materially affected, and in the future could materially affect, our revenue and results of operations in any quarterly period. We have been, and may in the future be, unable to sustain or increase our revenue from our larger customers, or offset any discontinuation or decrease of purchases by our larger customers with purchases by new or other existing customers. To the extent one or more of our larger customers experience significant financial difficulty, bankruptcy or insolvency, this could have a material adverse effect on our sales and our ability to collect on receivables, which could materially and adversely harm our financial condition and results of operations.
In addition, many of our customers, including some of our larger customers, have negotiated, or may in the future negotiate, volume-based discounts or other more favorable terms from us or our sales and distribution partners, which can and have had a negative effect on our gross margins or revenue.
We expect that such concentrated purchases will continue to contribute materially to our revenue for the foreseeable future and that our results of operations may fluctuate materially as a result of such larger customers’ buying patterns. In addition, we may see consolidation of our customer base. The loss of one of our larger customers, a significant delay or reduction in its purchases, or any volume-based discount or other more favorable terms that we or our sales and distribution partner(s) may agree to provide, in light of the aggregated purchase volume or buying power resulting from such consolidation, has harmed, and in the future could harm, our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Our products are highly complex, have recurring support requirements and could have unknown defects or errors, which may give rise to claims against us or divert application of our resources from other purposes.
Products using our SMRT sequencing and SBB technology are highly complex and may develop or contain undetected defects or errors. Our customers have previously experienced reliability issues with our existing products, including the Sequel and Sequel II/IIe systems. In addition, it is possible our customers could experience reliability issues with current or future products, including the Sequel II/IIe, Revio, Onso and Vega systems. Despite internal and external testing, defects, or errors may arise in our products, which could result in a failure to obtain, maintain, or increase market acceptance of our products, diversion of development resources, injury to our reputation and increased warranty, service, and maintenance costs. New products, including the Revio, Onso and Vega systems, or enhancements to our existing products, including the SMRT Cell and the Sequel II/IIe systems, in particular may contain undetected errors or performance problems that are discovered only after delivery to customers. If our products have reliability or other quality issues or require unexpected levels of support in the future, the market acceptance and utilization of our products may not grow to levels sufficient to support our costs and our reputation and business could be harmed. Low utilization rates of our products has and could in the future cause our revenue and gross margins to be adversely affected. We provide a warranty for our sequencing instruments and consumables, which is generally limited to replacing, repairing, or at our option, giving credit for any sequencing instrument or consumable with defects in material or workmanship. Service contracts for our sequencing instruments may be separately purchased. Defects or errors in our products may also discourage customers from purchasing our products. The costs incurred in correcting any defects or errors may be substantial and could materially and adversely affect our operating margins. If our service and support costs increase, our business and operations may be materially and adversely affected.

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In addition, such defects or errors could lead to the filing of product liability claims against us or against third parties whom we may have an obligation to indemnify against such claims, which could be costly and time-consuming to defend and result in substantial damages. Although we have product liability insurance, any product liability insurance that we have or procure in the future may not protect our business from the financial impact of a product liability claim. Moreover, we may not be able to obtain adequate insurance coverage on acceptable terms. Any insurance that we have or obtain will be subject to deductibles and coverage limits. A product liability claim could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
A significant portion of our sales depends on customers’ spending budgets that may be subject to significant and unexpected variation which could have a negative effect on the demand for our products.
Our instruments represent significant capital expenditures for our customers in research applications. Current and potential customers for our current or future products include academic and government institutions, genome centers, medical research institutions, clinical laboratories, pharmaceutical, agricultural, biotechnology, diagnostic and chemical companies. Their spending budgets can have a significant effect on the demand for our products. Spending budgets are based on a wide variety of factors, including the allocation of available resources to make purchases, funding from government sources which is highly uncertain and subject to change, the spending priorities among various types of research equipment, policies regarding capital expenditures during economically uncertain periods and the potential impacts from health epidemics or pandemics. Any decrease in capital spending or change in spending priorities of our current and potential customers could significantly reduce the demand for our products. Any delay or reduction in purchases by current or potential customers or our inability to forecast fluctuations in demand could materially and adversely harm our future operating results.
We may not be able to convert our orders in backlog into revenue.
Our backlog represents product orders from our customers that we have confirmed but have not been able to fulfill, and, accordingly, for which we have not yet recognized revenue. We may not receive revenue from these orders, and any order backlog we report may not be indicative of our future revenue.
Many events can cause an order to be delayed or not completed at all, some of which may be out of our control, including the potential impacts from health epidemics or pandemics and our suppliers, especially our sole source suppliers, not being able to provide us with products or components. If we delay fulfilling customer orders or if customers reconsider their orders, those customers may seek to cancel or modify their orders with us. Customers may otherwise seek to cancel or delay their orders even if we are prepared to fulfill them. If our orders in backlog do not result in sales, our operating results may suffer.

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Our sales cycles are unpredictable and lengthy, which makes it difficult to forecast revenue and may increase the magnitude of quarterly or annual fluctuations in our operating results.
The sales cycles for our sequencing instruments are lengthy because they represent a major capital expenditure and generally require the approval of our customers’ senior management. This may contribute to substantial fluctuations in our quarterly or annual operating results, particularly during periods in which our sales volume is low. Because of these fluctuations, it is likely that in some future quarters our operating results will fall below the expectations of securities analysts or investors. If that happens, the market price of our stock would likely decrease. Past fluctuations in our quarterly and annual operating results have resulted in decreases in our stock price. Such fluctuations also mean that investors may not be able to rely on our operating results in any particular period as an indication of future performance. Sales to existing customers and the establishment of a business relationship with other potential customers is a lengthy process, generally taking several months and sometimes longer. Following the establishment of the relationship, the negotiation of purchase terms can be time-consuming, including as a result of seasonal factors, as discussed below, and a potential customer may require an extended evaluation and testing period. Our sales cycles may also lengthen, and those sales cycles may result in lower units sold per cycle, as we continue to introduce our Revio and Onso instruments and their associated consumables to the market, as our customers may have additional administrative, technical or other requirements associated with transitioning to new products and technologies. In anticipation of product orders, we may incur substantial costs before the sales cycle is complete and before we receive any customer payments. As a result, if a sale is not completed or is canceled or delayed, we may have incurred substantial expenses, making it more difficult for us to become profitable or otherwise negatively impacting our financial results. Even if our selling efforts are successful, the realization of revenue may be substantially delayed, our ability to forecast our future revenue may be more limited and our revenue may fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter and year over year. For more information on the impact of these fluctuations on our results and stock price, see “—Our operating results fluctuate from quarter to quarter and year over year, which makes our future results difficult to predict and could negatively impact the market price of our common stock,” below.
Because some of our customers and suppliers are based in China, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected by the political and economic tensions between the United States and China.
We are subject to risks associated with political conflicts between the U.S. and China. A significant portion of our revenue is generated from China. For example, for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, one of our customers, who is our primary distributor in China, accounted for approximately 12% and 13% of our total revenue, respectively. For the year ended December 31, 2023, no single customer accounted for 10% or greater of our total revenue. In addition, certain components, some of which are critical components, of our products are manufactured in China. These components are either sourced directly from companies in China or indirectly from third parties that source from companies in China.
Consequently, we are subject to significant risks associated with the trading relationship between the U.S. and China, which is currently characterized by significant uncertainty. Tariffs imposed by the U.S. and China have increased, and may continue to increase, our costs. Additionally, export restrictions imposed by the U.S. may impact our ability to export certain products to customers or distributors in China and restrict our ability to use certain integrated circuits in our products, and it is possible that additional restrictions will be put in place that could impact our ability to provide our products to customers or distributors in China or source components from China. Moreover, the Chinese government may retaliate against U.S. trade restrictions in ways that could impact our business. Given the relatively fluid regulatory environment in China and the United States and uncertainty how the U.S. or foreign governments will act with respect to export controls, tariffs, international trade agreements and policies, there could be additional import, export, tax, or other regulatory changes in the future. Any such changes could directly and adversely impact our financial results and results of operations. For more information, see “—Enhanced trade tariffs, import restrictions, export restrictions, Chinese regulations or other trade barriers may materially harm our business.
Other risks could include:
interruptions to operations in China as a result of potential disease outbreaks or natural catastrophic events, which have in the past and can result in the future in business closures, transportation restrictions, import and export complications and cause shortages in the supply of raw materials or disruptions in manufacturing;

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product supply disruptions and increased costs as a result of heightened exposure to changes in the policies of the Chinese government, political unrest or unstable economic conditions in China; and
the nationalization or other expropriation of private enterprises or intellectual property by the Chinese government.
Difficulties in this relationship may require us to take actions adverse to our business to comply with governmental restrictions on business and trade with China.
We face significant risks associated with doing business with Taiwanese suppliers and manufacturers due to the tense relationship between Taiwan and mainland China.
Substantially all of our consumable chips are partly manufactured by a company based in Taiwan. Our supply of consumables chips and other critical components may be materially and adversely affected by diplomatic, geopolitical, military and other developments affecting the relationship between China and Taiwan. Recent military exercises in the Taiwan Strait have contributed to geopolitical uncertainty regarding the future of the relationship between China and Taiwan. Current or future diplomatic, geopolitical, military or other tensions between China and Taiwan may lead to circumstances that negatively affect the availability of such consumable chips and other critical components to us, which could limit or prohibit our ability to manufacture consumable chips and other critical components or lead to an increase in our supply costs if we cannot find a similar cost alternative supplier, which could materially and adversely impact our business, operations, prospects, financial condition and results, and results of operations.
Our operating results fluctuate from quarter to quarter and year over year, which makes our future results difficult to predict and could negatively impact the market price of our common stock.
Sales of our products, particularly our sequencing instruments, are subject to significant seasonality due to several factors, including the procurement and budgeting cycles of many of our customers, especially government-funded customers, which often coincide with government fiscal year ends, and significant holidays (such as Lunar New Year celebrations in Asia) disrupting business and sales activities in key markets. These factors have contributed, and in the future may contribute, to substantial fluctuations in our quarterly operating results.
Our operating results during any given period can also be impacted by numerous other factors, including the following:
market acceptance for our products;
our ability to attract new customers;
the length of our sales cycles, as discussed above;
our ability to achieve economies of scale and other manufacturing efficiencies at the rate we anticipate;
publications of studies by us, our competitors or third parties;
the timing and success of new product introductions by us or our competitors or other changes in the competitive dynamics of our industry, such as consolidation;
the amount and timing of our costs and expenses;
changes in our pricing policies or those of our competitors;
general economic, industry and market conditions;
the impact of catastrophic events, including health epidemics or pandemics and military or other armed conflicts;
the regulatory environment in which we operate;
expenses associated with warranty obligations or unforeseen product quality issues;
the hiring, training, and retention of key employees, including our ability to grow our sales organization;
litigation or other claims against us for intellectual property infringement or otherwise;
our ability to obtain additional financing as necessary; and
changes or trends in new technologies and industry standards.

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Consequently, it is possible that in some quarters our operating results will fall below the expectations of securities analysts or investors. If that happens, the market price of our common stock would likely decrease. These fluctuations, among other factors, also mean that our operating results in any particular period may not be relied upon as an indication of future performance. Additionally, any bankruptcy of a customer, such as Invitae, or other party with whom we do business, or the failure of any such party to make payments when due, or any breach or default by any such party, or the loss of any significant partnerships, could impact our revenue recognition or result in material losses to us, which may have a material adverse impact on our business. Seasonal or cyclical variations in our sales have in the past, and may in the future, become more or less pronounced over time, and have in the past materially affected, and may in the future materially affect, our business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects.
Our ability to use net operating losses to offset future taxable income may be subject to substantial limitations, and changes to U.S. tax laws may cause us to make adjustments to our financial statements.
Under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code, a corporation that undergoes an “ownership change” is subject to limitations on its ability to utilize its pre-change net operating losses (“NOLs”) to offset future taxable income. We believe that we have had one or more ownership changes, and as a result our existing NOLs are currently subject to limitation. Future changes in our stock ownership could result in additional ownership changes, including potentially material changes, under Section 382. Further, recently enacted California legislation limits the use of state NOLs for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2027. As a result of this legislation or other unforeseen reasons, we may not be able to utilize some or all of our NOLs even if we attain profitability.
Our facilities in California are located near earthquake faults, and the occurrence of an earthquake or other catastrophic disaster could cause damage to our facilities and equipment, which could require us to cease or curtail operations.
Our facilities in California are located near earthquake fault zones and are vulnerable to damage from earthquakes. We are also vulnerable to damage from other types of disasters, including fire, floods, power loss, communications failures and similar events. If any disaster were to occur, our ability to operate our business at our facilities would be seriously, or potentially completely, impaired. In addition, the nature of our activities could cause significant delays in our research programs and commercial activities and make it difficult for us to recover from a disaster. The insurance we maintain may not be adequate to cover our losses resulting from disasters or other business interruptions. Accordingly, an earthquake or other disaster could materially and adversely harm our ability to conduct business.
Risks Related to Our Intellectual Property
Failure to secure patent or other intellectual property protection for our products and improvements to our products may reduce our ability to maintain any technological or competitive advantage over our current and potential competitors.
Our ability to protect and enforce our intellectual property rights is uncertain and depends on complex legal and factual questions. Our ability to establish or maintain a technological or competitive advantage over our competitors may be diminished because of these uncertainties. For example:
we or our licensors might not have been the first to make the inventions covered by each of our pending patent applications or issued patents;
we or our licensors might not have been the first to file patent applications for these inventions;
it is possible that neither our pending patent applications nor the pending patent applications of our licensors will result in issued patents;
the scope of the patent protection we or our licensors obtain may not be sufficiently broad to prevent others from practicing our technologies, developing competing products, designing around our patented technologies or independently developing similar or alternative technologies;
our and our licensors’ patent applications or patents have been, are and may in the future be, subject to interference, opposition or similar administrative proceedings, which could result in those patent applications failing to issue as patents, those patents being held invalid or the scope of those patents being substantially reduced;

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our enforcement of patents and proprietary rights in other countries may be problematic or unpredictable;
we may not be able to prevent third parties from practicing our inventions in all countries outside the United States, or from selling or importing products made using our inventions in and into the United States or other jurisdictions;
we or our partners may not adequately protect our trade secrets;
we may not develop additional proprietary technologies that are patentable; or
the patents of others may limit our freedom to operate and prevent us from commercializing our technology in accordance with our plans.
The occurrence of any of these events could impair our ability to operate without infringing upon the proprietary rights of others or prevent us from establishing or maintaining a competitive advantage over our competitors.
Variability in intellectual property laws may adversely affect our intellectual property position.
Intellectual property laws, and patent laws and regulations in particular, have been subject to significant variability either through administrative or legislative changes to such laws or regulations or changes or differences in judicial interpretation, and it is expected that such variability will continue to occur. Additionally, intellectual property laws and regulations differ by country. Variations in the patent laws and regulations or in interpretations of patent laws and regulations in the United States and other countries may diminish the value of our intellectual property and may change the impact of third-party intellectual property on us. Accordingly, we cannot predict the scope of the patents that may be granted to us with certainty, the extent to which we will be able to enforce our patents against third parties or the extent to which third parties may be able to enforce their patents against us.
Some of the intellectual property that is important to our business is owned by other companies or institutions and licensed to us, and changes to the rights we have licensed may adversely impact our business.
We license from third parties some of the intellectual property that is important to our business. If the third parties who license intellectual property to us fail to maintain the intellectual property that we have licensed, or lose rights to that intellectual property, the rights we have licensed may be reduced or eliminated, which would eliminate barriers against our competition. Termination of these licenses or reduction or elimination of our licensed rights may result in our having to negotiate new or reinstated licenses with less favorable terms, or could subject us to claims of intellectual property infringement or contract breach in litigation or other administrative proceedings that could result in damage awards against us and injunctions that could prohibit us from selling our products. In addition, some of our licenses from third parties limit the field in which we can use the licensed technology. Therefore, for us to use such licensed technology in potential future applications that are outside the licensed field of use, we may be required to negotiate new licenses with our licensors or expand our rights under our existing licenses. We cannot be certain that we will be able to obtain such licenses or expanded rights on reasonable terms or at all. In the event a dispute with our licensors were to occur, our licensors may seek to renegotiate the terms of our licenses, increase the royalty rates that we pay to obtain and maintain those licenses, limit the field or scope of the licenses, or terminate the license agreements. In addition, we have limited rights to participate in the prosecution and enforcement of the patents and patent applications that we have licensed. If we fail to meet our obligations under these licenses, or if we have a dispute regarding the terms of the licenses, these third parties could terminate the licenses, which could subject us to claims of intellectual property infringement. As a result, we cannot be certain that these patents and applications will be prosecuted and enforced in a manner consistent with the best interests of our business. Further, because of the rapid pace of technological change in our industry, we may need to rely on key technologies developed or licensed by third parties, and we may not be able to obtain licenses and technologies from these third parties at all or on reasonable terms. The occurrence of these events may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations.

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The measures that we use to protect the security of and enforce our intellectual property and other proprietary rights may not be adequate, which could result in the loss of legal protection for, and thereby diminish the value of, such intellectual property and other rights.
In addition to patents, we also rely upon trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and unfair competition laws, as well as license agreements and other contractual provisions, to protect our intellectual property and other proprietary rights. Despite these measures, any of our intellectual property rights could be challenged, invalidated, circumvented, or misappropriated. In addition, we attempt to protect our intellectual property and proprietary information by requiring our employees and consultants to enter into confidentiality and assignment of inventions agreements, and by entering into confidentiality agreements with our third-party development, manufacturing, sales, and distribution partners, who may also acquire, develop and/or commercialize alternative or competing products or provide services to our competitors. For example, Roche had certain access to our trade secrets and other proprietary information pursuant to an agreement we had entered into with Roche, subject to the confidentiality provisions thereof (certain of which provisions survive the termination of the agreement); however, Roche is developing potentially competing sequencing products. There can be no assurance that our measures have provided or will provide adequate protection for our intellectual property and proprietary information. These agreements may be breached, and we may not have adequate remedies for any such breach. In addition, our trade secrets and other proprietary information may be disclosed to others, or others may gain access to or disclose our trade secrets and other proprietary information. Enforcing a claim that a third party illegally obtained and is using our trade secrets is expensive and time consuming, and the outcome is unpredictable. Additionally, others may independently develop proprietary information and techniques that are substantially equivalent to ours. The occurrence of these events may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, or results of operations.
Our intellectual property may be subject to challenges in the United States or foreign jurisdictions that could adversely affect our intellectual property position.
Our pending, issued and granted U.S. and foreign patents and patent applications have been, are and may in the future be, subject to challenges by ONT Ltd., ONT Inc. and Metrichor, Ltd. (“Metrichor” and, together with ONT Ltd. and ONT Inc., “ONT”) in addition to other parties asserting prior invention by others or invalidity on various grounds, through proceedings, such as interferences, reexaminations, or opposition proceedings. Addressing these challenges to our intellectual property has been, and any future challenges can be, costly and distract management’s attention and resources. For example, we previously incurred significant legal expenses to litigate and settle a complaint seeking review of a patent interference decision of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Additionally, ONT previously requested that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office institute inter partes reviews of certain patents that we have asserted against ONT Inc. and ONT Ltd. in litigation proceedings for patent infringement. While none of the inter partes reviews requested by ONT were instituted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, challenges of this nature before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) in the future could result in determinations that our patents or pending patent applications are unpatentable to us, or are invalidated or unenforceable in whole or in part and could require us to expend significant time, funds, and other resources in litigating such challenges. Accordingly, adverse rulings in such proceedings could negatively impact the scope of our intellectual property protection for our products and technology and could materially and adversely affect our business. Similar mechanisms for challenging the validity and enforceability of a patent exist in foreign patent offices and courts and may result in the revocation, cancellation, or amendment of any foreign patents we hold now or in the future. The outcome following legal assertions of invalidity and unenforceability is unpredictable, and prior art could render our patents invalid. If a defendant were to prevail on a legal assertion of invalidity and/or unenforceability, we would lose at least part, and perhaps all, of the patent protection on such products. Such a loss of patent protection would have a material adverse impact on our business.

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Some of our technology is subject to “march-in” rights by the U.S. government.
Some of our patented technology was developed with U.S. federal government funding. When new technologies are developed with U.S. government funding, the government obtains certain rights in any resulting patents, including a nonexclusive license authorizing the government to use the invention for non-commercial purposes. These rights may permit the government to disclose our confidential information to third parties and to exercise “march-in” rights to use or allow third parties to use our patented technology. The government can exercise its march-in rights if it determines that such action is necessary to (i) achieve practical application of the U.S. government-funded technology, (ii) alleviate health or safety needs, (iii) meet requirements of federal regulations, or (iv) give preference to U.S. industry. In addition, U.S. government-funded inventions must be reported to the government and such government funding must be disclosed in any resulting patent applications. Furthermore, our rights in such inventions are subject to government license rights and foreign manufacturing restrictions. The U.S. government has generally denied requests to exercise its march-in rights, even to provide access to potentially life-saving medications; however, if the U.S. government were to exercise its march-in rights to our patent technologies funded by the U.S. government, particularly for the benefit of one of more of our competitors, that may have a material adverse effect on our business.
We are involved in legal proceedings to enforce our intellectual property rights.
Our intellectual property rights involve complex factual, scientific, and legal questions. We operate in an industry characterized by significant intellectual property litigation. Even though we may believe that we have a valid patent on a particular technology, other companies have from time to time taken, and may in the future take, actions that we believe violate our patent rights. For example, we were previously involved in legal proceedings with ONT and Harvard University in several United States and European jurisdictions. We have in the past received adverse rulings against us with respect to our complaint with the United States International Trade Commission for one of these proceedings. Legal actions to enforce our patent rights have been, and will continue to be, expensive, and may divert significant management time and resources. Adverse parties from previous legal actions have brought, and they and others may in the future bring, claims against us and/or our intellectual property. Litigation is a significant ongoing expense, recognized in sales, general and administrative expense, with an uncertain outcome, and has been, and may in the future be, a material expense for us. Our enforcement actions may not be successful, have given rise to legal claims against us and could result in some of our intellectual property rights being determined to be invalid or not enforceable. Furthermore, an adverse determination or judgement could lead to an award of damages against us, or the issuance of an injunction against us or our products that could prevent us from selling any products found to be infringing the intellectual property rights of another party.

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We have been, are currently, and could in the future be, subject to legal proceedings with third parties who may claim that our products infringe or misappropriate their intellectual property rights.
Our products are based on complex, rapidly developing technologies. We may not be aware of issued or previously filed patent applications that belong to third parties that mature into issued patents that cover some aspect of our products or their use. In addition, because patent litigation is complex and the outcome inherently uncertain, our belief that our products do not infringe third-party patents of which we are aware or that such third-party patents are invalid and unenforceable may be determined to be incorrect. As a result, third parties have claimed, and may in the future claim, that we infringe their patent rights and have filed, and may in the future file lawsuits or engage in other proceedings against us to enforce their patent rights. For example, we are involved in legal proceedings for alleged patent infringement and related matters in the United States with Personal Genomics of Taiwan, Inc. (“PGI”), Take2 Technologies, Ltd., and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In addition, ONT Ltd. and Harvard University have, in the past, filed claims against us in the High Court of England and Wales and the District Court of Mannheim, Germany for patent infringement, and PGI has filed claims against us in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware and in the Wuhan People’s Court in China. We are aware of other issued patents and patent applications owned by third parties that could be construed to read on our products, and related maintenance and support services. Although we do not believe that our products or services infringe any valid issued patents, the third-party owners of these patents and applications may in the future claim that we infringe their patent rights and file lawsuits against us. In addition, as we enter new markets, our competitors and other third parties may claim that our products infringe their intellectual property rights as part of a business strategy to impede our successful entry into those markets. Furthermore, parties making claims against us may be able to obtain injunctive or other relief, which effectively could block our ability to further develop or commercialize products or services and could result in the award of substantial damages against us. Patent litigation between competitors in our industry is common. Additionally, we have certain obligations to many of our customers and suppliers to indemnify and defend them against claims by third parties that our products or their use infringe any intellectual property of these third parties. In defending ourselves against any of these claims, we have in the past incurred, and could in the future incur, to defend ourselves or our customers, substantial costs, and the attention of our management and technical personnel could be diverted. For example, we previously incurred significant legal expenses to litigate and settle a complaint alleging patent infringement. Even if we have an agreement that indemnifies us against such costs, the indemnifying party may be unable to uphold its contractual obligations. To avoid or settle legal claims, it may be necessary or desirable in the future to obtain licenses relating to one or more products or relating to current or future technologies, which could negatively affect our gross margins. We may not be able to obtain these licenses on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. We may be unable to modify our products so that they do not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. In some situations, the results of litigation or settlement of claims may require us to cease allegedly infringing activities which could prevent us from selling some or all of our products. The occurrence of these events may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, or results of operations.
In addition, in the course of our business, we may from time to time have access or be alleged to have access to confidential or proprietary information of others, which, though not patented, may be protected as trade secrets. Others could bring claims against us asserting that we improperly used their confidential or proprietary information, or that we misappropriated their technologies and incorporated those technologies into our products. A determination that we illegally used the confidential or proprietary information or misappropriated technologies of others in our products could result in us paying substantial damage awards or being prevented from further developing or selling some or all of our products, which could materially and adversely affect our business.
We have not yet registered some of our trademarks in all of our potential markets, and failure to secure those registrations could adversely affect our business.
Some of our trademark applications may not be allowed for registration, and our registered trademarks may not be maintained or enforced. In addition, in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in comparable agencies in many foreign jurisdictions, third parties are given an opportunity to oppose pending trademark applications and to seek to cancel registered trademarks. Opposition or cancellation proceedings may be filed against our trademarks, and our trademarks may not survive such proceedings.

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Our use of “open source” software could adversely affect our ability to sell our products and subject us to possible litigation.
A portion of the products or technologies developed and/or distributed by us incorporate “open source” software, and we may incorporate open source software into other products or technologies in the future. Some open source software licenses require that we disclose the source code for any modifications to such open source software that we make and distribute to one or more third parties, and that we license the source code for such modifications to third parties, including our competitors, at no cost. We monitor the use of open source software in our products to avoid uses in a manner that would require us to disclose or grant licenses under our source code that we wish to maintain as proprietary; however, there can be no assurance that such efforts have been or will be successful. In some circumstances, distribution of our software that includes or is linked with open source software could require that we disclose and license some or all of our proprietary source code in that software, which could include permitting the use of such software and source code at no cost to the user. Open source license terms are often ambiguous and there is little legal precedent governing the interpretation of these licenses. Successful claims made by the licensors of open source software that we have violated the terms of these licenses could result in unanticipated obligations, including being subject to significant damages, being enjoined from distributing products that incorporate open source software and being required to make available our proprietary source code pursuant to an open source license, which could substantially help our competitors develop products that are similar to or better than ours or otherwise materially and adversely affect our business.
Risks Related to Regulation
We are, and may become, subject to governmental regulations that may impose burdens on our operations, and the markets for our products may be narrowed.
We are subject, both directly and indirectly, to the adverse impact of government regulation of our operations and markets. For example, export of our instruments may be subject to strict regulatory control in a number of jurisdictions, and we could experience disruption in our supply chain as a result of certain geopolitical events and conflicts and any related political or economic responses and counter-responses or otherwise by various global actors. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the United States and other countries imposed certain economic sanctions and severe export control restrictions against Russia and Belarus as well as certain Russian nationals and individuals and entities with ties to Russia, Belarus, and this conflict. These sanctions and restrictions have continued to increase as the conflict has further escalated and now cover the export of our products to Russia, and the United States and other countries could impose even wider sanctions and export restrictions and take other actions in the future that could further limit our ability to provide products in certain locations. Additionally, restrictions on the ability to send certain products and technology related to semiconductors, semiconductor manufacturing, and supercomputing to China without an export license may impact our ability to provide products to customers or distributors in China. We have expanded and are continuing to expand the international jurisdictions into which we supply products, which increases the risks surrounding governmental regulations relating to our business. The need to or failure to satisfy export control criteria or to obtain necessary clearances could delay or prevent shipment of products, which could materially and adversely affect our revenue and profitability. Moreover, the life sciences industry, which is expected to continue to be one of the primary markets for our technology, has historically been heavily regulated. There are, for example, laws in several jurisdictions restricting research in genetic engineering, which may narrow our markets. Given the evolving nature of this industry, legislative bodies or regulatory authorities may adopt additional regulations that may adversely affect our market opportunities. Additionally, if ethical and other concerns surrounding the use of genetic information, diagnostics or therapies become widespread, there may be less demand for our products.
Our business is also directly affected by a wide variety of government regulations applicable to business enterprises generally and to companies operating in the life science industry in particular. Failure to comply with government regulations or obtain or maintain necessary permits and licenses could result in a variety of fines or other censures or an interruption in our business operations which may have a negative impact on our ability to generate revenue and the cost of operating our business. In addition, changes to laws and government regulations could cause a material adverse effect on our business as we will need to adapt our business to comply with such changes. For example, a governmental prohibition on the use of human in vitro diagnostics or other regulations that negatively impact the research and development activities of our customers would adversely impact our commercialization of products on which we have expended significant research and development resources, which would in turn have a material adverse impact on our business and prospects.

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Our products could become subject to government regulation as medical devices by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or other domestic and international regulatory agencies even if we do not elect to seek regulatory clearance or approval to market our products for diagnostic purposes, which could increase our costs and impede or delay our commercialization efforts, thereby materially and adversely affecting our business and results of operations.
Our products are currently labeled and promoted as research use only (“RUO”) products and are not currently designed, or intended to be used, for clinical diagnostic tests or as medical devices. However, in the future, certain of our products or related applications, such as those that may be developed for clinical uses, could be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), or the FDA’s regulatory jurisdiction could be expanded to include our products. Also, even if our products are labeled, promoted, and intended as RUO, the FDA or comparable agencies of other countries could disagree with our conclusion that our products are intended for research use only or deem our sales, marketing and promotional efforts as being inconsistent with the FDA’s guidance on RUO products. For example, our customers may independently elect to use our RUO labeled products in their own laboratory developed tests (“LDTs”) for clinical diagnostic use, which could subject our products to government regulation, and the regulatory clearance or approval and maintenance process for such products may be uncertain, expensive, and time-consuming.
In particular, in 2013, the FDA issued Final Guidance “Distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic Products Labeled for Research Use Only.” The guidance emphasizes that the FDA will review the totality of the circumstances when it comes to evaluating whether equipment and testing components are properly labeled as RUO. The final guidance states that merely including a labeling statement that the product is for research purposes only will not necessarily render the device exempt from the FDA’s clearance, approval, and other regulatory requirements if the circumstances surrounding the distribution, marketing and promotional practices indicate that the manufacturer knows its products are, or intends for its products to be, used for clinical diagnostic purposes. These circumstances may include written or verbal sales and marketing claims or links to articles regarding a product’s performance in clinical applications and a manufacturer’s provision of technical support for clinical applications.
Regulatory requirements related to marketing, selling, and distribution of RUO products could change or be uncertain, even if clinical uses of our RUO products by our customers were done without our consent. If the FDA or other regulatory authorities assert that any of our RUO products are subject to regulatory clearance or approval, our business, financial condition, or results of operations could be adversely affected. In the event that we fail to obtain and maintain necessary regulatory clearances or approvals for products that we develop for clinical uses, or if clearances or approvals for future products and indications are delayed or not issued, our commercial operations may be materially harmed. Furthermore, even if we are granted regulatory clearances or approvals, they may include significant limitations on the indicated uses for the product, which may limit the market for the product. We do not have experience in obtaining FDA approvals and no assurance can be given that we will be able to obtain or to maintain such approvals. Furthermore, any approvals that we may obtain can be revoked if safety or efficacy problems develop.
The FDA has historically exercised enforcement discretion in not enforcing the medical device regulations against laboratories developing and offering LDTs. In May 2024, the FDA issued a final rule that phases out its enforcement discretion for LDTs, unless exempt, and amends the FDA’s regulations to make explicit that in vitro diagnostics are medical devices under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, including when the manufacturer of the diagnostic product is a laboratory. The American Clinical Laboratory Association and a private laboratory have initiated litigation against the agency to challenge the implementation of this final rule. We will continue to evaluate the impact of this final rule, this litigation, as well as any future lawsuits brought against the FDA, and future legislative and administration actions on our business. Further, the U.S. Supreme Court recently overruled the Chevron doctrine, which gave deference to regulatory agencies’ statutory interpretations in litigation against federal government agencies, such as the FDA, where the law is ambiguous. This landmark Supreme Court decision may invite various stakeholders to bring lawsuits against the FDA to challenge longstanding decisions of the FDA, which could undermine the FDA’s authority and lead to uncertainties in the industry. We cannot predict the full impact of this decision on our business or that of our customers.
Future legislative or administrative actions can impact the sales of our products and how customers use our products, and may require us to change our business model in order to maintain compliance with applicable laws. Changes to the current regulatory framework, including the imposition of additional or new regulations, could arise at any time during the development or marketing of our products, which may negatively affect our ability to obtain or maintain FDA or comparable regulatory approval of our products, if required. Further, sales of

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devices for diagnostic purposes may subject us to additional healthcare regulation and enforcement by the applicable government agencies. Such laws include, without limitation, state and federal anti-kickback or anti-referral laws, healthcare fraud and abuse laws, false claims laws, privacy and security laws, Physician Payments Sunshine Act and related transparency and manufacturer reporting laws, and other laws and regulations applicable to medical device manufacturers.
If the FDA determines our products or related applications should be subject to additional regulation as in vitro diagnostic devices based upon customers’ use of our products for clinical diagnostic or therapeutic decision-making purposes, our ability to market and sell our products could be impeded and our business, prospects, results of operations and financial condition may be adversely affected. In addition, the FDA could consider our products to be misbranded or adulterated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and subject to recall and/or other enforcement action.
To the extent we elect to label and promote any of our products as medical devices, we would be required to obtain prior approval or clearance by the FDA or comparable foreign regulatory authority, which could take significant time and expense and could fail to result in a marketing authorization for the intended uses we believe are commercially attractive. Obtaining marketing authorization in one jurisdiction does not mean that we will be successful in obtaining marketing authorization in other jurisdictions where we conduct business.
If we elect to label and market our products for use as, or in the performance of, clinical diagnostics in the United States, thereby subjecting them to FDA regulation as medical devices, we would be required to obtain pre-market 510(k) clearance or pre-market approval from the FDA, unless an exception applies. It is possible, in the event we elect to submit 510(k) applications for certain of our products, that the FDA would take the position that a more burdensome pre-market application, such as a PMA or a de novo application is required for some of our products. If such applications were required, greater time and investment would be required to obtain FDA approval. Even if the FDA agreed that a 510(k) was appropriate, FDA clearance can be expensive and time consuming. It generally takes a significant amount of time to prepare a 510(k), including conducting appropriate testing on our products, and several months to years for the FDA to review a submission. Notwithstanding the effort and expense, FDA clearance or approval could be denied for some or all of our products for which we choose to market as a medical device or a clinical diagnostic device. Even if we were to seek and obtain regulatory approval or clearance, it may not be for the intended uses we request or that we believe are important or commercially attractive. There can be no assurance that future products for which we may seek pre-market clearance or approval will be approved or cleared by FDA or a comparable foreign regulatory authority on a timely basis, if at all, nor can there be assurance that labeling claims will be consistent with our anticipated claims or adequate to support continued adoption of such products. Compliance with FDA or comparable foreign regulatory authority regulations will require substantial costs, and subject us to heightened scrutiny by regulators and substantial penalties for failure to comply with such requirements or the inability to market our products. The lengthy and unpredictable pre-market clearance or approval process, as well as the unpredictability of the results of any required clinical studies, may result in our failing to obtain regulatory clearance or approval to market such products, which would significantly harm our business, results of operations, reputation, and prospects.
If we sought and received regulatory clearance or approval for certain of our products, we would be subject to ongoing FDA obligations and continued regulatory oversight and review, including the general controls listed above and the FDA’s QSRs for our development and manufacturing operations. In addition, we would be required to obtain a new 510(k) clearance before we could introduce subsequent material modifications or improvements to such products. We could also be subject to additional FDA post-marketing obligations for such products, any or all of which would increase our costs and divert resources away from other projects. If we sought and received regulatory clearance or approval and are not able to maintain regulatory compliance with applicable laws, we could be prohibited from marketing our products for use as, or in the performance of, clinical diagnostics and/or could be subject to enforcement actions, including warning letters and adverse publicity, fines, injunctions, and civil penalties; recall or seizure of products; operating restrictions; and criminal prosecution.
Further, if we decide to seek regulatory clearance or approval for certain of our products in countries outside of the United States or if a foreign regulatory authority determines that our products are regulated as medical devices, we would be subject to extensive medical device laws and regulations outside of the United States. Sales of such products outside the United States will likely be subject to foreign regulatory requirements, which can vary greatly from country to country. As a result, the time required to obtain clearances or approvals outside the United States may differ from that required to obtain FDA clearance or approval and we may not be able to

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obtain foreign regulatory approvals on a timely basis or at all. In Europe, we would need to comply with the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 and In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation 2017/746, which could make obtaining regulatory approvals in Europe more challenging. In addition, the FDA regulates exports of medical devices. The number and scope of these requirements are increasing. Unlike many of the other companies offering nucleic acid sequencing equipment or consumables, this is an area where we do not have expertise. We, or our other third-party sales and distribution partners, may not be able to obtain regulatory approvals in such countries or may incur significant costs in obtaining or maintaining our foreign regulatory approvals. In addition, the export by us of certain of our products, which have not yet been cleared for domestic commercial distribution, may be subject to FDA or other export restrictions. Failure to comply with these regulatory requirements or obtain and maintain required approvals, clearances and certifications could impair our ability to commercialize our products for diagnostic use outside of the United States. Any action brought against us for violations of these laws or regulations, even if successfully defended, could cause us to incur significant legal expenses and divert our management’s attention from the operation of our business.
Enhanced trade tariffs, import restrictions, export restrictions, or other trade barriers may materially harm our business.
We are continuing to expand our international operations as part of our growth strategy and have experienced an increasing concentration of sales in certain regions outside the United States, especially the Asia-Pacific region, as discussed above. There is currently significant uncertainty about the future relationship between the United States and various other countries, most significantly China, with respect to trade policies, treaties, government regulations and tariffs. Starting in September 2018, the U.S. Trade Representative (the “USTR”) enacted various tariffs of 7.5%, 10%, 15%, and 25% on the import of Chinese products, including non-U.S. components and materials that may be used in our products. Additionally, China also has imposed tariffs on imports into China from the United States. These tariffs have and could continue to raise our costs. Furthermore, tariffs, trade restrictions, or trade barriers that have been, and may in the future be, placed on products such as ours by foreign governments, especially China, have raised, and could further raise, amounts paid for some or all of our products, which may result in the loss of customers and our business, and our financial condition and results of operations may be harmed. Further tariffs may be imposed that could cover imports of additional components and materials used in our products, or our business may be adversely impacted by retaliatory trade measures taken by China or other countries, including restricted access to components or materials used in our products or increased amounts that must be paid for our products, which could materially harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
Additionally, the U.S. government imposed controls restricting the ability to send certain products and technology related to semiconductors, semiconductor manufacturing, and supercomputing to China without an export license. These controls also apply to certain hardware containing these specified integrated circuits. In many cases, these licenses are subject to a policy of denial and will not be issued. It is possible that additional restrictions will be put in place. These existing and future controls may impact our ability to export certain products to customers or distributors in China or other locations and restrict our ability to use certain integrated circuits in our products. The U.S. government also continues to add additional entities in China to restricted party lists impacting the ability of U.S. companies to provide items to these entities. Moreover, in November 2018, the U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) released an advance notice of proposed rulemaking to control the export of emerging technologies. This notice included “[b]iotechnology, including nanobiology; synthetic biology; genomic and genetic engineering; or neurotech” as possible areas of increased export controls. The Biden Administration has continued to provide updated lists of emerging technologies subject to national security consents. These lists continue to include biotechnologies including “[g]enome and protein engineering including design tools” and “[b]iomanufacturing and bioprocessing technologies.” Therefore, it is possible that our ability to export our products to customers or distributors may be further restricted in the future.
It is possible that the Chinese government will retaliate in response to existing or future U.S. export controls or trade restrictions in ways that could impact our business. It also is possible that additional restrictions will be put in place that could impact our ability to provide our products to customers or distributors in China or source components from China. The continued threats of tariffs, trade restrictions and trade barriers could have a generally disruptive impact on the global economy and, therefore, negatively impact our sales. Given the relatively fluid regulatory environment in China and the United States and uncertainty how the U.S. or foreign governments will act with respect to export controls, tariffs, international trade agreements and policies, there could be additional tax or other regulatory changes in the future. Any such changes could directly and adversely impact our financial results and results of operations.

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Our international business could expose us to business, regulatory, political, operational, financial, and economic risks associated with doing business outside of the United States.
Engaging in international business inherently involves a number of difficulties and risks, including:
required compliance with existing and changing foreign regulatory requirements and laws that are or may be applicable to our business in the future, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other data privacy requirements, labor and employment regulations, anti-competition regulations, the U.K. Bribery Act of 2010 and other anti-corruption laws, regulations relating to the use of certain hazardous substances or chemicals in commercial products, and require the collection, reuse, and recycling of waste from products we manufacture;
required compliance with U.S. laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and other U.S. federal laws and trade and economic sanctions and other regulations established by the Office of Foreign Asset Control;
export requirements and import or trade restrictions;
laws and business practices favoring local companies;
restrictions on both inbound and outbound cross-border investment;
foreign currency exchange, longer payment cycles and difficulties in enforcing agreements and collecting receivables through certain foreign legal systems;
changes in social, economic, and political conditions or in laws, regulations and policies governing foreign trade, manufacturing, research and development, and investment both domestically as well as in the other countries and jurisdictions in which we operate and into which we may sell our products including as a result of the separation of the United Kingdom from the European Union (“Brexit”) and ongoing geopolitical tensions related to the political uncertainty and military actions associated with the war in Ukraine, resulting sanctions imposed by the U.S. and other countries, and retaliatory actions taken by Russia in response to such sanctions;
potentially adverse tax consequences, tariffs, customs charges, bureaucratic requirements, and other trade barriers;
difficulties and costs of staffing and managing foreign operations; and
difficulties protecting, maintaining, enforcing, or procuring intellectual property rights and defending against intellectual property claims under the law and judicial systems of other countries.
If one or more of these risks occurs, it could require us to dedicate significant resources to remedy such occurrence, and if we are unsuccessful in finding a solution, our financial results will suffer.
Our operations involve the use of hazardous materials, and we must comply with environmental, health and safety laws, which can be expensive and may adversely affect our business, operating results and financial condition.
Our research and development and manufacturing activities involve the use of hazardous materials, including chemicals and biological materials, and some of our products include hazardous materials. Accordingly, we are subject to federal, state, local and foreign laws, regulations, and permits relating to environmental, health and safety matters, including, among others, those governing the use, storage, handling, exposure to and disposal of hazardous materials and wastes, the health and safety of our employees, and the shipment, labeling, collection, recycling, treatment, and disposal of products containing hazardous materials. Liability under environmental laws and regulations can be joint and several and without regard to fault or negligence. For example, under certain circumstances and under certain environmental laws, we could be held liable for costs relating to contamination at our or our predecessors’ past or present facilities and at third-party waste disposal sites. We could also be held liable for damages arising out of human exposure to hazardous materials. There can be no assurance that violations of environmental, health and safety laws will not occur as a result of human error, accident, equipment failure or other causes. The failure to comply with past, present or future laws could result in the imposition of substantial fines and penalties, remediation costs, property damage and personal injury claims, investigations, the suspension of production or product sales, loss of permits or a cessation of operations. Any of these events could harm our business, operating results, and financial condition. We also expect that our operations will be affected by new environmental, health and safety laws and regulations on an ongoing basis, or more stringent enforcement of existing laws and regulations. New laws or changes to existing

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laws may result in additional costs and may increase penalties associated with violations or require us to change the content of our products or how we manufacture them, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, operating results, and financial condition.
Ethical, legal, privacy, data protection and social concerns or governmental restrictions surrounding the use of genetic information could reduce demand for our technology.
Our products may be used to provide genetic information about humans, agricultural crops and other living organisms. The information obtained from our products could be used in a variety of applications which may have underlying ethical, legal, privacy, data protection and social concerns, including the genetic engineering or modification of agricultural products or testing for genetic predisposition for certain medical conditions. Governmental authorities could, for safety, social or other purposes, call for limits on or regulation of the use of genetic testing, and may consider or adopt such regulations or other restrictions. Such concerns or governmental restrictions could limit the use of our products or be costly and burdensome to comply with, and actual or perceived violations of any such restrictions may lead to the imposition of substantial fines and penalties, remediation costs, claims and litigation, regulatory investigations and proceedings, and other liability, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
Regulations related to conflict minerals has caused us to incur, and will continue to cause us to incur, additional expenses and could limit the supply and increase the costs of certain materials used in the manufacture of our products.
We are subject to requirements under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 that require us to conduct diligence and report on whether or not our products contain conflict minerals. The implementation of these requirements could adversely affect the sourcing, availability and pricing of the materials used in the manufacture of components used in our products. Furthermore, the complex nature of our products requires components and materials that may be available only from a limited number of sources and, in some cases, from only a single source. We have incurred, and will continue to incur, additional costs to comply with the disclosure requirements, including costs related to conducting diligence procedures to determine the sources of conflict minerals that may be used or necessary to the production of our products and, if applicable, potential changes to components, processes, or sources of supply as a consequence of such verification activities. We may face reputational harm if we determine that certain of our products contain minerals that are not determined to be conflict free or if we are unable to alter our processes or sources of supply to avoid using such materials. In such circumstances, the reputational harm could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, or results of operations.
Risks Related to Owning Our Common Stock
The price of our common stock has been, is, and may continue to be, highly volatile, and you may be unable to sell your shares at or above the price you paid to acquire them.
The market price of our common stock is highly volatile, and we expect it to continue to be volatile for the foreseeable future in response to many risk factors listed in this section, and others beyond our control, including:
actual or anticipated fluctuations in our financial condition and operating results;
announcements of new products, technological innovations or strategic partnerships by us or our competitors;
announcements by us, our customers, partners, or suppliers relating directly or indirectly to our products, services or technologies;
overall conditions in our industry and market;
addition or loss of significant customers;
changes in laws or regulations applicable to our products;
actual or anticipated changes in our growth rate relative to our competitors;
announcements by us or our competitors of significant acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, capital commitments or achievement of significant milestones;

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additions or departures of key personnel;
competition from existing products or new products that may emerge;
issuance of new or updated research or reports by securities analysts;
fluctuations in the valuation of companies perceived by investors to be comparable to us;
disputes or other developments related to proprietary rights, including patents, litigation matters or our ability to obtain intellectual property protection for our technologies;
announcement or expectation of additional financing efforts;
sales of our common stock by us or our stockholders;
stock price and volume fluctuations attributable to inconsistent trading volume levels of our shares;
reports, guidance and ratings issued by securities or industry analysts;
operating results below the expectations of securities analysts or investors; and
general economic and market conditions, which could be impacted by various events including health epidemics or pandemics, interest rate fluctuations, increases in fuel prices, foreign currency fluctuations, international tariffs, acts of terrorism, hostilities or the perception that hostilities may be imminent, military conflict and acts of war, including further political uncertainty and military actions associated with the war in Ukraine and the related response, including sanctions or other restrictive actions, by the United States and/or other countries.
If any of the forgoing occurs, it would cause our stock price or trading volume to decline. Stock markets in general and the market for companies in our industry in particular have experienced price and volume fluctuations; these fluctuations have been, and may continue to be, exacerbated by and current macroeconomic trends and geopolitical events. These fluctuations often have been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of those companies. These broad market and industry fluctuations, as well as general economic, political and market conditions such as recessions, interest rate changes or international currency fluctuations, may negatively impact the market price of our common stock. You may not realize any return on your investment in us and may lose some or all of your investment. In the past, companies that have experienced volatility in the market price of their stock have been subject to securities class action litigation. We have been a party to this type of litigation in the past and may be the target of this type of litigation again in the future. Securities litigation against us could result in substantial costs and divert our management’s attention from other business concerns, which could seriously harm our business.
Sales of substantial amounts of our common stock in the public markets, or the perception that such sales might occur, could reduce the market price that our common stock might otherwise attain and may dilute your voting power and your ownership interest in us.
Sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock in the public market, or the perception that such sales could occur, could adversely affect the market price of our common stock and may make it more difficult for existing stockholders to sell their common stock at a time and price that they deem appropriate and may dilute their voting power and ownership interest in us.
In addition, if our stockholders sell, or indicate an intent to sell, a large number of shares of our common stock in the public market, it could cause our stock price to fall, particularly if such sales occur over a short period of time (for example, following delivery of shares upon achievement of milestones in our acquisition agreements). We may also issue shares of common stock or securities convertible into our common stock in connection with a financing, acquisition, our equity incentive plans, or otherwise. Any such issuances would result in dilution to our existing stockholders and the market price of our common stock may be adversely affected.
Concentration of ownership by our principal stockholders may result in control by such stockholders of the composition of our board of directors.
Our existing principal stockholders, holders of Notes, executive officers, directors, and their affiliates beneficially own, or following conversion of the Notes could own, a significant number of our outstanding shares of common stock. In addition, such parties may acquire additional control by purchasing stock that we issue in connection with our future fundraising efforts. These parties may now and in the future be able to exercise a significant level of control over all matters requiring stockholder approval, including the election of directors. This control could have the effect of delaying or preventing a change of control of our company or

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changes in management and will make the approval of certain transactions difficult or impossible without the support of these stockholders.
Anti-takeover provisions in our charter documents and under Delaware law could make an acquisition of us, which may be beneficial to our stockholders, more difficult and may prevent attempts by our stockholders to replace or remove our current management and limit the market price of our common stock.
Provisions in our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws may have the effect of delaying or preventing a change of control or changes in our management. Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws include provisions that:
authorize our board of directors to issue, without further action by the stockholders, up to 50,000,000 shares of undesignated preferred stock and up to approximately 1,000,000,000 shares of authorized but unissued shares of common stock;
require that any action to be taken by our stockholders be effected at a duly called annual or special meeting and not by written consent;
specify that special meetings of our stockholders can be called only by our board of directors, the Chair of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or the President;
establish advance notice procedures for stockholder approvals to be brought before an annual meeting of our stockholders, including proposed nominations of persons for election to our board of directors;
establish that our board of directors is divided into three classes, Class I, Class II and Class III, with each class serving staggered terms (until our board of directors is fully declassified beginning with the 2027 annual meeting of stockholders);
provide that our directors may be removed only for cause; and
provide that vacancies on our board of directors may be filled only by a majority of directors then in office, even though less than a quorum.
These provisions may frustrate or prevent any attempts by our stockholders to replace or remove our current management by making it more difficult for stockholders to replace members of our board of directors, which is responsible for appointing the members of our management. In addition, because we are incorporated in Delaware, we are governed by the provisions of Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, which limits the ability of stockholders owning in excess of 15% of our outstanding voting stock to merge or combine with us.
Our amended and restated bylaws designate a state or federal court located within the State of Delaware as the exclusive forum for certain stockholder litigation matters, and also provide that the federal district courts will be the exclusive forum for resolving any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, each of which could limit our stockholders’ ability to choose the judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers, stockholders, or employees.
Our amended and restated bylaws provide that unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware (or, if the Court of Chancery does not have jurisdiction, another State court in Delaware or the federal district court for the District of Delaware) will, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be the sole and exclusive forum for: (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on our behalf; (ii) any action asserting a claim of breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any of our current or former directors, stockholders, officers, or other employees to us or our stockholders; (iii) any action arising pursuant to any provision of the Delaware General Corporation Law; (iv) any action to interpret, apply, enforce or determine the validity of our amended and restated certificate of incorporation or our amended and restated bylaws; or (v) any action asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine, except as to each of (i) through (v) above, for any claim as to which such court determines that there is an indispensable party not subject to the jurisdiction of such court.
Section 22 of the Securities Act creates concurrent jurisdiction for federal and state courts over all such Securities Act actions. Accordingly, both state and federal courts have jurisdiction to entertain such claims. To prevent having to litigate claims in multiple jurisdictions and the threat of inconsistent or contrary rulings by different courts, among other considerations, our amended and restated bylaws also provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts of the United States of America will be the exclusive forum for resolving any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the

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Securities Act including, without limitation and for the avoidance of doubt, any auditor, underwriter, expert, control person or other defendant.
Any person or entity purchasing, holding or otherwise acquiring any interest in any of our securities shall be deemed to have notice of and consented to the foregoing bylaw provisions. Although we believe these exclusive forum provisions benefit us by providing increased consistency in the application of Delaware law and federal securities laws in the types of lawsuits to which each applies, the exclusive forum provisions may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum of its choosing for disputes with us or any of our directors, stockholders, officers or other employees, which may discourage lawsuits with respect to such claims against us and our current and former directors, stockholders, officers or other employees. In addition, a stockholder that is unable to bring a claim in the judicial forum of its choosing may be required to incur additional costs in the pursuit of actions which are subject to the exclusive forum provisions described above. Our stockholders will not be deemed to have waived our compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder as a result of our exclusive forum provisions. Further, in the event a court finds either exclusive forum provision contained in our bylaws to be unenforceable or inapplicable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions, which could harm our results of operations.
Our large number of authorized but unissued shares of common stock may potentially dilute existing stockholders’ stockholdings.
We have a significant number of authorized but unissued shares of common stock. Our board of directors may issue shares of common stock from this authorized but unissued pool from time to time without stockholder approval, resulting in the dilution of our existing stockholders.
We do not intend to pay dividends for the foreseeable future.
We have never declared or paid any dividends on our common stock and do not intend to pay any dividends in the foreseeable future. We anticipate that we will retain all of our future earnings for use in the operation of our business and for general corporate purposes. Any determination to pay dividends in the future will be at the discretion of our board of directors. Accordingly, investors must rely on sales of their common stock after price appreciation, which may never occur, as the only way to realize any future gains on their investments.
Risks Related to Our Notes
We may not have the ability to raise the funds necessary to settle conversions of the Notes in cash or to repurchase the Notes upon a fundamental change, and our future debt may contain limitations on our ability to pay cash upon conversion or repurchase of the Notes.
As of September 30, 2024, we had outstanding approximately $459.0 million aggregate principal amount of our 2028 Notes and $441.0 million aggregate principal amount of our 2030 Notes. The 2028 Notes will mature on February 15, 2028, subject to earlier conversion, redemption or repurchase, including upon a fundamental change. The 2030 Notes will mature on December 15, 2030, subject to earlier conversion, redemption or repurchase, including upon a fundamental change. The 2030 Notes, the 2029 Notes (following the closing of the notes exchange) and 2028 Notes (prior to the closing of the notes exchange) are collectively referred to as the Notes.
Holders of the Notes will have the right to require us to repurchase all or a portion of their Notes upon the occurrence of a fundamental change before the maturity date at a repurchase price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the Notes to be repurchased, plus unpaid interest to, but excluding, the maturity date. In addition, upon conversion of the Notes, unless we elect to deliver solely shares of our common stock to settle such conversion (other than paying cash in lieu of delivering any fractional share), we will be required to settle a portion or all of our conversion obligation in cash in respect of the Notes being converted. Moreover, we will be required to repay the Notes in cash at their maturity unless earlier converted, redeemed, or repurchased. However, we may not have enough available cash or be able to obtain financing at the time we are required to make repurchases of Notes surrendered therefor or pay cash with respect to Notes being converted or at their maturity.

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In addition, our ability to repurchase Notes or to pay cash upon conversions of Notes or at their maturity may be limited by law, regulatory authority or agreements governing our future indebtedness. Our failure to repurchase Notes at a time when the repurchase is required by the respective indenture or to pay cash upon conversions of Notes or at their maturity as required by the respective indenture would constitute a default under the indenture. A default under any of the indentures or the fundamental change itself could also lead to a default under agreements governing our future indebtedness. Moreover, the occurrence of a fundamental change under any of the indentures could constitute an event of default under any such agreement. If the payment of the related indebtedness were to be accelerated after any applicable notice or grace periods, we may not have sufficient funds to repay the indebtedness or to pay cash amounts due upon conversion, upon required repurchase or at maturity of the Notes.
If the Notes are converted, it may adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.
Holders of the Notes are entitled to convert their Notes at any time at their option. If one or more holders elect to convert their Notes, unless we elect to satisfy our conversion obligation by delivering solely shares of our common stock (other than paying cash in lieu of delivering any fractional share), we would be required to settle a portion or all of our conversion obligation in cash, which could adversely affect our liquidity. In addition, issuances of shares of common stock upon conversion of our Notes could depress the market price of our common stock and impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of additional equity securities. The existence of the Notes may encourage short selling by market participants because the conversion of the Notes could depress the price of our common stock.
General Risk Factors
Unfavorable global economic or political conditions could adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operations.
General conditions in the global economy and in the global financial markets could adversely affect our results of operations, and the overall demand for nucleic acid sequencing products may be particularly vulnerable to unfavorable economic conditions. A global financial crisis, inflation or a global or regional political disruption, as well as acts of terrorism, hostilities, military conflict and acts of war, including any further escalation of the conflict in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine, as well as the related responses, could cause extreme volatility in the capital and credit markets. A severe or prolonged economic downturn or political disruption could result in a variety of risks to our business, including weakened demand for our products and our ability to raise additional capital when needed on acceptable terms, if at all. A weak or declining economy or political disruption could also strain our manufacturers or suppliers, possibly resulting in supply disruption, or cause our customers to delay making payments for our product and services. An impairment in value of our tangible or intangible assets could also be recorded as a result of weaker economic conditions. Any of the foregoing could harm our business and we cannot anticipate all of the ways in which the political or economic climate and financial market conditions could adversely impact our business.
Delivery of our products could be delayed or disrupted by factors beyond our control, and we could lose customers as a result.
We rely on third-party carriers for the timely delivery of our products. As a result, we are subject to carrier disruptions and increased costs that are beyond our control. Any failure to deliver products to our customers in a safe and timely manner may damage our reputation and brand and could cause us to lose customers. If our relationship with any of these third-party carriers is terminated or impaired or if any of these carriers are unable to deliver our products, the delivery of our products by our customers may be delayed, which could harm our business and financial results. The failure to deliver our products in a safe and timely manner may harm our relationship with our customers, increase our costs and otherwise disrupt our operations.

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Doing business internationally creates operational and financial risks for our business.
We currently conduct operations in various countries and jurisdictions, and continue to expand to new international jurisdictions as part of our growth strategy and have experienced an increasing concentration of sales in certain regions outside the U.S. We sell directly and through distribution partners throughout Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa and have a significant portion of our sales and customer support personnel in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. As a result, we or our distribution partners may be subject to additional regulations and increased diversion of management time and efforts. Conducting and launching operations on an international scale requires close coordination of activities across multiple jurisdictions and time zones and consumes significant management resources. If we fail to coordinate and manage these activities effectively, our business, financial condition or results of operations could be materially and adversely affected and failure to comply with laws and regulations applicable to business operations in foreign jurisdictions may also subject us to significant liabilities and other penalties. International operations entail a variety of other risks, including, without limitation:
challenges in staffing and managing foreign operations;
potentially longer sales cycles and more time required to engage and educate customers on the benefits of our platform outside of the United States;
the potential need for localized software and documentation;
reduced protection for intellectual property rights in some countries and practical difficulties of enforcing intellectual property and contract rights abroad;
defending against intellectual property claims in other countries;
restrictions on both inbound and outbound cross-border investment, including enhanced oversight by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”) and substantial restrictions on investment from China;
U.S. and foreign government trade restrictions, including those which may impose restrictions on the importation, exportation, re-exportation, sale, shipment or other transfer of programming, technology, components, and/or services to foreign persons;
changes in diplomatic and trade relationships, including new tariffs, trade protection measures, import or export licensing requirements, trade embargoes, sanctions, and other trade barriers;
tariffs imposed by the U.S. on goods from other countries and tariffs imposed by other countries on U.S. goods, including the tariffs by the U.S. government on various imports from China, Canada, Mexico, and the European Union (“E.U.”) and by the governments of these jurisdictions on certain U.S. goods, and any other possible tariffs that may be imposed on products such as ours, the scope and duration of which, if implemented, remains uncertain;
deterioration of political relations between the U.S. and Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Canada, the United Kingdom (“U.K.”), and the E.U., which could have a material adverse effect on our sales and operations in these countries;
changes in social, political, and economic conditions or in laws, regulations and policies governing foreign trade, manufacturing, development, and investment both domestically as well as in the other countries and jurisdictions into which we sell our products, including as a result of the withdrawal of the U.K. from the E.U.;
difficulties in obtaining export licenses or in overcoming other trade barriers and restrictions resulting in delivery delays;
fluctuations in currency exchange rates and the related effect on our results of operations;
increased financial accounting and reporting burdens and complexities;
potential limits to travel as a result of epidemics or pandemics;
disruptions to global trade due to disease outbreaks or conflicts;
potential increases on tariffs or restrictions on trade generally; and

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significant taxes or other burdens of complying with a variety of foreign laws and regulations, including laws and regulations relating to privacy and data protection such as the E.U. General Data Protection Regulation.
In conducting our international operations, we are subject to U.S. laws relating to our international activities, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as well as foreign laws relating to our activities in other countries, such as the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010. Additionally, the inclusion of one of our foreign customers on any U.S. Government sanctioned persons list, including but not limited to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s List of Denied Persons and the U.S. Department of Treasury’s List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, could be material to our earnings. Failure to comply with these laws may subject us to claims or financial and/or other penalties in the United States and/or foreign countries that could materially and adversely impact our operations or financial condition. These risks have become increasingly prevalent as we have expanded our sales into countries that are generally recognized as having a higher risk of corruption.
We face risks related to the current global economic environment, which could delay or prevent our customers from purchasing our products, which could in turn harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations. The state of the global economy continues to be uncertain. The current global economic conditions and uncertain credit markets and concerns regarding the availability of credit pose a risk that could impact customer demand for our products, as well as our ability to manage normal commercial relationships with our customers, suppliers, and creditors, including financial institutions. If the current global economic environment deteriorates, our business could be negatively affected.
Moreover, changes in the value of the relevant currencies may affect the cost of certain items required in our operations. Changes in currency exchange rates may also affect the relative prices at which we are able to sell products in the same market. Our revenue from international customers may be negatively impacted as increases in the U.S. dollar relative to our international customers’ local currencies could make our products more expensive, impacting our ability to compete or as a result of financial or other instability in such locations which could result in decreased sales of our products. Our costs of materials from international suppliers may also increase as the value of the U.S. dollar decreases relative to their local currency. Foreign policies and actions regarding currency valuation could result in actions by the United States and other countries to offset the effects of such fluctuations. Such actions may materially and adversely impact our financial condition and results of operations.
Violations of complex foreign and U.S. laws and regulations could result in fines and penalties, criminal sanctions against us, our officers, or our employees, prohibitions on the conduct of our business and on our ability to offer our products and services in one or more countries, and could also materially affect our brand, our international growth efforts, our ability to attract and retain employees, our business, and our operating results. Even if we implement policies or procedures designed to ensure compliance with these laws and regulations, there can be no assurance that our distribution partners, our employees, contractors, or agents will not violate our policies and subject us to potential claims or penalties.
If we fail to maintain proper and effective internal controls, our ability to produce accurate financial statements on a timely basis could be impaired, which would adversely affect our business and our stock price.
Ensuring that we have adequate internal financial and accounting controls and procedures in place to produce accurate financial statements on a timely basis is a costly and time-consuming effort that needs to be evaluated frequently. We may in the future discover areas of our internal financial and accounting controls and procedures that need improvement. Operating as a public company requires sufficient resources within the accounting and finance functions in order to produce timely financial information, ensure the level of segregation of duties, and maintain adequate internal control over financial reporting customary for a U.S. public company.
Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of our financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Our management does not expect that our internal control over financial reporting will prevent or detect all errors and all fraud. A control system, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the control system’s objectives will be met. Because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that misstatements due to error or fraud will not occur or that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, within our company will have been detected.

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Pursuant to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, we perform periodic evaluations of our internal control over financial reporting. While we have in the past performed this evaluation and concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was operating effectively, there can be no assurance that in the future material weaknesses or significant deficiencies will not exist or otherwise be discovered. In addition, if we are unable to produce accurate financial statements on a timely basis, investors could lose confidence in the reliability of our financial statements, which could cause the market price of our common stock to decline and make it more difficult for us to finance our operations and growth.
Our business could be negatively impacted by changes in the United States political environment.
There is significant ongoing uncertainty with respect to potential legislation, regulation and government policy at the federal level, as well as the state and local levels. Any such changes could significantly impact our business as well as the markets in which we compete. Specific legislative and regulatory proposals discussed during election campaigns and more recently that might materially impact us include, but are not limited to, changes to spending priorities and potential reductions in research funding. Uncertainty about U.S. government funding has posed, and may continue to pose, a risk as customers may choose to postpone or reduce spending in response to actual or anticipated restraints on funding. To the extent changes in the political environment have a negative impact on us or on our markets, our business, results of operation and financial condition could be materially and adversely impacted in the future.
Disruption of critical information technology systems or material breaches in the security of our systems could harm our business, customer relations and financial condition.
Information technology (“IT”) helps us to operate efficiently, interface with customers, maintain financial accuracy and efficiently and accurately produce our financial statements. IT systems are used extensively in virtually all aspects of our business, including in our products, sales forecast, order fulfillment and billing, customer service, logistics, and management of data from running samples on our products. Our success depends, in part, on the continued and uninterrupted performance of our IT systems. Our IT systems, including those used in our products, may be vulnerable to damage from a variety of sources, including telecommunications or network failures, power loss, natural disasters, human acts, computer viruses, ransomware, computer denial-of-service attacks, unauthorized access to customer or employee data or company trade secrets, and other attempts to harm our systems. Furthermore, there may be a heightened risk of potential cybersecurity incidents and security breaches to which we could be vulnerable by state-sponsored or affiliated actors or others in connection with the political uncertainty and military actions in the Middle East associated with the Israel and Hamas conflict and the war in Ukraine. Certain of our systems are not redundant, and our disaster recovery planning is not sufficient for every eventuality. Despite any precautions we may take, such problems could result in, among other consequences, disruption of our operations, which could harm our reputation and financial results. Some of our IT infrastructure still utilizes outdated legacy systems, software and hardware, some of which may be approaching end-of-life or end of support, and that may be particularly susceptible to cybersecurity breaches, errors and operational failures. Upgrading, replacing and enhancing such infrastructure may be expensive and put the continuity of our operations at risk while a failure to do so may make us more susceptible to the risks discussed above.
If we do not allocate and effectively manage the resources necessary to build and sustain the proper IT infrastructure, including those used in our products, we could be subject to transaction errors, processing inefficiencies, loss of customers, business disruptions or loss of or damage to intellectual property. If our data management systems do not effectively collect, store, process and report relevant data for the operation of our business, whether due to equipment malfunction or constraints, software deficiencies or human error, our ability to effectively plan, forecast and execute our business plan and comply with applicable laws and regulations will be impaired, perhaps materially. Any such impairment could materially and adversely affect our reputation, financial condition, results of operations, cash flows and the timeliness with which we report our internal and external operating results.

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Security breaches and other disruptions could compromise our information and expose us to liability, which would cause our business and reputation to suffer.

In the ordinary course of our business, we currently, and in the future will, collect, store, transfer, use or process sensitive data, including personal information of employees, and intellectual property and proprietary business information owned or controlled by ourselves and other parties. The secure processing, storage, maintenance, and transmission of this critical information are vital to our operations and business strategy. We are, and may increasingly become, subject to various laws and regulations, as well as contractual obligations, relating to data privacy and security in the jurisdictions in which we operate. The regulatory environment related to data privacy and security is increasingly rigorous, with new and constantly changing requirements applicable to our business, and enforcement practices are likely to remain uncertain for the foreseeable future. These laws and regulations may be interpreted and applied differently over time and from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and it is possible that they will be interpreted and applied in ways that may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

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In the United States, various federal and state regulators, including governmental agencies like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission, have adopted, or are considering adopting, laws and regulations concerning personal information and data security. Certain state laws may be more stringent or broader in scope, or offer greater individual rights, with respect to personal information than federal, international or other state laws, and such laws may differ from each other, all of which may complicate compliance efforts. For example, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which increases privacy rights for California residents and imposes obligations on companies that process their personal information, came into effect on January 1, 2020. Among other things, the CCPA requires covered companies to provide new disclosures to California consumers and provide such consumers new data protection and privacy rights, including the ability to opt-out of certain sales of personal information. The CCPA provides for civil penalties for violations, as well as a private right of action for certain data breaches that result in the loss of personal information. This private right of action may increase the likelihood of, and risks associated with, data breach litigation. In November 2020, California also passed the California Privacy Rights Act, or (“CPRA”), which significantly expanded the CCPA as of January 1, 2023, including by introducing additional obligations such as data minimization and storage limitations and granting additional rights to consumers, among others. The enactment of the CCPA has prompted similar legislative developments in other states, and numerous other states have proposed, and in certain cases enacted, legislation relating to privacy and data security, many of which are similar to the CCPA and CPRA. Similar laws are being considered by other state legislatures. In addition, laws in all 50 U.S. states require businesses to provide notice to consumers whose personal information has been disclosed as a result of a data breach. State laws are changing rapidly and there is discussion in the U.S. Congress of a new comprehensive federal data privacy law. These and future laws and regulations may increase our compliance costs and potential liability.
Furthermore, regulations promulgated pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), establish privacy and security standards that limit the use and disclosure of individually identifiable health information (known as “protected health information”) and require the implementation of administrative, physical and technological safeguards to protect the privacy of protected health information and ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of electronic protected health information. Determining whether protected health information has been handled in compliance with applicable privacy standards and our contractual obligations can require complex factual and statistical analyses and may be subject to changing interpretation. Although we take measures to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, our information technology and infrastructure may be vulnerable to attacks by hackers or viruses or disrupted, breached or otherwise compromised due to employee error, malfeasance or other malicious or inadvertent disruptions. Any such breach or disruption could compromise our networks and the information stored there could be accessed, manipulated, publicly disclosed, lost, stolen, made unavailable, or otherwise processed without authorization. Any such disruption, access, breach, unavailability, theft, loss or other unauthorized processing of information, or the perception that any of these has occurred could result in legal claims or proceedings, and liability under federal or state laws that protect the privacy of personal information, such as the HIPAA, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, and regulatory penalties. Notice of breaches must be made to affected individuals, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and for extensive breaches, notice may need to be made to the media or state attorneys general. Such a notice could harm our reputation and our ability to compete.

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While we have in place formal policies and procedures related to the storage, collection, and processing of information, and have conducted data privacy audits, we continue to evaluate our compliance needs, including the need to conduct additional internal and external data privacy audits or adopt additional policies and procedures, to ensure our compliance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. Additionally, we do not currently have policies and procedures in place for assessing our third-party vendors’ compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. All of these evolving compliance and operational requirements impose significant costs, such as costs related to organizational changes, implementing additional protection technologies, training employees and engaging consultants, which are likely to increase over time. In addition, such requirements may require us to modify our data processing practices and policies, distract management or divert resources from other initiatives and projects, all of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. Any failure or perceived failure by us or our third-party vendors, collaborators, contractors and consultants to comply with any applicable federal, state or similar foreign laws and regulations relating to data privacy and security, could result in damage to our reputation, as well as proceedings or litigation by governmental agencies or other third parties, including class action privacy litigation in certain jurisdictions, which would subject us to significant fines, sanctions, awards, penalties or judgments, all of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Increased scrutiny of our environmental, social or governance responsibilities may result in additional costs and risks, and may adversely impact our reputation, employee retention, and willingness of customers and suppliers to do business with us.
Investor advocacy groups, institutional investors, investment funds, proxy advisory services, stockholders, and customers are increasingly focused on environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) practices of companies. Additionally, public interest and legislative pressure related to public companies’ ESG practices continues to grow. For example, the SEC has adopted final rules regarding climate-related disclosures in public companies’ periodic reporting. Following several legal challenges, the SEC has issued an order staying the implementation of such rules. If the SEC prevails and lifts the stay on implementation, our compliance costs may increase.
If our ESG practices fail to meet regulatory requirements or investor or other industry stakeholders' evolving expectations and standards for responsible corporate citizenship in areas including environmental stewardship, support for local communities, board and employee diversity, human capital management, employee health and safety practices, product quality, supply chain management, corporate governance and transparency, and employing ESG strategies in our operations, our brand, reputation and employee retention may be negatively impacted and customers and suppliers may be unwilling to do business with us and potential or current investors may elect to invest in other companies with ESG practices that are perceived to be better than ours. In addition, ESG reporting and disclosure may result in additional costs and require additional resources to monitor, report, and comply with our various ESG practices as well as additional attention from our board of directors and management. If we fail to adopt ESG standards or practices as quickly as stakeholders desire, report on our ESG efforts or practices accurately, or satisfy the expectations of stakeholders, or comply with applicable regulatory requirements, our reputation, business, financial performance, and growth may be adversely impacted.
Item 2.    Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
Item 3.    Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 4.    Mine Safety Disclosures
Not applicable.

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Item 5.    Other Information
Securities Trading Plans of Directors and Executive Officers
During our last fiscal quarter, none of our directors or officers, as defined in Rule 16a-1(f), adopted and/or terminated a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or a “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” as defined in Regulation S-K Item 408.
Item 6.    Exhibits
Incorporated by reference herein
Exhibit No.DescriptionFormExhibit No.Filing Date
10-K3.1March 23, 2011
June 20, 2024
June 20, 2024
8-K3.1November 7, 2022
Filed herewith
Filed herewith
Furnished herewith
Furnished herewith
101.INSXBRL Instance Document (the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document)Filed herewith
101.SCHInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema DocumentFiled herewith
101.CALInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase DocumentFiled herewith
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase DocumentFiled herewith
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase DocumentFiled herewith
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase DocumentFiled herewith
104Cover Page Interactive File (formatted as inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)Filed herewith
*The certifications attached as Exhibit 32.1 and 32.2 that accompany this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are deemed furnished and not filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and are not to be incorporated by reference into any filing of Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, whether made before or after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.
Date: November 8, 2024
/s/ Christian O. Henry
Christian O. Henry
President and Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
Date: November 8, 2024
/s/ Susan G. Kim
Susan G. Kim
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer)
Date: November 8, 2024
/s/ Michele Farmer
Michele Farmer
Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer)