EX-10.2 3 ex102edgesubleasefourthame.htm EX-10.2 EDGE LEASE FOURTH AMENDMENT 文件


本租約第四份修正案 (本「協議」修改”)於2024年10月25日簽訂,雙方爲 1001 WARSON PROPERTY OWNER, 有限責任公司,即一家特拉華州有限責任公司(「甲方」)房東 本森山控股有限公司(原本森山公司)是一家特拉華州的公司承租人”).
鑑於,計劃第17.2節保留了Celldex Therapeutics,Inc.(以下稱爲「公司」)董事會(以下稱爲「董事會」)修訂計劃的權利;和:

A.房東和租戶於2019年8月9日簽訂了某份分租合同(“修正協議”),並由2019年11月5日簽署的某份分租合同修正協議(“第一個修改案”),以及2020年6月1日簽署的某份分租合同第二次修正協議(“第二次修正協議”),並由2021年10月1日簽署的某份分租合同第三次修正協議(“第三次修正協議”,與原租約、第一修正案和第二修正案共同構成“租賃”), 根據此協議,租戶從房東租賃了位於密蘇里州克雷夫科爾北沃森路1001號的寫字樓內約151,829平方英尺的可租面積(“房地產”), 此處的樓宇及面積已重新測量,詳細情況如下,並且構成位於密蘇里州克雷夫科爾北沃森路1001號寫字樓內全部可租面積(“建造業”).

b. 房東已聘請建築師重新測量租賃區和建築物,以配合將該建築轉變爲多租戶使用(“再計量在與此重新計量相關的情況下,建築師已經確定租賃面積爲152,256平方英尺。

C. 雙方希望從有關的「重新計量」的角度,自「交還日期」(如下所定義)起,利用重新計量確定的租賃區域分別爲房產和建築物的「繼續進行」基礎。

D. 租賃期約定於2031年6月30日到期。

E. 承租人希望放棄建築物一樓的一部分租賃區域,包括根據當前租約約定爲大約28,875平方英尺的租賃面積,並經重新計量確定爲約28,730平方英尺的租賃面積(以下簡稱「放棄空間」)。放棄空間,該放棄空間在下面的圖示中,並通過本文件作爲參考。 附件A ,附件中的圖示並通過此參考作爲本文件的一部分。




1.    放棄交付的空間交付。不遲於本修正案簽署日期後的二十一(21)天和以下所定義的解決滿意日期後的十(10)天,如下所定義的日期(“外部交付日期),租戶應(a)清空所有租戶的可移動貿易設備、傢俱和其他個人財產,從交付空間中搬出;(b)以掃帚清潔狀態並符合租賃要求將交付空間交還給房東;但需明確的是,在任何情況下,租戶均不需要移除交付空間的任何改進或改建工程;以及(c)將交付空間的所有鑰匙交還給房東(統稱「交付要求」。交付要求),租戶特此承認並同意,如果租戶未能在外部交付日期前將所有傢俱、可移動貿易設備以及個人財產從交付空間中搬出,房東可選擇以租戶的費用搬出這些物品,並租戶在此同意償還房東因未能搬出而實際蒙受的合理搬出成本以及所有損害賠償。此外,如果租戶未能在外部交付日期之前遵守交付要求,則應視爲租戶繼續佔用交付空間,使房東有權行使其在法律、衡平和租約下的所有權利和救濟措施,包括但不限於有權按照生效的每可出租平方英尺標準面積的百五十(150)%,自交付日期起,每月基準計價,無減少部分月份,直至租戶履行交付要求爲止。租戶特此承認並同意,租戶向房東交付交付空間不會終止租約,僅針對參觀空間的租約而言,也不免除租戶根據租約需支付的基本租金、附加租金和在交付日期之前發生於交付空間的所有其他費用的義務(如下文所定義)。租戶應對因未執行上述任何事項而由房東擔負的費用負責,該責任應在交付日期後繼續存在。
Tenant agrees that upon the date that Tenant surrenders the Surrendered Space in accordance with the Surrender Requirements (the “交還日期”), Landlord shall be released from all claims, costs, causes of action, damages and all other liability related to Tenant’s lease of the Surrendered Space. Subject to the agreements, representations, warranties and indemnities contained in this Amendment and the rest of the Lease, Landlord agrees to accept the surrender of the Surrendered Space from and after the Surrender Date and, effective as of the Surrender Date, Landlord, on its behalf and on behalf of its direct and indirect owners, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, legal representatives, successors and assigns forever releases and discharges Tenant and its legal representatives, agents and successors from all obligations to be observed and performed by Tenant and its legal representatives, agents and successors under the Lease with respect to the Surrendered Space after the Surrender Date. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be deemed to release Tenant from its obligation to satisfy, perform and fulfill all of

the agreements set forth in this Amendment. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Amendment to the contrary, Landlord and Tenant shall remain liable for all of their respective obligations under the Lease with respect to the Surrendered Space accruing prior to the Surrender Date, including, without limitation, (i) all year-end adjustments and reconciliations with respect to the Taxes and Operating Expenses for that portion of the calendar year up to and including the Surrender Date; and (ii) indemnification obligations accruing prior to the Surrender Date, all of which shall survive the Surrender Date.
Tenant hereby certifies, with respect to Tenant’s rights in and occupancy of the Surrendered Space, that the following statements are true as of the date hereof and will be true on the Surrender Date:
(a)    Tenant owns and holds the entire interest of Tenant under the Lease; provided that there are currently in place (i) a sublease of certain portions of the second floor of the Building pursuant to a Sublease Agreement dated November 20, 2023, by and between Tenant and Ostara St. Louis, Ltd., as consented to by Landlord on December 22, 2023; and (ii) a sublease of certain portions of the second floor of the Building pursuant to a Sublease Agreement dated April 9, 2024, by and between Tenant and 39 North Agtech Innovation District, as consented to by Landlord on April 26, 2024 (collectively, the “現有轉租”);
(b) 沒有任何影響被放棄區域或其中任何部分的轉租存在;
(c) 租戶尚未轉讓或擔保租賃合同項下的權益或任何權益的一部分,除了根據現有轉租所進行的(不影響被放棄區域);
(d) 租戶從未在任何時候做出或容許任何行爲或遺漏,也不會做出或容許任何行爲或遺漏,使被放棄區域或其中任何部分以任何方式被收費、評估或擔保。租戶未讓其他與被放棄區域的改建或裝修有關的勞動或材料供應合同由租戶訂立,未執行或尚未完成;
(e) 租戶有全權執行和交付本修正案的權威。

2.    租金.
(a) 從交房日期開始直至當前租期結束,租戶應支付的場地基礎租金如下,並應按照租約中規定的時間和方式支付:

7/1/2025 – 6/30/2026
7/1/2026 – 6/30/2027
7/1/2027 – 6/30/2028
7/1/2028 – 6/30/2029
7/1/2029 – 6/30/2030
7/1/2030 – 6/30/2031
(b) 儘管租約中的任何內容與之相反,自交房日期起直至Newleaf租約中的租金減免期限屆滿爲止(“Newleaf租金減免期截止日期除第2(a)款規定的金額外,租戶的基礎租金還包括以下金額(應在租約規定的相同時間和方式支付):

交房日期 - 2025年6月30日
7/1/2025 – 12/31/2025

Newleaf租賃的起始日期(“Newleaf Lease Commencement Date”) is defined as “The earlier to occur of (i) the date Tenant substantially completes the Tenant Improvements on the Premises, or (ii) March 1, 2025”; accordingly, in no event shall Tenant be required to pay amounts pursuant to this subsection (b) for any periods following December 31, 2025. Landlord shall promptly notify Tenant when the Newleaf Rent Abatement Period Expiration Date occurs. To the extent Tenant has paid amounts under this Section 2(b) applicable to periods after the Newleaf Rent Abatement Period Expiration Date has occurred, Tenant will be refunded such amounts.
(c)    In addition to Base Rent, Tenant shall continue to pay Tenant’s Share of Operating Expenses, Taxes and any other additional rent and charges due under the Lease with respect to the Premises following the Surrender Date; provided, however, that commencing on the Surrender Date, Tenant’s Share shall be reduced to 81.13%. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in the Lease to the contrary, Tenant shall continue to pay (i) 100% of Operating Expenses and Taxes for the Building, (ii) 100% of the costs of all utilities and services for the entire Building (including, but not limited to, water, sewer, storm sewer, electricity and gas), but excluding costs of 「additional services」 requested by Newleaf, such as janitorial services beyond building standard, and (iii) all late fees for late payment of any of the foregoing under the Lease applicable to the period from the Surrender Date until the Newleaf Lease Commencement Date, it being acknowledged and understood by Tenant that Tenant will be responsible for all Operating Expense, Taxes and costs of utilities and services (subject to the exclusion for 「additional services」 referenced above) for the Surrendered Space until Newleaf becomes responsible for same under the Newleaf Lease; provided, however, Tenant will be required to pay for 100% of the electricity in the Building applicable to the period from the Surrender Date until the Newleaf Lease Commencement Date (「Electricity Costs」), it being further acknowledged by Tenant that (i) electricity will not be separately metered to the Surrendered Space until the Newleaf Lease Commencement Date; and (ii) Electricity Costs incurred as a result of after-hours HVAC or after- hours construction by Newleaf will not be deemed an 「additional service」 hereunder.
3.    租賃房屋的終止. 在收到房東附帶合理支持文件的書面發票後的三十(30)天內,租戶應該向房東償還所有合理發生的費用和費用,這些費用是房東單獨分離出被放棄區域與其他場所之間的費用。Demising Costs)高達五萬美元($50,000.00)的費用限額Demising Costs Cap
4.    剩餘租戶裝修津貼的沒收. 自本修正案生效之日起(但需符合第六部分規定的條件),租戶在此放棄根據第三修正案第七部分(包括隸屬的A附表的第七部分)的未支付租戶裝修津貼的權利。另外,租戶在此承認並同意,房東不再有以下租約的責任:(i) 向租戶提供任何租戶裝修津貼或施工費用報銷;或者(ii) 進行任何租戶裝修、改動或增加。

5.    二樓改善工程第三修正案第7部分的第(3)句及第三句後的所有條款特此刪除,並應當插入以下語言:"此外,租戶將被要求造成擴建場地剩餘可出租平方英尺的改建工作(即擴建場地未建成的部分,如實驗室施工圖所示)(如"展覽附件"所定義)。此類工作必須根據租戶在2026年8月1日前向房東提交併經房東合理判斷批准的計劃進行,其中包括(i)50%的市場A類辦公空間;和(ii)50%的市場A類實驗室空間。 部分交還保留權本修正案及對租約的提前終止將受到房東和Newleaf Symbiotics, Inc.("Newleaf")的認可的影響。
6.    部分交還保留權本修正案及對租約的提前終止將受到房東和Newleaf Symbiotics, Inc.("Newleaf")的認可的影響。本修正案及對租約的提前終止將受到房東和Newleaf Symbiotics, Inc.("Newleaf")的認可的影響。”) executing a Lease whereby Newleaf will expand into the Surrendered Space (the “Newleaf Lease”). In the event that Landlord and Newleaf do not execute the Newleaf Lease within thirty (30) days after the date of this Amendment (with such date of full execution deemed the “Contingency Satisfaction Date”), this Amendment shall be void and of no further force and effect and Tenant shall continue to lease the Surrendered Space pursuant to the terms of the Lease.
7.    Termination of Single-Tenant Maintenance and Utility Provisions.
(a)    Effective as of the Surrender Date, Section 8 of the Third Amendment (entitled “維護根據原始租約的條款,房東和租戶已確認(i)大樓的維護和管理;以及(ii)租戶通過公寓文件支付的公寓協會費用和水電燃氣費等營業費用將受原始租約條款的約束。房東和租戶應導致繼續爲大樓的共用區域和交還空間在交還日期後繼續提供水、衛生污水、電力和燃料幣的賬單以房東的名義(這些公用事業的費用將直接由房東支付,但將作爲營業費用的一部分)。此外,租戶應就公用事業的分表計費、安防系統控制的轉移以及其他必要的變更與房東合作,以促進從單租戶建築恢復爲多租戶建築。如果房東決定(按照房東的自行判斷)對任何公用事業對租賃物分表計費(分表計費安裝費用由房東承擔),則租戶應全額承擔租賃物消耗的所有此類公用事業服務費用(而不是支付其他情況下應支付的那個特定公用事業組成部分的營業費用的份額)。此外,如果房東對任何公用事業對租賃物進行分表計費,租戶同意並承諾向房東支付分表電流或其他公用事業的使用數量所示金額(由測量租賃物需求和消耗的分表計費儀表指示),但租戶爲此類分表計費的費率不應超過房東向適用第三方公用事業公司支付的費率,雙方同意此類分表計費金額不得對房東進行增加或提供利潤。任何由房東寄給租戶的分表計費賬單應附上相關的分表讀數報告和公用事業賬單。公用事業和費用)因此被視爲終止且失去進一步的效力,租戶和房東均承認:(i)大樓的維護和管理;以及(ii)租戶在共管文件規定下支付的協會費用和公用事業(以及其他營業費用)應受到原始租約的條款約束。房東和租戶應確保在交還日期後,將繼續爲大樓的共用區域和交還空間提供水費、衛生污水費用、電費和燃料幣費用的賬單放置在房東名下(此類公用事業的費用將由房東直接支付,但將納入營業費用的一部分)。此外,租戶應配合房東進行公用事業的分表計費、安防系統控制的轉移以及其他變更,以便從單一租客建築改回多租客建築。如果房東決定(根據房東自行判斷)對租賃物的任何公用事業進行分表計費(分表安裝費用由房東承擔),租戶應全權承擔租賃物消耗的此類公用事業服務費用(而不是支付原本應支付其所使用的那個特定公用事業組成部分的營業費用的份額)。此外,如果房東對租賃物的任何公用事業進行分表計費,租戶應承諾並同意向房東支付分表電流或其他公用事業的消耗金額,如分表計費儀表顯示,並由此產生;但是,租戶支付的此類分表(或獨立計量)公用事業費用的費率不得超過房東向適用的第三方公用事業公司支付的費率,雙方認爲此類分表公用事業金額不應對房東進行加價或提供利潤。房東向租戶寄發的任何分表公用事業費用賬單都應附有相應的分表讀數報告和公用事業賬單。

(c)儘管本合同中可能包含相反內容,但是(i)在或接近交還日期,房東同意爲公共區域的有線電視服務另行簽訂合同(費用將包括在營業費用中);(ii)房東將繼續直接支付根據原租約第3條提供給建築物的守衛服務(其費用將繼續包括在營業費用中)。在交還日期,承租人及其轉租人必須提前至少24小時安排使用裝卸區和一樓的時間(視情況而定),並由承租人(或其轉租人)和房東或房東的物業經理的員工隨行,雙方明白,前述將重新歸入物業的公共區域。另外,根據本條款(c)的條件,承租人應承擔其獨立的費用("IT重組成本”,該費用將加在拆分費用之外,不適用於拆分費用上限)。承租人必須將目前位於交還空間中的信息技術基礎設施、服務器和其他信息技術設備("IT設備”)搬遷至《 展B 所附,固定在此處的指定儲藏室內("New It Closet”) and install a lock (and provide Landlord with key to same) and related hardware (including, without limitation, cages to secure Tenant’s It Equipment and that of its subtenants) for the New It Closet prior to the Surrender Date. If Tenant fails to move such It Equipment to a New It Closet prior to the Surrender Date, Landlord shall be permitted, in Landlord’s sole discretion, to move the It Equipment to the New It Closet at Tenant’s cost, which shall be invoiced to Tenant as Additional Rent. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the parties acknowledge and agree that (i) Tenant shall not be required to remove or relocate the cellular communicator for the elevator phone that is currently located in the existing It closet in the Surrendered Space, however, Landlord may pursue such work at its expense; (ii) Tenant shall be permitted to remove the copper wiring located in the existing It closet in the Surrendered Space but shall not be required to relocate the same; the parties acknowledging that the information technology provider has indicated that copper wiring may not be available in the future; (iii) in connection with Tenant’s obligations to remove or relocate the It Equipment referenced above, Landlord shall reasonably cooperate with Tenant to execute such commercially reasonable documentation as may be required (e.g., by information technology providers or permitting authorities) as may be required to permit such removal or relocation; and (iv) the parties shall reasonably coordinate to achieve cost efficiencies with respect to their respective

removal and/or relocation (whether mandatory by Tenant or that Landlord may elect to pursue), which coordination may include, by way of example and not limitation, coordinating use of the same contractors or vendors, as well as coordination of timing and payment with Landlord’s property manager as may be reasonably directed by Landlord. Tenant and its subtenants shall have keys and access to the New It Closet on a 24 hours per day/7 days per week basis. The parties acknowledge that the New It Closet will potentially by used by multiple tenants and subtenants of the Building; however, Landlord agrees that (i) Tenant will be permitted to install cages for its It Equipment (at Tenant’s cost) as well as cages for Tenant’s subtenants (at either Tenant or such subtenant’s cost); (ii) Tenant and its subtenants will have exclusive access to their respective It Equipment in the New It Closet (on an unlimited basis); and (iii) although there are not anticipated to be space related issues pertaining to equipment of tenants (and subtenants) utilizing the New It Closet, should there be any issues with availability of space in the New It Closet, Tenant shall be permitted to utilize a proportion of the overall space in the New It Closet (for Tenant’s benefit and that of its subtenants) that is commensurate with the proportion of the space in the Building leased by Tenant.
(d)儘管租約中有任何相反規定,但在交還日期之日,健身房應被視爲建築物的共用區域的一部分。租戶及租戶的轉租客及其各自的僱員可以與建築物的其他租戶一起非獨佔地使用健身房。健身房的使用不會收取年度或月度會員費或個人使用費;但須符合以下條件:(i) 健身房相關的維護、修理、運營和更換成本(包括但不限於其中的設備)應包括在營業費用中(受營業費用除外條款約束);以及(ii) 個人用戶可能需要在使用前簽署房東的商業慣例豁免協議。
8.    第三和第四層租賃期限的延長.


7/1/2031 – 6/30/2032
7/1/2032 – 6/30/2033
7/1/2033 – 6/30/2034
9.    拒絕購買權的終止。原始租約第28款(題爲「優先購買權/擴展」)特此終止並不再生效。
10.    經紀人。房東和承租人各自向對方聲明和保證,在談判或執行本修正案過程中未與任何經紀人或代理商打交道,除了不得向承租人收取任何佣金的DCM集團外。房東和承租人各自同意保護、賠償並使對方免受任何經紀人聲稱在執行本修正案的過程中已被被保證方委託而要求的費用、佣金或其他補償的責任。本段的規定在租約到期或提前終止後仍然有效。
11.    信函協議特定信函協議("蘋果CEO庫克大規模出售股票,套現逾3億港元。)日期爲2024年4月24日,房東與租戶之間,特此作廢 起初的 ,並且不具備任何效力。
12.    Miscellaneous除非在此處進行修改,租約及其所有條款和規定應保持不變,原始擬定之狀況。在租約條款與本修正案的任何衝突或不一致情況下,應以本修正案的條款爲準。在此處未定義但在租約中已定義的所有術語,在此處具有與租約目的相同的含義。本修正案中上述載明的前述陳述,特此作爲參照並納入。本修正案應對本方和各自受益人、繼任者和受讓人具有約束力,且產生效益。
13.    相關方。本修正案可以由各方的任何簽署人分別在不同的副本上籤署,這些副本合在一起構成同一份文件。此外,本協議各方明確同意,如果本修改案上任何一方的簽名不是原件,而是數字、機械或

14.    權限;無需第三方同意。房東聲明並保證其有權簽訂本修正案,並且不需要任何其他個人或實體(包括但不限於任何土地出租方或任何借款人)的同意或批准,即使在房東在本修正案全面執行和交付之前未獲房東事先獲得(僅受上述第6款中規定的條件的限制)。



簽署: /s/ Dave Liu
姓名: Dave Liu



簽署: /s/ Susan Keefe    姓名:Susan Keefe    
標題: 首席財務官




附件 B

