聯合 國
證券 交易委員會
華盛頓, 特區20549
(馬克 一)
日期 需要該空殼公司報告的事件_
為 從_
(註冊人章程中規定的確切名稱) |
不 適用 |
(翻譯 註冊人姓名的英文) |
(公司成立或組織的管轄權) |
永樂街77號 電話:+852 3105 2611 |
(主要行政辦公室地址) |
電話: |
(Name, 公司聯繫人的電話、電子郵件和/或傳真號碼和地址) |
證券 根據該法案第12(b)條登記或即將登記:
每個班級的標題 | 交易符號 | 註冊的每個交易所的名稱 | ||
證券 根據該法案第12(g)條登記或即將登記:
沒有一 |
(標題 班級) |
沒有一 |
(標題 班級) |
證券 根據該法案第15(d)條有報告義務的:
截至2024年6月30日,已有 |
(班級名稱) |
指定每股已發行股份的數量 截至年度報告涵蓋期間結束時發行人的資本或普通股類別。截至2024年6月30日, 有16,000,000股已發行普通股,每股面值0.000625美金。
指示 如果註冊人是《證券法》第405條規定的知名經驗豐富的發行人,則勾選標記。
如果 本報告為年度報告或過渡報告,如果註冊人無需根據第節提交報告,則用複選標記表示 1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)條。
注意 - 勾選上述方框不會免除任何根據證券第13或15(d)條提交報告的登記人的負擔 1934年《交易法》免除其在這些條款下的義務。
指示 勾選註冊人(1)是否已提交證券交易所第13或15(d)條要求提交的所有報告 過去12個月內的1934年法案(或要求登記人提交此類報告的較短期限內),和(2) 在過去90天內一直遵守此類提交要求。
指示 檢查註冊人是否已以電子方式提交了根據規則需要提交的所有交互數據文件 S-t法規第405條(本章第232.405條)在過去12個月內(或註冊人 被要求提交此類文件)。
指示 通過勾選註冊人是大型加速文件管理者、加速文件管理者、非加速文件管理者還是新興增長者 公司請參閱「大型加速文件夾」、「加速文件夾」和「新興成長型公司」的定義 在《交易法》第120條第2款中。
大型加速文件收件箱 | 加速文件收件箱 | |
新興成長型公司 |
已選擇不使用延長的過渡期來遵守任何新的或修訂的財務會計準則 *
† | 的 術語「新的或修訂的財務會計準則」是指財務會計準則委員會發布的任何更新 2012年4月5日之後將其納入會計準則法典。 |
根據《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》(15 USC)第404(b)條對其財務報告的內部控制7262(b)由註冊人
指示 勾選這些錯誤更正是否是需要對基於激勵的薪酬進行恢復分析的重述 根據§240.10D-1(b),註冊人的任何執行官員在相關恢復期內收到。☐
指示 勾選註冊人使用的會計基礎來編制本文件中包含的財務報表:
☒ | 發佈的國際財務報告準則 國際會計準則委員會收件箱 | 其他收件箱 |
如果 針對上一個問題已勾選「其他」,通過勾選標記指明哪個財務報表項目 註冊人已選擇遵循。
項目 17項目18
如果 這是一份年度報告,通過勾選標記表明註冊人是否為空殼公司(定義見交易所規則120第2條 法案)。
(適用 僅針對過去五年內參與銀行破產程式的發行人)
指示 勾選註冊人是否已提交證券第12、13或15(d)條要求提交的所有文件和報告 根據法院確認的計劃分配證券後的1934年交易法。
☐ 是的否
表 內容
頁面 | ||
居間 | ii | |
前瞻性資料 | vi | |
第一部分 | ||
項目1. | 董事、高級管理人員和顧問的身份 | 1 |
項目2. | 報價統計數據和預期時間表 | 1 |
項目3. | 密鑰信息 | 1 |
項目4. | 公司信息 | 31 |
項目4A。 | 未解決的工作人員評論 | 74 |
項目5. | 運營和財務審查及前景 | 74 |
項目6. | 董事、高級管理人員和員工 | 97 |
項目7. | 主要股東及關聯方交易 | 106 |
項目8. | 財務資料 | 107 |
項目9. | 報價和列表 | 108 |
項目10. | 附加信息 | 108 |
項目11. | 關於市場的定量和證明性披露 風險 | 129 |
項目12. | 股票證券以外的證券的描述 | 129 |
第二部分 | ||
項目13. | 失敗、拖欠股息和驅逐 | 130 |
項目14. | 對證券持有人權利的重大修改 以及收益的使用 | 130 |
項目15. | 控制和程式 | 130 |
項目16. | [保留] | 131 |
ITEm 16 A。 | 審計委員會財務專家 | 131 |
ITEm 160。 | 道德守則 | 131 |
ITEm 16 C。 | 主要會計費用和服務 | 131 |
ITEm 16 D。 | 審計委員會上市標準的豁免 | 132 |
ITEm 16 E。 | 發行人及附屬機構購買股票證券 購買者 | 132 |
ITEm 16 F。 | 註冊人認證公證的變更 | 132 |
ITEm 16 G。 | 公司治理 | 132 |
ITEm 16 H。 | 礦山安全披露 | 132 |
ITEm 16 I. | 關於防止外國司法管轄區的披露 檢查 | 132 |
第三部分 | ||
項目17. | 財務報表 | 133 |
項目18. | 財務報表 | 133 |
項目19. | 展品 | 133 |
簽名 | 134 | |
合併財務報表索引 | F-1 |
除非文意另有所指,以下措辭應 具有以下含義。
“阿加寶投資” | Agapao Investment Holding Limited是一家於2019年10月14日在英屬維京群島註冊成立的有限責任公司,由Mr. But全資擁有。Agapao Investment是我們創始股東團體的成員 | |
“章程”或“章程” | 本公司的章程,經不時修訂或補充 | |
「審計委員會」 | 我們董事會的審計委員會 | |
“董事會”或“董事會”或“我們的董事會” | 董事會 | |
《營業日》(S) | 紐約的銀行通常在正常營業時間內向公眾開放的一天,紐約的這一天不是星期六、星期日或公共假日 | |
“英屬維爾京群島” | 英屬維爾京群島 | |
“英屬維爾京群島公司法”或“公司法” | 修訂後的《英屬維京群島商業公司法》(2020年修訂版) | |
“公司條例” | 不時修訂、補充或以其他方式修改的《公司條例》(香港法例第622章) | |
「公司」、「我們的公司」、「Galaxy Payroll BVI」或「我們」,或「我們」 | Galaxy Payroll Group Limited是一家控股公司,於2021年8月26日在英屬維京群島註冊成立,是一家根據《BVI商業公司法》(2020年修訂版)修訂版在英屬維京群島註冊成立的BVI商業公司,也是一家納斯達克上市公司。 | |
“基石企業” | 基石企業公司,一家於2013年12月3日在塞席爾註冊成立的有限責任公司,Lao先生、Mr. But和Mr. Yeung分別持有約33.33%、33.33%和33.33%的股份 | |
“董事”或“我們的董事” | 我們公司的董事(S) | |
“創始股東” | 勞先生、布特先生及楊先生為三位最大股東,於首次公開招股結束前各持有已發行及已發行股份總額的15%,合共擁有本公司45%的股份。 | |
“正向拆分”、“正向拆分”或“正向拆分” | 於2022年12月19日,本公司向註冊處提交經修訂及重新簽署的章程,將本公司的法定股份由50,000股每股面值1美元的普通股增加至每股面值0.000625美元的無限普通股,並按1,600:1的比例將所有已發行及已發行股份向前拆分。 | |
“FY”或“財政年度(S)” | 我公司財政年度(S)截止或6月30日止 | |
“銀河地球觀測服務” | 銀河地球物理服務有限公司,前身為啟義服務有限公司,於2013年2月5日在香港註冊成立的有限責任公司,於重組完成後及於本報告日期為本公司的間接全資附屬公司。 | |
《銀河人力資源(澳門)》 | 銀河人力資源(澳門)有限公司(Galaxy Recursos Humanos(澳門)Limitada(葡萄牙語)),於2016年7月26日在澳門註冊成立的有限責任公司,重組完成後為本公司的間接全資附屬公司,於本報告日期,主要負責在澳門開展業務。 |
《Galaxy HR(深圳)》 | 銀河企業管理諮詢(深圳)有限公司是一家於2018年3月7日在中國成立的有限責任公司,重組完成後為銀河薪酬(中國)的全資附屬公司,於本報告日期,主要負責在中國經營業務 | |
《Galaxy HR(TW)》 | 銀河人力資源有限公司,是一家於2018年3月21日在臺灣成立的有限責任公司,是銀河薪酬(TW)於重組完成後及於本報告日期的全資附屬公司,主要負責在臺灣開展業務 | |
《銀河薪水冊(中國)》 | 銀河薪酬(中國)有限公司,一家於2017年10月24日在香港註冊成立的有限責任公司,重組完成後為本公司的間接全資附屬公司,於本報告日期,主要負責在中國經營業務 | |
“銀河薪酬(香港)” | 銀河薪酬服務有限公司是一間於2013年2月21日在香港註冊成立的有限責任公司,於重組完成後為本公司的全資附屬公司,主要負責在香港經營業務。 | |
《Galaxy Payroll(TW)》 | 銀河薪酬(臺灣)有限公司是一家於2018年12月31日在香港註冊成立的有限責任公司,重組完成後為本公司的全資附屬公司,截至本報告日,主要負責在臺灣開展業務 | |
《銀河(塞舌爾)》 | 於二零一三年三月十八日在塞舌爾註冊成立的有限責任公司銀河集團控股有限公司,由勞先生、布特先生及楊先生分別持有約33.33%、33.33%及33.33%的股權 | |
“集團”、“我們的集團” | 本公司及其附屬公司在有關時間,或在文意另有所指時,就本公司成為其現有附屬公司的控股公司之前的期間而言,該等附屬公司在有關時間猶如該等附屬公司是本公司的附屬公司 | |
“港幣”、“港幣”或“港幣” | 香港的法定貨幣--港幣(S) | |
“香港” | 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 | |
“IRO” | 《稅務條例》(香港法例第112章) | |
《讓·大洋洲》 | JEAN Oceania Limited是一家於2019年10月10日在英屬維京群島註冊成立的有限責任公司,由Yeung先生全資擁有。JEAN Oceania是我們創始股東團體的成員 | |
《勞務派遣經營許可證》 | 中國當局在中國經營運務所需的勞務派遣作業許可證。 |
“澳門” | 中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區 | |
“主要的國內合作夥伴” | 中國-凱基人力資源外包有限公司是本集團自成立以來聘用的主要國內合作夥伴,作為獨立第三方與我們合作,在適當的情況下在中國提供本地薪酬外包服務和就業服務。有關更多詳細資訊,請參閱本報告中的“國內企業合作夥伴--主要國內合作夥伴” | |
《梅爾克韋格BVI》 | Melkweg Holdings(BVI)Limited,一家於2019年11月5日在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立的有限責任公司,也是Melkweg Cayman截至本報告日期的直接全資子公司 | |
《梅爾克韋格·開曼》 | Melkweg Holdings Limited,一家於2019年11月19日在開曼註冊成立的有限責任公司,於重組完成後及截至本報告日期為本公司的直接全資附屬公司 | |
“組織備忘錄”或“組織備忘錄” | 本公司不時修訂或補充的公司章程大綱 | |
“拖把” | 澳門元,澳門的法定貨幣 | |
“強積金” | 強制性公積金 | |
“但是先生” | 吳耀剛先生,我們公司的首席運營官,我們的創始人和執行董事之一,以及我們的創始股東之一 | |
“老先生” | 勞偉鴻先生,我們的董事會主席,我們公司的首席執行官,我們的創始人和執行董事之一,以及我們的創始股東集團的一員 | |
“楊先生” | 楊偉章先生,我們公司的首席財務官,我們的創始人之一,我們的創始股東之一 | |
“新臺幣”或“新臺幣” | 新臺幣(S)--臺灣的合法貨幣 | |
「運營實體」 | 銀河薪資(香港)、銀河人力資源(澳門)、銀河GEO服務、銀河人力資源(TW)和銀河人力資源(深圳)的集合 | |
“郵政署” | 經不時修訂、修改和補充的《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章) | |
《鬆山》 | Pine Mountain Holdings Limited是一家於2019年10月15日在英屬維京群島註冊成立的有限責任公司,由Lao先生全資擁有。Pine Mountain是我們創始股東團體的成員 | |
「中華人民共和國」或「中國」 | 中華人民共和國(僅就本報告而言除外)、香港、澳門和台灣 | |
「S法規」 | 美國證券法下的S法規 |
“重組” | 集團重組,詳情載於「第4項。有關公司的信息- A。本報告中的公司歷史與發展-重組」 | |
“人民幣” | 人民幣,中華人民共和國的法定貨幣; | |
“安全” | 中華人民共和國國家外匯管理局 | |
《塞舌爾》 | 塞席爾共和國 | |
「USD」或「US$」 | 美金,美國的合法貨幣 | |
“加值稅” | 加值稅 |
在 除非另有說明或上下文另有要求,本報告,
● | 量 而百分比數字,包括股權和運營數據,可能會進行四捨五入調整。信息的 以數千或數百萬為單位,少於一千或一百萬的金額(視情況而定)已四捨五入至 分別為最接近的百或十萬,以百分比表示的金額已四捨五入到最接近的百分之一。 因此,表格中數字行或列的總數可能不等於單個項目的表觀總數; |
● | 的 中華人民共和國和台灣公民、公司、協會、實體、部門、證書和頭銜的英文名稱,以及英文 中華人民共和國和台灣法律、法規和法規的標題直接翻譯自其中文名稱和標題,並提供 僅用於識別目的。如有不一致之處,以中文名稱和頭銜為準;及 |
● | 所有 時間和日期指香港當地時間和日期 |
前瞻性 信息
這 年度報告包含涉及重大風險和不確定性的前瞻性陳述。在某些情況下,您可以識別具有前瞻性 「可能」、「可能」、「將」、「可以」、「會」、「會」、「應該」等詞語的陳述 「期望」、「意圖」、「計劃」、「目標」、「預期」 「相信」、「估計」、「預測」、「潛力」、「繼續」和「正在進行」, 或這些術語的否定,或其他旨在識別有關未來的陳述的類似術語。這些陳述涉及 已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他可能導致我們實際結果、活動水平、績效的重要因素 或成就與這些前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的信息存在重大差異。前瞻性 本年度報告中包含的陳述和意見基於截至本年度報告日期我們掌握的信息 並且,雖然我們相信此類信息構成此類聲明的合理基礎,但此類信息可能是有限的或不完整的,並且 我們的聲明不應被解讀為表明我們已經對所有可能可用的內容進行了詳盡的調查或審查 相關信息前瞻性陳述包括有關以下方面的陳述:
● | 開發時機 未來的業務; |
● | 我們的業務能力 運營; |
● | 預期未來經濟 性能; |
● | 我們市場的競爭; |
● | 市場持續接受 我們的服務和產品; |
● | 法律的變化, 影響我們的運營; |
● | 通貨膨脹和波動 外幣價位; |
● | 持續發展的 為我們的證券建立公開交易市場; |
● | 合規的成本 當前和未來的政府法規以及法規的任何變化對我們運營的影響; |
● | 有效管理我們的增長; |
● | 收入預測, 盈利、資本結構和其他財務項目; |
● | 運營中的波動 結果: |
● | 依賴我們的前輩 管理層和主要員工;以及 |
● | 其他因素 下 「第3項。關鍵信息- D。風險因素。」 |
你 應參閱標題為 「第3項。關鍵信息- D。風險因素」 討論重要的問題 可能導致我們的實際結果與我們前瞻性陳述中表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異的因素。作為 由於這些因素,我們無法向您保證本年度報告中的前瞻性陳述將被證明是準確的。 此外,如果我們的前瞻性陳述被證明不準確,則不準確可能是重大的。鑑於重大不確定性 在這些前瞻性陳述中,您不應將這些陳述視為我們或任何其他人的陳述或保證 我們將在任何指定的時間範圍內或根本實現我們的目標和計劃。我們沒有義務公開更新任何 前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因,除非法律要求。
部分 我
項目 1.董事、高級管理人員和顧問的身份
不 適用因
項目 2.報價統計數據和預計時間表
不 適用因
項目 3.密鑰信息
A. 精選財務數據
的 下表列出了我們公司的選定合併財務信息。我們的歷史結果並不一定表明 未來任何時期的預期結果。所選合併財務數據應與之一起閱讀,並符合條件 參考我們的經審計合併財務報表和相關附註全文,以及 「第5項。操作和 財務回顧與展望」 下面我們的經審計綜合財務報表是根據以下標準編制和列報的 符合美國公認會計原則。
的 合併經營和現金流量表摘要
截至6月30日的一年, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 港元 | 美元 | |||||||||||||
收入 | $ | 46,915,077 | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 30,124,952 | $ | 3,858,068 | ||||||||
直接收入成本 | (11,696,317 | ) | (12,999,672 | ) | (13,951,669 | ) | (1,786,774 | ) | ||||||||
毛利 | 35,218,760 | 18,467,001 | 16,173,283 | 2,071,294 | ||||||||||||
銷售、一般和管理費用 | (8,137,263 | ) | (8,178,103 | ) | (9,047,204 | ) | (1,158,665 | ) | ||||||||
信用損失撥備(撥備)的退回 | (5,246 | ) | 61,357 | (101,598 | ) | (13,012 | ) | |||||||||
經營收入 | 27,076,251 | 10,350,255 | 7,024,481 | 899,617 | ||||||||||||
利息收入 | 5,142 | 186,390 | 221,723 | 28,396 | ||||||||||||
利息開支 | (238,742 | ) | (123,269 | ) | (34,674 | ) | (4,441 | ) | ||||||||
其他收入 | 411,692 | 402,967 | 77,762 | 9,959 | ||||||||||||
稅前收入 | 27,254,343 | 10,816,343 | 7,289,292 | 933,531 | ||||||||||||
所得稅開支 | (4,696,002 | ) | (1,805,663 | ) | (1,783,803 | ) | (228,450 | ) | ||||||||
淨收入 | $ | 22,558,341 | $ | 9,010,680 | $ | 5,505,489 | $ | 705,081 |
截至6月30日的一年, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 港元 | 美元 | |||||||||||||
經營活動提供的淨現金 | $ | 11,999,074 | $ | 16,086,260 | $ | 6,725,500 | $ | 861,328 | ||||||||
投資活動所用現金淨額 | - | (25,303 | ) | (59,449 | ) | (7,614 | ) | |||||||||
融資活動所用現金淨額 | (26,049,749 | ) | (12,593,994 | ) | (13,286,626 | ) | (1,701,603 | ) | ||||||||
現金及現金等值物的變化 | (14,050,675 | ) | 3,466,963 | (6,620,575 | ) | (847,889 | ) | |||||||||
年初現金和現金等值 | 28,003,917 | 13,971,458 | 17,449,250 | 2,234,705 | ||||||||||||
對價位的影響 | 18,216 | 10,829 | 26,453 | 3,388 | ||||||||||||
年終現金和現金等值 | $ | 13,971,458 | $ | 17,449,250 | $ | 10,855,128 | $ | 1,390,204 |
的 截至2023年和2024年6月30日的合併資產負債表摘要
截至6月30日, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | ||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 美元 | ||||||||||
資產 | ||||||||||||
易變現資產: | ||||||||||||
現金 | $ | 16,436,490 | $ | 10,855,128 | $ | 1,390,204 | ||||||
受限制現金 | 1,012,760 | - | - | |||||||||
應收帳款,淨額 | 2,250,289 | 2,556,073 | 327,353 | |||||||||
預付款、押金和其他應收帳款 | 4,454,823 | 2,787,564 | 357,000 | |||||||||
易變現資產總額 | $ | 24,154,362 | $ | 16,198,765 | $ | 2,074,557 | ||||||
設備及器材的 | $ | 258,616 | $ | 206,653 | $ | 26,466 | ||||||
使用權資產-經營租賃 | 929,490 | 2,332,135 | 298,674 | |||||||||
推遲首次公開募股(「IPO」)成本 | 4,935,602 | 7,334,123 | 939,272 | |||||||||
長期租賃押金 | - | 514,815 | 65,932 | |||||||||
非易變現資產總額 | $ | 6,123,708 | $ | 10,387,726 | $ | 1,330,344 | ||||||
總資產 | $ | 30,278,070 | $ | 26,586,491 | $ | 3,404,901 | ||||||
負債 | ||||||||||||
流動負債: | ||||||||||||
應計開支及其他應付款項 | $ | 13,165,562 | $ | 14,466,134 | $ | 1,852,661 | ||||||
應付帳款 | 66,076 | 41,823 | 5,356 | |||||||||
銀行貸款,流動部分 | 2,000,740 | - | - | |||||||||
應付所得稅 | 3,744,802 | 3,258,920 | 417,366 | |||||||||
經營租賃義務,流動部分 | 960,101 | 1,095,621 | 140,315 | |||||||||
流動負債總額 | $ | 19,937,281 | $ | 18,862,498 | $ | 2,415,698 | ||||||
其他負債 | ||||||||||||
經營租賃義務,非流動部分 | $ | - | $ | 1,248,510 | $ | 159,895 | ||||||
其他負債總額 | - | 1,248,510 | 159,895 | |||||||||
總負債 | $ | 19,937,281 | $ | 20,111,008 | $ | 2,575,593 | ||||||
承諾和意外情況 | ||||||||||||
股東權益 | ||||||||||||
普通股,面值0.000625美金,截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日授權普通股數量無限;截至2024年和2023年6月30日分別已發行和發行16,000,000股 * | $ | 77,630 | $ | 77,630 | $ | 10,000 | ||||||
應收認購 | (77,630 | ) | (77,630 | ) | (10,000 | ) | ||||||
借記資本公積 | 40,000 | 40,000 | 5,123 | |||||||||
留存收益 | 10,259,641 | 6,381,130 | 817,224 | |||||||||
累積其他全面收益 | 41,148 | 54,353 | 6,961 | |||||||||
股東權益總額 | $ | 10,340,789 | $ | 6,475,483 | $ | 829,308 | ||||||
負債總額和股東權益 | $ | 30,278,070 | $ | 26,586,491 | $ | 3,404,901 |
* | 給 對2022年12月19日生效的1,600股1股分拆具有追溯效力。 |
我們 管理層相信,我們財務報表和上述分配的假設是合理的。我們的金融 然而,報表可能不一定反映我們的經營結果、財務狀況和現金流,就好像我們經營的那樣 在所述期間是一家獨立的獨立公司。您不應該將我們的歷史結果視為我們未來的指標 性能
B. 資本化和負債。
不 適用因
C. 提供和使用收益的原因。
不 適用因
D. 危險因素
一個 投資我們的普通股涉及高度風險。您應該仔細考慮以下有關這些的信息 在決定投資我們的普通股之前,請了解風險以及本年度報告其他地方出現的其他信息。 以下任何風險的發生可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況、經營運績產生重大不利影響 以及未來的增長前景。在這種情況下,我們普通股的市場價格可能會下跌,您可能會損失全部或部分 你的投資。
風險 與中華人民共和國、香港、台灣和澳門有關
實質性 中國政府政治經濟政策以及中國法律法規的不確定性和限制 可能會對我們在中國可能開展的業務以及相應的運營運績產生重大影響 和財務狀況。
Galaxy Payroll Group Limited是一家控股公司,通過我們位於香港、中國大陸、澳門和台灣的子公司提供薪資 外包和就業服務。由於我們的大部分業務位於中國和香港,經濟、政治 中國的法律發展將對我們的業務、財務狀況、經營運績和前景產生重大影響。
我們的 商業運作可能會受到中國當前和未來政治環境的不利影響。中國政府施加了 對我們必須進行商業活動的方式有實質性的影響和控制。我們在中國的運營能力可能會 受到中國法律法規變化的不利影響。在本屆政府領導下,中華人民共和國政府 一直在推行改革政策,這些政策對中國的運營公司產生了不利影響,這些公司的證券在美國上市 在沒有事先通知的情況下,不時作出重大的政策變動。有很大的不確定性,關於 中華人民共和國法律法規的解釋和適用。直到1979年以後,中國政府才開始頒佈全面的 規範經濟事務的法律體系通俗易懂,處理經濟事務鼓勵外商投資中國。雖然 法律的影響力一直在增加,中國沒有制定出完全完整的法律體系,最近又制定了法律法規 可能不足以涵蓋中國經濟活動的方方面面。另外,因為這些法律法規比較新, 由於公佈的案例數量有限,而且缺乏作為先例的效力,這些法律的解釋和執行 而監管涉及重大不確定性。影響現有和擬議中的未來企業的新法律法規也可能 可追溯適用。此外,在過去的30年裡,法律法規不斷變化和修改 為了跟上中國快速變化的社會和經濟。因為政府機構和法院提供解釋 法律法規和裁決合同糾紛和問題,他們在裁決新業務和新政策方面缺乏經驗,或 某些欠發達地區的法規會帶來不確定性,並可能影響我們的業務。因此,我們不能預測未來。 中國對外商投資企業的立法活動方向或執法效力 中國的法律法規。不確定性,包括新的法律和條例以及現有法律的變化以及司法 在某些領域,機構和法院中缺乏經驗的官員進行解釋,可能會給外國投資者帶來可能的問題。 此外,法律執行方面的不確定性以及中國的規章制度可能很快就會改變 在幾乎沒有事先通知的情況下,以及中國政府可能隨時幹預或影響我們的運營的風險,或者 可能對在海外進行的發行施加更多控制和/或外國投資中國的發行人可能會導致實質性的 改變我們的運營、財務業績和/或我們普通股的價值,否則會削弱我們籌集資金的能力。儘管 中國政府二十多年來一直推行經濟改革政策,中國政府繼續實施重大的 通過資源配置、控制外幣支付、制定貨幣政策來控制中國的經濟增長 政策和實施以不同方式影響特定行業的政策。我們不能向您保證中華人民共和國政府將繼續 實行有利於市場經濟的政策,或者現行政策不會有太大變化,特別是在 發生領導層更迭、社會或政治動亂或其他影響政治、經濟和社會生活的情況 在中國。中國法律法規的任何不利變化以及中國政府的重大監督和自由裁量權 可能會大大限制或完全阻礙我們提供或繼續提供證券的能力 並導致我們的證券價值大幅下降或一文不值,我們還可能產生物質成本,以確保 合規,將被罰款,並不再被允許繼續我們目前的業務運營。
那裡 中國和香港法律、規則和法規的解釋和執行存在不確定性。
一 我們的大部分業務在香港進行,主要受香港法律、規則和法規管轄。 香港的法律制度是普通法制度,以英國普通法、本地判例和本地法相結合為基礎 立法然而,我們位於香港的子公司可能會受到適用於外國的法律、規則和法規的約束 對中國的投資。中華人民共和國法律體系是以成文法為基礎的大陸法律體系。與普通法制度不同,先前法院 決定可以引用以供參考,但先例價值有限。這些法律法規有時很模糊,甚至可能 這取決於未來的變化,而且它們的官方解釋和執行可能在很少提前通知的情況下是不可預測的, 這可能導致我們的運營和/或普通股價值發生重大變化。
在 1979年,中華人民共和國政府開始頒布一套全面的經濟法律、法規和法規體系。 過去三十年立法的總體效果顯著加強了對各種形式的保護 外國投資中國。然而,中國尚未建立起完全完整的法律體系,最近頒布了法律、法規和 法規可能不足以涵蓋中國經濟活動的所有方面,或者可能受到很大程度的解釋 由中國監管機構執行。特別是,因為這些法律、規則和法規相對較新,而且由於有限 已發布的決定的數量以及此類決定的不具約束力性質,並且因為法律、規則和法規經常給予 相關監管機構在如何執行、解釋和執行這些法律、規則和法規方面擁有重大自由裁量權 涉及不確定性,並且可能不一致和不可預測。此外,中國法律體系部分基於政府政策 以及內部規則,其中一些規則沒有及時發布或根本沒有發布,並且可能具有追溯力。結果, 直到違規行為發生後,我們可能才會意識到我們違反了這些政策和規則。
任何 中國的行政和法院訴訟可能會曠日持久,導致巨額成本以及資源和管理的轉移 關注由於中華人民共和國行政和法院當局在解釋和實施法定和 合同條款,評估行政和法院訴訟的結果以及法律保護水平可能會更加困難 我們比更發達的法律體系更享受。
不良 中國的監管發展可能會使我們接受額外的監管審查、額外的披露要求和監管 美國證券交易委員會為應對與中國最近監管發展相關的風險而採取的審查可能會強制執行額外的合規性 對像我們這樣在中國開展業務的公司的要求,所有這些都可能增加我們的合規成本,並使我們承擔額外的費用 披露要求。
的 中國最近的監管動態,特別是對中國公司離岸融資的限制, 可能會導致中國對我們在美國的融資和融資活動進行額外的監管審查。此外, 我們可能會受到中國相關當局可能採用的全行業法規的約束,這些法規可能具有限制的效果 我們在中國的業務範圍,或導致我們在中國的業務運營完全暫停或終止,所有這些 將對我們的業務、財務狀況和運營運績產生重大不利影響。我們可能必須調整、修改或完全 為了應對不利的監管變化或政策發展而改變我們的業務運營,我們無法向您保證任何補救措施 我們採取的行動可以及時、具有成本效益或不負責任的方式完成,甚至完全可以完成。
對 2021年7月30日,為了應對中國近期的監管動態和中國政府採取的行動,主席 美國證券交易委員會發表聲明,要求美國證券交易委員會工作人員尋求與中國業務相關的離岸發行人的更多披露 公司的註冊聲明將被宣布生效。2021年8月1日,中國證券監督管理委員會 在一份聲明中表示,已注意到美國證券交易委員會宣布的有關中國人上市的新披露要求 公司和中國最近的監管發展,兩國應加強有關中國監管的溝通 發行人。我們無法保證我們不會受到更嚴格的監管審查,也可能受到政府干預 在中國
合規 中國新的數據安全法、網絡安全審查辦法、個人信息保護法、法規和指南 與多層次保護計劃和任何其他未來法律和法規相關可能會產生大量費用,並且可能會產生重大影響 影響我們的業務。
最近,中國領導的網信辦對幾家中國互聯網採取了行動 涉嫌國家安全風險和不當行為的公司在美國證券交易所進行首次公開募股 收集和使用中文數據主體的個人資訊。根據官方公告,這一行動是由 以《國家安全法》、《網路安全法》和《網路安全審查辦法》為依據,旨在 國家數據安全風險,維護國家安全,維護公共利益。2021年12月28日,網路空間 中國等部門發佈了《網路安全審查辦法》,自2022年2月15日起施行。 《網路安全審查辦法》進一步重申和擴大了現行網路安全審查的適用範圍。根據 網路安全審查措施,採購互聯網產品和服務以及網路的關鍵資訊基礎設施運營商 從事數據處理活動的平臺運營商,如果其活動影響或可能 影響國家安全。《網路安全審查辦法》進一步規定,網路平臺經營者持有個人資訊 超過100萬的用戶必須在外國上市前向網路安全審查辦公室申請網路安全審查。
作為 截至本報告發布之日,我們認為我們目前不屬於持有超過 一百萬用戶,如上所述。然而,由於法律、法規或政策的可能性,不確定性仍然存在 中國未來可能會迅速變化。中國政府未來擴大行業和公司類別的任何行動 其境外證券發行須接受中國網際網路信息管理局審查的,可能會大幅限制或完全限制 阻礙我們向投資者提供或繼續提供證券的能力,並可能導致此類證券的價值大幅下跌 衰落或一文不值。
另外, 2021年8月20日,全國人大通過了個人資訊保護法,自11月1日起施行, 2021年。該法律制定了一套適用於個人資訊處理的全面的數據隱私和保護要求 並將遵守數據保護的義務擴展到組織和個人對個人個人資訊的處理 在中國,以及在中國以外的人的個人資訊的處理,如果這種處理的目的是提供 向中國中的人提供產品和服務,或者分析和評估其行為。該法律還建議,關鍵資訊 處理滿足待設置的數量閾值的個人資訊的基礎設施運營商和個人資訊處理實體 中國網路空間監管機構還要求將中國產生或收集的個人資訊存儲在中國中,並通過 由中國網路空間監管機構對此類個人資訊的任何出口進行的安全評估。最後,個人 《資訊保護法》規定,嚴重違規的,處以最高5,000元人民幣的萬或年收入的5%的巨額罰款 前一年。
解讀, 這些法律、規章制度的適用和執行不時發生變化,其範圍可能不斷變化, 通過新的立法、對現有立法的修訂和執法方面的改變。遵守《網路安全法》和 數據安全法可能會顯著增加我們提供服務的成本,需要對我們的 或甚至阻止我們在我們目前開展業務或我們所在的司法管轄區提供某些服務 可能會在未來運作。儘管我們努力遵守適用的法律、法規和其他與隱私有關的義務, 在數據保護和資訊安全方面,我們的做法、產品或平臺可能無法滿足所有要求 《網路安全法》、《數據安全法》和/或相關實施條例強加於我們。我方未能遵守的任何事項 或與隱私、數據保護或資訊安全有關的任何其他義務,或任何妥協 導致未經授權訪問、使用或發佈個人身分資訊或其他數據的安全性,或 或聲稱發生了上述任何類型的失敗或妥協,可能會損害我們的聲譽,阻礙新的和 現有交易對手不得與我們簽約,或導致中國政府進行調查、罰款、停職或其他處罰 當局和私人索賠或訴訟,其中任何一項都可能對我們的業務、財務狀況和業績產生實質性的不利影響 行動計劃。即使我們的做法不會受到法律挑戰,對隱私問題的看法,無論是否合理,也可能 損害我們的聲譽和品牌,並對我們的業務、財務狀況和經營結果產生不利影響。此外,法律上的不確定性 《數據安全法》和中國政府最近的行動可能會對我們的能力產生實質性的不利影響,對我們有利 條款,以籌集資金,包括參與我們的證券在美國市場的後續發行。
我們 相信我們目前遵守CAC迄今爲止發佈的法規或政策。之日起 在本報告中,我們沒有參與相關政府監管機構發起的任何網絡安全或數據安全調查 當局,我們尚未收到這方面的任何詢問、通知、警告或制裁。然而,由於存在不確定性 對於這些法律法規的解釋和實施,我們無法向您保證我們將遵守這些法規 在各方面,我們可能會被勒令糾正或終止任何被監管機構認爲非法的行爲。我們也可能 受到罰款和/或其他制裁,可能對我們的業務、運營和財務狀況產生重大不利影響。
它 美國監管機構(例如司法部、SEC和其他當局)可能很難進行調查或 在中國境內收集證據。
股東 在美國常見的索賠或監管調查通常很難從法律或實用性的角度進行追查 在中國。例如,在中國案中,提供監管調查所需的信息存在重大的法律和其他障礙 或在中國以外提起的訴訟。雖然中國當局可能會與證券公司建立監管合作機制 另一個國家或地區的監管部門實施跨境監督管理,與監管部門等合作 美國當局-包括美國證券交易委員會和司法部-可能沒有 互惠務實的合作機制。此外,根據已生效的《中華人民共和國證券法》第一百七十七條的規定, 2020年3月,境外證券監管機構不得在境內直接進行調查或取證活動 中華人民共和國領土。雖然第177條規定的詳細解釋或實施規則尚未公佈,但 境外證券監管機構不能在中國內部直接進行調查或取證活動的,可能會進一步 增加你在保護自己利益方面面臨的困難。
我們 核數師總部位於紐約,定期接受PCAOb的檢查,不受決定的影響 PCAOb於2021年12月16日宣佈。如果PCAOb確定無法檢查或全面調查我們的核數師兩人 連續幾年,您可能會被剝奪此類檢查的好處,我們的普通股可能會從證券交易所退市 根據《控股外國公司責任法》。
的 《控股外國公司責任法案》(HFCAA)於2020年12月18日頒佈。HFCAA表示,如果SEC確定 我們提交了由一家註冊會計師事務所出具的審計報告,該審計報告已有三年未接受PCAOb的檢查 自2021年起,SEC將連續禁止我們的股票在全國證券交易所或場外交易中交易 美國市場。
根據 根據《控股外國公司問責法》,PCAOb於2021年12月16日發佈了一份決定報告,發現PCAOB 無法檢查或調查總部位於:(1)中華人民共和國中國大陸的完全註冊會計師事務所,因爲 中國大陸一個或多個當局所採取的立場;及(2)香港,特別行政區和屬地 由於香港一個或多個當局採取的立場,中華人民共和國。
AS 對於在美國上市的公司和在PCAOB註冊的公司的核數師,我們的核數師的要求是 美國法律接受PCAOB的定期檢查。包括PCAOB對某些其他公司的檢查 已在中國以外進行的審計程序和質量控制程序中發現了不足之處,這 可能會作爲檢查過程的一部分加以處理,以提高未來的審計質量。根據HFCAA的要求,我們必須有一名核數師 要接受PCAOB的檢查。雖然我們目前的核數師位於美國,PCAOB能夠進行 對這類核數師進行檢查,並且在一定程度上不在PCAOB發佈的確定報告中列出的核數師事務所之列 這一狀態在未來會發生變化,或者如果PCAOB因爲某個職位而無法檢查或調查我們的核數師 被外國司法管轄區的當局接管,我們普通股的交易可能會根據HFCAA被禁止,因此 我們的普通股可能會從納斯達克退市。
對 2021年5月13日,PCAOb提出了實施HFCAA的新規則。除其他外,擬議的規則提供了一個框架 PCAOb在根據HFCAA確定是否無法檢查或調查完全登記的公衆時使用 由於該司法管轄區的一個或多個當局採取的立場而位於該司法管轄區的會計師事務所。的 擬議的規則還將確定PCAOB的確定方式; PCAOb將評估的因素以及 在評估是否有必要做出決定時將考慮的文件和信息;形式、公開可用性、 此類決定的生效日期和持續時間;以及PCAOb董事會修改或撤銷其決定的程序 決心。擬議規則於2021年9月22日由PCAOb通過,並於11月5日獲得SEC批准, 2021.
對 2021年6月22日,美國參議院通過了一項法案,該法案如果獲得美國衆議院通過並簽署成爲法律,將減少 觸發HFCAA禁令所需的連續不檢查年數從三年減少到兩年。十二月 2022年29日,作爲2023年綜合撥款法一部分的《加速控股外國公司問責法》簽署 成爲法律,修改了HFCAA並減少了觸發禁令所需的連續不檢查年的數量 因此,根據HFCAA,將期限從三年減少到兩年,將縮短適用發行人的證券被禁止的時間 退出交易或退市。如果出現以下情況,它可能會導致退市並壓低外國發行人證券的價格 發行人的核數師超出了PCAOB的全面檢查和調查範圍。
這個 美國證券交易委員會正在評估如何實施HFCAA的其他要求,包括所述的上市和交易禁止要求 上面。美國證券交易委員會可能會提出額外的規則或指導意見,如果我們的核數師不接受PCAOB的檢查,這些規則或指導可能會影響我們。爲 例如,2020年8月6日,總裁金融市場工作組發佈了關於保護美聯航的報告 美國投資者的重大風險從中國公司轉移到當時的美國總裁。這份報告建議 美國證券交易委員會實施五項建議,以解決來自沒有爲PCAOB提供足夠渠道來履行 它的法定授權。這些建議中的一些概念隨着《HFCAA》的頒佈而得到落實。然而,有些人 的建議比HFCAA更嚴格。例如,如果一家公司沒有受到PCAOB的檢查,報告 建議公司退市前的過渡期將於2022年1月1日結束。
對 2021年12月2日,美國證券交易委員會發布修正案,最終確定此前於2021年3月通過的臨時最終規則,並制定程序 按照HFCAA的要求識別發行人並禁止某些註冊人的證券交易。
對 2022年8月26日,PCAOb宣佈並與中國證券監管機構簽署協議聲明(「協議」) 委員會和中華人民共和國財政部。該協議爲PCAOb提供:(1)全權決定權 在中國當局沒有任何參與的情況下,選擇其檢查和調查的公司、審計業務和潛在違規行爲; (2)PCAOb檢查員和調查員查看包含所有信息的完整審計工作文件的程序以及PCAOb 根據需要保留信息;(3)直接接受採訪並從所有與審計相關的人員那裏獲取證詞 PCAOb進行檢查或調查。
對 2022年12月15日,PCAOb發佈了新的《確定報告》,其中:(1)撤回了2021年12月16日的《確定報告》;和(2) 得出的結論是,PCAOb已能夠在2022年在中國進行全面檢查和調查。2022年12月15日 然而,《決定報告》警告說,外國當局可能隨時採取阻止PCAOb檢查的立場 並徹底調查。根據HFCAA的要求,如果未來PCAOb確定可以進行更長時間的檢查或徹底調查 由於任何外國當局(包括但不限於香港和中國大陸當局)採取的立場,PCAOB 將迅速採取行動考慮是否應發佈新的決定。
而 HFCAA目前不適用於公司,因爲公司現任核數師須接受PCAOb審查,如果 未來因任何原因發生變化,公司可能會受到HFCAA的約束。如果該公司是 是否會屈服於它是不確定的。這種不確定性可能導致我們普通股的市場價格出現重大不利影響 受影響,我們的證券可能會在HFCAA要求的時間內被退市或禁止在納斯達克交易。 如果我們的普通股屆時無法在另一家證券交易所上市,則退市將對您的利益造成重大損害 在您願意時出售或購買普通股的能力,以及與潛在退市相關的風險和不確定性 將對普通股的價格產生負面影響。
的 SEC最近的聯合聲明、納斯達克提交的擬議規則變更以及美國參議院和美國衆議院通過的一項法案 所有代表都呼籲對新興市場公司適用額外、更嚴格的標準。這些發展 可能會給我們的產品、業務運營、股價和聲譽增加不確定性。
美國上市公司擁有大量 他們在中國(包括香港)的所有業務都受到了嚴格審查、批評和負面宣傳 由投資者、金融評論員和監管機構(例如美國證券交易委員會)提供。大部分審查、批評和負面宣傳 集中在財務和會計違規行爲和錯誤上,財務會計缺乏有效的內部控制, 公司治理政策不充分,或缺乏遵守,並且在許多情況下存在欺詐指控。
在……上面 2018年12月7日,美國證券交易委員會和PCAOB發表聯合聲明,強調美國監管機構在其 監督在中國有重要業務的美國上市公司的財務報表審計。2020年4月21日,美國證券交易委員會董事長 傑伊·克萊頓和PCAOB主席威廉·D·杜克三世以及其他高級美國證券交易委員會工作人員發佈了一份聯合聲明,強調 與投資總部位於新興市場或在新興市場擁有大量業務的公司相關的風險,包括中國,重申 美國證券交易委員會和PCAOB過去就一些事項發表的聲明,包括與檢查會計師事務所和審計工作底稿相關的困難 中國和新興市場欺詐風險較高以及美國證券交易委員會、司法部等帶來和執行難度 美國的監管行動,包括在新興市場的欺詐行爲。
對 2020年5月20日,美國參議院通過了《HFCA法案》,要求外國公司證明其並非由外國政府擁有或控制 如果PCAOb因公司使用不受PCAOb檢查的外國核數師而無法審計指定報告。如果 PCAOb連續三年無法檢查公司核數師,發行人的證券被禁止 在國家交易所進行交易。2020年12月2日,美國衆議院批准了《HFCA法案》。
對 2021年5月21日,納斯達克向美國證券交易委員會提交了三項提案,以(i)對主要運營的公司適用最低發行規模要求 在「限制性市場」中;(ii)禁止限制性市場公司直接在納斯達克資本市場上市,以及 僅允許他們在納斯達克全球精選或納斯達克全球市場上市與直接上市有關;和(iii)申請額外的 並根據公司核數師的資格對申請人或上市公司提出更嚴格的標準。
AS 這種審查、批評和負面宣傳的結果是,許多在美上市的中國公司的股票大幅下跌 在價值上,在某些情況下,幾乎變得一文不值。其中許多公司現在受到股東訴訟和美國證券交易委員會 他們正在採取執法行動,並正在對指控進行內部和外部調查。目前尚不清楚這一行業範圍內的影響 審查、批評和負面宣傳將對我們、我們的產品、業務和我們的股價產生影響。如果我們成爲 任何不利的指控,無論這些指控被證明屬實或不屬實,我們都必須花費大量資源來 調查此類指控和/或爲我們的公司辯護。這種情況將是昂貴和耗時的,並會分散我們的管理層的注意力 發展我們的增長。如果這些指控不能被證明是毫無根據的,我們和我們的業務運營將受到嚴重影響 而你可能會讓我們的份額價值大幅下降。
的 制定《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》(「香港 國家安全法」)可能會影響我們的香港運營子公司。
在……上面 2020年6月30日,中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務委員會通過了香港國家安全法。這 法律界定了香港《國家安全法》維護國家安全的職責和政府機構,以及四個 罪行類別--分裂國家、顛覆、恐怖活動和與外國或外國勾結 危害國家安全的因素--及其相應的懲罰。2020年7月14日,前美國選手總裁唐納德 特朗普簽署《香港自治法》(HKAA)成為法律,授權美國政府對 對被認定對香港的經濟造成重大破壞的個人和實體實施制裁 自主。2020年8月7日,美國政府對香港機場管理局授權的11名個人實施制裁,其中包括時任香港特別行政區行政長官 行政長官林鄭月娥和於2022年7月1日接任香港特別行政區行政長官的李家超。2020年10月14日,美國州政府 本局向國會有關委員會提交香港機場管理局所要求的報告,指出有重大貢獻的人士 “中國政府未能履行”聯合聲明“或”基本法“所規定的義務。”在……裡面 2021年7月,總裁Joe拜登警告投資者在香港做生意的風險,發佈諮詢稱 中國對香港施加更多控制的努力威脅到法治,危及員工和數據。香港機場管理局進一步 授權對符合以下條件的外國金融機構實施次級制裁,包括實施封鎖制裁 在知情的情況下與根據該授權受到制裁的外國人員進行重大交易。實施制裁可能 直接影響外國金融機構以及任何與外國金融機構或客戶打交道的第三方或客戶 被鎖定的機構。很難預測香港《國家安全法》和香港機管局對香港的全面影響 香港及位於香港的公司。如果我們的子公司被確定為違反香港國家安全 如果香港法例或香港機場管理局受到主管當局的監管,我們的業務運作可能會受到重大的不利影響。
如果 我們受到了最近涉及美國的審查、批評和負面宣傳-中國上市公司,我們可能有 花費大量資源來調查和/或辯護此事,這可能會損害我們的業務運營、聲譽和 可能導致您對我們普通股的投資損失,特別是如果此類問題無法得到有利的解決和解決。
期間 過去幾年,美國-幾乎所有業務都在中國的上市公司一直是激烈的攻擊對象 投資者、金融評論員和監管機構的審查。大部分審查集中在財務和會計上 違規行爲和錯誤、對財務報告缺乏有效的內部控制,以及在許多情況下存在欺詐指控。 由於審查,許多美國上市股票受到此類審查的中國上市公司 價值急劇下降。其中許多公司現在面臨股東訴訟和/或SEC執法行動, 對指控進行內部和/或外部調查。
如果 我們成爲任何此類審查的對象,無論任何指控是否屬實,我們都可能不得不花費大量資源來調查 此類指控和/或爲公司辯護。此類調查或指控成本高昂、耗時,並且可能會分散注意力 我們的管理層偏離我們的正常業務,並可能導致我們的聲譽受到損害。我們的股價可能會因此下跌 指控,即使指控是虛假的。
一 中國香港、中國或全球經濟的低迷,或者中國經濟和政治政策的變化,都可能發生重大變化 對我們的業務和財務狀況產生不利影響。
我們 業務可能在很大程度上受到香港和中國整體政治、經濟和社會狀況的影響。的 中國經濟在很多方面與大多數發達國家的經濟存在差異,包括政府參與程度, 發展水平、增長速度、外匯管制和資源配置。雖然中國經濟經歷了 過去幾十年來,經濟增長顯着,但無論是地理上還是經濟各個部門之間的增長都不平衡。中國 政府採取各種措施鼓勵經濟增長、引導資源配置。其中一些措施 可能對中國整體經濟有利,但可能對我們產生負面影響。
經濟 香港和中國的情況對全球經濟狀況很敏感。全球或中國經濟的任何長期放緩 可能會影響潛在客戶對整個金融市場的信心,並對我們的業務產生負面影響 運營和財務狀況。此外,國際市場的持續動盪可能會對我們的能力產生不利影響 進入資本市場以滿足流動性需求。
因爲 我們的業務以港元進行,普通股的價格以美元報價,貨幣兌換的變化 利率可能會影響您的投資價值。
我們的 我們的業務是透過我們的營運附屬公司在香港進行;我們的賬簿及紀錄均以港元保存,而港元 是香港的貨幣;我們向美國證券交易委員會提交並提供給股東的財務報表以 美元。港元與美元匯率的變動會影響我們的資產價值和業績 我們的業務以美元計價。港元兌美元及其他貨幣的價值可能會波動,並會 受多項因素影響,其中包括香港政治和經濟狀況的變化,以及人們對經濟的看法變化 香港和美國的。港元若大幅重估,可能會對現金造成重大不利影響。 流量、收入和財務狀況。此外,我們提供的普通股是以美元計價的,我們將需要轉換 我們收到的淨收益兌換成港元,以便將資金用於我們的業務。兩國之間的轉換率變化 美元和港元將影響我們可用於業務的收益數額。
自1983年以來,港元 已與美金掛鈎,價位約為7.80港元兌1.00美金。我們無法向您保證這項政策不會 未來會改變。如果掛鈎制度崩潰,港元貶值,我們的支出成本就會增加 以外幣計價的可能會增加。這反過來又會對我們業務的運營和盈利能力產生不利影響。
風險 涉及香港、台灣和澳門的經濟、政治、法律和社會狀況。
截至六月的年度 2024年、2023年和2022年,我們還在香港、台灣和澳門開展業務。經濟、政治、 香港、台灣和澳門的法律和社會狀況可能會對我們的服務需求造成不利影響,並可能導致 導致本集團財務表現惡化。
此外, 我們無法向你保證香港、臺灣、澳門不會發生任何政治運動或大規模政治騷亂, 可能反過來對市場造成不利影響或導致香港整體經濟、政治和社會狀況受到干擾, 臺灣或澳門。如果這種騷亂或運動持續很長一段時間,可能會導致這種破壞,以及我們的整體 業務、經營業績和財務狀況可能會受到不利影響。
洪 香港和澳門主權回歸中華人民共和國後,成為中華人民共和國的特別行政區, 而台灣具有獨特的政治地位,與中華人民共和國存在主權衝突。我們無法向您保證經濟、政治 香港、澳門和台灣的法律發展不會因行使主權而受到不利影響 中華人民共和國在香港和澳門問題上以及台灣與中華人民共和國之間的衝突。如果總體情況發生重大不利變化 香港、澳門或台灣的經濟、政治和法律發展,我們的運營和財務狀況可能會受到不利影響。
的 香港的法律體系包含不確定性,可能會限制法律保護的可用性。
洪 香港是中華人民共和國的特別行政區。1842年至1997年英國殖民統治後,中國在 「一國兩制」原則。香港特別行政區的憲法文件《 《基本法》確保當前的政治局勢將持續50年。香港原有法律, 即維持普通法、衡平規則、法令、附屬立法和習慣法。香港享受到了 其事務(包括貨幣、移民和海關業務)享有高度自主權的自由,以及 獨立的司法體系和議會體系。2020年7月14日,美國簽署行政命令結束特別 香港1997年後享有的地位。由於目前享有的自治權可能會受到損害,可能會影響香港的 普通法法律體系,反過來可能會帶來不確定性,例如我們合同權利的執行。這可能, 進而對我們的業務和運營產生重大不利影響。此外,智慧財產權和保密性 香港的保護可能不如美國或其他國家那麼有效。因此,我們無法預測其效果 香港法律制度未來的發展,包括新法律的頒布、現行法律的修改或解釋 或其執行,或國家法律優先考慮地方法規。這些不確定性可能會限制法律保護 可供我們使用,包括我們執行與客戶協議的能力。
的 人民幣波動可能會對您的投資產生重大不利影響。
這個 人民幣對美元和其他貨幣的價值變化受到各種因素的影響,例如 中國的政治經濟條件和中國的外匯管制。2005年7月21日,中華人民共和國政府 改變了長達十年的人民幣與美元掛鉤的政策。在這樣的政策下,人民幣被允許 對一籃子特定的外幣在狹窄的、有管理的範圍內波動。後來,中國人民銀行 中國決定進一步實施人民幣匯率形成機制改革,增強人民幣匯率彈性。 自2005年以來,這種政策變化導致人民幣對美元大幅升值。那裡有殘骸 對中國政府施加巨大的國際壓力,要求其採取更靈活的貨幣政策,這可能導致進一步的 以及人民幣兌美元匯率出現更大幅度的調整。人民幣的任何重大升值或重新估值 可能對以外幣計算的普通股價值及應付股息產生重大不利影響。 更具體地說,如果我們決定將人民幣兌換成美元,美元對人民幣的升值 會對我們可用的美元金額產生負面影響。就我們需要兌換美元的程度而言,我們 從我們計劃的首次公開募股(IPO)中獲得人民幣,用於我們的運營,人民幣對 美元將對我們從兌換中獲得的人民幣金額產生不利影響。此外,欣賞或 人民幣對美元匯率的貶值可能會對蘋果股票的價格產生實質性的不利影響 我們的普通股以美元計價,不影響我們業務的任何潛在變化或以下結果 行動。
我們 經營運績受美金與港元價位波動影響。
匯率波動 美元和港元之間的差距,以及香港的通脹可能會對我們的收入產生負面影響。 我們的部分收入和支出是以美元計價的。然而,很大一部分相關費用 由於我們的子公司在香港的業務,包括與設施相關的費用,都是以港元發生的, 而與人事相關的費用預計將以港元計值。因此,香港的通脹將 產生增加我們在香港業務的美元成本的效果,除非它及時被貶值所抵消 港元兌美元的匯率(如適用)。我們無法預測通貨膨脹率未來的任何趨勢。 或港元兌美元的貶值幅度(視何者適用而定)。此外,我們正在 暴露於港元兌美元匯率波動的風險。而香港則是 政府繼續奉行固定匯率政策,港元兌美元匯率約為7.80至1.00港元, 我們不能向您保證這種政策將保持不變。港元兌美元的任何大幅升值 將導致我們的港元支出增加,如適用,記錄在我們的美元計價金融 報告,即使以港元計價的費用(如適用)將保持不變。此外,匯率 我們經營和做生意的香港以外的國家或地區的貨幣匯率波動也可能是負面的 影響我們的收入。
限制 貨幣兌換可能會限制我們有效接收和使用收入的能力。
一些人 我們收入的一半是以人民幣計價的。因此,對貨幣兌換的限制可能會限制我們使用所產生的收入的能力 用人民幣為我們未來在中國以外的任何業務活動提供資金,或向我們的股東支付股息 以美元表示。根據中國現行法律法規,人民幣可自由兌換經常專案,如貿易和 與服務有關的外匯交易和股息分配。然而,人民幣不能在直接投資中自由兌換 或者中國境外的貸款或者證券投資,經外匯局批准的除外。例如,外匯交易 在我們子公司的資本專案下,包括外幣債務的本金支付仍然存在 受到嚴格的外匯管制和外匯局的批准要求。這些限制可能會影響我們 將人民幣兌換成外幣用於資本支出。業務中的現金和/或資產在中國/香港 香港或中國/香港實體,則資金和/或資產可能不能用於中國/香港以外的業務或其他用途 由於中國政府幹預或對我們或我們的附屬公司的能力施加限制和限制 轉移現金和/或資產。而中國政府正在進一步加強外匯管制,我們將無法 以我們自己的力量改變中國政府的決定。
風險 不可抗力、戰爭和恐怖主義行爲、自然災害、騷亂、流行病和其他災難。
的 中華人民共和國、香港、臺灣和澳門或該等其他司法管轄區人民的經濟、基礎設施和民生可能會受到重大影響 並受到不可抗力、戰爭和恐怖主義行爲、自然災害、騷亂、流行病和其他超越性災難的不利影響 了我們的控制範圍如果發生這些事件,我們的業務、財務狀況和運營業績可能會受到不利影響。
爲 例如,流行病威脅人們的生命,並可能對他們的生計以及他們的生活和消費產生不利影響 模式。疫情的發生是我們無法控制的,我們不能向您保證冠狀病毒(包括 新冠肺炎(Sequoia Capital)、嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症、H5N1禽流感、H1N1豬流感、寨卡病毒或 任何其他流行病或大流行都不會發生。發生的任何流行病或大流行,例如最近爆發的COVID-19, 在中國、香港、臺灣和澳門,甚至在中國、香港、臺灣和澳門以外的地區,可能會嚴重影響和 限制經濟活動水平,因爲政府可能會對受影響地區實施監管行政措施 或其他控制疾病爆發的措施,從而可能對我們的業務、財務狀況和 手術的結果。戰爭和恐怖主義行爲可能對我們或我們的員工、設施、市場造成損害或破壞, 供應商或客戶,其中任何一項都可能對我們的收入、成本、財務狀況和運營結果產生不利影響,或者 我們股票的交易價格。潛在的戰爭或恐怖襲擊也可能造成不確定性,並導致我們的業務在某些方面受到影響 這是我們目前無法預測的。
風險 與我們的公司結構相關
我們 依靠子公司支付的股息和其他股權分配,爲我們可能有的任何現金和融資需求提供資金, 我們子公司向我們付款的能力受到任何限制,都可能對我們的行爲能力產生實質性的不利影響 我們的生意。
我們 是一家在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立的控股公司,大部分業務運營由我們的運營實體進行 在香港、臺灣、澳門和中國,我們依賴於子公司爲我們支付的股息和其他股權分配 現金和融資需求,包括向股東支付股息和其他現金分配所需的資金,以及 償還我們可能產生的任何債務。如果我們的任何子公司未來代表自己承擔債務,則管理 債務可能會限制其向我們支付股息或進行其他分配的能力。
主題 根據《英屬維爾京群島法案》和我們修訂和重述的章程,我們的董事會可以通過董事決議授權並宣佈 如果我們的股東有合理理由確信 股息後,我們的資產價值將立即超過我們的負債,我們將能夠償還債務 到期BVI對我們可以通過股息分配的資金金額沒有進一步的法定限制。
根據 根據香港公司條例,香港公司只能從可供分配的利潤中進行分配,或 其他可分配儲備金。股息不能從股本中支付。 根據稅務局目前的做法 在香港,我們無需就支付的股息在香港繳納任何稅款。
根據 根據現行中國法規,我們中國子公司分配股息的能力基於其可分配收益, 我們的中國子公司僅允許從其確定的累計利潤(如有)中向銀河薪資(中國)支付股息 符合中國會計準則和法規。此外,我們在中國的子公司至少需要預留 每年稅後利潤的10%(如果有的話)爲法定儲備金提供資金,直至該儲備金達到註冊資本的50%。 儘管法定準備金可以用於增加註冊資本和消除未來超額損失等方式 在我們中國子公司的保留收益中,儲備金不得作爲現金股息分配,除非清算。 因此,我們中國子公司分配股息的能力和分配金額(如果有的話)可能會受到極大限制。
在 此外,也不能保證中國政府未來不會干預或限制我們香港 子公司Galaxy Payroll(HK)向香港以外的實體轉移或分配現金/資產的能力,任何限制 銀河薪資(HK)向我們支付股息或進行其他分配的能力可能會對我們的能力造成重大不利限制 發展、進行可能對我們的業務有利的投資或收購、支付股息或以其他方式資助和開展我們的業務 業務
中國 與我們當前業務運營相關的法律法規有時模糊和不確定,並且此類法律法規的任何變化 對其的解釋可能會損害我們盈利運營的能力。
雖然 Galaxy Payroll BVI完全擁有我們的運營實體,目前沒有或打算與我們簽訂任何合同 與任何實體或個人建立VIE結構的安排,本集團仍可能受到某些法律和 與我們的經營實體設在香港和中國,並且到目前為止大部分業務都是相關的經營風險 在香港和中國。中國法律法規的解釋和適用存在很大的不確定性 包括但不限於與我們的業務相關的法律法規以及我們的 在某些情況下與客戶的安排。法律法規有時是模糊的,可能會受到未來的影響 這些變化,以及它們的官方解釋和執行,可能會涉及很大的不確定性。有效性和解釋力 新頒佈的法律或法規,包括對現有法律法規的修改,可能會推遲,我們的業務可能會 如果我們依賴法律和法規,而這些法律和法規後來被採納或以不同於我們的 瞭解這些法律法規。影響現有和擬議中的未來企業的新法律法規也可能 可追溯適用。我們無法預測對現有或新的中國法律或法規的解釋可能會對 我們的生意。
的 法律執行方面的不確定性以及中國大陸的規則和法規可以快速改變,而且幾乎沒有什麼變化 提前通知,以及中國政府可能隨時干預或影響我們的運營或可能施加更多的風險 對海外進行的發行和/或對我們香港子公司的外國投資的控制可能會導致重大變化 影響我們的運營、財務表現和/或我們普通股的價值或損害我們的籌集資金的能力。
那裡 不確定我們是否將被視為中國居民企業。如果我們被歸類為中國居民企業 就中國所得稅而言,此類分類可能會對我們和我們的非中國股東產生不利的稅務後果。
在……下面 《中華人民共和國企業所得稅法》及其實施細則:在中國境外設立的具有實際管理權的企業 中國境內的“實體”被認為是“居民企業”,將在其全球範圍內繳納企業所得稅。 收入按25%的稅率計算。實施細則“將”事實上的管理機構“定義為管理機構, 實際上,是對企業的生產經營、員工、會計、財產等各個方面進行全面管控。 2009年,國家稅務總局發佈了《國家稅務總局關於以下問題的通知》 按照事實標準認定中控境外註冊企業為境內企業 管理機構, 或Sat Notify 82,其中提供了某些特定標準,用於確定是否存在事實管理 一家在境外註冊成立的中國控股企業的“主體”位於中國。雖然星期六公告82只適用於 由中國企業或中國企業集團控制的離岸企業,不由中國個人或非中國實體控制的離岸企業, Sat Notify 82中提出的標準可反映SAT關於“事實上的管理機構”案文如何 應適用於確定所有離岸企業的納稅居民身分。根據星期六公告82,一家離岸公司 由中國企業或中國企業集團控制的企業,因其“稅”而被視為中華人民共和國稅務居民。 事實上的管理機構“在中國,並將繳納中國企業所得稅的全球收入,只有在以下所有情況 符合條件:(一)負責日常生產的高級管理部門和高級管理部門所在地, 經營管理人員履行職責的企業主要設在中國境內;(二)財務決策 (如借款、放貸、融資和金融風險管理)和人事決定(如任命、解僱和 工資)由或者需要由中國境內的組織或者個人決定;(三)主要財產, 企業的會計賬簿、公章、董事會和股東會記錄檔案 位於或保存在中國境內的;(4)有一半(或以上)具有 投票權習慣性地駐留在中國的領地內。
我們 我認為我們在中國以外的任何實體都不是中國居民企業,符合前款所述的標準 並不適用於本公司,因為本公司並非由中國企業或中國企業集團控制的離岸註冊企業。 然而,企業的稅務居民身分有待中國稅務機關確定,仍存在不確定性。 關於“事實上的管理機構”一詞的解釋。如果中國稅務機關認定我們是 中國居民企業就企業所得稅而言,我們可以按我們全球收入的25%的稅率繳納中國稅, 這可能會大幅減少我們的淨收入,我們可能需要從支付給股東的股息中預扣10%的預扣稅 都是非居民企業。此外,非居民企業股東可按10%的稅率繳納所得稅。 在出售或以其他方式處置我們的普通股時變現,如果該等收入被視為來自中國內部。
此外, 如果我們被視為中國居民企業,應支付給非中國個人股東的股息以及在 該等股東轉讓我們的普通股可能需要繳納20%的中國稅(該中國稅可以按以下稅率預扣稅) 股息情況下的來源)。任何中國所得稅負債都可能根據適用的稅務條約減少。但目前尚不清楚 在實踐中,我們的非中國股東是否能夠獲得其稅務國家之間任何稅務條約的好處 如果我們被視為中國居民企業,則其居住地和中國。任何此類稅收都可能會減少您的回報 對我們普通股的投資。
風險 與我們的工商業有關
我們 擁有集中的客戶群,與主要客戶合作的項目數量的任何減少都會對我們的運營產生不利影響 和財務業績。
截至六月的年份 2024年、2023年和2022年,我們收入的很大一部分來自少數客戶。我們的五大客戶 約佔2200萬港元(280萬美元)、2250萬港元(290萬美元)和2800萬港元(360萬美元),代表 分別約佔我們同期收入的73.0%、71.4%和59.7%。
那裏 不保證我們的主要客戶會繼續聘請我們提供薪資外包服務、就業 服務以及諮詢和市場研究服務和/或增加他們對未來我們服務的需求。如果有任何重大的 此類客戶授予的聘用數量和規模的減少,我們的財務狀況和經營業績將受到重大影響 並受到不利影響。此外,如果我們的主要客戶遇到任何流動性問題,業務、財務 本集團的狀況和前景可能會受到重大不利影響。我們無法保證我們能夠多元化 通過從現有和潛在客戶那裏獲得大量新項目來擴大我們的客戶群。
高 客戶集中使我們面臨主要客戶面臨的所有風險,並可能使我們面臨重大波動 或收入下降。
我們的 客戶既包括企業,也包括個人。然而,我們的有限數量的主要客戶做出了重大貢獻 我們過去收入的一部分。截至2024年6月30日,四大客戶佔比分別為29.0%、23.5%、21.0%、18.5%, 分別佔本集團應收賬款總額。截至2023年6月30日,我們的前三大客戶佔39.5%, 分別佔集團應收賬款總額的26.7%和18.2%。在截至2024年6月30日的一年中, 客戶佔集團總收入的23.3%、22.1%和12.8%。在截至2023年6月30日的一年中,我們的 三大客戶分別佔集團總收入的36.4%、14.7%及13.4%。截至該年度為止 2022年6月30日,我們最大的兩大客戶分別佔集團總收入的28.2%和10.6%,儘管 我們不斷尋求使我們的客戶基礎多樣化,但我們不能向您保證這些收入貢獻的比例 在不久的將來,客戶對我們總收入的影響將會減少。對有限數量的大客戶的依賴將暴露出我們 如果它們中的任何一個減少甚至停止與以下公司的業務合作,則將面臨重大損失的風險並延長周轉天數 我們。
我們 需要與有限數量的供應商保持穩定的關係,否則我們的業務可能會受到不利影響。
我們的專業數量有限 然而,供應商過去貢獻了我們供應的很大一部分。截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日,我們的頂級供應商占 占集團應付帳款總額的100%。截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日止年度,我們的頂級供應商占34.4%, 分別占集團國內合作夥伴總成本的37.9%和54.3%。我們將積極擴大供應商基礎,但 現在我們仍然依賴數量有限的主要供應商,這將使我們面臨重大損失的風險並延長營運額 如果他們中的任何一個減少甚至停止與我們的業務合作,我們將面臨幾天的處罰。
我們 IT系統可能無法按預期運行,並且容易受到損壞和中斷,從而可能導致個人數據泄露 我們最終用戶的員工和我們的借調員工。
的 我們業務的高效運營取決於我們的IT系統,這直接關係到我們的穩定性和績效。 業務運營。
我們 我們擁有大量與我們最終用戶的員工和我們的借調員工相關的個人數據。我們 有義務按照與個人有關的法律和法規要求的方式保存我們擁有的所有個人數據 數據保護在中國、香港、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞等亞洲國家實施。如果我們的it系統遇到 我們的it系統因停電、黑客攻擊、電腦病毒、安全漏洞而出現的任何功能問題或任何故障 以及我們內部員工的使用錯誤導致我們違反保密規定或未能遵守保護規定, 按照相關法律法規的規定收集、使用和披露個人資料,從而導致與 向我們薪資外包服務的最終用戶的員工或我們的借調員工洩露給第三方或被第三方獲得 如果雙方不合作,我們的聲譽將受到威脅,可能會失去我們的主要客戶。我們薪水單的最終用戶的僱員 外包服務或我們的借調員工也可能向我們提起法律訴訟,要求我們賠償 可能因此而引起或招致的,除中國有關法律、法規規定的處罰外, 我們受制於香港、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞等亞洲國家。
的 我們為保護客戶資料庫的安全性和機密性而實施的內部控制程式可能無法有效 在任何情況下都防止個人數據泄露或未經授權訪問我們的客戶資料庫。如果發生這樣的事件,我們 可能因個人數據泄露而受到調查、訴訟、公斷和其他形式的法律訴訟和/或爭議 中國、香港、日本、台灣、澳門、澳大利亞和其他亞洲國家的隱私法律法規以及我們的管理團隊 將不得不轉移大量時間、精力和資源來處理法律程式。如果發生此類違規行為, 我們的業務運營、財務業績和聲譽將受到不利影響。
主要國內合作夥伴 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日的一年中,我們的國內合作夥伴成本分別超過34%、35%和50%。任何 主要國內合作夥伴的關係惡化、終止或服務提供的改變可能會對我們的影響產生不利影響 業務和經營運績。
我們已簽訂人力資源外包服務協議 與主要國內合作夥伴合作,由主要國內合作夥伴提供薪資外包服務和就業服務 對我們中國大陸來說。主要國內合作夥伴占我們國內合作夥伴成本的34%、35%和50%以上 分別截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日的年度。如果我們與主要國內合作夥伴的關係惡化 或終止,或者主要國內合作夥伴提供的服務範圍、我們的業務和業績發生重大變化 的運營可能會受到不利影響。
我們的 成功在很大程度上歸功於我們執行董事和高級管理層成員的持續承諾和貢獻 一隊。他們在提供薪資外包服務、就業服務和諮詢方面具有豐富的知識和經驗 和市場研究服務,以及它們與我們的客戶和最終用戶建立的關係,在 我們的成就。勞先生、布特先生及楊先生,分別在薪俸外判服務行業擁有超過15年的經驗及 就業服務業。在創立我們的集團之前,他們在一家從事薪資外包服務的公司工作 服務和就業服務。除了我們的執行董事,我們的高級管理團隊成員盧浩女士和Mr.Wu 春雷,擁有超過14年的薪酬外包服務和就業服務行業的豐富經驗 17年,分別在我們集團的日常運營中扮演著重要的角色,包括監督我們的 對提供服務的員工進行分組、管理和培訓。
那裡 不能保證我們能夠留住這些關鍵人員,也不能保證在沒有適當和及時的替代者的情況下失去他們, 或無法吸引和留住合格人員可能會對我們的業務、運營運績、財務狀況產生不利影響 和前景。
在 此外,我們還必須留住具有必要能力水平、當地經驗和薪資知識的內部員工 外包服務、就業服務以及諮詢和市場研究服務,以維持和發展我們的業務。 未來,我們可能會遇到適當技能人員短缺的問題,這可能會阻礙我們實施 我們的業務擴張策略,並對我們的業務和運營運績產生重大不利影響。
我們 最終用戶可以考慮建立自己的人力資源部門來管理自己的薪資和就業職能,當他們 在各自地區擴大規模。
一 我們的最終用戶將薪津和/或就業職能外包給我們集團的原因是成本高昂且耗時 所涉及的工作的性質。然而,當他們的業務規模在各自地區增長時,他們可能會考慮設立 由於規模經濟,他們自己的人力資源部門自行管理薪資和就業職能。如果我們的最終用戶 由於業務擴張,決定不再繼續聘請本集團提供薪資外包服務和/或就業服務 在各個地區,我們的業務和經營運績可能會受到重大不利影響。
我們 可能無法成功實施我們的業務計劃
我們 計劃擴大我們在中國和香港的業務運營,重點關注中國市場。我們在實施中可能會遇到困難 這樣的計劃。
特別是, 由於薪資外包服務行業和 中國的就業服務行業目前由中國企業主導,中國企業曾經是唯一提供服務的授權實體 中國的服務。無法保證我們能夠擴大在中國的客戶群。任何無法執行我們的開發 中國市場的計劃可能會對我們的業務、增長、財務狀況和經營運績產生不利影響。
我們 持續發展取決於我們成功實施業務戰略和未來計劃的能力,而這反過來又是我們的主題 相關司法管轄區的不確定性和不斷變化的市場條件。我們制定了發展和業務擴張計劃 基於對某些未來事件發生的假設,這些事件可能會或可能不會發生。無法保證我們會 能夠成功實施我們的業務計劃或我們的任何業務戰略都將產生效益或達到 盈利能力正如我們的預期。此外,本集團可能無法在受控的情況下有效管理業務的增長 方式過度擴張可能會給我們有限的管理、運營和財務資源帶來壓力,從而產生重大不利影響 我們運營和財務狀況的穩定性。
的 我們與渠道客戶簽訂的主服務協議不為渠道客戶提供任何參與的義務 我們的薪資外包服務和/或就業服務以及招聘數量和/或規模的顯著減少 來自渠道客戶的信息可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況和運營運績產生重大不利影響。
截至六月底止年度 2024年、2023年和2022年,我們來自渠道客戶的收入約佔我們收入的63.7%、74.0%和55.9%, 分別進行了分析。我們與超過一半的渠道客戶簽訂了提供薪水單的主服務協定 外包服務和就業服務。此類協定不強制要求我們的最終用戶有任何保證和/或最低數量的員工 對於我們的薪資外包服務,或我們借調的最低員工數量。如果(I)我們的 集團成為清盤決議或呈請的標的;(Ii)我們沒有能力或被視為無能力或承認無能力付款 我們的債務到期時;或(Iii)我們的任何執行董事被控或被判犯有任何刑事罪行,協定 可以在不需要任何通知的情況下終止。因此,我們的渠道客戶可以立即終止他們的主服務協定 影響聘用我們從事薪資外包服務和/或就業服務的最終用戶的數量,通過 我們的渠道客戶。因此,我們的收入、業務和經營結果可能會出現意外的波動。 可能會受到實質性和不利的影響。
的 我們歷史財務信息的趨勢可能並不能表明我們未來的財務表現。
我們的 截至2024年6月30日的年度收入下降約-4%至約HKD3010萬(390美元萬) 截至2023年6月30日止年度的HKD3150萬(美元萬)。我們的淨收入下降了約-39%,至約 截至2024年6月30日止年度的HKD550萬(約70美元萬),由約HKD900萬(約 截至2023年6月30日的年度為110US萬),主要歸因於 收入成本增加港幣90元萬(10美元萬),或7%,銷售、一般及行政開支增加 支出港幣90元萬(10美元萬),或11%。
我們 收入可能會因一系列原因而下降,包括未能留住現有客戶和/或吸引新客戶,加劇 市場競爭、整體工資外包服務市場和就業服務市場增長放緩等 政府對工資外包服務市場、就業服務市場或 中國、香港、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞或其他亞洲國家的總體經濟狀況。因此,歷史人物 因爲我們的財務表現僅反映我們過去的表現,並不一定指示我們的財務表現 在未來我們無法向您保證我們的業務前景存在積極趨勢。我們可能無法實現可比或更高的目標 我們在2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日期間實現的未來財務業績水平。
我們 收入和利潤的可持續性取決於我們通過提供高質量的服務保持競爭力的能力。
我們一直在開展業務 在工資外包服務行業和就業服務行業從業九年多。我們的收入約爲 分別爲3010萬港元、3150萬港元和4690萬港元(約390萬美元、400萬美元和600萬美元), 淨利潤約爲550萬港元、900萬港元和2260萬港元(約70萬美元、110萬美元和2.9美元 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日止年度分別爲百萬)。我們收入和利潤的可持續性將 依靠通過以下方式保持薪資外包服務業和就業服務業競爭力的能力 提供高質量的服務。
的 薪資外包服務業和就業服務業競爭激烈。我們的競爭對手和新市場 未來進入者可能會增加,導致價格競爭加劇,這反過來又可能對我們的討價還價能力產生不利影響 就收取的費用以及我們的運營業績和前景而言。我們的市場地位可能會因加劇而受到阻礙 以更好的服務和/或我們的競爭對手降價爲形式的競爭。我們未能保持高質量 具有競爭力的價格的服務可能會對我們的業務、經營業績和財務狀況產生重大不利影響。
我們 可能對我們借調員工的行爲或不行爲承擔代理責任,並可能面臨與就業相關的索賠。
截至2024年6月30日 到2022年,我們在香港有6、7和4名借調員工,在臺灣有63、37和11名借調員工,在臺灣有3、3和6名借調員工 分別在澳門受僱於本集團。借調的員工爲我們的最終用戶工作,並受到他們的監督 但根據借調僱員之間訂立的僱傭合約,他們仍然是我們的僱員。 還有我們。因此,我們可能對他們在履行或聲稱履行各自的 我們的最終用戶賦予他們的責任。替代責任,是指行爲人對行爲人實施的侵權行爲承擔的責任 另一人,例如,僱主將對其僱員的作爲和不作爲負責,即使僱主本人沒有 犯了這種行爲和不作爲。當我們作爲借調僱員的僱主直接提供就業服務時,我們 還可能面臨以下風險:
● | 權利要求 被我們的借調員工錯誤解僱; | |
● | 權利要求 我們的借調員工對他們的歧視或騷擾,包括索賠 與我們最終用戶的行爲有關; |
● | 權利要求 由我們的借調員工行使與我們簽訂的僱傭合同項下的權利 團體; |
● | 權利要求 由我們的借調員工享有就業福利;以及 |
● | 權利要求 我們最終用戶的客戶因我們借調員工的任何疏忽行爲或過錯而受到賠償。 |
我們 可能需要承擔額外費用來解決或辯護這些索賠或法律訴訟以及我們的業務、運營業績和財務 條件可能會受到不利影響。我們的聲譽可能會受到重大影響,上述事件也可能會影響我們的關係 通過我們現有和潛在的渠道 客戶和最終用戶。
我們 歷史股息支付不應被視爲我們未來股息政策或未來股息支付的指示。
我們可以派發股息 以現金或我們認爲適當的其他方式。作爲一家控股公司,我們主要依靠從香港收到資金。 香港子公司銀河薪酬(香港)以股息方式支付我們的現金和融資需求。根據這些公司的說法 根據《香港公司條例》,香港公司只可從可供分配的利潤中作出分配或以其他方式分配。 預備隊。此外,不能保證中國政府未來不會干預或對銀河施加限制 薪資(香港)S向香港以外的實體轉移或分配現金/資產的能力,這可能導致無法 或禁止向我們轉讓或分發,並對我們的業務造成不利影響。宣佈和支付任何股息的決定 將需要我們董事會的批准,並將由其酌情決定。此外,財政年度的任何末期股息將受 以獲得股東的批准。於截至2024年6月30日止年度,本集團宣佈派發股息約港幣940萬(1.2美元 百萬美元),並支付約港幣950萬(美元萬)。截至2023年6月30日止年度,本集團宣佈派發股息 約港幣1380萬(美國萬),並支付約港幣990萬(美國萬)。在截至6月30日的年度內, 於2022年,本集團宣佈派發股息約港幣1440萬($180萬),並支付約港幣1890萬($240萬)。 任何歷史股息支付都不應被視爲未來股息政策或我們未來股息支付的跡象。
我們 面臨應收客戶賬款的信用風險。
我們面臨信貸風險 與我們應收客戶帳款相關的風險。我們的應收帳款約為260港元和2.2港元 截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日,分別為100萬美金(30萬億美金和30萬億美金)。我們的應收帳款周轉天數約為 截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日止年度分別為29天和66天。我們的業務運營和現金流受 我們的客戶延遲結算的風險。我們客戶的結算日期可能會受到其內部政策的影響,我們 無法向您保證我們的客戶會及時結算。我們努力加強應收帳款的徵收和 管理可能無效,我們無法向您保證我們將能夠完全收回客戶的未償款項, 如果有的話,或者我們的客戶將及時結算金額。
我們 企業收集、託管、存儲、轉移、處理、披露、使用、保護、保留和處置個人和商業信息, 並收集、持有和傳輸客戶資金,安全或隱私漏洞可能會損害或擾亂我們的業務,導致披露 機密信息、損害我們的聲譽、增加我們的成本、造成損失並對我們的運營運績產生重大不利影響。
在 與我們的業務相關,我們收集、託管、存儲、轉移、處理、披露、使用、保護、保留和處置大量資金 有關我們客戶、客戶員工、供應商和員工、承包商和臨時工的個人和業務信息 員工,包括薪津信息、醫療保健信息、個人和企業財務數據、身份證號碼及其 外國等值信息、銀行帳號、稅務信息以及其他敏感的個人和商業信息。我們還收集重要的 從我們客戶的帳戶中提取資金金額,並將其轉移給其員工、稅務當局和其他人。
我們 專注於確保我們維護和保護個人和業務信息以及客戶資金,並投入大量資源 維護和定期更新我們的系統和流程。儘管如此,全球環境繼續變得越來越敵對 隨著對信息技術系統的攻擊頻率、複雜性和複雜性不斷增加,我們經常成為攻擊目標 未經授權的方使用惡意策略、代碼和病毒。其中某些惡意方可能受到國家支持和支持 通過大量的財政和技術資源。儘管這是一個全球性問題,但它對我們的企業的影響可能比其他企業更大 企業,因為惡意方(包括我們的人員)可能會關注個人和企業信息的數量和類型 我們的企業收集、託管、存儲、轉移、處理、披露、使用、保護、保留和處置的客戶資金 我們收集和傳輸。
我們 制定了預防、檢測和應對數據或網路安全事件的計劃和流程。然而,因為 用於獲得未經授權的訪問、禁用或降低服務、或頻繁破壞系統的技術越來越多 更加複雜和複雜,並且可能很難在很長一段時間內被髮現,我們可能無法或未能預料到這些 技術或實施充分或及時的預防或應對措施。增強我們應對網路安全事件的能力 也可能取決於相關政府或執法部門提供援助的時間和性質 代理。我們從第三方開發或採購或第三方需要的硬體、軟體、應用程式或服務 在我們的系統上安裝的各方,如外國政府,可能包含設計或製造方面的缺陷或其他問題 可能(或者,就第三方軟體而言,可能被設計為)危及數據的機密性、完整性或可用性 或者我們的系統。未經授權的人還試圖訪問我們的系統或設施,或與我們合作的第三方的系統或設施 我們通過欺詐、詐騙或其他欺騙第三方或我們的人員的方法進行業務,包括網路釣魚和 其他社會工程技術,攻擊者利用最終用戶行為將電腦病毒和惡意軟體分發到我們的 或以其他方式危及我們系統上數據的機密性、完整性或可用性。隨著這些威脅繼續 發展和增長,我們將繼續投入大量資源,並可能需要投入大量額外資源,以 修改和加強我們的資訊安全和控制,並調查和補救任何安全漏洞。此外, 雖然我們的運營環境旨在保護和保護個人和商業資訊,但我們可能沒有 有能力監控我們的客戶、供應商或合作夥伴的任何保障措施的實施或有效性,在任何情況下, 第三方或許能夠繞過這些安全措施。由惡意方獲取的資訊導致 對我們的客戶、供應商、合作夥伴或其他第三方的成功攻擊可能反過來被用來攻擊我們的資訊 技術系統。
任何 網路攻擊、未經授權的入侵、惡意軟體滲透、網路中斷、拒絕服務、數據損壞、竊盜 非公開或其他敏感資訊,或惡意方(包括我們的人員)的類似行為,或疏忽或 我們的供應商、合作夥伴或人員的不作為可能導致機密個人或業務的丟失、洩露或濫用 資訊或客戶被盜,並可能對我們的業務或運營結果或我們的 導致責任、訴訟、監管調查和制裁,或對我們為客戶服務的能力失去信心, 或者使現有的或潛在的客戶選擇另一個服務提供商。隨著全球環境繼續變得越來越不友好, 對於我們的客戶和潛在客戶來說,我們運營環境的安全比以往任何時候都更加重要。因此,違反或感知到的 如果我們的安全系統遭到破壞,可能會導致我們的客戶或潛在客戶失去信心,導致他們選擇另一個客戶 這可能會對我們的業務產生實質性的不利影響。
雖然 我們相信,我們維護了強大的信息安全和控制計劃,並且沒有發生任何數據或網絡安全事件 迄今為止我們遇到的對我們產生了重大影響,數據或網絡安全事件可能會對我們產生重大不利影響 我們的業務、經營運績、財務狀況和聲譽。雖然我們維持保險範圍,但須遵守政策 條款和條件以及大量的自我保險保留金,旨在解決可能因以下事項而產生的損失或索賠 數據和網絡風險的某些方面,此類保險範圍可能不足以涵蓋所有損失或所有類型的索賠, 可能出現在不斷發展的數據和網絡風險領域。
我們 系統、應用程序、解決方案和服務可能會受到中斷的影響,這可能會對我們的業務產生重大不利影響 和聲譽。
許多 我們的許多業務都高度依賴於我們每天處理大量複雜交易的能力。我們依賴於 嚴重依賴於我們的工資單、財務、會計和其他數據處理系統。我們需要適當地管理我們的系統、應用程序 和解決方案,以及我們可能不時進行的任何升級、增強和擴展,以確保它們得到適當的支持 我們的生意。如果這些系統、應用程序或解決方案中的任何系統、應用程序或解決方案無法正常運行或被禁用,即使是很短的一段時間 隨着時間的推移,無論是由於惡意行爲、錯誤、缺陷還是其他任何因素(S),我們都可能蒙受經濟損失,擾亂我們的生活 業務、對客戶的責任、客戶的流失、監管幹預或對我們聲譽的損害,任何這些都可能對我們造成實質性的影響 對我們的經營結果或財務狀況產生不利影響。我們擁有災難恢復、業務連續性和危機管理 旨在保護我們的企業免受各種事件影響的計劃和程序,包括自然災害、軍事或恐怖事件 操作、電源或通信故障或類似事件。儘管我們做了準備,但我們的計劃和程序可能不會成功 在防止或減少客戶數據丟失、服務中斷、運營中斷或對我們重要業務的損害方面 設施。
一 我們使用的數據中心或雲計算服務的中斷可能會對我們的業務產生重大不利影響。
我們 通過我們運營的數據中心、運營的數據中心和雲計算託管我們的應用程序併爲我們的客戶提供服務 由第三方供應商提供的服務。如果這些數據中心或雲計算服務中的任何一個出現故障,將被禁用 或被中斷,即使是在有限的時間內,我們的業務也可能中斷,我們可能遭受經濟損失, 客戶、客戶流失、監管幹預或聲譽受損,其中任何一項都可能對我們的 經營業績或財務狀況。此外,我們的第三方供應商可能會停止提供數據中心設施或雲計算 服務,選擇不以商業上合理的條款與我們續簽協議,或根本不違反與我們的協議,或 未能滿足我們的期望,這可能會擾亂我們的運營,並需要我們產生可能會產生實質性不利影響的成本 我們的經營結果或財務狀況。
我們 對財務報告缺乏有效的內部控制可能會影響我們準確報告財務業績或預防的能力 欺詐行爲,這可能會影響我們普通股的市場和價格。
執行第404條 在2002年的薩班斯-奧克斯利法案中,美國證券交易委員會通過了規則,要求上市公司包括一份關於公司 財務報告的內部控制。在提交註冊聲明之前,我們是一傢俬人公司,會計有限 解決我們對財務報告的內部控制的人員和其他資源。我們的管理層尚未完成評估 我們的財務報告內部控制的有效性和我們的獨立註冊會計師事務所沒有進行 對我們財務報告的內部控制進行審計。然而,關於對我們合併財務報表的審計 截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日,我們和我們的獨立註冊會計師事務所發現,我們的內部 上述期間對財務報告的控制以及其他控制缺陷。如所建立的標準中所定義的 根據美國上市公司會計監督委員會(「PCAOB」)的定義,「實質性弱點」是一種缺陷, 或財務報告內部控制方面的缺陷的組合,從而有合理的可能性 我們的年度或中期財務報表的錯誤陳述將不會被及時防止或發現。物質上的弱點 查明與以下方面有關的問題:一)由於工作人員和資源有限,某些關鍵職能的職責分工不足;二)缺乏 足夠的財務報告和會計人員,對美國公認會計准則和美國證券交易委員會報告要求有適當的了解,以使其正規化 對財務報告和編制合併財務報表及相關披露的關鍵控制;三)缺乏獨立性 董事和審計委員會,以建立正式的風險評估程序和內部控制框架;以及四)缺乏有效的 已建立的控制框架和關鍵信息技術一般控制(「ITGC」)在以下方面存在設計缺陷 包括邏輯訪問、特權訪問、IT操作和網絡安全。
我們打算實施措施 旨在改善我們對財務報告的內部控制,以解決這些重大弱點的根本原因,包括i) 僱用更多合格的員工來填補運營中的關鍵角色; ii)建立財務和系統控制框架,並建立正式的 記錄已實施的政策和控制措施; iii)任命獨立董事、建立審計委員會並加強 公司政府;以及iv)建立ITGC和系統控制框架,其中包含政策和控制的正式文檔 地方
我們 將遵守我們保持內部控制和管理人員定期評估有效性的要求 內部控制。對財務報告進行有效的內部控制對於防止舞弊很重要。因此,我們的業務, 財務狀況、經營業績和前景,以及我們普通股的市場和交易價格可能是 如果我們沒有有效的內部控制,就會受到實質性的不利影響。在此次發行之前,我們是一傢俬人公司, 有限的資源。因此,我們可能無法及時發現任何問題,現有和潛在股東可能會蒙受損失 對我們財務報告的信心,這將損害我們的業務和我們普通股的交易價格。內部的缺位 對財務報告的控制可能會抑制投資者購買我們的普通股,並可能使我們更難 通過債務或股權融資籌集資金。
額外 未來可能會發現重大弱點或重大缺陷。如果我們發現此類問題或無法生產 準確及時的財務報表,我們的股價可能會下跌,並且我們可能無法維持對納斯達克上市的合規性 規則
如果 我們未能升級、增強和擴展我們的技術和服務來滿足客戶的需求和偏好,以及對我們解決方案的需求 服務可能會大幅減少。
我們的業務所在的行業受到快速技術進步和客戶需求和偏好變化的影響。在……裏面 爲了保持競爭力和對客戶需求的響應,我們不斷升級、增強和擴展我們的技術、解決方案 和服務。如果我們不能成功應對技術挑戰以及客戶需求和偏好,對我們的 解決方案和服務可能會減少。此外,產品開發的投資往往涉及長期的投資回報。 週而復始。我們已經並預計將繼續在產品開發方面進行重大投資。我們必須繼續致力於 在知道我們的投資將在多大程度上產生產品之前,爲我們的開發工作投入大量資源 市場會接受的。此外,如果出現以下情況,我們的業務在新產品推出期間可能會受到不利影響 客戶推遲購買決定,以評估新產品供應。此外,我們可能無法成功執行我們的 產品開發戰略,包括由於在產品規劃和時間安排方面的挑戰以及 我們未能及時克服這一問題。
我們 在競爭激烈的市場中運營。
的 中國、香港、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞等地的薪資外包服務業和就業服務業 亞洲國家支離破碎,兩個行業存在大量市場主體。我們的一些競爭對手可能有 相對於我們集團的優勢,例如(i)更廣泛的地理覆蓋範圍、服務產品、技術和安全水平,使他們能夠 享有更高的規模經濟;(ii)更好的行業聲譽和形象;(iii)提供增值服務的能力更高 包括最終用戶更喜歡的諮詢服務和系統維護和升級。
那裏 並不能保證我們的競爭對手不會開發提供服務所需的專業知識、經驗和資源 與我們的服務相比,質量更好和/或定價更有競爭力。未能在內部保持或增強我們的競爭力 行業或維持我們的客戶群可能會對我們的財務業績和盈利能力產生不利影響。
失敗 遵守適用於我們業務的法律和法規或變更可能會對我們的聲譽產生重大不利影響, 運營結果或財務狀況,或產生其他不利後果。
我們 業務須遵守一系列複雜的法律和法規,包括但不限於所描述的法律和法規 在「規定」部分。未能遵守適用於我們運營或客戶解決方案的法律和法規 和服務可能會導致我們承擔巨額成本,或者可能導致許可證或註冊暫停或撤銷, 限制、暫停或終止服務,實施同意令或民事和刑事處罰,包括罰款, 以及可能損害我們聲譽並對我們的經營業績產生重大不利影響的訴訟,包括集體訴訟 或財務狀況。
此外,法律、法規的變化,或者解釋的變化 監管當局的法律或法規,可能會減少我們的收入和收益,並可能要求我們改變 我們經營我們業務的某些方面。我們不需要從相關政府當局獲得任何許可證來提供這一條款 在香港的薪酬外判服務。公司依靠自己的行政人員來維持其合規狀態 臺灣和澳門,因此,基於管理信念,我們不需要從相關政府部門獲得任何許可證。 分別在臺灣和澳門提供薪酬外判服務。此外,我們已經獲得了所有必要的許可證, 在香港經營業務的許可證及批准書,包括商業登記證及職業介紹所 許可證,基於管理層的信念,我們不需要爲這一條款從相關政府部門獲得任何許可證。 在臺灣的就業服務。作爲在中國爲我們的最終用戶提供就業服務的有記錄的僱主,我們 必須取得並已取得《勞務派遣作業許可證》。
如果 中華人民共和國、香港、臺灣和/或澳門的任何政府實施任何新的或進一步的許可要求,我們可能會產生額外的費用 遵守此類要求、法律和/或法規的成本和人力資源以及我們的業務可能會受到重大影響, 如果需要,我們無法保證能夠獲得任何額外的許可證。我們不能保證不會有任何 薪資外包服務行業和/或就業服務行業監管環境的變化 中國、香港、臺灣和澳門可能對本集團不利。
失敗 遵守隱私、數據保護和網絡安全法律法規可能會對我們的聲譽產生重大不利影響, 運營結果或財務狀況,或產生其他不利後果。
這個 所需個人信息的收集、存儲、託管、轉移、處理、披露、使用、安全以及保留和銷燬 提供我們的服務受聯邦、州和外國隱私、數據保護和網絡安全法律的約束。這些法律,它們 不是統一的,通常執行以下一項或多項操作:管理收集、存儲、託管、轉移(包括在某些情況下, 將個人信息轉移到國外(收集)、處理、披露、使用、安全以及保留和銷燬個人信息; 要求向個人發出有關隱私做法的通知;給予個人某些訪問和更正其個人 信息;並監管將個人信息用於次要目的的使用或披露,如營銷。在某些情況下, 其中一些法律要求我們向受影響的個人、客戶、數據保護機構和/或其他監管機構提供通知 在發生數據泄露時。在許多情況下,這些法律不僅適用於第三方交易,也適用於信息轉讓。 在本公司及其子公司之間。
我們 相信從數據中提供見解,包括人工智能和機器學習,將變得越來越重要 我們的解決方案和服務爲客戶提供的價值。然而,提供數據驅動見解的能力可能會受到限制 當前或未來的監管要求或道德考慮可能限制或強加繁重且昂貴的要求 關於我們以創新方式利用數據的能力。
遵守 隱私、數據保護和網絡安全法律和要求可能會給我們的業務帶來重大成本,並要求我們 修改我們的某些商業實踐。此外,監管機構與數據相關的執法行動和調查 安全事件和隱私侵犯繼續增加。未來制定更具限制性的法律、規則或法規和/或 未來的執法行動或調查可能會因成本增加或限制而對我們產生重大不利影響 我們的業務和違規行爲可能會導致重大監管處罰和法律責任,並損害我們的聲譽。此外, 數據安全事件和對其他公司侵犯隱私的擔憂正在改變消費者和社會對增強隱私的期望 隱私和數據保護。因此,即使是不合規的看法,無論是否有效,也可能損害我們的聲譽。
如果 我們未能保護我們的知識產權,這可能會對我們的業務和品牌產生重大不利影響。
我們的 競爭能力和我們的成功在一定程度上取決於我們的知識產權。我們依賴專利、版權、商業祕密和商標。 法律,以及與我們的員工、客戶、供應商、合作伙伴和其他人簽訂的保密或許可協議,以保護我們的知識產權 財產權。我們可能需要投入大量資源,包括網絡安全資源,來監控我們的知識產權。 權利。此外,我們爲保護我們的知識產權而採取的步驟可能不充分或無效,或可能無法提供 我們擁有顯著的競爭優勢。我們的知識產權可能會因網絡攻擊或 第三方或我方人員的其他不法行爲。爲保護和執行我們的知識產權而提起的訴訟 這可能既昂貴又耗時。此外,我們執行知識產權的努力可能會遇到抗辯、反訴、 以及攻擊我們知識產權的有效性和可執行性的反訴,這可能會成功。
我們 可能會因侵犯其專有權而被第三方起訴,這可能會對我們的業務產生重大不利影響, 財務狀況或運營結果。
那裏 是我們行業中相當大的知識產權開發活動。第三方(包括我們的競爭對手)可能擁有或聲稱 擁有與我們的產品或服務相關的知識產權,並可能聲稱我們侵犯了他們的知識產權。 即使我們不知道他們的知識產權,我們也可能被發現侵犯了這些權利。任何索賠或訴訟 可能會導致我們承擔巨額費用,如果成功針對我們提出索賠或如果我們決定和解,可能會要求我們 支付大量損害賠償金或持續的特許權使用費、獲得許可、修改應用程序、阻止我們提供服務,或 要求我們遵守其他不利條款。我們還可能有義務賠償我們的客戶、供應商或合作伙伴 任何此類索賠或訴訟。即使我們在此類糾紛中獲勝,任何有關我們知識產權的訴訟都可能 成本高昂且耗時。
一個 我們股票的活躍交易市場可能無法維持。
之前 到我們的首次公開募股,我們的普通股還沒有公開市場。然而,我們股票的公開市場活躍, 首次公開募股後可能不會發展或維持,在這種情況下,我們股份的市場價格和流動性將受到重大不利影響 受影響。近年來,股市普遍經歷了極端的價格和成交量波動,而這種波動往往是 與某些上市公司的經營業績無關或不成比例。廣泛的市場和行業因素可能 無論我們的實際經營業績如何,都會顯着影響我們普通股的市場價格。
在 此外,過去經常對證券經歷期的公司提起集體訴訟 市場價格的波動。無論如何,在我們的股票價格出現任何波動後,針對我們提起的證券訴訟 此類訴訟的優點或最終結果可能會導致巨額成本,這將損害我們的財務狀況, 經營業績並轉移管理層對我們業務的注意力和資源。
的 我們普通股的交易價格可能會出現快速且大幅波動,這可能會使未來的交易變得困難 投資者評估我們普通股快速變化的價值並導致投資者遭受重大損失。
那裏 最近出現了股價極端上漲,隨後價格迅速下跌和股價劇烈波動的情況, 公開募股,尤其是在公開募股量相對較小的公司中。作爲一家市值相對較小、 公開流通量較小,我們可能會經歷更大的股價波動、極端的價格上漲、交易量更低和流動性更低 而不是大市值公司。特別是,我們的普通股可能會受到快速且大幅的價格波動,低 交易量和買入價和賣出價的巨大價差。這種波動性,包括任何股票上漲,可能與我們的實際情況無關 或預期的經營業績和財務狀況或前景,使潛在投資者難以快速評估 我們普通股的價值發生變化。
這個 交易價格的波動和大幅波動可能是由於我們無法控制的因素造成的。這可能是由於廣闊的市場和行業造成的 因素,如業績和市場價格波動,或其他上市公司業績不佳或財務業績惡化 公司。例如,如果我們普通股的交易量較低,買入或賣出數量相對較少的人 很容易影響我們普通股的價格。如此低的交易量也可能導致我們普通股的價格波動。 很大,價格在任何一個交易日都會有很大的百分比變化。我們普通股的持有者也可能不是 能夠隨時變現他們的投資,或者可能因爲交易量低而被迫以低價出售。交易業績 其他香港和中國內地公司發行後的證券價格可能會影響投資者對香港公司的態度, 美國上市公司,這可能會影響我們普通股的交易業績,無論我們的實際運營情況如何 性能。此外,任何關於公司治理實踐不充分或會計舞弊的負面消息或看法, 公司結構,或其他香港和中國公司的事情,也可能對投資者對 香港和中國的公司,包括我們在內,無論我們有沒有進行任何不適當的活動。此外, 證券市場可能不時經歷與我們的經營業績無關的重大價格和成交量波動, 這可能會對我們普通股的交易價格產生實質性的不利影響。
在 除上述因素外,我們普通股的價格和交易量可能因多種因素而高度波動,包括 以下是:
● | 影響我們或我們的行業的監管發展;
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● | 我們的收入、利潤和現金流的變化;
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● | 其他金融服務公司的經濟表現或市場估值的變化;
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● | 本公司季度經營業績的實際或預期波動以及預期業績的變化或修訂;
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● | 證券研究分析師財務估計的變動;
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● | 關於我們、我們的服務、我們的官員、董事、控股股東、我們的業務合作伙伴或我們的行業的有害負面宣傳;
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● | 我們或我們的競爭對手宣佈新服務產品、收購、戰略關係、合資企業、融資或資本承諾;
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● | 高級管理層的增任或離職;
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● | 涉及我們、我們的高管、董事或控股股東的訴訟或監管程序;
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● | 解除或終止對我們已發行普通股的鎖定或其他轉讓限制;以及
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● | 銷售額 或預期可能出售額外普通股。 |
這些因素中的任何一個都可能導致 我們普通股的交易量和價格會發生巨大而突然的變化。由於這種波動,投資者 可能因投資我們的普通股而蒙受損失。我們普通股的市場價格下跌也可能對我們不利 影響我們發行額外普通股的能力以及我們未來獲得額外融資的能力。沒有人能保證 鑑於我們普通股的活躍市場將會發展或持續下去。如果沒有一個活躍的市場發展,持有 我們的普通股可能無法隨時出售他們持有的股份,或者可能根本無法出售他們的股份。過去,股東們 在經歷了一段時間的不穩定之後,上市公司經常對這些公司提起證券集體訴訟 他們的證券的市場價格。如果我們捲入集體訴訟,可能會轉移我們管理層的大量資金 來自我們業務和運營的關注和其他資源,並要求我們產生巨額費用來爲訴訟辯護,這 可能會損害我們的行動結果。任何這樣的集體訴訟,無論勝訴與否,都可能損害我們的聲譽,限制我們的 未來籌集資金的能力。此外,如果針對我們的索賠成功,我們可能需要支付巨額費用。 損害,這可能會對我們的財務狀況產生實質性的不利影響。
如果我們未能滿足適用的上市要求, 納斯達克可能會將我們的普通股從交易中退市,在這種情況下,我們普通股的流動性和市場價格可能會下降。
儘管我們的平凡 股票已獲准在納斯達克上市,我們無法向您保證我們將能夠滿足持續上市標準 未來的納斯達克。如果我們未能遵守適用的上市標準並且納斯達克將我們的普通股退市,我們和我們的股東 可能面臨重大重大不利後果,包括:
● | 我們普通股的市場報價有限; | |
● | 我們普通股的流動性減少; | |
● | 確定我們的普通股是「細股」, 這將要求交易我們普通股的行紀商遵守更嚴格的規則,並可能導致水平下降 我們普通股二級交易市場的交易活動; | |
● | 關於我們的有限數量新聞和分析師對我們的報導;以及 | |
● | 我們發行額外股權證券的能力下降,或 未來獲得額外的股權或債務融資。 |
美國國家證券 1996年《市場改進法》阻止或先發制人各州監管某些證券的銷售,其中提到 稱為「擔保證券」。由於我們預計我們的普通股將在納斯達克上市,因此此類證券將被涵蓋 證券儘管各州無權監管我們證券的銷售,但該法規確實允許各州進行調查 如果公司涉嫌欺詐,並且如果發現欺詐活動,那麼各州可以監管或禁止 在特定情況下出售擔保證券。此外,如果我們不再在納斯達克上市,我們的證券將不會被涵蓋 證券,我們將遵守我們提供證券的每個州的法規。
我們的IPO前股東將能夠 出售其股份,但須遵守第144條的限制。
我們的IPO前股東 可以根據《證券法》第144條出售其普通股。因為這些股東支付的費用較低 每股普通股的價格比我們首次公開募股的參與者能夠根據規則出售其IPO前股票時的價格 144,他們可能更願意接受低於IPO價格的銷售價格。這一事實可能會影響股票的交易價格 首次公開發行完成後,損害了首次公開發行參與者的利益。根據規則144, 在我們的IPO前股東可以出售其股份之前,除了滿足其他要求外,他們還必須滿足所需的持股量 期
我們的高管、董事和主要股東 擁有我們很大一部分普通股,並將能夠對股東管轄的事項施加重大控制權 批准
作為 截至本報告日期,我們的董事、高級管理人員和5%或以上的股東總共持有我們55.9%或以上的股份 股
這些股東的利益 可能與您的利益不相同,甚至可能與您的利益衝突。例如,這些股東可能會試圖推遲或阻止 對我們的控制權發生變化,即使這種控制權發生變化將使我們的其他股東受益,這可能會剝奪我們的股東的權利 作為出售我們或我們資產的一部分,有機會獲得普通股溢價,並可能影響當前市場 由於投資者認為可能存在或出現利益衝突,導致我們普通股的價格上漲。結果,這種濃度 所有權可能不符合我們其他股東的最佳利益。
我們的董事會可能會拒絕登記 在某些情況下轉讓普通股。
我們的董事會可以 在某些情況下,拒絕登記轉讓,包括任何未繳足或我們擁有的普通股 扣押權。此外,我們的董事會通常可能要求任何股東或任何提議收購我們股份的人士提供 顯示轉讓權利的信息。如果任何此類股東或擬議收購人未提供此類信息,或 如果我們的董事會有理由相信根據任何此類請求提供的任何認證或其他信息 如果不準確或不完整,我們的董事會可能會推遲或拒絕登記任何轉讓或實施任何發行或購買 與該請求相關的股份。
我們的董事也可能會拒絕 登記任何普通股的任何轉讓,除非(i)納斯達克不時確定應支付的最高費用 (or我們董事會可能不時要求的較小金額)已支付給我們公司;(ii)轉讓文書 連同股份證書一起提交至註冊辦事處或(視情況而定)轉讓辦事處 相關信息以及我們董事會可能合理要求的其他證據,以表明轉讓人有權做出 轉讓(以及,如果轉讓文書是由其他人代表他簽署的,則該人這樣做的權力); (iii)轉讓文書僅針對一類股份;(iv)相關股份不受任何優先權 公司;及(v)如果適用,轉讓文書已適當蓋章。
如果我們的董事拒絕 為了登記轉讓,他們應在提交轉讓文書之日後三個月內向每一個人發送 轉讓人已提交,並向轉讓人發出拒絕通知。轉讓登記可提前14天通知 通過一份或多份報紙上的廣告或通過電子方式發布的,在此時暫停並關閉登記冊, 期限由我們的董事會不時確定,但轉讓登記應 任何一年內暫停登記或關閉登記冊超過30天。
然而,這不太可能 影響投資者在公開發行中購買的普通股的市場交易。一旦普通股 上市、該等普通股的法定所有權以及該等普通股在公司登記冊中的登記詳情 的成員將留在存托信託公司。隨後,有關這些普通股的所有市場交易將被 無需董事進行任何形式的登記即可進行,因為市場交易均將通過 存托信託公司系統。
我們的管理層擁有廣泛的自由裁量權, 確定如何使用首次公開募股籌集的資金,並可能以可能不會增強我們運營運績的方式使用這些資金 或我們普通股的價格。
我們預計我們會 將首次公開募股的淨收益用於我們的建築業務和其他企業目的。我們的管理層將 對首次公開募股淨收益的使用擁有重大自由裁量權,並可以將收益用於 不會改善我們的運營運績或提高我們普通股市場價格的方式。
我們的披露控制和程序 可能無法防止或檢測所有錯誤或欺詐行爲。
在我們最初的公開之後 要約後,我們已遵守《交易法》的定期報告要求。我們將設計我們的披露控制, 提供合理保證我們根據《交易法》提交或提交的報告中必須披露的信息已累積的程序 並傳達給管理層,並在規則規定的時間內記錄、處理、總結和報告 SEC的形式。我們相信,任何披露控制和程序,無論構思和操作如何完善,只能提供 合理而非絕對地保證控制系統的目標得到滿足。
這些固有的限制 包括決策中的判斷可能是錯誤的,並且可能因簡單的錯誤或錯誤而發生故障的現實。 此外,一個人的個人行爲、兩個或多個人的勾結或未經授權的人都可以規避控制 控制的覆蓋。因此,由於我們控制系統固有的侷限性,由於錯誤或欺詐而導致的錯誤陳述 可能發生但未被檢測到。
您可能會遇到困難 送達法律程序、執行外國判決或在中國對我們或年度報告中提到的管理層提起訴訟 基於外國法律。
我們進行了大量的 我們在中國和香港的所有業務以及我們幾乎所有的資產都位於中國和香港。此外,還有三位高管 我們的兩名管理人員,即勞先生、布特先生和楊先生,以及我們的兩名管理人員,即羅女士和Wong先生,都居住在香港和 他們的國籍是香港。我們的一位高級管理人員Mr.Wu住在英國,但他的國籍是香港 孔令輝。因此,我們的股東可能難以向我們或在中國或香港的人士送達法律程序文件。 孔令輝。雖然外國判決的強制執行可以通過在香港提起訴訟,按照普通法在香港強制執行。 法院,因爲判決可能被視爲在當事人之間產生債務,在中國或香港直接承認和執行 這些非中國司法管轄區的法院就不受有約束力的仲裁條款約束的任何事項作出的判決 可能是困難的、耗時的、昂貴的,甚至是不可能的。
證券分析師可能不會發布有利消息 有關我們業務的研究或報告,或者可能根本不發佈任何可能導致我們普通股價格或交易量的信息 衰落。
如果一個交易市場 我們的股票發展,交易市場將在一定程度上受到行業或金融分析師的研究和報告的影響 發佈關於我們和我們的業務的信息。我們不能控制這些分析師。作爲一家新的上市公司,我們吸引研究報道的速度可能會很慢 而發佈我們普通股信息的分析師對我們或我們的行業相對缺乏經驗, 這可能會影響他們準確預測我們的結果的能力,並可能使我們更有可能無法達到他們的估計。 在我們獲得證券或行業分析師覆蓋的情況下,如果覆蓋我們的任何分析師提供不準確或不利的信息 研究或發佈對我們股價的負面意見,我們的股價可能會下跌。如果這些分析師中的一個或多個停止 對我們的報道或未能定期發佈有關我們的報告,我們可能會在市場上失去知名度,這反過來可能會導致我們的 股價或交易量下降,並導致您在我們的全部或部分投資損失。
您可能會更難保護 比您作爲美國公司股東的利益更重要。
我們是一家豁免公司 根據英屬維爾京群島法律成立。我們的企業事務受我們備忘錄的條款管轄, 公司章程以及[英屬維爾京群島法案]和英屬維爾京群島普通法的條款。股東權利 對董事採取行動、少數股東的行動以及董事對我們的受託義務根據英國 維爾京群島法律在很大程度上受英屬維爾京群島普通法管轄。英屬維爾京群島的普通法 島嶼部分源自英屬維爾京群島相對有限的司法先例以及普通法 英格蘭,其法院的裁決對英屬維爾京群島的法院具有說服力,但不具有約束力。
股東權利 英屬維爾京群島法律規定的董事和高管的受託責任並不像他們那樣明確 將根據美國某些司法管轄區的法規或司法判例,而一些州(例如特拉華州)有更多 比英屬維爾京群島充分發展和司法解釋的公司法機構。此外,英屬維爾京群島 公司可能沒有資格在美國聯邦法院提起股東衍生訴訟。
若干企業管治 我們的祖國英屬維爾京群島的做法與成立公司的要求有很大不同 在美國等其他司法管轄區。如果我們選擇遵循母國有關企業的做法 治理問題,我們的股東獲得的保護可能比適用規則和法規下的保護要少 對美國國內發行人。
由於所有這些 以上,面對管理層、成員採取的行動,我們的公衆股東可能會更難保護自己的利益 董事會或我們的控股股東比他們作爲在美國註冊成立的公司的公衆股東 States.討論《公司法》條款與適用於公司的法律之間的重大差異 在美國註冊成立的公司及其股東,請參閱「股本描述-公司法的差異」。
英屬維爾京群島的法律可能提供的保護較少 對於少數股東的追索權比美國法律規定的要少,因此,如果 股東對我們的事務處理方式不滿意。
根據英屬維爾京群島的法律, 小股東的權利受英屬維爾京群島法中涉及股東補救辦法和其他現有補救辦法的條款的保護。 根據普通法(在侵權或合同救濟中)。成文法的主要保護是股東可以提起訴訟。 執行股東有權執行的公司章程文件(即組織章程大綱和章程細則) 使公司的事務按照英屬維爾京群島法案和公司的組織備忘錄和章程進行。 如果股東認爲公司的事務已經或將在下列情況下進行,他也可以根據法規提起訴訟 一種對他不公平的偏見、歧視或壓迫的態度。英屬維爾京群島法還規定了某些其他保護。 對於少數股東,包括在調查公司和檢查公司賬簿和記錄方面。那裏 也是可以援引的保護股東的普通法權利,主要取決於英國普通法,因爲 英屬維爾京群島針對商業公司的普通法是有限的。
我們是一家外國私人發行人 《交易法》下規則的含義,因此,我們免受適用於美國國內公衆的某些條款的約束 企業
因爲我們有資格成爲 根據《交易法》,外國私人發行人,我們免受美國證券規則和法規的某些條款的約束 適用於美國國內發行人的國家,包括:
● | 《交易法》要求向SEC提交文件的規則 表格10-Q的季度報告或表格8-K的當前報告; | |
● | 《交易法》中規範委託書徵集的條款, 對根據《交易法》登記的證券的同意或授權; | |
● | 《交易法》中要求內部人士公開申報的部分 關於其股權和交易活動以及從短期交易中獲利的內部人士的責任的報告 時間;以及 |
● | 重大非公開信息發佈者的選擇性披露規則 根據FD法規。 |
我們將被要求在四年內以表格20-F提交年度報告 每個財年結束的月份。與財務業績和重大事件相關的新聞稿也將提供給 SEC在表格6-k上。然而,與美國證券交易委員會相比,我們需要向美國證券交易委員會提交或提供的信息將不那麼廣泛和及時 美國國內發行人需要向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件。因此,您可能無法獲得相同的保護或信息 如果您投資美國國內發行人,您將獲得該信息。
作爲外國私人發行人,我們被允許 在公司治理事務上採用與納斯達克公司治理顯着不同的某些母國實踐 列出標準。這些做法爲股東提供的保護可能比我們完全遵守納斯達克規定時他們所享受的保護要少 公司治理上市標準。
作爲外國私人發行人, 我們可以利用納斯達克規則中的某些條款,這些條款允許我們在某些情況下遵守祖國法律 治理很重要。我們的祖國英屬維爾京群島的某些公司治理實踐可能存在顯着差異 來自公司治理上市標準。目前,我們計劃依靠一些母國實踐來處理我們的企業 政新理念然而,如果我們未來選擇遵循祖國的做法,我們的股東獲得的保護可能會少於 否則,他們將享受適用於美國國內發行人的納斯達克公司治理上市標準。
BVI公司可能無法發起 股東衍生訴訟,從而剝奪了股東保護其利益的能力。
英屬維爾京群島公司的股東 可能沒有資格在美國聯邦法院提起股東派生訴訟。英屬維爾京群島的股東 然而,公司可以在英屬維爾京群島法院提起派生訴訟,並且有明確的法定權利開始這種派生 根據英屬維爾京群島法案第184C條提出的索賠。可提起任何此類訴訟的情況,以及程序和抗辯 對於任何此類行動,可能會導致英屬維爾京群島公司股東的權利受到比 在美國組織的公司的股東的權利。因此,股東可能會有更少的選擇。 如果他們認爲公司的不當行爲已經發生,就會向他們發出警告。英屬維爾京群島法院也不太可能承認或執行鍼對美國的判決 美國法院根據美國證券法的某些責任條款;並對我們施加責任, 在英屬維爾京群島提起的原創訴訟中,基於美國證券法的某些責任條款,這些條款本質上是刑事的。那裏 英屬維爾京群島不承認在美國獲得的判決,儘管英屬維爾京群島的法院一般會 承認並執行具有管轄權的外國法院的非刑事判決,而無需根據案情進行重審。英屬維爾京群島法案 爲少數股東提供了一些有限的保護。成文法的主要保障是股東可以申請 向英屬維爾京群島法院申請命令,指示該公司或其董事(S)遵守或限制該公司或董事 從事違反英屬維爾京群島法案或公司組織備忘錄和章程的行爲。根據英屬維爾京群島法案, 少數股東有法定權利在某些情況下以公司名義和代表公司提起派生訴訟 一家公司有理由對其董事提起訴訟。這種補救辦法由英屬維爾京群島法院酌情決定。股東 亦可對該公司提起訴訟,理由是該公司違反了他作爲成員應盡的義務。一個股東認爲這些事情 已經、正在或相當可能正在以以下方式進行,或公司的任何一項或多於一項作爲曾經或正在進行, 可能在這方面對他造成壓迫、不公平的歧視或不公平的損害的人,可以向英屬維爾京群島法院申請 命令來補救這種情況。
有普通法規定的權利 對於可能援引的股東保護,這在很大程度上取決於英國公司法。根據一般規則 英國公司法中的規則。福斯訴哈博特案,法院一般會拒絕干預管理 在少數股東的堅持下,對公司的行爲表示不滿的公司 事務由多數人或董事會決定。但是,每個股東都有權管理公司的事務 根據英屬維爾京群島法律和公司的組織文件。因此,如果那些控制公司的人一直 無視公司法的要求或公司的組織章程大綱和章程的規定, 法院可給予濟助。一般而言,法院將干預的領域如下:(1)被投訴的行爲 超出授權業務範圍或者違法或者未經多數批准的;(二)構成 不法分子控制公司的少數人欺詐行爲;(三)侵害或者即將侵害人身安全的行爲 股東的權利,如表決權;(4)公司沒有遵守規定需要批准的情況 指特殊的或非常多數的股東。這意味着,即使股東成功地起訴我們,他們也可能不會 能夠追回任何東西來彌補所遭受的損失。
我們可能會失去外國私人發行人 未來的狀態,這可能會導致顯着的額外成本和費用。
我們是一家外國私人公司 因此,我們不需要遵守聯交所的所有定期披露和現行報告要求 行動起來。外國私人發行人地位的確定每年在發行人最近一次發行的最後一個營業日作出 完成第二財季。例如,如果我們的普通股超過50%,我們將失去外國私人發行人的地位。 由美國居民直接或間接持有,而我們未能滿足維持我們的 外國私人發行人身份。如果我們在這一天失去了外國私人發行人的身份,我們將被要求定期向美國證券交易委員會提交文件。 關於美國國內發行人表格的報告和註冊聲明,這些表格比可用的表格更詳細和廣泛 一家外國私人發行人。我們還必須強制遵守美國聯邦代理的要求,我們的官員、董事、 而主要股東將受制於聯交所第16條的短期週轉利潤披露及追回條文 行動起來。此外,我們將失去依賴豁免納斯達克規則下某些公司治理要求的能力。 作爲一家在美國上市的非外國私人發行人,我們將招致大量額外的法律、會計和其他方面的費用 作爲外國私人發行人,我們不會爲了維持在美國證券交易所的上市而產生的費用。
無法保證我們會 在任何應稅年度,不得成爲美國聯邦所得稅的PFIC,這可能會導致美國聯邦所得稅的不利後果 向我們普通股的美國持有者。
一家非美國公司將 在任何課稅年度,如果(I)該年度至少75%的總收入由某些類型的「被動型」構成,則應被視爲「被動型」。 收入,或(Ii)該年度內其資產價值的至少50%(以資產季度價值的平均值爲基礎) 可歸因於產生被動收入或爲產生被動收入而持有的資產(「資產測試」)。 基於我們當前和預期的收入和資產(考慮到現金收益和我們的市值 首次公開招股),我們目前預計不會在本課稅年度或可預見的未來成爲PFIC。然而,沒有 在這方面可以給予保證,因爲我們是否或將成爲PFIC的決定是一項密集的事實調查 這在一定程度上取決於我們的收入和資產的構成。此外,不能保證 國稅局(「IRS」)將同意我們的結論,或者國稅局不會成功挑戰我們的 位置。我們普通股市場價格的波動可能會導致我們成爲當期或以後應納稅的PFIC 由於在進行資產測試時,我們的資產價值可能會參考我們的普通股的市場價格而厘定。 股份。我們的收入和資產的構成也可能受到我們使用流動資產和現金的方式和速度的影響 是在我們的首次公開募股中籌集的。如果我們在任何課稅年度成爲或成爲PFIC,而美國持有者持有我們的普通 股票,某些不利的美國聯邦所得稅後果可能適用於這樣的美國持有者。見「物料稅收入對價」 -美國聯邦所得稅對美國持有者的重大考慮-PFIC後果。
我們是一家新興成長型公司 《證券法》的含義,並可能利用某些降低的報告要求。
我們是新興的增長體 公司,如JOBS法案中的定義,我們可能會利用適用於其他上市公司的要求的某些豁免 不是新興成長型公司,包括最重要的是,不需要遵守核數師認證要求 只要我們仍然是一家新興增長型公司,我們就可以遵守薩班斯-奧克斯利法案第404條的規定。因此,如果我們選擇不遵守這樣的規定 根據核數師認證要求,我們的投資者可能無法訪問他們可能認爲重要的某些信息。
《就業法案》還規定 新興成長型公司無需遵守任何新的或修訂的財務會計準則,直到 私人公司否則必須遵守此類新的或修訂的會計準則。我們不打算選擇退出此類豁免 提供給一家新興成長型公司。由於這次選舉,我們的財務報表可能無法與以下公司進行比較: 遵守上市公司有效數據。
因此,我們的成本將會增加 作爲一家上市公司,特別是在我們不再具有「新興成長型公司」的資格之後。
我們將招致巨大的損失 作爲一家上市公司,法律、會計和其他費用是我們作爲私人公司沒有發生的。2002年的《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》 (「薩班斯-奧克斯利法案」),以及後來美國證券交易委員會實施的規則,對公司治理提出了各種要求 上市公司的做法。根據就業法案的定義,我們是一家「新興成長型公司」,並且仍將是一家新興公司。 成長型公司,直至(1)財政年度的最後一天(A)在完成我們的 首次公開募股,(B)我們的年總收入至少爲12.35億美元億,或(C)我們被視爲 成爲一家大型加速申報機構,這意味着非關聯公司持有的我們普通股的市值超過70000美元萬 截至上一年6月30日;以及(2)我們在前三年內發行了超過10美元的不可轉換債券億的日期 句號。新興成長型公司可以利用特定的減少報告和其他適用的要求。 一般是對上市公司。這些規定包括在評估中豁免第404條下的核數師認證要求 新興成長型公司對財務報告的內部控制以及推遲採用新的或修訂的公司的許可 會計準則在這些準則適用於私營公司之前。
遵守這些規定 規章制度增加了我們的法律和財務合規成本,並使一些公司活動更加耗時和 代價不菲。在我們不再是一家「新興成長型公司」之後,或者直到我們IPO完成後的五年, 無論哪一個較早,我們預計都會產生巨額費用,並投入大量的管理努力來確保合規 符合薩班斯-奧克斯利法案第404條和美國證券交易委員會的其他規章制度的要求。例如,作爲一個公衆 公司,我們將被要求增加獨立董事的數量,並採取關於內部控制和 披露控制和程序。我們將在購買董事和高級船員責任保險時產生額外費用。在……裏面 此外,我們將產生與我們的上市公司報告要求相關的額外成本。它可能也會更難 以便我們找到合格的人加入我們的董事會或擔任高級管理人員。我們目前正在評估和 監測與這些規則和條例有關的發展,我們不能以任何程度的確定性預測或估計 我們可能產生的額外費用的數額或這些費用的時間。
A. | 歷史和發展 現任集團 |
銀河薪資集團有限公司 (the「公司」)於2021年8月26日根據《BVI商業公司法》(修訂本)在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立 2020年版)修訂爲一家BVI商業公司,成員在準備上市時承擔有限責任,是控股公司 我們集團的公司。本公司是作爲重組的一部分註冊成立的,其詳情載於「重組」中 在本節下面。
我們的歷史可以追溯 回到2013年4月,當時Lao先生、Mr. But和Mr. Yeung是我們的創始股東和執行官,以及獨立第三人 一方(「前股東」)通過Galaxy(塞舌爾)收購Galaxy Payroll(HK)和Galaxy創立了我們的集團 GEO Services是我們在香港的前兩家運營子公司。勞先生、但先生、楊先生及前股東均持有 持有Galaxy(塞舌爾)25%的股份,直至前股東於2015年4月出售其持有的Galaxy(塞舌爾)股份。 前股東是主要國內合作伙伴一家子公司的高級管理人員。我們集團主要從事 薪資外包和就業服務。
在收購Galaxy之後 薪酬(香港)2013年,我們開始在香港開展業務,並簽訂了提供薪酬外包和僱傭服務的合同 爲我們的客戶提供服務。我們的客戶包括(I)公司/組織聘用的全球人力資源服務提供商渠道 爲其在不同地區的分支機構處理與薪酬和就業有關的事宜;及。(Ii)外判服務的最終用戶 工資單或就業直接對我們起作用。我們服務的最終用戶主要包括參與 在各行各業都有。對於薪資外包服務,在截至2024年6月30日的年度內,我們的大多數最終用戶 和2022從事零售和貿易、工業、IT、金融和專業服務行業。在就業服務方面,a 在截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日及2022年6月30日的年度內,我們的大部分最終用戶從事信息技術、零售和貿易、工業和專業 機構、教育和醫療保健行業。同年,我們將薪俸外判和就業服務擴展至 中華人民共和國。從2021年7月開始,公司提供諮詢和市場研究服務,我們的大多數最終用戶在 截至2022年6月30日的年度從事信息技術、工業、傳媒、廣告娛樂、專業服務。本公司暫時 自2022年7月起停止諮詢和市場研究服務。
隨後,2015年4月, Cornerstone Enterprise是一家投資控股公司,由Lao先生、But先生和Yeung先生等股持有,收購了 前股東在本集團前控股公司Galaxy(塞舌爾)持有的股份,且前股東停止 成爲我們集團的股東。據董事所知,前股東出售了其在Galaxy(塞舌爾)的股份 專注於他在中國的職業生涯。從那時起,我們集團一直由Lao先生、But先生和Yeung先生所有。爲進一步 有關Lao先生、Mr. But和Mr. Yeung的背景和經驗的信息,請參閱「董事及高級管理人員」 在本報告中。
利用我們的行業 憑藉經驗並應客戶的要求,我們分別於2015年和2016年進一步將業務擴展到澳門和臺灣。 隨着業務的擴張,我們於2018年成立了銀河人力資源(深圳),以進一步開發中國市場。2019年,銀河人力資源(深圳) 獲得了《勞務派遣作業許可證》,使我們能夠作爲最終用戶提供就業機會的記錄僱主 中國的服務。
我們在企業下方出發 本集團成員公司的歷史、主要業務及持股變動:
銀河薪資集團有限公司成立 於2021年8月26日在英屬維爾京群島成立,成爲一家英屬維爾京群島商業公司。我公司初始法定股本爲50,000 普通股,每股面值1.00美元。2022年12月19日,公司向註冊處提交了修訂和重述的章程 將我們的授權股份從50,000股普通股(每股面值1美元)增加到無限數量的普通股(面值) 每股價值0.000625美元,並按1,600:1的比例對所有已發行和發行股份進行遠期拆分。
本公司是一家投資控股公司,目前沒有 從事任何商業活動。
梅爾克韋格控股有限公司 於2019年10月31日在開曼群島註冊成立,是一家獲豁免的成員有限責任公司。初始授權 Melkweg Holdings Limited的股本爲380,000港元(48,932美元),分爲38,000,000股每股面值0.01港元(0.001美元)的股份。註冊成立時 Melkweg Holdings Limited於2019年10月31日向初始認購者(獨立認購者)配發併發行了一股繳足股股份 第三方,按面值計算,隨後於2019年10月31日轉讓給JEAN Oceania。
2020年1月17日,Melkweg Holdings Limited 分別向Pine Mountain配發和發行1,000股、向Agapao Investment配發和發行1,000股、向JEAN Oceania配發和發行999股 面值,全部記作全額支付。配發及發行上述股份後,Melkweg Holdings Limited持有約 Pine Mountain、Agapao Investment和JEAN Oceania分別持股33.33%、33.33%。
Melkweg BVI於11月在BVI註冊成立 2019年5日爲股份有限公司。成立後,Melkweg BVI被授權發行最多50,000份普通股 股
同一天,Melkweg BVI分配併發行 Pine Mountain、Agapao Investment和JEAN Oceania分別以每股1美元的價格出售一股、一股和一股。配發的股份 並被記入已繳足。
Melkweg BVI是一項投資 控股公司,目前不從事任何商業活動。作爲重組的一部分,Melkweg BVI成爲全資擁有的 我們公司的子公司。請參閱本節下面的「重組」以了解更多詳細信息。
銀河薪資(HK)成立 於2013年2月21日在香港成立,爲私人股份有限公司。銀河薪資(HK)成立後,配發和發行 10,000股普通股,全部記作繳足股款,其中9,999股由Lao先生持有,1股由But先生持有。 2013年4月5日,Lao先生和But先生將各自持有的Galaxy Payroll(HK)股份轉讓給前控股公司Galaxy(塞舌爾) 本集團旗下公司,代價分別爲9,999港元(1,288美元)和1港元(0.13美元)。考慮因素是確定的 參考股份的面值。上述轉讓完成後,Galaxy Payroll的全部已發行股本 (HK)由Galaxy(塞舌爾)擁有。
銀河薪資(HK)主要從事 在香港提供薪資外包服務、就業服務以及諮詢和市場研究服務。的一部分 重組後,銀河薪資(HK)成爲本公司的間接全資子公司。請參閱「重組」 下文在本節中了解更多詳細信息。
Galaxy Payroll(TW)於2018年12月31日在香港註冊成立,是一傢俬人股份有限公司。銀河成立後, 薪資(TW)配發併發行了10,000股普通股,所有這些股均記作繳足股,並由Galaxy(塞舌爾)持有。
Galaxy Payroll(TW)是一家投資控股公司 目前不從事任何商業活動。作爲重組的一部分,銀河薪資(TW)成爲間接全資擁有 我們公司的子公司。請參閱本節下面的「重組」以了解更多詳細信息。
Galaxy GEO Services成立 於2013年2月5日在香港成立,爲私人股份有限公司。成立後,Galaxy GEO Services被分配和發行 10,000股普通股,全部記作繳足股款,並由前股東持有。2013年4月5日,前 股東將Galaxy GEO Services的10,000股股份轉讓給本集團前控股公司Galaxy(塞舌爾) 代價10,000港元(1,288美元)。代價乃參考股份面值而確定。完成後 在上述轉讓中,Galaxy Payroll(HK)的全部已發行股本由Galaxy(塞舌爾)擁有。
Galaxy GEO Services主要從事 通過擔任擁有最終用戶借調僱員記錄的僱主,在香港提供就業服務。一部分 重組後,Galaxy GEO Services成爲本公司的間接全資子公司。請參閱「重組」 下文在本節中了解更多詳細信息。
銀河薪資(中國)在香港註冊成立 Kong於2017年10月24日成立爲私人股份有限公司。銀河薪資(中國)成立後配發併發行了10,000份 普通股,全部記作繳足股,並由Galaxy(塞舌爾)持有。
銀河薪資(中國)是一家投資控股 該公司目前不從事任何商業活動。作爲重組的一部分,銀河薪資(中國)成爲間接 本公司的全資子公司。請參閱本節下面的「重組」以了解更多詳細信息。
銀河人力資源(澳門)於2016年7月26日在澳門註冊成立,是一家 有限責任公司並隨後開始營業。銀河人力資源(澳門)成立後擁有註冊資本 50,000澳門幣全額支付,由Galaxy Payroll(HK)持有49,000澳門幣,由Lao先生持有1,000澳門幣。
銀河人力資源(澳門)主要從事提供工資單 澳門的外包服務。作爲重組的一部分,銀河人力資源(澳門)成爲本公司的間接全資子公司。 請參閱本節下面的「重組」以了解更多詳細信息。
Galaxy HR(TW)
Galaxy HR(TW)於2018年3月21日在臺灣註冊成立,是一家有限公司 責任公司並隨後開始營業。Galaxy HR(TW)是根據Lao先生、But先生的指示成立的 和楊先生的實繳資本爲新臺幣5,380,000元,由執行董事勞先生的兄弟勞偉文先生支付 創始股東,並在成立時代表Lao先生、Mr. But和Mr. Yeung共同持有。2019年5月17日,勞先生 根據Lao先生、Mr. But和.的指示,Wai Man將Galaxy HR(TW)的全部實繳資本轉移至Galaxy Payroll(TW) 先生楊先生的代價爲新臺幣5,380,000元,該代價乃參考Galaxy HR(TW)的實繳資本而確定。
Galaxy HR(TW)主要從事提供薪資外包 臺灣的服務業和就業服務。作爲重組的一部分,Galaxy HR(TW)成爲間接全資子公司 這是我們的請參閱本節下面的「重組」以了解更多詳細信息。
Galaxy HR(深圳)
銀河人力資源(深圳)於2018年3月7日在中國註冊成立,是一家有限公司 責任公司並隨後開始營業。銀河人力資源(深圳)成立後,註冊股本爲人民幣2,000,000元 並由銀河薪資(中國)全資擁有。
銀河人力資源(深圳)主要從事提供薪資外包 和中國的就業服務。作爲重組的一部分,銀河人力資源(深圳)成爲我們的間接全資子公司 公司請參閱本節下面的「重組」以了解更多詳細信息。
我們重組了公司結構,爲準備並在 與列表的聯繫。重組完成後,本公司成爲本集團的控股公司。的步驟 重組的情況如下。
銀河薪資集團有限公司在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立 Islands於2021年8月26日成爲BVI商業公司。本公司的初始法定股本爲50,000股普通股, 每股面值1.00美元。2022年12月19日,公司向註冊官提交了修訂和重述的章程,以增加我們的 授權股份從50,000股普通股(每股面值1美元)到無限數量的普通股(面值0.000625美元) 每股並按1,600:1的比例對所有已發行和發行股份進行遠期拆分。
2. Melkweg Holdings Limited成立
梅爾克韋格控股有限公司 於2019年10月31日在開曼群島註冊成立,是一家獲豁免的成員有限責任公司。初始授權 Melkweg Holdings Limited的股本爲380,000港元(48,932美元),分爲38,000,000股每股面值0.01港元(0.001美元)的股份。註冊成立時 Melkweg Holdings Limited於2019年10月31日向初始認購者(獨立認購者)配發併發行了一股繳足股股份 第三方,按面值計算,隨後於2019年10月31日轉讓給JEAN Oceania。
3.成立Melkweg BVI公司
Melkweg BVI在BVI註冊成立爲股份有限公司 2019年11月5日。Melkweg BVI成立後,被授權發行最多50,000股普通股。註冊成立時 Melkweg BVI於2019年11月5日向Pine Mountain、Agapao Investment配發併發行了1股、1股和1股 和大洋洲JEAN分別爲每人1.00美元。配發和發行的股份均計入繳足股款。
銀河人力資源(澳門) 銀河薪資(HK)爲98.0%。2019年12月12日,Melkweg BVI發行了10,000股股份,相當於全部已發行股份 從Galaxy(塞舌爾)收購Galaxy Payroll(HK)的資本,代價爲8,478,836港元(1,091,817美元)。代價乃 參考銀河薪資(HK)截至2019年9月30日的淨資產值,已通過配股和發行滿足 將1,000股Melkweg BVI股份轉讓給Pine Mountain、1,000股Melkweg BVI股份轉讓給Agapao Investment以及1,000股Melkweg BVI股份轉讓給Agapao Investment 根據Galaxy(塞舌爾)的指示,將Melkweg BVI股份轉讓給JEAN Oceania。上述股份轉讓已合法完成, 結算於2020年1月10日。
B.Galaxy Payroll(TW)和Galaxy HR(TW)
Galaxy HR(TW)是直接的 Galaxy Payroll(TW)的全資子公司。2019年12月12日,Melkweg BVI發行了10,000股股票,相當於全部 從Galaxy(塞舌爾)發行Galaxy Payroll(TW)股本,代價爲10,000港元(1,288美元)。代價乃 參考銀河薪資(TW)截至2019年9月30日的繳足資本確定,該資本已通過配股滿足 並向Pine Mountain發行1,000股Melkweg BVI股份並計入已繳足款,向Agapao Investment發行1,000股Melkweg BVI股份 並根據Galaxy(塞舌爾)的指示向JEAN Oceania出售Melkweg BVI的1,000股股票。上述股份轉讓已合法完成 並於2020年1月10日結算。
2019年12月12日,Melkweg BVI發行了10,000股股票,代表 從Galaxy(塞舌爾)收購Galaxy GEO Services的全部已發行股本,代價爲10,000港元(1,288美元)。審議 參考Galaxy GEO Services截至2019年9月30日的繳足資本確定,該資本已通過配股滿足 並向Pine Mountain發行1,000股Melkweg BVI股份並計入已繳足款,向Agapao Investment發行1,000股Melkweg BVI股份 並根據Galaxy(塞舌爾)的指示向JEAN Oceania出售Melkweg BVI的1,000股股票。上述股份轉讓已合法完成 並於2020年1月10日結算。
銀河人力資源(深圳)是一家 銀河薪資(中國)的直接全資子公司。2019年12月12日,Melkweg BVI發行了10,000股股票, 代表Galaxy(塞舌爾)的Galaxy Payroll(中國)全部已發行股本,代價爲10,000港元 (US 1,288美元)。該對價參考銀河薪資(中國)截至9月30日的實繳資本確定, 2019年,該公司通過向Pine Mountain配發和發行1,000股Melkweg BVI股份並計入已繳足款而得到滿足, 根據Galaxy的指示,向Agapao Investment出售1,000股Melkweg BVI股票,向JEAN Oceania出售1,000股Melkweg BVI股票 (塞舌爾)。上述股份轉讓已於2020年1月10日合法完成並結算。
上述股份轉讓完成後,銀河薪資 (HK)、Galaxy Payroll(TW)、Galaxy GEO Services和Galaxy Payroll(China)成爲Melkweg BVI的直接全資子公司, Galaxy HR(TW)和Galaxy HR(ZZ)成爲Melkweg BVI的間接全資子公司,Galaxy HR(Macau)持有98%股份 由Melkweg BVI通過Galaxy Payroll(HK)發佈。
銀河人力資源(澳門)成立後,勞先生持有一個配額 銀河人力資源(澳門)1,000澳門元,佔銀河人力資源(澳門)股權的2.0%。2019年12月13日,勞先生轉學 他在銀河人力資源(澳門)的一個配額以澳門元1,000元的價格轉讓給銀河地理服務。
上述轉讓已於12月13日合法完成並結算, 2019.上述轉讓完成後,Galaxy HR(Macau)由Galaxy Payroll(HK)持有98.0%,由Galaxy GEO Services持有2.0% 從而成爲本公司的間接全資子公司。
2020年1月17日,Pine Mountain、Agapao Investment和JEAN Oceania 轉讓了他們各自的權益,即Melkweg BVI的4,001股、4,001股和4,001股股份,代表已發行的全部股份 向本公司出售Melkweg BVI股份,總代價爲12,003.00美元. 對價參考確定 至所轉讓股份的面值。收購代價由以下人士支付:
(a) | 配發及發行 向Pine Mountain出售1,000股股份,全部記作已繳足,用於從Pine Mountain收購; |
(b) | 配發及發行 向Agapao Investment提供1,000股股份,全部記作繳足,用於收購Agapao Investment;和 |
(c) | 配發及發行 999股向JEAN Oceania出售的股份,全部記作已繳足,用於從JEAN Oceania收購。 |
上述轉會已於1月合法完成並結算 2020年17日。完成上述轉讓後,Melkweg BVI成爲我們公司和Galaxy Payroll的直接全資子公司 (HK)、銀河薪資(TW)、銀河GEO服務、銀河薪資(中國)、銀河人力(TW)、銀河人力(深圳)和銀河人力(澳門)成爲 本公司的間接全資子公司。
7.公司與Melkweg Holdings之間的股份交換 有限
2021年8月26日,公司與Melkweg Holdings Limited成立 根據該協議,公司向Melkweg Holdings Limited的三名股東及其指定人發行股票 總計10,000股(遠期股份拆分前)普通股以換取Melkweg的所有已發行股本 控股有限公司由於股份交換,Melkweg Holdings Limited成爲本公司的全資子公司。重組 該公司的工作隨後完成。
Galaxy Payroll BVI、Melkweg開曼群島和Melkweg BVI以及所有子公司 受共同控制,導致Melkweg開曼群島和Galaxy Payroll BVI按公允價值合併。綜合 財務報表的編制基礎就好像重組在所列的第一個期間開始時生效一樣 在隨附的合併財務報表中。
我們的主要行政辦公室 位於香港中環永樂街77號奧維斯特25樓。我們的電話號碼是+852 3105 2611。我方的註冊辦公 位於英屬維爾京群島的Vistra Corporate Services Centre,Wickhams Cay II,Road Town,Tortola,VG 1110,British Virgin 群島
我們的服務代理 美國流程的Puglisi & Associates,位於850 Library Avenue,Suite 204,Newark,DE,19711.
SEC維護互聯網 包含報告、代理和信息聲明以及有關以電子方式向 秒開啓 www.sec.gov.您也可以在我們的網站上找到信息 http://www.galaxy-hk.com/.載資料 我們的網站上或可以通過我們的網站訪問的網站不是年度報告的一部分,也不應通過引用納入年度報告中。
初始 公開發行和超額配股的行使 選項
2024年9月11日,公司簽訂承銷協議 與L. F.拉弗蒂公司,公司,作爲其指定的承銷商,與其以價格首次公開募股1,750,000股普通股有關 每股4.00美元。該公司首次公開募股的F-1表格(文件編號:333-269043)註冊聲明,最初提交給 美國美國證券交易委員會(「委員會」)於2022年12月28日(經修訂,「登記聲明」) 委員會於2024年9月10日宣佈生效。
2024年9月11日, 該公司並在納斯達克資本市場以代碼「GLXG」上市其普通股。
根據包銷 與L達成協議F.拉弗蒂公司,公司,自注冊生效之日起45天內可以選擇 購買總計不超過普通股總數15%的聲明。
2024年10月15日,L. F. 拉弗蒂公司,Inc.充分行使IPO超額配股權,以4.00美元的價格收購262,500股普通股 每股且公司完成超額配股選擇權的行使。
B. | 業務概述 |
我們是一家控股公司 在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立,我們的大部分業務由香港、臺灣、澳門的運營實體進行 和中華人民共和國。
我們是一個薪資外包公司 以香港爲基地的服務、就業服務、顧問及市場研究服務供應商,爲客戶提供服務 主要分類爲(I)渠道,即公司/組織聘用的全球人力資源服務提供商 爲其在不同地區的分支機構處理薪資和/或與就業有關的事務;(Ii)以跨國企業爲主的最終用戶 直接將其薪資和/或僱傭職能外包給我們的公司/組織;以及(Iii)最終用戶向我們諮詢其 未來在全球範圍內擴張。Galaxy HR(深圳)、Galaxy Payroll(香港)、Galaxy HR(TW)和Galaxy HR(澳門)提供薪資外包服務 在中國、香港、臺灣和澳門;Galaxy Payroll(香港)、Galaxy GEO Services、Galaxy HR(TW)和Galaxy HR(澳門)提供就業機會 在中國、香港、日本、臺灣和澳門提供服務;銀河薪酬(香港)在以下方面提供諮詢和市場研究服務 香港。我們服務的最終用戶可能是(I)我們通過渠道與我們接觸的間接客戶;或(Ii)我們的直接客戶。 他說:
我們相信以下內容 競爭優勢使我們與競爭對手區分開來:
我們是一家信譽良好的國內薪資外包公司 以及跨國渠道和不同行業最終用戶參與的就業服務提供商。
我們 在中國內地和香港提供本地薪酬外判服務和就業服務方面建立聲譽。 我們的機構。我們服務的最終用戶可能是(I)我們通過各種渠道與我們接觸的間接客戶;或(Ii) 我們的直接客戶。在截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日的年度內,我們服務的最終用戶主要包括跨國公司/接洽 在各行各業都有。對於薪資外包服務,在截至2024年6月30日的年度內,我們的大多數最終用戶, 2023年和2022年從事零售和貿易,工業, IT、金融和專業服務行業。在就業服務方面,截至六月底止年度內,我們的大部分最終用戶 30、2024、2023和2022 從事信息技術、零售和貿易、工業、 專業機構以及教育和醫療保健行業。我們相信,我們在行業中建立的聲譽已經給了我們 我們的客戶和最終用戶對參與我們的集團充滿信心,被我們的市場參與者取代的機會相對較低。 他說:
我們擁有良好的業務關係 與我們的客戶。
公司的薪資職能本質上是高度機密的。 大型公司,包括在海外就業規模較小(例如員工少於15人)的跨國公司/組織 子公司對當地就業法規了解有限,往往會將其薪資職能外包給獨立服務部門 他們可以依賴的提供商來避免機密信息在公司內部的員工中泄露。此外, 由於薪資流程涉及大量資金,因此我們獲得渠道客戶的信任非常重要, 最終用戶。我們與五大客戶保持着長期穩定的業務關係,範圍從大約 四到七年,但隨着我們業務的發展,這五個最大的客戶可能會發生變化。
期間 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日的年度,21%、40%和 集團26%的收入是通過與我們的國內合作伙伴(適當時)合作產生的,79%、60%和74%的收入是通過與我們的國內合作伙伴合作產生的 集團的收入通過與集團子公司合作產生。這是我們根深蒂固的業務 與客戶的關係使他們在中國聘請我們集團提供服務,而不是直接聘請服務提供商 在中華人民共和國。我們的客戶(包括渠道和最終用戶)主要是跨國公司/組織,他們相信 香港的服務提供商可以促進與中國服務提供商和相關政府當局的溝通。的 我們的服務質量以及與客戶建立的良好業務關係增強了我們在提供服務方面的競爭力 我們在中國的服務。
超過 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日的年度,我們與薪資外包服務的全球渠道建立了堅實的業務關係 市場和就業服務市場。一旦與渠道客戶建立業務關係,我們通常就會有穩定的流量 通過我們的渠道客戶從最終用戶獲取業務。我們相信我們的主要客戶將繼續與我們合作,作爲他們的國內客戶 薪資外包和就業服務提供商,爲我們集團進一步發展更廣泛的客戶奠定了堅實的基礎 基地
我們有能力提供高質量的工資單 將服務和就業服務外包給我們的客戶,以確保我們的最終用戶遵守當地法規。
公司的工資單 就業職能成本高昂、耗時,並且需要每個司法管轄區的當地知識。跨國公司 不熟悉當地法規通常更願意將工資和就業職能外包給專業人力資源 具有當地專業知識的外包服務提供商,他們可以依靠這些服務來降低不遵守當地法律法規的風險, 例如香港的強徵供款以及中國的社會保障、住房養老金和個人所得稅。由於我們 董事和高級管理人員擁有豐富的行業經驗,本集團有能力提供高質量的 在中國、香港、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞和其他亞洲國家提供薪資外包服務和就業服務。
憑藉我們的能力 高質量的薪資外包服務和就業服務,我們的最終用戶可以依靠我們的集團來確保遵守當地的 法規,這反過來又可以節省成本。跨國公司可能不會在所有地區都設有當地辦事處 商業運營。而不是在當地建立一個設有人力資源部門的實體來僱用員工和處理薪資 本身付款、參與我們集團將更具成本效益。
我們擁有經驗豐富且強大的管理層 擁有良好記錄的團隊。
我們擁有七年多的經驗 薪資外包服務和就業服務行業的成功歸功於我們經驗豐富和強大的管理 團隊我們的每位高管Lao先生、Mr. But和Mr. Yeung在薪資外包方面積累了超過15年的經驗 服務業和就業服務業。在我們集團成立之前,Lao先生、Mr. But先生和Yeung先生都有經驗 在薪資外包和就業服務公司工作,他們對行業的見解使他們能夠管理整體 業務運營並執行集團的業務戰略。我們的高級管理人員盧昊女士和吳春雷先生也 在薪資外包服務行業和就業服務行業分別擁有超過14年和17年的豐富經驗。
我們相信豐富的經驗和 我們管理團隊深入的市場知識使我們能夠及時了解最新的市場趨勢,了解客戶的需求 和最終用戶,並繼續爲我們的客戶和最終用戶提供靈活、高質量的服務。
了解我們高管的詳細信息和傳記 董事及高級管理人員請參閱本報告中的「董事及高級管理人員」。
我們的目標是繼續利用 憑藉我們在薪資外包服務行業和就業服務行業的經驗,擴大我們在 中國和香港,重點關注中國市場。爲了實現這些目標,我們打算利用淨收益來實施 以下業務策略:
擴大我們在薪資方面的業務運營 中國的外包服務業和就業服務業。
整體薪資外包服務 中國的工業錄得顯著增長,這主要是由經濟的快速增長和越來越多的外國參與推動的 並預計整體薪資外包服務行業將繼續增長。同時, 中國整體就業服務行業亦有顯著增長,主要原因是 中國企業擴張對人力資源外包服務的需求。我們相信是這樣的 對我們的業務增長和發展至關重要,擴大我們在薪酬外包服務行業的業務運營,以及 中國的就業服務行業。作爲薪酬外包服務行業和就業服務行業的整體 中國是高度分散的,我們的董事相信我們的集團能夠抓住中國的新商機 利用我們的競爭優勢,包括(I)我們與客戶建立良好的業務關係;以及(Ii)我們的 薪酬外包服務行業和就業服務行業在不同渠道和最終用戶中的聲譽 工業。我們與這些渠道客戶建立的關係爲集團尋求新業務奠定了堅實的基礎 與他們在中國的機會。
鑑於中國的潛在市場增長以及我們的需求 由於現有客戶在中國提供服務,我們計劃將擴張計劃重點放在中國。
我們的客戶客戶經理常駐香港。他們負責 與我們的渠道客戶和最終用戶聯絡,並協調在中國、香港、日本、臺灣、 澳門、澳大利亞和其他亞洲國家。爲了應對上市後集團的預期擴張,我們計劃 通過增聘一名員工來擴大我們在香港的服務能力。
的 我們現有的香港辦事處面積約爲1,900平方英尺。由於我們現有的香港辦事處空間有限,我們 計劃在中西區租用約2,300平方英尺至3,000平方英尺的額外辦公空間/ 香港東區。我們希望獲得額外的辦公空間、購買傢俱和設備並翻新辦公室 到2025年12月31日。
我們的董事相信,建立一支更強大的客戶客戶團隊 經理可以(i)處理因集團計劃擴張而增加的工作量;和(ii)提高我們的效率 提供服務,這將提高我們的競爭力並加強我們與客戶的關係。
發展營銷能力並進行營銷 向直接最終用戶推廣我們的薪資外包服務和就業服務的活動
我們 通過發掘直接終端用戶的商機,努力擴大我們的客戶基礎。因此,我們計劃加大營銷力度 努力通過社交媒體和在線平台與直接最終用戶建立聯繫。截至2024年、2023年6月30日及 2022年,我們的收入主要來自渠道客戶。爲了成功地實施我們的戰略,擴大我們的業務 長期的可持續性和增長,對我們來說,提高客戶對我們的集團和服務的認識是重要的 同時維護我們與渠道客戶的關係。我們的董事們相信,通過進行營銷 通過針對直接最終用戶的社交媒體和在線平台的活動,我們將能夠促進成本效益 將薪酬和就業職能外包給像我們集團這樣的獨立服務提供商,並刺激對我們服務的需求, 同時使我們有更多機會與知名品牌和潛在客戶建立業務關係。 因此,我們打算分配更多的資源來發展我們的營銷能力。
增強我們的IT系統以支持我們的業務 操作
我們打算增強我們的IT系統以支持我們的業務擴張 並通過聘請第三方系統開發人員(i)開發企業資源規劃系統以整合工作流程來提高我們的運營效率 我們的薪資運營;及(ii)提高我們IT系統的安全級別。
我們的董事相信,(i)服務的延伸 通過投資IT和系統開發來提供產品和質量;以及(ii)實施保障措施以保護客戶的人身安全 數據滿足客戶對數據安全日益重視,成爲薪資外包服務的主要發展趨勢 工業和就業服務業。因此,我們打算增強我們的IT系統,以支持我們的業務擴張和增長 通過聘請第三方系統開發人員來提高我們的運營效率(i)開發一個企業資源規劃系統來整合我們的工作流程 薪資操作;及(ii)提高我們IT系統的安全級別。
我們 爲來自多元化行業的客戶提供國內薪資外包服務和就業服務。我們還提供 爲來自多元化行業的客戶提供諮詢和市場研究服務。下表列出了我們的客戶、範圍 期間本集團在各業務項下收取的服務、員工或借調員工的地理位置以及服務費 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日止年度:
業務 | 客戶 | 範圍 服務行業的 | 服務 收費 |
工資單 外包 服務 |
在提供 薪資外包服務,我們協助我們的最終用戶:(I)計算薪金和繳款金額 在香港繳納強積金,在中國繳納社會保障、住房公積金和個人所得稅,以及任何其他扣除 根據有關司法管轄區的法律須作出的安排;。(Ii)安排向僱員的銀行帳戶付款;。 (Iii)監察和保存薪金紀錄;及。(Iv)擬備和提交與僱傭有關的報稅表。 | 這個 運營實體通常向最終用戶的每位員工收取服務費 每月固定金額,每個最終用戶每月收取固定金額的最低費用。
客戶一般需要在30分鐘內支付我們的費用。 從我們開具發票之日起至90天。
在.期間 截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日的年度,我們的集團沒有調整我們的工資外包服務的定價計劃 和我們的客戶在一起。 |
就業 服務 |
和 (2)最終用戶。 |
在提供 我們的就業服務,我們(I)直接或通過我們的國內合作伙伴僱用候選人,這些候選人由我們的最終用戶自己提供。 及(Ii)處理借調僱員的薪金及其他行政事宜 直接或通過我們的國內合作伙伴登記在案的僱主。 | 這個 經營單位按月向每位借調員工收取基本服務費 在服務期內,以借調員工的商定百分比爲基礎 或按與我們的渠道客戶或我們的最終用戶商定的固定費用支付。
客戶一般需要在收到後支付費用。 或在發票開出之日起30天內付款。
截至2024年、2023年及2022年6月30日止年度,我們的 集團並未調整與客戶的就業服務服務費。
諮詢公司 和市場 研究 服務 |
(I) 最終用戶。 | 在……裏面 提供諮詢和市場研究服務,經營實體(一)爲地方政策提供高級諮詢 國別概況報告的編寫和交付;(2)就不同主題進行一般性協商,並與 按月聘用當地專家。 | 這個 經營單位收取以下服務費:(一)諮詢和市場研究服務 以逐個項目爲基礎和(2)商定固定費用的人力資本諮詢服務 與我們的渠道客戶或我們的最終用戶按月聯繫。
客戶一般被要求在30分鐘內支付費用。 從我們的發票日期算起的天數。
在截至2022年6月30日的年度內,我們 集團沒有與客戶一起調整我們的諮詢和市場研究服務的定價時間表。這項服務是 在截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日的年度內暫時停牌。 |
我們有七年多的時間 於中國及香港的薪酬外判服務行業及就業服務行業擁有豐富經驗。我們每一位高管 勞先生、布特先生和楊先生在薪酬外判服務行業積累了超過15年的經驗,並 就業服務業。我們的高級管理人員羅浩女士和Mr.Wu春蕾也有超過14年和17年的經驗 在薪資外包服務行業和就業服務行業。利用我們的行業經驗和我們成熟的 與我們的主要客戶的關係自我們成立以來,我們簽訂了第一批提供服務的協議 澳門、臺灣、日本、澳大利亞等亞洲國家自2015年起至今。憑藉十多年的經驗和理解 在薪酬外包服務行業、就業服務行業和人力資本市場,我們定期開展新業務, 諮詢和市場研究服務,在截至2022年6月30日的財年。
我們提供薪資外包 通過爲中國、香港、臺灣、澳門和印度的員工處理薪資相關事宜,爲最終用戶提供服務。大多數 我們從薪資外包服務中產生的收入大部分來自中國和香港。
我們的董事明白,公司的 薪資職能是一項敏感且高度機密的行政任務,成本高昂且耗時。通過外包他們的 我們的董事相信,我們的最終用戶可以專注於發展和發展其核心業務, 同時最大限度地降低公司員工工資相關機密信息泄露的風險。
我們協助最終用戶(i)進行計算 在香港爲強積金、社會保障、住房公積金和個人支付的工資和供款金額 中國的所得稅以及根據各自司法管轄區的法律要求進行的任何其他扣除;(ii)安排 向員工銀行帳戶付款;(iii)監控和維護工資記錄;和(iv)準備和歸檔與就業相關的 納稅申報表。
渠道是全球人類的 公司/組織聘請資源服務提供商爲其分支機構處理薪資及就業相關事宜 在不同的地區。
期間 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日的年度,我們爲最終用戶提供服務 (both直接和通過渠道)從不同行業提供薪資外包服務,併爲最終用戶的員工提供服務 (both直接和通過渠道)聘請我們提供薪資外包服務的公司位於中國、香港、臺灣、澳門和 其他亞洲國家。
的 我們的薪資外包服務的服務費一般按年度內每位員工每月固定金額計算 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日,金額固定 每個最終用戶每月的最低費用。我們向渠道客戶發佈定價表以確認收取的服務費 當有必要調整我們的費用時。對於我們的直接最終用戶,我們可能會在合同結束前重新協商服務費 期間或有必要調整費用時。截至2024年、2023年6月30日止年度及 2022年,我們沒有調整與客戶的薪資外包服務的定價時間表。
Operational workflow for payroll outsourcing services
Our operation process typically involves three major phases, as follows:
Note: As of the date of this report, we cooperated with in-country partners to provide payroll outsourcing services in the PRC where appropriate.
Engagement of services
Understanding of our customer
When a new customer (channel customer or end-user) first approaches us, we will hold an initial meeting to understand its needs. During the meeting, we provide details of our services and explain the local regulations in relation to our services in the relevant region.
For a channel customer, we assist in closing the deal with the end-user. We have to understand the needs of our channel customer as well as that of the end-user. During our communication process, we agree on our communication models with our channel customer which will be established to enable our Group, our channel customer and our end-user to communicate effectively with each other during the process of providing our services. During our communication process, we also identify the services that our channel customer and our end-user require us to provide and go through a checklist of services that our Group can offer.
Formulation of service plans and negotiation on service terms
After the initial meeting, we provide a proposal to our customer including a detailed implementation plan, service terms and fee quote. A pricing schedule is also agreed between our Group and our channel customer specifying the service fees to be charged based on the number of employees involved and the scope of services procured. As for our end-user customer, a fee proposal will be provided. During the negotiation process, the responsible person and communication points for different parties will also be confirmed. Revised proposals may be provided when necessary.
Background check against the customer and end-user
Upon completion of the negotiation stage, we conduct background check against the channel customer and end-user through a subscribed database. We also conduct online search on the background of the channel customer. As for an end-user, we require the end-user to provide us with its business registration certificate, certificate of incorporation, business license (for PRC company), tax registration certificate (for PRC company), housing provident funds records (for PRC company) and social security certificate (for PRC company) to verify the existence and validity of the entity.
Signing of agreement
Once the background check is completed, we enter into a master service agreement with our channel customer that engages us for the first time which serves as a framework governing the services provided by our Group in the future for all end-users engaged through that channel customer. Our channel customer then issues an engagement letter or confirmation email detailing the scope of services required by each of its end-users, service fees and implementation procedures. For an end-user engaging our Group directly, we enter into an agreement with our end-user for the services procured.
Project implementation
Formation of implementation group
After signing of an agreement and issuance of an engagement letter, an implementation group will be formed comprising members of our Group, our channel customer and our end- user. Members of our Group may include a division manager, an implementation manager and a team member. Member of the channel may include an implementation manager to facilitate communication among the channel, the end-user and our Group. Member of the end-user may include a human resources personnel.
Creation of implementation checklist and payroll calendar
The implementation group then formulates an implementation checklist specifying the tasks to be performed during the implementation stage, the implementation timeline and procedures. The implementation group will also agree on a payroll calendar specifying the schedule for each major task to be performed for that year, including the date for provision of employees’ documents, calculation of salaries and other pay items, issuance of invoice, receipt of funds, instructions to bank for payment and dispatch of funds. Towards the end of the then existing payroll calendar period, the following 12-month payroll calendar will be formulated.
Collection of employees’ information
Based on the payroll calendar, the implementation group will collect employees’ information in an agreed format for inputting into the system in the latter stage. Information collected include the employees’ name, position, identity card number, marital status, bank account details and salary.
Configuration of payroll system and performance of test run
The implementation group discusses among itself the logics of the payroll system and configure the system based on the logics. The implementation group will then input or upload employees’ information collected into the system. As part of our standard procedure, we perform test run to make sure that the output for each employee is accurate. Test run may be conducted for one to two months during the implementation period for comparing our calculations generated through our system with those done by the end-user using their existing payroll procedures. Adjustments have to be made if there is any error identified during the test run. Once the test run is completed, the implementation group will conduct a “penny test” as part of our standard procedure by depositing a dollar to each employee’s bank account to ensure that the transaction can be completed successfully. The test run on the system and the “penny test” may be conducted more than once until no transaction error is identified.
When the implementation group is satisfied with the test results of the payroll system, the payroll system will be ready for delivery of monthly services.
Monthly delivery of services
Updating of monthly information
We require our end-users to provide an update on the employees’ information every month on the day specified on the payroll calendar using an agreed monthly change form. Information to be updated includes the information of newly hired employees or terminated employees, change of bank account, work location and salaries of the employees and other relevant information in relation to payroll such as attendance and leave record every month. We will then calculate the monthly salaries and other pay items for the employees through our IT system.
Generation of payroll report and bank file
After updating the particulars on the IT system, we will calculate the amount to be paid to each employee of our end-user through the system. The calculation includes the amount of salary each employee is entitled to, the amounts of contributions to be paid for MPF in Hong Kong, social security, housing provident funds and individual income tax in the PRC and any other deductions required to be made under the laws of the respective jurisdictions. After processing the data and checking the data internally, the payroll report containing details of our end-user’s employees in relation to their payroll will be sent to our channel customer and end-user for their approval.
Once the payroll report is approved, our client account manager will generate a bank file from our IT system and check the information on the bank file, such as the pay date, payment amount and employees’ information. The bank file will then be sent to our end-user if the end-user does not require us to process payment on their behalf.
Invoice to customer
Upon receiving the confirmation on the monthly payroll report from our channel customer and end-user, we will issue an invoice for payment of funds for the employees’ salary and other statutory contributions (if applicable), and an invoice for payment of service fees to our customer. We generally issue invoices for payroll funds and service fees once a month. Our customers or end-users are required to remit the payroll funds to our designated bank account at least two working days before dispatch of salary to the end-users’ employees for both direct and indirect end-users. For payment of service fees, we generally require our customers to settle the payment within 30 to 90 days from the date of invoice. During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, our customers or end users generally settled our invoices for payroll funds before dispatch of salary to the end-users’ employees. During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, our customers generally settled our invoices for service fees within the credit period granted by us which was within 30 to 90 days.
Payment of salary (where applicable)
If the end-user requires our Group to pay the salary to its employees on its behalf, our client account manager will upload the bank file to our internet banking account and provide the payroll report and fund proof to our finance team for their approval for dispatch of salary. After our finance team approves payment and payment is completed, a payment confirmation will be sent to the client account manager. The payment confirmation will then be uploaded to our channel customer’s IT system and sent to our end-user for their records.
Filing and payment of MPF, social security, housing provident funds and individual income tax (where applicable)
For an end-user that engages us in Hong Kong, we assist in handling MPF-related matters upon request. After receiving the funds from our customer, we provide the MPF statement to our customer for its review and signature, and submit the MPF statement with the MPF funds to the MPF provider. For an end-user who adopts on-line MPF system, we will fill in the monthly MPF information and submit it online on behalf of our end-user. Our Group will then make the MPF payment to the MPF provider. After payment, our Group will provide the MPF payment proof to the channel customer and end-user for their records.
For an end-user that engages us in the PRC, we assist in handling social security, housing provident funds and individual income tax-related matters upon request. For newly-hired and outgoing employees, we assist in enrolling or deregistering the social security accounts. If adjustment to the contribution base of an employee has to be done as required by local regulations, we will update our IT system for payroll calculation. After receiving the funds from our customer, we will make the payment on behalf of our end-user.
During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, our Group did not receive any query or investigation from relevant government authorities in relation to our end-users’ MPF, social security, housing provident funds and individual income tax. For services provided by our Group directly, our Group will be responsible for handling the queries. For services provided through our in-country partners, such queries will be handled by our in-country partners.
Post-completion record keeping
After dispatch of funds to our end-user’s employees, a payment proof will be obtained. We will then file the final payroll report, invoice, payment proof and any other reports to our server for record keeping. We will also issue pay slips to our end-user’s employees by way of email, post or online portal.
Other administrative services
Other than payment of salary to our end-users’ employees, we also assist our end-users in handling other administrative work such as preparing and filing of employers’ return including filing of employer’s return of remuneration and pension (Form IR56B) to the IRD in compliance with the Inland Revenue Ordinance for employees in Hong Kong and other employment-related tax, insurance and notifications in the PRC, Taiwan and Macau.
In addition to our payroll outsourcing services, we also offer employment services to our end-users in the PRC, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Australia and other Asian countries, under which we (i) employ candidates, directly or through our in-country partners, who are sourced by our end-users themselves and second them back to our end-users; and (ii) handle the seconded employees’ payroll and other administrative matters as their employers of record directly or through our in-country partners.
Our end-users source and provide candidates who meet with their requirements and engage our Group to enter into employment contracts with such candidates directly or through our in-country partners. Under the employment arrangement, we will provide all the required assistance to our customer as the candidates’ employer of record, the scope of which includes (i) conducting payroll calculations; (ii) arranging for salary payment; (iii) maintaining payroll records; (iv) conducting computation of the amounts of contributions to be paid for MPF in Hong Kong, social security, housing provident funds and individual income tax in the PRC and any other deductions required to be made under the laws of the respective jurisdictions; (v) administering employment-related insurances such as employee compensation insurance in Hong Kong and national health insurance in Taiwan covering our seconded employees; (vi) preparing and filing employment-related tax returns; (vii) making MPF payments; and (viii) providing pay slips. As the employer of record of the seconded employees, we or our in-country partners (as the case may be) are responsible for payment of the long service payment, leave entitlement, staff benefits, severance payment and other employees’ entitlements as prescribed by the applicable laws and regulations, by utilizing the payroll funds provided by our end-users. Upon our end-users’ requests, we also acquire life insurance, health insurance and travel insurance for our seconded employees in Hong Kong.
AS 截至本報告之日,我們在香港、臺灣和澳門直接提供就業服務,並與國內合作伙伴合作 在中國、日本、澳大利亞及其他亞洲國家提供就業服務。正如我們的董事證實的那樣, 截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日及2022年6月30日止年度,本集團 通過我們的國內合作伙伴在中國爲某些沒有經營實體的海外最終用戶提供就業服務 且在沒有中國實體的情況下,無法在中國自行招聘任何人員。這種安排 在重大方面符合中國的相關法律和法規。根據《管理辦法》 《中國境內從事生產經營活動的外國(地區)企業登記(2017年版)》,外國企業 未經有關部門批准和登記,不得在中國境內從事生產經營活動 權威。在中國沒有業務實體的最終用戶在其準備階段與本集團接洽 在中國設立他們的實體,通過國內合作伙伴爲他們提供就業服務,不太可能構成參與 在未經許可或批准的情況下從事生產經營活動,因此在實質性方面符合 中國的相關法律法規。關於我們在臺灣的就業服務,銀河薪資(香港)與國內合作 截至2020年6月30日的年度內的合作伙伴。銀河人力資源(臺灣)開始在臺灣提供就業服務 2020年7月1日。
期間 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日的年度,原因 讓我們的最終用戶聘請我們提供就業服務而不是直接僱用候選人本人主要包括:
(i) | 我們的就業服務接管了企業人力資源職能的角色,不僅涵蓋工資事宜,還在新員工加入和現有員工離職時進行必要的備案,並保存員工權利記錄; | |
(ii) | 面臨內部人數限制的最終用戶可能無法直接僱用員工,而我們能夠爲最終用戶僱用候選人作爲他們的記錄僱主,以支持我們最終用戶的業務運營; | |
(iii) | 最終用戶在特定地區沒有分支機構,因此沒有實體與候選人簽訂就業合同,因此需要我們的就業服務;和 | |
(iv) | 最終用戶利用我們的就業服務提供短期臨時勞動力支持。後 合同期內,他們可以根據候選人在聘用期內的表現決定是否自己聘用候選人。 |
我們的董事相信,我們的就業服務通常可以卸載 我們最終用戶的人力資源職能。我們的董事相信,我們提供的就業服務使我們的最終用戶 專注於核心業務,降低和控制運營成本,最大限度地減少行政負擔。
期間 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日的年度,我們的借調 員工被借調到中國、香港、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞和其他亞洲國家爲我們的最終用戶工作。
我們和我們的國內合作伙伴採用了標準的就業形式。 我們借調員工的合同。根據我們客戶的指示,借調的員工被借調到工廠工作。 應我們的最終用戶的要求。與我們的借調員工簽訂的僱傭合同的主要條款主要包括預先確定的月度 薪金率、開始僱用日期、職稱、休假權利、工作人員福利和終止通知。我們集團有權 經雙方同意,提前一個月發出通知,支付代通知金,終止被借調員工的合同 或者按照有關法律法規的規定。我們還要求我們的客戶或最終用戶支付相當於1美元的按金 借調僱員的薪金月份,以保障我們免受因與借調僱員終止僱傭關係而蒙受的損失 員工。我們已購買專業彌償保險,以保障我們在提供就業服務時可能面對的風險。 在香港。我們在臺灣的借調員工也在國家醫療保險計劃的覆蓋範圍內。我們被要求遵守 香港、中國、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞或其他亞洲國家的有關僱傭法律和法規(以 情況視情況而定)經營我們的就業服務。有關適用的法律和法規的進一步細節,本集團應 遵守,請參閱本報告中的《規定》。
我們的董事確認 我們所有借調員工均根據與我們或我們國內合作伙伴的合同以及相關的報酬 年內香港、中華人民共和國、日本、臺灣、澳門、澳大利亞或其他亞洲國家(視情況而定)的法律法規 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日且截至本報告日期已遵守。
的基本服務費 我們的就業服務一般是根據借調員工月薪的商定百分比計算的。 按截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日止年度支付薪酬的貨幣計算。借調僱員的薪酬 套餐一般包括每月工資、獎金、佣金、保險、社保和住房公積金。在某些情況下, 我們可能同意向我們的渠道客戶或最終用戶收取固定費用。每名借調員工的月薪方案 可能每月有所不同,因此我們爲每個最終用戶處理的工資資金(可能包括借調員工的月薪 加上其他付款(例如佣金和花紅)和供款(例如強積金、社會保障),每月亦可能有所不同。此外, 每名借調僱員的開始受僱日期和終止受僱日期可在一年中的任何日期(可能不是 一個月的第一天或最後一天)。因此,我們對每個最終用戶的基本服務費取決於許多變量,通常 每個月都不同。在截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日的年度內,我們沒有調整就業服務的服務費 和我們的客戶在一起。
在提供我們的服務時,我們可能會接受付款 以與向借調員工支付報酬的貨幣不同的貨幣進行支付。
一旦最終用戶決定僱用候選人, 我們將就就業服務條款進行協商,包括服務範圍和服務費用。對於最終用戶通過我們參與 一個渠道,我們的渠道客戶將就所提供的就業服務向我們發出承諾信或確認電子郵件 對最終用戶。對於直接最終用戶,我們直接與最終用戶簽訂服務協議。我們收到訂婚後 我們的渠道客戶來信或與我們的直接最終用戶簽訂服務協議,我們的客戶將向我們集團存入按金 相當於候選人一個月工資的金額。然後我們將收集候選人的個人信息 要求候選人填寫我們的標準表格。我們還將保留候選人身份證複印件以供記錄。
下表總結了重要術語 我們與主要直接最終用戶就提供就業服務而簽訂的服務協議:
持續時間/終止時間: | 我們的協議的初始期限爲一年,或一直有效到 由任何一方終止,除非事先約定,否則合同期限可經雙方同意自動延長或延長 終止協議的任何一方或最終用戶均發出書面通知。其中一些協議規定,在 一方當事人在履行協議項下的義務方面實質上違約,並且這種違約行爲沒有在 向違約方,即非違約方送達指明違約的書面通知後15個工作日至90天 可自終止通知所指明的日期起終止協議。 | |
定價/服務費: | 我們的基本服務費一般相當於借調人員總報酬的固定百分比。 員工的最低費用爲每月商定的金額。在某些情況下,我們可能會同意向渠道客戶收取固定費用。 或我們的最終用戶。我們還可能要求每個新聘用的借調員工支付相當於一個月工資的按金。 | |
付款條件: | 我們的服務費通常需要在收到發票後30天內支付 自開具發票之日起算。 | |
我們的主要義務是: | 我們在就業服務協議下的主要責任可能包括: | |
(1)聘用最終用戶挑選的候選人,並將借調的僱員轉給最終用戶; | ||
(Ii)處理借調僱員的薪金;及 | ||
(三)納稅和社會保障年度申報和繳費。 |
借調員工的薪酬待遇可能包括月薪、獎金、佣金、保險、社會保障和 住房公積金。
如果我們的渠道客戶和最終用戶確認僱傭條款 並且最終候選人接受該職位,我們將準備並與該候選人簽署僱傭合同。根據僱傭 我們與借調員工簽訂了合同,我們有權通過一個月的通知和付款終止僱用 通過雙方協議或根據相關法律代替通知。支付給我們的按金可以完全支付我們的終止費用 成本通過這種方式,我們將能夠爲最終用戶提供靈活的人員配備解決方案,以便他們管理自己的人員配備水平 根據他們的業務需求,同時限制我們對借調員工的潛在財務風險 最終用戶縮減業務規模或終止與我們的關係。
聘用期間,借調員工仍爲我們的 集團或我們國內合作伙伴的員工,但通過借調在我們最終用戶的監督或指派下工作。
除了提供薪資外包服務和就業服務外, 我們通過每月提供一般諮詢服務和交付,爲最終用戶提供諮詢和市場研究服務 市場研究報告,提前提供政策諮詢服務。
我們的客戶有意探索國外市場,然而, 我們的客戶對外國勞工政策和勞工環境沒有足夠的了解。我們爲客戶提供機會 通過了解當地人力資本市場和政策、薪資和就業環境以及國家進入國外市場 信息.
我們協助最終用戶(i)爲當地政策提供諮詢 處於高級水平並提交國家概況報告;(ii)就不同主題提供一般性諮詢以及問答 每月與當地專家舉行會議。截至2022年6月30日止年度,我們提供諮詢和市場研究服務 直接香港。公司自2022年7月起暫時停止諮詢和市場研究服務。
With respect to our payroll outsourcing services, the pricing of our services was determined based on (i) the prevailing market rates charged by market players; (ii) the expected transaction volume of our customers; and (iii) the business relationships with our customers. As for our employment services, we generally negotiate the pricing with our customers on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration of various factors including (i) the prevailing market rates charged by market players; (ii) the expected salary level of the seconded employee; (iii) the amount of administrative work required; and (iv) the business relationships with our customers. Our management team considers that our service fees charged is in line with the industry norm in the payroll outsourcing service industry and employment service industry.
During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, our revenue was mainly derived from channel customers, and our business opportunities mainly arose from our existing channel customers’ referral. When potential end-user customers approach our channel customers for payroll outsourcing services and/or employment services, our channel customers may invite our Group to participate in the negotiation process and to provide details of the services to the potential end-user. As such, we assist our channel customers in securing the engagements with end-users. We also promote our corporate profile and services through participating in marketing events, such as human resources forum, and through the internet, which connects our Group with potential customers. During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, there were customers approaching our Group through the internet after reviewing our profile on our website.
Our management team constantly keeps contact with our customers and end-users through emails, telephone calls and physical meetings. During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the management team also participated in events to gain exposure to potential new customers. We fully appreciate the maintenance of long-term business relationships and place great emphasis on customer satisfaction. We believe our long-term trusted relationship with our customers helps us build strong reputation in the industry. We intend to use the proceeds from the Listing to develop market capability and conduct more marketing campaigns to promote our payroll outsourcing services and employment services to direct end-users. For further details on our marketing plans, please refer to “Business strategies” above in this section.
It is normal for companies/organizations to review their human resources strategies shortly after their respective year-ends. Our Directors consider that the demands for our payroll outsourcing services and employment services are generally not subject to seasonality.
Our customers are mainly categorized as (i) channels which are global human resources service providers engaged by companies/organizations to handle payroll and employment-related matters for their branch offices in different regions; and (ii) end-users which are mainly multinational companies/organizations that outsource their payroll or employment functions to us directly. During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, end-users of our services included mainly multinational companies/organizations engaging in a wide variety of industries. For payroll outsourcing services, a majority of our end-users during the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 engaged in the retail and trading, industrial, IT, financial and professional services industries. For employment services, a majority of our end-users during the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 engaged in the IT, retail and trading, industrial, professional institution and education and healthcare industries. We have established stable business relationships with our major customers. During the year ended June 30, 2022, the Company has offered consultancy and market research services, a majority of our end-users engaged in the IT, industrial, media, advertising and entertainment, professional services. The Company temporarily ceased the consultancy and market research services since July 2022.
As of the date of this report, we cooperated with eight in-country partners to provide local support in relation to human resources in the PRC, including the Major In-country Partner which we have been cooperating with since the founding of our Group. We also cooperated with one in-country partner in Japan, one in-country partner in Thailand and Malaysia, one in-country partner in Australia, one in-country partner in India, one in-country partner in Indonesia, one in-country partner in Bangladesh, one in-country partner in Taiwan, one in-country partner in Singapore and one in-country partner in Vietnam, one in-country partner in Hong Kong and one in-country partner in Thailand to provide local support in relation to human resources.
The Major In-country Partner
截至六月底止年度 2024年3月30日至本報告日期,我們主要與中國的主要國內合作伙伴中國合作-關鍵人力資源外包 有限公司是獨立的第三方,在非獨家的基礎上提供薪資外包服務和就業服務 在中國,因爲我們的執行董事認爲與主要的國內合作伙伴合作是將我們的 商業風險和法律風險,在考慮到資格後,具有成本效益,並符合我們集團的最佳利益 主要國內合作伙伴及其子公司(位於中國上海)提供的服務和質量、成本 與國內主要合作伙伴及其子公司的接觸以及主要國內合作伙伴的當地知識和支持以及 它的子公司。自2013年集團成立以來,我們一直與國內主要合作伙伴合作,並一直保持着 從那時起,與它建立了良好的業務關係。主要國家/地區合夥人於12月在香港成立爲有限責任公司 是一家持有《勞務派遣許可證》的人力資源外包服務提供商,總部位於中國上海。 它在中國80多個城市爲大約700名客戶提供服務,包括我們以外的客戶。截至 本報告日期,於2015年不再爲本集團股東的本集團創辦人之一爲本集團資深成員 管理主要國內合作伙伴的一家子公司。截至本報告日期,一家公司秘書服務公司共同擁有 由我們的執行董事爲主要的國內合作伙伴提供公司秘書服務。
我們進入了一個人力資源部 2016年4月與國內主要合作伙伴簽訂外包服務協議。根據協議,將提供的服務 主要的國內合作伙伴包括:(一)計算工資;(二)計算個人所得稅、社會保障和住房 公積金供款;(Iii)協助申報個人所得稅;(Iv)以僱主身分提供就業服務 備案;(V)協助提交社會保障、新僱用和解僱僱員;(Vi)協助提交住房 公積金;(Vii)協助提交殘疾人士就業保障基金;及(Viii)支付 工資、社保、住房公積金、殘疾人就業保障基金和綜合保險。這份協議 除本集團與國內主要合作伙伴另有協議外,均爲有效。這項人力資源外包服務 在一方遭遇不可抗力並符合以下條件的情況下,雙方可以協商終止協議。 不能履行協議。這種人力資源外包服務協議的英譯本已作爲證據提交 此註冊聲明的。主要國家/地區合作伙伴的服務費是根據商定的定價時間表計算的 我們集團與國內主要合作伙伴之間的關係,並通過電匯結算。定價表中包含 主要國家/地區合作伙伴涵蓋以下服務收費:(I)計算和支付薪資和報稅;(Ii)處理 社會保障和住房公積金;以及(Iii)提供就業服務。計算及支付薪金及 納稅申報時,每名員工的手續費隨着員工人數的增加而減少。辦理社會保障和住房 公積金和提供就業服務,服務費是固定的。在提供就業服務方面,主要的 國內合夥人擔任借調僱員的僱主,並處理以下方面的工資和其他行政事務 借調員工,而我們的集團協助與渠道客戶、最終用戶和主要國內合作伙伴協調。 在截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日的年度內,主要國內合作伙伴向我們集團收取每位借調員工的固定費用。 我們一般要求在每月15日結清手續費。我們的董事認爲,在截至 2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日、2023年6月30日、2022年6月30日,主要國內合作伙伴收取的服務費是按公平原則確定的。 按正常商業條款,向本集團收取的服務費與其他實體收取的服務費相當 類似的服務。
除了與...合作外 主要的國內夥伴,我們也在較小程度上與其他七個國內夥伴進行非排他性合作。 在中國,一個在日本的國內合作伙伴,一個在臺灣、泰國和馬來西亞的國內合作伙伴,一個在澳大利亞的國內合作伙伴, 印度和孟加拉國的一個國內合作伙伴、印度尼西亞的一個國內合作伙伴、新加坡的一個國內合作伙伴、一個國內合作伙伴 一個在越南的合作伙伴,一個在香港的國家合作伙伴和一個在泰國的國家合作伙伴。他們是中智人力資源諮詢公司 (珠海)橫琴分公司,FESCO Adecco上海有限公司,上海外服(集團)有限公司,大連鵬宇管理諮詢 服務有限公司、上海飛馳中國人力資源服務有限公司、中智廣州經濟技術合作公司 深圳市一才人力資源諮詢有限公司,SBC G.K.,Eos Global Partners Limited,People 2.0 Australia(ESS)Pty Ltd,Proloz Services 私人有限公司,鉑。Tuas Solusi Karya,Volt Solution Kabushiki Kaisha,Tuas Solutions Pte Ltd,創新人力資源外包 合作伙伴有限公司、InterLoop解決方案與諮詢(新加坡)私人有限公司和Horizons Global Technology私人有限公司。在過去的幾年裏 截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日及截至本報告日期,我們通過國內合作伙伴在中國提供就業服務 即使我們的中國子公司能夠直接作爲借調員工的僱主提供就業服務 2019年1月24日在中國取得《勞務派遣許可證》。我們的董事們考慮了在國家/地區參與的成本和收益 將合作伙伴作爲借調僱員的僱主登記在案,並認爲參與國家合作伙伴最符合 並將把本集團作爲有記錄的僱主所必須承擔的商業風險和法律風險降至最低。此外, 我們的國內合作伙伴與我們在集團沒有業務的城市的最終用戶的地理位置接近,這將有助於 爲借調員工辦理行政事務。我們的董事認爲,國內合作伙伴的百分比 可歸因於國內合作伙伴的費用佔從國內合作伙伴獲得的就業服務總收入 截至2024年6月30日、2023年和2022年的年份相對較低。因此,在目前的運營規模和成本結構下,我們的董事 認爲本集團透過國內合作伙伴在中國提供就業服務更爲有利。等因奉此, 本集團不打算於短期內在中國直接提供就業服務。我們的董事們預計不會有 我們的就業服務成本結構是否會因近期中國境內合作伙伴的參與而發生重大變化? 未來。
當通過我們的國內合作伙伴提供就業服務時 在中國,歸因於我們國內合作伙伴的國內合作伙伴成本佔通過我們國內合作伙伴獲得的收入的百分比 合作伙伴的價格通常低於薪資外包服務的價格,因爲我們的國內合作伙伴每借調向我們收取固定費用 員工,而我們通常按每月薪酬的一定比例向客戶收取費用。
當比較薪資外包服務和就業的性質時 服務方面,本集團直接提供就業服務所需承擔的風險高於提供薪資外包 直接提供服務,因爲作爲借調員工的記錄僱主,我們集團面臨僱主的責任。 由於國內合作伙伴向我們集團收取的固定費用與中國的每位借調員工相比相對較低 我們向客戶收取每位借調員工的費用,我們的董事認爲繼續與國內合作伙伴合作更有利 作爲有記錄的借調僱員僱主。
至於薪資外包服務,國內百分比 歸因於國內合作伙伴的合作伙伴成本相對於通過國內合作伙伴獲得的收入相對較高, 而當直接向客戶提供此類服務時,我們集團面臨的風險相對較低。因此, 我們的董事計劃直接向中國的新客戶提供薪資外包服務,而無需聘請國內合作伙伴 未來,這預計將增加我們的員工成本。
在提供我們的薪資外包服務和就業服務時 在中國,通過我們的國內合作伙伴,我們的董事了解到我們的最終用戶需要提供單獨的服務 根據地方當局和銀行的要求,與我們的國內合作伙伴簽訂協議,以建立合同關係 國內合作伙伴和最終用戶,以便我們的國內合作伙伴能夠完成工資、社會福利支付的交易 代表最終用戶繳納保障和住房公積金。據董事所知,除上述情況外,我們的 客戶與我們的國內合作伙伴沒有其他業務關係。
鑑於COVID-19在全球爆發,我們的董事 已考慮其與我們的業務運營和財務狀況相關的影響。
自2013年以來,我們集團的運營主要以 由我們在香港的客戶經理和我們在中國的員工提供。我們分配員工輪流工作。 然而,鑑於其性質,我們集團的服務不需要與客戶進行日常面對面的會議 我們集團的業務主要涉及在線通信,其次還涉及渠道之間的電話對話 客戶、最終用戶和國內合作夥伴,因此,我們的內部員工在工作時設法維持我們的業務運營 離家我們的董事確認,渠道客戶的薪津資金轉移沒有出現重大干擾 和/或最終用戶轉移到我們集團,以及從我們集團或我們的國內合作夥伴轉移到最終用戶的員工。
鑑於上述情況,董事確認本集團能夠 履行與客戶的所有現有協議項下的義務,因此,對我們的長期關係沒有影響 與我們的客戶。
儘管COVID-19對整體經濟產生了影響,但我們的最終用戶 仍然被要求維持員工的薪津單。COVID-19的爆發並未對感染人數產生重大影響 我們進行的薪津交易。正如董事所告知,中國、香港、香港、 日本、台灣、澳門、澳大利亞等亞洲國家可能會阻礙最終用戶雇用海外員工並可能導致解僱 項目或新項目的實施延遲。
我們的董事認為,項目可能終止和 項目實施的延遲預計不會導致商業或商業的經常性損失或根本性惡化 我們集團的運營可行性,不會對我們集團的可持續發展產生不利影響。
考慮到年COVID-19爆發的最新進展 中國、香港、日本、台灣、澳門、澳大利亞和其他亞洲國家,我們的董事相信我們集團可能不必暫時 暫停在中國、香港、日本、台灣、澳門、澳大利亞提供薪資外包服務和就業服務 和其他亞洲國家。
我們的董事相信我們的業務運營不涉及 與健康和工作安全事宜相關的重大風險。
鑑於疫情爆發 COVID-19後,本集團已於2020年2月制定了業務應急計劃(「BEP」)。作為我們集團BEP的一部分, 本集團制定措施以確保內部員工的安全、集團場所內的安全和業務連續性 如果發生本集團無法控制的因素造成的災難。這些措施包括, 除其他、監控 我們的內部員工,確保我們的內部員工採用良好的個人衛生習慣、體溫篩查、限制 工作場所內外的社交聯繫以及清潔我們的辦公場所。本集團也採取措施維持充足 個人防護裝備、洗手液和消毒產品庫存。截至本報告日期,本集團已發生 約40,000港元(5,121美金)來實施上述措施。
由於我們的業務性質,不產生物質污染物, 在提供薪資外包服務和就業服務過程中排放或排放的物質。因此,我們不是 須遵守有關環境保護事宜的任何具體規則和法規。
截至本報告日期,我們維持人壽保險、健康保險 根據《雇員補償條例》(第282章)購買保險及雇員補償保險 香港法律),供我們在香港的內部員工使用。截至本報告日期,我們維持健康保險和員工健康保險 根據《雇員補償條例》(香港法律第282章)為我們購買補償保險 在香港借調員工,並為我們在香港的運營子公司銀河提供專業賠償保險 薪資(香港)和Galaxy GEO服務。
我們已為員工繳納社會保障金 中國以及根據中國適用法律為我們在中國的適用員工繳納住房養老金 在物質方面。公司依靠自己的行政人員來維持其對台灣和澳門的合規狀態, 因此,基於管理層的信念,我們在台灣的借調員工都受到國家健康保險計劃的覆蓋。
我們的董事屬於 認為我們已為業務運營獲得足夠的保險範圍,並且該保險範圍符合 行業規範。我們的董事相信,我們的業務運營不存在未涵蓋的重大風險 上述保險。截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日止年度以及截至本報告日期,我們沒有做出或 是任何重大保險索賠的主題。
員工總數 截至2024年6月30日、2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日,集團的人數分別為29、26和25。
集團雇用了一名員工 截至2024年6月30日止年度,分別在中國香港、馬來西亞和新加坡。一名員工在中國被解僱, 截至2024年6月30日的年度。
集團聘請了一名和三名 截至2023年6月30日止年度,分別在台灣和中國大陸的員工。三名員工在香港被解僱 截至2023年6月30日的年度。
集團聘請了一名 截至2022年6月30日止年度分別在澳門和中國的員工。年內香港有兩名員工被解僱 截至2022年6月30日。
我們的員工都不是 與香港、中國、澳門或台灣的任何工會有聯繫,過去3年沒有雇用任何臨時員工。
我們的董事確認 我們沒有遇到任何因勞資糾紛而導致的員工問題或運營中斷的情況,也沒有遇到過 截至2024年、2023年和2022年6月30日止年度內在留住經驗豐富的員工或熟練人員方面遇到任何困難。
我們集團沒有擁有任何房地產, 我們租賃了三處場地,詳情如下:
位置 | 總樓面面積 | 出租人 | 承租人 | 任期 | 使用 | |||||
奧維斯特25樓 永樂街77號 香港 |
1,943 平方英尺 |
獨立第三方 * | 銀河薪資(香港) | 2022年5月1日至2024年4月30日兩年 | 辦公室 | |||||
奧維斯特25樓 永樂街77號 香港 |
1,943 平方英尺 |
獨立第三方 * | 銀河薪資(香港) | 2024年5月1日至2026年4月30日兩年 | 辦公室 | |||||
2901-2903澳新亞大廈 彩田南路 深圳市福田區 中國 |
219.73 平方米 |
獨立第三方 * | 銀河人力資源(深圳) | 2021年6月1日至2024年5月31日三年 | 辦公室 | |||||
2901-2903澳新亞大廈 彩田南路 深圳市福田區 中國 |
219.73 平方米 |
獨立第三方 * | 銀河人力資源(深圳) | 2024年6月1日至2027年5月31日三年 | 辦公室 | |||||
一樓, 第46號,第2節, 文化一路 林口區 台灣新北市 |
463.44 平方英尺 |
獨立第三方 * | 銀河人力資源(TW) | 2023年11月1日至2025年10月31日兩年 | 辦公室 |
* | 個人或公司 或據我們的董事在做出所有合理查詢後所知,不是或不是我們的關聯人士 公司 |
2022年8月10日,我們申請了 在商標類別35中註冊我們的商業徽標。2022年8月23日,註冊獲得批准。我們集團沒有持有其他 對我們的業務至關重要的商標或專利。
國家 | 商標 | 應用 日期 | 應用 Number | 類 | 地位 | |||||||
Hong Kong | 2022年8月10日 | 306032943 | 35 | 批准 |
截至本報告日期,本集團已登記 以下域名:
域名 | Registrant | 失效日期 | ||
www.galaxy-hk.com | 銀河薪資(香港) | 2025年2月15日 | ||
www.huagaobao.cn | 銀河人力資源(深圳) | 2025年5月17日 | ||
www.galaxy-hk.cn | 銀河人力資源(深圳) | 2025年4月14日 |
截至本報告日期,我們不知道有任何爭議或 (i)我們侵犯第三方擁有的任何智慧財產權;或(ii)任何第三方侵犯任何智慧財產權 我們擁有或正在應用的權利。
薪資外包服務業和就業服務業 中國和香港的市場高度分散,且與不同的市場參與者競爭。影響市場的一些因素 競爭包括(i)具有廣泛地理覆蓋、服務產品、技術和安全性的公司享有的規模經濟 水平;(ii)行業聲譽和形象;(iii)市場參與者提供的增值服務。
薪資外包服務行業的一些進入壁壘 和就業服務業包括(i)為銀行帳戶設定高信用限額的資本和信用要求 定期進行大量交易;(ii)與就業相關的當地法律法規的市場知識和經驗 和數據隱私;及(iii)與渠道客戶和直接最終用戶的行業聯繫。
儘管如此,我們的董事相信我們將繼續保持 以下競爭優勢將使我們能夠與競爭對手競爭:
● | 我們 是一家信譽良好的國內薪資外包和就業服務提供商,由跨國渠道和來自不同國家的最終用戶參與 行業; | |
● | 我們 與我們的客戶擁有良好的業務關係; | |
● | 我們 能夠為客戶提供高質量的薪資外包服務和就業服務,以確保遵守 針對我們最終用戶的當地法規;以及 | |
● | 我們擁有一支經驗豐富且強大的管理團隊,擁有豐富的經驗支持 客戶客戶經理團隊。 |
For details of our Group’s competitive strengths, please refer to “Competitive strengths” in this section.
As a payroll outsourcing service provider and employment service provider, the ability to maintain the quality and accuracy of our services is crucial to our long term growth. Emphasis is therefore placed on monitoring service quality and staff training. Our division managers are responsible for the day-to-day monitoring of work quality, progress of our client account managers and manage and train staff on delivery of services.
Our Directors confirmed that, during the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, there were no material complaints made against us by our customers and end-users.
Key risks relating to our business are set out in “Risk Factors” in this report. The following sets out the key measures adopted by us under our risk management and internal control system for managing the more particular operational and financial risks relating to our business operation.
Data security
We handle a substantial amount of personal data related to individual employees and our end-users and customers in our business operation. These information contain personal data and are valuable to our business operation. Therefore, we have implemented internal control measures to safeguard the security and confidentiality of the information of our customers, end- users and their employees as follows:
(a) | 數據使用和分類: 我們 將數據分為三個類別:公共、內部和限制。公共數據通常向公眾開放;內部數據 僅供官方使用;受限制的數據受法規、公司政策或合同語言保護。我們已經出發了不同的 從訪問控制、複製/列印、網絡的角度處理這三類數據的安全措施級別 安全、物理安全、數據存儲和審計。 |
(b) | 私人個人數據處理:*在處理個人資料時,我們遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》。所有個人數據都被歸類為受限數據。 | |
(c) | 電腦使用:*未經我們管理團隊事先同意,我們的員工不得將他們的私人電腦和設備連接到我們集團的網路。他們不被允許在他們的電腦上安裝任何硬體,也不允許從一臺電腦交換元件到另一臺電腦。我們的員工被要求保持對其個人密碼的獨家控制。由我們的電腦用戶處置的任何數據存儲介質必須提交給指定的資訊技術人員進行中央處理,該中央處理受到特定擦除或物理銷毀,以防止從被處置的數據存儲介質中恢復未經授權的數據。 | |
(d) | 數據備份:我們維護所有關鍵運營數據的備份副本,以便在數據意外損壞或丟失時進行重建。僅授權人員才能訪問備份介質。如果可行,記錄在雲存儲上的所有敏感、有價值或關鍵資訊都會被加密。我們的員工還需要定期將他們的重要文件備份到雲存儲中,雲存儲集中用於本地備份。 |
Due to the business nature of the provision of payroll outsourcing services and employment services, our Group may become vulnerable to money laundering. Therefore, we have adopted policies, procedures and internal controls to prevent, detect and cause the reporting to appropriate authorities of any known or suspected money laundering, other criminal activity or suspicious transactions. Under our policy, we have appointed Mr. But as our anti-money laundering compliance officer. His duties include (i) developing, implementing and updating appropriate anti-money laundering policies and procedures; (ii) providing ongoing training to relevant employees of our Group; (iii) preparing, reviewing and filing suspicious transaction reports; and (iv) monitoring the day-to-day operations and implementation of our anti-money laundering policy.
We have also implemented our “Know Your Customers” policies for conducting customer due diligence. Some of the measures include (i) verifying the true identity of all customers and legal and beneficial ownership of the customer; and (ii) screening for politically exposed person by undertaking a search at the database available in the market. During the due diligence process, if a customer is found to be suspicious, it should be reported to the anti-money laundering compliance officer. Due to the nature of our business, transaction monitoring and customer due diligence shall be conducted on an ongoing basis.
Furthermore, it is expected that the source of funds are from our customer themselves. In case the funds are received from a third party, we would identify and verify the identity of the third party where necessary and consider the rationale for the payment by such third party.
Apart from the above, we also provide trainings to our employees and senior officers and encourage reporting of violations so as to reduce the risks of money laundering among our Group.
During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, we had obtained all requisite licenses, permits and approvals for our business operation.
We had obtained all requisite licenses, permits and approvals for our business operations in Hong Kong including the business registration certificates and the employment agency license, and we are not required to obtain any industry-specific license, permit and approval for our provision of payroll outsourcing services in Hong Kong, and based on management belief, we are not required to obtain any industry-specific license, permit and approval for our provision of payroll outsourcing services in Taiwan and Macau and our provision of employment services in Taiwan during the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022. As of the date of this report, we had obtained the following current licenses which are relevant to our business operation in the Hong Kong:
Group member | License/ permit/ approval | Issuing authority | Commencement date | Expiry date | ||||
Galaxy Payroll (HK) | Employment Agency License | Labor Department | October 7, 2024 | October 6, 2025 | ||||
Galaxy Payroll (HK) | Business Registration Certificate | Inland Revenue Department | February 21, 2024 | February 20, 2025 | ||||
Galaxy GEO Services | Business Registration Certificate | Inland Revenue Department | February 5, 2024 | February 4, 2025 | ||||
Galaxy Payroll (TW) | Business Registration Certificate | Inland Revenue Department | December 31, 2023 | December 30, 2024 | ||||
Galaxy Payroll (China) | Business Registration Certificate | Inland Revenue Department | October 24, 2024 | October 23, 2025 |
We had obtained all requisite licenses, permits and approvals to our provision of payroll outsourcing services and employment services during the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022. As of the date of this report, we had obtained the following license which is relevant to our business operation in the PRC:
Group member | License | Issuing authority | Commencement date | Expiry date | ||||
Galaxy HR (SZ) | Labor Dispatch Operation Permit | Human Resources Bureau of Futian District, Shenzhen | January 24, 2019 | January 23, 2025* |
Labor Dispatch Operation Permit has a term of three years. Galaxy HR (SZ) has renewed its Permit and now has the Permit to be expired on January 23, 2025.
As of the date of this report, we are not a party to, and we are not aware of any threat of, any legal proceeding that, in the opinion of our management, is likely to have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, or operations.
From time to time, we may become involved in legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Other than the civil proceeding mentioned above, we are not involved in any litigation, arbitration, or claim of material importance, nor any material impact non-compliance incidents or systemic non-compliance incidents in respect to applicable laws and regulations.
This section sets out summaries of the relevant laws and regulations which are relevant to our business in Hong Kong, the PRC, Macau and Taiwan.
Employment Ordinance (Chapter 57 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and Employment Agency Regulations (Chapter 57A of the Laws of Hong Kong)
《僱傭條例》(香港法第57章)( 「僱傭條例」)監管香港的僱傭條件,所有受僱傭條例保護的員工均有權獲得基本保護 根據《僱傭條例》,包括但不限於支付薪津、限制薪津扣除以及授予法定假期。我們 集團須遵守《僱傭條例》中有關向我們的員工和客戶的員工支付薪津的要求。 本集團進一步遵守《僱傭條例》第XII部分和職業居間所法規(《僱傭條例》第57 A章)的要求 有關職業居間所的運營及管理的香港法律(「法律」)。
根據《僱傭條例》第22條,在沒有任何明確協議的情況下 相反,僱傭合同的薪津期限視為1個月。根據《僱傭條例》第23條,薪津到期 薪津期最後一天到期時,並應在切實可行的範圍內儘快支付,但在任何情況下不得遲於薪津期後7天。
根據《憲法》第23條 《僱傭條例》規定,僱主應儘快根據僱傭合同向雇員支付薪津,但在任何情況下不得遲於 薪津期最後一天後的七天。任何僱主故意且無合理理由違反該規定 即屬犯罪,一經定罪,最高可被處以350,000港元(44,809美金)罰款和三年監禁。
根據《僱傭條例》第24條,如果僱傭合同已 完成後,薪津和就其合同應付的任何其他款項應在合同完成之日支付給他 並應在切實可行的範圍內儘快支付,但在任何情況下不得遲於支付後7天。
根據第25(1)和(2)條 根據《僱傭條例》,如果僱傭合同終止,應支付給員工的任何款項,其中包括相當於 雇員在解僱前薪津期結束後開始的期間內所做工作賺取的金額 以及截至終止時以及就其僱傭合同應支付給該雇員的任何其他款項等,支付 在切實可行的範圍內儘快向他提供,無論如何不得遲於終止之日後7天。任何僱主故意且不 合理理由違反該要求即屬犯罪,一經定罪,最高可處以10,000港元(1,280美金)的罰款。
《僱傭條例》第26(1)條規定,薪津應支付給工作人員 一天直接發送給員工的工作地點或僱主通常為此目的使用的任何辦公室或其他地方 支付薪津或在雙方同意的任何其他地點支付。
根據《僱傭條例》第25 A條,如果任何薪津或相當於 雇員在解僱前薪津期結束後開始的期間內所做工作賺取的金額 且截至終止時,未在根據上文第23、24和25條到期之日起7天內付款, 僱主應自日期起對未付薪津或款項支付利息,目前利率為每年8.000% 截至實際付款之日,該等薪津或款項已到期。
此外,根據第63 C條 根據《僱傭條例》,任何僱主故意且無合理理由不按照第23、24或25條支付薪津,構成 犯罪,可處以罰款350,000港元(44,809美金)和監禁3年。根據《僱傭令》第640條,其中 有關僱主是法人團體,如果證明上述罪行是在同意或縱容下犯下的,或 可歸因於其任何董事、經理、秘書或其他類似官員、董事、經理、 有關的秘書或其他類似官員也犯有相同罪行。
根據第51(1)條 根據《僱傭條例》,任何人不得經營、管理或協助管理職業居間所,除非他是職業居間所的持有人 勞工專員就職業居間所頒發的許可證或豁免證明。任何人違反 此類要求構成犯罪,一經定罪,可處以350,000港元(44,809美金)罰款和三年監禁。
根據第51(2)條 根據《僱傭條例》,任何人不得在營運地以外的任何地方經營、管理或協助管理職業居間所 在許可證中指定。任何人違反該要求即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處以10,000港元罰款 (US 1,280美金)。
根據第52(2A)條和 《僱傭條例》第52(2B)條和《僱傭兵條例》第10條、許可證、許可證複本(如果適用)和最高佣金附表二 必須始終展示在所有職業居間所持牌人辦公室的顯眼位置。任何人違反 此類要求構成犯罪,一經定罪,可處以10,000港元(1,280美金)罰款。
根據《僱傭條例》第53(1)條,勞工專員可拒絕 如果職業居間所持牌人或有意成為職業居間所持牌人,則續簽或吊銷職業居間所持牌人的執照, 其持牌人或其持牌人雇用的人或擬成為職業居間所持牌人的人已違反第二部 《僱傭條例》第十二條(例如向求職者收取過高費用),分包商沒有遵守《警察》。
根據《就業》第56條 條例(EO)規定,職業居間所持牌人應保存記錄,顯示所有在或 被他的職業居間所安排了工作。該記錄應包含該人的姓名、地址、香港身份證 號碼(非居民,護照號碼和公民身份)、收到的佣金、就業日期以及姓名和地址 僱主的。該記錄應在所有合理時間供勞工專員檢查。記錄應 由職業居間所持牌人保留不少於12個月。任何違反該要求的人均犯有 犯罪,一經定罪,可處以10,000港元(1,280美金)罰款。
《僱傭條例》第57條 規定職業居間所持牌人不得直接或間接從任何人處收取任何形式的獎勵、付款、好處 (訂明佣金除外)為該人獲得、獲得或獲得就業。任何人違反 此類要求構成犯罪,一經定罪,可處以350,000港元(44,809美金)罰款和3年監禁。的 《僱傭條例》第57條進一步訂明,職業居間所持牌人不得與任何人分享訂明的佣金, 除了其職業居間所的其他被許可人或股東之外,他可以收取和收取費用。任何人違反 要求構成犯罪,一經定罪,可處以50,000港元(6,401美金)罰款。
根據《僱傭條例》第62 A條,職業居間所持牌人須遵守 符合勞工專員頒布的法律和《職業居間所業務守則》(「CoP」)。 《勞動力委員會》規定了主要的立法要求以及勞工專員對就業的期望標準 代理持牌人。勞工部將通過定期和突擊檢查以及投訴調查來密切監督合規性, 等並可向職業居間所持牌人發出警告信,要求其糾正發現的違規行為,包括但不限於 未能符合《守則》中規定的法定要求和/或標準。勞工專員還可以考慮,其中 其他相關因素、EA的相關記錄和/或其滿足該等要求/標準的能力 撤銷、拒絕授予或更新EA許可證的決定。
收件箱第6條 規定職業居間所持許可證不得將許可證借給、轉讓或轉讓給他人。第10(2)條 收件箱規定了職業居間所就雇用任何人可以收取和收取的最高佣金 人.職業居間所可從每位求職者處收到的最高佣金金額不超過 成功安置後收到的第一個月薪津。根據《破產法》第17條,任何人違反 此類要求構成犯罪,一經定罪,可處以10,000港元(1,280美金)罰款。
根據第7條規定 分包商、職業居間所持牌人應在管理層(合伙人/董事/提名)發生任何變化後14天內通知勞工專員 經營者)提供變更的完整詳情,並在相關變更後提交EA-LOA表格 職業居間所持牌人雇用的人或個人;根據《勞工條例》第8條,職業居間所持牌人須 職業居間所停止運營後7天內通知勞工專員,並必須交付許可證 提交給勞工處專員;根據勞工局第9條,職業居間所持牌人須通知勞工處專員 在職業居間所營運地變更前至少14天進行勞動。任何人未能通知專員 以上述方式勞動即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處以10,000港元(1,280美金)罰款。
《僱傭條例》適用於所有就業 香港的代理機構除外:
- | 進行或資助 香港政府; |
- | 在商人的帶領下進行 《船舶(海員)條例》; |
- | 僅由僱主進行 為自己雇用人員; |
- | 由承包商進行或 雇用他人工作的分包商; |
- | 非營利和攜帶 由出版物所有者進行;或非營利組織,由認可的教育機構僅為就業而進行 該教育機構的學生或畢業生的。 |
《商業登記條例》(香港法律第310章 孔)
我們集團開展業務 在香港,因此我們受到《商業登記條例》的約束,該條例規定每個人,無論是公司還是個人, 在香港經營運務一個月內向稅務局申請商業登記證 自開業之日起,並在營運地點出示有效的商業登記證。任何 未在營運地申請商業登記或展示有效商業登記證的, 即屬犯罪,可處以5,000港元(640美金)罰款和一年監禁。
Inland Revenue Ordinance (Chapter 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
The Inland Revenue Ordinance (the “IRO”) imposes a tax on property, earnings and profits in Hong Kong. Our Group is subject to the requirements of keeping proper business records and compiling returns to the Inland Revenue Department.
Pursuant to section 51C of the IRO, every person carrying on a business in Hong Kong shall keep sufficient records, which includes books of account, as well as vouchers, bank statements, invoices, receipts and other documents necessary to verify the entries in the books of account, in the English or Chinese language of his income and expenditure so as to readily ascertain the tax-assessable profits of the business concerned. Such records shall be retained by the business for a period not less than 7 years after the completion of the transactions, acts or operations to which they relate. Also, such a person carrying on a business shall keep records of, amongst others, assets and liabilities, all goods purchased and sold and all sums of money received and expended, etc.
Pursuant to sections 52(2) and (3) of the IRO, upon receipt of notice in writing given by an assessor of the Inland Revenue Department, every person who is an employer shall furnish within a reasonable time stated in such notice a return containing the names and places of residence and the full amount of the remuneration, whether in cash or otherwise, of all persons employed by the employer (which includes any director of a company or a person engaged in the management of a company, and in excess of a minimum figure to be fixed by the assessor) and any other persons employed by him named by the assessor.
IRO also stipulates the required timeframe for giving notice to the assessor with respect to the commencement and cessation of employment of an individual, as well as the individual leaving Hong Kong for any period exceeding 1 month.
Pursuant to section 80(1A) of the IRO, any person without reasonable excuse fails to comply with the requirements of keeping sufficient records commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at HKD100,000 (US$12,803) and the court may order the person convicted within a time specified in the order to keep sufficient records.
Also, pursuant to section 80(1) of the IRO, any person who without reasonable excuse fails to furnish a return within the stipulated time to the assessor commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at HKD100,000 (US$12,803) and the court may order the person convicted within a time specified to furnish a return. Pursuant to section 80(2) of the IRO, any person who without reasonable excuse makes an incorrect return by omitting or understating anything in respect of which he is required by this Ordinance to make a return, either on his behalf or on behalf of another person commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at HKD10,000 (US$1,280) and a further fine of treble the undercharged amount.
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
We collect, use, make use and retain the personal data of our clients and its employees in the normal course of our business and therefore, our business operation is regulated by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “PDPO”) and our Group falls within the definition of “data user” and “data processor” as defined under the PDPO.
We are required to follow the practices as set out in the data protection principles under the PDPO regarding the collection, use, retention, accuracy and security of and access to personal data, which are:
(i) | Principle 1: Purpose and manner of collection. This principle provides for the lawful and fair collection of personal data and sets out the information a data user must give to a data subject when collecting personal data from that subject. |
(ii) | Principle 2: Accuracy and duration of retention. This principle provides that personal data should be accurate and kept no longer than necessary. | |
(iii) | Principle 3: Use of personal data. This principle provides that unless the data subject consents, personal data should be used only for the purposes for which they were collected or a directly related purpose. | |
(iv) | Principle 4: Security of personal data. This principle requires appropriate security measures to be applied to personal data (including data in a form in which access to or processing of the data is not practicable). | |
(v) | Principle 5: Information to be generally available. This principle provides for openness by data users about the policies and parties adopted by the data user in relation to personal data, the kinds of personal data they hold and the main purposes for which personal data are used. | |
(vi) | Principle 6: Access to personal data. This principle provides for data subjects to have rights of access to and correction of their personal data. |
Section 58 of the PDPO provides that if personal data are used for any of the purposes referred to in Section 58(1) of the PDPO (which includes but not limited to prevention or detection of crimes, prosecution or detention of offenders and prevention, preclusion or remedying of unlawful or seriously improper conduct or dishonesty or malpractice by persons etc.) (“Exempted Matters”) and the application of the personal data protection principle(s) in relation to such use would be likely to prejudice any of the Exempted Matters, then
(i) | such personal data are exempted from the provisions of certain data protection principle(s); and | |
(ii) | in any proceedings against any person for a contravention of any of those provisions of the PDPO, it shall be a defense if that person shows that he had reasonable grounds for believing that failure to so use the data would have been likely to prejudice any of the Exempted Matters. |
Under Section 65 of the PDPO, any act done or practice engaged by the employee shall be treated as an act done or engaged by his employer as well as by the employee, whether or not it was done or engaged with the employer’s knowledge or approval. However, it is a defense if the employer can prove that he has taken practicable steps to prevent the employee from breaching the PDPO.
Part 6A of the PDPO regulates the use and provision of personal data in direct marketing by business entities. If the personal data of our client or its employees are intended to be used in direct marketing, our clients and its employees must be notified and their consent must be obtained before using or transferring any of their personal data to another person.
Furthermore, our clients and its employees must be notified of their opt-out right when using their personal data indirect marketing for the first time. Our clients and its employees are entitled to require us to cease using their personal data at any time.
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Chapter 485 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Chapter 485 of the Laws of Hong Kong) provides for the establishment of non-governmental mandatory provident fund (“MPF”) schemes. Our Group, as an employer, is required to enroll our regular employees (except for certain exempt persons) aged between at least 18 but under 65 years of age and employed for a continuous period of 60 days or more in a MPF scheme within the first 60 days of employment.
對於員工和僱主來說, 必須定期向強積金計劃供款。對於員工,取決於最高和最低收入水平 (2014年6月1日之前每月分別為25,000港元(3,201美金)和7,100港元(909美金)或30,000港元(3,841美金)和7,100港元(909美金) 每月,分別在2014年6月1日或之後),僱主將強制代表員工扣除相關收入的5% 2014年6月1日之前向已註冊強有力計劃的供款上限為1,250港元(160美金)或6月1日或之後向1,500港元(192美金) 2014.僱主亦須向強積金計劃供款相當於雇員相關收入5%的款項, 僅受2014年6月1日之前每月最高收入水平(25,000港元(3,201美金)或6月或之後每月30,000港元(3,841美金) 2014年1月)。
Minimum Wage Ordinance (Chapter 608 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
Our Group is subject to the Minimum Wage Ordinance (Chapter 608 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “MWO”), which provides for a prescribed minimum hourly wage rate (currently set at HKD37.5 (US$4.8) per hour) during the wage period for every employee engaged under a contract of employment under the EO (except those specified under section 7 of the MWO).
Any provision in a contract of employment which purports to extinguish or reduce any right, benefit or protection conferred on an employee by the MWO is void.
Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Chapter 509 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
The Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Chapter 509 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “OSHO”) provides for the safety and health protection to employees in workplaces, both industrial and non-industrial. Employers must as far as reasonably practicable ensure the safety and health in their workplaces by:
- | providing and maintaining plant and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health; |
- | maintenance of the workplaces in a condition that is safe and without risks to health; |
- | making arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage or transport of plant or substances as regards any workplace under the employer’s control; |
- | providing and maintaining means of access to and egress from the workplace that are safe and without any risks to health; |
- | providing all necessary information, instructions, training and supervision to the employee to ensure the safety and health at work; and |
- | providing and maintaining a working environment for the employees that is safe and without risks to health. |
An employer who fails to comply with any of the above provisions commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of HKD200,000 (US$25,605). An employer who intentionally knowingly or recklessly fails to comply with any of the above provisions commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of HKD200,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
根據第9(1)條和 根據《職業健康及健康條例》第10(1)條,勞工處專員可就不遵守《職業健康及健康條例》的情況發出改善通知。勞工專員 還可以針對可能造成迫在眉睫的死亡或嚴重身體風險的工作場所活動或條件發出停職通知 損傷僱主無合理理由而不遵守改善通知書,即屬犯罪,最高可判處 罰款200,000港元(25,605美金)和監禁12個月。僱主無合理辯解違反停職通知書 構成犯罪,最高可判處500,000港元(64,013美金)罰款和12個月監禁。
《雇員補償條例》(香港法律第282章 香港)
《雇員補償條例》(法律第282章 香港)(「《雇員補償條例》)為工受傷和分娩建立無過錯和非供款的雇員補償制度 明確僱主和雇員對因事故造成傷害或死亡的權利和義務 就業過程或規定的職業病。
根據《經濟合作條例》,如果員工因此受傷或死亡 對於因其受僱或在受僱期間發生的事故,即使該雇員 事故發生時可能存在過錯或疏忽。同樣,因以下原因喪失工作能力或死亡的員工 職業病有權獲得與職業事故受傷員工相同的賠償。
根據第40條 根據《經濟合作條例》,所有僱主都必須購買保險,以支付《經濟合作條例》和普通法下的責任 所有員工(包括全職和兼職員工)因工受傷。不遵守規定的僱主 使用《經濟合作協議》購買保險即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處以罰款100,000港元(12,802美金)和監禁 兩年了。
根據第48條 根據《經濟合作條例》,未經勞工專員同意,僱主不得終止合同或發出終止合同的通知 雇員(在有權根據《雇員條例》獲得補償的情況下喪失工作能力)在發生前的服務 某些事件。僱主違反本規定即屬犯罪,一經定罪,最高可處以罰款 100,000港元(12,802美金)。
《競爭條例》(香港法律第619章)出台 於2015年12月14日生效,以(i)禁止阻礙、限制或扭曲香港競爭的行為;(ii)禁止合併 大幅減少香港的競爭;及(iii)就附帶及相關事宜作出規定。競爭條例 禁止通過三項規則限制競爭,即第一行為規則、第二行為規則和合併規則。
第一行為規則規定,承諾不得:(a)做出 或使協議生效;(b)從事一致業務;或(c)作為企業協會的成員,或使 或執行協會的決定,如果協議、一致做法或決定的目的或效果是防止, 限制或扭曲香港的競爭。第一行為規則適用於防止、 即使該協議、決定或一致做法是在香港境外達成的,也限制或扭曲香港的競爭 或協議、一致業務、任何企業或企業協會的任何一方位於香港境外。
第二行為規則規定,具有重大意義的企業 市場中的市場力量程度不得濫用這種力量,從事以預防、限制為目的或效果的行為 或扭曲香港的競爭。第二行為規則下的行為如果涉及掠奪性行為,則可能構成濫用 針對競爭對手或限制生產、市場或技術開發以損害消費者的利益。當確定是否 企業在市場中具有相當程度的市場支配力,在確定時可以考慮的因素包括 企業的市場份額、企業做出定價和其他決策的權力以及競爭對手的任何進入障礙 進入相關市場。與第一行為規則一樣,即使企業從事 行為是在香港境外進行的或該行為是在香港境外進行的。
任何人違反或參與違反 競爭規則,競爭審裁法庭可處以罰款並做出附表3所指明的所有或任何命令 其認為適當的《競爭條例》,例如判給損害賠償、處置業務、宣布協議 無效等。對於構成單一違法行為的行為,處以的罰款金額將上限為10% 發生違規行為的每年相關企業的營運額,最多3年,最多3年 年度營運額。
競爭法庭還可以對 如果公司認為該人擔任董事的公司違反了以下規定,該公司的董事任期不超過5年 競爭規則,並且該人作為董事的行為使該人不適合參與 公司
《商品說明條例》(香港法律第362章) (「TDO」)旨在禁止虛假商品說明、虛假、誤導性或不完整信息、虛假標記和錯誤陳述 就貿易過程中提供的商品和服務而言。《貿易條例》第2條下的商品說明定義涵蓋 廣泛的事項包括但不限於:數量、製造方法、成分、用途適用性、可用性, 符合任何人指定或認可的標準、價格、任何人的批准、獲得它們的人, 該商品與供應給某人、製造地點或日期等的商品相同。第2條還規定,商品說明 其在重大程度上是虛假的,或者雖然不是虛假的,但具有誤導性,也就是說,可能會被視為商品說明 這種在實質性程度上虛假的商品將被視為虛假的商品描述。
Section 7A provides that it is an offence for a trader who applies a false trade description to a service supplied or offered to be supplied to a consumer, or supplies or offers to supply to a consumer a service to which a false trade description is applied.
Sections 13E, 13F, 13G, 13H and 131 of TDO provide that a trader commits an offence if the trader engages, in relation to a consumer, in a commercial practice that is a misleading omission, or is aggressive, or constitutes bait advertising, or constitutes a bait and switch, or wrongly accepting payment for a product.
Any person who commits an offence under sections 7A, 13E, 13F, 13G, 13H or 131 of TDO shall be liable, on conviction on indictment, to a fine of HKD500,000 (US$64,013) and to imprisonment for 5 years, and on summary conviction, to a level 6 fine of HKD100,000 (US$12,803) and imprisonment for 2 years. However, sections 30L and 30M provides that an officer authorized by the Commissioner of Customs and Excise may, with the consent in writing of the Secretary for Justice, accept a written undertaking from businesses or individuals not to continue, repeat or engage in conduct that constitutes an offence under the TDO, and on the acceptance of such undertaking, neither the Commissioner of Customs and Excise nor the authorized officer may commence or continue an investigation or proceedings relating to the matter to which the undertaking relates.
Regulations on Distributions
Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “CO”) provides for prohibition on certain distributions.
According to section 297 of the CO, a company may only make a distribution out of profits available for distribution and a company’s profits available for distribution are its accumulated, realized profits, so far as not previously utilized by distribution or capitalization, less its accumulated, realized losses, so far as not previously written off in a reduction or reorganization of capital. A distribution which is in breach of this provision is unlawful and ultra vires.
According to section 301 of the CO, if a company makes a distribution, or part of a distribution, to one of its members in contravention of section 297 of the CO and at the time of the distribution, the member knows or has reasonable grounds for believing that the distribution, or that part of the distribution (as the case may be) is made in contravention of that section or modified prohibition or restriction, if the distribution is made in cash, the member is liable to repay the distribution, or that part of the distribution (as the case may be) to the company, or if the distribution is made otherwise than in cash, the member is liable to pay to the company a sum equal to the value of the distribution or that part of the distribution (as the case may be) at the time of the distribution. A director who authorized the payment of an unlawful dividend in breach of his duty may be liable to repay to the company under the common law.
Regulations Relating to Incorporation, Operation and Management of Corporate Entities
We conduct business in China through our wholly-owned PRC subsidiary, Galaxy HR (SZ), which falls within the definition of wholly foreign-owned enterprise under PRC laws.
The establishment, operation and management of corporate entities in China are governed by the Company Law of the PRC (the “Company Law”), which was promulgated by Standing Committee of the NPC on 29 December 1993 and became effective on 1 July 1994. It was subsequently amended on December 25, 1999, August 28, 2004, October 27, 2005, December 28, 2013 and October 26, 2018. The Company Law also applies to foreign-invested companies. According to the Company Law, the provisions otherwise prescribed by the laws on foreign investment prevail.
Upon taking effect on January 1, 2020, the Foreign Investment Law of the PRC (the “Foreign Investment Law”) has replaced the Wholly Foreign- owned Enterprises Law of the PRC, and became the legal foundation for foreign investment in the PRC.
Any investments conducted by foreign investors in the PRC shall be subject to the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment, the latest version of which was promulgated by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce of the People ’s Republic of China on December 27, 2020 and became effective on January 27, 2021, and the Special Management Measures for the Market Entry of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2021 Version) (the “Negative List”) which was promulgated on December 27, 2021 and became effective on January 1, 2022. Foreign investment industries are classified into two categories, (1) industries in which foreign investments are encouraged; and (2) industries in which foreign investments are regulated by the Negative List. The Negative List has further classified regulated foreign investment industries into industries in which foreign investments are restricted and industries in which foreign investments are prohibited. Our business does not fall under the “restricted” or “prohibited” category in the Negative List.
Regulations Relating to Foreign Investment
All limited liability companies incorporated and operating in the PRC are governed by the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, or the Company Law, which was amended and promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on October 26, 2018. However, on December 24, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress issued the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft for Comments) (the “Revised Company Law”) for public comments. The Revised Company Law further stipulates the establishment and withdrawal of the company, the organizational structure and the capital system of the company, and strengthens the responsibilities of shareholders and management personnel and corporate social responsibility. Foreign invested projects must also comply with the Company Law, with exceptions as specified in foreign investment laws.
With respect to the establishment and operation of wholly foreign-owned projects, or WFOE, the MOFCOM and NDRC, promulgated the Special Administrative Measures for the Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2021 Version) (the “2021 Negative List”) on December 27, 2021, which became effective on January 1, 2022. The 2021 Negative List replaces the Special Administrative Measures for the Access of Foreign Investment (2020 Version) (the “2020 Negative List”) and serves as the main basis for management and guidance for the MOFCOM to manage and supervise foreign investments. Those industries not set out on the 2021 Negative List shall be classified as industries permitted for foreign investment. None of our businesses are on the 2021 Negative List, nor on the 2020 Negative List. Therefore, we are able to conduct our business through our wholly owned PRC subsidiary without being subject to restrictions on access imposed by the foreign investment laws and regulations of the PRC.
The Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Foreign Investment Law”) was adopted by the National People’s Congress on March 15, 2019, which became effective on January 1, 2020. On December 26, 2019, the State Council promulgated Regulation for Implementing the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Regulation”), which became effective on January 1, 2020.
The Foreign Investment Law and the Regulation apply the administrative system of pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list to foreign investment and clarify the state shall develop a catalogue of industries for encouraging foreign investment to specify the industries, fields, and regions where foreign investors are encouraged and directed to invest, which refers to the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment Industries (amended in 2020).
Regulations Relating to Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises
The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China provides that companies established in the PRC may take the form of company of limited liability or company limited by shares. Each company has the status of a legal person and owns its assets itself. Assets of a company may be used in full for the company’s liability. The Company Law applies to foreign-invested companies unless relevant laws provide otherwise.
The Foreign Investment Law replaced Law of the People’s Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises. It stipulates that the PRC implements a system of pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list for the administration of foreign investment. Foreign investors are not allowed to invest in fields or sectors prohibited in the market access negative list for foreign investment. Foreign investors that intend to invest in the fields subject to access restrictions stipulated in market access negative list for foreign investment shall satisfy the conditions stipulated in such negative list. The PRC policies supporting enterprise development are equally applicable to foreign-invested enterprises. The PRC does not impose expropriation on foreign investment. Under special circumstances, if it requires imposing expropriation on foreign investment due to the need of public interest, expropriation shall be imposed according to legal procedures, and the foreign-invested enterprises concerned shall receive fair and reasonable compensation. Foreign-invested enterprises can raise funds through public issuance of stocks, corporate bonds and other securities in accordance with the law. Overall, the Foreign Investment Law establishes the clear principle of applying national treatment to foreign-invested enterprises except those engaged in industries on the 2020 Negative List (as amended).
Regulations Relating to Human Resources Services
On June 29, 2018, the State Council promulgated the Interim Regulations on Human Resources Market, which became effective on October 1, 2018. Human resources service institutions are classified into two categories, namely, public human resources service institutions and commercial human resources service institutions. Public human resources service institutions shall refer to the public employment and talent services institutions established by the People’s governments at or above county level. Commercial human resources service institutions shall refer to the institutions legally established and engaging in business activities in human resources services. Our subsidiary in the PRC, Galaxy HR (SZ), falls within the definition of commercial human resources service institution. To engage in employment intermediary activities, a commercial human resources service institution shall apply to the administrative department of human resources and social security for an administrative permit in accordance with the law and obtain a human resources service license. Where a commercial human resources service institution engages in the business of human resources services such as collection and release of the information on supply and demand of human resources, guidance of employment and entrepreneurship, consultation on human resources management, assessment of human resources, training on human resources and acceptance of outsourcing of human resources services, it shall complete record-filing formalities with the administrative department of human resources and social security within 15 days from the date of commencement of the business. In addition, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC (the “MOHRSS”) promulgated the Interim Provisions concerning the Management of Foreign-invested Job Intermediaries and the Interim Provisions on Administration of Establishment of Foreign-funded Employment Agencies on December 31, 2019, which emphasizes on the management and supervision of foreign-invested entities engaging in employment intermediary businesses and require foreign-invested entities to obtain a human resources service license for foreign-invested entities prior to conducting employment intermediary businesses. Galaxy HR (SZ) has completed the record-filing formalities with the human resources and social security administrative authorities with its business scope limited to acceptance of outsourcing of human resources services. Since Galaxy HR (SZ) does not provide employment intermediary services, we do not believe human resources service license is required for the acceptance of outsourcing of human resources services and the labor dispatch businesses conducted by Galaxy HR (SZ).
According to the Civil Code of the PRC (the “Civil Code”) promulgated by the National People’s Congress (the “NPC”) on May 28, 2020 and came into force on January 1, 2021, a human resources service contract is classified as a mandate contract under which a principal and an agent agree that the agent shall handle the principal’s affairs. The principal may provide the agent with specific authority to handle one matter or a number of matters on its behalf, or the principal may provide the agent with general authority to handle all of its affairs. Pursuant to the Civil Code, the principal shall pay in advance any expenses associated with the handling of those affairs which have been delegated. When the agent has completed its handling of the delegated affairs, the principal shall reimburse the agent for any amount of associated expenses paid by the agent plus interests. Where, due to circumstances for which the agent cannot be held responsible, the mandate contract is rescinded or the handling of the delegated affairs cannot be completed, the principal shall pay a corresponding amount of compensation to the agent. Where the parties agree otherwise, their agreement shall apply. Where the agent sustains losses in the course of handling delegated affairs due to circumstances for which the agent cannot be held responsible, the agent may demand the principal to provide compensation for the said losses. With respect to non-gratuitous mandate contracts, the principal may demand compensation for any losses sustained due to the error of the agent. Some of our contracts with customers regarding provision of human resources services governed by the PRC law are mandate contracts under the Civil Code.
Pursuant to the Implementing Measures for Labor Dispatch Administrative Licensing, which was promulgated by MOHRSS on June 20, 2013 and became effective on July 1, 2013, to engage in labor dispatch business, an applicant shall apply for administrative licensing in accordance with the law to the competent administrative department of human resources and social security at its domicile. No entity and individual may engage in labor dispatch business without being licensed. Where the application submitted by an applicant satisfies statutory conditions, the relevant licensing authority shall grant the Labor Dispatch Operation Permit to the applicant. On January 28, 2019, Galaxy HR (SZ) obtained the Labor Dispatch Operation Permit, which has been renewed and will remain effective until January 23, 2025, enabling Galaxy HR (SZ) to act as employers of record for our end-users in providing employment services in the PRC.
On January 24, 2014, the MOHRSS promulgated the Interim Provisions on Labor Dispatch, which became effective on March 1, 2014. Pursuant to the Interim Provisions on Labor Dispatch, a labor dispatch service provider shall fulfill the following obligations towards a dispatched worker: (1) truthfully inform the dispatched worker of the matters prescribed by the Labor Contract Law, the rules and regulations to be complied with, as well as the contents of the relevant labor dispatch agreement; (2) establish a training system to provide job-related knowledge training, and safety and education training for the dispatched worker; (3) pursuant to relevant provisions of the PRC law and the relevant labor dispatch agreement, pay labor remunerations and relevant benefits to the dispatched worker in accordance with the law; (4) pursuant to relevant provisions of the PRC and the relevant labor dispatch agreement, contribute social insurance premiums for the dispatched worker in accordance with the law, and go through relevant formalities relating to social insurance; (5) urge the relevant employer to provide labor protection, and labor safety and health conditions for the dispatched worker in accordance with the law; (6) issue the proof for rescission or termination of the relevant labor contract in accordance with the law; (7) assist in handling the disputes between the dispatched worker and the employer; and (8) deal with other matters prescribed by laws, regulations and rules.
Regulations Relating to Employment and Social Welfare
The Labor Law of the PRC which was promulgated on July 5, 1994, became effective on January 1, 1995 and amended on August 27, 2009 and December 29, 2018, sets out the regulatory framework and the principles for the rights and obligations of the employers and employees.
The Labor Contract Law of the PRC was promulgated on June 29, 2007, became effective on January 1, 2008 and amended on December 28, 2012. According to the Labor Contract Law, employers and employees shall enter into written employment contracts to establish their employment relationship. The employment contracts shall set forth the terms, duties, remunerations, disciplinary rules of the employment, conditions to terminate the employment contracts and other issues required by laws and regulations to be included in the employment contracts.
The PRC governmental authorities have passed a variety of laws and regulations regarding social insurance and housing funds from time to time, including, among others, the Social Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulation of Insurance for Labor Injury, the Regulations of Insurance for Unemployment, the Provisional Insurance Measures for Maternal Employees, the Interim Administrative Provisions on Registration of Social Insurance and the Administrative Regulations on the Housing Provident Fund. Pursuant to these laws and regulations, enterprises in the PRC shall provide their employees with welfare schemes covering pension insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance, occupational injury insurance and medical insurance, as well as housing fund and other welfare plans. Failure to comply with such laws and regulations may result in various fines and legal sanctions and supplemental contributions to the local social insurance and housing fund regulatory authorities.
Pursuant to the PRC Social Insurance Law promulgated on October 28, 2010, which became effective on July 1, 2011 and amended on December 29, 2018, and other relevant PRC laws and regulations, employers in the PRC must register with the relevant social insurance authority and make contributions to the pension insurance fund, basic medical insurance fund, unemployment insurance fund, maternity insurance fund and work-related injury insurance fund. An employer must declare and make social insurance contributions in full and on time. The social insurance contributions payable by employees must be withheld and paid by employers on behalf of the employees. Pursuant to the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund effective on April 3, 1999, as amended on March 24, 2002 and March 24, 2019, a unit (including a foreign investment enterprise) shall undertake the registration with the administrative center of housing provident funds and pay the funds for their staff.
On July 20, 2018, the General Office of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Tax Reform Plan on Reforming the State and Local Tax Collection and Administration Systems, or the Tax Reform Plan. Under the Tax Reform Plan, beginning from January 1, 2019, tax authorities are responsible for the collection of social insurance contributions in the PRC. Pursuant to the Urgent Notice on Effectively Implementing the Spirit of the Standing Meeting of the State Council and Effectively Conducting the Collection of Social Insurance Premiums in a Stable Manner, which was issued by the General Office of the MOHRSS on September 21, 2018, before the reform of the social insurance collection authorities being in place, the relevant levying policies, including the base and rate of the social insurance premiums, shall remain unchanged. The Urgent Notice also clarified that it is strictly prohibited for the local authorities themselves to organize and conduct centralized collection of enterprises historical social insurance arrears.
Regulations Relating to Personal Information Protection
In accordance with the Civil Code, the personal information of a natural person is protected by law. Any organization or individual needing to obtain the personal information of other persons shall legally obtain and ensure the security of such information, and shall not illegally collect, use, process, or transmit the personal information of other persons, nor illegally buy, sell, provide, or publish the personal information of other persons. In case of infringement upon civil rights and interests, the victim shall have the right to request that the tortfeasor assume tort liability. The Civil Code stipulates that the limitation of action regarding applications to a people’s court for protection of civil rights shall be three years. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.
On August 20, 2021, the National People’s Congress passed the Personal Information Protection Law, which took effect on November 1, 2021. The law creates a comprehensive set of data privacy and protection requirements that apply to the processing of personal information and expands data protection compliance obligations to cover the processing of personal information of persons by organizations and individuals in China, and the processing of personal information of persons in China outside of China if such processing is for purposes of providing products and services to, or analyzing and evaluating the behavior of, persons in China. The law also proposes that critical information infrastructure operators and personal information processing entities who process personal information meeting a volume threshold to-be-set by Chinese cyberspace regulators are also required to store in China personal information generated or collected in China, and to pass a security assessment administered by Chinese cyberspace regulators for any export of such personal information. Lastly, the Personal Information Protection Law stipulates significant fines for serious violations of up to RMB 50 million or 5% of annual revenues from the prior year.
Regulations Relating to Information Security
In November 2016, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress promulgated the Cyber Security Law of the PRC, or the Cyber Security Law, which took effect on June 1, 2017. In accordance with the Cyber Security Law, network operators must comply with applicable laws and regulations and fulfill their obligations to safeguard network security in conducting business and providing services. Network service providers must take technical and other necessary measures as required by laws, regulations, and mandatory requirements to safeguard the operation of networks, respond to network security effectively, prevent illegal and criminal activities, and maintain the integrity, confidentiality and usability of network data.
On December 28, 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China and other PRC authorities promulgated the Cybersecurity Review Measures, which took effect on February 15, 2022, and further restates and expands the applicable scope of the cybersecurity review in effect. Pursuant to the Cybersecurity Review Measures, critical information infrastructure operators that procure internet products and services and network platform operators engaging in data processing activities must be subject to the cybersecurity review if their activities affect or may affect national security. The Cybersecurity Review Measures further stipulates that network platform operators holding personal information of over one million users must apply to the Cybersecurity Review Office for a cybersecurity review before an overseas listing.
2021年7月30日,國務院發佈《保護條例》 關鍵信息基礎設施,或法規。根據《規定》,關鍵信息基礎設施應指 公共通信、信息服務等重點行業或領域的重要網絡設施或信息系統, 能源、交通、節水、金融、公共服務、電子政務和國防科學,以及重要 一旦進入可能危及國家安全、民生和公共利益的網絡設施或者信息系統 對它們造成損壞、故障或數據泄露。條例規定,任何個人和組織不得實施任何非法行爲 侵入、干擾或破壞任何關鍵信息基礎設施或危害任何 關鍵信息基礎設施。條例還要求,關鍵信息基礎設施運營商應建立 網絡安全保護體系和責任追究制度,關鍵信息基礎設施的主要負責人 運營者應對其運營的關鍵信息基礎設施的安全保護負全部責任。此外, 各重要行業、部門有關管理部門負責制定關鍵信息規則 確定適用於各自行業或部門的基礎設施,並確定關鍵信息基礎設施運營商 在他們所在的行業或部門。
根據《中華人民共和國企業所得稅法》(「EIT 法律」)於2007年3月16日頒佈,2008年1月1日生效,於2017年2月24日和2018年12月29日修訂並實施 《中華人民共和國企業所得稅法規則》(「實施規則」)於2008年1月1日生效,並於2008年4月修訂 2019年23日,對中華人民共和國所有企業(包括外資企業)統一實行25%的所得稅稅率,並撤銷許多 自2008年1月1日起適用於外資企業的免稅、減稅和優惠待遇。
所有從事商品銷售、提供的實體和個人 加工、維修、更換服務以及在中華人民共和國境內進口貨物的,應繳納增值稅 (VAT)根據《中華人民共和國增值稅試行條例》(「增值稅試行條例」) 及其實施規則。《增值稅臨時條例》於1993年12月13日由國務院發佈,成爲 於1994年1月1日生效,隨後於2008年11月10日、2016年2月6日和2017年11月19日修訂。根據臨時 關於增值稅的規定及其實施規則,應付增值稅按「輸出增值稅」減去「輸入增值稅」計算。“ 根據產品類型,在某些有限情況下,增值稅率爲17%或11%。
繼《關於全面推進試點的通知》 財政部、國家稅務總局公佈增值稅代徵營業稅方案 2018年4月4日關於調整增值稅稅率的通知宣佈納稅人從事應稅銷售活動 增值稅目的或進口商品,以前適用的稅率17%和11%將分別調整爲16%和10%。本通告 自2018年5月1日起生效。
根據財政部公告, 國家稅務總局、海關總署關於深化增值稅改革相關政策實施 2019年4月1日,增值稅一般納稅人(以下簡稱「納稅人」)的增值稅應稅銷售或進口, 適用稅率由原16%調整爲13%,由原10%調整爲9%。出口貨物或勞務 按適用稅率16%和原出口退稅率16%計算,出口退稅率調整爲 13%;對原稅率爲10%、出口退稅率爲10%的出口貨物或跨境應稅行爲, 出口退稅率調整爲9%。
外幣兌換相關規定 和股息分配
Foreign Currency Exchange
The Renminbi is subject to foreign exchange control and is not freely convertible into foreign currencies. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange of the PRC, or the SAFE, is responsible for administering all matters relating to foreign exchange, including the enforcement of the Foreign Exchange Administration Rules of the PRC (the “Foreign Exchange Administration Rules”). It was promulgated by the State Council on January 29, 1996, became effective on April 1, 1996 and was amended on January 14, 1997 and August 5, 2008. Pursuant to the Foreign Exchange Administration Rules, Renminbi is freely convertible for current account items, including the distribution of dividends, interest payments, trade and service-related foreign exchange transactions, but not for capital account items, such as direct investments, loans, repatriation of investments and investments in securities outside of China, unless prior approval is obtained from SAFE and prior registration with SAFE is made.
In May 2013, SAFE promulgated the Circular of the SAFE on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Provision on Foreign Exchange in Domestic Direct Investment by Foreign Investors and Relevant Supporting Documents, or the Circular, which was amended in October 2018 and partially annulled in December 2019. The Circular provides for and simplifies the operational steps and regulations on foreign exchange matters related to direct investment by foreign investors, including foreign exchange registration, account opening and use, receipt and payment of funds, and settlement and sales of foreign exchange.
Pursuant to the Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Further Simplifying and Improving the Direct Investment-related Foreign Exchange Administration Policies, or the SAFE Notice 13, which was promulgated on February 13, 2015 and partially annulled in December 30, 2019, the foreign exchange registration under domestic direct investment and the foreign exchange registration under overseas direct investment is directly reviewed and handled by banks in accordance with the SAFE Notice 13, and the SAFE and its branches shall perform indirect regulation over the foreign exchange registration via banks.
Dividend Distribution
According to the PRC Company Law and Foreign Investment Law, our PRC subsidiary, as a foreign-invested enterprise, or FIE, are required to draw 10% of its after-tax profits each year, if any, to fund a common reserve, which may stop drawing its after-tax profits if the aggregate balance of the common reserve has already accounted for over 50% of its registered capital. The reserve funds are not distributable as cash dividends.
Pursuant to the EIT Law, non-resident enterprises which have not set up agencies or offices in the PRC, or agencies or offices are set up but there is no actual relationship with the income obtained by the agencies or offices, shall pay enterprise income tax in relation to the income originating from China at the tax rate of 20%. However, the Implementation Rules reduced the rate from 20% to 10%.
中華人民共和國和香港政府簽署關於 內地中國與香港對所得避免雙重徵稅和防止偷漏稅 (《安排》)2006年8月21日。根據安排,股息適用不超過5%的預提稅率 由中國公司支付給香港居民,條件是收款人是持有該公司至少25%資本的公司 中國公司。《關於稅收條約股利規定管理有關問題的通知》(《81號通知》) 由國家稅務總局於2009年2月20日公佈。第81號公告重申派息資格 收受人享受按5%稅率徵收的稅收優惠如下:(一)股利的收受人必須是公司;(二)收受人 在連續12個月內,其在中國公司的所有權必須始終達到規定的直接所有權門檻 (三)交易、安排不是以取得稅收優惠為主要目的的。
以下闡述了澳門最重要的方面 與我們在澳門的業務運營有關的法律。
有關發展的法律法規 以及人力資源體系平台和人力資源培訓的推廣
2008年《澳門勞資關係法》確立了一般制度 勞動關係,包含有關僱傭合同的各種規則,範圍從但不限於一般原則 適用於僱傭關係、僱主和員工的職責和義務、試用期、勞動合同 要求、固定期限的僱傭合同、工作時間、加班、每周休假、年假和情況補償 無正當理由終止合同的。負責監督勞動、安全合規性的監管機構 一般來說,保險制度是勞工部。
關於外國勞動力的就業,需要注意的是 非澳門居民通常不得工作,除非已獲得適當的工作許可。雇用該 工人須遵守第21/2009號法律中的嚴格規定,該法律規定了授予和續簽工作許可證的條款 對於非本地工人,確定確保澳門居民和非本地工人平等待遇的措施,並制定 與非居民員工簽訂的最低合同條款和僱傭合同期限限制。
澳門個人數據處理須遵守規定 《個人數據保護法》(「PDPA」)。個人數據的處理被定義為「任何操作或一組 對個人數據執行的操作,無論是否通過自動方式,例如收集、記錄、組織、存儲, 改編或更改、檢索、諮詢、使用、通過傳輸、傳播或以其他方式提供的披露、對齊 或組合、阻止、擦除或破壞」。
此外,PDPA規定個人數據的處理只能 如果數據主體明確同意,或者如果處理對於執行合同是必要的,則進行 或數據主體是一方的合同或在合同形成之前將做出談判聲明 應他的要求,遵守控制者所承擔的法律義務等。
此外,根據PDPA,對個人數據的任何處理 全部或部分通過自動方式進行的,通常須通知澳門個人數據保護辦公室(「GDP」), 必須在8天內以書面形式提出。
然而,如果個人數據的處理是在上下文中進行的 勞動協議或服務協議(例如,如果僱主將員工的個人數據傳輸到銀行用於薪津目的), 那麼就不需要通知GDP了。
GDP是為行使法律而設立的公共權力機構 監督和協調PDPA的公開實施和合規性的能力。
將個人數據傳輸到澳門以外的目的地 只能在遵守PDPA並提供轉移目的地的法律制度的情況下進行 確保足夠的保護水平。
GSDP必須確定目的地司法管轄區是否確保 提到了足夠的保護水平。在這種情況下,在轉讓之前應尋求授權或至少通知 是製造的。
《個人數據保護法》(“PDPA”)第6條 規定:“有關自然人的醫療記錄、醫療保健、遺傳學、性生活、體檢和 除非有下列任何理由,否則不得收集、處理或使用犯罪記錄:1.如有明確要求, 法律;2.在政府機關履行法定職責或者非政府機關履行法定職責的必要範圍內 履行其法定義務,只要在收集之前或之後採取適當的安全和維護措施, 處理或使用個人資料;3.資料當事人已向公眾披露或已公開個人資料 合法的;4.政府機構或學術機構需要進行統計或學術研究的 執行其法定職責的機構或履行其法定義務的非政府機構,只要有適當的保障 以及在收集、處理或使用個人資料之前或之後採取的維護措施;或6. 當事人已以書面形式同意收集、處理和使用他/她的個人資料,但收集、處理和使用 法律另有規定禁止該資料當事人,或資料當事人並非自願給予同意。文章 第八條、第九條依照前款規定收集、處理或者使用個人資料的,比照適用; 第七條第一款、第二款和第四款比照適用於前款第六款所要求的同意。“
《行政程序法》第8條規定:“政府或非政府機構 根據第十五條收集資料當事人的個人資料時,應明確告知資料當事人下列資訊 1.政府或非政府機構的名稱;2.收藏的目的;3.收藏的類別 擬收集的個人資料;4.使用個人資料的時間段、地區、收件人及方法;5.資料 第三條規定的主體權利及其行使方式;六、數據主體的權益 如果他/她選擇不提供他/她的個人數據,這將受到影響。前款規定的告知義務 政府機構履行其法定職責或非政府機構履行其法定職責所需的個人資料 損害公眾利益;5.資料當事人已知悉通知的內容;或6.收集個人資料 數據用於非營利性目的,顯然不會對數據主體產生不利影響。
關於第#條規定的以外的個人數據 第六條《個人資料保護法》第十九條規定:“除第六條第一款規定的個人資料外,收集或處理 非政府機構提供的個人資料須作特定用途,並以下列其中一項為依據:1.明文規定 法律規定的;2.非政府機構與數據主體之間存在合同或準合同關係的, 是否已採取適當的保全措施以確保個人資料的保全;3.個人資料已被披露 由數據主體向公眾公佈或者已經依法公開;4.需要進行統計或者學術研究的 由學術機構為追求公共利益而提供,但由數據提供者處理或披露的數據 由數據收集者作出的,不得導致識別特定的數據當事人;5.數據當事人同意的情況; 6.為促進公眾利益而有需要;7.個人資料是從公開來源取得的,除非 資料當事人在禁止處理或使用該等個人資料方面有至高無上的利益;或 數據主體的權利不會受到侵犯。數據收集者或處理者應主動或應 當資料當事人知悉或獲該資料當事人通知時,刪除或停止處理或使用該個人資料, 根據前款第七款但書的規定,禁止處理或使用個人資料。“
《個人財產保護法》第20條進一步規定:“除個人以外 第六條第一款規定的數據,非政府機構只能在特定的必要範圍內使用個人數據 收集目的;將個人資料用於其他目的只能基於下列任何一種基礎:1.在明示的情況下 法律規定的;2.增進公共利益的需要;3.防止對生命、身體、自由、財產的損害 數據主體的;4.防止對他人權益造成實質性損害的;5.需要統計的 政府機構或學術機構為公共利益進行的收集或學術研究;但提供的數據 由資料提供者或由資料收集人披露的資料,可能不會導致識別特定資料當事人;6.在同意的情況下 已由資料當事人提供;或7.為資料當事人的權益而提供。當一個非政府機構 根據前款將個人資料用於營銷目的,在資料當事人反對使用個人資料的情況下, 代理機構應停止使用數據當事人的個人數據進行營銷。非政府機構在使用數據當事人的 第一次用於營銷目的的個人數據,應提供他/她可以反對這種使用的方式的數據主體, 並由該機構支付由此產生的費用。
關於處罰,《PDPA》第48條規定:「非政府機構違反以下規定的, 中央政府有關行業的主管部門或有關市、市、縣政府可以下令 非政府機構在規定期限內糾正違規行為;如果非政府機構未能糾正違規行為 及時對非政府機構每次違規行為處以新台幣2萬元以上20萬元以下罰款:1. 第八條或第九條; 2.第十條、第十一條、第十二條或第十三條; 3.第二十條第2款或第3款;和/或4。段 1、第27條,或未能制定保護個人數據文件的安全和維護計劃或處置指南 根據第二十七條第二款終止業務後的個人數據。”
台灣任何僱主均應承擔上述義務 PDPA條款用於收集或處理員工的任何個人日期。
《公司法》第23條第1款規定:如果 公司負責人在經營過程中,違反了適用的 法律和/或法規造成他人損害的,應承擔連帶賠償責任 另一個人。“。”關於“負責人”的定義,第#條第8條前兩款 《公司法》規定:“本法所稱公司負責人是指--股東 無限公司或者有限責任股東無限公司的,辦理業務或者代表公司;董事 有限責任公司或者股份有限公司。管理人員、清盤人或臨時管理人 股份有限公司的發起人、監事、檢查人、重整人或重整監事 他們的職責範圍。也是公司的負責人.”
總而言之,就株式會社而言,其 董事和管理人員包括在「負責人」的定義中,因此如果他們, 在開展業務過程中違反任何對他人造成損害的規定。
單一股東:政府或企業 股東
《公司法》第128-1條第1款規定:「一 由單一政府股東或單一法人股東組建的株式會社 不受前條第一款規定的限制性要求。股東的職能職責和權力 該公司的會議由董事會行使,董事會的管理規定適用於股東會的規定 本法案規定的不適用。「根據這項規定,只有一個股東是政府的公司 或單一法人無需適用公司法有關股東會的規定。相反, 一般在股東大會上行使的所有職責和權力均由董事會接管 公司
《信託法》第五條規定:「信託行為 如果(1)信託是為了任何目的而違反強制性或禁止性法規而設立的;(2)信託無效 為任何違背公共秩序或良好道德的目的而設立的;(3)信託主要為行政服務而設立 上訴或訴訟目的;或(4)信託指定法律禁止持有任何特定財產權的受益人。”
《勞動基準法》是確立 就業條款和條件的最低要求和標準,包括工作時間、加班費、休假和福利、遣散費 薪津等。由勞工部確定的最低薪津目前為每月新台幣24,000元,即每小時新台幣160元。
作為台灣僱主,必須承擔以下三項 員工的費用:(i)僱主根據《勞動養老金法》或《勞動標準》承擔的勞動養老金 法案,(ii)《國民健康保險法》規定的國民健康保險,(iii)《勞動保險法》規定的勞動保險。
《勞動保險法》第六條第一款規定:「的 跟隨工人 15歲以上且65歲以下 均應在本計劃下作為被保險人投保 個人及其僱主或所屬組織或機構視為被保險單位」;段 該條第三條規定:「前兩項規定適用於受僱的外國人。」;第九條 該法案還規定:「被保險人有以下情況之一的,可以繼續參加保險: . 4. 65歲以上繼續工作的員工.”
《就業服務法》第43條規定:「除非 該法另有規定,外國工人如僱主尚未在****境內從事工作,則不得在****境內從事工作 因此通過申請獲得了許可證。「該法第46條第1款第1款第1款還規定:」除非 該法另有規定,外籍勞工在****境內可受聘從事的工作僅限於 以下幾點:1.專業或技術工作。”
《許可管理條例》第六條 《外國工人就業》規定:「除非法案或條例另有規定,僱主應 向中央主管機關申請招聘外籍勞工在****從事職業的許可證。”
招聘就業法第五條第一款 外國專業人士的規定:「僱主雇用外國專業人員在該國從事專業工作, 前條第四款第一項所述者,應向勞動部申請許可證,並提交相關文件 隨附文件,申請應根據《就業服務法》的規定處理.”; 該法案第20條還規定:「在香港或澳門從事專業工作或求職的居民 台灣地區准用第五條、第六條第一款、第二款、第七條至第十條、第二條的規定 第14條和第19條。入境、居留和居留事宜由內政部根據 《香港、澳門關係法》及其相關法規的規定。”
《審查標準和從業資格》第四條 《就業服務法》第46條第1款對從事第8至11款所列工作的外國人規定: “中央主管機關根據該法第46條第1款第10項指定的職務,其 職務描述如下:1.製造業職務:直接從事工業製成品生產 以及其他相關的體力任務。2.建築工作:直接從事建築工地的建築工作或其他相關工作 地點,或其他相關的體力任務。3.屠宰工作:屠宰及相關的體力工作。4.乳牛養殖工作:直接工作 在畜牧場從事乳牛飼養或相關體力工作。5.外展農業工作:需要員工的工作 由用人單位指定到被視為履行外展農業服務合同的地點,並直接 從事農業、林業、漁業、畜牧業或相關體力勞動的工作。6.由以下人士指定的其他工作 中央主管機關。”
Pursuant to the above-mentioned regulations, any employment of professionals from Hong Kong, Macau, or other countries, requires the prior approval by the Ministry of Labor of Taiwan.
Investment in Taiwan from Hong Kong or Macau
The Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong and Macau Affairs (“HKMA Laws”) cover a broad spectrum of matters between Taiwan and the above- mentioned two places, including the investment in Taiwan made by individuals from the two places.
Article 31 of the HKMA Laws stipulates: “The relevant regulations concerning foreign investment and remittance shall apply mutatis mutandis to investment in the Taiwan Area by Hong Kong or Macau Residents, juridical persons, organizations or other institutions. The regulations governing overseas Chinese investment and remittance shall apply mutatis mutandis to investment in the Taiwan Area by the Hong Kong or Macau Residents referred to in Article 4, Paragraph 3, of this Act.” Pursuant to the aforesaid provision, the Ministry of Economic Affairs reviews the investment from Hong Kong or Macau in accordance with the Statute for Investment by Foreign Nationals (“Foreign Investment Statute”).
The Foreign Investment Statute sets forth the following:
(1) | The investor is prohibited from investing in the following industries (“Prohibited Items”): 1. Those which may negatively affect national security, public order, good customs and practices, or national health; and 2. Those which are prohibited by the law. The investor, who applies to invest in an industry in which investment is restricted by law or by an order given under the applicable law, shall obtain an approval thereof or a consent thereto from the competent authority in charge of the industry in question. | |
(2) | So-called “Foreign Investment” not only includes holding shares issued by a Taiwan company, or contributing to the capital of a Taiwan company, but also includes establishing a branch office, a proprietary business or a partnership in the territory of Taiwan, or providing loans to the business invested with either one of the aforementioned ways for a period exceeding one year. |
Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Foreign Investment Statute also provides: “The investor who makes an investment in accordance with this Statute is required to submit an investment application, together with his/her investment plans and relevant documents, to the Competent Authority for approval. The same shall apply if and when his/her investment plan changes.”
Pursuant to the above-mentioned regulations, any individual from Hong Kong or Macau who plans to make an investment in Taiwan needs to obtain prior approval by the Investment Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan.
C. | Organizational Structure |
The chart below illustrates our corporate structure and identifies our subsidiaries as of the date of this annual report:
1. | Pine Mountain Holdings Limited, 100% held by Mr. LAO Wai Hong, holds 2,400,000 shares which is 13.3% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
2. | PROFIT OASIS GLOBAL LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. SI Lin Tai, holds 880,000 shares which is 4.9% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
3. | GOLDEN EDGE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED, 100% held by Ms. SUN Hsiu Na, holds 720,000 shares which is 4.0% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
4. | Agapao Investment Holding Limited, 100% held by Mr. BUT Yiu Kong Kenneth, holds 2,400,000 shares which is 13.3% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
5. | LUCKY PARTNER ENTERPRISES LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. WONG Tin Fat, holds 960,000 shares which is 5.3% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
6. | NEW BASIC GROUP LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. YEUNG Chun Kong Anson, holds 640,000 shares which is 3.6% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
7. | JEAN Oceania Limited, 100% held by Mr. YEUNG Wai Cheung, holds 2,400,000 shares which is 13.3% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
8. | FIRST START INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. TSE Joseph, holds 960,000 shares which is 5.3% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
9. | DYNAMIC ALLY INVESTMENTS LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. WONG Ying Chuen, holds 640,000 shares which is 3.6% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
10. | EPT Development Holdings Limited, 100% held by Mr. CHAN Chi Keung Eric, holds 800,000 shares which is 4.4% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
11. | TOP VIRTUE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. YIU Pak To, holds 800,000 shares which is 4.4% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
12. | APTC Holdings Limited, 100% held by Mr. POON Tak Ching, holds 720,000 shares which is 4.0% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
13. | VALUE CLASSIC GLOBAL LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. WONG Tai Kuen, holds 960,000 shares which is 5.3% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
14. | GOLDEN BASE VENTURES LIMITED, 100% held by Mr. HUNG Kwok Wing, holds 720,000 shares which is 4.0% of the total share capital of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited. |
D. | Property Plant and Equipment |
Please refer to “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Properties and Facilities.”
Item 4A. Unresolved Staff Comments
Not applicable
Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects
The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and the related notes included elsewhere in this annual report. This report contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results and the timing of selected events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including those set forth under “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this annual report. See “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information”.
We are a reputable payroll outsourcing service, employment service and consultancy and market research service provider based in Hong Kong, providing services to our customers which are mainly categorized as (i) channels which are global human resources service providers engaged by companies/organizations to handle payroll and/or employment-related matters for their branch offices in different regions; (ii) end-users which are mainly multinational companies/organizations that outsource their payroll and/or employment functions to us directly; and (iii) end-users consulting us for their future expansion worldwide. Galaxy HR (SZ), Galaxy Payroll (HK), Galaxy HR (TW) and Galaxy HR (Macau) provide payroll outsourcing services in the PRC, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau; Galaxy Payroll (HK), Galaxy GEO Services, Galaxy HR (TW) and Galaxy HR (Macau) provide employment services in the PRC, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Australia and other Asian countries; and Galaxy Payroll (HK) provides consultancy and market research services in Hong Kong. End-users of our services may either be (i) our indirect customers engaging us through channels; or (ii) our direct customers.
In providing payroll outsourcing services, we generally assist our end-users in (i) conducting computation of salaries and the amounts of contributions to be paid for MPF in Hong Kong, social security, housing provident funds and individual income tax in the PRC and any other deductions required to be made under the laws of the respective jurisdictions; (ii) arranging for payment to the employees’ bank accounts; (iii) monitoring and maintaining payroll records; and (iv) preparing and filing employment-related tax returns. For the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, we handled approximately 99,800, 65,400 and 62,200 payroll transactions for our payroll outsourcing service customers respectively. During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, we provided payroll outsourcing services in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan directly and cooperated with in-country partners to provide payroll outsourcing services in the PRC and India where appropriate.
In providing employment services, our Group or our in-country partners (upon our request) (i) act as the employers of record to employ suitable candidates, who are sourced by our end-users, and second them back to our end-users; and (ii) handle the seconded employees’ payroll as their employers of record. Up to the date of this prospectus, we provided employment services in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau directly and cooperated with in-country partners to provide employment services in the PRC, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Bangladesh where appropriate.
In providing consultancy and market research services, our Operating Entities (i) provide consultation for local policy in advanced level and delivery of country profile reports; (ii) deliver general consultation on different topics as well as Q&A session with local experts on a monthly basis. Galaxy Payroll (HK) provides consultancy and market research services in Hong Kong directly. The management of the Group reconsidered the business strategy of the consultancy and market research services and temporarily ceased the provision of the services starting from July 2022. The management of the Group plans to restart the provision of consultancy and market research services once the initial public offering is completed and therefore the Group would have sufficient funds to employ manpower to manage the service line.
銀河薪酬集團有限公司 (“Galaxy Payroll BVI”)於2021年8月26日在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立,承擔有限責任。銀河薪水單 英屬維爾京群島除持有Melkweg Holdings Limited(“Melkweg”)的全部已發行股本外,並無實質業務 開曼群島“)。Melkweg Cayman是一家控股公司,於2019年10月31日根據開曼群島公司法(2021年修訂版)成立 島嶼。Melkweg Cayman除了持有Melkweg Holdings(BVI)的所有已發行股本外,沒有其他實質性業務。 該公司於2019年11月5日根據英屬維爾京群島法律註冊成立。Melkweg BVI也是一家控股公司 於Galaxy Payroll Services Limited(“Galaxy Payroll(HK)”)(即Galaxy的控股公司)的所有股權中 Recursos Humanos(澳門)有限公司(“銀河人力資源(澳門)”)、銀河地球物理服務有限公司(“銀河地球物理服務”)、 銀河薪酬(臺灣)有限公司(“銀河薪酬(臺灣)”)(銀河人力資源有限公司(“銀河”)的控股公司 人力資源(臺灣))和銀河薪資(中國)有限公司(銀河薪資(中國))(銀河公司的控股公司 管理諮詢(深圳)有限公司(“銀河人力資源(深圳)”)(統稱為“附屬公司”)。
銀河薪資BVI,至 子公司(統稱「集團」或「公司」)從事提供薪資外包服務, 就業服務以及諮詢和市場研究服務。本集團的經營實體總部位於香港, 中國、台灣和澳門。集團的大部分業務活動均由銀河薪資(HK)進行。
Melkweg BVI收購了所有 於2019年12月12日通過某些股份交換協議從股東手中獲得子公司的股權。
梅爾克韋格·開曼收購了所有 於2020年1月17日通過股份交換協議從股東手中獲得Melkweg BVI的股權。Galaxy Payroll BVI隨後被收購 於2021年8月26日通過某些股份交換協議獲得Melkweg開曼群島的所有股權。交易完成後,梅爾克韋格 開曼群島由公司100%擁有,公司重組隨後完成。銀河薪資BVI、Melkweg開曼群島和 Melkweg BVI和所有子公司均處於共同控制之下,導致Melkweg開曼群島和Galaxy Payroll BVI合併 以公允價值計算。合併財務報表的編制基礎與重組於2011年生效相同 在隨附的合併財務報表中呈列的第一個期間開始。
綜合財務 聲明反映了以下每個實體的活動:
名稱 | 背景 | 所有權 | 主要業務 | |||
銀河薪資集團有限公司(「銀河薪資BVI」) | ●位於英屬維京群島(「BVI」) ● 2021年8月26日成立 |
- | 投資控股 | |||
Melkweg Holdings Limited(「Melkweg開曼」) | ●位於開曼群島 ● 2019年10月31日成立 |
Galaxy Payroll BVI 100%直接擁有 | 投資控股 | |||
Melkweg Holdings(BVI)Limited(「Melkweg BVI」) | ●位於英屬維京群島 ● 2019年11月5日成立 |
Melkweg開曼100%直接擁有 | 投資控股 | |||
銀河薪資服務有限公司(「銀河薪資(香港)」) | ●位於香港 ● 2013年2月21日成立 |
Melkweg BVI 100%擁有 | 提供薪資外包、就業服務以及諮詢和市場研究服務 | |||
銀河資源人文(澳門)有限公司 (「銀河人力資源(澳門)」)
●位於澳門 ● 2016年7月26日成立 |
Galaxy Payroll(HK)擁有98%,Galaxy GEO Services擁有2% | 提供薪資外包服務 | |||
銀河薪資(台灣)有限公司(「銀河薪資(TW)」) |
●位於香港 ● 2018年12月31日成立 |
Melkweg BVI 100%擁有 | 投資控股 | ||
銀河人力資源有限公司(「銀河 HR(TW)」)
●位於台灣 ● 2018年3月21日成立 |
Galaxy Payroll(TW)100%擁有 | 提供就業服務 | |||
銀河GEO服務有限公司(「銀河GEO服務」) | ●位於香港 ● 2013年2月5日成立 |
Melkweg BVI 100%擁有 | 提供就業服務(擔任有記錄的僱主) | |||
銀河薪資(中國)有限公司(「銀河薪資(中國)」) |
●位於香港 ● 2017年10月24日成立 |
Melkweg BVI 100%擁有 | 投資控股 | ||
銀河企業管理諮詢(深圳)有限公司(「銀河人力資源(深圳)」) | ●位於中華人民共和國(「PRC」) ● 2018年3月7日成立 |
銀河薪資(中國)100%持股 | 提供薪資外包和就業服務 |
銀河薪資集團有限公司 認為影響其財務狀況和經營運績的關鍵因素包括以下幾點:
我們的一些競爭對手可能會 比我們集團具有優勢,例如(i)更廣泛的地理覆蓋範圍、服務產品、技術和安全水平,使他們能夠 享有更高的規模經濟;(ii)更好的行業聲譽和形象;(iii)提供增值服務的能力更高 包括最終用戶更喜歡的諮詢服務和系統維護和升級。
概不保證 我們的競爭對手不會開發提供質量更好的服務所需的專業知識、經驗和資源和/或 與我們的服務相比,定價更具競爭力。未能維持或增強我們在行業內的競爭力或維持 我們的客戶群可能會對我們的財務業績和盈利能力產生不利影響。
中國和香港監管環境的變化可能會影響我們的 業務及經營運績
根據我們的香港 法律顧問,我們不需要從相關政府當局獲得任何提供薪酬外判的許可證 在香港的服務;公司依靠自己的行政人員來維持其對臺灣和澳門的合規狀態, 因此,基於管理層的信念,我們不需要為這項規定向有關政府部門申請任何許可證。 分別在臺灣和澳門的薪資外包服務。此外,根據我們的香港法律顧問,我們不會 在香港提供就業服務須向有關政府當局申領任何牌照,並以 基於管理層的信念,我們不需要從有關政府部門獲得任何提供就業的許可證。 臺灣的服務業。根據我們的中國法律顧問,為我們的最終用戶提供就業服務時作為僱主的記錄 在中國,我們被要求獲得並已獲得《勞務派遣操作許可證》。
如果任何政府 中國、香港、台灣和/或澳門實施任何新的或進一步的許可要求,我們可能會產生額外的成本和人力資源 在遵守此類要求、法律和/或法規時,我們無法保證能夠獲得任何額外的許可, 如果需要,或者如果我們未能收到或維持任何所需的許可或批准,我們的業務可能會受到重大影響。我們 無法保證薪資外包服務行業的監管環境不會發生任何變化 和/或中國、香港、台灣和澳門的就業服務行業,這可能對本集團不利。
經濟、政治和社會狀況的變化 中國可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況、經營運績和未來前景產生重大不利影響
我們的部分業務運營 於中國進行,我們的部分收入來自中國市場。因此,我們的業務、財務狀況、結果 業務發展及未來前景受制於中國的經濟、政治及社會發展。中國經濟不同 從最已開發國家的經濟在許多方面,如結構,政府參與程度,控制 外匯與資源配置。在中華人民共和國,定期經濟計劃和措施由中央人民政府頒佈和實施 政府。中華人民共和國政府在規範不同行業的發展、分配和管理方面發揮著重要作用 管理資源、控制外幣債務的支付、制定貨幣政策和中國的經濟增長。在……裡面 對中國經濟和固定投資增長、銀行信貸和通脹壓力的擔憂,中國政府 已採取措施,包括指導和/或限制銀行對某些部門的貸款,並改變利率,目的是 管理中國的經濟增長。近年來,中國政府實施了強調利用的措施。 市場力量在經濟改革中的作用。這些經濟改革措施,以及美國政府可能進一步採取的任何額外措施 中國政府可能對中國經濟產生重大負面影響,進而可能對本集團的業務產生不利影響。 財務狀況、經營業績及未來展望。
雖然中國經濟 過去幾十年經歷了顯著的增長,但不同地區和經濟部門的增長不平衡, 並不能保證這種增長能夠持續或可持續。對資本市場波動、流動性、通貨膨脹、 地緣政治問題、信貸的可用性和成本導致中國市場狀況不利。此外, 中國政府的經濟、政治和社會狀況、法律、法規和政策可能產生重大不利影響 有關本集團的業務、財務狀況、經營運績和未來前景。
中華人民共和國的法律體系存在固有的不確定性 關於中國法律的解釋和執行,這可能對我們產生重大不利影響
我們業務的一部分 中國通過我們的中國子公司進行。因此,我們在中國的業務受中國法律法規管轄。我們的中國子公司 一般受適用於在中國外國投資的法律和法規的約束,特別是完全適用的法律 外資企業。中華人民共和國法律體系以書面法規和法規及其主管機構的解釋為基礎 包括中華人民共和國最高人民法院在內的政府當局。可以引用先前的法院判決以供參考,但 先例價值有限。
中國還沒有發展起來 完全一體化的法律體系和最近頒布的法律法規可能不足以涵蓋經濟活動的所有方面 在中華人民共和國。特別是,由於這些法律和法規相對較新,並且由於已發布的法院判決僅限於 由於這些法律法規的數量和不具約束力,因此這些法律法規的解釋和執行存在不確定性。此外, 中華人民共和國法律體系部分基於政府政策和內部規則(其中一些沒有及時發布或 根本)這可能具有追溯作用。因此,我們可能會因違法行為而受到追溯適用的罰款和其他處罰 未來針對不違反現行政策和規則的行為而制定的政策和規則。此外, 中國的任何訴訟都可能曠日持久,並導致巨額成本以及我們的資源和管理層注意力的轉移。
與經濟、政治、法律和社會狀況相關的風險 在香港、台灣和澳門
我們還經營我們的業務 在香港、台灣和澳門。香港、台灣、澳門經濟、政治、法律、社會狀況的不利變化 可能會對我們的服務需求造成不利影響,並可能導致我們集團的財務表現惡化。
此外,我們無法保證 您保證香港、台灣或澳門不會發生任何政治運動或大規模政治騷亂,這可能會帶來不利影響 影響市場或導致香港、台灣或澳門整體經濟、政治和社會狀況混亂。如果這樣 騷亂或運動持續很長一段時間,可能會導致此類干擾以及我們的整體業務、運營運績 並且財務狀況可能會受到不利影響。
香港和澳門成為 中華人民共和國特別行政區主權均歸還中華人民共和國,而台灣則擁有獨特的 政治地位與中華人民共和國主權發生衝突。我們無法向您保證經濟、政治和法律的發展 香港、澳門和台灣不會因中國對香港行使主權而受到不利影響, 澳門與台灣與中華人民共和國之間的衝突。如果總體經濟、政治、法律發生重大不利變化 香港、澳門或台灣的發展,我們的運營和財務狀況可能會受到不利影響。
涉及中國、香港、日本、 台灣、澳門和其他地方
不可抗力、戰爭和恐怖主義行為、自然災害、 騷亂、流行病和其他災難
經濟、基礎設施 中華人民共和國、香港、日本、台灣、澳門及其他地區或該等其他司法管轄區人民的生活和生活可能對 並受到不可抗力、戰爭和恐怖主義行為、自然災害、騷亂、流行病和其他超越性災難的不利影響 了我們的控制範圍如果發生這些事件,我們的業務、財務狀況和運營運績可能會受到不利影響。
例如,流行病威脅到 這影響了人們的生活,可能對他們的生計以及生活和消費模式產生不利影響。發生了一場 疫情是我們無法控制的,我們不能向您保證,冠狀病毒(包括新冠肺炎)的爆發、嚴重急性呼吸道 綜合症、H5N1禽流感病毒株、H1N1豬流感病毒株、寨卡病毒或任何其他流行病或流行病不會 會發生的。發生的任何流行病或大流行,例如最近在中國、香港、日本、臺灣、澳門爆發的新冠肺炎 和其他地點,甚至在中國以外的地區,香港,日本,臺灣,澳門和其他地點,可能會嚴重影響和 限制經濟活動水準,因為政府可能會實施監管行政措施,隔離受影響的地區或 其他控制疾病爆發的措施,這可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況和業績造成不利影響 行動計劃。戰爭和恐怖主義行為可能對我們或我們的員工、設施、市場、供應商或客戶造成損害或破壞, 其中任何一項都可能對我們的收入、成本、財務狀況和運營結果或我們股票的交易價格產生不利影響。 潛在的戰爭或恐怖襲擊也可能造成不確定性,並導致我們的業務以我們目前無法預測的方式受到影響。
On December 19, 2022, the Company effectuated a forward split of the Ordinary Shares of the Company at a ratio of 1,600:1 to increase its authorized capital shares from 50,000 Ordinary Shares with a par value of US$1 per share to unlimited number of Ordinary Shares with a par value of US$0.000625 per share (the “Forward Split”). Immediately following the effectiveness of the Forward Split, the number of issued and outstanding Ordinary Shares of the Company was 16,000,000.
On September 13, 2024, the Group closed its IPO of 1,750,000 ordinary shares at the initial public offering price of US$4.00 per share for total gross proceeds of US$7,000,000, before deducting underwriting discounts and other offering expenses. On October 15, 2024, the Group closed the sales of an additional 262,500 ordinary shares, representing full exercise of the underwriter’s over-allotment option granted in connection with the Company’s IPO, at the offering price of US$4 per share. As a result, the Company has raised gross proceeds of $1,050,000 in addition to the previously announced IPO gross proceeds of $7,000,000, before deducting underwriting discounts and offering expenses.
Critical Accounting Estimates
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The preparation of our consolidated financial statements requires us to make estimates, assumptions and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, costs and expenses. We base our estimates and assumptions on historical experience and other factors that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances. We evaluate our estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis. Our actual results may differ from these estimates. Some of our accounting policies require a higher degree of judgment than others in their application.
When reading our consolidated financial statements, you should consider our selection of critical accounting policies, the judgment and other uncertainties affecting the application of such policies and the sensitivity of reported results to changes in conditions and assumptions. Our critical accounting policies and practices include the following: (i) revenue recognition and (ii) income taxes. See Note 2—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies to our consolidated financial statements for the disclosure of these accounting policies for the discussion of the recent accounting pronouncements. We believe the following accounting estimates involve the most significant judgments used in the preparation of our consolidated financial statements.
Estimated provision for credit losses
該公司進行帳戶 按原始發票金額減去估計信用損失準備金的應收帳款。截至2023年6月30日,公司計入備抵 與應收帳款相關的信用損失19,022港元。公司使用相關可用資源估計其信用損失準備金 來自內部和外部來源的有關過去事件、當前條件以及合理且有支持性的預測的信息。因此, 為反映採用ASC 326的累積影響,公司記錄信用損失準備金餘額為19,022港元 截至2023年7月1日。截至2024年6月30日止年度,我們就綜合財務報表的信用損失進行了101,598港元(13,012美金)調整 與應收帳款相關的財務報表。截至2024年6月30日,信用損失準備金為120,620港元(15,448美金)。
截至2023年6月30日的年度與年終相比 2022年6月30日
下表載列 本集團於所示期間的綜合經營運績摘要,包括絕對金額和百分比 其總收入的。
截至6月30日的年度, | ||||||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||
港元 | 的百分比 收入 | 港元 | 美金 | 的百分比 收入 | ||||||||||||||||
收入 | ||||||||||||||||||||
就業服務 | $ | 15,030,032 | 32 | % | $ | 14,485,440 | $ | 1,848,505 | 46 | % | ||||||||||
薪資外包服務 | 16,011,572 | 34 | % | 16,981,233 | 2,166,996 | 54 | % | |||||||||||||
諮詢和市場研究服務 | 15,873,473 | 34 | % | - | - | 0 | % | |||||||||||||
總收入 | 46,915,077 | 100 | % | 31,466,673 | 4,015,501 | 100 | % | |||||||||||||
收入成本 | (11,696,317 | ) | -25 | % | (12,999,672 | ) | (1,658,904 | ) | -41 | % | ||||||||||
業務費用 | ||||||||||||||||||||
銷售、一般和管理費用 | (8,137,263 | ) | -17 | % | (8,178,103 | ) | (1,043,618 | ) | -26 | % | ||||||||||
可疑帳戶撥備(撥備)轉回 | (5,246 | ) | 0 | % | 61,357 | 7,830 | 0 | % | ||||||||||||
總運營費用 | (8,142,509 | ) | -17 | % | (8,116,746 | ) | (1,035,788 | ) | -26 | % | ||||||||||
經營所得 | 27,076,251 | 58 | % | 10,350,255 | 1,320,809 | 33 | % | |||||||||||||
利息收入 | 5,142 | 0 | % | 186,390 | 23,785 | 1 | % | |||||||||||||
利息開支 | (238,742 | ) | -1 | % | (123,269 | ) | (15,731 | ) | 0 | % | ||||||||||
其他收入 | 411,692 | 1 | % | 402,967 | 51,423 | 1 | % | |||||||||||||
稅前收入 | 27,254,343 | 58 | % | 10,816,343 | 1,380,286 | 34 | % | |||||||||||||
所得稅開支 | (4,696,002 | ) | -10 | % | (1,805,663 | ) | (230,423 | ) | -6 | % | ||||||||||
淨收入 | $ | 22,558,341 | 48 | % | $ | 9,010,680 | $ | 1,149,863 | 29 | % |
截至6月30日的一年中, 2023年,本集團通過其全資子公司的兩個收入來源產生收入:就業服務 和薪資外包服務。截至2022年6月30日止年度,本集團通過三個收入來源產生收入 集團的全資子公司:就業服務、薪資外包服務以及諮詢和市場研究服務。
下表 截至年底,集團的收入按服務線和客戶員工的地理位置分類 2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日:
截至6月30日的年度 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2023 | 變化 | 變化 | ||||||||||||||||
收入 | 港元 | 港元 | 美元 | 港元 | % | |||||||||||||||
Hong Kong | $ | 1,108,019 | $ | 602,599 | $ | 76,898 | $ | (505,420 | ) | -46 | % | |||||||||
澳門 | 169,027 | 277,889 | 35,462 | 108,862 | 64 | % | ||||||||||||||
中國 | 11,426,534 | 10,550,194 | 1,346,322 | (876,340 | ) | -8 | % | |||||||||||||
台灣 | 1,623,067 | 1,703,697 | 217,411 | 80,630 | 5 | % | ||||||||||||||
日本 | 361,826 | 699,535 | 89,269 | 337,709 | 93 | % | ||||||||||||||
澳大利亞 | 116,278 | 132,354 | 16,890 | 16,076 | 14 | % | ||||||||||||||
泰國 | 64,175 | 40,738 | 5,199 | (23,437 | ) | -37 | % | |||||||||||||
馬來西亞 | 57,033 | 37,928 | 4,840 | (19,105 | ) | -33 | % | |||||||||||||
越南 | 44,782 | 60,850 | 7,765 | 16,068 | 36 | % | ||||||||||||||
印度 | 18,444 | 79,809 | 10,185 | 61,365 | 333 | % | ||||||||||||||
印度尼西亞 | 20,210 | 195,607 | 24,962 | 175,397 | 868 | % | ||||||||||||||
菲律賓 | 20,637 | 62,901 | 8,027 | 42,264 | 205 | % | ||||||||||||||
孟加拉國 | - | 36,391 | 4,644 | 36,391 | N/A | |||||||||||||||
新加坡 | - | 4,948 | 631 | 4,948 | N/A | |||||||||||||||
就業服務總數 | 15,030,032 | 14,485,440 | 1,848,505 | (544,592 | ) | -4 | % | |||||||||||||
Hong Kong | 2,865,852 | 842,269 | 107,483 | (2,023,583 | ) | -71 | % | |||||||||||||
澳門 | 777,858 | 682,743 | 87,126 | (95,115 | ) | -12 | % | |||||||||||||
中國 | 12,355,903 | 15,378,972 | 1,962,530 | 3,023,069 | 24 | % | ||||||||||||||
印度 | 11,959 | 77,249 | 9,857 | 65,290 | 546 | % | ||||||||||||||
薪資外包服務總額 | 16,011,572 | 16,981,233 | 2,166,996 | 969,661 | 6 | % | ||||||||||||||
香港 | 15,873,473 | - | - | (15,873,473 | ) | -100 | % | |||||||||||||
諮詢和市場研究服務總數 | 15,873,473 | - | - | (15,873,473 | ) | -100 | % | |||||||||||||
總收入 | $ | 46,915,077 | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 4,015,501 | $ | (15,448,404 | ) | -33 | % |
下表 截至2023年6月30日和2022年6月30日止年度,本集團的收入按收入確認時間細分:
截至6月30日的年度 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2023 | 變化 | 變化 | ||||||||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 美元 | 港元 | % | ||||||||||||||||
隨著時間的推移轉移的服務 | $ | 40,529,178 | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 4,015,501 | $ | (9,062,505 | ) | -22 | % | |||||||||
某個時間點的服務和轉移的可交付成果 | 6,385,899 | - | - | (6,385,899 | ) | -100 | % | |||||||||||||
總收入 | $ | 46,915,077 | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 4,015,501 | $ | (15,448,404 | ) | -33 | % |
下表 截至2023年6月30日止年度,集團按服務線和地理市場細分的薪資交易數量 2022年:
截至6月30日的年度 | ||||||||||||||||
薪資交易數量 | 2022 | 2023 | 變化 | 變化 | ||||||||||||
Hong Kong | 131 | 62 | (69 | ) | -53 | % | ||||||||||
澳門 | 32 | 60 | 28 | 88 | % | |||||||||||
中國 | 1,055 | 861 | (194 | ) | -18 | % | ||||||||||
台灣 | 164 | 207 | 43 | 26 | % | |||||||||||
日本 | 12 | 26 | 14 | 117 | % | |||||||||||
澳大利亞 | 8 | 7 | (1 | ) | -13 | % | ||||||||||
泰國 | 7 | 3 | (4 | ) | -57 | % | ||||||||||
馬來西亞 | 7 | 2 | (5 | ) | -71 | % | ||||||||||
越南 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 25 | % | |||||||||||
印度 | 2 | 12 | 10 | 500 | % | |||||||||||
印度尼西亞 | 2 | 25 | 23 | 1150 | % | |||||||||||
菲律賓 | 2 | 8 | 6 | 300 | % | |||||||||||
孟加拉國 | - | 8 | 8 | N/A | ||||||||||||
新加坡 | - | 1 | 1 | N/A | ||||||||||||
就業服務總數 | 1,426 | 1,287 | (139 | ) | -10 | % | ||||||||||
Hong Kong | 13,280 | 1,396 | (11,884 | ) | -89 | % | ||||||||||
澳門 | 1,925 | 1,693 | (232 | ) | -12 | % | ||||||||||
中國 | 46,932 | 62,199 | 15,267 | 33 | % | |||||||||||
印度 | 27 | 142 | 115 | 426 | % | |||||||||||
薪資外包服務總額 | 62,164 | 65,430 | 3,266 | 5 | % | |||||||||||
香港 | 151 | - | (151 | ) | -100 | % | ||||||||||
諮詢和市場研究服務總數 | 151 | - | (151 | ) | -100 | % | ||||||||||
薪資交易總數 | 63,741 | 66,717 | 2,976 | 5 | % |
下表 按服務線細分的集團客戶數量以及多年來對集團的各自收入貢獻 截至2023年和2022年6月30日:
截至6月30日的年度 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 | 2023 | 變化 | 變化 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
數量 客戶 | 收入 (港元) | 數量 客戶 | 收入 (港元) | 收入 (US$) | 收入 (港元) | 收入 (%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
直接最終用戶 | 25 | $ | 2,827,892 | 36 | $ | 4,585,505 | $ | 585,162 | $ | 1,757,612 | 62 | % | ||||||||||||||||
渠道推薦的間接最終用戶 | 60 | 12,202,140 | 35 | 9,899,935 | 1,263,343 | (2,302,204 | ) | -19 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
就業服務總數 | 85 | 15,030,032 | 71 | 14,485,440 | 1,848,505 | (544,592 | ) | -4 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
最終用戶 | 29 | 1,998,582 | 38 | 3,592,075 | 458,389 | 1,593,492 | 80 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
渠道推薦的間接最終用戶 | 147 | 14,012,990 | 109 | 13,389,158 | 1,708,607 | (623,832 | ) | -4 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
薪資外包服務總額 | 176 | 16,011,572 | 147 | 16,981,233 | 2,166,996 | 969,661 | 6 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
最終用戶 | 7 | 15,873,473 | - | - | - | (15,873,473 | ) | -100 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
諮詢和市場研究服務總數 | 7 | 15,873,473 | - | - | - | (15,873,473 | ) | -100 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
總計 | 268 | $ | 46,915,077 | 218 | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 4,015,501 | $ | (15,448,404 | ) | -33 | % |
客戶總數 減少50(從268減少到218),集團總收入減少15,448,404港元或33%至31,466,673港元(4,015,501美金) 截至2023年6月30日止年度,截至2022年6月30日止年度為46,915,077港元。減少是由於暫時停止提供 諮詢及市場研究服務金額為15,873,473港元,就業服務金額為544,592港元, 儘管薪資外包服務略有增長,金額為969,661港元。因此,總體收入減少。
我們在以下方面的收入: 截至6月底止年度,就業服務減少約544,592港元,或4%至約14,485,440港元(1,848,505美元) 截至2022年6月30日止年度的約港幣15,030,032元。貨幣基礎減少,主要是由於 中國和香港的薪酬交易數目,總額為263宗(由1,186宗減至923宗),導致 就業服務的收入為1,381,760港元(176,328美元)。儘管這一數位有所增加 澳門、臺灣、印尼及日本的108宗薪酬交易(由210宗增至318宗)因全球經濟復甦後 新冠肺炎的就業服務收入增加了702,598港元(,659美元), 由於中國內地和香港提供的服務大幅減少,整體收入下降,甚至每筆工資交易的收入下降 在澳門、臺灣、日本、澳大利亞、泰國、馬來西亞和越南產生的收入大多平均為15,000港元(合1,914美元),而 於香港及中國產生的每筆薪酬交易收入平均約為港幣11,000元(1,404美元)。因此, 來自香港和中國的收入減少影響就業服務的整體收入減少 公事。
我們在以下方面的收入: 年內,外判服務薪金總額增加約969,661港元(或6.0%)至約16,981,233港元(2,166,996美元) 截至2022年6月30日止年度約港幣16,011,572元。 年內,向我們的最終用戶提供的薪酬外判服務在中國的薪酬交易數目有所增加。 15,267名員工分佈在中國。這帶來了3,023,069港元(385,778美元)的收入增長。有一個減少,在 香港的薪酬交易數目為11,884宗,這是由於全球經濟狀況惡化和嚴格的檢疫所致 截至2023年6月30日止年度對新冠肺炎在香港的需求。這導致香港的一些客戶在 去年收入大幅減少港幣2,023,583元(258,232美元)。與以下專案有關的薪資事務處理總數 外包服務薪金增加了3 266人(從62 1人增加到65 430人)。因此,在香港產生的收入大幅下降 香港並不能抵銷薪酬外判服務業務整體收入的增加。
我們的收入 諮詢及市場研究服務減少15,873,473港元(100%),從截至2022年6月30日止年度的15,873,473港元降至零 截至2023年6月30日的年度。儘管對諮詢和市場研究服務以及月刊的需求不斷增加 據集團評估,向客戶提供的平均諮詢服務和市場研究報告為每次4,000美金和20,000美金 沒有足夠的人力來提供這些服務。本集團管理層重新考慮該業務 諮詢和市場研究服務的策略,並從2022年7月起暫時停止提供該服務。 集團管理層計劃在首次公開募股後重新啟動提供諮詢和市場研究服務 已完成,因此本集團將有足夠的資金雇用人力來管理該服務線。
收入成本包括在內 國內合作夥伴成本、淨匯兌差異、員工薪酬、相關員工福利和董事的薪酬。 僱員補償和相關薪資福利包括工作人員工資、僱主對養卹金計劃的繳費、工作人員 培訓、工作人員津貼和招聘費。截至2023年6月30日止年度,收入成本為12,999,672港元(1,658,904美元),增加 由截至2022年6月30日止年度的港幣1,303,355元至港幣11,696,317元。這一增長是由工作人員數量的變化和 2023年淨匯差變動情況。收入成本佔收入的百分比從截至該年度的25%上升 2022年6月30日至2023年6月30日止年度的41.3%。這一增長代表了諮詢和市場毛利率 本集團於上一財政年度的研究服務較高,並暫時停止提供顧問服務 和市場調研服務從2022年7月開始,原因是集團目前人手不足。
集團總體運營情況 費用從截至2023年6月30日止年度的8,142,509港元減少25,763港元至截至2023年6月30日止年度的8,116,746港元(1,035,788美金) 2022年30日,受壞帳準備減少66,603港元的推動,儘管拋售略有增加, 一般及行政費用40,840港元。
銷售,一般和行政 費用主要包括銀行手續費、建築管理費、折舊費、保險費、網際網路和IT服務費、法律和 專業費用、餐飲和娛樂費用、辦公場所費用、差旅費、員工費用等。
該集團的主要銷售, 所示期間的一般和行政費用包括以下項目:
截至6月30日的年度 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2023 | 變化 | 變化 | ||||||||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 美元 | 港元 | (%) | ||||||||||||||||
銀行收費 | 191,724 | 217,214 | 27,719 | 25,490 | 13 | % | ||||||||||||||
大廈管理費 | 161,543 | 160,769 | 20,516 | (774 | ) | 0 | % | |||||||||||||
折舊 | 176,605 | 154,457 | 19,710 | (22,148 | ) | -13 | % | |||||||||||||
保險 | 310,243 | 299,502 | 38,220 | (10,741 | ) | -3 | % | |||||||||||||
網際網路和IT服務費 | 505,951 | 360,839 | 46,047 | (145,112 | ) | -29 | % | |||||||||||||
膳食和娛樂 | 191,238 | 192,464 | 24,561 | 1,226 | 1 | % | ||||||||||||||
辦公場所費用 | 1,251,597 | 1,177,995 | 150,325 | (73,602 | ) | -6 | % | |||||||||||||
旅行 | 4,161 | 176,018 | 22,462 | 171,857 | 4130 | % | ||||||||||||||
工作人員費用 | 2,290,181 | 2,593,839 | 331,003 | 303,658 | 13 | % | ||||||||||||||
法律及專業費用 | 2,418,649 | 2,195,548 | 280,177 | (223,101 | ) | -9 | % | |||||||||||||
別人 | 635,371 | 649,458 | 82,878 | 14,087 | 2 | % | ||||||||||||||
總計 | $ | 8,137,263 | 8,178,103 | 1,043,618 | 40,840 | 1 | % |
Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by HKD40,840 to HKD8,178,103 (US$1,043,618) in the year ended June 30, 2023 from HKD8,137,263 in the year ended June 30, 2022. Such increase was mainly driven by the increase in staff costs amounting to HKD303,658 although there is a decrease in legal and professional fee by HKD223,101.
Bank Charge
銀行費用為217,214港元 (US截至2023年6月30日止年度為25,490美金),而截至2022年6月30日止年度為191,724港元。銀行費用增加 因為銀行處理的交易數量在2022財年有所增加。
它代表了建築物 為其在中國、香港和台灣的辦公設施支付的管理費。年下跌774港元或0%,至160,769港元(20,516美金) 截至2023年6月30日止年度為161,543港元。年內沒有重大波動。
集團發生折舊 租賃物裝修、家具和固定裝置以及辦公設備的費用。折舊費用減少22,148港元或13%, 截至2022年6月30日止年度的176,605港元增至截至2023年6月30日止年度的154,457港元(19,710美金)。發生的折舊費用 2023財年有所下降,因為截至2023年6月30日的年度,與2023財年相比,折舊充分的財產和設備更多 與2022年同期持平。
保險費用包括專業人員 董事賠償金、本集團為其員工支付的醫療保險和員工補償保險費。保險 成本從截至6月30日止年度的310,243港元減少10,741港元或3%至截至2023年6月30日止年度的299,502港元(38,220美金), 2022.由於集團聘請新保險公司支付專業賠償,保險費用略有增加 對於董事們來說。年內沒有重大波動。
網際網路和IT服務費 包括向網際網路服務提供商支付的諮詢和服務費以及第三方服務提供的維護服務 提供商截至2023年6月30日止年度的360,839港元(46,047美金)減少了145,112港元或29%,從截至2023年6月30日止年度的505,951港元 2022年6月30日。由於集團為IT系統支付的配置費減少,產生的網際網路及IT服務費減少。
與年底相比 2022年6月30日,截至2023年6月30日止年度,集團餐飲及娛樂費用從年的191,238港元增加1,226港元,增幅為1% 2022年至2023年192,464港元(24,561美金)。增加的餐費和娛樂費用符合新的商業服務 位置開發。
辦公場所支出 為本集團位於中國、香港和台灣的辦公設施支付的租金。辦公場地開支減少73,602港元,即6%, 截至2022年6月30日止年度的1,251,597港元增至截至2023年6月30日止年度的1,177,995港元(150,325美金)。沒有實質性波動 年內
旅行代表著 用於商業目的的差旅費。截至2013年,旅行額增加171,857港元或4130%,至176,018港元(22,462美金) 截至2022年6月30日止年度的4,161港元為2023年6月30日。隨著我們的管理層恢復旅行,費用顯著增加 從2022年下半年開始,在越南、菲律賓和印度尼西亞等其他亞洲國家開展業務。
人員成本包括人員 薪津、僱主對養老金計劃的繳款、員工培訓、員工津貼和招聘費。截至六月的一年 2023年30日,員工成本為2,593,839港元(331,003美金),比截至2022年6月30日止年度的2,290,181港元增加303,658港元或13%。 該增加主要是由於台灣及中國辦事處行政及運營人員數量增加以及 年薪加薪。
法律及專業費用 包括支付給律師和任何其他第三方服務提供商的專業服務費。集團發生法律糾紛 截至2023年6月30日止年度的專業費用為2,195,548港元(280,177美金),而截至2023年6月30日止年度為2,418,649港元 2022年6月30日下跌223,101港元或9%。期內沒有重大波動。
Other expenses included commission paid to independent third parties, donation to charities and sundry expenses. For the year ended June 30, 2023, the Group incurred other expenses in an amount of HKD649,458 (US$82,878) which consisted of donation, HKD12,000 (US$1,531), advertising, HKD68,179 (US$8,700) and sundry expense, HKD141,498 (US$18,057). For the same period in 2022, it incurred other expenses in an amount of HKD635,371 which consisted of donation, HKD12,000, advertising, HKD161,258 and sundry expense, HKD205,084.
Provision for doubtful accounts
The Group establishes a provision for doubtful accounts when there is objective evidence that the Group may not be able to collect amounts due. Management reviews the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts on an ongoing basis, using historical collection trends, its relationship with the clients and economic conditions. The allowance is based on management’s best estimates of specific losses on individual customer exposures, as well as the historical trends of collections.
Pursuant to Accounting Standards Codification 310-10-35-41, account balances are charged off against the provision for doubtful accounts when the accounts receivables are deemed uncollectible. The Group deemed accounts receivables as uncollectible after all means of collection have been exhausted and the likelihood of collection is not probable. Based on its historical experience, the Group records a charge-off against the provision for doubtful accounts when the outstanding balance is over 1 year past due.
The table below sets forth the age analysis of the Group’ gross accounts receivable at the end of each period:
Year Ended June 30 | 0-30 days | 31-60 days | 61-90 days | 91-182 days | 183-273 days | 274-365 days | >365 days | Total | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023 (US$) | $ | 144,381 | $ | 90,008 | $ | 33,267 | $ | 17,062 | $ | 332 | $ | 2,756 | $ | 1,783 | $ | 289,589 | ||||||||||||||||
2023 (HKD) | 1,131,416 | 705,332 | 260,689 | 133,704 | 2,600 | 21,600 | 13,970 | 2,269,311 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2022 (HKD) | 2,071,832 | 1,860,528 | 1,321,311 | 2,592,134 | 1,130,533 | 20,616 | 117,512 | 9,114,466 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Change (HKD) | $ | (940,416 | ) | $ | (1,155,196 | ) | $ | (1,060,622 | ) | $ | (2,458,430 | ) | $ | (1,127,933 | ) | $ | 984 | $ | (103,542 | ) | $ | (6,845,155 | ) |
The gross accounts receivable decreased to HKD2,269,311 (US$289,589) as of June 30, 2023 from HKD9,114,466 as of June 30, 2022. The Group’s allowance for doubtful accounts as of June 30, 2023 decreased to HKD19,022 (US$2,427) from HKD80,379 as of June 30, 2022.
For the years ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, the Group recognized a reversal of provision for doubtful accounts and a provision for doubtful accounts for its accounts receivable in an amount of HKD61,357 (US$7,830) and HKD5,246, respectively. Due to its increased effort in collection and the steady business recovery of its clients, the Group received collections HKD2,049,694 (US$261,564) in the subsequent period as of the date this prospectus. The Group factored the customer settlements received for its account receivables in subsequent period when it estimated its provision for doubtful accounts as of June 30, 2023 and 2022.
Other income (expenses)
Other income (expenses) was primarily comprised of an interest income, interest expenses and sundry income. During the year ended June 30, 2023, the Group recognized interest income, HKD186,390 (US$23,785), interest expenses, HKD123,269 (US$15,731) and sundry income, HKD402,967 (US$51,423). For the year ended June 30, 2022, the Group recognized interest income, HKD5,142, interest expenses, HKD238,742 and sundry income, HKD411,692.
Income tax expense
Income tax expense was HKD1,805,663 (US$230,423) for the year ended June 30, 2023, as compared to HKD4,696,002 for the year ended June 30, 2022. A significant decrease in its income tax expense by HKD2,890,339 or 62% due to the decrease in our revenues in Hong Kong in the fiscal year of 2023.
Net income
As a result of the above discussed, the Group recorded a net income of HKD9,010,680 (US$1,149,863) for the year ended June 30, 2023, representing a decline of HKD13,547,661 or 60% from a net income of HKD22,558,341 for the year ended June 30, 2022. A substantial decrease in its net income in the year ended June 30, 2023 resulted from the temporarily ceased provision of consultancy and market research services since July 2022 as previously discussed.
Year ended June 30, 2024 compared to year ended June 30, 2023
Results of Operations
The following table sets forth a summary of the consolidated results of operations of the Group for the periods indicated, both in absolute amount and as a percentage of its total revenues.
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||
HKD | % of Revenue | HKD | US$ | % of Revenue | ||||||||||||||||
Revenues | ||||||||||||||||||||
Employment services | $ | 14,485,440 | 46 | % | $ | 12,529,119 | $ | 1,604,590 | 42 | % | ||||||||||
Payroll outsourcing services | 16,981,233 | 54 | % | 17,595,833 | 2,253,478 | 58 | % | |||||||||||||
Total revenues | 31,466,673 | 100 | % | 30,124,952 | 3,858,068 | 100 | % | |||||||||||||
Cost of revenues | (12,999,672 | ) | -41 | % | (13,951,669 | ) | (1,786,774 | ) | -46 | % | ||||||||||
Operating expenses | ||||||||||||||||||||
Selling, general and administrative expenses | (8,178,103 | ) | -26 | % | (9,047,204 | ) | (1,158,665 | ) | -30 | % | ||||||||||
Reversal of provision for (provision for) doubtful accounts | 61,357 | 0 | % | (101,598 | ) | (13,012 | ) | 0 | % | |||||||||||
Total operating expenses | (8,116,746 | ) | -26 | % | (9,148,802 | ) | (1,171,677 | ) | -30 | % | ||||||||||
Income from operations | 10,350,255 | 33 | % | 7,024,481 | 899,617 | 23 | % | |||||||||||||
Interest income | 186,390 | 1 | % | 221,723 | 28,396 | 1 | % | |||||||||||||
Interest expense | (123,269 | ) | 0 | % | (34,674 | ) | (4,441 | ) | 0 | % | ||||||||||
Other income | 402,967 | 1 | % | 77,762 | 9,959 | 0 | % | |||||||||||||
Income before income tax | 10,816,343 | 34 | % | 7,289,292 | 933,531 | 24 | % | |||||||||||||
Income tax expense | (1,805,663 | ) | -6 | % | (1,783,803 | ) | (228,450 | ) | -6 | % | ||||||||||
Net income | $ | 9,010,680 | 29 | % | $ | 5,505,489 | $ | 705,081 | 18 | % |
For the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Group generated its revenues through two revenue streams by the Group’s wholly-owned subsidiaries: employment services and payroll outsourcing services.
The following table presented the Group’s revenues disaggregated by service line and geographic location of the employees of our customers for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
For the years ended June 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | Change | Change | ||||||||||||||||
Revenues | HKD | HKD | US$ | HKD | % | |||||||||||||||
Hong Kong | $ | 602,599 | $ | 657,460 | $ | 84,200 | $ | 54,861 | 9 | % | ||||||||||
Macau | 277,889 | 103,844 | 13,299 | (174,045 | ) | -63 | % | |||||||||||||
PRC | 10,550,194 | 7,193,462 | 921,258 | (3,356,732 | ) | -32 | % | |||||||||||||
Taiwan | 1,703,697 | 4,164,541 | 533,348 | 2,460,844 | 144 | % | ||||||||||||||
Japan | 699,535 | 7,766 | 995 | (691,769 | ) | -99 | % | |||||||||||||
Australia | 132,354 | 43,757 | 5,604 | (88,597 | ) | -67 | % | |||||||||||||
Thailand | 40,738 | 112,902 | 14,459 | 72,164 | 177 | % | ||||||||||||||
Malaysia | 37,928 | - | - | (37,928 | ) | -100 | % | |||||||||||||
Vietnam | 60,850 | 43,103 | 5,520 | (17,747 | ) | -29 | % | |||||||||||||
India | 79,809 | 6,251 | 801 | (73,558 | ) | -92 | % | |||||||||||||
Indonesia | 195,607 | 28,442 | 3,643 | (167,165 | ) | -85 | % | |||||||||||||
Philippines | 62,901 | 33,098 | 4,239 | (29,803 | ) | -47 | % | |||||||||||||
Bangladesh | 36,391 | 42,995 | 5,506 | 6,604 | 18 | % | ||||||||||||||
Singapore | 4,948 | 65,657 | 8,409 | 60,709 | 1227 | % | ||||||||||||||
South Korea | - | 25,841 | 3,309 | 25,841 | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Total employment services | 14,485,440 | 12,529,119 | 1,604,590 | (1,956,321 | ) | -14 | % | |||||||||||||
Hong Kong | 842,269 | 874,768 | 112,030 | 32,499 | 4 | % | ||||||||||||||
Macau | 682,743 | 459,939 | 58,904 | (222,804 | ) | -33 | % | |||||||||||||
PRC | 15,378,972 | 15,973,129 | 2,045,660 | 594,157 | 4 | % | ||||||||||||||
Taiwan | - | 189,707 | 24,296 | 189,707 | N/A | |||||||||||||||
India | 77,249 | 98,290 | 12,588 | 21,041 | 27 | % | ||||||||||||||
Total payroll outsourcing services | 16,981,233 | 17,595,833 | 2,253,478 | 614,600 | 4 | % | ||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 30,124,952 | $ | 3,858,068 | $ | (1,341,721 | ) | -4 | % |
The following table presented the Group’ revenues disaggregated by the timing of revenue recognition for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
For the years ended June 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | Change | Change | ||||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | HKD | % | ||||||||||||||||
Services transferred over time | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 30,124,952 | $ | 3,858,068 | $ | (1,341,721 | ) | -4 | % | |||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 31,466,673 | $ | 30,124,952 | $ | 3,858,068 | $ | (1,341,721 | ) | -4 | % |
The following table presented the Group’s number of payroll transactions disaggregated by service lines and geographic markets for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
For the years ended June 30 | ||||||||||||||||
Number of payroll transactions | 2023 | 2024 | Change | Change | ||||||||||||
Hong Kong | 62 | 91 | 29 | 47 | % | |||||||||||
Macau | 60 | 30 | (30 | ) | -50 | % | ||||||||||
PRC | 861 | 765 | (96 | ) | -11 | % | ||||||||||
Taiwan | 207 | 713 | 506 | 244 | % | |||||||||||
Japan | 26 | 2 | (24 | ) | -92 | % | ||||||||||
Australia | 7 | 1 | (6 | ) | -86 | % | ||||||||||
Thailand | 3 | 11 | 8 | 267 | % | |||||||||||
Malaysia | 2 | - | (2 | ) | -100 | % | ||||||||||
Vietnam | 5 | 8 | 3 | 60 | % | |||||||||||
India | 12 | 1 | (11 | ) | -92 | % | ||||||||||
Indonesia | 25 | 5 | (20 | ) | -80 | % | ||||||||||
Philippines | 8 | 12 | 4 | 50 | % | |||||||||||
Bangladesh | 8 | 11 | 3 | 38 | % | |||||||||||
Singapore | 1 | 12 | 11 | 1100 | % | |||||||||||
South Korea | - | 3 | 3 | N/A | ||||||||||||
Total employment services | 1,287 | 1,665 | 378 | 29 | % | |||||||||||
Hong Kong | 1,396 | 1,321 | (75 | ) | -5 | % | ||||||||||
Macau | 1,693 | 726 | (967 | ) | -57 | % | ||||||||||
PRC | 62,199 | 97,005 | 34,806 | 56 | % | |||||||||||
Taiwan | - | 506 | 506 | N/A | ||||||||||||
India | 142 | 216 | 74 | 52 | % | |||||||||||
Total payroll outsourcing services | 65,430 | 99,774 | 34,344 | 52 | % | |||||||||||
Total number of payroll transactions | 66,717 | 101,439 | 34,722 | 52 | % |
The following table presented the Group’s number of customers disaggregated by service lines and the respective revenue contribution to the Group for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023:
For the years ended June 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023 | 2023 | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 | Change | Change | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Customer | Revenue (HKD) | Number of Customer | Revenue (HKD) | Revenue (US$) | Revenue (HKD) | Revenue (%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Direct End-users | 36 | $ | 4,585,505 | 36 | $ | 7,563,676 | $ | 968,671 | $ | 2,978,171 | 65 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Indirect end-users referred by the channels | 35 | 9,899,935 | 22 | 4,965,443 | 635,919 | (4,934,492 | ) | -50 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
Total employment services | 71 | 14,485,440 | 58 | 12,529,119 | 1,604,590 | (1,956,321 | ) | -14 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
End-users | 38 | 3,592,075 | 42 | 3,370,482 | 431,654 | (221,593 | ) | -6 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
Indirect end-users referred by the channels | 109 | 13,389,158 | 114 | 14,225,351 | 1,821,824 | 836,193 | 6 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total payroll outsourcing services | 147 | 16,981,233 | 156 | 17,595,833 | 2,253,478 | 614,600 | 4 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total | 218 | $ | 31,466,673 | 214 | $ | 30,124,952 | $ | 3,858,068 | $ | (1,341,721 | ) | -4 | % |
Total number of customers decreased by 4 (from 218 to 214), total revenues of the Group decreased by HKD1,341,721 or -4% to HKD30,124,952 (US$3,858,068) for the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD31,466,673 for the year ended June 30, 2023. The decrease was the slight decline in employment services of an amount of HKD1,956,321, although there is a slight growth in payroll outsourcing services of an amount HKD614,600. Therefore, the overall revenue is decreased.
Our revenue in respect of employment services decreased by approximately HKD1,956,321, or -14%, to approximately HKD12,529,119 (US$1,604,590) for the year ended June 30, 2024 from approximately HKD14,485,440 for the year ended June 30, 2023. The decrease was mainly contributed by the decrease in the number of payroll transactions in the PRC and Japan with a total amount of 120 (from 887 to 767) which leads to a decrease in the amount of the revenue in respect of the employment services of HKD4,048,501 (US$518,487). Although there is an increase in the number of the payroll transactions in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore of 546 (from 270 to 816) due to the new business development, which resulted in an increase in the amount of revenue in respect of the employment services of HKD2,576,414 (US$329,958). Meanwhile, the revenue per payroll transaction generated in PRC and Japan was decreased from approximately more than HKD12,000 (US$1,536) to below HKD9,400 (US$1,203). It resulted from US Fed’s rate hike leading to Asia-pacific region’s economy slow recovery and the decrease of seconded employees’ monthly remuneration package. Therefore, the decrease in revenue generated in the PRC and Japan impacts the decrease in the overall revenue generated in employment services business.
Our revenue in respect of payroll outsourcing services increased by approximately HKD614,600 or 4%, to approximately HKD17,595,833 (US$2,253,478) for the year ended June 30, 2024 from approximately HKD16,981,233 for the year ended June 30, 2023. Such increase was mainly contributed by the increase in the number of payroll transactions in respect of payroll outsourcing services provided to our end-users’ employees in the PRC, Taiwan and India during the year by 35,386 (from 62,341 to 97,727). It resulted in an increase in revenue of HKD804,905 (US$103,083). There is a decrease in the number of payroll transactions in Macau of 967 which was due to one of our channel customers reclaiming those indirect end-user customers we provided services in Macau. It resulted in several customers in Macau left during the year and then a decrease in revenue of HKD222,804 (US$28,534). Therefore, the increase in revenue generated in PRC, Taiwan and India offsetting the decrease in revenue generated in Macau resulted in the increase in the amount in respect of overall revenue generated in payroll outsourcing services business.
Cost of revenues
Cost of revenues included in-country partner costs, net exchange difference, employee compensation, related employee benefits and director’s remuneration. Employee compensation and related payroll benefits consisted of staff salaries, employer’s contribution to pension scheme, staff training, staff allowance and recruitment fee. For the year ended June 30, 2024, cost of revenues was HKD13,951,669 (US$1,786,774), increased by HKD951,997 from HKD12,999,672 for the year ended June 30, 2023. The percentage of cost of revenues to the revenue was increased from 41% for the year ended June 30, 2023 to 46% for the year ended June 30, 2024. Such increase is driven by the net exchange difference, the additional year-end bonus to employees and yearly salary increments during the year.
Operating Expenses
The Group’s total operating expenses increased by HKD1,032,056 to HKD9,148,802 (US$1,171,677) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD8,116,746 in the year ended June 30, 2023, driven by the increase in the provision for credit losses of HKD162,955 and the increase in selling, general and administrative expenses of HKD869,101.
Selling, general and administrative expenses
Selling, general and administrative expenses consisted primarily of bank charge, building management fee, depreciation, insurance, Internet and IT service fee, legal and professional fees, meal and entertainment, office premises expenses, travelling, staff cost and others.
The Group’s major selling, general and administrative expenses were comprised of the following items during the periods indicated:
For the years ended June 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | Change | Change | ||||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | HKD | (%) | ||||||||||||||||
Bank Charge | $ | 217,214 | $ | 301,906 | $ | 38,665 | $ | 84,692 | 39 | % | ||||||||||
Building management fee | 160,769 | 164,960 | 21,126 | 4,191 | 3 | % | ||||||||||||||
Depreciation | 154,457 | 110,206 | 14,114 | (44,251 | ) | -29 | % | |||||||||||||
Insurance | 299,502 | 273,184 | 34,986 | (26,318 | ) | -9 | % | |||||||||||||
Internet and IT service fee | 360,839 | 355,040 | 45,470 | (5,799 | ) | -2 | % | |||||||||||||
Meal and Entertainment | 192,464 | 202,640 | 25,952 | 10,176 | 5 | % | ||||||||||||||
Office premises expenses | 1,177,995 | 1,156,024 | 148,051 | (21,971 | ) | -2 | % | |||||||||||||
Travelling | 176,018 | 57,850 | 7,409 | (118,168 | ) | -67 | % | |||||||||||||
Staff costs | 2,593,839 | 3,703,148 | 474,257 | 1,109,309 | 43 | % | ||||||||||||||
Legal and professional fee | 2,195,548 | 2,066,956 | 264,713 | (128,592 | ) | -6 | % | |||||||||||||
Others | 649,458 | 655,290 | 83,922 | 5,832 | 1 | % | ||||||||||||||
Total | $ | 8,178,103 | $ | 9,047,204 | $ | 1,158,665 | $ | 869,101 | 11 | % |
Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by HKD869,101 or 11% to HKD9,047,204 (US$1,158,665) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD8,178,103 in the year ended June 30, 2023. Such increase was mainly driven by the increase in staff costs amounting to HKD1,109,309 although there are decreases in legal and professional fee and travelling expenses by HKD128,592 and HKD118,168 respectively.
Bank Charge
The bank charge was HKD301,906 (US$38,665) in the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to HKD217,214 in the year ended June 30, 2023. The bank charge incurred increased in the fiscal year 2024 because the number of transactions processed by the banks increased during the year.
Building management fee
It represented the building management fees paid for its office facilities in PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It decreased by HKD4,191 or 3%, to HKD164,960 (US$21,126) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD160,769 in the year ended June 30, 2023. There is no material fluctuation during the year.
The Group incurred depreciation expense for its leasehold improvements, furniture and fixtures and office equipment. Depreciation expense decreased by HKD44,251 or -29%, to HKD110,206 (US$14,114) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD154,457 in the year ended June 30, 2023. The depreciation expense incurred in the fiscal year 2024 decreased because there are more fully depreciated property and equipment for the year ended June 30, 2024 compared with the same period of 2023.
Insurance cost included professional indemnity for the directors, the medical insurance and employee compensation insurance premiums the Group paid for its employees. Insurance cost decreased by HKD26,318 or -9%, to HKD273,184 (US$34,986) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD299,502 in the year ended June 30, 2023. It represented the exchange difference between the US$ charged by the insurance company and the HKD used as the presentation currency of the Group. There is no material fluctuation during the year.
Internet and IT service fee
Internet and IT service fee included, the consulting and service fee paid to internet service providers and the maintenance service rendered from third-party service providers. It decreased by HKD5,799 or -2%, to HKD355,040 (US$45,470) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD360,839 in the year ended June 30, 2023. There is no material fluctuation during the year.
Meal and Entertainment
Compared to the year ended June 30, 2023, the Group’s meal and entertainment in the year ended June 30, 2023 increased by HKD10,176 or 5%, from HKD192,464 in 2023 to HKD202,640 (US$25,952) in 2024. The increased meal and entertainment expenses incurred during the year is to maintain the Group’s business performance.
Office premises expenses
Office premises expenses represented rent paid for the Group’ office facilities in PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Office premises expenses decreased by HKD21,971 or -2%, to HKD1,156,024 (US$148,051) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD1,177,995 in the year ended June 30, 2023. There is no material fluctuation during the year.
Travelling represented the travelling expenses for the business purpose. Travelling decreased by HKD118,168 or -67%, to HKD57,850 (US$7,409) in the year ended June 30, 2024 from HKD176,018 in the year ended June 30, 2023. The expenses significantly decreased as our management developed the business in previous year and lowered the travelling costs for the business development in other Asian countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan.
Staff Costs
Staff costs consisted of staff salaries, employer’s contribution to pension scheme, staff training, staff allowance, seconded employee costs and recruitment fee. For the year ended June 30, 2024, staff costs were HKD3,703,148 (US$474,257), increased by HKD1,109,309 or 43% from HKD2,593,839 in the year ended June 30, 2023. Such increase was mainly driven by the increase in the number of sales and marketing staffs in Malaysia and Singapore, the additional year-end bonus to employees and the yearly salary increments.
Legal and professional fees
Legal and professional fees included service fees paid to solicitors and any other third-party service providers for professional services. The Group incurred legal and professional fees in an amount of HKD2,066,956 (US$264,713) in the year ended June 30, 2024 compared to HKD2,195,548 in the year ended June 30, 2023 with a decline by HKD128,592 or -6%. There is no material fluctuation during the period.
Other expenses included commission paid to independent third parties, donation to charities and sundry expenses. For the year ended June 30, 2024, the Group incurred other expenses in an amount of HKD655,290 (US$83,922) which consisted of donation, HKD12,000 (US$1,536), advertising, HKD107,238 (US$13,734) and sundry expense, HKD197,565 (US$25,302). For the same period in 2023, the Group incurred other expenses in an amount of HKD649,458 which consisted of donation, HKD12,000, advertising, HKD68,17 and sundry expense, HKD141,498.
Provision for credit losses
We carry accounts receivable at the original invoice amount less a reserve for estimated credit losses. As of June 30, 2023 we recorded an allowance for credit losses related to accounts receivable of HKD19,022. We estimated our reserve for credit losses using relevant available information from internal and external sources relating to past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts. Consequently, to reflect the cumulative effects of the adoption of ASC 326, we recorded the balance of the reserve for credit losses was HKD19,022 as of July 1, 2023. During the year ended June 30, 2024, we recorded HKD101,598 (US$13,012) adjustments for credit losses on the consolidated financial statement related to accounts receivable. As of June 30, 2024, the reserve for credit losses was HKD120,620 (US$15,448).
The table below sets forth the age analysis of the Group’ gross accounts receivable at the end of each period:
Year Ended June 30 | 0-30 days | 31-60 days | 61-90 days | 91-182 days | 183-273 days | 274-365 days | >365 days | Total | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 (US$) | $ | 248,938 | $ | 69,361 | $ | 4,245 | $ | 3,176 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 17,081 | $ | 342,801 | ||||||||||||||||
2024 (HKD) | $ | 1,943,780 | $ | 541,592 | $ | 33,148 | $ | 24,800 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 133,373 | $ | 2,676,693 | ||||||||||||||||
2023 (HKD) | $ | 1,131,416 | $ | 705,332 | $ | 260,689 | $ | 133,704 | $ | 2,600 | $ | 21,600 | $ | 13,970 | $ | 2,269,311 | ||||||||||||||||
Change (HKD) | $ | 812,364 | $ | (163,740 | ) | $ | (227,541 | ) | $ | (108,904 | ) | $ | (2,600 | ) | $ | (21,600 | ) | $ | 119,403 | $ | 407,382 |
The gross accounts receivable increased to HKD2,676,693 (US$342,801) as of June 30, 2024 from HKD2,269,311 as of June 30, 2023. Due to its increased effort in collection and the steady business recovery of its clients, the Group received collections HKD2,651,151 (US$339,530) in the subsequent period as of the date this report. The Group factored the customer settlements received for its account receivables in subsequent period when it estimated its provision for credit losses as of June 30, 2024 and 2023. The amount of provision for credit losses was HKD101,598 (US$13,012) for the year ended June 30, 2024. The Group’s allowance for credit losses as of June 30, 2024 increased to HKD120,620 (US$15,448) from HKD19,022 as of June 30, 2023.
Other income (expenses)
Other income (expenses) was primarily comprised of an interest income, interest expenses and sundry income. During the year ended June 30, 2024, the Group recognized interest income, HKD221,723 (US$28,396), interest expenses, HKD34,674 (US$4,441) and sundry income, HKD77,762 (US$9,959). For the year ended June 30, 2023, the Group recognized interest income, HKD186,390, interest expenses, HKD123,269 and sundry income, HKD402,967.
Income tax expense
Income tax expense was HKD1,783,803 (US$228,450) for the year ended June 30, 2024, as compared to HKD1,805,663 for the year ended June 30, 2023. A decrease in its income tax expense by HKD21,860 or -1% due to the decrease in our revenues in the fiscal year of 2024 and the increase in our cost of revenues and selling, general and administrative expenses as previously discussed.
Net income
As a result of the above discussed, the Group recorded a net income of HKD5,505,489 (US$705,081) for the year ended June 30, 2024, representing a decline of HKD3,505,191 or -39% from a net income of HKD9,010,680 for the year ended June 30, 2023. A substantial decrease in its net income in the year ended June 30, 2024 resulted from the increase in our cost of revenues and selling, general and administrative expenses as previously discussed.
Supplemental pro forma earnings per share for the year ended June 30, 2024
Pursuant to SAB Topic 1:B.3, an unaudited pro forma basic earnings per share is disclosed to reflect the accrual of the HKD9,384,000 (US$1,201,798) of dividends declared in excess of current earnings during the year ended June 30, 2024.
Pursuant to SAB Topic 1:B.3, pro forma earnings per share gives effect to 124,179 additional ordinary shares issued in the IPO that would be necessary to fund the excess of the dividend payment over the current-period earnings of HKD5,505,489 (US$705,081).
The additional ordinary shares were calculated assuming an initial public offering price of US$4.00 per share.
The following table sets forth the computation of pro forma basic earnings per share for the year ended June 30, 2024 with applying pro forma adjustment on basic earnings per share:
For the year ended June 30, 2024 | ||||||||
HKD (except for share data) | US$ (except for share data) | |||||||
Net Income | $ | 5,505,489 | $ | 705,081 | ||||
Basic weighted average ordinary shares outstanding* | 16,000,000 | 16,000,000 | ||||||
Earnings per share, basic* | $ | 0.34 | $ | 0.04 | ||||
Pro forma adjustment to reflect ordinary shares sold in the IPO to fund dividend payments in excess of current earnings | 124,179 | 124,179 | ||||||
Basic weighted average ordinary shares outstanding used in computing pro forma net earnings per share* | 16,124,179 | 16,124,179 | ||||||
Pro forma earnings per share, basic* | $ | 0.34 | $ | 0.04 |
* | Giving retroactive effect to the 1,600 for 1 share split effected on December 19, 2022. |
Liquidity and Capital Resources
The Group financed its daily operations and business development through cash generated from the operations of the Group. As of June 30, 2024 and 2023, its cash and restricted cash balance was HKD10,855,128 (US$1,390,204) and HKD17,449,250, respectively.
The following table set forth a summary of its cash flows for the years indicated:
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2024 | |||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities | $ | 11,999,074 | $ | 16,086,260 | $ | 6,725,500 | $ | 861,328 | ||||||||
Net cash used in investing activities | - | (25,303 | ) | (59,449 | ) | (7,614 | ) | |||||||||
Net cash used in financing activities | $ | (26,049,749 | ) | $ | (12,593,994 | ) | $ | (13,286,626 | ) | $ | (1,701,603 | ) |
Cash provided by operating activities:
For the year ended June 30, 2024, net cash provided by operating activities of HKD6,725,500 (US$861,328) primarily resulted from the net income of HKD5,505,489 (US$705,081) as adjusted for non-cash items and change in operating activities. Adjustments for non-cash items consisted of depreciation of property and equipment, HKD110,206 (US$14,114), amortization of right-of-use assets, HKD1,128,557 (US$144,533) and provision for credit losses, HKD101,598 (US$13,012). Change in operating activities included an increase in account receivables, HKD407,382 (US$52,172), a decrease in prepayment, deposits and other receivables, HKD1,152,444 (US$147,592), an increase in accrued expenses and other payables, HKD803,937 (US$102,959), a decrease in account payable, HKD24,253 (US$3,106), a decrease in income tax payables, HKD485,882 (US$62,226) and a decrease in lease liabilities, HKD1,159,214 (US$148,459).
For the year ended June 30, 2023, net cash provided by operating activities of HKD16,086,260 (US$2,052,788) primarily resulted from the net income of HKD9,010,680 (US$1,149,863) as adjusted for non-cash items and change in operating activities. Adjustments for non-cash items consisted of depreciation of property and equipment, HKD154,457, amortization of right-of-use assets, HKD1,091,600 and reversal of provision for credit losses, HKD61,357. Change in operating activities included a decrease in account receivables due to the temporarily ceased business, consultancy and market research services, HKD6,845,155, an increase in prepayment, deposits and other receivables, HKD325,876, an increase in accrued expenses and other payables, HKD452,847 , a decrease in account payable, HKD39,015, an increase in income tax payables, HKD100,260 and a decrease in lease liabilities, HKD1,142,491.
For the year ended June 30, 2022, net cash provided by operating activities of HKD11,999,074 was primarily resulted from the net income of HKD22,558,341 as adjusted for non-cash items and change in operating activities. Adjustments for non-cash items consisted of depreciation of property and equipment, HKD176,605, amortization of right-of-use assets, HKD1,157,220 and provision for doubtful debts, HKD5,246. Change in operating activities included an increase in account receivables due to the new business, consultancy and market research services, HKD5,597,909, an increase in prepayment, deposits and other receivables, HKD768,243, a decrease in accrued expenses and other payables due to fewer remuneration payables for customers’ employees to be paid after the year ended June 30, 2022, HKD5,402,065, a decrease in account payable, HKD19,499, an increase in income tax payables, HKD1,078,638 and a decrease in lease liabilities, HKD1,189,260.
Cash used in investing activities:
For the year ended June 30, 2024, net cash used in investing activities was mainly contributed by purchases of property and equipment, HKD59,449 (US$7,614).
For the year ended June 30, 2023, net cash used in investing activities was mainly contributed by purchases of property and equipment, HKD25,303.
For the year ended June 30, 2022, no cash used in investing activities.
Cash used in financing activities:
For the year ended June 30, 2024, net cash used in financing activities, HKD13,286,626 (US$1,701,603) consisted of dividend payment, HKD9,461,001 (US$1,211,660), payment of deferred IPO costs, HKD1,824,885 (US$233,711) and repayments of bank loan, HKD2,000,740 (US$256,232).
For the year ended June 30, 2023, net cash used in financing activities, HKD12,593,994 consisted of dividend payment, HKD9,884,032, payment of deferred IPO costs, HKD1,776,686, proceeds from bank loans, HKD2,000,740 and repayments of bank loan, HKD2,934,016.
For the year ended June 30, 2022, net cash used in financing activities, HKD26,049,749 consisted of dividend payment, HKD18,924,782, payment of deferred IPO costs, HKD3,158,916, and repayments of bank loan, HKD3,966,051.
The following table set forth a summary of the Group’s working capital as of June 30, 2024 and 2023:
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | ||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Current assets | $ | 24,154,362 | $ | 16,198,765 | $ | 2,074,557 | ||||||
Current liabilities | $ | 19,937,281 | $ | 18,862,498 | $ | 2,415,698 | ||||||
Working capital | $ | 4,217,081 | $ | (2,663,733 | ) | $ | (341,141 | ) |
Current assets as of June 30, 2024 was HKD16,198,765 (US$2,074,557). Out of this balance, the Group had cash and restricted cash in an amount of HKD10,855,128 (US$1,390,204). 79% of the cash and restricted cash was deposited in financial institutions in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and 21% of the cash was deposited in PRC, Macau and Taiwan. The amount of restricted cash was released in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since January 2024. There was no restricted cash balance held in PRC, Taiwan and Macau. The current asset balance also included the following: accounts receivable, net, HKD2,556,073 (US$327,353) and prepayment, deposits and other receivables, net, HKD2,787,564 (US$357,000).
Current liabilities as of June 30, 2024 was HKD18,862,498 (US$2,415,698). This amount was composed of accrued expenses and other payables, HKD14,466,134 (US$1,852,661), account payable, HKD41,823 (US$5,356), income tax payable, HKD3,258,920 (US$417,366) and an operating lease obligation-current portion, HKD1,095,621 (US$140,315).
Current assets as of June 30, 2023 was HKD24,154,362. Out of this balance, the Group had cash and restricted cash in an amount of HKD17,449,250. 87% of the cash and restricted cash was deposited in financial institutions in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and 13% of the cash was deposited in PRC, Macau and Taiwan. The amount of restricted cash of HKD1,012,760 was held in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. There was no restricted cash balance held in PRC, Taiwan and Macau. The current asset balance also included the following: accounts receivable, net, HKD2,250,289 and prepayment, deposits and other receivables, net, HKD4,454,823.
Current liabilities as of June 30, 2023 was HKD19,937,281. This amount was composed of accrued expenses and other payables, HKD13,165,562, account payable, HKD66,076, bank loans, current portion, HKD2,000,740, income tax payable, HKD3,744,802 and an operating lease obligation-current portion, HKD960,101.
The Group raised gross proceeds at the closing of the initial public offering on September 13, 2024 of US$7,000,000, before deducting underwriting discounts and offering expenses, and at the closing of the over-allotment of the initial public offering on October 15, 2024 of US$1,050,000, before deducting underwriting discounts and offering expenses.
The Group believes that its current levels of cash and cash flows from operations will be sufficient to meet its anticipated cash needs for at least the next twelve months. However, it may need additional cash resources in the future if it finds and wishes to pursue opportunities for investment, acquisition, strategic cooperation or other similar actions. If it determines that its cash requirements exceed its amounts of cash on hand or if it decides to further optimize its capital structure, it may seek to issue additional debt or equity securities or obtain credit facilities or other sources of funding.
Contractual Obligations
The following table summarized the contractual obligations of the Group as of June 30, 2024:
Payments Due by Period | ||||||||||||||||||||
Less Than 1 Year | 1 to 3 Years | 3 to 5 Years | More Than 5 Years | Total | ||||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | HKD | HKD | ||||||||||||||||
Contractual Obligations: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Operating lease obligation | $ | 1,095,621 | $ | 1,248,510 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 2,344,131 | ||||||||||
Total contractual obligations | $ | 1,095,621 | $ | 1,248,510 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 2,344,131 |
Payments Due by Period | ||||||||||||||||||||
Less Than 1 Year | 1 to 3 Years | 3 to 5 Years | More Than 5 Years | Total | ||||||||||||||||
US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | ||||||||||||||||
Contractual Obligations: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Operating lease obligation | $ | 140,315 | $ | 159,895 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 300,210 | ||||||||||
Total contractual obligations | $ | 140,315 | $ | 159,895 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 300,210 |
Future Financings
The Group may offer its Ordinary Shares in order to fund its business growth. Issuances of additional shares will result in dilution to existing shareholders. There is no assurance that the Group will achieve sales of the equity securities or arrange for debt or other financing to fund its growth in case it is necessary, or if the Group is able to do so, there is no guarantee that existing shareholders will not be substantially diluted.
Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, etc.
For the three years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, we did not incur material costs in research and development. We did not possess any patents.
Please refer to “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Approvals, Licenses, and Permits” and “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Intellectual Property Rights”
Trend Information
Other than as disclosed elsewhere in this document, we are not aware of any trends, uncertainties, demands, commitments or events since June 30, 2024 that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on our net revenues, income, profitability, liquidity or capital resources, or that caused the disclosed financial information to be not necessarily indicative of future operating results or financial conditions.
Off-balance Sheet Arrangements
We do not have any outstanding off-balance sheet guarantees, interest rate swap transactions or foreign currency forward contracts. We do not engage in trading activities involving non-exchange traded contracts. In our ongoing business, we do not enter into transactions involving, or otherwise form relationships with, unconsolidated entities or financial partnerships that are established for the purpose of facilitating off-balance sheet arrangements for other contractually narrow or limited purposes.
Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees
A. | Directors and Senior Management |
The following table sets forth information regarding our directors and executive officers as of the date of this report.
Directors and Executive officers | Age | Position | ||
Wai Hong Lao | 53 | Executive Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer | ||
Yiu Kong Kenneth But | 56 | Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer | ||
Wai Cheung Yeung | 54 | Chief Financial Officer | ||
Kam Kong Lau | 52 | Independent director | ||
Ho Fu Billy Wong | 50 | Independent director | ||
Xiao Liang Li | 40 | Independent director |
The following is a brief biography of each of the executive officers and directors or director appointees listed above:
Wai Hong Lao, aged 53, one of the founders of our Group, was appointed as our Director on October 31, 2019 and was re-designated as our executive Director, the chairman of our Board and chief executive officer on December 11, 2019. He is also a director of all of the subsidiaries of our Group, namely, Melkweg Cayman, Melkweg BVI, Galaxy Payroll (HK), Galaxy Payroll (TW), Galaxy GEO Services, Galaxy Payroll (China), Galaxy HR (Macau), Galaxy HR (TW) and Galaxy HR (SZ). Mr. Lao is responsible for overall management, strategic planning, business development and client relationship.
Mr. Lao has over 15 years of experience in the payroll outsourcing service and employment service industry. Prior to founding our Group, Mr. Lao worked at various companies in the United States with a focus in software development from 1997 to 2005. From April 2006 to February 2013, Mr. Lao worked as a manager at TAKA Corporate Services Limited and TAKA Corporate Consulting Limited (previously known as HBL CONSULTING LIMITED), which engaged in the provision of payroll outsourcing services and employment services and were controlled by common shareholders, and was mainly responsible for business development and channel and client relationship management.
Mr. Lao obtained the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems and Finance from The University of Hawaii in the United States in May 1994 and the degree of Master of Business Administration from Hawaii Pacific University in the United States in August 1999.
Yiu Kong Kenneth But, aged 56, one of the founders of our Group, was appointed as our Director on October 31, 2019 and was re-designated as our executive Director and chief operating officer on December 11, 2019. He is also a director of Melkweg Cayman, Melkweg BVI, Galaxy Payroll (HK), Galaxy Payroll (TW), Galaxy GEO Services, Galaxy Payroll (China) and Galaxy HR (Macau). Mr. But is mainly responsible for overall management of compliance matters of our Group.
Mr. But has over 15 years of experience in the payroll outsourcing service and employment service industry. Prior to founding our Group, Mr. But worked as a school clerk at Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School from June 1988 to January 1989. He then worked as a video tape previewer at Asia Television Limited from February 1989 to March 1991 and an editor at Busmag Publishing Limited from March 1991 to February 1992 respectively. He worked as a sports researcher at the Sports Department of Television Broadcasts Limited from February 1992 to July 1993, and from March 1994 to March 1995. He then worked at Satellite Television Asian Region Limited as a researcher from March 1995 to May 1997. He later returned to Television Broadcasts Limited in June 1997 as a sports researcher at the Sports Department and worked until June 2005. From August 2005 to February 2013, Mr. But worked as a sales director in TAKA Corporate Services Limited and TAKA Corporate Consulting Limited (previously known as HBL CONSULTING LIMITED), which engaged in the provision of payroll outsourcing services and employment services and were controlled by common shareholders, and was mainly responsible for sales and marketing.
Mr. But obtained the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Communication from Chu Hai College in Hong Kong in July 1992 and a professional diploma in financial planning from the School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong in October 2007. He became a certified financial planner of the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong in March 2009.
Yeung, Wai Cheung, aged 54, one of the founders of our Group, was appointed as our Director on October 31, 2019 and was re-designated as our executive Director and Chief Financial Officer on December 11, 2019. He resigned from his position of our executive Director of the Company on December 1, 2022. He is also a director of Melkweg Cayman, Melkweg BVI, Galaxy Payroll (HK), Galaxy Payroll (TW), Galaxy GEO Services and Galaxy Payroll (China). Mr. Yeung is mainly responsible for overall management of financial affairs of our Group.
Mr. Yeung has over 15 years of experience in the payroll outsourcing service and employment service industry. Prior to founding our Group, Mr. Yeung worked at BKR Lew & Barr Limited (currently known as East Asia Sentinel Limited), an accounting firm, from January 1998 to October 2005 with his last position as the person-in-charge of the Shanghai Office of BKR Lew & Barr Limited. From August 2006 to February 2013, Mr. Yeung worked at TAKA Corporate Services Limited and TAKA Corporate Consulting Limited (previously known as HBL CONSULTING LIMITED), which engaged in the provision of payroll outsourcing services and employment services which was controlled by common shareholders as a manager and was mainly responsible for accounts and finance matters.
Mr. Yeung obtained the degree of Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from The University of New South Wales in Australia in September 1997. He was qualified as a certified public accountant of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the “HKICPA”) in September 2001 and is currently a practicing certified public accountant of the HKICPA.
Kam Kong Lau, aged 52, is an experienced professional in the field of accounting and financial consultancy. He was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on September 10, 2024 and is also the chairman of audit committee and a member of the compensation committee and nominating and corporate governance committee.
Mr. Lau’s has over 20 years of experience in corporate finance. He served as an audit manager at BKR Lew & Barr Limited (now East Asia Sentinel Limited), a CPA firm established in Hong Kong from 1996 to 2006, then he joined PricewaterhouseCoopers as an audit manager in 2006. Subsequently, he served as a financial controller at Tianyu Communications Limited from 2007 to 2009, where he led the financial operations and engaged in capital fund raising. Mr. Lau started up Acctone Business Consulting Limited in 2009 and is currently a director. Concurrently, he holds the role of managing director at EAS Consulting Services (Shanghai) Limited since 2015, where he directs the business operations and provides comprehensive financial consulting, accounting and taxation services.
Mr. Lau holds a Master of Professional Accounting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FCPA) since 2005.
Ho Fu Billy Wong, aged 50, was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on September 10, 2024, and he is also the chairman of nominating and corporate governance committee and a member of audit committee and compensation committee.
Mr. Wong has over 25 years of finance related experience. Prior to joining our Group, he worked at Wardley Financial Services Limited (currently known as HSBC Broking Services Limited) as Senior Vice President from June 1997 to December 2013. Mr. Wong then worked at BOCI Securities Limited as Director from February 2014 to June 2018. Since July 2018, he has been the Head of Equities Capital Market of Mayfair & Ayers Finance Group Limited and has been responsible for marketing activities in the organization including leading brand management, marketing communications, market research and product marketing.
Mr. Wong obtained the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Politics and History from the University of New South Wales in Australia in 1996. Mr. Wong is an ordinary member of Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute.
Xiao Liang Li, aged 40, was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on September 10, 2024, and he is also the chairman of compensation committee and a member of nominating and corporate governance committee and audit committee.
Mr. Li has over 14 years of management, finance related experience. Prior to joining our Group, he worked at Amicorp Group as Director of Fund and Trust Services from October 2008 to July 2014. Mr. Li then worked at TMF Hong Kong Limited as Director of Fund Services from July 2014 to November 2015. He later worked at Custom House Fund Services (Hong Kong) Limited, which was subsequently acquired by Apex Group, as Director of Fund Services from November 2015 to March 2019. At present, he runs Precision Fund Services Limited, an independent and Asia-focused fund administration services firm. Mr. Li is the founder and CEO of Precision Fund Services Limited.
Mr. Li obtained degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from Guangzhou University in 2015. He obtained degree of Master of Business Administration from the University of Hong Kong in 2021.
The table below shows certain information in respect of members of our senior management:
Name |
Age | Position within our Group | Principal roles and responsibilities | Relationship with other Director(s) and/or senior management | ||||
Ho Lo | 40 | Division manager | Responsible for overseeing the daily operation in Hong Kong | None | ||||
Chunlei Wu | 42 | Division manager | Responsible for overseeing the daily operation in the PRC | None | ||||
Yin Lung Wong | 30 | Financial controller |
Responsible for the overall financial management, reporting, and day-to-day financial administration of our Group |
None |
Ho Lo, aged 40, joined our Group in August 2014 as a senior client account manager. Ms. Lo is primarily responsible for overseeing the daily operation in Hong Kong.
Ms. Lo has over 14 years of experience in the payroll outsourcing service and employment service industry. Prior to joining our Group, Ms. Lo worked at TAKA Corporate Services Limited and TAKA Corporate Consulting Limited from August 2008 to March 2013 with her last position served as the account and payroll manager, during which Ms. Lo was mainly responsible overseeing the business operation in Hong Kong.
Ms. Lo obtained the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management from the University of Huddersfield in the United Kingdom in December 2013 and a Master of Science in Strategic Human Resources Management from the Hong Kong Baptist University in Hong Kong in November 2017.
Chunlei Wu, aged 42, joined our Group in August 2014 as a senior client account manager. Mr. Wu is primarily responsible for overseeing the daily operation in the PRC.
Mr. Wu has over 17 years of experience in the payroll outsourcing service and employment service industry. Prior to joining our Group, Mr. Wu worked at Pioneer Speakers (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. from November 2005 to June 2010 with his last position served as the human resources supervisor, during which he was mainly responsible for calculating monthly payrolls and offering trainings to new staff members. From October 2010 to June 2012, Mr. Wu was a team leader (human resource outsourcing) at Aon Hewitt, during which he was mainly responsible for compensation and benefits projects, conducting monthly payroll service review, reviewing payroll operation process, coaching operators with professional skills and supervising team members. From June 2012 to March 2013, Mr. Wu worked at TAKA Corporate Services Limited as the account officer during which he was responsible for payroll outsourcing services in China.
Mr. Wu obtained the degree of Bachelor degree in Public Administration from Shanghai Normal University in the PRC in July 2005 and the degree of Master of Human Resources Management from Hong Kong Baptist University in Hong Kong in November 2016.
Yin Lung Wong, aged 30, joined our Group in July 2020 as a financial controller. Mr. Wong is primarily responsible for the overall financial management, reporting and day-to-day financial administration of our Group.
Mr. Wong has over 7 years of experience in accounting. Prior to joining our Group, Mr. Wong worked at Zhonghui Anda CPA Limited from December 2015 to January 2018, during which he was responsible for providing audit and corporate advisory services to private companies and companies listed on the Stock Exchange. From January 2018 to January 2020, Mr. Wong worked at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu where he was involved in providing audit services for initial public offering projects and providing audit and corporate advisory services to private companies and companies listed on the Stock Exchange.
Mr. Wong obtained the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from Lingnan University in Hong Kong in November 2015 and was admitted as a member of the HKICPA in July 2019.
Family Relationships
None of our directors or executive officers has a family relationship as defined in Item 401 of Regulation S-K.
Board Diversity Matrix | ||
Country of Principal Executive Offices | Hong Kong | |
Foreign Private Issuer | Yes | |
Disclosure Prohibited under Home Country Law | No | |
Total Number of Directors | 5 |
Female | Male | Non-Binary | Did not Disclose Gender | |||||
Part I: Gender Identity | ||||||||
Directors | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Part II: Demographic Background | ||||||||
Underrepresented Individual in Home Country | ||||||||
Jurisdiction | 0 | |||||||
LGBTQ+ | 0 | |||||||
Did Not Disclose Demographic Background | 0 |
B. | Compensation |
For years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, we paid an aggregate of HKD6,277,005 (US$801,016), HKD7,598,012 (US$973,942) and HKD6,501,546 (US$829,670) respectively, in cash (including salaries and mandatory provident fund) to our directors. We have not set aside or accrued any amount to provide pension, retirement, or other similar benefits to our executive officers or Directors. Our Hong Kong, Macau and PRC subsidiaries are required by law to make contributions equal to certain percentages of each employee’s salary for his or her pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and other statutory benefits and a housing provident fund.
Clawback Policy
On October 23, 2024, our board of directors adopted a clawback policy (the “Clawback Policy”) permitting the Company to seek the recoupment of incentive compensation received by any of the Company’s current and former executive officers (as determined by the board in accordance with Section 10D of the Exchange Act and the Nasdaq rules) and such other senior executives/employees who may from time to time be deemed subject to the Clawback Policy by the board (collectively, the “Covered Executives”). The amount to be recovered will be the excess of the incentive compensation paid to the Covered Executive based on the erroneous data over the incentive compensation that would have been paid to the Covered Executive had it been based on the restated results, as determined by the board. If the board cannot determine the amount of excess incentive compensation received by the Covered Executive directly from the information in the accounting restatement, then it will make its determination based on a reasonable estimate of the effect of the accounting restatement. Refer to Exhibit 97.1 of this Report for the Company’s Clawback Policy.
C. | Board Practices |
Board of Directors
Our board of directors consists of five directors, including three independent directors. A director is not required to hold any shares in our company to qualify to serve as a director. A director may vote with respect to any contract, proposed contract or arrangement in which he is materially interested, provided that (a) such director, if his or her interest in such contract or arrangement is material, has declared the nature of his or her interest at the earliest meeting of the board at which it is practicable for him or her to do so, either specifically or by way of a general notice and (b) if such contract or arrangement is a transaction with a related party, such transaction has been approved by the audit committee. The directors may exercise all the powers of the company to borrow money, mortgage its undertaking, property and uncalled capital, and issue debentures or other securities whenever money is borrowed or as security for any obligation of the company or of any third party.
Board Diversity
We seek to achieve board diversity through the consideration of a number of factors when selecting the candidates to our board, including, but not limited to, gender, skills, age, professional experience, knowledge, cultural and education background, ethnicity, and length of service. The ultimate decision of the appointment will be based on merit and the contribution that the selected candidates will bring to our board.
Our directors have a balanced mix of knowledge and skills. We will have three independent directors with different industry backgrounds, representing a majority of the members of our board. Our board is well balanced and diversified in alignment with our business development and strategy.
Committees of the Board of Directors
We have established an audit committee, a compensation committee, and a nominating and corporate governance committee under the board of directors upon the effectiveness of the registration statement of which this report forms a part. We have adopted a charter for each of the three committees upon the establishment of the committees. Each committee’s members and functions are described below.
Audit Committee. Our audit committee consists of Kam Kong Lau, Ho Fu Billy Wong and Xiao Liang Li. Kam Kong Lau is the chairman of our audit committee. We have determined that all the three members satisfy the “independence” requirements of Rule 5605(a)(2) of the Listing Rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market and Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act. Our board also has determined that Kam Kong Lau qualifies as an audit committee financial expert within the meaning of the SEC rules or possesses financial sophistication within the meaning of the Nasdaq corporate governance rules. The audit committee oversees our accounting and financial reporting processes and the audits of the financial statements of our company. The audit committee is responsible for, among other things:
● | appointing the independent auditors and pre-approving all auditing and non-auditing services permitted to be performed by the independent auditors; | |
● | reviewing with the independent auditors any audit problems or difficulties and management’s response; | |
● | discussing the annual audited financial statements with management and the independent auditors; | |
● | reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of our accounting and internal control policies and procedures and any steps taken to monitor and control major financial risk exposures; | |
● | reviewing and approving all proposed related party transactions; | |
● | meeting separately and periodically with management and the independent auditors; and | |
● | monitoring compliance with our code of business conduct and ethics, including reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of our procedures to ensure proper compliance. |
Compensation Committee. Our compensation committee consists of Xiao Liang Li, Ho Fu Billy Wong and Kam Kong Lau. Xiao Liang Li is the chairperson of our compensation committee. We have determined that all the three members satisfy the “independence” requirements of Rule 5605(a)(2) of the Listing Rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market and Rule 10C-1 under the Securities Exchange Act. The compensation committee assists the board in reviewing and approving the compensation structure, including all forms of compensation, relating to our directors and executive officers. Our chief executive officer may not be present at any committee meeting during which his compensation is deliberated. The compensation committee is responsible for, among other things:
● | reviewing and approving the total compensation package for our most senior executive officers; | |
● | approving and overseeing the total compensation package for our executives other than the most senior executive officers; | |
● | reviewing and recommending to the board with respect to the compensation of our directors; | |
● | reviewing periodically and approving any long-term incentive compensation or equity plans; | |
● | selecting compensation consultants, legal counsel or other advisors after taking into consideration all factors relevant to that person’s independence from management; and | |
● | reviewing programs or similar arrangements, annual bonuses, employee pension and welfare benefit plans. |
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Our nominating and corporate governance committee consists of Ho Fu Billy Wong, Xiao Liang Li and Kam Kong Lau. Ho Fu Billy Wong is the chairperson of our nominating and corporate governance committee. All the three members satisfy the “independence” requirements of Rule 5605(a)(2) of the Listing Rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market. The nominating and corporate governance committee assists the board of directors in selecting individuals qualified to become our directors and in determining the composition of the board and its committees. The nominating and corporate governance committee is responsible for, among other things:
● | identifying and recommending nominees for election or re-election to our board of directors or for appointment to fill any vacancy; | |
● | reviewing annually with our board of directors its current composition in light of the characteristics of independence, age, skills, experience and availability of service to us; | |
● | identifying and recommending to our board the directors to serve as members of committees; | |
● | advising the board periodically with respect to significant developments in the law and practice of corporate governance as well as our compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and making recommendations to our board of directors on all matters of corporate governance and on any corrective action to be taken; and | |
● | monitoring compliance with our code of business conduct and ethics, including reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of our procedures to ensure proper compliance. |
Foreign Private Issuer Exemption
We are a “foreign private issuer,” as defined by the SEC. As a result, in accordance with the rules and regulations of Nasdaq, we may choose to comply with home country governance requirements and certain exemptions thereunder rather than complying with Nasdaq corporate governance standards. We may choose to take advantage of the following exemptions afforded to foreign private issuers:
● | Exemption from filing quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, from filing proxy solicitation materials on Schedule 14A or 14C in connection with annual or special meetings of shareholders, or from providing current reports on Form 8-K disclosing significant events within four (4) days of their occurrence, and from the disclosure requirements of Regulation FD. |
● | Exemption from Section 16 rules regarding sales of Ordinary Shares by insiders, which will provide less data in this regard than shareholders of U.S. companies that are subject to the Exchange Act. |
● | Exemption from the Nasdaq rules applicable to domestic issuers requiring disclosure within four (4) business days of any determination to grant a waiver of the code of business conduct and ethics to directors and officers. Although we will require board approval of any such waiver, we may choose not to disclose the waiver in the manner set forth in the Nasdaq rules, as permitted by the foreign private issuer exemption. |
Furthermore, Nasdaq Rule 5615(a)(3) provides that a foreign private issuer, such as us, may rely on our home country corporate governance practices in lieu of certain of the rules in the Nasdaq Rule 5600 Series and Rule 5250(d), provided that we nevertheless comply with Nasdaq’s Notification of Noncompliance requirement (Rule 5625), the Voting Rights requirement (Rule 5640) and that we have an audit committee that satisfies Rule 5605(c)(3), consisting of committee members that meet the independence requirements of Rule 5605(c)(2)(A)(ii). If we rely on our home country corporate governance practices in lieu of certain of the rules of Nasdaq, our shareholders may not have the same protections afforded to shareholders of companies that are subject to all of the corporate governance requirements of Nasdaq. If we choose to do so, we may utilize these exemptions for as long as we continue to qualify as a foreign private issuer.
Duties of Directors
Under BVI law, our directors have a duty to act honestly, in good faith and with a view to our best interests. Our directors also have a duty to exercise the care, diligence and skills that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. See “Description of Share Capital — Differences in Corporate Law” for additional information on our directors’ fiduciary duties under BVI law. In fulfilling their duty of care to us, our directors must ensure compliance with our Memorandum and Articles of Association. We have the right to seek damages if a duty owed by our directors is breached.
The functions and powers of our Board of Directors include, among others:
● | appointing officers and determining the term of office of the officers, |
● | authorizing the payment of donations to religious, charitable, public or other bodies, clubs, funds or associations as deemed advisable, |
● | exercising the borrowing powers of the company and mortgaging the property of the company, |
● | executing checks, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments on behalf of the company, and |
● | maintaining or registering a register of mortgages, charges or other encumbrances of the company. |
Employment Agreements
We have entered into employment agreements with each of our executive officers. The executive officers are entitled to a fixed salary and other company benefits, each as determined by the Board from time to time. We may terminate an executive officer’s employment under Hong Kong Labor Law and under other applicable laws and regulations.
Each executive officer has agreed during and after the termination or expiry of his or her employment agreement, not to reveal to any person or use all information, know-how and records that is confidential or not, which may come to their knowledge during their employment, except as authorized or required by their duties to do so. The restriction shall cease to apply to information or knowledge which may come into the public domain.
D. | Employees |
Please refer to “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Employees.”
E. | Share Ownership |
The following table sets forth information regarding the beneficial ownership of our Ordinary Shares as of the date of this report by our officers, directors, and 5% or greater beneficial owners of Ordinary Shares. There is no other person or group of affiliated persons known by us to beneficially own more than 5% of our Ordinary Shares. Holders of our Ordinary Shares are entitled to one vote per share and vote on all matters submitted to a vote of our shareholders, except as may otherwise be required by law.
We have determined beneficial ownership in accordance with the rules of the SEC. These rules generally attribute beneficial ownership of securities to persons who possess sole or shared voting power or investment power with respect to those securities. The person is also deemed to be a beneficial owner of any security of which that person has a right to acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days. Unless otherwise indicated, the person identified in this table has sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares shown as beneficially owned by him or her, subject to applicable community property laws.
Directors and executive officers(1) | Number of Ordinary Shares | Approximate percentage of outstanding Ordinary Shares | ||||||
Directors and executive officers | ||||||||
Wai Hong Lao(2) | 2,400,000 | 13.3 | % | |||||
Yiu Kong Kenneth But(3) | 2,400,000 | 13.3 | % | |||||
Wai Cheung Yeung(4) | 2,400,000 | 13.3 | % | |||||
Kam Kong Lau | — | — | ||||||
Ho Fu Billy Wong | — | — | ||||||
Xiao Liang Li | — | — | ||||||
All directors and executive officers (6 individuals) | 7,200,000 | 40.0 | % | |||||
5% or greater shareholders | ||||||||
Pine Mountain Holdings Limited(5) | 2,400,000 | 13.3 | % | |||||
Agapao Investment Holding Limited(6) | 2,400,000 | 13.3 | % | |||||
LUCKY PARTNER ENTERPRISES LIMITED(7) | 960,000 | 5.3 | % | |||||
JEAN Oceania Limited(8) | 2,400,000 | 13.3 | % | |||||
FIRST START INTERNATIONAL LIMITED(9) | 960,000 | 5.3 | % | |||||
VALUE CLASSIC GLOBAL LIMITED(10) | 960,000 | 5.3 | % |
(1) |
The business address for our directors and executive officers is 25th Floor, Ovest, 77 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. |
(2) | Mr. Wai Hong Lao, holds 2,400,000 shares of the Company’s Ordinary Shares through Pine Mountain Holdings Limited, as the sole beneficiary. |
(3) | Mr. Yiu Kong Kenneth But, holds 2,400,000 shares of the Company’s Ordinary Shares through Agapao Investment Holding Limited, as the sole beneficiary. |
(4) | Mr. Wai Cheung Yeung, holds 2,400,000 shares of the Company’s Ordinary Shares through JEAN Oceania Limited, as the sole beneficiary. |
(5) | Mr. Hai Hong Lao has the control over Pine Mountain Holdings Limited. |
(6) | Mr. Yiu Kong Kenneth But has the control over Agapao Investment Holding Limited. |
(7) | Mr. Wong Tin Fat has the control over LUCKY PARTNER ENTERPRISES LIMITED. |
(8) | Mr. Wai Cheung Yeung has the control over JEAN Oceania Limited. |
(9) | Mr. TSE Joseph has the control over FIRST START INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. |
(10) | Mr. Wong Tai Kuen has the control over VALUE CLASSIC GLOBAL LIMITED. |
F. | Disclosure of a Registrant’s Action to Recover Erroneously Awarded Compensation |
Not applicable.
Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions
A. | Major Shareholders |
Please refer to “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—E. Share Ownership.”
B. | Related Party Transactions |
Employment Agreements and Indemnification Agreements
See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—C. Board Practices—Employment Agreements and Indemnification Agreements.”
Other Related Party Transactions
Set forth below are the related party transactions of our company that occurred during the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023, 2022 and up to the date of this report:
List of Related Parties
Name | Relationship | |
Noah Trust (Asia) Limited | Mr. Kenneth But being one of its directors | |
Nebula 360 Services Limited | Raymond, brother of Mr. Lao, being the director |
Balance with a related party:
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | ||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Prepayment to a related party: | ||||||||||||
Nebula 360 Services Limited | $ | - | $ | 78,086 | $ | 10,000 |
Set forth below are the related party transactions of our company that occurred during the past three fiscal years up to the date of this report.
Transactions with related parties:
On November 1, 2019, Noah Trust (Asia) Limited (“Noah”), of which Mr. Yiu Kong Kenneth But (“Mr. Kenneth But”) being one of its directors, signed a service agreement with the Company. Under the agreement, the Group will provide payroll outsourcing service to Noah for HKD1,000 per month for a term of one year, as of the date of this report, other than we changed the pricing from HKD1,000 to HKD500 per month, since May 2020, through verbal amendment, the contract remains valid.
On January 1, 2024, Mr. Lao Wai Man Raymond (“Raymond”), brother of Mr. Wai Hong Lao (“Mr. Lao”), acted as the director of Nebula 360 Services Limited (“Nebula”) and signed a service agreement with the Company. Under the agreement, Nebula will provide employment service to the Group for US$500 per employee per month for a term of one year and will automatically be renewed for another year unless otherwise notified in advance.
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||||||
Nature of | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of related parties | Relationship | transactions | HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||||||
Noah Trust (Asia) Limited | Mr. Kenneth But being one of its directors | Payroll outsourcing service fee income | $ | 6,000 | $ | 6,000 | $ | 6,000 | $ | 768 | ||||||||||
Nebula 360 Services Limited | Raymond, brother of Mr. Lao, being the director | Employment service fee expense | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 23,460 | $ | 3,000 |
Policies and Procedures for Related-Party Transactions
Our board of directors has created an audit committee that is tasked with reviewing and approving all related-party transactions.
C. | Interests of Experts and Counsel |
Not applicable.
Item 8. Financial Information
A. | Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information |
We have appended consolidated financial statements filed as part of this report.
Legal Proceedings
As of the date of this report, we are not a party to, and we are not aware of any threat of, any legal proceeding that, in the opinion of our management, is likely to have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition or operations.
Dividend Policy
Our board of directors has discretion on whether to distribute dividends. In addition, our shareholders may by ordinary resolution declare a dividend, but no dividend may exceed the amount recommended by our board of directors. In either case, all dividends are subject to certain restrictions under BVI law, namely that the company may only pay dividends if the value of our assets exceeds our liabilities and we are able to pay our debts as they become due. Even if we decide to pay dividends, the form, frequency and amount will depend upon our future operations and earnings, capital requirements and surplus, general financial condition, contractual restrictions and other factors that the board of directors may deem relevant.
We do not have any present plan to pay any cash dividends on our Ordinary Shares in the foreseeable future after this offering. We currently intend to retain most, if not all, of our available funds and any future earnings to operate and expand our business.
We are a BVI business company with limited liability incorporated in the BVI. We may rely on dividends from our subsidiaries in China for our cash requirements, including any payment of dividends to our shareholders. PRC regulations may restrict the ability of our PRC subsidiaries to pay dividends to us. If we pay any dividends on our Ordinary Shares, As a holding company, we will be dependent on receipt of funds from the subsidiaries. Cash dividends on our Ordinary Shares, if any, will be paid in U.S. dollars.
Cash dividends, if any, on our Ordinary Shares will be paid in U.S. dollars.
B. | Significant Changes |
Except as disclosed elsewhere in this report, we have not experienced any significant changes since the date of our audited consolidated financial statements included in this annual report.
Item 9. The Offer and Listing.
A. | Offering and Listing Details |
Our Ordinary Shares have been listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market since September 11, 2024 under the symbol “GLXG.”
B. | Plan of Distribution |
Not applicable
C. | Markets |
Our Ordinary Shares have been listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market since September 11, 2024 under the symbol “GLXG.”
D. | Selling Shareholders |
Not applicable.
E. | Dilution |
Not applicable.
F. | Expenses of the Issue |
Not applicable.
Item 10. Additional Information.
A. | Share Capital |
Not applicable.
B. | Memorandum and Articles of Association |
We were incorporated as a BVI business company and our affairs will be governed by our Memorandum and Articles of Association, the BVI Business Companies Act (Revised Edition 2020) and the common law of the British Virgin Islands.
The following are summaries of the material provisions of our Memorandum and Articles of Association and BVI laws, insofar as they relate to the material terms of our Ordinary Shares. The forms of our Memorandum and Articles of Association are filed as exhibits to the registration statement of which this annual report forms a part.
Ordinary Shares
All of our issued Ordinary Shares are fully paid and non-assessable. Certificates evidencing the Ordinary Shares are issued in registered form. Our shareholders may freely hold and vote their Ordinary Shares.
The holders of our Ordinary Shares are entitled to such dividends as may be declared by our shareholders through ordinary resolutions with an amount not exceeding the recommendation of Board of Directors subject to the BVI Act that the company may only pay dividends if the value of our assets exceeds our liabilities and we are able to pay our debts as they become due.
Voting rights
Any action required or permitted to be taken by the shareholders must be effected at a duly called meeting of the shareholders entitled to vote on such action or may be effected by a resolution in writing. At each meeting of shareholders, each shareholder who is present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a shareholder being a corporation, by its duly authorized representative) will have one vote for each common share that such shareholder holds.
Election of directors
Delaware law permits cumulative voting for the election of directors only if expressly authorized in the certificate of incorporation. The laws of the BVI, however, do not specifically prohibit or restrict the creation of cumulative voting rights for the election of our directors. Cumulative voting is not a concept that is accepted as a common practice in the BVI, and we have made no provisions in our Memorandum and Articles of Association to allow cumulative voting for elections of directors.
We must provide written notice of all meetings of shareholders, stating the time and place at least 7 days before the date of the proposed meeting to those persons whose names appear as shareholders in the register of members on the date of the notice and are entitled to vote at the meeting. Our Board of Directors shall call a meeting of shareholders upon the written request of shareholders holding at least 30% of our outstanding voting Ordinary Shares. In addition, our Board of Directors may call a meeting of shareholders on its own motion. A meeting of shareholders may be called on short notice if at least 90% of the Ordinary Shares entitled to vote on the matters to be considered at the meeting have waived notice of the meeting, and presence at the meeting shall be deemed to constitute waiver for this purpose.
At any meeting of shareholders, a quorum will be present if there are shareholders present in person or by proxy representing not less than 50% of the issued Ordinary Shares entitled to vote on the resolutions to be considered at the meeting. Such quorum may be represented by only a single shareholder or proxy. If no quorum is present within two hours of the start time of the meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved if it was requested by shareholders. In any other case, the meeting shall be adjourned to the next business day, and if shareholders representing not less than one-third of the votes of the Ordinary Shares or each class of securities entitled to vote on the matters to be considered at the meeting are present within one hour of the start time of the adjourned meeting, a quorum will be present. If not, the meeting will be dissolved. No business may be transacted at any meeting of shareholders unless a quorum is present at the commencement of business. If present, the chair of our Board of Directors shall be the chair presiding at any meeting of the shareholders. If the chair of our board is not present, then the shareholders present shall choose to chair the meeting of the shareholders.
A corporation that is a shareholder shall be deemed for the purpose of our Memorandum and Association to be present in person if represented by its duly authorized representative. This duly authorized representative shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that corporation could exercise if it were our individual shareholder.
Protection of minority shareholders
The BVI Act offers some limited protection of minority shareholders. The principal protection under statutory law is that shareholders may apply to the BVI court for an order directing the company or its director(s) to comply with, or restraining the company or a director from engaging in conduct that contravenes, the BVI Act or the company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association. Under the BVI Act, the minority shareholders have a statutory right to bring a derivative action in the name of and on behalf of the company in circumstances where a company has a cause of action against its directors. This remedy is available at the discretion of the BVI court. A shareholder may also bring an action against the company for breach of duty owed to him as a member. A shareholder who considers that the affairs of the company have been, are being or likely to be, conducted in a manner that is, or any act or acts of the company have been, or are, likely to be oppressive, unfairly discriminatory, or unfairly prejudicial to him in that capacity, may apply to the BVI court for an order to remedy the situation.
There are common law rights for the protection of shareholders that may be invoked, largely dependent on English company law. Under the general rule pursuant to English company law known as the rule in Foss v. Harbottle, a court will generally refuse to interfere with the management of a company at the insistence of a minority of its shareholders who express dissatisfaction with the conduct of the company’s affairs by the majority or the Board of Directors. However, every shareholder is entitled to have the affairs of the company conducted properly according to BVI law and the constituent documents of the company. As such, if those who control the company have persistently disregarded the requirements of company law or the provisions of the company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, then the courts may grant relief. Generally, the areas in which the courts will intervene are the following: (1) an act complained of which is outside the scope of the authorized business or is illegal or not capable of ratification by the majority; (2) acts that constitute fraud on the minority where the wrongdoers control the company; (3) acts that infringe or are about to infringe on the personal rights of the shareholders, such as the right to vote; and (4) where the company has not complied with provisions requiring approval of a special or extraordinary majority of shareholders.
Pre-emptive rights
There are no pre-emptive rights applicable to the issue by us of new Ordinary Shares under either BVI law or our Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Transfer of Ordinary Shares
Subject to the restrictions in our Memorandum and Articles of Association, the lock-up agreements with our underwriter described in “Ordinary Shares Eligible for Future Sale — Lock-Up Agreements” and applicable securities laws, any of our shareholders may transfer all or any of his or her Ordinary Shares by written instrument of transfer signed by the transferor and containing the name and address of the transferee. Our Board of Directors may resolve by resolution to refuse or delay the registration of the transfer of any common share. If our Board of Directors resolves to refuse or delay any transfer, it shall specify the reasons for such refusal in the resolution. Our directors may not resolve or refuse or delay the transfer of a common share unless: (a) the person transferring the Ordinary Shares has failed to pay any amount due in respect of any of those Ordinary Shares; or (b) such refusal or delay is deemed necessary or advisable in our view or that of our legal counsel in order to avoid violation of, or in order to ensure compliance with, any applicable, corporate, securities and other laws and regulations.
As permitted by BVI law and our Memorandum and Articles of Association, the company may be voluntarily liquidated by a resolution of members or, if permitted under section 199(2) of the BVI Act, by a resolution of directors if we have no liabilities or we are able to pay our debts as they fall due and the value of our assets equals or exceeds our liabilities by resolution of directors and resolution of shareholders.
Calls on Ordinary Shares and forfeiture of Ordinary Shares
Our Board of Directors may, on the terms established at the time of the issuance of such Ordinary Shares or as otherwise agreed, make calls upon shareholders for any amounts unpaid on their Ordinary Shares in a notice served to such shareholders at least 14 days prior to the specified time of payment. The Ordinary Shares that have been called upon and remain unpaid are subject to forfeiture. For the avoidance of doubt, if the issued Ordinary Shares have been fully paid in accordance with the terms of its issuance and subscription, the Board of Directors shall not have the right to make calls on such fully paid Ordinary Shares and such fully paid Ordinary Shares shall not be subject to forfeiture.
Redemption of Ordinary Shares
Subject to the provisions of the BVI Act, we may issue Ordinary Shares on terms that are subject to redemption, at our option or at the option of the holders, on such terms and in such manner as may be determined by our Memorandum and Articles of Association and subject to any applicable requirements imposed from time to time by, the BVI Act, the SEC, the NASDAQ Capital Market, or by any recognized stock exchange on which our securities are listed.
Modifications of rights
If at any time, the company is authorized to issue more than one class of Ordinary Shares, all or any of the rights attached to any class of shares may be amended only with the consent in writing of or by a resolution passed at a meeting of not less than 50 percent of the shares of the class to be affected.
Changes in the number of Ordinary Shares we are authorized to issue and those in issue
We may from time to time by a resolution of shareholders or resolution of our Board of Directors:
● | amend our Memorandum of Association to increase or decrease the maximum number of Ordinary Shares we are authorized to issue, | |
● | subject to our Memorandum of Association, subdivide our authorized and issued ordinary shares into a larger number of Ordinary Shares then our existing number of ordinary shares, and | |
● | subject to our Memorandum of Association, consolidate our authorized and issued shares into a smaller number of Ordinary Shares. |
Inspection of books and records
Under BVI Law, holders of our Ordinary Shares are entitled, upon giving written notice to us, to inspect (i) our Memorandum and Articles of Association, (ii) the register of members, (iii) the register of directors and (iv) minutes of meetings and resolutions of members, and to make copies and take extracts from the documents and records. However, our directors can refuse access if they are satisfied that to allow such access would be contrary to our interests.
Rights of non-resident or foreign shareholders
There are no limitations imposed by our Memorandum and Articles of Association on the rights of non-resident or foreign shareholders to hold or exercise voting rights on our Ordinary Shares. In addition, there are no provisions in our Memorandum and Articles of Association governing the ownership threshold above which shareholder ownership must be disclosed.
Issuance of additional Ordinary Shares
Our Memorandum and Articles of Association authorizes our Board of Directors to issue additional Ordinary Shares from authorized but unissued Ordinary Shares, to the extent available, from time to time as our Board of Directors shall determine.
Differences in Corporate Law
The BVI Act and the laws of the BVI affecting BVI companies like us and our shareholders differ from laws applicable to U.S. corporations and their shareholders. Set forth below is a summary of the significant differences between the provisions of the laws of the BVI applicable to us and the laws applicable to companies incorporated in the United States and their shareholders.
Mergers and similar arrangements
Under the laws of the BVI, two or more companies may merge or consolidate in accordance with Part IX 170 of the BVI Act. A merger means the merging of two or more constituent companies into one of the constituent companies and a consolidation means the uniting of two or more constituent companies into a new company. In order to merge or consolidate, the directors of each constituent company must approve a written plan of merger or consolidation, which must be authorized by a resolution of shareholders. While a director may vote on the plan of merger or consolidation even if he has a financial interest in the plan, the interested director must disclose the interest to all other directors of the company promptly upon becoming aware of the fact that he is interested in a transaction entered into or to be entered into by the company. A transaction entered into by our company in respect of which a director is interested (including a merger or consolidation) is voidable by us unless the director’s interest was (a) disclosed to the board prior to the transaction or (b) the transaction is (i) between the director and the company and (ii) the transaction is in the ordinary course of the company’s business and on usual terms and conditions. Notwithstanding the above, a transaction entered into by the company is not voidable if the material facts of the interest are known to the shareholders and they approve or ratify it or the company received fair value for the transaction. In any event, all shareholders must be given a copy of the plan of merger or consolidation irrespective of whether they are entitled to vote at the meeting to approve the plan of merger or consolidation. The shareholders of the constituent companies are not required to receive shares of the surviving or consolidated company but may receive debt obligations or other securities of the surviving or consolidated company, other assets, or a combination thereof. Further, some or all of the shares of a class or series may be converted into a kind of asset while the other shares of the same class or series may receive a different kind of asset. As such, not all the shares of a class or series must receive the same kind of consideration. After the plan of merger or consolidation has been approved by the directors and authorized by a resolution of the shareholders, articles of merger or consolidation are executed by each company and filed with the Registrar of Corporate Affairs in the BVI. A shareholder may dissent from a mandatory redemption of his shares, pursuant to an arrangement (if permitted by the court), a merger (unless the shareholder was a shareholder of the surviving company prior to the merger and continues to hold the same or similar shares after the merger) or a consolidation. A shareholder properly exercising his dissent rights is entitled to a cash payment equal to the fair value of his shares.
A shareholder dissenting from a merger or consolidation must object in writing to the merger or consolidation before the vote by the shareholders on the merger or consolidation, unless notice of the meeting was not given to the shareholder. If the merger or consolidation is approved by the shareholders, the company must give notice of this fact to each shareholder who gave written objection within 20 days following the date of shareholders’ approval. These shareholders then have 20 days from the date of the notice to give to the company their written election in the form specified by the BVI Act to dissent from the merger or consolidation, provided that in the case of a merger, the 20 days starts when the plan of merger is delivered to the shareholder. Upon giving notice of his election to dissent, a shareholder ceases to have any shareholder rights except the right to be paid the fair value of his shares. As such, the merger or consolidation may proceed in the ordinary course notwithstanding his dissent. Within seven days of the later of the delivery of the notice of election to dissent and the effective date of the merger or consolidation, the company must make a written offer to each dissenting shareholder to purchase his shares at a specified price per share that the company determines to be the fair value of the shares. The company and the shareholder then have 30 days to agree upon the price. If the company and a shareholder fail to agree on the price within the 30 days, then the company and the shareholder shall, within 20 days immediately following the expiration of the 30-day period, each designate an appraiser and these two appraisers shall designate a third appraiser. These three appraisers shall fix the fair value of the shares as of the close of business on the day prior to the shareholders’ approval of the transaction without considering any change in value as a result of the transaction.
Shareholders’ suits
There are both statutory and common law remedies available to our shareholders as a matter of BVI law. These are summarized below.
Prejudiced members
A shareholder who considers that the affairs of the company have been, are being, or are likely to be, conducted in a manner that is, or any act or acts of the company have been, or are, likely to be oppressive, unfairly discriminatory or unfairly prejudicial to him in that capacity, can apply to the court under Section 184I of the BVI Act, inter alia, for an order that his Ordinary Shares be acquired, that he be provided compensation, that the Court regulate the future conduct of the company, or that any decision of the company which contravenes the BVI Act or our Memorandum and Articles of Association be set aside.
Derivative actions
Section 184C of the BVI Act provides that a shareholder of a company may, with the leave of the Court, bring an action in the name of the company to redress any wrong done to it.
Just and equitable winding up
In addition to the statutory remedies outlined above, shareholders can also petition for the winding up of a company on the grounds that it is just and equitable for the court to so order. Save in exceptional circumstances, this remedy is only available where the company has been operated as a quasi-partnership and trust and confidence between the partners has broken down.
Indemnification of directors and executive officers and limitation of liability
BVI law does not limit the extent to which a company’s articles of association may provide for indemnification of officers and directors, except to the extent any provision providing indemnification may be held by the BVI courts to be contrary to public policy, such as to provide indemnification against civil fraud or the consequences of committing a crime. Under our Memorandum and Articles of Association, we indemnify against all expenses, including legal fees, and against all judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement and reasonably incurred in connection with legal, administrative or investigative proceedings for any person who:
● | is or was a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed proceedings, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that the person is or was our director; or |
● | is or was, at our request, serving as a director or officer of, or in any other capacity is or was acting for, another body corporate or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise. |
These indemnities only apply if the person acted honestly and in good faith with a view to our best interests and, in the case of criminal proceedings, the person had no reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful.
This standard of conduct is generally the same as permitted under the Delaware General Corporation Law for a Delaware corporation. Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to our directors, officers or persons controlling us under the foregoing provisions, we have been advised that in the opinion of the SEC, such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is therefore unenforceable.
Anti-takeover provisions in our Memorandum and Articles of Association
Some provisions of our Memorandum and Articles of Association may discourage, delay or prevent a change in control of our company or management that shareholders may consider favorable. However, under BVI law, our directors may only exercise the rights and powers granted to them under our Memorandum and Articles of Association, as amended and restated from time to time, as they believe in good faith to be in the best interests of our company.
Directors’ fiduciary duties
Under Delaware corporate law, a director of a Delaware corporation has a fiduciary duty to the corporation and its shareholders. This duty has two components: the duty of care and the duty of loyalty. The duty of care requires that a director act in good faith, with the care that an ordinarily prudent person would exercise under similar circumstances. Under this duty, a director must inform himself of, and disclose to shareholders, all material information reasonably available regarding a significant transaction.
The duty of loyalty requires that a director act in a manner he reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation. He must not use his corporate position for personal gain or advantage. This duty prohibits self-dealing by a director and mandates that the best interest of the corporation and its shareholders take precedence over any interest possessed by a director, officer or controlling shareholder and not shared by the shareholders generally. In general, actions of a director are presumed to have been made on an informed basis, in good faith and in the honest belief that the action taken was in the best interests of the corporation. However, this presumption may be rebutted by evidence of a breach of one of the fiduciary duties. Should such evidence be presented concerning a transaction by a director, a director must prove the procedural fairness of the transaction and that the transaction was of fair value to the corporation.
Under BVI law, our directors owe the company certain statutory and fiduciary duties including, among others, a duty to act honestly, in good faith, for a proper purpose and with a view to what the directors believe to be in the best interests of the company. Our directors are also required, when exercising powers or performing duties as a director, to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonable director would exercise in comparable circumstances, considering without limitation, the nature of the company, the nature of the decision and the position of the director and the nature of the responsibilities undertaken. In the exercise of their powers, our directors must ensure neither they nor the company acts in a manner which contravenes the BVI Act or our Memorandum and Articles of Association, as amended and restated from time to time. A shareholder has the right to seek damages for breaches of duties owed to us by our directors.
Shareholder action by written consent
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a corporation may eliminate the right of shareholders to act by written consent by amendment to its certificate of incorporation. BVI law and our Memorandum and Articles provide that shareholders may approve corporate matters by way of a written resolution without a meeting signed by or on behalf of shareholders sufficient to constitute the requisite majority of shareholders who would have been entitled to vote on such matter at a general meeting; provided that if the consent is less than unanimous, notice must be given to all non-consenting shareholders.
Shareholder proposals
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a shareholder has the right to put any proposal before the annual meeting of shareholders, provided it complies with the notice provisions in the governing documents. A special meeting may be called by the Board of Directors or any other person authorized to do so in the governing documents, but shareholders may be precluded from calling special meetings. BVI law and our Memorandum and Articles of Association allow our shareholders holding not less than 30% of the votes of the outstanding voting Ordinary Shares to requisition a shareholders’ meeting. We are not obliged by law to call shareholders’ annual general meetings, but our Memorandum and Articles of Association do permit the directors to call such a meeting. The location of any shareholders’ meeting can be determined by the Board of Directors and can be held anywhere in the world.
Cumulative voting
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, cumulative voting for elections of directors is not permitted unless the corporation’s certificate of incorporation specifically provides for it. Cumulative voting potentially facilitates the representation of minority shareholders on a Board of Directors since it permits the minority shareholder to cast all the votes to which the shareholder is entitled on a single director, which increases the shareholder’s voting power with respect to electing such director. The BVI law does not expressly permit cumulative voting for directors, our Memorandum and Articles of Association do not provide for cumulative voting. As a result, our shareholders are not afforded any less protections or rights on this issue than shareholders of a Delaware corporation.
Removal of directors
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a director of a corporation with a classified board may be removed only for cause with the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote, unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise. Under our Memorandum and Articles of Association, directors can be removed from office, with or without cause, by a resolution of shareholders passed at a meeting of Shareholders called for the purpose of removing the director or for purposes including the removal of the director or by written resolution passed by at least 50 % of the votes of the shareholders of the company. Directors can also be removed with cause by a resolution of directors passed at a meeting of directors called for the purpose of removing the director or for purposes including the removal of the director.
Transactions with interested shareholders
The Delaware General Corporation Law contains a business combination statute applicable to Delaware public corporations whereby, unless the corporation has specifically elected not to be governed by such statute by amendment to its certificate of incorporation, it is prohibited from engaging in certain business combinations with an “interested shareholder” for three years following the date that such person becomes an interested shareholder. An interested shareholder generally is a person or group who or which owns or owned 15% or more of the target’s outstanding voting shares within the past three years. This has the effect of limiting the ability of a potential acquirer to make a two-tiered bid for the target in which all shareholders would not be treated equally. The statute does not apply if, among other things, prior to the date on which such shareholder becomes an interested shareholder, the Board of Directors approves either the business combination or the transaction which resulted in the person becoming an interested shareholder. This encourages any potential acquirer of a Delaware public corporation to negotiate the terms of any acquisition transaction with the target’s Board of Directors. BVI law has no comparable statute and our Memorandum and Articles of Association do not expressly provide for the same protection afforded by the Delaware business combination statute.
Dissolution; Winding Up
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, unless the Board of Directors approves the proposal to dissolve, dissolution must be approved by shareholders holding 100% of the total voting power of the corporation. Only if the dissolution is initiated by the Board of Directors may it be approved by a simple majority of the corporation’s outstanding shares. Delaware law allows a Delaware corporation to include in its certificate of incorporation a supermajority voting requirement in connection with dissolutions initiated by the board. Under the BVI Act and our Memorandum and Articles of Association, we may appoint a voluntary liquidator by a resolution of the shareholders or by resolution of directors) subject to section 199(2) of the BVI Act.
Variation of rights of shares
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a corporation may vary the rights of a class of shares with the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares of such class, unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise. Under our Memorandum and Articles of Association, if at any time our shares are divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class may only be varied, whether or not our company is in liquidation, with the consent in writing of or by a resolution passed at a meeting by a majority of not less than 50 percent of the votes cast by those entitled to vote at a meeting of the holders of the issued shares in that class.
Amendment of governing documents
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a corporation’s governing documents may be amended with the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote, unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise. As permitted by BVI law, our Memorandum and Articles of Association may be amended by a resolution of shareholders and, subject to certain exceptions, by a resolution of directors. An amendment is effective from the date it is registered at the Registry of Corporate Affairs in the BVI.
Stock Transfer Agent
Transhare Corporation is our company’s stock transfer agent. Its address is Bayside Center 1, 17755 US Highway 19 N, Suite 140, Clearwater FL 33764 and phone number is (303) 662-1112.
Anti-Money Laundering — British Virgin Islands
In order to comply with legislation or regulations aimed at the prevention of money laundering we are required to adopt and maintain anti-money laundering procedures, and may require subscribers to provide evidence to verify their identity. Where permitted, and subject to certain conditions, we also may delegate the maintenance of our anti-money laundering procedures (including the acquisition of due diligence information) to a suitable person.
We reserve the right to request such information as is necessary to verify the identity of a subscriber. In the event of delay or failure on the part of the subscriber in producing any information required for verification purposes, we may refuse to accept the application, in which case any funds received will be returned without interest to the account from which they were originally debited.
If any person resident in the British Virgin Islands knows or suspects that another person is engaged in money laundering or terrorist financing and the information for that knowledge or suspicion came to their attention in the course of their business the person will be required to report his belief or suspicion to the Financial Investigation Agency of the British Virgin Islands, pursuant to the Proceeds of Criminal Conduct Act (Revised Edition 2020). Such a report shall not be treated as a breach of confidence or of any restriction upon the disclosure of information imposed by any enactment or otherwise.
BVI Data Protection
The Data Protection Act, 2021 (the “BVI DPA”) came into force in the British Virgin Islands on 9 July 2021. The BVI DPA establishes a framework of rights and duties designed to safeguard individuals’ personal data, balanced against the need of public authorities, businesses and organizations to collect and use personal data for lawful purposes. The BVI DPA is centered around seven data protection principles (the General Principle, the Notice and Choice Principle, the Disclosure Principle, the Security Principle, the Retention Principle, the Data Protection Principle and the Access Principle) which require that:
● | personal data must not be processed without consent unless specific conditions are met and must not be transferred outside the British Virgin Islands, unless there is proof of adequate data protection safeguards or consent from the data subject; | |
● | Where consent has been given to processing of personal data, the data subject may at any time withdraw his or her consent; | |
● | a data controller must inform a data subject of specific matters, for instance the purposes for which it is being collected and further processed; | |
● | personal data must not be disclosed for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was to be disclosed at the time of collection or a purpose directly related thereto or to any party other than a third party of a class previously notified to the data subject; | |
● | a data controller shall, when processing personal data, take practical steps to protect personal data from loss, misuse, modification, unauthorized or accidental access or disclosure, alteration or destruction; | |
● | personal data must not be kept for longer than is necessary for the purpose; | |
● | personal data must be accurate, complete, not misleading and kept up to date; and | |
● | a data subject must be given access to his or her own personal data and be able to correct that data where it is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up to date, except where a request for such access or correction is refused under the BVI DPA. |
The BVI DPA imposes specific obligations on data controllers, including the duty to (i) apply the data protection principles; and (ii) respond in a timely fashion to requests from data subjects in relation to their personal data.
The Information Commissioner is the regulator responsible for the proper functioning and enforcement of the BVI DPA. Offences under the BVI DPA include
● | processing sensitive personal data in contravention of the BVI DPA; |
● | willfully obstructing the Information Commissioner or an authorized officer in the conduct of his or her duties and functions; |
● | willfully disclosing personal information in contravention of the BVI DPA; and |
● | collecting, storing or disposing of personal information in a manner that contravenes the BVI DPA. |
Offences committed under the BVI DPA may result in fines (up to US$500,000 in certain cases) or imprisonment. Further, a data subject who suffers damage or distress as a result of their data being processed in contravention of the DPA may institute civil proceedings in the British Virgin Islands courts.
Subject to the Companies Act and to any rights for the time being conferred on the shareholders holding a particular class of shares, our shareholders may, by special resolution, reduce our share capital or any capital redemption reserve in any way.
C. | Material Contracts |
We have not entered into any material contracts other than in the ordinary course of business and other than those described in “Item 4. Information on the Company,” “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions—B. Related Party Transactions,” or elsewhere in this annual report on Form 20-F.
D. | Exchange Controls |
There are currently no exchange control regulations in the BVI applicable to us or our shareholders.
E. | Taxation |
BVI Taxation
The company and all distributions, interest and other amounts paid by the company in respect of the Ordinary Shares of the company to persons who are not resident in the BVI are exempt from all provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance in the BVI.
No estate, inheritance, succession or gift tax, rate, duty, levy or other charge is payable by persons who are not resident in the BVI with respect to any Ordinary Shares, debt obligations or other securities of the company.
All instruments relating to transactions in respect of the Ordinary Shares, debt obligations or other securities of the company and all instruments relating to other transactions relating to the business of the company are exempt from payment of stamp duty in the BVI provided that they do not relate to real estate in the BVI.
There are currently no withholding taxes or exchange control regulations in the BVI applicable to the company or its shareholders.
BVI Economic Substance
The British Virgin Islands, together with several other non-European Union jurisdictions, have recently introduced legislation aimed at addressing concerns raised by the Council of the European Union as to offshore structures engaged in certain activities which attract profits without real economic activity. With effect from January 1, 2019, the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act, 2018 (the “ESA”) came into force in the British Virgin Islands introducing certain economic substance requirements for British Virgin Islands tax resident companies which are engaged in certain “relevant activities.” However, it is not anticipated that the Company itself will be subject to any such requirements. Although it is presently anticipated that the ESA will have little material impact on the Company or its operations, as the legislation is new and remains subject to further clarification and interpretation it is not currently possible to ascertain the precise impact of these legislative changes on the Company.
People’s Republic of China Enterprise Taxation
The following brief description of Chinese enterprise laws is designed to highlight the enterprise-level taxation on our earnings, which will affect the amount of dividends, if any, we are ultimately able to pay to our shareholders. See “Dividend Policy.”
Enterprise Income Tax
According to the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China, or the EIT Law, which was promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the PRC on March 16, 2007, and became effective on January 1, 2008, and then amended on February 24, 2017, and the Implementation Rules of the EIT Law, or the Implementation Rules, which were promulgated by the State Council on December 6, 2007, effective on January 1, 2008, and amended on April 23, 2019, enterprises are divided into resident enterprises and non-resident enterprises. Resident enterprises pay enterprise income tax on their incomes obtained in and outside the PRC at the rate of 25%. Non-resident enterprises setting up institutions in the PRC pay enterprise income tax on the incomes obtained by such institutions in and outside the PRC at the rate of 25%. Non-resident enterprises with no institutions in the PRC, and non-resident enterprises with income having no substantial connection with their institutions in the PRC, pay enterprise income tax on their income obtained in the PRC at a reduced rate of 10%.
We are a BVI business company incorporated with limited liability in the British Virgin Islands and we gain substantial income by way of dividends paid to us from our Hong Kong subsidiary, Galaxy Payroll (HK). The EIT Law and its implementation rules provide that China-sourced income of foreign enterprises, such as dividends paid by a PRC subsidiary to its equity holders that are non-resident enterprises, will normally be subject to PRC withholding tax at a rate of 10%, unless any such foreign investor’s jurisdiction of incorporation has a tax treaty with China that provides for a preferential tax rate or a tax exemption.
Under the EIT Law, an enterprise established outside of China with a “de facto management body” within China is considered a “resident enterprise,” which means that it is treated in a manner similar to a Chinese enterprise for enterprise income tax purposes. Although the implementation rules of the EIT Law define “de facto management body” as a managing body that actually, comprehensively manage and control the production and operation, staff, accounting, property and other aspects of an enterprise, the only official guidance for this definition currently available is set forth in SAT Notice 82, which provides guidance on the determination of the tax residence status of a Chinese-controlled offshore incorporated enterprise, defined as an enterprise that is incorporated under the laws of a foreign country or territory and that has a PRC enterprise or enterprise group as its primary controlling shareholder. Although the Company does not have a PRC enterprise or enterprise group as our primary controlling shareholder and is therefore not a Chinese-controlled offshore incorporated enterprise within the meaning of SAT Notice 82, in the absence of guidance specifically applicable to us, we have applied the guidance set forth in SAT Notice 82 to evaluate the tax residence status of the Company and its subsidiaries organized outside the PRC.
According to SAT Notice 82, a Chinese-controlled offshore incorporated enterprise will be regarded as a PRC tax resident by virtue of having a “de facto management body” in China and will be subject to PRC enterprise income tax on its worldwide income only if all of the following criteria are met: (i) the places where senior management and senior management departments that are responsible for daily production, operation and management of the enterprise perform their duties are mainly located within the territory of China; (ii) financial decisions (such as money borrowing, lending, financing and financial risk management) and personnel decisions (such as appointment, dismissal and salary and wages) are decided or need to be decided by organizations or persons located within the territory of China; (iii) main property, accounting books, corporate seal, the board of directors and files of the minutes of shareholders’ meetings of the enterprise are located or preserved within the territory of China; and (iv) one half (or more) of the directors or senior management staff having the right to vote habitually reside within the territory of China.
We believe that we do not meet some of the conditions outlined in the immediately preceding paragraph. For example, as a holding company, the key assets and records of Company, including the resolutions and meeting minutes of our board of directors and the resolutions and meeting minutes of our shareholders, are located and maintained outside the PRC. In addition, we are not aware of any offshore holding companies with a corporate structure similar to ours that has been deemed a PRC “resident enterprise” by the PRC tax authorities. Accordingly, we believe that Company and its offshore subsidiaries should not be treated as a “resident enterprise” for PRC tax purposes if the criteria for “de facto management body” as set forth in SAT Notice 82 were deemed applicable to us. However, as the tax residency status of an enterprise is subject to determination by the PRC tax authorities and uncertainties remain with respect to the interpretation of the term “de facto management body” as applicable to our offshore entities, we will continue to monitor our tax status. We confirm that, as of the date of this report, none of us and our PRC subsidiary (i) has been investigated, claimed or penalized for any PRC tax non-compliance or (ii) is currently subject to any outstanding notice from any PRC tax authority assessing any tax deficiency against or imposing any penalty on us or any of our PRC subsidiary in connection with any payment or non-payment of PRC taxes.
The implementation rules of the EIT law provides that, (i) if the enterprise that distributes dividends is domiciled in the PRC or (ii) if gains are realized from transferring equity interests of enterprises domiciled in the PRC, then such dividends or gains are treated as China-sourced income. It is not clear how “domicile” may be interpreted under the EIT Law, and it may be interpreted as the jurisdiction where the enterprise is a tax resident. Therefore, if we are considered as a PRC tax resident enterprise for PRC tax purposes, any dividends we pay to our overseas shareholders which are non-resident enterprises as well as gains realized by such shareholders from the transfer of our shares may be regarded as China-sourced income and as a result become subject to PRC withholding tax at a rate of up to 10%. See “Risk Factors—Risks Related to Doing Business in China—Under the EIT Law, we may be classified as a ‘Resident Enterprise’ of China. Such classification will likely result in unfavorable tax consequences to us and our non-PRC shareholders.”
Currently, as a resident enterprise in the PRC, Galaxy HR (SZ) is subject to the enterprise income tax at the rate of 25%, except that once an enterprise meets certain requirements and is identified as a small-scale minimal profit enterprise, the part of its taxable income not more than RMB1 million is subject to a reduced rate of 5% and the part between RMB1 million and 3 million is subject to a reduced rate of 10%. The EIT is calculated based on the entity’s global income as determined under PRC tax laws and accounting standards. If the PRC tax authorities determine that the Company is a PRC resident enterprise for enterprise income tax purposes, we would be required to withhold a 10% withholding tax from dividends we pay to our shareholders that are non-resident enterprises and we would be subject to the PRC enterprise income tax on our worldwide income at the rate of 25%. In addition, non-resident enterprise shareholders may be subject to a 10% PRC withholding tax on gains realized on the sale or other disposition of our Ordinary Shares, if such income is treated as sourced from within the PRC. It is unclear whether our non-PRC individual shareholders would be subject to any PRC tax on dividends or gains obtained by such non-PRC individual shareholders in the event we are determined to be a PRC resident enterprise. If any PRC tax were to apply to dividends or gains realized by non-PRC individuals, it would generally apply at a rate of 20% unless a reduced rate is available under an applicable tax treaty. However, it is also unclear whether our non-PRC shareholders would be able to claim the benefits of any tax treaties between their country of tax residence and the PRC in the event that we are treated as a PRC resident enterprise. There is no guidance from the PRC government to indicate whether or not any tax treaties between the PRC and other countries would apply in circumstances where a non-PRC company was deemed to be a PRC tax resident, and thus there is no basis for expecting how tax treaty between the PRC and other countries may impact non-resident enterprises.
Value-added Tax
Pursuant to the Provisional Regulations on Value-Added Tax of the PRC, or the VAT Regulations, which were promulgated by the State Council on December 13, 1993, and amended on November 10, 2008, February 6, 2016, and November 19, 2017, respectively, and the Implementation Rules of the Provisional Regulations on Value Added Tax of the PRC promulgated by the MOF on December 25, 1993 and amended on December 15, 2008 and October 28, 2011, respectively, entities and individuals that sell goods or labor services of processing, repair or replacement, sell services, intangible assets, or immovables, or import goods within the territory of the People’s Republic of China are taxpayers of value-added tax. The VAT rate is 17% for taxpayers selling goods, labor services, or tangible movable property leasing services or importing goods, except otherwise specified; 11% for taxpayers engaging in sale of transportation, postal, basic telecommunications, construction, lease of immovables, sale of immovable, transfer of land use rights, sale or importation of the certain types of goods as stipulated; 6% for taxpayers selling services or intangible assets, except otherwise specified.
According to Provisions in the Notice on Adjusting the Value added Tax Rates (Cai Shui [2018] No. 32), or the Notice, issued by the SAT and the MOF, where taxpayers make VAT taxable sales or import goods, the applicable tax rates shall be adjusted from 17% to 16% and from 11% to 10%, respectively. The Notice took effect on May 1, 2018, and the adjusted VAT rates took effect at the same time.
On March 23, 2016, the MOF and the SAT jointly issued the Circular of Full Implementation of Business Tax to VAT Reform (the “Circular 36”), which confirms that business tax will be completely replaced by VAT from May 1, 2016. The Notice of the MOF and the SAT on the Adjustment to VAT Rates, promulgated on April 4, 2018 and effective as of May 1, 2018, adjusted the applicative rate of VAT. The deduction rates of 17% and 11% applicable to the taxpayers who have VAT taxable sales activities or imported goods are adjusted to 16% and 10%, respectively. For the export goods to which a tax rate of 17% was originally applicable and the export rebate rate was 17%, the export rebate rate is adjusted to 16%. For the export goods and cross-border taxable activities to which a tax rate of 11% was originally applicable and the export rebate rate was 11%, the export rebate rate is adjusted to 10%. Pursuant to such circular, the Value Added Tax Pilot Program has been applicable nationwide since May 1, 2016.
Subsequently, the Notice on Policies for Deepening Reform of Value-added Tax was issued by the SAT, the MOF and the General Administration of Customs on March 30, 2019 and took effective on April 1, 2019, which further adjusted the applicable tax rate for taxpayers making VAT taxable sales or importing goods. The applicable tax rates shall be adjusted from 16% to 13% and from 10% to 9%, respectively.
According to the VAT Regulations and the related rules, as of the date of this report, as taxpayers selling services and its consolidated affiliated entity is generally subject to 6% to 5% VAT applicable rate.
Dividend Withholding Tax
Pursuant to the Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income effective on August 21, 2006, no more than 5% withholding tax rate applies to dividends paid by a PRC company to a Hong Kong resident, provided that the recipient is a company that holds at least 25% of the capital of the PRC company. The 10% withholding tax rate applies to dividends paid by a PRC company to a Hong Kong resident if the recipient is a company that holds less than 25% of the capital of the PRC company.
Furthermore, pursuant to the Notice of the SAT on Issues Relating to the Implementation of Dividend Clauses in Tax Treaties (Guo Shui Han [2009] No.81), which was promulgated and effective on February 20, 2009, all of the following requirements should be satisfied where a fiscal resident of the other party to the tax agreement needs to be entitled to such tax agreement treatment as being taxed at a tax rate specified in the tax agreement for the dividends paid to it by a PRC resident company: (1) such a fiscal resident who obtains dividends should be a company as provided in the tax agreement; (2) owner’s equity interests and voting shares of the PRC resident company directly owned by such a fiscal resident reaches a specified percentage; and (3) the equity interests of the PRC resident company directly owned by such a fiscal resident, at any time during the 12 months prior to the acquisition of the dividends, reaches a percentage specified in the tax agreement.
In addition, according to the Administrative Measures on Non-resident Taxpayers Enjoying Treaty Benefits promulgated by the SAT on October 14, 2019 and became effective on January 1, 2020, non-resident taxpayers claiming treaty benefits shall adhere to the principle of “self-assessment, claiming benefits, retention of the relevant materials for future inspection.” Where a non-resident taxpayer self-assesses and concludes that it satisfies the criteria for claiming treaty benefits, it may enjoy treaty benefits at the time of tax declaration or withholding. However such non-resident taxpayers shall retain relevant tax-reporting materials pursuant to the provisions of these Measures for potential future inspection, and accept follow-up administration by relevant tax authorities.
As of the date of this report, when considered as a non-PRC resident investor, which is much more likely to happen than not, Galaxy Payroll (China) shall be subject to the dividend withholding tax at the rate of 10%. Upon identified as the Hong Kong resident enterprise stipulated by the Double Tax Avoidance Arrangement and other applicable laws, the withholding tax may be reduced to 5%.
Hong Kong Taxation
Our subsidiaries incorporated in Hong Kong were subject to 16.5% Hong Kong profit tax on their taxable income generated from operations in Hong Kong before the tax year which is from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 (“2018/2019”). As from the tax year of 2018/2019 onwards, under the two-tier profit tax rates regime, our subsidiaries incorporated in Hong Kong were subject to Hong Kong profit tax rates at 8.25% on assessable profits up to HKD2,000,000 (approximately US$256,000), and 16.5% on any part of assessable profits over HKD2,000,000 (approximately US$256,000).
Under Hong Kong tax laws, our Hong Kong subsidiaries are exempted from Hong Kong income tax on its foreign-derived income. In addition, payments of dividends from our Hong Kong subsidiaries to us are not subject to any withholding tax in Hong Kong. See “Dividend Policy” for further details on our dividend policy.
Entity incorporated in Macau is subject to corporate income tax in Macau at the rate of 12%.
Entity incorporated in PRC is subject to EIT in PRC at the rate of 25%.
Entity incorporated in Taiwan is subject to corporate income tax in Taiwan at the rate of 20%.
United States Federal Income Taxation
The following discussion is a summary of U.S. federal income tax considerations relating to the ownership and disposition of our Ordinary Shares by a U.S. Holder (as defined below) that acquires our Ordinary Shares in this offering and holds our Ordinary Shares as “capital assets” (generally, property held for investment) under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the Code. This discussion is based upon existing U.S. federal tax law, which is subject to differing interpretations or change, possibly with retroactive effect. No ruling has been sought from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, or the IRS, with respect to any U.S. federal income tax consequences described below, and there can be no assurance that the IRS or a court will not take a contrary position. This discussion does not address the U.S. federal estate, gift, Medicare, and alternative minimum tax considerations, certain information reporting requirements pursuant to section 1471 through 1474 of the Code, or any state, local, and non-U.S. tax considerations, relating to the ownership or disposition of our Ordinary Shares. This discussion, moreover, does not discuss all aspects of U.S. federal income taxation that may be important to particular investors in light of their individual investment circumstances or to investors subject to special tax situations such as:
● | 銀行; | |
● | 金融機構; | |
● | 保險公司; | |
● | 受監管的投資公司; | |
● | 房地產投資信託基金; | |
● | 經紀交易商; | |
● | 選擇將其證券按市價計價的人; | |
● | 美國僑民或前美國長期居民; | |
● | 政府或其機構或部門; | |
● | 免稅實體; | |
● | 應繳納替代最低稅的人; | |
● | 作爲交叉、對沖、轉換或綜合交易一部分而持有我們普通股的人; | |
● | 實際上或建設性地擁有我們10%或更多投票權或價值的人(包括 由於擁有我們的普通股); | |
● | 根據任何員工股票期權的行使而購買我們普通股的人 或以其他方式作爲補償; | |
● | 通過合夥企業或其他轉嫁實體持有我們普通股的人; | |
● | 持有我們普通股的信託受益人;或 | |
● | 通過信託持有我們普通股的人。 |
討論如下 僅針對在本次發行中購買普通股的美國持有者。建議潛在買家自行諮詢 稅務顧問了解美國聯邦所得稅規則在其特定情況以及州、地方、 購買、擁有和處置我們的普通股對他們造成的外國和其他稅務後果。
適用的材料稅後果 致我們普通股的美國持有者
協議闡述之 與我們普通股的所有權和處置相關的重大美國聯邦所得稅後果。它是針對美國的 我們普通股的持有人(定義見下文)基於截至該日生效的法律及其相關解釋 所有這些都可能發生變化。此描述並未處理與所有權相關的所有可能的稅務後果 以及我們普通股的處置或美國稅法(美國聯邦所得稅法除外),例如根據 非美國稅法、州、地方和其他稅法。
的以下簡要說明 僅適用於持有普通股作爲資本資產且以美元作爲功能資產的美國持有人(定義如下) 貨幣此簡要描述基於截至本報告日期有效的美國聯邦所得稅法 以及截至本報告之日有效或在某些情況下擬議的美國財政部法規,以及司法和行政法規 在該日期或之前提供對其的解釋。所有上述權力都可能發生變化,這些變化可能會 追溯適用,並可能影響下文所述的稅務後果。
下面的簡要描述 如果您是普通的受益所有人,那麼對「美國持有人」的美國聯邦所得稅後果將適用於您 就美國聯邦所得稅而言,股票和您是
● | 美國公民或居民的個人; | |
● | 組建的公司(或爲美國聯邦所得稅目的應作爲公司徵稅的其他實體) 根據美國、其任何州或哥倫比亞特區的法律; | |
● | 收入無論來源如何均須繳納美國聯邦所得稅的遺產;或 | |
● | 一項信託,(1)受美國境內法院的主要監督,以及 一名或多名美國人控制所有重大決策,或(2)根據適用的美國法律擁有有效的選舉 財政部規定將被視爲美國人。 |
If a partnership (or other entities treated as a partnership for United States federal income tax purposes) is a beneficial owner of our Ordinary Shares, the tax treatment of a partner in the partnership will depend upon the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership. Partnerships and partners of a partnership holding our Ordinary Shares are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding an investment in our Ordinary Shares.
Taxation of Dividends and Other Distributions on our Ordinary Shares
根據下文討論的PFIC(定義見下文)規則,分配總額 我們就普通股向您提供的任何稅款(包括從中預扣的稅款)通常包括在內 在您收到之日的總收入中作爲股息收入,但僅限於分配是從我們的 當前或累計收益和利潤(根據美國聯邦所得稅原則確定)。關於美國企業 持有人,股息將不符合公司就已收到股息而允許的已收到股息扣除的資格 來自其他美國公司。
關於非法人 美國股東,包括個人美國股東,將按適用於合格股息的較低資本利得稅徵稅 收入,前提是(1)普通股可以隨時在美國成熟的證券市場上交易,或者我們可以 有資格享受與美國批准的合格所得稅條約的好處,其中包括信息交換 計劃,(2)我們既不是支付股息的納稅年度,也不是上一納稅年度的PFIC(定義如下), (3)滿足一定的持有期要求。因爲美國和英國之間沒有所得稅條約 維爾京群島,上述第(1)款只有在普通股可以隨時在成熟的證券市場上交易的情況下才能得到滿足 在美國。根據美國國稅局授權,就上文第(1)條而言,普通股被視爲 如果它們在某些交易所上市,那麼它們很容易在美國成熟的證券市場上交易,目前 包括納斯達克股票市場。我們敦促您諮詢您的稅務顧問,了解是否有更低的股息率可供選擇 就本公司普通股支付的款項,包括本報告日期後任何法律變更的影響。
股息將構成 用於外國稅收抵免限制目的的外國來源收入。如果股息作為合格股息收入徵稅(如所討論 以上),計算外國稅收抵免限額時考慮的股息金額將僅限於 股息總額乘以降低的稅率再除以通常適用於股息的最高稅率。 有資格獲得抵免的外國稅收限額根據特定收入類別單獨計算。為此目的, 我們就普通股分配的股息將構成「被動類別收入」,但在 某些美國持有人的情況構成「一般類別收入」。
的款額為限 分配的比例超過了我們當前和累計的收入和利潤(根據美國聯邦所得稅原則確定), 它將首先被視為普通股稅基的免稅申報表,並在分配金額的範圍內 超過您的稅基,超出部分將作為資本收益徵稅。我們不打算根據美國聯邦規定計算我們的收入和利潤 所得稅原則。因此,美國持有人應該預期,即使該分配 否則將根據上述規則被視為免稅資本回報或資本收益。
處置徵稅 普通股
受制於被動的外國 下面討論的投資公司規則,您將確認任何銷售、交換或其他應稅處置的應稅收益或損失 份額等於份額變現金額(以美金計)與您的稅基(以美金計)之間的差額 普通股。收益或損失將是資本收益或損失。如果您是非企業美國持有人,包括美國個人 持有普通股超過一年的持有人通常有資格享受減稅稅率。是否為可抵扣 資本損失受到限制。您認識到的任何此類損益通常將被視為美國來源 出於外國稅收抵免限制目的的收入或損失,這通常會限制外國稅收抵免的可用性。
被動外國 投資公司(「PFIC」)
非美國公司是 如果出現以下情況,則在任何應稅年度被視為PFIC(定義見美國國稅法第1297(a)條):
● | 在 該課徵年度的總收入至少有75%是被動收入;或 |
● | 在 其資產價值的至少50%(基於季度平均值) 應稅年度的資產)歸因於產生或持有的資產 被動收入的產生( “資產 測試”). |
被動收入一般包括 股息、利息、租金和特許權使用費(不包括積極開展貿易或業務所產生的租金或特許權使用費)和收益 來自被動資產的處置。我們將被視為擁有我們比例的資產份額並賺取我們比例的資產 我們直接或間接擁有至少25%(按價值計算)股票的任何其他公司的收入份額。在確定 出於PFIC資產測試的目的,我們資產的價值和組成,(1)我們在IPO中籌集的現金通常會被考慮 持有以產生被動收入;(2)我們資產的價值必須根據我們普通資產的市場價值確定 股票不時發生,這可能導致我們非被動資產的價值低於我們所有資產價值的50% (包括IPO籌集的現金)在任何特定的季度測試日期進行資產測試。
基於我們的運營和 根據目前的PFIC規則,我們預計我們的資產構成不會被視為PFIC。我們必須做出單獨的決定 然而,對於我們目前的應稅項目,我們是否為PFIC,以及我們作為PFIC的地位不能得到保證 年度或任何未來應課稅年度。取決於我們在IPO中籌集的現金金額,以及為生產而持有的任何其他資產 就被動收入而言,在本課稅年度或其後任何課稅年度,有可能超過50%的資產 可能是為產生被動收入而持有的資產。我們會在任何特定課稅年度完結後作出這項決定。 此外,由於我們在資產測試中的資產價值一般將根據以下市場價格確定 我們的普通股,因為現金通常被認為是一種為產生被動收入而持有的資產,我們的PFIC地位 將在很大程度上取決於我們普通股的市場價格和我們在IPO中籌集的現金數量。相應地,波動 在市場上,普通股的價格可能會導致我們成為PFIC。此外,《公共投資委員會規則》的適用還受 幾個方面的不確定性以及我們收入和資產的構成將受到我們花現金的方式和速度的影響 我們在IPO中籌集資金。我們沒有義務採取措施降低我們被歸類為PFIC的風險,如上所述, 我們資產價值的確定將取決於重大事實(包括我們普通股的市場價格從 以及我們在IPO中籌集的現金金額)可能不在我們的控制範圍內。如果我們在任何一年都是PFIC, 如果您持有普通股,在您持有普通股的所有後續年度內,我們將繼續被視為PFIC。如果 我們不再是PFIC,並且您之前沒有像下面描述的那樣及時進行按市值計價的選擇,但是,您 可以通過進行“清洗選舉”(如下所述)來避免PFIC制度的一些不利影響 普通股。
If we are a PFIC for your taxable year(s) during which you hold Ordinary Shares, you will be subject to special tax rules with respect to any “excess distribution” that you receive and any gain you realize from a sale or other disposition (including a pledge) of the Ordinary Shares, unless you make a “mark-to-market” election as discussed below. Distributions you receive in a taxable year that are greater than 125% of the average annual distributions you received during the shorter of the three preceding taxable years or your holding period for the Ordinary Shares will be treated as an excess distribution. Under these special tax rules:
● | the excess distribution or gain will be allocated ratably over your holding period for the Ordinary Shares; | |
● | the amount allocated to your current taxable year, and any amount allocated to any of your taxable year(s) prior to the first taxable year in which we were a PFIC, will be treated as ordinary income, and | |
● | the amount allocated to each of your other taxable year(s) will be subject to the highest tax rate in effect for that year and the interest charge generally applicable to underpayments of tax will be imposed on the resulting tax attributable to each such year. |
The tax liability for amounts allocated to years prior to the year of disposition or “excess distribution” cannot be offset by any net operating losses for such years, and gains (but not losses) realized on the sale of the Ordinary Shares cannot be treated as capital, even if you hold the Ordinary Shares as capital assets.
A U.S. Holder of “marketable stock” (as defined below) in a PFIC may make a mark-to-market election under Section 1296 of the US Internal Revenue Code for such stock to elect out of the tax treatment discussed above. If you make a mark-to-market election for first taxable year which you hold (or are deemed to hold) Ordinary Shares and for which we are determined to be a PFIC, you will include in your income each year an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the fair market value of the Ordinary Shares as of the close of such taxable year over your adjusted basis in such Ordinary Shares, which excess will be treated as ordinary income and not capital gain. You are allowed an ordinary loss for the excess, if any, of the adjusted basis of the Ordinary Shares over their fair market value as of the close of the taxable year. Such ordinary loss, however, is allowable only to the extent of any net mark-to-market gains on the Ordinary Shares included in your income for prior taxable years. Amounts included in your income under a mark-to-market election, as well as gain on the actual sale or other disposition of the Ordinary Shares, are treated as ordinary income. Ordinary loss treatment also applies to any loss realized on the actual sale or disposition of the Ordinary Shares, to the extent that the amount of such loss does not exceed the net mark-to-market gains previously included for such Ordinary Shares. Your basis in the Ordinary Shares will be adjusted to reflect any such income or loss amounts. If you make a valid mark-to-market election, the tax rules that apply to distributions by corporations which are not PFICs would apply to distributions by us, except that the lower applicable capital gains rate for qualified dividend income discussed above under “—Taxation of Dividends and Other Distributions on our Ordinary Shares” generally would not apply.
The mark-to-market election is available only for “marketable stock”, which is stock that is traded in other than de minimis quantities on at least 15 days during each calendar quarter (“regularly traded”) on a qualified exchange or other market (as defined in applicable U.S. Treasury regulations), including the Nasdaq Capital Market. If the Ordinary Shares are regularly traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market and if you are a holder of Ordinary Shares, the mark-to-market election would be available to you were we to be or become a PFIC.
Alternatively, a U.S. Holder of stock in a PFIC may make a “qualified electing fund” election under Section 1295(b) of the US Internal Revenue Code with respect to such PFIC to elect out of the tax treatment discussed above. A U.S. Holder who makes a valid qualified electing fund election with respect to a PFIC will generally include in gross income for a taxable year such holder’s pro rata share of the corporation’s earnings and profits for the taxable year. The qualified electing fund election, however, is available only if such PFIC provides such U.S. Holder with certain information regarding its earnings and profits as required under applicable U.S. Treasury regulations. We do not currently intend to prepare or provide the information that would enable you to make a qualified electing fund election. If you hold Ordinary Shares in any taxable year in which we are a PFIC, you will be required to file U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form 8621 in each such year and provide certain annual information regarding such Ordinary Shares, including regarding distributions received on the Ordinary Shares and any gain realized on the disposition of the Ordinary Shares.
If you do not make a timely “mark-to-market” election (as described above), and if we were a PFIC at any time during the period you hold our Ordinary Shares, then such Ordinary Shares will continue to be treated as stock of a PFIC with respect to you even if we cease to be a PFIC in a future year, unless you make a “purging election” for the year we cease to be a PFIC. A “purging election” creates a deemed sale of such Ordinary Shares at their fair market value on the last day of the last year in which we are treated as a PFIC. The gain recognized by the purging election will be subject to the special tax and interest charge rules treating the gain as an excess distribution, as described above. As a result of the purging election, you will have a new basis (equal to the fair market value of the Ordinary Shares on the last day of the last year in which we are treated as a PFIC) and holding period (which new holding period will begin the day after such last day) in your Ordinary Shares for tax purposes.
IRC Section 1014(a) provides for a step-up in basis to the fair market value for our Ordinary Shares when inherited from a decedent that was previously a holder of our Ordinary Shares. However, if we are determined to be a PFIC and a decedent that was a U.S. Holder did not make either a timely qualified electing fund election for our first taxable year as a PFIC in which the U.S. Holder held (or was deemed to hold) our Ordinary Shares, or a mark-to-market election and ownership of those Ordinary Shares are inherited, a special provision in IRC Section 1291(e) provides that the new U.S. Holder’s basis should be reduced by an amount equal to the Section 1014 basis minus the decedent’s adjusted basis just before death. As such if we are determined to be a PFIC at any time prior to a decedent’s passing, the PFIC rules will cause any new U.S. Holder that inherits our Ordinary Shares from a U.S. Holder to not get a step-up in basis under Section 1014 and instead will receive a carryover basis in those Ordinary Shares.
You are urged to consult your tax advisors regarding the application of the PFIC rules to your investment in our Ordinary Shares and the elections discussed above.
信息 報告和備份預扣
股息支付 我們的普通股以及出售、交換或贖回我們普通股的收益可能會受到信息報告的約束 向美國國稅局以及根據美國國稅局第3406條可能的美國後備預扣稅,網址爲 目前的統一稅率爲24%。然而,備用預扣稅不適用於提供正確納稅人身份證明的美國持有人 號碼並在美國國稅局表格W-9上做出任何其他所需的證明,或在其他方面免於備用預扣稅的人。 美國被要求建立豁免地位的持有者通常必須在美國國稅局提供此類認證 表格W-9。敦促美國持有人就美國信息報告和備份的應用諮詢其稅務顧問 預扣稅規則。
備用預扣稅不是 附加稅。作爲備用預扣稅的預扣稅金額可能會計入您的美國聯邦所得稅負債,並且您可以 通過向 美國國稅局並提供任何所需信息。我們無意爲個人股東預扣稅。 然而,通過某些經紀人或其他中介機構進行的交易可能需要繳納預扣稅(包括後備稅 預扣稅),法律可能要求此類經紀人或中介人預扣稅。
根據招聘激勵措施 根據2010年《恢復就業法》,某些美國持有人必須報告與我們普通股相關的信息,但須遵守以下規定 某些例外情況(包括某些金融機構維持的帳戶中持有的普通股的例外情況),通過附上 完整的國稅局表格8938,指定外國金融資產報表,以及每年的納稅申報表 他們持有普通股。未報告此類信息可能會導致巨額處罰。您應該諮詢您 擁有自己的稅務顧問,了解您提交8938表格的義務。
澳門實行獨立 稅收制度並借鑑澳門此前實行的低稅政策,制定了自己的法律法規 稅種、稅率、減稅和免稅、津貼和支出以及其他稅收事項(根據第106條 澳門基本法)。澳門當局在適用稅收法律法規時,須遵守財政屬地原則 除非存在雙重徵稅條約,否則某些收入是否已經或將在其他地方徵稅與澳門無關 稅務機關, I.e.,除非已有雙重徵稅條約且納稅人澳門援引該條約 稅務機關將對被視爲來自澳門的收入獨立徵稅,無論該收入是否曾經、將來 或可能在其他司法管轄區徵稅。
目前沒有Double 在澳門生效的與香港簽訂的、適用於或可能適用於本集團的稅務條約或同等協議 活動因此,對於集團在澳門的活動產生的收入,澳門當局將徵收相關稅款 相關法律和法規,無論此類收入是否已經、將或可能在任何其他司法管轄區徵稅,包括 香港
澳門遵循日曆財政 年 (即 1月1日至12月31日),其稅收制度將不同類型的稅分爲直接稅和 對收入以及資產和財富徵收的間接稅。與集團活動最相關的稅收 澳門是:
(i) | 工業貢獻(1977年12月31日第15/77/m號法律),相當於年度 在澳門經營工商業活動的固定付款;及 | |
(ii) | 補充所得稅(1978年9月9日第21/78/m號法律),相當於利潤 商業活動收益稅。 |
工業貢獻 和補充所得稅由金融服務局管理,金融服務局是公共管理實體 澳門授權監督、協調和檢查所有與稅收有關的事務。財經事務局 由子單位組成,其中之一是澳門財政局(也稱爲澳門稅務局),負責 實施稅收管理並執行、促進和加強稅法的遵守。
違反稅務法規 可能導致實施制裁或處罰。雖然沒有統一的處罰政策,即沒有統一的 列出所有違反稅法的行爲及其相應處罰的法規(意味着個別稅收法規必須 仔細和獨立分析),一般來說,侵權行爲包括不申報收入、不準確和遺漏 納稅申報表、拒絕提交所需文件且不配合稅務機關、隱瞞、銷燬、僞造 文件作廢或未在規定期限內繳納稅款。處罰的形式是罰款,一般來說, 罰款範圍爲澳門幣50至澳門幣100,000,且繳納此類罰款並不免除納稅人繳納相關稅款的費用, 拖欠利息或可能發生的刑事起訴(如果相關稅收規定了此類刑事起訴) 法律爲
作爲對納稅人的保證, 每種稅收的規定都包含後者提出投訴、分層上訴和/或司法的詳細程序 當他們認爲自己受到金融服務局的決定或做法的不利影響時,提出上訴。如果受到質疑, 一般而言,金融服務局有關稅收的決定只有在所有適用級別達到後才會成爲最終決定 上訴已用盡,受害納稅人將有權向相關當局(非司法 或司法,視情況而定)在適當的時候。
工業貢獻 (also稱爲工業稅或營業稅)受1977年12月31日第15/77/m號法律監管,該法律於1月生效 1978年1月1日,相當於澳門工商活動運營的年度固定付款。
需要指出的是,由於 2002年,澳門工業繳款的支付不受年度預算法的約束。雖然沒有什麼可表明的 這項豁免在未來幾年不會繼續作爲稅收減免措施,因此不能保證將來會保留它 預算法。
所得補充稅乃 受1978年9月9日第21/78/m號法律監管,該法律於1979年1月1日生效,對應於收益的利潤稅 來自商業或工業活動。
The Macau Complementary Income Tax corresponds to a profit tax levied at progressive rates between 3% and 12% over the global revenue corresponding to the annual net profits derived from carrying-on a commercial or industrial activity in Macau that any individual or corporation, regardless of residency or head office, derive from Macau. Under the Macau Complementary Income Tax Macau residents are taxed on worldwide income (profits) and non-Macau residents are taxed only on Macau-source income (profits). If a foreign entity is engaged in commercial/industrial activities and/or rendering services in Macau, the resultant gain from such commercial/industrial activities and/or services rendered will be subject to Complementary Income Tax in Macau (i.e. income will generally be regarded as arising in or derived from Macau if it is received in consideration of activities or services performed by the taxpayer in Macau).
During the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, Galaxy HR (Macau) was exempted from taxation under Complementary Income Tax over profits up to MOP600,000 (six hundred thousand Patacas). Taxable income exceeding MOP600,000 was subject to taxation at 12%.
F. | Dividends and Paying Agents |
Not applicable.
G. | Statement by Experts |
Not applicable.
H. | Documents on Display |
We previously filed a registration statement on Form F-1 (Registration No. 333-269043) with the SEC to register the issuance and sale of our Ordinary Shares in our initial public offering.
We are subject to periodic reporting and other informational requirements of the Exchange Act as applicable to foreign private issuers and are required to file reports and other information with the SEC. Specifically, we are required to file annually an annual report on Form 20-F within four months after the end of each fiscal year, which is October 31.
All information filed with the SEC can be obtained over the internet at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. As a foreign private issuer, we are exempt from the rules under the Exchange Act prescribing the furnishing and content of quarterly reports and proxy statements, and officers, directors and principal shareholders are exempt from the reporting and short-swing profit recovery provisions contained in Section 16 of the Exchange Act.
I. | Subsidiary Information |
Not applicable.
J. | Annual Report to Security Holders |
Not applicable.
Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.
Credit risk
We are exposed to credit risk in relation to our accounts receivable from customers. Our accounts receivable amounted to approximately HKD2.6 million and HKD2.2 million (US$0.3 million and US$0.3 million) as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Our accounts receivable turnover days were approximately 29 days and 66 days for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Our business operations and cash flow are subject to the risk of delay in settlement from our customers. Our customers’ settlement date may be affected by their internal policies and we cannot assure you that our customers will settle in a timely manner. Our effort in strengthening our accounts receivable collection and management may not be effective and we cannot assure you that we will be able to fully recover the outstanding amounts due from our customers, if at all, or that our customers will settle the amounts in a timely manner.
Interest rate risk
Not applicable.
Foreign currency risk
We are exposed to foreign currency risk primarily through service income or expenses that are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the operations to which they relate. The currencies giving rise to this risk are primarily US$. As HKD is currently pegged to US$, our exposure to foreign exchange fluctuations is minimal.
Item 12. Description of Securities Other than Equity Securities.
A. | Debt Securities |
Not applicable.
B. | Warrants and Rights |
Not applicable.
C. | Other Securities |
Not applicable.
Item 13. Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies.
Item 14. Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds.
Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders
None. See “Item 10. Additional Information—B. Memorandum and Articles of Association—Ordinary Shares” for a description of the rights of securities holders, which remain unchanged.
Use of Proceeds
The following “Use of Proceeds” information relates to the registration statement on Form F-1, as amended (File Number No. 333-269043) (the “F-1 Registration Statement”) in relation to our IPO of 1,750,000 Ordinary Shares, at the offering price of US$4 per Ordinary Share and an additional 262,500 ordinary shares, representing full exercise of the underwriter’s over-allotment option granted in connection with the Company’s IPO, at the offering price of US$4 per share.
After deducting underwriting discounts and offering expenses, we raised approximately US$6,212,268 in net proceeds from the IPO and approximately US$951,000 in net proceeds from the over-allotment option in connection to the IPO. None of the transaction expenses included payments to directors or officers of our company or their associates, persons owning more than 10% or more of our equity securities or our affiliates. None of the proceeds from the IPO were paid, directly or indirectly, to any of our directors or officers or their associates, persons owning 10% or more of our equity securities or our affiliates.
We still intend to use the proceeds from our initial public offering as disclosed in the F-1 Registration Statement.
Item 15. Controls and Procedures.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As required by Rule 13a-15 under the Exchange Act, management, including our chief executive officer and our chief financial officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this annual report. Disclosure controls and procedures refer to controls and other procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in the reports we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitations, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by us in our reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to management, including our principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding our required disclosures.
Based on the foregoing, our chief executive officer and our chief financial officer have concluded that, as of June 30, 2024, our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective. Notwithstanding our management’s assessment that our internal control over financial reporting was ineffective as of June 30, 2024, due to the material weakness described below, we believe that the consolidated financial statements included in this report on Form 20-F correctly present our financial position, results of operations and cash flows for the fiscal years covered thereby in all material respects.
Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and Attestation Report of the Registered Public Accounting Firm
This report does not include a report of management’s assessment regarding internal control over financial reporting or an attestation report of the company’s registered public accounting firm due to a transition period established by rules of the SEC for newly public companies.
Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
In connection with the audit of our consolidated financial statements included in this report, we identified several material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting. As defined in the standards established by the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, a “material weakness” is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.
The material weaknesses identified related to (i) inadequate segregation of duties for certain key functions due to limited staff and resources; (ii) a lack of sufficient financial reporting and accounting personnel with appropriate knowledge of U.S. GAAP and SEC reporting requirements to formalize key controls over financial reporting and to prepare consolidated financial statements and related disclosures; (iii) a lack of independent directors and an audit committee to establish formal risk assessment process and internal control framework; and (iv) a lack of an effective control framework in place and critical information technology general controls (“ITGC”) have design deficiencies in areas including logical access, privileged access, IT operations and cybersecurity.
We intend to implement measures designed to improve our internal control over financial reporting to address the underlying causes of these material weaknesses, including (i) hiring more qualified staff to fill the key roles in our financial operations; (ii) setting up a financial and system control framework with formal documentation of polices and controls in place; (iii) appointing independent directors, establishing an audit committee and strengthening corporate government; and (iv) setting up an ITGC and system control framework with formal documentation of polices and controls in place.
However, we cannot assure you that all these measures will be sufficient to remediate our material weakness in time, or at all. See “Item 3. Key Information — D. Risk Factors — Risks Related to Our Ordinary Shares — Our lack of effective internal controls over financial reporting may affect our ability to accurately report our financial results or prevent fraud which may affect the market for and price of our Ordinary Share.”
As a company with less than US$1.235 billion in revenue for the fiscal year of 2023, we qualify as an “emerging growth company” pursuant to the JOBS Act. An emerging growth company may take advantage of specified reduced reporting and other requirements that are otherwise applicable generally to public companies. These provisions include exemption from the auditor attestation requirement under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in the assessment of the emerging growth company’s internal control over financial reporting.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Other than the remediation of material weaknesses as described above, there has been no change in our internal controls over financial reporting.
Item 16. [Reserved]
項目16 A.審計委員會財務專家。
我們的董事會已經 確定獨立董事劉錦剛(根據納斯達克證券市場規則5605(a)(2)和規則規定的標準 根據《交易法》10A-3)和我們的審計委員會主席,是審計委員會財務專家。
我們的董事會已經 採用了適用於我們所有董事、高級管理人員和員工的商業行爲和道德準則。我們的業務準則 行爲和道德可在我們的網站https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1905920/000121390023005691/ea172266ex99-1_galaxypayroll.htm上公開獲取。
項目16 C.首席會計師費用和服務。
自2022年9月1日起, Friedman LLP是我們當時的獨立註冊會計師事務所,與Marcum LLP合併。2023年2月10日,我們的董事會 批准解僱Friedman LLP並聘請Marcum Asia CPA LLP擔任我們的獨立註冊會計師 firm beat365官網以前由Friedman LLP提供的服務現在由Marcum Asia CPA LLP提供。
下表載 列出與Marcum Asia CPA LLP提供的某些專業服務相關的以下類別的總費用 和Friedman LLP分別截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日的年度。
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | ||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 美元 | ||||||||||
審計費用 (1) | $ | 1,890,055 | $ | 1,692,638 | $ | 216,300 |
(1) | 「審計費」是指我們的主要核數師在所列每個財年爲審計註冊人的年度財務報表、審查中期財務報表以及會計師通常提供的與這些財年的法定和監管備案或業務相關的服務而提供的專業服務而收取的總費用。 |
我們的審計政策 委員會將預先批准Marcum Asia CPA LLP提供的所有審計和非審計服務,包括審計服務和其他服務 如上所述,除了 低額 完成前經審計委員會批准的服務 審計的。
審計委員會 董事會每年審查獨立核數師提供的審計和非審計服務。所有審計和非審計 服務由審計委員會預先批准,審計委員會考慮(除其他外)此類表現的可能影響 爲核數師的獨立性提供服務。
項目16 D.上市準則的豁免 供審計委員會使用。
項目16 E.購買股票證券 發行人和關聯買家。
項目16 F.註冊人認證的變更 會計
項目16 G。公司治理
作爲一家英屬維爾京群島註冊公司 在納斯達克資本市場上市,遵守納斯達克股票市場規則、公司治理、上市標準。然而, 納斯達克股票市場規則允許像我們這樣的外國私人發行人遵循其母國的公司治理做法。一定的 英屬維爾京群島是我們的母國,其公司治理實踐可能與《納斯達克》股票市場規則大相徑庭。我們 截至本年度報告之日,尚未依賴任何母國實踐豁免。但是,我們可能會選擇遵循某些 未來母國的做法,這可能會導致我們的股東獲得的保護比他們本來享有的保護要少 根據納斯達克股票市場適用於美國境內發行人的公司治理上市標準。看見“項目 3.關鍵信息-D.風險因素-與我們的普通股相關的風險-作爲外國私人發行人,我們是被允許的 在公司治理事宜上採用某些與納斯達克公司治理有很大不同的母國做法 上市標準。與我們完全遵守納斯達克的情況相比,這些做法對股東的保護可能會更少 公司治理上市標準。
ITEm 16 H。
項目16 H.礦山安全披露。
項目16 I.有關外國司法管轄區的披露 阻止檢查。
Item 17. Financial Statements.
We have elected to provide financial statements pursuant to Item 18.
Item 18. Financial Statements.
The consolidated financial statements of Galaxy Payroll Group Limited and its subsidiaries are included at the end of this annual report.
Item 19. Exhibits.
* | Filed herewith |
(1) | Portions of the exhibit, including certain private and confidential information has been omitted pursuant to Item 601(a)(6) and Item 601(b)(10)(iv) of Regulation S-K. The Registrant hereby agrees to furnish a copy of any omitted portion to the SEC upon request. |
The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.
Galaxy Payroll Group Limited | ||
By: | /s/ Wai Hong Lao | |
Name: | Wai Hong Lao | |
Title: | Chief Executive Officer and Director |
Date: November 8, 2024
我們審計了後附的 銀河薪資集團有限公司(「公司」)截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日的資產負債表、相關合併報表 期末兩年每年的收入和綜合收益、股東權益變動和現金流量 2024年6月30日,及相關附註(統稱「財務報表」)。在我們看來,財務 報表在所有重大方面公平地反映了公司截至2024年和2023年6月30日的財務狀況以及業績 截至2024年6月30日止兩年中每年的運營和現金流量符合會計原則 在美利堅合眾國被普遍接受。
這些財務報表是責任 公司管理層的情況。我們的責任是根據我們的審計對公司的財務報表發表意見。我們 是一家在上市公司會計監督委員會(美國)(「PCAOB」)註冊的公共公證事務所,是 根據美國聯邦證券法和適用規則,要求對公司保持獨立性, 美國證券交易委員會和PCAOb的法規。
我們的審計工作符合 PCAOB的標準。這些標準要求我們計劃和執行審計,以獲得關於財務狀況是否合理的保證 無論是由於錯誤還是欺詐,報表都沒有重大錯誤陳述。公司不需要擁有,我們也沒有參與 要執行,對其財務報告的內部控制進行審計。作為我們審計的一部分,我們需要獲得一項瞭解 關於財務報告的內部控制,但不是為了對公司財務報告的有效性發表意見 財務報告的內部控制。因此,我們不表達這樣的意見。
我們的審計包括執行程式以評估 財務報表重大錯報的風險,無論是由於錯誤還是舞弊,以及採取應對措施 面對這些風險。這些程式包括在測試的基礎上審查與財務報表中的數額和披露有關的證據。 我們的審計還包括評估管理層使用的會計原則和作出的重大估計,以及評估 財務報表的整體列報。我們相信,我們的審計為我們的觀點提供了合理的基礎。
我們曾擔任公司的審計師 自2021年起(該日期考慮到Marcum Asia CPA LLP自9月起收購Friedman LLP的某些資產 2022年1月1日)。
紐約辦事處●賓夕法尼亞廣場7號 ● 830套房●紐約、紐約● 10001
電話646.442.4845 ●傳真646.349.5200 ● www.marcumasia.com
獨立註冊公共會計報告 公司
我們審計了後附的 銀河薪資集團有限公司(以下簡稱銀河薪資集團有限公司)的收益表和全面收益表、股東權益變動表和現金流量表 「公司」)截至2022年6月30日止年度的財務報表以及相關附註(統稱為「財務報表」)。 我們認為,財務報表在所有重大方面公平地反映了其運營結果和現金流量 截至2022年6月30日的年度,符合美利堅合眾國普遍接受的會計原則。
這些財務報表是責任 公司管理層的情況。我們的責任是根據我們的審計對公司的財務報表發表意見。我們 是一家在上市公司會計監督委員會(美國)(「PCAOB」)註冊的公共公證事務所,是 根據美國聯邦證券法和適用規則,要求對公司保持獨立性, 美國證券交易委員會和PCAOb的法規。
我們根據 PCAOb的標準。這些標準要求我們計劃和執行審計,以獲得關於財務是否 無論是由於錯誤還是欺詐,報表都不存在重大錯誤陳述。公司不需要,我們也沒有參與 對其財務報告內部控制進行審計。作為審計的一部分,我們需要了解 對財務報告的內部控制,但並非為了對公司的有效性發表意見 財務報告的內部控制。因此,我們不發表此類意見。
我們的審計包括執行評估程式 財務報表重大錯誤陳述的風險(無論是由於錯誤還是欺詐)以及執行應對程式 這些風險。此類程式包括在測試的基礎上審查有關財務報表中金額和披露的證據。 我們的審計還包括評估管理層使用的會計原則和做出的重大估計,以及評估 財務報表的總體列報方式。我們相信我們的審計為我們的意見提供了合理的基礎。
我們擔任該公司的審計師 2021年至2022年。
2022年11月9日,除注12註明日期為 2022年12月28日。
銀河薪酬集團 有限
6月30日, 2023 | 6月30日, 2024 | |||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 美元 | ||||||||||
資產 | ||||||||||||
易變現資產 | ||||||||||||
現金 | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
受限制現金 | ||||||||||||
應收帳款,淨額 | ||||||||||||
預付款、押金和其他應收帳款,淨額 | ||||||||||||
易變現資產總額 | ||||||||||||
財產和設備,淨值 | ||||||||||||
使用權資產-經營租賃 | ||||||||||||
推遲首次公開募股(「IPO」)成本 | ||||||||||||
長期租賃押金 | ||||||||||||
非易變現資產總額 | ||||||||||||
總資產 | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
負債及股東權益 | ||||||||||||
流動負債 | ||||||||||||
應計開支及其他應付款項 | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
應付帳款 | ||||||||||||
銀行貸款,流動部分 | ||||||||||||
應付所得稅 | ||||||||||||
經營租賃義務,流動部分 | ||||||||||||
流動負債總額 | ||||||||||||
其他負債 | ||||||||||||
經營租賃義務,非流動部分 | ||||||||||||
其他負債總額 | ||||||||||||
總負債 | ||||||||||||
承諾和意外情況 | ||||||||||||
股東權益 | ||||||||||||
應收認購 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||
借記資本公積 | ||||||||||||
留存收益 | ||||||||||||
累積其他全面收益 | ||||||||||||
股東權益總額 | ||||||||||||
負債總額和股東權益 | $ | $ | $ |
* |
The accompany notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2024 | |||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Revenues | ||||||||||||||||
Employment services | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Payroll outsourcing services | ||||||||||||||||
Consultancy and market research services | ||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | ||||||||||||||||
Cost of revenues | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Operating expenses | ||||||||||||||||
Selling, general and administrative expenses | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Reversal of provision for (Provision for) credit losses | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Income from operations | ||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) | ||||||||||||||||
Interest income | ||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Other income | ||||||||||||||||
Total other income | ||||||||||||||||
Income before income tax | ||||||||||||||||
Income tax expense | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Net income | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Foreign currency translation adjustment | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
Comprehensive income | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Weighted average number of ordinary shares | ||||||||||||||||
Basic* | ||||||||||||||||
Earnings per share | ||||||||||||||||
Basic* | $ | $ | $ | $ |
* |
The accompany notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Ordinary Shares | Subscription | Additional paid-in | Retained | Accumulated other comprehensive | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shares* | Par Value | receivable | capital | Earnings | income | Total | ||||||||||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | HKD | HKD | HKD | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Balance, July 1, 2021 | ( | ) | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dividend declared | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Foreign currency translation | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Balance, June 30, 2022 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dividend declared | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Foreign currency translation | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Balance, June 30, 2023 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dividends declared | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Foreign currency translation | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Balance, June 30, 2024 | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||
US$ | | US$ | ( | US$ | | US$ | | US$ | | US$ |
* |
The accompany notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2024 | |||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Cash flows from operating activities: | ||||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: | ||||||||||||||||
Depreciation of property and equipment | ||||||||||||||||
Amortization of right-of-use assets-operating lease | ||||||||||||||||
(Reversal of provision for) provision for credit losses | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
Change in operating assets and liabilities | ||||||||||||||||
Accounts receivable | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||
Prepayment, deposits and other receivables | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
Accrued expenses and other payables | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
Account payable | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Income tax payable | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
Lease liabilities | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities | ||||||||||||||||
Cash flow from investing activities: | ||||||||||||||||
Purchases of property and equipment | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||
Net cash used in investing activity | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||
Cash flow from financing activities: | ||||||||||||||||
Repayments of bank loan | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Proceeds from bank loan | ||||||||||||||||
Payment of deferred IPO costs | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Dividend payments | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Net cash used in financing activities | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Change in cash and restricted cash | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||
Cash and restricted cash, beginning of the year | ||||||||||||||||
Effect on exchange rate | ||||||||||||||||
Cash and restricted cash, end of the year | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Reconciliation of cash and restricted cash to the consolidated balance sheets | ||||||||||||||||
Cash | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Restricted cash | ||||||||||||||||
Cash and restricted cash, end of the year | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Supplemental cash flow information | ||||||||||||||||
Cash paid for income tax | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||
Cash paid for interest expense | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||
Non-cash transaction in investing and financing activities | ||||||||||||||||
Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange of lease liabilities | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Unpaid dividend | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Unpaid deferred IPO costs | $ | $ | $ | $ |
The accompany notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Note 1 — Nature of business and organization
Galaxy Payroll Group Limited (“Galaxy Payroll BVI”) was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability on August 26, 2021. Galaxy Payroll BVI has no substantial operations other than holding all of the outstanding share capital of Melkweg Holdings Limited (“Melkweg Cayman”). Melkweg Cayman is a holding Group incorporated on October 31, 2019 under the Companies Act (2021 Revision) of the Cayman Islands. Melkweg Cayman has no substantial operations other than holding all of the outstanding share capital of Melkweg Holdings (BVI) Limited (“Melkweg BVI”) which was incorporated under BVI law on November 5, 2019. Melkweg BVI is also a holding Group holding of all the equity interest of Galaxy Payroll Services Limited (“Galaxy Payroll (HK)” (which is the holding Group of Galaxy Recursos Humanos (Macau) Limitada (“Galaxy HR (Macau)”), Galaxy GEO Services Limited (“Galaxy GEO Services”), Galaxy Payroll (Taiwan) Limited (“Galaxy Payroll (TW)”) (which is the holding Group of Galaxy Human Resources Limited (“Galaxy HR (TW)”)) and Galaxy Payroll (China) Limited (“Galaxy Payroll (China)”) (which is the holding Group of Galaxy Corporate Management Consultancy (Shenzhen) Limited (“Galaxy HR (SZ)”)) (collectively referred to as the “Subsidiaries”).
Galaxy Payroll BVI, through the Subsidiaries (together, the “Group”), is engaged in providing payroll outsourcing services and employment services. The Group’s headquarters are in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Macau. Majority of the Group’s business activities are carried out by Galaxy Payroll (HK).
Melkweg BVI acquired all the equity interest of the Subsidiaries from the equity holders via certain share exchange agreement on December 12, 2019.
Melkweg Cayman acquired all
the equity interest of Melkweg BVI from the shareholder via share exchange agreement on January 17, 2020. Galaxy Payroll BVI then acquired
all the equity interests of Melkweg Cayman via certain share exchange agreement on August 26, 2021. Upon completion of the exchange, Melkweg
Cayman was
Name | Background | Ownership | Principal activities | |||
Galaxy Payroll Group Limited (“Galaxy Payroll BVI”) | ● Incorporated on August 26, 2021 | |||||
Melkweg Holdings Limited (“Melkweg Cayman”) | ● Incorporated on October 31, 2019 | |||||
Melkweg Holdings (BVI) Limited (“Melkweg BVI”) | ● Incorporated on November 5, 2019 | |||||
Galaxy Payroll Services Limited (“Galaxy Payroll (HK)”) | ● Incorporated on February 21, 2013 | |||||
Galaxy Recursos Humanos (Macau) Limitada (“Galaxy HR (Macau)”) | ● Incorporated on July 26, 2016 | |||||
Galaxy Payroll (Taiwan) Limited (“Galaxy Payroll (TW)”) |
| ● Located in Hong Kong ● Incorporated on December 31, 2018 | ||||
Galaxy Human Resources Limited (“Galaxy HR (TW)”) | ● Incorporated on March 21, 2018 | |||||
Galaxy GEO Services Limited (“Galaxy GEO Services”) | ● Incorporated on February 5, 2013 | |||||
Galaxy Payroll (China) Limited (“Galaxy Payroll (China)”) |
| ● Incorporated on October 24, 2017 | ||||
Galaxy Corporate Management Consultancy (Shenzhen) Limited (“Galaxy HR (SZ)”) | ● Incorporated on February 21, 2013 |
Note 2 — Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of presentation
The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”) and applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).
Principles of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Group and its subsidiaries. All inter-Group transactions and balances are eliminated upon consolidation.
Use of estimates and assumptions
The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities including provision for credit losses, and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the periods presented. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant accounting estimates reflected in the Group’s consolidated financial statements include the estimates of provision for credit losses.
Earnings per share
Foreign currency translation and transaction
The Group uses Hong Kong Dollar (“HKD”) as its reporting currency. The functional currency of Galaxy Payroll BVI is United States Dollar (“US$”) and its subsidiaries which are incorporated in Hong Kong, Cayman, Macau, Taiwan and China is HKD, USD, MOP, NTD and RMB, respectively, which are their respective local currency based on the criteria of ASC 830, “Foreign Currency Matters”.
In the consolidated financial statements of the Group, transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are measured and recorded in the functional currency using the exchange rate in effect at the date of the transaction. At the balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in currencies other than the functional currency are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rate at the balance sheet date. All gains and losses arising from foreign currency transactions are recorded in the income statements during the year in which they occur.
Convenience translation
Translations of balances in
the consolidated balance sheets, consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income, consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’
equity and consolidated statements of cash flows from HKD into US$ as of June 30, 2024 are solely for the convenience of the readers and
are calculated at the rate of US$
Fair value measurement
The accounting standard regarding fair value of financial instruments and related fair value measurements defines financial instruments and requires disclosure of the fair value of financial instruments held by the Group.
The accounting standards define fair value, establish a three-level valuation hierarchy for disclosures of fair value measurement and enhance disclosure requirements for fair value measures. The three levels are defined as follow:
● | Level 1 inputs to the valuation methodology are quoted prices (unadjusted) for identical assets or liabilities in active markets. |
● | Level 2 inputs to the valuation methodology include quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, and inputs that are observable for the assets or liability, either directly or indirectly, for substantially the full term of the financial instruments. |
● | Level 3 inputs to the valuation methodology are unobserved and significant to the fair value. |
Financial instruments included in current assets and current liabilities are reported in the balance sheets at face value or cost because of the short period of time between the origination of such instruments and their expected realization and their current market rates of interest.
Revenue recognition
The Group adopted ASC Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. The five-step model defined by ASC Topic 606 requires the Group to (1) identify its contracts with customers, (2) identify its performance obligations under those contracts, (3) determine the transaction prices of those contracts, (4) allocate the transaction prices to its performance obligations in those contracts and (5) recognize revenue when each performance obligation under those contracts is satisfied. Revenue is recognized when promised goods or services are transferred to the customer in an amount that reflects the consideration expected in exchange for those goods or services.
Revenues are recognized when control of the promised services and deliverables are transferred to the Group’s clients in an amount that reflects the consideration the Group expects to be entitled to and receive in exchange for services and deliverables rendered.
The Group has elected to apply the practical expedient in paragraph ASC 606-10-50-14 and does not disclose information about remaining performance obligations that have original expected durations of one year or less.
The Group elected a practical expedient that it does not adjust the promised amount of consideration for the effects of a significant financing component if the Group expects that, upon the inception of revenue contracts, the period between when the Group transfers its promised services or deliverables to its clients and when the clients pay for those services or deliverables will be one year or less.
As a practical expedient, the Group elected to expense the incremental costs of obtaining a contract when incurred if the amortization period of the asset that the Group otherwise would have recognized is one year or less.
The Group generates revenues from fees charged for the services (payroll outsourcing services, employment services and consultancy and market research services) provided to its clients.
There are three revenue streams within the Group’s operations: payroll outsourcing services, employment services, and consultancy and market research services.
Employment services
For the employment services, the Group (i) employs candidates who are sourced by the customers themselves under the name of the Group’s entities or under the name of the Group’s in-country partners and then the Group seconds the employees back to the customers; (ii) handles the seconded employees’ payroll and other administrative matters as their employer of records directly or through its in-country partners; and (iii) makes sure the employment is complied with the Labor Law in the respective jurisdictions.
The performance obligations in the agreements are generally combined into one performance obligation, as they are considered a series of distinct services, and are satisfied over time because the client simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided as the Group performs the services. The Group uses the output method based on a fixed fee per employee serviced to recognize revenue, as the value to the client of the goods or services transferred to date (e.g. number of payees or number of payrolls processed) appropriately depicts performance towards complete satisfaction of the performance obligation. The fees are typically billed in the period in which services are performed.
The Group considers the guidance in ASC 606 with respect to principal versus agent considerations, in determining the appropriate treatment for the transactions between the Group and the Group’s in-country partners and the customers related to employment of candidates. The classification of transactions under the arrangements is determined based on the nature and contractual terms of the arrangement along with the nature of the operations of the participants. The Group arranges the employment for the Group’s customers who bear the cost of candidates’ salary. The Group collects the payroll and pays the candidate on behalf of its customers. Therefore, the Group acts as an agent in the provision of such services and recognizes the revenue with the gross billings to the customers less the amounts the Group pays to the candidates sourced by the customers.
The service fee for each seconded employee is charged on a monthly basis during the service period based on an agreed percentage of the seconded employee’s monthly remuneration package or at a fixed fee per seconded employee, at an agreed currency exchange rate on the monthly remuneration package for settlement where applicable. The Group usually allows a credit term of 30 days to its customers or the invoices are due upon receipt.
There is no variable consideration, significant financing components or non-cash consideration in the contracts. Accordingly, based on the output methods, the Group recognizes revenues for the employment services on a monthly basis when it satisfies its performance obligations that it renders employment services throughout the contract terms.
There is no contract asset that the Group has right to consideration in exchange for its employment services that the Group has transferred to customers. Such right is not conditional on something other than the passage of time.
Payroll outsourcing services
The Group provides payroll outsourcing services to customers. Such services are recognized as a performance obligation satisfied over time when customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group using output methods, i.e. to recognize revenue using a time-based method resulting in straight-line revenue recognition.
The performance obligations in the agreements are generally combined into one performance obligation, as they are considered a series of distinct services, and are satisfied over time because the client simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided as the Group performs the services. The service fee for the payroll outsourcing services is charged and invoiced on a fixed fee per staff upon completion of each payroll calculation, as the value to the client of the goods or services transferred to date (e.g. number of payees or number of payrolls processed) appropriately depicts performance towards complete satisfaction of the performance obligation. The fees are typically billed in the period in which services are performed. The Group usually allows a credit term of ranging from 30 days to 90 days to its customers.
Therefore, The Group concludes that the monthly payroll outsourcing services satisfy the requirements of ASC 606-10-25-14(b) to be accounted for as a single performance obligation. The Group recognizes revenue for this type of payroll outsourcing services over time.
There is no variable consideration, significant financing components or non-cash consideration in the contracts. Accordingly, based on the output methods, The Group recognizes revenues for the payroll outsourcing services on a monthly basis when it satisfies its performance obligations that it renders payroll outsourcing services throughout the contract terms.
There is no contract asset that the Group has right to consideration in exchange for its payroll outsourcing services that the Group has transferred to its customers. Such right is not conditional on something other than the passage of time.
Consultancy and market research services
Beginning July 2021, the Group launched consultancy and market research services to its clients who have an intention to explore the foreign locations without sufficient knowledge of the foreign labor policy and the labor environment. Consultancy and market research services include human capital consulting services and market research services. There are two performance obligations of the Group’s market research services due to the two separate natures of service provided in project basis and monthly basis. The entire transaction prices of each performance obligation are allocated based on the relative estimated stand-alone selling price.
The Group is engaged by its clients for market research services on written agreements. The predetermined fees for market research services are agreed by both the Group and its clients. The transaction price is allocated to two performance obligations including, 1) project basis for consultancy and market research service and 2) monthly basis of human capital consulting service, respectively. There is no variable consideration, significant financing components or noncash consideration in the contracts. The revenues are recognized in the amount that reflects the considerations agreed by the Group and its clients and the Group expects to receive upon the provision deliverables are completed by the Group and delivered to its clients.
For the project basis consultancy and market research services, the Group provides consultation for local policy in advanced level and delivery of country profile reports. The Group recognizes revenues for the project basis consultancy when it performs obligations at a point in time that the provision deliverables are rendered to its clients.
For the monthly basis human capital consulting services, the Group delivers general consultation on different topics as well as Q&A session with local experts on a monthly basis throughout the contract terms. The Group concludes that each monthly service (1) is distinct, (2) meets the criteria for recognizing revenue over time, and (3) has the same method for measuring progress. In addition, the Group concludes that the services provided each month are substantially the same and result in the transfer of substantially the same service to the customers each month. That is, the benefit consumed by the customers is substantially the same for each monthly transaction, even though the exact volume of services may vary each month. Therefore, the Group concludes that the monthly human capital consulting services satisfy the requirements of ASC 606-10-25-14(b) to be accounted for as a single performance obligation. Accordingly, based on the output methods, the Group recognizes revenues for the human capital consulting services on a monthly basis when it satisfies its performance obligations that it renders human capital consulting services throughout the contract terms.
The revenues generated from consulting and market research services are generally based on the fixed fee billing arrangements that require the clients to pay a pre-established fee in exchange for a predetermined set of services. The clients agree to pay a fixed fee periodically over the contract terms as specified in the service agreements.
There is no contract asset that the Group has right to consideration in exchange for its consultancy and market research services that the Group has transferred to its customers. Such right is not conditional on something other than the passage of time.
Cost of Revenues
Cost of revenues consists of in-country partner cost, net exchange difference, employee compensation, related payroll benefits and the Group’s director remuneration which are attributable to the revenue-generating activities.
Related Parties
The Group accounts for related party transactions in accordance with FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 850 (Related Party Disclosures). A party is considered to be related to the Group if the party directly or indirectly or through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the Group. Related parties also include principal owners of the Group, its management, members of the immediate families of principal owners of the Group and its management and other parties with which the Group may deal if one party controls or can significantly influence the management or operating policies of the other to an extent that one of the transacting parties might be prevented from fully pursuing its own separate interests. A party which can significantly influence the management or operating policies of the transacting parties or if it has an ownership interest in one of the transacting parties and can significantly influence the other to an extent that one or more of the transacting parties might be prevented from fully pursuing its own separate interests is also a related party.
Cash primarily consists of bank deposits with original maturities of three months or less, which are unrestricted as to withdrawal and use. Cash also consists of funds earned from the Group’s operating revenues which were held at the third-party platform fund accounts which are unrestricted as to immediate use or withdraw. The Group maintains its bank accounts in the Hong Kong SAR, China, Macau and Taiwan.
Deposits accounts denominated
in Hong Kong Dollars, Renminbi or any other currencies at the banks and financial institutions who are the members of Deposit Protection
Scheme will be covered up to a limit of
Restricted cash
Restricted cash represents
the deposit pledged to a bank to secure banking facilities granted to the Group. As of June 30, 2023, restricted cash carried at an interest
rate of from
Accounts receivable, net
Accounts receivable represents the service fees earned from the clients but have not yet collected. Accounts receivable is recorded at the original invoice amount less a reserve for estimated credit losses.
On July 1, 2023, the Group adopted ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments (“ASC 326”). ASC 326 requires the application of a credit loss model based prospectively on current expected credit losses (CECL), and replaces the previous model based retrospectively on past incurred losses. The Group adopted ASC 326 using the modified retrospective method for all financial assets measured at amortized cost. Results for reporting periods beginning July 1, 2023 are presented under ASC 326. The Company concludes that there is no impact over the initial adoption of CECL model, which should be treated as cumulative-effect adjustment on accumulated deficits as of June 30, 2023.
The Group estimated its reserve
for credit losses using relevant available information from internal
Prepayment, deposits and other receivables
Prepayment include the expenses paid in advance to service providers. Deposits consist of security payments made to local in-country partner for the employment services provided and are refundable upon termination of services. Other receivables include remuneration/ Mandatory Provident Fund (“MPF”) payment to be collected from the Group’s customers.
On July 1, 2023, the Group adopted ASC 326 using the modified retrospective method for other receivables recorded in prepayment, deposits and other receivables. There is no impact over the initial adoption of CECL model.
The Group did not have provision for credit losses against other receivables as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively (See Note 5).
Deferred IPO costs
Pursuant to ASC 340-10-S99-1,
IPO costs directly attributable to an offering of equity securities are deferred and would be charged against the gross proceeds of the
offering as a reduction of additional paid-in capital. These costs include legal fees related to the registration drafting and counsel,
consulting fees related to the registration preparation, the SEC filing and print related costs. As of June 30, 2024, the Group did not
conclude its IPO. As of June 30, 2024 and 2023, the accumulated deferred IPO cost was HKD7,
Long-term rental deposits
Long-term rental deposits
represent security payments made to a lessor for the office lease agreement entered over
Property and equipment, net
Property and equipment are
stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment if applicable. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method after
consideration of the estimated useful lives.
Lesser of Lease Estimated | ||
Leasehold improvements | ||
Furniture and fixtures | ||
Office equipment |
The cost and related accumulated depreciation of assets sold or otherwise retired are eliminated from the accounts and any gain or loss is included in the statements of operations. Expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to earnings as incurred, while additions, renewals and betterment, which are expected to extend the useful life of assets, are capitalized. The Group also re-evaluates the periods of depreciation to determine whether subsequent events and circumstances warrant revised estimates of useful lives.
Impairment for long-lived assets
Long-lived assets, including property and equipment with finite lives are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances (such as a significant adverse change to market conditions that will impact the future use of the assets) indicate that the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable.
The Group assesses the recoverability of the assets based on the non-discounted future cash flows the assets are expected to generate and recognize an impairment loss when estimated discounted future cash flows expected to result from the use of the assets plus net proceeds expected from disposition of the asset, if any, are less than the carrying value of the asset. If an impairment is identified, the Group would reduce the carrying amount of the asset to its estimated fair value based on a discounted cash flows approach or, when available and appropriate, to comparable market values. For the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, no impairment of long-lived assets was recognized.
Employee benefits
Under Hong Kong Mandatory
Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, an employer shall enroll their regular employees in Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes. Regular employees
are those who are at between 18 and 65 years of age and have been employed for consecutive 60 days or more. An employer is required to
make regular mandatory contributions at least
The internal employees of the Group’s subsidiary in the PRC are members of state-managed retirement pension schemes operated by the local government. The subsidiary is required to contribute a specified percentage of its payroll costs to the retirement pension scheme to fund the benefits. The only obligation of this subsidiary with respect to the retirement pension scheme is to make the specified contributions.
The Group’s subsidiary in Taiwan also participates in the employee retirement benefits plans in Taiwan in respect of employees solely under the Group’s employment services. The Group is required to make monthly contributions calculated as a percentage of the monthly payroll costs and the government undertakes to assume the retirement benefit obligations of all existing and future retired employees of the Group in Taiwan.
The Group also operates a defined contribution scheme which is a unitized scheme, for eligible employees in Macau.
During the years ended June
30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Group provides employee benefits to its employees amounting to
Under ASC Topic 842, lease assets and liabilities are recognized at the present value of the future lease payments at the lease commencement date. The interest rate used to determine the present value of the future lease payments is the Group’s incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at the lease commencement date. The Group generally uses the base, non-cancellable lease term in calculating the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
The Group may recognize the lease payments in the consolidated statements of income on a straight-line basis over the lease terms and variable lease payments in the periods in which the obligations for those payments are incurred, if any. The lease payments under the lease arrangements are fixed.
The Group elected the practical expedients for an entity ongoing accounting and applied the short-term lease exception for lease arrangements with a lease term of 12 months or less at commencement. Lease terms used to compute the present value of lease payments do not include any option to extend, renew or terminate the lease that the Group is not able to reasonably certain to exercise upon the lease inception. Accordingly, operating lease right-of-use assets and liabilities do not include leases with a lease term of 12 months or less.
The Group did not adopt the practical expedient that allows lessees to treat the lease and non-lease components of a lease as a single lease component. Non-lease components include payments for building management, utilities and property tax. It separates the non-lease components from the lease components to which they relate.
Operating lease expense is
recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. For the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Group’s operating
lease expense was
The Group evaluates the impairment of its ROU assets consistent with the approach applied for its other long-lived assets. The Group reviews the recoverability of its long-lived assets when events or changes in circumstances occur that indicate that the carrying value of the asset may not be recoverable. The assessment of possible impairment is based on its ability to recover the carrying value of the asset from the expected undiscounted future pre-tax cash flows of the related operations. The Group has elected to include the carrying amount of operating lease liabilities in any tested asset group and include the associated lease payments in the undiscounted future pre-tax cash flows. For the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Group did not have any impairment loss against its operating lease ROU assets.
Income taxes
Galaxy Payroll BVI, Melkweg Cayman and Melkweg BVI are not subject to tax on income or capital gains under the current laws of the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands respectively. In addition, upon payments of dividends by the Melkweg BVI and Galaxy Payroll (HK), Melkweg BVI to the Group’s shareholders, no British Virgin Islands and Cayman Island withholding tax will be imposed.
Galaxy Payroll HK, Galaxy GEO Services, Galaxy Payroll (China) and Galaxy Payroll (TW) are incorporated in and carry trade and business in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and is subject to Hong Kong profits tax under Inland Revenue Department Ordinance.
No provision for taxation in PRC has been made as the Group’s entities in PRC had no assessable profit for the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
The Group accounts for income tax in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Under the asset and liability method as required by this accounting standard, the recognition of deferred income tax liabilities and assets for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the income tax basis and financial reporting basis of assets and liabilities. Provision for income taxes consists of taxes currently due plus deferred tax.
The charge for taxation is based on the results for the fiscal year as adjusted for items, which are non-assessable or disallowed. It is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.
Deferred tax is charged or credited in the statement of operations, except when it is related to items credited or charged directly to equity. Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. Current income taxes are provided for in accordance with the laws of the relevant taxing authorities.
An uncertain tax position
is recognized as a benefit only if it is “more likely than not” that the tax position would be sustained in a tax examination,
with a tax examination being presumed to occur. The amount recognized is the largest amount of tax benefit that is greater than
No penalties and interest incurred related to underpayment of income tax are classified as income tax expense in the period incurred. PRC tax returns filed in 2018 to 2024 are subject to examination by any applicable tax authorities. Hong Kong tax returns filed in 2016 to 2024 are subject to examination by any applicable tax authorities. Taiwan tax returns filed in 2018 to 2024 are subject to examination by any applicable tax authorities.
Commitments and Contingencies
In the normal course of business, the Group is subject to contingencies, including legal proceedings and claims arising out of the business that relate to a wide range of matters, such as government investigations and tax matters. The Group recognizes a liability for such contingency if it determines it is probable that a loss has occurred and a reasonable estimate of the loss can be made. The Group may consider many factors in making these assessments including historical and the specific facts and circumstances of each matter.
Segment reporting
The Group operates and manages its business as a single reportable segment, in accordance with ASC 280, Segment Reporting. The Group’s chief operating decision maker (“CODM”) is the Chief Executive Officer. The Group’s CODM assess the Group’s performance and results of operations on a consolidated basis. The Group generates majority of its revenues from clients in Taiwan, Hong Kong and PRC. Accordingly, tabular disclosure regarding geographical segments have been presented under Note 3 – Revenues.
Concentration of Risks
Concentration of credit risk
Financial instruments that potentially expose the Group to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents and account receivable. The Group places its cash and cash equivalents with financial institutions with high-credit ratings and quality. The Group’s credit risk with respect to cash and cash equivalents is discussed under “Cash and restricted cash” in this section.
Accounts receivable primarily comprise of amounts receivable from the service clients. Other receivables consist of out-of-pocket payments to be receivable from the service clients. To reduce credit risk, the Group performs on-going credit evaluations of the financial condition of these service clients. The Group establishes a provision for credit losses based upon estimates, factors surrounding the credit risk of specific service clients and other information.
Concentration of customers
As of June 30, 2024, four
customers accounted for
For the year ended June 30,
2024, three major customers accounted for
Concentration of vendors
As of June 30, 2024 and 2023,
one vendor accounted for
For the year ended June 30,
2024, three major vendors accounted for
Foreign currency exchange risk
There is a linked exchange rate system implemented in Hong Kong to stabilize the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) and the United States dollar (USD). The value of RMB against the U.S. dollar and other currencies may fluctuate and is affected by, among other things, changes in political and economic conditions and the foreign exchange policy adopted by the PRC government. It is difficult to predict how market forces or PRC or U.S. government policy may impact the exchange rate between the RMB and the U.S. dollar in the future. There remains significant international pressure on the PRC government to adopt a more flexible currency policy, which could result in greater fluctuation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar. The Group is a holding Group and it relies on dividends paid by the Group’s operating subsidiaries in China for its cash needs. Any significant revaluation of the RMB may materially and adversely affect its liquidity and cash flows. To the extent that the Group needs to convert U.S. dollars into RMB for its operations, appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar would have an adverse effect on the RMB amount the Group would receive. Conversely, if the Group decides to convert RMB into U.S. dollars for other business purposes, appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the RMB would have a negative effect on the U.S. dollar amount the Group would receive.
Recent accounting pronouncements
In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, “Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures.” This guidance requires a public entity to disclose for each reportable segment, on an interim and annual basis, the significant expense categories and amounts that are regularly provided to the chief operating decision-maker (“CODM”) and included in each reported measure of a segment’s profit or loss. Additionally, it requires a public entity to disclose the title and position of the individual or the name of the group or committee identified as the CODM. This guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is permitted and the guidance should be applied retrospectively to all periods presented in the financial statements, unless it is impracticable. The Company plans to adopt the provisions of this guidance for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2025.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, “Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures.” This guidance requires a public entity to disclose in their rate reconciliation table additional categories of information about federal, state and foreign income taxes and to provide more details about the reconciling items in some categories if the items meet a quantitative threshold. The guidance also requires all entities to disclose annually income taxes paid (net of refunds received) disaggregated by federal (national), state and foreign taxes and to disaggregate the information by jurisdiction based on a quantitative threshold. This guidance is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is permitted, and this guidance should be applied prospectively but there is the option to apply it retrospectively. The Company plans to adopt the provisions of this guidance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026.
The Group does not believe other recently issued but not yet effective accounting standards, if currently adopted, would have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated balance sheets, consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income and consolidated statements of cash flows.
Note 3 — Revenues
Revenues are recognized when control of the promised services and deliverables are transferred to the Group’s clients in an amount that reflects the considerations the Group expects to be entitled to and receive in exchange for services and deliverables rendered.
For the years ended June 30 | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Employment services | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Payroll outsourcing services | ||||||||||||||||
Consultancy and market research services | ||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | $ | $ | $ |
For the years ended June 30 | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2024 | |||||||||||||
Revenues | HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||||
Hong Kong | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Macau | ||||||||||||||||
PRC | ||||||||||||||||
Taiwan | ||||||||||||||||
Japan | ||||||||||||||||
Australia | ||||||||||||||||
Thailand | ||||||||||||||||
Malaysia | ||||||||||||||||
Vietnam | ||||||||||||||||
India | ||||||||||||||||
Indonesia | ||||||||||||||||
Philippines | ||||||||||||||||
Bangladesh | ||||||||||||||||
Singapore | ||||||||||||||||
South Korea | ||||||||||||||||
Total employment services | ||||||||||||||||
Hong Kong | ||||||||||||||||
Macau | ||||||||||||||||
PRC | ||||||||||||||||
Taiwan | ||||||||||||||||
India | ||||||||||||||||
Total payroll outsourcing services | ||||||||||||||||
Hong Kong | ||||||||||||||||
Total consultancy and market research services | ||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | $ | $ | $ |
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Services transferred over time | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||||||
Services and deliverables transferred at a point in time | ||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | $ | $ |
Note 4 — Accounts receivable, net
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Accounts receivable | $ | |||||||||||
Less: Allowance for credit losses | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||
Accounts receivable, net | $ |
For the years ended June 30,
2024, 2023 and 2022, provision for credit losses, net and reversal of provision for credit losses, net were
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Beginning balance | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Recovery | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||
Addition | ||||||||||||
Ending balance | $ | $ | $ |
Note 5 — Prepayment, deposits and other receivables
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Prepayments (1) | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Other deposits (2) | ||||||||||||
Rental deposits | ||||||||||||
Remuneration receivables from the customers to customers’ employees (4) | ||||||||||||
Other receivables (3) | ||||||||||||
Total Prepayment, deposits and other receivables, net | $ | $ | $ |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
Note 6 — Property and equipment, net
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Leasehold improvements | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Furniture and fixtures | ||||||||||||
Office equipment | ||||||||||||
Subtotal | ||||||||||||
Less: accumulated depreciation | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||
Total | $ | $ | $ |
Depreciation expense for the
years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 amounted to
Note 7 — Accrued expenses and other payables
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Accrued expenses | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Refundable deposits received for employment services (1) | ||||||||||||
Remuneration payables for customers’ employees (2) | ||||||||||||
Other deposits received (3) | ||||||||||||
Dividend Payable (Note 12) | ||||||||||||
Deferred income | ||||||||||||
Total | $ | $ | $ |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Note 8 — Bank loans
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited – Loan (1) | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Total | $ | $ | $ |
(1) |
(2) | On March 31, 2021, Galaxy Payroll (HK) borrowed HKD5, |
(3) | On February 5, 2020, Galaxy Payroll (HK) borrowed HKD4, |
Interest expenses pertaining
to the above bank borrowings for the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 amounted to
Note 9 — Taxes
Cayman Island and British Virgin Islands
The Group, Melkweg Cayman and Melkweg BVI were incorporated in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands respectively and conduct all of the Group’s businesses through subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Macau, PRC and Taiwan. Under the current laws of the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands, the Group, Melkweg Cayman and Melkweg BVI are not subject to tax on income or capital gains. In addition, upon payments of dividends by Melkweg BVI to Melkweg Cayman and Melkweg Cayman to the Group’s shareholders, no Cayman Island and British Virgin Islands withholding tax will be imposed.
Hong Kong
Two-tier Profits Tax Rates
Galaxy Payroll (HK), Galaxy GEO Services, Galaxy Payroll (China) and Galaxy Payroll (TW) were incorporated in Hong Kong and are subject to Hong Kong profits tax compliance.
The two-tier profits tax rates
system was introduced under the Inland Revenue (Amendment)(No.3) Ordinance 2018 (“the Ordinance”) of Hong Kong became effective
for the assessment year 2018/2019. Under the two-tier profit tax rates regime, the profits tax rate for the first HKD
Galaxy Payroll (HK) applies the two-tier profits tax rate for its provision for current income and deferred taxes.
Net operating loss will be carried forward indefinitely under Hong Kong profits tax regulation.
Galaxy HR (Macau) applies the exemption amount for the supplementary income tax income is set at
for its tax years of 2023 and 2022.
Corporate Income Tax in Galaxy
HR (Macau) is subject to a
The People’s Republic of China (“PRC”)
Under the Law of The People’s
Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax (the “EIT Law”) and Implementation Regulation of the EIT Law, the tax rate of Galaxy
HR (SZ) is
No provision for taxation in PRC has been made as the Group’s entities in PRC had no assessable profit.
Corporate Income Tax in Galaxy
HR (TW) is subject to a
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Hong Kong | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Foreign | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||
Total Income before Income Taxes | $ | $ | $ | $ |
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Current: | ||||||||||||||||
Hong Kong | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Foreign | ||||||||||||||||
Total current | ||||||||||||||||
Total provision for income taxes | $ | $ | $ | $ |
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Deferred Tax Assets | ||||||||||||
Net operating loss carryforwards | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Less: valuation allowance | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||
Deferred tax assets, net | $ | $ | $ |
The net increase of valuation
allowance during the year ended June 30, 2024 was
For the years ended June 30, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
HKD | HKD | HKD | US$ | |||||||||||||
Income before income tax | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Hong Kong income tax rate | % | % | % | % | ||||||||||||
Income tax expense computed at statutory rate | ||||||||||||||||
Reconciling items: | ||||||||||||||||
Non-deductible expenses | ||||||||||||||||
Non-taxable income | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Preferential tax rate (1) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Temporary difference not recognized | ||||||||||||||||
Changes in valuation allowance | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
Different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other jurisdictions | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
Under-provision in prior year | ||||||||||||||||
Effect of tax concession | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
Total income tax expense | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Effective tax rate | % | % | % | % |
of June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Group has unrecognized
tax losses, incurred from the PRC entities, of
The Group evaluates each uncertain tax position (including the potential application of interest and penalties) based on the technical merits, and measure the unrecognized benefits associated with the tax positions. As of June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Group did not have any unrecognized uncertain tax positions and the Group does not believe that its unrecognized tax benefits will change over the next twelve months. For the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Company did not incur any interest and penalties related to potential underpaid income tax expenses. The Group’s major tax jurisdiction is Hong Kong. Under relevant Hong Kong tax laws, tax case is normally subject to investigation by the tax authority for up to 6 years of assessment prior to the current year of assessment, if in a case of fraud or willful evasion, then the investigation can be extended to cover 10 years of assessment.
Note 10 — Related party balance and transactions
The following was a summary of related party’s balance and transactions for the years ended June 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022:
Mr. But, Yiu Kong Kenneth (“Mr. Kenneth But”), an executive director of the Group.
Mr. Lao is an executive director and Chief Executive Officer of the Group.
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | ||||||||||
HKD | HKD | US$ | ||||||||||
Prepayment to a related party: | ||||||||||||
Nebula 360 Services Limited | $ | $ | $ |
截至6月30日止年度, | ||||||||||||||||||||
性質: | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||||||||
第三方關聯方名稱 | 關係 | 交易記錄 | 港元 | 港元 | 港元 | 美元 | ||||||||||||||
諾亞信託(亞洲)有限公司 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||
星雲360服務有限公司 | $ | $ | $ | $ |
注11 -租賃
本集團已訂立 其辦公設施的租賃安排。
截至6月30日止年度, | ||||||||||||||||
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ||||||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 港元 | 美元 | |||||||||||||
經營租賃成本 | $ | $ | $ | $ |
6月30日, | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||
港元 | 港元 | 美元 | ||||||||||
經營租賃: | ||||||||||||
經營性租賃使用權資產 | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
本期經營租賃債務 | ||||||||||||
非流動經營租賃債務 | ||||||||||||
經營租賃債務總額 | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
加權平均剩餘租賃年限(年): | ||||||||||||
經營租賃 | ||||||||||||
加權平均貼現率: | ||||||||||||
經營租賃 | % | % | ||||||||||
爲計入租賃負債的金額支付的現金 | $ | $ | $ |
截至6月30日的年度, | 量 (港元) | 量 (US$) | ||||||
2025 | $ | $ | ||||||
2026 | ||||||||
2027 | ||||||||
未來租賃支付總額 | ||||||||
相當於利息的數額 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
未來付款的現值 | $ | $ |
注12 -股權
注13 -承諾和或有事項
的正常過程中 在業務方面,本集團可能會受到業務運營中產生的某些法律訴訟、索賠和糾紛的影響。雖然 由於這些法律訴訟的結果無法預測,集團認爲這些行動總體上不會產生重大影響 對其財務狀況、經營結果或流動性產生不利影響。截至2024年6月30日,集團無未決訴訟 也沒有聲稱。
注意 14 -後續事件
小組評估了所有活動 以及2024年6月30日之後直至本集團發佈綜合財務報表之日發生的交易。除了 對於下文所述的事件,沒有發生其他需要在本集團中確認或披露的後續事件 合併財務報表。