我們的客戶體驗服務持續數字化是一個廣泛的跨企業項目,利用我們完整的數字解決方案套件,包括策略諮詢,由Fuel iX提供動力的一體化和可定製助手此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。我們擁有自有的企業級GenAI管理平台,基礎技術,數據和基礎設施服務。我們在2024年第三季度看到了進展的跡象,在技術、金融服務和運輸領域向我們的頂級客戶提供戰略諮詢服務。展望未來,我們計劃在全球範圍內擴大該項目,並將其引入每個地區的頂級帳戶,TELUS數字解決方案總裁Tobias Dengel表示:“我們正在積極改進業務,不僅滿足客戶的需求,還將幫助塑造未來的人工智能經濟。這涉及利用先進的數字化和人工智能能力,加快我們自身的內部轉型項目,實現人才和技術真正融合的願景。作爲這一願景的一部分,我們已經開始主動捆綁我們不同的數字解決方案,包括Fuel iX此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。,針對特定帳戶,並計劃增加此類參與的數量,以向每個客戶展示實際價值,並表明我們對持續創新的承諾。TELUS Digital最近的重新定位支持了這種強大的市場打法,並加強了我們的定位。我們還依靠TELUS的力量,這種關係使我們在行業中脫穎而出,我們的母公司是我們數字創新的實際實驗室。對於其他所有客戶的可複製性,我們的Fuel iX
產品套裝已經建立了一個強大的用戶群,TELUS有超過35,000名用戶,TELUS Digital有17,000名用戶。我們的員工輔助Fuel EX此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。 此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。 platform hosts a rapidly growing fleet of unique, user-generated copilots now numbering in the thousands that have been developed across all levels of the organization, from our front line team members to the executive suite support functions. The third quarter saw a deepening of our engagement with clients at executive levels, where the combination of our Fuel iX此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。 AI platform with our recognized leadership in digital design, engineering and CX allowed us to engage as strategic partners to help transform our clients' customer experiences. As part of expanding our AI capabilities, we also continue to evolve our AI Data Solutions sourcing and crowd management platform, with focus on both quality of expertise and increasing our reach globally. GenAI will also play an important role in further automation and efficiencies in how we attract and manage our crowdsourced AI community.”
Gopi Chande, Chief Financial Officer said, “As anticipated, in the third quarter of 2024, we stabilized our financial performance on a sequential quarterly basis. An incremental improvement in our revenue trajectory was supported by continued momentum in our AI Data Solutions line of service, along with the overall top-line growth in digital solutions. We also achieved stabilization in our margins, when normalized for non-recurring items in the previous quarter and taking aside the impact of share-based compensation. As we work to rejuvenate our revenue growth amidst strong price competition in our industry, we are finding ways to partially offset near-term pressures on our profitability through ongoing cost efficiency efforts, and we are on track for achieving $3000萬 in cost efficiencies planned for this year. Our balance sheet and liquidity profile remain strong, as we continue to reinvest our cash flows back into our business and toward debt repayment. Heading into 2025, we have multiple levers and flexibility to ensure we remain within our desired levels of leverage. We remain confident in our ability to gradually return to growth and maintain a solid margin profile, grounded in the context of our industry’s pressures and opportunities, and as shaped by the increasing adoption of GenAI in our own and our clients’ operations.”
▪調整後的EBITDA爲$37800萬,與去年同期的$39800萬相比,主要是由於收入減少和對戰略領域的更高投資,如上所述,導致商品和服務採購支出增加、工資和福利增加,以及更高的股份報酬費用,部分抵消了來自業務合併相關條款的其他收入。 導致調整後的EBITDA利潤率爲19.2%,較去年同期的19.7%下降50個點子,由於收入減少和對戰略領域的更高投資,如上所述,導致商品和服務採購支出增加、工資和福利增加,以及更高的股份報酬費用,部分抵消了來自業務合併相關條款的其他收入。調整後的EBITDA利潤率爲19.2%,較去年同期的19.7%下降50個點子 due to the aforementioned factors, as well as a higher mix of AI services, increasing digital services provided to TELUS Corporation, a reduction in revenues from a leading social media client, and overall competitive pricing dynamics in the market for our services. Adjusted Diluted EPS was $0.43, compared with $0.58 in the same period of the prior year.
▪Cash provided by operating activities was $37100萬 and Free Cash Flow was $30000萬, with year-over-year increases of 4% and 3%, respectively, driven by higher net inflows from working capital and lower income taxes paid, partially offset by lower operating profits and, in the case of Free Cash Flow, higher capital expenditures.
A discussion of our results of operations is included in our Management’s Discussion and Analysis for the three- and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024, which is filed on SEDAR+ and as Exhibit 99.2 to our Form 6-k filed on EDGAR. Such materials and additional information are also provided at telusdigital.com/investors.