Opendoor Labs Inc.,一家特拉華州的公司(")很高興向您提供公司首席財務官的就業機會,就本信函所述的條款。公司開業控件,一家特拉華州公司(")很高興向您提供公司首席財務官的就業機會,在本協議書中描述的條款下。協議”). Your employment shall commence no later than November 4, 2024 (such actual date of your commencement of employment shall be referred to herein as the “開始日期”).
1.就業狀況. As Chief Financial Officer, you will be responsible for performing such duties as are customarily associated with such position, and such other responsibilities consistent with your title as may be assigned to you by Carrie Wheeler, Chief Executive Officer萬億. whom you will report. You will be employed on a full-time basis. During the term of your employment with the Company, you will devote your best efforts and substantially all of your business time and attention to the business of the Company, except for approved vacation periods and reasonable periods of illness or other incapacities permitted by the Company’s general employment policies. You will be based in the San Francisco Bay Area, you will work in person from our San Francisco, California office three days per week or otherwise in accordance with in accordance with the Company’s standard policies with respect to in-office expectations for senior employees, and you will travel as reasonably required in connection with your duties when deemed necessary or requested by the Company from time to time. This is an exempt position.
(h)仲裁. You agree that any and all disputes relating to or regarding your employment, including disputes regarding compensation and any and all other conflicts, shall be resolved pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1-16 (“聯邦航空局”), or if inapplicable, the California Arbitration Act, to the fullest extent permitted by law, by final and binding arbitration. You further agree that such disputes shall be resolved on an individual basis only, and not on a class, collective or representative basis on behalf of other employees (“Class Waiver”), to the extent permitted by applicable law. Any claim that all or part of the Class Waiver is invalid, unenforceable, unconscionable, void or voidable may be determined only by a court. In no case may class, collective or representative claims proceed in arbitration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this paragraph shall not apply to an action or claim brought in court that cannot be subject to mandatory arbitration as a matter of law, including without limitation, claims alleging sexual harassment or a nonconsensual sexual action or sexual contact, to the extent any such claims are not permitted by applicable law to be submitted to mandatory arbitration and such applicable law is not preempted by the FAA or otherwise invalid (the “排除索賠”). In the event you intend to bring multiple claims, including one of the Excluded Claims listed above, the Excluded Claims may be filed with a court, while any other claims will remain subject to mandatory arbitration. You and the Company agree to bring any dispute in arbitration before a single neutral arbitrator with JAMS, Inc. or its successor (“蘋果CEO庫克大規模出售股票,套現逾3億港元。若您在加利福尼亞州舊金山或您目前居住地不在舊金山灣區,且在仲裁程序啓動時,根據JAMS Employment Rules & Procedures(目前可在此處查閱 並且將在您請求時提供)。一方爲您,另一方爲公司,雙方均放棄在解決本協議或您的僱傭中任何爭議時要求陪審團審判或法官審判的權利(儘管雙方均可尋求法庭的臨時緊急救濟,以防止仲裁結束前發生無法彌補的傷害)。仲裁員應:(a)有權強制進行充分的查明工作以解決爭議,並裁定法律允許的救濟措施;以及(b)發佈書面仲裁決定,其中包括仲裁員的基本調查結果和結論以及裁定的聲明。 仲裁員有權授予您或公司在法庭上尋求的任何或所有救濟措施。公司應支付超出您若將爭議提交至高等法院時需要支付的法院費用的所有JAMS仲裁費用。雙方各自承擔其律師費,但保密協議中另有明確規定的除外。本信函協議中的任何內容均不意味着禁止您或公司在法庭上尋求禁令救濟,以防止仲裁結束前發生無法彌補的損害。 在此類仲裁中的任何裁決或命令