F.原独家分销协议、第一次修正协议、第二次修正协议、第三次修正协议和第四次修正协议合称为 独家分销协议. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms used in this preamble and in this fifth amendment agreement to the exclusive distribution agreement dated January 10, 2020 (this Fifth Amendment Agreement) shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Exclusive Distribution Agreement.
G.The parties wish to amend the "Cure" period in Section 16.2(a)(i) (违约解除
每一方有权在书面通知对方后终止本协议,如果对方在本协议项下实质义务方面构成重大违约,并在接到书面通知后未能在合理详细的情况下在九十(90)天内消除违约(或者对于在九十(90)天内不可能实现消除的违约进行善意努力着手消除违约)。) from ninety (90) days to sixty (60) days.
H.The purpose of this Fifth Amendment Agreement is to formally amend the Exclusive Distribution Agreement in accordance with its Clause 19.7 in order to reflect the Parties new agreements regarding the above.
Now therefore the Parties agree to modify the Exclusive Distribution Agreement as follows: