
表格 10-Q
委员会文件号 001-40368001-36297
Revance Therapeutics,Inc。

1222 Demonbreun Street,Suite 2000, 纳什维尔, 田纳西州, 37203

(615) 724-7755
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截至2024年10月31日,注册人普通股每股面值0.001美元的流通股数量为: 104,902,388



除非另有明确说明或情境要求,本季度10-Q表格(以下简称“本报告”)中提到的“Revance”、“公司”、“我们”、“我们的”指的是Revance Therapeutics, Inc.,一家特拉华州的公司,相应地指其全资子公司。我们还在本报告、基本报表及随附说明中使用了其他几个术语,其中大多数已在下文解释或定义。
“2014 EIP” 指公司的2014年股权激励计划。
“2014 ESPP” 表示公司的2014年员工股票购买计划。
“2014 IN” 表示公司的2014诱因计划。
“2022年ATM协议” 指2022年5月10日Revance和Cowen之间签订的销售协议。
“2027 Notes” 表示Revance的1.75%到期日为2027年的可转换优先票据。
“ABPS” 指味之素奥西亚公司,其业务名称为味之素生物制药服务,一家合同开发和制造组织。
“ABPS服务协议” 表示自2017年3月14日起生效,公司与ABPS之间签订的技术转让、确认和商业成品/装配服务协议,截至2020年12月18日修订。
“爱尔康” 意为爱尔康股份有限公司。
“ANZ分销协议” 指2024年10月24日签署的公司、Teoxane和Revance澳洲有限公司之间的独家分销协议。
“ASC” 指财务会计准则委员会制定的会计准则编码。
“ASU” 指由FASB发布的会计准则更新。
“Athyrium” 意即Athyrium Buffalo LP。
“ATM” 意即市场价发行计划。
“BTRX” 意为肉毒杆菌毒素研究联合公司。
“购买方” 指皇冠公司和合并子公司。
“Teoxane分销净产品销售额” 其含义如注销售协议所述。
“消费者” 指我们美学诊所客户的患者。
“Cowen” 指Cowen和公司,有限责任公司。
“CROs” 意指医药外包概念。
“皇冠” 指Delaware州一家名为Crown Laboratories, Inc.的公司。
“DAXXIFY® 意思是达克西肉毒素A - 腊晕注射
“DAXXIFY”®GL批准 指2022年9月FDA在美国批准DAXXIFY® 用于成年人暂时改善中至重度眉间纹。
“DAXXIFY® GL 批准的 PSU” 指在 DAXXIFY 发行之日起 6 个月周年纪念日归属的绩效股票单位® GL 批准。
“证券交易法” 意指1934年修正版的美国证券交易所法案。
“FASB” 指财务会计准则委员会。

美国食品和药物管理局(“FDA”) 美国食品药品监督管理局。
“金融科技平台” 代表OPUL® 和HintMD平台。
“第一修正案” 指2023年8月8日公司、HintMD和Athyrium之间的《票据购买协议》的第一修正案。
“首笔款项” 指2022年3月18日向购买者发行的总本金金额为$10000万的应付票据。
“复星” 指复星医药工业发展有限公司,复星医药(集团)有限公司的全资子公司。
“复星许可协议” 指2018年12月4日由瑞凡斯和复星签订,于2020年2月15日修订的许可协议。
“复星领地” 指中国大陆、香港和澳门。
“FY2023 Form 10-K” 表示截至2023年12月31日的年度10-k表格,已于2024年2月28日向美国证券交易委员会提交。
“HintMD” 指的是Hint,Inc.,我们全资子公司。
“HintMD计划” 指的是Hint, Inc. 2017年股权激励计划。
“HintMD平台” 意指传统的HintMD金融科技平台。
“契约”指本契约,随时经修改或补充。 代表印度政府与美国银行国家协会签订的信托契约,日期为2020年2月14日。
“注射器” 指负责为我们的产品注射的专业许可人员,包括医生。
“到期日” 意味着2026年9月18日,即《应付票据说明书》中规定的应付票据到期日。
“合併” 指Crown、合併子公司和公司根据合并协议进行的即将发生的合并,其中合并子公司将并入公司,公司作为Crown的全资子公司存续。
4 指Reba Merger Sub,Inc.,一个特拉华州的公司。
最低现金契约 意味着根据票据购买协议的财务契约,在所有时候维持至少$3000万的无限制现金及现金等价物在受阿提里姆信托协议约束的账户中。
“最低条件” 代表多数公司普通股投票权在要约期满时有效投标的结算条件 即公司普通股的投票权中大部分必须在要约期满时得到有效投标
“NMPA” 代表中国的国家药品监督管理局。
“票据购买协议” 指Revance;作为行政代理人的Athyrium;包括Athyrium在内的购买方;以及作为担保方的HintMD,于2022年3月18日签订的票据购买协议。
“应付票据” 指Revance根据票据购买协议应付的票据。
“NPA生效日期” 指债券购买协议的生效日期,2022年3月18日。
“收购” 表示Crown将发起的要约收购,以购买公司的所有流通股,根据合并协议。

“布地奥毒杆菌A生物类似药” 意指以BOTOX为市场品牌的生物类似药(布地奥毒杆菌A)®.
“看涨对手方” 意指与购买方及另一金融机构进行的带上限看涨期权交易。
“哈哈哈哈® 意思是 OPUL® 关系商务平台。
“PAS” 表示事前批准补充。
“PCI” 指PCI制药服务公司,原名为新英格兰冷冻干燥服务公司,于2021年12月被PCI收购。
“PCI供应协议” 指的是Revance和PCI之间于2021年4月6日签订的商业供应协议。
“产品” 表示DAXXIFY® 和RHA皮肤填充剂系列,公司与Crown Laboratories,Inc.之间的待定合并,以及中国国家医疗保健行政局批准了复星医药工业发展有限公司的生物制品许可申请,用于改善眉间纹的DaxinbotulinumtoxinA for Injection。关于财务业绩的新闻稿副本作为附件99.1万亿。这份报告。® 皮肤填充剂的系列。
“PSAs” 指的是绩效股票奖励。
“PSUs” 意为绩效股单位。
“Revance Australia” 表示本公司的全资子公司Revance Australia Pty. Ltd。
“RHA® 皮肤填充剂系列” 意为RHA® 2,RHA® 3 和RHA® 4种产品已获FDA批准,可用于矫正中度至重度动力面部皱纹和皱褶;以及RHA® Redensity. RHA® 德国特克赛恩公司在瑞士生产的皮肤填充剂系列。
“RHA® Pipeline Products” 意味着Teoxane未来的透明质酸填充改进和产品。
“哈® 再密度” 指一种皮肤填充剂,已获得 FDA 批准,用于治疗中度至重度动态口周纹(唇纹)。
“RSAs” 意思是限制性股票奖励。
“RSUs” 意指限制性股票单位。
“SEC” 指美国证券交易委员会。
“第二笔款项” 意指2023年8月28日向购买方发行的总本金额为5000万美元的应付票据。
“证券法” 指一九三三年修订版的《美国证券法》。
“服务” 代表着金融科技平台业务。
“服务业务领域” 表示包括金融科技平台的开发和商业化的业务。
“结案协议” 指的是2024年10月24日由公司与Teoxane签署的结案和解协议。
“第六修正案” 表示2024年10月24日生效的Teoxane协议第六修正案。
“优先提案” 指任何为公司至少50%的股份提出的善意书面要约,且该要约合理地有可能达成,而且如果达成,从财务角度上看对公司股东比并购协议所设想的交易更有利。, 在考虑董事会认为适当的任何因素并考虑已由皇冠书面承诺作为对该收购提议的回应而对并购协议作出的修订之后。
“TGA” 指澳大利亚药品管理局。

第三轮 指未承诺的额外应付款项的一部分,总额高达15000万美元,直至2024年3月31日为止,视情况满足《票据购买协议》中规定的某些条件。
“Teoxane” 意指Teoxane SA。
“Teoxane协议” 指由Revance和Teoxane于2020年1月10日订立的排他性分销协议,于2020年9月30日、2020年12月22日、2022年12月22日、2024年6月13日、2024年7月29日和2024年10月24日进行了修订。
“美国通用会计准则” 意指美国普遍接受的会计原则。
“维雅特” 指维雅特公司,前身为迈兰爱尔兰有限公司。
“维阿曲青合约” 指2018年2月28日由瑞万斯和维阿曲青签订的合作及许可协议,于2019年8月22日修订。
“维拓利领地” 表示全球范围(不包括日本)。
“零成本库存” 表示DAXXIFY®在DAXXIFY之前生产的库存®2022年9月初获得GL批准,相关的制造业成本已在FDA批准之前计入研发费用。
Revance®,Revance标志,DAXXIFY®,OPUL® 及Revance出现在本报告中的其他商标或服务标志属于Revance。本报告包含其他公司的其他商业名称、商标和服务标志,这些商标属于其各自所有者。我们未打算使用或显示其他公司的商业名称、商标或服务标志暗示我们与这些其他公司有关系,或者这些其他公司对我们进行认可或赞助。

第一部分 财务信息
项目1. 简明综合财务报表 (未经审计)

现金和现金等价物$58,585 $137,329 
限制性现金,当前465 550 
短期投资125,491 116,586 
应收账款,净额48,263 27,660 
库存85,213 45,579 
预付费用和其他流动资产9,935 9,308 
已终止业务的流动资产1,735 1,853 
流动资产总额329,687 338,865 
财产和设备,净额15,897 17,225 
无形资产,净额7,634 9,270 
经营租赁使用权资产47,996 53,167 
融资租赁使用权资产13,100 19,815 
限制性现金,非流动5,564 5,995 
融资租赁预付费用41,514 32,383 
其他非流动资产172 321 
已终止业务的非流动资产 1,413 
总资产$461,564 $478,454 
应付账款$12,335 $13,554 
应计费用和其他流动负债34,022 52,863 
递延收入,当前6,329 10,737 
经营租赁负债,当前6,372 5,703 
融资租赁负债,当前10,841 2,651 
债务,当前10,150 2,500 
已终止业务的流动负债 1,216 
流动负债总额80,049 89,224 
非流动债务421,041 426,595 
递延收入,非当期85,550 70,419 
经营租赁负债,非流动35,043 40,985 
其他非流动负债2,911 2,835 
负债总额624,594 630,058 
承付款和或有开支 (注意事项 13)
优先股,面值 $0.001 每股 — 5,000,000 已授权的股份,以及 截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日和 2023 年 12 月 31 日已发行和流通的股份
普通股,面值 $0.001 每股 — 190,000,000截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日和 2023 年 12 月 31 日授权的股份; 104,895,61187,962,765 分别截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的已发行和流通股份
105 88 
额外的实收资本2,043,893 1,926,654 
累积其他综合收益72 14 
负债总额和股东赤字$461,564 $478,454 


产品收入,净额$58,827 $54,109 $175,874 $154,160 
协作收入1,052 3 1,330 139 
总收入,净额59,879 54,112 177,204 154,299 
产品收入成本(不包括摊销)17,633 16,821 50,179 46,915 
销售、一般和管理62,578 65,791 197,314 202,523 
研究和开发11,379 8,688 41,674 43,844 
摊销545 374 1,636 1,636 
运营费用总额92,135 91,674 290,803 294,918 
利息收入2,631 3,733 8,806 9,851 
已终止业务的净亏损 (101,731)(3,631)(122,205)
未实现收益 98 48 58 361 
已停止的业务 (1.17)(0.04)(1.46)
用于计算每股净亏损的基本和摊薄后的加权平均股票数量104,212,891 86,613,425 100,016,088 83,816,577 



优先股 $  $  $  $ 
期初余额104,810,881 105 87,949,987 88 87,962,765 88 82,385,810 82 
在跟进发售中发行普通股— — — — 16,000,000 16 — — 
发行与股票奖励相关的普通股,扣除取消部分98,306 — 40,639 — 755,906 1 1,689,456 2 
发行与员工员工股票购买计划相关的普通股— — — — 240,272 — 157,313 — 
根据期权行使发行普通股1,769 — 23,076 — 22,292 — 694,300 1 
扣除关联股票奖励的净结算股份(15,345)— (200,387)— (85,624)— (337,331)— 
与ATM相关的普通股发行— — — — — — 3,223,767 3 
期末余额104,895,611 105 87,813,315 88 104,895,611 105 87,813,315 88 
期初余额— 2,039,168 — 1,908,244 — 1,926,654 — 1,767,266 
与跟随性发行相关的普通股发行,扣除承销折扣和发行成本净额— — — — — 97,103 — — 
与员工购股计划相关的普通股发行— — — — — 525 — 2,455 
根据期权行使发行普通股— 5 — 58 — 57 — 11,573 
与股票奖励的净结算相关的扣减股份— (92)— (3,774)— (534)— (8,068)
与股票奖励相关的普通股发行,扣除取消发行的部分— — — — — (1)— (2)
与ATm相关的普通股发行,扣除佣金和发行成本— — — — — — — 99,956 
基于股票的报酬— 4,812 — 11,857 — 20,089 — 43,175 
其他—  —  —  — 30 
期末余额— 2,043,893 — 1,916,385 — 2,043,893 — 1,916,385 


综合股东权益(赤字)简明综合股东权益报表 — (续)
期初余额— (26)— (61)— 14 — (374)
未实现收益— 98 — 48 — 58 — 361 
期末余额— 72 — (13)— 72 — (13)
期初余额— (2,168,985)— (1,881,485)— (2,078,360)— (1,754,374)
净亏损总额— (38,115)— (141,176)— (128,740)— (268,287)
期末余额— (2,207,100)— (2,022,661)— (2,207,100)— (2,022,661)
基本报表中的总股东权益(赤字)104,895,611 $(163,030)87,813,315 $(106,201)104,895,611 $(163,030)87,813,315 $(106,201)



基于股票的报酬19,367 38,968 
折旧和摊销4,662 9,956 
债务折价、发行费用和退出费用的摊销3,516 1,639 
财务租赁权益资产的摊销 2,318 
商誉和无形资产减值 93,182 
其他非现金经营活动1,004 572 
递延收入10,723 4,242 
租赁负债16,468 36,292 
其他非流动负债76 1,350 
Repayment of related party debt(9,131)(3,383)
投资到期收回款223,091 295,782 
与跟进发售相关的普通股发行收入,扣除承销折扣净额 97,626  
股票期权和员工股票购买计划的行权收入582 14,028 
与ATm相关的普通股发行收益,减去佣金 100,183 
应付票据发行收益,减去债务折扣 48,415 
筹资活动产生的现金净额83,327 138,196 
144,749 115,017 
$64,614 $186,739 



1. 公司和重要会计政策摘要
Revance是一家专注于开发和商业化创新美容和治疗产品的生物技术公司。Revance的产品组合包括DAXXIFY® (DaxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm)用于注射和美国RHA系列皮肤填充剂。Revance还与viatris合作开发注射用奥那博胶原蛋白A的生物类似药,并与复星合作商业化DAXXIFY® 收集。® 在中国。
我们尚未盈利,并自成立以来每年都亏损。截至2024年9月30日止三个月和九个月,我们累计净损失为美元38.1万美元和128.7 百万美元。截至2024年9月30日,我们累积亏损达美元2.2 十亿。尽管我们从产品销售中获得营业收入,但预计在可预见的未来仍将继续出现营运亏损。
截至2024年9月30日,我们的营运资金盈余为$249.6 百万美元,资本资源为$184.1 百万美元,包括现金、现金等价物和短期投资。至今,我们主要通过发行普通股、可转换高级票据、产品销售、根据票据购买协议发行的票据收益以及从合作安排中收到的付款资助我们的运营。截至2024年9月30日,根据2022年ATM协议,我们还有剩余的能力最多卖出$47.2 百万美元的普通股。
根据ASC 205-40的规定, 财务报表的列报——持续经营,总的来说,我们必须评估是否存在一些条件和事件,使人们对我们自财务报表发布之日起至少12个月内继续作为持续经营企业的能力产生重大怀疑。我们预测的流动性基于我们当前的运营计划,不包括即将完成的合并所产生的任何影响。根据该计划,不包括合并即将完成的任何影响,我们现有的现金、现金等价物和短期投资将允许我们在本报告提交后的至少12个月内为运营提供资金。此外,根据票据购买协议的条款,我们必须遵守最低现金契约(参见 注意 10)。因此,管理层得出结论,我们继续作为持续经营企业的能力存在重大疑问。

基本报表附注 - 续
在2024年第一季度满足了金融科技平台业务退出报告的要求,因此金融科技平台业务在所呈现的所有业务期间的简明综合经营报表和简明综合资产负债表中作为已中止运营的业务呈现。除非另有说明,简明综合财务报表附注中的信息与持续运营业务有关。注3公司在终止服务板块的结果下经营报告段作为可报告段。 之一 在终止服务板块的结果下经营报告段作为可报告段。
按照美国通用会计准则(U.S. GAAP)编制的简明综合财务报表要求管理层进行估计和假设,这些估计和假设影响简明综合财务报表及相关附注中资产和负债的报告金额。这些估计构成我们对资产和负债账面价值做出判断的基础,这些判断并非仅从其他来源立即显现。我们的估计和判断基于历史信息以及我们认为在当时情况下是合理的各种其他假设。U.S. GAAP要求我们在多个领域做出估计和判断,包括但不限于用于测量租赁负债的增量借款利率,长期资产可收回性,与物业和设备以及无形资产相关联的使用寿命,与延期费用相关的受益期,营业收入确认(包括履行绩效义务的时间、估计可变考虑因素、估计独立销售价格及将交易价格分配给履行绩效义务的方法),递延营收分类,对基于股权报酬和其他权益工具的估值和假设以及所载入的收入税。
2023年11月,FASB发布了ASU 2023-07,分部报告(主题 280):报告服务部门(主题 280)变更披露方式,通过升级对意义重大的分部费用的披露来改进分部报告披露要求。该准则适用于 2023 年 12 月 15 日之后的财年和 2024 年 12 月 15 日之后的财年间隔期。该准则必须适用于财务报表中呈现的所有期间的追溯。该公司目前正在评估该标准对合并财务报表的影响。该标准要求公共实体在中期和年度基础上披露其需报告分部的重大费用和其他分部项目的信息。具有单个需报告分部的公共实体需要按照ASU 2023-07中的披露要求以及ASC 280中的所有现有分部披露和协调要求在中期和年度基础上进行应用。ASU 2023-07在2023年12月15日后开始的财政年度和2024年12月15日后开始的中间期间生效,早期采用是被允许的。我们目前正在评估采纳ASU 2023-07的影响。
2023年12月,FASB发布了ASU 2023-09,所得税(话题740)ASU 2023-09通过要求在税率协调表中披露特定类别并提供满足定量阈值的协调项目的额外年度信息,主要改进了所得税报告。ASU 2023-09中的修订还要求提供有关已支付所得税的额外年度信息,以及其他额外披露。

基本报表附注 - 续
在ASU 2023-09中规定适用于2024年12月15日后开始的财政年度,允许提前采纳。我们目前正在评估ASU 2023-09修订案对我们的税收披露将产生的影响。

2024年11月,FASB发布了ASU 2024-03, 损益表费用的拆分。 此更新要求实体将营业费用拆分为具体类别,如薪资和工资、折旧和摊销,以提供对费用性质和功能的更清晰透明的了解。ASU 2024-03 适用于2026年12月15日之后开始的财政年度,并允许提前采用。ASU 2024-03 可以追溯适用或前瞻性适用。我们目前正在评估ASU 2024-03对我们财务报表呈现和披露的影响。

2. 待并购
2024年8月11日,公司和买方各方签署了并购协议,根据该协议,皇冠将促使并购子公司尽快发起要约,但不迟于 十五 业务天后签署的日期或公司和皇冠商定的其他日期,购买所有我们已发行的普通股股票,面值$0.001 每股(每股“股票”),以每股$6.66 现金支付,不含利息,并扣除任何必需的税款。由于公司和 Teoxane 就 Teoxane 协议中的涉嫌违约问题进行了讨论,买方各方延长了作为协议义务的并购子公司开始启动根据并购协议购买所有股票的最后日期。公司和皇冠同意将要约启动日期延长至2024年11月12日。并购协议设想,在尽快实施要约后,根据并购协议规定的条款和所列条件,将并购子公司与公司合并,公司作为皇冠的全资子公司继续存在。要约尚未开始。如果要约开始,要约的实施和并购的完成将仍然受到惯例的结束条件的约束,包括(i)最低控件;(ii)没有任何禁止要约或并购完成的订单、禁止令或法律;(iii)获得《1976年反托拉斯改进法》修正案项下的适用批准,该批准已获得;和(iv)根据并购协议中包含的陈述和保证的准确性,符合通常重大性资格限制条件,以及在并购完成日遵守的承诺和协议。
根据2027年票据,i如果我们经历根本改变(如契约中定义),持有人可以要求我们以现金回购其全部或部分 2027年债券 在根本改变回购价格等于要回购的2027年票据的本金,加上截至但不包括根本改变回购日期的任何应计和未支付利息。请参见 注10 供获取更多信息。 在契约条款要求的时间范围内,我们已同意提供任何通知(包括关于持有人要求回购或转换可转换票据的权利)、证明、补充契约以及可能根据契约要求的其他文件,并采取根据2027年票据、契约或适用法律的条款所需的所有其他行动,包括因合并协议所考虑的交易而导致的,构成“根本改变”或“完全根本改变”(如这些术语在契约中定义)到的程度。
与2027年发行的票据同时,我们与期权对手方进行了限制看涨交易,并使用2027年票据的净收益支付了限制看涨交易的成本。请参见 注10 以获取额外信息。在待定合并的生效时间之前,我们已同意在掌冠(Crown)要求的情况下与其合作,并协助终止我们尚未解除的限制看涨确认(统称“限制看涨”),在生效时间后尽快或协助终止。在合并的生效时间之前,我们还同意在与掌冠进行有关限制看涨确认的讨论、谈判或协议方面合理合作,以便就限制看涨确认中可能应由我们收取的任何现金金额或普通股而进行决定、调整、取消、终止、行使、结算或计算。我们进一步同意不得(i) 就限制看涨做出任何约束性协议,(ii) 同意对限制看涨的条款进行任何修订、修改或其他更改,或者(iii) 行使任何权利

基本报表附注 - 续



3. 金融科技平台业务退出
根据ASC 205-20的规定, 基本报表的呈现 - 停止经营业务即,金融科技平台业务实质性完成退出代表了对公司业务和财务结果产生重大影响的战略转变。金融科技平台业务过去被报告为服务部门。因此,我们金融科技平台业务的结果已在我们的简明综合财务报表中作为已停止经营的业务得到反映。我们的简明综合资产负债表和简明综合损益表包括某些前年数字的重新分类,以符合当前期间的呈现。
终止经营的总流动负债 (1)

基本报表附注 - 续
服务收入$ $2,664 $426 $9,942 
服务营业收入成本(不包括摊销) 2,592 350 9,976 
销售管理费用 (1)
 3,303 1,950 9,966 
研发 (1)
 4,372 1,757 15,200 
商誉减值 77,175  77,175 
无形资产减值 16,007  16,007 
摊销 946  3,823 
来自已停业业务的净亏损$ $(101,731)$(3,631)$(122,205)
研发$ $336 
总重组费用 $ $707 
有关已中止运营的现金流量未经分开,已包含在简明综合现金流量表中。 与已中止运营有关的重大非现金活动如下:
折旧和摊销$538 $3,823 

4. 收入

基本报表附注 - 续
RHA® 皮肤填充物的收集
$30,503 $32,133 $96,704 $94,180 
28,324 21,976 79,170 59,980 
$58,827 $54,109 $175,874 $154,160 
$35,961 $27,975 
净应收账款总额$34,417 $27,025 
递延收入,流动$383 $884 
$383 $884 
viatris已累计支付我们$60百万的不可退还的预付款和里程碑费用截至2024年9月30日,协议规定了额外的剩余有条件付款,最高可达$70百万,总计,在实现某些临床和监管里程碑以及指定的、分级的销售里程碑(最高可达$225百万)时。这些付款并不代表商品或服务转让的融资组成部分。此外,viatris需要向我们支付任何在美国销售的生物仿制药低至中等双位数的特许权使用费,在欧洲的任何销售中支付中等双位数的特许权使用费,在其他美国以外的viatris领土的任何销售中支付高单位数的特许权使用费。然而,我们已同意在商业化后的前大约50期间,免除美国销售的特许权使用费,最高可达$ 四年 百万的年度销售,以抵消启动成本。
我们根据ASC 606的范围,使用最可能金额法估算了viatris协议的交易价格。为了判断交易价格,我们评估了在合同期间将收到的所有付款,包括里程碑和viatris支付的对价。除了预付款,viatris协议下我们可能赚取的所有其他里程碑和对价都面临与开发成果、viatris终止协议的权利以及成本分摊付款的估计努力相关的不确定性。这些成本分摊付款估计努力的元件包括内部和外部成本。因此,交易价格不包括任何里程碑和对价,如果包括这些,可能会在相关不确定性解决时导致营业收入的重大回退。在每个报告期结束时,我们重新评估每个里程碑的实现可能性及任何相关限制,并在必要时调整我们对整体交易价格的估计。基于销售的里程碑和版税在销售发生之前不包括在交易价格内,因为基础价值

基本报表附注 - 续
与许可证相关,并且许可证是Viatris协议中的主要特征。截止到2024年9月30日,分配给未履行绩效义务的交易价格为$30.0 百万美元。
我们根据开发服务的成本占预估提供的总开发服务成本的比例确认营业收入,并估计递延营业收入。为了营业收入确认目的,预计的开发期间会在2030年达到会计程序结束日期。该期间可能会发生变化,并且会在每个报告日期进行评估。《ASC 606财务报表与客户签约的营收(ASC 606)》要求实体对交易价格中包含的可变考虑金额进行约束。如果存在可能导致累计确认的营业收入出现重大逆转的潜在情况,可变考虑金额将被视为“受约束”。作为约束评估的一部分,我们考虑了许多因素,包括两方责任的某种转变会导致净成本分担支付和总项目预算的变化,该变化难以在本报告日期前预测到结果。我们将继续在每个报告期中评估可变交易价格和相关营业收入确认,并在上述不确定性解决或其他情况发生变化时进行评估。截至2024年9月30日止的三个月和九个月内,我们根据Viatris协议确认了与开发服务相关的营业收入,分别为$1.0 百万美元和美元1.3 百万。截至2023年9月30日止的三个月和九个月内,合作收入来自生物类似药项目。 没有 合作收入来自生物类似药项目。
截至2024年9月30日,复星已向我们支付不可退还的预付款和其他付款,总额为$41.0百万美元,未扣除外国预提税。在中国国家药品监督管理局于2024年9月批准DAXXIFY后,® 复星有义务向我们支付$13.5百万,额外的$1.5百万美元的里程碑付款,我们在2024年10月收到了该款项。我们还可以获得(i)在实现某些里程碑时最多$204.5百万美元的其他剩余支付,以及(ii)按年净销售额的低双位数到高十几个百分点的分级特许权使用费。如果(i)我们在复星地区没有任何有效且未过期的专利主张覆盖该产品,(ii)该产品的生物仿制药在复星地区销售,或(iii)复星需要向第三方支付赔偿以避免专利侵权或在复星地区营销该产品,特许权使用费百分比将被相应减少。
我们使用最可能的金额方法估算了复星许可协议的交易价格。我们评估了合同期内将收到的所有可变付款,其中包括特定里程碑的付款、特许权使用费和预计交付的供应量。我们将在每个报告期和情况发生变化时重新评估交易价格。截至2024年9月30日,分配给未履行的履约义务的交易价格为美元56.0百万。在截至2024年9月30日的三个月和九个月中, 收入已从复星许可协议中确认。在截至2023年9月30日的三个月和九个月中,我们确认的收入低于美元0.1百万和美元0.1分别为百万与复星许可协议有关。
我们将在控制DAXXIFY的单一履行义务上确认营业收入® 提供给复星后,控制权转移开始时,营业收入将以与DAXXIFY预计交付一致的模式确认® 在该协议的期限内,预计将延续至2040年。这个期限可能会发生变化,并在每个报告日期进行评估。

基本报表附注 - 续
应收账款净额 — viatris$346 $631 
应收账款净额 — 富耐13,500 4 
净应收账款总额$13,846 $635 
待处理营业收入,流动资产 — viatris$5,723 $9,853 
待处理营业收入,流动资产 — 佛森223  
合同负债总额,当前$5,946 $9,853 
待处理营业收入,非流动资产 — viatris$29,798 $29,444 
待处理营业收入,非流动资产 — 佛森55,752 40,975 
合同负债总额,非流动资产$85,550 $70,419 


基本报表附注 - 续
5. 现金及现金等价物与短期投资
以千为单位Adjusted Cost未实现收益公允价值Adjusted Cost未实现收益未实现损失公允价值
美国国债证券$70,872 $54 $70,926 $133,168 $30 $ $133,198 
商业本票44,790 5 44,795 49,433  (15)49,418 
货币市场基金45,251  45,251 39,280   39,280 
美国政府机构债务13,744 13 13,757 3,961  (1)3,960 
现金及可供出售证券的总额$174,657 $72 $174,729 $225,842 $30 $(16)$225,856 
货币等价物$49,238 $109,270 
短期投资125,491 116,586 
总现金等价物和可供出售证券$174,729 $225,856 

6. 无形资产,净额
分销权3.5$32,334 $(24,700)$7,634 
总无形资产$32,334 $(24,700)$7,634 
分销权4.3$32,334 $(23,064)$ $9,270 
1.58,918 (4,408)(3,972)538 
获得的开发技术0.016,200 (6,525)(9,675) 
客户关系0.010,300 (7,940)(2,360) 
总无形资产$67,752 $(41,937)$(16,007)$9,808 

基本报表附注 - 续
(1)2024年3月31日结束的三个月内,我们将自行开发的技术的净账面金额重新分类为“停止经营的非流动资产”,以符合停止经营的展示要求。0.5 百万 在有关停止经营的呈报中,我们将自主开发技术的净账面金额重新分类为“停止经营的非流动资产”。
上述表格中无形资产的摊销费用是根据相关资产的功能记录在压缩综合损益表和综合损益表中。 摊销费用的详细分解已总结在压缩综合损益表和综合损益表中,如下所示:
无形资产的摊销 (1)
分类为停止运营 (2)
无形资产的摊销 (1)
分类为停止运营 (2)
$545 $ $545 $1,636 $ $1,636 
   528 (528) 
研发   10 (10) 
2025财年(剩余九个月) 19,003 2026财年 24,240 2027财年 22,064 2028财年 21,577 2029财年 18,823 2030财年 16,317 总摊销费用$545 $ $545 $2,174 $(538)$1,636 
无形资产的摊销 (1)
被分类为终止经营 (2)
无形资产的摊销 (1)
被分类为终止经营 (2)
摊销$1,491 $(946)$545 $5,459 $(3,823)$1,636 
销售、一般及行政费用464 (430)34 2,998 (1,717)1,281 
2025财年(剩余九个月) 19,003 2026财年 24,240 2027财年 22,064 2028财年 21,577 2029财年 18,823 2030财年 16,317 总摊销费用$1,955 $(1,376)$579 $8,457 $(5,540)$2,917 

基本报表附注 - 续
7. 存货
原材料$3,725 $3,938 
在制品44,077 17,418 
成品37,411 24,223 
总存货$85,213 $45,579 

8. 应计费用及其他流动负债
$10,372 $30,267 
销售、一般及行政费用9,546 9,019 
研发5,916 5,173 
存货5,056 1,478 
特许权1,319 1,919 
利息支出590 1,919 
1,223 3,088 
总预提及其他流动负债$34,022 $52,863 

9. 租赁
ABPS服务协议包含一项租赁,该租赁于2022年1月开始,涉及一条专用的填充和包装生产线,用于制造DAXXIFY。® 因为它具有一个特定的资产,该资产在物理上是独特的,我们根据ASC 842有控制权。控制权的转移是因为嵌入式租赁给予我们(i)获得填充和包装生产线的几乎所有经济利益的权利,这主要得益于专用制造能力的独占性,以及(ii)通过我们的采购订单对填充和包装生产线的使用进行指导的权利。每一方都有权在不造成损失的情况下终止ABPS服务协议,须提前 18 一个月书面通知另一方。该租赁在综合资产负债表中被分类为融资租赁。
2024年2月,我们签订了ABPS服务协议第二次修正案,将ABPS服务协议的期限延长至2027年12月31日,并修改了我们对符合产品和延迟的救济措施。2024年4月,我们在ABPS服务协议下签订了一份工作声明,我们的最低购买义务被确立为$25.1 million,截至2024年12月31日到期。最低购买义务将根据ABPS的实际制造产量进行减少。

基本报表附注 - 续
我们的经营租赁主要包括用于研究、制造业-半导体和行政功能的不可取消的设施租约。我们的不可取消设施经营租赁的原始租赁期限分别在2027年至2034年到期,并包括 一份 或更多期权进行续租 七年 to 十四年。我们的经营租赁的月租金随剩余租期递增。我们的租赁合同中不包含终止期权、残值担保或限制性契约。
2024年5月,我们签订了一份转租协议,根据该协议,在田纳西州的纳什维尔我们转租了办公空间的部分。转租期从2024年6月到2034年12月, 没有 有延长期限。根据转租协议,我们将收到的未经折扣的总付款额为5.2百万美元,不包括变量租金收入。该转租按运营租赁进行会计处理,相应收入分类于我们的损益表和综合损益表中的“其他费用,净额”内。
融资租赁使用权资产的摊销 (1)
$13,100 $3,297 $28,315 $6,965 
融资租赁负债利息219 270 673 1,278 
可变租金成本 (2)
12 62 173 436 
总融资租赁成本13,331 3,629 29,161 8,679 
经营租赁成本2,766 3,138 8,308 9,657 
可变租金成本 (3)
668 534 2,031 1,589 
(124) (165) 
总运营租赁费用3,310 3,672 10,174 11,246 
总租金成本$16,641 $7,301 $39,335 $19,925 

基本报表附注 - 续
截至2024年9月30日,我们有$3.2 百万与ABPS服务协议下的灌装和包装生产线租赁相关的应付账款。此外,我们的租赁负债到期情况如下:
(in thousands)Finance LeaseOperating Leases
Year Ending December 31,
2024 remaining three months$7,799 $1,780 
20253,178 10,854 
2026 11,185 
2027 4,536 
2028 4,021 
2029 and thereafter 24,565 
Total lease payments10,977 56,941 
Less imputed interest(136)(15,526)
Present value of lease payments$10,841 $41,415 
Our lease contracts do not provide readily determinable implicit rates, as such, we used the estimated incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at the adoption, commencement, or remeasurement date. As of September 30, 2024, weighted-average remaining lease terms and discount rates are as follows:
Finance LeaseOperating Leases
Weighted-average remaining lease term (years)0.37.7
Weighted-average discount rate10.0 %10.0 %
Supplemental cash flow information related to the leases was as follows:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)20242023
Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities
Operating cash flows from operating leases$7,851 $6,264 
Operating cash flows from finance lease$532 $1,280 
Financing cash flows from finance lease$12,572 $15,513 
Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for lease liabilities
Finance lease$21,600 $23,781 
Operating leases$ $22,694 
Lease Not Yet Commenced
PCI Supply Agreement
In April 2021, we entered into the PCI Supply Agreement pursuant to which PCI would serve as a non-exclusive manufacturer and supplier of DAXXIFY®. The initial term of the PCI Supply Agreement is dependent upon the date of regulatory submission for the manufacturing of DAXXIFY® and may be terminated by either party in accordance with the terms of the PCI Supply Agreement. The term of the PCI Supply Agreement may also be extended for one additional three-year term upon mutual agreement of the parties.
The PCI Supply Agreement contains a lease related to a dedicated fill-and-finish line and closely related assets for manufacturing of products because it has identified assets that are physically distinct for which we will have the right of control as defined under ASC 842. The right of control is conveyed because the embedded lease will provide us with both (i)

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the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefit from the fill-and-finish line resulting from the exclusivity implied from the dedicated manufacturing capacity and (ii) the right to direct the use of the fill-and-finish line.
The embedded lease had not yet commenced as of September 30, 2024. The accounting commencement and recognition of the right-of-use lease assets and lease liabilities related to the embedded lease will take place when we have substantively obtained the right of control. The embedded lease is preliminarily classified as a finance lease.
Pursuant to the PCI Supply Agreement, we are responsible for certain costs associated with the design, equipment procurement and validation, and facilities-related costs, monthly payments and minimum purchase obligations throughout the initial term of the PCI Supply Agreement. As of September 30, 2024, we have made prepayments of $41.5 million to PCI which is recorded within “Finance lease prepaid expense” in the condensed consolidated balance sheets. Based on our best estimate as of September 30, 2024, our remaining minimum commitment under the PCI Supply Agreement is $10.0 million for 2024, $14.4 million for 2025, $19.2 million for 2026, $25.8 million for 2027, $29.5 million for 2028, and $134.5 million for 2029 and thereafter in aggregate.

10. Debt

The following table provides information regarding our debt:
September 30,December 31,
(in thousands)20242023
2027 Notes, non-current
$287,500 $287,500 
Less: Unamortized debt issuance costs(3,279)(4,279)
Carrying amount of the 2027 Notes284,221 283,221 
Notes payable principal and exit fee, current10,150 2,500 
Notes payable principal and exit fee, non-current140,831 147,500 
Less: Unamortized debt discount and exit fee(3,000)(2,700)
Less: Unamortized debt issuance costs(1,011)(1,426)
Carrying amount of Notes Payable146,970 145,874 
Total debt$431,191 $429,095 
Interest expense relating to our debt in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss are summarized as follows:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)2024202320242023
Contractual interest expense$4,517 $3,830 $13,478 $10,620 
Amortization of debt discount and exit fee1,400 157 1,951 329 
Amortization of debt issuance costs596 447 1,565 1,310 
Total interest expense$6,513 $4,434 $16,994 $12,259 

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Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Convertible Senior Notes
In February 2020, we issued the 2027 Notes, in the aggregate principal amount of $287.5 million, pursuant to the Indenture. The 2027 Notes are senior unsecured obligations and bear interest at a rate of 1.75% per year, payable semiannually in arrears on February 15 and August 15 of each year, began on August 15, 2020. The 2027 Notes will mature on February 15, 2027, unless earlier converted, redeemed or repurchased. In connection with issuing the 2027 Notes, we received $278.3 million in net proceeds, after deducting the initial purchasers’ discount, commissions, and other issuance costs.
The 2027 Notes may be converted at any time by the holders prior to the close of business on the business day immediately preceding November 15, 2026 only under the following circumstances: (i) during any fiscal quarter commencing after the fiscal quarter ending on June 30, 2020 (and only during such fiscal quarter), if the last reported sale price of our common stock for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during a period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on, and including, the last trading day of the immediately preceding fiscal quarter is greater than or equal to 130% of the conversion price on each applicable trading day; (ii) during the five business day period after any ten consecutive trading day period (the “measurement period”) in which the trading price (as defined in the Indenture) per $1,000 principal amount of the 2027 Notes for each trading day of the measurement period was less than 98% of the product of the last reported sale price of our common stock and the conversion rate on each such trading day; (iii) if we call any or all of the 2027 Notes for redemption, at any time prior to the close of business on the scheduled trading day immediately preceding the redemption date; or (iv) upon the occurrence of specified corporate events. On or after November 15, 2026 until the close of business on the second scheduled trading day immediately preceding the Maturity Date, holders may convert all or any portion of their 2027 Notes at any time, regardless of the foregoing circumstances. Upon conversion, we will pay or deliver, as the case may be, cash, shares of our common stock or a combination of cash and shares of our common stock, at our election.
The conversion rate will initially be 30.8804 shares of our common stock per $1,000 principal amount of the 2027 Notes (equivalent to an initial conversion price of approximately $32.38 per share of our common stock). The conversion rate is subject to adjustment in some events but will not be adjusted for any accrued and unpaid interest. In addition, following certain corporate events that occur prior to the Maturity Date or if we deliver a notice of redemption, we will, in certain circumstances, increase the conversion rate for a holder who elects to convert its 2027 Notes in connection with such a corporate event or notice of redemption, as the case may be.
We may redeem for cash all or any portion of the 2027 Notes, at our option, on or after February 20, 2024 if the last reported sale price of our common stock has been at least 130% of the conversion price then in effect for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during any 30 consecutive trading day period (including the last trading day of such period) ending on, and including, the trading day immediately preceding the date on which we provide notice of redemption at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the 2027 Notes to be redeemed, plus any accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the redemption date. The threshold to redeem has not been met as of September 30, 2024. No sinking fund is provided for the 2027 Notes.
If we undergo a fundamental change (as defined in the Indenture), holders may require us to repurchase for cash all or any portion of their 2027 Notes at a fundamental change repurchase price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the 2027 Notes to be repurchased, plus any accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the fundamental change repurchase date.
Capped Call Transactions
Concurrently with the 2027 Notes, we entered into capped call transactions with the option counterparties and used $28.9 million of the net proceeds from the 2027 Notes to pay the cost of the capped call transactions. The capped call transactions are expected generally to reduce the potential dilutive effect upon conversion of the 2027 Notes and/or offset any cash payments we are required to make in excess of the principal amount of converted 2027 Notes, as the case may be, with such reduction and/or offset subject to a price cap of $48.88 of our common stock per share, which represents a premium of 100% over the last reported sale price of our common stock on February 10, 2020. The capped calls have an initial strike price of $32.38 per share, subject to certain adjustments, which corresponds to the conversion option strike price in the 2027

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Notes. The capped call transactions cover, subject to anti-dilution adjustments, approximately 8.9 million shares of our common stock.
The capped call transactions are separate transactions that we entered into with the option counterparties and are not part of the terms of the 2027 Notes. As the capped call transactions meet certain accounting criteria, the premium paid of $28.9 million was recorded as a reduction in additional paid-in capital in the condensed consolidated balance sheets, and will not be remeasured to fair value as long as the accounting criteria continue to be met. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had not purchased any shares under the capped call transactions.

Note Purchase Agreement
In March 2022, we entered into the Note Purchase Agreement and issued the First Tranche in an aggregate principal amount for all such Notes of $100 million. In August 2023, we entered into the First Amendment to reduce the Second Tranche from $100 million to $50 million, and we subsequently issued $50 million to the Purchasers. Additionally, the First Amendment increased the uncommitted Third Tranche from $100 million to $150 million. The uncommitted Third Tranche was available until March 31, 2024, subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement, including the achievement of greater than or equal to $50 million in trailing twelve months revenue for DAXXIFY® preceding the date of the draw request for the Third Tranche, and approval by Athyrium, which we did not draw on.
Our obligations under the Note Purchase Agreement are secured by substantially all of our assets and the assets of our wholly owned domestic subsidiaries, including their respective intellectual property.
The notes issued pursuant to the First Tranche and Second Tranche bear interest at an annual fixed interest rate equal to 8.50%. We are required to make quarterly interest payments on each Notes Payable commencing on the last business day of the calendar month following the funding date thereof, and continuing until the Maturity Date. Pursuant to the First Amendment, the Company is required to repay Athyrium the outstanding principal amount of the Second Tranche notes in installments on the last business day of each March, June, September and December (commencing in September 2024), in each case, based on the following principal amortization payment schedule: 2.5% in September and December 2024; 5.0% in March and June 2025; 7.5% in September and December 2025; and 10.0% in March and June 2026; followed by repayment of the Second Tranche in full on September 18, 2026. The Maturity Date may be extended to March 18, 2028 if, as of September 18, 2026, less than $90 million principal amount of our existing 2027 Notes remain outstanding and with the consent of the Purchasers. Initially, all principal for each tranche is due and payable on the Maturity Date. At our option, we may prepay the outstanding principal balance of all or any portion of the principal amount of the Notes Payable, subject to a prepayment fee equal to (i) a make-whole amount if the prepayment occurs on or prior to the first anniversary of the NPA Effective Date and (ii) 2.0% of the amount prepaid if the prepayment occurs after the first anniversary of the NPA Effective Date but on or prior to the second anniversary of the NPA Effective Date. Upon prepayment or repayment of all or any portion of the principal amount of the Notes Payable (whether on the Maturity Date or otherwise), we are also required to pay an exit fee to the Purchasers.
The Note Purchase Agreement includes affirmative and negative covenants applicable to us, our current subsidiaries and any subsidiaries we create in the future. The affirmative covenants include, among others, covenants requiring us to maintain our legal existence and governmental approvals, deliver certain financial reports, maintain insurance coverage and satisfy certain requirements regarding deposit accounts. We must also (i) maintain at least $30.0 million of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents in accounts subject to a control agreement in favor of Athyrium at all times (the Minimum Cash Covenant) and (ii) upon the occurrence of certain specified events set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement, achieve at least $70.0 million of Consolidated Teoxane Distribution Net Product Sales on a trailing twelve-months basis. The negative covenants include, among others, restrictions on our transferring collateral, incurring additional indebtedness, engaging in mergers or acquisitions, paying dividends or making other distributions, making investments, creating liens, selling assets and undergoing a change in control, in each case subject to certain exceptions.
If we do not comply with the affirmative and negative covenants, such non-compliance may be an event of default under the Note Purchase Agreement. The Note Purchase Agreement also includes events of default, the occurrence and continuation of which could cause interest to be charged at the rate that is otherwise applicable plus 2.0% and would provide

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Athyrium, as administrative agent, with the right to exercise remedies against us and the collateral, including foreclosure against our property securing the obligations under the Note Purchase Agreement, including our cash. These events of default include, among other things, our failure to pay principal or interest due under the Note Purchase Agreement, a breach of certain covenants under the Note Purchase Agreement, our insolvency, the occurrence of a circumstance which could have a material adverse effect and the occurrence of any default under certain other indebtedness.
11. Stockholders’ Deficit and Stock-Based Compensation
2014 EIP
On January 1, 2024, the number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance under the 2014 EIP increased by 3.5 million shares. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, 3.3 million shares of stock awards were granted under the 2014 EIP. As of September 30, 2024, 5.7 million shares were available for issuance under the 2014 EIP.
2014 IN
In 2024, 0.3 million shares of stock awards were granted under the 2014 IN before the plan's expiration date of August 25, 2024. No shares were available for issuance as of September 30, 2024.
HintMD Plan
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, no stock options or awards were granted under the HintMD Plan. As of September 30, 2024, 0.1 million shares were available for issuance under the HintMD Plan.
2014 ESPP
On January 1, 2024, the number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance under the 2014 ESPP increased by 0.3 million shares. As of September 30, 2024, 1.7 million shares were available for issuance under the 2014 ESPP.
Net Loss per Share
Our basic net loss per share from continuing operations is calculated by dividing the net loss from continuing operations by the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding for the period. Our basic net loss per share from discontinued operations is calculated by dividing the net loss from discontinued operations by the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding for the period. The diluted net loss per share from both continuing and discontinued operations are calculated by giving effect to all potential dilutive common stock equivalents outstanding for the period. For purposes of this calculation, shares of common stock underlying the 2027 Notes at the initial conversion price, outstanding stock options, unvested stock awards, and shares of common stock expected to be purchased under the 2014 ESPP, are considered common stock equivalents, which were excluded from the computation of diluted net loss per share because including them would have been antidilutive.
Common stock equivalents that were excluded from the computation of diluted net loss per share for both continuing and discontinued operations are presented below:
 September 30,
Convertible senior notes8,878,9388,878,938
Unvested RSUs and PSUs5,269,9023,266,886 
Outstanding stock options3,540,8193,886,868
Unvested RSAs and PSAs588,152949,059
Shares of common stock expected to be purchased under the 2014 ESPP138,642118,258

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Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Follow-On Offering
In March 2024, we completed a follow-on offering, pursuant to which we issued 16.0 million shares of common stock at a price to the public of $6.25 per share (except with respect to 30,000 shares sold and issued to Mark Foley, our president, chief executive officer, and director, at $6.98 per share), for net proceeds of $97.1 million, after underwriting discounts and offering costs.
ATM Offering Programs
On May 10, 2022, we entered into the 2022 ATM Agreement with Cowen. Under the 2022 ATM Agreement, we may sell up to $150.0 million of our common stock. We are not obligated to sell any shares under the 2022 ATM Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions of the 2022 ATM Agreement, Cowen will use commercially reasonable efforts, consistent with its normal trading and sales practices, applicable state and federal law, rules and regulations and the rules of The Nasdaq Global Market, to sell shares from time to time based upon our instructions, including any price, time or size limits specified by us. We pay Cowen a commission of up to 3.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds from each sale of shares, reimburse legal fees and disbursements and provide Cowen with customary indemnification and contribution rights.
In 2023, we sold 3.2 million shares of common stock under the 2022 ATM Agreement at a weighted average price of $31.90 per share, resulting in net proceeds of $100.0 million after sales agent commissions and offering costs. No shares of common stock were sold during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from the 2022 ATM Agreement.
Stock-based Compensation Expense
The following table summarizes our stock-based compensation expense by line item in our condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss:
(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Stock-based Compensation before Discontinued Operation Adjustments(1)
Classified as Discontinued Operations (2)
Classified as Continuing Operations
Stock-based Compensation before Discontinued Operation Adjustments(1)
Classified as Discontinued Operations (2)
Classified as Continuing Operations
Selling, general and administrative
$3,491 $ $3,491 $15,631 $(73)$15,558 
Research and development
1,091  1,091 3,736 83 3,819 
Total stock-based compensation expense (exclusive of capitalized stock-based compensation expense)4,582  4,582 19,367 10 19,377 
Capitalized stock-based compensation expense230  230 722  722 
Total stock-based compensation expense$4,812 $ $4,812 $20,089 $10 $20,099 

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(in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Stock-based Compensation before Discontinued Operation Adjustments(1)
Classified as Discontinued Operations (2)
Classified as Continuing Operations
Stock-based Compensation before Discontinued Operation Adjustments(1)
Classified as Discontinued Operations (2)
Classified as Continuing Operations
Selling, general and administrative
$8,599 $(730)$7,869 $31,042 $(2,204)$28,838 
Research and development
1,688 (647)1,041 7,926 (3,416)4,510 
Total stock-based compensation expense (exclusive of capitalized stock-based compensation expense)10,287 (1,377)8,910 38,968 (5,620)33,348 
Capitalized stock-based compensation expense1,570  1,570 4,207  4,207 
Total stock-based compensation expense$11,857 $(1,377)$10,480 $43,175 $(5,620)$37,555 
(1)Amount represents the stock-based compensation expense before the impact of reclassification for the discontinued operation presentation in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss.
(2)Amount represents the reclassification for the current and prior periods for the discontinued operation presentation in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss.
12. Fair Value Measurements
The following table summarizes, for assets and liabilities measured at fair value, the respective fair value and the classification by level of input within the fair value hierarchy:
September 30, 2024
(in thousands)Fair ValueLevel 1Level 2Level 3
U.S. treasury securities$70,926 $70,926 $ $ 
Money market funds45,251 45,251   
U.S. government agency obligations13,757 13,757   
Commercial paper44,795  44,795  
Total assets measured at fair value$174,729 $129,934 $44,795 $ 
December 31, 2023
(in thousands)Fair ValueLevel 1Level 2Level 3
U.S. treasury securities$133,198 $133,198 $ $ 
Money market funds39,280 39,280   
U.S. government agency obligations3,960 3,960   
Commercial paper49,418  49,418  
Total assets measured at fair value$225,856 $176,438 $49,418 $ 

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For Level 1 investments, we use quoted prices in active markets for identical assets to determine the fair value. For Level 2 investments, we use quoted prices for similar assets sourced from certain third-party pricing services. The third-party pricing services generally utilize industry standard valuation models for which all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly, to estimate the price or fair value of the securities. The primary input generally includes reported trades of or quotes on the same or similar securities. We do not make additional judgments or assumptions made to the pricing data sourced from the third-party pricing services.
The fair value of the 2027 Notes and the Notes Payable (Note 10) was determined on the basis of market prices observable for similar instruments and is considered Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy. We present the fair value of the 2027 Notes and the Notes payable for disclosure purposes only. As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, the fair value of the 2027 Notes was $246.1 million and $219.2 million, respectively. As of September 30, 2024 the fair value of the Notes Payable was approximately the same as its unamortized carrying value.
13. Commitments and Contingencies
Teoxane Agreement
In January 2020, we entered into the Teoxane Agreement, as amended, pursuant to which Teoxane granted us the exclusive right to import, market, promote, sell and distribute Teoxane’s line of Resilient Hyaluronic Acid® dermal fillers, which include: (i) RHA® Collection of dermal fillers, and (ii) the RHA® Pipeline Products in the U.S. and U.S. territories and possessions, in exchange for 2,500,000 shares of our common stock and certain other commitments by us. The Teoxane Agreement continues to be effective for a term of 10 years. The term ends on December 31, 2029 and may be extended for a two-year period ending December 31, 2031 upon the mutual agreement of the parties. We are required to meet certain minimum purchase obligations during each year of the term. Our minimum purchase obligation for the year ending December 31, 2024 is $52 million. We are also required to meet certain minimum expenditure requirements in connection with commercialization and promotion of RHA® Collection of dermal fillers and RHA® Pipeline Products, which is $36 million for the year ending December 31, 2024. Minimum expenditures related to the commercialization and promotion of the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers and RHA® Pipeline Products after December 31, 2024 will be determined at a later date.
On October 24, 2024, we entered the Sixth Amendment, under which our minimum purchase commitments are as follows: (i) $60 million for 2025; (ii) $67.8 million for 2026; (iii) $76.7 million for 2027; (iv) $86.6 million for 2028; and (v) $97.8 million for 2029. Additionally, the Sixth Amendment (a) updates and clarifies certain branding guidelines, (b) establishes a marketing task force to review promotional materials, (c) establishes a medical education task force to promote the exchange of best practices, (d) deems the breach of certain provisions under the Teoxane Agreement to be material breaches for purposes of early termination, including the failure to adhere to branding guidelines and timely deliver certain reports and (e) increases our minimum and maximum buffer stock requirements to align with our new purchase commitments.
Either party may terminate the Teoxane Agreement in the event of the insolvency of, or a material breach by, the other party, including certain specified breaches that provide Teoxane the right to terminate the Teoxane Agreement for our failure to meet the minimum purchase requirements or commercialization expenditure during specified periods, our failure to adhere to the branding guidelines or timely deliver certain reports or for our breach of the exclusivity obligations under the Teoxane Agreement.
Other Contingencies
As of September 30, 2024, we are obligated to pay BTRX up to a remaining $15.5 million upon the satisfaction of certain milestones relating to our product revenue, intellectual property, and clinical and regulatory events.

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Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
We have standard indemnification agreements in the ordinary course of business. Under these indemnification agreements, we indemnify, hold harmless, and agree to reimburse the indemnified parties for losses suffered or incurred by the indemnified party, in connection with any trade secret, copyright, patent or other intellectual property infringement claim by any third-party with respect to our technology. The term of these indemnification agreements is generally perpetual after the execution of the agreements. The maximum potential amount of future payments we are obligated to pay under other indemnification agreements is not determinable because it involves claims for indemnification that may be made against us in the future but have not been made. We have not yet incurred material costs to defend lawsuits or settle claims related to indemnification agreements.
We have indemnification agreements with our directors and officers that may require us to indemnify them against liabilities that may arise by reason of their status or service as directors or officers, other than liabilities arising from willful misconduct of the individual.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, no material amounts associated with the indemnification agreements have been recorded.
In October 2021, Allergan filed a complaint against us and ABPS, one of our manufacturing sources of DAXXIFY®, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging infringement of the following patents assigned and/or licensed to Allergan: U.S. Patent Nos. 11,033,625; 7,354,740; 8,409,828; 11,124,786; and 7,332,567. Allergan claims that our formulation for DAXXIFY® and ABPS’s manufacturing process used to produce DAXXIFY® infringes its patents. Allergan also asserted a patent with claims related to a substrate for use in a botulinum toxin detection assay. On November 3, 2021, we filed a motion to dismiss. On November 24, 2021, Allergan filed an amended complaint against us and ABPS, alleging infringement of an additional patent assigned and/or licensed to Allergan: U.S. Patent No. 11,147,878. On December 17, 2021, we filed a second motion to dismiss, and on January 14, 2022, Allergan filed an opposition to that motion. We filed a reply to Allergan’s opposition on January 21, 2022, and on August 19, 2022, the court denied our second motion to dismiss. On September 2, 2022, we filed an answer and counterclaims to Allergan's amended complaint. On December 30, 2022, Allergan filed a second amended complaint against us and ABPS, alleging infringement of three additional patents assigned and/or licensed to Allergan: U.S. Patent Nos. 11,203,748; 11,326,155; and 11,285,216. On January 20, 2023, we filed an answer and counterclaims to Allergan's second amended complaint. On March 3, 2023, we filed invalidity contentions, which challenge Allergan’s asserted patents. A Markman hearing was held on June 28, 2023, and a decision was issued on August 29, 2023. On September 15, 2023, U.S. Patent No. 7,332,567 was dismissed from the case with prejudice. Allergan reduced the asserted claims to claim 8 of U.S. Patent No. 7,354,740, claims 5 and 8 of U.S. Patent No. 11,203,748, claim 10 of U.S. Patent No. 11,033,625, claims 1, 4, 6, and 20 of U.S. Patent No. 11,147,878, and claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 11,285,216 via a Stipulation and Order dated June 21, 2024. The jury trial is scheduled to begin in December 2024.
On December 10, 2021, a putative securities class action complaint was filed against the Company and certain of its officers on behalf of a class of stockholders who acquired the Company’s securities from November 25, 2019 to October 11, 2021, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. The complaint alleges that the Company and certain of its officers violated Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of Exchange Act by making false and misleading statements regarding the manufacturing of DAXXIFY® and the timing and likelihood of regulatory approval and seeks unspecified monetary damages on behalf of the putative class and an award of costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. The court appointed the lead plaintiff and lead counsel on September 7, 2022. The lead plaintiff filed an amended complaint on November 7, 2022. On January 23, 2023, we filed a motion to dismiss, and on March 30, 2024, the Court granted the motion with leave for the plaintiff to amend the complaint. On May 1, 2024, the plaintiff filed an amended complaint, which asserted similar claims to those in the prior complaint. On June 25, 2024, the Company filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint.

We dispute the claims in these lawsuits and intend to defend these matters vigorously. These lawsuits are subject to inherent uncertainties, and the actual defense and disposition costs will depend upon many unknown factors. The outcomes of the lawsuits are necessarily uncertain. We could be forced to expend significant resources in the defense of either lawsuit, and we may not prevail. In addition, we may incur substantial legal fees and costs in connection with each lawsuit.

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Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)

We record a provision for a liability when we believe that it is both probable that a liability has incurred, and the amount can be reasonably estimated. As of both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, no such provision for liabilities related to the above litigation matters were recorded on the condensed consolidated balance sheets.
14. Subsequent Event
Sixth Amendment & ANZ Distribution Agreement
On October 24, 2024, the Company and Teoxane entered into (i) the Sixth Amendment which, among other things, (a) establishes minimum purchase commitments through 2029, (b) updates and clarifies certain branding guidelines, (c) establishes a marketing task force to review product promotional materials, (d) establishes a medical education task force to promote the exchange of best practices, (e) deems breach of certain provisions under the Teoxane Agreement material breaches for purposes of early termination, including the failure to adhere to branding guidelines and timely deliver certain reports and (f) amends our minimum and maximum buffer stock requirements to align with our new purchase commitments (as discussed in Note 13); and (ii) the ANZ Distribution Agreement, pursuant to which Teoxane will act as the Company’s and Revance Australia’s, exclusive distributor and licensee in Australia and New Zealand of certain products containing DaxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm, including DAXXIFY®, for the treatment of (a) temporary improvements in the appearance of glabellar lines and other indications related to altering cosmetic appearance and (b) cervical dystonia. The ANZ Distribution Agreement will continue in full force and effect until December 31, 2040. Pursuant to the ANZ Distribution Agreement, Teoxane will make certain payments to the Company, including an upfront payment, certain regulatory and commercial milestone payments and high single-digit to mid-teen royalty payments for the sale of products in Australia and New Zealand. Teoxane will be required to purchase a minimum volume of products per year beginning in 2030. We are evaluating the accounting impact of the Sixth Amendment and ANZ Distribution Agreement.

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The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our condensed consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes appearing elsewhere in this Report and in conjunction with our other SEC filings, including our FY2023 Form 10-K.
This Report, including the documents incorporated by reference herein, contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act, and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this Report and the documents incorporated by reference herein, including statements regarding our future financial condition, regulatory approvals, business strategy and plans and objectives of management for future operations, are forward-looking statements. The words “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “project,” “potential,” “continue,” “ongoing” and similar expressions that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to our financial outlook or projected performance, profitability expectations, amortization expectations, anticipated growth, milestone expectations, future expenses and cash flows, anticipated working capital requirements, market forecasts, capital expenditures, cash preservation plans, liquidity and financing requirements; our ability to fund our operations, including our ability to alleviate any substantial doubt regarding the same; expectations with respect to the Offer and the Merger, including the timing thereof and the likelihood of the Offer being commenced on the same terms as previously announced, or at all; our and Crown's ability to successfully complete the Merger; the impact to the Company if the Merger is not completed; our ability to comply with our debt obligations, including with respect to the Minimum Cash Covenant; repayment of our indebtedness under the Note Purchase Agreement upon the closing of the Merger; our future financing plans and strategies; our ability to raise additional capital; our ability to develop and commercialize innovative aesthetic and therapeutic offerings; our ability to obtain, and the timing relating to, regulatory submissions and approvals with respect to our drug product candidates and third-party manufacturers, including with respect to the PAS for the PCI manufacturing facility; our opportunity in therapeutics; development of an onabotulinumtoxinA biosimilar; the process and our ability to effectively and reliably manufacture supplies of DAXXIFY®; our ability to manufacture or receive sufficient supply of our Products in order to meet commercial demand; expectations regarding DAXXIFY® Zero-cost Inventory; our ability to maintain and seek out new strategic third-party collaborations to support our goals; research and development expenses and expectations; patent defensive measures; timing and expenses related to our ongoing litigation matters; the possibility of stockholder litigation in connection with the Offer and Merger, and the impacts thereof; our ability to defend ourselves in ongoing litigation; international expansion, including with respect to the approval of DAXXIFY® for cervical dystonia and glabellar lines by the TGA and other regulatory bodies; and our ability to comply with applicable laws and regulations; are forward-looking statements. We have based these forward-looking statements on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including risks described in Item 1A. “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this Report and our FY2023 Form 10-K.
You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. These forward-looking statements represent our estimates and assumptions only as of the date of this Report. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in our expectations. You should read this Report, together with the information incorporated herein by reference, with the understanding that our actual future results, levels of activity, performance and achievements may be materially different from what we expect. We qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements.
Summary of Risk Factors
Investing in our common stock involves risks. See Item 1A. “Risk Factors” in this Report and in our FY2023 Form 10-K for a discussion of the following principal risks and other risks that make an investment in Revance speculative or risky.
There are significant risks and uncertainties associated with the pending Offer and Merger, including the risk that the Offer or the Merger may not be completed in a timely manner or at all, or may be completed on modified terms. The

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Offer has not yet commenced. If the Offer does commence, closing of the Merger will remain subject to certain closing conditions that could adversely affect us or cause the Merger to be abandoned.
Management has concluded there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. In order to mitigate the substantial doubt to continue as a going concern, we may be required to refinance our debt, conduct additional financings, restructure operations, sell assets or reduce our operating expenses. We have incurred significant losses since our inception and we anticipate that we will continue to incur operating losses for the foreseeable future and may not achieve or maintain profitability in the future. Our prior losses, combined with expected future losses, may adversely affect the market price of our common stock, our ability to raise capital and our ability to maintain compliance with our debt covenants.
Our success as a company, including our ability to finance our business and generate revenue, and our future growth is substantially dependent on the clinical and commercial success of our Products. If we are unable to successfully commercialize our Products, complete the development and regulatory approval process of our product candidates, and maintain regulatory approval of our Products we may not be able to generate sufficient revenue to continue our business.
We use third-party collaborators, including Teoxane, Viatris, Fosun, ABPS and PCI to help us develop, validate, manufacture and/or commercialize our products. Our ability to commercialize our products could be impaired or delayed if these collaborations are unsuccessful.

DAXXIFY® and any future product candidates, if approved, may not achieve market acceptance among injectors, HCPs, healthcare organizations and administrators, others in the healthcare community and consumers and patients, and may not be commercially successful, which would adversely affect our operating results and financial condition.

DAXXIFY®, the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers and any future product candidates will face significant competition, including from companies that enjoy significant competitive advantages, such as substantially greater financial, research and development, regulatory, manufacturing, marketing resources and expertise, greater brand recognition and more established relationships. Our failure to effectively compete may prevent us from achieving significant market penetration and expansion.
If we are not able to effectively and reliably manufacture DAXXIFY® or any future product candidates at sufficient scale and appropriate cost, including through any third-party manufacturers, as well as acquire supplies of the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers from Teoxane, our product development, regulatory approval, commercialization and sales efforts and our ability to generate revenue may be adversely affected.
Servicing our debt, including the 2027 Notes and Notes Payable, requires a significant amount of cash to pay our substantial debt. If we are unable to generate sufficient cash flow, we may be required to adopt one or more alternatives, such as selling assets, restructuring debt or obtaining additional equity capital on terms that may be onerous or highly dilutive.
Macroeconomic and geopolitical factors and a public health crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have and may continue to adversely affect our business, as well as those of third-parties on which we rely for significant manufacturing, clinical or other business operations. They may also impact disposable income levels, which could reduce consumer spending and lower demand for our Products.
We are subject to uncertainty relating to pricing and reimbursement. Failure to obtain or maintain adequate coverage, pricing and reimbursement for DAXXIFY® for therapeutics uses, or our other future approved products, if any, could have a material adverse impact on our ability to commercialize such products.
Reports of adverse events or safety concerns involving our Products could delay or prevent the Company or Teoxane from maintaining regulatory approval for such Products, or obtaining additional regulatory approval for additional indications or future product candidates. The denial, delay or withdrawal of any such approval would

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negatively impact commercialization and could have a material adverse effect on our ability to generate revenue, business prospects, and results of operations.
Unfavorable publicity relating to one or more of our Products, whether related to aesthetic or therapeutic indications, may affect the public perception of our entire portfolio of Products.

Clinical drug development involves a lengthy and expensive process with an uncertain outcome, and results of earlier studies and trials may not be predictive of future trial results or actual consumer outcomes.
If our efforts to protect our intellectual property related to DAXXIFY®, the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers or any future product candidates are not adequate, we may not be able to compete effectively. Additionally, we are currently and in the future may become involved in lawsuits or administrative proceedings to defend against claims that we infringe the intellectual property of others and to protect or enforce our patents or other intellectual property or the patents of our licensors, which could be expensive and time-consuming and would have a material adverse effect on our ability to generate revenue if we are unsuccessful.
We are currently, and in the future may be, subject to securities class action and stockholder derivative actions. If other stockholder derivative actions, additional securities class actions or other lawsuits are brought against us, including product liability actions, and we cannot successfully defend ourselves, we may incur substantial liabilities or be required to limit commercialization of our products. Even a successful defense would require significant financial and management resources.
As our business and operations continue to grow, we may need to expand our development, manufacturing, regulatory, sales, marketing and distribution capabilities. If and when we expand such capabilities, we may encounter difficulties in managing our growth, which could disrupt our operations.
We have undertaken, and may in the future undertake, restructuring plans to adjust our investment priorities and manage our operating expenses, which plans may not result in the savings or operational efficiencies anticipated and could result in total costs and expenses that are greater than expected.

If we are not successful in discovering, developing, acquiring and commercializing additional product candidates other than our current Products, our ability to expand our business and achieve our strategic objectives may be impaired.
We have experienced and may experience in the future compromises or failures of our information technology systems or data, or those of third-parties upon which we rely, which could adversely affect our business. Despite significant efforts to secure against such threats, it is impossible to entirely mitigate these risks.
Changes in and failures to comply with applicable laws, regulations and standards may adversely affect our business, operations and financial performance.
If we fail to attract and retain qualified personnel at all levels and functions, we may be unable to successfully execute our objectives.


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Revance is a biotechnology company focused on developing and commercializing innovative aesthetic and therapeutic offerings. Revance’s portfolio includes DAXXIFY® (DaxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm) for injection and the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers in the U.S. Revance has also partnered with Viatris to develop a biosimilar to onabotulinumtoxinA for injection and Fosun to commercialize DAXXIFY® in China.
Recent Developments

Pending Merger
On August 11, 2024, the Company and the Buyer Parties entered into the Merger Agreement, pursuant to which Crown will cause Merger Sub to commence the Offer as promptly as practicable, but in no event later than fifteen business days after the date of the Merger Agreement or such other date as may be agreed to between the Company and Crown, to purchase all of our outstanding Shares of common stock, par value $0.001 per Share, of the Company at a price of $6.66 per Share, in cash, without interest and less any required tax withholding. As a result of discussions between the Company and Teoxane regarding an alleged breach of the Teoxane Agreement, the Buyer Parties extended the date by which Merger Sub was obligated to commence the tender offer for all of the Shares pursuant to the Merger Agreement. The Company and Crown agreed to extend the Offer commencement date to November 12, 2024. The Merger Agreement contemplates that, as soon as practicable following the consummation of the Offer, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement, Merger Sub will be merged with and into the Company, with the Company surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of Crown. The Offer has not commenced. If the Offer commences, consummation of the Offer and closing of the Merger will remain subject to customary closing conditions, including (i) the Minimum Condition; (ii) the absence of any order, injunction or law prohibiting the Offer or the closing of the Merger; (iii) obtaining applicable approvals under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, which approval has already been received; and (iv) the accuracy of the representations and warranties contained in the Merger Agreement, subject to customary materiality qualifications, and compliance with the covenants and agreements contained in the Merger Agreement as of the closing of the Merger. If the Merger is completed, it is expected that our common stock will thereafter be removed from listing on the Nasdaq Global Market and from registration under Section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Both parties have termination rights under certain circumstances. If the Merger Agreement is terminated under certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a $28.8 million termination fee to Crown, including if the Company accepts a Superior Proposal.

The description of the Merger Agreement throughout this Report does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Merger Agreement, which was filed as Exhibit 2.1 to our Current Report on Form 8-K filed on August 12, 2024 and incorporated by reference as Exhibit 2.1 hereto. In addition, refer to “Item 1A. Risk Factors" in this Report for a discussion of the relevant risks regarding the pending Merger with Crown.


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Teoxane Agreement
On August 16, 2024, the Company received a notice to remedy alleged material breaches, including breaches of the maximum levels of buffer stock and required efforts to promote and sell the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers, under the Teoxane Agreement. Following discussions between the Company and Teoxane, the parties entered into the Settlement Agreement, pursuant to which Teoxane (i) waived any right to terminate the Teoxane Agreement with respect to any breaches that may have occurred, existed or arose on or prior to the date of the Settlement Agreement; and (ii) expressly acknowledged that there are no items currently in dispute between Teoxane and the Company.

On October 24, 2024, the Company and Teoxane entered into the Sixth Amendment which, among other things, (a) establishes minimum purchase commitments through 2029, (b) updates and clarifies certain branding guidelines, (c) establishes a marketing task force to review promotional materials, (d) establishes a medical education task force to promote the exchange of best practices, (e) deems breach of certain provisions under the Teoxane Agreement material breaches for purposes of early termination, including the failure to adhere to branding guidelines and timely deliver certain reports and (f) amends our minimum and maximum buffer stock requirements to align with our new purchase commitments (as discussed in Note 13). Either party may terminate the Teoxane Agreement in the event of the insolvency of, or a material breach by, the other party, including certain specified breaches that include the right for Teoxane to terminate the Teoxane Agreement for our failure to meet the minimum purchase requirements or commercialization expenditure during specified periods, our failure to adhere to the branding guidelines or timely deliver certain reports or for our breach of the exclusivity obligations under the Teoxane Agreement.

On October 24, 2024, the Company and Teoxane also entered into the ANZ Distribution Agreement, pursuant to which Teoxane will act as the Company's and Revance Australia's, exclusive distributor and licensee in Australia and New Zealand of certain products containing DaxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm, including DAXXIFY®, for the treatment of (a) temporary improvements in appearance of glabellar lines and other indications related to altering cosmetic appearance and (b) cervical dystonia. The ANZ Distribution Agreement will continue in full force and effect until December 31, 2040. Pursuant to the ANZ Distribution Agreement, Teoxane will make certain payments to the Company, including an upfront payment, certain regulatory and commercial milestone payments and high single-digit to mid-teen royalty payments. Teoxane will be required to purchase a minimum volume of products per year beginning in 2030.

The Company is currently seeking the approval of its DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection Category 1 registration application with the TGA for the temporary improvement of glabellar lines and treatment of cervical dystonia in adult patients, which was filed on November 2, 2023.

Revance Aesthetics
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we generated $58.8 million and $175.9 million in revenue from the sale of our Products. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, we generated $54.1 million and $154.2 million, respectively, in revenue from the sale of our Products.

For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized $28.3 million and $79.2 million in net product revenue from the sale of DAXXIFY®, respectively. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, we recognized $22.0 million and $60.0 million in product revenue from the sale of DAXXIFY®, respectively.
RHA® Collection of Dermal Fillers
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized $30.5 million and $96.7 million in product revenue from the sale of the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers, respectively. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, we recognized $32.1 million and $94.2 million in product revenue from the sale of the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers, respectively.

In April 2024, the Company launched RHA® 3 for injection into the vermillion body, vermillion border and oral commissure for lip augmentation and lip fullness in adults aged 22 years and older.


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Fosun Partnership
On September 9, 2024, we announced that China’s NMPA approved Fosun’s biologics license application for DaxinbotulinumtoxinA for Injection for the improvement of glabellar lines. In October 2024, we received the milestone payment of $13.5 million, net of $1.5 million of foreign withholding taxes.

Revance Therapeutics
In May 2024, the Company expanded into the U.S. therapeutics market with the commercial launch of DAXXIFY® for the treatment of cervical dystonia. As of September 30, 2024, DAXXIFY for the treatment of cervical dystonia had coverage for over 80% of commercial lives.

Follow-On Offering
In March 2024, we completed a follow-on offering, pursuant to which we issued 16.0 million shares of common stock at a price to the public of $6.25 per share (except with respect to 30,000 shares which were sold and issued to Mark Foley, our chief executive officer and director, at $6.98 per share), for net proceeds of $97.1 million, after underwriting discounts and estimated offering costs.
Exit of the Fintech Platform Business
In September 2023, we commenced a plan to exit the Fintech Platform business as the costs and resources required to support the Fintech Platform no longer aligned with the Company’s capital allocation priorities. The exit and restructuring activities included elimination of Fintech Platform personnel, the termination of Fintech Platform research and development activities and an elimination of outside services expenses related to the Fintech Platform. Based on such plan, substantially all payment processing activities for Fintech Platform customers ended on January 31, 2024 and we substantially completed the activities related to winding down the remaining Fintech Platform operations as of March 31, 2024. Beginning as of March 31, 2024, the Service Segment is presented as a discontinued operation in our condensed consolidated financial statements with certain prior period amounts retrospectively revised to reflect this change. Although we discontinued the Service Segment, we do not expect the discontinuation of the Service Segment to have a material effect on our liquidity going forward. See Part I, Item 1, “Financial Information—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Note 3 — Exit of the Fintech Platform Business” in this Report for additional information.
Results of Operations
In connection with the completion of the exit of the Fintech Platform business discussed above, the results of our Fintech Platform business have been reflected as discontinued operations in our condensed consolidated financial statements as of and for the period ended September 30, 2024. Certain prior year figures were reclassified to conform to the current period presentation. Additionally, we began operating under a single reportable segment as of March 31, 2024. See Part I, Item 1, “Financial Information—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Note 3 — Exit of the Fintech Platform Business” in this Report for additional information. Accordingly, the results of operations discussed below no longer include a discussion of the Service Segment and the effect of the Service Segment on prior period amounts have been retrospectively revised for comparative purposes to more accurately reflect the period over period changes in our continuing operations.
We generate product revenue from the sale of our Products. We generate collaboration revenue from an onabotulinumtoxinA biosimilar program with Viatris as well as the collaboration with Fosun for the development and commercialization of DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection. The service revenue generated from the Fintech Platform is classified as discontinued operations as discussed in Part I, Item 1. “Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) —Note 3—Exit of the Fintech Platform Business”.

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Product Revenue
Our breakdown of revenue by Product is summarized below:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except percentages)20242023Change% Change20242023Change% Change
RHA® Collection of dermal fillers
$30,503 $32,133 $(1,630)(5)%$96,704 $94,180 $2,524 %
28,324 21,976 $6,348 29 %79,170 59,980 $19,190 32 %
Total product revenue, net
$58,827 $54,109 $4,718 %$175,874 $154,160 $21,714 14 %
For both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, our net total product revenue increased compared to the same periods in 2023 primarily due to an increase in sales volume across both product lines, and partially offset by an overall reduction in average selling prices for both product lines.
Collaboration Revenue
We are actively developing an onabotulinumtoxinA biosimilar in collaboration with Viatris. As described in Part I, Item 1. “Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) —Note 4—Revenue,” we generally recognize collaboration revenue for the onabotulinumtoxinA biosimilar program based on the determined transactions price of the contract multiplied by the quotient of the cost of development services incurred over the total estimated cost of development services for the expected duration of our performance obligations. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized revenue related to development services under the Viatris Agreement of $1.0 million and $1.3 million, respectively. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, we recognized no revenue related to development services under the Viatris Agreement.
We are also working with Fosun to develop and commercialize DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection in the Fosun Territory under the Fosun License Agreement. As described in Part I, Item 1. “Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) —Note 4—Revenue,” we evaluated all of the variable payments to be received during the duration of the contract, which included payments from specified milestones, royalties, and estimated supplies to be delivered. Upon China’s NMPA approval of DAXXIFY® for the improvement of glabellar lines in September 2024, Fosun was obligated to pay us a milestone payment of $13.5 million, net of $1.5 million foreign withholding taxes, which we received in October 2024. The milestone payment was included as “Deferred revenue” on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, no collaboration revenue is recognized from the Fosun License Agreement. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, revenue of less than $0.1 million and $0.1 million, respectively, was recognized from the Fosun License Agreement, respectively.

Operating Expenses
Operating expenses associated with the Fintech Platform business were classified as discontinued operations as discussed in Part I, Item 1. “Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) —Note 3—Exit of the Fintech Platform Business”.

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Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except percentages)20242023Change% Change20242023Change% Change
Operating expenses:
Cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization)$17,633 $16,821 $812 %$50,179 $46,915 $3,264 %
Selling, general and administrative62,578 65,791 $(3,213)(5)%197,314 202,523 $(5,209)(3)%
Research and development11,379 8,688 $2,691 31 %41,674 43,844 $(2,170)(5)%
Amortization545 374 $171 46 %1,636 1,636 $— — %
Total operating expenses$92,135 $91,674 $461 %$290,803 $294,918 $(4,115)(1)%
Cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization)
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except percentages)20242023Change% Change20242023Change% Change
Cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization)
Purchasing and manufacturing costs$15,835 $15,413 $422 %$45,044 $41,974 $3,070 %
Distribution, royalty and other fulfillment charges1,798 1,408 $390 28 %5,135 4,941 $194 %
Total cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization)$17,633 $16,821 $812 %$50,179 $46,915 $3,264 %
Cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) is generally incurred when our Products are delivered and primarily consists of the purchasing cost of the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers and manufacturing costs of DAXXIFY® and distribution expenses, royalty, other fulfillment costs related to the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers and DAXXIFY®. Substantially all of DAXXIFY® manufacturing expenses incurred prior to DAXXIFY® GL Approval were classified as research and development expenses, resulting in Zero-cost Inventory.
Our cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily due to higher sales volume of our Products. When Zero-cost Inventory, which is further discussed below, is depleted, we expect our cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) associated with DAXXIFY® to increase. We also anticipate that our cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) associated with the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers to increase as sales volume increases.
Purchasing and manufacturing costs
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, purchasing and manufacturing costs increased compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily due to the higher sales volume of our Products.
Distribution, royalty and other fulfillment charges
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, distribution, royalty, and other fulfillment costs increased compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily due to higher sales volume of our Products.

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Impact of Zero-cost Inventory for DAXXIFY®
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) would have increased by approximately $5 million and $18 million, respectively, if cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) included previously expensed inventories. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) would have increased by approximately $3 million and $11 million, respectively, if cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) included previously expensed inventories. We expect to utilize existing Zero-cost Inventory until depleted in the near-term. Once depleted, we expect our cost of product revenue (exclusive of amortization) associated with DAXXIFY® to increase.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except percentages)20242023Change% Change20242023Change% Change
Selling, general and administrative$58,727 $59,862 $(1,135)(2)%$181,709 $177,632 $4,077 %
Stock-based compensation3,491 8,599 $(5,108)(59)%15,631 31,042 $(15,411)(50)%
Depreciation and amortization360 633 $(273)(43)%1,924 3,815 $(1,891)(50)%
Less: selling, general, and administrative expenses classified as discontinued operations— (3,303)$3,303 (100)%(1,950)(9,966)$8,016 (80)%
Total selling, general and administrative expenses$62,578 $65,791 $(3,213)(5)%$197,314 $202,523 $(5,209)(3)%
Selling, general and administrative expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization) consist primarily of the following:
Costs of sales and marketing activities and sales force compensation related to our Products; and
Personnel and professional service costs in our finance, information technology, investor relations, legal, human resources, and other administrative departments;
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, selling, general and administrative expenses decreased compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to the implementation of cost efficiency measures during the current year, partially offset by increased sales and marketing expense for therapeutics, increased legal costs, and transaction costs related to the pending Merger. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, selling, general and administrative expenses increased compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to $7.3 million of transaction costs related to the pending Merger, an increase in sales and marketing activities in preparation for our DAXXIFY® therapeutics launch, and certain litigation matters, partially offset by cost efficiency measures realized during the period.

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Stock-based compensation
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, stock-based compensation included in selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $5.1 million and $15.4 million, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily due to the (i) stock-based compensation expense recognized for the vesting of the DAXXIFY® GL Approval PSU in March 2023, (ii) the impact of the exit of the Fintech Platform business, (iii) the stock-based compensation expense recognized for the vesting of certain market-based PSUs in May 2023, and (iv) lower grant-date fair value of stock awards granted in 2024 compared to 2023, partially offset by expenses associated with certain equity award modifications in selling, general and administrative functions.
Research and Development Expenses
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except percentages)20242023Change% Change20242023Change% Change
Research and development$9,953 $11,200 $(1,247)(11)%$38,605 $48,118 $(9,513)(20)%
Stock-based compensation1,091 1,688 $(597)(35)%3,736 7,926 $(4,190)(53)%
Depreciation and amortization335 172 $163 95 %1,090 3,000 $(1,910)(64)%
Less: research and development expenses classified as discontinued operations— (4,372)$4,372 (100)%(1,757)(15,200)$13,443 (88)%
Total research and development expenses$11,379 $8,688 $2,691 31 %$41,674 $43,844 $(2,170)(5)%
Research and development expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization)
We generally do not allocate costs by product candidates unless contractually required by our business partners. Research and development expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization) consist primarily of:
Personnel costs in our research and development functions;
expenses related to the initiation and completion of clinical trials and studies for the RHA® Pipeline Products and an onabotulinumtoxinA biosimilar, including expenses related to the production of clinical supplies;
expenses related to the manufacturing of supplies for clinical activities, regulatory approvals, and pre-commercial inventory;
certain expenses related to the establishment and maintenance of our manufacturing facilities;
expenses related to medical affairs, medical information, publications and pharmacovigilance oversight;
expenses related to license fees, milestone payments, and development efforts under in-licensing agreements;
expenses related to compliance with drug development regulatory requirements in the U.S. and other foreign jurisdictions;
fees paid to clinical consultants, CROs and other vendors, including all related fees for investigator grants, patient screening fees, laboratory work and statistical compilation and analysis; and
other consulting fees paid to third-parties;

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For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, research and development expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization) decreased compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily due to the FDA approval of our PAS submission for the ABPS manufacturing facility in late March 2023 which allowed manufacturing related expenses for DAXXIFY® to be capitalized on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. Prior to the approval, such manufacturing related expenses were classified as research and development expense in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss.
Our research and development expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization) are subject to numerous uncertainties, primarily related to the timing and cost needed to complete our respective projects. The development timelines, probability of success and development expenses can differ materially from expectations, and the completion of clinical trials may take several years or more depending on the type, complexity, novelty and intended use of a product candidate. Accordingly, the cost of clinical trials may vary significantly over the life of a project as a result of differences arising during clinical development. We expect our research and development expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization) to be relatively consistent in the near term, primarily due to deferring the Phase 3 clinical program for upper limb spasticity and other therapeutics pipeline activities. However, we will continue sharing certain development costs with Teoxane related to the RHA® Pipeline Products, and other activities related to the pursuit of approval for the PCI manufacturing facility.
When we conduct additional clinical trials, such as for our biosimilar program or additional DAXXIFY® therapeutic indications, we expect our research and development expenses (before stock-based compensation and depreciation and amortization) to increase. Depending on the stage of completion and level of effort related to each development phase undertaken, we may reflect variations in our research and development expenses. We expense both internal and external research and development expenses as they are incurred.
Stock-based compensation
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, stock-based compensation included in research and development expenses decreased compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily due to the (i) stock-based compensation expense recognized from the vesting of the DAXXIFY® GL Approval PSU in March 2023, (ii) impact of the exit of the Fintech Platform business, (iii) the stock-based compensation expense recognized for the vesting of certain market-based PSUs in May 2023; and (iv) lower grant-date fair value from stock awards granted in 2024 in comparison to 2023, offset by lower capitalized stock-based compensation in 2024.
Amortization presented separately on the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss represents the amortization for the distribution rights, which is within the functional area of cost of product revenue. Refer to Part I, Item 1. “Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) —Note 3—Exit of the Fintech Platform Business” for the amortization expense classified as discontinued operations.


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Net Non-Operating Income and Expense
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except percentages)20242023Change% Change20242023Change% Change
Interest income$2,631 $3,733 $(1,102)(30)%$8,806 $9,851 $(1,045)(11)%
Interest expense(6,732)(5,093)$(1,639)32 %(17,667)(13,958)$(3,709)27 %
Other expense, net(258)(223)$(35)16 %(1,149)(1,056)$(93)%
Total net non-operating expense$(4,359)$(1,583)$(2,776)175 %$(10,010)$(5,163)$(4,847)94 %
Interest Income
Interest income primarily consists of interest income earned on our deposit, money market fund, and investment balances. We expect interest income to vary each reporting period depending on our average deposit, money market fund, and investment balances during the period and market interest rates.
Interest Expense
Interest expense includes cash and non-cash components. The cash component of the interest expense primarily consists of the contractual interest charges for our 2027 Notes and Notes Payable, as well as our finance lease liability interest expense. The non-cash component of the interest expense primarily consists of the amortization of debt issuance costs for our 2027 Notes and the amortization of debt insurance cost, debt discount, and exit fee for the Notes Payable.
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, interest expense increased compared to the same periods in 2023 due to interest associated with the issuance of the Second Tranche of the Notes payable in August 2023, and partially offset by a decrease in interest expense for our finance lease liability.
Other Expense, net
Other expense, net primarily consists of miscellaneous tax and other expense items partially offset by office lease sublease income.
Liquidity and Capital Resources

Our financial condition is summarized as follows:
(in thousands)September 30,December 31, 2023
Cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments$184,076 $253,915 $(69,839)
Working capital$249,638 $249,641 $(3)
Stockholders’ deficit$(163,030)$(151,604)$11,426 
Sources and Uses of Cash
We hold our cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments in bank accounts and interest-bearing instruments subject to investment guidelines for high credit quality. Our investment portfolio is structured to provide for investment maturities and access to cash to fund our anticipated working capital needs.
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments of $184.1 million and $253.9 million, respectively, which reflected a decrease between these periods of $69.8 million. The decrease was primarily due to cash used in operating activities of $148.2 million, principal payments on a finance lease of $12.6 million, finance lease prepayment of $9.1 million, purchases of property and equipment of $2.2 million, and payment

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of debt principal and an exit fee of $1.3 million. The decrease was primarily offset by proceeds from a follow-on public offering, net of underwriting discount of $97.6 million and other cash inflows of $6.0 million.
We derived the following summary of our condensed consolidated cash flows for the periods indicated from Part I, Item 1, “Financial Information—Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)” in this Report:
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)20242023
Net cash provided by (used in):
Operating activities$(148,157)$(173,844)
Investing activities$(15,305)$107,370 
Financing activities$83,327 $138,196 
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Our cash used in operating activities is primarily driven by personnel costs, manufacturing and facility costs, sales and marketing activities, and general and administrative support, offset by revenue generated from the sale of our Products. Our cash flows from operating activities will continue to be affected principally by the revenue generated from our Products and our working capital requirements, with a primary focus on commercial operations.
Cash used in operating activities for nine months ended September 30, 2024 consisted of approximately $314 million in expenditures related to overall operations, partially offset by approximately $166 million in cash receipts from our revenue. The increase in net cash used in operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to 2023 is primarily driven by expenditures related to supporting the Company’s commercial growth, and partially offset by an increase in cash receipt from Product sales.
Cash used in operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 consisted of approximately $326 million in expenditures related to overall operations, partially offset by approximately $152 million in cash receipts from our revenue.
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, net cash provided by or used in investing activities was primarily due to fluctuations in the timing of purchases and maturities of investments, prepayment on a finance lease, and purchases of property and equipment.
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, net cash provided by financing activities was driven by proceeds from follow-on public offering, net of underwriting discount, and proceeds from the exercise of stock options and employee stock purchase plan, which was offset by the principal payments on finance lease obligations, payment of debt principal and exit fee, net settlement of stock awards for employee taxes, and payments of offering costs.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, net cash provided by financing activities was driven by the proceeds from the ATM, net of commissions, the issuance of the Notes Payable pursuant to the Note Purchase Agreement, net of debt discount and the exercise of stock options and purchases of our common stock through the 2014 ESPP. The inflows were offset by the net settlement of stock awards for employee taxes, and principal payments on finance lease obligations.

Convertible Senior Notes
In February 2020, we issued the 2027 Notes, in the aggregate principal amount of $287.5 million, pursuant to the Indenture. The 2027 Notes are senior unsecured obligations and bear interest at a rate of 1.75% per year, payable semiannually in arrears on February 15 and August 15 of each year, began on August 15, 2020. The 2027 Notes will mature

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on February 15, 2027, unless earlier converted, redeemed or repurchased. In connection with issuing the 2027 Notes, we received $278.3 million in net proceeds, after deducting the initial purchasers’ discount, commissions, and other issuance costs.
The 2027 Notes may be converted at any time by the holders prior to the close of business on the business day immediately preceding November 15, 2026 only under the following circumstances: (i) during any fiscal quarter commencing after the fiscal quarter ending on June 30, 2020 (and only during such fiscal quarter), if the last reported sale price of our common stock for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during a period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on, and including, the last trading day of the immediately preceding fiscal quarter is greater than or equal to 130% of the conversion price on each applicable trading day; (ii) during the measurement period in which the trading price (as defined in the Indenture) per $1,000 principal amount of the 2027 Notes for each trading day of the measurement period was less than 98% of the product of the last reported sale price of our common stock and the conversion rate on each such trading day; (iii) if we call any or all of the 2027 Notes for redemption, at any time prior to the close of business on the scheduled trading day immediately preceding the redemption date; or (iv) upon the occurrence of specified corporate events. On or after November 15, 2026 until the close of business on the second scheduled trading day immediately preceding the Maturity Date, holders may convert all or any portion of their 2027 Notes at any time, regardless of the foregoing circumstances. Upon conversion, we will pay or deliver, as the case may be, cash, shares of our common stock or a combination of cash and shares of our common stock, at our election.
The conversion rate will initially be 30.8804 shares of our common stock per $1,000 principal amount of the 2027 Notes (equivalent to an initial conversion price of approximately $32.38 per share of our common stock). The conversion rate is subject to adjustment in some events but will not be adjusted for any accrued and unpaid interest. In addition, following certain corporate events that occur prior to the Maturity Date or if we deliver a notice of redemption, we will, in certain circumstances, increase the conversion rate for a holder who elects to convert its 2027 Notes in connection with such a corporate event or notice of redemption, as the case may be.
We may redeem for cash all or any portion of the 2027 Notes, at our option, on or after February 20, 2024 if the last reported sale price of our common stock has been at least 130% of the conversion price then in effect for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during any 30 consecutive trading day period (including the last trading day of such period) ending on, and including, the trading day immediately preceding the date on which we provide notice of redemption at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the 2027 Notes to be redeemed, plus any accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the redemption date. The threshold to redeem has not been met as of September 30, 2024. No sinking fund is provided for the 2027 Notes.
If we undergo a fundamental change (as defined in the Indenture), holders may require us to repurchase for cash all or any portion of their 2027 Notes at a fundamental change repurchase price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the 2027 Notes to be repurchased, plus any accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the fundamental change repurchase date.
Within the time periods required by the terms of the Indenture, we have agreed to deliver any notices (including with respect to holders’ rights to require repurchase or conversion of the convertible notes), certificates, supplemental indentures and other documents that might be required under the convertible notes indenture and take all other actions that are required under the terms of the 2027 Notes, the Indenture or under applicable law, including as a result of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, to the extent constituting a “Fundamental Change” or “Make-Whole Fundamental Change” (as such terms are defined in the Indenture).
We used $28.9 million of the net proceeds from the 2027 Notes to pay the cost of the capped call transactions. The capped call transactions are expected generally to reduce the potential dilutive effect upon conversion of the 2027 Notes and/or offset any cash payments we are required to make in excess of the principal amount of converted 2027 Notes, as the case may be, with such reduction and/or offset subject to a price cap of $48.88 of our common stock per share, which represents a premium of 100% over the last reported sale price of our common stock on February 10, 2020. The capped calls have an initial strike price of $32.38 per share, subject to certain adjustments, which corresponds to the conversion option strike price in the 2027 Notes. The capped call transactions cover, subject to anti-dilution adjustments, approximately 8.9 million shares of our common stock.

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Note Purchase Agreement
In March 2022, we entered into the Note Purchase Agreement and issued the First Tranche in an aggregate principal amount for all such Notes of $100 million. In August 2023, we entered into the First Amendment to reduce the Second Tranche from $100 million to $50 million, and we subsequently issued $50 million to the Purchasers. Additionally, the First Amendment increased the uncommitted Third Tranche from $100 million to $150 million. The uncommitted Third Tranche was available until March 31, 2024, subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement, including the achievement of greater than or equal to $50 million in trailing twelve months revenue for DAXXIFY® preceding the date of the draw request for the Third Tranche, and approval by Athyrium, which we did not draw on.
Our obligations under the Note Purchase Agreement are secured by substantially all of our assets and the assets of our wholly owned domestic subsidiaries, including their respective intellectual property.
The notes issued pursuant to the First Tranche and Second Tranche bear interest at an annual fixed interest rate equal to 8.50%. We are required to make quarterly interest payments on each Notes Payable commencing on the last business day of the calendar month following the funding date thereof, and continuing until the Maturity Date. Pursuant to the First Amendment, the Company is required to repay Athyrium the outstanding principal amount of the Second Tranche notes in installments on the last business day of each March, June, September and December (commencing in September 2024), in each case, based on the following principal amortization payment schedule: 2.5% in September and December 2024; 5.0% in March and June 2025; 7.5% in September and December 2025; and 10.0% in March and June 2026; followed by repayment of the Second Tranche in full on September 18, 2026. The Maturity Date may be extended to March 18, 2028 if, as of September 18, 2026, less than $90 million principal amount of our existing 2027 Notes remain outstanding and with the consent of the Purchasers. Initially, all principal for each tranche is due and payable on the Maturity Date. At our option, we may prepay the outstanding principal balance of all or any portion of the principal amount of the Notes Payable, subject to a prepayment fee equal to (i) a make-whole amount if the prepayment occurs on or prior to the first anniversary of the NPA Effective Date and (ii) 2.0% of the amount prepaid if the prepayment occurs after the first anniversary of the NPA Effective Date but on or prior to the second anniversary of the NPA Effective Date. Upon prepayment or repayment of all or any portion of the principal amount of the Notes Payable (whether on the Maturity Date or otherwise), we are also required to pay an exit fee to the Purchasers.
The Note Purchase Agreement includes affirmative and negative covenants applicable to us, our current subsidiaries and any subsidiaries we create in the future. The affirmative covenants include, among others, covenants requiring us to maintain our legal existence and governmental approvals, deliver certain financial reports, maintain insurance coverage and satisfy certain requirements regarding deposit accounts. We must also (i) maintain at least $30.0 million of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents in accounts subject to a control agreement in favor of Athyrium at all times (the Minimum Cash Covenant) and (ii) upon the occurrence of certain specified events set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement, achieve at least $70.0 million of Consolidated Teoxane Distribution Net Product Sales on a trailing twelve-months basis. The negative covenants include, among others, restrictions on our transferring collateral, incurring additional indebtedness, engaging in mergers or acquisitions, paying dividends or making other distributions, making investments, creating liens, selling assets and undergoing a change in control, in each case subject to certain exceptions.
If we do not comply with the affirmative and negative covenants, such non-compliance may be an event of default under the Note Purchase Agreement. The Note Purchase Agreement also includes events of default, the occurrence and continuation of which could cause interest to be charged at the rate that is otherwise applicable plus 2.0% and would provide Athyrium, as administrative agent, with the right to exercise remedies against us and the collateral, including foreclosure against our property securing the obligations under the Note Purchase Agreement, including our cash. These events of default include, among other things, our failure to pay principal or interest due under the Note Purchase Agreement, a breach of certain covenants under the Note Purchase Agreement, our insolvency, the occurrence of a circumstance which could have a material adverse effect and the occurrence of any default under certain other indebtedness.


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Follow-On Offering
In March 2024, we completed a follow-on offering, pursuant to which we issued 16.0 million shares of common stock at a price to the public of $6.25 per share (except with respect to 30,000 shares to be sold and issued to Mark Foley, our president, chief executive officer, and director, at $6.98 per share), for net proceeds of $97.1 million, after underwriting discounts and offering costs.

ATM Offering Program
In 2023, we sold 3.2 million shares of common stock under the 2022 ATM Agreement at a weighted average price of $31.90 per share, resulting in net proceeds of $100.0 million after sales agent commissions and offering costs. No shares of common stock were sold during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 from the 2022 ATM Agreement.
Common Stock and Common Stock Equivalents
As of October 31, 2024, outstanding shares of common stock were 104.9 million, unvested RSUs and PSUs were 5.1 million, outstanding stock options were 3.5 million, unvested RSAs and PSAs were 0.6 million, shares expected to be purchased under the 2014 ESPP were 0.1 million and shares of common stock underlying the 2027 Notes was 8.9 million, based upon the initial conversion price.
Operating and Capital Expenditure Requirements - Going Concern
We expect to continue to incur operating losses for the foreseeable future as we continue to devote resources to the commercialization, research and development, manufacturing development and regulatory approval of our products. However, there are numerous risks and uncertainties regarding our planned activities, and as a result our funding requirements.

Disciplined capital allocation continues to be a priority; however, we have spent and expect to continue to spend significant resources towards the costs of completing the pending Merger, including legal and financial advisory fees and other transaction costs, certain of which are payable by the Company whether or not the Merger is completed. Also, in addition to quarterly interest payments and exit fees, beginning in September 2024, the Company started repaying to Athyrium the outstanding principal amount of the Second Tranche Notes, based on the following principal amortization payment schedule: 2.5% in September and December 2024; 5.0% in March and June 2025; 7.5% in September and December 2025; and 10.0% in March and June 2026.

In addition, we expect that we will continue to expend substantial resources for the foreseeable future and in the long-term to support the growth of the aesthetics portfolio of Products and DAXXIFY® for the treatment of cervical dystonia and to support our ongoing operations. In particular, we anticipate that we will continue to invest substantial resources in our commercialization efforts and the manufacturing and supply of DAXXIFY® for commercialization. In addition, in connection with the Teoxane Agreement, we must continue to make specified annual minimum purchases of the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers, which amounts have increased following our entry into the Sixth Amendment (see Note 13 for additional information), and meet annual minimum investments in connection with the commercialization of the RHA® Collection of dermal fillers. In addition, we have dedicated manufacturing capacity, buyback obligations, cost sharing arrangements and related minimum purchase obligations under our manufacturing and supply agreements in connection with the manufacture and supply of DAXXIFY® and any product candidate. We also anticipate expending resources to continue to support the onabotulinumtoxinA biosimilar and Fosun partnerships. In the long term, in addition to the aforementioned expenditures, we anticipate our expenditures will include clinical programs for DAXXIFY® in other potential indications and international regulatory investments.

As of September 30, 2024, we had capital resources of $184.1 million consisting of cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments. To date, we have funded our operations primarily through the sale of common stock, convertible senior notes, sales of Products, proceeds from notes issued pursuant to the Note Purchase Agreement and payments received from collaboration arrangements. We also have remaining capacity to sell up to $47.2 million of our common stock under the 2022 ATM Agreement as of September 30, 2024. Our forecasted liquidity is based on our current operating plan and

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excludes any impact from the pending consummation of the Merger. Based on that plan and excluding any impact of the pending consummation of the Merger, our existing cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments will not allow us to fund our operations for at least 12 months following the filing of this Report. Also, we are required to maintain compliance with the Minimum Cash Covenant in accordance with the terms of the Note Purchase Agreement (see Note 10). As a result, management has concluded that there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. In order to mitigate the substantial doubt to continue as a going concern, we may be required to refinance our debt, conduct additional financings, restructure operations, sell assets or reduce our operating expenses. If we are unable to generate sufficient revenue to fulfill our operating plan, secure additional capital when needed or sufficiently reduce our operating expenses, we may be unable to comply with the Minimum Cash Covenant or continue to operate our business.

See “Part II. Item 1A. Risk Factors—Management has concluded there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern" in this Report and “Part I. Item 1A. Risk Factors—We have incurred significant losses since our inception and we anticipate that we will continue to incur operating losses for the foreseeable future and may not achieve or maintain profitability in the future” in our FY2023 Form 10-K for additional information.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, there have been no material changes in our critical accounting policies compared to those disclosed in Item 7 in our FY2023 Form 10-K.
Contractual Obligations
Except for the minimum purchase obligation under the Sixth Amendment discussed in Part I, Item 1, “Financial Information—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Note 13—Commitments and Contingencies”, there were no material changes outside of the ordinary course of business in our contractual obligations as of September 30, 2024, from those as of December 31, 2023 as reported in our FY2023 Form 10-K.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
Refer to “Recent Accounting Pronouncements” in Part I, Item 1, “Financial Information—Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)—Note 1—The Company and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies” in this Report.

We are exposed to market risk in the ordinary course of our business. Market risk represents the risk of loss that may impact our financial position due to adverse changes in financial market prices and rates. Our market risk exposure is primarily a result of fluctuations in interest rates. We do not hold or issue financial instruments for trading purposes. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, our exposure to market risk did not change materially from what was disclosed in Item 7A in our FY2023 Form 10-K.


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Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. Management, with the participation of our principal executive officer and our principal financial officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this Report. The term “disclosure controls and procedures” as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act, means controls and other procedures of a company that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the company’s management, including its principal executive and principal financial officers, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives, and management necessarily applies its judgment in evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls and procedures. Based on the evaluation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this Report, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that, as of such date, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective at the reasonable assurance level.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, there were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting identified in management’s evaluation pursuant to Rules 13a-15(d) or 15d-15(d) of the Exchange Act that materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

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We are currently involved in litigation relating to claims arising out of our operations and may be involved in such litigation in the future. Such matters are subject to uncertainty and there can be no assurance that such legal proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial position or cash flows.
In October 2021, Allergan filed a complaint against us and ABPS, one of our manufacturing sources of DAXXIFY®, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging infringement of the following patents assigned and/or licensed to Allergan: U.S. Patent Nos. 11,033,625; 7,354,740; 8,409,828; 11,124,786; and 7,332,567. Allergan claims that our formulation for DAXXIFY® and ABPS’s manufacturing process used to produce DAXXIFY® infringes its patents. Allergan also asserted a patent with claims related to a substrate for use in a botulinum toxin detection assay. On November 3, 2021, we filed a motion to dismiss. On November 24, 2021, Allergan filed an amended complaint against us and ABPS, alleging infringement of an additional patent assigned and/or licensed to Allergan: U.S. Patent No. 11,147,878. On December 17, 2021, we filed a second motion to dismiss, and on January 14, 2022, Allergan filed an opposition to that motion. We filed a reply to Allergan’s opposition on January 21, 2022, and on August 19, 2022, the court denied our second motion to dismiss. On September 2, 2022, we filed an answer and counterclaims to Allergan's amended complaint. On December 30, 2022, Allergan filed a second amended complaint against us and ABPS, alleging infringement of three additional patents assigned and/or licensed to Allergan: U.S. Patent Nos. 11,203,748; 11,326,155; and 11,285,216. On January 20, 2023, we filed an answer and counterclaims to Allergan's second amended complaint. On March 3, 2023, we filed invalidity contentions, which challenge Allergan’s asserted patents. A Markman hearing was held on June 28, 2023, and a decision was issued on August 29, 2023. On September 15, 2023, U.S. Patent No. 7,332,567 was dismissed from the case with prejudice. Allergan reduced the asserted claims to claim 8 of U.S. Patent No. 7,354,740, claims 5 and 8 of U.S. Patent No. 11,203,748, claim 10 of U.S. Patent No. 11,033,625, claims 1, 4, 6, and 20 of U.S. Patent No. 11,147,878, and claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 11,285,216 via a Stipulation and Order dated June 21, 2024. The jury trial is scheduled to begin in December 2024.

On December 10, 2021, a putative securities class action complaint was filed against the Company and certain of its officers on behalf of a class of stockholders who acquired the Company’s securities from November 25, 2019 to October 11, 2021, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. The complaint alleges that the Company and certain of its officers violated Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of Exchange Act by making false and misleading statements regarding the manufacturing of DAXXIFY® and the timing and likelihood of regulatory approval and seeks unspecified monetary damages on behalf of the putative class and an award of costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. The court appointed the lead plaintiff and lead counsel on September 7, 2022. The lead plaintiff filed an amended complaint on November 7, 2022. On January 23, 2023, we filed a motion to dismiss, and on March 30, 2024, the Court granted the motion with leave for the plaintiff to amend the complaint. On May 1, 2024, the plaintiff filed an amended complaint, which asserted similar claims to those in the prior complaint. On June 25, 2024, the Company filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint.

We dispute the claims in these lawsuits and intend to defend these matters vigorously. These lawsuits are subject to inherent uncertainties, and the actual defense and disposition costs will depend upon many unknown factors. The outcomes of the lawsuits are necessarily uncertain. We could be forced to expend significant resources in the defense of either lawsuit, and we may not prevail. In addition, we may incur substantial legal fees and costs in connection with each lawsuit.

Investing in our common stock involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider the risks described below, as well as all other information included in this Report, including our consolidated financial statements, the notes thereto and the section entitled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” and Part I, Item IA of our FY2023 10-K before you decide to purchase shares of our common stock. If any of those risks actually occurs, our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results could be materially harmed. As a result, the trading price of our common stock could decline and you could lose all or part of your investment. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we currently deem immaterial may also impair our business operations and stock price.

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Below we are providing, in supplemental form, new risk factors as well as material changes to our risk factors from those previously disclosed in Part I, Item 1A in our FY2023 10-K. Our risk factors disclosed in Part I, Item 1A of the FY2023 10-K provide additional discussion about these supplemental risks.
There are uncertainties as to the timing of the Offer and the Merger, including the risk that the Offer or the Merger may not be completed in a timely manner or at all, or may be completed on modified terms that are less favorable.

On August 11, 2024, we entered into the Merger Agreement with Crown and Merger Sub, pursuant to which Crown will cause Merger Sub to commence a tender offer as promptly as practicable for all of our outstanding common stock. The commencement date for the tender offer was extended via mutual waiver to November 12, 2024, or such other date as may be mutually agreed to among the Buyer Parties and the Company. There can be no assurance that the Offer and the Merger will be completed in the currently contemplated timeframe, or at all, or on the same terms as originally contemplated by the parties, including at the original Offer Price. While the parties previously contemplated closing the Offer and the Merger during the fourth quarter of 2024, there can be no assurance that all closing conditions will be satisfied (or waived, if applicable) by year-end. The obligation of Merger Sub to accept for payment Shares validly tendered pursuant to the Offer is subject to customary closing conditions, including: (i) the Minimum Condition; (ii) the absence of any order, injunction or law prohibiting the Offer or the closing of the Merger; (iii) obtaining applicable approvals under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, which approval has already been received; and (iv) the accuracy of the representations and warranties contained in the Merger Agreement, subject to customary materiality qualifications, and compliance with the covenants and agreements contained in the Merger Agreement as of the closing of the Merger.
The Merger Agreement contains certain termination rights for both the Company and Crown, which could prevent the consummation of the Offer and the Merger. Due to the ongoing discussions between the Company and Crown, in light of the Company’s entry into the Teoxane Agreements, the Buyer Parties agreed to further extend the date by which Merger Sub is obligated to commence the tender offer to November 12, 2024 or such other date as may be mutually agreed to between the Company and the Buyer Parties. Crown has expressed dissatisfaction with our entry into the Teoxane Agreements and the terms of such agreements. While the parties continue their discussions, Crown may assert claims related to the Merger Agreement or take other action in connection with the Company’s entry into the Teoxane Agreements, including by seeking to unilaterally terminate the Merger Agreement or to otherwise reach a settlement. For these and other reasons, termination of the Merger Agreement could materially and adversely affect our business operations and financial condition, which in turn would materially and adversely affect the price of our common stock. There could also be further delays to the commencement or consummation of the Offer, or in the Company or the Buyer Parties seeking remedies in accordance with, and modifications to, the terms of the Merger Agreement, including Offer Price.

If the Offer and the Merger are not completed within the expected timeframe or at all, or on modified terms, we will be subject to a number of material risks that could adversely impact our business, financial conditions and results of operations, including the following:
the trading price of our Shares may significantly decline to the extent that the market price of the Shares reflect positive market assumptions that the Offer and the Merger will be completed at the current Offer Price, and the related benefits will be realized;
if the Merger Agreement is terminated under certain specified circumstances, including by Revance to accept a Superior Proposal, we may be required to pay Crown a termination fee of $28.8 million;
the obligation to pay significant transaction costs, such as legal, accounting and financial advisory costs that are not contingent on closing of the Offer and the Merger;
the diversion of management’s attention from our ongoing business operations towards the Offer and the Merger, for which we will have received little or no benefit if completion of the Offer and the Merger does not occur;
negative reactions from employees, resulting in low productivity, employees leaving the Company or possible layoffs; and

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reputational harm including to relationships with customers, service providers, investors, lenders and business partners due to the adverse perception of any failure to successfully complete the Offer and the Merger.
Failure to timely complete the Offer and the Merger could adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations and the trading price of our Shares could significantly decline.
The announcement and pendency of the Offer and the Merger has resulted and may continue to result in disruptions to our business, divert management’s attention and/or disrupt our relationships with third parties and employees, any of which could negatively impact our operating results and ongoing business.

The Merger Agreement generally requires us to conduct our business in the ordinary course, subject to certain exceptions, including as required by applicable law, pending consummation of the Merger, and subjects us to interim operating covenants that restrict us, without Crown’s approval from taking certain specified actions until the Offer and Merger are consummated or the Merger Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms. These restrictions could prevent us from pursuing certain business opportunities that may arise prior to the consummation of the Offer and the Merger and may affect our ability to execute our business strategies and attain financial and other goals and may impact our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.
Our current and prospective employees may experience uncertainty about their future roles with us following the consummation of the Merger, which may materially adversely affect our ability to retain and hire key personnel and other employees while the Offer and Merger are pending. The pending Offer and Merger could cause disruptions to our business or business relationships with our existing and potential customers, service providers, investors, lenders and others with whom we do business, and this could have an adverse impact on our operating results and business generally. Parties with which we have business relationships may experience uncertainty as to the future of such relationships and may delay or defer certain business decisions, seek alternative relationships with third parties, or seek to negotiate changes or alter their present business relationships with us. Parties with whom we otherwise may have sought to establish business relationships may seek alternative relationships with third parties.
The pursuit of the Offer and Merger has placed and may continue to place a significant burden on management and internal resources, which may have a negative impact on our ongoing business operations. It has also diverted management’s time and attention from the day-to-day operation of our businesses and the execution of our other strategic initiatives. This could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations, despite management's efforts to continue to operate in the ordinary course.
The adverse consequence of the pendency of the Merger could be exacerbated by any delays in completion of the Merger or termination of the Merger Agreement. In addition, we have incurred, and will continue to incur, significant costs, expenses and fees for professional services and other transaction costs in connection with the Merger, for which we will have received little or no benefit if the Merger is not completed. Many of these fees and costs will be payable by us even if the Merger is not completed and may relate to activities that we would not have undertaken other than to complete the Merger, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.
Stockholder litigation in connection with the Offer and Merger may result in significant costs of defense, indemnification and liability, and could impact the timing of or our ability to complete the Merger.

The Company may be subject to stockholder lawsuits challenging the Offer and Merger. No assurance can be made as to the outcome of these and other similar lawsuits, including the amount of costs associated with defending such claims or any other liabilities that may be incurred in connection with the litigation of such claims. If plaintiffs are successful in obtaining an injunction prohibiting completion of the Offer and Merger on the agreed-upon terms, such an injunction may delay the completion of the Offer and Merger in the expected timeframe or may prevent the Offer and Merger from being completed altogether. Whether or not any plaintiff’s claim is successful, such litigation may result in significant costs of defense, indemnification and liability, and diverts management’s attention and resources, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.



《合并协议》包含的条款限制我们在某些情况下寻求或协商任何替代收购提议的能力。例如,合并协议包含双方公司和皇冠的某些终止权利。任何一方均可出于以下事件而终止:(i)有权管辖的法院作出了最终且不可上诉的裁定,阻止或使得要约或合并活动非法;以及 (ii)要约终止或到期后,要约子公司被要求接受股份付款,但合并截止日(定义详见合并协议)内合并未能完成。公司可以终止,(i)如果皇冠未能在到期日之前或之日启动要约,除非主要由于公司实质违反协议;(ii)与优越提议签订最终协议;(iii)皇冠未能纠正严重违反,该违反情况合理带有可能对皇冠或要约子公司完成合并产生重大不利影响;以及 (iv)如果关联交割条件满足,公司准备完成交割,但购买方未完成。这些条款可能会阻碍潜在的竞争收购者考虑或提出竞争性收购提议,即使潜在的竞争性收购者愿意支付每股现金价值高于要约和合并中拟收到或实现的市值的报价,或可能导致潜在的竞争收购者提议支付比其原本可能提出的更低价格,因为终止费用和合并协议规定下在某些情况下可能要支付的其他费用增加了开支。
管理层已得出结论,存在重大疑虑 我们是否能够持续经营。

在我们需要时,可能无法获得额外资本,或者无法以对我们可接受的条件获得。如果我们无法及时获得足够的资金,或者根本无法获得资金,我们可能需要采取资本保全措施,包括减少营业费用和延迟、缩减、停止或修改我们的销售和营销能力;研究和开发活动;或者继续推广我们的产品和业务计划中其他必要的活动。如果我们无法产生足够的营业收入来完成我们的营运计划,获得所需的额外资本或充分减少我们的营业费用,我们可能无法遵守最低现金协议,或继续经营我们的业务。有关《票据购买协议》下的后果更多信息,请参阅我们的FY2023 Form 10-k,项目1A - “我们可能没有足够的现金可供我们按期支付债务利息或本金。”


第 2 项。未注册的股权证券销售和所得款项的使用
第 4 项。矿山安全披露

在2024年9月30日结束的三个月内,我们的16条规定的高管或董事中没有人 已采纳修改或终止 根据S-k规定第408条定义的Rule 10b5-1交易安排或非Rule 10b5-1交易安排。


展品6. 陈列品

Inline XBRL税务分类扩展计算链接库文档
Inline XBRL分类术语扩展标签链接文档
+    本展览的部分内容(用星号标示)已被省略,因为注册人已确定(i)省略的信息不重要,以及(ii)省略的信息属于注册人视为私密或机密的类型。
† 附上的证书作为附件32.1和32.2,根据《美国法典》第1350条提交的本报告,根据《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》第906条的规定通过采纳,不应被视为与证券交易委员会提交根据第18条目的文件一起。 交易法此等证书不得被视为已被包括进Revance Therapeutics, Inc.根据《证券法》或者, 交易法的任何文件中,除非注册申请人明确通过引用加以包含。


REVANCE 疗法有限公司
日期:2024 年 11 月 7 日作者:/s/ Mark J. Foley
作者:/s/ Tobin C. Schilke
Tobin C. Schilke