華盛頓特區 20549
表格 10-Q
截至季度結束日期的財務報告September 30, 2024
西24街27號, 702號套房
紐約, NY。
公司電話號碼,包括區號:(646) 481-9832

請勾選符號表示公司是否進行了以下行動:(1)在過去12個月期間(或公司有要求提交上述報告的較短時間期間)根據《證券交易法》第13或15(d)條款的規定提交了所有要求提交的報告,以及(2)在過去90天內履行了此類提交要求。 Yes xo
勾選表示註冊人已在過去12個月內(或更短的時間內,註冊人需要提交文件)按照《S-t條例第405條規則》要求提交了所有互動數據文件。Yes xo
如果是新興成長型企業,請勾選複選標記,表明註冊者已選擇不使用延長過渡期來符合根據證券交易法第13(a)條規定提供的任何新財務會計準則。 o
請勾選是否Registrant是外殼公司(根據證券交易法規則12b-2定義)。 是 ox
截至2024年5月31日,該註冊商的B類普通股發行量爲3,566,441股,其中155,333股25,642,610 2024年11月1日,每股面值爲0.0001美元的普通股。



另外,“我們認為”及類似的陳述反映我們對相關主題的信仰和意見。這些陳述基於我們在此Form 10-Q季度報告日期可取得的信息,雖然我們認為這些信息可為該等陳述提供合理依據,但這些信息可能有限或不完整,我們的陳述不應被解讀為我們對所有潛在相關信息進行了全面調查或審查。這些陳述本質上不確定,請勿過度依賴。

第一部分. 財務資訊
項目1. 財務報表
現金及現金等價物$35,008 $140,726 
短期投資246,916 62,225 
預付費用及其他流動資產11,861 5,923 
全部流動資產293,785 208,874 
物業及設備,扣除折舊後淨值55 85 
受限制的現金227 227 
經營租賃權使用資產252 362 
其他非流動資產1,661 747 
總資產$328,447 $210,295 
應付帳款$2,054 $1,071 
應計費用及其他流動負債5,004 3,710 
營運租賃負債,流動部分226 221 
流動負債合計7,284 5,002 
租賃負債淨額,除去當期部分64 194 
其他負債31 57 
總負債7,379 5,253 
未指定的優先股,$0.0001 帳面價值 - 10,000,000 截至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日授權的股份數量, 沒有 截至2024年9月30日或2023年12月31日發行或流通的股份數量
0.010.0001 面值 – 140,000,000 截至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日授權的投票股份, 25,649,002 已發行的投票股份及 25,642,610 截至2024年9月30日的在外投票股份; 20,337,571 截至2023年12月31日的已發行及在外投票股份; 10,000,000 截至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日授權的非投票股份, 沒有 截至2024年9月30日或2023年12月31日的已發行或在外非投票股份
3 2 
資本公積額額外增資433,270 267,024 
821 67 
股東權益總額321,068 205,042 
負債和股東權益總額$328,447 $210,295 

研究與開發$19,330 $3,762 $46,440 $24,353 
一般及行政5,108 2,881 17,486 6,166 
營業費用總額24,438 6,643 63,926 30,519 
其他收入,淨額4,261 1,052 12,951 1,297 
投資未實現收益1,273  754  


2022年12月31日結餘27,125,000$27,125 867,499$ $195 $ $(19,927)$(19,732)
以股票為基礎的薪酬支出— — 393 — — 393 
淨損失— — — — (7,502)(7,502)
發行A系列可轉換優先股,扣除發行成本92,200,00091,823 — — — — — 
根據輝瑞授權協議的反稀釋條款發行A系列可轉換優先股8,823,5298,824 — — — — — 
股份報酬費用— — 416 — — 416 
發行普通股票,包括早期行使期權— 695,142— 7 — — 7 
早期行使的股票期權解凍— — 18 — — 18 
淨損失— — — — (16,129)(16,129)
2023年6月30日結餘128,148,529127,772 1,562,641 1,029  (43,558)(42,529)
以股票為基礎的報酬支出— — 706 — — 706 
早期行使期權的授予— — 7 — — 7 
淨損失— — — — (5,591)(5,591)
2023年9月30日結餘128,148,529$127,772 1,562,641$ $1,742 $ $(49,149)$(47,407)
截至2023年12月31日的餘額$ 20,337,571$2 $267,024 $67 $(62,051)$205,042 
公開發行普通股,扣除發行成本後的淨發行— 5,307,6911 161,352 — — 161,353 
股份報酬費用— — 1,388 — — 1,388 
早期行使期權的授予— — 7 — — 7 
發行普通股以進入限制性股票單位的擬出屆成期— 1,247— — — — — 
投資未實現虧損— — — (320)— (320)
淨損失— — — — (13,311)(13,311)
截至2024年3月31日的餘額 25,646,5093 429,771 (253)(75,362)354,159 
股票酬勞費用— — 1,789 — — 1,789 
早期行使期權的解凍— — 20 — — 20 
受限制股票單位解凍後發行普通股— 1,246— — — — — 
投資未實現損失— — — (199)— (199)
淨虧損— — — — (17,487)(17,487)
截至2024年6月30日的餘額  25,647,755 3 431,580 (452)(92,849)338,282 
股票酬勞費用— — 1,681 — — 1,681 
早期行使期權的解凍— — 9 — — 9 
— (6,392)— — — — — 
根據限制股單位解禁而發行普通股— 1,247— — — — — 
投資未實現收益— — — 1,273 — 1,273 
淨虧損— — — — (20,177)(20,177)
截至2024年9月30日的餘額$ 25,642,610$3 $433,270 $821 $(113,026)$321,068 
* 金額已根據註釋1和註釋3中進一步說明的反向合併影響進行了重述。

4,858 1,515 
非現金租賃費用110 93 
30 22 
其他非現金項目 10 
983 551 
1,308 1,044 
發行A輪可轉換優先股所得款項 91,823 
行使股票期權所得 144 
支付推遲發售成本 (3,389)
161,351 88,578 
現金、現金等價物和受限制現金-期初140,953 8,474 
現金、現金等價物和限制性現金—期末$35,235 $78,270 
$35,008 $78,043 
227 227 
$35,235 $78,270 
根據輝瑞許可協議發行A系列可轉換優先股$ $8,824 
$ $1,366 

Tourmaline Bio, Inc.(以下簡稱「公司」)是一家晚期臨床生物技術公司,專注於開發能顯著改善罹患重大免疫及炎症疾病的患者生活的變革性藥物。公司正在開發pacibekitug(也稱為TOUR006),這是一種全人源的單克隆抗體,能選擇性地結合至白介素-6,這是一種在許多自體免疫及炎症疾病的發病機制中扮演重要角色的促炎細胞激素。公司的總部位於紐約,紐約。
於2023年10月19日,公司根據2023年6月22日的併購協議及計畫(「合併協議」)以及公司、特雷恩合併子公司(一家德拉瓦州公司,為公司的全資子公司)及舊石榴生物公司(現名為Tourmaline Sub, Inc.前為Tourmaline Bio, Inc.)之間的協議,完成了與舊石榴的反向併購(「逆向合併」)。在逆向併購完成後,公司將其名稱從「Talaris Therapeutics, Inc.」改為「Tourmaline Bio, Inc.」,而公司所從事的業務主要為舊石榴所從事的業務。在逆向併購完成前的時期,「公司」指的是舊石榴;根據情況,對逆向併購完成後的時期,「公司」指的是Tourmaline Bio, Inc.(前為Talaris Therapeutics, Inc.或「Talaris」)
在反向合併生效時,公司向舊金屬礦業的股東發行了總共的 15,877,090 公司普通股票的股份,根據大約的交易所比例發行 0.07977 每股舊金屬礦業普通股發行公司普通股票,包括依據舊金屬礦業A系列可轉換優先股的轉換發行的舊金屬礦業普通股,以及在合併前融資交易中發行的舊金屬礦業普通股(如下文定義),導致在反向合併生效後發行和流通的 20,336,741 公司普通股股份數量。
在反向併購生效時間,公司承擔了Legacy Tourmaline的2022權益激勵計劃,並且在反向併購生效時間之前,每一檔尚未行使的Legacy Tourmaline普通股購股權選擇權被公司承擔,並轉換為一檔購買公司普通股的選擇權,並通過必要的調整來反映交換比率的股份數和行使價格。
逆向併購按照美國通用會計原則(“U.S. GAAP”)的規定被視為逆向資本重組。根據這種會計方法,Legacy Tourmaline被認定為財務報告目的上的會計收購方。這一決定主要基於預期,即在逆向併購後:(i) Legacy Tourmaline的股東擁有合併公司投票權的絕大多數;(ii) Legacy Tourmaline的主要股東保留合併公司最大的利益;(iii) Legacy Tourmaline指定了大多數(七人中的五人)的最初成員

合併公司董事會;及 (iv) Legacy Tourmaline 的執行管理團隊成為合併公司的管理團隊。因此,基於會計目的:(i) 反向合併被視為相當於 Legacy Tourmaline 發行股票以收購 Talaris 淨資產;(ii) Talaris 的淨資產以其收購日期公平價值記錄在 Legacy Tourmaline 的綜合財務報表中,(iii)合併公司反向合併前報告的歷史經營業績為 Legacy Tourmaline 的經營業績。傳統碧藍的歷史普通股數據已根據以下的兌換比率回歸重新整理 0.07977。有關反向合併的會計情況的其他資料載於附註 3「反向合併」。
與合併協議的執行和交付同時,為了向Legacy Tourmaline提供額外的資本以支持其發展計劃,Legacy Tourmaline與其中某些投資者簽訂了《證券購買協議》(以下稱「定向增發協議」),根據該協議的條款和條件,在反向合併的生效時刻之前,Legacy Tourmaline發行並出售,並且定向增發投資者購買 4,092,035 股份(依上述交易所比例計算)的Legacy Tourmaline普通股,總收益約為$75.0 百萬(以下稱「合併前融資交易」)。
在2024年6月30日逆向併購完成後,Legacy Tourmaline與公司進行合併,公司作為存續實體(“轉換式合併”)。
截至2024年9月30日,該公司擁有現金、現金等價物和投資共計$314.4 百萬。該公司預計現有的現金、現金等價物和投資將使其能夠資助自2024年11月7日,即本季度報告10-Q表格的提交日期起至少12個月的預期營業費用和資本支出需求。該公司預計將通過股權或債務融資、合作、授權安排和戰略聯盟的組合來融資其未來的現金需求。
截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,以及截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個和九個月的相關簡明合併財務報表,已根據美國證券交易委員會(“SEC”)的規則和法規,以及美國一般公認會計原則(“GAAP”)準備,依據財務會計準則委員會(“FASB”)的會計標準編碼(“ASC”)有關簡明合併財務信息的處理方式。在管理層的意見中,這些簡明合併財務報表反映了為公司的財務狀況和營運結果提供公平展示所必要的所有正常周期性調整,截至並呈報的各個時期。這些簡明合併財務報表應與該公司於2023年12月31日年結向SEC提交的形式為10-K的合併財務報表和附註一起閱讀(“2023 Form 10-K”)。
合併綜合基本報表包括Tourmaline Bio, Inc.的帳戶,除非是在2024年9月30日止的三個月的中期結果之外,還包括它的前全資子公司Tourmaline Sub, Inc. 如第1註解「業務性質」所述,Tourmaline Sub, Inc.已經在2024年6月30日的合併完成時與Tourmaline Bio, Inc.合併,Tourmaline Bio, Inc.成為存續實體。所有歷史的內部交易和餘額在合併中已被消除。

依照GAAP準則編製基本報表需要管理層對影響報表金額的估計和假設進行評估。公司管理層定期評估其估計,其中包括但不限於應計費用和以股份為基礎的補償費用。公司的估計基於歷史經驗和其他市場特定或其他相關假設,公司認為在該情況下是合理的。 實際結果可能會與這些估計不同。
最近的會計準則 - 尚未採用
2023年11月,FASb發布了會計準則修訂(“ASU”)2023-07。 分節報告(TOPIC 280):改進報告的分節披露這項指引旨在通過增強披露要求來改善報告部門披露,並澄清只有一個報告部門的實體也必須遵守新的和現有的部門報告要求。該指引適用於2023年12月15日後開始的財政年度和2024年12月15日後開始的財政年度內的中期時段,並允許提前採用。實體必須以溯及既往的方式應用此指引。公司目前正在評估本指引,以判斷其對其簡明合并財務報表可能產生的影響。
在2024年3月,FASB公布了ASU 2023-09, 所得稅(740主題):所得稅披露的改進ASU 2023-09中的修訂針對投資者對強化所得稅信息的要求,主要透過對美國及外國管轄區的稅率調節和所繳所得稅的揭露進行變更。此指導方針適用於自2024年12月15日後開始的財政年度,且以前瞻性基礎實施,並可選擇追溯性應用,允許提前採用。公司目前正在評估此指導方針,以判斷其對合併基本報表可能產生的影響。
2024年11月,FASB發行ASU 2024-03。 綜合損益表─費用分類揭示(Subtopic 220-40):收入表費用分類揭示。ASU 2024-03的修訂涵蓋投資者對更詳細費用資訊的要求,要求在財務報表附註中對列於損益表上的某些費用類別進行進一步細分披露。該指引適用於2026年12月15日後開始的會計年度,以及2027年12月15日後開始的會計年度內的中期時段,允許提早適用。公司目前正在評估此指引,以判斷其可能對其簡明綜合財務報表產生的影響。
根據附註1「業務性質」的描述,反向合併於2023年10月19日完成。該反向合併根據美國通用會計原則(U.S. GAAP)被視為反向資本重組,Legacy Tourmaline 被視為Talaris的會計收購方。在反向資本重組會計下,Talaris的資產和負債於反向合併生效時按公允價值記錄於公司的基本報表中。 未認列商譽或無形資產。因此,公司的合併基本報表在會計上反映了Legacy Tourmaline的業務運作,連同認為是發行的股份,這等同於前Talaris股東持有的股份,即法律上的收購方,以及Legacy Tourmaline的股本資本重組,即會計上的收購方。

公司支出$2.9 由於逆向合併時塔拉里斯股票獎勵的授予加速和結算,公司在2023年12月31日結束的年度損益合併報表中,計算了3百萬美元的股票補償費用。1.4 在截至2024年9月30日及2023年9月30日的九個月內,為$百萬,1.5 分別作為研發費用和一般及行政費用列示的500萬美元已記錄為研究和開發費用以及一般和行政費用。此外,公司還支出了500萬美元的交易成本,並將其列示為資本額額外支付的減少。6.1 這筆支出被記錄為對資本額額外支付的減少,金額為500萬美元。
於2022年5月3日(生效日期),本公司與輝瑞有限公司(“輝瑞”)簽署了一項授權協議(“輝瑞授權協議”),根據該協議,本公司取得了PF-04236921(即pacibekitug)的獨家、可轉授權、帶權益、全球性使用和許可權,用於發展、商業化和製造含有該化合物的藥品或生物製品(“產品”),用於治療、診斷或預防人類和動物的所有疾病、紊亂、疾病和狀況。作為在輝瑞授權協議下收到的授權和其他權利的對價,本公司向輝瑞支付了$5.0 百萬美元並發行給輝瑞 7,125,000 Tourmaline Bio, LLC(Legacy Tourmaline的前身)的A系列優先單位,後來轉換為 7,125,000 Legacy Tourmaline的A系列可轉換優先股,代表公司在發行時全面稀釋的股權的 15%。這些單位的發行價為每單位$1.00 ,代表總價值為7.1 百萬美元。根據ASC話題805的規定, 企業合併輝瑞許可協議被列為資產收購,因為受許可的化合物代表了獲得的全部資產的公平價值所佔比例。在生效日期,受許可的化合物尚未獲得監管機構批准,且沒有其他用途。因此,在2022年12月31日結束的年度綜合損益表中,轉讓的總代價$某某百萬被記錄為研究和開發費用。12.1 百分之某某百萬的總代價被記錄為2022年12月31日終結的年度綜合損益表中的研究和發展費用。
為了取得許可,公司有義務支付輝瑞高達$128.0 百萬當達成特定的發展和監管里程碑時。 公司還有義務在達到特定銷售里程碑時向輝瑞支付高達$525.0 百萬。 公司還有義務根據輝瑞低兩位數的邊際版稅率(低於 15%),根據指定的版稅減免條款。 在產品的每個國家和產品的第一次商業銷售後,版稅期限從產品的第一次商業銷售之日開始,直至隨後的 十二年 年內,後者是第一次商業銷售日期或保護該產品的監管專屬權利的到期日。 如果公司完成了重大交易(如輝瑞許可協議中所定義的),公司將有義務向輝瑞支付一次性支付金額在低八位數(最高$20.0 百萬);此支付金額取決於交易的時間。
輝瑞許可協議原本包含一項防稀釋條款,允許輝瑞在完全稀釋的基礎上保持對公司的股份 15% 的權益,直到達到特定閾值為止,此時該防稀釋條款將不再適用。如進一步在附註9“可換股優先股”中所述,於2023年5月2日,公司根據此防稀釋條款向輝瑞發行了額外的A系列可換股優先股。該公司承認與此次發行A系列可換股優先股相關的研究和開發費用為 8,823,529 百萬美元。在額外發行這些A系列可換股優先股之後,防稀釋條款不再生效。8.8

5.Fair Value Measurements
$18,838 $18,838 $ $ 
54,394  54,394  
70,449 54,564 15,885  
122,072  122,072  
總現金及短期投資265,753 73,402 192,351  
32,467  32,467  
總長期投資32,467  32,467  
現金等價物及投資總額$298,220 $73,402 $224,818 $ 

$4,604 $4,604 $ $ 
32,555  32,555  
26,724 7,907 18,817  
2,947  2,947  
總現金及短期投資66,830 12,511 54,319  
現金等價物及投資總額$66,830 $12,511 $54,319 $ 
目前有 沒有 到2024年9月30日或2023年12月31日時,以重複性方式衡量的負債。在截至2024年9月30日的九個月內或在截至2023年12月31日的一年內,沒有評估技術的變化,也沒有在公平價值層次中進行任何轉移。

$18,838 $ $ $18,838 
54,285 116 (7)54,394 
70,345 106 (2)70,449 
121,760 317 (5)122,072 
總現金及短期投資265,228 539 (14)265,753 
32,171 298 (2)32,467 
總長期投資32,171 298 (2)32,467 
所有現金等值物及投資$297,399 $837 $(16)$298,220 
$4,604 $ $ $4,604 
32,515 44 (4)32,555 
26,703 25 (4)26,724 
2,941 6  2,947 
總現金及短期投資66,763 75 (8)66,830 
所有基金類型及投資$66,763 $75 $(8)$66,830 
截至2024年9月30日,處於未實現虧損狀態且時間不超過十二個月的證券總公平價值為$27.0 百萬。截止到2023年12月31日,處於未實現虧損狀態且時間不超過十二個月的證券總公平價值為$49.3百萬。截止到2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司並未持有任何處於未實現虧損狀態且時間超過十二個月的證券。根據對處於未實現虧損狀態的證券的評估,公司在截至2024年9月30日的九個月內或截至2023年12月31日的年度內,均未錄得任何信用損失的準備。

$2,794 $1,994 
1,242 438 
190 341 
應計的外部審計及稅費302 351 
141 237 
335 349 
$5,004 $3,710 
2022年4月18日,本公司與各個實體和個人簽訂了一項有價證券購買協議(「初始A系列有價證券購買協議」),以購買A系列可轉股優先單位。作為初始A系列有價證券購買協議的一部分,本公司授權發行和賣出高達 20,000,000 股A系列可轉股優先單位,單價為$1.00 每股,總收益為$20.0 百萬。A系列可轉股優先單位可按 1比例轉換成本公司的普通單位。各方購買和出售A系列可轉股優先單位的義務需待本公司簽署輝瑞許可協議後履行。如附錄4「輝瑞許可協議」進一步說明,本公司還連同輝瑞於2022年5月簽署的輝瑞許可協議而發行了 7,125,000 A系列可轉股優先單位。
在2022年9月2日,Legacy Tourmaline從特拉華州有限責任公司Tourmaline Bio, LLC轉變為特拉華州公司Tourmaline Bio, Inc.(以下簡稱“轉換”)。在轉換過程中,A系列可轉換優先單位以1:1的比例轉換為A系列可轉換優先股票的股份。 1在轉換完成後,公司獲授權發行最多 27,125,000 股A系列可轉換優先股票,面值為$0.0001.
公司隨後於2023年5月2日(「結束日期」)與各個實體和個人簽訂了一份A輪優先股購買協議,以購買更多A輪可轉換優先股股份(「A輪延展」)。在結束日期,公司授權發行並銷售 92,200,000 A輪可轉換優先股股份,售價為$1.00 per share for total gross proceeds of $92.2 百萬股。此外,根據輝瑞許可協議的防稀釋條款,公司發行 8,823,529 額外A輪可轉換優先股股份給輝瑞,與A輪延展有關,並於2023年第二季度認列對應研發費用為$8.8 百萬。額外的A輪可轉換優先股股份具有與截至2022年12月31日結束的年度期間發行的A輪可轉換優先股具有相同條款、條件、權利和偏好。在A輪延展完成後,輝瑞許可協議的防稀釋條款不再生效。
在反向合併完成之前,該公司將其A系列可轉換優先股歸類為非永久性股本,因為該股份具有贖回特徵,這些特徵並不完全在公司的控制之內。 10,222,414 在反向合併完成後,所有未償還的A系列可轉換優先股均轉換為 股份普通股。
於反向合併完成後,公司獲授權發行 10,000,000 未指定的優先股,但 沒有 截至2024年9月30日,該等股份並未發行或流通。
在2024年1月25日,公司與Jefferies LLC、派傑投資以及古根海姆證券有限責任公司和Truist Securities, Inc.(統稱為“承銷商”)簽署了一份承銷協議,與公司發行、發售的相關事宜有關, 4,615,384 公司普通股的公開發行價格為

$32.50 每股,減去承銷折扣和佣金,根據有效的S-3表格的架構註冊聲明(以下稱「2024年1月發行」)。根據2024年1月發行,公司還授予承銷商一個 30天 選擇權,最高可再購買 692,307 以公開發行價格的普通股,減去承銷折扣和佣金,該權利由承銷商於2024年1月25日完全行使。2024年1月發行於2024年1月29日結束。
2024年1月的發行總收入約為$172.5 百萬,包括承銷商全面行使其購買額外股票的選擇權。161.4 在扣除承銷折扣、佣金及公司需支付的發行費用後,淨收入約為$
截至2024年9月30日,公司被授權發行 140,000,000 投票 普通股 10,000,000 每股享有 票。此外,投票普通股持有人有資格在公司董事會宣佈時收取 沒有 分紅派息。截至2024年9月30日,
於 2023 年 10 月 17 日,本公司通過二零二三年股票激勵計劃(「2023 年計劃」),該計劃在完成反向合併後生效。2023 年計劃規定向本公司僱員、顧問及非僱員董事授予獎勵股權、非法定股權、股票升值權、限制股票獎勵、限制股票單位獎勵、績效獎勵及其他形式的獎勵。股票授予協議的條款,包括權益要求,由公司董事會決定,並受 2023 年計劃的規定約束。每股期權的期限不得超過 十年 自撥款日起。在 2023 年計劃生效後,將不會根據 2022 年計劃提供進一步撥款;然而,根據 2022 年計劃頒發的任何未償還股權獎勵將繼續受 2022 年計劃的條款管轄。
2023計劃最初提供了發行最多的 2,033,677 普通股(以下稱為“初始2023計劃股份儲備”)。根據2023計劃中定義的任何其他調整,這些普通股的總數將在每年的1月1日自動增加,為期 十年 自2024年1月1日起,至2033年1月1日(包括該日)結束,增加的數量相等於 5%的截至該次增長前一天已發行及流通的普通股總數(該增長稱為“2023計劃常青更新”);然而,董事會可在特定年份的1月1日之前採取行動,以決定該年的增長將是較少數量的普通股。普通股的最大總數

可能發行的期權可能行使的數量, 三個 乘以2023年初期分享計劃儲備。
根據前述的2023計劃Evergreen Refresh, 1,016,878 於2024年1月1日生效,2023計劃股份儲備中添加了股份。截至2024年9月30日, 1,499,075 在2023計劃下可供發行的股份數量為
二零二三年十月十七日,公司通過 2023 年僱員股票購買計劃(「2023 年公司計劃」),該計劃在完成反向合併後生效。根據 2023 年 ESPP 發行可能發行的普通股數目上限不超過 203,367 股份(「首次 ESPP 股份儲備」),加上每年 1 月 1 日自動添加的普通股數目,期間最多為 十年 由二零二四年一月一日開始,並於二零三三年一月一日(包括)結束,金額相等於 (x) 的較小金額 1截至上述增加前一天確定的已發行及未償還普通股股份總數的百分比及 (y) 等於 乘以 ESPP 初始股份儲備金(如此增加,「ESPP 常年刷新」)。儘管上述規定,董事會可於任何日曆年的第一天前採取行動,規定該日曆年度的股份儲備將不會增加,或該日曆年度的股份儲備增加的普通股數量將少於上一句。
根據上述的ESPP永續更新, 203,375 自2024年1月1日起,新增股份至初始ESPP股份儲備,這樣 406,742 截至2024年9月30日,可以根據2023年ESPP發行股份。
研究與開發$656 $239 $1,910 $355 
基於股票的補償費用總計$1,681 $706 $4,858 $1,515 
3.5% – 4.2%
4.3% – 4.4%
3.5% – 4.7%
3.4% – 4.4%
81.5% – 82.2%
82.2% – 82.5%
81.5% – 85.7%
82.2% – 84.3%
6.0 - 6.1
5.5 - 6.1
截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月內,授予的期權評估中所使用的公司普通股的加權平均公平價值為$15.47 和$13.92 每股,分別為。截止2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月內,授予的期權評估中所使用的公司普通股的加權平均公平價值為$17.91 和$6.97 每股,分別為。使用Black-Scholes期權

定價模型,在截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月內授予的股票期權的加權平均授予日期公允價值為$11.16 和$10.12 每股,分別為。 在截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的九個月內,授予的股票期權的加權平均授予日期公允價值為$13.10 和$5.84 每股分別為。
截至2024年9月30日,與未上市股票期權相關的未認列股票報酬費用總額為$18.4 百萬,公司預計將在約加權平均期間內認列 2.9 年。
2022年計劃和根據2022年計劃發行的某些期權於2023年2月獲得修訂,允許期權持有人在授予日期和獲得授予日期之間的任何時間提前行使。該修訂並未導致任何額外的股份報酬費用。截至2023年12月31日的年度內,某些員工、顧問和非僱員董事提前行使期權。 647,386 在員工、顧問或非僱員董事被解聘的情況下,公司可以在以下期間回購提前行使且尚未授出的期權,即(i)員工或非僱員董事被解聘之日或(ii)行使日期後的期間。在截至2023年12月31日的年度內,公司因期權提前行使而獲得現金收入$ 剩余的六个月,即2024年12月31日屆滿时和2025年12月31日結束时。 百萬。0.1 2023年12月31日的年度內,公司因期權提前行使而獲得現金收入$百萬。
因前述的回購權,公司最初將從股票期權提前行使所得收益記錄為負債在簡明綜合賬目表內。當基礎股票期權賦予以及公司的回購權消逝時,金額將歸在股本溢價中。與提前行使股票期權相關的負債總額截至$0.1 年9月30日時,作為2024年9月30日時, 241,722 提前行使的股票期權仍未賦予。與提前行使股票期權相關的待回購普通股數量是法律上已發行,因為每名持有人在賦予期間被視為具有份息和投票權的普通持股人。在截至2024年9月30日三個月的期間,當員工服務終止時,公司回購了 6,392 普通股,這些股份是以原始行使價回購的,與提前行使股票期權有關的回購權產生的。

截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月內,受限制股票單位的總授予日公允價值小於$0.1百萬。 截至2023年9月30日的三個月或九個月內的受限制股票單位已經歸屬。截止至2024年9月30日,與尚未歸屬的受限制股票單位相關的總未確認股票基礎補償費用為$0.2 百萬,公司預計將在大約的加權平均期間內確認 3.0.
在2023年7月25日至10月3日期間,Talaris 收到了 十一 要求信函(以下稱「要求」)有關邀請書聲明(如下所定義)此外, 三個 提起了訴訟(標題為Wieder v. Talaris Therapeutics, Inc.等,案號1:23-cv-08355(S.D.N.Y.於2023年9月21日提起),Carlisle v. Talaris Therapeutics, Inc.等,案號1:23-cv-08520(S.D.N.Y.於2023年9月27日提起),以及Roberts v. Talaris Therapeutics, Inc.等,案號1:23-cv-01063(D. Del.於2023年9月27日提起))(以下稱「訴訟」,與要求共同稱為「行動」),每個案例均由自稱的Talaris股東提出,質疑所提議的反向合併和Talaris於2023年7月20日向SEC提交的最終邀請書聲明中的披露,並於2023年8月25日和2023年9月11日進行了修訂(以下稱「邀請書聲明」)。這些行動一般聲稱邀請書聲明中的某些披露為虛假或具誤導性,並對Talaris及其董事會提出了違反1934年交易法第14(a)和20(a)條的索賠。自稱股東要求不明金額的金錢賠償以及費用和支出的獎勵,包括合理的律師費。2023年10月10日,Talaris提交了一份8-k表格的當前報告,以更新和補充邀請書聲明,其中包含與反向合併有關的某些額外披露(以下稱「補充披露」)。此後,訴訟中的原告自願撤回其訴訟,反對律師(代表行動中的股東)要求就補充披露支付一筆無實質意義的費用。反向合併隨後於2023年10月19日完成。
隨後,各方就支付潛在的無效費用進行了談判,以解決所有費用要求。2024年2月13日,各方達成了協議,公司同意支付約$0.2 百萬以解決所有費用要求,並且股東放棄了與反向合併相關的所有索賠。該金額在截至2023年12月31日的年度中被公司認列為一般及行政費用。
2023年5月,Fourth Avenue FF Opportunities LP – Series Z附屬的顧問,曾經是公司的優先股東,行使股票期權以購買 75,782 公司回購了公司普通股的股份,金額為0.13 每股。公司隨後以每股$ 從顧問回購股份,相當於回購日期公允價值,總購入價為$2.76 百萬。Fourth Avenue FF Opportunities LP – Series Z然後以同價格$ 從公司購回股份0.22.76 每股的總購買價格為$0.2百萬。


項目2. 管理層對財務狀況和營運結果的討論與分析。

降低高敏感C反應蛋白("hs-CRP")的水平,這是一種經過驗證的炎症生物標記,針對有心血管風險升高的患者進行每季度及每月的pacibekitug劑量調整。2024年3月,FDA批准了我們與動脈粥樣硬化性心血管疾病(ASCVD)臨床開發計劃相關的 investigational new drug 申請。我們於2024年4月啟動了一項針對慢性腎病和高hs-CRP患者的pacibekitug II期試驗,我們稱之為TRANQUILITY試驗。預計將在2025年上半年報告TRANQUILITY試驗的頂線數據。在試驗成功的前提下, TRANQUILITY試驗的積極結果預期將使我們在2025年準備好進入pacibekitug心血管疾病的III期試驗。
在2024年1月25日,我們與Jefferies LLC、派傑投資、古根海姆證券有限責任公司和Truist Securities, Inc.(合稱“承銷商”)簽訂了承銷協議,涉及以每股32.50美元的公開發行價格公開發行4,615,384股普通股(“2024年1月發行”)。我們授予承銷商30天購買最多692,307股普通股的選擇權,授權價格為公開發行價格減去承銷折扣和佣金,該選擇權於2024年1月25日完全行使。2024年1月發行於2024年1月29日結束,我們共發行並出售了5,307,691股普通股。向承銷商發行的股票共計5307691股,經減除承銷折扣和發行成本後,淨收益為16140萬美元。
於2023年6月22日,私營公司Tourmaline Sub, Inc.(前稱Tourmaline Bio, Inc.,以下簡稱「舊版Tourmaline」)與上市公司Talaris Therapeutics, Inc.(以下簡稱「Talaris」)及Talaris的直接全資子公司Terrain Merger Sub, Inc.(以下簡稱「合併子公司」)簽訂了一項合併協議(以下簡稱「合併協議」)。根據合併協議的條款,舊版Tourmaline於2023年10月19日完成了與Talaris的合併,根據該協議,合併子公司與舊版Tourmaline合併,舊版Tourmaline作為Talaris的全資子公司存續(該交易稱為「反向合併」)。反向合併旨在根據1986年《內部稅收法》第368(a)條的規定,符合聯邦所得稅目的,作為免稅重組。
根據合併協議的條款,在逆向合併生效時間之前,每股Legacy Tourmaline的A系可換股優先股被轉換為一股Legacy Tourmaline普通股。在逆向合併生效時間,Talaris向Legacy Tourmaline的股東發行了約15,877,090股普通股,基於0.07977股普通股兌換每股Legacy Tourmaline資本股,包括在修訂前合併融資交易中發行的Legacy Tourmaline普通股,導致逆向合併生效時間後立即發行並流通的合併公司約有20,336,741股普通股。在逆向合併中,於2023年5月2日簽訂的Legacy Tourmaline及其股東之間的修訂及重新簽署投資者權益協議以及於2020年9月22日簽訂的Talaris及其股東之間的修訂及重新簽署投資者權益協議被終止。

在反向合併完成之前,根據一項證券購買協議,Legacy Tourmaline發行了4,092,035股(按上述交易所比例計算)Legacy Tourmaline的普通股,透過定向增發籌集總收益$7500萬(以下稱為「合併前融資交易」)。
隨著反向合併的完成,Talaris將其名稱由「Talaris Therapeutics, Inc.」更改為「Tourmaline Bio, Inc.」,Legacy Tourmaline則更名為「Tourmaline Sub, Inc.」,我們開始進行Legacy Tourmaline所進行的業務。在2024年6月30日,Tourmaline Sub, Inc.與Tourmaline Bio, Inc.合併,Tourmaline Bio, Inc.成為存續實體。
2022年5月3日,我們與pfizer inc.(“pfizer”)簽署了一份許可協議(“pfizer 許可協議”),根據該協議,我們獲得了專有、可再許可、帶薪、全球範圍內使用和許可某些專利技術以開發、商業化和製造PF-04236921(現稱pacibekitug)及包括該化合物的任何藥品或生物藥品產品,用於治療、診斷或預防人類和動物的所有疾病、疾病、疾病和狀況。作為我們在pfizer 許可協議下收到的許可和其他權利的對價,我們向pfizer支付了500萬美元的現金和授予了712.5萬股Tourmaline Bio,LLC A系列優先股(Legacy Tourmaline的前身(隨後轉換為我們的712.5萬股A系列優先股)價格為每股1.00美元,對我們的總價值約為710萬美元,在發行時代表了當時我們全部股本的15%,按全面摊薄基础計算。


研究和發展費用還包括在資產收購交易中購買的進程研究和開發("IPR&D")資產的成本。 如果資產尚未獲得監管批准並且沒有可替代的未來用途,則IPR&D資產的支出將在發生時列支。 收購的IPR&D付款將立即在發生的期間列支,歷史上包括前期付款以及我們資本股票的股份。 收購IPR&D資產後發生的研究和發展成本將隨發生而費用化。
製造業的成本和時間,以及 Pacibekitug 和任何未來產品候選者的成本和時間;


$ 變更
研究與開發$19,330 $3,762 $15,568 
一般及行政5,108 2,881 2,227 
營運開支總額24,438 6,643 17,795 
其他收入淨額4,261 1,052 3,209 



$ 變更
研究與開發$46,440 $24,353 $22,087 
一般及行政17,486 6,166 11,320 
營運開支總額63,926 30,519 33,407 
其他收入淨額12,951 1,297 11,654 

自我們成立以來,我們主要依賴外部資本資助我們的運營,包括從A系列可轉換優先股銷售中獲得的收益, 合併前融資交易和2024年1月的發售,截至目前我們已籌集了約35970萬美元的總毛收益, 然而,我們產生了顯著的經常性虧損,包括截至2024年9月30日及2023年同期間的淨虧損分別為5100萬美元及2920萬美元。此外,截至2024年9月30日,我們的累積赤字為11300萬美元。


融資活動161,351 88,578 
Net (減少)增加 現金, 現金等價物 受限 現金
2024年9月30日結束的九個月中,籌資活動提供的淨現金為16140萬美元,較2023年9月30日結束的九個月中提供的凈現金8860萬美元有所增加。 2024年9月30日結束的九個月中,籌資活動提供的淨現金主要包括從2024年1月Offering收到的淨收益,而2023年9月30日結束的九個月中,籌資活動提供的淨現金主要包括從A系列擴展融資收到的淨收益。

在我們的年度營業收入超過12.35億美元的財政年度的最後一天後(i); 或者我們符合“大幅加速報告人”資格的日期,非關聯人持有至少7千萬美元的權益證券(ii); 或在先前三年期間發行了超過10億美元非可轉換債務證券的日期(iii); 以及在我們首次公開發行五周年後的財政年度結束的最後一天(iv),我們將繼續保持新興成長公司的地位。

項目3. 有關市場風險的定量和定性披露。




我們是一家生物技術公司,經營歷史有限,至今只有一個產品候選人pacibekitug正在進行開發。Legacy Tourmaline成立於2021年,並於2022年開始運營。迄今為止,我們還未展示我們成功完成關鍵性臨床試驗、獲得監管批准、以商業規模製造產品或安排第三方代表我們進行生產,或進行銷售和市場營銷活動以保證成功商業化的能力,而未來也可能無法成功完成這些任務。因此,對於我們未來成功或生存力的任何預測可能不如我們具有更長營運歷史或成功開發和商業化產品的歷史所能準確。
我們目前尚未獲得任何產品商業銷售的批准,並且迄今未從產品銷售中產生任何營業收入。Legacy Tourmaline自開始營運以來,每年均虧損。


我們將需要大量額外資本來推進pacibekitug的開發和商業化,以及其他潛在的產品候選者和我們的其他業務。 如果無法以可接受的條件獲得足夠的資本,我們可能無法獲得足夠的資金,因此我們可能需要延遲、縮減或停止這些產品候選者或其他業務的開發。
我們相信,我們的流動資本將足以支付我們的營業費用和資本支出需求,至少從這份Form 10-Q季度報告發行之日起的十二個月。此外,根據我們目前的發展計劃和相關假設,我們相信我們的現金、現金等價物和投資將足以支持我們的營運至2027年。我們對這些估計是基於可能證明不足或不正確的計劃和假設(例如對於預期成本、時間或特定活動成功的程度),我們可能會比目前預期更早地利用我們的可用資本資源。此外,我們對我們財務資源足以支援我們業務的時間範圍的預測是一項前瞻性聲明,涉及風險和不確定性,實際結果可能因多個因素而有相當大的變化。

作為一間上市公司,我們將承擔顯著的法律、會計及其他費用,而這些在作為私有公司時並不會產生,包括與根據《交易所法》相關的上市公司報告義務所涉及的費用。我們的管理團隊由合併前Legacy Tourmaline的執行官組成,其中一些人之前並未管理及運營過上市公司。這些執行官及其他人員將需要投入大量時間以獲得與上市公司報告要求及符合相關法律法規的專業知識,以確保我們符合所有這些要求。我們做出的任何調整以遵守這些義務,可能不足以使我們及時滿足作為上市公司的義務,或者根本無法滿足。這些報告要求、規則及法規,再加上作為上市公司所面臨的潛在訴訟風險的增加,可能使我們更難吸引和留住合格的人選來擔任董事會成員或董事會委員會成員,或擔任執行官,或在可接受條件下獲得某些類型的保險,包括董事及高級職員保險。

我們預計將依賴第三方,包括醫藥外包概念(「CRO」)、臨床數據管理組織、臨床研究人員以及契約製造組織(CDMO)和其他第三方合作夥伴與服務提供商,來支援我們的開發工作,進行臨床試驗及某些研究和前期臨床研究的方面,按照cGMP來製造我們的藥物成分和藥品的大規模臨床和商業數量,並且市場、賣出及分發我們成功開發並獲得監管批准的產品。 我們在任何這些第三方上遇到的任何問題都可能延遲pacibekitug或任何潛在未來產品候選人的開發、製造或商業化,這可能會損害我們的經營結果。
Any agreements we have or may enter into with third-party partners and service providers may give rise to disputes regarding the rights and obligations of the parties. Disagreements could develop over contract interpretation, rights to ownership or use of intellectual property, the scope and direction of our programs, the approach for regulatory approvals or commercialization strategy. Any disputes or commercial conflicts could lead to the termination of our agreements, delay progress of our product development programs, compromise our ability to renew agreements or obtain future agreements, lead to the loss of intellectual property rights, result in increased financial obligations for us or result in costly and time-consuming arbitration or litigation.

Table of Contents
We rely completely on CDMOs for the manufacture and testing of pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates under cGMP, and we are subject to many manufacturing risks, any of which could substantially increase our costs and limit supply of any potential product candidates and any future products. Additionally, any difficulties in the transfer of drug substance or drug product to or from clinical sites or manufacturing facilities could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operation.

If our CDMOs are unable to source certain raw materials and components from their supplier and if they must obtain such materials from a different supplier, additional testing, and regulatory approvals, may be required, which may negatively impact manufacturing timelines. Any significant delay in the acquisition or decrease in the availability of these materials, components or other items, or failure to successfully qualify alternative materials or components, could considerably delay the manufacture of our product candidates, which could adversely impact the timing or completion of any ongoing and planned trials or the timing of regulatory approvals, if any, of our product candidates.

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In addition, our CDMOs’ facilities and operations may be adversely affected by labor, raw material and component shortages, high turnover of staff and difficulties in hiring trained and qualified replacement staff and the operations of our CDMOs may be requisitioned, diverted or allocated by U.S. or foreign government orders such as under emergency, disaster and civil defense declarations. Changes in economic conditions, supply chain constraints, labor, raw material and component shortages and steps taken by governments and central banks could also lead to higher inflation than previously experienced or expected, which could, in turn, lead to an increase in costs.
If any CDMO with whom we contract fails to perform its obligations, we may be forced to manufacture the materials ourselves, for which we may not have the capabilities or resources, or enter into an agreement with a different CDMO, which we may not be able to do on reasonable terms, if at all. In either scenario, our clinical trials supply could be delayed significantly as we establish alternative supply sources. In some cases, the technical skills required to manufacture our products or product candidates may be unique or proprietary to the original CDMO and we may have difficulty, or there may be contractual restrictions prohibiting us from, transferring such skills to a back-up or alternate supplier, or we may be unable to transfer such skills at all. In addition, if we are required to change CDMOs for any reason, we will be required to verify that the new CDMO maintains facilities and procedures that comply with quality standards and with all applicable regulations. We would also need to verify, such as through a manufacturing comparability study, that any new manufacturing process will produce our product candidate according to the specifications previously submitted to the FDA or another regulatory authority. The delays associated with the verification of a new CDMO could negatively affect our ability to develop product candidates or commercialize our products in a timely manner or within budget. Furthermore, a CDMO may possess technology related to the manufacture of our product candidate that such CDMO owns independently. This would increase our reliance on such CDMO or require us to obtain a license from such CDMO in order to have another CDMO manufacture our product candidates.
As of September 30, 2024, our manufacturing and testing of bulk drug substance for pacibekitug takes place in the U.S. through a global CDMO with facilities around the world. Our manufacturing and testing of drug product for pacibekitug occurs in facilities in Austria and the U.S. Our drug product is packaged in Germany and the U.S. A significant disruption in the operation of these manufacturing facilities, a trade war or political unrest could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We currently contract manufacturing operations to third parties. Pacibekitug bulk drug substance for clinical studies is manufactured and tested within third-party facilities in the U.S. Pacibekitug drug product is manufactured in Austria and the U.S. and packaged in Germany and the U.S. Any disruption in production or inability of our manufacturers in those countries to produce adequate quantities to meet our needs, whether as a result of a natural disaster or other causes, could impair our ability to operate our business on a day-to-day basis and to continue development of our product candidates. Any of these matters could materially and adversely affect our business and results of operations. In addition, manufacturing interruptions or failure to comply with regulatory requirements by any of these manufacturers could significantly delay clinical development of potential products and reduce third-party or clinical researcher interest and support of proposed trials. Furthermore, any recall of the manufacturing lots or similar action regarding our product candidates used in clinical trials could delay the trials or detract from the integrity of the trial data and its potential use in future regulatory filings. These interruptions or failures could also impede commercialization of our product candidates and impair our competitive position. Further, we may be exposed to fluctuations in the value of the local currencies. Future appreciation of the local currencies could increase our costs. In addition, our labor costs could continue to rise as wage rates increase due to increased demand for skilled laborers and the availability of skilled labor declines in such countries.
Additionally, we have recently transferred manufacturing and testing of pacibekitug bulk drug substance to a facility in the U.S. that is licensed for commercial production. We intend to use this U.S. facility to produce pacibekitug bulk drug substance for late-stage clinical studies and commercial supply. There may have been, or may be, as yet unknown negative consequences of transferring the manufacture and testing process as described above. Furthermore, our process at the new facility may result in the production of pacibekitug that is not comparable to the current pacibekitug clinical trial material produced at the facility in China, where we previously manufactured pacibekitug bulk drug substance. Also, we plan to conduct manufacturing and testing of pacibekitug drug product at a facility in Europe that is licensed for commercial production, through a global CDMO. Pacibekitug drug product produced at the commercial facility may not be comparable to the current pacibekitug drug product that is being used in our clinical studies.

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We may seek to establish BD Arrangements, and, if we are not able to establish them on commercially reasonable terms, or at all, we may have to alter our development and commercialization plans.
Our product development programs and the potential commercialization of pacibekitug or any of our future product candidates will require substantial additional cash to fund expenses. For pacibekitug or any of our future product candidates, we may decide to collaborate with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies for the development and potential commercialization of those product candidates.
We face significant competition in seeking appropriate collaborators. Whether we reach a definitive agreement for a BD Arrangement will depend, among other things, upon our assessment of the collaborator’s resources and expertise, the terms and conditions of the proposed collaboration and the proposed collaborator’s own evaluation of a potential collaboration. Such factors a potential collaborator will use to evaluate a BD Arrangement may include the design or results of clinical trials, the likelihood of approval by the FDA or comparable foreign regulatory authorities, the potential market for the subject product candidate, the costs and complexities of manufacturing and delivering such product candidate to patients, the potential of competing products, the existence of uncertainty with respect to our ownership of technology, which can exist if there is a challenge to such ownership without regard to the merits of the challenge and industry and market conditions generally. The collaborator may also consider alternative product candidates or technologies for similar indications that may be available to collaborate on and whether such a BD Arrangement could be more attractive than one with us for our product candidate. The terms of any additional BD Arrangements or other arrangements that we may establish may not be favorable to us.
We may in the future be restricted under our current BD Arrangements from entering into potential future BD Arrangements on certain terms with potential collaborators. BD Arrangements are complex and time-consuming to negotiate and document. In addition, there have been a significant number of recent business combinations among large pharmaceutical companies that have resulted in a reduced number of potential future collaborators.
We may not be able to negotiate BD Arrangements on a timely basis, on acceptable terms, or at all. If we are unable to do so, we may have to curtail the development of the product candidate for which we are seeking to collaborate, reduce or delay our development program or one or more of our other development programs, delay our potential commercialization or reduce the scope of any sales or marketing activities, or increase our expenditures and undertake development or commercialization activities at our own expense. If we elect to increase our expenditures to fund development or commercialization activities on our own, we may need to obtain additional capital, which may not be available to us on acceptable terms or at all. If we do not have sufficient funds, we may not be able to further develop our product candidates or bring them to market and generate product revenue.
In addition, any future BD Arrangements that we enter into may not be successful. The success of our BD Arrangements will depend heavily on the efforts and activities of our collaborators. Collaborators generally have significant discretion in determining the efforts and resources that they will apply to these collaborations. Disagreements between parties to a BD Arrangement regarding clinical development and commercialization matters can lead to delays in the development process or commercializing the applicable product candidate and, in some cases, termination of the BD Arrangement. These disagreements can be difficult to resolve if neither of the parties has final decision-making authority. BD Arrangements with pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies and other third parties often are terminated or allowed to expire by the other party. Any such termination or expiration would adversely affect us financially and could harm our business reputation.
We have no experience in sales, marketing and distribution and may have to enter into agreements with third parties to perform these functions, which could prevent us from successfully commercializing pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates.
We currently have no sales, marketing or distribution capabilities. To commercialize pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates we must either develop our own sales, marketing and distribution capabilities or make arrangements with third parties to perform these services for us. If we decide to market or distribute any of our products on our own, we will have to commit significant resources to developing a marketing and sales force and supporting distribution capabilities. If we decide to enter into arrangements with third parties for performance of these services, we may find that they are not available on terms acceptable to us, or at all. If we are not able to establish and maintain successful arrangements with third parties or build our own sales and marketing infrastructure, we may not be able to commercialize our product candidates, which would adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

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We, our CROs, our CDMOs, our service providers, our current and potential future partners or other third parties with whom we work, could experience a security incident, system disruption or failure, data loss, cyberattack, or similar event that could compromise our systems and data (or those of the third parties with whom we work), result in material disruptions to our business operations, lead to regulatory investigations or actions, litigation, fines and penalties, affect our reputation, revenue or profits, or otherwise harm our business.
We collect, store, receive, transmit, generate, use, transfer, disclose, make accessible, protect, secure, dispose, share and otherwise process (collectively, process) proprietary, confidential and otherwise sensitive information, including personal information (such as health-related data of clinical trial participants and employee information), in the course of our business. Our technology systems and the information and data processed and stored by us or by third parties with whom we work (e.g., research collaborators, partners, CROs, CDMOs, contractors, consultants and other third parties), are vulnerable to a variety of evolving online and offline threats that could result in security incidents, including unauthorized, unlawful, or accidental loss, damage, corruption, access, use, encryption, acquisition, disclosure, misappropriation, or other compromise of such systems or data. A security incident or other interruption could disrupt our ability (and that of third parties with whom we work) to operate our business and may have other adverse effects.
We and third parties with whom we work face threats that are constantly evolving and growing in frequency, sophistication, and intensity. These threats may include (without limitation) malware (including as a result of advanced persistent threat intrusions), viruses, worms, software vulnerabilities and bugs, software or hardware failures, hacking, denial of service attacks, social engineering attacks (including through deep fakes, which may be increasingly more difficult to identify as fake, and phishing), credential harvesting, ransomware, personnel misconduct or errors, credential stuffing, telecommunications failures, loss or theft of devices, data or other information technology assets, attacks enhanced or facilitated by AI, earthquakes, fires, floods and other similar threats. Threats such as ransomware attacks, for example, are becoming increasingly prevalent and severe, and attackers are increasingly leveraging multiple attack methods to extort payment from victims, such as data theft and disabling systems. Extortion payments may alleviate the negative impact of a ransomware attack, but we may be unwilling or unable to make such payments due to, for example, applicable laws or regulations prohibiting such payments. If a security incident were to materially impact us, our CROs, our CDMOs, our service providers, our current or potential future parties or other third parties with whom we work, there could be material disruptions to our business operations or other significant harm to our business.
Security incidents may result from the actions of a wide variety of actors with a wide range of motives and expertise, including traditional hackers, hacktivists, our personnel, or the personnel of the third parties we work with, sophisticated nation-states, nation-state-supported actors, and organized criminal threat actors. During times of war and other major conflicts, we, the third parties with whom we work, and our customers may be vulnerable to a heightened risk of these attacks, including retaliatory cyber-attacks, that could materially disrupt our systems and operations, supply chain, and ability to produce, sell and distribute our goods and services.
Certain functional areas of our workforce work remotely on a full- or part-time basis outside of our corporate network security protection boundaries or otherwise utilize network connections, computers and devices outside of our premises or network, which imposes additional risks to our business, including increased risk of industrial espionage, phishing, and other cybersecurity attacks, and unauthorized dissemination of proprietary or confidential information, including personal information, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our business. Additionally, future or past business transactions (such as acquisitions or integrations) could expose us to additional cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities, as our systems could be negatively affected by vulnerabilities present in acquired or integrated entities’ systems and technologies.
In addition, we rely on third parties to operate critical business systems and process sensitive data in a variety of contexts, including, without limitation, cloud-based infrastructure, data center facilities, encryption and authentication technology, personnel email, and other functions. We also rely on third parties, including CROs, clinical trial sites and clinical trial vendors, to process sensitive data as part of our research activities. Our ability to monitor these third parties is limited, and these third parties may not have adequate information security measures in place and may expose us to cyberattacks and other security incidents. Supply-chain attacks have also increased in frequency and severity, and we cannot guarantee that third parties’ infrastructure in our supply chain or the supply chains of the third parties with whom we work have not been compromised. If the third parties with whom we work experience a security incident or other interruption, we could experience materially adverse consequences. While we may be entitled to damages if the third parties with whom we work fail to satisfy their privacy or security-related obligations to us, any award may be insufficient to cover our damages, or we may be unable to recover such award.

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We may be required to, or we may choose to, expend significant resources (including financial) or modify our business activities (including our clinical trial activities) in an effort to protect our information systems and data (including against security incidents) or to detect, investigate, mitigate, contain and remediate a security incident, particularly where required by applicable data privacy and security laws or regulations or industry standards. While we have implemented security measures and processes designed to protect against, mitigate and remediate security incidents, we cannot assure you that these security measures that we or our service providers implement will be effective in preventing security incidents, disruptions, cyberattacks, or other similar events. We take steps designed to detect, mitigate, and remediate vulnerabilities in our information systems (such as our hardware and/or software, including that of third parties with whom we work). We may not, however, detect and remediate, all such vulnerabilities including on a timely and effective basis. Further, we may experience delays in developing and deploying remedial measures and patches designed to address identified vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities could be exploited and result in a security incident.
Any of the previously identified or similar threats could cause a security incident. A security incident could result in unauthorized, unlawful, or accidental acquisition, modification, destruction, loss, alteration, encryption, disclosure of, or access to data. If our information systems or data, or that of the third parties with whom we work, are compromised or were perceived to be compromised, it could interrupt our operations, disrupt our development programs and have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. For example, the loss or corruption of clinical trial data from completed or future clinical trials could result in delays in our regulatory approval efforts and significantly increase our costs to recover or reproduce the data. Likewise, we rely on third parties for the manufacture of pacibekitug, to analyze clinical trial samples and to conduct clinical trials, and security incidents experienced by these third parties could have a material adverse effect on our business. Actual or perceived security incidents affecting us or the third parties with whom we work or partner with could result in substantial remediation costs and expose us to litigation (including class claims), regulatory enforcement action (for example, investigations, fines, penalties, audits and inspections), additional reporting requirements and/or oversight, fines, penalties, indemnification obligations, negative publicity, reputational harm, monetary fund diversions, diversion of management attention, interruptions in our operations (including availability of data), financial loss and other liabilities, and harms. Additionally, such incidents may trigger data privacy and security obligations requiring us to notify relevant stakeholders, such as individuals, regulators, and others, or take other required remedial or corrective actions and may subject us to liability. Such disclosures and remediation efforts may be costly, and related requirements or the failure to comply with them could lead to adverse consequences.
Our contracts may not contain limitations of liability, and even where they do, there can be no assurance that limitations of liability in our contracts are sufficient to protect us from claims related to our data privacy and security obligations. Additionally, we cannot be certain that our insurance coverage will be adequate for data security liabilities actually incurred, will continue to be available to us on economically and commercially reasonable terms, or at all, or that any insurer will not deny coverage as to any future claim. The successful assertion of one or more large claims against us that exceed available insurance coverage, or the occurrence of changes in our insurance policies, including premium increases or the imposition of large deductible or co-insurance requirements, could adversely affect our reputation, business, financial condition and results of operations.
In addition to experiencing a security incident, third parties may gather, collect, or infer sensitive information about us from public sources, data brokers, or other means that reveals competitively sensitive details about our organization and could be used to undermine our competitive advantage or market position. Additionally, sensitive information of the Company could be leaked, disclosed, or revealed as a result of or in connection with our personnel’s, or vendors’ use of generative AI technologies.
We (and the third parties with whom we work) are subject to rapidly changing and increasingly stringent foreign and domestic laws, regulations, and rules, contractual obligations, industry standards, policies and other obligations relating to privacy, data protection and information security. The restrictions imposed by these requirements or our actual or perceived failure to comply with such obligations (or such failure by the third parties with whom we work) could lead to regulatory investigations or actions, litigation (including class claims) and mass arbitration demands, fines and penalties, disruptions of our business operations, reputational harm, loss of revenue or profits, loss of customers or sales, and other adverse business consequences.
We may process proprietary, confidential and sensitive information, including personal information (including health-related data), which subjects us to numerous evolving and complex data privacy and security obligations, including various laws, regulations, guidance, industry standards, external and internal privacy and security policies, contracts and other obligations that govern the processing of such information in connection with our business.

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Outside the U.S., an increasing number of laws, regulations, and industry standards govern data privacy and security. For example, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, (“EU GDPR”) and the United Kingdom’s GDPR, (“UK GDPR”) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act, (“Swiss FADP”) impose strict requirements for processing personal information, and may apply to our processing of personal information from clinical trial participants and other individuals located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the UK, or Switzerland and, if pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates are approved, our possible commercialization of those products in the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland (as applicable). Companies that violate the GDPR can face private litigation, regulatory investigations and enforcement actions, prohibitions on data processing, other administrative measures, reputational damage and fines of up to the greater of 20 million Euros under the EU GDPR/17.5 million pounds sterling under the UK GDPR, or 4% of their worldwide annual revenue, in either case, whichever is greater. The EU and UK GDPR require us to, among other things: give detailed disclosures about how we collect, use and share personal information; contractually commit to data protection measures in our contracts with vendors; maintain appropriate data security measures; notify regulators and affected individuals of certain personal data breaches; meet privacy governance and documentation requirements; and honor individuals’ data protection rights, including their rights to access, correct and delete their personal information.
In the ordinary course of business, we may transfer personal data from Europe and other jurisdictions to the U.S or other countries. Certain jurisdictions have enacted data localization restrictions or laws and regulations restricting cross-border transfers of personal information. In particular, regulators and courts in the EEA, the UK, and Switzerland have significantly restricted the transfer of personal information to the U.S. and other countries that have not been declared “adequate” for data protection purposes by a relevant governmental authority. Other jurisdictions may adopt similarly stringent interpretations of their data localization and cross-border data transfer laws. Although there are currently mechanisms that may be used to transfer personal information from the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland to the U.S. in compliance with European data protection laws, such as the EEA standard contractual clauses, the UK’s International Data Transfer Agreement/Addendum, and the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the UK extension thereto (which allows for transfers to relevant U.S.-based organizations who self-certify compliance and participate in the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework), these mechanisms are subject to legal challenges, and there is no assurance that we can satisfy or rely on these measures to transfer personal data to the U.S.
If we are unable to implement a valid compliance mechanism for cross-border transfers of personal information, or if the requirements for a legally-compliant transfer are too onerous, we will face increased exposure to significant adverse consequences, including substantial fines, regulatory actions, as well as injunctions against the export and processing of personal information from the EEA, UK, Switzerland, or other countries that implement cross-border data transfer restrictions. Our inability to import personal information from the EEA, UK or Switzerland or other countries may also restrict or prohibit our clinical trial activities in those countries; limit our ability to collaborate with CROs, service providers, contractors and other companies subject to laws restricting cross-border data transfers; require us to increase our data processing capabilities in other countries at significant expense and may otherwise negatively impact our business operations. Additionally, companies that transfer personal data out of the EEA and UK to other jurisdictions, particularly to the U.S, are subject to increased scrutiny from regulators, individual litigants, and activist groups. We may also become subject to new laws in the EEA and other jurisdictions that regulate cybersecurity and non-personal data, such as data collected through the internet of things. Depending on how these laws are interpreted, we may have to make changes to our business practices and products to comply with such obligations.
Additionally, other countries have enacted or are considering enacting similar cross-border data transfer restrictions and laws requiring local data residency, which could increase the cost and complexity of delivering our services and operating our business. Regulators in the U.S. are also increasingly scrutinizing certain personal data transfers and may impose personal data localization requirements.
Privacy and data security laws in the U.S. at the federal, state and local level are increasingly complex and changing rapidly. For example, at the federal level, HIPAA, as amended by HITECH, imposes specific requirements relating to the privacy, security and transmission of individually identifiable health information. Additionally, at the state level, the privacy and data protection landscape is changing rapidly. Many states have enacted comprehensive privacy laws —including California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, and Utah — that impose certain obligations on covered businesses, including providing specific disclosures in privacy notices and affording residents with certain rights concerning their personal data. As applicable, such rights may include the right to access, correct, or delete certain personal data, and to opt-out of certain data processing activities, such as targeted advertising, profiling, and automated decision-making. If these laws apply or were to apply to us, the exercise of these rights may impact our business. Certain state laws also impose stricter requirements for processing sensitive personal information such as obligating covered businesses to conduct data privacy impact assessments. These state laws allow for statutory fines for noncompliance. For example, the California

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Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), applies to personal data of consumers, business representatives, and employees who are California residents, and requires certain businesses to provide specific disclosures in privacy notices and honor requests of such individuals to exercise certain privacy rights. The CCPA provides for fines for noncompliance of up to $7,500 per intentional violation, and a limited private right of action in connection with certain data breaches. While the CCPA and other comprehensive state privacy laws contain exemptions for certain personal information processed in connection with clinical trials, we may process other personal information that is or may become subject to these laws. Similar laws are being considered in several other states, as well as at the federal and local levels, and we expect more states to pass similar laws in the future. The evolving patchwork of differing state and federal privacy and data security laws increases the cost and complexity of operating our business and increases our exposure to liability, including from third-party litigation and regulatory investigations, enforcement, fines, and penalties.
We are also bound by contractual obligations related to data privacy and security, and our efforts to comply with such obligations may not be successful.
We publish privacy policies and provide notices regarding data privacy and security. If these policies or notices are found to be deficient, lacking in transparency, deceptive, unfair, or not representative of our practices, we may be subject to investigation, enforcement actions by regulators or other adverse consequences.
Our obligations related to data privacy and security (and individuals’ data privacy expectations) are quickly changing in an increasingly stringent fashion and creating uncertainty. These obligations may be subject to differing applications and interpretations, which may be inconsistent or in conflict among jurisdictions. Monitoring, preparing for and complying with these obligations requires us to devote significant resources (including, without limitation, financial and time-related resources). These obligations may necessitate changes to our information technologies, systems and practices and to those of any third parties that process personal information on our behalf. In addition, these obligations may require us to change aspects of our business model (such as where we conduct clinical trials). Although we endeavor to comply with applicable data privacy and security obligations, we may at times fail (or be perceived to have failed) to do so. Moreover, despite our efforts, our personnel or third parties with whom we work may fail to comply with such obligations, which could negatively impact our business operations.
If we (or third parties with whom we work) fail, or are perceived to have failed, to address or comply with data privacy, protection and security obligations, we could face significant consequences, including (without limitation): government enforcement actions (e.g., investigations, fines, penalties, audits, inspections and similar); litigation (including class-related claims) and mass arbitration demands; additional reporting requirements and/or oversight; bans on processing personal information; orders to destroy or not use personal information; and/or imprisonment of company officials. In particular, plaintiffs have become increasingly more active in bringing privacy-related claims against companies, including class claims and mass arbitration demands. Some of these claims allow for the recovery of statutory damages on a per violation basis, and, if viable, carry the potential for monumental statutory damages, depending on the volume of data and the number of violations. Any of these events could have a material adverse effect on our reputation, business or financial condition, including but not limited to: loss of customers; interruptions or stoppages in our business operations (including clinical trials); inability to process personal information or to operate in certain jurisdictions; limited ability to develop or commercialize our products; expenditure of time and resources to defend any claim or inquiry; adverse publicity; or revision or restructuring of our operations.
Risks Related to the Discovery, Development and Regulatory Approval of Our Product Candidates
Pacibekitug and any other of our future product candidates must undergo rigorous clinical trials before seeking regulatory approvals, and clinical trials may be delayed, suspended or terminated at any time for many reasons, any of which could delay or prevent regulatory approval and, if approval is granted, commercialization of our product candidates.
Pacibekitug and any other product candidates we might develop are subject to rigorous and extensive clinical trials before we can seek regulatory approval from the FDA and comparable foreign health authorities such as the European Medicines Authority. Clinical trials may be delayed, altered, suspended or terminated at any time for reasons including but not limited to:
ongoing discussions with the FDA or comparable foreign health authorities regarding the scope or design of our clinical trials;

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delays in obtaining, or the inability to obtain, required approvals from institutional review boards (“IRBs”) and ethics committees or other governing entities at clinical trial sites selected for participation in our clinical trials;
delays in reaching agreement on acceptable terms with clinical trial sites on clinical budgets and/or clinical trial agreements;
lack and/or loss of personnel at clinical trial sites to conduct our trials, including patient screening, patient visits and/or assessments, data entry of patient data into the clinical database and/or processing of patient samples;
institutional policies related to in-person patient visits resulting in delays to treatments or assessments being conducted, CRO and/or sponsor visits to conduct monitoring visits to verify data and/or site adherence to regulatory requirements;
delays in patient enrollment and other key trial activities;
delays in reaching agreement on acceptable terms with prospective CROs;
the failure of CROs, testing laboratories and other third parties to satisfy their contractual duties to us or meet expected deadlines;
deviations from the trial protocol by clinical trial sites and investigators, or failures to conduct the trial in accordance with regulatory requirements;
alterations in the size and scope of the trial;
lower than anticipated retention rates of participants in clinical trials, including patients dropping out due to protocol non-compliance, side effects or disease progression;
missing or incomplete data;
failure of enrolled patients to complete treatment or to return for post-treatment follow-up;
for clinical trials in selected patient populations, delays in identification and auditing of central or other laboratories and the transfer and validation of assays or tests to be used to identify selected patients and test any patient samples;
implementation of new, or changes to, guidance or interpretations from the FDA or comparable foreign health authorities with respect to approval pathways for pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates we are pursuing;
the need to repeat or conduct additional clinical trials as a result of inconclusive or negative results, poorly executed testing or changes in required endpoints or other changes to the trial or analysis;
insufficient supply or deficient quality of drug substance, drug product or other clinical trial material necessary to conduct our clinical trials, as well as delays in the testing, validation, manufacturing and delivery to clinical trial sites of such material;
withdrawal of clinical trial sites or investigators from our clinical trials for any reason, including as a result of changing standards of care or the ineligibility of a site to participate in our clinical trials;
unfavorable FDA or comparable foreign health authority inspection or review of a clinical trial site or records of any clinical or preclinical investigation;
drug-related adverse effects or tolerability issues experienced by participants in our clinical trials;
changes in government regulations or administrative actions;
lack of adequate funding to continue the clinical trials;

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ability to hire and retain key R&D and other personnel; or
the placement of a clinical hold on a trial by the FDA or comparable foreign health authorities.
We cannot guarantee that we will be able to successfully obtain FDA or other global health authority clearance to proceed with any planned clinical investigations of pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates or to accomplish required regulatory and/or manufacturing activities or all of the other activities necessary to initiate and complete clinical trials in a timely fashion, if at all. As a result, our preclinical studies and clinical trials may be extended, delayed or terminated, and we may be unable to obtain regulatory approvals or successfully commercialize our products. In addition, we have only limited experience in conducting late-stage clinical trials required to obtain regulatory approval. In any event, we do not know whether any of our clinical trials will begin as planned, will need to be restructured or will be completed on schedule, or at all.
Our product development costs will increase if we experience delays in clinical testing. Significant clinical trial delays could also shorten any periods during which we may have the exclusive right to commercialize our product candidates or allow our competitors to bring products to market before we do, which would impair our ability to successfully commercialize our product candidates and may harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. We or our partners’ inability to timely complete clinical development could result in additional costs to us or impair our ability to generate product revenue or development, regulatory, commercialization and sales milestone payments and royalties on product sales.
If clinical trials of pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates fail to timely initiate, enroll, complete, or produce positive results or to demonstrate safety and efficacy to the satisfaction of the FDA or comparable health authorities or sufficient to demonstrate differentiation from other approved therapies or therapies in development, we may incur additional costs or experience delays in completing, or ultimately be unable to complete, the development and commercialization of our product candidates.
Before obtaining marketing approval from health authorities for the sale of pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates, we or our partners must conduct extensive preclinical studies and clinical trials to demonstrate its safety and efficacy in humans. Preclinical studies and clinical trials are expensive, take several years to complete and may not yield results that support further clinical development or product approvals. The design of a clinical trial can determine whether its results will support approval of a product, and flaws in the design of a clinical trial may not become apparent until the clinical trial is well advanced. There is a high failure rate for drugs and biologic products proceeding through clinical trials and failure can occur at any stage of testing. Because we have limited experience designing clinical trials, we may be unable to design and execute a clinical trial to support regulatory approval.
We may also not be successful in generating clinical data sufficient to differentiate pacibekitug from other products in the same therapeutic area. If our competitors’ products are, or are perceived to be, more effective, more convenient, less costly or safer than pacibekitug, or we are unable to demonstrate differentiation in any of those factors, we may not be able to achieve a competitive position in the market.
In addition, data obtained from preclinical and clinical activities are subject to varying interpretations, which may delay, limit or prevent regulatory approval. In any event, it is impossible to predict when or if any of our product candidates will prove safe and effective in humans or will receive regulatory approval. If we are unable to successfully discover, develop or enable our partners to develop drugs that regulatory authorities deem effective and safe in humans, we will not have a viable business.
We may not be able to file INDs, IND amendments, or clinical trial applications (“CTAs”) to commence clinical trials on the timelines we expect, and even if we are able to, the FDA or comparable health authorities may not permit us to proceed.
We may not be able to file INDs or CTAs for pacibekitug or any future product candidates on the timelines we expect, if at all. For example, we may experience, or our partners may experience, manufacturing delays or other delays with IND-enabling studies. Moreover, we cannot be sure that submission of an IND or CTA will result in the FDA or comparable health authority allowing initial or later-stage clinical trials to begin, or that, once begun, issues will not arise that suspend or terminate clinical trials. Additionally, even if such regulatory authorities agree with the design and implementation of the clinical trials set forth in an IND or CTA, we cannot guarantee that such regulatory authorities will not change their requirements in the future. These considerations also apply to new clinical trials we may submit as amendments to existing

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INDs or to a new IND or CTAs. Any failure to file INDs and CTAs on the timelines we expect or to obtain regulatory approvals for our trials may prevent us from completing our clinical trials or commercializing our products on a timely basis, if at all.
If we experience delays or difficulties in the enrollment of patients in clinical trials, development of pacibekitug, or any potential future product candidates, may be delayed or prevented, which would have a material adverse effect on our business.
We may not be able to initiate or continue clinical trials for our product candidate if we, or a potential future sponsor, are unable to locate and enroll a sufficient number of eligible patients to participate in these continuing trials as required by the FDA or comparable foreign regulatory authorities. Patient enrollment is a significant factor in the timing of clinical trials.
Patient enrollment may be affected if our competitors have ongoing clinical trials for product candidates that are under development for the same indications as our product candidates, at clinical trial sites participating in our clinical trials, or at clinical trial sites not participating in our clinical trials and patients who would otherwise be eligible for our clinical trials instead enroll in clinical trials of our competitors’ product candidates.
Patient enrollment may also be affected by other factors, including:
size and nature of the patient population;
severity of the disease under investigation;
availability of approved therapies, other medicines, surgical procedures, or other therapies or interventions that would lead a patient to opt for that treatment or care approach instead of enrolling in our trial;
patient eligibility criteria for the trial in question;
nature of the trial protocol;
our ability to recruit clinical trial investigators with the appropriate competencies and experience;
perceived risks and benefits of the product candidate under study;
the occurrence of adverse events attributable to our lead product candidate;
efforts to facilitate timely enrollment in clinical trials;
the number and nature of competing products or product candidates and ongoing clinical trials of competing product candidates for the same indication at clinical trial sites participating in our clinical trials, or at clinical trial sites not participating in our clinical trials;
patient referral practices of physicians;
risk that enrolled subjects will drop out or die before completion;
competition for patients from other clinical trials at clinical trial sites participating in our clinical trials, or at clinical trial sites not participating in our clinical trials;
the ability to monitor patients adequately during and after treatment;
proximity and availability of clinical trial sites for prospective patients; and
continued enrollment of prospective patients by clinical trial sites.
Even if we are able to enroll a sufficient number of patients in our clinical trials, if the pace of enrollment is slower than expected, the development costs for our product candidates may increase and the completion of our trials may be delayed or our trials could become too expensive to complete. Any delays in completing our clinical trials will increase costs, delay

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or prevent product candidate development and approval process and jeopardize our ability to commence product sales and generate revenue. Any delays in completing our clinical studies for our product candidates may also decrease the period of commercial exclusivity. Any of these occurrences may significantly harm our business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects.
Success in preclinical studies or earlier-stage clinical trials for pacibekitug, or evidence from published observations, clinical studies, or other literature for other anti-IL-6 or anti-IL-6 receptor agents, may not be indicative of such results in future or ongoing clinical trials for pacibekitug.
To date, the data supporting our drug discovery and development programs are derived in part from laboratory and preclinical studies and earlier-stage clinical trials conducted by Pfizer. Owing in part to the complexity of biological pathways, when used to treat human patients, as well as differences in the design or conduct of clinical trials, pacibekitug might not demonstrate the biochemical and pharmacological properties we anticipate based on laboratory studies or earlier-stage clinical trials, and it may interact with human biological systems or other drugs in unforeseen, ineffective or harmful ways. Success in preclinical studies and earlier-stage clinical trials does not ensure that later clinical trials will generate the same results or otherwise provide adequate or positive data to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of our current and potential future product candidates. In this regard, the data supporting our drug discovery and development programs are derived from laboratory and preclinical studies, and future clinical trials in humans may show that one or more of our product candidates are not safe and effective, in which event we may need to abandon development of such product candidates. In fact, many companies in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have suffered significant setbacks in late-stage clinical trials even after achieving promising results in preclinical studies and earlier-stage clinical trials. Similarly, preliminary data and interim results from clinical trials may not be predictive of final results. As a general matter, there is also a substantial risk that Phase 3 trials with larger numbers of patients and/or longer durations of therapy will fail to replicate efficacy and safety results observed in earlier clinical trials. The impact of such differences may lead to a clinical trial(s) of pacibekitug failing to reproduce any positive efficacy, safety, or other findings from laboratory and preclinical studies and earlier-stage clinical trials for pacibekitug.
In addition, the rationale supporting our drug discovery and development programs is also based upon published articles describing positive results from clinical trial(s) and/or the clinical experience of physicians using tocilizumab (and other inhibitors of IL-6 or IL-6 receptor) in various diseases. For example, part of the rationale supporting the development and investigation for pacibekitug in TED is from published articles describing the off-label use of tocilizumab in TED, which report observations of positive efficacy and safety results.
Results from our future or ongoing clinical trials of pacibekitug may differ significantly from those from published articles in the literature of other molecules in the anti-IL-6 or anti-IL-6R class. For example, differences in clinical results may arise from differences between drug targets or between molecules that inhibit the same drug target. In addition, there may be substantial differences, even if the same disease or indication, between clinical trial(s) of pacibekitug and published literature (e.g., case series or reports, clinical trials, etc.) for other molecules in the anti-IL-6 or anti-IL-6R class based upon factors such as the clinical use setting, patient population being treated or investigated, assessments (e.g., efficacy, safety, pharmacodynamics, etc.), data collection and handling, analysis, study conduct, or other factors. Bias may have also been introduced in the published clinical reports that led to an incorrect determination or overestimate of the efficacy and safety results for pacibekitug because of the open-label nature and lack of controls or other robustness measures in these case series and uncontrolled clinical studies. There also can be publication bias, if only examples of successful cases of the clinical use of an anti-IL-6 or anti-IL-6R molecule (e.g., tocilizumab, satralizumab, sarilumab, siltuximab, ziltivekimab, etc.) may have been published, while treatment experiences for such molecules that were unsuccessful and/or associated with adverse safety outcomes were not published.
The impact of such differences may lead to a clinical trial(s) of pacibekitug failing to reproduce any positive efficacy, safety, or other findings in relation to inhibition of IL-6 or the IL-6 receptor that were reported in publications of other molecules. If such an event was to occur, there is a risk that the pacibekitug development program in a particular indication(s) or all indications is terminated, longer or more expensive development programs (including larger, longer, and/or costlier clinical trials) may be required to investigate pacibekitug, pacibekitug is not approved by the FDA or other regulatory authorities, pacibekitug is not reimbursed by payors or other similar bodies, or there is limited or no success achieved in the commercialization of pacibekitug.

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Preliminary, initial, or interim results from clinical trials that we announce, present, or publish from time to time may change as more data and information become available (or are updated based upon audit, validation and verification procedures of the data/information commonly performed for clinical trials) that could result in material changes in the final trial results.
From time to time, we may announce, present or publish preliminary, initial, or interim data or other information from our clinical trials. Any such data and other results from our clinical trials may materially change as more patient data and information become available. Such data and information may also undergo significant change following subsequent auditing, validation and/or verification procedures that are commonly conducted in clinical trials. Thus, any preliminary, initial, or interim data or other information may not be predictive of final results from the clinical trial and should be viewed with caution until the final data are available. We may also arrive at different conclusions, or other determinations that may qualify such results, once we have received and fully evaluated the additional data. Differences between preliminary, initial or interim results and final results could lead to significantly different interpretations or conclusions of the trial outcomes.
Further, others, including regulatory authorities and collaboration or regional partners, may not accept or agree with our assumptions, estimates, calculations, conclusions or analyses or may interpret or weigh the importance of data differently, which could impact the value of pacibekitug, the approvability or commercialization of pacibekitug or any future product candidates, and us in general. In addition, the information we choose to publicly disclose regarding a particular clinical trial is based on what is typically extensive information, and you or others may not agree with what we determine is material or otherwise appropriate information to include in our disclosure.
If the preliminary, initial or interim data that our reports differ from actual results, or if others, including regulatory authorities, disagree with the conclusions reached, our ability to obtain approval for, and commercialize, pacibekitug may be harmed, which could significantly harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Pacibekitug may cause undesirable side effects or adverse events or have other properties or safety risks, which could terminate further development of this product candidate, result in a lack of product approval by the FDA or other regulatory authorities, delay the timing (and/or increase the cost) of a product approval by the FDA or other regulatory authorities, lead to a restrictive product label that significantly limits prescribing of an approved product, delay or preclude reimbursement by payors, or significantly limit or preclude the commercialization of pacibekitug.
A concerning safety signal (such as that involving serious adverse events, life-threatening adverse events, or deaths, or a nonserious adverse event that may occur at a high or concerning frequency and/or severity or if rare, leads to a significant safety concern), tolerability concern (e.g., undesirable side effects that cannot be tolerated by patients, require suboptimal dosing alterations require additional monitoring and/or lead to patients missing or delaying doses) or other safety issue caused by pacibekitug may be observed in any future or ongoing clinical trial of pacibekitug. For example, dosing in the 200 mg arm of the prior Pfizer Phase 2 trial of pacibekitug in systemic lupus erythematosus was stopped for safety concerns based on an unblinded data review and recommendation from the internal review committee for that study. Prior safety (clinical and nonclinical) data for pacibekitug, safety data and observations for other molecules in the anti-IL-6 and anti-IL-6R classes, and published safety data and observations for other molecules in the anti-IL-6 and anti-IL-6R classes used in the same disease or indication as that being investigated in pacibekitug clinical trial(s) may not be indicative of similar safety and tolerability results or profile for pacibekitug in future or ongoing clinical trials. For example, some potential therapeutics developed in the biopharmaceutical industry that initially showed therapeutic promise in early-stage trials have later been found to have a problematic safety or tolerability profile that prevented their further development.
In addition, pacibekitug is a recombinant protein. Recombinant proteins can sometimes induce host immune responses that can cause the production of anti-drug antibodies (“ADAs”). ADAs may neutralize the effectiveness of the product candidate, can require that higher doses be used to obtain a therapeutic effect or can cross react with substances naturally occurring in a subject’s body, which can cause unintended effects, including potential impacts on efficacy and adverse events. For example, the ADAs may prevent the drug from offering a therapeutic benefit or lead to a less efficacious effect. ADAs may also cause hypersensitivity reactions (including anaphylaxis) that may require patients to stop taking that drug or can, in some cases, be serious, life-threatening, or fatal. If we determine that ADAs are causing safety or efficacy concerns for pacibekitug, we may need to delay, halt, or terminate our clinical trials and the affected product candidates. pacibekitug may never obtain regulatory approval by the FDA or other regulatory authorities. We cannot provide assurance that the detection of ADAs will not occur at a higher rate than what we have observed historically or that ADA will not lead to meaningful impacts upon efficacy or safety, or that the detection of ADAs will not otherwise result in pacibekitug not being approved by the FDA or other regulatory authorities.

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If a safety signal, tolerability concern, ADA concern, or other safety issue emerges from any future or ongoing clinical trial for pacibekitug, or any other IL-6 inhibitor product candidate, this could result in:
slowing of patient enrollment in our clinical trials or inability to enroll the trials;
a meaningful rate of patients dropping out of trials (which could lead to a delay in completing the clinical trial or adversely impact the trial’s probability of success in observing a positive efficacy result);
a meaningful rate of patients missing or postponing their trial procedures (including but not limited to dosing, study visits and efficacy assessments) which in turn could lead to a delay in completing the clinical trial or adversely impact the trial’s probability of success in observing a positive efficacy result;
an inability to use a dose that offers efficacy or necessitating the use of a lower dose that may offer only low or partial efficacy;
suspension of the clinical trial by us, the FDA or other regulatory authority, or local IRB or ethics committee;
termination of the clinical trial;
need for additional and/or larger clinical trial(s) to further evaluate the safety profile of pacibekitug;
abandonment of the development of pacibekitug for that particular indication being evaluated by the clinical trial or for other indications or as a program altogether;
refusal by the FDA or other regulatory authority to grant product approval;
restrictions on the product labeling (such as a black boxed warning, warnings and precautions, limitations of use, and/or narrowed and limited indication) that may significantly limit the prescribing and usage of pacibekitug;
requirement to develop a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (“REMS”) for pacibekitug in the U.S. or a similar strategy as required by a comparable foreign regulatory authority;
a view by healthcare professionals that pacibekitug presents an unfavorable benefit-risk profile which in turn may significantly limit the prescribing and usage of pacibekitug;
a meaningful rate of patients either choosing to not start pacibekitug treatment or to prematurely discontinue usage of pacibekitug;
use of additional monitoring by healthcare professionals, either on their own or due to the recommendations of expert panels or treatment guidelines, in the use of pacibekitug that in turn may significantly limit the prescribing and usage of pacibekitug;
a view by payors that pacibekitug presents an unfavorable benefit-risk profile which in turn may significantly limit the reimbursement of pacibekitug;
a requirement to conduct additional post-market studies, including clinical trials;
lawsuit(s) that results in us being held liable for harm caused to trial participants or other patients; and/or
reputational injury to us.
Any of these occurrences could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

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Pacibekitug is a product candidate within the IL-6 inhibitor and IL-6R inhibitor class and may be adversely impacted by results for other members in the class, which could delay, terminate or increase the cost of development of pacibekitug, delay or prevent approval by the FDA or other regulatory authorities, lead to a restrictive product label that significantly limits prescribing, delay or preclude reimbursement by payors, or significantly limit or preclude the commercialization of pacibekitug.
Pacibekitug is a member of the IL-6 inhibitor and IL-6R inhibitor class. There are other products and product candidates within this class that are being developed or commercialized by third parties over which we have no control and for which we do not have any information beyond what is publicly available. It is possible that negative data or information may emerge from one or more of these other products or product candidates related to a limitation or failure of efficacy, safety concern, negative publicity or other issue. Such an occurrence may adversely impact pacibekitug or its perceived product profile and could terminate further development of pacibekitug, result in a lack of product approval by the FDA or other regulatory authorities, delay the timing (and/or increase the cost) of a product approval, lead to a restrictive product label that significantly limits prescribing, delay or preclude reimbursement by payors, or significantly limit or preclude the commercialization of pacibekitug.
We face significant competition from other biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies targeting immune and inflammatory disease indications. Our operating results will suffer if we fail to compete effectively.
The markets for immune and inflammatory disease therapies are competitive and are characterized by significant technological development and new product introduction. For example, there are several large and small pharmaceutical companies focused on delivering therapeutics for TED or ASCVD. We anticipate that, if we obtain regulatory approval of pacibekitug, we will face significant competition from other approved therapies or drugs that become available in the future for the treatment of our target indications. If approved, pacibekitug may also compete with unregulated, unapproved and off-label treatments. Pacibekitug may also face biosimilar competition following loss of regulatory exclusivity and/or patent expiry. Even if an approved biosimilar product is less effective than pacibekitug, a less effective biosimilar may be more quickly adopted by physicians and patients than our competing product candidate based upon cost. Pacibekitug will have to compete with existing therapies, some of which are widely known and accepted by physicians and patients. To compete successfully in this market, we will have to demonstrate that the relative cost, safety and efficacy of our product, if approved, provides an attractive alternative to existing and other new therapies to gain a share of some patients’ discretionary budgets and to gain physicians’ attention within their clinical practices. Some of the companies that may offer competing products also have a broad range of other product offerings, large direct sales forces and long-term customer relationships with our target physicians, which could inhibit our market penetration efforts. Such competition could lead to reduced market share for our product candidate and contribute to downward pressure on the pricing of our product candidate, which could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We expect to face competition from agents with various mechanisms of action in both TED and ASCVD. For example, in January 2020, the FDA approved Amgen Inc.’s (formerly Horizon Therapeutics Public Limited Company) TEPEZZA (teprotumumab), an anti-IGF-1R antibody, for the treatment of TED. In addition, there are multiple other agents in various stages of development for the treatment of TED, including Roche’s satralizumab, an anti-IL-6R monoclonal antibody. The first line of treatment for patients with TED is generally immunosuppressive therapy, including high doses of corticosteroids. For ASCVD, several classes of therapies are routinely used, including statins, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, aspirin, and other anti-platelet agents. Additionally, we are aware of two IL-6 blockers currently being developed for the treatment of ASCVD.
Many of our existing or potential competitors have substantially greater financial, technical and human resources than we do and significantly greater experience in the discovery and development of product candidates, as well as in obtaining regulatory approvals of those product candidates in the U.S. and in foreign countries. Many of our current and potential future competitors also have significantly more experience commercializing drugs that have been approved for marketing. Mergers and acquisitions in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries could result in even more resources being concentrated among a smaller number of our competitors. Competition may reduce the number and types of patients available to us to participate in clinical trials because some patients who might have opted to enroll in our trials may instead opt to enroll in a trial being conducted by one of our competitors.
Due to varying regulatory requirements in certain foreign countries, there are many more products and procedures available for use to treat immune and inflammatory diseases in some international markets than are approved for use in the U.S. In certain international markets, there are also fewer limitations on the claims that our competitors can make about the effectiveness of their products and the manner in which they can market their products.

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Our ability to compete successfully will depend largely on our ability to:
develop and commercialize therapies in our target indications that are competitive with other products in the market;
demonstrate through our clinical trials that pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates is differentiated from existing and future therapies;
attract and retain qualified scientific, product development, manufacturing and commercial personnel;
obtain patent or other proprietary protection for pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates;
obtain required regulatory approvals, including approvals to market pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates we develop;
have commercial quantities of any approved product manufactured at acceptable cost and quality levels and in compliance with FDA and other regulatory requirements;
successfully commercialize pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates, if approved;
obtain coverage and adequate reimbursement from, and negotiate competitive pricing with, third-party payors; and
avoid regulatory exclusivities or patents held by competitors that may inhibit our products’ entry to the market.
The availability of our competitors’ products could limit the demand and the price we are able to charge for any product candidate we develop. The inability to compete with existing or subsequently introduced treatments would have an adverse impact on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
If the market opportunities for pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates are smaller than we estimate or if any approval that we obtain is based on a narrower definition of the patient population, then our revenue potential and ability to achieve profitability will be adversely affected.
The total addressable market opportunity for pacibekitug and any other potential future product candidates we may develop will ultimately depend upon, among other things, the proportion of patients identified as sensitive to our treatments, acceptance by the medical community, patient access, drug and any related companion diagnostic pricing and their reimbursement.
We intend to initially seek regulatory approval of pacibekitug as therapies for patients with TED and ASCVD. The number of patients in our targeted commercial markets and elsewhere may turn out to be lower than expected, patients may not be otherwise amenable to treatment with our drugs or new patients may become increasingly difficult to identify or gain access to, all of which would adversely affect our results of operations and our business. In addition, we may not be successful in our efforts to identify additional product candidates. Due to our limited resources and access to capital, we must prioritize development of certain product candidates, which may prove to be the wrong choice and may adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We may not successfully identify new product candidates to expand our development pipeline.
The success of our business over the longer term depends upon our ability to identify and validate new potential therapeutics. Efforts to identify new product candidates require substantial technical, financial and human resources, and our methodology may not successfully identify medically relevant potential therapeutics to be developed as product candidates. Moreover, our research and business development efforts may identify molecules that initially show promise yet fail to yield product candidates for clinical development for multiple reasons. For example, potential product candidates may, on further study, be shown to have inadequate efficacy, harmful side effects, suboptimal drug profiles, suboptimal manufacturability or stability, or other characteristics suggesting that they are unlikely to be commercially viable products. Our inability to successfully identify additional new product candidates to advance into clinical trials could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

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Risks Related to the Marketing and Commercialization of Our Product Candidates
Even if any of our current or future product candidates receive marketing approval, they may fail to achieve the degree of market acceptance by physicians, patients, third-party payors and others in the medical community necessary for commercial success.
If pacibekitug or any of our potential future product candidates receive marketing approval, they may nonetheless fail to gain sufficient market acceptance by physicians, patients, third-party payors and others in the medical community. If our product candidates do not achieve an adequate level of acceptance, we may not generate significant product revenues and we may not become profitable. The degree of market acceptance of our current or potential future candidates, if approved for commercial sale, will depend on a number of factors, including:
the efficacy, safety and potential advantages compared to alternative treatments, including pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical interventions;
the acceptance of our product candidates as front-line treatments for various indications;
the prevalence and severity of any side effects, in particular compared to alternative treatments;
limitations or warnings contained in the labeling approved by the FDA or other regulatory authorities;
the size of the target patient population;
the willingness and ability of the target patient population to try new therapies and adhere or comply with taking such therapy as prescribed and of physicians to prescribe these therapies;
our ability to offer our products for sale at competitive prices;
our ability to protect our approved products from generic or biosimilar competition through the use of regulatory exclusivity or patents;
the convenience and ease of administration compared to alternative treatments;
the amount of clinical burden upon healthcare professionals or patients related to any additional monitoring or other measures needed in order for patients to initiate and/or continue receiving such products;
the strength of marketing, sales and distribution support;
publicity for our product candidates and competing products and treatments;
the availability of third-party payor coverage and adequate reimbursement;
the timing of any marketing approval in relation to other product approvals;
support from patient advocacy groups; and
any restrictions on the use of our products together with other medications.
Even if we obtain approval to market pacibekitug or other potential future product candidates, these products may become subject to unfavorable pricing regulations, reimbursement practices from third-party payors or healthcare reform initiatives in the U.S. and abroad, which could harm our business.
The regulations that govern marketing approvals, pricing and reimbursement for new drug products vary widely from country to country. Current and future legislation may significantly change the approval requirements in ways that could involve additional costs and cause delays in obtaining approvals. In many regions, including the European Union (“EU”), Japan and Canada, the pricing of prescription drugs is controlled by the government and some countries require approval of the sale price of a drug before it can be marketed. In many countries, the pricing review period begins after regulatory approval for the product is granted. Regulatory agencies in those countries could determine that the pricing for our products

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should be based on prices of other commercially available drugs for the same disease, rather than allowing us to market our products at a premium as new drugs. As a result, we might obtain marketing approval for a product in a particular country, but then be subject to price regulations that delay or limit its commercial launch of the product, possibly for lengthy time periods, which could negatively impact the revenue we generate from the sale of the product in that particular country. In some foreign markets, prescription pharmaceutical pricing remains subject to continuing governmental control even after initial approval is granted. Adverse pricing limitations may hinder our ability to recoup our investment in one or more product candidates, even if our product candidates obtain marketing approval.
Our commercial success also depends on coverage and adequate reimbursement of our product candidates by third-party payors, including government payors, private health insurers, health maintenance organizations and other organizations, which may be difficult or time-consuming to obtain, may be limited in scope and may not be obtained in all jurisdictions in which we may seek to market our products. In the U.S. and markets in other countries, governments and private insurers closely examine medical products to determine whether they should be covered by reimbursement and, if so, the level of reimbursement that will apply. In the U.S., the principal decisions about reimbursement for new medicines are typically made by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”). CMS decides whether and to what extent a new medicine will be covered and reimbursed under Medicare and private payors tend to follow CMS to a substantial degree. Government authorities and other third-party payors have attempted to control costs by limiting coverage and the amount of reimbursement for particular drugs. Increasingly, third-party payors are requiring that drug companies provide them with predetermined discounts from list prices and are challenging the prices charged for drug products. We cannot be sure that coverage and reimbursement will be available for any product that we or our partners commercialize and, if reimbursement is available, what the level of reimbursement will be. Coverage and reimbursement may impact the demand for, or the price of, any product candidate for which we or our partners obtain regulatory approval. If coverage and reimbursement are not available or reimbursement is available only to limited levels, we and our partners may not be able to successfully commercialize any product candidate for which marketing approval is obtained.
There may be significant delays in obtaining coverage and reimbursement for newly approved drugs, and coverage may be more limited than the purposes for which the drug is approved by the FDA or comparable foreign health authorities. Moreover, eligibility for coverage and reimbursement does not imply that a drug will be paid for in all cases or at a rate that covers our costs, including costs of research, development, manufacture, sale and distribution. Interim reimbursement levels for new drugs, if applicable, may also not be sufficient to cover our costs and may only be temporary. Reimbursement rates may vary according to the use of the drug and the clinical setting in which it is used, may be based on reimbursement levels already set for lower cost drugs and may be incorporated into existing payments for other services. Net prices for drugs may be reduced by mandatory discounts or rebates required by government healthcare programs or private payors and by any future relaxation of laws that presently restrict imports of drugs from countries where they may be sold at lower prices than in the U.S. In addition, many pharmaceutical manufacturers must calculate and report certain price reporting metrics to the government, such as average sales price and best price. Penalties may apply in some cases when such metrics are not submitted accurately and timely. Further, these prices for drugs may be reduced by mandatory discounts or rebates required by government healthcare programs. Our inability to promptly obtain coverage and profitable reimbursement rates from both government-funded and private payors for any approved products that we develop could have a material adverse effect on our operating results, ability to raise capital needed to commercialize products and overall financial condition.
Even if we are able to obtain regulatory approval for pacibekitug or any of our future product candidates, we may receive an undesirable label, including, but not limited to, a black boxed warning, which could impede our ability to successfully commercialize pacibekitug or any of our future product candidates or compete successfully.
Even if we receive regulatory approval for any of our product candidates, the FDA may determine that labels for our product candidates may require safety restrictions such as a black boxed warning, warnings and precautions, limitations of use, and/or narrowed and limited indication that may significantly limit the prescribing and usage of pacibekitug. Safety restrictions such as a black boxed warning may impede our ability to successfully market and commercialize our product candidates and our ability to compete successfully against our competitors.
Two approved therapies in the IL-6 class, tocilizumab (Actemra®) and sarilumab (Kevzara®) have received black boxed warning for risks of serious infections. Two approved therapies in the IL-6 class, satralizumab (Enspryng®) and siltuximab (Sylvant®) have not. We cannot guarantee or ensure that pacibekitug will not get a black boxed warning or significant safety restrictions on its product labels, if approved.

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Our estimates of market opportunity and forecasts of market growth may prove to be inaccurate, and even if the markets in which we compete achieve the forecasted growth, our business may not grow at similar rates, or at all.
Our market opportunity estimates and growth forecasts are subject to significant uncertainty and are based on assumptions and estimates which may not prove to be accurate. Our estimates and forecasts relating to size and expected growth of our target market may prove to be inaccurate. Even if the markets in which we compete meet our size estimates and growth forecasts, our business may not grow at similar rates, or at all. Our growth is subject to many factors, including our success in implementing our business strategy, which is subject to many risks and uncertainties.
Our revenue will be dependent, in part, upon the size of the markets in the territories for which we gain regulatory approval, the accepted price for the product, the ability to obtain coverage and reimbursement, the ability to gain market share and whether we own the commercial rights for that territory. If the number of our addressable patients is not as significant as our estimates, the indication approved by regulatory authorities is narrower than we expect or the treatment population is narrowed by competition, physician choice or treatment guidelines, we may not generate significant revenue from sales of such products, even if approved.
Product liability lawsuits against us could cause us to incur substantial liabilities and to limit development and commercialization of any products that we may develop.
We face an inherent risk of product liability exposure related to the testing of our product candidates in human clinical trials and will face an even greater risk if we or our partner commercializes any resulting products. Product liability claims may be brought against us by subjects enrolled in our clinical trials, patients, healthcare providers or others using, administering or selling our products. If we cannot successfully defend ourselves against claims that our product candidates or products that we may develop caused injuries, we could incur substantial liabilities. Regardless of merit or eventual outcome, product liability claims may result in:
decreased demand for any product candidates or products that we may develop;
termination of clinical trial sites or entire trial programs;
injury to our reputation and significant negative media attention;
withdrawal of clinical trial participants;
significant costs to defend the related litigation;
substantial monetary awards to trial subjects or patients;
loss of revenue;
diversion of management and scientific resources from our business operations; and
the inability to commercialize any products that we may develop.
Our clinical trial liability insurance coverage may not adequately cover all liabilities that we may incur. We may not be able to maintain insurance coverage at a reasonable cost or in an amount adequate to satisfy any liability that may arise. Our inability to obtain product liability insurance at an acceptable cost or to otherwise protect against potential product liability claims could prevent or delay the commercialization of any products or product candidates that we develop. We intend to expand our insurance coverage for products to include the sale of commercial products if we obtain marketing approval for pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates, but we may be unable to obtain commercially reasonable product liability insurance for any products approved for marketing. Large judgments have been awarded in class action lawsuits based on drugs that had unanticipated side effects. If we are sued for any injury caused by our products, product candidates or processes, our liability could exceed our product liability insurance coverage and our total assets. Claims against us, regardless of their merit or potential outcome, may also generate negative publicity or hurt our ability to obtain physician endorsement of our products or expand our business.

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Risks Related to Government Regulation
The regulatory approval processes of the FDA and comparable foreign health authorities are lengthy and inherently unpredictable. Our inability to obtain regulatory approval for pacibekitug would substantially harm our business.
Currently, we have no product candidate that has received regulatory approval and pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates is not expected to be commercially available for several years, if at all. The time required to obtain approval from the FDA and comparable foreign health authorities is unpredictable but typically takes many years following the commencement of preclinical studies and clinical trials and depends upon numerous factors, including the substantial discretion of the health authorities. In addition, approval policies, regulations or the type and amount of preclinical and clinical data necessary to gain approval may change during the course of a product candidate’s development and may vary among jurisdictions. It is possible that none of our existing or future product candidates will ever obtain regulatory approval.
Pacibekitug or any of our future product candidates could fail to receive regulatory approval from the FDA or a comparable foreign health authority for many reasons, including:
disagreement with the design or implementation of our clinical trials;
failure to demonstrate that a product candidate is safe and effective for its proposed indication;
failure of results of clinical trials to meet the level of statistical significance required for approval;
failure to demonstrate that a product candidate’s clinical and other benefits outweigh its safety risks;
disagreement with our interpretation of data from preclinical studies or clinical trials;
the insufficiency of data collected from clinical trials to support the submission and filing of a Biologics License Application (“BLA”) or other submission or to obtain regulatory approval;
failure to obtain approval of the manufacturing processes or facilities of third-party manufacturers with whom we contract for clinical and commercial supplies;
unfavorable quality review or audit/inspection findings; or
changes in the approval policies or regulations that render our preclinical and clinical data insufficient for approval.
The FDA or a comparable foreign health authority may require more information, including additional preclinical or clinical data, to support approval, which may delay or prevent approval and commercialization, or we may decide to abandon the development program for other reasons. If we obtain approval, regulatory authorities may approve pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates for fewer or more limited indications than we request, may grant accelerated approval or conditional marketing authorization based on a surrogate endpoint and contingent on the successful outcome of costly and time-consuming post-marketing confirmatory clinical trials or may approve a product candidate with a label that does not include the labeling claims necessary or desirable for the successful commercialization of that product candidate.
We may seek fast track and/or breakthrough therapy designations or priority review for one or more of our product candidates, but we might not receive such designation or priority review, and even if we do, such designation or priority review may not lead to a faster development or regulatory review or approval process, and does not assure FDA approval of our product candidates. Even if a product qualifies for such designation or priority review, the FDA may later decide that the product no longer meets the conditions for qualification or may decide that the time period for FDA review or approval will not be shortened.
We may seek fast track and/or breakthrough therapy designations for one or more of our product candidates.
The FDA may issue a fast track designation to a product candidate if it is intended, whether alone or in combination with one or more other products, for the treatment of a serious or life-threatening disease or condition, and it demonstrates the potential to address unmet medical needs for such a disease or condition. Fast track designation applies to the combination of the product and the specific indication for which it is being studied. The sponsor of a new biologic may request that the

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FDA designate the biologic as a fast track product at any time during the clinical development of the product. For fast track products, sponsors may have greater interactions with the FDA during product development. A fast track product may also be eligible for rolling review, where the FDA may consider for review sections of the BLA on a rolling basis before the complete application is submitted, if the sponsor provides a schedule for the submission of the sections of the BLA, the FDA agrees to accept sections of the BLA and determines that the schedule is acceptable, and the sponsor pays any required user fees upon submission of the first section of the BLA. However, the FDA’s PDUFA goal for reviewing a BLA fast track application under the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (“PDUFA”) does not begin until the last section of the application is submitted. Fast track designation may be withdrawn by the FDA if the FDA believes that the designation is no longer supported by data emerging in the clinical trial process.
A breakthrough therapy is defined as a product candidate that is intended, alone or in combination with one or more other drugs, to treat a serious or life-threatening disease or condition, and preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the product candidate may demonstrate substantial improvement over existing therapies on one or more clinically significant endpoints, such as substantial treatment effects observed early in clinical development. For product candidates that have been designated as breakthrough therapies, interaction and communication between the FDA and the sponsor of the trial can help to identify the most efficient path for clinical development while minimizing the number of patients placed in ineffective control regimens. Product candidates designated as breakthrough therapies by the FDA are also eligible for priority review if supported by clinical data at the time of the submission of the BLA.
Fast track designation and breakthrough therapy designation are within the discretion of the FDA. Accordingly, even if we believe that one of our product candidates meets the criteria for any such designation, the FDA may disagree and instead determine not to make such designation. In any event, the receipt of such designation may expedite the development or approval process, but does not change the standards for approval. Even if a product qualifies for one or more of these programs, the FDA may later decide that the product no longer meets the conditions for qualification or decide that the BLA is eligible only for standard review.
In the EU, innovative products that target an unmet medical need and are expected to be of major public health interest may be eligible for a number of expedited development and review programs, such as the Priority Medicines (“PRIME”), scheme, which provides incentives similar to the breakthrough therapy designation in the U.S.
Sponsors that benefit from PRIME designation are potentially eligible for accelerated assessment of their marketing authorization applications, although this is not guaranteed. If a product for which PRIME designation was granted is the subject of an accelerated assessment, the product may be placed on the market in the EU before our product candidate with a similar therapeutic indication.
Inadequate funding for the FDA, the SEC and other government agencies, including from government shutdowns, or other disruptions to these agencies’ operations, could hinder their ability to hire and retain key leadership and other personnel, prevent new products and services from being developed or commercialized in a timely manner or otherwise prevent those agencies from performing normal business functions on which the operation of our business may rely, which could negatively impact our business.
The ability of the FDA to review and approve new products can be affected by a variety of factors, including government budget and funding levels, the ability to hire and retain key personnel and accept the payment of user fees, and statutory, regulatory and policy changes. Average review times at the agency have fluctuated in recent years as a result. In addition, government funding of the SEC and other government agencies on which our operations may rely, including those that fund research and development activities, is subject to the political process, which is inherently fluid and unpredictable.
Disruptions at the FDA and other agencies may also slow the time necessary for new product candidates to be reviewed and/or approved by necessary government agencies, which would adversely affect our business. If a prolonged government shutdown occurs, it could significantly impact the ability of the FDA to timely review and process our regulatory submissions, which could have a material adverse effect on our business. Further, future government shutdowns could impact our ability to access the public markets and obtain necessary capital in order to properly capitalize and continue our operation.

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Our failure to obtain health authority approval in foreign jurisdictions would prevent us from marketing pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates outside the U.S.
If we or our partners succeed in developing any products, we intend to market them in the EU and other foreign jurisdictions in addition to the U.S. In order to market and sell our products in other jurisdictions, we must obtain separate marketing approvals and comply with numerous and varying regulatory requirements. The approval procedure varies among countries and can involve additional testing. The time required to obtain approval may differ substantially from that required to obtain FDA approval. The regulatory approval process outside the U.S. generally includes all of the risks associated with obtaining FDA approval. In addition, in many countries outside the U.S., we must secure product pricing and reimbursement approvals before health authorities will approve the product for sale in that country. Obtaining foreign regulatory approvals and compliance with foreign regulatory requirements could result in significant delays, difficulties and costs for us and could delay or prevent the introduction of our products in certain countries. Further, clinical trials conducted in one country may not be accepted by health authorities in other countries and regulatory approval in one country does not ensure approval in any other country, while a failure or delay in obtaining regulatory approval in one country may have a negative effect on the regulatory approval process in others. If we fail to obtain approval of pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates by health authorities in another country, we will be unable to commercialize our product in that country, and the commercial prospects of that product candidate and our business prospects could decline. In addition, failure to obtain regulatory approval in one country or region could adversely affect future regulatory approvals in other countries.
Even if pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates receive regulatory approval, they will still face extensive ongoing regulatory requirements, which may result in significant expenses, and may still face future development and regulatory difficulties.
Even if we obtain regulatory approval for a product candidate, it would be subject to ongoing requirements by the FDA and comparable foreign health authorities governing the manufacture, quality control, further development, labeling, packaging, storage, distribution, safety surveillance, import, export, advertising, promotion, recordkeeping and reporting of safety and other post-market information. We will be subject to ongoing requirements, including submissions of safety and other post-marketing information, reports, establishment registration and product listing requirements, requirements relating to current cGMP, applicable product tracking and tracing requirements, quality control, quality assurance and corresponding maintenance of records and documents, and recordkeeping. We will also need to ensure continued compliance by it and/or any future contract manufacturing organizations and CROs for any post-approval clinical trials that we conduct. Even if marketing approval of a product candidate is granted, the approval may be subject to limitations on the indicated uses for which the product may be marketed or to conditions of approval, or contain requirements for costly post-marketing testing and surveillance to monitor the safety or efficacy of the product. Additionally, under the Food and Drug Omnibus Reform Act of 2022, sponsors of approved drugs and biologics must provide 6 months’ notice to the FDA of any changes in marketing status, such as the withdrawal of a drug, and failure to do so could result in the FDA placing the product on a list of discontinued products, which would revoke the product’s ability to be marketed.
Even after approval, the FDA and comparable foreign health authorities will continue to closely monitor the safety profile of any product even after approval. If the FDA or comparable foreign health authorities become aware of new safety information after approval of pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates, they may require labeling changes or establishment of a REMS, or similar strategy, impose significant restrictions on a product’s indicated uses or marketing or impose ongoing requirements for potentially costly post-approval studies or post-market surveillance. Failure to comply with any related obligations may result in the suspension or withdrawal of an obtained approval and in civil and/or criminal penalties. Receipt of approval for narrower indications than sought, restrictions on marketing through a REMS or similar strategy imposed by the FDA or in an EU member state or other foreign country, or significant labeling restrictions or requirements in an approved label such as a black boxed warning could have a negative impact on our ability to recoup our R&D costs and to successfully commercialize that product, any of which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and growth prospects. In any event, if we are unable to comply with our post-marketing obligations imposed as part of the marketing approvals in the U.S., the EU, or other countries, our approval may be varied, suspended or revoked, product supply may be delayed and our sales of our products could be materially adversely affected.
In addition, manufacturers of drug substance and drug product and their facilities are subject to continual review and periodic inspections by the FDA and comparable foreign health authorities for compliance with cGMP regulations. If we or a regulatory agency discover previously unknown problems with a product, such as adverse events of unanticipated severity or frequency, or problems with the facility where the product is manufactured, a regulatory agency may impose

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restrictions on that product, the manufacturing facility or us, including requiring recall or withdrawal of the product from the market or suspension of manufacturing. Manufacturers and other parties involved in the drug supply chain for prescription drug products must also comply with product tracking and tracing requirements and for notifying the FDA of counterfeit, diverted, stolen and intentionally adulterated products or products that are otherwise unfit for distribution in the U.S. If we or the manufacturing facilities for pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates fail to comply with applicable regulatory requirements, or if pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates are found to cause undesirable or unacceptable side effects, a regulatory agency may:
issue safety alerts, Dear Healthcare Provider letters, press releases or other communications containing warnings about such product;
issue warning letters or untitled letters;
mandate modifications to promotional materials or require us to provide corrective information to healthcare practitioners, or require other restrictions on the labelling or marketing of such products;
require that we conduct and complete post-marketing studies;
require us to enter into a consent decree, which can include imposition of various fines, reimbursements for inspection costs, required due dates for specific actions and penalties for noncompliance;
seek an injunction or impose civil or criminal penalties or monetary fines;
suspend marketing of, withdraw or modify regulatory approval of or initiate a recall of such product;
suspend or modify any ongoing clinical trials;
refuse to approve pending applications or supplements to applications filed by us;
suspend or impose restrictions on operations, including costly new manufacturing requirements; or
seize or detain products or refuse to permit the import or export of products.
The occurrence of any event or penalty described above may inhibit our ability to commercialize our products and generate revenue.
Advertising and promotion of any product candidate that obtains approval in the U.S. will be heavily scrutinized by the FDA, DOJ, HHS, OIG, state attorneys general, members of Congress and the public. Violations, including promotion of our products for unapproved (or off-label) uses, are subject to enforcement letters, inquiries and investigations and civil and criminal sanctions by the government. Any actual or alleged failure to comply with labeling and promotion requirements may result in fines, warning letters, mandates to corrective information to healthcare practitioners, injunctions, or civil or criminal penalties. Additionally, comparable foreign health authorities, public prosecutors, industry associations, healthcare professionals and other members of the public will heavily scrutinize advertising and promotion of any product candidate outside of the U.S.
In the U.S., engaging in the impermissible promotion of our products for off-label uses can subject us to false claims litigation under federal and state statutes, which can lead to civil and criminal penalties and fines and agreements that materially restrict the manner in which a company promotes or distributes drug products. These false claims statutes include the federal FCA, which allows any individual to bring a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company on behalf of the federal government alleging submission of false or fraudulent claims, or causing to present such false or fraudulent claims, for payment by a federal program such as Medicare or Medicaid. If the government prevails in the lawsuit, the individual will share in any fines or settlement funds. Since 2004, these FCA lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies have increased significantly in volume and breadth, leading to several substantial civil and criminal settlements regarding certain sales practices promoting off-label drug uses involving fines in excess of $1 billion. This growth in litigation has increased the risk that a pharmaceutical company will have to defend a false claim action, pay settlement fines or restitution, agree to comply with burdensome reporting and compliance obligations and be excluded from Medicare, Medicaid and other federal and state healthcare programs. If we do not lawfully promote our approved products, we may become subject to

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such litigation and, if we do not successfully defend against such actions, those actions may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
The FDA’s policies may change, and additional government regulations may be enacted that could prevent, limit or delay regulatory approval of pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates. If we are slow or unable to adapt to changes in existing requirements or the adoption of new requirements or policies, or if we are not able to maintain regulatory compliance, we may lose any marketing approval that we may have obtained, which would adversely affect our business, prospects and ability to achieve or sustain profitability.
In the EU, the advertising and promotion of medicinal products are subject to both EU and EU member state laws governing promotion of medicinal products, interactions with physicians and other healthcare professionals, misleading and comparative advertising and unfair commercial practices. Although general requirements for advertising and promotion of medicinal products are established under EU directives, the details are governed by regulations in each member state and can differ from one country to another. For example, applicable laws require that promotional materials and advertising in relation to medicinal products comply with the product’s Summary of Product Characteristics (“SmPC”), as approved by the competent authorities in connection with a marketing authorization. The SmPC is the document that provides information to physicians concerning the safe and effective use of the product. Promotional activity that does not comply with the SmPC is considered off-label and is prohibited in the EU. Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicinal products is also prohibited in the EU.
Failure to comply with EU, EU member state, and other country laws that apply to the conduct of clinical trials, manufacturing approval, marketing authorization of medicinal products and marketing of such products, both before and after grant of a marketing authorization, or with other applicable regulatory requirements, may result in administrative, civil or criminal penalties. These penalties could include delays or refusal to authorize the conduct of clinical trials, or to grant marketing authorization, product withdrawals and recalls, product seizures, suspension, withdrawal or variation of the marketing authorization, total or partial suspension of production, distribution, manufacturing or clinical trials, operating restrictions, injunctions, suspension of licenses, fines and criminal penalties. In addition, directives adopted at the EU level may be implemented differently by individual member states. These directives, and their differing implementations in member states, increase our legal and financial compliance costs and may make some activities more time-consuming and expensive.
Healthcare reform may negatively impact our ability to profitably sell pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates, if approved.
Third-party payors, whether domestic or foreign, or governmental or commercial, are developing increasingly sophisticated methods of controlling healthcare costs. The U.S. and many foreign jurisdictions have enacted or proposed legislative and regulatory changes affecting the healthcare system that could prevent or delay marketing approval of pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates, restrict or regulate post-approval activities and affect our ability to profitably sell any product for which we obtain marketing approval.
For example, on July 9, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order directing the FDA to, among other things, continue to clarify and improve the approval framework for generic drugs and biosimilars, including the standards for interchangeability of biological products, facilitate the development and approval of biosimilar and interchangeable products, clarify existing requirements and procedures related to the review and submission of BLAs, and identify and address any efforts to impede generic drug and biosimilar competition.
Additionally, on August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the “IRA”), into law, which among other things, (1) directs the HHS, to negotiate the price of certain single-source drugs and biologics covered under Medicare and (2) imposes rebates under Medicare Part B and Medicare Part D to penalize price increases that outpace inflation. The IRA includes certain exemptions to the price negotiation program, including a limited exemption for products with orphan drug designation. This exemption applies only to products with one orphan drug designation that is (i) for a rare disease or condition and (ii) is approved for indication(s) for such rare disease or condition. By limiting price negotiation exemption to products with only one orphan drug designation, the IRA may decrease our interest in pursuing orphan drug designation for our product candidates in multiple indications. The IRA also, among other things, extends enhanced subsidies for individuals purchasing health insurance coverage in ACA marketplaces through plan year 2025 and eliminates the “donut hole” under the Medicare Part D program beginning in 2025 by significantly lowering the beneficiary maximum out-of-pocket cost through a newly established manufacturer discount program. These provisions take effect progressively starting in fiscal year 2023. On August 15, 2024, HHS announced the agreed-upon reimbursement price of

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the first ten drugs that were subject to price negotiations, although the Medicare drug pricing negotiation program is currently subject to legal challenges. HHS will select up to fifteen additional drugs covered under Part D for negotiation in 2025. The IRA permits HHS to implement many of these provisions through guidance, as opposed to regulation, for the initial years. HHS has and will continue to issue and update guidance as these programs are implemented. Further, in March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, collectively referred to as the ACA, was enacted, which includes measures that have significantly changed the way health care is financed by both governmental and private insurers. There have been executive, judicial and congressional challenges to certain aspects of the ACA. While Congress has not passed comprehensive legislation repealing the ACA, such legislation may be reintroduced. Members of Congress have introduced legislation to modify or replace certain provisions of the ACA. It is unclear how these efforts to repeal and/or replace the ACA will impact the ACA and our business. For example, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “2017 Tax Act”), repealed the tax-based shared responsibility payment imposed by the ACA on certain individuals who fail to maintain qualifying health coverage that is commonly referred to as the “individual mandate.” On June 17, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed a challenge on procedural grounds that argued the ACA is unconstitutional in its entirety because the “individual mandate” was repealed by Congress. Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, on January 28, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order that initiated a special enrollment period for purposes of obtaining health insurance coverage through the ACA marketplace. The executive order also instructed certain governmental agencies to review and reconsider their existing policies and rules that limit access to healthcare, including among others, reexamining Medicaid demonstration projects and waiver programs that include work requirements, and policies that create unnecessary barriers to obtaining access to health insurance coverage through Medicaid or the ACA. It is possible that the ACA and IRA may be subject to judicial or Congressional challenges in the future. It is unclear how any additional healthcare reform measures may impact the ACA or IRA, increase the pressure on drug pricing or limit the availability of coverage and adequate reimbursement for pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates, which would adversely affect our business.
There has also been increasing executive, legislative and enforcement interest in the U.S. with respect to drug pricing practices. There have been U.S. congressional inquiries, presidential executive orders and proposed and enacted legislation designed to, among other things, bring more transparency to drug pricing, reduce the cost of prescription drugs under Medicare, review the relationship between pricing and manufacturer patient programs and reform government program reimbursement methodologies for drugs. For example, in an executive order, the administration of President Biden expressed its intent to pursue certain policy initiatives to reduce drug prices and, in response, HHS released a Comprehensive Plan for Addressing High Drug Prices that outlines principles for drug pricing reform and sets out a variety of potential legislative policies that Congress could pursue to lower drug prices. Further, in response to the Biden administration’s October 2022 executive order, on February 14, 2023, HHS released a report outlining three new models for testing by the CMS, Innovation Center which will be evaluated on their ability to lower the cost of drugs, promote accessibility, and improve the quality of care. It is unclear whether the models will be utilized in any health reform measures in the future. Further, on December 7, 2023, the Biden administration announced an initiative to control the price of prescription drugs through the use of march-in rights under the Bayh-Dole Act. On December 8, 2023, the National Institute of Standards and Technology published for comment a Draft Interagency Guidance Framework for Considering the Exercise of March-In Rights which for the first time includes the price of a product as one factor an agency can use when deciding to exercise march-in rights. While march-in rights have not previously been exercised, it is uncertain if that will continue under the new framework. We expect that the healthcare reform measures that have been adopted and may be adopted in the future may result in more rigorous coverage criteria and additional downward pressure on the price that we receive for any approved product and could seriously harm its future revenues. Any reduction in reimbursement from Medicare or other government programs may result in a similar reduction in payments from private payors. The implementation of cost containment measures or other healthcare reforms may prevent us from being able to generate revenue, attain profitability or commercialize our products.
There have been, and likely will continue to be, legislative and regulatory proposals at the foreign, federal and state levels directed at broadening the availability of healthcare and containing or lowering the cost of healthcare. Such reforms could have an adverse effect on anticipated revenue from pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates that we may successfully develop and for which we may obtain regulatory approval and may affect our overall financial condition and ability to develop product candidates.
In many countries outside the U.S., government-sponsored healthcare systems are the primary payors for drugs. With increasing budgetary constraints and/or difficulty in understanding the value of medicines, governments and payors in many countries are applying a variety of measures to exert downward price pressure and we expect that legislators, policy makers and healthcare insurance funds in the EU Member States will continue to propose and implement cost cutting measures. These measures include mandatory price controls, price referencing, therapeutic-reference pricing, increases in

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mandates, incentives for generic substitution and biosimilar usage, government-mandated price cuts, limitations on coverage of target population and introduction of volume caps.
Many countries implement health technology assessment (“HTA”), procedures that use formal economic metrics such as cost-effectiveness to determine prices, coverage and reimbursement of new therapies. These assessments are increasingly implemented in established and emerging markets. In the EU, Regulation (EU) 2021/2282 on Health Technology Assessment, which will become effective on January 12, 2025, will allow EU member states to use common HTA tools, methodologies and procedures to conduct joint clinical assessments and joint scientific consultations whereby HTA authorities may provide advice to health technology developers. Each EU member state will, however, remain exclusively competent for assessing the relative effectiveness of health technologies and making pricing and reimbursement decisions. Given that the extent to which pricing and reimbursement decisions are influenced by the HTA process currently varies between EU member states, it is possible that our products may be subject to favorable pricing and reimbursement status only in certain EU countries. If we are unable to maintain favorable pricing and reimbursement status in EU member states that represent significant markets, including following periodic review, our anticipated revenue from and growth prospects for our products in the EU could be negatively affected. Moreover, in order to obtain reimbursement for our products in some EU member states, we may be required to compile additional data comparing the cost-effectiveness of our products to other available therapies. Efforts to generate additional data for the HTA process will involve additional expenses which may substantially increase the cost of commercializing and marketing our products in certain EU member states.
We cannot predict the likelihood, nature or extent of healthcare reform initiatives that may arise from future legislation or administrative action. However, it is possible that countries will continue taking aggressive actions to seek to reduce expenditures on drugs. Similarly, fiscal constraints may also affect the extent to which countries are willing to approve new and innovative therapies and/or allow access to new technologies.
If we or any third parties we may engage are slow or unable to adapt to changes in existing requirements or the adoption of new requirements or policies, or if we or such third parties are not able to maintain regulatory compliance, our product candidates may lose any regulatory approval that may have been obtained and we may not achieve or sustain profitability.
Our current and future relationships with investigators, healthcare professionals, customers, and third-party payors will be subject to applicable anti-kickback, fraud and abuse, transparency, and other healthcare laws and regulations, which, if violated, could expose us to criminal sanctions, civil penalties, contractual damages, reputational harm, administrative burdens, and diminished profits and future earnings.
Healthcare professionals, including physicians and healthcare institutions, and third-party payors, will play a primary role in the recommendation and prescription of any product candidates for which we or our partner obtains marketing approval. Our existing and future arrangements with healthcare professionals and institutions, and any arrangements we enter into with third-party payors and customers, may expose us to broadly applicable fraud and abuse and other healthcare laws and regulations that may constrain the business or financial arrangements and relationships through which we currently research, and in the future, market, sell and distribute products for which we or our partner obtain marketing approval. Restrictions under federal and state healthcare laws and regulations that are or may be applicable to us, include, without limitation, the following:
the federal Anti-Kickback Statute, which is a criminal law, prohibits, among other things, knowingly and willfully soliciting, offering, receiving or providing remuneration, directly or indirectly, in cash or in kind, to induce or reward, or in return for, the referral of an individual for the furnishing or arranging for the furnishing, or the purchase, lease or order, or arranging for or recommending the purchase, lease or order, of any good or service for which payment may be made under a federal healthcare program, such as Medicare and Medicaid or other federally financed healthcare programs. The term “remuneration” is not defined in the federal Anti-Kickback Statute and has been broadly interpreted by the federal government to include anything of value, for example, cash payments, gifts, discounts, coupons, and the furnishing of free or discounted services or supplies, and other items or services of value to the recipient. This statute has been broadly interpreted to apply to manufacturer arrangements with prescribers, purchasers, formulary managers and patients, among others. Although there are a number of statutory exceptions and regulatory safe harbors protecting certain common activities from prosecution or other regulatory sanctions, the exceptions and safe harbors are drawn narrowly, and practices that involve remuneration intended to induce prescribing, purchases or recommendations may be subject to scrutiny if they do not qualify for such exceptions or safe harbors. A person or entity does not need to have actual knowledge of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute or specific intent to violate it to have committed a violation. Violations are subject to civil and criminal fines and penalties for each violation, plus up to three times the remuneration involved, imprisonment, and exclusion from government healthcare programs. In

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addition, the government may assert that a claim including items or services resulting from a violation of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute constitutes a false or fraudulent claim for purposes of the federal FCA or federal civil monetary penalties;
the FCA imposes criminal and civil penalties, including through civil whistleblower or qui tam actions, against individuals or entities for knowingly presenting, or causing to be presented, to the federal government, claims for payment that are false or fraudulent or making a false statement to avoid, decrease or conceal an obligation to pay money to the federal government. Manufacturers can be held liable under the FCA even when they do not submit claims directly to government payors if they are deemed to “cause” the submission of false or fraudulent claims. The FCA also permits a private individual acting as a “whistleblower” to bring actions on behalf of the federal government alleging violations of the FCA and to share in any monetary recovery;
the federal Civil Monetary Penalties Law, which authorizes the imposition of substantial civil monetary penalties against an entity that engages in activities including, among others (1) knowingly presenting, or causing to be presented, a claim for services not provided as claimed or that is otherwise false or fraudulent in any way; (2) arranging for or contracting with an individual or entity that is excluded from participation in federal health care programs to provide items or services reimbursable by a federal health care program; (3) violations of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute; or (4) failing to report and return a known overpayment;
other federal healthcare fraud-related laws also impose criminal liability for violations. For example, the Criminal Healthcare Fraud Statute (18 U.S.C. §1347) prohibits knowingly and willfully executing a scheme to defraud any healthcare benefit program, including private third-party payors. Federal criminal law also prohibits knowingly and willfully falsifying, concealing or covering up a material fact or making any materially false, fictitious or fraudulent statement in connection with the delivery of or payment for healthcare benefits, items or services;
a number of states also have statutes or regulations similar to the federal Anti-Kickback Statute and FCA that apply to items and services reimbursed under Medicaid and other state programs. Some state anti-kickback statutes apply not just to government payors, but to all payors, including commercial payors and patients;
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, imposes obligations, on “covered entities,” including health plans and healthcare providers, and their business associates with respect to safeguarding the privacy, security and transmission of individually identifiable health information, as well as their covered subcontractors. Although we are not directly subject to HIPAA as a covered entity or business associate, we could be subject to criminal or civil penalties if we knowingly obtain individually identifiable health information from a HIPAA-covered entity in a manner that is not authorized or permitted by HIPAA. We are also subject to state, federal and international privacy and security laws governing the processing and security of personal identifiable information. HIPAA also imposes criminal liability for knowingly and willfully executing a scheme to defraud any healthcare benefit program, knowingly and willfully embezzling or stealing from a healthcare benefit program, willfully obstructing a criminal investigation of a healthcare offense or knowingly and willfully making false statements relating to healthcare matters. Similar to the federal Anti-Kickback Statute, a person or entity does not need to have actual knowledge of the statute or specific intent to violate it in order to have committed a violation;
the federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requirements under the Affordable Care Act, as amended, and its implementing regulations, require manufacturers of drugs, devices, biologics and medical supplies for which payment is available under Medicare, Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (with certain exceptions) to report annually to the HHS information related to certain direct and indirect “payments or other transfers of value” made to covered recipients (defined to include physicians, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists and chiropractors), other health care professionals (such as physician assistants and nurse practitioners) and teaching hospitals, as well as information regarding ownership and investment interests held by physicians and their immediate family members; and
analogous state and foreign laws and regulations, such as state anti-kickback and false claims laws, which may apply to sales or marketing arrangements and claims involving healthcare items or services reimbursed by non-governmental third-party payors, including private insurers; state and foreign laws that require pharmaceutical companies to comply with the pharmaceutical industry’s voluntary compliance guidelines and the relevant compliance requirements promulgated by the federal government or otherwise restrict payments that may be made to healthcare providers; state and local laws requiring the registration of pharmaceutical sales representatives; state and foreign laws that require drug manufacturers to report information related to payments and other transfers of value to physicians and other

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healthcare providers, marketing expenditures or pricing; federal consumer protection and unfair competition laws, which broadly regulate marketplace activities and activities that potentially harm consumers; and state and foreign laws that govern the privacy and security and other processing of health information in certain circumstances, many of which differ from each other in significant ways and often are not preempted by HIPAA, thus complicating compliance efforts. Failure to comply with these laws and requirements could result in significant civil penalties and other adverse consequences.
Efforts to ensure that our current and future business arrangements with third parties comply with applicable healthcare laws and regulations will involve substantial costs. It is possible that governmental authorities will conclude that our business practices may not comply with current or future statutes, regulations or case law interpreting applicable fraud and abuse or other healthcare laws and regulations. If our operations are found to be in violation of any of these laws or any other governmental regulations that may apply to us, we may be subject to significant civil, criminal, and administrative penalties, damages, fines, disgorgement, additional regulatory oversight, litigation, imprisonment, exclusion from government funded healthcare programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, and the curtailment or restructuring of our operations. Even the mere issuance of a subpoena, civil investigative demand or the fact of an investigation alone, regardless of the merit, may result in negative publicity, a drop in our share price and other harm to our business, financial condition and our results of operations. Other pharmaceutical companies have settled alleged or admitted violations of these fraud and abuse laws with state and federal authorities in recent years and in some cases these settlements have amounted to hundreds of millions, or even billions, of dollars in damages, fines, and penalties, as well as the imposition of compliance program obligations through Corporate Integrity Agreements and other means. Lawsuits, or enforcement actions brought under fraud and abuse laws, can be extremely costly to defend, even if a company has strong defenses and ultimately succeeds in getting the allegations or enforcement action dismissed. If any of the physicians or other healthcare professionals or entities with whom we expect to do business is found not to be in compliance with applicable laws, that person or entity may be subject to criminal, civil or administrative sanctions, including exclusions from government funded healthcare programs.
Outside the U.S., interactions between pharmaceutical companies and health care professionals are also governed by strict laws, such as national anti-bribery laws of EU member states, national sunshine rules, regulations, industry self-regulation codes of conduct, and physicians’ codes of professional conduct. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in reputational risk, public reprimands, administrative penalties, fines, or imprisonment.
Changes in tax laws or regulations could adversely affect our business and financial condition.
New tax laws, statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances could be enacted at any time. For instance, the IRA imposes, among other rules, a 15% minimum tax on the book income of certain large corporations and a 1% excise tax on certain corporate stock repurchases. Further, existing tax laws, statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances could be interpreted differently, changed, repealed, or modified at any time. Any such enactment, interpretation, change, repeal, or modification could adversely affect us, possibly with retroactive effect. In particular, changes in corporate tax rates, the realization of our net deferred tax assets, the taxation of foreign earnings, and the deductibility of expenses under the 2017 Tax Act, as amended by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or any future tax reform legislation, could have a material impact on the value of our deferred tax assets, result in significant one-time charges, and increase our future tax expenses.
Our ability to use our U.S. net operating loss carryforwards and certain other U.S. tax attributes may be limited.
As of December 31, 2023, we had U.S. federal net operating loss carryforwards of approximately $16.7 million. Under current law, U.S. federal net operating loss carryforwards generated in taxable periods beginning after December 31, 2017, may be carried forward indefinitely, but the deductibility of such net operating loss carryforwards is limited to 80% of taxable income. In addition, our U.S. federal net operating loss carryforwards and tax credits may be subject to limitations under Sections 382 and 383 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, if we have undergone or undergo an “ownership change,” generally defined as a greater than 50 percentage point change (by value) in its equity ownership by certain stockholders over a rolling three-year period. We may have experienced such ownership changes in the past and may experience ownership changes in the future as a result of shifts in our stock ownership, some of which are outside our control. Our net operating loss carryforwards and tax credits may also be impaired or restricted under state law. If we earn taxable income, such limitations could result in increased future income tax liability and our future cash flows could be adversely affected. We have recorded a valuation allowance related to our net operating loss carryforwards and other deferred tax assets due to the uncertainty of the ultimate realization of the future benefits of those assets.

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Future changes in financial accounting standards or practices may cause adverse and unexpected revenue fluctuations and adversely affect our reported results of operations.
Future changes in financial accounting standards may cause adverse, unexpected revenue fluctuations and affect our reported financial position or results of operations. Financial accounting standards in the U.S. are constantly under review and new pronouncements and varying interpretations of pronouncements have occurred frequently in the past and are expected to occur again in the future. As a result, we may be required to make changes in our accounting policies. Those changes could affect our financial condition and results of operations or the way in which such financial condition and results of operations are reported. Compliance with new accounting standards may also result in additional expenses. As a result, we intend to invest all reasonably necessary resources to comply with evolving standards, and this investment may result in increased general and administrative expenses and a diversion of management time and attention from business activities to compliance activities.
Risks Related to Our Business Operations, Employee Matters and Managing Growth
Our internal control over financial reporting may not meet the standards required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and failure to achieve and maintain effective internal control over financial reporting in accordance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, could have a material adverse effect on our business and share price.
Our management is required to establish and maintain an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting. The rules governing the standards that must be met for our management to assess our internal control over financial reporting are complex and require significant documentation, testing and possible remediation.
Any failure to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting could severely inhibit our ability to accurately report our financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. If we are unable to conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is effective, or if our independent registered public accounting firm determines we have a material weakness or significant deficiency in our internal control over financial reporting once that firm begins our reporting on internal control over financial reporting, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports, the market price of our common stock could decline, and we could be subject to sanctions or investigations by Nasdaq, the SEC or other regulatory authorities. Failure to remedy any material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting, or to implement or maintain other effective control systems required of public companies, could also restrict our future access to the capital markets.
We have identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting. If we are unable to remediate these material weaknesses, or if we identify additional material weaknesses in the future or otherwise fail to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting, we may not be able to accurately or timely report our financial condition or results of operations, which may adversely affect our business.
A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the annual or interim financial statements would not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.
Effective internal control over financial reporting is necessary for us to provide reliable financial reports in a timely manner commensurate with the financial reporting requirements of an SEC registrant. Prior to the completion of the Merger, we were a private company and therefore had not designed or maintained internal controls over financial reporting commensurate with the financial reporting requirements of an SEC registrant.
Our management identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting primarily related to limited staffing levels within the finance and accounting departments that were not commensurate with our financial accounting and reporting requirements. We had to rely increasingly on outsourced service providers and specialists, without adequate resources to monitor such work and did not maintain appropriate segregation of duties. Based on this, we did not fully implement components of the COSO framework, resulting in material weaknesses either individually, or in the aggregate, in the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring components.
There have been no historical financial statement adjustments resulting from the above material weaknesses. However, the material weaknesses described above could result in a future misstatement of one or more account balances or disclosures

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that would result in a material misstatement to the annual or interim consolidated financial statements that would not be prevented or detected.
We are in the process of implementing measures designed to improve our internal control over financial reporting and remediate these material weaknesses. Such measures include, but are not limited to: hiring additional accounting personnel with expertise commensurate with our financial accounting and reporting requirements and that have the requisite experience to oversee outsourced service providers and specialists, upgrading our financial systems and implementing information technology general controls, establishing controls to identify, assess, and respond to the risks of material misstatement, and establishing controls to identify and account for certain non-routine, unusual or complex transactions in a timely fashion. While we are currently in the process of remediating the material weaknesses outlined above, we cannot assure you that these efforts will remediate the material weaknesses in a timely manner, or at all.
We expect to expand our clinical development, manufacturing and regulatory capabilities and potentially implement sales, marketing and distribution capabilities, including significant growth in the number of our employees, and as a result, we may encounter difficulties in managing our growth, which could disrupt our operations.
As of November 1, 2024, we had 74 full-time employees, including 54 who are engaged in research and development activities, and no part-time employees. As our development progresses, we expect to experience significant growth in the number of our employees and the scope of our operations, particularly in the areas of clinical product development, business development, regulatory affairs and, if pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates receives marketing approval, sales, marketing and distribution. To manage our anticipated future growth, we must continue to implement and improve our managerial, operational and financial systems, expand our facilities and continue to recruit and train additional qualified personnel. Due to our limited financial resources and the limited experience of our management team in managing a company with such anticipated growth, we may not be able to effectively manage the expansion of our operations or recruit and train additional qualified personnel. Our choice to focus on multiple therapeutic areas may negatively affect our ability to develop adequately the specialized capability and expertise necessary for operations. The expansion of our operations may lead to significant costs and may divert our management and business development resources. Any inability to manage growth could delay the execution of our business plans or disrupt our operations.
We must attract and retain highly skilled employees in order to succeed. If we are not able to retain our current management team or to continue to attract and retain qualified scientific, technical and business personnel, our business may suffer.
To succeed, we must recruit, retain, manage and motivate qualified clinical, scientific, technical and management personnel and we face significant competition for experienced personnel. If we do not succeed in attracting and retaining qualified personnel, particularly at the management level, it could adversely affect our ability to execute our business plan and harm our operating results. An important element of our strategy is to take advantage of the R&D and other expertise of our current management. The loss of any one of our executive officers, other senior members of the leadership team, or other key personnel could result in a significant loss in the knowledge and experience that we, as an organization, possess and could cause significant delays, or outright failure, in the development and further commercialization of pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates.
There is intense competition for qualified personnel, including management, in the technical fields in which we operate and we may not be able to attract and retain qualified personnel necessary for the successful research, development and future commercialization, if any, of pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates.
Our Executive Severance and Change in Control Plan with certain of our executive officers may require us to pay severance benefits to any of those persons who are terminated in connection with a change in control of us or otherwise, which could harm our financial condition or results.
Certain of our executive officers are parties to our Executive Severance and Change in Control Plan that contains change in control and severance provisions providing for aggregate cash payments for (i) severance and other benefits and (ii) acceleration of vesting of stock options, in the event of a termination of employment in connection with a change in control of us. The accelerated vesting of options could result in dilution to our existing stockholders and harm the market price of our common stock. The payment of these severance benefits could harm our financial condition and results. In addition, these potential severance payments may discourage or prevent third parties from seeking a business combination with us.

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Our international operations may expose us to business, regulatory, political, operational, financial, pricing and reimbursement risks associated with doing business outside of the U.S.
Our business is subject to risks associated with conducting business internationally. Some of our manufacturing and clinical trial sites are located outside of the U.S. Furthermore, if we or any future partner succeeds in developing pacibekitug or any of our potential future product candidates, we intend to market them in the EU and other jurisdictions in addition to the U.S. If approved, we or any future partner may hire sales representatives and conduct physician and patient association outreach activities outside of the U.S. Doing business internationally involves a number of challenges and risks, including but not limited to:
multiple, conflicting and changing laws and regulations, such as privacy and data protection regulations, tax laws, export and import restrictions, employment laws, regulatory requirements and other governmental approvals, permits and licenses;
failure by us to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals for the use of our products in various countries;
rejection or qualification of foreign clinical trial data by the competent authorities of other countries;
delays or interruptions in the supply of clinical trial material resulting from any events affecting raw material or component supply or manufacturing capabilities abroad;
additional potentially relevant third-party patent rights;
complexities and difficulties in obtaining, maintaining, protecting and enforcing our intellectual property rights;
difficulties in staffing and managing foreign operations;
complexities associated with managing multiple payor reimbursement regimes, government payors or patient self-pay systems;
limits on our ability to penetrate international markets;
financial risks, such as longer payment cycles, difficulty collecting accounts receivable, the impact of inflation and local and regional financial crises on demand and payment for our products and exposure to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations;
natural disasters, political, global geopolitical and economic instability, including geopolitical conflicts such as the ongoing war in Ukraine and hostilities in the Middle East, terrorism and political unrest, disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics;
export control and economic sanctions restrictions, which may restrict or prohibit altogether the sale or supply of certain of our product candidates to certain governments, persons, entities, countries and territories, including those that are the target of comprehensive sanctions, unless there are license exceptions that apply or specific licenses are obtained; and
regulatory and compliance risks that relate to anti-corruption compliance and record-keeping that may fall within the purview of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, its accounting provisions or its anti-bribery provisions or provisions of anti-corruption or anti-bribery laws in other countries.
Any of these factors could harm our ongoing international clinical operations and supply chain, as well as any future international expansion and operations and, consequently, our business, financial condition, prospects and results of operations.
Our business could be materially and adversely affected in the future by the effects of disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics.
Disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics in regions where we may have clinical trial sites or other business operations could adversely affect our business, including by causing significant disruptions in our operations and/or in the operations

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of third-party manufacturers and CROs upon whom we rely. Disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics have negative impacts on our ability to initiate new clinical trial sites, to enroll new patients and to maintain existing patients who are participating in our clinical trials, which may include increased clinical trial costs, longer timelines and delay in our ability to obtain regulatory approvals of pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates, if at all. Disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics also could adversely impact clinical trial results for pacibekitug or other future potential product candidates, such as by diminishing or eliminating their efficacy or by producing a safety concern, either through direct biological effects or through confounding of the data collection and analysis. This adverse impact could terminate further development of pacibekitug, result in a lack of product approval by the FDA or other regulatory authorities, delay the timing (and/or increase the cost) of a product approval by the FDA or other regulatory authorities, lead to a restrictive product label that significantly limits prescribing of an approved product, delay or preclude reimbursement by payors, or significantly limit or preclude the commercialization of pacibekitug.
General supply chain issues may be exacerbated during disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics and may also impact the ability of our clinical trial sites to obtain basic medical supplies used in our trials in a timely fashion, if at all. If our CDMOs are required to obtain an alternative source of certain raw materials and components, for example, additional testing, validation activities and regulatory approvals may be required which can also have a negative impact on timelines. Any associated delays in the manufacturing and supply of drug substance and drug product for our clinical trials could adversely affect our ability to conduct ongoing and future clinical trials of pacibekitug on our anticipated development timelines. Likewise, the operations of our third-party manufacturers may be requisitioned, diverted or allocated by U.S. or foreign government orders. If any of our CDMOs or raw materials or components suppliers become subject to acts or orders of U.S. or foreign government entities to allocate or prioritize manufacturing capacity, raw materials or components to the manufacture or distribution of vaccines or medical supplies needed to test or treat patients in a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic, this could delay our clinical trials, perhaps substantially, which could materially and adversely affect our business.
Unfavorable domestic or global economic conditions could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows.
Our results of operations could be adversely affected by general conditions in the domestic or global economy and in the domestic or global financial markets. Political developments impacting government spending and international trade, including current or potential government-imposed sanctions, potential government shutdowns and trade disputes and tariffs, may negatively impact markets and cause weaker macro-economic conditions. A severe or prolonged economic downturn could result in a variety of risks to our business, including, weakened demand for our current and future potential product candidates and our ability to raise additional capital when needed on acceptable terms, if at all. A weak or declining economy could also strain our suppliers, possibly resulting in supply disruption, or cause our customers to delay making payments for our services. Any of the foregoing could harm our business and we cannot anticipate all of the ways in which the current economic climate and financial market conditions could adversely impact our business.
Our operations are vulnerable to interruption by fire, earthquake, power loss, telecommunications failure, terrorist activity and other events beyond our control, which could harm our business.
Our facilities may experience electrical blackouts as a result of a shortage of available electrical power. Future blackouts, which may be implemented by the local electricity provider in the face of high winds and dry conditions, could disrupt our operations. We have not undertaken a systematic analysis of the potential consequences to our business and financial results from a major earthquake, fire, power loss, terrorist activity or other disasters and do not have a comprehensive recovery plan for such disasters. In addition, we do not carry sufficient insurance to compensate us for actual losses from interruption of our business that may occur, and any losses or damages incurred by us could harm our business.
We and the third parties with whom we contract use and generate materials that may expose us to material liability.
Our clinical development activities require the use of hazardous materials, chemicals, and radioactive and biological materials. We contract with CDMOs, laboratories and other vendors that are subject to foreign, federal, state and local environmental and health and safety laws and regulations related to such hazardous materials and byproducts. We cannot completely eliminate the risks associated with the use, manufacture, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials and waste products, which could cause personal injuries or illnesses, accidental contamination of our raw materials, drug substance, and/or drug product, interruption of our development or manufacturing efforts, environmental damage resulting in costly cleanup, or liabilities under domestic or foreign laws and regulations. Also, we may incur significant costs to ensure our CDMOs, laboratories and other vendors comply with these current or future environmental and health and

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safety laws and regulations. In the event of an accident, an injured party may seek to hold us liable for any damages that result. Any liability could exceed the limits or fall outside the coverage of our applicable insurance, and we may not be able to maintain insurance on acceptable terms, if at all. We currently carry no insurance specifically covering environmental claims.
We may be exposed to litigation, including stockholder litigation, which could have an adverse effect on our business and operations.
We may be exposed to litigation from stockholders, suppliers and other third parties from time to time. Such litigation may have an adverse impact on our business and results of operations or may cause disruptions to our operations. In addition, in the past, stockholders have initiated class action lawsuits against biotechnology companies following periods of volatility in the market prices of these companies’ common stock. Such litigation, if instituted against us, could cause us to incur substantial costs and divert management’s attention and resources, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Our disclosure controls and procedures may not prevent or detect all errors or acts of fraud.
We designed our disclosure controls and procedures to reasonably assure that information we must disclose in reports we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to management, and recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC. We believe that any disclosure controls and procedures or internal controls and procedures, no matter how well-conceived and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met.
These inherent limitations include the realities that judgments in decision-making can be faulty and breakdowns can occur because of simple error or mistake. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some persons, by collusion of two or more people or by an unauthorized override of the controls. Accordingly, because of the inherent limitations in our control system, misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected.
Risks Related to Our Intellectual Property
Our success depends in significant part upon our ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for our products and technologies.
Our success depends in significant part on our ability and the ability of our current or future licensors, licensees, partners and collaborators to establish and maintain adequate intellectual property rights covering the product candidates, products and technologies that we plan to develop. In addition to taking other steps designed to protect our intellectual property, we have applied for, and intend to continue applying for, patents with claims covering our technologies, processes and product candidates when and where we deem it appropriate to do so. However, the patent prosecution process is expensive and time-consuming, and we and our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators may not be able to prepare, file and prosecute all necessary or desirable patent applications at a reasonable cost or in a timely manner. It is also possible that we or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators will fail to identify patentable aspects of inventions made in the course of development and commercialization activities before it is too late to obtain patent protection for them. Pending and future patent applications filed by us or our current or future licensors’, licensees’, partners’ or collaborators’ may not result in patents being issued that protect our technology or product candidates, or products resulting therefrom, in whole or in part, or that effectively prevent others from commercializing competitive technologies and products.
We have filed eleven provisional patent applications (one of which has expired) and four non-provisional patent applications in the U.S., and five patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (the “PCT”) related to the U.S. applications, to obtain patent rights to our inventions, with claims directed to methods of use, combination therapy and other technologies relating to our product candidates. There can be no assurance that any of these patent applications will issue as patents or, for those applications that do mature into patents, whether the claims of the patents will exclude others from making, using or selling our product or product candidates, or products or product candidates that are substantially similar to us for the same or similar uses. In countries where we have not and do not seek patent protection, third parties may be able to manufacture and sell products that are substantially similar or identical to our products or product candidates without our permission, and we may not be able to stop them from doing so.

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Similar to other biotechnology companies, our patent position is highly uncertain and involves complex legal and factual questions. In this regard, we cannot be certain that we or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators were the first to make an invention, or the first inventors to file a patent application claiming an invention in our owned or licensed patents or pending patent applications. In addition, even if patents are issued, given the amount of time required for the development, testing and regulatory review of our product candidates, any patents protecting such candidates might expire before or shortly after the resulting products are commercialized. Moreover, the laws and regulations governing patents could change in unpredictable ways that could weaken the ability of us and our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators to obtain new patents or to enforce existing patents and patents we may obtain in the future. In any event, our patent rights and those of our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators may not effectively prevent others from commercializing competitive technologies and products.
In some circumstances, we may not have the right to control the preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications, or to maintain or enforce the patents, covering technology that we license from or license to third parties and may be reliant on our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators to perform these activities, which means that these patent applications may not be prosecuted or maintained, and these patents may not be enforced, in a manner consistent with the best interests of our business. If our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators fail to establish, maintain, protect or enforce such patents and other intellectual property rights, such rights may be reduced or eliminated. If our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators are not fully cooperative or disagree with us as to the prosecution, maintenance or enforcement of any patent rights, such patent rights could be compromised.
In addition, the legal protection afforded to inventors and owners of intellectual property in countries outside of the U.S. may not be as broad or effective as that in the U.S. and we may be unable to acquire and enforce intellectual property rights outside the U.S. to the same extent as in the U.S., if at all. Accordingly, our efforts, and those of our licensors, licensees, partners and collaborators, to enforce intellectual property rights around the world may be inadequate to obtain a commercial advantage from the intellectual property that we own or license.
We do not currently own or have a license to any issued patents that cover pacibekitug, although this product candidate is disclosed and its use claimed in our pending U.S. provisional applications, U.S. non-provisional applications and PCT applications. The patent landscape surrounding pacibekitug is crowded, and there can be no assurance that we will be able to secure patent protection that would adequately cover the use of such product candidate, that we will obtain sufficiently broad claims to be able to prevent others from selling competing products for the same or similar uses, or that we will be able to protect and maintain any patent protection that we initially secure.
Any changes we make to pacibekitug to cause it to have what we view as more advantageous properties may not be covered by its existing patent applications, and we may be required to file new patent applications and/or seek other forms of protection for any such altered product candidate.
We are dependent on patents, know-how and technology, both our own and licensed from others. In particular, we are dependent on our license agreements with Pfizer and Lonza. Any termination, or reduction or narrowing, of these licenses could result in the loss of significant rights and could harm our ability to commercialize pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates.
Disputes may also arise between us and our current licensors and future licensors regarding intellectual property subject to a license agreement, including:
the scope of rights granted under the license agreement and other interpretation-related issues;
whether and the extent to which our product candidates and technologies infringe intellectual property rights of the licensor that are not subject to the licensing agreement;
our right to sublicense patent rights and other rights to third parties under collaborative development relationships;
our diligence obligations with respect to the use of the licensed technology in relation to our development and commercialization of pacibekitug and any potential future product candidates, and the activities that are deemed to satisfy those diligence obligations;
the ownership of inventions and know-how resulting from the joint creation or use of intellectual property by our licensors and us and our partners; and

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our payment obligations with respect to licensed intellectual property.
Additionally, with regard to the Pfizer License Agreement, if we fail to cure a material breach, Pfizer has customary rights to terminate the Pfizer License Agreement. With regard to the Lonza License Agreement, Lonza has the right to terminate the Lonza License Agreement in the event of a change of control or if we contest the secret or substantial nature of the licensed know-how.
If disputes over intellectual property that we have licensed prevent or impair our ability to maintain our current or future licensing arrangements on acceptable terms, or if Pfizer or Lonza terminates their respective license agreement, we may be unable to successfully develop and commercialize the affected product candidates and technologies.
We are generally also subject to all of the same risks with respect to protection of intellectual property that we license, as it is for intellectual property that we own, which are described herein. If we, Pfizer, Lonza or any other current or future licensors fail to adequately protect any licensed intellectual property, our ability to commercialize products could suffer.
We may be unable to obtain intellectual property rights or technologies necessary to develop and commercialize pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates.
Several third parties are actively researching and seeking and obtaining patent protection in the fields of TED and Cardiovascular Disease, and there are issued third-party patents and published third-party patent applications in these fields. The patent landscape around our product candidate is complex, and we are aware of several third-party patents and patent applications containing claims directed to compositions-of-matter, methods of use and related subject matter, some of which pertain, at least in part, to subject matter that might be relevant to our product candidate. However, we may not be aware of all third-party intellectual property rights potentially relating to our product candidate and technologies, since patent applications are not published until eighteen months after their initial filing date. Therefore, we cannot know whether certain unpublished patent applications, if ultimately issued, may recover relevant uses of pacibekitug or other products of ours.
Depending on what patent claims ultimately issue and how courts construe the issued patent claims, as well as the ultimate formulation and methods of use of our product candidate, we may need to obtain a license to practice the technology claimed in such patents. There can be no assurance that such licenses will be available on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. If we are unable to successfully obtain rights to required third-party intellectual property rights or maintain the existing rights to third-party intellectual property rights we have, we might be unable to develop and commercialize pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We could lose the ability to continue the development, manufacture, and commercialization of pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates if we breach any license agreement with service providers and vendors related to those product candidates.
Our commercial success depends upon our ability, and the ability of our current and future licensors, licensees, partners and collaborators, to develop, manufacture, market and sell our products and product candidates and use our proprietary technologies without infringing the proprietary rights of third parties. A third-party may hold intellectual property rights, including patent rights, that are important or necessary to the development of our product candidates and products. As a result, we are a party to a number of technology and patent licenses that are important to our business, and we expect to enter into additional licenses in the future. If we fail to comply with the obligations under these agreements, including payment and diligence obligations, our licensors may have the right to terminate these agreements. In the event of a termination of these agreements, we may not be able to develop, manufacture, market or sell any product that is covered by the intellectual property rights that are the subject of these agreements or to engage in any other activities necessary to our business that require the freedom-to-operate afforded by the agreements, or we may face other penalties under the agreements. For example, in addition to the license agreements with Pfizer and Lonza described above we are party to license agreements with multiple vendors, under which we license technology used to produce pacibekitug. We are required to obtain prior consent from some of these vendors to grant sub-licenses under these agreements. Therefore, these vendors may prevent us from granting sub-licenses to third parties, which could affect our ability to use certain desired manufacturers in order to manufacture our current and future product candidates. In the event of a termination of any of our license agreements, our ability to manufacture or develop any product candidates covered by these agreements may be limited or halted unless we can develop or obtain the rights to technology necessary to produce these product candidates.

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Any of the foregoing could materially adversely affect the value of the product or product candidate being developed under any such agreement. Termination of these agreements or reduction or elimination of our rights under these agreements may result in having to negotiate new or amended agreements, which may not be available to us on equally favorable terms, or at all, or cause us to lose our rights under these agreements, including our rights to intellectual property or technology important to our development programs.
We may become involved in lawsuits or other proceedings to protect or enforce our intellectual property rights, which could be expensive, time-consuming and unsuccessful, and have a material adverse effect on the success of our business.
Third parties may infringe patents or misappropriate or otherwise violate intellectual property rights owned or controlled by us or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators. In the future, it may be necessary to initiate legal proceedings to enforce or defend these intellectual property rights, to protect trade secrets or to determine the validity or scope of intellectual property rights that are owned or controlled by us or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators. Litigation could result in substantial costs and diversion of management resources, which could harm our business and financial results.
If we or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators initiate legal proceedings against a third-party to enforce a patent covering a product candidate, the defendant could counterclaim that such patent is invalid or unenforceable. In patent litigation in the U.S., defendant counterclaims alleging invalidity or unenforceability are commonplace. Grounds for a validity challenge could be an alleged failure to meet any of several statutory requirements, including lack of novelty, obviousness or non-enablement. Grounds for an unenforceability assertion could be an allegation that someone connected with prosecution of the patent withheld relevant information from the USPTO, or made a misleading statement during prosecution. In an infringement or declaratory judgment proceeding, a court may decide that a patent owned by or licensed to us or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators is invalid or unenforceable, or may refuse to stop the other party from using the technology at issue on the grounds that the patent does not cover the technology in question. An adverse result in any litigation proceeding could put one or more of the patents at risk of being invalidated, narrowed, held unenforceable or interpreted in such a manner that would not preclude third parties from entering the market with competing products.
Third parties may initiate legal proceedings against us or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators to challenge the validity or scope of intellectual property rights we own or control. For example, generic or biosimilar drug manufacturers or other competitors or third parties may challenge the scope, validity or enforceability of patents owned or controlled by us or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators. These proceedings can be expensive and time-consuming, and many of our adversaries may have the ability to dedicate substantially greater resources to prosecuting these legal actions than us. Accordingly, despite our efforts, we or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators may not be able to prevent third parties from infringing upon or misappropriating intellectual property rights we own, control or have rights to, particularly in countries where the laws may not protect those rights as fully as in the U.S.
There is a risk that some of our confidential information could be compromised by disclosure during litigation because of the substantial amount of discovery required. Additionally, many foreign jurisdictions have rules of discovery that are different than those in the U.S. and that may make defending or enforcing our patents extremely difficult. There also could be public announcements of the results of hearings, motions or other interim proceedings or developments. If securities analysts or investors perceive these results to be negative, it could have a material adverse effect on the price of shares of our common stock.
Third-party pre-issuance submission of prior art to the USPTO, opposition, derivation, revocation, reexamination, inter partes review or interference proceedings, or other pre-issuance or post-grant proceedings, as well as other patent office proceedings or litigation in the U.S. or other jurisdictions brought by third parties against patents or patent applications owned or controlled by us or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators, may affect the inventorship, priority, patentability or validity of these patents or patent applications. An unfavorable outcome could leave our technology or current and future product candidates without patent protection and allow third parties to commercialize its technology or product candidates without payment to us. Additionally, potential licensees, partners or collaborators could be dissuaded from collaborating with us to license, develop or commercialize current or future product candidates if the breadth or strength of protection provided by our patents and patent applications is threatened. Even if we successfully defend such litigation or proceeding, we may incur substantial costs and we may distract our management and other employees.

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Third parties may initiate legal proceedings against us alleging that we infringe their intellectual property rights or we may initiate legal proceedings against third parties to challenge the validity or scope of the third-party intellectual property rights, the outcome of which would be uncertain and could have a material adverse effect on the success of our business.
Third parties may initiate legal proceedings against us or our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators alleging that we infringe their intellectual property rights. Alternatively, we may initiate legal proceedings to challenge the validity or scope of intellectual property rights controlled by third parties, including in oppositions, interferences, revocations, reexaminations, inter partes review or derivation proceedings before the USPTO or its counterparts in other jurisdictions. In this regard, we are aware of several third-party patents and patent applications containing claims directed to compositions-of-matter, methods of use and related subject matter, some of which pertain, at least in part, to subject matter that might be relevant to pacibekitug. These proceedings can be expensive and time-consuming, and many of our adversaries may have the ability to dedicate substantially greater resources to prosecuting these legal actions than us.
In addition, we may be subject to claims that we or our employees have used or disclosed confidential information or intellectual property, including trade secrets or other proprietary information, of any such employee’s former employer, or that third parties have an interest in our patents as an inventor or co-inventor. Likewise, we and our current and future licensors, licensees, partners and collaborators may be subject to claims that former employees, partners, collaborators or other third parties have an interest in our owned or in-licensed patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property as an inventor or co-inventor or an owner of rights via assignment from such an inventor or co-inventor. Litigation may be necessary to defend against these claims.
Even if we believe third-party intellectual property claims are without merit, there is no assurance that a court would find in our favor on questions of infringement, validity, enforceability or priority. In order to successfully challenge the validity of any such U.S. patent in federal court, we would need to overcome a presumption of validity in favor of the granted third-party patent. This is a high burden, requiring us to present clear and convincing evidence as to the invalidity of any such U.S. patent claim.
An unfavorable outcome in any such proceeding could require us and our current or future licensors, licensees, partners or collaborators to cease using the related intellectual property or developing or commercializing the product or product candidate, or to attempt to license rights to us from the prevailing party, which may not be available on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. Additionally, we could be found liable for monetary damages, including treble damages and attorneys’ fees, if we are found to have willfully infringed a patent. A finding of infringement could prevent us from commercializing pacibekitug or any potential future product candidates or force us to cease some of our business operations, which could materially harm our business.
Reliance on third parties requires us to share our proprietary information, which increases the possibility that such information will be misappropriated or disclosed.
Because we rely on third parties for aspects of development, manufacture, or commercialization of pacibekitug and our technologies, or if we collaborate with third parties for the development or commercialization of our future product candidates and technologies, we must, at times, share proprietary information with them. We seek to protect our proprietary technology in part by entering into confidentiality agreements and, if applicable, material transfer agreements, consulting agreements or other similar agreements with our advisors, employees, third-party contractors and consultants prior to beginning research or disclosing proprietary information. These agreements typically limit the rights of the third parties to use or disclose our confidential information. Despite the contractual provisions employed when working with third parties, the need to share confidential information increases the risk that such information become known by our competitors, is inadvertently incorporated into the technology of others, or is disclosed or used in violation of these agreements. Given that our proprietary position is based, in part, on our know-how, a competitor’s discovery of our know-how or other unauthorized use or disclosure could have an adverse effect on our business and results of operations.
In addition, these agreements typically restrict the ability of our advisors, employees, third-party contractors, and consultants to publish data potentially relating to our know-how. Despite our efforts to protect our know-how, we may not be able to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or use of our technical know-how by the parties to these agreements. Moreover, we cannot guarantee that we have entered into such agreements with each party that may have or have had access to our confidential information or proprietary technology and processes. Monitoring unauthorized uses and disclosures is difficult, and we do not know whether the steps we have taken to protect our proprietary technologies will be effective. If any of the collaborators, scientific advisors, employees, contractors, and consultants who are parties to these

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agreements breaches or violates the terms of any of these agreements, we may not have adequate remedies for any such breach or violation. Moreover, if confidential information that is licensed or disclosed to us by our partners, collaborators, or others is inadvertently disclosed or subject to a breach or violation, we may be exposed to liability to the owner of that confidential information. Enforcing a claim that a third-party illegally obtained and is using our proprietary information, like patent litigation, is expensive and time-consuming, and the outcome is unpredictable. In addition, courts outside the U.S. are sometimes less willing to protect proprietary information.
We may not be able to protect our intellectual property rights throughout the world.
Filing, prosecuting and defending patents in all countries throughout the world would be prohibitively expensive, and our intellectual property rights in some countries outside the U.S. can be less extensive than those in the U.S. In addition, the laws of some foreign countries do not protect intellectual property rights to the same extent as federal and state laws in the U.S., even in jurisdictions where we do pursue patent protection. Consequently, we may not be able to prevent third parties from practicing our or our licensors’ inventions in all countries outside the U.S., even in jurisdictions where we or our licensors pursue patent protection. Competitors may use our technologies in jurisdictions where we have not obtained patent protection to develop its own competing products and, further, may export otherwise infringing products to territories where it has patent protection, but enforcement is not as strong as that in the U.S.
Many countries have compulsory licensing laws under which a patent owner may be compelled to grant licenses to third parties. In addition, many countries limit the enforceability of patents against government agencies or government contractors. In these countries, the patent owner may have limited remedies, which could materially diminish the value of such patent. If we are forced to grant a license to third parties with respect to any patents relevant to our business, our competitive position may be impaired, and our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects may be adversely affected.
In Europe, starting from June 1, 2023, European applications have the option, upon grant of a patent, of becoming a Unitary Patent which is subject to the jurisdiction of the Unified Patent Court (the “UPC”). This is a significant change in European patent practice. As the UPC is a new court system, there is no precedent for the court, increasing the uncertainty of any litigation. It is our initial belief that the UPC, while offering a cheaper streamlined process, has potential disadvantages to patent holders, such as making a single European patent vulnerable in all jurisdictions when challenged in a single jurisdiction.
Risks Related to Our Common Stock
The market price of our common stock is expected to be volatile, and the market price of the common stock may drop.
The market price of our common stock could be subject to significant fluctuations. Some of the factors that may cause the market price of our common stock to fluctuate include:
results of clinical trials and preclinical studies of our current and future potential product candidates, or those of our competitors or our existing or future collaborators;
failure to meet or exceed financial and development projections we may provide to the public;
failure to meet or exceed the financial and development projections of the investment community;
failure of us to achieve the perceived benefits of the Merger as rapidly or to the extent anticipated by financial or industry analysts;
announcements of significant acquisitions, strategic collaborations, joint ventures or capital commitments by us or our competitors;
actions taken by regulatory agencies with respect to our current and future potential product candidates, clinical studies, manufacturing process or sales and marketing terms;
disputes or other developments relating to proprietary rights, including patents, litigation matters, and our ability to obtain patent protection for our technologies;

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additions or departures of key personnel;
significant lawsuits, including patent or stockholder litigation;
if securities or industry analysts do not publish research or reports about our business, or if we issue adverse or misleading opinions regarding our business and stock;
changes in the market valuations of similar companies;
general market or macroeconomic conditions or market conditions in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors;
sales of securities by us or our securityholders in the future;
if we fail to raise an adequate amount of capital to fund our operations and continued development of our current and future potential product candidates;
trading volume of our common stock;
announcements by competitors of new commercial products, clinical progress or lack thereof, significant contracts, commercial relationships or capital commitments;
adverse publicity relating to IL-6 inhibitor and IL-6R inhibitor product candidates, including with respect to other such products on the market;
the introduction of technological innovations or new therapies that compete with the products and services of ours; and
period-to-period fluctuations in our financial results.
Moreover, the stock markets in general have experienced substantial volatility that has often been unrelated to the operating performance of individual companies. These broad market fluctuations may also adversely affect the trading price of our common stock. In addition, a recession, depression or other sustained adverse market event resulting from rising interest rates, inflation, global geopolitical conflict, or other macroeconomic conditions could materially and adversely affect our business and the value of our common stock. In the past, following periods of volatility in the market price of a company’s securities, stockholders have often instituted class action securities litigation against such companies. Furthermore, market volatility may lead to increased shareholder activism if we experience a market valuation that activists believe is not reflective of our intrinsic value. Activist campaigns that contest or conflict with our strategic direction or seek changes in the composition of our board of directors could have an adverse effect on our operating results and financial condition.
Provisions in our charter documents and under Delaware law could make an acquisition of us more difficult and may discourage any takeover attempts stockholders may consider favorable, and may lead to entrenchment of management.
Provisions of our amended and restated certificate of incorporation, as amended, and amended and restated bylaws could delay or prevent changes in control or changes in management without the consent of the board of directors. These provisions will include the following:
a board of directors divided into three classes serving staggered three-year terms, such that not all members of the board will be elected at one time;
a prohibition on stockholder action through written consent, which requires that all stockholder actions be taken at a meeting of our stockholders;
a requirement that special meetings of stockholders be called only by the board of directors acting pursuant to a resolution approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors then in office;
advance notice requirements for stockholder proposals and nominations for election to our board;

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a requirement that no member of our board may be removed from office by our stockholders except for cause and, in addition to any other vote required by law, upon the approval of not less than two-thirds of all outstanding shares of our voting stock then entitled to vote in the election of directors;
a requirement of approval of not less than two-thirds of all outstanding shares of our voting stock to amend any bylaws by stockholder action or to amend specific provisions of our charter; and
the authority of the board of directors to issue preferred stock on terms determined by the board of directors without stockholder approval and which preferred stock may include rights superior to the rights of the holders of common stock.
In addition, these provisions would apply even if we were to receive an offer that some stockholders may consider beneficial.
We will also be subject to the anti-takeover provisions contained in Section 203 of the DGCL. Under Section 203, a corporation may not, in general, engage in a business combination with any holder of 15% or more of its capital stock unless the holder has held the stock for three years or, among other exceptions, the board of directors has approved the transaction.
Our bylaws provide that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware is the exclusive forum for substantially all disputes between us and our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers or other employees.
Our bylaws provide that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware is the sole and exclusive forum for any derivative action or proceeding brought on our behalf, any action asserting a breach of fiduciary duty, any action asserting a claim against us arising pursuant to any provisions of the DGCL, our certificate of incorporation or bylaws, or any action asserting a claim against us that is governed by the internal affairs doctrine. The exclusive forum provision does not apply to actions arising under the Exchange Act. The amended and restated bylaws will also provide that the federal district courts of the U.S will be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action under the Securities Act. The provision may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers or other employees, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers and other employees. Alternatively, if a court were to find the choice of forum provision contained in the certificate of incorporation and bylaws to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We do not anticipate that we will pay any cash dividends in the foreseeable future.
The current expectation is that we will retain our future earnings, if any, to fund the growth of our business as opposed to paying dividends. As a result, capital appreciation, if any, of our common stock will be our stockholders’ sole source of gain for the foreseeable future.

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Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities, Use of Proceeds and Issuer Purchases of Securities
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
The following table provides information about purchases we made during the three months ended September 30, 2024 of equity securities that are registered by us pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act:
Total Number of Shares Purchased(1)
Average Price Paid Per Share
Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or Programs(2)
Approximate Dollar Value of Shares That May Yet be Purchased Under the Plans or Programs
July 1 through July 30, 2024
6,392 $0.13 
August 1 through August 31, 2024
September 1 through September 30, 2024
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
(1) We repurchased 6,392 shares of common stock from a former employee, originally issued upon the early exercise of stock options, which were unvested as of the employee’s separation date. This repurchase was made at the original exercise price.
(2) We did not have a repurchase program in place during the three months ended September 30, 2024.
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities

Not Applicable.
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures.
Not applicable.
Item 5. Other Information.

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Item 6. Exhibits
Incorporated by Reference
Description of ExhibitFormFile No.ExhibitFiling Date
10-Q001-403843.1November 14, 2023
September 11, 2024
Inline XBRL Instance Document.
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema with Embedded Linkbase Document.
Cover Page formatted as inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101.
*Filed herewith
+Furnished herewith and not deemed to be “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and shall not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
#Indicates a management contract or any compensatory plan, contract or arrangement.


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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
November 7, 2024
/s/ Sandeep Kulkarni
Sandeep Kulkarni
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
November 7, 2024
/s/ Ryan Robinson
Ryan Robinson
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)