本供應協議(以下簡稱「協議」)由紐約公司Greatbatch Ltd.與協議”)發行的一期優先可轉換債券生效日期。之間簽訂。Greatbatch”), 以及馬薩諸塞州的一家公司Electrochem Solutions, Inc.(“客戶”,與Greatbatch一起,這裏稱爲“當事人”,每個都是“方”)。本協議中使用且未另行定義的大寫字母術語具有所賦予的含義 附表A 附件所示。
鑑於, pursuant to that certain Stock Purchase Agreement, dated as of September 27, 2024 (the “購買協議”), by and between Greatbatch and Ultralife Corporation (「Ultralife」), Greatbatch has agreed to sell, transfer, convey and deliver to Ultralife and Ultralife has agreed to purchase and accept from Greatbatch, all of the issued and outstanding shares of the Customer, all on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein; and
鑑於, as required under the terms of the Purchase Agreement, from and after the Effective Date, Greatbatch has agreed to manufacture and sell the Products to Customer, and Customer has agreed to purchase from Greatbatch, the Products, during the Term, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
1. 產品的供應和購買.
1.1 供應。在本期間內,Greatbatch將按照本協議中規定的價格和其他條件,製造並出售產品給客戶,客戶在本期間內可以隨時訂購。Greatbatch向客戶銷售產品的所有交易受本協議條款的約束,除非各方書面達成共識,不受客戶的任何採購訂單或Greatbatch的確認中包含的條款的約束,除非摘要採購訂單或確認中確立了數量、目的地、運輸信息和期望的交貨日期,這些必須符合適用產品的標準交貨時間和適用訂單最低限額。 附表B 附件中所示。未經客戶事先書面同意,Greatbatch不得轉包或轉讓本協議項下的任何義務。
1.2 規格任何對規格的修改必須經雙方書面同意,按照以下程序進行:
(a) 如果Greatbatch確定有必要或者有必要對任何產品的形式、適合性、功能或性能產生影響的工藝、材料或設計進行修改,Greatbatch將書面通知客戶提出的變更,並指出修改對以下事項的影響,包括(i) 實施擬議修改所需的交貨時間和(ii) 由於實施擬議修改可能導致的價格變化的數量和性質;
(b) 就Greatbatch發起的任何規格更改,客戶不需爲任何已完成的產品庫存、WIP、產品特定的不可退回的購買材料以及未滿足修訂規格的不可取消的向Greatbatch供應商的採購訂單承擔財務責任;
(c) 由第三方行動結果引起的任何規格更改,Greatbatch和客戶將善意協商,以確定所有已完成產品庫存、WIP、產品特定的不可退回的購買材料以及未滿足修訂規格的不可取消的向Greatbatch供應商的採購訂單的財務責任分配;
(d) 雙方將就任何對規格的更改以及產品價格的相應變化進行善意協商,雙方將善意合作,以減少過時成本;
2. 支付條款;定價;採購訂單.
2.1 付款條款本協議中提及或要支付的所有金額不包括稅款、海關和進口稅,必須在客戶收到發票後的四十五(45)天內以美元支付。
2.2 Late Payment Penalties. Greatbatch reserves the right to charge interest on any such amounts, except for any amounts disputed by Customer in good faith, which are past due at the rate of one and one half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest rate allowed by Applicable Law, whichever is lower. Customer will be liable for all costs of collection of any such amounts incurred by Greatbatch, including, but not limited to, reasonable out-of-pocket attorneys’ fees and court costs, if any. In addition to all other available rights and remedies on default under this Agreement, Greatbatch may refuse orders, require advance payment in full, ship C.O.D. or halt shipments if all undisputed prior invoices are not paid in full in accordance with Section 2.1 of this Agreement.
2.3 定價. Customer will purchase the Products at the unit prices set forth on 附表B attached hereto. Subject to Section 2.4, this pricing will remain valid for all purchase orders issued and accepted during the Term. The prices of Products set forth on 附表B are exclusive of taxes, duties, customs, and tariffs on finished Products and any raw materials used to manufacture the finished Products, and such costs as set forth on any applicable invoice will be the responsibility of Customer.
2.4 價格調整.
(a) 在生效日期首個週年後,在合同期間,如果Greatbatch的產品成本發生超過五分之五(5%)的重大變化,該產品的價格可能會不時上漲或下降。如果Greatbatch合理判斷其零部件成本發生了這樣的變化,Greatbatch將在調整產品價格前至少提前四十五(45)天書面通知客戶。對這些價格的任何調整僅適用於在該四十五(45)天期滿後客戶下達的採購訂單。
(b) 在符合第1.2節規定的情況下,如果規格發生變化,任何產品的價格可能會上漲或下降。
2.5 採購訂單.
(a) 根據第1.1節的規定,所有產品的銷售都將根據客戶的採購訂單啓動。每份採購訂單必須指定以下細節:價格、數量、零件號、修訂版本、目的地、運輸信息和所需的交貨日期,這些日期必須符合標準交貨時間和適用的最低訂購數量。 附表B.
(b) Greatbatch將在收到Greatbatch認爲符合第2.5(a)節規定要求的任何客戶採購訂單後的五(5)天內審查並向客戶確認。一旦被Greatbatch確認,該採購訂單將被視爲“Firm Purchase Order如果integer holdings未在收到訂單後十(10)天內確認該訂單,或以其他方式履行該訂單,則將視爲接受該訂單,並將被視爲實際訂單。 客戶承認所有產品將根據實際訂單確認後進行訂購。
(c) 在integer holdings無法交付實際訂單中規定的產品數量或達到交貨日期的情況下,integer holdings可以通知客戶並請求替代的交貨日期。 Integer holdings將盡商業上合理的努力交付產品數量或滿足實際訂單中規定的交貨日期。 如果integer holdings未遵守本協議項下的任何交付義務,客戶可以自行決定:(i) 批准修訂後的交貨日期,或(ii) 要求integer holdings承擔全部費用進行加急或優先運輸。
(d) 如果客戶在相關產品的標準交貨時間內取消實際訂單的任何部分,則在此取消日期後的九(9)個月內,客戶將對所有已完成的產品、在製品、原材料、元件負責,這些產品和元件在integer holdings不可能理由地用於生產其他產品時,並對任何與已取消部分的實際訂單(全部或部分)直接相關的不可取消的供應商訂單負責。 如果客戶在相關產品的標準交貨時間已過後取消實際訂單的任何部分,則客戶和integer holdings將就結果成本分配進行善意協商。
2.6 元件責任.
(a) integer holdings應保持和管理充足的庫存,以滿足客戶的訂單和元件交貨時間。 integer holdings應在可能影響裝運日期的任何潛在物料延遲或短缺事件發生時立即通知客戶。
(b) Greatbatch may order components above the quantities required to satisfy purchase orders in order to meet minimum order quantities.
(c) Subject to the remainder of this Section 2.6, Customer shall be responsible for the price of all finished Products (as such prices are set forth on 附表B) and the cost of other types of inventory purchased or manufactured by Greatbatch under the terms of this Agreement which becomes obsolete due to reduction in demand (including, but not limited to, components with lead times greater than three (3) months which are ordered by Greatbatch), provided that Greatbatch has made a reasonable effort to return such inventory or cancel the applicable orders from vendors (except that this obligation on Greatbatch to return or cancel will not apply in the case of finished Products). In the event of such obsolescence, Greatbatch shall notify Customer in writing of the applicable inventory, which notice shall explain the reason such inventory became obsolete and shall include invoices and other documentation that show the cost to Greatbatch of such inventory.
(d) Greatbatch shall meet or exceed the existing quality standards for the Products in accordance with the Specifications in place as of the Effective Date (the “Quality Standard”). Greatbatch shall perform quality inspections of Products before delivery and shall certify the results of such inspections to be in compliance with the Quality Standard.
(e) Customer agrees the sourcing and procurement of components will be the sole responsibility and at the sole discretion of Greatbatch.
2.7 貨運成本; 裝運.
(a) 貨運成本客戶必須承擔產品從交貨地運輸和保險的費用。
(b) 發貨量除非Greatbatch書面同意,產品將從Greatbatch設施的裝貨碼頭出貨。風險和所有權轉移給客戶,當Greatbatch裝載產品時。客戶必須在收到產品後的四十五(45)天內進行所有進貨檢驗測試。在此期間客戶未書面通知Greatbatch拒絕接受產品的產品,將被視爲接受,但對於客戶無法立即發現的潛在缺陷的產品除外。客戶必須在這四十五(45)天內向Greatbatch書面報告運輸損壞或短缺的索賠。
2.8 製造地點. If Greatbatch wishes to manufacture a Product at a location other than those listed on 附表B attached hereto, Greatbatch will provide at least seven (7) months’ prior written notice to Customer before the location change to allow for qualification of the relevant Product. Greatbatch will provide Customer with first article inspection, transfer plans, site specifications, on-site inspection and audit opportunities and any reasonable documentation, as requested by Customer, to ensure Greatbatch’s ability to continue production of each Product to meet its Specifications. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Greatbatch recognizes that Customer is entering into this Agreement in reliance upon Greatbatch’s quality and delivery levels remaining consistent, regardless of the location at which each Product is manufactured.
2.9 工具. Any tooling supplied by Customer to Greatbatch or purchased by Customer from Greatbatch is and remains the property of Customer. Greatbatch will (a) store and maintain all of Customer’s tooling in good working condition, (b) insure it at full replacement value under an all-risk policy of property insurance endorsed to name Customer as an additional insured with respect to such tooling and (c) not move such tooling to a different location without the express written permission of Customer. All direct charges for maintenance, repair, or replacement after the expiration of the useful life, of any of Customer’s tooling by Greatbatch or any third party, other than that which may be caused by misuse of such tooling or a breach of this Section 2.9 by Greatbatch, will be the sole financial responsibility of Customer. Greatbatch will use Customer’s tooling only in the manufacture of Products for Customer under this Agreement, and upon the written request of Customer, Greatbatch will return the tooling without cost to Customer other than freight and packaging charges which will be the sole responsibility of Customer
2.10 Withdrawal or Recall of Products. In the event any governmental authority determines that any Product sold to Customer is defective and a recall campaign is necessary, Customer will be responsible for the implementation and expenses related to such recall campaign. Customer may return such Product to Greatbatch or destroy such Product, as mutually agreed upon by the Parties in their reasonable discretion. If it is reasonably determined that the Product that is the subject of such recall fails to conform with the warranties set forth in this Agreement, Greatbatch shall, as Customer’s sole remedy, promptly replace any affected Product and provide replacement of such Product to Customer or Customer's designee, or provide a refund thereof.
3. 保修、責任限制.
3.1 相互保證每一方聲明並保證:(a) 它具有進行本協議並履行其在此項下的所有義務的公司權利、權力和權限;(b) 該方簽署、交付和履行本協議的行爲已經通過了所有必要的公司行動的授權,並且不會違反任何適用法律的規定,也不會違反該方的章程或章程或會員議事規則的任何規定,也不會構成違反或構成其它協議或文件要求的違約或默認,也不涉及需要獲得任何同意的協議或文件,該方是其中一方或受其約束或受其影響的當事方。
3.2 有限保修和有限補救Greatbatch保證,在客戶收到產品之日起的一年期內,根據本協議銷售的每一個產品將:(a) 符合適用的規格;(b) 不受缺陷、潛在或其他材料和工藝的限制;(c) 符合與產品生產相關的所有適用法律(統稱爲“"}保修”。 不論本協議中的任何條款如何規定,只要對Greatbatch的保證在此項中提供的內容將會無效,如果進行了對該產品的任何維修、修改、變更或工作,或者任何聲稱的缺陷是由除Greatbatch之外的當事方濫用、錯誤使用、未經適當維護或儲存、事故、行動或不行動所造成的,也對通過客戶供應的或通過客戶供應的任何材料的質量或狀態(z)承擔責任不會對任何不符合每個產品適用說明的使用缺陷承擔責任,除上述情況外,如果產品不符合保證並且客戶書面通知Greatbatch並在客戶發現此類規定缺陷後的三十(30)天內將該產品退還給Greatbatch,Greatbatch會在其唯一選擇下及時修復或更換有缺陷的產品或退還產品的購買價格。在將產品退還給Greatbatch之前,客戶必須聯繫其Greatbatch客戶服務代表並獲得一個RMA號碼。客戶只能返回經RMA批准的貨物和數量。任何這樣修復或更換的產品將由Greatbatch獨自承擔費用寄回客戶,並將繼續受到保修的有效期。只要Greatbatch願意並且有能力以規定的方式修復或更換有缺陷的產品,或者退還購買價格,這種獨家補救方法將不被認爲已失去其重要目的。 REPAIR OR REPLACEMENt OF THE PRODUCt, OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, IS CUSTOMER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. THE WARRANTIES IN THIS ARTICLE 3 ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUt NOt LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENt AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
4. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations.
4.1 Manufacturing of the ProductsGreatbatch負責遵守適用法律,根據本協議由Greatbatch製造產品。在不限制前述內容的情況下,在本協議項下交付給客戶的產品將按照ISO 9001的最新修訂版本進行製造。在第9.1節中不泄露要求的情況下,Greatbatch將在雙方商定的日期和時間提供合理訪問權限,供客戶的監管和質量人員查看(a)Greatbatch用於根據本協議製造產品的設施部分和(b)Greatbatch與根據本協議製造的產品相關的記錄。此合理訪問的目的是確認Greatbatch在根據本協議製造產品時符合本節4.1中指定的任何適用要求。Greatbatch將及時告知客戶,任何政府機構代表在訪問或檢查Greatbatch與產品裝配和製造相關的操作時向Greatbatch提供的任何書面報告、建議、違規行爲、處罰或其他不利信息。Greatbatch將根據適用法律要求的時間保留每批產品的所有必要製造記錄。
5. 知識產權。
5.1 背景知識產權Greatbatch首次在生效日期之前或獨立於本協議履行之外首次構思並付諸實施的所有知識產權將保留爲Greatbatch的獨有財產。在不限制前述句子的情況下,客戶承認並同意Greatbatch是每種產品的製造技術的獨有所有者。客戶首次在生效日期之前或獨立於本協議履行之外首次構思並付諸實施的所有知識產權將保留爲客戶的獨有財產。在不限制前述句子的情況下,Greatbatch承認並同意客戶是每種產品的設計的獨有所有者。
5.2 新創建的知識產權所有權。
5.3 商標除本協議另有規定外,任何一方均不授予另一方在任何促銷或出版中使用其商標、商號、標識或其他稱謂的權利,而未事先獲得另一方的書面同意,且該同意可隨事先書面通知而撤回。
5.4 非排他性使用知識產權許可. 每一方授予對方在本協議期內,根據本協議各方履行其義務所需或必要的情況下,使用對方的知識產權權利和利益的非排他性許可和權利,包括但不限於,使用對方的商號、標識和商標的權利和利益,目的是爲了製造本協議供應給客戶的產品,包括但不限於產品的標籤和包裝。任何使用歸屬於客戶的任何客戶商標、商號或標識,該商標、商號或標識在或與產品一起使用,將有利於客戶。
6. 不可抗力。
6.1 不可抗力. Neither Party will be in default under this Agreement, because of any failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement when and to the extent such Party’s (the “Impacted Party”) failure is caused by acts of God; war, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot or other civil unrest; fires, floods, earthquakes; epidemics, pandemics, or quarantine restrictions imposed by Applicable Law; strikes, freight embargoes or other events beyond the control of the Impacted Party and without the fault or negligence of the Impacted Party (collectively, “Force Majeure Events”).
6.2 提供姓名全稱、身份證號或公司註冊號、地址、白天的電話號碼以及代表、代理人和助手的信息。 助手的數量不得超過兩個。爲便於進入年度股東大會,通知應在適當的情況下附有授權書、註冊證書和其他授權文件。. The Impacted Party shall give notice of the Force Majeure Event to the other Party as soon as reasonably possible, stating the period of time the occurrence is expected to continue. The Impacted Party shall use diligent efforts to end the failure or delay and ensure the effects of such Force Majeure Event are minimized. The Impacted Party shall provide notice to the other Party and resume the performance of its obligations as soon as reasonably possible after the removal of the cause. During the period that the performance by the Impacted Party of its obligations under this Agreement has been suspended by reason of a Force Majeure Event, the other Party may likewise suspend the performance of all or part of its obligations hereunder (other than the obligation to pay any amount due and owing) to the extent that such suspension is commercially reasonable.
7. 賠償和保險。
7.1 客戶應對賽格弗裏德承擔賠償責任。. Customer will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Greatbatch Indemnified Parties against any and all third party claims, demands, losses, obligations, liabilities, damages, deficiencies, actions, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses which the Greatbatch Indemnified Parties may incur or suffer (including, but not limited to, reasonable legal fees) arising out of or related to (a) the breach by Customer of any of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement, (b) the negligence, fault or wrongful conduct of Customer, (c) the storage, handling, modification, distribution, marketing or sale of any of the Products (including, but not limited to, any alleged defects of the assemblies containing a Product and any personal injury or death resulting from the use of an assembly containing a Product), (d) any statement, promise, representation or warranty made by Customer or by any agent or distributor of Customer to a purchaser beyond the limited warranty made by Greatbatch in this Agreement, (e) modification or alteration of any Product after shipment by Greatbatch, (f) materials, components, directives or instructions given by Customer to Greatbatch, (g) any claim by a third party that Customer’s use of the Products in combination with another method or apparatus infringes the proprietary rights of the third party or (h) any claim by a third party that Greatbatch’s use of any materials or specifications provided by Customer infringes any proprietary rights. Greatbatch agrees, at Customer’s expense, to cooperate with Customer and satisfy any reasonable request for information and assistance relating to any efforts to settle or defend any such claim, suit or proceeding. Customer may not settle or compromise any claim without the prior written consent of Greatbatch.
7.2 Indemnification by Greatbatch. Greatbatch will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Customer Indemnified Parties against any and all third party claims, demands, losses, obligations, liabilities, damages, deficiencies, actions, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses which the Customer Indemnified Parties may incur or suffer (including, but not limited to, reasonable legal fees) arising out of or related to (a) the negligence, fault or wrongful conduct of Greatbatch or (b) any claim by a third party that the Products or Customer’s use of any materials or specifications provided by Greatbatch infringes any proprietary rights. Customer agrees, at Greatbatch’s expense, to cooperate with Greatbatch and satisfy any reasonable request for information and assistance relating to any efforts to settle or defend any such claim, suit or proceeding. Greatbatch may not settle or compromise any such claim without the prior written consent of Customer.
7.3 關於賠償的例外和限制儘管本協議中有任何相反規定,一方無義務對任何受賠償方因受賠償方或其人員的:(a)重大過失或更嚴重的行爲或不作爲(包括魯莽或故意不當行爲)直接導致的任何索賠或相應損失進行賠償或保衛;或(b)惡意未能實質性遵守本協議中規定的任何義務,負有惡意不誠信的責任。
7.4 保險每一方應爲其業務類型所需的普通良好商業慣例所需的產品責任保險購買並維持在適當的金額,並向對方提供此保險的證明;但無論如何,在任何情況下,此類保險的限額不得低於以下金額(但視情況而定適用任何免賠額或自留賠款):
人身傷害: | $1,000,000 | 每一事件 |
$10,000,000 | 總累計 | |
財產損害: | $1,000,000 | 每次事故 |
$10,000,000 | 一般累計 |
8. 條款和終止。
8.1 術語初始期限從生效日期開始,除非根據本協議提前終止,否則將持續三年直至2027年10月30日(“初始期限”). 本協議可續訂最多五個(5)連續的一年期限(每個爲“續簽條款” ,連同初始期限一起構成“術語對於初始期限或續訂期限後的每次續訂,均應根據雙方的互相書面同意,每次應在當前初始期限或續訂期限屆滿之前不少於十七(17)周的時間達成,視情況而定。
8.2 違約或破產終止儘管根據第8.1節的規定,本協議可以在以下情況下由任何一方通過書面通知終止:(a)對方違反本協議的任何重要條款,且在發生支付違約時未在30個日曆日內解決,否則爲60個日曆日;在收到書面通知並指明所聲稱的違約性質和依據後,未能在修復日期內解決,條件是如果60(60)日內無法合理解決任何除支付違約外的違約行爲,如果一方在此60(60)日內開始解決該違約,並在此後努力繼續追求解決,該違約將被視爲解除,或(b)對方或其他方自發起或發起任何破產,破產或重組程序,且在起訴後六十(60)天內未駁回。在Greatbatch根據本8.2節終止本協議時,客戶將對Greatbatch進行補償,涵蓋所有已完成的產品、WIP、產品特定的不可退還的購買材料以及與Greatbatch供應商尚未取消的採購訂單。 客戶便利終止
8.3 對於初始期限或續訂期限後的每次續訂,均應根據雙方的互相書面同意,每次應在當前初始期限或續訂期限屆滿之前不少於十七(17)周的時間達成,視情況而定。. At any time after the six (6) month anniversary of the Effective Date, Customer may terminate this Agreement upon six (6) months’ prior written notice to Greatbatch. The Parties will negotiate in good faith to resolve any open Purchase Order for the Products.
8.4 Transition Upon Termination. Upon termination or non-renewal at the end of the Term of this Agreement, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith the terms and procedures for a reasonable transition of manufacturing from Greatbatch to Customer, including without limitation, the physical transfer of all tooling exclusively used in the manufacture of the Products in Greatbatch’s or its affiliates possession; reasonable amounts of training on the process, protocols, best practices and technology reasonably required to produce the Products; the terms pursuant to which any additional equipment exclusively used to manufacture the Products, materials, components, WIP, or inventory of finished Products will be similarly conveyed to Customer; and the entrance into a non-exclusive license agreement by Customer with Greatbatch for the Greatbatch owned know-how necessary for the manufacture of the Products. Except in the event of termination by Customer pursuant to 第8.2(a)條 of this Agreement, Customer shall pay for all reasonable and documented costs incurred by Greatbatch as a direct result of the termination or non-renewal, including finished Products, materials, components and supplies (on-hand and non-cancelable in-process orders) and WIP of each Product.
9. 專有信息。
9.1 保密協定。. Each Party acknowledges that all Proprietary Information disclosed or provided by, or discovered, invented, authorized or otherwise created by, the other Party or any of its respective affiliates pursuant to this Agreement is confidential and proprietary to such other Party or its respective affiliates, and each Party agrees to: (a) maintain such Proprietary Information in confidence during the Term and thereafter; and (b) use such Proprietary Information solely for the purpose of exercising its rights and performing its obligations hereunder. Each of Greatbatch and Customer covenants that neither it nor any of its respective affiliates will disclose any such information to any third party except to its employees and agents who are subject in writing to substantially the same confidentiality obligations as the Parties.
9.2 例外儘管根據第9.1節的規定,本第9條規定的限制不適用於以下信息(此類信息將不被視爲本協議下的機密信息或專有信息):(a) 在生效日期之前已經公開或者已經成爲公共領域的信息或者是未經接收方或接收方提供該等信息的第三方的任何行爲、遺漏或過錯使之成爲公衆知曉的信息;(b) 關於專有信息,接收方在披露方披露該信息時已經掌握該信息,除非該信息構成生產產品所必須的知識產權、流程、協議、最佳實踐和技術,對於這種情況,Greatbatch應當像對待客戶專屬於產品的專有信息一樣保持其機密性;(c) 從不需要對其他方或其他方的任何關聯方就此類信息承擔保密義務的第三方處獲得對接收方無限制的披露;或(d) 與所謂專有信息完全相同或性質類似但已經獨立創建的信息,有書面或電子文檔證明,並且不包含使用機密專有信息的任何幫助、應用或使用。按照適用法律要求進行的披露不視爲違反本第9條,只要接收方合法允許的情況下采取合理努力提前通知披露方這種要求披露的信息,以充分時間使披露方尋求對該信息的機密處理,並進一步要求接收方提供所有合理合作以幫助披露方保護該信息,並將披露限制在適用法律要求披露的這些信息。此外,任何一方可以使用專有信息來執行本協議或各方或各方關聯方之間的任何附屬協議的條款,如果它提前給予其他一方合理通知以使其他一方有足夠機會採取任何措施確保對該信息的機密處理,且披露方將提供合理的合作來保護該信息的機密性。
9.3 特定披露和使用儘管本協議中的任何其他規定,每一方均可信任地將另一方的專有信息披露給其律師、會計師、銀行和金融來源、投資者和顧問,或者在與其業務資產的大部分出售有關時進行保密,只要在每種情況下,披露信息的第三方有義務根據本協議中規定的條款保持披露信息的機密性。
9.4 禁令救濟雙方同意,對於第5條和本第9條中規定的契約的違反,可能會給另一方造成重大、實質性的損害,難以或無法充分衡量,受害方有權尋求並獲得禁令或其他使之強制遵守本協議的衡平救濟(除其他可用的救濟措施外,包括但不限於貨幣賠償)。
9.5 其他保密協議本協議不影響各方之間任何保密協議的存在。儘管前述句子,根據本協議披露或提供的任何專有信息將受到本協議和任何此類保密協議的條款約束。
10. 其他。
10.1 關係根據本協議,客戶與Greatbatch之間的關係屬於獨立承包商的關係。任何一方都不具備,並且不會表示具有任何權力、權利或授權能力,以約束或代表對方承擔任何費用或支出,也不會以其他一方的名義進行,除非經對方書面同意。
10.2 繼任者和轉讓未經對方事先書面同意,任何一方均不得將本協議項下的任何權利或義務委託、轉讓、轉讓、讓與或抵押給任何第三方,也不會產生任何對其他一方不合理拒絕的事宜;Greatbatch可將本協議轉讓給: (a) 其股票或其與生產產品有關的業務單元的重大資產的購買者的任何個人或實體;或 (b) 根據合併或合併而產生的任何繼任者,無需客戶的同意,但需通知客戶。本協議對各方、各方的繼任者、法定代表人和被允許的受讓人具有約束力,並受上述句子的條款約束。
10.3 全部協議本協議連同附附表構成各方就本協議主題的整個協議,並取代了先前提出的或書面的所有提議、協議以及各方關於本協議主題的一切談判、對話或討論。
10.4 管轄法本協議受紐約州內部法律的管轄,並按照其解釋和解釋,不考慮任何司法管轄區的衝突法原則。各方均放棄通過陪審團審判任何問題的權利。
10.5 生存本協議中所作出的所有陳述、擔保和補償,以及本協議到期或終止後由各方履行的所有旨在持續的條款和規定,包括但不限於第2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9和10條將在到期或終止後繼續有效,受適用的訴訟時效法規約束。
10.6 修改; 棄權本協議不得以任何方式修改,除非經本協議各方的授權代表代表簽署的書面工具。任何一方在任何時候未執行本協議的任何規定不得被視爲放棄該等規定,也不得被視爲任何一方將來執行該等規定的放棄。任何對本協議違約的豁免將不被視爲對其他或後續違約的豁免。
10.7 分割執行與電子簽名本協議可以由一方或多方擬籤的副本簽署,所有這些副本將被視爲一致的協議,並且當一方或多方簽署並遞交給另一方時即形成約束力。通過傳真、電子郵件或其他電子傳輸方式傳輸的簽名應視爲在法律上具有與遞交本協議原始簽署副本相同的效力。
10.8 標題與表頭; 構建此處的標題與表頭僅爲方便查閱,不是本協議的一部分,也不意圖成爲本協議的內容或解釋。本協議應被解釋而不考慮任何假設或其他規則要求構建此協議之黨的情況。
10.9 通知所有正式或法律通知或其他要求或允許的通信(與協議目的有關的日常業務通信不同)必須以書面形式進行,並應通過以下方式提供:(a)親自遞送;(b)通過信譽良好的快遞公司(要求籤收);或(c)通過認證或掛號郵件,退信要求籤收,郵資預付。通知應視爲在實際送達或拒絕送達時視爲已送達。此類通信必須發送至各方的以下地址(或根據本第10.9節的規定發送的通知中指定的某方其他地址):
Electrochem Solutions, Inc.
670 Paramount Drive
Raynham, MA 02767
2000 Technology Parkway
紐瓦克,NY 14513
10000 Wehrle Drive
紐約州克拉倫斯市 14031
integer holdings 公司
Plano,TX 75024
10.10 可分割性如果本協議的任何條款被有管轄權的法院視爲無效,則該條款將被執行至其最大允許範圍,並其餘條款仍應根據其條款可執行。
10.11 接受司法管轄任何根據本協議產生的法律訴訟只能在位於紐約州伊利縣的美國聯邦西部地區法院或紐約州法院提起,並每一方在任何此類訴訟中均不可撤銷地提交給此類法院的專屬管轄權。透過郵件向各方在本協議中註明的地址送交法律文書、傳票、通知或其他文件將視爲對該方進行法律文書送達於任何在此類法院提起的訴訟、訴訟或其他程序。各方不可撤銷及無條件地放棄對於在此類法院提起的任何訴訟、行動或程序的管轄區域安排提出異議,並不可撤銷地放棄並同意不在任何此類法院主張或聲稱在任何此類法院提起的任何訴訟、行動或程序是在一個不方便的論壇中提起的。
10.12 出口限制客戶理解並承認Greatbatch的產品和服務可能受美國出口法律和法規的控制,包括但不限於《出口管理法案》(EAA)以及《出口管理條例》EAA出口管理條例EAR根據《出口管理條例》(15 CFR 730-774)、《武器出口管制法》(AECA)、《國際武器貿易條例》(21 CFR 120-130)和《外國資產控制辦公室條例》(31 CFR 500等),各方應對其在所有適用的進口和出口法規下的合規義務負責,包括但不限於《出口管理法》(EAA)、EAR、AECA、ITAR和OFAC。AECA根據《國際武器貿易條例》(21 CFR 120-130)和《外國資產控制辦公室條例》(31 CFR 500等)。ITAR根據《外國資產控制辦公室條例》(31 CFR 500等)。OFAC各方應對其在所有適用的進口和出口法規下的合規義務負責,包括但不限於《出口管理法》(EAA)、EAR、AECA、ITAR和OFAC。
簽字人: |
/s/ Andrew Senn |
姓名: |
Andrew Senn |
標題: |
首席財務官,策略,企業 |
發展和投資者關係 | |||
作者: | /s/ 邁克爾·E·曼納 | ||
姓名: | 邁克爾·E·曼納 | ||
標題: | 授權簽署人 | ||
1. “適用法律”指所有適用的國際、聯邦和州法律、規則和法規。
2. “客戶”在前言中給出了定義。
3. “客戶被保障方” 意指客戶及其關聯公司及每位董事、高管、股東、僱員、代理人、繼承人和受讓人
4. “客戶’的指定代表” 指財務增長、過渡與效率副總裁Teodor Tarsici。
5. “生效日期。” 具有序言中所指的含義。
6. “公司採購訂單「」在第2.5節中有所規定
7. “Greatbatch「」意指前言中所述
8. “Greatbatch受賠償方「」指Greatbatch及其關聯公司、以及它們各自的官員、董事、股東、僱員、代理人、繼承人和受讓人。
11. “改善「」在第5.2節中所指。
12. “受保護方「」表示客戶補償方或Greatbatch補償方。
13. “初始期限「」在第8.1節中的含義。
14. “知識產權「」指專利、商標、服務標誌及其註冊和申請,版權和版權註冊和申請,掩膜作品及其註冊,專有技術、商業祕密,發明、發現、思想、技術、數據、信息、流程、圖紙、設計、許可證、計算機程序和軟件,以及技術信息,包括但不限於材料規格,加工說明指南,設備規格,產品規格,機密數據,電子文件,研究筆記本,發明披露,研發報告等相關內容,以及任何關於上述任何內容的修訂、修改和改進。
15. “合作知識產權「」在第5.2節中所指。
16. “新信息「」指的是任何一方或雙方在本條款期間涉及任何產品的情況下,可能在任何時候被提出、構思或開發的任何和所有的想法、發明、數據、著作、發現、改進或材料,這些內容一般不爲公衆所知。
17. “產品「」指的是由Greatbatch製造和出售給客戶的物品,如在文中所述。 附表B.
18. “專有信息「」指的是在本條款期間,由任何一方或雙方爲與本協議相關的目的向對方或其關聯方提供的信息或材料,包括但不限於與研究、開發、製造、促銷、營銷、與第三方的協議或擬議協議、分銷和銷售本協議項下的產品、有關物質、配方、技術、設備、數據、報告、訣竅、供應來源、專利狀況、商業計劃和其他一般業務和運營流程和程序相關的信息和材料。就每一方而言,專有信息包括但不限於新信息,但不包括由另一方獨立發現、發明、創作的新信息。每一方的專有信息,包括但不限於其知識產權和改進。
19. “質量標準「」在2.6(d)條中所指的含義。
20. “續簽條款”在第8.1節中所指的含義。
21. “RMA”指的是退料授權。
22. “規格”指的是產品的規格,如在所述。 附表B.
23. “術語「」在第8.1節中的含義。
24. “保修「」在第3.2節中給出了含義。
25. “WIP「」表示進行中的工作。