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ww international, inc.




Ms. Tara Comonte


回覆: 代理總裁暨首席執行官協議

親愛的 Tara:

我謹代表 ww international 公司(以下簡稱“公司”),非常高興地向您提供這封聘任書,就這封聘任書中規定的條款和條件,邀請您擔任公司的代理總裁兼首席執行官(以下簡稱“職位”)。 在我們尋找永久總裁兼首席執行官期間,您已同意擔任這個角色,並繼續擔任公司董事會成員(以下簡稱“董事會”)。 您可以通過簽署並將本協議的副本退回給公司以接受該協議,具體方式如下。權益代理)。您已同意擔任這個角色,並繼續擔任公司董事會成員(以下簡稱“職位”)。您可以通過簽署並將本協議的副本退回給公司以接受該協議,具體方式如下。您已同意擔任這個角色,並繼續擔任公司董事會成員(以下簡稱“職位”)。您可以通過簽署並將本協議的副本退回給公司以接受該協議,具體方式如下。協議董事會”)。您可以接受本協議,方法是簽署本協議的副本並按以下提供的內容退回給公司。董事會董事會”)。您可以接受本協議,方法是簽署本協議的副本並按以下提供的內容退回給公司。

職位與職責在本協議下的僱傭期間內,您將擔任公司的臨時總裁兼首席執行官。您作為臨時總裁兼首席執行官的職責和權限將由董事會規定,並應與總裁和首席執行官職位的職責相對應。在本協議下的僱傭期間內,您將直接向董事會報告,並將全力以赴將您的全部業務時間、精力、經驗和才能貢獻給公司集團的業務(如下所定義); 提供在您獲得董事會事先書面同意的情況下,您擔任其他非營利性公司董事會、獲得董事會授權的公民或慈善組織董事會或委員會,以及進行個人投資管理,均不構成本協議的違反,只要上述(a)到(c)款所描述的所有活動不會實質干擾您在本協議下的職責和責任履行。


與執行長聘用有關的期權您將收到$750,000現金獎金作為您擔任臨時總裁兼首席執行官的酬勞(「與執行長聘用有關的期權」),於新首席執行官上任日期和2025年3月27日的較早日期總額支付。 提供, that if you resign from your position as President and Chief Executive Officer (other than at the request of the Board) or are terminated by the Company for Cause prior to the applicable payment date, you will not be entitled to any portion of the Bonus.
股權賞. Subject to approval by the Board, the Company will grant you an award of restricted stock units with respect to shares of the Company’s common stock, no par value (such stock, the “普通股” and such award, the “RSU獎勵”). The RSU Award shall (i) have a grant date value of $500,000 (which value shall be translated into a number of restricted stock units by dividing such grant date value by the closing price of the Company’s Common Stock on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC on the Commencement Date, rounded down to the nearest whole restricted stock unit), (ii) have a vesting commencement date of the Commencement Date, (iii) vest in equal monthly installments over the six-month period commencing on the Commencement Date, and (iv) be subject to the terms of an award agreement to be entered into by and between you and the Company (the “RSU獎勵協議”)和第三次修訂及重訂ww international,Inc. 2014年股票激勵計劃(“股權計劃”).
法律費用。 公司應於收到合理滿意文件後的60天內支付或賠償您在談判此協議及相關協議中所產生的合理律師費用(承認該文件將包括律師和時間,但不包括服務的細節)。
賠償; 董事及總裁保險公司應根據法律允許的最大程度對您在履行公司及其子公司職責時采取的行動或不行動,進行賠償,保護和辯護您免受所有損害、索賠、損失和成本及費用(包括合理的律師費)。



You shall not, at any time (whether during or after your employment with the Company Group), (A) retain or use for the benefit, purposes or account of you or any other Person (other than the Company Group); or (B) except in the course of your good faith performance of your job duties and responsibilities with the Company, disclose, divulge, reveal, communicate, share, transfer or provide access to any Person outside the Company Group (other than its professional advisers), any non-public, proprietary or confidential information – including, without limitation, trade secrets, know-how, research and development, software, databases, inventions, processes, formulae, technology, designs and other intellectual property, information concerning finances, investments, profits, pricing, costs, products, services, vendors, customers, clients, partners, investors, personnel, compensation, recruiting, training, advertising, sales, marketing, promotions, government and regulatory activities and approvals concerning the past, current or future business, activities and operations of the Company Group and/or any third party that has disclosed or provided any of same to the Company Group on a confidential basis (“機密信息”) without the prior written authorization of the Board.
Confidential Information shall not include any information that is (A) generally known to the industry or the public other than as a result of your breach of this covenant; (B) made legitimately available to you by a third party without the breach of any confidentiality obligation; or (C) required by law or legal process to be disclosed; 提供, that you shall give prompt written notice to the Company of such requirement, disclose no more information than is so required, and cooperate with any attempts by the Company to obtain a protective order or similar treatment (at no cost to you).
Upon termination of your employment with the Company Group for any reason, you shall (A) cease and not thereafter commence use of any Confidential Information (including without limitation, any patent, invention, copyright, trade secret, trademark, trade name, logo, domain name or other source indicator) owned or used by the Company Group; (B) make reasonable efforts to promptly destroy, delete, or return to the Company, at the Company’s option, all originals and copies in any form or medium (including memoranda, books, papers, plans, computer files, letters and other data) that to the best of your knowledge are in your possession or control (including any of the foregoing stored or located in your office, home, laptop or other computer, whether or not Company property) that contain Confidential Information or otherwise relate to the business of the Company Group, except



that you may retain only those portions of any personal notes, notebooks and diaries that do not contain any Confidential Information and you may retain his address book to the extent it does not contain Confidential Information; and (C) notify and reasonably cooperate with the Company (as reasonably requested by the Company) regarding the delivery or destruction of any other Confidential Information of which you are or become aware. Nothing in this provision or this Agreement, however, will preclude you from using or disclosing Confidential Information in the course of performing your role on the Board.
Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit or impede you from communicating, cooperating or filing a complaint with any U.S. federal, state or local governmental or law enforcement branch, agency or entity (collectively, a “政府實體”) with respect to possible violations of any U.S. federal, state or local law or regulation, or otherwise making disclosures to any Governmental Entity, in each case, that are protected under the whistleblower provisions of any such law or regulation; 提供, that in each case such communications and disclosures are consistent with applicable law. You do not need the prior authorization of (or to give notice to) the Company regarding any such communication or disclosure. You understand and acknowledge that an individual shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any Federal or State trade secret law for the disclosure of a trade secret that is made (A) in confidence to a Federal, State, or local government official or to an attorney solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law, or (B) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. You understand and acknowledge further that an individual who files a lawsuit for retaliation by an employer for reporting a suspected violation of law may disclose the trade secret to the attorney of the individual and use the trade secret information in the court proceeding, if the individual files any document containing the trade secret under seal; and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstance are you authorized to disclose any information covered by the Company’s attorney-client privilege or attorney work product unless such disclosure of that information would otherwise be permitted by an attorney pursuant to 17 CFR 205.3(d)(2), applicable state attorney conduct rules, or otherwise.



您應通過公司資助(但無需另行支付報酬)採取一切合理要求的行動並簽署一切合理要求的文件(包括政府合同所需的任何許可證或轉讓)以協助公司驗證、維護、保護、執行、完善、記錄、專利或註冊公司作品中任何公司權利。 如果由於任何其他原因公司無法確保您簽署任何此目的的文件,則您在此不可撤銷地指定並任命公司及其經過授權的官員及代理為您的代理人和訴訟代理,代表您並代理您簽署任何文件並在前述事項中執行所有其他合法允許的行為。
您不得未經第三方事先書面許可,不正當地將任何機密或專有信息或知識產權(涉及前雇主或其他第三方)以作自己的利益,帶入公司集團的任何地方,或向公司集團透露、披露、溝通、揭示、轉移或提供訪問權限,或與之分享。 您應遵守所有有關保護機密信息和知識產權以及潛在利益衝突的政策和指南。 您承認公司可能不時修訂任何此類政策和指南,並且您始終受其最新版本的約束。
不得誹謗。 您不得就公司集團的任何成員向任何個人、實體或方面發表或授權任何貶低、批評或其他負面言論,無論是口頭還是書面,也不得在任何線上論壇或網站上張貼此類言論。公司謹此同意,其董事和高級主管將避免發表、發布或授權任何有關您的貶低、批評或其他負面言論,並要求公司的每位高管和董事避免這樣做。本段所列限制不適用於任何根據適用法律需作出的聲明,在本協議第5(a)(iv)條描述的通訊類型,或在與本協議或公司與您或您的任何聯屬企業簽訂的任何其他書面協議執行權利時合情合理需要的聲明。



終止;終止福利(a) 根據本協議,您的僱傭可以隨時通過向董事會和/或公司提前至少30天書面通知終止,理由可以是任何原因或無理由,或公司可以隨時以不少於30天的書面通知終止您的僱傭,理由可以是任何原因或無理由(除非該終止是出於原因,根據下文第6(b)款所述)。在本協議下您的僱傭(為避免懷疑,除了您作為董事會成員的服務外)在您開始執行工作之月的最後一天之前被終止,且該終止並非由於您自願辭職(非董事會請求)或公司原因,以上述情況均在新CEO開始日期之前,則除了與該終止有關的任何已發放但未支付的工資應支付給您之外,您有權獲得在該終止月的工資餘額支付,並且RSU獎勵將加速並變為完全實現。

(b) 根據本協議,“為何Corcept Therapeutics股票今天飆升?”指的是(a)您刻意怠忽履行本協議下的職責或刻意或反復拒絕執行此類職責(除了由於身體或精神疾病導致永久殘疾而導致的任何此類失敗)後超過10天的書面要求實質履行履行送達給您的董事會後繼續存在;(b)在與公司的僱傭相關的行為,導致或可以合理預期導致對公司集團業務或聲譽造成實質損害;(c)刑事定罪,有罪或無罪領罪,(i)任何重罪或(ii)任何其他犯罪導致或可以預期對公司或公司集團的業務或聲譽造成實質損害;(d)違反公司集團書面政策或公司集團手冊或政策聲明中所列的政策,包括但不限於與性騷擾有關的政策,在公司發出書面通知後並有不少於10天的合理機會來除去(在能夠除去的情況下)此類違規行為,或對機密信息的披露或濫用;(e)欺詐或挪用資金或財產屬於公司集團;(f)涉及個人利益的誠實行為,涉及您與公司僱傭相關的個人利潤;或(g)違反與公司集團任何成員簽訂的任何協議作為您身上的限制性約定。如果公司認為具有有理由解除您的僱傭的理由,則需要在得知此種理由後不超過十(10)天的書面通知您,否則放棄根據該依據解除您的僱傭的權利。

(c) 您可以因正當原因辭去您的職務。 正當原因應定義為以下情況在您未經同意的情況下發生:(i) 您的職責或責任發生重大變化; (ii) 根據本協議,您的任何補償部分減少; (iii) 您的主要工作地點超過二十五英里以上的更改; 或 (iv) 公司違反本協議。 如果您因正當原因辭職,您將有權獲得獎金,相當於薪金延續至新CEO開始任職日期或2025年3月27日中較早的那一天; RSU獎項將會加快並完全授予。



本協議將受紐約州法律的管轄和解釋,不考慮任何可能導致應用任何不同於密西西比州法律的選擇法規或衝突規定(無論是紐約州還是其他任何司法輮)。為進一步促進上述,紐約州的內部法律將控制對本協議的解釋和構建,即使在這種司法選擇法或法律對抗分析下,其他某一司法權的實質法律將被應用。 強制執行本協議的任何行動必須在並且雙方談判接受紐約州紐約的一個法院的管轄權。雙方均放棄聲稱此類法院對解決任何此類行動的地方是不方便的權利。 本協議的各方在任何訴訟、訴訟、索賠或反訴中均放棄陪審團審判的權利。









ww international公司






By: /s/ Jacqueline Cooke


Name: Jacqueline Cooke


Title: Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer













/s/ Tara Comonte


Tara Comonte