EX-10.2 2 nbhc-20240930xex10d2.htm EX-10.2



本轉讓協議(以下簡稱“協議”)日期爲[_______](以下簡稱“生效日期。,由科羅拉多州特許的銀行NBH銀行和特拉華州的國家銀行控股公司(統稱爲“公司)和[_______] (“高管”).







2.過渡期。在過渡日期和分離日期(或提前離職日期,如適用)之間的「過渡期」內,(i)您同意與公司董事會(「董事會」)和即將到任的總裁兼首席執行官合作完成關鍵項目並轉移您的職責;(ii)公司將繼續支付您的正常基本工資;(iii)您將繼續有資格參加您當前參加的員工福利計劃(根據這些福利計劃的條款和條件)。高管在此僱傭期限應自生效日期起至辭職日期結束(“過渡期。在過渡日期和分離日期(或提前離職日期,如適用)之間的「過渡期」內,(i)您同意與公司董事會(「董事會」)和即將到任的總裁兼首席執行官合作完成關鍵項目並轉移您的職責;(ii)公司將繼續支付您的正常基本工資;(iii)您將繼續有資格參加您當前參加的員工福利計劃(根據這些福利計劃的條款和條件)”), 除非根據 章節 5.
3.職位; 職責.
(a)辭職的高級主管和董事職位. Effective as of the close of business on the Effective Date, by virtue of executing this Agreement and without any further action by the Executive, the Executive hereby resigns his/her positions as [_______] of the Company and as a member of the board of directors of, and/or as a manager of, any of the Company’s affiliates, but not as an employee of the Company.
(b)Position and Duties During Transition Period. During the Transition Period, the Executive shall continue as a non-executive, non-officer employee of the Company,

reporting to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and shall perform such advisory duties and services as reasonably directed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, with a focus on providing direction on specific enumerated projects detailed by the CEO.
(c)鳴謝. The Executive acknowledges and agrees that for purposes of all plans, agreements, policies, and arrangements of the Company and its affiliates in which the Executive participated or to which the Executive was a party (including, without limitation, the Change of Control Agreement), the resignation of the Executive from his/her officer and director positions with the Company and its affiliates on the Effective Date and the Executive’s ceasing to be employed by the Company on the Resignation Date shall, in each case, be a voluntary resignation and separation, as applicable. Moreover, in the case of any such plan, agreement, policy, or arrangement that includes the concept of resignation with 「good reason」 or a similar term of like meaning, the Executive agrees that such resignations on the Effective Date and the Executive’s resignation on the Resignation Date shall be considered to have been made without 「Good Reason」 or such similar term. The Executive understands and agrees that for purposes of the Change of Control Agreement, Executive’s failure to voluntarily resign his/her employment on or before [_______], as provided for in this Agreement, shall constitute 「Cause」 under which the Company may terminate his/her employment effective [_______]. Such termination would not trigger any 「Cure Period」 in any agreement (including the Change of Control Agreement) and would be effective on [_______].
(a)基本工資。執行人員應按照公司正常的工資支付慣例,以年薪[_______] 的比例獲得基本工資。
(b)[_______] 年度激勵支付。執行人員應根據公司於本協議日期前適用於執行人員的年度現金激勵計劃的條款,得到一部分按比例計算的年度現金激勵支付,作爲本協議下的一部分,針對[_______] 各項:以公司實際表現爲基礎,根據董事會先前設定的獎金標準,以及[_______] 起至[_______] 截至日期的天數計算得出的天數,該按比例計算的金額(如果有)將與公司一般員工的年度激勵支付同時支付(不包括執行人員此前推遲的任何部分年度激勵支付,該部分將根據適用的推遲安排和任何選舉支付)。年度激勵支付時間
(d)沒有其他激勵補償。除下文規定外,執行董事將不有資格獲得公司現金或股權激勵計劃下的支付或獎勵。 章節4(b)4(c),執行董事將不有資格獲得公司現金或股權激勵計劃下的支付或獎勵。


(g)重新聘用資格。 儘管本協議中的任何條款相反,但本協議中的任何內容均不會:(i)影響執行董事和公司就公司內其他職位的就業條款進行談判達成一致,或(b)導致執行董事失去公司重新僱傭資格。
(e)無論是公司還是執行官的任何一方,都應通過遵守本協議第8(l)條的規定向對方方書面「終止通知」傳達。在公司宣佈因爲控件或執行官宣佈因爲良好理由終止之際,終止通知應(i)指出本協議的具體終止條款,(ii)詳細敘述據此終止執行人的職務的事實和情況,並且(iii)具體指明終止日期。執行人或公司在終止通知中沒有列出任何形成原因或制約良好理由的事實或情況,不會放棄任何一方在此下的權利或防止執行人或公司在執行該方案權益方案時提出此類事實或情況。任何因公司原因終止或由高管出於任何原因或無論何種原因而終止的情況,應根據通信-半導體以書面形式通知另一方。 章節 9(h) (a “無論是公司還是執行官的任何一方,都應通過遵守本協議第8(l)條的規定向對方方書面「終止通知」傳達。在公司宣佈因爲控件或執行官宣佈因爲良好理由終止之際,終止通知應(i)指出本協議的具體終止條款,(ii)詳細敘述據此終止執行人的職務的事實和情況,並且(iii)具體指明終止日期。執行人或公司在終止通知中沒有列出任何形成原因或制約良好理由的事實或情況,不會放棄任何一方在此下的權利或防止執行人或公司在執行該方案權益方案時提出此類事實或情況。”).
(f)解除日期本協議中,「」指的是指定在終止通知中指定的執行官員的結束僱傭的日期。解除日期” 意味着:(i) 如果高管的就業由高管終止,則應在公司收到終止通知之日起不早於30天且不晚於60天內確定終止日期;(ii) 如果公司因爲有原因而終止高管的就業,則在公司提供高管補救期(如適用)後,通知高管此類終止的日期;(iii) 如果因高管死亡而終止就業,則取決於死亡日期;及(iv) 如果高管的就業根據其他情況終止,應根據公司董事會的規定確定終止日期。 章節 5(a), the Resignation Date.
6.公司在終止時的義務. Upon any termination of the Executive’s employment during or upon completion of the Transition Period, the Company shall pay or provide to the Executive the following: (a) a lump sum cash payment consisting of the Executive’s base salary through the Date of Termination to the extent not yet paid; and (b) to the extent not theretofore paid or provided, the Company shall timely pay or provide to the Executive any other amounts or benefits required to be paid or provided or which the Executive


is eligible to receive under any plan, program, policy, or practice or contract or agreement of the Company and its affiliates through the Date of Termination (including, without limitation, any equity or incentive compensation plan), and shall pay such unreimbursed expenses incurred through the Date of Termination as are subject to reimbursement pursuant to 章節 4(f).
(b)預扣稅款。. The Company may withhold from any amounts payable under this Agreement such federal, state, local, or foreign taxes as shall be required to be withheld pursuant to any applicable law or regulation.
(c)管轄法. The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to the conflict of law provisions of any state.
(d)爭議解決. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach of this Agreement (other than a controversy or claim arising under 章節 8) that is not resolved by the Executive and the Company shall be submitted to arbitration in a location selected by the Company in accordance with Colorado law and the procedures of the American Arbitration Association. The determination of the arbitrator shall be conclusive and binding on the Company and the Executive and judgment may be entered on the arbitrator(s)’ awards in any court having competent jurisdiction.


(f)修訂;完整協議除非經公司和執行人書面同意並簽署,否則本協議的任何條款均不得修改、變更、放棄或解除。自生效日期起,本協議應取代各方在本協議主題事項上達成的任何其他協議,包括但不限於關於變更控制的協議(除非《第2(c)》部分中明確規定的(原因和正當理由的定義)和第8部分(限制性契約)) 第2(c)部分 (原因和正當理由的定義) 第8部分(限制性契約).
(h)提供姓名全稱、身份證號或公司註冊號、地址、白天的電話號碼以及代表、代理人和助手的信息。 助手的數量不得超過兩個。爲便於進入年度股東大會,通知應在適當的情況下附有授權書、註冊證書和其他授權文件。所有通知和其他通信應以書面形式進行,並應通過交予對方或由掛號信或掛號信件形式通知,退信要求回執,預付郵資,地址如下:




Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111






national bank控股公司

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