其中,特拉華州有限責任公司Eleven Fan Pier Boulevard LLC(以下簡稱“原房東”於2011年5月5日簽訂了租賃協議,隨後又於2011年10月31日簽署了租賃協議第一修正案,於2012年4月11日簽署了租賃協議第二修正案,於2012年11月26日簽署了租賃協議第三修正案,以及於2014年3月28日簽署了租賃協議第四修正案(經過上述修訂後,簡稱爲“租賃”) with respect to premises consisting of approximately [***] square feet of rentable area and containing a portion of the first (1st) floor, all of the second (2nd) through sixteenth (16th) floors (including a mechanical floor), a two-story mechanical penthouse, and a portion of a three-level below grade structure, and including the Storage Space as defined in the Lease, of the building located at 11 Fan Pier Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts; and
WHEREAS, Landlord has succeeded to the interest of Original Lessor under the Lease; and
WHEREAS, the term of the Lease is set to expire on December 31, 2028 (i.e. the fifteenth Lease Year as defined in the Lease), and Landlord and Tenant wish to extend the term through June 30, 2044.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows:
1.大寫字母術語. Capitalized terms use herein without definition shall have the meanings ascribed to them by the Lease.
4.激勵措施. The first [***] of Base Rent due in 2029 shall be abated (the “Initial Abatement”). An additional [***截至本日,借款人持有[●]%的[Name of VIE]股權(以下簡稱「Borrower Equity Interest」),[Borrower Company]的全部股權現在和將來獲得的股權都歸屬於借款人持有;General Abatement”) shall be applied against monthly installments of Base Rent commencing with the first monthly Base Rent coming due after the Effective Date.
Landlord shall also reimburse Tenant for up to [***截至本日,借款人持有[●]%的[Name of VIE]股權(以下簡稱「Borrower Equity Interest」),[Borrower Company]的全部股權現在和將來獲得的股權都歸屬於借款人持有;延伸TI津貼在50 Northern Avenue號(「 北方大道租約」)租約所規定的租賃物或在白屋內進行的任何改善的費用的百分比爲五十北方大道租約在生效日期之前的十二個(12)個月內或之後,即2020年12月31日之前之任何時間內,租戶要求在2020年12月31日之前提交任何請求的任何改善費用的付款發票;每次這樣的付款請求應當在提出請求後的三十日內支付。租戶在初始減免全額適用之前的任何時間,都可以通過向房東發出通知,將當時剩餘的初始減免部分或全部轉換爲延伸TI津貼。如果房東在租戶請求補償延伸TI津貼的任何部分後四十五(45)日內未給予補償,則租戶有權通過減免基本租金的方式收回該金額,前提是該減免(及任何利息的累積)將在付款給予租戶或房東支付之時終止。前提是,如果基本租金的減免超出前述四十五(45)天的期限(可能是因爲所欠租戶的金額或在該期間內的現有基本租金減免),則應計算出欠租戶的未付和未計入的餘額,以美國銀行(或其繼任者)的報價利率之年利率計算利息,直至計入基本租金或由房東支付給租戶爲止。若在2020年12月31日之前未用於償還改善費用的任何延伸TI津貼將保留可用性,用於2020年12月31日之後到期的下次基本租金。