休斯頓,2024年11月4日 - Par Pacific Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PARR) (「Par Pacific」 或者 “公司") 今日報告了截至2024年9月30日的季度財務結果。
Par Pacific報告2024年9月30日結束的季度淨利潤爲7.5百萬美元,每股稀釋後爲0.13美元,而2023年同季度爲171.4百萬美元,每股稀釋後爲2.79美元。2024年第三季度調整後的淨損失爲$(5.5)百萬美元,而2023年第三季度調整後的淨收入爲19340萬美元。2024年第三季度調整後的EBITDA爲5140萬美元,而2023年第三季度爲255.7百萬美元。可以在本新聞發佈附表中找到報告的非GAAP財務指標與最直接可比的GAAP財務指標進行對比。
The Logistics segment reported operating income of $26.2 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared to $20.7 million in the third quarter of 2023. Adjusted Gross Margin for the Logistics segment was $3630萬 in the third quarter of 2024, compared to $3530萬 in the same quarter of 2023.
Logistics segment Adjusted EBITDA was $33.0 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared to $2910萬 in the third quarter of 2023.
Net cash provided by operations totaled $7850萬 for the three months ended September 30, 2024, including working capital inflows of $6720萬 and deferred turnaround expenditures of $(15.6) million. Excluding these items, net cash provided by operations was $2690萬 for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Net cash provided by operations was $26920萬 for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Net cash used in investing activities totaled $(28.3) million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, consisting primarily of capital expenditures, compared to $(5.7) million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Net cash used in financing activities totaled $(46.8) million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $(92.9) million for the three months ended September 30, 2023.
At September 30, 2024, Par Pacific’s cash balance totaled $18300萬, gross term debt was $54600萬, and total liquidity was $63250萬. Net term debt was $36300萬 at September 30, 2024. In the third quarter of 2024, the Company repurchased $2190萬 of common stock.
Laramie Energy
In conjunction with Laramie Energy LLC’s (“Laramie的在2023年第一季度,完成再融資並隨後向par pacific進行現金分配後,我們自2023年2月21日生效,恢復了對Laramie的投資採用權益法覈算。2024年第三季度,我們記錄了(0.3)百萬美元的權益損失。Laramie在2024年第三季度的淨虧損總額爲(4.2)百萬美元,其中包括衍生品未實現虧損(0.4)百萬美元,而2023年第三季度爲(4.7)百萬美元。 Laramie的調整後EBITDAX在2024年第三季度爲990萬美元,而2023年第三季度爲1540萬美元。
(4)We believe the 3-1-2 Singapore Crack Spread (or three barrels of Brent crude oil converted into one barrel of gasoline and two barrels of distillates (diesel and jet fuel)) is the most representative market indicator for our operations in Hawaii.
(5)We believe the RVO Adjusted Pacific Northwest 3-1-1-1 Index (or three barrels of WTI crude oil converted into one barrel of Pacific Northwest gasoline, one barrel of Pacific Northwest ULSD and one barrel of USGC VGO, less 100% of the RVO cost for gasoline and ULSD) is the most representative market indicator for our operations in Washington.
(6)We believe the RVO Adjusted USGC 3-2-1 Index (or three barrels of WTI crude oil converted into two barrels of USGC gasoline and one barrel of USGC ULSD, less 100% of the RVO cost) is the most representative market indicator for our operations in Montana and Wyoming.
(7)ANS crude price influences the Hawaii Refinery’s financial performance. Beginning in September 2024, the ANS index has been updated from a Platts marker to an Argus marker to better reflect the prompt ANS market.
Non-GAAP Performance Measures
Management uses certain financial measures to evaluate our operating performance that are considered non-GAAP financial measures. These measures should not be considered in isolation or as substitutes or alternatives to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures or any other measure of financial performance or liquidity presented in accordance with GAAP. These non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies since each company may define these terms differently.
We believe Adjusted Gross Margin (as defined below) provides useful information to investors because it eliminates the gross impact of volatile commodity prices and adjusts for certain non-cash items and timing differences created by our inventory financing agreements and lower of cost and net realizable value adjustments to demonstrate the earnings potential of the business before other fixed and variable costs, which are reported separately in Operating expense (excluding depreciation) and Depreciation and amortization. Management uses Adjusted Gross Margin per barrel to evaluate operating performance and compare profitability to other companies in the industry and to industry benchmarks. We believe Adjusted Net Income (Loss) and Adjusted EBITDA (as defined below) are useful supplemental financial measures that allow investors to assess the financial performance of our assets without regard to financing methods, capital structure, or historical cost basis, the ability of our assets to generate cash to pay interest on our indebtedness, and our operating performance and return on invested capital as compared to other companies without regard to financing methods and capital structure. We believe Adjusted EBITDA by segment (as defined below) is a useful supplemental financial measure to evaluate the economic performance of our segments without regard to financing methods, capital structure, or historical cost basis.