形式 10-Q
900x293 Corebridge financial rgb.jpg
伍德森大廈艾倫大道2919號, 休斯敦, 德克薩斯州
用複選標記表示註冊人是否在過去12個月內(或在註冊人被要求提交此類文件的較短時間內)以電子方式提交了根據S-T條例第405條(本章232.405節)要求提交的每一份互動數據文件. 不是
用複選標記表示註冊人是否是空殼公司(如《交易法》第12b-2條所定義)。 不是
截至2024年10月31日,已有 568,870,117 流通股 註冊人的普通股。


科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 1

季度報告 表格10-Q(「季度報告」)上可能包括陳述,如果這些陳述不是歷史或當前事實的陳述,則構成1995年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案含義內的「前瞻性陳述」。前瞻性陳述可以通過使用「相信」、「期望」、「可能」、「將」、「應」、「應該」、「會」、「可能」、「尋求」、「目標」、「項目」、「樂觀」、「打算」、「目標」、「計劃」、「估計」、「預期」或其他類似術語來識別。前瞻性陳述包括但不限於所有非歷史事實的事項。它們出現在整個過程中的許多地方 季度報告包括但不限於關於我們的意圖、信念、假設或當前計劃和預期的陳述,這些陳述涉及財務狀況和未來財務狀況;經營結果;預期的經營和非經營關係;履行償債義務和融資計劃的能力;產品銷售;分銷渠道;業務保留;投資收益和利差;投資組合和管理資產負債現金流的能力;財務目標和指標;前景;增長戰略或預期;法律法規;客戶保留率;(通過判決或和解)法律、行政或監管程序、調查或檢查的結果和費用,包括但不限於集體、代表或集體訴訟;我們脫離AIG的影響;地緣政治事件,包括烏克蘭和俄羅斯之間以及中東持續的武裝衝突;以及當前資本市場和經濟狀況的影響。
前瞻性陳述會受到已知和未知的風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多風險和不確定性可能是我們無法控制的。我們提醒您,前瞻性陳述不是對未來業績或結果的保證,實際業績和結果,包括但不限於我們的實際運營結果、財務狀況、流動性和現金流,以及我們經營的市場的發展,可能與本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述中所述或所暗示的內容存在實質性差異。季度報告。此外,即使我們的經營結果、財務狀況、流動性和現金流以及我們經營的市場的發展與本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性表述一致,季度報告但是,這些結果或事態發展可能並不能預示隨後各時期的結果或事態發展。一系列重要因素,包括但不限於 「風險因素」 以及“管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的探討與分析“在我們截至2023年12月31日年度的10-k表格年度報告(「2023年10-K表格」)中,可能會導致實際結果和結果與前瞻性陳述中反映的結果存在重大差異。可能導致實際結果和結果與前瞻性陳述中反映的不同的因素包括但不限於:
exposure to credit risk due to non-performance or defaults by our counterparties or our use of derivative instruments to hedge market risks associated with our liabilities;
our ability to adequately assess risks and estimate losses related to the pricing of our products;
the failure of third parties that we rely upon to provide and adequately perform certain business, operations, investment advisory, functional support and administrative services on our behalf;
the impact of risks associated with our arrangement with Blackstone ISG-I Advisors LLC (“Blackstone IM”), BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. (“BlackRock”) or any other asset manager we retain, including their historical performance not being indicative of the future results of our investment portfolio and the exclusivity of certain arrangements with Blackstone IM;
與日本交易結束相關的風險的影響(定義見 注意事項1);
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 2

其他風險、不確定因素和因素,包括“風險因素“2023年10-K表格 這可能會導致我們的實際結果與我們所做的任何前瞻性陳述中預測的結果大不相同。您應該仔細閱讀中描述的因素。風險因素” 2023年10-K表格 以更好地了解我們業務中固有的風險和不確定性以及任何前瞻性陳述。
你應該讀讀這篇文章季度報告 完全,並理解實際未來結果可能與預期存在重大差異。本文中做出的所有前瞻性陳述 季度報告 受到這些警告性聲明的限制。這些前瞻性陳述僅於本日期做出 季度報告除法律規定外,我們不承擔任何更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述以反映意外或其他事件發生的義務。
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 3

項目1. | 財務報表
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited)
可供出售債券,按公允價值計算,扣除信用損失撥備美元159 2024年和美元128 2023年
(攤銷成本:2024年-美元192,074; 2023 - $184,946)*
$178,224 $166,527 
其他債券證券,按公允價值計算(見注5)*5,319 4,578 
股權證券,按公允價值計算(見注5)*258 63 
應收抵押貸款和其他貸款,扣除信貸損失準備金#美元768 2024年和美元698 2023年 *
51,653 46,867 
其他投資資產(按公允價值計量的部分:2024年-美元7,762; 2023 - $7,690)*
10,087 10,257 
短期投資,包括#美元的限制性現金3 2024年和美元3 2023年(按公允價值計量的部分:
2024年-美元516; 2023 - $1,408)*
4,898 4,336 
總投資250,439 232,628 
現金*530 612 
應計投資收益*2,197 2,008 
保費和其他應收款,扣除信貸損失和爭議準備金#美元1 2024年和美元1 2023年
690 594 
再保險資產-堅韌再保險,扣除信貸損失和糾紛準備金#美元 2024年和美元 2023年
26,323 26,772 
再保險資產--其他,扣除信貸損失和爭議準備金淨額#美元12 2024年和美元30 2023年
1,531 1,620 
遞延所得稅7,626 8,577 
遞延保單收購成本和收購業務價值10,204 10,011 
市場風險使資產受益,按公允價值計算1,164 912 
其他資產,包括受限制現金美元14 2024年和美元13 2023年(按公允價值計量的部分:
2024年-美元697; 2023 - $393)*
2,239 2,294 
單獨帳戶資產,按公允價值計算96,368 91,005 
持有待售資產111 2,237 
總資產$399,422 $379,270 
人壽保險、意外保險和健康保險合同的未來保單福利$59,416 $57,108 
保單持有人合同存款(按公允價值計量的部分:2024年-美元10,272; 2023 - $8,050)
172,177 162,050 
按公允價值計算的市場風險收益負債6,276 5,705 
其他投保人基金2,852 2,862 
Fortitude Re預扣應付資金(按公允價值計量的部分:2024年-美元3,341; 2023 - $2,182)
25,909 25,957 
其他負債(按公允價值計量的部分:2024年-美元209; 2023 - $141)*
9,968 8,330 
短期債務 250 
長期債務9,865 9,118 
合併投資實體債務(按公允價值計量的部分:2024年-美元; 2023 - $)*
2,149 2,504 
分賬負債96,368 91,005 
持有待售負債 1,746 
總負債$384,980 $366,635 
普通股,$0.01票面價值;2,500,000,000 授權股份;發行股份:2024年- 650,189,849 2023年-
$7 $6 
國庫券,按成本計算; 2024年 - 75,798,204 股票和2023年- 26,484,411 股份
額外實收資本8,148 8,149 
留存收益17,218 17,572 
Corebridge股東權益總額13,608 11,766 
不可贖回的非控股權益834 869 
權益總額14,442 12,635 
負債和權益總額$399,422 $379,270 
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 4


簡明合併損益表(虧損) (未經審計)
保費$619 $701 $3,461 $5,249 
保單收費728 702 2,163 2,094 
淨投資收入--不包括堅韌再保險基金預提資產2,781 2,424 8,036 7,169 
淨投資收入--堅韌再投資基金預提資產515 233 1,172 897 
淨投資收益總額3,296 2,657 9,208 8,066 
已實現淨收益(損失)-不包括Fortitude Re基金預扣資產和嵌入式衍生品(975)368 (1,843)(397)
Fortitude Re基金預扣資產的已實現淨收益(損失)157 (228)(100)(338)
堅韌再保險基金預提嵌入衍生品的已實現淨收益(虧損)(1,509)1,080 (1,451)177 
已實現淨收益(損失)總額(2,327)1,220 (3,394)(558)
諮詢費收入128 118 376 349 
其他收入172 107 348 324 
總收入2,616 5,505 12,162 15,524 
保單持有人福利(包括重新測量(收益)損失美元140 和$35 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月和美元308 和$192,分別截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的九個月)
1,149 1,102 5,005 6,473 
市場風險收益公允價值變動,淨額603 (418)259 (484)
記入投保人帳戶餘額的利息1,358 1,134 3,831 3,238 
遞延保單收購成本和收購業務價值攤銷260 268 787 782 
不可延期的保險佣金141 146 430 435 
諮詢費支出73 65 212 194 
一般運營費用492 611 1,596 1,797 
利息開支133 135 409 441 
資產剝離淨(收益)損失1 1 (245)(55)
福利和費用總額4,210 3,044 12,284 12,821 
所得稅前收益(虧損)費用(收益)(1,594)2,461 (122)2,703 
所得稅支出(福利)(407)392 (103)336 
淨收益(虧損)(1,187)2,069 (19)2,367 
Corebridge應占淨利潤(虧損)$(1,184)$2,101 $59 $2,413 
$(2.02)$3.29 $0.10 $3.73 
$(2.02)$3.28 $0.10 $3.72 
587.1 639.0 607.5 646.8 
587.1 641.0 608.5 648.6 
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 5


淨收益(虧損)$(1,187)$2,069 $(19)$2,367 
已計入信用損失撥備的固定期限證券未實現增值(折舊)的變化(12)(49)14 24 
所有其他投資的未實現增值(折舊)變動5,587 (5,058)3,444 (3,410)
用於衡量傳統和有限付款長期保險合同的貼現率的變化(904)1,116 18 1,137 
現金流套期保值變動88 (14)66 (24)
外幣換算調整的變動17 (29)84 43 
退休計劃負債變化   2 
其他全面收益(虧損)4,633 (4,115)3,619 (2,424)
綜合收益(虧損)3,446 (2,046)3,600 (57)
可歸屬於非控股權益的全面收益(虧損)6 (35)(71)(39)
Corebridge應占綜合收益(虧損)$3,440 $(2,011)$3,671 $(18)
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 6

簡明合併權益表 (未經審計)




期初餘額$7 $(1,161)$8,122 $18,536 $(14,508)$10,996 $816 $11,812 
購買普通股 (720)   (720) (720)
歸屬於Corebridge或非控股權益的淨虧損   (1,184) (1,184)(3)(1,187)
普通股股息   (133) (133) (133)
其他綜合收益,稅後淨額    4,624 4,624 9 4,633 
非控制性權益的貢獻      10 10 
對非控股權益的分配      7 7 
其他  26 (1) 25 (5)20 
期末餘額$7 $(1,881)$8,148 $17,218 $(9,884)$13,608 $834 $14,442 
$6 $(202)$8,128 $17,811 $(15,182)$10,561 $907 $11,468 
購買普通股— (47)— — — (47)— (47)
歸屬於Corebridge或非控股權益的淨利潤(虧損)— — — 2,101 — 2,101 (32)2,069 
普通股股息— — — (146)— (146)— (146)
其他綜合虧損,稅後淨額— — — — (4,112)(4,112)(3)(4,115)
非控制性權益的貢獻— — — — — — 20 20 
對非控股權益的分配— — — — — — (1)(1)
其他— — 10 (1)— 9 (1)8 
期末餘額$6 $(249)$8,138 $19,765 $(19,294)$8,366 $890 $9,256 
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 7

簡明合併權益表 (未經審計)(續)



年初餘額$6 $(503)$8,149 $17,572 $(13,458)$11,766 $869 $12,635 
根據股票計劃發行的普通股1 23 (23)  1  1 
購買普通股 (1,401)   (1,401) (1,401)
歸屬於Corebridge或非控股權益的淨利潤(虧損)   59  59 (78)(19)
普通股股息   (415) (415) (415)
其他綜合收益,稅後淨額    3,612 3,612 7 3,619 
資產剝離和收購導致的非控股權益變化      1 1 
非控制性權益的貢獻      63 63 
對非控股權益的分配      (24)(24)
其他  22 2 (38)(14)(4)(18)
期末餘額$7 $(1,881)$8,148 $17,218 $(9,884)$13,608 $834 $14,442 
$6 $ $8,030 $18,207 $(16,863)$9,380 $939 $10,319 
購買普通股— (249)— — — (249)— (249)
歸屬於Corebridge或非控股權益的淨利潤(虧損)— — — 2,413 — 2,413 (46)2,367 
普通股股息— — — (846)— (846)— (846)
其他綜合收益(虧損),稅後淨額— — — — (2,431)(2,431)7 (2,424)
資產剝離和收購導致的非控股權益變化— — — — — — (19)(19)
非控制性權益的貢獻— — — — — — 63 63 
對非控股權益的分配— — — — — — (54)(54)
其他— — 108 (9)— 99 — 99 
期末餘額$6 $(249)$8,138 $19,765 $(19,294)$8,366 $890 $9,256 
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 8


與Fortitude Re再保險合同相關的資金19(1,648)
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現金流量表簡明合併報表 (未經審計)(續)
現金$530 $569 
列入短期投資的受限制現金3 3 
包括在其他資產中的受限現金14 9 
$547 $581 
利息$315 $288 
稅費$245 $(227)
與再保險交易有關的指定可供出售的固定到期日證券$153 $439 
固定到期日證券,指定公允價值期權,與再保險交易有關轉讓$73 $17 
與再保險交易相關轉讓的其他投資資產證券$43 $(111)
計入投保人合同存款的利息包括在融資活動中$3,911 $3,217 
非現金出資$17 $16 
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 10

項目1|簡明合併財務報表附註(未經審計) 1.概述和呈現基礎
Corebridge金融公司(「Corebridge母公司」)是美國領先的退休解決方案和人壽保險產品供應商。我們的主要業務包括向個人和機構市場銷售個人和團體年金以及人壽保險產品。Corebridge母公司普通股,面值$0.01 每股在紐約證券交易所(NYSE:CRBG)上市。術語「Corebridge」、「我們的」或「公司」是指Corebridge母公司及其合併子公司,除非上下文僅指Corebridge母公司。Corebridge母公司的子公司包括:GC人壽保險公司(「GC」)、美國通用人壽保險公司(「AGL」)、可變年金人壽保險公司(「VAR」)、紐約市美國人壽保險公司(「USL」)、Corebridge Insurance Company of Bermuda,Ltd.(「CRBG Bermuda」)和SAFG Capital LLC及其子公司。美國國際集團公司(「AIG母公司」)是一家在紐約證券交易所上市的上市實體(NYSE:AIG)。術語「AIG」指AIG母公司及其合併子公司,除非上下文僅指AIG母公司。
2022年9月19日,我們完成了首次公開募股(「IPO」),AIG母公司出售了 80.0 向公衆出售Corebridge母公司的百萬股普通股。自我們首次公開募股以來,AIG母公司已通過二次公開募股和其他交易出售了其在Corebridge的部分權益。截至2024年9月30日,AIG母公司擁有約 48.6佔已發行Corebridge母公司普通股的%。
2024年4月8日,Corebridge完成出售AIG Life Limited(「AIG Life UK」)轉讓給Aviva plc(「Aviva」)並收到總收益£4532000萬(美元)569 百萬)產生稅前收益美元246 截至2024年9月30日的九個月內爲百萬美元。
Laya Healthcare Ltd.(「Laya」)
分類爲持作出售的資產從資產分類爲持作出售的期間開始,在我們的簡明合併資產負債表中的持作出售資產中進行隔離並報告。於2024年9月30日,我們記錄了持作出售資產(主要由房地產組成)爲美元111 萬於2023年12月31日,我們記錄了持有待售資產和持有待售負債,主要包括AIG Life UK和房地產,美元2.23億美元和3,000美元1.7分別爲200億美元和200億美元。
截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,公司錄得美元86 百萬的期外調整增加了收益,主要與某些證券淨投資收益的修正以及與某些精算確定的餘額的計算相關的修正有關。該公司評估了錯誤和期外調整的影響,並得出結論,這對之前發佈的任何中期或年度綜合財務報表並不重大,並且預計該調整對截至2024年12月31日的年度也不會重大。

科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 11


集體退休 -包括計劃內提供的記錄保存、計劃管理和合規服務、財務規劃和諮詢解決方案,以及計劃外提供的專有和有限的非專有年金、諮詢和經紀產品。
人壽保險 - 美國的主要產品包括定期人壽保險和萬能人壽保險。國際人壽業務在英國發行個人和團體人壽保險,並在愛爾蘭發行私人醫療保險。2023年10月31日,Corebridge完成了Laya的出售,並於2024年4月8日完成了AIG Life UK的出售
機構市場 - 包括穩定價值包裹(「SVW」)產品、結構性結算和養老金風險轉移(「PRT」)年金、擔保投資合同(「GIC」)和企業市場產品,包括企業和銀行自有人壽保險(「COLI-BOLI」)、私募可變萬能人壽和私募可變年金產品。
公司和其他 主要包括:
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 12

項目1|簡明合併財務報表附註(未經審計) 3.細分市場信息

科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 13

項目1|簡明合併財務報表附註(未經審計) 3.細分市場信息

(單位:百萬)個人退休集體退休人壽保險機構市場公司和其他淘汰Total Corebridge調整合併總數
保費$36 $5 $352 $208 $17 $ $618 $1 $619 
保單收費205 113 360 50   728  728 
1,461 478 336 568 (5)(4)2,834 462 3,296 
    53  53 (2,380)(2,327)
諮詢費和其他收入116 88 81 6 9  300  300 
調整後總收入1,818 684 1,129 832 74 (4)4,533 (1,917)2,616 
保單持有人給付21 9 687 435   1,152 (3)1,149 
市場風險收益公允價值變動,淨額       603 603 
記入投保人帳戶餘額的利息744 305 84 215   1,348 10 1,358 
遞延保單收購成本攤銷153 21 82 4   260  260 
不可延期的保險佣金99 30 7 5   141  141 
諮詢費支出38 34 1    73  73 
一般運營費用106 97 112 19 71 (1)404 88 492 
利息開支    132 (5)127 6 133 
       1 1 
福利和費用總額1,161 496 973 678 203 (6)3,505 705 4,210 
非控制性權益    3  3 
調整後稅前營業收入(虧損)$657 $188 $156 $154 $(126)$2 $1,031 
保費$29 $6 $449 $200 $19 $ $703 $(2)$701 
保單收費182 102 371 47   702  702 
1,240 504 313 408 (2)(7)2,456 201 2,657 
    (5) (5)1,225 1,220 
諮詢費和其他收入107 78 29 1 10  225  225 
調整後總收入1,558 690 1,162 656 22 (7)4,081 1,424 5,505 
保單持有人給付29 12 673 389   1,103 (1)1,102 
市場風險收益公允價值變動,淨額       (418)(418)
記入投保人帳戶餘額的利息582 298 86 165   1,131 3 1,134 
遞延保單收購成本攤銷150 21 95 2   268  268 
不可延期的保險佣金90 29 22 5   146  146 
諮詢費支出35 29 1    65  65 
一般運營費用96 109 149 20 85  459 152 611 
利息開支    132 (4)128 7 135 
       1 1 
福利和費用總額982 498 1,026 581 217 (4)3,300 (256)3,044 
非控制性權益    32  32 
調整後稅前營業收入(虧損)$576 $192 $136 $75 $(163)$(3)$813 
所得稅前收入支出(收益)$2,461 $2,461 
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 14

項目1|簡明合併財務報表附註(未經審計) 3.細分市場信息

(單位:百萬)個人退休集體退休人壽保險機構市場公司和其他淘汰Total Corebridge調整合併總數
保費$107 $10 $1,117 $2,171 $55 $ $3,460 $1 $3,461 
保單收費596 328 1,094 145   2,163  2,163 
4,205 1,460 984 1,544 3 (17)8,179 1,029 9,208 
    36  36 (3,430)(3,394)
諮詢費和其他收入340 254 82 8 40  724  724 
調整後總收入5,248 2,052 3,277 3,868 134 (17)14,562 (2,400)12,162 
保單持有人給付90 10 2,062 2,852   5,014 (9)5,005 
市場風險收益公允價值變動,淨額       259 259 
記入投保人帳戶餘額的利息2,078 903 251 571   3,803 28 3,831 
遞延保單收購成本攤銷454 63 260 10   787  787 
不可延期的保險佣金283 89 42 15 1  430  430 
諮詢費支出111 99 2    212  212 
一般運營費用332 305 355 58 232 (1)1,281 315 1,596 
利息開支    401 (15)386 23 409 
福利和費用總額3,348 1,469 2,972 3,506 634 (16)11,913 371 12,284 
非控制性權益    78  78 
調整後稅前營業收入(虧損)$1,900 $583 $305 $362 $(422)$(1)$2,727 
保費$173 $16 $1,317 $3,686 $59 $ $5,251 $(2)$5,249 
保單收費528 304 1,117 145   2,094  2,094 
3,592 1,508 957 1,147 85 (18)7,271 795 8,066 
    0  (558)(558)
諮詢費和其他收入318 230 84 1 40  673  673 
調整後總收入4,611 2,058 3,475 4,979 184 (18)15,289 235 15,524 
保單持有人給付165 27 2,102 4,188 (3) 6,479 (6)6,473 
市場風險收益公允價值變動,淨額       (484)(484)
記入投保人帳戶餘額的利息1,654 883 253 421   3,211 27 3,238 
遞延保單收購成本攤銷425 62 289 6   782  782 
不可延期的保險佣金270 90 60 14 1  435  435 
諮詢費支出105 87 2    194  194 
一般運營費用308 334 475 64 261  1,442 355 1,797 
利息開支    433 (14)419 22 441 
福利和費用總額2,927 1,483 3,181 4,693 692 (14)12,962 (141)12,821 
非控制性權益    46  46 
調整後稅前營業收入(虧損)$1,684 $575 $294 $286 $(462)$(4)$2,373 
所得稅前收入支出(收益)$2,703 $2,703 
(a)調整包括Fortitude Re活動爲美元(0.8)十億美元1.1 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月分別爲10億美元和(379)百萬元及$736 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的九個月分別爲百萬美元。
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 15

項目1|簡明合併財務報表附註(未經審計) 4.公平值計量

1級: 公允價值計量基於我們有能力獲得相同資產或負債的活躍市場的報價(未調整)。市場價格數據一般從交易所或交易商市場獲得。我們不會調整這類工具的報價。
第3級: 公允價值計量基於使用不可觀察的重要輸入數據的估值技術。可觀察和不可觀察輸入數據均可用於確定分類爲第三級的頭寸的公允價值。使用這些衡量標準的情況包括資產或負債幾乎沒有(如果有的話)市場活動的情況。因此,我們必須對假設的市場參與者用於對該資產或負債進行估值的輸入做出某些假設。
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 16

項目1|簡明合併財務報表附註(未經審計) 4.公平值計量

科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 17

項目1|簡明合併財務報表附註(未經審計) 4.公平值計量

(b)包括對關聯方發行的住宅支持抵押貸款證券(「RMBS」)的投資美元 億和$ 截至2024年9月30日,百萬人分別被歸類爲2級和3級。此外,還包括對關聯方發行的RMBS的投資美元36 億和$7 截至2023年12月31日,百萬人分別被歸類爲2級和3級。
(c)包括$ 百萬且少於美元1 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,關聯方發行的RMBS投資被歸類爲2級。
(d)不包括使用每股淨資產價值(「NV」)(或其等值)按公允價值計量的投資,總計美元5.9 億和$5.8 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分別爲10億美元。
科布里奇 | 2024年第三季度10-Q表格 18

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(f)As discussed in Note 7, the Fortitude Re funds withheld payable is created through modco and funds withheld reinsurance arrangements where the investments supporting the reinsurance agreements are withheld by and continue to reside on Corebridge’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. This embedded derivative is valued as a total return swap with reference to the fair value of the invested assets held by Corebridge, which are primarily available-for-sale securities.
(g)Excludes assets that were reclassified to Assets held-for-sale in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets of $167 million, as of December 31, 2023. See Note 4 in the 2023 Form 10-K for additional information.
The following tables present changes during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 in Level 3 assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis, and the realized and unrealized gains (losses) related to the Level 3 assets and liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at September 30, 2024 and 2023:
(in millions)Fair Value
 of Period
Unrealized Gains
in Income
Income (Loss)
OtherFair Value
of Period
Changes in
 Included in
Income on
Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$796 $(1)$55 $ $ $ $ $850 $ $53 
Corporate debt1,393 8 44 (46)241 (89) 1,551  46 
RMBS6,453 82 242 (20) (144) 6,613  234 
CMBS529 13 52 (27)118 (9) 676  40 
CLO1,772 34 (39)326 10 (63) 2,040  (26)
ABS16,355 148 311 729 77 (2) 17,618  315 
Total bonds available-for-sale
27,298 284 665 962 446 (307) 29,348  662 
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions1       1   
Corporate debt195 7   3   205 7  
RMBS103 5  (1) (2) 105 4  
CMBS17 1  (4)   14 1  
CLO61 (1) 8  (7) 61 (1) 
ABS1,193 45  11 1   1,250 32  
Total other bond securities1,570 57  14 4 (9) 1,636 43  
Equity securities48      (7)41   
Other invested assets1,655 17 15 130    1,817 15  
$30,571 $358 $680 $1,106 $450 $(316)$(7)$32,842 $58 $662 
(in millions)Fair Value
 of Period
Unrealized (Gains)
in Income
(Income) Loss
OtherFair Value
of Period
Changes in
 Included in Income on Instruments Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Policyholder contract deposits$9,036 $953 $ $100 $ $ $ $10,089 $(262)$ 
Derivative liabilities, net:
Interest rate contracts(423)76  (2)  6 (343)(76) 
Equity contracts(1,023)(364) 56   (1)(1,332)305  
Other contracts(12)(15) 15   1 (11)14  
Total derivative liabilities, net(b)
(1,458)(303) 69   6 (1,686)243  
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable1,913 1,509  (81)   3,341 (861) 
$9,491 $2,159 $ $88 $ $ $6 $11,744 $(880)$ 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 19

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(in millions)Fair Value
 of Period
Unrealized Gains
in Income
Income (Loss)
Fair Value
of Period
Changes in
Included in
Income on
Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$853 $(2)$(77)$(12)$ $ $ $762 $ $(81)
Corporate debt1,303 (3)(65)(13)147 (185) 1,184  (70)
RMBS5,753 74 (66)(13)1 (22) 5,727  (106)
CMBS505 5 (28)(2)33   513  (27)
CLO1,708 24 32 (40)2 (11)72 1,787  34 
ABS11,127 41 (167)477 551 (2) 12,027  (153)
Total bonds available-for-sale
21,249 139 (371)397 734 (220)72 22,000  (403)
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions3   (2)   1   
Corporate debt110 1  65    176 3  
RMBS112 (4) (2)   106 (4) 
CMBS26 (2)     24 (3) 
CLO25 5  (3) (2)44 69 3  
ABS864 (2) (33)   829 (10) 
Total other bond securities1,140 (2) 25  (2)44 1,205 (11) 
Equity securities44   1 1   46   
Other invested assets1,914 (17)(13)72 34   1,990 (14) 
$24,347 $120 $(384)$495 $769 $(222)$116 $25,241 $(25)$(403)
(in millions)Fair Value
 of Period
Unrealized (Gains)
in Income
(Income) Loss
OtherFair Value
of Period
Changes in
Included in
Income on
Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Policyholder contract deposits$6,813 $(716)$ $230 $ $ $ $6,327 $972 $ 
Derivative liabilities, net:
Interest rate contracts(328)(183) (10)   (521)150  
Equity contracts(639)244  (121)  148 (368)(148) 
Other contracts(15)(16) 15    (16)16  
Total derivative liabilities, net(b)
(982)45  (116)  148 (905)18  
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable1,460 (1,080) (177)   203 1,061  
Debt of consolidated investment entities          
$7,291 $(1,751)$ $(63)$ $ $148 $5,625 $2,051 $ 

Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 20

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(in millions)Fair Value
 of Year
Unrealized Gains
in Income
Income (Loss)
OtherFair Value
of Period
Changes in
 Included in
Income on
Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$844 $(1)$8 $(1)$ $ $ $850 $ $4 
Corporate debt1,357 9 47 (116)668 (414) 1,551  5 
RMBS5,854 224 218 592 21 (294)(2)6,613  211 
CMBS608 11 101 (154)245 (135) 676  45 
CLO1,843 31 20 404 42 (300) 2,040  20 
ABS12,906 338 474 3,318 916 (334) 17,618  459 
Total bonds available-for-sale
23,412 612 868 4,043 1,892 (1,477)(2)29,348  744 
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions1       1   
Corporate debt167 23  10 5   205 23  
RMBS107 7  (7) (2) 105 5  
CMBS17 1  (4)   14 1  
CLO69 (1) 1  (8) 61   
ABS962 79  192 21 (4) 1,250 47  
Total other bond securities1,323 109  192 26 (14) 1,636 76  
Equity securities42 1  5   (7)41   
Other invested assets1,850 (65)4 88  (44)(16)1,817 (72) 
$26,627 $657 $872 $4,328 $1,918 $(1,535)$(25)$32,842 $4 $744 
(in millions)Fair Value
 of Year
Unrealized (Gains)
in Income
(Income) Loss
OtherFair Value
of Period
Changes in
 Included in Income on Instruments Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Policyholder contract deposits$7,942 $1,677 $ $470 $ $ $ $10,089 $(74)$ 
Derivative liabilities, net:
Interest rate contracts(449)(151) (82)  339 (343)234  
Equity contracts(761)(512) (72)  13 (1,332)476  
Other contracts(10)(45) 44    (11)44  
Total derivative liabilities, net(b)
(1,220)(708) (110)  352 (1,686)754  
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable2,182 1,451  (292)   3,341 (395) 
$8,904 $2,420 $ $68 $ $ $352 $11,744 $285 $ 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 21

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(in millions)Fair Value
 of Year
Unrealized Gains
in Income
Income (Loss)
Fair Value
of Period
Changes in
Included in
Income on
Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$805 $(2)$(26)$(15)$ $ $ $762 $ $(54)
Corporate debt1,968 (95)(23)(40)358 (968)(16)1,184  (52)
RMBS5,670 230 27 (195)33 (38) 5,727  (41)
CMBS718 5 (69)(42)57 (156) 513  (98)
CLO1,670 (21)58 (85)67 (165)263 1,787  (13)
ABS9,595 136 (1)1,717 589 (9) 12,027  (36)
Total bonds available-for-sale
20,426 253 (34)1,340 1,104 (1,336)247 22,000  (294)
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions   1    1   
Corporate debt417 2  (51) (192) 176 2  
RMBS107 2  (3)   106 (1) 
CMBS28 (4)     24 (4) 
CLO11 14  (49)39 (44)98 69 3  
ABS741 18  105  (35) 829 (4) 
Total other bond securities1,304 32  3 39 (271)98 1,205 (4) 
Equity securities26   26 1 (7) 46   
Other invested assets1,832 (80)(6)210 34   1,990 (77) 
$23,588 $205 $(40)$1,579 $1,178 $(1,614)$345 $25,241 $(81)$(294)
(in millions)Fair Value
 of Year
Unrealized (Gains)
in Income
(Income) Loss
OtherFair Value
of Period
Changes in
Included in
Income on
Held at
End of Period
Changes in
Gains (Losses)
Included in
 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
for Recurring
 Level 3 Instruments
 Held at
 End of Period
Policyholder contract deposits$5,367 $94 $ $866 $ $ $ $6,327 $296 $ 
Derivative liabilities, net:
Interest rate contracts(303)(68) (150)   (521)95  
Equity contracts(267)44  (436)  291 (368)(8) 
Other contracts(14)(48) 46    (16)48  
Total derivative liabilities, net(b)
(584)(72) (540)  291 (905)135  
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable1,262 (177) (882)   203 641  
Debt of consolidated investment entities6 1  (7)      
$6,051 $(154)$ $(563)$ $ $291 $5,625 $1,072 $ 
(a)Excludes MRB assets of $1.2 billion at September 30, 2024 and $978 million at September 30, 2023. Refer to Note 14 for additional information.
(b)Total Level 3 derivative exposures have been netted in these tables for presentation purposes only.
(c)Excludes MRB liabilities of $6.3 billion at September 30, 2024 and $4.5 billion at September 30, 2023. Refer to Note 14 for additional information.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 22

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

Change in the fair value of market risk benefits, net and net realized and unrealized gains and losses included in income related to Level 3 assets and liabilities shown above are reported in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) as follows:
(in millions)Policy
Net Investment Income (Loss)Net Realized and Unrealized Gains
Change in the Fair Value of Market Risk Benefits, net(a)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities5757
Equity securities
Other invested assets14317
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities(2)(2)
Equity securities
Other invested assets(14)(3)(17)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale$$598$14$$612
Other bond securities109109
Equity securities11
Other invested assets(70)5(65)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale$$312$(59)$$253
Other bond securities 32 32
Equity securities
Other invested assets(78)(2)(80)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Policyholder contract deposits(b)
Derivative liabilities, net152853303
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable(1,509)(1,509)
Market risk benefit liabilities, net(c)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Policyholder contract deposits(b)
Derivative liabilities, net16 (265)204(45)
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable1,0801,080
Market risk benefit liabilities, net(c)
Debt of consolidated investment entities
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Policyholder contract deposits(b)
Derivative liabilities, net44724(60)708
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable(1,451)(1,451)
Market risk benefit liabilities, net(c)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Policyholder contract deposits(b)
Derivative liabilities, net47 (34)5972
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable177177
Market risk benefit liabilities, net(c)
Debt of consolidated investment entities(1)(1)
(a)The portion of the fair value change attributable to our own credit risk is recognized in Other comprehensive income (loss) (“OCI”).
(b)Primarily embedded derivatives.
(c)Market risk benefit assets and liabilities have been netted in these tables for presentation purposes only.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 23

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

The following table presents the gross components of purchases, sales, issuances and settlements, net, shown above, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 related to Level 3 assets and liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets:
(in millions)PurchasesSalesIssuances
Purchases, Sales,
Issuances and
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$12$(12)$$
Corporate debt300(271)(75)(46)
Total bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions
Corporate debt
Total other bond securities127(40)(73)14
Equity securities
Other invested assets138(8)130
Total assets*$3,452$(1,080)$(1,266)$1,106
Policyholder contract deposits$$420$(320)$100
Derivative liabilities, net6969
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable(81)(81)
Total liabilities$$420$(332)$88
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 24

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(in millions)PurchasesSalesIssuances
Purchases, Sales,
Issuances and
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$$(12)$ $(12)
Corporate debt192(30)(175)(13)
CMBS (2)(2)
ABS510 (33)477
Total bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions(2) (2)
Corporate debt89(24)65
CLO (3)(3)
Total other bond securities124(10)(89)25
Equity securities11
Other invested assets74(2)72
Total assets*$1,094$(59)$(540)$495
Policyholder contract deposits$$348$(118)$230
Derivative liabilities, net(28)(88)(116)
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable(177)(177)
Debt of consolidated investment entities
Total liabilities$(28)$348$(383)$(63)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$12$(12)$(1)$(1)
Corporate debt369(279)(206)(116)
Total bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions
Corporate debt1010
Total other bond securities403(40)(171)192
Equity securities7(2)5
Other invested assets227(139)88
Total assets*$8,852$(1,274)$(3,250)$4,328
Policyholder contract deposits$$1,144$(674)$470
Derivative liabilities, net(110)(110)
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable(292)(292)
Total liabilities$$1,144$(1,076)$68
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 25

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(in millions)PurchasesSalesIssuances
Purchases, Sales,
Issuances and
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$$(12)$(3)$(15)
Corporate debt222(30)(232)(40)
ABS1,713 4 1,717
Total bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions3(2) 1
Corporate debt156(207)(51)
CLO1 (50)(49)
Total other bond securities314(10)(301)3
Equity securities2626
Other invested assets225(15)210
Total assets*$3,015$(128)$(1,308)$1,579
Policyholder contract deposits$$1,076$(210)$866
Derivative liabilities, net(229)(311)(540)
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable(882)(882)
Debt of consolidated investment entities(7)(7)
Total liabilities$(229)$1,076$(1,410)$(563)
*There were no issuances during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 for invested assets.
Both observable and unobservable inputs may be used to determine the fair values of positions classified in Level 3 in the tables above. As a result, the unrealized gains (losses) on instruments held at September 30, 2024 and 2023 may include changes in fair value that were attributable to both observable (e.g., changes in market interest rates) and unobservable inputs (e.g., changes in unobservable long-dated volatilities).
Transfers of Level 3 Assets and Liabilities
We record transfers of assets and liabilities into or out of Level 3 at their fair values as of the end of each reporting period, consistent with the date of the determination of fair value. The Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) included in net income (loss) or OCI as shown in the table above excludes $(4) million and $6 million of net gains (losses) related to assets transferred into Level 3 during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $(9) million and $13 million of net gains (losses) related to assets transferred into Level 3 during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and includes $(3) million and $(22) million of net gains (losses) related to assets transferred out of Level 3 during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $10 million and $(12) million of net gains (losses) related to assets transferred out of Level 3 during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Transfers of Level 3 Assets
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, transfers into Level 3 assets primarily included certain investments in private placement corporate debt, commercial mortgage backed securities (“CMBS”), collateralized loan obligations (“CLO”) and asset-backed securities (“ABS”). Transfers of private placement corporate debt and certain ABS into Level 3 assets were primarily the result of limited market pricing information that required us to determine fair value for these securities based on inputs that are adjusted to better reflect our own assumptions regarding the characteristics of a specific security or associated market liquidity. The transfers of investments in CMBS, CLO and certain ABS into Level 3 assets were due to diminished market transparency and liquidity for individual security types.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 26

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, transfers out of Level 3 assets primarily included private placement and other corporate debt, CMBS, RMBS, CLO, ABS and certain investments in municipal securities. Transfers of certain investments in municipal securities, corporate debt, RMBS, CMBS and CLO and ABS out of Level 3 assets were based on consideration of market liquidity as well as related transparency of pricing and associated observable inputs for these investments. Transfers of certain investments in private placement corporate debt and certain ABS out of Level 3 assets were primarily the result of using observable pricing information that reflects the fair value of those securities without the need for adjustment based on our own assumptions regarding the characteristics of a specific security or the current liquidity in the market.
Transfers of Level 3 Liabilities
There were no significant transfers of derivative or other liabilities into or out of Level 3 for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
The table below presents information about the significant unobservable inputs used for recurring fair value measurements for certain Level 3 instruments, and includes only those instruments for which information about the inputs is reasonably available to us, such as data from independent third-party valuation service providers and from internal valuation models. Because input information from third parties with respect to certain Level 3 instruments (primarily CLO/ABS) may not be reasonably available to us, balances shown below may not equal total amounts reported for such Level 3 assets and liabilities:
(in millions)Fair Value at September 30, 2024Valuation
Unobservable Input(a)
(Weighted Average)(b)
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$826 Discounted cash flowYield
4.89% - 5.30% (5.09%)
Corporate debt$1,347 Discounted cash flowYield
4.52% - 7.77% (6.15%)
$3,184 Discounted cash flowPrepayment Speed
4.00% - 8.98% (6.49%)
Default Rate
0.65% - 2.39% (1.52%)
5.13% - 6.28% (5.71%)
Loss Severity
42.30% - 78.34% (60.32%)
$1,984 Discounted cash flowYield
5.65% - 6.84% (6.24%)
$15,326 Discounted cash flowYield
4.93% - 7.05% (5.99%)
CMBS$652 Discounted cash flowYield
4.90% - 19.64% (11.58%)
Market risk benefit assets$1,164 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.65%
Base lapse rate
0.16% - 28.80%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
38.25% - 160.01%
80.00% - 100.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 20.50%
0.00% - 2.35%
Market risk benefit liabilities
Variable annuities guaranteed benefits$1,792 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.65%
Base lapse rate
0.16% - 28.80%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
38.25% - 160.01%
80.00% - 100.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 20.50%
0.00% - 2.35%
Fixed annuities guaranteed benefits$1,508 Discounted cash flowBase lapse rate
0.20% - 15.75%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
40.26% - 168.43%
90.00% - 97.50%
0.00% - 2.35%
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 27

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(in millions)Fair Value at September 30, 2024Valuation
Unobservable Input(a)
(Weighted Average)(b)
Fixed index annuities guaranteed benefits$2,976 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.65%
Base lapse rate
0.20% - 50.00%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
24.13% - 130.80%
60.00% - 97.50%
Option budget
0.00% - 6.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 20.50%
0.00% - 2.35%
Embedded derivatives within Policyholder contract deposits:
Index credits on fixed index annuities(i)
$8,905 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.65%
Base lapse rate
0.20% - 50.00%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
24.13% - 130.80%
60.00% - 97.50%
Option Budget
0.00% - 6.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 20.50%
0.00% - 2.35%
Index universal life
$1,184 Discounted cash flowBase lapse rate
0.00% - 37.97%
Mortality rates
0.00% - 100.00%
Equity Volatility
5.85% - 19.77%
0.00% - 2.35%
(in millions)Fair Value at December 31, 2023Valuation
Unobservable Input(a)
(Weighted Average)(b)
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$821 Discounted cash flowYield
 4.97% - 5.31% (5.14%)
Corporate debt$1,471 Discounted cash flowYield
 5.26% - 8.16% (6.71%)
$3,315 Discounted cash flowPrepayment Speed
 4.31% - 9.86% (7.09%)
Default Rate
 0.73% - 2.52% (1.63%)
 6.11% - 7.40% (6.75%)
Loss Severity
 30.64% - 91.03% (60.83%)
$1,697 Discounted cash flowYield
 6.06% - 7.81% (6.93%)
$11,367 Discounted cash flowYield
5.63% - 7.82% (6.73%)
CMBS$565 Discounted cash flowYield
 5.49% - 17.84% (11.66%)
Market risk benefit assets$912 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.75%
Base lapse rate
0.16% - 28.80%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
38.25% - 160.01%
80.00% - 100.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 30.00%
0.00% - 2.29%
Market risk benefit liabilities
Variable annuities guaranteed benefits$2,174 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.75%
Base lapse rate
0.16% - 28.80%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
38.25% - 160.01%
80.00% - 100.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 30.00%
0.00% - 2.29%
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 28

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

(in millions)Fair Value at December 31, 2023Valuation
Unobservable Input(a)
(Weighted Average)(b)
Fixed annuities guaranteed benefits$1,111 Discounted cash flowBase lapse rate
0.20% - 15.75%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
40.26% - 168.43%
90.00% - 97.50%
0.00% - 2.29%
Fixed index annuities guaranteed benefits$2,420 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.75%
Base lapse rate
0.20% - 50.00%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
24.00% - 146.00%
60.00% - 97.50%
Option budget
0.00% - 6.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 30.00%
0.00% - 2.29%
Embedded derivatives within Policyholder contract deposits:
Index credits on fixed index annuities(i)
$6,953 Discounted cash flowEquity volatility
6.25% - 49.75%
Base lapse rate
0.20% - 50.00%
Dynamic lapse multiplier(e)
20.00% - 186.18%
Mortality multiplier(e)(f)
24.00% - 146.00%
60.00% - 97.50%
Option Budget
0.00% - 6.00%
Equity / interest-rate correlation
0.00% - 30.00%
0.00% - 2.29%
Index universal life
$989 Discounted cash flowBase lapse rate
 0.00% - 37.97%
Mortality rates
 0.00% - 100.00%
Equity Volatility
 5.85% - 20.36%
 0.00% - 2.29%
(a)Represents discount rates, estimates and assumptions that we believe would be used by market participants when valuing these assets and liabilities.
(b)The weighted averaging for fixed maturity securities is based on the estimated fair value of the securities. Because the valuation methodology for embedded derivatives within policyholder contract deposits and MRBs uses a range of inputs that vary at the contract level over the cash flow projection period, management believes that presenting a range, rather than weighted average, is a more meaningful representation of the unobservable inputs used in the valuation.
(c)Information received from third-party valuation service providers. The ranges of the unobservable inputs for constant prepayment rate, loss severity and constant default rate relate to each of the individual underlying mortgage loans that comprise the entire portfolio of securities in the RMBS and CLO securitization vehicles and not necessarily to the securitization vehicle bonds (tranches) purchased by us. The ranges of these inputs do not directly correlate to changes in the fair values of the tranches purchased by us because there are other factors relevant to the fair values of specific tranches owned by us, including, but not limited to, purchase price, position in the waterfall, senior versus subordinated position and attachment points.
(d)The Fortitude Re funds withheld payable has been excluded from the above table. As discussed in Note 7, the Fortitude Re funds withheld payable is created through modco and funds withheld reinsurance arrangements where the investments supporting the reinsurance agreements are withheld by and continue to reside on Corebridge’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. This embedded derivative is valued as a total return swap with reference to the fair value of the invested assets held by Corebridge. Accordingly, the unobservable inputs utilized in the valuation of the embedded derivative are a component of the invested assets supporting the reinsurance agreements that are held on Corebridge’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.
(e)The ranges for these inputs vary due to the different GMWB product specification and policyholder characteristics across in-force policies. Policyholder characteristics that affect these ranges include age, policy duration, and gender.
(f)Mortality inputs are shown as multipliers of the 2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Basic table.
(g)The partial withdrawal utilization unobservable input range shown applies only to policies with GMWB riders.
(h)The NPA applied as a spread over risk-free curve for discounting.
(i)The fixed index annuities embedded derivative associated with index credits related to the contracts with guaranteed product features included in policyholder contract deposits was $1.8 billion and $1.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
The ranges of reported inputs for obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions, corporate debt, RMBS, CLO/ABS and CMBS valued using a discounted cash flow technique consist of one standard deviation in either direction from the value-weighted average. The preceding table does not give effect to our risk management practices that might offset risks inherent in these Level 3 assets and liabilities.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 29

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

Interrelationships Between Unobservable Inputs
We consider unobservable inputs to be those for which market data is not available and that are developed using the best information available to us about the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability. Relevant inputs vary depending on the nature of the instrument being measured at fair value. The following paragraphs provide a general description of significant unobservable inputs along with interrelationships between and among the significant unobservable inputs and their impact on the fair value measurements. In practice, simultaneous changes in assumptions may not always have a linear effect on the inputs discussed below. Interrelationships may also exist between observable and unobservable inputs. Such relationships have not been included in the discussion below. For each of the individual relationships described below, the inverse relationship would also generally apply.
Fixed Maturity Securities
The significant unobservable input used in the fair value measurement of fixed maturity securities is yield. The yield is affected by the market movements in credit spreads and U.S. Treasury yields. The yield may be affected by other factors, including constant prepayment rates, loss severity and constant default rates. In general, increases in the yield would decrease the fair value of investments, and conversely, decreases in the yield would increase the fair value of investments.
MRBs and Embedded Derivatives within Policyholder Contract Deposits
For MRBs and embedded derivatives, the assumptions for unobservable inputs vary throughout the period over which cash flows are projected for valuation purposes. The following are applicable unobservable inputs:
Long-term equity volatilities represent equity volatility beyond the period for which observable equity volatilities are available. Increases in assumed volatility will generally increase the fair value of both the projected cash flows from rider fees as well as the projected cash flows related to benefit payments. Therefore, the net change in the fair value of the liability may be either a decrease or an increase, depending on the relative changes in projected rider fees and projected benefit payments.
Equity and interest rate correlation estimates the relationship between changes in equity returns and interest rates in the economic scenario generator used to value our MRBs. In general, a higher positive correlation assumes that equity markets and interest rates move in a more correlated fashion, which generally increases the fair value of the liability. Only our fixed index annuities with a GMWB rider are subject to the equity and interest correlation assumption. Other policies such as accumulation fixed index annuity and life products do not use a correlation assumption.
Base lapse rate assumptions are determined by company experience and judgment and are adjusted at the contract level using a dynamic lapse function, which reduces the base lapse rate when the contract is in-the-money (when the contract holder’s guaranteed value, as estimated by the company, is worth more than their underlying account value). Lapse rates are also generally assumed to be lower in periods when a surrender charge applies. Increases in assumed lapse rates will generally decrease the fair value of the liability as fewer policyholders would persist to collect guaranteed benefit amounts.
Mortality rate assumptions, which vary by age and gender, are based on company experience and include a mortality improvement assumption. Increases in assumed mortality rates will decrease the fair value of the GMWB liability, while lower mortality rate assumptions will generally increase the fair value of the liability because guaranteed withdrawal payments will be made for a longer period of time and generally exceed any decrease in guaranteed death benefits.
Utilization assumptions estimate the timing when policyholders with a GMWB will elect to utilize their benefit and begin taking withdrawals. The assumptions may vary by the type of guarantee, tax-qualified status, the contract’s withdrawal history and the age of the policyholder. Utilization assumptions are based on company experience, which includes partial withdrawal behavior. Increases in assumed utilization rates will generally increase the fair value of the liability.
Non-performance or “own credit” risk adjustment used in the valuation of MRBs and embedded derivatives, which reflects a market participant’s view of our claims-paying ability by incorporating a different spread (the “NPA spread”) to the curve used to discount projected benefit cash flows. When corporate credit spreads widen, the change in the NPA spread generally reduces the fair value of the MRBs and embedded derivatives, resulting in a gain in Accumulated other comprehensive income (“AOCI”) or Net realized gains (losses), respectively, and when corporate credit spreads narrow or tighten, the change in the NPA spread generally increases the fair value of the MRBs and embedded derivatives, resulting in a loss in AOCI or Net realized gains (losses), respectively.
The projected cash flows incorporate best estimate assumptions for policyholder behavior (including mortality, lapses, withdrawals and benefit utilization), along with an explicit risk margin to reflect a market participant’s estimates of the fair value of projected cash flows and policyholder behavior. Estimates of future policyholder behavior assumptions are subjective and based primarily on our historical experience.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 30

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

For embedded derivatives, option budgets estimate the expected long-term cost of options used to hedge exposures associated with index price changes. The level of option budgets determines future costs of the options, which impacts the growth in account value and the valuation of embedded derivatives.
Embedded Derivatives within Reinsurance Contracts
The fair value of embedded derivatives associated with funds withheld reinsurance contracts is determined based upon a total return swap technique with reference to the fair value of the investments held by Corebridge related to Corebridge’s funds withheld payable. The fair value of the underlying assets is generally based on market observable inputs using industry standard valuation techniques. The valuation also requires certain significant inputs, which are generally not observable, and accordingly, the valuation is considered Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.
The following table includes information related to our investments in certain other invested assets, including private equity funds, hedge funds and other alternative investments that calculate net asset value per share (or its equivalent). For these investments, which are measured at fair value on a recurring basis, we use the net asset value per share to measure fair value:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Investment Category Includes
Fair Value
Using NAV
Per Share (or its equivalent)
Fair Value
Using NAV
Per Share (or its equivalent)
Investment Category
Private equity funds:
Leveraged buyoutDebt and/or equity investments made as part of a transaction in which assets of mature companies are acquired from the current shareholders, typically with the use of financial leverage$2,687 $1,867 $2,445 $1,755 
Real estateInvestments in real estate properties and infrastructure positions, including power plants and other energy generating facilities1,033 551 1,074 540 
Venture capitalEarly-stage, high-potential, growth companies expected to generate a return through an eventual realization event, such as an initial public offering or sale of the company192 81 203 91 
Growth equityFunds that make investments in established companies for the purpose of growing their businesses474 101 485 109 
MezzanineFunds that make investments in the junior debt and equity securities of leveraged companies113 30 152 42 
OtherIncludes distressed funds that invest in securities of
companies that are in default or under bankruptcy protection, as well as funds that have multi-strategy, and other strategies
1,240 207 1,182 233 
Total private equity funds5,739 2,837 5,541 2,770 
Hedge funds:
Event-drivenSecurities of companies undergoing material structural changes, including mergers, acquisitions and other reorganizations4  4  
Long-shortSecurities that the manager believes are undervalued, with corresponding short positions to hedge market risk162  161  
MacroInvestments that take long and short positions in financial instruments based on a top-down view of certain economic and capital market conditions1  69  
OtherIncludes investments held in funds that are less liquid, as well as other strategies which allow for broader allocation between public and private investments39  65  
Total hedge funds206  299  
Total$5,945 $2,837 $5,840 $2,770 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 31

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

Private equity fund investments included above are not redeemable, because distributions from the funds will be received when underlying investments of the funds are liquidated. Private equity funds are generally expected to have 10-year lives at their inception, but these lives may be extended at the fund manager’s discretion, typically in one-year or two-year increments.
The majority of our hedge fund investments are redeemable upon a single month or quarter’s notice, though redemption terms vary from single, immediate withdrawals, to withdrawals staggered up to eight quarters. Some of the portfolio consists of illiquid run-off or “side-pocket” positions whose liquidation horizons are uncertain and likely beyond a year after submission of the redemption notice.
The following table presents the gains or losses recorded related to the eligible instruments for which we elected the fair value option:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Other bond securities(a)
$252 $(28)$427 $101 
Alternative investments(b)
90 35 199 116 
Total assets342 7 626 217 
Policyholder contract deposits(c)
(4)6 (1)8 
Total liabilities(4)6 (1)8 
Total gain (loss)$338 $13 $625 $225 
(a)Includes certain securities supporting the funds withheld arrangements with Fortitude Re. For additional information regarding the gains and losses for Other bond securities, see Note 5. For additional information regarding the funds withheld arrangements with Fortitude Re, see Note 7.
(b)Includes certain hedge funds, private equity funds and other investment partnerships.
(c)Represents GICs.
We calculate the effect of these credit spread changes using discounted cash flow techniques that incorporate current market interest rates, our observable credit spreads on these liabilities and other factors that mitigate the risk of non-performance such as cash collateral posted.
The following table presents assets measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis at the time of impairment and the related impairment charges recorded during the periods presented:
Assets at Fair ValueImpairment Charges
Non-Recurring BasisThree Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)Level 1Level 2Level 3Total2024202320242023
September 30, 2024
Other investments$$$101$101$5$9$51$9
December 31, 2023
Other investments$$$80$80

Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 32

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 4. Fair Value Measurements

The following table presents the carrying amounts and estimated fair values of our financial instruments not measured at fair value and indicates the level in the fair value hierarchy of the estimated fair value measurement based on the observability of the inputs used:
Estimated Fair Value
(in millions)Level 1Level 2Level 3TotalCarrying
September 30, 2024
Mortgage and other loans receivable$ $29 $49,588 $49,617 $51,653 
Other invested assets 277  277 277 
Short-term investments 4,382  4,382 4,382 
Cash530   530 530 
Other assets13 2  15 14 
Policyholder contract deposits associated with investment-type contracts 78 143,800 143,878 148,620 
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable  22,568 22,568 22,568 
Other liabilities 5,040  5,040 5,040 
Short-term debt     
Long-term debt 9,632  9,632 9,865 
Debt of consolidated investment entities 30 2,004 2,034 2,149 
Separate account liabilities - investment contracts 92,301  92,301 92,301 
December 31, 2023
Mortgage and other loans receivable$ $30 $43,919 $43,949 $46,867 
Other invested assets 268  268 268 
Short-term investments(a)
 2,928  2,928 2,928 
612   612 612 
Other assets13   13 13 
Policyholder contract deposits associated with investment-type contracts 90 130,094 130,184 140,652 
Fortitude Re funds withheld payable  23,775 23,775 23,775 
Other liabilities 2,467  2,467 2,467 
Short-term debt 250  250 250 
Long-term debt 8,722  8,722 9,118 
Debt of consolidated investment entities 43 2,230 2,273 2,504 
Separate account liabilities - investment contracts 87,215  87,215 87,215 
(a)Excludes assets that were reclassified to Assets held-for-sale in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets of $11 million as of December 31, 2023. See Note 4 in the 2023 Form 10-K for additional information.
(b)Excludes assets that were reclassified to Assets held-for-sale in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets of $3 million as of December 31, 2023. See Note 4 in the 2023 Form 10-K for additional information.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 33

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
5. Investments
The following table presents the amortized cost or cost and fair value of our available-for-sale securities:
(in millions)
Cost or
for Credit
September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
U.S. government and government sponsored entities$1,682 $ $28 $(239)$1,471 
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions5,625  54 (564)5,115 
Non-U.S. governments4,534  54 (615)3,973 
Corporate debt121,754 (129)1,824 (13,406)110,043 
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized:
RMBS16,931 (14)787 (567)17,137 
CMBS10,887 (16)77 (703)10,245 
CLO11,126  161 (62)11,225 
ABS19,535  241 (761)19,015 
Total mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized58,479 (30)1,266 (2,093)57,622 
Total bonds available-for-sale
$192,074 $(159)$3,226 $(16,917)$178,224 
December 31, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
U.S. government and government sponsored entities$1,436 $ $17 $(233)$1,220 
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions6,466  58 (693)5,831 
Non-U.S. governments4,695 (2)43 (679)4,057 
Corporate debt120,654 (71)1,294 (15,795)106,082 
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized:
RMBS14,491 (25)599 (788)14,277 
CMBS11,045 (30)22 (1,056)9,981 
CLO11,203  90 (149)11,144 
ABS14,956  63 (1,084)13,935 
Total mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized51,695 (55)774 (3,077)49,337 
Total bonds available-for-sale
$184,946 $(128)$2,186 $(20,477)$166,527 
(a)The table above includes available-for-sale securities issued by related parties. This includes RMBS which had a fair value of $ million and $43 million, and an amortized cost of $ million and $45 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(b)Changes in the allowance for credit losses are recorded through Net realized gains (losses) and are not recognized in OCI.
(c)At September 30, 2024 includes mark-to-market movement (“MTM”) relating to embedded derivatives.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 34

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
Securities Available-for-Sale in a Loss Position for Which No Allowance for Credit Loss Has Been Recorded
The following table summarizes the fair value and gross unrealized losses on our available-for-sale securities, aggregated by major investment category and length of time that individual securities have been in a continuous unrealized loss position for which no allowance for credit loss has been recorded:
Less Than 12 Months
12 Months or More
(in millions)
Fair Value
Gross Unrealized Losses*
Fair Value
Gross Unrealized Losses*
Fair Value
Gross Unrealized Losses*
September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
U.S. government and government sponsored entities$29 $5 $740 $234 $769 $239 
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions343 45 3,742 519 4,085 564 
Non-U.S. governments438 88 2,641 527 3,079 615 
Corporate debt11,570 1,944 64,728 11,401 76,298 13,345 
RMBS1,076 30 5,438 523 6,514 553 
CMBS739 35 6,439 659 7,178 694 
CLO1,269 36 1,047 26 2,316 62 
ABS1,678 105 8,207 656 9,885 761 
Total bonds available-for-sale
$17,142 $2,288 $92,982 $14,545 $110,124 $16,833 
December 31, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
U.S. government and government sponsored entities$22 $3 $746 $230 $768 $233 
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions1,124 110 3,676 583 4,800 693 
Non-U.S. governments470 82 2,981 592 3,451 674 
Corporate debt11,338 1,760 75,045 14,009 86,383 15,769 
RMBS2,676 174 4,855 577 7,531 751 
CMBS1,840 159 6,570 886 8,410 1,045 
CLO2,992 60 3,823 89 6,815 149 
ABS2,599 110 8,138 974 10,737 1,084 
Total bonds available-for-sale
$23,061 $2,458 $105,834 $17,940 $128,895 $20,398 
*At September 30, 2024 includes mark to market movement relating to embedded derivatives.
At September 30, 2024, we held 12,681 individual fixed maturity securities that were in an unrealized loss position and for which no allowance for credit losses has been recorded (including 11,243 individual fixed maturity securities that were in a continuous unrealized loss position for 12 months or more). At December 31, 2023, we held 15,034 individual fixed maturity securities that were in an unrealized loss position and for which no allowance for credit losses has been recorded (including 12,787 individual fixed maturity securities that were in a continuous unrealized loss position for 12 months or more). We did not recognize the unrealized losses in earnings on these fixed maturity securities at September 30, 2024 because it was determined that such losses were due to non-credit factors. Additionally, we neither intend to sell the securities nor do we believe that it is more likely than not that we will be required to sell these securities before recovery of their amortized cost basis. For fixed maturity securities with significant declines, we performed fundamental credit analyses on a security-by-security basis, which included consideration of credit enhancements, liquidity position, expected defaults, industry and sector analysis, forecasts and available market data.
Contractual Maturities of Fixed Maturity Securities Available-for-Sale
The following table presents the amortized cost and fair value of fixed maturity securities available-for-sale by contractual maturity:
Total Fixed Maturity Securities
(in millions)Amortized Cost,
Net of Allowance
Fair Value
September 30, 2024
Due in one year or less$2,969 $2,952 
Due after one year through five years23,735 23,586 
Due after five years through ten years25,146 24,303 
Due after ten years81,616 69,761 
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized58,449 57,622 
Total$191,915 $178,224 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 35

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
Actual maturities may differ from contractual maturities because certain borrowers have the right to call or prepay certain obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.
The following table presents the gross realized gains and gross realized losses from sales or maturities of our available-for-sale securities:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)Gross
Fixed maturity securities$25 $(113)$14 $(23)$40 $(1,012)$98 $(441)
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the aggregate fair value of available-for-sale securities sold was $0.7 billion and $5.7 billion, respectively, which resulted in Net realized gains (losses) of $(88) million and $(972) million, respectively. Included within the Net realized gains (losses) are $(1) million and $(72) million of Net realized gains (losses) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, which relate to the Fortitude Re funds withheld assets held by Corebridge in support of Fortitude Re’s reinsurance obligations to Corebridge (Fortitude Re funds withheld assets). These Net realized gains (losses) are included in Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets.    
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the aggregate fair value of available-for-sale securities sold was $0.5 billion and $6.2 billion, respectively, which resulted in Net realized gains (losses) of $(9) million and $(343) million, respectively. Included within the Net realized gains (losses) are $(5) million and $(68) million of Net realized gains (losses) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively, which relate to the Fortitude Re funds withheld assets held by Corebridge in support of Fortitude Re’s reinsurance obligations to Corebridge (Fortitude Re funds withheld assets). These Net realized gains (losses) are included in Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets.
The following table presents the fair value of fixed maturity securities measured at fair value, including securities in the modco agreement with Fortitude Re, based on our election of the fair value option and equity securities measured at fair value:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)
of Total
of Total
Fixed maturity securities:
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions$41 1 %$40 1 %
Non-U.S. governments29  13  
Corporate debt3,037 54 2,653 57 
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized:
RMBS166 3 170 4 
CMBS234 4 228 5 
CLO487 9 423 9 
ABS1,325 24 1,051 23 
Total mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized2,212 40 1,872 41 
Total fixed maturity securities5,319 95 4,578 99 
Equity securities258 5 63 1 
Total$5,577 100 %$4,641 100 %
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 36

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
The following table summarizes the carrying amounts of other invested assets:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Alternative investments(a)(b)
$7,803 $7,690 
Investment real estate(c)
1,690 1,932 
All other investments(d)
594 635 
$10,087 $10,257 
(a)At September 30, 2024, included hedge funds of $206 million and private equity funds of $7.6 billion. At December 31, 2023, included hedge funds of $299 million and private equity funds of $7.4 billion.
(b)A quarter of our hedge fund investments are in liquid funds and have been redeemed, though due to withdrawal terms they will liquidate over the next three quarters. The remaining three quarters of the portfolio consists of illiquid run-off or “side-pocket” positions whose liquidation horizons are uncertain and likely to extend beyond a year.
(c)Net of accumulated depreciation of $644 million and $680 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(d)Includes Corebridge’s ownership interest in Fortitude Re Bermuda, which is recorded using the measurement alternative for equity securities. Our investment in Fortitude Re Bermuda totaled $156 million and $156 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Other Invested Assets – Equity Method Investments
The carrying amount of equity method investments totaled $2.8 billion and $2.9 billion as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, representing various ownership percentages each period.
The following table presents the components of Net investment income:
(in millions)Excluding
Re Funds
Re Funds
Re Funds
Re Funds
Three Months Ended September 30,
Available-for-sale fixed maturity securities, including short-term investments
$2,202 $182 $2,384 $1,976$201$2,177
Other fixed maturity securities22 230 252 7 (35)(28)
Equity securities2  2 9  9 
Interest on mortgage and other loans657 47 704 529 51 580 
Alternative investments*59 60 119 (7)25 18 
Real estate7 3 10 9  9 
Other investments13 1 14 25 (1)24 
Total investment income2,962 523 3,485 2,548 241 2,789 
Investment expenses181 8 189 124 8 132 
Net investment income$2,781 $515 $3,296 $2,424 $233 $2,657 
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Available-for-sale fixed maturity securities, including short-term investments
$6,560 $560 $7,120 $5,777$626$6,403
Other fixed maturity securities
48 379 427 25 76 101 
Equity securities5  5 41  41 
Interest on mortgage and other loans1,829 143 1,972 1,605 150 1,755 
Alternative investments*59 119 178 72 69 141 
Real estate29 (5)24 28  28 
Other investments40 1 41 36 (1)35 
Total investment income8,570 1,197 9,767 7,584 920 8,504 
Investment expenses534 25 559 415 23 438 
Net investment income$8,036 $1,172 $9,208 $7,169 $897 $8,066 
*Included income from hedge funds and private equity funds. Hedge funds are recorded as of the balance sheet date. Private equity funds are generally reported on a one-quarter lag.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 37

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
The following table presents the components of Net realized gains (losses):
(in millions)Excluding Fortitude
Re Funds
Re Funds
Re Funds
Re Funds
Three Months Ended September 30,
Sales of fixed maturity securities$(87)$(1)$(88)$(4)$(5)$(9)
Intent to sell      
Change in allowance for credit losses on fixed maturity securities(85) (85)(41)(7)(48)
Change in allowance for credit losses on loans(15)2 (13)(25)(25)(50)
Foreign exchange transactions, net of related hedges(354)18 (336)135 (20)115 
Index-Linked interest credited embedded derivatives, net of related hedges(285) (285)133  133 
All other derivatives and hedge accounting*(195)131 (64)141 (170)(29)
Sales of alternative investments and real estate investments58 7 65 40 (1)39 
(12) (12)(11) (11)
Net realized gains (losses) – excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative(975)157 (818)368 (228)140 
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative (1,509)(1,509) 1,080 1,080 
Net realized gains (losses)$(975)$(1,352)$(2,327)$368 $852 $1,220 
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Sales of fixed maturity securities$(900)$(72)$(972)$(275)$(68)$(343)
Intent to sell
Change in allowance for credit losses on fixed maturity securities(197)(7)(204)(84)(9)(93)
Change in allowance for credit losses on loans(63)(1)(64)(107)(52)(159)
Foreign exchange transactions, net of related hedges(253)18 (235)31 (11)20 
Index-Linked interest credited embedded derivatives, net of related hedges(367) (367)(186) (186)
All other derivatives and hedge accounting*(72)(9)(81)235 (199)36 
Sales of alternative investments and real estate investments89 3 92 48 (1)47 
(65) (65)(59)2 (57)
Net realized gains (losses) – excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative(1,843)(100)(1,943)(397)(338)(735)
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative
 (1,451)(1,451) 177 177 
Net realized gains (losses)$(1,843)$(1,551)$(3,394)$(397)$(161)$(558)
*Derivative activity related to hedging MRBs is recorded in Change in the fair value of MRBs, net. For additional disclosures about MRBs, see Note 14.
The following table presents the increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of our available-for-sale securities:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)
Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments:
Fixed maturity securities
$7,030 $(6,369)$4,721 $(4,133)
Other investments (1)3 11
Total increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments*
$7,030 $(6,370)$4,724 $(4,122)
*    Excludes net unrealized gains and losses attributable to business Held-for-sale at September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 38

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
The following table summarizes the unrealized gains and losses recognized in Net investment income during the reporting period on equity securities and other invested assets still held at the reporting date:
(in millions)
Other Invested Assets
Other Invested Assets
Three Months Ended September 30,
Net gains (losses) recognized during the period on equity securities and other investments
$2 $142 $144 $9 $56 $65 
Less: Net gains (losses) recognized during the period on equity securities and other investments sold during the period
(4)2 (2)26 6 32 
Unrealized gains (losses) recognized during the reporting period on equity securities and other investments still held at the reporting date
$6 $140 $146 $(17)$50 $33 
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Net gains (losses) recognized during the period on equity securities and other investments
$5 $295 $300 $42 $210 $252 
Less: Net gains (losses) recognized during the period on equity securities and other investments sold during the period
12 6 18 59 15 74 
Unrealized gains (losses) recognized during the reporting period on equity securities and other investments still held at the reporting date
$(7)$289 $282 $(17)$195 $178 
Credit Impairments
The following table presents a rollforward of the changes in allowance for credit losses on available-for-sale fixed maturity securities by major investment category:
(in millions)
Three Months Ended September 30,
Balance, beginning of period
$38 $57 $95 $40 $50 $90 
Securities for which allowance for credit losses were not previously recorded
5 52 57 12 47 59 
Securities sold during the period
(3) (3)(1)(3)(4)
Additional net increases or decreases to the allowance for credit losses on securities that had an allowance recorded in a previous period, for which there was no intent to sell before recovery, amortized cost basis
(4)32 28 3 (14)(11)
Write-offs charged against the allowance
Balance, end of period
$30 $129 $159 $38 $72 $110 
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Balance, beginning of year
$55 $73 $128 $27 $121 $148 
Securities for which allowance for credit losses were not previously recorded
19 83 102 27 75 102 
Securities sold during the period
Additional net increases or decreases to the allowance for credit losses on securities that had an allowance recorded in a previous period, for which there was no intent to sell before recovery, amortized cost basis
42 60 102 2 (11)(9)
Write-offs charged against the allowance
Balance, end of period
$30 $129 $159 $38 $72 $110 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 39

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
Purchased Credit Deteriorated Securities
We purchase certain RMBS securities that have experienced more-than-insignificant deterioration in credit quality since origination. These are referred to as purchased credit deteriorated assets. At the time of purchase an allowance is recognized for these purchased credit deteriorated assets by adding it to the purchase price to arrive at the initial amortized cost. There is no credit loss expense recognized upon acquisition of a purchased credit deteriorated asset. When determining the initial allowance for credit losses, management considers the historical performance of underlying assets and available market information as well as bond-specific structural considerations, such as credit enhancement and the priority of payment structure of the security. In addition, the process of estimating future cash flows includes, but is not limited to, the following critical inputs:
current delinquency rates;
expected default rates and the timing of such defaults;
loss severity and the timing of any recovery; and
expected prepayment speeds.
Subsequent to the acquisition date, the purchased credit deteriorated assets follow the same accounting as other structured securities that are not of high credit quality.
We did not purchase securities with more-than-insignificant credit deterioration since their origination during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Secured Financing and Similar Arrangements
We enter into secured financing transactions whereby certain securities are sold under agreements to repurchase (repurchase agreements), in which we transfer securities in exchange for cash, with an agreement by us to repurchase the same or substantially similar securities. Our secured financing transactions also include those that involve the transfer of securities to financial institutions in exchange for cash (securities lending agreements). In all of these secured financing transactions, the securities transferred by us (pledged collateral) may be sold or repledged by the counterparties. These agreements are recorded at their contracted amounts plus accrued interest, other than those that are accounted for at fair value.
Pledged collateral levels are monitored daily and are generally maintained at an agreed-upon percentage of the fair value of the amounts borrowed during the life of the transactions. In the event of a decline in the fair value of the pledged collateral under these secured financing transactions, we may be required to transfer cash or additional securities as pledged collateral under these agreements. At the termination of the transactions, we and our counterparties are obligated to return the amounts borrowed and the securities transferred, respectively.
The following table presents the fair value of securities pledged to counterparties under secured financing transactions, including repurchase agreements:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale
$5,071 $2,655 
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, amounts borrowed under repurchase agreements totaled $5.0 billion and $2.5 billion, respectively.
The following table presents the fair value of securities pledged under our repurchase agreements by collateral type and by remaining contractual maturity:
Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Repurchase Agreements
(in millions)Overnight and ContinuousUp to 30 Days31 - 90 Days91 - 364 Days365 Days or GreaterTotal
September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
Non-U.S. governments$ $52 $ $ $ $52 
Corporate debt13 4,967 39   5,019 
Total$13 $5,019 $39 $ $ $5,071 
December 31, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
Non-U.S. governments$ $209 $ $ $ $209 
Corporate debt38 2,408    2,446 
Total$38 $2,617 $ $ $ $2,655 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 40

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 5. Investments
There were no securities lending agreements at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
There were no reverse repurchase agreements at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
We do not currently offset any secured financing transactions. All such transactions are collateralized and margined daily consistent with market standards and subject to enforceable master netting arrangements with rights of set off.
Insurance – Statutory and Other Deposits
The total carrying value of cash and securities deposited by our insurance subsidiaries under requirements of regulatory authorities or other insurance-related arrangements, including certain annuity-related obligations and certain reinsurance treaties, was $10.4 billion and $8.1 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Other Pledges and Restrictions
Certain of our subsidiaries are members of Federal Home Loan Banks (“FHLB”) and such membership requires the members to own stock in these FHLBs. We owned an aggregate of $277 million and $268 million of stock in FHLBs at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. In addition, our subsidiaries have pledged securities available-for-sale and residential loans associated with borrowings and funding agreements from FHLBs, with a fair value of $4.4 billion and $3.1 billion, respectively, at September 30, 2024 and $4.8 billion and $3.0 billion, respectively, at December 31, 2023.
Certain GICs recorded in policyholder contract deposits with a carrying value of $113 million and $53 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, have provisions that require collateral to be posted or payments to be made by us upon a downgrade of our Insurer Financial Strength (“IFS”) ratings. The actual amount of collateral required to be posted to the counterparties in the event of such downgrades and the aggregate amount of payments that we could be required to make depend on market conditions, the fair value of outstanding affected transactions and other factors prevailing at and after the time of the downgrade. The fair value of securities pledged as collateral with respect to these obligations was approximately $103 million and $63 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. This collateral primarily consists of securities of the U.S. government and government-sponsored entities and generally cannot be repledged or resold by the counterparties.
As part of our collateralized reinsurance transactions, we pledge collateral to cedants as contractually required. The fair value of securities pledged as excess collateral with respect to these obligations was approximately $616 million and $490 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Additionally, assets supporting these transactions are held solely for the benefit of the cedants and insulated from obligations owed to our other policyholders and general creditors.
Reinsurance transactions between Corebridge and Fortitude Re were structured as modco with funds withheld.
6. Lending Activities
The following table presents the composition of Mortgage and other loans receivable, net:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Commercial mortgages(a)
Residential mortgages11,1158,445
Life insurance policy loans1,7421,746
Commercial loans, other loans and notes receivable(b)
Total mortgage and other loans receivable52,42147,565
Allowance for credit losses(c)
Mortgage and other loans receivable, net$51,653$46,867
(a)Commercial mortgages primarily represent loans for apartments, offices and retail properties, with exposures in New York and California representing the largest geographic concentrations (aggregating approximately 17% and 10%, respectively, at September 30, 2024, and 19% and 10%, respectively, at December 31, 2023). The weighted average loan-to-value ratio for NY and CA was 63% and 56% at September 30, 2024, respectively, and 61% and 55% at December 31, 2023, respectively. The debt service coverage ratio for NY and CA was 1.9X and 2.1X at September 30, 2024, respectively, and 1.9X and 2.1X at December 31, 2023, respectively.
(b)There were no loans that were held for sale which are carried at lower of cost or market as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(c)Does not include allowance for credit losses of $39 million and $58 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, in relation to off-balance-sheet commitments to fund commercial mortgage loans, which is recorded in Other liabilities.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 41

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 6. Lending Activities
Interest income is not accrued when payment of contractual principal and interest is not expected. Any cash received on impaired loans is generally recorded as a reduction of the current carrying amount of the loan. Accrual of interest income is generally resumed when delinquent contractual principal and interest are repaid or when a portion of the delinquent contractual payments are made, and the ongoing required contractual payments have been made for an appropriate period. As of September 30, 2024, $57 million and $1.1 billion of residential mortgage loans and commercial mortgage loans, respectively, are in nonaccrual status. As of December 31, 2023, $27 million and $419 million of residential mortgage loans and commercial mortgage loans, respectively, were placed on nonaccrual status.    
Accrued interest is presented separately and is included in Accrued investment income on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. As of September 30, 2024, accrued interest receivable was $55 million and $176 million associated with residential mortgage loans and commercial mortgage loans, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, accrued interest receivable was $20 million and $162 million associated with residential mortgage loans and commercial mortgage loans, respectively.
A significant majority of commercial mortgages in the portfolio are non-recourse loans and, accordingly, the only guarantees are for specific items that are exceptions to the non-recourse provisions. It is therefore extremely rare for us to have cause to enforce the provisions of a guarantee on a commercial real estate or mortgage loan.
Nonperforming loans are generally those loans where payment of contractual principal or interest is more than 90 days past due. Nonperforming loans were not significant for all periods presented.
The following table presents debt service coverage ratios for commercial mortgages by year of vintage*:
September 30, 2024
(in millions)20242023202220212020PriorTotal
1.00 - 1.20X273284820822441,8053,508
Total commercial mortgages$2,529$2,586$7,589$2,848$1,608$18,958$36,118
December 31, 2023
(in millions)20232022202120202019PriorTotal
>1.2X$2,156 $6,042 $1,955 $1,252 $4,813 $11,675 $27,893 
1.00 - 1.20X291 1,077 1,320 312 156 2,334 5,490 
<1.00X 40    749 789 
Total commercial mortgages$2,447$7,159$3,275$1,564$4,969$14,758$34,172
*The debt service coverage ratio compares a property’s net operating income to its debt service payments, including principal and interest. Our weighted average debt service coverage ratio was 1.9X at both periods ended September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The debt service coverage ratios are updated when additional relevant information becomes available.
The following table presents loan-to-value ratios for commercial mortgages by year of vintage*:
September 30, 2024
(in millions)20242023202220212020PriorTotal
Less than 65%$2,406$2,178$4,598$2,147$861$12,358$24,548
65% to 75%1234082,3874115903,7147,633
76% to 80%2079971,204
Greater than 80%604831571,8892,733
Total commercial mortgages$2,529$2,586$7,589$2,848$1,608$18,958$36,118
December 31, 2023
(in millions)20232022202120202019PriorTotal
Less than 65%$2,088 $4,470 $2,249 $1,126 $2,676 $10,186 $22,795 
65% to 75%280 1,748 658 287 1,916 2,853 7,742 
76% to 80% 343 89  377 340 1,149 
Greater than 80%79 598 279 151  1,379 2,486 
Total commercial mortgages$2,447 $7,159 $3,275 $1,564 $4,969 $14,758 $34,172 
*The loan-to-value ratio compares the current unpaid principal balance of the loan to the estimated fair value of the underlying property collateralizing the loan. Our weighted average loan-to-value ratio was 60% at September 30, 2024 and 59% at December 31, 2023. The loan-to-value ratios have been updated within the last three months to reflect the current carrying values of the loans. We update the valuations of collateral properties by obtaining independent appraisals, generally at least once per year.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 42

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 6. Lending Activities
The following table presents the credit quality performance indicators for commercial mortgages:
(dollars in millions)Number
September 30, 2024
Credit Quality Performance Indicator:
In good standing594$14,673$8,417$3,854$6,514$1,849$443$35,75099%
90 days or less delinquent
>90 days delinquent or in process of foreclosure(a)
Allowance for credit losses$70$375$88$82$32$4$6512 %
December 31, 2023
Credit Quality Performance Indicator:
In good standing600$13,861$8,468$3,787$5,908$1,805$325$34,154100%
90 days or less delinquent11818%
>90 days delinquent or in
process of foreclosure
Allowance for credit losses$85$340$74$83$27$5$6142 %
(a)Includes $64 million of Offices loans and $20 million of Retail loans supporting the Fortitude Re Funds Withheld arrangements, greater than 90 days delinquent or in process of foreclosure, at September 30, 2024
(b)Does not reflect allowance for credit losses.
The following table presents credit quality performance indicators for residential mortgages by year of vintage:
September 30, 2024
(in millions)20242023202220212020PriorTotal
780 and greater$554$650$690$2,268$626$808$5,596
720 - 7791,0771,1316025771523613,900
660 - 719375363240152402141,384
600 - 6591335231182164
Less than 6002201153371
Total residential mortgages$2,006$2,159$1,587$3,031$834$1,498$11,115
December 31, 2023
(in millions)20232022202120202019PriorTotal
780 and greater$514$528$2,280$619$239$497$4,677
720 - 7791,121608558168992092,763
660 - 7193132561134037120879
600 - 659220118951101
Less than 6002241725
Total residential mortgages$1,950$1,412$2,964$837$388$894$8,445
*Fair Isaac Corporation (“FICO”) is the credit quality indicator used to evaluate consumer credit risk for residential mortgage loan borrowers and have been updated within the last twelve months. FICO scores for residential mortgage investor loans to corporate entities are those of the guarantor at time of purchase. On September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 residential loans direct to consumers totaled $7.9 billion and $6.7 billion, respectively.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 43

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 6. Lending Activities
The following table presents a rollforward of the changes in the allowance for credit losses on Mortgage and other loans receivable*:
(in millions)Commercial MortgagesOther LoansTotalCommercial MortgagesOther LoansTotal
Three Months Ended September 30,
Allowance, beginning of period$654$104$758$621$68$689
Loans charged off(6)(1)(7)(1)(1)
Net charge-offs(6)(1)(7)(1)(1)
Addition to (release of) allowance for loan losses3141761364
Allowance, end of period$651$117$768$681$71$752
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Allowance, beginning of period$614$84$698$531$69$600
Loans charged off(6)(7)(13)(5)(5)
Net charge-offs(6)(7)(13)(5)(5)
Addition to (release of) allowance for loan losses4340831552 157 
Allowance, end of period$651$117$768$681$71$752
*Does not include allowance for credit losses of $39 million and $61 million at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, in relation to the off-balance-sheet commitments to fund commercial mortgage loans, which is recorded in Other liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.
Our expectations and models used to estimate the allowance for losses on commercial and residential mortgage loans are regularly updated to reflect the current economic environment.
The allowance for credit losses incorporates an estimate of lifetime expected credit losses and is recorded on each asset upon asset origination or acquisition. The starting point for the estimate of the allowance for credit losses is historical loss information, which includes losses from modifications of receivables to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. We use a probability of default/loss given default model to determine the allowance for credit losses for our commercial and residential mortgage loans. An assessment of whether a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty is made on the date of a modification.
Because the effect of most modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty is already included in the allowance for credit losses utilizing the measurement methodologies used to estimate the allowance, a change to the allowance for credit losses is generally not recorded upon modification.
When modifications are executed, they often will be in the form of principal forgiveness, term extensions, interest rate reductions, or some combination of any of these concessions. When principal is forgiven, the amortized cost basis of the asset is written off against the allowance for credit losses. The amount of the principal forgiveness is deemed to be uncollectible; therefore, that portion of the loan is written off, resulting in a reduction of the amortized cost basis and a corresponding adjustment to the allowance for credit losses.
We assess whether a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty based on a variety of factors, including the borrower’s current default on any of its outstanding debt, the probability of a default on any of its debt in the foreseeable future without the modification, the insufficiency of the borrower’s forecasted cash flows to service any of its outstanding debt (including both principal and interest), and the borrower’s inability to access alternative third party financing at an interest rate that would be reflective of current market conditions for a non-troubled debtor.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, commercial mortgage loans with an amortized cost of $139 million (including $11 million supporting the funds withheld arrangements with Fortitude Re) and commercial loans, other loans and notes receivable with an amortized cost of $168 million (none of which were supporting the funds withheld arrangements with Fortitude Re, and $168 million of which is related to the loans previously modified in 2023) were granted term extensions and adjustment of interest rates. The modified loans represent less than 1% and 5%, respectively, of these portfolio segments. These modifications added less than one year to the weighted average life of loans in each of these two portfolio segments.
There were no loans that defaulted during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, that had been previously modified with borrowers experiencing financial difficulties.
Corebridge closely monitors the performance of the loans modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty to understand the effectiveness of its modification efforts. All loans with borrowers with financial difficulty that have been modified in the previous 12 months are current and performing in conjunction with its modified terms.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 44

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 7. Reinsurance
7. Reinsurance
In the ordinary course of business, our insurance companies may use ceded reinsurance to limit potential losses, provide additional capacity for growth, minimize exposure to significant risks or to provide greater diversification of our businesses. We may also use assumed reinsurance to diversify our business. Our reinsurance is principally under yearly renewable term (“YRT”) treaties, along with a large modco treaty reinsuring the majority of our legacy business to Fortitude Re. Reinsurance premiums ceded are recognized when due, along with corresponding benefits. Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are presented as a component of Reinsurance assets.
Reinsurance assets include the balances due from reinsurance and insurance companies under the terms of our reinsurance agreements for ceded future policy benefits for life and accident and health insurance contracts and benefits paid and unpaid. We remain liable to the extent that our reinsurers do not meet their obligations under the reinsurance contracts, and as such, we regularly evaluate the financial condition of our reinsurers and monitor concentration of our credit risk. The estimation of the allowance for credit losses and disputes requires judgment for which key inputs typically include historical trends regarding uncollectible balances, disputes and credit events as well as specific reviews of balances in dispute or subject to credit impairment. Changes in the allowance for credit losses and disputes on reinsurance assets are reflected in policyholder benefits within the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss).
Reinsurance recoverables are recognized in a manner consistent with the liabilities relating to the underlying reinsured contracts.
AGL, VALIC and USL, have modco agreements with Fortitude Re, a registered Class 4 and Class E reinsurer in Bermuda.
In the modco arrangement, the investments supporting the reinsurance agreements, which consist mostly of available-for-sale securities, and which reflect the majority of the consideration that would be paid to the reinsurer for entering into the transaction, are withheld by, and therefore continue to reside on the balance sheet of, the ceding company (i.e., Corebridge), thereby creating an obligation for the ceding company to pay the reinsurer (i.e., Fortitude Re) at a later date. Additionally, as Corebridge maintains ownership of these investments, Corebridge will maintain its existing accounting for these assets (e.g., the changes in fair value of available-for-sale securities will be recognized within OCI). Corebridge has established a funds withheld payable to Fortitude Re while simultaneously establishing a reinsurance asset representing liabilities for the insurance coverage that Fortitude Re has assumed. The funds withheld payable contains an embedded derivative and changes in fair value of the embedded derivative related to the funds withheld payable are recognized in earnings through realized gains (losses). This embedded derivative is considered a total return swap with contractual returns that are attributable to various assets and liabilities associated with these reinsurance agreements.
There is a diverse pool of assets supporting the funds withheld arrangements with Fortitude Re. The following summarizes the composition of the pool of assets:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Carrying ValueFair ValueCarrying ValueFair ValueCorresponding Accounting Policy
Fixed maturity securities - available-for-sale
$14,561$14,561$15,204$15,204Fair value through other comprehensive income
Fixed maturity securities - fair value option4,9514,9514,2124,212Fair value through net investment income
Commercial mortgage loans3,2663,0893,3783,157Amortized cost
Real estate investments207296184329Amortized cost
Private equity funds/hedge funds1,9011,9011,9101,910Fair value through net investment income
Policy loans318318330330Amortized cost
Short-term Investments195195129129Fair value through net investment income
Funds withheld investment assets25,39925,31125,34725,271
Derivative assets, net(a)
4545Fair value through realized gains (losses)
598598641641Amortized cost
(a)The derivative assets and liabilities have been presented net of cash collateral. The derivative assets and liabilities supporting the Fortitude Re funds withheld arrangements had a fair market value of $— million and $157 million, respectively, as of September 30, 2024. The derivative assets and liabilities supporting the Fortitude Re funds withheld arrangements had a fair market value of $62 million and $6 million, respectively, as of December 31, 2023. These derivative assets and liabilities are fully collateralized either by cash or securities.
(b)Primarily comprised of Cash and Accrued investment income.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 45

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 7. Reinsurance
The impact of the funds withheld arrangements with Fortitude Re was as follows:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Net investment income - Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$515$233$1,172$897
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets:
Net realized gains (losses) Fortitude Re funds withheld assets157(228)(100)(338)
Net realized gains (losses) Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivatives(1,509)1,080 (1,451)177
Net realized losses on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(1,352)852 (1,551)(161)
Income (loss) before income tax expense (benefit)(837)1,085 (379)736
Income tax expense (benefit)*(176)228(80)155
Net income (loss)(661)857 (299)581
Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of the invested assets supporting the Fortitude Re modco arrangement classified as available-for-sale*636 (820)304 (534)
Comprehensive income (loss)$(25)$37$5$47
*The income tax expense (benefit) and the tax impact in OCI was computed using the U.S. statutory tax rate of 21%.
Various assets supporting the Fortitude Re funds withheld arrangements are reported at amortized cost, and as such, changes in the fair value of these assets are not reflected in the financial statements. However, changes in the fair value of these assets are included in the embedded derivative in the Fortitude Re funds withheld arrangement and the appreciation (depreciation) of the assets is the primary driver of the comprehensive income (loss) reflected above.
The estimation of reinsurance recoverables involves a significant amount of judgment. Reinsurance assets include reinsurance recoverables on future policy benefits and policyholder contract deposits that are estimated as part of our insurance liability valuation process and, consequently, are subject to similar judgments and uncertainties as the estimation of gross benefit liabilities.
We assess the collectability of reinsurance recoverable balances in each reporting period, through either historical trends of disputes and credit events or financial analysis of the credit quality of the reinsurer. We record adjustments to reflect the results of these assessments through an allowance for credit losses and disputes on uncollectible reinsurance that reduces the carrying amount of reinsurance and other assets on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (collectively, the reinsurance recoverable balances). This estimate requires significant judgment for which key considerations include:
paid and unpaid amounts recoverable;
whether the balance is in dispute or subject to legal collection;
the relative financial health of the reinsurer as classified by the Obligor Risk Ratings (“ORRs”) we assign to each reinsurer based upon our financial reviews; insurers that are financially troubled (i.e., in run-off, have voluntarily or involuntarily been placed in receivership, are insolvent, are in the process of liquidation or otherwise subject to formal or informal regulatory restriction) are assigned ORRs that will generate a significant allowance; and
whether collateral and collateral arrangements exist.
An estimate of the reinsurance recoverable’s lifetime expected credit losses is established utilizing a probability of default and loss given default method, which reflects the reinsurer’s ORR. The allowance for credit losses excludes disputed amounts. An allowance for disputes is established for a reinsurance recoverable using the losses incurred model for contingencies.
The total reinsurance recoverables as of September 30, 2024 were $27.9 billion. As of that date, utilizing Corebridge’s ORRs, (i) approximately 95% of the reinsurance recoverables were investment grade, (ii) approximately 5% were non-investment grade reinsurance recoverables and (iii) none of the reinsurance recoverables were related to entities that were not rated by Corebridge.
Reinsurance Recoverable Allowance
The following table presents a rollforward of the reinsurance recoverable allowance:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Balance, beginning of period$12 $66 $30 $84 
Current period provision for expected credit losses and disputes 4 (8)(14)
Write-offs charged against the allowance for credit losses and disputes  (10) 
Balance, end of period$12 $70 $12 $70 
There were no material recoveries of credit losses previously written off for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 or 2023.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 46

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 7. Reinsurance
Past-Due Status
We consider a reinsurance asset to be past due when it is 90 days past due and record an allowance for disputes when there is reasonable uncertainty of the collectability of a disputed amount during the reporting period. Past-due balances were not significant for any of the periods presented.
For further discussion of arbitration proceedings against us, see Note 16.
8. Variable Interest Entities
A VIE is a legal entity that does not have sufficient equity at risk to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support or is structured such that equity investors lack the ability to make significant decisions relating to the entity’s operations through voting rights or do not substantively participate in the gains and losses of the entity. Consolidation of a VIE by its primary beneficiary is not based on majority voting interest but is based on other criteria discussed below.
We enter into various arrangements with VIEs in the normal course of business and consolidate the VIEs when we determine we are the primary beneficiary. This analysis includes a review of the VIE’s capital structure, related contractual relationships and terms, nature of the VIE’s operations and purpose, nature of the VIE’s interests issued and our involvement with the entity. When assessing the need to consolidate a VIE, we evaluate the design of the VIE as well as the related risks to which the entity was designed to expose the variable interest holders.
The primary beneficiary is the entity that has both (i) the power to direct the activities of the VIE that most significantly affect the entity’s economic performance and (ii) the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits that could be potentially significant to the VIE. While also considering these factors, the consolidation conclusion depends on the breadth of our decision-making ability and our ability to influence activities that significantly affect the economic performance of the VIE.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 47

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 8. Variable Interest Entities
Creditors or beneficial interest holders of VIEs for which the Company is the primary beneficiary generally have recourse only to the assets and cash flows of the VIEs and do not have recourse to the Company. The following table presents the total assets and total liabilities associated with our variable interests in consolidated VIEs, as classified in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets:
(in millions)
Real Estate and
and Repackaging
September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale$37$$37
Other bond securities4444
Equity securities44
Mortgage and other loans receivable1,9391,939
Other invested assets
   Alternative investments(a)
    Investment real estate1,2221,222
Short-term investments2111212
Accrued investment income257
Other assets7474
Total assets(b)
Debt of consolidated investment entities$884$994$1,878
Other liabilities7272
Total liabilities$956$994$1,950
December 31, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale$36$76$112
Other bond securities4545
Equity securities88
Mortgage and other loans receivable1,9411,941
Other invested assets
   Alternative investments(a)
    Investment real estate1,4881,488
Short-term investments1255130
Accrued investment income257
Other assets93295
Total assets(b)
Debt of consolidated investment entities$1,117$1,149$2,266
Other liabilities82183
Total liabilities$1,199$1,150$2,349
(a)Composed primarily of investments in real estate joint ventures at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(b)The assets of each VIE can be used only to settle specific obligations of that VIE.
(c)Off-balance-sheet exposure primarily consisting of commitments by insurance operations and affiliates into real estate and investment entities. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company had commitments to internal parties of $0.7 billion and $1.2 billion and commitments to external parties of $0.4 billion and $0.4 billion, respectively.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 48

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 8. Variable Interest Entities
The following table presents the revenue, net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests and net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge associated with our variable interests in consolidated VIEs, as classified in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss):
Real Estate and
and Repackaging
(in millions)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Total revenue
$59 $19 $78 
Net (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests$(3)$ $(3)
Net income attributable to Corebridge$45 $13 $58 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Total revenue
$(21)$18 $(3)
Net (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests$(32)$ $(32)
Net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge$(5)$12 $7 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Total revenue$2 $54 $56 
Net (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests$(78)$ $(78)
Net income attributable to Corebridge$24 $31 $55 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Total revenue
$48 $95 $143 
Net (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests$(46)$ $(46)
Net income attributable to Corebridge$47 $66 $113 
We calculate our maximum exposure to loss to be (i) the amount invested in the debt or equity of the VIE, (ii) the notional amount of VIE assets or liabilities where we have also provided credit protection to the VIE with the VIE as the referenced obligation and (iii) other commitments and guarantees to the VIE.
The following table presents total assets of unconsolidated VIEs in which we hold a variable interest, as well as our maximum exposure to loss associated with these VIEs:
Maximum Exposure to Loss
(in millions)Total VIE
Sheet (c)
September 30, 2024
Real estate and investment entities(a)
December 31, 2023
Real estate and investment entities(a)
(a)Composed primarily of hedge funds and private equity funds.
(b)At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, $5.7 billion and $5.5 billion, respectively, of our total unconsolidated VIE assets were recorded as other invested assets.
(c)These amounts represent our unfunded commitments to invest in private equity funds and hedge funds.
Additionally, Corebridge is a passive investor in certain investment vehicles that securitized certain secured loans, bank loans and residential mortgage loans. The notes held by Corebridge and their related fair values are included in the available-for-sale disclosures that are reported in Notes 4 and 5. As of September 30, 2024, the total VIE assets of these securitizations are $2.7 billion, of which Corebridge’s maximum exposure to loss including unfunded commitments is $2.5 billion. As of December 31, 2023, the total VIE assets of these securitizations are $3.1 billion, of which Corebridge’s maximum exposure to loss is $2.2 billion.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 49

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 9. Derivatives and Hedge Accounting

9. Derivatives and Hedge Accounting
We use derivatives and other financial instruments as part of our financial risk management programs and as part of our investment operations. Interest rate derivatives (such as interest rate futures, swaps and options), equity derivatives (such as equity futures, swaps and options) and fixed maturity securities are used to economically mitigate interest rate risk, equity risk and credit spread exposure associated with MRBs and embedded derivatives contained in insurance contract liabilities. Interest rate derivatives are used to manage interest rate risk associated with fixed maturity securities as well as other interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities. Equity derivatives are used to economically mitigate financial risk associated with embedded derivatives and MRBs in certain insurance liabilities. In addition, equity derivatives are used to economically hedge certain investments. Foreign exchange derivatives (principally foreign exchange forwards and swaps) are used to economically mitigate risk associated with foreign denominated investments, net capital exposures and foreign currency transactions. We use credit derivatives to manage our credit exposures. The derivatives are effective economic hedges of the exposures that they are meant to offset. As part of our strategy to enhance investment income, in addition to hedging activities, we also enter into derivative contracts with respect to investment operations, which may include, among other things, credit default swaps (“CDS”), total return swaps and purchases of investments with embedded derivatives, such as equity-linked notes and convertible bonds.
Interest rate, currency and equity swaps, credit contracts, swaptions, options and forward transactions are accounted for as derivatives, recorded on a trade-date basis and carried at fair value. Unrealized gains and losses are generally reflected in income, except in certain situations in which hedge accounting is applied and unrealized gains and losses are reflected in AOCI. Aggregate asset or liability positions are netted on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets only to the extent permitted by qualifying master netting arrangements in place with each respective counterparty. Cash collateral posted with counterparties in conjunction with transactions supported by qualifying master netting arrangements is reported as a reduction of the corresponding net derivative liability, while cash collateral received in conjunction with transactions supported by qualifying master netting arrangements is reported as a reduction of the corresponding net derivative asset.
Derivatives, with the exception of embedded derivatives, are reported at fair value in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets in Other assets and Other liabilities. Embedded derivatives are generally presented with the host contract in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. A bifurcated embedded derivative is measured at fair value and accounted for in the same manner as a freestanding derivative contract. The corresponding host contract is accounted for according to the accounting guidance applicable for that instrument.
For additional information on embedded derivatives and MRBs, see Notes 4, 13 and 14.
The following table presents the notional amounts of our derivatives and the fair value of derivative assets and liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Gross Derivative
Gross Derivative LiabilitiesGross Derivative
Gross Derivative Liabilities
(in millions)Notional
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:(a)
Interest rate contracts$8,479$394$2,313$26$2,213$238$833$18
Foreign exchange contracts3,0753405,0401402,9183544,829164
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:(a)
Interest rate contracts54,1653,36839,6303,39341,0562,70941,2253,260
Foreign exchange contracts6,5375459,4224436,2605867,878399
Equity contracts52,9194,35120,5632,09876,5612,01714,144745
Credit contracts(b)
Other contracts(c)
Total derivatives, gross$172,614$9,145$77,028$6,101$173,953$5,925$68,961$4,588
Counterparty netting(d)
Cash collateral(e)
Total derivatives on Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets(f)
(a)Fair value amounts are shown before the effects of counterparty netting adjustments and offsetting cash collateral.
(b)Includes written credit default swaps linked to certain actively traded indices. In the case of a credit event, the maximum future payment is limited to the constituent’s representation within the index.
(c)Consists primarily of stable value wraps and contracts with multiple underlying exposures.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 50

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 9. Derivatives and Hedge Accounting

(d)Represents netting of derivative exposures covered by a qualifying master netting agreement.
(e)Represents cash collateral posted and received that is eligible for netting.
(f)Freestanding derivatives only, excludes embedded derivatives. Derivative instrument assets and liabilities are recorded in Other assets and Other liabilities, respectively. The fair value of assets related to bifurcated embedded derivatives were both zero at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The fair value of liabilities related to bifurcated embedded derivatives was $13.6 billion and $10.2 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. A bifurcated embedded derivative is generally presented with the host contract in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Embedded derivatives are primarily related to guarantee features in fixed index annuities, index universal life contracts and bonds available-for-sale, which include equity and interest rate components and the funds withheld arrangement with Fortitude Re. For additional information, see Note 7.
The following table presents the gross notional amounts of our derivatives and the fair value of derivative assets and liabilities with related parties and third parties:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Gross Derivative
Gross Derivative
Gross Derivative
Gross Derivative
(in millions)Notional
Total derivatives with related parties$2,161$32$$$53,163$622$5,720$232
Total derivatives with third parties170,4539,11377,0286,101120,7905,30363,2414,356
Total derivatives, gross$172,614$9,145$77,028$6,101$173,953$5,925$68,961$4,588
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the following amounts were recorded on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets related to the carrying amount of the hedged assets (liabilities) and cumulative basis adjustments included in the carrying amount for fair value hedges:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Carrying
Amount of the Hedged Assets
Cumulative Amount of
Fair Value Hedging
Adjustments Included
In the Carrying Amount
of the Hedged Assets
Amount of the Hedged Assets
Cumulative Amount of
Fair Value Hedging
Adjustments Included
In the Carrying Amount
of the Hedged Assets
Balance sheet line item in which hedged item is recorded:
Fixed maturities, available-for-sale, at fair value
$7,250 $ $7,412$ 
Commercial mortgage and other loans(a)
Policyholder contract deposits(b)
(a)This relates to hedge accounting that has been discontinued, but the respective loans are still held. The cumulative adjustment is being amortized into earnings over the remaining life of the loan.
(b)This relates to fair value hedges on GICs.
We engage in derivative transactions that are not subject to a clearing requirement directly with related parties and unaffiliated third parties, in most cases under International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”) Master Agreements. Many of the ISDA Master Agreements also include Credit Support Annex provisions, which provide for collateral postings that may vary based on criteria such as ratings and threshold levels. We attempt to reduce our risk with certain counterparties by entering into agreements that enable collateral to be obtained from a counterparty on an up-front or contingent basis. We minimize the risk that counterparties might be unable to fulfill their contractual obligations by monitoring counterparty credit exposure and collateral value and generally requiring additional collateral to be posted upon the occurrence of certain events or circumstances.
Collateral posted by us to third parties for derivative transactions was $1.2 billion and $1.4 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. No collateral was posted by us to related parties for derivative transactions at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. In the case of collateral posted under derivative transactions that are not subject to clearing, this collateral can generally be repledged or resold by the counterparties. Collateral provided to us from third parties for derivative transactions was $3.5 billion and $1.9 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Collateral provided to us from related parties for derivative transactions was $31 million and $377 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. In the case of collateral provided to us under derivative transactions that are not subject to clearing, we generally can repledge or resell collateral.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 51

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 9. Derivatives and Hedge Accounting

We have elected to present all derivative receivables and derivative payables, and the related cash collateral received and paid, on a net basis on our Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets when a legally enforceable ISDA Master Agreement exists between us and our derivative counterparty. An ISDA Master Agreement is an agreement governing multiple derivative transactions between two counterparties. The ISDA Master Agreement generally provides for the net settlement of all, or a specified group, of these derivative transactions, as well as transferred collateral, through a single payment, and in a single currency, as applicable. The net settlement provisions apply in the event of a default on, or affecting any, one derivative transaction or a termination event affecting all, or a specified group of, derivative transactions governed by the ISDA Master Agreement.
We designated certain derivatives entered into with related parties as fair value hedges of available-for-sale securities held by our insurance subsidiaries. The fair value hedges include foreign currency forwards and cross-currency swaps designated as hedges of the change in fair value of foreign currency denominated available-for-sale securities attributable to changes in foreign exchange rates. We also designated certain interest rate swaps entered into with related parties as fair value hedges of fixed rate GICs and commercial mortgage loans attributable to changes in benchmark interest rates.
In 2022, we designated certain interest rate swaps entered into with related parties as cash flow hedges of forecasted coupon payments associated with anticipated long-term debt issuances. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, $7 million and $21 million, respectively, and for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, $7 million and $21 million, respectively, have been reclassified into Interest expense. The remaining amount in AOCI, of $153 million, will be reclassified into Interest expense over the life of the hedging relationship, which can extend up to 30 years. We expect $28 million to be reclassified into Interest expense over the next 12 months. There are no amounts excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness that are recognized in earnings.
For additional information related to the debt issuances, see Note 17 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in the 2023 Form 10-K.
We also designated certain interest rate swaps as cash flow hedges of floating-rate investment assets. Related to such swaps, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized derivative gains (losses) of $119 million and $106 million, respectively, in AOCI and $(14) million and $(21) million, respectively, in net investment income. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, $(11) million and $(11) million, respectively, in AOCI and $(1) million and $(1) million, respectively, in net investment income. As it relates to such hedges, we do not expect any reclassifications into net investment income over the next 12 months and there are no amounts excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness that are recognized in earnings.
We use cross-currency swaps as hedging instruments in net investment hedge relationships to mitigate the foreign exchange risk associated with our non-U.S. dollar functional currency foreign subsidiaries. For net investment hedge relationships that use derivatives as hedging instruments, we assess hedge effectiveness and measure hedge ineffectiveness using changes in forward rates. We recognized gains (losses) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 of $(5) million and $(2) million, respectively, and for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 of $3 million and $1 million, respectively, included in Change in foreign currency translation adjustment in OCI related to the net investment hedge relationships. The gains (losses) recognized primarily include transactions with related parties. A qualitative methodology is utilized to assess hedge effectiveness for net investment hedges, while regression analysis is employed for all other hedges.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 52

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 9. Derivatives and Hedge Accounting

The following table presents the gain (loss) recognized in earnings on our derivative instruments in fair value hedging relationships in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss):
Gains/(Losses) Recognized in Earnings for:
(in millions)
Net Impact
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Interest rate contracts:
Interest credited to policyholder account balances$137$$(140)$(3)
Foreign exchange contracts:
Realized gains (losses)$(327)$99$327$99
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Interest rate contracts:
Interest credited to policyholder account balances$(57)$$54$(3)
Foreign exchange contracts:
Realized gains (losses)$226$(124)$(226)$(124)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Interest rate contracts:
Interest credited to policyholder account balances$68$$(71)$(3)
Foreign exchange contracts:
Realized gains (losses)$(158)$141$158$141
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Interest rate contracts:
Interest credited to policyholder account balances$(14)$ $3 $(11)
Foreign exchange contracts:
Realized gains (losses)$64 $(15)$(64)$(15)
(a)Gains and losses on derivative instruments designated and qualifying in fair value hedges that are included in the assessment of hedge effectiveness.
(b)Includes gains and losses with related parties for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(c)Gains and losses on derivative instruments designated and qualifying in fair value hedges that are excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness and recognized in earnings on a mark-to-market basis.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 53

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 9. Derivatives and Hedge Accounting

The following table presents the effect of derivative instruments not designated as hedging instruments in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss):
Gains (Losses) Recognized in Earnings
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
By Derivative Type:
Interest rate contracts$136$(618)$(228)$(734)
Foreign exchange contracts(282)268(118)78
Equity contracts476(459)679(507)
Credit contracts34 60 
Other contracts11254250
Embedded derivatives
Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative(1,509)1,080(1,451)177
By Classification:
Policy fees$17$16$46$48
Net investment income (loss) - Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(8)13(1)
Net realized gains (losses) - excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(b)
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets119(155)(13)(197)
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivatives(1,509)1,080(1,451)177
Policyholder benefits(5)(5)
Change in the Fair value of market risk benefits(c)
(a)Includes gains (losses) with related parties of $(14) million and $(744) million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $22 million and $(984) million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
(b)Includes a $5 million gain related to the sale of AIG Life U.K. reported in net (gain) loss on divestitures for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. For further details on this transaction, see Note 1.
(c)This represents activity related to derivatives that economically hedged changes in fair value of certain MRBs.
In addition to embedded derivatives within policyholder contract deposits, certain guaranteed benefits within insurance contracts are classified as MRBs. The change in the fair value of these benefits is disclosed in Note 14. The change in the fair value of MRBs and the derivative instruments that hedge those risks are recognized in “Change in the fair value of MRBs, net” in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss).
We invest in hybrid securities (such as credit-linked notes) with the intent of generating income, and not specifically to acquire exposure to embedded derivative risk. As is the case with our other investments in RMBS, CMBS, CLOs, ABS and collateralized debt obligations (“CDOs”), our investments in these hybrid securities are exposed to losses only up to the amount of our initial investment in the hybrid security. Other than our initial investment in the hybrid securities, we have no further obligation to make payments on the embedded credit derivatives in the related hybrid securities.
We elect to account for our investments in these hybrid securities with embedded written credit derivatives at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in Net investment income. Our investments in these hybrid securities are reported as Other bond securities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The fair values of these hybrid securities were both zero at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. These securities have par amounts of $25 million and $25 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and have remaining stated maturity dates that extend to 2052.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 54

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 10. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs

10. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs
Deferred policy acquisition costs (“DAC”) represent those costs that are incremental and directly related to the successful acquisition of new or renewal of existing insurance contracts. We defer incremental costs that result directly from, and are essential to, the acquisition or renewal of an insurance contract. Such DAC generally include agent or broker commissions and bonuses, and medical fees that would not have been incurred if the insurance contract had not been acquired or renewed. Each cost is analyzed to assess whether it is fully deferrable. We partially defer costs, including certain commissions, when we do not believe that the entire cost is directly related to the acquisition or renewal of insurance contracts. Commissions that are not deferred to DAC are recorded in Non-deferrable insurance commissions in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss).
We also defer a portion of employee total compensation and payroll-related fringe benefits directly related to time spent performing specific acquisition or renewal activities, including costs associated with the time spent on underwriting, policy issuance and processing, and sales force contract selling. The amounts deferred are derived based on successful efforts for each distribution channel and/or cost center from which the cost originates.
DAC for all contracts, except for those with limited to no exposure to policyholder behavior risk, (i.e., certain investment contracts), is grouped and amortized on a constant level basis over the expected term of the related contracts.
Value of Business Acquired (“VOBA”): VOBA is determined at the time of acquisition and is reported in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets with DAC. This value is based on the present value of future pre-tax profits discounted at yields applicable at the time of purchase. VOBA is amortized, consistent with DAC, i.e., over the life of the business on a constant level basis.
The following table presents a rollforward of deferred policy acquisition costs and value of business acquired related to long-duration contracts for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
(in millions)
Balance at January 1, 2024 (a)
$4,777 $1,055 $4,092 $70 $9,994 
Capitalization606 60 317 32 1,015 
Amortization expense(453)(62)(259)(10)(784)
Other, including foreign exchange  (7) (7)
  (27) (27)
Balance at September 30, 2024$4,930 $1,053 $4,116 $92 $10,191 
Balance at January 1, 2023$4,643 $1,060 $4,718 $51 $10,472 
Capitalization519 55 341 22 937 
Amortization expense(424)(62)(282)(6)(774)
Other, including foreign exchange  5  5 
Reclassified to Assets held-for-sale  (684) (684)
Balance at September 30, 2023$4,738 $1,053 $4,098 $67 $9,956 
Balance at January 1, 2024 (b)
$2 $1 $14 $ $17 
Amortization expense(1)(1)(1) (3)
Other, including foreign exchange  (1) (1)
Balance at September 30, 2024$1 $ $12 $ $13 
Balance at January 1, 2023$3 $1 $87 $ $91 
Amortization expense(1) (7) (8)
Other, including foreign exchange  5  5 
Reclassified to Assets held-for-sale  (71) (71)
Balance at September 30, 2023$2 $1 $14 $ $17 
Total DAC and VOBA:
Balance at September 30, 2024$10,204 
Balance at September 30, 2023$9,973 
(a) Excludes $740 million of DAC reclassified to Assets held-for-sale at the beginning of the period and was derecognized concurrent with the closing of the sale of AIG Life U.K.
(b) Excludes $74 million of VOBA reclassified to Assets held-for-sale at the beginning of the period and was derecognized concurrent with the closing of the sale of AIG Life U.K.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 55

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 10. Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs

We offer deferred sales inducements (“DSI”) which include enhanced crediting rates or bonus payments to contract holders (bonus interest) on certain annuity and investment contract products. To qualify for accounting treatment as an asset, the bonus interest must be explicitly identified in the contract at inception. We must also demonstrate that such amounts are incremental to amounts we credit on similar contracts without bonus interest and are higher than the contracts’ expected ongoing crediting rates for periods after the bonus period. DSI is reported in Other assets, while amortization related to DSI is recorded in Interest credited to policyholder account balances. DSI amounts are deferred and amortized on a constant level basis over the life of the contract consistent with DAC.
The following table presents a rollforward of deferred sales inducement assets related to long-duration contracts for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Nine Months Ended September 30,20242023
(in millions)
Balance, beginning of year$333 $164 $497 $381 $177 $558 
Capitalization4 1 5 5  5 
Amortization expense(38)(10)(48)(41)(10)(51)
Balance, end of period$299 $155 $454 $345 $167 $512 
Other reconciling items*1,785 1,302 
Other assets, including restricted cash$2,239 $1,814 
*Other reconciling items include prepaid expenses, goodwill, intangible assets and any similar items.
11. Separate Account Assets and Liabilities
We report variable contracts within the separate accounts when investment income and investment gains and losses accrue directly to, and investment risk is borne by, the contract holder and the separate account meets additional accounting criteria to qualify for separate account treatment. The assets supporting the variable portion of variable annuity and variable universal life contracts that qualify for separate account treatment are carried at fair value and are reported as separate account assets, with an equivalent summary total reported as separate account liabilities. The assets of insulated accounts are legally segregated and are not subject to claims that arise from any of our other businesses.
Policy values for variable products and investment contracts are expressed in terms of investment units. Each unit is linked to an asset portfolio. The value of a unit increases or decreases based on the value of the linked asset portfolio. The current liability at any time is the sum of the current unit value of all investment units in the separate accounts, plus any liabilities for MRBs.
Amounts assessed against the policyholders for mortality, administrative and other services are included in policy fees. Investment performance (including investment income, net investment gains (losses) and changes in unrealized gains (losses)) and the corresponding amounts credited to policyholders of such separate accounts are offset within the same line in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss).
For discussion of the fair value measurement of guaranteed benefits that are accounted for as MRBs, see Note 4.
The following table presents fair value of separate account investment options:
Individual RetirementGroup RetirementLife
(in millions)
September 30, 2024
Equity funds
$27,353 $30,785 $945 $683 $59,766 
Bond funds
4,187 3,233 46 1,305 8,771 
Balanced funds
18,066 5,831 56 2,143 26,096 
Money market funds
705 825 17 188 1,735 
Total$50,311 $40,674 $1,064 $4,319 $96,368 
December 31, 2023
Equity funds
$25,451 $28,675 $819 $593 $55,538 
Bond funds
4,037 3,292 44 1,303 8,676 
Balanced funds
17,711 5,479 53 1,923 25,166 
Money market funds
694 742 16 173 1,625 
Total$47,893 $38,188 $932 $3,992 $91,005 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 56

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 11. Separate Account Assets and Liabilities
The following table presents the balances and changes in separate account liabilities:
Individual RetirementGroup
(in millions)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Separate accounts balance, beginning of year$47,893 $38,188 $932 $3,992 $91,005 
Premiums and deposits973 1,063 26 93 2,155 
Policy charges(863)(353)(36)(72)(1,324)
Surrenders and withdrawals(3,872)(3,238)(24)(58)(7,192)
Benefit payments(721)(444)(9)(16)(1,190)
Investment performance6,841 5,718 179 355 13,093 
Net transfers from (to) general account and other60 (260)(4)25 (179)
Separate accounts balance, end of period$50,311 $40,674 $1,064 $4,319 $96,368 
Cash surrender value*
$49,399 $40,467 $1,043 $4,313 $95,222 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Separate accounts balance, beginning of year$45,178 $34,361 $799 $4,515 $84,853 
Premiums and deposits1,124 1,033 27 40 2,224 
Policy charges(964)(333)(37)(69)(1,403)
Surrenders and withdrawals(2,728)(2,205)(19)(503)(5,455)
Benefit payments(640)(374)(5)(61)(1,080)
Investment performance2,470 2,806 85 160 5,521 
Net transfers from (to) general account and other173 (122)(2)15 64 
Separate accounts balance, end of period$44,613 $35,166 $848 $4,097 $84,724 
Cash surrender value*
$43,566 $34,980 $828 $4,100 $83,474 
*The cash surrender value represents the amount of the contract holder’s account balance distributable at the balance sheet date less applicable surrender charges.
Separate account liabilities primarily represent the contract holder's account balance in separate account assets and will be equal and offsetting to total separate account assets.
12. Future Policy Benefits
Future policy benefits primarily include reserves for traditional life and annuity payout contracts, which represent an estimate of the present value of future benefits less the present value of future net premiums. Included in Future policy benefits are liabilities for annuities issued in structured settlement arrangements whereby a claimant receives life contingent payments over their lifetime. Also included are pension risk transfer arrangements whereby an upfront premium is received in exchange for guaranteed retirement benefits. All payments under these arrangements are fixed and determinable with respect to their amounts and dates. Structured settlement or other annuitization elections (e.g., certain single premium immediate annuities) that do not involve life contingent payments, but rather payments for a stated period are included in Policyholder contract deposits.
For traditional and limited pay long-duration products, benefit reserves are accrued and benefit expense is recognized using a net premium ratio (“NPR”) methodology for each annual cohort of business.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 57

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) |12. Future Policy Benefits
The following tables present the balances and changes in the liability for future policy benefits and a reconciliation of the net liability for future policy benefits to the liability for future policy benefits in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets:
Corporate and OtherTotal
(in millions, except for liability durations)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Present value of expected net premiums
Balance, beginning of year$ $ $8,379 $ $973 $9,352 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)  1,482  44 1,526 
Reclassified to Liabilities held-for-sale  4,287   4,287 
Beginning balance at original discount rate  14,148  1,017 15,165 
Effect of changes in cash flow assumptions  (57) (11)(68)
Effect of actual variances from expected experience  4  (7)(3)
Adjusted beginning of year balance  14,095  999 15,094 
Issuances  733   733 
Interest accrual  288  32 320 
Net premium collected  (888) (86)(974)
Foreign exchange impact  (46)  (46)
  (5,108)  (5,108)
Ending balance at original discount rate  9,074  945 10,019 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)  (463) (28)(491)
Balance, end of period$ $ $8,611 $ $917 $9,528 
Present value of expected future policy benefits
Balance, beginning of year$1,353 $217 $17,531 $18,482 $20,654 $58,237 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)132 (3)2,745 1,906 437 5,217 
Reclassified to Liabilities held-for-sale  5,119   5,119 
Beginning balance at original discount rate1,485 214 25,395 20,388 21,091 68,573 
Effect of changes in cash flow assumptions(a)
Effect of actual variances from expected experience(a)
(27)(2)15 (8)(19)(41)
Adjusted beginning of year balance1,458 212 25,386 20,339 21,033 68,428 
Issuances92 10 721 2,105 5 2,933 
Interest accrual50 9 635 665 753 2,112 
Benefit payments(105)(18)(1,204)(907)(1,099)(3,333)
Foreign exchange impact  (61)503  442 
Other (5)2  (7)(10)
  (6,796)  (6,796)
Ending balance at original discount rate1,495 208 18,683 22,705 20,685 63,776 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)(108)5 (825)(2,260)(324)(3,512)
Balance, end of period$1,387 $213 $17,858 $20,445 $20,361 $60,264 
Net liability for future policy benefits, end of period1,387 213 9,247 20,445 19,444 50,736 
Liability for future policy benefits for certain participating contracts  12  1,270 1,282 
Liability for universal life policies(b)
  4,170  55 4,225 
Deferred profit liability59 11 22 1,673 832 2,597 
Other reconciling items(c)
34  449  93 576 
Future policy benefits for life and accident and health insurance contracts1,480 224 13,900 22,118 21,694 59,416 
Less: Reinsurance recoverable:(5) (678)(41)(21,694)(22,418)
Net liability for future policy benefits after reinsurance recoverable$1,475 $224 $13,222 $22,077 $ $36,998 
Weighted average liability duration of the liability for future policy benefits(d)
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 58

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) |12. Future Policy Benefits
Corporate and OtherTotal
(in millions, except for liability durations)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Present value of expected net premiums
Balance, beginning of year$ $ $11,654 $ $991 $12,645 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)  1,872  66 1,938 
Beginning balance at original discount rate  13,526  1,057 14,583 
Effect of changes in cash flow assumptions  34  21 55 
Effect of actual variances from expected experience  36  16 52 
Adjusted beginning of year balance  13,596  1,094 14,690 
Issuances  986   986 
Interest accrual  325  34 359 
Net premium collected  (1,093) (90)(1,183)
Foreign exchange impact  44   44 
Other  11  (3)8 
Ending balance at original discount rate  13,869  1,035 14,904 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)  (2,199) (95)(2,294)
Reclassified to Liabilities held-for-sale(3,784)(3,784)
Balance, end of period$ $ $7,886 $ $940 $8,826 
Present value of expected future policy benefits
Balance, beginning of year$1,223 $211 $21,179 $12,464 $20,429 $55,506 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)167 2 3,424 2,634 1,083 7,310 
Beginning balance at original discount rate1,390 213 24,603 15,098 21,512 62,816 
Effect of changes in cash flow assumptions(a)
  62  76 138 
Effect of actual variances from expected experience(a)
(1)(1)85 21 (10)94 
Adjusted beginning of year balance1,389 212 24,750 15,119 21,578 63,048 
Issuances141 16 978 3,503 4 4,642 
Interest accrual38 8 679 478 770 1,973 
Benefit payments(95)(20)(1,461)(810)(1,121)(3,507)
Foreign exchange impact  54 48  102 
Other  8  (18)(10)
Ending balance at original discount rate1,473 216 25,008 18,338 21,213 66,248 
Effect of changes in discount rate assumptions (AOCI)(217)(9)(4,397)(3,512)(2,214)(10,349)
Reclassified to Liabilities held-for-sale  (4,352)  (4,352)
Balance, end of period$1,256 $207 $16,259 $14,826 $18,999 $51,547 
Net liability for future policy benefits, end of period1,256 207 8,373 14,826 18,059 42,721 
Liability for future policy benefits for certain participating contracts  13  1,308 1,321 
Liability for universal life policies(b)
  3,223  55 3,278 
Deferred profit liability80 9 18 1,428 865 2,400 
Other reconciling items(c)
34  508  93 635 
Future policy benefits for life and accident and health insurance contracts1,370 216 12,135 16,254 20,380 50,355 
Less: Reinsurance recoverable:(4) (700)(37)(20,380)(21,121)
Net liability for future policy benefits after reinsurance recoverable$1,366 $216 $11,435 $16,217 $ $29,234 
Weighted average liability duration of the liability for future policy benefits(d)(e)
(a)Effect of changes in cash flow assumptions and variances from actual experience are partially offset by changes in the deferred profit liability.
(b)Additional details can be found in the table that presents the balances and changes in the liability for universal life policies.
(c)Other reconciling items primarily include the Accident and Health as well as Group Benefits (short-duration) contracts.
(d)The weighted average liability durations are calculated as the modified duration using projected future net liability cashflows that are aggregated at the segment level, utilizing the segment level weighted average interest rates and current discount rate, which can be found in the table below.
(e)Includes balances that were reclassified to Liabilities held-for-sale in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 59

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) |12. Future Policy Benefits
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 in the traditional and term life insurance block, capping of net premium ratios at 100% caused a (credit)/charge to net income of $(1) million and $(1) million, respectively. The discount rate was updated based on market observable information. Relative to the prior period, the increase in upper-medium-grade fixed income yields resulted in a decrease in the liability for future policy benefits.
The following table presents the amount of undiscounted expected future benefit payments and undiscounted and discounted expected gross premiums for future policy benefits for nonparticipating contracts:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in millions)20242023
Individual RetirementUndiscounted expected future benefits and expense$2,139 $2,119 
Undiscounted expected future gross premiums$ $ 
Discounted expected future gross premiums (at current discount rate)$ $ 
Group RetirementUndiscounted expected future benefits and expense$306 $315 
Undiscounted expected future gross premiums$ $ 
Discounted expected future gross premiums (at current discount rate)$ $ 
Life Insurance (a)
Undiscounted expected future benefits and expense$31,018 $39,763 
Undiscounted expected future gross premiums$21,763 $29,789 
Discounted expected future gross premiums (at current discount rate)$14,899 $18,596 
Institutional MarketsUndiscounted expected future benefits and expense$43,864 $33,025 
Undiscounted expected future gross premiums$ $ 
Discounted expected future gross premiums (at current discount rate)$ $ 
Corporate and other (b)
Undiscounted expected future benefits and expense$41,994 $43,250 
Undiscounted expected future gross premiums$2,016 $2,141 
Discounted expected future gross premiums (at current discount rate)$1,385 $1,372 
(a)    2023 includes balances related to AIG Life U.K. that have been reclassified to Liabilities held-for-sale in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at September 30, 2023.
(b)    Represents activity ceded to Fortitude Re.
The following table presents the amount of revenue and interest recognized in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) for future policy benefits for nonparticipating contracts:
Gross PremiumsInterest Accretion
Nine Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Individual Retirement$102 $164 $50 $38 
Group Retirement10 16 9 8 
Life Insurance1,537 1,781 347 354 
Institutional Markets
2,200 3,709 665 478 
Corporate and Other154 161 721 736 
Total$4,003 $5,831 $1,792 $1,614 
The following table presents the weighted-average interest rate for future policy benefits for nonparticipating contracts:
Corporate and Other
September 30, 2024
Weighted-average interest rate, original discount rate 3.75 %5.17 %4.69 %4.29 %4.85 %
Weighted-average interest rate, current discount rate 4.89 %4.81 %5.04 %5.15 %5.04 %
September 30, 2023
Weighted-average interest rate, original discount rate *3.75 %5.15 %4.14 %3.97 %4.87 %
Weighted-average interest rate, current discount rate *5.92 %5.90 %5.92 %5.87 %5.94 %
*    Weighted-average interest rates for Life Insurance include balances that have been reclassified to Liabilities held-for-sale.
The weighted average interest rates are calculated using projected future net liability cash flows that are aggregated to the segment level, and are represented as an annual rate.
Actuarial Assumption Updates for Liability for Future Policy Benefits
In 2024, Corebridge recognized a favorable impact to net income primarily due to model refinements offset by lapse and mortality assumption updates in Life Insurance. In 2023, Corebridge recognized an unfavorable impact to net income due to other refinements on Life products offset in part by mortality assumption updates.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) |12. Future Policy Benefits
Additional Liabilities: For universal-life type products, insurance benefits in excess of the account balance are generally recognized as expenses in the period incurred unless the design of the product is such that future charges are insufficient to cover the benefits, in which case an “additional liability” is accrued over the life of the contract. These additional liabilities are included in Future policy benefits for life and accident and health insurance contracts in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.
Our additional liabilities include universal life policies with secondary guarantees and these additional liabilities are recognized in addition to the Policyholder account balances. For universal life policies with secondary guarantees, as well as other universal life policies for which profits followed by losses are expected at contract inception, a liability is recognized based on a benefit ratio of (a) the present value of total expected payments, in excess of the account value, over the life of the contract, divided by (b) the present value of total expected assessments over the life of the contract. For universal life policies without secondary guarantees, for which profits followed by losses are first expected after contract inception, we establish a liability, in addition to policyholder account balances, so that expected future losses are recognized in proportion to the emergence of profits in the earlier (profitable) years. Universal life account balances are reported within Policyholder contract deposits, while these additional liabilities are reported within the liability for future policy benefits in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. These additional liabilities are also adjusted to reflect the effect of unrealized gains or losses on fixed maturity securities available-for-sale on accumulated assessments, with related changes recognized through OCI. The policyholder behavior assumptions for these liabilities include mortality, lapses and premium persistency. The capital market assumptions used for the liability for universal life policies include discount rates and net earned rates.
The following table presents the balances and changes in the liability for universal life policies:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Corporate and OtherTotalLife
Corporate and OtherTotal
(in millions, except duration of liability)
Balance, beginning of year$3,731 $55 $3,786 $3,300 $55 $3,355 
Effect of changes in assumptions38  38 (41) (41)
Effect of changes in experience274 (3)271 174 (3)171 
Adjusted beginning balance$4,043 $52 $4,095 $3,433 $52 $3,485 
Assessments434 1 435 518 1 519 
Excess benefits paid(646) (646)(681) (681)
Interest accrual119 2 121 95 2 97 
Other(8) (8)20  20 
Changes related to unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments228  228 (162) (162)
Balance, end of period$4,170 $55 $4,225 $3,223 $55 $3,278 
Less: Reinsurance recoverable(155)(55)(210)(162) (162)
Balance, end of period, net of Reinsurance recoverable$4,015 $ $4,015 $3,061 $55 $3,116 
Weighted average duration of liability *
*The weighted average duration of liabilities is calculated as the modified duration using projected future net liability cashflows that are aggregated at the segment level, utilizing the segment level weighted average interest rates, which can be found in the table below.
The following table presents the amount of revenue and interest recognized in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) for the liability for universal life policies:
Gross AssessmentsInterest Accretion
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Life Insurance$741 $855 $119 $95 
Corporate and Other29 31 2 2 
Total$770 $886 $121 $97 
The following table presents the calculation of weighted average interest rate for the liability for universal life policies:
September 30,20242023
Corporate and OtherLife
Corporate and Other
Weighted-average interest rate4.13 %4.20 %3.94 %4.20 %
The weighted average interest rates are calculated using projected future net liability cash flows that are aggregated to the segment level, and are represented as an annual rate.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) |12. Future Policy Benefits
The following table presents details concerning our universal life policies:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in millions, except for attained age of contract holders)20242023
Account value$3,912$3,654
Net amount at risk$74,889$71,497
Average attained age of contract holders5353
Actuarial Assumption Updates for Liability for universal life policies
In 2024, Corebridge recognized an unfavorable impact to net income due to lapse and mortality updates for universal life policies, offset by yield and spread updates. In 2023, Corebridge recognized a favorable impact to net income due to updates to the portfolio yield assumption and refinements to the modeling for universal life policies, partially offset by updated premium assumptions.
13. Policyholder Contract Deposits and Other Policyholder Funds
The liability for Policyholder contract deposits is primarily recorded at accumulated value (deposits received and net transfers from separate accounts, plus accrued interest credited, less withdrawals and assessed fees). Deposits collected on investment-oriented products are not reflected as revenues. They are recorded directly to Policyholder contract deposits upon receipt. Amounts assessed against the contract holders for mortality, administrative, and other services are included as Policy fees in revenues.
In addition to liabilities for universal life, fixed annuities, fixed options within variable annuities, annuities without life contingencies, funding agreements and GICs, policyholder contract deposits also include our liability for (i) index features accounted for as embedded derivatives at fair value, (ii) annuities issued in a structured settlement arrangement with no life contingency and (iii) certain contracts we have elected to account for at fair value. Changes in the fair value of the embedded derivatives related to policy index features and the fair value of derivatives hedging these liabilities are recognized in realized gains and losses.
For additional information on index credits accounted for as embedded derivatives, see Note 4.
Under a funding agreement-backed notes issuance program, an unaffiliated, non-consolidated statutory trust issues medium-term notes to investors, which are secured by funding agreements issued to the trust by one of our subsidiaries through our Institutional Markets business.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 13. Policyholder Contract Deposits and Other Policyholder Funds
The following table presents the balances and changes in Policyholder contract deposits account balances(a):
Corporate and other
(in millions, except for average crediting rate)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Policyholder contract deposits account balance, beginning of year$94,896 $41,299 $10,231 $13,649 $3,333 $163,408 
Deposits17,949 4,025 1,211 3,784 31 27,000 
Policy charges(544)(380)(1,124)(51)(44)(2,143)
Surrenders and withdrawals(13,087)(7,337)(227)(82)(91)(20,824)
Benefit payments(3,049)(1,500)(214)(1,232)(219)(6,214)
Net transfers from (to) separate account3,934 3,086 17 15  7,052 
Interest credited2,769 951 377 511 119 4,727 
Other(1)(210)15 214 (3)15 
Policyholder contract deposits account balance, end of period102,867 39,934 10,286 16,808 3,126 173,021 
Other reconciling items(b)
(1,113)(187)279 177  (844)
Policyholder contract deposits$101,754 $39,747 $10,565 $16,985 $3,126 $172,177 
Weighted average crediting rate3.04 %3.12 %4.46 %4.57 %5.05 %
Cash surrender value(c)
$96,343 $39,076 $9,101 $2,586 $1,613 $148,719 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Policyholder contract deposits account balance, beginning of year$89,554 $43,395 $10,224 $11,734 $3,587 $158,494 
Deposits12,885 3,943 1,211 3,707 34 21,780 
Policy charges(661)(359)(1,143)(50)(47)(2,260)
Surrenders and withdrawals(10,310)(6,010)(194)(502)(65)(17,081)
Benefit payments(2,984)(1,801)(222)(1,355)(233)(6,595)
Net transfers from (to) separate account2,577 1,896 1 565  5,039 
Interest credited1,482 843 297 353 127 3,102 
Other(7)6 16 (9)(11)(5)
Policyholder contract deposits account balance, end of period
92,536 41,913 10,190 14,443 3,392 162,474 
Other reconciling items(b)
(2,280)(327)11 (20) (2,616)
Policyholder contract deposits$90,256 $41,586 $10,201 $14,423 $3,392 $159,858 
Weighted average crediting rate2.65 %2.88 %4.37 %3.66 %4.99 %
Cash surrender value(c)
$85,644 $40,928 $9,008 $2,577 $1,732 $139,889 
(a)Transactions between the general account and the separate account are presented in this table on a gross basis (e.g., a policyholder's funds are initially deposited into the general account and then simultaneously transferred to the separate account), and thus, did not impact the ending balance of policyholder contract deposits.
(b)Reconciling items principally relate to MRBs that are bifurcated and reported separately, net of embedded derivatives that are recorded in policyholder contract deposits.
(c)Cash surrender value is related to the portion of policyholder contract deposits that have a defined cash surrender value (e.g. GICs do not have a cash surrender value).
For information related to net amount at risk, refer to the table that presents the balances of and changes in MRBs in Note 14.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 13. Policyholder Contract Deposits and Other Policyholder Funds
The following table presents Policyholder contract deposits account balance by range of guaranteed minimum crediting rates and the related range of difference, in basis points, between rates being credited to policyholders and the respective guaranteed minimums:
September 30, 2024At Guaranteed Minimum1 Basis Point - 50 Basis Points AboveMore than 50 Basis Points Above Minimum GuaranteeTotal
(in millions, except percentage of total)
Individual RetirementRange of Guaranteed Minimum Credited Rate
$5,794 $1,711 $33,119 $40,624 
> 1% - 2%
3,226 21 1,120 4,367 
> 2% - 3%
7,127 13 2,299 9,439 
> 3% - 4%
5,943 34 4 5,981 
> 4% - 5%
411  4 415 
> 5%
37 5 3 45 
Total$22,538 $1,784 $36,549 $60,871 
Group RetirementRange of Guaranteed Minimum Credited Rate
$2,087 $1,542 $8,594 $12,223 
> 1% - 2%
3,324 735 937 4,996 
> 2% - 3%
10,977 297 115 11,389 
> 3% - 4%
575   575 
> 4% - 5%
6,432   6,432 
> 5%
137   137 
Total$23,532 $2,574 $9,646 $35,752 
Life InsuranceRange of Guaranteed Minimum Credited Rate
$ $ $ $ 
> 1% - 2%
 109 364 473 
> 2% - 3%
9 391 1,530 1,930 
> 3% - 4%
1,179 438 22 1,639 
> 4% - 5%
2,748   2,748 
> 5%
211   211 
Total$4,147 $938 $1,916 $7,001 
Total*$50,217 $5,296 $48,111 $103,624 
Percentage of total49%5%46%100%
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 64

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 13. Policyholder Contract Deposits and Other Policyholder Funds
September 30, 2023At Guaranteed Minimum
1 Basis Point - 50 Basis Points Above
More than 50 Basis Points Above Minimum Guarantee
(in millions, except percentage of total)
Individual RetirementRange of Guaranteed Minimum Credited Rate
$6,741 $2,234 $24,455 $33,430 
> 1% - 2%
3,940 22 1,909 5,871 
> 2% - 3%
8,401 11 822 9,234 
> 3% - 4%
6,864 37 6 6,907 
> 4% - 5%
439  4 443 
> 5%
32  3 35 
Total$26,417 $2,304 $27,199 $55,920 
Group RetirementRange of Guaranteed Minimum Credited Rate
$2,197 $2,467 $6,304 $10,968 
> 1% - 2%
3,874 1,347 667 5,888 
> 2% - 3%
12,700 159 93 12,952 
> 3% - 4%
641   641 
> 4% - 5%
6,773   6,773 
> 5%
150   150 
Total$26,335 $3,973 $7,064 $37,372 
Life InsuranceRange of Guaranteed Minimum Credited Rate
$ $ $ $ 
> 1% - 2%
 131 347 478 
> 2% - 3%
9 866 1,078 1,953 
> 3% - 4%
1,178 499 26 1,703 
> 4% - 5%
2,879   2,879 
> 5%
218   218 
Total$4,284 $1,496 $1,451 $7,231 
Total*$57,036 $7,773 $35,714 $100,523 
Percentage of total56%8%36%100%
*Excludes policyholder contract deposits account balances that are not subject to guaranteed minimum crediting rates.
Other policyholder funds include unearned revenue reserve (“URR”), consisting of front-end loads on investment-oriented contracts, representing those policy loads that are non-level and typically higher in initial policy years than in later policy years. Amortization of URR is recorded in Policy fees.
URR for investment-oriented contracts are generally deferred and amortized into income using the same assumptions and factors used to amortize DAC (i.e., on a constant level basis).
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 65

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 13. Policyholder Contract Deposits and Other Policyholder Funds
The following table presents a rollforward of the unearned revenue reserve for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Corporate and OtherTotal
(in millions)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Balance, beginning of year$1,770 $1 $94 $1,865 
Revenue deferred120   120 
Amortization(83) (7)(90)
Balance, end of period$1,807 $1 $87 $1,895 
Other reconciling items*957 
Other policyholder funds$2,852 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Balance, beginning of year$1,727 $2 $105 $1,834 
Revenue deferred114   114 
Balance, end of period$1,758 $1 $97 $1,856 
Other reconciling items*994 
Other policyholder funds$2,850 
*Other reconciling items include policyholders' dividend accumulations, provisions for future dividends to participating policyholders, dividends to policyholders and any similar items.
14. Market Risk Benefits
MRBs are defined as contracts or contract features that both provide protection to the contract holder from other-than-nominal capital market risk and expose Corebridge to other-than nominal capital market risk. The MRB represents an amount that a policyholder receives in addition to the account balance upon the occurrence of a specific event or circumstance, such as death, annuitization, or periodic withdrawal that involves protection from other-than-nominal capital market risk. Certain contract features, such as GMWBs, GMDBs and guaranteed minimum income benefits (“GMIBs”) commonly found in variable, fixed index and fixed annuities, are MRBs. MRBs are assessed at contract inception using a non-option method involving attributed fees that results in an initial fair value of zero or an option method that results in a fair value greater than zero.
MRBs are recorded at fair value, and Corebridge applies a non-option attributed fee valuation method for variable annuity products, and an option-based valuation method (host offset) for both fixed index and fixed products.
Changes in the fair value of Market Risk Benefits, net represents changes in the fair value of market risk benefit liabilities and assets (with the exception of our own credit risk changes), and includes attributed rider fees and benefits, net of changes in the fair value of derivative instruments and fixed maturity securities that are used to economically hedge market risk from the variable annuity GMWB riders.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 14. Market Risk Benefits
The following table presents the balances of and changes in MRBs:
(in millions, except for attained age of contract holders)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Balance, beginning of year$4,562 $308 $4,870 
Effect of changes in our own credit risk(1,072)(88)(1,160)
Balance, beginning of year, before effect of changes in our own credit risk$3,490 $220 $3,710 
Issuances612 40 652 
Interest accrual111 8 119 
Attributed fees504 45 549 
Expected claims(49)(1)(50)
Effect of changes in interest rates86 5 91 
Effect of changes in interest rate volatility(27)1 (26)
Effect of changes in equity markets(1,006)(87)(1,093)
Effect of changes in equity index volatility(4)1 (3)
Actual outcome different from model expected outcome(28)4 (24)
Effect of changes in future expected policyholder behavior148 26 174 
Effect of changes in other future expected assumptions(95)(1)(96)
Other, including foreign exchange   
Balance, end of period before effect of changes in our own credit risk3,742 261 4,003 
Effect of changes in our own credit risk1,081 89 1,170 
Balance, end of period4,823 350 5,173 
Less: Reinsured MRB, end of period(61) (61)
Net Liability Balance after reinsurance recoverable$4,762 $350 $5,112 
Net amount at risk
GMDB only$578 $118 $696 
GMWB only$377 $33 $410 
$467 $11 $478 
Weighted average attained age of contract holders7164
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Balance, beginning of year$3,738 $296 $4,034 
Effect of changes in our own credit risk(441)(24)(465)
Balance, beginning of year, before effect of changes in our own credit risk$3,297 $272 $3,569 
Issuances527 28 555 
Interest accrual122 12 134 
Attributed fees636 49 685 
Expected claims(68)(2)(70)
Effect of changes in interest rates(1,223)(99)(1,322)
Effect of changes in interest rate volatility(7)2 (5)
Effect of changes in equity markets(591)(61)(652)
Effect of changes in equity index volatility(27)(4)(31)
Actual outcome different from model expected outcome155 10 165 
Effect of changes in future expected policyholder behavior(1)(1)(2)
Effect of changes in other future expected assumptions(86)(40)(126)
Other, including foreign exchange (3)(3)
Balance, end of period before effect of changes in our own credit risk2,734 163 2,897 
Effect of changes in our own credit risk662 53 715 
Balance, end of period3,396 216 3,612 
Less: Reinsured MRB, end of period(71) (71)
Net liability balance after reinsurance recoverable$3,325 $216 $3,541 
Net amount at risk
GMDB only$1,200 $257 $1,457 
GMWB only$24 $1 $25 
Combined*$1,764 $28 $1,792 
Weighted average attained age of contract holders7064
*Certain contracts contain both guaranteed GMDB and GMWB features and are modeled together for the purposes of calculating the MRB.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 14. Market Risk Benefits
The following is a reconciliation of MRBs by amounts in an asset position and in a liability position to the MRBs amount in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets:
September 30, 2024September 30, 2023
(in millions)Asset*Liability*NetAsset*Liability*Net
Individual Retirement$970 $5,732 $4,762 $814 $4,139 $3,325 
Group Retirement194 544 350 164 380 216 
Total$1,164 $6,276 $5,112 $978 $4,519 $3,541 
*Cash flows and attributed fees for MRBs are determined on a policy level basis and are reported based on their asset or liability position at the balance sheet date.
For additional information related to fair value measurements of MRBs, see Note 4.
Actuarial Assumption Updates for Market Risk Benefits
For 2024, Corebridge recognized an unfavorable impact to net income due to policyholder assumptions, including mortality and partial withdrawal updates, partially offset by economic assumptions. For 2023, Corebridge recognized a favorable impact to net income due to policyholder behavior assumptions.
15. Debt
On September 12, 2024, Corebridge Parent issued and sold $750 million aggregate principal amount of its 6.375% fixed-to-fixed reset rate junior subordinated notes due 2054 (“2054 Notes”). Subject to certain redemption provisions and other terms of the 2054 Notes, the interest rate resets on September 15, 2034 and each five-year anniversary thereafter, at an annual rate equal to the five-year treasury rate as of the most recent reset interest determination date plus 2.646%.
Corebridge used a portion of the net proceeds of the issuance of the 2054 Notes to repay all of the $250 million aggregate principal amount outstanding under Corebridge’s Three-Year DDTL Facility, dated as of February 25, 2022, among Corebridge, the lenders party thereto and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as administrative agent. The balance of the proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes. This facility was terminated on September 12, 2024 after the final loan repayment.
16. Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees
In the normal course of business, we enter into various contingent liabilities and commitments. Although we cannot currently quantify our ultimate liability for unresolved litigation and investigation matters, including those referred to below, it is possible that such liability could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial condition, consolidated results of operations or consolidated cash flows for an individual reporting period.
In the normal course of business, we are subject to regulatory and government investigations and actions, and litigation and other forms of dispute resolution in a large number of proceedings pending in various domestic and foreign jurisdictions. Certain of these matters involve potentially significant risk of loss due to potential for significant jury awards and settlements, punitive damages or other penalties. Many of these matters are also highly complex and may seek recovery on behalf of a class or similarly large number of plaintiffs. It is therefore inherently difficult to predict the size or scope of potential future losses arising from these matters. In our insurance and reinsurance operations, litigation and arbitration concerning the scope of coverage under insurance and reinsurance contracts, and litigation and arbitration in which our subsidiaries defend or indemnify their insureds under insurance contracts, are generally considered in the establishment of our future policy benefits. Separate and apart from the foregoing matters involving insurance and reinsurance coverage, we and our respective officers and directors are subject to a variety of additional types of legal proceedings brought by holders of our securities, customers, employees and others, alleging, among other things, breach of contractual or fiduciary duties, bad faith, indemnification and violations of federal and state statutes and regulations. With respect to these other categories of matters not arising out of claims for insurance or reinsurance coverage, we establish reserves for loss contingencies when it is probable that a loss will be incurred, and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. In many instances, we are unable to determine whether a loss is probable or to reasonably estimate the amount of such a loss and, therefore, the potential future losses arising from legal proceedings may exceed the amount of liabilities that we have recorded in our financial statements covering these matters. While such potential future charges could be material, based on information currently known to management, management does not believe, other than as may be discussed below, that any such charges are likely to have a material adverse effect on our financial position or results of operations.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 16. Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees
Additionally, from time to time, various regulatory and governmental agencies review our transactions and practices in connection with industry-wide and other inquiries or examinations into, among other matters, the business practices of current and former operating subsidiaries. Such investigations, inquiries or examinations could develop into administrative, civil or criminal proceedings or enforcement actions, in which remedies could include fines, penalties, restitution or alterations in our business practices, and could result in additional expenses, limitations on certain business activities and reputational damage.
Yearly Renewable Term Agreements
Certain of our reinsurers have sought rate increases on certain YRT agreements. We are disputing the requested rate increases under these agreements. Certain reinsurers with whom we have disputes have initiated arbitration proceedings against us, and other reinsurers may initiate them in the future. To the extent reinsurers have sought retroactive premium increases, we have accrued our current estimate of probable loss with respect to these matters.
For additional information, see Note 7.
Moriarty Litigation
AGL continues to defend against Moriarty v. American General Life Insurance Co. (S.D. Cal.), a putative class action involving Sections 10113.71 and 10113.72 of the California Insurance Code, which was instituted against AGL on July 18, 2017. In general, those statutes require that for life-insurance policies issued and delivered in California: (1) the policy must contain a 60-day grace period following non-payment of premium during which the policy remains in force; (2) the insurer must provide a 30-day pre-lapse notice; and (3) the insurer must notify policy owners of the right to designate a secondary recipient for lapse notices. The plaintiff contends AGL did not comply with these requirements for a policy issued before these statutes went into effect. The plaintiff seeks damages and other relief. AGL asserts various defenses to the plaintiff’s claims and to class certification. In 2022, the District Court held that a trial was necessary to determine whether AGL was liable on the plaintiff’s breach of contract claim, and it denied class certification. In May 2023, the case was reassigned to a new judge. On August 14, 2023, the District Court granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment on the plaintiff’s breach of contract claim. On September 26, 2023, the District Court decided that good cause exists to allow the plaintiff to file a third motion for class certification. At the same time, however, the District Court certified its August 14, 2023 order for interlocutory appeal to the Ninth Circuit and stayed trial court proceedings pending the outcome of AGL’s appeal. The Ninth Circuit granted AGL’s petition for interlocutory appeal on November 21, 2023, which remains pending. AGL filed its opening brief on April 15, 2024. Plaintiff filed its answering brief on July 22, 2024, and AGL filed its reply on September 11, 2024. On August 13, 2024, Plaintiff filed a motion with the Ninth Circuit to certify a question regarding the interpretation of the California statute – namely, whether an insured can terminate an insurance policy without having complied with the notice and grace period requirements of the California statute. AGL opposed Plaintiff’s motion on August 23, 2024, arguing that there was no basis for certification and disagreeing with Plaintiff’s claimed issue for review. Plaintiff’s motion for certification remains pending. The Ninth Circuit has indicated that it may hold arguments in February or March 2025.
AGL is also defending other actions in California involving similar issues: Allen v. Protective Life Insurance Co. and American General Life Insurance Co. (E.D. Cal.) was filed in state court on September 26, 2022. After being removed to federal court, the plaintiffs filed a motion on August 11, 2023, seeking leave to amend the complaint to add class action allegations against AGL. On November 8, 2023, the District Court issued an order that plaintiffs’ motion will be held in abeyance pending resolution of the class certification issues in Moriarty. On June 24, 2024, Protective Life and AGL filed a motion to stay the entire lawsuit (not just plaintiffs’ motion for leave to amend the complaint) pending resolution of Moriarty. On July 8, 2024, plaintiffs filed a response in opposition to the motion to stay; Chuck v. American General Life Insurance Co. (C.D. Cal.) was filed in state court on September 6, 2023, as a putative class action. After being removed to federal court, the plaintiffs filed an amended complaint on January 8, 2024, dropping the class action allegation against AGL and adding a sales agent as a defendant. On April 15, 2024, the District Court entered a scheduling order setting the case for trial on February 18, 2025. Koch Family Insurance Trust v. American General Life Insurance Co. (C.D. Cal.) was filed in state court on May 15, 2024, and removed to federal court on June 28, 2024. Wong v. American General Life Insurance Co. (C.D. Cal.) was filed in state court on July 31, 2024, and removed to federal court on September 4, 2024. People of the State of California v. American General Life Insurance Co., et al. (Cal. Superior Court, San Diego County) was filed on October 17, 2024, against AGL, Lincoln Benefit Life Co., Everlake Life Insurance Co., and Transamerica Life Insurance Co., seeking civil penalties and equitable relief under California Business & Professions Code §§ 17200 et seq. AGL had not been served as of October 24, 2024.
These cases are in the early stages, and AGL expects their progress will be influenced by future developments in Moriarty and cases against other insurers involving the same insurance statutes. AGL has accrued its current estimate of probable loss with respect to these litigation matters.
In the normal course of business, we enter into commitments to invest in limited partnerships, private equity funds and hedge funds and to purchase and develop real estate in the United States and abroad. These commitments totaled $3.8 billion at September 30, 2024.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 16. Contingencies, Commitments and Guarantees
Asset Dispositions
We are subject to guarantees and indemnity arrangements in connection with the completed sales of businesses. The various arrangements may be triggered by, among other things, declines in asset values; the occurrence of specified business contingencies; the realization of contingent liabilities; developments in litigation; or breaches of representations, warranties or covenants provided by us. These arrangements are typically subject to various time limitations, defined by the contract or by operation of law, such as statutes of limitations. In some cases, the maximum potential obligation is subject to contractual limitations, while in other cases such limitations are not specified or are not applicable.
We are unable to develop a reasonable estimate of the maximum potential payout under certain of these arrangements. Overall, we believe that it is unlikely we will have to make any material payments related to completed sales under these arrangements, and no material liabilities related to these arrangements have been recorded in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.
Guarantees provided by AIG
Prior to the IPO, AIG provided certain guarantees to us as described below. Pursuant to the Separation Agreement we will indemnify, defend and hold harmless AIG against or from any liability arising from or related to these guarantees.
Certain of our insurance subsidiaries benefit from General Guarantee Agreements under which American Home Assurance Company (“AHAC”) or National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA (“NUFIC”) has unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed all present and future obligations arising from certain insurance policies issued by these subsidiaries (a “Guaranteed Policy” or the “Guaranteed Policies”). AHAC and NUFIC are required to perform under the agreements if one of the insurance subsidiaries fails to make payments due under a Guaranteed Policy. These General Guarantee Agreements have all been terminated as to insurance policies issued after the date of termination. AHAC and NUFIC have not been required to perform under any of the agreements but remain contingently liable for all policyholder obligations associated with the Guaranteed Policies. We did not pay any fees under these agreements for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 or 2023.
AIG Parent provides a full and unconditional guarantee of all outstanding notes and junior subordinated debentures of Corebridge Life Holdings, Inc. (“CRBGLH”). This includes:
a guarantee (the “CRBGLH External Debt Guarantee”) in connection with CRBGLH junior subordinated debentures and certain CRBGLH notes (the “CRBGLH External Debt”); and
a guarantee in connection with a sale-leaseback transaction in 2020. Pursuant to this transaction, CRBGLH issued promissory notes to AGL with maturity dates of up to five years. These promissory notes were guaranteed by AIG Parent for the benefit of AGL. We paid no fees for these guarantees during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 or 2023. On August 1, 2023, the guarantee of these promissory notes was novated from AIG Parent to Corebridge Parent.
In addition to the Separation Agreement, we have entered into a guarantee reimbursement agreement with AIG Parent which provides that we will reimburse AIG Parent for the full amount of any payment made by or on behalf of AIG Parent pursuant to the CRBGLH External Debt Guarantee. We have also entered into a collateral agreement with AIG Parent which provides that in the event of: (i) a ratings downgrade of Corebridge Parent or CRBGLH long-term unsecured indebtedness below specified levels or (ii) the failure by CRBGLH to pay principal and interest on the External Debt when due, we must collateralize an amount equal to the sum of: (a) 100% of the principal amount outstanding, (b) accrued and unpaid interest and (c) 100% of the net present value of scheduled interest payments through the maturity dates of the CRBGLH External Debt.
For additional discussion on commitments and guarantees associated with VIEs, see Note 8.
For additional disclosures about derivatives, see Note 9.
For additional disclosures about related parties, see Note 20.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 70

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 17. Equity
17. Equity
The following table presents a rollforward of outstanding shares:
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024Common Stock IssuedTreasury StockCommon Stock Outstanding
Shares, beginning of year648,148,737 (26,484,411)621,664,326 
Shares issued under long-term incentive compensation plans2,041,112 1,234,028 3,275,140 
Shares repurchased (50,547,821)(50,547,821)
Shares, end of period650,189,849 (75,798,204)574,391,645 
Repurchase of Corebridge Common Stock
Shares may be repurchased from time to time in the open market, through private purchases, through forward, derivative, accelerated repurchase or automatic repurchase transactions or otherwise. Certain of our share repurchases have been and may from time to time be effected through the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”) Rule 10b5-1 repurchase plans. On May 4, 2023, our Board of Directors authorized a $1.0 billion share repurchase program. On April 30, 2024, our Board of Directors authorized an additional $2.0 billion increase in the share repurchase amount under the share repurchase program. Under this program, Corebridge Parent may, from time to time, purchase up to $3.0 billion of Corebridge Parent common stock but is not obligated to purchase any particular number of shares. The authorization for the share repurchase program may be terminated, increased or decreased by the Board of Directors at any time.
From October 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024, we repurchased approximately 5.5 million shares of Corebridge Parent common stock for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $169 million, leaving approximately $1.1 billion under the share repurchase authorizations as of October 31, 2024.
Declaration DateRecord DatePayment DateDividend Paid Per Common Share
July 30, 2024September 16, 2024September 30, 2024$0.23 
May 2, 2024June 14, 2024June 28, 2024$0.23 
February 14, 2024March 15, 2024March 29, 2024$0.23 
Dividends Declared
On November 1, 2024, the Company declared a cash dividend on Corebridge Parent common stock of $0.23 per share, payable on December 31, 2024 to shareholders of record at close of business on December 17, 2024.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 17. Equity
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
The following table presents a rollforward of Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss):
(in millions)Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Fixed Maturity Securities on Which allowance for credit losses was TakenUnrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of All Other Investments
Change in fair value of market risk benefits attributable to changes in our own credit risk
Change in the discount rates used to measure traditional and limited payment long-duration insurance contractsCash Flow HedgesForeign Currency Translation AdjustmentsRetirement Plan Liabilities AdjustmentTotal
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Balance, June 30, 2024, net of tax$(53)$(16,832)$(773)$3,017 $125 $6 $2 $(14,508)
Change in unrealized depreciation of investments
(15)7,045      7,030 
Change in fair value of market risk benefits attributable to changes in our own credit risk  (183)    (183)
Change in discount rates assumptions of certain liabilities   (1,155)   (1,155)
Change in future policy benefits and other (189)     (189)
Change in cash flow hedges    112   112 
Change in foreign currency translation adjustments     22  22 
Change in deferred tax asset (liability)3 (1,269)40 251 (24)(5) (1,004)
Total other comprehensive income (loss)(12)5,587 (143)(904)88 17  4,633 
Less: Noncontrolling interests
     9  9 
Balance, September 30, 2024, net of tax$(65)$(11,245)$(916)$2,113 $213 $14 $2 $(9,884)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Balance, June 30, 2023, net of tax
$(19)$(17,732)$(480)$2,929 $147 $(38)$11 $(15,182)
Change in unrealized depreciation of investments *
(52)(6,398)— — — — — (6,450)
Change in fair value of market risk benefits attributable to changes in our own credit risk— — (104)— — — — (104)
Change in discount rates assumptions of certain liabilities— — — 1,435 — — — 1,435 
Change in future policy benefits and other(10)183 — — — — — 173 
Change in cash value hedges— — — — (17)— — (17)
Change in foreign currency translation adjustments— — — — — (41)— (41)
Change in deferred tax asset (liability)13 1,157 23 (319)3 12 — 889 
Total other comprehensive income (loss)(49)(5,058)(81)1,116 (14)(29) (4,115)
Less: Noncontrolling interests
— — — — — (3)— (3)
Balance, September 30, 2023, net of tax$(68)$(22,790)$(561)$4,045 $133 $(64)$11 $(19,294)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Balance at December 31, 2023, net of tax$(79)$(14,650)$(909)$2,095 $146 $(63)$2 $(13,458)
Change in unrealized depreciation of investments
18 4,775      4,793 
Change in fair value of market risk benefits attributable to changes in our own credit risk  (10)    (10)
Change in discount rates assumptions of certain liabilities   12    12 
Change in future policy benefits and other (230)     (230)
Change in cash flow hedges    84   84 
Change in foreign currency translation adjustments     88  88 
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 17. Equity
(in millions)Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Fixed Maturity Securities on Which allowance for credit losses was TakenUnrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of All Other Investments
Change in fair value of market risk benefits attributable to changes in our own credit risk
Change in the discount rates used to measure traditional and limited payment long-duration insurance contractsCash Flow HedgesForeign Currency Translation AdjustmentsRetirement Plan Liabilities AdjustmentTotal
Change in deferred tax asset (liability)(4)(1,101)3 6 (18)(4) (1,118)
Total other comprehensive income (loss)14 3,444 (7)18 66 84  3,619 
 (39)  1   (38)
Less: Noncontrolling interests     7  7 
Balance, September 30, 2024, net of tax$(65)$(11,245)$(916)$2,113 $213 $14 $2 $(9,884)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Balance, December 31, 2022, net of tax
$(92)$(19,380)$(365)$2,908 $157 $(100)$9 $(16,863)
Change in unrealized depreciation of investments *
41 (4,243)— — — — — (4,202)
Change in fair value of market risk benefits attributable to changes in our own credit risk— — (250)— — — — (250)
Change in discount rates assumptions of certain liabilities— — — 1,468 — — — 1,468 
Change in future policy benefits and other(10)116 — — — — — 106 
Change in cash value hedges— — — — (32)— — (32)
Change in foreign currency translation adjustments— — — — — 24 — 24 
Change in net actuarial loss— — — — — — 3 3 
Change in deferred tax asset (liability)(7)717 54 (331)8 19 (1)459 
Total other comprehensive income (loss)24 (3,410)(196)1,137 (24)43 2 (2,424)
Less: Noncontrolling interests— — — — — 7 — 7 
Balance, September 30, 2023, net of tax
$(68)$(22,790)$(561)$4,045 $133 $(64)$11 $(19,294)
* Includes net unrealized gains and losses attributable to held-for-sale businesses at September 30, 2023.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 17. Equity
The following table presents the OCI reclassification adjustments for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively:
(in millions)Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Fixed Maturity Securities on Which Allowance for Credit Losses Was TakenUnrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of All Other InvestmentsChange in fair value of market risk benefits attributable to changes in our own credit riskChange in the discount rates used to measure traditional and limited payment long-duration insurance contractsCash Flow HedgesForeign Currency Translation AdjustmentsRetirement Plan Liabilities AdjustmentTotal
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Unrealized change arising during period$(15)$6,769 $(183)$(1,155)$112 $22 $ $5,550 
Less: Reclassification adjustments included in net income (87)     (87)
Total other comprehensive income (loss), before income tax expense (benefit)(15)6,856 (183)(1,155)112 22  5,637 
Less: Income tax expense (benefit)(3)1,269 (40)(251)24 5  1,004 
Total other comprehensive income (loss), net of income tax expense (benefit)$(12)$5,587 $(143)$(904)$88 $17 $ $4,633 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Unrealized change arising during period$(62)$(6,223)$(104)$1,435 $(17)$(41)$ $(5,012)
Less: Reclassification adjustments included in net income (8)     (8)
Total other comprehensive income (loss), before income tax expense (benefit)(62)(6,215)(104)1,435 (17)(41) (5,004)
Less: Income tax expense (benefit)(13)(1,157)(23)319 (3)(12) (889)
Total other comprehensive income (loss), net of income tax expense (benefit)$(49)$(5,058)$(81)$1,116 $(14)$(29)$ $(4,115)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Unrealized change arising during period$10 $3,521 $(10)$258 $84 $21 $ $3,884 
Less: Reclassification adjustments included in net income(8)(1,024) 246  (67) (853)
Total other comprehensive income (loss), before income tax expense (benefit)18 4,545 (10)12 84 88  4,737 
Less: Income tax expense (benefit)4 1,101 (3)(6)18 4  1,118 
Total other comprehensive income (loss), net of income tax expense (benefit)$14 $3,444 $(7)$18 $66 $84 $ $3,619 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Unrealized change arising during period$14 $(4,453)$(250)$1,468 $(32)$24 $3 $(3,226)
Less: Reclassification adjustments included in net income(17)(326)     (343)
Total other comprehensive income (loss), before income tax expense (benefit)31 (4,127)(250)1,468 (32)24 3 (2,883)
Less: Income tax expense (benefit)7 (717)(54)331 (8)(19)1 (459)
Total other comprehensive income (loss), net of income tax expense (benefit)$24 $(3,410)$(196)$1,137 $(24)$43 $2 $(2,424)
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 17. Equity
The following table presents the effect of the reclassification of significant items out of Accumulated other comprehensive income on the respective line items in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)*:
Amount Reclassified from AOCI
Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of fixed maturity securities on which allowance for credit losses was taken
Investments$$ $(8)$(17)Net realized gains (losses)
Total$$ $(8)$(17)
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of all other investments
Investments$(87)$(8)$(963)$(326)Net realized gains (losses)
Sale of business (61) Net (gain) loss on divestitures
Effect of changes in the discount rates used to measure traditional and limited-payment long duration insurance contracts
Sale of business$$ $246$ Net (gain) loss on divestitures
Total$$ $246$ 
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments
Sale of business$$ $(67)$ Net (gain) loss on divestitures
Total$$ $(67)$ 
Total reclassifications for the period$(87)$(8)$(853)$(343)
*The following items are not reclassified out of AOCI and included in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) and thus have been excluded from the table:(a) Change in fair value of MRBs attributable to changes in our own credit risk (b) Change in the discount rates used to measure traditional and limited-payment long-duration insurance contracts and (c) Fair value of liabilities under fair value option attributable to changes in our own credit risk.
The activity in non-redeemable noncontrolling interest primarily relates to activities with consolidated investment entities.
The changes in non-redeemable noncontrolling interest due to divestitures and acquisitions primarily relate to the formation and funding of new consolidated investment entities. The majority of the funding for these consolidated investment entities comes from affiliated companies of Corebridge.
The changes in non-redeemable noncontrolling interest due to contributions from noncontrolling interests primarily relate to the additional capital calls related to consolidated investment entities.
The changes in non-redeemable noncontrolling interest due to distributions to noncontrolling interests primarily relate to dividends or other distributions related to consolidated investment entities.
The following table presents a rollforward of non-redeemable noncontrolling interest:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Beginning balance$816$907$869$939
Net (loss) attributable to redeemable noncontrolling interest(3)(32)(78)(46)
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax9(3)77
Changes in noncontrolling interests due to divestitures and acquisitions1(19)
Contributions from noncontrolling interests10206363
Distributions to noncontrolling interests7(1)(24)(54)
Ending balance$834$890$834$890
Refer to Note 8 for additional information related to Variable Interest Entities.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) 18. Earnings Per Common Share

18. Earnings Per Common Share
The basic earnings per common share (“EPS”) computation is based on the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, adjusted to reflect all stock splits. The diluted EPS computation is based on those shares used in the basic EPS computation plus common shares that would have been outstanding assuming issuance of common shares for all dilutive potential common shares outstanding and adjusted to reflect all stock splits, using the treasury stock method.
The following table presents the computation of basic and diluted EPS for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions, except per common share data)2024202320242023
Numerator for EPS:
Net income (loss) $(1,187)$2,069 $(19)$2,367 
Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests(3)(32)(78)(46)
Net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge common shareholders$(1,184)$2,101 $59 $2,413 
Denominator for EPS:
Weighted average common shares outstanding - basic587.1 639.0 607.5 646.8 
Dilutive common shares 2.0 1.0 1.8 
Weighted average common shares outstanding - diluted587.1 641.0 608.5 648.6 
Income per common share attributable to Corebridge common shareholders
Common stock - basic
$(2.02)$3.29 $0.10 $3.73 
Common stock - diluted
$(2.02)$3.28 $0.10 $3.72 
*Potential dilutive common shares include our share-based employee compensation plans. The number of common shares excluded from dilutive shares outstanding was approximately 0.2 million and 1.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 0.2 million and 1.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, because the effect of including those common shares in the calculation would have been anti-dilutive.

19. Income Taxes
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (H.R. 5376), (the “Inflation Reduction Act”) includes a 15% corporate alternative minimum tax (“CAMT”) on adjusted financial statement income for corporations with average profits over $1 billion over a three-year period and a 1% stock buyback tax. The U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) published proposed regulations that would address the application of CAMT on September 12, 2024. The proposed regulations are open to public comment through December 12, 2024 and certain specifics of application of the CAMT remain subject to future guidance. Our estimated CAMT liability will continue to be refined based on future guidance.
Prior to the IPO, Corebridge Parent and certain U.S. subsidiaries were included in the consolidated federal income tax return of AIG as well as certain state tax returns where AIG files on a combined or unitary basis. Following the IPO, AIG owned less than 80% interest in Corebridge, resulting in tax deconsolidation of Corebridge from the AIG Consolidated Tax Group. Under the tax law, AGC and its directly owned life insurance subsidiaries (the “AGC Group”) will not be permitted to join in the filing of a U.S. consolidated federal income tax return with our other subsidiaries (collectively, the “Non-Life Group”) for the five-year waiting period. Instead, the AGC Group is expected to file separately as members of the AGC Group consolidated U.S. federal income tax return during the five-year waiting period. Following the five-year waiting period, the AGC Group is expected to join the U.S. consolidated federal income tax return with the Non-Life Group.
We use an item-by-item approach to release the stranded or disproportionate income tax effects in AOCI related to our available-for-sale securities. Under this approach, a portion of the disproportionate tax effects is assigned to each individual security lot at the date the amount becomes lodged. When the individual securities are sold, mature or are otherwise impaired on an other-than-temporary basis, the assigned portion of the disproportionate tax effect is reclassified from AOCI to income (loss) from operations.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 76

ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 19. Income Taxes
We use the estimated annual effective tax rate method in computing our interim tax provision. Certain items, including those deemed to be unusual or infrequent or that cannot be reliably estimated, are excluded from the estimated annual effective tax rate. In these cases, the actual tax expense or benefit is reported in the same period as the related item. Certain tax effects are also not reflected in the estimated annual effective tax rate, primarily reclassification of certain tax effects from AOCI and realizability of deferred tax assets, and are recorded in the period in which the change occurs.
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the effective tax rate on loss from operations was 25.5%. The effective tax rate on loss from operations differs from the statutory tax rate of 21% primarily due to tax benefits associated with the release of U.S. federal and state valuation allowance, and dividends received deduction. These tax benefits were partially offset by tax charges associated with reclassifications from AOCI to income from operations related to the disposal of available-for-sale securities, state and local income taxes, and net tax adjustments related to prior year returns including interest.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the effective tax rate on loss from operations was 84.4%. The effective tax rate on loss from operations differs from the statutory tax rate of 21% primarily due to tax benefits associated with dividends received deduction, excess tax benefits related to share based compensation payments recorded through the income statement, adjustments to deferred tax assets, renewable energy tax credits, and reclassifications from AOCI to income from operations related to the disposal of available-for-sale securities. These tax benefits were partially offset by the establishment of additional U.S. federal and foreign valuation allowance and tax charges associated with state and local income taxes.
For the three months ended September 30, 2023, the effective tax rate on income from operations was 15.9%. The effective tax rate on income from operations differs from the statutory tax rate of 21% primarily due to tax benefits associated with the establishment of outside basis as a result of the held-for-sale designation of Laya and AIG Life U.K., partial release of valuation allowance, dividends received deduction, tax adjustments related to prior year returns, and reclassifications from AOCI to income from operations related to the disposal of available-for-sale securities. These tax benefits were partially offset by tax charges associated with state and local income taxes.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, the effective tax rate on income from operations was 12.4%. The effective tax rate on income from operations differs from the statutory tax rate of 21% primarily due to tax benefits associated with the establishment of outside basis as a result of the held-for-sale designation of Laya and AIG Life U.K., dividends received deduction, adjustments to deferred tax assets, reclassifications from AOCI to income from operations related to the disposal of available-for-sale securities, tax adjustments related to prior year returns, partial release of valuation allowance, and excess tax benefits related to share based compensation payments recorded through the income statement. These tax benefits were partially offset by tax charges associated with state and local income taxes.
The evaluation of the recoverability of our deferred tax asset and the need for a valuation allowance requires us to weigh all positive and negative evidence to reach a conclusion that it is more likely than not that all or some portion of the deferred tax asset will not be realized. The weight given to the evidence is commensurate with the extent to which it can be objectively verified. The more negative evidence that exists, the more positive evidence is necessary and the more difficult it is to support a conclusion that a valuation allowance is not needed.
As discussed above, under the tax law, the AGC Group will not be permitted to join in the filing of a U.S. consolidated federal income tax return with the Non-Life Group for the five-year waiting period following the IPO. Instead, the AGC Group is expected to file separately as members of the AGC consolidated U.S. federal income tax return during this period. Following the five-year waiting period, the AGC Group is expected to join U.S. consolidated federal income tax return with the Non-Life Group. Each separate U.S. federal tax filing group or separate U.S. tax filer is required to consider this five-year waiting period when assessing realization of their respective deferred tax assets including net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards.
Our separation from AIG resulted in an “ownership change” for U.S. federal income tax purposes under Section 382 of the Code. As a result of the ownership change, a limitation has been imposed upon the utilization of our U.S. net operating loss carryforwards and certain built-in losses and deductions to offset future taxable income. Our utilization is limited to approximately $648 million per year. These limitation amounts accumulate for future use to the extent they are not utilized in a given year.
Recent events, changes in target interest rates by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and significant market volatility, impacted actual and projected results of our business operations as well as our views on potential effectiveness of certain prudent and feasible tax planning strategies. In order to demonstrate the predictability and sufficiency of future taxable income necessary to support the realizability of the net operating losses and foreign tax credit carryforwards, we have considered forecasts of future income for each of our businesses, including assumptions about future macroeconomic and Corebridge-specific conditions and events, and any impact these conditions and events may have on our prudent and feasible tax planning strategies.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 19. Income Taxes
To the extent that the valuation allowance is attributed to changes in forecast of current year taxable income, the impact is included in our estimated annualized effective tax rate. A valuation allowance related to changes in forecasts of income in future periods as well as other items not related to the current year is recorded discretely. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recorded an increase/(decrease) in valuation allowance of $(36) million and $9 million primarily attributable to current year activity. As of September 30, 2024, the balance sheet reflects a valuation allowance of $171 million related to our tax attribute carryforwards and a portion of certain other deferred tax assets that are no longer more-likely-than-not to be realized.
Estimates of future taxable income, including income generated from prudent and feasible actions and tax planning strategies, impact of settlements with taxing authorities, and any changes to interpretations and assumptions related to the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act or the Tax Act, could change in the near term, perhaps materially, which may require us to consider any potential impact to our assessment of the recoverability of the deferred tax asset. Such potential impact could be material to our consolidated financial condition or results of operations for an individual reporting period.
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, recent changes in market conditions, including changes in interest rates, impacted the unrealized tax capital gains and losses in the U.S. Life insurance companies’ available-for-sale securities portfolio, resulting in a deferred tax asset related to net unrealized tax capital losses. The deferred tax asset relates to the unrealized capital losses for which the carryforward period has not yet begun, and as such, when assessing its recoverability, we consider our ability and intent to hold the underlying securities to recovery. As of September 30, 2024, based on all available evidence, we concluded that a valuation allowance should be established on a portion of the deferred tax asset related to unrealized capital losses that are not more-likely-than-not to be realized. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recorded an increase/(decrease) in valuation allowance of $(198) million and $92 million, respectively, associated with the unrealized tax capital losses in the U.S. Life insurance companies’ available-for-sale securities portfolio. As of September 30, 2024, the balance sheet reflects a valuation allowance of $1.1 billion associated with the unrealized tax capital losses in the U.S. Life Insurance Companies’ available-for-sale securities portfolio, all of which was allocated to OCI. Additionally, as of September 30, 2024, based on all available evidence, we concluded that a valuation allowance should not be established on a portion of the deferred tax asset related to realized tax capital losses. As of September 30, 2024, we released $57 million of valuation allowance associated with the realized tax capital losses from the insurance companies’ available-for-sale securities portfolio.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized a $2 million increase in deferred tax asset valuation allowance associated with certain foreign jurisdictions.
Corebridge Parent and certain U.S. subsidiaries are included in a consolidated U.S. federal income tax return with AIG through the date of IPO (short-period tax year 2022), and income tax expense is recorded, based on applicable U.S. and foreign laws.
The AIG Consolidated Tax Group is currently under IRS examination for the tax years 2011 through 2019 and is continuing to engage in the appeals process for years 2007 through 2010.
We are periodically advised of certain IRS and other adjustments identified in AIG's consolidated tax return which are attributable to our operations. Under our tax sharing arrangement, we provide a charge or credit for the effect of the adjustments and the related interest in the period we are advised of such adjustments and interest.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 20. Related Parties

20. Related Parties
We may enter into a significant number of transactions with related parties in the normal course of business. Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operating decisions, or if a party, directly or indirectly through one or more of its intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with an entity. Our material transactions with related parties are described below.
Related Party Transactions with AIG
We have historically entered into various transactions with AIG, some of which are continuing and are described below. In addition, on September 14, 2022, we entered into a Separation Agreement with AIG, which governs the relationship between AIG and us following the IPO, including matters related to the allocation of assets and liabilities between the parties, indemnification obligations, our corporate governance, information rights for each party and consent rights of AIG with respect to certain business activities that we may undertake. On May 16, 2024, in connection with the execution of the Purchase Agreement with AIG Parent and Nippon, the Company entered into an Amendment to the Separation Agreement, by and between the Company and AIG Parent, pursuant to which the Company and AIG Parent agreed to certain changes with respect to AIG’s board designation rights and AIG’s right to consent over certain actions by the Company, as set forth in the original Separation Agreement. Additionally, on June 9, 2024, AIG Parent waived its right under the Separation Agreement to include a majority of the director candidates on each slate of candidates recommended by the Corebridge Board of Directors.
For further information on the Nippon Transaction, the Separation Agreement and the amendment and waiver thereto, see Note 1.
Advisory Transactions
Certain of our investment management subsidiaries provide advisory, management, allocation, structuring, planning, oversight, administration and similar services (collectively, “Investment Services”) with respect to the investment portfolios of AIG. Investment Services are provided primarily pursuant to investment management, investment advisory and similar agreements (“IMAs”), under which our subsidiaries are appointed as investment manager and are authorized to manage client investment portfolios on a fully discretionary basis, subject to agreed investment guidelines. Certain of our subsidiaries are also authorized under the IMAs to retain, oversee and direct third-party investment advisers and managers for and on behalf of these AIG clients. In some cases, Investment Services are provided through the clients’ participation in private investment funds, RMBS, CLO and other pooled investment vehicles and investment products (collectively, “Funds”) sponsored or managed by us.
Separately, certain of our subsidiaries provide portfolio administration and investment planning, performance evaluation and oversight services to AIG Property Casualty International, LLC (“AIGPCI”), on a non-discretionary basis, with respect to the investment portfolios of various of AIGPCI’s non-U.S. subsidiaries. In some cases, these services are directly provided to AIGPCI’s non-US subsidiaries. We offer our Funds to AIGPCI’s non-U.S. subsidiaries. Our subsidiaries earn investment management and advisory fees under the IMAs and other service agreements, as well as management fees and carried interest distributions or similar performance-based compensation under the Funds’ operating agreements, the majority of which are based on, or calibrated to approximate, the costs of providing the services. With respect to a minority of the AIG client portfolios, which relate to assets backing risks that have been transferred to third parties, our subsidiaries earn market-based fees. Management and advisory fee income for these Investment Services and related services reflected in Other income on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) were $3 million and $16 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $8 million and $28 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.
Capital Markets Agreements
Historically, we received a suite of capital markets services, including securities lending, collateral management, repurchase transactions, derivatives execution and support, and operational support services, from AIG for which we pay a fee. AIG Markets, Inc. (“AIGM”) provided these services through various services agreements.
The suite of capital markets services previously provided by AIGM are now provided by our consolidated subsidiary Corebridge Markets, LLC (“CRBGM”). The majority of transactions previously outstanding with AIGM were legally transferred to CRBGM as of December 31, 2023.
In addition, in the ordinary course of business, we enter into over-the-counter derivative transactions with AIGM under standard ISDA Master Agreements. We previously had certain unsecured derivative transactions with AIG. On May 4, 2023, these previously unsecured derivative transactions became fully collateralized.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 20. Related Parties
The total expenses incurred for services provided by AIGM reflected in Net investment income - excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) were $0 million and $0 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $0 million and $0 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. The derivative assets, net of gross assets and gross liabilities after collateral were $1 million and $13 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The derivative liabilities, net of gross assets and gross liabilities after collateral were $0 million and $0 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The collateral posted to AIGM was $0 million and $0 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The collateral held by us was $31 million and $377 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
For further details regarding derivatives, see Note 9.
General Services Agreements
Pursuant to the provisions of a Service and Expense Agreement (the “AIG Service and Expense Agreement”) effective February 1, 1974, as amended, we and AIG have provided various services to each other at cost, including, but not limited to, advertising, accounting, actuarial, tax, legal, data processing, claims adjustment, employee cafeteria, office space, payroll, information technology services, capital markets services, services that support financial transactions and budgeting, risk management and compliance services, human resources services, insurance, operations and other support services.
On September 14, 2022, we entered into a Transition Services Agreement (the “TSA”) with AIG regarding the continued provision of services between the Company and AIG on a transitional basis. The TSA has generally replaced the AIG Service and Expense Agreement for services provided between the parties.
Amounts due to AIG under these agreements were $9 million and $39 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Amounts due from AIG were $11 million and $38 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The total service expenses incurred specific to these agreements reflected in General operating expenses on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) were $12 million and $37 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $34 million and $127 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.
Reinsurance Transactions
From time to time, AIG Life U.K. entered into various coinsurance agreements with American International Reinsurance Company, Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary of AIG (“AIRCO”) as follows:
In 2018, AIG Life U.K. ceded risks to AIRCO relating to the payment of obligations of life-contingent annuity claims in the annuitization phase of the contracts on or after June 30, 2018.
In 2019 and 2020, AIG Life U.K. ceded risks to AIRCO relating to certain whole life policies issued prior to and subsequent to July 1, 2019, respectively.
Reinsurance assets related to these agreements were $67 million as of December 31, 2023. Amounts payable to AIRCO were $13 million as of December 31, 2023. Ceded premiums related to these agreements were $9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and $10 million and $28 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. Reinsurance assets and amounts payable related to these agreements were reclassified to Assets held-for-sale and Liabilities held-for-sale, respectively at December 31, 2023.
On April 8, 2024, Corebridge completed the sale of AIG Life U.K. to Aviva and AIG Life U.K. terminated its reinsurance agreements with AIRCO.
Prior to the IPO, AIG provided certain guarantees to us. Pursuant to the Separation Agreement, we will indemnify, defend and hold harmless AIG against or from any liability arising from or related to such guarantees.
For further details regarding guarantees previously provided by AIG, see Note 16.
Tax Sharing Agreements
On September 14, 2022, we entered into a tax matters agreement with AIG that governs the parties’ respective rights, responsibilities, and obligations with respect to taxes, including the allocation of current and historic tax liabilities (whether income or non-income consolidated or stand-alone) between us and AIG (the “Tax Matters Agreement”). The Tax Matters Agreement governs, among other things, procedural matters, such as filing of tax returns, tax elections, control and settlement of tax controversies and entitlement to tax refunds and tax attributes.
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ITEM 1 | Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) | 20. Related Parties
Prior to the IPO, Corebridge and SAFG Capital LLC were included in the consolidated federal income tax return of AIG as well as certain state tax returns where AIG files on a combined or unitary basis. There were no payments to AIG in connection with the tax sharing agreements for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. Amounts payable to AIG pursuant to the tax sharing agreements were $366 million and $371 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Employee Compensation and Benefits
Our employees participate in certain of AIG’s employee benefit programs. We had a payable of $1 million and $32 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, with respect to these programs. On September 14, 2022, we entered into an employee matters agreement with AIG (the “EMA”). The EMA allocates liabilities and responsibilities relating to employment matters, employee compensation and benefits plans and programs, and other related matters between us and AIG. The EMA generally provides that, unless otherwise specified, each party is responsible for liabilities associated with their current and former employees for purposes of compensation and benefit matters following the IPO.
Repurchase of Corebridge Common Stock
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we repurchased approximately 8.0 million shares of Corebridge Common Stock from AIG for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $200 million.
Related Party Transactions with Blackstone Inc. (“Blackstone”)
Investment Expense
We entered into a long-term asset management relationship with Blackstone to manage a portion of our investment portfolio. The investment expense incurred were $64 million and $175 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $47 million and $119 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.
Related Party Transactions with Variable Interest Entities
In the ordinary course of business, we enter into various arrangements with VIEs, and we consolidate the VIE if we are determined to be the primary beneficiary. In certain situations, we may have a variable interest in a VIE that is consolidated by an affiliate, and in other instances, affiliates may have variable interests in a VIE that is consolidated by us. The total debt of consolidated VIEs held by affiliates was $22 million and $102 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The interest expense incurred on the debt reflected in Interest expense on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) were $1 million and $3 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $0 million and $8 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.
The noncontrolling interest included in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets related to the VIEs held by affiliates was $478 million and $518 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The gain/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest of consolidated VIEs held by affiliates were $(7) million and $(46) million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $(17) million and $(6) million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.
In addition to transactions with VIEs, Corebridge has entered into other structured financing arrangements supporting real estate properties and other types of assets with other AIG affiliates. These financing arrangements are reported in Other invested assets in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Certain of these and the VIE structures above also include commitments for funding from AIG affiliates of $0.6 billion and $0.6 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
For additional information related to VIEs and other investments, see Notes 5 and 8.
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Item 2 | Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Glossary and Acronyms of Selected Insurance Terms and References
Throughout this Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (“MD&A”), we use certain terms and abbreviations, which are summarized in the Glossary and Acronyms.
Corebridge has incorporated into this discussion a number of cross-references to additional information included throughout this Quarterly Report to assist readers seeking additional information related to a particular subject.
In this Quarterly Report, unless otherwise mentioned or unless the context indicates otherwise, we use the terms “Corebridge,” “we,” “us” and “our” to refer to Corebridge Financial, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and its consolidated subsidiaries. We use the term “Corebridge Parent” to refer solely to Corebridge Financial, Inc., and not to any of its consolidated subsidiaries.
This MD&A addresses the consolidated financial condition of Corebridge as of September 30, 2024, compared with December 31, 2023, and its consolidated results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. In addition to historical data, this discussion contains forward-looking statements about our business operations and financial performance based on current expectations that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Actual results may differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. You should read the following analysis of our consolidated financial condition and results of operations in conjunction with the “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition,” the unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and the statements under “Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information,” included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report and the “Risk Factors” section in the 2023 Form 10-K.
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Index to Item 2
Executive Summary
Benefits and Expenses
Significant Factors Impacting our Results
Corebridge’s Outlook - Macroeconomic, Industry and Regulatory Trends
Use of Non-GAAP Measures
Key Operating Metrics
Consolidated Results of Operations
Business Segment Operations
Individual Retirement
Group Retirement
Life Insurance
Institutional Markets
Corporate and Other
Key Investment Strategies
Credit Ratings
Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefits and Update of Actuarial Assumptions and Models
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Liquidity and Capital Resources of Corebridge Parent and Intermediate Holding Companies
Liquidity and Capital Resources of Corebridge Insurance Subsidiaries
Short-Term and Long-Term Debt
Credit Ratings
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements and Commercial Commitments
Accounting Policies and Pronouncements
Critical Accounting Estimates
Adoption of Accounting Pronouncements
Certain Important Terms

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ITEM 2 | Executive Summary
Executive Summary
We are one of the largest providers of retirement solutions and insurance products in the United States, committed to helping individuals plan, save for and achieve secure financial futures. We offer a broad set of products and services through our market leading Individual Retirement, Group Retirement, Life Insurance and Institutional Markets businesses, each of which features capabilities and industry experience we believe are difficult to replicate. These four businesses collectively seek to enhance stockholder returns while maintaining our attractive risk profile, which has historically resulted in consistent and strong cash flow generation.
Our revenues come from five principal sources:
Premiums are principally derived from our traditional life insurance and certain annuity products including pension risk transfer (“PRT”) transactions and structured settlements with life contingencies. Our premium income is driven by growth in new policies and contracts written and persistency of our in-force policies, both of which are influenced by a combination of factors including our efforts to attract and retain customers and market conditions that influence demand for our products;
Policy fees are principally derived from our individual retirement, group retirement, universal life insurance, Corporate Markets and SVW products. Our policy fees typically vary directly with the underlying account value or benefit base of our annuities. Account value and benefit base are influenced by changes in economic conditions, including changes in levels of equity prices, and changes in levels of interest rates and credit spreads, as well as net flows;
Net investment income from our investment portfolio varies as a result of the yield, allocation and size of our investment portfolio, which are, in turn, a function of capital market conditions and net flows into our total investments, as well as the expenses associated with managing our investment portfolio;
Net realized gains (losses), net include changes in the Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative, risk management related derivative activities (excluding hedges of certain MRBs), changes in the fair value of embedded derivatives in certain of our insurance products and trading activity within our investment portfolio, including trading activity related to the Fortitude Re modco arrangement. Net realized gains (losses) vary due to the timing of sales of investments as well as changes in the fair value of embedded derivatives in certain of our insurance products and derivatives utilized to hedge certain embedded derivatives; and
Advisory fee income and other income includes fees from registered investment advisory services, 12b-1 fees (marketing and distribution fees paid by mutual funds), other asset management fee income and commission-based broker-dealer services.
Our benefits and expenses come from six principal sources:
Policyholder benefits are driven primarily by customer withdrawals and surrenders from traditional products which change in response to changes in capital market conditions and changes in policy reserves, as well as life contingent benefit payments on life and annuity contracts and updates to assumptions related to future policyholder behavior, mortality and longevity;
Interest credited to policyholder account balances varies in relation to the amount of the underlying account value or benefit base and also includes changes in the fair value of certain embedded derivatives related to our insurance products and amortization of deferred sales inducement assets;
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and value of business acquired for all contracts except for other investment contracts is amortized, on a constant level basis over the expected term of the related contracts, using assumptions consistent with those used in estimating the related liability for future policy benefits, or any other related balances, for those corresponding contracts, as applicable. VOBA is determined at the time of acquisition and is reported with DAC. This value is based on the present value of future pre-tax profits discounted at yields applicable at the time of purchase;
General operating expenses include expenses associated with conducting our business, including salaries, other employee-related compensation and other operating expenses such as professional services or travel;
Change in the fair value of market risk benefits, net represents the changes in fair value of MRBs contained within certain insurance contracts (excluding the impact of changes in our own credit risk), including attributed fees, along with the changes in the fair value of derivatives that economically hedge MRBs. Changes in our own credit risk are included in OCI; and
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ITEM 2 | Executive Summary
Interest expense represents the charges associated with our external debt obligations, including debt of consolidated investment entities. This expense varies based on the amount of debt on our balance sheet, as well as the rates of interest associated with those obligations. Interest expense related to consolidated investment entities principally relates to variable interest entities (“VIEs”) for which we are the primary beneficiary; however, creditors or beneficial interest holders of VIEs generally only have recourse to the assets and cash flows of the VIEs and do not have recourse to us except in limited circumstances when we have provided a guarantee to the VIE’s interest holders.
The following significant factors have impacted, and may in the future impact, our business, results of operations, financial condition and liquidity.
Impact of Fortitude Re
In 2018, AIG established Fortitude Re, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fortitude Group Holdings, LLC (“Fortitude Holdings”), in a series of reinsurance transactions related to certain of AIG’s legacy operations. In February 2018, AGL, VALIC and USL entered into modco agreements with Fortitude Re, a registered Class 4 and Class E reinsurer in Bermuda. Following the sale of AIG’s majority ownership interest in Fortitude Holdings, AIG contributed its remaining ownership in Fortitude Re Bermuda and its one seat on its Board of Managers to us. As of September 30, 2024, our ownership interest in Fortitude Re was 2.46%.
In the modco arrangement, the investments supporting the reinsurance agreements, which reflect the majority of the consideration that would be paid to the reinsurer for entering into the transaction, are withheld by, and therefore continue to reside on the balance sheet of, the ceding company (i.e., AGL, VALIC and USL) thereby creating an obligation for the ceding company to pay the reinsurer (i.e., Fortitude Re) at a later date. Additionally, since we maintain ownership of these investments, we reflect our existing accounting for these assets, which consist primarily of available-for-sale securities (e.g., the changes in fair value of available-for-sale securities are recognized within OCI) on our balance sheet. We have established a funds withheld payable to Fortitude Re while simultaneously establishing a reinsurance asset representing liabilities for the insurance coverage that Fortitude Re has assumed. The funds withheld payable contains an embedded derivative and changes in fair value of this derivative are recognized in Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative. This embedded derivative is considered a total return swap with contractual returns that are attributable to various assets, primarily available-for-sale securities, associated with these reinsurance agreements. As the majority of the invested assets supporting the modco are fixed income securities that are available-for-sale, there is a mismatch between the accounting for the embedded derivative as its changes in fair value are recorded through net income while changes in the fair value of the fixed maturity securities available-for-sale are recorded through OCI.
Our net income experiences ongoing volatility as a result of the reinsurance agreements, which, as described above, give rise to a funds withheld payable that contains an embedded derivative. However, this net income volatility is almost entirely offset with a corresponding change in OCI, which reflects the fair value change from the investment portfolio supporting the funds withheld payable, which is primarily available-for-sale securities, resulting in minimal impact to our comprehensive income (loss) and equity attributable to Corebridge. The Company has also elected the fair value option on the acquisition of certain new fixed maturity securities, helping reduce the mismatch over time.
As of September 30, 2024, $26.3 billion of reserves had been ceded to Fortitude Re.
For additional information on our reinsurance agreements with Fortitude Re, see Note 7 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Impact of Variable Annuity Guaranteed Benefit Riders and Hedging
Our Individual Retirement and Group Retirement businesses offer variable annuity products with riders that provide guaranteed benefits. The liabilities are accounted for as MRBs and measured at fair value. The fair value of the MRBs may fluctuate significantly based on market interest rates, equity prices, credit spreads, market volatility, policyholder behavior and other factors.
In addition to risk-mitigating features in our variable annuity product design, we have an economic hedging program designed to manage market risk from GMWBs, including exposures to changes in interest rates, equity prices, credit spreads and volatility. The hedging program includes all in-force GMWB policies and utilizes derivative instruments, including, but not limited to, equity options, futures contracts and interest rate swap and option contracts, as well as fixed maturity securities.
For additional information regarding Corebridge’s impact of Variable Annuity Guaranteed Benefit Riders and Hedging, see “Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefits — Variable Annuity Guaranteed Benefits and Hedging Results.”
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ITEM 2 | Executive Summary
Embedded Derivatives for Fixed Index Annuity and Index Universal Life Products
Fixed index annuity contracts contain index interest credits which are accounted for as embedded derivatives and our index universal life insurance products also contain embedded derivatives. Policyholders may elect to rebalance among the various crediting strategies within the product at specified renewal dates. At the end of each index term, we generally have the opportunity to re-price the index component by establishing different participation rates or caps on index credited rates. The index crediting feature of these products results in the recognition of an embedded derivative that is required to be bifurcated from the host contract and carried at fair value with changes in the fair value of the liabilities recorded in Net realized gains (losses). Option pricing models are used to estimate fair value, taking into account assumptions for future index growth rates, volatility of the index, future interest rates and our ability to adjust the participation rate and the cap on index credited rates in light of market conditions and policyholder behavior assumptions.
The following table summarizes the fair values of the embedded derivatives for fixed index annuity and index universal life products:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Fixed index annuities$8,905 $6,953 
Index universal life$1,184 $989 
Our Strategic Partnership with Blackstone
In 2021, we entered into a strategic partnership with Blackstone pursuant to which Blackstone acquired a 9.9% position in our common stock and we entered into a long-term asset management relationship with Blackstone IM. As of September 30, 2024, Blackstone managed approximately $67.5 billion in book value of assets in our investment portfolio.
For additional information on our Strategic Partnership with Blackstone, see “Investments” below.
Our Investment Management Agreements with BlackRock
Since April 2022, we entered into investment management agreements with BlackRock and its investment advisory affiliates. As of September 30, 2024, BlackRock managed approximately $86.3 billion in book value of assets in our investment portfolio, consisting of liquid fixed income and certain private placement assets.
For additional information on our Investment Management Agreements with BlackRock, see “Investments” below.
Fair Value Option Bond Securities
We elect the fair value option on certain bond securities. When the fair value option is elected, the realized and unrealized gains and losses on these securities are reported in net investment income.
The following table shows the net investment income reported on fair value option bond securities:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Net investment income - excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$22 $$48 $25 
Net investment income - Fortitude Re funds withheld assets230 (35)379 76 
Total$252 $(28)$427 $101 
Separation Costs
In connection with our separation from AIG, we have incurred and expect to continue to incur one-time and recurring expenses. As of September 30, 2024, we have incurred approximately $519 million of one-time expenses on a pre-tax basis. These expenses primarily relate to replicating and replacing functions, systems and infrastructure provided by AIG; rebranding; and accounting advisory, consulting and actuarial fees. In addition to these separation costs, we expect to incur costs related to the evolution of our investments organization to reflect our strategic partnerships with key external managers, our implementation of BlackRock’s “Aladdin” investment management technology platform and our expected reduction in fees for asset management services.
In addition, as part of Corebridge Forward, we aimed to achieve an annual run rate expense reduction of approximately $400 million on a pre-tax basis within 24 months of the IPO. Through September 30, 2024 we have acted upon or contracted the full $400 million of exit run rate savings on a pre-tax basis. Corebridge Forward is expected to have a cumulative cost to achieve of approximately $300 million on a pre-tax basis. As of September 30, 2024, the cost to achieve has been approximately $214 million.
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ITEM 2 | Executive Summary
Actuarial Assumption Changes
Most of the fixed annuities, fixed index annuities, variable annuity products and universal life insurance products we offer maintain policyholder deposits that are reported as liabilities and classified within either separate account liabilities or policyholder contract deposits. Our products and riders also impact liabilities for future policyholder benefits and unearned revenues and assets for DAC and DSI. The valuation of these assets and liabilities (other than deposits) is based on differing accounting methods depending on the product, each of which requires numerous assumptions and considerable judgment. The accounting guidance applied in the valuation of these assets and liabilities includes, but is not limited to, the following: (i) traditional life and limited pay insurance products for which actual experience is reflected in the liability and assumptions are reviewed and updated at least annually, if necessary, with the recognition and parenthetical presentation of any resulting re-measurement gain or loss in policyholder benefits (except for discount rate changes) in the income statement; (ii) certain product guarantees for which benefit liabilities are accrued over the life of the contract in proportion to actual and future expected policy assessments; (iii) certain product guarantees reported as market risk benefits or index crediting features accounted for as embedded derivatives which are carried at fair value; and (iv) unearned revenue and assets for DAC, VOBA and DSI which are amortized on a constant level basis over the expected term of the related contracts using assumptions consistent with those used in estimating the related liability for future policy benefits, or any other related balances, for those corresponding contracts, as applicable.
At least annually, typically in the third quarter, we conduct a comprehensive review of the underlying assumptions within our actuarially determined assets and liabilities. These assumptions include, but are not limited to, policyholder behavior, mortality, expenses, investment returns and policy crediting rates. Changes in assumptions can result in a significant change to the carrying value of product liabilities and assets and, consequently, the impact could be material to earnings in the period of the change.
For further details of our accounting policies and related judgments pertaining to assumption updates, see “Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefits and Update of Actuarial Assumptions and Models—Update of Actuarial Assumptions and Models”, herein and “Accounting Policies and Pronouncements—Critical Accounting Estimates—Market Risk Benefits, Valuation of Embedded Derivatives for Fixed Index Annuity and Index Universal Life Products, Guaranteed Benefit Features of Variable Annuity, Fixed Annuity and Fixed Index Annuity Products, and Future Policy Benefits for Life, Accident and Health Insurance Contracts” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
Our business is affected by industry and economic factors such as changes in interest rates and credit spreads; geopolitical tensions (including the ongoing armed conflicts between Ukraine and Russia and in the Middle East); credit and equity market conditions; currency exchange rates; regulation; tax policy; competition; and general economic, market and political conditions. We continued to operate under market conditions in 2024 and 2023 characterized by factors such as higher interest rates, inflationary pressures, an uneven global economic recovery and global trade tensions. Responses by central banks and monetary authorities with respect to inflation, growth concerns and other macroeconomic factors have also affected global exchange rates and volatility.
Below is a discussion of certain industry and economic factors impacting our business:
We expect our target market of individuals planning for retirement to continue to grow with the size of the U.S. population age 65 and over that is expected to increase by approximately 30% by 2030 from just ten years earlier. In addition, we believe that reduced employer-paid retirement benefits will drive an increasing need for our individual retirement solutions. Further, consumers in the United States continue to prefer purchasing life insurance and retirement products through an agent or advisor, which positions us favorably given our broad distribution platform and in-house advisory capabilities. We continue to seek opportunities to develop new products and adapt our existing products to the growing needs of individuals to plan, save for and achieve secure financial futures.
Equity Markets
Our financial results are impacted by the performance of equity markets, which impacts the performance of our alternative investment portfolio, fee income, MRBs and embedded derivatives. For instance, in our variable annuity separate accounts, mutual fund assets and brokerage and advisory assets, we generally earn fee income based on the account value, which fluctuates with the equity markets as a significant amount of these assets are invested in equity funds. The impact of equity market returns, both increases and decreases, is reflected in our results due to the impact on the account value and the fair values of equity-exposed securities in our investment portfolio.
Our hedging costs could also be significantly impacted by changes in the level of equity markets as rebalancing and option costs are tied to the equity market volatility. These hedging costs are partially offset by our rider fees that are tied to the level of the volatility index (“VIX”). As rebalancing and option costs increase or decrease, the rider fees will increase or decrease partially offsetting the hedging costs incurred.
For Additional information see “Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Market Conditions—We are exposed to risk from equity market declines or volatility” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
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ITEM 2 | Executive Summary
Market and other economic factors may result in increased credit impairments, downgrades and losses across single or numerous asset classes due to lower collateral values or deteriorating cash flow and profitability by borrowers could lead to higher defaults on our investment portfolio, especially in geographic, industry or investment sectors where we have higher concentrations of exposure, such as real estate related borrowings. These factors can also cause widening of credit spreads which could reduce investment asset valuations, decrease fee income and increase statutory capital requirements, as well as reduce the availability of investments that are attractive from a risk-adjusted perspective.
For additional information see “Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Market Conditions—Our business is highly dependent on economic and capital market conditions” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
Alternative investments include private equity funds which are generally reported on a one-quarter lag. Accordingly, changes in valuations driven by equity market conditions during the third quarter of 2024 may impact the private equity investments in the alternative investments portfolio in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Impact of Changes in the Interest Rate Environment
A rising interest rate environment benefits our spread income as we reinvest cash flows from existing business at higher rates and should have a positive impact on sales of spread-based products.
As of September 30, 2024, new investments continue to have higher yields than the yield on maturities and redemptions that we are experiencing in our existing portfolios. We actively manage our exposure to the interest rate environment through portfolio construction and asset-liability management, including spread management strategies for our investment-oriented products and economic hedging of interest rate risk from guarantee features in our variable annuities, but we may not be able to fully mitigate our interest rate risk by matching exposure of our assets relative to our liabilities.
Fluctuations in interest rates may result in changes to certain statutory reserve or capital requirements that are based on formulas or models that consider interest rates or prescribed interest rates, such as cash flow testing. Rising interest rates can have a mixed impact on statutory financials due to higher surrender activity, particularly for fixed annuities, offset by potentially lower reserves for other products under various statutory reserving frameworks.
Annuity Sales and Surrenders
Rising interest rates could create the potential for increased sales but could also drive higher surrenders relative to what we have already experienced. Fixed annuities have surrender charge periods, generally in the three-to-seven-year range. Fixed index annuities have surrender charge periods, generally in the five-to-ten-year range, and within our Group Retirement segment, certain of our fixed investment options are subject to other withdrawal restrictions, which may help mitigate increased early surrenders in a rising rate environment. In addition, older contracts that have higher minimum interest rates and continue to be attractive to contract holders have driven better than expected persistency in fixed annuities, although the liabilities for such contracts have continued to decrease over time in amount and as a percentage of the total annuity portfolio. We closely monitor surrenders of fixed annuities as contracts with lower minimum interest rates come out of the surrender charge period.
In October 2024, we announced the launch of Corebridge MarketLock ® Annuity, a registered index-linked annuity (“RILA”) contract.
Reinvestment and Spread Management
We actively monitor fixed income markets, including the level of interest rates, credit spreads and the shape of the yield curve. We also frequently review our interest rate assumptions and actively manage the crediting rates used for new and in-force business. Business strategies continue to evolve and we attempt to maintain profitability of the overall business in light of the interest rate environment. A rising interest rate environment results in improved yields on new investments and improves margins for our business while also making certain products, such as fixed annuities, more attractive to potential customers. However, the rising rate environment has resulted in lower values on general and separate account assets, mutual fund assets and brokerage and advisory assets that hold investments in fixed income assets.
For investment-oriented products, including universal life insurance, and variable, fixed and fixed index annuities, in each of our operating and reportable segments, our spread management strategies include disciplined pricing and product design for new business, modifying or limiting the sale of products that do not achieve targeted spreads, using asset-liability management to match assets to liabilities to the extent practicable and actively managing crediting rates to help mitigate some of the pressure on investment spreads. Renewal crediting rate management is guided by specific contract provisions designed to allow crediting rates to be reset at pre-established intervals and subject to minimum crediting rate guarantees. We expect to continue to adjust crediting rates on in-force business, as appropriate, to be responsive to changing rate environments. As interest rates rise, we may need to raise crediting rates on in-force business for competitive and other reasons, potentially offsetting a portion of the additional investment income resulting from investing in a higher interest rate environment.
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ITEM 2 | Executive Summary
Of the aggregate fixed account values of our Individual Retirement and Group Retirement annuity products, 48% and 54% were crediting at the contractual minimum guaranteed interest rate at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The percentages of fixed account values of our annuity products that are currently crediting at rates above 1% were 45% and 50% at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. In the universal life insurance products in our Life Insurance business, 59% and 59% of the account values were crediting at the contractual minimum guaranteed interest rate at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. These businesses continue to focus on pricing discipline and strategies to manage the minimum guaranteed interest crediting rates offered on new sales in the context of regulatory requirements and competitive positioning.
For additional information on our investment and asset-liability management strategies, see “Investments” below.
Regulatory Environment
The insurance and financial services industries are generally subject to close regulatory scrutiny and supervision. Our operations are subject to regulation by a number of different types of domestic and international regulatory authorities, including securities, derivatives and investment advisory regulators. Our insurance subsidiaries are subject to regulation and supervision by the states and jurisdictions in which they do business.
We expect that the domestic and international regulations applicable to us and our regulated entities will continue to evolve for the foreseeable future.
For example, on March 6, 2024, the SEC adopted final rules that require registrants, including Corebridge, to disclose certain climate-related information in registration statements and annual reports. The final rules require registrants to disclose, among other things: the impacts of material climate-related risks; the processes for identifying, assessing and managing such risks; information about the oversight of climate-related risks by the board of directors and management’s role in managing material climate-related risks; and information about any climate-related targets or goals that are material to a registrant's business, results of operations, or financial condition. The final rules also require, if material, disclosure of registrants’ Scope 1 and/or Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, registrants must disclose certain information in their audited financial statements, including aggregate expenditures expensed and losses as well as capitalized costs and charges, in each case as a result of severe weather events and other natural conditions, subject to de minimis disclosure thresholds.
The final rules include a phased-in compliance period beginning in fiscal year 2025 for large accelerated filers such as Corebridge. Numerous legal challenges were filed after the rule’s adoption, which lawsuits have been consolidated in the Eighth Circuit. On April 4, 2024, the SEC exercised its discretion to stay the final rules pending completion of judicial review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Corebridge is evaluating the potential impacts of these new requirements. However, if these requirements are implemented following completion of judicial review, they may increase the complexity of Corebridge’s periodic reporting as a U.S. public company and are expected to result in additional compliance and reporting costs.
In addition, on April 25, 2024, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) published a final rule in the Federal Register updating the definition for when a person is an “investment advice fiduciary” for purposes of transactions with ERISA qualified plans, related plan participants and IRAs. The DOL also published changes with respect to existing prohibited transactions exemptions (“PTEs”) relating to such advice, including PTE 84-24 and PTE 2020-02. Orders staying the rule’s September 23, 2024 effective date were issued by the U.S. District Courts for the Eastern District of Texas and the Northern District of Texas on July 25, 2024 and July 26, 2024, respectively, in connection with separate lawsuits challenging the rule. On September 20, 2024, DOL filed a notice of appeal confirming its intent to appeal these two orders to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. We are actively monitoring the progress of the litigation while continuing to evaluate potential impact of the DOL rule to our business.

For information regarding our regulation and supervision by different regulatory authorities in the United States and abroad, see “Business—Regulation” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
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ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
Throughout this MD&A, we present our financial condition and results of operations in the way we believe will be most meaningful and representative of our business results. Some of the measurements we use are “non-GAAP financial measures” under SEC rules and regulations. We believe presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures allows for a deeper understanding of the profitability drivers of our business, results of operations, financial condition and liquidity. These measures should be considered supplementary to our results of operations and financial condition that are presented in accordance with GAAP and should not be viewed as a substitute for GAAP measures. The non-GAAP financial measures we present may not be comparable to similarly named measures reported by other companies. Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures for future periods are not provided as we do not currently have sufficient data to accurately estimate the variables and individual adjustments for such reconciliations.
Adjusted revenues exclude Net realized gains (losses) except for gains (losses) related to the disposition of real estate investments, income from non-operating litigation settlements (included in Other income for GAAP purposes) and changes in fair value of securities used to hedge guaranteed living benefits (included in Net investment income for GAAP purposes).
The following table presents a reconciliation of Total revenues to Adjusted revenues:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Total revenues$2,616 $5,505 $12,162 $15,524 
Fortitude Re related items:
Net investment (income) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(515)(233)(1,172)(897)
Net realized (gains) losses on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(157)228 100 338 
Net realized (gains) losses on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivatives1,509 (1,080)1,451 (177)
Subtotal - Fortitude Re related items837 (1,085)379 (736)
Other non-Fortitude Re reconciling items:
Changes in fair value of securities used to hedge guaranteed living benefits(13)(14)(44)(41)
Other (income) loss - net(6)(8)(23)(22)
Net realized (gains) losses*1,099 (317)2,088 564 
Subtotal - Other non-Fortitude Re reconciling items1,080 (339)2,021 501 
Total adjustments1,917 (1,424)2,400 (235)
Adjusted revenues$4,533 $4,081 $14,562 $15,289 
*Represents all Net realized gains and losses except gains (losses) related to the disposition of real estate investments and earned income (periodic settlements and changes in settlement accruals) on derivative instruments used for non-qualifying (economic) hedging or for asset replication. Earned income for non-qualifying (economic) hedging or for asset replication is reclassified from Net realized gains and losses to specific APTOI line items (e.g., net investment income and interest credited to policyholder account balances) based on the economic risk being hedged.
Adjusted pre-tax operating income (“APTOI”) is derived by excluding the items set forth below from income from operations before income tax. These items generally fall into one or more of the following broad categories: legacy matters having no relevance to our current businesses or operating performance; adjustments to enhance transparency to the underlying economics of transactions; and recording adjustments to APTOI that we believe to be common in our industry. We believe the adjustments to pre-tax income are useful for gaining an understanding of our overall results of operations.
APTOI excludes the impact of the following items:
The modified coinsurance (“modco”) reinsurance agreements with Fortitude Re transfer the economics of the invested assets supporting the reinsurance agreements to Fortitude Re. Accordingly, the net investment income on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets and the net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets are excluded from APTOI. Similarly, changes in the Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative are also excluded from APTOI.
The ongoing results associated with the reinsurance agreement with Fortitude Re have been excluded from APTOI as these are not indicative of our ongoing business operations.
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ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
APTOI excludes “Net realized gains (losses)”, except for gains (losses) related to the disposition of real estate investments. Net realized gains (losses), except for gains (losses) related to the disposition of real estate investments, are excluded as the timing of sales on invested assets or changes in allowances depend largely on market credit cycles and can vary considerably across periods. In addition, changes in interest rates may create opportunistic scenarios to buy or sell invested assets. Our derivative results, including those used to economically hedge insurance liabilities, or those recognized as embedded derivatives at fair value, are also included in Net realized gains (losses) and are similarly excluded from APTOI except earned income (periodic settlements and changes in settlement accruals) on derivative instruments used for non-qualifying (economic) hedges or for asset replication. Earned income on such economic hedges is reclassified from Net realized gains and losses to specific APTOI line items based on the economic risk being hedged (e.g., Net investment income and Interest credited to policyholder account balances).
Certain of our variable annuity, fixed annuity and fixed index annuity contracts contain GMWBs and/or GMDBs which are accounted for as MRBs. Changes in the fair value of these MRBs (excluding changes related to our own credit risk), including certain rider fees attributed to the MRBs, along with changes in the fair value of derivatives used to hedge MRBs are recorded through “Change in the fair value of MRBs, net” and are excluded from APTOI.
Changes in the fair value of securities used to economically hedge MRBs are excluded from APTOI.
Other adjustments represent all other adjustments that are excluded from APTOI and includes the net pre-tax operating income (losses) from noncontrolling interests related to consolidated investment entities. The excluded adjustments include, as applicable:
restructuring and other costs related to initiatives designed to reduce operating expenses, improve efficiency and simplify our organization;
non-recurring costs associated with the implementation of non-ordinary course legal or regulatory changes or changes to accounting principles;
separation costs;
non-operating litigation reserves and settlements;
loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt, if any;
losses from the impairment of goodwill, if any; and
income and loss from divested or run-off business, if any.
Adjusted after-tax operating income attributable to our common shareholders (“Adjusted After-tax Operating Income” or “AATOI”) is derived by excluding the tax effected APTOI adjustments described above, as well as the following tax items from net income attributable to us:
reclassifications of disproportionate tax effects from AOCI, changes in uncertain tax positions and other tax items related to legacy matters having no relevance to our current businesses or operating performance; and
deferred income tax valuation allowance releases and charges.
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ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
The following tables present a reconciliation of pre-tax income (loss)/net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge to adjusted pre-tax operating income (loss)/adjusted after-tax operating income (loss) attributable to Corebridge:
Three Months Ended September 30,20242023
(in millions)Pre-taxTotal Tax
After TaxPre-taxTotal Tax
After Tax
Pre-tax income (loss)/net income (loss), including noncontrolling interests$(1,594)$(407)$$(1,187)$2,461 $392 $— $2,069
Noncontrolling interests33— — 32 32
Pre-tax income (loss)/net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge(1,594)(407)3(1,184)2,461 392 32 2,101
Fortitude Re related items
Net investment (income) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(515)(110)(405)(233)(52)— (181)
Net realized (gains) losses on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(157)(34)(123)228 51 — 177
Net realized (gains) losses on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative1,5093241,185(1,080)(239)— (841)
Subtotal Fortitude Re related items837180657(1,085)(240)— (845)
Other reconciling Items
Reclassification of disproportionate tax effects from AOCI and other tax adjustments
(22)22— (6)— 6
Deferred income tax valuation allowance (releases) charges91(91)— 57 — (57)
Changes in fair value of market risk benefits, net603126477(418)(88)— (330)
Changes in fair value of securities used to hedge guaranteed living benefits211— 3
Changes in benefit reserves related to net realized (losses)(2)(1)(1)(2)— — (2)
Net realized (gains) losses*1,093235858(332)(70)— (262)
Separation costs64 13 — 51
Restructuring and other costs87186982 17 — 65
Non-recurring costs related to regulatory or accounting changes11— 4
Net (gain) loss on divestiture1160 — (59)
Pension expense - non operating— — — 
Noncontrolling interests3(3)32 — (32)— 
Subtotal Non-Fortitude Re reconciling items1,788448(3)1,337(563)(14)(32)(581)
Total adjustments2,625628(3)1,994(1,648)(254)(32)(1,426)
Adjusted pre-tax operating income/Adjusted after-tax operating income attributable to Corebridge$1,031$221$$810$813 $138 $— $675 
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ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
Nine Months Ended September 30,20242023
(in millions)
Pre-taxTotal Tax
After TaxPre-taxTotal Tax
After Tax
Pre-tax income (loss)/net income (loss), including noncontrolling interests$(122)$(103)$$(19)$2,703$336$$2,367
Noncontrolling interests78784646
Pre-tax income (loss)/net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge(122)(103)78592,703336462,413
Fortitude Re related items
Net investment (income) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(1,172)(250)(922)(897)(200)(697)
Net realized losses on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets100217933875263
Net realized (gains) losses on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative1,4513121,139(177)(39)(138)
Subtotal Fortitude Re related items37983296(736)(164)(572)
Other reconciling items
Reclassification of disproportionate tax effects from AOCI and other tax adjustments
Deferred income tax valuation allowance (releases) charges(13)136(6)
Changes in fair value of market risk benefits, net25954205(484)(102)(382)
Changes in fair value of securities used to hedge guaranteed living benefits8261129
Changes in benefit reserves related to net realized (losses)(8)(2)(6)(6)(1)(5)
Net realized losses*2,0634421,621539113426
Separation costs94207418639147
Restructuring and other costs2194617313729108
Non-recurring costs related to regulatory or accounting changes2217413
Net (gain) loss on divestiture(245)(48)(197)(55)48(103)
Pension expense - non operating15312
Noncontrolling interests78(78)46(46)
Subtotal Other non-Fortitude Re reconciling items2,470557(78)1,835406215(46)145
Total adjustments2,849640(78)2,131(330)51(46)(427)
Adjusted pre-tax operating income/Adjusted after-tax operating income attributable to Corebridge$2,727$537$$2,190$2,373$387$$1,986
*Includes all net realized gains and losses except earned income (periodic settlements and changes in settlement accruals) on derivative instruments used for non-qualifying (economic) hedging or for asset replication. Additionally, gains (losses) related to the disposition of real estate investments are also excluded from this adjustment.
Adjusted Book Value is derived by excluding AOCI, adjusted for the cumulative unrealized gains and losses related to Fortitude Re’s funds withheld assets. We believe this measure is useful to investors as it eliminates the asymmetrical impact resulting from changes in fair value of our available-for-sale securities portfolio for which there is largely no offsetting impact for certain related insurance liabilities that are not recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recorded through OCI. It also eliminates asymmetrical impacts where our own credit non-performance risk is recorded through OCI. In addition, we adjust for the cumulative unrealized gains and losses related to Fortitude Re’s funds withheld assets since these fair value movements are economically transferred to Fortitude Re.
The following table presents the reconciliation of Book value per common share to Adjusted book value per common share:
(in millions, except per common share data)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Total Corebridge shareholders' equity (a)$13,608 $11,766 
Less: Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
Add: Cumulative unrealized gains and losses related to Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(2,058)(2,332)
Adjusted Book Value (b)$21,434 $22,892 
Total common shares outstanding (c)574.4 621.7 
Book value per common share (a/c)$23.69 $18.93 
Adjusted book value per common share (b/c)$37.32 $36.82 
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ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
Adjusted Return on Average Equity (“Adjusted ROAE”) is derived by dividing AATOI by average Adjusted Book Value and is used by management to evaluate our recurring profitability and evaluate trends in our business. We believe this measure is useful to investors as it eliminates the asymmetrical impact resulting from changes in fair value of our available-for-sale securities portfolio for which there is largely no offsetting impact for certain related insurance liabilities that are not recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recorded through OCI. It also eliminates asymmetrical impacts where our own credit non-performance risk is recorded through OCI. In addition, we adjust for the cumulative unrealized gains and losses related to Fortitude Re’s funds withheld assets since these fair value movements are economically transferred to Fortitude Re.
The following table presents the reconciliation of Adjusted ROAE:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions, unless otherwise noted)2024202320242023
Actual or annualized net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge shareholders (a)$(4,736)$8,404 $79 $3,217
Actual or annualized adjusted after-tax operating income attributable to Corebridge shareholders (b)3,240 2,700 2,920 2,648
Average Corebridge shareholders’ equity (c)12,302 9,464 11,987 9,966
Less: Average AOCI(12,196)(17,238)(12,997)(16,352)
Add: Average cumulative unrealized gains and losses related to Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(2,390)(3,004)(2,402)(2,795)
Average Adjusted Book Value (d)$22,108 $23,698 $22,582 $23,523
Return on Average Equity (a/c)(38.5)%88.8 %0.7 %32.3%
Adjusted ROAE (b/d)14.7 %11.4 %12.9 %11.3%
Premiums and deposits is a non-GAAP financial measure that includes direct and assumed premiums received and earned on traditional life insurance policies and life-contingent payout annuities, as well as deposits received on universal life insurance, investment-type annuity contracts and GICs. We believe the measure of premiums and deposits is useful in understanding customer demand for our products, evolving product trends and our sales performance period over period.
The following table presents the premiums and deposits:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Individual Retirement
Premiums$36 $29 $107 $173 
5,493 3,935 17,076 12,726 
Premiums and deposits5,526 3,961 17,174 12,889 
Group Retirement
Premiums5 10 16 
Deposits1,958 1,825 6,005 5,984 
Premiums and deposits(b)(c)
1,963 1,831 6,015 6,000 
Life Insurance
Premiums352 449 1,117 1,317 
Deposits386 393 1,168 1,175 
118 243 511 705 
Premiums and deposits856 1,085 2,796 3,197 
Institutional Markets
Premiums208 200 2,171 3,686 
Deposits1,045 2,048 3,697 3,620 
10 29 23 
Premiums and deposits1,263 2,256 5,897 7,329 
Premiums601 684 3,405 5,192 
Deposits8,882 8,201 27,946 23,505 
125 248 531 718 
Premiums and deposits$9,608 $9,133 $31,882 $29,415 
(a)Other principally consists of ceded premiums, in order to reflect gross premiums and deposits.
(b)Excludes client deposits into advisory and brokerage accounts of $761 million and $656 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $2.3 billion and $1.8 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
(c)Includes inflows related to in-plan mutual funds of $770 million and $773 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $2.4 billion and $2.5 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
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ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
Net investment income (APTOI basis) is the sum of base portfolio income and variable investment income.
The following table presents a reconciliation of net investment income (net income basis) to net investment income (APTOI basis):
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Net investment income (net income basis)$3,296 $2,657 $9,208 $8,066 
Net investment (income) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets(515)(233)(1,172)(897)
Change in fair value of securities used to hedge guaranteed living benefits(13)(14)(44)(41)
Other adjustments(6)(7)(23)(22)
Derivative income recorded in net realized gains (losses)
72 53 210 165 
Total adjustments(462)(201)(1,029)(795)
Net investment income (APTOI basis)
$2,834 $2,456 $8,179 $7,271 
Assets Under Management and Administration
Assets Under Management (“AUM”) include assets in the general and separate accounts of our subsidiaries that support liabilities and surplus related to our life and annuity insurance products.
Assets Under Administration (“AUA”) include Group Retirement mutual fund assets and other third-party assets that we sell or administer and the notional value of SVW contracts.    
Assets Under Management and Administration (“AUMA”) is the cumulative amount of AUM and AUA.
The following table presents a summary of our AUMA:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Individual Retirement
Total Individual Retirement AUMA163,285149,691
Group Retirement
Total Group Retirement AUMA129,895122,181
Life Insurance
Total Life Insurance AUMA *27,97226,691
Institutional Markets
Total Institutional Markets AUMA92,21385,285
Total AUMA$413,365$383,848
*The December 31, 2023 AUMA excludes $181 million, of assets that were reclassified to Assets held-for-sale in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. See Note 4 in the 2023 Form 10-K Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.
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ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
Fee and Spread income and Underwriting Margin
Fee income is defined as policy fees plus advisory fees plus other fee income. For our Institutional Markets segment, its SVW products generate fee income.
Spread income is defined as net investment income less interest credited to policyholder account balances, exclusive of amortization of deferred sales inducement assets. Spread income is comprised of both base spread income and variable investment income. For our Institutional Markets segment, its structured settlements, PRT and GIC products generate spread income, which includes premiums, net investment income, less interest credited and policyholder benefits and excludes the annual assumption update.
Underwriting margin for our Life Insurance segment includes premiums, policy fees, other income, net investment income, less interest credited to policyholder account balances and policyholder benefits and excludes the annual assumption update. For our Institutional Markets segment, its Corporate Markets products generate underwriting margin, which includes premiums, net investment income, policy and advisory fee income, less interest credited and policyholder benefits and excludes the annual assumption update.
Base portfolio income includes interest, dividends and foreclosed real estate income, net of investment expenses and non-qualifying (economic) hedges.
Variable investment income includes call and tender income, commercial mortgage loan prepayments, changes in market value of investments accounted for under the fair value option, interest received on defaulted investments (other than foreclosed real estate), income from alternative investments and other miscellaneous investment income, including income of certain partnership entities that are required to be consolidated. Alternative investments include private equity funds which are generally reported on a one-quarter lag.
Base spread income means base portfolio income less interest credited to policyholder account balances, excluding the amortization of deferred sales inducement assets.
Base net investment spread means base yield less cost of funds, excluding the amortization of deferred sales inducement assets.
Base yield means the returns from base portfolio income including accretion and impacts from holding cash and short-term investments.
The following table presents a summary of our spread income, fee income and underwriting margin:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Individual Retirement
Spread income$729$672$2,165$1,979
Fee income
Total Individual Retirement*
1,050 9613,101 2,825
Group Retirement
Spread income176209567635
Fee income201180582534
Total Group Retirement377 3891,149 1,169
Life Insurance
Underwriting margin3923849981,101
Total Life Insurance392 384998 1,101
Institutional Markets
Spread income13370327269
Fee income15164648
Underwriting margin25146351
Total Institutional Markets173 100436 368
Spread income1,0389513,0592,883
Fee income5374851,5641,428
Underwriting margin4173981,0611,152
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 96

ITEM 2 | Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Operating Metrics
Net Investment Income (APTOI Basis)
The following table presents a summary of our four insurance operating businesses’ net investment income on an APTOI basis:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Individual Retirement
Base portfolio income$1,417$1,230$4,126$3,547
Variable investment income
Net investment income1,461 1,2404,205 3,592
Group Retirement
Base portfolio income4514871,4211,462
Variable investment income27173946
Net investment income478 5041,460 1,508
Life Insurance
Base portfolio income331310973948
Variable investment income53119
Net investment income336 313984 957
Institutional Markets
Base portfolio income5274011,5001,086
Variable investment income4174461
Net investment income568 4081,544 1,147
Base portfolio income2,7262,4288,0207,043
Variable investment income11737173161
Net investment income (APTOI basis) - Insurance operations$2,843$2,465$8,193$7,204
Net Flows
Net flows for annuity products in Individual Retirement and Group Retirement represent premiums and deposits less death, surrender and other withdrawal benefits. Net flows for mutual funds represent deposits less withdrawals. For Group Retirement, client deposits into advisory and brokerage accounts less total client withdrawals from advisory and brokerage accounts are not included in net flows.
The following table presents a summary of our Net Flows:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Individual Retirement
Fixed Annuities$607$(1,356)$2,410$(2,561)
Fixed Index Annuities1,1461,5193,1734,519
Variable Annuities(1,344)(906)(3,879)(2,397)
Total Individual Retirement409(743)1,704(439)
Group Retirement(1,784)(2,188)(5,549)(4,753)
Total Net Flows
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 97

ITEM 2 Consolidated Results of Operations
Consolidated Results of Operations
The following section provides a comparative discussion of our consolidated results of operations on a reported basis for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. For factors that relate primarily to a specific business, see “— Business Segment Operations.”
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Premiums$619 $701 $3,461 $5,249 
Policy fees728 702 2,163 2,094 
Net investment income3,296 2,657 9,208 8,066 
Net realized gains (losses)(2,327)1,220 (3,394)(558)
Advisory fee and other income300 225 724 673 
Total revenues2,616 5,505 12,162 15,524 
Benefits and expenses:
Policyholder benefits1,149 1,102 5,005 6,473 
Change in the fair value of market risk benefits, net603 (418)259 (484)
Interest credited to policyholder account balances1,358 1,134 3,831 3,238 
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and value of business acquired260 268 787 782 
Non-deferrable insurance commissions141 146 430 435 
Advisory fee expenses73 65 212 194 
General operating expenses492 611 1,596 1,797 
Interest expense133 135 409 441 
Net (gain) loss on divestitures1 (245)(55)
Total benefits and expenses4,210 3,044 12,284 12,821 
Income (loss) before income (loss) tax expense (benefit)(1,594)2,461 (122)2,703 
Income (loss) tax expense (benefit)(407)392 (103)336 
Net income (loss)(1,187)2,069 (19)2,367 
Less: Net (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests(3)(32)(78)(46)
Net income (loss) attributable to Corebridge$(1,184)$2,101 $59 $2,413 
The following table presents certain balance sheet data:.
(in millions, except per common share data)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Balance sheet data:
Total assets$399,422 $379,270 
Long-term debt$9,865 $9,118 
Debt of consolidated investment entities$2,149 $2,504 
Total Corebridge shareholders’ equity$13,608 $11,766 
Book value per common share$23.69 $18.93 
Adjusted book value per common share$37.32 $36.82 
Financial Highlights
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Net Income Comparison
Income (loss) before income tax expense (benefit)
We recorded a pre-tax loss of $1.6 billion in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to pre-tax income of $2.5 billion in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The change in pre-tax income was primarily due to:
higher net realized losses of $3.5 billion primarily driven by higher losses on the Fortitude Re balances;
unfavorable change in the fair value of market risk benefits, net of $1.0 billion primarily driven by the impacts of interest rates compared to the comparable period in the prior year; and
higher interest credited to policyholder account balances of $224 million primarily due to higher sales activity in fixed and fixed index annuities and continued growth in our GIC business.
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ITEM 2 Consolidated Results of Operations
Partially offset by:
higher net investment income of $639 million primarily driven by higher base portfolio income, higher variable investment income and higher income related to the Fortitude Re funds withheld assets.
Income tax expense (benefit)
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, there was an income tax benefit of $407 million on loss from operations, resulting in an effective tax rate on loss from operations of 25.5%.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Net Income Comparison
We recorded a pre-tax loss of $122 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to pre-tax income of $2.7 billion in the nine months ended September 30, 2023.The change in pre-tax income was primarily due to:
higher net realized losses of $2.8 billion primarily driven by higher losses on the Fortitude Re balances;
lower premiums of $1.8 billion primarily on new pension risk transfer business;
unfavorable change in the fair value of market risk benefits, net of $743 million primarily driven by the impacts of lower interest rates compared to the comparable period in the prior year; and
higher interest credited to policyholder account balances of $593 million primarily due to higher sales activity in fixed and fixed index annuities and continued growth in our GIC business.
Partially offset by:
lower policyholder benefits of $1.5 billion primarily on new pension risk transfer business;
higher net investment income of $1.1 billion primarily driven by higher base portfolio income partially offset by lower variable investment income; and
higher net gain on divestitures of $190 million primarily from the gain on the sale of AIG Life U.K.
Income tax expense (benefit)
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, there was an income tax benefit of $103 million on loss from operations, resulting in an effective tax rate on loss from operations of 84.4%.
Adjusted pre-tax operating income
The following table presents total Corebridge’s adjusted pre-tax operating income:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Premiums$618 $703 $3,460 $5,251 
Policy fees728 702 2,163 2,094 
Net investment income2,834 2,456 8,179 7,271 
Net realized gains (losses)*
53 (5)36 — 
Advisory fee and other income300 225 724 673 
Total adjusted revenues4,533 4,08114,562 15,289
Policyholder benefits1,152 1,103 5,014 6,479 
Interest credited to policyholder account balances1,348 1,131 3,803 3,211 
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs260 268 787 782 
Non-deferrable insurance commissions141 146 430 435 
Advisory fee expenses73 65 212 194 
General operating expenses404 459 1,281 1,442 
Interest expense127 128 386 419 
Total benefits and expenses3,505 3,30011,913 12,962
Noncontrolling interests3 32 78 46 
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$1,031 $813$2,727 $2,373
*Net realized gains (losses) includes the gains (losses) related to the disposition of real estate investments.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 99

ITEM 2 Consolidated Results of Operations
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI increased $218 million, primarily due to:
higher net investment income of $378 million primarily driven by higher base portfolio income partially offset by lower variable investment income; and
lower general operating expenses by $55 million.
Partially offset by:
higher interest credited to policyholder account balances of $217 million primarily due to higher sales activity in fixed and fixed index annuities and continued growth in our GIC business.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI increased $354 million, primarily due to:
lower policyholder benefits of $1.5 billion primarily on new pension risk transfer business;
higher net investment income of $908 million primarily driven by higher base portfolio income partially offset by lower variable investment income;
lower general operating expenses by $161 million; and
lower income attributable to noncontrolling interest of $32 million.
Partially offset by:
lower premiums of $1.8 billion primarily on new pension risk transfer business;and
higher interest credited to policyholder account balances of $592 million primarily due to higher sales activity in fixed and fixed index annuities and continued growth in our GIC business.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 100

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Business Segment Operations
Our business operations consist of five reportable segments:
Individual Retirement – consists of fixed annuities, fixed index annuities and variable annuities.
Group Retirement – consists of recordkeeping, plan administrative and compliance services, financial planning and advisory solutions offered in-plan, along with proprietary and limited non-proprietary annuities, advisory and brokerage products offered out-of-plan.
Life Insurance – primary products in the United States include term life and universal life insurance. The International Life business issued individual and group life insurance in the United Kingdom and distributed private medical insurance in Ireland. On October 31, 2023 Corebridge completed the sale of Laya and on April 8, 2024 completed the sale of AIG Life U.K.
Institutional Markets – consists of SVW products, structured settlement and PRT annuities, Corporate Markets products that include corporate- and bank-owned life insurance (“COLI-BOLI”), private placement variable universal life and private placement variable annuities products and GICs.
Corporate and Other – consists primarily of:
corporate expenses not attributable to our other segments;
interest expense on financial debt;
results of our consolidated investment entities;
institutional asset management business, which includes managing assets for non-consolidated affiliates; and
results of our legacy insurance lines ceded to Fortitude Re.
The following tables summarize adjusted pre-tax operating income (loss) from our segments:
See Note 3 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Individual Retirement$657$576$1,900$1,684
Group Retirement188192583575
Life Insurance156136305294
Institutional Markets15475362286
Corporate and Other(126)(163)(422)(462)
Consolidation and elimination2(3)(1)(4)
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$1,031$813$2,727$2,373
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 101

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Individual Retirement
Individual Retirement Results
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Policy fees205182596528
Net investment income:
Base portfolio income
Variable investment income44107945
Net investment income1,4611,2404,2053,592
Advisory fee and other income*
Total adjusted revenues1,8181,5585,2484,611
Benefits and expenses:
Policyholder benefits212990165
Interest credited to policyholder account balances7445822,0781,654
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs153150454425
Non-deferrable insurance commissions9990283270
Advisory fee expenses3835111105
General operating expenses10696332308
Total benefits and expenses1,1619823,3482,927
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$657$576$1,900$1,684
*    Includes advisory fee income from registered investment services, 12b-1 fees (i.e., marketing and distribution fee income), and other asset management fee income.
Individual Retirement Sources of Earnings
The following table presents the sources of earnings of the Individual Retirement segment. We believe providing APTOI using this view is useful for gaining an understanding of our overall results of operations and the significant drivers of our earnings:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Spread income(a)
Fee income
Policyholder benefits, net of premiums15— 17
Non-deferrable insurance commissions(99)(90)(283)(270)
Amortization of DAC and DSI(165)(164)(492)(466)
General operating expenses(106)(96)(332)(308)
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$657$576$1,900$1,684
(a)Spread income represents net investment income less interest credited to policyholder account balances, exclusive of amortization of DSI of $12 million and $14 million for the three months ended September 30,2024 and 2023, respectively, and $38 million and $41 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 respectively.
(b)Other represents advisory fee expenses.
Financial Highlights
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI increased $81 million, primarily due to:
higher spread income of $57 million primarily driven by an increase in variable investment income of $34 million due to higher alternative income mostly due to improved private equity returns and higher yield enhancement income, and higher base spread income of $23 million due to improved base portfolio yields and growth in invested assets driven by higher general account sales; and
higher fee income of $32 million, primarily due to an increase in mortality and expense fees and other fee income due to higher average variable annuity separate account asset values driven by improved equity market returns.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 102

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI increased $216 million, primarily due to:
higher spread income of $186 million primarily driven by an increase in variable investment income of $34 million due to higher alternative income mostly due to improved private equity returns and higher yield enhancement income, higher base spread income of $152 million due to improved base portfolio yields and growth in invested assets driven by higher general account sales; and
higher fee income of $90 million, primarily due to an increase in mortality and expense fees and other fee income due to higher average variable annuity separate account asset values driven by improved equity market returns, and higher surrender charge fee income due to an increase in surrenders.
Partially offset by:
higher amortization of DAC and DSI of $26 million due to growth in Fixed and Fixed index annuity business; and
higher non-deferrable insurance commissions of $13 million mostly due to continued growth in the Fixed index annuity business.
The following table presents Individual Retirement AUMA by product:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Fixed annuities$57,936 $53,570 
Fixed index annuities48,263 40,661 
Variable annuities:
Variable annuities - General Account6,932 7,715 
Variable annuities - Separate Accounts50,154 47,745 
Variable annuities57,086 55,460 
Total$163,285 $149,691 
September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2023 AUMA Comparison
AUMA increased $13.6 billion driven by an increase of $11.2 billion in the general account and higher separate accounts asset values of $2.4 billion. The general account increased primarily due to positive general account net flows and lower interest rates resulting in unrealized gains from fixed maturities securities. The separate account increased primarily due to increases in the equity markets, partially offset by outflows from separate accounts.
Spread and Fee Income
The following table presents Individual Retirement spread and fee income:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Spread income:
Total spread income
Base portfolio income$1,417 $1,230 $4,126 $3,547 
Interest credited to policyholder account balances(732)(568)(2,040)(1,613)
Base spread income685 662 2,086 1,934 
Variable investment income
44 10 79 45 
Total spread income*
$729 $672 $2,165 $1,979 
Fee income:
Policy fees$205 $182 $596 $528 
Advisory fees and other income
116 107 340 318 
Total fee income$321 $289 $936 $846 
*Excludes amortization of DSI assets of $12 million and $14 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $38 million and $41 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 103

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
The following table presents Individual Retirement net investment spread:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
Fixed annuities base net investment spread:
Base yield*
5.52 %5.10 %5.44 %4.97 %
Cost of funds3.51 2.97 3.37 2.89 
Fixed annuities base net investment spread2.01 2.13 2.07 2.08 
Fixed index annuities base net investment spread:
Base yield*
4.99 4.91 5.00 4.72 
Cost of funds2.45 2.06 2.39 1.94 
Fixed index annuities base net investment spread2.54 2.85 2.61 2.78 
Variable annuities base net investment spread:
Base yield*
3.69 3.88 3.67 3.81 
Cost of funds1.51 1.49 1.50 1.48 
Variable annuities base net investment spread2.18 2.39 2.17 2.33 
Total Individual Retirement base net investment spread:
Base yield*
5.20 4.97 5.15 4.81 
Cost of funds2.94 2.50 2.83 2.42 
Total Individual Retirement base net investment spread2.26 %2.47 %2.32 %2.39 %
*Includes returns from base portfolio including accretion and income (loss) from certain other invested assets.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
See “Financial Highlights.”
Premiums and Deposits and Net Flows
For Individual Retirement, premiums primarily represent amounts received on life-contingent payout annuities, while deposits represent sales on investment-oriented products.
Net flows for annuity products in Individual Retirement represent premiums and deposits less death, surrender and other withdrawal benefits.
Premiums and DepositsThree Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Fixed annuities$2,780 $1,339 $9,524 $4,855 
Fixed index annuities2,298 2,224 6,420 6,598 
Variable annuities448 398 1,230 1,436 
$5,526 $3,961 $17,174 $12,889 
Net FlowsThree Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Fixed annuities$607 $(1,356)$2,410 $(2,561)
Fixed index annuities1,146 1,519 3,173 4,519 
Variable annuities(1,344)(906)(3,879)(2,397)
$409 $(743)$1,704 $(439)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Fixed Annuities Net inflows increased by $2.0 billion over the prior year, primarily due to higher premiums and deposits of $1.4 billion due to strong customer demand, lower death benefits of $85 million and lower surrenders and withdrawals of $437 million.
Fixed Index Annuities Net inflows decreased by $373 million primarily due to higher surrenders and withdrawals of $430 million and higher death benefits of $17 million, offset by higher premiums and deposits of $74 million.
Variable Annuities Net outflows increased $438 million primarily due to higher surrenders and withdrawals of $449 million and higher death benefits of $39 million, offset by higher premium and deposits of $50 million.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 104

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Fixed Annuities Net inflows increased by $5.0 billion over the prior year, primarily due to higher premiums and deposits of $4.7 billion due to strong customer demand and lower death benefits of $528 million, offset by higher surrenders and withdrawals of $226 million.
Fixed Index Annuities Net inflows decreased by $1.3 billion primarily due to higher surrenders and withdrawals of $1.1 billion, lower premiums and deposits of $178 million and higher death benefits of $66 million.
Variable Annuities Net outflows increased $1.5 billion primarily due to higher surrenders and withdrawals of $1.2 billion, lower premium and deposits of $206 million and higher death benefits of $65 million.
The following table presents Individual Retirement surrender rates:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
Fixed annuities13.0 %17.7 %16.2 %16.2 %
Fixed index annuities9.1 6.4 8.8 6.6 
Variable annuities10.6 7.9 10.1 7.6 
The following table presents account values for fixed annuities, fixed index annuities and variable annuities by surrender charge category:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Fixed
Fixed Index
Fixed Index
No surrender charge$19,062 $2,112 $31,829 $21,793 $1,727 $29,819 
Greater than 0% - 2%1,064 4,152 7,043 1,023 3,326 6,717 
Greater than 2% - 4%2,641 7,131 6,228 2,844 6,413 5,799 
Greater than 4%28,445 30,765 10,297 21,766 28,128 11,014 
2,510  1,156 2,474 — 1,156 
Total account value(b)
$53,722 $44,160 $56,553 $49,900 $39,594 $54,505 
(a)    The non-surrenderable portion of variable annuities relates to funding agreements.
(b)    Includes payout Immediate Annuities and funding agreements.
Individual Retirement annuities are typically subject to a three- to ten-year surrender charge period, depending on the product. For fixed annuities, the proportion of account value subject to surrender charge at September 30, 2024 increased compared to December 31, 2023 primarily due to growth in the business. For fixed index annuities, the proportion of account value subject to surrender charge at September 30, 2024 was slightly lower compared to December 31, 2023 due to the aging of the business. The increase in the proportion of account value with no surrender charge for variable annuities as of September 30, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023 was principally due to normal aging of the business.
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ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Group Retirement
Group Retirement Results
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Policy fees113102328304
Net investment income:
Base portfolio income451 4871,4211,462
Variable investment income27 173946
Net investment income4785041,4601,508
Advisory fee and other income*
88 78254230
Total adjusted revenues684 6902,0522,058
Benefits and expenses:
Policyholder benefits9 121027
Interest credited to policyholder account balances305 298903883
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs21 216362
Non-deferrable insurance commissions30 298990
Advisory fee expenses34 299987
General operating expenses97 109305334
Total benefits and expenses496 4981,4691,483
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$188 $192$583$575
*    Includes advisory fee income from registered investment services, 12b-1 fees (i.e., marketing and distribution fee income), other asset management fee income, and commission-based broker-dealer services.
Group Retirement Sources of Earnings
The following table presents the sources of earnings of the Group Retirement segment. We believe providing APTOI using this view is useful for gaining an understanding of our overall results of operations and the significant drivers of our earnings:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Spread income(a)
$176 $209 $567 $635 
Fee income(b)
201 180 582 534 
Policyholder benefits, net of premiums(4)(6) (11)
Non-deferrable insurance commissions(30)(29)(89)(90)
Amortization of DAC and DSI(24)(24)(73)(72)
General operating expenses(97)(109)(305)(334)
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$188 $192 $583 $575 
(a)Spread income represents net investment income less interest credited to policyholder account balances, exclusive of amortization of DSI of $3 million and $3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $10 million and $10 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
(b)Fee income represents policy fee and advisory fee and other income.
(c)Other consists of advisory fee expenses.
Financial Highlights
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI decreased $4 million, primarily due to:
lower spread income of $33 million due to lower base spread income of $43 million reflecting lower yields on base portfolio and higher crediting rates, partially offset by higher variable investment income of $10 million primarily driven by higher alternative investment income.
Partially offset by:
higher fee income, net of advisory fee expenses of $16 million due to higher average separate account, advisory, and mutual fund assets driven by improved equity market performance; and
lower general operating expenses of $12 million.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 106

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI increased $8 million, primarily due to:
higher fee income, net of advisory fee expenses of $36 million due to higher average separate account, advisory, and mutual fund assets driven by improved equity market performance; and
lower general operating expenses of $29 million.
Partially offset by:
lower spread income of $68 million due to lower base spread income of $61 million reflecting lower yields on base portfolio and higher crediting rates and a decrease in variable investment income of $7 million primarily due to lower alternative investment income.
The following table presents Group Retirement AUMA by product:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
AUMA by asset type:
In-plan spread based$24,062 $25,160 
In-plan fee based60,410 54,807 
Total in-plan AUMA(a)
84,472 79,967 
Out-of-plan proprietary - General Account17,604 16,664 
Out-of-plan proprietary - Separate Accounts11,482 11,075 
Total out-of-plan proprietary annuities
29,086 27,739 
Advisory and brokerage assets16,337 14,475 
Total out-of-plan AUMA(b)
45,423 42,214 
Total AUMA$129,895 $122,181 
(a)Includes $13.7 billion of AUMA at September 30, 2024 and $12.7 billion of AUMA at December 31, 2023 that is associated with our in-plan investment advisory service that we offer to participants at an additional fee.
(b)Includes $13.7 billion of AUMA at September 30, 2024 and $12.0 billion of AUMA at December 31, 2023 that is associated with our out-of-plan investment advisory service that we offer to customers at an additional fee.
September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2023 AUMA Comparison
In-plan assets increased by $4.5 billion driven by $5.6 billion increase in fee based assets, primarily due to higher equity markets partially offset by $1.1 billion decrease in spread based assets due to negative net flows. Out-of-plan proprietary annuity assets increased by $1.3 billion, primarily due to higher equity markets and lower interest rates resulting in unrealized gains from fixed maturities securities. The increase of advisory and brokerage assets of $1.9 billion was driven by net new client deposits and higher equity markets.
Spread and Fee Income
The following table presents Group Retirement spread and fee income:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Spread income:
Base portfolio income$451 $487 $1,421 $1,462 
Interest credited to policyholder account balances(302)(295)(893)(873)
Base spread income149 192 528 589 
Variable investment income
27 17 39 46 
Total spread income*
$176 $209 $567 $635 
Fee income:
Policy fees$113 $102 $328 $304 
Advisory fees and other income88 78 254 230 
Total fee income$201 $180 $582 $534 
*Spread income represents net investment income less interest credited to policyholder account balances, exclusive of amortization of DSI of $3 million and $3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $10 million and $10 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 107

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
Base net investment spread:
Base yield*
4.18 %4.30 %4.29 %4.27 %
Cost of funds3.00 2.78 2.95 2.74 
Base net investment spread1.18 %1.52 %1.34 %1.53 %
*Includes returns from base portfolio, including accretion and income (loss) from certain other invested assets.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
See “Financial Highlights.”
Premiums and Deposits and Net Flows
For Group Retirement, premiums primarily represent amounts received on life-contingent payout annuities while deposits represent sales on investment-oriented products.
Net flows for annuity products included in Group Retirement represent premiums and deposits less death, surrender and other withdrawal benefits. Net flows for mutual funds represent deposits less withdrawals. For Group Retirement, client deposits into advisory and brokerage accounts less total client withdrawals from advisory and brokerage accounts are not included in net flows. Net new assets into these products contribute to growth in AUA rather than AUM.
Premiums and Deposits and Net FlowsThree Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
$1,251 $1,225 $3,762 $3,935 
Out-of-plan proprietary variable annuity221 189 537 550 
Out-of-plan proprietary fixed and index annuities491 417 1,716 1,515 
Premiums and deposits(c)
$1,963 $1,831 $6,015 $6,000 
Net Flows$(1,784)$(2,188)$(5,549)$(4,753)
(a)In-plan premium and deposits include sales of variable and fixed annuities as well as mutual funds for 403(b), 401(a), 457(b) and 401(k) plans.
(b)Includes inflows related to in-plan mutual funds of $770 million and $773 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $2.4 billion and $2.5 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.    
(c)Excludes client deposits into advisory and brokerage accounts of $761 million and $656 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $2.3 billion and $1.8 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Net flows remained negative but improved by $404 million primarily due to a decrease in surrenders and withdrawals of $283 million, driven by a decrease in group surrenders, partially offset by an increase in in-plan annuity surrenders, and an increase in deposits of $132 million. Net outflows were concentrated in variable annuity products with higher contractual guaranteed minimum crediting rates. Large plan acquisitions and surrenders resulted in higher net flows of $995 million compared to the prior year. Excluding large plan acquisitions and surrenders, net outflows were concentrated in higher contractual guaranteed minimum crediting rates.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Net flows remained negative and declined by $796 million primarily due to an increase in surrenders and withdrawals of $742 million, driven by an increase in in-plan annuity surrenders and an increase in death and payout benefit annuity benefits of $69 million partially offset by an increase in deposits of $15 million. Net outflows were concentrated in higher contractual guaranteed minimum crediting rates. Large plan acquisitions and surrenders resulted in higher net flows of $889 million compared to the prior year. Excluding large plan acquisitions and surrenders, net outflows were concentrated in higher contractual guaranteed minimum crediting rates.
The following table presents Group Retirement surrender rates:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
Surrender rates12.6 %14.5 %13.1 %12.9 %
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 108

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
The following table presents account value for Group Retirement annuities by surrender charge category:
(in millions)
September 30, 2024(a)
December 31, 2023(a)
No surrender charge(b)
$70,901 $70,500 
Greater than 0% - 2%1,431 1,251 
Greater than 2% - 4%1,519 1,698 
Greater than 4%6,687 5,757 
Non-surrenderable276 490 
Total account value(c)
$80,814 $79,696 
(a)Excludes mutual fund assets under administration of $31.3 billion and $27.8 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(b)Group Retirement amounts in this category include account value in the general account of approximately $3.8 billion and $4.1 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, which are subject to 20% annual withdrawal limitations at the participant level and account value in the general account of $5.1 billion and $5.3 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, which are subject to 20% annual withdrawal limitations at the plan level.
(c)Includes payout Immediate Annuities and funding agreements.
Group Retirement annuity deposits are typically subject to a four- to seven-year surrender charge period, depending on the product. In addition, for annuity assets held within an employer defined contribution plan, participants can only withdraw funds in certain circumstances without incurring tax penalties (for example, separation from service), regardless of surrender charges.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance Results
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Premiums$352 $449 $1,117 $1,317 
Policy fees360 371 1,094 1,117 
Net investment income:
Base portfolio income331 310 973 948 
Variable investment income5 11 
Net investment income336 313 984 957 
Other income81 29 82 84 
Total adjusted revenues1,129 1,162 3,277 3,475 
Benefits and expenses:
Policyholder benefits687 673 2,062 2,102 
Interest credited to policyholder account balances84 86 251 253 
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs82 95 260 289 
Non-deferrable insurance commissions7 22 42 60 
Advisory fee expenses1 2 
General operating expenses112 149 355 475 
Total benefits and expenses973 1,026 2,972 3,181 
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$156 $136 $305 $294 
Life Insurance Sources of Earnings
The following table presents the sources of earnings of the Life Insurance segment. We believe providing APTOI using this view is useful for gaining an understanding of our overall results of operations and the significant drivers of our earnings:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Underwriting margin(a)
$392 $384 $998 $1,101 
General operating expenses(112)(149)(355)(475)
Non-deferrable insurance commissions(b)
Amortization of DAC(82)(95)(260)(289)
Impact of annual actuarial assumption update excluded from Underwriting margin
(34)19 (34)19 
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$156 $136 $305 $294 
(a)Underwriting margin represents premiums, policy fees, net investment income and other income, less policyholder benefits and interest credited to policyholder account balances.
(b)2024 includes a $5 million favorable impact from the of annual actuarial assumption update.
(c)Other primarily represents advisory fee expenses.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 109

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Financial Highlights
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
Reported APTOI reflects the results of AIG Life U.K. until April 2024 and Laya until October 2023.
APTOI increased $20 million, primarily due to:
favorable domestic underwriting margin of $71 million, driven by reinsurance recapture impacts of $62 million.
Partially offset by:
unfavorable impact of $29 million from the annual review and update of actuarial assumptions in 2024 compared to a favorable impact of $19 million from the annual review and update of actuarial assumptions in 2023.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
Reported APTOI reflects the results of AIG Life U.K. until April 2024 and Laya until October 2023.
APTOI increased $11 million, primarily due to:
favorable domestic underwriting margin of $42 million, driven by reinsurance recapture impacts and other one-time reinsurance adjustments of $32 million; and
lower domestic general operating expenses of $21 million, driven by expense efficiencies.
Partially offset by:
unfavorable impact of $29 million from the annual review and update of actuarial assumptions in 2024 compared to a favorable impact of $19 million from the annual review and update of actuarial assumptions in 2023.
The following table presents Life Insurance AUMA:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Total AUMA*
$27,972 $26,691 
*The December 31, 2023 AUMA excludes $181 million, of assets that were reclassified to Assets held-for-sale in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. See Note 4 in the 2023 Form 10-K Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.
September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2023 AUMA Comparison
AUMA increased $1.3 billion in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the prior year-end due to improved investment performance.
Underwriting Margin
The following table presents Life Insurance underwriting margin:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Premiums$352 $449 $1,117 $1,317 
Policy fees360 371 1,094 1,117 
Net investment income336 313 984 957 
Other income81 29 82 84 
Policyholder benefits(687)(673)(2,062)(2,102)
Interest credited to policyholder account balances(84)(86)(251)(253)
Less: Impact of annual actuarial assumption update34 (19)34 (19)
Underwriting margin$392 $384 $998 $1,101 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
See “Financial Highlights.”
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 110

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Premiums and Deposits
Premiums and Deposits for Life Insurance represent amounts received on life and health policies. Premiums generally represent amounts received on traditional life products, while deposits represent amounts received on universal life products.
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Traditional Life$469 $453 $1,388 $1,348 
Universal Life 387 393 1,168 1,175 
Total U.S.856 846 2,556 2,523 
International 239 240 674 
Premiums and deposits$856 $1,085 $2,796 $3,197 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Premiums and deposits decreased $229 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the prior year, reflecting the sale of AIG Life U.K. on April 8, 2024. Total U.S. life premiums and deposits increased primarily due to higher Traditional Life premiums.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Premiums and deposits decreased $401 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the prior year, reflecting the sale of AIG Life U.K. on April 8, 2024. Total U.S. life premiums and deposits increased primarily due to higher Traditional Life premiums.
Institutional Markets
Institutional Markets Results
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Premiums$208 $200 $2,171 $3,686 
Policy fees50 47 145 145 
Net investment income:
Base portfolio income527 401 1,500 1,086 
Variable investment income41 44 61 
Net investment income568 408 1,544 1,147 
Other income6 8 
Total adjusted revenues832 656 3,868 4,979 
Benefits and expenses:
Policyholder benefits435 389 2,852 4,188 
Interest credited to policyholder account balances215 165 571 421 
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 4 10 
Non-deferrable insurance commissions5 15 14 
General operating expenses19 20 58 64 
Total benefits and expenses678 581 3,506 4,693 
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$154 $75 $362 $286 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 111

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Institutional Markets Sources of Earnings
The following table presents the sources of earnings of the Institutional Markets segment. We believe providing APTOI using this view is useful for gaining an understanding of our overall results of operations and the significant drivers of our earnings:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Spread income(a)
$133 $70 $327 $269 
Fee income(b)
15 16 46 48 
Underwriting margin(c)
25 14 63 51 
Non-deferrable insurance commissions(5)(5)(15)(14)
General operating expenses(19)(20)(58)(64)
5 — (1)(4)
Adjusted pre-tax operating income$154 $75 $362 $286 
(a)Represents spread income on GIC, PRT and structured settlement products.
(b)Represents fee income on SVW products.
(c)Represents underwriting margin from Corporate Markets products, including COLI-BOLI, private placement variable universal life insurance and private placement variable annuity products.
Financial Highlights
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI increased $79 million, primarily due to:
higher spread income of $63 million driven by $29 million higher base portfolio income, $34 million higher variable investment income from private equity investments and other activity;
higher underwriting margin of $11 million primarily driven by a $5 million impact from a reinsurance recapture and $4 million higher non-SVW fee income; and
higher other activity of $5 million driven by $7 million more favorable impact from the annual review and update of actuarial assumption, partially offset by higher amortization of DAC.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
APTOI increased $76 million, primarily due to:
higher spread income of $58 million driven by $75 million higher base portfolio spread income, partially offset by $17 million lower variable investment income from private equity investments; and
higher underwriting margin of $12 million driven by $8 million higher base portfolio income and a $5 million impact from a reinsurance recapture.
The following table presents Institutional Markets AUMA:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
SVW (AUA)$44,417$44,607
GIC, PRT and Structured settlements (AUM)40,20333,579
All other (AUM)7,593 7,099 
Total AUMA$92,213 $85,285 
September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2023 AUMA Comparison
AUMA increased $6.9 billion, primarily due to premiums and deposits of PRT and GIC products of $5.9 billion, primarily PRT and GIC products and investment performance and other activity of $4.4 billion, partially offset by benefit payments on the GIC, PRT and structured settlement products of $2.3 billion and net outflows of $1.1 billion from SVW products.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 112

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Spread Income, Fee Income and Underwriting Margin
The following table presents Institutional Markets spread income, fee income and underwriting margin:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Premiums$217 $209 $2,197 $3,713 
Net investment income531 373 1,431 1,042 
Policyholder benefits(418)(375)(2,802)(4,147)
Interest credited to policyholder account balances(187)(137)(489)(339)
Less: impact of annual actuarial assumption update(10)— (10)— 
Total spread income(a)
$133 $70 $327 $269 
SVW fees$15 $16 $46 $48 
Total fee income$15 $16 $46 $48 
Policy fees (excluding SVW)35 31 99 97 
Net investment income37 35 113 105 
Other income6 8 
Policyholder benefits(17)(14)(50)(41)
Interest credited to policyholder account balances(28)(28)(82)(82)
Less: impact of annual actuarial assumption update1 (2)1 (2)
Total underwriting margin(b)
$25 $14 $63 $51 
(a)Represents spread income from GIC, PRT and structured settlement products.
(b)Represents underwriting margin from Corporate Markets products, including COLI-BOLI, private placement variable universal life insurance and private placement variable annuity products.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
See “Financial Highlights.”
Premiums and Deposits
The following table presents the Institutional Markets premiums and deposits:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
PRT$169 $137 $2,063 $3,550 
GICs1,000 1,921 3,391 3,344 
94 198 443 435 
Premiums and deposits$1,263 $2,256 $5,897 $7,329 
*Other principally consists of structured settlements and Corporate Markets products.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Premiums and deposits decreased compared to the prior year period by $1.0 billion, primarily due to lower deposits on new GICs of $0.9 billion and $104 million lower sales of other products, partially offset by higher premiums on new PRT business of $32 million.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Comparison
Premiums and deposits decreased compared to the prior year period by $1.4 billion, primarily due to lower premiums on new PRT business of $1.5 billion, partially offset by higher deposits on new GICs of $47 million.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 113

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Corporate and Other
Corporate and Other primarily consists of interest expense on financial debt, parent expenses not attributable to other segments, institutional asset management business, which includes managing assets for non-consolidated affiliates, results of our consolidated investment entities, results of our legacy insurance lines ceded to Fortitude Re and intercompany eliminations.
Corporate and Other Results
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
$17 $19 $55 $59 
Net investment income (loss)(5)(2)3 85 
Net realized gains on real estate investments53 (5)36 — 
Other income9 10 40 40 
Total adjusted revenues74 22 134 184 
Benefits and expenses:
Policyholder benefits —  (3)
Non-deferrable insurance commissions — 1 
General operating expenses:
Corporate and other
57 69 183 208 
Asset management(b)
14 16 49 53 
Total general operating expenses71 85 232 261 
Interest expense:
Corporate110 110 324 324 
Asset management and other
22 22 77 109 
Total interest expense132 132 401 433 
Total benefits and expenses203 217 634 692 
Noncontrolling interest(c)
3 32 78 46 
Adjusted pre-tax operating (loss) before consolidation and eliminations(126)(163)(422)(462)
Consolidations and eliminations2 (3)(1)(4)
Adjusted pre-tax operating (loss)$(124)$(166)$(423)$(466)
(a)Premiums include an expense allowance associated with Fortitude Re which is entirely offset in general operating expenses – Corporate and Other.
(b)General operating expenses – Asset management primarily represent the costs to manage the investment portfolio for affiliates that are not included in the consolidated financial statements of Corebridge.
(c)Noncontrolling interests represent the third-party or Corebridge affiliated interest in internally managed consolidated investment vehicles and are almost entirely offset within net investment income, net realized gains (losses) and interest expense.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 114

ITEM 2 | Business Segment Operations
Corporate and Other Sources of Earnings
The following table presents the sources of earnings of the Corporate and Other segment. We believe providing APTOI using this view is useful for gaining an understanding of our overall results of operations and the significant drivers of our earnings:
Three Months Ended
 September 30,
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)2024202320242023
Corporate expenses$(32)$(44)$(108)$(139)
Interest expense on financial debt(110)(110)(324)(324)
Asset management39 55 16 
Consolidated investment entities
Adjusted pre-tax operating (loss)$(124)$(166)$(423)$(466)
Financial Highlights
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
Adjusted pre-tax operating loss decreased $42 million primarily due to:
higher asset management income of $34 million driven by higher income from legacy investments; and
lower corporate expenses of $12 million primarily driven by Corebridge Forward, our modernization program delivering both expense reduction and increased efficiency.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 APTOI Comparison
Adjusted pre-tax operating loss decreased $43 million primarily due to:
higher asset management income of $39 million driven by higher income from legacy investments; and
lower corporate expenses of $31 million primarily driven by Corebridge Forward, our modernization program delivering both expense reduction and increased efficiency.
Partially offset by:
higher losses from Other sources of earnings of $14 million.
Our investment strategies are tailored to the specific business needs of each operating unit by targeting an asset allocation mix that supports estimated cash flows of our outstanding liabilities and provides diversification from asset class, sector, issuer and geographic perspectives. The primary objectives are generation of investment income, preservation of capital, liquidity management and growth of surplus. The majority of assets backing our insurance liabilities consist of fixed maturity securities, RMBS, CMBS, CLOs, other ABS and fixed maturity securities issued by government-sponsored entities and corporate entities. At September 30, 2024, for $221.1 billion of invested assets supporting our insurance operating companies, approximately 45% were in corporate debt securities. Mortgage-backed securities (“MBS”), ABS and CLOs represent 34% of our fixed income securities, and 99% were investment grade. At December 31, 2023, for $202.8 billion of invested assets supporting our insurance operating companies, approximately 47% were in corporate debt securities. MBS, ABS and CLOs represent 31% of our fixed income securities and 99% were investment grade.
See “Business - Investment Management” in the 2023 Form 10-K for further information, including current and future management of our investment portfolio.”
Key Investment Strategies
Investment strategies are assessed at the segment level and involve considerations that include local and general market and economic conditions, duration and cash flow management, risk appetite and volatility constraints, rating agency and regulatory capital considerations, tax, regulatory and legal investment limitations, and, as applicable, environmental, social and governance considerations.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 115

ITEM 2 | Investments
In 2021, we entered into a long-term asset management relationship with Blackstone IM. Blackstone IM initially managed $50 billion of our existing investment portfolio, with that amount to increase to an aggregate of $92.5 billion by the third quarter of 2027.
The investments underlying the original $50 billion mandate with Blackstone IM began to run-off in 2022 and are being reinvested over time. As these assets run-off, we expect Blackstone to reinvest primarily in Blackstone-originated investments across a range of asset classes, including private and structured credit, and commercial and residential real estate securitized and whole loans. Blackstone’s preferred credit and lending strategy is to seek to control all significant components of the underwriting and pricing processes with the goal of facilitating bespoke opportunities with historically strong credit protection and attractive risk-adjusted returns. Blackstone seeks to capture enhanced economics to those available in the traditional fixed income markets by going directly to the borrowers.
We believe that Blackstone’s ability to originate attractive and privately sourced, fixed-income oriented assets, will be accretive to our businesses and provide us with an enhanced competitive advantage as we have been able to expand our investment capabilities, access new asset classes and improve our investment yields. We continue to manage asset allocation and portfolio-level risk management decisions with respect to any assets managed by Blackstone, ensuring that we maintain a consistent level of oversight across our entire investment portfolio considering our asset-liability matching needs, risk appetite and capital position.
As of September 30, 2024, Blackstone managed $67.5 billion in book value of assets in our investment portfolio.
Under the investment management agreements with BlackRock and its investment advisory affiliates, as of September 30, 2024, BlackRock managed approximately $86.3 billion in book value of assets in our investment portfolio, consisting of liquid fixed income and certain private placement assets. In addition, liquid fixed income assets associated with the Fortitude Re portfolio were separately transferred to BlackRock for management. The investment management agreements with BlackRock provide us with access to market-leading capabilities, including portfolio management, research and tactical strategies in addition to a larger pool of investment professionals. We believe BlackRock’s scale and fee structure make BlackRock an excellent outsourcing partner for certain asset classes and will allow us to further optimize our investment management operating model while improving overall performance. The investment management agreements contain detailed investment guidelines and reporting requirements.
Some of our key investment strategies are as follows:
our fundamental strategy across the portfolios is to seek investments with similar characteristics to the associated insurance liabilities to the extent practicable;
we seek to purchase investments that offer enhanced yield through illiquidity premiums, such as private placements and commercial mortgage loans, which also add portfolio diversification. These assets typically afford credit protections through covenants, ability to customize structures that meet our insurance liability needs and deeper due diligence given information access;
we seek investments that provide diversification from assets available in local markets. To the extent we purchase these investments, we generally hedge any currency risk using derivatives, which could provide opportunities to earn higher risk-adjusted returns compared to investments in the functional currency;
we actively manage our assets and liabilities, counterparties and duration. Our liquidity sources are held primarily in the form of cash, short-term investments and publicly traded, investment grade rated fixed maturity securities that can be readily monetized through sales or repurchase agreements. Certain of our subsidiaries are members of the FHLBs in their respective districts, and we borrow from the FHLB utilizing its funding agreement program. Borrowings from FHLBs are used to supplement liquidity or for other uses deemed appropriate by management. This strategy allows us to both diversify our sources of liquidity and reduce the cost of maintaining sufficient liquidity;
within the United States, investments are generally split between reserve-backing and surplus portfolios:
insurance liabilities are backed mainly by investment grade fixed maturity securities that meet our duration, risk-return, tax liquidity, credit quality and diversification objectives. We assess asset classes based on their fundamental underlying risk factors, including credit (public and private), commercial real estate and residential real estate, regardless of whether such investments are bonds, loans or structured products; and
surplus investments seek to enhance portfolio returns and are generally comprised of a mix of fixed maturity investment grade and below investment grade securities and various alternative asset classes, including private equity, real estate equity and hedge funds. Over the past few years, hedge fund investments have been reduced;
outside of the United States, fixed maturity securities held by our insurance companies consist primarily of investment grade securities generally denominated in the currencies of the countries in which we operate; and
we also utilize derivatives to manage our asset and liability duration as well as currency exposures.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 116

ITEM 2 | Investments
Asset Liability Management
Our investment strategy is to invest in assets that generate net investment income to back policyholder benefit and deposit liabilities that result in stable distributable earnings and enhance portfolio value, subject to asset-liability management, capital, liquidity and regulatory constraints.
We use asset-liability management as a primary tool to monitor and manage interest rate and duration risk in our businesses. We maintain a diversified, high quality portfolio of fixed maturity securities issued by corporations, municipalities and other governmental agencies; structured securities collateralized by, among other assets, residential and commercial real estate; and commercial mortgage loans that, to the extent practicable, match the duration characteristics of the liabilities. We seek to diversify the portfolio across asset classes, sectors and issuers to mitigate idiosyncratic portfolio risks. The investment portfolio of each product line is tailored to the specific characteristics of its insurance liabilities, and as a result, duration varies between distinct portfolios. The interest rate environment has a direct impact on the asset liability management profile of the businesses, and changes in the interest rate environment may result in the need to lengthen or shorten the duration of the portfolio. In a rising rate environment, we may shorten the duration of the investment portfolio.
Fixed maturity securities of our domestic operations have an average duration of 6.5 years as of September 30, 2024.
In addition, we seek to enhance surplus portfolio returns through investments in a diversified portfolio of alternative investments. Although these alternative investments are subject to earnings fluctuations, they have historically achieved accumulative returns over time in excess of the fixed maturity portfolio returns.    
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 117

ITEM 2 | Investments
Investment Portfolio
The following table presents carrying amounts of our total investments:
(in millions)Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotal
September 30, 2024
Bonds available-for-sale:
U.S. government and government-sponsored entities$1,195$276$1,471
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions4,4856305,115
Non-U.S. governments3,7222513,973
Corporate debt98,60611,437110,043
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized:
Total mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized55,6551,96757,622
Total bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities
368 4,9515,319
Total fixed maturities164,03119,512183,543
Equity securities258258
Mortgage and other loans receivable:
Residential mortgages11,06011,060
Commercial mortgages32,3543,11335,467
Life insurance policy loans1,4243181,742
Commercial loans, other loans and notes receivable3,2311533,384
Total mortgage and other loans receivable(a)
Other invested assets(b)
Short-term investments4,7031954,898
December 31, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
U.S. government and government-sponsored entities$946 $274 $1,220 
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions5,178 653 5,831 
Non-U.S. governments3,782 275 4,057 
Corporate debt94,118 11,964 106,082 
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized:
RMBS13,531 746 14,277 
CMBS9,493 488 9,981 
CLO10,938 206 11,144 
ABS13,337 598 13,935 
Total mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized47,299 2,038 49,337 
Total bonds available-for-sale
151,323 15,204 166,527 
Other bond securities366 4,212 4,578 
Total fixed maturities151,689 19,416 171,105 
Equity securities63 — 63 
Mortgage and other loans receivable:
Residential mortgages8,428 — 8,428 
Commercial mortgages30,354 3,204 33,558 
Life insurance policy loans1,416 330 1,746 
Commercial loans, other loans and notes receivable2,961 174 3,135 
Total mortgage and other loans receivable(a)
43,159 3,708 46,867 
Other invested assets(b)
8,163 2,094 10,257 
Short-term investments4,207 129 4,336 
$207,281 $25,347 $232,628 
(a)Net of total allowance for credit losses for $768 million and $698 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(b)Other invested assets, excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets, include $5.8 billion and $5.6 billion of private equity funds as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, which are generally reported on a one-quarter lag.
(c)Includes the consolidation of approximately $5.2 billion and $5.9 billion of consolidated investment entities at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 118

ITEM 2 | Investments
The following table presents carrying amounts of our total investments for our insurance operating subsidiaries excluding the Fortitude Re funds withheld assets:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Bonds available-for-sale:
U.S. government and government-sponsored entities$1,196$945 
Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions4,4855,178 
Non-U.S. governments3,7223,782 
Corporate debt
Public credit
Private credit
Total corporate debt
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized:
Total mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized56,10547,664 
Total bonds available-for-sale
Other bond securities331329 
Total fixed maturities164,794152,300 
Equity securities25355
Mortgage and other loans receivable:
Residential mortgages9,4846,869 
Commercial mortgages32,92930,892 
Commercial loans, other loans and notes receivable3,2923,040 
Total mortgage and other loans receivable(a)(b)
Other invested assets
Hedge funds
Private equity(c)
Real estate investments
Other invested assets - All other306290
Total other invested assets
Short-term investments4,3993,881 
(a)Does not reflect allowance for credit loss on mortgage loans of $689 million and $623 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(b)Does not reflect policy loans of $1.4 billion and $1.4 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(c)Private equity funds are generally reported on a one-quarter lag.
(d)Excludes approximately $5.2 billion and $5.9 billion of consolidated investment entities as well as $2.0 billion and $2.3 billion of eliminations primarily between the consolidated investment entities and the insurance operating companies at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Credit Ratings
At September 30, 2024, nearly all our fixed maturity securities were held by our U.S. entities and 93% of these securities were rated investment grade by one or more of the principal rating agencies.
Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”), Fitch or similar foreign rating services rate a significant portion of our foreign entities’ fixed maturity securities portfolio. Rating services are not available for some foreign-issued securities. Our Investments team, with oversight from credit risk management, closely reviews the credit quality of the foreign portfolio’s non-rated fixed maturity securities.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 119

ITEM 2 | Investments
NAIC Designations of Fixed Maturity Securities    
The Securities Valuation Office (“SVO”) of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (“NAIC”) evaluates the investments of U.S. insurers for statutory reporting purposes and assigns fixed maturity securities to one of six categories called ‘NAIC Designations.’ In general, NAIC Designations of ‘1,’ highest quality, or ‘2,’ high quality, include fixed maturity securities considered investment grade, while NAIC Designations of ‘3’ through ‘6’ generally include fixed maturity securities referred to as below investment grade. NAIC Designations for non-agency RMBS and CMBS are calculated using third-party modeling results provided through the NAIC. These methodologies result in an improved NAIC Designation for such securities compared to the rating typically assigned by the three major rating agencies. The following tables summarize the ratings distribution of our subsidiaries’ fixed maturity security portfolio by NAIC Designation, and the distribution by composite our credit rating, which is generally based on ratings of the three major rating agencies. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, 95% and 95%, respectively, of our fixed maturity security portfolio, excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets, were investment grade. The fixed maturity security portfolio of our insurance operating subsidiaries, excluding the Fortitude Re funds withheld assets, was 95% and 95% investment grade as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The remaining below investment grade securities that are not included in consolidated investment entities relate to middle market and high yield bank loans securities.
The following tables present the fixed maturity security portfolio categorized by NAIC Designation, at fair value:
NAIC Designation Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld Assets
(in millions)
12Total Investment
6Total Below Investment GradeTotal
September 30, 2024
Other fixed maturity securities$49,462$50,701$100,163$4,367$3,000$437$88$7,892$108,055
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed
and collateralized
47,2908,00955,29933416638 4658455,883
Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$19,512
Total fixed maturities$183,450
December 31, 2023
Other fixed maturity securities$49,628$46,891$96,519$4,104$2,983$389$58$7,534$104,053
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed
and collateralized
Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$19,416
Total fixed maturities$171,026
(a)Includes $2 million and $2 million of consolidated CLOs that are rated NAIC 4 and 5, respectively, as of September 30, 2024 and $63 million and $6 million of NAIC 4 and 5 securities, respectively, as of December 31, 2023. These are assets of consolidated investment entities and do not represent direct investment of Corebridge’s insurance subsidiaries.
(b)Excludes $93 million and $79 million of fixed maturity securities for which no NAIC Designation is available at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
The following table presents the fixed maturity security portfolio categorized by NAIC Designation, at fair value, for our insurance operating subsidiaries excluding the Fortitude Re funds withheld assets:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
NAIC 1$97,252$91,207
NAIC 259,06453,029
NAIC 34,7094,408
NAIC 43,1683,147
NAIC 5 and 6601496
(a)Excludes approximately $57 million and $121 million of consolidated investment entities and $827 million and $732 million of eliminations primarily related to the consolidated investment entities and the insurance operating subsidiaries at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(b)Excludes $— million and $13 million of fixed maturity securities for which no NAIC Designation is available at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 120

ITEM 2 | Investments
Composite Corebridge Credit Ratings
With respect to our fixed maturity securities, the credit ratings in the table below and in subsequent tables reflect: (i) a composite of the ratings of the three major rating agencies, or when agency ratings are not available, the rating assigned by the NAIC SVO (100% of total fixed maturity securities), or (ii) our equivalent internal ratings when these investments have not been rated by any of the major rating agencies or the NAIC. The “Non-rated” category in those tables consists of fixed maturity securities that have not been rated by any of the major rating agencies, the NAIC or us.
The following tables present the fixed maturity security portfolio categorized by composite Corebridge credit rating (as described below), at fair value:
Composite Corebridge Credit Rating Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld Assets
(in millions)
AAA/AA/ABBBTotal Investment GradeBBBCCC and Lower
Total Below Investment Grade (a)(b)
September 30, 2024
Other fixed maturity securities$49,992$50,253$100,245$4,285$3,025$500$7,810$108,055
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed
and collateralized
Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$19,512
Total fixed maturities$183,450
December 31, 2023
Other fixed maturity securities$49,833$46,706$96,539$4,083$3,014$417$7,514$104,053
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed
and collateralized
Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$19,416 
Total fixed maturities$171,026 
(a)Includes $2.6 billion and $2.7 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, of certain RMBS that had experienced deterioration in credit quality since its origination but prior to Corebridge’s acquisition. These securities are currently rated as investment grade under the NAIC SVO framework.
(b)Includes $10 million of consolidated CLOs as of September 30, 2024 and $76 million as of December 31, 2023. These are assets of consolidated investment entities and do not represent direct investment of Corebridge’s insurance subsidiaries.
(c)Excludes $93 million and $79 million of fixed maturity securities for which no NAIC Designation is available at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
The following table presents the fixed maturity security portfolio categorized by composite Corebridge credit rating (as described below), at fair value for our insurance operating subsidiaries excluding the Fortitude Re funds withheld assets:
Composite Corebridge Credit Rating For Our Insurance Operating Subsidiaries
(in millions)
AAA/AA/ABBBTotal Investment GradeBBBCCC and Lower
Total Below Investment Grade
September 30, 2024
Other fixed maturity securities$49,993$50,603$100,596$4,285$3,023$500$7,808$108,404
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed
and collateralized
Total fixed maturities(a)(b)
December 31, 2023
Other fixed maturity securities$49,836$47,056$96,892$4,079$2,957$408$7,444$104,336
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed
and collateralized
Total fixed maturities(a)(b)
$88,040 $53,478 $141,518 $4,513 $3,295 $2,961 $10,769 $152,287 
(a)Excludes approximately $57 million and $121 million of consolidated investment entities and $827 million and $732 million of eliminations primarily related to the consolidated investment entities and the insurance operating subsidiaries at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(b)Excludes $— million and $13 million of fixed maturity securities for which no NAIC Designation is available at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
For a discussion of credit risks associated with investments, see “Business—Investment Management—Credit Risk” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 121

ITEM 2 | Investments
The following tables present the composite Corebridge credit ratings of our fixed maturity securities calculated based on their fair value:
Available-for-SaleOther Fixed Maturity Securities,
at Fair Value
Excluding Fortitude Funds
Withheld Assets
(in millions)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Other fixed maturity securities*
Below investment grade7,7847,50611107,7957,516
Mortgage-backed, asset-
backed and collateralized
Below investment grade3,2063,29716193,2223,316
Below investment grade10,99010,803272911,01710,832

Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 122

ITEM 2 | Investments
Available-for-SaleOther Fixed Maturity Securities,
at Fair Value
Fortitude Re Funds
Withheld Assets (in millions)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Other fixed maturity securities*
AAA$387$387$23 $23 $410$410
Below investment grade411533437457848990
Mortgage-backed, asset-
backed and collateralized
Below investment grade5285266559593585
Below investment grade9391,0595025161,4411,575
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 123

ITEM 2 | Investments
Available-for-SaleOther Fixed Maturity Securities,
at Fair Value
(in millions)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Other fixed maturity securities*
AAA$2,065$2,043$23$23 $2,088$2,066
Below investment grade8,1958,0394484678,6438,506
Mortgage-backed, asset-backed and collateralized
Below investment grade3,7343,82381783,8153,901
Below investment grade11,92911,86252954512,45812,407
*Consists of assets including U.S. government and government sponsored entities, obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions, non-U.S. governments, and corporate debt.
The following table presents the fair value of our aggregate credit exposures to non-U.S. governments for our fixed maturity securities:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotalExcluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotal
United Arab Emirates21812192214225
Saudi Arabia1872020718520205
*Includes bonds available-for-sale and other bond securities.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 124

ITEM 2 | Investments
Investments in Corporate Debt Securities
The following table presents the industry categories of our available-for-sale corporate debt securities:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Fair ValueFair Value
(in millions)Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotalExcluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotal
Industry Category:
Financial institutions$27,890$2,380$30,270$25,875$2,429$28,304
Consumer noncyclical12,1881,35013,53812,0931,44413,537
Capital goods4,0603854,4454,2304124,642
Consumer cyclical5,5294736,0025,1145205,634
Basic materials3,5413023,8433,1413503,491
*    93% and 93% of investments were rated investment grade at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.

Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 125

ITEM 2 | Investments
Investments in RMBS
The following table presents our RMBS available-for-sale securities:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Fair ValuePercent of TotalFair ValuePercent of Total
Agency RMBS$4,01425%$4,21831%
Below investment grade
Alt-A RMBS3,53822%3,14723%
Below investment grade1,6001,678
Sub-prime RMBS1,0927%1,1248%
Below investment grade879936
Prime non-agency3,53521%2,39918%
Below investment grade109113
Other housing related4,23225%2,64320%
Below investment grade1313
Total RMBS excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets16,411100 %13,531100%
Total RMBS Fortitude Re funds withheld assets726746
Total RMBS(a)(b)
(a)Includes $2.6 billion and $2.7 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, of certain RMBS that had experienced deterioration in credit quality since their origination but prior to Corebridge’s acquisition. These securities are currently rated as investment grade under the NAIC SVO framework.
(b)The weighted average expected life was 6 years at September 30, 2024 and 7 years at December 31, 2023.
Our underwriting principles for investing in RMBS, other ABS and CLOs take into consideration the quality of the originator, the manager, the servicer, security credit ratings, underlying characteristics of the mortgages, borrower characteristics and the level of credit enhancement in the transaction.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 126

ITEM 2 | Investments
Investments in CMBS
The following table presents our CMBS available-for-sale securities:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Fair ValuePercent of TotalFair ValuePercent of Total
CMBS (traditional)$8,75390 %$8,26587 %
Below investment grade370345
Agency8128 %815%
Below investment grade
Other2012 %413%
Below investment grade
Total excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets9,766100 %9,493100 %
Total Fortitude Re funds withheld assets479488
The fair value of CMBS holdings increased slightly during the nine months ended September 30,2024. The majority of our investments in CMBS are in tranches that contain substantial protection features through collateral subordination.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 127

ITEM 2 | Investments
Investments in ABS/CLOs
The following table presents our ABS/CLO available-for-sale securities by collateral type:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(dollars in millions)Fair ValuePercent of TotalFair ValuePercent of Total
CDO - bank loan (CLO)$11,06238 %$10,80844 %
Below investment grade1013
CDO - other2 %130%
Below investment grade2 3
ABS18,41462 %13,33755 %
Below investment grade226196
Total excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets29,478100 %24,275100 %
Total Fortitude Re funds withheld assets762804
Unrealized Losses of Fixed Maturity Securities
The following tables show the aging of the unrealized losses on available-for-sale fixed maturity securities, the extent to which the fair value is less than amortized cost or cost, and the number of respective items in each category:
September 30, 2024
Less Than or Equal to
20% of Cost(b)
Greater Than 20% to
50% of Cost(b)
Greater Than
50% of Cost(b)
(dollars in millions)
Unrealized Loss(e)
Unrealized Loss(e)
Unrealized Loss(e)
Unrealized Loss(e)
Investment grade bonds
0-6 months$9,478 $462 846 $2,054 $611 156 $74 $68 4 $11,606 $1,141 1,006 
7-11 months3,191 221 341 2,850 837 235   1 6,041 1,058 577 
12 months or more67,177 5,357 7,373 21,884 6,243 1,884 84 45 11 89,145 11,645 9,268 
Total79,846 6,040 8,560 26,788 7,691 2,275 158 113 16 106,792 13,844 10,851 
Below investment grade bonds
0-6 months1,182 37 210 11 4 13 11 10 6 1,204 51 229 
7-11 months402 23 85 20 5 8 4 3 2 426 31 95 
12 months or more3,167 218 721 591 167 75 21 14 8 3,779 399 804 
Total4,751 278 1,016 622 176 96 36 27 16 5,409 481 1,128 
Total bonds
0-6 months10,660 499 1,056 2,065 615 169 85 78 10 12,810 1,192 1,235 
7-11 months3,593 244 426 2,870 842 243 4 3 3 6,467 1,089 672 
12 months or more70,344 5,575 8,094 22,475 6,410 1,959 105 59 19 92,924 12,044 10,072 
Total excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$84,597 $6,318 9,576 $27,410 $7,867 2,371 $194 $140 32 $112,201 $14,325 11,979 
Total Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$15,472 $2,592 734 
Total$127,673 $16,917 12,713 
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 128

ITEM 2 | Investments
December 31, 2023
Less Than or Equal to
20% of Cost(b)
Greater than 20% to
50% of Cost(b)
Greater than
50% of Cost(b)
(dollars in millions)
Unrealized Loss
Unrealized Loss
Unrealized Loss
Unrealized Loss
Investment grade bonds
0-6 months$8,072 $358 964 $2,687 $779 209 $$— $10,765 $1,140 1,173 
7-11 months9,583 490 880 2,176 628 178 — 11,763 1,120 1,058 
12 months or more74,309 6,603 7,899 28,479 7,968 2,391 79 42 10 102,867 14,613 10,300 
Total91,964 7,451 9,743 33,342 9,375 2,778 89 47 10 125,395 16,873 12,531 
Below Investment grade bonds
0-6 months1,635 64 449 110 40 41 1,753 111 498 
7-11 months497 18 98 47 13 545 32 104 
12 months or more5,127 325 1,066 606 177 104 39 25 5,772 527 1,178 
Total7,259 407 1,613 763 230 149 48 33 18 8,070 670 1,780 
Total bonds
0-6 months9,707 422 1,413 2,797 819 250 14 10 12,518 1,251 1,671 
7-11 months10,080 508 978 2,223 641 182 12,308 1,152 1,162 
12 months or more79,436 6,928 8,965 29,085 8,145 2,495 118 67 18 108,639 15,140 11,478 
Total excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$99,223 $7,858 11,356 $34,105 $9,605 2,927 $137 $80 28 $133,465 $17,543 14,311 
Total Fortitude Re funds withheld assets$16,725 $2,934 891 
Total$150,190 $20,477 15,202 
(a)Represents the number of consecutive months that fair value has been less than amortized cost or cost by any amount.
(b)Represents the percentage by which fair value is less than amortized cost or cost at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(c)For bonds, represents amortized cost net of allowance.
(d)Item count is by CUSIP by subsidiary.
(e)Includes MTM movement relating to embedded derivatives.
The allowance for credit losses was $11 million and $7 million for investment grade bonds, and $148 million and $121 million for below investment grade bonds as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Change in Unrealized Gains and Losses on Investments
The change in net unrealized gains and losses on investments for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, was primarily attributable to a change in the fair value of fixed maturity securities. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, net unrealized gains related to fixed maturity securities were $7.0 billion and $4.7 billion, respectively, due to a decrease in interest rates.
The change in net unrealized gains and losses on investments for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 was primarily attributable to a change in the fair value of fixed maturity securities. For the three months ended September 30, 2023, net unrealized losses related to fixed maturity securities were $6.4 billion due to an increase in interest rates and a widening of credit spreads. For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, net unrealized losses were $4.1 billion due to increase in interest rates, partially offset by a narrowing of credit spreads.
For further discussion of our investment portfolio, see Notes 4 and 5 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.    
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 129

ITEM 2 | Investments
Commercial Mortgage Loans
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had direct commercial mortgage loan exposure of $36.1 billion and $34.2 billion, respectively. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had an allowance for credit losses of $651 million and $614 million, respectively.
The following tables present the commercial mortgage loan exposure by location and class of loan based on amortized cost:
Number of LoansClassTotalPercent of Total
Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld Assets (dollars in millions)ApartmentsOfficesRetailIndustrialHotelOthers
September 30, 2024
New York70$1,393$3,467$275$514$67$ $5,71617 %
California57737817981,121572123,35710 %
New Jersey752,10796206885213,31510 %
Texas38735547329228171572,0136 %
Florida467271063572994551,9446 %
Massachusetts20546834530141,9246 %
Illinois21556351364209943 %
Pennsylvania19138101190234226852 %
Colorado143144387701556692 %
Ohio1676763485002 %
Other States1042,3992264896972014,01212 %
Foreign723,7941,0728981,5112922337,80024 %
552$13,522$7,660$3,538$5,985$1,781$443$32,929100 %
Fortitude Re funds withheld assets
Total Commercial Mortgages$36,118
December 31, 2023
New York69$1,301$3,577$276$392$70$$5,61718 %
California576658371021,153579123,34811 %
New Jersey732,01273256650213,01210 %
Other States1052,273221505699144473,88913 %
Foreign723,4791,0697281,4322912247,22323 %
550$12,666$7,574$3,227$5,363$1,737$325$30,892100 %
Fortitude Re funds withheld assets
Total Commercial Mortgages$34,172
*Does not reflect allowance for credit losses.
Corebridge | Third Quarter 2024 Form 10-Q 130

ITEM 2 | Investments
The following tables present debt service coverage ratios and loan-to-value ratios for commercial mortgages:
Debt Service Coverage Ratios(a)
(in millions)>1.20X1.00X - 1.20X<1.00XTotal
September 30, 2024
Loan-to-value ratios(b)
Less than 65%$20,785$1,661$211$22,657
65% to 75%5,4971,312866,895
76% to 80%897116231,036
Greater than 80%1,4421467532,341
Total commercial mortgages excluding Fortitude Re(c)
Total commercial mortgages including Fortitude Re$3,189
Total commercial mortgages$36,118
December 31, 2023
Loan-to-value ratios(b)
Less than 65%$17,301$3,141$285$20,727
65% to 75%5,5771,337446,958
76% to 80%93864471,049
Greater than 80%1,3494024072,158
Total commercial mortgages excluding Fortitude Re(c)
Total commercial mortgages including Fortitude Re$3,280
Total commercial mortgages$34,172
(a)The debt service coverage ratio compares a property’s net operating income to its debt service payments, including principal and interest. Our weighted average debt service coverage ratio was 1.9X at both periods ended September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The debt service coverage ratios are updated when additional relevant information becomes available.
(b)The loan-to-value ratio compares the current unpaid principal balance of the loan to the estimated fair value of the underlying property collateralizing the loan. Our weighted average loan-to-value ratio was 60% at September 30, 2024 and 59% at December 31, 2023. The loan-to-value ratios have been updated within the last three months to reflect the current carrying values of the loans. We update the valuations of collateral properties by obtaining independent appraisals, generally at least once per year.
(c)Does not reflect allowance for credit losses.
Residential Mortgage Loans
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had direct residential mortgage loan exposure of $11.1 billion and $8.4 billion, respectively.
The following tables present credit quality performance indicators for residential mortgages by year of vintage:
September 30, 2024
(in millions)20242023202220212020PriorTotal
780 and greater$554$650$690$2,268$626$808$5,596
720 - 7791,0771,1316025771523613,900
660 - 719375363240152402141,384
600 - 6591335231182164
Less than 6002201153371
Total residential mortgages(b)(c)
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ITEM 2 | Investments
December 31, 2023
(in millions)20232022202120202018PriorTotal
780 and greater$514$528$2,280$619$239$497$4,677
720 - 7791,121608558168992092,763
660 - 7193132561134037120879
600 - 659220118951101
Less than 6002241725
Total residential mortgages(b)(c)
(a)Fair Isaac Corporation (“FICO”) is the credit quality indicator used to evaluate consumer credit risk for residential mortgage loan borrowers and have been updated within the last twelve months. FICO scores for residential mortgage investor loans to corporate entities are those of the guarantor at time of purchase. On September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 residential loans direct to consumers totaled $7.9 billion and $6.7 billion, respectively.
(b)There are no residential mortgage loans under Fortitude Re funds withheld assets.
(c)Does not include allowance for credit losses.
For additional discussion on credit losses, see Note 5 and for additional discussion on commercial mortgage loans, see Note 6 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
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ITEM 2 | Investments
Net Realized Gains and Losses
Three Months Ended September 30,20242023
(in millions)Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotalExcluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotal
Sales of fixed maturity securities$(87)$(1)$(88)$(4)$(5)$(9)
Intent to Sell — 
Change in allowance for credit losses on fixed maturity securities(85)(85)(41)(7)(48)
Change in allowance for credit losses on loans(15)2(13)(25)(25)(50)
Foreign exchange transactions, net of related hedges(354)18(336)135(20)115
Index-linked interest credited embedded derivatives, net of related hedges(285)(285)133 133
All other derivatives and hedge accounting*(195)131(64)141 (170)(29)
Sale of alternative investments and real estate58 7 65 40 (1)39
Other(12)(12)(11)— (11)
Net realized gains (losses) – excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative(975)157(818)368 (228)140
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative(1,509)(1,509)1,080 1,080 
Net realized gains (losses)$(975)$(1,352)$(2,327)$368 $852 $1,220 
Nine Months Ended September 30,20242023
(in millions)Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotalExcluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotal
Sales of fixed maturity securities$(900)$(72)$(972)(275)(68)(343)
Intent to Sell(15)(32)(47)
Change in allowance for credit losses on fixed maturity securities(197)(7)(204)(84)(9)(93)
Change in allowance for credit losses on loans(63)(1)(64)(107)(52)(159)
Foreign exchange transactions, net of related hedges(253)18(235)31(11)20
Index-linked interest credited embedded derivatives, net of related hedges(367)(367)(186)(186)
All other derivatives and hedge accounting*(72)(9)(81)235(199)36
Sale of alternative investments and real estate8939248(1)47
Net realized gains (losses) – excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative(1,843)(100)(1,943)(397)(338)(735)
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld embedded derivative(1,451)(1,451)177177
Net realized gains (losses)$(1,843)$(1,551)$(3,394)(397)(161)(558)
*Derivative activity related to hedging MRBs is recorded in Change in the fair value of MRBs, net. For additional disclosures about MRBs, see Note 14 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Higher net realized losses excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld assets in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to same periods in the prior year were due primarily to losses on sale of securities and foreign exchange transactions in the current period compared to lower losses on sale of securities and gain on foreign exchange transactions in the same period in the prior year.
Index-linked interest credited embedded derivatives, net of related hedges, reflected losses in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to gains and lower losses in the same period in the prior year, respectively. Fair value gains or losses in the hedging portfolio are typically not fully offset by increases or decreases in liabilities due to the non-performance or “own credit” risk adjustment used in the valuation of index-linked interest credited embedded derivatives, which are not hedged as part of our economic hedging program, and other risk margins used for valuation that cause the embedded derivatives to be less sensitive to changes in market rates than the hedge portfolio.
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ITEM 2 | Investments
Net realized gains (losses) on Fortitude Re funds withheld assets primarily reflect changes in the valuation of the modified coinsurance and funds withheld assets. Increases in the valuation of these assets result in losses to Corebridge as the appreciation on the assets under those reinsurance arrangements must be transferred to Fortitude Re. Decreases in valuation of the assets result in gains to Corebridge as the depreciation on the assets under those reinsurance agreements must be transferred to Fortitude Re.
For further discussion of our investment portfolio, see Note 5 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Other Invested Assets
We seek to enhance returns through investment in a diversified portfolio of alternative asset classes, including private equity, real estate equity and hedge funds.
The following table presents the carrying value of our other invested assets by type:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(in millions)Excluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld Assets Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotalExcluding Fortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsFortitude Re Funds Withheld AssetsTotal
Alternative investments(a)
Investment real estate(b)
All other investments(c)
(a)At September 30, 2024, included hedge funds of $206 million and private equity funds of $7.6 billion. At December 31, 2023, included hedge funds of $299 million and private equity funds of $7.4 billion.
(b)Net of accumulated depreciation of $644 million and $680 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(c)Includes Corebridge’s ownership interest in Fortitude Re Bermuda, which is recorded using the measurement alternative for equity securities. Our investment in Fortitude Re Bermuda totaled $156 million and $156 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Derivatives and Hedge Accounting
We use derivatives and other financial instruments as part of our financial risk management programs and as part of our investment operations. Interest rate derivatives (such as interest rate swaps) are used to manage interest rate risk associated with both embedded derivatives and MRBs contained in insurance contract liabilities and fixed maturity securities as well as other interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities. Foreign exchange derivatives (principally foreign exchange forwards and swaps) are used to economically mitigate risk associated with foreign denominated investments, net capital exposures and foreign currency transactions. Equity derivatives are used to mitigate financial risk embedded in certain insurance liabilities and economically hedge certain investments. We use credit derivatives to manage our credit exposures. The derivatives are effective economic hedges of the exposures that they are meant to offset. In addition to hedging activities, we also enter into derivative instruments with respect to investment operations, which may include, among other things, credit default swaps (“CDS”) and purchases of investments with embedded derivatives, such as equity linked notes and convertible bonds.
We designated certain derivatives entered into with related parties as fair value hedges of available-for-sale investment securities held by our insurance subsidiaries. The fair value hedges include foreign currency forwards and cross-currency swaps designated as hedges of the change in fair value of foreign currency denominated available-for-sale securities attributable to changes in foreign exchange rates. We also designated certain interest rate swaps entered into with both third parties and related parties as fair value hedges of fixed rate GICs and commercial mortgage loans attributable to changes in benchmark interest rates.
Credit risk associated with derivative counterparties exists for a derivative contract when that contract has a positive fair value to us. The maximum potential exposure may increase or decrease during the life of the derivative commitments as a function of maturity and market conditions. All derivative transactions must be transacted within counterparty limits.
We utilize various credit enhancements, including guarantees, collateral, credit triggers and margin agreements, to reduce the credit risk related to outstanding financial derivative transactions. We require credit enhancements in connection with specific transactions based on, among other things, the creditworthiness of the counterparties and the transaction size and maturity. Furthermore, we enter into certain agreements that have the benefit of set-off and close-out netting provisions, such as ISDA Master Agreements. These provisions provide that, in the case of an early termination of a transaction, we can set off receivables from a counterparty against payables to the same counterparty arising out of all covered transactions. As a result, where a legally enforceable netting agreement exists, the fair value of the transaction with the counterparty represents the net sum of estimated fair values.
For additional information on embedded derivatives, see Notes 4 and 9 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
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ITEM 2 | Investments
The following table presents the notional amounts of our derivatives and the fair value of derivative assets and liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Gross Derivative AssetsGross Derivative LiabilitiesGross Derivative AssetsGross Derivative Liabilities
(in millions)Notional AmountFair ValueNotional AmountFair ValueNotional AmountFair ValueNotional AmountFair Value
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments(a)
Interest rate contracts$8,479$394$2,313$26$2,213$238$833$18
Foreign exchange contracts3,0753405,0401402,7653364,670159
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments(a)
Interest rate contracts54,1653,36839,6303,39341,0562,70941,2253,260
Foreign exchange contracts6,5375459,4224436,2295847,523379
Equity contracts52,9194,35120,5632,09876,5612,01714,144745
Credit contracts3,005134530585
Other contracts(b)
Total derivatives, excluding Fortitude Re funds withheld$172,614 $9,145 $77,028 $6,101 $173,769 $5,905 $68,447 $4,563 
Total derivatives, Fortitude Re funds withheld$$$$$184$20$514$25
Total derivatives, gross$172,614$9,145$77,028$6,101$173,953$5,925$68,961$4,588
Counterparty netting(c)
Cash collateral(d)
Total derivatives on Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets(e)
(a)Fair value amounts are shown before the effects of counterparty netting adjustments and offsetting cash collateral.
(b)Consists primarily of SVWs and contracts with multiple underlying exposures.
(c)Represents netting of derivative exposures covered by a qualifying master netting agreement.
(d)Represents cash collateral posted and received that is eligible for netting.
(e)Freestanding derivatives only, excludes embedded derivatives. Derivative instrument assets and liabilities are recorded in Other assets and Other liabilities, respectively. Fair value of assets related to bifurcated embedded derivatives was zero at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Fair value of liabilities related to bifurcated embedded derivatives was $13.6 billion and $10.2 billion, respectively, at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. A bifurcated embedded derivative is generally presented with the host contract in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Embedded derivatives are primarily related to guarantee features in fixed index annuities, index universal life contracts and bonds available-for-sale, which include equity and interest rate components and the funds withheld arrangement with Fortitude Re. For additional information, see Note 7 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
For additional information, see Note 9 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
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ITEM 2 | Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefit
Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefits and Update of Actuarial Assumptions and Models
The following section provides discussion of our variable annuity guaranteed benefits and hedging results regarding our business segments.
Variable Annuity Guaranteed Benefits and Hedging Results
Our Individual Retirement and Group Retirement businesses offer variable annuity products with riders that provide guaranteed benefits. The liabilities are accounted for as MRBs and measured at fair value. The fair value of the MRBs may fluctuate significantly based on market interest rates, equity prices, credit spreads, market volatility, policyholder behavior and other factors.
In addition to risk-mitigating features in our variable annuity product design, we have an economic hedging program designed to manage market risk from GMWBs, including exposures to changes in interest rates, equity prices, credit spreads and volatility. The hedging program includes all in-force GMWB policies and utilizes derivative instruments, including but not limited to equity options, futures contracts and interest rate swap and option contracts, as well as fixed maturity securities.
For additional discussion of market risk management related to these product features, see “Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.”
Differences in Valuation of MRBs and Economic Hedge Target
Our variable annuity hedging program utilizes an economic hedge target, which represents an estimate of the underlying economic risks in our GMWB riders. The economic hedge target differs from the GAAP valuation of the MRBs, creating volatility in our net income (loss) primarily due to the following:
the MRBs include both the GMWB riders and the GMDB riders while the hedge program is targeting the economic risks of just the GMWB rider;
the hedge program is designed to offset moves in the GMWB economic liability and therefore has a lower sensitivity to equity market changes than the MRBs;
the economic hedge target includes 100% of the GMWB rider fees in present value calculations;
the GAAP valuation reflects those fees attributed to the MRBs such that the initial value at contract issue equals zero. Since the MRB includes GMWBs and GMDBs these attributed fees are typically larger than just the GMWB rider fees;
the economic hedge target uses best estimate actuarial assumptions and excludes explicit risk margins used for GAAP valuation, such as margins for policyholder behavior, mortality and volatility; and
the economic hedge target excludes our own credit risk changes (NPAs) used in the GAAP valuation, which are recognized in OCI. The GAAP valuation has different sensitivities to movements in interest rates and other market factors, and to changes from actuarial assumption updates, than the economic hedge target.
For additional information on our valuation methodology for MRBs, see Note 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in the 2023 Form 10-K.
The market value of the hedge portfolio compared to the economic hedge target at any point in time may be different and is not expected to be fully offsetting. In addition to the derivatives held in conjunction with the variable annuity hedging program, we generally have cash and invested assets available to cover future claims payable under these guarantees. The primary sources of difference between the change in the fair value of the hedging portfolio and the economic hedge target include:
basis risk due to the variance between expected and actual fund returns, which may be either positive or negative;
realized volatility versus implied volatility;
actual versus expected changes in the hedge target driven by assumptions not subject to hedging, particularly policyholder behavior; and
risk exposures that we have elected not to explicitly or fully hedge.
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ITEM 2 | Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefit
The following table presents a reconciliation between the fair value of the GAAP MRBs and the value of our economic hedge target:
September 30,December 31,
(in millions)20242023
Reconciliation of market risk benefits and economic hedge target:
Market risk benefits liability, net$689 $1,340
Exclude NPA
Market risk benefits liability, excluding NPA(104)514 
Adjustments for risk margins and differences in valuation569 522 
Economic hedge target liability$465 $1,036 
Impact on Pre-tax Income (Loss)
The impact on our pre-tax income (loss) of variable annuity guaranteed benefits and related hedging results includes changes in the fair value of MRBs and changes in the fair value of related derivative hedging instruments, and along with attributed rider fees and net of benefits associated with MRBs are together recognized in Change in the fair value of market risk benefits, net, with the exception of NPA changes, which are recognized in OCI. Changes in the fair value of market risk benefits, net are excluded from APTOI of Individual Retirement and Group Retirement.
The change in the fair value of the MRBs and the change in the value of the hedging portfolio are not expected to be fully offsetting, primarily due to the differences in valuation between the economic hedge target, the GAAP MRBs and the fair value of the hedging portfolio, as discussed above. When corporate credit spreads widen, the change in the NPA spread generally reduces the fair value of the MRBs liabilities, resulting in a gain in AOCI, and when corporate credit spreads tighten, the change in the NPA spread generally increases the fair value of the MRBs liabilities, resulting in a loss in AOCI. In addition to changes driven by credit market-related movements in the NPA spread, the NPA balance also reflects changes in business activity and in the net amount at risk from the underlying guaranteed living benefits.
Change in Economic Hedge Target
The decrease in the economic hedge target liability in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, was primarily driven by higher equity markets and the update of actuarial assumptions.
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ITEM 2 | Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefit
The following table presents the impact on pre-tax income (loss) and Other comprehensive income (loss) of Variable Annuity MRBs and Hedging for the Individual Retirement and Group Retirement Segments:
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
(in millions)
MRB Liability(*)
Hedge AssetsNet
MRB Liability(*)
Hedge AssetsNet
Issuances$(1)$ $(1)$(2)$ $(2)
Interest accrual3 (60)(57)(3)(181)(184)
Attributed fees(180) (180)(549) (549)
Expected claims16  16 50  50 
Effect of changes in interest rates(407)439 32 (35)32 (3)
Effect of changes in interest rate volatility55 (31)24 24 (26)(2)
Effect of changes in equity markets347 (264)83 1,076 (705)371 
Effect of changes in equity index volatility(34)22 (12)3 57 60 
Actual outcome different from model expected outcome(27) (27)(44) (44)
Effect of changes in future expected policyholder behavior(5) (5)(5) (5)
Effect of changes in other future expected assumptions105  105 103  103 
Foreign exchange impact(4) (4)   
Total impact on balance before other and changes in our own credit risk
(132)106 (26)618 (823)(205)
Other4 (18)(14) (19)(19)
Effect of changes in our own credit risk(104)(1)(105)33 (20)13 
Total income (loss) impact on market risk benefits(232)87 (145)651 (862)(211)
Less: impact on OCI(104)85 (19)33 (4)29 
Add: fees net of claims and ceded premiums and benefits181  181 502  502 
Net impact on pre-tax income (loss)$53 $2 $55 $1,120 $(858)$262 
Net change in value of economic hedge target and related hedges
Net impact on economic gains (losses)$99 $133 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in millions)
MRB Liability(*)
Hedge AssetsNet
MRB Liability(*)
Hedge AssetsNet
Issuances$$— $$$— $
Interest accrual(10)(60)(70)(36)(179)(215)
Attributed fees(210)— (210)(685)— (685)
Expected claims21 — 21 70 — 70 
Effect of changes in interest rates867 (817)50 839 (788)51 
Effect of changes in interest rate volatility(91)75 (16)(3)— 
Effect of changes in equity markets(268)189 (79)644 (361)283 
Effect of changes in equity index volatility35 12 47 31 32 
Actual outcome different from model expected outcome(74)— (74)(183)— (183)
Effect of changes in future expected policyholder behavior— — — — — — 
Effect of changes in other future expected assumptions— 115 — 115 
Foreign exchange impact— — 
Total impact on balance before other and changes in our own credit risk
282 (601)(319)806 (1,330)(524)
Other(1)18 17 (4)(3)
Effect of changes in our own credit risk(40)— (40)(77)43 (34)
Total income (loss) impact on market risk benefits241 (583)(342)725 (1,286)(561)
Less: impact on OCI(40)(116)(156)(77)(82)(159)
Add: fees net of claims and ceded premiums and benefits178 — 178 597 — 597 
Net impact on pre-tax income (loss)$459 $(467)$(8)$1,399 $(1,204)$195 
Net change in value of economic hedge target and related hedges
Net impact on economic gains (losses)$(99)$(474)
*MRB Liability is partially offset by MRB Assets.
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ITEM 2 | Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefit
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Net impact on pre-tax income of $55 million was primarily driven by the update to actuarial assumptions.
On an economic basis, the changes in the fair value of the hedge portfolio were partially offset by the changes in the economic hedge target. In the three months ended September 30, 2024, we had a net mark-to-market gain of approximately $99 million from our hedging activities related to our economic hedge target principally driven by the update to actuarial assumptions.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Net impact on pre-tax income of $262 million was primarily driven by increases in equity markets.
On an economic basis, the changes in the fair value of the hedge portfolio were partially offset by the changes in the economic hedge target. In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we had a net mark-to-market gain of approximately $133 million from our hedging activities related to our economic hedge target principally driven by higher equity markets and the update to actuarial assumptions.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Net impact on pre-tax loss of $8 million was primarily driven by decreases in equity markets.
On an economic basis, the changes in the fair value of the hedge portfolio were partially offset by the changes in the economic hedge target. In the three months ended September 30, 2023, we had a net mark-to-market loss of approximately $99 million from our hedging activities related to our economic hedge target primarily driven by tightening credit spreads.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Net impact on pre-tax income of $195 million was primarily driven by increases in equity markets and the impact of the London Interbank Offered Rate to Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) transition.
With the transition of risk free rates to the SOFR curve our discounting of fees has been reduced, resulting in a one time favorable impact to the MRB liability.
On an economic basis, the changes in the fair value of the hedge portfolio were partially offset by the changes in the economic hedge target. In the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we had a net mark-to-market loss of approximately $474 million from our hedging activities related to our economic hedge target primarily driven by tightening credit spreads and lower equity volatility.
Update of Actuarial Assumptions and Models
Our life insurance companies review and update actuarial assumptions at least annually, generally in the third quarter.
Investment-oriented products
We review and update assumptions used to value our universal life policies at least annually. These benefit reserves are also adjusted to reflect the changes in the fair value of available-for-sale securities with an offset to OCI. DAC and related items (which may include VOBA, DSI and unearned revenue reserves) are amortized on a constant level basis.
We also review assumptions related to variable annuities, fixed annuities, and fixed index annuities guaranteed benefits that are accounted for as MRBs or embedded derivatives and measured at fair value. The fair value of these MRBs or embedded derivatives is based on actuarial assumptions, including policyholder behavior, as well as capital market assumptions.
Traditional long-duration products
For traditional long-duration products discussed below, which includes whole life insurance, term life insurance, accident and health insurance, PRT, life-contingent single premium immediate annuities and structured settlements, cash flow assumptions are reviewed at least annually to determine any changes in the liability for future policy benefits. DAC and related items (which may include VOBA) are amortized on a constant level basis.
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ITEM 2 | Future Policy Benefits, Policyholder Contract Deposits and Market Risk Benefit
The net impacts to pre-tax income and APTOI because of the update of actuarial assumptions for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are shown in the following tables.
The following table presents the increase (decrease) in pre-tax income resulting from the annual update of actuarial assumptions, by line item as reported in Results of Operations:
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)20242023
Premiums$13 $— 
Policyholder benefits(21)22 
Non-deferrable insurance commissions
5 — 
Increase (decrease) in adjusted pre-tax operating income(3)22 
Change in the fair value of market risk benefits, net(84)
Net realized losses8 (7)
Increase (decrease) in pre-tax income$(79)$22 
The following table presents the increase in adjusted pre-tax operating income resulting from the annual update of actuarial assumptions by segment:
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in millions)20242023
Individual Retirement$18 $
Group Retirement(1)— 
Life Insurance(29)19 
Institutional Markets9 
Total increase in adjusted pre-tax operating income from the update of assumptions*$(3)$22 
*Liabilities ceded to Fortitude Re are reported in Corporate and Other. There is no impact to adjusted pre-tax operating income due to the annual update of actuarial assumptions as these liabilities are 100% ceded.
Update of Actuarial Assumptions Impact to Consolidated pre-tax income (loss)
Corebridge recognized a $79 million unfavorable and $22 million favorable impact to pre-tax income, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, attributable to the annual actuarial assumption review. For 2024, the impacts were primarily driven by updates to policyholder assumptions, including lapse and mortality updates for certain annuity products in Individual Retirement and Group Retirement and universal life products. These were partially offset by updated economic assumptions, including investment yields, and model refinements related to traditional life products and immediate annuities. For 2023, the assumption update impacts were primarily driven by updates to the portfolio yield assumption, refinements to the modeling for universal life products, and mortality assumption updates, partially offset by updated premium assumptions, and other refinements on life insurance products.
Update of Actuarial Assumptions Impact to Consolidated APTOI
Corebridge recognized a $3 million unfavorable and $22 million favorable impact to adjusted pre-tax operating income, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, attributable to the annual actuarial assumption review. For 2024, the assumption update impacts were primarily driven by lapse and mortality updates for universal life products, partially offset by yield and spread updates and model refinements to traditional life products and immediate annuities . For 2023, the assumption update impacts were primarily driven by updates to the portfolio yield assumption, refinements to the modeling for universal life products, and mortality assumption updates, partially offset by updated premium assumptions, and other refinements on life insurance products.
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ITEM 2 | Liquidity and Capital Resources
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Liquidity is defined as cash and unencumbered assets that can be monetized in a short period of time at a reasonable cost. In addition to the on-balance-sheet liquid assets, liquidity resources include availability under committed bank credit facilities.
Capital refers to the long-term financial resources available to support the operation of our businesses, fund business growth, and cover financial and operational needs that arise from adverse circumstances.
We aim to manage our liquidity and capital resources prudently through a well-defined risk management framework that involves various target operating thresholds, as well as minimum requirements during periods of stress.
We believe that we have sufficient liquidity and capital resources to satisfy future requirements and meet our obligations to policyholders, customers, creditors and debt-holders, including those arising from reasonably foreseeable contingencies or events.
For a discussion regarding risks associated with liquidity and capital, see “Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Investment Portfolio, Liquidity, Capital and Credit” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, Corebridge Parent and its non-regulated intermediate holding companies (“Corebridge Hold Cos.”) had $4.5 billion and $4.1 billion, respectively, in liquidity sources. These liquidity sources were primarily held in the form of cash and short-term investments and included a $2.5 billion committed revolving credit facility as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Corebridge Hold Cos.’ primary sources of liquidity are dividends, loans and other payments from subsidiaries, sales of businesses and credit facilities. Corebridge Hold Cos.’ primary uses of liquidity are for debt service, capital and liability management, and operating expenses.
Corebridge Parent expects to maintain liquidity that is sufficient to cover one year of its expenses. We expect the Corebridge Hold Cos. may access the debt and equity markets from time to time to meet funding requirements as needed.
We utilize our capital resources to support our businesses, with the majority of capital held by our insurance businesses. Corebridge Hold Cos. intend to manage capital between Corebridge Hold Cos. and our insurance companies through internal, Board-approved policies as well as management standards. Nevertheless, regulatory and other legal restrictions could limit our ability to transfer capital freely, either to or from our subsidiaries.
As of September 30, 2024, Corebridge Parent and certain of our subsidiaries were parties to several letter of credit agreements with various financial institutions which issue letters of credit from time to time in support of our insurance companies, including a $100 million letter of credit entered into on September 30, 2024 in support of CRBG Bermuda. Letters of credit issued in support of our subsidiaries (primarily, insurance companies) totaled $226 million and $151 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
The following table presents Corebridge Hold Cos.’ liquidity sources:
(in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Cash and short-term investments$1,988 $1,591 
Total Corebridge Hold Cos. liquidity1,988 1,591 
   Available capacity under committed, revolving credit facility2,500 2,500 
Total Corebridge Hold Cos. liquidity sources$4,488 $4,091 
Liquidity to Corebridge Parent from Subsidiaries
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, Corebridge Hold Cos. received $550 million and $1.7 billion in dividends from subsidiaries, respectively.
Sale of AIG Life U.K.
On April 8, 2024, Corebridge completed the sale of AIG Life U.K. and received gross proceeds (i.e., net cash before transaction costs) of £453 million ($569 million).
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ITEM 2 | Liquidity and Capital Resources
Debt Issuance
On September 12, 2024, Corebridge Parent issued $750 million of 6.375% fixed-to fixed reset rate junior subordinated notes due 2054 (“2054 Notes”).
Interest Payments
We made interest payments on our debt instruments totaling $60 million and $261 million, respectively, during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Debt Repayment
On September 12, 2024, Corebridge Parent repaid all of the $250 million aggregate principal amount outstanding under the Three-Year DDTL Facility. This facility was terminated on September 12, 2024 after the final loan repayment.
During each of the three months ended March 31, 2024, June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2024, Corebridge Parent paid cash dividends of $0.23 per share of Corebridge Parent common stock totaling $133 million and $415 million, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively.
Repurchase of Common Stock
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, Corebridge Parent repurchased approximately 25.9 million and 50.5 million of shares of Corebridge Parent common stock, for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $715 million and $1.4 billion, respectively.
For additional information, see Note 17 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Insurance Companies
We believe that our insurance companies have sufficient liquidity and capital resources to satisfy reasonably foreseeable future liquidity requirements and meet their obligations, including those arising from reasonably foreseeable contingencies or events, through cash from operations and, to the extent necessary, monetization of invested assets. Our insurance companies’ liquidity resources are primarily held in the form of cash, short-term investments and publicly traded, investment grade-rated fixed maturity securities.
The liquidity of each of our material insurance companies is monitored through various internal liquidity risk measures. The primary sources of liquidity are premiums, deposits, fees, reinsurance recoverables, investment income and maturities. The primary uses of liquidity are paid losses, reinsurance payments, benefit claims, surrenders, withdrawals, interest payments, dividends, expenses, investment purchases and collateral requirements.
Certain of our U.S. insurance companies are members of the FHLBs in their respective districts. Our borrowings from FHLBs are non-puttable and are used to supplement liquidity or for other uses deemed appropriate by management. Our U.S. insurance companies had $5.5 billion which were due to FHLBs in their respective districts at September 30, 2024, under funding agreements which were reported in policyholder contract deposits. These investment contracts do not have mortality or morbidity risk. Proceeds from funding agreements are generally invested in investments intended to generate spread income. In addition, our U.S. insurance companies had no outstanding borrowings in the form of cash advances from FHLBs at September 30, 2024.
Certain of our U.S. insurance companies have securities lending programs that lend securities from their investment portfolios to supplement liquidity or for other uses deemed appropriate by management. Under these programs, these U.S. insurance companies lend securities to financial institutions and receive cash as collateral equal to 102% of the fair value of the loaned securities. Cash collateral received is kept in cash or invested in short-term investments or used for short-term liquidity purposes.
The aggregate amount of securities that a U.S. insurance company can lend under its program at any time is limited to 5% of its general account statutory-basis admitted assets. Our U.S. insurance companies had no securities subject to these agreements at September 30, 2024 and no liabilities to borrowers for collateral received at September 30, 2024.
We manage the capital of our Life Fleet Risk-Based Capital (“RBC”) ratio targeting above 400%. AGC serves as an affiliate reinsurance company. The surplus of AGC is comprised predominantly of the statutory surplus of the Life Fleet. Given that AGC has no primary operations outside of this internal reinsurance, we believe that excluding AGC from the Life Fleet RBC ratio calculation presents a more accurate view of the overall capital position of our U.S. operating entities. Our Life Fleet RBC ratio was above our minimum target Life Fleet RBC ratio of 400% as of December 31, 2023.
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ITEM 2 | Liquidity and Capital Resources
Dividend Restrictions
Payments of dividends to Corebridge Hold Cos. by our U.S. insurance subsidiaries are subject to certain restrictions imposed by laws and regulations of their respective states of domicile. With respect to our domestic insurance subsidiaries, the payment of a dividend may require formal notice to the insurance department of the state in which the particular insurance subsidiary is domiciled, and prior approval of such insurance regulator is required when the amount of the dividend is above certain regulatory thresholds. See “Business — Regulation — U.S. Regulation — State Insurance Regulation” in the 2023 Form 10-K. Bermuda law also restricts the ability of CRBG Bermuda to pay dividends.
To our knowledge, no Corebridge insurance company is currently on any regulatory or similar “watch list” with regard to solvency.
Our primary sources and uses of liquidity are summarized as follows:
Nine Months Ended
 September 30,
(in millions)20242023
Operating activities, net$672$2,590
Net changes in policyholder account balances8,8154,141
Issuance of long-term debt743496
Issuance of debt of consolidated investment entities132202
Contributions from noncontrolling interests6363
Financing other, net73
Issuance of common stock1
Net change in securities lending and repurchase agreements2,580
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and restricted cash3
Total Sources13,0067,568
Investing activities, net(10,187)(3,267)
Repayments of debt of consolidated investment entities(652)(374)
Repayments of short-term debt(250)(500)
Distributions to noncontrolling interests(24)(59)
Dividends paid on common stock(415)(846)
Net change in securities lending and repurchase agreements(2,290)
Repurchase of common stock(1,394)(246)
Financing other, net(165)
Total Uses(13,087)(7,582)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents$(81)$(14)
Operating Activities
Cash inflows from operating activities primarily include insurance premiums, fees and investment income. Cash outflows from operating activities primarily include benefit payments, general operating expenses and servicing of debt. Operating cash flow will fluctuate based on the timing of premiums received and benefit payments to policyholders, as well as other core business activities.
Investing Activities
Cash inflows from investing activities primarily include sales and maturities of underlying assets, mainly fixed maturities available-for-sale and principal payments on mortgage and other loans. The primary cash outflows for investing activities relate to the purchases of new securities, mainly fixed maturities available-for-sale.
Financing Activities
Cash inflows from financing activities primarily include policyholder deposits on investment-type contracts, issuances of debt and inflows from the settlement of securities lending and repurchase agreements. Cash outflows primarily relate to policyholder withdrawal activity on investment-type contracts, repayments of debt of consolidated investment entities, repayments of short and long-term debt, repurchases of common stock, shareholder dividends, distributions to noncontrolling interests and outflows for the settlement of securities lending and repurchase agreements.
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ITEM 2 | Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 30, 2024, there have been no material changes in our contractual obligations from December 31, 2023, a description of which may be found in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation —Liquidity and Capital Resources — Contractual Obligations” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
We expect to repay the short-term and long-term debt maturities and interest accrued on these borrowings through cash flows generated from invested assets, future cash flows from operations, and future debt and other financing arrangements.
The following tables provide the rollforward of our total debt outstanding:
(in millions)Maturity
Balance at December 31, 2023IssuancesMaturities
and Repayments
Other ChangesBalance at September 30, 2024
Short-term debt issued by Corebridge:
Three-Year DDTL Facility
2024$250 $— $(250)$— $ 
Total short-term debt250 — (250)—  
Long-term debt issued by Corebridge:
Senior unsecured notes2025-20527,750 — — — 7,750 
Hybrid junior subordinated notes
2052-20541,000 750 — — 1,750 
Long-term debt issued by Corebridge subsidiaries:
CRBGLH notes
2025-2029200 — — — 200 
CRBGLH junior subordinated debentures
2030-2046227 — — — 227 
Total long-term debt9,177 750 — — 9,927 
Debt issuance costs(59)— — (3)(62)
Total long-term debt, net of debt issuance costs9,118 750 — (3)9,865 
Total debt, net of issuance costs
$9,368 $750 $(250)$(3)$9,865 
On September 12, 2024, Corebridge Parent issued and sold $750 million aggregate principal amount of its 6.375% 2054 Notes. Subject to certain redemption provisions and other terms of the 2054 Notes, the interest rate resets on September 15, 2034 and each five-year anniversary thereafter, at an annual rate equal to the five-year treasury rate as of the most recent reset interest determination date plus 2.646%.
Corebridge Parent used a portion of the net proceeds of the issuance of the 2054 Notes to repay all of the $250 million aggregate principal amount outstanding under Corebridge’s Three-Year DDTL Facility, dated as of February 25, 2022, among Corebridge, the lenders party thereto and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as administrative agent. The balance of the proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes. This facility was terminated on September 12, 2024 after the final loan repayment.
On May 12, 2022, Corebridge Parent entered into a revolving credit agreement (the “Revolving Credit Agreement”). The Revolving Credit Agreement provides for a five-year total commitment of $2.5 billion, consisting of standby letters of credit and/or revolving credit borrowings without any limits on the type of borrowings. Under circumstances described in the Revolving Credit Agreement, the aggregate commitments may be increased by up to $500 million, for a total commitment under the Revolving Credit Agreement of $3.0 billion. Loans under the Revolving Credit Agreement will mature on May 12, 2027. Under the Revolving Credit Agreement, the applicable rate, commitment fee and letter of credit fee are determined by reference to the credit ratings of Corebridge Parent’s senior, unsecured, long-term indebtedness. Borrowings bear interest at a rate per annum equal to (i) in the case of U.S. dollar borrowings, Term SOFR plus an applicable credit spread adjustment plus an applicable rate or an alternative base rate plus an applicable rate; (ii) in the case of Sterling borrowings, sterling overnight index average plus an applicable credit spread adjustment plus an applicable rate; (iii) in the case of Euro borrowings, European Union interbank Offer Rate plus an applicable rate; and (iv) in the case of Japanese Yen, Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate plus an applicable rate. The alternative base rate is equal to the highest of (a) the New York Federal Reserve Bank Rate plus 0.50%, (b) the rate of interest in effect as quoted by The Wall Street Journal as the “Prime Rate” in the United States and (c) Term SOFR plus a credit spread adjustment of 0.100% plus an additional 1.00%.
For additional information on debt outstanding and revolving credit facilities, see Note 17 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in the 2023 Form 10-K.
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ITEM 2 | Liquidity and Capital Resources
Our non-financial debt includes debt of consolidated investment entities and such debt does not represent our contractual obligation and is non-recourse to Corebridge. This non-financial debt includes notes and bonds payables supported by cash and investments held by us and certain of our non-insurance subsidiaries for the repayment of those obligations.
(in millions)Balance at December 31, 2023IssuancesMaturities
and Repayments
Effect of Foreign ExchangeOther ChangesBalance at September 30, 2024
Debt of consolidated investment entities –
not guaranteed by Corebridge(a)(b)
$2,504 $132 $(652)$11 $154 $2,149 
(a)At September 30, 2024, includes debt of consolidated investment entities related to real estate investments of $884 million and other securitization vehicles of $1.0 billion.
(b)In relation to the debt of consolidated investment entities not guaranteed by Corebridge, creditors or beneficial interest holders of VIEs generally only have recourse to the assets and cash flows of the VIEs and do not have recourse to us.
Credit ratings estimate a company’s ability to meet its obligations and may directly affect the cost and availability of financing to that company.
The following table presents the credit ratings of Corebridge Parent as of the date of this filing:
Senior Unsecured Long-Term DebtHybrid Junior Subordinated Long-Term Debt
Baa2 (Stable)BBB+ (Stable)BBB+ (Stable)Baa3 (Stable)BBB- (Stable)BBB- (Stable)
(a)Moody’s appends numerical modifiers 1, 2 and 3 to the generic rating categories to show relative position within the rating categories.
(b)S&P ratings may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.
(c)Fitch ratings may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.
These credit ratings are current opinions of the rating agencies. They may be changed, suspended or withdrawn at any time by the rating agencies because of changes in, or unavailability of, information or based on other circumstances. Ratings may also be withdrawn at our request.
We are party to some agreements that contain “ratings triggers.” Depending on the ratings maintained by one or more rating agencies, these triggers could result in (i) the termination or limitation of credit availability or a requirement for accelerated repayment, (ii) the termination of business contracts or (iii) a requirement to post collateral for the benefit of counterparties.
In the event of a downgrade of our long-term debt ratings or our insurance subsidiaries’ Insurer Financial Strength (“IFS”) ratings, we would be required to post additional collateral under some derivative and other transactions, or certain of the counterparties of such other of our subsidiaries would be permitted to terminate such transactions early.
The actual amount of collateral that we or certain of our subsidiaries would be required to post to counterparties in the event of such downgrades, or the aggregate amount of payments that we could be required to make, depends on market conditions, the fair value of outstanding affected transactions and other factors prevailing at the time of the downgrade.
IFS ratings estimate an insurance company’s ability to pay its obligations under an insurance policy.
The following table presents the ratings of our primary insurance subsidiaries as of the date of this filing:
A.M. BestS&PFitchMoody’s
American General Life Insurance CompanyAA+A+A2
The Variable Annuity Life Insurance CompanyAA+A+A2
The United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New YorkAA+A+A2
These IFS ratings are current opinions of the rating agencies. They may be changed, suspended or withdrawn at any time by the rating agencies as a result of changes in, or unavailability of, information or based on other circumstances.
As September 30, 2024, there have been no material changes in our off-balance-sheet arrangements and commercial commitments from December 31, 2023, a description of which may be found in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation—Liquidity and Capital Resources—Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements and Commercial Commitments” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
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ITEM 2 | Accounting Policies and Pronouncements

Accounting Policies and Pronouncements
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires the application of accounting policies that often involve a significant degree of judgment. On a regular basis, we review estimates and assumptions used in the preparation of financial statements. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. For a detailed discussion of our significant accounting policies and accounting pronouncements, see Note 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements in the 2023 Form 10-K.
The accounting policies that we believe are most dependent on the application of estimates and assumptions, which are critical accounting estimates, are related to the determination of:
fair value measurements of certain financial assets and liabilities;
valuation of MRBs related to guaranteed benefit features of variable annuity, fixed annuity and fixed index annuity products;
valuation of embedded derivative liabilities for fixed index annuity and index universal life products;
valuation of future policy benefit liabilities and recognition of remeasurement gains and losses;
reinsurance assets, including the allowance for credit losses;
goodwill impairment;
allowance for credit losses primarily on loans and available-for-sale fixed maturity securities; and
income tax assets and liabilities, including recoverability of our net deferred tax asset and the predictability of future tax operating profitability of the character necessary to realize the net deferred tax asset.
These accounting estimates require the use of assumptions about matters, some of which are highly uncertain at the time of estimation. To the extent actual experience differs from the assumptions used, our business, results of operations, financial condition and liquidity could be materially affected.
For a complete discussion of our critical accounting estimates, see “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation—Accounting Policies and Pronouncements” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
See Note 2 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for a complete discussion of adoption of accounting pronouncements.
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ITEM 2 | Glossary

Credit support annex — a legal document generally associated with an ISDA Master Agreement that provides for collateral postings which could vary depending on ratings and threshold levels.
Deferred policy acquisition costs — deferred costs that are incremental and directly related to the successful acquisition of new business or renewal of existing business.
Deferred sales inducement — represents enhanced crediting rates or bonus payments to contract holders on certain annuity and investment contract products that meet the criteria to be deferred and amortized over the life of the contract.
Fee income — is defined as policy fees plus advisory fees plus other fee income. For our Institutional Markets segment, its SVW products generate fee income.
Financial debt — represents the sum of short-term debt and long-term debt, net of debt issuance costs, not including (a) debt of consolidated investment entities—not guaranteed by Corebridge; (b) investment contracts supported by assets and issued for purposes of earning spread income, such as GICs and FABNs; and (c) operating debt utilized to fund daily operations.
Guaranteed investment contract — a contract whereby the issuer provides a guaranteed repayment of principal and a fixed or floating interest rate for a predetermined period of time.
Guaranteed minimum death benefit — a benefit that guarantees the annuity beneficiary will receive a certain value upon death of the annuitant. The GMDB feature may provide a death benefit of either (a) total deposits made to the contract, less any partial withdrawals plus a minimum return (and in rare instances, no minimum return); (b) return of premium whereby the benefit is the greater of the current account value or premiums paid less any partial withdrawals; (c) rollups whereby the benefit is the greater of current account value or premiums paid (adjusted for withdrawals) accumulated at contractually specified rates up to specified ages; or (d) the highest contract value attained, typically on any anniversary date less any subsequent withdrawals following the contract anniversary.
Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit — a type of living benefit that guarantees that withdrawals from the contract may be taken up to a contractually guaranteed amount, even if the account value subsequently falls to zero, provided that during each contract year total withdrawals do not exceed an annual withdrawal amount specified in the contract. Once the account value is depleted under the conditions of the GMWB, the policy continues to provide a protected income payment.
ISDA Master Agreement — an agreement between two counterparties, which may have multiple derivative transactions with each other governed by such agreement, that generally provides for the net settlement of all or a specified group of these derivative transactions, as well as pledged collateral, through a single payment, in a single currency, in the event of a default on, or affecting any, one derivative transaction or a termination event affecting all, or a specified group of, derivative transactions.
Loan-to-value ratio — principal amount of loan divided by appraised value of collateral securing the loan.
Market risk benefit — is an amount that a policyholder would receive in addition to the account balance upon the occurrence of a specific event or circumstance, such as death, annuitization, or periodic withdrawal that involves protection from other-than-nominal capital market risk.
Master netting agreement — an agreement between two counterparties who have multiple derivative contracts with each other that provides for the net settlement of all contracts covered by such agreement, as well as pledged collateral, through a single payment, in a single currency, in the event of default on or upon termination of any one such contract.
Non-performance Risk Adjustment — adjusts the valuation of derivatives and MRBs to account for non-performance risk in the fair value measurement of all MRBs and derivative net liability positions.
Noncontrolling interests — the portion of equity ownership in a consolidated subsidiary not attributable to the controlling parent company.
Policy fees — an amount added to a policy premium, or deducted from a policy cash value or contract holder account, to reflect the cost of issuing a policy, establishing the required records and sending premium notices and other related expenses.
Reinsurance — the practice whereby one insurer, the reinsurer, in consideration of a premium paid to that insurer, agrees to indemnify another insurer, the ceding company, for part or all of the liability of the ceding company under one or more policies or contracts of insurance which it has issued.
Risk-based capital — a formula designed to measure the adequacy of an insurer’s statutory surplus compared to the risks inherent in its business.
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ITEM 2 | Glossary
Spread income — is defined as net investment income less interest credited to policyholder account balances, exclusive of amortization of deferred sales inducement assets. Spread income is comprised of both base spread income and variable investment income. For our Institutional Markets segment, its structured settlements, PRT and GIC products generate spread income, which includes premiums, net investment income, less interest credited and policyholder benefits and excludes the annual assumption update.
Surrender charge — a charge levied against an investor for the early withdrawal of funds from a life insurance or annuity contract, or for the cancellation of the agreement.
Surrender rate — represents annualized surrenders and withdrawals as a percentage of average reserves and Group Retirement mutual fund assets under administration.
Underwriting margin — for our Life Insurance segment includes premiums, policy fees, other income, net investment income, less interest credited to policyholder account balances and policyholder benefits and excludes the annual assumption update. For our Institutional Markets segment, its Corporate Markets products generate underwriting margin, which includes premiums, net investment income, policy and advisory fee income, less interest credited and policyholder benefits and excludes the annual assumption update.
Value of business acquired — present value of projected future gross profits from in-force policies of acquired businesses.
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ITEM 2 | Certain Important Terms

Certain Important Terms
We use the following capitalized terms in this report
“AGC” means AGC Life Insurance Company, a Missouri insurance company;
“AGC Group” means AGC and its directly owned life insurance subsidiaries;
“AGL” means American General Life Insurance Company, a Texas insurance company;
“AHAC” means American Home Assurance Company, a consolidated subsidiary of AIG;
“AIG” means AIG, Inc. and its subsidiaries, other than Corebridge and Corebridge’s subsidiaries, unless the context refers to AIG, Inc. only;
“AIG, Inc.” means American International Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation;
“AIG Life U.K.” means AIG Life Limited, a U.K. insurance company, and its subsidiary;
“AIGM” means AIG Markets, Inc., a consolidated subsidiary of AIG;
“AIRCO” means American International Reinsurance Company, Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary of AIG;
“BlackRock” means BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.;
“Blackstone” means Blackstone Inc. and its subsidiaries;
“Blackstone IM” means Blackstone ISG-I Advisors L.L.C.;
“Board of Directors” means the Corebridge Financial, Inc. Board of Directors;
“CIIUS” means Corebridge Institutional Investments (U.S), LLC (formerly known as AIG Asset Management (U.S.), LLC.(“AMG”));
“Corebridge”, “we”, “us”, “our” or the “Company” means Corebridge and its subsidiaries, unless the context refers to Corebridge Parent;
“Corebridge Forward” means Corebridge’s expense savings initiative aimed at improving profitability across its businesses through operating expense reductions;
“Corebridge Parent” means Corebridge Financial, Inc., a Delaware corporation;
“CRBG Bermuda” means Corebridge Insurance Company of Bermuda, Ltd., a Bermuda insurance company;
“CRBGLH” means Corebridge Life Holdings, Inc., a Texas corporation;
“Fortitude Re” means Fortitude Reinsurance Company Ltd., a Bermuda insurance company;
“Fortitude Re Bermuda” means FGH Parent, L.P., a Bermuda exempted limited partnership and the indirect parent of Fortitude Re;
“Laya” means Laya Healthcare Limited, an Irish insurance intermediary, and its subsidiary;
“Life Fleet” means AGL, USL and VALIC;
“NUFIC” means National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA, a consolidated subsidiary of AIG;
“NYSE” means the New York Stock Exchange;
“SAFG Capital” means SAFG Capital LLC, a Delaware corporation;
“USL” means The United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New York, a New York insurance company;
“VALIC” means The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company, a Texas insurance company; and

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ITEM 2 | Acronyms

“AATOI” — adjusted after-tax operating income attributable to our common stockholders;
“ABS” asset-backed securities;
“APTOI” — adjusted pre-tax operating income;
“AUA” — assets under administration;
“AUM” — assets under management;
“AUMA” — assets under management and administration;
“BMA” — Bermuda Monetary Authority;
“CDO” — collateralized debt obligations;
“CDS” — credit default swap;
“CLO” — collateralized loan obligations;
“CMBS” — commercial mortgage-backed securities;
“DAC” — deferred policy acquisition costs;
“DSI” — deferred sales inducement;
“FABN”— funding agreement-backed notes;
“FASB” — the Financial Accounting Standards Board;
“GAAP” — accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America;
“GIC” — guaranteed investment contract;
“GMDB” — guaranteed minimum death benefits;
“GMWB” — guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits;
“ISDA” — the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.;
“MBS” — mortgage-backed securities;
“MRB” — market risk benefits;
“NAIC” — National Association of Insurance Commissioners;
“NPA” — Non-performance risk adjustment;
“NPR” Net premium ratio;
“PRT” — pension risk transfer;
“RBC” — Risk-Based Capital;
“RMBS” — residential mortgage-backed securities;
“S&P” — Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC;
“SEC” — the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission;
“SVW” — stable value wrap;
“URR” — unearned revenue reserve;
“VIE” — variable interest entity;
“VIX” — volatility index; and
“VOBA” — value of business acquired.
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ITEM 3 | Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk
ITEM 3 | Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk
There have been no material changes to the quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk described in “Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk” in the 2023 Form 10-K.
ITEM 4 | Controls and Procedures
Disclosure controls and procedures are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in reports filed or submitted under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms and that such information is accumulated and communicated to management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosures. In connection with the preparation of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, an evaluation was carried out by Corebridge management, with the participation of Corebridge’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act), as of September 30, 2024. Based on this evaluation, Corebridge’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of September 30, 2024.
There have been no changes in our internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f)) that have occurred during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
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Part II - Other Information

ITEM 1 | Legal Proceedings
For information regarding certain legal proceedings pending against us, see Note 16 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

ITEM 1A | Risk Factors
Failure to complete the Nippon Transaction may negatively impact our ongoing business and stock price.
If the Nippon Transaction is not completed on a timely basis or at all, our ongoing business may be adversely affected as a result of the time and resources committed to the proposed transaction that could have been devoted to pursuing other opportunities. In addition, the price of our common stock may decline to the extent that the current market price reflects a market assumption that the Nippon Transaction will be completed on the proposed timeline and that any anticipated benefits will be realized.
In addition to the other information set forth in this Quarterly Report, you should carefully consider the risk factors discussed in “Risk Factors” in the 2023 Form 10-K.

ITEM 2 | Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
The following table provides information about purchases made by or on behalf of Corebridge Parent or any “affiliated purchaser” (as defined in Rule 10b-18(a)(3) under the Exchange Act) of Corebridge Parent common stock during the three months ended September 30, 2024:
PeriodTotal Number
of Shares
Average Price
Paid per Share*
Total Number of Shares
Purchased as Part of
Publicly Announced
Plans or Programs
Approximate Dollar Value
of Shares that May Yet Be
Purchased Under the Plans
or Programs (in millions)
07/01/24 through 07/31/249,334,100 $29.56 9,334,100 $1,547 
08/01/24 through 08/31/2412,297,41025.88 12,297,410 1,229 
09/01/24 through 09/30/244,309,24627.99 4,309,246 1,108 
Total25,940,756 $27.56 25,940,756 $1,108 
*Excludes excise tax of $5.1 million due to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 for the three months ended September 30, 2024.
On May 4, 2023, our Board of Directors authorized a $1.0 billion share repurchase program. On April 30, 2024, our Board of Directors authorized an additional $2.0 billion increase in the share repurchase amount under the share repurchase program. Under this program, Corebridge Parent may, from time to time, purchase up to $3.0 billion of Corebridge Parent common stock but is not obligated to purchase any particular number of shares. The authorization for the share repurchase program may be terminated, increased or decreased by the Board of Directors at any time.
Shares may be repurchased from time to time in the open market, through private purchases, through forward, derivative, accelerated repurchase or automatic repurchase transactions or otherwise. For instance, on August 7, 2024, we purchased an aggregate of approximately $200 million of shares from AIG in a privately negotiated transaction. In addition, certain of our share repurchases have been and may from time to time be effected through Exchange Act Rule 10b5-1 repurchase plans, including the share repurchase plan Corebridge Parent adopted on September 17, 2024, which, unless extended expires on November 7, 2024. The timing of any future share repurchases will depend on market conditions, our business and strategic plans, financial condition, results of operations, liquidity and other factors.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, Corebridge Parent repurchased approximately 25.9 million shares of Corebridge Parent common stock, par value $0.01 per share, for an aggregate purchase price of $715 million, pursuant to the share repurchase program.
As of September 30, 2024, approximately $1.1 billion remained under the share repurchase program authorizations.
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ITEM 5 | Other Information
Not applicable.
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Exhibit Index
Exhibit Index
Second Supplemental Indenture, dated September 12, 2024, between Corebridge Financial, Inc. and The Bank of New York Mellon, as Trustee, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to Corebridge Financial, Inc.’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on September 12, 2024.
Share Repurchase Agreement, dated as of August 5, 2024, by and between Corebridge Financial, Inc. and American International Group, Inc., incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Corebridge Financial, Inc.’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on August 5, 2024.
Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Interactive data files pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T formatted in iXBRL (Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language): (i) the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, (ii) the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, (iii) the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Equity for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, (iv) the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, (v) the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and (vi) the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
104*Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as inline XBRL with applicable taxonomy extension information contained in exhibits 101).
*Filed herewith.
**This information is furnished and not filed for purposes of Sections 11 and 12 of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
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Exhibit Index


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Elias Habayeb
Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer)
Christopher Filiaggi
Senior Vice President and
Chief Accounting Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer)

Dated November 5, 2024
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