表格 10-Q
截至季度結束日期         2024年9月28日
委員會檔案編號 1-34679
vishay精密集團, 公司
3 Great Valley Parkway, 150室
Malvern, 賓夕法尼亞州, 19355
(總執行辦公室地址) (郵政編號)(註冊人的電話號碼,包括區號)
請勾選以下項目,以判定在過去12個月(或更短期間,該註冊人被要求提交報告)內所有根據1934年證券交易法第13條或第15(d)條要求提供報告的報告是否已經提交,並且該註冊人在過去90天中是否受到提交報告的要求。 ý  ¨
請以勾選方式表示,是否過去12個月(或註冊人被要求提交此類文件的較短期間)依據S-t條例405條要求提交每個互動資料文件? ý  ¨
如果一家新興成長型公司,請用勾選標記表示該申報人已選擇不使用根據證交所法案13(a)條款提供的任何新的或修訂過的財務會計準則的延長過渡期。 ¨
請勾選表示,是否申報人屬於外殼公司(根據交易所法案第120億2條定義)。 ý
截至2024年11月5日,登記人持有 12,215,668 普通股和 1,022,887 股普通B類可轉換公司股票。

vishay精密集團, 公司
– 2024年9月28日(未經審核)和2023年12月31日
(未經審核) - 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的財政季度
(未經審核) - 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的九個財政月
(未經審核) - 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的財政季度
(未經審核) - 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的九個財政月
(未經審核) - 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的九個財政季度
(未經審核) - 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的財政季度
(未經審核) - 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的九個財政月

第一部分 - 財務資訊
项目1。 基本報表
現金及現金等值$81,077 $83,965 
應收帳款淨額52,821 56,438 
原料34,027 33,973 
工作進行中28,275 26,594 
成品26,000 27,572 
庫存 (淨值)88,302 88,139 
預付費用及其他流動資產20,137 14,520 
流動資產總額242,337 243,062 
土地4,186 4,154 
建築物和改善73,759 72,952 
機械設備133,281 131,738 
軟件10,198 9,619 
施工進行中10,761 11,379 
物業及設備,淨值86,794 90,636 
善良45,610 45,734 
無形資產淨值41,807 44,634 
營運租賃使用權資產25,239 26,953 
其他資產20,739 20,547 
總資產$462,526 $471,566 

應付交易賬款$9,986 $11,698 
薪資及相關費用17,819 18,971 
其他累計費用21,989 22,427 
所得稅1,150 4,524 
營運租賃負債的流動部分4,053 4,004 
流動負債總額54,997 61,624 
長期債務31,383 31,856 
延期所得稅3,645 3,490 
營運租賃負債20,645 22,625 
其他負債14,145 14,770 
累計退休金及其他退休後費用7,054 7,276 
負債總額131,869 141,641 
普通股1,336 1,330 
b 類可換股普通股103 103 
超過面值的資本202,872 202,672 
保留盈利191,209 182,066 
維夏精密集團股份有限公司股東權益330,621 329,842 
非控制權益36 83 
總資本330,657 329,925 
負債及權益總額$462,526 $471,566 

vishay精密集團, 公司
(未經審核 - 以千為單位,除每股金額外)
淨收入$75,727 $85,854 
出售產品的成本45,467 49,919 
毛利30,260 35,935 
銷售、一般及行政費用26,337 26,558 
重組成本82 1,153 
營業收入3,841 8,224 
稅前收入546 8,776 
所得稅費用1,874 2,419 
淨 (虧損) 盈利(1,328)6,357 
減:非控股權益應佔淨盈利23 77 
VPG 股東應佔淨(虧損)盈利$(1,351)$6,280 
VPG 股東應佔每股基本(虧損)盈利$(0.10)$0.46 
VPG 股東應佔每股稀釋(虧損)盈利$(0.10)$0.46 
加權平均已發行股份-基本13,254 13,600 
加權平均已發行股份-稀釋13,254 13,686 


vishay精密集團, 公司
(未經審核 - 以千為單位,除每股金額外)
淨收入$233,869 $265,520 
出售產品的成本136,108 153,674 
毛利97,761 111,846 
銷售、一般及行政費用80,232 80,472 
重組成本864 1,431 
營業收入16,665 29,943 
其他915 2,965 
稅前收入15,654 29,713 
所得稅費用6,508 8,023 
淨盈利9,146 21,690 
減:非控股權益應佔淨盈利3 210 
VPG 股東應佔淨盈利$9,143 $21,480 
VPG 股東應佔每股基本盈利$0.68 $1.58 
VPG 股東應佔稀釋每股盈利$0.68 $1.57 
加權平均已發行股份-基本13,367 13,596 
加權平均已發行股份-稀釋13,405 13,670 

vishay精密集團, 公司
(未經審核 - 以千計)
外幣兌換調整6,809 (3,653)
其他全面收益(損失)6,801 (3,653)
綜合收益5,473 2,704 
減:歸屬於非控制權益的綜合收益23 77 
綜合損益歸屬於VPG股東$5,450 $2,627 


vishay精密集團, 公司
(未經審核 - 以千計)
淨盈利$9,146 $21,690 
綜合收益8,451 17,861 
減:非控股權益應佔全面收益3 210 
VPG 股東應佔全面收益$8,448 $17,651 


vishay精密集團, 公司
(未經審核 - 以千計)
淨收益$9,146 $21,690 
折舊與攤提11,771 11,559 
股份報酬費用1,060 1,885 
因淘汰而作出存貨減值1,722 1,567 
推延所得稅512 691 
應收帳款3,340 1,604 
經營活動產生的淨現金流量13,039 27,110 
產銷土地及設備款項647 50 
短期投資的購買 (1,000)
循環設施的付款 (7,000)
期初現金及現金等價物餘額83,965 88,562 
期末現金及現金等價物$81,077 $94,632 
應計但尚未支付的資本支出$1,354 $1,204 

(未經審計 - 以千爲單位,股數除外)
B 級
Total VPG Inc.
2024 年 6 月 29 日的餘額$1,336 $103 $(23,388)$202,765 $192,560 $(46,365)$327,011 $23 $327,034 
淨(虧損)收益    (1,351) (1,351)23 (1,328)
其他綜合收益     6,801 6,801  6,801 
   107   107  107 
購買庫存股票。(63,227 股票)
  (1,928)   (1,928) (1,928)
淨股票回購的消費稅  (19)   (19) (19)
對非控股權益的分配       (10)(10)
2024 年 9 月 28 日的餘額$1,336 $103 $(25,335)$202,872 $191,209 $(39,564)$330,621 $36 $330,657 
2023 年 9 月 30 日
B 級
Total VPG Inc.
截至 2023 年 7 月 1 日的餘額$1,330 $103 $(11,924)$201,611 $171,559 $(41,076)$321,603 $62 $321,665 
淨收益— — — — 6,280 — 6,280 77 6,357 
其他綜合損失— — — — — (3,653)(3,653)— (3,653)
— — — 656 — — 656 — 656 
購買庫存股票。(22,894 股票)
— — (776)— — — (776)— (776)
對非控股權益的分配— — — — — — — (92)(92)
2023 年 9 月 30 日的餘額$1,330 $103 $(12,700)$202,267 $177,839 $(44,729)$324,110 $47 $324,157 

(未經審計 - 以千爲單位,股數除外)
Total VPG 公司。
2023年12月31日餘額$1,330 $103 $(17,460)$202,672 $182,066 $(38,869)$329,842 $83 $329,925 
淨收益    9,143  9,143 3 9,146 
     (695)(695) (695)
   1,060   1,060  1,060 
6   (860)  (854) (854)
  (7,815)   (7,815) (7,815)
  (60)   (60) (60)
對非控股權益的分配       (50)(50)
2024年9月28日餘額$1,336 $103 $(25,335)$202,872 $191,209 $(39,564)$330,621 $36 $330,657 
Total VPG 公司。
2022年12月31日的餘額$1,325 $103 $(11,504)$201,164 $156,359 $(40,900)$306,547 $(25)$306,522 
淨收益— — — — 21,480 — 21,480 210 21,690 
— — — — — (3,829)(3,829)— (3,829)
— — — 1,885 — — 1,885 — 1,885 
5 — — (782)— — (777)— (777)
購買庫存股(35,206 股)
— — (1,196)— — — (1,196)— (1,196)
對非控股權益的分配— — — — — — — (138)(138)
2023年9月30日的餘額$1,330 $103 $(12,700)$202,267 $177,839 $(44,729)$324,110 $47 $324,157 

Vishay Precision Group,Inc。
vishay精密集團公司(「VPG」或「公司」)是精準測量和傳感技術的全球領導者,這些技術通過將物理世界與數字世界連接起來,幫助推動未來。 我們許多專業的傳感器、稱重解決方案和測量系統都是由我們的客戶「設計嵌入」的,並且滿足日益增長的 diverse array of industries and markets 的應用需求。 我們的產品以品牌名稱進行銷售,我們認爲這些品牌具有非常高的精度和質量,我們採用多元化的運營結構來管理我們的業務。
這些未經審計的合併簡報基本報表是根據證券交易委員會("SEC")關於臨時基本報表的規則和條例編制的,因此沒有包括按照美國普遍接受的會計原則所要求的完整基本報表所需的所有信息和腳註。提供的信息反映了所有正常的經常性調整,管理層認爲這些調整是對所呈現的臨時期間財務狀況、經營結果和現金流的公平總結所必需的。這些合併簡報基本報表應與截止到2023年12月31日和2022年12月31日的合併基本報表及其相關附註一起閱讀,並與截至2023年12月31日的三年期間包含在VPG的2023財年10-K表格的年度報告中,該報告已於2024年2月29日提交給SEC。截止於2024年9月28日的財務季度的經營結果不一定代表整體年度的預期結果。 VPG針對開始於週日並結束於週六的13週期中報告中期財務信息,第一季度始終從1月1日開始,而第四季度始終在12月31日結束。2024年和2023年的四個財政季度結束日期分別爲:
第一季度3月30日April 1,

2023年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-07,分部報告(主題280):報告性分部披露的改進。 ASU通過要求披露由首席運營決策者("CODM")定期審查幷包含在每個報告的分部利潤或損失中的重要分部費用的金額和構成描述,以及一些其他分部項目的利潤或損失和資產的中期披露,擴大了上市實體的分部披露範圍。 ASU還允許在最符合美國通用會計準則的度量標準之外,披露首席運營決策者在評估分部業績並決定如何分配資源時使用的分部利潤或損失的額外度量標準。 ASU於公司截至2024年12月31日的年度10-k表和後續中期時段生效,允許提前採用。公司目前正在評估採納此ASU對其合併財務報表和披露的影響。

2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU No. 2023-09,關於所得稅(主題740):改進所得稅披露。該ASU要求披露稅率調整的特定類別,以及符合定量門檻的調整項目的額外信息。修訂還包括其他變更,以改善所得稅披露的效果,包括進一步細分針對單獨重要司法管轄區域支付的所得稅。該ASU自2024年12月15日後開始的年度期間生效。採用該ASU應按照前瞻性方法應用。允許提前採用。公司目前正在評估採用該ASU對其合併財務報表和披露的影響。

註釋 1 – 報告基礎(續)


以下表格根據在該地域地區的子公司生成的淨營業收入,按地域板塊區分與客戶簽訂的合同的淨營業收入 (以千爲單位):
2023 年 9 月 30 日
美國$10,068 $11,154 $14,751 $35,973 $11,860 $12,622 $15,520 $40,002 
德國6,193 1,913 181 8,287 6,731 2,198 674 9,603 
其他歐洲1,282 9,104 197 10,583 1,564 11,006 120 12,690 
以色列5,179 102  5,281 4,773 89  4,862 
亞洲5,479 2,901 1,778 10,158 7,604 3,054 2,899 13,557 
加拿大  5,445 5,445   5,140 5,140 
總計$28,201 $25,174 $22,352 $75,727 $32,532 $28,969 $24,353 $85,854 
美國$29,931 $33,491 $39,204 $102,626 $39,089 $40,729 $39,053 $118,871 
德國20,850 6,901 3,081 30,832 23,693 7,668 4,945 36,306 
其他歐洲4,086 31,588 458 36,132 4,286 33,437 425 38,148 
以色列15,238 267  15,505 12,867 215  13,082 
亞洲16,378 9,119 6,873 32,370 25,589 10,041 6,446 42,076 
加拿大 101 16,303 16,404   17,037 17,037 
總計$86,483 $81,467 $65,919 $233,869 $105,524 $92,090 $67,906 $265,520 

下表將與客戶簽訂合同的淨營業收入按市場板塊進行了細分 (以千爲單位).
測試與測量$14,337 $17,080 $43,955 $54,449 
航空電子、軍工-半導體和空間8,581 8,294 21,769 28,285 
運輸12,802 15,490 38,985 40,993 
其他市場14,826 16,402 48,750 54,124 
工業稱重8,578 10,533 28,021 33,586 
通用工業4,538 4,643 14,702 14,858 
Steel12,065 13,412 37,687 39,225 
總計$75,727 $85,854 $233,869 $265,520 



附註2 - 收入(續)

未結算的合同資產和負債帳戶如下 (以千爲單位):
2023年12月31日餘額$2,989 $8,712 
2024年9月28日餘額5,005 8,272 
增加(減少)$2,016 $(440)
2024年9月28日截止的九個財政月度內確認的營業收入金額,已包含在2023年12月31日的合同責任餘額中。 $7.2百萬。

註釋3-基本每股淨收益按照期間內普通股股數的加權平均數除以淨收益計算。 '{'Diluted net income per share'}'根據期間內所有潛在帶權普通股數進行調整。 商譽

KelK 收購收購 DSI收購 DTS收購 Stress-Tek
2023 年 12 月 31 日的餘額$45,734 $6,488 $16,902 $16,033 $6,311 
外幣折算調整$(124)$(126)$2 $ $ 
2024 年 9 月 28 日的餘額$45,610 $6,362 $16,904 $16,033 $6,311 

注4 - 租賃
公司主要租賃辦公和製造設施,以及車輛,其餘租期不等 一年 to 十二年零四個月
資產負債表中記錄的租賃包括以下內容 (以千爲單位):
經營租賃使用權資產$25,239 $26,953 
經營租賃 - 流動$4,053 $4,004 
經營租賃 - 非流動$20,645 $22,625 
經營租賃權重平均貼現率5.03 %

租賃費用的元件如下 (以千爲單位):

附註4 - 租賃(續)

財季結束於Nine Fiscal Months Ended
經營租賃成本$1,319 $1,331 $4,024 $3,822 
短期租賃成本6 24 31 115 
總淨租金成本$1,214 $1,260 $3,721 $3,644 

截至2024年9月28日,未折現的經營租賃支付到期情況總結如下: (以千爲單位):
Note 5 – Income Taxes
VPG calculates the tax provision for interim periods using an estimated annual effective tax rate methodology based on projected full-year pre-tax earnings among the taxing jurisdictions in which we operate with adjustments for discrete items. The effective tax rate was 343.2% and 27.6% for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. The effective tax rate for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 differs from the federal statutory rate of 21% due to foreign income taxed at different tax rates and changes in our valuation allowance on deferred tax assets. The effective tax rate for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2023 differs from the federal statutory rate of 21% due to foreign income taxed at different tax rates and changes in our valuation allowance on deferred tax assets.
The Company and its subsidiaries are subject to income taxes imposed by the U.S., various states, and the foreign jurisdictions in which we operate. Each jurisdiction establishes rules that set forth the years which are subject to examination by its tax authorities. While the Company believes the tax positions taken on its tax returns for each jurisdiction are supportable, they may still be challenged by the jurisdiction's tax authorities. In anticipation of such challenges, the Company has established reserves for tax-related uncertainties. These liabilities are based on the Company’s best estimate of the potential tax exposures in each respective jurisdiction. It may take a number of years for a final tax liability in a jurisdiction to be determined, particularly in the event of an audit. If an uncertain matter is determined favorably, there could be a reduction in the Company’s tax expense. An unfavorable determination could increase tax expense and could require a cash payment, including interest and penalties.
Note 6 – Long-Term Debt
Long-term debt consists of the following (in thousands):
September 28, 2024December 31, 2023
Credit Agreement - Revolving Facility$32,000 $32,000 
Deferred financing costs(617)(144)
Total long-term debt$31,383 $31,856 


Note 6 - Long-Term Debt (continued)

Credit Agreement
On March 20, 2020, the Company entered into a Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (the “2020 Credit Agreement”) among the Company, the lenders named therein, Citizens Bank, National Association and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as joint lead arrangers and JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association as agent for such lenders (the “Agent”), pursuant to which the terms of the Company’s multi-currency, secured credit facility were revised to provide a secured revolving facility (the “2020 Revolving Facility”) in an aggregate principal amount of $75.0 million, with a sublimit of $10.0 million which can be used for letters of credit for the account of the Company or its subsidiaries that are parties to the Credit Agreement. The proceeds of the 2020 Revolving Facility may be used on an ongoing basis for working capital and general corporate purposes. The aggregate principal amount of the 2020 Revolving Facility may be increased by a maximum of
$25.0 million upon the request of the Company, subject to the terms of the 2020 Credit Agreement. The 2020 Credit Agreement terminates on March 20, 2025. Because the Credit Agreement expires less than one year from the end of the first fiscal quarter of 2024, the outstanding balance of long-term debt has been reclassified as a current liability.
On May 5, 2023, the Company entered into Amendment No. 1 to Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (the “Credit Agreement Amendment”) amending the Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated March 20, 2020. The primary purpose of the changes made in the Credit Agreement Amendment was to update the interest rate provisions to replace LIBOR with SOFR for U.S. dollar denominated loans as well as update the other applicable reference borrowing rates for foreign currency loans which took effect on June 15, 2023. Interest payable on amounts borrowed under the 2020 Revolving Facility, taking into account the effect of the Credit Agreement Amendment, is based upon the following: (a) for revolving credit loans denominated in US Dollars, the SOFR rate plus applicable credit spread; and (b) for revolving credit loans denominated in foreign currencies, at other applicable local reference rates plus an interest margin. Depending upon the Company’s leverage ratio, an interest rate margin ranging from 1.50% to 2.75% per annum is added to the applicable SOFR rate to determine the interest payable on the SOFR loans. The Company is required to pay a quarterly fee of 0.25% per annum to 0.40% per annum on the unused portion of the 2020 Revolving Facility, which is determined based on the Company’s leverage ratio each quarter. Additional customary fees apply with respect to letters of credit.
On August 15, 2024, the Company entered into a Fourth Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (the “2024 Credit Agreement”) among the Company, the lenders party thereto, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and HSBC as joint lead arrangers and joint bookrunner, and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A, as agent for such lenders, pursuant to which the 2020 Credit Agreement, was amended and restated to, among other things, extend the maturity date from March 20, 2025 to August 15, 2029 and adjust the interest rate and commitment fee. The 2024 Credit Agreement provides for a multi-currency, secured credit facility (the “2024 Revolving Facility”) in an aggregate principal amount of $75.0 million, with a sublimit of $10.0 million which can be used for letters of credit for the account of the Company or its subsidiaries that are parties to the 2024 Credit Agreement, the proceeds of which may be used for working capital and general corporate purposes, and a portion of which were used to refinance the 2020 Revolving Facility. The Company may elect to make loans under the 2024 Revolving Facility in US Dollars, Euros, Canadian Dollars, Sterling, Japanese Yen or such other freely convertible foreign currency.

Amounts borrowed under the 2024 Revolving Facility accrue interest in an amount equal to a floating rate plus a specified margin. Such floating rates are (i) for loans denominated in US Dollars, at the Company’s option, either (a) the greatest of: the Agent’s prime rate, the Federal Funds rate, or a 1.00% floor (the “US Base Rate”), or (b) the SOFR, (ii) for loans denominated in Canadian Dollars, at the Company’s option, either (x) the greatest of: the PRIMCAN Index rate, the average 30 day rate for loans accruing interest based on the Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (“CORRA”) (the “Canadian Base Rate”), or (y) CORRA, (iii) for loans denominated in Pounds Sterling, the Sterling Overnight Index Average (“SONIA”), (iv) for loans denominated in Euros, the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (“EURIBOR"), and (v) for loans denominated in Japanese Yen, the Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate (“TIBOR”). The specified interest margin for US Base Rate Loans and Canadian Base Rate Loans is 0.25%. Depending upon the Company’s leverage ratio, the interest rate margin for loans based on SOFR, CORRA, SONIA, EURIBOR and TIBOR ranges from 1.75% to 3.00% per annum. The Company is required to pay a quarterly fee of 0.20% per annum to 0.40% per annum on the unused portion of the 2024 Revolving Facility, which is also determined based on the Company’s leverage ratio. Additional customary fees apply with respect to letters of credit.

The obligations of the Company under the 2024 Credit Agreement are secured by pledges of stock in certain domestic and foreign subsidiaries, as well as guarantees by substantially all of the Company’s domestic subsidiaries. The obligations of the Company and the guarantors under the 2024 Credit Agreement are secured by substantially all the assets (excluding real estate) of the Company and such guarantors. The 2024 Credit Agreement restricts the Company from paying cash dividends and requires the Company to comply with other customary covenants, representations, and warranties, including the maintenance of a specified interest coverage ratio and a leverage ratio, each tested as of the last day of each fiscal quarter. If the Company is not in compliance with any of these covenant restrictions, the 2024 Revolving Facility could be terminated by the lenders, and all amounts outstanding pursuant to the 2024 Credit Agreement could become immediately payable.

Note 7 – Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
The components of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax, consist of the following (in thousands):
Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentPension
and Other
Actuarial Items
Balance at January 1, 2024$(39,262)$393 $(38,869)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications(679) (679)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss (16)(16)
Balance at September 28, 2024$(39,941)$377 $(39,564)
Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentPension
and Other
Actuarial Items
Balance at January 1, 2023$(41,489)$589 $(40,900)
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications(3,831) (3,831)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income 2 2 
Balance at September 30, 2023$(45,320)$591 $(44,729)
Reclassifications of pension and other postretirement actuarial items out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) are included in the computation of net periodic benefit cost (see Note 8).
Note 8 – Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits
Employees of VPG participate in various defined benefit pension and other postretirement benefit ("OPEB") plans. The following table sets forth the components of the net periodic benefit cost for the Company's defined benefit pension and OPEB plans (in thousands):

Note 8 - Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits ( continued)
Fiscal quarter ended 
September 28, 2024
Fiscal quarter ended 
September 30, 2023
Net service cost$66 $4 $67 $4 
Interest cost191 27 193 28 
Expected return on plan assets(211) (216) 
Amortization of actuarial losses (gains)4 (3)7 (6)
Net periodic benefit cost$50 $28 $51 $26 
Nine Fiscal Months Ended 
September 28, 2024
Nine Fiscal Months Ended 
September 30, 2023
Net service cost$199 $12 $204 $12 
Interest cost$572 $81 $575 $84 
Expected return on plan assets$(630)$ $(642)$ 
Amortization of actuarial losses (gains)$13 $(9)$22 $(18)
Net periodic benefit cost$154 $84 $159 $78 

Note 9 – Share-Based Compensation
The Vishay Precision Group, Inc. 2022 Stock Incentive Plan (the "2022 plan") permits issuance of up to 608,000 shares of common stock. At September 28, 2024, the Company had reserved 442,558 shares of common stock for future grants of equity awards (restricted stock, unrestricted stock, restricted stock units ("RSUs"), or stock options) pursuant to the 2022 plan. If any outstanding awards are forfeited by the holder or canceled by the Company, the underlying shares would be available for re-grant to others. If shares are withheld for payment of taxes, those shares do not become available for grant under the 2022 plan.
On March 7, 2024 and in accordance with their respective employment agreements, VPG’s three executive officers were granted annual equity awards in the form of RSUs, of which 50% are performance-based. The awards have an aggregate target grant-date fair value of $1.7 million and were comprised of 49,190 RSUs. Fifty percent of these awards will vest on January 1, 2027, subject to the executives’ continued employment. The performance-based portion of the RSUs will also vest on January 1, 2027, subject to the executives' continued employment and the satisfaction of certain performance objectives relating to three-year cumulative “adjusted free cash flow” and "net earnings goals", each weighted equally.
On March 7, 2024, certain non-executive VPG employees were granted annual equity awards in the form of RSUs. Certain employees received awards, of which 75% are performance-based and certain employees received awards of which 50% are performance-based. The awards have an aggregate grant-date fair value of $0.6 million and were comprised of 16,821 RSUs. The non-performance portion of these awards (twenty-five percent for certain employees and fifty percent for certain employees) will vest on January 1, 2027, subject to the employees' continued employment. The performance-based portion of the RSUs will also vest on January 1, 2027, subject to the employees' continued employment and the satisfaction of certain performance objectives relating to three-year cumulative earnings and cash flow goals, each weighted equally.
On May 22, 2024, and in accordance with the Company's 2024 Non-Employee Director Compensation Plan, the Board of Directors approved the issuance of an aggregate of 14,826 RSUs to the independent board members of the Board of Directors. The awards have an aggregate grant-date fair value of $0.5 million and will vest on or before the 2025 Annual Stockholders Meeting in May 2025, subject to each applicable director's continued service on the Board of Directors. Vesting of equity awards is subject to acceleration under certain circumstances.


Note 9 - Share-Based Compensation (continued)
On August 14, 2024, and in accordance with the Company's 2024 Non-Employee Director Compensation Plan, the Board of Directors approved the issuance of an aggregate of 1,835 RSUs to an independent board member of the Board of Directors in connection with his appointment to the Board of Directors. The award had an aggregate grant-date fair value of $0.06 million and will vest on or before the 2025 Annual Stockholders Meeting in May 2025, subject to such independent director's continued service on the Board of Directors. Vesting of such equity awards is subject to acceleration under certain circumstances.
The amount of compensation cost related to share-based payment transactions is measured based on the grant-date fair value of the equity instruments issued. VPG determines compensation cost for RSUs based on the grant-date fair value of the underlying common stock. The Company recognizes compensation cost for RSUs that are expected to vest and for which performance criteria are expected to be met. The following table summarizes share-based compensation expense recognized (in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Share-based compensation expense$107 $656 $1,060 $1,885 
During the fiscal third quarter of 2024, a net adjustment of $0.5 million decreasing share-based compensation expense was recorded based on the evaluation of performance objectives associated with awards granted in 2022, 2023 and 2024. It was determined that certain objectives were not likely to be fully met, necessitating a reversal of certain compensation expenses associated with those awards.
Note 10 – Segment Information
VPG reports in three reporting segments: Sensors, Weighing Solutions, and Measurement Systems. The Sensors segment is comprised of the foil resistor and strain gage operating segments. The Weighing Solutions segment is comprised of specialized modules and systems used to precisely measure weight, force torque, and pressure. The Measurement Systems segment is comprised of highly specialized systems for steel production, materials development, and safety testing.
The chief operating decision maker ("CODM") is our chief executive officer. The CODM evaluates each operating segment's performance. The evaluation of the segment's performance is based on multiple performance measures including gross profits, revenues, and operating income, exclusive of certain items. Management believes that evaluating segment performance, excluding items such as restructuring and severance costs, impairment of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets, acquisition costs, and other items is meaningful because they relate to occurrences or events that are outside of our core operations, and management believes that the use of these measures provides a consistent basis to evaluate our operating profitability and performance trends across comparable periods.
The following table sets forth reporting segment information (in thousands):

Note 10 - Segment Information (continued)
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net revenues:
Sensors$28,201 $32,532 $86,484 $105,524 
Weighing Solutions25,174 28,970 81,466 92,090 
Measurement Systems22,352 24,352 65,919 67,906 
Total$75,727 $85,854 $233,869 $265,520 
Gross profit:
Sensors$8,730 $11,681 $30,528 $41,374 
Weighing Solutions8,840 11,207 30,416 34,443 
Measurement Systems12,690 13,047 36,815 36,029 
Total$30,260 $35,935 $97,759 $111,846 
Reconciliation of segment operating income to consolidated results:
Sensors$3,640 $6,543 $15,262 $26,043 
Weighing Solutions2,845 5,393 11,781 16,894 
Measurement Systems5,130 5,605 15,070 14,246 
Unallocated G&A expenses(7,692)(8,164)(24,584)(25,809)
Restructuring costs(82)(1,153)(864)(1,431)
Operating income$3,841 $8,224 $16,665 $29,943 
Restructuring costs:
Sensors$(59)$ $(601)$ 
Weighing Solutions(23)(1,153)(23)(1,349)
Measurement Systems   (32)
Corporate/Other  (240)(50)
Products are transferred between segments on a basis intended to reflect, as nearly as practicable, the market value of the products. The table below summarizes intersegment sales (in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Sensors to Weighing Solutions$332 $417 $1,323 $1,178 
Sensors to Measurement Systems4 4 17 52 

Note 11 – Earnings Per Share
The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to VPG stockholders (in thousands, except earnings per share):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Numerator for basic earnings per share:
Net (loss) earnings attributable to VPG stockholders$(1,351)$6,280 $9,143 $21,480 
Denominator for basic earnings per share:
Weighted average shares13,254 13,600 13,367 13,596 
Effect of dilutive securities:
Restricted stock units 86 38 74 
Dilutive potential common shares 86 38 74 
Denominator for diluted earnings per share:
Adjusted weighted average shares13,254 13,686 13,405 13,670 
Basic (loss) earnings per share attributable to VPG stockholders$(0.10)$0.46 $0.68 $1.58 
Diluted (loss) earnings per share attributable to VPG stockholders$(0.10)$0.46 $0.68 $1.57 
Note 12 – Additional Financial Statement Information
Other Income (Expense) Other
The caption “Other” on the consolidated condensed statements of operations consists of the following (in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Foreign currency exchange gain (loss)$(2,912)$1,283 $(36)$2,138 
Interest income370 543 1,192 1,265 
Pension expense(8)(72)(28)(217)
$(2,646)$1,671 $915 $2,965 


Note 12 – Additional Financial Statement Information ( continued)
Foreign currency exchange gains (loss) represent the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates. For the fiscal quarter and nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, the change in foreign currency exchange gains and losses during the periods, as compared to the prior year periods, is largely due to exposure to currency fluctuations with the Japanese yen, Israeli shekel and the Canadian dollar.
For the fiscal quarter and nine fiscal months ended September 30, 2023, the change in foreign currency exchange gains and losses during the periods, as compared to the prior year periods, is largely due to exposure to currency fluctuations with the Israeli shekel, the Canadian dollar, the EURO and the British pound.

Other Accrued Expenses

Other accrued expenses consist of the following (in thousands):

September 28, 2024December 31, 2023
Customer advance payments$8,272 $8,712 
Accrued restructuring169 249 
Goods received, not yet invoiced1,638 2,837 
Accrued taxes, other than income taxes1,901 1,370 
Accrued commissions4,095 4,077 
Accrued professional fees2,016 1,343 
Accrued technical warranty778 770 
Current accrued pensions and other post retirement costs511 511 
Other2,609 2,558 
$21,989 $22,427 

Note 13 – Fair Value Measurements
ASC Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement, establishes a valuation hierarchy of the inputs used to measure fair value. This hierarchy prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value into three broad levels. The following is a brief description of those three levels:
Level 1: Observable inputs such as quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. These include quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets and quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active.
Level 3: Unobservable inputs that reflect the Company’s own assumptions.
An asset or liability’s classification within the hierarchy is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement.
The following table provides the financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value measured on a recurring basis (in thousands):

Note 13 – Fair Value Measurements (continued)
Fair value measurements at reporting date using:
Fair Value
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
September 28, 2024
Assets held in rabbi trusts$6,281 $71 $6,210 $ 
December 31, 2023
Assets held in rabbi trusts$5,841 $59 $5,782 $ 
The Company maintains non-qualified trusts, referred to as “rabbi” trusts, to fund payments under deferred compensation and non-qualified pension plans. Rabbi trust assets consist primarily of marketable securities, classified as available-for-sale money market funds at September 28, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and company-owned life insurance assets. The marketable securities held in the rabbi trusts are valued using quoted market prices on the last business day of the period. The company-owned life insurance assets are valued in consultation with the Company’s insurance brokers using the value of underlying assets of the insurance contracts. The fair value measurement of the cash equivalents held in the rabbi trust are considered a Level 1 measurement and the measurement of the company-owned life insurance assets is considered a Level 2 measurement within the fair value hierarchy.
The fair value of the long-term debt, excluding capitalized deferred financing costs, at September 28, 2024 and December 31, 2023 approximates its carrying value as the revolving debt is reset on a monthly basis based on current market rates, plus a base rate as specified in the debt agreement. The fair value of long-term debt is considered a Level 2 measurement within the fair value hierarchy. The Company’s financial instruments include cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, short-term notes payable, and accounts payable. The carrying amounts for these financial instruments reported in the consolidated condensed balance sheets approximate their fair values.
Note 14 – Restructuring Costs
Restructuring costs reflect the cost reduction programs implemented by the Company. Restructuring costs are expensed during the period in which the Company determines it will incur those costs and all requirements for accrual are met. Because these costs are recorded based upon estimates, actual expenditures for the restructuring activities may differ from the initially recorded costs. If the initial estimates are too low or too high, the Company could be required either to record additional expense in future periods or to reverse part of the previously recorded charges.
The Company recorded $0.1 million and $1.2 million of restructuring costs during the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively and $0.9 million and $1.4 million of restructuring costs during the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively. Restructuring costs were comprised primarily of employee termination costs, including severance and statutory retirement allowances, and were incurred in connection with various cost reduction programs.
The following table summarizes recent activity related to all restructuring programs. The accrued restructuring liability balance as of September 28, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, is included in Other accrued expenses in the accompanying consolidated condensed balance sheets (in thousands):
Balance at December 31, 2023$249 
Restructuring charges in 2024864 
Cash payments(794)
Foreign currency exchange translation(150)
Balance at September 28, 2024$169 

Note 15 – Stockholder's Equity
On August 8, 2022, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Company authorized the repurchase of up to 600,000 shares of the Company’s outstanding common stock (the “Stock Repurchase Plan”). The Stock Repurchase Plan was originally set to expire on August 11, 2023. On August 8, 2023, the Company announced that its Board of Directors extended the term of the

previously approved stock repurchase plan to August 9, 2024. The stock repurchase plan expired in accordance with its terms on August 9, 2024. From August 8, 2022 to August 9, 2024, the Company had repurchased an aggregate of 518,328 shares of its common stock under the stock repurchase plan for consideration of $16.5 million.

Note 16 – Commitments and Contingencies
During the second quarter of 2024, the Israel Tax Authority has issued a Value Added Tax (VAT) assessment to the Company, in the amount of ILS 8.4 million (approximately $2.2 million), pertaining to claims of VAT between the years 2019 to 2023.
The Company believes that the liability for the assessment is not probable and intends to file an appeal against this assessment.
Given the early stage of this matter, the Company is currently unable to predict the likely outcome or estimate the potential financial impact, if any, of this matter.

Note 17 – Subsequent Event
On September 30, 2024, the Company acquired Nokra Optische Prueftechnik und Automation GmbH, a Germany-based, privately held maker of precision measuring and testing equipment for manufacturing, for a total consideration of Euro 3.95 million.
Nokra’s laser-based measuring systems expand our existing measurement and inspection solutions for steel and aluminum rolling mills, as well as for the metal processing industry. Nokra’s laser-based measurement gauge systems are used to precisely measure the thickness, flatness, contour, width or 3D profile of various metals depending on the application, in both inline and offline production.

VPG is a global leader in precision measurement and sensing technologies that help power the future by bridging the physical world with the digital one. Many of our specialized sensors, weighing solutions, and measurement systems are “designed-in” by our customers, and address growing applications across a diverse array of industries and markets. Our products are marketed under brand names that we believe are characterized as having a very high level of precision and quality, and we employ an operationally diversified structure to manage our businesses.
Driven by the continued proliferation of data generated by the expanding use of sensors across a widening array of industrial and non-industrial applications, precision measurement and sensing technologies help ensure and deliver required levels of quality of mission-critical or high-value data. VPG’s products are often at the first stage of a data value chain (i.e., the process of converting the physical world into a digital format that can be used for a specific purpose) and as such impact the effectiveness of vast number of critical, high-value downstream processes. Over the past few years, we have seen a broadening of precision sensing applications in both our traditional industrial markets and new markets, due to the development of higher functionality in our customers' end products. Our precision measurement solutions are used across a wide variety of end markets upon which we focus, including industrial, test and measurement, transportation, steel, medical, agriculture, avionics, military and space, and consumer product applications. The Company has a long heritage of innovation in sensor technologies that provide accuracy, reliability and repeatability that make our customers' products safer, smarter, and more productive. As the functionality of customers' products continues to increase, and they integrate more precision measurement sensors and related systems into their solutions, we believe this will offer substantial growth opportunities for our products and expertise.
The impact of the continuing Israel-Hamas war and Israel-Hezbollah and Israel-Iran conflicts
In response to Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, Israel’s security cabinet declared war against Hamas and a military campaign against Hamas and, later, Hezbollah commenced in parallel to both terrorist organizations’ continued rocket and terror attacks. In addition, Israel has come under attack by Iran and has responded to such attacks militarily.

Such geopolitical and military instabilities, impact of sanctions and trade restrictions imposed as a result thereof, operational disruptions at facilities located in Israel as a result of military call-ups of the Company’s employees in Israel, closure of the offices there, potential impact of litigation and risks related to supply chain disruptions, might affect the Company's business and results from operations.

As of November 5, 2024 (date of filing), our facilities in Israel remain open and operate at normal level. The extent and duration of the current war and other conflicts, the possibility of further spread of the conflict to other countries in the region as well as involving other political and military entities in the Middle East, poses risks to our operations and may lead to disruptions which could adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations.

While sales to customers in Israel is relatively a small portion of our revenues, our operations in Israel include offices, that are the workplace for key executives including our chief executive officer, as well as two manufacturing facilities located in the central part of Israel which source approximately 25 percent of our total worldwide revenues. We have implemented a contingency plan that we believe will secure supply of materials and logistics, build safety stock of finished goods and transfer these goods to our distribution centers outside of Israel.

We continue to take measures with regards to the safety of our employees. We may, however, determine at some point in the future to temporarily discontinue production in Israel for the safety of our employees. We could also face future production slowdowns or interruptions at either manufacturing location in Israel due to personnel absences or resource constraints such as the inability to source materials for production.


Overview of Financial Results
VPG reports in three product segments: Sensors, Weighing Solutions, and Measurement Systems. The Sensors segment is comprised of the foil resistor and strain gage operating segments. The Weighing Solutions segment is comprised of specialized modules and systems used to precisely measure weight, force torque, and pressure. The Measurement Systems segment is comprised of highly specialized systems for steel production, materials development, and safety testing.
Net revenues for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 were $75.7 million versus $85.9 million for the comparable prior year period. Net loss attributable to VPG stockholders for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 were $(1.4) million, or $(0.10) per diluted share, versus $6.3 million, or $0.46 per diluted share, for the comparable prior year period.
Net revenues for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 were $233.9 million versus $265.5 million for the comparable prior year period. Net earnings attributable to VPG stockholders for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 were $9.1 million, or $0.68 per diluted share, versus $21.5 million, or $1.57 per diluted share, for the comparable prior year period.
The results of operations for the fiscal quarters ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023 include items affecting comparability as listed in the reconciliations below. The reconciliations below include certain financial measures which are not recognized in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), including adjusted gross profits, adjusted gross profit margin, adjusted operating income, adjusted operating margin, adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA. These non-GAAP measures should not be viewed as an alternative to GAAP measures of performance. Non-GAAP measures such as adjusted gross profits, adjusted gross profit margin, adjusted operating income, adjusted operating margin, adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA do not have uniform definitions. These measures, as calculated by VPG, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies. Management believes that these non-GAAP measures are useful to investors because each presents what management views as our core operating results for the relevant period. The adjustments to the applicable GAAP measures relate to occurrences or events that are outside of our core operations, and management believes that the use of these non-GAAP measures provides a consistent basis to evaluate our operating profitability and performance trends across comparable periods. In addition, the Company has historically provided these or similar non-GAAP measures and understands that some investors and financial analysts find this information helpful in analyzing the Company’s performance and in comparing the Company’s financial performance to that of its peer companies and competitors. Management believes that the Company’s non-GAAP measures are regarded as supplemental to its GAAP financial results.
Gross ProfitOperating IncomeNet (Loss) Earnings Attributable to VPG StockholdersDiluted Earnings Per share
Three months ended September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
As reported - GAAP$30,260 $35,935 $3,841 $8,224 $(1,351)$6,280 $(0.10)$0.46 
As reported - GAAP Margins40.0 %41.9 %5.1 %9.6 %
Acquisition purchase accounting adjustments (a) 214  214  214  0.02 
Restructuring costs — 82 1,153 82 1,153 0.01 0.08 
Foreign currency exchange (loss) gain (b) —  — 2,912 (1,283)0.22 (0.09)
Less: Tax effect of reconciling items and discrete tax items —  — (839)(77)(0.06)— 
As Adjusted - Non GAAP$30,260 $36,149 $3,923 $9,591 $2,482 $6,441 $0.19 $0.47 
As Adjusted - Non GAAP Margins40.0 %42.1 %5.2 %11.2 %

Gross ProfitOperating IncomeNet Earnings Attributable to VPG StockholdersDiluted Earnings Per share
Nine fiscal months endedSeptember 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
As reported - GAAP$97,761 $111,846 $16,665 $29,943 $9,143 $21,480 $0.68 $1.57 
As reported - GAAP Margins41.8 %42.1 %7.1 %11.3 %
Acquisition purchase accounting adjustments (a) 304  304  304  0.02 
Restructuring costs  864 1,431 864 1,431 0.06 0.11 
Severance cost347 347 0.03 
Foreign currency exchange gain (b)
    34 (2,139) (0.16)
Less: Tax effect of reconciling items and discrete tax items    (1,913)(357)(0.14)(0.03)
As Adjusted - Non GAAP$97,761 $112,150 $17,876 $31,678 $12,301 $21,433 $0.92 $1.57 
As Adjusted - Non GAAP Margins41.8 %42.2 %7.6 %11.9 %

Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net (loss) earnings attributable to VPG stockholders$(1,351)$6,280 $9,143 $21,480 
Interest Expense648 1,119 1,925 3,195 
Income tax expense1,874 2,419 6,508 8,023 
Depreciation2,988 2,954 8,996 8,806 
Amortization925 880 2,776 2,753 
EBITDA5,084 $13,652 29,348 $44,257 
EBITDA MARGIN6.7 %15.9 %12.5 %16.7 %
Acquisition purchase accounting adjustments (a) 214  304 
Restructuring costs82 1,153 864 1,431 
Severance cost — 347 — 
Foreign currency exchange gain (b)2,912 (1,283)34 (2,139)
ADJUSTED EBITDA$8,079 $13,736 $30,594 $43,853 
ADJUSTED EBITDA MARGIN10.7 %16.0 %13.1 %16.5 %

(a)    Acquisition purchase accounting adjustments include fair market value adjustments associated with inventory recorded as a component of costs of products sold.
(b)    Impact of foreign currency exchange rates on assets and liabilities.

Financial Metrics
We utilize several financial measures and metrics to evaluate performance and assess the future direction of our business. These key financial measures and metrics include net revenues, gross profit margin, end-of-period backlog, book-to-bill ratio, and inventory turnover.
Gross profit margin is computed as gross profit as a percentage of net revenues. Gross profit is generally net revenues less costs of products sold, but could also include certain other period costs. Gross profit margin is a function of net revenues, but also reflects our cost-cutting programs and our ability to contain fixed costs.
End-of-period backlog is one indicator of potential future sales. We include in our backlog only open orders that have been released by the customer for shipment in the next twelve months. If demand falls below customers’ forecasts, or if customers do

not control their inventory effectively, they may cancel or reschedule the shipments that are included in our backlog, in many instances without the payment of any penalty. Therefore, backlog is not necessarily indicative of the results expected for future periods.
Another important indicator of demand in our industry is the book-to-bill ratio, which is the ratio of the amount of product ordered during a period compared with the amount of product shipped during that period. A book-to-bill ratio that is greater than one indicates that revenues may increase in future periods. Conversely, a book-to-bill ratio that is less than one is an indicator of lower demand and may foretell declining sales. The book-to-bill ratio is also impacted by the timing of orders, particularly from our project-based product lines.
We focus on inventory turnover as a measure of how well we manage our inventory. We define inventory turnover for a financial reporting period as our costs of products sold for the four fiscal quarters ending on the last day of the reporting period divided by our average inventory (computed using each quarter-end balance) for this same period. A higher level of inventory turnover reflects more efficient use of our capital.
The quarter-to-quarter trends in these financial metrics can also be an important indicator of the likely direction of our business. The following tables show net revenues, gross profit margin, end-of-period backlog, book-to-bill ratio, and inventory turnover for our business as a whole and by segment during the five quarters beginning with the third quarter of 2023 through the third quarter of 2024.
3rd Quarter4th Quarter1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter
(dollars in thousands)
Net revenues$85,854 $89,528 $80,783 $77,359 $75,727 
Gross profit margin41.9 %43.0 %43.4 %41.9 %40.0 %
End-of-period backlog$128,800 $117,300 $109,603 $104,858 $100,191 
Book-to-bill ratio0.90 0.84 0.93 0.95 0.91 
Inventory turnover2.20 2.27 2.05 1.99 2.01 


3rd Quarter4th Quarter1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter
(dollars in thousands)20232023202420242024
Net revenues$32,532 $34,259 $29,414 $28,869 $28,201 
Gross profit margin35.9 %40.2 %36.5 %38.3 %31.0 %
End-of-period backlog$52,400 $49,000 $45,024 $41,627 $39,995 
Book-to-bill ratio0.83 0.85 0.91 0.90 0.89 
Inventory turnover2.38 2.36 2.09 2.02 2.28 
Weighing Solutions
Net revenues$28,970 $30,438 $28,845 $27,447 $25,174 
Gross profit margin38.7 %35.6 %39.1 %37.6 %35.1 %
End-of-period backlog$30,800 $28,800 $27,109 $25,077 $25,590 
Book-to-bill ratio0.89 0.91 0.95 0.93 1.00 
Inventory turnover2.18 2.46 2.31 2.20 2.10 
Measurement Systems
Net revenues$24,352 $24,831 $22,524 $21,043 $22,352 
Gross profit margin53.6 %56.0 %58.1 %52.4 %56.8 %
End-of-period backlog$45,600 $39,500 $37,470 $38,154 $34,605 
Book-to-bill ratio0.98 0.73 0.94 1.04 0.82 
Inventory turnover1.94 1.87 1.62 1.65 1.55 
Net revenues for the third fiscal quarter of 2024 decreased 2.1% from the second fiscal quarter of 2024 and decreased 11.8% from the third fiscal quarter of 2023 across all three reporting segments.
Net revenues in the Sensors reporting segment decreased 2.3% compared to the second fiscal quarter of 2024 and decreased 13.3% from the third fiscal quarter of 2023. The year-over-year decrease in Sensors reporting segment revenues was primarily attributable to lower sales of precision resistors in the Test and Measurement and AMS markets. Sequentially, the decrease primarily reflected lower sales of advanced sensors in the Other markets, mainly for consumer applications, which was partially offset by higher sales of precision resistors in the AMS and Test and Measurement end markets.

Net revenues in the Weighing Solutions reporting segment decreased 8.3% from the second fiscal quarter of 2024 and decreased 13.1% from the third fiscal quarter of 2023. Sequentially, the decreases in revenues were primarily attributable to lower sales in the Industrial Weighing, Transportation, and Other markets. The year-over-year decrease in revenues was mainly attributable to lower sales in our Transportation and Industrial Weighing markets, as well as in our Other markets primarily for precision agriculture and medical applications.
Net revenues in the Measurement Systems reporting segment increased 6.2% from the second fiscal quarter of 2024 and decreased 8.2% from the third fiscal quarter of 2023. Sequentially, the increase in revenue was primarily due to higher sales of Diversified Technical Systems Inc. ("DTS") products in the AMS and Transportation markets. The year-over-year decrease was primarily attributable to decreased revenue in the Steel, Transportation, and in our Other markets.
Overall gross profit margin in the third fiscal quarter of 2024 decreased 1.9% as compared to the second fiscal quarter of 2024 and decreased 1.9% from the third fiscal quarter of 2023.
Sequentially, the decrease in the gross profit margins in the Sensors and Weighing Solutions reporting segments was partially offset by an increase in the gross profit margin in the Measurement Systems reporting segment.
In the Sensors reporting segment, sequentially, the lower gross profit margin was primarily due to lower volume and temporary operational and labor inefficiencies.
In the Weighing Solutions reporting segment, the sequential decrease in gross profit margin was primarily due to lower volum and unfavorable product mix. The sequential increase in the gross profit margins in the Measurement Systems reporting segment was a result of higher volume and favorable product mix.

Compared to the third fiscal quarter of 2023, the Measurement Systems reporting segment had a higher gross profit margins, while the Sensors and Weighing Solutions reporting segments had lower gross profit margins.
The Sensors reporting segment had a lower gross profit margin the third fiscal quarter of 2024 as compared to the third fiscal quarter of 2023 mainly due to lower volume.

The Weighing Solutions reporting segment had a lower gross profit margin as compared to the third fiscal quarter of 2023 primarily due to lower volume and unfavorable product mix. In the Measurement Systems reporting segment, the gross profit margin was slightly higher as compared to the third fiscal quarter of 2023 primarily due to favorable product mix, partially offset by lower volume.
Optimize Core Competence
The Company’s core competencies include our innovative deep technical and applications-specific expertise to add value to our customers' products, our strong brands and customer relationships, our focus on operational excellence, our ability to select and develop our management teams, and our proven M&A strategy. We continue to optimize all aspects of our development, manufacturing and sales processes, including by increasing our technical sales efforts; continuing to innovate in product performance and design; and refining our manufacturing processes.
Our Sensors segment research group developed innovations that enhance the capability and performance of our strain gages, while simultaneously reducing their size and power consumption as part of our advanced sensors product line. We believe this unique foil technology will create new markets as customers “design in” these next generation products in existing and new applications. Our development engineering team is also responsible for creating new processes to further automate manufacturing and improve productivity and quality. Our advanced sensors manufacturing technology also offers us the capability to produce high-quality foil strain gages in a highly automated environment, which we believe results in reduced manufacturing and lead times, improved quality and increased margins. As a sign of our commitment to these businesses, we signed a long-term lease for a state-of-the-art facility that has been constructed in Israel.
Our design, research, and product development teams, in partnership with our marketing teams, drive our efforts to bring innovations to market. We intend to leverage our insights into customer demand to continually develop and roll out new, innovative products within our existing lines and to modify our existing core products in ways that make them more appealing, addressing changing customer needs and industry trends in terms of form, fit, and function.
We also seek to achieve significant production cost savings through the transfer, expansion, and construction of manufacturing operations in countries such as India, Japan, and Israel, where we can benefit from improved efficiencies or available tax and other government-sponsored incentives. In the past several years, we incurred restructuring expense related to closing and downsizing of facilities as part of the manufacturing transitions of our load cell products to facilities in India and China, which marked key milestones in our ongoing strategic initiatives to align and consolidate our manufacturing footprint.
Acquisition Strategy
We expect to continue to make strategic acquisitions where opportunities present themselves to grow and expand our segments. Historically, our growth and acquisition strategy had been largely focused on vertical product integration, using our foil strain gages in our load cell products, and incorporating those products into our weighing solutions. In recent years, we widened our acquisition strategy to include a broader set of precision measurement systems and product companies.
We expect to expand our expertise, and our acquisition focus, outside our traditional vertical approach to other precision measurement solutions, including in the fields of measurement of force, weight, pressure, torque, tilt, motion, and acceleration. We believe acquired businesses will benefit from improvements we implement to reduce redundant functions and from our current global manufacturing and distribution footprint. On September 30, 2024, the Company acquired Nokra Optische Prueftechnik und Automation GmbH, a Germany-based, privately held maker of precision measuring and testing equipment for manufacturing. Please see our Current Report on Form 8-K dated September 30, 2024, for more information.
Research and Development
Research and development (“R&D”) will continue to play a key role in our efforts to introduce innovative products to generate new sales and to improve profitability. We expect to continue to expand our position as a leading supplier of precision foil technology products. We believe our R&D efforts should provide us with a variety of opportunities to leverage technology, products, and our manufacturing base in order to ultimately improve our financial performance.

Cost Management
To be successful, we believe we must seek new strategies for controlling operating costs. Through automation in our plants, we believe we can optimize our capital and labor resources in production, inventory management, quality control, and warehousing. We are in the process of moving some manufacturing to more cost effective locations. This may enable us to become more efficient and cost competitive, and also maintain tighter controls of the operation.
Production transfers, facility consolidations, and other long-term cost-cutting measures require us to initially incur significant severance and other exit costs. We are realizing the benefits of our restructuring through lower labor costs and other operating expenses and expect to continue reaping these benefits in future periods. However, these programs to improve our profitability also involve certain risks which could materially impact our future operating results, as further detailed in Part I, Item 1A “Risk Factors” of our Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 29, 2024.
We are evaluating plans to further reduce our costs by consolidating additional manufacturing operations. These plans may require us to incur restructuring and severance costs in future periods. While streamlining and reducing fixed overhead, we are exercising caution so that we will not negatively impact our customer service or our ability to further develop products and processes.
We test the goodwill in each of our reporting units for impairment at least annually, as of the first day of our fourth quarter, and whenever events or changes in circumstances occur indicating that a possible impairment may have been incurred. Determining whether to test goodwill for impairment, and the application of goodwill impairment tests, require significant management judgment, including the identification of reporting units, assigning assets and liabilities to reporting units, assigning goodwill to reporting units, and determining the fair value of each reporting unit. Changes in these estimates could materially affect the determination of fair value for each reporting unit. A slowdown or deferral of orders for a business, with which we have goodwill associated, could impact our valuation of that goodwill.
Foreign Currency
We are exposed to foreign currency exchange rate risks, particularly due to transactions in currencies other than the functional currencies of certain subsidiaries. U.S. GAAP requires that entities identify the “functional currency” of each of their subsidiaries and measure all elements of the financial statements in that functional currency. A subsidiary’s functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates. In cases where a subsidiary is relatively self-contained within a particular country, the local currency is generally deemed to be the functional currency. However, a foreign subsidiary that is a direct and integral component or extension of the parent company’s operations generally would have the parent company’s currency as its functional currency. We have subsidiaries that fall into each of these categories.
Foreign Subsidiaries which use the Local Currency as the Functional Currency
Our operations in Europe, Canada, and certain locations in Asia primarily generate and expend cash using local currencies, and accordingly, these subsidiaries utilize the local currency as their functional currency. For those subsidiaries where the local currency is the functional currency, assets and liabilities in the consolidated condensed balance sheets have been translated at the rate of exchange as of the balance sheet date. Translation adjustments do not impact the results of operations and are reported as a separate component of equity.
For those subsidiaries where the local currency is the functional currency, revenues and expenses are translated at the average exchange rate for the period. While the translation of revenues and expenses into U.S. dollars does not directly impact the consolidated condensed statement of operations, the translation effectively increases or decreases the U.S. dollar equivalent of revenues generated and expenses incurred in those foreign currencies.
Foreign Subsidiaries which use the U.S. Dollar as the Functional Currency
Our operations in Israel and certain locations in Asia primarily generate cash in U.S. dollars, and accordingly, these subsidiaries utilize the U.S. dollar as their functional currency. For those foreign subsidiaries where the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, all foreign currency financial statement amounts are remeasured into U.S. dollars. Exchange gains and losses arising from remeasurement of foreign currency-denominated monetary assets and liabilities are included in the results of operations. While these subsidiaries transact most business in U.S. dollars, they may have significant costs, particularly related to payroll, which are incurred in the local currency and significant lease assets and liabilities.

Effects of Foreign Currency Exchange Rate on Operations
For the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024, exchange rates increased net revenues by $0.0 million, and increased costs of products sold and selling, general, and administrative expenses by $0.2 million, when compared to the comparable prior year period.
For the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, exchange rates decreased net revenues by $0.9 million, and decreased costs of products sold and selling, general, and administrative expenses by $1.3 million, when compared to the comparable prior year period.


Results of Operations
Statement of operations’ captions as a percentage of net revenues and the effective tax rates were as follows:
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Costs of products sold60.0 %58.1 %58.2 %57.9 %
Gross profit40.0 %41.9 %41.8 %42.1 %
Selling, general, and administrative expenses34.8 %30.9 %34.3 %30.3 %
Operating income5.1 %9.6 %7.1 %11.3 %
Income before taxes0.7 %10.2 %6.7 %11.2 %
Net (loss) earnings(1.8)%7.4 %3.9 %8.2 %
Net earnings attributable to VPG stockholders(1.8)%7.3 %3.9 %8.1 %
Effective tax rate343.2 %27.6 %41.6 %27.0 %
Net Revenues
Net revenues were as follows (dollars in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net revenues$75,727 $85,854 $233,869 $265,520 
Change versus comparable prior year period
Percentage change versus prior year period
Changes in net revenues were attributable to the following:
vs. prior year
vs. prior year-
Change attributable to:
Change in volume(12.0)%(12.0)%
Change in average selling prices0.2 %0.4 %
Foreign currency effects0.0 %(0.3)%
Net change(11.8)%(11.9)%
During the fiscal quarter and nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, net revenues decreased 11.8% and 11.9%, respectively, as compared to the comparable prior year periods, due to lower volume across all three reporting segments.
Gross Profit Margin
Gross profit as a percentage of net revenues was as follows:
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Gross profit margin40.0 %41.9 %41.8 %42.1 %
The gross profit margin for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 decreased 1.9% and for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, decreased by 0.3% as compared to the comparable prior year periods. For the fiscal quarter period, the Measurement Systems reporting segment had higher gross profit margins, while the Sensors and Weighing Solutions reporting segments had a lower gross profit margin. For the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, the Measurement Systems

reporting segment had higher gross profit margins, while the Sensors and Weighing Solutions reporting segments had a lower gross profit margin.

Analysis of revenues and gross profit margins for each of our reportable segments is provided below.
Net revenues of the Sensors segment were as follows (dollars in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net revenues$28,201 $32,532 $86,484 $105,524 
Change versus comparable prior year period
Percentage change versus prior year period
Changes in Sensors segment net revenues were attributable to the following:
vs. prior year
vs. prior year-
Change attributable to:
Change in volume(13.6)%(18.6)%
Change in average selling prices0.4 %0.8 %
Foreign currency effects(0.1)%(0.2)%
Net change(13.3)%(18.0)%
The Sensors segment revenue of $28.2 million in the third fiscal quarter of 2024 decreased 13.3% from $32.5 million in the third fiscal quarter of 2023; sequentially, revenue decreased 2.3% compared to $28.9 million in the second fiscal quarter of 2024. The year-over-year decrease in revenues was primarily attributable to lower sales of precision resistors in the Test and Measurement and AMS markets. Sequentially, the decrease primarily reflected lower sales of advanced sensors in the Other markets, mainly for consumer applications, which was partially offset by higher sales of precision resistors in the AMS and Test and Measurement end markets.
Gross profit as a percentage of net revenues for the Sensors segment was as follows:
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Gross profit margin31.0 %35.9 %35.3 %39.2 %
Gross profit margin for the Sensors segment was 31.0% for the third fiscal quarter of 2024. as compared to 35.9% in the third fiscal quarter of 2023, and decreased compared to 38.3% in the second fiscal quarter of 2024. The year-over-year decrease in gross profit margin was primarily due to .lower volume. Sequentially, the lower gross profit margin was primarily due to lower volume and temporary operational and labor inefficiencies.
Weighing Solutions
Net revenues of the Weighing Solutions segment were as follows (dollars in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net revenues
$25,174 $28,970 $81,466 $92,090 
Change versus comparable prior year period
Percentage change versus prior year period

Changes in Weighing Solutions segment net revenues were attributable to the following:
vs. prior year
vs. prior year-
Change attributable to:
Change in volume(13.4)%(11.8)%
Change in average selling prices(0.2)%0.0 %
Foreign currency effects0.5 %0.3 %
Net change(13.1)%(11.5)%
The Weighing Solutions segment revenue of $25.2 million in the third fiscal quarter of 2024 decreased 13.1% compared to $29.0 million in the third fiscal quarter of 2023 and was 8.3% lower than $27.4 million in the second fiscal quarter of 2024. The year-over-year decline in revenues was mainly attributable to lower sales in our Transportation and Industrial Weighing markets, as well as in our Other markets primarily for precision agriculture and medical applications. Sequentially, the decrease in revenues was primarily attributable to lower sales in the Industrial Weighing, Transportation, and Other markets.
Gross profit as a percentage of net revenues for the Weighing Solutions segment was as follows:
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Gross profit margin35.1 %38.7 %37.3 %37.4 %
Gross profit margin for the Weighing Solutions segment was 35.1% for the third fiscal quarter of 2024, which decreased compared to 38.7% in the third fiscal quarter of 2023, and decreased compared to 37.6% in the second fiscal quarter of 2024. The year-over-year and sequential decrease in gross profit margin were primarily due to lower volume and unfavorable product mix.
Measurement Systems
Net revenues of the Measurement Systems segment were as follows (dollars in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net revenues$22,352 $24,352 $65,919 $67,906 
Change versus comparable prior year period
Percentage change versus prior year period
Changes in Measurement Systems segment net revenues were attributable to the following:
vs. prior year
vs. prior year-
Change attributable to:
Change in volume(8.3)%(2.8)%
Change in average selling prices0.5 %0.5 %
Foreign currency effects(0.4)%(0.6)%
Net change(8.2)%(2.9)%

The Measurement Systems segment revenue of $22.4 million in the third fiscal quarter of 2024 decreased 8.2% year-over-year from $24.4 million in the third fiscal quarter of 2023 and was 6.2% higher than $21.0 million in the second fiscal quarter of 2024. The year-over-year decrease was primarily attributable to decreased revenue in the Steel, Transportation, and in our Other markets. Sequentially, the increase in revenue was primarily due to higher sales of Diversified Technical Systems Inc. ("DTS") products in the AMS and Transportation markets.

Gross profit as a percentage of net revenues for the Measurement Systems segment were as follows:
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Gross profit margin56.8 %53.6 %55.8 %53.1 %
Gross profit margin for the Measurement Systems segment was 56.8%, compared to 53.6% (or 54.5% adjusted to exclude $214.0 thousand of purchase accounting adjustment related to the DTS and DSI acquisitions), in the third fiscal quarter of 2023, and 52.4% in the second fiscal quarter of 2024. The year-over-year adjusted gross profit margin was higher due to product mix. The sequentially higher adjusted gross profit margin reflected lower volume and favorable product mix.

Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses
Selling, general, and administrative (“SG&A”) expenses are summarized as follows (dollars in thousands):
Fiscal quarter endedNine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Total SG&A expenses$26,337 $26,558 $80,232 $80,472 
As a percentage of net revenues34.8 %30.9 %34.3 %30.3 %
SG&A expenses for the fiscal quarter and nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 decreased $0.2 million and $0.2 million, respectively, compared to the comparable prior year periods.
Restructuring Costs
Restructuring costs reflect the cost reduction programs implemented by the Company. Restructuring costs are expensed during the period in which the Company determines it will incur those costs and all requirements for accrual are met. Because these costs are recorded based upon estimates, actual expenditures for the restructuring activities may differ from the initially recorded costs. If the initial estimates are too low or too high, the Company could be required either to record additional expense in future periods or to reverse part of the previously recorded charges.
The Company recorded $0.1 million and $1.2 million of restructuring costs during the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively, and $0.9 million and $1.4 million of restructuring costs during the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively. Restructuring costs were comprised primarily of employee termination costs, including severance and statutory retirement allowances, in connection with various cost reduction programs.
Other Income (Expense)
Foreign currency exchange loss for the fiscal quarter and nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 was higher compared to the comparable prior year periods mainly due to volatility in the global currency markets and the strengthening of the U.S dollar against the Japanese yen which increased the value of yen-based liabilities relative to the dollar..

The following table analyzes the components of the line “Other” on the consolidated condensed statements of operations (in thousands):
Fiscal quarter ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023Change
Foreign currency exchange gain (loss)$(2,912)$1,283 $(4,195)
Interest income370 543 (173)
Pension expense(8)(72)64 
$(2,646)$1,671 $(4,317)
Nine fiscal months ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023Change
Foreign currency exchange gain (loss)$(36)$2,138 $(2,174)
Interest income1,192 1,265 (73)
Pension expense(28)(217)189 
$915 $2,965 $(2,050)
Foreign currency exchange gains and losses represent the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates. For the fiscal quarter and nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, the change in foreign currency exchange gains and losses during the periods, as compared to the prior year periods, is largely due to exposure to currency fluctuations with the Israeli shekel, the Japanese Yen, the Canadian dollar and the British pound.
Income Taxes
VPG calculates the tax provision for interim periods using an estimated annual effective tax rate methodology based on projected full-year pre-tax earnings among the taxing jurisdictions in which we operate with adjustments for discrete items. The effective tax rate for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 was 343.2% compared to 27.6% for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2023. The effective tax rate for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024 was higher than the prior year period primarily due to changes in the mix of worldwide income and an increase in our valuation allowance on deferred tax assets. The effective tax rate for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 was 41.6% compared to 27.0% for the nine fiscal months ended September 30, 2023. The effective tax rate for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 was higher than the prior year period primarily due to changes in the mix of worldwide income and an increase in our valuation allowance on deferred tax assets.
The Company and its subsidiaries are subject to income taxes imposed by the U.S., various states, and the foreign jurisdictions in which we operate. Each jurisdiction establishes rules that set forth the years which are subject to examination by its tax authorities. While the Company believes the tax positions taken on its tax returns for each jurisdiction are supportable, they may still be challenged by the jurisdiction's tax authorities. In anticipation of such challenges, the Company has established reserves for tax-related uncertainties. These liabilities are based on the Company’s best estimate of the potential tax exposures in each respective jurisdiction. It may take a number of years for a final tax liability in a jurisdiction to be determined, particularly in the event of an audit. If an uncertain matter is determined favorably, there could be a reduction in the Company’s tax expense. An unfavorable determination could increase tax expense and could require a cash payment, including interest and penalties.


Financial Condition, Liquidity, and Capital Resources
We believe that our current cash and cash equivalents, credit facilities and projected cash from operations will be sufficient to meet our liquidity needs for at least the next 12 months.
On March 20, 2020, the Company entered into a Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (the “2020 Credit Agreement”) among the Company, the lenders named therein, Citizens Bank, National Association and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as joint lead arrangers and JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association as agent for such lenders (the “Agent”), pursuant to which the terms of the Company’s multi-currency, secured credit facility were revised to provide a secured revolving facility (the “2020 Revolving Facility”) in an aggregate principal amount of $75.0 million, with a sublimit of $10.0 million which can be used for letters of credit for the account of the Company or its subsidiaries that are parties to the Credit Agreement. The proceeds of the 2020 Revolving Facility may be used on an ongoing basis for working capital and general corporate purposes. The aggregate principal amount of the 2020 Revolving Facility may be increased by a maximum of $25.0 million upon the request of the Company, subject to the terms of the 2020 Credit Agreement. The 2020 Credit Agreement terminates on March 20, 2025.
On May 5, 2023, the Company entered into Amendment No. 1 to Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (the “Credit Agreement Amendment”), by and among the Company, the lenders named therein, Citizens Bank, National Association and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as joint lead arrangers and the Agent, as agent for such lenders. The Credit Agreement Amendment amended the 2020 Credit Agreement. The primary purpose of the changes made in the Credit Agreement Amendment were to update the interest rate provisions to replace LIBOR with SOFR for U.S. dollar denominated loans as well as update the other applicable reference borrowing rates for foreign currency loans which took effect on June 15, 2023. Interest payable on amounts borrowed under the 2020 Revolving Facility is based upon the following: (a) for revolving credit loans denominated in US Dollars, the SOFR rate plus applicable credit spread; and (b) for revolving credit loans denominated in foreign currencies, at other applicable local reference rates plus an interest margin. Depending upon the Company’s leverage ratio, an interest rate margin ranging from 1.50% to 2.75% per annum is added to the applicable SOFR rate to determine the interest payable on the SOFR loans. The Company is required to pay a quarterly fee of 0.25% per annum to 0.40% per annum on the unused portion of the 2020 Revolving Facility, which is determined based on the Company’s leverage ratio each quarter. Additional customary fees apply with respect to letters of credit.
On August 15, 2024, the Company entered into a Fourth Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (the “2024 Credit Agreement”) among the Company, the lenders party thereto, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and HSBC as joint lead arrangers and joint bookrunner, and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A, as agent for such lenders, pursuant to which the 2020 Credit Agreement, as amended, was amended and restated to, among other things, extend the maturity date from March 20, 2025 to August 15, 2029 and adjust the interest rate and commitment fee. The 2024 Credit Agreement provides for a multi-currency, secured credit facility (the “2024 Revolving Facility”) in an aggregate principal amount of $75.0 million, with a sublimit of $10.0 million which can be used for letters of credit for the account of the Company or its subsidiaries that are parties to the 2024 Credit Agreement, the proceeds of which may be used for working capital and general corporate purposes, and a portion of which were used to refinance the 2020 Revolving Facility. The Company may elect to make loans under the 2024 Revolving Facility in US Dollars, Euros, Canadian Dollars, Sterling, Japanese Yen or such other freely convertible foreign currency.
The obligations of the Company under the 2024 Credit Agreement are secured by pledges of stock in certain domestic and foreign subsidiaries, as well as guarantees by substantially all of the Company’s domestic subsidiaries. The obligations of the Company and the guarantors under the 2024 Credit Agreement are secured by substantially all the assets (excluding real estate) of the Company and such guarantors. The 2024 Credit Agreement restricts the Company from paying cash dividends and requires the Company to comply with other customary covenants, representations, and warranties, including the maintenance of specific financial ratios. The financial maintenance covenants include an interest coverage ratio and a leverage ratio. The Company was in compliance with its financial maintenance covenants at September 28, 2024. If the Company is not in compliance with any of these covenant restrictions, the credit facility could be terminated by the lenders, and all amounts outstanding pursuant to the credit facility could become immediately payable.
Our business has historically generated significant cash flow. For the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, cash provided by operating activities was $13.0 million compared to $27.1 million in the comparable prior year period. Our net cash used in investing activities for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 was lower compared to the prior year period mainly due to lower capital spending. Our net cash used in financing activities for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 was significantly higher when compared with the prior year period due to the stock repurchases made during the period.
Approximately 92% and 92% of our cash and cash equivalents balance at September 28, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, was held by our non-U.S. subsidiaries.
See the following table for the percentage of cash and cash equivalents, by region, at September 28, 2024 and December 31, 2023:

September 28, 2024December 31, 2023
Israel39 %36 %
Asia24 %22 %
Europe10 %17 %
Germany14 %%
United States8 %%
Canada5 %12 %
100 %100 %
We earn a significant amount of our operating income outside the United States, the majority of which is deemed to be indefinitely reinvested in foreign jurisdictions. As a result, as discussed above, a significant portion of our cash and short-term investments are held by foreign subsidiaries. The Company will continue to evaluate its cash needs, however we currently do not intend, nor do we foresee a need, to repatriate funds in excess of what is already planned. The Company will evaluate the possibility of repatriating future cash provided such repatriation can be accomplished in a tax efficient manner. In addition, we expect existing domestic cash, short-term investments, and cash flows from operations to continue to be sufficient to fund our domestic operating activities and cash commitments for investing and financing activities, such as debt repayment and capital expenditures, for at least the next 12 months and thereafter for the foreseeable future.
If we should require more capital in the United States than is generated by our domestic operations, for example, to fund significant discretionary activities, such as business acquisitions, we could elect to repatriate future earnings from foreign jurisdictions or raise capital in the United States through debt or equity issuances. These alternatives could result in higher tax expense, increased interest expense, or dilution of our earnings. We consider the majority of the undistributed earnings of our foreign subsidiaries, as of September 28, 2024, to be indefinitely reinvested.
Adjusted free cash flow generated during the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024, was $6.7 million. We refer to the amount of cash provided by operating activities ($13.0 million) in excess of our capital expenditures ($7.0 million) and net of proceeds from the sale of assets ($0.8 million) as “adjusted free cash flow.”
The following table summarizes the components of net cash at September 28, 2024 and December 31, 2023 (in thousands):
September 28, 2024December 31, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents$81,077 $83,965 
Third-party long-term debt:
Revolving debt32,000 32,000 
Deferred financing costs(617)(144)
Total third-party debt31,383 31,856 
Net cash$49,694 $52,109 
Measurements such as “adjusted free cash flow” and “net cash" do not have uniform definitions and are not recognized in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Such measures should not be viewed as alternatives to GAAP measures of performance or liquidity. However, management believes that “adjusted free cash flow” is a meaningful measure of our ability to fund acquisitions, and that an analysis of “net cash” assists investors in understanding aspects of our cash and debt management. These measures, as calculated by us, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.
Our financial condition as of September 28, 2024 remains strong, with a current ratio (current assets to current liabilities) of 4.4 to 1.0, as compared to a ratio of 3.9 to 1.0 at December 31, 2023.
Cash paid for property and equipment for the nine fiscal months ended September 28, 2024 was $7.0 million compared to $9.8 million in the comparable prior year period.
As of September 28, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements.

Safe Harbor Statement
From time to time, information provided by us, including, but not limited to, statements in this report, or other statements made by or on our behalf, may contain or constitute "forward-looking" information within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control, which may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those anticipated.
Such statements are based on current expectations only, and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, expected, estimated, or projected. Among the factors that could cause actual results to materially differ include: general business and economic conditions; impact of inflation; potential issues respecting the United States federal government debt ceiling; global labor and supply chain challenges; difficulties or delays in identifying, negotiating and completing acquisitions and integrating acquired companies; the inability to realize anticipated synergies and expansion possibilities; difficulties in new product development; changes in competition and technology in the markets that we serve and the mix of our products required to address these changes; changes in foreign currency exchange rates; political, economic, and health (including pandemics) instabilities; instability caused by military hostilities in the countries in which we operate (including Israel); difficulties in implementing our cost reduction strategies, such as underutilization of production facilities, labor unrest or legal challenges to our lay-off or termination plans, operation of redundant facilities due to difficulties in transferring production to achieve efficiencies; compliance issues under applicable laws, such as export control laws, including the outcome of our voluntary self-disclosure of export control non-compliance; significant developments from the recent and potential changes in tariffs and trade regulation; our efforts and efforts by governmental authorities to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic, such as travel bans, shelter-in-place orders and business closures and the related impact on resource allocations, manufacturing and supply chains; our status as a “critical”, “essential” or “life-sustaining” business in light of COVID-19 business closure laws, orders and guidance being challenged by a governmental body or other applicable authority; our ability to execute our new corporate strategy and business continuity, operational and budget plans; and other factors affecting our operations, markets, products, services, and prices that are set forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. We caution you not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this report or as of the dates otherwise indicated in such forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


There have been no material changes in the market risks previously disclosed in Part II, Item 7A “Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk” of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on February 29, 2024.
Disclosure Controls and Procedures
An evaluation was performed under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”), of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures, as such term is defined under Rule 13a-15(e) and Rule 15d-15(e) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). Based on that evaluation, our CEO and CFO concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of the end of the period covered by this quarterly report to ensure that information required to be disclosed in reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act are: (1) recorded, processed, summarized, and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms; and (2) accumulated and communicated to our management, including our CEO and CFO, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Our management, including our CEO and CFO, believes that any disclosure controls and procedures or internal controls and procedures, no matter how well conceived and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met. Further, the design of a control system must consider the benefits of controls relative to their costs. Inherent limitations within a control system include the realities that judgments in decision-making can be faulty, and that breakdowns can occur because of a simple error or mistake. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some persons, by collusion of two or more people, or by unauthorized override of the control. While the design of any system of controls is to provide reasonable assurance of the effectiveness of disclosure controls, such design is also based in part upon certain assumptions about the likelihood of future events, and such assumptions, while reasonable, may not take into account all potential future conditions. Accordingly, because of the inherent limitations in a cost effective control system, misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and may not be prevented or detected.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
During our last fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024, there was no change in our internal control over financial reporting that materially affected, or is reasonable likely to materially affect, internal control over financial reporting.


The Company is subject to various legal proceedings that constitute ordinary, routine litigation incidental to its business. The Company believes that the foregoing matters will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business or its financial condition, results of operations, and cash flows.
In addition to the other information set forth in this Form 10-Q, you should carefully consider the factors discussed in Part I, Item 1A “Risk Factors” of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on February 29, 2024. There have been no material changes in reported risk factors from the information reported in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.

The following table provides information about repurchases of the Company's common stock during the three-month period ended September 28, 2024.

Total Number of Shares PurchasedAverage Price Paid Per ShareTotal Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or ProgramsMaximum Number of Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Plans (a)
June 30, 2024 -July 31, 202442,676 0.0311 42,676 102,223 
August 1, 2024 - August 31, 202420,551 $0.03 20,551 81,672 
September 1, 2024 - September 28, 2024— — — — 
Total63,227 63,227 
(a) On August 8, 2022, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Company authorized the repurchase of up to 600,000 shares of the Company’s outstanding common stock (the “Stock Repurchase Plan”). The Stock Repurchase Plan was set to expire on August 11, 2023, and the Board authorized purchases thereunder to be made through an issuer repurchase plan adopted under Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), open market purchases or private transactions, in accordance with the applicable federal securities laws, including Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act. On August 8, 2023, the Company announced that its Board of Directors extended the term of the previously approved stock repurchase plan to August 9, 2024. The stock repurchase plan expired in accordance with its terms on August 9, 2024. As of August 9, 2024, the Company had repurchased 518,328 shares under the Stock Repurchase Plan.
Not applicable.
During the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2024, none of the Company’s directors or officers (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) adopted or terminated a Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement (as such terms are defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended).

101      Interactive Data File (Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, for the quarterly period ended September 28, 2024 , furnished in XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language).
104Cover Page Interactive Data File formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
/s/ William M. Clancy
William M. Clancy
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
(as a duly authorized officer and principal financial and accounting officer)
Date: November 5, 2024
