5. Delivery of Restricted Stock. Entry of the Restricted Stock in a book entry account maintained by the Transfer Agent, pursuant to this Agreement may be postponed by the Company for such period as may be required for it with reasonable diligence to comply with any applicable requirements of any federal, state or local law or regulation or any administrative or quasi-administrative requirement applicable to the sale, issuance, delivery or distribution of the Restricted Stock. The Committee may, in its sole discretion, require Knapper to furnish the Company with appropriate representations and a written investment letter prior to the entry of the Restricted Stock in a book entry account maintained by the Transfer Agent.
本變更控制和離職協議(以下簡稱“協議”)是由特拉華州公司赫克拉礦業公司簽訂的。公司”), and Robert Krcmarov (the “高管”), effective November 7, 2024.
The Company and the Executive agree as follows:
1. Term of Agreement. This Agreement will continue indefinitely until terminated by written consent of the parties hereto, or if earlier, upon the date that all of the obligations of the parties hereto with respect to this Agreement have been satisfied.
2. Severance Benefits.
2.1. Qualifying Termination During the Change in Control Period在控制變更期間發生符合條件的終止情況時,執行人將從公司收到以下支付和福利:
2.1.1. 薪資和獎金離職補償。按下述方式支付:現行年薪的兩倍(200%),加上執行人當時的目標年度獎金機會的現行年薪。
2.1.2. COBRA離職。按照下述方式支付:支付執行人和公司爲執行人及其符合資格的受扶養人在符合條件終止月前一月所支付的醫療、牙科和視力保費的二十四(24)倍。
2.1.3. 重新安置費離職。按照下述方式支付:兩萬美元($20,000)的一次性現金支付,用於重新安置服務。
2.2.4.股權獎勵加速歸屬於執行官在合格終止日期持有的未歸屬於時間基礎的股權獎勵的五十百分比(50%),並且根據適用績效期有關的未歸屬於績效基礎的股權獎勵目標完成的一百百分比(100%)進行歸屬, 根據合格終止日期前的天數按比例計算。
2.3.2. 獎金離職支付一次性現金支付,金額相當於執行官當時目標年度獎金機會的百分之百(100%),按照適用績效期的天數比例計提。
4.2.支付時機根據本協議,任何一次性現金補償性支付將在公司在本節描述的解除生效和不可撤銷之日起的第二個正常發薪日提供給高管(或在這樣的終止後的日期,如果晚於這一終止日,須考慮到控制權變更的日期)。任何股權獎勵的提前兌現將生效,取決於適用的股權獎勵條款規定的股權獎勵結算時間,如果這些條款明確要求爲了符合第409A條款的要求而延遲任何這樣的延遲,那麼在(a)在本節描述的解除生效和不可撤銷之日起的十(10)天內,或(b)如果晚於這種終止,在() 第2.1節的資格終止事件,按照資格分割的結構而爲,符合第十一(11)條的延遲條件的具體要求規定的條款,其目的是爲了符合第409A條的要求。(a)在本節描述的解除生效和不可撤銷之日起的十(10)天后,或(b)如果晚於此種終結,在控制權變更日的當天。 第2.1節定義
5.1.“起因” 表示:(i) 執行官在履行對公司的責任時出現不誠實或欺詐行爲,(ii) 執行官被定讞犯有重罪,或認罪不爭,(iii) 執行官故意不履行合理的職責或責任,(iv) 執行官對本協議或公司的其他協議有重大違反或違約行爲,或 (v) 執行官對公司的商業行爲準則、人力資源規則、政策和/或反對騷擾、歧視和/或任何其他造成敵對工作環境的行爲有重大違反;但如果前述任何事件是可以挽回的,由公司決定,公司將向執行官發出通知,描述此類事件的性質,執行官隨後有三十(30)天時間來糾正此類事件。
5.2. “控制權變更” 表示定義在公司的 2010 年股權激勵計劃(截至 2021 年 8 月 21 日經修訂和重新制訂)中,可能會進一步修訂或重新制定或接替的。
5.3. “變更控制期間” 意指:從變更控制日前三(3)個月起至變更控制日後兩(2)週年紀念日止(含該日期在內)的期間。
5.4. “代碼「」指1986年修訂的《美國國內稅收法典》。
5.5. “殘疾「」表示永久性殘疾,如代碼第 22(e)(3) 條定義。
5.6. “6. 承認。僱員明確同意在本修正案所提供的薪酬、條款和福利的基礎上。作爲繼續僱傭的一部分,僱員同意並承認,在本修正案的日期上,不存在任何構成悔職或正當理由辭職權利的情況,包括就業協議第8條款或公司維護的任何其他企業分離或控制方案、協議或政策。此外,僱員特此明確放棄(如有)主張本修正案或任何其他情況或發生形成沒有正當原因終止或出於正當理由的辭職權利的權利,包括就業協議第8條款或公司維護的任何其他企業分離或控制方案、協議或政策。「」表示在變更控制期內,公司員工終止與公司的僱傭關係,並在公司自行期限屆滿後的六十(60)天內,未經執行人書面同意,並出現以下任何情況之一:(i) 執行人的權威、職責、職位或職責發生重大減少;(ii) 執行人的薪酬或向執行人提供的福利總水平發生重大減少;或(iii) 把執行人在公司履行職責的主要工作地點遷至距離先前位置超過三十五(35)英里的地點。爲使事件符合「正當理由」的條件,執行人必須在首次知曉「正當理由」的原因後的六十(60)天內,向公司提供書面通知,指明構成「正當理由」的行爲或疏忽,並提供在此通知日期之後的三十(30)天內進行糾正的期限(“9. 副本。本修正案可以在副本中執行,在此情況下,副本將被視爲一個原件,簽名的傳真和電子影像副本(包括pdf或符合美國聯邦ESIGN法2000年的任何電子簽名)或其他傳輸方法將相當於原本簽名。 ”).
5.7. “(ii) 在解除日期生效後第二個定期支付日期起12個月的執行人基本工資,按當時生效的比例支付(「現金賠償金額」),在12個月的期間內與公司的工資單實行大致相等量的支付,開始於合同生效後的第二個定期支付日期,在之後的30天內以現金實現已產生的義務,該協議沒有進一步的義務與行動。 「」表示公司無故解除與執行人的僱傭關係,而非因執行人的死亡或殘疾,尤其是在變更控制期內,合格解僱也包括執行人因正當理由而終止與公司的僱傭關係。
5.8. “第409A條款,如果2018年計劃中的一個獎項受到稅務法案第409A條款的約束,但不符合稅務法案第409A條款的要求,則上述應稅事件可能應早於所述,並可能導致額外的稅收和處罰。參與者被敦促就稅務法案第409A條款對他們的獎項的適用性諮詢他們的稅務顧問。“"在此代表第409A條法規以及根據該法規制定的財政部文件和指導,以及可能適用的州法等,上述各項法規、文件和指導可能會隨時被公佈、修改或修正。
9.5.統治 法律本協議將受愛達荷州法律管轄,但不考慮法律衝突規定。在允許任何規定項下提起訴訟的範圍內,專屬司法管轄權和地點應在愛達荷州庫特內縣的州和聯邦法院。
9.6. 可分割性如果本協議的任何規定因任何原因無效、違法或被視爲不可執行,該無效、違法或不可執行性將不影響本協議的其餘部分,本協議將被解釋執行,如同無效、違法或不可執行的規定未被包含在內。
9.8. 隨時僱傭公司和執行董事承認,執行董事的僱傭是並將繼續是可以隨時解僱的,如適用法律所定義。本協議項下的任何支付、福利或條款都不會賦予執行董事繼續與公司僱傭的任何權利,也不會以任何方式干擾或限制公司或執行董事根據適用法律在任何時候有或無正當原因終止這種關係的權利。
9.9.409A條款公司打算,根據本協議或其他方式提供的所有支付和福利都應豁免或符合第409A條款的要求,以使任何支付或福利不受第409A條款下額外徵稅的影響,並且本協議中的任何模糊和含糊不清之處將按照這一意圖進行解釋。在執行根據本協議或其他方式提供給執行董事(如有)的任何支付、福利等,與根據第409A條款被視爲遞延報酬的任何其他離職支付或分離福利一起考慮時(“ ”),直至執行董事符合第409A條款中「離職服務」概念之後,將支付或提供給執行董事,如果執行董事在執行董事的分離服務時間(非因死亡)時是第409A條款中的「特定僱員」,則根據第409A條款,本協議中的任何規定將被延遲至執行董事分離服務後的第六(6)個月內提供的遞延支付。根據本協議支付的每筆款項、分期付款和福利旨在構成財政部法規第1.409A-2(b)(2)款的單獨支付。在任何情況下,執行董事都不得選擇根據本協議提供任何支付或福利的應稅年度。儘管本協議的任何其他規定,根據本協議提供的任何一次性現金解僱補償款項將在根據第409A條款下獲得收入的年度後的3月15日前提供給執行董事。公司或公司的任何母公司、子公司或其他關聯公司均沒有任何責任、義務或支付責任,以補償、保障或使執行董事免除任何可能因第409A條款而施加的稅款、罰款或利息,或其他可能發生的費用。
9.10. Non-duplication of Payment or Benefits. For purposes of clarity, in the event of a Qualifying Termination that occurs during the period within three (3) months prior to a Change in Control, any severance payments and benefits to be provided to the Executive thereafter will be reduced by any amounts that already were provided to the Executive under this Agreement. For purposes of clarity, in the event of the Executive’s Qualifying Termination that occurs prior to a Change in Control, any then outstanding and unvested portion of the Executive’s equity awards will remain outstanding (and unvested) until the earlier of (x) three (3) months following the Qualifying Termination, or (y) a Change in Control that occurs within three (3) months following the Qualifying Termination, solely so that any benefits due on a Qualifying Termination can be provided if the Qualifying Termination occurs during the Change in Control Period (provided that in no event will the Executive’s stock option equity awards or similar equity awards remain outstanding beyond the equity award’s maximum term to expiration). If no Change in Control occurs within three (3) months following a Qualifying Termination, any unvested portion of the Executive’s equity awards automatically and permanently will be forfeited on the date three (3) months following the date of the Qualifying Termination without having vested.
9.11. Reduction of Severance Benefits. If any payment or benefit that the Executive would receive from the Company or any other party under this Agreement or otherwise (the “付款”) would (a) constitute a 「parachute payment」 within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code and (b) but for this sentence, be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (the “消費稅”), then the Payments will be either delivered in full, or delivered as to such lesser extent that would result in no portion of the Payments being subject to the Excise Tax, whichever of the foregoing amounts, taking into account the applicable federal, state and local income taxes and the Excise Tax, results in the Executive’s receipt, on an after-tax basis, of the greatest amount of Payments, notwithstanding that all or some of the Payments may be subject to the Excise Tax. If a reduction in Payments is made in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence, the reduction will occur, with respect to the Payments considered parachute payments within the meaning of Code Section 280G, in the following order: (i) reduction of cash payments in reverse chronological order (that is, the cash payment owed on the latest date following the occurrence of the event triggering the Excise Tax will be the first cash payment to be reduced); (ii) cancellation of equity awards that were granted 「contingent on a change in ownership or control」 within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code in the reverse order of date of grant of the equity awards (that is, the most recently granted equity awards will be cancelled first); (iii) reduction of the accelerated vesting of equity awards in the reverse order of date of grant of the equity awards (that is, the vesting of the most recently granted equity awards will be cancelled first); and (iv) reduction of employee benefits in reverse chronological order (that is, the benefit owed on the latest date following the occurrence of the event triggering the Excise Tax will be the first benefit to be reduced). If two or more equity awards are granted on the same date, each award will be reduced on a prorated basis. In no event will the Executive have any discretion with respect to the ordering of Payment reductions. Any required determinations will be made in writing by a nationally recognized accounting or valuation firm selected by the Company, whose determinations will be conclusive and binding upon the Executive and the Company for all purposes. The Company and the Executive will furnish to the firm such information and documents as the firm reasonably may request in order to make determinations required under this Agreement. The Company will bear the costs and make all payments required to be made to the firm for the firm’s services that are rendered in connection with any calculations contemplated by this Agreement. The Company will have no liability to the Executive for the determinations of the firm.
公司 | 赫克拉礦業公司 |
簽字人: Catherine J. Boggs
職位:董事會主席 日期:2024年11月7日 |
Robert Krcmarov Robert Krcmarov 日期:2024年11月7日 |