“While we are currently experiencing challenging SBS industry conditions, we remain confident in the long-term fundamentals of paperboard packaging. We are taking actions to reduce our costs to ensure that we deliver strong cash flows regardless of where we are in the industry cycle. We used proceeds from the sale of our tissue business to de-lever our balance sheet and position ourselves to take advantage of opportunities to grow and diversify our paperboard product portfolio.”
Clearwater Paper Corporation will discuss these results during an earnings conference call that begins at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time today. A live webcast and accompanying supplemental information will be available on the company's website. A replay of today's conference call will be available on the website beginning at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time today.
Clearwater Paper is a premier independent supplier of paperboard packaging products to North American converters. Headquartered in Spokane, Wash., our team produces high-quality paperboard that provides sustainable packaging solutions for consumer goods and food service applications. For additional information, please visit our website at www.clearwaterpaper.com.
In this press release, the company presents certain non-GAAP financial information for the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 and 2023, including Adjusted EBITDA from total operations which includes both continuing and discontinued operations and net sales from total operations which includes both continuing and discontinued. Because these amounts are not in accordance with GAAP, reconciliations to net income as determined in accordance with GAAP are included in the tables at the end of this press release. The company presents these non-GAAP metrics because management believes they assist investors and analysts in comparing the company's performance across reporting periods on a consistent basis by excluding items that the company does not believe are indicative of its core operating performance. In addition, the company uses Adjusted EBITDA from total operations: (i) as a factor in evaluating management’s performance when determining incentive compensation, (ii) to evaluate the effectiveness of the company's business strategies, and (iii) because the company's credit agreement and the indentures governing the company's outstanding notes use metrics similar to Adjusted EBITDA from total operations to measure the company's compliance with certain covenants.
可能導致實際結果出現重大差異的因素包括但不限於: 可能導致實際結果出現重大差異的因素包括但不限於:。最近衛生巾業務出售交易帶來未料之成本、費用或開支;對最近衛生巾業務出售交易的競爭回應;實現預期財務結果和最近衛生巾業務出售交易的其他利益的挑戰;與不涉及衛生巾業務的經營風險,包括所提供產品的多元化減少相關風險;我們的資本結構變化;在最近衛生巾業務出售交易或佐治亞州奧古斯塔造紙板製造設施收購或其他和解事項可能導致股東訴訟;我們未能實現預期佐治亞州奧古斯塔的造紙板製造設施收購所預期的利益,原因可能是整合困難或其他挑戰;與佐治亞州奧古斯塔造紙板製造設施整合有關的風險,以及實現預期收益和其他收購利益的困難。 我們產品的價格面臨著激烈的競爭壓力,包括由於生產能力增加、需求減少以及外匯波動對全球產品定價的影響;美國和國際經濟以及我們營運地區和行業的一般經濟條件的變化;製造或運營中斷,包括設備故障和對我們製造設施的損壞;失去重要客戶、價格變化或減少訂單;木纖維和木漿的成本和供應量變化;能源、化學品、包裝和運輸成本的變化以及影響我們接收輸入或向客戶運送產品的運輸服務中斷;依賴有限數量的第三方供應商、供應商和服務提供商從事我們產品和運營的生產;客戶產品偏好和競爭對手的產品供應變化;網路安全風險;具有營運、財務和其他優勢的大型競爭對手;紙板行業轉換操作的整合和垂直一體化;我們成功執行資本項目和其他活動以運作我們的資產,包括有效維護、實施我們的營運效率,實現更高產量或降低成本的能力;IT 系統中斷和 IT 系統實施失敗;勞資紛爭;周期性行業條件;與我們養老金計劃相關的開支、要求的捐款和可能的退出成本的變化;環境責任或支出以及氣候變化;我們吸引、激勵、培訓和保留合格和關鍵人員的能力;履行債務、企業受到債務契約和條款的限制;我們與銀行關係、或我們客戶供應鏈融資的變更;信用評級的負面變化;影響我們業務的法律、法規或行業標準的變化;以及公司不時在證券交易委員會的公開申報中描述的其他風險和不確定性,包括其截至2023年12月31日年度報告在 Form 10-k 中。前瞻性陳述截至本新聞稿日期生效,公司不保證根據本新聞稿日期後的新發展或公司預期變化更新任何前瞻性陳述。