(1)The Company’s share capital totals EUR 248,552,200 and is divided into 248,552,200 no-par value shares.
(2)Any right of the shareholders to request that share certificates be issued is excluded, to the extent permitted by law or unless certification is required under applicable stock exchange rules where the shares or rights or certificates representing them are admitted for trading. Global certificates for shares may be issued. Form and content of these certificates shall be determined by the Management Board.
(3)The shares are registered shares.
(4)In the event of a capital increase, the profit participation of new shares may be determined in deviation from section 60(2) sentence 3 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).
(5)The Management Board is authorized, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the Company's share capital on one or
more occasions on or before June 21, 2026 by up to a total of EUR 122,657,313 by issuing up to 122,657,313 new no-par value registered shares in return for cash contributions or contributions in kind (Authorized Capital 2021). Shareholders are in principle to be granted subscription rights. In this con-text, the shares may also be underwritten by one or more credit institution(s) or one or more company(ies) operating in accordance with Sec. 53 para. 1 sentence 1 or section 530億 para. 1 sentence 1 or para. 7 of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz - KWG在公司股東提供認購權的情況下(所謂的間接認購權),管理委員會經監事會批准,有權在授權資本下排除股東的認購權進行一次或多次增資
The Management Board is authorized to determine further details of the capital increase and its implementation with the approval of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board is authorized to amend the wording of Art. 4 par. 5 of the Articles of Association in accordance with the respective utilization of Authorized Capital 2021 and, if Authorized Capital 2021 is not or not fully utilized by June 21, 2026萬億. delete Art. 4 para. 5 of the Articles of Association after the expiry of the authorization.
(6)The share capital is conditionally increased by up to EUR 4,943,452 by issuing up to 4,943,452 new no-par value ordinary registered shares with a pro rata amount of the share capital of EUR 1.00 per share (Conditional Capital ESOP 2017/2019). The Conditional Capital ESOP 2017/2019 serves exclusively to grant rights to the holders of stock options, which were granted in accordance with the authorization by the Annual General Meeting on August 18, 2017 under agenda item 5 para. a), also in its version by the resolution of the Annual General
Meeting on August 19, 2019 under agenda item 6 para. a) as well as in its version by the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of June 26, 2020 on agenda item 5 and its version by the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of June 22, 2021 on agenda items 6 and 7 para. A) and its version by the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of May 17, 2024 on agenda item 12 (together the 「Authorization 2017/2019」), have been issued by the Company. The shares will be issued at the exercise price determined in accordance with the Authorization 2017/2019 in the version applicable at the time it is exercised. The conditional capital increase will only be carried out to the extent that the holders of the stock options issued by the Company on the basis of the Authorization 2017/2019 exercise their subscription rights and the Company does not fulfil the stock options by delivering treasury shares or by making a cash payment. The new shares shall participate in profits from the beginning of the previous financial year if they are created by exercising subscription rights until the beginning of the Annual General Meeting of the Company, otherwise from the beginning of the financial year in which they are created by exercising stock options.
(3)The Management Board is authorized to provide for shareholders to vote without attendance in the General Meeting in written form or by way of electronic communication (postal vote) as well as participate in
the General Meeting and exercise all or some of their rights in whole or in part by means of electronic communication without physical participation and without being represented by a proxy (online participation). The Management Board determines the details of the postal vote as well as the scope and procedure of online participation in the invitation to the General Meeting.
(4)Members of the Supervisory Board shall be permitted, in consultation with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, to participate in the Annual General Meeting by means of video and audio transmission in cases where their physical presence at the location of the Annual General Meeting would not be possible or would only be possible at considerable expense due to legal restrictions, their residence abroad, their necessary residence at another location in Germany or due to an unreasonable duration of travel, or if the Annual General Meeting is held as a virtual Annual General Meeting
(5)The Management Board is authorized to provide for the Annual General Meeting to be held without the physical presence of the shareholders or their proxies at the location of the Annual General Meeting (virtual Annual General Meeting). The authorization shall apply to the holding of virtual shareholders’ meetings for a period of three years after entry of this provision of the Articles of Association in the commercial register of the Company.
(6)Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings and shall be signed by the chairperson of the Supervisory Board unless a notarial record is required by law.
§ 17 Resolution
(1)Unless a larger majority is required by law or these Articles of Association, resolutions of the General Meeting shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast. To the extent that statutory provisions also require a majority of the share capital present at the time the resolution is adopted, a simple majority of the share capital present shall suffice, unless a larger majority is required by law. In the event of an undecided vote, an agenda item shall be deemed rejected.