修正案 至高級擔保應收票據和安防-半導體協議
這個 擔保本票和擔保協議修正案(本”修正案”),日期截至 2024 年 10 月 31 日( ”修正生效日期”),特此修訂 (i) 優先有擔保本票(”注意”) 由 Conduit 製藥公司發行(”公司”),以及簽名頁上列出的公司的每家子公司 此處(與本公司一起,”製造商” 而且每個都是”製作者”)到 Nirland Limited(”持有者”) 截至2024年8月6日,最高本金總額爲265萬美元,以及 (ii)《擔保協議》(”安全 協議”),截止日期爲2024年8月6日,由公司簽發,支持製造商。此處未另行定義的大寫術語 具有註釋中賦予它們的含義。
第1節 便條第1節在其整體上如下修改:
1. | 利息; 付款; 自願提前還款未償本票餘額的利息 按年利率百分之十二(12%)計提,基於日曆 年和實際經過的天數計算,並應在持有人的選擇下支付,方式爲(a)按月 應付或(b)在到期時一次性支付。其後未償本金金額 和本項下已計提的所有利息應於到期日到期 付清。本項下的本金和利息支付應通過電匯方式支付,支付 美元至持有人書面指定的帳戶以供此目的。公司 可以隨時在通知持有人前十(10) 個營業日書面通知持有人的情況下提前支付全部或任何部分 本票而無需繳納罰金。所有本金和利息支付 應以美國合法貨幣支付,或者可以根據持有人的要求 以公司普通股的形式支付 第18節所有付款 應首先用於欠付的已計提的利息,然後用於本金。 |
18. | 筆記的轉換在修正生效日期後的任何時間,本票據應轉換爲已經發行、全額支付且無須補繳的普通股股份(“基礎證券”),根據本協議約定的條款和條件。 第18節. |
18.1. | 轉換 權利受本協議條款約束的各方繼任人或允許的受讓人應享有本協議條款的利益,遵守協議條款。即便有異議,該協議和其中的權利和義務也可由每個投資者和每個天使方轉讓給其關聯公司或其公司股份的任何受讓人(在遵守本協議的前提下進行的轉讓),而無需事先徵得其他各方的同意。除本協議明示規定外,非本協議當事人及其後繼人和受讓人均不得根據第三方權利條例 (香港法例第 623 章)享有本協議任何條款的權利或利益。 第18.4節自本日及之後的任何時間,持有人有權將未清償的轉換金額(如下所定義)的任何部分轉換爲按照轉換率(如下所定義)發行的已經發行、全額支付和非可評估的普通股份。製造方不得在任何轉換時發行任何普通股的一部分。如果發行將導致發行普通股的一部分,製造方應將該部分四捨五入至最接近的整股。製造方應支付可能與轉換任何轉換金額後發行和交付普通股相關的所有轉讓、印花、發行和類似稅費、費用和支出(包括但不限於託管代理(如下所定義)的費用和支出)。 第18.3節,按照轉換率(如 下所定義)進行轉換。製造方不得在任何轉換時發行任何普通股的一部分。如果發行將導致發行普通股的一部分,製造方應將該部分四捨五入至最接近的整股。製造方應支付可能與轉換任何轉換金額後發行和交付普通股相關的所有轉讓、印花、發行和類似稅費、費用和支出(包括但不限於託管代理(如下所定義)的費用和支出)。 |
18.2. | 轉換率。任何轉換金額按照可轉換爲普通股的股份數量確定 18.1節 ,將轉換金額除以轉換價格得出(x)普通股。轉換比率”). |
(i) | “轉換 金額「」 的意思是本決定所涉及的(x)部分本金之兩倍及四分之一加上與之相關的將要轉換、贖回或以其他方式處理的(y)部分本金及關於該部分本金的所有應計及未支付的利息,若有的話。 | |
(ii) | “轉換 價格「」 的意思是,在任何轉換日期或其他確定日期,$0.10,並按照本文件規定進行調整。 |
18.3. | 轉換機制要在任何日期將任何轉換金額轉換爲普通股份(“轉換日期”),持有人應當在該日期之前或之前的紐約時間晚上11:59點之前遞交(無論通過傳真、電子郵件或其他方式),一份已執行的轉換通知副本,形式如附件所示 附件I (「本登記聲明」) 由特立軟件股份有限公司,一家德拉華州股份公司 (以下簡稱爲「本公司」) 提交,目的是爲了註冊其額外的7,184,563股A類普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下簡稱爲「A類普通股」), 以及在特立軟件股份有限公司 2022年股權激勵計劃下可發行股份的1,436,911股A類普通股,注(下文簡稱爲「A類普通股」)。轉換通知”轉交給公司。在轉換此票據後的兩(2)個交易日內,持有人應將此票據交與一家公認的隔夜遞送服務公司轉交給公司。在收到轉換通知日期後的第一個(第1)個交易日或之前,製造商應通過傳真或電子郵件向確認並代表作出響應,確認此類普通股份是否可以根據規則144或有效和可用的註冊聲明隨後出售,確認收到此類轉換通知並向持有人和製造商的過戶代理發送轉讓代理確認將構成指示給過戶代理,按照本協議條款處理該轉換通知。在Makers收到轉換通知之日起的第二個(第2)個交易日或之前(或根據《交易所法案》或其他適用法律、法規規定,在適用轉換日期發起的交易結算爲該轉換通知規定的普通股份額)(“股票交付截止日期”)製造商應(1)假定過戶代理參與美國託管公司(“DTC”)快速自動證券轉移計劃,將該轉換應享有的普通股總數記入持有人或其被指定人的DTC餘額帳戶,或者(2)如果過戶代理不參與DTC快速自動證券轉移計劃,根據持有人請求,在轉換通知中指定的地址,通過著名隔夜快遞公司,向持有人或其被指定人註冊一份代表持有人應享有的普通股份額的證書。如果此票據被實物交換以轉換,則此票據的未償本金超過被轉換的轉換金額的本金部分,則廠商應儘快並在收到此票據後的兩(2)個工作日內,並自行承擔費用,向持有人(或其指定人)發行並送交一份代表未轉換未償本金金額的新票據。《人員(如下文所定義)或《具有權利收到本票據轉換後應發行的普通股份》應被視爲轉換日期時的這些普通股份的名義持有人或持有人 |
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18.4. | 侷限性 關於轉換。製造商不得影響本票據任何部分的轉換, 並且持有人無權根據本票據的任何部分進行轉換 本說明的條款和條件以及任何此類轉換均應無效並應予以處理 就好像從未進行過一樣,在使此類轉換生效之後,持有人一起 與其他歸屬方合起來將受益擁有超過9.99%的股份 (這個”最大百分比”) 立即流通的普通股股份 在使這種轉換生效之後。就前述句子而言,總計 持有人實益擁有的普通股數量和其他歸屬 各方應包括持有人持有的普通股數量以及所有其他股份 歸因方 加 轉換後可發行的普通股數量 正在對本說明中確定此類判決的依據,但是 應不包括在 (A) 轉換剩餘普通股時可發行的普通股, 持有人或任何其他歸屬機構實益擁有的本票據的未轉換部分 各方和 (B) 行使或轉換任何未行使或未轉換的部分 製造商的其他證券(包括但不限於任何可轉換票據或可轉換票據) 由持有人或任何其他歸屬方實益擁有的優先股或認股權證) 但對轉換或行使的限制與中包含的限制類似 這個 第 18.4 節。出於這個目的 第 18.4 節,實益所有權 應根據《交易法》第 13 (d) 條計算。出於以下目的 確定持有人可以收購的已發行普通股數量 在不超過最大百分比的情況下轉換本票據,持有人可以依靠 關於公司 (x) 中反映的已發行普通股數量 10-k 表最新年度報告、10-Q 表季度報告、當前報告 向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-k表格或其他公開文件,視情況而定,(y)最近的公開文件 公司的公告或 (z) 本公司的任何其他書面通知或轉讓 代理人(如果有),列出已發行普通股的數量(”已舉報 未償還股數”)。如果製造商收到來自的轉換通知 普通股實際已發行股票數量少於時的持有人 報告的已發行股票數量,公司應以書面形式通知持有人 當時已發行普通股的數量,以及在此種轉換的範圍內 否則,通知將導致持有人的受益所有權,具體依據是 對此 第 18.4 節,要超過最大百分比,持有人必須通知 根據此類轉換減少擬購買的普通股數量的製造商 注意。無論出於何種原因,應持有人的書面或口頭要求,本公司 應在一 (1) 個工作日內以口頭和書面形式或通過電子郵件確認至 持有人當時已發行的普通股數量。無論如何,這個數字 普通股的已發行股份應在轉換生效後確定 或持有人和其他任何人行使製造商的證券,包括本票據 自報告已申報的未償還股份編號之日起歸屬方。 如果在普通股轉換後向持有人發行普通股 本說明使持有人和其他歸屬方被視爲受益 總共擁有超過已發行股票數量的最大百分比 普通股(根據《交易法》第13(d)條確定)、股票數量 以持有人和其他歸屬方的總和爲依據發行 受益所有權超過最大百分比(”超額股份”) 應被視爲無效並應予取消 從一開始,持有人應 無權投票或轉讓多餘股份。收到書面通知後 對製造商而言,持有人可能會不時增加(這種增加無效) 直到此類通知送達後的第 61 天),或將最高百分比降至任意 不超過此類通知中規定的9.99%的其他百分比;前提是 (i) 任何 這種最高百分比的提高要到之後的第 61 天才會生效 通知已送達製造商,(ii) 任何此類增加或減少將僅適用 致持有人和其他歸屬方。爲明確起見,普通股的股份 根據本票據條款可發行的超過最大百分比的股票應 不被視爲持有人出於任何目的的實益擁有,包括出於目的 《交易法》第13(d)條或第16a-1(a)(1)條。以前沒有能力轉換這個 注:根據本款規定應對條款的適用性產生任何影響。 關於隨後對可兌換性的任何決定,均適用本款。條款 本款的解釋和執行應以非嚴格的方式進行 符合本條款 第 18.4 節 在必要的範圍內進行糾正 本段(或本段的任何部分)可能有缺陷或不一致 本18.4中包含預期的受益所有權限制或進行更改 或適當執行此類限制所必需或需要的補充材料.侷限性 本款中包含的內容不得免除,應適用於本款的繼任持有人 注意。 |
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For purposes of the Note and this Amendment:
“Affiliate” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person, it being understood for purposes of this definition that “control” of a Person means the power directly or indirectly either to vote 10% or more of the stock having ordinary voting power for the election of directors of such Person or direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such Person whether by contract or otherwise.
“Attribution Parties” means, collectively, the following Persons and entities: (i) any investment vehicle, including, any funds, feeder funds or managed accounts, currently, or from time to time after the date of the issuance of the Note or the Amendment Effective Date, directly or indirectly managed or advised by the Holder’s investment manager or any of its Affiliates or principals, (ii) any direct or indirect Affiliates of the Holder or any of the foregoing, (iii) any Person or entity acting or who could be deemed to be acting as a Group together with the Holder or any of the foregoing and (iv) any other Persons or entities whose beneficial ownership of the Company’s Common Stock would or could be aggregated with the Holder’s and the other Attribution Parties for purposes of Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act. For clarity, the purpose of the foregoing definition is to subject collectively the Holder and all other Attribution Parties to the Maximum Percentage.
“Group” means a “group” as that term is used in Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and as defined in Rule 13d-5 thereunder.
“Person” means an individual, a limited liability company, a partnership, a joint venture, a corporation, a trust, an unincorporated organization, any other entity or a government or any department or agency thereof.
Section 19 of the Note is hereby added to the Note as follows:
19. | New Resale Registration Rights. As expeditiously as possible, and in no event later than 7 days, after the Amendment Effective Date, the Company shall file a registration statement on Form S-3 (or, in the event that the Company is not eligible to file a registration statement on Form S-3, a registration statement on Form S-1) (the “New Resale Registration Statement”) covering the resale by the Holder of the Underlying Securities on a delayed or continuous basis and shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to have such New Resale Registration Statement declared effective as soon as practicable after the filing thereof. The Company shall maintain the effectiveness of the New Resale Registration Statement or a replacement registration statement, including filing any amendments, supplements or new registration statements as may be necessary to allow the Holder to sell the Underlying Securities until the Holder is able to sell such shares without registration under Rule 144 (or any successor provision or rule) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) (but with no volume or other restrictions or limitations, including as to manner or timing of sale). |
Section 20 of the Note is hereby added to the Note as follows:
20. | Representations and Warranties of Holder. The Holder hereby represents and warrants to the Maker as of the Amendment Effective Date and as of each Conversion Date as follows: |
20.1. | Power and Authority. The Holder has the full power, authority and/or capacity to enter into this Amendment and its agreement to be bound by the provisions hereof constitutes its valid and legally binding obligation, enforceable in accordance with its terms. | |
20.2. | Purchase Entirely for Own Account. This Note has, and the Underlying Securities issued upon a conversion of this Note have, been purchased by the Holder for its own account, not as a nominee or agent and not with a view to the resale or distribution of any part thereof. The Holder has no present intention of selling, granting any participation in, or otherwise distributing the same. The Holder does not have any contract, undertaking, agreement or arrangement with any party to sell, transfer or grant participation to any party with respect to the Underlying Securities. | |
20.3. | Disclosure of Information. The Holder received all of the information it requested in connection with its purchase of the Underlying Securities. The Holder has had an opportunity to ask questions of, and receive answers from, the Company and to consult its own legal, tax, and other advisors, regarding the information provided and the terms and conditions of the offering of the Underlying Securities. | |
20.4. | Investment Experience. The Holder can bear the economic risk of its investment and has the knowledge and experience in financial or business matters to, and is capable of, evaluating the merits and risks of the investment in the Underlying Securities. |
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20.5. | Restricted Securities. The Holder understands that the Underlying Securities are characterized as “restricted securities” under the federal securities laws inasmuch as they are being acquired from the Company in a transaction not involving a public offering, and that under such laws and applicable regulations such securities may be resold without registration under the Securities Act, only in certain limited circumstances. | |
20.6. | Accredited Investor. The Holder is an accredited investor as such term is defined in the rules promulgated pursuant to the Securities Act. The Holder has been advised that this Note and the Underlying Securities have not been registered under the Securities Act, or any state securities laws and, therefore, cannot be resold unless they are registered under the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or unless an exemption from such registration requirements is available. The Holder is purchasing this Note and the securities to be acquired by the Holder hereunder for its own account for investment, not as a nominee or agent, and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with, the distribution thereof, and the Holder has no present intention of selling, granting any participation in, or otherwise distributing the same. The Holder has such knowledge and experience in financial and business matters that the Holder is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such investment, is able to incur a complete loss of such investment without impairing the Holder’s financial condition and is able to bear the economic risk of such investment for an indefinite period of time. | |
20.7. | No General Solicitation. Neither the Holder, nor any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, stockholders, or partners has either directly or indirectly, including through a broker or finder (1) engaged in any general solicitation of the Note, this Amendment, or the Underlying Securities, or (2) published any advertisement in connection with the offer and sale of the Note, this Amendment, or the Underlying Securities. |
The Security Agreement shall be terminated in its entirety upon full repayment of the Note and all other Secured Obligations (as defined in the Note).
This Amendment is limited precisely as written and shall not (a) constitute a consent under or waiver or modification of any other term or condition of the Note, or (b) prejudice or otherwise affect any right or privilege which Holder now has or may have in the future under the Note. Except as expressly amended and modified hereby, the Note shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.
This Amendment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without regard to principles of choice of law or conflict of law. EACH PARTY HERETO WAIVES ITS RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL OF ANY CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION BASED UPON OR ARISING OUT OF THIS AMENDMENT OR THE NOTE.
[Signature Page Follows]
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Amendment as of the date first written above.
as the Company
By: | /s/ James Bligh | |
Name: | James Bligh | |
Title: | Interim CFO |
as a subsidiary of the Company
By: | /s/ James Bligh | |
Name: | James Bligh | |
Title: | Director |
as the Holder
By: | /s/ Stefano Grace | |
Name: | Stefano Grace | |
Title: | Authorized Representative |
[Signature Page to Amendment to Senior Secured Promissory Note of Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.]
Exhibit I
Reference is made to the Senior Secured Promissory Note (as amended, the “Note”) issued by Conduit Pharmaceutical Inc. (“Company”), and each subsidiary of the Company listed on the signature page thereto (together with the Company, the “Makers” and each a “Maker”) to Nirland Limited (the “Holder”) in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $2,650,000 dated as of August 6, 2024. In accordance with and pursuant to the Note, the undersigned hereby elects to convert the Conversion Amount (as defined in the Note) of the Note indicated below into shares of Common Stock, $0.0001 par value per share (the “Common Stock”), of the Company, as of the date specified below. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning as set forth in the Note.
Date of Conversion: |
Aggregate principal to be converted: |
Aggregate accrued and unpaid with respect to such portion of the aggregate principal and such aggregate interest to be converted: | |
Please confirm the following information: |
Conversion Price: |
Number of shares of Common Stock to be issued: |
Please issue the Common Stock into which the Note is being converted to Holder, or for its benefit, as follows:
[_] Check here if requesting delivery as a certificate to the following name and to the following address:
Issue to: | |
[_] Check here if requesting delivery by Deposit/Withdrawal at Custodian as follows:
DTC Participant: | |
DTC Number: | |
Account Number: |
Date: _____________ __, ____
Name of Registered Holder
By: | ||
Name: | ||
Title: |
Tax ID:__________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________