2024年10月31日,紐交所新聞通訊社報導,布魯克菲爾德資產管理有限公司(NYSE: BAm,tsx: BAM)和布魯克菲爾德公司(NYSE: BN,tsx: BN)今天宣佈了加強BAM企業結構並使BAm更廣泛納入股指期貨交易的一系列措施,尤其是美國市場的股指期貨。
BAm預計於2024年12月20日舉行一次特別會議 (以下簡稱“會議”),以供股東考慮並投票表決有關安排。如在會議上獲批准,預計該安排將於2025年初結束,須經過法院批准和其他慣例的結束條件,包括紐交所和 tsx 上市批准。
《安排》簡化了資產管理業務的企業結構,使投資者更容易了解並評估安防。這也將使BAM的市值能夠準確反映資產管理業務的總價值。根據BAm Class A股的當前股價,這將約為$850億,而BAM當前的市值約為$230億,僅反映了資產管理業務的27%。
根據安排的條款,BAm將從BN及其部分子公司收購布魯克菲爾德資產管理ULC(“資產管理公司”)的大約73%流通普通股(“普通股”)。 資產管理公司擁有並經營布魯克菲爾德領先的全球替代資產管理業務。
本安排的完成受安排協議(“協議”)中包含的一系列條件制約,其中包括但不限於:(i)Class A股東投票中至少有三分之二的持有者投票通過特別決議(“安排決議”);(ii)BAM Class B有限投票股股東中至少有三分之二的投票人投票通過;以及(iii)Class A股東投票中簡單多數投票人通過,其中不包括根據《多邊儀器61-101的含義》意義內的“利害關係人”直接或間接持有的Class A股(“MI 61-101”-內或根據MI 61-101的要求應該被排除的持有人(“BAm公眾股東”),在每種情況下均要在會議上通過。 保障少數安全持有人在特殊交易中的安全 (“MI 61-101”)或根據MI 61-101的要求應該被排除的持有人(“BAm公眾股東”)
BN已向安大略證券委員會作為主要監管機構申請豁免救濟(“豁免救濟”),根據MI 61-101條款9.1和Multilateral Instrument 11-102 – 護照系統 ,免除BN適用於MI 61-101第5.4和5.6條款的要求,以獲得安排的正式估值和少數股東批准。如果獲得豁免救濟,BN不打算尋求股東批准或就安排的正式估值。
就安排的審查事項而言,資產管理公司的董事會的管治、提名和薪酬委員會(“BAm GNCC”)選擇了KPMG LLP(“KPMG”)作為獨立估值師,並要求KPMG根據MI 61-101準備正式估值及公正意見。KPMG提供其報告,根據其審查範圍,在2024年10月31日對資產管理公司的普通股的公允市值範圍為每股46.35至51.67美元,A類股的公允市值範圍為每股46.43至51.63美元截至2024年10月31日,以及(ii)從財務角度看,該安排對BAm的公眾股東是公平的。
BAm GNCC和BAm董事會批准
根據其章程,BAm GNCC監督下對安排的審查和評估進行了,其章程授權BAm GNCC審查和監督所有重大建議的相關方交易和涉及潛在利益衝突的情況,這些情況並不需要根據適用證券法委託“獨立特別委員會”處理。
經過對協議、合同以及其他多個因素的仔細審查和深入考慮,並在獲得包括KPMG正式估值和公正意見在內的獨立建議後,BAm GNCC一致判斷該協議符合BAm最佳利益,並一致建議BAm董事會判斷該協議符合BAm最佳利益,批准該協議,並建議股東在會議上投票贊成該協議。
BAm董事會(其中BAm和BN的CEO布魯斯·弗拉特先生棄權)根據BAm GNCC的建議等原因,一致決定:(i)確定安排符合BAm的最佳利益,(ii)批准該安排;相應地,(iii)建議BAm股東在會議上投票支持該安排決議。
關於brookfield corporation
brookfield corporation是一家領先的全球投資機構,致力於為全球的機構和個人建立長期財富。BN擁有三個核心業務:另類資產管理、財富解決方案以及其經營業務,包括可再生能源、製造行業、業務和工業服務,以及房地產業。
BN在過去30多年為股東提供每年15%以上的年化回報,這得益於其無與倫比的投資和經營經驗。 BN保守管理的資產負債表、豐富的操作經驗和全球採購網絡使其能夠持續接觸獨特機會。 BN成功的核心在於Brookfield生態系統,其基於一個基本原則,即Brookfield內部每個集團受益於成為更廣泛組織的一部分。 Brookfield corporation在紐約和多倫多公開交易(NYSE: BN, tsx: BN)。
欲瞭解更多資訊,請造訪BAM的網站 www.bam.brookfield.com 或BN的網站 www.bn.brookfield.com 或聯絡:
媒體: 凱莉·麥休 電話:(212) 618-3469 電子郵件:kerrie.mchugh@brookfield.com | BAm投資者關係: Jason Fooks 電話:(212) 417-2442 電郵:jason.fooks@brookfield.com BN投資者關係: 琳達·諾斯伍德 電話:(416) 359-8647 電子郵件:linda.northwood@brookfield.com |
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of Canadian provincial securities laws and “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and in any applicable Canadian securities regulations (collectively, “forward-looking statements”). Forward-looking statements include statements that are predictive in nature, depend upon or refer to future results, events or conditions, and include, but are not limited to, statements which reflect management’s current estimates, beliefs and assumptions and which are in turn based on our experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. The estimates, beliefs and assumptions of BAM and BN are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive and other uncertainties and contingencies regarding future events and as such, are subject to change. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as “expect”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “foresee”, “could”, “estimate”, “goal”, “intend”, “plan”, “seek”, “strive”, “will”, “may” and “should” and similar expressions. In particular, the forward-looking statements contained in this press release include statements referring to BAM’s and BN’s beliefs as to the completion and timing of the Arrangement, BAM’s potential inclusion in global stock indices and other expected impacts of the Arrangement. Factors that could cause actual results, performance, achievements or events to differ from current expectations include, among others, risks and uncertainties related to: obtaining approvals, rulings, court orders and consents, or satisfying other requirements, necessary or desirable to permit or facilitate completion of the Arrangement (including regulatory and shareholder approvals); future factors that may arise making it inadvisable to proceed with, or advisable to delay, all or part of the Arrangement; and business cycles, including general economic conditions.
Certain risks and uncertainties specific to the proposed Arrangement will be further described in the management information circular to be mailed to BAM shareholders in advance of the Meeting. Other factors, risks and uncertainties not presently known to BAM or BN or that BAM and BN currently believe are not material could also cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by statements containing forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on statements containing forward-looking statements that are included in this press release, which are made as of the date of this press release, and not to use such information for anything other than their intended purpose. BAM and BN disclaim any obligation or intention to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.
Early Warning Disclosure
This press release is being issued pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 – The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues (“NI 62-103”), which requires a report to be filed under BAM’s profile on SEDAR+ (www.sedarplus.com) containing additional information respecting the foregoing matters. BAM’s head office address is 250 Vesey Street, 15th Floor, New York, New York, 10281-0221, United States.
BN has filed on SEDAR+ an early warning report in compliance with NI 62-103 to disclose changes in its ownership of securities of BAM as a result of the Arrangement.
BN holds Class A Shares for investment purposes. BN has no definitive plans or future intentions as of the date of this press release that relate to, or would result in, acquiring additional securities of BAM, disposing of securities of BAM, or any of the other actions enumerated in paragraphs (a) through (k) of Item 5 of BN’s early warning report filed on SEDAR+. BN will continue to review its investment alternatives and may acquire additional Class A Shares or other securities of BAM or may, subject to market conditions, applicable securities laws and other relevant factors, sell Class A Shares or other securities of BAM it now holds in the open market (where such a market exists) or in privately negotiated transactions to one or more persons in accordance with the provisions of applicable securities legislation.
For further information, including a copy of the corresponding report filed with Canadian securities regulators, please visit www.sedarplus.ca or contact the office of the Corporate Secretary of Brookfield Corporation at Brookfield Place, Suite 100, 181 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5J 2T3, Telephone: (416) 363-9491.