13.Each Supervised Person shall complete a compliance questionnaire (the 「Regulatory Compliance Disclosure」) prior to employment and/or becoming a Supervised Person and annually thereafter, within the prescribed deadline, as provided by the Compliance Department, (「Compliance Due Date」) through the Firm’s compliance portal. Each Supervised Person shall supplement the Regulatory Compliance Disclosure, as necessary, to reflect any material changes between annual disclosures filings, and must immediately notify Compliance Department if any of the conditions addressed in the Regulatory Compliance Disclosure become applicable to such Supervised Person.
14.Every Supervised Person must avoid any activity that might give rise to a question as to whether the Firm’s objectivity as a fiduciary has been compromised (See Section V).
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15.Access Persons are required to disclose to a Compliance Officer the existence of any account that has the ability to hold any Reportable Securities (e.g., brokerage or trading accounts and IRAs), as well the account’s holdings (immediately upon commencement of employment (which shall include the accounts and holdings of the Access Person’s Related Persons), and in no case later than ten (10) calendar days beyond the Access Person’s start date. Such Accounts must be disclosed even if they contain a zero balance or non-Reportable Securities. Access Persons are required to disclose accounts that are Managed Accounts; however, disclosing the holdings of such Managed Accounts is not required. With limited exceptions provided herein, Access Persons are also required to maintain Non-Managed Accounts capable of holding Reportable Securities with Approved Brokers, which have contracted to provide holdings and transaction reporting to the Compliance Department on the Firm’s compliance portal. Access Persons must confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information so provided to the Firm on a quarterly and annual basis by the Compliance Due Date. Initial and quarterly reports must disclose the existence of all accounts, even if none of those accounts at the time hold a Reportable Security. (See Section II).
如果本代碼涉及的政策也被Orchard First Source Capital, Inc. 或其他所受監管人員所就職的附屬機構的其他公司政策或員工手冊中提到,那麼這些政策旨在補充而非取代或替代相關公司的員工手冊政策。如果有任何衝突導致受監管人員無法同時遵守兩套政策,受監管人員應將衝突報告給合規部門。
「Reportable Security」 means every Security and Reportable Fund in which an Access Person or a Related Person has a Beneficial Ownership or other Beneficial Interest, except for an Exempt Security.
「Security」 means any note, stock, treasury stock, bond, debenture, Blockchain ETFs, evidence of indebtedness6, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement, collateral-trust certificate, reorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, voting trust certificate, certificate of deposit for a security, fractional undivided interest in oil, gas or other mineral rights, any put, call, straddle, option or privilege on any security (including a certificate of deposit) or on any group or index of securities (including any interest therein or based on the value thereof), or a put, call, straddle, option or privilege, entered into on a national securities exchange relating to foreign currency, or in general, any interest or instrument commonly known as a 「security,」 or any certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt for, guarantee of, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing.
Note that Security has a different definition for purposes of the Inside Information Policy of the Code.
Under the Advisers Act and the Company Act, OFS Adviser and each OFS Fund are required to keep records of transactions in Reportable Securities in which Access Persons have Beneficial Ownership or a direct or indirect Beneficial Interest.
所有權限人員及其關聯人員必須提交預先審批請求,以便捐贈或交易所屬證券,無論是直接還是間接的個人利益,包括但不限於OFS Capital Corporation(OFS),OFS Credit Company,Inc.(OCCI),CIm Real Assets & Credit Fund(RACR),Creative Media Community Trust Corporation(CMCT)和CIm Real Estate Finance Trust,Inc.(CMFT)。一般只會在開放交易窗口期間批准交易或捐贈所屬證券。所有批准的交易或捐款必須在獲批後的下一個市場收盤前完成,除非合規主管明確延長或撤銷。如果在批准日期市場交易收盤前未完成批准的交易或捐款,則權限人員必須在任何適用的交易窗口關閉之前通過公司合規門戶提交新的預先審批請求。
•By the Compliance Due Date and no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the end of each calendar year (i.e., February 14), every Access Person is required to certify, via the Firm’s compliance portal, such Access Person’s and their Related Persons’ holdings of Reportable Securities in Non-Managed Affiliated Accounts as of year- end, including Reportable Securities holdings held in Automatic Investment Plans. Any holdings in Reportable Securities in a Non-Managed Account or an Automated Investment Plan, not already reflected within the Firm’s compliance portal, should be reported separately by the Access Person.
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3.Managed Accounts
The Firm recognizes that it may be impossible or impractical for accounts that are controlled or invested on a fully discretionary basis by a third party, such as an investment adviser or broker (「Managed Accounts」), to comply with the Preclearance and Reporting Requirements section and Statement of Restrictions section of the Code. Therefore, Managed Accounts are exempted from such procedures, 但是,如果年度授予的公平價值超過40萬美元,則年度授予的股份數量將自動減少,使年度授予的公平價值在40萬美元以下,並且公平價值按公司的財務報表一致確定。年度授權將在授權日期起1年內全部歸屬於基礎股票,或在授權日期後的我們股東年會之前(以先到者爲準),但需持續服務到適用歸屬日期。that the Access Person cedes any and all control over investment decisions for the account (other than general asset class and objectives guidelines) to such third party and does not communicate with such person with respect to individual transactions for the account. Special rules apply with respect to whether an Access Person 「controls」 the investment decisions of an entity in which he or she invests; guidance from a Compliance Officer should be sought in such instances.
The Firm requires that general information regarding Managed Accounts, including broker, account title, account number, and the status of the account, be reported through the Firm’s compliance portal. In order to properly establish a Managed Account, the Access Persons is required to provide to the Compliance Department evidence that full investment discretion has been provided to the third-party investment adviser or broker (e.g., provide the investment management agreement or a letter from the investment adviser/broker attesting that it has full investment discretion over the Access Persons’ or their Related Persons’ account). Upon establishing a Managed Account in the Firm’s compliance portal and quarterly thereafter, the Access Person is required to certify within the Firm’s compliance portal that he or she does not participate, directly or indirectly in individual investment decisions in the Managed Account or be made aware of such decisions before transactions are executed.
未經合規事項的事前批准,訪問人或其關聯人不得以直接或間接的個人利益,捐贈或交易關聯證券,包括但不限於OFS基金,CIm房地產和信貸基金,Creative Media & Community Trust Corporation(CMCT)和CIm房地產融資信託公司(CMFT)。事先批准請求應通過公司的合規門戶提交。通常只有在開放交易時間段內才會獲得批准。所有經批准的交易或捐款必須在批准後的下一個市場收盤前完成,除非明確延期或被合規官員撤銷。如果在批准日期的市場交易收盤前未完成批准交易,則訪問人必須通過公司的合規門戶提交新的事前批准請求 在本次發售之前,不考慮認股權中包含的任何受益所有權限制,銷售股東所擁有的普通股數目 適用交易窗口結束。
Material information does not have to relate to a company’s business. For example, in Carpenter v. U.S., 18 U.S. 316 (1987), the Supreme Court considered as material certain information about the contents of a forthcoming newspaper column that was expected to affect the market price of a Security. In that case, a Wall Street Journal reporter was found criminally liable for disclosing to others the dates that reports on various companies would appear in the Journal and whether those reports would be favorable or not.
The SEC, along with certain states, municipalities and public pension plans, have adopted regulations limiting or completely disqualifying investment advisers from providing services to, or accepting placements from, a government entity if certain political contributions12 are made or solicited13 by the Firm, certain of its Supervised Persons, or, in some instances, a Supervised Person’s Related Persons. Under these 「pay to play」 regulations, a single prohibited political contribution to a candidate or officeholder, political party, political action committee or other political organization at
12Contributions include cash, checks, gifts, subscriptions, loans, advances, deposits of money, 「in kind」 contributions (e.g., the provision of free professional services) or anything else of value provided for the purpose of influencing an election for a federal, state or local office, including any payments for debts incurred in such an election.
13Solicitation of contributions encompasses any fundraising activity on behalf of a candidate, campaign or political organization, including direct solicitation, hosting of events and/or aggregating, coordinating or 「bundling」 the contributions of others.
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Under the FCPA, the employees of public international organizations, such as the African and Asian Development Banks, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the Organization of American States, are considered Public Officials.
In April 2010, the United Kingdom, passed its own anti-bribery law, the Bribery Act 2010 (the 「Bribery Act」). However, the law went further than the FCPA, prohibiting not only bribery of 「foreign public officials」 but also the bribery of private parties. Further, the Bribery Act, unlike the FCPA, prohibits 「passive」 bribery or the acceptance of bribes, in addition to 「active」 bribery, or giving a bribe.
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The OFS Adviser Anti-Corruption Policy is applicable to all OFS Adviser employees, regardless of their country of citizenship or residency. Although the FCPA and the Bribery Act are the principal anti-bribery statutes applicable to OFS Adviser and its employees worldwide, OFS Adviser and its employees are also subject to the applicable anti-bribery laws of all jurisdictions in which they do business and any jurisdictions involved in OFS Adviser’s cross-border transactions. OFS Adviser employees who are not U.S. or U.k. citizens or residents may also be subject to anti-bribery laws of their countries of citizenship or residency, as applicable.
Prior to transacting business (including merger and acquisition transactions and the retention of certain third parties) outside the U.S. or U.k., you should consult with the CCO or Chief Legal Officer or local counsel to obtain the applicable policies, requirements and procedures pertinent to complying with the applicable anti-bribery laws of such jurisdictions.
OFS employees should be sensitive to anti-corruption issues in their dealings directly or indirectly, with Private Sector Counterparty Representatives. A Private Sector Counterparty Representative is an owner, employee, or representative of a private entity, such as a partnership or corporation, with which OFS Adviser is conducting or seeking to conduct business. Individuals affiliated with current and prospective clients, joint venture partners and service providers and other third parties in such a capacity are all 「Private Sector Counterparty Representatives」.
OFS電子郵件和其他OF套贊助的溝通媒介(例如,Skype for Business)(統稱爲「OFS溝通平台」)通常僅用於進行OFS業務。雖然偶爾使用OFS電子郵件進行個人通信是允許的,但被監管人員不得使用OFS溝通平台來進行個人外部業務活動(包括涉及政治、公民或慈善募捐的活動),這可能會暗示OFS對此類活動的贊助或認可。嚴禁將OFS信紙用於個人通信或其他個人用途。通過OFS通信平台進行的所有通信均爲OFS的財產,使用此類平台必須遵守OFS計算機接受使用政策。
☐ I certify that I do not possess material non-public information (「MNPI」) directly related to the Securities of this issuer or indirectly related to another issuer (for example, Securities of an issuer in the same industry) which one may reasonably expect to be material to this investment.
☐ If approved, I certify that I will not make any changes to the existing AIP prior to obtaining preclearance. The preclearance approval is specific to the details outlined above only and any changes to this AIP will require an additional preclearance.
☐ I certify that I will notify Compliance upon termination of this or any other disclosed AIP.