

[*****] 保險綜合品牌服務採購協議


派對 A: […]
地址: […]
郵政編碼: […]


派對 B: 世紀陽光保險券商(上海)有限公司。


協議 構成文件
















7.保密協議 (附錄五)


1. 定義


1.1 天:除非在本協議中另有規定,「天」指的是一個日曆日。


1.2 月:除非在本協議中另有規定,「月」指的是一個日曆月。


1.3 人民幣:所有與本協議相關的費用均以人民幣爲計價單位。


1.4 隸屬機構:一方的隸屬機構指直接或間接受該方控制的公司;或直接或間接控制該方的公司;或由另一家公司與該方處於相同控制下的公司。這包括但不限於,一方的母公司、子公司;以及受同一母公司控制的子公司。這裏,「控制」指通過擁有或投票股份,協議或其他方式,對影響或管理公司或實體決策的權利的直接或間接擁有。


2. 陳述與保證




2.2本協議是各方經過充分討論和平等協商達成的基礎。本協議的文本 不是一方提供的標準協議,也沒有一方設定的標準條款。







2.4 雙方指定的授權代表具有完全的民事行爲能力,並已獲得必要的書面授權簽署本協議。授權代表簽署本協議沒有法律障礙,授權代表在簽署本協議時採取的任何行動將得到承認。沒有不明授權或超出授權範圍的情況,可能使協議無效或部分無效或可撤銷。


3. 協議期限






4. 服務內容


4.1 服務範圍:b方承擔[*****] 保險項目 - [*****] 保險的全面品牌 服務,提供客戶獲取及相關品牌推廣、廣告、傳播,包括線上和線下推廣。




5. 服務費






6. 結算方式


6.1 甲方將根據乙方提供的服務實際完成和驗收情況來結算。 乙方提供的服務必須經過完全交付並經甲方驗收;否則,不能作爲結算的依據。如果發生雙方未經同意的支出或成本,或者乙方在未經甲方事先通知和書面確認的情況下執行服務,甲方有權不支付相關費用。







Party b應根據協議約定的金額及時開具等效的合格增值稅發票。如果乙方延遲開具發票、開具不合格發票或未能開具發票,甲方有權相應延遲付款或不付款,但乙方仍須按時履行協議的義務。


6.4 付款應通過銀行轉賬方式進行。如果財團指定的銀行帳戶信息有任何變更, b應提前十五(15)個工作日書面通知財團A。


6.5 稅費:乙方開具的發票應明確註明稅務部門徵收的所有相關稅費(如有),甲方須支付的稅費。在開具發票時,乙方應正確計算任何適用的稅款。


7. 甲方的權利和義務




7.2 甲方不得向第三方透露任何與乙方相關的商業信息、數據、材料、文件等,無論是其接觸、控制或知悉的。


7.3 甲方有權要求乙方依法按法律法規的要求聘用工人。如果乙方派遣的人員(包括乙方的員工、第三方服務人員等)發生任何勞動爭議,則乙方應負責。乙方還應對其服務人員和派遣人員的個人及勞動安全負責。 甲方對乙方計劃的接受並不免除乙方法定聘用的義務和責任。如果涉及乙方的勞動爭議對甲方造成影響或損失,甲方有權立即終止本協議並要求乙方賠償。


7.4 甲方授權乙方使用甲方的名稱、商標、標誌及其他商業識別符號,以履行 本協議。在使用之前,乙方必須獲得甲方相關人員的確認,以確保不會損害 甲方的品牌形象。如果乙方的合作過程造成甲方的品牌形象損害,乙方應賠償甲方的 損失。


8. 乙方的權利與義務


8.1 根據服務內容和本協議的規定開展工作,並承擔 在服務提供過程中可能產生的所有費用、開支和支出。


8.2 乙方保證:1)不偽造服務數據和結算數據或對其施加不當影響。如果服務數據或結算數據不真實、不準確,涉及刷單、刷量或其他虛假和不誠實的情況,乙方必須根據甲方的實際經濟損失進行賠償;2)提供給甲方的服務所針對的用戶數均為真實、有效和獨立的自然人。當雙方就用戶的真實性產生爭議時,乙方承諾提供證明用戶真實性的材料。


8.3 鑑於推廣服務的特殊性,乙太經典應該保留完整記錄整個服務過程,以確保準確記錄和整個服務過程的可追溯性。在涉及服務、結算、接受等有爭議情況時,乙太經典應負責提供與服務過程相關的記錄,並追蹤每個具體服務內容以證明其服務的真實性,並滿足甲方的服務質量要求。如果乙太經典拒絕提供或未能保留服務過程的有效記錄,應承擔相應的不利後果,甲方有權不支付相應服務費。





8.4 Party B在服務過程中必須確保人員和財產的安全,並為相關人員(包括但不限於Party B的員工、第三方服務人員和服務參與者)購買適當的保險。如果在活動期間發生任何事故或損失(包括但不限於人身傷害和財產損失),Party B應承擔相應的責任。


8.5 作為專業服務提供商, 乙方有嚴格的責任檢查其發布/設計/製作/提供的內容。乙方保證上述相關內容不違反法律、法規、規則及規範性文件,並承擔因其發布內容而產生的所有法律責任。如果甲方因乙方發布的內容而遭受損失,乙方應進行賠償,包括但不限於甲方支付的賠償金、行政罰款損失、名譽損失以及律師費、公證費、訴訟/仲裁費、評估費、旅行費等合理支出。乙方發布/設計/製作/提供的推廣內容應在對外發布和使用前經甲方書面審查和確認。在未經甲方書面同意的情況下,乙方不得單方面發布或修改。甲方的審查僅為形式審查,並不免除或降低乙方根據本條款承擔的法律責任。


9. 保密性


雙方對於本協議的條款及相關的 資訊、科技及在簽署和執行本協議期間互相獲得的商業機密均有保密義務。雙方所約定的保密事項詳列於本協議的附錄V「保密協議」。


10. 知識產權


10.1 知識產權所有權條款


(1) 根據本協議,派別B設計和製作的所有工作成果及相關信息材料,或因本協議而產生的材料(包括但不限於創意、文案、策劃、軟文、手稿、劇本、影片、圖片等),包括所有所有權和知識產權,均應由派別A獨自擁有。派別B不得以任何形式將其提供給第三方,或在未經派別A書面同意的情況下用於本協議以外的目的。


(2) 若任一方需要使用、蘋果-顯示屏另一方或其附屬方的名稱、商標、LOGO或其他商業識別符號,並且用途超出履行本協議的範疇,必須簽訂單獨的許可協議或授權文件。本協議並未賦予任一方明示或默示的知識產權許可或權利轉讓。如果一方違反上述條款,遵守方有權立即終止雙方簽署的所有協議,如此造成遵守方或其附屬方的損失,違約方應承擔相應的賠償責任。


10.2 知識產權保證條款


乙方應獨立創建、設計、製作並提供本協議下的所有工作成果及相關信息材料。 乙方保證提交給甲方的工作成果及相關信息材料不侵犯任何第三方的 權利(包括但不限於知識產權、肖像權或其他權利)。當服務提供需要第三方材料時,乙方應負責從權利人處獲得授權,所產生的費用由乙方承擔。如果因使用或享用乙方交付的工作成果及相關信息材料而被第三方指控侵犯其知識產權或其他權利,乙方應為甲方辯護或妥善處理該指控,並承擔造成甲方及第三方的損失。如果乙方未進行辯護或處理不當,甲方可以自行處理,甲方在和第三方達成的和解協議或任何有效判決中所規定的責任,以及甲方自行處理所產生的費用,均由乙方承擔。本條款中提到的“損失”或“費用”包括賠償金、律師費、訴訟/仲裁費、差旅費、公證費、評估費及其他合理費用。





11. 違約


11.1 如果甲方未按時向乙方支付款項,視為甲方違約。正常支付期限為自收到正常發票之日起45個自然日內,若延遲超過10天,甲方應於每延遲一天支付給乙方未支付總金額之萬分之一作為罰款,乙方有權暫停協議履行。


11.2 如果乙方違反本協議的陳述、擔保或義務,則構成違約。若此舉導致甲方遭受任何訴訟、索賠、投訴或行政處罰,乙方應負責妥善解決並賠償甲方的損失。若乙方的行為導致消費者或其他第三方遭受損失,乙方應承擔相應責任並賠償由此導致的甲方的損失。本條所提到的損失包括律師費、訴訟/仲裁費用、支付給第三方的賠償金、行政處罰損失、公證費、鑑定費、旅費以及由此產生的其他合理費用。


11.3 After the completion of the project or services, Party A shall conduct acceptance checks. If the acceptance is not qualified, Party B shall compensate Party A for the losses. The acceptance standards are based on this agreement and related agreements.


11.4 If other clauses of this agreement stipulate breach of contract responsibilities, those stipulations shall prevail.


12. Dispute Resolution


12.1 The establishment, execution, interpretation, and resolution of disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan regions).


12.2 All disputes related to or arising from this agreement shall first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to the people’s court with jurisdiction in the domicile of Party A for resolution through litigation.


13. General Provisions


13.1 Unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon in writing by both parties, any modification or change to this agreement must be proposed in writing and confirmed by the seals of both parties.


13.2 Force majeure refers to situations that were unforeseeable at the time the parties entered into the agreement and whose occurrence and consequences cannot be overcome or avoided. This includes (1) natural disasters such as floods, hail, tsunamis, typhoons, droughts, fires; (2) government actions such as policies, laws, regulations issued by government authorities, and new actions that result in the agreement not being performable; (3) abnormal social phenomena such as riots, wars, strikes, but not including internal labor disputes between the parties, which result in the non-performance of this agreement. If either party encounters force majeure and is wholly or partially unable to perform or delays the performance of this agreement, it shall notify the other party in writing within five (5) days from the date of occurrence of the event, and within twenty (20) days from the date of the event, submit proof to the other party that it is wholly or partially unable to perform or delays the performance.


13.3 Appendix I “Price List”, Appendix II “Service Team and Guarantees”, Appendix III “Business and Financial Basic Information”, Appendix IV “Declaration on Anti-Commercial Bribery”, and Appendix V “Confidentiality Agreement” of this agreement are integral parts of this agreement, have the same legal effect as this agreement, and bind both Party A and Party B strictly.


(No text below)


(This page has no text, it is the signature page for the “[*****] Insurance Comprehensive Brand Service Procurement Agreement” between both parties)


Party A (Seal):


Party B (Seal):


Date of Signature/Seal by both parties: January 1, 2024





Appendix I: Price List


Unless otherwise specified, the costs listed in the price list include all expenses and remuneration required for Party B to complete the services and obligations stipulated in this agreement, including but not limited to the costs necessary to complete this service, third-party fees, equipment, materials, software, labor, management, advertising, copyrights, insurance, patents, and other intellectual property usage fees, resources and storage, transportation costs, emergency expenses, and other necessary costs, profits, taxes, service fees, etc.


Price List
(Currency: RMB Yuan)


Service Item   Service Fee Standard
[*****] Insurance Comprehensive Brand Services   Determined by the specific service outcomes, subject to Party A’s review and acceptance, with specific settlement amounts to be agreed upon by both parties in a supplementary agreement.


Appendix II: Service Team and Guarantees


1.Party B shall appoint a professional and experienced team to provide specialized services. The list of team members must be confirmed by Party A and subject to Party A’s assessment. Party B must be responsible for the quality, effectiveness, and legality of the services provided by this team. Members of the service team, their job responsibilities, contact information, etc., are as follows.


2.If there are personnel adjustments in the service team, Party B must formally notify Party A in writing one month in advance and can only implement such changes after receiving Party A’s confirmation.


3.Party A has the right to request adjustments to the members of Party B’s service team, which Party A will notify Party B in writing.


Name   Position   Job Description   Phone Number   Email   Location
[*****]   Operations Director   Responsible for business liaison with Party A, arranging specific content for comprehensive brand services       [*****]   As required by the project
[*****]   Product Director   Responsible for technical development and liaison       [*****]   [*****]





Appendix III: Business and Financial Basic Information


1.Party A’s Financial Information:


oInvoice Information: VAT Special Invoice


oCompany Name: […]


oTax ID: […]


oBank: […]


oAccount Number: […]


oInvoice Address:




2.Party B’s Bank Information:


oUnless otherwise specified, the contract price should be transferred to Party B’s following bank account via wire transfer:


oBeneficiary: Sunshine Insurance Brokerage (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


oBank: China Merchants Bank, Shanghai Lianyang Branch




oAccount Number: 755913555810003





Appendix IV: Declaration on Anti-Commercial Bribery


Dear Partners,


Our stable growth is inseparable from the sincere support of all our partners. Our relationship with partners is based on legality, justice, and fair trading. We expect our partners to comply with laws, treat our employees fairly, and maintain high standards of integrity and professional ethics. We believe that commercial bribery acts against the basic principles of the market economy, disrupts market order, hinders fair competition and reasonable allocation of resources, increases business operating costs, and harms the healthy development of relationships between cooperating parties; commercial bribery corrupts social morals and erodes the integrity of corporate employees, becoming a breeding ground for corrupt practices and economic crimes. Based on this understanding, we hereby declare the following:


1.We encourage courteous behavior in business interactions, but we firmly oppose any attempts to unduly influence our mutual relationships by directly or indirectly providing improper benefits to our employees and their immediate relatives. Improper benefits include, but are not limited to: cash, checks, credit card gifts, samples or other goods, entertainment tickets, membership cards, interest-free loans, monetary or goods rebates, commissions, employment or real estate opportunities, travel paid by partners, banquets and personal services, and other forms of private benefits.


2.Our employees should adhere to our professional ethics guidelines during interactions with partners, ensuring fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination in the cooperation process; employees and their immediate relatives must not accept or solicit personal benefits from partners, or use their position to influence the choice and evaluation of partners, granting “special treatment” to specific cooperating parties.


3.In the course of fulfilling common commercial actions with partners, we must strictly comply with and ensure our employees adhere to anti-commercial bribery laws and regulations applicable in both parties’ locations, including but not limited to China’s Anti-Unfair Competition Law.


4.Our partners in the process of seeking subcontractors (or other suppliers) to share our related commercial contract obligations should ensure that their process of finding subcontractors (or other suppliers) also complies with the declarations stated in items 1-3. If there are individuals with a vested interest in our company among the partners, shareholders, supervisors, managers, senior management, project leaders, and project members (i.e., our group’s employees or their immediate relatives), the partner must promptly report this in writing to us; at the same time, our partners are obligated to explain and educate their subcontractors (or other suppliers) about the content of this declaration. Partners must ensure that their subcontractors (or other suppliers) do not bribe our employees or their immediate relatives in any form, directly or indirectly, and that our partners and their employees do not solicit or accept any benefits from their subcontractors (or other suppliers) in our name.


5.Our partners have the responsibility to resist, oppose, and report any illegal activities by our employees that do not comply with the provisions of this declaration; they are responsible for actively cooperating with our related investigation activities. Our partners may report any violations of this declaration by our employees, and we will strictly keep all provided information and materials confidential.


6.We strictly combat commercial bribery. Employees who violate the provisions of this declaration will be immediately dismissed and never rehired; partners who violate the provisions of this declaration, once verified, will have their cooperation immediately terminated, and we reserve the right to pursue related responsibilities according to relevant anti-commercial bribery laws and regulations. Additionally, we have the right to list violating partners and their legal representatives, senior management, and related business leaders who hold shares or participate in management of any company on our supplier blacklist, never to cooperate with them again.


“If it is not mine, I shall not take even a bit of it.”


We are willing to create a “win-win” future with all partners under a mechanism of openness, transparency, fair competition, equality, and honesty.


Thank you for your strong support!


Declarant: Partner Commitment:
(Seal) (Seal)
Date: Date:





Appendix V: Confidentiality Agreement


Party A and Party B, in order to negotiate and cooperate on matters related to the products and related brands, products, or services of the [*****] Insurance project undertaken by Party A, and to protect any technical, operational, and business-related confidential information and related rights of either party involved in this process, have entered into this Confidentiality Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) through friendly consultation to be jointly observed:


The party disclosing the information is referred to as the “Disclosing Party,” while the party receiving the information is referred to as the “Receiving Party.”


1.Purpose and Scope of Use of Confidential Information


For the purpose of promoting and disseminating the products and related brands, products, or services of the [*****] Insurance project undertaken by Party A, it is necessary for one party to disclose certain proprietary, secret, or confidential information to the other party. In the context and process of the aforementioned purpose, any technical, operational, and business-related information known by one party from the other shall be kept confidential by the Receiving Party. The use of confidential information is limited to achieving the above purpose between the parties, and the Receiving Party may not use it for any other purpose without the written permission of the Disclosing Party.


2.Definition of Confidential Information


2.1 Confidential Information: In this Agreement, “Confidential Information” refers to any proprietary, secret, or non-public information disclosed by one party to the other, or known, held by one party due to negotiation or cooperation, regarding technology, operations, business, or other aspects.


2.2 Confidential Information includes but is not limited to any party’s trade secrets, business secrets, technology-related knowledge and information, ideas, concepts, plans, provided goods or vendor information, customer information, personnel information, business plans, promotional and marketing activities, financial conditions, and other business activities. The form and medium of presentation of confidential information include but are not limited to written or oral, documents, disks, diskettes, CDs, emails, electromagnetic records, reports, written correspondence, audio tapes, video tapes, notes, drawings, models, specifications, compiled files, computer programs, and other media.


2.3 Exclusions: If the recipient can determine that the information meets the following conditions, such information is not considered confidential:


(1) Information already held by the Receiving Party before being informed by the Disclosing Party; or


(2) Information that has become known to the public not due to a breach of this Agreement by the Receiving Party; or


(3) Information legally obtained or known by the Receiving Party from a third party authorized to provide or disclose such information; or


(4) Information independently obtained or developed by the Receiving Party without using or referring to any confidential information; or


(5) Information disclosed by the Receiving Party in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and rules.






Obligations and Restrictions


3.1 Both parties understand and promise that any confidential information provided or disclosed by one party, or known or held by one party due to joint cooperation, is solely for achieving the common purpose specified in Article 1 of this Agreement. Except with prior written consent from the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall not directly or indirectly arrange, modify, utilize, apply, develop, or use the confidential information in any other way for any other purpose or use. Regardless of the reason, the Receiving Party shall not reverse engineer, decode, or disassemble the Disclosing Party’s prototypes, software, etc.


3.2 The Receiving Party is limited to providing the confidential information to its senior officers, employees, and professional consultants who need to know this information under the common purpose, and shall not disclose this confidential information to other individuals or organizations. The Receiving Party shall ensure that the aforementioned officers, employees, and consultants also adhere to the confidentiality obligations specified in this Agreement. If the aforementioned individuals breach the provisions of this Agreement, it shall be considered a breach of contract by the Receiving Party, and the breaching party shall compensate the non-breaching party for the damages and lost benefits incurred as a result.


3.3 Both parties agree to protect the other party’s confidential information with no less care than they use to protect their own proprietary, secret, and confidential information, and to carefully store and handle the confidential information to prevent its disclosure without the permission of the Disclosing Party.


3.4 If a breach or potential breach of this Agreement occurs, the Receiving Party shall immediately notify the Disclosing Party.


3.5 Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, any negotiations, discussions, or negotiations, any arrangements or agreements being negotiated, any ongoing business or operational plans, or any other information related to the aforementioned negotiations, discussions, negotiations, arrangements, or agreements between the parties regarding their cooperative relationship or confidential information shall be regarded as confidential information and its confidentiality shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Without the written consent of the other party, neither party shall provide or disclose the aforementioned confidential information to the media, the public, or any other third party in any direct or indirect manner.


4.Ownership and Return of Confidential Information


The Receiving Party acknowledges that the Disclosing Party’s confidential information remains the property of the Disclosing Party, and the disclosure of such confidential information does not constitute a grant of rights to the Receiving Party. The Disclosing Party may at any time, upon written request, retrieve the disclosed written confidential information and all its copies as specified in the terms of this Agreement, and require the other party to guarantee in writing that at the time of the return of the information, it does not directly or indirectly and intentionally hold and control the confidential information or its copies. The Receiving Party shall immediately return the information within seven (7) days of receiving such request.





5.1 The Disclosing Party guarantees that the provided confidential information does not violate any agreement reached with a third party or infringe on the rights of a third party, otherwise, the Disclosing Party shall compensate the Receiving Party for any losses incurred due to claims by a third party based on the above reasons.


5.2 Unless specifically agreed upon in writing, the Disclosing Party makes no warranties regarding the value, accuracy, or marketability of the information disclosed under this Agreement, but the Disclosing Party shall guarantee the authenticity of the information it discloses.


5.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as obliging one party to disclose any specific confidential information to the other party, nor should it be interpreted as creating any obligation or expectation for one party to establish a business relationship with the other party.