展示 11.1
HELPORt 人工智能 有限公司
本業務行為行為準則及道德守則(本“編碼”)包含對擁有有限責任的英屬維京群島免稅公司Helport 人工智能 有關業務行為的一般準則,符合最高業務倫理標準。在本準則要求的標準高於商業慣例或適用法律法規時,我們將堅持這些更高標準。權益代理為何Code Of Business Conduct需要更高標準?
此臨時代碼適用於所以董事、官員和員工,以及本公司及其附屬公司(除非上下文另有規定,否則在本臨時代碼中統稱為“公司”)。我們將此臨時代碼所涵蓋的所有人士稱為“公司員工” 或簡單稱為“employees”。我們亦將我們的首席執行官和我們的致富金融(臨時代碼)稱為我們的“主要財務主管.”
這份規則不旨在成為一本全面的守則手冊,並無法涵蓋你可能遇到的每一種情況。如果你對某種情況感到不舒服,或者對是否符合公司的道德標準有任何疑問,請尋求幫助。我們鼓勵你首先聯繫你的主管尋求幫助。如果你的主管無法回答你的問題或解決你的問題,或者如果你不舒服聯絡你的主管,你可以聯繫董事會任命的首席合規官("合規主管)。 公司的合規官已由公司的董事會任命,為李光海。 。 如果公司的合規官任命有所更改,公司將通知您。您可以保持匿名,並且在與公司溝通時無需透露您的身份。
● | 外部僱用不得僱用任何員工,擔任董事,或向公司的重要客戶、供應商或競爭對手提供任何非作為公司員工的職責服務。 |
● | 不當的個人利益。任何員工均不應因其在公司的職位而獲得任何有形(對於他或她)個人利益或特惠。有關此事項的額外指南,請參閱下方的“禮品和娛樂”。 |
● | 財務利益任何員工不應擁有公司的一個重要客戶、供應商或競爭對手的任何相關財務利益(所有權或其他)。 「重要的財務利益」指的是(i)擁有重要客戶、供應商或競爭對手超過1%的股權,或(ii)對重要客戶、供應商或競爭對手的投資佔員工總資產的5%以上。 |
● | 貸款或其他金融交易。員工不應從公司的重要客戶、供應商或競爭對手處獲得個人債務貸款或擔保,也不應與這些公司進行其他個人財務交易。此準則不禁止與銀行、券商或其他金融機構進行遠端交易。 |
● | 董事會和委員會的服務員工不得在其利益與公司可能存在衝突的任何實體(無論營利或非營利)的董事會、董事會或委員會任職。 |
● | 家庭成員的行為 在工作場所之外的家庭成員行為,因為可能會影響員工在代表公司做出決策時的客觀性,因此也可能引起上述利益衝突。根據本守則,“家庭成員”包括您的配偶或伴侶、兄弟、姐妹和父母,親屬和子女,這些關係不論是血緣還是領養關係。家庭成員在職場之外的行為,也可能引發上述的利益衝突,因為他們可能影響員工在代表公司做出決策時的客觀性。根據本守則的定義,「家庭成員」包括您的配偶或戀人、兄弟姐妹和父母、姻親和子女,無論這些關係是血緣還是通過收養而來的。 |
員工在公司工作期間可以訪問各種機密信息。 機密信息包括所有可能對競爭對手有用的非公開信息,或者如果披露會對公司或其客戶造成損害的信息。 每位員工都有責任尊重和保護公司信息以及我們的供應商和客戶的機密性,除非獲得授權或法律要求。此外,您必須在任何以前的僱傭關係中避免使用任何機密信息,以免在這樣做時有理由違反對前僱主的保密責任。 員工對保護機密信息的義務在其離開公司後仍繼續存在。 未經授權披露機密信息可能對公司和/或其客戶造成競爭性傷害,並可能導致您和公司承擔法律責任。
● | 公司員工在業務和社交活動中應注意不要泄露機密信息。例如,不在使用時,機密信息應安全存放。此外,在公共場所(例如飛機、火車、出租車、公共汽車等)不應查閱機密文件或討論機密內容,以防止被未經授權的人聽到或獲取。 |
● | 在公司辦公室時,不應在訪客或不涉及這類事務的人聽到的範圍內討論機密事項。 |
● | 機密事務不應與其他非從事此類事務的員工、朋友或親戚討論,包括居住在公司員工同一住所的人。 |
● | 公司員工只能訪問、使用和披露對他們履行職責必要的機密信息。 除非其他員工或承包商在履行職責過程中有必要掌握這些機密信息,否則他們不得向公司的其他員工或承包商透露機密信息。 |
● | 公司的文件、個人電腦、網絡、軟件、互聯網訪問、互聯網瀏覽器程序、電子郵件、語音郵件和其他商務設備(例如,桌子和文件櫃)及資源均供業務使用,它們是公司的專屬財產。濫用此類公司財產是不可容忍的。 |
● | 我們向客戶提供的信息應當準確完整,盡我們所知。員工不應當故意向客戶誤傳信息。 |
● | 員工不應因爲顧客從其他供應商購買產品就拒絕銷售、提供服務或維護公司生產的產品。 |
● | 客戶娛樂不應超出公司的合理和慣例業務做法。員工不應提供可能被視爲誘因或獎勵客戶購買決定的娛樂或其他福利。請參閱以下有關此領域的其他準則「禮品和娛樂」。 |
● | 要採取合理的注意防止公司財產被盜、損壞或濫用; |
● | 向主管報告公司財產的實際或懷疑的盜竊、損壞或濫用。 |
● | 公司電話系統、其他電子通訊服務、書面材料和其他財產主要用於業務目的; |
● | 保護所有電子程序、數據、通信-半導體和書面材料,以免他人無意中訪問;並 |
● | 只能將公司的財產用於合法的業務目的,在與您的工作職責相關的授權情況下。 |
● | 餐飲和娛樂。如果出以下情況,您可以偶爾接受或提供餐飲、茶點或其他娛樂活動: |
● | 這些物品價值合理; |
● | 會議的目的或參加活動與業務相關;並且 |
● | 如果沒有其他一方支付,公司將支付作爲合理業務費用的費用。 |
● | 廣告和推廣材料。您可能偶爾接受或提供名義上有價值的廣告或推廣材料。 |
● | 個人禮物。可以接受或贈送與公認的特殊場合相關且價值合理的個人禮物,例如畢業、晉升、新工作、婚禮、養老或假期。如果禮物是基於家庭或個人關係,並與個人之間涉及的業務無關,則也是可以接受的。 |
● | 獎勵服務或成就的禮物您可以接受與您的服務或成就有關的身份幣、慈善組織或宗教組織的禮物。 |
All Company records must be complete, accurate and reliable in all material respects. Undisclosed or unrecorded funds, payments or receipts are inconsistent with our business practices and are prohibited. You are responsible for understanding and complying with our record-keeping policy. Ask your supervisor if you have any questions.
As a public company we are subject to various securities laws, regulations and reporting obligations. These laws, regulations and obligations and our policies require the disclosure of accurate and complete information regarding the Company’s business, financial condition and results of operations. Inaccurate, incomplete or untimely reporting will not be tolerated and can severely damage the Company’s reputation and integrity, and result in legal liability.
It is essential that the Company’s financial records, including all filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) be accurate and timely. Accordingly, in addition to adhering to the conflict of interest policy and other policies and guidelines under this Code, the principal financial officers and other senior financial officers must take special care to exhibit integrity at all times and to instill this value within their organizations. In particular, these senior officers must ensure their conduct is honest and ethical that they abide by all public disclosure requirements by providing full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures, and that they comply with all other applicable laws and regulations. These financial officers must also understand and strictly comply with generally accepted accounting principles in the U.S. and all standards, laws and regulations for accounting and financial reporting of transactions, estimates and forecasts.
In addition, U.S. federal securities law requires the Company to maintain proper internal books and records and to devise and maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls. The SEC has supplemented the statutory requirements by adopting rules that prohibit (1) any person from falsifying records or accounts subject to the above requirements and (2) officers or directors from making any materially false, misleading, or incomplete statement to an accountant in connection with an audit or any filing with the SEC. These provisions reflect the SEC’s intent to discourage officers, directors, and other persons with access to the Company’s books and records from taking action that might result in the communication of materially misleading financial information to the investing public.
Each employee has an obligation to comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Company’s operations. These include, without limitation, laws covering bribery and kickbacks, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, information privacy, insider trading, illegal political contributions, antitrust prohibitions, foreign corrupt practices, offering or receiving gratuities, environmental hazards, employment discrimination or harassment, occupational health and safety, false or misleading financial information or misuse of corporate assets. You are expected to understand and comply with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to your job position. If any doubt exists about whether a course of action is lawful, you should seek advice from your supervisor or the Compliance Officer.
The Company has an insider trading policy, which may be obtained from the Compliance Officer. The following is a summary of some of the general principles relevant to insider trading, and should be read in conjunction with the aforementioned specific policy.
Company employees are prohibited from trading in shares or other securities of the Company while in possession of material, non-public information about the Company. In addition, Company employees are prohibited from recommending, “tipping” or suggesting that anyone else buy or sell shares or other securities of the Company on the basis of material, non-public information. Company employees who obtain material non-public information about another company in the course of their employment are prohibited from trading in shares or securities of the other company while in possession of such information or “tipping” others to trade on the basis of such information. Violation of insider trading laws can result in severe fines and criminal penalties, as well as disciplinary action by the Company, up to and including termination of employment.
Information is “non-public” if it has not been made generally available to the public by means of a press release or other means of widespread distribution. Information is “material” if a reasonable investor would consider it important in a decision to buy, hold or sell stock or other securities. As a rule of thumb, any information that would affect the value of stock or other securities should be considered material. Examples of information that is generally considered “material” include:
● | Financial results or forecasts, or any information that indicates the Company’s financial results may exceed or fall short of forecasts or expectations; |
● | Important new products or services; |
● | Pending or contemplated acquisitions or dispositions, including mergers, tender offers or joint venture proposals; |
● | Possible management changes or changes of control; |
● | Pending or contemplated public or private sales of debt or equity securities; |
● | Acquisition or loss of a significant customer or contract; |
● | Significant write-offs; |
● | Initiation or settlement of significant litigation; and |
● | Changes in the Company’s auditors or a notification from its auditors that the Company may no longer rely on the auditor’s report. |
The laws against insider trading are specific and complex. Any questions about information you may possess or about any dealings you have had in the Company’s securities should be promptly brought to the attention of the Compliance Officer.
Public Communications Generally
The Company places a high value on its credibility and reputation in the community. What is written or said about the Company in the news media and investment community directly impacts our reputation, positively or negatively. Our policy is to provide timely, accurate and complete information in response to public requests (media, analysts, etc.), consistent with our obligations to maintain the confidentiality of competitive and proprietary information and to prevent selective disclosure of market-sensitive financial data. To ensure compliance with this policy, all news media or other public requests for information regarding the Company should be directed to the Company’s Investor Relations Department. The Investor Relations Department will work with you and the appropriate personnel to evaluate and coordinate a response to the request.
Prevention of Selective Disclosure
Preventing selective disclosure is necessary to comply with United States securities laws and to preserve the reputation and integrity of the Company as well as that of all persons affiliated with it. “Selective disclosure” occurs when any person provides potentially market-moving information to selected persons before the news is available to the investing public generally. Selective disclosure is a crime under United States law and the penalties for violating the law are severe.
The following guidelines have been established to avoid improper selective disclosure. Every employee is required to follow these procedures:
● | All contact by the Company with investment analysts, the press and/or members of the media shall be made through the chief executive officer, chief financial officer or persons designated by them (collectively, the “Media Contacts”). |
● | Other than the Media Contacts, no officer, director or employee shall provide any information regarding the Company or its business to any investment analyst or member of the press or media. |
● | All inquiries from third parties, such as industry analysts or members of the media, about the Company or its business should be directed to a Media Contact. All presentations to the investment community regarding the Company will be made by us under the direction of a Media Contact. |
● | Other than the Media Contacts, any employee who is asked a question regarding the Company or its business by a member of the press or media shall respond with “No comment” and forward the inquiry to a Media Contact. |
These procedures do not apply to the routine process of making previously released information regarding the Company available upon inquiries made by investors, investment analysts and members of the media.
Please contact the Compliance Officer if you have any questions about the scope or application of the Company’s policies regarding selective disclosure.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (the “FCPA”) prohibits the Company and its employees and agents from offering or giving money or any other item of value to win or retain business or to influence any act or decision of any governmental official, political party, candidate for political office or official of a public international organization. Stated more concisely, the FCPA prohibits the payment of bribes, kickbacks or other inducements to foreign officials. This prohibition also extends to payments to a sales representative or agent if there is a reason to believe that the payment will be used indirectly for a prohibited payment to foreign officials. Violation of the FCPA is a crime that can result in severe fines and criminal penalties, as well as disciplinary action by the Company, up to and including termination of employment.
Certain small facilitation payments to foreign officials may be permissible under the FCPA if customary in the country or locality and intended to secure routine governmental action. Governmental action is “routine” if it is ordinarily and commonly performed by a foreign official and does not involve the exercise of discretion. For instance, “routine” functions would include setting up a telephone line or expediting a shipment through customs. To ensure legal compliance, all facilitation payments must receive prior written approval from the Compliance Officer and must be clearly and accurately reported as a business expense.
The Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and avoiding adverse impact and injury to the environment and the communities in which we do business. Company’s employees must comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety laws, regulations and Company’s standards. It is your responsibility to understand and comply with the laws, regulations and policies that are relevant to your job. Failure to comply with environmental, health and safety laws and regulations can result in civil and criminal liability against you and the Company, as well as disciplinary action by the Company, up to and including termination of employment. You should contact the Compliance Officer if you have any questions about the laws, regulations and policies that apply to you.
All Company’s employees should strive to conserve resources and reduce waste and emissions through recycling and other energy conservation measures. You have a responsibility to promptly report any known or suspected violations of environmental laws or any events that may result in a discharge or emission of hazardous materials. Employees whose jobs involve manufacturing have a special responsibility to safeguard the environment. Such employees should be particularly alert to the storage, disposal and transportation of waste, and handling of toxic materials and emissions into the land, water or air.
Health and Safety
The Company is committed not only to complying with all relevant health and safety laws, but also to conducting business in a manner that protects the safety of its employees. All employees are required to comply with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations and policies relevant to their jobs. If you have a concern about unsafe conditions or tasks that present a risk of injury to you, please report these concerns immediately to your supervisor or the Human Resources Department.
The Company pursues fair employment practices in every aspect of its business. The following is intended to be a summary of our employment policies and procedures. Copies of our detailed policies are available from the Human Resources Department. Company employees must comply with all applicable labor and employment laws, including anti-discrimination laws and laws related to freedom of association, privacy and collective bargaining. It is your responsibility to understand and comply with the laws, regulations and policies that are relevant to your job. Failure to comply with labor and employment laws can result in civil and criminal liability against you and the Company, as well as disciplinary action by the Company, up to and including termination of employment. You should contact the Compliance Officer or the Human Resources Department if you have any questions about the laws, regulations and policies that apply to you.
Harassment and Discrimination
The Company is committed to providing equal opportunity and fair treatment to all individuals on the basis of merit, without discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, gender (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status or other characteristic protected by law. The Company prohibits harassment in any form, whether physical or verbal and whether committed by supervisors, non-supervisory personnel or non-employees. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, offensive sexual flirtations, unwanted sexual advances or propositions, verbal abuse, sexually or racially degrading words, or the display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.
If you have any complaints about discrimination or harassment, report such conduct to your supervisor or the Human Resources Department. All complaints will be treated with sensitivity and discretion. Your supervisor, the Human Resources Department and the Company will protect your confidentiality to the extent possible, consistent with law and the Company’s need to investigate your concern. Where our investigation uncovers harassment or discrimination, we will take prompt corrective action, which may include disciplinary action by the Company, up to and including, termination of employment. The Company strictly prohibits retaliation against an employee who, in good faith, files a complaint.
Any member of management who has reason to believe that an employee has been the victim of harassment or discrimination or who receives a report of alleged harassment or discrimination is required to report it to the Human Resources Department immediately.
This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics contains general guidelines for conducting the business of the Company consistent with the highest standards of business ethics. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact your supervisor or the Compliance Officer. We expect all Company employees to adhere to these standards.
This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, as applied to the Company’s principal financial officers, shall be the Company’s “code of ethics” within the meaning of Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the rules promulgated thereunder.
This Code and the matters contained herein are neither a contract of employment nor a guarantee of continuing Company policy. We reserve the right to amend, supplement or discontinue this Code and the matters addressed herein, without prior notice, at any time.